l:: i
A graphic poltrayal of the }lawaiian mix of runners
BER 191
For inlormation on any ot these ptogtams wttle to:
W. Coopel Execvlive Dirc.tot, United Stdfes lrcck ond Field Federction, 1225 Nofih l0rh Avenue, f!.son, Atizond 857Os
THE LONG DISTANCE LOG A PUBLICATION FOR RUNNERS BY RUNNDRS Volue 16, No, 191, November 1971 Published monthty under the auspices of rhc Unite.l Iedeiation, 1225 N. loth Avenue, Tucson, Aaizona 8570 5. Annual Subscrittioa Raie6r $5.00. Add $3.00 Jor ist CLa6s Mail or $5.00 Io! Ai. Mail in U.S.A. & Ca.ada. single copies ald back issues - 50f. Please send race results and articles loa publication to Editor: H, 81o\hirg Ros€, 301i W6st Center St., Woodbury, N.J. 0 8096
Srates Track & Field
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEIVIENTS - Advertise youl ev€nl lo i4crease entries, or your product to increase saies. ($3.00 per insertion). Fu11 or l/2 pase adverrislng rates sent upon requestANNOUNCINq - USTFF DENTON MAIATHON, Denton, Te:as, Jahuary 22, 1972. For entry blank6 & informat-
ion write: Mr. Terry Holbrook, Asst. Track Coach, Athl€tic Dett., North Texas State University, Box 1391i Denroa, lexas ? 6 203. l1th ANNUAL WASHINGTONIS BIRTHDAY MARATIION
P.\4, Sponsorcd by: Beltsvi11c, Md. Jay.ees. Newly .ertilied luU marathon course, three loops through agriculiural area. Trophies a, - -.r1" availablc fion: Bill Mish, 5615 Duchaine Daive, Lanhae, Md. 20801. Phone (301) 459 52,17. $2.00 .:ntry {ee. Dire.tions: 12 ail€s ENE 1!.aBhingron, D. C. Takc cxjt 27 lror l\rashington Capital Belrway (,195J, North on Route 1, 1.6 mil€6, right on Powder Mill Road rwo mit.s to Log Cabin or U.S, Agricultulat Farm. ANNOUNCING - USTFF ARIZONA ADMISSIONS DAY MARATHON, Tucson, Arizoaa, F€bruart lZ, 19?2. Age Group Divi6iohs, outstandihg awards, Jlat coufsc, relleshhents and thrcc &an ream chamliohship. For eore information and entry loxbs, rriter J, Mccee Evans, 400 Norrh Znd Avenu€, Tucsod, Arizona 85?05, Sunday, February 2A, 1972 I:AA
FRANK SHORTER WINS SR. NATIONAL AAU X-C San Diego, Calif., Sat., Nov,2?, l9?t - Frank Shorrer scored a fast but casy victory (216 ov€r znd place Sreve Stageberg) to releat a6 AAU x-c champion over the cenessee Hi1ls m€sa southca6t oJ the Univer6ity of Calif. aL San Diego cahlus. The Florida rC ace clilped olJ fanta6tically fasr miles al +:25, 9:\6, 13i50, 18:48 a6 he gradually xork€d up th"orgh the field, Attcr br€aking clear at three miles & stretchilg his l€ad Lo ove. 100t, spectatoas tutned their arrerrion to the barfle lor rop places among the 321 entrie6. Stageberg lini6h€d a sotid secohd to gain a ttip to the San Syive6tre Nev Yeal,s Eve race in Sao Paulo, Brazil with Shorter. Tairy Harri6on, l€ader at two mil€s in a blaziag 9:12, linished third ahead ol Tracy Smith, running hi6 Iirst national race since i968. The coua6e consisted of thr.e two-mit€
roLgld'fr pa.h piI
o LEdo,,oBsd
lopes fol it6 eatir€ l€ngth. The Jinish was monitored by vidio tape recorder. Florida TC captured the team title as expected with 4? points de6pile numerou€ physical problems- Jack L€ydigr6 West Valiey TC finished a distant second with 60 points. Shorter & Moor€ lett the next day lo! rhe Fukuoka oaiathon in Japan wbere Shorter became lhe {i!st American to win the lahed race as he clock€d 2rl2:50,4 to linish a minute ahead ol Iavored Akio U6ami.
1. Frank Sho"ter, Floriila TC, 29:l9.Zt 2. Stey. L Stageberg, Georgetown AA, 29:40; 3. Taxly Harri6on, Club West, 29:.15j 4, Tracy Sdith, LAPD, 29:.,16; 5. Tom Von Ruden, Pacific Coasr Club, 29:5,1i 6, Ken Mooie, Oregon TC, 29.57t 7- Don Katdang, We6t Vatley TC,l0:05; 8. Tom HoI{tuan, UCTC, 30r08; 9_ Ken Misner, florida TC, 30:lZ' 10, cerry caicia, Atomic City TC, N.M., 30:12; ll. JohnCa6so, CaliI.TC,3O:1.1; 12. Alvaro Mejia, VTC/Colohbia, 30:15; t3. Johnny Halberstadr, Okla,South Africa, 30r16; 14. Jcfl Calloway Florida :fc, 30:1?; 15. lvarae Badgl.y, WvTc, 3o:19; It,. Cli{I Clark, USAF, CaliJ., 30:22t l?. John Lawson, PCC, 30:21i 18, A!t Coo1i.1ge, Oregon 1C, 3O:30; 19. K€ith Munson, StaLers TC, Ore,! 30:31; 20, Jack Bache1€r, Florida'tc,, 3At37t 2\. Je{f Lough, PCC, 30:38j 22. Mike Mahley, Oregon TC, 30:,,14; 23. Bilt Scoley, WVTc, 3At5I,21. Sam Bair, Florida TC, 3A.52.,2a. Jim Backus, SC Striders, 30:53; 26, Mike cregorio, San Diego TC, 30:5,1j 27. Duncan MacDohaLd, W1rTC, 3l]:55i 26. Greg Brock, SC Stridcrs, 30:561 29. Ffed Ritcherson, USC, 30:57; 30. Peter D!{lt, !\VTC/CB, :10:58 *Rcsults alrer loth nla.e unollicial pending reriew oI Iilhs an.l .ther .lara.. - 31. Toni Laris, NyAC; 32. Jih Gofhan, Or.igoh TCj 33, creg Carlberg, Elmqoo.l TCI 3,!, Skyler Jon.,s, Arizonaj 15. Bo! lvilliams, Orc. TC; 3b. Notman Higgins, Ag. (lroup AAi 37, Byron Lowry, SIOCj 38. Brook Thomas, SC SLriders; 39- Ron Pertigr€w, SCS; ,10. Chris Hoflman, CaliI. TCj +1. Bob Price AIAi .,12. Jarret SLaveh, Fla. TCi 43. tlike weaver, SD State TCi .1.1. lvilliam R. Broq,n, Arlzonar ,t5, Jerry Job6ki, PCCi 45, John Lesch, UCTC; .17. Clint Chanberlain, Ouantico Maaih€sj 48. lvlike Mitllesraedt, QM; .r9. HoNe1l Michael, QMj a0. Oary Bertsch, QMi 51. Chuck Sdead, I\-VTC; 52. Dale Ileet, San Diego TCj 53. John J, Luhn, Colorado TC; 5.1. Spencer Lyman, Stat€rs TCi 55. All€n Rude, Oxy; 56, Reubch Chaplins, SCS; 57. Doug Schmchli, Calil. TCi 56. Iim Tubb, Calil, '|Ci 59, Vern Craham, Quantico Marincst 60. Ceorge 1! Stcrart Jr., Mid-Amer. TC; 61, Joh CollcL, UCTCj 62. Mark Covert, Ca1if. TCr 63, Kctry }rearce, pCC; 6,1. Dave Harper, SDTCj 65, Charli€ Harris, UVTC; 66. Ron Kuarte, rrCC; 6?. Dave Taytor, Ca1it.; 68. Juris Luzins, QMj 69. Dave White, Calif. TCj ?0. Steve Savage, Ore. TC; ?1, \4€b Loudat, Atomic City TCt ?2, Dan Cloeter, Con.Coll.,73. crant Colehour, UCTC; ?4. Don Daris, OMj ?5. Eric Thornton, UCTCr 76. l-eonard Hi11, Stater6 'fCt 77. Ba.D cray, UCTC; ?8. Rich Woelk, SCS; 79. Fhil Ryan, Oolden W€st AA; 80, J€romce Lieb€aberg, Cali{,; 81. Dave Rohaho, Ore. TCj 82. I4ark Elias, CWAAj 83, Barry Erown, Fla. TCj 8,4, Ben Martinez, SDTC, 85. Ray Darrvii, CCAC; 86. Larry Swan son, ucTc; 8?. creg T€bb€tts, scsi 88, Tom Bache, SDTCi 89. Mike Wagenbach, Calil. TC; 90. Fritz Sclne, ider, Switzerland; 91. Rich Delgado, WVTC; 92. Dave Roberi6on, RC Stride!s; 93- Jim Da!e, USN; 94. Rot Johnson, SCS; 95, caly Berthiaume, WVTC; 96, JolD Co1.on, AIA; 97. Blair John6on, Atomic City TCI 98. Bob Stagsdiu, Oxyj 99. Bob Messina, SCS; tOO. Bob Darling, RC Striders' l0l. Rick Roja6, Atomic City TC; l0Z. Ahtbony Risby, U.N€vada; 103, Dick Endris, F1a, TC; 104. Todd aerguson, AIA; 105, Bill cookin, SDTC; 106. Leon Garcia, Aromic City 1Cj lO?. Fansrino Salazat, Atomic City TC; 108. c€orge Minalik, SCSi IO9. Bill Seavet, SFVS TC; ll0. Dan Orcomor, SDTC. LATE NEWS - Eill Scobey woa the \tesrern Ileoi€phere Marathon in Culver City, Calif. in 2:15:21. Cheryl Bridg€s,23, set a wome4'6 marathon mark oI 2:49:,t0.
-NIAYFIELD REPEAT W1NNER IN MARATHON Phila,, Pa., Ssday, Nov, 28- Moses Mayfield' Penn AC, w6n the second annual Fhiladelphia Marathon in 2tz6t44.A oret a fLat ihlee-lap sidewalk cour6e in FairThe 26-year-old metal chedical Iinishel won by more than a mioute over Norh Patenaud€, 26, of Sudbury, Ontario, MayIleld won last y€arrs tace iL z.z4tz9. A Iierd ol 215 started the competition sponsoled by the Penn Atl etic Club. Penn AC woo the team trophy with 8 Point6 on the victory of MayIield, the eighth-place {ini6h o{ Neil weygandt and the ninth place linish oI Jelf Fleed. Qeo!ge GaEas, 45-year-oLd Finge! Lakes Rc coorender, finished 16th and gained the vererans' Ptize. Weathelj C1ear, 50 d€grees, ao wind. l. Mo6es MayJieid, Penn AC, ziz6t44 8,2. Norm Patenaud€, Laulentian TC, aft., Zt27t58i 3. Rick Bayko, NMC, Mass., Z:30:17j 4. Pat MiLler, Yale Univ., 2:35: 56; 5, John Carrepp, 33, Mlllrose A-A, 2:36:59i 6. Peter alweU, 20, Wirllams Univ. AL, Ma66 , 2i37.49; 7. Jih I€enberg, 20, Plinceton Univ. AA, 2:39:511 8. Neil Weygandt, 24, Penn AC, 2:40:.18i 9. J€fI Freed, 23, Penn AC, 2i,11r05; 10. Hugh sweeny, nnat., 2t42t5l) Il. Cleg Gibson, nnar. Zt13:28, 12. Joe League, uat., ' Holy Cro66 Hs, N.J., 2:44:06; 13. George M ugan, Penn AC, Zr44:06; 1,1. Jim Harrison, Baltimore Olympic Ctub, 2?, Zt45t4zt \5. Biu ciulian, Pottstowh Pacers AC, Pa., 2t15:52, 16. C€orge Gavras, '15, Finger Lake6 RC, 2:.,1?:I5 (1st Vet.); 17. ceorg€ Bareman, 25, vat., 2:4?.41118. Bob Mickalites, St. JosePh's CoUege AA,2.1At29r 19. Joh. Hargreav€6, Franklin & MarEhall College 3-{, Zt48:39t 2A. Bill King, Pcnn AC, Z:48;56 (?nd vei.)r 2i. Gary Nelson, capitat TC, 2119:\7, zz. JcfI Prope- , ?i, u1at.. l:ro:20: 2i. vo-r PdeS'rt), NMC, 2:49:57: 2,,1, Dave Faherty, 26, CJTC, 2,5at3ai 25. Charles Bianciano, Rider coLlege AA, 18, z:51:41; 26. Phil Stewart, Carltoa ColleCe AA, 2:51r59; Z7- Tom Cameron, We6! Side YMCA, N,Y,, 2:52:10; 28. Mark Yel]in, Haddon Twp. HS, 2r5Z:36; 29. Joha SkislaL, Shore AC, 2:52:5ilj 30. 41 wick, uat., z:53:13; 31. Lou wamemacher, Viilanova Uriv. AA, 2t53:27, 32 Ray Tomczuk, unat., Phila., 2153118,33, Jonn lveiss, McBuiney YMCA, N. Y. , Z:53:55; 34. Bob Ki€s61ing, Drexer Univ., Zt51t2?i 35. Steve Harnich, uat., 2:54: 43r 3o. .on oslp-, .ao,tal r, 2:5!143:,1. Dat erz ' Fai!{ield County Stiide!6, 2:55:40; 38. Dr. Walt Mcconnell, CJTC, 2.a6.24i 39. Dolaro Balsamo, Rochestet TC, Zt56t39i 40. Paul Leo Mcsorley, PeM Ac, 2:56t5O;4I- Steve Ploperr, unat., 2:56:56;42. Marlin Couad Jr., Paul Hairi€ Ac, 2:58:i6; 43, George Bowe-, Lo.. qarer SrarF Co lcge, 2:)A:2A, 4A. ha.ry B"rkowitz, Penn AC, 2t58,a4t 15. Sam Gratch, Utica Pacemakers, 2:58r54; 46. John Schauble, CJTC, 2:59r58; 47. Mike Redmond, unat. 3r00:58; 48. steve casolino, Handen AC, J:01:05: ,ro. 'Pa'k Barnpr J'., Ha.ri6bL-g AAA, 3t)ztz2i 50. John Karol, Fem Ac, 3:03:01; 51. Joe Felnandez, Roche6ter Tc, 3.05t18, 52. Gene Minor' Sfor" AC, ]:05:zlj 5 . Fonald B!insre- unal. 3:0q:cl: 54. Jim Cleland, Haverford College AA, 3:05:54; 55. Buit Pschuder, unat., Moorestown (N.J.) HS, 3:06:lrl 56. Julian Siegel, NMc, Mass., 3:08:50i 57' Ben Marka€ian, New Yo!k, 3:09:04; 58. Ed Jerome, Indiana Stlide!s, 3:lO:04; 59. Marshatl Childs, uat., 3rl0:28; 60. Dan Marouch, Haddon Twp. Hs, 3:10:35; 61. Gerry O'Brien, Drexel Univ.AA, 3:10:36; 62. Edwald Krara-
