NEW YONK MAR.{THON (9.1$-?1) 1CENTRAL PARI{) Norm Higgins, holding winner's trophy after race, takes an inpromptu
Photo by
For inlormalion on any ol these prcgrams wtite Io:
W. Coope\ Exe.urive Dirc.]or, United stote5 frock ond Field Fedention, 1225 Nofth l0th Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85705
:::r. r:, \o, 189, Setrerber 19ii ?nblished nonthly uder tbe ausFccs oJ the Lnit€d S:ar€s Track & Field Fed.raLion, 1225 N. toth Avenuc, Tucson, Arizoaa 85 70 5. Annual Sub6cription Rates : $5. 00. Add $3. 00 for 1st & Canada. Class Mail or $5.00 lorAirMailinlj.S.A. Single copie6 and back issues - 509. Please sehd race results and articlcs lor lxblicarion to ,
,: Fl. ".o'r.,; P ,E, :0r h. .Pn.c. sr., lVoodbury, N. J. 08096
CLASSIIIED ADVERIISIj]\4ENTS - Advertise your event to inc!ease entrles, or your Pfoduct to ]n.r€ase sales. (53.00 ler ihsertion) Full or lZ page advcrrising rates sent ulon acquest. HALF-MARATHON - Sponsored by the l-lorida Track Club. S6day, November l,l, 1971 at 10:00 A.M. Avards in Agc Groups. riulL Distance Marathon lilanned {or Maach l9?2 During florida Relays. l ot moae iniorhalion & entrie6 w!it.,: David lvl. Worthen, lOZl N*.1\r. 6oth Strcet, Gain€sville, 32601 Phoae 904 - 3?6 - 0114. ANNOUNCINC: U.S.T.I.I. - DENTON MARATIION Jannayy 22, 1972 - D.inton, 'fexas. For chrry blanks & information wlire: Mr. Terry Holbaook, Asst afracL Coach, Alhletic ijepartrn.4t, Noith lexas State Univ,,
Assn,, San Dicgo, Calii., D€cemDer l;, Iti2l 30-KILO- Metaopolitan Assn., Central Pa!k, Nelr York City, October 15, 1972; Malathon- Niagara Assn., No, Syracuse, N. Y. , May 21, 1971; cros6-country- central A66n., WaFhington Park, Chicago' llLinois, Ndvedbef 25, 1972i aO MileB - Pacilic Assn., RockLih, Calif., ocl-ob€r 29, i97Z! one Hour Run- (Jr. & S!.) South€rn pr. iIr. c.,n., 5"r'" Ba-Lara, ..'_f.. rPoE'2r' \ary A6sh. is uagod to.onduct a on€ hou! ru & lor$ard results to John Bremabd, Chaifman, 4476 Meadowlark Lane, Santa Barbara, Calit., 93110; 3000m Teao RaceMetropolitah A65n. , Van Cortlandt Pa!k, N. Y., Oct. 29, 19?2; 2nd Amual Ma6Lcrs cross Country champion_ ships- Michigan ABsn., BloomJi€ld Hil1s, Michigan, November 18, l9?2. Bob DeCeU€, P.O. Box 362, Aladeda, Calil. 94501 (Pacific Assn. ) \'as clected Long Distance R@ing Chairman for tro years, H€ succeeds Bro\ming Ro6€ oI the Middle Atlahtic Assn... I'he Olyopic Marathon trial rill be staged by the OlyDpic Committee in cohjuciion with the Olympic T&F TrialB in Ju1y. Souih\.est
NATIONAL A.A.U, SENI(]R 20-KILO CHAMITIONSIIIP Bush Lake Park, llloomihgton, Mihnesota, July'r, 1971 1. Bob Fitr€, 28, Millros. AA, 6Z:55..,1; 2. Art CooLidge 2,1, Boston AA, 65:15; l. Tom HolJmaL' 23, vcac, 64. 22i .!. Milie Slack, 19, Twin Cities TC, 65:58! 5. Chuck Box 1391?, Denton, Texa6 76203. Ceronsky, 23, TCTC, 66:21,; 6. lihi1 Ryan, 2?, Golden 20 MILE TURK!]Y TROT ROAD RUN, CRE!jN]31|LT, !VcEr TC, 56:31t 7. A1 Claremont, 35, Kcgonsa rC, \lAnIL-AND, Sponsorell by Greenb€11 Jaycees. i6:3li 8, Jay Dirksea, z6' Prairie striders, 66:58; 9, 28, 197l Thalksgi1-ing weeken{:l - SEday, Noveobcr Ron Daws, 3.1, ICTC, 61,211 10, St€ve Wlddcr, 20' lrOO P.M. rsenty tlophies. S1.00 ettry stil Nov.2rrb, Dm.s TC, Ind., 67:28; 11. Joc Skaja, 21, ICTC, 68:08r $2.00 at start. A1so, z-mile opeD ru with rroPhies to Larry lrontinen, 29, ICIC, b9tA1i 13. Cary Schioe12. a1l tinish€rs, $1.00 entry Iee. Please !re-regisiet Dunes Tc, 70i00i 1,4, Paul Dale, 10, Indiarder, 18, N. \1. 101, l9th Strcet, with Bob Thursto., t?22 '{pt. 1!is., TC, ?Or2.1i 15. Jelf Brain, 22, 1C'fC, 70i56t hcad I-ashington, D.C. 20009. Pl,one- 2Q2-232-2519, tlcet Dunes TC, ?1:1?;17, Dale Roe, 23, 16, HanL Nash, 18, at Youth Centcr. Creenbelt i6 lZ miles END oI $ashing1'C, ?l:,1.r: 18. John Crarn€a, 19, TCTC, 71:55; Kegonsa Baltiton, D.c. alongsid€ washinston Belt\\ay i195) and Ei11 Lang.n, 28, unar., st.cLoud, Minn,, 71:57i 20, 19, more-lvashington Parkwst. L'se .!it6 28 or 29; I miles thitc Bear Lake, Minn.,?2:lli Davc Phillips, 19, unat., south to\ardF Washington lrofr lnrerstate 95 D. C. Irrailic Stri.lers, So, Dak. , ?3:3{,i 21. Gary Padgett, 19, Road Rurels hold distahce raccs every { €ok. Don Solsvig, 20, Prairie Srriders, 73:'r2; 23. Eol 22. 2..1th ANNCAL \!ESTERN IINMISPHER!j MARATIION tlempy, 23, TCIC, ?3:53i ?.1. Toh Pierson, l?, unat., CHAMPIONSHIP & SOU IHERN PACIIIC ASSOCIA'fION Muneapolis, Minn., 7,1:06;25. Rick Raymond, 25, A. A.IJ. DISTRICI MARATIION CHAIVIPIONSHIP Portland rC, Oregon, ?a:00i 26. Steve Keatncy, 22, culver Citt, california' Sunday, December 5, 19?1 at Dunes lC, Ind., 75:0,1; Z?. Royce Ilalnish, 2'1, unat,, 8:oo A.M. Re.ord: 2:19:13, Norman Higgin6, 1969 Cal.donla, I11., ?5:38; 28. Dave Kayse!, 19, In.lianhead Artards ro all runnets finishing undea rhree hours. . t-.a Bla, .\ s.. 70:roi zo. D-))i t:. ra., Eitxies close at midnight, Iriday, Nov, Zb, l9?1, vith Lake, Minn. ?6:50; 30. Jim '.F, Belka, 19, unat., Minnea, Carl Polter, M€et Dlrector, wH nlarathon, (julver 2!, uar., rvfinpolis, 31. Jim l-undberg, Minn. ?7:50; , Ciry Recrcation and Palks Dept., P,O. Boxa07, CulfC, ?8: linse, 2E, Indianhcad 32. Bt11 neapolis, 78:2,1; y. d':Iwr,i" o0' . .-" a0r 33. Dwight Pie!son' 35, Rochcstea TC, Minn., 79: ANNOUNCING: SECOND ANNUAL PHILADELPIIIA Z9; 34. Doug Edmonson, 23, lQ'fc, 19t56,35. carr€t MARA:rHoN, Novr:mber 28, 1971 Noon. PennAc SPonaam.zak, 21, 'fCTC, 80:07j 36, Da. Bob Foley' '12, sorslip. Start & iinish a! Boarhouse Row. Philade\rhia'3 TCTC, 80:l?i 3?. Mark Hume, ZO, LQIC, 8at31t 18. East Rivcr Drive, Iailmount Park, Ilat course. Sccni.. .r€rrt l4inegard.n, 18, unat., Mina.a!o1is, 80:37; 39. Awa!ds: Trolhies or merchandi6e Prizes fot all finish- Art Pcil, 18, unat., St. Paul, Minn. 80:53; 40. A1 Mou' cr6 under lour hou!s. Refreshoenrs $iLl be 6.rved. 6? Iinishers) s.l, 16, lndianhead Tc, 8l:18. (80 starters, Masreas ar'ards. Vetcrahs and Three team al,ards. Team: 1. Tvin citi€. Tc, 18i 2. Prairi€ st1jder6, 57; Fe€: $1. OO to Tom Sander, 251 l\ cst Sheldo, St. , Phila. , , I oi-.h"a, . .j .aL ta, -F, ,, i. . , 6 . ' Pa. 19120 by Novembcr 23rd. Splirs: Fitts:5km- 16:02; lokfr- 32:olj l5km- 4?:35 Coolidge: 16:05; 32.A5i 48t27, Hofiman- 16:05; 32:161 SENIOR NATIONAL AAU LONC DISfANCE RUNNING ,19:OZ. Fitts opened up at th€ hauway mark to dcmolish CIIAMPIONSHIPS FOR 1972 (.{$ard.d at Lakc Flacid' his opponedt6 and score an easy nctoty in lecord time N.Y,, Thursday, Ocrober 7, l9?l) over the rhtee lap cour€e. --Pat Lanin-15-I.ILO - Rocky Mountain Assn. (Lilticton' Colo!ado)
J|INE 26
elcHAR0 RAYq0N0 23
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PACIFIC ASSOCIATION ONE-HOUR RUN Tamalpais H,S,, Mill Valley, Ca\if., a/7 71 Weather: temperature rn 80s ror {rrst secrioh (runners with be6t 10-mile times of 5?:00 or stower), 6righdy .oo-er ard r.acl, parr a ) st dded tor "c. or. \o. ---dl
5, Rich Delgado, 31, 1:2li:14 0:00 t:26:14 6. lom Ha1e, 18, l:2ri:3 5 0:0 0 1,26:35 7. Jon Arderson, 21, 1:26r.18 O:OO l:26:.48 8. Aob Darhng, 11, 1.29112 a:aa I.Z9t42 Jz.k BF "h. o, 1:30:,12 0:00 1r3 0:.,12 se.tion. 10. Oreg Chapman, 23, 1:30:52 O:OO 1:30:52 1. BiU Clark, West Valley TC, 12 hi1es, 52?y (breaks 11. Darryl Beardal1, 3.1, 1:31:3? O:00 1:31:3? AFerican recoiil ol lzm, 23Zy set by Mik€ Kimba1l, 12. Ron Ho11oway, 18, 7:32t24 O.oO I:32:21 1967) Ml1€ split€r 4t4\, 9t32, 14t22, 19:14, 2,1:05, 28157, I3. Willie Cronin, 32, 1:32:.11 Or0O l:32:,!1 33:50, l8:.r5, 13:41, 18:42, 5l:41, 5E:40. 14. Pefer Matt€i, 4?, tr32:51 l3:00 t:.r5r5t 2. Bill Scobey, Mad River, 12 mi1es, 389y (also breaks 15. Mike Knott, 19, 1:33:11 0:00 l:33:11 previou€ American !ecord) Miie spUts: 4:28,9:10, l.r: Notes...131 listed linishers, , paul Reese lvenr out hatd aO, Iat54, 23:49, 28:47, 33.45, l8:,!5, .13:50, 4E:54, & held a good pacc aU the ray ro {in.. Despite the hot 51t02,59tA5.
weather, Peter Dulfey eclipscd Rich Irelgado'€ cou!se
3. Mark Covert, Califolqia TC, nm, 1615y (3-mi1e recotd, while B.raard Lahde ahd Bill Scobey aLso top6plits: 1,1:22, 29:16, .19:58 Ior r0 m e6) -Jrl-old. l t'p",-D-C..ov".. o-rl o 4. Peter Dufiy, WVTC, lln, i545y (1,1:2A, 29t27, 49t'A) s€cond ofi hi6"rr. o1d r€coi.l. Toh HaIe (6rh) !,as the best 5. Bob Darling, Redvood CityStriders, Um, r592y of the high 6chooler 6. {j. Wes Hildreth, Maain AC, tlm,,184v; 7. Chuck Frosolone, Maranon, Um, 307yj 8. Ron Elijah, Mad River, 2, 5-MILE STEEPLECHASE, DENI rrARK, PHILA., pA. '116,Z64yt 9. Willie Cronia, \4VTC, lom,l?35y;10, Vic Wedh€sday, July28, 19?1 -1. Bob Manning, SL, Jame6 Caly, WVTC, 10m, l6?3y; lL Ray Menzie, Marin AC, HS, 11:.18 (an aU-statehil€r Irom SJ HS in Chesrer, pa,) 10m,1,!48y; 12. Cus Cano, RCS, 1Oo,13?9yi 13. Jetf 2. Joe fomcz,.n., Sr, Josephrs College, 1l:59i 3. Jake <roor, M"-.r A., 0n, lz8 ): j, Vd_/ B)- ", M"d Barrett, LaSalle HS, 12:09: .1. Ed Ooelp, Pena AC, l2: River, 10m,1251y: 15. Howard Labrie, Mad River, 10m, 18; 5. Larry Simmon6, North Braach yNICA, lZ:3Oi 6. 120?y; i6. Mitch Kihgery, RCS, 10m, 996y (15 ycars o1d; Denni6 Reil1y, North Baanch YMCA, Fti1a,, l2:3Oj ?. lst H. S. )i 17. Hariy Shaadera, USA, 10d, 9?2t; 18. Den- Johh Hammert, Penn AC, 12:39: E. Joe Bekorsky, phila. is O'Halloran, Maranon, 10m,956yj 19. Jack Eellah, o l 8,. :r \iMC, rom,92|y(zndH.S.)j 20. Jon Surhcrtand, unat., tZ:.11j 10. lom HiUerty, Dre{e1, l2:49, (Oldcouiser€c10o, 746y (winne!, Section I); 21. Randt l-awson, Reih,ood ord, tZ:12 by cary McNulry) Hot, 95o. Z5 tinishers.
City Striders, l1m,67Ay; ZZ. Bob Cormley, Maria AC, 10m,663y; 23. Creg Chaphan, Solano TC, 10m,lj39y; 24- PENNYPACK CREEK ]{-COUNTRY RUNS, FHILA., PA. Ragnar ThanEing, Marin AC, lom,283yi 25, Mike Forna- Sunday, July 25, 19?l 6:00 P.M. 1'r€ather: Hot & hDmid. ciaai, Petalr]ma Pacers, 10m,239y; 26. Dick Cofdone, 6.l/2-MILES - 1. Frahk Frick, Pern AC, :5:38; 2. Herb San Diego TC, I]m,Ilzrt 27. Lamberr K€lly, Solano TC, Lorenz, P.nn AC, 36:35j 3. Larry Horwitz, una., 36: r;: r. \- 1\. /!"1r,. D-a A, .r. . : 96,1715y, ?8, Stevc Carey! I,fitlbrae Lions, 9m, tf,76y; Bo f Ls. -r, 29, Steve Robinson, Stanjord Running Club, 9m,16.t9yj P.nn AC, 38:08i 5, Mike Exton, Pchh AC, 39:ZO1 ?, 30, Jellrey Akard, unat. , 9m,l624yi 31. Rodrey \,Iitler, Marry Reid, Fenn AC, 39:,r2; 8. Davc Johdson, Ss,arthNapa Valley Runners, 9m,1562y; 32, Paul, hore, 41:23; 9, A1 lockhorn, Cahden Colhty Coll€ge, uat. , 9m,1400yi 33. Jih Engle, Nala Valley Runners, 4l:Z8i 10. Mark Stoner, Collcgerille, Pa., .13:50r 11. 9d,1320yi 34. Bruc€ veal, RCS, 9m,1266yi 35. Don Jack Ef,ton, Penh AC, ,:13:5.4j 12. Paul ivfcCorrison, DreEi6eler, MAC, 9m,12i0y; 36. Kevin ciasner, uar., xe1, 4.1:57; 13, Dr. Dare Spanel, CJTC, 19:a1. (20 start. 9m,1l85yj 37. B€njamin sa{yer, otlerways Ac, 9m, €r s, 13 {inishers) 102oyi 38. BiIl Crove, RCS, 96,853y; 39. Lcon tsrunet, VEIERANS (.!0 & OVER) Z ]/'l-MILES- L, Bob Parsons, unat., 9m,839yj 40. David Cortez, RCS, 9m, ?0?t (11 21:02; 2. Di.k Carroll, 23:12; 3. Iranl KeII'/, 21t15, 4, years o1d); .{1. Mark Proteau, NVR, 9m,6?9y;.12. Joe Jott Turner, 28:00j 5, Jih J€nnings, 28i50. {rong Henderson, MAC, 9m,665y; ,13. Keith Norve11, uar. , 9n,144y., 14. Tom Ryah, San Iranci6co Fire Fighrers, 9m,42lyi 15. Lee Fox, STC, 9m,305y; ,16. James Fer- MIDDLE ATLANTIC RRC VETERA}IS R{CES 1is, Windwaid Ac (Hawaii), 9m,166y;.!?. Richard lvoodbury, N.J., Sat., Sept, 11, 19r-1 l:00 1..M,- 3-MjLangiord, eat. , 9m,43y; ,18. Ken Whire, RCS, 9m, 23y; 1es- 1. Skip Dougherry, .,10, l?:59i 2- Browning Ro6s, 49. Raymond Miranda, NVR, 9m in 5?:25, final nor 47, l8:5?; 3. Eob Romahsky, ,10,18:58; .1, Bill Heughan, ,11, Z0:2?. $rooded coufse, ankle hBh nater over much reported; 50. Jim Allen, unat. , 8m,1600y. (78 started, 64 finished officiaUy - .16 lun€rs in Section I, 32 ih section lI), Toh Laris (NYAC) lan wirh Bill ctark Canl.1€n, N. J. , Coop€r River lrarknay, Sunday, Scpr, rhlough six miles in 28:57 belore droppihg out with a 19, 19?1 l:00 P,M. - ,1.5-lrlil.s- l, Ero*ning Ross, 25:58 leg cramp. Team Scoring: l. West Va1ley fC, 4l; Z. 2. Larry Delaney, 2?r05; 3. JolD Rossi, 29:0Ii .!. Chuck Marin AC, 76; 3. Redwood City Striders, 88. Haarington, 29:34; 5. Jack Erickley, l0:5?. FORT BAKER, CALIF. I5.MILER 7/18/?T E. T. H.p. Actual TiDe
l. PaulReese,54, 1:20:04 20:00 1i.10:0.r 2. Peter Dnlt.y, Z2,l.2Z:23 A.Qo t:Zz:z''r 3. Be!nard Labde,2I, ltZZt3S 0:00 l:22:38** 4, Bill S.obey, MadRiver,26, 1:23:59
O:OO 1:23:59**r.
