SR. NAIIONAL 2s-KILO. CHAMPIONSHIP (MILK RUN) At lhe iarring line its Peie McArdle (l0l) who defeated tu Norris (48) for the lirle, .nd l6sf years winner, Jim O'Connell. (Phoro Credii-John J. Chodes )
fasr6! the J1! orconmu'|s Mk ol 1:3J. rho fl}st louto6n f1n!9 s.t lalt J€d.1a.t y.d!6 rlruha th.. I!h.!r b.nt.r.d iicFd1.. th. {tM.! of tbo lo-ktlonoto! Vol@ ?. n@b.! 81, Sopt.Db6!, 1962 thts v.s, toD I$t sublcrtlttob Rat.6: 25y'. co!Y; $1.o0 mttoEl tltL 6u1t.! l! s.rttL sd tb. ]960 r.d!! 25Ltr r.c. a t€d. tdd 1I.00 !E! Y.d for flrrt .t Nd r,o!dob. cod. clur uIt. EaBto!: IL BloB1ns n$sr o&sn llt v.. po.ltlt.lt horllbl. F'nrha l@!g 106I. Coniot St., IooalbulT, X.J, xclrdl. alt6! flrth. .o.ctato!r.rt!.1d Adv.rtllira: lr!1t6 to aild!o63 anor. rl,IMy 6f tlEr Ju.t vould not mr. t.rdDs. xo!!lr' of BrocktoE, xaEE', noe vorrlnA contllbutoE tb1. 1!!E: Bob c!,Ib, Jo. l!.tsr@, callr., t5r!t. clty, coltludt tr€e "o!1, 'J;hDY s.;pl.r BostoD, Bualt l.h'd ttootd' E 'ntsFd !u hao co41't'd sta.lts Jut '! !{oatdlo rr.o.u!t: v..bl;st"n, D.c., D6blE xata-talLftnal quait'!-Ellt af6d Lb' 'lndo!!' Eqh. sin ll4l;, callt., Jack Gtlrlhs,nls {6r Y6rk at I d 6' no!rt.. !r' aFlti'd tn ud1i6!, onl,., Jir oalm;, rl!s!po!t, trto! lirnnns a 10-t'1' road racs Ib last T;m., d{. R bud., Evasto!, Iir,, P.!5. !b' ntah! bofo"' rL ;bs. sLrtr6rd. Com., P.1,. lodd, B!lds.eat.! s'6rba thlt xorlts Elsllt b6 a btt llr'd' sochosLo!; N.Y., Peur c. oish.a, !alo!. tbtousb th! rlllt I'p '6 1 c!.@ Pai.!. 11i.. Ell B.t.@. T&F r.{s.xclrttla ID lo:21 op'ntla up 1d0 tdds on ;iifr-si*i;, roii"t", ort., F;6d B!M, dt") ilo:42) h'!'Y6' br 14 Eir'e ro'rrg x;ifo!d, M;s:., stan i'tsant; srdrDr. rortr' pult tt .roD ,rtb tb bad lnElEg xcArdl€ ii.i.n.. rurt"iir.. odt to lEY. th. lat Y6!k IlttnEn PUl1 pf,!, !4clnff-E Jrns rarro,rlr A ! 25-[J1o .!.I .sAlb 1r tht !r!' ttaEes' blrc. s$ CotdoD XcXoEr. .f 'n'thrld crrdro, t O!..t f,os Yoll cltt. IuA. 19- t.l. X.ok: r.I.. a enb.! oI La. .!.56 ..1.Dr Yorlr r*! mobel!, tz-Fc-old n sa 1960 a.s. olytrpto to.$. 11.h.d a .ou.. soold todnt HErl. slEllls Emlud boud T;d colbtr! il !".d utloEl ?5h ht. tblld .t!.tglt Er!. rom.F Fcold, .roiih. r.r1 u!d.r gr. ^-rU rd r:24,5b.5! pra6od.d r!r! oh.rpto!.hlp. Bt! ttD Tod rrior [.o ra.o rb^rdl6 al.o prc.d uL tror f6! gJ?5 dout.d oy dlrru.o a.b..t Club to th. t.& 6hup1oEbrp. _ .. fus tb!6uSbout th. coDrl: lo Dt EE H6lropouru - !&nl!s .or.! hl. .F.u€. fo! th. s.!:.-b.r to D.l!t T$tltur., t1t!llru!s. !lsbnJ-.!s!! dltr.tt-nls of T.d !.ro!n.d rbrt b. 1. lD fts etrg€ Itb'd' fot ih.-4l!il & bt r"'nllJ "es:!a rlo st.'tha at colubu crf.Io, Eb. f.tlss i.;";";d rEla;d, a ::!'tuco cd.tan olFcr.d '4;.""rt Ey.a eFth a1o.g r4ordDa.ld. sd st. ro or6i. lt. Ilobol!. a!.e.., rlalbB !rv.r Drlro r i"+" v"^rd1.- n.s to!! r.c., i:21,5&6 'ronrb t'.!u. ud Bfoldxey. It rld!h.d 2. pdd F6F!1r, Blockrod, ya!3,,1:-),:2 - t1,:vtlb ob lap 1 c6?don uctr.nrlo. wlC. st.dtm tn th. hoE, !:).," rYrc, nooFe. L. co!6en eorrc. fro' 311 p!.olrcts lnvoF.d v.'. <_ lt contialoDo, Bo.ron u, r:JJ. : l:l_,:: .sltRed to r@oth tb. !out. f6! tlF !@_ a. Joh! XoDrl. i{vac. I:.1!-, o6rr & tb.y diit u.xc611.!t lot. Eov.'.r.?- 8ob r'tdilD. Hlrliroa 0.'., 1:JLrL !b. probl6u or Sund,t p.lubulatorr. dTld CorbrLi. }IrPc, rdlr..13, you'astorr. dos!.nd toblcu-4 9, Jac! Ruotn, sroo!rf,o, N.Y., 1:3/.4 llsfflc i.ro u.y, 10. Jold !ou. si,. Ant,rony,s Bc,1:12.2U To ncaldl., dho 1.d ftst .f tb. vrt. contlr. Frod 8.34, cnc,1:12:lj2j 12. Bob tbo talt of br.akrlg tdougE tbo crovd.. catlle. srac. I:lJ:ooj 1.1. rs-t Yst]. p!or.o bt@€14. quallfl.d rrrv.I-h1Dp.dmrl. iii^c, r:J3:12; ll|. D'ck l6h.lor, !le.r dt tl dd brouehL nlt ro a cJl balt J$t pa.t I ri:5?._i6. irck Dorobra, D.l-v.r r-4, tho Polo G!ouhd.. 1:3tr:0l! 1?. Kols€y &.os. CJ_., 1:f1.: E. &satlod bls sirtd.9rtor tbat eor6 t9; 18. alF qr.haids, o.rc, 1:lq:o3jpur.d suaj 3nd lncld€rr clound3 rtlrros. !\, r:15:0u, ybo had o?srLsk.n n1!. to D cr ashr.!; nocb6s!6! Ic, r:J5:r9i "'" br 20: qud!.r-nllo, .^ont.. 11_ D1c, Craoo. !pC. r:f5:2lr; 22. JoM rd. el@ tlE H3s 1} drrur.B 50.rE ir.-irii, '}lii L.i.i, i;j9,j61..'ilnnJa pe, ' TIE
f!&-A!4c4 ItEmoloErlrI |,ttr Jnilrn' Vlc zltolll( clrT!'lils A U 9-t!ItE RLl| IRACK & PIE;D ClIX?ft'T. SXIIS at soulb Strt E s.. r.m..uFn, N,r., ru..dar, 1! (7!n) nookYlu. c.!re. !.I. ^us, varbt r. JlD 16- Jc liccnolr ot ron trr. olrDptc ,6r.loDndnt nlDo-oj1. ^,, tho f,os YoF& r.c- r& ti.lun torlabr on rh. coop.! ltlvo! falB8y couls. 1n Powruk n ln !6: ltr.8PltEit ol . Fco!it-t6..&1ra }.!fd@o toil4r bzuolak, 21, ha3 boon lookt.s fo! aii th. caur. th. treL tu 3!r cM flnd thls .lh.! ahd tht! rB hIr flrsi r.r1 dlei'Eo !ao€. ted| l,onAlr abe ttit loaul.tloa l4o rarn . il. hf,. fulb rocov.r.d rroh th. har.llno ir4ctE. of b1! rlaht f.ot. .uft.rsd Ucc6r.E !e thr !tL ia sh.n b. hMd radltad o!.! i rro-rodr l+:24 c64@d llth tL !.co!d lr:2r.9 br aix .to6 ra11 only ro a!scor.! an .trhr 8u1.. I! 19!2, th. sE foot dtu! on th. orh.! .id.. As a ..3tr1r fo!@. cdr h. ;coDtof thI. rlalnrra aoordont (e\11s run14 .ilsracoraltc.uiof rltb t.@ato Pdr Trarnor oe.r tha th. .rro! !n mas4lls !h. t!&E oourtry 6a! Vtllanora) via nlrsod th. 1. J6 xcoovolo , xirc, 4:a.o; ?sp!lhg o01Lstat. s64soa. 419Th. ulrol.sr .:-r4a!rno froo ulldrdron- Toh 'ro1rtq, &uoe rc; l. crl;ri.! c.Ft s{ c! 1r, Jos NY^c; too CuDort€!. cdpod€r, |eihas b..n rtpplna oft tt ntl.s rall .. @t..880r. -680- 1o.!!y 4, c.!!y !a!!.tt, 3acl6tt, w^c, rM^c, r:56-5; €&s1ft ar rclt Hd! .an Eo tttouch e 1:56-5: 2:-&t 2:-T1t sn1th, ua,; J, UE s1.i.!, xYrc: !-nlcriMlt€d ollli, Ho aorbloE a coubr._of ard lerl., 3!uc6 tlc..l-x!L..r1tel! plr1. th tho horntna, rh.n luu Tl- - l-Xll.r- 1, f. Yri4, 6t rlb. .!o!! c.unbrr ro loo!.n d!12; z:-f,;;-t 2:--r;; 4, n Pc;!obHab. l|J^c, rgtt2t roe rona, si. .1, tith.ry!. &c:: lr. attela;on xolkour ii c.orao Brom. B!uo. tt--lU1 r.rk- I Ullrdleton, r BlFard StadtM co'.i.t' cu1 Rasdu.eo,, Ei!s. ?ohr-,-J;98.5: 2. of tntsnal tlalnlu 1.... ro : Ltro ahold lturklo, }Irlc;.3, Bob &lch.!, w ar€lqlr\s 6o.8s o! t r 880 a,.rq,j@ joc 2:o7 rrtb u 680 4. C6orr3 XoeaL. Un1r.C r-Ah b.rrc.r. vtc !111 b. s f.idr4 D^b.! or Jbbo T.d Scoltng: 1, xd Y.!L AC d!: 2, llllott'! &.uc. fc l?; _1. ffPc Jol t& reii,rros "c.buuy cl;b!, Hh.n !cho61 sp,Sh,c, 2I; 5, {bs. r6ht 11. !tst. 1! Soprorb.!. ?h. vlu@rand r1l1-t!a14 islc. . dat l10o 8115r a h.kl l.{.r!h-l. (Tom.) R.lirr - }ttl.- 1. tlsrr b.foro th. Iclr_^ c$!r3ilaht, 3ilaht, la. f.cb, la. I.cb.4:all c.ount!r .hM!1o!6hlps. l!: 2-&t.., r--Tpl!t. xodl6t1. triu. sr. {roiTl;oa, ..cr.r to rucc63! Ir u_ I,.dnm, o!ao., Talo!) 1O:1iTaylo!) 10:1;.0d !n: lntoEdlt.d iralrfDa for ttEo6 or foE lQr 2-rE 2 La..z-Mi,R.ld- x1.!. Ls..2-Mi,R61d(e1a &uc. nrod) & b. fa.lr that x1.!- Sr,, st., ?:59.4; 27:59,4; 2. l!kaba.,.T.M Soo!t!e: 1. lf''d!tr. os arold rnjno!. tllitattE toltlEdi 1.. ln_ 75 3A.t 2. La. .i'6ch 5i+; 3. n!,.s:.rr8+JE1.d h. 1111 b. lum1nA dth tb; Iab r. vlc zrorak. D.l-val rr. 1!t 2l:Zt3 r A. L A JrM BLAlff SEIX! AXSEICTI lU6 $ 2, Dlcl Doborq!, D.t-val. t:08 - iB. i: 8 osro - cRE r,E, s!r"!lr. frmFd itrf phrla. pc, 2!:18 F.lEs. 3. BI11 F.lEs, 2tr:18 40, io, 2j.i 0r1o. I6ey, AEe.9- Etrtls JtI ch6r1.s E6rrlnstoD, Dvaa,2tt5.t.2 25151,2 5J: 211.9 36aUtt of Los Ala.let !u tb. fdle.., 4. iJ: Lfq s1tuoru. rPC. ). 26:10 1,500l! lb tb6 rolIit so fs tLt! Fs 0[] 6. rlarrr n.td, fl,rc. 26:12_6 ii, I.3.9 & bloLo hts oh rE?tus Eoeil for 7. ti!1 sDlth, ?.u rc. 26. tb. dlrte. yrth : !1rr.:!s 3:f9.ii I8,6 dU- BllM Bltd flurIa€roo, ndllagton, u.t.,28: trri.,2q:15 bol 21.1 clool.lDg rontalt, 26176,7 69, 36.0 l€aity kDok a !l--i:.Dt!. ol r &oord ofl bll oh ?arloa :acora !E dnl- chd1l. lrccor, unat., 28:22.8 th. !s. dutr8 u f6.!Er1o!E1 tlti ron 0610r, D.1-va1 A^,25:J2 @.t at Btr1.t Srai14 A. rN a.er r6Lo !.aguo, !v^A! 25.W ilH 4 ..co!it. .tos.! the t!. b!1d somsmN rltSEncou,loirrr lTHrllrc co}llgnErct r.oold of l:35'6 r.u !,t E!l Klllott AttDLa, o6orsr.. fi,, 12- g8o- s"tt"r"."^ ol ^utt!all&.
tril" lli:l!::?bi::i ir++-*-::'"'"'ji.i.;,.;:r.'fr:!l{i"i3.*13,1"*,f;*Ti"T . tapo br t o loB !D!ace, nolh ot bt Fr.d llllt 91.00 !.r y.s r4 1.!u..r tl p.r rrru..
rho! !@ tho dlr3so. tE Bt6 l6t.r; tle of th6h l.tro., ?brj r.e J1! clollo, s6cold ln 3:iO.2- dd Bob
(BEf,rry cL'?s
uaalru o,a'
b[:";ft n"-i?:":l*:i::t
tf :::"i*"fls::il"!:*
:':":: i"::I"i.'.:"'Ht fi:li"; $iU""Hl'i"Sl;-'e" :i:r"'lH ,as rosth rP ri.r|J.:' ::':J':i#.i 111.8a1 on rh. othot' l@1o. r!aa* club.r.a t1!3t ."*iliH. t!. thonsh *a eo.tuv &atrt r
"r..o" fdt 51-...ond. flat. i lrooE *:la,i::".i", 3f-'t"' ilh1a war rh;n o.lratn clttoltls
*",1 eurd
not bo bfok'd B.itlv & c!sl!. Pullsd s,aY rtor dd raitoll utib l0oo to so and l! tb
::i"'"-":",ilTi-"-i:;H.'gii":::,:ii"b€!. oo th3 chscoe or Er a.osDrod
Md arratt rae tast f Lold of r:u!! i i6erbor ffiv t@ur ful$lr rn r
."if*::: ;i"'i:"Hff "i:":1""il':I"li.- :lHlll*"iiil;,lx".ll#"":L'fii:.*i 11i:---.------------:i:':Y":'!,ll"ii"::"#:i:T'' ;3';i: J]i xst as asllo $ s 'lEd-arrndo! s non[!ot61a- Ftlrda, Aus g - !9!g- 1 et" ora'r i::;.i'*"'?i:iifu',frir"1:l:l{!fi-ff* ::i:*.:tilU*{:1":;La r6oov'd' f,lab! tol l 16r' ?'Y'er6d te "+::tu":.ti.li.:i,i*iTE,*r-*:.""." "" ns1,,.oD. onldlo ::fl*i':l ii fuil!':i,:ll'#T"H:,Eg
*#iffi###b'rir" "iil:;"*,
opora os doo! @rth of nh. old ndllion clSd sool'. s.us. ,aE Bllry Crhllr! t{!. csoll rE! fatb.! .tour, tMor!Ir tou @t hD !arrt6.kr;' coul.t]d.. roEDa tm doir th€ sl!o.! on a sMdrv b. s.@d thar b' ta' o! lt-could.a'r}t ii"ii-i"- i r*ir cbucb to uake obss. of
c66r' t.r. rr!.edlru dd sF.ou.d lvb€tbe rooE t€ of te B'd6ra1k Ep.oLaborr. t&sk 6.r!ous1y ald had .brld'rr6 ra !n look d iLth d-l.fat6? oD th. p!ds!8r5 tllck! plat.d ot !h. trDga1'a oro F€Nr' !:;: !L'-,rd rac. ra. .!.! a d1*'m. or.
;* :*i:*X"n:"'ilf; csrlor'a, " i: tiii:"g "*,:Si: Jl ifi.':i:"i:*"' :*tr"'$li"lil"lfr;.3':"::":*:"fi: isi'":i:"H: ":ii."lHs:"":';i::"i:ilfi:';"j"#iL"ii**.3i# ei::"i::ii'":i"" H"l':L:;ffi: nff !"i.+T::"il"i*'
l$'.i#il*;3-:::i;$i"S'f.t$6" 1:;i;;:*"'8flSi",.,"" rs.
