
Page 1


ocroBER, r963

Michnel Buhutd bdas Mi.h.] Jd.' AutinE th. l5o0 rhuntion\hi? in Ptt. Jozr *."t



eolm d, no. 9rr oolotsr !9or


;H?i:;:"1:";.:'iiil flJg.:;;E',i.ti;:?.i


*!i;$';m;r'"n"'rl *iinil:f*l

!a! o'sboa. a;8 i"d5. rrod B!ou. Er.. sta! si&,_ E.-r. cor. B"r ;td"n. n.; eod;oe uarE tr. b'd'DonJscob!. eb'3r.-uuoL P€r&.l4,BlIl.uk'






2. Jdl! tuuar, toi-hh.. 8arad. ,,a3,oi

gni;;Jrlt* I :i t: :*:f*;r: i.9. !-l rb cokjrL, s*,;L;. n;; 1i;e: ij6tiii :


dori€ d oml.]r 1i',;3 l:s.;Iffi: "*.I:I?:o< "* L,"" Frn!. ll !s lhu a airo aa rb do


a.D Rhn*ir., cheD;iR..






ni'.llrifl-31:",ffi tfliigt":::"3F. Bi*i:


re5r Bollob vu,!bon.



Bj !:*,%lj::.#:l:1.,h1*::.y:, l:+t:e i:ff.,,,:,,j,,:::,Jffi,?iilS"::iil::-. jjf;j5; 'd'l;?i"":.'};q"a';:;-i":; itrl":':.rf;* l;.'5fl"*iii';.5:)slli;.:ii3$*, i^r* iili::n D.N.r ao-o!a$.

u DlcL EL4 i:o';i; u. i. &8,. tur@uBh, rkboNlr_.. tutssa;. L,-d,a

U.!.@ Dfi, l9:


i#Hjf,#".ri$;.f.:i"*,; tjtr:H




li"::l$;"bii}ii,1i]]hlff:.i;fii;::; i!:,, .:litor:iJr: tff ::i:, iliyt""i#;:;jl*$:: u::,:;:"i;:";3i "'.,ff:.1.{.i.s:; !:';":i,"#:,1:';;,i;:ti:ff:,'P:.:**{^'-i;",., eNr!, co1o. (2r, dl.r); &q 01!.n. turu. x.b.

l::: I:t': H.#1.'"llTI;.":"il:;';;:';;J"H" :ldij;dryl''.T'T: :ff.d#:rpf:bli'::' #,H;,::i: :;l;*5*"irtu:'i;,iil'ii l?L;!i"ffi. itr#',3t1"i:ff:"{li?} #:,:i:l.f. oous.l.ootdo!l!!ou8.1

xrx:;:;:r;+":ii*t#,:ii,ii':#jr...'* il;i ;i Eii ilrT,lf.i:*"*r .m'il;::6i.a.Jt t,a* iT*s i"t.::U**" :B': tii::::-r,r;tit",i:.:.:,:f"":fr':;-

gffi f;#HH':iid#lj:pn:#i"i:i:l.1i{! Jtr'}fi1i}Hi i?i:r;i. eilr$o a*r,- u" ,*i"" r"'"; i! i..i: :, ffi ;:..1:;:{ :#::'*:ji: ::'"tii.,:::,ri.

nos.'s !!.u!dou; ro 1 rl.uro



di.; ;-"';;, ::i:i:,H": 4 d'!rro'm' 4d 'r phva ar '-. bL! $d _Hdu.d..;9 LJ,!!.r, rh' c!o/_sur unrv- or edd,, brr !rc!.aF.d

i;H,: i:,:Ti"ELiil: #!:;J:;;i: jii: rtr:i:*^Tl:il:J,::'i:-'-..i8"":.,*: .h co,',-r, jz-F*-ord * .;in i.;i n&i;he. ::":?":t Dar.-6

rro lFd!16 roi;t ; r &'!nc,d;E;p Eri_






lron r. Paratrr/- 120-06 - r:llrd,qvenue, vi11i83on nedo hls b1d wlt.\ tnrse'! ron' l1l o, ..w. "_ro s of a ql1€ o po, blos f ou,

-r s r-, 0on o1s * "- t-i:"::r:;;:"b"3..";i\:,:1.".;1". hs ret,.ri11ldso. g;t jo_yarri.ro"o, 11";:* :;I:,:1"%"T:.i;,1J *:"1"t;. Bur atrd that distar. bsck"dt tb6 tapo do

rh.-nat,1, ,lnu-xererho! r" i."r,.i".-'

'$ rredelict@ taonaso! cloc]6d gr'." .* ri' d.,c"i*rr esrtire on !tIG' occstom "i?';i: *.t b€ror6 about 15,000 rour storr ot rhls Mararhor, qhich r " e-a . ..,"";:;,. see3r o.o,,3 :::::11.,.. for hhj !r&cticr11y o?arlookod t16, P_ ,-::4,:": "3or fcd,L 6 nr1''rcm ",. .or" r:rc Loa. o; " rhousl] roir rra"o



iT'-r*;."" : ?: l*:,"::.:i:. ?;:::*"",;." ii:'ie"o""";s: i;;;'p r." L,o ;i-";;"-;;:;";;;;!i1i-J;i;':d'i::1- i1$5:"j#;il.:: :?""l3"dli:5Titr":", iiil e-";"'i:",i"i,i".3..'"i!"" r";", :;" l:,i:;-*" * "i. iri" :.iri*rJ..

i*"i:i:"'l*"'::::LtT"H"':'::3*#'r4-'ji.i":*.,,'''' ! ! ' d:55 1r ' Brucr lildd rost York rc r thr"i th.."-.'",i"a it"t-g""i'' _.r",ii" l:"|i,",i::""":,: :.:l-" ."a:00./: _. -;, "' 1:.i:"::p;e;i, ::;:"- : :,lli :+Lr:.:.":" *, i:i;'j i+ ::"": ;l!"#:. 5 !-u dotr.'(l€velsn;: I

soacl6- s orJ o' J. , tI you -n r dTh6 sdcond hatte" 1s lltn

L roD Baln:coit! roc. Io s i11t 3ff : s tt

!€f€r6hco to ;:

;; i'6;;;;,-'s:;T,'.,r-;' .;.;i":,:;";;' ''



r. I alrT xtneL t' 1", To!9rro 0(. Lli:.I: 1. s3- hlJd ru. 4_:l:r !. !j -: bqsrrsml :' lI. IiYn. L5:L), roM: r. 1o , I?: 2. b3 rtad __.__._. .___-.-._. Bcardal win!

N loll a 1 sq..6uso . . sLfter """,1. tho ^o loJ ds tMo!8 3 o'10 '. sd cs!) oI1 . o !.ro1€ €1so hno ,o1oa!ad

o o.rrldpronrb





r':-:--M! :nsrance3, oo o .s,s s lrr. o;;. ; r ;i.,F. :no s.D.sdu6.r . *L- "u." _sr,Br, .'"A.r:';::'" l.^1 3J;.;"t"'",.1'1"". has ro cotuern ro i,hat othor assocratronis t:06:91; U: ;;;.d;j' s-l€ 16 o' e r6s.






rrcarpa. cllrronxr! 4


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or th. resr, ;;G1;;

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'rLb, l8:Jo 21. Ia-rf nsuor!, unat, (som x.s.), 22. st€v; szabo. 34,)+9 1o.M118, 0rtr, o" c J, Eoo , )Bt(\ '^aao -o r', n aron, 2L, l5:5d .ls Lorora .n !. ), lo:18 2J. qlc ohr lend"cseb., _n:r. )6. s-o ", Xlrg, o. /hl.aao I., l9:2.1


tfb- -)5:06 ii3:3o 3t.4 12 I:Ls )1:06 22 3:lo l5:-o 1J \,\5 3L)) 15l -- la:21 -7, Psirrck t€ch , r, lq:Jl h:1. Jr.,!6 5 . ll'nar, 2€, J:JO 16:01 . "9:)U q 'oo cJdos, !nle, or cn aso 1c, la J5 l, lr5 lL 5- 6 r. clr sL, (Pr 'Dres"), lo:55 ro. lntl Anqecsor, -- )9:55 )6 -s rl ca lls .10:23 .:15 J8:.13 il. .1, r Lb, r c 1.. :r-l 1!lr"s. -- l0:_l .li '!. --d.1. U0:rl Do s't -s, .! o, .l:2- ,J:)) 2a J., c€Ao 3r'r', 10:56 jM. lr-:olr J:Jo J?:-ll. z. rL. "r B e qo'rd, d6qt lal6e F.6a.1s /. l-ack C.ub,!r:J -- L :+ J€ -r, .6. Drck dmor, D€Pd 1 i s { cluo, I,r:116 J:10 J8:I6 ir s"o&, ePdul lr8-k c-uo, oa Jl. .D.n U:Sr Lt45 )71A6 ?. D€ oaul l.rck 'rLb, l+ltar ln45 )11 6 2t J8. " oorz, r$as€{, r " .. {J r or, \,I. ), D:01 -- D:01 ld la. vels bsrD.t o, :16 -- lr-r:16 40 1.0. .].rr -Dchon, ! ', l+1 ronr lone, rr'. r'{o', uos,Br Lz:Ll -- lr_:u rI u3t. (ADora J.l lrJ:01 -- LJ:o1 L2 i2. vh. €r. Der6_rr. ,t-oa, o.oa. ra€e r', -- Itr:ll L3 h". lL: l' vo_\r.ac,(i)b, L. D-" s:.Fu, L_:5o -- !/:50 U DIF-- ?at S1od, Goorzo Gabauo!, Delaul Tcj st3'6 sack6tt, UCTci llank !ovt' obnsoE, rc{. Jo^I ruoJ, is .; ,rl !rc LnM, rau oaM --; Jat izororrb&dloa!,