wiec, Shore AC, 3:10:39; 63. Deltitt Paul, unat., 3:10: .19; 6,{, Tom Barfr, shore AC, 3:10:55: 65- Jim Latz, uat,, Ventnor, N. J. , 3:11:08; 56, BiU McNulty, Boston AA, 3:U:18; 6?. Don Dar!e11, unat., 3:11:Z3i 68. Mike Birnbar]m, Lakeland AA, 3t12t31t 69, Joe Pickett, unat., 3:12:53;70, Jack McM€naman, Shore AC, 3:13:20 ?r. Kay Campbeu, CJTC, 3:13:29i ?2. Dennis weidlex, 6at. , 3:13i38; ?3. Kevin Catlahan, uat., 3:13:'lI; 7'1. Tom BieniuseL, Drex€l Univ. AA, 3:l'!:18; ?5. Nick NataLe, DaereL Unlv. AA, 3tl4t25, 76- Maaty Sullivan, uaf., D. C., 3tI5'.21, 77. P. Neweil, uat,, 3:15:53, 78. Peter Mechanick, West Side YMCA, 3tl6t39i 79. Ted Burkhaat, uat., Sabta c1ara, Cali{., 3:1?:15; 80. Cene Osborn, Rochester TC, 3:17:49; 8t. Rollie Jobnson Eat., 3:18:36; 82. Gerald Millet, Wcst Side YMCA, 3.\9:4Zt 83. Mitchell Fror].m, uat., 3:20:28; 8'1. Donald Logan City CoLleg€ oI Darias (Cross Coutly Ciub of Dalla6), 3r2O:3r; 85. Bob Urie, unat., 3:21r45; 86. Jim WiUiams, Penn AC, 3:21:.48; 8?. Jack Nelson, unat,, central YMCA, 3:21:,18i 88. BilL Ingtaham, ua.,3:22: oo; 89. Skip Youngdahl, Seniols Tc, 3:23:58r 90 sid lVright, NYPC, NYPC, 3:2.1:211 91, John Catt6, unat., 3'.25t3Qi 92. Ed Schodo{ski, uat., 3:26:13; 93. D€bnis Gatti, uat., 3t26t36t 91. Larry Wide, Pacer€ AC, 3,263A1 95. Bob carlson, shore Ac, 3:26:51! 96. ceol_ ge Blandenburg, CJ'IC, 3:Z7i45i 97. ?eter Capurso, uat., 3:29rL8; 98. Steve Patton F& M Colleg€, 3:29:55; 99. Bob Bennett, uat., 3:30:0?i 100, John Lesher, unar. ) 3:30:l?; 1l]l. Dave Weirstein, ubat. , 3:30:36; r02. Charlc6 Doherty, Msg!. Bonner HS, Drexel Hi1l, Pa., 3:31:0,1; 103. Edwald Flood, Bonher HS, 3:31:04; 104, Eric b. Buikert, Paul Hallls Ac, 3:3Z.a1i 1o5 Jo6e Rivera, McBurn€y YMCA, NYC, 3:33:59; 106, IlTagg-rLy, r-1, Pa rci."p-"-.: ':.1:08:.07. B uat., 3:34:15! lO8. Jim Clauss, u4at,, 3:36:06r 109. vike Cary, vat., 3t36t42i ito. George Matuschak, Villanora AA, 3t37:5Q,1\7. Ro33 Yates, CJTC, 3:38:03: u2. Fred Lebow, NYc, 3:38:1,1; 113. Eric Drakely, Phila. AC, l:39:161 ll4. W. E. Gleen, USN' 3:40:11; ll5. Lind6ey Mitchell, uat., 3:.10:58; [6. Tom Ha!t, SIAC, 3:,,11:06; 1l?. Ceorge Kmec, unat., 3:42:19; U8. Keith Pattoa, DeLaware Sports Club, 3112:22t lI9. Kevin walker, SLAC, 3:42:?4i \ZQ- ? 3:43:36i l2l. Ernie Jollsion Shore AC, 3:44:25j 12. Tony Farreu, olnet Kiwanis, 3:45.23,123. Jobn McFarland, Oln€y Kiwanis, 3:45:23; 12.1. John Hnath, uat., 3:48:5?; 125. Rich Kowalski, Olney Kiwani6, 3t19:a3; 126, Ed Hartis, Pehn Ac, 3:5tr 28; l2?. Frank Stra.ahah, uat., 3:52:31; 128, Arthu! Caley, Princeton qniv.AA, 3r52:41; 129. WiU Boyajian, unat. , 3:56:01; 130. Jim Nolan, unat., 3:5?:Zl; 131, Lee Luker, sbore Ac, 3t57159',132, Biii Connell, ua.3:59: 58. (plus t4 linishers ove! {ou! houls). Team: 1. Pehh AC 8; 2. North Medford club 25; 3. Central Jersey Tc, 31;4. capital TC, 40; 5. shore Ac 44; 6. Drexel Uhiv. AA, 48j 7. Rocbester TC, 50; 8. we6! Side YMCA, 52; 9. Orney Kiwanis, ?9. __ o- V".th:nn-) - _ 5-M]LE RUN, PORTI-AND, ORECON, 9/T8/?i 1. Norm Oyler, 3Z:101 2. Scott Jackson, 33:00; 3. Gold Garlock, 33:10; ,1. Alan Bearda1l, 34:0?; 5. Mike Hagiud, t4:40: 6. F:. caldond, l5:16, r2o rir'sl"rs) 3.5-MILE.. l. Kevin Hilliet, 22,45t Z. Pete Ohlson, 22: ,l8i 3. Jim Brown, 23:75i 4. BilI Gilstrap, 23:16; 5.Neil Adkins, 23:20. (35 linishers) ... 70 runers (ages9-59) competed in a z-m e jog as part ol Nat. Jogging Day.
OKLAHOMA AAU i97T 3O-KILO CIIAMPIONSHIP Tu16a, Okla., Nov. 13- The Oklahoma AAU 30lh 6tate championship and 51dn !E attiact€d a new record tu!nout lor a Tu16a Runing Club eveh!, a total of 54 runers. The races were qon by a pair o{ foloei Oklahoma State standouts. Geo!ge Stewart pulled away Iroo varsity runner Rcld Harter in the lasr fev mites after the OSU athletes lrom Californla had ru together lor more than t2 miles. Stewart ran a gteady pace ol Jrom 5:19 to 5:31 per mile lo linish only some thlee frinut€s over rhe U. S,
The 5km was a race between a paia of srb-four minute mi]er6 as Larry Rose edg€d Olrmpian Toh Von Ruden. -h.tl . as s ra \ & ^: rdj ilh | rF- p. .n Lhc '- Park. ?0's. Cour6e: 5km loo! cou!6e in Mohawk 30'KILO (18.6 MILES)- l. ceorge Srewart, 22, Stiltwater, 1:40:42: 2. Reid Harre!, 21, Stillwater, 1:.14:59; 3. Fr€d Williams, l?, 1_ulsa, 2:05:08; 4. JefI Fetterman, 17, Tulsa, 2:06:42j 5. Glen Dorroughr 30, Tulsa, 2:11:49; 6. Tom K€hpI, 4?, Bart1csvi11e, Z:19:38; 7. Bob Baker, 33, 'fnlsa, 2:23:4at 8. Bob Marrin, 50r Tul3a, 2tz6tl6t 9" !ar!y McDonald, 1?, B.o{en Arrow, 2r31:ZZj 10. JackNorris, 19, Richardson, Texas, 2:38: 1,1; 11. Harold McDonald, ,,1.1, Broker Arrolr, 2:,1?:51; 12. Gordon McKeague, 45, Tulsa, 2:55:5?. (23 starLeas) 3.'Mile Splifs: Stewart- 16:00, 32t28, 191A2, 7:A5.)4, It2\:11, lt37tZA.. Harter- 16r00, 32:28, 191A2, ItaatI4, 1t23,10, I:11.13.
5-KILo (3.1-MILES) - 1. Larry Rose, StilLwater, 22, Z. Tom von Ruden, 2?, Still[ater, l5:2,1t L Mike Cole, Tulsa, 18, l5:53j .1. Mike Maake, 19, Stillwatcr, 16:1Zj 5. Jim Baker, 16, Tulsa, 16:3?j 6. John Holilerman, 19, Tul6a, t6:.16; 7. Phil Maltby, 21, Tulsa, 16:59; 8. ren Pas.hal, 16, Tulsa, l7:29; 9. Br€.t Wooten, 2i, Stiltrvarer, 17:31; 10, Tom creinei, 39, Okehah, 18:O1]; 11, Anthony Cellino, 16, Tulsa, l8:08; 12. Norman Sloan, 34, Tu1sa, l8:19r 13. Don Sharp, 16, Tulsa, 18:2?i 1,!. Fred Spencc!, 20, Miami, lE:4.1; i5. Tom Steen, t9, Nliaoi, 18:,18. (31 Iiaishers) --Bob Martin-15:23;
ILLINOIS TRACK CLUB ROAD RUNS, CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 21, 19?l Course: Itar, Wearher: Windy, .old vitt snow flurries, 28 de.ere€s. ZO-KILO RUN - 1. Dave Crockett, 23, IIC, 6gA6t 2, Jo}l! Whitehou€e, 35, Kegonsa, 73:38; 3. Dan Stack, 18, unat,, ?3:41i,1. Sreve Coldberg, 39, ITC, ?4:01; 5. Cr€g Fuiten, 16, \nat., 71i17t 6. Tom Turbett, 19, una. '75:21,7. Joe Earle, 1?, ua,, 78:56; 8. BilL Macki€, 3.1, lTC, 80:57; 9" Bob O'Coanell, 22, ITC, 82:Z8i 10. Dik Sleeth, 34, ITC, 8.1:35; 11. Don Phillips, 53, ITC, 85: 08i 12, Dave Stewensor, 39, ITC, 95:34; 13. Len Buseb, 4r, unat., 99:14. DNF- Mike Libbcc, 19, uar. 10-KILO RUN - 1. Dike Stirrett, 23, Easrern lltinoi€ Stridets, 33:32; 2, Jeff Parme!, 18, Danville J.C., 33: 39; 3. Dennis Muel1el, 25, ITC, 31..24t 4. c. p. ctyde, 31, ITC, 35:37; 5. creg Palmer, 18, Danwitle JC, 35:35; 6. Jim Bailey, 1?, unat., 36:48j 7. Ja.kDutty, 23, ITC, 1: ?: 8, . o r D , , - \ , . . . r.r., {?:ao: o. B. Short"t, 25, eat., 38tZIj 10, Mark Zili6, 17, ITC, 39:1]5j 1r. Joe Beyers, 19, unat., 39i1r5; 12. Steve Hurt€y, 23, 1TC, .!0:51; 13. Waaren Ford, 29, IaC, 4t:31; 1.1. Tim Hodgen, 25, laC, 1L36r 15. Mar Shurlleff, 49, ITC, .12:55; 16, Charles Downs, 41, I'tC, 43.2?t 17. Jih Dlckey, 51, ITC, ,13:4li 18. Cerly Jabusz, 31, ITC, 4,!:0?; 19. Watt MiUer, 48, ITC, 44:19; 20. Mike Cultihan, 23, ITC, .16:01; 21, Sam GoldberC, 48, ua., 46:52,22, L^trel Henley, 56, nLat-, 52:23, --Stev€ coldb€rg--
PACIFIC NORTHWEST A,{U 3O-XILO CHAMPS : Sewa!d Fark, Seattle, Washington, S€pt. 11, l9?l 1. tie! Jifr Pearson & Paul Bernsteih, Snohohish TC, l:,17:35j 3. Dennis Meyer, uat,, t:56r36i .1, Sian Chapin, unat., 1:56:,11j 5. Bob Lahgenbach, UWRC, 1:59:23
6. Tom Morrisod, uat., 2:05:55i 7. William paldee, UWRC, 2:06:39i 8. Ed Curtis, UWRC, 2:06:50; 9. Jim Morrow, UWRC, 2:08:00; 10. Blair Osborne, U$iRC, 2:08:38; U. Jacob Johansen, uat., 2tt5tl4t 12. Bo]D P\"1o", |\DL, 2:2(:cl- t .ratt-r6, t'_.s.-rs, Nores,.. Pearsoh l€d {rom the stait hirting rhe mile in 5rZ4 and gradually lulling away uhtil aroEd t€h hilFs vh--e r.. B-rns."ir b-Jan ."--or 1g the gap uhtil 16 I /2 hiles whele he caught pearson. 1^'r.5 a r n- n ir ur ', cd o. .- Lp d, .- p..r ta. al JOGCER'S 3-MILE - 1. Jefi Myers, t5:13; Z" Tom carteu, 15:16; 3. Mike catr€tt, 15:1?; 4. Ernest s€ppa, l7:32; 5. Dick Hatt, 19:0.1' li. R. w. Williams, t9:38. 5-Miie Splifs r! 3okm- Pearson: 27AA, 55:5A, LZ5:ZA Bernsrein: 2 813 8, 57:zta, I.za:55. I,hoto Betolr - Jrm Fearson & Iraul Bernstein rohp in togethc. in Pacific North\'{rst AAU 3O ltilom€ter Chamlionship in Ser,ar.1 Park, Seattle, ltashington, Photo by Carole Peaison
JOHN VITALE WINS 6th ANNUAL VETIRANS' DAY RUN Gardner, Mass., S@day, O.tober 24 - Dlawing an elen
blgger ciowd than last yea!, the r5ft Amual Veterans,
Day Road Race, 6ponsored by the Recreatio! Deparr_
