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Winnâ‚Źrs-16 mile cross country reldy at Atlaniic Ciry, N. J. October 7th. Lefi to Righr - Fred Best len phitips, Kelsey Brown and Arfita


Itr I,On3 DISTAIICE TIOG I PUBLICATION IOR !!NNEiS SY NL']OTEFS voluo 7, ubo! 81, nov.rb.!, 1962 sub3cllptlon Rat.r: 25y' a col}r 91.00 a yod. ldd 91.00 p.r y.a fo! fh.t o1.EB M11. Adltor: d. lFomlng Roes, 306 v. C.!t.r st., lroodtrr. N.J. rdvo*rrlrs: lilllt. to .ddloss abov.

cont!1butolE thls i3su6: lob Clalb. I.nplo ctty, ca1tf., Jo. r161nomd, N6t Yo!& Clty, ]lu6h JascoEt, Vashlb€ton, I{.dfo!4, tt1lss. , vtnc. splr]afo!, San F!er.13d6, T.d colbltt, N6s Yolk cltt, rls Rt.haldE. Evsnston, I11., Jlr !l.Ids, s.att16. Uash.. John Yolk clty, ar1l rtlaror, ii{11John sonpl.. Bosroa. Mas3. Ealold Co1o, Honolulu, fia,arl, lllllsd Sham!, ltlantlc cttJ, N.J,, Jsck c1!1lng, ffd1rion, 0ntalIo! !otuis Karan&uRh, Sh.gpdd AF!, port, T5M., Da'o nob.rts. Eqld1d, JOAT SI4ITE





DOI mXI|ER 2ndj TEp CoiBITf t+th Lo.don, En8lud, s.!t, 29- Jobb sEtth,

,robablY tb. fln.3t 50-n11.r

at th. no@nt & rlle! of thts yoarls romit cotrad.s' ualathon !n soulh xrllca, 9rptu6d tb. lonaon to Bflshtob 52 E11o3 u75 ydds Edatbo! todaf, 1n 5:35:22. Sdtn, llalrA up to !.co!d tlno utrl about 40 n11.5, flnlrhod 2 mlhut.s & l? gocond..h..d th.ouAh .! h. s6n.ra11y do.. ov." rh. 1.st h.lf .f th. rac.. I,on Joms, otr of Ensldttr8 uogt or!.r1.*.4 @atho! !u!.$ Jub pl!!..t Colbttt ro! th1!d Dlaoo. 1t latt.! bad b.ld th. lrd pl,c. f;! Th. cou!!. tu !.l@!.bly ltk th. Bl,{ cou!!. .rc.!t that lt t. Julr !b.ut tr1c. a. loDa. fh. llr8t hlll of tb. .ods. rs flrt ard th. s.cold half r.n h111y_ rb. rac. ltdt.d ro tb. rolilnc 6i Bic Ln dt ? Ir las , !6!f.cb aar * a b.autlfu1^.x. slAbt to !.. tbo h6 rtdr6.s ad oft acloss U.stnin.t6! &,1ala6 as BIs B.! chfdd. Ih. rac. ea! H.U ;ue.Fk;d by r Aroup strtld.arr stn!1u to {.d's oq N.e Yolk xiC aloup. !.t. o! blcyclos {or. lgllEnod to.aci! lllldr. Ro! l1n3t..d v.!t of! fa! too fa6t folloFd bt a !3ck of th! orh.! to, cont.rdo!6, ,{t tl. hale ray @rk trnsh.ad !.t16d lt thlD€8 b.su to sort tb.E.1y.! Tod !.st.a h dat! b.folo th. raoo rlth ody tok ! foFkout. and !060 ai t+ a,tr.

tb. dlLy of th. !ac.. !. !@ {lrh tlo falt mrlhA Lad p.ck f6r 5 ,11.! at edly 6 nlnut.s p.! n11., Th. 1.ad_ .! r,! !l!pl,€ alo!€ .r 1ol t!b. Tod tb apploitMr.ry lol'rlru, lassod 5 '11.! @nt!. for 10 htl.s. 2:02:02 fo! 20 dr... 2129:OO fo!:L* h11.., l:o7:0o for J0 !d1.s & lt:ob:od to! l8 ntl.E, tr. h.Id tnrld roilrlon for @!t ot fiE !aco. aft.! 15 nI1o! h. f.11 baor. to l+th. rt 28 ntlos h. Fas 1n thlld *aln rh.r rh. l.ad.r had t. stop. rt tbls potnh hh.y paBrod olor 10 hl16s of ht11!, Th.r. !a3 a rouc! hrll at !6+ n!1.s a,d doturu ari;r r6drs tlm vas a rcdalkabl. jr9l:27. oo.ry 12 s.cond! b.hlnd rh. rhlJ j M. ll1s tle boat th. Aloat ,|!tbs }.{ror s bo.t t1e for rh. .oD8. & also c]l!$a th. bost ttr6 tu!6d 1n by south Ari':oars Hd.tJ Ballrrlqrob ttr. 1oo nl16 r::_ olii hoLd.!. !6 lEd no blIst.rs or t: .ff.ct3 .rooli 1.8 soionoss (b. 31:: hI. logs Just ear6 our rh6 rer: ::r:. ), Th. frnl* rs on rh. Boa!d,L! 1: h.tslton (M,ttlanh1c Clry:-! rlth tlE l-ord r4aro! of e.i.nr.: -:::! :rm to gr.oc tro .q: .--", I !.c61Y6d & ras rh6 flrst tio:r. :: :r lh. rac.. In tb6 att.!!o.: :.. ,:--: had a t6a fo! all ihe..n:.::::;: ! .reusts. T€d &cal!6d th6r!::-,.:t: 1.{" Trophy xhr4h pla.od n rco4.r to tho rac. a:r:l]: out of trr6 flrst rast.! thd ary ot th. !!."::: --:r!r6nts oi th6 arad. T.d !.c!1:!: . :,^at bsd ub6n calr.d d! ror:13 --:: . IoM6! RRC (tu.at John t.r611 Eltos: "Tn6:i:: .,:.., :M b. !o11 3at13tt.d rita ii. .it:t. s.t fod colb1tt or.r:.:. i:: ::.-a. Lon/ion to Brtahbon. s.riotrslr sbout fDads r :!:: := :l tbo 3ost.f, Yg::::r f, Job! sr1th, rpson *:x.:t :. ::j:r 22; 2. r'.D. Trno!, &3.:: t-.:t :.. 5:37.t9t i, L.n a9, 5152:55t lr. Tod :..:l_ , ::" :j: 5:51:2?i 5. Arthur fr I :- :. = :: -. l Ac, -6:a5t54j 6. n, ci.s:r-. - -- - r: !, 6:od:lo;7.,{.u, !d.11 E., 6:11.0; 6, :, t :.::i::. r,..ds Hd.hil.rs t., 6t::1.:. i. ..j. coErr j:i a:,?: !f I 10. K, na1ur, ctrrr1r.:.., r:ir;ol: Jq; t?. f. BDcklcie, jJ alnlshols) tr:22121. I l+6 stri.rs, cous. !.crrd 5:25:56 -racll. ot{lor, south rfrlca, 1960. oD


sfEEFtrcxasER--GnoneE wowc-- Ir.,I1 !5a shc" o o5o, €ols6 YoMg rs3 33 Ll na,r! 3s o Lhl -d-sL.!as eus.d on no -.. 0ia. "


ru.! dorns 1r rh6 rnol. !6c. b6.ru5. i .r ra.r I w,s -.r.d. rho tn.y -auchod ar s rn1l6 Lm! dtd lr.r' Bur c.o!a. dldi'r \a!o to ro orols.u 'ooib'-r .om. q.rsco'ar oo.sr'! srlat, !o 't r"r.. ntLi.t@ F., of l\a ro!d, o.3-nlc. su9. tho olA ba1] oLeJor froa slv6r c1Ly, ]|!., Hr tlm. rnsL r.sso1 ca& rn om of hts d.clat d td rolk hld {er thlough th. hrflrst ble inrroo! m.t! 1n x6x yo!k. eo!3tty ot b.dabo h. c.uldnrt Youl4 ras 3ch.dul6d ro !u 1. tho trogchorfshl!. ^rlzom ntt., hrs b.st 6v.nt rndools, th6n th6 €.t o athlotlc .t dtro.ror ca1}.d htr tnro hIs otftc6 nako rxo nrr]]c "I thought I las Aood .tuuAh torrbut baslr.tbaU t.m,rrsald c!o!8., practlcauy bad i.a!s 1n hts .y..,i I couldht: flnd dybodi to agr.6 lith ro. .atd c6o!s.. rrE6 sho{.d ho a t616srd I eot cut th6 thtld day ol pracitco, Th.y h. had J$l locolv6d flon oro of blE sald I ras too 3@11.tr std n11.r3. r.111m hlft h. couldn't so ourA rusd lls aLrohLroa -a rack. @h tt. ". told n. n. h..d6d soeboat brslatba-l r.s dioo.oa srla b. res doEp6!ar.. I ..D.nb.! bo sa1d, tlr you !@ th. alonA wltlbut hh-!o111nA up th!.o ylc| rrIs Lo"r.! rdld, | ba llo6bt6d Lo yor fo! trJ., s.1ior t6ar. woun€ colt so sLrlr. c.o.a. Has an s.hloLrc rcb.dt so-ry ror oloi ho !g!.r y6ers rsoJ ,lron t. .nl.-.d Lh. \srlonsl hls r''6rois l!i.!d A]tU st6dp1.oha5. at Bould6!" colo. RDlo! tto plss.E to th. @.t, nlns th. slu6!1lbA 6vont ror th. f!!st ho tolat r.,i "ir.1r !o!--I tlr6 1n hls 11f., b. tldsh.d s.cond, C.ors. &oa11.a. irIr1l havo to !.5 tt qualrftod fo! a b6!tb or !h. n.3, t.e th.r. s. ar(r 1oft. "' vouls kt!..s e llsr @t 15. So?lor Inlon rr od laoo)onla .n ror.4rd Itro !\oso. .a3r or (uoooct. T.i,r ano r.asjcd a rcbool. '1 nt 11'0 strl : i6!L .o pbllao.llhte for th. Ru€slan rc6t,. cidrs. r.ca1f.a. ttsTf,{CE nltfrl$c nICoRTS "I vas scd6d sttrf-,, I 10! or thlbas haro hap!6n d * -,* dii:i:* iiftll:'"ff,* .&rs."H:ii" 8l'c. h6 dlscor.!.d thar thor. nrpp.n.o e m{ 1.610 or:1f. ud t. c rt. ao! an s- blanch or arh:'.,': l' {.r.; -":1 rucrol, r6ra3. I.!I.s. e ,Ir5 a rox.F_., to a ho6r 6f Instoad ot a nobody, h. b6cus. sombody,snthustaatlc rm;";. Non th6 ctub h.. rln .t d13te. rm.rs and t"tolcatlas & a ,tddout fo! s.s. t.@ *

1"*,*"*"_i::i':i",:"::::.*** dl coi!6tlt1on. cof,p11.d by Day. Robc.ors.,s !1s. to bta-tlD6 conporttlon tJdsr .fttclorfty book;,.ar1; bu11d; u! rh. had lts ul'la!! rc&rts. oe or th6r ole sroii of d1!tand. ru;1ns o! rr;ct dd r1 r!. tagt Dls6lan h6ot vhon Yo € -M . r.oa .h. oar. or: lho F..ar roao, ",sl -;o-_. on6 o' LId rr.1l.et sto6or.cl as6 .;1 ) 188tr, ii rh.Lud.; rnd llnl3hod a- c1oi6 s.cond. l,Jltb a Iap & tt3rs r.! all standaid dlst@.g dd a_trr. Uo.Ao, oung t.1t 0!6r a n r't., ..6 r.sulEs of YoE, I ts s,.9uT'na nsoortsr 1s a f..! & contlnuad tho baitLo, bdb rr. r.a1tr !c!rh!i11. ,ubitlatton at tr. mlo than 10 ydds b.hlnd & couidnrb'4e aaln, ..d.!i !!1c. ol g1,oo. you.b;.t yos Iotrna has Larmd oth6! L.ssotu trr. rard fr;n tb. Lojic DrsLNcx r,o&-'hri. *rr. too. on6 of t.}.n cdb 1n c.manr t{o copr ,h.y 1ast. 3@.rd aao, ehdftly aJ'." 3 lousS rac. rao., srrd vol-€, ia d ssk , r., ,ti'.1 ;.-"'n";;; 6,;:;-), ; F:" - ' oa!. a6o, -'d. 1,6 lj"i. ;,jr,0...i Jj.-. J;l!; Ei" s., 'rfuwo dlstsLoo'3a,!er8s.,{osc;r.r".;1,?8,arr""r".,r.oaosoria ^i sard r sti tr -y stra st u r!^ !I thl. oyonr. I t-rr11. \{l.a J.. tbo

lDro ,od

doi. ray dox' rlaht 1. tront ol E , as doon |d tly to pasE h1n, h.'d sp!1nt, fh.g "s took

. !.'.f pro:J1o rn TtLr Sr.tL!Mr. !Mlaha's.7:-a.€ s ' - -:'ir;r;-t=fin-9: l o: ? p.n..h th" vr"to. La trro,io aa oo?O_dias p.r r66k Et h1g poajr rlalnlne

i ,'J,l.irj"'ri,: iii;:ix,:i"r1l; :ii*i,:;1 ;ll'p::uiil,ti," ;ij,"ii {t"lli;+it, #riqil:I;l$i :;r'*i""*,,, i;,rt i :" :'s:,;:: ;;i:i1;,9:Elilr;ft:ri',,::' i;;:: ;;;ii!,:;,::::.:;r:'::ri i ?_14,1., { rr-a



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gli.;ril:+;:;;:m#;i;!,;i:-; j;l:i;li:1*,""-"i,,,,,i' #i*:iF.,f;rj$tir*:,,,:ii,r: ;'i';i'- "; ri:j, 1"",.:, .1;1 l;tii,.l:;l*l$'ii+,:,*bE:*,' i*f*:tliif:a[*::*,i!:i:fr;,li; s: jrolocsb!. :.: r o,. *l'il: i, :*:ir,rr;11i;*';;r '!!ii&;"'i:ii; 1": ' i'" r' 'f

|1jilqi;l;t*1ili;rlllrt ij'#*{i{x:*},iii;fi:r':; ;;.::-:::;;::-;;-:;---:;_;;::-..;'---- .: l:,i..1:f;,". .."., l" ,,i,",,,' ,, i;lfil,"iir,,':;i' "; '"'" ":". ; d:;:ir"i:,!:::3h':,i,, rosd -5'.3 l.r.