gaflop€d to laco xotes.,.Gr6s l,Irislt, tekl4l ld'dtag€ ol hts today in i5e sNal ljrlyolslty ot Chl.aso 1!ac! clun hatdlca! u as6r 'ictory ru, J.lA,., ora oI clcne-. sr se s p-otoeos ln Utre n€!]t 6- r€ r-"oun-r9 'otuo s" Pd/ rq^k ' b ls cc€ssor ro t(. tn tlr 1rt! b6st trnd out of 44 rhl3hers- a lecoid r161d or 51 stdt€d th6 !aco, lun on tbo l-miro :rass 1oo! ln ashlbaton Pdk. lhs fl"st trontx .oc.1€d tuitals end rlbloft.. last-tlm horols a€4t to ba!€taoted !a1 al8don, fr€€-1dc€ !" .r o Jo I " orr8s Dr !h6 n5!1lrro1 %r fulll

(,lu"r" "6 q1*do4's €,,3 6L?:Jo. :-ia- r;d-Di1co.ft r -J. ., r: ."no€rs.s-, ho I lr 1I1o! on Loyols's 'Ess' nad tne thlrd fastast clocLrie vlt]] a 34!ll. ancnorod dl.tanc€-ned,er t€M, V6atho! candltloE: r@ and huda. rerr l1ttl8 xlnd. --A!E Rlohald€-2n!ir AntiiJAl CoLTax (CIII'OAXIA) JOBIli! !Is!nNC! ,!BtY (Inctu.t63 tuo-Dlvlslon 2-n1163; Jurno! l-i11€6; .!6! 9-i11€s dd s6nlo! {16 y4 u!) t-nllos. ) tuly 13t}r s!.ns.red bj: tul lauI€rs & oo1ton lachdgp club..Il6ot !l!octo!: stan Staffold coAcr.Es oR PRo-IMSIo$ - 2-l4t1e sclatch Rao6- r. c1fbolt Dy!!, caItonE.s., 11:26; 2. a6n rddelos, ids a,so16s, r5:loi 3. Ray centcoloz, East Los 1leolo! Collegs, f5:30" onor i-i{11os lilsdlc iD -- . --aP.I. Actuaf TIre los 1. rD Roots i, -s D €.. e , J oo )1.-5 7)tr5 \ )

i r'rs. ", r3.,c"r €r r. 1s,5:]0 -. j. tJ. :o €le.s. Bd:6-.'P. J:ro -a sd'P, i:00 !. q cIUd lrarc'aoz, 5. lralt $e56!, culvo! crty ac, i:lo 6. DeDls D1ori6y, ?Ico nlr€ra \r. 5:0o 7, Don liolbelt, ton€ B6ach ta, 3:00 8. dr€s Ueoo, LolA E€acltr T^, 2:00 9. r'ko srunlr ina!.aEr ('Jo-,, 5:oo 10. leo cla".rord. I'uo Fvr'o?c, 6:00 P1.o RrY6la I]n.. >: ro -12. illllte Juu6. u at, iFo"L@).2:lo 6:00 tl, . rn .ut6!. su csbrlol Vr. Po.. iilth, olaAq€ c. unir -v, :_10 lL. 15. yanu€ 7aau3!. scvP. 2:00

l?:28 t':!0 l1:lJ 31.L9 37t55 30:00 )A:02 38:]+ lU:15 ]c:oq l9:06 3..-r )914 39:J8

JI:58 Jq:10 2d:LJ 32.19 3rt95 10:00 2a:02 l2:!+ ll:15 30:31 lO:J6 l4:a ?t3:59 lo:J8


8 1 22 17 7 l a lI 11 12 15 2 1l




20 u

'lr 2


16. Rtuh v&qu8z,


!RU, $,,-" jl,,o ll


20. r.rh Rob€rt;o!, s,u

l::ig?l:11 +i

u., aoii6


trH:rffi, ii $ i*,i r'i,+*r;*::*H;: ;i, $r**4[*::dnT ffi;fl # $



iis-*lfr:""'ff' H:i:iijf:# A: iii,:"1ffi::5:i."33,3; H;ii ld;$'* fr ri* l; ii, :H#ki"F"J;: r,+ H;i: iiii: iij;: #i"$i*iiis'k;"" Hi# jilil ii ii,


I i. r',*u*ri: fill ii:i' *

if ittr'*' g#I*r i:**xr*

3i;ii,i # ll: ;rdr$i:il;:Fil;" E:ii iiil; # H: ni-.'if#:1i!I"*' Fiff i9i:14 Ul. l}uk r.rsrshau, 6crc, !?:i:-:'iff:.";l:";:.

fr :Xi


t ;i

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1ii :, tr), H fift,f5iifuilt, E;r1 +:t$# :il-"tT:"i'ilT11";.i"3ir*i::


i:*5ieiry:;;s+i#;$tri:il"' :mi*;tr;: i*;i:i;r"**$::,;;5," ;q*$ruii ltyrslob f€atmd slth I .

rha op6r


;:";",iil : iJ%,:ii";,:l:.;.::L.::.. :iiH:";Ti:"3T:SobDdrsrb€ds-

#ffitr'Iu*i*r **''*;n;;*:*,

*t*ffi'ffiigffi ;iip;#*q:ff irj+*fr::,$;.' ;*i#$t;ifiii"i?it,,;u;, : ;r*4J :i:l: ;rit;ff "ffi#"tr:' ff iifiit#i;#:i3+,fr llfl

1?, temls Kudlna, r1r6rs1do-Broold16ld As i.r th€ contral ,r t 15-rr trrsi toUo; :!a(L ( ub, <6:r : -8. J6trt (o"tu. %r- ao -1, '\€ ro dre re, L-opnlss so ron p.o!t.oo ot L 3 rld r". cheb€! xxJ--:-e.o Yvu V r1a.3 -r, 7:r 20. Ar 3ddus, of corre!.a. Bruc6 ay€r, (tu,,57:4t (I6!re Eaut8), & . club tSrt 21. soth rac€s ,ere staltsc hf, th€ MaJo! of 57 [0 Jo€ t3an 1i6tb, uno., ferre uauto, 5U:32; Elixust, and the haJo! €ood'tutr3dly cltX radels, 59:r0j tarded out a!! fort! aa4lds ud conaratu22. Td Core, 1.1a11 r, g€rrTn-C:celo vV lCr 59: leted asp6cldl1r tho f,oc8l 4. Ed staut lakas Ls55i 4. aran ls " v"rk rdcr 'l ,br. ', -3 r2:ol: 61, la1 'Iralnl6 oo Brb"!, opl Pa!\ 10:58,) 62:,!9j 26. DlcI nt!s, VCTC,2. cnorg€ r,rcG]'ssor, ..Cr York lor20:f6

6].0.. -7. Do -r6gu .b, R v"r"r:6-8.00;-/, fljie VaroftM, 'O: 17 r'oLo f-acl .luL, 6L:16. L- -d, ztL.n€r. Lhat-. -0:Lq 6 s.s-rers,, lo. 3.nnr, J,r.,t€F:. c,20:9. d. "ro!is. ctt133 Track Reco Not€3-..8e1 ac6. 6, d€orAo P.aol3k1, Tvln roin o.il: E.,mo-. i, o tcaao n -C. 2l.0Li b. K€lr. v€oeh. unr. .;ro o ron tn. Conr-.a dru os . co Es .-s t! oo . L. ro: um., ichestolto!, Ind. ), 21:12; 10. rer!€snect.i,te L9:01,6_ txch r;o cr.sa t; (. 143'! hrn ror con r' ias a rorr-,. vtrr-a1,e "o llo! 21:l': sbar 1 . ..0.. € 2r:? : 2. rrom B ;on a,nrcso s:iF , .6?6 _l oss. yo.. t. rc, 21:.1?; 14. FF-d P16t!lr9::[, llnost ; dln"t. sho"d or detd.d- iloblrk, Tor](Markh@), roL'a zak, u!4., Dari tne ;iMpr.n !d!1d Bairls. fc' 4lDt.t5. :qor 16. t€If _dt. | sa. Ps]" R1d' :L:51: 1?. Jo6 p . e r' . 's,;f-r.""s St.;. BJ.:6ce, cx'arnov, xolk rc, 22:02; 1d. cl1 wtl:s! se.ctu; snaad 11M3, 01d. ltners Ac, 2?:15; 19. llch VCtc, {ho ulit be a s;dc! at l,are tac:r Jo]]nston, 'J.rk Tc, 22:17; 20, n.s,, chicalo this ra1I. !€rrortJ lrovtso Tc, 22:27. (lr,O"Chuck tlntsirlen tro!]l1e3 sd ton n€dals, proelded _-,trto nldbards_3!!1. bf, the !_lnlrust cndbGr of c;mrcB 1. iine Foulth ol Jriy c61oJTtl{Y 3lElil BACII ff r0nu--61:41 IoR 12 -oo In 3 6-, s"s.. -4u sE l1- J ny -r: i'* -,* '- 6 slor{ le ^i:.:; Eob ialb.rj ode o! IUiD.t3r llnast prop h a 3clnt1r1atlr,s 61;!1, eE€n flnlsh, -jffi! .Ls:r I Pa l!,6 bir6 l:ld- d€D, rdslr r:]nrnelstrt sbu[d-Mn ft€id ln the 1]st nt]o nf(btildd as dert. lenden rulFd 1! a croctrl@ of !6st nold FunIls l..l-nili rri , L .: "-:rIa, uL s r'-a i:3rosoltlo }laelDen ras 'nln ry 1! sd.onds oae. rul@!-u! so!60 llce"onor, of York lllfh 3cnool, xlrihu.st ! n€Eb3r ot ou r9l+0 oltnprc narstbor steto idalendlru slo4 ,lth Tdd Vos61 ard u.6 older ' rsY ac. a!tr.L lchD1z ln !i:o 3t1t. i-d.$t!J 1, Jnn6s arr41 're cr66n, 3osro! tA, :, .oo -;:.-;

