NUtvtBER 93
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Ploe€! club
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lit'if ;'irr '3 #i: r'H ";j;':di"r-T 5l'ri" e
*#;i,11? t'*i:,'1,1f-'?[Hl:"'liTiff ';]"lil.'".u?i-'"u!-'ii"li*i"" rlloL r, t2 !s3 troludile iou 20 aJ'6 trs ls€pr' ak- 50 nil6si SLPiIMS'T q2 rdrss! -op'. otbn1133 rn 5:01:25. i;"-.-'.=--ifi- -79 {.'siocrlic .dlossos daled sb.!6-216_o 3IT16 !u0' ?4nT 1I - T!! rnTn.!.-!oIo DIST,{NC' t(IllGS IX TnArMl{G
sffi ntr.j!lU::i'ii;Fili:l'ii::ili!"fr
lJ#i**li:::l,q*:l*:,-:;l**1ili$:,1*rlrslll' rl*iiil*';qiil':;i'x;:fii:iui+i:lr,lffi ifi Hi{lil:.fr #lxi:t"l'*!1":iiiii#'.,',:.iili,i,!i"iit::ii ;;;'F- ::;ii: iitlir1:ii::ili. *ii":',ii:
ii*,#llr,:'l:t[ii;:: ;i:':r;':;i,,i[i 1!i1:n*";'*; :;,',;.,1r,' f rr;,":i",;il -. ,, -;r,.,':' -.1i,!";:":j1' lt.: ' ;,-l,fl 1i":*;.;, ..i;.1 :"i':."T;: l: 'i , ; ,-,-hf.l and taldng t.o d.b !alt.
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: i:i-"i;,:i: ;:i-*:":i.i: ill,1"{:":*: su*o!,
;i:!'liil"ic.i$iii;li'ihli*il:"*i!i to
'L€ ''ordon-Frrsbibn
H g::,.1:'i:ia:'".{*:?,-"-iili
ffiffiffi ffiffi**ffiffi fiffiw-ffiffi ia*i#gag#: ll ll:ff+F,;**ffitr
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Plola' PM '
Pa.. 2
)t-'.v-r.s-lla:)4 (14:20)r i 8. coorsE I SElI*.od. phrra, plod€rs: lL ro. 11: 6. s.hr2J-r{16E J, !€M rc..2-Mi1€s- !: tlBd sus!rrta.- 1- tr6E! 10. Forr I| ra116, 6on, b6r,r&?, ro;dtl-2. Je p!o33;;. -T9:.
for.ll)e ru@rs to rm ln ourdlde 1aB, l{llil'aton. !61 ---:-:---; --,-:-'-:i:::;::1--J 16_ iooold Lr ,1sua1 aU-aaertce T&tr r,b6t at Ed;: Jalv .llatto!1!g !D!_ co1llB r161d, tsndyM6, 168., 166 E loe: , ysorvtll. L.c 6j; :. Arlssas St. $H##.1;""o?o!y .ud_tTtdual +. 7o1 olyo_ ruE-ne ovoat l?: :..'"ilt']b..!!1..:-s :r; c1"b i1r ;16 !. u"i"n.,-"i s-; ;;t"-;i;t- i5-t'i".il'ilu*" ltlutlc aru woh6n,g ders _8. .l{€n!h16 €dAod trtuiviUo j4-13 fo! T&F CtreltorEhlpE r.ure toargUt. rvur] th6 JDtor lrvtrlo. tIt!6. ooo.i !r1:- 1. rL,i s,liii'i""ao. ru l3l l*ih1l"L1"ii:a L:2d,t: 2, Bud p€Euon, rod.'sch: .), Eob .ei,!s!6a er!crl!s;.er dd Banud Itrlti; a: d:j, Sril:ffr, i*siy"!::s!*iPs,ia:r"a.iyc: prhLsLoa. Taylo!. Itr^fo sr rr:01..op.n 88oHlc,6.6 rotr6;. ri{aort Rc..l.{1ro_ i- -' {-eMsss srat6, :55.o; r*is s.rdoA, raxort 2. 2, ro- scolr. i(nd.:c: L c r c!ay, Duki. ru1r, ;."6i, i,v.Lt cc;Bc,l. 6;Z''91 ii;,y i;,, 9!9-q-59!q4- l. Bl11 r. ofpao-. trnoi.Tc, 15: D€t.T&p,..ho- t. Do!l! cmb. _2: rjbL_-m-1 :vr ?. vosr6y tuHllor€. arlanta snrJd€ld; r€M: t. m?host€! ac 65; rsxolt pc€ro p6e SElld€rE J, !o6x^rss. r€lrlabr€_d b, a ry_ l!" atrua] crsdlroas Ac rlofooro) BBo_ :j:.:ll ,1"" or 42\ d10d rro! Marphls to yu& cbeplonshlg, suoa, rc"nG3, rho ar r-Aelrc* ,!aok no€t Jd1, ,5 ar'/olk r.Goolrar tolroBrai; r!_ 5:,.1:! 1"1,!y' stlruto_ caly J,c*son. 2:01.9r 2, A.l-Cotuls T&F et E'ans Co111@ Fi€Id. Kbor- Bd -J vupbt, 2:ol+,?; l. Da"s rippot. etl1o, €m., Jle.lotb- olsr 880- r. Johr 2:05.L; l+. Iolt aoo@. 2:0o,:: 5.
rc, il:i"*"}":::
i"'l,,l.il 1"i:,,'.:31:;S*ff'ffi:T ii]] gffi1 1::5_T1l:::_l:91:9::ll_ll1:I:::__-_ 1s r5:5L.6.;E:EI-I;-BRIlox,
!6on,_f c. 1. J,n Es!d6!115h, sa'/.Es r+6 c!.i w 1c-rtrr.E Pulr--!ondo1, D!€ddx L€0, 5]., sars 8bL, K-c. l+:f5.0. that att€! luElnA to ed flon ro!1r Ker'l11o fC Sum€! ChM!1oEh1p6 at !v@ fo! t!€ laet 15 ronths lrors Eott€n co11lns Stsd1u, Julr 1lrh, (Du!i4 th. irto a lut that b6 l,IkeE. b sl ! sess or L! rs'red. Tb6 r.a.tras r€F consldollna bls aso, th€ dtrtmco h6 I.os6, About 100 bfave tleck faB xatclr€il.l tralo1s dd B.ltal!tE tr5dItlonally 1. Brlr rhoals.n, mc, 2. lgfsaxJul v6athrt Fleddt au6t bo ona of um. atl4ta st!Ile!3.-8€o- [:]0.6! r- uJnrerstltr6 !o!Lil's rost uurual Md d6t6mtn,tubuln rc, 1:58..1,.9.000;:_1. B11r Th.dson, mc, 16102.E..Dlt-sIo l4€dror R61ait,oldon Tlampolt ?. Rno'cil1o rcr 1.-TtI6tr;3EiTd;Fs:[::1. 8. "It stalt€dib€rb6! ohoap ts!€d for !otkT6u: 1. RrC 110i . roE, 0a.Lc, l1; J, A!- .l,lm1!atod iI d6cldod flon tb8m4,Ir EAtd b€trdy, lant6 st!1der6 29r lr. Adbur 10. that ndtult o! to botoott tho buseg * copploy VIclalE has tlaEfollod lFoa abd th6 ud€lclourt-" (subrarl FMU Untr.rEttr to ths !. of !6Dosso6. ror udy yoaid, loEdo! tra!;lort saE ,orLlrar6n t!aro1lbg :-Y::-l:Y:-::-::11-1:-!:11:-----o! coltaln lout€s b.tr80n coltal' r'Iil4lraton, D.1.. July 1d- V€m Moles, bours. But 15 rontb aa! thoy EtopFd orassd blg forer B&T@rd StadrM h;rt rn tb€ 88O I! an AAO D6v.1o!re!t !b6t bola nlt takos no d hoE ala a hatf to tonleht dlth s soltd 1:50,8 cloclru. Tho no!a1&s. i o:blarnD61-Va1 M !ljM! tod hts s6ct10n all the ied rh6 €d F6ddy, uruaur &aoirr tri tray, D€sltto a hot, hDnlld 90v 6ean1E. tlr6 bous to !@ hDa. i LiYlnA tn 6ubabd Edlnchacb, I,66rs 1' b€ars, v1t4 re Hidsls d€oldod on a Jot Is at tho fosdly of ab autoeobll€ r+re^btsl!..!99- 1. vea ro,se, mAA. factory (to!d). !!s hoN tE 7+ o1l€s sr6c!, Do1,T}I:3. Doil
3 ItI do lt lartly to l€.! flt dd ldtly to .ar6 ron€y, Eeld l}€dC,Y, I,oado! T!as!o!t €st1@t€! h. sav€s about tli!66 sbllllnas loa p6se a dat ([6 c.!tE). "0r oours. I,4 od€tul not to ru too hdat & 6t!ah ry bort,' !!6d 6atr. F611ou volkars ueit to orfsr rrl' lltts ln tholr cds & on Lbol! notolcyol6r. lut b6 tla6d ther doE. 'i tlko to ).oep to qys61f,rb! 6*!1atDoit. OD eoolordE hs taL6. trllDs. 643y. ilo rllslba for E€ tn6!.i h€ o:p€otE to !6t1!6 at 65. Floady.a1d iX! tbe o1d t€ot b61d uP, and !ry host .borg no .tr4Id.i h6 sald, rI o4€.t io b€ r@1na back ald rolth o! !€t1!6rert
flghts Bltb but trc sottacks. L's rot such !6e flghtols as Alcltio oolo and Ez Chal-€s-1! oifbltlo4. tocauE€ ol hls professlclel status as a bo:e!, l6v. sh@on lad bdr6! abL6 to €nt6! tlr6 B1-{ ndatho! offlotalfy. But b€ h6 conlotod evalr yes s1tu6 1950 on drrl basl€. 'Mfflolet b6 5ay5. "I do a 1ot of rl$lr€,' !s at 16ast 20 nl1€s €v6!] dsy to otay And becauso I d h ruch good 1n sbep6. .ha!6, I foo! qustrtfl€d to chall€rao soey l,isto! o! lloy.t Pattordon o! casFts .ltrau€nae to tb6 heart{stAht cbsp s.t th. ooni€n.t€ls xs to !u a @athon laco 31d€-bt-sld6 and tho! go dllodtly thto tbo rln8 {lth bln,
