11 68 ldl

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Steve Stageburg Wins tc4A x-c

-Photo by Jeff Johnson








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flnanclel stfalts' Log ls In sor'ious \ole:-LD "!i,ilry-"8.i-'";" to"" t. itlI 1]1,': ',i! ""[u.'rpo ls €xpenslvg, Ygry exp6nElvt rrlrrihs"a "lE.aazlno rullIllr€ lre -€a-t-e thole ts a n6ed fon dlstdnce.but..{€ & dlsbrlbutod, ;;"'i;; i" be publisb€d thls-at- a roas ag a ucaroL continue to do you hoLp bv taLklna up nov Ilonit r.""'. r.. .i ;ubscriottons Mona vour lunnlng frlonds?

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Sqturdoy. JANUARY 25, 1969 slAtls l2:oo NOON..26 nlls tll, YAIDS lOU fiATsTAs - IATATHON CI{AIRTAN


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I Robrt, 42, sr. Tc, 45:19. *LspA.aAu 1o,0o0 MUIIRS cRoss courflRy RUI{ IEA.AAU JUIIOR & OPEN 5-MriE RIJN, I{ar.r!!, i.r. at Tngle{ood, Catlfornla, Saturday, octobcr r'|thl| AW, LI, 1958 Wcatherr Eot. ?5 lrtzcs 9 A.M. at Certtnel-fa Par:k Sponaoreil by SPAAAU I Tcr$: I. BostoD M,2-5-6-7-n= 3L; 2. SpartaE LDR Cc@tttee. tr4eet offlcXals: Stan Stafford, I Ac, 53; 3. Frotb.trAh!! AC, 9t; l+. Nt[c, 93t 5. Eooard. & Barbara 3ar:ne6. (120 starters) | IVD]I AC, 98; 5. CCAA, 99. &. ChrepLolsblps- l. 1. Geoff q.ae, SC Strl'lcrs, 31:09 | Dan lq|Dftaru 2. I,arry Olscni 3. Larry Joscph 2. Ton Da\rldson, San Dlcgo State Co[., 32:16 | t. .rarce Kc6fc, CC,qA, A8:]+]}; 2. Ed $orrls, BAA, 3. Dave Eanblen, san Diego State Cott., 32:33 | ag::r; :. .ql.t Lrrong, Slarts! AC, 3O:O3; lr. Daa 4. -c{0 Bsche, Ssn Dleso rC, 32:46 | Mot Dih!r|, Frotbhahan AC, 3O:3?; 5. Jobn J. Kct_ 5. Job, ran6on, Paclrjc coa6c club, 33:09 | rcy, anl, 30:39; 6. pote; sttpo, ilq,r, 3r:o9; ?. 6. Tan Jone6, Sc Strtde-s, 33tJ2 | Rotr Vay!., IAA, 3t:15; B. Drve irnsw, una., 31: 7. Petc virsada.no, sDsc, 13:16; 8. Wa-a Bueh-rer, I e:; g.'r,"iry oigl", i,mc, 31:31+; to, -ril! srrir,,SDSC, 33:25; 9. Ti.!x Danletson, SDSC, 33:4U 10. I Sperrrtr AC, 31:l+3, n, I,arf,y Josepb, I.Vl1o AC, Chuck wlEsor, SDSC, 3l:r+Ji IL. Rat_ph Lopez, sDsC | 31:15; 12. JustLn C*trrs, i,Clrose AA, 3]:53; 33:,d; f2. cene collroe, scs, 33:56j 13, Ed Ranr-l 13. phfl ryar,BAt,32:05, tl'. Ml.re sna1]., s!ar_ rez, url€r., 31:05; 14. S. Crovlcy, SDSC, 34;14; . I te+ AC, 32t]r2t Ij. Robert rya.n, rroth.Ac, 32:18; f5. Dave sldLh, sDsc, 3l+:17, .I5. Bob Messlna, 3l+i 15. J;; Ac, 32t23j r?. charles 1lj f". Ru6sel-1 3m11, S€nta Montca M, 3l+:)+1; | 32:23! r8.WI]]]3,'SparrED ionn'crarae, wa'., 3z:Z6i i9. sd.*o 18. Doug satlors, ccAc, 3l+:l+9, 19. Roosevelt I c.naoi, r,tuc, 32ti7; X,. Dava tl.(ton, BAA, 32:55, Dare, sFVsC, 34:50; 20. Roscr Frlend, SDsc, 35: Zr. rri.cc nr"r"r, iruc,3258t A2. ni"n 03j 21" Da"ryl Keane, clcndale ,Ic, 35tl5t 22. I| ."d, BrA, 33tsjl, B. ?au1 rholxpso!, Frotb,Ac, "i F*"i--Serge Raldrez, PCC, 35tl7i 23. Rlck Spavlns, OVJ 33:U, A4. ;oho laUrottnc, CC.AA, 33:15; 25, 35t1+t 2)+. feff Ktns, snsc, 35:34; 25. Bob Eak.l sL""-zro"lr, *i., ::,ao;'eg. ;.';l;;fo;-,-.., 9cAc, 35,42t 26" starLey staubl., ccAc, 35:ar+; I 33.30, a. slaly D;i.or,''rl1"., 33:33; 2-B: Borl 27. Don,Lud\.ris, Stscr 35!53, 28, Erich Rus6eU, I C.""tay,- ,rar., 33139; 29. {en:ry }Iayer, utra., 331 ad

36:03; 29. Jrlio c_reene, s.F!/Sc, 36:15; 30. I L2; 30: LcraDi s.ou-r. .*"., 33:L6; 31. Wron John.BeclFrr sDSc, 35:15; 31. 'b.!ry crov, csci,B, i B+c]ov, BA]{, 33:47; la. s.r; idtn, LJ." Ac, 36tr6: 32. BirL_ravtland! Grc, 36eit 31. rlank | 33;19; 33. T"r-M4 ;"i, BAA, 33:52; 3r+: Dlck Freyne, CCAC, 3b:31i 34. Don Sa$ycr, 36:34 1 W..ks, b.Dn -ga. AC, 33:55; 35. Wlrr Tna,,., una., 33: -una., 35. GeraH_nnderson, csclB, 35:35; 35. Da.re Rbo-l S6;26. nobulca, una.,33:5?i 3?, JoE€ph de, cTc, 3b:3b, 37. P_eul staff, cScIB, 36:37; 38.I crorrey, r{TD| Ac, 33:58; 38. Jobr Jarek, Nl4c, I€rly Ital-kc", ScS, 36r38t 39. Rlch Cafzada, *.] 33:19; J9. norcrU Fall-ou, NxTc, 3r+:07, !O. Ken 36:JB; I+0. B11l_ai1r6o:, pcc, 36.t+5t I+r. Edt'i" I o"r'e.i, ij.q, 3\:to. (loo-tlstc; iioiui."e) Gooklo, SmC, 36:52t L2, Ron Boltor, CcAc, 36:53 | --Fred Brolrn, Sr.-lr3. PhLl Carlon, Senlors TC, 35:14; 4\, Bi]_l I ----------------Cne, SI.TC, 37tA5t I!5. Gr€s Sch:tck, cTC, 37rUr ] rO-frr,O AOO RIIN, Salcd, l.rEs6., Aus. 1l+, 1968 46. Rtch Raya, GT]C, 37 t22t )+7. C.ote. Pal'aa, SCS, Weatbcr: Id.cd. nrrs Just a Dad scr€nb].c "rl] """ 37:25; \8. ?au.l Xbcrt, CT.VA, 37t27t l+9. Dar].en l uU trr. *ry a{tb thc leed bebs Ehared. by the Nofta, 0SCIB, 31.291 5A. Scott Clei'poole, SDSC, I ftrst tcn. I!aE: 1. BAA, 2r; 2. rEU, l+6; 3. r't!C 37 t32t 5a. Ric! vasquez, sr.Tc, 37:33; 52. Dous- I 58; 4. b'En Ac BI. laE Barron, FMcA, 3?:)+O, 53. wemer Krreger, Sr. I r. un lloynrarn, FrothiEaha! Ac, 32:l€r A. Ron Tc, 37:40; 54, Clenr FlerT, sn'sc, 37:54; 55. I wayra, BAA, 32:58; 3. peter stipc, 3AA, 33ro9; l,li.ke Stevart, CSCIA, 37r57t 56, Dtck Ratliff, I l+. Irilc Sna]-l, NE Untv., 33:Vj 5. r,arry Joseprr, 5r\,8C, 38:15; 57. Jobn Hend.rick6, S"VSC, jB:3Oj I r,'EU, 33,18, 5. Daee Din6V, yLfc, 13:58; ?, cot58. Joe Damer, csci,B, 38:ll+; 59. cree Johneon, I en-d qord.Ier, M,rc, 34:o5r B. sleve eLLls, BAA, Swsc, 19:39; 60. Phtf cLarkc, Lo, sr.Tc, "9:L0j | 31,:06- 9, phti. ryan, BAA, 3\:10; ro. pau.L rhomp61. 311-1 K1Iby, CCAC, 39:46j 52. Joe cal-}ardo, I son, I'rothr.gllAlr AC, 34:U; LI. Rob.rt Ecrs€y, cscrB, lo:15; 63. Mike MersDxan, GTC, \O:f; 6l+. I NMC, t+j13r 12. llrlton, 3AA, 3l+r18, 13. xd Reed, STC, 40, 40:19; 65. Johr Thn6ley, STc, Ja&es t*.aDlx, Sl)arta.n 'aIddAC, 3lr:8; 14. wsi'ne Thoq))+O zZ6i 66, 3 I welLs, 50, STC, 4O:L2, 57. 3i11 son, SAAC, 3l+29, L5. Ton Doyle, Ii.nn AC, 3!.29t u4a.,41:0Bj 68. Ho\"€rd cfay, Lo, sr. Tc, 16. Rrck Rovlcy, I'firLrosc n-qr 3\:36; 17. Rtchard I-alb, 4r:l3j 69. AL lerlne, Pcc, 1,2:07' 70. Sher:da'r II Mshoacy, une., 14:38; 18, Ra.lph crsnt, watervtUe Shaffer, cC,Ac, 42t].q 7].. Ttlo Gtles, STc, 42:l+7; I Ac, 3l+:39; 19. Ratno tltt, NMc, 3l+:\Bi 20. nlck 72. John Restor, 13, una., 43:otj ?3. Joh:r Mon- | packrd, !AA, 35:05; 21. Kevtn lrerr, Brockton ac toya, 56, si.Tc, l+3:o4; 74.3ob cosby, SMAA,43:| 35*pt 22. wl]-lLan cartcr, BAA,35:13; a3. crna€, 07; 75. ryron Poits, nR,43:10; 76. tohn Darltn€l Ru66cLL, uaa., 35:2L;2\. chrtB EefferEan, NEu, toD, iDa., 43'3, T. Tare warsal,I, sFl'sc, 43:42r | 353ot 25. !obt.F'.uon, xTU, 35:39. (1o2 llstod ?8, warrcn Shelton,. una., \Ztt+1i 7n.3111 Ftrz- | flntercrs) --tr rca Brori4, S!.-geiald' )r1, sr.Tc, l+3:5oj Bo. K.v. saunders' RR' i -------------4l+:07; 81. ralr.ani Fletal, m, j+l+:loi 82. .A.lex I Bca DEIIIES wINs l,otc BEAcn 16.2-r,fiw RUN Shearer, r,Am, t+4t25i 83. cary slng-Leron, una., I Lons Bcach, cdtr., @a, 27th- 3ob Delnes bsE Lrr:2ui d4. Cary l,trsd, una., rrrr:36; U5. Toby Med-l to bc thc !1o3t conslstent dlsta.'rce ru.ntrer on the 1na, 49, LAm, \4138; 86. A1 Rees, sTc, l+l+:53; I veet coa6t. Thls tl-Ee he bcat a r.cord fielai of B?. .4.1ber'! Coopcr, 50, sIC, 4+156t 88, Dauld Pa14 rtro rumcrB & sct s aourse recoril that EEy be SDTC, 45112; 89. l,utgl Elnaudt, RR, L5r15j 90. I tough to boa{, la irtlc future. sD-cc,


6TH AT{NUAL l.o,,e BaAcf, 16.2 .IILE I{,TATT].II PR,P



B€ach century cl.ub * senlors Track ctub 919{!9!!l BY! Lons s. p.A.A.A.A. u. Lone DLstance a,l""i"i i".,r[t", "s-g!al9!!!-9l, }{EET DTRECmR AND OnIcI AmR: paul }r3her r.lEET

OXfICIALS: Stan-stafforat, Brtan sprlng€r, Leo Bulrck, cbrts Johnson. and Ron Larrleu, sut{DAY,

ocf. 27,


llro Starters A,|.zL* 56. a3.5O iZ. AL.zj Sg, A6105 Sg. 9a!4O 60. 89r2o 61. B9r4r+ 62, 9O.42!'t 6), gLro' 6U. gtrrt 65. 66. 9tr"9 gztoz 6?, 92rLj- 6A. 922]3 69. 93ro2 ?o. g3rZO g3r3? ?1. 72. 93157 ?9. a4rzo ib. 9ltlt ZS. a4:38 ie9k341 iz. 94!4r ib. gSrL? 79. g'tr? 'S-6ztJ e0. ti: 9611) Az, a6!16 Aj. 96t1? q4. 96zt? bs. g6tz4 a6. 9612? 82. g6t3o 8aJ. 96.32 89. 96137 c6. 96t39 Sr. 96242 qz. 96:44 oeg6aS4 9i,. g?rLZ gS,

- 9 L.tq.

1. Bob Deines, Oxy Gerald Ahd€rson, CSCLB loj:08 ?. Toa Bache, Smc i{onty l{ontsonery, Una.62 105! 16{,**,r 3. Doug Veib€, pCC John Yestoh, Una. L3 roStJZ+r*** {. eene Coljroe, SCS [lck ltlccto, cTC 106 r tt 5. B11l Ahderson, SBAC oren Shelly, cSCLg Lo? tS( 6. Ron trurrte, CSCLB Larry coll lns, UsAIt tOA!43 7. Ed L€rshton, El ca$tno {ark Rusgles, RRR tL lo8tlrt 6. Jerry soart, SCS Bl.Il Lamb, Una. loSrlr? Eddie Keith, CscLB Fred Franks, Una. -9. I08: lr8 Io. i,ltk€ Uaroh, BlIc Ed McTascard, Una. tOBt 59 ll. nos€r seymour, CSCLB Jobn Garcla, STC lo9303***** 50 i.Iclhtosh, crc Davtd Ruegre!, RRB LJ 109114 l?. !!r". spavtns, oxy rl. Rlck John Tansley, S?C tlorot l+. Darryl n€ene, cTC Ray C11, STC 42 1rot54 15. Bilr Havila'd, cTC lJllllora O rlonnelt, sTC tfI:lr5 16. Janes vah .,Iahen, sBAc John Montoya, STc, ltzr53 56 17. Johnarhan Bros€;, SCS Bruc€ ceddes, Una. Lt3t'z rd. Lenny Jay, cScLB Jo€ Da'mer, CSCLB llf! 14 19. Rtch Raya, eTc Preston Drake, CCAC It3! t8 ?0, serse Ramertr, pcc Byron Po tts, RR Il0:28 21. HoYl€ Ray, cTc Lutgt Etnaudt, RR tLS | 5A ?2. Dan Kaplan, una. Scott Morrlson, Ory tt6.zz ?3. Don sak]/er, una. Alex, sbearei, IJTPD 116:36 24. _Phllip Pauttn, El cas. ilesnlck, sTC b3 tt?r'6 -George clendantel, Ec 15,. larry ToE Gooalrlge, Una. LlZ rb' ?6. Hendar sattb, un;. ltlke shlte, RRn tO 11a!28 27. i,llke lrarsnan, 3TC Bob [ynan, CCAC rr8:]9 ?8. Jeff Doubleday, cTc Jottn Scott, sTc t19r4o 50 29. Ian Jones, scs Don Mur:.ay, El Cortor l.ZOtLj 30. John Brennand, sBAc Ed .Turenne, sTc 44 I?or)j 3I. Jls Hanley, scs walt lrederrck, sTc 50 tzl:tO f?. Terry Schnitz, una. Ittn -.ile1schnan, RRn 11 Lzt.s? 33. Jtr Davls, uha, Tor Shaunghsey, Una. tZZtZl+ 14. Grec schick, c?C clyde Alilne, STc 5! t2?.lt' 35. Phtl carlon, sTc Alexander, John, Chapllan lZZ:j9 f6. Too coffe€, cscl.B .,ohn Ireu, Et Corte! IZ3|7S 37. stan staubte, cqAC Roland SlEpson, US Ar&y t?btjz 36. l4tke st6wert, CSCLB Skip shaffer, ccAc t?t:. 59 19. steve.. spraker, cscl.B Ed :lobst, sTc bz LzSrO3 40. RIck vasquer, STC Lee Beresford, sTc 40 L2Zt3o crop, g?t3s cscI,e l!. l"r.y 96. Harold Hallace, STC [l lzat55 4?. Robert carran, sTc gZ. Bud Whlte, RTc 92148 49 lz9r4o {3. Ron Borton, cCAc BirI 9q2zz r.e.rell, ie. Ec 44 t3o!tjr 4+. John Helkes, STC gA!3? gg, Galen llays, Una. Ijt.z? I.5. Joe Toledo, sTC 99:10 1oO, lred orace, sTC ?O L36t2A 46. Yerner Kruee€r, sTC 99!56 lo1. 47, D"vrd Vahey, Una. 99t56 ro?, Kon stronc, STC t8 l41r0j +4. Larry Ee6otn€, una. 99t59 t'j. Norm Brlnkhaus, Una. t9 llr3:oa {rt j,ug€ne stedd, STC tol:3k 1o(. Mtke Ktsh, STC 50. Roy tr€lson, Una. lo"rz, LOS. Robort Kuchar, Una.62 rlr3:09 51, Georse Payon, scs roz'5o rf'e. Robert Jackson, El C, 40 L4456 t5)rt5 52. Ptrll Crarke, sTC 42 lo3:0I'*'*t07. Frank sar, Una, L53r 52 53. Blll Crua. STC Io4! 04 toa. John :'len!les, Una. L?o, Oj 5lr. i{ark rxnd; Er cam. 1o4:13 109, Albert Burton, S?C 5A L?5.ttO 55. Stevs Yblte, cTc LO4.39 * N€v Cours€ record, old record by Ron Larrlue in 1966. r' llrst ov€r 30 Avard +'*'r. Flrst 84!to lro Asard, ,r,***Flrst oeer 60 Auard ov€r ***'r*Irlrst Jr. Hl Runner At,afd '*r,*+r.*Ftrst over 5O Awara.