. a, jrdsy

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'.":,i; i*i$"ft*iti::* lilil*il*i:"" illil:l.+ii:rii,:rr="*i*,,i''

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:"lii; :f;;; ",:r,;:;::"

2 liltornat. 44os) ar th6 vnie.rsltr of naryland sundar, scFt'nb.r 16, f,962 veath.r: nl1d,.tleck ln f.tr c.Ddtrtor !ac. clos.d to 1l tcMs starr.d 9 ftnlshod. 1. Lou Csstsgnols 1"7,c?r & ftoht oslo.n. (6a,qi5) ce!tro1 A11-:rars. 't1 (?0.[B) & roo Lc:cr.l; :, rrn !u.k.r !rnc]] lc7.br+) r.o!E.rou u.1v.t46:ob. j r70.14:) & rorn ovrd 16.,2bt1 fdplr. r3rr16rs, hb:?b.o: tr_ rsul Polry l7l.l[5) { 55e! o'R.i1lr Dc, 1ao:59.4. (63,6i5) 6orsstarn F:.sh, 4?:15. [:- 5 tNF- Bob Chmb.rs, n]t, Jonn,{rrs- racl ch6ss.r t7J,2) & rrn M6oaaa L70. l son, E|[]]1!o Hd!1d"3, enc ar uh@6d frr.l+?:51.4! 6. Ro! M.nan. 24 3tart3r3. '31-rI!1 2l flnlstr.ls. :r6nrT 1tt,2r) & !i11 orr 17b.blt Natl T.M Scortbs (Be1tlno!. dld 4t scor6 a ce!rio1 al, [9:J6.or 7. r6rrv ro,os toM) Dc- 2-l-5-7-10 --2?: Pht1ad.1D!!a1u0,77) & rasan Pe.. (7b.lB) aabl caD. 1-lr-6-8-9--28. {r, (2:21r.0j 6, rsLl Jo.dsn (81.05) t :q1. rccrd (i?.551 cdo.q.to,,, 52:tr2l Run.l.s Sholrs {by Hasrr Js6courr)- lfrar onlJ a f,.ar of ccnp.tltlon, { b2,675) & Lo rha,Bs. (3c.665) doo!q.rom. gb:o?.2. as e lronotroldr siu* to cro4rd lnr..;si !q & rjl k aradloy. 4hd rh11ad.1ph1s & rtf, Psrr. auMtlca gstnlng ih. ilrsr rr,rrF3; John ,a3 6tlr D1ac. xlcholaon. licrs. & last f,dsr, L1s t ir Dc sco.oo 0n J!s.r Jlcli ljbraus, ceols.roen. 1, Joo rrncb. c. orc._ pass.d Pr1rc6t.r !nts6rslt-rrs ?af, Somre to'..67,d]+:2. ( aetrstu1a, xaAS,6?. ci, eo. uh.r r.u ca3ragnoll (by Fm1.€ Shorts ]JuE! Jascoulr) -Thc lbo has bd6n r.corCt.a th. b.st ih.s 1n b!oh6 ta. o1d nirroitn. calltol d.s dtd nor s|:ox un. a1.x .f 4b:16, ) ,ar br |uh (rd: borloN€d fron ih6 va. Je3cD,rt & Bro,ntaE rssh, ) sav6d tl6 dar for rh. dlstrlct "rsc or rom !a u 195d at Frarklrh rt61d. olJnllen had Jolald iJho rc aifalr. rhich callfo!r!a, Jtn ratusr anc od,v a n.dr clain6d ras rsttcr rrn tha! tnDs. ln Maz.d tno 5,oao p.op1c rho rarchsd fi. .ts ar6a, th. t.s of cyEq ard rbr@rac. 1:d: rlbboub snJ idda rh'r !a5 qo!* 8on took u oa!1t r6&d. ryau.a!116! or) {tth iIs cloc/1.s ! nri,t6s t.rror as n. ra!!.d all brt flr s'-.l1ar .aiax rarcr I'jldrnA uo a hu(6 rrrst f.rr !um..s. Tho tId. .6 dia har; 17 Ysar D1d pn.non ^;i 11 3nd thc Narlonal caFrtol {11_stars all 4 hrhs.la afbc.'as n1]r, utth lorn.r srflr half-n!1. s6nsiri_ !q tn oa!1y :I.sdor l.J a btt narqln/ aradua11f f.11 bscL. Dcn :Liitdko xss th. .irrr tba Prrc11rng Balilnoro aniry rho FDirir! : vorj 6v.D osc! on_. rsc/ rr ro rin that city nDd nnlr'. oid p1ac.J !1i.3i ti,is ,htch can Ior:!1t L:.'e 3o!i, .r.. !.1d in. lronot. dlstanc. ruLr L!:l -:d:1ora1 rish s.ro.i. tndc.r tv.-rl;. snd !1tn tr.rond.ts r€r11_r, Hio cErdntlt !!rz6s (troFhr.s ro ir.s b6sh iioan-t:Cvd ritu l, ard t. narLors .r tho .or lea2, :1r st11: bot!6rfiret tao cliii/ toai,:i xh 6d b: dn:.hl1t6s d. ti16l ral1 to s!.' up? p1.*c ! u! ir Eu-.tiri,

9. Dlck Donorr&, la. Phrla.. 6l+:51+.0; 10, Bob |{rreon. '01-Va1 6s.. Dc. ;C:r,2: 11. !rck M.r3try, auanrlco -- ob:l!9.0r 12. Jason lad., Cdpltol {S. Dc. 6b:52.0: 't1 Ii.1-val u. L.on !r.h.r, a^, Pht1a., 65:29.6j 1u. trn rcDsd6, Narl ca!rro] AJ. tc, 6o:21.6j 15, Hulrin sL1mk, a r.tr(d xarln.E -- 7o:17.or 16. Jac]{ Wetsh. Dc1vd Ai, rhl1a., t2t26.at r't. Don H;rnt.L!_ 7l+:1+r.[; 16. L.s para. una.. Dr., 75ta6,2t re. rohi DofllDd. :n!1id o.. DC. 76:1b,b; 20. Orinshon n u, rnplrs s,, DC, q0:10. tu


ErC 2-uan 10-r4rl,! RdtAy

ffiffi ?

rrtc,r 9c! mtrl i]Ixs rLrrxapoufrx 4,tu }itrl.E

:;;:i :,:lri

*;'*' ; p*$l*+;ffi+; -

;,r*ilit, li"

|,',*ri,'r T,;;


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. i1#ffi1;*nAl

;;1",*ii*{ii'i-:idli.;]i;.i*r":** .,r"*;*4i;***r";+t"*



ffi 3! .ta!!.!r, 3l fl5trrrori.


mlD cL coNr]NxinD) 1. xorEn !rssrn', uhtrachrd, 29t$.a 2. Rat croth.f, c.ntral cod. 11, 30rCo 3. C.o!a. Con.fr.r, Spaft$ rC, tO:01 4. r'enrr.d xand3clauj Fin-ar!. ac, 30!02 5. Gr:lrm Prrn 11. Slartm nC. 11:10 6. alft.d cro53, centr!1 coM. lr'29 7. Ch!r1.5 Dr.oi, Fin-hrlcan ^rr llilA 3. Bob Xo1hr, U. of lJler. 11r,^C, 32tat 9. torufd rbr, spalt4 ,1c, )2t\5 11. C1{rron E.!!r, U. dt ya... 7C, )2'55 '6{oRrar.

13. eu oae,on, trruftacn dr 14, Dr. cha{.. nobbtm, }rnc, 15. Ed



uorri., s!]rtzn Ac,



)).\2 )J,\3


locar Har!d.! c.ui' pd..

1?.{ik. suulYe, cca^, ,t:04; 16. lr{y:! arsn, 34!33t 19. n h oakf&d, U. of 16... rc, 34:19; 20..tobn fllu, u. of r.ar.. rc, ,4:t4, 21. lr:r0; 22. ron ld r1!1., xr,,


'>t- t z).


7 thlln.r, 1-2-?-3-9-2t 2. NaltoBl caCtol sta.', J-4-r-6-rct2t ^I 6 Xr:ITES- Th. Aranrtco It l1n rap.d th.e ih., nlpp.d rh. xatlorur c:pitol a11 s*r3 br orc rtnr. Th. r1l t.u rrt.4rh in r,ldr€ ihfd thrdsh 't*h ts,llloff,alo1JnerAhEr.ck.Dldg.&fo.dlUie. of ohto .td Day. turr s!$b.d top horcls .!'r !v. Nasrlq vh..r blck u.1n rftrr hav1ry b..n btuk n rr c c@!5. E 14. fiarch for tno F.ad< Bdn 3 bsck rld ,.€!at ioth'ti,!n.gin!.c1md' lron )riredrl srat.. tloEd( u!d.! hor{lhl.ttc @r.r3.dte ..cor prarhmntt, rcm of |n. r.i E . lho n:;. rif! !d! r0]r rnI. lfep F,ri'|vr ror ,hbt.d brck to eth Fr!c. 1n Ormtlco


24. '.^","".* l-*'"' 'n, Frzr: rc. r')r' 2\. 3r:tt; 26, Dondd ch.n y, i:"il::l:":3: ?o:a,:



-r3r to-rdr. R.td' e. r%2


Ro*rd i;.;;t,Hi.:",:r:::,,...:-';:ll",ijj:.il."__ tii* J-**i;:'1,;Xriir"i'n+i, ri,:;U,:'::r :hli;]:i#i i:liit col:llu, r,;i; u, .I unr, tc,.;,.2, ?9:I9' 32. ron 0rN.r1, ; 27.


,,. 6,s p.'*.i. f;;".i, ;.ii.#1il-":"1il.;";$,ll:.y,. *.., ilbs*, ,"".. sF.rr rc. (m bopbl!3, 20 ddrlj 1 tre Fi,.) ;;.n* *",v- ;a-.i. hrx'.,, *" ."1;1.:"*Jl,*,"fi:ir,ij:T g".,frj i:H* ".r"

i,I6_*s *';,i;:.::,';';:',;"."**" i:l ;/.rs;5i11*qigYi]:s#:ti,", ' ,. Ar.4 B!.cr.dld€., oM!,.o b,:r.r, .',.'l:,jT.nl*'l! Mtr.-.u. & J.ih-; Bd. 1;i' ;#':;;:i -:iji!:'fl*,irt'*"*11il1 !':::i i: Bii ',frIi:,"11fll'ii;tl."f, M'r c.!d,.r ",",". ro,4 ::;:::i#'ic:::i"H:,::t'",3fil.i1,:**:l:... i. .r"u.r"oa.i. ^s.



i: fill-"illil!: il:il3:$i:1 ,: !l[ ii,;!]t: t-*ri:: kii::::,t,:,': ri;i{,:;i:1-.;"};li"lli*li::lTl""i6."::n ::i#k.o;1"":"Jtlrr:: l;:l;." ,1:t! i:Ii!:llr,!r':..';?i''ili-il,f"ilil'

l,i$j$ir*i$i,i#: li: f*'i,l':"*ii'il"*i:",",,"."

ffi{'{{f+'i.l*::i;:Tr,1".1ff:''}. ;i:# ?i;i:



,:, ili*'ff


*;1i.,t,;,:[i:h..*:t:,:; l::"


]*.;';i:n:fi i*r1*11. ." ". [ifi




;!."iifij.i rj. ni;ir"l,::iri':,:iii-Tl!"i.*:'t' r;"1 hiil;;^;:;;";g,,1 t ;:::."'''"'i:;*' r'^:i'"1fiih{, Hi"iii;:f;1:xj:ri:j"r,*r-i;ri;', tl+;i;l,t*j, . jir":"11,";q:l ::;, iii.' . :t"ij:'"r:;:''.ir i::t ;:"*r_*|.il ; lll:;i:i:::' I i:'i:; :t"Ti::;:.: jl:,i+ fii *ifil*i$fi:ii:'**:,;';:'-" ; :,:;.:i:i;:l: :lri"",':;; ii.i' :;:" ;t i1"!rr rj';lfiiili::'r,i.i:.Tit.tt.tiri',, ;, "t]";,::i.!.:$il,!"il*;li.;,, :"'"i;:'-,:,: ''rl'".,r:"': , :;!ri li"rjt.U:":'il.i;,ii,i";::;iii.,i:ri"" :"";';.'1i", : :::: :1.,i;"::l;jl.:::::" 11";,)'";:":ti. il"rii,.,,:,*j',i;l;'i;,:i*,i ;l: :j;:.,::.,,:i ;i

*""::i":j,* I:;,:r ::r,;,,"i:;i",' '::; :r.' i-;;H,;;, .:.:';i. ;: ;;Iti-;;d d: :.;;.;-. :jj;;"i:",,::t ii:1?i:j;". r,";.;,lllilji'r,,,t r j;y jt; ffj"" ifl,f '; ;.:L:j:f:-.t',: i;;i;i1';:;.; ;r;: ;l;. **t:; r::':..:. ;fiji


9::::':.*,"; rr"or


;:i: '.x; r.,ciL;"id'ii'i"ll.im






24. Flani Ffuyrr, Dar., l2!51 2rlo 29:21 25. John r brJ CLJT.J )2'55 3:)O 3O:2i !ilt.d AA,31,06 ?: lo 2q:r6 27, n rmn r,rarinic, w., ?3t]o at\' 2,1t55 29.


