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Kerry Pearce winning Men's N ation a I 25,000 meiers Championship Cleveland, Ohio, September 22, 1968. Time l:19.08.2. -Photo by Darnell Mitchell

? TII!





volun€ 13, No. 19L, octobe! 1968 Subscrlptlon Bates: $l+.0o a yea!. Add pe! yea! 1qt class mi1 o! !i5.00 pe! year $3.00 for A1! Mal1 ln U.s.,t. & Canada. s1ng16 colies & back

rss.es - 50d. Edtto!: E. Broen:nq Ro6s. St., Uoodoury, N.J. 08096

306 r'Iest conter


cEAll@ OF ADDBASS - P16aso keep us notlfled curront addloss, I,D Log cannot b€ fosaided

of 1f

S Advsrtlse your eve saTt to -ncreaso your entrles & for 15 nords, 1nclud1na nar o and

CL{SSIFII'D lD\BnTISnlfr lfl


?o! -i-tCTt ($1,00

sales. addless..5l 6ach addltlonal {ord,) Full or V2 paAo advsrtlsln€ rates sent upon requost. LOCKPORT rrRogliD TLIE HOUSESfi ROAD

REiAY. Sat.. lioveibe! 3o-r 1958, I p.a. 6 x 2.B r[I;s throwh str66ts of c1ty. Open dlvlslon and under 19 aears divlsion. A11 sane 2.8L nrl€ -ourse. SJ- run bes,ns. l4anT tlne trophlos. D6ta11s: Relay Dtroctor, John C\6N, 3l Clerry St"€et, Lockport, Now "ork lLogl+. P one: 716 l-Jlr 7l+69 {Lockporb ls 20 !d1os from Niegara Falls. ) Pllgs IEAK Co$IEMoRr1TI\E ImA],s ava11able for colLectors. 'tb6 1 5/16 lnob nedqLs ale struck ln ;old€ne bronze. The obverse of the nedaf feaa.res a r€l'6f o'Plkes leak desldnod by ]ocal- artist, John 9€tler'. It 1s a modiftoat-


verdon, Nobrasla, oct. 20, 1958- Jay Dlrkson of ArooktnAs, S.D., cane hon€ 1n lecord ttmo to rtn irhs th6 Tr'1-Stat€s narathon. E€ loDed noarly 1J n:nubos orf th- old l-€ry o^ ?tL.z:],,L s6t by Carl a.dcza?za.k at rcansas Crty tuo years aAo. Oucarzek flnlsbed Just off hls r-cord lr1lne bhls f,ear by toLllr€ t16 dls.ance 1n z:lt4:46, but he h8d to settlo fo! foorth plac€ as ih6 fleLd lncluded sord€ of tbe ljoD

nurmers rron South Dakota, Kansas, Colorado, N€braska. Iowa and MlssourtA totaL of 39 ru.nners starred in ihe rac€ & 36 of them clossed the flnlsh 11n6. Clainlnaznd place u.1s Floyd Coo|rln, Denv€- IC, rho rqne .in tn 2:lJ:32 beh:nd Drrksen. coorln, hoN6ver, cloln6d the R€6lon 6 chmpionsLdp stnce south Dako!6, Dlriisents scari, rs in another realon. Th6 tean tltle fo! the Reclon 6 raco werr ro the Cortniuslrer RRC, r lch 1s hoaalquart€r.od ln lincoh but includ€s !'unners fron throuqh out lte stat€, snons t.rerh Louls Frltz of Veldon, tbe dtrector of, the narathon r'ho

flnlshed 13th.

-5. Ken Katze!, llncoln, Nebr., 2:46:l+o (1:20:00)

Fl-andr€au, S.D., 2:53:03


Sorier, Cultls,

d6sn, S.D.,2:53:30 A1 Ue6han, Eureka, rs.




BmWICK I'ARATEON, Thadksglvtna Day, Nov' 28th


-i{obr. , Z:53:30 b. Douglas Clausen, Abor-


nost conp]ete book 6vsr nrlttsn on cros couni:qr. re Flftoen top collego and hiAb school closs countrT coacbos are contrlbutols. Thls book covors ;rgani.zatton, promotlon, adninlsirratlon, varlous tralnlna nethods, from farile]. to intervel trainhg, tecbnlqus' spolts n€dtche. tactlcs s.nd strategy, ne6t organlzatlon & workout pro6rans. * Specla} s€cEIon on crose counllT skling for ulnler tlalnlnA ol' dlstance rum6-s. ALL F08 oNLY $2.50 fron L.D, Loe. BEGIN$IIIG IN TIXAS - Lst Year of, W66k1y Races. sat., l4th - 2-Mt Schodul€ for D€cenber, 1968: sat., Sat., 21st- 3-14116s; Sat., 2Uth- l+ vdlest a1I 97\6, on iraclr. l{rlte: RRC of Austin, Austin, Texas 78?57 TRAC{ TIIIIS- A sroat new Tor Aosandich publtc8 !ion. 51.00 por t6ar (6 lssues) 50d per :ssde. olv]aDls SDort Pub1lcaLlons, Ol}n"Ipla spolt V11raio, tatri otBrlen, Upson, wlsconstn 5l+565


()-hal-f way ]- JaT Dlrksen, BrooklngE, S.D, r 2:30:49 ( l:13:00 ) 2. Floyd Aoduin, D6nv€r. TC

2t33t32 (Ltuta)) f, Tlt! H6ndrlcks,( Aubuln, $ebr., 2:37:l+9 L:19:o0 ) carl o\'rczarzak, Kansag 4.city, tu., 2:U.L:116 (1:18)

es a handson€ runnlnA flgure of Stsvo Gacbupln, three-tino chmpion, llth hls rocold and date. s6nd self-addressed starnped envelope & $1.00 Lo nudy Fah1, ?Loo I,I. coloraoo Av€., colorado Sprlnss, colorado 8090+. (TnIs 26,8 nlle c!athon ls ihs nost Aruollne 1n ths coudtr'y anat stalts at e'r1 altltud€ of 6,571 feet and rlsos to 1lr, UO fo€t at the sudnlt of -A.nerlcars rrost fanous nountaln. Plkos leak. The tral1 ltseu ls a rock-streun nountaln path that challonAes .nost hikers, Th€ malatbon attlacts ru,ters of a]1 ag€s, florr all {a1ks of 1lf6 and fron all parts of the }rorld. OLI'}IPIA CROSS COUliItNY CL]NIC


Flashiry viclory srnilc

10, Vlc codfrey, rtate!ta\m,SD, 11. Eben Gravos, ".57,34Eiusboro, KE,,2,57.35 12. l,Ialt G€ls€r. lavr€nce. Ks.,2:58;12 (i:19:oo) L3. Lou Fr1tz, veidon, N6b, 3:01:36 ( 1:19:00 ) 14, Charles Salrald, lincol-n, Nebr.,3:03:90 L>, ]Jyruraro lnllpsr lraryvllfo, Mo., 3:06:51 snd Danny BaJ ro, llaiy\ 11 le,

1lo.; 1?. S!eoh€n . eiaenrelcl, ltaterLonn,sD, 3ta7t29i )8. Am6 R'chards, I'Lajrhattan. Ks., 3:09:'6r 19. Derl.is sreuari, Laurence, xs., 3t32t32i 2o, Bob tunerdosse; Fairtl61;1, Ia:, lt)+4t35 j 21. DaMy Re€d, IL-yviUo, 1,1o., J b-ooffrgs, >r, _ :_: +ti).t /., :lo; 23. Jav S e:nb€!A, tuN-onc6, hs., : :-i: rl; 24. RoC€r Lau,\ead, Cbadron, N€br., -i::: 2At 25. Dav6 -{nderson, Lisco, l,rebr, r ::!3:li 26. Ron schloerb, lanrence, {s., L:3:t-J1 27. A1lon VJ-nsrrand, llaryviUo, llo.r -: ::U. (J6 flnlsbers) :

i;;;ffi -;;'-r -;;'j;-;;;



g & rh firas. BAtrles flon S€cretarv c. lilt]'Ifo,, Aus, 10, 196J- t . fJ |t:ltz, tt56t99i Be!'!r1ck, 2. ;d QchnoJoer, It ?:'Lt 3. JoM Dlshon, flod n6 ler. B.M.A.. 2Ll tu-erno Ale.. _:J0:30j Pa. ?!izes: Dlcmond Rrncs trroqh 6th p1ac6. 2:12:IUj 1.. Joe D!l]can, 5. BtU l,llcT"ophles, watches. LeM aua_ds, etc. korshaJi, 2:ll+:l+5! 5. Ibrre Jackson, 3:29:13.




E6!6 ar6 sonje menorlos of our vtslt to rh6 Ofymplcs (vra color t€16vtston covoras€)... two weoks of alranglne and learran8trA our sch.dule 1n olal€r to catch th6 trro or thre€ broadcasts a day...th€ eyes are st11t €. btt btuiry...It a1t startsil out to be anottFr frustlatlng TV coverago of T&F whon on6 ldstsko ln JudAn€nt oceurrod dDrtng tho lO,OOOn !m, baldly an.event s6€n wlth_Aroat leaularlty on Anerlcan teL€vlston. Id:rp11cabiy, ABC swlt.hed rron tho raco to a duu feu nlnut€s of th6 Vnttod Statos_Spaln bask;tball E;no, one sport that an An€rican v16wer can envlslon xlrh the plctule tub; turned off. fio;6vei,. fron then on the cov6raA6 lras suporb 1n our oplnlon. ABC htr€d Eono !..now16da6abi6 eth16l: 6s fo!' the dlfforent sports, and lt se€nsd a plty they not allox6it to ieport tbe varlous ev€nts tn thoir 6ntlrety, esDoclaUy slnce thoy'l6t's 1|6r€n t so papochlal in alrays fussinl sbout the fate of Anerlcan contoslants. Jln Boatty & Eayes Jones ue coutd ha;o done ulthout. They didn,ir hav€ nucb to off€r ln th6 u€y oi 6d1ahr6n_1ng u.e on ths various athletos ln actlon..ltrs funny ho you cs.n set auay from th€ sp;rt rn just a raw year" oi retlr€nent, Parly o'Brlen,s comentery durlng the hlgh JLhp Ea; laushable --ush!.:. Th€ Jack_Benr{r comerclals, r6p6atod ove! and over, also beaane qulto b;rlng but IBc couldnrt be b1an6d 6ntlr6l-y, Tho noauls of the Oly.nplc Car6s exact hleh fo6s fo!'Tv riAhts...As dld th6-Japanese- ln ,64, ih6 Mextcan fans won ou! aaLntratton rtth th6tr all-out support for th6tr own aihletes - nost tlnes in a veln causs. Th6re 1s, irow6v6r, nothrne soi,irrsircaroa about Uexlcan rootels, You you w€re }lstonlna-to a Junior rrlgh"auaience a; 'ould rhlnt< th€y cbanted "I4ay-he-co, l,tay-h6-co, May-h"-"o, Rah-Bah-R;h. r p!6n ar1 ac;ounts th; M6;1cans_ can bo pro-ud of th61! Ol"].r]1plcs desplte tho t:,oub16s that se€n to suFound tnternat_ s s p.l1yed.1t up enou8b - so why should ne.,.rh6 feciliti;s ;;i;;;;d 1:":1 :!9lj:: .rl.-t!e & in€ osenrs we.Lr orgadzeal & to us thatrs !n€ lnpoptant t,r1ng. Tbey- hav6 now tr1€d tbr6o townE oD rh!'os but nobody-has found a-ple.ce whor6 -conrtnentsr an Ethloplan can't w1n a nalathon solat nedaI. alb6 iearb vaj_te; o! trrc Uattei,norn viii Meo !,ro1o€ 1s a favorlbo of oviryono hs noets & we hopo I9rlt 1!91 l,lajno or Ab6b€.sro.?5. n6ro upon h1s r€tul'n ro Addi8 Ababa. you carurot apprecteio a.nateul' athlotlcs untl].you look at tno f_ac6s of-ths Jouna n€.n cotlpotlrj€ r. tiro'bry.rpfc", uirlr you soe rho unresrrahod.Joy of a !,taro l,rolcle or a Mohaned camoudl and tr6 d;sia1!, oI.the__Ios€r-s,..Th€ atueys th!1]1trg ol]'Iuplc stosplechaso couldn't hav€ been bettor.-81{ott, Kogo, Young and orBrien 1t6)i€ only a stllde apart cotntnA to the ftnal hurdle a.t the heaal of tbo str6tch, bui th6 a.nazlng Bleroti, ca.n6 chsrgtng past to l'in by thi6s rdet6r,s. r^rbat- a-gr6at yea!'for. YoLLngl.. Ron Cl.ark€, the rdo!,1d,s Areat€st dlstancB !unne!, the rec_ ord ho1d6! at one tlno o!' anoth6r' 1n vlrtuauy 6very dl;ranoe event, stil1 lscL; an olynplc eold noda1. C1r16 fatled tldce--lD th6 1O,O0O dd rh€ 5OOO. r,Iaichlng bln fs.l.I baci< in tho lale staAee uas path€tIc. Llke aaEy oth€r g!6ats dosiroyoil by hF +Ltr l"n fe11 apa-t sudd;nry, wlihout Harnlna. Ee iover roJxea r"it""-"iin ii",-i"i"-i"*il'rii"tn. 10,000. lllth 2 laps to so ho never 1ook6d worse. {or{ov6r, thos6 uho thlntr Rorr CIarke had chok6al ln the bIs one aaah cg!]qn'-t !o llo-re ln-sfror. H€ wttl be 35 wh6n the otynplc canss Ieturn to s6a 1ovo1 1n 1972, but perhape lt ls not too old for a nan ,ho wanis to $tE a aold reda1 as badly a6 Ron Clarke...Ktp relno had stonach rtlob1€r slnc6 th€ open_ lng _ corenony. acc ording to Brttt€h r..eports. In X6r{a stonach troubto is spelted J1n Ryun. j_ho lnevltabl€ b6Uy-acho B€srdes _that rsnlng 2l+,500 gruel11ng notors c'aa Urrng. Ketnors. st.ratoAy t8s deslgnod to blunt Ryun's lnov.ttabio klck.-H€ succoealgil but-Ryun,s J:37,d tlAh. al tltud€_porfolrnanco_ should scuttls any 66cond-AuessinA...Ua?ty Llquoi.I Das an ouirdlstancaal last 14 tb6 L500ft. hobbung on a spralDad l€ft ad.le. itls futufe rs all ln front ol hln,_sd ntth- Rlu]I. now plalmlng oE lttunl.ab tD !?2 for anotb€. chanc€, the palr could nac! up thelr btgb altltudg tor-nentor xho rM ho!6 tr1lth f1aulesg strate; h h1s thlrd flDa1,.,Ir€land,s best 15OOn man, V1l1anova student Frank llurphy, arrrvoE'rn Moxlco ulth a batrl1no fracturo in hls 1eg, an lnJu.ry that had b€en dlaan;i€d at homs as ahin sp1lDts. Bravery, r.Iurpby ran anyway--and Aot sptk6d. Eo slr,u8g1ed [ons ntnth ln hls heat... From th6 flret lap of th6 Lo,OOOm, 1t nas obvlous th€ honatolfn cholco flas a crewcut batf-plnt 1n lI€xlcors oranAs sktwLes. Ee vas Jusn !ta?1,1n62. a fann6! who haat a E11d shot at {lnr1ng vexlco,s -lrst track n€dat over. Wlth 5,OOOn ro ao. Maltlnoz took the lead fron Nlkolay Svtrl.dov of Rlrssta & tho Bradtuh locl€al. Wtth j,OOO! to eo, Marttn€z nas st1]1 out in front. ons f16sta, cordng up. Then Ron Ei.lf, rui;.ltg bareio;t6d, rook tte lead, Vibh fodr laps Loft, bh6 Ar6at Bon C1ark6 was out front. Si1tl t4arrln€; hma tough. Soon aft€r an oxpLoslon f€ft th6 wbolo fl6Lat behtDd. L€a!-shanked Maro No1ir6 ,;nt into h1s slr,lnt along vrltb Naftalt Tenu. T€nu got tb€re flrsr €.s he od8€.I by 1n th€ sEretcb. MartJnoz Has fourh a.s Just 5Oy sopalat€d tho Mextcan fron the $11al6st DarEv slnce thoy ovorthre{ th€ Spadalds. 'rI hoa! th€rd yolLlne tor ne," sald Mart1n6z.-,,I iLsed my utmost sp6ed. I altl JuEt a faffrcr trylna to nak6 rry w;y 1n the lrorLd.il The r6d OLtrnplc cM€s are over', and }lhat a flnlsh--s€nsattonal ftrowotkB-ltko a doz€n Iourth of July col€bratlons roll€al 1!to on6i th6 nruslc of the narlachls. the str,olllrlE mlEtr€ls of Mor.ico; the beautlful stDgr.ne of 100,O0O p€oplor th€ lorerine of the Ory;ptc f1ag, Th6r€ Hasnrt a sound ar th6 Olyrlplc fls]no, lll 1ts brazlor hlsh on rt€ rln of tirssta.dlunl, slovly dleal away unt11 lt was AoD€. Auddonly lt ras fl€sta. tine, It nust have bsea sonethlD€ to e€e. Son€tblng tolsvlslon couldnrt sho{ us. A 6tr6an1ng paradg of ol-ynplen8 l,lho spoks 100 dlff€rent Languag€. & woro cololful blazels, florlnA fobos, B6rnuda shorts, ninl-Bldrts, Nohru J3.ck6ts, f€zz6s, sombroros and b€r€ts. Thelr sklns Horo blacl & broun & y611ov & r.rhl te & a1l shades ln b€tfl66n. Nstlonalitv. race. c!,€ed. DoLttlcs. & foreotten- as th€y 6nbrac6d, & lauahod .rI1 i nerry, nad_ 991d,,!'9I! cap rlror€, 199 Lel9 lgr. younA poop-L€ sxalr€al frda thostlutted stands. It a]l h6td out hop; for tbls troubled wor'ld of ou:'s, b€caus€ those Otylrpl.ans a!€ our, futur€.

Tlx?oNG oF Boo RUNS IN EISTORIC DI!SF,q RACS; TIBInON AN, llo, I,IINS rmsT rLAcE It lras l1ko a Bcon6 out of lxodus. l"1r1r. vauev poltce ch1€f Danler rBrzlch s'aggelear nlddle of tns, i,hnona. lhrppod out hls rrusty ,3B, shouted sonethln;-rhat 9:i-1:!",i* G6t out of lown vou vamlts, and blasrod aNay. Ljlth thst, a ---Be;t vho res€nbled cecil B. !e14111e hoU;red, "Llehis, .r."rr...ecrioiri " And rtth that, nore then 800 started ru}mir€ 1ik6 herr for stlnson B€ach, carlf., some 6:g,;;i;inou" hdtes a;ay, lrrtgaLInC Noun. T{s]p.ls ulth thelr persp:rarion alonE !h6 warIt lras fl 6 cULh rDntn6 of th6 "arn€d Dips.a Rac6 on Suidsy, Aui.Lst 26rh & v.,hen lhe dust had sottled a Ttbuion, ca1lf. nan proeed that trf€, ri;16;d; resins et lro. Donald S. !1ck6tt, who tr€.1n6d ln such eiotic fa.r-away-places as Sing€.pore, U"nffa, '!he Trinlty Alps and the Tlburon ?enlnsuta, uon the PA'AIIU sanctlon€d racs rlth b1az6 of speed do$n the hono str€tch. plckott shar€d the DlpEoa spottlght r,lth; a llilF 9:ll e1snt.1,1n6s bls.Jmlor. rf you don,r b6u6vo tha-t a fl.'v;_yo;!_ord strL optng ouL o' th6 fo8 shroud€d hllls abor6 Siinson Beach, plcketL, rho adntts to ,+uiall sur')rlle].s on rnls ealrh, orercai-€ tt,o €arll l€eders 1n Lh€ tes! quanle! nlle to win in a stLlr1r€ flnisb. ?1ck6tt, a farher of th!66, utros€ inport_extort bushess takss hln to the Fa! East on occaslons, sald Sayanora to the r6c;rd fi6id nee! th€ filtlsh. Runnt_ng t}lrd dth only a quart6r-n1l,e to go, he passed def€ndtnA cbanplon, 63_yoaF_ o1d Jack Klrk at that point, and th6n barr6lted dosEl on U-y6ar-;Ld Ulchaei Br1;n Uolford, passinA htn aloy fron the f1n1sh. ?ickstt, rho says h6 ruas jjhess !€.cosJr...b6cause lt's bott€! than sllttn8 around slpplna nali1nl.s, r' ras clocked tn 46:14. Wlth hls eiaht nrnure handlcap, ils acrual tlne "-s 54:11+- Youna Wolford, a flur-foot, elsht-1nahr 7o-pound flfth srad6 student florn oakhurst Madera Comty, flnlEhed 7s behind the b&ndson6 1,r1Im6li. Kl rk. a tr'rck drlver froi llarlposa, rho was lunnlru hts 3tth Dtpsoa lace aad sesklna -h1i th1"d v'ctory, e1n1sl€d at 1"6:51, J0B be\lnd .h6 rtty-bl .tv 1llo1-ord. Byron J. !o{ry, a 21-yea!-o1d San Jose State s€nlor, le;ordod_ th6 fastest t1n€ of 47:51, only 29s off the Dlps€a record of l+7r22 s6t 1n 1937 by No!{En Brlsht of tho :Bn.ranclsco OlynDl. Club. It Las a fsntastlc penfornanc€ ta that, srarain8 "!om sclatch. Loury hed. to flg\t hls wal th-ouah Eh6 bl6gest trafflc Js In Lhe Ftstory of trwe lost count aft6r 8OO entlles,r'sald vlce prosldent J1n BsnLster of the sponsortna l,l111 Va116y Junior Ch&nb6r of Coranorca. Lorry, vho fintshed 29th in tho !;c€ni ar U,S. orynplc nlraLhon tflal, lost fls ral &lor]g th6 trall". flrur6.r ne sro.n6d. I .Iost abouL 30s 66ttlnA back on th€ rietb trall. I should hav€ braken rno fecord," to! the 12th consecutlvo y€ar, tbo Mdin Athl€tlc Ctub won tbe t€ern cba]nDlonshiD irlth an lnvorted potnt iotsl of ?l+ to rumor-up San Jos6 State,s B?. AobeaL Blencafena of Mlll- Vall€y, a []-year-old aorerttslne conpanr a-t dtrecror, ptcked up tlro troph16s. Ee ras the flrst }1lll Valley resident to flnlsh {26th) and teaned up wlth bts 16-yoa'-o1d son Mlke to wln the Fatho!-Son trophy. Mike vas J5th. iwonan lnclodibly, tho flrst to finlsh ras l4ar? Etta Boltano of San Franclsco. UarJ 1s a pony-teiled blonde llttlo cupcake flve y€als old. Sklpplng af,onA the gruell1ng t!a11, wh6r-€ she vas knocked dorn at least thiee tlnes, sh€ nas the !.ldst to flnlsh. Ualy rd along wlth h6! slx-year-old broth6r, Mlke, her nother, Uary I,ucrue, 43, and h6r fath6!', John,i'Ve 46, o{ner of a eachlre shop. 'rltts a fM1ly pastttiE,r' Bald Mary Att€.rs fath6r. lurr llvo nLL€s overy liiednoBday nlAht.rr X1ain6 Pedersen, tho stewardess supolvl.sor fo! lrnlt€d Atr !1!r€s, clock€d 7l:l+8. Wlnner or the trophy for tho bast blgh school runn€rts tlne was Jack laueon of Uodesto, runlnA ror the R€duood clty Strlders -tn ths tlre of l+8:15. D!, ceorge Rhoden, fonnor Olynplc star frcn Janaica & Clyde Loe of the Ssn Franclsco l,larrlors dlstrlbuted ths t?ophles ln post-lace cerononles. Several runn6ls nere treated tor boo stln€s and at least tro nen re!6 hospltauzod for reactlons. The only other casuaLttos wer6 bllsters a'rld sklnned kne6E. Senlo! cttLz€ns, wonen and ktds lecelv€d tho rnaxlrnun of 15 nlnutes h€ad start. Uary Attar6 fath.r, Jobn, brlstl6d wh6n s f1n1sh-Un6 spectator suggestod that "she was htdtne in the bushes around th€ colnor and nlnaled wlth th€ croHil vh6n she neared the flntsh l1ne, " rrsh6 ran the ontire race,r'he 1nstst6d. "I uas !1aht bohlnd her. And sho ran 6vert slep of t116 uay. I dtdn't rrsv€ to ^E"rv her, elther. Sho lade it on h6! osn.' 1: Don Plck6lt, sFoc, l+6:!+ (8:oo hc!. )r 2. MIke r'Iolroral, S16!!a Tc, I+5:21" {15:r: ; l. Jsck K1rk, 62, Ma., l+5:51 (15:00); l+, Byron Loury, ssn Jos€ SLate, l+7:51 (s":. r Da!1d uoros, >. (scr.); 7. Jack laflson, R€dwood cIbJ strtders, 46:15 (scr,); E, l,in, FollacL6, :::Ac,-1,8:28 (scr.);.?. ulcha6r DaIloy, R€dwood-clty, 48:10. (scr. ); ..10. -vr'n, II€.I.?y, ii=s: valley Tc, 4d:34 (b:00); u, Ed slas, No. ca11f. sr.Tc, .lb:31+.5 (11:00); 1?. :"-:.:T: B6arda11, arin Ac, l+8:38 (Scr. ); 13. Bruce Jobnson, ATc, l+8;t+9 {scr. ); l+, Larrcrce doyt. I,Lartn Ac, 49:29 (6:00)r 15. Darryl Berry, "lm,, 49:12 (Scr.); 16, ;ce r-'-:tecock sFoC, L9:i+3 (sc!. ); U. ?; lu. J6rom6 Dlrkos, st. Cl-oud stat6, 4c:4u (scr. ); ]e. Ron (}5:00); 21. ElIjah, Msrln Ac, 50:!+ {Sc!.); 20, cr6a latrlck, Reduood clty, 50:24(Sc:, Don uakela, xalln Ac, 50:28 ($cr. ); 22. Alex Byeacspslro, u'a., 5a:55 )j 21. sLele Broun, SJs, 51:11 (Scr, ); 2[. Dar€ Brerl, SJs, 51:21 (Sc!. ); 25. !-L. :Iapler, \'tvlc. 57t22 (5:00 hcD. )" nurmlnc s€ens to be Northern Cal:fornla's fast€st-alowlnE sporL.'They'ia a]l datng lt - bu51n6ssb€n, senlo! c1t1z€ns, even tho f,rfe sJ1d ldds;