vcek6 lrevious to rhe.r'un. | "="u t"" the 5l€]v cours' 1s hil]v and rugged, (1:08ioo mrc ] 25ruIners&3afternatesco[p]etedthel+tbJiecourserecod)&tcrop.averaged40'onthe NaEionaYMCAl,OooltileI'laralhonioarecorol!\{oDornlngsoFtheruns'on-IvLbe'oftbe shetle..na c:oe o[ Ir | 2 days. Bcglnnlns t4onday,l len had ever run L!ac! In d.S. or Co]leee. Seven october Tth, the mr1|er6 beat the pa!h6 of Can- l bsve earacd' tbclr Ph'D's' --Tcat [oo'Ia1f-ce'no-v r.,1cl RETd rNS NArroNAT, rMcA RIJI.I TrrlE The DonEtom canton $IcA uarsthon teaa or

'!on'6 park systen and the Chio Y's ladooi brackj -: -- :: ::- -:-uni,il the .equired arlstance l,as frnally conplet] NCAA DISTRICI 3 RIGIONAL CR6S-C0UN1RY, Atlanaa ed Friday, october ]]th at zra) p.nI !a!er lorks cour6e, Atlanta' c'eorsta, oct' 25th rne 19b, I,larathoD a€s i,ron by iaoilne, Ill'tuoi6, | ::-urltu- l'-car1 Ha-tfL€ld, west va', 25:58'2 in rr, oaysj c bh 3oise. rdalo curtlns bbe ttme | (ord rocod, 27132.7 by aruce Laaudde) | 2. HoarcIl 10.2 davs in 1966. canlon, ohio sec an wlbe-ie l }{tchael, l{w' 26:14i 3' ov'n self U' Tean', 'b: Rovl-ctt, u'T', 26:28j 5' vic 'le-Lson, *lr. rl""i"tr rr"t o" 5 rrz'a"vu over 5l teanE | 26; L' Ken 25:31; 6' c'eorse Davts, vW 26152; 7' U' in 1967, four of 1rhlch c;pleted re iean rur I ry', .roe va. Tccb, 27:lJ, 8. lred Grest, RIchrernte', | dond 27:19i steve NelEoI1, 1J'T" 27t27t Io' 9 reprunners, aonceptlon, al-nost its Slnce 3oo l Gorilon ' u116on, 27t3oi 11. Randy DeEart, Vs. u.I., resenting n5 te€,ns have cn-iereti ehat bae becon4 27139' )I''[a'' T!ch, 27t35i.I2' IEn ?avneJ tl]e outg;o!'tb of, th! I'lCArs Ladershlp 1n ?\vsl] 2 {llliell & of Temessce' Tead:,l' 37' progrser csl tr'ltna6s altal "Ru]l For Tour Llfc" ' I -qll' l+. Ce. Tech, 95j 5.-Va. canton f,l{cA, iLravlng fron over 4oo nen eua vo- | Uary 51r-3. Vest Va., 85j ,S I Tech, -122; -5' Kentuckt, 147j 7' ruman' L9?; B' nen who l1'1lr dally anl partlclpatc i;h" veekly Physical l1tness Cl-aBses, cntereal thxec I Florlda,-2o1' 9' U' of C'eorsia' 2r3j r0' F1o"1da 2r9.' tealls'tn ihe 1958 }aarathon. A "plaver6 draft" I Statc, | ----------------vas leld to select tean0 Dre!ftecs. MAY BE REvoLUrroNrzED 3Y Addfilonal noiivariotl e intereet !€s provlaled. I gTIIg Fon. of,YMPrcs llas bauheartedlv runnine the srtex suser 3atley, 2t year ora'lousefiie-and IT-"-TT,Ili',] ;h;st harf.-nl1e back 1n hish school' the coach tolil tbe lxother of tvo children r€s ."";;;-;; enenles were Eoda popJ 6uLokt;i; L ::1"I-:"4--'ur-wor6t Ror:rd or"art cholce". "super s".;ii"i"l"a order' t1qt.ta.**' sJlolg the 25 nmnerg & three .lt"t".t." o" tr* | .iE-that coach?" r bmverv a€ked' 'yarslty" teaa. she coverc.L aott *ii"",-'" .""'- | ,9:,d: 11 eee or-45 n'es p"" auy. nr,,e."Jti-; "";- i' '. ond tean averaged 7 nil.s da1ly. a researct.si*{ dtd A ercup or Do;tors _l of tbc nmner6 !o jnvestigabe the chanses I """ '_-- -:"*"'' ' ' that nay occu,r 1n rhe v-s!1o,rs p.."-"t.i" ;"'"*] ":T.':^::d^as..snokins r a$vered' vhich *'k'' s"1 ed anl to.Leterohe i :::: ::-.T.ln that coach'" ttue beror' Juve4ile' ar'n""ou" ".'."noi"Hv'i. i" I ::" ttetrinentat errects or ":i'lv,t1: advertlsina' an'l teen-narket fluence """.'" "-i'f'.-"ui"r, ;;;;";I protonsetl over e three to f.,--;;;;-;; iod' ;op rotals: ,^,1 ,".1 ''!li""fr* -#= --frt= -f okav ev"vbodv ' tale l0 rep€ & dlon't 3d= tdnd' ' 19:ki's" " 'a--k 1. Russelt tru"i", # Fhe! 6lDr'i r *v- i'i 1ota1-244 Averasc to 2. Dr. Joselh van noro,".'50 3l i4 4g 40 I .an-d for'Dlorc then 25 vea'€ r hsve contlnueil rotar-213 Ave?ase p." D"yqo Ja I 3. s.'s.o Bsl1ey - 44 50 f I ii.i-,"i'*,"'i"t."t tbe pennsrirre ?ro116 Totar-2o8 Ave$se Per DeyII sre6s' :1::"" """ '**- lssue of c' Lr r, ctenn snlrh, !o lO '4

;" **

#,'*:f.f"iyil.li""?-i;",iiliiil iiil."

lli:"i;::H":"::'# Hi.i'il:ii.q#*,i"*" ".fi-"t:*";i i;l''.i":H':r;"t33;



ll ,,: "; l*iT:."*l,i"ih":i*: H;,Tffy-lL:lH*'-' ^ L::""","Hl"ili:i#iil*ll';t':H.*ffi::* o"y- ii rokr-zo? averase "." to a ffiil;iARAM-?EAs'EiN-i;;N;:;- ur;hRs;"1it-- I tte

loo-Lracc. nlckn€sed c1linchy Muncry, believ€s non' Roin"r8ky, io-nriij'm,ry, are the healthlest' He eats cousal food6 or."-si."ii!ra, (super!:isor of Grounds, )46, ] refincd cc{dpcessed bars of seeds' and ltger l4unchr C""'"n Hooe Sares, r:27:-9; Spu"ror f:20:1/i !,,e6c1 , 2), honev and blackstr€p oolasseE' vesctaolesr nuts' p".""!", Lo; voodall' 3j. Phvs.Ed. i: ib: li, o"ti ltrs eood' TheE as that 6turr Rmanskv est6 ir"i" illo,!o; iiehla'''i, lal,(6 Irlns & exerciseg, 30 dlres & plavs rz.l he docs n b€sketbsrl Lltn enoreous enhbuslasn' "6-0.i, Acceptlng Roma^sdJ'6 challenge !€3 tlar_i6 Srolnl_ r,,te.lMan- 12. Hone bales. f :45:5r: c1rf.io. lr9, or voodburv' N'J' Ross 16 Motber anglns i"'ii,."", i,tie,:o; r"a'o, t'3,-u".; ssres. r:j?: LeurRoEs ard ruruer' He'5 a aea!-e-od-potatoes atruete 02: oclesbv. -"ll't;,15,'r aoee SaLe6, r:Lt:18; n'oeen- I !lan' snd be braaseo tha a na"] r-ered bv sLeal & raJ'"ta.,l rl""t."r, J;, :o; t"ie.'il, ir, rinas around anv vesel'arlaa, cou-ld rrn hashbroFns t+i,'r"""'roc.,'r,t+6:oo; Jobn- ] r t:{ 't+5iooi'v.r.i", eon, 45, msuance, 1:50100; coon, l,Iath, 1152:43 19v' Ronansh' an'L Ro65 le.= )|o.9-yeare) In ordc; to tuke pari Rlght up bo startlng tiae' tl""r"i. erQected, 3ut ai: tbe last were the only entra"nts per ir,e nen haa to coyer a alnt]lun of 25 n11e3 I

ol. riit s ietn

:[, a.i.'rri ft'Li""i ;;;.'1;d;";-;..;i-..ii


s"r"",-ri]6,::l I ii'i:o. 1,le't"' ;air'"il',-i'fo; ai'l



It ves a breeze, Eince rdos-t was 6pen-b loegtng on the poop deck of the nore years, Bob Ronansky, 38, 6 r'ounal shapetl boat carrylng hln up the harbor, nmner & brother of Dave, stepl)ed. fofch, 3y hls It vasnrt uEtll he va6 48 yeers old ths.t Kotteaslde t'as ni6 lJ-yeef-old son. BlIIy. kos began to rua for d.i.stance. It vas just a coThe race a.a6 B nl1es around irhe Penr]svllle Men- lnciderce, pcrlaps, that irhls char€e of lace cale odaf Elgb Schoo]- track. Bob Rcmsnstv ran r*e a shortfy after bc becane a pa.1ne- ir a private o1achlne. He f oished ia LB DrlnuLes 29 secondsr deLectlve ency and had !o chase suspects 2lr averaglng Jusi a tlck nore than slx !0lnutes per: blocks up tlrc Ve6t Slale i'aterfroni before runnlng nlnute, af1re. keeping 1t a secret fron Toro 0sler, vho basn't nissed. an area race for 15 or


lilev York corudlrtee.

of 1t

Aa any dldd-le-age Jogger can attest, that r€s a Changlng wlth tlre grest.at of ease fron greahoes speedy pace, eslectally vlth Penn6ville r s Mrs. to splketl, hc rirns about tlree tine6 a veek to Dave Romansky throving buckets of valer on Daveb keep thc notor ln tun , l{e nrns tnrolgh Central hh_ee ccmpetitors as they salleal by. and Van Cortladlt ?ark ard throuAh the streets of Thxee ntnutes behind hlE father, Bt1ly flnLshed the cliy a.il says he has nover receiveal a ticket, seco::d. RoE6 vas a bsdfy bea-ben ih1rd, Dave a thr.at or evcn an unhtnd lool. cou-ld not colq)lete the Last rap as he codplatneal As tha buale&t prXr6-le eye not on a TV progE"d of a sore stonach fron laughing. Xvery'lrodJ had Kotte€,kos often has to work far lnto the night. Bu-l lsck of 61ecp r€yer bothers hlm, nelther does an allbl. Ro66 had a gi-up/ knee, spnu€ eal,L'e. oyer a torburous course at Catonsvtlle, ltl, Dave clgar-snoklng, or g1a6s after glass of beer after a long ru4 chaslng ettber fe1lov darathoners claireil he probably had a broken rib & Bob & Billy cle.tned they $ere frozen fron the xater. OH]O RTVER RiC 20.}.1ILE 2.MAII Mo6t of irhe applause rlghifulry went to the RXI,AY, Su.nday, Act. 20, \968 vinner. The reporter for tle Progress preesed Ketteriry, ohio Course: Hif]y Aob fo_ hls d1et. Bob's st€telxenl Lo bhe lress ileather: Coof & 1r€i;. coulil relrolutlonLze l,relnlng for the Obapics. f. To@ lee, 56:!9 & Dave sntth, "Fry bread," he salal. "Tortlllas. 3eans. stra!.cA.ro r.ir... c+.+. rr r.cc.^A berrt pop. , TBACI.ING A PRIVATE 2. Doug (ritz1er, 63:U, Fred 'd,[N doesn't have X1E--If he llo!'srnanr )o:4r, ! lnorey uol-Le8e to spenil too mrch irine !:59 58 chasing suspects or runl. rioo 5ra1r, or:J, & rln 111r_L1mnine d.o'lln clues, Constan2 toz:57 tinos Kotteakos, New York's Jet-!ro!.1ted prl- *Fr€d Horstnan 4. Bruce Krltzler, 68:08 & Bi1]" SottlngJ 52;35, Ketterlns, vate eye, 1d11 put on h1E establisbeil a rec- 2 | 10:43 rrmnlng shoes & Grard street rqr6 cluo sult & od of 56:4.1 for thi6 h1l1y out & bacr course. lStHA" ry;Bgryl\ /,rt airtorney for tbe ctty of Delar€re, ^iln rAb)D | ) r "'ri lllfJ ra-c u! sone for the n€- Bob CofdicD, unlor r€n ot:J> oy nln5elr. -;? 4-MrIf RUN- l. Ton Morin, 24:o8i 2. Ton rranck, case, tbc C,auoplns Cree! et"il-3. -Don Eauer, 3o:5oj 4. 4ndy Botttus, r+2: t- *, I 1d11 be tn no6t of the schedul-ed races. fiov doeg 05; 5. Dtck Nott, 33r1r. he vtnd up ln these races? He flnlshes. Ee al"sy€ " f,inlshes, l,le've never heard of a rece 1n a'hicb ,-MIIE RIIN, sponsored by the Mel Ac, F-esh Pond. he,didn't fLnlsh. cffi;iE lbss., ocrober 25, 1968 (r\,o raps) Th; 6o-year-o1d Kotteskos ca.ue to thls cou4try {cathe}: Cool & vlndy. at tle age of 18 & llmedla-lefy begsn to nale 1. Ibny Sapienza, Soston AA, 27:59; 2. Robert nore lluscles bhan Adonis. I{e took part in nore Hersey, NMC, 2B:2f; 3. Le'1 zane, ur1a,, 29:08; 4. rhan 60 netropolltsn anateur boxi€ bouts. In Eerb Parsonsj 1lna,, 29:L5t ,. Jobn Kelso, l,!et AC, ldd-vlnter for 15 yeaxs he dove lnto the frcez- 30:23; 5. Msrk Hagearty, NMC, 30:3Or 7. l.li]fiair ine East ltlve|bo retrlere a cross throvll by a crayton, una,, 3lr14r B. Pete Veus, una., 31:28; prlest ln an annu.al rerigiouE ceremoly oF the 9. Slen]jEd Pod-loznJ, Nl4C, 35,)+5t tO, Andy Eni€, Greek orthotlox church. NMC, 3?:36; 11. Ired 3rom, Sr., NMC, 40:02, Ior ftve years he opemted a luncheonel,te on West 29th St, vhere loasshorcllen "con nearby TIEA-AAU JUNIOR 3O-KIIO CfiTMPTOXts{IP (OIEN) pters coufal tle or a beefs-ieak nosebag for vhat Windhs&, Nev Hai&Ehtre, October 27, 1968 they consldered a teaEonable fee. fhts included 1\ro Lap course vtth sone hills. eather: Perfect. E oell/ of Frencb fr1es, co'lee end a p'ece o" l. Too Jasnilr, l[.{c, 1:42:47, 2. Ja.mes DaleyJ NMC' apple pie the size of a slxaU pier. Ee qutt vhen 7t\5t25t 3. Ron craff, NMc, r:46:36; 4. nolert Russell, CC"A.A, ri54.23t 5. Robefi: flersey' NMc, he decld€d ii: r.asn'ir a].l graw, I.5t134t 6. Ray Beaulieu, NMC, 1:52:I3j 7. Don In 1960 he receivetl pubtlcli:y for carryirg an lr1lkin, NMC, 1:53:05, 8. Johr waflace, BAA, 1:53: o].y]!plc torch fron the Stai:ue of Llberty to the -avern o. .he oreen in Cenlr8f pa-\ as lart oF 13, 9. Stusrt Ada,tr,s, 3aA, !.53t26; Io, l6.ron Stsethe Ofy01}) ic resLj!.a1 sponsorFd b/']-e CiL/ of lov, BAA, 1:55:06; 11. Don Fay, BAA, 2:o2:o4;





! f2. Gerald cooa, spartan

Ac, 2taz.d+t 13, en Slegal, NMC, 2:03:16; 14. Claude E1li3, NMC z:o\:)+2;15. Di. Rolcrt Centu, NMC, 2:oB:0\; 16. Joh! counihan, 3!A, 2:09:38; 17. Rovce sa yer, NMc, 2:1or25j IB. Ken Mi.LIett' NMC, 2:10: lr5; 19. Mark Ha€aaray, NVc, 2:ll:2bj 20. DcEIn ic Morales, NMC, 2:14:13; 2f. George WaterhouBe, NMC, 2ta5t33t 22. Slgrdund Podloznv, NMC TI7.aBj 23, Robert Seaaan, B}l'' 2t22t36t 24. Ceorse Lsttanilo' NMC, 2t23t25t 25. Edvard Cur !16, NMC, 2:28:2I: 26. S Lanlev Sosno!'skl, NMC, 2:3\r\8; 27, WIe. {hodpson, NMC' 2:35:43j DNFAnthony SaDlenza {Out at end of Lst lap) -scor;s: 1. NMc (a), 1-2-3= 6j 2. NI.[C (B) rbe. (c)' 24. 15; 3. NMc J!. Cba.q)loDshlp | 1. Tcm Jesnlni 2. Roberl

H.|seyi 3.

