ii${; ,rrr*, ,t,
,:j: Lou Casiagnola and
Bary Brown in NEiional Hour Run Philadelphia -Photo by Alan Frick
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z oo@rrrs by Rob Dar6r lljt Elllot AY€.s. posttlon to locelv6 offtctal tecosnltloa for o!t_ sl,andlM oeffor.ltrc6s on coltlflod load codsss, In ths !e€! !t has lrpos3to16 to o_et;t;uy slvo c!6dlt Lo Lr@E lun in loaa lscos e sus€ tDo c\dc€3 uela roo enrrr b -3-a!. But LheL tho couisa hou.Id b6 shv lonAth oxcopt .ok tars sltuartob Is lsploiy cbanaliFtFu!'! to rs €"fo'Ls o'I€c corblLt do th6 AAO-rGc standdds CMttto€ 'blcb !6 {o!).ina to help laca oreanlz€!€ accar_ tole n€AsEo !h€i_ cous3. do Rot tb€h celilfled. fift-v oours€. ln ldo !.s. th€! d6.€!t.lal6d a!'tbls rrltlc th; nub€! sloxs €rob dai, aft6} buch dlsss dc of f€ec & son6ral sponsors 3, aocal lumts clubs bev6 fllalty bocons sHdo of tbt6 p-obl€b md dr€ taki& et€$ Lo cor_oql lt. cowE€6 ihloqsh out rh" country, uh€n It 13 po631Or(€ rhsco a!€ pr6^rs ol qualifYlt's tr€<t quali s"sd3 lor ro. thoso tboso vbo th6 D6et oI Neds bf,e to ..t trp a p!66r& uaya to E6t up a proalm of thls Llnd utluztte conbtnattos.of s aro eolps. dt.idco! ud raco t:es but Lh6 oe tho trsA-elqc has ,doptod 15 .xp;d.-y;!s o. of a proard slftd'y It oP6latlo! Ib Ebaland xllch ts e t6sl of i ;ii-u"nna dr;tanoi, ffi!. pogt!eLb:- tha; .o,a!d Jusi ;b outstdcr$ Etn€ dtntral tlss at ih!€€ dtfJ€r'n! dtuf*c66 !l.@! ah6";;""ir" !!st !b€ gO ("";.r; olttlcultt. (ra;strs rr.n classds o? of d1$1cu1tY. sne of th!6o th"6o classes trI16s) tn a.y lrob 9 to 90 d classes xhlob b'?6 'h€ UsA rors'o! b,; b€on €xpald€d ro lncludo tuo sddltional ilEted beIof, d€ l-bs 5 bssn aoarcd toudd AdorrCd classds of dI"t.u1ty & th€t" qDallrtlrla r!166 3t cMoolv run dI8_ ts.€a- fh€ Vetoran cla.d iE celibttLsd .on thoss \5 vods sd oldor'
Fiox rm
l.1tnn6apo116, r{1u€6ota 551}0? nnc @trlrolE a!€ lllall,t 1D a
tl:oo 98:oo 6lt0o tStoo 1:20:90 1:10:o0
1.ol !!5 1:38:30
t,2)t lts 1:41:10
!40:00 t:26:00 t1:il4:00 1:29:L0 1rlt9:0o 2:08:00 1:t8:o0 2:18:l+0 2:lI0:0o i 10,o0 1.0?,10 -l rl+1.oo L:29:o0 5:15:00 6rJgro0
'1tr!84r" r5
1od,1lrloy 9d,1c2oy &l,1250y 20a,ltl+0y 1?n' IO00y as fr6ntlorod sboae, tbls lloAls laB Alated for tho Yelsatll'6 llm€rr IB olfect ttres 1n ri.i*i""." il"t to ;h a c;ltiflcat€ ti€ !ud€! nust post qua!1futns i"".; I Z basl. aistdee 'llrrln s 12 ronEb p6rlod. 'fh€ b3stc dlslu'€8.as "r ro:15.2on11€6.M!a!hoh,]o,l+0,dd5otrr135.€6c3L36t3,1y l,asro arstlnce:' aaah baEto dt6tan.s would 'or€! L]r€ -olro"'bs ;;i..;"; 20 dr1€s "t"*;ir;; : e- r2.5 nr1€ii t5 nt1€s - 12.6- 17 5 r'tosr io ;;;;; 22.6-28.t -1ro6 | lo drlos - 28.6- J5.o nr13si ii t:_2e., 'rr."i t,*;rt]o": io''lr;i, - 35,I- L5.o htl€s! to rilos - 4r.1-<'0 nt1a5. bo an nRc @ite! FslBotho! c!1to!Ia rhtch nust b6 n€t d6t 1) tho rl1fi6t nuBt LsIeo'ltbib€AAtr&2)!t€Lh!eot1'o3Eugtbopos(ed1n plos€lLrv cdous c6rtr!1€d oods€s or oE te tlacL. T6 stMdddE ;;sults to doi6mrD. rh6 rraE al!.acv qua'r"1'd ro! s c€rtlftcsta ;;;;;;";; h19o7oT*oba.,Eoodcbsb.6to,EoEr.r'thl3L3n'toasJ 'ocu!€n!di'€ctoBofiRc@ab6!galaI1'b1€.Aqo@ a c€' Lrftcs!€ o! lEi qEsltos !8s..dlDs tho uod on cous€ @asu!€@!t. r' vou hse6 6 cou'so {bar vou J,ii * 10l6J * esL corltftsd, rltto r60 corbltt, c24o B!o?dua!' -BIoe' 'Y 'Mi t" ii"*i "aa". EE"3;"" tgl.:"l":'.'t"g'3ii8!ii-$i$'"i ;::,i:;::::":!n":*'t*'i":L.":*il: o'r'r daco6ptabr6 but ) ttres es nucb uo.s' i;;;:';'; ;;:i;.;'; r2?5y
ffi'ffiffiffi ffiil*t,"*-ffignff**ffi:
_rr"::iff;rr?{ir{"fri":::1il :::,1?"' tHi{,::,:l"ri::i::ii,r$n,:il:H:!:l:i:i;ijr:"r;;i:rl;',; r" ::.i:"i::" ,Hrl;,iii"ti:;;tl;'::::.:'::':xi":::; :::!!'?l:""t:"oi';i:;;ioo-ii'aca oredl ,;:::;.'i:'1";;1$ ;;t*. i,i.ll lii
:tlf *#.f----*iiffi s:,1*;:.rli:iil'*q1i*lii;'""'e"'+:*l** ; ffiNl:-*H*ffi :?'i,ri;i#;:'""';'i'i:li:l:i*H: [H dfittHF$$#"ffi H:" il$ili"i"ii-;-;-;-;*-'f I
**il'o;i""oii:lli",*" 3$$:[f,;.','f*#,till*"4**-:,*,;",ffi iii.lli" _"1
i,*llftliiiff i!li.iiitiir're*
ril:iilfr * *:
.: ":::
',,ffi ::
ffiHl;tffi 1fi*ifrf*s+tl*tr*t*
re !M Lb€.llsk I! araat on s traoL rh sssocll1rs th€ ctu€s,; oL!€sl3o oisolocttns t€d uhoso o4v 3rtrroulo r;i ns6t. Ir ss€6s to n€ !111, b6 an abtltty to !d slor ln a hlah ";i;.;ir;; that thle 1E a v€ly ieanl!31os3 Tro ntles
snip. our orE.arzailon tould rtkB-Lo 66€ lartrlLd€ s'tLatlon. s€r up aL sLs.dald dislan- I t thlnrr ou' YEluos so 'ov€re8d. vrt .d;;r.*bt!; and LaportarcoE c',,1 hi,o bo.' co'prarqrn4 1a!61v about rhs 3tzo o? th€ ft€1rts tn tlr6 Boston l4dsthor "*6 63tab113hed ". 't"i'i'.itt';. th6n. tbn be '1th or ibo saE Dt6Ep I & sook to l-lnlt €ltrants. Yot sh€n {o 'lth ib6 sentols Dtylst.n cor 3a 6L'rr&i a36n.. vhleh {a6 rom€d lust a v.d lha!€ s quallft'atlon tac€soob to I'nole c*proc.r! v€ ;;;;;". rhoy ar6'€nbdriie lnaliomt ;;;;-i6 loElrlp .Ltu.s. chdproElrrp r&.F tbs reeos or tbo chdp ;" " ;""i".r."" ;;id n.1d a s italloM1 iralroM1 r&I ;;-.;;i;t.;; r Euopose Euopos sch€du16 I'ltu's. sch€duro &,o]o!: & ovo!, Thot l'o"ut"""r"s lro _& ror rcn 40 ii-ploiilrpe for chMoloEbtFE ChMploEbtpE L'olstd€rlna tho 1106 '106cab ^!.hol atord -umng tlo & ltb6ro 1s s raf, tou ba!€ sal a ia!s€! dar€ o_ Jult 1utlt 6a€Dt, ti€t havo a1-l quauricatlon i'aae dutna tt!€ oUl@!' but fa! thd 6a€Dt, 19th ;i'1t56 irih of 1956 i;' sbsolut€Iv e erruso to 5ts!t-11 r"".r'"a Lhe bac.lbg oI Lic sad tho!€ IE r"""s rlddlo oJ or tho dar. rn6-r"c:_'ouad^ nr""; Ps"ks P".rq & , Rocroalton D€pt.,_rsy nsY 10- ln Lho Lbo dddlo Dle'; otalt et 6 !.4. o! 6 a.n. ,tt os1 organiletIotu & @lcbants, T!3 leed ?ulGls to flrn€b ai.!6H tne lead iir""-r"i.it i" r'"rp ""-"p""""r 'h6 ae6El,ouldbofor€ coul b€ all othels could s;;.;i rnclida ali s,addud lrell leLl b6for€ da!k. all tnclude rh6 naet vlll "iri pluE 6fl tho couls€ slee tho !a!or€ tto {alk1!al tl1wb6.t ovsnts fo! a tlacL 6et, (220. or .!€ laco rs to orok *o LaLortutlona: tia o 'iiu"t, " "i,"",ur"ro" "i""i" toe o! b atv6 6velvon€ 'bo 8!L€!s d sbou, lont LLo. 880. ar1o. Jup) sit a are ,r€!tv lEiUlon ooor ras MisEtoa Bat oou66. U6 loDporbunilv to ftnt6b. Tllra l41n!I!l5an€xclLrnaploJoct&hop.1t|ofotbe!a3!3lbns-. ' the sl!.nlron.snould !. ;;ii;'. h"s; a;;;""": l*"e "a*--,u"'" th€ lloddlng tasses !ath€! tbd re" U.t" r."i.a a oo61tt€6 to twoEtt- slv€; to aatrl lial ulsdo!, !b€ 61d.. EAro txs oosEtbMllos of holdlrg a la 1e661 !ii-ei"'p'*-""'"t'ytio orrMproFht9s l!!f1Cil_,c*::: " IT91* fo;a! xlu !u {1thl #tl.,!r#,|]ti|'#*#***'*rl'|lt,!l!,']#1#1|l1lr# i; r; ho;ud tb't ot I The roasoa r $t!€ '3 ro suaa€sL lhst r;. blsvlos1r ostsblish ruar-lns jt-r6, 50-51'. <s-iet.9o & lrc' mrer steE up sona 'om o"ID!\l vou uD. Tho"o-ua.""5-!e, dltLdca !lt6 s@ ad ou A!! lcoaFl.tulv: I nollc€ tou sav HIII qulr ,h3n lon 'e3L s! .hMDtds.res - 10,000 @to!s. B!11 cddre! is6!to4 rc) bar a cdDutot lould r! vou! :39 o'-1 1.r sas oo raLrae a ii "or*rng ";;i"-dr;;;;.i th tErns p6crorts '.'ra.asou.aI6Et!tct1y.*po!hont31po'1otna1j|€ at t\ls !!ne & @€d noF !8flrtng. I lu'o nd, Insu"flcladcj , ,r@ iooorm.av praca rroct< or a urirr oloer rauiu il"i il!,ii";r"a;;;'-;r.;;. lm"-tr," rr€{r ored. rn mrsn v.!t .i tt'e' ir.ri". nr -rat"" ,/ o.h03rt ;:;i";'i ;; catscorlss. Ih€ s!€ps tn I oollnd snall touDs or I xss eri. thoio fos cat6gollos toF so re! apalt thouabtrhat rlns I slJor€d !n€ adlopst not e r!;6nt- Aboi, iiiii-r i*"-"'ai";;;.eor tn tbo or" {s-a. on'- Pl:-'19-:1tl::l old.r-!u@!s i;;: ;; ;;F" t;; "ii".i;;; "6ports tn'v. ad 06eoroDed 6 rra 15!e€ lii truu'.e' pro .'iopuron iiii li i-ii u so I otoc€ed€d to harothle€ ht hoafh, i.€.cL:.lol?6!y i'llr ioit" ."t th6 lattns scaL6s, ed Md rt lolkad After 6_7 6!1 6lo,rt. 6ioxly, Md lnl€rErtonar crass *o-lr-lr -10-b Lbb lnolld I.o ldn LL p.oddc6 psr" rn'$ r.; tb6!.Lo tt." to ib; o. ore EJ16 ln 4:Jq i& sudd! ;;";;1i;;1"-;;;; l"olid ",*rt FRcfolaccg!ldicg&pos3lb1.!of1@@bl|ch€5ltr1thsl'J iri;:'3"::""i,::il";'.y; L
:i:"*i:;*iltr;":,*:;*1",::':flS?: liffi"lJ:ll"'s
traro a md@. ul otudro'ascult;li"r, caurornra l"a! q/i ;;;;i; Praa3€ a! "iiio;'o!Ltu.reb tod !sn!ns. aIr' **,w;*;;*;;;s*i,e*,* i';;;; ;";;k up reror€ 1e68 kh€s, r don'; ollr €dt!€ri.-rhsn!6 "o!
sEsMi, vo ara sobs bo 5€€ a nalatho!