AclI GROUP X-COUNIRY RrtCES, Sponsore.l by clou.€ster Colnty YMCA, !|oodbury, N.J., Sl.wart Park. Sat., Sept. 25rh L0:00 A.Nt. - L/2-Mile Cirls 10 & Lrnder1. Valarie Morgan, SJ Chargers, 3:17,. L/Z-Mi1e Boyg Under- 1. John Atkinson, CLo. (ro. YMCA, 2:55. 1/2-Miles Cirls 11 & lZ- L Dlana reuellen, SJ Chargers, 9:35..Boys - l.Jell Le€, uat., 11r2: (nett pag€) 10 & 1
7 l3l,1-Mile6 Cirls 13 & 1.4 - 1. Sharon Fortune, SJ Char- 32, Ka.roll Bohnak, Striders, 6OrOZ; 33. Alah Camrorh, gers, 9:11.. BoyB- l. Mike Gallagher, cioucester CaLh, Striders, 60:1lj 3.1, cordoh !ess, Earrhstompers, 6O: Hs,8:35...3-Mi1es Cirls 15 & Over- 1. Bcth Eonner, 25; 35. Bill Fojtit<, Milw. Tc, i,o:3.1; 36. Joe McCarthr, SJ Chargea6, 19:46. 5.. Boys- 1. Stewe Shimp, IreonsEarthstompers, 60:16; 37, Donn EehnL€, Stri.l€rs, 6O:.!2 ville HS, 22:18. 38. Dennis Vctter, uhar,, 6O:43; 39. Joe Johnson, Chi_ cago Sub, TC, 60:59; .,10, Mike Burda, una,, 6t:Oii ,:11. TONY COLON WINS THREE MILE X-COUNTRY RUN 'tom Higgihs, UCTC, 6l:l1j .12. John Fe€t€y, unat., 6t: Van Cortlandr Park, N.Y., Sept. 12- Tony Coton, 19, 15; ,13. Marh Seltzer, Striders, 6t:3.,1i 44, Ron Sihk, ton the thr€e mile x-c aponsored by the RRC of N, Y. Lakeshore Olrmpians, 6i:15; .15. Dave r.workowski, over a wcry muddt course. Despire lhc .ain, Colon lr'abashCotlcg€, 61:.!3;.!6. Tih Hans.rh, Keg.TC, 61:57j tulned ih a vert good clocking of 15:,16.2 for the lC4A .r?. John Toth, Striders, 62rOOj .18, Dave E19er, ual,, 6Z:12i .19. Steve F.utz, Okcc Striders, 6Z:15; 50. Dav. 1. Tont Colon, 19, unat,, 15:.!6.2;2. DonRow., 23, Kayscr, Indianhead 1a, 6ZtZ2t 5I. Tirr Heisel, B€rryNew York AC, 16:02; 3. Ed Botres, 28, Ner, Yorh AC, town Stri.lers, 62:29; 52. WD, Marten, tt€gonsa:rC, l6:08; .!. Jim Martini, 20, C. W, Post AA, 16:25i 5. 62:31j a3. Keith M€rrirL, Lakeshor€ Olympians, 6Z:53; Tom StoothofJ, 29, C.1-, Post, 16:41; t,. DeWift Thorn- 54- Ian Dziubinski, Lakeshore Olympjans, son, 26, NYAC, 16:52i 7. No.fran 1|'hit€, 19, United AA Rich tsurdick, Lak.:6hore O1)aDians, i,::ZO,6lrO8; i5, 17:00; 8. Joe Witkow6ki, 25, CJTC, 17:01t 9, Mario TeaD: 1. Twih (jiries TC, 38;2, Milwaukee TC, 48; 3, Gonzale6, 20, United AA, 1?:12; 10. Join Car1.!p, 33, K.gonsa TC, 75:,1, Sti crs, 8ti 5, Latr.sliore Otytr_ Millrose AA, l?r17j 11. Iraul Fctch.r, 25, LIAC, 1?:2Oj 12. Vince Chia!!etta, 38, Millro6e AA, l7:25; I3, Ray OVER 4n I EN MILE RUN - l. Carroll St€rnberg, unat., Escobar, 1?, ual., 17r35 (lst Tc.ihager); 14. Hector 63:12;2. Ir1'Schn.iier, .tt, Mil\t.lMCA, 1,3:tZi 3. Lut_ Alonso, 30, United AA, 17:47r 15, Dennis Heaty, 3t, her Lerer, .10, YLICA, 69:!l; .1. Karl A!enrjrorh, 50, LaSalle TC, 17:53; 16. Bob Mintz, 20, Kent Stat., l8:12; unat., 7l:a9j 5. John Archer, 5?, MiLt. yMCA, Zl:38; t7. Litsses Carr, 17, unat., 18:22 (2nd 1€€nager); 18. ,1,1, Mih,. YMCA, ilr55; ?. Sy Mah, 6. S]-1 Lu.|nlton, David Black6lor€, 30, unar,, l8:25; 19. Celimo Coldova ,+4, !niv. oI Tol€.1o, ?.1:3l]j 8, Rjchard Czarapatha, .tZ, 18, unat-, 19:00 i3rd 1'eenasca); 20. wd. aras8, 22, uat., 7b:0.1;9. o, Bothan, 4.t, unat., ?6:33i 10. \\ay_ unat., t9:08j ?1. Joe Bclhonter 28, unat., l9:18; 22. Jerry Mccarthy, 1.1, uhar., BroN, 19:24: 21, Jim rlor- h. Yarcho, 53, unat., 7a,:38; tl. Ei Lemay, ..1O, yMCA, den, ,14, Unit€d AA, 19:5? 11st Ver.)r 24. Jotn Kubtmann ?7:.r0j 12, John Dick, 59, Mih,. fC, E3:?3. (!? tinishe.t) GIRI-S a-lvlILE RUN - l. Ahy Hab.,man, l?, Milrv, TC, 23, Millrose AA, 20:00; 25, Vince Hogan, 17, unat., 32:i0j 2. Shannon Mullen, 12, unat,, j?:OOj l. Debbie 2A:26;26. Bab k,avitt, .14, arc.port TC, 2():52 (2nd Vet.);27. John Kenu1, 27, UnitedAA, 2l]:56;28. cary Honncy, 17, uhat,, l0:2fii .+. Debbi€ Absa, lit, unar., 40:12; 5. Pam ELmer, 17, har., .1.!:13r 6. Michete Ro Katz, 14, Unltid AA, ZltZ1\ 29. Dave Friedman, 20, sandjch, 9, unar., ,16:56, (12 tinishers) uat., 21.42t 30. P€te Hawkins, 16, Uhited AA, Zt:,,17, H.s. BOYS a-MILU - L. clen Shhacher, 17, unar., 6tarters, 39 fini6hcrs) --Joe Kl.n,ernjar-{39 28:1,!; 2. Scott l-evis, 17, unat,, 28:iO; 3. Craig Sranley, 15, unar,, 28:i,1; .1. cr.e Hanson, 16, Rt1..r City MILI'IALKEN TRACK CLCB OPEN 10-MII,E RUN Raiders, 28:5?5. \4ayne Rhody, I6, nbat., 29:Ot,6Milwaukee, 1!iscoh6in, August 22, 1971- Bob Fitts fepeated as lhe trinner ov.:r a field oJ ow.r 300 runners Mike l,oogmeier, 16, unat., 29:19, (60 Jinishefs) clocking a fine 51r26, Ncxt year s me{,r *,i11 be held oh August 20, 19?2, Awards: T-shirts to all finishers, troFRES\O BUNION DtRBy at fresno Srate College phes to top 50 in th., olen.livisioh, rop 10 in H.S, div, July 10th, Z.lrh & Aug. 7th & 21st ?:30 p.M. Op.n & H.S. & top 20 ih Over .10, 1/ Bob fitts, Milho6c AA, 5l:26; 2. Mike Slac]i, Twin Citie6 TC, 51:,19; 3. Johh Lesch, Earrh6tomirers, 5Z:16; July 10rh -Open 3-Mile (Actually 3.l5 mites) - t, CtiII 4. Aiaa Claremont, Earthstompers, 52:37j 5. fom HoIt- Rees, Ilying Squirrets TC, L5:14.2i 2, t)avc Bronzan, Hlgh Sierra TC, 15:17; 3. St{,r,e Halt FSrC, t6:otj .1. Ya.. t.:.ln'w, oErs, ..:0,. / d Ben Saachez, I1S1'C, 11,:0,1; 5. c.orge Da,is, ISTC, phi1li! i3:22; 7, Chuck Ccron6ky, TCTC, 53:2?; 8. Davis, Illinois TC, a1:A3.,9. Jim Drews, Milwaut<ee TC 16:32i t,. Fcr!ie Mo.tanez, HS1C, 16::l5i 7, ctenn Mc Carrhy, Lnivcr6al Harriers, 16:.14r 8, Oa!e Zaaragocca, 54:28; 10, Bill Haviland, unat., 55:0?; 11. Eri. Thornton, Kegoisa AC, 55i36: lZ. Chuck laRosc, Lakeshore unat., Forvler, l6r57i 9, Ken Adams, KR Ktub, tZ:OOj 10, Dwight Mikklcsenn, Coltege ot Sequoia, l?:06_,16. Olyepians, 55:40; 13. Jim lleming, Milwauhee TC, r..n Thornlon, unat. Fresno, 1?:51 (r6! Over .10. (20 tin.) 55:515; 1.1. Gtenn B.hnkc, Striders, 56:21; 15. Chuck Bradley, Lakeshore Olympians, 56:53t 16. Len Brenny, HS 3-Mile- 1. Ron Vogt, Univelsat It., tl:04 Re.oldj 2. Don Cregory, UH, 15:2.,1j j, Jesse Torres, Monache, TCTC, 56:57; 1?. Cregg Lee, Berrytown Striders, 57: lb:38j 4. Brucc Pendletor, rrH, t5:.!5j 5, Davi.t Adame, 10; 16. Nolman Patebaude, l-aur.ntian TC, 57:36; 19, Monache, l6:,19. (22 {inisher6o) John Cram€r, \C-IC, 57..11.,20. clenn Fredrickson! CIRLS ONE MILE- l. Mindy Sipen, San Joaquin Va1ley Nortl{ield TC, 57:5lt 21, JeIf Mortenson, una,, 58:lZ: Athletic6, 6:08 CR; 2. Patty An.lerso!, Ctark Jr. HS, 22. Mark Delahey, Mil. TC, 58:20r ?3. John Whitchouse Kcgonsa TC, 58:28j 24. David S.nechalle, 5t. Anth, BC, 6:08; 3. Carol Conrrenas, Nclsoh Eteb., 6:j9. Jr. HS ONE MILE- 1. Randy 1v.ight, Sierra Jr.HS, N, Y,, 58:33i 25. Tod Joerres, Milw. TC, 58:38j 26. Royce Hainish, Keg.TC, 58:58; 27, Jetf Miller, Racine 5j00 CR. . ELEM. 880- 1. pat McClean, Clovis, 2:56, 9. 'lC, 59:ZA;28, Cary Laace, River City Raidcrs, 59:36; July 24lh - Op€n 6-Miles- ] Skip Houk, 30:24.5 Recor.l 2. Rick VaIeadc6, 31:34j 3, Dave Bronzan, 3Z:O5i 4. 29, Phii Southerland, Milw. TC, 59:3?; 30. Jeff Brain, Bill Cock€rham, 32:42; 5. Maatih Urias, 32:51; 6. Clilt TCTC, 59:.!it; 31. Rich Zaboiske, Stiiders, 59:48;
Rees, 33:09r ?, Ca!1os Bravo, 33:40, 8. Ferni€ MonrarFZ, l1:q3r 9. B-rS.n,h-2, {4 02;.0. Ad"n", ^FD 3:!:10; 11. Geo!ge Dawis, 34:43; 12. Dave WiUiaes, 34:50; 13. Dwight Mlkklesem, 35:33; 1,1. Cary Campbeil 35:36; 15, Mark Hempbill, 35:38,,20, Len Thornton, 3?:24 (l€t ovello) ..25. Harry Harde!, 4.1:t0 (tsr over 50- broke per6onal besr by 15 oirutes!) 29 lini6hers, H,S. 6-MILE - ] Don cregory, 33:1,! CR; Z. Jesse Torres, 33:55; 3. D€nnis Idia, 3.1:26; .1. Bruce Caputo 34:27; 5. Jim Hartig, 3.,1:28; 5. Bruc€ Pendtefoh, 3.1: 54; ?, Greg Gonzales, 35:28r 8. Rick Fictro, 35:48; 9. Dave Adam6, 36:20; 10, Dale Campbell, 36:39; 11. Ken Hehdrick, 35:.11; 12. Pat NeIf, 38:lr, (23 lihi6hers) RI.YL z-MILE - 1. Jim Thurer, l2:54.5. ELEM. 3/,|-MILE- l. Pat Mcclean, 4:19 CR; 2. Scott Thorntoh, 4:35t 3. Nick Esqueda, 5:il3. JR. HS 1,5-MILE- l. Randy Wright, 8:06; 2, Mik€ Jurkovich, 8:0?.5; 3. Ceorge White, 8:18. GIRLs 1.5-MILE (Short)- 1. Shirley Springer, ?:51. August 7th - OPEN s-MILE- l. Skip Houk, 12..2!-Re.. \ Z. Dave Brohzan, 43:3,1; 3. Warae van De11en, ,13:39i 4. Bill Cockerham, ,14:22r 5. CliJf Re.s, ,:15:+9j L. Benny Sancbez, ,15:51i 7, Fernie Montanez, ,16:5tr 8. George Davi6, 17:zlt 9. Daae Williads, .18:03j iO, I-arry L@9, .18:32; U. Ken Adams, ,18:5f,i 12, jrm Kapr€lian, 50:43; 13. Ma!k Hefrlhil1, 5tr:51i t.1, rF! Thointon, 51:24; 15. Dwight Mil<l<1es€nn, 5l:tt, t22
H.S. 8-MILE - 1. Doh qregory, .1::il Recordj ?. Bruce Caputo, .16:021 3. J!:sse Torres, .:6:-1; .1, Eruce Pendleton, ,15:52r 5, Jim Harti!1, 4i:3ij l. I.lia, 17taat 1, Date Adame, 46:17r 8. Da]. Cad?re11, 19:09 9. Rlck Ferro, .19r51j 10. K.n ltenCrick, :O:Ot. (tfi Iin.) ELEM. MILE - l. Russell RidC€1, -: la,5j 2. Scorr Thornton, 5:.14' 3. Pat McClcan, 6:C2. GIRLS z-MILE - 1. Shirley SprjnE€r, 12:tr?i 2, Mindi Sipen, 12:32. JR. H.S. 2-MILE - t. Mik. .Iur.<olich, !:o?i 2. Dan Esqueda, lI:19; 3. Vin.ent carza, t1r2i-. Augu6t Zlst- OPEN l0-\liLES- L Ski! Houk, 5l:ZO (Course recard; otd haik, 5:r12 r! Ciill Clark); Z. Rick VaJeades, 55:38j 3. Dare Bronzar, 56:57; .t, Bill !-''
rdr'y ',.' ?. Dsight MikklLrscnn, 6a:55j 8. F.rnie Montanez, 61:05t 9, Ken Adams, 6!:26j 10, MarL Hemphi11, b3:5,1j 11. Led Thornton, i,.1i5Ei 12. Phil Holquis, 68:3?; 13, Bob Rcyhaga, b9:32i t+, i{ont. tung, ?1:l8i I5. Harry Harder, ?6:36 (1st Ovtr ,i0l; 16. Delrey Jan, l,ung,
RFYL z-MILE - 1, Brent DeN4onre, 13:I?,5; 2. Dar-
re1 Jan, 15r09; 3. Ron Cares, l5:5?.
JR. H.S. 3-MILE- 1. Mike Juikori.h, 17j12 Recordi 2. Dan Esqu€da, l?:10, H.S. 10-MILE- l. Don Ctegory, 5?:,17 Rccord; 2. Bruce Pendleton, 60:20; 3. Bruce Caputo, 61:38; .r. Rick Fierto, 62t23i 5. Jess€ Torres, 63:5,11 6. Jim tlortig, 64:57; 7. D€nnis Idia, 66:09; 8. Dale Caelbetl, 5l:49. ELEM. 1.5-MILE- l. Pat Mcclean, 9:Zt CR; 2. Russ RiddeU, 9:29; 3, Scott Thornton, 9:,!1.5. ARIZONA ROAD RACERS JEROME CHOST TOWN HIL! CllMB, 5.1 MILES UPHII,L, Jerorre, -rjzona, September 6, 19?1 - l. Skyler Jones, 29:551 2. J€rry Jobski, 32:0?j 3, Don Tate, 3Z:26; 4- Ed Zr.k, 33..A4j 5. Pete Sevin, 33:09' 6. Mike Jaurequi, 3.,1:19i ?, Ed Wai6h, New York, 35:09; 8. Bill Brown, 35:31i 9, Juan
Rivas, Bolivia, 35:5.1; 10. Steve Stcph€nson, .!0, 36rO1l ll. Bob Villasenor, 36r11; 12. Tom Buder, 36:5Zt t:1. Tom Cooka, 4Q, 37.2I;14. John Heide, 38:28j 15. Bob Ruiz, 39:27; 16. Iom Ciko6ki, Penna,, .tO:,!1; 17. Dan Giflin, ,41:25; 18. Alan Sparks, 16, 45:0Oj t9, Arturo Burcciga, .,46:21; 20, Kim Tabeting, 15, 46:58i 21. Bilt Barr, 50:41; 22. Art C1!{f (Over 40), 5r:ro; 23. \,arren carlson (over 40) 52:53. Notes.., Th€ Highway Patrol was con.erned about runners iobshucting the bighway on the scheduled coutse Clark.lale to Jcrohe, and Lh.eatened to halt rhe race il run as planned. They overlook€d rhe tafs permitling bi.ycies on highways (A.R.s.)(28-815), horses (?8-b25), and even lowly pedestxians walking oh the highnay {28-?96). Sgt, Morris and Sgt. Lee said a !erm1l lvas required {rom the Highway Comoission, but o.t) to.-r.-.... /- "rd -[h .i.n ,srar.,. !: " r. 0l, rl,. t , " '- in the iurners do nor rc6emble 'Ih€ Racin.e Dir.:cLor considercd sacrificing the Club Chairman Lo rile Highway Patrol, by sending him our in rhe lead at tle start oI th€ iace and letting hifr be arresrcd, with th: hope thar the oflicet would not bc able ro .oltar rhe olher twenty-six runners. Don Stervart's lack ot enthusiasm lor rhe idea r'as exceeded ohly by hiE ncgative arhtud€.. Happiiy, an excellent alternatl mappcd out through th€ old minibg town ol Jerome, & on out rhe gravel Pelliasville road, a climb ol abolt 1500 feet, nith th€ finish lihe arbitrarity selected ar '\"
. ,. -
,Fr- r'
thelr names in blue oh a red rock, Sktl€r Jones, Arizoha State U, distaace staf, slurted .ut ro an early 1ead, gained on rhc 6teep€st hills, and passcd I'Anita, Hank and Vickirtwo minur.s ahead ol Jerry Jobski. Don Tate and E.l Zuck of Pho€nix Collegr:, chugg€d up in good rimc for third and {ourth, ahead oJ por. Sevi. & Mik€ Jaurequi, ol A.S.U.,A11 ?6 starters linished, with Jcntt Schaulllcr, 16, oJ nearby Cotlonwood, only {omah in th€ iace, Iihishing strongly (60:,11 - 26th) in her lirsr cooletition.. Tune in n*t t€ar to tcarn wh€ther we .ha1l.,hge rhe Highway Patrol, or stay r.irh the P€r kus vllle r oad. - -Srcve Steph.nson- PHOTO BELOI' Thri1l-Pa.kcd (?) sraar o{.Ierome Hill Climb
Phoro Below- Al Schaufller, ,1?, Iihishing 6tronglt
(z,!th - 5?:10) in Jerosc Hill climb.
Jerome Hlll climb (L. to R. kneeling) Sliyler Joh€6, Don Tate. (Standing, L.t. Pete Sevih & Mike Jaurequi.
l. Phil Caop,' Norrh 1\ !lorida, 19:55,5i 2. Vinc(: Marino, P.:nsa.ola Junior CoUege, 20:39; L Clayton Nichols, Livingston Uriv€rsirr, 20:.18; ,1. Glenn Ha11, Pensacola Juio!, 20:58i 5. PhiL Taul, riensacola Jr. Collegc, 21:18; 6, RicL St--tson, Trot 1C, 2L: 30j ?. NicL Costes, Troy TC, 2lr3?j E, Jlm Mosn.r, North West Floaida, 2l:.,18j 9. Jin Prols.lorler, t',1.cilL H.S., 21i51; 10. Stewe S.hoenlratd, Pensacola JLnior C01lege, Zl:53; lt. Tom Polk, !nat,, 21:-.1i 12, I<enneih Eslava, Norlh west Ilolida, 21:59i 13, aran Lassiter, Ceorgia State, z2:18; 14. Frank Uerty, N.rlh 1!ri,st I1a., 2?:Z7j 15. Gary StaaLcy, Pchsacola Jr. colLege, zz:,10r 16. Creq Tautoh, Lee, 22:12, 1?. Frank Oales, Eglln !,F8, 22:49t 18, Kit Srendle, unat. , 22:50r 19, Roy sutton, Livingston Uni!., 23t49; za, Bob James, North Wi,st Florida, 23:13j 21. Jam€s Price, una,, 23:14; 22. Charles Klockenkamper, Georgia Statc, 23:I6i 23. Dennis Mayeau, North Wcst Flofida, 23:49i 24. De.njs Barn€s, Pcnsacola Jr. CoLl€ge, 23r58; 25, Randy O{.ns unal,, 2,1:0?; 26. Olan !{€lch, Bilo:i, 24:11i 2?. Bobby Smith, ua., 2.1:14j 28. I'erry McKiernan, Nortb 1\resr Florida, 2.1:15; 29. Robelr Middleton, Eglin AFB, 24: 7, 0. B.ool , Boor c, n"., l.:28, (:0 r'' s' Frs) D r6".o" J-..a -_,-, t6: Z, Nwr a., s5: l-am: L ceorgra Slarc. t0 q. --Lou Grcgoiy- -
8.5-MILE I]ANDICAP RUN, FAIRMOUNT PARK 9 Fhila., Pa, (East & \4est Riv!:r Drives) Monday, Seltember 6, 19?l 11:00 A.M. Sponsored bt RRC 1. M.scs Maylield, P--nh AC, .1.,1:05j 2. Mike Butraes, Penn AC, 46:20; 3. vi. zwolaL, Delarnare Slorts Club, ,18:2.1; .1. Joe Siedlecki, llrilliamslowr HS, .19i.taj; 5. Neil Ueygandl, Penn AC, .19:59; 6. Leon Dreher, Penn AC, 50:57 {lst vet. )t ?. Toh Donnelly, ual. , 50:5?j 8. Blll faihg, I,eDn AC, 52:0lr t. Jim cuntlc, Lasalle Il,S., Phila., 52:40i 10. Bob LaSaIte Collcge, ^-esbitt, / r'a'| B"L ' J olritz, P€nn AC, 5.1:,1?; 13. \4arty Reid, Penn AC, 55: 53j !,!. Tom Sheehan, uar,, 56:39; 15, Paul McSorley, Fenn 4C, 56:r3; 16. Larry Dclanet, Penn AC, 5?;30j 17. Dave S.hemclia, Cloucester H.S,, 60:20; 18, Dave Hoch, \!illiansro\n IIS, f,0r20! 19. Joc Ritchie, clou..ster HS! N, J. , 6,,1:5!j ?0, Ross Yates, Bethl!:hem, Pa,, 46.39. ?1. Dave Bower, unat., ?6:t5i 22. Joe \tiles sk!, unal., 8?:2,1. DNI Norman Baker, Jacl< Shcchan & Doug R. e s sler. lITERANS (OVER.t0) 3_\4ILE RUN 1, BroNhing Ross, 1?:l7i Z. Bill Heughan, lE:.!1; l, Frank ri.,rs.r, 21:3!j .t. F.. Jn. McSorley, 22:35,
CIIA}ILIE BROIIN FINALI,Y ITINNIjR (IN BURRO R-\CL) Colorado Sprin!s, Co1o., August 9, t9?1 Siev-- lfathe\rs ol Den!.ir, Iour-tiDre qinh.r oI the highesr burro race in th. wort.1, again .aptur.d first p1a.e in th. eru.lling 21. i fack burro race ro $c lop ot 11,183 Ioot Mosquiro arass and back to Leadvill., Mathews an.l hi6 si.i.-kick, Charli. Brown, made the cours. ih tso hours 2i hinutes 27.I sccohds, loD prize was $1,000, {ith rhe lirst 10 ra.ers r. li.ish atso receir:ing cash paize6. Second ltace nas tak.n by Carl L€. of Beutah, r,ith his burro, Little sh. (.re just a stcp ahead ot Lce Courkamp of D€n\-er and his burro, Ru6ry. Both nere abour fir!: rlinutes |ehind Matherts ann Lis burro. An cgrimated 5,000 persons turncd out in Leadviile to !arti.iparc in the Eurio Days cetebrarion, lrhich included a nu.rl.r ol contests in.luding minin.g cohletition, Hundreds rvatche.l the pack LLrro race, \!ilh a field ol 1,1 tting rheir burros equipped r,irh packs of mrnins equifm.nt ir {ront of the historic vendomc Hor.l, thetl lining up a block behind rh.ft. r"rh.n the starring gun wehi olf, the racers sped Lo their ]lti1. ftounrain canafiea,' untie.t theD and were on way to rhe srlmmir of Mosquito Pass via the, 73-year-o1d Rudy !ahl ol Coiora.lo Springs besan having problems nith his burro ahd had to quit Joe Clavinich o{ Leadville wirh hi6 colorful burro, Rineo, ha.l trouble aiong rhe way, !h.n Ringo refus.:d ro pa66 the burro in Ironr ol him. Clavinich said that he quit si} tin.s during rh. race to wait fof an official vchicle ro pick hie u!, lut chang. ed his mind to !1o.1 aheai ahd finished in lourth place, Buck Swannack of San Flancisco, a mountain c1inb.r, !-a I --, .. . of narv dAr r., In! - F. s .
IoL,d.h" .
d o
-r onoq. -
another to race *ith a burro at a 13,000 It, €levation, He came in cleventh, Walt S.ack, li3, a16o ol San Frahci6.o, was the tasr ol the 14 racel6 to lirish. Susan Forbes, 16, of Denvea
the oaly girl in the race! cafre in tenrh. Larry Lewis, 104 year6 o1d, who piann€d ro enrer the race from San Frahcisco, was uable ro cohpete because of conceln for his 73-yea!-old wife wbo was con, fined to a hospital durlng the pa6t lew day6.
JEMEZ PUEBLO INDIAN WINS P]KE'S PEAK MARATHON SIXTH lrIMEl (Distinctive Ieatures - Petet Strud{ick, ho haDdd, no leet; T. V. Docmentaryj !-amily codpetitionj Reuion of Champions; First Race Walk. ) Stev€ Gachupln, 29, ol Jetuez Pueblo, N,M., coltilued hi6 dotuination of the !orrd fafrous Pike'6 Peak Marathoa Suday, Augu6t 15th by wihuing rhe evenr lor rhe 6ixth Ftlaight time with a near !ecoril pa.e ot ZtIttZ3 for the a6cent and 3:46:26 for the 26.8-mile rou,d tri!. Cachupin, a custodian at an Indian 6choo1 during Rorking days, fiiish€d more than eigh! dinut€s ot his nearest competitor, Ken Katzer, 29, Lincotn, Nebra6ka, whose rihe was 3:55:06. Thiral pia.€ vent ro Capt. Ernie Cunliffe, 33, Air Folce Academy, .1:03:.t9i Fourth, Cha!1es Vigil, r9, Craig, Colo_, ,1:05:,13r lifth, Roger Briggs, 21, Boulder, ,!:06:05 ahd siarh, Srev€ MatLhcws 30, Denver,4:l?:10. Ga.huo'r cohD"r.d dg. nrt . FL. o( to .or p.,i or.. ranging in age frofr 8 to 66. The race, lvhich starred a, 7:30 a.n. in front of the Cog Railroad Starioh in Manirou Spiing6, ciihbed 13 miles up rhe Barr Trail Lo rhe ro. P€ter Strudwick, 41, Ilod l-aPalma, Califohia, a quadluple amputee, dade it to the to! in a resDectabl€ 5 hours, 25 minutcs (or .1:36r58 according ro Rudy Iaht) then finisheil th€ trip down in 8:12:23 (?:06:58 according to Rudyl) He lan in specially consrrucred boors. Hc r:as born without hands or {eet, pi1ot. his osn plane and drive6 hi6 car, aDd ha6 a masrers degree in Engineering. Pete is harried and has Iour childrer. FoI the flrst time in it6 history KNBC, Eurbalk, Calii. took a docuhentary TV fitm from helicopLe tire race. Thls was direc!€d by Mr. John centri and his crew ol tecluicians who landed alone the trail at Barr Camp and the sr]mmit. Pictur€s were taken of Dr. Vincent L, de Ciutiis and his laaily as well as Peter Strudwi.k as th€y jogged u: the trail to 6how thei! progress in a oI the efiects ol physical exertion and cxhaustion on the hlman bodv. A"ne _ 16h linF a --s-arci u I v.s s-i ! o) D-. Stephen Steen, profe660r of anesth€sia aL Harbor Ceneral Hospital on the campu6 of the University ot Caliioraia al Lo6 {ng-les, f-" s rr\o "i , otl-. ,n- o ooo .o. both the vein€ aDd arteri€s of runels, respiration aDd temperature and taking electrocardiogra&s. Famiiie6 competed againsr oth€r Jamilies, notably, the de Ciutiis and the Boitano fahilies from Cali{ornia, & the Creveland and Ruggles families from Manitou
Al Carioll and olhea old time .ompetitors. -. '.it,a-".,o dTp lro. "r-n.,r\Ll-.,cg_ c.. our. "ot-!,.r-.erFeq'ron children - froh Califolnia headed by Wali Stack ot The race hail irs otld homenrs, as well as temp. changes. Snow started falliag above the timbcrline. The runners stalted in 5oo tcfrp, an.l at rhe srlmmit 1t *as 38-. The runn€rs fouhd th€mselv.s enveloped by col.l histy clouds teo-third6 u! rhe mountain. At the finish it was 82 degle€s, 1'he da!€ sei for the l?th Amral Pik.'s lreak Marathor is Augusi 1,1, 19?2, 300 ruDers 1, Steve Gachupin, 29, 3,16t26:2, lten Katzer, 29, 3::5:0ir; 3. Capt. Ernie CuhliJJe, 31, .tra3r.!9j .1, Chas. Vigil, 19, il:05:,!3; 5.ilchas, Bohon, lO, Lakewood, .l:06;05; 6. St.:ve Matthews, 10, .t:ij:tO (:: one r€port lis.6 Bohon, anothcr r_eport lists BriEg. as litth?) ?, Irank Armijo, 21, Jemez Pue510, \,\t,, .r:19:54;
8. Mi.haci Bair, 19, Kansas, .1r2t:2.i 9. Jotn Ro6., 33, LaCrosse, Kansas, 4:2?:37j 10. Louis Fr z, 28, V.rdon, Neb!a6ka, 4:36:07, (Lee Cour(dlrp aoL rosL or the poorly mark€d trail, or r:ouLd Lare linished ihird, according to Ernie cunliffe. Ih. cornhuskers .aprured thc t€m tirle. The Rock,v r.,ii.1R woutd have -- o h -am dv.r, t _o . ,o sr 'ay
In thc senior group (,10-59 y.ars), tsat lilgdon, 40, Ilichigan City, Indiana, €stablishe.i a :.cord a6ceni of 2:,,11:06. Lasr year Dr. Ralph PatJcrbarser, .!?, San Fran.isco hcld the recold in 2:il:1i, ilal likeii the stlmulating mountaln air and altiiu.. so he ran dowd lhe trail ahd completed the jaur in t:-l:0,1_ Howevcr, Ireter Mattei, 46, Sah Francis.o stilL is rae recoroholde. wirh .1:37:10 to his credit. 2, Cerry Vincenr,,tO, Denv€r, Z:50:47r 3. Hub.rrt Morean, :!, In.liana, pa., 3:00:26i 4. Peter Mattei, 4?, 3:1lt::2r i. Bob carlson, 47, Bould€r, 3:11:52; 6. Ci1 Tarir:, t-, San Ramon, CaliI., 3:l:1:36j ?. Rudy Fasnacht, r0, neiroit, Mich., l:25:56i 8. Isaiah Litwciller, :!, La!.sp\r, 1:27:t2t 9. Birger Lar6en, 53, Co1o.S!rrnps, l:29i01; lO. Ernie Sells, ,12, San Fraicisco, lr2gittr 11. |!-ilbur Arnold 57, Pueblo, 3,3QtZ1t \2. Bill Brisrot, 1?, Sah Francisvefcran6 Div. (35-39 ycars) Asccnt- 1. Rob!:rt ct€€h, 36, lVashington, D.C., 2:13:,13, :, Arje Richards,38, Manhattan, Kansas, 2:.,18:3rlr L D.r \'rcMahill, 35, Pueblo, Z:56:.16; 4. Cal Hans.i, -l!, puchlo, 2:59:18. Mast€rs Div. (60 & Ovcr)- 1, Lxcas toledo, 66, Jemez Pueblo, N.M., 3:58:0C (re.oireC as Steve Cachupin 5 J.
l: -,
-: ,, iaylr
BFd '.