Ray Aeau.Lleu.

to an ce.ly lcail iook ovar' top ]jr!]rcrs the tvo nl.les but by Ds.ley & Jasndn ran togethcr unirlL thc c4tl of thc flrst 1a! vhen Jasaln took offj fic capurred a state sahoolboL x-coun-try tac. on th. Drevdous tl4v & couad bc a teal coner 1f he rc_ ;ahs his l;terest' since the ffartan Ac & Dc[0lnlc Moralcs atasheal out

Boston AA didrrt bolrher to ccme ul) 1f,lih tc8,BB the NMC toclk aff three scts of tcan realel-s, A1l- flnlshers recetved. tropht.E & deda16. Tbc event rEs sponsoraal by tha flo].tb l{adford C1ub. --Ired 3"ovn' Sr. --

s.?.A. A.A.U. 4-MrlE

C'RoSS-COtnn8Y RUr

.Jttrlttr". corlege, safi!:d,ay' scl)tcnber 28' f958 at 9 A.M. Spon6or:cd by thc SPAAAU lpna Distance Ru]mlDg C@1ttec. San Dlego Statc Collegc sbow.a thclr hccls to sonc of th. b.€t today. thclr pol'crfu.l t.8,r ftnighed 5 nlnners ln tlle top 10. Dav. ;Ianb].'! outlasiredt forser Ss! Dlcgo 1)rep Bensetlon, Tcti Davldson, nov a frosh at San Dlego Sl,ale. i. o""u ir,.n"", san tieeo state co1tege,2]:24

St. Coifege, 21:32 2I:41 Paclflc Club, coast l. Dous tliebe, t. urt" co".r, LAvc, 21:lrl; 5. T@ 3achc, sult 21:l+6; 6. PeLe Ylrsadano, sDsc, 21:L9i 7. TLd DanieLson. SDsc, 2L:5f; 8. Bob lElnes, unat', 21:55; 9, ,eints SEith, SDSC, 2Ir57; 10' Mtke warenbach. rAvc, 21:58; 1f. kvereozr SDSC, 22:O2z 12. Bob Mee6lna, SmC,22:06;13' Roscr Friend, SDSC, z?tl-tt !\. PhiI Carpr Ca1 ?ol-v, 15' Roniz,ioit>.6'"" a""tr"', smc, 22:28j {16e, PCc, 2?3at L7. RalPh l,o!cz' SDsc, 22:3b rB. Sklp Crovl-ey, SDSC, 22:i!0j fg.-Scott, una' 22.\51 ?o. Joln Becker, sDsc, 22:4d; 2l ' Don Derds, Fcc, 22t5It 22' Gcne Clr]rlle, PcC' 22:5" 23. Jeff Kl!s, sDSc, 22157) 24. RusE Sdrt, una., 23:1oj 25. Adrian Jones, RedlanalE Unl1'', 27trit 26. Ken Tolsr, sed,lands U.. ?3tt5i 27' 4." nort, Snsc, z3tzIi z8' Da!'e West, PCC, 23:38; 30' il,li zg. ?st;1ci xarleY, una', Iarrieu, c'V ftuck 23:.\2; C'IF, rbet, 31' Pau] L el,tlt'.12. Eoward MiUerJ rAvc, 2J:l+6; 33' oon iprcer, 1$a.,23tL9t 3lr. ft! Estes'.I'Avc' ra ua.' 23:51+; zJ:)+; 16. ,o. Pote Roo Cr.DxpteLl. ci.nplell, ua., 2l:51; 35. aoo Montca AA, 2J:55; 37' Rlck ruar., tro, sanl,s spe"tui, u,r"., 2it55i 38, rob L. Krna, IAvc. 2.


Davidson, San Diego

39. i'renk rtlvbold, OV-3, 2l+:03i ]10.. John Dlozsl, una., 24:12; 4I. Dlck ortlz' ScS' 24:Ur; h?. Frad( Fy€trn., CCAC, 24:16i 43. Dave Nemryer, Redlaad! Ur1v., z4:10; 4. .|on t{ebster' PCc, 2t+82t \5. Eva schoonovcr, ov-A, 24:35; 46. tl




lZ; t6.

og-8, 2!:38; 47. Phlf




Bo1to!, CC.lc, ?4.15; 49. Bob Drakc, "oo 50. iick F11nt, R.d1and6 u., 24:55i ccAc, 2\:51; 51. Stcvc Pcttt, \E\a', 24t5r; 52. S-tevc Vmc!, PCC, 25:L3; 53. sruce Mc3urnev, voc' 25:1b, 54. Wcrncr l(rugcr, 1'IC-A., 25t25t 55. Iarry S4i.th, u. S. trry, 25:28; 56. Earlov Cameron, R.dlards U., 25t3ai 57. gtcve lirons, ory-A, 25:30; 58. John Dcrby, u.na., 25:l\: 59. Joe Garreiit. wDC, 25:39; 50. 8111 Pasley, ccAc, 2r:r*j 6I. I'B]t Dielsch, R.dlanat6 U., 25t47t 62, Bill schabr€r, oqr-ai 2r56t 63. BiLr r'1ehe1, ory-8, 25:01; 64. l'tlke l,.es, uns., 25t29i 6r. 3ob scnonover, oqr-A, 20: 35; 66. B1l-1 KlrbJr ccAcr 25t39i 6t. tetls Roberte, bl, src-A, 26:40; 68, wi111s Ioelnsasscr, STC-A, 27:Oo; 59. xxter vralenburgr 1Jd.a.' 2"( to3t 70. Sklp Sbafrer, ura., 27:1]-, 71. 3ob Co.nor6, Ory-3, 2?:13j 72. Eugene carson, CCAC, 27 tr5t 73' Frcston Drake, ccAc, 27t3a) ?4. Ed Reed, sTc-4, 4t38t 75. 3111 weLL6, 50, src-A, 4,45. 192 IlBted finl.shcrs). NOI,TCE 2.2r-ltrLrs- f. \'ta,rel Greeoe, LAVC, 2: 3I: 2. ShcDhen Mans, TlvC, -2:58; 3. J1n Poinaext<rr, u-n.'., 13:19; L. Jobn stocd, una., 13:32; 5. Ceorse oePoote.J STc. t3:14; 6. Brlce C;eddes ' una., ]J:4Ij ?. Jon Suther.Isno, LAVC, 13:52i u. Roeer Grlzzfe, oq/, 14:09; 9. 3ob Ratc, @, 14:. 15t 10. Roberr Rjckey' [AFD. 14:11. (29 rlnjrbed) --stan Staflo.d-FOORIIi A$IIUAI, SAXTA SARBABA



Eunday, scl)teaber 29, 1968 B:oo A.M. 53 stari"6 li4cci Dlrecior: John 3reDiand It vas Gcne Conlocis day today. Runnl]lA a sutr)erb rscc bc feft the ltkes of weyne Ven DaILcn & Bob Dalne6 1n hl6 vs.ke. A11 tbre. top ru crs cro66ed tle 20 n11e nark together, buit Van Dcl1.o & Dci-oes startcd to feel the pacc & ccmroe bsrrelcd. lnto the lead vith three n11eB io 80' Ysn Dcuen took off his shoes at the 2f nlle nark & flnisb.d baiefooted. ?robably tlie nost anEzlng ?erforEsBcc of tltc dav lras recoraed by 62-yearold Monty l'loDtgcllery, fllis llas bls ','cry firet a-bteraDt at tbe 1on€ one & tbe fonner cvcllst clock left;aDy yourger rul3ners lD bbe dust as becontmed an outstaidils 3:0?:27i fnis flne race ues to grov in stature thanks 1,o John Srelmand ' Tean: i. soutnern Cal:torn:a Strrders, Ll; 2' Sants Berbara AC, 20i J. O(y, 22; L. San Diego 3L; 6.^sTc-B' 50' Ic, 32j ,. seniors Tc-l,':26:14'U (N" course SCs, L EuseDe Cco1!o6, t."ori; ora rcco?d.' 2t?6t24 bv l'Ulce Ki-ooa-LI)

mrc, ,:-vfi. v; Deue;, 3. 3oi Delnes, scs, Dleso rc' i. iiiic..tri, sansBAc,

:. liir.q:racrs6n,Sc slejders, 6. Jerrv Snari!, a.

Ji-m Van



g. [."d.1 s'rt]', ;*.t.,'

;: ;; B'","., ic st'ra.'u,

?,27,r\'6 2:11:Lo'2 2:33:16 2:37


).L2tL9 2:L3:a7 2:lt4:4o


r0. Joirn l-r, Rlck

Paefiano, Senior6 TC-A, 2:It6:O9 Spa1rln6, O(r, 12, Dave laPter:re, Santa Barbara AC,2t\9135 13. chuck Lar"ieu, cq, 2t52t47j 14. ph11 CarIon, Sr. lc, 2t53t)2j 15. Don Sawyc r, una.. 2: 5rr:Lo: 16. aob cannan. Sr.TC-A, 2:51+:32; I7. Btl1 Bor€Il, SDTC, 2:5810\; 18. Bt1l ?eck, una., 3:00:U; 19. Halt JevBbur-y, ll0, SI.TC, 3:02:Ol(Ovcr 40 A\rad), 20. Phi] Cfarkc, L2, SI.TC, 3:03:17; 21. Rick yasquez, Sr.TC-A, 3:05:58; 22. MooLy Montgcmery, 62, una.. 3:O?:2? (j) ov b0 Alrard; 21. ScoLty Donaltl, 44, Sr.TC, 3:12: 24. Bilf Hargus, 47J SDTC, 3:13:54; 25. Ed ColIlns, uEa., 3t!7 t)&t 26, phtl Cmo, W, 3:22; 27; 27. PB.|J*J Paxry Crandall, CrandaU, 31ola, 3:24t24t 28.p.e 3:24;21r; 28.Itay Ctl., 42, Sr.TlJ 3t25ta6; 29. 3ob Cosby, SMAA, 3,25.49t 30, Smce Dern, STC, 3:28:ILi 3f. Jobn Gsicia, 50, sr.Tc, 3:29:57 (over 50 A,.a.d); 32. Byrol Pohts, RP, 3:JJ:22j 33. Wal t, Irederjck, 60, STC, 3:33:39; 34. Bi.tl o'DonnelL, STCj 3r 38:.47: 35. na.v.ld Ruasl.s, 13, RIIR, 3r49:3r; 35. Albert Cooper, 50, Sr.TC, 3t52|29t 37. Johr, llccuen, Sr.rc, 315>t'L6t 38, t4ark RuAgles, LL, BRR, 4ro6:53j 39, Co1. Ed. n6lptn, 51, 4r21r23; 40. Rev. ,Ioseph Shca, l$, 4:22:23; 1rI. r'rcd Grace, Sr'.TC, 7a, )+t26.21. 5-MILE S?1,ITB | lo-nt. 15-&1. 2O-n1. comroe 29137 57.45 \25$5 ].t52t3lDeines 29,37 57t\5 Lt25l.O6 ll.rzt3l van De11en 29t37 57,45 rt25fi6 Lt52t3I Oookin 28:U3 57:3! It25r23 It55tA7 Anderson 28f5t 5B:k0 a.28l.32 lt59r23

4.5-l[I,E CROSS COUIIIRS RUN AT U.C. SANIA Sat., october 5, 1968 at 10 A.M. Meet Dircctors: Joh! Brenna".ld and San Ad6,ns 1. De.n Preston, UC'A, 22:f8.4; 2. Ron llster, UCI,A, 22tl9t 3. fiartzeLL Al&7zar, IJCLA,, 2212a) 4. Rsdy fiarteE:o, Ijlc.IA, 22t23t 5. Jobn Kcorcdy, SCS, 22 23j 6. gcott Chlsao, ICIA, 22t35t 7. Ian Jones, SCS, 22:43; 8. Netf Sybert, UCIA, 22t57t 9. Jirr Duarte, UCI,A, 23:o5i 10. Dtck Woel_k, SCs, 23rl5t lLr. c€no Conroe, sCS, 23:24; 12. Ketth Jeffe$, UCS3, 23:32; f3. RD6se11 'Brr1f,, SI,IAA, 23t393 44. Lltke l4ulltns, SCS, 23: 49; r5. Ceorge Xu6amk, UCLA, 23t53t ]'. BaIl -Andel6on, SBAC, 23tr4: L'1. navc Snl.th, UCUi, 23t57t \8. Delc scvert, sBAc, 23:59; 19. Daye Sanford, UCLA, 2l+:03j 20, BI-L-L !'Iold, ucSB, 2L: 19j 21. Dave 3lenker, UCS3, 24251 22. f,atm Srennenal, SBAC, 24t37t 23. .ter:y Lteltrock, UcSB, 2l+:!3; 24. .Iohn McTntlre, \JCIA, 2)+154t 25. Stcve Delmey, Ucf,.B, 25ta9; 25. Jane6 Van l'{anne SBAC, 25:14j 27. Chlp l,ltnntck, UCIA, 25i18; 28. Brad Johnson, IJCLI\, 2526t 29. Do! Savyer, Illm, 25 t3At 30. Bruce rhiet, sBAc, 25:41, 31. Dous SP,A-AAU


tbls ycar.

StaEJord. has d.cfcstcil UCIA & USC by Z ga,tr Dl.ego Stete ha6 a porerhousc. IoVICB 2.4-ICI;E RUII- 1. IFn KapL6n, ura., 13:11; 2. Gtes Ratl"tff, UCSB, 13:U; 3, SLorc Van callp,

slLn DarSlDB &

ura., 13:26;4. l..tlkc Cb8nbltss, UCSB, 13:30; 5. Jer]T Wlrtz, ur8., 13:35; 6. cary Wolfran, UCSB, L3t39t 7. fi.n l,lcl(cnnE, UCLA, f3:43; 8. Mlrc 3ofhz, Lrna., 13:58; 9. Srucc ceddes, uta., 14:LLr -LO.

rrlls., 14:lr€. (15 Istcd ftnlsher€) --Stan Staffori.-lr-MAS lo-!frIE UmIEX mLAy SPONSOTm IIIACK CIIJB, Saiurday, october 12, 1968

Jobn seston, 13, 2ll-r ANNUAL 3Y SXNIoRS

9 A,ld.

at Alolat.a



'TVIiIIOII Coegt Club "A" (Lon [eb6ter, tim Sch49:29; 2, clcnda].e TC (4t11 Xavllaod, Gicg Schick, Ilarryl Keaue & Rlch Raya) 52:42i 3. Cr.rlvcr City Ac (Ron BoLton, FraD']r Frcjrdc, lob ,fake, I)oug satlor6) 53:05; 4. Peclflc Coa€t C].ub "3" (Toa JemtnAs, Randy Jobnsotr, JLn Ntli6on, Gco. Payan) ,5:rr1, 5. senlors TC (TLn Gllas, RudJ Ge.rcia, Bill crwr, l,ierner Krucger)57338; 5. er toro strlders (Ed Lltrtecon, TLn Pater, 3ob Zlmeraar, Tcd Jones ) 57:5Bt 7. Culver Clty AC (BI-LI KtrbJ, sk1! Shaffer, Cruz Lolez, Ge$r Stneleton) 59:45. to 39 DMSIoN 30.6ca-t(;;Tc-T= ( ceorse De?ooter, phli carlon, R1ck vasquoz & Bob Caman) 55:f7; 2. Randon Ruiancrs (Jld gaundc$, Ed Fteld, I-ulel Elnaudl & Brron Potts) 63:o1t 3, Senlor6 Tc 'B (ToDx Keefe, ton SnJder, 8111 Ioole, SiLL Rodgers ) 65:3lii l+. unettacheil (Toby l,lcd.lDa, Steve Gould, A.1ex Shearcr, JoBc6)66:37; 5. sr.TC "C" (8111 o'Do&"rel-l, 'oD D-cVd Mccuirc, EerEEn Podef, Dick Knorx) 69:17 40 to 49 DffISIoITI I-36t6iJ-ie-E" (trtLLls nel d6ao€er, charrte short, EaL Rccd, L!.is Roberbs) 5gt27t 2. SP.AC-B, (8 1 Fitzserald, Sten Stafrold, Hoa'ard O.a/ & Jack l,tacdson) 5L:.1; 3. s..lc-c (8ob 'rerricd, Nev-lon Caldera, Chuck Turrcr, Id Tureme 72:57. )

ultz, Gco. gcott & Doug l,rlete) ';-E-crtrc

50 A}ID UP se-;i-or6 Tc 'A ' (John calcts, A-I cooper, cb,dc ,AILlDg, B1l-1 i.lel1B) 62:4Bj 2. sr.TC-3 (r,€o Bultck, ,ti.B Spetch, 41 CLark, l,nke Klsh) 73:38, fop Indtvidual Ttnes- &e lle- 1. l€on l"leb6ter, trS;-Z. ?:$P-;ote-; l+-:5o; 3. B. Ilavlland 4r5oj 4. R. 3o11to. k:53..8{o MiLe6- Cres Schlck 1oro8, 2. R. Joh€on, 10:22; 3. F. rrey'qe 1o:3or 4. P. Car ron, 10:33; 5. C. Lopez, alt29t 6, C. Short,IL:32. Thfee l4ttes- 1. G. Scott, 7L:3L; 2. D. l(pe1e, 15: 5f; j. g. Dratc, f6:.tl+; l+. Ni-L]sen, ro:2lr;5. R. Va]quez, \5t55t 6. B .I Cne, U:15,.rour lailes1 DoL€ Wiebe, .19:L9j 2. Sai-Lors, zr:ffiJ.-@s, 2I:16; l+. Jones, 22;31i 5. Payon, ?,.r8; 5, carn]€'n Barron, sl4M, 25:t+5: 32. PauL WlILtslnE, UCIA, 25:\Bj 33, creunan, Ketth,. UCIA, 25t57t 3\. Ar 22t59t 7. l.l:ucecr,23:20; B. Roberts, 23:32. Notes...The flrc ?aetflc Coast club naale gharibles Beat, UCLI, zo:Odj 35. Collle Cavaletto, SBAC, of lhe cou-r6e tecortl 6et by then la6t year. l"netr 26i,Jt 36. I4tke Berl, uc$, 26;15; 3?, steve ttre of 49:29 su.passed ].ast yea"rs 51:02. fin Bushey, UcsB, 26t\7t 38, Jobn Llght, UCSB, 2B: a'aE thc onl,y retullltlg nenbe" frora last Schultz (icaldcs, 48; 39. Sxuce uBa., 30:22; 4c. narold WaIIace, 40, SI.TC, 31:31; 41. Tcq Holroytl,LAPD, year6 squaal. tr'rlcbe & Scott set coursc eaiks on thelr lege. L\{tE Roberis' 23:32 vas outgtandilg 32:26. Tearn Score6: UclA 15, sCE 40, UCSB 7i!, & Eets a vets recod. --Stan Stafford-SBAC, BO. Caufor.nia collcgc tcans alc strong



vrrrs JItNroR IGT. AAU x-coltrt'tRY Van Corilandt ?ark I.T,, SuidayJ NoY. 3cunnlnghsn, zh, rorner Cornclf ruim.r actr. conpcilne for thc Nclr Yor! Plonc.r Club, von thc Junlor I4Et. AAU x-couDtrJ cbaq)lonlhl!. fle cov_ ered th. tl'o la?s of the Vtn Codllnilt Prrk cG_ netere hlu. tn 20:41. the coursc recora for tlc lr dis iB 19t3!.1+ set lest nonth by lrrry Srovn of the Nex York AC. llhc Ecei dd Jr. lGt ,A.AU rccord 1s 20:19.8 set by Crvh JoEct 1n \.Inntns the 1966 tltle. Cunnlnahan sled ?att the tYo-n.t].c n!r.t ln lor05 lust a seconil aheaal of Jll! lceuas of t}| NYAC. ita tl'e 2tta la! Art stegen (NfAc) dovcd 14to 2nd Ilace & flrfshetl ebout 15Oy behlnd Ctnnlnghe. ALlys ],oftrfirl l'I€fi. Iolk Ac capturefl thc t.rD tttle vtth a loi. of-the28 lolntu. CI{ ?o.t Col].cgc Ye!81ty Ron Stonltsch of nisBetl tL reca ilua to trafflo' 1ia heCL beeD cs_ tabllsh.it .s thc totr, favortt€ on tldc vearra I)erfolElnces anil last yerrrs 3rd placc fin13h thXB tltle iace. There r.ere 55 starlerB & aLL but 4 fld6hetl ales?lte g li8ht raln. fhe courac vas ln toI, condltton due to the raln nrdah hebed io hlden curryrncgAla

terrain. ICrl6 Sielner, Dlrcctot; Ken AbrMaon, Jeff ?etr€k Bcrnrrd o'f'lynn, Stn gcln efl, Ferh




T,ar!ey, Artxe G].ebern!n, Sarry c€lsle!, L!-J, ftA.l Ornsmyt. Jo. Klclr]e!fltn.



