09 64 ldl

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Bnsil Heailey about to enrer rhe sradium at the end breaking Poly. M6rarhon.


his record


tEB torc lIsttfcB tor' a ?lBLtclTtot FoB Rvf,XtRS BY ntrrxlas vo16. 9r ro. ro9, s.!t. r9a,tt subi.llptlo! nat6.: $1.00 br r.a!. ad.r ll.oo !o! F* f;r rr.r.re8 eLI, o! $2.00 s? to4 rd alr 4all l! !s!. Bdtto!: tr. .B. Rosr. tob rsst c3ar6r st,, rioodbuly, rJ. J.08096 roroftr.tua:


I'I TX'O'Y AfD TAC$|IQIM tb6 b.,c bu! r. tlacL trt.ratuo. contalbl@ qoro @ch 1,romatlon l]lln rboki trrc. lrr prloo. gJ.oo onlr. 410 1fe6 psss. {?+ r rLEJ 46 cb!rr016. ant dlrranc6 F@bs dt1c1o.. o!d6r froE TRICX

AT'IFIICS AntrA - !!itat,.e odt T&F hortblr. htestbctur_ qu6.-& rlalnr4 mthodd. Thâ‚Ź

a4! r6rs or c!6at Britalh_ I Dtrstr suDscrtptlon Ra!a.: }}m !! toA.


f tt. f $sd,{};ff:*}Jir;,1ft;!,-t.;::,,, '' ;*i";ry r i:?.iiii.:i!+l$:*.*;i!'i **.i;ll,i;iii*i+#i*; ;Li"ffi


l.ll Ar,! rlsTffin llsTffin fla flA

HEEI. MEEI, x6lcsn Xolssn sl,ro cotl.Ee.




f 3a "' s*ijlr,r*ffi;frris;\ ;#i:r' ,ryiffi;,ffi:'il:':ft+ry;* frr

ffir,iHfl:*lti;*q#:,'I:;gs:- [turti*-l$;-t*Tffi

-rgb.t rr.TI lo stA-js o!9t-I. ll{n llolr tnIAL - 1nt,rl]{la- rES.mJl Hxl1I"ldrRE a$Rr19;l0N lrltPlol\s urs - soull r?r !a.1 As,0(-a. Lo\ o- : G anu DTslplcl tur3: s jdAr, td_r 26, 96\ r!re: 6:oJ . ,1lo eld,oo. Jr


Lr€a,hv_: ^. 6B



. T.'!' )T#' #h"?*;+zlP,,i#:#.,, .m! e€tlolon, .,5"L 27t2J 26tL9 ?:0 aBrh6 to:5_ .:16 2."i:)e l. Js€s cre€o, Bos.o- a,1. z8:10 2/:08 17: r 2At)9 ?:09 2:30:,6 va Da re-, noodla*6,c31,,?7:2J 27ta7 6:Lt 211)9 l,tol \. w3!m )2,21 rA.28 2:,1:\9 Ais€l8s c, 5. ros Tylo-, rod ?: I ,6:lra 2o:lr) 28t)) )2:o9 Btr3 ,.i41o b. x ck trLLt, roB r^qol-s lci z7t4 )11a. 1at g )a:.t) 7t4 2tr':ab _: 5 29:<e N- o o,.( ab, ,:a.] .61)6 i,o )o )r:ra )2t)6 0t2a pit1t27. co-d6- f4cxd-._6, u'4. rt. !rr, 271 ) )tt1) J.tqt 8:.2 2:!8:,i o, Anlonto ffiqu6.ller' o o npl.. -,.I o:l/ .a:t) ro:09 )1:10 l_l:tl 8:i9 2:i!o:b1 L r. sL- &rs! : .. 21to- 24156 )Ji a J5:.6 B:2r 2:lio:18 v€rr.o 01y.p ., 6tn 21t15 4:L) tttb Jat'6 7:27 2:IA:\L 1_. 94r's s.:y, Los c1s.,€e c, -t ) 7:o7 A:59 Jl:J tb:I9 9:2J 2:-r:bi 11. vorln "rr;dl.s, -os b€e1es ,7t) 8:i9 J :j !0:rL Z:16 2:lii:21 7to1 .o: u. car lilt'a.s. : o r- s--'e ,s, ,8:10 .e:t1 1:08 /6 ):LB:r? .2 Jt,oo qso j :L, i9,!i ja:16 9:0J 15, 1or 6 zi, "4""o 4. rB: r0 s, .-o :iq6:li " 16. 03f.1 8.1-d111. r.d r i.. '8:_o ..:o? t2t.7 ) .iJ J1:,7 z: o:;8 7, Jd Ls ro..y. . s DIe;o Ts pJ . :lrl r,:r' l-:o? Ju:12 15:09 ":lro ?:ll z: 1:20 18, Efo-d E4 r'3r UC1" 23:10 8:.6 t!:_5 l:.obLr:61 9:28 21<1j18 ro. "ar Fsdon. Lr, o, . e.o .c, 2 : ) ':a 26t)5 )a:ab ta:LA tt5 z..jta, :0. sra € I)elfu, U.:. AnrJ',F-,trh,'a:50 J0:18 rJ:o< )6:_8rb:1??:59 .:5j:11 :'. ri- B.rti6, )a:)9 Jat26 11:51 ror2t L :tt)o )cttlz 2:11:n 2 . Ard Bos-o" .. tu_ \,. rB:ro 2!:02 ;.:4i .5:1- l+1: 8158 2t5t, a na! Da.u:n, C4!,e4 4. 28:28 _9:)6 rr:i9 l9:,8 Lo:L€ ?:2b 2:<r:r\ J ' 2L. Abe A-s6. ,a:,t 5 )2:t- ,158 ini o 8:.6 2: 6:ail .q:t6 )at JL:oL )1:Lo I :r9 j0:o€ Ot2t 2t'bt'r 2.. a..o )t,. d-ds.r.,-v.o ch)cs€o, /0:15 lo:_5 )1:LJ. J5:lo J9:02 8:rL 2:58:.7 2", r@s l'craddon, u-. '€,as). ,:ar )\:\t ,2t .6 ) :2a .)t:5\ 9:3i pt'9t'o ,L olirg B, . t:'8 J :_7 ./:0J _16:t!i tro:1o 7:2? r:ot:10 ,. rr cB ro1 , s- io.o Id -s_C:59 ro:,! l-;rl ro:-5 li2:52 8:E/ 1:oz:i,a 10. 1 Por ld r, Jo:!6.6:4 8:trB t:o?:iL -Llber'&.JLquoz, a1 -o o lr.,J :06 .):L2 )5:a )7tB tt :t6 1t.7 tt.ot a 12. ,1. r- l" I s /, .., B: 0 _B:5 t-r ). )8: 2 io: ) l?:ai t:r\:i6 "el-s ri. r"kLar.a.,"-.. D6o.a,tl:r0 1o:0Lcl+:69:lL J:,2:,o 2':. ).:t1 -..iL q q dr'\:, sJrr B!r'3-a, .lr: .!:57 / :L) 5:_5 o:t / r:16.0L lq. ): .'a , sr, ros,-7:07 -5:0 :oL ,7:oB L0:56 9:5r t:16:1; /:La Jal-.f. IDr+ :oL I ::2 I| : t:.1:rr '0:58 )1221\. !j" n-" B" " ",1: ..,,'", :), )t: r ,t:* -:r/ |a:.a -ttz l. '; I lro:,9 10:18.!:5?9:Jr T s e!, a.,:Jl. lr'5:io . r.."'B'.,./:za lr':-1,5):7 8:9i r:a8:'.8 ,:': 3 ,.:lr 7 )6)\ a:!5 lr l+I:L 1.9: | J t'calJo', -1 o o..s 52:18 r::9:tr ""! . " rl:r0 :lo Jlr:-l \att2 t.tt'|' t5. ):p.tt) ., 1 )9:0 .p.1, tn-. 23:50 ll,-,.r, t]:52 l5:ol 60:._io:.a t:j9:]0 ,}lI'- Euiene cdrson, Bol cahenJ l.nald :o1to!, Fobeit trstc, L6e craNford, Por€! l4eJ, Iia-l'€ uurr, Bruce Defn, raul ccacj rrlgnr valsh, nousto! TcJ John BEm^ni, Salaa larlard Sar riego T}JA, r6tdr Alb€rsr Sm&FA, gan rsdro, naj !:tz, corc, c.re1d Budlors, tohn IiJacJ, louston rc. riorc€ collego, Harold c.ld, Erve11 SplLeBt.rs, lae courtrmp, D6 er, Colo.r rf,a, c!:14, D.a,r l.n.r Jd:e3 I,lur!L:J, 6u.bant TC. rafa€t Mlranda, tu., uu., JacL rac!3.b, ur.., sarte u.nlcr, JoB liaaf,i, st, i{n. r.{organ, canc, sdry fii11ilu, sErc, try o!an, letri.BUle TC, lcuX cloxtold, una., It11no1s, Dotu1d Doninl, ura.. Culror C:tf,, JormrX raober, TC, Walio! !6x1oti, MIid Xrsh, dun ]l,, Dcdts Karsnsush, !b!k r,ecoy6r, Dalryl r€Iesqu6, uD., Hu€h Rendefl, ura., oran€oJ Str.rg, CC!C, sletu." Snit6! Da., Tucao!, rrank . -l- d,.D. s ", .\.. r'k.4lr' po,er



Hl€sdd, loras oc, \s o- w " r' aL . "o cldk. t\ Sl! dats. r E6r!Io. da.. f.A.' Brrcs s-lLt, L,4.c, 1.3., l,.A., D31' sero'f,. Fobsrr Braacl-, Ie., !.A., st€'o [ortoya, San Alionio, obh?ic rox;, vici"r Fo'a1te,,4e;root.A,, Ja- y foM, LrtlrlM latrd, m., V€1oon Sta'l ins. co'dol c."p"i.. *--qus.'11Bo or..s. o.,rD,.

,. c".rr L!!e.i,wic, r,.. b. Bob Hthosor. Ln. t:oo R "s, crc, a!:ot 7, sLe16 8. ,(.' ra!-d, CrC, 4:co

:5o a2;56 r:L5 -.:1c 1:Lr 12:_6 2:o :1, ({re41t'

fl:ig::l;:i.:,4;Ii*f*dtca! i iT" lltl: yk"" ;:F: ::i? ,


f i;';i,;;,'.-.:, 6,16 lils ai"i s?r,r,{v DISTIICT ctrtM?rolijsmP ,. Joo ryl-!. LA-c: 2. r!.' <.-". -.., i ,iflj!";;:.111:, '3:bl F:i" t;;i l. c€6 GurDl€, ta strlaols.

ilseI€" -.. 6: . L1 ro-o rar-Dss. r5. I f *",9 j,:;:. i:..1::9k t'* ii:r"k opon_feu:, . Los alspr€s r-_or . ;: ;;:k i): ?ii-i 'jtr,n 10, yJ-k rr".-r;l,lmcj6 A. '<. ). s.:.. Amr. T6xaq. 26r L. Er cs-fneJ; w,-.a;19 -i A:Joa ii;a, Tolo xarlm8 29. bD Ed^€.r: wrc.ro:,9 I b:lo 2ri:oE lap I1e6 o' L€sd. -s: :d1.3, /6:r< Iacr..!.. su- .snosr3ob," ;r:,6 b:r0,. 26.L; l0-6Jt€!, 26:Il Maca. t.-d1as, 2b:05 1.J. JIr !ge^, ra., rJ: -8 6:)o _b:iro 2t nlros. qL. ror w ur !t.a !hct, zo-a:tos, r_Mr t6 R.I lO:16 }tcArdao1. raj €a-.1. _AmC' 2?:0tr_).,R.otn pt6r_ Jold itacl 361 t*-1s'l:i""fl]"i"f:1""::::Y;)r e1"::' J;'ir;"::1;;:,';3ii,:'''"' &b.rL L8 ir 6s. !dDot_<rlo1o 2d srro". io ib6 25 nlis rdlr. Iast olosln€ ltllt vlf:.. ln Lls ftry llJsi Erathon, had too s;ch fi.lsb a, nay haro caught oAldls t-. a- aa,s"dtod l. tu'€ os.. o-, --3r1, s' arco!d-Frsm # 3 ot the auloa DsrLy st o'con_ mrr h:S., Af,rns'on, ,f "g ni" rJ..n*&r, _-r a, L6b. r;E.o: o" . o".i,



ri"". a"".r"". "_nii. ,: ts-; ;!€r;e. ;., c'..i ctu,.r., Er, :. peh J6sco,'r..rD c, t. .mi, i, i;i iiii*i.