65, Southgate, Mich,, ii:2?:la. Tcehase Div. (16-18) As.ent- 1. Ben Montoya, 16, Fouhtain, Colo., 2:5i;27i 2. Kenncrh Baldwin, 1?, Alvada, 3r05:23; 3, Carlton tiarris, 16, Xahsas,3:19. l5 & Unalcr Ascent- 1, Da!.id Cortez, 13, Redwood City Stridcrs, 2:53:35 (.!:51i3? round rri!); Z. Richard Kenaedy, 15, Co1o, Sprinss, 3:22:t2; 3. Richard King, 15, Colo. Springs, 3:2.1:11i 4, Dae.1 Bingtey, 12, RCS,
Mrs. Joyce (Skip) Swannack, 29, Bclmont, catilornia hade the 13 mile ascent in 4:21:30 and rhc round |Iip in 7:07:36. Mary Felts record of 3:52:15 stilL ho1ds. Steve Cachupin learned to run while chasing q,itd horses when a boy- Every tih€ in hi6 six Pikes Peak vicrolie6 3.27.\a. he has ru up and down wirhout stopping for ev€n a rhink Maryetta Boifano, 8, ol San Francisco was the youngof water. Steve said, !I vin because J€hez Indian6 are e6t €ver to Dake the asc.nt. Her mothe!, Mary Lucilth€ fastest mountain runners in rh€ We€tern H€misphere,, 1e, .18, accompanied h€r. Their tide was 6:3,!:30, Forher Pike's Peak chadpions Monte WoUord, Calvin Brother Mikc, 9, made thc ascent in.l:5.!:2?. Hansen and Jobn Ro6e all cohpeted in their age division6 --Rudy Fahl & 1{alt Stack-at this reuion along with Hubert Morgah, John Fiancis,
TRIPT-E CITIES RUNNERS CIUB 12-MILE ROAD RACE Vestal, New York, June 26, 19?l lvcather: Cloudy,
humid. Teop. high 70rs. (A time udea 1:20:24 {ould qualify for rh.i Bostoa Marathon by Lhe 1971 6Lahdards. ) l. Mo6es Maylield, 26, PemAc, 1:05:11.6 (Course r€cord, new cou!6c); 2. Tom Smith, t8, Utica Pac€frahers, 1:05r53i 3. Robelt Hersh, 20, Boys ClubLdlc-at-r. ud.. :0b:.0: J. J-It c . a, Bo o Club - Lanca6tcr, l:07:21; 5, Lou Coppen6, ?6, Penn AC, l:09:01; 6. Ji& Boyle, 21, RCTC, 1:09:57; 7. Tom CarLcr, 18, Triple Ciries RC, 1:10:Z0j 8. Neil ltcygaDdt 24, Penn AC, 1:1r:19; 9. Daa Payne, 23, Lake Eric AA, 1:tZ:01; 10. David A. Sehechalle, 30, St. Anthony's BC, trl2:41i ll, Joln D. R€ppy, 40, Finger Lakes RC, l:12: ,|?; lZ. WiU. Brutsaert, 3?, Finger Lakes RC, l:lZ:50; 13. Brad Eldridge, 16, Finger Lakcs RC, l:12:57; 1,1, Rog€r M€ssenger, 17, Rochester TC, 1:12:59; 15. Bob .o-€ro,, q, ,E-- a .a pc, :t1:o.i o, .r, 5. ..1j 27, Finger r,akes RC, t:13:l,li 17, Roger cutzeiller, Boy6 Club- Lancastel, l:13:34i t8. Sran Dickson, 18, Utica Pacemakers, l:13:45; 19. JolD A. Moreau, 20, Iripl€ Ciiies RC, l:13:55; 20. Toh Xinsman, 18, TCRC 1:1.1:22; 21. Deack Frechette, 26, AUred, N. Y., l:14:19; 22, Kemeth Stalter, 17, Franklin, N.Y.,l:15:23;23. Pete Cllmbinger, 19, Endicott, N. Y. , 1:16:05i 24. Harry Belkowitz, 30, Penn AC, 1:16:4?1 25. Tony P.rra, 18, Utica Pacenakers, \tI1t07i 26. Paul Jew€11, 23, Nichol6on, Pa., 1:19:37; 27. Roberl Harper, 24, tsoys ClubLaacaster, l:19:42; 28. Sam A. cratch, ,16, Ir'ti.a Facen.t.-. o. : o: t: 2o. Mi. h"-l v. .o , ho.". lF"d. , N. Y. , 1:20:l,l; 30. Charlc6 Huhtanen, ,1,4, Penn AC, l:zA.ZZ,3\" Phillip Presiiy, Boy6 Club- Lancasrer, Pa,, l:21:00i 32. CliI{ Frohlich, 23, Fihg.! Lake6 RC, l:21: !9; 33. Bruce A. Tuttle, 18, AUred Station, N. Y, , ltZ\:ZZi 31, DaLata C. Ba16amo, 32! Rocheste! TC, ItZItsz, 35. Eugene 1{-, O6boan, 54, Rochester TC, 1:21:58; 16. Alan Jones, 3'1, Triple Cities RC, l:22:03; 37. Leigh walker, 19, Bin.shahtob, N.Y., 1:22:06, 38, l'ranklin K. Moor€, .18, Finger Lake6 P.C, l..ZZtIAi 39, Johh Mattimore, 15, Triple Cities B.C, Ir22t17 t 4Q. Stevch Calafi6, 11, aCF"a, 1:22.25.,41. Balt Plantenga, Itr, Horseheads, N. Y. , l:?2:28r .12. Cha!1c6 M. Fish€r! 19, Rochester :rC, L:23:10: 43, Paul A. Lightsey, 26, Iinger Lakes RC, 1:23;38j 1.,1. Joe lernaidez, .l8,RTC, ItZlt3A,15. Donald L. Angl€hart, 17, Elmi!a, N.Y., ll]4:31i :1.6. Richaid C, Lucian, 311, St. Arth. BC, 1:2,1: 40j -4?. Ke1!y Duttei, 16, Ccnt. Sq. , N. Y. , l:25:00i ,18. Wm.H. OrBrien, 19, Syracuse TC, 1:25:19j ,19. Dal,e Heck,40, TCRC, 1:25:4lj 50. Lran Skimer, 19, Biaghamron, N.Y,, l:26:05; 51. Don Webb, 20, Syracuse TC li16t1Oi a2. Berna!d Biilwell, 19! TCRC, 1:26:33; 53. D fbL Do---.. 2o, P.c, .:26:. : .l. . Lc/ B. sr.r, 2,1, Utica Pacehak€rs, 1:26:58: 55. Chip Eoelm, i4, Ch€nango Foaks, N.Y., r:27:56. (92 fiaishers) qw_ L. u-nr qr i PL a,, <6. . nc". L" Pc. 57; 3. Laaca6Ler Boys Club, 67. \"{as --" D v, .-ohj P-!py: l. scr JtaLrh {, .has. Huhtanen. . . S€niors Div" - 1. Eug€ne Osborn; ?. Nick Ruggieri: 3. Arnie Briggs. WOMENTS RACD - l Kathy Mil]er, 24, Syracuse TC, It3t)t3zi 2, Kay Hatrisoh, 19, Oneonta, N,Y., 2:00:13. --Ha!!y B€rkowitz-ANNOUNCING: l€t Annual Masters Individuat & Team 10,000m X-Counrry Natioaal Champiohships, Sat., Nov. 2A, l97lztAA P.M. Bloomlield Hi11s, MichigaD. EDtrie. to A" J, Menlovc, 481t0 Cootev Lake Rd. . Miuord. Mich.
DC RRC RACES - I,ANGLEY H.S., I-{NGLEY, VA. July 15, 19?I Rac€ Director: Rcid Elder 5-MILE ROAD RUN 1. Bob Thuf6ton, 26t45t Z. A]narles Z.eeer, 27135-,3. Robert Po!e, 2?:4?; 4. Klvio Mccabe, 29142: 5. Bab Stickler, 29:50; 6, Ceorge Curhoac, 3O:03, ?. J€tf Cushibg, 30it6t 8. Craig RasmuB€ehr 3O:2.4t 9. Mlke ShoeDak€r, 30:29; 10. Cecit Calli€rc, 30:51; 11, Jo|n Slo.ln, l0i51i 12. Mikc cue, 31:15;13. Joha O'Toole, 31r30; 1.+. Bill DeLado, 3lr35i 15. Ddwih Jerome, 3t:35: 16. Pete Vaa Arsdale, 31:35; l7, Steve c.orgis, 3t:27; 18. Dave Bronson, 32:0?; 19. Davc Bioor, 3Z:17: 20. Jim, 32:27; 21, Robert Keelet, 32:37i ZZ. Da Connot, 32:39; 23. Don Dalze11, 32:43; 2.1. Jack F€rratt, 3Zt51t 25. \4arty Su1livan, 33:01; 26. Eric Schmitt, 33r10; ?7. Ken Pugh, 33:16j 28. Ron Hershme!, 33:50; 29. Bernard He!ring, 34:0,1; 30. Ray Cordon, l5:2?,
O]{E MILE OPEN RUN l. Ciynh lilood, ,1:25; 2. Dave Sandridgc, ,t:2?; 3, fim Rolre, .!;,0j ,1. lJete E.qaa, .:l:52; 5. cabc Mirkin, 4j591 6. Jim Berlih, 5r00j ?, Mik. Selmer,Jr., 5:05. Z-MILE RFYL- 1. creg Cerlach, 10:O2j 2. Robeit Cook, 10:09; 3. Tom Childers, !0:29; ,+. Jim Lillie{ors, t0:34; 5, Gary Darby, L0:38i 6. Doug SIocud, 10:.40; ?" Toh Doh€lson, U:l)0; 8. Jerry Koelz€r, 1l:O?' t. Dave Dolinger, 11:lli 10. Mark Baldino, 1r:1,r, (69 fini€her6) ROCXVILLE H.S., ROCKVILLE, MARYLANI] July 24, 19?t 9:00 A.M. lleather: 85o, high humidity. Race Dilectors: Paul Thurston & Jo|n Manhing, Io-MILE TRACK RACE - 1. Bob Thur6ton, 53:33j 2. cieorge Chai6ropher, 55:5.ti 3. Glenn Ayres, 5?:32; ,1. I"y Vorriso.. t:r : -. V ,- /drr ' a,. :8:r': u, I F-ay Osgood, 58r41; ?. Robe!t Po!€, 59:03; 8. Chas, paine, 59:35; 9. Craig Hedley, 60:34;10, Davc Knighton, 6l:22j 11. Jefl cushiqg, 61:32, 12. Mike Cue, 62:28! 13. cabe Mirkin, 63:l0j 1.1. Nortuan Tessie!, 63:29, 15" Joe Burno, 63:38i 16. Ray RusseU, t?:0.!; 17. Norm Lee, 68:,!?! 18. Jorn Noe1, 12, 6E:58; 19. Jay Mil]e1, 69:3?; 20. Dick G!€gory, ?0:28;21. Bob Rothenberg, TAtza; ZZ. B.J, Ew€rs, ?0:,15; 23. Chris Sherwin, 74tLIt 24. Joey Inter-
1andi,8,82:02. .. The high hlmidlty took it€ to11 o{ rumels. Bob 'fhurstonrs 53:33 in the t0 hile track iu wa6 atmost 2 l/? mins, 6lower than Lou caBtagnola's recoxd ol 5l: 06.2 set in 1968, Dick cregoly, Black comedian efraciated llofr 88 days of {a6ting in prote€t of the wa! in Vletnatu, still ha4aged a respectable ?0:28.. 43 stalters. z-MILE TEEN RACE - l. Dave Sandridge, 9142; 2, Craig Talley, 9:50; 3. Robert Cook, 9:52; 4. Creg ce!1ach, l0:25; 5. Toh Crom, 10:26; 6. caly Da!by, 10:39; ?. John Sroc@, 10:.!l; 8. Mike Shoemaker, iO:50. (22 6talse!6, 16 lini€hers) WOMEN'S ONE MILE - 1. Diane Sntder, 5i41i Z, Gj,na Int€rlandi, 6:0:!; 3, Dortie Rove, 6:06; ,t. Margaret Cfockett, 5:06! 5. Monica Shelwin, 6:24i 5. Kerstin williams, 6:50. (13 fidishers) z-MILE RFYL - l. Dave Hi1j.melberge!, 10:23, Z. Earr Cook, 10:,19; 3, Ceorge Cu6hhac, 10:54i .1. Mark Ealdibc Ll:0?i 5. Toh Williams, 11:46; 6. Roland Eiliott, U:47j ?. Cary Clark, 11:49, 8, Mike Flehlng, rtr54: 9. Ricbard Roet U:57; 10. James Barrovcloush, 12:01. (46 lin, ) OUANTICO, VA. U.S. MARINE CORPS BASE August l, 1971 - ThiB malked a new locale Ioi DC RRC !ace6. The organized and conducted with Note6.
? 12
typicat Mariqe Colps elliciency by Capt. Tom Keene & Dor DadE. A11 races were partly on loads and partly on scenic t!ai16 thlough the woods. The I0 ktlo was mo€tly {]at fo! the {ir6t har but had some vexy chalrengibg inclines in the s€cohd hau. cuys wele cussing and ToaaiEg for 0 minuLe" aflp- lhpy .:i€hed, blt afr-. they had tiae to recover and rellect they thought it was a great cou!6e. Exceltent turnout ol over 150 !@ne!s in the thlee iaces. Weather: Hol aod hmid. I0-KILO RUN - 1. Don Kemedy, 35.21i Z- G.otge Chri6topher, 37i28; 3, Dennis Delmott, 37:38! 4. Chas. zegeer, 38:10! 5. Mike Morre11, 38:56; 6. Bob BarEan, 38:58; 7, Howie Michael, 39:44; 8. Al French, 39:56; 9. John Wtnslow, .10:37! 10. Cha?Iie Payne, .10:46; U. Tom Car!a6, 4At59t 12. Lt. Childers, .41:3?; 13. Dave Leuthold, 4l:5,1; l,l. Ma!k Haggerty, 4l:57i 15. Jim Wren, lzto3t 16. Al Astley, ,12:19: 17. Bill cod{rey, ,12:29; 18. Eugehe Kraszeski, .12:40r 19. R€id Elder, 4zt43i 20. Ed Jeaome, ,!Z;56j ZI. Don Da1ze11, 43:05; 22. Ed Stiabel, 43:32; 23. Jim Rowe, 4.1:15! 2.!, Frank Ma6tef6oh, 4,1:19; 25. John Ewers, 44i3li 26. Date B1ooi, 4,1:53i Z?. Ben Ew€r6, .14:59; 28. Marty Sullivab 45rA7i 29. Bob Eizhhammer, .15:25j 30. Rod St€ele, ,17: 15, {50 stalter5, 46 finishers) 3-MILE TEEN RACE - 1. Robelt Cook, 15:01i 2. Greg Cerlach, 16:05; 3. Dave Sandridge, l6:29i.1. Bob Pope, 16:45i 5. Craig Talley, l?:l3i 6. Tim Amaan, l?:19; ?. Totu Mullen, l?:23r 8. steve ciorsis, l?:27r 9. Steve Curtis, 17:37; 10. Tin Dalton, 18:0tj 1t. C!aig Hedley, 18:1?; r?. Jobn Srocm, 1E:26. (r7 finishers) RFYL z-MILES - l. !t. Thomas Ctrilders, 10:24; 2. David Oyer, 10:38i 3. Gary Darby, ll:00; 4. David Do1ingea, 1l:18; 5. Jobn O!Too1e, 1l:24; 6. Earl Cook, ll:,!2 ?. Richie Rowe, ll:4.,1; 8. Gerry Magerity, 11:53; 9. Scott sa"sou-v, rt:.,; .0. Da).o .pr , :;.: [. vr]c rFtmc!. lzta1 i 12. Latty llcLaushlin, l?:10. (93 {ini6hers) \ole... winnp! of i\- loln. Do' K-ucay. Ls -T |foFt. Benhing studying Oriente€ring at Quantico. "
MASTERS 2-MILE (40-49)- 1. ceorge phitlipr, 11:36; Z. Maxty Sullivan, ll:44; 3. ceorge EIIiot, lZ,Z j . Cal Andefso., 12:3I, 5. Johr Ford, rZ:3?, 50-59- t, Ray Coldon, lltz9tii Z. Paul Thurston, 11:54i 3. Jola Brown, 13:10; 4. Jolh Wood6, 13:4Oi 5, Todil Shaulus, 14:4?; 6. Charres Jelone, t5:55. 60-69- r. Jack Larrey, I1t25i Z. Blll S:I,ate!, I4tZs\ 3. Paul Fairbank, 16:12. RFYL 2-MILE - 1. David Oyer, lO:28' 2. Earl Cook, U:02; 3. Jelf Shadburn, 11:O9j .4. Tod Wiuiad6, 11:14i 5. Jim Barrowclough, ll:28: 6. Dayton Se1f, ll:3Oi ?. Richie Rowe, U:32: 8. Rolland EUiot, 11:3,1; 9. Mike Selher,J!., 11:46i 10. Qary Clark, U:48; ll. Bilt Cassidy, ll:56; 12. Ralph Petrie, U:59. (.tl] fihishers) --Ray cordon-_ MOSES MAYFIELD WINS FORT STANII-IX RACE Rome, N.Y., Suday, Augusr 8, 19?1- nfoBes MayIield, 2{r, Philadclphia, Pa., ot the Pehn Arht.tic C1ub, won
l3-mil. Fort Stans,ix road race in 6152, coicluding Fort Stanwix Days acrivities. The race lvas an unqualilied success drawing 10.1 contestants from as lar west as Totcdo, chio, nofth to Gardncr, Maine and south to Floriaa. Secohd was Tofr Smith, 19, a giaduaie ol Notie Damc High, ULica, lvho covered the cours-- in 66:30. Third vas Ratph Thoma6 35, from Cardne}, Maihe, vho cover.C the route in 67:.1,1. ho , db h:t, lhi. "J fron ris -o tr h- .at€ race. He hitcllfkcd his Ray hom-- immediat€ly aft€r the {1!6t
The tace was ru under ideal condirions r'1.n an overcast in 68 degree temperature. i,fa,-ie1d lcd all lhe way. Kathy Miller, 2.1, Syracuse, r,,on the romen's .tivision in 91:15 finishins 67lh in the Jic1c. Second fas Kay Harrison, a 19 year olal Mohawk Valley Codmudity Coueee student lrom Oneonta, \tho linlshed 99th jn the fleld
Satu Gratch, of Utica, a Rome natire ri on the 40 and ANNANDALE H. S,, ANNANDALE, VIRGINL{ older division, linishing 3znd 1r the ii.k1 in ?9r4t, August 5, 1971- Domina.ce oI the di6Lancc a@hing sccne Arnie B!igg6, 58, wo! the atr t: over division bv finishthis s1hhet in washington, D.C" by Bob thurston was ing 52nd with a time ol 86:21, again demon6hated rhen he won this 5-mile opeb race 1. Moses Mayficld, Pem AC, 65rj2i 2. Thomas Smith, on one of Washingtonrs rare cool €venings. Borh rhe 6- Utica Pacemakers, 66r3Oj 3. Rattrh rhomas. ca!djn€r. miie and 3-hile teen ra..s were run over the streets Maine, 6?:4.1j .4, 1vrl1iam Sp".L, .o..r orr TC, o8:O5j ol this washington 6uburban commuitv, The other two 5. Kenneth Judson, utica 1]acema!.is, 69:5.ri 6. Jame6 iun on the schoolrs cinder tlack. The lhree Andrew6, Colgare TC, 70:.15; i. .rerlr Habeck€r. Fin_ 'divisioas ofthe Masterrs 2-mile rvere run simultaneous- ger Lakes Rc; ?r:0,.1, u. Franci: \ €r.rolil,a. osselo Tc ly qith Ray Goldon, 53, turning in rh. best tihe. ?t:O?! 9. Craig Harms, BCSL r:iarathon T€m. Ohio. 6-MILE OPEN - l. Bob Thurston, 3l:37i 2. Chuck Leut- ?1:13; 10. Lionel Meno, Syra.use TC, 7l:23; t1. Tio hold, 32:00;3. \yar!eh Whitted, 32:26;4. C€org€ Chris- \!elts, Fingei Lak€s RC, ?1:30j 1:, Rob€rt Consdon. topher, 32:,13; 5. Robert Oppe, 32:'!,!j 6. Rus. Jack6oa, I LRC, ?t:46; 13, Norm.a ].t-rrn.rc, Ner york AC. ?Z: 3?t17r 7, Peter Reams, 33:,18! 8. Steve Nobles, 3,!:1,!! 37; 14. Steven No'aciri, Utica pac.makers, 7Z:43; 15. 9, Bob BalDahn, 3,1:28; 10. Kevin Sherlack, 3!-:56r 11. Jim McDade, Ulica pacemakers, Zj:54: 16. Alan S*ie!_ Geo!ge Cushmac, 35:12;12. TimRo$e, 35:19; I3. JolD czek, Urica Facemakers, ?.1:,10j 17. Steve euiltv, E. Winslow, 35:51;1i1. Reid Elde!, 36:57;15. Kevin McSyracuse, N.y., ?5:?5r 18. BrianDodEe. titica pace_ Cabe, 36:58; 16. Don Darze11, 3?:29; 1?. Ray Ru6sel1, maker6, ?5:38i t9. Ton, Variano, Canastoga, N.y., 3?:52i 18. Ken Pugh, 38i09; 19. K€ith Earton, 39:10; 20. 75:39; 20. Bilt McNultr, Boston AA, ?6:05; 21. Matt Belnald Healing, 39:4?; 21. Bill wilson, 12ta6;22. Lyaah, Syracu6e 1C, 77t\]j 22, Harry Berkowitz, JelI Darman, ,12:3 8. Fenn AC, 77:32; 23. Bruce Frcdrikson, Syracu6e TC, 3-MILE TEENRUN - l Rob€rt Cook, 15:34; Z. Creg 77t35i21, BilI Lynch, Utica paceDakers, ??i5.!i 25. cerlach, r5:39; 3. Tom c!om, 16:00i ,1. c!aig Ta11ey, Dillon Maiei, Massena, N. r. , i8:Z1j 26. sreve lvirrh, 16:02i5. Dave Sandridge, 16:I?;6. Bill Detano, l6:.10; Syracuse fC,7E:Z3i21, \'t alt l4aiak, tvat€rtos,n, N.y. ?. Steve Ceorgi6, l6:45; 8. Jo|n OrToole, 17:08; 9, 78:,!5; 28, Jay Evans, Syracuse TC, 78:55; 29" Bill InJolb Slocum, 17:10; 10, cary Darby, 1?:50; lt. Ken Kies, dek, Syracuse TC, ?9:04; 30. Mark Lynah, Syracuse 1?:50; 12. Jir slocffi, r?r56. (20 {ini6hers) Tc, ?9:05; 31, I)on Balsamo, Rocheste! TC, ?9:16l
32. Sam Gratch, Utica Pacefraker6, 79:4r (lst Over ,10) 33. Pat rvc!o1a, !'tica Pacemaker6, ?9:.r4; 3.!. Ed Jcroae, Rochester Road Runners, 80:45' 35. Bob Smith, Bostoh A-4, 811:55;35. Chris Potter, Clintob, N.Y., 80:57; 3?. Don Wcbb, Syracuse TC, 81:Z,l; 38. Mello T€6ta, Utica Pacet}akers, 81:.16, 39. Malk Scram, Utica Pacemaker6, 81:50i .10. Joe ! ernandez, Roch. TC 82:06 (znd over,10)j .ll. Mark Diciovami, Roch!srel 'lC, 83tl7t 12. Mik€ McFarland, Apalachia, N.Y., 83: ,1,1i,{3. Syl Pascale, Rome, N.Y., 83:.15i ,14. Mark Paprocki, Rochester, N.Y., 84r06; .15. Charles Ber6!-r, u ic. DacFh!tF.", 8l:rl:r6. B.and-"Lh Dor.F-, Ciitton, N.Y., 8,1:3.4; 4?. Willie OtBrien, Syracuse TC, 85:07;48. Ronald Warner, Scheh.ciady, N.Y,, 85:2lj ,19. James Frazie!, Utica Pacemake!s, 85:30; 50. Ton Hovey, Ctica Pacemak€rs, 85:51 (3rd 40-a9); 51. Lindy FerLo, Rome, N.Y., 66:1,1; 52. Arnie Briges, syracuse TC, 86:21 (1sL ov€r 5o)i 53, Bill Maloney, Utica, 86:30; 5.,1. David Bogart, Bllfato 6tate TC, 8?:3? 55, Larry White, Central Squalc, N"Y., E7tlzi 5li. Eric Shith, Syracuse TC, 88:00; 5?. Chuck Thoma, WiLkes-Ba!!c, Pa., 88:24; 58. Tom Mariano, Cahastoga, N. Y. , 89:0,1; 59, Leil Dahlin, \4 e6tmoreland, N. Y. 89:10; li0. Eric Joa Sluart, Schehectady, N.Y., 89:22. PHILADELPHIAN SETS MANK IN PHELPS RACE Phelts, N. Y., Sat. , Augu6t 7, l97l- Moses May{ictd Jr. ol Philadelphia out.listanced 52 cohpetitors Lo cop the {ilth amual Saucrkraut Festival Race, Th€ Penn AC ace tan the U,5-mi1es over some ol the hilliest terrain in upslat€ New 1'or1r ifl record time of 5E:4,1.5, May{ierd, 26, \,eighs ohly 120 pounde and stahd6 a here 5-6. UsuaUy, after a racej fivc to ten pounds, but MatIieid, rrying to catch his breaih after rtuing in a blazing srn, said, 'I set.tom lose more than a pound in a race. : Moses spent all Friday night on a bus, got to Rochestet at 6:30 A.M, Saturday & won two racc6 in t\ro daysl 'I usualli take bettc! car€ ol myselJ, rr he explaine.l, b._l\-re lir,a'C' - .. r_-h' "- '--..o {inisher er work. " May{ie1d is a metal for a Philad.rlthia manulacturing conc€rn. 'My wile lrobably thinhs I,m just a little bir nutsj,' h€ gllnned, "but she tolerate6 my runing. Sohe day IId like to win th€ Boston Marathoo, then I think Ird b! 6atis{ied to reti!e.' Hor & hwid, 86 deglces. 1. Moses Maylield, Pcnn AC, 58:4,1,5 {Nes, r€cord; old record, 60:17 by Dick.4shley, Roch.TC, 1969); 2. Wm. Speck, Lockport 'fC, 59:a5.,3. Jim Boyle, Roch. TC, 52:.19j ,1. Briah Ouinn, Albany TC, 63:04! 5. Skip Meno, Syracuse TC, 63:10; 6. Don Brown, Roch.TC, 63:55' ?. Craig Harms, Toledo, Ohio, 64:35; 8. Toh Doehler. Roch.TC, 66:02; 9. Don Sau€r, Locktolt TC, 66r,12; 10. Bill McNulLy, Boston AA, 6?:53; 11. Derch Flechetrc, unat., 69:19; 12. Dale !,add, Coilege City Srriders, ?0:16; 13. Hairy Beri(owitz, Penn AC, ?0:,!0r t.!. Mart Llmam, Syaacu6e tC, 71134, 15. C1i{f Frohlick, Fingcr Lake6 RC, 71:50' 15. crcg Hider, Rochester TC, ?2:15i 1?, Don Balsamo, Roch.TC, 72:25; 18. Mike HoJfman, Roch. TC, ?3:09; 19. Ed Jerooe, Roch. Road Ruhers, 73:15; 20. Toft Homeyer, Syracuse TC, ?3:15: Zl. Joe Fcrnandez, Roch. TC, 75:i10; 22. Mark Diciovanni, Roch. IC, 7?:0,,1; 23. Jack Disrar:li, Roch. TC, 77r10; 2.1, Jeff Ha1., oat., 77:26, 25, Mik€ Mccoy, unar. , ?E:30. {53 6tatt€rs, 49 linishers) Team: t. Roch.lC A- 23i 2.Ro.h.1C-8, 58; 3. Swacus€ lC. ?9.