'. ,.;"" ,."-:-:; ::'. ;+:' ..-: :a;.;;-;;, -. .",:

-br:.12 merFr ol Irlrl's \Iihr! a, -arne tdotho, rM.. nqursr !3m ,;iils far1. iLarr tidr I :a;-a r"i;,.i. ;,,[i iluq, .noi., .,o. .sr. 16 .a . ,l .loa te"-, UrA,a, .. b€ ia' db1- o: ore"e .o L .o-r3 e .,dg IO. nrcnLd ?a.-a a. :,q, oo:29 ..h, -,h ror:e m,, t6s:6!:1". t_oJ. Lto , . --. - $do,;., .p",.., , oo:)9 !., and cBni!aI stats aro all oi!€cb€d to 12. n.bo:t:;d, r,.h,sri.icors, 6?;irb ), ?st. . , nM, coaris. 'o, .,6d: ? r6d zt11n6!, or ?ark Rld€o, €d;€d Froer3o r4. B*b..p".: Hdrrold !c! 69:21 '31 o . t B.b r.. o. r'ovrso tlh !1$ ^4. ., ': ;: h;; ''";;:;: -i;ii .^ .r e nrl6. 6nd €. oe, or l:.0 ioi "8" ;;;''.;;i;;:":.;a \., ?r:1? ?;02 " 'i: 18. resso.10'611. Lrsi,



20. 16. Roirce sa"Torj llvc" 6Lt55i 3?. t:t 2\. robn rlo1- T]ronpson, uE., 62112; 18. Darld trason.' lan, $a., ?l:cl; 22. cabr161 taxaDa, rus, iMc, 62:112; 39. PauI llccllvsy, srar:a.,rc, 73:40; 21. R€tu lollon, B!.1, !A{, 6l:09; lro. st€ve !€!akst!a, us., 7L: _: z\, eoosr! Ldrani uach.sLrtdsls, 6l:16: L1. A, clsude ?I1r9, da., 6lr:1?; t5, : ona3 casklns, tla.h,s.rtdecs ?5:',; "od A1don, una., 6L:20; L.l. F€ro --:'_r t6. Jossph 95.6ldy, ccA,t, ?6:02; 42. BJrlotr, tsa-iforo'c, 64:L5, 14 Ben r\a.lreLl. ..oado anburElr, nolpas lrric. €'!:57; Lr'. Jobn counJAc, ?t:o2, '?, r'l !, Damlllg, lr Erlcl€or, Brr1, 77: r9i 2., 65:oli 16, c€o.4d caLor6., cLe u!, dL:21;10, D6m!e scol- \{', 65:od; 17. toh, crar, B},|, 65:21; rh, hs,, 86:rrjpsror 31. sr@nd Poolozny. l-4, xomoth Jo36ph, B,c,t, 65:llrr 19. ra:, 36:-0: 12. reroh, Dn3., 87: c a,r a., 65:46:50. nslpas A., 30:01; Rt-hsrd rlos6Iay. \pafts A.. 55:!?; r. q€!Fss rtsn. ao:38j !s..onud.lDh Lal-t.t, su ,ns,. 65:4e, 4., JL. 52. Da! 0llt6 fisrh1n6n, Bo3ioh A,t, 90:19, )5. Con€ircy, sa,, 66:15; 5.1. Rob6rr Garr,3no. B,q-r, 65:22r <lr. .ohn rrcoafdda, T"d S.ort@: I. Bodron r|A. l_z_l__b:1an2. Boslon j.4 C€d6e X.Cabe, - o6!5, t-8-r6--_2; r. -66:2.1: 5:. t.ar 'om. A-4, 6-?-9--221 L, Xo!!h Mod- uE.. ford.1ub, /-_I-1i--29; 5. nd'pas ac,,r-1. 67:!9: 5?. ".re31 nicnard. Re pas Acr 19. A1 rcaha. l{ach.srrtd6r3, ?2:26; '.n{c, 12t37:



r/- vu.- o'' Bosto' '44' 7o:J5; 62 csrrt con!o! ih€ Jld sduar ro- !""rop' fr€v' um ' 7}:1d; 6l' sisnund Podlozlv' hore todav bv ov€r t{o nlnutss a.d o&. no!€ onpha;1sd m" t,* ff!' ll:t?: 3b: 3tilliiff3:;:"1;,i::" n-;L--.-iiliui;.iL 3 'a1r-6r1€ i),ar ".1 riii.*J rc. /2:Lh: 6?. Roaer clMbor:r. ' 36: 'x;, ue.. .,"ood o 'dd rrm{e G€or!€ cor'-a', j;i_;;^;:-;;;, ii.;: .;;.. i;:,;j H-o fl^Lih€d L- a fire 51:L-l . /p:5o: b9. rre, \or-!s. unatLa.noo, r!,r5 rc. iiirii i6jrJ,'a;;;;; B;;i;; Aa; \ .j -. 6orfa_..ra:r€y. z. _, c6orso cr6y, $ c. NT,r. :j:rz rs@ s'ores: 1. Bosto! M. 2-J-4--9: 2' :i-:99 spdr* ac, r-8-ro--19; J. rolth€a'ro!! a-7'9--;2i 4. xottb €d'ord cr$ 28 6. nlchald D.nohu€, unattachdd, 5l+'12 X' , R6co Co@€lts by.!!!6d Blom, S!...Ihts ?. atchad packard. Eosron n}. Jr.)r5 iri.r a rac€ Euro gots tF onr to4 s!aF8ts/, roo{ !bv? rb€ brophl€s No sood q. i"."ii"-ii iiii,- -g.ii"i ;;l <?:6; r @b't -c:::; nol aE sood ao sot6 I.E. rdc6s tbat ,; " ":^;.^:,- ;^:;::_;"-' .4 r but don': cot bsLf rh6 fl.ld thts lac€ hs. li l"vli'fllil" "i!;^"-"?I"* " ?::l: narb€ ta€ sonto! ?o€rev rs a sood 'ar6s. *v ll' *:'XY::i:y J::"llii!T'rc:2?.117 sor '" '*tt*""a rhe r!s! rlrh to t6e sffrrrorro@ i:;"-i;;:'ir",'t;;;5;.-ii'ic.:4Ei65 ;:.., p"r.-, s. .r,-. B"i,"";:M: 5;;iS & rllIod thon tn Lh6 b€sL I could. r:pdrd iu,ro:4b m[N vlxs EAr,'sH Ir! rm1; Morls 2xD savalhl]r. l4ase., -aua tr 2l- rrn G.3€. 19. od (€rl€bo!, NErc! 97:i? pa..d a f1€ld or 45 N€r Eisreil pave20, Joss€ c!o'eu; vsA, 9t26 @!t Foundo!! o"e! lltd !o8dB of Hav6F 21. RLb n B{aolo,, B A, a7:33i 22. Btll ?:r8; brI1 v'cld t todav ln tae Mrphy, B{x. 2l: Joh! toor.s, s,!"{, i.- am-al!D9l0 rJI€ lace o' fm JoG -otu or '-". I| a,. rhe BAr ac€ rftud rn s sps-k,;i;r.e; ,t: ;;i.;- a;;;. i-r6ii:, Ina L9:12 Lo flnl3h loo vrde sxasd or 2o. rohn saobd, .m., 2?. ra!. \uc .1o, Norrh Shor ic,,8:L!! 28. abe n.,e aroro ot Lbo spdtan Ac. AB ususl 116 Iolth $6ofo!d flash a3sa. fiirrlos€ rr{. sg:tra: 2s. ialtB! '8jiar Jo Dotr !1to!lsrcord6,€l^ s_ab@o tlD 1€ad & hold F-a";r, \o-rb.,"L;.; fi, ,9:5lj v€'r 3L€€! r"r. E;"Lon ]1r. 60:z0: 11. X;*oth r!r- l-1t for hslf a nl13 ova_ 3 sho 1. lh€n ?otr saplsnzs' e33 d ront R€no5, r"i'i, sp,-r"n ac, 60,l<; 1.. !d-od ro irr{r. b1:os: rr. scan iij.i,,n. xrt. 6,:r6: rBa.b€s s.hool io!s!€rbrr.3 do b€ro'€ h1s pup !s. loo! J.. ron Bis;; N..!h€6sro!n ic, 6i,,1; ''n tnts ttu paca-aL rs 15, Po!.r Sr*jsroL, Boeloa ,!{, 61:1.o; ov'r

