ocroBER. r t52
YANKEE FLYER - TED CORBITT - Pan American World Airways
Tm tollc DrsrrncE loc
?. Nub.t 82, ochob.r, 1952 subscllpilon Rrt.s: 25y' a coly; tl.oo a Y.e. rdd $1.o0 p.! t u for ftlst dlar. ni11. ndtlor: ll Blornlis 1o.5, 306 vr. c.nt.r st., voodbaY, I.J. r&ort13!4: vhtt. to !dd!.63 !bot. Vo1@.
nul,"IIl{elo]{ Colt{rlllY t111 b. c1o6..t to!
va.atlon th. .ntI!. mltb of octob.!. turle dottb of octobo! ...d ov 6rd0rE to TEi S!I?0. Boi 2, Oat.xay Statlonr C!1ro! CIty. c,ltl. P1.aE. o! !.tt.!s td EunttDaton corpdj dullEg north of octobdr as !o na11 t111 b. an.ro!.d. op.n aaarn on r{ov.
e.,"o *."'oo g.ooo-..o0, ou" ::ii.::"::: li:'*:ih. f$:i:"ii:;: \."'Yor" ciir, Hrsh J..cout. rashlnslon,""0..".on Jom lb:l&; 2. Bruc. c.oooc,
11.. to:99: D.C.. Padl C. O'Sh.!, L.C'.DS. fark, - :-J; !. -'rY.d B!om. r4odfold, ...., Don F t, auln- Bsrb.-. .lt\).5j 5. tla .r '{9.1 n.2, L, Cll8uap, 16:14; -. JlcoM. Tlaud. or.., T.d laul' 14'm., Dae. t, srrhy, 8:qJi b. Isrrt L41.3l._. c;;br[!. ifyc, Par Lanllr st.v!., Kult vLlrr,dbusr 19:29! 9. srdvor eIlcl. l9:-6: 10. csrr v11-.!,qlchdd 2l:02; 1.. Y m6i i/lsh, sr.l;D!. x".. Jo\n xuon, xllw.uk.. rlr.. A!k., BLIjck, 2_:_2. 1r. R. D6ri! {ayurush, tttLl. Rocl A?8, J:./; vlhd. Sp.rs1.r, Sat Franctsoo. tl\s PA. ! c Is-ocl -_ '--'-'--------'-.-' 15 sord.., rdc-!ud- roN i4rnrrBoi, J\coBe sD"ofir cI.ssrfl.d ad. !11.00 for.ach rdd1t16!r, srn !.sncrsco, ca_!I., sr.oar. rue. .lna,tu. dd addr..g,.rd
i$'i6u"* xeathon ?.!f,om.e..
by r.t cltuhlcL, i'i"i *r.06 rr- tod colbitt, iiiri"iiil d "^"*"'*"^rrons
3 to
ctllfor;i!,,apodoroo bl
MalDo' sr'c'n \u3' 30- U&14- r'
'h th'
i:'iji'*i""::::'1i:"i!'lririlrjfi;1; ;ffi fistrr#;;';::;lii;;.;";.;"" iiii r-"i;;;i"i ii ilii""*. 6;*'r '"' i: ,j5.:.i3:3i:: i3,;'i3: ^' ji5;:32:a l,::,-::9::-::::-Y-::e i: eit"liu:i :::;:.tu:"' ;;liri;:l i:l!i-ryt::-rlFrcrrr;snu-sr-rEz-sure i: :fi1.:,n:i!,'$iF,'.. iit:,j;:) Rodondo B.rob, 25. 1962, !.oondo 3..' h
pr!.!-r.q-e.ee:4ere!--1!4 !1Bii"ili::l: H":l 3:il:di.3li! '' 1. D."q yup r, uD.rt.ch.d, 32157,2 tiacr^. t.rool,6;,tns !.a!!dr.r nob.!t!on. ud.. ll:10.? d'., lttJ9.5 3: P.r6! B. r'4undl0, roM B.rcb st.. ll:56.2 jh:oq.3 yI. r., LonA Baaob i. Hun;, d. 6, Foborr 'ons, crlv.r.lty rc, lh:]u.7 ? navhond D,aln, ccr., 3\t55.? 8 i.;"rd t- Bolton, ccac. )tt98, 9. xtllIs scn!pp.!, -o. B.t AC..l6: >o.2 10. cru: F. "0!62, ccrc. l!:"4 t1. Jo. a, P.zo, rMtta.l.d. 16:lh
ll: :l,l'i.'i,!l3tl;.i[;'"'^"'
r4. cdy auack.nbab. umr..
lZ ilT?.Ei."::r:H:, ii:;:,
]i;$.r 19,l!.1 j8ili:i
D sraN.L o]-YilPlC DErLI-ol-
EvflIs --ltanptor, v,., rua. !2-v 1.- 1. Jtms JobEon, TId6H,L.! Ic. g;-trU (,.nEon Is !b. v rsld, sr,L. !.cns. 80o (t:56,0) e dr. ill(l: 2.-' M I r4sr oro nold.r. o. r. rcd I ?roEh. ) /. va.Ilr cu.ntb.!, Tld6ea:'r x. 9:/9.8i ). c.olao cr6on, r,, to'o0. )j [. non lask t. IIc. l0:0q,], ffrxT
-."-i*i,' ittu,,:L::ll'it::"if,,li: lascr, -,Pc. cuo!',b.!. rlcl 1. Ron .ur! 2' r! rolro L, !s.-
1. -'Ey
ili frii';:ll'.r:;':i^:iT:' fi:it:t i;t:ii1il:i"i:::jt':l,S $I,ili: 19. vrllls r. xrdnar, ccac, 42:l+?,6 zo. r,r[:r- n. co], ;;, c.^t. r+:je.? 3];"1.c_':3;:.i,;1.?'i:"fi!l ,I;*"i "". i): fl;"Iiil\i'rl:lE:
fr::' lb:;;:3 F,iliii:l*::wt
2 asl^x oatGs,
Dl.k:da, rndon.3lal rq'
D.sfdt. tb. uro*ud.
Fl1r1cat d.!ron.r, rh. K!. rihr.ric.trr 5 Er.ar tucc.3r. Th. h|t r.slir condrmd r colt1mtn3 to r1r. ln lr1:. P.Idltanlo rtubaErr sh.h 3co!.d a dn. ddbr. rn rh. ,,moi &d !r..a.ch.... AL rhr l.d c@. ('Io\ro, rc53) h. e Lh. rr..a..h.r. bu{ Dtrc.d ohlr 5th tn tb. ,,00a!. Th. 1966 A'ie O@r rr:{ b..n Nud.d !o BeEkok, Thdr&j. nlltr b. trult !.F.r.ntatt{, rlth chtn., (o!.r, FotEor! Md lrta.l r11 plaJrra rh.lr F.ri. !@- 1. lalkr'r srlsh, rndir, 46.9..dooh- 1. v. rb!l&to, r.Fs, 1.t2.6j r!l&to, r.ir:6r 2. ,. Daulr 6.rjlr s1E , rndla, r'dl., t;;:;"i''ffi1':;:'i;L:: r,12,6r 1,r?,6r rNttp.1, lnd1 Ind[ . lr5l.rL..150co1r5r.4..1t0co- 1. l.?. htrq1, u; indir, r:4,.6! 2. tu_ii*Fr, r"dr", :-i;;i.lti;.;:'r:'if,,r.-i"d,", 4th asie oad.
Toldt , ontdlo, s.pt'. 3- co.drs
i:'":i$l;,Fi 2:o,
f.tr61 "ifl ir,'i3t;i,
1"3: itf; I'or.0).,$0- l. Jrck Y.En! lrt2.l. u.ldnrd, Ftlnldr s.!r, 2- r.nhc. rca. Elded 10r- 15C6- !. Ulch.l J.rr, F! ,:u.ot 2. dt ,1 s.rob.a, r, 3:4r.1..s.pr. 1_ le 1. rr1,. r. 1'4r.5; 2. srld.h, nn. r#:7-r. ch*.i;t.i1:r9.3..J0otu sc- 1. srFn, t, 3r4t.4! ?, T.;.;.!, r, 3:r7.5 (NR)l J. qrlrtu.h...r!. 6,11.3.. ,!9S- I. Eoery, h,, 14:0?.3; 2. vdirrlt. F!. el,
P44 v euqro\s!5Ps &:sr'r' rlso'r",/' :::: ,Y,,1" H'n"*.?:::iil.:liTl:l#-
i;i!;h 3;,i: i:ilii$: ii:i;?'il3: 4@*,-,1; ::"*:i f#ii1#::"i.';;;;;;;;;;i'' r.per u:10.2; J. Tulol. srqh, rhdh! u:ll.r. n !1d ro,ooa;.4.;d hold.! prot! Eolotnlkov r, r.lrok stnsh, rndrr! Jo,n,a; l!!ts!sdd,"4d,.r 4.J;" ; i; ;i;;i;;'." tulrr, ,r.p.r, r0,n.6, !. or'ru sr.sh, !Mon.!u, h. ro.k tt. rc,oco t;t;,4. ,. r..a., . r.t,ry n*iiin; i;e"".";;";;:i.t ;;n;i 3i;il;i:l_@$"##rl;111:j.iH: Ii-a_ !sr. r,N, e,oa.o..qg:re!- 1.p.k., r. N's.!r, l.* i:f'1"".Ffr:!: !{orc'! ror r unchD'"g{Ds s. 2:r!r<4.2r ?'41'02.0: p. rn rron!.r rh. strrt &.on..d rh. r..Ii1!_".1: *li:_11111. ______ r1,d@i!d rd.o@r., r!::r,. j & !b.
'.o,io,;;L il;;'ff$'*"f'1.,;3:i.:l:S#i",::*:; i?;i;#;.]; Iiir; i: llll'i;,1.i],lit,t-i: I[jTt d;:,il.;n f;:i..;fn ::*j_, t:r:!!4- r. llruo n Jh, co1.. ,,!.r.: ?. Frrph clocktd u,:.,:tr;; jn;ii""ta CT"'BB'' crss
- ra.- !.
x.!,, Jsalcr.
cffr. 3c, j,52.r; r. Jor. .r!r, coI., r,r).6: sr ,r ,na" uj tr.-.q,giu ;;ii; iiiilil-' ;;iil-n-. 3,5..r..),!9q- !. n14. .r,,,r.., br"r"rka B-.d f. +?. u..f r.!:", r" u,ri u:46.6: 2. brcruo crrr_ru.. t. ?oi.:.o, elq,n iJir;.;"k!a;L_ri !iii:.rl i{.d.o, t5:06.?: ". P.rD. }:.d0, ||dco, I.ill.o on ln. L;r }.e J-i. -r"r.a r" r,..i,,i col., 1<']7.?: r. R.douo ih. nd_n.rrd ;F,-.;F".; u.hd.z. Fr.rto E.o, lt')?.ar 6. J.D.or.ich.. dt.! !h. fldrt^. J!n*. dn.m;1, 'p;;i!;ffo xrd-; .drr.Br., rr,r3.:,.1q!@- 1. a134o oru(r.,
;-oa r.r,.qr, i,i ta ;'.i;;:;ii";; Lal.o. ?0:5r.2: 2. r'.nc q [r..]on., rhnco, d"!1,â&#x201A;Ź;er.-, !qi..d.-., b,r;; hi;;;.;; xuic., rr !.ncr.uDo, 91:t0.3r 3. lr:6n.4j 4. cbr.a b ,{ihrn .r *. ;iniii: c16 !.ch.,, clt., ,2,rr.o; r. a.e l,.e.j c.1. (5t3i) i., .onL!, " tfrrrtrrr, "*ri. l.i.il iJii. J2'16.2j 6. 8.ee B3u.nch. do., co1., t2rt0.0. ,h-}i.. ;h6 sn 6 r;,# l;; ;o;i' IL.!r-}bllr,hoo- l. Rror, co1., l'!t'/.e.oj 2, t!d.r uu1 Ln ".-; rL"". !b. -iii u.-sr.t.,r..d.., 1,1r'i'.o: i. ercto! P.l.r!r, r, .n! B'rir; L; *p*n rurtr. {wi.-iirtr.r
r. Eii; L.d.-, I, 9'r,.;r 3. P.4". dr .lut.d so$' rnto 5rh d.c. ;;! """^ P& 9:11.1,: ,r. Iro1.1odcl., |Moo, .s'ti rt' rtuchbd mr .[oc.t].r roo irn & a:u.zj ,. Pi.dd1. vu8.., PR, 9,i4.1r 5. Errdn ..rr 'ltF \rr.too,", .-rui.t, r,rtr "r *_ cdd.h, rr s.rr., 9.t4.4.