SIXTII ANNUAL ASHEVILI-E INVI]'ATIONAL RFYLThirte€nRacc6, Asheville, N.C., Sat., Sepl, i8, 19?l Undet the auspiccs of the A6heville Cosmic Ctub at Mcmorial Stadium. Owea trvo hundacd !eopte braved rhe oud and rain to witne66 the prograd_ Thc 28 €n_ trics ranged ih age lrom lZ ro ?.1 years. lrach ru!€r was tormltted ro codpete in two events. Chailes n, Allen oI Collegedate, Tenn€sscc topped the thee double winners 6y capturing the One Mil€ Open loi Men, and thc l0-Mile Run. Beautiful lrolhies were awarded ro iirsr, second & third place fini6hcrs in each clcnt. 10-Mi1e- l Charles E. Allen, 1,1:59..,1t 2, K,; 3, L Hcuhner..3 Mile- 1, K. Bando, l7tlt,4.,2. M. Bowiei 3. C- Corrvin. .3-Mite V.jtcraps (Ov.r 40)- t. L, Collier, 18:,1ij 2. T, KinE" 3. 1r, Srurgitl..MilcL C. E, A11.n, 1.a3. t 2. S. King; 3. J. Mirchell. 880- l, S. lting, 2:18.2j 2. K. Jcnkinsj l. C. Hot.omb€ ,!.!0- l J. NfitcheU, 56,6. {Other evcht:s consisted ol agc group 60 & 100y Track.ondiiions: Continuous head rvihd; heavy rain, ralcr & mud. ROCI]ES'I'T]R TRACK CLUB 5.I{ILE RUN R.I. T. , Rochest€r, \". Y. , Iuesday, August 2.1, 19?l Onc ioo!, mo.l.rarelt hiltyl, Jim Ferrisj 2?:04; 2. Rog.r Messenger, 2?:05; 3. Mike Koster, Z1:32: 1. B.b Dugan, 2?:51; 5_ Ted Dari .1s, 28;01; 6. Mark, 29:13j 7, John Dugan, 29:20; 8. Ton Inzana, Z9:55t 9. Don BalsaDo, 29:59;
t0- Pete Clark, :10:10j 11. crc.q Smith, 3l:0,1; i2. Ed Marrin, 32r28, 13. Lc6t.r Meiers, 32:33i 1,1. Len Bag 1ey, 33:12j 15. Norm Franh, ll:28; 16. B.b B.edon, 31:32: 17. Lim Blish, l5:.r5; 18. Parricja Martin, l9:5.1 10, 000 ME IER RUN, ROCHESTER TC, atR.i.T, ,July 6, 19?r (5 laps on track & on. loo!-hilly. ) t, Djck Ashky, 33:57r 2. Ton! Doehler, l.!:29; 3. 1om Ama., 3.,1:.17i 4, Jim Doyle, 35:0f,; 5. Jac]l Coons, :16: 0?; 6. Rod williaDs, 3f,:2?; 7. Mik. Koster, 3?:41; 8, Jim I.rris, 38rZ0i 9, Tor. Homey.r, 38:51; 10. Bob Dugan, 39:10i ll. Drvight Rog{,rs, :19:,rlj 12. Jift Conne1ly, l9:.,12; 11, Don Balsamo, l9:49; 1.1. Joc Icr.an_ dez, 1Atlz, Ia. Rodn.,y Carter, ,10:10, (22 linisher.) lrl-MILE RUN, ROCIIDST}:R IC, July 2?, 19?l 1. Tom Do€hl€r! 55:38i 2. Mike Kosrca, 59:O9j 3. Jim B.yle, 6I:5,:1; 4. Bob van Nic1, 6Z:41; 5, Don Batsamo, lil:a6; 6. Stewe Cz.g1€.1i, 6?:.1?; ?. Ed Marrin, 68:l2r !- r,en Bagley, L9:42t 9- Joe Fernandez, ?1:1.4: 10. Drvighr Rogers, 73:0?i 11. NDrh Frank, ?3:llr t2. Don B.cnon, NT't. ROCHESTER TC X-(JOUNTRY CI]AMPIONSIIIFS Sat., Augus. 28, 1971 l0 A. M. , COBaS HII,L PARK,
\. Y. 4. 8 a I "' ). Div. .!.5-Milcs "rh-r: l, Jim Royl.i, 22.aI.2.,2. Da!e 1\rinn, 2l:12; 3. Mark Diciovanni, 25:40; ,1. Bitl euinlisk, 27:53; 5, Ster€ Cz.,g1.di, 27:97; 6. Ed N4artin, 30:00: 7. Jinl Palherj, 30:53. Masters Div. .r.5-MiIes l. Doh Ratsamo, Z5:4,1j 2. Dwight Rogers, 26:51; 3. Jack Disraeti, 27:08; .,1. Lester M€iers, 27:29., a, Len Ragley, 28:33; 6. Don Srenmer, 2u:39; ?. Norm Frark, 29:59 ( Ov€r 30). Coll.gc Djv, ,1.5-Mi1es- L. Jim I.rriis, 23:10i 2. Mike Kosrc!, 23:58; 3. Chuck Fishel, 24:l?; 4. Tcd Danicls, 2.1:35i 5, Mark Paprocki, 25:0t; 6. P.rei Clark, 25:02i ?. Phil Lloyd, 27r,!.r; 8. Jirn Boylc, 28:0,1, H.S, Div. 2.25 Miles- l. Roger Messenger, U:05-1. I o hc. -.
-JOHN SHEA RETIRES WINTCN BIATHLON 'I'ITLE Winton, N.C., Sed,3, 1971- Joln Shea swaft ard ran his way to firlt dace for the fourth straight year in rhe winton Biarhlon (?I0 mile swim and 3_m11e run). H€ cohpleted the eveft in 36:5E. He nas Iirst out of the tat€r with a time o{ 16:36. The rcst of rhe lield oI ll trailed lroo tso to thirLe€n minutes. Ar rhis pint, Shea was again {aced with the task oJ .aitallzing on his ssjm lead to stay ahead of several 6up.rior runners ih rh. field behind hih. This he did by running the 3 mil€s ih 17:22 to Jinish 2:50 ahead ol his 12-year-otd sisier, Julie. Marshall Adabs oJ Raleigh clocked 15:O? {o1 rhe {astest tumihg tim€. Trophies were aaarded to rhe ti!st ten plac.s, the Iastesl srvim, run, and litst Jemale. This is €xpect€d to be the las! year oJ thc €ven! as race director, Fred Hurd is leaving th.r area. similar cvcots have 6pruhg up a.ros6 the nat1or in recent years, however, the lvinton event is rh. liast one known. 1. Joln Shea, 16, Raleigh, N.C.,36:58.1(18:15,8, l7: 22. 3 (Nat'i. Jr. Irentarh, Champ, )i 2, Julie Shea, 12, Raleish, N.C., 394a.3 l2O,I1, t, 18:13.5){Hotds rvorld fecord, Gi!r's l4i1e- l1 & under at 5:33); 3. Ric Shrivea, 18, 1{in6roa-Sal€m, N.C., .11:21.9 (2,1:09.5, 16:12.i!) Slate champion, high school ttro-mile, 1971j .!. Mik€ Shea, ,12, Rat€igh, 12:35.4123AA,5, 1?:54.9)j 5. Ired I'Iur.l, 33, Winto., N.C., .!5:3?..1 l24taZ.3, ).):1t).!; 6. Bill Curtis, 20, Little, Va. Navy UDT Team, 16:A2.2 l?LtA3.7, tE:58..1)i ?. Marshall A.1am6, 25, Raleigh, N. C,, 17 :O2. 8 ( 0 ta'. 1, l5: 07. 1) Attanta l,Iarathon champion; 8. Car€th I]ayes, 22, Rai,,igh, 4?:O?.,1 (30:55- 7, 15:11. ?)j 9. Cail lIaflet, !1, RatL:igh, .r6:28. ? (25:'!8, 19:.10.7)i 10, Mary Shea, LO, Raleieh, iO:00.:l (25t56.1, Z3tA3.l)t 11. 3i11 Land, ZO, Lttrt. Creek, Va. 31t13.1122.10.3 run) Total time -53:53,7. --Ired Hurd PROClt ESSI\TE RXLAY PINISHINC Toiedo, Ohio, August 15, l9?1- Jim Fldwards devetop!.] a ra.e thar had cvcrybody in lain bt rhe end. The twohan r€]ay rwcat like this: the lead ma! did a .1.10, rh€n the se.ond man.lid a .1.10, then each rnan did an 880, then on. fti1e, rhen trro miles, thcn one miLc, then an 880, and Iinally a .140 I This toratcd 5 I /2 mitrs per man. The race fough lor all, and all teams heipc.l tc.rp 'as own laps. tracrr of rheir l. l,aPlante & l,achowski, 53:15j Z. Turhcr & Deye, a5: 06; 3. McCraney & Pcuhl, 55:J0i .t. Stenrtcr & Kolho , 56:08; 5. Eikum & Danicls, 56:,15i 6. Lorton & nJelis, 56:49j ?. Mack & Lornas, 5?:,11j 8. llarms rj Hayes, 18, 03i 9. Knoll & Coro, 59:36; 10. Jam.json & HalD. 61:11, rl '-_"fC -1,
COOS BAY, ORECON IJISTANCE EVENTS ltrgust 28, 1971 - !:l4ll9 - 1. M,ke Maaley, 9:00.0; z. stevc savage, 9: o o:-lll: riDr Ni', 9,3 2. y. 2 rvIit€ (\r-om.rh) - l. Caro1lh,, oalker, 1O:,!9.6; Z. Ona Debratz, IZ:19.11 1. anetyl Bates, IZtarr.Z. Mini-\4arathon (1,6 r,Jiles)- L Bob Atay, Z, Mike Towne, 26:-r2, !r l, Bo! Ra!, 2?:OZ. t; .1, Dat€ A!6tin, Z?:57.8; !. Srar: at.o.1eU, 29:0?,1. (Z8Jituehers ihctuding Dr, Hrlt, r_2, :lr:.:10.1,- ) 3-Milc Walk- 1. Ron L.,iri: 22:lil,5j ?. 1'yrer, ZZ:51.1: 1. ual Crar, :l:-i.i--DonJacots-
CORVALLIS. ORECON Farl:- nL\S, Sept, ,1, t9?1 ?-Mi1es- l Kcith \lur.r.r, lSilij l. Bob Cray, 39:10; l. Rick Go1.lner, l9:a!: -, a ri: Iior-ison, .11:O8i 5, -! iihi:hers, in.luding Ron Beck, .12:11, (?-q s:af:.r:
Dr. Larry Hil|, l:2lili
_jvl 3. Dah Mil]er, -
i. :j.i li.ii.1aa,
5O:02 -R€c_)
l6 1]: :, .i:rr 'rt1:ais, f,i:.16j 5. John Mjiler, l6:56,. sr alj.l- a:::rnrraiz. L!:t2 Recor.1. Ill start..$ & 3Z li,r::l-.:-:., r rr..s 3t,cn ih t5 .lirisions ORLCO\ RO{u RLl..l.:r:.: : l.t-i:i -it-\llr,n RELAy (Alrclnate .1.14'sl !:r: :: : :r1:, P.r a.d. Oregoa. l. Mik. Olt & r- ::.: -- l.l, 1, :. ChucL Dhulst & Bob Bu.l1, .11: l=: ,, ::. .,i.!.lor & John Adahovrcs. ,15:.1.1r +. irL::: :i : :i-.ri a-:ardn.r, .15:.1?j 5, tvlikll ,\4uun. & lrarl i r::::::r .r trj ., Di.h aorbes & -{tan Beardall. li::.: .l::: .; jlrnsev i! Tcx . .!8:05; E, lihil :inrj.: : ,::: j.:l:irt an, 1tr59j 9. Dave HamilLoh & \lili. ::.!r:: . :: ri. .rat Hill & lvalr Koska, rl 2l; ll. \lrl:: :::.::r. . r j ].a.l Pinlista{f, 52r2l. sR. :ri -i.:-!a r i BL_fcK DtAl\,ioND, 1\'ASH. s.:t. . - -:.,: ', r:.9, 2:25:,lO; 2, Ro! Lair.1, Z:28: LLlr :. :: : :::r:.. l::i-:-?5, .l-, Klopf{ir, Zr:15:3ir
:- Bor:-: : .:. :::.:|1-i 6, Steve Tyr.r, 2:.15:0i1. Tea,r.: I :r: : rr.-!s i (BoNman, Tyrer, Hanl.y): D. ".o,-__
a :r. : :i r:ii :r cAD HLrN _ 2. It MII.,ES P._r:r :: . i --.1.., Srarc UniversiLy o{ Ner york,
' ... /. ,: .,.0 D... l. .:.i r r:, i+:16r 2. Tom Osler, 1.!:56r 3. cl,rardo rr: . r:l-r 1. 1\4rk€ \teinrfautr, 15:18; 5. .l.on Bober, .: r:: . .:EI Krue.r, l5:.16i ?, 1i n-yah€ Roe, la:06; a. : r:r ir:aLlo, 1a:28, --ToD Os1er, l8 South Lake : ro:n, \.n, York -
E:'_ :i. \ aoR rri\ (EVDN A1 :a \41LI|S) :r -.:-. .i l'itdess Fr.aks .orDp.ted comreted in clEoRoE PEUHL IVINS TOLEDO 9_MILE IrARK RLN D, O. B To1--do, Ohio, Augus! 22, 19?l - Ceorg. p.uhl Jr, ,ron .t .r-lba!t,s ri-ashington lrarii and "r. th€y talked atrour rh. another lace at Secor Park. This \as tnr: '",o, ioc'j r r..-a.r Seco! for^the and thc s.,ather las per- .l :he .lis:a.c€ runn.,r. fect - 80- and sunny. Coursc: Bike |Ia1,". Frustralion ? repeat6 Bill Shra.1.:r, hea.t ol rhc rual. George P.ruhl Jr., azta7., Z. Mikc Lorton, 5j:5.r; 3, rif,iE:r iousehold ih Ne{ Y.rk State. Thr: ont)- t}ustrarCraig Harms, 53:56j ,1, Bruce Tapota, 55:52; 5. Jcf{ :ng ihirg about runnine is \then som. younc guy stards Schneu, ,6:,18 (t970 State HS X-C Champ); 6. Jonn Itay_ ahd rells you ro qet a horse, es, 57122: 7. Jack Iinoll, 58:,17; E, Lonny Crisp, 58;11: Loiliness: the Jathcr of eight runhers aiter 9. Mark Klci!, 58;18j 10. Jim Thi.1ea, 58:38' 11. \1. lvrnrirg ihe 50-and-over divisioh ol the 3.4-milc MasHahilton, 59:,16r 12, M. Carlo, 6O:11; t3, Craig Davis, ters race, Wel], lI you mean !.ing alone, I was t.ry b0:12; 1,1, Brad Haas, 62:23; 15, Mark Loman, 62;33i 16. lonely on rhc s€.ond lap arouhd the lark iheh atl the Jim Harboa Sr., 64:02: 1?. Mark Cook, 65:t9; 18. Mart< touhger guys had !assed me. Hayes, 72.22,19. D. carlbay, ?2:Zl; 20, ,\"{. Oxendta, As lof lh..listan.€ runners so-calle.1 agony, don,r bc7,!:13; 21. Art Job!6orj, l7:ZAt 22. Reginatd Hinton, ?9:.r8.
lieve it. Oh, sode oJ th€ runeis in a lo-mile ruh Osler said that physicaliy it took hio thre€ monthsJo alound Washingroo Park on a hoi day grimace in pain, recover from Lhe 5o_mitcr ias oprosed Lo ohe monrh othcrs may stagger ah.l one or lwo oay €ven collaps€. for a marathoh), but that montall; ft was nothins bur a But it's a1l good Eatured fu. good tri.. you'rc roo busy raciag and trying ro stay on course Take Tom os1er, rho irai.s each day bv runing {aoh his Latham hoae to RPI whexe he teache6 harh. He yas to iet your mlDd Lan.jer, , h€ said. just Setting warded uP in the l0-mile race when it enrl- Lik. tuost.tistance runere, who can be sccn Dloddins od with him in se.ond place bchlnd r'om shiland, the atong all kinds or roa.rb in au krnd- ofvearh-r, osrei Darlbouth runner llom Cambridge. has his Javorite trainlns-run storv. Os1cr, you see, is a 31-year-old loloex champio! of ',This to mc ,. So.tL r-".y \hFre r ds, rt to rhe National Road Runner6 club 50-mi1e chafrpionship tive,, h€ said. ,,It was the day aft€r a snos, storm and r a6 well as a veterah of th. Bosron Mai:thon ahd winn.r (as takidg a 1?-mile run through rhis park. of National A-{u title6 at 25 and 30 riirometers. "welr, , he,,€nt on, 'white r was ,ohning therc was a A 50-tui1€ run? Whatrs it likF ? gonrg on in the palk, The polic. wde chasing 'we1l,: repli€d osl.r who achieved his chi€r claih to chase som. guys lrho had stoten a car, r'he crooks qer€ nos, la&e in 1967 ar PoughkeePsie, "The race began at 6 a. m, on loot an.l had lanne.t out in.tifferehr.tirecrions_ 'rt was impos.ible to imagine what it would be lik€ Lo lr .tidn,r herrr thar rhe outrrt I bad on - boot6 an.l a xace 50 mi1€s, even tnough I ha.l takeh !r.cric- ru- or h".q jacrer: \ as Just abour the saoe worn by th€ ,18 and 55 mi1e6 before. I Deah, it's ea6v ro l.isualizc ctooks. l0 mile€, but 50 mile6 - wos l A!,a'at, I cahe to rhis railroad eDLankhent, rhich 'A1l I kePt lhinking to myseu was tLai the rac. woul.t goes up on on. si.le an.t .lown on rhe other. I qas jusL take about si! hours, rthich oeant r-e would !e runnine corning .loe! when I s.e rhis policc car coming risht ar non-sto! until noon,, mc. I r,arcd to the co, to get ouL oI my way, burhe Thc math reachel's cotupurarion was a mire olr, Ior it stopp€d righr rn lront oI m€, forcing n1. ro ru ridc to get aroud the car. lust as I got th. Iro.t door, was U:52 a.m. vhen he crosse.l th€ iinish line with a tihe ot 5:52:05 - at that rini€ the second fa6tcst erel the cof ju.p€d out ah{l ta.kled mc, d.. h, i. "Lo, /n l-""h/,f 'rI aske,l rvhat ras goihg on, but hc just pi.ked up rh. r. trno-way ra.lio in th.r car an.l told, rI eot hihr, l I ro1.1 him, 'you gor yoffs.lf a lot .I rrouble., ErL hc finally belieee.l my story rhat I was just doi.g what erery oay - ru. I4ost of th! runn€r-< polled.:chorn rhe senriberts of Jim, winner oI Lhe r.asters race, 'l run lo stat in shale, th. 38-y€ar,ol.l ,:t.ctrical .jn gineer l!om Utica c!!1ained. 'The .oml)!tition provid.s
Ilunning .llath
Tod tuI.r, rho has von Naliorat ,{]lU distanc ti0es al ,t and gr '@id tilonelers dd slo occ {d a $-Dile ru!, is rLM driij.g up Srsr Ave E hjll b fDy dblh 1o job as tiPI Drb teacher. osl.. rus L@ bis hmc h
lo sh@l srd back
lmd ev.ry
irRtrnning is t.rsonally r.v;arding,'r says Atbany's ,.lrt Ahr, rho reccntly display..l another ryle of sta.rina b, comp.ting in a 70-mi1e caho.r race fron, !oor{.rsroq,n Lo Ilainbridge. On good .1ays, tihd at1 soits o{ glorious reasons qhy you shoul.l b. running. O. ba.l .lays irs like pulting the ede. or the s!vor.1.,' I ru, says Ass,:nblyman Toh Brolrn, ,,tor th.j sarje r€ason a mah Itill climb a mounraln, t inishihg the Bos, ton lvlarathon in uo.ler thre. hours mad. me teet lit e I had reach.d fhe rot) o{ Mount nv.r..t_ ' I lelt J ha.l to ser a. .rxampl.i f.r my, , sai.l Dicjr EUls, Sr. , larh.t .rr the (:r-Voorheesvilte High distan e .ce, who {'as proun of his 2orh place finish in rhe ra.e, That neans six runners Iinishe.i behind me, ard thar's not lad considering rhis ra6 hy Jirst co,\reritivc rac. rh Z1 year.. Re.1-headed Tom Rohinsoh, wime! ot the op.n live-mile race, s(:.,s rumine as a tulicrocosm ot tit!, tseU. You gct psych..l u! nhr:n you do well an.l let r1olvr after 'I find, he sald, that runing takes your nin.t oil youf troubl.s. An.l il oil€rs i:ompanionshtp. Ther.j,s tothing lik€ whcn ejght or hihe glys gct togerh.r and tuh through rhe Nerv York srate countryljde, ralt ing to cach othcr on the wat. Robinson plans to kr€p on runihg indefinirely. Ard rhat says a los for a spolt that is so tonely, agoniz-
inA and Jrusrrating.