The Dipsea DooiIIe Dof Pr.keft of ihe Otymp. CtLb breiks rhe


(3bove) n Siinson B.ach lo w n ihe annua Dipsea Run tom M I Valtey yenerday



tle tust


for the


nnnels vas Mjll Valley.

440-step staiNay in

dd b ne ed


bertuq ..,'loG .br; r@.8 .,d nJ6 b r-r F,nr,r me.

stalt &-rldsrr of N.E. Sr. the f nish vi€w an ama:ins sishr

2o-r!1to, D€dbM, Mass,, S6pt. 14, 1968.



Marvetta Bot.no accohban'ed b\ h.r tather lohn sprint. a.ross the line. The yoLrq iady led aliothe.

le cori€5iart5 ir the qruehnq 6I




Photos by Royc6 Sasye!





1o insuls accurate nea6urtD8 of lone dlstanco luns 1n the laciflc Associal:ioa Bob Doc€f1e and Vernon Jubl cone prepa!€d rlth all tyP€6 of equipnent I


r,:',,,,,','*Jnspirational Example




iiMarine Sunsiaes Hell, [{ow Teachesli ''Bdy,


oeat. and ahar an





X}ll,",Y; Y;,"1";:"1

"lili"rj;I ___I



-tfTI-= .--rE IGf=Jftl-= ----

"ffiE :. E f'!llt*e_r'-.DrF ffil --E


i;.i::i;;,':1.:;i:.,,n-:r-i :.. .: i.; ;:* i- ^i


-|f-4 r"rrq i,-i",,'; &ffiffiil*.llGf,iE--Iffifr i;,rs ".";i; i;; IEgffiSXffiDleIIn llgffi '.";:i

*' -.': ffiffi$IGIGE !4EEE5|E r *.i:t t_EE



ffi";iihrt"r"di "I . pldging 6t@bld_lnlo



o1b.. "T.H"' lLbrsw.drotln. "I lot

up ro







" i;:.l+ir';.i"11 '";,-;;';;r.,i,:;'i,t


ffiffi tT#Hrr".{':" ffi ;iffir;+si

ii'iil"'.*^.ys"i:"i*.: r:;*.:::::.ql,:r-.









Lt. p.dck c. M€ jarr. subsotule pbr.@r eiru€rioh ar Oallyn Junio! EiAh Schdjl, d.motr.uaGs [!ar butriDle iniuries




or his rrrt

s vr.trdcul

am and lpi' .Jp

as wpll

k"epa sood



na.or inluacs

Sa\e to olher parrs d;wn.

TtDins h r ;ir\ cla*.r ch" L lmLior ,oryud rd em.! I

"i;"*""trffir" ; . "" vcc;e *d rriar;. '" "@, th.m "rd so bt, -uw.dqnr rehl



p$5*:ffif 1;fi;6hi$*flr,.-t":",Tru;H*ft jrd;#r$;r#';f ft s*;1**i",1ry:'s,t;* ;i"-J''i;'i,-"1i";i*;"1i *ffiT',n "J"11'SP$"-'#ffi i,#j'1,1"?i$,ilXli,i!,';{ r#r.:.,""'* ";"h' i" v'''". ylTt"l.:'.tr';;ffid:i"1; i,1 :1r+41;:{:. {.''':"1i..; ,o,.nad. sd.rb,d hy lecr ".',,.". '.,,. i{*'f$:1'"i$ f,#,,iT.5i"l*i#$",,** {yr",'e-.""-:"ryrir E "lt! l,'ff Ai'".Xi,Lt5"';":lill!l lff;i ,;;l::, ,,,";"'F".i;: ;'Ftrji;:"'r.'."".Hi ;*"*"ffi,,#:""tr"# iH:i:i-r_i.r!kll-r:j. i"",:T.j";r#'"':tu"T i;:hl.";,,:fr #,#"i.f; Dlgl.9lyo!m@Biud'n'1:j''^':l..:'.;':;";.;,h.loD'/cran.elo


fi"'Hqt#hf ,ff:$*;ff'fr,tg:-d;;ffi #ir'+:1"6";

rdy tojs, bojs. I Neso, Neso. tlffi;hrti.d rffi;d;ed;i{uid "r ;{uDd rhenftdi bod}s. bod:es. "rDmr16rDyddtrb b]!&u o i gFerk eil -e!d rd uo r0 €xDlode ax r rF" lr, rd td Nbn., I dd d lb. riv.r 0r r,o o! h& hlrdtd, € rrybodt. |Ir tu

srhdl!, "bd suD€rullndmi or srhdl!. su!€rulfndmi


3choor D"nciDal

flMe honbs dr l, h. i"". tlt $ brdrv 6 dp rlrt 9nt ;; d by r.nd p''i-B Fd,t r _lsud{tenry chdrh srhdtr. ,r';';*fi.;';;i;; B. @usht it Dda'- !@d IM H. .-*Ld h L"li: L.' hn "it !i* r1 d. l st " "* Mbovi, too. d;;: a;;;;;.-pn-L;; , :'gbt. "so"".y,.n, r"r, ii:!"i!;1dl"iij'i"-;J dil d r5o, ItuM b"."r,,1"" Nealtt ; riii r'"'iiJ..irJl '* -" v;na v'a,- ,^;;t rni -ir'iili-i.,ijriif -a ro@d " ch&rje had !tu o!.€tlm l,br, rrcct"D 'nicn h lFud I sues l,@ed rher lhouEht b@elt ,1 ah. Nrv.l _ - AGDIi - _' _ g.' 6a'_ r'"y dd b,r ;ot .lhjr.d",Di;. '". !tue i o..


h. errd t Ftm]v to rry. 'rtu 3 r|dds' our pi dr !'^ "ar n rined phred Lt M^cl?ry h s ' prclrd rimsPrr dtfteiv


Lrndne' junio. hid

@'6 'rh'

l:k;, Hi:t;".li ,jT; ,.;.ii::lib?i ii:.,t;, .* hr'' $id Li'dn'r'

Io. u.

KorTDan, 7:I2; 6. Kathy Meye', 7:1B scandurra, 7:2oj B. Nlna lt|senclo, 7: Marvln 37;36; )2. ceorse cushmacl 9. Pat fiodses r 7:30; 10. *Eeren.Iaik, 7t,5t carol Strcm, ?:39; 12. Renee caster, ?:l+fr r vsc, 37:46j 13, qrrone Csrtei, BoC, 3B:44; I4. Larry Noel, I{sC, 38:48; f5. Kev14 o'Comor, Dera.l Kat}V FLw|,7t\7; 1b. Setty Johnson, 7:59j 1 f8.I, 38:57j f6. TIarry Balthls, Del:a. T&r, 39:52j lAdell Streearer B:01. (50 flnisherB listed) 17. Bob Thurston, r4d., 39:53j 18, llartln, creen- | rrrr,:_UrrES_ 1 Dennls Eackett, 11rL3; 2. .W bau.!, wscr l+o:r3; 19. 3111 c1s.rke, va., l+o:30.; 3. rcm rartslorne, tz:zl'; \. n 20. Il. Ler.'asseurJ ldd., 40:48; 21, Sarry RuE6e11r l&};t-trbBJ Sanaers, 12:32; 5. Xnest Check, t2:\.2, 6. y,r I }{d.J_rr1:2f, 22. Joe ltuscareUa, Clevelard, oblo, I clblao, 12:46; l'. t.tt Cravley,-12:58;-8. B; 41:48, 23. Ton Gamer, td., 42:f5j 2l+. Af rirar, ] rost, i::03; 9. I,tike tsarchovskyJ t3:13; 10. r M.,42tz2j 25. Dolul r€ne, t&., \zzt+i 26. curtt6] Bake;, i3:iij-]]. rbonas Joda;; ti zii :Iz., Kirbyr Va., a2t27t 27. Ralmond Velasquez, a--va.rl T'rautDAnJ t3:a8: 13. sen wyatt, 13:30; 14. O )+2.5ot 28. chuct smnfey, Md., 43:18; 29. -A-lberr rr.rt"., r3,j9; 15. l,ln. Meetan, t3:!3. (Must r I NetsonJ t41. J 4!27t 30, ceoffiey !a.!e6, l,rd., 1 r"." rio fur"r,..": ) 43:lloj 3r, Earl Cook, yd., l3t5gt 32 D^L D^^1-" 9 Lo "i]I-oi"" v LI.r^ N,Y.,f2 2_Mrrr9 (Bols)_ r. BsrrT c€rsfe-, Jr q. va., \\:o2j 33, aronas ttart, I.I. N:";.";i:;; 13:laj 2. Ric\y ca6ter, r,!1., 13:19j 3. .^-,.,':::;:,, LLtJS; 14. Jalaes sco.!, vo., va. Jr. ". Ron uoEe-ey, ;:-1 \5)3;36. Bob senrord, t!i.,45,\2i "' ry:":y 37, Joel wed- ;::':")' '.^l:'j-lll ?"tva" rhonas' f5:o4t 6' l'avne Fos arg,-i't. ryers, v"., 46,rro;-3e. st."i"" v""tii-- 19;, {'4 "b.?""ie-] yd'' r5t29) B' v* N'J'r.r5i16i Rot-Barr'er' 7-' w-,', \6:5i;:g. ra ra-.s, i,ra., Uf , ti, :30, Gres chtlds, ln. hamon, Md.J 47iot 4r. Blr1 Mlsh, l lil 9l""iil;,"i:l^15 N'Y',e'16:00' (3r rlnlsh( rra. p",h i"i..i"o", Mi:,-tt'ot [3."i.,-,'r,i-d,"cr'.ut". sa]- | '-' -" GrRLS1' }lBry Bcvlan, N,x,' l5 32;2. ( klnd, i4t.i 56t9t i\. nl. ir.'.i-tr, w.,57.37t I 9.1? s!ear8, N.Y.i 16:36; cetiry tr6, c&use, N.1, 3. 45, ton cabrlet, w.,57139; cooeroe s./'"", l{} r?:10; 4. rdlth roster' N.J Uto?; , t. sus€r n]. 57r4o (rreven ."i".'"-iia not fint6b) l 6'.x.bbie l7:29i roster, N.J'r 17 Fnc MAsrERs NATroMr 6-r4fr,E x-couxrRy cnqup. L 9l1t:.f': '1srea rrmsners) Lr-, 5:oo .I. a-osnlrg Ross. rf'::,

Charles Brovnj collese Park,5:37 U:27 17:36


ta9 lt]tt rorestJ va.,


5, Ilbda | Anlis I

Sflc, t1:18 l !'r 36127!O, 9-t=LtpE!--SxE-gI4 (BoIs)- l. 2, Olck Pacdard-rAl\A, o:00 11:l+l+ 17:48 r"!1' 24i11 30:39 3?:31 12128 wartec rorprnan, \5, 6S) t9$6 Ur., l. l.i (2e 25t4, 32t29 39t32 4. Rev, 'luber-t-l,4orsan, Dera.,l+5, 6:1L 12:l+1 I & 4t3)+ 29:45

19:18 26:03 32:l+o

39r 35 NMC,

scoiit cioss,


irl, 6ta5 12.25 32t\3 y!p, .19-to7 _25153 . 5:14 13:11 2a:r9 2'l t35 34:55 4?2 .rack Menlev, c€be Mlrkin & senBror /, orcd scnum,. I'1o.,-1T l::jz; 8. Kelth luasey,ll3ta'.t.*1 pas l, e""" ii,i.g.", Frao Du!,<erj sner nerlv.. q-ltsny, ll.Y.r L?, L5:45; 9. EarI FosLer, Va.,L6,l KorDnan. Merte & rloren,e Haorlc! & dozens or L5:19; ro. Calvir Anderson, l,{d.rro, lrf:oo: | 5. Rtcha.d remoyle,



403 From 12 Stafes Compefe In Running Events Af Catonsville &uD'rorYou Lire g.o!p held Aericat M6tB Nationrr sit

io8 peopl. enbEd the spairr lunning ev.nts loi €nhrt wben

cabBdlle co@uity


Ib ihe A.A.U. Si Mile Rae,



e.ord in 6sl They RF.m


ktrd.N y



Dick Packad ol Bo*on,

chepion ol 1963, as

Satuday aftA b.rtinc Aldy Borchul be lvo ud . hrt


al th. spdngraii Prll rord


h,rd vdLou! y€l€rdir stxt

,i rie b d ubd6 one rr,t€ iL; n,,-:F;-i;:, ^-i;: :_tund Ei$,. 6rc,. , rcs. . ,.*-. i:i ;it;; ',,; "i,i.".i.1":'"1"i:

c o nD., schoHedcte. satt humbv dlsosirs hk victorl

n'€ R FY L. fao Mjli

*6tiled.E.ken..nr.agra m tbo OlmDis ard r.str't

Fiirul rd |Ills ae,' be 22{. a.{rd Cldtor.




B'rrinore (R.I.Y.L. rhnd;n 3e.32. 'a v,ney cr!b, rouglt ror second plae, qiih willhm coning in trdies one Mils Raca rno M-e cnrhs o,ry eisht @o.ds afr.r w3'Ir:e son by DoDE Aycoih, dl HEe. hr rn boy s nd ei, t *ae 3q Ce6rE .rr..


wavnevaugh'olclbb*lmd Di4!q)


udeEtand Andy had a

tue vtrF'n. Ddd oi cot,mda, [.4-, kG Mchs',

wrlbingtor spdi club, ad ar

riih J .

0rr. (CP)

Ambase rurf@t, the 1963 Bcl,otr i,rdatt@ chanDid. qs a ndl gractdr strM


JeFy, a mEba ol t*o l!06J.m3H'hhomqol IrhlB, N.Y_, .nd l€d all rh.



d &rlibote,


DURFooT and Borchuk.


ctub rnd Mr.

FiI eoEsbt .in;da i;

r) mpic Games nqt in i,re'ico. nat.b.d l0 strido ova! the rird six .Id ! hrt Dile rbd Oe th.

s\n"1. P!. pfi.ded




stim Ane.icd Flled awav to win in 53 hitufe! md , i*


on&. loychuk, th.

$m Pa!

!@ic.tr ctr ndath@ ptmd, vs tined i! orc r':



Penn AC WiggSgn


ArL{xrrr flrY, NJ,


onpar ^]f r*h $" ro

For Hamilton Runner

Victory Comes Too Late vnile pl6ed eith bis M, vdey ea ! bit dejd€d ss



tdning lra.k and lield &ab ihat left yestedar tu NoF


Mdr$(o trsc! @d1


flrE tedued nrdtr!tr

had dore it ld Eamiltd olympi! c ub6 Jo ago,'' he said' ',I,d be crocked ttro



alle!: Allen qly is $ppced io enbo4v 'ee*s Bisb tso bous as rhe toD DerfoFers in tbe vaRrY da.od l@ b .l oids. 355 ed6. .dnrrt ib Nsy *si, but the Domioion Day lrj3r neet ninc_ Five dirl6 fluEled s MU

Ba! \sm! th"

Ior rhe tor 1ean, clocking ban m ldal6 rumjnc mdq ere.! wiom' BtrrY AdaN tlun I !e hil6 aod rliished th€ 26 mire,




tuhflv.9 $arwdht s:ta.0 aod lbird' /1m@ lhm vss olace Hirb van de, nal or s6.d lrish , ltlelHrd AuloB Ss4 aho us Sdft.n TEct club. lelt litue iranihn aftleric club 0r7, i'm ddbt abour rhe 5keDldha* Adrns and van der wal be€nrumingfo.lvo'6is' linished in ldr boft, sven rah€s satuidar ar the rc sallirda\. vrev beat wt} and V8l he'dt stuq amv RUNNTNC {itb strenglh der sai,; lertl. V,o d{ aid onlidere. vsrev nNd wat holds tbe camdld re ?+re!



in rrod nidqay itmugb inprssive vi.tory



cord or 315.0 set at r4obon,



En sinning time ms Me nile crEdian. the lastest bY

dd de



by a canadsn

L €nouebt

s@d lo. the

and noa e.dugh go

s.pi. am'€l


sE sad he had b@ edrk' ha.d otr ihe spechrlY rd bn FcbDLque Danrdrrly mqidr hetp fim irn the jmos


Running Conml(ee.

s \til:-d









!s prm .

coppurs vrcroa 9 r/2-[rE RoAD Run liloodbury, N.J., Sat,, oct. 5th 2 p.l.{.- tou CoppenE, a cheEl6t l.earlng th6 co1or6 of, Pcln Athletlc Club, von thc 9 1/2-d11c adrlual road race h 49: .5. The P.@ac acc 1ad all th. vay & scored by a huge dargin. Ileathci aonaltlons r.re talcaf & the coujcec !'aB qultc flat. f. Lou Coppens, Pellr1 AC, 49:11.5; L:-f,9_@+9& Penn AC, 50:46.3; 3. Rlch l$cr8, Phlfa. AC, 5I: az-t;-EtrMul"=F, ph1ra. Ac,55:L4; j. paul lucuski, Perm Ac, 55:48i 6. Dave Dul:Il, 6outh Jersey TC, 58:n.8; 7. tr. lid. Ecu€baa, 6tIU, 59:43;8. Joe OrRourke, une.,62:5t;9. nornan 3elcr, SJTC,52:55.5. 3-l01e H.g, (ectuatty ctoec to lr-H1lcs)- 1. 1. George lfartln, PcIl[ AC, 21:05, 2. fraak I Woodbury &. fi.S, 14-l111es Crsde Sahool- l, 31U. nc{rurky, 13, Sfrd;ffidfrcy, IL, ?cntrs oroYc, 7t?2.rt 3, Jay DartsJ 13, Pennlv1llc TC, 7:31, 4. Joirn Mlchaud, l3r Padnav1l1. fC, ?:\O; 5. Duane Eeughsn, 13, 7:43. (13 fiidshcrr ).


3RD AXNUAL BIC BEAR CIfJ fO.MIlE EOE AI,TXN'DE RUI.I, sund.sy, S6ptenber 8, ].968 at 1t:00 A.X.

by: 3lg Sear City Lq)!ovcD!Et Assr. & the 31g Seer l€ke chs&ber of C@ercc. (S?AAAU) Meet Dlrector: Stad Staffor.d, A1i, 6,800 ft. Sponsored

Tenperature 78 tlegrees aad ])srilal\y cloudy. L, Jose Barefar ulla.. 27, 58:19j 2. Pbll S'an, una.. 24, 58:2h; 3, Jo. ryncb, S[AA, 2l+, 58:]+3; 4. 3i11 Scruges, Si,tAA, 2L, 59:06; ,. fiu6scl1 Brall, SMAA, L9, 59,35; 5, Lsrry Kurtlc, uua., 21,60:341 7. Gen€ Ccm.roc, Scs, 25, 51:21, 8. It. Ar.ex Breckenitdse, 36, USl,tC, 6r:33; 9. oW Sailors, una.J 26, 62r52t 1O, Patei ttunillc, lm,

53:22: 1I. R. Hsrter, s}1AA, I7, 65;2It t2 Dr. Johr Pagllanor 29, Sr..It, 6r:31; 13. ?ht1 cErlonJ i.rna,, 28, 65t32t 14. Frank Frcync, u!a. 28. 65t.oj 15, 3111 crur. 33, SI.IC, 6r.5gi 16, Rlck lasln, tma., 19, 66;30; 17. Rtck vesquez, Sr."Cr 31r 65 Ll; 18. Eugeoe Stem, Sr.rc, 38, 67t33t !9, Jtn schLltz, 30, Pcc, 58121; 20. IF.vtd caldere., una., 15, 68:3oj 21. 311f Pasley 3!, ccAC,68:38;22. teds Roberts,41, sr.Ic, 68:45; 23. O1e OfesonJ 19, Sl,tM, 70:30j 24. ' Macias, 16, u:ra., 7o:59r 25. 3111 XlrbyJ 31, ' CCAC, ?1;OO; 25. ks11e Caldera, 16, uua., ?1$ 27. Gl€ndoll DiskeJ 36r SVI?, 72:rLt 28. Ad Cotu.6, :lll, usAF, 73,09; 29, Ray clt, lro, si,Tc, 74:O4j Jo. Jobn Ci6rcla, 50, S..IC, 7\149; 3I. John Montcya, 56, Sr.TC, 'l\t55t 32. Scotty Doasta, 44, Sr,Tc, 75to61 3. ryron potts, 3?, llloa 77t\3t 3\, osry slnaleton, r\, ura., ?8:15; 35. Earl"e vi-111an6, 43, s.,Ic, 79155; 36. narc6 nett, 15, urs., 80t2, 37. Wcs Allersoa, 28, 8l:+6; 38. Eu8cne Ca!6o!, 24, ccA,c,8rt52j 39. Jobr Whlincy, 2lr, una., 82:11, 40, vaLt trede!tcks, 60, SI.TC, 82:39; 41, Stanley StEfford,43 Slvll|A.