:il;c;-;-;;;,;;:Pa,, JulJ 9- v6ln "11",,ii"3]."31ii.'lili".i:19,,"?; ""r;;;;;;-;-6 & Fltrt--?htla., "i:.* sbapo rh€r ciaG ro b€ 1n. r; the rh6t i4o!Ad, !, ot tobsyltanla lodlcal ttudoat nh;o I d;ubt tt €Ith6! o@ lou1a b6 dbt
luntDg Cor D.lars8 vall.y At. .ol a ;o rrblsb a zb-rdl€ .un.' tracu !6.o.0 lu6edt nlght ln lho :nrILrLtE ore !R ne {ho'11 10n 6€0 dt !b. .?Lh sd:al t8tr or rea! co- s,oi a! n.:uns 5@rr o- Mybon ro es ! spoDloFd !t th6 tucr€qtlon lelutdont & tb6 d631!€d .!a. lhtladolDhla ouaty rosctL of tbe Ara_r- '1,J61I. 1f 1r roulq bslo laise fh&. !l
!.10 id€r th€ p_€rlo$ Lfacl-r€.o!d. brrri ro s;'; G; €qulpfl€bt o L.d-2OO you-k lto !€Ioae !o t € !o€o. P€to D.s lDa--vs1 lr4o cLMplon fhlsrr€d lEcold od Into!r,d6t r4"';b losron,s om iryhs puson acadontc L€ssd6 LltrE Joo cFa.11s t,-tld. po!L€., c.hrrar J.-*.' c. i';:,: D6- -. .o:; ;.;-;; ,; i;;;.;;;.-;. ".*'d.r roo-drto !!oL. He Ede ,a6 Fizt.li 2. P6i. lsasu€, rleln ac. L.J_r r$olr, P€u Ac. l. ilcbdd lols s!!l!t to plonoro physlcdl fltnoss to! xrorlcars Joutb. go llk€s tb! (olmf FASfon iUXS 0n A[:D 0N _0 lD TolrE :noc.t]tl'I rnducad ,ar krns sLlb!., br! :rE.g,3 t]Elha R€v, 0'{611 Sh@ob of th3 cdqch ot !@1n€ 100 idr6s 1s a f6at fo! a IH In th6 3o.y uold o. vssa.huselrs avo.. o f!1@ priqstcal 3'4p6. Boeto!, ls a Duo-lc !€1a!1on llE ps 6r'J 1'6 Lo rr. I nn all t!€ !1@,1b4 g3 ovsn lnetisd tbs phoioe?alh€rs od Ilot ddy tub ihrnp€rs rould Ao to th€ 6xottolts lopoitols,rho had eathor€d:or hl€ 100 tr.n6 that n6r, sh@o, do6s in Ir13 youla qely d1o rD, to !b tlE llrit 1C rdles ltth to ralss tod3. 1r fact, tut hln. Th€re !o!a m talr6rs. cMrud-!a16hs To k1.k off a $50,000 l.rlrlr{f,soTlr TR\Cii & ?m;,! nalrn last Yed ho ten floo froltdonc3 olslllrlR 626 noblmood arti '{"r ta B.ston cltr ne1l. a drsrocg Lda, l!:. r-?r ilo!l{t!s, j4tF. subsortption Ratosl Is tho dlloctor oI the Ious€ of, Yodh PloEtm I!o. oD ltost s!r1rgf1€1d tFlf,t:cs An!$r - B.1rSt, Ia tbo South IDd. E€rE al-so th€ js1s1n's n6sest T&F !ub1tto!, ratolds, fl!€I@ ald ch1€f cook dd cai1.n S3.o0 p€! yod bottl€ retho! ot th3 33iat11sMrt. (il5 Al@i1 to 1rs,4 & caE6 !d tb6 dlst@ce to call attontlon to aca) order r'"on lor€ Dlsa !.ed of fud3 fo! th€ 6stab1t5tin6!t, idc€ log..x tr€@ndous It! atl1lotlc baclaroEd.t!€tch€s bsck to ht! .h:lldhood tn solth cdoLl@ whe!€ ha xtth tlaclr & r161d xe{s. s6!t11tgr tlack & .r.6116d tn bas6ba11, boxua.
Att6r v1m1nc
cloYes cN@, b€ trned !!o and lad J?
-: ;: ";';."..T" ;
Vl ins F ive-r\,lile Open Road Race ,::"i;;, '. .T :.,;.;.;..,...
". .
'*.,l;;#iilffi 'j'f
Jod Plllay, IOC, 9: /.8i 2, E9! IinTR,l$, IOM?E?S CROTfllllS I]l tArT \!LI ta3 Toc; S Davfi rnd' noc"!P- r' Tolonto, ont,, sa!,, July 20- t!'o of cclas, EY1c. 1:5l.ar 2. E!fk c;;;e;:g L.p .i.oto irgtai,"o rutr€rs fat-_ Da,a rsn do! ]lJa.I, AoC: 3, s€M Bt11r Blfta.o !n th€tr blds r,o becore !h. ft!s!.salo "lqgt 8eo- l'-Roo.uo!!r'o1' Flrc' h116 toosr at ii* ti " for-&r^utd lno 818!-.aD us! xtddrs ceadlan olon a tutiY€ rtdaot ioirii c*J. !n vdslir staalM. la;].T 22-yoa!-ol"d r6oold fo! tbo sooond tlr€ th16 mnth irii ct"tul.", thoqo! ho lon !t not".thM bo^vsde')i.2 lis foiluod opo! ss crod E'sL YorI Tc, Jro "'(den!, €YeDt ra L:o2.5, bts tastos! !1@ to!uns' burrraron ar ' 'E!4er g;+4!r- !' tho olsla;cs. A-so lumlns Lho fastssE n16s or,ho!r caF6s!E rol. A1 tho vscouver boy rum1la for laet Yorlt cl3d€Lono a!',, S-OC,6t
Br!!,ss. #:i,i:Tl* #r,ii:i,,i#ilitidiii-ior.rj, -a E!;66 rolg-or rolonuo 1' !el*---1. {L"I 9al'il€v '*L"i::-;i!:;^ ;;j"j:';;a i:ii:,Tffi ii"'T*ii::;;:i;,::{::,: *ii""::"3,:* ftdlss.-Pas€ cAc.-2:0t:00;^5' 0or
!.", ,tr" ti; "*a tn L:oB ud 4:oe.8 ro- !106 4. rhonlso!' !!so!trsly. fal16d to bloa! foa aJr- ----------_ u"'t ths dll€ !6oo!it, 4:01.4, of l!9-19:g!:-fos.r,a!-ry 'tJ" "r hls clubEat8, Btqo6 Ktdd, ho 1llustltous
oTvtixi AND llollx 1,2 TN n.y. ASSN RUI fo! th€ Brod ! e ssost t'_3 B- J6rrvl:1r5,5. c e s'. a Notr ro-" qaL ni"i r"",,;.,i i, rd @'tr o. l:trb.9. " omuutr co1'd,,-ii,! v,,".u"e!. 103- s'uoo". iEj'ri,L ";i""ro "r.ru-rn er:i'-i,i,"ir. rn r"u]1";;*.!; ,l,i 1"" lr:00.8 nrls ls". J.ri 1?. rtthdr€, _oa ;::: ::r".:i"iJ'l.ll?"l;l n rh€ tloB r" a.s racs Pr{da' nrshr *cBusa o lnroau- ",jr,."*" 'i:.1 o_y.-_iro c,.li i:." .,i, ":i:-:r" 1: hl:-':s 99 i :,T:"ii-"{"::":;::, '*." or ' :'jr" so- br Pa!a v-a'dre ra3! ;;;";1"';;".ir"t;',";';:i:.ii;-"1;:;; proIiiiL,gn ot tb6 lonstht Eoctlon th6 €ntolod onLy zz
dtd aot a canadlan latlvo !6cord ..5oou o^
'- "
"1fl;"-1*."-" "+f;:."i:S.i:"'1":,:,'::::i'"ii:". s9od past l:1:."!..11:-_ tront tumlna ca!oe!. Clothars !!:,"tl iri!t1;; ;d r"!" {ith about loo ydtu t; so sd Ho, €as 1t, A slor tttld;rarlBr,
::"1*il,*,*i" ii,si':,ri;:-:3"i:1 tho L€ac6! at tho .ri.. wriri*"." Bltllas lak ag ovsr Jl-o-ydd drli Hlrb"a" o-u.rirq rm so"ona q.dto! a boldinr4 5t!l Croloers 5p@r6o. Cto-h9rE! tlns "o, rno f tut +a ydd6 !a3 C8.-r, n.ro aoirne tdi aiterroor aira iurt
to d6aloud the countlv tht5 O_rdta ne qnc's natlotr '6okand 'heo' ':ca ;.q" :; i'::":.::i;i:; *. to th6 ndn vtth th€ fest6si ttns. ntll Glltdr d!€' 'v'r 3 Lt nt e3 l5ov na cl€o 3rr'1e3 fo b6!t€t .oM .ree mll6e bofo_' 'e a_ '!811t ln front !o f1n1sh€d 200 tretd5
*'1 *:;i:"::":i.*'*' r*;,*i::;" :'"" :"' i:i::";i*"*,j: '*"::q,it Bornld l,aurea!, a r?-t.4!-ord veetib€ rii iii-ijii' aiJ'i f i"""iirii'u""i-'ii-
irrl-prosontatiJi'i, i;i-;";;;'t;;;Ire" !e^s & I'r sr€ ''8111 !u a o!!llld! !re oft-L a.k d llts crs 6as o- oroar-
i; i;;
7.000 fss hlacod
s-o rlE cs€s.
tired ln 1:04' H's studont' 'es ll,dce loio!3. Il 'srhd t'B raca sad rhe 'ono€_3 uo
36 for tiIld
tli"'lii*;"T"iltiii l*:""31.":::L"
i41t " Lro 0-.:,4 Las oo ri ho d. A'd.
i;j.'iml "++r4;_t;:::";*itili. J:r" :i:,jj!:;_;::,:.:irS-1".:-t'l;"'ill,:' o:e 3 Mrers am d J 6d o!bl' r'rLrshod ,r ,:r.':' , -!!-"0,i rsco on x*:ur-lo 1199qr",l: {1"",{1"!:,.i!i--li'"' a o En noi dal: tu.iEiilij" iif niiiJrii iiji:.;ii;:-i:'ij' L
lrons. TO(. L:-lt.21 2. B. LoodE-ru1. i 3. lob iardoi, F-c.,Junlo! 2-tfl1e3- 1.