",19.3; L!1!$,
*'';-*G* ;, i;;. *":-;;;;;--pr,.r$, r: r.r.,4f9- 1. s. ch.um,
L s9,,,16.J
iti:Ts,i[ fii"1Ti*s.";;:& ,H .heplo. !m rclrd !.cdd hord:rrd
dr,_ qfP{: I:"-"',-ulT.:i:.. lT:..-!3.1 p59q.- :t ro,ooo!: rallri, -d:'0, #+--,*Li,$: s:ltl:.jdk'drl'e.r,i; ;$:,3:";i.'i;:;_*:t;:;: i::i_ fl:liiij id
.l:41!!. .
i:ermir\ tr;fr.I.ri:F5 - arNrr'{IraD ) iiaorldll, ?9:0?.6i 3. xik. 8u1117- U- rra, r@r!, D!, ?:13.4; 9. J.7@" cL..b., 29'22.4i 3;22.3j 11. c. G!.c..@r
Corbitt Is Ali Right in the Long Run
eul ro-tirL iu (on culE! clir ts !rac!) qurilb Br*lra.i club !!d lrddotr
clrrer cltr
culv* city, caljJomla - lrldar, Au$3t 1?, \962 - 5t42 p.a, r.3 t{n€31€r tack club . ,rt5r.4* *"""*""...'''.': 53tO1.5 ,4rlcorr 3. ro4'-o l. r cd€r crLr ashl.rlc c_ub 51.4.4 i. noEald L. elton, Orlver c1t/ Ltihhtic chb 6, Philip s. craft, crlye. citr rthrei1. cllb
}'al irberi8d
D&Dy}ix?iJ-lsa|t!.hed John
fiena, u6tt3ch€d
l:r.& br l{lle
seest,. 4:12,3
9:54,4 10:0?,1 nob€.*on 4.t9,o 1o:11.o (jone..,,. ,:06.0 10:36.0 Dorton,., ,.26.0 rL:13.O
xudre.., 4:t3.? cr$kd..,
hirlbJ... seG,,._
2a.o9.e 25.m.3 tot36.t- Vtta2,e 4ft26.5 46t49,4 5rt55.t
rt:2o.4 2at34,5 2r:52.a 3Ir79.9
\2r2r.3 \'lt5r,2
15:36.0 2r'Att.O 26t37.a i2t)r.. 31tt5.O B.3e.A \9:32.0 16.26.a 22tAb.a 21t59,o 33tB,A 39t4O,O 45tn.A 1?:re.O 23t24.O 29.\A.a 361r\.A t+2.tA.A 49t2a.A t6:O1.O 'Lt3A.O 11:rJ., 1?:w,6 2312tr.3 29.rn.3 36t)t-212:r0.3 49:21O t6:01.6 t:2t.9 4:te.O 9:t3.0 15:02,o mr17.o 25;02,0 t,16.3 r1,06.0 1?:12.0 22:13.0
I-:-I;3::E-; r:rr.s 2- rtor.2 1- r,26.'t 3-5t45.2 e-5t23.1 4--' t,o9.6 9- 5'22,9 , 5:1o.t 1o - 5:06.0
xudl.i! ut&,
l-:-I;5r-7- - 5'2?.e 2-t:03.6 7-5r2€.o 3- rtl3.\ 3- r:1?,4 4- r.16.1 9- 5:2r;,9 r0 5
- 5:!5.t
55t47.6 51,23.A
(rus$t [, 1962) lNxttl PEII Ac v.{ll(BR'S 'BC4TEo$ Uslr Shot Fur tush lDE r,4tr6 nj srDdr@ 3J loord!. 1t3t1Tr Z8]EF\, i E-r]- 3;r4-]Tt l'r:rlTr rr,-Dtck -or'asE 8:,9 {) ir5 r1) 5:29 l2l ?r81"(2) { )12.1 1tn t)) 28'a'(L) 2.t71 (J) r9 (rt 6:!o (l) 6r2t"B) .J) r!l 6:40 tll 5'0}'(lr) (+) Jo\n 10:f0 {Li 21!10'(lr) Dfav.r r0:3r t5) 17rJ" (5) 2r ^bbato ,1 l5) Lato7 l5) 5tj. l5t (5) ^r.r l !o Hllk !!0 Yd,RE ChlmlE cror. coutry Rb 2 rlu! xll.! x1@ EETi] e.o nf Il-Trf s.rfass 1:t1 (3) 61.0 (2) 10 (2) 12.30 (21 K.rr 1:l|] (2) ?9.0 0i) 1 tt) (t) Abb.t. 2:11+ (li) ?8.0 (l) 7 (]) (5) Prov.n 2:l+0 2:aJ tt) t6:11+ (3) I +) ?o1!te (5-4-3-2-r) ?^CIFIC NoFl HrirEsT rruTUol CHIXPIoISBI?, olt'pia, l{$h, s.!t. 22, 1962 (5 .quar 1a!.) r. cary !a!1sob. v4ooe.!, Bc, 58t\7. I.4tA8, ( r.x R.cord, o1d r.co!d, J:Ls.;{ by 't02t+6, v.lt, Z!&i3! vancoL!.!, B,c.; 2. Bob cahd, ccac, ?9:1.1,^dlu 58tl+7, r:28t)6 2:oI:46, 2:16:55; .1. EdI EIIt6, goc, 29t11, 59t2t, ttJ2ttU ?t5)t21t 4. Eul Ebl.n, SOC, 29r11r 59:I0, t:3J:12 I! th. I,ong Rd, th.!.,s ztlot2., 2tr6:51, )ta1:O1j 5. Don f,18p6!.r, !Err, J'j5.17 & Ed Do trm io !.ad; but c1rnd.!, !srF, J:J5:r?j ?. 8.rln 16r, ?acou $e, 510l!08, afto! lt 16 0e.! f14d d. DoD Burrl.ad, oIrrpt., 6:11:35. dnt- u!.r r4.co!d, x.!out rho ron, l. tb. c.! IrlrDd, Trrcy I]srJ', Bob PoIo.1., ccrc, J1! Col!s!3 !&-!.e!!.9 !9A. iudos, cvrsc, I-lot E. na1.lglL sOC. !Itt., llSU, Xstln'rhIL., TnInD
xoonE & zrNE
vIN Fnc
I.Y. rssl{
*****,*,*l;*:':.ffi*'ffii jffi -
*;5';*'*ffi $"'":H***:' F,$';ft
clocL'ns or 16!?0.8 urtt"r"a.ii".-"" rv.ftt diarr,.d & 1. atnl.b.d.
ri t j'r,'i;r';
fugg;*r"iff L.n4I ?9-, Brrc. rc, 16:20,8: -.
";":$:,:":i"i.il; ::3:Hi"'r";":i
;9" 51"1',lii3l13l""i:;ul6irDj.5i6?;fl';. :il:i "!:il.*"j:,"!H$::rjF"j!:"" i;#-f'#.::;":::"1. f:*i,ilif6,;*:,"
*:::r -"
3iar,.d & all
r,;lit"1ifra:r .
jr-_"*.:ii;i::.:liii" l:.:ls:.iiil:i:iii.j" ilfi"iii:ri"ftTr'diff: in,iirl!i;. *i*:if'*:;:$'jl;#d$ifuiji,:" !i$iil"i:i fi i,,:l:*::*'nt;"
. ;i*if#:*l:r*;fl#:jihix"
i ffi1tq5;tgffi i:t il* ft"{r
ijgl;ffitfi'$;15$Idiil' jfi
#ff ii,$i:",i*i';r
$$";i:iffiry*q*1-* *;l;':'rinri;:: sllii*i:i ii$
i:t;*i::ffi ,-s;*+*",l;ii':i#.
?. JoM.ro3lB.i, Inolsns 3- re_ r6:-l,lr: !. Do-13r. u.a,, 16: ?.?: o.T.. 0at1 !indqutst, una., Bdttl6srouDd
ch;b o;".ro- 1. sarar/!, ,:22.,.).6. 2. soFldLs, ,t41O..,
!/ . . r ,a6 , ot! c!ssu osrsbrs, Fd. t0 & '6 c-Lb, 6r_ -a,cous._ h111;. !1. ro"v"o".rn. 1r t[. c6o-E. to l.r.. 17: l":16; ""; az. nd- ",rsaL -rL].s .r9.!a!ro!s. 19 rsalorls 1 . /d: or r5. D!.r^:is. . ir-F "1-al, DflasrnE, Bd. Dor. oc, 25:10 _:i6A- 1. rr:o1_o: 2- r. *;;y=8rr",63.',0
a5:17 ^""" & I i,b! !;o .o: . r. ro-l cvad' e-!'r. 1., 2tt27 .nc- : .a: L r'.. )q:.o " Dald^" !rM, look' ! or rM";, ro I b' l"b, L:io.or' . rr .oimn, lu3.. _inoq,rst. har_01r€s li.. Lnd.. L:19: Natil 1:!o. as, 25:-l cerl dna.. L:12.ii ?. i.l€. Boo ddM,. B'. L: J.B s Ps.p -,ad61nd, l. Jlr B.8Lu. Ntt'I "pl-o1 as. <6:L8 q. j." 6. 2t.rs "'\o rood, na.. ra.: ri.;rs;;, us.. d:J2.8: _0. r,"it;'"3 ii''ri:::":ii'; ::: -., :1:l :;';:; -::::, : ---::;:': - - - . -r;;;;.-;;-:;;;;;;;:;;::-;.-;-;;;;;; . caroh'o"*r. tr. i c,p.ii,)iiie
r'e. iiii' -'1'iaIr 'l BLll lro3ron E' (rt_' oc' 2?: o.c. c"pLter:,.i.." srrrs-s;.; , %. sEon :i :"::',t:'-.::c."::1uintro c ' o7iF D. . .r"rdo,s 6, D.(. :": il, i;i::;:;: dci:: iii;]" 2. 999- 1. !av. Rue€r. dnet.! i
r.rdi"=i'ffi. & 1oL'. ;-, rl, .. EnF.. 0 e8!s f i.rr r81coE :,:".;1.1,
l:,*:: ",",,:,",,1: r,'!i0". iuri:i!:
j;:;; ti; re 5,;l.X:L"ili,l-Ai;,,",., rst p6'r' ,t:'or16 '"
ro,, 15:L7.Or ". 2. tuve _.rd6!-oor D!vtslon L.2-tl11.s (-l qLdr. t1c(llnLocr, E{, 15:5c.oj l. Joa Ao-d- ;I_L T:-JTnl d-s]_s.h, "d, r6:!"..!!+- r. csorda vco rda, 1. :1d!€ -ron, s,.,.,:07; r. v.,lo !a10rrs, ,,s.. - ro/: l. B.zz L.,L.r. q:,<.br r. ,aYo.-rr3r, L, rrn Lyn'h, 4. 4:uu.b..::!tl!gL, 2):,\, . r.s!6rr Nati.y, 4:, 2jr_t8! D.r6 l/ccllrtock. rplra s.. r1:12,31 2. rii "aro., errcure i-u s,2J:+i o. -* JMos T.'add.n. ua.. J!:15.6; l. "un i. rcrs. 2,,tS,'g: ir; ".u"-6-"r,.!::5r q, !., 14: o.!i no-c. 9, r; r,anlrsrro. Blooilyn "a-y -5, ,5:L; ro. pot E n_ \LA-, )5:rJr ll. "ob.!! \,{,nd.or. ^.r, \,sua, )J-o - t.000n s ^hasB- 1. Jot n 8:08. oif- Dd i,.odos. una. lDr;ranoe lygs, Eiot!. "., a:E6.1; ?. .. cours. ."ra!r B-ovn 0.. a:c8.1t .1, Jmos YcFsroda. Ms. n_{cE \01_.: Jo"a. !un!.!s IIDalIr h.d a roJld n.s1 do@t !'ts, taa! rd co! ' 'ir 'il!:': olco ta. . Ds e.re tut ^1@ dtzo. do '9rn - z-Mlloe- 1, los Lyn.h, I! nosr o_ L ao rho rirs! rr.- ,sa, a:.-:8;-5 ^uAusr clo-qo r'.^s'oa, a1l orok. ?b o.[..6r r. .o 0..-! Bo(, L]. cours. res s rppos.d ro b. .l' nrl.. lo:o/. ; noi, rlr. atlos, er l+. vsrlhslr I ":51., Iat.r loroal.d. 111 !C cou!s.3 5. rtult osbolD€, nc-rs, 10:02.5; 6. stoy. coulso D"!a t'cC1l.ro.!, a!. -arod ouL !Ltb s noasulnE rhool , una,, l0:0_.-j 7. rlo Iyncr, '.Joo" iM,o. 10:0o.2: 6. ,!. r.icb na6 bsln ch.c/.d ,o c a.cu'aE., l0:f.1,1: Jo Abrvr ff! )0:1b.0, bLt lboso laJliq out tno rou.€ dld no! )nd ocr lon- 1. tlo.u s eli,- , /s, tlgu!.s ,os.!r6r .or!6.LfJ. s bllally, i% Toldor-oor rac. ua. sdr l0:51.r,. losod to har. b..n 5 nl1os but ,as co!_ JIiL{I 14 ch,{ir'PI NS IDj. llrAsron, J--t ,
ilii;.;-a-',;rlli::S3;:''i'5"3;Ii1i; liiiiiil ]:;!':.+ !ii"3p:i"';i;.i';iI t:o0., !€c.,..:!!94- 1. r--on, -5: /.b. r.aL or" !.. Ennron Da'br s.rr.s ln.!d. ro,oodr- r. -ayG;-(.8, lJ:lo.o.
ns 25:10
ffiffi,ffi : idii.