"!gu":5i"::i ??LTiii"ll',,,"
drr*- i*l:i:9
""** .iii:::l"';
i*L hI.ldF.":f#:!".:ffi rlrili,i:il ifl;iir #f ili*:"il,"jr::ifi ji:il:i:ilii":;lil":;. tH;:"4:i""*:':":";idi::"1"";::i"'." rr ffi is}if paEdaa. Blrlr sb.rrhs mr 1! l9oo & rE asar sh€.rlaa dd t|l', csotL
.d c!.oo. ib. stt dlY It bDr Bl11! eo! tlr-t! g!6at @sttun !1t" rs Lo4boat Eutuo plof.3sloEr 6 de@n01' DlosE! ro! sod Yoar lact
mi ar!s! ii6
ffi ifi *ffinrtffi I**Lt:t
IAs' m D iV1r,.c, lLAs-. 1o-l'l1o Boad aB-.. AuAst 18, 1o6/ 1, r6d No!r13! !ruLra.hod, qo:J. 2. c6o!R6 cobfi,oy, s!a!tar',rc 50;60 hld 1005 {Lhobs vl^to!f,. L Jssi Koo"!. a6ar; 41,-6 anr ihoussrd. {... Hasorod on rho chano3s n. Go!!v ev€i. Bos;o, A]t. n:27 t tunr-lsslo u6.t hom€ oLL' r. r.M'r. r,61jor, jsc., t2t,L of-Do'ket xbon Lho sFau dualnore! ;. anlhoN s",l.;za. E-A: ;r,iB John hor Ldo flntrboo 3.coD. 5, rb. rua r, r'yro. ilrseio!, B,{a, yl:zo of tib c6ntutt. 8. riss coicru, r&4, ilt4 rrrl+o e, rdiidd o_€rd, !(AA. 10. lob€rt ?€ndf6ton, I,Ym ac 5Jrltl+ {I-oadlna llnlsh.rs- Netrl 25-xtb nun) 1L n .le o6nov. BA-r. t):\6 /). d Dne.r, Brd, 1:J.:2-r 2!, \.Irun Edkard l'63han. spst. Ac, 5l:19 fiar'Tr6. C.nr.s1 (ohn.AA. r:16: L: 25, cood. fiocn6st5r rc, l:-Jb:u8r 'b.Bd. 1" B€lnso o"oms1r, xnaAc 53:<9 'acL -spF!. TartD!ran Flisr! KIRs. r:16:tl; llr- r'o Tlolner. Boslor 1|', 51.:21 1r' stu aoM, Bo3ron {,{. 7. Bob Beb€_a.., xYc. 1:17:01: 28. D!, 55',\l RIa a'd Pd kard, Brr. L:3":.o; 2a, t r 16, ' euno.omo!, Nwc, 55:_l): r?. (r-odo!1, su, ,rdb. Ec, ::13:l7r ,0. a1 o rob!. csrosr, 1pa!r.ac, 55:a6; 18. {,{,':ld:<6;11. r-ou hd.,59:5 i 19. poErd s.J r6s3r. NY{c. I:Ja:10; J2. ca, , B,{Ar )?:loj 20. u /€ rdnlc<. rl, sArc, 1:.19:27j hrslLsr r. B3lsor, st. Bl1rr,5/:1.; . Andlor lrlgrm, Let., cB oL- 22, Ricnald \ros€.ay, s!ffie. ch!13toph6! 4c. Blna\stoE, N.Y., lrlq:!0r )L. rs@, Fo .Lttpd, crl , l:1e:1.: )5,ram .c, ,8:!o! 2J. roM lis.otL, Brr1, or8r, ac\r 1:)9:co: 16. Iat c1ru. cr.l,li1l- 58:15j 24. olos B1s6ro,, c.d{, 58:loj res€ u, r:40:5:i 17. al ss#, cfic,l:|r:06;5. ca-r!o. core!ock, rrxc.59:rlr.b. Jos. FLo"63, Bruc6 x. 1:L1:-1j lo.Det ssror ld. 59:3rr 2?:clom ia6l lck, Nv^r. 1:4r:1\r I,o, 4c. t9:J9r 28.aisdlo \s.rlcaptEolI11sta}r, 1:41:16; !1. Ja :rc!11Eib, .p6r!@ ic,59:J:29. a1 Nold, xwPc, ::12:0Li L), co@bolIarn, ls., J0. ?atrrck I:Lr:0 ; I,J, c.ore. Brorn. 8ru16 c, 1:1.]: QUrkr (c/1"{, drr00j99:501 d ud firqJ_. " !7or. jr. -ed 21; U, t6rry 'l?n.r, sABc, 1:!J:22; L5. ulst. 3{]\. 0s(c. 60:/?: qsrrlr r4r'.r. 5.uco rc, 1:lrJ:.r; L6, 6-.J 60:]51 lJ, Johb Euck, ca,{(,qslrr.k o0:J; 3L. c,rlc. ':Ll:16r L_. rrn Boldoa, hn 14r!fs! tsaA! or:Jc 3r. -ordr6J, -pdran Aa, 61:lO; 36. Paul !^no.rson. lL€d {r, 1:Ll : i Ld, 3111 !c.!'!sn. Ba,r. 5r:l-2; J?. Rolald laPc, r.16:rl; 1:,5:11; Lo. <0. Jdi us€or, $ar., :[6: r., 6d: 1, voodj sp;;'.rn ic, 61:L r ]8. c€orE. \ar', .0; 2, 8,1{. _o: r. -2:17, b: L.S{BC. 0rl{611, _mt., 62:02, Je. lduua Fltck }YPC..ro!rts..r:0r) {roi ,. rta6s: itcArd'o, 50.. EA^. 6 :/B! 10. Jos counl}Mr yID Lr Ad,t{ti( pRC & {A. tor"{r.-"os a r unat.. a2:2o; l. 8dlet. Jd€n, Sr,t, Bob6rt Mov'lgh. aAr, 6l:20; :-r4an 1o-vt's nslay- '00!6r F!'e! 2d!a,y I 63:26; lr". qecsJlJus. x c, bl:J0; l]l. N."_. .unoay. Aur :6in: Ll. Da!6 (? o n I 1_ \6rn florEM & n.,r; o"r;. r€r- rclla€ rod.!, Dat,,6J:16; l+5.c16.oa ,sr ra, !-:J8.': 2. B!11 ro1@!, Pf' , r:dn- E]1ts. lm:. 6l:!1; /r6i P€Lsr closs. /al6h. w,tr. L6:92: I- B.b chdr una., br:tu; 4/. fot 6l::rr L3. Ponala uoolso', ua', d, nr!,\, ,,J2.9r b.!s i ro3ss r,"rr6 ". I( hr:jz; l'. r4rm3€1 (outld, PaL l1L d.r & tln rox. lonr M s -Lrlo.rs: 6b:r9r 'o. na., & cndolo "ro osa, 'r6j b. Poo 5. srir; PsLa.son, a€rr o1d. \.,. t !d ,tylesJ SrdEh- br:LUj 65t57t . . .en sh.pad. Spalnd Ac, n,.,0 Lo-loae: ?. (;!rorr Anq€.€6n & -,aq 66:051 51. "Mos Davrs s utM !c. anderson, a lls. lLore6! acl o, Lou hut 65:11+j 5lr! cha!16E h'.de!5on, Nuc, & rGlrb istror, ,v,l-cj 9. uli6 casEldy & :€orA€ Koorcn. rU r;,o3o An; 10, .act 6?:1t; <i. norsld B!om. Da.,67!18; "aldh p.C: jr_ Dr!"r & Blon\G no3s. Ton Ost.! 56. Vtc.a6l D@otLs, C.x-A, 67:18! d -o: Ja!rl9!!a', Dv.{; 12, ffiE selfa3s ?. "osor ldbloa,-us.. 68:081 56. 3 Bob IitT, DAC! 1J. Irarn.€r JLdEe & L€on Tod wco!aU\, NMC, 6!:75: 59. nobsrl )16ror, 0/Ai..a rr6lna r6sdlr- St,llotr6, @., 69:trr 60. Jobi (a s..ti lo .o ln ;ay .\. oo!4-!.co!d€d. "":52. t.si,d dw Eo alin school fooibaltsrs rtpilr€ it u! th;i! .1€ats. 68 rtntshols 3o tho t6aths! had to lh€ huddity & ldre s12od 'Ith Jor!6t nosqultods b. 0r.. Ioxllt ra! oastrad€ tls solne qult€ rouEh L lp€otdho! at Lh. vrrroud nMllh.n load r8c.t. pdr{.lpatsd ln a nMh6. o_ dtutblttoro at .,1,Eoo.scb, vhloh uae a 1ot of io!6y 1n thoro lons ago days f,o11oftba
;igHrilH:l:13;'iiH,i1i.t"-, i: nlt*#ilt,;::: i'"i+":'t*-q:^',"' lei! lffi ir iig,iil#*:Uuu' g' ffi;#gg:i"li:: li:r; i|:it:E ];: ft*^**3:i,"$j:, ' rfi' 6: ;:;; i;;;;;,'Dv-ri, 3i,ti ,^t,\9.9 14. rom Do6lne'
:nr'"**;i.i!li' il,ii
i!:;i f; ili: i ii:+ ii:*, i i::e:
l!la? li:ll i
+il\t $i;l,A ii'iiii*iiFi,il'io. iitZi:s 1i"r- i':r2o ic^! in nlv-liiii i;."31 $i"lil"B;$fii.'"$i:9 !'.;i'u:i ii: i{i#,fi :ig:i i!: liiilllr'*ii,ir:i!:ii fi iil:! ii: ]::8ti:l"il!l: *. , ;1;39 iig:!::3 p','.6 r.o rit !.n p,u. .p.c'ar Dr,'o, l!: fi1,i":ilr'ft:;,";..!ila3 lB:$:l "h;"n:i.ilma3*l';;;;'.;-;;' jnt-"r"i: ;:iff :i""ft t"i'""', :si"Hl:: 3i-*ru"'-"lit:Pii:l:eIi:* m::x*:ns i:
RRc lot otr'Nr!' erm th. $urt' d'dt - t'r' ti ii.r".na.horlEa ii'il-'. tiir"l"s, 25 !id!''! 22 flnl.h'!'' ogrrv nrrio" to o oui b1.!tod ii ,ii th. iiu11t f!o!t luEtDs Irlrb Me oIEs: dlt tt!' do!pl'!'lv ti'd
i;ad or.!
.1"t, ;1:"#:^#:l'.:,::: r*:,H:to"li"::" *l;,:*"i-ii$;;':t,u::fi;""fl rh; h.l,f-var 6EL; brt otsu !t.pp.d ut b. .I..h.d b.t E;; d, th. :.:H: iil i'..i or" Bu.obd@ l"'?,::' ;l :,;'":*i" lh\,'t"*":Tiflctsu' @!. lbu . trIr' !out. to td. -"""i" J'rr'. ron" ;;-i;ii-;;;;-
!!r"! ;hup
.; iio ^atrt.
:"""'-.il::ii:1l'tL: n'*:'"::;ls'ii,ar"Te'I't*if":: .-.. ad ;1$at solg tb. :-i;i"s
E::!']LLT i!',U:: 3{"
I-rtL rrlr -"tt v^lob ttlit't'd 20 runi"r'. rr*irr. A. rr at !\. !p.o!.to!. t!' tb. t.p..tbo ilii oi""irn"a tu b.!tL. .f b!oL. u' d'drlns 25 !ud'!6 .ft.r otsu ::; l.i;iM* -.riio."i.i; n'* u or tu!' "ort Y"!' ii". Ji""tri,i'oorv o!..rio]'tl h . rh. tnbrblrlnt. of th; rtt"t t'b !l!.. 1.st s'pt'E_ Pi ct otoncEs PL{-^ !0[c Drsl^rlcE .i.ir i"."'.;' b.r! And Lh. a.o..attoE D.pdt6Et 1..r.! 1! E. btd . huE. IM club to loot br! on !.rr1. [. l1.l.h.trd to el! t!. tt.r&
lcDlEa - (4-@ !.14t: rst r.g -LU-nr'3, 2 t 21 8110., l!. 5 !1r..r I har-r.s r 12 dlI.t) satucrt,
.o'.rod thdr r!. 0 ft! !..11r J5. rlo ;;ilrrr' "iri-i oia*iin-Go. nb.rt ;t;, ..rrar!.
.l:tJ:54.7 ;G t a. '{ caprtol rrr-srd! P r'44 netlodr 1. -!:
$i::,1:: :*l*": ;lH: il:""i::T;"'i "i:*'s:":ii:""'"til=:;*" J,1;3 :{ i::1",i-'9:.:Tiil:'"3i":iT:'1"r|it?i:1 iilli?:, -'t ::Fl *:*:l* or:08.5 Drri. &!Dtr. sp..!.'. lrotst.
!ii-;;,t;;-;t;r;,-;;i;; :::-l-:::l-------------
Dc RoaD Rn,IxEFs cloa 5-MIE
'trd """ l R^cE, su4t 4
{Si":: i?:'$:.ti:.1::.i'* Jl** cosr.: blllt, 2looPu
,lii?!;i li* lil?:* li:ii:3 2o:16 0- 2:ol:ol'o tsuan r'rc'u! Dat' rdghtoD !:rlb:46
! r:uY:4'v
uu,,,.u e5:2e.0 'i."i:13'!"P*0"' p. rrtl6 8.1b.1 15:16.2 1:lrd!6.0 ?!;i?:E il h#",:iis: ,i5cl!i:" i:1,1i93:l
2i-rt. r.!-I
): 3ii:&inl'Jiifu '.,ij:ii r. x."t 0i6""i., irq|rs, 11,t1 ili?9.1 L. Jors lb!!aon, Elr
6. Do! A.hlcl., ust.. ?Or; 9, JI! cDad., trc rtt_Srds DC irloo ro' robr E 11t' strr' u, rvc ?1:r5
-i.-J"r'"-iiJLi.-.''it't..0 zJ:Jrr.o 2. yrla B!.dI., ri,\i.t L,jt,)rs ll: j:H jllfi:l'"flh.:' # l|iCA j. FAr 3!!!r )l+.r9,o 2to7t)6,5 i: ri.. r"!- riir"w riiliiri.o jii.iiaii ;l: i93.X'!llil;"1'ili,1h HE uu3h J.rcout, nCrS. DC #:;, tc. BtsT LECS ?5:O' 15. Jalon Paa., Dc ?e!12 1. 10-Drr. -::??:q.,ri,: i?. E"D ritii 'icrs, Ar, di aiijE 9!:l;.: 2. 4-r11. - ri"i"" ri,!i,: _i gtors' rocbo'n vlll rr NYc or:51 ,. ri"rro - r"""*o zg,ro.:
ii"6;ii-i,ii,6'e." !9.:iil'i.'#!;.Hii. * ff:ll 22, P,t El..go, EnFt!. n., DC 9j:bi!
rz-.r*i. I0IEs: th. da! rr! .1!,1lnJ &! ud laat orborn. ! load oIf ).9 or.r Uh! touah 10-811o !ou!o netch.d lh! r.Elho. glvIDg !a. Narlobrl cDpl.ol {}1-5ta!E r 7-f,lnut6 1.!d. 11)o blA 1.ad rar fo-rssr. fo. rrghrJa.coLN r.a or zt n1r.t th.! th6 5_111. I.s toF rd B L.d. r[cost, dlkr^s nri ri."t ,r*i ii ri *""- a*,i q sj.rc o! r,bo,oroi-U.a _ tr.rn,r. ,t";r";;; ...""d ",!IriL ;f;;. "r. fiaros,. aDd cLLrrd d;rn r.l!. "i.."a1h" ^a,""_",._ ic iin-zsk" rc'!i"'. -,r L-r,a"r.di. cACF
olrrnltor 8a11, E!p. E. !c 99:Zj :ar. Forlor, uar., Dc 99:39 8l, E.zl1, umt., Dr 99:16 dnr- .o. rb!.6oh. LdDtr. uu!!orr. !d hy.r, Dc sr"rai,",'sr-, riaj,-l*. _ r e-sco!" : cltt' 1-3-5-& i 4 e'^l' ^N'r,vo!lr ::*' M-- Norcs: coorurron r,. l,bo or..r of tb€ drt. Th. pJbtlciEJ dlr.cro! ro! rb. srroportrs c.!r..r. rr pro...L of rb. c.n_ t.! cutrrng doh t\. prtzo6 .nd t-ar.r .rp.o.. rr rh. laaL dn,t., ard n6r 2J. 24. 2c.
r bour 1.E. do tn !b. darblla sloud u offlcr.t ear porDt on t|. fto tlr.! 10 !ul@r! brpa.$d rr. tubfr potnr ald d 'D of,lra b11. 1! tb drolr.rtis b.6!. 8111 y'l"b'" rtra'stb pldr.d ih. k t tn b.8!pa.. ..-!.r. :!tttnhofo?.nd rlg.a]t ctgd. Tb. poroL ..or.d 16r ,l.o 3 cruc,. Noe yo,r .da.d D( b, oD. Flldt to rb,t, $! hop.c to N Lb. tlnrr of an atru3t ..r1.!, Flrth dM fo! rn. rl.d fr'. !a! rohn iar!.!L @H ii:,ii" r.* rr,"-."ill-;";"r";;-d.';; r,.t.opo rorlrns rn tL. Dc for cluMn ar!cro ,irt i" ;;;t ;;b;; and bv a !'trh'r ^-.a ct tb' Dc Rrc' "3,"iii.liji ;r !;. "tmrE t;on sd $5 c.tllrr;at.s clttt Each noahc! of rb. frErns r.M r.G.r,61 i. "h" ";;;;;; .r "r,. i.*i t," tt* a' lDdlllduat t!6pby 1n addltto! to th. Md to rb. n n ;umre th. lost tlm ros trophJ FLt!.d bt rh. Nor yoFr€rr. D,,. h.;"..d 1"-. Dtd "h. r,.r pr.s.; robn crs; "oi a. Dc ra! r3 tou L^ot tb.t rolrto.. ' John x.lrt r lom6! Iustraliu lrsb! h.a" !.!g)t t1!1o:-oo1obr.r.q hlt gladuarlon f;or bisi .chool rtub & fb- -borlna onlnp ad d.m'r xt BoJd oI Lh' rhoppihs^.'al.! !tp!'.._ ;.!L!c 25:16.1 clo."Lts lo. t-'ll.!. ________-____--__-____--:_____'_______ __ .d slrh rb. rureut ot 2d !lll@r! in rh. Ilf,ltla n at proDl..d that tho e.t IEW YolX CIfv t.. DTSTRICI ot ColulBrl roufd b. a ft!.t c1t.! affar! n *! yo.t 10-MII,8S, Wh.atoa, MA., 9 Ju. 1962 dil rould lbro tr lchandlr. p!12.!. 1. 8111 ll.lrh, Xt}l!o.. r-^, XYC 65:08 y.d th.!. r.!. t!.ph1.. for tlD ft!.t{thl. q., ?. Johr Gtgu, EaFtlo Dc 66:10 J. Bob Zol)lnlDtar, Bolron M, 66:22 Galr Dlsce. 14l1116.. A.^, }I C b8r0: fb. @rt lrrromttv. & lnt.!.st.lE !ub". Dc 6o116 5, X.br o.bold,Ncrs, on n!.. V'IIlns tn o. scsdui,. fii.lllor. NYc 69:r8 lldatloo.t.r !!tDt.d nlcE llrl,&!fi .dtt.d bt DC 7O:1r- ch!1. McCaltbt, 90[ E, lorrt.6noi, N(.{S, ?. ^rdo 56tb 5t., Chtoaso l?, I11. {:r.oo a r.ar. rl{.nthlrl tt!u,i: oartlr h. !_ toad "€.;1r. atooorni rciarir J;r;o, to 1!r.!ilrv ;i'ii ciuh.;;li;;;;i ;;;;i;i ;;; L!I.d !o !u hta airn rnrocr .rom mrrh.. toot .dtdr,!. .f Dd. (ntehion'r r*!. c". r.;.1"" brdh "f l! "".1i."tr;.tr." lho Lo!'r.t Dc cI'mr. on'r;* lrortd'! !rt! dar afro! havle lsf! rh. Itr'S.dr!1., "ouir !!1, .or . conbln_ .r."i, ri",.ti ri,-d 1" th. "tr."r for tholo lunntm tn. Z+ r1l. 1.. rts "-i .;;- ;.:; r;-t i;-", " ,|; .;^h^;
hor pLc.d at t .thi.src
Evnlf # 1 BTNIoN DERSI - todlosdat, J66 20. 1962 at E.IN ?olDt, Ma.
