voLUI\!E l.t
ocToB[,R. ]969
.wilh the ead and thN tnrcs and the shador,'s. Jcfomr Da!torr moves vicl!ry n lhl] Spr ngirrnk l2 Vl l0r (r'b-. bv Ni.L DicuDo)
towards evenl!al
? Tru Lotic )IJtAlrcji I,o,i A fUriLiC_lIToIi toti RU]I JTIS By i:tu'.llt-uls .,,clu].lr Il, tlo. 166 ocToBliR ]969 Pxblished ronthl"r under il€ auspice3
r)1. the t'd-......,-1.1 1 1 --. 0. r..-o , . .: : ": o: _1.. s: :.. ... . ro :). , ' 1".r .rre.:- o . ;., tru. . a-7 ' s.. r .o _ s "1 ":l. .. :j_ cJy', !r.s -
Secohd class poataqe paid
at Tucson, Arizona subscriitlons ana reio!a1. sh...rt,t he !€.t -l!_err ,ir tLia. i. ! "cl a. L. ! :o .1oe..,o "lr' .d "3 .".;...'r. 01 o-r La,-r " -i o-: o-:.t. "-o..-:n -.,J0 ", rl-t. UprLEr St,, I'oodrur:I! tr. L JoL)!rl
.L-:-t_,).-..., --r: .-: o.. orr -.'-:-... -- ..-r r. (r . )) . - .,. - :on) ".1 lll"" " .E' t/z p.
;', : i". " '- t +': ' crr:_rr,1_s!:li!4 : ":rr ' {lo,:3f,i, "'" ' - , r, .,'1 .' .. ;.,': ij. -:r ';..,: i:; i'ri ,l';l'.{r^."i ", ,..- . ;: , ,ii;-i I: I i,l4?3i1.'' (" c,rrr {,r=._jr+st !qj!]!r:!4 '' ,'1,.. .. ,, 1i"' .., -:"
, li,
..-titi: tu li. :a I t. r !o.1Eh t:0q:22 2:16:58
rr" 2:2t\:aq ;. l.o 1'itz Itt\:a2 r:r!.oz z:zLi.*!t i.l..ii:'-" i: lil;3j i; 3it;i? c ri" ft" I:51:58
a a..o Ls;n EliTlRi]LL ][tt Tl,llill]tc DL1.Iy (Devrtofed dLrj:tn; :L L1 r-. 0I - e , 1:s.o-r,in f1:. .s ,e"t I .ri.tL. It tncluies colol.ed floektJ. synopst: paies aie trojection sheets. The best thin8 around, It actual1f, lrakes i/ou 1.,ant to k€-^p ; diarl. Ti16se ar6 dosigneo to be put into snntl loose teal aotebooLs. They se]l for $2.00 ano ere iolJ availebfe lrorn long Ustarce loa. DTST,{IICE TRAjiiINii A DflA.G? :ead Joe Henderson,s LoIIG SIOI DTsTAlirCrt, *2.00 fron Track & ,Dietd Ners, Box 296, lcs Altos, Cetifofnla 9l+022 sur' t-o '.^1,/: :tF-:n .K. - ..,.erra ._scsB:o, r, . er o-1, 10lro8 I 'e.- rr { .OO (8 jsql ." -,00 '1l Ls , .es . € r ,- articles, personality sketches j noe b/ sctre.iules, traininE lnf or, s6as onal su!,rrari6s, conpt€ te rer aroa c overage r DoN'T IIISS ThE AXllUiL 20 ltil_,E Tlt&tl TROT at l -o bel , :'.r]_1nl sooj.,o,o .. -ocn.et! J1'.ees, 5.1.8 , lro-e.bor 30 r r p.I.{. .ro;lles to -l 15, .l. o I .:1o . ,d ' "-n- ,-nile -nt-1-s "-o. Lo.ls C, jrs.s(1o1i, ".oo r I oa Tu-,dc", lockLi e, ;re-rI..; .0c:l so"T.l-:;.0., LoDn or ':Lt!5 L.r_ I:-L- RO-r A^C_ S.n.-.r Je-rLe.: _, 1970 2 f.Jr. -o illq .,, rs , .1r.s. a(1.,1'B -.; 9o1nj.D-c,-. Iunero o .f oloe-i r,., I 'o fltu. ., Retrgsinenis- SmorAesbord at Etks, Ctub ait6r ih6 rac6. lntry forns fron illll1lm !. lia;rnon. 51 Retnal lit,, southinaton, CorLr, 061+39 60tl: Allr.lUAL BJRIrlcr lirrtrilj]O;!' - ti lnks ivli j Dr]. l]cl..iriro! 27, a9a, 2,AA p.t{", !er!1ck, ponna. 9,3 1{11es. Alrardsr Dlanon.l FlnSs, Enaraved Tro .1 s, 1;^cche , SL.fLeties..Cntrl "or-s t"o. secrelar.y C. I,ltlfred 9011er, B.14.A., 211 LLlzei.ne Avenuo, Berdlck, Pema. Conpllod lry RoEer Gynn (Includas a tory of tho l4arathoni llorld T,lsts: i.,o!ld bost pelf o.nxers i Pro{r6ss iv; Best Tln€s; Annual Classic
i!tf,l+;ii,iii: ii,il;i#'i8l;+*,;!,i?,1..u j.l -""', or", l.:"i -. ,';, i , -. ...
brlef hisAU tine Cont tnental InternEtlonaf i1-1 s :l€ u]t€. "rd ',tina.fs; J.sr ;1.l.0 'ro .1 Lor Jr --s1co loa. 10 i rf Co o- - ., Conll'Lorlrts Cor DLs!snc€ RLL.}TUnA bt Toa Os1"r $1,00 fron I,ona Dl.siance Log
"p. .cl i trp;etts r:er t.t-t,-1i p1rou6Lr
,ia6 :04:5 3l,0t ni,iics !r ';i" i"
!s iollols:1:12:cB, r,'.,58,";,.: 2. 23.58, ?;,.31j3,l3i. 9Ilrers_r,r o dii ror flni:h:
', . i: I,jr" 'i"l'-*
'+" r:r ; 3, : :L :
i: lj
i;iti;;;i:; i,iit.;{ Jerone [1€iner., it4i:l
L l^Ol,l
2.25tIl+,3t'ata-7 05;10 r2 i l? 2:5":to l-: s:bL,ic 2 1).1^ .l i
unat., t:U]:36
Tirlt. CD"IOR-
,l: .:,":-D:: . :: '''
J( .o:.r L.a. o..
r' ^a r; or 'r
to"o A
G g)row
D,rro*.= The Humane Way
"jogger" tells all
LAD (Long Slow DistaDce) has beer buch talked aboul smorg disrance & .oad runn"6 o, htp. It is a lraining theory which claims that daily workoub .an bp pl"surablc even to. rop ctds runh".s-
and. as such, provides an alternative to tha
(piin, torture, asony) rboot of
tlainire. which often hay do morâ‚Ź harm th.n eood.-
Joe Hendelson's new book provides a c6tumon seNe exposition of LSD, with ilus-
trative exampl$ from the trainine of such distance siars
Bob Deires, Ed Wnros. and Tom Osle! (@ith biographical accounrs),
all of whom are converts io the "new" mâ‚Źthod. Joe Henderson, wetl-hnom trachftiter & runner, mif$ iucidly & convincabout fhe subject. It is ruly 'ngly a book that dust be rcad by all runners, fus, Md coaches, 64 pages.
Therets a Human Being in that Sweat Suit Marv Rothenstein, an "over 40" non-racing runner, who logs 5,000 miles a year, explains why and how he does it. This rs a highly personal approach packed with vatu, able practical advice geared to the middleaged beginner, but the biographical account and general remarks and information on the "art" of running makes this a book of unu, sual interest to all readers, whatever your age, and whether you race competitively, jog for fitness. or never put on a running
Well illushared. 1969.
October. 1969 order
295, rOS ALTOS, CAUF. 94022
vc on ol lra.k & FielJ New,
by 'led CorbiiiJ N.Y.P.C.
l, 1969 this ny fitth trip to tu in the London_to-Bdgh_ ton 52: nile rcad !ace, I visited rhe Sioke l'ledevitle Hospiial. The reputaiion oi lhis .ehabiliiaiion center and ihe presence ol a patient nmed !.bebe Bikila
Ay1€sbury, Ensland, octcber
Lr 11
\e SI B!
I{o DO
En T6
so. S4
5t 6O
llc 9.: Tr Se,
Most nalathonerc and,fans are aBare of the had luck !n.l se.i t.e tto L 0a 0 ymli - _j'lor chrDio' Lo ihts ilat,ional Spin.l lnjuries Cenier of Englandr Niih a broken 4eck sjx nonths a8o. tike ihen, Irve been lronderjns how likila was mking oui. I s!e!t th€ day obseNing various activiti€s ai the hosliial. I first sloried Bikila in occulltional Thelsw. He not hEs a beald. He {as placticing tlitln8 his nailve lsnguage. He didn't fook h.!!y. laie! I feamed ihat he h.d fecenily iniured hls hdd Du.ing luch I n€t Bikilars Occupaiional TheraplstJ a Inericd born xnSlish si.li and his rhysicaf The.e!ist, a prelly cerhe 8i!1, key figures in his rehabilitation. The fotuei slaied ihai 3ikila tas in a chee!ful @od. The laiie!, in lesloise to n\t questlon. "l,lhat, ale his chances oi {afkih€ asain?' said, shakins her head negetlvel-y, 'not, too so.d,' At the end of ihe day I levisied !h€ slo.ts sr:adiM corplex io *atch Bikila in a tabLe letuis class and io talk to hi!. The slods Siadiu feaiules i4doo! & outdoof lacilltie6 lo! archeryr wheelchair racesJ reishtlifiins, bd1in8, s{i,mins, vo1leyba1l, Ii€1d evenis, eic, InteFnaiional rcdified ollnpic sdes 'o. -ne 6p ne injureo hdve oeer le'o ai lhis sDo'rs conplex, Bikila, on this occasion was iaking on ito fenale pati€nis ai lable temis to eaercise his ansi all rere in {heelchails. BikitaiE Engush is inprovinS but hls phvsical thera_ pi3t hzd su8g-sred _n.' I L-1< ro nii wi-h the h' ! ol ;other lalieni who speaks boih lasuased. t1l I wani_ ed io do Ba€ io greei hifr, to te1l hjr that I 1{as in the Boston Malalhon race h€ ran, io te]l h1f hol{ 1 hir hdr be happen€d to con€ by io 5e€ hin, dd !o ask rrl'n l€eljng wa; doinS. Hls hos! jrportant .e!lv {as,
a cross-country tear, L. There ale 2. lhe charie! nenberc had hal seven beers at t,he iine of nde seleciioi. 3. lecause of its Blblice1 olisia {c it.. alliiera+ior -n€ na- is dislirc.ly -u!1 , : . 4. IndividuaUJJ the deadly sin6 c1n sere as i.spiraiioD for a liDer. nnough alolo&r for our nmel In a itu€ when 'noiherl ..
{lth deslructi6n, rords trrsi be c.r-:t.r:a Jntt in conloi exdple. A good rrrnner s'"rires 1.. ihe finish tine tlge - lus 'c .. .l i Envls beiier nlrers ard c.rets their s!rength Takes lride in hi6 erd€:y..s and tnae6 his sloih ro i6 AU!!g!9]9 n r. ir:.r
Siven abili'Lies.
-o p _.:cio re:1, ... .o. ning fo! t{o rcasonE: lu and ji!.c1'ea r.2l:r' ife hope io f6ier a prolifer3tion oI distrnc: .a.i"s so ihli anyone of ally ege or leve1 oi cohFereare r:y conlete *ith rmers of app.oiiistely his abiir:i .n . regulai le d
rot discout.ee the as.etic tl,!: t.. seehs io other pu4ose in lile than !.ri.Lrng hn6e1l ove! vast d*trances ai incredinle rai.s .: sleed, We ehlhaiically insistj hdever ihat, i:e:: ls dore !o Lile iho nnning aroDd in ciicles, :.r Edch hore per. ha!s, but sufliciently nore 60 r:h.'" :. .r: shoutd expend ihe mjor lo*ion of his phlsrcil :rd ehoiional energieg in merery running io r-he ::si .l his abilitv Thele are {onen io 1ove, jobs t. dr, i.oks to read, children io .aise, delicious iood .m beverages io ingesr, C-.hd .u nyon end -q Fl ie.:. \" -1_1 nge o s ihe surer 3drl ad Faquel WelDavid and Raquel We
have no
ln iis
proper leFlecr:iv€ codpetiiive distdce
rurhing is a mean6 to live more fuffy, to lhink nore clearly, ro be itul,Y calable of dtchareine duiies anc At. the iable temis instnrctolts tnvitailon, I Pushed enjoying !1€asures. clearly, ihi. i5 nore iilorial'" Ab€be in his {heelchalr ffoh the Siadis back to hls thd c@peiritive *cel1ence ail. On ihe *ay I goi a Sood look atr his m$cles. Itis To achieve ou! 8oals we lld io sponFor e !2mihon sp-ne is o.ok€n r! Lhe Ld,ter eld o" his n"ck. 5o som€ proglm shich wifl stad earlv ir l9?0 & do8L\y dav€lopaent rugc-€5 a.e h'6 lo{er and oi h-s am ru6ctes rhich;iu pfovide laces oi 10, 12i 15r 20, .nd 26 niknocksd out. This great naraihoner will noi nin again_ 1es. Fuliher info'relio4 on ihis lrog.si ai1l be Mi1_ unless ihe nedlcal worLd cd* up wlih a wav to repau to ILve ed a€ Eoon as our Ples arc farned uP. bei-ag ilained a seveled spinal co!d. Bikila is Io. infomation or a copy ot our @iling Lis'" coniact out h.ts Lif€ {1ih l{hai he haE left aB hav€ @nv oiher ln stride' ii, aU 0R Vinceni l. l'lal] h€ is taktng r. (lause ApPalent.Iy Charles good soldiels. )rJ) r, L11?:.:rn (Ed. 'red focaor to nenlion (h,L he finlshed Eecond U01 W. 1l€tlitsion chicago, Illin.is 60609 Dave 60657 behlhd tlunois r ce in Chlcago, onaon-io-arigLton 5:)8:Ll Lri tne t Phone #327-??aa Baeghaw of 9ou!h lflica (5t2e.53), He also plamed io ru; a tiack IOO rale lace at nidnisht on oct. zrth be_ forc leiu:nlng hone on oct. 27th,' TXLpVISIoI cor,9nAcn 0I Cirlss CcililTll? Mlchisan AAU officlals qouli lih: '-: 6ee tne Nai''|. aAU cloEs-coutly chsnplon6hips (i{.!.. 29th) telsvigei 7 DF,AILI S]NS TRAC( CIIJB The Natlona.l AAU office, as {eU as ine long hsiance OR]G]N dlmi1g ConurlLLee, ':: -., .egaein; !h€ Cross Country chetionshils, a$elerr we have nel. On a co1d, !a4y Thasksstvln8 rcnrtns in 1968, five e! been successful 1n havin€ it leLevised bi a naiio.. nen lushed tbei! fe€ble r.il16 againsi ihei! mole teeble bodies and plodded 5,@O Painful netelg to captu!€ ihe a1 network. rer'hapE th€ ansaer :s in legional of locr outlets. A conpany speciati2ins in ',ne hiShtlshi iyp€ toulih DIac€ iee libbons 1n th€ CAAU Me€t. (lhere {e!e or courle onry tour tees corPetins. ) rhis {as the flrst slortin€ ov€nts could verJ teil oe tire aDslrer. As a mtter of f&ct a series oi x-costrl' chdplonsbi! ntj iile thai a cross-country t6aft had ev€t cohP€t€d lrndet lllAht bo of ilole intelest dd nake a 1o!€€! 3ho!r the ihe na.rne of the ? !@dls slns T*ck club. Flotr ih13 hutble ptua!€Bsed to our 1'€ havs begtuudng, huble th€ chellonshlls, uanulhrs J I\e Ia69 ssason & L! bleB€ni and lnde€d vr€ havo tdrch to be hu!b16 about, sh6.lii 6o@ fort or ie8lo-nal dev'Iopn€'ofL leadiie ltt€ro6t oe Our nde r.as E€1ec!€d fo! e dnber of !€asons, rc6t diehr ChMplonshiPs to tho Nat'j,onal of r.hlch havs a1!€edy boen forAoii€n, Th€ !m6!4b6!ed to a natlonsl n6b{o!k.
a Canadian rocord 29rOB
I,lotor Cltt' liansthon rr&iy,ror ruri3 :rplF'
in flnlshl?lq 6th
g#1l##+**-*r$rf *i:';,."$i'il1l1::[t*:**ii':l+:*:i*' "ii:'t:n;
:!i:::;.!:il ii,;i,,:i;;i ;,lr;i;q";i:;i;;,;;:
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3:r,:20; H,"tili:3:ii:'..,,as. Lsnslnâ&#x201A;Ź, ""#:ii':ri:'t+i"
''ir!. i;frfi *f i1;}iffi;
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Scores: 1, .l.lotor Ctty Strld€rs, 6; 2. -Tean, a-€v€land CR , 1<; l. Toleoo RFC, JO: r. Canton t0). llt 5. Norlh York rc. ont., 6. :c' "i l;13 : :'d; : B? "i... ^;i "i :Ic4 cladstone Ac, 45, llotor Clry str.lders38; D;n tho ji;,!i-]!-rr:51lji,l.!;].i,,.?;il, _ii;,i,iu. 'or r!6 3ro r€ar .,a a xo!. .tne .tub boo .'ear"tttle uno6r sam,old, !l:51: 19. rris tris , orrs, End J w, bh J oli ers not ':.r runrl nd Erd also c8psbl- of do.,r,_ .n. sar€ nav ii : b€ one of t'E roo ne,srhon .tubs in rt6 rortd: " t )i?',1:.. Th€ Belle -s]e fr.e-1ap corjse ts a rtat, eo;d il E' ui" "7' "; -"""" lrvar4i&, enctrcltnA rn. Lsfs.d:n lhe _ +u:>J. troit Rlveli, and th6 rum€rs do no! oave a rark€d sdva.1la-€ o! dLsaovarlago -Cro? ulnd t ey are sga:nst lt ss .1-ch as u th Lt. Ih6 ss g. : ," i,,'.._ co rse hes b6er sccursrely neasueod sno u6s .€r_ _: il-l'tod by_the A.A.U. for r,e fgoB OI).-pIc Uara_ ";,u'0. lhon ;.ta1 u,ri.h !r"s -cl .rd--1 . Don bJ Dr./_ ..a. 'e at inar t:, € jJ;L i;1".:- ":..",.: 1'j.6: I loi runn -t :n fl e ope, .ace .: --, L2: over 10 ninirie. s1o!or. .," -,1
t H
ii:,iili j,'df
1' i:+ii-i;li$-t'!
,,''.-'i .f".:-i.'; ;:i,i!,li-ti,r"g.'-"f."i'' 1",: iij,ll l ,!"-l,.,li:11: i ;-.: ' " "", Clrc,lolTcilN 2J et l,lNlr ST!.1-E 32, Ocrober 25, f969 ..::f; .1;.,," #+:3*+f++-#5-l{tles--1. Kurih.trcltay, c, 25.).o, z, cree FrLde.i.ksr .P., )r:16i J. Ssr jr*J, i, ,/;Irj Jl 6,llT,'-s l', i:".i '' ,1....: .-.-' 4, Joe Lrcas, c, 25t,1t 5, Jerr) Hencorson. !S, 2ct2?; paur
;!'";.1",i,"i)";;"i;"-;' :;
L T,r
Li N€
E. To SO
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5t 60
?r IiI Coi
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J'-c A-Llahsnd,
P-, lc:J9;
t1no, G, 2c:50i 8. ;16" F'.n, t, 2c 7. | .Z; 9. J7n Dlxon, Ps, 26to,,j Ia. rtslph rS; 2":10 ^r"sul, PS Coufse R6"ord: 25:O).2, Ton .Ie_I!. Vtt-o lenoes. 146U. Spll!s 'o. l]c, ay, a:50, rLr19, -RoSH- Ps' 1(, cEo"@Tol;N 1"2 I l.!r, ?ata.. 1, Dan supulsktr ?S, 15:18.5: 2. Bruce -t1cr,5na, han, lS, 15:lli; 3. Jaine s Mcclune, pS, r5.9L,t. C1-
oEro TRACK cr,uB 24, oflIo v,\Ll,uy TFACK clt!ts j2 4'. l.iILES, UIDDT€TO]{$, O$JO, OCTOBIE 19. 196') sano Trrner,^0'10 Tc, .0:+1.L; 2, :tay sct !'a-r, ovTC, 20t5bj 3. JIA Ka,alnsky, 0jc. _t:0Loltr]c, 'I:05i 5, oan ser<e-ai, !..Jay-B rnllnFhan, 0h o Tc, ,1:ui 6. cl ,^!- hooDesr oTc, 2-:2*ll"es ']ed at 2 1n to:08); 7. Bob Ronake-. O\TL 22:l+.i: U, Rolano Anspach, Out:, 22:)b! . J:m -.1lnr:nq. oTc, 2l:03: 10. J6tf SnJder; oTc, 2J: 11; 11. Al1en $llter, C\TC, 2J:U'i 12. Bob Dt.l,e-son, 0J-PC, 2,:11; 13. ,RaIph S.01-s, OtC. 25: 40; ]L. ^John Rovce, oVTC, 25tg5t 15. JDr cerr, oVIC, 2b:l+9, --Jack l"lortland-S4LTI]'{OF! I'RUN
Fon YO!'R L]?ilrj Uiddle R1ror, 0cLobqr 12, 1969 ?t)a a.)4.