FoB sL 10- l. Js'rJ . !ft , r. Antb. sC. .:0.:t9r _. Jrn r\Lon, NvP',
1;ol:.7; J. turnie taDrtrs, si.rnth,Ec, +. c€o!83 I.c:1nb, I.:r1!..se jr, 1:.9:55 5. ir!. ceo"g. :nearsn, ra.ir:1 J€r30y rlr!- B11r tB1.h. r'L4lTrir,Lj ijiLis r:iDr]-]j aTr,]|nrra
l):tia., Pa.r suja:r, JdrT ?3- :{rme la iiLo l]laa-.: 1r1!.ii. lirir :r-ri1. !.3r e1 r! t.ilsirt trl.L i. i.trLrlF3N rh::ll:51rh1e, ra..fl€1d 1!p,)ed tr., fier; n:i,li slrli. 1t::4 or' !:i., 10:;j: :tt:,.:,:-).:f, alt:7, )7:\5. i2:lij lr..r::. l ilr::rr. .a tf. J]Oa ij":.:: i] l,r:qld 1. lirr.: li:rtfi.1d, !.:l -ir!l x]t': :" ilaj' sri.r,3, Del-io1 ,,!. ,t ,1 ,!i. :,.r c.:ti6is. iEl-r al. )5 1+.|.U:rn:i.3S. t, r]iclx D.ir.nr. un:r:rao.:rl, a) :t 6. l.:arr'r tre d, P.rl rc, ,, rilir.I :r.cli.Frr .:r-rrl 14. rd !.rid, r.1 !s1 .!,r., 11, B.b lrlr!. rsrl r:. l: ;rhn ],.qen. lenn i!c! '').
rav.r. ir:15 1!- r.! ]irl.r, r!1.. hrra.. rr[:5. nrl!!- -'c. :"110.rn. r.:: : tsib Un'f,!-rs. 1:.rt:
loc, 1:04:o; rn r-96a); 2. d. Al]eD, 3;s. bor.uEh:c, 1:02:27,5j l. Ron llarltneiord, i]qiltor 0c, 1:03 i5?r l+, nuss lrarur rlc, 1: ol+: i:0. I8!l,A}lD: l€ssfl'l' l-liD orRIoaDAx Ba&11! l-0-T 2 lIIl,! n!.clrm-- 3o!t1o Mosslrt,14, h 1953. slEite!€d h1s orn irisl 10 nl. !1r;r a aorr rii$ ar san"o.ord irt o. Jr5 lJh. lul][.€I8:rr4,4 ccnllctelx orod r! i los 1. r! 5i o 4:56.o/ 'r:!+.c. j, i0.c. l:9J.0, i! 52.o, L 5:.!. lr:-1.!, 4:53... L.:a7.6 (i,7.41ast 1a!). th. bt{ ln 29r1b.C i. Iid;:itt he.l j!nlroci iL 7l Lrl.:ri.8) J: I :!,.- Bi,r 9r t{.;. ;r. aori O,I1ordrf,.1..Lo!i 3:!,..r :rr : -€ir irisr 2 l1::as r,3.io!d a: :a:rr.r trr ilF !tl . Brr 1. "f.o ,alo I . .:.;. .n]r.7. b5.! ir :t,L) ,1L, ',"t :, I 61 2,.2 co$nr.i-J. r!.r1..rr, t:ct,t: -1, lialr - ll;. !r ,rfr1cd. :.Ir,b., -li i ." r !.qj qrso, sr, rr:1c1. 2o . r =:-;F:_ 29:2j.0j I nolnii.:-:-. 2",:!.0,.'ril.-:. arc.r. .lrL ,.1;7' :. [..n ]:1,/, + 1:.: .Itlo- :1. ir:f:da;i,-, !r.:;:, n..,, 5i. 1jr:.:. a'n?I ril! Blcal'a ;l::n II iros4or--ilcbo1 ;:::t, r.r1. trll.lor ]1:e 636it.st ch4!.o
.i isndi4 s aol.:i Gaal in Toli-no !:;t. itr tis 5.3aor, tr.lnl ir i.! rflal Juit r." laa:.3r,xe r olprn€nt ne 4Er '.o 1! z.a3EJ:; tLidiul ndet .a ;:1q }]d h3 .r,rrr]rrrijti,ll]itjjt!:,:,,;rrjra,z.a3EJ:ttLidiu .. l_ rrD ! d o_o:n oi . .- 6 -.' -l '.:" r€ ."j J:. \€' . aB s.r f,.. r.:'. s11. 1:i ... .J": Lo-3d r on Ll r':M r" l.'h . . ,-;;. B.a6t€lticz ?!t u! Er !h.t or i.51r1::il.o, ?. &L rlDita llro rds.) unat.: 3r... l: o " '0. -. .. :t 2. %i c : ; . ia_ loberiS Eogof,, 27' liks Jazii, alro!e],,:r) lerr Ac; l, .ro! sie:rinnricz, n8:t cat .L:!crci ratsod atrrletlD p!as:1s6 htabdr e.id sho6 Ta,
;it;-;;;;;;";;.""r"",i ,:;.--i:;;:0-ri;;. 3;.l'Jl,Xli"i3i"ie'H:;*",'':'3:?t '" J s.\0! :_;;
:.o r-re rou.i .ra ...ns"3 beBn '1...." bott.r "stilit,r:Dt f.r tir. do'n!'D tn ddch fhn .ac4 !'s ru. rhe .-.f .9" I , . . ' e: .a.o \c I .. "r ,. I o 3.soo ' r 's Ln's L.- 800r 'o'o 6. .- ... ." ... ..'" ;..: .. " ;- : '. ' :1:.ii:, ::".- . . r-;; ":" - -,, -. rt:jL. -^r 'o'_!o:''_ lB: ; 2 soa. {-r= :. : 0, 1 o'Lr'!. l-Q@- r. sa rr€o!, c:R l:Lu l' (o1d ".
": rirh_ shlrs iode, afr.r a cro33 baii16 r:iai.;1- ;ia;;. ;";ria :i ' -'..e.
record held ;r R.r alljrnf.ld,
!? llsTrnr a.a,!. T&r cJr4Mrroxsrrrs
t5:! at PsesbulJ, !a. ee, o :-- -- ?-!:1-s - . o!s, Md, s uy, Jurr a, !.6.J- lhe BaLc!.1o o o, ,, (r9 - -"6 oL o L, :--.;r;.n3, s(o- aA vlc.oll€e 1r rtu 680. n1I€ a l - D..-/" Bt r.o.;y, r,1. 10 Lrr . :€ s s- , I'illn r ^-rh nlle -.n3, ca"tfed tes lor -. -€:Jy o c. D-Iore8_ 4,po fts, €oA bg th€ Fhlla. .l ... rs. - : L. oi (15), ^abrlal Jaresr _- (30i) dd mAc, no. Da -va !-rr 6. rlslry frd o, "ar- r'; ,rrn1€ Cualn.. B.o.C. 7, Dl.[ 0,.o..10, ui.: d, le,/ o!, "on '"- :1. Bob ,om io r'€_8€0 rae b!1€ rn I9;2, !en! 'ot€a..Llo .(-1 ' : " : . . :c-r-:-3.1e-::j!_9o.' 'n : L"'UI A l- n:ns. ): r. c€o. o-ul 6s- l. l4osas M3vrLolo. Do--vs An, ro. .. 8€ t-198j, 2. r"a Rou'o, B0c, J.:ro. : 1 Ell.rL 3, P3.r :0'....o; ), Jobn Loss.-:o!n. cJrc, JJ:5r, ; 1.. c-ss.rJ . Lz, Br..s .c, 35t)t.2..J:!J eeL llaaL I a' i -. t.1, od _opForo, Pf,eld. BoC. 1h:19.9r lsrrl3- MIDDT. , . 1 ,.T ir\ 0e ol,}'n L -3:q Ddr-ta. {A. 15:25.Lr 1. !" v o-rls.-J-", (:rlll l.l; IP1 tI iI\FIL,- o.... ore. LLl. b!rs ar-A. 15:26,6, L, B'11-v"el, tr-, s"',. J le 7 l1o- . 1!( ):o!r13. <:11- --11t1€- 1. Idrle lri./,?l2'nT-k5s!Eon,Bo('-:22'1jt1'.c;"or;Pa.,-FJo.5j 06 Ahis. fs,r ). EdN- -er, .1. J w.D€mot!, Bru o . : l:".rr Abon, _s.,qb!- r. JoF f is qJ B es-, .!t o. cJ c. 4:l.l.L.,qu!- L Arnl€ eo. Boc, .:)o.!; o Pa., Dsvs Mec^j rp; -s, pa. . :01. '1'ke ":nrns. "tn -\dsapoqka -. "L', t51,Lt l. Trey ts.ro. :5b l 1c. :5/,6r !, Ar- N61son. n., 15:5o,?j rrx cl]rwroxsEl! at rolk Menoltsl cor2-r,r!16 dc1k- 1. Bob Mlm, !.m,ic, _ €sla s tro.r '€'s trac^j .oron.o, on(. Z:--BaEiTFon. chosaosa16 . 6: 6:10,1: o. r l o. s 'tbi cl-os,po, 3 , r, lho .eno, a, D r b, BO:, ,{:0,.1, tor lo !.U, , iss 920 } jrd.tollr 8lc. l+lrr '. Ir.1.16, o 3a: .rc, , Ds's TLrD€ 9,r.es, 8or r;!ds trc, J0+; L.:roHIor 'c. ?o: r. r:;). r;17. i?: l. e_],0. ,b:,8. ,.: )t,,. D6,3 ir /a116r A.4, -6: (, -l . reare I 59, J:)a, ta: t, t6tttr '; . D. C. CsP'-o1 rss- r', ,j 9, 3!,'o I-, 5.: o, r.rl o "rrts-. Jr&os.r8 ,. B-ao ! C-ololand . L: do s. r, lloL, :.,_rld. a. /. !