medt and the Polish-America! veterans, nas become tamou6 in its own righl. Entlanrs throughout Nee Eng_ land coapeted for the labulou6 !rizes, hosdy Iurniruie, donated by local firbs and organizations. The top jive finigh€rs cros6ed the line within two hinutes ad.i Ll 6ecs. oi ea.h other, led by JolD Virale ot N€w Haven, Conn. , who ran lor New Haven T. C. Vitale .lockcd 5i:25 to edge out Ed Norris (BAA) by 20 secon.ls in the lt-mil€ iun (probably shortl) lL5 runncrs startcd. 1. John Vital€, New Haveh TC, 53:26j Z, E.t No.,is, BAA, 53146j 3. Charle6 BaldwiD, unar,, 5.t:24; ,r, Amby Burfoot, Central Codn. AA, 5.!:44; 5. llriilie SpecL, una., 55r37j {j. Ken Mueller, Boston AA, 55:49; ?. Vic Net6on, U,S, Navy, 55:,19; 8. Rick !ayko, Ntvlc, 5?:1ij 9. Robt. McCusky, Hu6kie TC, 57:19; 10. Jim Cr€en, Boston Ar\, 57;35; 11. Dave Dusky, unat., 5i:4?; tZ. Roland Coimi, er, NMC, 57r50; 13. ToD Iterderian, NMC, 58:O2j 1,1. Richard lahey, uar,, 58:08! 15. Larry Olsen, NMC, 58:20; 16. Peter Crisci, Noah 6 Ark TC, 58:Z3i 17. Don Du6ky, uaat., 58:.16i 18. Jim Dat.y, NMC, 59r05; r9. Pete! Stipe, BA,A, 59:1tj 20. Larry DaDon, BAA, 59:39; 21. Louis Paul, CSU, 59:43; 22, Chris Chambers, una,, 59:,17; 23. cehe Qui@, PCAA, 59:55j 2,1. Stc|hen Browh unat., 60:38;25. Johh Inahshima, Harvaid, bo:.16;26. Eall Mccilveiy, NMC, 60:5?; 27, Johh Jar€k, NMC, 61:05t 28. Chuck Ritey, CSU, 6l:1,1;29. Ron ttay, CSU, 6l:23j 30. Tont Sapienza, BAA, tt:,,16i 31. Michael Baxter, unat., 62:06; 32. Wayne Lucas, unat., 62:I; 33. John Durland, uhat., 62113; 3.t. 1{i[iam McNulty, BAA, 62:28; 35. Eugene McMelri&an, unar., 6Z:36; 36. pete Sra"z, N4r, Parr ArC, o/:,4: 7, A tp. ha (mar, y!1., 63:23j 38. Mike Durilovic, CSU, 63:3Zj 3q. JotD Lons, M.D,, BAA, orr 4iaO, Davc ( ^rh_F., p' Ap, L4,zt;
,l1.Jame6stIomach,NMc,6.ll5'!;42.T.Knatt'NMc'i..ji;#]:T;:1ii..J:l[.'j,i'lli!i,:.i'"ji'1,;i:"Tiill: 6.:ri:.11. Cr!y Brr'ool, -rar,, o,:O:, ar. -\on". wiiso!, Noah,s Ark rc, 65,14; 45. pete Bu!.hart. a]'r ,i!ifi!i,iiii!<@ :.,::,:: ..^:".:"I:" t1" "l:.^:o 65120i46. Roger Na6arka, unat.,65:43;4i. Focc; :0 nile '"rur(8:08 "">+W ""^'""" 9'_:t".1:i s:t, w.r, r-..".r.t,-ii,'."ia Brouillet, uat., 65151; 48. Joe.-r*",-*l,.I2,to'r,t, .49. t'rank McDonatd, pcAA, 66:ts; 50. 1\. A. scuile, athlcte in u. s. Mas fa"tJ/* 11]. \Ylf \ _,-i outstaddihg -" Fr. . BArA, bo:. l; rl. Buz D-,qobbio, NVc. oo:.8: r - ., san D.-co \:# r,"". in 1970i Jorh H.Ratti, Jr., NMc, 66:52; 53. Jo|n 1va11..e, ".. l\4ontoya, 60, a BAA, l:'\.,9'new editior ro thc group, and 66:57; 54. stanley Keye6, NMc, 67:0?; 55. Joe shea, .(:9 _s\-\ li'ilIiam sellir, 61, track B4A, 6?:16; 56. Kerry Palks, uar., 6? 5.4; st. a.l""a {Etl l\ coach at chapmah collese ror velhette, NMc, 6?:5s; 58. c€ne wagner, uat., b9:Lr5 -Elt-\ \\ zo v""". ( orsanizer or this 59. wfr. Hansbury, ua. , 69:1r; 50. Jan arowa, ruvc, >"s.q( ). \69:20; 6i, wm. che!!y, una. , 69,47; (,2. John a. x.t- _5Y "\y: '">'---'-=' L+- .__-.p Thelurloseof ther@wasto ley, eat., 70:05;63. Eil Cohen, CsU, ?o:12;6+. aene ffi]/_ n" -- o o-_ Do--or, ua ., iO:J7; o<. ( 1lisrophe, B.ad\. d,., _?-o-
300 MrLE
bv walt stack on Thaaksgiving Eve, Nov. 24 ar 3 p.M., seven loagdistance tunners, all over 60 veats or age, and rwo over ru, belonging to the "Lif€ Begins at 60 & io'1 club left KTLA-Tv Station in Holllvood, oa a 3oo hile supermaratho! from Holl){ood to Las vegas, across ihe 90% d€selr to the sahaia Hotet (€ponsors). The r@ners were: Fred clace, ?3, a worrd !ecord holde! i. the 70 age group; No€l Jotnson, ?2, a formel boxer, who stalted running in t9?Oj Maurice Monrgofr_ e!y, 65, who has a best harathon of 2154:56 white in hi6 60's & five harathons ude. 3 hours; Walt Stack,
tween Hollywood ahd Las vegas $,as 41 h""""_";J"; tuinutes. Each ran an averale of six hous and 36 mias. The tihe averaged urdei E rninutes p€r rr..."".r Eethod was 30 Dihutes runing .t. ii-. -;r.. ....pt o. t-o 25 Dile hountain passes (cajon & e"r.,) -l,ur. .""1, runer ran Jor ten hinutes ar a time in oriler ro main, taih a real 6peed rre€zrg mouraln wearher in the oiddle of !h€ bight. 9TH ANNUAL SOUTH!VEST MISSOURI STATE COLLECE INVITATIONAL, OCT. 16, I9?1 l. Dennis Nee, Kansas Srare Teachers Co[ege, 24:56,6; Z. Mike Nixon, Kan6as St.Colleger pittsbulg, 25;01,
DopD o Nv 05 -o v I .{oAD nA. li[l|s$ li0llltlI lilltI or oaL'rs Stahlet Park, vancouver, B.C., Caha.ta, Ocr. tO,l9?l a.i RACES HELD SATURDAY, Three ruDners dipped below an houi ahd 50 minutcs November 5, 19?l at vhfte Rock t)l while another hit right oh the mark i. the Lions Cate 'qf' t,"k. park, Dallas, rexa6 Road Runnels Z0 mile road race. APO \D tr tA\L'..tv., Snohomish TC's Paut Bein6rein took rhe t€a.l lroh ;, \ .o'i 'Br'Pr, a. o:0 ': ,. teammare Jih Pearsoh at 15 1,/2 miles and putled aiay u Do., J Pu an. li, ..: 0: (. for the victory in 1:48:11.6. vancouver's carry Harri_ illl corin Sedsman, 21, 60:00; .r. son foljowed in 1:,1E:38.8 r'l!h pear6oq rhird in l:.19:15. Z. i Cl.t" \4ilson, 23, 60:,tO;5, High School ace caay CuDiIord igno!e.l a tra.11y btisterDarid Diltman, 23, LO|'A, t. Jach petty, 2a, 6.+:20; €d heel and finish€d fourth in li50 flat. 7. Nofih Alsobrook, .11, 6.1:,tOj 8, Roberr Te!chek,25, D€mi6 Coveney, wirner of the 1971 U.S. Narional 67:14; 9. Mike Schlink, 35, f,9r58; 10, Dale Hagcx, 28, Masters Marathon ih San Diego, 1e.1 rhc .10 an.t up ?0:i.1; tI. Don Zetnick, .rO, ?tr:57j 12. Bob Baker, 33, diviBion as he placed nnrth in 1:56:,t8. 73:30; 13. Ralph 'tait., 29, 7\A7t 1.1. Sam Harting, 35, Vancouver Optihist Srriders rook the ream rid€ wirh 75:30; t5. C. Von TidweIi, 32, 79t6t 16. 14arren Caul2 loint6 foltowed by the Snohomish TC wlth 14 and the .,10/ 81r25; 1?, llush Elkin, 58, 83;56; 18. Harry nit, ho6t team Lions Catc Road Runners with 28. Henk., 62, 8.r:28j 19, Jil]rmy Butler, tZ, Att3Ii ZA, The temperarure was a damp and ll€asanr 55 degrces Oib B1ack, 56, 86:15i 21, Anabe e Corboy, 23, 8?:19; as the 32 runneas toured the modeaatety roUing Iour 22. Party Price, l0O:OO, 1ap6 around rhe park, (5-milc sptits lis!uu/ OPEN SIX Mll-ES - 1. Jay Urilliams, 32r38; Z, A1 r. Paul Belnst€in, Snohomi6h Tc, r:{Etll.6 lz7:22, CarroU, 30, 13r15;3, J.hn Betin, 2?, 34:1i;4. J, Hol_ 51:37, ltZI:AZ)t 2. carry Harrison, Vancouv€r Oprifr_ lihgsworLh, 3.1:1?; 5. Carl Neit, Zt, 35:11i 6. Bill Eppi6t Stridcrs, L4at3A.8 \21:22, 54:l?, 1:Zt:03)i 3. Jim rieht, 51, 35:25r ?, Dale Horto!, 35:ZBj 8. Bruce lril_ Pearson, Shohomi6h TC, i:49:15.2 127:21, at.I9, 1:2Il liams, 28, 35:,lE; 9. Carl aoster, 36,09i tO. BiU Bar_ 02)r .,1" cary cumi{ord, vOs, 1:50:00 lZ7:z\, 51.38, ringer, 25, l6:15. (25 finishcrs) l:22:07); 5. lVoU Schafrbergor, CEEVAC'S, l:50:28.2 OPEN :rWO MILES- l Shav,ney S}.ay, Zl, )ar5i 2. 1.26t48, 51tA6, 1:22:0.!)r 6. L€n Ston!:, VOS, t:51:16.6 ]]hil Elsroh,Jr,, 2E, U:15;3. Jo€ Myhar, 2,4, :30; lz7.2I, 55:az, ir23:02); 7. Jim Boyde, Sihon Frazicr ,1. Mike Hecker, 11, 1l:32i a, Bi[ Hein€, 15, 11:55; 6. Universiry, l:53:00.4;8. Jim Conway, Liors cate RR, Danny O, Pophin, t6, 12:lO, (15 fihishers) 1.56t27.1,9. Delnis Coveney, Lions cate RR, 1r56:.1E 1fof,{EN'S \,IILE - 1. Rhonda Caiiison! 14, 5t3zt Z. (28:r7, 56:50, rtzL:26)t ro. Dvah Shuit, snohomish 1c, Earbara Dlaih, 10, 5:.{7; 3" Cayrene Cad.t€11, 19, 6r00. l:5?:58.6; 11. Ivor Davies, Lions Cat€ RR, lr59:21,.1; i2. Richard Ralmonrl, I,ortland TC, 2:01:55, Z; t3, 5-IIILO X-COUNIRY RUN, NOR'IHGLTNN, COLO. Craig Jones, Snohomish TC, 2tA2:2..t,,I , James Herr Novemlcr la, 19?l- l, Lor€n Schenlt, C.lo. rC, t8:O6j io!t, Calgary Roadruhners, 2r02rZO; i5, E.t l/tcDona1.1, Z. Stan Ob.rmeyer, Rocky Mr. RR, t8:48; 3. Cerry Lions care RR, 2:04:13.8j 16, Bruce McRae, VOC, 2:04:52.11I7. Johh Field, VOC, 2:07:1.1j 18. Dick Arck_ vincent, RMRR, lrl:00j 4. Jay Kratrrcher, l9:0.1i 5. ley, Snohomish TC, 2:08i,15i 19. C. Stone, VOS, 2:11:Ol Bob Gaudr.au, 19:35j 6. Rich Bishop, 19:l5i ?. Frank McCabe, 20:0.!. (19 sLarted, 19 Iirish.d) 50.tegrecs, 20. Dave Eutler, Lions care RR, 2:t6:38. (28 6tarters) - -Ceorge t_uh.imark _ Photo below- Paul Bernstein Jinishins (Carote pearson) MID PACII'IC ROAD RUNNERS CLUI] RESUL,I'S Hon.lulu, Hawaii, Novemb€r 7, l9?l - 5,5 Miles, Kai ha Loop, 1. Reubc! Lrias, 28:35r 2, Erian C1ark, 3O: C0: 3. Royd€n Korto, ll:06 (1sr Int. Div. ); ,1, (evin Kuz, 31:29; 5. Horacc Iioku, 3i:.10; 6. tsalph Mench, 32:01i 7. Dav{, Ca.|iz, 32.19;8. Ky Col., 32:.!i; 9. Sam K, BoseLti, 32:5?; 10. JcII Dahlby, 32:58; 11. JiD Brad ner, 33r02; t2. Mike South\,ood, 33:22; 13, Dave Rnl dle, 33:40; 1,1, Horar.t Hetms, 34:21j 15. Bob Cardner, 35:11; 16, E.l Romary, 3::26; 1?. Joe (]oo, 36:19 (16t Ov.r .r0); 18, ScoLt Co1e, 36:23 (1st Jr, Dtv,)j 19. Jim Pehrod, 36:3I ilst Joggcrs Div, ); ZO. Jim Robclt€on, 3?r20i 21. Lou Turb€villc, 37:ZZ-,22. | a:|' FiLzi]ngh, 381171 23. Id Qasey, 38.!-9t Z , Lars Cole, 39..ttt 25. Jim Enbo.ly, 1Z..AA;26, CaI poltand, .!3:35. Honoldlu, Hamhack's llitls, Nov. 1,1, t9?1 - 1, Reub_ en Dias, 60:15; 2. Dave Riildlc, ?9:51; j_ Jim penrod, E2;3.4; 4. .Iohn P.sers, tt6:Ol]. Notes.,, Toughest course in Hawaii , extremcLy hilty. Cousc named af_ t€r Major 1lD. Hamack, USMC, W.ather: Very ho Honolulu, Xunia loop (zo Miles) Nov. 21, 19?1 _ L. Reu ben Dias, 1r56:56 R€cord; 2. Kent Mi11s, Z.ntA4 3. Holvard Helms, 2:17:45; 4. Hehry Mohtez. 2t7.48.a, 5. Jim Fer!is, 2:Zl:,18; 6. Sam K. Boscrti, Z:Zt:59j ?. Jim Bradnel, 2tZZ:15..7nt. Div, : 1. Roy Koito, Z:08:49.