l .lg
GROTON RECREATION ASSOCIATION A.A.U, 6.6MILE ROAD RACE, GROTON, N. Y,, AUGUST ?1, I9?1 1. Jim Meade, Finger Lakes RC, 26, 37:13; 2. Tio
weues, Finger Lakes RC, 32, 3?::11; 3. Tom Hartshorne, 18, Finger Lak€s RC, 38:05; 4. Bob Congdon, 26, FLRC, 38:0?t 5, WiIf Brutsaert, 37, FLRC, 38:29; 6. Te!!y Habecker, FLRC, 23, 39:08; 7. Brown, Syracu€e TC, zZ, 39t32, 8, Matthew Lynab, syracus€ Tc, 18, 39:48; 9. cliff F!oh1ich, 24, FLRC, 40:02; 10. Woll Goubau, 26, FLRC, .,10:t5i 11, Steve Quiliy, 19, syracuse TC, ,11:09*; 12. Mark scram,*18, Utica Pacemaker6, i13:12; 13, Don Balsamo*, 32, Rochester TC, 43t52i 11, Joe Fe.nandcz{', ,18, Roch. TC, ,14:14; 15. Dave Bogarr*. 21, BdIalo Stare TC, .!,1:53i 16, Don 1{ebb, 20, Syracuse TC, 45:11i 17. Ja.k Disraeli*, 33, Rocbe6t€r TC, 48:39' 18. Dd Scram, 13, Utica Pa.emakers, 50:11; 19, Dan Sudiilo*, 20, Syracuse rC, 50: 52;20. Dick Holly*, 51, Rochester IC, 53:21, \zz started, 20 finish€d) winner averagcd a:38 rer rnile. Course: Fav.d road6, modcratcly hiliy. \4earherr Alt€rnately sunny & cloudy, light breeze. rem!. 75-80o * Ran l0 frile racc at Baldwinsville earli€r in the day. Th. Fingcr Lak€E Runners Club scor€d a slte€! of rhe trophies by taking the first six places. Jir. i\'1eade, a graduate studeat at Corn.U was the winn,:r ow(:r Tnn 1vel1c6, a Corning Class rirorks engineer, and lthaca \ "" PS S-n:o., or 'c.l,l ^r Bi b _or'F. teacher and coach ar carolinc school, and ,tiu Brutsaert is a Colne11 PioJessor, Terly Halecker (6rh) is an ltha ca phys. Ed. teacher, who is better kn.!n lhrouehour thc Niaga.a Di6rrict oI rhc A,A.U, tor his nrestling prowcas although he recently ran a lrzE mile and a 2:55:41 marathon.. Smith-Corona Ntar.hant, rn.. provided the trophies. --Don Ealsamo--
i10, unat. , 23:13 (16i Vet. ); 29, Jim Kimple, 28, NYPC, Z3:17: 30, U1ys6e6 Carr, 1?, uat., 23:2.!i 31. Frank Cuccu, i6, Long I6iaad AC, 23:16; 32. A1 Ug€tos,, 21, St. Anth. BC, 23:41; 33. Paul Daley, 26, LL\C, 23143., 34. Bill Ind€k, 24, niat., 23:151 35. Carl Richaadsoh,
30, United AA, 23r55; 36. Larry Langer, 24, unat,, 24:0,1i 37, Paul RciILy! 19, uar, , 2.];06; 36, Andy I arrar, Z3! umt., 24:08i 39. Paul frtchc!, 25, LIAC, 2.1:L9r .10. Rich Lewi6, 29, Unite.i AA, 2.1:21i 41. Mario Alonso, 28, Amenal SC, 2.1:26i .,12, Eryaa Maghan, 17, C.W. Post AA, 21.321 13.'i\\BraEE, ZZ, nnat,, Z4t4a, .,14. Peter Barras, 21, Harttarat C, 2.1:.18i 45. Satterano Marriano, 27, llA-4, 21.a81 =4. iolD Kuhlnann,25, MiUros€ AA, 25:03i 47. Jerry McCartht, 3,1, unat,,25: Z0i ,18, L.iwis D.stanlo, 19, Sr, Ait ort s BC, Zt:ZI, .,19. Mike Bruno, Z?, NYPC, 2a:Z:: aa, Sran Malakof{, 21, Post College,A-{, Z5:11. --a.e Kleitexman-zND AIINUAL NEW YORK CI'I'! I.!.A.f;!TIION AND NATIONAL AAU JUNIOR MAiA iO\ C]I{\IIIONSHIP Sponsorcd by: Road Rsner C-ub .i \. \. i. D€pt. of Re.reation & Parks, Nc* tork Cii.. 19, 19?1 ll:00 A. M. Meet Directors: f inc. a].ia.rDcita & !red L.bow. Course: Ore lap oi 2.2 r:!L-i i 1 Laps ol 6 miles
1. Norrnan Higgins,
N€i L.rdon, C.ra,, 2:22:5.1,2
.our6.: record; old hark, 2i31:j5,2 l',. Cart Muhrcke, Millrose AA, 19?0); 2, Chucl. Ci:!rs.r, 1.rin Cities TC 2:33:ZI (lst Jr. Nat. ); 3. \4ax 1tlii., B.6ton AA, 2:33:52 {2n.1 Jr. Nat. ); 4, Torr D...1..iar, \\4C, 2r3?:13 (3rd Jr. Nar.);5, HuehSrecnt, \li:l:ore AA, 2:37:42 {1t}1 Jr. Nat, )j 6. John Carlepi, rlill:ose .!.A, 2:38:53 (5th Jr. Nar. ): ?, Jim Johnrlae:, r"ei. !ork AC, 2:38:58 (6th Jr. Nat, ); 8, rrn. Kinsella. C.nrrai Jcrs.y TC, 2r,10:11; 9. Augu6rin€ Calle, Lni:ei AA, 2:.10:33j 10. Bill PETE SQUIRES 1!_lNS4-MILE CROSS-COUNTRY RUN Cordon. St. Anrhony's tsC, 2:ltii36r 11. Eric Walth€r, Van Cortlandr Park, N.4., SeFt. 26- Pere Squires, 20, Sr, Anth. 13C, 2t1At5?: !2. i.s. velesquez, St, Anth, BC a transfer student at Manhattan, .aptlr.d lhe Z:.,11:09; 13, Phil Boniiglio, 18, Long lsland AC, Z:,!1r15j .1-mile x-coutry run sporsored by thc RRC oJ N. Y. 1.,1. Ray Morlison, 21, tnar., 2t42.19i 15, Jim Martini, ',..v. Squires, formcrly o{ th. Univ.rsity.l N$ M.xlco, P.. .oi- - !l.':: D" - "rpr'l. 8. was fimed in 20.10,,1 in beating our Chris Mason, fortu- 26, CJ 7C, !?, "::n L.Haki6, 2a, va, , 2A+A0l er villanova star, now comleting lor the NeF York AC. 18- D!:1vitt Thotuson, 26, NYAC, 2r.1.1:04; 19, Dave SencThe Engtishoan !as a J€w steps bacL in 20r12. .halle, 31, Sl. Arih. tsC, 2:+5:1Er 20. Benneir C€rshman The coursc record is 19:34.6 by Barry Brorn, NYAC, 9Z St. YMFIA, 2:.+arZ8j ?1. ]-ar Basdch, 30, IIillfosc AA set on Sept. 2.1, 1968. There were ?,1 srarters and ?0fih- 2:,15:,1,1; 22. Craig Haims, 21, Canada, 2:.15:55; 21. Ted i6hers, lveather: Cloudy & coo1. Corbitt, 51, NYPC, 2:.1?:09j 2,1. N€il il eyeandt, 24! 1. Pete Squire6, 20, uat., 20:10..1r 2. Chri6 Mason, 23,PennAC, 2:4'l:)9i 25. Wn.A. Eurler, la, iairli€ld Cty New York AC, Z0:12i 3. Tony Colon, I9, unat., 21):18; St.iders, 2:4?:30j 26. Dan O Connor, 11, long Island ,!. Howie Rya, 26, NewYorkAC, 20:27r 5. Dick E€urk-AC, Z:18:A11 27. Brian lvlanphan, C.,1, !ost, 2:49:00j 28. Larry Berman, 36, CaEbri.ire SDcris Union, 2:50; 1e, 2.,1, New York AC, 20:28r 6. A1 Shtth, 21, NYPC, ZA:33',7. Jae Boy1e, 25, NYAC, 20:.19; 8. Augie CaUe, 53; 29. Jim Isenlerg, 20, Prin.,er.n Lnv,, 2:52:05i 10, 34, Unlted AA, 2l:04; 9. Jih L.:eakis, 21, unat", Zl:11j Ster. Kline, 3?, West.h€ster .C, 2:al:30; 31, Steve 10, Orlando Martinez, 2.!, United AA, 2l:1,1;11. Jim Mar-Coldbcrg, 38, Illi.ois TC, Z:l1r1ai lU. Ernie Rivas, 21, tini, 24, C.W. Post Co11€ge AA, 2i:1.!: 12. Tom Sloot United AA, 2:54:l?; 13, A \ieehan, 30, Stratford S!arho{{, 19, C.W. Po6t Collcge AA, 21:45; 13. Bi!1 Harvey, lans, Conn.,2:55.19 31. Berh Bonrer, 19, South Jersey 30, NYPC, 2Z:0,,1; 1,1. Ray Naudain, 19, unat., 22:10; 15. Chargcr6, 2r,5:22 (1st \i.I1an; Nelt LrSA Record)i 35, Dan P€try, 18, C. W. Post AA, 22r11 (1st Teenag€r); 16. Mrs. Nina Kuscsik, 12, Sdiol\ -{C, 2:56r0,1i 36. Jim McDonagh, 47, Millrose AA, 2:r6iu5r 37, Dan Crace, Eauce Koehler, 18, C. W. Po6r AA, Z2:15' I7. llelvitt Thomson, 26, New York AC, 22:17; 18, Vin Lananna, 18, 33, Fairfield Cty Stride.s. C.nn., 2:i6:,,15i 38. rfm. P. C.W. PosrAA, 22:19;19. Don Mosgnug, l?, C,W. Post OrBricn, 18, MiUrose A{, Z:57i03; 39. CaryW, Sze1c, AA, 22tI9i 20, Llnn Cunnirgham, 2?, NYPC, 2Zi3l; 21. 20, CJTC, 2t51:37t 1A. Cforqc Bat.n\an, 25, unat., Ray Escobar, 17,nnat.,ZZ|3Z;22.JerryMccarthy,2\,2t57ta11.41.TomCam--ron,.11,westSideYMCA,2:59:16 @af., 2Z;13; 23. Joln Haberkera, 19, C. W, Post, 2Z:36 42. Jae B€rnard, ,lL, CiTC, ?:59:ziii .13. Paul Ier.her, 24. Jim McClatchie, 3A, VC'!C, 22t45i 25. Norm Whirr, 25' LIAC, Z:59:59i.1.1. Ca11., 28, Stratford Spar19, United AA, 23:06; 26. Reed Kagan, 20, united AA, tans, ct., 3:01:40; 45. John weiss, 38, M.Burhey YMcA 23:0?; 27. Dan Gavinr 2.4, NYPC, 23:12i 28. Tom OtBrien 3:01:40; .16. John Ha1e, Slrarlord S!artans, 3:01:.15i
il7, John Ski61ak, 22, Shore AC, 3:O3rt.4; 48. Joseph Shea, 41, Boston AA, 3:O3rt9;,19. Joe Burns, .12, Unit_
AA, 3:03:2lr 50. Marvin Sahbu!, 25, CSV, 303:12, 51. Dennl6 Heaty, 31, LaSall€ TC, 3:o6rt9j 5Z_ Harry B€rkowitz, 3i, Pean AC, 3:O?:05; 51. Joe Fernandez, ,48, Roche6ter AQ; 3tol.Z9i 5.,1. Wit]iao Indek, 2.1, ua, 3:a1:52; 5a, Vince Chiapperta, 38, Millrose A_{, 3:08:Oz 56, Phil Heft, 2?, Unfted A-{, 3:O8i1O; 57, Tom Morri_ so4, unar,, 3:08:2?t 58. SarahBermaa, 35, csu, 3:08: 46;59, Edwin,{. JeroDe, 28, Rochester TC, 3:09:OZ; 60. A1 WiUiahs, .14, NypC, 3:09:23i 61. paul Mcswee_ ney, 27, uat., 3tA9t42;62. paul Mcsortcy, .12, penn AC, 3:09:43; 63, Nolh Freiilma., 27, St. Anth. BC, 3:49t17; 64- Nat Circulnick, .11, Unite.l AA, 3:tO:18j 65, Srove Crot€ky, Z?, Miurose AA, 3:u:52; 66. !.rank Rarf, uat., 3:7ztl1, 67. A.T. DeRobbro, J:r, uat., 3:rz:23; 68. Vic Mujica, .14, unar., l:t.l:26r 69. Arturo Montoxo, 36, StrarJoid Sparran6, 3:t,t:,17i ?0. Mar C.hbacher, 3t, york, pa., 3:15:08; ?1. Rod MacNich ojl, .11, Milhose AA, 3:\5152., 72. Dan Bronn, Zi, una., 3t16116r 73. ccne Miror, .15, Shore AC, 3:ljiat 74. Bill Sanchez, United AAr 3:t?:,13; 75. Marc Seif, 19, W'€stchest.r TC, 3,1?:50j ?6. Dave Biackstone, 31, lys i'. sr.\- DfooF.-. sr o"]-vlA: I.E, /-. 5, ' $.:€". ro, |," ,, tza: I ?o. ao ."p . NYPC, 3:20:35i 80. Bob Weir, 35, Nypc, 3:21:55; 81. , DickKuscsil, 31, St. Anrh. BC, 3:2ZtZ9: 82. Marshall Chilrls, 38, nnat., 3:22:47i 83. Mike, 2t, Brook_ lyn C011eg.i, 3:23:03i 84. fih tslauvelt! Z?, Milhosc AA, 3r23:15j 85. trving Tayloi, 57, aJ1a, 3:Z4|IL; 8t. Howard Bergesoh, 26, vat., 3:26:13, 87. Cart Soder6troD, Z?, unat., 3:26:55j E8. fhonas C, Wcbb! 13, unar., 3:28:43j 89. Jonathoh D. pon.t, 26, unar_,3:28: ,15; 90. Don Dixon, 4.1, wesr Si{1. l.MCA, 3:ZE:52i 91. R-ob€rr Manko{I, 2?, unar., 3:29:58t 92. ccratd Mrlter, .12, 1\rest Side YI4CA, 3rZ9:59j 93. Harry Murphv, 57, Uhited AA, 3:31:O9j 9.1. Dr. John C., 28, BAA, 3:31:2i.,95. Fraqk Hand€lman, 26, uar,, 3:31;30;96. Jose Rodrigu€2, unat., 3:j1:49r 97, Ken N,lcranda, 16, SIAC, 3:31:50i 98, Jolr petr.fJ, 30, una., 3:31:59j 99, Johh McMenahan, t7, SAC, 3:32:03; 1l]O, John A,allone, 20, uDat., 3:32:30i lol. Rob.rt urie, .12, una!,, 3:32:36t \AZ. Drhie Me.tagtia, .tZ, Miltrose _!A, l:l,t:5l)j 103. Tom Barrm, 38, Shore AC, 3:55:tO; 1U.+, rarich Sega1, 34, uat., 3:36:,t8; 105. John D, Sutter, 3a,, uha_ 3:3?:08. (245 sta.ter6, 16.,1 finishcrs) NOTES.., Theic w€rc 2,t5 rumers waiting io lcgin rhc NYC Marathon. Rm.r6 with long hair ano runncrs with long lorch€ads and ohe ruhner vith a poiht .rew cut, . A runer's swearshirt carried the warning, Don't {oUov.he - I'm Losr_, anorh.r rvalk_ €rl toward th. starling lin., his running shocs in his, asking if there vas 6ti1t rlo€ to til1 out an enrry lorm, And another Itas telling his Irrend6 be{orc he spurt€d ouf, I'Irm going to tatre it ca6y tor rhe tirst iZ miles. ' For th€ pcople \'ith the nuhbers on th!:ir ba.tis, rvas ideal, no sun, no 6ign oI humi.lity. wlrner, Nore Higgins is a FuUer Brush saicsman &om ed
New London, Conn. No one rwas close to h1m, unless you count the people h. was lapping. The tau, 1can, greylng ru@cr swcpr pa6r the linish 1iDe, acceptcd a two-foot trophy, poured a cup ot s,ater ov€r hi6 head to oo ot[. d . , o ," F ...Dho opr.D,, r. ..!p). . ,l:o-. sh f. cnd ., c"rp-,," away becuase it isnit a good idea to stand"rd around soak, { o.'
Fr in.hc no-,iits.o -un -OOO_,
when soheone sugg.,sted he
try the marathon instead,I 'd'r"\d orcl #! a afarron to.o. rl- r-a.ns rar, . no r8n_ rLn. re z "- o 0 n ". "r. r ^-ir ^t-r hc .,,L 'eJ 1 F. /a ! nc vF r0 "\ o, \i. , oo-_ o-. oo r,D or coachrog a'ogiris, high" 6choot track teah. He has am_ bltious plans - I'h hoping to ser a recoro !ex. ycar ior the 35 year otd ag€ group., This year he.Iacked John J. Keileyrs 3.!-year-ot.j recotaot 2:25:53 _.j/19/6a. H€ wasnrt, however, the hosr laDou6 3_.1 year_otd in thc rac€. That record belonged ro Lrich Seea1, rhe auth, or ol Love Srory. Segal tini6hed to4th, colug ln aL_ most an hour-and-anuarter behind rh€ $.inner. Catl ir a - -Joe Kl€ihcrman--
yiD.e Cliapetta didn
Ftop to
ia}€ tis
U,o. hi "e ,t/.,rc] ,o L- ,, - .-. o t", Po€tal Mret,) - 1. John Lesch, UC:fC, llm,t?lyi Z, lsob Cray, UC.IC, 10m, to84y; 3. Toay Kaleth, UCTC, 10 .il0)^ . | -, r'!ov ", no," , 8 ,i..F \,1"r. .. a ,o. -r-I v"rq, .r' 0 ,, :: 3z6yt '7. Nathaniel Jeakins, Hartan TC, loft, Z3Sr; 8. Bob Cooney, Fenwick TC, 10rn,116y, l5a srarters, .15 ',"ggl.c.
""h* ^
Fn$.r*ilt ft||l {ldt.
somen, but at least sh€'B noi lmkjhg windeil
aftd la!
t*r"**"1ffi1T:/brot ts &oui r sGt€3+
8-MILE ROAD RACE, PENDLETON, INDIANA Sedembel 11, 19?1 5:30 P.N4. Sponsded by Cenlral Indiana Stridels TC & Hoosier RRC. 1, Chuck Koet?en, 25, 4L.17j 2. cary Romesser, 20, .,12:16; 3. Steve Levark, 25, :13:06; 4. Creg Johnson, 18, .!3:13r 5. Kea Sparks, 26, 43t45t t)- Steve Rybolt, 26, 14tQ7i 7. Steve Kearney, 22, 44t33i 8. Mar Blaak, 22, 14i51r 9. carl car€y, 34, ,!5:3t; 10, Dick ostiDg, 29, 46136; ll. Doug Kidd, 26, 4"tt15, p. Chaltie crinnelt, 2E, ,18:5?j 13. Ed Kieaman, ZO, 49:O5j 14. Roger Jacobs, 23, 50:00; 15. Rick Stucker, 23, 5OtZ9t 16. Henry VanMaaren, 23, 50:59; 1?. LoDnie Huter, 2,4, 52:58; 18. caray Estle, 27, 5]-tt6t 19. Ftoyd Srihchcomb 25, a4:1Ar 20. Wayne Yarcho, 53, B1t5A, 21. Jerly War_ Let, ZZ, 59:49i ?2. Mik€ Shulcr, 27, 6O:40; Zl. Mike Stader, 22, 62:13: 2,1. Tim Svitz€r, t6, 61.14. ON! MILE FITNESS RACE - 1. Curt Cayey, 8, 6:41. O.
--Cart L, Carey--
A,., p\{ .c, \ .n._lFn
$oo.1bury, N, J., Saturdat, S.ptehber 18, 19?1 1:30 prn leliy Gallaghcr, an Arlihgton, Mass. resident, and Shane Gerb€r, a 14oodbury Iiigh studcrr!, copfeo rop hohors in th€ Woodbury Exchange Club's Centennial Disrance Run. honoring the loorh anniversary of Wooi]-
Gallagher, a University of Kentucky gta.tuare t 68t won th€ open 10-mile roacl rac€ ih 53:,t8, nearly a minutc ahead of Penr, Military Coileec juior Rich Cullin. In th€ high school live-mi1e race, Cerber Jihishe.t tno hinules ahead of his closc6t compctitor, Woo.lbury reamate Mike lr'atsh. ceibor !egotiaLed the disLahc. in 26:20 ro lead the pack of ZO Iinishers. 1!eath€r: Ho 10-MII-E- 1. 1'erry callagher, 25, wat., B3:1Et 2. Rich Cullin, 20, PMC, 54:,!1.5j 3. Toa Mackin, Cao.len County College, 55:07; 4. Bi11O'Such, pMC, 55:18; 5. Paul Lucu6ki, tsem AC, 57i515, 6, ifom o'Loughlin, pMc 58r56i ?. Jim Burt, Audubon HS, 59r2oi 8, Doug Mayere, PMC, 59:30j 9. Fran Kiicli, pMC, 59:?tOi tO. At Bockhorn, Camd€n Couhty College, 6l]:t8t 11, Barry Robcrts, Camden County Co11ege, lil:03; 12. Jim callagher, unar,, 6l:0.1j 13. Bob Cooper, Cahden Coutt Co11ege, f,l:5.,1i 14. Wayn€ Merlih, Cam.len County Co11ege, 6zt4tt lr, Bob Romansky, lrenn AC, 62:,15 (1st Veteran Award); 16. Gary Johnstohc, Overbrook Regional HS, 6l:1]!t 17, Tom Edwards, CaodeD County Cotlege, 63;22; t8, Da,e Shultz, PMC, 63:29t 19. Cary Itart, l:MC, 6l:32; 20, Skip Dougheaty, USA, 63:.1?; 21, Bill Leonhart, Audubon HS, 63:55i 22. Dor DuPaul, PMCr 6.1:33; 23, Larry Delane).., Pcnn AC, 64:43; 24. Doh Hotder, Car.ten County Couege, 65:29i 25. Jim ]rierce, lVoodbury HS, 65r39; 26. Ray Babnister, Audubon HS, 66:35; 2?. Mick_ ey Lobb, PMC, 6?:59i 28. Craig Deeeorge, Cam.len Counry Coll.rge, 68:0.1; 29. Mark Ahlquist, Cam.ten Couty CoUcg€, 68:19; 30. Ted Wurst€r, Cannle! County, 68:55; 31. Dr. BiU Heuehan, tienn AC, 6E:5?j 32. Cary Evangelista, Cahden Couty Coltege, ?O:26i 33. Charl.s Burns, Pt'lC, ?O:55; 3.+. Denni6 McElroy, PMC, ?l:42; 35. ceolfrcy !orn1er, 71:.16j 36. cerald Yost, Camden County, ?3:51t 3?. Ri.h Andcrson, Camdcn County Colleg€, ?.1:L3r 38. Harold Boker, Cloucest€r County YMCA, 7.!:,1?; 39. lom Cteary, pMC, ?5:18; 40. Mark Evans, Caoden Couty Co1lege, 76:23l 41, Jerry Kahe, PMC, 76:aar 42. Jim Crowther, Ctoucester County YMCA, 99:,40; .13, Maltih Schness€., Camden Coury CoUege, 99:.11. (,!6 starters, .13 tinishe.l)
5-MILE - l, Shane cerber, Woodbury lis, Z6t?A, 2,Mihc_Walsh, Woodbury HS, 28:20j j. John Shitby, Overbrook Regional HS, 29t3Ot 4. Tom Masoa, I)enn6_ vi1le HS, 29r4.,11 5, Jack Turnock, $roodbury HS, 31:29; 6, (lary Davis, PenhBville HS, 3l:,11; ?. Tom Hagen, Highland HS, 31:4?; 8. Ken Sharp, Woodbury HS, 31:.!7.1j 9. Dom Juliano, Pennsville HS, 32:22t 10. Jim Adams, Cveabrook Reg. HS, 32:43i 11, Brian Hennlissey, Pen.sville HS, 33:37; 12. Bill Romansky, pennsville HS, 33:illj 13. Don Becker, Woodbury HS, 33: .,15; 14. Atan Robin6oa, I,ennsville HS, 33:47; 15, Jobn Gunnine, Woodbury HS, 34r10; 16. John Eyerman, Penh6ville HS, 3.1:20j 1?. Drew Wilson, Pennsville HS, 35100j 18. rvlike cunning, Woodbury HS, 35:17,19. St€ve Shim!, ]:ennswille HS, 39:20; 20, Ray Riggihs,
RIUC! JOHNSON 1\'iNS 5-MIT,E CROSS COUNTRY Phi1a., Pa.. Sunday,, 26, 1971 l;40 1i.M. Bruce Johnson, St. Jos€Dh s senior. foh!e.1 to an easy ncrory.'cr teammar! Jo€ Brady on the hilly B€lEort .our se lh ! airmount Park. The former Sr. James (Chcster, Pa. ) IIS ace cloct{cd 2Z:2t in the raih, Belmont Plateau is .he of rhe mo6t tesring .-country coursc,s any(hcre, lt led weteran Ceorg. Bracclaid to remark after th. race: 'Thc hiUs are so lough thal iI you just reach our you woul.l hal-e a han.tThe Middle Atlantic AAU race was stonsore.t by th. Midd1. Atlantic Road Club. 1. Bruce Johnson, St, Joselh's Co11ege, 27:21; Z. Joe, Sr, Joseph,6 Coll€B€, Z7:3?r 3. Ror Stanko, villanova, 2?:.19i .1. Vic Zwoiak D.lawar.j Sports Club 2?:51; 5. aob Mu.Uer, Univ, o{ Detaware, 28:09; 6. Bo! Wo.rner. Deiarare Sports Club, 28:29j ?. Jjh D.herry! IIad.lon Twp, HS, Z8:.10; 8. 1,ou Coppens, PennAC, 28:.15;9. Jo. Tom.zuL Sr, Josc!h,s 28:,19i 10. Miic Itl.1er, Haidon Tlrp. HS, Z8:56r 11. Charles Blunen6tcin. St. Joseph's C.lleg€, 29:lZ; 12. John Glah, St. Joscphrs Colleg., 29:26; 13. Bob Doban St. Joseph s Co11ege, 29:26; 1.4, Rick Krrcxr.rr, nr. Jo.ephrs Co11ege, Z9:59; li. John Watdron, St, Jo6ephs Co11.,ge, 30:06; t6, Jim clah, Sr. Joseph,s Co[€ge, l0:16' l?, Jerry OiBrien, Pcan AC, 3O::j,:1j 18. Skip Dougherly, LiSA, 30:36 (1st V.,reran); 19, (lary fanelli, Phlla. Pioneers, 30:50i 20. Keirh patton, Delarvarc Sports Club, l0:53j 21. Lou WanncDa.hcr, Villanora, 31:07i 22, Btron Murdy, Penn AC, 3t:24,j 23. Bcth Bohber, S.uth J€isey Chargeis, lr:29t 2.1. L€on Drcher, Pcnn AC, 3l:32 (Znd V.reran)j 25, BoL Khopp, Villanova, 3Z:00i 26. John Ci.iffin, villanova, lZ:101 2?, Jim Smyth, unat., 3Z:15i 28, Ritt King, penn AC, 32:16i 29. Bill Bolkus, unai,, 30. Dave Romans19, South Jersey CharEets, 32:32t 31, Rick Behler, villanova, 32:45; 32, Paul McSorley, ]Jenn AC, 32:53; 31. Marty Reid, Penn AC, l2:5.,1; 34. Cary Rtgg, unat, 3:J:1?j 35, Jack Exton, Penn AC, 3.1r25i 36. Lariy De1aney, PennAC, i1t33t37. Ea Harris, l)ennAC,35: 51; 38- James Crouse, Dela(,arc Sporrs Ctub, 35:5li J9. Joe Adclizzi, Pem AC, 36:04; .10. cordon :i.hom6oh, Delaware Sports C1u!, 39:26; ,11. Joe McIlhinney, Oln.y Kiwanis, 39:26j .lZ. Bob Manning, Viltanova Frosh':, 39:5'l; :13. Ross Yate6, uDat., ,!l]:l3i .1,1. Ed Doel!, Pchn AC,l, .10:20; 45, Don Vlrche11, Iienn AC, .10:21r ,14,. Mike Ertoh, Pcnn AC, .10:54; .17, George Bra.eland, Phila.AC, .1:!:04; .18, Suc Patton, Delanare .!1:10, (53 starrers, 48 finishers)
20 _Fo,+l
r,tAn,rrHoN REcoRD IN RAIN & Foc!