_.11.k. o rll€s, loJ .e.8 r, d 611es, ll7f,4s,21n. r in. {1rr1q4.o!, ts1,, Tnlrsday, rulr ?s--T6rh 6, Paur oJ.ne",- ? nlles,14J3f,ds, Iorcs ,on :nl€o ri3 s.Io:lo_ Lr 'h -he ? Don I:_ 3. n13., o toe, o r. -Jo a B, 3 € 33; .I(*rdi J fJ. lrs 0. .3o irh a srerl,lid r:i.8 ' of a ssrles ;f sIx AAU tevelolmnt neot3 !!nlo shdpa,.Ioxt y6dr3 rac€ 1111 te her. d{Lng t o '__t \oe} o. vaY. shen n€-6 .onlsbu. nrftlnc o8r-.3 :ho tra.k t I" ' c.or__: rscord o :50.8 lhlch 6 30 s6- d !€o* D€lausre v 3' r-A ar aLo saoft1:li ti:{ls at toll{are Pqk, had tu conpotlttoD floi tLe .ther star'i.r! DolarddJ sat.' 1u.9. I -li @ el'ls, a b Coopor of tna oo:-J61 .r-{. -:5 ,? " oraor s " fo_es o,:or! :. B :{ .-0. q lta. !,o@or {.,jlbron; o 3 1sp. .r rrlfd r\. k€ B , J. ro Lo*sn; rom A"r o8o;. 9I' vallolcan, . D€,.ra-t..2-I]1les- 1. Ror J.iLiaA. De.. -6'. 9:r .]r_-':B.o"a + """ ,-.:."-Eods: J. oo r'1'Ia-'3. !e.' r': . r3- r:: 'lBa^.. -I'l10E- , BDb oopo_, P : on. eey .c, ;:;a.o: -. B , c.c. t"-o. De' Ac. .o:d6:gr-t E-'c Dralr6 : I -lor t-p-r .-ei. _. Js." .rrj,,1M._L n,'e s., orrs o.|., Pe A : L, Irn Iar',.:_j:j__:lJg.rro I'.h6r3or, j_ no.or: 's L. Lerlo-I CC. 60.1 Sladr'! .0 ord, r. \1ck cabo:e :. !nL_s. .to oo- Ac. co11€E€, tss't1
;;:;;;;;;; ;..-;;,: :;;:-;;;. ,it:'"-;'ii."t3' :; ;;; i: : ,:::3";;:;;JuDo f--1. Davo Dr11s, tac, 52.)5.L, 2. x. 6rs!i3 ,or€ ]]eld ln cc:iuncblon !1th
_' 1r;"., 6 -..6 sM,a1 ..0 A 6n, s srbolouEn, 53:16.1; . D, 16.h. 0-, .0o le o r" " n_B- n oq-h esa,. uo , 6a1, 5L:J6; l. PLss -!3n3, iddlto ..: o,rr ). no! alll!efo o, {0c.55:)6,b: Hor end L,-rid..o -.-ecs-s.
j,*!,;:: {in^
. 0.3::-
il;lleil. ii;,,; i3,"itji:
itiir /ffi" "!{€ft+:#+#-:++S+ i; T3":,;t!:li:
?;":;s:'"?:":i:":: TIB;.,',*' i
tr; ,i;iib
ffi,ltrffi*ftil" rifi.i ilt.ilFdt1i:;: il:;:ri; i'f ;3; -if r;*:+a '* "',,i"*'$t,"'i rt1i;$;fiii,ji|,;ftri*:;:
t;;; ;, ;i*:' jnl;n.:;i";::!::.,r";:s*i:,iliriis:" ii;:*l:if:;,i,",iii r:".::H:e"::."::: 1':;" e":.-.;:!;:," :;;i- :';'; 9'ri-.,""" u"" *,'. 1. l ;;;"i*"fi ";',:r; .in. ' Qa;";".i; "!#*1:l_;:l"j rrae !€-q'! :
Eob oortne
crala Ddutch6
Ds B€lclu'd
Pstelson qd Myors borh ruhirs ca!6_
rirlshed r€rr 3i.o.. alter tr3iulg rn for , pla.o ro. th; flrst fo! ailos. Tl]€ir closlq arlrdrs 16re s11 !r.n L5 ro 67 spcon-s 6,.n tnoD€h tle trsct !a3 a ia1lo$ df ntrd a
r-ao or,l'llFrc tdvu,ofJlEtlit
t*r F
)4o!dsf,, ,luau3t 5trl
- 7 i.m. r. c€lse1, ufut., 15:19 l-!119_I&nd1ceo. ,!2!! vgll (4:12 nr1€! at AbrisLon, Pa,
Frrnc6ro! nalv. thls 2. Br.""i',* nDSs, sJrc, t5:29 1!11)i 1;.r. r: J. ,r0ck sndt}], LrilrlnsLob, D61.. r>:>z tzlu ydsr; rrry st@oE. ?htra rlone3r 4c, 15:5?4.(1 50); 5. udt; Roid.
i:t""l:,1:;3',!a:i1,'':."xiii"T113;.31', B:"ilii',,:i#":5ilif ,1:;l:.(ff: {::}s iiii;'i,!; I:si,"i3l'iiil. i*i1..
"iblli: t?,{3"i;,"'l; ill',fi'*s:
reHe. ?hl1s, ?1oF6r AC, 1?:22
@a,, u:50 {tt0)..22 sraf. i6rs.,lulg l!q1k RMdlcao_ 1 nay r,€6crr, 13rn af, .:4oi 2. Ton rtr1lemM. s:2r,: IirFlfr-r cRrcKs 3E.o!J rn l.:_I'lIr]ni Bob :1m. l. PAC, 7:26j t+, To.y olkolstt Fh1la., Ps,, [bi - 7 b.n_ ru:4?j 5, lou ndns, 9:ir1r..664 vd!- r v6rn :rors$, Dvr4, r:20,1r_?:-3: aub. l,iosca rrirold rIpI6d oisr tho cob63 clo€k rd|aar ooulsa 1n [8:?.1 tollsnt 1 24.7: .1. s, calhr!n, 1:2r,?,.2!d sec: t1@- 1 Bt11 flo]res, p?c, r: zd:i-i?:-}. to 6hettor luthBr Eurdsll€'s doFs6 lloihrj j. r. As3s1j L. r. Loss. r6coid or 49:35. !,r3rridld fod all ihe rey to rl._lsh 50o rf,s ahoac of rh6 cf,Rrxn !r s rr.a. RBc 5-;lErr Ro,l! na-E Jc-Joar-o1d 3urdet16 iho fl.lsne! rn {on t$o dq-s c roetr t.alnihqt 49:51,2 fto-r 6qfty, i/ood3to@, It.J.. li|'o,tr€sdar. BudBlla 'e p€rfoftsco Aue. 7th- ? r.x.- FlMols coria!, Notr€-lnne uds€rslryrs ac€ dlsbsrc€ rurur, l!e! s i€! m.bths pldetou31y. ;i: r";.:.",.",iii":d3"f:-.,€$ exBi"n* 4ttr ]luual 9,2-1116 ri-courrff, l. u.sas trTtlold, D.t-val an, 4ej2?.1 carrdi !ut16d dl6ad of Drov.hg Ross aN
i:i,YiiJ",;li'i,tr,.'#i,i:,'* :itri :*ls"i$1fr:#i*T" Jj,:i:ij :i,i:ti" :: -;i:fi["f;::: "::r.::;,". #;38 'r-:;i;"":itiii:i"::"ili:""".
*-i####-+,$r,-". ji# itrilifl:'?;":Yl'' iE:E
rt"'.ec. x,oj
#.*,***;;,.4,N" #r ii:
3liiffitil ";il{t; il;r ,,lijli Iru::'f*'*.ilY$:g.r* ro-r io* ll - Roh 6#!"t,i "ii""iti]: 1.."":::,I"ri, 9. r-rito"
nrr6'.a-11naford, tFned oDt
;il1{q1qi#i;;fu i'*r,5lH"
&Tfi d'*:i:f :;"h,::l#*:H":'-sco. Phif |j nr., ;i:"'l'":i5 ;535::3":;,?i,'l:.".i"i;."".
-fi tiii-nli
#j-l"r*'#:'*,1**'*'.-;'"f r*; j:l!:i
;li :il;,'illli";"ii,':ii$_T;:,":t
:1:i" jTt,tltiT::i""F rac0, rallinafolt, ln lsct. hsd
i:e":i:':i: 3i"t*"*t"i:s ii: ;:i]: rac€ oqer a vailerr ..
ii,i::"1,,"" i:i";i,3l"i:."5il";:i.';i:: rlev€ 8a11, i53n lia1llh€:ord & !1ils
sp'#lli"*,i:'ilii.Filili ii
4;;lf 3.1: j1;x,:::'. ffi$s++:sr: "ilHl$,i::,." ruirTT:i""";:lifr i*irilifj r"*"* ";i'r, "r#iii: itxril:rii*d:i:i,' li:*";:'r;fi r:)o.!.. 1@, dlcn,t rninr i ,as b;c ;,;, ;'i'lti"ll"rFi*r, fi !i!;fl J""f : ]:'.:":.:f ",:l"d;":rr:i:* Il:iffi, i:i;: ::5:,f.:,il'i::i" :Ti";-3';:r,i:: ;3:;,J';,i"t.;f,: :::r
;;.i: -** Jii;y
14:otj; 2 r. vlncsnt, r. ?.