5.n..v, l{lddl6 Rivex ft. Eigb School Ueather: Falr & a]xa ($ttndJ) Course: Glass and f:Lao. Th€ Balttnor6 R.F.Y.L, Aroup held El 6tr ',Spec1a] Zvent Day' for lne fanifr at tl e t:Iddle R:var Jr. E,S. thls t'€ar. The flrst 1d f,ln1shers crackod 12:00 tn th6 I.16nrs ags aroup 2-mite. Uiko shea,[I, of Norrh Carofine, puLled erray aft6r tlE first fap {1th Donn ia]'ne, 30, of Balt1nor6, follor,line 2[s The opon 6-nt1e ras non by Bob Thurston of Sllver sprlna, Md., 1n 31:56. Rumors florn li.J., N.Y., Norlh Ca"o11aa. Vlrs nla. D.C., Maryland and C€.nada partlcipated. Ien's 6 l411os 2-M1t6s 4_Mtles rtnal 1. Bob llurston, 10:J5 ?tt2a 3It56 2, cril B8.lthis, 10:50 2!t)7 32tbj
3. Don Sptc6r, Jaron Po e, L, a1I.I Boyd, 5. 6, Jln Harrshorne,
1Ir13 10:50 11:11 1f:L2 7. Dave Bronson, t1:51 6. Dav:d Sanders, U:49 9. Rsid El-der, rt.sL 10, raul Thurston, 12;23
22tL,B 3ir:O? 22to9 3l+:08 23t36 Jl+:l+J 2)156 39t10 2)t45 J5:01 2r,:2r 36tLj 23 t)+6 )6t59 24:i+8 37tO2
*,"11;:,"1,ri ,;yii:iu. , :1,1,1 ,,' 1','lJroli;,"121.ii,j,,.i . -',"-, : iz.' ., i'll:.i4.,a.o.^s-r.",. ."i.5;;"'
ij'.*iiil"ii:.ii i,il;.;' ';";, 1O. Larry lirool, lr8, 2l:51.
;!1 ,:,
rlenl: 59 &._qry-r . e.1. .droon, 51, Lr;u/: r. hooop.-a_It-s_:_ Boat. -r. t. :. -- ). ?aa
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*'-", "'
;;,i3. " saer - :lark,
ronenrs 1Mil€ ( Under 29)- 1. pat Hodge, \.r. 1.51t6i Deobte,rLb€]a, ltjlkes_Barre ^?. >,>ri lra.]c] J. ?urr€s., ):)oj 5:i6: Liasan '.61, 4. .tuc"n 6. Lena ci,;B: 1,I111ians, 6: ]1: l
ri:iili:"i ,ii
!i:r?',:;::.":"1:i"3;:"i, l4arlen6 l,lad.hb; a: ;;d6:1 I : "il"i, i;,'i: "l'(o!er ^ ,- I. n-re i orko. ^,lr?Irei+il_j_gf9
r:"' ;'i::
L.i-o . r:25; l';"l:l:e"::.''2L; >.,Adr c-- -a]oor, d:19;'rri;-, o, Anle Iu.atg, o.Jrj t, I j€l-s, ial-s _ g:t 7. IB. ooris h-- - sii,_ .^. 9:1+7; ;;'.;; i6, Turle 6il';l "fl",ii,1,$l; Recd, 11:05. ,
Br-L.2 U:f6s--1, :d Ba-I.r, 10:!J : , t.ar e rndcrs_on, tt:35; J. Jo,n s,ea, ir:+; rra.!< reveenca, 12:00; 5. HJ ieva::eur;_. 1. : Roktcr.r, r2j.);'2. Fo1 b -\er, i3i,l: E"rS
i:,iil,6liii;j u'3id:;.:.,yrj,'ii:ill',3.3":.1ir!]i +2. '-i, D.r r,-r : 6. ifi i3:
j:i",: ". t., :"f '"::? ja, i.o;40;,L. #d"fuhi;f;,'e, 1:,_ t.ls.e.LL, 6:."-; .l.o!-E
9. Lat_ -11 J, o:.., (.0 rir,) :or,. b:5):^6",_.3 1.L;Ii lD-l ::l-.-:gJ* l-1n,,-d, 1., ru.,. r.:,5r'i-f-]g?. ta;rk :a oJ, 1?:2ai J. lo"k 5. ar_borouelL, 12:(-, to irs-eo ;tntsnors r I, Jen lli -l-in, 5, lr:48; e t-iEle:l-!:gq: L-y6a-!-otd Ste\.e Drlrer, 5:l oi l. Dabb:e
5. 5:2 : 4. r;i'ur.i r".7"-",,
- l.
5, .ne sran-
.crrq.l. rlleen cer.r, /:uJ' lul:, z. r.t€fr sh-a, 7:ui dobes, ':19. r10 flsLec flntsno.s) 9-12 Two 1111€s c1.r1s- 1. Jul1e Siree, 12:19. 9_+.!n!eE_1
rioclfa llooNTAIl{ A{U 15-Kr!OMETEA CIIAMPS 7 Clty, llebraska, Oct. 19- Jay Dtrkson of Sanctloned and Sponsored by: Lona DLstabce _FaUs BFooklnas, S.D,, won \ts s6cond stratGht T-t- Runnln. cor0.Irt€;, nseeu, ira"Lrr;ron iar;. stato Marathon as he ortdrs-snced Ino erd 1n Denver; coloraoo,'s'"0'y, o"i"rl,l-:1,-ig'06 th6 fourth amual ruIYllns of rhe 6vent. ferl1p: 38 d6sre€s-& l1ehi-drtzzle Dlnnlns, Dlrks6n lopped 14s off the record z.1n 15-k -In the iec6, whlch b€rllns ln f.ihli,€ ctoud, fof 1, charles ],{essoq!er, UsAIl, 14;06 I+.9d. 2gll+S'LS:.i Kansas, closs6s lnto l4lssour; at Rulo, then 2. Stov€ MatrhoHs,Denv6r Tc,l--:06 aLroio is,ii returns_to FalIs ctrJ Lh€!€ rne rece concrudes .1. gary IarLrt!on,Denver 1c, 14438 26,,1 gi;:6 at Jus Brown stadlurn. Gary plerson, D.nv"r rc; lj:o[ zt,lo Sii4i 4. Dlrkson uas ttmed rn ?:lo:15. A y6ar aAo t^e 5. Rick Hardy,B;illsh RAr. t<:li 28,08 <1;eh sot tho col*se r€cord of 2:Jo:Lq. 6. Loe courkarp, Denver rc, ritz2 zBa.B tit6i In oid6r to !eturn to d6fend hls tltte, Dlrk- ?. Brent l,reieGi,,Co]o.Stat6.t5:65 29rO811.61 s€n had to drlv€ to Fal1s clty fron Mlnnesots. d. D€nds rlavanaush, mC, t5;g-O Zgtrc lLili, Satulday 6vening. Tho cross country coacb at 9. Ted cutler, Denv€r Tc, r6tr)! Zg,tt i7;a:a South Dakota State, Dilksen had taken his teern 10. Doua Lauf6r, At&neda Es,16;10 Zgif,l ti,oA 1].. !a!ry Eeldgbrecht, asc,'S7t2jt r2:'{a;t q ri99t Saturd€.y aftornoon, then drove to !o Fa]ls City after that n66t. wel-ch, una., Boulde!, 5Z:j+9; rt. et nortun. unq.,_Bou_1d6r,5?t5?i ra. Oo" lt"ltu rrt, mC, -fo u.tn, Dlrksen odtdlslanceo a ft61d of Jo ru]lners. A lotal of 50 nlo 61!o-od fhe flarqr"hon, 58|.a7i t5. N;d An;r;bz; mc, 5B:qrl ii.-!iin but 1L sk:ppod Lho rdnnir:A oecarso of lhe ueer- obemy6rt DTC, 6o:J9; 17. J;,1 Ho;€il. DIc. her. Those uho d:d conbete uere focceci !o rLrn 61:08; 18. Bltt tretcL€. DTC. 61:10: i9. r rloueb nud fron the nansas bord€r to Ruro. llosa61, una., Boulder,-6J:3i; ZO. 5t"v" raiton, una,, Boulder lS, bl+:loi_2f, Rlck Eilde_ Second placo rsnt to Tlrr Hendrichs, forrner Peru Stat6 dtsta"rce star noN In the navy and brand, rna., Al1r?reda -s, 6tt29t ?2. Rarer sta-1oned aL San Dleso. te drlchs V,as slnosL BU1n€1, Ina., Bou]o€- 6. 60:08: 2r- Ron B,nne1. uru., BtsS, 66:OBi 2a. I r !art.on. DIL. eipht nlnut6s b6h1nd Dl-ksen, flnlshlru ln 2:3E:3J. K€n Ks-z€- o" Llncoin took Lhl-d p1ac6.66t\?': 25. Jo\n J. BIFd<, DTc, 7l:lB: Zo. Tf€ bop s:x'l"rlsh€-e vere presenred troprues :ILlbu" A"nold, D:C, 7?t16i "7, Aat C-.1o"e11. DTc, 73:04 (started 1:t2 Late: actual ttne ard all those fin1shlns the raca fiere slv€n snaller trophtes to connemorate the occaslon, 'ou1d b€ 71:12)1 28. lloyd lodr.rtn. Denver Tc. louis Frltz of Verdon, a Fa11s clty teacher 75:0)+ (ruc" walked); 2q. Jatr clas;r, unat., and tlE chalrinen.of the Uarathon for the loca1 Denver, 76:21. llotes..,Charlle l4essenger, ex-ViLlanove Jayce€s, sponsors of the event, ilnlshed 8th 1n th€ race, A11 36 runners flnished the rac6, trackster, . csotured the Roat1. l{t. AAU 15tm chmpionEhip helc for the flrst 1, JaJ Dlrksen, BrooklnAs, s.!., 2:30:lq ('J r0llosj r/ashin€ton 1n ?ark. llesserl]]el'as the 2. r1;r lbndrtchs, ooal'", tlut,rasi<a. ,;is;1i !i19 1r!4 fastest 1500n na:1 in,the. usA in 1968, i,iliiii 3, Ken tktz6r, r,inco1n, ' wetrasi<a, ' o- r:L2.1 rrou'nrj o"."":,""x. Kanids c:ry, L.., >iffi;;6 :!ll-1.!::'p'rro'rence 4. cu"t,Kaldenb-"8, rr ru a \:tY.> rore/. r'€sser 6I' 8Js' IoL 5. Bob y'-l.-th? ]:?d :::+I, onrv to have steie rattZ. e"r H'"""a"""i, -nolano]e, noris, lr1pre RT4AAU champlon for 1969 (at 20' 1.-or.<2 ?. Dr. iienneth -rtiison, tla.yzala, I,!;. to kilos), catch up at 2: nlres. rroi B. Louls lrltz, verooir, n6orasira,'*-,ii;i:i; 25,-and the hauusv lr€rk vas r€sse;Fer abl'e io sonel', i:i6;rr. cene cEtts,-Nebraska,' -!i1 9. for aood' After. a b-rief favoff, 10. lrillts.n l6ckle, oilaha, lutr!"L"- iii6i3? Pu]l a{avuas aure.to run his best raie oi tte }1. lar]'y l{o1rr.6y, vn1v. or rur"""il, j;r;:61+ 9!1h"1: d€splte ios1.8 t,o tlF Air Folce Acader,y }ear, r.22.rd 12. Don Cranberg;- Co1unb1a, 11o., Hanilton, iorner south: 1';;';1 assists't coacb"Garv 13. Bernt€ laoor;; Brookrns;, s.i.. stric;r, vas abi! to hord orr 9"'catiromia 1[. I,ylmaxd roipps, t4aryvt1le, ]ioi- 1.:i;i; rierson thls tlrde after belnc deteated 15. Rlberi sartiil's, Br;okina;, s.i-- iii6,iio c"rJ hv h1n in i:he 20krr fsst month. rlltlsh Roval rZ. ;oe o. schraa,"topela, x"";*,-" i:i;:;; Hardv ran a riE r;c€ 17. i{en rurner, rulsa, okrabona, 1;i::;s 1i'Force.orricor,Rick f9r h..s ftrsL-Ll ., el_:_.1 . vcr,Ln- _ 5+1 rA c.riff^Fd Na.r.ra! rron,v;1rF \r. i:i;:oo - )r58' 'rrar I r ls 1n xc "r\ - o tcer' i:ii:-; 19. Sary Catus, A]nes,' Ioda, '11ce and is st?tionFd-at.the-Acadeq" 20. Bru;6 B€rn6ardy, uaryvirle, :t"., iiiiti[i --F' D6ru1ls Kavanauih-21. Dennis ste',art;-Lawr;nce, v;,,," i,ii''i't DIRXSEI{ RETAINS HrS CRorrN
Fti;il;t;: i;;;;
23. Faank lalgiano, 9e11cvue, i"'ebr. r l:51:5' .t.1^t tJ .olu- :". l:o.. 11. Jobl .tcil.'.,,. 2 . Bob lL-r'-r. ; le , okl . .l:-f:1. 26, l,arry Shuehart, Top6ka, ilanses 3t59t46 27. Alan {rein, lr1,l]{sc, l4aryvi11o, llo.,4:06:20 2o. Steve lloore, I:s-rulrle. ilo.. L:08:12 29. ltilllan srilth, Lawrence, 4"**, k'?+,24 10. Dr. T,C. rl6rce, Topel<a, Xansee, 4:lb:00 s.D., John R6tz1sff, :rooklqEs, f1. +t59ta5 32. D!. T.A. Peac6, Redfleld, Tor.ra, 4:5U:L+6 ll. Dd Llndeffian, salen, )lebraska, 5,,\7,\? 5:19:07 3li. Dave onan, Tab16 Rock, llobr., t-'4?tV 35. Rex Sttce, itulo, lrebraska, 5123.\d 36, Bob i{eyer, Topeka, Kansas, --louts Frttz-J-a:. 6-1.t, 9-n1. l2-a-. -5-" ' I"-n1. Dlrksen -16r01 33125 50:2o 62:aa a'2t:15 2;r7
l'l'ar- jt,i TRAITS El]]!:r]Jtlt[T]rct'l . .:. -. , ,o ... -1::-.r 0: o. -,-a-7-_la: l osilr 1€\Fl scenlc ru.niry conditions. rdc!I Io! f"st tin--t- 26 dlas, 185y, sraxt:Lnl I :s:1 sD 1: tL,:-1roat the ioot of lroedirey. ) sponsored btr rjrtre -eEiile c:rsib6r or loyerce. Th; Traifs End l..raijl:on is natr-d in jlonox of rhc Ledis an.1 Llc!k,,x.cdirion lhich established 16 ftrl._ thorno.t uesr carr in the "1.ears 1805-tBo5. lledallioqs to ihe first 20 finlshers & corrlficatos besri4: ih6 orerjon Txail S,at io all finlsher:. r,1.00 entr:r fce to Seaside Ch4nber of Qonnerce. p,O. 6ox 7. Seaslde. (ro on 7-Jd - .l "o' 1 tuo;:11 or !;11
tl?Lt3iliii: i:;i.:*"St3{; $i}33*i{i:'
3$Ifl3li.,f, 'HH3,"I3*3Nr3yo3,?3"8,A1"1'5' London, Ontrrto, Sepr. 1__ Jo?
uiT:?i; ::" i:,'; :i lrr."l r :i:" ir j li:;-orn lis, ",hi:,i#i;,i:;.i.;ii",i":il:.3"", to rs conproto rir,"r;, ::":l; :F":;;:::'i:;ell'n:'1"ii: i:;"r;; ""' rJ'"",i"llirl;l;1. ,t.":"':;l E€an r--fo, T."l :t"l ll"iI,;l'1,; r.. . ,u
"i:,k"::':,.$t;";*3;;'ii ::;
.i3,1 "?:.:::" tne1b6cr. dlslanc€ runnrnA aAo-eA,1Lron; 1- r\a ". In tlo senloro 5 ritl€ af.r _.-,. .r^;y"91 cspsLle storr toilay a L !.o se"ord .: ":" !h". jl",:. b!
" .Y'.
ix;tu'"ii;' lf Hru";qe.':*;' ,:
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:iri.;gi:"' i :;," ;:iJ ;;' iil";;l;hli;" ";;"runn,n_ .on_ l:.: I '"onnolsselr,s roso ",'i";.;li si; ;";:*:.'";,Hjil, 3lli: Iii",."il",if;"i; :::l::":", j;';i;j;f r ;;, :t ::::i": J:;i:i ac-ron ano ur.lslrarrr I .;r_rul-r, :::.'f:1."- th6 conp€titlon t €eeen Olv.jpians :i]ggg
;m:;'lr ll;irllli:i":*lii: ruo r€n.- Tor Lon-oo.t 1nd i"j;:i';ii.',.1:l:, . ,oB?;3"
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iff :,33{,,?:;f :i,;T"::;g,",
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ye,rr by lnbv B.rfoor . T e -ls. o: flnlsr_ c:-,1n€ l*.Df 64 D-ey o.r .€ads rl]re a l.rnors :".5 .LesL
ff$ffi;.'il;*ili:*ffi ;ti{{lil#T#ti";5f ft$*1lflr REIEq.T }II1]NNR
l'iji li:i:t: i::iJ:. ;iF;.:?:,,,i: r" ; "lii"l' 1i";"i331 ?;*l:,ii".litipti"i3t uro--Es r Lvoar_o1d J€ckie Dufres1e or Nor !ar.,s.unrppora^Sec-onda-y Schoot :;i::,"ifli :.;;:"i: ;:*:: ran !o vlc {:i:l,iji:ii,ir _ vear' rel ;j,:r;'',;i;;ii;;":: T* tp:^*""^. "i:":; -ip" t'l::;;s:trii:: 1;;";;:,fi ;;3;1;' {l!:ii *.,i o" ii:, .i:1-.- f "lloprrre.5,y,t ualada'a hi,n scnool ojsrance "".__ ruJrner__ 1. r;, t!j; ti:.:'l::"36:'fl1";,i';,;1""1;' i?:"\:i"1;'"::: ;:":,i;i*;";1"*.;;;a::i ,\e jntoil,h6_rF blace t::":;"
r"rnlsho, olPlp..c .Fl,ll1"t_lgt!year, conquerod anotner strona ..nC rr6ro.r"r.th6 op r L _. 1 :. s dw record- tlne or 20:+o. B. q.,"1one L.osctrfe-. ln :ou-scoLr. fo68 u.-. orJa!i", y"j"^l.J"* :,r: . . :io-),'))i) up-end-coo:{. :r"nl t1_;.'cr I of_ :o .oro .orsr: 1 ,.oo arc y,:'1, i, .e sj.lasL sLe€!.Lecr.1so) noarr rs cs. ,o- d1 .esj of , .{1,on. clnadj .n . ,"e_ r.c,.rt" :,:'f l,?r_) d dnplon and record hofder; ano Brja; B:ssoo or ll,tch6nsr--1.1k€ LIc!aren, a .1s1.A C,-Do:an o Ls_ance slar t10,000n .o1o r€ctattIs, c! tne uaraoa ria_r06 e. ) 'cto-y re -e folt o,rs c.IL..c on ih_ . :o- F.ln.L€y, 1 r66rq of 1;s .._.,nir re 5,000.1 st the4e!'Caredtqn l&jf CLar p:ons, Ipstn sao s. o-.s 'r.LL
nd cs..