SI.TC, 84:591 42. I'red.ertck l{1].1Xn8, 21, una., 91:18; 43, Eatr.aiil 3ar€1a, una., 23, 91:19, 44. Bruce oedales, 23, ura., 9L:47; 45. Johr Halteilein, 35, sr.Tc, %:a6; ]+6, J. l{cilleson, 30, SMAA, 96:50; lr7. John Sllva, 30, una., 123:15. 57


47 flntsbers.

The recent blalr altltude tralnlnA at Ate&osa prov€d to bc fsvordble to Jose Barefa. Ile ou-!lagtctl sone of the vely top furlners 1n the spaA area,. 3ar.c]a had qualtfled for thc .A-lanosa tral iEg vbcn bc ran hls flre-b earathon 1n Culver Cl ltl a Epark]lnA 2t23t35, Jac Iarnch vas tbe prerac. fawortte. trc ratr Elong sldc Sercta ahost tbroughout thc .ecc, then faded a6 t]€ 5,8O0r c1€vat1o4 got to htn. Pblt ryan flntsh.d stioDg *o oilgc 1!to tb. Iul}n.r-u? spot. Bitt Scruggs hclal on galn!1y lo ftll3h fourth,. pctet Mudtte, es usual, r,€]-keit 6vay rdthtbe l$ & ovcr sFard. Er f,hl.rhcdl llv€ Diauta8 ahcaal of Llds Roberti Xtc 50 & ov.r arera v.nt to Joha carcie. He boa b1s alch llvaL, Jobn l{ontoya by a scan! slx sec I{elt ?raalc.lcks, i.ho has bcen runntlA only etgh eonths, took th. 60 lt ovcr avalA vlth a flr1e pe gPlaAu cR6s-counTR!




all 9:oo A,u

l,10ul1t san

ioil;6irlA;.Etgurfiay;-EclE-tlrth at

Coniluet.d by: SPAAAU LoDa Dl.stanc. ?umlng Com l{cct Dl.cctors; Dolr Ruh a.ad. gtan Stsfforil gaathor: CloudJ, 7,-d.csrces. 1. DouA Wlct., Paclflc Coast Club 'rAt', 20139

2, J.ff Uarscc, USCj 21:16 3. Jobn l.eeBod, Ilaclllc Coast Club "A", 21:21 b. (tcorsc gcott, ttaattacbcil, 2It2\ 5. PhJ.l 8yan, ItDst., 2lt29t 6. Bob BoHnan, USC, 2I..32t 7 . Iafty r!b1}]6, U6C, 2r:33 j 8. Ron Ku.rr: PCC "A", 21!35; 9, Br.lt .Ardergotr, S3AC, 2t:35j

10. Cu.rtls toac6, IFC, 2lt\q ).a. Ron Vlse, ?CC "A", 21t5o, 12. I)oD IEv16, pcc 't[tt, zLt55t 13. b tlhit!, PCC "A", 22rO1; 1\. XErryl Iaytor, PCC "B", Zzt15i Ir. XlXc Scllcrs, UBC, 22:t1j -1, Ph1l. Pauun, ECAC, 22|.3It 17. Paul Ebcrt, CTFA, 22:33; L8. Rlck Rosacr, u::a., 22:34; 19. Kon To er, ura., 22:34r m. Jtu ltccuile, pj',., 22t35t 2:. Ted Bcchtoi, ?CC "8",22:.39t 22. Fd I€lghtor, E AC, 2Z45t 23. tflhc R1tcble, ECAC, 22:4€; 24. Patrlck 3ailey, u-Da.J 22:9Oi 2r, Ibvid Cefdefa, uaa., 22t5ti 26. AdrlBn JoDcs, una., 23:olrj 2?. Dadd l{crrye!, urs., 23:04; 28. 8111 KeUey, ur] 23ta9; 29. EarrJ I'lccaLLa, ?cc "A", 23:151 30, Jeff Job$oo, urG., 23:17, 31. .lln Schultz, PCC "8", 23f18j 32. }Blford DehL, lma., 23:!9' 33, De!.Els Dickcy, tla.a., 23t22t 34. Leon Vebster, PCC "8", 23t27 t 35. Darryt Keane, cTc, 23:3Oj 3l Tce Kcys.r, P,.A, 23t32t 37. Rick Va6quez, sr.TC 23:34, 38. Bob DrsJ{e, ccAc, 23t37j 39. Dennis Gsrcia, ura., 23:381 40. Ioug Perez, CC.AC, 23:\1 41, Mark Evan8, uc., 2i:L2i l+2. B1l I Cr@, Sr. TC, 23t49t 43. A-ran nlcks, una.j 23:5Or 44, Ron Boltoll, CCAC, 23t59; \5. Irsuc Cafdexa, zi+:OO; 45. nanay ,rotason, PCC "8", 2l+:12; \?. lrerner K-nregcr, SI.TC, 24:I6t t+8, Ken Hushes, una., 2l+ 27) 49. \tel't Jcmbury, 40, sr.TC, 24:33j 50, Ror CaEpbe11, una,, 24rqo; ,1. M1lt Dlctsch, urai;., 2\45; 52. IFs11a {earer, ula., 2l+r51; 53, Don SaFyer, t'oa.J 24t52; 54. Joe carrett, lDC, 24:5: 55. 3111 Klrby, ccac, 2\t55t 56. Bot Anes, EcAc 25tO2; 57. r U6 lo-lcnsasser, SI.IC, 25:05; 5B S-bcve lryper, PCC "8", 25tO5) 59. 3111 PasleyJ C( AC, 25t59t 6o, Lcvrs nolerrs, Sr.TC, 26t22. (94 finishers) TeFr4: 1. ?cc "A" 27; 2. IlFc, 29.

s"ffi i"s#!tqHi$ii;iti!:il,'1"*,.,id;*:.+l,t;ii;ii,,i;ixh.x5::,


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Dedr Bil. fiass.. Sept. ?. loDB- Arby Burroolr back in stride after a disappointins obrnpic bid at Alanosa, captureai the NET AAU 2o_k11o cl^€]nn'o snip over e ve]"} srrorLg r1a-il o- top c1as6 rumers. Bufoot ran together wlth hsrd rDlhg J'nt K-efe 'o ove- hs ' of -h. -p.a Inen Eanaeed t,o sl€ae Keere i" rtr ly-rOO'y".a" Kent State's Ed Norrls, son of foraer B4ttlsh greatJ Fred Norrls, r.a6 third. Veteran John J,

acuto. .JLIC, 9r:LB: o). E-Lloer rtarlov, Spacta! Ac, 94116: 66. Sjgaund loil-Loziv. NlrcJ 95t34t 67. chrt6 Hariinar una.,95:09;68, Ed scanneil, MeL AC, a1.?3. 69, !.Jfl. Ilrscananr ver, Ac o9:L0j 70. l'lo. Thoooson. Vuc. to2:t/: ?1, John Yercollone. BAA,.ior:r5j /A, Rstpl Bor'DAb, Nr4C. lor :J6j 7r, ceoree,Co-mey. Jra.r -LOo: t5i r . cary o'connorr ura.,_108::,at 7j. KeIr Bitling6, Nerton YMCA, ll4:]Joj 76. Hush Cro€stand, una.j U7:11. --F red Bro}-r, Sr. __ George I.aL

Kelley edged Bob Deines for foriith. RoAp RACE, Sponsored by the Aslen Rod & Prlzes rent to l,he fl|st l+5 finlsheis. Cham_ T-MILE Gun C1ub, Varer Mass., Septerdber 8, t95B o onshl! rcd€16 venr bo Vo.-.s. Ke_ley & Aft 4b siarter:6, 41 finishers. Coolidgej the flrst three New Enefard rumers Tean: 1. Iolch Meilford Cfub, t-\-j-6-9= p5; 2. to flnlsh. Medals vere afso aErded to the firs Boston AA, 44r 3. Mt. park AA, 51. three 5-nan teams, BB stalrers 1n iaieal weather L Rofand Co-loler, .,F,C, cl+.-4. 2. Eci Walkdtz, yc. _Tesn: I. Boston AA "A", 1-2-3-5-10= 21j 2, NMC Pa-k AAr 5r:56: 3. Ron \,,ayn-, B4A, ,5:_o; 4. Ton boj 3. sparran Ac, 611 4. 34A "B", 58, Derdcrlan, NMC, 56:,.0; 5. RL66 hotE. NMC. , :ooj l. Aob/ Bur.ooL. CCAA, 6 :19: 2. J&0e6 KeefeJ 6. Ron NMC, )?:-/: 7. Nlrke Co-a\j€D, Brocl _ ^'A},62:15: .. Edr Lno llo-ris. B,qA p,, oJ:)oj ton Ac,ceflr 8. Anqy campbett, una., 59:12; 9, 58:5tj L. JolM J. Keuey. BnA 'A r 6L:2€;. 5. Robert una., 5o:tlr; 10. Don Dunsky, IVETCJ Fu-paquinJ DelnesJ Southern Carlfornia strlders, 64ra?; 6. b0:34; fl. JiI1 McDader u,ra.,5t:oa;12. ceorce d.t cooLtdse, aAA 'a , 65:20: l. r€-ry olsenj dC. Aalnlr Brockcon 5. .?It | \. Don Be-11e-j Mt, T\4C. 67:o/: B. Ke' I'rre.tFr. au ,a-. 9. Park M, 62t56t 14. r,tn. Carter, B?l-, 63,2a !5. "r,.7, AIt Dulons, spa.tan Ac, 68:29t LA. Dave D@sky, RaJ BeauljeL. \MC. 6j:r o: j5. ricnsrd remoyJe, [€lC, 69:22j 11. Janes r,ryrnn, Spartan AC, 69:38 '[MC,63:r3j L/. Jonn uoosastan. US. 5,:_Lj iB. 12. Phil Rranj BAA ',B,', 59:4?j 13. trlke Snau, Ibl-A Toohe"/. BA,Aj 6r:l r: 10, V,n fa.deitr, .\lMC, Spartan ACr 70:22; I\. peter Stipe, BAA ',A,', b5:52; _20. 3ob canLu. una., o?:t9; pt. DaE Eloen. 70:a' : 15. oon Ca'". NMc. /L:2Oj 15, Bruce Douna.. 67:22: .2. carl panEe r, BAl, o/: l8j 2J. Lar_ brarz. \n/C. r,:J5: 17. Roo r.rs4e. BA3 a J f i: ry Ca(lbell. un€,. 6B:OOj 2L. Ja-,r vonclal ra., 12: lE. LLo) o Slocun. C.esrer pol.lred AC. Me.r 6at25i 25. Dean Iournie-, uns.r 68:roj po. Ton 72:07; a9- Wron Bigelow, B!.l.',B',, 72t2j; ZO. SyLvester, um., 68:LB: ? . Mern peuron. BA,Aj 09: Ednrund. Comor, IIM], 72t2* 21. Rlcharit packard, 19; 24. fld arobto. tr.pard Al. 69:)7i 20, aay BAA "8", 72:34; 42. John conneltr una., T3:48; Brls€on. WS, 69tp& Jo. ai_ th-tooJr ]na., ?O:?o; 23. Mlke Scanfon, NETC, 73:[9j 24. Robed Rus_ lL. Jln Judlcki. una.. ?o:JBj tp. l.tlkF r,rooneJ J set1, _CCAA, l4tJ4; 25. Ken Daw6on, BAA ',B", 7l+: 73:38: E-tc so-n-Iu,1d JJ. r una., 7-:r7; r,. f!.. Uc4-lptne, Mt,park 56j 26. Ton Jasnln, NMC, 75tAq 27. Robert Bera Rod ,AAJ TBtA\; 35. l.jartln Co6_ BM "B", 75:25; 28. Itay Beautieu, NMC, ?5:35j y.., 8:32i _6. 8U- Bhton, qsrcro-o rcr 2q. 3ob-c! ra_ton. ua.. '/6:3ri io. r./arren rov- gi",:, l9tLdj i7. Jir catnro. t.rr,pa-d AAr B?:)or jB. Ed L--... \n/C. 76:18; lI. Rober! Berbe.ser, &qr{ ,p, , 76t44t 32. Jobn r,rauace, BAA "8", 76:47, 33. 1€. Bob SiroroorcauJ ua., 85:55; l+1. Demls Chlld6, Mlchae- Iod.ce. NETC. 77:f1r ,L. t€e Burbaru., i,ft, Park tA, 87:37. --Ired Brom, sr._un€,. 77:J6. l<. Dave Llnron. BAA E', ,/. t8. lc'. John A. KeLLey. uDa.r .:U, 17. Joe Ftan_ ART COOI,IDGE EAST V]CTOR IN I/2-MIIJ ROAD RACE deryr \ETC. 78:25: JB. vlttran Gitus. SDaF_an BaldrinwiueJ Mass., Septenber ' r4, t95B_ Art ac. /B:)L. J9. rred spaving. ra.. Lo. Cooltdge, Boston AA ace fron Scotla, N.y.J hopded '9:o?j BAA out !o an earty Paul Sche-1. \MC. /9: ioi 4I. Tony Saplenza, lead today & hetd tt a-Lr th€ vsy. ,B,. A . Uo:15: 42. Dale 'o-atry! BAA Bo:2.j trr JiE DaIe) & Ed Wa.Lkrilz battL-d it ouL he en_ Kevln Crovley, Brockron AC, BOi2Tj !!. Reuben llre dlstance for second place vlth D€tey getting Biaelovr BqA 'A", 8t:19; l+5. Davtd wodhenJ M.D the edee, Ron caff finlghed fourth. Earlier 1n NMC, Bl: o: h6. John counrh€n. BAA ,8,, Bt:5Bj the dat he also flnished fourl,h at North Atttebo_ rr-. Jila p€rzta]a. .,rEu, 82:19; I!8. porL qe1sbera ro, Ma6s. Veather: perfect. 20 trophies & 30 er, una.. Br:zlr; lro, v.!D .andeltt, [fl{c, 82:J5j Eeoal6. --fred A-olmr Sc. __ Rent charoux, 50. NMC, B2:53j 51, Klrk ?franale l. Art Coorldge, Boston AA, 28:55; 2. Janes Datev. -rorhjnehan AC, 8J:pt: )2. l,r'D. riansbury, S!a;L- ft.. \MC, JO:27: ,. Fi1 lraLkuitz. vc.earx AA, >O:4; an Ac. b3:21; 53. 8en Cnapinsdt, Nl{c, Bl:.2; Gaff, N}.lc, Rus 3r:29i 5, Holt, r,rMc, 3i:4oj 1' 5r. PeLe! Bur\bert. ma.. BL:l'6; ,). Ju_r1an b. lol Rooert qersey. NMC. J':)rL; . AndJ CanpDeLIl Siesel. rMC, Bc:io; 55. R chard Ha-dtng, unab.j 32'oo: U. crahan parne_lr sDarra- ACj t2:t9j !n",. 86:251 ,7. Ed o'connel-. BAA, B6:Jrj ,8. Mark Rlchard 9. ClsI)pJ NMc, 32229; Io. Stewe TblbauLtJ naggerly, NMC. 86:3tt 59. Joh. valentiner CCAA, ]WC, 32:Joi 11. Rober! Russeu. CCAA, 3pt5\i L?. B7:13r 60. Ho\,.ard stackhouse, Met Ac, 88:39j 6i. ,5oD aanberger. BAA, 31:L?j f,t. Dsle Toohe). Lalry Beraan, Met Ac, 8B:54j 52. Mark ?euron,BM 33:16; 14. Joe Isboda, i{'s, 33:17; 15. Richenl&qA, Fer_ 92t35t 63. Charles Gilchrtst, v!a,, 9236; 6+. lloyle, NMCJ 33:34; 16. Dean rournierJ una.' 3[:05;

L7. Don Du?auf, Wach.Strld.er6, 3l+:t1j 18. pau-l Christlanson, vsJ 34:I2r 19. Sieve cendtronJ una 34t23: 24. David Mccolt, lis, 34:26; 21. John Hooeaslan, VS, 34:40; 22. Robert Cantu, unet.. 3a:.Br 23. Ion sylvesrrza!, una., 35:t2j 24. l'lo. lala encer ulla,, 35.30. 2r. Dave sarrerle. vS, 35:36; 26. Ricberd ctendrorJ una., 35r38j 27. Dan Robertshavj wS, 35:\2j 28. Dsn iesly, NMCJ 35:5U, 29. ChrlE fiard1ng, una., 35:59j 30, I{ark leuron, BAAJ 36:02; 31. Ton Becku€-, una., 36:101 32. Mike IF?o1nte, u!a.j 36r22; 33. yrark Backus, ula., 36.23: 3t+. Robert lEjlo, ua., 36:35t 35. Rlchard IsFrence, Lrna., 36:37j 36. Nevton Surdet!, u-na., 37:07j 37. Ieo Muxray, J a.. ), : i8: 38. Janes s-ehio. Mt.psrk AA, J?: 24; 39. Bay Furbushr NMC, 37r41i 40. Ertc soral!nd, u-lra,, 37.45t 41. Iarry Robert6, una., 36100; 42. Steve Anderson, {S, 38107; 43. rrancts McDonatdJ Mt.Park .AAr 38:08; l+lr. Ketth Burdett, ua., 3B:44j 45, Cu-".t Nelson, r:rra., lB:48 r,6. luitre yoone/, uoa.. 39:f0r !7. eo raee, una. 19:4O; 48. aobert cray, Lrne. r 39:L6j lr9. Steve laqere, una,r Lo:04; )0. charles Pelso, u!a., 40:.13, (71 sta]-ters, 67 flnlshere) Tes.n: l. Noith Meilfo]"al Ctubr t-3-!-5-5= f9; 2, i.Iach. Str:lders, 45; :. I,tt, park nA, 56. N.E.A. A.A.U. 25.KILO IIII{]r6R l]rlndban, N.H,, Sept. 29, 1958- IFrry Olsen captured the NEA.AAU 25kn chalrploDghtp oyer 46 coraletltors & the North ttedford Club svelt the tean chanplonshh in 1dea1 reatber condltlons. 1. I,arry 01seD, North Medford ctut, t:f9r24 * 2. Ken Mtreller, Boston 4A, J. Pete- SLiDe. Boston 4A, rt2ot22 4. Ron C.a'f, North Medford CIub, f:2I:03 5. Phil ryan, soston,AAj t€nd Jr., 1:22;41 6. Wron Bisero1., Boston AA, I.23t29 7. Russ Ho1t, NMc, *3rd Jr.j It23t\5 o. Lloyd Slocun, GPACJ 9, Tom Jasmln, NMC, t;24rlroi 10. Tony saptenzq, Btl-, It25t2B; 11. Rlcrlard Baron, BAA, rr25:51; 12. Richard ?acka"d, BAA, 1:26:30; f3. Wllliald Teylor, una., t:25:43j 1l+, Roberb Eersey, N cJ \t29to5; a5. Davidl worthed, NMCJ t:29:19j f6. Jobn Walface, BAA. L:?9:J)r 17. Date TooheJ, BAA, lr29:l+1i 18. Rtcherd Femoyfe, NMC, f:31: IAFIRY OISEN

Don l{'ltkin, NMCJ 1:31:lr0j 20. vllllan Glnns, Spartan LC, rt32t52t 2t. John Courlhan, B.AA, l:32:)C; 22. Blchard cfapp. NMC, t:3L:03;

15j 19,

23. Joseph Frontleire, una., 1:31+:54; 24. Daye Dunskyj XIIETC, l..3t+.5, 25. Cerald cood., Sparts..l AC, It34.57; 26. Va. Eausbury, Spa"tar AC, I.35:29t 4. tan Demeo, BAA, 1:36:O2j 28. Matt Snlthr Nl4C, r':36.45t 29. Vln laniiettt, NMcj 1:37:40j 30, Ed otconneflJ gAA, t:3Br34r 3t. Dodlnlc Morales, NMC, 1:38152; 32, Royce Saryet NI'IC, 1:39:f6; 33. p6u-r schell, NMc, rr4o:3aj 3\ Claude El1is, NMC, 1r4O:41, 35. JuUan Slegat-) u.lcr.r:r0:rl; 36. l{ark trassafty, NMc, t:41:l2t 37. l,tike BlatneJ 3AA, 1:43:24; 38. Joseph MilIer, CCMr r:l+5:31; 39, Wn. Ingfehanr Met Ac, f:rr:4)i Lo. Ed!.ard Cultl6r I'[{c, ]:lr5;)9j !f. Rqy lbr:buEhJ NUC, 1:46:14; l+2. c€orge tattaruto

1r48:25j 43. not..t Fotnes, Spartan AC, g l:50:o7r L!. S isauna Podlozny, Nl4Cr 2:OJ:J6: 45. Arthur Nadreau, NMC, 2:Ot:41. Tean: 1, NMC "A", tr j 2. Nl.lC "3,,, lr0. Freal Brovn note6.,.r'Iir r'as gooal to see ane junior vtmer also the vl]uler of the .ace. I,r1th the trenendous rudber. of nins ln Ne{ Engla"rd I belleye tbat Jr. Chanpionshlps shoutd be open to only tbose quallfied, The B,4A Bnd Spartan AC both $ere ore ean short of hsvir€ con&1ete Jr. teans, Elthough dheJ nave plenry of junlors. A ne'!r Eeasurlng device for the cou?Ee is Droba}ly needed, lufulng by the .!i-iles. Nl.lC,




3o1r.1der, Colorado, Sunday, c(|.b,


6- Floyd cod.,,lrr ex- Coforailo Unlve.sity dlstance runner, establlsheal a oev record for the Rocpv Mountain area by nrnnlng f1 ml1es, f?6y, 8 1n. ln one bour on the Colorado Unlverslty r,racj<, Etoyd hlt Len lx1les

in 5r:t0r


los fasler

Lhan b1s fO


'e6 best to date. I€e Courk&lll), ex-DeDver Unlwersity runnerJ flI1t8hed second ',rlth a r0 ratle, tt59r,5', efforl. Gary Plerson of Colomdo SI)rlngs !.as a c1o3e thlr.tl. ttr. & l.{r:6. {ilbur Arnold of pueblo, nerobers of the "Run for your l,lfe,tlrogrsir ln ?ueblo, a16o partlctated vlth Wtfbur finishtng the bour at 7 el1es, 1,542y, B',. L. Flcyd C€dvln, Denver TC, tt l4lfesJ f75y, 8,, 2. I€e CoulkeeI), Denver Tc, t0 l4i1es, 1,16ry,6,, 3. Caly Pter€on. Denver "C, to Miles,gLTy, I ,.' 4. Jtu collltr6, Denve! TC. o Mltes, BB*,1',9 5. D€nnls Kavalaghr Dem€r ltjr 9 L1ltes, 5OOy 6. Pat lalq.apfe, Dena'e. TCJ 8 l,ii1e6, 291y, .l' ?. wlfbrr" Arnoldj Denver TCJ 54, 7 IrAIe6,I,5\*

U. I'lIs. I,Illbur A'rnold, una.J 4 Mi1es, f,,oooy,2' DM- .Ioe A-rrazola & fin o'Mera, --Jolu J, Sfank D.C.

AAU 25-KILO CEAI{P]OISFIP TO STE\,:E JACI{SON American Unlverslty, Washingtooj D. C., Sundayr Se!t. 29lh- Steve Jackso! & Job! Wtnslow. botb

of the llashlngton Sport Club, ron the Senior & &!1or DC AAU Chalqplonship6 respeci,ia€Iy in thls 15.6-!dle race orrer a parttcularty difficr_tt cour6e. {a8hington Sport Club won the lrean


1, steve Jacksonr (sr.) !rSC, 1:27:38.4j 2. Jin creen, lDa., rt28t29t 3. John w1ns1ov, (Jr.) vsc, 1i32:43; 4. Mlke Fertta, (Jr,) una., t:33:f5; 5. JXn clasner:, (Jr,) WSC, 1r3l+r45j 6. ceoree Cushnac, (sr.) tEc, 1:38:32, 7. charles Brorar, ua., 1:41103; B, Martln creenbaun, (s..) vso, t:4tr2oj 9. Rrchgrd Napler, una., fr44:O5; fO. Brendan

Egan, {SCr 1:45:23; 11. Wa}.ne Cox, una., 1:5or5l+; 12. B11l Milen, una., 1r5r:13; 13. Ray cordon, {SC, r:55:58j f4. Ken Behannon, u}a., 1159:41. Nobe6...Tsenty starters,.Jackson held a ve-y even Bace throwhout, al.eraglng ody ros vaxia, irlon tr)er fap. The courEe conslsted of three loop8. the lasl 2 nile6 or eacb _oop oetng u!hl]l. Jtu ejoen, for.nerry of the BosLo! srea, nade s, great effort leadlng the first 5 nife6. rhe course reco.d ls 1:20:39.2 6et by Lou Castagnola, VscJ 1n 1967. Tenp. tn the lov 7ors.