!1at cou.. liloatb.r: .oo1 & tts! 9!9!-!:!119!. 21:]8 1. JofD Jos., B.oM vrt!. 2. (.nt o.borm. Nattl Capltol rs, 21.10 J. Jrr B..ru, N,t!l Cal1to1 .{S, ?1135
Potttat!y so.l.tt, Bloyn un1r.!sltyr5 JohD Jon.s, a r.slitohi of tdap611.,
!.iu!.d to tbo soob of ht8 }lah scbool dayd & up!6t Kent 031$!h. for th. load tn th. !610! Dolby. I!.aoh !ac. 20 potlts d. arald.d to th. r1hdr dotu to 1 lornt fo! 20t11. rtt th. .nd ot u r€.ts, I AI luf!, B,lildr. 01rrd!1c club.21:!4 tb. fllrt 15 ln th. po1!t 6tddlt€6. 22t22 I,lcDad.. NC.{S, 9. Jl! t Lr Muttn r, foho! South lsorlcd uMt., 22123 lou Cartdsnola, 5. d.c.tlql.n oharnp flon r!g6bti!a, !d ?. }|llb.!t cdt.r, Dc capliol nuo6!8, nh6 tllst dl.tao. !ac6 0f htr llfo 22132; L Ed Dey.rt Dc st!ld.!!. 22:43i itlll ptacod lf,th.leth.! 14p!.3slr6 22:lt4t 10, lla!.b- & 9. Jobn J.rr.tt, u@., tu!!.il ln by lou ceE!o!fo:.l@.. all llJlnalto!, tupl!. E3!r1€!3, 2i:oli 11. taAnol. ih. ra! !s 22:2f fo! 6tb .tt6t a n.lDb Adt! l4dtrmt. nCAs. 2J:0?r 12. ab6.&6 flon tb€ !&tr4 6oono. t.a'3 lJ. Jagon !a9., !cAs, 2l:o8j o,coeo!, rb. lon6! soutlr.ln Cotrf.!.$. t.corit NCAS. 2l:26; l!, John Wa1lt, ncAsr 2l:lB; holdo! tlotr vll !a. 6th 1n th. 1961 tn19. Daro l4ccuntooL, Erpl!6 s., 2l:U7t doo! AAU l-n116. tho T.ldodo.t laco 16. 8111 Pr,3bo!, Boc, 2),,t+t 17, Jtt 1od 5r Suzz !.r1o!, rbo !$ e [:26 !qob, ftrotn 8., ar:odj LO. Daeo l$lgb- Eas to dr tbo nt1. d. a htgn lchoo1 toE, ncrs, 2!:V, 19, nl.k K€u6dr, Icrs, I{s!t1dd !tdt6 clom &Juto! c!6at. a ss NcAs, 25r01; 2!r5l; 20, lush Ja!codt, v1n th. no!. r6co!d. I,arlorrr d1 22. fioroT 2I. lFd I.IA.I, ncas, 25:L!; doloat.d laot 1d!!o..1r. 1D tbat h6'a. Scb.tf.!, BoC, 6:er, 23. J.hr DohlI.., yodrs Dorbr rad.r Da!€ fiartdd. A160 Eap7r. 11,, 25125t 2l|. E.K. xa]otu, xcAs, ltddlDA .ut eo!€ t}]. AlrMsor nlouFls 26:02! 25. orrtnEton HaII, SlPlr. X.' z1tj3t 26. Fat Br..a., Er, 4t59t z?. :i-:l::::-:l1*-:-l:Yli:------------311I Es!!, EB, 29:55; 23. PBt sP..!, Elr lto$ioRKss rNERI{tTIoId wlolr !l:25. (28 .t.rt.rs' 28 rlnlsb.!!. ) olE-xo!3 iu!I. t6. zUtb {?!10 r.u. ) l.pit.lfoot 2-U11.. Dc .{ru ClrlPIollSEIt & oPnl et Brld StadlE, Urlas!61ty ot t{arrled 1, Bu!! L.x1or, trat11 callto1 All-Stals, vl6atl.o!! vory hot & hurld 10:161 2. Drt. lattdd, Anph. !4r1.!r, 10:20! J- Jotlr.{b!M3on, E!t, 10:lo; 4. l. o.d.s. loutdr, PoE Et1r. Stltdd6, Jo6 r!b!M.o!. Es, 10136; 5. Call laoh]Ey, 11 hltos 6[ ved. 1 ft. (noe r.cord: DC C.D1to1 !l&.fu. 10rl9i 6, ron Rabono1d Ddk, 9 ii,1.6, 1124 yd., 1ft., by !o.rt. llcis, 10:57! 7. Bob Dlvr!, uru., Job! Cygd, Enlile Ad!16!r, oct.?, '61j 1O:5?: L van F.1@, ua., 11:08j 9. !d D1.! t!I!ac, c.ls, 10f,1.1?O1td6 1ft. rblrolld.. @., 11111; L0. IttL. Ealb61, 2. Bob sohalf, mc, 10nt.72oyd. ofo. l. J6bn Sd, ua,! 11.11j uE,, u:11; 11. X€lt osbotn., llcAs,lor'1.61yq. 1't. I 116 cordon. le.. 11:1ar ]f. 12- F .noio 5. Jl! Fo', ?BD ts111.,1O.i.t. zuJds zft. K.np.F, fcas, lL:Zi; ].lr- xeh 6. I,.r sbttlr, ccc, 9r1. 1121yd! 1ft, u:llr 15. tlE ll.rdil.!, le., D:45; ?. Lou c!3tss,o1a,ua.tnl. 1071rd! 2lt, 16. tltL. Hind!.!, nCrs, 11:L9; 17. Bot, 6. chdloE B.!!ls, ccc.9E1. 1o27yd..oft. Cop€I.!d, Da st!ld.r.' 12:10; 18. Bob 9, Job! JuEtt, oe,,9ot. 962 yd! 1ft, ralnd.o!, !rpl!. g.r 12:llt L9. T@ lcAbt.sob, E!,9r1. 888 tit. oft. 10. oddt, FCrs, 12:22; 20, C1.uit. X1!€, @, tI. John J.!!y .Iodr,NclS, 9n1. (OL yd! ott. 1]:od; 22. Do! Ptodo., Le., I-t:0J; a. 12. 8111 hostoljBoc, 9r1. 44o tdr oft. (22 15:00, flni.b6!s) oultDo. uE,. Flek lt. olod r{.utns,ccc,9D1. 413 r& ott. RICI ro[Est th. DC Rlc o6l6bratod 1t5 fL. tav. Ialshton,NCrs'9dt.ldo y& 1ft. ilrthdat to!1sht rlth tho 8.co:d .i[t1on 15. !111 Eord, u!a., 9d1. 250 rds 2rt. 102 td! 2ft. ol tb. Bulon !.!bJ, tt .tabi .?o!t t?1- 16. Ftck Ka@q,NcAs,cmt. u.ht t.!1.. of rr.63 !bic5 stdt6d of? 1?. sush r,.oout, I 8,1. u56yd! ott. th; !r iRc lalt tos. Th& t.alrc p!oa!e, 18, F!ad< aa!.s, ccc, tu1. 1,704yd..ort. shlc! .lEo ImlDd.t a T.ndoltoot Dtvl.toa 19. UIir. s61b.l,nCAs, dnr. lLl9ydr oft. 2rl. lo! thot. Ed.! 1t Y.a!r ot aA., 1. rpoD- 20. Joha Do!ih.., En, 6nr. 12?6yd. so!.it .pp!o!!1't.1y .nou€h 1)y ih. Dc Pod- 21 rod xl1Err- u!a.. &d. 258 yd. 2ft. l.trr Socl.ty - toot alocto!8. Th.!. r.!6 22. rorrrut s.riant. rr&o$ rFB. 8rr. 108 Yds 2ft. 50 !tdt6!. & lhtsb.r! cotpa.d to last 2t, orrtrst6n Hrr1,E!, &1. 74 ids lft, sd. 11.1d oft!.at.d J7i to ath6 rac. tbo inm.!. r.d.. r.!. toauslru ^ft.t 2hEd c.oll. ccc, ?d1, 12o?Ydd oft' Dr. P6u of th. u!r.! (sortrnwd n it peeo )
LI S DC !T]J OXE.HOI]R IIJ]I) 25. St.". Sase, Balt,CCC, 26. Froa ]|€tg.l, XC$. 2?. Btlt Ba!!, En!I!. H., 2d. Pat Spoo!, A|plro fl.. DC rl! CHTI1PIOXSEIP !!. ,{S 1. Natlonet Capltol AII Std! 1-2-1r-5-b-13j 2. tupl16 fiatut€lr l-7-6-9-10--t? DC ltg IDdlyiitual- 1. Iiatlosl 2. o6bo!n., rbldron. l. castasndlai 4. Jar.tt,5. n Cl $oTEs: Dl.]. tatn6s bottor.d h1s orn !6r.o4aL !.ooril, ghatt.ll@ trj ,c ra! ob€hou! locora by alMost 1* ri16s, aid ro, tb. DC closn, but .t111 lost to S!, Nrtio@L 15-k1!o chrn! O6o!s. !ou1d6, rto .dIto! ldd h. tou].d &t laLo any s8!1o$ attoqts a! luelra fo! Eorela1 enthr, rouldi lan aray aDd hld tuon t]]o Jr. natrl 30-k11o ittll.t .d1y 1! tlD !.co 6!1t to brr. ht6 1.ad sladua11r {hittl.it dom. Th6 tt.ctrcitlt r.!!o.d.d rlLh a.r!.!s.qs. th. f1!11 fou! 5lnut.E to rlr br a rull 100 rdos. tr t1ou] RRc f,o-nlfo chM! & r.cold hofd.! Bo! Schalf va3 rol..atad Uo thtld Dlaco Tho All-Stalr coltlnu€d ho turntar; ih.lr lorf.ct rccola. Sinc. th. club las lotud tn lobrualy lt har ror th. m rAU t!t1.9 1. th€ Mlathon, f0-h11o, 25-kt1o, ald no! th. ono-hou! ru rlth an €aBy l8-3? rlot.ry TIF !ac6 ra! orc of trr. to! affalB o! th. y!4r rtth .tc.l1.qt olflclsrlla 3o thet ..ch !uno! kb., h13 tle and dlstaeo at &11 tre.. ,Ith rroo116ni {at8! factltil.!. & 25 boauttlul t!oph16s 1!.dar1t1ob ro th. u.@1 DC r-A! cb&!1osnt! n d.1., Er.nt # 2 Budo! D.!br, Tnu.ddr llrhr. J8. zdth at le!16d !nlr., ltra.htbstoA !.C, Cou..: v.!y ht11y.,l,.ath.!r r@ oil. ?-MtL.. 1. J.bn J6m., Blosn itnlr., !.1108,2 2. r!ad. PflaatDa, loc, Lr:!2.! f. D!!. l4ccllntocr., u. of !tdr, ld:50.L L, r.nt o!!o!r. [cas. L2:06.6 5, rt4 a6a!&, {cls, lr3'18.0 5. J1h l{oDad., ICIS, 113118.6 7. lou castssrcl.r uE., !J:22.0 6. Joh! ra!r.tt, @., lrJ,lr2,o trcts. lr!:15.0 9, r.!on ?.*.,ltlndio!. 10, Merh.ll rrpir. fr..!4:16.0 rr. J.rt Jo!.6, rarr !ap, as, D:J4.4 U, nallh o,couo!, NC,\S, L6r28.2 1l llush Jalcoult, IcAs, l+6:29.0 1!, Ft.k {€M.df,, rcrs. L?:12,1r 15. Dae. Kn1ahton, xtAs, \'1.22,a 16. JIE Lrnch, turt!. ,tu!rl.r!, !8:10,! 17. roln !onih6., ftDt!. 8,, lr9:50.0 ra, orlllaion tuI}, Irptlo a,, 53:59.6 rc, nar FtadPo. &!t!o !.. 5L:18.6 drf- Pat s!es!, if, rJllbolt c.!r.!,rCcn. (FOUI,DS
2 26 !Ldt.!., 25 !ggglpn!_!-xr1.r 1. St.ro Lyo!, ltoltb.ln Va. TC. 18:OO 2. B!.! t,axlo!. xCIs, 18:13 J. Dav. E.!zud, En!h. s.. 10:20 4. o.o!8. McE!td., Dc ca!. n@..18:25 5, CUI aaotDy, DC Cl!. Rlb.!il,18:J? 6. Ive Broh, Dc Ca?, Rutr6!., 18:[r 7, Joh! toualao, uE., 18112; 8.cbu.k {!IAht, BlooLly! ru! E s., 19:12; 9. To' Rab.nhor!t, llrt1 crptrol 10. Xtr. xtr. A.1b.1, a.1b.1. XCASr Icas. 19:161 19:16:^s.19:I5: 11. Jort! 1rJ.hi sar, le.r 19:tor 12. albolr xr!&. 2o:00j fJ, 4:!uj 11, Ka! tra! TlDMr, rtuMr, u.., u..,2or05! 2oro9: 14. Trr ll6ia!d.!, ll6ia!d.!, tm., tm., 20:1o: 15. Bob D(1., DNlr, lM., l&.. 20:26; m:26j 16. Jin P. P.!L.!, Brookfth ?ul !.s., 20:10; 17. std slook. Ilddl.ros, s!.ok, Mlddl.toE. Pa. ?a. &s.r &s..21:oB 21:o8r 1d. MlLo vrldD.!. NCAS, 21:ILr 19. tsut could, xldd1.tm. Goula, Mlad1.tofr, ?.. P.. ss.4!20:20ns, a!2or 20. Rot &m.!, )lClS, ICIS, 21:26; 21:26; 21. nob.* t1!d.o!, H1!d.o!, tu!l!. turl!. 8,, 27,28i 22. t4tbn 8.. 21.: n Ep.r, NCAS, 22r17j 21. To' Accaldr. tlcls- 22ilri: NCAS, 2J' !d ra vntt.rid. tfrlt.rld.! h.^!: 22:16; 2l+. Bioot: lj! Psk tts, 2J:16r; 25, Dould Fhod.r, nhod.t n C! NoTES: th. Load.r. raE..d t}! rllit ]'ap 6n th. tlrcL ud.r ?0s but .10r.d doh o! th. 10u rt..! hi11.. r{b.! It ya. all or.! un: bo!a1d.A Jol, J6sE bad roa !1! 5d ltlalght !eo. .Ir.ad .f t.tolaD F!.!A PflagtlA, !uft.!h8 bl! frlrt d.t.at tn Dc 1lO coip.tltl.o!,.3urz l.rlo! !ga1D d.t€.tod 1.6t y€dr. lDnlon D.rbX x1@! Dar. s.!ruit, bui ..s otrt ...oDal to ltttl. At8r. lyoD, .ho 1. ao1!a tlto h1g Junlo! toa ar tqbllston-to. &s. ud vbo h.. b.tt.Ed h:10 fo! lb. !11., Th. co4p.tlllo! ea. .o rl.!c. that cruc! nltabt d. bait ro! tl\. D.y1l-tak -11$-!lndbost Rrc. .d1t.! t! th. r.s ed lhut€d to .lahth ud A1 xdlay! sb! !.d b..D Edor;rt.d ro! ib. Au schootr & r6Dt lnto th. !.c. vltb hlgh .r!.ct.tloDs, ftlt!!r.d Dc
lg-Xllo cElr4tlonsHl! (9.11 4r.)
askda ^As Par., t{d., Jurt 4, 1c62 {5:.lopr) H6arh.r: r.rT ram..cou..: bt11y
r@d.!.t.). iHo 1oo!!. t. ua11y cD.trt}!!. Fr:t:utr.. ii: 23r2t, 50:10. 2. Dtot satD..Nc^s 2l:13 tr:16 L ro. Lrrcb, xcrs, 2lr1lr 5r:16 lt- Plt !lsr!h, DvM, 2l+:ol 51:50 5. ndrb Bu.obra, spaltu 1.C., 2L:03 5It57 6. Job! JoE!,8!on,24:Jl+ 92:t0 7. Drck DoEbuo,DlrA 24:\5 5Jt26
,rrv t--xu,o cn{yDroNsvrp-com
F3::!',ii:ii*15;". :l:!â&#x201A;Ź
:i#Ji,::"":g'::$::"i*""fi "fi il" il: tii,"iii$ilil:,ff;. 3?ii"Z Ziti. i#;Ly"ii: ?it:fi:j";,flj _";:":"'" prouod t.s.''lo! 12. ro. rou!., &c, radlo8, a fle Fl.c zs,to !iiil ji: iiti;!fi i:*ig::; Hit*iEi:F ji!"r:'l.ij:#{ii\lii*'
,fE iii#
i!:#il'g:l;iidlf'"ii:,iii:?\ii$:i'}jrl:f{.T;:l;ii!::Fil.r:"' z6:at, /7:ri !6i1r w-!\laPoLI. FUNnrp Er. nl.E p!.o v vm '*r!o':r:';"i'i":ri.sr i5: e*i i:;!ii:l; x8i!: jl;i: i;:jl i:""H":i' ^us '2- !!1. r";'?:' "'" ;ji fr r;*;sii:t#ri', !i;ij ilif; fr irii;;,-"i.'i.i";. il;rg $:!f :*!i ;q;"i:t'di:;#l;r;':di #;" u. J.!rt JoD., $crs, zr. iaron Prs6, Nc^s,
j!, ::i"i;i#:' ii:i li$riu:i':i:".:1,:: ili'.iiliit,,tH,,"i; ijift :jiii J o'v-s''oN (r.25 dr1.' 3f [$l"i'8ifri;,Yii:. ;3;# :l:is 'oR l:: i:i,::i:x'r.j:;;. lriij ::is ir"il*iFiil*i;-;i;i, dti'J'p:r. #-.ililiiir$-":r ."-;;;;,Ti;j' ii"i; n;i" i6':t;' I'd;"i"i;ii':
if :i|#I"lliiii:lj'.'."6*iir"'ir"
r.@ scolrlB: 1. r\.rron4r caDtrol
"" ;#.j.H.