ilo\r ca . -
STONE MOUNTAIN ROAN RACES (5 & TO MILES) Stone Mountain, Georgia, September 25' l9?1
43:18j i6. Eugene Kraszeski, 43:36j l?. Challes cibeon, 13:37, 18. Paul Vihcent, 43:.1i1; 19. Paul Hershey, 43:48; 20. Don stanley, .13:49. (45 finishers)
I. tie, Ken Mis.er & JeIf Cauoway, Fra. TC 3. Sam Bair, Fla.TC, 5t:17! 4. Glant Colehou!, WINFIELD SCOTT 1O-MILE RUN (IN MOUNTAINS OT Fla. TC, 5l:40; 5. Je!!y Staven, F1a, TC, 52:4.1; 6. !.rdk Lagotic, Fla. Tc, 53:28; 7. Dick EndriB, Fla. IC NORTH GEoRGIA) August 21- 1. Doh Put4an, USAF, 53:35j 8. Donard Putbam, USAF, 53:55; 9. Blad Thoape, 57:14; 2. Jimmy Knigbt, Atlanta Tc, 60:0,1; 3. Demis Spencer, GTTC, 6Z:04; .1. Sam Benedict, Nashville Fla. Tc, 54:03; r0. Doug Co!dter, Fla, Tc, 55:02; ll. Tom Findley, Easteln Ky. Univ. , 55:10; 12, Lee Frdler, 'rC, 63ti1i 5. Tohhy Raynor, ua., 64:0,1; 5. Billy Fu!ba!, 55r35i 13. Tony Kussman, Fla. J!. Col., 55: Collins, GSU, 64:5?' ?. Chucl. Allen, Chattanooga 1C, 55; 14. Demis Sp€ncer, unar., 56:09; 15, Bruce LaBud- 65:39; 8. Jim Beach, Chatt. Tc, 66:39; 9. Mark Bolt, GSU, 67:01r 10. Chartle GibBon, Chatr" Tc, il?:1?; u. de, Atlanta TC, 57tl9i 16, Steve wootfidge, E.Ky. U., Virgil Smith, Atlanra TC, 67:38; 12. David Majors, 57:36; 17. Ki!k Davis, E, Ky. U. , 57:36; 18. B€rhie GSU, 68r01;13. Jim Coldsack, una., 68:19j 14. T, Pli Cib6oD, Fla, Jt. C., 58tZZj 19. Dan Maloney, E.Ky.U. de, Chatt. TC, 69:07r 15. Peter R. Su1)da, una.,69: 58:51; 20. Alden Gardner, Knoxviue 'lC, 59,Q0; 21. Pete senkowski, Ata, TC, 59:06; 22. Robert Godvin, Knox.54! 16. Jacir Moore, GsU, 70:zl; 17. Mike chambliss, 70:21; 18. Don Capron, Sl. Anlh. BC, 70:54j 19. Don IC, 59t\3i 23. Helman Kooyman, FIa. Jr, Co1. , 59:.11; 24. Altab Taylor, uhat,, 59::16; 25. Jifrmy Thtme, una., Gam€1, ?l:05; 20. charles Gibson, chatt. YMCA, ?1134 (33 ii6ted lini she is ) 60:03j 26. James Sebree, E. Ky. U. , 6A:43i 27. Don Capron, St. Anihohy's 3C, N.Y., 60:.13; 28. Allen Dil- l:!1!19 - 17 & Under- 1. Dennis Holloway, 29:18;2. lon, Fla.Jr. C.,6LO5t29. PauI Hc!shey, unat.' 6l:08: Bobbt Jam€b. 2q:28:3. Jon ltard, 29:33; il. Jases o:, /i v af6on, /o:/o: 5. roh- 5 auch_ pr'.-, _o,: : 30. scott waters. citadel. 61:.12r 3i. charles Gibson, chatt. Tc, 6l:50; 32. virgil Smith, Atlanta IC, 62t27; t€r, 30:.!9. (29 fini6hers) Novice 2-Mile- l. George CrhDings, )\t59r 2. Fritz 33. Tim Singletoh, AaC, 62.52..34. Roy Benson, Fla. Maye, 11:59j 3. Roger WiUiams, lZ:39. (14 finishe!6) TC, 63:11;35. Charles Daw€on, E.Ky.U., 64:30;36. Kenron Re", . dc'. r, 6r:(6: /. l-a cabuF' . u"-., 6-MILE RUN, ATL,ANTA, CA., AUGUST ?, I9?I 64:45; 38. Bob Bennett, Aflanta 'Ic, 64t17t 39, Ma ,10. Scott Ealen, 1?, 31:10; 2. Jimy Knight, ?3, 31:53; Martin, Cha!. Meck" 1. ATC, 55:02i Sterling Clayton, 3. Lee fidler, ZZ, 3I:55;4, Pat Durnin, 23, 32t49t 5, 65r07. (6? finishels) Team Scoring: 1. Florida TC, 15; Joer Majors, 2I, 33.28i 6. Sam Benedict, 24, 33:36i 2. Ea6teln Kentucky Univ., 89i 3. Ilolida Jr. CoUege, 7. David Bishop, L9, 33t52i A, BilLy Collins, 20, 34:12 l3i; .{. Atianta TC, t40r 5. Chaitanooga aC' 262. 9. Dennis Sp€ncer, 19, 3.1:3Zj 10. Rog€r Ritchey, 28, 5-MILES - 1. La!!y Ru6h, clemson, 2'l:53; 2. Ben 3?1:.!2; 11. Bruce LaBudde, 25, 3,1:.!9r 12. George Com Bailey, North Carolina U.iv., 24r59; 3. Andy Hudson, 36, 31t511 13. Matt Moriow, 18, 35:05j 1.1. Dennis Hol 2-: T-"h, 25:Zl: 4. J-r.),,iplm6, ^. a_or:'a Uni\.. loway, 17, 35:21i 15. Alan Taylor, 31, 35:23;16. Mike 38; 5. Joet Majors, T€ch, 25:39; 6. Scott St€wart, Tech 22, 35.28, \7. Bob McLec!, 21, 35:3'1r 18. chambliss, 25t5Ai 7. 'tlm. Harpool, C@berland, 25:51! 8. Frahk 35:45; 19. \reyman Dunahoo, 18, 35:.14; Mark Bo1i, 18, Romelo, Clemson, 25:56! 9. Mike Whit€, Tech, 25:5?; 20. 27, 35:53. {5.1Jinishers) JackMoole, Boyd, Citadel, 10. JolD Walton, Tech, 26:06i Ll. Jim .1-Mile l7 & Underl. L€slie Stule, 17, 22:11j 2. Dav 26:l8j 12. Ned Dietle!, ae.h, 26tzzt 13. Leroy zarlng' 22:1,1; 3. Ricky watson, 16, 2z:38; '1. McKannan, 16, cmberland, 26:33; 14. Randy Helderman, w. CaloLina Chris Ashby, 17, Z2t5I1 a, Jon lt'ard, 16, 22:55. Uni!., 26.31]' 15. Paul Biernacki, Citadel, 215:38; 16. Novice Mile- 1. Peter Sulyha, 21, 5,\9r 2, 'fyrone 26.19: Pat cbestet, Taylor, cmberland, \?. oliver English, 16, 5:20i 3. Darryl Brewer, 13, 5:32, Suncoast TC, 26:46; 18. Wm, Toothman, Sdcoast TC, 26:46; 19. Jerry Cr€ene, w. carolina U., 26:46j 20. ATLANTA TRACK CLUB CROSS COUNTRY RUNS wayne J€rnisao, clemson' 26:i18. (100 linighers) Aflanta Water Works Course, Sat., July 24, 19?l Notes. . . Tlis was the best Ston€ Mountain race in l. Jimmy Knight, 33:13; 2" scott stewart, teld6 of nmbe? oI runners and quality ol perfofmance6. q:-\!!!qMiLe \4rhite, 33:.19j 4. Tom Rayho!, 34:31; 33r.13; 3. The weathe! was an uusually cool 6A degree6, cloudy Davia Bishot, 1.1:{8:6. D.'-_ro.s1, ,, ':l :7. and ovelcast. The 5 & 10 mile races begah at lhe sade Dan La6sete!, 35:27; 8. Billy Collins, 35,35i 9" D. time. Th€ Stone Moutain cours€ i6 a hilLy 5 mile loop. (60 Iioi6hedl Bob McLeer, 35:.13. Hollos,ay, 35:38; 10. The lO mi1€ rum€ls ran two laps. There were 1?5 en3-mile-17 & undel- 1. Ricky 1\'atson' 16:"10; Z. James trie6 in all, with lO0 linishers in the 5 mile and 6? Iinis_ Price, 16:50; 3. John Slaucht€r, 17:00; '1, chuck Harher6 in the 10. The race was sponsored jointly by the a, Tom P€rkins, 17:27. ri6, 17:11; Atlanta Track Club and stone Mostain Park. A total ol 37 trophie6 and 50 medals wete !resented. CARLING PEACHTREE ROAD RACE, ATLANTA. GA -- Tin Singleton- r. Bill Herron, Pensacola TC, 30:58; Z. Scoit Ed€n, Richmond, Va,, 3l:30; 3. Lee Fidler, Fulman TC, 3l:53; 4. Ji@y Knight, Atlanta TC, 3z:zl, 5. P. J. PEACHTREE BATTLE ROAD RACE, ATLANTA, CA. Leddy, E. Tem. TC, 32,21i 6. Randy Largin, Ro6we Septembe! 4, 19?r (? MILES) - 1, Don Kennedy, 37:00; Ga., 33tZAt ?. Sam Benedict, Na6hviUe TC, 33:49; 8, 2. Jir.!&y Knight, 38:10; 3. Dennis Spence!, 39:21; 1, Bruce LaBudde, Atlaala TC' 34:02; 9. Steve Bolt, Sad Benedict" 39:23; 5. Roger Ritchey, '10:22i 6. Dan Lassetei, 40:47j 7. Dave KerLey, 10:51i 8. Geo!ge conn Huntsville, Ala., 3'!:11; 10. John SLaughter, Nashfl11e TC, 3,!:39; 11. David BishoP, Canton, Ga. ' 34144. 12 41i03; 9. M. chambliss, 41:35' Lo. Billy Collins, '11:36i Mike Caldw€U, Furman fC, 35:00. . r22. Lou Gregort 11. James Price, .1i:38; lZ. Aran Taylo!, 4l:58; 13. Don caprob, 42:38; 14. Jim Beach, '12:'19; 15. Pete Selkovski Pensacola Tc, 65, 46:14. (198 libish€rs) ?oo ?/4/71 lo-MILES 50:14;
'H. WILLARD SHANER ' MEMORIAL 16-MILD RDLAY, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Sponsored by the Inlet Social & Athtetic Club Sunday, October 31, l9?1 - 1. Haddon Township lligh School, N.J, (Mike Eldea 20:36; Dan Matoush 20:33j Jie Doherty 20:39r Mark Yeltin 20:a7) r:22AI.A: 2. Camden Co6ty College AA (Bob Cooper20:33t Steve Martoraho 20:59, Tom Mackin 2l:4.1, Wayne Merkh z|t1a) I.24.aL; 3. wiuiamstown (N. J. ) Hs (Joe Si€drecki 20:29i Bruc€ Marino 21:50; Dawe l-{och 22r.4.r; \4il1ie Marino 20:,15) r:25i.+8j .4. Dela*are Stat.: College AA (Aaton Price Z1:08; Jim 1!atbusser 23:1,!: ticnneth Rodeers Z1:.16i Mike lirilsoh 20:l]?+ Bc6t tihe) l:26:1a; 5, Camden County College B Team, 1:28:08r 6. Attahtic Comunity College, Mays Landing, N. J., t:30:Zli 7. Univ, ol Pennsylvania (Dah Moore, Stetihen Buchner, ,warrih DnJft, David 1{ilkinson) l:3t:2.r; 8. Stockron State CoUege, Atlanric Citt, 1:32:,15; 9. Clou.esr.jr tlS, l:33:05j 10. Penn AC, 1:33:49; 11. Srockroa State Col1eg.l 'B", 1143:53, (Joe Si€diecLi gave lvilliam6rown a lour secohd lead on rhc {irst leg; howev€r, Haddon Tqit. HS movc{:l in Jront to stay on the sccond 1€g ro scor. an easY vlcrort.I --Ed Lcagu€-WILLI! MARINO & JOL BESSEL CAFlj ,\4AY VICTC]RS Carr. May, N.J., Satulday, Nov. 6- N.\ Yort4C,s Joe B€sse], running a lront race all the wal, sc!r..r ar easy vict.ry in th€ V€terans {.10 & Over) 5-r!i]. on rhe '"
at P.