::11il::l:"':' "*.*., .,.-fillil:r *:*.--***.*,' !x:'"i*":i":lrl;:":* oot! altitLd6 and Eld-dat Eun Ev pror.
t}]1i8' flrd oul fro. offlclals .Ectlv ho! lota tod bo too nuch ot a tad tbtia' I!o1o6nra11r. I d asalNL plotlr)a ou or eborc a 3!6clflc .ourso ls t" lt ls dlrh altltu'lia. olsh altltutia. rI loE th ar dlgh ;r lq€ t14€ thrr hararirn roe roe at n.E aocursle. a Eooo d€a} d€a] o l-n€ ."irr" ."trro r.t*;." naratbon "rrr. ho "91-'* should quallry el loast ono runl lnfo'etlon r( nor plf 'niber lhlrk !i".!9qt (b9r !re!'-1o4)r $E) ii"i n"rv"*" draihon !€. at 3oa-t€Ye1 dd€! th€ asEuptloB 15io chsr!6(e.85n1. ) 6tc _Larrv !3ns€r,rt u"vu tl@ to acoltatl!€ iiit nu
ffiffffiffiff rffi4$
ffi -++d#**
z r1ler, s 2,-Joar-o1d Ju,,o! hlsb na lo-1r _oF rrlnors io vtn tho !967 Iadld srarno! on Vadesoay 'lls'anco M r_6!. raJu8o or tno sp- q s .s. -@!e -:20:0d .o rho 'ost ln Js.u.ry .tas vasae,, rea 29:5o:h nrlarron 1O!n o; rlth ln a tlghtly r.nlt eroup fdr a1nost 20 nl1€s, ihs! bulst lnto rhe l€ad past pr8-.sc€ fsroltto B€lls {aldo of srod€n, ed add6d ro hts 1€ad 6fos1y but st€edlly to th€ rlnlrh, M1116!, t!at'! tuon trra to tlms rlth rlB dEbly rssaldsd loh r,f1. ot 'ho catlr,, (An€ltca'E b€st harathoner Ialnut creok, at rbls polnt, ln ny o6rtnatron), re e vsrr flno 2:22:09.1+ ro ourlasr 2.d plac€ fi.rsbo!, Ra;1 !,&uJo !6 had plaled to slaln & the leet ol lurop. a.ound rb6 raco but bad orry no!3d to placo blalr up, Frhaps 1! th6 ttrst 25, l{1116! !ec6!tly fl.lshad th1!d dnnrns U-9?6 to fiDndh bhlnd Mtke Klnball's An€llca! locord ald Balry Brora (nai Yo!! tc). 1ltre !€op€lauuog hov€roo Ln Lns ao's for r.o -sr.sr lsFi o- rh€ -acs dr th€ ho dlsconfolt as rha conp6rltlon 6rartod at 6 r.n. It ra3 a fqnta3rlc b!6akthloush to! t{r,11€! rho nor lo1ft ron ldls, x'.o trltrtal1, I"ou Castasnola, ialph Bmchn4!, st6rE uattlors ard G€n€ como6 aloDa llrb o' .ou!s€, JobnnJ P8ll€l ae pltr€ coft.nds-s o-rtrptc leu 'n !6U. Yll].€r's or'basa yss-s I n no! qolne lnJDy end nayb€ A6t 3orethlr8 acconpltshoa. I q Just tlabb6raadt€d abour tlo €rttlo tura of evonts, to se:r th€ 1oast. Ton tarts dss€rv6r Lots of c!€dtt for thls. tse has contltbut€d a Iot to ry n€!ta1 outlook or rk111€! lnst1ftr! stas€s of a aarathon. larts ]1as tha sood attltudo ard qltt€ a blt of Autr...ltrs Eonetltng rh€n an lndlatdual conos b€.k to dato r!6 ?d-AE tdm at 6 n1163 aft€! tho h6at nallod hin at !oryok6,.An,r tb6n that 28:13 10.000fl ho ?an. beaitla ltndsFn, I,E nothlng bur adntratlo! fo. blR.,I --r,l,H. A!cluE, Lo3 aIlosr csIlf,-1. Chrts II1llar, r@ A1tos, callfo!n!a, VcA, ::. :0e.Lj 2, naul baulo, l. 86.J6 u5ldo, sr€d3n! 2:2, :58.2; c. ErsDct6 tresa, ,roL 611ands, 2:25:rl+.2t 5, Elno Psr!n.n. !!nLMd. : '/:06,2i 6, {r l lI. Duu. ?, l..1ard, :28:01.8r Er€FbdI tlssamfs, [ltsron, stroden. 2:2d:4r.6r 9, Johads6 Io!s6rson, Dsmsrr, 2,28:55; r0. Y€n UI]Lmr, s,rtz0!ls!d, ?t)9.)2.6. l7l) ftnlsnsrs,..) smcrsofi, aI€. Jqtb- t klm's caston Roolets f!11ed 1n a bld to b!s* hl. os $!rd !.co!d of d:26.4 for th6 foooD lt€6pfocbrs. ronl8trt but b6 tq4d ln t!. losr ttm or [b3 r8e. fo! tdo €vont., Iho olthprc chMlron rar c1oc.6d rD d:2d.6 ss bo !3n s,ay frod ht3 ftold ld an lnEo.tutlobal t&I tr€Bv la r,b. oltEcnrrs firxE- ElroPrd\s TAIL NoTrcf,t --ch.rs
IX Eonx--Olropto O€oar l,too!6 froD trr€ I.Y. Plo!6€! Club ud SouthUn1r. calturod 1.t lIaoo, sotttnA a s, locold of 49:20,7 lE tlo IITTT,EToN J tCBs 15-KIl0 {9.1 !11€s) nun, tha ofd !€cord tlf,o of 5O:o1 ,a. sat tn l,96lr bt .tln thrphy of tb€ ,uI !6!c. acad€dy. The !ad6 {as beld ln Ltttloton, Color&do, suqday, Aueudt 13th at 9roo A.14.. Uatth6, oacbuplD of xat liorlco rcn tho tlopht for rs6 17 & undor xttb lrtd itne ot 9?:rl. fi! Mrths{s ot tb. DoNo! Tc rcn th6 I5 anit ov€r tlophyi b16 b1[€ ,aE 59!1d.. A total of to tb6 l1!.t Tlolht€s Ll runm!. r.rs ont6ftd rrth J7 flniEbtla.!.atb6r tas 1doa1, th6 oou!.e !3 10 !ud€!s and nodals to th€ rext 10,.Th€ oSCA! t{oonE
.rn IUrnolE
h111'., !!oot€ t3 nd tlatntns tn A1Mo3., co1o. rlth tohn U$on 6lod E8t!oe!. 1, os.a! vo6-o, }nPc, lr9:20.?t 2. sr€!h6n vaEth€ss, D€ae6r Tc, 50:J9j J. JorD Mason. \tr.lanras I.. 51:t9r !. T@ 3€lnoen, rrtn c tloE Tc, 52:06; 5, rrles cFrc, a):o2t 1. Lou Plltr, Cor!so-ro, colo.Tc, <.::?; 6. et.L budke! RPc, ||6br,. 5]:15! 8. Jos arralola, D€n'or Ic, 5'126t 9, c3.r Pl€"s6n. DoNer 1c. t):18; 10. carr ouoz.rzal. corMusrar Tc, 9-):U; 1r. Kon xatto!, Llncoln, Iob!.,5L:27;12, tobn rud, Colo-TC,5lr:L9;1J, ran F!1!by, D6F6! r.r BtElralM, ohto vallsr Tc. 55:J6; r5. robD fros€, Y.rtuas ^c, tt:Pqt r\ .6. L€s cFist, Dane.. rc, 16 ll 1?. r4srlb€s caclrupla, Jercr Ic,}{,n.. \e, )/:rr:56to5t lu. F .k TrrJ!11o, coIo. rc, 58:08; 19. 16Ls vs*.sda-a, coto.tc. 58:2t! 20. ssrolo sanoo, r€o€z 1c, 53:!2r /r. Jto fidL,€Hs, Drc, 5o:r8; 2/. B!!u pr.ld, (oLo.Ic, 99:19; zf. Jobn Blalk,Dlc, 59:21; 24. JacL Danlol6, {co&1N6d paso 9)
i'i**" *
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!.t" t-h=;-
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LIf{T,LTOI J{'CE!S 15-XIt0 RIm- .ohtloued Clon p.s. 7) vl3conEt!, 59:r8j ,5. s!6'6 alry. D€nr6r TC. b0:!8r 26. v6.n busrotr. colo. Tc. 61:116;2?. Jaes Js'3oD, Gro!16r, Co1o." 6z:12;28, Dae€ Btnkr.r. C;to. IC.6lr 0o! 20. tsatn€s Iolgoftry. uoc.. 6.1:Ioi J0. Bsrr, sauJ, Denvor TC, 6a:0o; JI. ua.. 64:?7r .12. Don chllos, tarrtsbus, nsblNrr, 66:)2r tJ. T.d cuLlo!. D€!vo! TC, 66:c2: jl+. Day€ Jola6, Lnr., 69.2?i )t. J.tt carson, lakoro.d, cor.., 1ot22t 16. areld 10B6, llrcotrD, {ob!., 7ot22, 37. Rob6fi r,al.6; rni, ArB,
35;'i;r li8"il"'lf""jii;":;l,i;Ii:i" '''-::.:"i:,'l::l"j:" pu*t!a
on Ltu rsc€'
' 1l-4ruls1. sara !.karo, Ious TC! 9:1r,o (Nov rsooldr olo r.cord, 9:ar.O bt at.lchor.)j z. xat {I6€rs, Cd1o, Boc}sLr€s, 9rI0; l. ?r'th !,8@s, Alrors 8C.9.t3.