^rr- i: ijl i.T:i';,1i:1i1",*,1::;j j::i:
;i#;iri::rlji,,t.,ii:ffi{:iT,'lii"":: ":i:i:;:";qrrr:;-_^iiili, j: jii
i;ii' i::i: :::: ;r :::"1*:*.;"t;ytr;:;t:i,fi: ;- ;; i:i"i:li!il::i'ilil " ii;ii jli:i "*;r; j;iti ft:-""ff1'::"::r::'l::':::il*1"ffi"l i: ::;:"'*ti;;'3"[Tl'
$r^*$ffi :!F,iiiinii,'#,:i+iii*t, ii: ;::"':r;:i":i;.
tI ;:i:!"rliil::1::*::ii!:,'j:ri !**i: liSL': ::1":L"t;"1;f:."ilTi,"',"ii""";il-il;-;;;;;*;.;;-;-;;;.. r; ffi $l}$i+*;il"jli;;"ff':*m"""
i*ii"l;.isi"iii ilti. iil:t"3::"i,i';i: :1"'sil" ^i3""iH"it";,t*,"1;".; 1t Ha. b.Id tD 19<6 brt rEn jr*,r*ru.':i: ir#m.qffi:;"T.ll li!:iFii::.;F:"j"";:i:"r^:d'!:":::, r.o. sr. !u 1at. h rh. lfrslDoon tut.sd ,.r, nsslt
ii"*ril,*:*,",Flid#"ii:",.'nf"'"::lt :liii,liil*,ii':":ilil:j;3ilT::;.
at 20 811.! h. !a! 5 nLE. up on 16, "rn B.alu, Nc^s, 18:51 9:2o 29:3d vsL.m,{C^Sr_o:16 !rJO 15,L6 ldrrnt ulro, J$t rho!! of hbo fe.dtns It. r.d, sraLroh. sload Lo e rsonl:'ng ba'L r8. JIE hcDad.,[.\s. lro:29 8:5o rl:i9 thlsb, 19. 0scu M..lLIE, Ball,Itu!. ccc. H. strusgl.d prlnfully on LO:r? 8:lO j2:1? 1ng aalr ar "m or- 1'5 )o, EaIDh o! o@.. liall caoLtol as. .ffoct! of rb. crsp dd pull .vsr fron rlau.l 12:J7 ll:J2 Lr. or-rurc ns Don lrahvr tn. 2I. Per45:50 sp.elr rH, 50:50 ao 5o:5o flot-lM could c.Lch Bud LoBL€n Lo6r eftrgtn€. ?B:O/; 2. osborn!, 20:26, J. r4.i1rnro.l; F:oi. ^. :lq^h:.fl!I:1199.1"_!!".sr.at trD or .. L.a..d.1.n. Cholne.oro A(. 2:.2,r: r€trdorfdot plvtrtod L-yI15 t8odlcao 2. rohn Tallant. tl.r6"ord 1I. 2:11.!l.c l.rt 28:ll !:oo 2!.lJ /, rob, ablMson,Ed, TatJa 6:1, )2t/) l. Rono. rr'n}1rn. TIoroE H. .a Fou1t.., 2:ld.lr?.d ?at| 6t1a 22121 4. D.r, sorL\. Arl.ebu!y, ':16.50 l,M.!1,. hl.toI, 2:\i,52 trndsor.!!. z6:LB l:oo 25:-o 5. 6. V.B. Jolf!. Rlf, ?:Ld.06 !.nobo!! 5. tsi1- vla, lE., 29:Ol brOO 2J:oj 6. K€! Tb6da., 29to6 t!.ot 2ttor 'tu., 29:Io 41 2o:q! sssd ud NorlLopllA l!opbt.. }16.!t!s ?. Roy 8€t8!iNCAs, us.r 29rll, ?:00 12:11* .! cnlrr!.L. Eel..d. Julr zlh!- rubt. 8ruo. Tu.rlotr; !:oi.lr! 2. r.!6!-X;;1- c. Euz! !ar16!,Nc s, tet16 6:to /,196 1,la, lr:01.?; J. MIj. B€rIr"o!d. L:o2.6r 10. ror P!b.!ho!.r,r, 2Ett9 t!" 2-.1B.!r,b, l+:01t.6; 5. R. Ro.o!e, 11. JolD sr, m., ?9:5a 5:!0 2tr:19 L [l6r6k(Pac.:58,6. 12. sl.v. sasd,ccc, lo:21 lr:10 2t:5I 1:t9.?. J:01.0) L:08.1. Daro c!a!u!, 8:52.0, 2. 1,, 11. riik€ dorb.-, 5:lo ?q:4? aU!!!rL. Frank B6n€s, ccc, Falo.!s. 1. 8:55.0. ^c^s,r0:27 ztt,l 'ttob 5t95 r5. td !4a!on, lrcls, J!:)? 5:00 /6:l? s6r.b!D 10 nrl.! Foed Rao., rqlr 21.i i", ro r,trtoir.c.u,. t2tgo at-a 2J:to rltk x€,!.!rNcls, *: l9r fa!!_rr 5r:zfi 7._srd trrLbr,uray5t25 27tlt - 17. ta. .Bob a6.tn.f,rcc, )2t5b ttt92 )naa 29t)2 r,'. H"d6nr ,z!Jo. s.!t Tttr : 1. Lt.n, ?2tL-t,,. Iblddob, 22t2)t 1, \stt.ts, 22t/7, B.1g!!T. Hrft.!. 20 F11.. Road Ra.., Jul{ 21st^- 1. Ro!.It$!..dt^E lg!aro_B.., iI.! xor"S: Aubun lrleo.slt, cros!_ j!:yrq:,+ s.?wlPn€3!.r, Dc hlrrs,L tb..bd of tdo pr.e,_ :r9l"Ig".l, rr\J,roi-\,_r.!.r 'Lo.p olt u r.fu!.d lo !tI! ot r$d norrr.., rh.n ho lound hlrs.If r1!h E!€ load rxoIloF so! Los .rr€aa T...-rld. TF.orr rt Brrrlubd, Julr nrts. fron lr!b- 1, a!!hu! D6mls. 50:25.6j 2. T.!rt of ect. Br!L P'..!od s@ roD r foi !.t dog f.lght fo! s.oold nook.. n:oo.or J. Collr Plck !1. 52:26. !Isc. lnod o' bsdlcapp6! fitrgh Ja.oout 1116 ras soudLt6at ,3 of lro Budoa D.rby_ nordar alah! 1' !oo1a6d fo! bt. rbbd pIa.a fldsb. Julr o, 1962 d.aLh.!: ram coJ!.o: h'I1r aFtrtde to lats Lo !u xaE cbtcago *" s.l"P9*::-l:^1"::"1' fit.ll"ii: oo.n plvrrro! 5-n1,. u^1,11
'hadrcsp E!.o..d r. !gr_E! 49i.1. ;i;;;.;;;;;-;;; iG;!-;;;;i;;r" rnp.H,. r):Lo.b L:rg r-r:i!.o ! fo doroatlDs ,.t.rd ron! ab!esru of Ld. Mr t9,t:.+ zta,. Jr:Jr,6 2!t,!2.+mot rr. htAb8a!!r.€ 3.noo1 lu!o! M.!lo lr. "orJ sctuff.r,Boc,t6:50.1r 5:0o )t:50.rr valorEa. iart ornuui stutcr rho " o!!ar. nad lo .:r!a 5. Jaeon Paao, Nc^s, J6:5I.0 6:00 Jo:51 . Lrjr. r6;€rat 6. $dMa L1- x.Edlor. EH, :?ile:L !:19 19:^L1.1 aod.d E6 r*, budroap du6 zo:ud d€@Dd3 /. lrana rrraaua,4r,J to bls Ls!. e!!rr. Dssplr. ii! .r_ 8. ront olbors,rcas, J?:JI a'91 ?9,?, rrs buldon vauoia, luiDr,s 9, Rlox n6mdt,Nc^s, 17:l! L:40 l1:56 .trsr road rao6 or'brr 1if:, rbo rr,n.h_ 10. orrrnaton H!]r.Er{,11:59 \'at 2,'?5 .d e socorde dur of "1f!! otr a couE raar 1or. trdv of rtro !u@!, ma!_ 9:?y i::19 lns .bour rh. DC oourso. b€tos @d. 13. J€lry Jon r,ncas, )6:22 lt99 1\:r2 ro; @unratn cliEb.lo mr run;!.. rq. Jom ot3d, !!, J9:Jr, ttru 4tJq 15. c.! cL!.so. EE, JU:]6 1:00 l?:16 toEo Drs,r\^L Loc Foc N!1rs
londolr srt., \- cr.at B!rr.r!'! bop.. ot.r.rilina ^us.l.rr Fur. oe potlt d.foat bt Pol.ld r... d1lellr los tllr rrt.lnoon .fr6! th. ?o1.r .na.d tb. fllri d.r of th.l! tro-dar .thl.tt.. 1.rd of 6l pot,t! t. !3. EllLaln ran onlr tro of ih. l0.rabt._ Th. ratcb ia. .t.A.a tn b!l11tot v.!th.r, b.f6!. a !.a.orblr ter. olorit .t tb. vhlt. crty.t.dtq. Th. 5.000tr s.! tb. !rc. thar m.r m.bl. look d rohud to rith th. k.D* ;!ticrp.t1ob. lft.! a f..t !tDt, &uc. TuIloh & D.!ok Ibbot!6! tooL ib. L.A .lt.rn.t.l,y lo! rtr ta!., dtb tlD Po1.r t!.11_ l!9, I! th. .!r.!tb lip, Tu116b Klt .llAhtlt .h.ait, rrllt follosd bt Ibbor!o! but tlD Po1.! f.!. dv.r. fltht! rittktns dl.t€!o. ud r.tth tb!.. lru L6 Ao Ibbot.or a!op!.d llsbt br.t .ur ;f tb. !.o.. Tdl.loh url.d Lo a6t .fay fro! h1. tro Polt.b oppoent. lDd.oot4 uo t. th. b.ll th.!. rrr rorc b.d .Ib.eri!!Ih. r.a. ftbl'b.d to luoh boolnc o'.rt!. h.t lal,r ,hl.h t.oL 61 !.co;d!. Tulloh .hot tDta rh. 1.rd ea rlrh <O io 3o h.d r lod ol !.!harr . rard. trrdr But th. rtrobg arrht.lr zldr, rho fhl.h.d r.cond Ir tb. EuroD.an ohMDlo!.ht!r and thtrd in rh. olrnltc c;.!. rar rat to lr. ilonl.':l. lL c'd eal! ro rln br . fo.t tn U:52.8. bt! tihd eh tn thl. D.t .nd onlr.lAht r..o!d' .10!.! than ht. b..t. Tulroh lae tin. rhlch. In ta.t. .q{aIr t1. or.! 5,0o0n thoueh 1r 1. lhour 1o o! !..t t2 s.c.n.l. .1or.! thaa h1! coElararlr. Tullob .r1d .!t.! tb. rrc.: ,,Th. ?otosr tactl.. r.!. quli. fit!. Th.!. r.r . 16t of bullng ud boltlg golDs o!, but 1r rrr qu.lto rc.ld.!ta1. Tulloh x.r qu1f,. ai.!p!olrt.d, bqt h. aot no !.a1 h.1! flor Ibbot.o!, xb.!.t! th. 1o1.. !d a! I t.u. l.oh Bogu.r.rlcr, t!. Po11.! t..o!a .t!l!a, !u . ru4!1.1!Alt aood !..., .lo.rlDlr.)r5l.6 (h. !u I!:11.5 rrulrir th. !.s.). shll. Ibbot.on tr.11.d-1n in th. 1,5oor, TlJlo! 6d ]l!11 of c.8., lqu1ng ln tb.I! f1!.t 1!i.!Dat1oF1, hr. outcl.r..d or.r tlr lut I.D bt tho Pol. E !u, rho ran .xc.ei!one1r; r;.r, 1. !,rtou E'rab, PolDd, _l:1+o.8! ll@?. stan tr1or, c.8., 3:1r5.0' 3. e.lan s.11, c.8., J:51.6r l+. z. trolr1clrl. l.0oor S,.h.!o- 1. J. Cbrortlt, Pol.nd,
8:45.6; 2. x. fl.rrtort, c. B.. 8:Lb,2: J. E, |loirl, ?oland, 8:51.2j t. brvo c}).!ru, c.8,. 3:55.2. Tp:rt.rr9l 3!@- r. rohn vr.nk, v.lvyn 4.1,, r:40.yi z, h. s.tt1. !.!n n11] H.!r1.r., r:[9.!; J, M1].. r1..r. clordo. U., 1: <o. o. Moldat, lwu.t 6- Cr.ar alriarn,! n.n !o!. to tho ocoallor at tho lrhlr. clry toa.r, fo!. udrunt6d br sahfd.v'3 20-!o1!t d.ftclt. Lh.v lort to p;1ind br on1J fou! polDt! (108-10L). It rar ArlltnA ro .o. D6!.L rbbotlon ro..! idrJ rlth th. !u.h oubllci6od 2,OO0r lDeliltton r.c.. n. rhov.d n. flr-.ffoctr flod ht3 t.00OE on satqdrt eh.n h. ttdrb.d 1a!t of four. TL. Fac6 r!3 b!11.d a! a {o!td r.c6!d att.!pt, bor.y.!, ar1 t!. to! A@.los t!,.k crub b.n (E arrr, c..11.. iabor.lt quit atl6! 800b, lhat I 16rdoH.! rhr 1oD .rc.rtlon aas lob s.@n rat tlnl.h r.c!!d h'bot!20_ Ibboiror clocL.c 9:19.2 dd thli,d ,1ac. Joh. lnd.r... 6f B!l|.rn olock.d !..ttt 6o!!1.1n d ot a ro!. throar & !11 of th. ltTC n n, {Irh rh. .ic.Drton ol s.Man. r.!. !.luctart ro !D 6n lb. rrtuoik d, s1lppory thck. !..ult ol ib. 10,000! vould h1@. on . palr ot .holtr b.loerd ro talcha.l Bu1lt'4nt. on6 of rh. hotadr. .f ih. unlt.d rlttado! .k-n11. Fco!d, Alt.r 12 l,!p. 1tla !.!f.ctlr, vdtl! atuan. th€ t.d crptalo, ud Bulrlrrni !.quteIy dt6r. Mtlns th. 1.ad. Tto f1r![ ?d16- stA.l.rrH 0!.a! ,ho! tho Blltob b.;L 1! 1c5o ln tb rae natcb. !t, haete on srlDrr ud th. r.cond Po1o. J.r;y fi.thlrr, ca! ih. !um!&. But th!! &nlItdt d!o!p.d hr' arE, d'i grt. a httch ho blr h.arllr trud b..p.tt.!.d lhorr.f$t.!, .o th. rllolt, v.!t f,o'.r. Eo!ororr ho c.dquo!.d tn pebl6d bt nlEc$ng rh.r u! txrc. A 1,p. 3.ttlig h.arlor.ach .ould e.t to th. tap. b6for. tho .hort! (1@11t s.r. up rh. Rnort. ..d.d y.11 rLth 0ro. Esbl. io u!rcr ^ll . p.nul,tlut.-1&! cb.l1on3. Dd rb. Blltlrh patr cM. ln f,o!6 o! 16!! un-lt tho l1nd1 b.nd th.y a*r.od ro rbs. tb6 bonorr, Julr .. th.r dld rn rhlr turo') l! 1c59 xh.n rh.r ron rho
Iq99!!- r. x.r. 8u111'ant, c.r., & t{. Itns, G,B,, 2c!11.6; .1. s. 0zos, tolahd, 2q:11,3; lr. r. r1ath1,r, Pdland,30:00.8. of rlctolY !n tho 800a s.6i.it hop61.!! srt.! tio r.6oon d,ibic1. or satudaJ, but std P6r.t! ard lodt Ealrlr !6!foR.d !o!. n at or.rtaLlna to.d!c fllrt aDd !.do!d. Ah-tt. .nd ol th. f!r.L ]ap, cor6r.d !d 54.d, PFLlr dd Harrtd r.r. fl!3i dnd tbtra. Zdt.l,ar th.n tooL or.! and tho Brltod 'lipkor.kl dllgolouslt allosod hrd 0D io ao. tho fln6l b.nd tho !.cond ro1. J..rt B!!rkor.kl, cam tlon b.hlld ro o!o!tal. hls b.cau.. of rrr€ .l1pp.tT b6ndr bad to s6 lllghtlt Hld.. H!!r1r took ht3 otlortulty to s11p tblouah ihd c.nt.. follorod bI Puklr. fhat ra! that a! lf ss th. lo1.s {.!. oo.c.!D.d ard alltdn had E.tn d ron. Th. tr.ottng ra! rpolror.d by tbo ll6rg of th.trorfd boto!. a crd{d of 22,000. 80ofl- 1. s.c. Pukr!. ca. t:52.o: 2, Tont 1:52.6r l|. .1. BlurzkoBk!, P. 1:51.2. Iton n'3 800n- 1. Jor Jordan. c!. ::o9 8: z:--F;illro, cB. 2:14-r: L r Nosalos3rd. In'. 1- q00'- r T r rch.il.1d 1:J,3 i: Z-a:n;-5us-san, l:U9.7; r. r. :1dp;o., 5.00=0..r"'.- 1- 14 h. Ear!t. ?,!:r?. r4:r>.4j z, J.:nord6n, 14:JU.4j.J. !.i,
& r4F' d @d,x rr. d- d.!c
I rt IBROr P|r cla.gor, scotlsit, AuA. ll- lbrlboa otr Arttath,s retor rit:Ltic A'retati@ aood fohi rlth ?6t;.F r..:rl.s elmtns th. trtl. 1E 5 .oqu.atr.Ll' !1oe tl@ of la:11.d. ,!d &.n ]|ath.rr iaktra th. tro nt16r tn 9:U E ol!]:tr lno!.s aroD h13 coU.ag!., tr^-r.r. rndJ Bro* to.r tsbir. Ir6tor schof i.1d, 22-yes-o1d t\-ri& trr. rsr.3r El rn rrltarr ova! 88o Jsdr tL!! FE, .s.:! h d@t!a rb6 b!ltnli€ .as1Iy li 1:50.5 schof1.ld had th€ ds*6 ol t}a opposlt:.n !!ght lron tib 3td1 .l:n Flt @ to itnr3h tnr.e ra& .!.ad of c.Gla?o! ?ut!r.f tI3 l,t.t, rlntsb!,i inlldJCoOn S'ohas€ (sardt€ap); i- Jola 5lrnar<6r, scotled, !scr. ) 9:11-0. SCOTTIS;I Crl,\rlIO{SE?S, *{ r,ldotb€ik' 2l- 680- JotE rrll. 1:.b.0 ltt.1:th.U r'{i1.- 1. titk6 3.d.fo!!L !:06,,{r; ritk-:3.d.fo!d, !:06.6j r Mcrato]11e, 2. .r. 2..t. 2. I cE;iihla, 4:08.3; :r. r. x.r.r, tGi{, tr:r8.J; 3. l. lr:01i.? l-Mll.s- 1- str! 1a!L!. tir:lO-lL 2. . nr];;;;-A+:2l.rrr 14:21,4; l. c: i. i:1e. trlta 1!:25,6..6-Mllosi!,,i.;. 1, C,.-L+;-r:53. i:-f Laine, 2l: sr i:triG: 2 n. Fo3s, Ro3s,3ot42.2; slmlhtri. E s@d!i1i, lo:n2.2: l. Es!c!q36- 1. rotr E, ::,lE l1:07-0".1,0008 11:07- 0" .LQ9!s:919!!:g2, E. t&?a, 9:16.?: .1'vtr,9,42.2t r. Blacrr. 9:20.0.. ltuat$oF 1- !. rI?!3, a:21+. c! r dr.Mlr 6GhIi;-E;;) 2:26t5.t ). c. frss.rj z:Jo:r5j &- !i GLTSCOW
:n!. 150C et the x.tuar3 r-1.4. ein:!I: !.trblpc si ttE u}lt! cltt aD &5 ?$i 1. scs rarlo!, l!!1.9; 2. n, :.ftbiiE, lsst csmsy, l:a.l,t: f, D.!6r :b-o:8,E, l:!4.q,4. lltL. !et1rf.!4, l:l+6.4i i. (on urod, J:r+6.dj s. Itaj. Sula'.rq. Rhod.ch, l!49.4! ?. r- s6Dtt., r.!{fa, (stan taylor'E 1.5t Ialt rs 56"? a:i nI. t1E xas lElt 1:51j. t1s l-r!}r* chMltonshlp! quellrytne .a3ri6d, l sh€ttloston H, {seotlad) l"dat}oB 1. r. E. Blorn. 2t4.5&t 2- ;- 5. a*E2:2t3t513i J. R. c- .Jd]rr., ?:lO:U6, 49th 'Po1yr'itdathon, tls }a€a tzt, :1. FDn 8t11, B.lbo! !-!-, i€s-old closr coEt!!' 1r!.tui!t*:, ":211t' runn1lE hls s6c.Dit dqilr.!b. {.n ttr 1"1r.!!oo] Xaratbo.lst f.s,l ?. F!aalo jj1ha11c,.Yuaos1a"li, -2,-2312:r ), A:t rar1c, rugorrarla, rtzrtrti >- t. r. Iclnttlo, Pondor8 End, 2:24:5; 6. 9.:. Rlcndd.or, Hal,io!. 2:2d:53: ?, c" \jte oh6std!, ualto!, z:lc:!J: e ;, E rle,
1I {Pout.c!rl. E!El.!. xaathon- contrd.d) so].to!, 2:ll.2o; 9. L.D (erady) Ed.l.n_ cb!-ted, 2tlLt52t 10. J. siahto!. pa!tFrt,2132.,!2, U- r. e!ubo!. ru6ti.r!. 2.33:06: t2- ao! Lrer..d- B.idav.. 2t,J.8. 1962 &R.C. irnr!B)r, Jult ?!b 1- Jol'! tr$id, 2:28.fo! 2. co11n I.eDltJt, 2rJ2z4i 3, T.d 3:rr.r.!, 2:j2:L3r {- Dor sh.Ilrr, 2:llt:.33; 5. r.tr. a.t.rra:10:18; 6- Eld srur. 2:39.0?.