; ;;:- ;;;; "i:ii.""i*, i/i:,1:l.iii;;:; i;:i;r:ilk",. Ncrs, â&#x201A;Źe. o & "l'":* ?i-t:yi;;i::+ql!l :i, rct ;.,. t;^*:", ;.: :. il J;iqgg 'ri*: .:;.!irn'ii;:[1;;i'i]x':
ro. e
ffiffi ft
ff:;l+1 f Iil?;'$r.':t:';,"+:r""r."1.,:"
i, !li.i:!9,,i;:!1,.:"il:'"' ;:}i
i_?#ilii il*i:'['i,;t]F i
nirtrflffi ;#fl , $+Ht *ttr[;+*; ;*":$t*H*ffi
2 ,.€ Bunlon J.rby 3ponsor60 Dr LJ. DC oooiarry soct.Ly ?:)o !.d.r Tl i"36ej .l€ht reeusr o. 1.62 - L€s[.or: -lld Lous.: nod6re-.tr !r,]y at Palmr P&!k, Msyldd olon 7-It1.r (;irndrcs!) 18 start.!3r 18 flnlsh. Natlonal Capltol rrr1 stds, 49:10.0 ,a5 4ot55 2. r!&nt rflaslrs, Baltlno!. Oltdplc c1ub, 49:14.2 11:50 +37 t2U,,2 \tust L Jln cDad., Natiotul capttol 111 stars, 5at\2 9rJo 40:42 Tlm) 4, Jolu Ja!!.tt, unattsch.d, 50rI!-6 9:lo !0r1r]r.6 5. 8111 Pr.sbob, aaltlnols 01,a!Ic alubr 5o:2o 8:8:30 [9 ]+:lJ 6. Dav. KnrEhton, Xatlonar Callto1 r11 Srars, 5.t23 12r2o l+r!51 (l!d I. ?. -o" casrasnot,, 50:2r+ 38:04 ) b. Jaror ?aa., xatlonal caltbol 11] Stals, 50:lJ 11:50 9:I5 l+r:13 9. {Bnt osbolm, Nationa} Capttol r1r sters, 13:58.8 50:L8.3 10. :rugL Jascourt, Natloral capttol 111 stars, 5a:98 TtJa )rjt28 11, Jtn ljnch, el,!ir. liarrt.rs, 8:45 4J io2 tr.+? 1U:20 12. tohn to&s, Brorn lJnlvcr3ttt, l?:lr3{2!d rrn ) 52.03 Ha!"r.!s,_ qrqd, q'rro 39.46 52to6 t]taa 11. ,- rq- {9}l , -{ -5r-3s, atF20 52.t9.8 38.39,8 15. 13lsba1l ttndsor, Empl!. !3!rIers, 9.a5 |J+t25.2 t)t)o.2 16, 0rrrnahon nal1, nT!rr. g3fr1.r!! 5JrJrr. B l:oo io:l!,8 17. rohn Ianlhe6, aipiro Parrlorc, 6:10 6J:18.6 55to5.2 16. ?!t S!..!, Enpllo flarll.r!, 6l:18.6 co L8:lt rsa,t6rfoot !-I11.s (9 stario"s, 9 frnlsh.rs) t. John rbr@o., EnFl!. Har!l.!s, 5125 +2r:i7,)r lBd3r 2. ld nrlt6s1d., B!ook1y! Fallr ias., 26:06.8 l:10 2l+:56.8 r1@) Bob l,,lndso!, Enpr!6 Ha!!1a!r, f. randy lianbholt Eattachod, 24.92,6 4, , 3.t5 25t3?.6 xatlorul ca!!iro1 x11 srars, 5, Bur' k'ror, 5:30 23t29,4 \2na \) 6. Poy ts6nnor, 2:r5 27 t2)+,4 Z, ron Rab.r:horet, Iatlola] calltdl !r1 stals, lf:I0.2 6. Yo!1. vatotlor ura., Blootltn lar]. !.s., 9. Jin tark6!, FuDlns sholir ro!.8 €nb # 6...Rumrlg tro rul1 nlnut.e b.it.r thM ar!.or.d L.. bomd f!.sbna! tlalph c,cotuor, 1d, {on ih. ft!6r ncs or n13 11f6, hsatig Just 6tuWh lert Fla r Fflesrn€. Tho {.11 knoH! South lilantlc xrrr LD Chalrnd had bo.n ruml.A poorly lat.1y rnldy tut tun d 1! tb€ ro! rrh. of rh6 ntsnr tD rallns oy.. the f.adorshlp of trr6 iunron !€rby Johrfj {tih Kent orborm or tJr. Xarronal Capltol 111-Star.. Dlck Halr.s beleasuod xitn YuCt Rorr. both day md nlght ard th. r33!oN1b111tt.5 oa ov.lhaullig look d olt of 3hap., although lostl'8 th6 fourtb h.st tir.. r.lsa 1rp!.s3ty. vas Jobr Jar€tt rciumlna !lt.r a r8ctal Inf.ctlo!. fh. fdnd.lfoot .ac. ras nallod by tha lact tiat arould c.rt-€ roo iau. r run ,'a *". sor ro. dalns tho !a.o--a:tthousb th.!. H6!o a.corp11rh6d tho dltfrcult l6at ol coplxna both first p1ac6 nonors & rh6 ilhd !r1zo. fldshln€ a lult atnui. latd stat. htsh hofd.r Buzz l,arlo!. EvlN! # 7 of tho Bu!!o! t."bt, Tu.3day nlsht rusftt 14, 1962 at latrfd, vlmlDla vorr hr11r, out & bacL..taath€!: rarn Slotuor.d bJ tlr. Dc rod,soc. olsr 8+-if11.s (1? stdt,!s, 1? ttnlshols) !.ank l, tclrslns. Baltlnor. 0c, L5rL/.6r '. LoL casLasrcla. NcAs. 4r:?6,L; /. D'cl Inds. ,rrrs. L6:lrU.6r r. Joru 6rsarr ,ftp1!o L, l+7:2r. ; 5. dont 0sbor! NcAs, \CAS, 18:23,2; lrb::.1,,; 6, Dav. M,!ltntoci, M,!ltntoci. 0rM, lc:(ol Mcsl t. Lb::.1,,; !c:50r ?. rardha l indso-, Fnptro t., -iii's.-;;, "5. < a. Z!;; 3. rja B.s,\n. iciii \(r-, :50; Brlr P!os!on, aoc, 5.ro8.4; 10. Dsy. dn sh50:/ Lyrch, Lynch, Loo,, XC.{S, ICrS, 52:2I; J'n E!, 12. Rrlph F,rr 0'como!, o Coro-, xc,|s, NcAs. 5l+:21.[; 52:21; 11. Jtn 5312I.8t \2. 5L:2r.Ll -n, 5):2I.b. Jason Paa.. xcr,s. _6:rr.Lr 96: 1rr, 0'!rbs{o! u3'1, Ed, 68:49Jr;^}51 alrr ICAS, 69il4i 16. ?at spoor, ^16,nrp., lc.ntllu.d n6rt paao )
ffilffi ffiftl*nrffi ti;j::*:1q""**q11,i ii;ifli!
H$*fi-ffi *sT#*ffi *ir;lii* :r,i*J,nn"ir*r;
iffi$q*rffirg; ri,'ift1#:i:Hl"$i ;i:# lIiiii,i
ffE; B:t: fi:lril;*_.
liiiil:;,;:{U+:;+;::l$ ' :!: j::kTil j{, ; iirii:;"":e"ss';,"
11ror$ 12!06, 12iro;
2il-rl11. 9.nd.!roor Rr..
4. +::]!.t I it* ilii#l"u*Y"" rcis ;i:<:'i
3.ror R.r.Abo!;t-
f: ff li'"lill"I;.:1",i"b.d, +[jij:i
i:!ti'i.f*i=";.i'.' ,f
r+:$:ts"" ffi5ii;',ji,:ri
the coof,.3t 44d t.tt€et itay that 1t has had, and th. blagcst lpload or rundrs. rhd .v.ntua1 rtdo!, 8111 s1lvoF bare. o sub-!. o .il.r 6nrd'tn€ hIs jdnlor y3ar sr .3a h3r mI.sour s sL. -asl., L1: coll.A6. lss onty 2I soco ds sht of Ll:2../ {J'd. auzz ldj To- n8bddor3!. ll:0?. r lO:2J.?; s..?o Jyoa! Lo:r1.8,; L r1l.o sp!6aran.- r1 h..vanL. 7.M, \Jt.1.7 IJla Balndrt, -L:5r.9r russ rao, rr,-, .' !€,o.fE Is l.r, l0:5 . /; E -. vta, .0:j1..! 60 ntlrros 'o! Dom.- J, 10:10.!r: lr, xlrao f.M, i5:)r0 ! a fl_5! l0 nlL.s, .v.n (Roy B.mo", 1?:01,.1; nsnoj os, I dors! oo a !!o.A !.-n. -3s 11:30.9j Bob r,rI.dsor, 11:26! 66ott L1!3.J l,ao! yoalr si1!.!b.!g had onlj coyo!.d 10:f1.b) 3.3t trno: Dom.1ly, t0!1o.4, 8.5 dr.s ln th6 rlrst hou!. dorova!, !yon, 10:1,1.6, !a'lor, 10t21,?. St1'a!b.!s plocood.d to fold fo! arh11., but th.n hurls on & lIna11v llDF@1ns shorts-- onc. 5l.r-t6s-o1d Pat lshod 3t'ons doxn th. strd'ts of Fu1to4 s!.ar i1nlsh.d nIs stl;i ibo {atld'al l4o. Th' oldost c!!tto1 ,rl1-stars so fa! tn Lont '!!o Datts at 26_v.a?s old, tltlshod s'oolit that th6J loD bJ 19 ntrut.s although nu'h or tb' La3t 2 nllos' anchor a;! HusliJascourt r.aesrarat'od a _rod 'hr1' DLasas 'a1r'lne tr' flfhl " nrsta_..rs nuscld p rr ;o ro!.od (;_,sr;:;si a'oLv "6" o" L-. 1a3t 1l r1163 ln. r. balanc.o Lh6 vouna0s li th6 22 6-EI1' Eatk' roru Btutt En!II. xaltlo;s! trlh nond or ih€1; q;;-0Ln) ,ss n dL! pL-.. br! 3roooblt !'" L!!o, so oe-rr o""- !1. -;;.;;; s.16d.'1tn,,a bad cas6.or tl+Et'!!. !' ""io,o" rutr.",r cairior rli-sta;3 1n th. 8-;li; Lh. !ar! J! ulr.s. r.',r. -notr .iTl T-r,o r," ,rrha!1l, .u. ;. tho -M J;; ;;i*- o. !!r olnor had' vr('nL eoa cr6's h s sd^ond !s.. "y !n tuo oon.r s, l tho !ac. b€]d h cobjunctton rlth a, but .Mo on stlonalv to fInlsh om 'a; all dai plcDlc Ib rhlch ;h. dnc !!oyld;d !rac' out of th' trorht_alhira cat61.aona;o''at6rn61ofu.na'shnau;;;';;egoIy.1t€, hre, u!-tlp8 i3da1s t'! tircl! tho chs.;oa1 fo! ba!d"ui.s. i;; B';!;; 'ffo-Ls'o!vo '!a'"'.s D. oy prruos ii t"".".i " rr [-sc lon. 5.!v€!l of r.1fi Carvasal, ctrbd olyErlnx MrnrTdoN, tubltn. rr.1sd. Aq, 11 p1c narethonor.
TrtIucE !-Ma! A-xt1. R€1ay (oach nan 2Mtl.s) 1. En!h. Harrt€ls, lr2:l+0.2 (ro. Abrahson, 10:5!-7! arshau Nltrdlo!. 1o:J1.5; roan aorrsoa, 10:l-1.5j Dse. rccl-ntock, 10:ld. /)r NsI onal ar'-
...^2:,0.20, f:tr":"il:.}:i::":":i:::'":,:xli.,,$-
clonllflo n,, 2.52,4t).
rho lGyca!_o1d"palk r1i1
Es. Jmlor
;;;;-;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;";-t:",:iiliil""t,ii"i: :fi,H1?",sl:., cdlMbta to rul.tor, l41s!ou1 (26 t{11os, {hlch roy to so, so r. ldn back r"b11.
l'J vud.r yo.dar. sopt6nh.r J, ro6 .r t. -.. n.i, ro aek a r.rsnr_ slr, .r 5:rl e,n. (IU s-8i..'s, ". eto r,e rltrLis .or oraicr.o lhtdh iay tho 1. BIfl s11v.rb.!A, Kens's city olynptc club, 3:09.36; 2, J!4 taats, Kcoc, J:29. laB 5..n.ailne 6l! psarE oft r poa! 01lJ.DaI!y1|4tr.r'0'|!.'qLL,;.-!.o'..l!ooab1',a]k.d l{ ssov:, l:f6:olr L. l.s sho61s. v'ssr..t rno '^oo01 ol l41n.s, l:c ,12r -. rr.d on arpnlr roic.p! r,as8! clly 0c. l:5u_09: 6_ rn sarnae_ or.Itr s.-06!!) !olr . I L I e . . rr. a L n € . : u. o- r/rss;e,: J:5e.58i ?. v ncoft e;! c-6sda, Kcoc. 5:0?.oo: 8. J,a sr.arrn. ?2" 3' sta-!. 68" aL t nr6]j: 311 but Rsns,s_. f,--vansss, ;: to: soJd c.oe.e. rbo "lnna! nls!6o in s d. vlnA rsln {'o-, 5:?1,19: 10, Jo}n Bro.n. wtssour! eaca o-gaorz.d ot Blll chrL o' colms" oo1 or v n;s. tt. .p9t ,t. .-es.Lsrr. p-lrer'ly a naEtonally ser, (ro(. b:O .52 & s :.d 'Sauneo- lss on Loo{ bot ne 8nd u.IshL-11'llns c1-b. 6:0-.5. . l. I!tu:s Kavg{o ,gh Fr.& NOl E5 : T. I3 Bax tb. nost flr1sh.ls bho
!2 rcn rr Robo* llohlori
a ror! days, Ia.. colI€se 3tud64t, !ho3o lound trtp t1re las fou! ho!!5r 10 nrns.
il-S* " ,:
:- .." ,;: L.; h. .: ihds &d 3r li! o, ae "aods
-x ';
i'p,:. r'jh€ d ryo
and l.lr 5.cs". tro hours rnd l7 ndn3. !o fa116d to b6ar thd 1961 round trl! tlu. of calvln llds.n of Pu.blo! .o1.,, fod ,.a! chMl1on, uhrch !0s 4:0?:15. rh6 dlfforBnca, lsss shors ho, closo ilk s r6sk nay bo. ]Jss.. d1d not .nt6! "u@l!g tr. .ado tr113 y€s. & rhor! t troB ror6l 2, Jor_Ro$, 22, Iort-uaJs l" rt. J.rrt Jones, 2tr, olnsr3d AFB. !a, 4t ) 2: +5. )t a9c.tk, 2t srt 25 " 4. tdd1. D€ials, 21. rlastsrn Stab6 co11os6, 0ttrlson, co10., 4l6jItJ 2:56" 5. ,rn8us lootr6n, 27, IrlrinMrrc. coM" l+:i]]:26.2, asceft , 2t52,02 6. Joe A!!az.ia, 23, hnv.r. coio,, 4:49:51,2; as.€nt, 2: t7: l.r1 ?. rud€ lia!crsnt, 2!. D6Ml3lorr, Isss., 4:5tj:0!j esc 6n., l.:l: !2. Fudt !a!1, 6l+r colorado spllrss nanasor ira11nest6r. !l!o lan in s1* ol thd sdrer rdces! dad6 th€ roEd iri! 1! 6:41:57.5. ln 4:10:2b boatrne i]ls !!e'ioE tlna bt 5 nlnltas. Fe r1.:Lsnad 2Ot! & !d3 d.1ar.d s.n6rhar_ L:r i:essseing slra1md artl.s & vho bat ra11er! oui. :rro c.o HAs 3a!toD3i1 injrred,
i;'?';:'" ,1'i.'i:,:;;'",;;' vorl'n lo. l. ao.o. yo-1ge.' rn -ra ,as !j46"
liis fath.r"
CoffegeSfudeil*ins ;*;i*!ll#:i+L+"*;r"i:i!{{;i}, PiftesPeakMarathon -::ifl;;,:;"!:":F";n.i:*;:";.";':,i" f 1 s{d rdro. flderhor
dtd .ory | | Io! rta-Isnoo-s .v€n thoLn bdl, sor " 't!r. ri:LLs,, " 6J ju3. .o d-,
;::]lC.-jl ":i
;;:":Hi;'.i";;:":.:li6:i:;"';":i";i:'*';;ii:,i":11i.,.";:_:i;:;i:;.;.:;.t"" f nl!h.o
!n. roibd L.lo coLrse o" rb ntlos.sIr!.uo. crockdo J:..:r1. . ;,. ,0"_ lbc yards. v tn 6 ris. n altltr. ro'"-dLb sr r.€ and 3i1!n., ntt. althoush th. !!d.rs i€tu!@d b.rolo 'lnro. ndrt:"s:i'r"co 18, 196J) pron_ a stoh s.t 1n, .thrrs ran t!!u t,o ln bos le.s to b6 !6co!d t,rue. b,;akh;j dth d! a1] or snor, hatl ald re1n. ca1 nafton,s tr@ of
's trn' or
2:J4: .ac.