€ss Jor &

I ld

df-b_ ndcao

r-, -n,Tr o -o .:o" .o,.1 r,i I

Tn6 r:-3l4:2lr jL,J, J!:o ., i isi'"e.iio

cu :r'a s o-rs...Tlalr fa3r tinos tonlebt' as th8 hardlcapE ald rhat tn€J t€lo 3up!os6d to ito _ naLe th€ s1ot6r ra !'ou€h:h6 baok rentonaatheb lototilal 1il.:. ": ::HJ:il l;,"r:,":i""-:":.*:



Prbltc rdntrlsr'3 nLo.r"

od /_3o 3

Hri rh€ lu.Aau



ih€ Hts '6'5Blds6i. laun : 3epus 30 dB 6 r"' rr€3 - sacoads stra.. 1s,.'!s & ,n ore d" I te\8d. D,ck ta no6 o-oG .n.o 5ro arocla o" eo.s \a$,111 i!tu

ii iii'H.",i. -mirii"iijt,s ;ia ' ;it .:e' :d ^rrc-br Dolnr ote- -J€ Erp d' j;;i; .;,oo.'lii;. r! - roar3 or arJasrqtr6 D6ro' ro "oos€c.. ;i;;-E;;;";;;iE,: .l.en he -on a,- 2i):-" rp.r iir. j;;." ec,.a,r v,^s.-is,, ' Pa.. qu-r., ii: 4tm *E rend.-foot i;:i6 8tt5 B:-.0 .d,oB d;;s. a;; ;;8,. J6:r, ;i: -4,::r,_-ffi .J. Jod,iJgd. sp.h., !:/!:,cAc/-R urris t.^ ?q' r.r-r'Lo euN a',r ' 'ilrlFnercrs ii: ;i; H;;:;;;. .i; '.i,j" uoooetorb, t,i. r'osr, AL€.?_ o.n. B

7 rt. sr€'s rus,ya,a,u, )6:98 o:oo 26:53\ r\3. cs.'or '3n s _oh€ly ln u e t€.ond rb. Dsre Knlshro',A],Tc,.7: l. a:1.- 23:2, \ & qot r€-J c ose (7 s€c: * o1d !oco.o-26:,_. K€it 0soo ,3, As! \!3lf or trre 3ca ro-lshr as te c8o.!obj..Tsm sco.rns: r, a'.uc. ,7; . B''o Llq ro r 15 8., 29.,8€st I!!ss: r. sslnes:,. Hlndso_lL-rod

n.r-''..u,".r.,p (no.oro-:o: \:::: I:;".:1"'::i;; :;":;.T*"1;: :,Iil 26, fio-ro vrlorLo, [o.vs. rc. ]90', ""-*.-". l"r * *. "r*., 1. r,€-lo v,bLro. no.vs. r'c,?/:16 2:09 /A:L\ro! 2. ErnI€ o!6orrs, ti-a 16 E./lroe a,l: f':51 3. tr€t DanF, 6torr6 It.' ;5:ru


. "rai "i-er,

Pam 4c, 2b:L5j 2.



u1n tn€ o,ont. co- 5

"::::"":I":1""#::":: t;T.8'ff l"-

{kos Sr€k€1T. 1_ Chris J4ccarr]]r, ncTc, -2:5o:53: 2.


iii::.::";$t. Yr5i;il'i:, "?i"ytr.1"';:11#:,i:* Xff *ri8li X ;ii.:'5f;l:n ill:l$Ji:i:"i"X8l":i;81,9:',:' g:i4", AnSTF4lIrx RESUITS frof, ndT younr c-M11€3


N.i.H. xo'ice x-comtry dbMrr.n_ j:is:ijl'fr: itu'3ilJ.tlt"lil'i,!fl 3;, €!1p, rie' :lrd on a f1at, sahdr cour;€ ar nsnsSero rn rood 0o.dlttons, 1. rohn n.dxo11 (ioft€rl' of recai!!. !rars,rcrrh, crac, l:Jt:5r 18, Darld lrelsd) 26:51j 2. Roes jiurFto!. x;!_ lrsH yo!tr, l:t6:0b; 19. :estr.6 irnr'.r 27:a5. T6Mt st.a€Drps,27. Jo@ r{at.6 Acj f:16:to: 20. ^1111bsor, x,3.iJ, oren ll: I Mltcs load solay chM_ ;ii."iii:f :"tuffi lrii6,dl',i!, Lresriar4 subrbs iKsliD otls lensek 24:LJ, J. Dsl€ls, 2b:L2. R. !rs_ lbdst€, rotu acr l:l!2:1I; 21. Ra, !each belcock 27:27. A. l1arrl3on:5:42. 1:03:5ta:

i!"T"1?':6:i;:"i,i!%::5:"ff : !r:rr; sast6rr sDDrlbr.



1:0S:29- i_ 4, !a.re-B rnsby, n0,oS r15 r"* rr"l"i;d)

!a1rft61d 0p€n ir-i.4tlss




ilii.ii"li::;,** l'li;i]ili'r'i'i"itli:;i":t:"H;::l



nrc, ,lib:"Z;59:"i'* fr'.fl r,rd,o'6;-ti-irl.J'ni;;i,i;:-ii6c:-' r:tu:l|cj ]0. i6!. Brarhrqd. "ill,,?:*i*.*s:o!rs c1ub, 4:n5:o6..r5e: r.s;$ra Patu (c. 2. riYic, rrs rerohant 4: ir"dont, 16. 15! if, Lxab, rrau chm..rrr!6 1+,1: :l:,4: szalel}j z. nasabssnj LL. D. r,:; ,;:i; rsse.fus; 5. ststsuorth,l. 6,schori: rakIiti-

iitiil]:*: i:,. r.r ,1;1 il:il s""d.li n.... !.ilr ! !ll:'#H;l',i.;:- .;:l: t l: J:i"|

Tol.h1nr ljqrlne,lcadoo.r c.

llttlllul, ,irAu 20-K1tO ,itAulIC cr,A'r?s & 9. 5"ir l14a"tt. R-F. 25:49 i;lc 2i:19 orYyPIc 13rar,e, fttt,b,r€h, ra.j 3udar. i;.';"? L f;,f:i ;."-".Eiit',,i2 i:,:iE luly !r 1c64, rer.. stsh 70'd ro 10, 8ae 5i!i,lil4j'l:l;,,r.1i: ii: fill: iliil;: ir;8;;ii 3i:9 *;.",1.il'i$, rBnr, ohlo rc, r:.1?:Ll'J lt. Dor Ddxoon


i.s-. .

:r,,05 4:1"., ,1:29 6:o7 4:in 21:1?

condril.is. AloY i-lonar. ruehs frun scrnr.]], dlpr]ey6d slashh: xocan?Ff ccls }l{Tlo}la! 35_Ei!o nllr !]Im y. J,, sundd.., JDt,2b_Cl::o

rrcca,thr. rrr'. rr chcaqo Fa;i,,h€ rruttu's r to, curt€nLler t.r a lt.s. !1rn-lc r3lrlb: to:,!h oy slrrdld ar,t rrDn r !o*6rtut L0-1pn fleld in io: day!8 }lat. l5hr (21-ni1o) la1krM crrflplo?Bhl! raco tlu'ou6b torA lladch stft.ts.

iii":'i:ft ,i;l';l',i-:; ::i*,|:"a g:"* i:[;iJi l: 8:il'"i:;i:3;J";s[.:,.i"i,',, rC. l:h.icd!


llillll"'"*"' ""'" 'if ik.li:.":

i:"'i';,ilt;,'itl'il;,':i":ii;:i:+6. ir.::5r; 17. cdo.sb1t1r4. napc" i:L9:ic ii; J?H."Flil'lt IliS:u:i5:ii'i"li;" 1:51:o[; 21. ie"o,'{dsexfu6_

:l:r'li.i'i,.*it:H"Xil-r"if "l' 1.cro6r & d.id. cl]ica.o l.,icr" :lo- T3m: 1Br !. l}i,

NttC. 19i -1. ]Y?C, 21; l!, ohlo ic,



QUEIIC tif,\l^trro}] c;LqMt:IoLisulP

li rln F3r!ts, 55:oo 6:10 4. nar.1d col€, 55:17.) scr. 5. Brre. clark , 56:4.7 \t: Ut23.1 6.DDn C6thcart, 62:20 r).)l 62:20 + fa"r tlb & nts! o1d nark U2:l bY co1€ tn 1963, xt 6tr nt1{ tho lunturs .flnbed a stod. ht1l fo! * nr1€. A11 of vait k1 & llonolulu can be ss6n f: tha lop of t}ls h111, but tr 366n relt lnte ested. --!arold Co1€--

Cours€: Atsolut6ly flat, .n roed all ihe ray, 10o yd. 016! dlstarc€ {Bero!)

nllAl nd rsn 5 : 1 nr1€ or. lusead, hi1ly :-c 6us€) rar Yery hMld,.7:10 p.n., r8s. Aug. 1lth, Xm! Ka!rct, lroo. totn, x.J. fld ADUR1 1. 3ob Ronamt{y a srornlns Ro35, south JsrsoJ Tcr 52:Cl {rid! !€co!d, old nar!, 52:1j ty Bob zorttihofer t Dick D( ohuo, BAlr 1962); 2. !d!f stmohs & colr€l1us BroM. Iht1a., 52:51; l. Ross Toira Rldl6t strld€ls solJ Prrncoton ]]nri'. 53:101 X€lark, De1. & lilil€ !t. L. Joe Cselta, r,a!rcr, De1., 9l:.14; 5. Martf, tu1d, rr & ciras. ltccoy! nrS, 5lr:19i 6. Kon {11 11Mson, & ed ri?oner. D€la.r3tr, 57:21 ?. xalth rarro', srT!, & Er11 rro!1s, colf,rn, ?a., 5?:50j u. chss. & srtan Harrlneton, !€le.r&F, tB:l!r; 9, Dat6 ?latt, Pem AC e Josoph !M, Ba"ft boro, x.r., 59:25; 10. hank Yo3t, rac Jlm Donol'tr€, SJTC, 6l:01+; 11. 3Dd6tt Joslan, um., 63:25; 12. !$rt Bo€s & tar6 larolty, D!a., 77:49: 11. BrI1 i. MSL:i & Bobby ioddsky, Ea., 74t25, It1.rr. RRc z-MA!I 10 IIILE


tilAilutoN, Jun6 20, 196! 1. lo1and Michaud, Mt. Raf,sr franc-n s. 3:o[,]0; 2. Irdrb Riecbart, cradston6 ac, J:19:L8r l. sld snlth, si, Antbortts Bc, l:ll1:07i l+. rd!b suelna!, Yfc, l:4':02: 5. Pon rrudaau, PBlest!6 xet., l:'l:45; 6. Joa KllbJ, 3b, Antbony's BC, )ttLtr2i 7, cordon c1}@u!, csnsd!. l+:16:15; B, Ed ouellet€, I4!tho, 4:17:loj 9. alton chdlr€rllb, Syracusa oc, l+:23:1U; 10, EoEI T€sta, Pom r{C, NTTj 11. Irrina (llshr llontrca1, NIr, (T€np. c4o, stlone head {lnd 3rr tho !aJ,.iery hob & hM1d. i MOr"rRr{T,