tou! qu..lloD?n... a !alo! tsatu lolDt ln tr!. .d..! ol F!.I.,! l,lroh.I Jaly ocodr..r h no'.trb.r tgg8 xn.a !. vn. lNtt.a by bro sloat l:!e. rn lroeh .Do!r! Joulallr'. ce.ton .y.r and ndc.l Hans6M. ?th. fom.r ,orId I,000d roort hold.r). to elL $ | rt!o8!a!bo! lo! th. .po!i.. dalIy, prrqul!.. s. y.ulc n..d llt houB . atar. thut drcrlne lf6ntt of llr. to! trarnLe_ Jarr d.usht.c rL rh. oipo!_ Lslrt'oc.!t.c, o. Dar1le tb. tult of ! run_ nlna tal.nt. Ht. d!l1t iln.rabl. ha. t. Job Ei!..rdr, 1!t?.!6,6! 2. rllM ror t)r. tarr tbr.. r.rr. o! .o roail voolfola, !':lr0.ot.o; J. noa Bd1oe. .otr6tb1aa 11!. tbtr: - 6.15..r. 1:L8.2t-o; lL J- LEtr, 1;L€.561 5: corln r'I.](o! up; rlf. Ir€r. b!1bs! blr xaibaU. f:!9.16: 5- T. iook . 1:L9.19. ln bod, 6.!5 r,r. D!.!.a,, 8.10 cotto. r.d^ I.!tt.r at narlJ !o!6rt fo! 9 to t2 I.L .f Yrant thFtho. r11.! .f F*Ll.tr. .uF.nlrod bt .oach l. Johr 2:26.1U! (oorlo !.co!d, F!$!lell1, 1I.lo r.tr. lh..aa; old a'L ".Fol, 2:24.1J !t Eol ?.!E)t 2 T.r!t (trlc. ro.Ilr), p.r, 12.JJ Lumb, lrRr. 2:4.o2t I xo. z:tj 05; r,uu i. srurr eo?k. !.d. !!dr ^iur, 4. {.d btcbrr 2:f5 ?9. ror!. Fb.jo !.n, af1r.. 5.J0 rt strd. c61_ o'b.. !o! IfcR-riEr I IcE at lld.r.1.r to 5 411.1 lracr. yo!r.. l.uD'.d bt4 lDloturl sldl 99, |ndddr 62, \fu. .t bar!;tI! rtEt.r i.lsbr tral! 'otat't' 2. st., @- i. sta P6r.1r, s, 1:51,-4; lns i" 3u!.tltut.d. 3,15 p. a.r1t.r bfM fo! .llD.r. l0.Jo p,E, '.r-..,.r rn. t, lr:o3.j+ {i6.b 1ct-5p); I;fE;,i',:n;:;"li]l 2, P.r.r J. Fi:;:. uurrns r}llog uc .uff.! tr. I Dr f,ortla, r, L3of.?; f. J.hn se,c.!. t sbout 15i d11.r (25t!) a r!r; in e1,_ L:0<-1.- Lnb.- 1. a.rt! E.t].r i t.. ebout 22 611.. (ltld). 1!:3o.o (tEForiL r.rb-b:2o.6, 9:oir h) | u1t1er.rt, h. ho!.. io ?tr t!. 5.ooo ?. E. stG*t, r, rl:19,4; J. rt.1 Bitiy, *"H;tt: E:rdo!t, ,!, *.-*5,**ii; d:5j.6t2. F!. r.h.r, .t rb. Fr! t, E:5j.6t2;Fr. i;,,f 3r'31 r.b.r s, of bl! phy.tcal lEoba}lr pos.!.. llr.adr ih. 9.Ol.O; 3- J.b4 gr.rto!, x, 9:01r"2, &d I$a ot rrr nalD nrcE, Jus 11 (18 d1.., !or!...o! of t!r.. s.ltrt !..o!C. r{toh.l Jazt e ot tL. to{h.rt ..!r..t tn Lb. rofld) & ol?rptc d11r.! '.dal; rat to b.6@t,3 om of l- Jolr c. Srtrb, l:0o.Olr; 2. to! 1xm.r. tb. tml1il rlau.t ot .rbi.tlo.... 4:03.40; l- B. s.Fr.r, b.olr.26: lr. Artbur oaltor ff.lffr. .ob, cl.ua., ftDt.h.d |!l1r. L:rI.37. (srll'h t I!e.! hid rlon ltr+t! 1d r o.lroort I .f!..t8bt flr so!t! !irt..,. Cdrd.. .t E dut, B.ls1u E..rtb,.Tb. Lrtho! t. t.b 9{€. ) ltet.d tho lllnitro!-Cbtlrlck (polTer..d n.!atbo!) !.d. o! ru& !6th,..plliotrIoaA.a c&t tu.klon ol T6!6!to,s s..ilal looh r.6.nttj }!6!. A!uc. {Idd'3 Ft .tt.l .d .h@.r l! tb. E@l!. rYo-811. r..o!d 1! rh. olry biah tr.. bdf-rr!, P.Nt C6ruttr ;ry. bbri .cloor coairrl !o& t!t.l., J!.L!o, ta ELs sF ro .p.!d l-6 rortbr er h1t It!t&. ..a, b. ,oula !! . c.ltaintr i.tbodto.llt doud th. t!rc! to to cor.! a!. louna.C t t .t Ll.! SDU, lrn rat r r!D1odd.!' aI.teo. tr 9:2!.0 s1F!t trho t. b.tr.! thu tx! F.tr..!t!s I..t.! !uut13 &r. Isolist: u.lhtar. r..1ui, .tudua r.t br xl.td lb 1960.9j2?,8 or I d.dtrrt J*k on rccorir4 ro P.4t- 'c..r.l::r s athi.I.. bl! luDrlla r.rlourlt. A6 l. a Enb.r r.t.. rl .r.!yGe go*rd t .! ftt of th. foloeo ofFp!. Ctub & u r,a!t rrat.F 1ldlcat.a .t}_j.!. rh.!:it b., *r doci.!. roult lot la sqe:Ft .na ea! .Lt1t dIr out.ll foll.y t! tldit'. fooi.r.r! bt !i6ru E 9121 .fforr .i a n16}lt{rn indc.r rEba '{&.tt t trt! Eill.tt ed Jobn LsrEr ,6d1d !.r. t€.4 .h6_otoa6 sltb@.t...m.b t!. alu.-!'s of tto xattl ou: n1!, r.fttr. @-! st. b!1.f !!d ,tr. 25ld CbultoEtrtp Ir lonolulu !t!:!ilr.lr &!. th.y rould lriu..ilr: r6Ed u! rtth th.l! !h!!. .f ooEold6v6! nr. art 5.glb.!6- Do.r tlrt .n.r.! tlo!, b.oeu!. .t.ry !llm! rho
(-R{ ( }oPrcs - coNllNoEDJ ftnI.h.d .ooolur ra! loxsd.d fltb . hud.oM
?. park6!, nooh.!u.! rc, i2t31t a.E
,ii---*, iiil$ii,:"ii:!!,8!; i".:5i1"::"f::i:: ;, ;ii"". i il lF,rii ": ;;,, ilil. tiq$+\ff.*lt::![r, ifl;'fr1-31;.ikri{ili"!i:ii',5iel"t:i;
r*p ."."a...v*.o",.
::i.* ;ip ;ft **,
,:::;*. l;f"i:"H,'*i,"i"*:""i:"":l:*. l"l*i:"';',:::,1;";:'l; ;:;"i':i:.":;:;
!ililit;;i'ildl$:*'i,.tl\1jgitr$, ;1"1,r.:,1 5"i: r,i i::l'#";t;l;"1,"y {lfllii.il'i3lii.i!i,5,'iyiJi:,r:-, Lr:: ii:: ei";":i*r;:l;:'riff,;ii". !iljtirf;:i":iiA:l-i#a*:"sil* -1,"*,:oj"n"!;l,ijl"lil,l.::":jr':l :H;*i:in.1"":}]'Tl:!hcofu.it. th't th.
1r11o,ri.6b. con.td.!
r*" *ii,ii, b!.6d "rii.'
J;s;;;:'L;:il ;;i;;;i,:i;';" n.i
of fodt_
;$:ri;"*fi"rr:il#s::i'*:::ho ha. to !o!t t!lc.
;i;it. "!H,r"sri'..lx.i.;n"i"ii,.' :rr:nrbs uL4,
i iA;5!,1..fu ,::f: :ii8l"!.?B:,'i:1i,,j"';"i:Hi.i:li:l; !:ijl":i.il'"""i.S.
3fl 'z;: uff '
;f:dtjf:ilfiJi1ift-r#*-r: ::?'::$:H l'B:i:":r::':''r6'
r?ldu.r tropLro. e 16 @dal.-l E].r.i*" ,"i, ,u" a.r'i-i"r."auro "r,. cs:,.'or.15 quri.,-nrlo!. .6r,i"tiHffi &il:"ili,:j"|::,: '""..""" .ttuna ouoar or rhat. 0m d6,o,t.!t !.a! roe_"tra,u."r"i io.rit6ot jil"i.il'"'""* "ch rap sJin onrv om sr,.r., ?. !i..o Fr.rd, {.r caqd. ';. f.It tt fo! drts art.!{sd, " lat rc- uo$., rqusL 5, 1962
:;*:"']:"Lft'":H i,';;3:..t'.;--'
.;"iffi!iliiill.Tii {:i:;il:i::,1'
j; I"i"ili'ij;jl.+ff ;:,"fu-* il"*3r"ijl";.'i:i:i"T;;H};,i;.'""., €-&;"
tflii,i'iiffi*'d-il'i:i",tfi::, lifiliiixi'iiiffi*g':d*,iU$' aeqi 44r..) aaal!.1,. i;#il,fti":: :i:"::T:ii"g,!Hi:' F:*"lii:,'-il;"l:"i:"i;ii :,: :Hi::'
f€e scollDs: 1. C.nElat J.!r.v 1. i;.1-i"il::::::,5ii r..xy^c 21; t.
5"gi::;"' ;;.;-;-ffi;ffi;-;;;;,^---"-----
al.' di:i iifr iiiii;rT:s*h il'iti!"
l: 3;ii:: "*:*n: iii:::iri; lliae ii::lii"!S'!ff,:i"U | ""*"iifl =t;. "iri?ti!li:,ii:i:. 5iiS !:l:i{H'':t 3j;'fi :kTiri.iiili; 'iii:9"'::1" .
1t ras an 6ccarton ol cotrtdo!ablo locst slsnl.lcar!6.
Brttts): faB s6!. conaIolastd. !b. oulsooion by mEu., pltn!€ir "p.-"""r"."". tho uhta;_.ft.-ron orcao lurp pr! rno pL.y.d a bon-stop nr.h.d rrlth about Lr. visitors_ Thsir duslc16ns hho ehrslly 6sldr I rh. .rrhls rrlo noc6s!ar?' drs! o" lr.rlcan.llack lqs dsJns lnIt! ,crdd" ar hhir. rt!, las.srlaatod nadrson rq r8!e of tbo.o c€r6 n.fb.rs oots srood gu!.d ourstd. of tbo NartoEl lnton oI r-eck Srarls_ co[..irnA auiosraphs (NUI5). UIcrdB , a.ouD or sro!_L.rcr hon.v.ry rrl:1.[. r).r corld ftnd v.doslrrtns r.aok f@tlc; !"o d !ar*" r.A a c!€i cur. dkip aft€rtuon t.a rhm,1E3 "ou a !6.t. frrIf, a!ps.n! a! Dubttn. rhoro 1os. pro dlr (arFrli€ s(lsDs of pap.r o.oolbd looa urrn€o our ror'a rvo_oay;sr slabarrso of auch !.novn- aL Jor n r, K.mdr stadlm dosotl; ir.it th[6rctloro1 elb].t.s as htka auaddod,tuLconon!;c otcrclo laios b€_ Flsdr Br-co F€,.lhAer sDo !re.b rrlct .!ohEs. or ji, lr Eu.r hayo b..n sd]1s Ma tu1dve_ rh. en.r6n bIaE.! @rcnt tn Lh6 1lr€s of p€m,nd Co;€ M|ooms coul; haldh rh. yodnA rr@'tcaD. o tb. oonbt!.d .rot"o r.. brs-^tr, ei_ P€e-.oln.)l lraat t.e, bosr of Hhon lv€.. Bu! tn Dr.s,.d,, ibh;;_ u. !oqu6si,.d to slAb o!'.1t ora papor! "h"!o"rn. b.an laolt.o by !,stis ud Ios's at !on. a p!.4. of es;-! a,r"_ Dfossd' y.! Lb€ rr.! .top fo! th. s-slhod hr s lir. iuror. a i:,0 *rrlho ob€ Lb.trll plob8bly nlto! or oron d rnortcd rra.f donch rohdgrlull! flt.ndlt toHa 1tk thsL oa .Id.!od d !rlco1.is po.s€s.1on. . Psa Bop) _:53 b'L.-a!lor lg.6 i.rood t)al blaso l.n,4cljtc[C,1r\S )_MM RFc .v. r'sr n0r! tlo!6!s, lo! .rdp1.. !6u1d hsdly .rt.Dit wolk lla' 1-- P'r' !crrdl!' lrYr(. !o anyo!. or d orynplc o'E!!on or N'Yr.d or th. rc.tu Jurr a. rh. -u{..s 'nod a xortd_r.cord_bold6.. Y'r' rlnrng up & char1.€ al the t,ts to rnd obtf, ln tnrt tbroFsl sr-osD-€!. orllrhdt Pa'4 hl Lr' i:;".i;i. ii,J;ii'""-r. -n-i.'i. ,rsroao ot laEnL€! th. aLn!.l.s ,ero.o !o bold up ""ijia'e;l -or.arrs"n";rpolo "s-ie-i;'"1,ii'iii;;s';;:i;;";' snd rau-ti!€ 13...r. ll!!q!: l!"h"!' rh''j-haarin P.n;-.o!!611, ";rd!r, ..e!.s6daLli" 'a(cohpanrod or oscs! oo" !n _:c8 .o11.a. !.,ci *-. :eu cictsrre-i-ir wcAldlt troE out lnto M Jnoonrclo'sb16 Dlosh.da Eo rb rllgf r6e lbdl rncidod I.ad o!.t!. van Coltlardr cro!! countlt 10! ornloldan ard harf_ dr" h'ad'd. tt rln.Lsb.d hll.! Do!o! xocl€s.. o-ogtti*to d5 tdd. D.ad of Moors a. rh. rls.!, " "urr tDt€lmlronarlrLs_ fidrh.d rlrh a 1ap oh tb Lrs.r. BrL rh. !ha.1t_roxn hosta. do Lnr.r e polr-8..1 palrJ hrsD-rghr;o bJ a 1.calst br! ob flnl,L.d. raloDt rho; th;t ra.ft; ur1-r,y.11 balr 1. ro!. ir'r^rdI.. N.r YolL dddabL, d dn,L s€.n !o bind. rh r;cL. -[r:20.,i^p.,^.c,, rt:).1 na!. .v6n no!Ic.o. tudrll. br ?. osaar Moo!., J!.,vork robn roplI, x€H .11a. !! r r!.clrl.!r HrltL.n ;oe.-.!irL: l. r.c.! 15:,7 I.a .ob6t. nr 1ll.: 'rou r. Dloroa ror 4. AttJla Matlat, L6r rrI J.!., 16r02 c.o!s. BroHB, t, B!'c6 lc, ro:05 !6 r1.1d..,' 1€opot, xanh!!Lsn !5.. 1o:o/ sttIl, 't voufd b. ttr.tch'ha otr. truta !. saloId _o end voonoJ. l[.r Yolk 1'. 16:21 / to th. b!.sklna polnt !o hlnl that !h. vida, Lrorlhurs!, lI. J. 16:zo 1,r.r! rom-co!4ll t"r"9. l9M ' 16:15 v€hlour no! Yorrt lc, tna | ,co.s., ai'rmclslly, lt was a bohb " K.lr.!.Bturr.c"lc, rb; bts crtio. tt'!'o.it'Ju, .;"i 19. t!:,? "to'orn llr-rnartoral ro:t5 "i 12 Job! csrl'DD' ){tllFos qbffi@ AJ. 16:5? th. ndrlsds. & rr. !6rot ur..n., uE,r.d f6:54 mattomar! ud ooutdrrt car€ 1.ssr?:01 In London'. fu.d vntt. clty st.drm th. rl. JIn lolbardl' CJTC,^r, Ab. Forr.s, NytC, L7to5 5o.ooo-.sat .tro o! Lrc on._itd6d D.--ogb.dd,
band soL up cMp
sprcuourrr abs;nr. r,..o..