*llfi*#*ru; j*#;*i*"*::tT,j'l'-

+*ulir;ffi ii,t"Til*,il*1*;i::'*,i;:;*




iir T*,


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ao !sc., spooso-6d oJ rh€ i€tuossck nod & u .,;o. sreto"" at dr€." i,ab.-

al tir. ftnlrh iy th. i(laE€nJut Srldton. noue In ttro r^rar6 toothtUs, a,o!f, sc€a . . o€sl,l_qt . - .i, r." ,oi ) sltt -t.., t,^.;

1.o..'.].cI .':5 ...i_.t trlr

dI h,3ft b€Bi s 1u

"p. rlhi:l untdl _o_e !4u


udeds o- s!e. .to.e !Jt..es€d LF rard ao l5 o Ln€ )6 s.ri€!s flnr,h6d. 3:0 oo.3l. !s s arrdJ:0:56 l. reh'r sene- od & a1} enJorad & !1c.1c lubcheo! qfto! ( . : o: _, Jq 6s it3,.!sr, o",oA r,r. i5 4J.o Eurrdd rc, L5:J._ !3.b srr,.! ,:_/ 'sort . dol. LBttqch€aj _5. leym ". 15. .tor d.ro. 6. ron DdrL€, "--\ ? ?. ..uali ('$.s, B(A, tr6:lo: la.-8j 6. .. c, r .:s. .,1.r,

--T " :;ii,,3:;$.;ff +;'$:iil q* T'':lri:,,' : ,i




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liff $:ki:i$*'*-*i ;nf #i itji if lt#il:i,;t{*liri;ii"

ffr+rir*44lr#i:;t*e1sr Fs

Jd.ty 4th. l e6!1ous oDo!&_

;iii" ":,f ii.l:9";';Hii:l'ff .tfl ff: ff:"""ff':"il:".:iii"k; "';:.,_




si: ::"* ;;rlliii:hlixii ;?#,!Hr:ir:*

""ffi :i:"::" ll*Jtuti,i::ffi :;J:4ii:'';iiii$ :ff,iJ'i""i:"'::t "i.Iil"':i;; "yffilff *: :::"1"+:":i"'t"' i::i. "*:?tfr .HriI.i:$|:, :::i!:l{- i;'ii"xiif "i"ft ,L"'i#ts if ,:-**.' $i":ro'ff li":";:i:litr: ;iil *:::"." ?"fi :;:;:i"i:":if;H tus*#, !+: ;l:";iiti"i;[]i*i:{:iiili€i f,l$r. tiiilii'i',lilhmi ffi ,3F*"#'"' _ou ,ld r@y. __a[r xs6t__


l3l,:";:iii'"1;,3::'3iutrber.r, 2. ccr.a.

H;Jtr?tr ffi.;fly ;;; ;;-;;"

Lffi tg#iF#t:ilrft


H!'3S:i::"y"*. ). r+:u.5 roths! r;as

ffir,'i";gpff;Jffii,i:F p+iif




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,:i:"(i:,i.ifil:i,Ji'li",ii3 li: ::3'::"i"::"Jlr,* :::-"$,,,:"t5,:*"$?#,:lri* 244t JMt 73rd Str*r cldcaso, Ilrlmls _ 6o6{e

f lj:Fi: li.j:rTt';..l5ff


J.::**i:.rix; *y::,

s-*;'$Lqtr#::t#3i;-ir"*'i5$:*:l+.# d;.:;1,.:-$ili;]l*,iq.$:ifr





$ffi :*'*q.i-#i, H ilf .*

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"5'fr dl-*



,"l#T'*rf i ;"rr-ii{i rtrlx* ;##;H


$l,Hil+:ffiiiiq$triffi ;#iil'k*'6;ffi rit *t*x[#tT',***+f l{*ff y,:*,til:-*-S.;

-Paas 2 - Ea1 nlqi,.r - 25 --u1x,

bask€tlal1 and bdsobalf



!a.h loak I rould Ao u! lbcrr a h'tt n118, atui uas dead tlrod. : ltad etrrn r had, !t ine fouth or flftn E11€s. Tlrlr I staried €xpolrEdntlnE I fastsr, !1tir tho eood baoksromd or dlstam€ (not f,ou klna, bui sood fo, ne) lt 1s anezlJ\a how fast nf, tlEs cMs d.m. Br rtr!€ I had don€ 5:)a r.ir6, 2te harf, 2J.6 tro-t!€rty sd s 5ls qErt6r, e "last€r .t ih. s.crt.r dls|and6s, atrt I I.ud r1 s .: o I cLs, cJt. i{ Bg€ nsr. o last !1ntdr I d1d nl$ d1i€3 at 58:15, sudh ts tL-: r€co?d I s n1i! 3ach !o!'.ut riren, bt.e, a 3trq€ ol ao r re ri goli€ lro xoeks aeo eld I tbhl s3d!6tfJ alil.s nlIs on n:l fortle:h barrhd!f,! thts sopLonb€-. !€s lra lho rllu3, I n1163 and 1b:10 ttred. S nco t! te ee rJ H a ' : c n, y orlt . 1on" ' rho H1!d, a .asutJ.ttrl b!.! tb11d ldtu1ns up tho road !.Eal4t hlce aitlers "ithana 6i.ppod out on tbo load ah6ad of n€. ri6 hqdrr" 366n dr h€drd r€ I aoUo€d alo.a b€htad hlh fcr ahost sotns In nx dir6cttoi a hrrd!6d talds. Suddonlt h6 hoard re. !6ad, tben {1ih hu€6 l.ap, {as .tJ t!! lna noods. : res hd&:tb!.kon. ror a f6' sacnldi ihe!€ I 'ag lestmlrs bo n1i6d up about nJ rroor€!.l Ther. sa elray3 lizrs n€chsd ph€asants !e!d.!l.€ -.ui 4Dc on ro:no athlctlc li€ld at flY loca1 hiah schocl (RrB n crr:n tidstchost€rl tlerd I rLn rh5n '\B ,oc'.:.o , t.o. !L t 'ol, 31',!o L t ,L3/" .c. a. r.o d ..o o 6 :lo1d, r-Lcl ls 3 3_" o_ c 11--o 3ro o!rs.t-3,o. o!e. -l o rap.o"be --a s.oh€ad. Idos s- .I r"e u.i_ / lro*t.r :3t 601.1: b€caus€ lrr co.lr\s 1r there rf!€r J.!r rd I den V.llad, "You catch tou. i cl dow3e I cculdi:t. But the?s ras e {11d r.urrjtrc and t50 1nt!f,d3rs laro ErG. Th$ Ii.easen'rr aro I illF i. th1.k th6y .rd )!ot:1rres rr ee, Thas8 turr 1rn 4 t:!.a ud r half ii)Nh old siiaturerC pooc.le, cciny (ro! Cordll:e). E&ch art she Eot: sirongr? anc rs nox rp 1r. fi'E dd r neit ni:!€E Tl:€ tr.rblo rs, sl16 doe3rr! lc.? a.d I d b€sil.:|!€ :e feal ir1l sb. tE13ie .! bellra so:sial]iul, I dtd qljt r:d fryo dd k111 tho locr ibin:lf a halt nllo day se'e. ard 8ilecied ti io t6n - I€.ar.o jl.r non!!6 iss trs€alw. tr o J- u3 , or.e .3 . pF oE, sh6 1s toc tns11 f,€t t. eo aest rd lolusos to. Br! aba! harpdls lhei rn. roadheJ (111 E. h€r iu11 srolth? I trrln! snd '1i1 th1!€e, .drsx th : llrlnt y.u p.istirit c.ud tir€sa Th8 !€a8.r I tle loht across that I ras and i M 3tt1t not ro! flitoen reds j srul<6d !! ta M nor6 ol 3 rlhdr thM p3.p1. tbE6 pa.k rf clsa!€ti€r e daJi alor! rrth a coupl€ or crEds, I gay€ th6n up rlth tha lmrlialil€ drlr4r or th€ rlcerr" T.daJ r .r.!ro alrout Itv€ clsar8 a day, bui ndidr lrtrste. I etlli 'irr.k! altiirr+ nor. ths! i t]l.f,1d" ,.!-en - ,!s.i6 I i:!,i E!4!r i. a 5l.atod 175, I dtetoa tbat J6u ar,c aierri rt l:: ur:r- I bseq! !!u1.e. :io! ir h16i1 150 and F€mrallr stAr et qtout 1L?, sarsr ior€ !.6 seo b6€n :ldnrr ts\- r 'sa bd .". T t€EBn rh u. . _ D 'argl.d "-:o.1. .o.r8.r 8. Jm.the nlood F!.s3u!o. haro that ln bMi "too. I stll1 tnlnk:i.a sno!1d I M afratd I tor you, qrt.ly bocau3€ I ru et a t1@ and a nru01". .n -ne .rFLo, o isl€ 5 'srs I sad :! .. , s laps o a dI€ .re(/ a. 'T ds;. j o€ !n A ln nor ong { r} o ho1 Ls, UdorrututoLy, n.ooor ro: "o"L, r d1"ars Ls6d Lo rr.raoLco do ro nls each ilno I flnlshed, althousa r hed