o .o.e o. rhe bl_ , Fs once up_3rd_cqrr .rs.a sjtrer__oo1y
::"--rl:.-:"! ",:tI,r'-d, nerer-.n Lo"39 ot6^h
ad at the :ff:";i#.l, Ji",or€v tr",u" "ii,i ;i; .,;"6"":j;',;;_;rlf i":fl' ulo.qao D;s.ed ,:"."i,,"" ?lll or i-"Iljr r--r. borh ro8d sl1o I ra.k, iso fa]len""",
I. i - ' _ . o .". - oo1
.^r. -no r.:
. o! o
..o lr J. -/ Dr. / 5 c_
1/:n -Js:.. ur,ri .r t..!s rhird in 1lr:9q.1
FIlIlAta ]iit f
.]' r Bob Fr'Lar Lss rr; n-, o . tte "r-, sf n.rt!. -t'.iT ..un. show:n€
:;:;il",:.;i;;liit;.i"fi#.. *"". . "-'r';,ii;r; ! ill,"i"ilif..i' ror! end Brto'] *;!l Blsson anori €! 2.-JOy ;,'il ;:
'or c., . "Loir tt"e i.1 the 5,000 ai Dre bact<. Eeqt6.n Can.lotan c' a"Drons\los {hb\1_d .t-o-6n er. :our_n:"ru.e :r/,i!: gld. of th€ first tap, (Hhi n116r lave 3ailey), tlor Bob looktnA forlJard ;;;"-i";, t;;;";ii::+"i"_::"1 :]::ikli3:':" to the P1n-Pactftc Gemes 1n ls Tokro two eeks ii{"ii',"'i,.'3i ";"1 ::f:.^1:":1;:";i;;i,i" ; sllol 0r sTnlitiiTiJ r'",=". e.r! .'nrEr. ie i.rorro c1Lr,.L- :T;iJ';"il', il";":":'flil:"':fL.";, ":+ i"'" ^l:l ll e olpet:+:on he-e as a. .- ori--_ aiots-r, sJ a-p Left It lch puts tten oack on lny ro shol,Jcaso tts glitt€llnrj tatent rhe '::.,i";::i;";:htlli :3:i;,'i"*il:, ;i"ral r., s. T0. ,on tbe "_n t.l,6sin fo: ooxn ine 4: rnd the 12. rltel he d advlsed Bob ro ,';ealty [o -.ard,. The sr-. .-r-. o "q-! - . .f to"e , ,cr-o .j ;:::'*i'ti."t:':r"slrst"Ja""i: '6! l ..ro "r .l. _Ic e r-- Jn1s , o .. ts.. ,-11s, 4. 1., Jo.,..,.k n.l e..1-L-- .r1f-.:1_'
l;l'*T"'r;' l*j-,*i;":i' i3;.;ru"!:ii'irar
s: o"-.o" L! atlc_s)- .qs sL osr a n:-_,-e "ssLcr t,u !i 6 ..e oosred ],isL Joar by Ts. ,is:.1_ -.i. - ....o-.;,i;, ''r' I b. cralr rcr.l--, . ;Lii"J-"."_".^ a,orrr r.."1F oo., "i_ ua.' socond '1 21:0" aid Lou S.o-r .l Iro .,n 2r:1 . scott, Lrho hsldh seelred to be breethlnc as he finlshed, 1.ras dlsaFpointed uith hls per_ iill"ff:;.3",11"3tm;"n:"T$.oi:H:' e1o;s a pair "i-fniit:"'ii"i"i'.ss-country sboes-and "I coDlc feel mr fF6t flooDlnc 2.4_year_o1d Detroit oterentary sch?l"ll? 1: ] Ian,i'rhe oo1 t-.acher cald.- ,'r Jusr a;uldnrr uo on iry toos or-elt eet rl r.rasn ""y a"r"". ,Jhen r flnished r 't €von tfued_
FIV'I OLYtiPlCliS A trul-y excoptional fiold tlned Dp for.the 12.-It irctudeat ftve ,6B Ohanplans (Gar.tcto, ?enaloza, Uct.ta'on, Daws & l-irayton) lave rocn rr a"ay" li1,rlior., -;.';-iii"" -- end it rout3 ln sarnla, ontario, onr-y 55 niles f.!:i.he.eJ had4rt puued "i* J;;"-tdia;" on the track a few l,rooks eartier. r,ootCne at fltre frei{t ;r",.""ir,", " ""ri-""".i. polnt";"1"i of v1;, rt ji_ cluJ€d, tho_2nd, lrr, 4th, 5th and Atir flace rini"l"r" ir.i";ili;-':."""," rosrron liarothon { i, o.ccr: t.rriLlo. t-na:Loza. i,'r3, ;{oofe ,nC ilc:i.hon) ss ett ;s'r:he ilostorr rr:;nncr fron the provious I'e ar (.urfoot), uncer;tandably,. rt ,orro .oould rin. I,lexlco's carrido took the initratrvo fron'ihe start "r" ai:ii"*ii-tf-p""or"t olrd io"."a-o'"i"t.d, pace thlou8hout the flxst laD. Dra"vton, lioore ar]d penatoza ""r"ia"r, stuck rleht :ih"r,o"r trtn, Ctusteroa .n 14:ot, ]uvins ru,' an averase pace or l33il"iic.'S,"ifr.11'l*,"i$i: :H l,iexlco,s Savinai !,as a1t alone in tifilt, about l0-tooy beb.inC th€ feader!r and enotier back ]{cr'I'hon, lrho had obvlousrv-'and surprisi{ry- i."ra",i 35v rorri i.rcrn bo].irld. Ron Dars 'as res sev€nth and defendlns ctramplon Anby-Burfoiii,""rrl,ir,,-ri,ooy, ". uho,s tratnins harder nor but still 1sn't in the shape he lras in fast j,ear, sai.r iri'di.inrt .."roru runnina !5s roo fast for-n3.'so r .iust .rroepodtoro" bacrr, lefeied
FoIJB, T:tREl, THEti aUE About_2oon into tiE second lap penaloza droDped oit th6 loadln€ ilroup, leavii.q ont", car11do, Dravton and 1'!oor€ up fronr. ror anotiler nrle tl. nanc".r,re-':?-re!,i.-"ra 1r"ir"".." actor 16d at the sane hot pace. Ttr3n, as Dra-i.ior later eaplain;d; can. the ,,brsetrtl1e'oinrtr "i.1" "Thst paco uas verr fast." satd Dra:,ton, ',a;.i if he,d n.""-i.""i,ti up 1.or another tap I thlnk-Lrould
bv€ dropped out of Just sloued dom artoeotter. it-uas Jusr hanainq on for dc8r llfe thefe for a,r\ire. But r.kepr tn there. r i""iii"r r"i tr,. l"!.r.-i.t-p"ii,t "i;"isroued and.1i cane prettv carlv - ros nlfes. Thov Just suddeniy "." a1"" r w6nt inro th, leed. I never put an-T prsssure on ""e never speedcd up' r iust held tire sane pace and slortv but surely pu11ed t""'"ii};, * """" A dqshlr€ fiqure in dark hair, .un-arasses and tha rod-and-lhiie unifoo' of the crnadisn Ollmplc tea-n, Dralton had noved uel1 clea.r of l,Ioore, no' runninl, .-ior,i rr. ,r..orrt, rrd i i,_
iilja !5"lli HIT{,!i:"ii;El'i""r";l',iiili""::}i "" h,s rav ro " new r.cora -,,i" ,ioufd But Drayton hlnseli
kn€r,r there be-no ncv rcaord to1s dat., ',Aiter jihat flrst 1sp I tbo'.rght, _ithele's no l.ray 1,ho rocold,s Loln,i to Ao boJai-. thos."guys are just kltltnF ----" s_elves, You don,t want to tear. yourseu ort in the fixrr thrce_i;s .rri" U*"-ti"t'. iL;n_ ' knou you're Loin; to slou do.,n a.Ldslori coin bac. rr,.fc,: r,oir,r,1-, j:." 9.1*I::9:,,,y", """ Slon do n Drayiion dld - l,q:Ol a1d ltrro on i! t_1si t o lsls _ but it lras hardty notlcabl€ as he m6thodically i'eelod off the r€a.1nin€ ntl.os in tl,at qulck_striai"g, 1na action of hls. lle htt ttre flr}lsh 1.5d:48.1, more thln r n;nuto eheia or "rrcr,iiy "hoiiis-ecoire_prace flnlshsr- Moor'6, an En8lishnan rlth a ph.-D.. in bto-cbonlstry. In tro races horo_at Spi.ing_ bar& lark, i'loore has nor fLnlshed second both tlnes (hc .rai runner-up rn tha lrlr lasi .re;r), .For_ Drayton lt was hts biriAest tntoxnatlbnal vlctory and all ihe nore tuiplessilc conalder1n4.hers_been bothered by tondon problens this y€ru. r]o stilt 1sn'i able io do entr speed_ work. "I_uas strusgllns 1n tF last slx nll{rs,r,the ssid, ,'Bjr rry ress reit ;trors and I could keep on ftshtins - you kno!, ,st!..r up to ':nner tha ti.it, io as ralt a:j ],ou can. ' Iflaur6d Ino one ls sonna catch ne .ou. rt's jtrsr too lato' -ecie;ia11t anrbody who r{ont,i_ th us 1n tl6 flrst 1aD.'t rAl; TO BNAT lfhat about llcMahon? I'I dldntt l(IoH he waE In the race,,'said Draltoa'unt1t about flve mlnutes beforo the start. when I found out he lss entered I ftgui,eO he uas the euy to b€at. But Ll€ r:-s1 l_ap no.- bv. h€ Lr"n,t./ .h us. So I IouAb. I oLId hanote !ln at_ r18nt lrom -tllero on.' licMaFon, f2th place flnlsher for lr.eland in trre ,68 Ol}1nplc arathon,._!houghL hl" race s'rar'at Laq b".r r r'.sL"to, bFd e toi -"n.or:."r?.,:";;l"t:"ii; we€k. sald t\e )Z-year-oro Lou6.r. r4ss", .LDa schootI ,.."h"", paco coLld reall.. 1urt ne, B sLoes, Lnou6nt lrey,o srou ..ouir r .1-h no-o rhan tf..y jfi. should_have son€ faster at th€ beglir.1hg. " r4cnahon, in the sreen vest ara srurnrocl erntioni of IneLand, pushed hard lir the last hslf of th6 race, passjn€ alr tnree llexrcans anO nov_ 1ns to wltidn lBs of l.{oore. Blrii he nev6r could nake !"y *.i'rrp""""i.n on Drayton. Savinat, 28, tho 1€ast knorn of the l4exlcans, ftntshed'a snlllntr ana etated fourth. happv. no doubt, to hav€ prevalLed over hls nor€ seasonod counilynon. Garrt.lo rinistrea en'tnpiill lve flich--Eftep betnd possed b, bo"n llc 0,ho ano Ss!lnal 01 lhe 1,s Jap, ?enaloza.is slxthj.AhbJ Aurfoot- robrttr€ e'beard -.so\enlh and youns Bflan Ars.rone oI 1ne loronro OC, e -hbh, onsurin€ IoC of !rc LeM .-1t16,
it*""'li;,inri't"r":;"i:i i:s xir;"*#iti
0 Hc
ii,:i;;i,ilili*;i:;iiti'*:l:i'ilii"liiil: ,,.'; , l" ;ii:".;j:;:i;:]iilii,";:liiil:_*";ru :,,,r: r. ,", jl, .i.iiri:,.,;i
:r;,::i*li+*ii:'$i i;;:':;'i$$"* ;ij;:rir':rli j',a;,,"*'t;[#tt*lt*; L
i:::ll":":*"**11*":5:l?":is'.i?i1,,.I.' "iii:ii,:Ti li;ii::";ii':ll;liil';i;:l:'ildi;iil[ ,:i "sil;:13"""::e"-r*,',*,,,"*i*.a'f:l:i,completlon of the 12--]ast raco on irre proFran_ Sirrrons (40 and Over) 6_till,Er
i"7ith 1 a
! t
l]all of
lame Chairnan Dsve
iqifll ;,t-,lli;:;=."r't:r'ji:ii$,*H, i, il+l;rii,+i"i,liil ;.1 fi;:tr::l 3;;;i:q;;t:i$r::,;;ir;i", i+fli"i'ili;lf*i*;i;:if,;l*i";
*$g:ill*ilil::1ry,:#:lu:r*i{"" ;ii1*;tftdiifr-+il}iqffr i'frtr1 *;l;*;:* -;, "1$l :i:li*:,il:u i;' :r"::r ffi ;r lHi:q#qi',iitillil.;;ff ;i.#:
iifrsll'il*tri**li***fi D LL
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ir Tc
sc Su Cc
**::: iirri'ki:;:i"::Ii:.iirf;i;.!:ut,ii;'::jru::
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*r*lgl+;tt +*;E#
' 'l !,iii!l;i;;i; g: gi+;j-nitri,i$r+;'l;:^ ;irr #d*ft:*14**l;e;ltfi;:il;t; g:
ii: i:i-flii#Hl-*$;;i,^,''"' 14, 8111 Al1en, Toronto strlders,
i*'i'*i;il,;'h:ii"Ti:;i:;.3l:lln:l+; fil* T;J
67:trl 15. Ila]'ne Yetman, Etoblcoke TC, 69j3 16. Dennls,valllanatos, roront6 oc, tiiTZ f?, Lor.t- 8uck, Torondo src.Ll6-s, 72t)3 ld. Jo.!r GaY?s, I.oro. . i--J . -i.L:.:. 7: :06 19. tstf1 Van der h'a1, Strathrov l,.rion. ?6:21
TLi llrlo ;i.r! r:!!il{ nlrlD liAoij l,ROanA}I ;eS !:,ii;-aives" cohplFte 4Fts11s of
.i4 d . -p o. . ro- '" :!: l^ ", .res t or eLl 146 leadlnq " runrors. Dave :rokop hes a fen hundred ex&. ro' sale at 50y' oacrr. ;:ii::;1,:'i;"";;.rrai" ilen"ose D'Jve' Lonron, or L".ro,
i*i;.4:i]:I;,lltri;:!ii:i:i[ii:;r":i'""" iii,ffi,l!r1y"#,,HPis;!'i^i1"rs'"3;r;.ii, P: j:]:'ii;,r: ;:il,1-;";:",t:;.ji'iliai *:;l:r'iii;,llii:;.i:.lti""cirii,:3fiitf.,
fr Co
j , 15rol, 15:ro.r. 41-
issl"5!,iii"El"t"l'lffili":',iii:.J;.::;,]"li*:,;3ili-i;.i;]'i,ii,i,.;il"a,'ii'1;te,;i.'i: .fc, z.:roj e. p,L1 p€arson, rac, 2?t3si 70. rr. Jos€ cor "', '',iullj,"i.,1 lli";l"iili'ii liii !l",li;i'ili'i:.^g:,3i'gl!":i: R:;.$.:""- i!i3f;ril; i;tBL.1"ri:,i.li:';tfr"]l.,ii6:, -r:io:'13. c-ars-r'rusrard,
c,€1bh teator
i?.,.iiii lil-iir.:;i"j3:;.11.,:*:rB;.."".,
86:'k6l.sy-Horsga Run 1l+ Itltes
JON WITI(OI,ISKI WII{S SIX MII,E X-COUMRY R!'II 3J t9. Wyano GLdsko!, L:20:3f: 20. JIE c€llon, l:21:i2; 2L. P6tcr D. lfood, 1r21!3U; 22. cr6g- Van Cortlandt fsrk, Brolx, 1r.y,, Oct. 19thJo6 l,rltkowsid, 23-year-oLd forfler penn Sr, ory T.yon, 1r2fr55; 23. Wllllan l,lackol, 1:21:56 2[. WLlltsn1 Bachr's.ch, 1:22:00; 25. Donald Sai{- harrler rurn_Lng for the Centrat Jsrsey Tc, llon t}e 6-n11€ y6r, 1122:41; 26, Bruco togon, !t23t3aj 2?. by tho ccla1d Basl"an, ttZ3z3lU 28. Joo st61n, 1:23:40 oC I.Y. W1tiovJikl froa Clark, N,J, won bv ton y8.rds aft€r a a1os6 bett16 sith l\YAC'rs 29. ].60 Ho1l"oy, atStl+gt 30. liarold Denoss, 39-yea.!-o1d Joe Bossef,, The nlnn€I' I,ls.s clocl,. \123t55t 31. quah flarveJ, 1:2a:2Li 3r. Bob ed 1r\ 32')+7.5 1Jht16 B€ss€l lras tlned 1n 32: cornl6J, 1:25:0o; 33. Ray Uhlt6, \r29172t 3l+, 52. Thlrd place l{enF -o 1)-rear-ofd B:LtI Jamos Etrs16, a125t30t 35. Ton ],tann, 1:25.51r; on of Fal"laun, tt.J. ttalon. Dtnn€r of roo 36. John Stlva, *Zl tllt 37. Robert stophonson Il€l l:27t17t 38. Bob Blancalana, 1t"7.22t 39. Jaa toens.se pls.que, i.ras tin6d 1n 3J:03. Eugh P'nkaFo, 1:27:15; l+0. rrsnk IJ'ne", 1:27:59! lr1. s e6ny of Fanwood, N.J. & wlnner of th; rec6nt lilatlonal nRC Mel'athon in Atlantic CltT. Bt11 ya6, l:zB:04; L2. Po.-r IaLLrl, 1:2B:17; |'o,!... 1n !,cs B.rs, Robert Buins, 1129: Bob It29to7t Ll+. -rae ri.st ve16-ars p;i6 [3. (ovo lr0) n6nil3:15. to 17tl place fintshec. Joe L6. J. J.ns€n, 48; 4r. 1a--r Kluaer, 1:,9:52; Bulns of tho unlted AA, Burns clocked 36:01, 1:30:16; lr?, Loren B1aco, 1:30:25; 4d. 41 Th€ fl61d oI 75 starters was a record ror l,rhlt6, 1:30r47; 49, Robort fiofli}l€, ]-:J1r01; 90. Ralph PaffonbarAcr, 1r3f:ol.r; 5r, uil1 ohet tl€ 6-1.1k evon- surpsssine -!E 60 sLd- e..s rt3t:O9t 52. wllu.a-n Gtllingha.n' It3tt37t 53. ln t\o 1961 r!n. Corse: TNo lri s o' tro tC, 1€d Deluslsran, 1:32:ol+; 54. iarry ]]oyt, 1:12: 14 Frosh cou"se. Start: 12 lrloon, 09; r5. Jonn urc . .qolr L:,": L9i . e ., -'o 1. Joe l.lltkovskl, CJ"tc, 32r)+7.9; 2. Joe Bess€anans, 1:J2:J,; C7. '* s ur.lo-.1, 1:15:1q; sef. 'rvAC, l2:c2: r. Bllr X'lor, Me., lr:03 fqt Ie€ ",or)i L, :i!Eh S\.roenl, _^a.,3.tr6l. 58. David corroz, 1:33:30; 59. clarence Ha1f, It33t3B; 60. Don Sorime!, 1:33:l+9; 61. ton Felx 5.--rose B ll qarvev, l,\?c, J):28; 6. Joh, cartepD q.\, )l:j"; 7. Pat Bssc:.k, ur(,, 1t33t53i 62. l41le crevelt, 1;31:58; 61. Robin 11 1 .iOJ; , -.:t-L 1.. | 1)., lf-:C, -!., l: .. R. Lspasandtn, 1:15:06; 61". Je'1 Br.Let, 1:li:21: 65. ra rI Rlan, rt)5:q'| 6a. 9:*nd -!1"s, ':J5: d.d Co1 roo'1 nEter. . .. 8:' 6b. Jo. ana., Sl.rlaj 11. "'in Jol[Didesr -1l]4LC, 34:lr2 50; 57. Jack B€LLbr ca-1, I rl5:5o: . . n1 . ): 1^. hn .avon, :t:/tc, ;+:4]; Braz'.sry, 1:16:05; 9. Davl B I-",.1:J: ?0. Frank corli1z' 1t37t25; 71. -charles Ijcfialon l. Lene oo-reJ, Ln.. lq:rO; l. L. Lsrr, l,Ianhattan Fusht lllnas, 15:39 (3rd Teenacer) l-:38:09j 72.. John tsrenian, 1:3U:l\; ?1. .ra.k 15.r-f srocen, L-YAc, J5:Lfi N6uhaus. Lr39t29! 7b. Thaac St6in, 1r39:l+Uj f6. cene Roe;sr r7. Jo€ BL-ns, Iio!'rnan Jo4nscn, - st-n Js1ano 35trt uAAr ?t. Bob ca.npbofl, 1:40:17; 76.L:t+2:04t 78. 39i01 (Ist vet.^c, 18. Ton o,Br13n, Bru;6 Tc; i-: lL-o: trf: ff. Harloy Wirlians, ); Paul w111ia,ns, ltl+z.21i '19. Tertius clrandler, 36to2t 19. Jtn Ktnplo, Ntrpc, 36:03; 20. Een udtnan, rua., 36t1A; 2t. 41 Ueehan, 4-r 1:)r2:22: 80. Phll schalfner. 1:l+2:23. {1liJ Sl-ld€rs, Cl,, 36:\7t 22, Ar ot IJclfroy, e.C, 11st6d fint sh€rs ) --?eto leaaue-37tAbi ?3. Bernte rrl.ht, s.ac, 37tt?t 4, Jo6 Jones, SlAc, J7:20i 25. t tke Scsrborou h I-105 IILCi-S CIJJIT llr:r :: r; :a ,roa:i1]ii & ana., )'lt2].i ,6, Jlr sl erlocli, N'Ac, 3Z;L7j?r]tr'll]iio- - lrla j . Ra.-rnond G. ;chrarbz ..r.i fel.lo.r e7. Je.nJ Fsroe]l1, Udioo qrl, 37ttot ?8, Tactical light3r crev nernberi in the lt.l}lrh l.rr7 3ro\in, I"Ac, 17:11: '9. Dan Capron, SquaCr'on of the Seventh Alr Forc€ statloned St. 4:1th. Bc, 3?,57i 3a. D-, c,€oroe Sbseba,, aa ubon P-AFB, Ths:1er' r'' re-J-3r.Iv aroLnd 37t5u (, -o ve'. ): 3I. P! 1 Pol-ln,!AA, KorsL's oval Lrac L. :1y:n' 9Fc, 3B:03: l?. F-s.k vatu'1, LA,q, lB:11j .13. sroie an F-105 Thundercbl€f, saxs l4aJor Schnartz, c-otskl, sL-Ed'ord Socrrens, lB:19; 14. DFRunr€qulres the utnost in nental alertness. ultt ThooJon, una.. ]d:39; J5. JJ, Sattl , d _ L1:' n:'ra. a -s -o.lvt cer, ont!'lb,-63 J9:04; J6. Ldas-do /1r1a, una,, )o.20 ro an ate-' de,.+rl at' an ti 4'eCo e Lo :il_ ulD.,nevln is10,of,, una., 3o:ll+! 38. 1o- cal?. ot skill, '!As a result of ny rurDlns, I Just una., J9:<8: 3o. ecror A-Lonso, L1s. feel b6ttcr, requtre less sleep, Rrld ny elaht -accllo, 1.0:0oi ro. Bob L-a\ltt, -reeporL TC, l0:.7; staxs do'in. If 1 ionrt run sonol,1ncs, I feel (.lrd Ict. ): 1.1, Jo. l..ca-t ,, :jre., Lo:r0; Joe V'd.1. lryrc, lo:3r:4J, Lr-rl e t vas, arc and lat DeLBca L2. Jin Colpltts runnorg, noia !-A, lo:L5j Uf, ::c. 1: rslck, una,t !1: qulte a.tive runnin3-vise at Ubon' In the Jrd rt'red 06: !-. ilcnr sr € e, :ryl ,lr1:20j 1.6. J.rrc.I lntor-ne:ional Gsmes at lat La1, thaifand ln Sler-s, lryfc. Ll:LtBr L?, Jo i s . -.a-, In.., late -\u,rust Tira{t1 Soncheuroi€ fxor-n langlrok R_RC
set a n;' r:ecord af 2:t6,32 in ijh€ ,rarathon. vlcl :ar , o dk L1, tll' :1.l: t s o '11 ' 'e hon coLld chanplo.l, didnr- cu_ b stal, d rr have botL:e!'ed 2:f0 1n tho cool rdeat-:1er that presailed at Eat Yai. vichltn, '"iho is a cferk -.li"h. rlol i4 . ^: ro , , _; 1: 'o'd ,lfto- a \'lc+d. tnl -a-s ]u- :"o Tli:r.iin 7:c9 {1st placo),colpitis ftrsli : :'_"1 "un a ' and rac€ H on:4P.. 2 ::ra'* "r lar Iro . .o j '1 Ir1,6ln o5''tlrry., ,Jhi.h is f1ir1v pleaseni
co 1 "il B. 1//0. :;e: o L i ..:c:r^""; ar.: 1. ,'lL '5:)t
.' " ".,-r 11.5,er'rs:1.9-0-)i'
" \on -o_ o l
-, l
L2:f7; l"il, Duo-6t c1es30, LlA, l+2:18! l+9. John uobLe, Seniors Tc, )+2:2ot 50, Le!!::l clreykeoJ Queensboroueh cC, 43r06. {65 fln. ) 3 ::.l1 S ri_s: :ti l,or/ t , 16.0'. F-"s--, 1/: 07: E or-. 11 ;08: -rro.rr. -(: ; t8I -., 6.J --JoL I-l
llrD Prcr!.Ic:irc 1,ol!_c DrsT.{r'Jcii tl{cr Rlj3ulls l,Iount .-antalLls 10 llilcs, Sunda.i, Oct. 12ti1
f, Jeff ca]ioNai, !.S. Iavn, 53,r9t 2. tallKe Gxeeorio, usliJ 57:10; l. Jin ?orris, 65;c2; l|. Toto llorabtto; 5. ]ioraco ltoku: 6. san tsosetil. liotes...Fifij€en runner's shoiied up D d.:v '_ rJlr, fo. - o 10 .:1e r'lo -.-n I,1se) rurr o:1 l{t. Taaislus. Callo,ray ran the r., -;IL lirs1no .ne oo,n- 1'.n '-:oO to ajlrf in r0:i9 *:e reco" o-_€corl 93:(o. e o.r's prev oLJo'-:'y oe_o-:.,.rrlt o' ' c. 5. :"o o-io 1"o orok' 1 ' recolo,
_2nd 4
Siidt6trii":"8:l:,BlTEB.fi E. ";f SIII:
5. L. 5.
i*d*:i#*tr;i;x';tiri** 21:Jt. 1:i,3 u6sfgyal, z. Otlv€t rsair; l. lrhcrpl
Iowa, Septenbe! 2?, 1969 .cent€r.v1lL€, weathor: M1ld, 6Z d€al'€es Cou";e: Vsry nt1Iy, on road. Att€ndanco- LO.OOO glgI ygy9l",..f9ru stat€ 31:12.5
{:;:i',A:' 13:li.i fii"'"Jt5it:yll'l:ff Ton lop€n, NE }r1ssoul.t, jz:Ii
trlssouri, 6. K6'1 tutzo-, coY'nhusker ic_ Lo-en l,4oes,
"., tfS:a rc' H:::'3:i,r3llbg'sloian
!: lSlipili*,"i*'+il"i:Iili
corleoe, tii?6'.j 1.. lil"1 i5: !3l.i"3filifl":ii:,"!::i'. .,", ii;:? coodchird, !erk
rs. luon€ rioukol, P6ru rr, Doo nurLn€rdosse, NrsEaLe, Ulssouri, ti: !?ii. irilill,.':'Ii "i3l:,e?j
i l a I-
lIl S] ts:
Il( D(
s( Sl Cc
ii: iii='ti'iJl'!;"i"t.?i: lljar, reru state.
21. L onsro 'J-fkerson, LJ-1. J;\.rel-. )2. G46d_Ca-ller., -toHa 1,i6s1€la1 ;C,
RtiLS .rearner. ?oo, ro_20
H{++j$:j_l!fr!- 1. rhlr Davl
:::ir; i:r!3 J,'l;iT:.i;,*l f ;,::ili;, ii,;, q7:58; il'Jii, iil"l,lr:l i' une., -e".T'i|?ia; r-rB_.rcr.ich, t3. John PIB:t:
"';;i3 .' ,,';*. :-
';i :-'- ::"' :.;.:u.i:k;;,'id:i8,
jJ ;-" . J :I .2
iz: 1ili",,ilxtii.36:"luii3l:,,:;1",:,,
;ij::"" ,", ]e6q
!l: J!*,ii"fiiii,i€:"i,iii* ::)l;,;. i;;,i..
lazar€n€ 5O; J.- I I1€ cou6ge 6!;
::.e tr !:rd-: ,O L-1.t11o_ 1, prlrr-j.a.trz,
:;o;.-"_ "o-r, oDC, ld:2U.7; 28. l4erte D1-€. -, D- I: !rcs-19:0r ; 2a. Stev6 T€y1or, crc. ,9:08.q; :0, jo. \tn'er Lt-don, Indranol; Ac,'3":rr-9r'_ti.'.roi.
;;"ii lil""j. il31:";ll:
ili.l: ""i"::1ft ,llT'ill"lii;,'il'3ii c.srles .rsn,o( ;ii ,:;, i .:lr,- :r(]; d. ';6, 'e,.j;' -iliiil ,i:'";.";_,/.:.1 ,;*.' tirr. t ii, -8irl;' J. ! .}]o B 1:.sr '_, t" ri, -c. ;.,
cr-"i,''t iiil*,:,]";.iiilll',il'i,;f ',;;;"1"' ,,0,,0. : i':r,.'16li r;-";.-: ;!;;-ciri:^i: ; f81., _\ ro"i . errro- aiCo.ne1t, Dn1., 2B:qla:'r ie:;i. e,'r!:";;;, ii:ii"!;^";:"";' lii"l, ;ll "' r"*" "..._'r.ici',0,";j: a:';;; ;;.;i*? fl!iji: Ii-]E: ili- 3X":;"F::',ilif onenrs l.Lte- I. tort
?l;il,.;,i',3:",;:iili, 5:'i;5i- 'ii,ii""f S:'3i^?''r;;X: r-e,_"rrr^coLted-: 12. I j L- le* i€1..,
i.illi, "l;!"::'
TLi:: i,":,ZA,i; Irna Jan6t. slLrtfeff, rfDf, !al;on .tq.5 r6sreJar ic: qJ, 5L6p\-l 5 .o e_. ta-r, Co-leqe: lC,'29rOZ. __rorn covn6__ l]i..J 1-Wood, Tno:e.o1a Ac; Lr. D.te sdbr, T€3n Trophy- P€ru Stete Track Club Diroctor: lan rrcllne Courso Recold: - -lleet by Tr. Hendlicks ot Feru Srat€, 1968 20:47 /o o-3r I Ll.. Lr_..ner- Ilerle D:r.- r. -. -r-rer:,'0:oo: lhoto bolol- The eventual winner Jack 1yer.s of ::-',5 *"" "." r Peru staj,6, ;ieb. tralfs ln tho eaxlx gol;rs as 1-r.o-, oorc , lcrrli; 6, .' .Jor]nrioa, !i11 Yoder and Jin l'lcFadden vie tor'ti6 t;ad. t : :.r- 10:5B; t.. ?. "j:
!#+-1'': '' ft: :q". :" ;:l :--..,.':. 1 , ;, ,:,"-li;.i; i. ",-oo' "i^i:.1,_:-: '.. r . -li:,, r.L,
uil.- rar-?8 i-s :q3+l+:!=-:-:--:-i-.. T;::l;;r.-._r: .-, oo€-., ]: 7.... r .._ i._ r.r:,1 :; ::.-.^ .. ct. .'. ,. i'-i.-r3:,;'..- :.r r-.rr.1:-. .j: ... -....;-.: _. .., -ro" . .l-r. .r.,,...,, _1.:J,; roo rc "-,ir-i ,, -^,:: : ,.,LU_ o.r-,_ 1. i.:arren l --. . 1r'^ L,:e.1 . ii.',::9i ,. : ,.r.,j.r!..,C , 0_ :, Js. 1.
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tL:1 i !. .. -.ke Re-v- , 1. :35 Ls.af.€J -e'-€f ,i11. l'Jt6ossl ^+*!€r,__!se. aorlr, : -,.: 2. .e-o15n our 6r, r.?:lf.!; r:Pdc1, ne Grossnm, Z:j[. 1. -.^o s--tn, +:. o. o - r5i=E9s:--.ij:: .. .rn e. soio .n, ,.5:16.-: _:,1I-" !!:! q: r r, -, r?j J"-e- rfl, r e] >: 5. (_ '.' : )l1i i:J5. -1..r:sl."rs :..sr.d ^ r to. :..t: qsr ;,, 1. . r .._ -l . -!, . ou. l!.1:!_-9_--s-s_'i)t,7t aeL , . I f-;ci TS', 2 -p.1.n, fo a1 :rJst-."
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1. car r,{1111..ns, 30:116; 2. Chas. Sfiifior" 12:10; 3. PauI c,affney, )?t?6i 1,. Bab scha?f, l2:5Bj 5. Bob Tlurston, 33ta6t 6, JLn. slrra.der, JLr08; 7. John I'llns1oN, 34:18; I, John Jon€s, 35:34; 9. Davs Brorcon! 35:[5i 10. l'!1k6 Bradley, 36:27; 1L. R€ld Elde!, 36:28; 12. Psul Ihurrton, 3?:10i IJ. Jefr Leqln6,39:49; 14. cal !-nd6rs^n, Lt:5L. DXr- Alfohso Einton, Jeff il11]-1a.ns, isll1e s McKlnn€y. 2-U11e R!'vL- 1. Marlr Ear,!ls, 10152; 2. G€org6 rilflrr:=-Tf :25: f. Ray Go-oon, I]:Lr; L. Rod SteeIe, 1::J6; 5. Anna Mae c.ok6, 12:46; 6. c6rj Lsvlne, 43t27; 7. Rotalr vJal;6r, 1J:52; d. D6Ie Jaqr6s, 1l+:08; 9. Joe ccarthf,, 14:21; 10. 6-l.1tte R6sults-
lorenzo Cror,|€, rlr:3i+. (20 11sted ftnlsrr6rs) DC&9C B-
otRourko, Pb11a. Ac, 2?tl+4; t8. Pete Van 5 f,ng€n, uri!., 27t59t 19. l,la1t6i. Hr.wId4s, fldlaaLefphla. !1on66rs, 26:08; 20. tarry s1m1ons, Plttla. Pronesls, 2AtI7t 2L Bl11 Farre11,uru. 2tst59i 22. Bob Poh16, PhtL!. Plon., 29:13; 23. Mlk6 oleer, Phlla. Ac, 29t35; 21,. P6uI lucuskt, P6nn Ac, 29t52i 25. Kon wllllrjlson, Dela.T&F, J0:1f,j 26. l,tlckoy loff, Ph11a. Ac, 3ot36: 27. K€n Miur€r, una., 30:l+0; 28. oary lfcNulty, u.ru.,, 34..55j 29. G?6gg !av1s, Phll,sPton., J1r10; 30. D€.r[s coy1e, una., 31116; 3f,, E6nry K1nkald, un!., 32..O3i 32. Ja6 EarrIe, una,, 32:17; J3. Dilsht Eackett, Delau,-6 T&f, 32:33; 3l+. J06 I'lcl1hLnnsy, olney Klranls. lJ:0lr: 35. Ed Henl6y, ur]a., -13:06, (h5 flntshor8 ) Tosr Sco-e€: 1. Penn Ac, 35; ,. Phlta. Ac, 5Lr l. Phila. Plon€srs, 57; i+. D€laurre T&F,
so)rcnb6r lJth- tou CaitsAnola' race dtrecLor, 63. conc.lv6d Lhls "\srdsnlprrLr. altLou8| 'le rnoanlna ls a blt obsclrro, It's not c€rtaln wbeth€i It r€f€rs to (1) the faot that no I].O- CruIJS STE}R ],.TINS OIiTARIO BOAD RACE phtes uore awarded, (2) i;ho course ,Ias lou€t & lttters rornt, onr., oct. 5- For ths Z,5Oon roEEed or (3) tho dletance uas indetennin&t€- ?oad race ths oxtrenelv fast. The natter' car w11- 1r6ath6r uas a cool l!+o and tir€ drizzl€ b€lp:r;6ab1y ibout 6 3/L, n.lres, Noabout everv r'ac€ €d the f,lrl-m€I's. In th6s6 fanil1ar condlttons ffars won, es be doos in Just h6 onters ihose days. The courso uas hlUX, Chrls Sto6r and Mick E!]nlin. both boln 1n u'rh rnu8h foottte, and o.6s-nred obs+'rc163 llkeB-tr!tn, look thls race aa.Li flon ri€ r6ral+ t}Io foUed troes and soveral chatn b!ffiers to der of tlD entrar'Ljs bn 2 ninutes. Th€ palr naneuver, Thls' hot6v€r, nas a uolco:ne chaneo s€t off &t. furrous irc6, shf,rina tI€ lead fr'on t)r6 steady track-road dt6t for nost rL1n- wlth no slan of n 16t-up !t all. By th6 halfpolnt St6er (c..nadlan marathon ch!.nplon) ners aLthoueh a fe6 dld stray ofl the cours€ '!y 100-o nds oJ line_ar.rods usir,6 des.trlte Lod l€o nan11n/AAJ 15 dlo c'snp) by a poi.L ng r !e vay. Vos Li o_: hot I o0-o, l€gr6es r. yard or rko u:rh JLrnlor Lne resr far bs.k. Al L e sunny, lorr hulddity. flnlsh ste6r hold a 9s advantaEe ovor Hernl1.. around th'] l-. Gar i\i111lans, lJts], 36.19t 2. G1:,nl1',,ood, .17; chrls Steor, 26, 1s now notorlng lSA & Mexlco for slx nontbs (or untll the Oq: l. Lod CastaArola, l/SC, ,17;lb; l+. Bob 26, 1" "n :i,r,.i. :s'. )9't5; 5. Bab rl lIsron. lo:,o: 6. rorey -rns -Lt:r,..1: ck nsr--l1n. Ed Arr;s. LC:l.or ?. Da'e Bro1l, l+1r15t U. John art teacher 1n tort Frandes, ontarlo, Th-'y bot\ :ntead 1o 'eLurn-Pt ro de lll{ r' ls?0. La ^;1r,d, l.l:56; o. qobc"' Ios3, L.:o4j 10. r!1"ds: ro_/l€s Lo tL-'o & lsL leM. l:1k; grad:L€v. L2;,1; r1. lq c _.oaqon, l.l2:l7i Sponsors: Glan Arnstlona Sports Ltd. & 12. Paul Thbston, l+3:}fi 13, Ken Schatten, l-L[:oo: 1!-. Jeff coltlns, ]ll+:46; 15. Dick sch'i,"m Raln-a T,ake RRc. ieo'f BEr, - t. ; rrs s 6ar. _oronto Otl.l:]rlc cl ,b. -l:19 Li:ooi 16. Cst Anoe-sol., ,7t:Ai 11,1c. Joft 'zt\B ;s, L,B:Joi 18. Boo ssford, fo:16: 2. Ilck la,"r1ln, Rs nJ LaL€ 1qr, L6r:.r-, -etl,?. Jonn Doo"oloy6rs, 'a/ehoao 5.S., 'lr:1.1 J, 25126 1" 8-I'IILE RflrA- 1. Brendan Eaan, ]tsc, a:4b; 2' 1+, Phll1p Ponlng, Lakehoad s.s., j'dlr;TE TTI-rrs, 9ti2t 3. ran '"r'1lis3, 10::1! t. -cus l/ard, Ralr\t :-ake Rf,, '5t)2 25:55 too_ Ves, 1l:04; 6. hr s I1,n, Lslen€ao 5.s.. 5. L" .ess Saadolal, 10:16! 11:lL 7, d') orna, Laken'ad Rmblers, ?6t)L B'11 ) ran .1ocm, 11:J'j -. t- !o'-'"IIv. -lo \orr6n. 8. -on , oduJn, LR, 26:L6: o. cr "rles IJ co B. .-o L ,.t" del; I :lL; o. loneal, Lalehesd'Lrralv., 2?:22;^lc,-.ro:n llar--Het' Gorcon-ri:ll+. ino, i"-"Il-on t!a\-l-.rs. ?7t2:i f. ia!!J Blonqrist, Lakebead --, 27:50: -L-. lere l.'-::iR,: l-oRmr i rill]3 lLqIlE S lDE JALaIl!5 Ro]{D RACII -no, nralofo, -rrrr€11-.-, 2,: , _- - rLed r'r,r:e ;h:.is. :l.ir., 9Lrid.-)', c.io:r-:5ill 1i'.1:, finlshers) Team Results: 1. Lakehead slfve! \'d o"lo ' l: . RRc, 20; 3. LakeSpikes, 13; 2. Rainy -9; L.],ake Jal- held a frs 2J:57.8 In +.6 arvJal l'E le s!"d_ C-ra-d on Tra'el L'rs 4. RMbl€ls, a -oes "ca. rer 3B; r. Rs-ny R1?er 5-4 " J.c., 52; 6' ;e.a]d-Ie .oad race. laoloa -8!b geol .5-\,as a Aood se"o'l. 1'e. " .-o sL1-t' ton Travellors B, 6J. Iteatl.:r: armit & tarn."!olr':.. l'.1:.: faps, ilat. ?!: . s-cA-- 22, r,r- vJ.t..-1...\ l5 'o6( 5.-l Ill.les) 1. dero T.',enz. P" i,1 , >,: ? :l' . (^. I'ed- r4o-fanroqr, Lrert iI, .fr., tcr. ,r: 1q 1rd ); ]l .. 1 . '.' creF e-ecerlc^s. ... 2b:1r.e (L:51,, ":5 -..r - . ?5.5'i / tL-t -. 1.1c,'J.cq.3" .LL.t?9)t.'2. Jarne t6n.erroa, p:,26176;3, j'r'e. q, 1^. ioi (son, so ' 6:l'1: 6. -c. yike .'', ?6t\'t L. ":11 !, riJnito.1, J4osser, _.lr a_,.is. L:.r"1...e _ , /.lr:;. . F!,nk 1",v; Jeff Doardorff; 6, Jtu1 Dlxon, ls; 7. 1r,, 1. -o.. .-r. 1. _C 6: !9: J, oo S1rborn. Dan 5, !ayn-,'1; iJ. J.ir /-18lrand, t!.
. -La: lionee"j, t' ., .. - ::' ,!" '-rr'. '. 1. "o" , ': :J 1. :- t l.'rc '; . : - ':e /q r-dl, So 'L J r' ' :. l, '/: .. . -.. 't " -l: . :.