iffi u,,tri*ili:#ii:;,,=nftx*:,x-ffime'= ilf #Ii:#*'rqit;?jru+'::i",1*lm*i*-Tf,:n"' rt,,liFii:ii:"S.$;lii"i?i,x::""iirL{ii}t;'iifr"jf '#-"ffi i";:il' Jfi I o'aia" x' r'' 2Li 12' 3j,3ili' ff 'liltsii.i3i.E&t w.atbc!: Id.a1 (.b6ut ?0o)..r!r!€!. on6 "L;,
iilf *x*iF[li#qittl'-
il1il*#,:i4u:P:'*'s4 1;*r5;:*;ffi*Hg* n'#iqffiffi$#ff*
l;,iii'i'6 iii!$liiiil 41b.!t Sr.rk. r,ii.fi,!T Fr..Dolr_ t.r_i;iiij a: i;jli"::!iFsi,y:rn:'1,i",, f:*"tfl'?,i:{il.: fl 'ri,ini:sL 1?:1?;
;i"iii:"i:"i:l:"il'5:"1:'i81l,l'i,lo r:::::----------------:j:::::=:---fiIIx1^loLIS Fo! ar.sllsaob. v"tt.a |.|, r0'ioi il. RoaD }lrtqE
?.o drur.colubl. cr,lrc, B!uc. lc, 18:L6; il, cy.il ^QDAIE[[u,L colr rou.., A1@J. Xad-ln€, Udt.d .,0:29; 14. c.o!a. .apoL13, MItu., Satrd.t, Jurt iL,1962 sorar, sDrr.d r-^, 22!51r. ^\, non Ds!., r3:5L51 2. Rob sor;_ z@, .r8. Hlo luu lo! cltt cor.loft of 14:21.5; " 3. D.!. lr6s, lll:rl: L ir.d x.r Yolk durirs !h. .ohoot v.ar. !;n bv ^urt, 14:.9; 5. Dlor Pl!p!, 19:otr: 6j JI! lobott, 15:lo; ?. Bob E&u;fu6l tq.btr ldds ae!1 o11,r:. Gllsr. Jurq €d8.d xslrn ]d1}.! Fat Br.md, 16!12i t. Bob be otu :6:02, d.L6:f5i 10. r.!rr f@trft6!. tor ru@o!-q! bo&!.. xltrsi, fln- 19pP1., '.coD.t 16:]". ErrcE lr'018s' D.r. Fl.led hi! tsb.d r.cono 1b th. psr! lrio 1.." .;;i*fl oE r.r. 11 3!.4.!! e flnt.bo!.. __:__:________-.__ yr!a d .!!t !or! or., tb. t{Ir6.or,a yxc^ j*:::";;i"**.:itrT.*:f:.*1.::g g*r'*::** rorln
I rq:y_Ecroiar -* "."i;;.;.'ii,;l.i lli ::1"'l:.1i3.;i:H"?!5'.":il"::"' ;., 1 "*;.;.;. '' ' ;:': :i;,.;"i;:ii,"i:;ff:';,:ii;:'tf."" , to 100 6t1.! !.! r..k, & Drck Dotuhu.. i i$::?:i;:*.i.;"].,g$,i*,..11 i*_ il"t iii"i:'h.1"il,lt'e5;:":5ik ::*:ll',*:e"r*l,ii*j':liii;ii-",; today r^ 52tI5 or.! a !ouh. hlIly i r.1,r .our.. tbi rourd hrk r.""v coioitiir uijirimii:i;l:::":rn,*lljl.lrili i:*3 11ffT'?:.; L? ,
5:12- r:15, -:16 .!d c:ro rn. oo.r lu. rlopht. ro..!r*a DtcL Doaobu€ opomd etth r 5:11 !1r.
preo" ?3 !o!,r
of rr.6}
"frLn*_.. rt.td.,6E
E1t! - rrt.Fvt.r xrth r;8.h,tr Tul lob. - T!. -moh.l .r.rr st-i.,ti" &
T&'cb ptoEhloe-.L!19: 1r^vlc-
3::'!;.:Hr"V"i::i*i'i"f iYr::i:=4:
{h.n rh. o.drcat.d.p!l!ro! ! aof , ii:i"ii: ,, "",", ,sn's nerns rdoush *',.,. eo!! -o, non.',,-at
)';'liiEili!:ii*i'"i,*.q.s*., *, vocr 9:2].d. th.r'!€
-*i "Hlf Z-TFuhd.r, 3;
no.dlns ""
Bli tb'Y @!o!
Dll'r a!i:'9fH#t?.ill:: S*if; '.liil,]t- ii.i!flil; hls !.'i-b.a't"**'.*""
:r"i1l*I; rr$i;T:: ffij;$tffi;f#,##'d-!&*"ugn:;:urs: fiis:. iti]
a: Hi:":",::."::',:'J":'"':":'.:
ffi ffi#:ltilqti; l+:; :ir::::'J*;.: srrEDEi
12s. f,oixrr o?.
o.b, n6d.r.-rart l:"1::" ".""*
o'.arl. rs tht'
FE-ffi#jij$**' l:_,::'''. ti:ll'i:g;;::":"".:::":':,"". cn^{rlof,sElPs' lalllr rrllJ 2!:
?l;lii.jnll"a:;, ffii";: '"""""' 1'. 'b'!1r 'v6' rldsb
*lli';lii*l t:nf,ria!i:i:'*s':llit.:t*;':.:.i,",::::: :: "
;g$ggtT=i*5' ff;riie;li"h,5:Fi@ ii::ii i:$;:ilii:i ;; ;,; toEili; 1:!e.2i
r@!.!4.!. t:4'l,'4i
r.-iiiiitiil-!:-t':,:.--- ----------------Br E!n1. s!sp6. et snaaaid ln 16118
g-4!s8.rEsj_l!rGr.r |lh.n s .tli.i.rt
& ". ron..r l,tnorv * plBt ht. addo! !u11
rti*tt*.t*,*:,:1, l*t,r*,"1*"" ft ,,iF"::1,::.::::"X:::"""X" ilii J€L th. !e a. dry ot):o! h..liht mn ;i;'';;-.;bi"*
!! ; @! sb.
-' "*""*
t!aln,n6 io b.
fii'::*u*:*m*r"iiFi#lii*n";::::':: ::li:-T:"':"fii.:T xtth .o eq lros! of lldilna to b' do"
*ffi,Tl#"*o*,"* s*d.::f!d ;_.-e:Ere_!-u (?:o? e.!.) lt*$1":"rfr1".*" i: ft*,i#:,lfi,fii;:'"ffi'11 it : 3:: r, le5. r.€sd4, . r.ura h.-a hsr ..,,,,.., riii ausu3!
:: ifr"T:*::il-':ffi#*t : ::,,;j;i :HiilT{flHffi", d) . ' , ;.""F !6-.;d -^i;;t- ,.. ,i''G:.tq".i (.oqlru
';-;-;8_ il: 1if.i""::;.iii"iillt"f :::35'"J: u'"'s!;,
h, : : : : : : ;!;fl :lBtoad fo!, sf .t..J--*"_ ij.:::n.:*","1t*fi,,1".i). : : : :i3:j! ;: ;;;;.!*. ::i;"^"HiTJ"il"Htr"'raz''r ,o!ld adk.or :: i:il".e":fi::,,i;:ii"f,1",. : : : : : :l3ii! -Yicb., ......;;o; ;:,i:;_";T"l;13 :: ff:"' r,: R;;; i;** \\*.*!*,j, &m.drno peclfLc d5r. Lr,or 1,sr
lao * r4 stro@rv r" 1I. r.. orlot.J uo Hr,. n.; ""_ *.:,""*",;Hi llitf:,fi, r:'i,ii::1.,3:,:";gi il: ilit'"Il."v,. :l*:: (L!€ Dor Dlaldn8 .'1,
tt."i r" li Li.rr.-*__- '. -o! Lb. t.i. .r.rii33:":3fl.'jl3i:0";:it;r' 1: !1*i 1E r-2-.1
: : : : :i,Bj . . . !t2j
:". : : : : : hix Ju o_tdj-:cfeor !+'1,ro4 - dso r.r olas ({rtnt cb@l,U}Lal) ,....U:.J , ccnan u.5l€u_j€s- re far@ h l{s, corua) . t :0r . . . ..0**. ,0,,.., ;1;1,111,'91,_-e:fr*;*$#":l::"1"i"","."" ;: ;lfr,tr5: ;,. : : : : : i3;; : i,iE : j::3!.: ",fff"il":".ci,; l: !#-";.ii::: *i,;:3:3,i'" : : : : : : t;J : :1,:: : ;: .i,; ;.' : : : : : :;l; : : ji,S Brcf,0rqs6 "rufi:'i"il:,fT,1ifi" . . . . rr:1? ."r:d . rs:oo ;:';::;i::-; '. 3. rd ":'. : : : ;;i: : ::;T : d:il , ffff'-: ,:iHi:"31"*'!,+ c!. rle d!o!!.d out aE 1O0o&..2.0o0 fas rctu on nud.
:t:,a,kri;i; *"rii.rii:y ;: r.oc.
;;';i;;,;;;' t:i:"::t"."
YaI R.oerbon bxd
&.as,p- rb" defmdhs Lhs -hs !tun.3rhmr
36son or ddrng hlih
hs drd
yiih }l|. s& !!rodo'3 Dorc owe,
d5 lnrL:ar tttr. b..s.
gourd noi bold a lead he
rc.-hjr. r.,an ror h13 rins €ir*r. i.",r--.-lr .e seoole, bs a .."!*F .ffs1,. "h"l 'rh 4 to u' l,€ oo! €e!o's 19br .rock-!n!. uh hs @y h13h schoob c$'{14 hlo -s caorl€l vaer, :! lors Lrr€ a sood;r .o {hp rhr3 op{ €edl Md cocarraL€ m a s.rtes or sooorm, @6114s a4 3@r. Nor,s asa$ rh€ t!!6tx bsins slvaa dkrsncs @1ns b, rhs Hnb ird.!.-J.d colrd ed rlctu1rr. it y4 mi surFisins rrlsn tb.r busr io,th riib blt d'm }rlk. ftan& dsrd lne vrdo. v&u.r ac @rdh r."rsn! r.. -,. r!,.r ii@, ar t.e aq ru NIL d€r ,4. !br3 s. L Forp ft@ iho hren &d.!r, tu Fee, hr jur slr. !n. bors I utr& tlrs. PIXFS PE!I( r RrrEo\ Rlsnr,Ts, colo!6do splt&e, co1o.. aE, 19ih ranL sord mdat, !o cass sot a
li":'::fr.!::'i!i l:;:,iTl,iI;.:rl'?*;.f 'll;:i:;; i;;l'H. "i:i:,3:.
satudar, auaBt lI, 19& , discto.: xoE Uadhy
ro-{u€ n !td:q4 !u4 {9:55 r.&.)
2.ft@'h!lf,a.tu.!6d 3. xr16U !- Elbrlm, dsrtached . sc.. 4, |lr.Ue r- r..rs, ctrrer cltr Ac :t5 kr-, P.b B. rDitach 5, 6. totdt caE, Gnft! c:ty ic . 2:30 ?. nobct x. Po16t., flnrei c r Ic . u:10 a. iloh! nt.h s!., oeaside Tc , u:oo ,. Hrrr.q c- {tt!r, cure! city rc . ?:30 to. ?tllup s- crEk€ ,t ., crn@r clrr ,rc 4:3o lf. Ga4rb.d, r6{a!rt*. . ., . . 6:00 ]'2. Ee3t c. schirt:' e*bclGd :iL5 13. tllul, collis, Curr' cily Ac . t:30 r{ !- xra'*, ]ntt U. rr. '1<n r.d.r.6rtro, @tt cbed . 3:,rt 16- ta8lE C- qm, C\)lcr Crty lC . 9:3a 1?. rLh.1f1!4 rn4ie &sjnaerhc . . !L::D Jo. i- 61]3ifl9, South &r ac , . , 10r3o
') 5
$rEle !6 - eda l, (r-r:r? a.!.) 1J. lUcrr.td rhl$1n4ton, colro . . ?.49 r. llr. ?.!'o, r€:ddale . . . t!o7,1 t4. Daeid xarc., tb.i L6 rrueles . ?;j2 2. Ilu seo. t@c€ , . . ?:04 lt, nd oaudl€r colptob . . ?:5? ,. rd.t€ lhG, ss'@a !ech. ?:2o 16. 0{T Ce1€y, 9& ioiBrdilo . . a.o6 4. *ft co&, i{E lr&ftog . 7!22 r7. Gsren 8ord.., oa.bbad . . . 3:0? t. ccr rh!di@, c.d@ crove 7:24 Colton. . .ero? 5. lary re1s, lEtrsto. B€ach ?:29 19, roo A!m, Corta lk.. . " . . 3!1l ?. ir:LLl! o:toB, k rolla . . 7:31 Esoi Lr ,ln8erff . 3r2, a. Jettr.y D.sLlr, S& DtuBo , ?r3a B3rdxi.Psk.-a:26 9, {rd..l seilt Ga.do ceve . ?:3? lari b! rls€les . . 3:4r lo. si.s 0e!hF, riree . . , ?:46 2r. ru.hafd tulck, Bardr4n Pak . 9:2o ,bec)*, l. r& rrs.L. ?:4? 12. le r6!d, sa Dl€8o . . . . ?!4a Dsre c.onoJ Gl€ld.ra (ll:43 t'd.! 19 a.r.) ,}ElsEs E4!! 1. ltil B. xhr, r.n8 B3ach . . . . 2. E D.!'. ta.:d, Juoal!:. . , . . . , . ,. cr'J cdti6t6n, 4. .t h cr€sg, clsndds . . 5- iarr h:!i€, duirndm B.ach . . . H€rili@. 6. bsc ?, hirn c.t!6tt, hiratdsrer . . . a. ,a*rn i. C!rtt1s, rgdondo D€ach . 9. Lb?la;i.od, H.r@s. !€ch , . , . Elci:frrlg F t@a! Ea r.rta o!d3r ot rhe day, d€eplre u .Iectricdl brsakdft rFlah rn€ rD Eari'{!o! !@ch rhlch srop!€d crogk ed rsslried jJt 'rah !lD, Der |lurhrj ajrer ts !eco.d-b!e4&rns rlns rn lheI s}igbr d€l.J & 3t*L1* i}&e!i1€ IEe .E @t iodit . y ?e \a!: $6rd t:D or ,2:4, €s 3b.rt6.sd br se .ro!e st.h'; 3oph@!e-to-be. lisdvi! u-i b N h&e.anf.! 4 {ti Hui Dfded tn rhe rbrco{ifs' }he be loF'ot tJ *.e_ds otJ t!3 ord Nk. ,nd }flk Fdsan ale3t sot Edsr Bob salsr'B rrotn3. !6rroci &y to! r6q1!3 ?:06 rd ine 1,-* . l€!.