b6rere sho r€ach.d
;ruit**'-r;*t:* t1#lt;ririltj:tffi: ri-i*:i;$+;rl;$; li;*;;::r.,ffift;*:l+Fi[iliriiii;:, :;,,*ff u"*i',**',;,,1u;;;,, #jtjft Ti$1i$ilT,iil: la;i:'::l':.:.:i"*" iij#S" ";:ffi 4ttompt tn ih6 Ftkos ?ssk
ldathon. she alrtv.d !i ior :! otrle:rlr iirrr. o! !:15 r 2-. The tonor rln s.!a!aie1y tbls nsar a5 1!|
eoihT r.{ounrsr! !rr!-iod or , t!€ {nar6u: ltn1.t:, rirlor Qd_-r tts rrlos t 4nd bq!6d rh6 {oq6n frcn!n., t cllat1on. Fl!|i_
lobolt Iouas, prastn.lb lbd slonso!1bA i.{artLou ot :prlhEs cbebs! of comorcd
Ma iurn
tI. t!n.r t-b coa siatlon. Mlss carolab d.rna lds tno r6oo!d.! at rrtzds and rroptrlos for bdrh rh. m.nj, atrd,oeor's rscos 16r. !r.3€bt,d ln soda sprlnAs Perk, qthou :pr1r$s, at c p.d. su,day. sdall & ro hop. sor. df oE, lnctrE6ntar 1r aotrtnS hors of rlo ,,g.ak ur s6r' int.r€3t6d 1! th1. tj!. of donlotltlo!,i)
IrlIONl- to-H_LF oN fd R{cn oo. Tir rrfa f1r!r 5 f1n 3h.!dr I. P.r. l4cAro16, N.i lork 51:11_r 2, Oscar oor., N.v. plon,^c, crub- gz:q6_o l. Pa1!n Bu6cmMn. ser!ab a.c.,5!:2-,9 4- rosos-14'yfl.td. D.I-,/3t A.a,. <b:14.5 P,ic
cHyDI0Ns ,P .o5l
;i;!'iii;;;";D;_*_;:i;i, ' i:d. r'ok Bubrn, uurLrcrod, ?6.'::i'::i:il::'"iii;i:"',il' rr. xoor o"ro'o!; {',,.
12. JoM {o.sso;,
.!. i:, "";,r. 1..
oo, E. | 6u . rr..!, cn,cas6 3?, -1I. ar1 12 rs;^.; io;-' yori --bscrr!Ltong_ $'.00..T-!al subsc.Ilt,on - ( 3s.65 -or $r.00.
"'lrrpLF COA.,
.B:.a.0 :::::::",1;il.::il:";i"_;:flili'i;-L_ ;.;t ,:;;;'ii,i;-*,-' ;;";.;;;";;i;; is; i:3 coar'' 3r retroId nivera !v 1- vas a',;;.d:; Dr'o^ro- o" ";;e:o ::fl:"e";"fl|:r:'l.,:l.br
ii: E:;i fr:3i,*lTl-,T:'Ii." :;;ii:3 s",r!. !'o rt. pfuhk p^L"si.s, Boc, 66;;!:6 ::.-il: ff: T"'?H::: fu":::';"i""..$iii,!::'.1: :i;j::3 i:r:ti *; ii;.::i0 :r:.iii;:"r":!, ii: 1U, !ii!'1:!!;; Bttl Botd, dr,, rlkton, M,j..62:02.q to op'a "'". 11. ",
r;ilYo!k c.p. ,i. i&i6 ""0!,r1.No* Plo4, .. . 6l:.u. o
Dav. Xn
ahtor, c,rs,
!j: Hii;'l\l"l*i";,"81'"" :l i:i'.:;iil?:i,Yri;,"""
' il,;l:i
1s, r t.,^. 1. \a! oror (aprLoL rLr"La!!- J,s,b.1O,17--ld;2, hollo drrI.rs. 2.6.",11,20--lr8; l. r.trrlosd rr- Ir.a,16.
%-f.i::'!i"1";l;." yfl,irlfi_
ca(h t.! o"_t tG,1 -ii-'g-v.r:r.:-
',;;:.:j.:'-i;:*l:.iy:,:r;,:r:"li:i i ",.,,:;ri ::i,il";' "i. i;;.:;L;
""ff:;:"" .oo oa.1r coo} sr.c^1 ";;l:;:i.; no b,.a,u6r€ r.." .a"!nE o";, it " "I-sU nlLs. Kar6n roo"
rl::"1'5i-:i;";.'r'.:*$+r:,:- f:l.t:16: "::,1"i!"";L.8'*' " gi * nJ' ii ':;;::,";,lil"l:"."i:i!"?;.1^ll3:'Li'-".1:.;"i:-,*:"iaiiiliit3i.,;31
3:"i:" . Mr*c v€dor. J. il_5r: 4. s"uc{lt _
nuELna s.or!E--lt
lho flrs! rdo. 5o schst s nrLloml !.(oro ot t'tt/.2 3.r l+:1' o. o. .t. |..6-nr1. 'dalk- r. ooo t'!b Lo. 25rd otaco .* =. . ..""; ;;;- 1"r,.". r.! !h{n _;3- ,6u,! !rD6 for In,! p;.i;: 7i.6; {-rt fiii;-hr, rJ 'c; 10h. Ih. rolal !6M Llo. fo. rro rtmrnc rdIL caprto: L.an I" -Y.Et-jgiec: ''"o '".";;;; b.lr.! pa, aM^lr-sra-s LItr las! y.s-'s NG. Lr"1o !i' r.M, Ih. 36.ond p1r.. Dl!,ro a!r.!drs .on_ oqrrlv a- o.nis -o! L o !er/ s ou.LI.6s s. / !' a o.caohlon jo;; e.'L.d o'fouf !o;tus.'. ;.d .htrh!oo. cJEd. rho ooetcs rIm-r Davs"or"-;; c'asj Hi; r" 2? .n. u.rahE 1r?. onc6 v;i;;.; reo - ond.,. olar-o .a .h. rrrpra jd!, ..e b.fo!. h. 3.s-L.d"ro ,u; t; ;i"; ;;;;i;. ft6 vtddlo t*0. !or. 'alrt & trah €-!-ro' ro.; ',",..;^rl.nrrc rrack. rh6i. lfl: ii;i"."" !.4 by lum1na r.!o aU tbo oth6! Rficlsl Tl. racs should sttu!"o'd 411-'on€"5. tanford. calrf. b. !,!portod. ?l.,r.". q,"c i.". r. D3!3-Dorbna., )l ";i"i"-" scolLns ml,nod ar .*"0 tqo l]s ss 1s oon. rn arr nrrn LUEo1.. oro o-i rr,s,, a:u.9, --scnool & co-I.s. larcJ ----_------ s""991. r.M5. F! i i" :;.;i;' 991:b9'!, -0-2.l:99r:!o.ej ".";"* usA. lqei rlflodo "pp""i,,g mthod rbould I.! rrorr eIoH3 o..nou, orhoNr.. L'rE -,roa vrrL b. r.,;:'"l
co"t'.,"i. ll*_:!fui: H3,_q*#u*,""D.;;;, ira: r,i6.ii i:'j;h=#;..: ;;;-;";;-;-;;;;';;-;;"-;;:"-;;;;;;-;;;" 1t'! uho Rr.E urirc't,.!otLor: " c}fts-r/cLarthJ,
nrrN, sundat,
An! 15-{I!O
s.!t. 2,
cous.. md6lat61y
't h111f,,
1. Pst. l4oA!d1., Nox Yolk A. c., l+2:01+.3 2. Fr€d !.gLr c.hbral r.rs.r Tcr[.]:05 l. Jols tup11, nor Yolk a.c., Ld:14 4. na1 Ha!!t!, UCTC. l3:2o 5, DouJ rr.ado, sylarur. oc, 4J:27 6. Pet llalsh, Do1-Va11oy a4, lr:l+ 7. Tom l,IccaFthy, unat.r N.Y., lrl:llr 8. ?h11 ],o!.nc, uoTc, lrJ:!8 9. rttia l{airaf,, cJrc, []:51 ro. K6vh quts, De1-va1 ia, lrl+:11 11.
12. cdl€nan l{ooncy, xox York nc,[U:]2
1f. tou Castastul., ICAS, !r+.!r 14. 11 sran, cont!.l r.rs.f, rc, l+lr:l+2 15. xent osborn.. xcas. lur)rL 16, osee Mayfl.1d, Dsl-val Il, lrlr:L9 1?, T.d s€rrnou!, IYPc, !r!:50 fa. Larly w.sr, ucrc, )ht53 lc. Pat Brsrlcr, |{3! Yoll ac )l+155 20. 31cl F anpton, uBtrach.d, l+l+:5€ 21. Bot rshtoh, cmc, !5:00 22, Dlclr tonohu., D61-va1 xA, [5106 23. Jac* nubln, unattach6d, 1+5.26 24, Brtl norn s, Phlla. Plo!., 45.2€ 25. rneolo clolosa, I6m Hl11s, lr5:l+2 26. rorrn Gysa, ftrplr. !., 1+tt57 27. Bl11 Scir6b, No" York ,{c, 116:09 28, Joa nous., Aslthors 0c, 116:u 2r. t4a"snau vfindsor, !. 46:21 '1!!l!.nr !6:2? Jo. Joh! Garlop!, M111los6 lr. Joln Xo1lt, x11r!os6 n,!, \6:35 12. P.t€ nuck, trn'ttach.d, [6,35 fl. r,ynn cudllshs, uar., 45:Jc aob cbdbors, D€1-va1 A1, 45:ii5 ,4. Bill R6r.., ucrc, 35. 46:48 l+6t5o 16. lon l4ootuy, Ior 1orr rc, Jt. rnz, LaELot, !3!. !a!. A!, 46:r/ lb. rohn rrrrMlon, !n!rr. !.r 47:0t+ lc. Pat r4oon.y, P.m nlus s., L7:I0 40. Dar. rlccllntocli, rnplro ff., l+7:to 41. Nd ayros, co.tral rols.y rc,4?:19 intlg.' 42, Bt11 Shlrrr, Del-VaI ra, rr3, 8111 EMb.rr, r.h !1113 s.,47129 st6ro Lron, umttachad, 44. ntJs ir3:00 45. Jlr E rd€n, Uhltod Ar. 45. st.v. r!1o., DaFon a.c.j l+8:11 47. L6ror or..ro, hrt.d 1A, [8j23 LA, crn6 Rlchafd.. !CTC. [8:28 lr9. JasoD PaA.! XCrS, l+8:l[ Jln !tcDad., ncrls, 50. l+6:!6 51. 11nc. crfa!.tta, NYAC, lt9:00 l+q:05 52, B111 Boyd, aattacb.d, 51. ronn Hayos, unattach.d, l+9:16 54, Jh sattuard, Pom 11113 s,. [9:2]r 55. r.o Fab.rltursr, xcas, 49:26 56. Lson Dr.h6!, !€1-va1 m, [9135 rrut rrblonskt, un1L3d,jA, 5?, 50:17 chuhs ndrtngton, D€1-v51,50:16 5d.