**s***fir,p**t**}$ffi i';,r**,'s3,iffi :,U***t*gr+',;,',ffi
ff*xn;m***rg$ffi ru*np'll*ft#*fi#iffi -_-___-_--____::Il_l
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Ji: :ti
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-lil;iixil", iryit; l*"i";r' :itti;ii**i:1,,,;:::E:$:iril
fr i:
frorn rr houls rn th. BAr l.{arathon. ADorhor EaMouth las! fo! Joc! Sen!16. AE ls hoplDs rhat sono of hls
c!1tlcs {tU oore tn and help !tf,1.-Th6 n€nbolE ot the RRc rtlf bo lnre!6€r6d to trno{ tbat
e6 ln cbsa6 of rh€ f6dolatlo! nor. EoE: laxsoh, Iora Stat6 coacb, ts tb6t! b.6r Hl1t do6g !!onot€! dd cdp6tlto!...Dailo{ae lob rrLh rb6 on rhe nMi !ub1lcar1o!, . . fb€ Rnc booklot 'tl€e._ ullng Road nunrtns Cou6€sri 1s sttu aval!. ablo fron rho loq Dtstqc€ LoE !o! at.OO. a1r NthodE of rs;rurin;
codsoe. !6d colbtrr hes J$t olde!€a eoth6! supllt df ve€d€! ioot R€?o!ut16n couht6rst th€ stsdards comltr€o bar6 !o1a l4 countols to date.,, DI. pet6r
nood has ass@d t1F P?€did€ncT ol th6 E&6t Bay RRc for tnis y€ar. tle succ8€ds
,tldon Bryant,.lhe tomatlon of a sa! Fra!dtsc. Chapte", nnc 1s tn ploArdes udo! the la3d3r3hlp of ?arton B€sr6. ,.Puollc Aqerlcan colkoe 6f sports Medlcttu e rtxA cohltto; or Ei.! 6reoJ f,1 on nr 1lst i5 the suy H]1o Hrlros ln to tol1 n€ tbat ho hasn,t &colTod rho .1so & PhFt.al lltn€ss" ge 1s also e D64b0r of lr6sldont Jonnsor,s thysroal, i !99 ln tbro€ nonths th€n lnfoms h€ that h3 no!€d thre6 month aao & ts Just not rlt!€es comtttes. slnce 1956 h€ beE rolk6d rtth rleo!. o, tb6 sffects ol aottlnq a"ound io lettlnA n3 Lno!...!eh f6od on ths gysien b€tola !@te od as Ja3dotri. tomd! Natlonal RBc l!€sld€nt. e losltt hr-S here cur cut tho sa oa11od 16 nor ih€ chlsr couns€l for tns Af,ollc;rr 3pe€1a1 dlers, E€ bad lone aartud ot tho ssaDo, coudtl & Iultclpa1 ilrnplor3es uhlch te a 150,000 n€4b€! IEovsr 86 oi 39ocla1 suppt6lonr., D!. tellltlonel ilnlo! to! pub11c €nlloToo3.,. cul1d has rb€ €xp€lron.€ ar e !w€! ro Ed o,co!re11 ,i1r bo lesYlM D.C" in a eo rloDs !!th h16 oui;sL4ndlns nsdlc.I
P€r€r Bant Erenshsn koslltat
ho!lod8€...Kult st€1n6r, t"YPcr lan 5J & ]-0 m1nut63 it tnc la3salc Va1l€y E.S, tlack on satudav ilaht, July ??nd. st€ts! .tet€d lIa ru@i!€ at ? P.I. & r!!t6hed ar 5:Lo sunday rcnrDa. !e vs. trJlus bo lun a t!l!13 rarat})on (?3 1116!) but re boor .ondlbtoe of th€ trac! rdloed hh;o cEi h1s lun short by alqost tvo houA. Ee lan to slvo a Aroup or romer! a Est ar ssd. PauL Bolratllho- R.h Far^urLr i;";i{ilci;;t";;';;;-ii;' b6.n cdFlE cdrylna th6 tulk rulk of th€ tbo 1n.i load rn tn attanlt to cover nole tbd 10,000 !11oss of cob6€cuttv6 rhlEs bT sophmb6, 1st_ 'r'b€ ortitlnA nary 6t 5,62t !11€. vaE s6r ln Rtrer !da6, x.J, Lart Elmor...csll. colorbtd, s ciitt cttr ot of boo,ooo 800,000 vll1 b. 8OO, b€ host ho; io tho strth Pe-lh Gdes ln'111 1at6 Julv d: the alrst ves* ln AuAust 1971. fh6 rn: 1dd 6fiy req oltr b€sL b€at out rh€ th€ Mbltlou! ebltl ed h stat6sr bld !!ossu!o Unlt€d stat€s, llossuro btd tud f chMD_ r4o., by ob€ rors (12-11), calr rs l.ob6 e 16@1, !u.b 1or€! thd tn3 Colorbld oapltat or Boaota, rhtcb ls at 5,600 f€€t. Chu!, a ea11 toE !6u Sh. toD1s, had pronlgod ro lay tbs rlaee €rp6nsos orp€nsos or s1l al,l fo!€lgn to!€lsn athl€ta6 athl€teE ed sd ot offlclal. & Nas prapsrcd to bulLd a loo.c 8.et a.et stadt6, 3tadt6, conplex. co_nplex. sstlaso, Sstlaso, chx16, M6r-u! ln 1951 t. Sdo ?auro, &a211, in 1q6? to lllml!6g, ra6 trrtrd in tb6 ;sL lotlla HtLb sh roros.., Burch Eam€! had dola E6ats tn Idra tbts y6d than tIDy bad In tbo Jo yeas plselous to 1965 t!6 3so pooplo ihar rm AAg @srE rh€n
b€cons Asst. Dean ln th8 Tult8 llatcher School of D1plonacJ..th€ DC iRC Eavo n a 1611 ealed taloft1! paltt tn lata lugust..,aob sclDrl is Aottlls ndlIod at th€ 6!d ol s€ptonb3! but tnt€ndE to run 1n the AtlaDtlc city narathon... Early 3€lkorltE md Ton osl,€! both !1s !o lun ln th16 yesrg lolaon io tulshtob !5c€. i{&r!y !€celtlf rd 60 011€6 1o 8:ll:1L, ffe !s fron Cud€!! x.J. ro Atlatlc cltJ, x.J,,.cb1! Sr63!y, CJf,c ac€, 1s ilue to ent6! tb6 Alny ln s6ptoubo!. F!@ r,CUt R. lt. McRunnerc Face temtt, ssx, I6y ltl6st, Florlila, Thls Fvspapo! c11Ftn6 appea!6d tr Distractiotls 1'M1$1 S.laLdrr roday. Thought 1t lnte"€Btlle. (Ir!o bo6n dtst.actod by itoAs, s@kes, t€Baage tbue! but !6v6r dy-
on tb6 E11t!A 1r6t
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ii,:t#ii:ii l'{i 'i l26l 1a$, src.76:5J i::m )2 g:g1'liFdiii:g.x:#,,s:*f l*ft ,-}ii*#r;fi iTi;i+isrF*i::' ii:f*%r"fi,ii n:n,*'Xj liiif f ,H fr*iff: ;i liil la'*-+ir#:r#*ft $:lryf !tu!., 77:u 51:!r I lD6r 9912ts
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A[nU{l uEs-LAG
TE,IRS C'iAr P tolrstr.
vlll"se AsFocrstlon. ilnor:oled_bv Hestlske Dl_.. oc. s€1 .^-;4 i",^*j;T-#"";jLi*"J;:;,,
:::i.:.i-;:,-:..,r1,,'.":3:;;S:;-.Ft*:.-*l%;r"ff l.Srit*,**:,il,ci:. (i-|4r.. t.000 !?!Bs 4r
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FUSEtIIfi lflc6 orhor flrrt
!6. cs!L, -ro, tb. citr:t
A dar-lobs frlD delaFd tbo H€r Oflo_ Charl€sion & lsrcudiD3 us.g. 1g loans rc,6 July zgtb olrr1llo Dgrelop@nLl@d6 rp of md1caI doctoro, bd*6r6, laetlacL fieot lor os hou Md r6!1.us1? lyotsr dn1sre.8, sslosreD & busl@ss d6!affoctod tbo !p!t!t t!m.. TlF dslug; l?h6. a!€!a€6 aao ts apptodMlalJ !l- t€ds 3 tuD q ago !6qu1"€De!t of ?5 fa!13d, bor€'6!, to dMp€n loo o_ thoEo @n 6!ro!6d {n tb6 oE! t!voJ€ss. Tbrortsrlon'tor fi. Thous liloo.ra l.
Pl.D., Easr€rn I11. Ent!., Chrl6Ero!. 4!1s crcjs coMllr or tlr€ nl].sd rE o! tho asniult Audu- I -----------.----
'o!6 abotthg T!ia@ unlreljt{Ic bon ?a* !oad{.y
aAzn1,^ uris 6-xtla RoaD F.AoE rlut, tb6 ralb actually bono-,r.too Lh8 | laleazoo, Hi.brssb, saE., JDlr 29_ ylt<o lumar! bt dloppiba tbo totrp€ratule fronlgaz,l a, a 1€a! turathon lud1li lul6r rbo.Eld-!tn!!r66 to tho 1or .!snt_lo!. -lo! tho x€st6!n srobjEan lnlvsrsiti crossranlr adydla8e .oor cDutrt equad coEporrna ro! tb. xal'furoo. vlcbtad MaI1 CtlJ pec6rs du14 tb€ ss_ rtbtsb€d tn und6F J0:o0 E. th8 Sortho!! m! mbthB, ro! lho clEb.s str-djl€ .ord allt 6-d1L6 .bdp. Ds Fusollor. ourdu.l- r6i€ ltrr rh6 !s"r sood rl!6 of JI:jo,L. sA](u !6c@d botds., 1..-Bazlllr look Ltr. 16ao tdred1ar61T fsi co1[ Robtlsoa. sltb r :5:2.r, U rloctIna. Job! iJls'6c! a rlt@zoo Co11.{. -tulor Hlsh los. lbd a Eocord roperai .s tba lfro! E€aron Brboc, d-!so lurff;E ior th. ttr.J 6!h.r6it rho Tu1@ lLtr cttJ p.cslEr sd t!6 Lro s;6adt1v oeal for th. 1q!t haI'6tlo, FJe€Llar !nc!.a3oa !b€I! lead oy6r lbo !€fuho;r rL€Id. Ute€! f,ntsb6d In 12:21.6. 8ladudlly lrc!€ds.d b1. adraltaA. do.6al hlE foaer co116st- lblld piaco ,as ra!,6! br John sclEod.! roF tho frlst ri!6 6'ar. {)J:r6), of ntr6.v1€n, ulcbird. e!hs! rrslt ups€! JtD l\i,!tu !4s1t, llmor ooEpertnE u;rtechod. colpltLs of r88slo! ArB ror r'lrrl llaca,lrbrr€ ro! iJro (JJ:28), of iha Rr!€rsl;1. Da! !us€rr6!, IoAc. 25:21.4 lboolf16ld Road Rlllers fto luas fo! Xo!2. xAlcori RoblboD, loac, 25t4,4 lmutb coile8! HeB routh. I,a[J r$ort€!, xoAc, l. 25:l+6.7 15. Ntcx u€1burn, tavLor iulers c]ub. ll. Jrb colltrt5, K6.gler A!4, 25t58.5 )J)t))t 6. Jom cls.o, ua., J5:36! 7, lra. 5. B. r{tcr.r rorc, 26!08.61 6. R. B!os, lyc'adden, lafto! nlmors cttb, )tt59t 8. @., ?6:56.91 7, T. AuItM, xoAc, 2?' lnob l6r0tr 9. ron arHar€!. 11.0i d. x. |{a!loy, nolc, 27rl+0; o. x. ltaEo! Fc, J6ro6r 10. orr pclstE. sr: smlln, t4td-ctty Bap.BtBb, 2?.55t Lo. lJosopb rc, t6:11; 11, Jrm-111eo!: ca!t. so:rurto, sE Ls., 27 t5tit 11, s. R.oyr J6:f2r 12, r6tr Balrs. sL. or, roltlo! EIAb. 29:12j 12. T. Pobcrkl, Jooolh Ac,37rLJt .J, Ern6sr Utlsob. u6. 2c:e9 (I...1.r a?B); rr. T. TurN!, xo- l8:lr?.5; r!. Trr tor€n. srlc. l9:19: 15. tc, lrr:12; rL. a. B!1od., rcoac, 1lr:lrj.1;l cur Holbu!, Lpc, t9'2L9r 16. Don 8!€16 15. 3. Doraasw, Eoua rc, J5:09.2! 16, lsJAc, Lr:/L! 17. r€ff wFar;.. srAc. trl:L?: r.D, sb3rr6F, nmc, lrj:42.8. 18. rod uor3on, sJ,lc, 42:00; rq. Johr riai, Ehst, sJAc, lt2:o9.5t 20, Doh z1€81€r. --Johr D, l,lorrsni-________--______.i @-, t+3:00; 2f , cdy Br@!. sJAc.!t:29. TLAxTERtr .-!ITLE RiY! RImr Chdlo.toD. --ror Coy*-n1.. Julr 26. 196? 9rlo P. . Eot.hMltt.| -----------srraloglcattt otaosd rrpsllls afa AcE TAEa rEld oRt_sans RlcF douDd tb. curb-of tbo track so rhar I n€r o!IsM,, !,., Ausu.r J_ arE,n rr! ru, buE. laor rs.o @nr6 ro rdo^rrrt lsllayod 6upFls€ dd a qutot saaE ro g 1yy 9qal., lo!.b Lp sn usunountablo l€ad on a zr-,d rl€ld a! rh€ .o@! Ha€htrston sLaL€ Lh1h. 12111.9 cr6ckrq. c, q_rE or tbo r{oac *!. ^r4:rb; 6. .11 l19r,iri?t l:l'llllPl"l mso dE rho o1d.6r @ rn tho -1.1o, . . I r.D. sria-f€r, ror rho fr.ic 95-you-o1o .i.t 1999tf:t" st"^:99{'91 1z::43:,' lro praao tn rh€ baidt.aD flhj.h. !aLr & oozl 1, r. h.!dHa.. col!rrrs, 12:)1.5; 2. rsL nob.Ban, group a€. I no4c. 12:jrl: L Lar!, FLesllor. NOAC, rl: srom ro P6rr 00; tr. f. Iu.rd,n. r;rlrar Hs. u:21:5: 9. y. appForrrarory lau sudln. titro-clt! ns_ 11:1,: 6 ll_ xar_ dods, itapulEont 16r, t"-sn€ r.osb, 1l:L2; 7, P€la sourul i or3 srplorEtt br Eadrscn I11 trot8 un1t. I ro. .E ta,, lq:0/; 8. s, samqu€, r€daEp-
#ffiffififfiiffi]ffitrf#*ryhY rlti: tl'ii;;:r*';:riif:[] tit'i,ii:ii;llilriqii,:::;ifl ' ;;;;il;-;;;;:;;;;-;;;;- T3l"Ilil""*;,ff;llii:l-;9ilii:csi;
iil, i:lft 16s, Eat.; ?o;r,:!.'--t;i;'o. r-ii..ii:l i;------------*---lT-l]ll'grtlnE{D ilm _ zr-trM
i;;-"!;;;i ;;;;
"*::;;:" ,:i*:l',jsg.';: :i"ig"i:::;::,:?:":;:. :" ;"; 1i",,;;.;";;;;;';: g:l*i; } ; i; "" r: r-yli*l;:_,:;:"::, i;;'ffi i;;"i;';:;;:r, : {:}*ii lits"{.iiifr ir. ftil ?::L:. ii,siis l;;l_* n:*,i:':.;::;:";irfi:'in#:kTl
i, :rqTlitr;r*': "'
ii:'$dtj.--i;ll1:; ,*i"*;$;r'il!.;;,il,u:;i"ii;: ",.'"'"":':::.*"y",:" iiil::':I"'"' :illltit:;:ii"Y$ ,i:i+:tit
4roslod tba rlnrsb
i,;':l ^" .;:;;i ;., l:p*:::*;;,Ui; ;r t{li*+lfri::;,:." -'ill;
l€s ScoltE: 1. Ill1loso Al. l-5-6-16oolt.d AA, 55; 2. nYPc. lYPc. 51; lYPc. 51! l. J. oolt.d 551 r'. Stat€n stat€n I.Iaad I.1ad Ic. aC. 58. <8. not.....coo1ida€, 21, ol sco!i., s t., d.f6arod tsll.y bJ lot. E€ h.ld tn8 1..d tlfouRhout th. lac€ alola rttb &l,loy & sdd6!..Ttro !ac6 raE lpoFosat bt tb. lllold &..d CoDpany of c!6.elch, CoE, 1! conjulctroo ,Ith hh. c!..!el.b RocF. Xtl1lodc l.A. coach8d bt Jo. x1.1F@, ro! th€ toe tlopht rlthout toD luEols ?lttd! t{oDonash r u!rc!6, all out vftb inlufI€a..A llght !a1n ..11 itullm tho lac€.,i6fro! 18--116; 8--L6: 8--116;
lrT! A {rJA! !,$trIST$N lr+-XnE sglo'ts RoaD noll. I,orlston. X.1B' auB$t 15, 196? Bob U11crov. ooDF.d h13 4th rtlel*t r.sllton;ufu! !;;d raco rh 2Jr12.8.