aa! 2o-xfi,o *orBli8"* ti:8; Tn !|m6!r. dloa--r!II. r]D !cc.l€!at€. 1 d. D.hl. ravMush, L1tt1. Fock. A!k, ftod h.rll!d, ris" -- ra! lut to th. ArB, ltaltq6 t.3t In cnloago lua$i 18 dd foua Jd:la 66tl!9 9. Dtck xt!a, VCTC, !411d. !a!o1d Salmn of Indlam stat. 68.)7 r,25,39 Col]..a. c8r or ln tlD f1nal 10O yed! \o.2t of th. C.ntlat A,I.!. 20 K11orot.! load 10, t1.! bac., D.y,oon 1.C., l+ot-lo 74,07 I.L9r!2 lun to 6dA. Halo1d n$!1. Iry about 20 y.!dd. salDn, . co@a!ati?. n6rcoB€! to 11, lk. l,llzltold, l{t. Ceol E s,, th. froht rank! ol loDs d1.t.ft6 !lMl.€, 40.25 74.t3 r.)\6,07.9 took th. 12.\3 s.l1. s!1!d ln 1:08:08.5. ?ho Un1r.!31tt of Chlcaso tlack Clublt Bol,ollllxov iU}Is 28!18.2 IolI,D IECORD llar!l!, boundti€ tnto tb. 16ad at th. I4o!cor, 13- Pyot! SolotntkoT Iosstrrb & l.adllA MtlI th flel 10o tsds, €!.d hlsArE. os rc!1it 10,000n !.co!d bt th. flE ln 1:0u:l11. ThlFd p1eo. ront to UCTCTo! 8111 i.r.s rho rl11 !1r t.Dtlr of a .€cora at !h. Ru.rld !.sl! bl. .o!hoe!. r.u .t th. !!1". of Th. Rui.lan !d U!:Ol+.o to! tb. Iora thls faU. 1.t.6 1op.d 1. to th. flrrt 5,000n A!.at dit t!:1L2 to! htr !.oond flntsh th. ln 1:1h,59. Fouth sa. tbo 5,000n. l. b€at h1. su€gt !1141 by OC$Cr. !a1 ElAdo! rlb .de.d Dayton rc,. r1ro.t 50..co!d! o! saturdry (rus.tll st.r. P!tc. br a t.ntL of r !6conrt. 6.e b.cL to rcon a 1:17:l+l to 1r 17 ! \3.1. aoubl. f,b.a h. ro! tbo 5000E h 13:96, Salron, a 22-t d-old s!!d ltud6at rt !q!qg@- 1. Bolothlkoy, 2E:18.2t 2. L6o Ilalsa Stat.. ce. fle fu rr.blrd ro nld rr@r, 29:07.6; J. zr!slD, IL rat 70 r.oord. dovn to fid!1. at hdor. 29'2LL,.5.OooE- 1. r. 5 al1.r dd 42 r.co!d. bohlDd at 10 nllos, B.lot:,rko', ]j:t5'j0:_2. Kond. Wlt! 752 tdd. r.tu1nlns, .t tL, 12-n11o zrI4:oo.2; l. seoIlov, 11+:00.1r. ch.oklolnt, nallir st111 brd 8 3.cond. :998 !q-"1:-ronor, 3:J6.2j 2. cl his 164d 1.ft. s.1tun qulouf, !.duc.d Itd rorcroY, or4uru; J. r.vdon{rg\ ev, d:!1.0..1,500!- 1. savthIIE $16 r1d1!g tts raE atoDt I E1nut.. xov, J:!r.Ir z:-E;urs r. U^ fe.t.! the Cd lrllllt.er 1961 vlotolt 1r):u.tt 3. rrprF, t!!t+.o. Onlt In btr r.coad y.a! of c@p.t1tIo!, ?. Aulllh.t, r!50.Jt.1. T.1p, SalDon thl. Epltra rag colf€r.nc. rtb ]: 51.2..nsaihoD- ] Aarkov. ort t{o-r11. cheplor 1D l+:26 ua 9,2t.2, 2:19 :r?. 8; 2. ?oe;t-T-oubrnr.;.r. 813 oth.r 1o!g d1rt.nd. tltr., otbo! ths tho C.!t!.I rr! 20 K116. 1. th. IbdlaE 1lu 30-tr11o olr&llosbLt. f ifi "i:r iiia. ?:. lL1 .lov.n.tdt.!. oorpt.t.d tb. !eo. "i*li""l Dupr.., trSr, r:L9.9: 2. o1;;I-Sa1o!.u. b.1d lh J{cLloD Pa}I ltr a vam .e dd vttlr th. t.rp.!ttu!. at ?4. F1!rl h1gh !.hoolo! to c!os! th. ftrllh lID ,a! Lahtt, Flnlald. rq. IL- 800r- 1. Olarl lob Barb.! of th. trorth sho!. Irack Club s.Io!.n. F. 1rll8.04 2. Jh-Eu... usr. rho H1l1 b. a I11.r {oat aigh sclool ..n- 1:48.0..3.00o.: 1. Br11 !ot.o;, 8:32.1i 1o! tn th. tall, s6 rar d.?.ni! ln 1:21: l!.!l.bob. sr.d.!. lq. I?- SOOh- 1. 16. lttko Ilrrlcld, t{ouDt C!'ml Elgh Jtn Dup!.o. us^. 1:!9.t..150oD=T. ailr sobool Ju.lo! alro flnl.h.d th. gtt:rd, Dor.o!, !s^. 6..lo00;:_lr &lrb rtnt.h 6!!1. 1,08 1. ?o@. !sr. 1rL9. 8t22,7. 1. Ealold Salmr. Indiana Stat. C611.!. 1:o8:08.9 FINIAIID 2]'9. SlllEDE! 190. !.Islb}I. Au33t26 55122 - 1:48,?; 2. r,1;d 2- !p@- 1. s.1o$!, F, 1.08:1! bioL, s, 1:49.11 3. or11ed.r! !, 1,50.2 12:18 5l+:[o 5000p 1. Lu!6on, s, 14:09,5,.ads. l3. ltl1 R6t.r, VC?C, 1:1[159 15:15 60!18 15!9!- L s.l.Enr r, 1.55.!..J000! Sc1. Sl!.n, I.8:5o.0r 2, vr!taD-!-;-?:lr. E1Hlgdon, VCrc, 1:17:41 8:q0.6. )5126 @t25 5, St.r6 !rlc., Dayt6n 4,C., E{tIGARIIN CdsrIoNSatPs. Brt.r..t. rE. rr RolD slrr{oN l{Il{s cEx?Rlr,
ll l
35:11 61:12 34t79 65,05
$;i;"P.S;,i-: : !a"*t';i; :*F;,1a, 2. sr.L.rcj, i!:dd3;.loooli s!: 1.
B.attv hrit !'c'1v6d lEttuctlos Fi,.kl., 8:l+J.2i 2. l'l.ord, 8.1+9.6. p!@.. c'oobslotak!., 12-!!e4- li?l#i"l'!tl;'"*l"tL'il3l: i3li?f e,s Lo calr'r bho paco ror rno.rb'h I:48.2;-z; ii-iiii."im;.rt, c{!E;r,^os.
):'i;i;lti@"; i;,3::i:'i:" :L::'iL:"ii':":":":* ;$"::"ii'i:Tl:8i.t; c, i-:01.2; l+. 8.rI@' n, tu,or.o. J;n;, Hrlio., s,oo.n, rus. rJ- 15q@:u,1 6!poib' r; c.@r, l:12.o; ,. blrEE,x!!u'.'r:*z c' '1. B.rhitns, o, 3:12.9; 4.
?;.*;ii.ua,ug:j:,i:!hl; c, d:!,.6; z.
l.r, 0, 8:50." l+. [\o!l!e, c. d:5u.o. {rd.naud., E 1als, ruE. 12- !reg_, t t1.-
lt,'j.,:-iirii.rifi dt.
rr,lc'. P6rsd: lgl}-r. -8. --zr 2. Esu:!.,Ic!, o:ur'u..!f!!Ai!-
"iil.rr.r. of L€n broko .dpr, rL th. f.rliD tuD e* ;;-s";;;p'!"-d lrs ha.r.. ilti E '' ry aud o- sao qlart.r ar r'da ar sj-* "ri."o;hldusb. d. c,"rr" ""*. ';! tr's 'e' lsbtlt don ore fi!!l.e!!r, b.rdrb's olocklla s' ud-'sa 'ocL'' for
if i )Ii* *rtt -iil"-pi"i 8:00.2t !;'-i;-r*.-too, r€od.€Ix 161 !'ut Lr do 6o rorr'
3;#.?i' ""'*'"' :fii,.Hi#'iiilfl#'^i!l*liil!r, .;arr;n .s B.atrr Eorod up .trootds
l+- L9!999s- 1. ros.t' ?d1., !!uc., ^ue. 29:12.0. mrTTY Rsns.l:96,5, oRE!,U J:56.? !o!do!. lqE. 18_ s..r1.-b!oH.d Jh e.'iiii-ir ;.b; Lo. a!a.r.. rlrcr. crub to-
d.r b;.@ tJr. fa.t.rt
At.!lor! tr1lor lt
t6 tu to.o-qurt.re rt th. oa1l lara !n 2:56. b. lr vaE !l@ to go' ao. so ano !h' bldbd oF€I1€ Incbtd uD to FAEIy !
LT*"'"::J; ii: l::i1i"il'"";',if* .ffirf il!: :H"i,l":"""r*i.:!; rttb a ladi
:inl":r"* iloi :ii'frt$ij-l*;;l*ir t"r" tvo tudr ln r!on! ot lf iii-i;
r;to tb' botu'Lr'tcb doti to.th' & cbdc'd, coa 6!t'd r!' o!.ir., rr ]:56,5. .i]i-**r'ec!oldofr6,ooo.!;..to1!|'E!i'g9Ilh.a]uc3 ;;'[:;:".". 'froft rlitl iiii-"i" rr"r"u.a r; ks. thu ,::'"':i.'?: i lg:""i$:i'.:*J":S*' "*1"::i'"" t.'".',' p.!t.d Boittt. n.rna r ;ru"o 'tn561' rd-o rh' tap'' .ri !i"a; r;-.t s:lsinlr a.rL ro:k." .iJ;f:ii:::':.'**L"5ni::3lL!* r:. r!do: bloushr b,' hod t' 'n rbcb ]::;iiYi"i,ff:""" ln.:'Y"ll:i1: ,ff'k .."i"":i:i".:":Sf,*i"i;,iu;*,."0:'*o1. B.€uLy!. Bdr..on. ;:idE-ir..r
.ddi11.d th. .tttb fart.3t
l;i6.fi ig;.H::.;;:rt,i;:.::"i':l*:i;;:r'' ra! th. eolld B.ariy .rl.bc.d rb. orrrro,
'j:'nTil!:lll#- .
h,d !ho"q- rtl@!-@d.s;; :ii":;".;ll
i::.*"!c;rdI ::":"":i: itiLb.i'!i:::rom! tlD tlacL, !r!b puddltla tt.l Itnl!.rsltY of Nolth Csollna .tu v1!.rv ii':iie il! ;! i1i-l";; ;ii:. 'rii "ii l.iii'"!!'irii Ld rm tbr. .t!'!i-irielt b'.o'. r!o! Ln no!th..'t "ii". 1.rlli !tl!!.d tb. frlg. ot all Etlotu rbo u.t r.'. a
Ec rrad,6. ;;;i;'s-;;fo! th' trrir io roroct &ttI.b 1.tibllto. iiiii"!.i ti.;i,i"-up" B€ra!.d. nrt
"rru;ti*"n: "r-iii,.iiull.
' -*'"
_rio"" i+is,{l',,""*, a.yr rso. [r,ri6
i.'ii:"i:"1";,b":.:S:":ly'iY":""'." oo ba'r Bosutt !aid' EiT:.!i":iil,,fl'!"*"J.ili: [Sj'" i:5!;h f;i*."fr!il*Yil'^i;'9:16.", *"31":iisr"":1.,t::9;"j,!;.1j*
6. BIU Co!u11, Ch.trltold (So. ItltslE) vall.y 8.. 4:03.r; d. rlrzlo Ttbo!!, USA. L:07.0.
4artt ha.l bo!.d ltth .oa,:t1tt6' dd P!op!! pet4 fF! ao.d tl(' r!.!t6& !.mrt.E to b.rt.r t!. 3:9Lh ldrd Foold h.1d bJ nd z..hd.! i.t.! BEj1'IY sItaTllFS U.S. 3000! 11 llK r.t. ro! lt!.fth.r, l!@., lus. 15- !tttL flt bi! .I!!U-tna ftn l tdot B.attt of Ur. tor In€.16! &eck Club i.t host6!, m .{alld B..tty,s rt4 lo! t!. s rtu!1od locolit fo! th6 l00od !u todav rttb a ttm 61 7,5L2 at d tntslrattoml short€! 15oob rd l:!o.8, tyr4 rh. track & ft6ld a..t. r@o, lb 1955, S.toeE &toh.il hL B.att!'s tte ,as llvo s.oolds short ol oh llDldh @t fd rbr d.r.!e. tho vo!1d !6c6r.r !€c.ntll go! by t41ch.1 eboy s€aj@, E.ttt,r t.@t. Jazy of hec., but ropp.d th. l@ltcu fu @!lr of d:01,6 dot b! oluhlat. ud rFu.r tato e .d1' 1... (Boatty olockibs 1960. lab ro! rb. flE! .u1r.! 51+.6 Ip(!!, ?:t?.2 !n 1! 4a!Ly url c!ou. at hI. h.€1!. wr,th tho st4t ot th6 $coEtt IrF, q..D! Jooor- 1. Jlb B.atty, us^, ?!5L21 2. ^r oraod l,flob.t n rd.t, ?ruco, ?:96.0i 3. Jrtr ro th. r!o!t, folldsd oto..ty by. battr, s8a4o, .x_s@aeru Lqldo C!o11., USr, 8rIJ.6; [. Llsrlo Tdbolr_ usr. a:2r,0..!119- 1, Mlch.l J.zr, t+:01.i+; lhs !6si of th6 rL!d loD 25 tud! lb 0! th8 tblrd 1.!, B..tby qDtolar, olo!.1139.4 1500 fo! B!^TTY: Gtl!!!B J:Lo.2. .d 1b on cr.11., rb. do6sod ttro €0O! o.1o, xolrat, Aug. 9- Jln a.atry loHo!.d ldk 1n 1:55,4. S.a!d ! sdoeb bu& bl. An.l1ce 1500n !.cord ho 3:l9.h on ob Ltrll. Taborl to1l b..tr. th. fieal BL.t€t tlack .! llfuls ilotr Ju6h b.fo!6 tiE .bar ot tr. l.p &d th. tor llaolo! 9c took !h. f1!st fou plac.!. B.attyrr tlD blok b1. o1a l.n !1od !.oo!it of l:19.9 s.t 1! rh. nuslrln .d odj by GrolL. * satosL crt1. 6.t. Bob s.Mn lrtl rh. flrot LoO It put up a good ftsht bur B.aftr rE too 56.1+ FIib B.atty . t.,th back. iohi,!strolg. salobq 1..t aloud. aoatty rook oro!.Jt6r rhai and oar6.d oqt . t!.Driloc bs t]1. €o0 lD 1:5?.o utt rh. t2oo ubn 3€attt, !u!rl!a rDe6lfrtty, ltor s. .e 5?.1 for hlr liEI lt00 to1;2:5?.0. n.3t r!. f*todt 1500 trm 1b tb. volld uhls t6d. soeu cs@ r; ioulrh r! JIE cr6u. and s.ee plrc.d gocold lnd ro$d br Taborl h h:o6_z !:o1.0. for_ tbtrit rith p.!so..1 bosr tlet of 3:[0,2 l:1r2.7 ehll. v.t.!ab !..21o Trborr BE,IlfY CAPTI]NES 5OOO IT U.S. RECORD oorpl.t.d th. LITC.s..! ilrh a rED!i.^hd Trr{E; 5tb }L tX I[ 16 DrIS lDc J: Ll,9 !n fautb. Plaled" Au6. 2lr- Jt! B..tr, _Tuku. 1! s !u of b-Ls Ho!d, dd bI! b!.ud of BETtTY TfiSSES roRtD mCoRD !I.rS l:56.1 bonesty 1r pattrg olt bta rttdit.rd!. I{ILE; GREta SACo}ID I$ J:56.8 lpo.ilsrd &! bi! B.lllnti, llnlMd, 21- Jln B.atty -uo 6frs!$rY bulli t!*! locold ytur-l. 16 !..1.d orf tho n11. in ^ua, l:56.1 !i@sdeadeyE-xhon ho 6sor!.r.d tooor tE tb. fastogt ovo! by u -k.rrc@ ctH;.n- rr:45 r?1dat alghr drrra d tEr64tand n1!s.d by 1.s! thln te looond6 ]d. blit to. ! vo!!d !6c6!dIt ras th. locold ttu. ln fou rhar Job! L.!d .dt6bit1.rrd th. 5-6, 128-po@d flro! ftor rh.itayr irrc b.d lo$rod th. b6.r Ad.!!caa F6rfo@oo !.c.!ds lb tn 19go!r. eatt, ri4lrh.d fo! Lh. d1rtatu6lds6b & ltbludr. fi@lldro|N. th!.6 E n b.ttelsd 106 elDuros tn tht to thls Eqop6u t!&k toE. _P!1o! iluil11ng laco 6teg.tl b6foF a t6nso .lorit .t 10,000 und.! p6lfoqt coldtttos @.Ety bAd rov€tt b,.rd b.I!a hob .ie 1n Ea1linLL,t hdA. olldl1c stadle. lbis lat.st.rtdt b!oj.. !.attl'r! .b J1r oro11o, of Porhlgnd, 0!.,. &e1! M.!1ce udk of Ll:t.o &d ca vrtbaato B.attJ th. rtrons..t !s ior lt. ltrllblba 's rum.!u! t! 3:t8.8. olarr tud Tll:d h.it . tlo Saloh.o, th. tIod.h ohepton. pl.o.d or 13.!-9,6 up ao! !.copttro4 ) 4:O1.2i ?. D.r.k Haltb, Tbles
iti:glik'T#',if ;-:iift x;,, j';i,qiHfiffi ::ni-,xiii:f ji:":F" "
#SffiTT$,1':f i'Fff i",d:f
6. DI.k Xllls. UCTC, ,t+:28
]:;tii",,!?.,'il.i,iiii3i: Iiil|:
ffiEiffi *ffi
ffi*=ffiffit;; -{ffi4ffi;fftu#,ffi