59, rohn v.sare, unltod xr\, 60. nlchud !ocko!, On1t6d,lA, 61. Colry r4r11.r. B4Ltlmr.XC, 51. nalph o,comor, ncls, 6!, Bob ulh&o!, D41r. fl., 65. rln Lrnch, Elrpr!. 8,, 66. Bt1l Castfo, N.i'16\k LC, 6?. Rardy larthorm. Eat., 68. Je abrmon. Eqq1". !.r-be. 5!oi. :aa,r. barirsoF
50:52 52to7 52i18 52.23 52:23.2 52.33
2z!4b Un1E.d ^u, M, )z:41 !.lnlck., uatt.ch6d, 5l:25 oscd M6ch1ha, Barr. xc, 5)t52 DaYe x.+ntot, ncAs, ,t59 rolrh Don ,es, EDpl!6 !., 54:09 flm 8r.0, lasl. Tc, 5\t25 sid cohdtn, on €d A,a.. \.4, ?3, tk6 nradlsr, uattacbd. 53:02 6l:09 79, coDffroy lIps€y, uGt., 80. GDs Kott6aLos, Gland st.Boys, 61:24 81, lob cllcbrlst, D.1ere. rlx, 76:5o dnf- Ca!!o11 .{trdolsonr Ph11&. lIon .! 4cj xuah Jascgut, xairl caltto1 rS. 63 stdtsrs. d1 fln16h.!r. Tom Scollla: 1. Lr Yolk -4.c. 1-J-1o16-20--50 (Mcrrd16, K6p11, C. Itoorcy, Bastr.4 Schrab); 2. Vr1rcla1tt of chloeso !!ack clu!, )+-6-9-t5-4--57t 3. coniral J.!e6y TC, 66; 4. D8lavuo v8l1.r A,1, 6?! 5. xstlobrr capltol Allstar3, rrb; b. Mp$6 narrl.rE, rJ); r. lnlt.d 44, 17!. P.t. r{ca!dl. itonoit f.! lumln8 olt tho cou!!. t! laet t urd tltlo lun by rodpins dat gltb to! honols bf, a tul1 nlnut6 on d lbbr.vtat6d cous.. Ib an 1ldrlc trlrt tbl5 tou ttr. foad oe! {.nt off .ouso cutttls off ri l.ast &o Jr& and a sood ht11. Tb. MzlnE Mcaldlo, d.splto hls cor*lnD.d sclatlo palts dd.oi g.tth8 to !.d trni11 odily 1n bho iorntng, adtl.d tb. 15-rr11o crorn to h13 1962 vlcborl.8 h 25 & lO kt1.r.t6! lacos. N€r Yolk lC alnost bad a ono-txo f1!1!h but Jobn riop1l, th6 fomo! Iattoel blglL 5.hoo1 .1f. r.oo!d-ho1d.!, took a Eholt dotoN lhlch nay har. .rabl.a F!.d B.st to grab th. rlm.!-u! slot. 3ost, a fotu.! nPI Nor Yoll< siato chd!, lad @t !E lona dlstarc. botolo thlr y.d dd 86.tu to b. r€a11y ia}lng to 1t. rlo otb.! n@.s to ratch.r loug Tr.ado, x'5t68 MlcltEan tr@f.l to Core11r ald for lJcCalthy, a! IllsbmM d1o h.s be.. t. thls countrr lor tro v..b. r h.di.rt1ns d.v.1o!Mnt ras to s.. a !.a1 tod b.tt1o ald tho !l3o to eoro! ol 306 t.@ otl." than tho oLil 6iddbr.6 as ios Yoll ac dothlosd th. trcTc to-57 rrut c6rt!'L
71. 72. 73. 7lj. 75, ?6,
!q Jdrs3f, Has !1ehr bohlnd 66 trailsd bJ Dalauar6 ra11.y tA 'rrh6?. Th6 flrlla_ '1th ddlprrla crsr could hayo tak6n rhd cft1.
appoc.d. Ir otabstrl€ftn3
Nd' E.€tand to66 rad basr p!es.rt, but thd N.E. ?o-ktlonate! ctrmpronshl! vltr1 rh€ 15-k11o Junio!'d3 chanp3 ihs m:t daJ. Is 1r ralr to th6 dtr1.t6s !o schodrl. a r.eloral chmplon-
lonal chanllo$htp b61r€ run th6 satu ot tho countly? Ta r!6 crncalndd arout maklhP 1o.31 chMplons]]l!s trulr natlonal ln^aicr]aractor rhy do th.y contlnu. ro ldt contlDD.? Borh racos havo bo€n n.lh1ored stdo by sld6 ln Ahar.d athr.t. ror s.v6ra1 n.nths. fhrs rac6 ras thc 1da6sr ln Dc alnca tn8 19f6 olynplo nalathon trla13. r note of aro]ost fion Dc i-{U r,D C}ratma, tuah Jascoult --Aft.r navlnE nad6 a ble p.Isoral cepal6r to lndeo oinors to n asu!. th61r cousss !!o?drly that I a!ologlz. for th€ short courso !r Gr..nho1!. t also apolo61z6 to P.t. tic,{rd16 rho probdblI,ould hev. b6tta!6d ' Irornlne lo3sr 1!or ot tha rD tog cah arr63t, i!. cr6en,r.1t lado In liaei J.a!s las bo.! e !1.c. of flarloss p6rf6cilor, ln1s f,.a! or6rythe ord ccuse {ould bo to110r.d {1th 5i yards tackd or. rlso 1ocal orftclals ra11cd to slv. out th. lftrrrcrlons rhoy to, ir ls hop€d thai ah6 chr.kon dlm.r aftc.s!.ds and Hr frn pr1z8s f,ado n! for th. 1nconv.nl.nc.s. ,rlso aFo1.A1.s ln.oeards io oip.nsa slonsor3 illd not kc6! th.l! rlontsor.uaF.n l,.cdlck th. nd.i dlracrd? had s'Itch.d JobE to rdsth, ?.ras ard dth hl[ r6nt rhar th. noer roltld b. run tn conforhtty urth !c fftc .tabda!&..lrot. that tb. rlqc distllbur€d losutts or all fl s!6rs 1.3s rhs i# rh. 1.st nan had ftllsled. Th6 FIC also dtstltbut.d th. pllzos fo! tno nat1otul 10-n11. postal chmltonshlF ar P.t. Mcrrrdl€ d611ebt6d th. audttollu full of 3cr€etos }1ds dr.n h. .do up fo! rho thlrd b1e. (p.io ror th. 10-n1to tltl.! tho l5-k11o, and r.M pr1r.. ) EDIIBsRcl !IGH!rID cll@s. xu!{yt1.Id. tuaust rscb- scobldd 7Jl, Ho11;d 74 ( on) sootbEd 5t!, Rbl1,nd l9+
r. rorm u.aI, s, 1j5j.o; 2. R. va! !!9rsidn, B, 1:55.1: l. K. (oDD€1ssr H \t5.,7, l+, c. {.nk, s, 1:5a.J..Mri. ' 1, H, Sn.Nru.r;:-E L:10.1j 2. r. r4clatcbro, s, Irro:zr ]. c, c}shu, NI! u:to,trr [, r. !.rrftb. ita, 4:10.6j 5, k.d llood, E&.. [:l]L2_ 2-Mt1o9 st.h & Iwtt: t. Bruca iulion. cr1, b:5_1.4i 2. r{, Horrtott. ara.8:<?. 6r J. rolh r-rnak.r, s, 8:59:1; !: a._ nurdy, €d1nb0sh u., c:05.L D,ITE: Suldryr Ausust 26.,Il0c^?Iox: ttk Mtm.6or! co!Fs;: Th€ tr coNrlrloNs: Plus I'a hot & hul4 cours. soggt and 1!.Yt. s.rlo" !-4lfo oo.! 2_rd. [-nj. 1, tsruc. Moltonson, r0:-5i a:tro (1q61-62 Mlm.got. ff,S. idl. chM.) 2. '1J1. Myars, n or 11:oI 21:50 J, non 8o1., St.Paul! 1I:O6 22:o? 4, J1n KMp.., Nortlr.rn CoIr.q.ratSB 2pt22 5. Norrls fob.rson,Ut4,11:0[ 22: ]O 6. Jo. H..dorson,Dr6k6.11:20 22:L8 ?. PAt lrAhln,Si,rsul, Ltt23 22.i? b, J.r?X snrth, rr}, 1l:19 2f:02 e, Jin Sobota, St. Thores co1}.ao. 11:16 2r: OL 10, taY. Llft1., Norrh.lr qo11.s.; 11:13 2J: !i 11 Du E raluni, ir, lt!Io 2.1:5? u of fj .ior{. ttnd.,
nokonlE! rlnc.!o11r,
Junlor 2-nti. opon 1, raul UrlhJ. 10:!4,o, 2. Eot rJe4b.!3, 10:50r L tob *asn... 10:5.: ta. IBcI r.oland6r, 10 --i_ I lruc. idit!. 11:11; 6, Dav. SchI1.rt. 11:06: ?- ta; Locl.f,ra*, 11:17; 8. Flct-- o1r.. 1l:1o: 9. larlr lrlcklurd, 11:39j 10. Bob N6;no!, 11:54j 11. lrle Ons, 12:02. 12. 12:01; D. c!.s dulrnan, 1962 llg,,r ZE-U-AXD CioSS-COUNTRY CI,llIlS.
IARIIIB ?I!I'S TO SNEI,' lND STU'D Poter sh.11, th. rolld's teet.st n11.!
but not a.ob!6tlhg d1strtu. !ub.r utl1 b. blaM rr8lrlna arddously for tbo xolohb.r Enptro cm.s 1n Porhh- !h6x.d h. haC tuth€r lnc!.asod hft stsdu by flrhs n.r Z.alatrdrs cro€s-courlt ohe$1oE]lrp. sm11 clebor.d o".! h111s sd lMp.d forc.s as h6 outdlrt@.d a E od fI.ld oY.! a sl:-od-a q!&rt.!-nll6 o.ud.. D.f.ndinr chellor lat sldo! vas !.1 6.con& n h1;d hhar tno fhlsh, (Contlnbit n it paA6)
-"I .fudd, 17o ro r 6 Jdrror .-oss_ 'o. r"y 11t16 d8silr. bo.. rl 33ds ,Lth bo!€rfu -d h ra s d,3r1 .r -h'6a!on_ a.3rL s".da-.. a.C)3 -rrJ (.. o" a . 1 :r6; Far -1oa1, )a: ?j 0rl.oa o, l6:J i 1,. J. J,lran, J6:1.8; l,-. 9. !e3 ..1, 1:a : 6. a. n.lBt, -7:09. .ou!36: 1r.r3€ and a bit n1ls ctlcut, Tha cilclt has one short, st€oF h111 but Elp.ars t. favor ilaclr-lur]crs. Jrtor R6su1t3: t. -b r. , ?:).j D .,'"0J, .? 50. ' b:...,,aor ala-. .1, x, otu.,
:::-:::-:::::::------------------------_ v00 . 'rJ
. rr \. \:-.
ry. 0\s
16, " do .o 14 r 2!c yard rictoq ovar t6d@ats cordon
s -.orn }' 't".er"
. .
: s..
:: .io, I : T.n nccarrhr. unrr., !i.1i. 1:r3i r.)1:1t:2! .,.i ,,, "
-. ol rsi : so or . L I. .e.60, o-'o ' r': Bo-oo . 1.1, F€' a16 . a.
s. alr1. Bc. r:_:J€: u, : o::). :rools's 3ptrLs: _sL *o- b.or tsr "uLI 1a!_ ,-" i;o--)_:oa, i a.- L;; B,-.r; ":rji ,;;- .s;+. ..ry. .". "-rp_ _, r.y. .. sr. " 3...1ub, -.-,-o-1o--b. 4nL5oq_ ', r, l.6i J. 8-ucs r. 5Sr tr. ..o.. a, cL@: 1. sL. 1 r1.."!. "honx's Bc, r-2-l-l+-5--19, x!1l EncLAlD SR, & o?EN 2O-KEo CttAtt!IaNslllr, xeqort, Fnod. Israad, s.pt,1
.. R,ti - .nor,...L-s.
d,m.rA 6?:r.
i53ji*k."33i:l^"' "t.ado oro ar. usr,,
"o:t: . a1'. BLs. .sM, sp!-re r-, 09:.o vqlIrlc, ccA-A. 6a:? c, rii c'r.of., ccL. 7o:0al
5. o . b. os. -.. - .i irrsdlor, ccar,, t!. ct6N 1" s .J. "1
16til ]:
,-,, ?B:. 18:-: ,.9,.. :!.F i.4 .Joe. u,.._ t I lr!., )'31.r 6at: I o: - -6, D , Frk. D@orh, c.rf 6.,r. _. .,i ?:. (rn Ds'6r, r!! M r Al:t : .. ^-' . 8?r,-psrLan !.c. . ^., 09. , LD. 15. Martln !i1116!, tsruco Tc, 1:2J:06 :10. c@y Mscus, F.3t6n Pi.n., l.2J:0? 16. Don Llndaur, st. !nr5. Bc/ 1:2Jr18 &!9q- claudo ruls, ro4 su11i'anr Don 17. rack lubrn, tuoo}lrr, I.Y-, r:2[:0] Dav6y, ,I ror Iosr 20. B6no1,t oo!3han, Datiacrr6d, 1:2L:59 rad th. on]r cor!1.r6 & 2L. riinc6 Chla!.ttar Nr,rC, 1:25:16 ofoglbl6
td"$i't'#;t*,li'ir,r'iil* !i i#:i*,*#*s iijiii
gr;;ru;+effi'H[, rlffi#iffui;,:ii1 i'+iini"*i;-,
lfi{#*#;[i*'ttffi,i, i, ;:i;;,ry'l':
f i,:i
ffi;;iryi,ffifr$*** I
trsiffi;$ffii+, i*;ilfi :,lil*'=t-t: fi
: ;:::,r*lr;l;t'*i*ui':,*u'"
iiii:,]*q' i:i't;i::"::*"i::r;'r i:':iii il! li*i:"Fri $2"i:";rt"
r*ff;t*r**l+; m'ffi#h+l:'::
- cor, ,r1rL!. & !ev'n I.d tlEo dh;ir cta'rionr, \r., o.- tho rB^.. f.. @sr dicrllE baltl. H;; roconds rnvlturna Ltr. JL1lo. (14 &,n- ronrr'{r}(, & Jom (-11! !ac6 b.ro. tha o.6_d1!r. BL t,L. at.l. _!n. ho,o.i9 o^f; iasL' -,s. f Br'ah vas h.rpod a b:r'H,6r o1o.r 'rlslrng spult by 51o c€;dh,. Th6 'asobroL5o! hsrl.s Lool, hts .J.s o f tm I.ad car for 9Y r. . r.' n., I tro o' 6-.!5. !s si.Ds rl ,.,a s: ' 106 xlolJ6rad, i,,ko 16ar6", B,:an rso .s.€n \tr !osi!_ 91 cdt /ae's. M k- F,Mtddtl to, o. kaoDs. _or. Ln !1a. ro,D -oMollJ_ John sr.F
,;":::ll*: ,.t!.,T ,1"::"1 F:.":r.--.;:::.i.;rl ."iJ:l .^;i"r.Eii,ft:: ;,:i3' ii ;i;:i:: },_-;_-;.-: (;,4.i;;i:i -;--::";i;;-;-;;;; .: ;-:i::; f{;iti; -.1'i+t:;j-;;1"I ,,. ;::05:; .!. 1: :;; "'",q.", or Md,ca: o;r,mE.oI :,i:lC:l I?l'3'il"l':-::t":1"*";'":j;;:fi: :":;;"9::::;,:i::i: :ffi" ,*. rl: ,.-,y o. ..*". r"i. i,p:. A., ,"."-1-t
sri;;ll -il ;:l::t .::'
i; -::;";; ;;i"i";l:":i E .."'-;, '. ;;tt ':: :tlil;, ;;; rl. ..-0," h.::'::"i;;":;.'; :."1;-,
,:'r' :
-"i:; ;:,*:'1. '. ';: ' ".*":
;"";:r"i'*:::.";.;:::* " -'-
rt. r.rry,%ch, foM r,c," ic,trr.' ii ?-r'L:. "r,o. ae.. ,la & oo"r, :;v,,i. -. :. :: :*:; :":,$'...: ;J; :i;r,ri-" .: k l' i3,'1-ilTl"t;"if;"':::":*i:ile!:' :i..i".: i.,i""' i;.;1" .f jlt!:. '.rtr ,*;:r*. 10.ri. ..-D. ! s 'l :l,iii ili;;.i.if ft'r: iiii,lf'r :".J:.1.: , '..*{t"'F.:"
": ;l;,.