=;'ii:li'I"!i"'i IIijB",;"ffii::;"
firs sT. vrrct$T !6 !tD! !0 llod Nor!1s rhllpod out to m osly load tr ttF 26ih @ur st. r'ltu8nr D€ Paul 10 nIl€ road rece & at t]]6 ior ntl€ ndt h2d a ve4i substaaitsl 16ad on J.iuy Ke116y. n€11of, cut corn ttF rdErn tn 'ostbutofrhe the c1'irbg staE€s aqllsh nste!u stt11 hold a 17s ndaln at th6 flatsb. r€.Drd tDt tbr o?o tsnlarartlo sropr€d V€ioren !.ed tuolh f1nt3h€d lr[th ta ]6e! hls roco.d ot finlshl$ ar1 26 racas h€1:l br t.6 orphanaFe 1nta.r, 5.1 tdtors, l+7 fr!1sns!s. 1. Frad !ro!ri3, bsttachsd, 5O:oL 2. Jorr J. tur1sJ, Boston dj, 50::1 L r3:i .roth€13, .€nrral com,!"r.. gtr:51 h. Ftcbdd Packard. 6eton rr <'i.1, 5. Antho.r saplenz;, tuton M, it,:jj ql ta? 6. Jtust Ad8#, Bostdn ,44. rM€3 couclI1, El6ctrlo Bosh, 5?:1? 7. 5. rqd B€nd€., Mattach6d, 571)9 c. c€orso co.€f€y, uattach.d, 51:t7 .ro. rborss Dulter ccln, 58:12 11. !ob6!t leb8reer, unatt,, t8:36 12. rg@s Eorhe, Dratt., 58150 g9:oo 1J, }l1111M lTrlht, Boston xI. 14. rro! B1s6Io!, sosto! A1, LOt22 15. Jo:rn nooras, BDsron M, bo:50 16. Donald Slanslai, Pror. coLf,, 6t:17 17. nob.rt !e!za! EAttdchddr 62,32 rd, 6€ore€ cusbnac, Boston .dA, 6l:10 19, st'r !16!ran, Xorih uodfold. 63:99 2C. Altnu non6e, Bostod A,r, 6ttt35 2r, carlton constoctr. rit/c. 65:lr 22. larld n$onfus. x'14c. 6<:11 2t. B6n chaplasrr, Nxc, bar;i 24. Jolu lle!te!. urattach€d. 67:08 25. 111111ffi S@31. unarracrl6d, 67:25 26, n€n€ Dor16tr, losion aa, 6t:L,a 27. Irlcrr nrIck5oD, Boston l{, b6:11 26. r[chael ctrr, Dnattached, b8:!5 29, Pot3. Coif!€y, Dnattach€d, ?a:u unettachod, ?1:06 lo, EdnuDd st!1ckor, 31, {111td ll{ilco:, nic, Z1:31 12, Jo]]n coulhan, Bos:on A4. ?t:5h ll, riarter McNulty, uno.i:rched, 7l:1! RaE€r ?stc}, 14. Mrr, 714:22 J5. rt1chaol Fa3sld, rmttacb6d. ?t:01 16. i€oru6 cstsly, }lr4c, t,tto 17, rale Blod€rsonr Mrc, 15:55 lb. ch.1es Br€lsrson. mlo. 76:2. la. Mlch8ol CoMthe, !osron !"4, 7b:11 40. Slgaund Podrszo.r, tu"Jc, 771\t! rrr. Thonas l.d*ath, xMCr 1AtL6 cdlror s5rth, slarrd ac, 8o:li! 42. 41. Dan Devldsr rlnnlsh AnsrrcM. Bl:od nro!., hod sr., Mrc, 66:11 !.rr. 45. Euot coldstern, u ., 96:19 46. Iadath laJdon, Ec]t, 4?. ceorq€ caroy, ri c, ti:! lnnD xanRrs
Frovld6nca, 11.I., July 2?-
Cnnrn l\JIlIs NnuBmYlonT, lt{ss. Lo lIolburIpolt, rfa36., Jult J0- Jtew li"sen !a! away flon a t1e1d of l+2 conp€tltors to r1n th6 lrtJl @uat x6{buaport 1o.2 !d1€ road raca ioday ln 55::? 1. reos c!06n, BosrontA, 55t27 2, Andr6! rnslM, LJd rr0! 56t59 l. Paul londdn, uattach€d, 5?,26 4. Frchrd 'r€eks, r,rD {c, 58:' 5. Rloha!c rackeld, Boston An, 58:!.1 6, Joru a. nel1€r, uno!ra.hod, 99:I8 ?, rohn o!as, Bosion .{1, 60:06 U. c€raln S1ar6ault, I,aesbulJ, 62:00
c€rs1.i Gra3so, sosron
10. sU@€! s6ars, l,ru {C, 63t)t? 11. c6orao nstolhouse, ufurt., 66:lI 12. &n Challsi1, xxc, 66.\3 U. Arired !)rod!soa, ,&€sbury, 6?:16 14. r'r€sraI wtlti*, ta1:4i 15, a, claudo IL1Is, utu., 68:22 16. nichdd l.losoldy, spartan ac, 68:56: 17. Xon !rura4t, sldtu Ac, 68:59: 18, ron ltlccrath, xj,Ic, 59:U, 19, zaohdy Lansr6y, Iorb*nortr 69:1L; 20. Peul KdL16tt, ilaHbEylolt, 69:llr; 21. rd slonllollcr, Nnc, 69:57; 22. K6lmtb Josslh, BAA, 21. Jo6€ph !€!!1€!. ua., ?0:8; 70:r9; 2\. Robort Morsd, ue., 70:l.t4j 25. Rob€lt cadald, Bt.A,71103l 26. Ed{ln Wl1€hr, @a., 72r52i 27. IrLdd st.cyr, uqa., ?1.57; 28, r€erh dardan, B4a, ?5:lr8;29. o€0!g6 cetely, lnJc, 76:0e; 10. slanDd Podloziy, Itli,lc, 7d:0lr Jl, arthu xadrsau, NMC. 82:08: J2. fr€d Elown,sr., Ma, 82:l9j ll, rrls odrra la116y, Ma,.81.07r llt, P€t€! caLlanr, N€sburTporrr 88:0oj 15, !1iob cordst€ln, rftic, 33:27j .16. JMes Ean€s-
3€7, nerbErlolt, 89:14j 17. Joh! Jotus x€vbuypolt, 95:25, It6d Blod's Rece l{ot6s,..Th€ lacd ras slrdys 11st6d es a ]0 ntle leo8 but re lust I D11e3 on th6 4ose, ?his yed ib€y took oa.8 0f that dd 141st6d that lt ts lox 10.6 nllss but I lrno! lt ls l0r2 nl1as lblch 1. c1os6 3tuqh, Asaln r dldn't seo duch.f th€ ?aa6 ari6r tne fbsr quuter n1fo. a 1ot or thlass he-r!€n bsck rhor€ I M btrt do o!.1y of lntelost to us tlucL holses. T r€6r that I haro th6 s@ llaht to !E that th8 Eolfln8 duJf6! has ?ho pLays on tbat the chdpton llaJs Sore od€ has to b€ !aEt! 15 n1c6 t!o!h1s!, Th€ fllst y6r tb6y sav€ safty poflsh, phonoBrapb bcold5 etc.. Vancouedlrs Pau.! Esndor te AotnA to do s.nethlng t ford ho so€s ho@. X€ Is novrla u! all ttr€ tt@. ro! xsxs & vl3rB ot th. iac€ ia1k1tu uorld lt,s ths Rr.cE r.rAr,,€n,.il. oo p6r t6ar.,from Lons DlstMcs ioa,
"i,'r n;;,,31;,;.'"r.
iffi i*;:i,fitfr=,:
*ffi#*I fisffi' *xijsi**swr#'$$-#ffi *i;+il$r:qnil,
#iffi, *ffi*I
#ru*ffi*q+r"," Pi*+i*$',r;;' ful*+,,fi*ryrffi
- Jin tro.s. e :i_ ro$nLc-dlfrlTE .r uh :'sri indrcqir.. tror o1: b.c.n1r! r\e flrsi Ca._ :d1an to aroak .3rrr3r u,s. 1nd itf,roiaan it1_ ,ib! norot.n_ e ror br11113nb his past !erio.nancds, gur sinca boc;;,_ rns I f'fh8r ,o rolu. to
ffi E|f,
t.t \as on tlF€o lims ::" 1;:,::: "'"iilll"-l1rr
IEnFI A; rolriil1:""li ifti'l"li';",-
t !r,r .::,.1: {:::"":i"^ll:-":3
1W{'l. nii""fi$,:*'l:,:"i"t:" squse doh
he nss sDoeeJrlr fourd
tshere ha .lock3d 4:01.9... :_P: r[ 1s]t9l roundr ,0,k0d rr !3rs!r!;bror-. ,r l.: rook il ke d3 st1 4ars,- rheft 's b66f s 101 or rrsintfu, 14 nlras s ddyi sf ders a !o€k., rd11[1oDs .odsi.flir, "It 1s a natur.1l d -.of r.ai. !- -e" . ..
:r.::;--"" r1'.::, : -"i ll j:i";"it._ "
,"*;t 7:.ds. rhlt,e
. mnmsrth L{r€. rohnn! Con, ?av€ ic "r6lrrrr:n{ b€
|rr€ uaj thor ru to tio flrls:,. !iitre.r hlMlnn In lhat ,as t!6n re.ord l oa 2:14:11+ add rol]rly re. lEb estoundtn€ aad caDsod
r."s dl3rorered lFI o,..;J ii;"; lt ras qbout 9oo edds ";;;fio-;Lr:{".
.,: ".:"'
..,";:"i.'s8i,li. .: 1"q.1::3 naibsr to n€. Ir st11l cr a{a nr". on -ec€ '':., .':".i =: ". :" i:: "' " ":.-r"" "'1.'.*13'"!: Tl; ;":" . r :1 1'; " .:",::r rill.i.i';1"';t*'"?'"* 1 " .i.:' ':" :., :+":r:r ii: :; ".1 ","" ":*r:d,r^r.J:t$' ,,.#
"."Jrr11.: tr ,I sf'l
r"..' t .,e ront on.
.i . .oia, " . .." - o., ".