Elllsror., IoDg doEluto h |l.lb load raot4. hdd ...D b1. for Y€* r1D .tr !!.pp.it .N11.! 1n tbc suaslo.f c1t;i. and ba.l bo6a uEbl€ to lhl.rt . oo hou !e . *6k.itl1ot. E1!o.ootrqu. €! In bolh tnsta&6€ ta. fom6! ot t4alE .tar Flod Juitds. Todlt' JudldE !a..d to a lutltdtl.l l.ad rt tn. tro_ Ello EdL, YLth at11stor.-b191. 1!_t!.. pEck. xltb a n11. to ao, Jud.rE kd bt ;o@ 5or, Etllsr@€ th.! b.aan to spllnt q. flrdlr r!..6tt tbo .rhawt.d Juitldu aboot tooi ftd tb. fttt.b Iltu. nir.!?111. AC out.co!.d th€ ibuna (dl 6d.! m) !.v1!ton Roo!€atlo! Ac 17-40. slonBolE:
!.rlrton Roc. DeFt. & l6tl.tor cosr. lscod: 22:54.5
-Airbuft J6yc€ot-
bv E111do!.. 1966,
aob Etrki'ov6. {ac, RocBand, 2J:12.0 2. !!6d JudtllE. rnc. o1d !6cE 2l:14 2l+:A o!!t!sto!, 24:2:1 lAc. O!!t!sto!, 1- A1a! los.!d, los.!d. lAC, 3. 2l+:12 i! !!..L Lutt.r, rR-ac, n@rord, <- R.tch R6v1.r. |{t11ro!. tl,v.tE, z+r42 6, Frord H11.;b. liac, cddlerr ar!51 ?4:52 ?. Balit o!a!t. 8Ac, cddler, 8- PN1 !1i1e. !i^c. IiatEtob, 25:07 25t39 9. Jobr DaLr. irAc, !o.!€od!' 10. llaiE l'.itllo€. LiAC, [.r1.t.25:Ig 1r. ioiea Dt.!. u c. 3etb,25:54; 12. B"rd G[k.;ro. Ps, 26:i1i 1]. BtlI cood o. l,{ c. 26:t9; X4. Paul CoDrst' Li-ac, J1:l9r t5. D!. Jtr a€dck, us. ' r€M.bud. 12:10; 16. Jon J.drtra!' w.!
Y"l"Bhirif r":l'."":::rii
In tlF 2-ntl. 15 d dd.! laco b.ld prt6f to th. opsn.v.nt, X6n l1oiio!! ioEttDsd h1r doltutlon of th. You!s6! l@s, stdlDi aE b. ll€asod tD 1o:t.6. FtE of tb6 12 ll1eolr tn ib€ ldco !6P!o!o!t.d th6 n r G!6ato! ?oltlrnd {thl.clo clr!. 1. &! r1ed€!!, ar^c. to:5r.6; 2. JlE Rddln. c?AC. 11:221 3. Jdos Abbott, OPAc. ll:lrti li t{tck€f, Prd6!tb.!, lnAc, 11:91; 5, clrffoFd s!.!oo., LRAC, 11:59. --Stoee Rors-RErmTS 0t It! lErf ElaltAxD RolD
&idltcb Fi€Id ?!u!nsbe, l{"!s., ,tult 26, 1967 6:45 P.t( t.tp3latN Rubbsrlt€d s6pbalt..TlF Trackrad ln lh€ ntd ?0,r 4 a rlEht !.1E Ha3 gLVB TE{-lrI],E fRAcE RICE,
fcIItDAj r!!d vas !.a1lalbl€. ..11 tb, Th. lsc€ rs n.1ph aI.br,Dt. e.!: h6 flnrlh.d attu6t a fLll dl€ 3!o.d fiblEh.! XoD Xuollor. Busobnah lhoqbt tbe condltloE Hols f!o! }16 €alt favorabl. & 1t noalt b!!Insr!r' tlt. ttd ;t 6 dI.s ras ornr 106 aboY6 tbo not EEs_ ldd 6-n116 lo.ord of 29:26' vhloh lD holds. K€n Mu6113!, d.tllto h€alv eolkout8 oa iho d&ys procoodllg ths rao€' & 3r3o ass!1t6 ssesral fart 1.p. rath Erlchrd dutu !h€ rao€. h€Id oDto 56cond !lac. a!oad-61 r*rv B6!M, vbo finllh.it gtromlv orer th6 last nl16 to !6cord a DolEonal bo.t, John Boorae {a! rlth }tuo1i.r at tho 5-n!1. dL. but l. tol tlck 1! ht. 1965 for f,€t, ud v€a*.Eil d.r tra. lart bdf 6f tho !6cor fl'r.hlla 4tD. 1- nalob arscrdem. seafta! ac, L9:l+?.lr 5too, 5,or, Ltt9' ln:52;Vlr9, \ttt+, ':ao, 26, 5to7, il-(SJiiiirJi.-irii. stL.u \e. 5.23, 5.1). 5125. tt)j, 9t)2, 5t29, 5t36, larty B€tus, Motrolo]Itd Ac, 54:\6 L (6:11, 9:20. tt27, 5t)r, 5t2b, 5t3t+ 5:29, ;'i-&;;;1:"",:-; . es:rl; t. rony sa!r55: ;Es, 3aa, 56rl+81 6. Ed colw! n{c. 56: ?. roh! vallaco. BAA, 59:4?; d, Pot€r e;khdt. BAA. 59:92! 9. rohn Llrdcolr, raA, 60:08: IO. P!an! {tto, trlrc, 6.1:20; 11- Robolr XlILon. XtC, 6l:40; 1?. ?aqf sch.lt. l{i{c. 611151; 1]. Fobort .cvolSh' BAA. 68:91; 1l+. Mrel, Rotbb€ls' Met., ?1!12r !5. slmud ?odlolDY, ,cHc, 76:lJ; i_6: do'L. raiiarulo, llyc, 78:06. <-x ,A R!CE. /6tto1Mt Pdtk' aonolqlu, E;"'11..sooni'olod br th. Lltd-P3c1f19 nnc Auc- 19. i96?- l. s111 x€l1ot, 27!rdi 2 rr cor.. 2?:J6r l. olod vood. 2?:lr4; 4. r. FFd cr1"ill."#3$ii'n3?'31;-',,r.sb.!t- 16:h6: 2. Johr Krok' 1?:20; I nob B11s. I?:20.t.
l|t11, n.J., tl6d., Ausust 16- 7 pn ntt.rrl6 c613€1 dd Ross Todd llppod of a lct cloctlbs or 50:47 to tr! tb€ d!u.1 2-r@ 1O-b11. r€lay ove! a btlly o&!3-€oet!r couso et t$6 salon co, tlCA,B C@! s!ock6t, Eacb I@ !a! 5 r o@ E116. Tho Pllncotor Vttvorslty bdll€rs 164 t!@ th€ 6tat afto! G61s€1'6 Ay1.