1. ]nmn CunnLnghr@, liYPC, 1O:0t 2O:4L 10:13 21:01 2. Art st.aen, liYAC, 10:17 2I:04 flYAC, Sennclt. 3. Crats [. ,rr* i"ror", Nev Tork Ac, loro5 2L!t LOt39 21t29 5. Efral.n Carcla, l'ltn.IK, 5, ingelo Rtvltuso, clJ ?ost, 10:31 2l:32 7. st; 1rdaloff . clw ?ost Fr.,1o:35 2lrl+5 10:31 21t52 8. Joe catllcskt, unat., 10:38 21t56 9. Joe Burn6, Itnttcd lA,

1o:{o 22ro4 10. Tod orconnor, lffAc, LI. Rlchard collrsulmo, u1a., lO:52 22:08 12. Jtm lvartiDl. (l'r Post Fr., lO.5O ntv i3. cene vlusraln, Irf,Pc. 10:51+ 22:!+


Pat Sostict,




15. Jose Vel.eguaz' St.ABC, LOI4L 22:.21 lOr5O 22t27 16. .nn Klrtpl"s, NTPC, 22:30 cI,l Post Fr.,1t:03 Scholer, Rtck 17. tB, Pat Burke, lttllrose,AA, \ato2 22t34 19. Jo€ Tbpler' C'$ Post I'r., 1O:5o 22t31 6. l""u o-"i-t v, cv roet, l-L:o3 22:l+9 21. Richard I€v16, Unlted M' 1lto7 22152 t].l.Og P,55 22. G€]le Tvoodey' \rfAC, 2lr. Dav€ fufncr' 23:01: C$ Posi, 23. l4ike FoseE. Brucc TC, 23:OI+i 25. Pel,e wlllilDa, cl'I PoBt Ir., 23to7j 26. Gree Cdaeron. CCTf AA. 23:08: 27. Davlat AILen, \YPc, 23:21; 28. A.1 wtlftarda. lf(PC. 23;23i 29. Joh! Goodrich, C'tr Po8t, 23:39; 30. Ben Br:lnson, Unttcd AAr 2r42t 3\. Joe lntri0ar], ccTY lA, 23:L?: 32. Joe BeLnonte. unr', 24:II;

ji, Joe Jo\.ncr, clr Post college, 2l':31; 3l+' Ton ron noo€ver. caneron, "14ca' 2\32t 35. -Itl viet qlde l+o; 2t:rro; 2\: cw CrH Po8t. rr;b Rtch Rcon€ro. ura.. 2hrjB; 36, AaJ 31:5ar 3!. Da1'. 'idi'rel 3". ilen \,rs_rl(astsnr



iittlebales, U, of Delavar., ^,I1l1ro6e 2a:59; 39.


McDorucllj I{a!. York ACJ 25!36t ta0, E!!rT Krauss, ccNY AA, i5:!2r l+1. Dudley Gl.sss, udtea lA, 25t5ot t+2, 3ob lrlvltt' rr€eporb fc, 25t5It 43I4{kc lnmor llvPcr 25:37; l+4, sebastlan castaelia, Ner York Ac, z6t56t \5. r!ftLls Davls, NYPC, 27: l-hi M. Drvtd lrel.dLBln, Bruce 'IC, 27,35t \1, Ton l{enncqy, lma., 4,561 \8. nrlc Ccislcr, thltcit M, 28t32t l+9. ]re cherny, unlteit AA, z):\o; 9. l{orty Sc}:vrrtr, una., 3O:0O; 51. lbtt Clherny, lhtted. .AA, 30:25. Teda: 1. Ner York Ac, 1-2-3-7-1r- 28; 2. C,W, ?ost Collcge lros]1, 53t 3. C.W. Post CoILege varitty, 73; tr, Nev Tork Ploneer c1ub, 84; 5' Ihltad AA, 87. --Joe lclclncrllan-1968 PO]-ICE O],Y}PICS, COSTA MESA, CAiI}'ORNIA OBA{GX Colsr eOfiIGX, Novenber 2, l95B Mtle'Rur- 1. John Kenneay, Ventur:a PD, l.:21+.4; 2l-fii-Tcaver, orarse co. l,tdrshalt, 4:\6.7; 3. 3ob ntckcy, LAPD Pacers, !:49,Oj 4. Pat Conne11y, 1.A. Shcrlffrs Offtce, 1rt59.0. (Kenne(y, It.s. Ol#rytc 5,oo0n finaltst trt I*e Trhoe, cialseit to ar} easy vlctory over 10 othei

hlrd-trylng lav-enforcenent offlcers halllng froa scvcral pol1ce !€encles ln Ca11fo.n1a. Ltst ycar's o\.cDlc rdle r€coril r.hlcl} KenEealy 8et at Ssn m.go t'as shrttcred by Jobn'8 3l)arkLlng perforEdxce. Ee hrd just von the B8O tn 2:03.6 r'lth I,€B Werver but ! 6te! behindl. Wea!'€r clockeil 2:o\.?. D:!ne spGars (r,ArD Pacers) r.as 3id ln 2:07.0.) 4-MnE cRoss-cooNlllY- 1. I€Elie E. Weever, Oraae--?ounw l'hi6haLL, 2l+:17. r! 2. Bob Etckcy' lAm PlceiB, 24:42i 3. Potrlck Co.noUJ, T,.A, slerlff, 2rt23t \. raby l.Hlna, A.B.c., 6trte of Cdlfornl., 26!351 5. EdYard Preston,

sr]] FrrDclsco ?D, 27ro5,o. (Approx elevcn entrles flod rt1 parts nortb & €oath aathercd 1n a :.onely b.ckro.il iteep ln Ja'r1ne Ranch territorT, brcy! rr Pct.rts Canyonr to run a ruggcal, brlstLna, b.ck-courxtr? course vhlch slI[o8t l@eilla!c].y bcgar vltl a 6hort but stee!, atone-strs.n htU bcfor. lcvellng off on lt3 tvistlng vry, nclndlcrlng bctveen loe-roLllna hl1ls & deep ravines, Tld!6 tlcrc comenilable in all dlstance evorts cooslitlring tl€ ,nount of tlne devoted bv officels ln tratnlng, tlne har4)eiedl by the exlgcrcics of ?o1lce dut1e3. --Toby lvledlna-RESIUTTS- Glrr,r' ASSOCIATIoN CoUNTRY MEET,




?a!k, Houaton, Texaa

octobcr 12. 1968 PsrsicAr, rrfliEss 2-IfirE (r,frN)- (rB-28 vrs)1. llyrence Sntth, 10:50t 2. Dan Tatr0on. t0:53; 3. Jobn soE€rs, 11:31; L. Jlb rur1e, ff:l+9. (29-39 yrg)- f, Jcrry MabrJ, lo:rrqr 2. Herb Fr€iL, 12:35, 3. clnlck wrnrick. f2r38i 4. Don Ranly. 13: 21. (\o & ovcr)- l. Lo!'eL! M111er:, 13:16; 2. Rev. Kenn;th Bamey, 13:21+; 3. Don Teter, 13:59i 4. tohn Mllbcrgcr, ll+:OO. I^ADTIS O?EN 2-ltrIE- I' l4rrsha Nult, Texas TC, 12158; 2, Itancy Norvell, Xouston S-brtdersr 13:30;


Ettzaleth Irbone,



3. [, v-"""" Dalcour, Eouston lstrobeues, *:51. GIRIS 13 & tJ\DEa 1 IfiLE RltN- l. I\iary Rlvera, Tex!s TC, 6:35.8, 2, Vtckl Clark, Tlou6ton AEtlobe].le nou61,on

connle Sryrnt, 9.A., 6:49,1, lr, l'r.lE.A. , 6t5O,5. mGH SCHOOI A0IS 2-MIIES- l. rr-e- 3vqr"6, Ialre, tO:3Oi 2. Deffil8 Orlrien, I\bdoi:aal, 10: !2r 3. 31]l coldaDp, lbraortal, tO:!+; L. Blent

689.6i 3,

3toiltt" Sbdrlol lC, 5152t 3. C.r.. Frlt[&r, ghlDro.l ?C, 5r:61 L, nq fortor, !.f! F Colch, 6\9; ,. terry E h!, loyola IDiv, Coach, ?:2Or 6. Pat tr\.lccllllt, Sllrloch IC, 7t2O.2. VllSIrf E.g. RESSlrs (3-rd&r + loy)- 1. rttl. Mcclrtby, BeUalr€, 10:48; 5, Eo"lcc drrnt, Tuclcr, Evauto!, 15:37i e. Kart gc!rc!, RlrrF Jon€6, 111061 5. Mark Z6!eda, l'.it. Crrdel, U:O? 61ilr-E!., l5:52r 3. Carl o.tty, R-1, 15!551 4. (59 llsted flntshcrs ) lrtcl V.lcrttno, R-r, ].5!O5; 5. rob Fud, EylllrJR. E.S. BorS 2-IfiIES- 1. Ilrro].d Dlvls, CUILGD, to|!, 15!o6i 6. Bou Irrprry, 90. Jo.qlh, 16:0?. 11:03; 2. A1 steverl, Jobnston, L[:o4; 3. fl6r-g0PE E,S. (2 rtlc!, 1c|r 18t)- 1. TrrC Du.nlgan, cullen, IL:OB; lr. &n 6 tckley, Johns- !6ct, itd€crcoit Br 10:061 e. tcrr? ],.!ra, St. ton, 11:29. (37 Ustcd flnt.hers) IAaattE , lO:O7i 3. lob 6rgD6, St.?et!tak, lO:13, 18. I'4l1lcr,

AII EvENIg: 17O. The Houaton Strlaer8 lnnoulrc€ Tm GoI,I' ASSN. A.A.U, trIII,mgR CROSS-COIUfTRY MEST, I'4rccra8o! Park, Hou.ston, TexrsJ sat., D€c. 1]rth 3r!5 P.U. Srde e!'ents. EEtry fo!r06 frod: l,t{aa l{xrcy l{orve11, I'leet Dlr€ctot, 15OO C.stle Court, jp-!, Eousron, rexts ?7OO5. ToTAL Ff].IISIImfJ TN

OrIO RwlR NNC {COBBI.EN CAIIOPi 4-tcla RoIt (PREDrctrotr) tioBroc, chto, ov. flit Cour6lr flat vlth tvo sEa1l h1113. Tetp, 55" 1. Tcrly Gallaahcr, 23-:&.6; 2. Dlct Clcyelrgar', 22:45i 3, 3!ftjr 3ht1cy, 22:52i 4. I'oD WBIlc, 23:09, 5. Roladt .Alspach, 23!231 5. way!. l.r€n, 23:35i 7. stcyc ?ilcc, 23138; 8.4!ob Cold!cn, 23:l+? (prcillctcd 2ar\r)t 9, ltll lottllg, 2lr:0lr; 10. ,ou z1!?c1, 2lrt5; u. gtcvc PollDg, SECOI{D ANNUAL

2lr:lro; 12- I{alt ccoryc, 2r58t L3. Dlck BIre, 26:l+5; 14, *DLck !.'r!rr, e6:rb (lnlllctqa 25: 5o)r 15. Davrd costln, a7:!8t 16. glel! hctbeu, 28:2\; 17. Erqc! Pottng, 28:l+tt 18. Bob liookr, 28:lt+; 19. *Bat:!.y cook, 29!P1 ( tcA 29:3O)r e0. Ilcholar Shr!l., 29:33t 21,. Drct rott, 3o|.]".\; n. Arny 3ott1aA, 36rrc. *- ptrdlctlon r.lDDcrs. Lrgc tElkcys:to thc tbrrc best ttgu.66ers", --gtcy€ ?rlcc-qEU@10[3fI?{t,

}b!Thol]. ColLgp, Etlytr, Ituaotr, for.[}cr 2, f968 11 l,x. EtUy & Ycry tough 5-nlle corrlc, 1, Gcr4f El!to!, gouthcm lltinol3, 24;25t 2. . Trof Robcrls, wcatctu ILL., 24:29; 3' Joh Col lctr DcPsul., 2Ir:37; I+. Kc! [ov!e, u, of fu.., 24:to; 5. Rry Ea]l, rhrykaou, 2l+:t5; 6, cncg DJkltra, U. of lal., 2lr:46. (Gcrry Etnton 1! ! frcch a!!nl!8 oD th. te:|tltJr. El! tl8 ca hi! rlacfc.tca .trtDa to clabt. nay E 1l ?rafarr thc laratho! lllrt.occ & la a good fltera of ldby Surfoot. Aflc! gtlAlratlod tlt. IICCA clGDtr


h riU crtcr th! loyltlrt fo" tL ,!t.!thood. tla youtgcr br,'oth.t l.! a tolr bl.gh acloo]. tro-trtlcr airt !6!t. !cr!: l. &ft. of lallBoi!, Chdl'.fg!, 59t 2. E6ltc:|! njllaoLt thlv., 90; 3. Lctt ra llahcd. tbty., loot 4. tc?eul tbl'y., 107, 5. rorlhctn arl.., 134; 5. so. rII. @1v., 135. --Ccott! t. Cabaiut!-r.c. - sr. PrrRrc{ E.s. ls! fitmrAf, sMrRocr CROSs-CoOxlEf gmIS, rov{b.r 3' 1958 Orcr 30 & tbilcr 13 CccbtDat nAc. (l tsLb + I1O Yitf)--I. crdg co[ct, crtfflth, tfr.,, 5t\6; 2 rprIEA


rGllcP0LI$t ntmcol,IanlArts x-c cMlrpronsFrp at YrE Colt1.Dtt Fark, tr,f. 5-!alLr, Ilor.

2lr:il.I'thbt Lrft lrrhrl1, St.Job!'!, '65 tqL 1. Ed.a rtvla!, 'Oia. lbEblttdr, 25:08.5; 2. coorAc rl.rlrflkl, xtiL 25::6tg.t@ 3. ?ltu! lbbts, SJ, 2r: a't 4. !t.a! llat , t!tI, 25131; 5. toa Rccor{.r


t*rocc Colaoqy, IYU, 25r xar., 25:55t 8, TcrrcDcc uct(€l', Ibr{br,25!O1i 9. Ed rrl.b, rGr.,26:03, 10. Ed xcrdd., xa!,, 25:O5t U. Rlcbard hJ'cr, gt. Job's, ?6r07t 12, 6b!!. tracrorck, st, 26!13. Rc,yr, SJ, 25r3rt 5. 12t 7, \tt Shacha.!,

(75 flnl.h.rs) ?c€rr 1. Malhattan, 41; 2. st. John's, 5I, 3. Foldnsr, 81; 4. Rutser€ IO8; 5. XYU, U9t 6. roaa, I63t 7. Scton EaL!. 178. IRoSE 3-l[IlS- 1. Jo€ 3arba4f, nYU, 15:12.5; 2. lilrasril Grln 6, lbtithei, 15:L5i 3. Jdr.s sablnare. lflu, !5r25r 4. lLf dl Elacere6, Foithrll, 15:29. !.u! 1, trnt,29t e. ?od!.r, 43; 3, St. toh't ?3, l. hlbitrE, 86; 5. nriep!!, u8r 5. roas. JofI6 vt$tl!f, t. Joh J. 0'Brt6a, Il, 28:50,Lt e. rr, B. coUtlr, '-ldlc!- lL 29:08; 3, Joh! R.

e61*!o, rlr,Lun


€9rft; l. h. th{!}rrt, F, 9r2o.


l|Atrr 18. lAl,Tnaoro oruprc ctlr 44 & r4Rr 19, ralsEfl( or s?oFn cf,l,B t4 f,tlll.$btr!8, fa,, l{ov. e, 1958 Ia::r & su].ry. 5.2-ll|b.- l. C.orA! Derrls, Vin, 6*3,rt 2.


O.r Y11arr8, Ygc, *?151 3. Eovrll. rttchlcl, f&l{, 26!f?t 4. ?r6!t ?fl.g1!9, Bcc, 6..\9t 5, Jur1. hrlnr, v!at" 26t58t 6. fl{ IiGDrffl., lt&1.{, 4?O5t '(. f,,fif Brtdrt, Ifrd, ZlrI9; 8. Tl:r fr!!*, Ar{lL ZlrrSt 9, r.flt Sablao, Boc, 28ro5i 10.