E. F-.
other opponents. $Jilliahstown H, S. ac., 1r'rillie \4arin. .aptlr€.. rhe olen AAr. 5-miler in 2ir:24, The in,o races li:r. sponsorcd bt the Road Ruhn€rs CLuL and Bob ! ite s ColonlaL Hot€] & Iiorel. lteireslmehts & aiards Jol1.r.d 1. rhe Motet tounge. ilcath€ri I.1eaL l vtTERANS 5-MILE 1 Joe aessel, NYAC, 26:32; 2. Ship Dough€rty, USA, 2?:l8j l. Joe Eur.s, Unired AA, 28:13; ,1. Bill King, P€nn AC, 28:36i 5. Joln Kar01, Penn AC, 29:26j 6. Paul Mcsorley, Penn AC, 29:3,ri ?. Bob Fite, Cape May, l0:3.1r 8. Harry Henriques, BasLing Ridge, N.J., 30r,14;9. Larry Delanet, Penn AC, 30:.16: 10, Ev Newell, Mr. Holly, N.J., 31:3.| lt. Jim Larz, V.ntnor City, N.J., l2:0.1t 12. Frank Keiser, Ber$yn, Pa., 35:1.1; 13. l,1rs. Anna Ow.hs, lriuiamstown, N,J., .10:33; 1i!. J.rryHo.h, Phila. AC, .12:59j 15. Jim Merritt, Cape May, .1.:1r0Ii. OPEN 5-MIIE - 1 l\rillic -\4arino, iUiansLorvh HS, 2r5:20; 2. Tom McK.:osh, Cape Mat Reg. HS, 26:52j L Dawc Hoch, \viliiamstown HS) 28:ll; .r. l3ob Marino, WiUiamsrorn HS, 28:31; 5. Mike Kenncdy, Arla.tic Comuity College, 29:0i1; 6, \4ike Hartman, Allanlic City, 29:5li 7. St€ve McK€.vn, Cale May Reg. HS, 32:15; 8. Iran]. Smithj Atlantlc Corm, Colieec, 32:16. 14
Woodbury, N.J-, Sat., Nov, 6- 10 & Under Ciils \4i1.r1. Bi1li Frirz, Clayton, N.J., ?:51-,l0 & Und€r Bots Mile- L Eobby Thibault, Ctayron, ri:23. .11& 12 B.ys Mile- 1. Micah Norman, r,4oodbufy, 7:08,,13 & l.l Boys 3-Mil€ 1. Mike Oallagher, 11roodbury, 19:22..15 & Over 3-Mile- 1. Ernie Brasoq, \4edia, Pa-, 19:13 (1irood6) DASTERN REGIONAL & IJENNSYLVANIA US'TFF X-C
c".., o. oo.
0, o- -,.-, tsi Dc. -o.{ , : .. r.- - r ac-b-.8, Ceorgerowh AA, 29:36; 3. Charlie Maquire, PSU, 29:.t8 1
.1. Carl HatlieLl,
unat., 29:5,1j 5. Jotn Jones, una,+ 6. Clin, Cham!erlin, Quantico Marines, 3OiOZ; 7. Bob Hillman, PSU, 30:ZZ:8. cart Berrsch, QM, 30:26; 9. Vic Kelley, QM, 30:33j 1!. Ho\re11 Michael, QM, 30:3?r 11. Dan Supulski, FSU, l0:.10; t2. Mike Mirttjl€taedt, oM, 30:51j 13, Jim A1lahahd, psu, 3t:ot; 1.,1. Don Davis, OM, 3l:08t 15. Vern Ciaham, QM, 31:ltr 16. Cary Murray, PSU ' B', l1:22t l?. Juris Luzins, QM, ll:28j 18. Charley Baldwin, Creen Mrn., l1:lJ5; 19, Matt Chadr'ick, PSU) 31:35' 20, Bill Dasson, r-est Ch.,6ter, 3t:,11i 21. Bruc. Skiles, Berks-PSlr', 31i.1.1r 22. Bruce M.Lanahan, PSU B , 3l:5lj 23, Bill Shosers, 1iri,6t Chester, 3l:5it 24, 1)ete Srelanic, PSU B , 31:58i 2a. John Fullmer, FSU, 32:0.,1j 26. K€n lvorthen, PSL B , 32:t2t 21- Tom Ilagcrty, Bucknell, 32:16; 28, Dare l|-irD, Roch.stcr fC, 32:Z0i 29. Scott Bartram, Buclne11, 3Z:?3j 30. Frank Carroll, Brckne\l, 12,21. {101linlshc.s) Splits: \,1i1€ IIatlield, ,t:,t?l 2-mile llatiiel.l, rltasuir., Slaeeb€rg, Frcdcricks, 9:lljj 3-nli1e- \4aguire, 1.1:,17, Staecberg, 1.,1:,18, Iredericks, 11:1!ri 1 nrilc- Stageberg, L9:-11, l redericks, 1!,:11. 14aguire, 19r.11: 5 rni1.- Stageb.ig, 2.1r39, Fred.ricks! :.1: r9, i!lasuire, 3.!:19, IIatli€1.1, ?,1:5?East.rn liSIFa T.ranr- l, l,enn Startj 25; 2. QM 30j 3, FSrj E !-j .1, il est Chester 129: t. Eucknelt llz l-enhsyhania |S'fFl Tcar.- l liSL L5t 2, PSU r] 60 l, { es: Ch.6r.r !.rr .1. P,u.kn.1l 97r 5, Rerks PSU t.11. 30:01;
qEVPSON I'INS ]tr MIL! HANDICAP ROAD RACE o, ovo '-r ,p. o.. O. ob, . aided by a l5-minute tim. allortan.e, woh rhe {irsr erent on rh€ Kn.xrille TC s Jall uinter seri.rs .I long dlstanc. c.mpetitions. Bill Herrin, UmverEitt ot :ftinnessee stahdout, ran the IasL.st tinle ar.r ras .lo.kcd in 50:50 lor th. L0 r.ile disrahc.. He pa.ed hims.ll rerfectLy and lassed the 5 nlite mark in Z5:t5 Ior a 5 minure mile averagc, Several hcw lac€s tEned our for the c1'ent aDd ir atDcars that a line season ot roa.l running rs un.lersay in Lhe Southeast_ \lr.arh€r: 70 , hLujd, .aln. Chcrokee Blvd. couse (ravcD,c.t) l9 start.rs, I6 linishers, llc!. Acr. 5m Act.10m l. Bob Hemrsoh, u.at.,18, 15:00 28:55 5r.:.r.t 2. Jorg{j Silva, unar., 29, 32:00 r7j50 81:08 :J, Dr, Tom Prince. K_fC,,15, 25rO! l6:35 ?4:12 .1, Llot.l Lundih, l(fC, 52 2I..15 a1:25 TLI] 5. Scorry Porters, CN, 21, 12:00 29:15 t1:.18 4,, Cole liraggcner, KTC, 5.1, :lE:00 ,10:.15 88:10 ?, Arl P.arson, K:fC, .,18, 28:00 3?:03 ?8:10 ll. Dick S.hu1cr, KIC, 31, 20:00 li!:L? tOtll 9, Bill Herrin, uhat, , 19, 0:00 25:15 5 0:5 01. 10. Tom a.rrler, unal., .18, 30:00 l8:03 8t:06 11, Alden Gardner, KIa:,2r, 9:It 29:22 6A:'jA 12, Bob Thurston, rAa, 27, 25:At 37:aO 76:53 11, Kel|h Kahl, KTC, ,11, 11:00 3|):11 {Z:54 l.!. Dave l-irtlchales, D. C.,22,10:00 l0:25 63:11 15. Roberr Stani€y, unat,, i8, L0:04 ll:55 a,5r58 16, CilR.e.l, unat.r 18, 15:OO ,11:oO dL:Zz
-q" ' olJ v. --ol:e
IjUDSON MOHAI{K ROAD RUNNERS CLUB RACES 5.64 and ll,2E Mile Road Runs at Caol]us of rhe Stare Universitt, Albany, Nelv Yorl<, O.tobcr 24th lO A,M,
l. Iom Robinson,
2.82 Mi. 15i
5.6.1 Mi. 29:24
-5. Kalina, r6t44, 34t45i 6. BiU Ghio!6e, r7t33, 37i2-,
7, TiE Atvelr, IAt26, 37t\At 8. Keith rnglis, 18:26, 3?:10; 9. Steve McCoue!1, l8:32, 3?:5?r lo. Donald cowan, 20:07, 4Q:47., r\. MeI Katz, zot4o, 4at49, 12. Rictrald Beakm, zQt37, q\;ttt 13. Kathy Shrade!, 2,1:1.1
49:03; Lil. David Shlader, 27:40, 62:03. (16 srarre!6) I1.?8 MILES Z.A2m 5.64m 8..16m l. Gary Nelgoa, l5t4l 3t.24 !-7:16 2, Faustin Baron, 15t45 31t17 47i\6 3. Tom o61er. 15:41 3l:41 4?:18 4. Mal Mccomell, r7t3l 31t57 52:ZZ
[.28fr 62:32 63:10
63t12 691!.7
5. veln HofImaa, I7tZ8 3515A 55:06 7\53 6. Lild6ay Ch ds, lA,Zi. 37,17 56:21 74:59 7, Al McKinley, ?9t56; 8. Fred Tong, 85:52; 9, Jetf Notes, . . Tom Robin6on again lac€d litrie competition ib the 5.6.1 tuile race. Robin6oo ran the first la! at an avelage speed oI 5:26 p€r mile, but retuhcd on the second 1ap to average a 6wiJt 5rOO per mile,. The long aace ploved to be a real cofrpetitive battle as Nelson moved out in the Jinal two mile6 ro win by zrto_v over EQUINOX MARATHON, COLLECE, ALASKA Septetuber 18, Mik€ Devecka, 23, ol tbe L. S. Aroy Biathion team stationed in Ataska, .a.rured the 9rh an-
flaf with,l x 6 l,/2 hile loops. A rotal ol 9? marathoaers 6tarteil and 63 {inished. Thirree. yeaa old Dave Cortez (brother of Jo6e) tuade it a faoily afiair by setting a 4ew nationai record loa that age group with a Z:45i30
and a mo6t amazing seventh ptace fiDi6h overall l ln a hau-oarathon contest€d on th€ 6aoe day, th€ Ore_
gon TC's Bill Norris won hahdily in l:ti:31 ovea teamhate Geofi Hollister & Oregon State,s :fed lvoUe_ 1. Jose Cortez, RCS, 2:21:38; Z. Russ Fare, OTC, Z: 22t09t 3, HaI JackBon, poitland TC, Z:28:O3i 4, Mike Manley, OTC, 2.29:Z9t 5. Bab Cray, OTC, Z:31:,48. i6t 4l-50 Years- FauI Ryman, Lake Oswego, ?:59:52. lst ltoman- Ona Whit€, OTC, 2:59:,10_ 1/2 MARATHON - 1. Bill Norris, OTC, t:]l:3lj Z, Ted WoUe, OSU, l:12:28j 3, ceoff Holtister, OTC, L:tZ:,t,ti .1. Doug Van Camp, Lad€ CC, l:t5:24r 5. Doug Stewart, OTC, r:16:08..1st Over .10- DicL Irvin, Corvallis,l:38:51 lst Wohan- Caroline Walker, OTC, 1:25:28; 2. Debbie Roth, OTC, 1:32:04. --Jack Lerdig & Don Jacobs__
INVlTATIONAL CROSS COUNTRY, lfHITr['OR'IH COLLEGE, SPOKANET WASHINGTON, Se!r_ 26, 1921 r-M,'"s- l. D"r M!.Dt- . c:Oo _. D\' B, -! q, ^IVSU, 18:19r 3. Bob Ma!lestone, alirSC, l8:28t ,1, Dave Harper, WSU, 18:3i;5. Claham Htt.hinson, WSU,18:32,
NORTHERN DTVISION CROSS COrrN fRy, EUCENE, nual race in ?r59:48! just off chris riarnes .ourse rec- OREGON, Octob€I 30, 19?l (6 Milcs on a gotf cours€) old of 2:59:01 (6etin1970). Devecka has beeh on 3 U. s. l, Srcve Pre{ontaine, Or€gon, 28:tO,8r Z. Danay Murphy Natio.al XC Ski team€, on€ of which i,as the 1968 Olyn- WSU! 28:46; 3, Mark Hiefi€1d, 1!SU, 29:1Zj .t. Dave Haaper, \4SU, 29:13t 5, DaI. F1eer, 1\Sa, Z9:1.1; 6, phii The cour6" consi€red oI WSU, 29:16; 7. Randy James, Ore., Z9:19j 8. trail6, and acce66 road6 thar only 4-!heeL dii,e vehic- Burkwist, Pat Ty6on, Oregon, 29:2?r 9. Mark Savage, Oregon, res go on: extremely primitive and uimp.oved, 1r rain_ 29:30; 10, Jim Johnson, 1!ashihgton, 2_o:Jb. ed two days before the tace which caused mud and Teatui 1. Washington State ZOj 2. Oaegon 36t 3. erego. 6wampland at the botrotu (300 fr, ) & fruler xrua a! me State 80; 4. 1t-a6hihgton 9?, (Univ, o{ Orcgon had won rhe top oI the 2380 ft. mountain. The temp. iras 30 at the meet Jor th€ past lour yea!s. ) --Do! Jacob6__ starl d.d fo88y, bL. dr-. iL ^a . .d up .o r' - n., -l]'.. 2. Gene Morgan, Alaska Methodis. Lhiv,, 3:02:58j 3. 8. I].MILE ROAD RUN, EUcENE, oREGoN Dave Thomas, U. oJ Alaska Ski Team, 3:0.1:3?r ,!. Tho- Oct. 16, 1971- OPEN- 1. Mike Mahler, .!,!:5,1; Z. Bob mac Corbin, U.S, XC Ski Team, 3:11r53 {U,S, Nar,t, Gray, ,15:50; 3. Alt Coolidge, 46:tZi 4, ceoff Hotlister, XC Ski Champ la6t year)i 5, Halold DeMoss, 36, 1l est 46:49i 5, Rod Cooper, ]dS, 17:391 (,. Ted Wotfe, .18:ZO, Valley TC, Calif., 3:12:33(new senior-35 & over-recIVOMEN- 1 Lili Ledb€tt€r, 6.1r.10; 2. Sharon Do!,!ing, o!d); 6. John Morton, U.S. Biathlon Iean, 3tr4ta6t 7. 73:53; 3. Vicki (lraves, 87;56j 4. peggy Keep, 87:5?. Da! New, 3:21:33; 8. Tom Siebet6, Lathrop HS, fair40-49 YEARS- 1. Don Wimbcr, 53:25; Z, Jim Harrang, bank6, 3:22:54. .161 Sr. Women- Barbara pase, Lath55:31; 3. lvatne Lance, 55:35i ,1. Ed Ledbetter, 59:32_ 4:41:00. .1st g. S. Cirl Marian May, . rop HS Faculty, 50 & OVER- 1 Ken Kienzle, ?2:2..1i Z, H.C, McMurry, Ldtb!op HS, .1:2,1:04. (18l runnea6, 50O hikers) '?2:21t 3. Larty HiIt, It33t25, --pon Ja.obs__ 5.5-MILE CROSS COUNTR]. MEET (Road Runners) Portland, Oregon, Oct- 3l- L Doug l!.ellman, Zt, 32:30; JOSE CORTEZ RUNS CLASS MARATHON AT ELCENE Eugene, Olegon, October 3- The Redwood City Strid2, Dave Casfle, 16, 33:l0i 3, Ri. Raymood, j4:09; i1. Jim Marthalle6, HS, 34:30: 5. Ton Murphy, 34:.tZi 6. e!6'Jo6e Coltez finally came of age (19 yea!s (orth) at the Oiegon TCrs AII-Coher€ Malathon by iunning to Ron Beck, 34r53.. Youngcst linishe!; Erra folb€s, lO, a natiobal class 2:2r:38. The hark was a nes,JC record .,15r15.. Oldest finisher- Dr. Larry Hi1t, ?2, t:U:10, and new natiolal age group (for t9 year olds) record OREGON AAU, PORTLAND, OC:f. 30 (Ag€ croup & (old lecord was 2:23:?6 by Ed Walkwitz at Boston in \iromeh's Cro66 Counrry Meet)- \yomen,s 2.5-Mi1€- t. l9?0). The old Jc iecold was herd by phii Burkwisr ol Ona Dobratz, OTC, 15:,12; 2. Debbie Roth, ale, Ia,4Zj spokare Falls Cofrh. cou. (wash. ) at 2r25:26, also L C. lralker, OTC, 16i20. (33 finishers) Hilty course. set in 1970, Olegon TC,s Mike Manley went out at about Cold witb drizzle. 2:15 pace but was Elowed by sto4ach cramp6 at 20 hi1Girls 12 & 13- 1.5-Mi1e- l. Liz Walker, 9:36 po.tland. es and I:ni€hed fourth. Ex-Ft. Ord ace Russ Pate, now qiris 10 & ll- 1 1/,1-Mi1€- l. Jamie Mitche]l, pTC,8jl]. runriug fo! OregoD Tc, was second a{!er being overGills 9 & Under- Mile- 1, Marchi Wierson, pTC, ?:12. taken by cortez in ihe iasr few miles. His 2:22:09 time Boys 14- 1.5 Ml1e- l. Tony classcock, Scappoose, g:ZO, v+ al6o by tar a pe?6onal best. The weather conditions Boys 12 & 13 1.5-Mi1€- l. Neil Adkin6, pTC, 8:41. vere excellent *ith teDpelature6 in the hid-60's and Boys l0 & U - Mile- l. Mark Dagg, PTC, 6:0l, aostly overcast wilh a light breeze. The cour6e wa6 Boys 9 & Unde! - Mile- 1. Je{I DecaUies, 6:45.