ENTERED POLICE CAMES JUST FOR THE PRACTICE Scarborough, Odtario, Sat., July 21, 1971- Jcirv Ieal th€ sinne! in recold tim€ o{ the 89th Metro Toronto Police Gafres marathon is a foul s'€ather rac€r' A 6teady rain persisted throuehout tlLc Zt mile 385v contest wirh th€ temp. ih th€ Io$ 605 and a thick log limiting visibility to a couPle oi hundred I.€t. For TeaL, these were ideal condirions. H€ completed rhe run in Z:30:,18; oac minute and four seconds b{rtrer thah lhe old Police Games record held by Ron Wallinglord 'The tain keeps the tempelarure dorn bv at lcast l0 deg!ees anil maLes it great Ior running, exPlained thc Engtish teacher lrom Niag:ra faUs Teal, who came oul for a Practi.e run, r:nde.i uP runnihg a real good race. I-Ie ran in fourth plac. lor th€ lirlt 16 miles anil then moved inlo rhird ra.r lor the next four miles. He turned i! on for th. last six miles to win by a big margih T€a1 trains by running along roads ard ttlrough a gou course in the Niagara Patkray ar€a i"atelv h. has been running about 90 miles a {eelr lut llans to inciease rhis Lo t10-150 mil€s. Lornc Buck of Toaonto Striders {as se.ond oI rhe 43 starters, ,10 of whom finish€d, rvithalineci2:32:10'8' 3. Danny Anderson, Sudbury, 2:lir;ll.2i l, Craig Harms, Toledo, z:37:19.4, The youngeBL runncr to Jinish was l5-ycar-ol.i Kch Steele ot York Simcoc, :di. 3.2i:3a ijrn.: rvas Sood lor The vtcc-principal oJ lasre.n Conr.rce H. S. ' Jack Webb, 52, was thc oldest runner to lin:sh, Ik ras ih 20th position with a 3:3 7:15 clockinq 'I h;d an achilres re4don gralt done nr
Sellcnber 1969,'
related 1rebb. My leg hutts to run but rt is bearabtcI think it is worth it ro get the exer.ise.
At the eveling €vent6, Barry Brolln of Cainesvlile' Fla., failed in a bid to run a stb_lou rninute nril' and .in .hFd - i:0,.1, i" s". on L . .. , 'The conditions were P€r{ecr lor th. ra.e, t:xplained Brovn. I hadn't planhcd on taking rhe lead until thc three-quart€rs, but the !a.e siolred ar ffe h2lI so I had to r@ by myseu, I started gettiDg light with about 200 to go so rather than stlain I uied to stav loose and pick up 6peed. lt didn't work. I Ergas LeFs of To'onto placed second and Toronto SrlidersrT'm P€aason was -
-Don Balsamo--
OKLAHOMA AAU 15-KILO STATE CHAMPIONSHIlTu1sa, Okla., Selt. 11, 19?1- Ts'o Oklahoma Srar' UDiv' lunnels led the field in the okla" AAU 15km aun h€td at the Oral Roberts Univ. camPus. South Alrican JolDnv
Halbersradt edged teamate Reid Harier Jor the ritl.. Henry Shawnee oI Southwestern State, lt"eafherlord ltas well back in thild place. Norman Sloan led thc 30-3t division and V€rn Whit€sid€ won rhe 40 & over honors' The weather was sunny & humid lith r€mP. in the 80rs' Course: Rolling course around the Oral Roberts campus.
l. Johnoy Halberstadt, 21, 48 26;2. R€id Harter, ?l 48:42; 3, Henry shawnee, 21, 53:58; 'l Mike Cole, Lf 54:0,1; 5. BiU wa!d, 21, 55:!-7i 6. Larrv Adudde11, : 56:02; 7. Phil Maltby, 21, a7.16,8- Geo{{iev EnglisL, 1,9, 57t37t 9, John Holderman, 19, 5?:50; 10. Olcn Dortoneb,29,59.37i 11. Notman Sloan, 34, t,2,\5i 12. Bill Lamb, 31, 6ltzai 13. Bob Baker, 33, 6'1:3?; 1'1. vern
whiteside, 51, 15?:22; 15. Haiold McDonald, 44, il9:0?i 16, Gordoa McKeague, .r5, ?.1:50i 17. susan weakl.,y, 26, IIA:A1. l2A starters, 1? Iinishers) 2-MILE DEVELOPMENT RLN - 1, Jack Norlis, 18, Ri.hard6on, Texas, 10:.11i 2, Larry McDooald, l?, l0:.16; 3. Matt Crain, 15, 11:02i r, Terry \iriLliams, 17, 1l:Z6i 5. Neil ClucL, 17, Ur3'1; 6, David Schmitt, i6, 1l:52. (23 6rarLers, 22 linishcr:) Notc: South Ajricah, Johnny Halber:tadr.reters ht6 nickname rarhca than Joha.. --Ro! Ma.tir-CF IJALLAS RACE RESULTS \vhite Rock Lake Park, Dallas, T-'ras, SePtemLer 4th AROUND TIIE Ll\KE (U.1 llil! s) l. Rill Blc(ett, 2'1, 6o:38; 2. Jim Crawford, 21, 61:a:r 3, "tayne alomer, 30, 62r02; .1. Brian HarrihgL.n, Zl, a1-:12i 5. Crady Frank, 1?, ir8:32r 6, Jolu Lo.ltrjch, li 68:3'1r ?. Bert Lu.1y, 16, ?z:5li 8. Bill Epprighr, 41, 73:1li 9. Lvm Kitch€d, l?, ?.1:05; lO. Norm Alsobroot, '11, i5:26i 1l Bush Elkin, 57, 89:4t-t IZ.,, CorboI, 23, 98:46 * Jim CrawJord holds record at i?:1iiOPEN SIX ivIILE - l. Doug Chanet, 18, ll:5li 2. Darwin L€wiF, I9, 3atZO;3. Mike Schlinlr, 35, 38i38; 4. Ralph Taite, 28, 38:39; 5. Gary Brown, lr5, l8:1'l' 6 .Weldoh Smith, 39, 19.14t 7, lvlil<.: Payn€, I1, 12tA3t 8. Martin Click, Ia, 12.3I]'9. Ronnie Balier, 16, 1Z:51; lO. Steve L.:in, '13:33; 11, Ceorge Boyd, '11, 43:35; 12. H. E. walkca, Jl,, a2, 16:23. (2'1 {inishers) OPEN 11{O MILE - 1, Shatnie Shay, Zl, 9157; 2 Don Jin.lra, 1?, loro9! L Dotle Cib6on, 16, l0:'11; 'l Rav Eckenro.le, 1?, LO:53; 5. A1 Carroll, 30, 10:55; 6. Corbet Bryant, Jr,, ?5, 1l:06; 7. MatL Ward' 17, 11:0?; 8. led Ilarkey, 21, U:1?; !. Bruc.i WiUiams, 28, 1l:20: 10. Bill Rarringct, 2i, 11:25. (30 linisher6l I!-OMEN'S MILE - 1. Rhonda Carrison, L1, 5t41, Z. Caylen€ Caddell, 19, /.:13; 3. Itarhy Pr.:sson, l6' 6:36; ,1. Susan ltiese, 16, 6:.12. (11fihishcrs) - - Talnlage trlorrison-CROSS COUNIRY CLLTB
]-MILE RUN, MIL'I'ON, ]fASS-, IU\E 5, 1971 bt tbe MiLton Jaycce:, Three lap cours.. 1, Dick Mahoney, Eaglcs SC, 1'1:l?: 2. william Durette, CSU, 14:091 3. 1\'111 van Dyk.i, CS!, 11:Z6i'1 Rlck Bayko, NMC, 1'|'r0; 5, Ceorge Conefrey, unat. ' i.,1:,19i 6. Bob Bo€r, Brockron HS, 15:08; i. Louis PauI, CSU, 15:111 8. Earl McCil'er-v, \\IC, L,:l3j 9. Tonv Fronrierro, Salcm Stare, 1a:21r 10. Pcrer Smith' unat,, l5:21; I1. Kewin Henry, No.Quincy HS, 15r25; l2 Bruce Lehane, uat,, 15:32i 11. Jolt ver.ouone, NU, l5:3?; 1.1. Jim Richards, CSU, 15r'11! 15. Joe Frohtierro, NMC, l5:45i 16. John BaLington, NMc, 15:49i 1?, Norft Ritcbic, Brockton Hs, 1l:05; 18. Harvoo'1, Brockton HS, 16:06; 19, Jam€s Langlet, Concold HS, 16:O?r 20. Bryant Smith, Milton HS, 16:09. ?9 fini6hers. New course ahd new recor.t. Spon6ored
Calitoraia, Re.ord: 2:19:13, Norman Higgins, 1965 Entries close Nov, 26, I9?1, with Cail liorter' Me€l Direcror, westetn H€misphere Marathon, culver citv Recreation & Parks Dept, , P. O. Bor 507, Cf't'r CiLv Calilornia 90230. Entry Fe€.. S2.00 Awards to all under three hou16.
METER RUN, SALEM, MASS., AUGUST I?, ]97I Steve Ellis was just obc second oll the record held hy Ralph Buscbmahn as he clockcd a laat 10152,5. \t €ather: Hotl l2l I. Steve Ellis, Boston AA, 30:52,5; 2. Will Yan Dyke, Camlridg€ Sport6 Uhioh, lL:02' 3. K€n l'4ueUer, BAA, 3l:40; ,1. Tr:rry Callagher, unat., 32:02; 5. A1lieu Massaquoi, BAA, 32:05; rt. David Jolnson, CSU, 32:22; ?. Robert Lu66i.r, VTC, 32:,10i 8. I-arrt l'aulson, USA, 1/:16: o. oL s D" r', , S0, 2:q.. .0. D. L-r 5 a BAA 33:08; 11. Charrc6 Kcating, NMC, 33:20; 12. rvlike Buck1.y, BAA, a)3:22t 13. Jonn BultcrIield, BAA, 33:28; 1.r. Larry Damon, BAA, 33:35; 15. Thomas, ACS, 33:.!0; 16. Larry Berman, csU, 33:,11; 1?, Joe catalano, BAA, l3:50;18. LarryOlsen, NMC, 33:53;19. John Cedarholm, unat., 33:59i 20. ,wax 1\hit., BAA, 1.1:01r; 21. James, csLr, 3.1:12; 22. Earl McGilvery, NMC, l4:36t ?3. John Dempsey, FAC, 3,r:51! 2.1. Ray hor Marsland, mai,, 35:0.1; 25. lvlike Bater, SAC, 35:12! 26. Eric Croon, unar,, 35:2.1; 2?, Wm. \tcNulty, BAA, 35:29; 28, Allan Hoffman, unat., 35:33r 29. Ray Nelson, unat-, 3a:59! 30. Sam Frontietro, NMC, 36:02. IO, OOO
Ne{burytort, Mas€,, August l?, 1971 1!eathcf: Hot & | | ' d. , oL'"- -.o : { :0o or Frf. C, r. l. Chet Fortier, North Mcd{ord Club. 32:20; Z. Kevin CrowLey, uqat,, 33:3,1; 3. Dan Ayers, NMC, 33i3?; .1,
Jim Roberrs, NMC, 34:29j 5, Richar.l Bostick, NMC, 35:43j 6. Irancis Mah€r, NMC, 35:59; ?. 1tn1. Evans, NMc, 3?:22: 8. Don Thom!6on, csu, l?:30; 9. Stan Key€s, NMC, 37:39; 10, Johh Bugden, NMC, 37:52i ll. Toay Maccaaio, NMC, 38.02j 12. Claude ElUs, NMC, 38:0?; 13. Jo}ll Meade, NE Boat Club, lE:13: 14. Julian Siegal, NMC, 38:33i 15, Rlck lvilliams, NE Boat Club, 38r41; 16. Rolard Ve!metre, NMC, l8:4bj 17. Brian 1la.hburh, Ohio TC, 39:18; 18. Remi Charou, NMC, l9:32! 19. James I,apre1, NMC, 39:4,1; 20. Jib Hayes, NMc, 39:46i 21. Ceorge Lattarulo, NMc, 39:58i 22, Borr Aucoin, NMC, ,10:02t 23. Georee Waterhouse, NMC 4O:09; 2,1. Ed Si.nkieqi.z, Nr,{C, ,10:5i,r 25. A1 Lop!1, unat., .11:19. (38 fini6h.r6) --rr,:d BroRn Sr. --
2.5-MILE IIANDICAP 1!AI,K, IRESH JJOND, CAMBRIDGI, MASS., August 19, 1971 (A.tual TnDes) L Doh Thompson, CSU, 21129i 2, Ceorse Lattatuio, NMC, 21:36i 3. DoL Uhitney, CSU, 2.t:00; 4. Ire.l Erortn Sr., NMC, Z5:.12i 5. Ard€en Thonpson, 28:55, 6-MII-E RUN, LACONIA, NNII' IIAMPSHIRE
Aueusr 21, L9?1 - 1. Tom Shiiand, unat,, 31:00i 2. Chas. Maguir., Spartan AC, 31:15; 3. Art DuLong, Slartan AC, 31:26; .1. Larry Damo4, Bostoh AA, l2:l1i 5. Joe Dahl,
4 6-MILE HICH SCHOOL RUN, LACOIIIA, N.H. Augusr 21, 1971 - L Dal. Hackett, unat., 33:35; z, lred Nichols, Cialemont TC. 33:56; 3. Davi.l Ethtidee, TTAc, 34:45; .!, John Cahan, walfiam Tc, 31:a7t 5. ArL cray, uat., 35:01; l. Daud Richatd6on, utat. ' 35:23; ?. Peter Auchinski, SPartan AC, 35:51; 8. Lehnv Hall' NCAC, 35:59i 9. Tom lhi1iPs, LRTC, 16:azr 10 Al Roy6cy, I IAC, 36:15. ('11 tinishers) --l'red Bro\tn sr. RRC lO.MILE TRACK RUN, \fALTHAM, MASS.
Brandeis Fielcl, Atl-1\reath€r lrack. August 22, 19?l H.l.l rn cvening and it cooicd somcNhar during rhe run' but it slill ltas \-ciY hotl 1. 1\'il1 Van Dyke, Camblidge Slo!ts Union' 50:15! 2 Charies (ealing, Nn4C, 5l:59; I Louis Paul CSU, 56; 3.1; 4, Earl M.cljlvary, NMC, 5t,:53; 5, Larrv Bcrman' CSU, 58:Otri i,, R.n Drogan, NMC, 58:11r ?. Mik. Baxter, S.artan AC, 58:ll: 8. $6. N'l.Nuitv, BAA, 58:1!l 9. Chaal.s Rilel, CSU, 58:23; 10. John Highley unat., a9:LI; 11. Ilmelio Rotondj, NMC, 60:2i; i2. John Long, BAA. 6L:l]9i ll, John lVallace, BAA, 61:21! 11. Peter Buihart, unar,, 62:I5; 15, CLrrald Good, unat., 62:r2; 16. RoLert Sdlrh, BAA, 63:la,; t?. T.ny Maccario \NtC 6.1:?.1; LE. Jonathan Alp.rrn, urat., Ll:37i 19, Sara B.iaman, CSU, 4,,1:.rlr ZO- Jose!h Shea, 8AA, 65:09r 21. Marli Y.s1.y, unat,, 55:11i 22. Jutian Siegal, NNIC, 65: 26r 23, Jan Brolth, NMC, 65:551 Z'1- Georgc l,atraruro NMC, L6:.13i 25. Paul NlcDon.ueh, unat., li6:'18 --!-r,:d Brortn S'. '
MEDIORD CLUB l\llDWnEK i-MILI RrrN Cohasscl, Mass,, Adgust 21, 197I. $eath.r: l.1eat. A hcw couise and (ell short .I 5 miles, 1. (leorge C.nefrey, 22:I8i 2. Rolahd a.tilter, Z1-21' 3. rlvir Crowley, 2l:45; +. John Hurley, 2'1;'15; 5. Chatlcs Stockbri.lq., 25:lor f,, Francis \'Jah.rr, 25:5?; ?- Ron Mastrangelo, 25:58; 8, Julian SiegaI, 21:IZ,9 Stan K€yes, 27117t lt), I.ny lreRobt'jo, 2?:581 11. E.l BuUock, 28:0.+i 12. Charles Borclli, 28:r:r6i 13. Bue.len, 28:3:J; 1,1, l,ionel Stc!art, 2E:1ai l5 Georg. Lattarulo, 28:5,1; 16, Dick corri!an, 29:oii 1?. claude IlLs, 29:1l]i 18, Jam€s Hays, 29:12; lt uruce M]gell, 29:.18j 20, Tohy Maccarlo, l0:55- (28 start!rs. 27 fin. NOR LH
2.5-MILL \I'ALK, IRF]SH POND, CAMI]RIDCE, MASS, August 26, l9?I - 1. Cleore. Lartarulo, N\'tC, 2l:10r Z, Don Thompson, 21:11; 3, Fred llroltn S.., NMCI, 25:195-\'IIL!j WAI-K, I,SCC ACADIN''Y, t]!iI LONDON, CT. Aueust 28, 19?l - 1. George Lallarulo, 17:lO; 2, John (illinger, NMC, 50:34r l. Bol, !\hirney, CSU, 5Z:21
NEAAAU JUNIOR 25 KILO CI]AMPIONSHII'RUN Palrtu.k€t, R.I., Augusr 29, l9?I treather: Il{rrl the ]-olic. s.nt the ru.n.r-q the wrong yay cuting thri Creater Portlahd AC, lZ:3Zj t,, Hotard Ha}lington, ua. 3?rl!i 7, Robert Sevch., una,, 3Z:51i 8, Peter Sii!., i, Ed Norris, Bosloh A , 1:10:52,5: Z, Ceorge C.nefrev BA-{, i2r53; 9. Billy Heath, TTAC, 32:5?r 10. Cunar I-icpens, Dar,AA, 32:i8; 11, Nlihe Cryan, NCAA, ll:05i NMC, 1:13:13; 3. John Decring, Llaine, L:t'!:0li 4. E.l 12. larl l,4cCilvcry, NMC, 33r25: ll. Fred Doylc, LAC, \!alkwirz, unat., 1:1,!:?1i i, .Iohn Jarcli, NVC, l:l'1:18; a. \4ark Harnsoh, PCAA, l:la:20; ?- Chet Forlier, 3l:37! 1+. Ton Maguia., Spartan AC, 33:49r 15. Ma!k Nlvfc, l:16:0.1 (isL Jr.)r 8, N{ike Malonc, Spartan AC, Llalkoski, I-RTC, 3,1:06; 16. K€ith \4hjte, unat., 1.1:13; 17. I]dwin Shorey, r'TAC, 3,1:30i 18, Marli Elmer, Dart. l:1?:2? (znd 9. Kclnn Crowley, NMC, 1:17:'15 {3rd Jr.)j I(l, K.irh Whjte, unar,, I:17:18; LL Tom Grundv, A,4., 1,1:40; 19. Andt campbeil, IlartJord, 3.1:a2i 20. \' \.1 ,llA-A :8:: \t'o'",:8 ; .\ Glenn, LAc, 31:51t 21, Peter Hanrahan, \'t, l. D -o I B"\'-., -,. V Keene Srate, 35:08i 22. Rict (luiUoy, unat., 3i:12; 23. lvllLiam rjAA, !:20:5?r lt 1:18:52r 15. Da': r'arLet, Paul Rich, l-RAC, 35:2,1i 2.1. Rob(:rt Jarrett, unat., ilrtdre, PcAA, l:22:51j l?. John Hurley, NMc, l:25:08j l6:l9i 25. John Haskins, TTAC, 36:25, (50 linishcts)
l:25:17; 19. Jobn Walrace, BAA, \t25t30, ZA. Robelt smith, BAA, Lzat43i Zl. Pete Kuchinski, Spalta! AC, l:25r53; 22. Pete Bulkhalt, uat., Lzlto3t 23. Stanley Keyes, NMc, 1:29:00! 2,1. Ray Nel6on, unai{ Ltzg,.ZOi 25. Jolh Be63ette, A&C Spolts, L?9:37; 26. Toar Kenwood, unat,, l:29:5i1; 27. aony De Robbio, Eat. , t:30:01; 2E. Jutian Siegal, NMC, l:30:06; 29. Tony Maccalio, NMC, l:30:1i1; 30. Joln Tholnhilr' A&C, l:30r19, 31. Al Kimball, NMC, 1:30r20; 32. chas. Keatibg, NMC, L39tzlt 33, PauI oerth, NMC, i:33:14; 34. Mike Romano, uat., 1:33:40: 35. Norh Labiberte, A&c, l:36:08; 36. Charres Ratti, unat., I:36i23i 37. challes Lagor, AttQ, l;47'.02j 38. James McNamara, @at., l:47:40; 39. Pete Keikon, unat., 1148:04; 40. Sig Podlozny, NMC, 1:50:3,1. J!. Team: l. N|;IC, ZZ| 2. A&C Sports 33. Open Team:1. NMc, 9; Z. BAA, 14;3, A8,c, 22,
Mettler, unat. , Stoughton, Ma65. , 69.loi 12. Inttt Maccario, NMc, 69:16i 43. Allan Rcid, unat., springIield, Ma6s. ' 69:17; 44. Francis Devine, Mt. Park AA, 59:33i 45. Harry Mettler, uar,, sroughton, Mass., 70:07; '!6. Axturo Montero, Strat{ord SpaltanB, 70:15; 47. Richard Colrigan, NMC, 70:2?; 48. Mike Moscate1li, Boston AA, ?0:3il; 49, Ed st!ckex, Mt. Park AA,
8-MILE WALK, ATTLEBORO, MASS. August 31, 197l (short course) 21 starters, L7 finishers 1, ceorge Lattarulo, NMc, l:05:13; 2. Rober! Mo!6e, NMC, 1107:24;3. Roger Pike, NMC, 4. Ray Vaguener, NMC, 1:11:07; 5. John Gtay, NMC, 1:12:li.
