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Mike Aren6, Larry Simmons, Ed Dudd and Tom osler.



Tm toNc

,non f!d.th6.

oa to svold confltcrs. ."5:"::];iit"H1il:;: xcc"rtay ar ar'uf r6opoaa i it::"*"i1tr,





volee 10, xo. tr7, s!!tenb6! 196c $ubscllptlon Rarod: g.l.0o a y!;.-Add rr,z9 !!r y!u for I5t c15ss M11. or

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" "The Ualatboneli


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iffl'idl:iri;';r;j::k:"si::li:H I,al"r; i,;:i lp ilti';i*';x ;:"*.:; Blooiayn,-r:52:oi;'e1. Nrr." r..iriiii, o;;l gi!"fr,ll"rj!{t;.:t.fr1#:"if},'ffy i:ii:lj;4i:-i"xi"ini;iijsilii:i;ri;: I i#:;*i:j:i:i"t,}'i:qljg.l';:l, i*,i?i,,:i:ft"iiir;l,;{iiliri:l;"jl :i:"r,i,;,,J',,i,i:**e"ii 1;";;';"" :Hl:"e:::":i::.":;"];::;tr:: :!i::r, I !"1""". ".s. ro lo!:tr 'tu !a!e. roo. D'. rrurn! rb;drr". nspil r,.o,lj | 5:i,:?;i":",:":":Ji: ,::;:::;:I (1J6 srartors. 114 offtctal frnlshsre) "_"",.

ii;ioifi'i:':'.'iii:i.;:6-i;-1i:]il:]o9:]::"},r:*i'ff:ii:. It:";:;:;ii;i:;:!:C;''tr":;:;aii,*::: I l: !31'"":!:1yffi.""'3i :" i:fli ,."".. B;1,"H; i"l itiil,a.^;: fr6i lli-g: mii";l;l"l"ii;:d;;in'ic.l l: j""ll"ii;:"i::,'ilff":;1";i';: r!r'nopor,rran crax!-ol*rarp- s!. r.o. 1. Z: ;;il, plu"


r@ irccalrhyj 2. r4ut'ayj J,



'ff';i:.i:;:i*i3#1"isI' l:"mli':*'i::ii::'*:ir*:"tul flG: u. uar,!ner r. attena, fl11.,'S:fr cranM p3f@11, so.aa, o:LL: 12-

l;;-fi#;;--iil;;;i;^;-;:-il;-i;-i;.I lj;*:\:::l;lTi:;,,Tlii :, l,:,;.li Itttloton, cololado, sat,, aus. 1L- Jo6 I r?:- o:',',:^"-ll""li'

Alfazora or Lb6 D6ov6! rc nus,er!d ,o



;1il:::";.N"ir i*: '9: .

r::; iiiii"{ii;1}p,fu;ii;x:i,i'lrf ii; !il!;tF;:ifi '*"r":'":irt':"j'**' ]


tiSrrlt-t:*:"iis;T:i$;.1:,j!iF,:,,. ":tiffi";ri,;:iU;",::E::j;i:i.",: ;L::'lE"l:'4T,i,',i.'lji.";:lj:'.*L. I lj,i"?';:l'":f;.'::?::":t:*r+.- i.li li;fl ;;. ";; rt.i;;1-*;i'l ;l;..:r":; :i:i r,r;,i ti; ; :,"nii: itji;:l::jii:'y.l;ii;,i.;"::*j"fu:" g;;;;i!;.: i;ii::i.1"6"#:':;, r;: !3:'r,1:";'. iil;. I j n3:"1;i: lr:r -i:, 'l;. ii: J.tui Bl;dt, Di!. i8;io ";;*, 5",:,, forl *'i,i't,?];iuj., D!, Blchard Packddrs !!cord of 5d:J9 : i;; ;+;x;; ;5;.;; ie:';i ;;i;,'rl:;:l iii,iit'it:g.liiii:fri3i,.:;?:'i1,33;

EIEnI #3 of tb! DC 3ItXlO! DFBY

oroo@lf 8.s., A!1lnato!, va., July I ?:15 p.E. $aotb!r: Eot ! trDrid, ton!. 1D tho 90rr..cousb: Ioba & ttrlly (d.tua1 dlstance for thls 5-h110 rac! ras plobably 311shtly or!i 9+ n11o.)

Fot63..,JEt lotrbod t!@ Ca!1fo!!1., rb!lo t! crac]lra tb6 j0 n1!. ba!!le! t.r 6 411!s I! t}3 Nat'I. AA! ChMplo!!!:r!3, Bob schul fomd tbe go1!g a blt louAhe! 1. DC rh!r! a loqthy courso & lbtotelablo h6at Md6 h* tle lo! 5-!1 1oo! a blt no* podestrld. In a st6dlag ba!|1! i:o! 3!.ond !1ac6 Xlire !t@1!a Just bsod out t!mat6 Jo! Eo$6 to atr6 th6 laltldolo olf,hplc club e eost unusuat rloop ot tra to! I p1ac6!, ?IENACA

!-MIliE BI'x

1. challo Stkola, ua., 22:l1i 2. Dare !ob6yva1l, saa, 22:Jl; 3. cary s6h, 1fl, 22:J5; 4, Bob Eahdt, @, 2l:20; 5. Phrl Bradley, AU!C, 2l:J0i 6, he6 RoblEor, qna,, 2l+:11+j r4a,, 24:11+, ?, Don (ocb, &cr\, br., @a,, 21+:19; 2[:151 d, Far l,{3Itbal1, u3., 24:2ci 9, o!ors. xayo. sss, rayo. sss,24:lq;10. 24:lq; 10. Ton Ltaob, ur., :4:4oj 11. Jo..n {o}r3, amc, 2l+:51rj 1:, c!.a &tDlck, sas, 2lr:58; 13, !d!y t( G!c. 26:51, lL, Inlsh c1dk, EE, 2?rU6.

note....! !o$l!a thlsh a5 e haDdk6!chl6f oould baYo oovoled th. ftlst ovor th6 flel !40 yeld3. stkola !r.ea !it rlth a d6s!.rato spltnt. RU'


f. iay


2-MI[]E ft'N

Gordon, 12:02;

2. Jola FtdaFon,

3. ?et!! r!tub6e, 12:21+; L. c6!1 rwc!, 1]:5oi 5. Bobbr sii{o!s, rl+:2]+j 6. Jay lr1116!. 1L:l6r ?. at1lx lool,. lltr 49, 8. John o!ay, 15:09; 9. Bob cuthllo, 16r01+j 10. ltary loo1, l6:26; 1I. o!o, P!!!r, 16:Lej 12. tary ltafth!.ll, 17!21; 11. tat s!66!, 20r02, not66...Car1 Joyce 1r tb! fomo! C6o!A6t.m aFet ror 1osl.a relsht ,!d tltl.a to !6qaln rhyslcal f1!r9i!. -12!141

BtrIaox DERFC f,4 sponso!.d by tb! I)CFAC St- Jobnrs ;1.S., Vashlilaton, D.c. uoath6.:91 d!Er!e. aslt !r!n Hm!rl cotrso: v!ry bl1lyi rlhost 1lko e rollor caastdrr lhst

snou:.d hav6 n 6! 3 trt1oE orrt & I n11e6' bacli sa! closo! to 5* dus! t! toral, A.T 1. Paul shhoD, s. !5:LB 7:!g t8:ol

2. Ed 0'cotwtl,xE, l+5:5S 7:u l6:t J, roff col11ns,@, l+6:03 9:.)0 J6:j3 i+, Ja.ob rr!., Amc, 46:19 9:30 l6:tt9 5, Bob Scharrr 8OC. tr6:30 1l:00 l3:jor 6, auAh Jas.out,AmC.l!6:L7 L:00 L2:tr? ?, roo Rouso, Eoc, L?.4 \:'t)!' i6t)!2 d. Bob !4swo11, Amc, !8:05 E:00 L0.05 9, L!st!F Paa6, Amc, lr8:18 l:30 [5:oE ro. o!!l.sto! 8a11,t8.L9:02 co L9:02 11. chat sa1thd,Amc,S0tot+ co Jo:oL 12, Bob c11chrlsr,uT',53r2t co 5lt2t Iot66...Por tlb Eocola t1d 1D a !6r a te@ !ro!t bh6 Itrst rbr!o plac!. h tbE BDnloD D!rb9. Borr scbaf tb fltth blad! tool tlD tlh! !!1ro, lst t6n 6eco;dt nehlnd tha rocord Dostod by JobD cyru in 1e64. rtF accuacy of riE !oasui,;!.!i or toblahirs !ao6 {as qu6stloDabl! aDd to t1r6 orldlloncod 6F lt qp!!aoa tbat sohdl tnd6.d yad lovi4a larr!! than GyAd bad a y!a! odl1o!. agF Fo! YoVi IIFE- saDdtoap 2:- t{tl! iuD 1. John o!ay, 18:ltj l+:05 t[:38 2, r8rtT lre1thaIl,19r45 2too L7 tlt' l. Bolby SiLole, 20:18 l:50 16:28 4. cu1 rovco, 20:50 6:15 1!rl5 5. E4ry [061, zttlo )tE r7 tllt 6. l.t s!os!, 2lt2) o. 21.21 John FhltEon, 21:4? 7r[0 1[:02+ 7. u. rlu Aua!t, 21:50 18:oo c. Ray co.do!, 22:l+6 l:5o 15:01 Tjlrs 10, P3t!r P!nch3!.22:L? 1t30 rttrT --Eal orco@fl-!l'}:lo DERSY *Ir lSXlCE 5-qlltrE AAIDICAP Th13 ta@d ort to b6 ttD laco ol ilE bla SXrr.U. Ihb e*1J 3ta!to!r ,6!0 all n1sd1r!ctott & a. a !!!ul,i d1d mt llalrb ih, .or!l.t! couso. ODtr thF tllEt I fl!lstrels actuslly H!lr tb6.rrh6 loe & hl1ly louto. In o!d!! to colr!BAr. tnos! rho 16!! nlgguiaod 1t ra! doolded to asdd t!oph163 to tb. fllst tlr66 llnlshols of lbo dholt couso (n.y fattbatl, 9th, clog iGnsrnoyr 10th & c!!s 8!lnlck, llth t! th! lonso! !aco), .E !.11 a. ro tlB top trr!!6 !1.c.s fo! tl1! lu11 dt6t@ cdt Eel[ ras {lEo! ot botb placo & ttu6 p!1:6s fo! ah6 rult d1stab.. 1, oey B3trd, E, Jl+:16 j!55 J0:21 2, Bon r.!dt, Ea, )Lt22 3t)i )atlll l.q. cbul1. stkors, JI!:15 !:00 l0,l; Ph1l no6onb1.fr, )l+tn ):tt jott2 5. Davo Eon.w.rl, j5:0j L.00 l1:ol 6" ?h11 Bladl.y,AmC,5:l+7 J:lt 32:12 7. Blu! RobIEo., 16:41 3:0o 13:l+ b, Jln a!dd1!y, a!'rc40:oo 2:15 l?,1+5 9. qat tattrEl!,uu.22:21+ tt)ts 20t39 10. oleg fic{!fr!y, 22,i!+ 1:3o 2l,r].lr (19 f1!t3h!!s) --E{t 0tco@L}--