''"t _N ij . t, .Ttr. J_"I'.: ?o\L .A'0.t. .L-. to60 ..urse: 'tty^ 6ar' 6": ].srn J_C -'.,er, :e, -aquln. .'., 1: :5'; 1a e. K.rJfl!s Ac, _6:L): J. -..-e r"-1:n, dlj \ts AC, l6:lj|.5; L. Il 5+. €to!! InnC, l7:00; 5. D"n - ilroy, 1.q!.qc, 1/:26;
llcllro', Queensboroush ConnL F. co1 ,so1m r -. );:14.'YlC. Zl:;5; son, l1 f: 19. . ?J:,2; 9letcher' 10. Xip 1/:L?: una., r,.o"'e.ts:,tto., L7' BrIl 23t3I; rnited .!!, Ben nc'aros, !2' f6. KAc, -o'>(: r'-c. ie,[e' r]: Leslie chick' Ea,J 2l:l+3; 18. iloljatd skeggs, st. steve Rois. -,.AC, 1a:117. Irt Its.€d :nlshois) Boborts, Frosh, 23taU L9. cralg Bennett, lallilotes,. . Lot'lston RecreEti.on AC rumers Aarner- John,s con -.1 . ,): o; ^J. l :.ard Le.rls, Unlted M' it. oi. l',r'"" -'-c, l -:c1''rI, ';:c' :)tt': race held or coLrabr3 DeJ' ):rto: i"i Cr,ro :-rre iosd hnlg\ts 21. c"L l,:00; frart'u-rd-en:.., 22. leqted 2i-26' i"! raeC v,nrppea Ln€ t:Lh Ac D --Jron, ulab.t 21. d'n una., :. o.e, or 15:52' tLr€ a coiroge, .Lt'?1 2t, -rradr -:ol:/ m, '{teo 2l:Lb; 26. ':", t.ruv "on record se! bJ DelLs -/. L;, onlv los;Jf rhe courso ( -or, St, Don 1,1,A., tlr:Lo; :a, "rJrn, cro-tear: of iho rln.lghts Ac tn 1q67. yYer-d c€.' D€u!3c: 28. r-a !rs Bc. ?ttao; _-Rolano J. l-l1lroae d .. )qtali 2a. -\- rr' -s, -*""!,d :i. Do s. ,9:oB: lb. Hr!e eruno, ltrL -, 25:-2i 3L. 25t25t I :: 1! Ava1a, --: "rl -6s1eT, ,8., .n'r.. zit2l', J.. :-rr'.t 1.Lnlar, .@.' 25:29i l;';ili*.33"ii;i?STiLlPr,l'i$RY;'HiT""''' CRi ?. 8q1nb Gfanl )-- l4a. co]a. -, Anrh.3c, ?5t3.j :5. :.Lenn I. Ratph T'rones, :rls., zottl cneneJ' un8'' 2': !' "n :;v:.. 2 tLlr 36, 9ob Lea'-.t. Ireeport Fred tc,2tt.Lz" 3. r"l"t"r'iil. .9r-7 v€r. orer I.o): J-. L. l:aloney r,ra1t;',. 5t' ;'".i'll',?; i 1!3, T; -qc. L4.., .)i\):'.-,tJB, DorilL rnr "p:on, rr3., 20:04 i:;"5: j;;fl ,9. .ro t sl"ru '. u^a', 26tO7i fo. .,-r:5 'rtsi._j'.i* e"i"rt, uns., zzra, .. i;;"{,:19I:;: te"., 1""., zat)9t L.)' G. r"djrr er. sl. Jotl! q.ii"1';.::, o,' .,rs., z6:tz.: lr2. 8111 stoti, uia., 26:lL+t 43. u"ti'., "3i?!1,Til' f5l' "c r\ir rJ' uni.. ""1i'', .n f:oJi s( , '.s., 2otrtt +' Dennis sLIII)i's.i"i)i n"v'it"'i"i"rt, /-n. -h1-so l:ar.ils. 26:)9; L9. B!rrv G€j slor. -t. llr-1ro.€ M.. 26t)ti -6' r. "Dckqrr, lcc, :rri" ?t;it,lli,l,l5;il';.l,ui""l:.:;li:" Jr.: Z7:tar Ld. L-olel )ir-o, tt. ".-1Rtco, "n,., "i,l't"?"ru;:l;tf;F (2t vei, ): Uo. Lo' 2'lt\a .^. 611ss;. La.ir-o :rri'?:iltj,:fri,: lF;"'" - .n^.. n", :-;l _0. odn' I ., 27: tlri >', :- . od . : , ., rl 5-. ?g :;;:,ifi i,ii:Is?:":Biryi' l;"i.41-b:1"1i-:b; -7: 'sle"' ro1'-cook' 21'.-Frank ,' 1: zg,tzt . iio. iii:'i"r"vr, ' Senlors lloble' John :i:il: r:n. liilfrore !l+. L. qo 'eo, 'i^c, iri::i.';;, i;:r. ltlSlT:":"]:; "'3;ii;'il''::" -c. 28:0J "..t:95. r-". Q , 2B: lo: 57. l:onro€ e palr or -cioz: *ant, o.',n Lcr d-u. Ina., '-t)): 58, Ieo Ll on, Lrc,, 2d: 'i:i:"j::$'5'h-'iHll'o :-2t .". .. :i..."..n, occ, 'B:'7; 60, Lee i€c!"t"i-il.t"; runnerr put on a sood sholr to -- lq-6r, una., :l --roP Kle'nemen-_ r*"';:"i:
6;-De1.1q T,ncotte, t-E^C' 17:rO: ?. Pa IlcCroe, 22].EEi a3. AncJ ii,rc. ll,;": B. B:j' Psradts, -qqc' u:|J+:9' coll"^e.2:lL 'ryAC, .
:::,;n::1"r ii"',ll'"!3' ll:;:' _-Rolaad J UYe"-of 20:57.
A\No(\c-:lG lctn Ai{$JAL 9 f l I--11{l10R1iL :ros-CO.. ..\ :l l. --or'or'd bJ toe nl!'
"."i:,,"te.T iii.i:r:].qii.l..^i:,j;;",r::", ^l i:::":x&;"xll, n:ilTi':;ll' Bronx' N'v' "iliio,ll;""'."' 2er9 clantn Av6" O?Erl, and VEIERAN. Dsi'e: sundsy,
li'"i"ii.ii'" """."
CROSS---:O!\TPy iutl
Mm?: JTNS I'-l'1Ir; v"" co-ii"-ar Derk, B-or!'. I,.Y.-. seot,.,8+b-
19. iiltl s!,\'ll +1 at Belilont Plate5-I:tles a", rlira,, sat,, oct. 4, 1959 fialsh, V, 26: 2. f,ialshj 1. chris l.iason, x, 26:15.lfij 2. Frederlcks, 4; l+. i.:42. .l t-i"""'-.", *: 5a, zbi lii"Z]'S]ii .6: ll' -r. is,"1.?i,Yl$l:"1:"33;?3 ^6.-srrin, B. l"u ' rl z",iil'2.'rtr,u'"Lin. v,r. zz,tJ; p salul ns, lhr] 2?:L9:..F.osh 7: Jlgiresv- 1l''22-5 .-:lo filTTe ); 2. J n Allah8nd' p!, L:95.+; l. s€vclk, , 15:08. r- "6.1'29'
27, ARI"IY 29i ITANHATTA]i 26, ST. 29; ST. JoliNS 2U, ARMY 2? at Van CortJOIINS landt Park, sat., 0c t. ilth- 5-$11e s- 1,25:33; 2. Don Row€, sJ' St6v6 Feo, !,, 25rl+0; l+. !d McBr1d6, M' 26r "tt25t 3, xd I.IaIsh, U, ol+j 5. Ton Done!u6, ll, 26to1 " r'fANHAT!-q.N
;:r :ll*:'::: Yil'iii'!i.i':' n^t"oi _ne as he caoL )r-o t;::::::",;;":nl ;J:.1'-o:"3' ir:;::;:l"l;'lil, VAli DlLLlN TA'ti'S lst A]WUA! !{OODLAK!] RUl[ :;"?H:"i's3:T:"i!"!i;: Woodl"ake. Callrl"J Sab', cct. 4tb 10:30 A.!i'r:::i:i;;v:"i;!: :;: ltayn€ Va; !6Uen, Centrsl CaLlforrdars nunrh€ or be'! Lt' )blj i i.o.v uas Jus- rin lor* 1s -n"e - r'-or, prov€d he !3s;o b6r-ono "i ,. .'.-. . a neas r€J 25lnr corl-o :: iu"t ::3i; 3.HI ::.".:* ':riau. i::{:"=;::;*. oLlt tn his hone to{n, Wavne took off iad faid r' t^a:l u's € :na Ior "1":;; i"""'"!"Li'"iio'"'p.'!ic:pr .;i"y"r
lC s ' .n'.
1n ih€ Paclfic
" -i' ll' * .{"fsl?6!;,.;.'' 'l,'i;ii'i;:#1 gi: i:*:!,'R-i:l; .a,22:01+;4"qii"[:!:i'R lie,.", 6' Dan 9av6n rP"erio Rlco) o:11
l"r-ti;,:ji;:'s.ttti ii:€ii, :*li,"ifJlT'
li:i!i!:'.:i t!!1ti!"i1, fi";n"*':,.m-', @rLe r"" 221)+6 l1nd teena€e)i rz'
paco th€n sraduqllv ai e 6 nrnute per n116 -o l6a'o Lne field well e * otc^ed up Lh r-or BLrr reck at B n-Li;. ,';;.-i :o'- i ","r the Slerra Nevaent tbroueh les. The course da foothllls, :rarn van.e 6n, aiood11k6. 1t28:0li 2. -. errr ie".r. 1,l.sco. 1:J1:03; l. Glenn l4cca.ctbv, Jerrv Hobbs' Jvan'hoe, Fr€soo, 1:3c:21; L..larEr Frr€-bag€h' - I | 55 : 16r 1' 52, zi;; 5-, Al-,i n a--skto !a c,un"€. uoodLako, 1i59:2-1. tNF- FIck P6lerson, La!on. --o1€nn Mccartl-: Jr.HS 1411€- 1. Pn1l11p Earbosa,Wasco, 5:L5.(.
I7 jl+:24: 10. s "n I:.o:1. JL:l': -1. !- -rro-.:: Jf :Jl.; 12. -toa ,.oer, \5t2.1 -3. J r; -1"\'r, 35t35i r\, Dan s!]ier, 36t02: I5. Jack sl.i]lnsn, I:oL" lJner1 & J6rrJ .i-: Lr , .l?:--: 1o. ,. . sodl11o, 37tl,lt.; 20. Ilck Ruseierl, lo:04; ?1. l.{avk hnm, \4157 j ??. Don Bafsano, Lro:5U; 23. Dan Farf,, l+5: rl+': tootfirong tu!n; 24.l'lin l.lcIntyre, l+2:5lf; 25. Janes case, l+3:02. 9th ( !-IID IAST 0F TH;1969 liri:iiit:,r-ir;tlil iLrl-J.i Rrrl: 7 P.l:, lfL .,;r,:' -/':r,/;ri :jD-, t(,i, rnL 3Llrr-!U5:, lI.L. (Course Fecord 31:23 S.t J,1]X lc:arr, bth, 1969 by llarty Robb o! Proviience co12?: 0 llYAc, 6. B-I7 2l:I't su. ,Leona e ) ^nLh.Bc, r,ts1 on, ma. (1s 7. Brtl ?7:10: d, 'lL.h IeB€ & sTc) l0 startcxs. 30 trnishers. 7oo 1. DouA r\U.n, Bir€harnton, i.i.Y., 3l:1i.5, 2. Sweon.!, D1a., Fa,uooo, 1.J., 27:l-u; 9. Lyn:] Ed Steblerr Syracuse Tc, 34:09; l. Ton l'lon1crmlnJrajir. IYrc. 'l:51! L0. Dar caven, unat', '7: o;-11. s.5 c. l-:lLi C 1r--' ..Ltn, )-tc. loo*ey' ,na.. 2o:"; 12. Jrn , uatt Lxnan, STc,L.36:20; 6. Den Sudiuo, STc, '€ne t'no ri6ruee), 2B:26: 13. Pat roinrles. l\ryec Pasrlck. dna.. 'B:J*; -". llodosr-o carlon, l'iIrC,6 l6:5I; . !"n:^tt-r, --c, 3712(t .. .ria AA' 'd:l irrlgss, sTc, 37 t3Lt 9, Pe,1L cusqno, SIc, 36: 2B!18: i5- V i^e cLtspD''t6, ltlilroseDuias' UAA 26; 10. Don Ball, !r.ti1.r-e Hli, lij:Lfir; ll. irlol: 16. Art l'10016, una., 28:cll 1?. Joe A. ?oro8: 1l+;ieIi, !n]icoit, 11.'i., 3a:5bt \2. Dtle ,i"t vut. ). li:O?r i8. lat Puric, N_o;0o 20. I'lenzer, s1c, 39:A!; !). U,ii:r rrl l.o:, :,i!, 19. )€ne leers, S!a-€ Islaad AC.(l"d Te'nar'), .owlo 5k€JIe.. Sr,J.qns nl!.q-,Ev. l9:38; 1l+. l{ark r-1rnF-inJ 40r12j 15. Dan -6. STc, .l-r-.'s9, m: \t '2. . delIJ, s.'r", ).0:11: 29:10: 21..'U, Cs!r, Marhettao _I:1-: 'o:J8i 2). l. ilrced' l:an. '17, ).n B.1r' ro, -iCr O:ltLi fJ, 1/ir,l l0:-r9: IY", C. 'otrsu- o, Roberrsr ma., 'oi'3' '-, !e, SlC, l+1:fl; 19. Jin Buchanan, lhoerdi, rK. 29:h9i .L. Br-1(^nd ec. ). 9:'!: 26. /. dy l{.L,, l+2:f2; 20. Don Johrson, SilC, 4l;50; 2L A1 l1r1ieis. xyoc )'1. Dor :4.o.ur. SL.^-tl . E1u orB?len, Slc, 44:4i; 22. TerrJ FlLrlrd, Mc"lroy. e.-, p9:5(; '1.c, 30:17: 2o. nsr sTc, ll.j+:)f7j 21. Ed Stabler, Jr., Liverpool ec. 10":02: 28, Ri- - spq. !'-. lalle! l con- nS, l!+:48j 24. 8111 ilushes, STc' lt5:04; 25. B!Ien Eu'ns. UAA, JO: -Ol 10. L . c-roo, s,C, 15: .": -6- J . Ie .'.dr r'l nol. C--C. JOt.?i -:L. Jo,.1 (L-'11%M. ;Il11"r'e ))' :'atu 5.C, , :.. ; l, a-' o-.-r-, 5-C. l"::1.-: Ai. Jo:Jo; J2. rti*' ,looo, "cL. l0:-1: c'ore-rt, sLe!d 20..1 o r, -.c, \:6; : unc.. Jo:!ti l-!. . Li1"'.""1r.r. 5.-. ?erc V r ltre-1 0. S-"rrsn. , l0: lB; 3 JLn (i 1ple, J"PC r', , ord r!rsd .6: f: '11:oo: 16. J.!1 :l 6c.o.k, lryAL, Ji:o_: l-. ;i 'n- /c:o (1 r-o . \,c./ .or"L...n) Ilee. .i" c.o-s; " io ti-tsit, Slq, , :0.; J.. Don crpro^, s..4-C. Jecques lebel ii John LynDm, C. Salsaao---DcDato i :r5; 39. G. L6; :.Ln ., HQlim RYAIi irNS 3nc N,Y. ASSll, 5-l11LE X-C RUN Van Cortlandt ?arL, Bronx, oct, 5- IIotle RlEn of the Ner York AC captured tho jtR0rs 5-niler over tl1e ICI|A Van Co:'ilandt Park cross country course ln 26.2E, Ile Led at the j-ntl-e nark 1n 15;1.11 aid nent on to lnn by ISoy over tee-:'t:ate Jo€ Bessol (26:59). For the seoond stralght l'oek, a tecord fi6ld ;f 8? st€.rters fac€d starter Ed !evy. 1. Ho{16 Ryan, N'Ixc, 26t?ri 2' Joo B€ssel, }iYAc 2659t 3. Dalek Van aeden, }lillrose AA, 27:06; Lr. Jo€ Vltoi.rskl, CJ'lc' 27to1t 5. Jose Velezquoz
,": -6. rL ir'. J, :-s.. - r,, l1:51: l. nrir, cers- r J., ILL-.J..r:51;L'I:'i nr., '2; '',' c"i"l s....c, ,:J , .,-. :.i.r , I :06; I. ' 04! L. c.a.e I n%: r '1 oll 5sfi€vLn lla onpl, Edvsrdo /Ll1€, m0., l": -0i h . Polln, u1L 'd \r'r J': L); t -'1(--,.sL.), una,, J_:12; I,7. -;c l:'1.; L9. r. ia.'i"i r,"""ti., \\, J2:26: 50. ;1'1 dtoor ofr. S .1 .'o. nrs Srane. I-;C, .t ). t- ) tLrl sher s) n--
VII Ll IlLr,r-liIs alloss C0UIITRY RA;i,S 3aldnt1sville, I.Y., Sat., !\r..t:BL ?3, l'969 Lurgoe Jr. ]], S. SIiIIIOI 5 IIILES- 1. ta{e Oertcl, Syracuso !c, {..fno1l i'rosh) ?t:IOt 2. ,fat.rey Farr, llatcrtorrn l{3r 26:0ti l. lran Erl.rin, Eo linA ''' "', 't t?3t I ' Do : tlrenr B n- r,r' . )'' litj; Co!ch, 5. Charf6s xiltso, Brvll1€ !rack .E, --Joe K16110n I . . ,:loi IIa L I €a, !:s'op L- 1es 7. Ilck .r,6fLerI,5'. -r. - r. .-", 2.:Joj _rl 1orl]l lhrirtoph€r'rs TC, Endj.cott, li.Y., 29:39; ii. C- Ji'5 nqs!-r:s .r 't'1 : sw'tA.t,Sj -Rq_K^a\ Don Befl, Brville, 30:02; 9. J1n ruchanan, . sDL" 8/1?/69 RLN 7 !.lv, r --o^0u"fl oeda, 11, ., J0:1re 9i 10, Ji . ""se, 5i.. l0: ( {,- s sr- ,, i " nlq' e's) L7; a-;"c,.;,'i.. 11, o, .l-, -0:rl: J. . Ir'.rl DD. B j. =i:;,.: ... q.l - Lr. ]l:o ; 3. L:aam, Blshor n:n. s '_5, ) :1.,: I-. B"r {l: '':n'lor. |L; )' 7' rom Srll1. )J:1.2i I., la' orthy, l'1oha{k va1loy, cold ll:!4; 1[. Terr]' L:11: >.i:,. ; o' lou' DA -""=or o"i,r_,, 15. Jo.'n -eonar-, J6;0/. Blunn, :lL, l1:Oa, '': o. ' 1 . '::l7l-o X"" y, -1": "ober. n.S. J-MlLEs- 1, :r:c ooe., -r: ': . fa. ""u1. t1:>>j LL. l{on1ca, rc1 '. vonlca. JL:L7i 1). ''1c S-c, 16::8; J, -*.-n , r'J,'7t ):8o_ \:Lln€'. J(rf?; li. I'J; --" S'rO"-, .+:Bd; 12.L", t-tc snlLh, l i:!9r 5. la -.e-l), .c' L, b:LY; Jert: _ h, janot Jr snl--lnan. 16t'", ,1 c /' I{.J:3oj 7. oJ! 6. Jo"* T!-1och, -5. Msrsnal L iur\-ler, 37:^J2t 16. Ed cqrrett' I8:-o; B. ltn eoeers, L9:12r 9. Ken sl1{?:1q! 1/- llarr L ns.'1. JB:J-; lo. R c'{ SLock€" sTc, ltnan. t9:J2; ]u. --6\,o Elot' l9:51. }renlo:-' -20. D3r€ i,'o2i $, \rc^ '',41;rj, @ADE school, 1.5-i:-L4s- r. l'2_k r rll:_rd' o: 21. Rr;; Ilorle, -o:-0i 22. Don aaIl 19; 2. Patrlcla Moruca, fl:22; l. Chrls Lai6 )g:.+r; "',iii'ti", Don BsLs' o Den sJolIIo, L]:29 11rl+o; U. La.ry unrttney, ]2:ll5; 5. -o,9it ;,.. i1.";," shlier. L?:10. ,)5" fLnlshdrs) Broth- Poi.te, G€orso Lalorte, lLt:03. --Don Balsano-nlut p'tu"t,.: ur: John Lvrlm.' 'ss's!qlter Andro, :lotre D)re lS, U!Lca. '{'Y' Tm SYR-ACUSZ TRACK CLUB'S 1st AN'liru/|i, ?OX.i'l Bth 1olfl{ nuN CB,q COrnSE, 7 P.l't", TIESDAY, 8/19 fllll-MllNtr Srncoy, ,l.rausi 31, 1959 12:30 i.14. I r? st3rters.35 flnlshers) Sll'-lCUCn, lilill YCRE 90o, hu]llld' AnJr"'s' J2:)9i CB!. SCEOOL, J'n ?. i1'eiii-Rippi",-.lz:IL; l+. oon 5ab€, Jr:02-' 5' z, Iinlsr16rs, tokr i;lii;,'.t2,c-; aiii i. q*"".v e;!r & roa-sntlh,.l3:i0: 7' ro'1 sTc,c3A, ll+t4o 7a:37 1. Bruc€ D6rrick, il", cl"i, ii,o); B. Dous Auen, l4:12: e' J'a Brllr 2, Daryl lavld, sTC,ol]lo St.35:23 '13,33 B-q.l!',r I1'5
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€.nd Sk1! Eouk ovor the flnat lOC _:laros. Dor6 Rrs-;o €1o o- :r"-1oro. o .jn I , ..1: t{o rri16s tut the blg suryri;;-w;;-itiil"id . ..r.. ;!'iii €a:'i...,.:.;,,-,..t't-,:,.=:i_:-:er.ore chuck uenz, rtth oriy a 11aht surnn6r of t4ai:,i.;_-.e'_::-.=-.:_: : t. -
Nf ?TH
AT Tm l',l,lc4J
joorwotgP A
OT'Ti{! ROA'
CITy' Nq4 JERSm'
SEpI. 2?,
A.) lllelcone lddr6ss by the hesident- Ed oroomeU. Rm ot A'ne.ica P]estdent, !d Orcomgll caLLed rhe m€eilia t,o oder at 7,30 P.M.r in !he.Be1to4 Rooh, 2nd floo! ol the T. nRors present Here I_* nn€led, Mlddle Atlant,1c, li lork, ed !.C, 16 Rm n6mbe6 reE in attend.nce. r.esident. o'comeLt welc;ed ev€lX'ono and 6tressed in his report that th€ RRC of Anerica has been a stagnat g!ou! sin.e 1!ri1, built aroud a ro'rnd lobin cllins list. The Presldeni siated that. the RRc seeoed to erisr in s.i!it. but not ln ihe llosh, and no orgsnizatlon. An execulive sec.etary is vert tuch jn dened io estebhsh a nott olk of comuhlcatlon ihroughout, lhe cos!ry- ihis is nd lacking. Aldo Scdduta sire6Eed tie poin! tha! th€ rea1 EtfenAth of the BAC i3 in local atll regionaf neeiings. B.) Secr€taryts Re!o.t- Amo Eicbard6- Secretery A$e n:icbaftls has been ir contact with afl aat.ional oftlc€n as {e11 as tiih the llational AAU l,!R Com. Chailrm. Aoers l6i,te! to Iotu B.and, dated AuSust 24th {as lead io ihe body. It, was agreed by a1l that the sec.etalxr has done a fine Job during the pasi yea. in seti,ing up RRC contacts. C.) T!€agur€ris Repo.t- No!n@ B!.rd. Tleasure! No!@n Brod repor.Led Nhai as of sept. 15r 1969 a batoce o;hand-;iSi52:It:lTffi-imffi; as of Apdl !5, t969- +,3'ts',29t. receipts - aprli-sep!:, S2o?.50j expenditures, $33.60j barece as of Se!t.. V, L969 ii Lhe bd:l<, $571+,31+t cash, $4.85 fo! t.otar of $rr2.19. 3!ard !6po!ted the foudrine Ric Associaiions paid in dues, D.C., Cleverand, MaU Cir:r lace*, MidPacitlcJ MtdweEtr ldmesoia, l,Lissourl Valfey, Ns Engl€ndr Nd orteans and ohio River. RRCrs overdue - Akron, East BeIJ Iowa, Nd Iork, ydddle Ailanilc, Northem ]1linoi5, Santa Barb3ra ad To1edo. oanada, Ozalk, Roclq/ Moutatn and Michigsn are oveldue lNa las! yea.. Brdd report,ed that, a nd RRC Assoc. at Travis tF!, nea! Sacieento, CaI1f. has b€en foded. Aldo Scandura voiced an explession of ihenkg io Nom Bla]ld tor an oiceuent repori. D.) Repolt by the Vice-Pr*ident, of the Erast- l(urt, Sieiner. nast,eln li€gionaMce freside.i, trult Sieiner lehalked that be ras very lbpressed by the tunoui for this leoting. Hft comenis eovered tbee lointsr 1.) Thai all addresses oi RRc natlonal oltic€rs, advlsoly boad neEbers and all RRc A66ociattons be codpiled W the national secreiary dd n6iled oui. 2.) Regardine nRC Nai,ional congtltuttonj ru]e #5sugsested R8! Pogtal ChepionshiF (2 han lo-dile !e1.X dd 10 idle irack !ace) conlorb Fith Nat'l, AAU aI* and !hai, a Natlonal FdC x-coutry chdplonship at 9 nues be staged wiih the possibibty that lat,ei it could becone a Natiqal lAU chspionship. l.) Thai ihe Rm Age c.oup r.ogra shoutd be lushed on a natlonal lev€l ed tbat u Xasiem Regional Ase Gloup Chdlionshl! Meet be est.ablished. Steiher also added that the AAtl should have Aegional pat,ches for ReeioDal of Seclional ChapionshiFsj dd thai the patcheE becone stddard. E.) Repoacs of the Stahdirs Coiblttees. IIdo ecanduda leloded for Ron Davs &d Ted Corbttt, Co-{h.irne. oi th€ RRC & AAU Stddardg Cobblttee. He siated ihai a llogre was udeqay to enfolce .Ead!€ of stedatds c€lttlicates.