NIAAAL 20-KILO CIIAMPIONSIIIP, Sept. 6, l97l l Jobn Knifton, New YorkAC, l:24:20; Z. Dave Romaqskt, :o!t-1 ierset Chargers, 1:25:00; 3. Ron Kulik, Ner Yo!! AC, l:29:05; 4. Tom Knatl, NMC, 1:29:30; 5. Ron Dadel, NYAC, l:32:49i 6. Bob Mir]Dl, Phi1a. AC, 1:3.1:0.1; ?. Slc'e Hard.n, Loag l61and AC, 1:34;22: 8. Larry Nervman, LI.!-C, lt35tz7i 9, Hosard Paiamarchuk, Arroler aC, 1.a,, lt3bt25,10. Jobn (]ray, NMC, l:.10r30j 11. Vin Davy, LL{C, l:40:40; 12. Geo!ge Lattafulo, Nlvlc, 1r,13:2b. (10 sta!ter6, 39linisher6) Sholt cour6e. lveather: ideal, cool & cloudy.
i8: Johr Long, BAA,
7l:15; 50. Ed Cohen, CSU, 72:00; 51, Mike Pierce,
72:17; 52, williatu Gaje{ski, ua., soutbbridge, Maes., ?z:36; 53. wayne Iarlell, NMC, 72:57; 54. Wilbur Crocker, NMC, 73:00; 55. Helb Phillips, NMC 73:1056. Peter Vaitle, Hardord IC, 73tZ5i 57. Joe
ca!lino, Cs\1, 13:37,58. Mike Ma.lsen, CSu,
59. Jim Hay6, NMC, 73:58; 60. Dan Boborticz, Ilt. Park AA, 7.1:53. Tcam: l. NlvIC, 27; Z. Bostoi A-A., 61; 3. Camhridge Sports Union, 68; ,1. Mt, Palk AA, 8 ; 5, \1"..-8, 36. --f.Pd Brov I S-.,8Ih ANNUAL LA1YRENCE TO LOWELL zO.KII,O IfALK
NE,{A1U JR. l0 KILO WALK CIIrIVPIONSHIP fairhaven' MaB6., Sept. ,1, 19?1. cours€: shott. l. Toa Knatt, NMC, 5l:12; 2. Joln Gray, NMC' 5l:37; 3. George Lattaruto, NMc, 51:.11i 1. Johh K linge!, NMC, 54:.16 (l6t Ja.)' 5. Tony Medeiros, NMC, 55:10i 6. Roge! Pike, NMc, .55:23' ?. Bruce Douglas' Falmouth Stlide!s, 55:40;3. Don thompson, CSU, 55:59. NEAA4U SENIOR 2O.KILO RUN CHAMPIONSHIP Charlton, Ma66. ! Sept€mber 6, 1971 - Tom Shiland, sar., Camblidge, N. Y., whipped a good{ieid to win aE the Police Led aEtray the f@ner€ cutting th€ coua6e to 9 3/4 d es fo! Bone and naking it much lohger fo! others-. 75 €talters, 71 {inishers. 1. Thoma€ Shiland, 6at., 5.1:0.1; 2. Ken Mueller' BAA, 5.1:30r 3. Lou Paquin, NMc, 55:0?i 4. George conelley, NMC, 55:Z7i 5, Larry Olsen, NMC, 57:2,1i 6, Rick Bourie, Mt.Park AA, 59:18i ?. Henry Dalicek, uraN, C.m,, 59:43i 8. JimGreen, Boston AA, 59:53;9. Rick Bayko, NMC, 60:07; 10. Larly Be"m&, csu, 60:10; 1r. Challes Ri1ey, cSU, 50i18; 12. Janes Da1ey, NMc, 60:Z!; 13. Roland cormie!, NMC, 60:2?; 14. Kevln 'crcjsley, NMC, 60:35; 15. Keitb white, uLa., a0:40; 16, John Jarek, NMc, 61:08; 17. Louie Paul, CsU, 6l: 46; 18. Charles Keating, NMC, 6l:59; 19. John Long, BoBton AA, 62:26i 20. Jay Sidman, (;sU, 62:36; 21. Don Bamlold, NMC, 6zt55i 22. ]leit]n Whlraker, NMC, 63:15 23. Tony Sapienza, BAA,63.22,24. WiLliam Mutlen' uat., Lym, ldass.,63t27,25. Allan l]olfean, unat., Holden, Mass., 63:38; 26. Brian Powell, Mt. Park AA, 64:15i 2?, Robert Pogoda, Mt. Palk AA, 64:50; 28.
Mark tllylhe, uar., KiilingIord, com. , 64:571 29. Ben DeLnonico Jr., Mt. Palk AA, 65:0.4; 30. Dennis LaBr&che, Mt. Park AA, 65:15;31. clyde Benton, Mt, Park AA, 65:l5j 32. Jon! Isles, Spartan AC, 65:23;33, G.-g lu!n-!, bdl., q. Boyls!on, Vass..65:47:.r. i N,r, r oo:!o; )
Jo 1!n
siegal, NMc, 66:09; 36. Arthu! Gray III, uat. , Mass., 67:08i 37. JameB Taylor, Hartlord Tc, 67r09t 38. Mike Bdte:, Spaltan Ac, 5?r22;39. NickArge'to, NMc' 6?:46; 40. Bill Hansbury, uat. , Conn., 68150; 41. Paul
NATIONAL -d{IJ SiNIOR 25-KILO RIIN CHAI,IPIONSHIP, DEDHAM, MASS., SEPTEMBER 11, ]97I \4eath€r: Hot & very hurlrd, (89 sraatc!6, 73 linishers) Iea4a:1. BoslonA-4, 33; 2. NMC, .:l5j 3, Milho6c AA, 58r ,1. Canbridge Slorts Union, ?.!, l Boblitts,\,lilhose AA, 81,39; ?. lirill vanDyke, CSU, 83:51; 3, E.l Norris, Bosron AA, 85:291 4. Larry O1€en, NMC, 86127,5. Aan rerderian, NMC, 86:.16; 6. P€ler Srip., BAA, 87:18; ?. A11eiu Massaquoi, BAA 87:36! 8. Ken Mueller, BAA, 8?:45j 9. Jir cir.tlr, Boston AA, 88:02j 10. Hugh Sheent, \fiUroseAA,88: 2l; 11. Phil Ryan, BAA, 89i0a; 12. Roland Cormie!, NMC, 89:06; 13. Faul, \l{C, 89:15i t,l. JolD Jarek, NI1C, 89122! 15. Jim McDonagh, Millrose AA, 90:00j 16, Ralph Thodas, eat., 90:16; 1?- Rick Bayko, NIlC, 90:35; 18. Orlnll€ Atkins, Senior6 TC, Cali{,, 91:23;19. Louis Paul, aSU, 9l:3zi ZO. Pat Bostick, Milhos€ AA, 91:32j 21. Kevin Cro\rley, NMC, 92taA,22. John Carlepp, n1i11rose AA, 93:01; 23. Jim KeeJe, BAA, 93:15i 2.1. Terry Callagher, ua., 93:16; 25. Lar!y Berman, CSU, 93:?9; 26. Charles r<eating, NMC, 93:5ii; 27. Pe!€r ltittaker, NMC, 9.1:32; 28. Chuck Riley, CSU, 9,1:42; 29. Mike Baxlc!, u!ar., 95: 26j 30, Keith W1dte, uat., 95:28j 31. William McNulty BAA, 97:29; 32. Geotge Co.efrer-, NMC, 98:0.1; 33. All€nMiUd, mat,, 98:13' 3.{. Ron Drogan, NMC, 98:41 35. Steve Crotsky, Millrose -AA, 100:ll; 3li. Dave Linton, BiA, 1Ol:56; 17. Too Long, BAA, 102:05; 38. cionrad Eroln, Seniors TC, ioz:30; 39. Richald Moore, CSU, 103:52; 40. Jorge Calle, Stratford Slarrans, l0,l: l0; al. Pet€r Burkhart, unat., 10.4:l5i .12. John wallace BA-4, 10.4:30; 43. Clyde Beaton, Mt. Palk AA, 107:39i 4,!. Paul Mahler, uaa., 108r06; ,15, John Babington, NMC, 108:22; 46. Charles Ratti, NMC, 108:58; .17. Altulo MonLero, stratford spartanE, 109:23i 48, JolD
Long, Boston AA, 109:44; .19. Julian Siegai, NMC, ttor l8; 50. Sar- Be-n.r, , c , l0:qr: -1. Poi 5LnJia.. BAA, 111:11; 52. Gerald Good, unat., 114:3i!; 53. Paul Ocrth, NMC, U5:05; a4. Pattison Esmiol, uhat., 115:,12 55. Wm. Cims, BAA, 11614; 5i1, Joe Cartino, CSU, 118:42; 5?. Reuben BigcLov, BAA, 118:50; 58, Joseph Scotl, unat., 118:sZi 59. .A1 Kimball, NMC, 118:54;60. Jan Broa,n, NMC, 118:58; 61. \!ayne Falre1l, NMC, U9:0?; 62, Wilbur Crocker, NMC, 121:00; 63. Andre Moreau, NMC, 121:25; 6.1. Don Spirte, unat., 122.0?; 65. Frank Vo1pe, NMC, 12Z:33j 66. Ceoree Schober, NMC, lZ5:50, 6?. Ed Streker, Mi. Park AA, 126:08; 68. Socrates Sotir, NMC, 128:38; 69. Dennis Child6, Mr. Pa!k A,4, 130:34j 70. Fr€dRobbi!6, NMC, 136:,15:71. Sig Podlozny, NMC, 137:3b; ?2. Fred Marola, rAA, 1' : 7 ,. . a, "- "LDJr, u' "1., oO:O: -f!€d Brovn Sr. -10.35-MILE ROAD RUN, HAVERHILL, lvlASS, September 12, 19?1. 14-eaLh€r: Hot & very h@id. 111 staltc!6, 96 finishei€. Art McAndrei!s, ih hi6 first race this yca!, d€feated Ed l'alkritz, who led lo1 9
1.Art McAhdrews, Boston AA, 55:26; Z. Ed Walks,itz, onat,, 55ii!6; 3. Terry Gallagher, uar., 56:00t 4. Dave Jo|nsoh, CSU, 56:51t 5. Larry Damon, BAA, 5?:ll; t,, Joe lrohti.rro, NMC, 5?:30i 7. Ken Mueller, BAA, 57:37; ii, Ra1!h Thoras, r@1., 5E:10 j 9. Scott craham, uat., 58:43; t0. Chet Iortier, NMC, 53:5bj i1, Torn Knatt, NMC, 59:25j 12. Chartes Keating, NMC, 59:33; 13. Dave Dusky, unat., 59:4?j j4. Rick Bourre, Mr. Park AA, 50:00i 15. Paul, CSLr, 60:14; 16. Art Gratj uat. , 60:17! t?. Dick Ha11, urar. , 6O:19: I8. Toqy Sapienza, BAA, 60:37; 19. Kcb craham, uat., 61:38; 20. I!eyin Gardncr, unat., lili58i Zj. lirilliam McNutty, BAA, 6ZtAa; ZZ. 4at.o Velasqu€z, NMC, 6Z:L1i 23. Jel{ SahDorn, unat,, 6Z:30;2,{. Jim RotJ{:rr!, \.\1C, 62:36: 25. Dick Packard, BAA, 62:5.1; 26. Ron Kar, CSU, 63:07: 27. John Hurley, Ni1e, (i3:23; 28. Bill Mu11en, uat., 63i28j 29. Bob Laptcl, uhar. , t,3r29; 30. tid Lussier, uat. ! 63:.15; 31. Mike Duadovic, unat, 64:16; 32. Joha Eabington, NI4C, 6.rr37; 33. \4ike Moscatello, BAA, 6.1:56; 3'1. John l,ong, BAA, 65.13; 35. Paul Cri{lin, urat., 65:5,1; 3ir. Sam arontierro, NMC, 66:00: r. v.." oo:?j, 8. Bob ,ror,, tnat., t6.27r 39. Ron Michetri, NMC, 66r29r .10. ir, i;sc!h Shea, EAA, 65:33; ,11. cleg Tulner, unat.,67:04 .12. Rolahd V€rdette, NMC, 67:16; .13. lony D.Robbio, unat., 6?:25; ,1.!. Att Fish, nnaL., 67t32,.r5. Ron Simjian, BAA, 67:43' i!5. Julian Siegal, NNIC, 6?:,16; ,r7. Alah Reid, uat.,67:55;48. Alan Tallan! unat.,li8,05j .19. Deruir 1,.ilran.,hc, Ntt. 1,ark AA, 69i!3j 50. Herb I,hilUp6, NI,fC, 69j3?. --Fred Broqn Sr. -MIDI'EEK NORTH MEDFORD CLUB 6-MILE RUN Fraaklin Park, Bo6ton, Mass., Sept. 14, l9?1 l. Ron CalJ, 32:1Li 2. Ron Drogan, 3Z:15; 3. 1villiam Ainsvorth, 33:20; 4. Earl Mccilvert, 33:2t; 5. Francis l4ah.r, 33:5,1; ir. Paul Schelt, 3'!i00j 7. Charles Rafti, 35;15r 6. Stanley Kcyc6, 35127j 9. Claudc E11i6, 35:5.,1; 10. Tony Maccario, 36:l0j lt. C€org€ Lattarulo, 3?:50; 12. Carl Jonnson, 37:56; 13, Sr--vcn No{t1e, 38:lil: 1.,1. Hahk Ainsworth, 38:34i 15. Bruce Migelt, 39:25j t6. Frank Vo1pe, :J9:36i 17. Joln NoItte, ,10:5Oi 18. Ken Hayden, 45r30j 19. Janr€6 DeSimon€, .17:19; 20. Sigmund Podlozny, 48:15; 21, I!ed Brown SI., 54:00. iron Drogah 1ed all the way util the last mile oI the
fiist 4 ru ot his comeback. Cour6e lecold held by Terry ,. 20.,.. __b-Pd B-ov. !r,__ c.'tcL\ J lap course when Ron c;ail decideil to win the
BERIiSHIRE FALL 5-MILE ROAD RACE (ACE GROL]R u€stlield, Mass., sept. 19, l9?r - ManJred Kands.hur o{ the Harliord TC ropped the 40-,19 age dinsion and cafsured lhe Berkshire Eall 5-Mile Road Race in the time of 26:18. Jo€ aessel oI tne NeN York AC Iollowed Kandschur across th. linc in 26:'15, .f-." - c" sr'oi.o-' o :s, r-6dr of fte Berkshire lndustries. 'o
_ :m.'oioroIh_ ', r_!-oL.h-O." ""BI Hartlord IC. L.s Fawsoh .f Pawtucker rook ro! honor! in the 60 & ovel divisioD. .10-,19 DIV. - l. Man{red Kahdschur, Hartior.l fC, ?6:ia; Z, Joe !e.set, Nerv York AC, 26:.f5! l. Tohy Sapienza, Boston AA, 2?:55;,1, Charli€ Hanson, CSU, 28:27; a, Arthur Ahr, Albant Road Runhets, 28;.!3; 6. c. "..". , D A, 2E:ro' 7. f Lo d, ""rrtoTC, 29:30; 8. Stanley Keyes, Nlv1C, 30:l2r !i. .iames latlo!, Harrlo!.1 'fC, 30:2li 10. Charles Ratti, NMC, 30:30r 11. Rene Dorion, NMc, 30:36' 12. !rank Wo1corl, Mt. Park AA, l0:t5; 13. Robert Cumming6, NMC l0:.!5; 1.1, Claude ELlis, N\IC, 30:51; 15. liaul Oerth, Ni4C, 30:5?! 16. Phil Ha!fran, I,tainc Mast.rE, 3l:12; r Io,y Maccario, NMC, 31:2t: 18. Dick Fermoyl€, NIIC, J1:22; 19. Carl Hamen, U, of Rhode lsland, 3l:33; 20. r,4 m. Ialk, HTC, 32:lrlr- (+.1 linish€rs) 50-59 DlV, - 1. Bill Tribou, Ilarllord TC, 3l:00; 2. C€orge Waterhouse, NMC, 32;2.1; 3. Ocrald Rove, G.eeh Mouhtain AC, l2:jj;4. G{ifal.l 1\ard, Ml. liark r\4, 32:,12; 5. 14ilbur Crocher, NMC, 33:04; l. Luis VeIasqu.:2, EAA, 33:18; ?. John Camp|e11, una.,13:51 8. Stanley Lonczakr tselkshire In.jusl-ries, 3,1:08; 9. '' '0. !a,l/L-(Zi ray, Camb!idge YMCA, 35:19. linish.irs) 60 & OVER DIV. - l. l,es Pawson, unat-, 3.1:50;2. Edwin Estl€, No. Country AC, 36:ll; 3. Otto Essig, Slrihgfi€ld YMCA, 3615.1; 4. Art Nadr€au, Ntr4C, 3?: 05; 5. Ircd Bro{n Sr,, NMC, 4?:20. __11
.t ittlc__
COLEMAN MOONEY WINS UISPAN1C MARATHON Central Park, New Yolk City, August 2l - Coleman lvlooney, Nlitlrose AA, (oh rhe Puerto Rican Hi.ranic Marafhon in 2t39t52 o\.t the certilied cours. ih Central Park. Th€ marathon nas thc tealrLr€ of the P,R. Hislani. Sporrs Couhci|6 thtee.lays oJ sport€ in NeF York Ci!y. Kurt St€in€r started th. thr€e day sporrg lestival off by carrying a lighrcd to.c! from Lirtl. League Baseball H€ ib Brooklyn ro rhe Cchtral Palk Mall on 72nd Srrect. A 14. Z mile lun for latin-American lEn€rs q,as stage.l at rhe eam. rimc as the narathon and wa6 rvoh by Ratihael A. Perez ol CoeLa Rica ia l:16:05. Agusrih Calle ol Colombia \1as second. IN the marathon Mooney look thc lcad at ten mlleE & pulled away to win easily from Lui. Torres of Puerto Rico. There rrc!e 30 starters and 21 linishers. the lirst live lllmer6 rec€iv€d vrist warch.s and all the others received trophies. Hot, h@id $.eather an.]
1, Coleman Moon.ry, Millros€ AA, 2t39:azi Z, tnis Torres, Puerto F.ico, 2i46tazi 3. Jo}lI Garle!p, Millrose AA, Z:51:37; 4. vince Chiappetta, Millrose AA, Zr57:08; 5. Jim McDonagh, Millrose AA, 2ta7'Izi
Mrs. Nina Kusc.ik, Slffolk Ac, 3:06:5?; 7. Juaa B. -.Rodriguez, @at., 3:20:55j 8. Jose Rodriguez, Puelto
F'i.o, 3tZ9tZ7, 9. wlruam Sanchez, unat. , 3:34:57; 10. Bill Coyne, Millrose AA, 3:35:55; 11. Dick Ku6csik, St. Antlonyrs 3C, 3:36:51; lZ. Wilson Murphy, Puerto Ri.o, 3.43t24t 13. Ed Merlin, Ear., 3.4.4:23; 14. Phil Heit, United AA, 3r.19:18; 15. Frgd Lebow, uhat., 3:49: Z0; 16. John Kenul, United A-4, 3:53:30; l?. Jim Nolan, unat., 4:06:50; 18, Dan Arrojo, Puelto Rico, .,1:lZ:04; 19. Bob Muller, nnat., 4t26154i 20. AlIonso Padilla, eat., 4t42t55t 21. Ed Granowitz, uat.,4:53:45. CLOSED 14. Z-MILE RUN FOR I.ATIN AMERICANS 1. Raphael A. Perez, costa Rica, 1:16:05i 2. Agu€tin caUe, colombia, l:21:l5i 3. Jose R, velez, Pueito
4. Mario Alonso, Colonbia, l:48:4?; t:52:52. --Joe Kleihcrmah--
Conrad Navarro,
Y. SUMMER SPEED PROCRAM Clove Lake Pa!k, S.L, August l?th 3-Mile Open- 1. Brian OrHanLon, 19, unat.,S.1., t'1:51.2 2, Jim Maltini, 20, c.14, Post AA, 15:03; 3. srcvc Rheinhart, t9, NaBau AA, 15:13; .,1. Nick PignaLo, 19, United AA, 15:14i 5. lfom Stoothoff, 19, C.W. PostAA, 15:15; 6. Joe Be6sel, .1i, NYAC, l5:2'1 (lst Vet.);7. Bill Indek, 24, B!ookl'm, 16:13; 8. Ming Louie' 18, Rrooklyh 16:1?! 9. Dan Dougherty Sr., ,l?, SLAC, 16:44; 10. Larry B1ack, t9, unat.,S,I., l7r3il. (21 starters, 20 Iibi6hers) 3-Mile Teeda{e Ru- !. Tom tsierster, 16, Staten lsland AC, 14:45,8; 2. Da!rah Haarklau, 1?, sIAc, l4:'16; 3. Jim Devlin, NYAC, 18, l5:10; .1. Dcnnis Caicedo' 15, NYAC, 15:25; 5, Steve reating, r6, uat., r5:36j 6. Eddie Merlin, 16, nndr. 16tZZ. (18 staiters, fa iilished) ' VAN.OP . LAND I DA \, dL u" 22r sponsored by RRc oJ Ne\\'York 5,000 METER OPEN RUN - l, lony Co1on, 19, unat., l5:20.8! Z. Howie Ryan, 26, NYAC, l5:.12; 3. Joe Boyle, 24, NYAC, l5:55i .1. Hugh Sw€eny, 26, Milhose AA' 16:00; 5. Joe Quaderer, 23, NIAC, 16:13; 6. Ray Naudain, 19, United AA, 1f,:17; ?. Tim Taylor, 19' Uiiled AA, 16:18; 8. Bob Bailey, zI, cJ'r'Q, 16:29;9. Jo. (alano, 19, unat., I6:37; 10. Bob Caplin, 21, NYrrc, l?:06; ll. Norman white, 19, unitcd AA, 17:26; 12. John Haberkern, 19, C.W. Po6rAA, l?:36i 13. Dehnis DriscoU,19, NYAC, 17:44; 1,1. Richard L€wis, 28, United 3-A, 1?:54; 15. Dan Garn, 2.,1, NYPC, 18:02; 16. Byron I'iun.]y, 23, ' Pena AC, l8:16; 17. Dl. George SheeLan, 52, CJTC (1st Vet.) 18:26; 18. Dan Dougherty Sr., 12, SI,{C, 18:26 i9. Bob Watker, 19, uDat,, 18:31; 20. CraiS Benn.rl, 27, FSSC, 18:39. (30 slart€rs, 2S linishers) 5000 METER TEENACE RUN - 1. Matt Centroeitz, lb, Unitcd AA, 16:l?.6r 2. Ji4 D.vlin' l8' NYAC, 16i33; 3. Don Harivel, 17, cJTc, 16:36, :1. Jo€ Meringoto, 17, uat., 15:'tO; 5, Dennis Caicedo, 15, NYAC, l7:00; 6" 8th ,AI\INUAL RRC OI- N.
Pamoo scob"r, l, rE\.,llt
7:7. .on dLn'n.
17, NYAC, l?:0?.5; 8. Jim Haslan, 17, ITSSC, l7:2'1i !. Jnn Winfie:ld' 18, unat., l7:29;10. JolD Dzwoner, 17, HudsonSSC, L7:32; ll. Glenn Scutari, lli' NYAC, r?:35i 12. F!ank, ib, LIAC, 1?:3?. (39 6ratrcr6, 35 fin,) --Joe rleier--rJUNIOR NATIONAL ATI[] 3O-KILO RUN CHAMPIONSHIP & SENIOR MIDDLE ATLANTIC AAU CHAMPIONSIIP Atlantic City, N. J. , Suday, Sept. 12, It il - Ncil Weygandt edged away faoo Leammate Herb Lorcaz in rhe last olle ro clock a Iine 1:5,1:05.6 in steamy, hot, hrfrid weather, Lolenz, just back lrom Ho1land, ran .:vch wiih
6ti1 strickei with heat a4d fatieu€, 1. Neil Weygandr, Penn AC, l:5.1:05.6; Z, Uelb Lo!en, Pem AC, l:55:05i 3, Bill King, Pehr AC, 2:02:22 (16t Vet. ); ,1, Chris Condon, Modouth College AA, 2:04:26 5. Sieve -f oster, Monmouth College AA, 2t07t00, b. James Roberts, wat,, 2t07t19i 7. Albert wick Jr., uhat., 2:08:56; 8. Jim Ei6enberg, Princeton AA, 2:09: 19; 9. Bill Link, Lincoln univ.AA, 2:11:50; 10. John Ski6lak, shore A,a,2tlz.25r 11. Frank wick, unat., 2:14:.15; 12. John Karol, P.nn AC, 2:15:56; t3. Robett Wa1.h, unar., 2:17:,41i 14. Paul Mcsorley, Pcnn AC, 2:19:28' 15. Lee iolnson, Lidcoln Univ.AA, 2;20:0'l; 16. cene \Iinor, sho.e Ac, Z:21:L7i 1?. Sidney wright, RRC of N. Y. , 2:25:08j 18. Jobn Deiley, naat. 2t29t23i ' 19. Ke\1n CLarison, nnar., 2t29t59r 20. Demi8 Norvrood, LincoLr Uriv. A-{, Z:31:40i 21. Bob Carl€on, Shore AC, 2:12:58i 22. Ernie Johnson, Shoae AC' 2t31tl8t ?3. Ross Yates, @at,, z:47:18i 24. Tom FyLe, Shore AC, ::-i;2i, (31 starter6, 24 fiai6he!6) Team: 1. Pirr :\C - -Jo. Mcllhinhey-Weygandt
MAINE OPEN -!-{'f C]N: IIOUR RUN CHAMPIONSII]P Boedoin Colleqe, SDCat, Septehbcl 19, r97r ldeal s,eather, .!ar G nild, 1. Ralph Thomas,, U mi1e6, 795 yds" 2. Ricila.d Rorilr:y, .cacc, Ll dile6, 476y 3. Bob Hillgrove, .",.cil:nd, ll miles, 7?y 4. J€ff Sanborn, -{usrsia, lNm, 998y; 5. Lloyd slocurn, Gorhan, 10m,.156ti i. D.ral.r. Sanbora, Thomaston, 10fu,649y; ?, 1!atne Carilner, Boidoin College, l!h, 336y; 8. Dale Talbor, aolle!e, 10m,305y; 9. 1om Martin, Porrlara, lrn, zliJ.: 10. Alan Taplin, York, lom, 20zy; 11. charLes ria}liar.l, BoFdoin c01., 10m,152y; lZ. icff ilun.h:et, ;rieulsL\r, 10m,111y; 13. Ired Lambier Bor.aoir co11..r--, 9m,ll.l6yr 14. Paul Jackso., Ca!e Elizabeti, 'a, ,l3ii 15. .lerry Crommc!r, Bwton, 9m, ?3?-v;16, Craig Cogger, Bowdoin Coucge, 9m, 59yr 1?. Terrt \lani, -r! aldoboio, 9m5t; 18. D" od..: o. r oor 'a r'-a , B. Cotli{s,'_yPoltlahd, 8m, L-1l_vi 21. Tom \,riller, Cmber' land, 8m,l't49y. (29 linish,-iel Stlit. lor Thomas: 4:59, l0:05, 15:i0, Z0tZ4, Zt:39, 3C::.1, l6:13, 11.35, 16',55' 5ztl8,51Aa, --iose!h R. DahI-BI-ACK IIARAMBEE lict,ID.\t .-\,lILE RUN Spiingfield, Mass., AueLst 22, l9i!- Lou Paquin, 20, Jrom Barre, Mass., look lhe latrreLs in the 1st Annual Black Ijalambee Marathon, T€am hoaor. went to the Mr. Park AA. (73 srarr.i:, b! liniBhers) l. Lou Paquin, NMC, 29:i?i 2. fom Derdeliah, NMC' 30:50; 3. Louls Faul, csL, 30:52r .1. Dan Ne$c11, Mt. Park AA, 30:5,1; a. \lanjred Kandschu!, Hal|{ord TC' 31:10: 6. Preston Hunter, \,1t. Park AA, 33.'.15; ?. Jim Cusek, unat., 33:55; 6. Jona|han Hird, No. Country AC r:0 io. .(d),- L.c" L1"1., .:0,: r0. se I K ad-. unat,, 34:i6i 11, Dav€ Libeq, uat., 3tr25;12. Don Buckl€y, unat., 3.1:55; 13" Demis LaBranche, Mt,Pk. AA, 35:15; l.l. lvillie Kytes, unat., 35:,15; 15. Clyde Benton, Mt. Parl -{A, 35:.17; 16, Allan Rcid, unat. ' 35:50; l?. Srewe Cary, unat., 36:25: 18. Buz DeRobbio, wat., 36:28t 19. Karl 51o\tic]t, Eat., l6:40; 20. Kevin Pofell, Mr. Park AA, 3ii:55i Zl. Ben D€1monico, Mf. Park AA, 37:10; 22. Hank Devine, Nit. Park AA, 31.22t 23. Dt. Edward Streker, Mt. Park AA, 3?:25; 24. Mark Berger, Mt. Palk AA, 38:10; 25. Faul OParo_ wski, unat., l8:12. .57. Dan Cohn, 9, Mt. Paf!r A'A.' 5I:25. .58. Ired Browa, 55, 5l:'1?. --Dednis Childs--
Marty Liqaori: Villnnan)a,et
Strwi g ht - T ulkin g S ap erm,ila r
lroad tcr blr brcai|tc''
|tnd tr.trrctt r.l'''llttat t a,i',t ba4o''''l,'g rLh & ore oI hb mo,|trtt arnbitio'rt, Wt &{''!,lly thc r'.c|'p,typ|!,l coale'4 ha."o'.