X,II']tr]i IlU R'lI CSAMPIOTSFIP (OX P'SrAL BASIS ,rsa ff cmcAoo e Los arcnls) lPTsohech, va. E.s All_"roarh!r ar ldrrs rra.t,,sat., July 11, 1965 p_ 1969 at ?:1o ?:ro P.u. n6ath!!: cool Io_n1. Drs 9-!r, 1. TM Os10!, SJTC, 26:10 5l:01 l1n 533r 2. Ton Bacbo, AmC, 26:tO 5t:tr8 11n. 256r l. Jtd o'co:mll,sA,26:t9 5h:>5 u!. 4, Ilou C3staanola.Arr.27:09 5l:12 rcbr 5. Bob Scher, PAc. 27tto t5:)7 roi, !362 EASIIRI{ D'VISIOT OP SENIOF



11. Jaro! y6go, ar. P6so, AmC2dt Amc28.l+5 58:ti5 roE: 1?. 12. Aob Bob Kttch!n. Ktrch!n, cr.a: crczc:12 16t; r]. PsuI sarbor;,sr,29:JZ 59:40 t9,!5 16,: L4. 8ob 14. aob l{I{ddo!, vlnddor. 8rl,29:i6 efi.29: 16 15. nlk! I!ld,a,sJ,29:J6 16, Jlh t{cD.de,AITC, J0 | 21 l?. bsos r/. Gsb6 rorulnJeo'JU:.:r9 l4.trklnJ Eoc'10:J9 9n. 9a6Y 1d. !td6h^1t Blldsor. !.rbr!! &rb !--9i- 3r7; 1C. ?lanlr 8.@6, Chosslo;k! Tc. 9E: ??si 20. c!olE! ltuto, S.bhuy BlU, 9n, b9& 21. ch@, \tlola, ,4., ab, 51ji 22. &uce Roblrlo!, ub., jc ".; ?_1. Ed 0'cotfull, &i!1!6 E . qn: 2?8; 2l+. Jl[ iioyrood, theh! 8.. Sn- 1ic; 25. Dob Kocb, t66 BlEh sch;ol. &r 1_6tB r,d!y xo61. oroobbslt ac. &; 16i1 ?!,



29. !ran! Zdnou.kt.



ff: li'"9 *: 5jt


30. Lest!! ?aa6, $,*c, sa s*t, :r. rz. Jo@ urat, unartachsd, JJ. orFllstoD slrl. tuDllo !..

;;lti." a.


?a, I7

7d_ rodr; aob ctlcbrrst, D!laru. !i.F.i!: hbi;' 15. Jay l4t11er, xLE. ?e. iee; J6. stor! Mcclos!!r, r"o {.s., 7s; 9ir" DxF- Jol.! Donlloo, eLpr!6 E : lui cl;r Eplle A.; Scotty JackoE. e;r. 16& ScorllA: 1. soutb J6r.es ?C. l-L-g9-11--J0i 2. 2-i-7-&.I2-l2; J. Fb'pho Er!1!rs, 96. no&r 111 6xoolr J14 Orconre1l cou! th Roalcnal CbdploFhl! fo! r.J., l,t1d{r1e AtlMl.lc, South AtlMtlo, DCr {. Va.! ca. ln losraI resdlr6 to b6 os1!rrs IlJac: t:lo, 10:21, r5:32, 20.5!. ?o:10, .11:10, )4,5c, \2t12, U7,)7. 5ltO3. 5U:2d- {lc 5tar!o!3, l6 ftnl.hors) --tueh Jascout--




rosE, BlT gFrEnEs{I}4tTE


A}'D YOU'rr-

RoaD Frxxlxc cotrnsEs--nRc usA tDbllcatton llo, l+..$1.o0 frd LD nos.



Itpp!. Da!b;r,





7 P.x.- rou 0s1or. of trra souah J!rssa TC, fo1lorod u! hrs r1o h tb6 Easrer; l-!os R0 rrttl a sooa rtn in tbo 6.6_ rt16 rac! p!o4ot6d ry ths 14.A. to_ nrAbt orer a hl11t lrk & road .oeso 'iac ln Dror6r t111 & spp!r turby. rh! cods! lb cool, ovo!_ cast ,eatho! lE 35:lo to flrish 163 ah6ad of tsmato &oEtra Ros., back 1! btu lrAlba 3fi3r a 10 day laeoff rlrh

acbllg ach111!6 tendom. Eaf,f-Net u! a gradtonr 1ep cm!s th! 5 n . pollr, JBr .r a couldr'it cu6 kss about tl!6 sryray, Oslor b!gab to shos rj.ls he6ls. 16 thouaht ol !o-oE but ntdsolf and b!6t lt for hono to c1l@ tf,o

llgbts of .le-bs!A !le1.s. south Joldoy 9c rutur. caltu!a rh6 r18t five plscoE! as rerest E!rb!! leol seboh fhlsbed rhtrd. trltlad h! Ldr.r sldroB & Bob Ro@nsr;. Ed D.dil, aboth6r Soubh J!la!y a!!b!!. calllod th. JDlor (19 & udoi.) t'o-nilo (eholtl !ac6 ln 9:15, 1. rm osle!, smc, t5:30; 2. sroEle Ioes, sJTc, 15:L6; J. Paul sa'borD. sflc ?6:25; l+. larr sljmG. sJTc. 36:;t: 5. !.b noDaDEky, sJrc, l6:9ir b. Jo6 Gaalla, t31ara!! !&F, l?:!5; ?. v. adal! sJ'rc, ld:J7; d, v6!D o!dl!&y. R1d!6y rs. _ru:46; c. Dave 3o@nsrq, sJTc, J8:liir .ro. E6D Hlll1esoh, DolalaF6 TdA. [0:08: 11. I4o! D!oh6!, i1d16r TS, !0:1L: 12. LyI! Ycik8. SJTC. h0:ll: tl" t4iki t6li'' sJTc, 40:58; 14, tm slsson, Do1a, T;f. 1,5. r6rry Boc]r' Prrlls. Ac. gb:14. 41:07; (1U sttrtors, 15 Jlllsrers) 13t Iab tlms: osf!r, 18:02, noe3. te;02. Seb9r!. 18:25, s16oro, 1o:i?, s, i@a$LT Jl. 2-XlI3.- L Ed Dodd. SJ]C. 9:1q.0: 2. roo D!Jess, sjTc, 9r2or t: c6oift D1I!@, SJTC, C:J9j t+. Jli Carlr!. D!es1 9111, P&., 9:Ulr 9. JlE Do&tue. sJaC, 9:52i 6. DM F16chor, @t,, 9.581 7. cbar163 Laq!nc6, Bro@8tr1-, !a,, 10: 02; b. r3! Dosssr, ua-. 10:02: 9. lod P1da6ob, ur., to:19r 1C. !d Rldsiav. -oh11a., 10:21; 11. F6ar t "at,\erford: SJTC, 10:2?;12. Srsvs tu!dt&1i4, sJ-I4. 10:23, 11. f m Bdry, u4.. io:tlt ti!. sol ]{oath6rf.:d, sJac, io:1+2: Ii, S111 Dodd, sJrc, 11:h.l; r6. /r1 l:1.i6rson_ sJrc, 11:!5i 17. call Lho. .rc,_ t1:L9: 18, Jo! rbpkrc, uE.J i2:2.1, 19: rbr.y noss, sJTc, 12:52;2). 81,l R.i@rT, TnICK Ilr flGoFr aND TEcHiaaVE--ltO !a!rs pa!os. 46 chephars, Ma,s dlsta;o !un-blna dtlc166. O.ly &J.oo. 0!3or f.od



;Hj*:{:,t;l*:,:r:lli1.i,iy,!;ru*i#*Sr{f ff qj|{1; ;isii+i+*:tai::*i u:r*r r#;lruiir'ff l,+ ;i: {i'r::u;f;; lifr::tl,:i-iii 1*X"i!il:r:r :{:],,'tri:,,1r_t#r:+$i'iii Hlili al.By c{enulcs fi 2o_r[. :i:.:-rr BIrRFoor


tr*ffiJg*';ffi 2ob r,, i*'itl e;,.;. J;. ;$;-' iAt'*i-;,;i:iu{,r'-p iooun.-r,",:";' ;:T'i:'il-": il; *;".".Xli:,3;: "". "o" ;!1.:i":':"Jili: .:3-i"i#:I,!:: *' i-, :y-::::::-:,_:i::i_gl!i l''' -;.-i,-i;;;;-il;:;-;;.-;;;; ts6







;;yi;:;- :; ::*,1",*:lni:;l*"t"lli-^*-:... l!i;f $.S'{,:'it.:r,:;":ifl""-::: ll*l l';;:-,."_ir :,: t- ;r!;fi;;" ;;i:i+,+!:ff:l:""'*::"*r;"$*:r.l,i i;l;pii5i,t, ri;F :ji Ij;i



fi ilti$l*i';*" ii:: iii icin

!ii;.'i3lJ:li!:;;"1 ;:*l:;m.;ii: ': !flI""'illil ji,i! +:r tl )t32 z4:Boj 21.4h;!. rnr;; zrri5q,-t. c!!s 5!!a I!nt, i!nb, EA-A. EA.A; 7t:t8: 't"x"y;21. it.-i;,il;i'i"ii:,t c?:hcr i!n. ts,ie"i

ar.'t;;;6, rii:li

Rlclr 3ayko, xuC. Paul sch611, t"r4c.

h:ti ti:22



3 t37

11:$;-;!1q:i;f:1:3;'"u.0#ul:6 :i'lih#:li:::::"3tr:;"i:ij: ]i;3,:tu ::i. #;I::l::;I:i:li:!'i,;:::fi.,i;i:t'i i: i#1r114q4;1111,,1t';66 -ohn .ouLrd, you p rffsd-uD ,!Ln Eolf r{_ e!rtva fff 3;"?i ..:T,i::,ilr: lAnE 'h,lli',jl' H:"f:.t;'ritr"c.ff#lt ?jlt ::'1,* ?.:59j lh. Ron dushar, aAA,8o:aor '.. I .."+*. Jonn valontln6, Jonn /alontln6, caal, caA,t, eo:o[j eo:ol: ]b. bo; 1.. io_!_isr.l ""-, "- p"*"J""ti".tjij,;?,;lt"rt!l j:X;li*'''8i^*sl;B:] -6ir!, 16 j ;n":T ie-.'ri;a";i #l"i:di -rdi"-i,'-ad, ff; 77:Loj 28. villls MurDnr. BA,t. ??:E 29. vIn rsnd6ttl, uro., 7B:Jor to. i Colri!a, spa.tan Ac, ?c:06; J1. paul

#ffi/ffi ***1"ffi



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i+r;#ffi+l'*;' jrlj+1" iifr j:i"::i5 :::i!!d*:;


**i:*il{ftI *i; :i":;i"T; rf liq5r,!*j.I#fr ii:' i:::?ii :.. li*:iJ:*:'ff i!1*'{iiil'irri.;*,i-' . iir"iii,:i','-:,it i;-^',',F;":; r': i.:j'i:jr,r::"::::;

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:l:;: ii'ii!:,ll'rll";hiil i:': :l:r. t:s: Br:! ." .;t is,ti-"r-"-J"iii-"y b":^4 i:'gi;iri:';*lt**iiF,f,ti; ullf ;i'"5i:'tii:r,ii'",."".." i:{'i,Jn;''l*il#::4{ffi k}* H, -'+, fii":i*t:,9*:i'i,:"+-,,; ir +niyil:iii,';i,!!:Ii;iljilij:t.". 3*+"; ii:, qii "i.",I:;";:r ill i.i.;'Cj::'f ;3:i;iji:* ,;g; #;;i,l#*::* i,, l