Aaffi;ii iAitie;ffi aidiiia:at to Fi;Cortlrrdt Park, Ioe. t,


Stcrr stagcb.rg, c, 2[:I!.6 I,G; 2. Brlan KLv'-lak.. L!r,,, r4, 2r(jo.5 (School Rcc. )r 3. tr'|gh xcr€y, c, 25:22; [, Jrrltan xtchota, C, 25:26; 5, TFdrtck

c, 2t,3rt 6. crcaory rye!, c, 25: 12t 7, Frld r'll , c, 25118; 8. Ttn sh.ch!n, u, 26r2rt 9, e cBrtdc, }{, ?686: 19. rh6a. Donahdr, r,26rl+5. Prototretrl,as,

- $3,0O t'cr year (6 trarcr) oqy4rta SDort Vtltlga, Ir'L OrBt-lc!, Up3oD, Ifl.cooll! 5456r. l trGDlnoE! nly track & flclil tn1bucatLoa. Bttt it by T@ Aolandtcb. lctsltrulc ROAD Rtrn C CoURSES bv TEil Corbltt tI.Oo frcm Ipng Dlttaac. Log.. 28 prg.s of tLietl.a talo'|lAalon on rrlrlrlng acdrratcly. mAcf IIXIS


z t/e-rclj.f," RUl{, Fiesb Poda, crobrldgc, i,lass. [ovedber'3, 1958 rEather: very cool 1. IrE zane. unat., 13:09, 2. Rtchard clapp, 'rMc. l3:2?: 3. Johl Jenk6, unat., 13:32; L. Rlclald Packard, !AA, 13:41; 5. Joh]l llaUacc, 3M, 13:52, 5. John Oltr, una,, 13:55, ?. EA Brlce, uda., ll+:loi 8; John Kc1so, ltet lc, llrl ll|t 9. Robert croak, una., 14:16; 10. @ealit Orconn 11, BAA, 1l+:18; 11, Peter lteLls, una., I\;22t ].2. Louls f'rEetl.Eln, I{eyto! So.ES. ].4r23t 13. JoLn Babtnstolt, una., 14:30; L4. Paul Schen, uc, 1l+:L2; 15. Idli.altl Sca'lncll, I{e\rton So.6, 14:51. (23 flnlshers),

Met lAIt hEndlca?p.r, T@ qjr]Ii a acaLcil lD |n cllvelq)c & open€il afta' the r.ce rrB coDcluil.al, All nDrll.la thlr! Btarled togetbcr vlth tbc heDitlcapa t6lng alvulgctl after the racc. The flr3t flnlBlcr r.aa lt. lbr€ of l{ey Irrilon, Conn. Da!€ clocked 33:19.4 to cdse lytl! Cunltnghen, Derly cllolrncal Jr, lr6t AAU x-c ch!!!lod lL Jobr CarLc?p, lllllrolc AA 8ta1vert. Rogc! Clark, ttrrltcd AA, rovril llto ihc rlDlerra alot vhcn harillcalrE rrl! levca:.ell, Of thc 33 etar,ters al1 but 2 ftnt8heit tb. ruggca coulac utrAar vcry ai[vcrEc conalltlotls.



1. Rog6r clark. Ihtteit lA, -35-:O: 16o (sboit couise), F!€Bb Pona, Crrftrlil- 2. l.Att Cola, QFrcalboro CC, 37rlr8 5:30 3r:18 5-ttlIIE BllI{ gc, l,tas3., Nov. 10, 1958. Sponeor€d by thc 3, Ton Cailerlon, tS flcAr 38:48 7:3O 3[:18 tl. C€ac fi.o@cy, cr Yolt AC,35:32 5r0O 3I:32 I'let AC, the veather r.aa Bo r.olgh thet rblle naltlEg for the evelt to siarl tb€ fleld Adnit- 5. ?at Sasttck, xfAC, 35t50 !roo 31r50 5, Phtl ?olra, thltcd..AA, 38:18 6:00 32:18 ledl aot.n to 9 atarter:s. A rcal northeaatel! Bltoro raa ln !!ogr!ss, 7, B.rDtc LaufAar, St.l3C, 39:40 7:0O 32:!O 25.25t 2. Ll.tr ?aul, L Joba carlcl)],, 111.4A, 33148 1t0O 32:48 1, Pctcr Bochar3lff, t ^.,Wcrs, uaa., 26:3o; l+. 9. Vlnc. CtialDGtta, ura., 35:10 2:00 33rI0 I'tet Ac 26:23; 3, Dada RezeEiles, Met AC, 26:36; t. Mchld 10. Joc Burtl8, Itultcd.AA, 35:43 2:3O 33:13 ceorge IL. Joba Velasqur", $.AfC, 35:15 3:OO 33:f5 PEckard, 3AA, a5rlr8; 5. notert lGttelros, iGt AC, 28:O?; ?. C€orge Iattatulo, $(c, 3O:O6t 8. 12. *Jln Dare, tt.s, ]{aw, ct,,33:r9.lr scr. 33:1q4 Fretl Brorn, Sr., Nl.{C, 35:55. 13. Jobn 14(ra, Iydurst, t{, t. ,38:25 5roo 33:25 I4. D.ve cavcn, uDa., I{.J., 3L:59 1:3O 33:29 IEA.A.AO WOTCIS' CRoSS COU!mR! CElt{PIOnSm? 15. ryDr GDrntnabrn, nYPc, 33:30 scr, 33:30 2-lr11ee. Fr€al Pond. [ov.lotb l. Sara 3erdaa, lGt AC, 13:20t 2. lb:y Perdlc- 16, lirdLy Clerse, I'AA, tr2:03 8:OO 3\:03 ton, llet AC, 14:2?, 3. naDcy XntB, m{C, lh:l+'t 17. Robert lrlvltt, TTC, \a:29 6tT 3l+tr9 \. .Irdy Pattersod, lbt lc, +:1r5, 5, ?atilcta 18. Dr. Ralpb ELIt.rg, sJtc, Lr:o? 6:00 35:o? Mrr!a!c, lGt Ac. 16:l+2; 6, Eelcn RalsacU, nuc 19. Joc Bcrald, ced.r cr,,nJ,Ir:35 6t@ 3536 20, tobr ru.hLr.EE, Mtaf. l^, 38:07 2r3O 35:37 16:5O; ?, Phylls l,ltllcr. ltl.{C, 18:33. 21, Fralk t{cDonn IL, nfac, ItO:Io lr:0o 36:10 Tca!: 1. lbt AC, 7i 2. Nl.{C, 14. 36:22 Sct, 36r?2 lbc ghls JuEt 31td & .kldd.eA aroulil the lual 22. ?rcil Be!t, rJSgC, 23. Dr. I4'1Eg Alrshs!s,I1Pc,45:44 8:oo 3?l4l+ & vet grasB & often fell. Sala lerr[a! hedl hcr 45:lr5 8!m 38145 24. 3dc calsrcr, ulA, o\rn Yry & took oYcr at thc Btart. uD!t., 47114 SroO 39:14 25. IbvLA l&IraD, Srov!. S!.---Fr€il 26, Iorty scherrtr, rr,1a,, l?:35 8:oo 39:35 l+9:39 8:0O b1:39 ?7. PoIr Fr€tia, urat., MRDIII TRIM{PF 1T EEPIAGOI{Ai X.COI'IITRY gatt lhtt€il 28. Cherncy, !r., 54:25 9z(n \6:25 Bcorl{es York, Nov. 8- Doua xardlD, fiarvrril, 29. Lc chcrncy, Itdtca lA, 5613! Sroo 48:34 ed a 90y upset ov6t pt vlously unbeai.! ?ratk 55:l+7 8:0O 48tlr7 30. RtU Fror, une,' Shortcr, IaIe, tn lcaittna tralvard to thc EeI)31. ccrLna Robart3, un!., 56156 gtcn \8:56 tsgonal x-c chaE?lonaldp. IardlD ya. tbe acrhrdln. F. 2\t35.2i 2. Fralt Shorter. l, 2\':r2t 3. Kelth colburn, E. 2ltr55; \. EaEon Dovrey, Prlncetod, 24:57; 5. Davc ?ottcttl' E, er:o!; 6. Tod sl)enaler, F, 25:181 7. Tce lrDck, PrlEceton, 25:20; 8. Dlck steffori, Prltrceton, 25:281 9. Jcrrt riULlns, Pcrur, 25:30; 10. Steve Slttt[r, Yelc, 25:35, Tc&: l Earvard (9-o\ 27t 2. Pr'.uc.ton, 83; 3. ?cEn, 89r L. Ya1c, 1L2; 5, lrry, 12l+;5. traw, rl+2i ?. lait. Eoutb, l95i _8. Corrlcll, 22oi 9. Bloft, 2r0t 10. 1.



AIID SOGER CI,ARK SIIAI9 E TORS II{ X-C Corifa.ldt Park. N.1.' Itov. lO- Jl'! Ibr., YaD'AIB


fonncr ltlaval Acailcry star r-c rurnar, eharlal bonorE l.lth Rog€r CIarX of tle Itnlted Al t! e Mct AAU LDR Cc@. slonsorcd 6-nllc seafctt hrntllcap !'wr. Ehc lace vas nrrr ln a vrry beaw ralDstorr yhl.ch tuncil tbo courre llto a qu!8ctr!. Tbc rtrl3lrcr3 r€rc given bunallcaF rhlcb

--Joc nclnafiaan--


clove Lke ?ark, statcn fslanil, tr.Y., I{oy. ILth Tarry lcQurac, 20, of 8t. John'. Uatu., yon tlre arllqr]. Vetola!! r Day 3 l/2-n11a rtE 6Donaord by tbe lal)Icn Po6t lD.rlcad kgton #125 at Clove Irkc Prik. l4cgllllc ra! tlrc thlrc-lal' cou!6c ln 17:09.2 1! bcatlDg tlaloate Phtl lobtn ty 2oy, llcQuaile ran clo8c to tbc carly l.ailar, Bt lorl3 of th€ lter. fork AC. ghea Boerr radca tnto 3rd Xcquadc lovEat lnto thc lcad to stay. llaccr yel! llh.rc 4.o Btart€la & aL! cMdrt.it thc flat colrrlc on tbr l)evlA patbr of tbe Statc! fllanal IA Varrtty took tbe lilckc F!h, gt. JoLnrE lhlv,ylth 29 poldta, Struct l*rorlal trolby frc RRc of .Y. lrcla a RI{ ?oR flIf l!rogr!! JEat A total of 75 ru]lr3lrt befolc tbc 3 L/2 'd'Ler. fll.tn6ss runr of oIlc & took l)alt ln tha !rystcal tlrg ltLea, r. lioily t{cquadc, srt A vaElty, 1?:o9.2t

2, PhLl lbbla, SJU AA Varllty, r?r14t 3. Xd Bove8, rrac, 17:21t 4. Eo'tc ryaD, rtac, 17:35 5. toc rltkovrkl, CfiC, L?r44, 6. Rlcherd Lycir sJU lA Vaislty, Ur58; ?. Rtck Rortcy, l8:03r 8. Coltn Jordan, SJlt l l.roBh, 18108; 9. tid Lg.kl3, gJU AA Varrtty, 18118; 10. Rlchsrd Coluranlco, ura., 18:21; 11. Th 31auv.lt, l,llLlrosc AA, t8:25; 12. Stal Gordoii, St. Anth. 3C, 18:Z7r 13. }Akc lLlotta, SICC, 18t38 llr. Joc Jones, STAC, r8:l+3i 15. lave [\Isc!, Br:uce TC, l8:\5, 15. carT Reros!, Sflt rl Frosh 1,9151, 1?. Pet6i rlllnlng, S,lU AA Frosh, 18:57i 18. John rhite, SICC, 18r5Bi 19. CcorAc KochnaD, MAA, r8r58.1; 20. cc:y I'ocL]'n r, SJL,AA tr'!'o3b, 19r54t 21. C€or8c l/lece't.rrt, SfCC, 19rt7; 22. Joc gnuk, Staten Isla!|il CC, 2otOS; 23, Icn Pallllc, SJU AA Var€tty, N|2'lt 24. Bl11 gq.ac, l{AA, eO:29; 25. c€ne Reens, STAC, 20:\O; 25, Joe Gerncr, SJU.AA !r€sh, 20:4Ir 27. 31U. Schrdalt, rlra., 2O:l+9, 28. Walter Gordon, STAC, nt55t 29, Ton gart, SIAC, 20r59r 30. D!!r Dowherty, SIAC. 21:05; 31, Ccorge Padlu.s, SIAC, 21::.3i 32. Ih. Xodge, sICC, 21:f5; 33. BILL llelsh, lMlroee AAr 2r:4?r 34. B11l Ste{Brt. SIAC, 22:04 35. EaL azrocht, SIAC, eZt38; 36. Calt lf€atell, LIAC, 23:3!; 3?. Le Chcl.nqr, Utrtted ,A, 25:.431 38. Art Prtterlon, una., 25:35; 39. wr. Kad, UAl, 26138; ItO. Scott Patterson, una., 29:50. Tea!: 1. St, tobni8 ltatv. AA Va$t ty, 29i 2. lA Frosh, 60; 3, lrtUro.c IA, 5?; L. Statcn Ielanii Cmltnlty CoUcge, 75i 5. Stlten Istaed Ac, 94. --Joc nelncrdan-SJU



at thc lhlv. of Vlrglnia, $ovctrber'8, 1968 5.1'{t1cs- :.. Ceorge Ibvts, $c, & naiy, 25:08.4 (Coudc Rccotd.); 2. gorell tchaal, W8r'1, 25: 27; 3, Ir€d (keBt, Rlchdona, 25:l+9; ls. T.d Yootl, !r&M, 25:09; 5. Randy DcEart. IIPT. 26:1L; 6. Bsrry ghtfflct, vPT. 25:15. (ra' ruracra) Tcan: L Wllll6i! &, [g,':t 23t 2. 1'PI, 53t 3, U. of Va., 95i 4. la8tern l.lennonlte Co11cgc, 10lrt 5, vltr, 158;5. Rlchnond, 1681 7. rddge-,rrler, l73, 8. noanokc, 20,ai 9. vtratnla Ud-



X.C flEET f958


at Turf,aa lhlYorslty, trov. 5, Course Recor{: 26:07,8 1. I€itdle, So. CaroltDa, 25:17.1, 2. l{€lson, Eut[!!, 25:25t 3. Cooit., ls?tist Coalege, 25i 46; 4. Brttt, Balttrt Co[ege, 26:53t 5. 3apt16t Col1ege, 26r6t 6. Slnt, so. calollnr, 21ro7i 7. If'r| Moigaa, clGrrso!, 27:20; 8. FtA1c!, !!raan, 27:24. TeaDt l. Baptlst CoUcge, lo, e. rurnaE, ur; 3. u.s.c., 64; !. clcuEor. X-C CSAIIPIONSSI?S IT EIST ClROl,f{A I'](WERSIrY, Gre.Dvlllc, lf.C., I{ov.].]' 5 l/fr- tle.- 1. ccorEe Davls, ' al- 25152.9 ctRi 2. Doa Jayroc, ECll, 26t2li 3, Pred ChEBt, UR, 26:27; L, cb9p. Jor4a!, FEl.t. 26:38r 5. netll Bo!s, BCI', ?6fk3i 6. Ken \o$, E..J'J, 26:.47t 7. SOT'THERII COI{IBRSXCE

Ron€ll l.|lchael.



25:59; 8. J\rrts Lutlns,

g[dt, 27ro2i 9. IH l{ood, W8Al, 2?112! 10, Joe 12 Dqy, fCU, 27:31. lban: l. ltl]llall & lti6ry, Z) ( SouthclB Confrr.Dce gbudplons 5 of last 5 yesrs) 2. E !t Csrolha tdlv., 3lrt 3, rullau 88, I+. thlv. of lllcbdoDil, U8t 5. l'ul, 126; 6. Dsrrldson, 152.

?m AnnuAt tEmrcK t{axATEoN Assll. JR. Bois (9-p) 2-l{IlE MCE, Lnrlck, ?a., Sat,, rov. 9, 1968 (Rlrn thfu year aa e ])rr-Tbar*aglvlng Day everi becenre of grc'rllS ttelit. ) 85 ftnlahers 1! a! erccptlolll-ry 1er!€ $.Ll for your€sters of thls egc. Cou;rac rccor{! 10:34 by Clarle6 Vaslle, Ifllk6s-!6rrc, 1965. 85 l)dzos avardca--tfophles, !1aqt|t'a, Ilcaak,


&totr, lll.lhca-Bar l,leyer8 J!. Mohar.ka , CGnc Dcvk, Y-3 l&yers Jr, lrobayts, Llrl2t 3. Parl 3odr,. W-3 C,A.R. cr.naalclsr llr 23; 4, (ha{c3 Grcellflcltt, g-3 lGyeB, Ur45t 5. tar.ard Dsr.ts, l|-3 rycls, tf:\6, 6. Ran{y u,aer, W-B GAR, 12:00,, Teanr 1. !t-B Itryers, 25, 2, W-3 cAx, 37, 3, Sctylck "RaDblers" 70; lr. Bloomsturg Psntber Cub6, 9Li 5, l4-B Doabon Ekn ntar:f, IO2i 5. $-3 Lafrirctt El€nentary, 1l|o. Ory

10:5at 2.