I!.s I !a1 llEdo! - 26 Jtr1t. 1961 11.13 lB oy broL\s!, rho - no., ona 1d>d Ssnd pldcod ^'rmlt '- !0"). fi6."e c @red ils _lns. 11 ls nor, rrbls ls by orotdr, ht1 B!.m of thls stqfl ruE. Es 13 or Aolf r!1i€r and hlg (185). Alr b€st )2. ta3 t,)5. ],ou r{111€!. ,bo 66d to b. tlr. tlaclr rrltor fo! tbo N]. \rlo!1d-T613€.@ ald 13 no! lhat pap6!,E hdnoss 4clis !o !u. I do lot l40r lboth6r h6 dod3 nor or not. I !6ad tD th. nY c!1tu lar, xas sald to haro !E & flT€ ninut€ atlo rhen ho !a6 1b h:L! to!tto.. 1 succossful co"lolatlon l&!Te! tn Io! nork, tht11! f,ilhrt, abost ups.t (Ddtnout)l r25 all Ani€rl.r qudterbacL ln a EoN6 'bool Ropr336ntetlr63 racs ln 1,Jost.!osi6r {Gtlb€lt t3 Delhoutb, tooJ dd a Doftoclat)' !@ a coull. or 11103 6rdry dar ca 1115 lb-a.!6 13 dlso !!331d6nt {3 th6 odr p6oplc I cd ibtn!;f, you hops lot bosd ;o I I havo rltEod r.1ro anri:rha about ,q t is liy I na'3 caeiullr arold.d i€€p1n5 rsiords--but t1$ lhen oror a !€.!$€ fe613 he has to mlto doP! e:ro " -,ltu iTH .!rnii[ lr]MnrGTon 3q{cq F.Urltlxc rrpar f1+ - l- r0 ulls nus) lunht'stor E€!c:r ne.rdatl.n 'ISTANCE D3pa.rn nr."yo8t Dlr6.to!: rohar ]lortiy, Dlrodt.r 5untln:ton Bcach, cdrtornla..rru€$t 10, 1961 ln I{ILE : riDlc{r nmr orlx rest T1@ -qancicap irralsed T. actuat Tln 1. rob Lrx.1a. rcseneld6 !.i, i3:00 a6:i1.1 61:_qj.1 2L 2, 1'on s]ray, Mt11ro3o |{. 1t:00 7crlr.1 6l:t! 25 I J.hr tusmo.d, sant2 E&rtlra ac" :t0:0r 71:18 51:13 19 lL. J.d Ttlarj IDs xns3l€s Tc. Sc!, 7t:2A 51:20 5, r-l.r ii.e:rs, ]ra. t rlrJitl.lqtor B,, 1o:o0 7t:_c2 a1t52 2c 6. r!td! MDrc-ri. Lls .1.2d1€s lc, s.!, 72:.2 i2 a2 ,rnor ;r.r r{c.rir'.er, t2.ri0 ?2:2? ?, , 5,1.rt 26 i. :r€rr, cd: I:ldloron ]|J ;)i 72t39 5,1 09 3 -, ,)arc1c qL::10 lrei/ cl ,n!rr-, i l: 7l:0o a ira, .rc.elltde 15:00 ?l rr5 6h:16 3r ! 1. :ov".{ . 1' . '" 5 at 1t:25 93: , r. 131)8 :u:18 rr, -!nle s.bdtz, Los r.qalos !c! sc", ?3155 t1ti5 5 15. ,lck.r:1!, c,lve! ,: rtr acj 1:10 7l!:15 R t5t\5 16. lddl€ K3trh, santa r.! colfss€, 3i00 74:2lr 9 97:A . :. q :2, :8 1., .o - D 6: A 61.0! 1:. r.". 1e,:01 f, 5-j4, f9. i{2n:01 !ra61,:3?. 3.j rnr,loi vPi 1:)a :5:L :3 11,,)+5 62tt5 :o. r:,rr rarf3rr, sen !..iE. !!c. r.j. 3t3a 74,r+5 tUIt :1. crlx !.ir.r. .dao. r:ii x3, 3:c0 7l+:l+6 il tl+6 22. si.rc Aini..s, fJ.rc A1r3rarra,, lJjt! 74!43 67:\e r. ,t..i.,:"-.:1 4c. (7:04, ?-r, 12.)a t15.A6 rtr 2!, !11t€ 1!:i. 1a5 s1:r1r.3. .\: 'A 75tI5 7tj15 2f !11r.).lr.r):a., ). 75.t7 60,:? i tr:.lc 7512. t5 59t5a '- B " o ."'. l'o3r-o!t tc, l.: 7::1.1 5o l '". r '' r 9. dJ. r'.1 ad:)' ) u8r16, tr.re, 8:.0 151.t,'. r.hn 6lLj3o ?\ 76:10 Dr \A ts6er u. j S, -i:tod, 6'00 i;:; o:04:1:-29 b,:L

c ";iP:,:l ;":.:1. l-: ":i cor'".o, Lb..sJ.Ls!3, )5. 'a!co 16. eo 81 tc{. i.o.srr]ars.


i:la ,3:3s i;:i8 08:12 9:0 79:*)

to:00 81: o



; co

L j€rL

buod pas€

c.NrrrrLrnD) arui'llxmox BEAoE J?, _ "r.ba.d tan3on. ue.. IolrMce. s_1 , .J:oo aFp_or: 88:oo B :oo r? DX!- Davo rby,-r,I€stnont lc & Pot€ shlih, o!s,s€ a;ast rc.

ho!ere!, a 311sht dcrtatlon et ore 1t on Lto coL 60 "t l daorLee -n 'o _3co'!d o'5 tb l8sder n€ar t'e ehd & Just hlssod @*11ns rfh: Ddmis !ucl-