5:o5, lrrSI) & Ross Todd (5:11! 5:09, 9to7, 5t12, 4t5j) P6d Ac, 50:47 2. Ed Slatz & EIID ldlIreton, D61a. TlF,5lr:11 55:05 f. i€r rlba & l-arry F8b, sJTc, I. 5.a ta11llMson, tela. T&F & Blohha f. ion Xlbltt & Bob t{lntald, D61a. T&! 57:04 6. Fr'!l {bltiilaton & P€te sulalo, Dol, ?. sbdL63 laElat & troe Ba!e!, SJIC, 62t45 e. &b:(l.tt & ealt Rutholfoldi ut,, 62:15
Anton! rSLr,fAr{ E. srA tEv lGMonII! !.4. la.ton !. A. TMCr, EASToI, P td.! l@Et" l@Et, la.ton sai,, A!iB:!t 12, 195?--4- 1, rldl i;;;i'!;!: cJJc, tl:2?;9r-2.-rd Fo!d, sr-
Ic, l+t)2-4 ). Fladr c1dt, P9!n Ac, 1, ra Hiltbr, srlc..!@sJrc..!!g- I, Ed Ei l|:lrl,o; l!il!l,or L aob nhltby,
r1.5: 2. luab s!dR, u u.. lMb s!da, Foid" sJtc, 2:0I.5; ItaEfl.td, Pa-, 2:0lr.0i l. Rog€! EL.c le.. B.!io!, Us.. B.trso!, ?r.,2:01+.61 4, Rlohard vrloD tMca, rrMcA, I{, [,t...1-811oBaL6!, BaL€!, &oc hoE vhloa P!:r14.1c, 14:4d'4; r4: cdrer, Phrla.^c, 1. 1- riDcts lldcts cdrsr, z. *r,"r eo" P;m Ac, 4;56j8i J:_ 15!2?.3; 15 ue., Basto., DloL DloL Eal&r, @., 4. I5t52.7. CJ\C. 19t Joo L1tlb$Lt, CXrC,
t.s. 1. EoE
gnton I.MCA, 27j
15! J. so,J6!.oy TC, 9j I+. Eurlsbsg n r Phtla.Ac, 9, ?od ac, 5,' 5, t. 1Ar. d,i,'1?!| 9. 5. r"; 5, ?h11a.ac, ! lt1lllespolt UlutMspolt !u BDs€!, Arts! t...Jt! 43is! 5...Jtu BDgst, ^c,' tb6 El1€ El1€ & ,':ho-c t! 16:01.? rlun@ tl16 :01.7 In xlunDs
y€d-oId clasE lhe he rots BoJs 16-16 16-18 Y€d --Todd C. Joh€s_-
iil11s!oro, rac, I /l+ rx., *drd
not lun full t1re llilt. 9. Pot€r ?ou11n, HAc, 8+ bi., 97o! 10. Dan Bondosoq. ua.. 8* d. . l27r 1L, r.ff starbuck, vac, q+ ot., jJ5' 12. Store ios5, ItD ac, d trt1og u, D@ v6uaco, AbBlrl str cr.db, 7nt., l+68'; 14. Rlck Ro{r€y, 111!o5e A.{; 15. Floyd Ullsolr vAcj 16. Ronald Dy€r, HAC. 0!LM!IC DEV. T&r l€ST, t6xtston, I{o., LFX Auust 9th- l-Xrl€Ausust 3!e!lr Lutlck, LFD l-t411€- 1. 3lsnlr 16:0o, €r-:-Tfcr. El 2. nlcL Rocley, I$a, 16:25; Ac, Aca 16:oo,
rufkiD, r,RD I,RD ac, lbii2..!@16i-12..88o- 1. uoyuoJ t. r,. rurkiir, .t. re lalrtesa, IRD AC, 2:01.5; 2. D€n1. tRD,tc, 2:08,0j 2:08,01 3. Panl I,1!l.ns,LRD. I,lll.ns,LRD C!@. tRD,tcr C!@, --ialdd J. DYor--
CoNlGc1lcllll & otEn 2O-nI!0 nACE' Sopi,2l+ nftrlo! ro tosspb u@ay, ./o {.11 of, R€c-
BAti onE nrtl, slEcIAt alima, Haitho!! !]l€rontdy school, fildd1o Rlyo!, dtyland July 29, 196?--Rac6€ tor dtbtu ,bo €!Joys ruJu1!a. Tho €lAbt rac€ proAtu Hsg h€tii in cloud!. km !€gtb!! slth l3o !dtlolrMts. rollovtnA aio th6 l.ad€lr 1! oac! rac€r !Gr!! lo !. oy6! 2-Iltug- I' Job! I,omdo6, 12:03; 2. Pord DFlvo!, l2: llr l. Vornon 56vlor, 12:21..1{€nrt 40 & ov6! 2-l411os- 1. Ualt€t ro!D!o, 11:28; 2. nar ooldod, u:98; l. A1 acko@, 12: 56: L Bob Guobli.t, 16:1]..14.d'. 50 & Ov;! z-lall6.- 1. JobD E d6!, 12:27; 2. lrtn Duloy. 1!:J5; J. Pa6 Romsu, 15:54. lromn,s J0 & !!do! x110- 1. Sh6rrt Eo!Pia.,'t)rt 2. lllds xortdan, 5:56,.lloboniE lO & ov€r Ht16- 1. Am R6asa, ?:2dj 2, osolEott. Bu!c.mt, 8rJ5.. 116 nfit- 1. wr. schGrnst6r!. 6:06: 2. nob€rt Muss6r, 5: 07r l. Ar A;loBi!; 6:29..2-r41k RaYL- l. Rlcbdd ocat€r, 12:J0; 2. Bt1l l€rron6' 1l:18r J, Ford t!lr€!, 1lrb4; l+. roo rons rL:02..,!-Mtlo nfYI- 1. 6€rrv t{t113!, 2l: 07: 2. Phll sbsat!, 2!:20; l. ldaltor ro!Pron. 25:u; 1+. l{o!1€ Edtck, 25:ll. --rla1t6! H. Kor@an,Jr.-Th€ r6rly fomad trnl'ftreal Ed!16!s Clpb ndd4 8ad t€e colletttlo.. od E1t€ Job! Goo&lda., 3 crest Rd.' x€dlck. r,.I.. lloH York. uxrr/lRsit E{RiIlRs SLIIB 8-r'fir-E nuv, aua. 1?th I ?.!1., B6tb!5se stat6 P8r!, FstBlhada16. l.L. N.Y. (?8 doFoos, .1eM) 1- J;ff Jooso!. 25. sc stlld3rs, calif., !6:2Er 2. c1o; Moadtby, 17, OUq, [6:J0; i. I€v1n lltrY. 1?. l.L S!!., l+{:.11; 4. -r.b. anodrldr€. 18, uEc, LSrll; 5, !3v€ llttloheL€s, 13, rac, 50:14.
toltnrs xrls l.3T Axxuat l{Ac 0ilE-6!Ill 13tatodtl]t, XaiD€, Sulrdat, AuAut lFar Juaudu of otit To{n & vlatonll1o tC. ron tb. flrrt amual v{Ac Oc_Eou Ru; toa6r at colby collogers soavolns rr6lit Tho tomer !, of IIatre std rlnl aa11 rsls snaad of !urelur lld Aoraril of h'€H6t, t{al!s. r- riua .rua}l*, uAc, 10+ d.,ot e1or2u2l !t. ue . 9 3/l+ 9 1.4-n1.. usor l. Ra1!h orst, trAc, L. no&trd Dr€!, vrac, % rllos Ac, : !r," 1r19j__ 5. ?aur rturD/q, LnDn6., o J/+-n!.xrt 6- Job! J3d1Da8, EY]#ir;"'it$,)1,6!; B"Blisiii: 7. alLt e6odlru€, !lj,{c, d l/lrn1.,r5o! lshalos: 3. {€vtn T@evtl+ Bon odor6rd'
lrr's 5-r{ !
on*o" roo*r""to-REDrtrooD
nrDc' ir* '{rrE D€w6f, Col,o., Sudar, turJ fo- Ultro o.l-llll,E Rn{ rB$r B8y chapror. Rnc of Dalorporb hold or to ols hddlcap 1€ait aturtc3) suaay, Juty 16, 1967 to 11! a 5-'11,3 hsdlcso loaa !u at l Itlasblrelob puk. rh6 boa! acrual !6!fo!- 11. Dallrl e,,d.11. Ac. ;i;i<_'<_-;i,ii Dso€ ra. tusd r! bJ v€! cllsr of Bu.El z. n,J kolsrlrl. sic. ai:09 q <a;06 vlEta rho !d bl. b3'E .v6! 27:23 olu r3. Btahdo Bunt;r, n6s, 9rirr, 6 1i iiti., ftdE!3d rhr'd ln rho h&.rro€e !u. Dd 14. !1ch D€raaoo, irc, o 6iili liili c!13t or Br6u vlsta fldsdad 33co!d xltbi 5. John saEar. Ac. <r,bc tc ;6.q< h1! r6.t 6e6r tl@ ot lo:ll. | 6. J6..pb rr!s, A-'c, S2th ri 62,ah 1. Htk Dae.lpofL, 3\tS5 ?. Prul Rsos€, t..95 19 o7.), j6t26 ',3r ?, De C!l.t, d. r,r!. r. MscLoJ, J!., 3Ot33 I Slru 9 56:11 noAD
l. x63.rrst, 37to2 27,231 19. r'br1 {rJ, 5l:r8 5 58,18 toha sllra, 4. Irt!. Dohlrt, 37 tta )5t4 l10. t)tz9 5 54.29 1r.. J8es sulllraD, 5. rrr r@'!oD, t7t)5 3otl+I 0 5tr:1o 5L:Io 12. Fobolt Btarcslas, 6. robn Bt.d, 10 6tr'!3 )7,5o 3ot\3 I lf. 36rb€ft PoEtor, 7. Joff calsor, 31155 )1t2\ 5\t22 'Llrl o t\t22 c. DaD clttld!, 15. Robolt lordrlo, )t3r11 32tm t!tl6 t 59t16 16. I'G.ba.I Bl.ea1a., 55ta 9 6ot2L 10, rolb wa.hl{rrr,4o:00 llro6 U-. Job! 0a11dd, ll1:00 36:ll l1?. Bob c!os, o 95,29 59te 12. rob! crala, Irr:19 lror13 I 10. carr rbntrlto, 59t)6 o 55.3o 19. dk R€e66, --F!od C%lp!l!daL-56,00 0 E6.oO m. Doorld oold.!, t6,o) o t6,ol omE ErDrEs Hrys z-Hr,E RoAD Rnx 21, Joh! [oo!d. z6;fi o <6;t Ibsolr colo.. suday, aua. 6- Uo!t. i| 22. stov. B!om. 56:20 o <b:28 aals! bold or to b1s hedlcaF ro rh. 21. H.rschol xt1€5. | 56:tL 10 66!1t 2-!116 load tu at gasbiaro! Pa!! rod.r.l 24. ullrrM T. rirack.l,rrr,56ltio o 56,!d luk or 25. Rob€lr Mccur&. 56,'i 5 61:r-1 b6 torpb i! tb6^codB {101 ftarsbolr) rot.: rn tbr; aso_bardro{ ?jJl._s€-.cotrld urlloro raraE@n EFyourr ra .oo. I F'c€ th€ sarcx 133 6tdt€d Httb th3 sc!_ 1. Uolte Eale!, l.]:27 U:00 istch !u@r8. Ru@rs &6 50 & oee! !.2. D!. rIM uatt., c.lv.d 15 EIE.; !0-l+c,-10 tris,; to-J9. 11:116 u:Ar 13:L? r,0:05 |I 5 rlB.; 15 t dd6r. .1. Rtcl vaJo.d.!, 5 d@, nlcbuo Euto! r3rd) !€c.tvod Lb6 b6sr tre t!6D)n. 1.t:50 11!10 4. r6bn B1adr, 1.):5I 9:lt 5, John !@, l/4-rnr nrcE for lr@! & cnrld!€n 6, JlE hcdtmy, Il:t2 10:11 i. Lolofta rood, 5:4J; z. J€rr fisr, o!oz: st.,. r.rth.rs, rttt3 !.13" l. r!uc6 rboxah;d iirr'rr. a,r'j.,r,r.iiJ: 1. d. Bit Bllshe, I3t57- ror52 ) on, ?tr5t <. ch''l; nsr; 13:58 11!12 | -----------------_____ ?rr9. 9. Du Cbrld-e, Io. r6br 8u.6.I1, 1]:50 11!42 L-t{r!E rrAmrcAp RncE (Dc nrc) sh,, xay28 11. Jd F!t.by, 13:5q 9t5) ,al€rt6rd 8,s.. Afueron. va. coui..,6u! 12. Joh! olu.anit, 1l:5o 11!l+ & b.c!. rtmt aooe uD .E.aD mao.. 620 U, rob! clalA, 1. cM vrtrl@., isc; ?8119 6.19 22:oo U:59 12:l+9 L4. rr! ra.!oD, 13:56 11:04 2. aob scltrr, {ac, 28:U 6!L5 2r'J2 15. lroe slIve, 14:02 u:52 I J. rob! Frrlayson. wsc.20,r0 3:io zr:LB 16. Dan clist. 14:01 11:13 a. sr.v. JacGoa. us.28,tto 8ri5 aj:26* set.rsorr 1r+:06 1?:4o u. r,60! 9. rohn Don1b.o.{sc. 28:li! -!J5 2lrq9 ,lh l!. i 6. Boo Droorr, ua.; 28!r+6 j!30 2t:16 rY. Jat !1ar!3r:. trraDarer, ll+,19 r4:rr i],19 !r:>) | 7. Baf,oy c€116!.ue- 2a:)r7 \tlL< 21to2 ?o. Ytk6 Drv.nDolt. 14:12 12:06 6. Dou, irob., 28:i9 8:ii 20:14 21. uoE c!t!t. Ilr:tl ro:34 I o. v"n e^rro"i,ua^, s.rilH.,2O;Ei 2;J-o ,6;ii 22. Loul8 ch.pba!, 1t+:16 12:00 ,o. sub.lr fioi,iu,u;:2\ti6 ,;i!9 zrtLL z,r. rFlDs !af€, i19 Dtsh€!.) rotos,.publ,ro .sEy #2 on +4t!t 24. Plotd Coihil!. 1lr:22 !2t2t 10:02 r !trt. Cub JalcourL.fhallr sa:rsa ttud 25. Dav6 ro!€., tho bus€ prl. or stuif stscr6a brsh on !\t)5 \\tsl 26. volr Eouto!. 1lr: l? 11:32 bt! doa! & found qulb ar€r !ac. iosulrs ,{61 Apad6ca, 15:01 12:09 solcb b6 "rErl, ;s!s.d o!. r suo.E e€ 4. 2d, Br11 nbtt.. J!-. I5tIr t2.55 x!11 b6 folcod lo nold tntr uElt Grt 29. Mtke DoPliosr, 15:29 1]:oJ I nonr. b.caus. 6r !h€ or.F rDcloasrE !Da@ FsU CoEot, 15:lro 11:20 fo. orob16n. 0d ?tllrMs tuoo hr! Il.si stst 1d:Le ]Jrcc lr. Frabr. ca.ol., i'ac. 7/lt/66 ag )D ldolad ti.b. ror trno 12. D!. qob€E Drcslo,18rl+5 rl+:25 sr.vo Jadkso! outls Dous 16:50 ll+:Jo lJ. Pat ?htrtlte, bohoB ln .ourss '6co!d ttd.