,0. c.ors.

rtccc, 13:r+ tr to lo:d s.r. 2i,r1 sh..iej cJIc, 3t,2a 2tan 2r2o

Pbl111pr, C,!Ic, )3t11

11. fi.1f.r rron, cJ,rc, 1),2I It45 29ta6 J2, tu!1 Citftr.,3ruc.rc,ll!:2 r:Jo ,23r5,2 3J. tufph TeJro!, Btu.rTC,3l,2l l:co lor,?l r4. Di.lr cbprr Ntpcr )Jt2L Ott!5 23.@


P.t. L.rln, t\'YACr )):27

J6. &'1ton Alan.hud,cJrc ll:l0 l?. Latu l,on€, Btuc. Tc, ,lr3l

\trs At\2 r:r5 29:15

3:1, J0'46 Mrc, 33')4 Stao 32!t4 Cor.II l6on.r, NTIC,:13140 s*. 2?:40 40, i.ur And.rsonj crrc, J3t43 r.t, 29126 ln. Irur. P.tktn!, tli1f,M )7153 6'c. J3t57 42. J.!rr H&k.tt, r\TAC, 1!1' 29:11 r+r. Bob VlYier !hat,, Jr5A at3a za'8 'J:56 14. lat Ba.tlct, lrYrc, 34,09 s4. 23:09 45. Llck Vhltcnj ltPC, Su. 23,1t '4:r5 !/, uharl.r LoE trrrba.l4rr0 t:m 3!:50 l€,




.roh! Boran,

r,rt sttin', t"c, l5ro2









ir:o, r0:16 36:22

5i. ;ha11.r Huphr.truMr ,6146 6:co lb:16 s6, Don Splra!, Fru..Tc, l?:ol trm !5r03 5?, 4'r.i. [.crr11!,lriI1.A^ r?rrb brco ]irr; udr.d r^ l?rJ2 o:oo l7r5? rr3o s.olir€i i. rdrrr),. ar 1_2_5_€_11- 29 dr. 2. N.n 1o!rr ac 3-4-r?-r0-3o: j. unlt.d r^ q-rr1,?-1'-:l-?0. l. c.ntr:t J.!sr! Tc r4-r-1?-Id21"36j ,. sncr Tc 19-20-,t2-Z-25.u0. Farr TrN, 1, roh ec.rthJ, un.,, 26;45: 2. r0r1! cooF., mrc, 26'45.11 3. r.hr phltxb.- drrc 27:17..Judor A';rdr, 1. Bob cm.r, unri:d MrcrTc! 3. carl

Tra.k c1ub,,trrr- l)!rr

irlno-. !tuc.

cJTc; mcb;d

u&r..ofltciilrl John conr{rJ lllok si!dro,, Orr\ld, 4ru. chb.rlw, se scha.d.




r6,;.;rd" -JG;;;;cr-nJ,fi ;x-;cld; I.cdil'chepionrbjllai re corrlMd! puk, brotrr N.r., r,-,j!1r, {2 !q) ledr iarrr (2 F.n.) N.r. 2?- i & 10 M.1. tun. a.i Pdchn .!ri.) ,1, Nor" 25- 5th tu,1 nE N.T. tun ar rM colr16ndt rark. (D..h.) not.: Hu!, d,uhoN.Y.nF'i5ddutln€ ti!. ra... Tn'r. {{11 b. ?i ln :t'si 5 llmrrs urdrr 19 ,.!!,. fin to {rar t !d.!i o'.r rr, r.ar! dd 6j ro d!.n ri.tid (19-4.4 r.a.r)" lL

2 nntrl.! c1os. ]loRrb.! ,9rd siih Jo. x1.1n !hn, a2t craflln an., BIo* 6a! ti,i, !h.r. 1. no

1!,e!4. coll}a8;s lrnrTcN [,U€E, s.ttrib.rr 15, 1. olMon rfcx.nzl., N!Pc, ,2ja 2. r.net ol|.on, ori, 12i5A



v1rrio! skoY l]hr.r,crd,33:tr lick Clap!, !,5rc, )tt'o\ 5. T.d Corbftr, Nl]{, 35:2A 6. sils ssdlrrd, c'ffj ,6:06 ?. Grkr r,lkur, offi, 16:0?


3. 9.


Thonp.on, cM(r 36:1t

cxl, )6.2a rir.r?cr l":o3 U. Iotn.rj t\'-pc, 3a l) 12. a1 ^br$rue,r lrYPc, t0:t6 rlN b!.t' {tth rh. tlr,t, ttv. m! ,roLh Srrrad, r0. John sr.rnlrr

ot .rch

,4-y.a!{ld aovMlrr clau,hi, M, .nlo:.d th. drlu.qo@t.rY.r't}Im!.n .r tulprllln4 hlM.r br E rulgJn of rr'r.2 rc. !M,r th. tnr.. r1d 3!1r1.h MA chmrdoh ,3rd!I dldn't hln . !!,11t bld @r.h. r idok rh rrrd lu,t rft.r ,okq fron tuqrantr.v (usER) ai b.rns ah.3d brt:: rdd puh.d. at J5ro r rhduahr I h8dd.tnnotrf. ;oh 0ro'ldd.gth.

ur. x.u_krofln !rrck run4.r h.rd ! 30 r.c. t.!d !r lin

(1,9r1o, ov.r . EF-un sr@p ihsr 1rc1ud.d nlE tui.h nrirlJ rro drur.r rldh.r bddnr ,1kour tulv8ninv rook d,r ro! +h" i.\t r.._ ::,: 9r::,.s::i"c 2old rn 1:.6:10 ed 25rm

d-rn! $n.t .hebpld !|do: Eriroy ri l5ro netth.o'd.Iatth.fi.lslr' dgh dulln€ ih! !a(!, thruh ,r \Dr ar h. rld aodai_

lff.ffi tl:'ilrii;::;i;.f i{r'



: T'& sh.f€: 1. D!lav5r' val1'r Ar' 1_2-l_!-a' !8, 2,2r:16,e; t.m,. mrl*rt co11.s., r-6-7r-e-3r. d.1.sch., !"i, ,r:r:0r.1r; 3.-vlt!or Earkoy, usssr 16; '. ILc' D1r'cto! 2:2,1:19.3; r1. ilartarr roodj aR' 2t2rtt1.3j t, .Ed L'!a', ussi, 2::?:r,6.6r ?:

2r26rtL.t!\ b. s.tg.t Pawa,

r. rorsu;.n, D.;ik,,:lo:

i4:0! 3. I. Iirrtrdc, 1u€o31.a'-a' 2.34'4.t+t 9. s'Fl. 2?-t rrtl B.a.da[ s, o;:a, Polsd, a'N.12.?: \a. it. shudo-l, csn, 2t' of sota tu'rJ 4nn1's ro! th. N!!tn a.c. 2 ,.t .oj \. i. s.Lki., tr"r-d, 2,3r'oo:,r' r:. Ello akrad.n, fiDrud, 2,r?,!0.€i 1r. B.i!. lodat 'on th. r8ih i"'!]mt r.ru€l kc., ,.? or 4l ttrrr.!' r! 26r?f. E'r!t, I$1andJ 2:r4:tt.2; 1lr. f. sk!1nlu, _1, Yo ro5lar ri ,rlb:u.8; l_. a. szl{, Hqdr, :,ro'i€. : Io. B. e'imroD, crrMry, 2:J''i?.b; '?. L. ,or.\., i6, i. "ro,rr. sn.d.nr 2:Ui:tt.8j 19. P. c.n w, r!!nc.r 2:r.r: oe.or 20. , zrrh, c.!@r, 2,rr?:40,0i ?1. c. N..z;r", \qrrjrr&d,2 Lr:u.6i )2.:, 1o.'rlr, 2:r,3:r 3.2..\otfldrh!rr: FreJo utx' "lbls4 Y €orr!;:, bi v.-t!rus, r':k.r, !, c!c.uru. rbr.r. N. q-At,.!

sh.t!r.!. *nL: al!!r &:rfv vcc,rLr' rd'o!d !51!d. ion Lm rs uophr drn r, FIE!: (rr+ $. ) &d sr^c (51 Prr.) thid scYw rcond ^c rdct ll1.k, 56, ftni,h.d hl.l?rh rtc. h.F tn i5t\tt...'dE.r.cord:)_r.Lorromo$o1







2. _r! 5'.LrL.!r 5^m


rrh"Dlo]rdPsr{. h;".ij. o^i.b," ro, r9o, (iadj, co!,, , H,;rd cd.- it,-b.r - ;. ;.r lr leo:)r :, dskld xLM, n.', !. re" errc5r' (.ll3+'d. r-u*", i''r'! 1.,L R..." ri.,*, i. -'q..; r"p., 1;,-0, ". P.- .. :r,.r,i !. i1,&', i, tL^**-, 16,16; 3. Frncls o,tslrr ]1..r1ord o.dd!' !8L,31:2rj 12, i". r; ". r- c"*o:;,'7:,"; r2 RDD"r !dd''d, 11js D!ni'or

i::ri, i:. "r. {*ra, rs.Joi {. Faur rldn r",:: :>. r,'. .r.4. :j: _r' :_. r).1.. Lr-.!: i^m ic*s r*.'" o's,'. i,i tiii'li"'l ;r-.tr. * '.;'i l;; i;.. ;rrd," $ d.br'"*. :. ;;;;' -...-"-.p *or?1"r'.l '.lry, iia-i..i.J-d*;tl;.r., ildthsd rn 19'/13.

iiil| Jd'.


''r^ r"o\a

3r'rr; 26. vrn.!r! na!'61, r'dlrn rc, 'oria!, r'':'4i !!r'qJ 1:0li :? Pdi scrl{, _ir:r?! 29. Dan Or.nl I 3o:l's'r 35:c]t 10. Ddrs arrroJ siilron l{ID,l.: r.I;-Mrc 1, t:lMrHEn !ts^{pioxs[? 'akrud,tltt o.lal $d [rhl.d. q.ub sFrc, ,t:]2, ?1, [i]k n!!d, 37{1., 3i:5?i t2, .{,i,ri".i{r, x;.'.r,', s""d"'. 0",.b*,Li iffi;;F;i:ih"!ili?!;"$"31 ,1:;,"11';dt; .11 trm, Mr., 36:291 36. .]adk rt!k, v!r1n rc, 31:l9i l?, T.d !rd'hw, rr,, l7:t0: 34. xrk LAt23 Ipr.nr uhd.) 19.4?;31" sr&nl.r sr.li, ;lsniltcn u;5o i, Ih.ur cdi, F.tr1 ,1.c,, I1.ld, 10112! rro. *. !!cclurk.!. um.. 12:17. 4. ix.i ,rn l!., D.lNar. 1'a[.r Ir, 49:12 li. Bo! C:;,n.!rJ D.r rr. ia1l.r i^, t1::19 ,1:10 aob uc.D!., x.h u,1lrion., ?. Ddld iron,, r.m^. xtlliarJ col,lF. ,21!9 ,r.. laqr, \dr *r.r, .?'.r rrrr€, r,c. innsrtulrL.' a. Te4 i. E ?1 shtth, P.s ic, bN'T''IucbJ!.lds{n.ro. )0. rrlth Prtton, D.1rvr!. I:IL.t ,\r, 56:lil 1< i.!r!, 1o4r-6r, li. -irth L1d, P.m..Lt11i..r 00L].9.,57:13 rr,u.kJ, d:L,d rr:t !p!1r€,.i.rt1-.1 OI.n tturr, 12. t*td trl'.olr, P!c, ,1,2) U, stlut Xt.rtM.r, PIc, ch.!t.!, Pr. t6:t6 r!oAh1.. t. i'! rhr.. * Eld 14. t-d c.rp.n,, !tla'!!. vai6: , ,9,12 1r. eb.!! rtNor., u.dtctud, 15. hltlr -rro4rJr PlcJ !ah 9.hoo1,,t3 or.. tzill 1i. c1.T cooP,on, un.!. 15. ,jrr.d lloch" P.m Ic, It. Drnd scotr.1, rNi!!ch'd,


A??$ V^LLi! LIONS rondBy,



sepi4t". l, i9oil - ]],1o a.r.

Iq!r. c!}lB clry lc . rc:r5 &pre vaury Ac . . ,:30 . J:oc lrub 8dr1eN . 9:lo

3, iob.! ri.d,



,. it6lcou n, noterfton, ?. rtaY€n B!]jc(,

. . 10:30 9. Robs.i core, cdve. Ctty Ac . . , . . 2tI5 jiub rlrrlerc . 9:co ....9:00 c!1Y6r C1t Ac . . !cr. u. e bu€ht4, -- . n:3a u. E3.b chavez, . 9:30 ft. !. r. Blur, , . rr:!5 r?, Jd. E. ciL$alr souih 3ar rc . 9:0o .. 9;3o 19. J3res l. cenorJ, Dat, , . . t,lo 21.



2'1. 3i.Tg lace|, 25. irordnd sr&pson,


26. rery rtz6lr, rP!& yau6r tc 2?. rlork



]r:,0 r0:r0


a, o ,.! tu."s . n:/,t (.t, i1r6' / reie . 4:30 (2 dlss)

conn.ldd. Jb sard 1i dll i.'ied ori &d & adlNt&nr, l]lrenergcmpeLingrlihe.lcoY..s

, .ucrq

a beaudruqv pacd

Bli 3ricr rsdedns rhs rrre me.3finishsr;ajniy|rI cab6!1and coll.ge 1r, rurnar tn1n. 1r! at {lUl,sstrs, 4r. j, John Faulk!.r, c; 2. cotDl.r vldrrars, !,,rn.56 rhr b.st dlsranc. ron '.. s ec-oo1 flnlsh.d tn a


ir€at tor !5t pf@. but

u s3t!ciaJ, !eFiemiar lt,



3r&ts.s srs.r:

1o:!l a.o.

.ft" ,1.,," +3

{ !. b"L

o.r -.r -r,-r or j.sr ,

do_o," .!:1 3rcF





ar, !!rIv-E"\S:Ty 0F CEiCTGO TrL{Olt l8,n Lhd 0 , C|SB c .b ro |.o!-s6 s,5;1ro, . e. 'u,.trr; ;.; ,," .i' o. .d. , .6s r ..oro . ",",.! ":q .bout roo rcrds sa.3c or .5o . -,1 .lrr-r.sr_ord 9.19".., ,. _ 1r3r'he




i1 .rr'0 -:, r6:

.:;â‚Ź:o:'fl"t9:.rir:5;,::i u1r.,-"B.il;1?.r: ;. .,:i;"i. rb:... :.r.. .o, c."rog";, x." .i;0.: _:,' l? l1r l. .srcs, u-.c, t,:9t,5.


Solth€h Pacdc &.ocratbn or th€ eu

ord.' or r1ilj3!