CARL HATFIELD iS THE REAL MCCOY IN CANTON Cahton, Ohio, Sunday, October l0- Soiry abour that, all you reople who rehember rhe day6 of the family {euds on rhe hountains, cohplete lrith shotgus and whisk€y stillsJ bu, th€re wa6 qart a McCoy .ht€r€d in Canionr s Am€]ican Marathon. As it wa6 a Hatli€ld, Call by name, bleczed to the chadpionship of the big racc that covered 26 mites,385 yards llon Fr€eburg to Canton, Carl, a native Wesr Viaginian fho wa6 born 2.! year6 ago in Materan, is a co.fidear, tatkative Ic11cr who ha6 lost {ew races of ahy kind, and he usualty has a 1ot of stamina leJt in his 5-9, t.,10 lb. body when hc hiis the
Ohio, 2:51:1?; 20. Bill Botting, 32, \,r-, Carronton, 6iio, 2,52tA7:21. Carl cravandi, 26,2t52tA1,22, Jim Ackler, 21, Creenville, Ohio, 2:55:01; 23. Tom $ oU, 18, pa. , 2t5a:43.,21, Dolaro Bals@o, 32, R6ch€ster, N. y., 2:56:11; 25. Terril Wilson, 3.1, Pa., 2t56tI!: 26. c,arl Caret, 3.1, Indiana, 2156..22,27. Faul Lucuski, 26, Pcnn AC, 2:56:42i 28. Ceorge cuiEs, 28, Z:57:.t3i 29, Joseph Butchl{o, 43, Pitrsburgh, pa., 2:57:45 (tst Over .10); 30. Wen.lall Su1livan, 17, Cincinnari, Ohio, Z:5?:53; 31. Robcrt lomshany, 29, Ky-, 2:57157: 32. David Mar, ver, 2b, \ra,, 2158t37.,33. Dr- \4alter McConnetl, .,10, N.J., 2:58:,1lii 3,1, A1 Oarroli, 30, lexa€, 2:58:5Or 35. Edirin J.rome, 28, Iadiana! 2:a9:12r 36. Nick Shamis, 33, 2:i9:10..10.1. Donna Aycoth, 22, Md., 3:38:15, "I guess Irm a fi€ry guy b.cause my grcat, grear uct. HALF-MARATHON - l. Ken Shrlmate, 27, Mich., l:l2r s,a€ that way,' Hatfi€ld said after he won the long ra.e 59j 2, nill Scho11, 20, Canron, t:13:281 l. Jnn Criner, in Zt22:14. 20, J!:anerte, Pa., l:14:03i 4, T.rry Dugan, t9, Canton, The I'UncIe' na6 a Jeudinr letler by the name or Anse 1rl-1:+6; i. Joe l!,luscar.lla, 29, Ciev.land, 1:15:1f,; 6. HatIicld and his nickname wa€ the Devil.' Devil always Gcnf lirise, Canton, t:15:21j 7. Phil Iord, Mansfietii, had d Dorr'.d b""-d, .o. dr spo" s or Ohio, 1:15:2:..11. Virgil tehn€rt, .12, Akron, Ohio, _arl or4. o' rV',,oat". i-c 1:17r08..3!. cug€no Bulinski, 52, Etm1roo.l park, I11., "s u,--.. but lhis year he cracked Kihbal|s record by six mins, l:28:26,, ?6, \ancy Ahdre(, lL, I:12.5I. {A p.r6onal improvcheht oJ eleveh minutes Jo1 Carl t) QUARTLH - i{ARATHON - 1. Johh carza, Zl,, Mich., Carl is a son oI a coal oiner ahd Jilst starte.l ruhning 32:l3i 2, Ed Fry, 31, Indiaha, :'a,, 31:u7t 3. Rick Hortor Mates,an High S.hool. Cutently h€'6 a graduaLe tor, 1ii, Canron, 3,1:2?i .1. XeD Lai, lE, Colurrbrs, Ohjo, 6tudent ih counselling and guidanc. ai West Vilgihia l1::?i :. !n&ohy Adame, 1?, Ashtabuta, Ohio, 3.1:.!5; Uaiversity. Uc runs 20 miles a day for plactice and I,Ia: o, Elanir, 21, ft. 14atne, Ind., 3.1:5q., t5. Roland currcntty he is ohe tough cookiel .cnspach, 1!, S!rjng!oro, Ohio, 37:26."16. JlenAlmagSe.ohd in the American test sloh6ored !y the ADerican uer. 1!, ;ranstoh, Ill., 37:28,,21. l)aut IIansen, 5O, Oil Comliany and the YMCA Road Runcrs Club lvag Ho1t, l!t:cn,, 38i09,,l??. Paul Ciaccia, ta, lJa.,52.33. Doug Scorrar, a Canadian atfcnding Ohio Srat€ University, time.l in 2:26t35, and third was a Cantonian, paut Lst A!e ,1: & Over- $.all esterhollr, Brou, N,y,, :fal]{ihgton, who hit 2;3.1:0,t. 1-CMEN'c OUARlFR MARATHON i. Be|h Bonner,19, The marathon.hew Z1? 6tarrers, bur lor all four racee sou.h ierset Chargrre, 37.17r 2. Susan Caiter, 12, on the program, thei€ were close to 800 PittsLufsh, Ira., .13:00i l. raurie 1'ucholski, 18, .r.olepared to ,179 for last ycarrs lirst annuat €vexr. do, Ohi., ll:11; ,1. FlUa lrrttjs, t,t, Dcrroit, :].;1.22. 5. The races all start at the san€ time but at.iifJ€rent \Iari-il.tit, Li, K.tterine, Ohio, .14:25; 6. Kathy Mahpoinls betreen Fre€burg and Cahton. All fihish in the er, Larbert1ill.r, I4ich-, i1,1:28. (1l]a srar.€d, 99 hn. ) A!! rl & (.rver, 1. Judith Kazdah, Ontario, 57:O6..Agc Hatlield reccived an €ngraved wrisr ra!c!, c!urr--sy r5 .1J- l. Grace Butch.ja, (lhardon, Ohio, 45:23_.ABe Rogers Jew.lers, as ilid Kch Shumate, 27, o{ Ann Arh! & Ln.l.r- L, val.ric I,Iorgan, S.uth.ierscy Charg!,rs, or, Vlich,, winncl of ihe hall-harathon in I:12:59: Jolln 18:l!. --Carl Uatliel.l & liralt ll.est.:aholmGarza, 26, o{ DetroiL, }tinnei of rhc quarter-ma!athon (6 r/z hil€s), in 32:33; and Bcth Borner, 19, o{ the E]:h A\NUAL J,i. KINNIIDY 3-MIL!- X-cOUNTRy South Jersey Chalge.s, r'inner of the quartcr-,narathon ParL, Pittsburgh, 1)a,, Nov.hber 7-, l9?l to! womeh who was ctocked in a fa6r 3?:17. Th. Braidy- 10Sch.nlr A.I,1. r,lud.ly, lvindy. I]xtt.rnely hiLly c,rurs., rine Juio! college (Wilmington, DetaFar€) stud.ni non 1. Carl Hailiel.l, l5:2lj Z, J.,rry nich.t, 15:50; :J. l,aut by nearty sijr mirutes. She \routd have ltaced iith in Lhe Talliineton, l5:50i .1, John taxrcr, I6:06; 5. Dan payr., huee field oI 231Iihishers in rho m€n's iac., 16:15i fi" Rick llorlon, 16:2.1; ?. Ierry Dugan, 16r3.+; 8_ TMARATIION- l. Carl Ilat{ield, 24, !lorida IC, 2:2zt+l Ceorg. Hen.lri.Ls.n, ll,:40; 9, Art R.:c!er, 16:.10; t0. 2. Doug Scorrar, 23r Colrebus, Ohio, 2:26i3:j l. paul R.e Hendrickson, L6:,17. Talkington, 24, Cahton, Ollio, Z:-J1tAlt.!. 1latne rraughh (]iil!l. Marl.he HarsicLs, 2O:38j 2. Susan aiaiter, 25, Hagcrstoinr Md., 2t36t25r 5. Ron Bta.kftore, 18, 21r1.1r 3. Debbie Todd, 2|?Oj .1. Lisa Lo{tis, Z1:.13; 5. Clarence C.it€r, N. Y. , 2:38:lO; f,. Craig Harms, ?1, Sharon C.ugh, 22:0 5, Toledo, Ohio, 2:38:59; 7. Larrt Seetha1.,, Z8! Star!: 13 & Un.ler Boys 1. c. Rho.les, 19:t8. Colleg€, Ira., Z:41:02; 8. Pa.k Barner, 2?, Harrisbure, Pa., 2t42:26.,9, Robcrt Cr€ene, 37, Alexan.lria, Va., ls | 1tDS l' vIRCnnIA AAU CROSS- CO U\-TR y C HAMpS, Zt4L:27t 1A. Dan Shook, 20, Rittman, Ohio, 2:.t6:5?j Li, November 6, 1971. Course:Aroud west Virginia Univ. Harold Southerland, 37, Milrauk.e, lvis., 2:46r59i 12, Medicat Cent.r, Morganlovn, tt.rst Va. l3 r,iles _ hitls Earl Bradley, l?, Colunbus, Ohio, 2r4E:19; 13. Rogcr {or lirsr rwo milris, dovrnhitl last miL!. ) 50o, rvrncly. Rouillcr, 33, Park.rsbug, 1lrcst Va., 2:.18:50; t.,1. 1)r. 1. Dan Payn€, l5:13,4j 2. Kim Nurter, t5:.j2,2j 3. Tom Vlastimil Zak, 38, 11arrensvill(: :dt.., a:nio, Z:49.A2, Ja.kson, 16:07j .1. Victor Marlia, l6r1O; 5. r.ed.t Nash, 15. BiU Br.d€nbeck, 33, In.lepend.nce, a\io, Z:1911)2t 16:lEl ;r. Jim Lund, l6t22t 7. ara.ig Casro, 16:EO; 8. 16, Jcrry Gonser, 3?, Ontario, 2119:191 17, Stel,e N.jrv, Charl.is Miesner, l?:15.3r 9. Kicran Johnston, 1?:5?; Danr 17, Berhel, Ohio, 2:50:5?; 18. Tony uackney, 15, 10. Lou H@phiey, 18:00. . Payne is a {ormer disrance Bethel, Ohio, ztaA:a1t 19, Bob Schaich, 16, Maumee, star at West Va. Univ. He clocked 5:15, l0:31, 15:13,.1.