1;r vts ro oor" ro.s' rurr@ o' rhis r3re. Youn' Bob lrt 17 JEds o. aC€. .oor rdvanra€o o' lo'a d1starc6 lumiqr in trE sFA'{nu ils bl; ia'dlca! t; ;toal th6 rac€: ons rrssoctatl to !iso' as 9J t1ru 1;6!1cm lb,oooE r€cold hdldor, Joo to t]]e stsrtihg 11n€s, as fy1€!,ron tr nls-conobacli bld ih€ this to 40 for lma affalr r,;s A;ls6ros rradk club,ras JEt'ith1.5s r'"t Fa!' a host ot rc' clubs arso r1!tb€ coilso locold $t ist i6ar tfy.""e ticipahdd. DaEy rEphr or san ross sr;io. *1;r i; -- ---cooolI€ r'ssL Itr€ oao"s ou11€d &ray '-d to:;h"i6 ?oto! Mind16, yoi Moth€! ;f tha acn ' acHIrtES br DeDrs xa'ana'€L _6e flaa e€rsralq os;r;r'r4 o. -h" ra -' Lo i ) \'_ ol 1.''dpPo-d]€ton.ifss''']j.o,.aEDs',-]].llr .q oo 6 s , ri.e o1d Doni frde,oo rnLd, La,o s_d (los att6r th6 scletoh rer) ru11o M.!ln. one nav ask at t]sc,s doublo $ct_{ slm6! ca}b6d off tati thls ha?6 to do rlth d16t@e rmina?" tlh6 honors. lrar!6r Md !!!ts both dnlloY€d drds3c9 ry J-y r€ R- / o- Boys 18 lors ,-o ro3, 1. Pl.hsld (ar€r. ]c. 0.5 !:on 2'd'.'Ud}ls:.r:b6z,.sncabr'6V",):'..]:l{.' I5:)) "3 3 ": J, "s .r D.a .e, [, 3!rco "ai-!l;on, ;"., i. , 4", 15:i2 sload uo € 13t ."t3-] - . tr6 20 nlg. . ,_ 5. Bob l€}Jr, .nr,, RollIne -'113, 15:51 Ja'd as ..,rre' 'o l( cl!-. 6. c.or,€ 'u;ssk. se- c4DiLor vp, 1;:ar 'rt3 ' o-. JM ng ?- Jolh D16z3r. u;-. corr*. 1o:f,9 rr ,.e 161r .r 160, I ouqr Ls L r€ B. J€rr: Ra. !is, '{.6,efro;s, 1o:Jt 9, c{ldon coo6r: um., cdde! c!oa6,}6:l? lt tas rct as a trei.lns trnd iL !ia' ror r lq E lo ca!1'6 tl;s!;, ua . " -G ar€ ,rbrj' o"n €nloret.'. 'i;;."-;;;:" nM duor Ln!,I r.slas. 5o se.csr to h"- or ''-s- ofta!.d oo october Ist 1r a l|-n11€ t-c atlalr at yerds ,ha, }{ariln6r md caye! pu116d to ibs front & r1&11y l{dtln;z riltod r!6n tho !,\ stat8 cM!trs. gholto! .1ock€d cayor iunsd on a ilno so!Lnn to roo tlnlsh /l: 5. 3 d ":rls^ad 5 .d ddGs rs IIe. Tho Llrs "as ra! ol"I llt! lurtre corrso !6cord of &:29. s€[ tes ros_,+Tas 1l -r1. hot con loro ! e s_ d hs dun ncl rdl@ !s' !!0 wLTer cM€ oacr lm€oiatolt' ,o 'rls!-s 2-ni1€r !41 FerkFss of oxJ' sood 5th (c€olse nusa!e!). i+-!B1o nun (r;! EoF 17 & .1:: iff:":f? i:j,$"":ff":":i""lil:' 1. C.org6 li.sv6\. 6rs, 'tajt 2. srsre Dunfap, un3., -:o'j l. rnct.dItr fom€r Ms-a(6r!o ne-la -.. St6v6 Roulao, ua.,Sa! ltaho ('.AtC), ?:]1;Dal6 rdriarech of tho Merrnes and 9t!5 L. DMjU Na1"on. T,. /untib€Lod Bos"h. 2-n16, 1 t9b2l ?t'2t \. Lare vason. sd Dt.Ao T&,FC, ?:flj s-s-o, f.6_o co-e el ai.sd ot hrd, , o 6. Br-L 0emn, s8r D'oso !lA 7i76:-.-- - nor r'-Lsfrq. .:s cDnllsreo ts \-. 'saDra. r:ro; so 3 r r-.ugh! {r'r!'3d a, .o bon, ufu., vu lluJs. ?:20: D€trl. Iruc- €es, 1csoJ, kosh, Saf, cD5.6l -tP, 1t-lt lA. Uoltor (hsn- &i.o ar-.o,otd, "o-o s or,ahr uo els, utu., Cotr'n, 7:26: 1. 4.io10 ! o!. B, ..r' ..-o t-, -o, una,, 7:l1r 12. 6dry coalay. ::rb ri.. ?:.ld .on siol.oD rorLrndd o rho -u.-'€ .29 ilnlal-""s) s-oo nt6 toGss, rs^6, rrdJ .r locE-- bteb ocl.ool rutu6rs 3 dc;5-n:lvr a_ elajood. [€ .oo\,2:18. '.6 als r @!n6 Jeo . rod !!L & ;6toa!od ooo ;drs}s6-!, d-.rl€ , I rs( fht3 !eco- T\'e ru ns rc orc-pllon, s, Doforo . j. b n roaoX rde of !i€ nosL Droa s @ r-couol., & t'8.L -lntsn6d :re:3:r !,s'ak, c - 000 c€atp6 s n6r'rc-o n tnrs "e"€. l:oEao ors_ .rre dl-r".rlt Fl€."3 Ileo ftan, .s6 ra^o'o o /:06;n€lor colrs'' "bis belra I l'€ D.tsl"lc'


ffiffi ffiffi -

**ffiiu;,'l*ffi,#' :r**ri';+f;.*=fffiIffi ,ffmiul*




, irii$

3u. *"

$.Anthdr's !'

'"*",F1s,lrrllros€ M. 29. Bdnrett



Tem scoll.s: 1. Ca*"ar Jorsof, tC, 26-11-20-21--60; 2. st. AnthonJrs B. c., a-I2-t9-22-23-- 7 7 i t. ii1ll1ros€ A1, 9d; li. Dela'ars Va1r6f, n-{, 100j 5. $€! Tork

iionder C1ub, 112j 6. aaston ,ar 115; 7, reH Y.rk Ac, 115; 3. Bruc3 rc' 164r 9, lo4 131and strldere, 196. 0x HolJ !0 lEnT TllE lErT I'i:,si tlrs roR IlIulr,'ERs4otrnts of 3e1t. salt 13: ff:i"! lilliH: iiif"i!:i a !3reor nas a6just8d to his bodr s':ats.ut Just so nuch sa1t, hh€n 3a1tv. lhe DDdt koels th€ li2- r,so. xr.h6'. 0o1-va1 a-4 1:4r:u: Tn3 hain ralue of oxtra i:fr iY: salt 13 thai li nalas J.u thir3tror. r:'[i..i::Yi::,"i]i'?::..:' !:+r:rb :. Alcohol 3nd xBrt donl| nt{ nlcohol ri< ro.- I(r€s1as. Nf?c,\,r. 1:]1.1 :7 Ds1r31 r.;"=r"', [.. r"r t:4:r:]: b€er nat foel sood 4o1ns [?. ].bo qssor r:rlr:rz d.xn. bur thro 3 lie. rnror coolor, )1a" hottcr fo! a cor!16 oi''rajs. tillrirs. r'-'?c. [e. A]. . 1'l+<':: lotic€ablT You csi,t drlnh too mcn laiar in l. !., lD.h.o.i,J, j th€ adaf,o illal Jotr 3nourd ',:€H I.rkia:4::r! I'ourr. s!€atins 'h€aJ.ur n.rnd1 ihirst coDfd ilrt roD, slnce snouEh to re!1aco tl'o ifu:',',. tolrId doY--JJd 3noM i:: [*ii:, ili.'si:.-3;*. irfi :!i ior.q -.DrreIi io dflnt p1"nl,v ol r&tBr' i3: *?i"::l;i"i""'li! i:i:'i;',. i;ti,[; j,t{:'q! lIke, r'1nk i. .old or :s LDt as Jou 13: i:l"Jii"':':l] r:4o:a: ! . "il:]:ll;tr'. 61- John Donih.€! Aarrre use.itoirEhoab--bf,avo62, crss tJt11I ]ro, iiiie sir..!dttlorl.s r. ,.rro a 'iru,il ,rn Eiii 'r rraliu.th6 lon.er ;- n'oe. anr coilor clotllnq xou Llke lr:i::i!1 N!''Fc, :'": rark cclors abs.!l L-Aot 67. {DrL sleinsr. "t:-;":l:'EE:"i,!i:3: 1''1::l nore roedllr thei lisht colors, rrrt iho r.f1e. t1!a qtral-1tio3 or

ii' l]iilff:ir,":'ilii:i'"'""::: i:jf:li

jl, iir"ilii:l:ii'l:lli:l::;'1" i::rirt;i! '# iilljjtmil"ii::;"i:l'ii l,[liil ti:

ii, ii:i:ii:r;'iil, i:i








lil":;nrll;:l:ii?ii'::ll*, li;:' i; 1): i:l'i,ili'"il'ii 'T;. *, i,:i:il ilii *l:i:ltSir.* i:ir;!i li: 7i. Stoe€ otloiz, !.I. strldu'" r:l /'rr ?i'

u'L! rS s -".Fr'::r ,"'!N: .i'\L ot! xolr! t,{Y ln' nni'u-r,r- I lrnE iolD iaaE .for, Ie re, 77. io' i/lr.tu1r, Panr nc. l,:::y: !',,1ro1sllt.f tLa thro6 nrle road race: foe.uro of ih13 tot.'s lhif{i r\mu", ql oil r,one !3r !r.cr4. 5raffbr-rm-!3:l:;i";; i;'il;!1.5;i,,,ii S: n1c unaLta.ned, z:!4:Jb (nrhm ncr n61ror, ns:t.n 82. Jo. : n.r:aroo!r. !. -t.rntn.lc ro, s.a. .r.tr4h r!!!ino dn" to lo:11: l. 3i: i'"lJi:"i.T:i.i +3:" :;i;:;d !cr 1b:[:: !. iu!1d Eri., 16:4br 5. 85. Dl!k,{dGrr, cJtc, Jolf B1r1r3t6r. DNT- cDcfl 1src, Frnr€s crd1n. fftrc€ ICi *! i5' ;,? a,i t",1".,c.3'ii{'-;;1.:1 Fl i?.lq. a cre.orr ooor3pee4 rli:iiy, ii;t;": iii(1 t.od i'u'd 'oxt te) i:TtYi::f :Hi'::::li. cf

ll: l:i.l;;l,Il'l:'.'tt;'..'

l'; ill]




!l;J!i"|fuiiil1":j"-jr; -"'ii,i;:'li. " cooD \ DT '{ oi 'tt'- "- rc' 'r Dor" /"r.Lrr. ."l*,-. ir.ii.,ri'2 :.0;" . om " L'qb1ii. :"- oo!o:!^- lo-0" 6{ :.:!ff.1;;. ir:lj: i:i!,. IjH;,:"'. ;Y-iil-r. i,;:i f"ii,'.iiiil 3" i3:fi,i" ' ,;, 'ii. c.:i"i '.rr.,r.-, The s a ..n€ o "-s^o q-Bi, to-.s.od bl Fn6 co-lB r... o€r€a!6d ih6 ],fa1n€ ac .i$."."* "" , " H" l:".":J: i_":Jii:,;j,".:,#ff::"i,11e"ffL;il:" %'sL^5-\€.,'