ERlxca. a.t. soMt{El lEsTwar, RoAD at TairdaEs€e ralre 5,ooo 6t€!s
JuIt l- 1. altls Shtth, atls-
t1c Etahla!&, 1?:15; ,2, R1ch16 Furst, Nubtoy, rurr6y, 1riqri 17:Ur, f. GerY cena shtrr€r, Pt. PloasanU B€ach. B€achr 17:!C, 17:Lg: lr., la- cart carr Bosch, nsd Bank, 10:oJ; t. roh! lYeuttu!, rnr€r]4'cn 1a:lc: 6 Bruco RrDc6 liatdoff, ierd.fr Int€llakon, 18:19, 6. Mlddrerod 18:261 1a! 26: 7. Don Don Ceero, Bxl. ulddlotod. 18:2b; iM.ro, Bllck
8. G€o, c€o, Mayor, ayor, R3d Rsd Eankr T!?,, 18:27j 3. Tl!?,, 18:.17; 9. Ton Bazl6', lonB BrmchJ ld: 10, tuuco !o{ry. Eshonto}n. I3:5r. (41 rlllshels)..,5;000n wa1!- 1. non Kullk, nutky, 26:19; 2. Shauf Lldeny, Ts.&l, 26:U2; J. ?on' so1ilito, sprhg rrake, B!aacb,29l 28:o9j l+, 4, Don laYlson, Lon€ B!aacb,4 Monday, rDly roth M6et #4, 5,000n 1 ltarry Nord, Nord. Mlddletorn, 15:59; 2. ,rrtk Snlth, AH, 1?:1o; l. Don Cearo, Garv E6ach. B€6ch, RB. RB, u:52j 1?:521 5. RI. Rr, 1?:[8; 1?:L8: 4. L. Ga'y Bob Eaz16f,, rB, 1b:10; 6. Ed c!6ss, rlovld€nc;, 18:29; 7, aon stlauss, ror. B.uco Lorly, Eato.tom, Eatoltom Rtrer. Rlrer.. 18:lJ! l8tll; pr"r 8. (osrrd- !obtclcir. 1A:)!9: r18:!r.j 3.r r a 18!49; 9. Paur 10. JorD lautEs!, Intartak€n' 18r59. (15 rrntdhols)...5.00on lJeIk- r' nor 1ii., Nutlor, 26:o8r 2. shaul LsdMy. 261 ;;";-;;;,;;?3lL; aranch, zerr); o9r l. Dor DaYlson' !o!a 66i'rl"iii"i,,,'i:iii 4. Dob Johnson, rltt1€ sl1v6r, 29:2?j 5. Elllott D€mdn, l,l8st Lohc Branct, 29:5d. Monday, rulr 17th I.a€€t #5, 5,o00n srtck Tof Tomshllr Fun--1, JolD Jolu D1116y, BIlck cap Ru!--l. 19:01 (l:lo shart on 3crotch ren Ph1l PEt6"".; t A!t16 snlth. 1{oh be 12oy) oc.anDort.22:26: 2r:26t l. 2. J€lrr cono's!, oc6anport, chl! v6;&n, iloDtcl.rr, 19:o2; 4. Ira 04: 5. Bruc6 lfanch, 20: 20:0L; Or6€nber.. Loir B!an.h' 1d:14: 6. rolD o'0o!ftIl. R€it BanL. 19:19; ?, Dr. coors6 19:21: 8. Lon P6d P6dce. sh6strmR@on. 19:21r shosire. Rmon. r9:53r c. Bllck 1re., BrlcL 1@.. 19:53i 9. lob l€tluEld,, Par riostlu' Montol R1v€!, nrr€!. 18:99; 10. Paul 18:59:1o. 1 c41sor, Bllck TnT., 19: Bob cdlsor, 18.f1; 11. B;b 18.11; Ba,ley, Barley, lons B.ech, 117:16. rons 35; 12. Bob €t6!son. vJatchutg vJatchum EIl1E, EIl1 16: .,20. PhI1 l€t6!son' 57+i 2r. AttTe sn1tb, ltla'tic slabldds 16:58 {!6te!so! & snlth lan stlldo fo! tar but lad to 3ett16 str1d6 tho {ho1o ral fo! 20th & zlsi plac€s, !€s!6otlv€1yfh€t! tlnos !6re Just ote! tho s6a3on !€co!d or 16151 by lr8!y l{ole of iso.)..5,000n lddqap E@dlq tom tb!3€ tnls€ vo€ks &Eo.J..5rouh Halk- 1. Don Daelson, Lona Blanch, 2u:l 2. shdul laddy, 25:L3; 3. I11an DoY, I FEd s!€cto!, lal e.lck ri?., JJt48i J'481 1+. Fr€d xal!, Rutt Rutbolfold, Dertd xallr r66d, 3)t53t 5. Derld Doms, 29 : 2\. lott Doms,29:24. 3!,091 6. Eluott
crss r1n8st, PBm ac, I1:02
330- 1. DI.k rtle. No.P€d TC. 2:00.9r 2. trtEe Potops, Pac€ls ,ac, 2'0l.lr; l. Rroh
ac. 2:02.o..olrts 8tJ01. Xathy NaDcf, TaJlor, Do1a.T&:F, 2:t5:.?j 2. D6bbt€ 1rub61a, lbh.T&r, 2!110.3. ?Aclns ac IEET #l- 2-xlte fied1cep- I. ?h11a.nc, 9r42.51 2. Bob Yl6rsst, P€m ac, 1q:42.61 l. olom Brcv€!. PacorE ac. 10:0b.6. ?ACms ac unrT *[- 0!6n 6€1)- I. Joe Daubarh, Phrls.Ac, 1:5t;3;2-. Rsn€ schlss, Pom AC, 1:58.I; .1, FlM Carver, Ph-lla.AC l:58,7.,Hs 8Bo- 1. robn De!1in. Pl11a.ac, 2:O[.6..M1l€ Walk- 1, G€o. Arac€land,StTc, 8:16.9. .t:nflo_Fsdlca!- r. stan Johnson, Pee Ac, I5:J-); 3. 3ob Pasto!, vlest chos-
Ccunssrood, N,J,, sDday, Aus. 13tbbf, _)5s E'omt4 Ros6. SJTC, !!€valled 1, llmlbs tbo a$usl slMor g-n110 !ac8 of tb€ Mlddle Atlanilc ioad RuNls Cf,ub ih l+6:29 tohlsht oE tho coop6! itvE! luhay corso lad C$!len. ioss took ab Franx osly l€sd & h61d 1t 3f1 th6 rllckr sillc! ras !Ieo!up. 'ay. 1€r Uealln, P€m acrs yous con6t, flnle' h€tl filst t! tbe J.?-n116 to€eas lace lb 19:10.5, C€o!e. DtIomo, sJtC, vas rlrer' u! ln 19:15.9. Dtl€ruo, xlb ttll ont€t st. Jobnls untv. In th€ fsn on a track schola!6h1r. 13 baok tn tlD lus1:u atte! e r..nc 1ev;if rtth a blokon dkl€. 9- 11;- (> 1.!s of l++ bllos doud cooper mi;it- 1, Bloslrls Ross, sJTc, 22:55' U6:29: 2. Frai! ?rlck, sJrc, 2J:01, 47:o4 l. B!la! Bdit4ton. Delara!€ T&F, 2l:17. sJrc, 24:11r L8:llr !. Edry 86tkorltz, li9:00i 9. 8ob $06Mer, D€]a,T.rr, 24:01, 2]:5l}, [9:01! 6. robn Maurn€r, 4q:2rj 7, olsem€ suthellsd. D€Ia,T&F, 2l+:20, 49:4U 8. J€rly D€v11.. st. Jo3€pb's coll8e€ aa, 25:96, i2:18! 9. MiLo Dlo!!a, sJA,t, 25:56 62:18: I0. Ross Todd, Pom AC, 21:50, 5l: 20f 11. Russ Jaclso!, sfic, 25:5o, 55toal 12, D!, un. reugbd, sfi.,4t2L,55tto, Ll, ton Dotar st. Josolh's couse€ aa, n.77, 56to6t 1l1. storart spsnsl€r, ua., lr:00, o4:ob; 15. DaY€ Dubbl€, ua., DxF- lob ollclElgt, Do1a.f&:F, 17!ll; cll$ras l1arc1!L1€q1cz. sJAA, 26:5d; xorn BaL6r, sJTc, 29:J0.2. l.?-u ,! JR. RACE- 1. Xon lGdlh, P8m {c. 19:10.5r 2. caorso Dllomo, Sttc, 19: 15,5r l. Ed closs, Dov6! Ac, lc:4d; 4. Ron s&rers,sJTc, 19:5e: 5. Bob fiottnm, tr,t-CoitERs ?&r AC POr?STOwIl PAC*S sJTC. 2I:01.<: 6. len Ja.kson. SJTC. ?1: olslnus colr€86 stadta, co11€!Fe1u6' 22:o?.5j 1J.5i 7. Fraik Garasso, sJTc q. Pa.. Juno It- 2-U11,€- 1. R€tu schlag' Bluco 8. J6ff RocLaa11, sflc, 22:25; Larrx sctc slmo!6, 2. ac, ?u"; 9,t0"9, D€Ia.T&!, z/:fo. IacXonoale,
\.E. M! JF, )o-dlro 121 l}]vc, ro_:I8: oI. c€o!!o t.!cuur"_ mcJuly 16- anbv Brloor l10o:2!, 62. d6s v'cE6r, ccAa. 1i?:56: s.ored a dscrsrv6 rtn o!€r 8- cor!€rLu- l5J. cob6-'Es!,, ura., rr6:r0! 6!- Eirs;ld Neu rhsled rh€ AaU J!, & lPt31d. Boslon an, 119:lO; 65, Fr6d Bhe op6! 20lor cbMltoBbtp. I sr., Nuc, a0o:58. Bur',oor L€d rost of Lo€ .rey ovo- a lol1j T34 Scor€3: I. Bo3ton AAr 28; 2. xltc r,a oouEo thar uas ov€! 1.) htbg. I A , lo; J. wc iBl. 62. th€ r6ath€r nEs very hot & bwld rJst th6 nldd1€ staEos a hoaEy 5ho{6! !€vrv6d l MIt&Elx 5+-!r ll ivN (NoilB EaoRD sL!B) tho llmels sorerhat. JulT 19, f967 W€ath6!: loi & mse., conlja becL stlond. €de€o Ed I. 28:6 ,cou;; -oo.) ..Jtr.cr€on, No"rlg ror-r'jlfurup posr 2. pon! chalou,ft., F:El; sL€es a! chsrlonsnrps lss 6nroro- lo:01r 4. rm Dsldeltu,l.30:oZ;9.DutloD, tucE BsJko, l0:15r 6. $u"e Butu€Borrtr. lO:2./ nurbsrs,(.J-.) 7. c.fr€s Durron, lo:98; 8. "tchdd f._, Mby Brrfool, c€ltral coM.rA, 6o:18 ctapp, Jl:19; 9. Adrr uru6!, _l!:26r ro. rMBs cr66!, Boeton AA, ?0:51 st8'€ Rebbqr lr:29; 1r, Ralph Fat.bsrxs, {4, l. Edr Ed no!!16, Boslob /L:ol l.l1r31; 1). rars rat €rson, JI:J9. 11. }i" (1st Ddure, ft.. ft.) ?,:08 sq. ros. .12:00;)r:27. 1+, F!oD! rrro, 32:or! rt 4,:reo c.':Ld!y o1s6h, No.y€,lfocd ?2:tr Club, s6.sof,, 16. Ro.ky Chubo!6,.roult caEoley. q'otbl@hm Ac, 7 :L3 lRobor 12:l0j t7. Pob€!L Peq6, ,l:0lr; 18. Illo. ?l:o? Jmoo spdta! Ac, !a!!€n Fovlor! ll:I5; 1.. DsuI scsri, 7. d. B!1a! WrM. uat., Dlorltt, 20. rohn ttu!!6y. l3:.3?: 21. laul 7Jt3o )3122; TnsrM, cAA. 2,. nlchard F6tur1o. 7):), l6ve3s€ur, t.l:1.8j ". roy -0, Tonr s8lr.ea. Bosrol AA. 1):L. J)t55; ,1, .Ls-06 ntrs, t].:o[r 2]r. lNB r). 11 P€ter stlp€, BAA. Rolsd I€flu, ll.:06; 25. B€n cbserEkt, r4:o9; 7l:55: co.uto!, r'f,Pdk qA. ?4:J5i r'. robn 26, Dan Essrr, J\:&l 27. Arue holesu. Boo.es. BAA, ?4:52: 14. vnon Bl@10r, lL:1.9; 2U. Porca sah3er, J!:lr6j 29. 