RFr| 2-l4i1e- 1. lou Dextraze, 10:lr2; 2, Carl ituckler, LL:10j 3. Steve 61x, tLr2o.(28 fln.)



TmRD Al,-rUAL cADEs corrE 1o-MrrE RC]AD RAC,T caaes Cove Motor Loo!, Sooky Mt. Natlonal Park _orA

cb- c-ta. -

s--r - .-. r-nyvtUe


by: South€astern .Assn. A.A.U. Ttue: B:l+5 A.M. Iteather: smny, 600, fosgy in spots. Avards: Iarge troplv forlrlnner, snsfler trophie6 lor 2nd throlgh toth. frothles for l-t tvo over 35 flnlshers. Rlbbong for af]



course Recorii: 52:\., (a966) Bob U. of Tenne6see. 5l srarters, ReolnAto'l, 1, Bruce LaSudder Atlanta TCJ 25:30 53:32.8 2. Ken RovlettJ Unlv, of Itsnn. 12? rO)+ ,4:25,8 3.

4. John ],Ialton, ceorgla Tech, 27:04 55t55 '-. And/ l-d6oij C€o-aia Le.br r7:f, 56:LL 5, Dave carvert, U. of Tenn,, 2?:35 56:45 7. Sa.'a Rutherford, U. of Tenn.,28:02 57;07 B. Jeff CoodEan, ceolsta T€ch, 27:25 57:08 9. 3111 Bracked, c€.State U.r 2?130 57t39 0. Di.d Kleler, U, or Tenn., 27 t'o 51t58 r,. Dav d llab.hia6J ca. Stare, 27:L5 58:.IO 1.. Bob lslliburaonJ U.of -Cen.129:09 >8t29 L). Jsines Knlgn!, G€orgia Tecn, ?9:0, ,8156 14. Steve Netson, U.of Te&'1., 28,!9 59:!6 15. Joe l4aJors, Ga,Tech, 59:22, lb. Dlck lalrbants, U.of Tem., t0:42j 17. NoI!$.n ?elletier,

flne group of both coflege and club athretes partlclpatl!9.. the resther r,las beauttfuf- 600 & suruy. A fev patches of light fog vere ln evidence durlng the early nmnI.g..h Budde moved out lnto the lead et the start of the race snd vas never beaded, .-inira the rugged, hlLU route ln 53:32.8, sorne 4Z.Bs off the course reconi set by 3ob Redin€ton 1n 1966. He had a flve rnite clocklns of 26:30 and led by about 30Oy at this poln!. Ftnt6btns in 2nd p-LEce vas Ken Rovlell, Unlverstty of Tennesseets cro6s country standout. Ihe flrst f5 flnlshers corapleteal the distance in fess than t hour..li!f. I€6fle catz of Loulsvllle, Kentucky, vho "Just tuirned" 64 years ofd, compfeted Lhe rr.m in the "1ne rlne o 9.:LL. h^ !!sc"d L'!h. He osde the lon€ L -ip 'ror Lo rlsvl teJ sone thlng oyer 500 ndtes round t,litr by aut@obile & 1ras Yely happy that he cou-ld flnd a conpetitlon to get lnto. ile stated that there vas Just no co!1he couLd take I)etltlon in hls area at afl in vhich part.. A!€rds and rFfresruFnrE .f naxed Lhe dey at the Aeplitheatre at the Cades Co!.e Cpdpgrounderea, -Al-l finishers recelved either a tropby or othe! approprlate avard for thelr effod.. The

e!.enl vas sponsored by the Knoxvllle Track Club, saDctloned by the Southeastern Assn. AAUlrtth irhe Univ.of Tem.r 60158; 18. Chris ?urvis, Ga.Tech, assistance and permtssion of the superintendent & 61r29t 19. Irank Clesa, ca.State $Dlv., 53:orj staff of the s'nolv Mountaln Natlonal Park personal --Harold Canfield, Meet Dllector-20. fty LrLenbacher, cs.St.l,oiv., 63:ll+; 21. Ken Ednondson, Termessee }lllitary Inst., b4:13; 22. AILen Fleircber, Unlv. of Ibnn., 6\:26; 23. TRIPIJ DUAL AT vEsT Pollff- 5-M1les, oct, 5, 1968 81- | -tlcirpson, U,or T€nn., 6t+t27; d., aarnon st, Jobn's 26J Manhattan 29j SJ 18, Anry 1+2; l,rifson, U.of \elJtr.., 65t37t 25. R.L. Stevartr l,lan. 19, Arrry 38. U.of -lenn., 57ta5t 26. BoD Brovn. (lst over 15) 1. Srlan Kivlan, M, 25:34; 2. ton Rover sJ, 25: lrl; .. Te'ry Mceusde. sJ. _ :)t: L. Ed walsh, M, Nashviue 1l4cA, b7t34t 27. Bi]1 vllleneuve, U. qeer (zrd of Ibnn., 68:15; 28, lex claytoE, 35) 26:f6j 5. Nlck Seoas ial. A, 26:23; 5, Leaak1s, ma., 58:17; 29. Dave Sclre, KnoxvllLe TC, 68:3 SJ, 26.26j 7. Ed Mc3ride, 14, 2629j 8. Tobtn, SJ, oo:)rj J.L. 26:31; 9. Ti$ Sheehanr Mr 26:\7t rO. Iayer, sJ. JU, ua-Y 116.ocx, l{arren CBrpbell, last Tennessee TC,6912At 32, Dr. '€o scoL!, fio)o.j l1e TC, 69:36j jJ. Rlchard vlIJ,IM & MA-RY 20, QUANTICO MAEIXES 43 at l{1}Lleesbura, Va., oct. 5th 5.2-Wres taq'rence. C,eorgla srate Un:v.. /o:I5: 3L. .1ss 1. Biu clarkr al"I 25:34.9j 2. Georae Dawis, l,l&MJ Mccanness, chattanooea I-l4cA, 71:34j 35. Danly Mo?an, ceorgla Staire univ., ?5:o9; 35. Tony l4asi 25:51; 3. Eo\reLL l,l1chaelJ I,I&MJ 25t54j t+. ctlop Unlv. of Tenn., 77:441 37. Noll1an l,tarable, u-Ea., Jorda., v&li1J 25tr5; i. Jin McDufflej ll8t{, 25:58. 71t55t 38. Clifford Daniels, 14, Chattanoosa IURIIAN 24j EIST TExIinSSEE STAIE 33 at luraen rMcA, 79: .8r lo. Audry ltardy, Un1v. or Terur., Sept. 28th 5.0-l'n1es- 1. Doug NeLson, F, 27t44.3 79t3\t 4D, Janes thite, Univ. of Tenn., Bo:32j 2. I€e t1illelj I, 2B:06j Davld Toddj F, 28115 4f. Horard Bickerstaff, Chattanoosa rMcA, B1:35j IUR}4A],I 27, SOLrIH CIROLINA3,3I at So. Carollna 42. J€.nes l,larable, Knoxv1l1e TC, A1:47j 43, Hal oct, lrth 3.'-Miles- 1. Dayid Peddier SC, }7:51; canf1e1d, r.roxvifre Tc, B1:47j 44. Pauf Deiels, 2. -A.laie Sirosj sc, t7.52; 3. Dous NelsonJFJ L7:53 11, Chattanooga 'IlttCA, B6t22t 45. Da.n Danle]s, l{ES! VA. 19, RIOHMoND 55r ixEST LIBERTY STAIE 55 chattano,rea lxcA, 85:5Oj l+5. L€sl1e Gatz, 64, oct. 5th 5.2-Miles- 1. Carl Eatfield, -ttt.yo.,25139 una,, 92:I4j 47. c.G. B€1I, una., 100:07. 2. cuest: R, 26t43t 3. Pat'ne t w.'la., 26154. RACE N0TES...Bruce I€ 3udde, ex-Georgla S-tate DAl"IoM SEACEJ FtA. INVITATIOTUL, oct. 5th Univergity distance ace, vho qualified earlie" Hot & wlndy..l+-I411es- 1. Glant CoLehour, E. Ky., yea" participate thls to in the O\a1ptc Marathon i:rlals e! Al€.nosaj CoforadoJ repeated his win- 20:OBj 2. Salivarr E,Ky., 20:2Bj 3. Don Jsyroe, :4; 2. E. 1i€ e"fo-L of lasl yea_ by a€ain 'al<ing ltrst EcU, 20:33..Teanrs: 1. Eastern Kentucky Carolina ,l; 3. Baptist Collese 9dj 4. Fforiila mr.p r-n over rhe scenic Cades Cove Motoi Loop in the Great Snoky l02j 5. Florlda State 128, 6, Menphls state 130, IUSMAI.I 22, CIj}6ON 33; FUNMAN 15, GEORGfA ]]7 Mountain Nalional Park.. f tfty-one conrpetitors at Iur.Eanj oct. 7th 5-Miles- r, NelsonJ t, 2?: -e ns.ered tne sterting gun, selLi€ a o.d for the nu,nber of rurners iio conpete in this event, 27.% 2, Fldl.er, F, 27.38; 3. H1IL, C, 27:59t \. TcAd., F, 2B:22t 5. Mo€m, C, 28:35 Conlestants ranged in age froio 11 to 64 rltb a

j =

rEE COI]R&c}IP Wmls 6-MIIE RuV Denver, Co1o, J oct. oct. t3_ I€e ts re_ iurnin€ to fo]ml He turned ir Courkamp a aood 12.60 .ef_ sood 32:59 folt in s 5-ndte handlca! road mce at Vaghlng ton Park. Ted curter coniinues a 3r:39 crocklns. Floyd codwln io ln1prove wlth fast 11:36 ror r"Et t'r{e ronoie, {2-:,.o:,2. reo .u,re:, .,:rej


.. k: l:":"".,

cJ'i'. ir,;e, i, r "i "..-si*onn.: ;',-;:ffi;it, !:'o' 9.9.f' John 1': :ii*,gl-","4. (I:\d: Bfani. LJ:LBi lo. raan J4ooa€ !3:12; t1 11. p"t. ;"ili, ti]:6. l,i"T"i3";l.i^:^l:r1B: ' :;.i'1"1" 7. I:y:':yn.


scHool 3/r+-Mrr,E HAl,,DrcAp_ Der]r]ls cent-ai. c:22: 2. Do! t€arneo. l:1,5,a; J. r. f e crffcFn . Ln - 6: 1,; tt- p. Cr;, F;r.i,

Y_rgl Ioq









ocr' r- re elv calaaner pa€sea Ar.re!e! r-itb abou- ( mlLes .o go 10 rin Lhe ^f'::-:::. 'n1".'

io 81/er RBC l4aratbon qor," ."Ei:-y Lo Z,rf, r-. rer-y cattagner. unLv. i2 ?. 4l Sewel.l . rjsk Lntv.. oa 4y., 2.:ry ?;rrt:Jg 3. Doue Kritzler, ohlo a:s,, a,Si.-oU or

!. ,.

Bt, t-Bo.rin€. Kerrer:ng irr:d.. l:O?:3g sparxs. Barl slater _-o.. ,,rl,ig ^en plcke!1, Esetern c'. Joe. U.. i,td,fi D':k,,I1"9'Jtr!,-3:Jr:rKv.r; B- u1.rch KoeniaJ I:, LrrrrF uanli 6, J:37:15: 9, aftce r-.j,_r-, 3:)p;Le; ia. r""-y'xr""i,e, :+:11 :{- 9:.:u:" 2tt4t'9t oll": Lr. crair -Duckhs.rrr iTl"Tlt , u.J.toa.Ac. lJt'gtzgi t2. Ed wiEo", l\yAc DIIF li-,,ss:1_"q.gb IJ @: es as a vorkou -/

9:" r:{ !NI-B:m.nqna4, :T, Brarlnu.E. BarL s""". s,,,",a n.u".." owc: .ferry -rv. r,tt1e gyt. rcj .in r.rest;rfle-Ld. i_[6. r$1n, r.; v"* 1f,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:1.

\o6e"De-k, Chlckassv; Sreve KeameyJ BaIL St. corse I Rollina h:_t s..vearher:,,{;*.,ft,"---


M.Nenar. Ear.ha&r 2):oo; 2. *s{9cleverrgerr .,. r{oBa-LJ r.rlcr. Slate, 23:L: Deve rar-eftlwaiLeJ Ear-Lnan. 2L:I); lr. f,d3, Kincbtey, w. conerori, o"yt*, a.l;ij -ou;;";;;;i;; P.":31,"i1::9f 5. nti r.' si.""r"y, r. f 'ffi;"';; ;:i laJton, : rro;._8. y. ba;.ton.' e6:4r; "cpkl",, ^2' c+]. rvrLncj e. 1nd., 27:o3j :j^3.: l:0. "t_M: Djek.Bole.s, colrou6, ohLo. :7,orj ... n". LO. Dev d CosLir t, I,tLnc.e, Ino.. Zt, 1.. Wut, n.rmoL aei, I,tLnc:e. lno.. 2?:lqi >; f). Dr. A-no ..'1'nicx irotr., illy,e vunc e.-tna,.20:oB; 15' ftLck sqads. DavLon, Y:::iT:! ^jo'9-8, JU:I{j.Lo, Don He-er. Dayto,1, i2:05. uo lrse: Ft€ t, except, r-or ,1,o snsl L 11_ls. __Steve prlce__

JII.FS mla DROGRAM. Ashevr_reJ .{.c 1. Bob c-ay, t>:rr. ,:::')^i"j lvoo - J'{rtxsL. c;s.u ,,,.:.0.



*+ i." f^,under)-

:-L Srursir .!a€IJ-..1. sr'..]-i':ri.oi -yLrS





B.oo,.Df re Ld c


perk )


;,#f;J';ili:; :il3iiJii,il"]: f,:':;'*,."", 5. Forb

r€onard Jones,

J)../i 4. :''n1^k Mayrield. L?:tZ.

vAlrEy f w I,IATTOXAL X_cOW+ty


urnu. ;_;;,^;;*";lgl*D "{yETexas, lrornvood, October t2, tg68




#ffi,; fliii: ii,ilff ;;;;"i.". ** "e" *;:-;;.; il : i;:_ti T:'"", lj;3jj .,;.f j"i"",il-i"*; :i,: o.'""..rc,.1g,i0. "*:i::"sH:Ht. -1tj:_,1;Hi:H#.; ;;;;' f,Hi,::"::1.t":r il.-"Y:"ldt



Al\l'{riAr- BOULDE8


B:, 2. 0.. l,rI-E ctrLs_

;i; i;,fl:;.'_';l'61tiH.J::.isi:, -L,


B}_an_Voos_ey, LJ,

of -iexasr pOt)), Z. 81J

*i;:' ;":.;t:.i #iH":iT;,,u, ACC, 2Or4O: 6. r,rF ;;,lt"*x',, [i, :"it;i:;]:l ff:1.;t'

*uil*, ii;ifl Dar€ Dllhanr 2.


#;,i';63: ll;'fr i,]ff.":i;"^!i;;i:l1.ll;,i;

: f ";il;'"""1j;,'ffi fj; An8* Ja,sso,fiItsEpJ e J,c.. ?<:ooj .|?. trt; j:' {!e,.Til!1: Erlc ,r:i::o:, iiff".;,ll;..* 1,2-:o1r rB. David carrey, H",$J::,":fl:T1,"ii. ;,1" ;ti; iii,i:il. 4;i.?2:n,2A. .'ros tey. U.T.. ier Jsr.lsr {pur:2: c: youslonr 2 :te; 1tr. s€n l1:-1,;^L:I T,f.. r.c.. ij,ii;'.r. *.Stl, karrand :::lr 0..*u b^hnab, Land Jc. I.rsJ

22tj5. 1L" rii:s,ers; __Et-.oir




rg*Yjy **""0.,. ,z_*.*i.-;;.:.


#ff;Th";:"i;:;, f;j;l*"#j:';:;iii!ri i:,jfl^"ii'1"".r ?,9:,98.5, 3. rycon ceraee-, q.

Karl Uctro6d.. :,to,lr.B; _. eoo f..tttao.s; lTson:cr _2:2r :2 t.6r 6, er.rce cra!'rord, 2:.j :r2j a:/6t?It.3i. B- oar io rera,'2: JU:zy.Ji-9..PeLe

fijpo.e. 2:,5.?8. j; LO. Do Sin_ '.y:q*^o"'"t"., ;:"ii;:",Ti,i:,il li;,131"51?1" :. #3;';l; at osu. re has been trainins ::-:-"ph,"i."" Eoose lrails .ee! Wt Lre t4oun.a1.. q-ssna.,!onon "Tr

r::__r.! rhe defendins chanlron.

r,1., .; _:,. o. ::^:Y...h"::, : L. nob r..eL-, r: ).9: .,:,':Lr . ' o' ,-r o, cane-o .1:l,ii;::I" .


at tle Unlverslty of ttaska. official conletlto.s & Danv unofflcial ones ) f. Sgt, Ed Ptitli!6, Xhendor; AEB & tuchorage nRCJ 3:7\:52j 2. cl,.i" n"i"*, -,il:,"_ e,ie, {:' y:f o 9r1 cr,r, i..,"",,'"".'.,, i:-**:i, "u.,0.*", t,:e,n, r.'ru.. co*, u", rvrAnATEo$

se!t. 21, 1958



i r,:6,,e; *iy'-B*!:::r:^ Alaska, 3:39:o9j ?. Mjl;e "t in:lorase




Rose-'saeder, aa66err



{;H""lii"^i";li'iiifl of maska, 3:41:11, i; U.



Creg {Jraan, kthrop tS, Skl c1ub, 3:l+4:36; Gene Morsanr A.M.U., 3:52:43. Notes..,Haines is f7 years old & nowed to 2nd at 10 ni1es. Phllllps ha.d cra&p trouble in the rast 4 !dfe6 & Hai4e6 aalned \ ninutes on hin a6 Phillips had to stop & m1k several ti-nes. EoreverJ llaines dld not knov he vas gaining so faslr & that Phil-lips vas u Euch bad 6hape. Eaines va6 35 ninE, under the old nark 1n the Soys DlvisioE, The top ten 1n the Boys Dlv, aU represented I€tlDop Ii.S. of Falrban]<8..Nat coodhue (4th) ',-as the 1963 rlnner. call cooalhue finlshed in 5:12119 (3rd in the l,Ionen's Dlv.) The Ooodhue's are a Mr. & M!s. tean. Ee set up the course & she designed the patch awardeal to

9. f0.

the finishers..Pat h'ner U. of Alaska, won the tionen's Divlsion in 4:32:54 (42 nlns. underthe old. dark).,Debbie llaines, Lathrop fi.s., captured hhe clrlsr Dlvlslon in 4:25:24. It iras her third vin in thts event. she lovered the recoril by 57 41nutes. PRI-}4ARATHoIi (6 mtles in leneth on a 6kt tGil at the Unlv. of A.Iaska) - 1. Chrls llalnes, ll3: l+5, 2, l,aurie uu.rrrap, \5:05; 3. cree vyoan, 48: 2]+; lr. ceorse siebels, 4B:25i 5. Jin Mortarty, \9t57t 6. E71at Duncan, 49:t9; 7. Terry Tasro, ,o:oo; B. Doug Btngha&, 50:31+; 9. Mike Scanlan, 50:39; 10. l,[ke churchJ 50:58. vol,lEN- l. Debbie Eahe6, 56:32j 2. Chrls Thoxq) 6on, 57:33; 3, l,lary Ann Van Ernk€rvort, b0r2l. Notes..A fei3ify affs.ir--as a blol,her & 316ter 'r.erc wlrmers & another UNTV. oF ?ORTILAIID



1'a6 7tb.

PORrjS},D TC x-couNTRY)

63, oct. t2th ( f-l4lr,Es





Nol:! 0y1er, PTC, 21:05j 2. Ton T8ylor, U,of P., 2lta6t 3. firn Grelle, rTC, 2]:1O (Dov the unpald asgi6Lan" 'oacb eE Un1{. or PoioLand)j l. Bob vehrley, U. of D.J 22:Is; 5. Pal Klr!.tsnd, U. ol P,, 22:37t 6. \,lide o].in, Pac'f-ic, 22.53. OSU 29, PSC 65, VATCOU1TR OC 88, I,EWIS & CIARK 1O1J STATERS T T 11O' OCE 133' LIMIEI'D 229 at Cor'!.aflis, oregonr oct. 12th 4-MILES I. Spencer lroanj oSU, 20:26.6; 2. Irave lllghton VoC, 20:28.8, 3. Dave Robbine, PSC, 2o:56j 4. J1!x aarkfeyr csu, 2o157t 5, Don Scott, v(rr 20: 5Bj 5, tave Ftx, t&c, 2ot59; 7. Joe BalEchJ osu 2lf07j B. Steve SquiresJ osu, 2!ta7 t 9. IJlr

Dah]in, oSUj 2f:17; 10, Gary levi6, lSC, 21:33 '-Don Jacobs--





Phila., ?a., Suutley, oct. 2oirh f P.M.- Ken Meal 11n, Iaddon Towashlp, N.J. fi.S. Jrmiolr Bowed easlty tb"ouAb the fleld ove" the very hl]]y 3el:oont Plateau couree in Fairnount Paik to score ao l8s vlctory 1D rhe So.rt! Jersey Tc 5-nl1e run ln ldea1 67" weather con(4o starters, 36 flnishers) 1. Ken MedllD, Penn Ac, 28:15; 2' Ken Bs-ker' Lma,, 2B:33j 3. oeo.ge DlTenno, sJTc, 28:44; 4. 6ponsoreal


Tc)r! F-Lansgan.

una'r MEI\€rn Pre!, 28:l+9, ).