;..; - e ; ";";-::;' I ,. :"l. "'"il ":""i:',.,"'; J:1. $ , -.rt. ;;...;_".. ... :-r:, ,r,j R-
! "'
t,ncs jr-rer 4-:1tr li]Il
" i3
,,":r", "* r"
{.? ,
i": i"J. ":':. so siro.E 1n Souur ^^;;;.-l;
Aarlca is tho i.Jluonco of the Dutch Retom,
ll:j;:',!r-:i,;,e - : -:' -r-i;r i:ij:cs. :1., ji
;:i " *:':,,;J,1- ==;,"++.i;' m ":;;; ---t," &' "";:;: ;3.,:', "i:" f. "*""g'2"i ":: l.G"l"i'"" """ -;r':',,.,'..;"i'"::."r;.-1",i".
-'r"--.' :. ... r'-, ..
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41.'ii;"1":",""o e Lho.'e.rer."
ilt{\... \-G: -:l'"-.""";,-"ir,". .,:.. 1 ;;:- A :. 11-19-: l..' 'r *",?." , -- _ 1 - - !." ;';"" iiiii '-"i. il" j#:i':?'i,.j"" P'ii;" ;;;'l- i";.::.;l:,!;i;1" .n
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"xi;;"" i:r'la$;i'ir* :iE*i"r::#**il$:i' ;iiiff:'::..::" tt.q:tisiii; ii:liu"i$:liful; ";H*;d.i;-"*t?.t':"j'!H ";e::".r *,i" " il.,:x. ;gi.:,rj:',",i,;,"i";lt;;::i :u 5:,;s;"" ;... J"-,#* " -r: ,:i:T;::.Ir:_"i i;i"::*".
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$ffi 51,g[j:r;1:g j1,;::,
tf'{t5riffi': s11r1*1:y;;;;r.i;
ffiffi .1"*:,iil'l',li':],,.r:' ir" ;l r:iifi : Bl'ii";:i.,':t:":i:#;:.i,;:::,
, ,,,
lix#ilfi ff :. ,'-*$r*ti:t'"';i;;lit]i:;iffi $#'"""ft :rffi"i ;ar*i;:;I, .rf ill":!i:pt#ili;Iru- ;lii;i, H!i;- i;,2fl "s:,;i
g1i11eitr:;ri:.;#; ixi-r;i, ; !;;'*i;;:,iiit^ tr=,
t:;,irr::;rl;:;,j',$;:r"i:: ir g:illnsrirtmu*u
#***i*.il*j** q!€6.€d ""
ftt**;r*f ruil*;. ,:r:,;:.U;
#;**ilUH+i i,.,u,."
s6a,J !e,n
iiriii;:i:": ji:ii:l;i::+$"i*ri* :i135:!,:;'iffrf"i*i:;]i-j".'h s
::iiii:ri!id, .; _tisi;,Tj5;
j1gjf'mff ;i: ".,,
;i,-""i:;iH,;il,H:-;"ll."j'"l,tli, " ftlf;.1s!;r:31":;.:i,11:0!6ij:*-se!s
;33'1i#il ":;i""ii.:,,*.,,,i-"
r,.r *;:: ;5*3;*:,;*:i::;i;=;;{1$j.:ii#**r;+t: sbolt! B{t rcr I !13h th€r xoutd r.-nsast{Id€ nol8 to s!!s. nako
2. l4Iolr Clo.6f161d, 2,25t2)i 3. F.an -t1-UJ1", 2t26tl2 ( o!s!
'€coro). ______--__--____
3tri'ij;"1 JD1J r. _ 1.
1,,';, lff :l3l:":l#"i:a:" c- Lu3ty, EBflis s., 2:>6:01: c,
:;ii: Hl":lll1!,-:ii;,11,*;9; h."' :'"n:'^"::;:;;Y:ilir:"r: :1"fi:'^"fl;:' i:i:i;i l: ;i{:,F;Ii3r: fil*!:-' 1;*;.1; l-.:;.:ri"jli:li;;tj*li4::;.i:{: 1:Lo. : a. l'1616lra. Itn1s4d, i:46.o; i. ?:.lL:l8 o: i.L'. .t:r;- or, ji:i::t. clnland. (B) Saloren. l:19^6,.d0O1 1. X. ::----------ro^k se ors sp6nr s m1!b va.s!ion p.rn"rd; r'o"",' rr'."niii Frd;"...,s0.:-.i:qdG,_ r" ir;; ala; Br1-A!3 r,!d. a..l:@r i. l*'i""3:5,i*Fi ;ff ite n'j5;'Si*:
Was This First
*+fn*tt' *fffi:t,,:= ffi iit'rffi ,*,*r 351'y;]ffi
qri;$:11$:{gIit+4 Iimfi,#:i; "
#*dntffi',mffii'# {i;il*Ji;i+:"i
-. "''*
ffi$ftrs:j ffif,tffi .*ffi,mtrlffi'ffim*fi'
'no thlt runs ln the ntsht stubl6E. ', John nax, ErelIEh rlo'orhs !,19 (1670) Baltlnoie, Ud., BeEak€r rlo1C 116et Jun€ 22nd - 5 ?.u. 0n1y tineB of not€ .ore 1n 2-i11e j,ho.o :.! x!htI od(6d rnedt r0cJrdl to 9:lir ,rtar ihs lqht€r hsd copp6d trre h11o tn [:]8. ie5ihe.: llc611ehr, 30o..Track: vorv !oor, Irertcsn unlv€rsfty notsrs, uashluror. D, C. , June lorh, ,:{or & Hu td r!9!c!c-e_119919r- 1. BalrrhorB 0c (!a!!1 ci11, Daee !strjck, tuanL tDpr!.1 nuft6rs.. a-ru1e R.tqr- f. ioa JLrr.1ns.,alrj6s!F6r nick rlck rr4pton) tuepron) 7:t+6,2; 2. rlderate! rtdevate! rc_ Z:116,2; 2, !c (crhlns, r;r;lcr,: ], 3oc ic.hl"", 3qc rarrlc! !:!40--!-q!i4:!1lo__!-q!irrao€lnsi sr€et I r|:0J.9; 2. TldeHahor rrao€lns, TldeHaho, rc. c!.ss cttJ !&r I,l8€t, clltror !dt{. !a1r1_ nord, lird. i Jrlr 7th..po.r !rack..itott jlg- 1, enr€ cm1as. aoc,4:21.1j 2. trrlo s'aor, aoc, trz3.a; i,-ii"iii,al*ro{, 0!1010 ro!, 0!1o1€ rc, [:]lr.5r crrarl6d r,'asean[:3]r.5: !ir. c]ar16s l,'s3sanlsr, B0c. L:17.7. " 8Boaoc, ffi brr,; iTi.l;'::'i:3P".1;,'iil'i"3lTiii: 1:5q.5r:._Da-e r:te,tj z. lare Iptrri!k. rptrri!k. Boc. Boc, 1:5a:oi 1:qe.rl l. rr8r Bu!.3, cheeAp€akb rc, 1r5i.lj_[, 1,atlto s{e€r, Boc, r:59.8. crester Bs1r1nor6 Tractr & !t€1d a3soo1at10h rolays, olerr6a:t.s s crssr€i trrck. ;uir - 2 P.rr.. !:IiLe- !c!11- 1. Boc iiro4l 14!h Itii";""',';i;; *;#+:#+i:; i:"::t"f "j {enbon-) d:12,2r 2. .rtoro rc, 0::t.?r {enbon) 0::t.?j L 16nlrEl Jsrs€y r., 8,28. u l+, ca€;aosai:e rc, !:J5. J, , h- E1B F61.n- 1. Boc 'ar (F, PllsElne, EoFfi'jit m---D:-p a ir 1" k. R F";,"rrul tant rar rant r7:51r,2,2, rt:r+.2,2, rtlr, crI.. 17.J,-,lr crI., 17.51,1 11.5,,Jt j, Bac'18 t.l_ Boc lc:15.2i 4. Ic,15.2r Lrres3pe,rie t., tt ,' 2o, t., 20:11.1..tr€1d 20:1J.1,,s€1d itl t. . ii 4, ir,.""p.,[e rst..r,..1osost .lrsii !1ke tinis. ?-f,rtfu of th. -air. i"Mbt.". :r,e rapldly lrp.orrig 1:51.2 & L:i.o) folmer ]-oyois Dest .€ntrer rerssr'3 .€ntrer p.rr€o3pEiad rerssr'3 Jrr.n porr€o on t.! t; ;ecr ;ra_ 1. st]. Jr! , .rrc 28: l. Dc caprtol Rumors:1. 2nd .!:nl'A], slr.ril cc!:ny p;4:c1i1r ytrca 2-ild lo-i,ii1c ltelay (5 n 1M11€) l,roodstorn. r.r,. tu€5car, nuJ. 1J_ 7 ? |, 1n a!!1r1!!...d1i1o45 th IlL6e17 oror rtE landsca.e. 1l t8ms co.tostad Nhs 2ad lid. narn;v' x-.r!ntly roray, rrre otdsr-.r ;ordrtr;n5 t.g.]J6vert}e189: f.qrt ofr rno c.at16r:43 of 1111 crsen_ .13to & 9Dr JBrnresn to:5in ibs !!uo!, trophtas. Ths lluars lere clockod Jn
5l:5Ld conpsod ro tha 52:19 clook's 1ng 3steb115}od br D1.k Donohuo a Eor Zolltnhofs! las, y6ar. 3. noss rd hls f,lrto rsss ln 5:oL!.t. 4:44,.r. 5:r.,0, 5t26,a Md )!t2.t.8: EZ sbart€d tr6 flnaL sra:r€ B doxn l, Jinlsh€d 1b.6s ahoao of so.s. JorntEan_ rrophl€o to 1st srx tsm. & :romtF noss. sotrth rdrsor r., 5J:51,8: 2. llu ci€a.dr,r" a.Foy Jomisan. 031.r&I'. 54:0?, o;-1. & lob 20111] orar, 5l+:15; & l{€s stack. Dol_Trr. c5:0J: t, !o 'x'€rs & Rrcn lryers. pan; cc. 55:2Jj 6. Tan 0s1or & Joo Jastri6_ lcror, bo,@ strxd€"s & l{art} Ret re@ r'c, 57:46; 8. IdIy B€rlollra,
#:il:i it,-5!1:i !ifiti,
l{5tl St,1Glohon, P€m Ac, bO:J9: "t*li*." 10. Bt1l Glbson & Ton slssor. De1-T&F. 60:5d; 1r. Ilo1 Str1L6, Dna. & l/nr€ aa, b!:llB:12.8111 flopia. h'€st rhesior Ac & x;m Bsk6!, L,67tt6. € 16ade!s: 1. Donohu€ 5:15j 2, B. Rose, 10:19.2j 1.3. 16:1c_ .lr 4, B, no3s, 20:5o.b 'Ieo^ol;io. r. c sonplate ?6:16;6. E. Ross.5.l1:5q: ?_ B. cls6np!ar6, 17:t0r B. B. no3s. !2:56; o. B, 1r€€nlrat6, l+9:21+; 10, B,'RDss: _
oofd srro€ cluh
li{6et at
Taqsnt !.s., JohnsnlU€. lou copp€rs, ot Doiauea r:m€r tektng rDn 1n l:2:.8 n116 rDn rn 9 t9.?. :rrr,ji ciTy. .,to !AU' qlr:rual sTlrT! sfonls srRlr,, Frlday, July 5th- Srooon \{ark_ 6!om had f100J€d iho stre6ts) 1, !d !1!ndor, xsr!, 2b:ol. r1r., JDrf, bth at Dam_ 1.500n Ualt_ 1. Ed cltrde!, 5:9li,,rr1r bt5_ b r. .r{Alai.on Rsrrontid. l:55:Jor 2. rd crMd.,r, t:J2: c.np€ritors)..!3trid :rr!_ ins ,r. t]]€ rosronstblo !uty. froi,ot_ lng a11 rne odd re,1,, s1.riq tirst !€ aft r€ak rn (JJdo, Hollhilttttnd, rs.r_ tarklne, ns8txon oic.l,.rstorsob 1s a hlgx scho.l box lltb rDi co m11cs 1n ?:ld:!t. {Lon In3 tHo.onreir_ rors sbert-6d rho & tho Lano. ",rathon dlorp8d 20- f iha s-ron nlto ntrk. ?olonto cladsros nc's lld Amuql t_ rrlro T..ac* ,nMplo:sn1t st ]o.tr r4€nor_ sundat, ,tqust l1th_
I p.o.r n*"a, !,r8.0 (xs! cb"^1.@hro rocord, old ndk, Ir40.t br Jack aoddo3. 1962); 2, rln rhlayson, I+.[4.0r ]. v1c
c!l1tck, 4r45.0j U. 86rrr !ra11eca. U:51: 5. Pdu:L 86111!oau, 5:0?,0; 6. ntsrb n1€ohsltr 5:lb,o; 7, P€b6r MacDonald, 5:l6.oj
rRlD lloRRIs xINs lrth AII,lus! 12-tiq!E Iatlck, R.I.. sundar. ausu6b lf- 3 ?.M.