,i,.;1;i;ii":;.:! i,_'i:';..::;,:".:'31";;i.",: :::: ;.pi:"H'"il;: r:,..1.
.trt"ir,."i.ifL,:r,j^^1. .61 rrtuo-- r'os.s +erfrd!d, a\. D6 -r'e1 _lr:19..(our". rdco'd 50:or b! I}a4 4e
j n Drs^o ..a !:rslc!"h L" mr ii-i " ,eo ". c.rrt7" ,a! t; :'::,'"=:,';,:i"i.::fIii",.i""i3"ifT_ *"
ii!i'];!; ,ill.: \o." s!or, r.r ":::; :il-il:-llll-I-l.ll::-l:T:::--:l.l* ;fl ,4rlpooorrrrr
_r1'"1 hlstorv !'ron 1o 6rerb" o...!r -o wTrt. T!.0-!nN L .\ r,.rolel ",9: {q1!, 0'g srnoay, d T16 "6.o-o of tro soot. 16. 1462 l0 a.J,. 3. v8d (o!(!Md! teus .;crhs fn,ctr d,. " Pdrk l!a.k. .'Jdatrr.!. tdoal . P.!o L.?'h, N., !o!1, A. //9,1) Mo os€o oo-6cr,d or sy oscd lvoo-., NyPc (6?.85) -5:J9,5 loLt tu !rrsr,€l o'sdrrron. th.s; 2. rob, cdl.p!, MI .06o r.^ (1r.1) ud d.sths.5!. o-.i"6o r' rsc6s ol ) to DI.! ^lspo, r{Y PC 112,L\ .,,t.2,) o -llo3 o! to.*€r, l. tot ltcca"r.r, -@.. (oa,,) e John o6flm tr ao ^av ca. (?5._ R..y.,4!1Los6 M o-lterrs oI !x6 ,ye. o'.rMliatian ro 4d:,8.. (6t,75) a f. r.ok Ruorn, w.. con- b. sLvo!. oI1, oDl".d Ar (7).o5r ro:"8.. -rc .) lr Is no" kxow, ,re, s.rtous a.r.cts q. ro, Eulns, wPc (79.L) and A- ut_rtaE\4v. s !€, sc,rro -on.r. NYrc (76.0(1 5-:1,9.8 Larlabr. L. (79-8) am 6. Loror G!.orc. lniroo doletn n. 1otu fha!I.3 n'dpr-.e, 0nrL.d^rr^ (80.8) 5! r?.5, f vost o, n6 .cc'o€tr1; nnc &
*ilttri*:J'll;il$"ult,ruot i,i;tlil:4:lF-l'.itil*i,.,ii';.+ ii:i":: l*':::"9:'*1.:":J:i:
$u;il*:i*::t'[rlr'ltl;;:;!rll :,-11:l1ll:-------
+l; r**,*+t*i::i*uii:;,iri rh. ran :st. th.s6 trlps ;;;;;;;;;-;;;;-;,.,-i:i:-";;'r Rr-:iri', ii;"fr :{,iEttrl ;;ii#r'iil+: 1!r!';fi llff 1li"-ii;;iiii:":::;i, ;:::::!
i[*:l*r,ii*t;'*]ii:3*ir il*"ii?: :'t:l :'il'"4f i*t]ill"ii?'):'"r.""
[ffixT{i:#;f irililirlii:+i' j:'i:'i;:' rlilli"l,i',;f t;,,' t:'1'';r
I T";:":i:{':"
9. r.!ry Juotâ&#x201A;Źnr sa!c, 46:32 10. Do. Phlltpsr trmt.' 1+5;14 rr- sb.r6 Roulac. SAAC, Lr6:56 12. 3ob c.tz6n, stry-B, [6:04 11. robn vofrold, sBrc' 43:21 1h. Ed Gookln. SDT!-I, N:LL r.5. r. tr 11 o1ron, una,, L!9:57 16. rohn lafrolit, ub., 50:02 1?. Br11 Xlfbt! CCIC, 5t.42 18 J1n Thohlron. SDTI-B. tI:12 19, Davo o.ntry, sDTr'-B, t1:.16 :0. conz.r.z- ( ch11.),56:16 Btlt Eo!m, ret.r 21. ^1 56:1? t:, !d!' Ca!n.n, smF, 56:9u 21. !1cr4 tancast.r, una. 60:43 2[. rldri Lo@, stf,:', ' 5]:i+5
ronTtE Stas M{n]{ Tx EICII? l{Il"E-,IIN
Le49!--l:li1}!,-!s!! r. (.1th r'6siov.!, 16:15.9i 2. Miko P.!1s, 16,27; l. Bob Jobnson, 16.16; [. rialtir xo.t.kdp, 16:]d; 5. nlcb cota, 16:4?r 6. Drck s.1rr, 16:l+9; 7. !11L. J'E6. \6t55t 9. Le 6:52i 8. E111 Put@' Put@, 16:55i qd] cobb., 1o. qut Maso!, 17:ol' Ma.oa, 1?:03;10. 1b:00 (20 rlDlt.r?:2Oi 11. nob.rh Hdt.
at. c!4. '8- Dl3' b'nc. 3c. Ern16 PorUo. of S&n DloSo s:at. 'o1]6a.5 ou6o rJ. !;c" looay 8tr amua ooro. ' Balb;a Par& g:Mlf,. nun tn th. r.oold tlh. : L{RDo\ |tonxlz
E ltr-us gL"noPoLIIrtr
1;';;;i-;,. rrdsr-.!r. !lr. Pler.! 6' 25-KIL0!'r!1;n cc-^I?IoNsLrPr rooRE sFconD of ocoatsid.. Por! uasnlnsLoh, f.I., S.pt. 2l- Co.don c.-e.r clty Ac Lno f.m.! fomo! starddd .L"Ddr.d of !4i14,t!c&n,1., tt]-rl].,xc{.n1r.- [rPc & . h.nm! or lb. ]960 a1so.cll!a.d tho g.s. olropr. tartl.u Iarrl.. culto! cllr, CItt' O.S. .9o, by non Ron ot cu.!ro! of r4ararho. t.s. suc!.5rruIe.t .r h !' 1961 Olti s.r6nth last f,.!-. H. 1y 06'onood rls fi.Lropolttin 25-tr11o Po..66, 1c. olr^.o s.e.nth tbr.o-
{on tn c.!a!;1 Drnetlcs/^stlonautlcs .;!ro! chdpro$blp oi.! a hi11y p.r!.tua1 tlolhy to! !1r la! load cilduti toil.t. t. fohr !!n flno !.tun !. f.at this y.a!. l4cx.Bl.. In a ftno l4cx.Bl., shodd.r to .hoddo! !o!t66 *go conblsd ,1 crup. fo! alfoulLn r.aco fldsn.r dlIl c{o"!n -o orlne ooro, M.t, sr. l5 & 2Od & thon too! off It, rln.o". rni t.u I t1. fo! !\. stb D'.so lrsoL s- our3! of t!..d i.o rln bt 450 taldd ano F!.ld I nr10 doss. tour6d lc.nto oY.! l{oor.. Th. ac.ulato ^ssn. olflolals i6r. Gtould.il at tho f1m Batboa Park abd had 3on !.ugh nlu.. b6t1n tulnod 1n by tb. bud ludhs Mctx.6n th. lDu and f1t.-a!d-a-halt itl. Eoueb corso' voolo l3d au -ha .nd a -!r.nE Ar"lLat. o'-an l.lt,{.s.o?o!, tloso lrtrn school. back. t1lo pal!.1ook6d 5l:15,5 at th. r1;lba ih. rhr.o Il!1. xoviD. nu,' hola aftdr ah. f.atu. raco. ln 16:15.93, broak-.!d of tro 1a!s {10 b11.!). v.l\onzlor6 Lr .na.Lod rh. Plon..! lM r'. olo sranda.d o" 16:IJ1,.0, r . ''rsL rhro. .,nb ro saooa oul s clos. rtctory Tioorr.s ,oF o!o! !h! ful' 03. M a '!. 16, Yolk -n: .rFnr h!'. .'.nL {n11. ^c. lhc aoolo r8 49. !9, 501 rcda1s 16ro slvsn ta th. !o* 17. Jac]. Rubtn, boo}]jt, ll.Y., .da.d rf11o SllMl.e: 31.hi aA' [b. J}. for roM cdlopDi !'ll ros. ; ;i"_p.ft-=D?F-,t. Lt:,1.5 L'!16 vrrn Drc! crapp D.r1l.s doE-th. i. Ji.ii* ii"i;y, ccr-, J,:; brorz. r.daI. !,!Llro.o M ron ibo J!. r.M riE16. i ar'1 c^^',- snm-r ?' ilii,ili iil,,i--l- iAm-n .i.oi th. sta'! d rlnllh v.! .t th. Pot! n,!b ---' l.sEon drsh scbool. ft.-oio'L srs ao.r i: ;: :,i-;:*;:; ;;ii tb. lpo1'orsbrp or te rort r.Edlaro' 1+6:00 ?. lonj SJc.c, SDTF:.\, ousln'srt'n O. oo" crooo, sorr-r, 46:15 !r' ]5 ststors, 3l f1n13ho!..
l4abaEondnt Club
4 (xclGNzrB
2 oscar l1oor.,
2t-lGLO -coNrllluE l
"'*l'cii!x:i:":i-.1$l ": i,
i: j$; H:i:i,:'ii,l*: i;:j i;ierlr
13: 21. Jo. Ulstat,
vrlr1,e, YPc.
i:irl;il:1fl iixii'iF Bob zot1l,hof.r
;:; i;!!:i!
^li. 5;ii;ii ii: llf;i*"Ilfi:.'i]il (i:!:;:l"l:"lli"l'!l
vl.'roso a^. 15 ff ;\l:;l'";'i;',.fi 6;tlllo6 19-r{11?. lsp spllt':
,6.[r ,ti5.6 56t23.o A,t2 28:]? 56t11 28:oo 57.35 28:0t 51t)) 28:17 59tv
ili'.:ffi '
s..oads b.hhd
th. D6r'!ar sc6 . roao
hh' lard'St
'fill::t i,*f i'":irri:lii:hi}:;'i:l!i:"'*j"!'inr; 25 hllo (lt. c-M116s) *"lii,il,o ';"u',iJ'+l:ii ,. *,.?"'ii*r."" i:.,i15il "
',-. ";:1,*frl:i ""'-"ii,Sr
:E:j: 5, Bro6lna Ross r'n A U 29 to1 59: )t) 6, Ton osl.r, Dol_val A,t -^ "iB]As,
ffr"," fu $qmi;c'iT :'?-!rlir
.?:"'i:"'kl::;:: 1#'ii:":.:lt !l: :H4:i.i":i:l:"I"i::"ilil";Bii;.:
1' :t$.*'ff"-$l'lilr'"1
sat.. sePt 22-(usl Tno n1dd16 rtlshlc ordsnrzod bY !h9 l ::.T' ras ion bt Eob rh..rL.11.nt
i;f;,:! Ilt"i''"*'t'l::"i"tl:*, stortu!, nYrc. 114!:11
2la. Jobn
-.---..----=.-----.--.- 2t-Krro TrTlr .EAr,r?Ers lJils M r.a.r.v.
81 Cstl.. lM^c,
r:lq. j"'ii? " jlii:i:l:li:"t:i: iIff,tfu itc'*
i;it:fr i]ll. *:i",lilll'"li'i:ti:# vleo chl.p.tia. rIIAc. +,1:,:: 1.:!:!i iiftii$ffi:'#rlt: it' xor York ac' !:4u:r'J 1?. Too Xoonov,
i:ttli"l;"3r' i"'"?;3lil
l?:"":1il::'i,il"i j":':;. ) i;j;;:i 3 10. vtn 16r., l::4; /:
"!E#+*S:,i'"i:iili; il.irll':l'-;:"i:;-"lts;'r)'tsi;);ll
ii'iii#-it*li:'if, * L:ii::iF,,l.
"-'"i;#,;, ' ii:ii"':i:i; K.lit Patt.n' 8. g.