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i;*if ,t+iftl,:..l



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t' i" ; -,'. ^, " r#'f;p;i,;;;"1u,:;'l*;tr;,:,'',:'j;"'""', .'i:, #+*ii*tfi-1:;i ;,': -.";,., .,;rr,

g"$i;;r!;ii,r;* si I'ij'flii;;*,i'.r*,':i+j:.i;;jrr; i:;-'.':':. . H 4ij;'1:l;;"ii:: il:t.:,d;j'. .i:. i-i:;..1;t: ++i i: 5ll.,iliiitl",lii";i.r:;:,1::.i..;g .i.,."r," ",;";.."p-i#:,. ,;:#;.' 'i: *' idtu"iii'i1;i.f

li les e"rid6Dt tbat: nan or tbai a!!ai mbaesaddr of 600d'111 hrcdt'es sdefsn"our\randr.l 9Gr3D.st1ty &


Mlchlg3n C1tf,, Ird,

I rould 11*! ro s3! !hotogJaFhoIg tne t-lour ilu. ra! or .orr! th. ;a!aae3o ln 1t or 2! locatlor koro e1r. nosr lblrtu1, bur rb!J s;re not 111 over rh! coEtry lrosesd 1or c.nnont! sd Nas auddy. isnd .n t?re so& cay) lhar E!cd, lad to put u! rllL ras nFel:. l{y que3rions,e!! Thls yser c pcsbar neny d eari!c and hls sg{4rs {e& as ccnperitlon ,a3r T foll.E; l.- Eo ras rsry lisae!d ro h4ft i!1 r! . st.! b!0, pa$ ct bhls ltsrollc o!8!tj :. d! 'r! h1!e bo stdblilze rur rEce !o rooriblf d.!fd od 4!asL:!lq systen, {ith tno posslble orihr_r cayl ili he dlli rLlrk that h$ !roksd rurn6r (or I!ac tlo noi ai!clat6r l, !her-. sere or ihlie rteorrl I donrt t.1rk 1t i e.ouan siatioE on tn! var" bui 'jflnr.tiq !raetr.air or nat.6 drdn !o3sI!1.! to ttu.6 coDI. hr?o b!e, rir6 4 nard Bs Ha leeo b.e! iclnJ. Actuallr 1." lon! dlstdrc! rus a,:rs; 4 hg ur:. :8.:r lfpEss3l vjth bho inR IAJ.I p!hxle n4erurdd.rts fox onfy d ;rpa:cae drrnkln: fifth of a 3ec.nd, durrbs ra!.h trro B traral 3averal ta!d3. in no&suiqe oE ,5ca thrs yoer T!ri ]!ardc! bed reEs 3!irJ rer yards aroa.d tt! :!s.r ?i. thrse Jatan33e lortrcd as a te.r to clrrt rh16 610 siep do'n*rnustp-cd f ,fb.- bt llecs!tu rhe c.r.r ,r!-r 1!J, ihlt Budd I rhl n! ne1!, rr.. rh.! r!ot '19 drqas heerq tI0 Ju !: bnr a.l:i re. r!. llr!tu tlEJ conra lRsn flag h. pass,-d !x ths 1-hou! ro1ni, tflct sl:t !,: ialse.ltrlAailns !rss151! efor fror t]r( r6ai1.q & !. ii@ 1! ta*es f.ne soDnli oI iire .r.rlr. lcross i;r. t.lrc!1. ?16r tlir x! b! ir!.]r tir. ;r1.Lrs r)r rEuli '111to so r! 1n g;r:.r!dit f.: ih! 1a!t 101 & !op!: erhool iE coloiAjc--l .tri!! h3 lass3dj irrN !! rJnrer erd (-r t1!1n1. t rMs :t.ro cll .a!: --" ectur:Ir at tll?y ro,rrc li rrellt!d !1!..1 rt,.t-fiihi '/i / ti'rLdrle-r }.lon

|rau Joiu o:'.!vln, ts'fore l r6rt on.r.iari.! t. irr. ft1rlsr isi6s I Eot roa 13tt!, arthorizi4t n. to rspreeant tlB LDl, ai iiD Foly lleratjro. r.!i{ out tne rav I lad hotod th!y roDrd & inrt!ad of s.1ne to the 3tart & th0n fo].lo!1rg i,h! ra.eso io chrr{lck stedlm n sradln shdred tlE 1!ad ruruo!3 at dti!er6nt stag!e I had se!n the stor l.hraihon nols o! t! llntsh & surdlt lhis rcly rts:aiha! vas s ca.bon c.!y of ltAciually I fdlt c:Daaiu bv bh6 .n,!-i!-tb-e:!!ai"sntritsd rn Eblton, tut_of E.sio) ar. fmlliar {1th tho f.rdlgi i.iolir lderoas this las -.r.ba!1t bne rrlrt rlEe 6ae! tbai trr! !n611sir cldnit bars a ia. In rhs rl!3t iou. strlr-ra1r !13f to tho rntiuslaers thbj.BFhulart gaee 3 to all ltsserrlq 11. aro6 lLrbo.ans sno t31[ln.r ro b.asd

S!!ot_ Afflat" Xe, ro!t: I agren EdEt Jasc.uris slse!srtot 'tt\ slter rud.u. t. nab 1r a 1lit1e !asI-ar .. Nh6 c16ieDc6 trili. : donrr f.oL thst li'3 r!lF lrchlrle.ii _ Il's Just cotuon r!!so, inv sake ti1l$:s :n} 4o!o djMcult th*r rh6T sj!:a.i\ rr.. ftob ah rnc r611rd:i .c!rt i 3it11 .r!.eida". iltern.ox neots ne1li -r: ot!e! !a.ts .f u:! counrlt. I f3a1 that nanr or th. heets tn aelr!nof6. Fhlladolphta, l?asht93ton ! ner yoa,r rollr ort lett!: 1r ])old or e rrt, 'oLrd !16ht btss1s. !n 6rEs!^r seaLDL tll3 iould ! trct eth10r!s ,cDl{i 161 dnllla 1ih6 ]t8ar nf ilr. ari!rnodn rDi i.to the riAh: to !6t'n hmo, I vo;ia st1li lrelar tc d. :lt th13 !ey, rai+! ttB }ot a;r:fnoo! sa. t titt;++i..it+li #r;, : i) : t,., r,,!,.riiiii t+ rron ,ral !uE, Baltlhor!. !rc. It 13 ny cninlon ihei! lu;ll Jji]4fsltifur y Bi TIs T Ur !-c Lplcli lt 1965-:0, T1!! M rr -!auI .!e-t 147.6 1n L922), bas a rLo.k of run.rs lho .odd b! !!al tectcrs 1! tb! oast coe.t closs-countly




Trli rDlton_ co;{TIi.uE,

*jt ,:?"-" T::::::,3r:l"l: Y,::y^.+""::-:,-:

-+o::y"::,.: " *

lro spcrrs !!jrite a! 3!&c6 le ;,";.";,:;;"" jI'



-o,.",."'""i r'"i *",:u-"n."

*t#ifu.ii.;iti;"i'"!j+j r;;:";"-' .";":;r "': :r; "


"" " . : ".';,fii:

i*,*;r;j*li:,:$i:.;*:,," :ur,,,1':j;:ii1.,:1,i"; :it ":r,, i*g;ii*:':i:*;.;'"''f .r';"',13,,; 1,j,i" ."': ":ii. ;

'i'=*ffi5 ffi*t'ru

##ig;,5i$tlt, ;; ' *1,.,'1t i,i;=i :".":,,i,iii;l::" , , ;;;, :t_' ##gi:i:.,;::.,"'j' ll,-'. :"=;".:;.;:* ; '" 1',.:'r:"3;? :fu',::l-i: ;;iy{" s

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,..".i' , -i,;.".:-,i : ,i,,1"" ,;r.fr;,;.,,,._

i:'f 'ft;'fi i;n, #fti;;1;;;:ft1:ii,fiu,,i::;u;' Th! Bo"Lon 4BrsrroF

i*. '- .. ,u .u -l;;:1." i':,:: t" " t39i":: l;:r:: epotts r.ri_.r:.r. rnr.": {:fl !h:!.tF -:sh:;-:"

*:';:::".:'-l;l'o!.s '-,i ;"ft;;"oio d;{:tr::ffi,;:;r:i:i,"1:!,:rl:.i.:i,; i;,;".,,i.'i"1,:,,t ra. iiri !-qii r..o

brcao & b-,1!r. m..


o .d...isr.. i,oi:.,.y-



'1 f,"*


' .:.

,i,i ,*;;.:. : r'6:,":', s ;;s-..:'::r'i; ::t: a; -,1 Br.._rr'116 .o^^R. c a.-i; ihi!.1 p. cultd, r.D., r.t"" su"r e,rsr,; F.;!rr,r

u I

3te.irld questrotu di!!oted to then r 7_r.5, ) J ?rrihore olxnplc c1ub,47!27.5 ,e1,r"1s alther rr.T lndlrlduals o.a s. c _oor ry Ioca1 o-". a!: alrrc (?1.1) a ros RoEo L?r.t i,o" -;sr s!-,J Ln J. IsrsnBt. r"ri. :8:01; l'o. 16!6r. . .rls nor. ro.^a.! (6r.4r - e fisulo .,:r0r lr, :r t'ae ir ..:d .D-. cnM ,ieo h.!!s o. to (65.U ^ 1rrc trrts .o Jotrn ?4of!tt n riofrabr 3 Bab Bbb bi,b r.'lna: 52:t0; .65.cr a I'r.'rna: -o c|s oi'.0!r e rlr.. t ,-!..L- J.nn _'.,16 d., 51..1rt t. 'a'an "a' -- 'i f r.rcoolr nedtcal oop o! dlstanoi rumils. .rsa (7J.il . r. !est.r _e3 -- ra!6 P46 (B6-8), B6,8). trmc, .u; .,0,,,o' 3ol scharr's i1.10.. oi riii-3<s c. "rf's everaee av-racs orod,6Js . r_y n6 .o r' , r.. -,'00-. 3i11J l{!!1s, Ts!, 1l:lr.,Ij 2-, arsi,1 I'orr rrerage. .ast3gno:|a shov!d:;. !rfacts or p.th. !r .jdrnanw. 1l:[:,3.,]5oon- 1- iln a noniji s lar.if-

'i;.iilii,'.jy'ril i,ili:i; r' Re1:rr 'rl=s' umt , "i, 1+r- i cs. ;,!:: i l: :yi#"'?li::t:";'ifr : il;t'j "l:a?;t:'r . +:iii",-;r;i 'eni

...",." ,,",. ,. r.,. ,,j,.1 i:r ,: ;;:Yd :.;:Y: ?; :.:" ;;: ':--:-:ili: *i"j1,,:- ,i-'iI'"jl: ::ir"5ilil. i;.i:":"r';q";;:":;",.,

11.:1"'Fo;.1v.11:"1.:,"i11:;l .,;il; :. r" . ,-. r :1,- Ih.;,.. .- r;". . : ,J.

'. _;;;;").,'l;; ['i . I ;:.-.,"1 i,: ::;,-,+ i: 1..' a" ii:-!t ,,"i;:":;;;";;"i ^; ;.':. i - llt


::t-:"::'_il:","113:d*-1c;,, lj?:95


72. 2l+.