i1-MAN. IO MILE MEDLEY REI-AY! Alondra Park, Octob€r 17, lg7l The Er ca&ino college A reafr coutd oot hotd otf the cro6ing rush oI Cal Poly Pohona in fhe 5th annual med_ ley relay , It was the tightest race in the history ot the event as o.ly 376 sepalated the fiast four .eam6. t. Cal Poly Pomona (Ruiz, Potling, Etias, L. Ryan) 49:50; 2, El Cahino A (Patterson, Vin6oh, Johson, Perkins) 50r02; 3. Cotdea West AA (Theriautt, Shith, Rus6e1l, p. Ryan) 50:17; ,1. pacific coast club (Musika, Lawson, scott, Kurrte) 50:27; 5. Er canino_B (trorn_ send, Xunstt, Lawlor, Souza) 52:20; 6. Nolth Va[ey Pacers, s2:51 (1.1 teahs tinlshed in th€ oleh Division) 30 & ove! Div. l Seniors Tc (youngdahl, vasquez, Carroa, Atkins) 5!-t10.,2. CCAC, 55.22. 40 & over Div. - t. s€niors Tc (R. warsor, Roberts, Ow€n colDan) 55:O ?. 50 & Over Div.- l. STC (Mcintyre, Seeklns, Halpin) 6.1:3.r. Jr. High Div. - 1. Eilisoa Jr. High, 58:2.,1; Z. Rialto RR,
9TH ANNUAL PHEI,AN (CALIF. ) Is-MILE RUN Novehb€r ?, 19?1. Weather: Super clear, catm, 80o l Mike Mahier, 28, unat., t:Z5r40i 2. Joe Totedo, Z3 STC, 1:28:21j 3. JiD Arguilla, 20, uat.! t:29:Ot; .1. Cary Dobrentz, 25, CWAA, t:29:13; 5. Mike Wade, l: 29:27, 6, Matc Lund, 22, CSLB, l::11:30; ?, Frant{ Fr yne, 32, CC,{C, 1:33:04; 8. Tom Srurak, ,10, SCS, t:3. l2; 9. Michael Stewart, 23, CCAC, t:36,08; tO. Dan Seamour, 48, STC, 1:36:45j 11. Dave T. parke!, 4t, Nv, l:38:19, 12. Thomas Cary, 25, CCAC, t:38:40, 13. Bradlord Mosher, l:,10:l2i 1.1, Skip Sha{{er, 33, CCAC 1:.12r21; 15. Merlyn Midstokke, .41, SMAA, l:42:.t3j 16. Arthur Aldrew, 36, STC; 1:44jtO; 17. Jay pengia, 28, \nai:., l:.14t22, t8. Mike ,Mccarthy, 25, nnat., l:4atzl, 19, Ski! HoIer, 31, NV, 1:46:19; ZO. Wm. Scott, t:46:Z 21. Ted Savyer, \:46t32r 22. Ricbard Sudbeig, 1:,17:3 23. Charles J\66rhma, tO, Riatto RR, \149t46j 24. flank As6umma, 10, RRR, t:49r46;25. Skip yougdat) It49:46, 26. Helma! Hanson, 37, tnat., ItEA:\6., 27. B. Long, 52, SCS, I:50.26t 28. Irank Kott, 55, ua., t:5 62:31. 36; 29. Mike O Rourke, 41, STC, 1:52:43; 30. Watt Fr Elem. Div. - 1. Wasco WiLdkats, 59:19 derick, 6.4, Senior6 Tc, 1:56:03. (44 {inishels) Best Splits: Mile- L. Patter6on, Et Camino_A, ,1:3?l Notes... Mike Mahler continues to improve atter hi€ 2'Mile- \{. Smith, CWAA, 9:5.4i 3-Mit._ c. Scott,pCC, ycar in Or€gon, The weathel contribured to stow rihe s 14r,ll; .4-Mile- Phil Ryan, cold€n rn csr A-C, t9:36. --John Brennahd_SOUTHERN PACIFIC DISTRICT iO, OOO& XC CHAMPS at Mt, Sac, November 13, 19?1, Ideat, MT. SAC INVITATIONAL OPEI\- ].7 MIII X-COUNTRY Tra.y Shith rcturned to rhe SpA14-eathe!: Champion6hip scea€ October 30, 19?1, Wearher: Ct.ar, coot, stight breez€. with ah impr€s6ive vicrory ove! a lalge lield and on a B-o^r, hoa d. Fa rtr". .r o... .h",. i,8 hilly course. Team: 1. SC Striders 15; 2. Santa Barbar team vlctory on the hil1y \,1t. Sac course. Team: t. SCS A-4, 51; 3, Culver City AC, 5.1r 4. MAFB, 8,1r 5. STC, 15; Z. Culver C y AC, 5Oj 3. \4,AFA. a5. 100. 1. T. Brook Thoma6, SCS, t9:1?; Z, Jotn Larson, 27, r, Tracy Smith, nnat., 3ItZ2; Z. John Lawsoh, ZZ, pC DU D/a.. .-, rAA, to: : .1, !-o.6F 3t:28; 3. Phit Ryan, P.C, lo:,0: 27, CWAA, 3t:32; 4_ M. Wagen_ 5!oll. rq, PaC. o B.o<-. .. 5, S, o:--j bach, 22, I-AVC, 31:49i 5. Bob plice, 25, AIA, 3l:5Zi ,6. Gr€g Tibb€tts, una., Z0:OOj 7. Ro.Kur.1€, 23, pCC 6. Rotr Kurrle, 23, PCC, 31:58j 7. ceorg€ Miharik, S( Z0:01: p. Dr. r .\ o, lr . c, s. o: . : o. ,a\ rar . s. s.S, 32:44: 8. Latry Pontinen, 30, SBA_{, 3Z:24j 9. Todd zO,zq, f, ;-.Lir -r c.", \Bo q, -O: o. Ierguson, unar,, 32:41; 10. Dick 1{oe1k, SCS, 32:5?; U u rek,.SCS, 20:50; 12. Brian VacFherson, una_, ZO:5?; A1 Siddon€,CSF, 33:04j 12. Howard Miuer, CTC, 33:05j 13. GaryDob.entz, 25, C\IAA, Zt:15; 1.1, Ed Boutdin, 13. Ray Darnin, 3I, CCAC, 33:13; 1.1. Jon Sutherlaid, 21, SC{, 2I,]-9:15. Ired Lands, MAFB, 2!:5,t; 16, Joh! aTC, 33125.,15. John Coison! AIA, 33:Z6j 16. Tom Pagliaho, 32, cWAA, 22:lO; 1?. Doug perez, 2:1, CCAC Bache, San Di€go TC, 33:38; l?, K€ith Jetfers, SBAA, 22:15j 18. David Waco, 39, C1!AA, ?2:16; 19. Richard 33:il3; 18, Jame6 Perez, 25, urat,, 33:4i; 19, Rick Mu Bullock, unat., 22:181 20. Parrick Eari€y, 30, unat., unat,, 33:51: 20. Fred Landsr MAFB, 33:53j 21. perry ZZ:I9; 21. Flank Frelde, 32, CCAC, 2Z.ZZ:22- Janes Forrest€r, 19, PCC, 34:03:22. David Russelt, 24, SCI Perez, 25, ua!. , 22:24t 23. J aLn Btair, MI,FB, 22:25; 34:06r 23. Tuily Mann, SDTC, 3.!:09; 24. J€rry polihg, 2?!. Bodo Bilazcrvski, SBA-{, ZZ:35; 25, Hos,ard priest, uat., 3,1117; Za. John Brennand, 36t SBAC, 3t:29.,2(), 20, BB'fC, Z2t47j 26. Thomas Cary, 25, CCA,C, ZZt52, David Hosmer, unat., 34r3l]j 27_ Don Ocala, 34:35; Z8 '7. Pz! r.- rs<1, 5 .t z?t<7:28. -o S-tro rr, Lna.,, Frank lreyne, 32, CCAQ, 34:39,,29. pete Munille, .,13, 23:\0,29, Daee Cuningha6, MAFB, 23:t1; 30. Michael SMAA, 3.!:50 (lst Vet,); 30. Brian Mcpherson, unat., Stewart, 23, CCAC, 23:16..12, Nan Torret, unat,,2,t:5a) 14:55i 31. John Pagliano, 32, c\4.AA, 35r05; 32. Mike (lst woman)..57 finishers. --Johr Brednand-Ducan, 35r10j 33, Doug perez, ?3, CCAC, 35:14j 3.t, Ed Boulilin, 24, SCS, 35:18j 35, Ron Hopklns, unat., SOUTHERN PACIFIC ASSN. XC CHAMPIONSHIFS 35:19: 36. Rich Levy, SDlC, 35:z1j 3?. Tony BomLah! 3. ? Miles, Mt. Sac, Oct. 30, 19?t CSF, 35:32j 38. Tom Sturak, .40, SCS, 35:32 (Znit Vet.) 1. Pete Mundle, 43, SMAA, 2t:50; 2. Owea Corman, 39. Michael Stcwart, 23, CCAC, 35:35; .40_ Joe Moreh( 12, STC, 22,O2t 3. Tom Sturak, 40, SCS, 22rZO; .,1, Lewi6 Roberts, 44, sTc, 23:I5, i. Bilt Fitzgcrald, .,16, ua!,, 35:37j .11. Skip Shaller, 33, ccAc, 35:aa;12John Btair, MAIB, 36:08; 43. Bodo Bitazewski, SBAA, STC, 23:r9j 6. Wiltis Kl€insa66er, 43, S"fC, 24:27.,7. Jane6 F. Oleson, 53, SMTC, 24:36j 8. Rlchard DDrand 36:11; 44. Parrick Earley, 30, unat., 35;18r .,15, Derricl 43, S'fC, Z5iIsr.,. Bob Long, 52, SCS, Z5:39j tl]. Byron Ruiz, unat,, 36:36; 46. Cha6. Barone, una., 36:46;4?, Pott6, .!t, SCS, 26:OO;11. Bob Williams, ,10, unar., 26: Dave Cunningham, MAFB, 36;46;49. Randy Rhoades, una,, 37:14; .19. Larry Suhr, 28, SBAA, 3?:20; 50. Bitl 02; 12. Sam Nicholson, unat., 26:O6j 13. Joln carcia, 53, STC, 26:13; 1.1. Ed Hatpin, 53, STC, Z6:19; 15, John Theriault, 27, S1C, 37:,t4; 51, Thomas Cory, 25, CCAr 3?:51; 52. Paul Steusel, SDTC, 37:5?; 53. cary Wake_ Noble, STc, 26:20. (26 {inishels) Tem: t. sTC, tg. land, MAFB, 38:Z8i 54, Leu,is Robert6, 44, STC, 3Br5t Pete Mbdle cohtinues ro dominate the SpA veteraaB \4A- B o:0o. ro. James r. clp€on, events in !c and on the roads. --Joln Brennand-',.ISL' ro:6(s O\"r s!1T., Qen": "0J 0 Iinishe.6.
Frarcis.o, Calil., Nov. 20,
1971, SpoDsore{:t by
Parks & Recreation Dept, o{ Daly Ciry! Calif. {a S.F. suburb) - 1. Darlyl Beardall, Marin AC, 36:00; 2. Mike Pinocci, HS, Wesr Val1ey TC, 36:00; 3. Steve SlaNson, Solano TC, 36:111 4. Malk Donneu, San Jose State, 36: 2i1; 5. Harry Shandera, USA Pr€si.tio! 36:29i 6, Greg chrona,, So a o f., ,6r'o: 7, r r vi, -.rr. p. ,.2r.. 36:,11; 8, Dah Anderson, VaU€t TC, 36r,17; 9. Too B_ovn, .5i o5r. -, 0l: 0. DLs,, Merrr., rr",. 37:24j ll. John Eutterfield, !AA, 3?:26; t2. Joha Weidinger, PamaLid, 37:32' il, Wiltiam P. Cronin, l\rvTC 3?:.48; 14, Milie Edwards, \4VTC, 3?:51; 15, Jotn Dcau, uat., 37:56; 16. Thomas Biak€, uat., 38rt6i t?. Bxuce Kaufmah, unat., 38:lli 18. Peter Wood, NCSTC, 38:48 (l6t Over .10): 19" Larry Main, WVTC, 38:53; 20. Irank Corrcz, llvTC, 39r11; 21. Jam€s O'^"eit, SFOC, 39:2.1j 22, BiU Po6edel, Pamakid, l9:33; 23. cary Casagran.t. unar., 39:36i 2,1, T€rry S&ith! CCSF, 39:3?; 25. Rudy Dressendorfer! unat,, 39:38i 26. JosephKing, ubat., 39r45; 2?, E.lward Jaynesj Athens TC, 39:53; 28. James Nicholson, NCSTC, 4O:11; 29. TomRead, unat., .10r24; 30. Mike Shaughncssy, unat., 4O:32; 31. Michael ccorgi unat., .r0;43; 32. Steve Oveh, Encinal High, ?rO.45t 33. Galy Rayome, 1y Smith Fan Club, ,!t:1?j 3.!" Davi.l Unger, unat., .11:18; 35. Larry MccraeI, Co11€ge park, 11.211 36. Qatlas Ortiz, uat., .11:29j 3?. Don l]ickett, SFQC, 41:31; 38. Robert Telles, unat., 4l'3at 3r. C, Tarin, unat,, 4l;36; 40. Pat Cunneen, Pamaki.1, .{:,1,t. BYRON LOWRY KNOCKS 32 SECONDS O!'BERK'LI!. MORAGA RECORI) r,\ITH 1iO9i53 CLOCKING Berk€ley, Calil., Oct. 3l tsyron l,oriry te.l att ttle way ove! a l,|-mile up abd down course to 10{.r his o,1i rccord of 1:10:25 set last yrar. (150 linishers) l. Byron Lowly, SFOC, l:09:53j ?, Darrcn Ceorge, Napa Valrey R, 1:12:.16; 3. Ray Darwin, Culver C.rtr -{C, 1:12:,19j ,1, Tom Cathcaat, Li!ermorc RC, 1:1.1:l2r a, wolfgang Schmulcwicz, nnal:., I..11:a1; 6_ DaD An.t€rsoh Val1ey TC, l:16:14; ?, R.bert corhater, tv!arin AC, Lj16: 59' 8. John Buttertield, Napa valley, t:1?:26: 9. Joth Weidiig€r, unat., l:1E:59j 10. Ian Jacison, l:21]rOl]; [. Ross Smith, West Valley J&S, 1:20:1]? (1sr ver. )i 12. John Theiin, Marin AC, l:20:2?; 13, Johh Cana.h., 1:20:55; 14. ? 1r20r59; 1,. Bob Stelhenson, ilVrC, 1:21: 04; 115, D€nnis Marthcr s, Solano IC, 1:21:11; 17, Darren l{aiton, Marin AC, t:21:2,r; 18- pet{,r rroo.1, NCSTC, l:21:39r 19" Douglas Essary, Sa.,to TC, 1:2t:.r7j 20, Jim Holl, iirvTC, l:2t:51; 21. W'h. Fairqell, 1:22:.r8j 22, Dawc Zmwalt, I:22:561 23. John Noonanr Llarin AC, 1:23:11: 24, Ri11 Posc.l.1, SFPD, 1:23..29t 2a. John Ccer,
\,23.31, 26. Jifr O,Neil, S! OC, t:23:46i 27, rhomar OrBrien, I i23:52.