RjclErd Wer6, Pbl]a. Ac, 28:13; 6. Bob


Phifa. AC, 21t59t 7. PauJ sanborn, Plrile. Pioneerer 2q:lr: B. Alleo G bas, Prrila, Pioneem, 29:3Bj 9. Fren Carver, !h11a. AC, 29:l+9j 10. fiio shepheid, Phifa. Ao, 29:55; f1. Peul Lucuki, Penl1 AC, 30:18; 12, Vlnce },lasclarel11, Penn AC, 30:34, 13. Ke1-!h ?atton, De].avare T&J', 30:l12; 14. Bob Klessune, -!hila. AC, 3At5t+; L5. Joe Hoffean, ura., 30r57j 1b, Allan Irskol^,sklJ Eardsburs A.AA, 31:03j 17. Joe Daubert, Ph11a. AC, 31:20, 18, l,arry S1mon6, Ph1la. Ploneers, 31:3lr:19. tlike Crrn, Ph1la. AC, 31:54; 20. Pete DowherLy, Pbila LC' 32tA2t 2f. Ton I'lackin, ?h11a. AC, 32:o3j 22. Grea Evans, Ph1la. ACr 3?ta9; ?j. Jerry Kane) PhlLa. AC, 32t20j 2t+. Bob chanbers. Penn rC, 33: 2Lt 25. l&:|E R!'anB, rhtfa. PC, j)t26t 26, ron Ftsber, Sflc, 3j:30, 27. lou sn1rh, Chesaleale

rtr, 33:3U 28. carr RissJ sflc, 33:33j 29. Bob Kushaer, Pel]} AC: 33:31+; 30, Gus Conetalt, Phila, AC, 3\t27t 31. Mtte Mcoaney, Phtla. AC, 34:55; 32, Joe OrRouke, P]lila. AC, 36:12; 33. I,1oyd. Ij.on6, Penn AC, 36:18; 3L. I41\e Paloecio, Phl-LaAC, j6t2jj 15. B11l orDonnel-. Pbtla. AC, l5:)9: 36. l,{ark Supersteln, :Jma. , 37 t54. TeaE: f, PhlLa. AC, L5j 2. Peln ACj 39. f-3l4-l,lIIE 13 & UI{DER X-CoUNIRY, SterErt Perk, Woodlury, N.J,, Sat., oct. lqoh 1 P,M, nain l. NoDl- Pope, f2r PeMsvrlfe TC, 9:.I0.Bj 2. lreo ?arrey, IL, Salea Co. YMCAJ 9:10.9; 3. l,IaJ'ne Fo6ter, PeD.nsvlue Tg, 9:30; !, Debble Fosterr PIC, 9tjlt 5- Irutse lroadnex, Phila. cltppers, 9:3Bt 6, John ldlchaud, PTc, 9:42i ?. Juanita Rcysiier, Pht1a. Cllpl)ers, 10:22; B. Edith Fostei, tTC, LO:33; 9. DoDna Surkbmner, PTC, 10;39t 10. Nancy Hlfflans, PIC, I0:46j I-1. Barole Deroer, Phlla. Clll)I)ers, f0:5L; 12. II:15.




Caxoline 2lr, N.C. State 3l+; 50 oct. 9th, Rafelsh, It.c. 5-l411es- 1, carils Hayes, NCS, 25:OB; 2. Don Jayroe, EcU, 26:lroi 3, Keo vo6s, EcU, 27:05 WifligJl & l,lary 15, \4e 50 at lexington, va., Oct. llth 5.2-Mi1es- 1. novel1 MichaeL, l{8:},1, COLIEGIA1E X-C--East ECU 15, old Do&in1on

25,W.9 CRt 2. ceo. DavLsJ w&,M, 26:o2j 3. Steve Pulyear, W&1.{, 25:1"0; 4. Chop Jordan, w814, 25:30.

DC AAU JUNIOR 3O-KILO CEAMPIONSII", OIConneU I5, Arllngtor, Virglnla, October 13, 1958 3111 Cfark, [.S. l{arine Co:?s, nisEed qualify1ng ln tbe lO,O0Oll fo" the U.S. Olyq)ic tean by the narrolregt of narsinE, So, i$tead of mnnins 111 the 1Oh finalg at Mexico City today, he conpeted idth tbe D.C. RRC ln the Ir AAU Jr. 3OIll!

chalptonship & lron the race. The cour€e conei6ted of th:'ee circults of an oui, & back loop uilrh one lrery dlfflcul-t h111. Gar Vllliall6 of ihe VaEhflg'ion Slort Club ran even vlth Clark on tbe flr€t 1oo! but feu back 206 oa the 6eco.d, aual ultl-nately flnished about 366 behind Clark. rhe D.C. Juior charryior$blp lE6 von by Mafcin Greenbaud, VSC, qho firished fou-"th oyerall. Af-ler a coulle oocth e layo^^ oue to irJries. Georee I,Iajor, 54 years o1d, rm a sur"risingly steady race to t€,I!e fifth lface. Corr6e ?ecord is 1:33: 59.2 set) by Lou ca6taenola in 1958' Race \,'as run

t"i*52if3t 73. Robert BaklehJ 52t27i 7\. rc6, ,2135; ?5. Den Garcla, 52:40' ""* i ora +r,5l.Btt -on T,arisJ \YAc, 'o5l 1. Bill Clark, USMC, 1:34:19.5i 2. Gar r'lifliars, "uil.a L' Notes...ItiUer, tunning well s€aln after being Iisc, :3hrt5; l. sleve Jactson. "isc. l:L :l2t by a bad beel since March, 4oved out hinalereal \{3Jor' MaraLn GreeDbalro, 'r'Sci r:55: lL: ,' Geo"se qulckly the bu1}y fleld anal Dent {ent €Aslnst r.57t3, 6- John LawNand, 2:0oi15; 7. BifL tlth h1!4. fhe lvo lresir coa6t distance aces rlght 2togtzt't 9. urrien, a:ol+'40; 8. Dave Knlehton, su'e:ng strongLv €L Lhe leed, Io. aarf Cook, 2:12t alrernatea the elghtborn Mifton Greenbaun, 2:\2:3At _:frr:-5: check polnt vbere nile tlnes, unttl 1'. Orrjngton )9j J. Geo_f Barne6, gr'eat pre66ure & pu11ed atev app]'led l,l1ller Haf1,2:20:54. 61tght1y to record the win. Denl,, onrv -a Junior tNF- Bllf O'Relrfy, Ray Goil.on, Jolm wln6fov) at San Jose State thts falLr althouAh 2b years Robelt Keeler, Dave Elbsnd, una. old & a stlnt lE the Uarines behind hlldJ 1s ln 2-I4IIE BFYL on track- t' Peter Je[Een, 10:11j 2. touah ehape alreadJ & could be considered a real Jim Cfasner, -O:) Lj 1. Lou D'xLrsze. IO:q9i -: b' tbrea-b for the NCAA barrlex crol'n. BeardalLJ in Pa l Iea l, r0:r2: 5. 8'11 'h@as. 1I: rhe fo*rln pos:Lion. Just Ejs6ed ca! h e Dich c."tg" ehiirrp", 11:23i ?. Too Galner' 11:21+, Dergado & is cdring on {e11. Cllfton Vest is tbe B. J;e1 weddis, u:35; 9' Gary Levine, fr:43; 1968 caltfornia state Es chslnpion air 4:09.0. Ee 10. 31fr },rlsh, r2:1\. (30 fisted finlshers) ran very well for hi6 first try at a fonger d13_-RaY Gordon-tance. SaJ1 BeU (Unlv' of California) vlll set -this youngeter ln the falll fl1e course folloved (Actualry n es ) TTBITBoN 9-l{rLE RU$ 9.23 BaX. San Francisco 61de of a l1ttle seen Slonsoreal by the Pacific AAU Tlbuton, Calif.


?5o veabher

rrith pertly cloudv skies anil no

sa... Ju,y.7. -oo8 9:lo p.M. (lI9-s!s!te-s) CC 1. C1_ls Nll-rer, una., '2:4b.2x 42:55.8 St., Den-!, San Jose 2, Darold 3. Rich Deleado, Athens AC, l+3:40.8 4. Darryf Beardau, l{arin ACr 43:45 5, Bruce Johnson, A]aDed€ TCi 44rl0 6, cliff ve6t, sacrarcnto Ac, 44:13 ?. Eerb PotterJ SF oDttplc crub, 44:23 44rl+7 B. Dous Butt, Marin Ac, 9, Jin surlivan, West Valley tCJ 45:09 co] . san Mateo,ltS:}8 io, l,tit. ou


Ir. Joe whvtock. L6: -Ll. n.lnie dsr1wia, qq:cB: 04: 15. .&larc Toa.tingon, L6: l2; 16. Pete lFasue ' MAc, 46:16i f?. Bifl Rice, 45:24j 18' Darxen Wa1ton, l+6:26j 19. Chuck Larrleui- t+6t27; 20. M' Beekes, l+5:33; 21. Ray Menzle, 46.3, 22. Bob Darling, 46:45j 23- Dennts Douela6, l+6:49; 24' Ject Iewson, \6t1ot 25. Bon Kresecker, 46:59; 26. {ovard latrre, )+?:04; 27. Mark nblshinan, 4?ro8j 28, Jon Enscoe, \I:rai 29. Ketth Kruse, 47:I2j lO. Cba€. crosolone. L':.1!: J-' R'lr. IErlner, Jr:25; 2. cea. na.za,'7:3I: J). Joe Be] ron, \t:32; 3!. Jolm roki, 47:44j 35. Rav aatz, \.7 56t 36. Le,nv Hlaalnsr 48:o7j 37' sanlos Revanaa, -8:19j 18. ecuce -o''. L8:2r: Jo' coseRi;chey, rr8:2b; LO. Mark Re'se. 48::8: L]' I,{n' Macl.eJ. 48: 9: L2. Ara DLdlev- lB:?9i L'. Act Iina.- LB:.5; 14. Foa El Jan. -B:L_; L.' t'uce 16. aotert vccerry. )9:oo: L ' r€a;. qB:55;qs,o-; Ir8. c-es chapman. Lo:oqi 1'9' L", n"r irrl" Peter woodr 49$5t 50. Pete Eenson, 49tr4t 5I Ton Ba1es, )+9.I7 t ,2. Bill 3eck, 49t2Ii 53, 2 wavne Glusker \gt?Jt aL. scolL Blsle. ) 9:38: '5. Ea' rranl Eas19:40; ,o. Ptrlllp AshPoralr LatSrt LgtS'.! e'rty, 58. Tln lay'or, )or2o; ,9 .Rooer" col.o.len, 50:28; oo' Don P;ckeL'r s0:30: 61' JEv l\eLneus, ,o:)6j 62. cornel L West. 50:LL; 63' 65' r"., 'a,io; e't' Ed'arct sias' ,o56i 67' 5-L:lo; 66. Jobn Jent, i"'i" c"rL.', it',to; 68. Greg Aronson, 51:33;




l.looduff, 5tt2\:


MLlis, )-:3r; 70. Dennls ornallo'an' qi'h

5i:a-; ?1. Tcm whlLehead' 5?ta6i 12.



7.5-MIIIOS SCEN]C RUN 8/11/68

f. Daiold Dent, 39rooj 2. Danyl BeardaLl: 40:23; 3. Phtl Darnerli !o:52, 4. Andv Yolner, 41:52j 5. iete rnague, l*::8; 6. lruce rearv, l+5:lrr; 7. Kevin Pusser, 45:48; 8' Jie Moyre, 46:37; 9. Robt co]E.ley, 4B:30j 10. Ron Peck, 49:28; ll. Ton"Y Beaoon, U9:59; 12' Ed Noxberar 50r19; f3. ? 50:rUj 14. Jlm TayLorJ 52:01i lt. Joel l:avk, 52r 3Tj 16. Lru IieLds, i4:29; 17. Aured l. Poop, 5l+r32j 18. phil S.lelnbergJ i4:4l]j 19, Teitius Chandlexj 55:35; 2A. rr€rll CtzzlLra ' 5rt52. (29 l1sted ftnlsheis ) ONE MILE CHII,DREN- 1. uark RoblnsonJ 7:29j 2. Bemle Cuzzlflo, ?:32i 3. Chae. camel, B:44; 4' Jack Dent, 9:46; 5. David lenv ' 9t5r. EA6T 3AY RRC EIENING CROSS-COIINTRY RUN 6.MI1,XS

8/6/68 u.c. BEBISLEy "31c c" cou3sE 1'. iuch Deleado, 29t53t 2. 1|[':!.e Spino, 3l:18t 3' zysaczenko, 31:19; 4. Jeff Kraat:', 3tt59i ,. C].o\r ' B' Tee3i,lq; 5. rr,*t, 33,39; 1. cratze ' 3t:00; t)'bere' a. uJ rkins. ,156; E-arden,3t:OLj 9. 1o,5.; . Pnl-1,:ps. 17:18: l'. o es. :L

!i:-:-llii illllliTl:

IAIG AIIIAMBRA ROAD FACESJ Slonsored bv RRC 1n conJunction with telta vesi'1. Alex zvgaczeren Days. OPEN DIV' (Ner recordt 29:58 hoJ AntiocbJ ''6-MILES- olal nexkJ 30:30 by Da]/e Brom, I,larin Ac, 1967)j 2. Jeff KrootJ Marln Ac, 3o:53j 3. Petex {oodi l{Ac, 31:3b, rr' Ray Menzle' Berkeley, 31:55; ,. George Aliaro, P rtsoure, l):16: 6. Ro6s Ca'al narl1. PiftstLrg 3l+:39; 7: MiLe Brisbin, Pitrrsburs, 35:5lj B. Don KittreflJ Plttsbu-re ' 37 to3; 9. Rov ll.ksJ Pittsburs, 38:[9; 10. IF,rly l'Io]fflev, oakra-ad, 39:02' olER 40-5.5-r4ILEs- 1. Hershel Mi1e6, lnhloch, )7 r6 ) Pete' i/:21: .. franl Cuzzil-o, AIdo. ) . Creek, r4".""1. wur"" 19:09; -ou -re os, 8erJ9:2c' d-.I"r. 19:20i 5. Cnas. Mcl'tahon. oa! a dJ n"S. Z.B-llil.s- !. 311-L Bozer ClavLon vel-ev, 15;0b-?R-:- T1n Decherr, 16:01.


the Eaet Bay


3oo-urs Jm-A-TsoIl In the June etlltion of the

l,ong Dlgisace Ipe tbe"e appeared an srticle entltleaL, "They Dooal TL1 tors 16l anil 200 Mtle Jog-A-Tbon tn 25 'rours: Ihe article r.a6 concerned adt}l a g.o\rp of JoAsers \.rho rar 200 alles ln lelay styte 1n 25 hou rs tl€n extended aJ] "lnforoalrr cb.lleqe. The I'loralonla Hl1Is !'ardfy YI,ICA ln Northtleld, ohlo, p.orptfy accepteat tbe chalf,e.ge antl lan off 3O3 nl1es in 34 hours and. 8 nl.nule6 ln styfe, one nrrrner at a ttne. Soth JoeAers and collpetltlve ru.nners particllated, llrcludlng I.J-@batfr forBer Callfornlan runnlng for Salta Serbara AC vho nor^r resldes la lkron. l,llke off a qulck 17 n1les. The evedi, r.as hefal ln parktng 1ot of Northfleld Square Shopptng Plaza & the lrercharts klnd\r coasetrteal to l€avE th6 l1ght6 o! for the ntaht rumers. A cp&ptng er 17as brought.ln for heat & beadqusrters. At 7:3O a.n. Frlalay, Oct. l1th, I,rr. Willtala Bolla4tzr Supt. o? Schoolg tn Northfteld & Chalnnai ofthe 3oard. at tbe No.alonls. Y, rar a EtaAgerin€ ore lap to start the retay. The track vss a 11ne narked oval rhlah neasureit 10O'

short of 4lrcI'. r,298 1/4 laps vere



n€ke 3O0 d1es. nt'5:38 p.n. od Sat., Oct. 12th & l-10 rul}ners later, 1,314 1e!6 had been run ln aucceBsioi equaltng 3O3 ntles tn 34 hours & I nxlnutes, Don loung of the Alron RRC r.aB blgir ean wtth 2\o laps (about ,5 ntLes ) 1n hours,

ran nlne allfferent tlllee rdtb iotals frch ele!€n nL.les at a ttEe. Other run!e!B nlth hlgh rdleage tncl-uaed Da\.e Vhal€!, Progrel! Diiector for tlle Ilordodla fit11s IMCA & Jog-A-lhon plan]}e" nlth 26 ElLes, ltLrgil Iebnert vlth 20 n1f,es, Ktnlatl rrtth 17 nl.1e6, Johr o'Neil, 12 nlles, Jtn Coq.n8, 14 f/2 n.t].es, ana J1'n fAett, 10 dl'les. 'lftaleors dotber alla r{fe al6o ran. Arother feat of enilurance ras that of Paul Fihe. one of the Jog-s-tbon's llaDner8, !:ith 2b stratght houts r.lthout sleep. PauL hEd -lo aount lapsi Noralonl'a EXlls I'anlfy fiCA bag accepted the challenae, oet tl1e cbalLeBge, and extend6 the chaflenae to lro0 ni1e6 in 4B hou.r's. Anl'tekers? Io" hfor:Batlon on hov to organi.ze a Jog-A-qhon contact Dave LrhaLen, Crryahoga f'a1-lg YMCA, 544 3road. Bhd., Cwahoea FalI6, ohlo. Don


nlle to

- 608 1/ A^ r /. u rDe' Tte Iltchbulg, l'Iass. IMCA 6lon6oreal a 5oo-r011e relay nanthon for the Jlnoto' Funil 1n Jljlre & after e trenendouE shov of enthusla8n and fltness ty 1O9 differeDt ?arllclpanis al1 actral diatanae ot 68 L/2 n1les vas covered. 1n 80 1/2 hour6. AE a ftn6l rdlldup 1ro the !rogn:n, a gloup of solle 100 YMCA runnere- es 9 through 50 - assedbletl ln the street tn front of tbe Y and JoCged lart of the course behind. ftnal rurmer l,{tss Michelle Btlodeau who c-Locked 36:04 ov€r Lhe fll€-nile cou?ae. I'irch of the narathon va6 run 1n the ra1n, The evedt ras orgaDlzed by Robe|ir C, Chrlstle, I)bysica]. fltnees aurector a-t the Y & va6 he]'d. 1n eonjunction 1l.lth the locaf Civic Days Celebratlon. The e!'ent lelgeil moie libaE AIIOTEER YMcA.sPo\soR3D RTI,AY MARAfHoN



for the J1I!4. Fund.. Yeieran llortb ldedford Club ru.lner Dtck CLalp vLile drivtEg rbrough Fltclrburg ol1 a buslnegs appolntoent heard. about the refay on a locs1 rsiilo stetlod & quickl-y vtsited the I to offer hi6 serTices. He eDded u! rulnlng qullt€ a fev 1egs. AIL vere i.ryresseit by 'the clockirork tlnlng requtred to keep rulurers etare of relay asGlgnnerts, H.g. boys vere airtenil. 1ng tbe stoF.atches & offerlng elrcour enent ae each lunner negotlated the 5-n11e couise. A neatLy tla,eirlltten Bheet con-baineal the nanes of officlal nlnnera & an esituate of thelr i:lne. A 'tblrtl coluDn lnillcated the tl[e of a€y vhen they llou.1il ruD. Shce the rultners vere a.head of 6chetlule, e 3table of Junlor A seElor hlgh rul1,"lers vele kept 14 reaelve so thst they could. ftff in free tlrne befo.e an offlclal rumer arri.ved for tl3 leg. A looik lllto irhe Yrs naln l"ouige allscovered a half-tlozen sleeping bod.ies, theorettcauy rea{y tq rua at a nomeltts notlce. A.tl lobal statLons ln the area gave good i,l&e 'to the rac€ & sone of the Sosiion fll Gtaiions gave covereSe alu.rlng thelr al,or.ts rounaup, I,fFuy of, tbe perticlpanb couldnt-b go a quarter of a Elle three lxonthB earller, but they sfoggeal tlrough colil & rain, lntent on coDtrlbuting thelr flrre Dlle leg. Nloe to tnefve year-o].l kld8 ilisllsy€d tulDlDg styleE thatlrou-ld be a Jcr to any track coach. (tue 1l-yeer-o1d ran 33:oo for 5rd1l63. ) l&qy parLlcipants are tlreenlng of next year's race - daybe a f,OoO rd1le relsy? $2o0

A CASIIAL nUI--OR WAS IT? --Ceorse Cusbnac ard Eal Thorsen vere oD thelr usual ].unch tlne rl.rll frcor tbe ItEl $a!T 3u11ding on Con6tltutlon Awe. io Ea1ls PolDi & back 1n Ra6htngton, t.C. recenii1y. &rst as they got to the llalns Polnt axea Cieorge 6lotted the bo{y of an unltlentifled nan a fe? yads alovnstrean fron the rlrth Street Brlal€e. Ee turned to Sal for hls conflmatlon, Th€y qulck-ly fouaa a pollceBan vho -book char8e & lulf,ed the bodJr fron tbe Poijcdac River. A ruruer never Inoe6 vhat he lf,i1l encounter nexti...but lt 6ure helps to break up the noboto4y of a cesu,al run. Sqlil Cieorge: "Itis a good thlng,I suppos6, tha-b the Jogglng fad ts ln...or e13e Ea]. a,'d. I Elght hare beea plckeal q) for r rancyj I' 3cts PRICE VARNTD @ AI,TITUDE AFTER COI,OI,IBIA


Beceitly fob Prlce, forBer U. of Californla dlstaIlce ace, I.3n 5,000m at Sogota, Colcmbla, efeve.tion U,7O0 fee-i. ?rlce, eho hails fro{d Be?Iefey, fhlsheal a dlstant 4th ln 15:16.3 behind the vilmlng 15:18,3 of Cotcmbia's ALvaro MeJlaJ a nountaJn bc,y rbo ts al hcrre eallollng n LbIarlfied atnosphere, C. Vtctor Mora of cot-onbla @6 2nd ana Boo F'n-lay of 1o-o.r-o vas 3fd rn 16: 11,4. After the rece Prlce stated that a towh attltudle and caieful pfenr:1lng a€snrir enough to ''Iln. Ho? Letl tl i3 vao lrove1 al. Yexlco Cltyj fty eetttrg tnto a rsce at altitude vlthout exposure to aliitude before Lhat racej LIlaL 1s, a tleinlng span of less than four tui.s. Iou !.111 then lear) lro respect eltituale.




E-115s! Tbxas

this veek.