?ltres: Bask€to .f Jersdy tDnato€3 & o B,RU!- ::'I"',,i:;:i"l: t.,'iij;i;-^,.'.:*" (,8 s.sr' Ros", --c, cl:.1.8\ Cold8n;s.o T-, I:50:lo (o;-C.D€.t ._rc, tqal_y cL4p,trjDq- 1 _![L noAD n,ice ., s"r., ,1-€. 1- 1) 2. eordo! Arnoldr rlc, r: ol or bror;n, c.m., r,; cololadoli r. roremn,/al16, tr., 1:-l:,L.,xrl rioo"--robdr K.tl€i. B:;{.ne Co. & oc6L llr€p€abfrg, ,. !eJ8 !o,o3 Mo(h -, . -t_" ,s-o -ooal or"- re, d, P;o,;U: 6. P '3s bolottc, col', -. s fosLs, Uo *a6 , r Pet IJL e"spoon. Hc. q?,lt. _ . toio-ror. OofC, .:11:01: :n i8:oi .:16121: b. E:1-[ 1.. Fo-n.,, r5pc, ;r L ', 2t2ztA't a, Jo. sl4A€!. 'mC, 2:2::05. lO. -.rc- .,opbt"- I 10 peure- I'.as, _::-----rrrD-pAcrrrc lrc 8-,1ru dr,Drc\' "oaD i., - . : -_- - - : : : : : - : : . . ------.a E. 8Lh .6 sra! €""r 33 d€;"€6s , ,.. Rrdl€r s.c 03,3 (. r. Rroe! DlaE. 52,.t., s,ts ts,ot.l , L_n,."_ '. ldola Kus, ,:\n.5 )taa \..'1'.( ""-r"..D"i.ET"_',


,B MILL eun ffioM .4,. r?.\'-s cdilL. caLIF., sunoaJ, JLlt 1nh



arc. @ n tuld $.!bdd .o@lsr.d hlr { c -u .'m ro3 Anrld io Nd vqL (rry or Ju& 2tr, lnci, i-|r lohar ,.. c.dplei.d tn 7l dry!, 6 hor., 20 lrnut.! for th. tzoo d1.s or litd^L ib., c.ur.r l'dnsr i. !g rdr ph.toghlh d $. t onr of $. Ju. {.h. ot t!. prcg!.rsr&h.d!0. r.*1n rhrl t_hk srdL Md iould 1.ar. l,..ica b.ror f. oodd tu1ly uldsrrtand ed !pp!.crrr. rh.i lur u, rn !od.m l.lmrls htltsr, '6to !.r1tu., oo€ olJ b.ror. h. r,f! rd Dlsrrld. iht, Ddr c,lns rbI.. t.ft duirs N F.. aid .e hrt I b.s h1s tdd,@... lo. .ry


rt nr 12'10 r.tr. n rh. robb, !r $€ s1.& {tur. ICr |lyinc rd d6 dr rhtch o" i.. @ar ftsu.. lng rbour debr 'dt nu, ,hod rdr.lnso. I h.d .p€ct d . !!h.. .@1r @. rrrp .nd lathr Btklr rppea b.11y ed doub1. chln crb.1Ld ure dt tm!dt!r.ly. xr .r:. .ro!! d ; rh. i4G ot. e oJ ab.ui 5,L!" J! ! rhlct bleL hd! ti.t r* 'trdgnr lu$lly sFnig. hr a ldu uurch. .d d!t.d F.bd..DIJ6fu.l'. fd a !5 ya,r old *.$@r !pp.|nf., b. ;t.. rlur lda &d .ne4.iic rd&d r. &d a,k.dr ir@ oEi., ...4&'t d '16!! Eoosdr. a t llf, lfrinone . 1,tt th. ltr o!uh.er.'e.o!rh.ltegrr.t broes. rJEr oe..us1 {DrrducLlm. n rli r;r tuD ol @ .t ft. ni. dr.rru.r"! ,.d.d tnnntr. ., h. dltri.d I 13, i.r ,4d rsr, c. bad ar,rJ, o.o or tuhn.ld nDJdns rM eLsln, h. . r5 o11. c@dd r|nt:d. ftrr i. ! r;ry rrui.lna_ 'f H. a@1.t d b. re. ri ;bd! lo o1^.. rlms t!. tr , dr.tu. r.oo.d. h. ..bblr,h.d 1955 ,5o d,L'. Jonle.bu€ ro rrdy.d!! 5 d'f, 1c56 Ll? dll.r ? d.yr 9 h,.. Gm) rr5? u, Dro'1 b J.hure'buls /n!\ a d.i. tr bs, 'd1.' 153 co3 .ron'uabuls L. c.F.td 2J d4 ? b!r. '11., r.ro d?6 dld r,ulr od t5 r.hn o!cdr!. e*, 20 drf ?l_ H. r96L hI? rI1.' JohM'lbus to jrubb (-i!dl e d.r: 194,[ rtoo dr.. L@ l'g.1.r 10 \d fdL rt dF B hd. 2c d!. I n. mft dg.r t' s.t d.u116d lnrofuti@ !n hd h. p..!sd tafusr tur.dlbl. nd,&.rotltins r ..d'ei.d, slg.f rd xosir. ro ry ru_ '.tr .uohly.|.d.H.bld ni. r. ! dr!tu. or 7 drr. .r4rLrr !rd* Ees, r@$,.. dabu1! for ar hod!.r1 . f,. s, !d 881!o.n6rste-cortlr.sd--vtc zqo,aL). .. h!lcan !nr,. rc: l. Boc. 3:i{l]9 4q ei. -, ]roc rloear, PfhE!r€r yo3e€ns€r, pat!r.r) 7:L5..r 2. nldl6r sLlldorit L P !1a. P.omsr club..r6d: Boc 26, rpc & tt.ird a+, Rtdl.r sUllders 22. Il. Da's Par" .k r'?r lat^utc rouch€d olt 6 ras bsc/ of vtc zvolrl ln th6 2-n11. Iol9r..13r6_-c3 's) L rrlc oh J3 boo"sriolch & boaE hti !r a rurr. Da,o ord 3'€r duo, 6 1:51 !1$.

I . 1..1 .SA .uLll a o Io.! q r"a dl,oo o-da! -ron 1.D, ta. lo Blos "sJ, t..y. oJ,.,y litt1e !'-b11.ation.

:L-..u. tJJ' -9 POAD

lu. B



ih. polni uur t

7 !? rb€ p!".rns,

nol'!o.tlnc..ll.ry iirJrBar$airru?8i16 'i d 4 ,r rhy tur" ed ep4L io ,\oo

hd €t.rlk e4 rr




,q c.$i.3r surprir cee fhen r



r. sod

r" *" ls €Mr."

tu. n"t, b.! re.I cdtuDsi

ly. rrllu,

ecod?d.d liln rh.D h. re

lns.a.toaidhbftr.ushdt.lelaugbEdlDd.n!a1r9dib't sd 0.n!, he eaTlatn.d d.ci!ry.lr. i6 b:. :.oo:d 9ol d h@tllr .!d e41!rnel urdi n o obEii a d@idr r4 iran 'lnfd t!r.s duiq rhar iu h. '&t d qlir d !e. ne cdrr'd trf h quit, !o bd ff r afso 'odn haveb.6nrolc.d:og'.}. !ii 1trsnr,sr r.-orc tu.. J.r.. ! :orr of brb

ta !r2.,

.ou& !.r

rd Lr! h 4dd 110 a dar fd. 70 &F. oti.n h6 nld r,.1\r 3! .1.! on th6 :o.d 3!d ruk on ihe bni .ou& ro' tlai dar. 0r1d he mt .ne4{t.a dc .!ek a8 iT mo*d ccEe t.dr r to 1l5 ros! Fe. dsy, (.'.!ra3 raf as 6r rEle! d 3on daJ3.n: iF]e ,'ri!]-(dli.,lcfljjl,3hod.slJros.oftsnhe'ffrn1: d.rl.is. hc ,culd rr plrrr{od aoc@cdail.n' ':r.ea codns on ih. redior r.1._ Y1!1ol.rng3Fa?.r'H.l!'frosihpr.s..dbiihehdpiljiriyh.!.ceir.d' 'rrnc





*':"P:,':t"'i,: ii':ii'"r;i"siirj,:1.:::S! nii "i:i'If i{:"; l;iir:"n-j;:T'{Jl{ :r ri ;i"".,:,:::ii :r# l{tfljt";fl g-ii,i :,,i-liii::irl{:{.:l ijxi,,i, i;." rr,":r.":,.sr" :*'ii:i;x\i "ii: :i:{"1{#,.'11'i*;'"

rffii;*fir*Iffiu*H ;l*:tl+$i-t'ffi

#+*"*t*rl**#ffi;*;xrqi:*dt+riiiti"L.:ffi "

n;"l,i.i' l"!":



"" 1i-"::' :":: '; ";:l;:"t:"";g::flt-$':;:n.

i-iXii$*t:*:t***l*u**** q;$:':l'-t *;


;,'.'m*#,i;;,"**j iil,:it*i,

l(IMr urr,s _4F eoaD p0 rrrp.rnoalo, D-., /:rb so L:. 1. colorloo,^llorE suloaJ, J.., a-.0" I€€. ?. 'oa !km!, DU, 8:2r ,;oori: r. Dor r{--6-. ^ufo-', !n 13-!r(t !.opbso rorlt j, }r: , aBlo 'io loro !lr !\6 ,'t .o u; r.- oLL !. Boo -0{6, isu. afE,t€:,0 t8:t,j;.:.6 rA,' rst' tc,_r qtlolr '..!rrr ru.oa1,r,t8:li6 .:oo 10: \€at, Joe arrr/ol. o a 5. -eLo -;oo 1?., -b: '€:tL 7 ft\n Bl$k, mc, 9:oj 1:to rore lnd John !rr.klum a a d"ao fo!. 0, r{3. Alodo !, D]C. 9:ol :ro 18,_ lor r,r'-d D1^.e. .ho -vo xlr Dol ron, D,lc, -9:'5 l:oo,8: .. B!1!- frmJ, !. trrk In Auo",. r9:rl , 1.: mC. '1. ls6 corkM'. yrr r9,r: ::;o D6nre. u., :1>:tl; r6fc loJLNo,, D.', 1:1./:1.: r, r's. Boo ,2. Jac. tl -dor€, DL. .,1:2b ,_0, t;:. 1b, auddr \1, ,\u,. o!b, mc, ro€ 3 robn BlMk, DLc, ):5:5tt r9:L9 cn ,,1: 1:<6io6r ?. Bdrt c.arron, D-., . r lto! 15. te !6eo;, vra, _9:58 1::o t8i, Ib. mc. rci"8 .:.o ^,i -t.Bt26t a. rlEo! 1610€rrt, m(. :,.,)8: 10. t,!, '7. loqsr \awbarryr mc,.o:o? co 20:. DsIrF!.er Dlc, /:59:00. I€ .6re M,nr. €1ij. mc-.6j. .,. i :. o fl.n! -ilb/itrl t€- 6::.; k azola, o:J', .o. Dlc^ h:rsr, mc, .r:.I :oo,B: 20. tu1 catt€liof6,mC,22:10 t:lo AO1 --Jorir !leL-21. ill1l Hsrltr, rtc, 22:11 l:OO 19j1 corlDJ}xr rl)r5 2... ,ury Ba!re!, ma. _.: ? ::oo,4, 7lr!a. c0

B. .

.ol oo. .a!., "-, ..- as-. ir.. d lJ -!E uj -rtle-

".r the D€h's"

2h. C-.r^ E_.,ro., Dr^. : 9 roo 4,:r 25. isr-€nc; s€..!s.DT-, 25:oo J:o :.:.