Paul Re6s6,


utu., i;31:52; :1. Jldx

!{e!cury c1uL, l:l4rle; ,.lountain, una,, 1:l!.1.:; 25.

s4c, ]:l?:o?,2t- robn BdtBr, sA., 1:.17:09;27 1:.17:09;21 ?on!o Friz. Friz, 23 tlr7ka ko -orqnsrn, .r-nrrr strr SNTC. )7:27: 2e. It37:t8t 29, rony c':rilos, ca3tlios, LiT., 1.1B: Lrcrc, 1:3{ 30. Jo}n Satt!, Jilrrn nc, 1:38:29; ll, Denl3 vattho!, una., 1:.-19;10; 12. E1i1 Bachlarh, a1m!da rc, :l:10:01; :Jl. cor6 clll1san, ,{?c, 1:40:0,ir j4. 0!crs6 jr!.n!.ty, Plsasanr ltl1} ?C, 1:lr0i21; 15. Bud F.rotuan, smc, I:Lr.:t)t i6, r:!h sulltran FolsoE ac, 1:4r,rrj t7 ){arr.r hrait, fl]r t:l+2:i!j Jn. iornor r.drs:r, cnia, 1:]rj: 21; 19. arnoid !c6 :3tos, !.t_c, r:11.:!oj 40. l{ors ana31, uru., 1,L5:4. (6L fln. 1. :rcrmsnto AC, !0; ?, Slella n3"ada fC, i6j 3- ildeda Ic, Loo 4. Roa0ood cltx lrrld!ls, 155, Tho rlr las und.! ih3 sdrdtl.! of tho Pactfic -{s3oclst.lo. oa silo ,r,tlJ. grlrsco.t!r, c ls r,9 rrrlE 1{tils splkot!.s, 10:50: 2. Jerly Blalock, vrs, lCr5ri l, Cainy Catrrn, vs, i1:0c.

aomc! losto, i!] olyn!1c narartrDnsr. leesea1e4 E4.1.9--!-!e

q!-:!! r c/sn'!

.6s about 1: ntles ol ss.d.111s) 1- Grss B1ske, 27:1r; 2. J:tko McX6Ma, 2?:20i l, Tl,sclslay, 27:J1..T!ar: 1. Norshdad, 2!|; '3an2. last!r: suLulb3. 25-. sage adrlc6 fro. ]iRc !hi1os.!i!r !^fv Bert{o{ttz--B!lore yo1 sr:tre rlt}j a tool,

6,-;.d;-;.;;;;;;-i;;t:_;;;;;-;---Malcn 1l- 1. Raf luckebt! nur.1od.

2:a.j 2f,j 2, ii, r,nrltoni tir.,, 2:21+,t9. 3. rr. Pott,, otaso, 2:25:59; L. D. r'nK.^zta, cenii., 2::10:45; 5, c. llet.el', ::ll.o6j 6, c. Doqles. Auk., 2:ll:98. ll7 staltob rtr{naTln!



Ithons, or.ec6, l{ay t1- nurud.lan J.z3!r th6 611 1lrernartorsl ridsy 11 2:10:Ip.4. odto, !ir .a: 5ii ln trr Tor-ro Ma!eLh.n, led th. classlc.cEse rroF TORO!r!.. niirtnlo, sat.,,tug. 7, 196tto rhe citv of Atbnr. suro {d3 5ih.4cr!t_r Gladsi.rc Ac s!. 6-xtie r!ac! I46rqrho. th.d at 2:1?:55.4 1n rokyo. sDerFloEilip at th! Yorh l{..D:1a1 col2. I!af,lo Cherankorj :!rEqr!aj 2jl+9:06.Li lselato IDetltu!!--1 iorrcr' Frlrv, l:: Dem-rros v.uros, D!.ec!. 2:59:58.6! l. 4l:9! :. sarrx ko11qia, r".r! l; r. B.t li. !!net!ios IJos.!o.*s, cr3ccs, lj02:50j 1,. rtre5 FJen, Jlilr,o; _q. clrfrorc r.!a1oi.. so. !rrica, j:cir:59.2r I'ackle. -:9r,.j . l!1tit lJol- 6 irl$lr s1ncncn:t. Igra.1, l:0::25"6. 5. Plur !.111!oEU, ]d:il) !a1., [2:]+0; ?. )s'3 s!een!", i+l:tc,J. nr.aTrraK, Mc!ol!lr.r,! {. cosgITT lltr}Jtiiii !O!Tq Jon{, olilAlilo. lf3d , ,{ug 4, 19b5 rRi ccfiraniu ?5rk. li..". sJ.tar. !_u.& r 1 ,..r,r ;:htsj.l }le!r.lotttan M!nrlri., 9!h bl! - r -ir llG ritu!;E lllle \u ! 2-qi1- LIr'k ir ihr iJjr:o!.11ran a;rr ema 3s irlr. Fiic l{trd- 1, Ietrl 361ii7oau, cAc, 5:i5.Oi ir,Y.,s35r. sponror3d ZSoss ,1shby, Phre.!linesi tj:b, 5:ll; of b7 iuu!.s 16sllr. l,o1r, Dous Foblr,PF( Fo'"."r, PFc, I'r.c, i.17, Irlrc. l]. tons sy i4ah. 3. 3 5:l7j L. -.9,r4ah. r. s1 9. I -ii uea1ec", -Aj, 5:4:.., tna r!.,rre l+r-dlla i.'ri; Gr:-L: i:;;-:l;iJ;:;:.:;l:;:.:".- !.d c.rbl.rir .nltued lo! i:r loncon ro 9riehto.! ;in F-qt-..-T.".nto' 15:47.o; 2. tlrn 5:-n:id rr in rlre rlft ilF! or [::9117.6 cno. r?.0;j ;. csc. rr:b!!! t1re, GA." JclE n!rrt .: rn. 11t1ros6 [{ {es sat ro --tatrl ieil:lvaur. 1t:15. irliir 1n ii2r-:t!" 0n Ausrsr ??rrc dt Nh. ?.d c.rnira & a: rdrr6rs r11: recol,! tb r]sn i!.t jr t]]e !-ll .eco .r Se!r,25, l. lurx sioiaex, lurc, .:o0:iL5; \. .:!!e4! nl.n3y, una., 6:25::3. J!!n,,rr1dp!, l,Ii1!. !.le ;]\ & l/r cll ]iy,{c. :r* .!.ir :,c.on r.,ca 'c dre! l! ri;rt3rs a ra.. inri: oi ihc is:tr, Joi! !{i18.l d!rj- rr.ri nr.r!o!t 1n tn6 ltml nalf ntle to rln r7 15_"r tr 15:2t. rlr! tc3n4! 9o0o'n d!!! 5l stft,-!s, Ed shaituc!:. N.i. r-c cbq! fr.n tal!\ulst. nr 7Ey c!.! rlii li,r. Jirash!d f&st t. :r'l I.Carrhtr j!d.o. I.Et {IIr Jr. 'n: l-nile clrm! 11 16:J2.2,

5,0oor olon ED (course record: 15:18.8 bt F!t8 Mcardl! & Nolb!rr sa!do!) f, Johr l,IcDo@!11" xo! Yorl<,{c, 15:25 2. Xorbolt sander, ca8llc r\n.AC,1t:10


aStl!9 3. ?au1 l!!rj, !!r Iort Ac, 4. neto cavdlti, 116r York Ac! 15:58 r6:0h 5. lon ticcarthy, CAAC, 6. Jor4 Dockstador, lJ61 IolL Ac,16:a+ ?. Mllt vaitho's, ur8t. g, ol 14d.. 16:l; d. Bob Fltts, cAAc, 16:4Jj 9. clarg B34!ir, trlacr f6:50j 10. rurt B6ran, 16:96j 11. Leuy Zane 3ruce TC, 17:16; 12. nb! lohes, NYIC. 17'22; rl. Ed !oh6s, xYIc, r?:U; 14, Adrla cat!rr, Bruca tc, 1?:41+; 15. Dou! stroti!6r6, Br&e rc, t7:52j 16. Flank vam, una., 17:5?; 1?, cd1 ctholo, aruc! TC, 16:0c; 16. Iemlt 8orem, r1rg5, !o:1r, r!, bob Lsvql18, ma., 1U:22; m. E b Rosel!s, wFc, 1e:l6j 21. ,hrr tiuhlck!, r,1111!os! A.4. 18:.17r

22. Davld M.Kntght, uba.,


47' 2J. Br11 c8sor, Bruce rC, ]o:10; ?4, R1cr.y r'reFe, L.r. shrId3rs, 19:16; 25. 8111 Tarlor. C!!eN1ch. Ct.. 19r18t 26, Ssbastisn castaalta, rYAc, 19:)+l; 2?, Ted loy, ict, 2o:r9; 2b. Iilke 0r!stoln. r{est llas3au ac, 20:l+2: 29. Dr. IFlls lbrahss, x].Pc, 21:ooj :10, .'!1lan st!nteld, IYIC, 21:15; 11, atll Castlo. lYAc, 21:16; 12. Tm s!er, u@., 21:55r :13. ih nyan, us., NT?; 3l+. F!:ncls 5r!00n Te!:raa6 Run (couse.!co!d: 16:11,2 bt Blyor Df,co, trrlted na, 1965) 1. !d StFttuc4 auifton,rA, 16:12.2 2. Art ltccdthy, Ione co1.nr|, 16:1+6 16:50 L Alyon Dtce, U!ltod,1t, 4. ollando Ma"tirez, !blt6d-arr,16:5f 5. ?uss Tal!to!, Buftto! A,A. 17:12 6. Alr Ea:rl, !aFc, r?:U; 7. Don ladsett tls, 17:20! L John Collla, ub., 1?126 9. x!b lagsla8!, LIs,-f?:,12; 10..Joo. Jue!nsr !r:, 6a., 1?:J3! 12. Colio rar,lto, und,, 1?: crTc, 17:l+6; 14. !o; rl, fiedy Thmasr cha3. ca!!o!l, rI3, 17:49; 15. Tn croe-

uM.. 1?:51! 4c, 1?:5!; 1?, tohr vardalo3,i}-a, 17156! 18. r'tlr! Blsco! la3tlo 4c, lostor 18:0tj 19. ?red rellre, O.!-{, 18:061 20, Don csofo. 3utft.n,t{, 1d:07j 21. lsul !?ouy6. u!a.. f!:o8r 22. B.b Doblel!d, 18!25, una., 18:1o; 21. rato T111, 2U. Jacob r6nl.k. ua,. 1U:27r '.ls,25. L!6 stlo!ho!s. BIrs 1c. 16:28: ,:6. Bi1l v111!neu; uns,. 18:12; 2?. llatr l{1tsb!10. utu,, 1b:llj 2C, Daee !urcr, uns. 18:J8j .:9. tr1 sone31. M!tro A., 1e:L2j 30. Jobn Xuhlnqm, c4AC. 1d:51: 31. Dar. x.v.. 18:5].h: Arnold. una.. N!lrurch. ?) cr;ht \,J!isblot. rl^i. 19:07: ll, J6ff ;ab16, LIS, tq:16; Jl+. !a1t!! Tboopson, u3.. 19:25. (50 frdsns13) da1!,


cISY 0F !Cr1;



iontrrtrc cou?nTrTloN & ruc! vlIll(ING i,rcEs {A sor16s of 5-5r00otr loaa !w & road trg1ks aromd Tak3nasse6 L8l!, lorE 3rarcl! lr+ lars doud laL6) Hodals bo tb3 flrsr

3 ftrtshols rn 6actr !ac6.

MoDdly, rury ]2! 1965(Xo, 1)

5rlggsjrg -j. Ed shattucx, _rrakstdrst! 1U:09; l+. Bob hon.