D.1-var {a--
t'. roes. oimtod ii.'i*ii 65:44 Jl:10 -\:.42t+'
*.,""'j, ;11f",,",,:i+,ji U- Ealr Sftltb. ""?':t3""i';l*"",
Jn.5.l-r4rlns 1. P ch8-d Uy.!s, Pom ..j .8: {j ?. Jo. Arlllo ctu.E rol.! !ht! e6s ro t.fth. caE r3. ure,, Nosalr, Ib arar., lo:5rr l. ,tulros.Erathoa cadoioa Joh$r 8111 1!opre, H361, ch€st€. {", )0:57; !, tha flnts, tln. 1. rhild Potd r..o!1d., tm., htlatr6tor. D.Iarrr., p-ac6 !n !5. flnd LL6 or 2:2.rJ. NollrE -ad 5ts u6ua1 faultt.s! !ac.. 12:29; 6, Jor larkinson. afto! a b!.a}Jast 6l on.-bslt 1o.l oi sa1.n co&ty R.3. YMCrl, l8:!l!; 7. Je whlt-b!.ad rlrtr hoey o! It: tor, .na., c..ro! r,r .r. oa.. l8:58; 8. o.r.rd coroi ra.o cnalrhaa, sas \r. Do4 Bold, 53-an Co. oos, ar4.N, !:1>: 9. usual o6"E.tlc solf. ta!.tu c,sc. of Blfl DoBnorlr, t}):z. nosL of rna ahranc.;nrs.
il;;;.;:-;:;:;-;;;;-;;:il;-;;;. -;;; i:s"il"'.1'?;: Hliilfl ix':t3":i" []Eo4bou! trGt of lh. r3... 1, !r1 !-r's, soaltl.
oc! 5r:J9.1 r .r !.co!dj ord @k ". t)t)tt 2, Dour RurLad, soc, 52:l+1. t; I, Eul l01.n. SOcr L. v rlaj Mccord, H.rc.r ]!Istt, P\t ur'f,sH crP]0fiEs x.r. RRc 5-Mrt! nux Phtlr., Pa.. st!., s.9t. 2c- oE. .arrb tl:6 Ttnc rod. to rh. ,.6cu.: TrldE.;.! eh.! tb. Ph11.: D.otor c.o'.5lron r.r1..r to p'ono!. rh.r! proet..d
"oi! z, .xoorr.nl prlto. 1. Fr.d ltor!1., uEt., h'ooklob, vas!., 2:26:f1; . . co"doo Dlcbon, lslIlob oc. 2,27t39i 3, Iotb J. X.tfoy, l6.roh AA, 2:2c:4.], lr. loberl vllrl'ff, Tontr6ar, Qu6" 2:P:lru:.5 G!d1M Pdn'lr' spdl8D ac, ,:l :r0; 6. Bob f-lri nM11tm uL,-z;jo:ir:
::il:iti : 11-' 9P-1'!Ar_T"19"-11,.. {^tr 6Mtlo!.d E-1t1. oro!rz:a:>ur codntlt th. Fn. slr8.d thot! oh,-r.! .! 11. Dd Petulr. oDturo ,h. fl", tsl:.-i'{iror Fasr Ft'or DIrv. ,n "allmut Fa!k. ::c2:):, :1. rasa11. corr.s. ,c. p6t nal.b tuooa Inuo ,'iqvi>:i lho I.rd ar, ub. tro-1lId nsk * ras mvor *l 't>'tt+l +.- rr. araus !oorr.a' !.ad.d as b. sprlnt.d aclors lho _rnr.a E16ct!1o aoaL Aa' 2t57t72t 16. Don F.r, Itlo .tlo loo y.rdsqldr.ro dr.so o! ot !un6!-up ro*or-uo r.rt" X.?t Eld'-2t58195. 2:5d:o5. 17 17. P'rct P.rct sEtth' sEtth. flad1ro! ."r--_lO0 .^;-- st, ,^--;",;;^ ,::--:;il Hadlro! roin.! Jos.oh'. co-1.;o au!e. .11. 3x-a, :.arE -o-.I,5t. !t.fu 'o. Mt' l:ol:'7; 1c' Blll rad'r' le'; l. laE uatsh, rbr-vs arr, z\tLt.9 'oj -\^, fl:iii,"l:j,ij"lat1l*:";_f,,?i9l'lf, 2t. t?)t 2?. Ed Erlcso., B.{1, 3:15:.r+; Eob chsh.!!, r,iii",l, r.1-va.1 r:ii lt, 25:09.0 i. iiii'c ,Ei6;..i, f. 23 Dlok B_od, -s'; L' r{k' orlda' Brornrbs noer, noe;, P.rd n* ac, tc,pa.,25:!2,5 2gtrt.o 4, Brornlba +t:I3.o 5. 106 c&, r.rr.lntoh, i:6. Rlcbdd xy.!., P.tu Lc, 26t22.0
i:*;,:"::*:ti;iri,r, lr"l'r,r"*y'r::rl,:
*:l;*t*l;l:#tl' r1:il:Z
ttoRnrs. DrcttsoN. IcGI.El 1-2-3
t[ clllrDr
rytcrnrb., _au.-., s.p!.-.r r10..d.r Marlng fr.o 4!!n bjrtbdsy a dal odly today rrJ {h!1!a th. c@dlan xdauhon ohMpiodbtp rooat 1n /:,6:Jr. n6!!1., tluly. t1!st cla!! !um.! !t !11-dtllEncor f!ad-6 b11.. up. .Itrplt purlod aray grrduruy rNoigtuuD tbo eazlr€ hrdon !rc6d1. Dickdo!, sno('rF rc slgn5 or hr. o1d lhluJ. lrdsn.d oocond-In 2:z?:J. & es a F,ulr va5 cbo onr' camd!s p,ok d for th. lsathon t6e at iho Er1r13h
*. r&
iF{ili3ii ir!l*ll!l\i::il!Hi"jaE,
El;,,I"S,"ii:lT:;."ffi,,4:,:i:::"?"*" rlio co!/r6J1d !Id! rotu a]ona th13 cou.8':
pu In th6 Io.^sc roor s, vM colllsoE pa!k. t" arroE. cd ldorLlle tb.n Jod s!s.n.r, 1oO \r, brnstoo lva,, B!or, I{or Yord ,111 s.rd t!.n Lo tb .E !. rrlnotfi{C I nc -_8Lo rmual s!. planct! xav1.! x.c. sDorrr cavalcad.. sdfalo. opon & ,{lscua a!3n cheDroBhlD au r:roparos irrst 15ij ji it1;;#.;15hr_UaLr..!^rrv ;r;-G rlM-w;;-i.,L--", olh" nt,ft_ ;58-r;; !;;;;;i e:iiJ- i.
Letters-to -the-[ditor oI rblch h. tr chatrmn. ltsro ls nothlns 1n tla
-"d,1".t.rh. OF']I LfiTER TO TE II^.IICETi
d.crd.r, D.trott,
r.$lt rn tb}.. roJor crd.s
sol.Lv to
ln chlcao rald not b. rdn todar tf ti s.r.
It r&3 h.!:t.nl.a to 3.. thit td !&d Lo.s Dl3i.nc. Log r. bdl*trd by Jd. l.tr.r rrlnt.d ln th. a4n3i .dltlon. :rd.v.r. rdr frth.. io !..d lt cd.tury h.r rrd ,ou to rhr th. Road tum.rs club bt roi th'lt !..!on I e 'd.l'doubifu€l'wini.n|to$ofxrltl.gw op.n Ltt.r to ta r1nc. rpp*.ntu yd ds.d tha .!dN Pola! or h.Ytna o o!.n l.tt.t o!, ih. !..ror fo! th. .d .nc. of thr jir.c. P!...d!"g ry r.tt.r r.r r.r: i,..11 (rji. r.ticr) dk.r lsm t. rdlFn. th. Yrd. cr th. Nrtim.r RRa o Pri, r.r1\r F'h hrld io Ert ih. contlo1 ol turnng b.ck h th. h.nd. of th. M.!.." th€. riiihirtlrtns th. clunrr d Mk. ttllr e1ftr kam 'hdfd rh.r.lo!., I L.l t. th.,. pf'.1cip!nt'. lt ry !..!.nributtY to Mk. '\t '1.i. Bre.lr crub. 0h ih. .th.r hedr I do not th.
s'@!&tlofu.th.l}ongd1.toc. rwnt!3. Id hrv. n.v.! fltl,.n t. d 1! ry crF.citr r. Rnc p!.t1d.nt io loh .llcrtr h s.tttns m!. !o.d Nnnl,€ .tui.d. Id hrn n t uiii.! to d r. DC lru Long Dtd&c. chrtlMr .!t.!i!a d qrdrlc.dr|rl.tuc.h'\'tb.r!'g di do!..r .t!o!t' 1n Dc uc.Pt to r.rr ]p d. rt onlt eu?r..!l.tor rd d.ci.$n r! r.sudr to r!. th. t.l.ctlon cf th. Pe i.& n' thlt pr1n1.d 1! th. i.h n1tt.n {r lt l.tt.! ln thli r.sdd. td! .ctlont tr !. riJ lndtst. r..osnltlon ol th. Rnc ,hlch rhdnd ru!.!r b. r.ts.rnl.d on tn 4o_ c@ltt.. lor th. olrEcc ralathd. Tn.i!ekn.'.oIth.rlu.'n.d1!th. codittcrchdrBns'ft.d. ollftdto{*.$ntth.s1nthll9oli
tn .ontact {tth n
n nho
3E lodt contad trth
toth.xatlon&l,{^Ut!th. th. loro Dt3tsc. chsl!@n Itr r;dr$d,
1n 6!ch r\lu A,roclrtlon n@ od rPP.otd bY th&t RRC.xl5t' dd oar ?0 sld up !rob.!r. ih. euoirl 1,, chatrm shdld b. ap_
FloEd bJ th. Nattonar
!n hoFr thst td h.lp u3 bu thrt * ilu f1d!!'h rn .€
'oul'5inc!!.1', tush !. Jaddrt x.Y. 5A?5 Ininolo.{t.' Yarbl4t.ni D.c.
I hrF Jurt r.lurn.d rrrck e ll.1d cl1"c rn cr.1
rn ihc c:n.dt&
cosch.r n.r
th. rrzion. i. had to tsrtlctpdt. ln .sch of th! r-"1 t f1.rd -..r" dsc!.! ud ..hrs bonlt, i!!.ih.n'tioh:r.o'ch!,orrj€th. ftrt 1&d. dldn'i ^lt.r knoi. L h,t. ! d.finlt. .!.d lo! thrr ttp' i'1l.k..-Barn, P.,
]1ol rd!n! sl. N.r.
urn.a!6u' 1li lllm..oir dobl.d or th. Mr 1! s.rti!€ rnd 4ttrn€ @r. roc.r r*.1 -"r."b';!;!"r".d, 1r on ol th. i.ltYltr. rhl8 .lg€dditon by th. dt$1d.!i lica.l co!ch.t. 10 a la!q. d.a&. rh.
otr.fl. (LDcd:$!. {. h bd*, !d _i 0@ "a3!6 roo uruLlatdbl., "d 10er ci!b: ro &r; ror. hlsn ".noot! ad cou+ .."!!.cl@rjtidaddlsl't'd@ rt th.i. fr. arl,' rb gt3t rd t! F.rir1on.
elron. \r tdrh rlrLl. tu (.>5,
isi! ih3 Buttrbla rhlc1. i
rhat t3 n.ad.d 1s sotuthlng that *i11 3ir@]! .ar .lubs on tn. 1ocal r.v.l. Th. j&iori ch.llreldp 3Ft@ E.d3 dr"ltnq Part df tb. tlornr. ts ih. rru,3 srst.r of c]j!r Ftrton. Th! s.ctloFi cn:{id ror 31npltctttr8 .ak th. MLr ddt Inomdls. , qhedonsnrpc eld ruri.lat chareion{trl1y a !!'cttodti .b4noi a,td5t,. !6 6 3h1r5. Eut ts nor {bar i' d.sifed. n}at rlm b.rond rh. N;1 idloldrs dt:rri.r, ed.. 'thpuctry ls d.!l&d 13 a lor or crlbr roEhE $citq! cdnj hn r.rs
,fth a hlalt\t conp.ttrlw .ltullan ou31r, and s cqrlija so 1 d FloFostna r n a 3yEt.n or ch3|,lron'b.rps A !.L Julor eyatq, brsd .a
rux L
df. iar schools, ::d ]dds 4i f, 3.ri:. .i !b.t ,-r1r is noi shplrr and a!\f.hti€ nlrh a4r 1tf. tn 1r ]dnd of c.no6ritid rcrl r-j , *; d er L A. LF1 cha4lnonohlp! r! a jd.icrpalltr shal1 ihar rh. rdis ar. Mda.e: r t,cntu d 5i{ j!E.c'uni'.ha4F1oh3h1!i
c. Dliricr ch&prDnslrr!. shti '. qL\61.s 5dns :n L . dlrrt. D. S..r:1oh.1
b3 opsr
x h.1d
1: blr:! 1. ra::.
r..a;':: chedonrbllr a cf,m!1or. s. rh!J. 1: ::a:. ]?i!h!!!ro!!r.to!r"!+if::i {on r sjo} c,Eirion, h, i11r bc c.rp,iij! !::i.r rho ujoy :u4inq : 3ha1r
b. h!1dj .or
rthr't.i tt.! 19 ':utri.!: 01ssg :' ath.r4.r od l0 .1dss Cr iid3i.' ov.. 3, ov.! rJ !l:ls!:
x.ru;rFilu. I1u b. a $hp k. $1t, .usiblu
bh.rhlh! rarubl. ir r*.:r- ll3 Er:<; 3 {! r'11 ih. ldn.:nri r dn] i.r.9
!s li< d:: r.*
3tsri ardnd tli. RiC Theno sou-- icotu aro@ !!- $!c dorcn'ast.litch1.!s.6,9!dn&'slos.ldtch f.o1lD* bad" by tl-i r;.r chdpionlhips ro b. 1.a€rs, th.r. a!. lc.al BrrDDy !!E!SN rh. OrS. dtst.E. ltd &r :i:"-.1:--l:l' li l'. i^l*l-:iry| '^l :' . :":!::' I-"""oorr!'o,or'.' r; Ess.!, Fs'."d r'' d uh' f,olrc' rd'bo. oD cct ?' :,ij.IJiiru.l-:iiil il:ii-; i:;'i":'::':";;.:;
-;. ,*d- 'ht'F ll:rT.'.n,'.h.r.1*,fTt*Xy:i ijy' d b.^!eerce...,; i:"1"";i":i*-L*":**. "g _.i{ _",}.lii: ii' :i:}":". : !.fi "nff d onttunt ru tb. Bo.toE naEttD' f;!! *
i, i ".":.'.-,..,.,r
. .' .":..
l#i;.: "i.::'i;;.;':;i;':;"':;;_;.;i"i_b" !! Lhy rN..
n.;1*:r, i;.i;i".;.;,-;; if'"*.:?"H1i :,:"if*1?.:RiL club sttu!116. If a disslct cM4rdn.hip in ;i ::::'-l.ii:l;.i:-i:iii !::;.;;d-i;,"_.'",e,d:i5,li,l"i?i",li9l€-*1,-*Hi,ttt'& - ob. hor tr.ck r.c.Ttur {3 311 thrr
4 nrss., slFr.
r_4, 19& (1o_{rr FrD irG) F!.d N.'rr., lfl!., Bloctrte, {..,.. 16:!5 2. OFn& P$n.lI, SPrlr$ r.c.. L9t^ 3. J.rry Harnr, F.dd M, to:13
DnDrlrrj 1,.