Ir", o -b1e !sd_

,1- Moor "as

:li:i:ftH$$il:ri:r*,t!*'i:* r ! ros.",. i;;1- a.o

B.L )€ tousd rh€ dU't causs rh6 -lf,l aood - h6 or r:o2:5d. 1. abos . a 'n

Yriqk$i:1"3i"ffi sr!ois1! :o "3!.r3

Siiili:i:iild*h'" ,n :oy2 6h,,o !.ao€

rii:;J:;: ;i"I:;;Jri"g;;rt*;. ;lifrll"lil3::.li:i:;{::"sf:il::'r.i "'*'i'i:l+:'r.i; v"l*",:i''lr,r"' .1 .:.;i:il T";:,t.tT:l:I:"1ru ,


it1i,.lJ,li9i ;.:" :";:rr?;;.f :?;" _::_:_ ::::_+-:i: i1,1,"i o1r- )'!t b::1. .!:__d.

s an ,r'l!. oo- a.ar, ro aoi ,rsicl\

iii:t;':i:*r;i::, ;l:' dj:;1, '" i: ;i"i" "*:rfi";ss:'".1ifi; 'ii;iii,; :3!;".?:"'H,l!-li'i;.:.ii"3"i?;jii",: dS"i,Gi;;-ff; ;l:,r

{:f :!8":!!r : :,:"":"";li.:::'i: 'i;: :i,;+s"1*"ii:"r'il"" ',;3":;l: ;fi i,

:,;;l;::i;..r:: j::j q*'55iix;o" ;:ii

llCl::i iiBt;f;

:i",,i'*':ii;;":""J":,$'" i',*q:,riii -i;t";;;";;ii i!'iirfil.* *. _* .. 1' i






oi;:!":i'1.,',-':', &,;"?:"fl"rl'".ti;$iflruti:trqi.il* i;l;;:l in,i::',,..+i ":"::,1r":ii:;';ii:l i#,llr"gflS "';:l:,i;3":,'':i

;:'i;:lrl:"TE'"i$lll'.r'."ili;$riiil' :i'.?fr;"::". i"-j-::i!i,:itii:r$-.ii""ji ir"i,ifi, #r'?r;;"ir,i]*a"r::'t:i ---------------:----------------------___ i*:""$":":,':trLx*iH:: :Hj,fi"". 1;i",1;"H&;, 3jfr #,ri6.*: fr :"j":.i:;;ii;i!::. "':j"iH"i:ii'"[l"il; ";,, ji,!i 1,3+:,i :$iil::?::ril"il"i:h:,r.ri* "ql:s:";,ffiii,i!l:,*in';x' m**m*,:t*i:a,"!l;-i-;,;"--; Hi':,:; E8fi i'::":i*;T':ry,!T* pr,





$::"F;:i:'*";"ffi*ii**l:',S"ig-ii.'" "a rao!or up"u o"'u '!o



a n!?on! oll

rl;! rill'




*fi**+*g*+ffi ;;:

l,*e;'-=,;il;*:r,*;i;.,',;rr. :.nih:j';


r:r: ; ;"

;l' **'.:,t'";*::': ":';.; ";T


ifi :*;l*;;:l; il',ri;.*;jt:::,1'l'li'.'







"r :1':



,,,,,,, l*i,r, ;:;i:r: j i: ir:;*,r




ffin+****r,ffif**u+i "n,:;:'# l'";i'l*






**iffi*Ufr*;u ;;;11;:x*i*+s: unt{;ffi *;x,'a r}r, u*'r-;ffi ifi {"ih il'" ir; ilry$$-i-':trtr. *fr:*triltr,ruT*:***



ii*#iffiffi#m''ffilr:#l ,,#tti{#{ul*,**,**'ru#" i *##ffi ;# :;$riii"jl.l; Il*f:i.'_ii}:i$:,.,t'$"ff ;i;1,,

ffi,Tii:tf j;

ffi#*iffi #ffi -,niitx*;*ilt n,",=iu; sHu'm;;*i""r* T,r


r KI'!I



r4arathon nartv Berct

.T)-6y f,o". LdB ohli Lso rllftrs





u t ,aro

,. io.r.

fi!i:[:i];'lilx;;Ji:"":-l',::;;?' ,I,1. o.r

Jo-.e6 oo-^latuLm r{rcs


lii:ii*:14ft:;t'ikii-;i:i::il$"; f;:":F:'iiri:ii!,ii11i#i;:"

Eor & y€rr rrndr..Ni@ stdt.r., @sr ,ron L.r. rrcroor'6nc.d..rsr,), n,..r

f:.r-?AJ {.{.8.


'id'$*"+'l5'fi61';1i""ff* ., .-s bs,a... _sep6( Lc- ares. ca,


XM ---2. a rlj6s

;:lrL:,3!i; ,Jl:, o.,* D"'*





ra_1t .^ ,i,. i.__' "r," mi

lJ".;.i"i:il:.1";1T_:l lll. . lta"olo os rlE, .r', r:07:l)r ', osr t9 r - r.:. stodon,0._', :00: o; ,. _.r.d AAr .o . to \' '0, J c \la.s-q u'-c, -:10:1./; l. JLr u€:Tlr, m! o s l. oL . ., a,0 ;:-'Ile T., Fr;h-,css'. 1,, 1: r :"5i v.tc, ):)2-.))i 6, , o.i rdoa. - . : ,, U" t: 0:tL: 9- --- -- - -U': . l: ,:i9: lo. D cn IcrLF DLtu LJLLY I\ 'rilADA , (LhA, U r. :r'. | '.. cors- '6rd. !::"r tti,.,h..1l:',i:,1,-1,6'.: -16v6 Dxr-





. c.56-1. - . . -o6rd "Dd l.al otE on



" i!:, :,,':'gl"l"r:1"1 ^;




J.p. r- -.co,.." ,, , , i; Gii;j l:r k oo rr rl 1n bh6 rioslco rsra- I. Iroq nxf€, cstriarr, ,i1barts, 2:1J,4 z. Jol,r J. r€11evi 9.srcn AA. A:lla:18 o.. ... , .1.. 16:_1 rroln. o', 2 ..c I,-nie.

iltt-alE rq\ rsps^ ta .i.aeo--.js!Le


-*:-l;;jii;:lr":: -;,:"" !: lii,';3t';-r;' :i, yi:"', i:il'i,;;::;" tlth n€rs rhat h€ is no{ Mr_ cMJ rLbrcke. IUt.L, € muc..es- L.r 1"..,.-".

, J"r. :_-:.)


; :::;;."" ]0 ;:-.1:tlI t{l.lt". !.. -,,:,: LG,i-;. i".Ii r,i1 i1,{;;}i::a:.i.i;:: _ il: B:::}i: i::il,:.,: "." ..oi,ri - ''l:; l "sr" i"": :";,,;::1" .;';:'::"'l_;T,.:-1"'ffi::": r .: i'; ^t: j,. , '. ;. ':,;i:;:1.':"";,"';-.:J.".n": :." ," ", ;: '- :":" . _.' '_a ' " :6 i ,sa !rus: i"" i,:i i.,ii-r*,-l-"J;"";;l {orko rls. H l,l lMs . r.t

o" i..h-r,va. d13h 81r1. H.



9 "t' "' ]: ' '' thsi uh6v ",r,".""t rrsa bea ,



.':: ,-;:i;:: 1'""'e3e ': $i;l;lp;;tat;; ltJf:;:;:"::::.":l!:;'xl*; Notos: ?rio,.3!mr & c;o1..r$ .;-;-d;i;'a;;;:n,: 119' i";;" "tu. '""; ti;l'a; i:'!i;lilT*!l!i",iiliii"::;{,:Tk" *;;1,n":,#t*ii,Ll*iy "*i:, ad fr;;;;;i to s.' b!cr< ibt; ;ha;. r;; j;%:'lli6i,t:"1,i?54:t:f.]'il"liq \


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.-: ":"-,"



1". I-1,. "*:



E,#*., j#":+n; r,


j ;ji;;1";:r;,":,* ",0,

i" r- nohs .06.-



tr "




+;j, iffi;:il;;,",:,;'.i=;;,r, tll;", ff:ii; r$::i;r*i-ril';#Titr,t#'

**t-"plll; *fr +i ilf' $* ffr


::'.+I' r*i'


i *:,:-,':*;,ffi- : ;ylt lr $ifr51;+li; i#" $4




s.t;:-- ;iir:l;


llli'll';+,j;rr ii* *ili

l*j+=,*it i t+*

st**,, ;ii:$fii{ l.i[+;;*;l;5;1,; ;; ra'r



g:4;iiiai,Ji,.;:;;;" i,tftfii5t*;1gf$4itr



q,. 5: . 2:2- o. .sson pqd, r/,, s o j.ssoJ! D.r, \.As. 51:rJ.5 . s" 7. Io!. L. ?2.? - a2:-.tr f. i-". r.r.".- i\cas.02.or.r... .rh€s, Enlile li., 80.6 - 5r+:Jr rlrDnRloor 2-Id 5-riits ?e1er iA1r,[4os) Ib"!e valotto, r|rTc, ?oir+ t lrnra o!f1.1ajs 1. 0rnoy1€, d,ir, 69.1+ - 2l:17,5 72 ? rr lie' )3r"*' 5o3 or €ach oth€r. Rsy nlosao st111 ** ,1;, P""I'l'l'll.n:l' -^ ' ;;- :,,:,-" In r.I'j s c 6c" o br -i rrre. L''i;o-i .mlna '6:11 -' a " 'm ;' :--,,,--':; -ii. -rL. Psur

f re-,




-:7 15. Bolr IsIsDr .o .a .. _q:+ !: r:r r:c0 2-:r 15. Bob sl'Droo, tr. of. oJlo,Li_. 2d:?6 1t'5 2't1 '?. E-nJ6 (21 r' s€s 1om: re:c' l6' 2.0'co". ne11 E.s., lllj l. xcas, +7. Rumlls shorts...rl,e handlcappiis crno out lorfdctLy lor cnco ln th€ lon€o! !ec8,

?:;:ii. bi

':i':,r: '":; "1 *" '


.-:";."., :,i,;u";

, . - ''

BU}IIoNIl!lBrEvri!ll|l;Lt1'16,1'6]Fumtnasjrort3...Arc.ic aroDdsldolsr !on'N

st.rohnrs 8.s., xdhi;Aton; !.a.