B..!.ttl the orlpdtr C6a lhli E mi. B.F rctt, He! tb€ oq B*t &et if ofi Urtyl-iEbri h. Sd, n€w *t'iD8 rli"r ;t tl; l@ ti@ h! ts ltokiDs th@ qicldiDS llim6 into rhe fie th.t ta&. eva .t thil @h6t, Get @a! Liquoli dd yod t*l ir C*t id cto& --ljle ch.rbrse bih.{d you,ll cmie
Dlobqbly cet buEeal
,byts dI.* ,.8.T" uquon ed h wbpp€d_tiec." him at just aloltde4thidg ltsebedbev6 .IwrF @ning hdn. @mphihing
Uut Beei. s@fil @e or tso moF tb.n h. di4" $j|l Uquon's @eB.
''portt F.r en dnft6 iti "Ye[" B6ie we bigger ud he b€€t @ pr€tty s@d. A lot oa euys leat re baak ihd Thai's *no losbg diihtt @tta
mucll Now that it ilG , . . *!, I m up lhet€ vith the !€t ol thd., too
Liquo.i's orly g!re
h'rtrt p€ls s .6r*L No re play in lrihtcli 1o hide Fist ks d . dug@r or b.nch to EtEt to, It dl hrc onr You hv. 6 di€ d i@r M-i! r,lE pMtpted
ns i! lu-
djas lt's e okl gue. Except lor shoe styliq clanEe dd dbbeiz€d tracks, it s still pretty mucd whlt
sheD Tloy
Spafia. OD€ WID'S
md ssriEf eoth€r:
th. &st€st? Iat's lind oui, ol!
There's&whipFdclt@in or f.Eala fleh to stifle ihe ya'E hack. No ball@re or blinlidg lighrs
his is Marty Liquori,c gsme. IIe's a biildl6ilie .de rund (@ to threnil6) udh€is@n-
oe of the Inc$ ev6. IIe roy rDsibb la th€ t€t ia ah€ wond toilay, Ds Fet4 @ebl€ ofiicial of the Aroterir Athleri. UhioE dd Jin Eliot! Liquori's side.ed
one of lr&ks mo6t
qkt€d 6duer b.lilvi {.dt nl! ri€ be.t FaqEcts of b€hg ihe i:r3a lla eE to !r,n @ r|ile ni rh.. nilutes ad 50 *6D<k. SFrts Eirs @ gi@ t hyD* t le; lhey like th€ wcil "suE." II pr€e4 boEvq. bdt ot 6; win lbbrbly .dnir thar, i! bur!" lilalte Liq$d is |he only supcr athk;
thj!' rown, s@-
lI€ hE w6 evely @jor Aheli-
b.d.l .viili lis Ming cLs,rot ju* odc but ir sm (ts tm ud irfe !€s l|l@i!g. IIe h6 eve! rc1 a ra€ iD p]suElEded chanpi@ship .nd
l'ladison squar. Gerd.n (tlrough 1] cont.sts) atd h. has son. nld.feat.d as anchor man in 10 rac.s at Ill.arkti! r'i.ld, A1so, h. coltiru.s to lick th. b.Ri n.r in his ctass inchdirg the ni1. \orld r.cord hotd.x Jin RJtn (thr.e tim.s) and knvais ruustrious Kilchoge K.ino- riquori's !!ima?J go.r nor i. to {in th. orrmlic r5oofr n; in c."r."y year. It ,@xld l. th. filBt tin. sirc. 1908 ttar an An.r:can {on th. "."i l,iquori cane to ennias as rost ir:ck athret.s do - as an artei th.ught ir a qu.d ror so,r.
lhlEical! viEibl. id..titv.. an outlet lox an iat.nse con!.titive drire. a. a vo*g6te., h. a"lu.a tn" usua:L boyrood atnletic but .r! g?.ate6t "t hi6 lastines in_Littl. Leaere baseba11, las.ty !.caus. oJ his froth.ris coaching. rr tausht r4art] ho; "r wae alwavs a bit o{ a tonrrov,n Eaid the darklv "tt"a"trt. ro.tvisl !*,t_*-"""" to .atch. Ee {as slishtlv built for a cetch.r but h. had a good ar;. Nobody tri.d to Liquori. st;a1 *cn lrarty was lcilnd
yl.. h1.::iil:d hash sclool. h. sousht etory rdth rh. bask.trall rut th. runou! raE 1arA. .irough so that a r,b k1r N=€ .:sr1y overlook.d, He tura.d to cros6 co!f,try to strensth.n hin6.1t. Soon :ft.r, when he ran a
dak. rt a6 a lunrer. Liq|ui m It tu i! high *ho1 eL@ Liol @|l€s6 q@n El1 CeA Joneq low 22, d o6ei.g *hobEhips in rtlh lor stt.crive, frekrFfaced Cid wbo rulDjru fou{ilur. miL. qrh bot s ti}c tuny io O,; To-. t! n tt'lls .G hjs c[ei.. TlF F ltey F going ,o tx nsfiied nexl luttug of scb . scholaEhip qE yer AsuibDl.yFf rho,L' Dri@ obj@F rlrouclDur mL'car c.oup sa ptayns a srg ar !!qty! lts hiab sd@I ds, For . while a pslt, sle an-lded. Soon ai€rhe look€d to the mE m€r-fawards, his oach t Ll him he had to vor€d dditic ol ih€ West C@t. doos€ betwem &e guita. ud .unButdj:,hDledbyth.lcibiliyrhar !ing. II€ put th€ iBtnnent away. bis fdily wd dnott .bleto* r'ea O*y"., *ho tti-""U -i*i"l LiE mpete ofte., he brb€d back breaLine a foui minure mile by ts to rhe rnst eil *ttle<l @ PeBn. tlan a second durjng tis rtuing dals cu.d"d Lrquori aI lt_roud ut .toba @e lb. 196? tign."t""t "r g""* t .i-r nori"ia Il P* R4"y" yh* u" r,*". a.""topi.c i"to If, i, y"- ' l'otl -it' dd a lns $phomrc ycu Nor"o_"rhi"c r nud ib I! m rbemeeb as,, pra.h(!. H. *s ou! Ap{ q:.*l-" 9!qllnd,* rrish $FF in au l.ndsor we.Ger. He bad T":9'jI@k: u ldlr'€lftboFgood DdiudLa[s rhat a chd. rF, Ald lh.,Ivy tasue bad lever piol musr h"re. pMlllw s buFruub tu And InI<E hbr hpte.tosp to Lquoii, Mr. F,lliod.lEdy bad iour dd bad Dw]4 r,".i." *r". *r."a ju,i v h rle r&ed bagF oI Liquon as a TIE Martin Liquorn Sr. consr.tul.b Mdy a{h. . vi€r.rr. Hn n.i6 i, C.rot Jm. So in e edden shift rlEr lefi qututstuppie. b, asctu, and _ at+e$ P:d ac.F. Lj. ;. H" i ** n ro.uj "somm In ay cs€, Liquori,s reputatior -bad IIe'B hq coins wilh tie sae €irl qum FpRad :jfiars E bur-J€& Ea'n_ prc_. Bur ,he inagc was on for six yeds. arLdrs to sutrsdib;r .tut vo. s $me li'd of witd, iGolenr show_ irg.tron M ultE-nod€n. $250.000 ;ary on Ma! t6 rh;n Liquor: w." boat-"holdog,f the jcks call to "ihat Billy CEham stutr- ii -is sr iqd tEcI iD w6r Philadclphia hoohd n" ** lo.c .,_- hdd to fis!.e. IIe sfongly rflects dom on drussj espouses Llie{ iD "t"to ud* du.ed Dr:or ro u mar"r, *.rh Ryu. a tmditioel, high molalistic, no, the fte enlerpi* slstem, dd hs L--_T1e*:"?5.fI* ruey ar vllhoq - udte6ty nonsee kind of upbi.sine rhat enoush Catholicis ih bim r, dos oo -By bir! i6ior yq, b.ina @d.d by sN
wrro may still be
K€ino tast
festerin! ov"r LiCuofl s m ovc;
one would exp€ct of a
Cedd Glove.
ioy. (The roM, a sunu$ of Nemrk, hB about 8500 p€opl..) N- J.
hirseu publicly !€fde
each ra@.
Yet the Ebellios biat im:€e persists to the loirt sltd€ a ;!or!s-
|.dE t&t'.d Iiquod &e&iHyrioxouldh.ugst drr*t:r.el*F n6 ed att€3ts ro to . dEpsv ed &" Evh ba gtd 16 t!a.d ilto tt Ailqtrb,rbt dr!ry.t!.tet ,h.ldlal of guy you feel scry for F&dc.l!d?et g€ofl-iqudt'sdc i!!i "I thbt at tbi! poirt be'! ur1b6.h. los,"
tt tfiln{ t.Fttt ! ld th& {@ Bnub. (.rd, k'rdunr, 6de 350) i! s.i'bsry I'@l&@i itbe3nE '!.lFddDg. i! rt rith th€ clc @@r!t e-, @tirlE tbdgb th. rnrte! iDiI@ F.c! M dd riebt @ rbslahtbesnreedsr'eout.ld b&b 8. tic lo b u0 6ila aEy taL Ee's up ai d,m t 3€t 3 dr.h it 3 hG.@ belore b@l&st dd 'J'.s. !'be @iEil€! h. 3qu..4 in .t lbe €nil ol the dav. h t trt i, h€@y get ofi s@ ! rabbg by Mo'rs a Elie o{ U qualr*{ile bF i! 55 to 57 *@d5 * ...h, j@si"g * util a d@! I8t""d "pri"ii"g pLt dTlE a . @ c@!ir6 tbE ct d€inbL r[opcti@ or both +€€d snd Eravtlbrsi6l fqdbrde- A! $dgn Li{trir sF€d is Ecdldt f@ a biildk ifd&€ !l]r]F,Itis i! Eib
€ da.t iL l&odl ituib ro ibile &ir |aED@b hlt dta ft h{|-
FLt!i!.plyrhbrglhGl!€re 'S@dti6 fI E .l r ar,r b . bten eDy r!db*. ilb hsord hib!" siit l&ei "lia d 6 th. tlE & Iad.. be E y jdr D.!a E .De ry t€'I' dd ru ire. tnL It t's irrt €dgh b srE you Ud Ore 4'onlnit ! cbibs that Li,. qlori riittiDsv tsyclcd{ut IIi|
Dihg foi tolh of u," Cdo! ol (Itey pLd to b.added'€iilalter ihc $oliling opp.neqt! h. OrynDi€.) "'g€'i b{ililiqg hi5 nu€ d..€nt !hi!r ru lan tr.!. And bis e lh.i Lt4r, wh@ he spes Dio bsi6sv of rlnply t iqg hi@elf oft the D* d lar, it tt1ll oFtr d@E. (A!d he wi[ Ee t]atl4€ $'ha aack 'Il he firi&s le's goes t s@.body, he sys $," ofereit [?wei! to.l{i.fsths, Mdtin, sr-, oE t-"na-+e, DaE Pddalatt ah. .lporilEit€r, tels the .lo!y of how he tueled 1968 OlyhDic IlDlCht to bc Llquori's asssent of hj! athle- r RFart@ at . p6h Pliladebha Iiqui's $periu et the ri@, r6itry hs dMysbe! llgn od retuuut by uling Itb str's ':a@ dct lGt ! EDt @ th. r@ eh6 ta !6 statld s rery plaidy. Tlft wlto the family ws vIP€d b Rlu dd rb. tE-y@ dtd Inqu@i &ok ohectiuty hs bs ilterFe- deelh by a @rrN of 6!er<.ger t€d a a ldtd of tubrit, by lhoe miten, a $spiciou Liquon.sked (RuDhg si6 a haidiDe fracire who lik€ thcir heroes t g&. ai ihe hi! father how h€ preued the restloot, shume their feel ed blult u eNatioG. Wh@ LId, M.!ty look€d in his I@t, Liquoi Ptaed lar in the shuclrs," seridsly at his latler dd sdd: ".w 1968 Olympic MiL. IIE Eaction ws ,'1'11 t€ll you on€ thinA," said "D.D1 €v€r @ my ll@e like ttEt dmol. _No -eat shock. t m voul8 Dwyer, "A mh treils a lot of chd- again," The elde! Liquort b.s { ) ,;d thd€ r"ll b€ dot})€r OlYmlcter sd intesrity to @ the race As to. b€ing !@ber on€ 8t! to it up (M.y For Cael slru 16). huEb€r one suy, hedid agairot Rlu{here in th€ elcutaiing a m! to itg s dep a he dtq ._* trrt'6_ !- tot @r. nor the h6L Ee hib*tr rtuit5 r5ar st m of Liquori's ninit ttlee is a quires lhe tul.l dewlo,lrn€nl of rhe "",-r-, ' Ryu is quicte5ld rLF prh€bly pbnoepbic.l b€d ihai is nurtrEd r't *"". "" i,t.infsgibld in 3 me N .nlH. But fr .LF sr@id bv ad tinds affimati@ in riteElue ,. .;:: -' - -:^:-,^-:,;^; ;:Addshi5morner. rhey re erways "" ovd rhG oiitdie disr.D6 !b* Ey o; $e sci@m liclion gerrc' {"Fd'a -ou.a tnr'ilr io mke him out like . rough ntt 451 lepi me uP util 3 a. D. @ srd rith the sqE sirj@r E0, slen it rs on telewisid.") Ee's eri],MMysody becn in one f:shl "a:_l _ _' " -_ rhat I loow oi sd thrl ely ha 14+po@d l@. _' d*pl.r jnieres"ed in rhe peerings aI $lijls for ir for q*kr. II lhry sav rrnd "Ee! sF@g s a bulL'std ch ild h€'i cocky, OK B.tier lhrt Ellott. "ad |ire (fo@ rtrsb En ''A lat ot what Orwell &d EuxleY h1!. b.en holding do,,n som. p6!3y.,,Cae clos€d. 6) Rd DGldy, h. b6 a limk srE ab.ut, rou can se ridrt nor, -tm.r job h.r. ' ir.tead. h;LE lath".bilityto*i"biog! Liquon eid. "Ljke, the Fkins of tf a guy dy be judged ny the And hdn1r4 a oood tin. $aB bis sF€d (m fdger diltrc happb* thrond pills ed illues 6pdy he keps, yod need 30 .o hlah or my list or Ej.orit@ ilD this betts th.D ey @! H_"lJ rhe sr]ys I w€nt to high scb@l lEtler $e Liquoris cloe<l .ol- ,- r c -ur."-. fw@ea." $i$ aF on dope now. And I @ s* Lc. friend. tealrlmte Ro St 'ko Liquqi's ibcriDdd ot how h? it b€ie at s.!oo], 16. I believ. the E. 1o-t s.r.1 out ot rd.nrJ r v@ sll slmko reinmFtiti@ililelth'Et"nd o j- real happin€ss you ce have i. rrces havina a eooil tlne in .rlldk you ror lhe omPrwo der.nlEil -I ha* Gve q en $at wfdch vou em !y workjng tor _:_"'-'--:,--_-,.,';:: ''Mffry aDd I are close lEeu* rhim I mEr rbi'* ahour. I b3fte n T!o* on druss dd mariju@ we shN varks; sd stlrrro. ;--" L6.p ey hr Etsed ad d, sbout d€ uFalstrcally haPPY.r' _ .--';";;"'^":, -;^';;_,^-"^ "rri*e me, many hxews 1T,..1 -:".:._--,":, dc r€rdcd I ble ro rlqp 6t -cj senou s he nay be alEur tle ".: .: ;-, ."'. ;-,one sers.nyttuns,h tu Mlb h.r .rNLss ndr FsDitr3 bnl I sbj€d. I,-jquori can sttl aplFciate ," :" he doesi de*re. I|e belFves ir '""r &ue humor wlen il happ€$, I{a 1) you wsr smdhEg you hsve b And G ue t6r IaD ldrhe nd 2ft t€ls o1 btr€U bd two friends lEh- o ,-, . work b ger it. Many wont h.lp ih. 'f. | 1 io .,,*r"* inB rsired in hjs room by a pne*. liquori's r!!:r.nt rlili+y dylody ihat ce heb !nser," in€ up (the Fd) but.or usn€ ny .{s tle .'our spole, the ulmEtaLTIE tm have enter.d r @u- slot hi6 rudins irto a total ild; Dy tH_ Alit able cdor ol nanjuana *eFd into ;,; Dl..of mird blsDes.leDtues to- !.!st.ct1v. ol ulat h. is and ff its a !6r6.ut di mFtiEe '-!e; mdrl as someot€ Ut up i! a !!tbc., rhey erd gotr slr4 Do ,ter. L,e 1s goind is .^,hat k .!E r@,rou6Ddo€r!.t $1o0ya!& e! ste-rco equipmeni to iheir feL- hrE on Errai+t about !.sF @ s6e ADd F; j"!r '?^e ine of u j$r looked 5t mlo atirl.t1. con!.tition. tnd it is FE !m bv FBpiog IDG afu util each olh€r," Liquori laughed. "Tho *. *:*T 11"19''-1t:lY- 1"f-'- r* o1, o','. r@ Lit dF raF. t* o ol tne exys ex@sed themselves. ' L l !"ob tho t... il'.ouet' 'A.dror.rervrerd*i'sthe Ftre. the pne$ wa leaving, the r.". !:""-ei 11:-q?:i'--Tlll! s"ins @ney. uquotr na dso Fen .; .. F^" rc.a@rotr,ut[@It *!.i€ lauvay sdell€d like Ridt " - -,"-,".- "., b*lG ro tus oneee m6t s sd *; _r- you si{r !o hun phF_ Cudd-thy spray€d tle whole , r;' i;'.' .;:. *8"!:-TI sp€t.* @rb. whd rrDr barrrEs yd b,e dd hall $ rle priest woulilnt , ::: :._ ": ". a choie to bt up ud ld6 tb. p@ . g€ -eig &.n ,kly of bb tutuE: "I wdt treins bur he L..- s boe **.n.,,f ri".t ttr, -at.t So hos l€s the head tlat wears tD mdle a lol ot mon.y." to .@l i( td Ee iLdb.61 8l* . *r"a Ja**d of!bl.5d iI ya n a-Yilihr in hi. "i*;JLp- :d"n" Stanko says ihe olly dffeEDe lE iG u* l.a 'I dor't think of dys.U a nE ItE MrL L'qMi L.r in 0'eir aF ro@,icT Dto-tttt oEcr Fd a @ d; .t* b" L- h.dt"r.. r. * ler one," said Liquon. "WlDt did I prcaci€ to tlsck. Mirty ws 3rsFr rhe 64 bur sF 6.y tEF b€a! him by (Rtu, last nonrh) a dd qufl @_ddg mrh l@.IIe b;few. wsys l@lins.r bow to n6lie a fuyardl What d@s it med? Sulpose tue @t of back !y usinB it d a 9* r*"4. :. b1q",1ryli aionidibterEp@ 6liq@i,s $€ nexr time Le beats me by a yard I w-bl9-11-{T,rel1 slepp&{ 5rone., r alway, hE dcF:lns y *Fdd"..*t;.-!;.d or lhree. Whar would ii sF n io rh. pF eni uillook *!.t y"y -"t-g tb:*' fT* .?l .n1i-t t" ru J,.r .t"*, ;. oi twoI thin]{ right nw *e'rt llrdrProve. F@!aldjormdl l @uld out of it tdn!,!t_ThewLo,c!!.Fr8. GT-.i *!h* r. i" ing $e nhher one sFot. attherime.ql huuty 9d@E "l-Ft E *r-LEt*t-" e"a r, r" "l'U leu you sohethjlg. I don't of a iDb. H.'s iu.. more tutnF "tg*iry}t :: ur P. fird ;r*t,h" *r* war to !€ remembercd as the cuy didled," o,-srdly_cqi!! slt, Ij@M
iEprddoD is
!5EDtk t&erbl,e b
wba riqu."t qbar iotE $i@ be thderf'i'l,iab.rh!@..
Nor.o oddry
muld Mt lile
IEE wilh FG
+-t{.t ii!,;--il'"'.'*; .Ei!!.4
.I!y€*d. "I d liLc rh@ ro .a lu...,F .e "f .Plyft.d. mrDDr @l ol . orts * me s a .l€dieted @. Bui lo.ts lil. pr., h€
"r-"d-;th *;ffiil-.* -iifrii;i
Gf- i",fiffiii
Wbat would you hke to be
o"t"t - embered
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!-'-q.f:"T-{ P* *' *tr" rh oA*ii.;;;;;; ;;;;G;;;|.;li]ll;ib-' r'u o-.rfi Jfi-o"i--J :::?r:34,-l1ltbvFvch' ;;;.:*;,;iidr -;rrf.,t"g. -rt !iBbts')'****-
-' H*fl#
lor, Mdty?
''I wt L be rm€hbe€d !61 niler of all iime- And I'll appoiDt d iJ I'm
re ihe
be dis-
M:rtv liduod!
. .ido ihoy! wli6 h.! rith hn, C.rol JoB, wfim h. h.! d.rod lor lir v..6,
Fl.r.d in iocter
.r tg Laq.ori : V a,r.''olfn Ir-r[ Srp?rr. ?f "
HiB ego is sboriis, ud be msk* no s6rer rboul ibe ta.l, tht he irtetrd! r. @[ rich. Pur him
otr a
trsak .nd he
Mlly noees:
Phila., Pa. , Sat. , Oct, 2nd- Penn Statc gang.d uf on Villanova ovcr rh.i tough fiv. rilc B.lmohr Plarcau course to whip rhe defending NCAA & lC.lA champion6 oh thc srl.agrh ol
cr.g Frederick's first place lihi6h. l. Clcg Frcde.icks, PS, 25:4Z,Zt 2,
Marty Liguori & Donal Walsh, \t, 26tA3; 1- Charlie Maguire, PS, 26:15; 5. wilson Smith, V, 26:32; f,, Bob Hillman, PSj 26:39; 7. Gary Cirting6, PS, 26:4,1; 8. Iim A1lahan.l & Dan Sufuls]{i, PS, 26;48; 10, John Fullmer, PS,26:58. Uquori! Jdnitory r@m
Vill.nov. h.. re&ig.r.lo.,
ry .nd +.r.o. 13 ih INAERNAifIONAI, MARATITON, NNSCHEDl', I'IOLLAND, Seltember 4, I971 l. B.A. Ar1.n, J,neIaLa,,2r 2. n.J. Au.rin, Dng land, 2:19r.12;3. Joln vitale, L.S,A., 2:20:16,2j.!. P. Hahpton, Englahd, 2:21:38j 5. ll!rb Lorenz, rl"S.A., 2:23:06;4. M. liJojcik, Poland, 2r24:03;7. Eassi, ltaly, 2124.59,8. C. Janssen, Netherlands, Z:24:18; 9. J. NoI ran, England, Z:26:15;10, Podnoiik, Czech., 2:26:23,. 12. A. Reaviy, England, 2:27:36..13. D.A. Ritchi., Eng tand, 2r28j54..1.1, Ohtuki, Ja!an, 2:29:06..20. Mamo rvorde, Efhiopia, 2.3L3]'. 1166 ri6ted {inishers)
uqEi Et rit @ Po&i ,r.. rid'l Sddri,ti of sqd.e tin o rh Ld l|Pd . r.a .l M.di.. S+r! erJ.r Yd..L?6 Lis e"
s MFG. t EIt6tAfi0 StftCt t900 l5 M00Ets
Sponsor! Of:
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