Tean: 1. Pe.n AcJ 1-2-3-B-f0= 24j 2. South Jersey 1'cr l+5; 3. Pbiladelphia Ac, 51. 1. Herb Lorenz, Penn AC, 25:30; 2. Lou Colpens, Penn AC, 25:35j 3. Ken Medlin, ?elut AC, 25:53; 4.. Br.Lan sarrlr€tonr Dela&are l&l', 26:10; 5, Fffr:-k Frick, sffC, 26r21i 6. 6€orse Dllennor SfiC, 26: 29j 7. Bab Woenler, Unlv. of Delavare, 26:35; 8. fllen Glbas, lhila. ?ioneer6, 26:49j 9. Rlclrard 1'6/ers, Phlla. Ac, 27.].6t fo. Jin Sheppard, Paul lT fi.s., 27:38i 11, ron!E.!g!,]Pe!l1 \cL?824; 12, B. Barckfov, 2B:3r; 13. Jeff Fister, SJIe-2&h (fst focal trophy)j 14. ?sr{ Lucu6ki, Penn AC, 28: 51; Lr. nobelr Klesslins, Pau.l VI IS, 28:53, 16. 27 :LB Bob vhitnan, Boldentounr N.J., 2B:5Bj f7. Bob RodaEsky, SJIC, 29.a9t I8. Fran Csrver, Ph1la. ACr 28ta2 29tl3t 19. natly Ballhls, Delarare T&T', 29129t 2027:04**l( Ton Mackin, 29t3a: 2I. Joe otRourke, w\a., j 22, Cene Evans, lau]L ESr 30r10j 23. Ous "9..47 ConetantJ PhiLa. r 30 tl9t 24. larry Delaneyj SJrc, 30: 32:30 zlj 25. Joe Daubert, Phila. Ac, 30:37j 26. Dave 28:lg I,lttlehalesr &'rtv. of Delavare, 31:01; 27. L. 25: t+3x tacobson, 32:Ol+, 28. IEn Rubln, P:r.|ra.,, 32l.25t 29, B. FarreflJ 32142;30. J, Qulr:,'1J 33:30;31. S. 3\:50 InAl1eh, 34:lr4j 32. Rev. charles l,larker, smc, 36;rr+; 33. 3ob Gllchrtst, DelaEre T3F, 38:51. 29 t58 l.?-ltrIE 13 & Undei Aace- 1. Bifl acmanskyr s Cr

Co*1andt Park, N.Y., october 6- The Met. MU l,DR co@lttee sponso.ed 5-trdle hand lca! x-country drew 38 starters & Pat sastlck, $YAC, roidled horde fi?st 1n the actual ttne of 29:43. 5,r'1th the a1d of 6-nlnute start on sc"atchnan Iitnn Cumlngham, NYPC. Crrnnlr€hen took fast tlne honorc vhlle flnlshlng tenth ln the fast tlne of 26:43. ed 3or,€s, NYAC, caltu?eal arat fast tine honors ldth a 26;52 clocklng. Course: lclrA Varsity course. 12 Noon start. 1, Pat Sastick, llev lork AC, 3f:\3.5 5:oo Van

29:43.5 2. Holde Rran, NTAC, 33:18 2100 3. Vlnce Chtapletta, ula .33129 2t3o 1+,

Art Stesan, NTAC, j+,O2


NYAC, 3l+:olr 1:oo To!1 caneronj wS YMCA,34:ll 6:00 51-L-L fltreIaey, ]rrru, J+tz9 Lrju ?eter Jaffe, u]1a,r 34:30 6100

5, Jlm Kraus6,

6. 7, 8. 9. Gunther Moses, NTPC, 34r4O 1130 10. I+.nn Clrtni.lgh8n,llrlc,34:43 Scr. 11. Ar ril-L-Lrar[Er lvlsu, J+:+ +:JU Xr:ic GeiBlei, U.AA, 34r5O 8:00

td Sovesj NYAC,

34:52 Scr. sherlock, VYAC, 34158 3:o0 Roger Cfalk, IIAA, 35ilo 3:00 30r].o Joe BurnB, Untted ,AA,35:12 I:30 r7. rrf. r.r€orge sDeenan, uJrc, Jr:r+ ):uu 27 i6 Joe Be66e1, NrAC, 35:16 Scr. 19. cene Tooney, NYAC, 35 tAI 3to0 30:21



lllrner, 3ruce

TC,35:28 Jobn Docksl,ader:, NfAC ,35 t32 22, John Kenul, Untted 4A,35r92 XInie Meda811ar llAA, 35104 20. Dave

2\. Jtn Wllson, UAA, 35:08 Matt Cola, Queenaboro CC, 36.30 25, Robeit Levis, {YPc, 36134 2?. Robext Leavltt, FTc, 36:39 28. Js.nes rahey, ulat., 37:20 29. rred Torres, Qcc, 37149 30. Morton schrartz, ulra,3Brl6 31. Robelt Beyer, una,r 38:4? 32. 'lbnho perlaansoE,Lrna.,19:51 33. Tho&as KennedJ, una.,42:31

)+:00 2tOO


7:Oo 8:O0




2t3o ,:o0 5!oo 8:O0 3:30 B:o0 2:O0 d:00 5:00


31r0o 33134

3!:39 37 t2O

33119 38:r+6

32t47 39:53

39r3f DIF- Matteo Clrcchtaia, Jorm fiand, IYAC, IF.rry ch€ykee, queenEboro CCi Jolm Salnsbuly, unat.i fau_l i.Lesoerg, br, Jorm s unlv, !.os!. 3-l,me Splttsr Culrll[ghen 15:o?; 3o{eB, 15:03; Kiauas, lbrll. --Joe Klelnerman-MRB IONXNZ I'INS ANNUAL MAPIE SHADX 5.1-MIITR Map]e Shade, N.J.. Sunday, ocb. t3l-h t:30 p,xo.

Ilerb loreaz, celebrating the blrlh ol h.ls (Dtane), outkicked I,ou Coptens to record another via ln the l,l8.pLe Shade Jayceeg almual 5.1-&11e road. race ove" a fLal 3-fa! course 111 beaui:lful nid.-sur@er veather co4alitio.F. Ken MedLtn, Eadaon rwp. I.S., noved up faSE on the last 1ap. to flnlsb thlrd. Biian HerriEgion flnlshed 4th 1n hl8 last race as a clvilian. Ee reports for Ar!{r service at Fi.

ftrst chlld

9,55t 2. Yred. Palfrey, Sflcj f0:50, 3. Wayne Fo6'lrer, PenDsvil-le TC, 11:05j 4. John l,,t1ahaud, PTC, LI:O5.2j 5, Jolm Jacoby, 1l:14, 6. Joe cod\rin, n:32; 7. John Ialafuccl, 1.1:33; B. I€.ry seltz, Ur34j 9. Idlth Fosterr PTC, lfr48; f,o. Jolnsotl Dav16, L2:01. (23 flnlsherB ). EAST CARoI,TNA 21, ILoRltA LINIV. 34 at Galnesvl11e, rra., oct. 7th 4-M11es (Hot, msry, 91o) 1. Don Jayroer ECU, !9t57; 2. Jotm Brcl'nJ Ij 2o:ll; 3, Ken voss, ECUj 2o:19j 4. Neil Ross, Xqt, 20:34. I,lxsTxRN cARor,rNA uNIv. 15, DAVTDSON 53, U.N.C.-C 8O a- Oaridson. Oc-. B h L-ttres- . ferry 1eLlrs. l'ICUj 21:L5j 2. Xed Jores, !r'CU, ^-L:r7.

J]M MGDOI\IsGH W]IIS 3? f/2.MII,X I]UN Yonhers, ll.Y,r Sund.ay, oct. 13- J1n McDonagh of l,he Millrose,AA von irhe 4th ar}nuaf .{ldo M. Scandur:ra 37 1/2-nile hendicap run fron PeekskillJ N.Y. !o I.Iar Memorial Field, Ionker6, N.Y. McDonagbj rul1ni.€ frc[a scratch, cfocked 3:50:11. Tbere vere 12 starters In the Ultra-$arathonr & the btggest handicap ,!.as one hour & f5 Eln6, McDonash bolds the course nark of 3:36:52.2 6et last year. thls year he ras h€reerea by a cold damp fog for the first 25 d1les of the run. }Ie noweil lnto the lead at 28 r011es. Of the f2 starters only ijlr:.ee failed to finish. Ihe nost allazlns flnlsh vas that of f2-yeer-ofd Bqrry Crelsler, J}. The

your€ster flnlshed in the actual tire of

atso finlsheat the course in 6:29:10. The tro boys ran vttl1 iihetr fether lor aboui 20 nlfes. At thi€ po nL Ba_n,r S_. reL red lroa lhe race & re-!ed the boys corD1)lete the distance throu€h his en-

Jln sowles of

A-lbanyr N.Y. and Jobn Kemrl of

ctenn Mccafrry, long Islarxal AC, 38t59t 28. th" ttott"a M njssed s ldrn due to lhe fog & - ccoeleted -A.1 ta1111s$s, maPC, 39r02j 29. Tce0 c3neron, {est on\y 28 ndles to the finlsh tlne af_ Side YMCA, 39t2o) 30. Sernie Laufs8.s, St. Anth. her !a! Lng another roule Lo the final Dornt' AAU Bc, 4r:ol+i 31. Phil PoUn, uAA, 41:12; 32. tudlev ttle Nationar ,0The race a'as a tuneup for rma., \r:5r; on Iolt' N.I' cri""., uae, \L,22j 33. Peter Jaffe, at Pougbkeepste, Mile Che,dplonshlp lr2:30j 1r' Jobr Tcr 28bh. .AtL finisher:g receiwed a inealallion engrav 3j+. Rob!. Leafi!t, rreepor! r3:fbl L2tLzi una. fin Fahey, Scandurra, uAA, tlne. A].lo Kenur. 36. eil rith the partlcilant's ' l+\:22; una., 38. Dr. Ilv1Ds Abra Metiopoflisn AAU Preoident, d.onatetl the prlzes' 3?. Tod Kenneqvr t+i:37; UAA, 45:53; Er'c Ge16fer, 39. 1. McDonash, I'IAA, 5:o):l-r Scr. 3:50:fl i'"*, mrrc, l't. aue S"t'L5:l+5; Bruce TC, l+:51:28 40. Dave Frleturan. j. Jln ir"i ir*r"t"r, v[t, 5:zL zB 45:oo u.naL., 4?. SchmrLz, \1t53i Morly rartzr una.r \t29tr7 3. Ted corbitt, i["c, 5t29.r7 rStoo h3. Ylnceot Sul llvan, una.. 18:5oi q4. 4, gltt coroe, 1JA.q, 5.29tq Trtoa 5'.29t27 L8:2O;C,elsler, untted AA, l+9;33; 45. Ed 5. Bs'rv Gelsler,Jr., 5t39tzl 15too ,t39t2l Barq/ bz lu.lr6. J|., t2O , crs.nord 57 , l. vi"""" O,luppuitu,trna.5:40:52 scr. \25:52 ' Gunther Moses, Gi1 Ed 3otes, Brovn, DMSsrry 6t29tro z. e'i. c"l"r:ti, uAA, 6t29tLo 7r':oo (\9 45 flni.Bbafs starlers, ) Iandy, J n BovLes, Albany, 3:36:r, (28 nllea) nelneidan-. --Joc (28 nrles) AA, Unlaetl Jobn Kenul. 3:L9:oo DNF- !in1e !,!eds81ia, l.'tilLrose AA; Irave VogeL, una.; 3arry G€lsler, 6r.' Unlt€il -AA. _ --Joe lo-elnetuEn_

25, PROVIDTT{CE COIJ,EGE 29 5-Mife6, van cortlanilt Park' r[.Y', oct. l9ttr 6onstani rain, veq'poor footlDg, 1o!. 60'3' i. s"ran Ki"t"", u^ ag,og.8 MR; 2. Robb, P, 261 22t 3. lJa]:sh, M, 26t5a; \. crooke, ?, 27:03'


r'1r$ {Ir\5 6-},fi1x cRc6s-c0urrRY RUN van Confandt ?arkr Bronx, N.Y., Sllldav, oct' 2oth- Bob lltbs, Millrose !A 6irar alstance ru]l_ ne?. caltured the I'Iet AAU LDR Cc!!n' sBodsole'L 5-riru "u]x 1n 31:29. The iace a'as the fl'3t of the x-countrJ seasotr for Fttts, vbo ttal]-ed Berry Brovn at tha 3-d11e nark bv 50v' Sror'rtr' veat<cned fron tbe flu bug, ttropleal out at the l+-d1e iDark and Fltts vent on to vin by alou-t 3OOy. Tcm Roblnson, NYAC, flnl6beA zrd IE 32t26 -n" .eco.d ls 30:09.4 heftl bv oscar "o""u" (1964) Moore ' Ttre couree rs6 very [udEv frc@ e' aey of raln & tbe the heaqy scho].asiic & ooll€glate Bchedule 3-M1' r'lDal oay prevj ous ' {29 n -] aoo rLtts, I'{tlrrose AA, E fi


ROAD RACE, Eonolu].uJ !a\'tall, A.M. Reuben D1as, E12tO6 2i 2. JohJLlv



Paik u

Faerler, l. ).ta3t25t 3. Jln Ferr16, l:25:38; \. sad 3osettl, 1:30:05; 5. Ed Ronsr/, 1:30:39. Ihe iace corE6e traveled arou.rd fsneil "Dlallond Xead" over &11 out & back course. I€ah Ferri6, rdfe of tlle 1t41il Ps.clflc BRC Vlce Preslalent ra]l 10 rlles beforc .tltoppllg out'

AN!'IlAr, PA$cAiG DAY 5-MIIE RL'N' cenlen'llle. Iol'a, SeI)tenber 26, I9bb weetLr iondttlons: r,{nd-noderate, teni. ?oo l-. TLn liendrlcks, Peru State, 30:47, 2. Jack I.IeJers, Peru StBte, 30:48; 3. Ken erau-asler, Tova State Untv,, 30:59; lr. De-1nis McGu're, Iowa state U., 31:ol+; 5, Er1de Lindlev' ro'a state U., 3r;1)+; 5. Mlke llouckJ Iona state u., 3]:2o; 7. EenrJ Tiribrook, St. tnbrose, 3f:32, 8. Lou !!itz, Cornhusker TC, 31:33t 9. Van AXen, Per| state, Nebr., 31:37; 10. 8111 311iskis, Iova st. unlv', 31:45j 11, Carl &"czatzak, i.iest Kansas TC, 31:50,


12. Gree


lon'a State





Suutvar, Na Mls€ourl State, 32:17; 14. Johr SDlde.. Io'.lE State U., 32128; 15. Jerlv Buttlner, st. Arftrose, 32:\2; 16. Dave ]larrls, Peru state' r5t56 3 26 i. r"* i.tr.l.", wec, 32tt+r; I7. Keith al-len, NE l4o. stater 32t55; rb. 3. Ivnn CunntEabsll, IIYPC' I5trL 32t29 Dean Tveat. Io{a State v^ia., 32156; 19. Ken Kati. ii,' r<"r*",-rrync, 16:01 32ttt9 zer, cornnu€ker rc, 33:03; 20. Al KolhJ lo{a s!' Eo\.'le 8Yen, Nev York AC, 16:01 33:02 ,. jorr" Unlv,r 33:o9i 2f. J!3 McF,aanen, Iova Achllles Tc, cairepP, mr:..4-P, I6:L6 l3:o8 6. 3312(jt 22. Ray uher, Peru state, 33.23j 23. r,oren w11. AA, 1t,19 33126 i. cl"k R*r"y, Mos. NX Mo. St., 33:27j 24. Chrls l4urrav, Iowa 8. Blll qarvey, NYPC, t6t23 13:39 Sta-be Fsculty Fosslls, 33:40j 25' IFrry Phil11])s, Ac, 16:31+ 3L;11 i. el.t st"g.", ti." York Drake Unlv.J 33.5r; 26. Steve Forbes, St' Anbroee 16:5r iL25 umt cnrappetta, 16. vince " 3l+:0f, 2?. Jay Eageerloan, uns., 34:03; 28' Mike fL. Joe Burns, irnlted AA, t6:\6 34:31 Toc'a State U., 34:15; 29. Arne Richarag Kitchelf, I7 tI3 3rtL5 12. FreuBtln Balon, trlat., :4:lg; 30. Ton l,ogan, NE Mo. st., 3l+r25; 3):25 il'<rc, Ii. Er-ald Garcla, l{anheclan Fllsht Kings lob Grl{fltb, Io?a state U., 3l+:35; 32. Dlck ' VeL 31. r[. m"r'"ra colasrjnno, ua.. 3r:j0, ]5' Jose i'.ti*, 3[:4o; 33' Dqve Elrl:aan' uns" 34: ""'', a6cluez, una., 35:l+li 15. craie-BennetLJ NfAC, 45; 34. Calvin 1lol-nqutst, Io!"4 st, U.J 34t52t,35' rsim,'rz. .rin i<rsper, nrPc, 15:12; f8' Rlchard ri6"-su"u"", loa'a Stlte Facuftv Fo6611s, 34:r6i NryAc, G'rs, unltea AA, 35:2f; 19. Gene TtrooEev, vayne Denney, NE Mo. St., 34:t8; 37. Jir Mcrg,+ti io. cene vflrerain, NY?c, 36:5it; 21. coe- 35, Cord, Io'a state U.J 35:12j 38' Nell Thcmpson, er Crark, UAA, 36:58; 22. Tcor OrBrlen' Bruce TCr i.'.'si.u., 35eat 49. Johrl Eotub, rslJ, 35t2t+t iz,oo, ,i. nen artnson, uAA, 3B:10; 2l+. Matt lro. cal Sniih, Peru St., 35132, 41. Jerry StuckEoIa.' Oueeneuoro CC, 38:Jrj 25. DeE is Flood' Ross1, 1SU. 35: enholtz, Peru S!', 3):J3; 12. Edl+h. ;;:; 3'8,rrr-; 26. lrea-rorres, qcc, 39t49t 21. Bob ttumer_ rot L3. IEe t4uE1I, LX_C, J6:09;

-dosser lole Ach Lres lC, 3b:)rri I5. Rex R"-', Isu, 35:55; 46. John Koester, rsu, 36:t8j 47. Dan Marti!, ]SU, 37:03; 48. Russ Burr, urat., 3Itart 49. chuck l4a1rler, IsU, 37:5bi 50. Ed Bobl un, St. Anbrose, 31tr1t 5L. Gree Dennis, ISU, 3B:OBj 52. Boaer Messenger, ISU, 38:f2i 53' Dave Roth-lauf, ura., 38:13; 54, Rick lr'/e, St. Anbrose, 38:25; 55. BiU Young, NE Mo. St., 3B:43; 55. Ron Jones, llr1a,, 38:52, 5T' Gerald Pal"ton, Iowa Si. raculty Fosslfs, 38:5?, 58. Stewe Dec-ance, ISU, LO:1r:59. ur:known, lSU, 4O:JL; 5o. Charles BomeyJ ISFF, 4O:3r; 61. ton LokkenJ ISFF, l!fr2]i 52, Merle Di4ent, Iowa RR, 42:19' Notes. . . O,"'er seventy rurners cmpeted ln tbe fiist annual Fecake Day 6-nife road runi 6!ongoreal by the P&ncake ccaBittee, \tlth about the aaln square, vhere the 40,000 spectators in 'ay race etarted & flnlshed. Tlll Hendrlcks, a 6tuiient at Peru Sta'te Col-leee (Nebr. )-von by a snsll rdargln ovex lds coltes€ue, Jack Weyers, settlng an autonatlc cour6e record of 30:47. Iol'a State Unlverctty, shovlng teaxa strength 1n cros6-coln!_ try aaain, placed 3ra-6th, and haal tvo nore ned in the flrst ilozen. Solr Ia!.son, ISU'8 energelrlc head coBch, Jogged over the course rmofflclaUy & beet at leaet ten of the 62 flnisbers. I6U asslstant coach Ctlris Murrayr of the ]ol|'e S-late FacuLty Fos611sJ placed 24th ln a good field' ISU defea-beal ?era State for the unofficlal tea!! title.. The course 1s b1ll.J lD I)laces & ba6 vqr-


{El'1,26:30;4. Don Jayroe; ECUj Waa, c, 26'59j 5. Fred lane, O.