F!d Ba4k. 18:16! 5. Fuss TalDtor, B!lcrr 1[}., 18:2.).2; 6. Tm Ba!1er, I,oaq Brucb, l6:J6j 7. Dr, c!orao

18:40; 8. soFy Tboe, !3ir E,v!n, 13:l+5.8; 9. Esrb codHl., Avob, 19:07.2; 1r, Ton !utci.I.oD, Ocod Tr?,, 19:lr-1j 12. Ed TonlklMr Bttck TIp., 19:L9r ll. Aob_Car1soh,. Brlc! lyp.. _14. -19j5?tr)r narora bu!6s, Asoury rd(, d:uo; X!tth RoborhB, Brtcr. T1'!., 20:11+.6; 16, Mlko t4l!a!ch1, {ost Lolg B!@h, 20.1?,2t 1?" ron rlah!rty, R!d 33nk, 2ot42; 13. Eob AottAe!, Rsd Aan*, 20!47j 19. A'u.o Ht11, B!i.L lL?., 21:2?j 20. Bob Bazl!y, Lons Brdcl, 21:56: 21. Tob hlnck, Monnouth B!ach, 22:05; 22. l41k! Maltucc1, noit Ban!, 21150: 23. Prt K111!6n. R!d Buk, 25:!0., Shditucr< s!t ord by a Jmlor {Bd6r X9) !wer. Ire & a rocolt c!ntlal R!Alonal ES aladuat6 rh. {111 becon! a iutgel8 l!!5}han ln s!pt. 5.00tb tralk- 1. Ro! KuLlL. BbLIovlIl!.n.J. :z;j1.Z:: Rms D!d1s, ocoan rw., 2?l 11+; .1. ll].lort D!md, g!st i,oba Blech, 28:[6: [. Jdhn lMct!. solfo!d. xrddloio,b rvp., 28r49j 5. i,ou stal!Hotih, toha Alsch, J0:20; 6. font Solltro, S!r1!A l,ska, l0:21. (29 dm!ts startod & ntG lace !alker3. ) --E111ott D!me-Moadar, Juiy 19, 196t (no, 2) 8.S., 17:16 {Cou6e Junlo! r!cold); 2. Mlddl6torn Tst., 1?:22; 3. Ed shatluck, rarG^hust, 1?:4lr 4, lot By1o:uzr >. rm ezroy,lora l:8:21; ?. ssdy Tho@6, ralr !av!3, rB:L3; d. Aorb coArtr, tvon, 19:10; 9. Don Ce!!o; BFlcli t'!., 19r13; 10, Dr. s6olao sho!bBh,JI.! Fm3on, 1q:lI; 11. Ca!y Bsach. n!d B,nk, 19:55r 12. Tnr Euhchrton, bLrr ?3!k, 20:06r 1lr. &b cd13on, Brlck !Hp,, 20:10; 15. foo Flahortr! n!d BanL, 20:22; 16. Bob lpstBln, Asbut Psk, 20i l2; 17. lob Bot!86!, ,R6d Ba!}, 20:4;-; 1d. sred s111, B!1ck Isp,, 21,:10i 19. Bob saz16y, lola Brech, 2L:14; 20. Kee1! laosE. R!d 3ank. 21i55. t2! llnlsh!rs) 5.0o0a lalk- 1. Ron turtk, 3!r1.t1116,26. t6;-7. rnr-otr D.man, ri]-B, 28:1?j t. JoID xmclo, &lfordJ 2A:20. 112 fInl.ba!3)

;.."i"-.r 's," ;. , . --";.. i.,..i r. l- A.r'r I s4i P. 3"n.. .r:1':0. : :i,.

:l:;::l:";; :i::". l;

l.-,i,:. r.'. ";.i;"'1.:i.;:"i,'i.":.




::j ;;."i;;j.;";:"1,:i':" "l:|i',1, L- ,.::'1."..::; ";l:9:." i.1:. 'r: . .":"i' .'":i. ;;i',:;,, 1 .';ll: ::"::;r,:": ?1 .-il"T:-: ': ""';",0i 0 r : ,.,:aD rlou -: i --::.": -'i;.-;'".':;_-- l lr ,*l -z'

r"_ot.a u.s. Irr.,a.

i;;:;. ,;:;;;,"::;""

l le"


.r ...


")bdat, "!Js l 6 d. .or rue.s. .- rJ :.!aol llrl. r4:Ldla.o)- L Bo,^Bazr'" 5.1.: 'e'. : 1,:90 rl,o^,: j. !!Frl I..1's, n1"-i Geortr ob!r16. {orc lRo,rl,rrxc nN.: ,rxs tii, AxNrJ]l, i,-t-si1,r? 18'21 ilitol; [, i, (2:lO: Brro Lr'. .l r 6r. lq:22 ... ,. .r:ror. cr..r l " tr']1.". -o:rt ,r L b.^i ?,p.. L.'0 :! q s , 0jj9l: 7. oa 3azloy. .!, Bari.,_ i -(j: . .s " .n. ' '. ?.i !: e.-d F, i!o.6e o"opn "p, 10:l''2:\'L:', ;o-. r .,o co.rs; :. 1,p, j.1,.... roir: ?. 0 .--.. F'.." ..., _.r-I p".o !-.s : !:ll troid!, lrilcdldto,h :?:2aa(s.I) aalrT f. illcrnli! ioss, a;r* J.!3a, r.; 2?:!: I.iv. l: :0'-.E":f:'-.2-:-- 1!p.1 r:.r - ;.. i.!1""?Ar-L :! f -_., "I r

i.,-, ;r"; I::t ",::. ;. ";:iry:. ;: | . Fn: ..s.q.01, re-,. 9:.a

:::,::i';'d; :;.;;.11":,.'rr";a;: nlc'!.,cr'3o,

ralL Erod- ao-:, r' 2, sob c{rlro4: :.d ir"ar. fij a"; s ftr, t_a5trlle:oo r Brl L T!2.! -rr,l1:1: :oc (i-0ar: I .rDh!'lr td,i f. ie_. P..L 1, ,in .o's!, rc 861/.o}c, 5.o00n !i;



,o: (

l4coo'':n nr/"n e-I{r!ER uor! B:r rol' oslEn I | :;*i:i;i"l tr.:t"iiri#.i;*i.ffi:.

l!: i:,:i i:;i:'":?i::":"i::l *' i::ij l?: :i;i ;;;ru.i::1.':i;ir":", ii,:

il"H::i:lT::i,'ilii::ir";:"".1i;;3 I :i:lt;'g il,ill :q.*Fii:ilT-' 'i"F" ;i:;:i: iIi;"i'*;i;,i; 3H;"61;1"1 :fl"d:: i:""il;i"*triT.';:"1':;::ffi., ueuallr -, ln hor. du,1d ------------------1

E1r lt[imN ri]N .a c, YIss. 8]-Ur- qlx

I u stb6r & ronlahl vs tu 6icoprroD__Oeo. Arust d. !1. p M I r1k3 Arlone, tr.ro6o lJt. v6rer"o Ea' E!edo:, ,".a, 1.n v on c4b! I Lc:16, ofror ,oaolqs r, a sr.p ar Lb! apreqrsrcs Ln rft lld snnisL !od ot Ll e fltsL l+*-nt16 r'F. rllLon lqboli srrc, .aprb!d tb; J.8_h1r. 84_ 1o I _Ed dl!lod -o5. o^ Lm rs! | lq:or'odd, rsco 1o 20:1L o, sm! Joo edd! ! Ln up 3 coner For1]6 slulds on a hor. ov.t larph Aor.ra! of pt'or A&o. x.J. r!sy dar, l'Ecor, rLm:de tu frs-!, ,@nlI 9-v11. (1ro ro!e, ri!! rb. Blo;lie Rdad ! nsd to, losd6J tr tn.Ln.,ns ID nre6r fartas') f1ar" Jsixrlo Sun_av.

t*'"i:"'tii"i;flJ'i,$.1: "::":::.""*_l ]: flfl"!:i"tr,ii,ili,5i:"Ll".il:13*ii: fDot- r. tatry slmtu. srrc. - *ioA.r li:i:'.':il"":#"; J"'f".fr":i:: y!d ,a.r,bolal rL ELo ecaa rrs!o ,o-a,..| !: J::""89:l:;":"*ii,:9"i". ::;!9 Elitg i:i'?:el:.j: iy.i;:j';"fl,1 Bitp,,*rfii'*i,:,+tu. i::$ *:fl e$""l:il ruL rropbros d'h rcdars (h! | ?: b. pacl pl!chosLl ,(

\otDa o | ,_,n. fk.t toos rts6r ' o rl:dsdr 9. Dr. cEolso se;dn, afic, "i".itH,i'f;;:i:'"1:;: ilr*:""f3i.,,, 1!: fri:".ii:::: Tl#i "-"'

:: *:,::"3ih"ff;"'*"","

ir ' __ ,",'.n:t *" *i*:? I ii: *:"I'l;til:il'""-iil. p!; -Sfitsi

3. arr D"LoD. spc!.'n"*lll;3. Ac, !t+:lr_j I DltF- John 0 rtorr;n, ac. MJL"_B!;;io lJ-:l'; q. Lfi'nd norrLe, Bn|, 16: i 5. Don e\4Fl s'r_r lob ctrchll3," !a13. 1&?: Notu. slE, BA,a, L6:l!! 5. Drv!d ctsz!rsf,r. dtul Bakr, Lmt.

g:ii:'.1lir,I'i3;'4+l;31'sl',g#r"i$;l i++re1e*it***l*utc*irci,! 'oi' ue.,-L?:lo: o. Roiano o lrer, Mr.psk I l. !d Dodo, sorlb t!lsoy Tc. 20:ii:

1a! 2.

ii: h:;!';.1i, $;^l ff ,lil l: H; 13;il' l l:lf:,i31";tr;.r' :?1;i, ri;]'i": sJ.c 21:51: Mt'6 16juza sJYc ":Hi:: 22; ;li;,'l?liji'"i^i''':c:,T; ";;::;::;",. psrr cr. -o:'o: erqnr,ofn Ts as, '''D. I fti-i ,l"Blil"';"T::".!"::'.bff:' 'r' pa.rl. te ac. -o:Lo: t6. :<. BA_a, 5r: | ------------""*dr; i,,:3ii1",3:!::__lT;.'ii::,;::",_l il,*:"fl;,'tx,llf,ltTi",$. ;;_f:*::. <.1:00j 2o. Drerd !1nr.n, ac-r, 6-]u.o_ t; r!ff utt. a.rtj*, "-,.'it,iE_iii_


:i:'!: ,:. ;:1,1i::;::::r."ffir:".I:i,", r iili: !i';"ii;ii;';.ii.H5,18:il"j: :H'L';::r : d:'" *;.:"til l ;::*:'i#E: i":!;:lr5:i*+:*;"{kl i"?l: ;i:i:i-+:' ;l;:3' :'j.f ';e:. 1ii5l ;:il; i;.::"s:53::;i,::, r' k*. *: "ft ;L,i::.'ii,: l*: ff ?1,1i,,d ",,ft :tu":?l. 3l il1,;il;li f ; i:ty ";j::% J ii;,"i1"



l tili:u;,i,.31'I fflii::'"if;ff:":tui:i"ld:,'Li'.i,Tr.T;ii't:ft,;ii; H3i:; !ii-9; if 3:;;: !j":::n. f"i*,i il.;: 3*f,:::"lrn* nt.rerk la, 6oj51i J5. re.s Lr.q Mo. l{Ss.l; 1,5.,5. dLdson. ls.. /;00.9,1il3;

Perk A1,




!"an! )roo1a,s 6ur..,lI



l::i|:,Ifi :".] iili.lS ""!li

_-1r{k zdtu.skr__



2? JTrfIOi nll'IoNA! At 8611. IsL!,

r.A.tr. 25 r(E,Ol4ETEn ClAlltlIOIB]Ilp RVF terroltr U:catAar rloadayr July ,r r9o5