- 3.a{1r€ c.os3-coutry lte


d,]i, ssptsnb.r ?2r



cuiis Rldljns, wt.,,,....,....2r:B cc1c.,,,....,.....2r:/r2

,.CIE}Iarr.creer*arr,$tdubac..19:2? rr. ..eci..o tlarte, or&ae co. Tc,.t9'55 13. Devld E. raco, ..,..,..<rl:1? ta. _,.2rju

3. e. xoBld ra.ri6u! 9. Jfi Ba.ru3, @i,,..,,,.,.,.. 1nrrcas6d

hrr kd .11sht&.


udl...,,.,..,2t:ro r, tosd.nrt, Mr

Toq suc.c, up i.@

ss lloso,

e olflclel tae. cufvsr clry rc G, ih. ]&s..t s.t.J. thave.ylifuitfuslnllilrch rncidsntal\, rerry sBdr's e ln a tle Dd.. 19:00. 2: Mr1. .os, r!.aIly rur6o oours. soaftlo. ra6- - 1. !ous crsuad, s.a1!1. o-, u:)9r :. Eu, Eb16n. soc, lJ:.llj .1, Joln os'sor,pu. Pa(lrlc Lr!h.-d 0nrv6!s:rr (tacona) lrr:2!. 1 sn {a! all-cor's !" ana o! N'v6I na36r. '3 'a3 5 r. r.a, 6 0cLob.!. 962, Sonaro Psrx (s.a!!la, 1_ !!!l Ell!s. s6arl_. ?5:#);2. Dous '/ @r..ord b'-'ad. qoc, 25:50r l. ErrI Loldn, s4', 25:loj L n. fmod ty 4r!nur, u... _l.lder 1o:0?..JIn S6a_tl. - .o o?...d !!s lo6' ln sood forn.,Doug Rustad ls bdtns s1ok1y fo! in Pan-rr !da1s t. D.c.nb.!. 1962 SCXX!U]-i OF P!'!r IEOIONI' r.r,U. CnOSS-CO['rifiy OHA]ITIOflS]IjFS xov. 3- Idand lntlr. chdp3. spokan Tracy ualt.rs-9o5 B!Ia! clltf 11116 xov. 10 t or.Ebn chMls. ro*lana Don Sp!n$, 1906-2nd Arr.,M11,au!1.,0 xor. u xortrrr.st chanEe, soaitlo J1n ll.Ids, 2Bl2 saryard E, s.attlo 2 4-- rral illgdon, lcTc and .i-ca!1.ron Bta!, c1lct d .tf 4 !.sp.cNablo 32:12.0 6-ntld cross-cnu'tly o. a hot, hmld day t. ,ln rrorh hrndlca! rjctc 6-n116 hddlca! 1. Lrashhsror Palk toddy, (nh'rrurst. I11, ), ].d i.sr ot rhd {aJ, blt llgdonis fq3rr flnlsb !r.ra116d. rlna nldnards, r:JcTc, !1a.6d trri.d ald lad rh. n6't-b6st gcrarch tId.. jl!:13. io



Jod ioods. v.rl Tc )8:oo irno Rlcirards, ucrc -c )9to) sr o!. la:06

1:c0 :0 !od, /or[ 5 0 ^l Dtck Xln€, VCtc, 39tt7 5t)a .-6d -.e3., Yorr -c, I:15 J,:_a t: b.11c1s,,o, Js,, o-s 19:rB t,t rln xach, yolk r., 5;0o [0:58 rtn r'.e, lm.,.{ata5h, 4t:l+0 1:lo f1. .6rry sronrc!, No.c.nt.!c r+:l+? 1:lo st.re !or3chd, IJCIC l+2:o0 2:00

)\.33 .': ,6 ]B:io l9jl7

5: L ,l: , \0:28 3?,1ta



2 5 11


T2 g

l! satunayr sept3de.

our.yRu-!dras 29r r9o2 - ,iart: 1o:r0 a,E.

k6frDe1n, cc^c...........21:2r.6 u. Horer raii@r, uat...,.,,,..,..,2]]:01 o.e33 c.. Tc..22:06 u. rtrjle r. xley, cc^c . , , . , . , 2! 0B r{tu@.d ne b cru) ccac......-.,2?.35 15. John BFBsd J..,Sr..nshralc..24:16 -1. rticr.u,r . rJsn*r, cc^c . - - . . .22t 35 16. Dawid v. Lsd34yi, sc sr!t'*m.,.21+:2, ,. rohn c. ,nrtod, st..Elrba.enc,..22,51 1?. siaFnen I. Rourac'st6,Edbara{c..24:34 6- sh€ d& shaJfer, @t....,......2:2tr4 !a6d3s lc,..,...25.0, ?. cru r, !.per, ccac . . . . . . . . . . ?l 03 19, ,tes H. H3rt4lon, cc,tc,,,,,,..2t:4? ,













3. rert€r c. Ias€, ual.,......-,..21:rr 9. Donald l,. Dayt!, uai,,..,,...,..23:22



Phiup s. Clate Jr., CCAo.......23:rro 12. &dd I. Y.co! gt3.Eebd.a,tc.....2r:16

io. Bucela,

-I:ffiTj-6;li@, ccrc.-.......rr:38,2 2. H..ry X UEn, uai.,...,..,,.12:1t.0 Grry ,. rotl€lr wt..........,11.16.? ,,

roe: culyer cltr


sc si{d€rs .

1,, Ft'8.



ac , . . . . . , . . .

xc[[ €es!-4ouiry x.st - 4 golt.d br i.. lus31,. stli€ '1I€3 colr.s€ g€ltdbsr 29, 1%2 - 3t,ft: 10.06 a.!, L.r hg.Ls stsL! coUass,,..,... .- r- \- 6-$ t (,0--r s& rehedo Yall.r si{,. Co)Jq. \-ID-),2-]i-1\ ---- 53 (22-23 .,,., T e-)r-tt-16 -- t7 \2tf26 c.1 Pory (P@nrl

.,,... ,,,,,,.,,

, I-


--- 1I

24. EE.ra RoFaf,


4..'....'..2.'..22.}.2 2i. Jtu xnqr, Po@tu.,...,,....&..26:?1 26. Joln Uorl., S?'{.,......,,.,..,,26,29 l. eor36 J€56!r, !a.......,..3....23:or1 2?. Drae lugstt, SF'q.-,...,.,,.....26rri 4. IBsrd Bm6tr, srv..,......4...,2r:10 sPv...''.'.'..''....26:]+2 t. ro. r. n.ro, t ............5.,.-23'tj 6. E bert, siqds, 1A..,..,...6..,.4t3a 29. Jchn P6!M, u..,,.....,,,..,.,26,).1 ?. td PoD.rd, Poua.,......?....23:t? ,0. B.rL roru.nd, cP...........2t..21:o? 6. .tohn !.sbee, P@tu., ...,..4... -2j.59 4, n b cooI.t, Pm6.,.......,26..2?:r4 llck D'm, cP.....,,,,.,...9...,:rr:06 9. ,2. Id K.]Lnr, l,{,.,,.,,,...,...,2?:20 s!.f ..'......1o''.,2/r:09 31. Der. Porllrdj P@rc...,..,..,..27:2' r.1. 8,Fy r6ch.n, P@H..,.,.11,...24,J0 34, Joh! Cocbre, SFu.,,,...,.,.....2?,39 r2. r.rrr r{,lrra, sF\....,.,..w..,.211 32 35. Ro" z.*q, cP,,,,,,,...,,,.?1,.21152 u. ?onr shs.hm, 3l].,... ...13,., .4t)1 -16, *rb rillon, sn/..,......,.,....26:06 14. Ptu,ron D!e&, srv,...,,..1!.,,.;4:12 3?. los.r lluet, cP.,.....,..,.2r1,.23:15 1i. Pluf ?aldi6, P@nB.,.....15..,.25:U 13. Jofs Duliridtr, sflr..,,.,......23r39 16. stu l!13rr Pd.na,,,.,..,16,...25116 3t. byl,.n oLdr P@.6..,,,....,..29:lA u, ft.nls PaE , cP..,,...,,,.V.,,,2r;20 40. lr.rt coop€!, cP.,,...,,..,.,...r0:u /.r. r1b Ptub, Po&na...-...,....,,.ro:r, 13. ttnce ioach, L ..,.... ...la..,,2t.:11 19. ./rr xschu€a, c2...,.....,,19...,2t.32 42. Don cuenih€r, t@na.,,,.,......1o:r1 2c. dobaFt Llrde, a.........2t...,25'r, 21,, P&l Aftqutui, U-. .. ....21. ..,2t.59 3r'1....22....25t59 :23. t0!,r.F*, sfl ...,..,.,..23,,..26:0o 511 or't ^..ss. x- ountt, r.s)' s "."lv.d .! -tu Lo- ,. , Tlch- r5 oD€ '. o"Ldod -\on L brl.I "on n'xt mnt t.

Tetn asual sourhsm Psciric 16!o.larlon &u croer-courry !€er ar hhltlid cou€se, rhiiile!, ceuronla - s6iurn3r, octobsr 5! t962



1. rdr R. dur, r,Dcc,...,..,.,.1..22:2e.2 21,


Robali Cood.o!,

Honer r,r1@!, @i..,...,,.....,2/r:33 ccf,c..,.,.2....22. t L 22. srlphd E. Roule, SUc..,,.16...24:t2

r.!CC,.....,,J....2J:0, 23. layld I. V.co, s84C.,,..,...17,.,2r:01

4. rrecieco Drt., or!.co.!j..,..,zJ:r? t rx.Fond De tl ce, ccrc,,,.4,,..2.r:20 LP,6be.r D.?*a, CC4C,.....,.-.t,...23:20 ?, sbe.id& shajf€., eat..........,2J:?-l s. charles a. cre.lnall, sBAc..6,..,2J:32

9. ro, 11,

13. 14.





?a. Dd.ld R. Poy€r, vh1tri6..,,13.,,2t:OB 2r, PhiuF s- c1ak. rr., ccrc..i9..,2r:r0 26. J@s r. C6r€nJ, e3r.,-...,....2t:26 2?. st.y€ Nr?,r) sB\C....-.....,24.,.25t27 ?4. Jol! BrMd rr., s&{c,.,..21.,.2r:31 cru ii. topez, cc^c . , . . . . . . . , , . .23. !6 29. ij1rlle c. atth!, ac^c. . ., ,.22. . .25t53 iton Do].16, irco . . , . . . . . . , . . ,3 . - . -2). 52 30. vu.r1@ &cabe, sBvc,. ... . . ,23. , ,25: l3 11! xurphr, udt.. . , ,. , ,.. . . ,. . . .2r: t? 31. H3rr.r r, q&,on, Dar..,..,,....?6.35 I}Co.,..,,....9,..,23:59 3?. C]@ce ]ft tl€Jie1d, SBVC..24.,.2?.0' rd rlrdrey, rrcc,..,...,...1o.,.,24:05 33. ,r.nr c&er, rbrhti6r.......2r...2?.06 D..nrs K.msdJ, sByc.-.....L1.,.,24:06 34. redr Z3e.eo, SAVC,...,,.,26.,,2?:20 r.Dd{r r. !3\4sJ lut"'..'...'..,r+:09 lt. n bsd H.ld' r'rlftier..'....2?...2?.r2 ...12...,24'15 16. iobeir X. Polesi€, CC,|c....,.,...24:12 tlner I/6115, sNo,-.......iJ.,,.,2t:1? l?. rttfie shotrbch, il]r1tit6!..23...29:41 ,John C. rnffo.d, sE^c.,,.,,r4,,-,;r4:13 33. irlll'te n. collr$, ccac...,29...29:16 11* relsbo.d, CCrC...,,,..15.,.-2rr:19 J9. adrud J. rr'1adon, u&r..,,....t29:23 1

'nr.........,,.nr:2? 40. inr.l1e T.th&r hhitiisr....30,...lo:0o onEr clrr 4r,h.1eiie crub.,,,.,.. 2- 1,- 5- 1,!5 -,-, (19-2249) s&r,a &.bTa a J..iic ctub..., .. 6-13-14-r&1? --- 66 (21) s& B.hardrno



Corlss€,,.. 1r-2o-?l-24-25 --101 . . t-18-2t-2?-23 ---110 (]o)

cor res€ . . . . . . , . . . , , , . .



2. Di6i. r. c.oydo!, r'h1rtie...,..,...,.u:4?.4 3. 6ry D. Xr|]€., sttachBd,,.,..,,..,r4.0o,,] 4. Faul Tar<agl, rhl|t'ier,,.....,..,,....u+:21.6 t. iianhsu rtarod rrr, uaitach3d,..,. r.?l!rlr.a


441e Cro3c-coutr Ru

rttisr, carxonia - ocioher 6, 1962 i,s hsel6 stats conegs..,,.... 3- 4- 5- ?- t --- 29 (r0-r2) ,..., 2- 5-u-15-13 --- t1 (19-20) carronla Polr (pomna) . . . . . . . , 1- 3-13-14-16 --- t2 (1?) U. John P..ars, I4,....,,..,..,,2?:06 R,..,.,r5..,21,U I"\.,....,.....2?:r, 1?. Lrb€.i 1d. Poea. l.i11er, '3me, cP,.,,,.,.l!...23:03 _

19. Joh caste.da) cF....,,17...24:19

n,,,.,,..,.13...23:26 u. , , , . . , , . . . .24.52 22. rleat3 nl3htldio, i.,.,r9,,.29:10 21, lon cow6r, R,.., ,.....2o. , .)!125 ?4.


scho€11a@, R..,,..,,...Jr]:o,

cbr16e srosg.it,


Koslco xaraiho!, czoch., oct. ?- 1. D!. !. Kantolok, cr.cn., 2:28:29; 2. Buddy Ed61.n, us4, 2:28:31! l. naus Mos-.F, E, G.!nabv.,78 f1!lsh.d.


FooSItRs ,{II ctlTEri ,{r!I 10-M1',: iiEry - cl-1c€go, I11., s.pr. l, :9i,2 stov6 11b16f; aDd charl.3 r]nbarA6r! radiara Urtyclstty n11. & 2-nito stars,

-ipp.d..4 o r Lloar(-. !o6n _nD. - _.: .o,.is, sr '6Er:ld'!d r"rror Dar. ^Tng 1t-! r : 5 cloc/ln3 1n.., Lsf. o' 9 .o.o- s ' duo--Mtko xi:i61sta.Jt ll1t, stat6 N..na1) and J.. vltion (nastrn 111-). Th. rmru.-ups 1ed nost ot tlr. !a:ri Errs vr6ue1 .o 3 3. rL, n sr.l/ \ o 3-sn.., ., ro ,^ a t6n-taro oaf r, e "sslnd bL h.. o, r. ."" "p o - ; 9ih ft11. th6 rDuns lbotb a. Jun:ols) rnalaids i€d. a d6d1s:v. sDur lnjo lb. l6ad, Hf,l.h 'I€ tu. r.' oro a a .. !, ep 1,o-;o n..h"- s ru\.c) r, .. rl '.,-,, :ro.. .bl j0: ; [. L. k,. .1. _:d- r + 1 1 :'. |rr51' .: a..hi--Gs ..: s I:dlsrr 0.1! i: I r.osss ..6. to: , /. Dor q,"o I .'. i. , ra: '. 8, _"d- Bs/.! t L,r " . 7 4. j 'i(, )ro: :.ro Y,... {'.s:c) . -r!r! Jsms ..e o) Lo: ": ( . C) 50:. : -., r. kd .r' r'& !11. L -6 .1c i. & .o:"n"n (Mt. caln.r Hs) :i:1?; 1:" Dor sard.re & )lard (Flov1so rc) 52,35; L3. c€arE ' chds,shadod. srnn.r. (rT c) & rrck ntne (rlcrc) 55t25.. dn?-Drc\.