fo-lfILE RoAD RUx, Sponsored by the Cfarenon'uJ il.r. tsn crul, s"ptenber 2", L96B lteather: l"/a]:rn lo trophies & 15 nedafs,.Mike CallagherJ the tinn- oC lne v1. rlasl €Loa race & fo]:0xe c O-mp . sklerj von qulte easl\y. Teaia: f. BAA 25j 2. North l4edfod Club 30. --Fred B.otr, Sr.-1. l4lchaef esllaaherJ Spartan Ac, 52tco 2. notert Hll-lgrove' I,iater'\,i11e AC, 53.37 54:24 3. Peter Siipe, 36ton -AA, 4. Ron Gaff, NMC, 54:47j 5. Ed walLvltz, I4t.Pa'k LA, 55 t|, 5. &m l,IyrIm, spartan Ac, 55:47; 7. Andy caq)bellJ una., !6:!]r; B. Ph1l ryeE, lAA, 57:06j 9' Rabh Grant, [ab'Ac, 57i2t; 10. steve Atvood, una-, 5728t 11. Tony Saplenza, 3AA, 58: 22t I2. LI l4ccaM, GreaLer Porcrano AC. 5B:3ri 13. Bobert Ru6serl, CCAA, 59t34t L4. Benli Charoux \MC. 59:56; 1r. Ricbard Femoyle, Nl4C, At:.C: -6. Gary lri!€s, Cla.emont 'r8f, b1:4b; L7. Ray Beaulleu, NMC, 51:l+8, 18. Roland Dyer, \,Iat.AC, 61153, 19. Jobn counlha,'r, BAAJ 62:0r; 20. Iln. Glnns, ft)artan AC, 52:26t 2I. tave llnton, BAA, 63:15; 2. l{aik l'talkosklr CTc, b3:1bj 23. Robert Tescheck, una., 64r31j 24. vh landettl, NMc, 65:o4j 25. Dan Derco, Jr., BAA, 6r:l+); 26. cnsrfes HLd Eudson, una,, 66tl6t 27. Booen cantu, uis.,61: 31j 28. Mlke Blair, 3AA, 67:52; 29. I,[ke fiasgerty Nuc, 68:15; 30. Rlchard Dl]ron, BAA, 69t59t 3I. leil terrain, lnclualng concre-be, a6phalt, grevel- Alltson ?restoD, Kentucky TC, ?o:45; 32. Mlke & ilirt xoeds. Jack Morris serred as chalrnen of Mooney, ura., 73tA5t 33. S1g Podlozny, NMC, 73: the Panc€Ie Day Coanlttee, and Dan B.Ilne va8 20, 34. Iiay turbush, NMOJ 76.57i 35. llerb Rlce, ![eei ill?€ctor, a6513ted. by officlals Xat Clavei, B!A, 76t59; 36. noeinLc Morales, NMc, 78:36i 37Cltde Carney and Merle ]Iouser,. frophleG vere wn1. Thcmpso!, \rli{c, 8lr35j 38. carl r,iiabers, NMc avarded to the firct bwenty. rhe tsce l.as saEc82:23. tloned by the lova ABsn. of the AAU anil tbe IJBlT'F..ftre 1959 race lril-l be beld et the enil of NORTN MEDFOND CTUS FAI,], !O],IAGN 3/!-MII,E X.C Septenbe- Iq59: nrlne cs aay vrlre Dan tr*-llne, 5, 1968 Nei. Ip6via}, Nev lFEpshire, octoter ' CertervlUe Co!0nimXty Coffege, Cent€rvllle, Ee.lf of tb16 course !'as on tralls in deep foresir. Iava 525\\' for entqr b1a!ks' -AIL ru&ers are lleatber was lerfeci:. offered free pancakes anal refreslnents at-!be f,. Jlro Datey, 31r33i 2. Robeft Hersey, 32:23; 3. annual D&1cake fe6tlvel. --lrne Ricbalds-Bicherd ClapP, 33:35j 4. Richard tsuquist, 33:45; Robert Mcculre. jL:JJi 6. MErl AEaa"lJ )5t3 5. at 25, \?I Caiollna X-C--East 30 CoII,XGIATI ?. Claude Ellls, 3B:O3j B. Joseph Rlchad, ' 38:37, Bracksburg, va., oct. 15- 5.2-Mlles- 1. Joe 9, -AXan Archer, l+l:loj lO, Ered Bro,!,n, sr., 47: PsJoter, vPT, '1t23j .. tb^ Jayroe, EcJ. 4:L2. 42, 1], Mlcbael Darey, 49:o8j 12' Blvaril Archer, Furusn 15, Daddson 5oJ oct. l1th- 5-Miles- 1. \9135. Nefson, F, 27tI7.4; 2- Todd, F, 27:35. 5-lfiIE BUll, Spolsoreai by the Springfleldr l{ass. Vake Forest 21, Davtdson 35 at vlnston-saIen 28:2ri v'F, Beavers, rire oepar'cnent, Oct, 6, 1968' veathex: ldea1 1. Pdtip Oct. ISLb )-M1-Les15 trolhtes & 35 nedals erErded. 59 starters. 2, 3ob DuV€l, W, 29|32; ). Cbrle 5ike6,D. 29: Tean: 1. !'lach.8e-bts Striders 35; 2' Mt. Park ceorgla lbcn 2-, Fu,"u,an J8, ALIanta, Ocr. 1l!h heaq. ratn, 5.5-u11es- 1. Joh! l,Ia1ton, GT, 28:0 M, 37t 3. l,Iorth Medfoid Club 48, 1. Charles ry6oD, l]ar-lford TC, 3o:4ot 2. Pauf 2. ,AndJ ltudson, GA' 28to6t 3. Doua NeIson,F, SegerstcD, vS, 31:00; 3. Russ Ho1t, I'}'IC, 31:35; 28:47. 28:23; 4. fi-d rnrkht, Gl, lr. Rooert, Bea.dsley, un€., f:J6: ' 'o.y Sep,eni'1. va. ?itt 23, lie6 b Ve, U. 32 a-l Morssrto\rn, ze, BAA, 32:15; 6. lt4ark l,acedonia, Ba. 32t23t Oct. 19th ,,2-l'1i1es- 1. Jerry Rlchey, F, 24;54. /. Nevaon perr'os, Mt.Psr\ A.Ar 12:20: B.' Rooerr CR; 2. Carl Estfleldr I,11,'1J, 24:58j 3. Psul zink, l4ar<\'eu, cs, 32:31+; 9, John nurLey' NMc, 33:14j P, 25132) \. nen Payne, WVU, 25:11. 10. Don Benler, Mii.Park,{4, 33:15; 11. Dave corwtr.& Mary 25, Ceoigetovn 31i !r&M fB, X. Caronler, 1,1P.4A, 33:17 ) L2. Charles RobblnsJ llTlc, l1na l+3i Georsetoa'n 21, xCU 38 at wiula$6burg, 13. tin' Carpenter, irna'J 33:30! 14. Don 33:24! Va,J oct, 19th- 5,2-I[1res (rain)- 1. Steve s-laae #"e.i, is, 3359; a5. Joe Luboda, {s, 34:oo; bers, G, 25:1Oj 2. Geo.!svl6, {8,},{, 25:1Bj 3.



a"ue Htnura, ws, 3l+ro1; 1?. Ton syfvestzak, una., 34:f\j 18, kon larros, sAc, 34:18; f9. Rober! cantu, una., 3\:19; 20. John Hoogastanr l.rs, ll+:/2; 21. wnx. Geanon, l"IC, ,\t3Ai 22. E7eer Ear1c,w, SAc, 34134, 23, Janes Buirl8n, una. 3\:5o; 24. Rod Mc!,:-plneJ l,tt.Park AA, 34tr7t 25. Jobn Schu-ltz, .JJ..a., 35.07) 26. Albert Biard, Mt.Park nA, 35t1]t 27. David $iaLI, una., 35: 28. St€ve ,Anderson, VS, 35:16; 29. Tcm Bockw, una., 35f22; 30. Edvad l,o'd, una., 35t23t 3r,

Ilark Bockus, ea.' 35t26; 32, l'lerk HaAgerty, NMC, 35:53i 33. Ier"ton Burdett, una., 35:54; 34, Royce Saryer, NMC, 36:03; 35. Robet'c Sralth, ccM, J6:oBr 35. Aro conro. ]Juna., 36t22i 37. Jeff coffln, ure., 36124; 38. chxls Hading, i&a., 36:27t 39. Mike Reed, MPAA, 37r10i 40' Itn. Trlbouj una., 3?:24. (58 fi4isbere) --Fretl Brovn, Sr.--

? /2-WlE


RLl{, Spoosoreii by Lhe oct. 13th

tr4ebropol1tan AC, Calxbrldge, l,tas6.r

Course: Yery rough. 1. IErry Be.nsn, Met AC, 13:5B; 2. Too IaPlante, Ne\,.ton So. HS, 1L:11; J. Jorn lralfac-, BAA, lL: lr q. Al.frcd IauetoJ Wal than lS, lq:5bj 5. Robert Wlttney, was, lr:06; 6. Kerio l"lu-?W, u/S, 15r2L: 7. tevis Free&lan, ',lell.!on so.lE, l5:2rij 8. Tin l,tahoney, WIs, 17:09; 9. Sruce Kopelnan, NeFton So.ES, 17:-17; f0. Ed Scaanell, NeL-Lo' So.{SJ IB: 35; 11. Fred 3r'oln, sr., Nl"lC, 20: L6r 12, I6rd

fiaggarty, NMc, 20:24.

--F"ed 3rosn,


AIFRf,} I]NIVEFSTTY, AT,FRED, N.I. (1st An.nual Ildependent Coffege Atbletlc Conference x-c chs.rylonships, oct. 26, 1968 2 P.M. 1. Bt1l Pouock, RPI, 27:41.6j 2. Pete? Stasz, Arfred, 2B:f?; 3, Patrtck Keeler., alfred, 28:17; 4. Mlchael llne, ,{1freil, 28:30, 5. ,Ieffrey Llnton, Fobart, 2Br5O; 5. Jolrn Klng, fiobart, 2B:54j 7. NEAMU SR. f 5-KIL0 CIIAMPIOI\EIIIPJ MaDcbe6tex, car.'y trelsonr RPI, 29:05i B. !8.ron F"1bush, nnion, Nev lia.nl)sh1re, sat,, Oct. 12, 1958 weather: Ideal, 52 gtarters. lbe.dr 1. BAA (A) 1-2-3-6- 29t\5; 9. Bob Iurdfe, Clarkson, 29:23j 10' andrev 8= 20; 2. NMc (A) 35; 3. BAA (B) 69; 4. M{c (3) lrtckson, A.rfred, 29:25.

Keefe, CCIA, 47:33; 2. Ar$y Burfoot,

WIXE 1IERMONT 5-MIIE ROA} RI'IN Wa-lerburTr Ver:nont, August t7- A delu€e of rain b€san just as 31 entrants hned lrI) at the d113ge lark for a 5-nile rrln sl)on6ored by the l,iaterbury Jaycees a6 palo of e two-day Su@er Janboree. l{MC ?. ?eter Stlpe, BAA, 52!08; 8. Janes Art Durong of Radlolph, Mae6,, finisbeal first 10' 'aley' Tcm Jas T.loyd S].ocun, NMC, 52151; ,2t\6t 9. with e 23:48 clocking ower the ehort course. ain, NMc, 52158; 1I. Jsnes wyrnn, spartan AC, I4ike Gaflaglex of KiutnAton, vinner of tbe re53to3t ],2, Phll Rrai, BAA, 53:18; 13. Ror Gaff, cent l{!. Vashington iace, cros6ed the flnlsb fine AC, f5 lruc, 53:38; 14, IF.rry Seraar, l{€.t 53t55; ln second posltlon, (32 etarters & rinlshe-6) Tony saptenza, 3AA, 5\r\5; 16. Richard {eeks, Dr. Ci1erles Hudson of Burungton l'as tbe fllst Ly]l.n|. AC, 56tA5t 17. GlyDr1 {ood, 3lA, 56:08; 56:08j I18. 30" finlshe? & vas preEented a special tro!"over Robert Fersey, NMC, NMc, 5b:to.; 56:to.; 19. Davld llorthen, by Mtss Irene Danlel8, Vernont Junior l4lss2L. \y vallsce, B!J.' 20. Jonn n4,1C, 55:!2; 56t2, 1. Alt Dulona, 20, Slaltan AC, 23:l8i 2. Mike Dal-e Toohey, BAA, 56:34; 22. Phil ts,Dsberger, Kifllneaon. vx., 26, 2L:t7i t. Andv callagher, 24. nee, 56:l+\; 23. Remt charotlx, NMc, 5?:15; 2e':45; L. Paul sea's, Peter Beckaroh/r una., 57:16; 25. F1chard Clafl) Ca@bell, 22, Dari-Douah. \ft., 25,1+5.4t lB, b,tdonvll1e, 5. ltlchael conil, NMc, 5?:38; 25. Richat:d I'erxlcyle, NIiC, 57t52, yr.,27|2at 6. Canty, RutMicb.eL 17, SvaDton, 27. l'tlchael Su-lll!'an, Bos,o! Couege, 58:o9i 19, BA4, KinbaLl, 27t37; I,arry lartl, V-b,, l8, 7. Ral,lnona Beau 28. Joh11 counlhan, 3AA, 58:32, 29. rssex Jct.J '1t., 2'l:\8; 8. ?hifi! Eb'ert, 18, 1ieu, NMC, 58:1r.4r 30, irohn A. Ke11ey, !rna., Rut1and, vt., 27t5A" 9. Joe bI'errlere, So. Hero, 58:51, 31. l,la.rk la€getty, NMC, 59:25; 32. thve 1tt., L9,zgto2t 10. ldille Scott, 18, Rutland, vt., una', Tarrel, una., 59155) 33. Robert cartur 28:32j Ll. Dr. ch€rtes HudsoD r BurliEaLonJ Vt.. 5o:o8; 3l+. Dodlnic Morales, M.tc' 6n.52t 35. 3!, 2\t52t 12. Brlan L6onard, b,'ddonv1lfe, 1tt. J Reuben Blgelov, BAA, 6I:08; 35. Peter Surkhart, 29:\9, 13. Donald 3aker, 16, Vereelmes, Vt', 30: 62: ,)J1f.., 6Lt29i 37. t'in. ilansbu,"y, spartan Ac, ,2; 1J . Michael Rowe, L7. l'lidd-L"bur'y, vt., 30:L3i 63:03; Georee NMc, 39. 31; 38, claude ELIts, 15. DoJslas cronack, 16, Johison, vt.. lo:58r f6. !/ate-bodse, NMc, 63:16; lO. Royce Saryer, Nl4C, peul l+2. t+t- Fau1 schelL, Bea Ble;u&e, 16, vergennes, vi., 31:04; 17. Geo. 62.-t!r' schell. IWc, NMc. 5Ui15; 6l:15: L2. Janes 63t)+2t t+I. {€ishman, Edeo l"!i118. v!., 17. 31 :55; rB. Dan una,, ung Ktrschner, Srested, una., 67t27t 43. aldy Klrschner, I.brcotte, IB, ilttrooskl, V-b., 32:08, 19. Reve' ld+. 58:38; 45. N}c, 58:15; c€orse Lsttarullo, Cerafd Ro'e, 47, Mlddlebury, \1:,., 32|35; 20' Jolm Holaen, r:aa., 58:4:; 16. srgnu.na roaroznv, lt7. Davls Moqurn, 18, wlnooskl, vl , 3?tl'2t 2!. ualt .Antbony SuLL11'sn, Bosaon co.U., NMC, 72:or; scheffley, tllderrdll, w., 40, 33:41; 22. Jobn vn. 49. BAA, 73:)+9i 72tt+?t \8. crea Stuart, CaEhnan, Vaterbury Cen-ter, Yt., 33' 3\t2I; 23. Thoidpson, NilC, 7\to2t 50. Ralph Dordets, NMC, Narhan SenfL, 30, Proctor, vt., J5:13i 2b. Da /e B3:51. (After the flr6t n1le it 1'as Jtur Iieefe Morse, 53, Montpeuet, Vt., 35:rr4; 25. -Charles on..The Nev all the ray, viih Surfoot hangtng vt., 3l+, 35troi 26. Dar. laetca;r,-irahfleldr ovto ;f. Ke11ey l,Ient toim cbsnptonsLip Engfana Ibtne, 36:21; 27. Dave vatervl-le, Gtfford. f6. ei Ken MreILer and Deve Dun€kv. ?leniiy of tropN.a', Ea4over, 36:49; 28. Gsr^J Pov Hanlon, 35, hles anal neaLsls. --Freal 3rolrnr Sr.-vt., ers. 1l+. Esse{ Jct., 36trt!t 29. Peler Nye. rB,Va., 10:r5' Rosers, fin lo,'vt.; 38:25t 30.



CCAA, l+B:O1; 3. Joh]l J, Keuey, 3lA, l+9:43j 4. Bob xlUgrove, waternilfe AC, 50:06, 5, l(etr lare11er, BAA,5O:59j 6. Dave Dunsry, nETC, 51:24











clocked 2:50:29 & va€ avarded the Btt'


pr""" 33

1r4f:46j oslerJ 51:05 1:45:39j cordon, 52:rB, rt47:\4t Jackson, 54:25, 1:l+8:11+ (Mayfreld., 50:51j chlappetts, 51:16, 1:46: 57) reera: 1. I,Eurose A-4, l-3-44; 2, lrashngjron SI)olt Clut 20; 3. Unlted AA 23; 4. south Jersey TC, 27, Offlclafs: Scott 14[16, Joe netuerman, 3111 }larot, 3d Dodd., Bob G11chri31,, Bro\rnina Ross. Race Di"ector: Toe 0e1€r. ,-mIIE RU'\I (OuL & back corse on E. qiver Drlve) the l,ltllrose AA. 12 Noon- 1. Jle Sq-th, Phlla. ACr 26:tA; 2. Ket]' The field of 52 starters covered a three-faP b.ker, uia. r vest Chester Stete Co1lese, Pa., course over the xast & fiest River Drlwes-ln 25:27j 3. Rlch Wers, Phl1a. AC, 27:02; 4. Bob FalmounL Park. Wearher: Ideaf, coor, 60" Berthold, C.IIC, 27,ort 5. Ja,i Shepherd, Phlla.AC, ?7 tOTt 6. larry Slrmoa6. Ph fa. Pioneers. 27:.o: L. J1n McDonaghJ l,l1l1rose AA, 2:12:\q-O 2. Tcm oeler. Penn A.c.r 7. flbert Aker una,, LrsN, Bainbridse, I&., 27t2ai 8. Randy Hoffinan, una., Northes.st IS, Phlla. J 2.44t25 3. Bi]f Gordo4, St. Anth. 8.C., L. steve Jac(son, ?t\rtAl 27 t2% 9, Pa,uJ Lucuski, Penn AC, 27:45t 10. Dave ington- sc, '/ssn zi+)t2L 2t45t24 Ro@Ea6ky, PlLi fa. aC, .a:'.1; ll. Iran Cacve_, AA, AAr Rlck 91ck Rovfeyr Rolleyr l,llurose trltllrose 5. z:)+6t36 Phlla, AC, 28:L1j f2. Bob KleEslin€, Plrila. AC, 6. Herb loxenz, Penn A,c.r 28:11+; f3. A-11an lEskovshl, HarrlBbura A-AA, 28: /, Don T,inda"r. sr. Anthony'6 BC. 2:L7t55 15; rl+. Joe O'Rourke, Phila. AC,2B:17j 15. Vlnce B. Erlc ilaltber, una., r.1., N.Y., 2:51:14 2trl:53 Mascairel-LiJ Pe1r qC, 28:Lo; 16, Dober! Polle. 9, John ca--Le!p, I'E lrose AA, Phlta. Ploneers, 28:48; l?. D€.ve Dtrbble, Hbg.AAA, f0, lbil Corbltt, NTPC, 29110; fB. Jack Redfern, !ula., South carolina IL. har.ry Be"kori!2, So,Jersey TC. 2t51t2\ lro6h, 29:12j 19. Joe lezzi., Pbila. AC, 29tr5t 12. Jtuo McDsde, Mt. Park AAJ y.€ss.' 2:57t39 20, Bot Kuslner, Pertr! AC, 29t55t 21. Gary Bisa, 13. Roser Claik, United AA, N.Y., 2t59t36 irna. SJTC,30:O2i 22. Tod llsher, SJTC,30103;23. N.Y.J rl+. vince Chlappetta, 3:0Or0O r Joe Dauoerr, Pn1la, AC, lO:-l: 2J. -€on Drener, 15. Dave tittlehalde, Unlv. of DeLa.,3:00:48 SrIC, 30:23j 25, l,lark E]'ans r Phila. Ac, 3o:3oj 16. Dr. Ken {11sonj $'in Cttles Tci 3:o1:l+2 26. Psul MccodlsonJ Drexel, 30:32j 27. DeEts 17. 3en Malkasian, MlUrose 44, 3 to5 t50 Elpperi, Hbg. A4A, 3O:55j 28, Ted 3ond, Delamre waghinetoa sc, vinslovj 18, John 3:08:26 T&F, 31:Or; 20. Cuirls 'Urt-e, Pbifa. P oneers. r.9. xat clrulnlck, united AA, 3:.;27: 30. John Stokes, lna., 34:5lt 31. I'lark 20, Joe Jones, Staten Tsland AC, auperstein, ura., Nolcheas-b lS, Phifa., 36:25. AAJ 21. Bltl Coyner Mlffrose 22. Barry Geislex, Jr., Unlted AA, 3:{:58 mru Ru! (r3 & ulder) 2 P.M., E. Rlver Drlve r- r11-rlonansky, 13, sflc, 5:32.0, 2. sklp Ho123. John Kenul, United AA, 3t2\tl6 24. Pat 3urke, Millxose aA, 3125.47 11s, Pennsvll].e TN, 5t3at 3. Jolrn },l1cbaud, Prc, 25. 3ob RonanBliy, south Jer6ey TC, 3t25 t)+9 5:53i 4. Fred Palfrey, 11J salem co. IxcA, 5:53.5 25. Jotrn I,a-ughland, uat., D.C., 3t26t21 5. Jon Darrls, PTc, 13, 6tr9., 6. xdith roster, 27. Bruce 3arck1ov, Unlv, of Dela., 3;26:30 ]'2, PIC, 6135t 7. Debbie FosterJ lor ?TC, 6:39i 28. Madin Gieenbaun, I,Ia6hing-hon SC, 3:26:40 8. Donna Burkhamer, 10, ?Tc, 6:5r.5j 9. Nal]cy 29. Dudtrey Glasser Unlted ,qA, 3:26:)+8 wiLLlaas, PTC, rO, 6t52t l]. Marao Mahalar loJ -3o, Joe Berard, unat., N.J.r 3:33:3! PTc, 7:OL; 11. l4ark Noran, B, prt.a", N.J.'7147. SCr 3:38:06 31. Dawe KnightonJ washl.gton DIAMoND xoNotuT,u, IIAWAII, Kaptolaul Park, 32. lol carrson, Shore A.C., N.J'i 3:39:)+0 1. HEAD RUN, Seplrenber 29, 1968 Sr. Dlvislon33.3i11 Insrahs]l, l4etro. ACr MaEs.,3:Ur50 '-i{IIA 3:lr2:r8 BIU Norrls, 25t\8,5t 2. Reuben tras, 25:l&j 3. 3l+. Eric Geisler, united AA, 3.44132 Joh]rBy Iaerber, 27:38; 4. Mike Hafl, 28:o3j 5. 35. charles 3ror"rx, una., Irld. J una., oreland, Pa., Katz, Robert 3:l+6:28 Earold "(y" Co1e,29:10;6. B1l1 Cooper, 30rf2; 36, 3?. ceorge Braceland, so'Jer6ey Tc, 3:58:19 ?, Sa3l sosettl, 30:38; B. fi-n Ierris, 3l:19. DNF- Ken VanderpooLJ una., Phila.; Eovle JacNotes...Harold "(y" Cole 1s nakine a terrific ob6on & Steve Hatden, l.I. ACt Cirxlngrron Hafl, coneback after having Uganents rerxoved frcm bls wscj Kurt stelnerJ NfPcj Phjl PoLln, uaA; Ton left knee Just tvo shofo nontbs ago' ID a.ddltlon KennedyJ uaa.J N.I.i Moses Mafield, Phila' to that CoIe also had a bursa sac renoved f.on Plon.; Jeff Rock'!rcfl, SnC; nal fiau6er, m BRc; the left knee leawing hln on crutches for iihe Irank lrick, SJTC; Torx fiart, S.I. ACi Ed Co1better part of the srumer. As soon as his crutchlins, una., Baldidn, L.I.i A]len GibaE, fh11a. es vexe tshen al?€y he begen joggiEA & is norn back on iibe starting line for shorter races. * Note- TerryCaltaSher, Univ. of (entucw arrlv ed 1ate, throDah no fault of hls ovrl, & Joined in MNHATIAN 15, (EI,{PIE ,0 at van cortlandt ?ark, et 1,he stafc of the 2nal 1ap. IIe ran tlro Laps ]f.Y., Oct. 22nd 5-t4i1es- a. B. K|\raan' M' 25t52t 2. Ed wa1sb, v!, 25-52t 3. McSrlde, MJ 2b:r2j 4. vith the leader's then one ]ap on hts ov4. fe Phifa. J Pa.J tu'day, Oct. 27th ft A.M.- Jtu1 aebfed across the flnish 11ne looklne as fresh as {hen he started to capture the 4tb annual Wifl1an Ruthauff l.{arathon lrhtch also seffed as the amual Naii'L. IRC tlble r]m. I'{c}onagh clockeal 236.35.6, fsr off ihe course reco.d of 2t2\.22,8 establlsbed lasi year. Too 06ler vas a distant seconal 6bout a Eil-e behlnd the little IrtslrmanJ who represen-l McDonagh

1aI) sp11t6: McDonash, 50:51,



Dars...lr:43 Eigh School

niler in 1957.,.U.S.A,

oLyMpIC rE/{M

by palr lFnin



Statlstics: ,q€e 31, l,{aryj.ed & has chlldren, enptcyed fuU ttue as a research 3 analyEt for the Arme6ote Dept. of tuploylent Securlties,. Heieht: 6 ft. [eiabt: f]+5_f,jo lregan rurDing at age 15, contr)eted in t.ack & cross-country at Minneapohs Centraf E.S. and the Univer6ity of Minnesota. Best lterk6 | looy- U.3j 4l+Oy- 51r.9, 8BOy,2: 03.9, n e- 4:25,2-n1re_ 9:09,0, 3_n11e, r1+, 01.b, lo-ei1e, 5t:09j t5-dres_ t:lO:fo.l+, Personal