!Ioath!!: cloudy slEb thLertrltuorr shor!rE. Tob!. 79oj vrnd: 16


ep"i!t:_"r,..*..':t'P.:3}:::-;1.".. ?fsu !t35:t7.7

{es, 25t6 -



rH,S flft,"u

t7t58 j6t33 56:I7 rt\6.30 ",. !i*'l fff:iu*"\'av!o stato oltvoldltv, 1o:21 37t00 55.\b !:\Etrt Hit ry"r:U, l+. D6n Aale.rl, rtra11.d tsb rrsck Cldb, l8:o. t?:4? !8:0 | 1:18:16 25Ld - I:19:!t Ed.Kollort, le., southrbld, 5. 1ch1so, I7t5A 3tt.+ 57t4 tttT:5b 25h - tt39,55 6. DotuId tr16les. .&., DsLro$, r:4J:15 lSrto J?:JI (9tzj 5?:j9 1:19:10 18!21 38:03 7. Joo valrls, um., _!Irord, r:B:,r0 r:2!:27 u. Esmth Eo$., @., Dotloft, 1:LL:L8 18:21 j6rt0 oo:28 r:22:14 9. 0!ore6 cabru!r, ucTc.cdro4o. !:LL:9r L9:lo Lo:j5 b1:,2 1j22:cb lo. Jir lta8ass, @.. D!trotr, 1:lr8:J6 19:23 ao:15 o1:o_ r:rl:n 11. ltu glchArdr, Ml tolm, I11., 1:lr9:21 19:21 (O.tr 61:20 Ir2q:02 1?, nlcb*d rlns, I]ci., c,lcaao, 1:5r:21 22:aS \\tE2 6?:5 1:li:lc DnF- Bt11 tralk!r, closso Polnt6, l41c!1su, 19:39 li.:t? SPoNson: l4lcblsan Road i@o!5 Crub..otftctrle: l,!ondd n6e!!. arn!st B. Snlth. tuan} ItcBrtd.r Bob Muidto, Jouy Bocct, tan Radevioh & Stove iaDuj.

DEtloli, lchrae,

rflxNrso?I aa! & ItaTIonAr, nRc post,r! 10-lf1r,!

ltcE 1965 condJtroE: 6P, llght .3'!, - 1o.12 nrh. Nri{ u ad. Idran uacr - Lir!. birr fasr.


r&calosto! col1os. l:!ack, S!. PsLt,



vlroesota Sat,, JLt! lt.


r** ,#&'-f#,&*' 10:21 1c:18 4r:46 z6 )/ )''ot ro:11 rrr:''? rr6:il: """ 5:r0 ?;-ffi.I"l"'il ,?5""' l. LsF PoDi'#;, rcrc 5:ar h:rro 15:5a -1:.o -6 -1 l-:o2 l?:p: !?r4r LB:or 4, IlhaD Blt-n, rCTC t:Z -o:lrJ r6:U J1:iro 4to6 )2tJ2 )?t,tr +trl -8,)9 3, J!ff R!.6 r-u,fcTc, 5:35' u:12 16:+ 2r:.)c 23:o? Jr:J: 19: -1 4tr:lo trc:5? e."r,es osn6;;'lj@t., bt)r ,ttL2 r6ig /.:n 2ata+ ),t)5 rc: 1 j|].:50 50:oo ?."Th Tun@E iuat., 5:lr r1:ro 16:!? ?2:29 28:oo J):J- .)9:Lr 4):15 Lo:J1 8. A1 clbas,-IiTf, 5: rB 1I:11+ 10:50 a)t?6 .Ato7 ) trt 39,3J \sto} tat55 ,.


o,"",5ffi ,.." FS

SLor. strltlj,

I_crc, t:JL .,:.Llr 16:46

a+c; ,t!+

22:J0 28:01

rl:L- lo:20

45:08 r'o:56

10. faL rdrb, '.'., 5rJJ 11:10 r6:115 /2:n -6ta\ '1:/A lo:32 +:t? ,1:10 11. sr6vo rori5T6F, un6.. (?:56; 12. Bob lowl!, .1c, 50:io; U. c!J?Es r1Dd6. TcTc. 50:!q. 14.rDoua E&.o.dso!, Ub,, 59:Lol 15. +IM yr!t@o.. ua,. 60r1!: 15, Fo 14F6y, ur., 60:20; 17, CarJ Imc,sk. utu.. 60:4r 18. +sL!e! S!sr!r. una.! 61:10; 1o,+TM Gsdrer, uE., 6):0L; 20,+C6ry {nderson, una.. bl:18: 2i, Tm L3b5ndz , w., 70tj7: 22. :6rrr Bol!s. r(TC. 76:25, ot!s...ru@IlA on t{6car!sL!r col ss!'s ra,b-sosk6d. oJr at,ays tasr Ta-ran track, Ron Daus ol rl^a lqln Clul!s T. oo.ot,sood B"u. s o!Lo6;n,s s.sLo A4U locord of 52:?o br ore! 6 rinul., (Rruc6.as Lhl6 rd's ]{ch{ sL"sorscha.o ch&_r I Dars' spIlts at 7, 8, & 9 Ellos so -rfflora" rsio aau,ub e1!;. ss.ono,an; to youg Vu ll61sor, 19, st. cloud stato .d. (Xat. 3-nJ.I6 Frosh !!co!d holdo! 13:L6.6) u@ locordod tlE "akd fssr,!s! r!6 or !a! ro,.r1lo Dosta.L cohDqLltron's 5 y!r .lsLo!t- 0r1y Dars & P3r6 t{clJol! .se6 posuao bs.rB- trdos. T. io "60r Lo rm nucj- lrlroeod tdlr Poll,lnon (hi6 fle r]!ls lust av! lElksq btd ae h! -tror !u!l!d 1aL!r 1n l]ts atE6rboob), a dop/ E sobool lun:o!. ^IAh

.ff !ti!i tlF noetce h.nor3, r*h Eorneo (4:47, tt53, ttrz, t+.59 & t.ob) & rrle tomt.. r5t25, rsry simoE {1,:42, 5t1a, 5t2:, 5t29 & q4b Turnnd (th13 yas's urrftsoio t.s. L 5c) 50:l}8.0; 3. nrr.hle c!is!1 (lr:it, auo chslto. & ftcordaLoldeljt 1r94,o), 5:07, 5:I0, 5:Il, 5:00) & Foss Todd (lr:5c, 5:o4, 5:11, 5:10 & 5:12.4) rlrnceton !., 51:05.4j 4. r@ c!.e! & rrlp yacrh!rson, ;;;;ffi;;il;;-;;;:;-;;;:;;;"-;;-D6lsrard t&f, 54:0li 5. rllan & cdy reJufy 11+- 2-1r116- 1. non lalrtsu. !:[O-O: llnetor, D!l,T&F, 57:19, 6. td alasko a 2. Bltl sni;r=b!!s, xcoc, !:52.8r l, nai IlJl! Yorks, sJ?cr 53:17; 7. Eorard outten Hush8s, ue,, 9:01,[,.].ooon sr.hass- 1. & lare RoneBky, sflc, 59:1+2.7; 8. ]aika xolson, stllds!s, q:25;[sdltb, t,estbont, X.J. & Bob IaE6ol, Blue Julr a- 2-N11o- 1. slrv!.bslE. 9:02.h- Ee11, !a., 61:05; 9. Bady Eosd & Jolu *!H1: -l; ".'Els:,.1 li,a3:'r: 4#**9.1' *Y:-I{9:-19:1?:----51.1. TIIREE-IIIA{ 9.I5-}firJ iEAY, rra}a C!1rb6, ^cC, Julr 28- d80- 1. Oar.lson. 1:50.?-.1-fil-- film6spor1s, !ub., sat., July 24, 1965 t. aoorey-trldors, 14: 28. 2. ,l. ooos_Se- cou6o: rlat, 1,05-611!s p6r lap, uostly 1. s11v6!b!ra, Xcoc. 8:5L.2, sres3, 75", rirdy 12-15 nlh xorth !!!d. 1. to!!ls ?!ts!so! (15:381" vs n!1Eon \{ICRIIA, T,AXSAS, Jury 2J- Uatu-trp ltoot 116:29) & csrr f@czak (16:16) lr8:22 prlor to th6 annual duol ulth tb6 msl. 2. Ifh6n BtlEutay (15:!B), Pat tablb Mt10- I. ltorEan cloth. !:02.2:- 2. 0!o!! (17:19) & Rob Dir3 (15:31) h8:38 !.-oun8, 4:o2.tr L rlj nyur, liro.rr: [.l, Duftror!(16:25) {16:05), xertlso! rr!:oB) & 8111 totion, 4:10.7; 5. refr r'lshbsck, ? un LooHn 50:18 sprJ.nied

a zd.d

4:21,2; 5, x1l!6 P6ttorson, L:27.1;7,rohn l+. s6t!.so. (1?:2?), andolson (16:t?) & Gslrlson, 1r:25,'r_,.2-M11!- 1. Bon r,rr1!u. st!vo snt|b (16;U1) 51:03 B:57.2; 2. Burson,S:ft6. 5. a1 crbas (16:Jo), Doua Edordson {17r 05) & Bob ridplld l|l tl+o) IFNI.{XD'S IIIIJES! TENiACT STAN TO E}TIIN (16:001. rent 6. Vladlnr! ?1!dsk1!ltch 'r:rt VIILAIIoVA IN stfT4vlffi-- Sovelll athl6tot cutksp (16:55) & ady Andersor (18112) nav6 p"ov!il trFlr stetus 1n a he.rlc 51:2?. (1r to s ftn13h!d) stlola vtnd & D.c1!an6 Iltsh sumb! D!?etr trat.lDs s16P kept tho taed In sm. !xceU!!! 88O,3 .oueUle t1a!! .bov! p*, but nonthel6ss ]lo.r1! h1s best or 1![8.c & sls1ls co$lstof,tlf, ?!terson, Bla Ter 2-ni16 !!cord ho1d6r, ulth Tm orFiordM vs ab16 to easlfy !Etdbllsh a !e! uol.hlaad, D6!6k Orahm has dontnatea tho tlcill corso locdd, rbtch lastdd u ln1elle - I i1163 6v!nt5 & ras thrlv6d on Eloltous 33 dlrutes, et xbtcb tiro non !xtla u!lcd! forelsn c@!otltlon oipo!1, Daus lor!lod tho co8sa rocord anoi:h6! 73. !nc!. srs ur17.d !u et DubllD oh rurJ --Pat tdtn-6th tll1s y6u {es bllf1iat. l}b t66@96 star has b.6! F!a!k !{u4lry, c1o36 on Divlx,olllEnT EET, Ausust 12tL 6 F.!{. 1:52 & U:1O, who soas to Vt11qrcva ln Ldls. NIAC, 9::7.0 (S.r, )! 2. Td A!rcE. u@., 9:27.1.| (100y); l. v1no. c]1E1, uta., lflE?s T!rl.{ caPflJnrs nux 9:r0.ll (2to]1..r/!-rd16- 1, Ed rohe.n.