!? oh the cepu, u o{ caufornia 3t seta narbua - coleta, callfonis sa!ud{, ocr.be. ur 1962 !. ,roelD. th@5, @r...,.....,,...10:2a !9Eg9_3j!_6r, €_ n!! (rn:r2 a.n") ucsD..,,,..,,,,....,10:01 t. rsry.r. D€sr, mat........,..,.r0:50 3. roeer Holnba.s, uai.....,,...-..10:L4 7. Brrcn Sertn, ucsB..,........,.....1_2:10

1. riarrmd !ea4n) ccAc.......,.1..,8.23 19. Joljn uuLljft, clsnd8ts.,..,,]4...2c.16 cr6r.da1€,,....2...1€ j47 20, !@ Ollt3ry, r,acc,,.,,......15...2o:13

l. villle

E. Paoler, cclc.,,...3.,.16:50 21. JuUs a@138, L,rCC.,..,,..16._.20.21

rt. ?ory sucec, se Di.so T}Ia.,.,,..19:10 22, ,lndft R. n&u) or&se co,TC...,..2c:?9 t. rerry JusLdr 3!r1c....,,..,,.4.,.r9:r? 2J. lob G1Uie3, Ar.ndah._.,,..r?...20:36

@t......,.-.19:2r G1soa1€ , . , , . . . 19 l0 r, smer br!'er, u'r,..,.,,.,..19;3r.

7. Al nonials, cl4d!t€.,,..,...t.,.1912? . 6




sc sillders,..,..,,.19:57 ldald F. Saqerf SBAC..,,.,.9,..20:Oo !+. cutis nrdrng, suc . . . , , . . 10 . . 20 03 1r. tarld fi. nosdavir sc stridors,,.20:05 c1onda1a..,,,..11.,.2o:0? i?. Da,id x. \iAco, ccac..13..,:0:ro .rtsro3ie8 io aU ol todar'3 F 11.




2-1. ?5-





27. 30.

31. I,tke


C. Krlbrr CCAC.,....3)...20:13

stjna, IACC..,,.....21.,.2r:3I

r!4IE, lncc',.'...22...22:19

Ft€b, r,\CC..........,.23...ut2,1

12, Tenl' Dodtraly, c1@d.f6..,,.2rr..,r:34 3:t. Dadd n. rour ua!....,...,..,..2?:26

rjJ, racc.....,,..,,:r..,2u:r3 J!. E*.y Esrdnr ]J'cc,,..,......26,.,2)t59 rt. jni€ t6.

r6Deri.. r,aco.,.,...,.2i,..2t:00



3.orlne, clend:te



t- trr-r4 _- 33


(r9) ssta Ea.ka,riblerlc crub... 4- 3- 9-10-12 cbb,,... t_ 3_ 7_IJ_20 -_ -,t 44 (25-26-27) r$ irreel4 ctiy conatse , , . . . . it,76-:2r-2L4 --- 91


chtcaso, I11., s.!t.



tho had Just In PbYslcal .ducatlon at th. jl. of l111no15, sav. a ooivllolng d.rc.stratto. of hls orn lhtslca1 fttr.ss xh1l. 6asr1r xhipltnB th. fl.1d h th. Cdrtrs1 niu & 0p6n 19-kr1o.u in Jacl€on lalk tocay. contlnulns x!3 donlnatton ot th. cxa! dlstnc6 t1t16E (Gar Wrllims stil1 b.1ng ot6rsdas), 2-nt16-1oo! sld.telt d.rs. in l+9:15.6, oasllJ br.aklng th. cours. !.cod ot 51t10 E.t ln July by UcTc.. Don too16r, slr.r6 116 1dd th. x-court!f, t6m for tir.o f,oars, .dsed th. ]Jcfc,s 8111 R.xoe fo! 2f,d pta.o, end !ult6 St€a1e, r11 of thd UCTC' lon tho conttal iAu hddals, rbtlo roolaf, toolr6 slocta1 eold ncdal l.r tn. ft!3t

f1n13h.?. Tho !ac., ltk. all otna! caau load r.st ioad nul]ro.s C1ub. 1, ndold a!!ts, !crc, !9.19,8; :. Dor Doo1.f, nta., t3to)t J, !I11 n6Fs, tcrc. 5lt08i !. Luk std.1., !crc, 1:01:14r 5. r,a1 H1r.1o,, tc1c, L:01:26; 6. Mlk6 ulz'lckl, rJt, carn l ls, !,a2tr2.5t 1, Bl11 loffnan! Mt. Cdml IiS, 1i05:15.?: 8. ,lck ntls, tcrc, 1:05:3?..dif- cha"1.s sdrf,1dt, lcTc. oD off1c1a1 qurt.rlx publlcatxon of tho ratlotul Road nunnols club,.tlanJ f.siu6 uticl€s 1.o. ]lor to oradtz. an nnc, Rur Fo! Iou! rcy' to co'.! natuna llfr; Lon8 ..s.u..


!o'a a6ach stat. (cauf.) h". x-c. i6r,r,rcr,rrr x-coomrv nrsir,ts 29th (l'6-nr' ) l Damx Mulrrf,' ItrcEns 19, Ntrt !-L at var coltlandt Pa!k, S3!t _J _7:_2 61 r,,,., ..'., o',. 6 (Feln:3oasd ^o.-s6 ' o: i: r' D c" s t€l'(on ,{llzona i 1.c", -, 7:58; . eo. ilvalL . . . Bo; v,".;, R,,! I $al 3r .sr Pord . cu ro. . -!. ?:! ! 8. Azoi.oo, , rs, {. w {rD Loo.. r,. , ,0, po!'66.


,io. .,..,

Bur1.r. 4. b:OL; ^.aD$ \. 0... 6. - 1. To? 2. Ton Cardoza! ,{F, ldrri:r TAr 20 DrFTr.our! d ' 6:29.9r r.rls. D. .a, .6:)Lr J, -d 3o!.s. y. 6:q ; I. rod roind. v. 6:\1. Pa!k- 26rttr lnnla} odr. 6rb, var colrlaDdt 'ILb lnta.so'or3srr. -o Co,rrr! v..L..o r'"la1s vlb rlrnlh.d .a6!v idlI.r slty rac.s-d lmotstlon rn x. rlrnlls. 6"..oforo, Just Crn s- Ins ,83 Bn hono!. r )e aralds "so1o rss 3 ousy pl8ro lrot i!t. nolnlna hto ntd-aft€lDoo.. rinishole ii'ir,ii-ii"l? i!-pr".* n"""r""d,.a.r", iiij' ti.i ir"'"i*p", carivrbs tlE {.i

ii?"i:";,iil;..ljll, i;,ii):

t7,56: 9,

hrd.Ds, '?:5,; 16:o7,.tom: 1. san Josc .ia 0t.6o s'8rd h L.^o\ ), -$L.p 1., ,?. rr i&r! 59 D! oo s .on. f,aur1. Illlott o: l-: : r' _.e oolroor !llv, o:Ui' r. E€_rJ sn !'lartaj 3o.ch.t a !!n st oslorn"L' 9:[9. ?ixn srrrE 2!, r,lIcEro{r srlrt lo at t. _!oreLr! pu.. o!a!u Do;loorI'. P . 5:1,.-. u. of rrNxEssEE 21, rlrrixEssEn rEcr r2 at tho !o' 4-n11' coursa ort {sf,land D.lv. 1n xnorr1116..oct. 5- 1. ,q.mr6

;""t to th._r;er of th; fld3h6rs, ",uii^, 6s'rTr.o . "'- ,rr :*"t. : - i "11 r-l3":; lll:.i ' "" na-,-.'v.o aislo.. :.o o -" B'\!,'L;i:.,):, ".,-;;"": as th. llctals ,6r. as !.ary ";. th. arards {o,o dlstrlbur.d..rha arhlot.s tr, 24:o9j 6. Rrl1 L3'}1n, r,.2Ur15. d.s.F.d th. 2+ 'd16 6rtnd i"-pi.t"a qDarrrrcfron ",'" "lii ;"::li:i:i:ilff:"'i:.i'3l"l,i:"'X

;i'.i,'t ril *. r. sor. pr;c.i, ,'. 'i;;; i;i;J iJ" Ja"a ii tr,"i' ar"""'s.ct1a!: 1. rdos ucto!@tt, f6rt.. lst

. . cJ s'I.. 1. B P.33a L,:i5i-d63 ,acr", i,rt, I :oo; q. "!yho1d3. \'c ou'n1n. r:0;5. t1!o alor'!Dou;. .r, lL:or,. ro :. r lon: ), Por 'r'iaflo-, irsnlar!. 1r:16, i2. soo :6::no Iar.lian, 1lt5d, rFl4Y 21. rrrTFlllIGl:-tIC{InSon 46, -stLdMclXi -1:, ;J "i udsL Fo n-, N.1., f,,ol. 1 rm, fr. . sr'sdb, {, 26:r.r :. .j:1'), cnlcra " L/. J. nsyo!. A. -:2r, L ', 1:).t 5. 6l !p.nal6r. et vscolv.r, Yc. 15.',tBc 1. H&Dion: voN, le:161 2z;a i,i t/!-"i.)

tucnbrs,ob flo'loy. U:18.5!

.!arrrs,, r ;. ".."".'-*,, a: :. :r.-6j :r, D,!r,rru,.:. .1a., .a:51,



tha (..5111o 14. ]l1s tln. u33 2\tt!2 2 a n6u to!: ri Ia, FPI 42 l4.l-nr'1 &t ffr . r .r, : . B3 l: 3 '!, , r.:' : : r,. -5 o. , :0o: 6 :4." tL roc.- oLadr6 I i E '. d s ': .8 : , -, !$r. ., 2. .r J.l?c!ona1d, sprlrufirld, 195b); -:ndo-utst C, 1l:5' 7' o.. o1:a . !r' s. 8, 0_ r c ("1p"8 (5_i., ) o,r. 6. .. r"oo-, .. ?:-B,r; . .ri "o,, ., //: ; r. i c' 2Ataz.it S telEls!, c, zBrl'r'i)i 6. schu3t-'., s, 2rj:2i.?..]Lls ror16d r .3-t ! -




: i'"r

:. ;'. .0. (,8' ;.:. .l.l; ,li: ""': l rlMplon, _1cc, 19:J?: 2,-_ B ll4-a1, ) 1.da.' yoars .o ai }€,sr 20:02,'l. Dsr6!, vocr r:a3 icn th. indrardlal rac.. Dzlu.zrrskl, o:, r. L. -Lopnare. v , ):11 . Aa.t 1q, PPovIDLNCL 1rl_.d F!!l@nco. rrr'b. r, 15.r": - :_-.Jr J. -u.oq. , , L ,Al ,6-1 .) _. 1.!6ldr., r. 17:-Lr l, t I oolor€", .. lo: Jj 1?:1?; 4, Mayer,,4, 1?:24, Do.r-,9;51 1.,. -.':i; -Lr.h.-..0. +--l\..osr :,,,is& :""' ia j ;. -r'. . oyL.!, 0!... .' f. i,roo!. ' r, a.*. , "::;*i; . "., -. /: ":.d. (colilnu'd nox. pas.) sc. oro., 12:2lt ?. \Jt\t\a!, i*.c, 12.32-

lr.Itdirso!, ca!I, 1?rlo; 5. tddlobco!, 17t15..1,01+-nr1.., tso toush o!, 17r15..1,01+-nr1.., toush blu.. D!.ss.l lod Co!811 to th. X1av..t Cord. chamtoEhh ch6lploEh1p_ lest r s r fsl| f,a11 bY by llfu1e !U0r!€. 1q:1? 15:17. i-'r;,i;'r;-;; arr-\udc6Aol 19Ll !\at th6 (olsat. vars Ur !5s d.f6ar- ror cou3., Ee a1s6 lan 9;28 tio-r1!. .t .d th6 corn 11 vesliy tn r-c.btry. 15!29.6 (o1d ark,-lt:l r 15, st,Jo3.ph'6 52 ai colb! COLIECIA?E X-CONITNY.COXTIXUED

c.I, 2at27.Ji t. BaGhas. Col.28:28.0:6. Kuck. cor. :ir;;;d-"i;;: ;t:i1 28:01.1j l+. lJr!l1Non,

bt Fluc.l10, sFscrr., lo/8); 2, !undqullt, col. 15:50.6; l. Btdq, C. Cor. 16:12.0; 4. Bosr, .o1, 16:1d.3. BvrF^ro tro 3r col,c^rl 19 (<-b1.) ?e s.!r. 1, u!rdo!. c, 28:11.5; 2, HrUIaftob, c, 28:jo.9; J. zo:JU.); Bunssr, u, c, zY:ur.0; {:05.o; 4. coor3. bdnsa', +. cor .y, ty, B, 29:15.o; 5, r\ctz, B, 29t4,oi 6, 6. 6, 5. KcLz, s;;11; c; sb.l1, c,29:11+.0; 2a,r(.6; ?. s;rri, srttb, a, c,29:58.0. $,BB.o. ;;;_":.;";;;' ii,' #;r;;, j;, ( ugqu13ri (. lo:r4;-z,,bor.n. u, fb:/oj Barsoor.n, c, t:'ii;."':.i"i:"i"ii,::'5:' r?,oo.o; 4. ruft1., c. ;:E::i::;":; 3. cllv coItEGE sAN tBlxclsco 20, DIrBlo vrl,LEY CotlEGE !-|I rt san Fr@I.oo'. (.1-&Iror)1. Pos6! co1d6r Cato co1o.o cato Palu Pa!! (l-Dlfo!Jl. Rog6! I ,b, Dr, !:55, ro:lb, rr:40.1; 2: Fogo! R.Lt^h!y, ccsc, 15:59j l. storo .,.eon, .,.eon, v,- a.), (fom.r eu'aL co v,a.), r6:07r lr. 'c ? (fom.r lr. ozzl6 lrollls. oz!!6 ccse, I6:0?;5.0.T 16:0?: 5. o.no F]otP,o!no"rIE, ccsF. l<ind, ccsF, 16:11; 6. FhLl D'1s61, .csP. NAvry r5, PrTlsBrr?cB 1.6, at rtjmpo!is, t4d, 0cr. lJLb (5-b11ds) 1,tto, -orosr r6110! & Eob sornlo!. I. /6: 6.1..['rr's fIrlt rlnlshod ,1!]rln 25 s6co!.L ol oro,not^dr..Lry RobtBon o" Pltt


C!o6k ooule; Ph,Ia.r Oct. 12- I. tt.,

vrc zhlak, Dav. ftJl.ld, fsLy ?o!ko, Ior su11lvan a prL rrayno!. /8:r5. lRrr-Ero't L1-r) 21, pmc,as (2-r) J6, \11r (0-2) 8r ar frjrc.tod. 0cr. 12- 1. r.a Johdon, P, 25:55.

l1lY9,r:f:{l_. -91::ll:'"i"'-t.;j;:j";. I?ll !:lT 5:ll"g: iflBl;lli.ijli: i;":_.1, .-----

t. r;d R..r*"h.

srato. 20i29.h

li-1;:-::r:r:::-1."3y l::1"',?9i3'r9 ..;;;,e;^,bda ;"LoMoyr., ;ti,;i.i;'a.;ot.;i ii.; nyan, Ryan, LoMovn 1960) l6d: l6d: 1. Fob6!t! Bobolt.