36yln B{.A. Ion Xaynald B!4. ?5:l+2; ficDona1d, l4:58i J0. BrlM cErd6n, J5:1, "q:2br 15, 16. r1.hud Paoksld, B A, 17. Phl1 J1. ni111& rillcox, l5:llr t2. cbulss nrM, a,{A, ?6:15. 1u. Dses"6:Odj Drnsh, \ETc, sco,-, 3). ar""b chsb€lt t!. J6:22 ?6:.1/; Ic. DenI€I Moynihd, rroLhllsbM J)+ Ile 5tl.Jt Lo.L€, 16:lo; 15. c€olso uarorj/:L2r ac, 77:0.1! :o. Rlck Barto, ]{Mc, 77:t2r hou56, 16. sldMd Podlozd. 17:?o :1. slDsr! Ades, BLr, 7?:loj 22. Ron J/. cdkua stsnx,eHIcz, 17:15! J8. Du ttarm, 3.{ar 7?:Lo; 21. Dsvrd Lr!!o!, Brr,{, caraore! )7t36t }9. ,!ea Bsirsr. J8:09: 'l1t51t 4. Pat rah6!, BA.{, ?7:5lr; 25. l+0. nl bdd sor3€r, l6:U; i!1. noce! ltooPrss6lt aolL, ML.Palk aA, ?d:1L; 26. ua, et, l0:19! L2. !-eet -rbsob, f8:52: llr, :.ayroF, 7ut22i 21. cart Butaor, Poe€, Parch, ro:15; ,!,. c€o!s6 LqLtsu]o, 'e., 2d. ccM, 76:JUr Edrud cole!, xlrc. ?c: L1:2dj 45. rrod B!oE,s!., Irr:l?; !6. 15; 24, rtu. Bachlaoh, cc}1, 19tzrt )4, raL kse!, Llr5lr 47. Errest soull6ror ran Datrson, B,$, ?9:l?; 11. sbM-rlorur Ur:)5; L3. c€oeEs cra6au, l+7:3o. rwc, 79:l9r 12. Jollb oraY, lltlc, d0.10r lJ. cbrJs rut!€!65r rllthrnslu Ac, 81:1a oI,Y PIc DEVE OpMtI{I MttT, Fue6 Butldbs, JL. Joln rlolton, BA4, b1:2or 15. Johr south Bos.on, Mass., Julr 2lr, 196? va1€ntlio, cc^A, A1:?2r 16. P6L€! Br!- f-M!1€s ('7 3us!.a!!r 2) fln1sh€!5) Bl{. F:59; Jt..R6d._cbaror'^Mlc' 1. Jod Boolas, B,'a, ttg6 :)o 15.26 F^ -u1 ozt!.i o4:r1r .JY. 2. Joi!] Qurltr. ta, foi 16:06 xtl 16:06 ro.n razok, AA. 8L:14r r+0. xdreD l c;tc;;;;; ta;ii i;;ii Foulo!, rtr4c,x!.pr Li !-an* ,orre;, 8r+:LJr r+. }'r']Ic, i6;2o 'rri 1,oo ij:2or "s: M"h"""" 8I:!o; lrz. Dugs l46rcbr!L, Bqa,'{1ro. 85:orr l1 Dr"! !6:18 nrL lA:is !J. fsul scb€!r,. Nl4c. u5:o_; U4. FoborL 16. Jrn ar€rand;". r6t\? tW LStS.l rueso11, .cAn, 85:0tr; l+5. nlcdld Eo,u. l?. Rrchard ( rspp, to,,it, itiB ts,lsi mac, 85:llr;18, cr.",ru" r..Liigo. ro:[6 ifr i6:6i 9,{r. 8<:31r !6. sr€'6 RsbnM.. 17. RlclDril r€!nor16...r,v!. d::Lai-Lgr la. r.. Da"son. r6:i :Lg j6roe or:"J: I to. noni cluoE, L7:0J : ]o 16:JJ lro..vayno thonlso^. -ss1ob A-Ac._85:tgr 5o.l 4_rlrre, ,s€al.d Bddto;p) JDIJ lr, jiit? cratE n!p!6€. BA-a. 67:.]7; 51. robarr fr€r-l : cut ca"oan. 1l:11+ ntr 1.1:rlr rr.^{c.le.y, nvc; o?i'r; 52. G;i- ^qanard, 3:19 utl I3:10 e?i5,; }|rllc. 88:2>: 94, l/. Pah Parlo". 51. noio;r 'BAn; Far, ;;;-a'r'1i;", re-r cdoon. 1):21 tto 12.51\ 8t,ii; t5: E i; n i.-n- lJ. s{i, Royc€ sa'ro!, rqc, ,9. 1+1.Y.q9999I: +.1i<5 r:91 +B:9. ei:Jo; ,6. "on, 92.a6t 5j. E;!e oira', l{lac, 6J-:l+8; 58. ron tultlhaton ll:rr .:10 }j:03 i:e- r;. ii,.r"'i'v, Yvc; a6:.?; 5i. rgfus o' b;;r;;;';"!i ;li,,r+; "0. ci"i'iu" s"o"t, . t2? 'tq!t€!E' 22'lnrEb€'3) cfiBY Btrqrool nIl,S
\6. Flank xlro, xuc, 76,10 9:00 ?j:10 47. Juuan slesol, Mc,?9t25 cE 79.25 !d. u1l1lM No!!to,TS!c79:J9 11:o0 68:39 49. slslE.t rodbzDy, 79tl+7 4M 79tll7 50. Al1on Archer, tuI:, 79.50 ED ?9,5o 51. Dan Dunlo!, B,aA, 81:07 cun 8I:07 52. d€!!e conzrleg,BM,81:Jl I:00 €O.J1 0rr50 Sroo ?l:to 51. Ds EdI, us., 5l+. 1ko couahli!, BAc,82:rl 8:00 ?!:U 55. r,ttk6 s@r.l. 3F.Ac, 82:11 8:00 1lt:11 55. Ror flldos. BAA. 82rL7 8:oo ?L:L7 5?. Mar* !;zlei.. una.. 83:dl 8:oo ?q:dl 58. Drrtd DuloDs,sp.Ac,8l:Jr 8:00 ?5:3I 59, Kon ftodD.on.sAtc. 41t52 ltoo 76t62 60, sd Dslud. @., 8!:i,5 8:00 ?6:19 6I. Js!!a roui!l€!.ua,8t:27 ov Etn 62. xoEu soouy,ua.,€5131 3t'o 82t)7 63. Bob Mcv€lAh.'ilAA, Mcv€lah. BAA, d5r59 85159 .j8 au Ett9 85:59 6lr, KoD6th ioir1!.B,{c.86:1? Forr1!.B,{c.86:1? 8:00 ?8r1? 65. K6r1! ltoDorald,nl|c,66:50 8:00 ?8:58 ( dl+ stsbols, 78 ltrt€d f1tri6ho!61 I11 lost 6!t!io6 afto! 6:10 ?.u. r.!6 ! laltzed & ltaltod 8:00 eft.! th6 ru. th€le rore 99 6!t!166 rbo falka io Ebor q!
dd 30 post ent!1o6 rho ,€!€ sco.I,t€ !{4Y !.si 6ntltes re!6 lolu3€d d tb€ stalthA ttle D€a!ed, RaUh llscldam tool the tt@ p!1r. b[t xa. oY6! 3 nts. !1orc! ths la6t y6u. SocoDd best tttu reBt io Blohdd Staffo!d. Th6 !1@!, J@s Jogertr b.AaD !{ !1!a thl. y6d. uany laptd iap!@@nt! 1! tt@. !6a11y confu!9d tb6 bdittoapDe! t€er Lr Boston AA, 20; 2. roltb li6afolil c1ub, l7; 3. gAAc, 55. --!'!.4 X!A.A-AV JI'NIO& 6.}II!E CEIUPIONSEI! tulon, Rhod6 I.l.nd, Au3ult 11, 1967 1. rsbr Elllroot, ccll, 29r26j 2. Althu Dulon8, spdtaD AC' 2e:15; L Alt Cooltdao, loston tA. 29r42 (1st Jr. ) ! Ir. ld lolrls, Boston aa, 29:50j 5. Jo!! J. x.L16y, x.l1oT. Boston Boston!.A, !'A,. Jotloi l0rIO: 6. Cbr!16r Cb!r1o! iot laD€, spdtab ac, J0:15 (?nit J!.), 7. xoy lrxrM, ccA4r d. 8. P.l€r P.r€r ccAl, lo:Jor Stl strp6, BAi, 3o:t2 BAA. J!. )r 9, RoD 1,raye, 1,la@. BAA, I 30:32 {3!d {J!d J!.); 10:16: 16. 10- ihl1 Phtl nyan; nYan. BA,{, BA-A. lo:3i; l0:1?: it. 11. lo:161 Tony lony s6pr6nra, saptonra. BcA, BAA, 3o:l+2j Danid lo:42; 12. Darid rl. Dartd lmtg. !B1g! naa, BAA. lor)u; !ar1d !ungk!, Dnset, !. l0:50; 1.r. Tc, iotand comtolr xt,tark u,raF! 12:011 T9, li,9lr lL. 14. nolabd-comf6r, AA, )2ta3t I5, !a!rr ro!6ph, I,ym Aca !at11.' HtII.. cc,an. Rlohard J2:0lrr 16, ilohard 32:04; l2:OBr 1?. ldxald wa1lxltz, Ht.rark t.A, lz:U; 18. Rlck B!J].6, x!4c, 32:L5; 19. rtIlis Bachlacb, un^., 12:?2; 20. John aoo!a., B!.A, 32:2)j 2I. Illclald Cord16!, BAA, 32.27t 22, W,o" Bls€lor' &qA, 12,19; 23. Ton tray@.t, BAi, 12:47; 2l+. John valontln, ccar, 32r5t, 25, ilcbalit P dd, BArr JJro9; 26. traD! l,{al1, s!.Ac, 13r09; 27. caly srlfoot, cca , l.lr14; 28. l41l€ Snol1, spaltan Ac, llr20; 29. re€E Joselh, uta., 11.25! 30, Daald illton, BrA, ll:29j JI. lon Dolderran,
ll:[b; ]2.
tolt, fir.Pk. M;
13:5dr .ll. ron cra€nrau, sputan Ac, lJ'59 14. Rob€rt larond, spartan ac, ll+!0.)! J5. Do! DLEky, NtTc, 14:05; J6. toDy Da!tc,., u!3., l4:16; l?, D€n De$son' rAA, l!:1?l 16. rohn va1lac6, BA_A, .llrr22j t9. EFuco
Ai, .ll+:21; [0. Dalld Duslsta! Ac, 3!:21+; !r. russ Ntohol. \2. Std T1€rnan, XMc, 3!,33! nlcbard !/€ok3,
Bemak, Mt.ParL
N1ra, 34t26t
ac, llrrl+8j lrl+. 41. ron IulkrDston, una., ',ynn JL'55; lr5. Antbony Da!.nto, BAA, 35!00, l!6. ltarry r{111o!,NMC, )5tl2j t+:1. ErTc Da.lthE, et Ac, .)5.19; !6. Flank xlro, NlaC. 15:27; lr9. Jorrn JaF.k xt,ra!r. Arlr 15:ltI; 50. 1{art€! seb6!1no, Ma., 35,53t 51. rre!!.n Fof16r, NM, J6,09 52, Pot€r &r!)&a!t, BA,4, 16:16, 53. Eoyc. saHt€!, F c, 16:17; 5lr. A1s ro8eph, !Ac! )6.)7i 55, Istt cahoon, EM, 16:58. (8?
tlstsd finl3h.rsl -;E;d;;; -;:;;"r";-;;;;:;-il;-;ili ;;. !omp. 70"" (!r startols & rldtshorg)
T6u: l. lloihtlahd Ac, I-2-6--9t 2. roston An, 1c; .1. I{ortb sh6!6 Tc, 2lr! 4. nolrh nedJord c1ub. 2u! 5. speltan Ac.!0. 1. Ron ca36L.y, rrothllebs AC, ll!19 2. Dave DuEIry, tlolthoadtarn !c, 3lr,tol, L kayEe lhoep6o., s!Ac, 35tO2 4. Den16l, [oFrbaa, Froth. Ac, ]5!01 5. VIlltM xolrl., Iorth Shor€ TC. 15.12 6. nobort Sul1lrs, BAA, 16:00r ?. !11k MeaAh6!, Boston Atator 16115, 8. Bon Cafr u3,, J6:16; 9, stovo Duthon, Nfic, 16!18, 10. Bruc€ laldrln. Florb,Ac. f6:19:11. ilohad Brl. l6:J8; 12. chltr (utr€nf,!acLa!d, F!orb.!c. 3?:13; 11, rMsr rleiand€!, Brrr, 17!29; 1l+. llck ?ou1ron, u@., .l?:lo; 15. Dor Dunsky' rErc, l?:J5; 16. roh! va1laco, BA_4. 3?,19i 17. tun llgath, ue., l8!12; I8, Robt.E6!.6J, n c, ld:Ur 19. Dtck ltolrts. nsTC, Jb!15. 20.