-re l. /l Ll i,oo rTlrl]nic ,.AF Dl1.t!oiMEl,'T T&F i r ,.sl :r . s , r o- I rlr'on. '.tLa., fio-or' ,... .r'r r- 911, _arl, :.. ed ..ophr -oJ "oru": L;, ,a:e ca_do,rc . . ophr. Ls.s.o 860 .5!r.-o. 3 sco.d,otoor. + \ 'rtvi a'j 3 I "tr i. 1L:!!!- r. rc -:99: jo..,3. mc. 8a,t!u . . l. e' a:06; I+, Jo l BlanL, Dr-. r{g- l. Bl lh "., "td. rs . r', l.5,.ol :o; :5 I 5. vcFal:Lr, v. . ., m., lo:01.! / d!,o 6r. 41sora, 2, ro. F1 l{o' t. 0:05, -. .oR"r, ' 1o\', -o:0o: '. "ar -ot - oer!...-vIre3- .. Iaul s"noor', v6:r' I0:lB; .. .11€! r!'.alla-,-r :. iod'1, 6.V., ro'r l !{, c, .1.0,; lo. o...--:"-or, Il 6J s_.i r: . td.! t,:!2, sLftn!.godL, r€itsr ._..1-,- rark: r:-n-r. J-m !. ao!'!.n uornj r.sota,8:5.; Lrq- -rrrt. .l !"b"+*.Ddm'c. ,,-€na.: /:r. fo!J!..ora., ;t--iGi 8..., a:;!":,id_ e:oi:.. il:i:-" ,oh, !4C, o:10 1!, Daro xrrui1€1d. tTc. ')t2ot ', IL^. uAsrT, p !ao!!, .:2lj 6. r;D {A ,,_rcL! \ r,. .rorr 1rlalo r( nl ;od ,(s. rr. {.sasa. 9:r.: 7.,Vlrll. t1a .1 ,r [tfe o,lMplo: flrirhsd !6c.nd ln rhs rac6 lflltlt rao.


L nii; s:iiJ"j


e:.br ,r_,i.,1.--e-; 1, 6ll lldc[L tro; o, J D€D!to.t. 8.V.. O:11: 10. ' Budat Bolr€r, D"c, ; !., n,Br hrb. '0:Ltr6wb€rn. D.c. ,o:L6r Ir. RoE€r Drc. 10: .4,r]''|;np.or,n.v.,.':|5j]..n(Md1-!ry',]:0:.'.' 11, Don.!'!., B.v. --:2o; | :2.-.v., (r9 rlnlri.f;),5.

_^i 9


lerr a!' r'.c I\, .::.!..;

oqrr' u/{. b:lri


il r:f;]:"1":'; ;l;;i6;i;-; ;;-;:M;!'*i*i;;;-;d --- qor .':,"1, ,j,i: i:i.: B Y'rark. 3. .r'oL! e Dsn'er. co-oraoo, 5.ndrr, , -r .- Don o'ck ! tu:lna a'or a

b"o rJdrr a ,-n ,[1i h;adrcap N J"h @.o ' FrrL todar, r€s cajfLd! 1 ir!,F'rotr ! i.-.h rDnn6i' causbt '11 cou!6 -€,oro b, 2, r.-r.


.r.. oor' the lerd'r . ]oL 3 €!c. ta_o Dvo "'..'0:. r! clr- -' dto, 1 . fo11or'44. ,h.

:i^:i":"1:":;,;:"il;,;1:'?:;"..*"::.' ,pon s-.

B sn



5. c€@ noenJ, uE., 7[:15.2: 6. Brt.

No bd .oca1led in Tetr ntle

JoE r:iP.rZoL{ rrINS rosT-,'l 10




llltc Fost,{L rrrr ri:r rl J.r. trsri rFr4 x8r York r]Ilc rlliltE rLtn riole ;retd in ti!€o



s .oar, J11, 20_ J06 Bo ou, hLrh ! 5:LB " -rL & h€1d tr13 1€ad ro vth th. tocld

srooklrn &qd Jacti lubla of ri16 1sd all the ral' io rin ir 59:06.8. {t i}D ountair Road RuMrr !@uar 10-!11.Ea.t,1 q.S. !!acr, _ss u' s rsn in ro rhe [r,'I t o u '!'r ''" ,1 o. rai " "''"' i arl ,-.d. tn "i oor6E,no naL tonal rraid_ rG rl6d o1 p€'.u." irsr -o & o .ary 7 oL- o. rho 1.1 s er _-:0_, .1o../r -'!- oi! rrrfeo r-rdr-€ .Dl -!pr€d !r -n. 3_rr.e .d. & --! o tl ,o "" s , b.rsf sr6t ,t D6rroL.ody a rFd " \o ,!! -o "orrlr'1. Boo lora lumte ht, s are:10( s on,,ra^r r.oJtd n; o r1 .r otC tn Jo Norl.s oIarr. o" 13- ssc-o1 gr s_. -n 13131. I lo . r ',o .r .. Joo Roc4 r,.n. RRc, ,8:J6.8 ^-,r?o.ra, qoc.r Mrn. "n-, bo:Jl 99:9'- ',1! 1 r. Do 1ortno,E, Ro".-, t"t,Rrc,66:55 rho 1r' [,w, 7, c yter /I- Ltm, Ro,{, j,r.Fnc,86:5J r:snr€.ilo nolr'r rL.td utrhn, DIT_ ps.- \s+rrdrl;, ta,,. '. nov. rii cro.r-n€, Jobn rr'160p (-6:10 ias r.o no D!,rf,,!1sr J.cr k:r;;-6. ld'-'Lc1!rD5d:'I..s'b.'Ja.ilm€.(!trIG.oi1n 10 r. !t- lltdrood !1.S., 3rcol(}yn, u,y. Ca!lf., 1r dot!€ gradurto xork rt Co1;'- J!.1 iLb.Ln, 0^r, 9r:0b.0 rado !n 16 !l'r rdl! rea!.) -,or E-Mlt-r;6, .::_-J, JJ:oo, -:do. -7,,o. ,i:r5. . ..: ,o, r&yo,.cr,,{qrt. ls-d3, "^,c-u:{ ds b.8,: :, r,r . ion...i +.Lu- llhs! DEvrroPMr\i D'.rra., pa., ro:d L1, 6r:_7. trl l-.,.k. _ ;1:2(j ,. B -.nE, 0\r, b? .i b. " \co ll2:I1l9:1. P"t l-.rno.. is.l.:0, P!11 sdbo 1, Ilrlta 8cj b1:99,.DNq- r' serzon. l.!t, J:06.o: 2, u . ;€orlio^^, . cortap", ! t_ed r,{. ll vs_da- Eitln, .u...J-lr't.'. p."t, 'o,ro ,"".r,,i v", lf :.1: _:a.;l' i,l-.-!i:.Ea:!:-t'"'_". ^.r,1 Fpn!


:. ,.." c.,_1..", -r*i-,.r ir" "i r. ",rl:07.2r io j i. o: l*' c i"pp. lilH*T*TJ17ff*.*;",1 .3:1,,.,_ ", i: i;-li:.'-..'ij",i{;.. #- ::':3.Y;.r': rruc6 rc, rq:lr; 5. rorr sb€Ber. da,. tL j::'*,_i,1_::_1::I: ii1 i!: :9i0]i :. R?,;,.bo -,,. -"....ood.- r. r; : ?; #;ftfiF;fitl"*.;;;:ffi* rJrr 4 lso 5: p o ,. ::;3i; 6: ;:: ,:;-;:'s i. ii:l- i.. ; ,*, Je: Bo'o"!, \.r.. i ,,", :. e -: :?ll:{"il'};lY:::}. '0. 45:';::;.:,1:"{; ;;"'iiril":i"!:3!i:Ji iii ;;;**;";:;'tart6*' re "o'rlold' :

"-"''*'i,.,, l: ii|\ililk"Stii$ x.:","7;i1q\* ::il'4::inr,::iiill:$:"i?!:i:iiii,** ;:;:: ;,it' ::'f;';l;11",'"f"i:1i",, :: gl::"!:* i::,:T:"i", jili i:jr! ;b::";;:,: i:il'i,:,:l \,2:2b, ii::: "ri: )+7.5a, ; 5l:o7,2 rornor) i,r, lii::::ff::.":fil. i:! J.n rro..6da, j r-a, 2l:l? ii:ii 5_r:u 7 ?.M. Irastur co11o6€, stltsn llhid, ri.y, 3. t.r Jernlgq D.!,'I&F, 23,5t i!t35 o, iIaJ3 0rB.tld, mbLra r..'.:J 12:06 n. a ..o.i.t't E , t9t-,,:(,j20,:,i:, ':,i:; 10. y"n Dd-u, E.2 :3 i,, i:,."".",""1,1ff1'i;,Tj'T.""L:;',:',:" 25r0: 9?l ,L _ ,;i"4.;:,;j: ?,o.j 2 n: A 1, i,:-il'":,. ,'05, - ,.-, .,'*0, tti:..t, z. ri :i.,"" 1'. loL ro"lrnnor. , Bf{, 2'1:18 52 19 m",":.,u:i,"i::'i ;,'; "i.':":.:'rt, li, ii;.::i;li,r:i"ci::, i,;!: ;:iil


*;ffi+rit +*ffib;

iffii'ii$*#rffi i#*s**i ;l*l*r*+*$'* ffi;,#,.,*-u-*$u[*l#


:g$:nti*'**:*iffit*+ ;t;;*,::l*f;;E*'i; ,Iffi:.,:;:;;u1;i:j1'

il:I :i: r:i: !::"i:

:,tl:1,;;sii,lt i:


",,;'; ; ,; ,;,;1;,j;





f',-;r-*T " J.;".. , :,i, "."rij:;';.1"h:f.i::.:tr:. " :.';;,il :'ii"*:i'}' {


i ::t ir,





ilil;:l'*i!;i;:ftilii::l,ljj liir*it"" ;:,:;r":":'i"l;-";;,i;:!ks;..r.i:..r.

l*g*:*;=;*:;i'li' i: iiH:^;*"i;,11 " ", i:



;ii ;iil;':,ir;*:iiii::*:;li:r;:'it,

,,r,lt;*,i,i;*,*l;:i',, l;,: *i;:;;;.{i.i*=pjit.i:;;;,:r;: ;;Tr: ;;,;::i1'"ii'::::ir

i';:;iil'=iii:i$,':i:al,i'ii:;;'i*; i:ii:r"

ff-i:;:.ft;:i.)i*],'ri',li ;'' *:t',,11,:li'i{$*',l,ril;1i,, ,'::1f";j'.':i:!;.Te.


ro tcf,5:.. t6: t2. "';,:; ':A ; ,or losrnsLrn.z. 26:L-l 1.6., !-r..

::%:"::'*; i;":ij:31




ilii'r"";f o:d€r I

r sloN ..lo tou. o!

DlrL, t l5r cruo) ho1. sers3llod. .E S'sdof Jo@ IlcD.a!.ld crb a tu"Bdre ' ,;5- lI--',.i'"{';,{l

'ln '

. _prD r_

l'::ft ;il*lliU;l+j:!, corcxxs & pnos 2-InL! p ^

- "i:"il "jds:,:h:,*et.jll'f.:-"::,i::,:*


ijlt. u:,.il$*ffi'jlkitr.";:T*; .: !:"""S"fr#:l"l'il:lp"

il;ry;;$;j,:il',rnry' [i f#:iijd:rlj':::::i :'j;'t; 1. !€nt sD LdFFer,

B€!mrd15o. 10j28_q.

2. I,rn..md, srn B.rn*ditu. u:rB i l. ligG Bullckr rsld,la !.rL. 12,27_-O nocord! f113r ri'€ ar-.r hoid_ ' tl roR nlBt s.tool l_ lrx iuN (9rL ftad6 lnd rtrdsr)- l, J !rn UcDor rl. cl6bders -f !s:Jf.b: ., Itrrr sDchrl, ,.rut I.. 16:[o: ). nrcha!d Rrr!, c1oldat€ Tc. 16:sq: l ' li:"i+,if "yi,ll*]'"li,i;rl,itirf,ar !icr {n3tine, rfiJ,


t.:12! 0.

?c. 1.:!1; c.



lET !