, lrosbyu J7; 2, hrffato o. 8i+; L Iurrc! EArtvlcl 11?' 5. ..Nor@ 118. rioso- 1, .1n Bora;o, r.xors, 15:00,8 {r€v coMs. -6rord ,.--n11.s, oI! mt! mt! ,.--n11.s, oI! l5:19 br d.!zos, r6yorro, 106lJ ^.M: l.I ^.M: 76; 3ufral6 !. L0; Afralo.. 2. tor{oyn !.Ilotn s1.@ sl.e !0! . 3. l. 76; 4. cantslus d); 5. s!,Jot tllbo! e1 col-cATE l?, IIrL{(A 42 (5-al1.r) 0cl. 0Lb- L vt1d.r, c,'/: 0?.4; 2. V11:l6sL1, c, ,7:]6.4; .1, sd.1I, L, ,7:57.8i iL BdEh.r, c, :8: o€.8r 9. I, 28:l5.o..colsrto's locord Is 'yt1.. tre 5 dd 0. trt1d.!r3 tlm of 2?:O?.4 th6 6t]r b'st tlns dY'! !'rnnu'r [1dd1. Ba.tcrn c6l1.a! lthl.tlo Couls6 r'co!d: isloclatton lar1 sportg F.";1v"1, Oci.12 cold'd "as 26.50.6 bv !!anco11o {sFac$6)'1960. (:.9-niroij r.lb*i, n. r. -c"**ii""irv qr".! l, ||to Ur!3b. lotu, la:lr; '. TE\r- l&A 19. soo tffit',,E,IboD.st 38 F1-kdy, .oa3.,.os: t. Iona. 2lj 2, L.,3-dtL..) ocl. l9!._ r. rlhsn B rsjrsJ, r4oyrc rr4. ur:a: 2. L.L. -r.!, r l4, l.!,rc; l. BoFbl. Cepb.11r rdx. 1L:59r !. rEtao 12tn Amual Sr. Joru's Untv. t!!o!s.holas- ^&fi. at lan co!!lso! pd_. N.y. Eotloa, slt!, 15:2t- al 0ct. llth- 1s1-sacL-Loo: l. J,t'_vcD.mdt, Da11ar, ocr. 13- "bo onjro?e rt of t.;{r.r 0 8nop ror roy. oounlr, o..t qstu]d( and s.ctlon: t, Aat Vab E'!pE, coionl. c.h- a.im ior ol tb, f1!!t tly. tlni,h.le -o'n's ioras;co-.d 20 Dorlts. sl..! t . Nor.,, ',rs1 x5, albM!, rl:,1.J..Th6 sL. boor d!.r 1,912 olLrl.s f!o! 101 ,E.r!.rn foras s!Bt. oi, ad&\ona.rli tnl!. r rnro€ Bas. at. , -oapoE.d s.e..Bt Jir.- euelLy & r.t. h.Id In aod'tlon l,o 5u! d1o 10! sco!. onoue' po nt" io r,-+. tb. tro rdsltt !ic.s. r. srltcrtdd of T.:as r* ih6 ftlst c^i!E1,oN 21, a[ qlnoN^ yt}IN.l ST^TE coriEc! rrnrsDr rL Ih:L2.3 "or th. ] r!1.r. 3 , s.Fr. 19- 1, Pontlen, uJ, I6t2)i 2, J. NonTU TE#s sTrTE to. rc.3B qr Dtntn,., Kaloo, c, l6:.16; J. C. Broo\. C, 1t:05, Texss. ocr. 19- 1. J.d G. !lrzaola1o. AbouL ),Or-bj!.3, rI.t. cool & uhdt. uba., 'slDppsn A!'B, romo, tsler I rj:to crPLEro'{ 16 a! B.rotr .-llcostn) L? l9/22)e 9t\\ trd6" tJ:J2; 2. sdtb, msv, 2, Btook, c, \6.?Aj r3,\2. 1. l(Alon, C, 16:12.6; '1. rsr!so-, _, r6:36r Ir FoX F:.heds, c. CTTMBEnLqID COIIEoE ?J, uxTv. oF .E!.x16:.6:.'P\.1e.B..?:10..]--']o9.fr!|.EsSl'E]6 COn\E:! {IOttA, COLI rca 39.t clnLEToN 22 (.1 J/U-Ibl. J 1. Jao.l. t, 1Ln.!. '. 2c: 1b:0Lt CRr ?. lr5; 2. Ro' Pe ,1, 2l:0O (And! s.lllorl )/"9-\- BL'' t}. um:rlc {aron, .c!1. 16:' r 1. F.o... car_. 16i5f m Lrds".5o"rt5*



€i6LqlrD 111, rlmAlID 101 ,{t r,ondon. s.nt.nbdr 2€th-29th

th. vh1t. crty. ftun E. 1:50. b: 2.

rsb daa: 880oravl as1;i:d, F, Ltta.7i J. 1:51.6;4. ?. ruuillalnon, F, 1:5:.o. Tony Harrls notch6d polnaps tho rln sr dn of hls soi6r!&t ouatlc ca!.ot bf, out01ayr s,1)nrFlnttna Eu!op.8n 4th p13c.r o!. Tn. t1m of r:50.6 (55.6 at b.111 !aJ som ftro tuds fastor than itatEcnoxsll's {}D. eldlna ln B.lgrad.. q!4!q9- 1.-X. Bulliys!! E! 28:u6.bl :. oj l. 4. xo.pr. F, E:ffi;", x' 28:Io. 411!3.6t 14. t. vr'tan n' F, lo:52.8. l{!}. BuIliYDt & xaltIn ts]@ Fl.ntsh llvals d.adh.at Bulltvst rac6d axat ln tho clostrg stra.s fo! a 2Ot vtctoly. Th. t1@s of th. Bllt1.h pal! ro!. .tc.!tiona11t s.od tlack. Tn6 nllo iln65 (tn.t on th. 'oagt outt.3) ,d.. L!:J7.2, h:l+0,8, U:Lr,2, !.:45.o, 4:lrl+.6 & 4:r?.d. Bulllranr'6 1$t lap: 65.6, Inltatlod 2-nI].!- f,. tL Balan, !o1and, 8:!0.61 2. 5;;;k l-bldtso!, E, 8:lr1.l!; J. E,8:lr.l.2;1r:, slak, Polddr 3:45.?; 5, etsn craiJ, B sltl-coth1]]ghM, €, c:o0.5 8:!7.8: 6. sler lt flont ro.31r b5,[, 6b.0, bb 6 + A7. ilar.--6s.1.6!.I b.fo!. 3dd16 strona rook o!.r ,lrn {boLt ?5or to Eo. \t tlE b.lr i7:lrr.0i, "t!or,P I'Iltold Balar bac! ald zdlsz_ l:e Krzy!zl<o!1ak -8.rg]ad. 1,5091 sllrb. buly tsa.en, tho 4' an rr.0/1E0r ,.! Dd.1lrsr, p33b ob th. lrold. 2cot fro. trp., 'ug.d t hat e33 hhat, 59s carllrd n1d to a stx ?rri 1r hh. fln. t1,. of 8:40,b, rh.darr hi '1o ootrfd hak6 !c ltpt.sslon on t\. ror., Iby]ut|.lasout:od.. b.at th. E!1t1sh t!.ct thd Forth ?ld day: Tho ior rh6 iro :aJ5 ir i dt.L.a.t6nllE 10.000..i-vr1.s. iwarch & lilriarronl. 1. B'uac rDlToI;-r, 1l:2b d: 2. K. 21trr, Polard, 1l:23.4i i L..h lr!-1l:26.6i ! t.r.k Ii:rt3od. t, iJ:29.6i t. r.t. rirLtNu:jin, !, 1i:11. 8, ij. r"a"k s 1".t, E, r4: !1 rr; 7 3. Doriala, f. 1L:5r.2,, -6..r.o' 5uc. Tulroh ..n.lm..l h13 n3St.rii rf Lho iuro!.an sc.r6 riih a 4nd!s.' sd or.!{!.lnir3 trrunp on hlr 2?t! hlliadaf,. e13 flu.n !ub113_ r3dd rorld 16dolii ationpt a.v.' 10016c 1l !D conl,.g'cI !o:ir.!s a..cloratlri r.n1nt3c6nt, iha uu..p.an

strucl rLth l0o y*ds

shot as lhough a catalu]r tnto th6 f.sl l.!ri.g

ZlnnX In no looltion to r1nl3h occu!16d behira Tulroh at B.lsrado..sllrts: 4:?5,6 (sa1'et ), ( 9:o5.6 BoRuszaalczl lsst E6o 1n 2:01 & 13si ra! rn i6.2 in th. qusty corditions. u11.- 1. 01av1 ilalonot. F. la:01.1: 2. !, lt:O-..rj l|. I. Kselkti6n, -, I:0c.c, E!tan r:a11 sharc.i rre.dce-.arlie (!ritain,s fln.sr n116r at the n!.n.nt ) xiih rlner, salon€n doi4 non6 or tno ,or! siratsht {h.r. hB lrov stroruj fot stnlson lho a.ot6lolthY !.rl.ocon srchas.: 1. r. s|I.n, E' b:52.4 ?-.1.,,iittn6n, F. a:5:1.4; l. D.r. Ponfr.t, I, chapnan, r,8:5!.3j l-..

.irnr.r lnrltati.n--bbor son,:ra1o, 1:51,9..2-r.i116ri 1. J, n.rd. c.rontrr, 9:1?,6.


Lori.. !o :!l€htor FelaY--1. Fo:is.nutrr. lni.27ft1n.ils6cs, | 2. rhd65 rs11d', rr-12-l+7; l.,r.}sravo, l+-Jl-52, lFo!tsnout.) c11!p6d 503 t.nth 16s (lrir. 61rds l :r, .uqdy !c.1.n. 1:0/:lL|.51 2. rad

tsrtche!, 1:09:25.o; l. r.hn xacx@sra, rj09jl!5.c: [, .].oft Lrtncho3i.r, 1:10: 21; 5. t, rox]-"r', 1:1r:06,.1,4st yoar

3r,iiJ 1o!.!.d rsia3i.ftort laBid", lurdy | 3 hrn. vas that h. slt!1y had to c616n!ar. h13 2qth lllthcar..6? startors lidulattlg 3rJor.d th. trdrrlc-fr.. c.uso of 1l d1as, 96 YArds, cuN.d :rt. i|Jo. lrps. 5-n11a3-25 :20: io-ri1.o-51 :19), !ir11. Oilv i6r :-+!!_ggs1!_!_!:-

11 ntl.s. f.a9-a yds, on S3pt, 5tn, nl1vl.r h/-,r, th6 !r.!io!s !!cri, ;trns! .d [trr ir tn6 rf,tlonal c.oss-courity chanplobshlps. Th. ftrst th!.. ptacos


4modc1la--2nd R.a1ona1 r.!c^ 5-!4i1o

Road Fac. (scr. ) sai. " D.c. 22rd..r!t!16s lron :,t !oa.

{,{!lnls ]rrNs cExTtur rssN

lo-xtto !ITr,!



fr](Es MrrrE SFr




::il-:tri rfll;r;i"qliiu;r:!':i$:::i#rti;s*,rrtilil :{:'ii!r#i;1";qg;iq:,ii:;;: " i';ir ;i;**4,,n**fi i,:+p:i,.