25kn- 1:21:14, Mamthon- 2:23:45. Ror r.as NaLional Jr. Ctr. HoLr nun Chal})loD Ln ^-AU 1965, he has hefd 4j1erican track records at the folLou:ns d isrances: 6,OooD, B.OOod, 15_ m.les. 25.0000. co- von Ehe t\aL,l. AAu rdarathon chanplonE]llp ln I95?. H16 best shovins ln Lhe Bos on l,taraEnoD care ,h1s sprlng ,h;ir Ron finished 5th. Ron ls 6e1f-coached. Els trsini.€ has been influenced gr'eatly by ti€ pbitosoptry of Arthur

Iydlard of Nev ZeaLanai. Ron tralns aDDroxi!1alely It mo-Lhs ouL or bhe y.".. r,u * t t"t" occaslonaf short rest periods ol a {eer. or Lqo for psJchologicst reason6. Lijs yearly runnlng progra.n begtns h late NoveEber after a tro reek "rest". (Thts expfalns ht6 ])oo! record tn cross-country). ills prosran t6 dlv1_ deii lniro tlree phases: Plrase G,re: Usually rasttra fron 4 to 6 l,eeks_ .ons1st6 !rima-: ) o. dlsLence n-trirg to bujld a base fo" fu u-e running. A !J.pr cs-L veek ls aB follo'ls; Suday - 22.,o 25 nilesl Monday- f5 nilesj T'resday- 1i ndtesi i.led._ t2 nil€s fadfekj Thurs.- fB ndtes; Ixlday and Sat.- f5 oifes. -4-11 ru.lrnlns done on roads or city stxeets & u6uauy at niAht. Tt€ average pace t6 fron b to 7 ndns. per nr1e. Pha€e Trro: Ilill rork and lndoor treck. Thls ])base i6 for race conditlon and to build ur a Lolerance o speed ru.nn, og. The hill rorkout that, 1s rcferred to 1s consid€Ied to be one of the no6t |eortant alf around generaf conditiontng v.oikouts that Ron ri6es, the forkout places stress on sI1 of ihe nuscle grou])s iihat are used in r:Dmlna. fhe ulhirL 1,rn1ng e@pha6 izes ln€e tlrt a;d art! aclion. Tbe do n hitt rurdng eEphastzes Etrlile and free arid action & p"owlde6 soire excette4t condlttonlry of the f,o!.,er abdoninaf ard lover back nuscle6. T.he sprint rill}ntlg eq)has1ze6 fast r1rnnlng \"ath relaxatio!. The worlout l!6eLf constsr,s of a 3 nl.le run varmup. 66Oy u! hltl at good efforr, Jos 65oy, ObOy do\{A htn fast, Jog s lrl+O and 3 x 22O '!r1tb a 220 jos betr€eu. the h111 gequence 6nat the 22OtF represent a "Bet,'. fhe totaf rorkout consists of 4 sucb set6 & s 3 n1le run ior a {ana d.onri. The totai. nlleage 1s abor.rt 14. fione of the roxk is tlneai, EU of tbe lunnlnA ls done on,effortrr. A ty])lca1 veek il\rf,tng phase two ls ss follorE:

S'jn, 22 -!o 25 n11e6. Mon. & Tues. Fll:t ,orkoujj. wed. Lnterval /orr 01 tbe lrack, !o6eib\r a tad_ der.rorloub. 22A, )')+O, 66A,88O, anC a,L. a s.nu each. 22O or 4rO Jog beLreen. ,I\Jo 6e!s, or, x UdO in 2:12 - 2:tl+. oc J x I ]njfe iD I:,4 e!c. thurs. & Iri. I{1IL vorkour. Sat. lntervat ru].1lnp o! track t Lne tlta.I. r'l1fee: Usually s!€rrln€ in esru March. _Pbase prepa-Btlon 0rreca for raclng, EundsJ jO r0jtes; Monday l5 n1Le6j Tuesday gitL or easy 10 nltesj veil. track speed 60 x 1lo. Io x ??0, ?o x l/+O. or comblnaLlons of all ahree, Tlureday tg mltesi r-:day 15 nllesj Sat,. lonaer irre.v.ls r, -L r,e. 2, 'r lllles, etc. ec a pace fron r:OO to 5:qO;ef nlle. Ron uBuafg doesD t resc te"o-e a rce. hoveverr befoee i4porta1! coq)et1 ...ons he riL take e day off tvo dsys before the neet and Just Jog 3n easy c mltes ].he clay be.o.e !re race. ae_ fore top fltght coEpetttions Ron vXlt ,,taDer" down bis wordoube before the raceConxpetitlve tactics usuatly call for s udforu pace fo. the best tine. Ron ldlf resdJi.lst the pace aL toe halfqy point ro n€Le h-.n.q - F. uaco*to".aole ro' ir,! .pp*:t]oo. il;"-i" ;;;."i_ a1IJ L rue if oe is mnEing asernsL rudners oi EuBedor sl)eed or those supposed to be bia kickcr6. Ron wl11 traln tr,ice dally l,hen the tlae & h1s enlhuslaso oerDtL, Tle !0or! LD€ nr 18 us_ ual.ly a rr njle at, ?:OO lace in sodl! ron !o the regularly plantred woxkout. Ror fol-lor.s no illetery fads, and ls abte to eat 2 !o 3 Lo""u before r.unrdng. orkouts are pl:aI_ ncd carefu1\y 1n detatl 3 to lr i1onthIj i, advancePrerequtslre6 ror soheduftne are 11 cmpetltir€ goafs, aDd #2 the nnner's capabijltjes, ,lc 1s one tblng to set u? an i-r4)resslve strinA of $orkoute; but quite anothei to actualty eet out & do the!t,'r Ron states. Schedules are ba6ed on lasb ru.rtlllg erlTerlence, ard careful conslderai;ion 1s glven es to hov vorkouts xelate to each other frod day to day and. fxo.1 veek to l,eek. fiorkouts are set up io prosress thror€h ptanned stages of develop4ent rather thsi e hlt or rdtss day to day basls. avera€e dai!. vorkouts are not eepeciar_ -Ron's ]J. atfficult. Most eood hteh Echool or co_Lreae l'unners hould do qu:Le retl .Ln oosL o" Lherx wllrhout a lot of difflcutty. Un-Ilke a tot of ho! doggersr Ron ts nore interested in aood races rha. tn Aood lorkouts as such. We a]-l kno'I of who never loBt a vorkout. and 'u]1!ers hardfy ever vor a race, Big des sorae sqdr1 rLDE 30 I !-06 ln 6?6 add one! Lu,-ns odb a c raDpy 4:19 nile after 4 years of hard hlgh schoot and 4 aole years of hard college nrnnlngr and after kllllng hji0self for those four years 1n colfege he har cut t!|o o?. three recondc off his best a1le -tiEe tn high schoo1...fn June or July Ron ril-l o te'l repeaL Dbase *r ana ae at rirougl ress tl.[re 1s alfotted than vas ear11er. Thi6 ls done of necesslty, io "recharge the batterleE',, obtain a 1ev endurance bs€e. and Lo regain coepe.ii:lve e]1thuBlasn, Ror plans to contlnue cc,npeiitiilve runnl!€ indefinttelir, and to conttnue to lrpro]/e alf of hts @rk6 st a]l illstances.

JC Exequiive Loves Maraihons

Burns, Nearing lat






Still lluffs und Puffs


edsy chan



ad Fn jd

bderb," irydrrv


f such a hlnf, io d. *heo Iotr hunre aM bu e

arno$ as adrye




sch"rck a.d schen&. bc.. or

cr,b, niahr rok

$ e€r



cirl hcrdh'ir Jinny Ddl' *q rh. lo.dt %'ouid rhi Boy', .*. tuic. .id {r. a* rotr Mcrclhoi on... t. Iorr hir |tl. ii flond.B d4i&

$i, !rLD,



io rh. Jah€d

",C,lT:\"j".11i;*,", .",

b ire lGton Madho4

Joe B!r'5 ond hh sons eefine


but ii,


,si he ". ,.


.r. * .. ue

rsdy for

McNully Viclor tn gnesler Kuh

mdrorhon rui.

,;. s . ^r,d_,."' l" " "

Gary lroNu4y, I,

spomd rr th4u!!Ibi'



6[, !k.ed l4de bei4 oLckld n n iie Jt rHnl ivdwd L&rry co!nes,.j, ot ihs Phjl:r \Iikereids,m!6lcl€d''Ilrey t?cion Post No:

second 0:6r.3s.



.\ l.,(a

-"i'',-..'odd n!.,.hb,ouehhcs!;*d

0utstsndin€ Colorado Rrilmexs


P2 1lR l]ngli'h !'rcb6i ,,1 st Jlha Eigl. chhheste.

thh |m rhar <€EBns ei6 IomMer-rd he\ . bli 0. r$ 14\,oi .-ot,' Ai$.tr




thotr ar rtre ase or i3. There ..rs"'F,"U|.""nd'1a"..8.\|s^E|cHBoRldBhtedho|'''m'€i{d3+i



' \ bie hr dth his ranily. h addi ju$ remry tned his trand d






sd Meo


Doift olt ih.ir county .n naP to a-y.:r-old J;.atl'ad Glilil, lon 01 th.n !o5t,

D. Walrm

PlansoD-Ctarf oad-Codvln

Floyd Goil|.l|i

Guild ol Lcnn*on,

,= 26


ry Bob !,'hlte, Cross-Country Coachr Alba]ly PubUc Schoolsj ALbany, Wtsconsin 4n eleuentary echool nestted alaone the rc111ng hlffs 1n the cheese corntry of southern wl'consin can probabfy lay cfain to the tvo best-ea€r narathon r.rnner6 fron the ss,,e graaie school. Ig,ny yougsters, feellng the urge to vsnt to runJ have entereit Earathon races: In_ evii:ably they d1d not reallze hov far 26 ntte€ 385 yards actstly !€s unttl they aleclded to try and run that far. Fev have flnlshed thts gllrelling of att races, and tho6e vho d1d {ere only too gfa.d to get to the enit of the race, by runnlng, ,a*ir€ vhen necesgary, ana! cravt_ 1ng if needbe. the Albalrv Publtc schools proviaes lhe educational e.vlro'ooeit for the 9oo ttrhsbltants of Albanvr w16cons1n' a rlver-bend comunltv located 30 aile€ south of l,Iadi6on, the state car,ltof. The schoof boests a student po!!-latlon of te6s thsn six hundred puplts 1n att tvelve With the chief node of ltYir\E ln the comrunity belng farnlng, the youth of the viltagesrad;s. have turned to dlstance :rl]Ding as a neans of enJolaent, Or June 30J 1958 the zenlth of thts dlsrarce run]dng pr ran vas reached ss tvo thirteen_ year-ofds ccDleted ln an AAU Earathon rm at lrrtuconsln State Universlty-tlitea.ater. The tvo youn€ runjners not only conleted in the iacej but they flnlsbed, ,ithout m]}ing, in trenendou8 tlne, lventy-nine harriers began the iul1; ij enty-one entrants conpfeted it. Dan Aeschli_ nan garnereal tenth place wlth a 3:27:19 effort. Tracy crark csptured th€ t2th posftion vlth a 3:44:12 clocklng. Both boys had Just conryleted the Tth arade last sp::i.€. Both boys vere less than ftve feet ta1l and velgheal less than 90 pouids at the tiie of rhe race, rne on\y person' vho were not rea1ly asazed at the narethon resutts were the boys ihe!0se1ve6. Having- been avld dlstence rri-lninA ccmtr)eiitorE sincethe fitth gmdeJ the t.!ro younAsiers nerely took the 26 mlfer in Btride. !ir1l11e an 1t-year-otd, Ae6chLir0€.n recorded clockiDss ;f 5:15 and 13:09 1n the one and tvo-nlle runs respecti1rely. A year tater he hsd ripped off besi:s of ,:3f and f2r04, tasi sprlng he pogted a 5:15.8 E e and an 11:36.3 two m1te. Clark had best6 of 5:29.4 and 12:15.6 prior to the narathon. Joined by classnste fie lrayJ atso thirteen, the Albany harrlers ccmpeted in a Lo_ntle road race 1n t\.l11vaukee on Augu6t 2rth. After cfockina 3112, for the flrst 5 n1tes, Aeschhrdan cane hone 1n b5:34,1. Clart corxpleted the t0-n11e Jaunt rn Ti!:50.5r vhile T\"€y crocked TB:51,9. In an ai:tenpt to pror€ tbat thetr dlstaDce rul]rli..g abllity ]ras no f1uke, Aescbliran and Clark conblned to corapete 1a a t.ro-Ean tetr-nl1e refay postst race sponsored by Track Ttrdes of OLt raIria Sport Vi11age. !,rhlle rurrnlng a 44o st a tiEe and handiEa tne lator to-ilE iEiIJu_nner. ihe tvo boys totaled ,3:5f.8 for the futf ten nlles, Aescbti.os.n avereged ZB,l+s per 4\O v;ile cfark vas conins hcme in 83.18, Their coablned tea.n averEiae ,,ras 8o.?s: Tway ijea.ned vlth fet1o1{ claGsnate Kln LyIe tn the saue race to total 58158.6; averasins BB.as. rDdividuallyr Tway !-as 88.66 vh1le l{y1e averaeed B?.?s. These boys are four of only 22 in their c1a66 at, schoot. Tl:rese folrl l3-year-olds are not the onty distance "nuts', in Al]any. Teo l1-year-otd6 sre shooting for the @rks established bytbeli predecessors. Steve Ffood anil Martin ctass also participated in the tvo nan 1o-!x11e relqv dd they 6topled the crock tu 66tf3 for an everage of 99.3s per 4{0. Indiylduauy 41ood averased 105,3s and ctass r.as 93,26. Tbe t,o 61xth smilers have clocked 6:17 snd 6:30 respectivety for i,he nite & reen {ith Ton Scheider, 5:19, and Clayt Sovf, 6:48, to glve the sixth grs.de teao a loi. of pover. The cru of i;h1s lnflux of dlstance nrnners goes beck to the pbys:car educatton ctass 1n ,hich €fl boys. ,th tbrough 12tb grades, a"e tiEeil in a lolte at the begimi.g of every g]11 perlod. The classes are divided lnto i:ea.os & the -be€rs coq)ete agalnst esch otne. neet every day of gJm c1ass. Here 1s rhere the lnteresir attltuder & enthusiasm 1s born. Here also is where the runner6 are born. There 1s no shod-cut to distance runnlng. The name of the Aere is vo.k. But when -!he dlu€Aely is rdade to be fu,r, the battte is nore than hslf von. In fir/e years no 1lf-effect6 have coD: as a result of thi6 alstance rming program. In the vlnter the diEtance drops to d BBO around the outside of .!he S.mna6iun. Then in the slring the classes are back outside on the !!ite course. Fouth graders can't valt u.,rtlt thev are in the fitth grade so rihey can 6tart rurlllEg the nxite. The & 6th graders can't valt util physical educatton cfa66 so they can try & breeJr-lheir tilxes. The best part of the entire 'th prograr ls that it t,ekes no eore tllan 15 Einutes froB the re6t of the schedu-led phyBtcal edu_ caiion culricullrn. fhe€e phenonenat tlne6 did notJ however, colle Just a6 a result of the !hy_ slcal education tralnlng. This 16 onfy the beginntng of the progralr. Here is {here the talent i€ found. Because 1t is found at thls age tevef it ean be devefoped to it's fu-Uest extent. Many extra hours vere put in to practlce to pioduce the6e trernenilous tllxes. The start thet these youA boy6 have atbfetlc,wlBe, heal-lh-wlse, anal letsule-tire wlse is unbetievabre. hevitabry the dlstance rilmlns r€cord books rilf eventuarv contain soneone fron Albany, l{lscoosi.n - a to1'11 of only 900 peopte Eulporti,s a school {hich has no nore than 25 boys 1n each of its glades,

12 1SAR OID r'4,BATnO$ BOY By lrark Mccaffrey, Tbe Austrauan narrier Ap"U 19th 16 Patriot's Dey la Bo6tonr Mass. & tbe day of the Boston Marathon. Jolnlng a erou? of U.S. dlstance runnerg 1n a coEbi-van thls Eunny nornlng in '68 to travef out to-bhe starb I tooh nqr eealr in the front afongslde a sLirl flaxen-he.ireal 12 year old. boy He l'aB c1ad in a veIl-vom track 6ult and rore road shoes. "oolng to have a look at the Ma!athon?" I asked. "I'nr going to rrm tn 1t:', he Enlled ba^t aL ne. I oldnrt Lnov vhs" uu "GoshJ" I sal.d, "It's a long vEy: 25 olles", "sure 1s" he agreed. Caught up ln the pre-race fever at gopklnton, Unln€ up for the nealcal, checkirs ln wlth offlcials & ])linl!g 4r nunber on ry v6st, etc. I conq)letely folgot about SarrJ C'eisler the boy frcEt New Yoxk, vho vas to tackte-th16 aa,-lslzeal as8lgrarcnt on thls u'ausually warn Boston nornlng. There vas an hour to go and about 9OO euys a'ere nlftlAg arourd valtlng f,or the oraler -bo proeeed to the stad. lia]f au hour or ao after f, had caLled lt a day at 20 nl].es I ra€ pushlng ilf .l.ey tlrough the tbrong of peo])le on the slaevalk a6 a 1o!g st?ing of tlreal & sveaty rurmers trotteal alolg the road lreadlEg to tbe f1n16h to the eDcouragenent of the enthu8laslrlc onfookerB. A shout l'ent up r'fieyj Inok at thX6 kXd:'r & there he l.esr Barry Gelsler, EttU- rl]nrlna 3troDAry, eid looklns so tnstgnlflcant, as he naile h13 r'ay through the city streets to the hlAe Prudeattal Centre & the ena of, the gruel-lng 26 ntler. I feli, asha.meil. "Surely tf this boy cou-ld. alo it???:" Sarry!|as cl-alped f,or & encou)isgeal hy the El/EI)athlzln8 anal petronlBing publlc vho, ltke ne, fou.nd lrhat th€y r.ere seeIng, qutte haral ]to believe. But the young6ter did not seek syralatlr; he 61111 hail a ,rLl€ or tro Lo go, and he Es set on getttla to that flnlsh l1ne ro natte} vhat. fle nade lt alriAht & a loig ttue before nany other gq.s traoe as old Es he. Sarry Gelsler, 5 f,t. velghinA 92 IbE, 12ylar-otd, a nember of the Lhlted -AA, hss ru! fou! Ea?athona -bbls yesr, at thts r.litLng, and finlshed thes a1l under 3 hrs 38 nlns. ne ran tbrce of lbea fitbh slx veek6 snal tbrer ln a lO,0O0!r & 5,0OOa track race betreen for Aood

qvas passtng hl.nli hlhen asked "Eos aoout trle trslnlDg of rhese anazltA ktd.s'l, 3arry, gr. sald that 1t goes 6or0eirhlDg lllle thi6; In ,ec. -IErch Sarry & Eiic do elo$ dlstance vork. They hav€ coq)tetad l.O &i1es 1n one day--thelr biggest lqlglng ln a alay. Theix blggegt !'ee!f,y taqy leacbed lI? ntlgB. In AI)fi] to Sept. they work oui on th€ track fot speeai. XrenlnAs it is B i:o 10 n11es x-countra letueen5andSo'clock. In ocb. & {ov. no6t1y x-country witb occaslonal 2 aDd 3 !.11e racea on thc track, lhe bcys lun

cver-'r alay except I'rialay, u.nl-css the r€ather i6 vel'.r b8d, t'ut lD cc]lll}etltioa they ll'llllDgfy face raln, snov or Elcet. Que6tloneal oace by a corcernetl offlctal ae to ehetber thlE ntAht have been llar:lfu.l to boys of such terlaic! years. Sarry C€isfer, Sr. satd, 'rI alon't thlnk-lhat a Ean or tcy rho ts not !by6ics.l\y capable should be al].olred to coq)ete. " The boys' best tlBcs for tlle shorter alistences sre! Sarry- MlIc 5:2O, 2 l,11le8 11:56, 50O0d 19:20.

tttc- 5.5o,

I2:.5A, 22tAo. ree- tnle 7:20 (he also enjoys l-00 & 22O yds). Ron- l,n1e 9:50. Inlaglae hov T, a vereratr arhlete, experiencedj e3!ec16,llJ at ltarathone, felt vhen tatfilrg again 'r,tth yourg SarrT as ha Bat vtth l0rrt gteiner in the cafetella of the ?ludenttat_ Centre havlng a Felcoee aDd l.ell-earEed post Darathon dlnoer. Tl]b bc'y bad Just fln1shetl a ftr1I iaarathon & thou€ht of lt aB Just enother race. t haa had tioubles & flnlshedl at 20 li1f,e6l nrl-L of adnlratlon I gave hie an Arstl€.Llan shoulder.badge, ms eye6 -iilened as h€ sald, "cee, thenksi" Sollehov he cou-ldn't qultc 8ee a'hy f, ras 60 iDrpressed, a&szealJ alrd so frill of adLnlratlo!. Nobe: 4n AL6sie boy, ceoff nenf,Jr, rjr lrcm rc€ca. lon, recentfy ran the Vtctoria t4arathoD 1n 3:10:46.



LIFE RACE, S8rday, oct, 13, t96B Bob Chambers, Philadefphla finlshed flrst enong 101 contonders ln tho 1st annual raco sponsored by tke Vic.rrio's ]!YL proaran. Chanbors was first ovef the full, 26nilesr 385y dlstance fron lansdale to fndependenco Hal]. ln Phil"a. l,loses Mayfield, PhL1a. !lone6r AC, ca.ptured the half-nara-

thon that was held in coniuiction. The?e were 22 fenalos and Bl- tnaies for s total of f03 stanters, Entpi€s came f"om New IhlE anaztng youlg8 Ler i6 the 6on of Barry Jersey, N6r{ York, ohlo, WiBconsin, Penna,, Celsler, Sr., !.it@ resd.er6 dgbt have gu€ssed, and there \ eie soven pariricipants lron 13 a allsts-rce runner. 3ut the str)ort in the Canada. The you.r€€st ontrant was E, Afcott lly d.oes no-t eoal there. Thelc l.s a you.nger f11, U^yeals of ago and the o1d6st nras G. brother, Erlc, 11 years of age, a tratEtug & Hess, d4 years of age. Cel'tificalies weni, raclng ccall)anXotl of 3arry, Jr. I'ho has three to el-l flnlshers. (Ed, u A fi6ld of LoJ lxarathons to his crediti Ertc'6 best 1E only starbers iti a RFYL }rb.rathon ls qLl:Le en 4:OB for the ili6taace, but lnst iEit ar.htlei accompllsbment ln my-estlmationlfi) AlL of A4dL yet aaotber d.l8tance r:unner 1s ke, age 7, the ]eadi.ng dignltaY'les of Lansdale and wbo bas run u! to B Dd].s. But holdlfl RoD, Phll-adelphia w6!6 on hand s.t lrhe stast & sge 4, has run lr 1/2 nlle5 croEs-country-fnon- finish of thLs anazlng event. The Mayor of Etop) ht]'b aad a.ll: Bar"y,Sr. told lle the.t ln Lansdale presented a torch 1ro Mike Vicalio a "Iiln for !'rm" Elle race, Ron 6tarbed crl-lng and G€orge Braceland to carl3y at the starli becaus€ he couldErt nll faster and everyone

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