D:Vtf,oPI{lm mn1. vd cortlardr Julr 27th ? ?.}[ l-rll1d llRndica!)- 1, o'cd r,roolo. Fypc, rs.r, r 6:.1,4 (6r.1 2:aA, ):16, L.:zJ.?, I iJlr q:qr. /:4e, o:\r,4 - ra3t trtro It recordi 2. crllR !b@€rr u,a., (22!t) 9:07,U: 3. 8111 Yri&kr vnlted a{, (25or) 9,19.6j l+. x,"1 Fd,r, a 4:2J.7 d1o. Moore to !h bJ aliolr 10o tud!. --non !.drlnston--



fu".*ffiffiiltitr#ffi ffi*ffi**;fl#issm* iifi








r$#rffi;'ttffi *thilqi;il:{q*$ij,,4,l- $;i,':'iii:f:;tU*; r,ii;iir" ,-*,$=:ii':"ii I,i.!i'


*lt*r*#u'.={*, l;sr,*,s, =*,,;,,i;;;11;,;=*,;--

ui1€- 1. Fra. ca!r€!, Iem ,{c, l+:l+0.1; 2-r!u1 sanholn. lla1t. Ec; l. id dih-

!.!o!hl€s uore lres€niod tD th€ to! ten 3ob riM, rs; ac. ?:j",,r; z !br- Hslro- 1. Br.xning Rors, South J€!!oy TC, ,5 !an, uM.r l, te@1s DJ.off, ?e@ lc. RoJ J€rnlgo, T&F, 51 B8O- 1. Joe llcFll1s. RidleY .t!]c.€rr. j.2. !d Doda, R1dletO€lrraro st!1d6"3, rsr*t K€fth rriton; s;uth tga.c; 2, lon orle!, Soulh JolroJ ?c, t3 ?cj 3, John o316t, uE. !1ecL- Rtdlov Si.lde!!..ri

e L/&1L 1

srlMl'llln x-colr]ifRY Rlrx



thi1a., l'., sundlt, tuly 19 {? !.n.1 Br xiMli€ the Middl€ ,lt1lntid mcrs rl)mo! 10,000n :-counirx run oYer tbo ]4nAU oous8 tn lrlmount r.!k todeht, t)F- Bob Ctrmbols. l-d1le!: Jvlrt Hoch, lort l,or€nz nado io! Ro3!- tt25, La:t+6, 16.16, 2\l 'i!! tnts rffi" tn Mlddlo ,".il!.!tc ccn- a!1:t3 \9,,21 :26, 3ta5, 38t59, H+'36, 5a.4, Tr34tY-€i€ht

to rult th€ fur rlm dondlilols. Br ths tre thd halflar n*k l1!c be€n ot! Dn h13 our & he 'as of hard sN fthl3hed 245 rhaaii cr8citlile f1.13ned ! "utur1n! .r a th1"d ir 32:06, eacellenb trre 1. Eerh torcnz. lr111i.,qno!o, n.J,,l1:11 2. st€'€ r,lha1'n, For! !rr, r,. J, , Jl:<5 L Ed Dodd, n1d13t stri lor!,?c, J2:1r6 h, lor 0s1er. South J3!33n l2:)rr


U,J.0d 'l!n. tliiigton, Dgflwara, Mondalr JurT :?th ?:15 r,n. tou€r gt11 All-l8ath-

er tradri.,hot & hula, r, Brox ba Ror3, south Je!!€t TC, 26:16. ?j 2. 8111 GroenFlata, Dela,,ry ?&f, 27: U5j l. Ilartr R€td, Iam lc, 26:26; 4. roe casllr, D31.r&F, 23:41; 5. Eot nona.rkt, so.r€r!€r rc, 2B:l+l; 6. r€n vlrlldron, rel.t&1, 29:05; 7- Bl11 Gibron, D31,TAtr, 29r07: B. l6te l,1cco!1,r6, um., 29:15j 9. HdlJ l!or1!or, D€l.T&F, l010lj 10. cart C1e3k, itdlet Strld€lr, 10:34, 11. Dxrght Ilrol€tt. D€l,T&F, f0:[0r 12. ld $!on€!, . Del.ldF, l0:l+9; 13, Brld fiur1r)€ton, D.I TdF, J2:2o; ll+. Jlr chsn€tr 3flC, 15:46.

21. !!u1 Ladntalr, c1€mid6, t!.' l7:11 22. Bob ClMh€Ir, ildL€y St!1dcr!,3?:1? 23. Ulli€ Johroon, lrll1ox LJ,ilb:17 2l!. ,ti Dolohuo, RunneEa!c6, 'ror3,le,lo:o1 25. Dryo 3man5kr, Sotrth JarreJ T.,Jq:0 ft11!. irinoe!d, 3111 Eolm€r, l':5q 26. 27. i,arrr lutiy, )€la!.t€ retr, +r:2J

2€. J€lrj Eoch, l6m Ac,



Fltc 10-Mrr,ii TIrI!cn ii.j.c!

?511a., ?a., sunday, Jtr1f, 26 (7 p.n.


nook tne lead:t r:ho !ta!t iN lod !u th€ laY io ilr tho M.n. Rnc &,I&t1ona1 tulc losn&l ro-nlle track .hm.tolrhto lanieht i! 55:52. rhe .,.a lis hela o. tl€ ronn lstrM H.S. b!!ck ln R.f, J€rrt€lr, D€la!!!e ?rn clul, ,43


6f Foimwnr to,{

6 croq




!p.r rs 4 p;qir."

nilnrnet.i, r€1., .rurJ 9- 2d tef. Tar yBet- 2-yt1e- 1. Fran caryer. lom ac.

r:al.l l7a-2:10.6, l:2e.$, ilrt+o.2, 5i52. d, 7:,r6.-9:20)^!or,:i1t!-d Drqt of !p€€r rirclr,9o].rlF,9:lr;4, 9:27. d ! j, ,

lrinc lfrn,D!- [,c:]1,2..d!q-o.Do!son!1 :56.


*tr;i****ilfr#r**- t**::*'*.:l ni$*l:

ffi**ffi*1 il,',t'



rr. c7:R-: 11. t|ra he a- b T,ufME. srrran rc. 6L:19: '.Y., --: 6: l.-. Joro J6ssc !o"o -.. !sr;, oL:9Jr I]. n6;o 12. I :It I""-, U:r0i l s!, Ic16!ia!, \5. Do'rod. BAr. 62:4:1h. 11Mrlt€rrr'1 -odr' BlocLron ac, b4:-4r tj. B6n cdlrn;td. -a:o : 7.Lr, rr"i ( r']n.rr. 1'.^. wc. 6tr:L9r 15. JolD Rortsrc. Lldrc. rr'..d, o:5 ; l+', Ps' 6t:-1r 1?. lod corrne. B!'i. 6q:.e: rrr Ld /c ot! 3-L o 1 , 60:.11j <r. std p. !o,. s . ;5:s8: ,br8, ,6 -2. 6 :lr-: Bob B-ozok sr-nr.3, o-nd , rr-ed rr, ^Jr10nrHc. 06: 5r h. n;; d crmrod., 60:lO: ', John ldr. rJ. re" BuD.h'.€.j,.6?:29: 21- clau6 : ,: r R.s! oo 4a, !, rHc. ?a:,9: Ec 6u€11or. suf 6)r. \,v., r''-s!.-. L_Bl'!. !'atrr 71: oj .). JoLr Boold, p,rr, i,: "6. nr.r \ vo3, 6.,i2, r0L1c. ?2:i_: 2t. ed :0 : F7. E l.z/Dr.L , [Nc. Z:o2r 26. Roida caff 6n l5b.o, 65::?:.5!. J""(, p,,_^. 7,,J8; ?. Ro's- P'rd, n c, Z):5); Br11 'ar€r. B, ,a

6L:0o:60. s

a{ - 0C.[C: _. 'o..ra1 Co r.^| lc Lo: . s . {.1,. 2. c!"1r',{"6.rcu u; B^ 76; l-. rrwP. 7?i 5. Pul'.o!o u ?9. . onrrc: . i\./rc ror 2. ro,a rr B; _. \ap-,o. -'Ef 57. ,..'Joe .Yancsx, Davo 1,e'r, sd Offlcta1.: s"r^a. ii" mrt", nii' rrertrqtl;, ra"!r r,o,!sr, neir,{b!e;on, Jrli toiiardi, ros' LrFoc.a, 't Br-rB , !d Po_ -tor , 34. O:AL

c:mr, so4ltan rc, 77:t7; Jt. s t"srund Podlozry, |JvC, 7A:O6j ,2. lolJ r{ed€rto., ll- }r!11r |!!b€!, ?c:ll .u oul31. Irr -ocb, NI{c, _a:l€l .15.'rl,tcr 1or. flalr, 82:!?r 36. Ba''r Rrchddron. dt:o6: l?. Forabo Drof. scorrns: 1' 3olton -4.{, 2-3-\--ej 16e 2, slaltar rc, 1-?-9--17; 3. xMc, 19. x]t{c, ?8:oa;

flI; *1"1,", i:::-::::::::::-1::-:Ilrii:::--------- ltr'"3'"#"i3,?*ifllHT t, lanL va!sa!I, t7t28 .r5 ory!ryrc DEr.ELOFl€r'r 2-t1n! n'Lrx. larso 1?:ld , rohn IIa-l!co. 1?:qr cr !1.1,1 3L,ra! so th Bo. .", r1a,... . i tL: vrke^o,..r.b. BL{, ,1:: :. ro,r,:'. *l"ll--?fi-"r ll::P li:o +*::f r. :2r :L ro:r5 ;. 2. dora.a -o!', .:,.,

r;:o;";i;;-;;, isi;6 i;oo i;;6e J, sod Tulon€r, Rdiprtr acll:22 :45 10:l? coo_r' Iro1l'r' l'8:11 ':Jo ,15:!l r'hn Xra r.. ll:4 lr,be ! .. . , r. nr."-c.,o, 'a ' Iff;.1:,-'.,.. i8iil 2:oo l:;ii o. - a'e L'r.6, 18:rrr :;33 -, ; 2: L5,".9:59 6 16:1r+ jffi:.;",:".;;,;; chdle r.12:1lr blr.rrc oe,a oon€, rfl""i."11il!l: i8;i? :;33 l::i; -.i;s';; i. ;;;-;;-;:'. -;iat---- i": 1/. Fo, o -r,ys-, .8:18 2:oo ,6:16 i;8";i I 0 ita. er!r Do-rs-our\. \...,, J rJ .B- -o.s-.e r-r ol'r ;'-D€rlop br \{'r t r;o nre...oo" 9'9I:13 " -.1d"''lda & rL o,,rr:rsr6r.r, _ ". oef{6 s f ng riy Lo o !.'o Da u rno . p, ?s!-€., B:,1 Gr 8:rl ,_;rre,"--. 8:51 :jo 8:21 na-ph.Lsc -'; roor orer d 1€d co-. ocr. ,",9: -,r9 9,59 cd' -.6 iLero a .2 !.'craE r. r, JoM s3r L6t. ":Jd sn '- gz" u,po-',, ,". I,Nn lprJnxlo!! ,e!€ alr arotg lxe otl14!Ic DIV 0PIBIIT 3-![ ,] irN, ralgo cours€ to la€p th€ rLlfu$ rlroe !o$t1rrl,. Bul1d1.a, south Bortot, arr,, JufY 26 Th6 rortsnotrth clMb€r of uoe€!.e !11r 1. cdlton.orltock, XMC, 17:10 a{n 1?Jo butld th€ r!c6 up in tho fut*6 (rlft 1?:l+9 J:oO 14149 2. C!€g Kont, AAl,* 3. c€o. com116r, BAc, 17:59 -l:00 1l+:5q 1. filllh B8cbub, sla?ian lc, 4. Pat Corefror, BAC, 1U:00 cd f,b:oo 2. TonJ sapienza, Botton Ar, 55tL5 5. Rob€rt !toLra!. atu.. IAtI2 2tl!5 )"512? l. !I1\€ trhnlll, trn1!, ol I.:I.j 6. Foyc6 savr€!, \tlc, 18:16 1:lr5 16:11 4. nob.rt uolva!, Bortlt rr, 18:26 1:Jo 16:56 7, rof, ELliott. u,,. 57:24 5, ronn r. xoller, ua., 8- Brmo t-ohano- ua.. 18:2? :10 1?:t 6, Richdd facL.rd, Bo'ion r-r, ?ac]{ird. B.ir.l.18: ll! 2:i)0 16:lh 9. Rlchlrd 7, ,{rt sc ott. 10. stevon L,kor sFft!n,ru:ld 2:oo 16:ld €. nictdd li€akl, l,r.nn lc,



9. Rorco slrYer,






3!d ,{1lwal norEr nM t 4 illrE RUN spo orad bJ: CDr.or h "v_I6-. san^rlonod o!: ions r -n o .r'n, Comlttee of iha Southern Pacttlc {,1rr 5 ,tu"- ii. ,' o) d Da.o: :rfEdar. E+]: . "-s:-) tJ!: .

dchoolorr !h. lab !r15.t ro! clend!16 Hs o.i!. s-., Dr,; ineo r. or"r.,'""31 ith€. .. "r'to "u r--i"r ro -c_,L.-!.r'l x .e1 , q eo k ''''o ll a n€I.y 12 .o, ',!1 rna:s .i,6r, ,od -oa. .. rnrh.