Nor.1s !a.od oft Lib! d sasy vlcrory 1n iho torth amuar l2-n11s roso rDn lroiotod by tho lasr Nai1.k V€t€rai3 ,1.A, ioey. Iollis fld_ 16h6d throa ntluto3 ah6ad of rorn€r St. John's U.lverls:t ace tohn r,ou€. l' ll?: )orrL3. ar '4\ad. -- o- i?
crLrtr{N a,{! lo,ooo- i- .1,.Js.. 10- rraro.o -o,o of rh6 i: #;":"ig;;:;.:':i,'t":,I: larall Sllkostor3 lon tho llallr1an {!r! rode, a! alsxan- l' 1:it:ii': 'i, :::":... -on,rsc" .!upreruhrp )r:,8.a ro 06 Lo- hls ro.o-o : ;:.:"-;-"*:"." ;::":^-: ^o
: rF.
:l;i: :l:ll ..."4
':J"i!;;9 ..:)o :':-l:':,':;5.o,u"".",",,"" i: !i::;," :":"' ","t:t':l: :::ir 6o?ond rn ,,.o Davro :a.doa, v. ; ;;;;; ';*: .;" r"i.:;: -". :;il: rn :13 in o0o nol ,: -;ira i'n *""5',;.i'3"ln"o :?a"1. ";"4,- :l:]i , . 016 {ad !n t::)o.o a. 1a€ err "s< roo.6s!ab1le. olls ndk a .arailan nA lody Y*Saii, cJallmn o|m rs,"t an e,to rlack corllras, saro - n L r 6 In^,.deo 1; ,!o uu ,racr &
":, .-"
'? ,l:lI -i: iii,"':::"ii.j"":-i:^"^^ ;;- ::"". .:i1-""::;:; -: /",;; jl:l--::Tl::::l1l:-:::j-f1:----------'jb. r;i t;m ;':-:;r': ;"; I;l ;;:j:
A,t0nAr pos ar. 10-i1I_r rcncr :h_4t:prol,-iTps -0. 0""" ."ii, ',;"ir;.r.", -., ?d;50 v1do3!o11.. 141tu., Sa!,, Aue. o- ton r. !d.rt co.. 3oc-o qA, 80:22 'B{s ot filreapolls loa Lhe M:m6so.s So6oe-, unD . a h.o, 82:05 2J. E€J a.l .1. \'(, r... rooay B:9 ln c6r2', tho lro-lrp racs, L\jrb L"s ru 21. tne. oo ,o, s. s.Jso. I :00 urto!a1 los(e conla-ltlon 25, cDb3! -r_dnd, Bos.on AA, 09:Jb or ihe lt s. load num6.s Club, dr€{ s6rsr 26, Paul scho11, Il.{C, 90:llr .!:ri 27, carlio' _oo1o2ny, o Lro \, 1(, lhe ytTo3ore on.. Vrae- {}6 ro.e Has o'oy Dsrs trllod !5o :u. : s? ld r'l:c, 92:)s sHoat flom bls f3.3 Md as!€d, "trho's o y- P. (a'ton sJ .d, .!r'sa rC. 95:ll iD th6 baor? 10. Do. r"e'o". l- m1s JJrerlcs,,a/:_7 cordlttoE: 7Jo llAht bft626, v€!y hun1d, --------,,tAss. RoaD r. "on Dans. 1(TC, 56:>?,0: 2. coo!^o !ooo- 2tu a\.r-r 51 r,: oo -:t,,.s.€!s..10 _l s.y,€rs, 16d. 1clc. ,7:-?: 3. C!ar; Dsd_sc;. rcr.. RlC!.. L? -ro Le6. 0 . dosl3. toe oLoo ss. 60:til L. "af tdrn, f. ., . :1,./: ,. . 1 Yurt.h n6!rco) 67:06j 6, BurJ Boardstoo, 1oe corrns:1. r6n.!a1 co r. A{. l8: TCIC, 6a:50..DI'r- BDo tssljs..A11 6b- 2. SprlEaa AC, +j l. l,,sc. 6o.- .1r1ot tho ltrld.nRc a4d !s!o d6!s, 56; [. northoast€ln !nly_ Tc_ ?2. co1p.,IDs ror D !6r1y "o-Dd lcin cl!r€s I. tBolqo .o16..s], pa:5 | .. Traci club. rttb ths €ic6orton or v.. -o, rtaus , .e. sparian"ne,., ,c, i, rj, ri-":! .::Ti: ::\:"i"ig.'!;, t" nlic nnc FwD mND FoB roi LoIDoN roNDoN t0 ?o Bnlomon Bnr'lyo' fRt! rnrp i:-i"l*j $rlc.915, ;i., cc}-c; €. !; ib;i.;: r€d corbllt gorbftt $4! B""nro ar; $lt; t4; t+; {xr ;. $?o; Bshto ron r*i., 7. -;.; S"c. 11-{ 9r.4 Plrch $Ij !_drr ;S"l?"i:: t6s€.r2$2; Johr ttconsdloa Sldtan 4c; 9. Jahi9..g',ii.;1 ;:1"]:,'"'fl3Jil1::" ii#"-di; i!il:": io. icn;;";: ::J,*rioir"h.,, $1; Dsmis Kav;laush s:i iuru e-k","' sr; i,"r'i" :"c;:i.;"1 .1 'Jaj R'y Xios31€r 11; IUk. Ffandfr $r0; cur ":i",.,i;rd:r.e, 1 K6vin . e. 11.: 1f. D., shan shar ^6e. '-". i1-.Ixlrj colbltt $2; rock s€n!1€ :; 1,. D.n $c: a!tu nrch. i";;;"'. $5; a;Tp19 Bl11 ulklund ror ccalthy $5: $5; 910j mV; 15. Rob€lt !a!so!, vsj 16. ull€ oonDotltor6 l!C, Cu1"9! c'rr, Cb€rrt T.a6 c.Jn, NLD; ?. hIs Draks. ura.: 18'01€dro r Dlrldend $1."€..'o,rl cs6! on 4,.; 20, ro 1n"n: .cA.r: I- !€krs anflhod (aus. 13t) o,::' o,::, $r99,?9 (6idlud1ns $9 j' rls, J:, 3i.}""'"v**t r fr, 3i.l""."vi*t' iiii,ii"$; 1,lo li lii' se onlr about f0% alou t Js ; rloda€) iiii",ll"$: r:ll'j rill'| "ll3';ii,l'j6; r3.1 sc\€ 25. iJaslot 2'. iJaslor n11 tssl ro 1, 1. ta Hqy HhaE ls re€doo fo! th€ Lrlp by b! at!, cov.D'ft!..I suoss th€y tho!€ht thoy olly roodod tb6 rid€!'s t1m.
a;;-n;i!;;; '!;:
:i:f-*:* :i&*:*
*+;;'s, *+;;.s,
:i: 'ii::
&.ton A^ !!n! ^; ,J..rr.ob.d 6 nlohrld ?rol.!d
tsth...t.r! llc rtdtn atr.r! Tc
nob.lt naqb.rs.!
It tIenol! i.!!tlfo ta r. t.r i*khsdt
aDatu.tl, Iet!.a.t.m t0 I6t!..tt.!! tc 00r
DlJ.! a..d
ion{ld sbr!.h..
tdth...!.rq tC Iolth 3h@ Tc 16
lobclt Cldl!!.