I{EAAAU JI'IIIOR 15-nm CgAt{pIoNJnI? (opEN) Ciraid.nc!, lh6a., l[or€nbe! llth (Yetera$ Drv)


,tertera, lfeathcr: YetT bad, ylth s1u3h & thc roeilr. TcdIr. 34o, E)onsor€d by thc

EDoe oa

caldncr Rccleatlolr Departncft , Tcall: Br.ockto4 M, l-2-3-9-Lr= 3Ot 2. Sostod,AA \-5-6-7-A 3or 3. rorth rGaford club 60. l. ,!oty Rul'foot, CCAA, 54:53; 2. Janes Keefc, CC,d-, 55t56i 3. l(en n&a!er, Soston lA, 5?rL?; U. Da€ Dull!ry, IETC, 57:491 5. Joh J. Itcllcy, BAA, ,lr5Lt 6. Bob FtLlgrovr, $dtcrvllte AC, 58tM, 7. C!arl. 8 Dyeon, Xartford TC, 59rni 8, Janes l. Dsley,Jr., rn.€, ,9,!2rt 9. CeorEe Concfrcy, SrocktoD AC, 59:42t IO. rctGr StlDe, lAA, 59:56; U. BtIl. Sclflab, lIer York AC, 6..nt 12. Bruce Dobratt, trYC, 6r59t 13. Doa ?otnan. una., 51:Ot (tst Jr.); lL. ?auI Scgersten, 1[ach.Str1d.rcJ 5].:Og (2"4 Jr.); 15. rslry olran, ntc, 51157! 16. Glynn Wood, BAA, 62i9t !7. Kcvin Earr, Brockton AC, 52147 Grd Jr.); 18. Il]aus Yoottan, Harrcford Tc, 53:I0t 19. Mark Earrlson, ura,, 53:zo: ao. $'ron 31ge1or., BAt, 63r3lt 4. t'tlchael Scssette, 3!ockton AC, 53141, 22. Gene O'CoExeLl, BAC, 53:49, 23. ?hil ryan, BAA, 5l+126; 2l+, gdnund Comor, m.rC, 5f+:28; 25. Earl Eenrlckson, BAA, 6,+:2); 26. Jaes lbDailc, Mt.?ark AA, 65:d+; 27. Rtcbard ?aatard, BAA, 65r*t 28, Jold WaL].ace, BAA, 551 30; 29. r,cUna Bu!}ank. !AA, 65:35; 30, telIfd. Itorthcri, NtC, 65i6t 3]-. Dqte loory, BAA, 65:l+e; 32. Iplr PsqulD, ula,, 65:49: 33, TorV sal)lcDra, 3,'.A. 65:50; 3lr. Rlchard clapp, c, 6515'l; 35. Ratno Altt, nuc, 65:31t 35. Eerbcrt par.soEsr BAA, 6t\Oi 37.lfn. Taylor, rma., 55:l+r; 38. oean I'outnicr, l[aFsgdlsott X.S., 65:55t 39. Jobn A. KeIIey, uns., 66t5'li h. DoEalA .l{1lktn, NMC, 67: ?2: 41, PblltD ErrnrberE€r. BAA. 6?:31+: t2. Ruben Brgerov, r$,-57:36; l+i. iarce saloda, s, 68:07: L4. Rob.rl Ecrrqf, I[!c, 68tN; ,t5. ocrry nsrv€y' 47. Tcd. ul, 68:t6; !5. aaoa rqveg. 3AA. 69:211 Sjrlvlstertat. narregalrett FS, 69:32 I Next page)

:$ L8.

Bcaulleu, ft., rai,!c, 59:!1, )+9. John SrookB, 3Ac, 69tr6i 5O. Robcrt lrnb, ura., 7O:Ll, 51, Paul Branagan, BAA, ?O!23; 52, .'trft an Slegef, mC, ?O:3Oi 53. lavtd Ilelt' trarragansctt m,71t43t 5\. t{ark Fsagarty' NlO, 70: l+?; 55. r"ur scheu, Ic, ?1:oo; 56. Joscph l{araaco, r:na., 7fr25t 57. Gcrald ?. Cooil, rlaa AC, 7Lt29t 58. Wo. G1ms, StartsE AC, ?1: 31; 59. Eobert Canto, Nl,tC, A:33; 50. Kotth lurdette, ]{arrsgalsett HS, ?:lrlr5. (1O5 ltstcd Rcy


rlot.6. . ,snov & sluah hardl.y crpcctea t}l'B 1y Ln the year. Thc f161tl re. rr[uaually good, & a lot of goodl blgh school bolra l,arttcll}atea. For the fl.$t flve nl1es, Burfoot, Keefe, lei, Dun6ky & l{eLley rar togcther bnt at thlt lolnt Burfoot alecLdl.cil to t6k off atld. iud; norever, he raa over a Dlnutc bebinil F€l?h tulcbEsnn's recort.l for tb€ coulae. llhat prlles Terrlftc chahg & fu?olturc. (Gar.iner ra a furnlttrr. EaaufacturlD€ toyn). hrrfoot la lD grrat .h!pe & ahou1cl Ao rlll l[ Jal,ltl la Ier. I'lftee! trophica yrr€ a13o al.a}d,eil. Youag Jollllly Ke11cy ls !t1l-1 thc 8th voniler of the vorldi The Gar(hrer Recrastloo Dept. aoca a Itae Job on thl6 llrD eYelT yeet. --!r.otl MNTNESOIA




courac, lfl!r[ea],o116- St, Pari! SundsJ', Octobe! &, 1968 2 P.!I. CoDilltlon6: 58o, ltglt vlnils, laeal rnir:lig conilLtlonE. 75oo& l'-'oood 1. Stavo fioag, 21, U.of lttulrl,, ztr.'T3 W;m*2. l.tlkc 31ack, 1?, St.PsuL, 2l+t3l+ 49:48 3. Terry rhonas, 18, U.M. Fr, 2\..52 l+9t53 4. cres Nelson, 18, u.t! r'rcsb, 2\152 5o:\8 5. ccne Da\y, 18, U. n::a. Tr.' 25tO7 5Lt39 6. I€n lnlnry, 19, st. croud si',zr!+ 52,06 ?, stevr Fl.erro, 16, st.Paul, 25t5o 52t26 8. Pat Ln1n, 30, Ttrla Cltl.s, 26,17 ,3tI7 9. cl6n cqEtafsoB, a5, TcTc, 26'36 5l+.28 10. ,ous Edrdolaon, 22' U,l.ltan., 54,42t LL' .Iohn Crad.r, 17, St. Paul Wa3hilAtod F'.5', 55te 1?. ntck ?roepler, 17, St.PauL Park fiS, 55:aO; 13:'Joc rlcrr;; 17, st. Pauf Park as, 56:58; 1l+. lob CailsoE, u.a., 58:12! 15. Jt! Rees6, 18, U. of mnn, r'rosh, 58:l+8; 16. Rtcb Rqynonit, 22, 1\.1n Citlcs TC, 59to5t 1?. Dt. rin. Andterg, 57, TtTc,59:08, 18. Crea h'Lgbt, una., 60:47, 19. Da! ryaD, 20, TeIc, 6o:h€; 20. D€ra !,ocblcin, 17, nna., 6o:55; 2L. Dr. I6rry lotes, 35, lgrc, 60: 57i n, Dt, tevlil l{clss, 38, una., ?au Ctalla, (fi''7t 23. Dr.. Robcrt Foley. !o, Te"c. 51:05; 24. Drraht Pler€on, 32, Tcrc, 6l:lrf; 25. Ken Sclrvclacb, tna., 5t:58; 26. Wn. I,1 e, 25, TCTC 62;9t 27. lfart Frcnz, una., 55:32; 28. chuck ?a::eong. rua., 70;3]-| 29. gari/ Stanto, [6, TCTc, 70:51; 30, xob $epplar 9, l'lc, 70.57. Notes...After a tough illsquallficailon, h a x-c race egalDst illchlSdn Stat€ & Ea6tetr !{lcb., Stcve fiosg cane out & blaBteil throwh the at R1v!r Roails clrcult io a nev cotrsc !€cortl. Steve itas leeillDa the pack irl thc I'SU-EM Ecet,& Elsseil the ftral fl.ag about 3OOy frqn tb€ Rlyer


co3t b1! a blA .t'ttr & a tlr€ lr thc 24:2Os. alao co8t the U. of l{lnDe3ota harrl.B the neet. Mlkc slack, EDooth stridlng scDlor frm St. Paul Ser{llA 8.S., -tumeit lr a ve}y r€s!€cta}1e tfuc & aurl)ilacil thr.ee of thc top U. ol MlnII. fr.atmcn vlth aone vcrv aear_t pacc'sork. --Pat Larlld--

ft It

ORK;OII -A II X-C lfiE?, 31ue l,akc Couiae- Porilsnat rro,r.--T6td:-.6c-L5. te- l. Bob witua{s, OIc, Stevc SsvEg6, mC & B ce lrortenson, OIC. 2h:3r: 4. lllkc jtorr8, orc, 24137; 5. JID BBrklcy, statcrs, 2lrt 58t 6. S{y Renfro, OIC, 2l+:r9; ?. Russ ?ate, OIC, 25:12; 8. {ors rykr, PTC, 25:29.

OIEgoa Tc 16i steters 54. CoLLcgc 5-li{11c-:f . IBje Ih,

I*C, 2l+:l+6.5; 2. Artfe ?orel[, cr-.E, 24t47t 3. ltall 3016, IEC, 25r 32; L. Ted Dorns!, I&c, 29:l+8. Tean: 1. I,e(d6 & Clerk 31t 2. ?ortkna Shte 35; 3. oSU Rooks 57. E.S. 2.5-tdlc- 1. Itaik gleflclil, i{1lr.eukle, 11:

:9i-3:-::-':-}1g::::-::::*sr-l?:99: ---.----

OREGoI E.S. STATE X-c rBIS, lllflanette Unl.v., Saleo, Oregon, Ior. znit, 2,5-1.{t1es ( course .bout 2OOy short)- A-1- 1. Steec Pnfontalne, Marahft.litr 11:30; 2. llark fllefle1il. !ft1v6ukte. 11:34; 3. iidkc fiaqn, Bcmon, Portlana. 12:05. ?,-2- L DEvc BosSan, Central Llnn, 12:35. A- 1. BlIl Kcndatl, G1lchr16t, 12:5L.5.




Op.r- 1. lforf, Wler, PtC, 21:29; 2. 3ob wll].lag OI'C, 21:381 3. J1l[ l.lcc1ll' PTC, 22:13. tndverstty- 1. Dave Robblna, PSC, 2l:Olt 2. JtE Barkl.y, 6U, 2l:t?; 3, Glcnn KnopI. GU, 2t:L5. FroEI & Coturl]tty College- I. Mlkc Tolstoad, Gu Rooks, 21154, a. Allaa toyce, 6u Rook,22i.t SVEnCREEII COMEnTNCE, Spokale. Nov' 9!h- h 9-M1. I. Jerry Tlah€, whltvorth, 24:17; 2. Bob Ban83. Whtt., 2!135, 3. San Rt!g, CV, 24:111. Tes!: l. flhlt. 19; 2. C.ntral fash, 54; 3, Xaatcrn WaBh. 75, !. wrstcrn $ashtngton 91. (wben gsu t'as at fucao! to run Ar4rona, LaTly ALdberg, vho'il nevcr 6cen a cactua, klckeiL at one & got a 6!1nc throrl8h hlB tracL .hoc into h1d foot Just befoE thc race. Tt ald lot sean to bothcr hle as he r'ent out & act a ne? conrse !€cofil ror tbe L.l Dllcs. trl! ccmcnt r.a6, "They't€ Juet as Dcan aa thcy look,".,.Thca the!! va6 the ])resB tteearl at thc Olyrll)lc GanlE on th€ last Sunday t'ho satat 'bo thc rc?oriara gathei€al ln the lntervler rocm: "Thc blgi Jrelcra l.t1l not be abl€ to nakt 1-t at{! to lx}EuBtlon, but thc narathon runoera v111


X-C, $ov. 2nd., Portlaad, Plc! Park- 1. Dava Ftuc, L&C, 21:05; 2. Ted Dor!8jr, 1*C, 21:33; 3. Dnvc Stetlke, WIILs!.tire. 2l:&4i 4. Roa l1fe, llhltnan, 2l:52, 5. l{tkc 01tr, Paclftc, 21:53. Tean.. Tlc, I,&c & wt].lanctte 38. OI&GOII CCTLIECIATE COI{F., Nov. znd, Blue latc soc' 1. Arqte PoslU, cE 25t52t 2 Don Nelson Ir. rttte G]'ea 26:!'; soc. Thonas. larry 26:4o! 3. raete;'n-Oc, 26:55. lban: So. Orcgon & ollgon ColtrORTEIESa CO$!'.

leac, 35 tle.





Coitlanitt Park, Nov. tTth- rob dttr,29. of the lllllro6e ,qA. bltstereal thc tough Yan Cortlanatt Park cou4c ln the neet rccoral ilec of 30:14.6 to erack P.i. Mc.Ardle'8 oLt daik of 30:3!.5 (1963). The courre r€cord fo the o ]'ap8 of the 3-n11e IC4A courac ia hclal by oFia Moor€ (xlTc) at 3o:o9.1+ (1951+). Barry Broft, hsnpcr€d by a leg tnjury, flnt shca end & never th.eatenedl thc vtnner. Paul In8!arB1a, l{.Y. Statc li.S, cross-courtry c}lanpLon, flntgh.d 4 M1llro8e AA spon8or€d the race. Vart

1. 3ob I1-ttB, l{11lros€ lA, 2. Barry Brovn, NYAC-4, 3. ld rore6, NrAC-4, lr. ?aul Ingrassla, L.f. AC, 5. node ryan, TYAC-A. 6. Joe Bessel, rrac-3, 7. 3111 Earr€y, NYPC, 8. IyDn cunnlnaban, ltYPc, 9. tln Krauss, NYAC-B, 10, Cary hrhrcke, l,tlflrosc AA,

3-IO. 6-r{11cg 53 30:1!.5*




15r46 32:08

L5t42 32taj I5:l+5 32:11+ 15!48 32!20 15:49 32:21



I5-t57 32156 U. Jobn Car].elp, lrlllr.o6e -AA, 16:!.0 33:17 12. Ttn Blau1relt, l,tlll.ro6c AA, 16:39 33:2I 15ro5 33:33 13. Tcra Robtnson, l,ryAc-4, ],.6t25 33:3tt 14. Btl! Sclrab, NYAC-A,

f5. vlEcc chlap?etta, urat., 16:21+ 33:39 15. Cunthcr Moses, IIYPC, 33:58, 17. Ertc irsl st. Anth,Bc, 34ro5i 18. lon o'coddor, l{YAc-3,

J+:Ogi 19. .A!.t Steg.n, I{YAC-A, 34.14i 20. Clris Doralc, Nelrlngtotr, cotn-, 34:24; 21. 3ob oate€, L.1, l,c, 3l+27 t 22, Joc 3urns, Itntted -AA, 3L:29; 23. FreA Fhh€rty, F €eport Tc, 34:35i 21. Rtchard ColuaaDno, una., 34:45; 25. Pat Sa8tlck, IliY AC-B, ll+:l+8; 25. Pat 3rrke. lilA.A, 3lr:50, 27. Stgaund 3ofag, Nln lngto4, Ct., 34151t 28. Jo€ V.laB quez, gt.lnth,3c, 3ar'ot 29. Ro8ier clark, ItllA, 35:011 30. Itlke Roon€y, L.I. Ac, 35:13; 31. oeuc Ir,rocdey, NYAC-B, 35t39t 32. ceorgc Kochan, t'oA, 35:l+o, 33. Daye a.1leu, NYPC, 35:l{o.2i 3L, rrcd Sr.eif-l, L.I.AC, 35t491 35. Tod O'ar1ea, 3ruce IC, 35t5ot 36. Enest Rlva6, una,, 35:52t 37. Dav€ Tlrncr. Bruce 7c, jr59j 38. J1E Ktrpl, rYPC, j5$5t 39, Erraln GarclE, Manhstha r:Llght KlDgs 36iu; lro. cenc vlllgraltr, rYPc, 3612!; 41, Matt cola, una., 37:O5t l+2. Bcn BrldroE, I'AA, 37i51; l+3. r,l'ad Tolies, una., 38115; 44, Job! l.4ccaililen, st.A3c, 38:1.9i 45. Jla i{ccul.Dacss, }.tAA, 38:39i 116. Blu. coFte, !taA, 38:4r; tr?. Frank vsa[, IrrA, 38:58; l+8. Dr. Johr Bottalo, uda,, 39:18; 19. Phl1 poUn, ttM, 39:30r t0. A4y Mcslfty, ulla., l+o:o5; 5I. 3ob trevltt, Fft€port Tc, \or35; 52. tavla r'r€ltLDr.n, 3ftce TC, 4I:39; 53. Sariy Col.ter,Jr. , tAA, !1:50t 5l+. Hc eelrlcr, ttAA, 41: 53; 55. Rahh gaitc. Fairll.clal x., \2229t 56. naroLd Eurlcyr uns., 43:43; 57. Ta4dt8 lbvtr, NYPC, I+L:LL; 58. Mor-ty Schrartz. una., \7137. Team: f. ilev York Ac-A, 34t 2. MtLIrcBe AA, 49t

70; 9, Itntted .S , rO?, --Joe laelnclnaa-sDuts r Fl.tt6 l+rlr5., L2:50 (2l'/2 !l7.), *,53, 19:50 (l+-nl, ); 3rwa, \:lr!, 13:1o, 15:22, 20:45.




55t 4.


CAPIITRES ?AcEns A.c. 5-l,fiIE mt{ u Pott6toen, Pa,, Sul1aqy, Nov. 3d 2 P. ,- A total of llr8 IuD.n€rE & Joeser€ bral'od the cold, rdtrd.dy, ialny seather to coryete ln thre! itlffcr elrt elrcnta at ihe 2nd annual [eet lrmoted by tha ?ottstovn PaceG A.C, & th. local Jayce$. Lou Coppem rlppeA ttu:ough tlle r:alD, r.1dtl & Brd to lol.er Rlcb l,byers' coursc ncord o' 25:l+f.l+ ilosn to dr anarlnA 24:3?.8. Kcn Balcr. Frank Frick & i,lo3es lGyftelil foUoped. l{4yflcLl eaa 1n 2nil llaca alurlnS the r:acc & took a rrong turtr & entteil up 4th. A total of 33 Dcn flnl3h€d tne Srinat over the very h11ly cour3.. 1. Lou CoFens, Penn AC, 2l+:3?.8*CRr 2. Kel1 BakcrJ u!a., We6t Che6te. State Colleee, 2r26t 3, Irank Frick, SmC, 25..31t 4. l'lo8es l.{Byficld., Pblla. Plodcafe, 25:rO; 5. -AlLeD Clba3, Phlla. 74oL,, 25tl+\, 5. Bob B"ol.n, Lancastc. Tc/Mtll6rsd11e State, 25:48; 7. Iffld Zablocky, Harrt€bura l,AA, 25:ol+; 8. PauI llrcuskl, Pelrr Ac. 25:l+o; 9. Iarry Simo!8, Pton., 26t50; lO, crlf 3altht8, Dcla?are T8f, 27 ro9t LI. Iravtd Drbble, Bbg. LAA, 27 tL1i L2. 3ob Shark, Ebg.AAA, 4:t+4t 13. Al Las-

lou coPPtftr


Ebg.AAAr /7:\6t !+. Dermtr f1p!.rt, EbA. AAA, 28:35, 15. ?aul xccoirlson, uia., 28:lr9r 15. Bob ILLls, BoycrtoeE, Pa., 292a8t 1?. Roitney Haf6r, Danlel Saone 8.S., 29t4t 18, Ton Frcderlck!, idaLe.EvILLc Statc, 29:23t 19. 81ch sheivalr, Paccrs lC, ?9128t n. Tcm ltsher. SJ'IC. 29r29t 21, Bflrcc Carter, Pottatovn, 29:4Ot 22. Rtchard Burk , Paccrr iC, 29:rIt e3. J€rry verdet, Pacers AC, 29:51+; 2lr. Irvr.ance Earvcy, Pacsrs AC, nt]lgt 2r. Bob Flizchartes, IE€rel, 3f:2O; 26. lan Sc1lcr, Pacers AC, 3]1.26i 27. Jo6 Stefanoricu ?hlta. AC, 3rt4?; 28. Carl" E€rbcln, flbA,lAA, 321 4It 4. A6 Se11e6, lGchaDicsbuig 8.S., 33:19; 30. aobcrt BciahLlae, ura., 33:23; 31. noroaa Bak.r, SJTC, 33:41; 32. Rtchard Ka.nn, una., 37r O4t 33. 3ob Gllchrtot, DgIa,TEF, ,O:29. 2.8-}.!IIJ F.s. RACE- 1.. BtrI I,oulr, tbper t{erlon F, Pa,, 1l+r35 (R6cord; old aa*, 15:06 by Mtke Potq)a, GGn J. Roberts tts)i 2,fln Kostcr, Rlittcy ?ark lts, !+:4Or 3. Btch schnttr, Perkl@cn school, 1l:lr?, I+. Joe Todczuk, sumcrdalc tc, 1l!5!; 5. 3ob larellcr, CerdlDaL otEsra El, L4r56.