Iorner RRC President. Hu€h ias..ur',, a nenber of t,he Rm su!-co!'nitt.ee t.o study t.his me!ee!, leloried ihat b€cause ol a td dehlr sta:us efforts !o ne.ge vlth tbe RRC at. this .lat.e rere not. plonising. Jascoud he.s *orked with nd :1. iels.!. lhe JosseG A6sn. is daking an ati€mp! io publish a n*61et!er fo! over 1,500 peoptej but +her :re n.t pushinc anead ridth fcr@I arla.eenenis fo! a nelger at this tjr€ due io a lack of org.r,iz:ii... .lldo Scanduqa sald t,hat, the NJA should hake an effod to o.saize jogciis (or jossirs sr.u!s) tr.',helr dn, @d
then {ork idald unity aith ihe RRC of Aqerlca. E1.)@.BIo'/rnii€Ro6€Jedit'oIoit,heio.g:is!sce1,og!epo!ted ihit a nen arraismont lrith Ca!1 Cooper, executiv€ dilecior of ihe U. S. T( r':::i1on, {as @de in July v.hereby the log tould be publisbed ed ciisiributed by ihe USTI! irui, '-h:1- ...ss hrld cont,inue t. edii tbe Mgazine. lrss siate<i that there *culd be no conllict belfee4 t,he r-; :r '-t-e USTF|. as Ross is chai:En ol lhe National AAU 1,on8 Nistance and Road R'ming conidtt.ee. :ill l.?ri sr€sesied that. the l-og be knoM aE tbe l,ong D*iuce ]-ogr a publlcaiion fo! Mers by1s.id r:Lari rihe USTII not use ihe 1,og as iis official p'rbtication, Aldo Scandulra lepolied th6i Car::r.F: r:s a iai! !e$oa sho ha6 a rcal inteFst in pforcting 1on€ dist,&ce :Im!€. Udy felt ih:," --r. -f€ tisirance Ioe should be list€d aE a publicetion oi ihe lFa oi Anerica. ltoss staied tha-" th: !S::i x:-i]d 6ave hir a huge yearly expense and ihe 1,og would go to press on schedule and tha! he hd rc .:je.i:i.: to ii being a USTIF publv.) Proare6s Report on the weBt,en Henisphere l(-Coujrt'l:j Chu!1onshi.. i.Id. :crd!.r., chairGn o! the AAU'S rub-cormliiee Inten1at,lonal 6ect,ion repod.ed no lnfomaiion on i.:s as re'-. :!. repoli woufd be aiven to AIdo flon OUan casBeIL flbn a reDort comiriee ol ihe Lr,..{... V,) creat,ef 6tres6 on the benelit€ of nenbe!€hi! in RllC of Anedca; e,8., :-.r Colae's llaste! Sch€du1e end the etanda!& ploject. Nolh Brand !e!o!ted that a list of all aia :ss:s. ro)]d ce cui soon and that Ed lodd of D!ae1 Hill, Pe. yras wolking on ihe standard ce.tiiic.tes. :1I1 ]:r.l .e-!.rt,ed lhat blank sianddd ceditlcaieE r;re pliited up lv cratrm i-nJrr io UAf dd pass.c .r:o '1d6 scddura in 1968' VI.) !@_a€lltrqq j
*; j;g'fu1,1*:'xU5irirr-Tru-ii'+F*s1l*5$iiffi t'X ,
.mi"'i:*:*f:1"*,#:*.H::"ffi Hffi#
!3 slcol\,D a\'ltuAL IDNROE
MARATHONT I,DNRO[, LrrL, o.T. 121n zl-eo" cos6e: our a o.ir. "orti,.s Liu" j_5 1. EiU Botilng, Xer rolUA SirldelE. )$7 r, CarI Carcy, relLelir€ arddeE, ).?5t}5 ,. lio(.nd Arepach, KelterlnA StfideF, 3t3L:32 B.uce Xrlr.z]er, tindt€y colLeqe. 4. )t)t\t2! (. Dou€ Xlttzlo!, Ohi. Stit. Unii., ,134.22 r : i L:,': z. iri"r sru",r,, :;, 3]* rI*:::",^neLrerrns, pbb.a,
Nrcr >A:,?i
lot -
6. troe Dar.ton YltrA, lr:12:15j Dalton, -:t?:L5: f0. Clajrc Duckl1e, ,a,"ton 4c,.5.:0J:Jo: 11, j.rry N!zinek, chlc.so, 5:]j.(b. coldbers' Don FhilrlPs' wavno
lliil .':i,::';:f;; j]: :,' i:,3:fi"r"iFii.'u;::;:.[:"fi 1". ,rirll' tulcerr, spa".q Ac; oo: llil1. 1l: P,,30i ji #i;;"9i'ff;.lu;,ili'il.'fl::. ry,]:?, ":t*;; ji*i,[_fi ; !,',!!ru'tu"i ":]i"]k"T:ii,il, he, reene
;;;,'jff Aiffij;il:
rorr,i ArrLmno,
::g!0.'n^lsryg-cgqcsi) 5epttuber 20, 1069 (rB 6tanFrc) LreaLner: .deaL. .ponsoled by rne \o!rL lt,rteDo.o Jayc€os and'he Yltrj. After t,he "t€r ,rt]e i! was a conlest b6_ and Welt€r. oLseh. Iormr prov.id€nce Cot_ ,:g:.3*":&.l*.: schoolr€acher. {o' oy re6s rhe roy. lro!n1e3 to the fiEt It finisheF. 1. Larry otsen. Norlh Med.o!rj Cluo. 25:02! r. {en \el_ r44ss.
ler.-B€ton A{,2r:01: J. %rk prr;rson. rna..2.:rjj Joe,catalano.-oAAr 26tl)t >. 1by laplsug. sa..26:toj 4. 26:)r: z o",r ruipnv. i;.II"i ul9!]11 BA'{, ""ck3.d, BA"d, ??:)lt 9. todd-"i., ter..un..2?:4i: 10. cheB. porLer. sa.,2?:t6; ecIil6_ ]I. Irn. 'cJL1't, BiA, ??:<) 12, ,rarne -rh;ra, una.J 2?:-r; tJ.
28:08, u,. chas. riarrs, M:., .e,_z ilry"1l9y;'i1:, r-. aooer !t.mstror'€, s.., ?8:?lr 16. ouss Waldrcnj un1.. 28:27: tZ. ,4ike scs.uskl, w".. 29r14, s.eve 19. Dave skivina;oa. NvC. -8. 29:-oi ?0. 9tT".: *"., 2a:19; Nqc. ?a:?e:-21. Eowa; cur rs. \s:, /o:.)4 "1.*_1199: J{. lll'., 2e:a0, /.,. Jih.o8€eshaLl, :i; ":i;s 1"*:". iony osta. sd.,29:5or ?5. Jo€ uce.l_ cks, s_.,lo:ol:.6. ph_t Hea.n, j!{r, r?.51; \:1":. \Yc, )0:09i r8. !.Im. vulphy. Btui,.)o:Oo! lo:2a; 29. rrjke rcuos. un ,,..f0:?d: JO, jvj[e lcErien, uj., )O:Jti ').1. ua ifl' l";1":: ' r0:r' : t2. Geary" 68e. 6"., )0.
j:, i';liii, l!t'lil4 il;; i.j,5;:1"1 i::fl "ii Leppe., )t:11: Jt. \oberr ua., Jt:02; ;
ue., l{:U: .o. c.ry l{irchel], ua., ,.: Lr: 1.0. Ceorse .t! nrlo. [jtC. "l*. J_,1]. tr" Cirtstrere)' _rred B!d.n, Sr.__
h rpshj!-. Ssd y, SeF,21, Boo ^Cl *"?:-rg 9. the .Da-1cn 1- r-n rog-1a-1a;11 i9o9_ s1" .i,., :rorrr :r4:sreB lor a5orr tive Les ard tnen .oo^ oil on J 4-n1te tong niat !o wi4ni.he oil tru-} o.d r.cF sporso:e oy i.e Cl. r€mnl l!ac< ..Lo.to_ni Le h3iLs rloo VelgemosJ \E!@n!, oecee _ure.sbe-g.^who -re touf ,- spalt n iC l'Ltrer jn .ou! yeals _-ke _he Lo
h6srbe-. Eralph Bu6chtuna set
'*'a oro rn :1lg 1e6o with a clocki,i.q of 50:I?,6. l.I11]@re or t-con'a, N. j.. leF-egen.ij€ .he !o-th ,,-a.1 'nd trho nrn6 Just to fjnjsh, rece.vd the otdesi Fldsne- q{ad Ehich care surFise to the spdshtlJ €enttellan whoasisa?2pleas.n. years yo!,ls. ihtutns rre nos- clLb, CarL qpressed h:s _Tn_ rove or d FLTce '.ffi iJ€ dd sajd .e woutd be bac\ :n r.ophJ ras wo1 oy th€ .,torth yedford {lrlr I pe.rec, sco.e of L5 poinls. ho .LretuiL :_r'.? r tdsh€d Becond with 40 poiits, -he frrs- 25 -Cinish_ era rec€j red Lroplies. oterty of refreghEenrs fo! rearhe!: rdea1, Lemp, 70 degrees. ,Lhe cor!6-, rrf1.hatl. for -he ms. F€!! va6 vrell r.rked.,e3 in the cout.y. .!tu Hajrpsrljre will be - hot bed fo- lunnoF ii.he ni*1 tro yeaFJ acc.dinA to Bob CuDbeII. t. %oeru Ciersb€re. span; \c, 52:at; 2, tol nd cor_ r e!, j,lt , -J:16: J. lerrJ C€U sher, \\, (J:5rr L.
rony sap,.enza, dA4,
.ff i:l'r:"f; T, ua* u,lkos(i, -i;-. clar.non; : w,^?6,?,,.19.
fflii' liiilll";,Iil j,:,;ll,,ii;.fiT,'*"
y:.*ii:3i: rtrailr;=yili*fi; i:T:;* $di, ;:, ?ii.i_lf"rff;; i3;i3;,j? *il ii,;jl ;i,ij!'."' Hi'1i:',lI;"i!;"li"ii;,; :;.d;,.t1';ii;T';;:;l.li:,ll;_ *:+ ;,fl;"*;! ,iiitT;,3i;l',i1;** :;, ;ii-ru1o. t!r,c,88:tJ, __r_o o"o*n.
'.19v..Bl Rr00,
!,/Ifl: )-y]Ltr R. Ar | \r +\ luultLEn slLou l l.' s"pr.25in o: o p.r':.-;nrs run oDrre! skre i cr.sr 1& finlshed arcore
-:":1:t-"", ::f:::l :;: "-:,";T";",ff I::T:;;"*,;:;":; :?".f;:":.:;"'::"rTHS;,t",'J::"." ; ;
c@oy Bur
ii: *:::.;x ;l;,";i:j;:""
oo., --ntrzt .otu. r\, .o:l-.a, ,.
o-""-. - "., "::ii"i*":,e';li li;li, !.',il,1i?5;"i1;il':;;,,;'. j, ;; ;:,, "i".';!#i;i.[:l;, i:, i ir, t1,;il:;r::. -:ii.il :i:Ji, ff il,',,i'.4;. B;;ij""i;"1il;il", j;::;.,r"" -'.,,,", i,F
.3;,iiT,lTiiili-Il;,ii;ll',1/: il";:",l",f i.;!: :;:J:'ry,,y :";::;;
;1 )1: -.:-.- r.-" .uM. J&r, l'.!1"l ,:.iirl:, tr,'^,rl.i::;:t;"I.,";l _-" ftonrson. J&.,rr
f,ry-u?i.s. )Ic..r,:r,: <o. Joru _i....,.. 1..e., .:.?j '!. hsron q r". ua.. ,6:o-: , .:es ..s;,. m".,
',.'?':';.li;,";:: I:f"::";",:llj", ',.,
:;il",1"',r,:;:;J;";, t2
,: l"]; "lit';,
".'lt l;:l'i'll;,";ffi :*"i";.;,"::,,--;,;:; :"::"" 'red"r6on. "f: . {0:-0:.). ,,. .1,,",.,.., ::,,,.r. --a.ed lrolfn,5r,--
rhis o:: .n. _,- ;; i; r::".,."T"{ ..-. 5 . "ir...e l'_x-*.* y jor r. d ^ir..!:sr Ere n r{ p"t.y tso o 3".ono , Fo-_l^llj'i' ". -:-: njsl (en y,:._r"r o\ ov_. ';;;"",i"'.;J'l'":": ;,"1':."i j"i",,"-ilI, *.""iii_
or;sneo .or'-e i..::" l''t' s ' .r€Bed as ioud Lo':t anvhere. rbe *eatler-ro ius! iborlr. jrrt beu' ro. ffir.c. .nljvjqu;t ahbDlorrnrp nsa:5{as to t5e l"irs -h-ee da .nreip ""." o, .i,or-_es "pionitp-us "", xd de.ch.aois""., 111-1_: .' €n:iy ^-tuIr.cs aLL oo. reo Dy , re,Tsm--rs p!-". rr E:r "rry,s .. lo.L ot ,Lr- o-!re- spo.solsl) oL' on'\. -r'.-d 6e. - !€M a;oar6 due sp._.r -. treir o)sl 1. Bo5 on M (r\ 1: 2. l,I4c (a) 4 :
Ar (B) 69i rr. Nr0 (B) 80. 1" Art lulons, Spe.ian AC, a:a2.36t 2. (en l1ue11€!, &{A ( ). I:tr:r?: ,. P"r Ycl4-non, BM-A, L:16:11; r.. .;r':r o1sen, NIC-A, Itr1,O3t 5, Paul Bemsieb, BM-tr, I:17: 55i 6. Phil P{ran, BAA-A, 1:19.01i 7, Bac6 lobratzr Lri{C -A, 1:19:39i 8, Jeres Crcen, B,{A-E, 1:19:44,; 9. Rlck Rdtey, utllrose AA, 1:20:05; 10. Grahu lamellJ spartan tc, 1:20:52; }l. ltoland Corrlei, Irll{C-A, 1.21:13r 12. r]ord slocmr Gieaier Poriland Acj 1:22:1Br U. I6'!on Biseln, BA4-A, \:22t42t U, lziro Ahti, INC-9, 1.21:19i 15. lavid Dunskij spari.a !C, 1,23,2a, 16. Bonald caff, INtIJ'i'., L123.39, 17. Euss Ho1i, Nr.iC-A j I:25:19! 18. Rahh (. ?h.ms, u.ai.r L:25t23t L9. John Ja.ek, }Bn-A, 1:25:
loi 20. Joe rrcniie.ro, !er., \t25:5t+t 21. !r. David 'riolthen, M4C-3, I:25.55j 22. Dr. nlchad Packald, !AA-3, \t26ta7r 23. Xdl1Md Connor, Nl,lC-Ar t:26.51.; 24. Tony sapienza, 3il-8, \,2ato'lt 25. nonald Nehd-asr ua.J it2Etl+5j 26. Te!ry cauagherr Illil-l, 1:29:40, 2?. lave lin+-on, 3,{I-9, 1:30:15; 28. Dale Toohey, !IA-!, L:30:26i 29. fiilli"r l.lcNuliy, &n-1, 1:30:3?i 30. Steve rranzett,i s!ar'v.'n Ac, Lt)at53t 3\. chet lortier, Da.J 1:31:26, 32. Charles xealiibs, ua.r l:32:La\ 33. scotto conzales, Et|..-g, t:33t29, 34. Herb Pa$onsr c9u, !:31+:\5t 35. rt!\. Purcelf, gpart.n t\C, \t31+t55\ 16. llobe* Helsey, M,tc-B, rt3i:czt 37. JuLis sieeelr Nuc-3, 1:35:23; 36. ?obert nusseuJ CC-{ri, It35t1+L\ )9. Ray Latva, unn., 1:16:12; 40. Tho@s conlonJ ua., 1:17:11; 41. si.even rJerej una. I:391221 42. Peter Eldridge, splrtan rLc, I:39:3Ij L3. lon Nor.lsr spadd lc, I.39t32\ t,tr, tG.k HeggertyJ nttB, t:40:t9i 45. rdward cDrris, rorl-!, 1:tl:42i 46. tan iiarleyr una., \tt!2,a5\ ,7. Davld iloufst.onj ua. j r:42. 1,(, 46. Itric Evans, slartah L,I:42:33t 49. loninic Mo.ales, Mlc-!, L.lt:A1t 5a. Bobelt. la.liveer uat.J :rJ:lo: '1. Ricl D r\, 1n.., ':Ll: J; :. ?-n rroBen unet., r:!4:43; 53.'dPaul schollr Nl -8, l:45:I?, 54. FiUid schDdt, un€t., l:lr5:28; ,5. Robelt Torosian, Mrc-B, 1:15:30i 56. Ressie Knapp, nat.,I.LstsIt 57, t.h .d i-rroyLe. \f[-!, ] :L.:01r ',. 01 ilLer, '" -iIl::sie.s, 1:50:2?i ,9. Jelf goshd, una., l:52:12; 60. ilch,r.d Dudley, N j-8, t:52:4jli 61. sig Podlozny, lilrc-B 1t52:51+j 62. cr:+ Stonestreetr nfia-3, It53tl5t 63. Ben tudge, r!{c..ts, \t53.52t 6la. Darid clteen, Nllc-Br 1:54:51 65. John liclieen, iNc-!, 1:56r1oi 66, !I. J.he6 IIrysr NI.c -!, ]:56:56r 6?. i,lilbur Crocker, NrC-!, l:59:11. --!red !Id{'n, Sr.--
1. louis Paul,
CoUlllRY RUN, FFdSH PoIJ!, CA,IBRM!, l'44S5.