.!0!y lap sas rM l! 4 uotfl.lal tlm louoo rlctoly. ould.t.Lrnclu Dour of ?0 or 71 sooonds, 3r1a or csLsliy o, !! rdG jn rh. ImN' n11€ nay bave suplk.il t]r. oro{a thrso r11. !q. !oGv6! Ktddr3 t1m 6f ot ?.c59,_bur, o€rralnft tuL h1@€1f. Ib6 1l:5l.lr var ru .tor, of any of niE top /4-yos-of,d, coap€rJb€ fo' E. bs! a b..r of 1J:t7. ltbos, rr]|h.n r h.dd th6 txo-rdl6 rlls amun a d.cado, and ,ho h.1d nany of ih€ ht8!aoholastl. lwl€ vhl ch lldo b!ok!, d6cao aE 9:05. .1dod "l '6I! I could vlr I! rho! I d1o for s r.cord LU:J1.1) hold b:r D6!A e 50s qudto! ln 6 rolry 1a6r v.dk Io rJlo. soo.I Ju.t r"n to rtn,rrK ad E31eo volcod sod. concoln laLa.. Jlo cdo out of sod6 !use6.l Jostllng or h1s daytlno p.rfomdc€g. oe.! rA11 tb. fl!3t tan abour 10 Xards b.htrd nr bost rco€s dr'. bo.. a, nlAht. t.3 loader€. r'_r bavo to r.! o'€! tnai.r h. docldD!v6 Batl€y or lsdL rork &d,1 BL.Llo!. .d. rooay r !fu.€-rir.r va; run 'ttb vancou?or, ,.!o LaoaL.d off th. tlacL, & the t6npalatao ovo! 80, dd a hlsh oe !'s.! d1squaltft.d ttr tlb huptna. hrldlty. Iron! illd &t @lr. ht. @i. fo! tho l.ed ryI. ftnlshod gooond 1n 1l+,Ol,l & tolE icalostan, It. of A1b6!ta t!aI1.d ln jld untll tho st!6tch rDh & con hy about ya'1. 6tEht Th€ a1t-out assault on th. nrtlonat tlon Vucouv.lr! Vt. io.v.. Iromt ttM las 0.[ s.c6nas und.r nldl !!.drd boo]r, confla.dly p!6dlot.d by ,..o!d, ttrt trldd len traokdllotel-r b.lo!. th6 tao-day m€t, falled lo mt.rle1lz., ln f0 flmls, 4:01 4 at th. u.t!o Toronto Follc. G,e! tvo {ooks ago- Ilong'plovlour b6gt Fa. orly l1!o !o.o!it! 16!0 s€t, an lndoo! l+:o? l.ast rtrt.!. Ssvoral otftclale & ooacbos or!r.3s.a M13s fiorfnan, llfutna tne 88o fo! onlt dl3arlohtnont ovo! lon of th6 !.rlo!3er6!th th. t1d.j c11!!.d tIs. !€con& 4no€s !J rllat {a3 t]| flmst ll.1d of off h.! !r.v!Du h3s!;froft, Il. oxtst- rrsck raiont aEg.nb sd ro! B .aruols 1rg canadlad ddk ras 2:12.?, cb@pi.odh1! ne.t tn tho last 25 y.d8. 6-llj 1..- L. &Lo. XIod. Ey1C. z0:09.L: In6r6 uas coEldarabl. .eld.G. to 7:-5;fs Kyl., csrsMr! J. Dsv€ .,,rs; bacl u! tbo claru o. r.i.ra! tlack 1o!ont.t 4. 8111 r11€n, Scalboroi 5, Bob .6ach ltoyd f.lclrrl that, it s!tt. tho snrrl.), sr, -Mo€ru..ru-!g- r. Jl' .roa!, oursrand na por-oftdco BlMpton. ont., lt:ol.2t r. v1o no€e6, Etruc6 Klod, ElEtrt€! qart J.!oD. dd Braby, B.C.! 4:05.?; J. Day. Ba11ot, a coupl. of oth6rs, tho @.r-411 !o1atEY?c' l+,09.1+, lr.. oaly Jrcrson' c1&dstoe lonsblp of oaedlu oonp.tltlo! to 4.C,, 4:10.4; 5. Bi1l, Itozd, Dum111.j hlld callble 1s ro t tt.! thar lt ha. 6. V. rLu B1!t1.6, i,YtC; 7. St6r. lal], b..n 1n !6c6nt y.u5. Tolontc Oc; 8. Dav. ltllehton, Uomi !oy.l; th. @ot ras co-3p.nso!.d by th. Ea.t :.ork flack Club and th6 toEBhlp ot 9. 3!yu Chalmls, It, of Manltobi; 10. Bon lu.llbahe, scrboro !1ost 11. P.t6 Ea.t Yo!]r..?!o of Camda, uao! r (D1sqE1tf1.d- sldt lron tb. l6d.!a1 cot.r:mnt, chudd.booh, st. ldb€lt. ^4! 1,1t16 Nob1o, laf lrd, ). .L.9994q-9!eer,- 1. ud6srot6 half tb. tlay.l .rp6ft6s ot Itylk van de! lia1, Hsllion 0,C., 9:12.0j tho cm!.tlto!3 to .rou6 tb. b.st fl.1d oe.! fo! q mttolaI .Iffplodhtps 2, r.!!y clrit€, Edmnton/co1o. stat., 9:r5,2;'J. ion _!oth.rsr, v-.o"."j a. ..a g9,ooo ploslM ot roplotonanls & Ed R'd6d111, Toronlo o.c..vono! s aaoii-nri,iaiir,"i*iii.-il.di.v"i"iii'i*ol' r6@eailou pul th. E361 Yolk track r, 1. 4bbt. bo.'Ear. roponro. T:to;8t2. Io'. tlF b.gl of oondltto!. 1. JoM Bdn'cott. ..n D.vlinA. vtnnlp.B; tolonro 0.c..!ul- 1. Bt11 croth€G, ETTS, \I'II{D s?Rlxls - B!uc. (1dd, 8111 cloth2. LyN Ev.s, B,c,; l, vlotollt, o!s, Do. B.rtola, Jtn I!on!, Abt1. soff n,9t Rod chlntu, lalt Yollr fc. nan & E tn€ ra dor al r11I ru th. lD€. 5- crnada'! fast.st i'1dd1!-d1!tanc€ brdd. & lora dlstanc. cv.!t! lot caD_ da In tb. Bllitsh lh!l!. G6fur. Rum!8 rsn6!, Br11 C!oth.!6 of East Yolk !c. clock d 1:49.0 to s.t a CaDdlan 88O ro.- lucb a! D.uA (vIo, Vto no.v.' E!Aa! !.p. & sia 0h13@ talLod !o b. E.l€c! .d fo. i,@ ,rr.tlalte t!lP.,.oe of ih. Bolrore.-Vucouv.!^ashtniLon Srar€. 51E blass3t -ndoo! l4.6ts of tho tos 1463 onloid;, \,6ncou!oi"/oroso;, tras !hl!d. Elsas L.is, rofonto: 1.;d.i tld-{st thous! rt11 b. L€lit .t rolonto's Map1. loaf cu@E on Jdlrartr 25tb. Inls qlll-b. oha !eo.. ;d o?.rtiraIrr sr*th. lDid rn. 6po!6o!od by Eb. roronlo refo8re Dlovlous !.co!C. 1:L9-6. 3€!to1a clock d ' tho xapl6 L6af cdd.ro otSanl!6ilo!. l:50.6. Bruc6 (ldd adaod aroth€! alnort achel-
is:ir: :)E:::,':. fp; "':.?i:ii $tr, 9!g-!!!l! l/! r{u.- 1. v..n Morsrn;
Tal1, blond JIE Sh.EtI.r. r€r.!d ^*. d1!tse. ruso! hon tb. s&nta crur velray lodrt c8!L Eoo [h! Sodo ,1,r.ton of lh. tdt AmL.t coId.n Dar! cn lhtuush ttu rtEors o. DrLisbra: 5h.tUl6!, rocolorrbA tr.n a bour ,ii,h covorcd th. 5.8 ntl.r ln Lho sood rlno o 2A:16.0 to 6ar Lb loio-d !1a". of lho pI6a.&L ts,lr T&! crao. b, r2soc!_ t{lk. .@!dolq, 'orMr Pt!! Bs ;l;r.&. Btar nor luMlrra ro' th6 frUrsburE Ctndorrlelh.d tuDo rro Hrn;o! rb th! 2.9 d1.. Juntor Fun tn 1!:/2. S.oond
,or-v3r J:0'.ot 2. Bl11 3o1mr, r.rLA. f!ob.r; ^^, l. sp.no.! nid., lm.. 1. racr r{sr!h, D.r-var !3lS*g_el!!-9d ro/u yd. bdcap), u!4,0; 2. Ed Ads. unat. (b?o Jd adcAp), 3:18,0: i, DJ.r a.. +. !8r:a s!@oro, Pbll., Ploro.! b:5<.9j ,. K.jrb patlon, ioI_ !6!0u,Jd,t(!!g rdrl a:01.6; 6. B.b rm. Yar Iob{ Ac, (b6o t&), 9:11r.0; 7. Vrc -a!!n.r Judg6, D!., (U?0 dEr q:26.5.
vud'6 surssr [.s. ,rhr.d lD Eh. JL!-r;: Pac.-rrs lat TtEb!.Il. a S6hIo! 6t ri!. Ir ,11, 16 lrMolr psrlclpar.o to !h. 1.1 Adual rlm .s of rhlr 6!g.r .d br tb. Plttsbura Ch@b.! or coMld. ed th. Prttlbus c,tc rllt.trc A..o.. Fltl!bulA Xato!. Fr{n! BrII.c1, pr...!!.d .ssdr to all tb. flhrrho!! eE rn. ..falulJob ol rh. r,c...
?:>J.ot L Dto& So!'.'!, !ra, 2. 14t.st ch.E!.!, pa. lftrtcu t.(ton au. &F X..t, 4us. 11- €80- 1. crl ucKobzl., N.Y. P.[. ):12.2: E r.ur3. s'1, HcAc, 2:la,o; J. Frar aohLL.u. vca., 2:42,1. xlclr P^nx r0 ytrF Hrr.L'TcaP. sAra4. firs!.
;:"'i3:ri"li,i:'.i?i6:"";ii.:"":1.::"" i,j;l'ii,16,":liii'.ltal'.?iiia. l. Bob Ilm, e^c, lJ4_{]11!-
i3il3;"iil::.'!*i'li; ;il"i'"lh:;"'" i.-t**--"1;,iil,,iii'iiiii."ffXa,'!:'"' JrcL !.rdla, lBTc, 29:10; iru-
l. l.y, EEIC, Jr:22; 5, Jod !,@hdol..!cS. l2:J6; 6. J.ck r4dd.n, EBfc. ll:otr. ?. t.rroml X!Io.. lnrjoch. lt:06: O. r!D! I,J4, Pcs, ll:11; o, ro-n Ful6.!. tl!t.buc, lrlr:06, Staia
rr., rn art or hl. plotlol! ra..r & rlgn! lbro Lb6 r..d & b._d tt 311 !:.! xr' sav ".3t clollns
;,;,ll I,;:f ""ji'?r, "ii Ljl, ii,,l:ii.:"'i,:'"]; :f iJ:i :;: f r:i:.}'" ii:.:riiirjl:.:"iy**;Il:*i.rj"Fr.::*'. :ilff'ij i*:l;ilFj":::i :""ir":}: ]l'lj;.'i.Hl Lsf,ti!!?'s: l?;'3i,.". :.:::+" "or :; i,!r;i;;;!;; j;i'""" pd-rFc. 1o:06i c;,.ia n;r"igii, tci;". iili:" EET.. i6:ar. ;:":iL::::l"trT,li3l"ii.li". & rorcf,tuore6r ,Lo lrm lg;,ii-l:;-::iu
:-:--:-::::::---------"***!, Llloa r.'.
&,J, 2:0J.?. l:o?-e-'L:l1 b
,.163 rrB chd...i,sm nuss!..ple. ad -.M ron b, Boslol At. F1a!.r. coF. -
l: fi*.;"ilih.'kf; '"J:i' 2!:t7, li;";li;ii fari ruet&: lao 6u:56 96:to ---:------------: ..r1r., c!t', t'l-cog'r!q :r&E,.cur'.! *1".:f:llli;,fl;.^". Zgit; aua. 1?- Maf iobleon, south&eiolr ;i: conzal'6 sco,'o, lu' o":+ o::rl
:la ftb.r f;:'3;fl*,'i:,;lid,* * of 6r.?. Plorte
!orl!1u. !trd.qt, r"oit r"sr *a. *o 1,lc I rm" hrtm' LvM at, tlo b11.3 ln 9:oo.b sl!! R,y uiu*' uo"o"ai !, e,o?.o @d Jui o x",r" ri".iirri.7-" - ii o:!! I:"j"l:' !9. c.st, Frca) tbrrd.!E e:oo.2. ii: i;"::L:;::,*:il.
fli:j ;;;;;;;;i;;;;-i;;;;;;;;-;;;-;;;;ii: i*"":ig.:t;,Ph. lliii El:n phLrr., pa. (Jobn B.!!ru lls. "1.1d1 {-o.L!nu;d ;.ri !as.r iBi;B
4. lo-tflt! lDcrp- coIllnuD) .!daIo, F1.., r.57 & \126, J6b! xl.Lt. Iu,) 1:57.2 1lr. Rob.lt P6!d1.ton, Lru Ac, ?r:O? 63:l? (Eqst Gl.rbed, cbrc'3., Dou l.oxltoa (East sA. f,@FUI.) 15. HilltM e..ry, BtA, 1I,36 6ttz\ .!d [:28.1& 10:19.,.rh. s.Dt.!b.r tr!6 or * co$.. 16 1or\A as ab. tt@ p!ir. rlu.! rroRLD I'I1iLETICS 1111 b. ih. lca t! (t{rcK ?tRx
Itdd.bdl., ssd.o, Aq. 2?- 6008- I r_ aolertrsnd. sHod6b. I :5r. 1:-Z-. rli Dup!6., so. I11., 1:5l.9..h.ivy !a1D b.-
Iattck, n.I., 12-lr1ls Ro.d Raco. au€. 5 1. Anaq Uootr€n! -El.ctr1. Boqr AC, dr:Ol z. cl8.|s Pdb.11. slatd ac. 6+\2 J. Rtchsd Packfd, Eolton r1-A! b8:09 4. Jafus Corculr El.otltc Soet 69!trl 5. Eallh tulcbr@r, sparrd AC,^c, ?o:o! 6. Job, C!aJ, B6.to6 Ar. 72t2tl Rob.Ft Aftly, Slrltu AC, ?. d. Rlcllcit Talttlrf, Frn 16110.! Ac ?2:lrfi Zt:06 9. Royc. srvy.r, tolth X.drold club ?5:26 10. lrtll!d xcl{ultt, uuutachod, 76:ol 11. Jos.ph Buck, sl.otllo Boqt lC. 7b:LI 1?. tt11lM upt$', loston M, 71128 13. Alto! CbMb.11.t.. Coltt BFook.tff.?8:20 llr- Phl1 L.tr rou, uattlcb.d, 78t36 15. Bllc lltckloa. Eolto! Ar. 70:19 16. lltchr.l xalDlck, Bo6tob 81:1lt Darttt s$..rfnr, no. u. Tod !roh, o.s.c.c., n d.^l.club. 81:u: ld. 8l:26 1,9 Thour Ea!t. Ftn rdrtce rc --------_:_____--_ n.r Elaldd I Rtlo@to! l{alklds ChuploD.hlp (op.n, atul.boro, tras!. AaE. 12tb 1. Ofart Tokdi, nolpo. rc, 22:J6! 2. Jolh oRr, BM. 25:20r l. Jar.. h.odo!.on. lt!{c25:le; !" John Ktutbs.!, xatF 26:!il 5. C€ors. clzobl.n, Nr,rc, 2?:00r ^c, 6. f}.d !rom, sr., tuc, 27:25j 7. st.vo Ross. t.latF Ac. 2a:16r d. chslo. Dusault. r04c26:91; 9. KoMoth lryd.a, Er.a, 28:5li; ro. Htlltd Uoll, et,. 29:I?. (r€ !tdr€ls.
1t. 9!6r.!t foE. B.oqui. ol leu aay.!ti.1!a &Enu. lt to laY ttd ,aJ .nd !o tbrtr!. Mtltra vlth lrhLtlc! l..lrb.
th. y.!t h., fa11.ir @1aG TbI.. ia
ofr.ca, r. .-E;.6;;-E;;-u. b.r;..! 24 uit 32 !.s.! oa llollit ltbl.tlo.
typ. copy c111 .ppod ..oh tunth (ordl@y arltl.b ms! vIII b. codd.E.it ro ulr. !oo!) tb.!.lo!. Edltd t{.1rf8 V!tun c6 b. molt M!. to!1o.1. s!brc!4tloD r.b.. fo! Atbl.ttc. I'l..rdtr (1? MDtIE -52 trru6!) l. 46,80.
ntlrlnatob, ,.1,
aag Doy.lo@olr TeJ July 26- 2-r{t1.s- 1. Fr@ts CM.!. PoM 91E53i 2. Blt! B6vd: t- Bi}} Jacr<ouskt; ^c, tr_ Don tadd..6€0- 1- vro zrlak, D€l-Vsa Ar1, 1:5tE z. Ray r!.y t. John p.orrytu; lr. L6a xcr.'.ar.;.. ?so lft.or'tant EY€rts ft@ Doe urds!
lusmll,tl}| iallrson cBll{PIoNsHrr Poltb, Uost!& !utr.I1e, lus. 11 ,62 1. rGlth 0U6r.E!Es, !,s.U.. 2:26:21t,: 2. R. Bo6I1a, Vlctolta, ZrZ5tlB 3. D.vo Po&!, N.s.v., ?,28:L9.2 L slnfI.ld" UortolD ru.t. 2:to:i8.2 4. 011.F.ehrr 1! lf & 16 r!. oartatr o! th. !.s-H- t6M N-s.H, lo,oooE C!or. courry dieltobrd!s, c.nt.mla1 ?dk" s!d$t r!r, 28, L962- r. Bob i&d, JU:al; 2. l. Sto CIDILIoL /corr. T@oanlu l(.:athoa CauDtomlrlo^ Hobsr ru-ly 14, 1952-
1. r. na11€r, 2:!l:2r!
2. c. cluton, 2:59.01; l. n. rart.!!o! 3.12.\7, rlnU olydplc D.v.I6ErL.nt T&F, !1tt1. hlrnD SPRIIITS- o1m Hood r11I b. rn rh. A!!@ar! c.lrrsl 28 July t-s, ro! I o! [;;;eF Soslnnt'a sop!.20, Eoc!, f. Jafu! xc!€rDtt, 4S.. r!k. srar. t. p1e. to run . blt al't.r or.!.6as duty d6oTaroh6lr co11.8.,2:03.6! 2. tsfl D€Fdhmrt. Gl@ H$ rrat- ho.t, 2:otl8: l. Da@ st.;ts. lotud tn n.!uI, Afd.nlstu...!b. Uhlv. AsTC, 2:06.9; ^s,rc, l+. !,u. DoMr! traegsuL .t T.@.!!. ha! a n x tlaok coach rh Itftt3 EocL Ar!. 2:08_ 0. sod€rrurs har rran!!!gg &!s... Rookyu.Ivolslfy 11 rus.- tlil€- 1. D6drs Kavuauch_ to rh. U. l+:51r.6; Frost. 5:02.1: i- xEh ol T.]fus!... Iro cloclod I+:10,1 tbk lasr t{cxb.iaht,:l-T*ry ASTC. 5:1!.0..880- 1. ?!oEr: a3 a r!.!hmn.. r{any otho! bop d1!t.5r z:1],l+;2, tr8ra4udi. 2:IF.o: l- t4cxnitMc. llosp.ctr xtll 6do11 at ?€n.rso. shtr 2:21.o (960 blsi buJddrar. tld! 1a11. fi!6t Includ.t DaTtd sro!.y b6t caft.I1oa as on]rT 6 .ntu (,4tlant! sourl!.sr H-s.) & 9:!1. t€s AuR. 25ttrBho{od upl Hust bo s@a solt !.tlto!s Ilollo.(!atr IoEhlp B. L:29 Chlcuo. 111. ) ot a !6co!d lor 1:55i x1ok6r sh.1Lon, (Eart Bs; i(norll1lo ) c@,t !u l,{U @ot btu aft6r claAuat4:2?.c & 10:27, Bob Rlddtcton. rort rsud- 1on, rh.l,h.! tt ls 1! tl! !@! or &t.
nevr"Plus"in perforndn(e + + +
llewly-Developed, Coatt"Approved
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folra a@d tr rn flitl4
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