^:.i:::.i,:r.:i "r'.'lh6!:'41!'



q:*;tr,,ii*fr ,*dS; ;*;u*i:++#:;iju#xri*'' * ;ii:d"3i:i:-l*,i:l'.ff!l.r,i*:,: :iL,f}tllili*:"ts"iil1" j."_

l;;[r j:";:*:ft

":riii,ii:, ;"

i:;!"i::.::ti;Tir ; ;*,;':*.li:


;$;i*#Lr;' i#:'if*il$:.



i,#; ffi$;$;6,;l'=,ih





. l;$u;*;,1tru;jl,****"


;4;:;iipii,i;i;ii';r;r: t.i.,-

... lFl'#:,;frl"fll{{;iff#,;;;

L*#"' g,:#::i:Llii,+;,:r{t,:,";"i1{i#'$a;+:lfr i,

i5i'iiq,ilir*iti;,6i. ,". * "'":-ri .:.:::':.":::- 1' ;ili";irli i:lii:i:' :iig" " " publrsh.o .ror oJ r.e: .o:a] 5, tln r.r.ts, s! s. $).00 s ros -o

I rv 60 .. 16'h '-c., (nl^"so


t,".sLsrs, ot ns,stt, !.:"5

1*"o ,u', '"*"o-


::::--" "i,.il'.l3t!:.;: ''

l,:*;:,1"*t,i,t"il::.i; s. u 1r:--: D. tnold ^sI'

L ''l. ,.,

.ouls., pa!f6ct ']ay,

I!,1er Jt4.d oDt to sr asrlJ load ho!_ a J .'-o rsr , J 16r -o o" ' ror "' o-a i:"^lll;" oa- slror€ a i""i,i"',,;,',1::^'_.::i l6s Y -LJrL "r . "..r" L ;::;,-.;;:"-... ;'-_',;" ";;";.'i-." dd fonso oi th€ir lna x.lcon€ nai xRs out for tro v.t.rans

(cDntrlu.d neir laso)

{N.i. . P, & OPLN N".O- L r, iony sapr.nzs,'- Bos.on sr. :. rcn EJrl.r, Bosron {A,

LD 2:08 e:1L

i,b. Hr.iuariii ,r!b8.d Psck4d,

::J ;l

iy,i.li 3- ,

7. bob cn{r€3, !rvc, !!t2a .. B!aut, BosLon (!. 7/jri o. roL. Bob LIg€Esu6r, .lar an ic_?7,r" 10. Pons!d carr. Bosron a ,: 1I. BII- sponcdri 3o3ro a;. 0 jJr 12. Don asr, qosro .,r. €2,lir 13. D-. varr.1 uu!1o. .G!.. B2:.c 11., -rsn Yano!. rrrh.i M,.. 3 . t

8. BAA, o. 9. r3lch, u. oC hass., nra! 51:l-! 'avfi p.LoLO. xnos, utu., 5r:)2; L . '_:, Bd}d:af!.

; Li;'l'rii'.{:;;F$i,"',iijii;il;, sparrs , { , 5l:2tr -ao-86


Yor' s. ete, 5,, ; .?, B!1 ..r, Brtr, -lr: o; 3. Rorc. ss{.!. Nqa. "oon rd. Ytk su.rllr,, c. uia1 com_ 'L:U; {r, rL:16; 2t. .1 rr'o.nan. rrJ siltd.rs: pri -. ", -a.€.nosc*, b,{a, i5;r8r 22.p^!\ -o@croy. soarran \t, tr:5\:;). 56:18j 2lr, ..qr sr. t!a56:r/: r5-. -a! rdc.1rr r''i,i, ,'fu'.;u1,.'iln$tl"l lill,': si'

;:t ;:i,;ii:'i"::::";,:': 3,i;: li?.i.:ljll.;.H; i,: ]*i"Tli;"i.l."iti". 8i,il B::f 5.e .r. Jos.ln Dalron, r.. sob v.v6rs", arr, r.n-c.. 56:0". |;;:'ii"":;".}:i:i" l":

sA.;. eq.oner. q",.1 o'B L6n. N14(. sc,i. 21. Da0o rscDon6r,a. u;s,., ;4,55 !rLD hoRRl. Ns Bc. ch,o]'. ,i,5s. ,o_p P



rna., !d:irj t2. ro,dd Foss. co!_ Dm_ i.,{caoa.,. it: B; /J. ^.s!6r u1_rtstr. 5a:0lr -1, K.o hsr'6n. B{4. 60:r-r , . "rrc, B.i,A -!ic"ror, \:a1d.o 6-:2ar r6. .6fD .r"o,, 1c. ;_:!5

.! ,".::li,lui"jii.'31;,lii: ;::::i :3I.. ' j:: i:;'v"::i:'i':"1'l;:1"*'*, .; l":"T:',h :l;i8i ;:il'E'ii="iii,*"i,," i3:J,: ;::5 ;?";,:' --------i;"":.;'i:",i:'ri" B:nl;;1" *t; j;;, ;;,;,:1,;-;-;il; ;;:. :::i*:"f,"j;:: ]i q,;i: :H:


:ifiii i*"fr:!".* ;:",:;:.:l"i:"":i::" "J{"i:"1":1 tfi;";:t:;";,;ri,:;gi;:"jl:li; ::-

',$:i,,,";. i,{ ,1"::\?,":"it:f:":::i."::pi:l,::;:: "i::il'"HI ,3r a ,,s 3 n.r ," ",.. " i:i"ii:i;li:"#:::{1,;{:r:l;:: *g i:;i l'ti$;i::,':' li"::;: i,":i " .,,-.,0. y,: r, : u. Ro1a'd c.,r. ,?'".r',;"" - r,re"r,. .:;l;";;,,:1"::." !il.oi,,fl'"f;..fll1-r.ll]f;",,f;,,,, ;':;. ":":":;;:;;"::::r;{ii$:jii:;;; ;e:"H} il. Tn,"i;: f;;eil"'k.:ry $l:'iil:ii il;;i;':*iii-:lfl' ;"'::;.i'ri:-,"i:ji"i..:::'.i:."'..i'?,"i :,::';".;::; r:" on 'i :' c6 , t iir.ill""l':?;il;ii:;t':i;'::i::; kr:l: "i' i :;l'":;'"ixi;";r-rllir;' :!":;i'i!:ij:il'j*-,::,1,'.1"r:-;:;: . ':i::r,jii i:.; u"l:iii;'riii.iii:'":1. j: *!e:"ii:-."iJ:,-i:. ::..;:: _c;1 ;:;1!l,ifui"j; ;,';:;;ir,;;.;:. LrB:|7 +. lrahq pern.-.], tr6rr,i Ac!







r.gr.t {111 b. for tlls r.ar obrr. rho dous6 ror th. rac. ls pra.ticallt clos.c du. to tho ralulldl!€ of nc! t bstta! loads... 123 dlan l661oD's nstloMr ooach6s ctrdc et cllnlc dl!ocior, las d6ao1T ln r.33.d {lrh

Plogre ras a conbtnetion of 1.ctu. !om th.oly and or-th6-hrack trsinl4. arllrod xitb.ut h.odl.s a rarnlna to g6t selroE nu!31n9 a !a!t.tJ ol n@cu1a! AIID VE NrJX BECTTSI IT'E I]TiG TT and p^1n3, Th6 a!.ras. norkrr'g dqy ThRONOF T]]E 3RO!.! BIIICI]? IAIID 'chos q. coach.s b.aan ulth a c. So!].y. Ioctu. at €:!5 a.n. atd and.d xlth a l6ctu& at 7.1, p.n. Asslstl4 ryso! E l,ld!6n !.ddick att.nDtlnr to fom th. ',F:rc:T:?-T, r.. ao,L:H.61. .o ra! h. rn(Lllclors s. .d. .r,nr4 r.16 ,ns sb .oachas Jotf D131.v' has about a dozdn 1nt.r.3t.d !uM6!3. 3 col n & 3 osL H,ro 13 atrolo na q-6a.s.6 r!!t ichoor-d ldas o. rs e6rY rna.4srad .no 5.lDlnE ouL iir | 6 s_oL!. T..y lCSg !C !!!e9ue!g!g ".": halo nao a lrdl. 'ntarvl., &q lls studdnt coach.s...wor1d tra!.11.! st"a:1on on dlltdco !lm1rs... shlzo 0 rrte Ir. u€ I 3s Xanahll. ?J. rsD'n.i. nars!r.o'.il;6 i;;;o-8 e' Io I d-(fuu, ;! 1- n116s ln lao terstoi,idori oLxrplca & r.tdnod to Jalar dro! r'l-o At1lre & D sh116, !'tnocr6l1!nA (nrs r.LIr.m.L passod h1n. n6 tlon d!opb6on g.soniod rtth a n.da1 bt !h6 i.d .ui at 20 n11as-. Tto ,o6k3 b.fo!. sv.dlsh *$assy 1n ToLTo...VIe1o3 has ti,6 ndei)t. Dtcksor sti1l c!',11d not run s616ct6c 1t5 allttsh lnlIro b6 h.!d.d b! h thn mraih;; 6n-L,5;;;5;r 29th. H6 ftsY strarla1r 3n uE! 1t se€n.d to 1..3.n u! also .onp6i. :rr tno o! 6 n11.r..x.! yort,s cus *ortoalrs I !oc6!t1! 1nt..'l.{sc aft l8b tlo ,.0ri3 h€ les ox bf, laul er6r of r^1 l]Lh Yo:Lcn ns.s/ 6 oJ .. d"tnoh...-r far a futs. qt1ol....rh. ruud! rto 1s oi ih:ladslrr]1ia x.rGT-wt tAififtT hts l,ordo. t. nltsrton !.y.r r.qulr.d to dd unat h4 ca@t do ot Fr6at assistan.e ln b13 n Y.! do.s enat ho can do..,!9!41g 44Je for Lh. !3c. € i ..u1d 3!o that s su-,.e-l-_jd_b-*uah s s a3_ or 3ro La '_' rrj"ot ;;I;: I 'ac.s[s a.Lo-:bd w.o !ou1d rs, '€ aE h. f61t that lro had onlv s.aatchabln to- Md rotrld lant to tratn 1953 loido.-tc-lrrErrton. If tnts {6ra HL'lo\ llo iL tostlo ror,o".o :n varlods I a' €r saoo !a..5 d_ J5 ro !o 1.3 3 o sorod b? ih. !ntor.s!od. st3llitj fo! th. n xt ''..Urh.r3lgg6sod|l6.'l9hou]pg,'n'oaooJ1J b. Dass60 a ;Ilund 1. ord6r-thar i.rop!a5.'tt!.'...a.Ean11tolISJgcii.'6nt.It'.u1db.good . od,.-fo-BrldlLo s..3 r).'. clrltdao,..o tu oo \. 110.1,,t6\-r. o"s'drsr\6" 'si *-L5v.p';.""%r . :oI oi rho 3)d."to ra . -,Idc--. -nc l- 161 Lo on6 o' 'E r". a,".""b!:" "h. @ onn /61-aY E b -1 rE 6f trco.r & b.r.;r..e.s ondon-to- tlgrLoa reco h-rr'; ;"1i;i iutuiu-- 3 od. o thon couro Lin {r' or' o.- !r6p;i i4;--;1; ^';;'-;;;'.h" d!,tro_.. Fo"ov.f ; ls of Lhc aro-nd


xllrt s:PIIrrs- Th6 {ord fron rrhaca ts t}rrj a 3616ctro. comltto., ah loa3t on 1g 411 rhrou{h_ ns t.ok 3iffi.Tlffi !n !n ei:tehli to r.i hr3 thd nnc, rro !de.!n1ba b.blrd thls ls qr3d33 u!, bur a.pardntlf, rr. Just can,r lhat tt i3 dlfricult bo b.li3r. thet son.ono 15 doncolnod about Long d13tdls6as. t! rir. md6 !ftrng and 1s 1n contaot rlth tho n3es133, 6rc. 16edless to sat corn611 !111 dss hln. nRC.If tho }ic ts to L a .uccoss th. buffs oa trro rasr Jo! na.y cauot b6 .lr€cttr6 slthout rh. h.fp & t..ugtt h. xes th. eleateitl tn€ opl.tols of thd rud6ls th.no.lv.5. Ii Lts ddstiry to shdtIt ts too e*y 'as !3o!1. to gradually 1.s. all .oltact .ndd an':i for all th. d..!ltthal ar6 3uppos.d to that rhat.v6! .3!!.s.nt. r,l. sda ihis all tlD tt4. 1n it taics to run a sub-t+:oo Dolttlcs. Ir srry drou! s.ouLd bo capan11. th€ lr.qro lasnit eci Ii. bl. or solf-eoeelm.nt 1i shou1d bo p!.tty This i3 a stuprd b6iha er.ater naJorrtr sreduat.s, nanf, r.cs":i th. rocsft d8.ds ot ,srlng lost-lraaueta a6gle.s, Jascost bd6foor€d ]rb.b. llklla, tbo Ethloplan p!.Fos6d rhat tn. !N rrxu a])proa6 thrs Msrarbon raca n ssur6 and lt !:s d6f.!t.d 1l-11 ln s dldht h rnt. rild. vas casd.ttallT th. ndnb.!Jou ldsd 'hich .'rartt.a n1.ck id bar:ln..rr no xepro shlp agarnst th. old lrtd exdcuttr. rasr.t"jcifuJt'*3orth. b.drd. th6 iraclr cL-alrnan cd!1d not 3trb-4:0o nr1.r3 rt 13 F!!61y ac.rdcntai. d!16ser6 & thar.for. ha8 no vot. 1. ti.. 5.!d nf lradaEers, nnd they {ond6r lby ue1:.h1. Ii.n.ia 1s a. fRSr 3lrur trs mu" It 1E enazrrE trrst hor. tntn€5 ale Eot touldi lh. :szo.k! lron ulstaro Ii6! rork !111 !! !n6n d.Lotrai.s .l io3t1x lap6r clubr on th6 ftrtna 11$_ .,Ttr3 s.nds or. cong!al,:1ai1.!s llthout loorl6dg. oi lhat spolt aad ot al1 lone,ilsrarc. runLuclsi !6.enrL, EnoLl coa(h bars o.lJ a 3ir11 10146 in tlIs !6elrd" jormr s,r!r:u1,r D.:or t.aa- ( -;!-i; ! frr qi i.nr +sn. ci:lc rJern.r !!o !.iai,ia-}-n tG;E E forr.i! dnsrinld or tn.iir-sctd-sh-1!oirho 3!al1.n. J.ti ,a3 3pote or tralr!.e rrnrT.!sitr of rt tile last DC rllo r..ttr€, ]]6 cleitu IarJland b.for. Assflls h1s ro{ po;t... tlat rou shorld not .frr !.! e "m.-up th6 dsr 1n novonbcr, Itij lors of tln lut tbat soac tlhtr rh.n Gbo.sc T.r!r, Nrc! co3:6s, r.en fhack- iurl4sloliod Lhot Nam-u! r"ou shoulii leel uaf, a Bt11 Mslot ,.ri !o Thre. nir.rs, tlr.d. H, clalr3 callsthBnlca aid u!!€r N.r E plud Sr" 19Ln run. rrod! 0ie!4isos ar. a i.casi:ity anc s. 5tb rdr ro! th. losron rntv. aro dout16 rorkouts, 1a i34 as t-une Jonrl 1€116r nad too {hei Ictr sr. r.a11:r ln rhalo 13 rh.n to do * 40u1dnjt ru4 rr3 tou f6.1 bsri ara donrt f661 ltlr rupalr oa rDmil6 sholt. 3 tl1L€d lrh. blrf. and ho f.61e that io natier %! ruc! Th6 t6sft trolrrJ v6ni; b&k t. E"!, Gdod sFe6d rdlk yor do tou bar: no cor-", a lrlr Johh.,. Doa trdri. rlio drlz.d wlth li tralnr-!€,, l,lost of lris firih !1ai;;n ihd3., arro,al 1tr!1 th3 Lr.orgetorn i.dn hae Jorn.d ih6 lr,ia. st111 lras ! f.ar li. Ed coln 1li tdt 13 ilay ca4ri.trrer 'i lrarins th.13 noiti iD !r1rar hrr. Pcac. san.A?..u t.) t. I d.... t.! 4rrtca.",f.uetr b. aLld.; !CrIaa. 1e an.stLs!,:! tel! oro!. :- - 14l.1.o Fo!tan.rAia-n.!.'rroi .. xhrr. th.ro ts n;i', ai Il\C !hi.i 2o tunb.rs thar ;rnrlc8n t!la1 .i tllo !i63t.r! nonrslhero l:arathor?.,,Nr)jtbar th6 letl.nal cf.ve.ts sia;od jr ]]lliajn last r.ar chqthar ha3 rD h. .o.scnidd t. tT in. aRc. rlso tiat .n err c.mitt6!. audh as son6 1ii. hore ,6re ! rsatr'r..s !61d.