(87 flntsb.!6) 1.5-l.lI[E Rnra- 1. Mrke Taylor, 36, Collegevllle, Pa., 13:33i 2. Cha3. EarrhAton, glLEinA:ton, De1. *:ll; 3. Tortr GIILeB?1er Dovnlna:tor.n, Pa., 14:19

(zI ftdsners)



DrV. X-C- E:ugenc.. Oru.. Nov, 9tb- 5- t. I'flkc 1. IJo!B, OrcAon, 3l.r4l; 2. Teriy Dooley, O|caoD, 31:45.2; 3. T@ lro.ror, oFgon, 3L:5o.9; L. lbvE liobblnr, ?ortlaDil Stat , 31t55.8i 5. gtcv! Savsgc, Oregon, ?r13.3t 6, BlLl Ko63, La€btbgtotr, 32:23i 7. ft)eDc6. &'er!, CeU, 32:31; B. BtIt tusrt, Laah.,32"34; 9. Job Woodr.ard, OIe., 32.\rt Lo. Ea1 Jactron, orego!, 32:l+?. Itsan: 1. Oregon 2Ot 2. Orugon Statq U.. 7?; 3. yarhlngton, 93; 4. Portland Stara 96; 5. U. o' Portlatrd, 136. liCRInERr[

,iu:n"* : ux.::'4""'0. fi x:"hff i:fu :a":


- 5-lrIIE



BoUlng Alr lolce


raBhlngton, D.C., Octobcr 2{. 1968 Colonel BlLt th@as, l+6-year-olit fo:rcr Alr Forcc nilc cba[I)lon (1948), $ar tbc tridtcr 1n hl8 flf8t ol,.n racc. Ec haa bccn larttctpattlg lE thc RFn rac€s ror four nontlE llcdthcr: SuDny, 6go, .l"dy. courlcr Flat. ElaD. thE Actrul T, FE t --i[l4z1. BiLL ?b@a!, -Ee2. Eall cook, 13 39121 31:12 =T 3, Jon EppersoD, lo:15 31rI5 91

1€:23 36123 25 l+O:45 3l+r25 23 5. ccorao Pbitltps, )+1:o5 31:15 L, \r:35 fg ?, Ray c,ordon, Ir1:\8 31rl|5 8. 8111 Mirlen, 3orr8 l! 9. Lou Dcxtrate, 42|.o'l 32tO7 19 L2:og 32..18 eo 10. Ceoff 8arae., !2:u 11. Peul r.ach, 4..\2 9 12. Chct laDAYortby, lr2:10 3f:3O 16 13. Bob Send.ford., \2;n 3\r4 * *. John Ftnlayson, L2:L3 8.\3 lo 42tro 38!50 zl 15. Jo€ ltccart]y, \2155 33135 2r 15. B1ll Mtsh, 25:31 2 17. gt€v! tackrou, f3:ol 18. chcstcr sa*tlld, lr3:o3 39:03 28 19. ccolgc ctlhac, 43113 4.53 5 \3125 3ot25 12 m, cerlrcklcr, 21. Chadcs 3!orl1' l+3:33 /l;33 - l+ Ir3tla 29rl2 7 22. Breoilan Ega!, !3!l+3 2r.\3 l* a3. car grl].iars, 24. Dr. ,a.Icr Ratcuc, !4:2! ?9tz\ I 5 25. Rlchard tlader, lArog 4$9 l+1:3? 4 25. T@ ottelstdn, Ur:37 2?. JohD turrtgr€a, \5t32 35r\2 25 28. Davld Star.n6s, )+622L fl,zl, 3 29. BttI O'R.1[y, l+6130 35:4O 24 2-MIIE RI:rL- ]. Petcr J6Dscn, U:37 (urd.fca \.

Lorrnro cloYr, 5. catvtn AnAcrson,

thls sea6oa)t 2. Ipu lbxtrara, 12115; 3. Rly valasqucr, LAr22t 4, cary l,cvtrc, 13r0O; 5. J€f f!!y Gr.retr, 13:01; 5. clbarlcs ryar, Itrro?; 7, Jcff r.vhc, *r27; 8. Robcrt Peakc, 14:54t 9. John th@as, *r55; r0. T@ ottcnrt.tD, 15:02, --Ray ColiloD-,(42 ftntshers) DO AnC IO-|{LE RACE, Cott.s. Clty, MirylFnit Noy :10, 1968 Weather: lllntly & cold teq).'45o xt DC nRC bolr.r ibl.s lace aDlllra}ly .t th. h€oc of l].frcd. Ib@ Fclilc, olrc tt4r trirrqp€ea aacc valkllg cb!:rpioa aDd lcilaL v_IDre. fo! Gc!sD|. 1n th. 1935 Olyrytcs. lhe coursc ls aE al)pldLlrt€ ha}f-!t].e trtalgu:.er Loop tbtough a rcslaeatlal a6ot1on. llbl.a year th. nllEelB ncabout 1 la? Sotlctcil 22+ 1al,e vhlch ls plobablygport Club, too 1ong. Gar T1l]-1rra, Ta3bllgtod ca8Xly outiltutancetl the flela to take f1rst. 1. (ler r .ltaEB, l{SC, 55:31i 2. St€ t6ck.oD, raSC, 60:13! 3. John tJtrlslor{, u9c, 62.22t \. Dt. cAbe u1!k1tr, ysc, 62t53t 5. - 63,59; 6. - 6r':35t 7. Paul leach, 65108; 8, Joba TruahhDd' wsc, 56:3I; 9. ceorse U,'lor, 67t39i 10. ttry GornoD, vsc, 68:16; IL. Brlndtan Egar' 58:25; f2. Gcorue pblflrps, 69:Lr, 13. - ?! _r4. Blf.I r4t3h. 7t:13; 15. Dlck Scbr@, 1ftr5i 76. KcD B.hEDooD, ?2:15. 2-l{1le RnfL- 1. Dtck QulDl}, llor3t; 2. Xike 0q:!ed

iod, 1o:3ltt 3. 3ot tost, U:o8t 4.


(29 ftDlshcrs )

I.ou Dext6zc, --Rey 0ordoa--

5-|{IIE RoAD Rltll, lbrtb Attleboro, !,b66., Se!t, llr lJeath.r: f,tl€e1 l-. N. Rob!, P.ovl.aleace CoILegc AA, 24:42; 2. Ken &lcLler, 3AA, 24:l+8; 3. lrrry olscn, Itl'lc, 25:0f; lr. t.t. Keucy, Prqv.coL!.ge 4,?rto't r. R. bSonte, Prov.Collcgc AA, 25,34t 6, Thcdas llallor, PCM, 25t\5t ?. 1{. gpcck, PIAA, 25t\1t 8. cba{es ItBAu1rc, Slrartan AC, 25t55t 9. trntlural Connor, NltC, 25t56i lO. JaEs Oortlotl, uae., 25:00; U, T. G!aDgc, ?lon.CdllGgc AA, 25118; 12. R. Cloake, PCAA, 26:311 13. R@ Oaff, nFC, 25:33; 1\. R. touabun, PclA, 26:42; 15. Tt! lvoDs, B,,,., 261+3t !6, L Dtrtl'l, PCAA, 26t5fi V.Bver€tt Drnd, $8., 27 tO':, 18. T. CalebrEgc, PAq'A, 27tj9t 19. J. Rotrsasco, PCAA, 27:15t 20, O. gclultz, PCIA, 2?:r9. (74 lt3tlil flnlrbrls) --trrcal lfovl!, Sr.-NEMAU JUtrIOR SROSS COI'ITRT CEAlllPIOtrTI?S (ODeD) ?r€sb ?@d., Calbrrdgi, Uass., roveDbor 16, 1968

5Ir otr golf coulae. Sc6c snov on grounit & also vcry Bltpt€r?. 97 3tar,ters otr a coLl, ovarcast d€y. A r!a1 battle for fut place eIL th. i'ayi 15:30 1. D.n l{ofnlh.Il, Ff,otllrgbri AC, 2. Xltc KcLl.y, Proviacacc Coflcge lA,* 15:31 15i34 3. ?€t. ?cekoyELt, l{et ac, (z!d &.) 4. tstrss lccnt, 3olton AA, (3rd. Jr.) t6:35 5, Rob€rt &rcxLl', ProvidleDco CoU. ,AA, 16:l+3 6. ?cte Bertolottl, SI)artc! AC, 15rlt8 ?. loDJ' ?roDtl.rro, uDa,, 15:49; 8, TD. Sleck, f6:51; 9. Tc|! tuor, PCAA, 15:52; CIyDD rooa, 3Af, 15:54; LL, Jobn RcdEsco, PA!.,.., t5t55; 12. (i6orge Coocfrly, Brockton AC, Plov.CoLL.AA,


]!6258; L3. EoLLls ga]-ton, ura., 15:59; 1{. }brk Earllaoa, u!a., l7:oot 15. Cbarles l,hgulf€, SpartaB AC, 17lol+; 16. Fralcls [bds1ua, PCAA, ].7:OBi 1?, Robcrt ItcEttry, Sl,arta! AC, L?:15r 18. Janes rl!J.ay, Froth.AC, f?tL5t L9. Tod Lltt].€, Frotb. Ac, !712?t 20. {E, Iandf,ler, lrotb.Ac, 17:23; 21. l,ou lraqulD, Ill{C-A, {:2ltt 22, Kclrln f,Ert, BAC, I7t25t 23. Robcrt Eer€€y, lS.'lC, U:3tj 2l+. I,outs PauI, t{et AC, I7 t32t 25. Gary Paul.t8, SpartaB AC, L7t31; 26, Ed.runil coDnor, Ii{C, r7:39j 2?. weyne ll!@psoB, sAAc, I7:4o; 28. Rlchard Packsr"d, BAA, BAA, {:41; 29. st6vc P].atzlr, Fro-ih,ac, 17:42; 30. Reerett lbrn, una., t7:44; 31. Jane3 l0r4Ay,

[nr., f:45;32. Job! I'lc$t11laDB, Sparlad AC, f,7: !7; 33. ToE t{asulr., sDartan Ac, t7:48; 34. Dave Du.long, sPartad Ac, L7r\9t 35. Joe Eedrlcks, una. U:51. (93 finbhers ) t= ft. I{lnl1er 16ai: 1, Prorltl.Dce CoLLegc AA' L-\-6-7-8= 26t 2. Slartaa AC, 51; 3, SostoB IA, ?8; !, lGt AC, 91r 5. Nc-A, 92; 5. srocktoB Ac, r32; 7. uc-!, 160; 8. !atc-c, 19o --F!eiL }iovn, sr.--

wIU{IlrcTOtr, DEl., [ov, 2L--Pcrfcct veaiher 8r€€i.d the opanl.8 n1u 1n llelavare T6cl' Club'8 3r-a aaDua]. poat-Beaaotr x-c acrl€s at Rockford Paak. H11ry !.'-rdrc course,. L, ortf lalthts, DT8:F, 23:58; 2. Rlck trltchfor{, l{cl(ean ES, 24rO5; 3. Wes Stack, DIEF. 2lr:O8: lr. Kevln o'CoEro!, m{'I', 2l+:lor 5. Rel]ly, salesia E Es, 2\:19; 5. cb-rls HetbIttkc '""mu, ni"ir.*"" fls, 2l+:33. (2? frDtsbers)

I:q!, 54t35_t

couBc ln. bceutlful sl,rllg-tlke veatbcr. (lar,.y 'E l.lth tbc lcsdcrs aff thc vqy & pultcd aHEy 1D the late stsgcs to dcfoat RolaDit Cor_ Eier of thc l{orth }teilfori Club by ?5 F!ds. Els rrlDnlna,ttue of 49:28.2 va6 ertt off tb. r.coFi of 46:L9.4 catabllshed by oscar lboft tn 1964 Juat aticr hts r.tuh fr.!! th. Tobro va3

Oly[rlcs. the recc al!6r. s laaga crortt, Dolt of rhcd

lrcparllg for th. !crd. d.+,is fCtA X_C. 3:!4. 6_rr. 9-"r, cary rfibrcko,





2. Rofand Cordcr, IXC, 15:16 3161 33:OO L9:tr5 3. RI 3one8, rev York AC, 16:15 33:m ,O:O3 |}. ToE lrcDahu!, r6n.Cot., 16:A0 33:20 5o:tl 5. fl! Schttrdlcr, iTIU Fr.,t6:lr2 33:!I 50:39 q9E qerlce!, }'|ltr'lA, 16:20 3132 ntil 9' 7. Ed galkr.ltz, Mt.!t,AA, L6:36 3t+;O6 rl:W 6. &ratln oubbhs, lrAA, 16:53 34:l"L 51:16 lng!aaste, LIAC, 1.5:20 3f:IO 5t:A1 -9. PauL Lo. Erlc walthcr, st,ABc, t6:38 3\:r3 5t:az 11.



Eordc ryan, ffAC, I5:L5 34:j+1 5l:29 12. CsrV Bcach, t arhlttaa Coltcg. Fro6h, if:29 13. Rtchard Dorets, Iar,CoI. AA; 51:32, ft+. J r&PArtfard, ](fu Fro8h, 5?tnt Lt. to€c Vclea-

qu.r, St,Anth.rc, 5ata]-t ::6. D.n Strl]'tvaD, tsD. g9+:8" 4A, 52t23t r7. Jo. tlttkov.kl, cJTc, 52:rroi lE. IFrry lacrolr, nXC, 5A:5O; 19. Joc 3uru, lJbltcd A.A,, 52r52t 20. CollD Jord.!. St. Johnrs lhlv. Frosh, 53:05; 2t, Jo. Xotl, btr. Co].l.eAc A{, 53tfL, 22, tlElol3 Sul].lya!. tGlt. Collcgr Fro8b, 53tf6t 23. B1IL cordon, St.ABC, 53t23t 24. Ihv€ carln, BsstlDa Rtdac, f,.J., 53127 t 25. Vbcont (iackaDh.tscr, !|aD, Co1.,AA, 53t2E, 26. pat !iu'kc, xjJ-, 53:3i; ?7. trr ri.au !YAc, 53:a:; 28. Pat lastlck, lirAc, 54:2ij -1i' 29.- Rtck Ror.l.y, t+A, iLt29, 30. G.Ir. IvocEly, IYAC, 5a:30; 3!'. Jtr l,cebardl, Cfit, 32 Jli ,lfoihtd66, L.I. AC, 5\r3jt 33. EtltiL:3L; rahor. tffi., 54t35.2t 34. Jact Icpartland, f,ofiood, N.r,, 5+36t 35. D.r!k vaD racn, xin, 5L:t6j 36. Srucc lBreerk, nXC, tl+:[9; 3?. Jan EtchcIL, giIU Frorh, 54:5t; 38, l.{lk€ Relf, t{M, ,5:

ll!9. !r+ oLs@, Imc, 55t22t tao. Andy Dar.y SJU FrGb, 5rt25; \L. Joh! Ca_tbro, ttan, Col..AA.