Ili"il'*J',li: ," x;l;::;3 ): ;i;"1,*; ft:1,:;.:j _"1;r;;'. ly,: ;.;j .r: '1. Bruc€ Do!'. r'ac, . x: ;.".r.",.rec, 1t a Et? Ld ;.., ; ! ,r, €arl Duman, ua., 2:oa [. 30:03 futo1 ; l',!.;."1,::'iti.. T: s;;.r:; 3;;;,.;: h. :!:i- li:,i -"" ;:f":"::; J,1-i?,ir .l1]l:l' :




rr''. q , . i"' l::'..:+; j,:6

r'1. .;..1-'.

23:ot L{il. F. !o1rt (!rn+r 1el

- alti: -'* !"i1i Y;'r";,rl: b'; &!:'b: l;: i:lii;5:i:"ti:],..,i;:i ".il,.} r:. ii*"i r-, ' h., - ,0. z,ro >,'" 1: '"'c Aolt & 'r-'";o !rr-rer. ln' b, D"n v6s',


(2 mn


ll.ltc/J!'qJo.'nu',1:101:JoL:lr0l":u:iL.\cq^rr$aJ6 11. M.r;u. t:. .- .,r,. r,bo d,. -9,9',,'. DM ro'e_3 ^nd,


-none ...+


+: i1t-'l:-"',!"..-i". .;:l,i:! i:;. ,::l:".;xIri"sitii'":,;;'ll.'""i,",L ;;";; ;: ii.:' ,".iri 1,'r.s :si,6 i;. ial rii.i*JGi;r"r, s. titj ;;t; ,"ii8 I F!a, Brure r^. 2r:.)o: o. 86" .a

o r' .',,'F.nu€LA'Lrd!d]'D'-.-:].'o:o'o:]J!lgnt'.Luq€.6.R€r'' 5rln} \1anrrb_e.. ... 1i:+ -:15 .5:rc nlchald hodo.rf.r & Don rtcL; 12. Da! I tohn,{rLirr._ R . l1:d( :l( ,.:.,"n"irJ.._, .. i::o! €,6 -o.at io, or, D a ra- Da,zrsar, D1^. ; Bu_ ^:, r, 1:<re sul4rfin spEt, procFr\rl, 11i!! ]t€noz[. r.", noraua6,..ri;fi. ]2j14 1.3o ,5.!3 tirxst,|rlr :-tolo. : aro-,. ,. ., rrlr '- n ct-. , _ ,.- ",;o ,0,9! t't' ':.. "*"*.. 5: r'rort u o,n. 16 Itur ,.. I : pr.r. Iah. ,?. FraB b..bacrir, rrvpc, -.o. ro.., r.:o .-:., o..o -ytlo

*I5l*;fft.:t:';i.ts;i i"i:"r,j;i: ;ff ri:;":.:'": l;:,:;,: ,.:"; Darld cM,;, G. >t,z::, .8:!J €n a n '\€t un" !1:00 (r,rr & coor)

,0. Jl. .r., !. Jf,

:12 .L -' cr'lo Broln, utu,, rl!',nE!€r., *r', , : ,5:o 0: I :,v. - Li, iuo n,, I :56 6:o0 lr:5o urmlo s,R ar. s. ,ir:-- 6:oo 2:zl 15. John cors!o'o, Dn.,3r+:5J lr,:.o lo:5J J6. Ldlr Io'-€', Fr , Jr:10 -:'r5 5:1. j?. c€orE€ "!tor, mt, J6:05 r: 5 .: a J8. c,l vr!-r1!no, F!u, )6: - l.:.o l :11 lo. iJajno r{rnso, Mr., t6:.- ?:00 )0r " D\n- n,c\t ,r1"1 ., t€6 -r'L"o d, Jr'

nobe*'on. +Stauble v111 la.olyo credtt ra. rltghtlJ xot€....cu1r6r Cttt rCrt To! s]]at out168s6d a rtold ot no't1J Jounartor! or0r ilE luss€tl ]]otut 1i111. cou}.€. It ,at Shlt,r flrlt rl.iort 3in € c.nlns rcrt lpr Ner York, rnother filrt ulr sia, st$b16!r crptrFo bf fart tl'e honorr. Th€ toDs fro.h at San Berneldtno va11et coltog6 a relro3€niI.€ th€ Eub n8!1o!. har been 1nDlorle laDldlr a tbe flu1tr f^8i of hard uorL pald-off tod;J. SecolLd it1lf DaDsitrJ, toui€ n13!

l.J00n Jr' i o:l?.2; ricJI"!, ai, 2. 8111 Il!.!ca', udt€d.{1, o: /.5 ). 1r, red rr, a:19: L. Georso vlrno,rJ, ur,! 9:2tj 5. nrt Murc!1!or, uu, 9:llr.; 6, Bob el!d€t, cMc, o:.16; . ib Lra! Ia, caic, o:.aj 3. o:15: 9. fla / o'L€!-!. cArc. o:/Ir r0. }o' co-ort. ua., 10:0b, u. Al tolko, crc, 0: -r.

WIU{IIcToN, !€1., lune 9- D€1!x!r6!!

16th rtuurl strl6 lrv T&F chsFlonlhl!: dloh ! rna1l but r8lact c1rc1e io B!ttonlghi. s* neet rdc-

clor€rr-c.!tort6d 22-oten!'chedu16. fh6rc rero .ero trri:rr !n dre 680, rhtch ra! Ph1l rrd.rron, .3pr€t€.tlnE rh1l,a, Plondsr1, 1:56.o clocklr€ br MrrG Lron (Dela,rrrF) vho {al a rt€rr tehlrd h1i to thc tlnaI Much of th3 dxcrtenent ih3 nI1e, ,her€ Jtr


rjisi rtrlt Fscturtod lJ 'ar staltord !a!'€d hderloni, 1:56.0 tr tha e8o lra, ,!xtenthr ol r recond o3r!b1l!hed bJ u!' stack (D€1.r&r) 1d!t nl. cro'n, rtelpine rhlch n€ xon erll].f,. 880- 1. Phil xnderron. r:56.cr 2. M*6 falr€ tsMond, De1!.Tcli.,r,1r8 1. Jin starr.ld, D61!.TaF, 4t29"Jt 2. Dar LLdd, Der,a.t&r, 4:i1.5j l. lruce lholdr, una. 2-11118- 1, re!;t!cl. 9:51.6; Ten-trJ:.1. Drva ?]]m€, Dn,;4. rDc fu€€r,


ier n€drlr. 2] !tarte!r, 20 l1.r!t!ari; 1. Jolm rlaJr ?xi, 1,46:15; 2, iar vl€Dardr, ]o{c, r:46:5r+; 3. !€n chr!1nrk1, ri c, r:51:J7' r. ?.r\Y t1€dor1o3, x]-Jc, a.53,5at 5, sr.ta hobnan, rr.ic, ]:5ll,05; r,la1re ac! 1:57:59 r !, s1s 7. ;€o.crzeoIon, xMc, l:58:Lr0; 1:5ti:52; c. Flvd Bro{t, xlror 1it9:20; 10. P.ul Kolodzi r.1, xrc, lrrlc, 2r02jt.lj 2:01:5?;11. 12. J:*6 ;16de!ior, !11C, 2:0lr11j 1:1. r'rL{c. 2:ol::lo: 1l!. Ed slen2:05:11; 19. ted Ml11or, Ic, ::o?:qr; 16. L,dJ cultir, xl,lc! 2: 11:26: 17. rltl:ur nadr€au, Ir.lc. 2:D:!5; 15, stBrs! rM6r, \rIc, 2:19:40; 19. ?or llurpft, liUc, 2:]5:l+; 20.

--Bob Crlchrlrt-ar, NMc. 2:17:15. --Ired 3roin,sr,-IrBlrnc aLD irusllrtl iIICS?oN, ONrL,rllIC, Frldat :nd Slrurdat, li€x orrea$, s.t., ruLf, 25, 1964- D,lion Julr 1'/-1b. 196d - l.rtern c!n!di!n sr. !ob1.nc ana Dln !u,€1te T&I chMllon.hiF. hold RoJrl Milltalt €&ch ir ! c1as3t f161d .f 29 txack .r ''''c ' ....id , -.1r '."... 9!q. r. L€pr. oron o '-! L 'r -: .d..!11!9- l, E!6rr kor. ?:c. '. or 1 .' D s o' r . I,10, ao \: .2t -. ro, [arc, .: /, i .]. !rr.no!6d J.1nts!.ldo6rtr P.4. !TC, \a, -1 -,. o. .6.3 'rub ..€ l. od, r': . lr:2a.2..r-l!!!. 1 !. ,. opo a !.lohe..r, r'c, .i: -. r",'.-j-;-5::" r lo F3 ro - .r' .: l. .o. L,!i "0.. r.:1-.6..,-Tl €rid., : o- r:. s r :) ." , , -ac, rr:int Dits!ion ron orcrdll firqt llrcc tou; scor!ar, Perth, ont., \t:, 32ti1J.ti; rJy thi rtr€.Ath .f r!. l1:i;3, i.a 1r.io f. 9111 !!noLd, 1, r. .. lr-t. , € ' n0 . ?'". a _r-! , , r . ':r' '! n ,:,6.0! r, lrL 1r i.a:r-.0..J,00otr ..1.1; ..onr . i. ):.10,d, t. .a.ood .-.o3 io|o 3 '1'"-.r, or ho u.' I rl ,, q" ! !q- l. .-"'"n€rb si€tn, ftni'hin€ ork'1l1e Tc! 2t?2.7; 2, J. !n:tsii, lon !r113 Ia, 2:16.2. Frlce !:ize. othei rr"lu &5 ]:olbrkutp r1;h ! xot€! tJ ra!1 kllllerr,..in .11 t!1i!1!c€ ,!u€I 'cre: r-n tra3lr rrdi,ts. 54,2! tolr ln ihe thct tiut & Ilre ,rrru!x. H nrod I -._o . ns'..no:""e-. . -"; . .1- ""; . { " "i a lirck nld b.en.a s.!r 1c0 n,ir. rat D3touli., !::r9 d1e l4 qur!t'rlranchtra {ith 92.6 1: t!€ ird 29 athleiei c.n!6:ed..;,Ie !.rs.f,,]l:, ..ndiit.ir 1. liou orlcrne i!11 crsilt io 1.:r. loi MEraX, !rr'rriJed r-re sirosr il.rr:ialo. .f NID ntryrtNrn lracL tru!, lrir h1, c!r'. ; on-o

a," F?oirng'11h

;!1n1L- a

--:rcir!.: ritr :rxanrrr 20i.! r!1kin ,rL{y





rr€r r3c i,r ao'ritr-1itt 5 ;D-oper.!:.n iI !]tr


D" I.vc.nrl--

5, rti,+ ;ror!rEd

.; a;;.,'",,,;:;,";';;;;-;;;i:;,;; !:rIr .t ,j


..dl' ! J11]

3.noxhrt rl rhe E.rrrar Ja a rjn1re 3oi lasr lldn:t.r,

.ii:.:i;;x;"t4ttl;"r;'it,:i., i:; y1,"'" _, 1i,; ]li:::",;,::;:t:,:,i'i*,ir'r "3;1,', :

lir:'.*l*gl'f:* ::.:::"tl"i,;i.,t" ;1i';. $ii.l :i'"i:,;;i:1,::;:y;, ji'i':l

',: :ll"t.i

:1;;_ .;,.