arlahrlc c1ry, x.J., sunday, oct. ?- trro a'ltral J.rs.y Track club v.n th. c&at.r ,!b1'nttc clty ard ltlarttc Counly 16-tr41. ?oad rolay rac. h.!d rodry. Th. rl@lns t6e of r!ftlla lfatlay, x.13.y B!os, I'6Mt Ph1]11!r rrd Fr.d E .t tourcd 1:2?:56. Just 17 s.condr ah.rd ot Dolarar. va1loy ar. Matray gar. th. cJTc sp.6dtt..! ! 1o0 ysd 1.ad io eolk on, hor.Y6!, terrt. sr..t ran . s!6at !.s for tho Balttm!. olJnllo club or th. thlrd r.g to o".rtak Phtlltp! & s.nd th6 loCro Bob ttnton ofl ynrd l.ad ov.! 8.3t. vlnalra a '1th 40.ut vtlto.rs l,oad do{r & !.!t Aladua1lJ ' onc. on tb. 8116. h6 roa11t loulod lt on to hold olf th. .qur11r la3t tat {a13}r (tb1-v!r rl) sbo !!d alro !as3.d tho tltlns V1lton on Folrt clft IJal1 & pro8lodsad thlou3h llr& Mds,t. & finioh.d In und6r th. eupdnlslon of ih. ]|l,lartlc clty rill Spolt3 xssoclatlon a dltuct.d by J1llald Shan r. fh. tln6 1. rbloh C.ntral J.!s.y fldsh.d !h6 !ac. sag :!. Brlt|!o!. Clf,ftplo Club lon lasi t3drs ,tyads lr.sont.d at a lunchson at tlo t16a.'..6?.staurant. trldtral 6!]its sh.u1d h6 t&lr6n n xt f,.d. l. c..trd1 J6!eoy Tc (rtttLa r4at!ay, 20:21, X.lroy Br.m. 22:oU. n.n ?h111i!s, 20:2'i, Flod 865i. 20:05 unofaiclal tho.) 1:22:5b: rli (v.rn Morc5. !. !1auarc varr.j a :1tr 3. !a1t1@r. oc {Glvd {ood. ,!In1. curl , Lalrld s&ot, aob vlnton) 1:2lr:l2i a, QuaDtlco xartn.s 'ri (rh rur, sNoso Enory, Alar !!6.X6tr1ds6i i:25t03i 5, st lrr.n xcc103!.y, re.rl Eo1*or, Kovtr 14.c,1o ,!!rp !o+rorry, rrJU:0!; , a!rrr co rarn.' nBf (rod cho5n6f. . 1.h!-J Lrc3.ff, Joh. c!m) 1rl!:56; B. ;oc rr3' (R1cli F!.trpto!, oljD Hoodr 1r11,!12; 9" D€1-vat l,{ 'rtsrl (Ton c.16n, Pdt. uRl!.tu, Flcb*d tiorgh,

courtt i.g1onal l]lcl (Jon lrarklrso.,

ilii,?g:**" Jr:JXTOR

Doug BoJd' GArx !oxd)

l{AtIoXAr, CRArl?roXS]{IP Or|'N AS])

tflDrLE lTr,axTrc 15



rrtlantlc C1tf,, rT.t,, s.pt. 10, 1962 1. Rob.rt Mtm, r6m,{c, 1:19:l+o (riiddr6 ltlan!1c & op6r chmp); 2, lona1d tant.1, xY,!c. 1:20:18; l. lrucs llactona1d. xIPc. 1:21:25; !. B11l on.ltchanLo ll:rtc, 1:22rJ1j 5. John lluck6, ]rlc, r":22:Jl: 6. I6rrr rndolson. crtc, 1:21 :11; ?. Carl Kur, P.d rC, l:24:16: 8. a11.n Br,ak 31.6. r\YAc, 1:26:ro (Nar1o.ar Jr, chanplon); 9. Jarc3 n. Donl, !.s. Iary, l,lorJg {?nd plac. Iatl rr.) 10, nldhald s.!fa83, Pam rrc, 1:10:16 (3rd Iaitl J!,)r 1I. Jo.] Hohs, 3a1t. club, 1:11:56! 12. robn ablato, r.m ic, 1:_15:J?j 1l- narlon Fltcd., nYrcr r:lc:ajj 14. Kuh st.ln.r, ir.rc, 1:J5:i7; 15. Frf !.a.h, ?om r!!., 1:17:12. (21 tl:lsnors). ri8tr1 rr. C.ntral J.rs.y TC. o!.. Tdm! 1. r{Yrc, lh; 2. Psrn AC, }5j N,{TIo]iA], no,|j)



{na.. c103.d No tulC lun rlr0 yd 1.ss..b8ld on rostal basi3 sh6r61n conp.to durlrq n.nth of, s.pt.nboa, 19621 Fofto! r8oold- U6:36.0 br lurf- Jas:ou!t & Blomlro n.se. l.e r-t8 cr lrdr{rrn Faa,r; Pn[; ra. ^4, 1, Vdro |lolEan & X."n qulm, )o1-'1,a1 u. Ltrld.5r ?. ?.t. l.vtn. NYAC & 0.:ar Mooln- ir!Pc, 45r19,;; l, !ou ca5iasnola & K.rt oibo!!., Nstl c,!1to1 r11-3ters, i,5:58.1; 4. rtE Tl|ctdr & Jo. i,yrch, c.ors6torn 9r1r.! 45:o6.1+; 5. John lbreson & Johr crga, &i!ll. X'rr!1.rs, lr€:28"6i 6, B11l lolm3, Phlla. rloaoa! c!u! & l4t llalsh, EL-r/a1 14, 46:52,o; 7. ?au1 r.!!x & ldon otn6l}l] .dors.tod Frosh, +?:1!5,!; B. lot c!mb.rs & os3e Uayrlala, D.1-1a1 |r, 47:12.9; 9, taci ch6s!.y & ,r1 llansan! Qudtlco €!:lss" 47:51,4j 10. Johr 0a!1.!p, ,l:rr.s. al & R1.s!d C1aw, frElrY


nad ro

3oosi fn. nn:..arr.bd PFc n6a',Jnds & !ace. & Eate tru 'l.rs


(L!LI$, Ju.s .!!.\ 1,:2t57j €*iETiI-!nu., L-L' \or aGlanr. carlJ ithu..t. cI b D,? r, oro'r, ?aclfl \ ro tora', .!r. 11. '.M rC rBr !li. hcs&.6n6y, ) ri, cEr ilovllcl r . sa..h r.;, r"el.., 1r rne "y\ 1 r

R!c' - 6.S m1r!r - H:nd ceo ,7. Eim.r JuYtr, ur., qA:lt 4r00 9s,35 runo*, s.ptrd.r 16, 19€12 rriton squa!., )nu v!r1., ro stln.on B..cb! c:lit. r3. Jrrdon sml{h, aa.r q4![o rroo 95:!o dcro nqtu^1r. 64. nob.rt D.rrlcan,!n..,9?:4t 3;oo 1oo:t,

brln rc, 5r:0? t:m btrn 11. r!1rh st!pl.ron!



53:5a 2td) ,5t5a

5Frc, 56:20 2:oo


1:m 5?:20 14. rs!.oh J. vsIr., uhr,, t6:/rl lioo 5?:!r 5oi


!n.r, u:r.,


54.37 2:6

:rit: ,roo narln rc, 5di ro t:oo ?0. Fldrd r!. c.d,La, 8Brc, 59r2, 1:oo 2f. T.r!r Bu.tin.r, rEi,, 60:00 3:oc 22. Sr.n Tllhsl.r, i3rc, 60:02 2:0o 23. EalnlJ !o!., raltn ac. 6llrx! 4:oo 2rr. ;iind.r1 s.rblon, rncj &:22 1:00 2r. Phlllp It. sblih, luc, fo:31 sc!. 26. &ndolpb x.u... rL{c, 60:43 2roo 17.


2?. tunon rooi.,

23. C1.n Dlaf.hn&gh,srrc, 62r2a 1:o!

29, nlraond irrz, Msr,, 62:50 ,:00 3c. rmndo LoF.z, sct!(, 8ta1 2tur 31. 12.


Dd€l.r slnp4.r, um., 6!:01 r!*z Ti.iz., b!1n ac, 54.20 Dan sn ,h, xlrll lcJ 6t:02

1:co 2:0o 1:00

35. Johh Srui, u.r., 36. Phlup C. {.o.!.,Sfirrr, 6?!t3 5:00 3?. Jlck nobtn.on, xarin rc,6a.2o ,:00 69:t' l:00 33. Je.r ro!,r$! $rc, 69:16 r:00 !9. r.on 1,{1,, uai., 40. vrnc. lrojrurj sclYr', ?0.05 2:00

!1, tlche.r i. Patt.!.o.,nn.?0:0e 42.31U rbtr11j ua!.,


70:09 2:00

tu.r.D G. r,rlrld, SsC,n.1? 2jo0 ,rr1. Edc .rarYi,, unar., ?]:!o i1:00 15, Paur c. Echardronj r:off.ti li.ld, 1)tt2 Ltaa r+6, rr.d f,in.r, Ijalln ic, 74:36 2r00 rL?, Bob sherlk, unat., ht0 2:aa rf. Brrc. s. canpb.lr, una.,73:/r3 l:0o 49. rm.r v!ry!, u3rin r., ?r:16 5.m 50. r,ud r,ozi.., lbrin rc, ?3:r5 6:0rl ,1. rohn D. B.!.didir,aha.,?9r21 lro0 52. Da..Jl Bla.darl, a..a3,?9:37 sc!. t3. Echard I. hnlr, una., 31:t7 r;0c t4. c!o!e. c*rln, xa.1n !c,31:52 2:CO 55.;|lt.! strck, unat.) 3l:t6 1:00 56. salvrtor. lucia, rm., 92:2, 1r,00 43.

I!.1&d-born dldan r rln.r F.rr. Jor.a\ Ichdl. io' th. ,2!d turun4 of ih. 6.ejd1.


dnrland cous. !n



r.!!,tn fre 'furarndur . Th. r.cold 1. n rd br xorEn &1ehr, t.ach.r, rhd Jtnirhrd ln 4?:22 ft 1937. ncardr., ho1d.r of r.a.r31u,s. :1rl.r. !l orislnlr\r fr@ Dlbdock, rn1rd. il! no; unl hrtorr of th. D!!r.r !rc., ar:r s,n ?ranctrco tufrpap..r tut}.d ro Frtni rh. co4r.t. r.tu$. tut drdnlr., d.cud 1n dtrrAncr rhin€ pubr1.l!r, rr;!r,1@ h re5s rFrtt b.sdn to I;Y.d. th. r.q1iory.!r..s.rr $ord rn r.a!r on h.nd. ,Ih'lbrlnr.rcnth.t.MLloph'rorth. rdu!Lh r..!. '$6teht cdch rr rmr.rla1. k'c- th. a.€ up r1€n' 3r eo|t ltk.1r i1!.. nI !isn' f.rru.d rntrrbr. .u dona thr iidr ud! rnr.rdl@ ..rdid4 !o all bri rceor. *ho dldnir .on ao !adr,Jlr xcr\rl (e :.ophr..ntu!8: ')Pdik 0rr,, r@ Losh!;nj sllns1.! & ft A.:ic.1r endie . .hda FF d.lrltr F:.r




PiISS TI4E NOT'S- ltaxt northrs u! Lor !111 lnoludo: T6d Colbtrt's t.alnl.r routrn. for th. tondoa to e14!to! iaco. 3Db41t!od hy rod's cross f!l.;d & ad-

x. RuLhlautf of Phtlad.l_ lhla.,Buddy ldoton's story or iho rorld (osIc.

Iuou3 lldathor In Cz€cho316va}ie tn rl.lch h. ltacod s€cord to cz.ch !r. Pa!01 Kantor6k by s mr6 tro socoad! tn a rdidstlc aplInt tn th. last 1o0 edd3. 4nd flnal1r, cav!n frotch6r ,111 r;Dolt fron tI.! Zoaldd on rhel! ]nr.rut1.h'r rorathdn h.1d oct, zoth at Anctrland ln lljlcn Japan's distancs r@1ng r.m sco!. €d s ono-h,o-trrdo vlctor'y, as rlnT l-ft. nlgn rilmr TakaJukl Nakao cloctr.d 2:18: 94 to odq6 t6ffiat.s 15) and M, ssca.aaa (::20:_10),,a.tto! tnst(+/. ) castro tooc tr! road ruml$t!

new"PLUS"in perfoman(e + + + Newly-Oeveloped. (oath-Approved



Donrt 1et



and other disce 111 frtthc d\oe, sldv






uiiqud feoi!res whnh odn sp

More Flexibiliiy... s'dbitiiy.





'al16tyof6I'.!-br..rthedddih" ir.v constndtld! racb!1q;. drh !r .quipDeni,hlcbh!rscentl'lngtsxsd 31v€ re! a iore nsg.di io!$6! shoF mll'a{I,Ali:EsnoeB .d ba fa.torr resol.d ard rBbu i !r


rhe/ ore repdrobte


ihs rlr slom & TMC{Sr'R nodat, vttl b. ltock.d ln b3t!tze!tyfu]phH.rbariat'-

ft4tf64,,t !Tp.r'.CKSTER



srr.st - xd 16r clE Phdr cdled! ?-tj2? Fm.r troo ..& r. t{5 pr. Dlr us Jut d !us, drc.d vq ed s!r.

"49O-ltnt 3h!. s.d up

to 2t xllo


roc Mcb" ughiv.rshr



:fi"J?"fl"d: ff"i"


urfr esl^cf





prrD rxD s fE



ca; 3!3

,"n ro.gd

t.W.* r,lU u.

ba,. no rr.!b16 vtrh rLrs sho. !t The|Ils!!FI16.f





ls,rrEny dJlRrmED

r.r!ld.6t, ngr4L L s6 to ilcrud. s. Mb.!. E Dd fd r!.. rftoi hct.r sExD lrr xrll omds 10 Huilljrcrox ccilpl]$ ol[,r

:-. i'

-* :-3a

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