CetJ, 221a6,
2. Larry lermln,
CSU, 22:O7t
l. lba.tes (ellogg, B]J{, 22:5ot 4. oqv caldin, CsU, 23: J?! t. ,rohn Kelso, CsU, 24.:59; 6. Robed Lussier, ua., 26i26; ?. fhil Heaih, NI,IC, 26t3Lt 8. J.e carlino, CsU, 26:1,3\ 9. Jerr:t RolLinAer, una., 26:45, 10. Archie Moore, CSU, 27i22j 11. l{m. Blrbea\, llat. 2'1.27t 12. ' 29:23i 14. rmrk vo1!e, NIo, 28:01; ll. Rick lery, CSUJ Ilenry sicnou$ey, CsU, l0:25i 15. lannX lrven, CRA, 30: !J; 16. Kent zeilon, ua.r 32.1+7, r7. Dat |I€.sky, Cn-Ar Si.J Nlc r ll:l8i 19. tick E.dnj l-l:24j rE. txed 8.,a{n,glrrdJ CITAJ !!T. a?J., rl:5)) 20. lick N.tes...One ol ihe CdbtidS€ Spods Unionis S:-iurd.J n hing ertlavaganzas. louis Paul won in spite of !esdu.\ '-o0 a dog & 'hen relu ,i s i' ' the !ond, --lred Brdn, Si.--
:i!iiAl], l{ilIOL{l;I PAil[, Satuciay, cct. 13, 1959 - AAU STxTt Crril.i!101'lsdlP 5,0O0nL CROSS-CO!r$TRL - 1. Jeff dallorday, USI, 15:25; 2. Ili.ke Greaorlo, USlr, 15:56; l. tsi11 Cooler, 16:JO; 4, tin Poiersoi; 5. Ky cole; 6, !-carn Ierreixa. llotes...Tventy-i1.ro rldners appear.d. Jeif GaLlouav tallod to break lje-rold Cof,ers rEcord of 19:09 s€t in 1964. HOjiOLULU,
--S3.1 l{' Boseiii_-
o ?aci':
th. ro.onb Olynpi. Club ,F c.'vin9 rh. Mounroin..r Tophy lrom L.. Ten€ll. Phoro by Uni'.r.,ty Phoros.ophcr.
B6b Moorc, of
E.,tM@''@l4blrr ltr*lr. n tt. i.ttE 15 M|r. B-d Ed rt lrddrl. E$ h* ldt srtEdtt nFlrr4 th. tu. rtina ot ndoi.' bv ldv 'tu Borchil, do * uibr. b cohFl t ed or l.F . v@-, or tlD r.r.tlo oi nd. cIn!,E inlhtd.d b3t ald hddtty, cldt.d tb &rtn irt .l um ol I hd, t.r dn'n'!, 5t Fc' @dr, s.cdn Pr.6 F o ion Ee o! tD. Hanni@ ltnbHc Crrn. rno cms GOFD DICKSON
6EF$tnr'utlln.9u t! E llL, ti .har|d3! d roll @. ..ll t tlrlEn Llt tI a t6 mrl. 86, lGt tudra tbd rar l! Elr 5r!. &rtbd' r,rd tn u or r ltrd.dL El! Es@ lor nedry a! nrr p.Fdr]. H|l ltm. *'
qdt rrd
ad nuhult, rhrch, rndilr-
f,!* .lt xlL Rdd Rc L ' !d vdn (iGcc) Lt..!(o dr , R. Ew o !9!tr.o N . r. vmtl (roc) r-u.4a,0
(rE Ls.r.ls.o -a(h . B. lln . B. ^n€n Flhy CIoc) Ll5.D.0 ali . C. Dr.t d (s-{c) 1.33.rs.0
DENTER TRACK CT,VB BANDICAP RTTN of tho 1969 Serdoy tlationd AAr 15-K1to to put 01 rho l9(9 PA-MU ltlf, ct_arpions Ip raco l,ls!b-InAton Park, D€nvor, '-}.lIIE Colorado, Sunda]., ocrobe! 12, 1969 10:00 A,M. snowlns; 22u; 1I u]loor L.oj'perf6ct condIr.Lo.,., A fj€td of zz runnors btasbod off fron 1n fronr of t]€ lncbo! on th6 gtouud; st!€6t! quLt€ sltck. E.T. Ecp. Act.T. Fast T. nlCA.st l0:15 a.n, t4oJra, Rusce.d, Hou.k, 6nd !€yo1g hung rogothor for the flrsl. hs1f nIle, f. std Arnold, 40:00 2:l+9 37t)I l+ 2. Leo Courka.np, l+0:J7 10:2L 30:16 1* MeJla then b€€ar to pLtl aua' as tno hl:ls tool thslr tol-l, L€yd1g then -e11 oenino as f. Jtn corso, L1:11 5:28 39:l+3 2 stlva, !2:18 6:1? 15:01 3 !o!-1.{ and Rustad fought tt ouf fo)- socond 4. Norn p-Lac6. Afte! U1!66 nl1€s and.troe to.r61 hi 5 5. Jeff Arnold, 5\56 rt2[ 5ot32 5 Rustad took colrlis.nd of second anc re dle vas (at Noter, ..Under deplorable condltLons tbe snd of D€nver rs second rlla.Jo! snoEstom of the cas',i fo" the renatndor of the race..T\e coursa -.:les of s€ason), SId ArDold co.piuned hls flrst handl- wEs_s cha- lenglng on6. qfre! LrLre€ uero two n:16e of -lat r,r e-l !h6 cap ra.co of the yea! as he turnod 1n a ftn6 Courkanp ljas easily tho fastest of cours€ v,oLnd do',n agaln ro !h€ va.ltoy f-oo1,. 37:11. baron.o of the -sc6 lras flat ,iintln- tJ a IstG th6 day, vrlth en 6xc6l.16nt 30:16--consid6rtns arld ',ae crosslng th€ Truck6e R!ve! twlc6,.Tho rac6 the cl.rculnstances. Ilany rujlners vo?o urablo to t-s.s.llon by for|ne! ollanplc contendor, Alva!,o dlg out frori ib6 siiol,rn by th€ tLns the raco J.1- fron Colorbla d rou or Rbonoou :11r. started. The as a bl1nd handlcap I'le C-I1fo" d"..Ftrs" ., .ee So,:ors (orer 0)' affslr (as the handlce.pp6r trae noL drs our :) lrer. B{11 l.lac'/ey, poi. r }.r.)L,€i, .-.- Raipn 11r_ (avanaush---Dennls -ferba 6r,. -^r.-: -t. .eiL Vd11ey TC; 2.-tlarin
at liA\/Y, OCTO3E1 13, ]'969 794 psr.I19, x-{w 37 5-MMs l. Cr€e Fr€d6rlckst Ps, 25145.7i ?, Jtn Dixon, PS, 25:31; J. v6rn l"ars.n, N, )5:39: L, Je}fJ Pend6rson, lS, 25:49; 5. R31Dn K1ss61, ?s, 25:51...?Su I'coSH 2J, NII'Y DIJ'Brs lU (1.2 nr. ) l. Jln Alls}1end, PS, 16:52 'reu P6cor.i; 2. Dan supu1skl, rS, 17:ol+; 3. John FuUner, ?S,17:10 PI}IX STATE
9,000 METIR RLrN, Sponsored by
Athletic club; 3. Nolthern Cat.tior.la senlor T:ack Club, --reter ll3ttel--
rlll"iltllo FRC R!yl, !-uesoat-, Oct. lLth ':. : q"r Dr',e, P 1la., pe. r ltY-ie 1.._ 'r- o'sr"-..r, 9;15; ,. rred c. DLc:,., ;:,5; 3. B- Lc€ I'Er or, 6:10; h. Jonn r-oe;ofr, c. i,11D!LIt
b|2b; btrt,
Iie.lian A€rican Federe.tlon of the f,ast Bav 5r-ld_dy, Oc_fobe_ 42, 19b9_ L0-'o aro-ad rne lal'6, valley fL, .L4:)rj i/. r, flarcer Iranlr Bautlsta, chabot, 15:01; 3, Derren G€oreo Lro., 15r15i 4. Jack l,eydls, rrryTc, l-5:37; 5. !Jn. 56aler, chlbot, 15:J9; 6. !!€nclo durtado, c'.abot, 16:01; 7. Ln-trnoim, 16:o/: B. ilark -or"ry IHT&:F', 16:1L; 9. Pele Leaeu€, }lartn Ac, l6:lL; 10. cree cn:pnan, Solano -tc, 16:35; 11. c\rts Alundoz, chabot, 16139t f2. Jo€ Seavsr, chabot 16:[O; 13. Dnknoi{n, 16:l+]-; 14. Don ?lckett,SFoc, 16rlp; 15. unknolrn' I?tAzt 16. Ralph uldtsh€ad, una., t7r25t 77. lllk6 Dattko, chabot, I?:29! 18. Rob€rt Brrns, cfaooL, 17:13; 19. Larry XlLgs!, cl abo-, 18:l l: 20. Robin !spos€.no'n. Chaoot, l-b:1"1, (L1 lLs ed flnlshers) 1959 PACTF]C ASSOCIATTO}I O]T THE AAU 15.KI',0 ch:A1.1 OllSEM1Ur, Rrllio, MVADA, OCT, 9, 1969 -est vs]1-y Tc, 4qt?L.B f,, -. Alvs-o le.::a,
Dode 9urtdd, trhst., 4U:54 3. syii 1olir, Arhens, \9:25,8 rc. .411€J 50:2t.I !.. Jack L6ydLe, 'es! 5. Charles Buitre, una., 52;aI -3:15 6. Ray llen:l., ls'! a A;. 13:r7; |.J3-:ec. t,. Ken Ia"ner, At-, st6v€ /, rV-Pc. 5L:1'f; 9. 3'l- ac!.y, \ir-C, 55t].I.5i 10, Doua -utr, ILcc, 5-:11.5; 11. Leo IIolfe-J, Ilarln .c, 56:L5,2; 12. Ro1 0ll Lskl, L,€t., Joao J.ones,.r,nl,. _of lleva.oa, 19'2 *7., )), 61:10,2; 1L. 16t r llaL+et, tcSic,, 60:08.J: I,. Rate".l/all, !1ss6-l 1-. o-:54.d; /, :' Bor.r1es, *1a., 63tI).I; 17, Ra1-Dh lafionbarao?, csTc, 5\:00,5; f,8. F. D€Arir3ond sharp, une.,, 6+tf7.2t 19. Jenry l'trhitohesd, Reno YI'ICA, 70: 36.2i 20, I'oo liords, NcSTc, 72:46.2. D'If- P6 cer Re "".)s, ma.; coy --1dae, SL .n"rt. liotes...The ico nelted off tho la'ills and ravonents and the sun amed tho air enou8h to ;11or host and iroet dlrecto! Skip ilouk, lnnei
Ya-',n Colb.a.t, o:,0; /. i: _" B^cle; --Georse Br8.celand--
25, mov]U]]]lcu_ cotLEa}] jto ^ b3r., uc i. roj tyb9 P, 21,.o8.5t 2" l.IcBride,
at Provi dence, R,I., 4.0 mles- 1. nobb, }l 24:15; l. ltalsh, ,24:29;5. speck,
u, 24:27; 4. P, 24r36.
DOUBI,! D]PSiIA RD5UI,TS - ROTiA]D TR]F FRO}I }TIII, VA'lL-Y IO S-TNSON BXr1CE {ADprox. IL nLles) h8c-. sponso.!€d b! SBJI Fr"anclsco Dolphln South End Rum6rs 1. John Gsl€, Solano Tc, 2:OB:02 (Ner R6cordi olo rork, 2:10:00 by Jonn parent) 2.,AI U\lte, ?,I?i1)j 3. G-os cnaplen, sol3no^Tc, .t_I1 fi6t L. Jorry dast;n, lFoc. .t<attei >. Jack ue Lrencourt, SfoCJ ^:11:30 b. John Brenlan, 2:38:96; ?, pntt r-Lt;on, 2:1t0: l0: 8. John R. Aldecson, l:- :J0 .Loruor oC Dlstsn.e Ru1nlnei Nsws)i 9. Jon. Aodo-
vinac, l:22:Jo; 10. ttj ke BolLano, 7, j:2o: o4i 11..l,larJ -rLa Bolteao. a, Jt2.tbcl, 12. John BolLano, ):26:O6t t>, IlrJo- R-7 pLana, f:5J:00i 11. lvary LLctlle Bolis..c, ;: 0:Oo; 15. G€orae Iracy, q:l+1:OO. --.r t: -!ack--
T, PoST 5-i,IIrfl RoA] FJ.Ca !e:-,o::r S-Fre.. , _)(9 'i,*t'.er: ?:-d0", .nry. ) . r -rrer- & Lr 's]le-s, 1. l{'1,- 1]agaerr _: :-an rC, b: 05:2. J€riJ L6rrneo,-.. ._'-: _;:0o; rL.2t:!.i ,. Eotr rle.sbul , A-1,---:e. :-.. ,-ct l. -, ve-non,; j-,-U,o c]1 , n. r.,.; I6. t cra -es Br1o.rt., srr-1. fc/L s.-i-. i'_ch.L: 7. John D:mlck, U.v. j 8, J1n sr.ttbr Derien, Conr,; 9. llark Crarsl. Bu}.1.IC: IC, terrr tsland, rr.V.; 11. larly t{inbalI; a{A/iient" st. 1J. IiJ<o Cor e, B:.i.iC - r:nl:i I .o.1.! 1-.J( l l:.:r 1, S.r,l.-5;-1 .J1:1rert, U.r,,.; 15. Flip ilo\'loy, u.V. o.-s,,. . -e n'-r.. in Io-o. of .4rc..te Bac< fo^t, ., o -ehl ec aE -he end cl" r.o 19/9 track season after LO rroars of coachiql et the U. of Vernont,, GallaFber led al} tlle 1'sy
n-ncHl']I B
LtE ft-st half nlLo..Jane! arls.,01 of BLrlrna-o-, vL. ran 3L: l5 'or ,4th. .r|6 U-. y6sr-o1d to-n€sr€r hss under 5_:10 for ih€ '.un Purc€U uon. rhe mtle ti.r1c6 thls suran€r.,8111 prlz€ for the flrst flnlshor over J0, vbtle RBv. G€t,ald Roue -of Mlddlebui'y, Vt. lIon t}r€. prlze for belng the oldest finlsh6r, flr:lshiDs 22nd. --Larry {1rba11--
5. Dr. Joe Clear"y, j:, Btsna-k -c, Z:58:n 4 g"requ rier"oi:i +6, n.;"""i".-ic,jioeljs 9. 7. Dr. 1,r-r. ,+.0t""i,-18, tctc s-., Sr_trig B. Doyn€ Hahn, 26;'w11dcar TC, la,]:l+.,3t 9. Dr: Dak uioo,- ]2, rcio, -' iiltsizi DNF- Dave Spldei,_St€ve Jon€s, Arn€-Ri;]tr_ ards, !t,.nr.6, e"rnre ii"in, ri"r- n"i]_ -Harry pre,'re_e ftcooes. ' Notes...It seoned that,ben starte, Glellr] AnLundsonrs guD rlnauy wen! off, that lt h€.d MANHATTAII 20, oENIBAL coN\EcTrcitT 38 at van 3one. por!€rse-meteoroloaical effect bl'lnalns Cortfa.ndt Park, sat., Oct. 25th 11:iO A.M. lortr ultr' r'a1f, snoL, blttr€ u: os 1ro orop 5-U'10s- 1r Cd Wa1sh. I,1. 2):18: -, Done-hLe.ir:1,. p1n8 letp€r'atLre€. Dr. Ar6x bdl-el-e, -d _s s 2r:)Bj -Eiti;, . Cc, 20:;o; '.. i:c3r.roe. l. H"11,'cc,'ba,iSi' -M: a-rdable, anbllna anesthesiorosisr, proved ,7,,ii tli- S! L.''i],.iii; _
"i"l;;lf*_ i:i:.::"::":ili
at clarkson con.se H:.11fi:.il:$ri3":.::iii3* oflyrs Sn611 Fie1d, Potsdan, N.Y,, !c!..ar!!, wr,j.ch bordered on ih6 ir!1EEn6, 6 of rhe 9 , dobar.r i:"ir".",'".:. ir-r- ," po"r perJone.l o-s.s :;^ll::"_d":'i';.r1,_?;-l{r rr; 3. "T:,1' the ror distance by confortarrl6 narains. 'il irrl'!6,bri-iii 2. car.r rer_son D!I, Eiri-iiii"i,i, 29:06; J. Drck Doval r, Alfr6o: 4. D€ants cra -,r.,r, ,103,r ;; ': R";;ii;, 3. ,tt 'oons, Alfled; 5. r'l,to -aeu, nooarr. cHAi,rproNsErp
\i.Lson, 40:16 It22t35 Zo5:Llo tt32 St. Pau1. --I t L-r -"r-'Y6o '_ .'.r'. ''-'-'s, sunnx ;o-r-6: 80; 'ev6] E Lh e. r sloo:ng, ill-s, r"o.. lJ:.:. n, ..D Oi d.:1-I 4 l.:I- r , :._!_ As. F.:i{ ilXi_", no,,r tt'{c,.ib, s JlrDAy, ocrosm iq, rgeg 1. r1n vedder. r.radrso!1. r.rtsc., ,2, ll:?i +:t::i+ i.ra-;" ii"tr,r"ii"i road oi :ihrr, 26 -Li,t+6 2. Mlch Ham]"ln, onta:io, j'i-:t '.rontase I I j.'i' , r"f 2a ii,;,ij ' ' ' Je rr, s.rfl; ,, 'l-1,: ::..--:"-'' J. I. Pal -anln, ICiC. 3I t "' 1 "/ zo f,i:ji iii'r*:6i ''-"t"" rto"Ir F!c!' ':lAtiDIcA! (30 & ot,er) 5. Bob Dsvis' rcrc, u!l:i, -e. .rr. a""r.", rry:; 1. l1ario vozza.J 14, B€"Lst"on ,,ru,')E,ii!J. i:i[:;l TCIC, lt lr4 [::2: ?. 9r. 41€r! Rairelle, ri, c:o' k' 15' -ar' p'1 on-o' ?-6:l t)7 : i:iA:;: b. e-"b si ;"""e, ,'.-'.,,". iu,r. i9 *i"iit'. l:'a:-\6 : Dor rq \r'r LJ' ln -.kr l 9, Bob scl,^rtlz, ma., itp1s,, ' l+' Dixo'' uoul]Journ' 33' !'ie\tr!' 26't''r10. Dr. Robe't Foley, $inndtonka, +a.f E.i'; ;|i6l1i 5' D"id racols, Eclrstro:n ,!J'!,2e:le.7 J1' 11. Df. Kennerh lrlrson, rc.-c, 4, 't8:]i ;ii6i'\i 12. Dx. 1.i!1. Ancberg, TcTc, 58 L9:r1 1:[1:33 7 ]jill, Ro/it RAcr, otilN & A!.11rs!r! TIl,nl o 1r. Je-rr S.ejneL. ,na.. .cc.,.. ...oj ,...r... i. +:l,r::9 1, ts-ian ,ts-.-rj1oL, Jq:Jo.; 1_q t5.:,,0 I4. re B]." ,", ; .1ord, !l:L ]:!+:07 O. 0.";,::...15. D\,r16ht Plerson, RTc,Roch.., 32 tatSl !t44:55 ?1, roxj i,oo;. rer.as \t57,I7; 16. Jack Jarpo, lorc,36, !aris, li, \? t29,,.1 7,35.1 39::3,7 Lo. 2. Joel" Ul-:-e Bear lc\e, l-2, l: ]I:,9f.,1"t" .:2,; r." .r"., ri.a" -i rc. : {"r)"n\qrai,o. ,(lnf, Uc'c, c.lcado, -7, ':02:00: .;-j: o: -'( J : :''l --fc, +o. z:oL:rz: . ii:". :ir""., ''i. z].-',i.-,1"L.."': -J -:7:? Rog.jr !C:!",!i, -r1b:oo' r,. r._-' i"c,_;", -ie , 5aifi,tuta?.e 3b.U+.6 r+i, rcrc,'2:02i[7i 21.-_'pp]6, Ig]'!t^^ 'S, -:14:4'r 1.. Bob lcic, 3r, gLr lver
Roads cou!s€, l.11nneapoUs-
slj, oay, S'Droller 28,
s- ur_ Afg 'o.e-...1-' lre"r1 he -u1-" C, Jed.on. )b. 5. . o: , r-. o of or-. r.i ! : a.-sd qcranblo.ror b. -ie.rv .a. ner., ,','.,;.:,r,.,-1:1.'"o o - . rhe'le_'t F'e -oool.s- JLi ve.d--. a I'tadlson. lrisconsln il1. (.0 !at).., ?. ; b o.ack, artor.rev. cahd ,o {l th a s r-br's- !In. over. ,
'-' -'' ) :, /,,
I?:r;3"H:'+::.::;i?"i1,":::t";i,5"i"T*:" 'a]\s, rLa:k. ano 'as I' r.'d Lo rel'_.4q1:61 fh€ ". ,",.., ".,;.,".,,r3;1';!",,1l:ti;l."iu.r.o oa"e r; Veod; '. ' uper Bod Jerry -*'F' ^"'^
"*::"* ffi
on strona over rhe Last
r .ir"" t"-i]iif"r'-ir'"
a!'!,1 .rl.lrr-,r, 1i Or : r-r i'i..-l rii ,.-7!r' .i.) ij l-- r.Lc:!_ o]i3 - ij. !ar1, Sunday' 0ctober L2, 1969 Courser !'sirly leve],i1th sc!e!a1 nodorote drades, Condlttons: 14" to 36", vcry L'inciy, !ai:l & snolr, r" Dr. r-lex Rat€u6, r+1+, rcrc sr., 2'\7.a3 2. tar la.inJ 31, TcIc, ?,!:,41 j. 3r. RoDert role)', 41, rcrc sr., l,Z?,11
[. 9r.
Ken li116on, ]+2, Tcrc
'/ozzr trera
:i"* r.iii:ii:':ri,il:iriii iilr:i'!l:l;*:"-
lierin8er 016! the last 150y to tlace second by tlro Xards; Gtb Black c€1e!r.1ted 5is hirt,F Cry h:I b€atio; bls esr:inated tl"itt'.I 3t2a.+. Fe lon the told ne!1al for lns 13t placo a.tjust€d tl:n€ finlsh. lreathe.: ordrcasi, sqi, 7t irc dearee ier:p"
i:-*"iIJtfil;l;-1" "t*'
qwl,lrj lu:, l.dit trlr _ ]Ztr lase b.oktet; L!2 clrpters oa th" 1a;oi,ta.,c;-ot FunLliia. cnti (u/ fio.r ron. Di6r;nce Loa, r,'coqLur:/; 11.J.'