55.32t 42. Tce Ot3rten, Bruce IC, 5j:55; lr3. atoD, uru., ,6t28t \5, lBrc fhurlaD, GaDg€ c@\t!, ,6tr7 t [5. Davc XiDa, I|rg Fr,, 47. Ilcn Llndaur, 6t.A!th.XC, 5T:(,0; [8. 56;59; At W11rlaDs, Itfpc, 57 to3t \9. flr Bor,tes, AtbeDJ. RRC, 57t29t 50. Tcd corbltt, Nypc, j7:32i 5{. xtc Eagg.rty, SJU Fr., 57:33; 52. lI SsaD, CJTC,.5A:01; 53. Dr. o€orac Sha.h&, CJ!C, 58: J.2-; 54. Chuck Forrs, Ora!€e Co,, ,at].ji 5j. Eob cEte8, LIAC, 58r23t 55. pcter nalrn1DA, SJU

58:21r, 5?. Tc. c.rcroa, vcot srae 66g6,lJ Blll. ccyle, _tor{, 56:L7; 59, p511 pe1.58. rD, Ullrcd AA, 5A:5I; @. IXck Couqr, uDa., 59: Jo. Bclatr, ccnar Crov!, n.J., 5g$\;- 62. 9 i 9r.!€rDcr, jgtLg.. $a!6au CC, 63. Davtd. Llttlc_ 'roc u:-ol-h11*re' 59t27t 5l+. L.nry parl'e, 3'i?l yv 4, 2tt+2t o). Bc! tittaslrn, yAA, i9r53, 66. 6:nt 67' rqnc rrv, ua;., IlllT. rlP":.Blrr P":.' th'n.h.n, yaa, &t53, 69. Dt: Aj{; 99. RaIIrh Ellb6tB, So.JGf!.6l fC, 6l:Oli ?O, Lac Xatt71. Joc Schldt, Cou.Ety, :9r:^u!r., o1:1O; -' pst Orbbt$, uD!., 61:35;GcDgG 6_Ir26t'!2. Jobn ?3. 8j:A-x9, 6r:391 Joc E u-Eorte, o.uae 9-.T:] cdrltt, 62:0-5;-75, tob7b. Leavltt, rrccao* tC, 6Z: z)i (o. Dr. yrttcr ltccolo611, C&t, 62t36, n, Br:hr hr.'r, (hllcit AA, @}1+2i fg. Brlan Erz.f_ toD,^trar.m Ct, 62153t 79. Jcff Stchll, CJ'It, 53: -"'

rcRlrcv, - Qucoo"bolo cc, gl,ii.-' P-i^P: 44vflatrh.rr (IOA ll.tal --Joo l,C.ct4e!!aa-_ Ir.'r: L- ltlllro.a AA, )r-lr-5-r?-20= 4?, 2. I,taDtst_ :tl. cor+et:3C,aA' 5r; 3.St.Itcv lolk Ac, 67j 4. aL fi&loqy'r 90; 5. Jobt'! thtv. Frosb, ILg, o""tTr JcE.v tc, ]26i 7. ulrted lr, t56; e.' ?. OreDgc C.Nrrty, 163, (Zl lrlzes evanted.) gcbtldlcr, Lrt_5.qugcr:

Jt! rn Frosh; 2. JuEt1.I., 3. Pluf rrlara3sta. * qt!]l-' 4uPort, corbltt, I[ypc. ll: !.rcnu {o r 1O)- red (!,aorse Dr. sbc.hst1, cJ{!. lll ll)_ rll' I"F*" vclcrr! t0*" ( Ovlr 5O)- Jolu Ctocs, Sr, Artb,fc


nAw DAy RUn,

r.noo!€, ryr-lnnuAr Cnllf., Octob.r aO, f968 Sgoeorea by tbG Rec_ '-r{Irrs ErtloD Div. U.S. fvsf Alr 6tetloD, Leroor6,


].. P6tar Aco.te, ncall.ct Co[eae, 36:m; A, JohD P1trsD, ura., 3lro0; 3. g"o la.q,to!, CoLLegc of th.. Scquolas, 38:fO; lr. EcDry Rabtruz, Coueac 9! t9" !3c"9!*, 38:LU 5.. Jorrv llobbs, u!a., 4r: Eurl_ _4ot b. Jtr Edvtrds, tBI{, 42:25; Z. trresley, burt, Irgr, t3:55; 8. Eob (trtzz6lL, UStt, 'lr4:13; 9, Ipu-P.n!rr!I, USf, t5i5l+; tO. y1d61, Vald.z, IJEittlC 4b:3d; lL. Joc th!a, Irgf,, 47:39:, 12. Bob Lbuall. R6edr-sJ'. CoILcgc, 5Lt25. (I7 lt.tcd fhlsh.rs) E Lil at Elckcy lb!k. A aood a.al of tDterest tb road rulnlDg rar gatcrsta{i Ltl the area by tbe

--Lt. toc Sh6e, tlS[R--

rrircnlro& mr., rov: ie--**;-;------------_ 1or, Jcff Brokey ol,adcal aa aarly ].cad. & hcld. lt eLI the val' to caltur€ the lrth annudl Dolaeare State OI,€D x-c !.et, bef,tt ulder le.ae! sktes ov_ er th. hl.l\r 4 1/2-!t1e Roekford ?arx coulse. Br€&ari6 22:13,5 .aslly out-ili.talcei! znal place ftnllt r Crlf talthls, fotuer EtAh polnt, r.C. CoLLeg€ ethl.t c@IEtlDA for tbe De1a,rere Tt{, C1ub. Balthtr rss lusb.d bt tr.o other DnAC ru!aerr 1a c blaDLct fld,sh. I. J.3f lro&rr, 22tA3.5t p. Crlf Balthir, 2lr:O9i 3. KerlD oicc'lnor, 2lr:to; lr. K.tth pattou, 2t+:i_i.; 5. Tc!ry Plc!a., Saleslalll[ 6; 5. mck Ll.tch_ f ord, Mctr6an ES. (19 f tlllsb.r! ). . Jr. Dtv. 2. 3_X1. l. qbrls Wcth.rbold, BarrhatoD f,S, l_l:AL. (44 f1!l'3h.r3 ).,H@6!,B. Iltv, - l. NaDcy IEylor, IE&FC, 6:27,4 (1.2-t{tl.! ) 4 flak}€rs,

UCIA' 15; 2' santa Bslbara Ac' 5rt 3' sr'Tc' S.P.A.A.A.U' DIsTRIct TEA| cEltlPloxsEl?s- I'6' irc'*'6or's' vct! 1t9' E4; 5. pr."". cor.iih; 1:.1!*"81: rr. vet1gy sPMAU ror zoa' but tb'v ar" rrot ellglble r'""' D16tr1ct af,sdB. ) S.P.A.A.A.U. SEI{IOR AND VETENA'IS DISTRICT CNOSS COUI{TRY CSAUPIOTSHIPS ( 6.75 lt1le ! t VerY IIot and Wlndy saruRDAY, I'OVEIIBER 9TS' 1958 AT 1O:O0 A'i{' nunnlng Comclltte€ sanctloned atral sponsorod by! 5.P'A'A'A'9.' lnDt stanc€ Ulllr. Sooallana College Ilosted by: Bob Chanber! at Pleaoe

It, "iil';;;-'*;;i.;iit'".,ra




128 Statterg lle€t Dlrector: Phll clarke 116304 1. ceoff Pyne, scs (B-UCIA) )6r5L b5' Unkno$n -. \6tL5 sBAc Thlete' Bruce liill 2. Dan Preston' ucIJ!

** i:5. i:T.:;"rF;;*i", Pcc rorrn Lah'son,

6. Ian Jones' scs

- iitii

"e' 1z:i2 tz; !::-":i:::'li"::" B i;;"b ';;: Biiun c'riorr, Plerc€ urla'


So' Jerrv Gallast'€r'

4?'L6 b7'44

s: ii' ir"".t", ucrr..,-. iiili tZ: $iii ";t::::"*r" ii!:\i i. ;:3"6;:lli::;"i::." l|;Zi iZi|V be'ot sr' " sc-rr,tck' c.es bo'o5 "9it ii. iiSl-i"iiiilli: ll: 49to6 n rr""" uru""i i;t;ii ie, riuit 12. Don Davts, PccsBAc U9t22 iitil\ SZ" Ricttard car;ada' unat' lf. B11r An.lerson' ccac shafre;' st'"tia"" io.n6 i:8. slvrc irr, eirr Gookin, i1i?z \o'5o 59' John Tansl€y'.s co.roe, scs


15. 15. 1?. 18. 19, 20. 21.


50'11 t+ot'Sl Zit' cary }l.tlr!' iL€rce a 5ltl2 ttt.og et' cl€;n nl-erit \rtc ,L'J) tj-t,.tS gi' Belnaer ltaniin' Uant' ttiii2 el' Don Jones-' sTc- v"t (lr2) '?trrt* iliUi er+' llevllle Kinge una' tl'z' 52tr5

Ptfil cadp, unat' N€l1 Sybert, ucLA Earry llccalla' PGc John Brennand, sBAc Dennls s€ith' svrc Pat Ear'I€y, unat.


nl.irr, sue ii. nus"err smc ii. i"i-eiit..rr.ei smtth, ucLA

67' \2'r9 tt7'ie

21. 25. Frank trrevne' coAc n^"" riaco,


Lll55 6G.






iil"t::k:;"::":sl"^ iai Z!. i.i"t Lc"tlc,-u1at. Gr;ener'vrc f6, .rrrrrDr6ke' ccAc

eA' eg'

l(en Saund€r5t RR John Ed Rarnires' un! Jo€ l"t€nd€l;ont sl'taa Bvron--Pott3' -nR


sendrtcke'tvrc lZili 52t55

i;ttl i6' ai.'

v'"1.' ilu'3;cBv"


"tr"ft?itrL-sj'sg 3li:l"1.iii'h.;.. il;ii iL ?arton' 42t45 iJ' wavn€

ltzrso ?tt' Ittk€


:tfi;' "

ii'-ioop""' src'v€t (5o) i;ii; i;" tr::i3 i3' unt<o"rn B ii;i6 it' i;i-R;;"'e'.Plorce ttlrlo Iarren th€ltotr' Una'



3r. Bob 55r+t+ chlsam' ucLA 32. scottcarron' 56'r" src 'e3r Phtl 56135 A " iA. jtr. Tony AEersfoot' Pt€rc€ 'zs. stti crun, src-A '1,1;2f 33: 3:1"":::lf,'ffi *. ,r", !71!! 36. BtIl Boradr smc sBAc di;ti 57t5? ulpr 8i' ron uotrovi' i;: R;iii;-a;;;1etto, vet(Jll stc 59:02 arri"s'crva" ii'il ei' 38. Rick vasquer' src " l?: 3:':'$.*lll-:*:*?;: xll";*!iii":$!..". tt\'.55 85. Yale Hs'sal'',ll ,ii. i:i"r Ratltff,-vrc (54) 65t42 cr"'t'.sic vet ii;;6 Ae' ai &4. Rlck spavlns, unat. Vet(55)57!35 STC P;de1l' i'stn az' Hersan 'i1i2 trf. John Pacltano, sTc A 45:48 A Etemm,-src ii. E;.""


,r,r.Veteran Cbamplons -



1. Don Jonest STCr 2' Cbarll€ Sbortr )' Al Cooper' STC'

#:;tllgffi %t:}ry:ffi #;1t'ffi :fi"rffi


,ffi ':ffitr#--

'wrcK wrr,E

Tc 5_Itrrm :::Al-c::'g:::"1_hil+::. BLuy^w1ok, NEW oRtEANs

Jobnso}}lone€rs, 3l+:59; Z. syron Lg -Phl1a. ,ed l s:,,", -virr."o;_Fie;t n, :ili6i'e.' ";#";",_ i;ilE${:;j;il'ril, lns rast. urck buili_ op o 30. roaa-ul-ill h;i;:T ?9,2r; ri:t.';f;ir#i*$h;i;il:i:; r;;- Efuii, -iiiii,l"iiil"ll,jZTziy, r$.b,:l*:[Tri*,tt*4 ;i,:li"n, y?y.po,1-nt sllch bo. ultlnatoly doveloiod tnro a llzr_nos.s l,tayfrerd, i,btra. iloi,-,'' iA.riii-it.

v1n nc nar_s1D Btlr_McLoushUn, virkaov". F;osb-a; j6;i9;-. 6ffort. :o:is '1th a 24:5L.8 soDby saruquo.of.R€d6inprorlBt a.s. -uas a su!_ Ii it+, Ded sionrz; rinn .c.C, :5::j; r.i.-ii;i




EIl:l:_!*9, lc;+i4.iriJ"--ciuiii ir'rT.

l,, 17: jzi26.2;-io."rlT,iiq,"lilAe'fui[iil$;1.;' triifl i;ii'iTfu Aultn;, #l4h$,q."'iiqk""l+t'ili#*g*'ii,.*fi -i9iiTi";i.;, ?9,14.?i ?, r. r'r'*ova 'ii;13.6i rz:rd.ii.ii, 3zirrd. ei_ii, i3li ri""ri.;,-jj:it.6i'ri; ron', I cont., sxna. n. .,.28;"#'. ?I:?Jt il;ff,.ih.jll if#*lffii;,?H;:'if:"jzi!fi;Ti: '.'. $!Tji;#;-iiiseii; ii.'fiiffi;l'-:*;:ki,,rT. I ftitii fi:"iln fitii,,etoi$:ss; "&'.'f,*8, 3Z;t6.i:',tl B;:s:i+::iiiii!+irr,"#.Fl!::i_l :*r{"lri*t#;;: lrlag;'#.,tr,:;ti.ffi*:


ilri*i:i$;;il i'tuit;:iil*dry:f :ilt' I ;r*i.;;rH*ffi :icif urs, --;-;;;;;;;;;"--:;.-;-:::::-:::-::::::--:::: vtlla',ova Ff6sh i t;"4;'ii: I 19: *:I-{:11r wrNs FrRSr McE; p:g uLltna", |-;: rx'o I , ts;jii lll'fii:",iiliriii ED. LEITRMAN



rN 15-KIao HAxDIcap



rrr, n'rra. ac. :9:i

::"s*;#;',:"*"*" I ffi:r?;jfll"i#,;;imilili[*ff"#" "ri ovgr tho rtnd- lili ?!: f9b {,a1azd!a,. !6p4 l.c. +o,jzj'si.' !9:!:d_al 61ap:e.d tt'€.of 66:50 "xil#i,ilifr '*i;%li*'U:iti;", ff i;:*il:isiffrnitx,:'":*:3. , I ir, 1i*i:[H$ ff ;:'f:;::";"'::""?"lii"i;"fii"1"!flii'ili""":i- | *:i'i:i: lilff"la."ffii'lt;Ti.'-:,:-*6H"",r,ilin]tr*trl#'l"ar,F*, uf:i:l,irl;:;3" fli"rtniTifi :'ix*".:n I p::l:rt fr Fisi$::lH sl3ii{."e}if?; H$:;'t":s"i.a3"l U:'i4$'"Fi*i.:'affk.*E!,#; Eilti' Ht#t,"b,;8ffi.;:]3

i:u*ii,t,:i:f ,i:*ft ri,l:r,lfr i:ifi ,'i,1$i,*iiirilfTlihr,**i*fid;f ; !}i;*iail:;3*,iktiir; itr:;ii'*;v!!:i,iff;:?ii,i:,{*'-td +ii"gtllird:rliiiiri; 71:28 (61:28);-r.3' P'"i'*"5:$;,1I' ii iEilffi:

4, 1-3-4-?-13--28; --------.--------;::::.--:::-- l];&!-{:fii\":va.prosh | 2..P6nII_acr .2-8-e-r4-it--9it! j.'ifrti;:';i;: ATr,Alrrrc ,|a.! ro, ooo-tcrd 5-6-11-12-16--50; tr: g;urn to;;tic;'1o?;"' cFoss-coull'1FY cRoWN; IoU corpENs SECOIID I ),^!a!r11b9:S 414, l?9; 6. vtUairova-r'roii e 'rind6t${ol.d, N.J., 6unday, r"", ztr:-iijo r.r.r. I139;7. P}rl1i. Ac; BB: Nol6s...Davo wrt8ht ls a forolan oxchar*6 Dav6 Wr-Leht, a Vl11anova l]nl.ve.slty

l,lRrcm l,rrNs sR.


flon Enaland, {on th€ Sr.

froshnah I

Comty Durh&a near London. ;6 lslud€nt_frolr 1r chMplo;6hip'1n 3l+,:02,2 ov6! a "1on€tr the rchA Flosh reco fo; tle hi+Lf119:_9-!ry'd " oourae at ov6rblo6t Roelotlal E.s, coppans so€rn6 to b6 havtaa lJllldfrtlenE,.IJou Vrlabt, a 4:OZ nrr€r,-salned ir,i reaa .n the lhls.bosr ygar 1a lunilnA & ho r€auy pour;; second of thr€e laps & stayed ahead froe tUero. I ol !116. coals_today, tDonal Valeh ls a nativ€ cork, rr€Ia'dr.'Ee HaE recrutted by pre€6.1i Lou coppens or P6'n Ac i;"d a.;;;; ;i;;;-i;;-'l9f runnors^frorn vlllanora. H6 1s a & ftnlsh€d second 1n 3lr:!4. lT.!9:"-,ll1lb a s:olr tvo-rari.r, ,wii"." o.nii s'it}' iii"r'iiaj-riTir,." srdth {w6st v".],t3,.5? thr6s-nt1€F both:of the febulous VlLlanovs. frosb. flolsbed l!rl!h, 9f EEtlngdo!, wost va.., 1s a 1:50.1 thl!.d & fourth. lla+-g!r€!,. Dr. l.tiUls comalnas, of N€n D€fonduna ohahplon E6rb Lorsnz fiFtshdd 6l.hrhlYo+ c1tv, !.lrlner of the s!, &-ti', Mlddle tn 35:ze.'nor"iz, ;t'- r'".i-r'ii-r.l ii'iJitill'""1 etr-'"_!t.-$9 !1!+".q 1n lel8'llhrl;'a ;t;;;nt ii"l'y.;;- ifi;"i""ui*i, l:l.I:"1^li:::"t9u lrlsht xltb tt'e irr"i p-ii.c" """-ir..-',r;.' rr," v[i""o,, a."Jr,",ii., iir ,iii-iii"i",i. lratch donat€d by raco-sponsor D!, Edirard.Bat. tttlo l.tth a 101{ of 28 potnts. | :*-:::::---:--:::::::-:-::::--:-----------JR. coLLEoE 6-EILE oPsN x-c Rult i"'"y nu"t'1i-ij"""ut""i-ii,li-ia" thrce-rrrte HaFlElrTBrnrsE rJ Rai l,lonlortal E.s. run ln 15:21 to paco th;;.lPt:IPrr3o, -Alaba'la, [ovorrbe! 9, ].968 & drlzzlli e or]-zz]-lt couls€ nlostly Eostly fla tlno state x-c Clranplon flat, Cha!]lplon Ov€rbrook ov€.brook to th6 ih6 tean luealher cb-Il1y Dur not qulro 6 ,n11€s. Race won by l4.foops, Tr{r.i].s. ac€ & th6 tEo races v6!o tho hlahl1aht or tn" rr"au"+l1!! ---''-1::::l Jacques,-€x-Blrrl1f€ton roln ostollrs condtti.onlne for D1s_ {o1.r phystcal Flrnoss Day:i l:I 9l rljance Rururlns' group Four He;!'arso hera/1. Rlck ,rleatber: "si iaeai."a;.s Jaoqugs, p€nsaaora fi,.cot los€, 29:35; 52_d€are€s. Refros;ants:-i: t;;" n"iif,i, 19,!90' -2. 'r,ii'i.iiiii," I i:-:"o*t3t? 9:t9:1t?, .P.:T"::11 rc. Isiaten isifioi#; I knd' N.v. ) 2ei3ei 3l vart storzenticr<, tro!29:51; l+. trlck cost€s, rroy, a1;., 3b: bdnar w;1sb, vruai.ova i,"o"rr,r, ir,i4i?*rl-.-.frrr_ lsrat€, rrui 5' Jack $abutnCralg ALB, 30:27; 6. ,rerson snlth, vll-l.anova Flosh A, 34:5\. / r-31,99; Ryan, Las;rr.e/!b1ra. pr. oo..,", l,i,ii, Z'.;i; I J115.3: IT.lj3{1t"tl^11";. 8. stsv€ TlndolL: f.^n15:-ror:1"1i-pgc; rroy st.. 12'nR' a ' MAA.AAU

ro;ooon X-C


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