:r"i;,i,:i;;; =,r;,.: " ',,:,; ;,r;.:i ;t*;,,;::i"u,lii:i,:,friii-,*" ;;i'rri';

"' :": ; ;'$;;; *i:r# ri,il:iti+'fltJJ;J'' t"',-"

*:;;ii'i::ii, ; i'i;,;i,t,,''ir:.,",;."i;,,*:,," ::i::i"i:ri::.'":iii:',":;:',,



: :'


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,i;ji:*r.1;ryi,;;,qi,i":,ril: ;li' ;:;i:


:i::'::;Ji";:,it::;;,':::":";i1..',::';,.,,"i.f,..;,. "-, i:';.;, 1,"-:f:. ,';i *.:;;':t"f:". :;; i',',':' :



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li t:i,;:;'ir:





ili ii:,-'#i,i:l:.;:, "i';i::,:,l'l ;;ti ;;1,;,,i,, .,;n"

! huan telns, l. to re anbusn€d by 1!_ or€rrhadorad by th6 euch-publtdizsd 1116 Har iha fastosr tu. {l1es rtrn ln c,n,d, thlr loason. Chris ],Iil11mson .t ihs nntv€..ttf, ot rrst Lorlr rc ran it In 8:50,! & for 1+lrd !11e, .";;;; certrin r. b€ar r(tdd's.Fco!d r(tdd'! ,-...r^ d f.[a [_ of 8:hb_ 1. c,rrrrpr!16er, rr.rc, Id1 ,.I!t=_Ii,lg TlssgaTc, r€e!, i:rl',l:fi Tic: L:oi ii;'j. "iifi [3] therr, ther8, c.rc, I+:ot.1' 4:o1.1; [. !. Bruce Kldd. srrc: ,, 8111 Dot!on, ltaro!6,.DrJr_ Jrfl r;oni rYlCi.rl Brrb16!EITC..Iny, 2-ri16- 1. chIJ.' 11i111,i,".: Frrc, 65-0.{; Z.--bar sr.dahn ;;;. !oa_ 3:57.0; l. ij;Ye B:57.0: !,Ye !a11er. !a11e]. !.rrc- c:i< r . c;i';;"t;";, is,li)jji+;j. c;.;i:l pgi1. q:L6.2j Tocr 6, D!re Tllpot, rs. 9:51_b!xF- Drro E1115, roro.to oc..t]Io- 1. r,D, stir€)-fi..1..8J0_ fr !um, N!"rc (^rrzoro FrTC, 1: tl. b: 2. Dri6 f. !etsr r.Lev€tt- En. 0!€n E!€rt.-,1-Iti1€ lratk, f. ilox o,k1ey, 2. Jri KlIllT. ciadrtonb ac; J. lrt strorg, tac,.Jr.:-M11es_ 1. D.r€ sa!,;B, roronto, 9: 21.2: -21--F;ia r ?lior!!on, Fr'rc; J, Dav- rorx. dlTc. Mdn,! 3ao- 1. Korih RatupJ, du€1ph l,oalon. t:14.2; 2, Torry I'JcDoroId. ?OC: l. Flii snlth. Btrffrlo fjq rDnrer.-herd 1n.l


3ir]]:EErf &{c{s




orkeet6 braxirrg !eo!1o

blne'Db3crJ.t.d ;l.ro to \e1! loid Ha1r.e dsr W,tr to ruop6 f.! I 'an cr.3n !roerd or lever nesr! t! 19 da to srrr!8! bri for th€ oaudlen Olrnplc !!talr.

Ud ils ! 60 cars ru._ solthr€rter. ontario b"!rh of i)re u]]. Th€ sutF€nrion r.s 1€rted in At! lerdt ro trlre1 lrm Ha6l1ton to the leraJ soutb€ln Eolqr 1!st s!r:is. a 'x€eie lrertd6nr D.mf i'ilJlEn I lJhltt.k6r qan,s of clatitd '!r!. d11i1rr3, Van de.

vrn der i:tr3 rBrt l,ccon rteeplBchr3e t! 8:5U, J, qurllrtlns :ronI,{.11lbatord, rdon rlcjrlon & ]{XrI€ 3d fron the Hsllton lr]jhiiXl*d , s .u.no6ion, r

rc€ _rhs01re!1c




rRrsfi :l_rr!€ RtrcoRr sfiatrffgD

Elahltshr rrtr,ura1n,

rfrob rlrs {1l-Irelard ch.dir.r_ retusd, si3ditr.



iil": "' i'i" 3fl ,'.i:iI"il"';f-"i,:::,:tr" _r .€r becL. r'n sorr-r r rrish lrerlonsl record ""-;t ;,i.-ir,i or rJ:4d.I+. lon 0,Rlorden us3 crsdftat !4ra34d tse.hiis ih€n (€ do tui b.€* ylthth€sM8ttne. o 3€t s,err fasr Jour qu6srtons _ T nnr tu rac6 solDa throush'aiordsn bh€ m116 m1rt, ir L:.?1, by Glahs L }jck revl11; |ror8nlry,. In€ tln6 !ei 3.ci !1h Nc!111€ dropli.s3r.ut2 n116r t,,,e pr"-"ri. sliri:ir,i'i'.t:""1ff-"iL"?:";:H:. ,i1!a lnto i.e rihal fa! 1tor,as :ji11 a-ra m ruhina .@erors .ttos end h1!-{ in stul1 E€ats ror hy crub rbs txo rn ho.t 10 rel& fron tr.o ra;o to rDt lnchds. x€!i110 ir Jrc c.Locked 1!:oo.b_ " m.r6 dr rastar ror! on r:ro r, s. r, hrro :i;qi""+'i.;*3 I;,1:,1'iff ddY rh1ld i4.1qt eh1 I Lv d6f_ndtff "i:'?' .rr4plon. cotin ,ho aor i<s1_ (4,1)+.5) rr [:12_.. ntsu

;!i,T:';;.':;i;"::.'f"is;"i;*il jtii



.rt",:;,:'i?;.li::zulr,i;:' i:',:,..';il ; -'l:i:'i":i r'j,:ti'i: i ;; '';111t;1+#i;u=i,, r:;ji::, cLorr,.,.1cnrici.":"liil:":: 2:U-







i'{":li:. :, :;:;',,,!"r*:t::i ;t3:: ;li}; .*iilfyJ"Fi;THttri;f" t"H:; ::idi:"i;ii*:{-?tli'fi "li*"' -*l,iit,l;1!:li:"},!l,li+Ii*:"

:i*"ff ;:;.;.-il.;r i;r. "..'"",


i;;,g;;l*fi ,i;t,:;;:5;';;"lri,;;'ir,T;i:rric*i:l**ru:. m:;*#, il"rnirutr::" rli:irt:3.,lrr


t d{iii:|ry;r#'

i:,:i*;rd ;:;ft;;u:iir;r:ui,r! l*iltft1;##Hffi{'!#$ r::,.e.v,:i:-fr: F:ri::""trs.rJ:"f;,"". l lUiiil'ryfi,'llrtrri:i'ilfi'h j" ii:S:{i;t; ;: itu1 il}iil :ii}i l;:?; iI.ts"::e'r"-*;u"::r..i.x5: :


iiiu;r*tift liii::*}:i *i$*;*t-14:?$*;;


i*s,;*+it;i:;+*:i;'*r:::i"Ie::t#r*i##t#jiiT*#tr* jr,*r#"*";i;::{i:ir:l:: ii.iii i:'*[**,,1f*;i:ili*"i'T: L*;i: :x":i ;irii;;{:;'ii:, ir'"fl..""rff ,i*;"i:r+i;: ;;:r;i*piS:t

ff."itr ;."#ii t.'1";"'ii'll."a;3_ff "J,;i!;,":;'.+,

]' !iil;":, : ;;;: "t.1,53'r."#l::l* JE


"':r'' :" r,, :sr r,,ffi:,1"!lil;ii:;!:"'f *" ' H :ii: i:l- ;1.?, ffi fi,fl ,'ro,:"*-*i". ""'ii:T.:.':i:"i"t":'i::iHf "." xr,;;i#'r,.S;-:qqan:"rrx;""" !j;,i:; il}l;;"{,#.Hffi ls"'e*"

it-'iii ;::'Ji.iirl l"t{i ,:i:il j:;"':;"r:;i



*:.:":t r""l;::t" 5;:T:iiF;:*",*"T m**;"i*.*L i;.n,t:' ;;":i T"ij'::iii;' iiili.Ytii"i" if:T" ' :";i:":e,).*l"i.i3l;.3T1fl,:"_ b-e pro,ed :tuer- otu oe ,h! jres,â‚Ź61 o. sd rloc pL"*r;, ;:11""H::.


lT;::i";."!.1;: nL'd' Bal1 ba'ol

!il;:.-:^i;;{."":",". II

sLsddds, rto rrsLh.n Eo Lo", leTs il;:".lit

.i";-"" ;;-;;;;of Er;rnlnc ""d


*l; ": i'ii.f

f:.,Hitrl;:,':: ;:r;"


p ;;:":l;::i::d;i:":;"'i:]."iry ,, ,- l,::-'":"",,T p; " :, :!: J. i", "," .; ; ';ri;" i"r ,,,;,,,i1:: i3;,:"i#,::ii:, 'ij:,.31:i: l:,i :I';;* .; :;i"i;,"llli"l;l'1. 'i :" .: d;iljt:*ii"f"i:; r ."' " liri;'i u:.'i;: *l==i': i ; ;';, ":t":; ,l*i:!it,iif,i::i- ili;';'"' I


:l1 tq,l;i:l*,;;;,,:,; l':.';'.''".

' ;.


,;;,,', :::*;,

:. li:i;;;;l;;;i1:;1 -", " ;:: .:..;-;: l''"';,,:; ;,;;iij'll,,iti ;r "ji;;i"ii:'i ":" .'ll: ., "i,""^";t:,i"^ ::"




i;,t ,:1,;;


i.. ,;';;-i i.^-.

:r' "ri". ;r ;;,j..,gt;,*; [..:*;ir ,t*t.', ":, :.,,,4-i;' , ,.iJ;j;;l;iiij;iii+ rrâ‚Ź &srr. "r..


?ller, aa.i t. tnj.s *u-n;t,'




eecora:,or;." rlii




:?d !s:rle

:t::i':t,,+ il,:i 9;?; ;t;: Bro ih,:i,,, 2L: I2 1,,,

l' ;;',;|:;;f io!!oLr,6


;fiffi;:i 6r*r*5;+ d;ilf 4i6"-iffi r


+,qffi :

q 1-€ ar8!, uL for rlnrln8 -ars aro ro! 4^lyou44.a!!r, turs o o o.' 3 o1d block". the rrtd 1111 b6 racl!€ lobR intd th6 21st c€ntury, loblsbt,s rac8 cltnq€d.a s€rlas ol llT6 {66}Jy 8,00Gtr rades, sta86d by th6 D€l.!&r Club to tly fo" tho no, hdk. Polnts !e!e gtyer .n a tt@ basls & ton tlonbles !€!e arardod to th€ trg tn€ nost loints ih tbr6o of th6 fly6 racos. A fleId of ld co4!6t6d tonlsht - tn 1d6a1 cool ,eath€! condlltonsl+. rlart} R€ld, rofr ac, 2?:54; 5, calt c e3k, lidlar srrloels, -3:17; 6. sn vt-l mon D€1.l&,F, zAt 7t 1, Daaa irusrq, sJTc, 28:l!i 8. Fst6 Mccolk1o, um,, clqynonf, ,e1,. :a:fu: o. Brta. d8-rrharon. cleea.a!. !)a:2'r.r0. . arrr€ r,.cor, 6n !L6h)nB,

lolo s. S sndrla conpe-€d ro! CC\Y oE€ tt3 sdo Der'oo. lol \'Ih 1€, rho "orn€! aloat 1ttt13 dlstle€ rljrfur of tlF club, las th1!d. g6 {as foltolod by ono dl the coDtrrls flnrunFls of tho 30ti Lou oroaorJ of uro 14111!mo &r. I,ou IE ro! tuo ot €n ai Febscola J!. colloge ln 4orlda. fbo start€" or thts rac€ {as old tiner Ha'6t r,lchtorot€h. ltsny o1d ttuarB lero tn ludlnr Bl11 tlk1urd. Joe c€c6. Bl1r St61rcr a ;th6!Euore ssctlons or iho countlt shouLd b!tng bacr 1.3 ord ,lr€16 "o" a day. ,Ba ob311 do Lr rhy m" lots dist@e lu$1la? --Jo€ Klotsed-6-h!1s v€rord RD

i:-E:-G;E;-;;be, }Irpc, l. Lor wlr€, j!€sory.