5? Rl.hdd st.ttold 58 c.o!E. #rt.!rDu..
nolth shd tC
aI ntcrLald !o..l.t al Edrud sl.!ll.rl!t
to$!h 16 *Ull& idl,.n at th.od6!. B.lI.y {a iob.lt odl&d at D.!nl. 50 .t s. E'al.o s. 3I nonrld vlnl1.l,a 52 fhoD. hlrd !t St.r.! nldl.! 61 s&rural ?odlolrt !5 noro. g.ry.r b6 -llll.E nob.rtt 6? csrorl srtruorto. s3 Edrsd c.lldd a5 lbDn.t)r
6a .rr1or
tlotlb l{.dldd Ao.to! ,Al|
sd.E AC xftb r.dton 60.ton r^ Lit'r! Ao gartt.ch.d I@r! r.d.fod lortn !.t.d tC rortb.eet.r! tC ldtl: ri.dt.lrl lordr rr.dlor{ tlndhar,rlr ua.rr.on.a Uqtt..h.d
rdlh !.drda
u",0" tD 69rU ?tgo 6t..1 (2) vitJl 9tJ) 6,rJl (Ist TIm) 59rat Llroo 67t{! (l) ?0rog trAO 62its 7Ot26 7 rba 62166 (.) 7o:9? Lsr00 ?'4121 ?0r3a ?rm 6atb2 70,56 aroo 6{rst rsi ?oral, tr60 aarfl ?1t0a 7 tOO 64t?2 (61 7l!06 aroo 6?:06 ?Iroa !160 67113 (7) TIIIZ t0) 6arlA ,llt19 7et30 69:19 tertl a!t! 6?:6t 12.1L 2t9C ?O:11 ?crat ar@ 70rat 73tai aroo 64t41 ?irat lrm ?1t15 (a) 72160 lrco ?1r5o ttrl9 ?r0O 6636t {t) ?9106 a:ao 53t56 llo) itfee etclo tl:22 ?5tll tr00 7\t2a ?!rea troo ?Iral
?{te? Tata! ?ata7 ?!rgt ?sras
6100 aroo Or& 6 t00 !ro0 ?6t6o ltso
60.27 A6:41
69r2t tat4a
12t2a l/l) !65 6!00 69165 ?6roa aroo 70 roa ?i!.06 lloo 75:06 ?6rtS aroo lE.Ia tatlg !too ?5119 t7!1t atlo ,t2r16 ?tr66 arol 71i56 ?€r27 0u! 7at27 \\2) tarSg lroo 7, r52 ?110s 1100 1e tD3 79:16 016 7at26 TlrAt I r0O ?3,3t (15) ao:I6 ft& ao,l8 40,50 lrOO ??:sJ 3!:1! oun 35.16 (1{) as:26 0E e6125 a6r4c tr@ A4r0l IrOO aslol 3ar1e ltao e5i1€ ($) lKlla arOO az.la F! ltOO lll Or& FtT arOO -:', I'lt troo ':i:_i , ,.. l'r !r0o ,i:-:i:::-i:: i':-_ 'r;; tr$ xtf, (h! i_":_"::;;:;: ?5
i.i!';d_+-;-;;i; ;;;
tr.r PqI, s.l€!, ,r.... Anm.l lo r1l. ptu. !o.dr!c. !t.ta 6. "^d!u;; o,rs6r 'r.r! :ooF. iLA l-?-5-a-6 16 NUIC 6-7-9-lo-1t at llc A-k-1!-I,1-Il 52 John BooraB ls the orlt !€!oat !1le! tho l,tack pdk altat! has ore! h.d.
t:i:i"lj;::ij,i'::l '^'ll. 't" '-' | ""t{': i,l :' ."";".:"" r,' r":.1: ::j{i ilii:-:,;;,i"i:i. " J ,''""" ":i q,yY- iii "i:t,,: *"i;{u. ,, ' : i: :; ;' ::: :
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nako altlanc€s ,1th tho H€leht1tf!€!s, box€rs, Judo n6n, plaX lollttca,
so re can a6t doclsiva lollcy-raktbg posts and losltlors. If !€ donrt xe 16ar€ ou !tub1€Es for others to d€cldo. on nedlcal l6qu1rcrent6, Mn€n lDF€rs, natlo!!1 ohM. s!:ps rlth th. lrotlons of 3rt€r- plonshlls, olrnpld ston, OlFnpic trtouts, oi€rs€as 16!- otbsrs nalF thas6 doclstob for us r€scnt!-1o! and natlonal stardald3 coltlf,1- mu. {hx? 61n!1J bocake '€ lot th6n. m6y !ou1d laueh at us fo! tly1Ds to d€t€mh6 lo1Idt on ba3k6tba11, lor Yet J thlnk tbe Rnc, no' th8t lt has dallt llth som of th€ furdmoniJal problens at lstanc€, y6t taskotball p€opto p!oorAanizsrior, has to er., !p, Qu€Ettons of i r€p'€sa s o., iFs, e ,, a. o ld b€ dsC! - chmplodhlp should bo h€Id. Iteiy sott:led ard should!,t tay€ up any ho!€ Tla E1rcr p.obtotu ELotrLd b6 Elvon t1ho, lh€ aretleblo t1re 3hou1d b6 aI"ar to to comltt€€B, to bo &art dth drtna th€ Jear, totalls of a n!no! netro shoul-dnrt c.nc€h thd latlonat face tne quastlom, rhat 13 t6 harc enou8h blg tho lsclilor ol tlo 4!oup? {hsh naJor taske probl€nB i6 hav6 haldly stdt6d on, r6t tb€ cDmltioes repoli tn t1re to I. nt oplnlonr ther6 are thr€6 naJor !robhava tlElr tlndhss pltnt8d up ln transportEticr, ed !o{€!. ooreG, lrvolvos ostatlrshln€ Ffrc lloTIoTEs, for lrutance, boforo ional th8 thd IlnC 1r re! ar6as and oncouaslne !6o!1e 'st Nilr tdke a nl:trM of t1tu thhss to take over and butld up 1t ro a!€ to haYo a rot b€com a t!u1y nablonsl oreenizsii.r. r,6t's 'lo feca lt, s€ roak outrlire iho lest coasc 'e llacticar]-j rcthlls, ad tn€!€ ::_::_ l:-r:r-::-:::::::-:3:-::-:l:* Itod€!Iclr, Md. ale only scatt€red c€ltels tn tb€ Miduost. ThB lj€si Coast has e fe! c8at€ls of road tt/ a1so, Is {ealr deY.tod to tn6 Dc 3e!e4 pasos 'or€Jasc.ut - tn hY €EiTrarslortatlon 1s a !!!i1on. The coEtry ls dDnarr of nu8h rhat rc ourt iaatlon srr p3€6s too ndy, ree1lJ r€i lrope! ropresentatlon 1n najo! orantod oI lrosre ter ina. none st all - but t' m3t RFa tttios, r6atonal qxaltfldatlors, .r€rcasds tno athlat€s als loortf, cons€es al1 hlnge on thls !!ob16m, dlttcnod hleh school tots rumlD€ "elresentailon far longor d13iuo€E rhan thsy has:rt been facdd squar8lr--1s iho .4-{U-NCA}should ai tirir ag6. larr of th€ Dc flght. lD har€ b6ndod to i8noro It, hopina lrogrM sbould bB .Dnclt1.nllg 01 lc {ould so s!ey. But th8 t1s scho.1 athl€t1c hho3o futr. stars, nob f.! r0-15 dlroc:.rs \!vo rc lltdittdn ot droppin€ thts ntr8s, buh lor 2-l nllastl:lnA, The-T qr€ htltlous n8n, end d.n't to burr ior rillch tneY ale ]033 alt'ilstatuoe th€nsolras ro! 1at6} Iuming x€ds, you dlinlnato hlr€so hlsh Xo!-lt the !A!, lattlnE thon do all i;no baitil!A? schaolers, tho!8 lona1m lDu castagnola! liont Osborne 1n tle tlEht, anC Ao {tt}: tho {lmer? r|!e -and for Rood neasuF t]]ro( ln Rarpb uo solng to so to th6 T&F lederati.n tr lt Buscham (ax-l,toss. sta! in bho serlronisas trs nor6? 0r ala {e eo1!: to tak8 ar ectlre !e!t In th6 battle, or ono st.io or tho Equlppod rlib lart of the Dc !!cg!m tldtu5, rlllchov€r sldo 16 should xaao f6t's don lud6 thts laranaue by nata ..-oFi-!d r""l t lor o-€ P01r" n th. or3- :.s thet DC dours€8 ar€ :oor1Y narken1zatl.n. Th! L4! has rerX 16r trac* c1ubs, €d, loorLy olfi.let€d, end e€re!a1ly doninei€'i bt arc lun nuch late! th2r aLe douidshould b3 ln a posltlln oI real !oGr. :Dt od t1re. xar ihal f,ou sco uhst tho {6 arsirt sinlly tedaus. ,d ha!6 nete! reaflj group. t€ n$t fousht ror lorer {ttbtn Lhe ..ni, ol"r.s oa cha11sa6s sent out
#',n'i;ru'i"giiiiif,,ff" #il,HF*ili4$iiil$H"I-,
ffiffiffi, ;#*ffi+*l;,+r=,ri+:;:*:*;;rnjriiru,::: :;:**;:::;'ti;fi*,1p'i:
$*ffi' *ffi*uil{*i
"5 .dF3
Cdtr F9
,. 3
"5 t r
ll-lountry, lll-llilo, lllrrfthon, or 50 llliles ]DEAL FOR ANY RUNNING SURFACE No other
.thleri. sho$ h.v€ .ll rl'6c..afrihrnship fe.rur€j
llau Erlrnre's llltrr.l,ite TRACKSTER
* ":Ii9 e."39; ?t 5.,*?-
rd{..s r:rigu.. r.i8rh.d *id.,
0nly 113.95
8t9 inE
0rder your puir todry! ^I,LoRllRsssIPtlDPRoi{PTLY
Tsl fllnnr croN
@t.m TLY,
errnn rt ro