(75ilT--abo tft., l:09.5 l:09.! (sc!.); J. Ed st!uart, D3,, J:il.7 4. cr6le Bomott, NTAC, l:11.4 (2oy), Tlp Strtders xon th6 ltth m.ul l,1tddl! AtLntlc !'RC z-uar f0-M11e leIey h6r6 tolight at xd! rdrey. x.Y., Ausust, 10, 1965 ntch, fome! Cddetr Cat}]ollc Ir,9 std @x abe@, 2-M11a 0ror- 1. Coolca U18llorsk1. 3t. at Soton 1a11, & td, !r-Bts)rop Eustado fifFEr,_Eb. L 2, Eru6 solMD, sABc, P!6p standout h!ad!d tor t!t3 U. of !{aryL St6Yo 0b1!tz, rlsj 9:17; 4. Jl! 1an'i, u!!! clock!a ttr tlo !!cord-br6aktns 9:3?; 0rcoa61t, SABC, Vlnco ChtaDotta Brothels Rlch & Ed MyeB of t]I! Rldl!y

tt@ of 50:21.6. lhe o1d nolk,$ 52:01 by Bob RontulT a Br.@llu Ross , 196[. Tbe socobd & tbiJd !lac6 tees aLso to!pod tlB folmer !oco!d. ldch nan len 5 : t-n11e ove! a eory hl1l: sless r-crurtry course.. cr!d & cooL. 1. !rcb Myers lLtl+7, 4195.5, \t54,5,ae, 5:0d) & Ed r,{f,!rs {[:4a, 5:0o.5, 5:ob, 5:15 & 5:08.6) RIs, 50:21.6; 2. !1r1

9:51; 5.

IYAC, 10:12; 6. !a1 DaEolhsdt, SABCr 10:

SABC, 10:29; 8. ftt!7. t6!.x Cly..!, j.\, ssLqs, U!1t6d 1::4I; c. leloy C!rbor, aa., 10:51; 10. BeM6tt F1*, s{Bc, 11.09; 11. nlchar{i Lrclan, Sr!4, u:55.2 (srr1L3: Ir:[8, 9:]6,ir) 2-UtlB J!. ( und!! 1g)- 1. A1len Uulvey. us,_t:36; ,. !J'"o" Dy"!, IIA.A, 1o:o2;'i. Jullus lalry,ooro, Eat!!s Stlltt., 10127,2.



a!1 'TEF! E ,ror?, 1r{r il$ l?xo irtN 'tr11l tr,rR I oould ourrun rtrr.rr o, rh! 6ab.!rli1! .f :h!re !6 a Lr.orr ,' -:1" ! 'o.'.:.-.r -F ..!rka. .. c-osc. sro cLoser & :e 1 ' 1 atlr.tPt!. p.r rornsn.es. l e ..! ln eF Jloh6 !aI :t ,ec.D1e you neet ln buse6 and tlrrns i ml-roir lud tt. 5nne fnar, b{t lris ei',


Ir )4s-o-Ly JLpt beb..:.. ,r. si"g. " : at]net!e dlff1cr1l - lilt31caIly lreai .\11 !h!! le 14

tu6 ov. .out.y. nna Yor t'c/ -opped gre,rer :hi uDll1iFco.rs ."or _5e rr.

r.l-6 trr.


Gib .. . - a 1/ s \o..iro. I. r -9 ...-, ra: r..bo :J. -u/t!!. si!41.! e narrel_

..r. r. .

"'^r /-p - : ..s .a. tn

"1J riitr ny reEcitr * ro!.iire.Jrei--rjnd aele .stab116bea, ,nd yet ijleJ d a i! eJ: r3 3noui ei:h1e:1c6, 1 !6s trre ."rvtth cof,iuo.d olrds, 316!_ had d sc.:_a_ trr.no " a1.--- :L' ',b,:c: o- .:.. 1.. " .'\..ra;" rn{. ilrke rbcar ,o.:hr.(6. .1:r:1a :r..\ ,.rbl, althu! lnid1ard, tralned ri.:a !n1h, t.. r.1re & p1!e6uris rf n16 o,'n:nirr-_

'!o .lEr n" qa6 he.tpi tlen s,,e_- q.. ) lrcR ther lcth trotr.d sar, 'i5e 5{!e.,' 'bo Nlbo{r hao eve! heeld or lErn:, lrt l

;: iii::i:;.;:.;;ii'ilia"*'-".,i;:'"

LE rd.rr .. !.ov:e re I i:Jital}.Trc1l


" :''".!i;i:,i;ir""

:i"::;::.i:;":,i:,":fl:ljti' .":i :.::.;:" :: : i;1"d: :"i.il':: ;:i':" 'o d1 -' ';i:f'$"ii i;"""::1,:,;,',i: *. , ., " '. ;".;,,i"",:{",1,;,1:.l ;il:t";:i'::::]i::i.gi ili.i.,,il:l; ame

'il:jl-" ';,. ' i:j ;'.-' ,--' ;;.;' :i; ,: .""i1* :::;:-{Ji i"'j:^;lli.*"i;": "; 'iirii'i;,.il!'."'5.'l"i: ii':T:i"i-*,| :i';il,l,';:l',tr;,:T ;fia ;'iff #:y""tu a+;l:"'i""P,J-ii"":;;"," I li,l" :,;:,;l ;:,1l:. ;:::t iili ;*!. ::,'i":* x"l',:x,l:l;: li l*,;**"ir."j::",_ !!i!!i glant oti*!,1?,?i;,i.1:"j111 a 84, had alrats dtedeLi nf iI de

:;u*t.;iii::;":ff:'":::::::' i 4d:i:,:i:"'"i.."""::'::;::J" t t"t,t," | "i ;:: ;;i-.""i J; lr, :1,t "iii:lli:iir;i!, li:illl!!':i{,.""1 lli!::!di::iii:-l r";i::; t:;';i:. i :.4 '::::; ,i ::: "iii'i.""!,i;'il"i',

;i!{{ [* !ii;1j!! l]'lll"-l "'-l :':;;"::,r *.1':.,.1'"' ;;.:';''Ir ;x;":"{*,lii **'t ,,.t"g*.i;""5 ";i;"it":'lt:: ;:::, i;"":"; ;:: i:fll'!lii",x';l-"":.:ii:."l.t..l"ii;l:"1 ::,?i;3::""::;,; H: ".;:;:"i,:*l :l;jr

evEn! rhat i !.4p!ted ltr, The flle rou:!dn, i alfov n! io Just ?l,D-I had ic

,Ir X6y, 1954, I nade rqy l1!!t td]) ro tlerica. 'Bre locatlor dldnrt natleFthe

a-tltude va! !h! 3de & t]le leBur.t tne s@e. But by Ju1y, 1958, th! nonths t!)rt the cdeE fere to be h!1d ln cs. dlll,':1pl!e I found By.!1f 1n a dift.lelt lde iU! to ror, e?e!y rac! lad beq a step rl])!a!ds, & Ey ihoughte sere atvays polnr ttrg foeald!, but alter'rhe 3ucoe63rul roerlcaD tour, I lkd h the {ord6 ol l tx! i4!rrcans, ,gotten DJeelt a !!!uta- | 'i;oe :l tound jiyselt loohlns bach a 11ti1e-a tlt s}rprlsed & &thtened ol ihe te:ghi llEt i lEa r!ached. - hldrrt ro!x.!3 tn the lurih .ludt ]@v hlgll I h.d rrlDbed. A to!.lgne! clept llto ny nLndl oalled ,Reluutlon. ! i ?Il,IsIotls .{y tines contlm!d io 1b!Fre. &e

trai4lna & !'e-lace pr!tarstlon q*e r:.r beconlr! ronpdetlve xathe. tlE, 1ni iuttve. Betore each racd t Fo.Jfd coDpse ny fe6ltng6 Flth those ot 4 p'nvl-l .u5 rqce & saln doiace in ihe racr ilat ; ,!ad felt lust a6 bld.! ?:enlouE rccsr ',1 b3ar o! teloy cerltn/15 teacrlng, i:e1lev!r 1n 6p1r1'tu1 rlrenath. :rd nevel talrred aboui .I !e!i.rns! vlt-l other! h ea.! 1t !.i!as-l !d 6oee oJ t5e tensloh ibat I rsnted b u!.P io! the !406. flefole +"he a&r1re C@er half-&11e .ace In Cerdlfl ln i954, the !utl3-ut of ten.lon lnsliLe F!eL. And by the dly o! th! }ac! rt Nasl aiooEt ub!a$ble. riJ. ralh oppo,ent Gsi Brlar !dr3on, lho bad beater n. orer a half-n11e a coup!! of {!!&s befole rjre nI lEd bullt et6e1f .lp to !lch an exient ttBt a pelve.ted n ,snt to broak a Leg, o! b!coDe 11r, oo tlhat I .ou-ld get out ot 1t, Ird put ro Dud ol nysefl 1nto tx1! ra!! ulat I couldnrt la!1. lrxnd yet the thought tnat r hlght lall kept reourrlng tlke a flasn1!8 n!on slai r1t the eubllnlnar Reo6age, rlonii

rI vent





to tbe tlack,

ny head

doFr & Dy qbote b.1tg tulled lwards.

I vd8lely rotlced the c!o{d. & the opponelt6 but rnly vaale1yr Tben ihe gln

Io'arua rh6 en." o! th! trrE! 1':. rnorodlv s6s !( i!t to rna ftont,! lye il.:o!g di!.r1a trE, i id trre Jdd,r! of feerlns 1r.6.tde d! oqborod lnto a pugnaclous .repetlenoe. r@n I heard tlne !a6 54., I lu.t !i.1od!d. . Nos I courd teel the dirdgrb t_Iotr 9y s!.r 5ulglna lecs, dd I juot fler oye! tn! arcdd. read! for tbls tbdd!rbdlt .L r .le!!d.ut hy ebolt rlgtdce that t! couldr:, t oc!rooa!tly-r hoqover pelate h.r. effof. Th13 mo6 & -!s d.6reconvlraett oe ot :he vs1u. ol 6p1rltual strelat|. i sonenoq ry reputarron JEd lnocked a cnlB rn ny uhquesrlonins outJoo!, It hid ellos6d fear ro flon :ace-a fear ult .: rudn't l!1t lrnoe I telL schoot. the iepuEllJn rbd code ?lt"ho!t:e1d thouehr snou! qnn 61th.r!h : enlored rr ;n o!di_ iary r1f!, : lldrrr llle jo iuv! lt o, rbe rurtrlls tlac}. :tr{ ,tre ;rast lap otsTR&!3tri a n11! nov b!.@e a nlnute oJ Jeara fed,rbat lnoe i'd Jrovr ny ]Dnd soneo4e rruld cone elong & -"he :!,plre eee., I lourot!d tn 'llif} .lc oorl1 .e+ori; io! th. rrle .i the i Lo i!i!e5. Ahd onty In iha! i)!ua .a.e ln srrhenblrE d1d I not !x-:r'1dde fea! :i q11 :)o Dtner racea. lcr nelp -dd1!8 rhai. re])uietlon ls .& .nty be 106!. "rier,ang i9dt a?ter:h!r o qeek or rJudr! lf, -"he $!dlsx !1ne foleBt6j I ioud roer.c 3r!dArl\-6treDgth thet Jour uonrag ot racln! ed r3I4 thai 1500E Ir c.thonbrrg I relt ruopl.t* 'Eut lt ras only a reDpo*rT letre!hrhe ta6t occa!loa on rbrch the xrllott oJ 1956 ed t95e e .ted. After txrl, doeetlrlnA Fa6 losr rb16h n!rer catre back. IeFhale 1t lao b!cause. .ltxougrh I ba. .f 195e jEir sed the acxl!f@ent of all ay soal6. nlh 1959 I ndr4ed 4v chllchood s!etheart-Anne !Ld1ey. Ade rlray; endouF aeed-out ae 1n ibe tldtrgg that i rsted to do, 6h. !.1t th16 re* IedlsEJ rordo8 the sporl that had bad6 b6 tdous, Bpr6sn .o hel toorI no' te}l|g 'ias a! !!tboulne. w lnr!!6s16 tr4! eld!ntnE ahd lncr4elna Lhe lethar$ iha! I r.1r tosar':ts ethl!tlo.. It ro. a draailc !