10-xr,0 RItx, aaLD{, MAss., auaust 16, 196? c5 6ta!t6rE, 92 rtnlEh.ls,.16[p. 75o nalph Eusobra@ soi a reu !€co!d c1llprra 1:26 ofl tho !.co!d B.t by loo L8lts t, 1965. JIr O!66n turred ln m €x.elIont polfomeEs & looks raal toueb asah. T€Mr 1. BcA, 2-5-3-9-10--l4i 2. spdta! Ac, 16; L NETC. 55! 4, N c, 62
1. Ralph BuschnuD, Slstd AC, 30152 2. rd66 oloon, BAr, ll'tl; 3. tavo Dunsly tllfc, 12:13; ll. cbas. tda, sparian Ac, 32.3?i 5, Pnl1 nyan, 3A,t, J2:\0; 6, Rlcb. statford, sAtrtc, l2rir6;7. xr6!etr !al<€!, nElC, 12:50; 8. Ron Cas61.y, lloth1labe ac, 32tSLt 9. res wy!e, s!.lc, Jli2o; 10. St6v€ El1t6, BA,A, 33:27; 11. J.)rn loor as, &!,{, 3J:ll; 12. P.t6r Sttpo, BAA, 3.1! 5lr, 11. Daeld EMto, 8 1, 14:0.1; 14. rohD Da8ly, Nmc, ll!:10; 15. XlL€ Snsu' sp.Ac' una.,J4:16 .l[:1-]j 16. Rlchard syntnston, (cont. las€
ffi*ffi**ffi ry#ffilm'ffitfi
*ffi**ry etr*ffiffii;
:j:j"':"'::":":;i.'8.ff3::'* :::; ;:_ I i:i;,i"::;dj. !"1,:i:.jr,yi ,i. i*",; i.".
w'EI I+ XINMTE I CAI{AIA - ]!57.? 'oronto, O!t.. Sat., JuIy 22- Daeo Bst.dy, rac6o br Easr toF! TC t€amaLes. Brrr c!oth€!3, -N a alro at ths rrotlo roro,ro p.1rc; ceos, to b6omo th6 f1!st C@dtaD to)t57.7 bEs! the rlts riro bd!16! i. t)rsr lr countrt. Ii {as 5t!1ct1y a r€e otfolr. oou1d.,r hdv6 dom lt vttho[t th6!, I sasp€it aalf6y aft6! the race. uDoa. a stronc balf-oller. Ha6 rhs rdbblL for tb6 t(!sr rro Iaps. E€ h1L 56.1 Lb€! droprDd €!d o. lhe s€cond lap. .ror\6!s, &s In_Lb€ kaa hit l:r4.1& 2:fi,2 to Bs lsr,s 2:)8.5, T}3n crotb;Fs dloppoo oui & t€ft d;;a;;to barr6y. vrh sr'11 lb the !8co but fs b6d1ro. ud Ln€ crosd of 10,000 ssrng hh on. Be 6, lan Eb€ rlna1 quarl,e! In r.ss ih.n a ntn_ bsr tlre or l:59.1 soL ir Ss Dlepo !&.r €ar_ 8111 Plpple-ot Buff€Io ras ?5r o6cL tn Eocord plac6 rb !:o5;8, Dsvs-x6r; uos rnrro !n 4rfj.u rorrlarlob o.€bt. It vas 'leo Frs sAo tn tbo sM6 Foltc€ csG5 rbar BalLs! Md6 hig f1!Et atrona shoklng.ln th€ nllo, s€ ras .rocksd er 4:o?,5 bur F@luod 1! th€ of Bluco Idod, r@ !d a l+!0r.1. That Aususl, ooacb F!€d Foor Dledlct.d Ealtoy'b-d"'tb€6 r7, soulal brosk cor ht!ut6e. lgors rh€ fastssr oe-€r6d nrl€! rn Lh rThat,! rool 6a1d a't€r hts r4a toDlgbt. aarroy sayE, rltb locul* 6a.€, .,ho!ldr" a3 !rcoaory oocauso I ir Lbs ody oe,. rD l95tr, !4 flodlle rrtE a pen-h-tb dr a rree h hl6 yEa. !o rlt€d Lo pry a belt Daro !aJ1 out of tl]! 'It oral 3_.w11 cut." !D aoca11s. r'6no 1L otsd odt 6 1t!11. blr.-Dtdni! 'a3 rr b3 rehorod to p!6'ebr i4p3l!!n6 h.!s Ie.r €!., An drtflclal .F !a3 subsoqd€otlr 'odtall€d. a v6!t leaf-sa€nlla Tsptao€elr, €I.€!r rbar Aatl;y lt8ht .rd€. Els deplb !€-cep on. as atl Fo916 p6r1€4c€d 5tn11d oleratloE heeo il1Ecoe6!6d, !s gon6. E tqtred ro tEc* a. lan b1s ftrdh EtLo .ov€a y6tus aao. In th6 orh€r ltr?ttrtton Bv€ar, a6pb Cilltfu of Sout, Ona@. !.J,. rdo se tu.|€d 1a6t c€ek, tooL Eb6 of' ,!on bts hour,bon ro {ln-tie €€o tD t:52,?. se had to rilh8Ldd 5 1116 ahal16!s€ flob Dsv6 Eit1t6 o- tr9tdds BaFlo!6 (.ar ToForto 0. s Dar€ ) Drd Roa.r Tr.dblat of Eaer York. BoL. Ju6r tall€d ro hlt tt'€ Lar€ s't€3d of c€muo. ft€ Judg€s ardcd !€co!d !1ac6 Lo Et ls tt:52.8). Brroo Xtaa colttau€tt on h13 !1or com6aclr sch6.tu16, dmlrla oe s€ctton of tho oloD nt1€ tn \:15.6 t'ut ho 4ac€d s6coEd oy€!-a11 vhon o'ts16 hlEh Echool chdpt6o, c€"!y Elnto! of St. Cathalaos @n th€ orb€! r.ctloD ltr lr:12.9, Joh! F*L, vpld& so!le!s, 6Dd6d !} i,b1.d h L:17.1, Junto! Boys J-|(1I€.- l. sob roeAs! Toc, 1l+:eL.6; 2, ron he ltos, roc. Iartl.L: L J. A@(!ooa. Io&nto ?C, 1t:5?.6..oler an 960- 1, Job! crtfftrbs. serrta. l:55.9..op6n 'r6lk- l, &FL llf€, clddstoe Ac, 2l:40, )-61L€sJ Dolrif,lolt DA? t&P tG!T, EaEt yort sid6-tl& s€ -B;o-rr'fr;i, i6cil.iolii r: n:,iiLii:i,'id,iiiffi t; r.rf"fl oi:|;' ga.rr E9q!!id,-rr;06. ia"i"l%fii"i: *X,^!9y9j ]X;"Ulrd! :l r rors?, hsarr rFa.k Epot$d lrEh i@Daiad ^l.l "1,,39; Batte:' lddor€s, i,j'iit:3i:3';li: Lft!16 i,;:iy;,fr:;i,::'t: oplolrtrob tD r.!o iij"lij"i'lX.ii.3:,iii"l'::"I"li::g:. rinal quai,rer rrio. ioii",;i !",Ill !'91:0^,i!! snr1.h ,oF i{o rap' oeforo ho rr ftor,aeis curgeo Lo th. ". rr.n!: B l** l:lil! pu] SAI'EY FIRST CAMDIAN IIII€R
ESri.";;ifi'fu:i,#;.ii:i,;::.i:ii.di,l."l:"iJ"ii,1.i6?1,,?irl,-* jj."i,'; ,"1.'3l"i1ll3l :yJ'ff ;: i;:"';5i;+iq$+..35,,i:":"i:":t',:"*] g:,,:;:ii:il1,":il'B:i, ; L Pat uof@bon, Manltoba. iiii::'iff Trfi A@rell, ldn !toh,"lfiii *-l:'t;::i::ii:,rkli:;l:iliiii; !+:1].,?; btuoDlon, rr :16.5..tionani! !!lc_ 1. nob€lta plc.o, Don t411t!. 'L_--etihr '. cr€!r1 sotuors, {s!lLooa, ,:otr-r; a,rrr,,t, r".",i" si.ia","i t:5d.1r 5:1,.5..Jr.r-lttl€- 1. B.b !6ss6, 1oloDLd OC, 9:10.0 .Csaotd J!. n€cord)..10,o00 R€"."dr--io-oa not6r valFri:-F-6ur c'!p"ld; ni;i;;e;'4i;6o1.i,loo i#l-ii,'"ii .iii'ii,l.!iil ,. cqxADTtlI PAIJ-AXLPTCAN GATES T&F T\IAIS, Saskatoon, Sar., Jlft 2-_ Io.ooo,F D3ee.Ellis, _oc, ,o:20.2t 2. a.dr Boychu!, roc, ,r:02.o!'J. Ron \{ar rf;Et6id, rlac, I. Hrlk€ \,ab d€r r,{a_. l1:05.!..f,ooqlsf9:ro.L: 2- paL M"fi"n... ur""i""" ' e:1].6:,1. Bruc6 rohnson. vtnrlpor,.uod€^ HAc. s l5o0q- 1. pobs"ta ri.(o. _.,.rto,
hscold,r ,. cbryl s.d6!s, I5r HtM'Foa.,Bit1 Crot, a!s csoEuloo s"r€r putrlie dom s brlsl ct311on3€ ty Brtd rl ralen o'rrthilp3A sno D3'€ Bslla! ou611od "lr! nsr Bss,€tI Ia th8 orly !3r! o'L!6 t(00r, Lbsn !u F rnay ln tbo 5ooo& s"s! H La ih6 aed abl€) _'l s ,ns
f,Alllol{ sfl0t'
Al{0 |Is wonxouT nATt 'T6-22 nOAD RulflEf,"
st,lst,lst! lHD
e",otiror a"""ts
!6rf€ct tralnir€ 6ho.. Soft etd-3ol6, ude. rra11 &d h€€l vlrtually ouelFt€s .oed shock, r€duces 1€g fetleq6' @d ellsds a€s1@t bjui6s! Th6
tl{Xgt iol.!
RACltc ,lItD CROSS coullTRY sltoE IN lXtStEt{CX. UfTE
IHIS lnIAZ]l{G IECORD: 4 or ffrt 6, 1964 OlyEplc Melaiho! 5 ot tlr6t 6r f955 soEton Maetho! I-2-3-4, 1966 Bosto! Nsathon YJo.Id' E fetest rl'€Fthoa, 2:12:oo 3 ot ftr6t 4, 1965 ideei E@. tilerethot
1.1, 196€ !ast. Rog. UFathor chaEp6 1966 rc4a cloes coutry chaop. 1.t: 1.+ co1l. X-C C!@! 1962 Nc,A,{ NcA,t CoIl. t€M' 1c65 lgt i.m13t tee. 1966 NCAI Coff. X-C C!&!E lrlsaethon Aleosa 4 of flr;t 5. 1966 4 of ?lrst 6, 1966 Hsrt-of a!6!lca 16t. New Xngted schoolboy x-c chel,s lleDy, &a$r, r6ry note oo4f€!ee.' Feloaal, dd disb!1ot tltte€ won .{VAE,AELE O{!Y T&O!1:
!a@uuRE, -4N! (rIrF CoMPIDIE ]/IIIE O! SPIGS, !r,1:16, .AtD
at ;ao e
'2.: ^ -n F
SPONTS BLAE NBBON U 5 [..r (FrduliYr
It ls edvleable to o! a lrctR stz6 'E1arc6' ehoe6 t st6B SMALIER t}d @usl tlek 6bos ElzE. !1ees6 add ?td fo! !ostae6. Bsca@o
orito! rIcln