18:06 tb:5btr 16:50 JO:J2

AA, r.9:4 l+0:r1 L. I,ou sL6lre!,rtlr, rlos6 nYPc (Ou€er),4: l7 {tJoxvllicq rFACK ctuB. {lt-co\trRs. _rr 6!, !. ou ftrr"", s.. anoo.ec. zoi:o Ll:4 *2i:,+ , ... "o. i-co.rtlt s€asonl ar€.fst 12!!9-!:19139.. -lold, d ox'r11o, r€rcsseo vrls--,. io! sc ,: 1..0: 2. s .,". .9e"- ,,: ts"i.":"#3::i; :#:; i:::,1 '". mrl"e", ji,6i;"'.""i;;t:, ;" iJLl, iL. i":.1:f"i^1: ^l'"i il ,lf I le"i,1'l::;:M:l€ -i;d i;,;i; ;.-;;;:;; s;;:;;."i.r,ji:.:_'4i;;1: a d . Bc. r'i::d: 4' clero^c3 Rtchov. ua.

i._o:s'li c;;p.:y /:":"";; r: o'iii,:;:rird6; t, :1.: :. "--: il::*i_:1':::,.",x.,Y. , *"o D;" o!, r:ri,; r. rar; d rr:t'; -" .t.'r.1,i,. :0i.0.,,." "".; ";":,.;; ;.;.;;.;: !;;;,;;";.;..rt' *r:i.i'iti"_ _ .;;x,:,': ; --- ^--i I-^-;;^

:.* i-;1.;-:;-"^i;li;;:;;:"4;;;

- ro€ Buns. Dns.. 1q:06: u DrcL *r Po.n -rs c6Nar, L. ., 15t 2 -orrrns!o!, o fto-e3 xoc}nd'. yr-.'os3 Ar, 16:r0: r0. r.'1Euak, vnlreo {{, J?:50; 11, s€. co@.'n11!oso

\YAC, J5:5fr 12. BU1 ro:11. BF!'s rci nalpt o'ae


nur i Rc..rE. !o,EAi'r.&. R. dr-EnrrN-, | 'n Clore 1ak6. Staten IslhJ. I.Y.. Sulday. "T;"":::.:"i:j: .. nH r-M1re A;;-;; .,:-rn;;-;J.c ;-;;, :,;*;'';;" to,"q "" al! rbre€ or (h6,x1fu_ 1, Don nor3. Crrc, t5:-2-4t 2. ti.alea ",o.uu n""..d'or; rr.";" I L o?e i ?s_ r.tsnlers.t, o-oor-ynr N.v,, 15:r.; l. lot sc}Eldt. -r, AnLh.Bc, l6:0r: 1.. hu^o fon Ro{o. ro-leu.olo """". o d ls" o! .s ts:;s i. )..-.,. fi€L ".I.. 16:ll: 6. u:" Poc-a,.5. ., 16:_!!: Iolte!. forcr narlomf n\!rrho.. chmoloa, ' Broollyr. 16:Jd: ., tled 5oevrn3. ,]* rac. "Luroa at 6 n!!es ras !o! ry Jlh J4., 16:51; 10. han* ]touo€r 0nriod A{, !,onbaral b l2:0I.2. J.3. ?,. ors ;a!'- 16: 6: -1. a 1e Nrrb.r, s.J,, .?.lr; ,r, 1r. Pat roy, s, r.. - :16: u. rd c.po.f, ror rno nud r@ L , ce r-sl "o,e6!616fir^ ro s6L .1I1-s, -.L. 1.r2I: 11.. :M .!o3a! ola(ed so.. o-"ao.o-t, !.-.. 'o. rZ-" re -o", 7:-bi rF. rol 01 (u. dsli, ?lrere ,er€ t]l sraltels 1n thrs rac€ sr&*- r/lhlte, !rcepcrt, !.I., 17:29, 16, Raldl r-..roso .\olalesr Flrer 5d6o, I.J., 7: t; 1?. 6d:r yri€ -"va@r. Ed vo3/zo.!'t. 5.1,. t-,1], 16, ! o nss_ An &-a -a.bs- oc ;:€ l".a & 1o o1r;!,1c 3n, s. r.. I /!4/l A4, 9i0?i rh€ re'o:d' 'g!.-91 .',.8 o'4. -5 rau Siil:,Lll."ii,,;eL{,. 7a.ds oY€. the Irr !3sso" ('n AbrdsrF, vco!, R.o r.q. Dr. s..o,;.i:,i .:-*,i;.-Ja! ii rca o'rs & fe-"rr r. " B€ v1. .oai €?e's slta, coL ;";,,;.;;;!;::or






TlIl sotTbr1EsT I Yt{cA & nas ,{-slr 3ancrilored. u6€t dlrocror i lc,. "1 I !o1to, sLoi- vontoy8 .j,.. .J,orageo o, -€qpors 6.ed :, .i b€c € an '6rae, sdt,, Jd-t ldrn.. Ln o'e of rr€ ftrst rsdes or 1ts l<lnd h€Id in s. T€na3, annual €T6rt. Aroiher r..o hal aldo bo oach, t1red u, schodutad tor tn Bosln€, T6ras for a 2! idls C\nb, 2tl6:Jat 2. vonaerland sbollins cont€r tn San ,rhronlo. r,rodertr rontathlon T6M; l. U.p. J!. Clin. p.v. 116 raco stunod ar 6:10 L. or- s'de ,r-cj 5. cdo. -lLbj0m: .he h6sr, o'r 6. .oilour "'{. -_:__----------------_-90's at ststln€ ttne. It aas a ia1lly hl1rr cou3o roi r6ftd snd ea.h nno ;as rlM ?4!?PllY ]'/IIiS 20 Isto RoAD n1cl s ul L o .ha1r nu 4, 'n3 vod€lr q€1larhton pbr, 1,.4- ,.o0r "o-- nll;h, Ls 6 .p ldm or.bb6d a! oa!1Y 16adr llth a f1@ olonir€ 13e by flon thd ail Folco acadsmJ to utn th€ Lt. Dare Klrr"{ood. Th€ ?€ntathol€t.s RocLf, Mountain t.rr.U. 20 iiilo (t2.Ij h1. rrd€md LLoI load ln -:.- tur. ,!a cor- ^Imp o-" -! &r ,as^1.!ion Pa-I roos!, lles by, PIC Jri n€"' s o -1. J:. aDois o. D€1ra : v. "rx;,;ir! & tha lac€ loot@d 11!e a luM{at for tb3 tho lBsde!6 dutlA th€ ftsr palr of D ,tmy athloto5. lut hard !um1.s stero raco iut drc!!€d out In th€ lat€! srapes. .htoya, 1ocal hl8h oohoo! star, tiEd flon bls 25 nrls rur ih tE6 alnosr saruLs& 3.51CGndl.ap _.7 olrrprc r30 , ra.€, B l ea tlF aap ro c0 jdos cfj1E ,h3 4.h Ios cno/ r o . e scD rl€"o &r ctrb ro..sd .1 0 rn o i3 nol 1'rch nuD. r's Cl t311na d '/. olt a of ! o lrr c s!.e! ?entathlon mcho! @n, 4th Amt 10,000n finieh€d due to the hoat a tast €d1y chanplon, ttc Jln McFaddon tool adrantase !ace. of.lss"r-1'!-ohy,A.for'€.bd€ny,.:t2:9 c(hor nd lr.:r1 -11.- lt-rs-d B cool, , s@ Dt€Ao d!, .:Ir:,c d"'rotas'3 16.[ ]E Lor€,) or! a o beJ.'ro L oB ilfazola, D-n'o! C, t:'8:... rdr" Coo,!r, su DleFo , foJ L+ - 16s. '\€a Ao:ng up : 1:51 ;, -. erob ! " bs rJ oullat B ..k. o€n€r tc, t:_.: .o.€j doin 111 - .Ddto A." onr, :)?:a tsh {iLl B ilno te dat. \cradd€nrs l,: il r"s , e :d .. ) . r'oo hole, Donrof , l:J):t -or-s, col rbl4 n t, E r-y C_stlonr :16:0 .r- trsr Lrtr d 6.1. elchollna th€ tlodern lentsthlon ft. Clln- Jdes, & carr ?1er3oa. rllxcl1ic r;rills Bmcll J-rlM Th€ r€lal {as sp.tuorod bJ t}ro Dornt.kn I,l*sat€ Ctt:r! n.t., l{4y j1Ffanrr ?rls{ine, l0 - r€ a;.-.1d naltl-o!6 3chdo1 t.acL'. ron ti:e MIdCle 4t1ent1c }l-! o!€r J-nd1o b€ech run, s!o!s.I€d nf, txB e8at3 Cttii necrcailor Comi s stor tod"X 1r 1lr:[9,2. ?flegina srso ihis !rc. 1n 1961. Cnslas',on Ilesseraer, ronscbolaetlc a.e, ras s€cobdl rhl1e l:ou Cop!€@, ot Fidl€y ?.lnsrtip striiors t]rtrd, ?oan: 1. la1tino3e'as 0ai 2. nidlcj To r6rlt! stri!rrej l. !. Lolr€8P "6"r 4. Ji. rosrp! . rr.bj (. !-:r ?em rr. {r,r.e tluc6 & n+.hls i. 2lrd, ) ornJ

4 !18 .'r,' J68.. :3""H:."f :*",:_*"i3 F,ff A.-* ffiJ$##!qa!"** oi.i"-i'r-!'-cr'r as€ sloup t&f eot s.!', Ebl'l1! hp'o'r!E r@6F r::'bhd sr'at'

ri;;3t rstb st ir'dl'ro Fi.ld, rat'arrrtt 6r"i!i'"-iii',-r '. rr,e rocsl toung,r,s!,



va' odt I o" Lb' "co!d bt F!"-lr 'oE3' oa''r r! "ccd '3t'brlsbd *":-id:"ili:;:""fi 'co



r''l'"abos, r.r., #:i9; "*.. Ro"' iifiil'{:.;"?i";i"rFii:,":i:,,*^l:r f"i:J so' r'!e" rrs:o?'5; 2' BFovnlls

;;;;.;'i;;f;:"i";b d";.;;-;:";;i; Ml dojo Alladlc AAE and

atr.n vlLd lhs


rc' \str]+t )' !or'd ['Jrtold'



;r_jrj" i",:*:q;ll;;16;irj"i;l:HjT#' ij:;*.*rl;ilmli::.tu: bt cds_Lsrco buqos' TIJ', e9:ooi 9. tolD o!ol'sy, ,4.! 4Y: q5, ro' r4aiE! so'd. F e ab; Le:ter r1' lH"i:li,iil;. ":::::'-1.::;;T"::#i; ;;i;; ; ;:.i ii- i.iq',ii sl"'i'i"i brsbr Boo cbm@is' Itldl't st!1d6'r' 5o:oo; r*-,lr "t^ri".". .!1";d!, c6'.bos t ";;:tylr::::"x*.?il":?fl"ir" "i"f*t*" H::l'':::"]-tf!;;5',:":.""iil';"i"1:..1" 44v €'6als. rbo " -::fii* ;il::"::"ffi* :::ii:;":'fi:Ti rractt e



,h€ n€€L La,11 raok prsb !6b€d up braciicalty took orer. iTh€ aMouc€t j;6 ji"


6,chass: e



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