reairood .16:


cLng! lF! th. coEplet. dedl@tlon of tlE paot tro yer!. oedtty aldoul!d ard llb.d at be tlrat I brd 1o.t Ey ns-

hooa. t a!.td 1lttLe t!al!1b!, dd vlai I did Fes .padoiuc, Bui I von all the &t 1! !.oe! t st f cospeted 1!, 1nc1!d1Dg ole !r rhlch I bro}6 four Dlnute8. Gut

told 1!1e tlat the knee ya. too 3o!! to ro on. lra he 3a1d, rlt ttt! a! sore as tJEt, ltrs orazy to tur. iAnd I !tood tnele & I 11!tered to tJre

veeh &

annoucdent ove tJ1e luil1c 4dd!e66 !yst4: rSeoauoe o! last-b14te aealcal adtlce, Helb {Luoti }6s rlthdl.am tloE the faoer. the crrd looed ed hoot!d. ib. l,.ok o! l1tne8! toot 1t! to1l. t)r..o r.co6 de!! coerletely e*b&r8nlnr And I ra! ful1 of nares & @otlon abd d,oubt. anil I s1u.k olr lnto a dalk co o! t.!iln Eo!6 .o then any so"ld-rooord ru[ tept!nle!, 199, elta the trDusbt ot th. ol-lrp1o e@es b.!lMln8 to folc! !o!DRUIIS rEre f!s of n!hg leat!n had cerlleir It5 ray lnto Ey notLoe, I t!nt to t)1e t!.ln1hg csp at lort!es. But &ltea one ne to vlctoly laru ttee6 b{t th16 tlne lt dry of r$rLna I found I llad 1o6t ltte had @de n! {tihdrar ftsr the raoe. tlla GFt & I spent tbe r36t of thc tee\ drl BertLyr. c4cb, the Hurgerld Islol, .a!A D1DA .na p!ay1!a golt. tlu! I roul,i neecr qtn 14 Ro!! - ulai I ton Dec!Eno! 26 I 6talt!d to traln !o! rrs too lrL8ht@d, 8ut he dldn't !.auze th! dr4!s. 3ut it tra! a dlfieleat &.l!- thet lt qa6 leer tnet Eave De ay 01yb!1o olt tlEt ?sn.croE6 th! 6*d dun!! ot Ootrt |le.l,al four tulthc laterPolt!ea. RunnlDa !,es nod only 4 pDt ot rrttle tast. ot l!ar f,lEt urgeled afte! trEt h.d to b! llttea !{ode6to !!rt De Into hard tralalrg rhs ry 11f--a paltactlsLtl!6, lnar, Insiead I got baoL tc 4u6t!a1La. But 6obehor tbe o! @ lloonsctous goel, I ds alllha slngle[lndedEo6s sa8 61111 lot tnore. I for a6tt4lre !&ce-the olvEplo flmf- In.r lor rho ey ohlet ooEpetltors iodd rls . A?r11 tbree f,e&. betora rr 1960, tliy eal1te! athl,etl,c pbllosopbJ r&E to I res due ia laY6 to! Aoerloe on 4 lna tou, I d@eaeit !y foot tn e balce !y bo(y !up!@e!y flt t tb.r to ru!. ,r8n t:Duelt I {a6 roltled aaout Dy ,era!Sbte!, tee oppo!ltion oi the rototu, I enJoyed the br..L !!oe tlelnl in!! tr.c&-o oppo61tlo. i::at eonetlEes I I o@cod to rrn DJ tt!.t reo. lh ].og dLd.art kr@ ev!n exl sted. I'a{t nor p.opfe aele ie111:; ie about &8e1.s ln. !ca1oc!e tbe nrt I las Elth ey lItD63 oy r1va.16 r.. RoD!j dn iieJ cften lqn 6eit.1n1y tut trp!.6!6d tI }n.r ilat oy n!it !ao. va6 to !e 1r a1o!a31d! !e dulle Ey rrelnl.!. I'Eut etl1i I qou.1d catc5 ade:: t\1n]r18 lod!.to.sa1n6t the A!6!rod dt- fouF ulhdtf !.! !.ri!y & lurl!&n & I batee rqb.t 6 raste of tlre rl5 !61, The os!a: th. !d.c ot b!lna be.ten. I rs! tBed ro oltJ to pu4lsh syseff Tas r.sr, in L?58 I f,ltulDe & I lEtt slvd 60 lvoh ol Ev ltrt ]Bd elnost ehJoyed pi:6*|; u6et! belD tb. p.st tlE!e year. to Fant to ooae .au.e It ra6 h!1p1.!- tr er.-le1e ay eoaLs. Nos I! leoulr!d a tr*e:ar-6 !!ntal e!ir !.? d4yg b.!or. lhe racc u:13-1eg Uy conrraenoe aaF. ':..e1 ec qhon, rl a - I| pr;ca;;;;;ii'u-.:. t^rcush dt dt lnlu4r L'l t o! :t rent tnrcuE! :r fri;.d: !!trln.d. :,ti"i'iii !o,!rt;d .iii t!.atD6nt--soo! d,JB 1: r.I!- I| fo!. soris o! t!.atD6nt--soo fo!. !!1e !!1e &.,:r!.):r::: & .,:4.):1: :: :. I lo,lrteir

bctt.! thd olhord. ord.loi rue.bs*!nr.ort,-1,-t r,+g-t I i"".r'et.oi." .+ r :: 'st to run becru6e .r elslt_b6 b.a!!n, I n.a *i "ruJ-::.ii,i*"

,: ."ite. i J,.i-i":l,rl"_

iNot bad @oush to be u!ed_a6, an dd66 out o! tbe eoriirus, .i, ;Js-;;: t$ri a?e!l/(ne @u14 6ea. AII thl! 14. I p.rvad!d *e c1r:rc - :._;.; n LcriJii"i ":i:; ;i:";:^:, ff :T.*:;1"*":;:""t"1,:"b":"::j:"b" L -ii.;i,;i ;i:-1'=i:e Itssr rc :E1.! ., tu.. ;:i q:q: i;;' !i;;;e* fi "di";;,; E";; :;J ;"1 il:i""" | ytsh r cou]d pu6hliE_ "-:, 6!t ! : ,...r-:"ii .er: ";-;.iori-r rig *e, 'r :f ""-'i""ii ."rt :":,." inJ i5oii. i.a!6. p.!1-ryt ;it tu6t .nu's tle bcr$oe. FurL of ll"gr r *,.t t'*-=. .- iii-riiii* " Lp-El,:Ld ro tb!.doctdlnb_o :e: I ron owr to r-"" ded6lon tFo vee6 edller"+r.", ,r"""oi ;d 6e$ iooklhg .ttg4 6c dullns th.



!I!!A! SPRINT ill I eyer Falted to nln a race, thls res on !y talr & tea! dlore De 'r@!lurde!. efen Fear tlut ra6 ar4oet turrtes tt. I d!tem1n!d to r!esd!lt the no1Dg lrto I could 6ee ?ercJ Celut!41 advFnta6-e ihlch 1 lcC hetd ov!r lantc. ty qerlng a touel ore hts head, but r on! 11 1953. W coubts Eust be kept to nte!1t ald I nust appedj ortva.dJ,x, t, cou1d.1rt eYe4 rMdlJer 1f 1t dedt a clEnce ol a {odd !!oord o. tLt I va6 ,ln the h!6t5 I had to b!/ tD f.rg-rter. cted of the fl!ld. tne rt5ers, so t et !,nen iI oare ny treak r!\!,lth hatf a 1a-i to go fear ltfted he 1n tte r!re1 they rould 106e neart. And lnto a slrlnt! hnt I was so tlred tbrt r dourt 1l anyone notloed. But at least r I also vaated to rui tire taste8t ]1et tlFe for fie dd these tro fae trylng to splirt to that tape tnat !!4ed so ra evqv. lTlEt Cold rfne nexi tro dlys paseed velX !aal,lX. lredil, Md bhe !o!1d recold J could feel ny ]Jod,! con6ert1ne and bul txai uert rith 1t l1r ts 3tu1 nearlr a ti!n rhe !qlvat ent @ile lng 1t.!1f up fo! th! Eupr@e efrolt thet Feo arlD ro te lecur:!e of rt" Eut end of nx ca.eer. alt th! !aJoyDent Lad d.16apDear.i fron aihle, I Blent tie deys pleaea;tu un!orrred trca {ay qy bacl 1n 1959 & I've l/1th Anne dC 60n, ,cn the d;j of :h! t!i !y dec131nn ro rer:!e.r r:c. : c.nr t. lie lara:icl rlth g.ellis !o6tr1or 1g slth ,afe ?.Fer, leslira ihe n.ed l.r Sneli, : ., @. stooo6d splritlel c*nu[1or at ibe out6ed !r tht6 roet ratal day. fn aore 1 iedt or !njoylnJ :.rs -Jrri.s, H6 LGs becn ialrrny r!l-lg1on heavllx. aitef clrulcli I hed ur! on otuJ becsLse he nop lesliiea Lnat atlleilcs lui lald ir anJ clc4.e he eon! beallast & then s!tt hack to rY loon a irred to rleep, bui !t vae lntoo- nl;nt nave had for s c8lee !1b14. i {ent out ior a Joe o! t]]r! drase lastde Ur! riUats_e & I *a6 taMrA to ny Notr he !ro!k6 for a blg lnteretto@t eeil, trylng to 6ted !y6e1f up, then I clgdette conpsy 1n lier z4tdd & h6 knong tlbt the leet ol bl! LIfe he {111 had e rlght 6a1ad snd {e4t back to trI have to l1Y! on !16 leputatlon. 'lrhen I v!nt dotrn to th! stadlu 1, the It,s a sad conhentdy on the sDort thar bus :I i@d the odd t^,rought of leo Leavlt the nentaL ener$ n!eded t! now .o tnthe Anerloe !ro!ote!, nho iad offer!d thlrg else t. try to tetr!r a record ne *250,00C to turD !!of!r61Dra1. ilerd of the 'o!ld c.4s1ders to threatenea ihat he yould e'top ne fron tur..1ng at ihe Gd!s. ij trled t. o:ut t:te crord out of Ey B,l tlre ulrroaie rs 6E.L]I e Loe ual avej. There's 6t!1I so olch rh rae h;s & J!t I coddrrt help he bodJ @t can ne extracred lt onlJ the ir! +ne nolse. I vas d!4{! o! the 1!eid! lare & r dlcnlt 11Ie it. rt nedt that I nild 1s poyerful en ugh, !lti!r bad to start iest & aseme the role ol pacenaker .r !1E]r belng rro*ed in rI irox the r1Fir. flEi threequat flret te!6 oi a 1a! vas iaard. I f!1t re lf IicL lur tvo iots alreadJ and I colld hsr tre clond- a eig! tnei I ilssnrt .otrce.tlet ine rrald enouD. It na6 l:r! neri Ia! li!n I rr! c-olrc to lsi! nX bleak, b:t ihe !.c! va6 x1l1in5 ne. rl!n.ne, I thruJh'J. I ouiFi t3 ra:i. Ahdl v1ta1 sec.nd T.ei 6!ar! .are Dut & I trr.:eirt r(i., g. dri :.. rro! ien;.ni. r,-i;::!!! ai nl. lo'!i.r aa th!.6dr I el1 ral5 :' r1.,.i- q r -r'. r'1""



rlii- E1111 , )!l :.:i rlrr r:r. riil .fre^ !!. ir tleiaj.:1r

fer f.rr.,

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