/.. roqr
^r, cr!b, 5\a !:rl ?. !"" f!Erc.r, e,tn rbdrord
7. Id Dlnce, B.*o. u, 3. Dlcl f.clird, E .td lr, 9, B.rDrd OrC.d.II, I'u rc,
12!G u. P.t. &!kh!i, 3.'6 rr. 3!.;; r2. atcbld r...hr, s!.!r3i tc. 5e.49 rJ. uNr Eu, rhttro. rl. Ed co,m!, North rkdrdd crub. g,ar, lt. rhur Tdhr, Bonon r . ;A.B 16. 0.o3. rdrdr, 8.rrd , l?. non rd cdr, B..rd M, 56,L9 ut. Rorc. Sair!, I{ortb Ldacd C1n!. 19. Ibb.lt $rnlbr!, D.db&, 59:i3 ''a,52 20. Eru |rl!dv, B..re rr. 6o,:ri) ?:1. D.L [cP.., sFri6 rc. 6t:u 22. dcn4d erqulrt, Bodd lr, 6r::,9 2,. neb.!r, Ic!.&h, !ori6. lr, 61:2! 2!. !..rr1. riklt, t.dhe, 6:rr2t :t. 11! Co.t.lr., kdJu, 62,4? \8., 63t5at 21, Brr, d4r0]; 23. Jd' DD, D.dhri, 6!:to: ?9. x.! turd.n, B , 64:1tr ,o. ,Jlr. c-'drr. nrrt.oh. 65:J3r lr. [d!r B!'rr.r, r{.thon, 6J:/I! ,2, rrlt 6t:Uj ,J. flUru Arkrl. Ild. 66:2r.; )4, Chrt.. B!.dr'.d, nlc, 6?,!,1 3t. Ed_ rlnbd,a.r D.dhu! !€:1161 36. chr,Lr E !r.. ht_ *'].:Y., |httrd, ?4119, ::f1-:]'
rEEfir, uss., $r'r. 19, 1962 (lo-rrjr xrcr!) r. ,ruf r.l!n r, Brr, ,rt35 2,6 ,ttj, 2. rklr..d rbr.1.r, sp,!r,^c, tt:tro co t :4o 3. G.ut Itg!.rurt, lu., 5r:12 3.p j2t12 4. Jdr N..rt., Sprltu rC, t6r|r c. t6:14 dch.tn l|ccru\, ,. u,, ,6,)t .1o 56'a5 6. ?. d.hdd tuqd.t, Bu, 57tU ?a 57:\ s. tu\l l.ollErr, Brr, 57rte oo 5?rla 9. Ft.d trorll,, ,71311o:oo 4?:JI
'nr.,r, t.t.r Eutr'dt, rr. 3w! s.r!!, Irm, u. nrchrd Prc*od, E$, 13. &rchdd Br.ck !t, tttu, 14. II1]Ju sPnc.!, r^r, 15. r Iu H.u.{r, na, 16. ld.lr Cddh.n, B.rto! ll, 17. iob.$ rhY.ish, Brr, 13. Ir.dr labJr Bo.Ld r , 19. !.! rh].r, Bo,td 1]|, ?o. lnn !..a.J, 8..16 a. .tolh corilhd, Br1,^\, 22. Id'Gd St.dd.rlcr, xrr, 23. .t-!h D.fto!, ri, 24. Cl&d. Ittx., @!., 2r. !dr.!A l!lcl.d, B r, 1Or
51.T. 3t3o ,r.az
57:A th j7.ot, ,7.& ,.p 52t , 57t1c c. 57tt2 57tt4 2.p t't\ t9:11 oo 59:11 t:4o fo t:40 ,9trt ca 59.53 2tF 5f.21 '9151
@t\5 et]o @.)6 5tt5 60:5r] c. 51104 co 61:4, ao
55:A ^t45 aa:t4 61:0!
6t:rrt 6ztoj
62.03 c. 62.05 c. 6to5
,6. L.o B.rn, l{Uc, o.z:0, 2?. rb. Durkf., LJs, 64.2s
cn u. ioht.2rch{1r,lD,66:i,? o. c29. cno. ftt.l.r, u.,66:/i3 0. 3.. J.h 0,!!1.a,mc, 6€rt3 o! 11, sb EM1I, u,. 69,03 e J2. Carl Sttuon, [xc, ?o:23 co 31. John w.od'orrh,u.?rz tu J4. rsk !q&, w1.,7g:t6 lt. nlchdd strlth,u. 1at51 a. rn 16. Ir. Lock , ur., 19'31 c. 17. nlch'd crlu.,u,,3ort5 oo la. htL cod{, u.., rTr 19. .rnilbqr c.lbImto, u.. l]ar
62,ot 6r.!2it
&,;6 6!:ai
ut>; il!54 h.a,
1.t11 so:15
xlr &cl,^r'D A.A,u. Jn, & sR. 2o-ilr_oil^l,f rp..rord br thr uddl.boro F:€1., & rh. Nolrh
r. tur era!.n !, ?rc, condlliMt-td.r] 1:52roli 2. J.b! c!a,. u^. ttst')2t ).o.d!p. crtbr.n.M. 1,!a,ri; 4. Bob rhv.1gh, BM, 2!c!:j2; ,. Jair st.dar;". Nrc.2r01'13j 6. w,
rxr., r:03.rrj 6. r1LE !ror: r,2:!r.ro: tu.
?,r2,o7r q. T.d ln11!!, r'
l,ii.Tii:;lli.';li'il;,li;."#:'i;;: 3*-, I:rcRarRc, !rss.
p.rk) u_nm
ft Tokolr, R.t!.r
?4.t9.t: 2. b'
J;f,iti:H; q1:L6j il;ff;i; ;n:tll;l',::n:.*,, 6. rarfl B!.d.rrcn. rlxrc.
c2:@.?! ?. Fr.d !!omr s!., [xl!, 9r:]5.5;3. g. tudv L]rlr_ tur_ F' sc:?2.r, ro.9?:23.2: K.n s.rd.n, Bi^, mr;r.2,
$8. u6:2i:
12_ ,%b
rrrronrt Ji. 2o-Er. ryN,fr pr.k, r..d. n.drald, s.d. 1r, t96tFlkbt {12 LD c@n.l 1,t5:09r 2. ciftd. rlirb,n s..ttt 0c, 1:tt:20j ,. eb H.ndrl.k on. 1:t6'r3j 4. Ltik. Eedl.. p1.N&t 8rD i"src1,53:46r t. Don R1nrF.t.!r UsM, ,,01,rr, 6. urq tudo', c.nrrlt nr.h.! 2:02!t5: ?. mck zro?r16r e. r.sc, vh1r.. ^c,rotrt u.zd.r. trc;- rrt 9. 2:0?t36j 10.
ffrl Joh{(n, Ptiirl'r&h. pr.:
2,ro:otr 11. 0o^ r.cob,r ns.!d, o!4., 2,fr!6: Npp, socr 2,1q:1ii !r. ,rohn N.yr11._ w 2'Jo,J5j 15,oi!'-u. BIr&r, 1*@ i&f. i,15,
ion rh.
L.u rl.
lt0rfl r.m,I,!Y (rh. Eld.r)
b, 1 61nr tto!
r.' vot.d x., h]r-
eoer drh ].ou Dlrre. codlt.. brrr !r
noN Drfis
clPrlrs,s r{rNrlasm,r-NoErH DArol^ r.A.u. 20-.r-!rcrErER cl{rflonsflIp
rh. ldm.:orr-Norrh
uis.3o!a, sund.r, s.!t.d.r 16-
lru 20,0co-dt.!
non h{. or }tlh.rFltt 'on dL.) dist.nc. n nlns chrplon-
Dar', tii.d h 1r1o!39.7, rbqt tn. rcanL uik &d bu1lt up a b1s l.ad ln th. 1a3t tro d1.r. !o1r nar tldd i, 1.13:20.3, and (urz ln 1'14!42. Jli yep.n lrd D.fl l,lttl., t!1-h o? Ab.rd..n, 5.r., i.!. l4tth lnd flJ$ ln th. Prt lr.1! ol st. PauI and t.r ,ldh hd 6.nnth 1n th. oFn r.c.r *.!. talth dd dfth tr th. dirtrtct MU cdp.ittidn. Th. rac. var !Fn!or.d br th ch.rd.! of colw&. ud th. lrlNrotr ?h. Jard..' ruplll.d $tu tlodd.r lnd th rlbbonr ror ih. flnirh.!', Bob rrbo!., lna ol 1?:t2,3 r.! h1' t,000{.t.! !tbt. cep.tlto.: lapp.d !h. r:k lou ilr: ln th. 20-!d1o ru sd otr.. 1! ih lunl.! r.c.. r5 h BsLr!$ t ]o 10 h
rportr 3. rpd l{urs. si. Pel 4. rh xuF;, rb.!d.en,sD ,. D.y. lJttl.. rrb.!d..n,sD 6. Plt l:nin, sr. Pru1 ?. Dr'. O-!. sr. cloud. tr!m. a. D.* Eddnd.or. ItM.rFu. dat - JIr sobou, lr!.wr!.I!r cmdlrlon.: C1.$ 63o, trq \! 1. 2.
t7iI6 at;6 jZ|n\1,\6 39,$ 5\.16 71,5? 36t\3 5tt47 11'56 36"6 16t3t l7:tt 36.Jo ,'tri tI"t )e.!1 59t5J 13:14 39'44 6n:r4 .U,56 l0,l' rlnd 2, r. trlh.
1619,7 14t\2 15t)2 16tr6 11t21
ATtn a3'r3
alRor! ruREs qllls calTu!
l olox;E Hlrwr sf,@r, llt ln !e.rr flblrh.d xlth th. .@ ttd bui lt r.r th. o.t{rlltJ of chica€o Ilrck clullr Harold 1L!!11rho !r.d hlr rl-}ott.d 60 nLrt.r to th. b..t rdnnira.. dd OFn trrrl. lrn 11 !dL., 1?4 r.rdr, 10 tnch.r to crFtuts th. C.ltral ^.r.tr. 0!. rbur iD, s.pt.bb.! 2J!d 10 cdcu.. .bd! !t5 Fldt orhl'd, rllh 10 dl'l. 1,?49 rud., 1let, l ttch..fl d. Thtld pbc. rnt io rft. dcbAld. .l th. tclc ih. n sotl.t.d 10 !11.., 1,410 taldrj r0 hch., on th. H.!!r., Halnr ud Hrl H1€don r.o th. ..!\' Fr.d. dth HrMt .!d nddr .ra rh. t ln 32:ra. H.rur & 1tr59 thr..-dl.. Ih. fw-dl. alk Fr!.d ln 26150 dd tlr lrsr dchuc.d thr r.rd 1n th. 34th &d Srth lr!! tlttr flsd. Frxng rt.J n .r tha 1t!ru4r! Btdhrldt itcbud. ud u6'1o'.r B1LI n t.. h.d I rhlL! nrttL gotDA 'tth ro* A,c.rr c.n lrlrd' .d€lns rh.onl!.lfLy o' rdr tapnob!. br. tu!1.!4. fh. nn rr-I r.!4., 2 f{i, s tnch.r.Jld e @ ? ".r-d 'd,rir, co4Dl.t. r:I1 if.lfr 'ta!t.!ru'T . i.! d1.., l'1r!rd" !o tftb.'! 2. G.ors. H.mt, erlrr^i.d (itnn.Lm. lldriM) la !nl.r. 1,?r,9 rudr, r !oot, I'r"h; t. bn. at"h.$r, ucrc, io;!-. i.-ro r,rc.. ro '!.i.rl 4, Blrr !.Fr, 0.1c, 10 d!.!, 1,2o? trrd., I 'o.t, 1r'L-6 tud., ucrc, o rr inch.a' i. hn Hr'adn- uglc. ro irI..: b. '11.., 3 !nch.!: ?. rr Bar{.. 3- ro. !;bb. !o & 3 s;!t' c1ub. e bll... lr t.Fdr. 9 tn.\.t! t. Dlck [r's, ocrc' 1.J21 3lncb.': lo. Ron L.iJd, Nn rorl rl.c.r - b11.., 3 dLr. f.i75 r ., !:.t. i t."i.': u. cut.' s"ura!, shch.d (D.n'r, c.ro'.dor 6rr." 'udr. r.r2o r.!d.: i:. ,:.a. i,r-0, u*tu.n.a (onlnldtt H1s\ schmr) 6 dl.r. 1,122 l| 0.4.s. Prrl, llurcil r!ob, ,rlD6! tir r;d.. 2'.4i... Cd.! !h.to - YIXII@ ?l1Bi - Aoldln€ th. sho.r lioru r.u e!t116 ooip.ttlg 1! !h. loDdo! !o B!!r!l,o! cu-. T.d ColblLt. or N.r lork CIl,vr r3 .bon.! I.1. IbtolE!lour lrrpoFl b.iolo l.allrs 6r I Pd-M xolld rtlravg J.l cllpFre I I
new"P[U5"in pe]foman(e + + + Newly-Developed, (oach-Approved
'AiE 'ETf!
Eristyof6tzes-hl.&th&d'ldih. N." co,3rncdo" r-biqG! dth n r
More Flâ&#x201A;Źxibiliry... Srobiliiy. .. Durobitiry AND ihe), ore .epotdbie
fthtt tq -7Cl
I,$.rF silo.i -
tr& ro,k
n1@: cdr.l&dr i.{j2?
xd.: 9!0o r.E t tt!5 !r. Dd.1tg J!! ed lts. dlo!6d na {d Sat, fHE
t. 2t
x11d and
ib. roiser
^t ci6 3Gr
sM cmcl
o. La
onl)i& rul, onDms sHrlpx! pRolFlly
9B hcru. pre roh.!.
!e su6 io
Eay!rd.6,{, ib, rorr {u tr-* !!boi llcrsir