Pl-T l:cl!_!noN 1.jINS ,\!!I01.-AL AA! SR. fo-K.lLO TITIE
,4tlsntic Ciit', I.J., sundEtr, oci. 12, f969 12 liocn- Pat l,icliaLon, ft'clrndrs 01).'rp:!c naxarur-l1' .oh Lr € 8031l] ,, - .1 .r" o fi e s- -or. l1-.1o .1 .L,t JO-aa c..1ro-on-':p :., 1:ll5:u.6 over a llat th!.ee 1ap course. :Is led frcn sinrt tc fidsh & looked irr iine for.n ' '. ; - .dr 1 -" v-. o-7 s rir\ ll - o^ ro :n \o^ -.. -I 1.1 -0k.) ano J6:-r, r.-e :'J'o S,>tsj, _:rs t ._:'.' o .'c- "o\'re- t1o ' e 1']"' . :^ Lj f tsolrtrl.tl aiter lruch ir\c .,.in1ors ran o. 4tlantic lve. b.fore roturnir{ to the Eoaril,rlll. The leather uas ideal irtth a sentlo cfoss i'r.nk ?fleeina, Seltr:nore 0C, toa!. second pl1co arlte! 1 touSh i.el tith f..,r1 Ee!'nstoin of tle Bcston ,'J.- nrtty Jln l:cDonach ol the llillrose r.A closed fast to t:lLe fcDth plsceJc.k 5cnDle's D,!n edeed Jce Kleinornanrs I'ii]lloso ]1l bJ a ncre i o loi:lts for teari iono|s. !l,e liiddl-e Arilxtic -'.i titlo 'no.t to fifth placo ttnish:r Iinrtn ;ablocl,'n or the Iasrxlsbura -{-i and 9e.1 Ac ron the taan titlo. 0'-. l-- "r:.'-'o 1 '.11--o_..r 'hL1?lo,sti. anC 29 finisaed. S|onsor-.d by the I.1ei Social anC -trthleric Club. Eace tlfectort iid LeaCue, t"esldont l.ldd]e -{tlantlc A;U. I:Li5:11-.6 1. ?rt lic:'jahon, Boston AA, 2. Irrarl]r PflaginJJ Bdltliioro oC, fl4?:36 !t\7tt3 3. ?aD1 Bslnsteiir Bostcli ri!, ri It)" t:' J. J ...^. : -nr ::'l.rose .f. T'u,,- -ao'oc\,, d.rr:q' ,.' l. .q-l.l:1.9:3t 6. Derek van Eeqon, ]1l1lrose Ar'ri ItSOtLT rts2tja 7, rou Coltpens' Pean AtJ !ti,1ta? 5. iar:i l.lJ-h.ck6' 1ii11rose ,!-{, Ploneexs, 1:;3:15 9. sta; Johnson, rhl1a.ea-..ooo, 'lO. \.J.-:-/:') :.11 s1, r'1. ":1I :.r,oi,; .]1. cr-nontrs c, L: q:11 1:5q;36 12. rhil Rtian, soston AA, south Jcisey TC' \t't)t'I 13. Ieil '"lel'llandt, -.11. petLq. lllrosr AL. rL. rince .-':00:2o -I borconuown,rtrrz:!a:)u iL11n, u,1a.' 15. Be:1 r'-c1r-, q'r'!o y's \. sr. lt, D.' 17. r', -r -.'., :b. q_llo'* " D . <:91:l! 2ta-t') lo. - a-r ncrko irzi co-Fl- Je16o -C,2:06.:' 19. P1t Eurke, rlillrose l!{, ?,99,\? 2:10:10 20. chr.les Huhtanen, lenn Ac, 21, Ton Can€ron, l'Iest 51de Y]{C"A,1,lYC,2:12:0? 22, Dev€ I-1ttleha16s, tlllfroso t\tt, 2ta1t3l 2,2It32 23. ijilf royno, i'll11roso AA, Pa., 2t-t:gt it, - " i""rt"",.", ,-n.,York, 2t2':'5 25, P3'L I Lc.31ci-, ?'nt cC, 2:3Ot?)+ 26. Robort l'Iol1cr, SiDre -{C, 27. John Kend1, Ucited.lA, ?:ll1:l+3 -:l Lrrr 2-r.. r,_. Da'.io - . .-, cJ-c, jr: r'Ll . c,:: l.ilcun Pa!a'{J, ri (-st Qvc- rO,; ':''r' ' I"r O, r c0J -J: l.ar'o1al T6-rr ' n-:on :p: I. ioq o \4, 1_ 2-B--!1"i 2. Illlhos€ AA, 3-)+'6-'r3t l. si' ABc I'flddle Atlantlc !e&n Chsmpionsnlpi 1. ?onn AC l41dd1o -ctf antic Indlvldual Cha;npionship- 1. fruin Zablockj, liA-AA; 2. Lou Coppcns, lenn AC; club. 3. stan Johnson, Ph1f,a. Pionoer --Joo Klolnernan r. Iel1 lrleygandt-POUK CA?-!n_S OCdAIJ "O B)' ROtiN (/tn..n.Lcl) Delnoaa. Ca1 r. , CLg. ,- s I p 10 'k, of Re:lo. l-6vsda. bro,€ Lne EaPo fo- Ino lt13t r'€. 1,lrh a n€'.J co.rs€ rocord of 2:5L:00.2' i,rst d of /: :0u'4. o he nlsslDr .,.s rr € co ipa--LJ.e ,lc: o,,er . ; €s '1 6rn: r' slow !lnes fnls yodr, ')r t
fro:, 7Lr to t2. orI ti,e :our.j.. i'iil, a 3€coru iish oa bolat til]e top oi irlngs iiouiltain, tladltionall.I the coolest pairj oi tho 26 nt16 )liouk, a !ote!.an of :!e raii r,las Sreatl- o4tLu-ed abou, the tlo run3,"un. fintshlnq.!t l{arine 1ro:!'1d and ho plans to dei,and rrls title nor.t -,'eaf . Fourth ir irhe rac. ;] cotfectilr. iNe .jrtrior livi-iion recotd 'n!: 1ii-year-olo Ctdr"tes F!osolone ot l-ountatn Vicr. It:rtpb lattenoarXcl., 46, of B€rkelel-, !o. tb€ ;erior Ltrision :n 3:3all9, lhe lcan tiijLe r6s a:ain iitl.:'rn bt the ho.e totn Re.tnaod Ctty Strid€fs. C.urse chantes ti.:s ;16^r LfoiEht ttro fiRish io l,:arine ilorl'], ri]c conbributed to the l€lrgeslj .ro.id s,'.r'i. -r:::.i i:1.: -!!!1. -'he fir,la oI i;i r.-s :..r r...r!..st in r'L. _ri3rioqr oI 'r'- r Oc!:ii ! i.r. jp Ho t.rr .'- .-.. f, .-1]1.r,.1-. , +)A,tj . , ).r_ -' :r" '-. , .:: | ,',) ', ...tins rlad6, uDa., 3:00:co.8j l+. ctiartes F"osolone, }lalenon TcJ 3:02:03.6; 5. ten'LS Iarl eus, 5o1-ao tcr l: .5:2..6; 6. do, rlrk, 9o w,or.,:' .F t r-,s, Jr- :0.r.-; . ;( r. Sc.-oarJ. A.ele Tc, Jil5:0r.,ti o, -ru1 d: "1 r S:ai-o-: ..r.-.. '1 .:, ': /:1C '.n, l:a-a.,o , J: l.,:01j 10. Bob Enrne!, tc Strlcers, 3:3t:02; 11. Joel Stein, 5cS, 3136,35t 12, riais Tonll€nen, car11Ir. qc, l:J':-1: 1 . o.r, . ,1- en: 6yL err sentol. cittzens, 3:JLl;1j; 14, Ranay L:.so . R.s. l;llt:Lq: r-, J1nes Lnele;; une.. l:-):15: 1(, P:c\":o So-6nso1. ol::.plc Club, lr53:27i 17. rat Gxevelt. Ros. j-o, 3t'L,t(1t '8, c,:5: j 1.,-i,111..,.-.. l:58:-. j20..o. eJ, .a!"lnont, 3tt9:30: ijreg lrtrick, lcS, 4:00:45; i2, Davil"t. l:elson, Solano, 4:04;lf1;2J. r:rn, lee, una., J+:11:12;21+. ililie !e;csr,;o-iano, +:11:97; 25. Richard largiord, scle4or 4r1l+:l+1. (09 ftnisn6rs uni6r o hours) --Ton DaviLison-,
?-SClFlC -triSOCIlTloli 0F lixi A-liU Tlilill) l\r\-Ut+ 50 IIM R!']ir ROrit-IIt, QALIFO8UIA To all those r'und4a sntbuslasts every1.ltrer6 who ale inprossod ritb the iact thet i,hey o! sorneona the] lino1' otce conpetod ad flnlshed ln e- 26 nile 3U5y l4qrsthon il-ls erticfo is dcdicated. The t])lrd annua] 50 nile rur lr.,s Lcl.1 Sundly, 0cbober 19th at Focllin, Calilolnla" Herotofore 3 runn€rs had conrleteo L:e luq ln 1967, end 4 rurmars in,1963, T:-. y""' 22 rurDers ltned up at I A,U. ior t]re start. Ten hour3 and filieen linutES lator
f6 I!1C srrviqed t|e ttruelin: IatLonal necrrd hr.d been !e- :1a . r.: eatrenelt' tnterestln{ people i:sa sjlvr /eri, The cour'se co#istdcr of t.n rals ot t :n11es 6ach c. pavcd roads on i]te Srneet-lniltBob ,lrunex ot the gcu"n.rr C:r1iio!n1a 9tfiders took a conmi.lir{ le.a alnost inne.tiateu. fie ras cfose:Li iollor€d bJ Bob Dein6s, Jobn ?sliliano, an.l lob !srnran !.lt fron southeln Catlfornle. :'.a 3r nilel lJxu.rcr sii]1 hclli irae 1.:d r:ilr !. sllit ol .1i19:15 folLow€<i b: isil]as anc ?a8llano at 3:21:OO. Carrrsn ir!.d dro;re( h^ck to 3:25:00. D.jincs di i.ilfleno trr€n iook tire leao 1ro h .no- fao-o "t Jf rL,s3 -eri!irr: fron the race, At 40 niles Posllano 1ed Delnes by los. It l+9 ni1€s Delnes, rho had
fulth.r than 26 n:Lles, daclded to do sono norf,d class rund!€ and iiicked oll ihe 1-^xt 5 iriles 1n 29:l+o sainine a turl 5 r.inutos on leAl1ano. !6inos tien ran tlre las', 5 .rifes if; 27,:Lq tu brea! Ski! Hcukr3 Iar:lona] Record at 5.)A:!5.6 sei on ihis course :n 1968 by 15 qinutes and 2os for a ne1J recoxd at 5t22t55, Youn6 Joso Cartaz' )-7, trom Red!'ood Ctijlr cme f.on tenth place a! 25 ndl-6 3 [o place ihtrd 1n 5:55:l+5. cortez also r'ro. the lA-rlalj Cbdpionship nedsl for belng ihe tirst ?AAAU flnishe?. Other Association tinners wore laul Reese, 53, seco-ld. Ralpl ?oCf'nba.. er, .6, '--ird, "d R- s. . : :oe' :€l lv' Pe csr Ms ct.l, -:, fo lor inen o]rer 50 bi- beating broke bls or.m record '-rr-. hts 1957 rocord bJ an hour and nlne nlnutes. sls tlrne tas 6:23:25. Southern CallforYrie Senlors TC of Paaliano, I rol' € .arr'. " o )e -o or - e e, P en' _ _ :ors rn C1r1rord. irlnners ) and er. and I,{atte1 was second (PA-nAU the lieCl.rood Clty Strid6rs (J. Cortez, I. Cortez I Ip3en) flnished tiird. Venerable '",1a1ter Stack, 62, b€cene ihe tirst over 60 rumor to conplete the rac€. stsclr xan an inpressivE ?:24:10. stel'e Roeder, 1l+, ol l,li11bra€ becene the XounAest rurmer to over !._ 8:2. :07. co_.nlcro r.B L,-, Sc;ve,. r..e lL-relr S" Lt.. '/, Lo.r.( _\L 'Lrs_ s.. o l co::ple". a 5o r:-L^ rLn. 1".L1-, rurrnlna for tt€ Laurel Track Club tn San lfan_ cisco. finish€d 1n 10:11+i36. 0uhsi.1e ot that notltrins verJ irnpressive iliP_ p;nod at Hockun, cal]l;r.nia on 0ctob€r f9,1969' f. Rorrcrt Doine6, una., 5:zz:59 (5 rnile splits1.,: -, -:o-: ,, L:,1:-0' 2:-5:oo. ': j': ilzi,oo. I' l;t , i:- :oo, :',:+o. : - : ' -', s.c, ):)-to. J,t'-)' 2- L"-"p. J: -1:o):00, l:.-:'no.o,-".t. 2:15:00. -:rb:10, l:21 :00' 1,9, Lt7.:lo. l:-0: -9,9tt rorJ - - )t' ii..".c", ez. nc-. i::,:c9 (r,1:L0, r:21:f5, =r:59:ro, ":J7i o, J:l :1-, l: -7:oo, l:17:lo, 1+tlt7 |)a, 5. 22.\5' ; ti5 ;\51) -, .na., 6:IL: {v 35 r0, 1:10:r0, L, Bill P^.1,. -1:L7::0, 2: '.aj, 2:'-too, l:j0:10' L:0j:lo' lL:116:lo, 5:2c:46, 6: r[: ]o' t <- Bob c,-1.n. sonlo-s Ic, b:14:15 riL: o' 'i,oB:1.1. 1:L1:50. -:l: :O-, 2:l,o:I', J:25:oo. .i.t,30,'.:1.:oo. 6:lJ :-6, I'o;i;5.' g. p r "n.e, \cs-cr 6t?Bt; l36tB,r.,rt"L-:Lg' =i.t,,o:" z:'2..;y. 3:ou:1,, 3:l.o,Ln. 2:00. 6t2A'25 ) t iotri, itItatlt, n flr t _-:rgu", \c c, o: 9:10 .' :tB, .
Ro1 -i7. l: .:o'J. 2: -'::2 , l:0-L:1ir 3:)c:00' 'rc,q-. :10 ) r:-9:. r. : :o : v, :' :00. 5: :oJ -'-c, . Ll i.. i-, 'rgi =i . ,1,'qo.-".22t!5, ?'5-,aa, l:)6:00 I:l J: g,os:o,t, 5:56:l+9' 6t17 :oo. ) iLq. -. a ." u n, s-c,7:aLt-Ai r/' : S'J-;' urE.' -[r'IC. ?.;-,:-0! .!1, '€o E 1-rn.r. 'Ler 7:L-: o: lJ. zi'",10' -1. 1...r. co'ru-, "cr, e'e Roodec, 1 B:12: 5: -i'-o"i.t',".", 'rna., 15, l..Lko Ioeun, ;l-s, Y: :u: L)i ,nd.. o:2J:07; ':" ;.:'i'. -lm-i'r, r,u-.- tc ro:r.:3/-
tr:rl- !o- B" .nor, -u 5, : r-- ( - .1'-l's 't!1:bJJ: J'a.'oires, m..,/1. tnr:rr:oo) I'c,, l:r";, L. i;i6;.rtj; -. 1: :l'' / ; .l ir. J:00:0 .i, cn i", .nq., :'er'J 5En('! ...:1.:0c): :."^".'r..,. la:
toliA! H,qLI-l'lAllATllol' iurcll 5i
lii.fi'i' "Hl?'H:,tl"!i'o315i-o'*t-i;s;litul8i ;o'
sPll{ctR lYIqaN vIa!011 ut ;lvi,llTtl ,,-t," aiut-4 llo)i l!{lATll0l{ Ili RZCo:1D SU-rTIlic Ttrllairbenl!s, ril.lrr:;, i.rtr, 2l- 1'n. :exeniil
''*1t1 _-sr" bJ:p^(e' 1j.. E"' ti.i :il|(i oa l:12:29. Liii:r,, a jucio! ,.t l,lbtte liountain TC, ijoclr i'h. 13r.1 ',,r tl]e hst ldlc 1r-.1 iiLi:]lo.i a iclt t.a:ds ahead of the ton :'rn 5i(1e liy siae o.ior tlre lijrst 25 nilog of ia6 difliculi lqLrlnor lrail tnat xuns 2C0O ft, l:sl.r' tond. c !6cord f190 sirarted r:.i 5. 1 o |icl.r :...13 ,s. ( 60 ..900 itkers) T,te coLr-rse co-/ers sevcral riles oi cross-cou.1'.t slji tra:1. d ihe 2O0O fi. cfinb. ]:ore than 1!0 rncrrrrcr3 01 tl. r'airLrrnrs Slit ?ai!o] & ,',fc lilo Aru-:ul" ill1dio llub tr€1pe.t on tbc .oute. ll)e l,ikers incluaed fanl]LlJ lrolips !11,1 ].rcrrlc lu'rc]l.3. Tnc raco started 5t 3 a.fl. nith the .ut oif time at 5 p.n. Def€idirrj c],irmpions r!n !o1jh iheCjrerl ,i, tonenrs )irisions Ncre beaten lJhile the 1968 rlnncr3 id Bct'rs !-rrd rilfl's Lr'cups .lld noi deldnd. Spencer l-tinn slerri the sLmrof ..t ',lhite Uountein (nel|r lLcrath) nt hl! fathorrs nercLrLr.J xine, DurinJ ths stat" 1ro rei on carlbou trsils for up a _i to f7-l nileB I x- rs & coddn't believe John lio.ton's .a:Ly pace. Ile .rrs only alrle to no!€ alr:r]I in r;ho late staljes of ths race to 'rln by 2: s€aonLls. OP3N RISUITS- 1.. Sid:,lce! L:,t\::,r:, .tl, 3ta?t29; 2, John liortc}l, 21, '.1.S. l.mt', 3tr".5)-\ 3. !errr Aldrlch, 26, USt,, 3:06:1?; lL. Cl]is ll1Lr- -- !eiib-,1-. l:-:1(o . !rln I--1. r:-l: ' :-: D..l! -o..... ^-i Ro I ': c: L. A_L11.j.oaj :'-r, Lsilr ar:1.1:r;r ), (l]rrs, rs,',, 3:lt.iL.:li; 10. T-.s IlinitsLel'!ctJ^Uen ger, !o1)!er_J'al,Ley Jclrool, 3:l+?;+ ilst llo;i3 Div. ) Olci liccord: 3:07:10 by 1!d 'li1Lians, 19b5. --D.n Jacobs-126 tinisbcd in ilo loyo Dj visio:r. lt.] fidshed in tl1c Girls livision ( on b"v ;.lariarme r.r:!ne iil{6 vo:'t , Lrljr},rp ski Tean, Llt35tli .',e! Laurie Van ;..]revo.t of I,ran Jx. I+- 4:56:01. 6U flnished ia thc l.i.n1s !'lvlrlon. 15 flriilhed 1| thc lton.nrs Division ( on by Balbaxa Page! Latllrop lacufty, ir l+rL!6:10 ovcr fat fJne, p!6!rous 4 tine !1nn6r ic !ec-
O!t'TO ii00D START Tli XC SLI|SC! .lerry Llnd;txen ron his fllst tro xc races r.rl th lhrk Lllefield rieit on h1s leels. sopt. 27ijh- r'ls! 21, Td'rho State 45, Iraho 45 1. lticgren, 20r21+i 2. Hlefiel.d, lrSU Frosh, [th- riisu 15, ldaho 47- .1.. tie, Llnd4ron, "0,36,.a*.:Iiefi-.Id & Ratchclor, liS_U, 21:f3.6 LT1i])GRDU
CalsarJ-, Cenada, Sap1,. 27th
U, of cafaary 25, IJ'ttsc_:ol-; 57, cafLarJ _. Art T.r,F 64 l. -a\e .l^1:-son, c, 'Ir,em:1r !:1, 22:I'l; l. Rlch liiicoud, c, 22.26t 1.. Brr!-T Jehn, :;,l, ?2.26\ 5. Grog lirouse,I"lt.ll, l+-l"ilLIS at CxeLon Stabe Unlv., 0ct. llih oSU L9. ro!r;1 LJ l\j 51: l. 1s & claxk 75 1. Sepiro 1l.tnl., Llnr", 2u:16! osu, 20:f7; l. 5!cncer Llicn, oSU, Z0:l d; l!. Dave lir, InC, 20:39,
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The ideal racing/training combinatton shae. Special sponEre midsoles absorb road sirocK ar ball and heel. New long wearing outet sole a,"d spo.oe r r,shron"d rorg"p. Lt1\rweigfit buffed calf uppers. "OLYMPIADE XIX"
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sr\t.r,rs oFFIcf,ts, East
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=9 ;30 zs --?.4 a
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l'.O. ilox 2t)2, Wcllcsley, itlass.0218l 5568 Stl llighth St., (loral Cajrlcs, Fla. i]3134 9073 \ashington Ulvd., Culver City, Ca1. 9{) 5025 SI,i Poweli lllxt., Portland, Ore.9?2{)6