,. er.!, 9{r,a"2.'r_,^h"

ll+:.r: 6,




:jl'fi"*:l'.:: ::::: .';;.,: ".;,;'" .e 0".:.,I :01.. : t. rr.6 1s " o!'.;,re" {E

lra- €t



o DoJ

r' u]ls

o "l


01: 9. Br r r vts, \J- . i-:0.1: 10, Ifn 1,n.5. , Yoss. s, l?:J5.5; -1. rl- "cDoo6, l8:oi+; 12. Ed Dtror, licAs, 39.a2.5) r), r.errede 6-lt.r-1€ dnr lo,icon aspacial E.It, ltalom, Icas, a2:L7; 14. It*e tuad- ci""e"t",," v"i,., rtr1r a1_.rr;.L: sroc

.o ,'oo. sr. os.. .. .:. . o B .,8. ),:r0.o.1 ,.., : lj- .. .l l4:1r.6.?..si{.o l-ron, 1?, ih3 faroliio to (In th6 raca, ''c" n-D ie s oe . o door oL -3ddl .. D br, it, B^b Y.'1.;o . -.:'/.8: . 6 Jfo_ ...,. : .ur , -.\ .;,. \-! . ,a:tt. t.1 " 6, . ",". a,)6. oe€r.. ro sss, vii .r;s\;"s, ;s : r , .,o 1-- s 'o d nuM:,\q 5 I rr,,.:'D.a" o!. . .':aoo n 1 cnlrlTitl A ! ti Tlro-I{alr TFJI-l{rln rfuY & thrond th€ rdlr unill tho ond r:en s'taaa t1e1a, Chicas', solt 2, 196J trr. ro"'i". reuogsoe s-ar lD1lsc eu:r 1. ll1kd nebemn conlns Vj: st4}. €r' lcn'i ..t12- ) (6" "Ri .-3rrt r.shr'vljm # I or tr]e llnlon r€lnf,- rilu.sder, !8cord..old nalr, irj:10 :f, ro,,ra r. f en..a Ju'r 25, .oo " o 0 0e. 6d. r d_e ac€d 6-. . v.ri sa ". p..2. Hel fiii:dDtr, JalC & Jlr" slllltu, & hbld. 'atl DsPaul lC, 46:Co; f. !-6!-J s:r?, umt'& oPmr 2-nu 10 l1e Relay (Xlt. ]l40rs) s' "ce:!'{ \'',?.7& s-l.Bs. -iit 9'2 j.- !"d -'ru a iYor' rri 4r: r', oa. '7:1o,o i.l."l.v-.:[.'I:.',-''."a't.'"",:!:5l.9o.l..l. enp rc o., ?,.e - -8: { : ro:! i^l..ts -: tr:i'r^t "l '" ?! ".'li-'::::vesmir nrn,o-, 7 & Jr' "enbod, 9n4. l. Erllr-Eurio_3. . -.o:o2 i3ll .,qll r,..?i]i lr,-i.r.!,5b;.?; ol [, 6iir-n;.'i;,", r ".-r" iu5. z a r ,,6 d;i".. lJ i !1 -a:z 1 t€n ^ 1" od' Icas. 5u: o Isy, [C{S. J.<:01:

-2:00 .d. -.n R.. lr?:13r ''1. c 06- l.t,, rem: 1- rcas, 25; 2. Enriiro H., l.l. T6ndedDot- I n1l€s - 1. rlorlo vslotto, N\4c. ?:Jj.l; 14 , 0 o .4j 8.. .7i). I j. r'on p, Do ",



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xorror AFB, r6:o7.9 3:30 ?9:J7.5


36t47.6 ):3a 29:t7.6

:1, Eddra nu€rr" scrc, 1r, Da& e6dr!ck, lodlsds, t, lLu oodddon, !h61ahd,

36:!9 s*. 26:L9+ 16:53 ?:3o l4:3 36:53 .13 27:34 !ralls, J?ro[ 4:]o 11,t4


PH,17:15 2:r9 29:lo

r., 3?:36 l:r9 10:51 Hub 8., l7:!3 2:3o.10:13 13. Buddr P.rry, .ub !d,, 17:57 2rlo lo:27 14, rhrl Llid.nM! 3.d13hdE,j?:53 L:oo J1.53 surer. BP. 15. !r11r l-d:ro L.15 r?,25 u. )alko rtsb, 8ub, n., l3;21 9:00 r7:2r 2,15 to;t3 la:19. rtu{ !116n, Eur E., 3d:23 scr, 23:a luito L:1< l2:tr5 6rr E,, Jd:t? 4,oo r2:J? sub 83c.. 39,J1 e:oo rt:51 Bdkk, ?4. loo Jq:06 sdr,29:06 2?. ar! v.bb, n6drd3, J9;r7 5r.lo lrrrrrT 2d. Fldbrd aurro, kub {,, lqiJT l+:lo l4:ol 29. rob coi, r.tud6, )9:39 7.34 37.49 30. st'rs shaw.r, xub !.i l9:1r5 sc!, 29:r+5 rub

Hnd6r6d hG srr_

hr3 end6

,!adsr rh.€o rrolhias, 13 nedar3_ ("8i3, rr:01r22.o: 2, 601h3' cu;tt in-; r4nd, !:oq,o[; -. Roblr r.ddar, oars, Kai, l|:22:]2'2j]+'i1h cololaio, L.tr5'5<! J. ron ratt,o!. a2. nLr_ 4a 4 5arr61 6. aob Deile^., 16, 6oiru€r, caaa,, [.td.27,tj ?, bu53rt ro.ra4. ]:1. t;09:l|2,L; d. car !en;on. !:oriL2.6r e, roh. Gc!idr, 10, rorof.ord, 9,1t,rrj r0. ldd16 Deer6, a, !il-3a.o, 5:1b:oor 11, ro5e .!ri4qE, j:4:59; tai!, c rt., tt))-atj rl, rotr DTcrsi 2r. 6:oLrlrr; !!. Prcoqd no3€, 14, EBrlr,no, nMs,s, 6:rr,9rr 15, 21, nonva!, ?r19j36.0:

17. Rudr F.4, .olorrdo sLrrer, 6:-. ?:13: 59.dj 13. D&!rd Corre1r, 114,3, 1121.37,21 19. Jams llrdseu, 20, 7:.7:l7.Llr 2!, nrdor. fue$_


rq. 17- Brlan scernba* r:oL 4i 2' is*h

;;;;-;G-;ffid;;;;- ;-;;;;;;-; J;; lfrll','l;sii: "*"'' 0olo., su&', lqust 29. rotu no8., E 2t-rar-o1'i ro

rollq in lun ol 26 idIos. 3s5 p.6k dd baak ln ! houe, r douro, 22.9 so(3,, d'Pub1o,!'o'aan4ob'ar' 29, 0f vebfr61d, Yorkehl!!. rn 4:09,r+, tsf6ndlns 21, or HeF, K43s, cM6 1n !hr!d ln 4:22:3:.2. rn 1961 vaa L:07, r1n13hrd .kh!b !n 5:oe:1r2. Rudy ld, 65, t.stant. ras r?th 1! ?:Id:5 !rentr-sr+t n !.


bac!. rb


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r rc--Arb- r- rh 6e i"

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.&oer 1e, rc6r (rc d163, ddatnon qr!@!l..htr16s





ot ll3ht h€edddEs3, as.6nt Fcold or 2:14:11 br r6rrl schldt, ro ershuela.iti



sudey, 0c:. 13 6-ritrk brs!. ?e, 0re)r4

ftdr sis,N,


rlca, slrrs,

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ll-truntrg, lD.llilo, lllorothln, or $0 llliles


.rte. .iit.ti. .ho.t [.v. .ll th......fr.mrt.hi, r..tut6 LIGHTWIICHT - tllXlBLE . CoMaollaSLa DURAII! . RE'NTAIII

lleu lllmre's Ultro-lite

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Ilt tto! Doisr'r lI1 tlrllml,t,






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