Santa Barbara, Calif,, Oct. 3, 19?1 Bitt cookin ran Probably rhe fine6t rac€ ol hi6 lolg career ro crock 2tZ9:33 ia hat, dry k:ather. Team: SBAA, i6; Z. SC Srriders 16j 3. San Dicgo TC, -r!:i:-!::'-9 19r,10-, -1'"ll:11: a!. IWo two-time winn€rs of th€ lamed Boston the late Jack Callr€t and JohnDy vi1es, have lo the canadian Road Runers llau ol Fanre. lived in Hamiiton, won the BAA Marathoh rh 1900 & 1901, Miles qon the aoston event in 1926 an.1 1929.
l3 PHIL RYAN WINS BIG BEAR 10- MILE RUN Oct, 10, l97l - Phil Ryan btasred away aL ne gu! \ras chaltenged brieliy by Ron Kurrte and Mike Mahler, bur forccd the pace and won easily, taking 1:18 off Ron Larrieu's course recor.t, A supe! p€rforeance, probab, ly sub-50:00 at sea 1eve1. 1. Phil Rya!, 27, GWAA, 5.1:.11j 2. Ron Kur!1e, 23, PCC, 56:25i 3. Dawid Roos€ve1l, Z?! SCS, 5?:35; .1. Michael N4ah1er, 28, uat,, 58:16j ., Tim Tubb, 58:22; 6, James Per€2, 25, unat-, 59:O6i ?. Davi.l 14aco, 39, GWA,{, 59:23; 8. Phil Carlon, 33, STC, 59:24; 9. Dave Russell, 2,1, SCS, 59:.17; 10. cary Dobrenrz, 25, C1\AA 60:07i 11, (]€orgc Fayan, Jr., 23, SCS, 6O:51; 12. Marc Lund, ZZ, CSLB, 61i00j 13. Dad€t Contr€ras, 22, una., 61:1,1; 1,1, Or€n Corman, ,!2, Seniors TC, 61,35 (Isr Ver) 15, Ed Bouldin, 21, SCS, 62..37j t6, L€wis Roberts, 44, S€niors fC, t,3r.l9 (2nd Vet. )t 17. Ratph Jackson, 6.r:ZZ; 18, Bi11 Hammer, lr.l:.13; 19, Andi€ Riou, CWAA, 64:58i 20- John Laliberte, 28, unat., 65:06; Zt. K€n Swanson, 65|?at 22. Jin Veares, 65:5li 23. Dave T. parker, 41, NVR, 6b:+lr 2.!, Ron Hazclwood, 6?:24i 25. Virgil Not_ de, t t-:21: 2i. John B1air, 67:51r Z?. I-hil pautin, 68:38i 28. Vicha--1 Stenarr, 23, Cutver City AC, 68:38; 29, ,wer!yn r4i.lsto\ke, ,10, SMAA, 69:OOi 30. Cary Watic_ 1an., 69:01: 31, Bric ljammerstcin, 20, unar., 69:1,1; 32. v nce Sieels.:r, 28, OC1C, 69:16. (?9 linish€rs) LONC BEACH MARATHON PREP OPEN
'Tts 14,2-lli!cs, Long Bea.h, CatiJ., Oct, 24, t9?t Crer Brocii averaged a hair over 5:00 pac. ro br€ak O:is Martin s lwo ycar old rccord by l:0?. phil Ryan nas r.ath greg uhtil 12 mites. Ar that poiht Creg pulled al...at *ifh a sizzling 19:37 ldst leg to win,ith ease_ Iraul Fisher .lid a fantastic j.b of gelrnrs roBencr a mind boggling array of awards. Rain tell for about 30 minutes hcar the .,n.1 of thc race. {t09 tinish€rs)
-q( af \t-aI\ L\r.
r.1l Frahk, LU, to.Z .lriault, l,L, rt.l
\\ooLl, Sl4burv iC. . -: LU, 1a:23j 17. j.. Z
' .
::. l.:l2i ?. Davc r-an_
- .
NATIONAL JR. I' .]::.: ] :J ::'L\TRY CI]AI,IPS Gabrict Farl, por .rr: .. :: l.: lr, 19?l Course: crass, :t: .::: "a:n. CotdJ 1. Carolin., ,;"t.--., . - .,, : :::: :. Debtric Roth, Or.rgo! TC, 1i::_t: | . I : . _ :,r.ai Falts, Mont, 16:31j.:1. Linna :lL:.:r :: :. : . ::18, (81 finish.d) leam: l. Crr!,!.,: . -.:: : il.berct|es,38l :. R..llroo.l .ji:t; .qr.:: : - .:i:r irind.rb.t le s 93
c\t lr. : :.,: .. D", .r "". ,e-r, Koch, Colo. TO, 27, j.tZ:3513. Richard Mortiz, 19,
: tsob
." ' 8",r.,
I t:.t._ /-rrFrt u, .Y"l ' 2"'," ,r "11". r - 4.-dz!|". .8. :.r:8: .i.,r.
B" d.,a,
\r I o-: 8:_i: tO, ..-j.- Br- ,.-_ man, 17, Rocky Mr. RR, 1158:56; 11. Don Morris, 3..1, r^ l" Y: "" ,:qo:.8. ,.. c--e ,ri .". u, .:oo:ooj ., _:a1:2.: D,.ru," , . or i ../, r, .2:03:5li ., RMRR, 16. sob Sielken, 15, Z:04:uJ;".,,_q, t7, Bruce tr"1, r, I .
15, RMRR, Z:0,!:tOr 18. Frank McCabe, ,1€chenrrn, YMCA, Z:0?:O1r 19. Toh criJtiths, 16, 2:atirt ZA, 53, -".. -.-, 7, F.. ori:n. ., i z:ao:08; rr. ,^:, 'n-- i. - Nood, "o, - ... :oo:,1:1/. ]\,r,- /r. .r.org il 1Y1.. : 8i -r. D-tu r" .\2r"r. ..^/pD, /:' .
-o: ,. rc.. ". .. ::...".od", 2:.r.22:...:..,-\ A.no,.r, /7, DV- F, 1:t-:1.: -o. pa. D, ,o, p ,l-p, ".. srF.F o,.Ia_, 2:16:i . ,/. Paut L,i'o, to, 2: o: .t: 1.. 1b, Ft. Cotiin6'tC, 2i.t:12 29. K€nrHins€r, r{r,z:lZ:5,1
5:50 26
BILLINCS WINS JUNIOR MET. AAU X-COUNTRY Van Coltlahdt Park, Bro*, N. Y,, Nov. 28- David ai[ings, 18-yeai-old senio! at Nyack (N. ].. ) High sch_ ool, captuled the Jr. Met. AAU X-C over the {ou1 mile tRo lap cemetery hill course, Billings, 6r, r50 1bs, thu6 closed his !-c 6eason undeleated. He is tlle Cla66 B Ne{, York State chaDpion. He took the lead at Lhe one hile malk & held it to the finish to clock Z0:36.4. John Haberkern o{ C. W. Fosr Coll€ge AA linished s€cThere ieae 74 starters in the iace with ?1 fihishing, Teah; l. St. John,6 Univ,AA, 30j 2. Fordham Uoiv. AA, 48i 3. C.i{. Posr AA, 58; 4. St. Johh's U. AA-8, 88; 5. Stony Brook AA, lO8; 6. Oranee Co. TC-4, 133, Meet Record: 19:5? by Tony Co1on, LLAC, 19?0. l. David Bil1ing6, Falcon Spiked Shoe Club, Z0:36,.!; z. Joln Haberkern, C. W. Posr AA, 20r.13; 3. Paut \4asca1i, St. Johh's Univ.AA, Z0:5Ol .,1. Wm. Oehl, SJUAA, 20r51; 5. Jan Mitchell, SJU!,A, 21:OOr lj. James rt€1lt, Fordham U. AA, 2t:08; 7. Mike Dorlc, r"rjA,{, Z1:08; 8. Eob Rosea, Stoney Brook,A-A, 21:l0t 9, Paut tngras sia, C.\!. PostAA, 21120;10, Jobn Conheehcy, SJUA-{, 2l:23; 11. I)hil Napolitaho, SjUA-A, 21:29r 12, DarryL Rce6e, SJUAA, 2lr29j 13. Robert Byrnes, !'UAA, 2l:31j 14. Via ]-ananna, e.lV. Post AA, 21:33; 15" Howard Skeggs, SJUAA, 21:35i i6, 1\.m. Holman, FUAA, 2l:36; 17, John Julgcns, FUAA, 2l:39j 18. ceorge Lei.tinger, SJUAA, 21r,10' 19. Paul Nolricki, FUA,{, 21:.11; 20. Jim Devlih, SJUAA. 21:45; 21. Sran Rullenthal, SJUAA, 2\:16t 22. Jerty Connolly, SJUAA, 21t47; 23. Angelo Pizzo, SJUA-{, 2l:.!8; 24. Dan Petry, C,14. Po6t AA, 2l:19, 25, \in Bayer, SJUAA, Zlt59. --Jae Kl.iherDanUNION COUNTY PARKS AGD C]ROUP LONG DISTANCE RUNNING FROGRAM, \'!-AR]NANCO PARK! ELIZABETH N. J. , NoVEMBER 1'!, 1971 ll:00 A, M. clear & warm. OT .N -\,l L S - . . or Do 2n rF. vc- o. a, o' -CF, 26:21i Z. Wayre Bargiel, 2?:,13! 3. Kevin R..tdlhgton, Z9:16; 4. Srere Delikas, 30:15; 5, Keith Bremcr, 3O:36i 6. Bob Bishop, 30:44; ?. Dave H.,ih6, 3O:.17; 8. Bill Solohon, 31:39i 9. Dav€ Shurec, l4:l?; 10, Bill Hudso4, 31:25/ 7tt, cra.de r"5-Miles (cour6e shortJ- r. Rich Pojacz, 8:10/ 8th Crade- 1. Bob van Si.lile, i:35/ 9rh qrade- l.j.Rick auckstad, 6t14., Z. Bi!1 Taylor, ?:02. t course recoad; Bu.kstad ran.r:35 mile in 8rh grade, MEEI #2, Echo Lake IJark, WestJiel.lj N.J., 11,/28/?1 7ih A1.adc 1.5 Miles- 1. Rick Bolrine, 9:25l 8tb Cradel. chris HaLlinan, 11:25 (z-m es)/ 9th cra.te (3.5 rai. )-
22:51; 23" Frank McCaatby, UCTC, 22.53j 21, AbadXwizihski! uat., 22t57., Za. Tam ll\ggihs, UCTC, 23: 06; 26. Jim Cottingham, UCTC, 23,13; Z?. Jim Reitman,
UCTC, 23:36i 28. BiU Bloeguist, UCIC, 23i5!-t 29. L"*") 8 ,, | ,ol ' ric69o, zr'01. r4a c d- Fr6. r8 a r.' - -keh Youg--
CIjNTRAL AAU & OPEN 10, OOO METER X-C CHAMPS Sponsoled by the University ol Chicago TC Saturday, Nov. 20, 1971. lta6hiogton Fark Course 1. Toh Hoflman, UCTC, 31:17.7! 2. John Lesch, UCTC, 3l:33; 3. Jim Noe, IranL Hiil TC, 3l:35; ,1, Kcvih Keogh UCIC, 3Z:l2j 5. N€i1 OrShea, DePaul TC, 32:14i 6, Joln Co1lct, UCTC, 32:25,7. Eri. Thorrton, UC1'C, 32:31j 8. Paul tvlitchell, North C.h!1a1 ilC, lZ:.19j 9, Ken Slarks, UCTC, 32:58r 10. Blil Lau, 1'\h€atoD Coll.gc, 33:00i 11. Rich Sarloh, l-rank Hill TC, 33:02; 12. Chuck Port€r, Frank Hill TC, 33:t?; 13. Lou llavis, I'IITC, 33:38; 1.,1. ierry Lebza, FHIC, 33i.1?j 15. (]ary Ha!1, In.liana Siriders, 3.1:02; 16. Ceorge Cyr, North Central IC, 3.,1:0lj L?, Ken wilhetrn! D.Paul TC, 3.1:13; 18, Bob cagne) Frank Hill IC, 11,281 )9. Jeff M.]by, UCTTC, 34::l3j 20. SLeve l<€arhcy, ID.iiaia Srridcrs, :i.l:38; ?l_ Steve BitLner, UCTC, 3.1:40t 22, chris Pr.,cht, UCTC, 34:.12j 23. Ken Young, LCTC, 1.1:.1.1j 2.r. Tony Ka1.rh, UCTC, 35:13; 25. Phil Vitl<us, North C.,n|Ial TC, 35:3Oj 2b. fre.1 MandclHend€, D.Parn 1C, 1a:12, 27, t,at I esis, UCTC, 35:33i 28, Bruce Boynt:on, tr. ot Chrcago, 35:34; 29. Ver! Horn, UCTC, 35:.11j 30, Z.!s l]rech!,nrkle, UCTC, 35r.12; 31. MiLe De1,!itr, U. ol 14is.onsin Park6ide, 35:45j 12. Cha}1.6 Lutz, U..I Chicago, 35:45 33. Blair R€rtaccini, U.of Chicago, 35:.19i 1.1. rrian Cooper, Clen EUyn Ruhning Club, 35:51; 15. p.1!, Lltioft UCTC, 35:53; 3fi. 1om Brl.an, UCTC, lar:O5r 17, ilichard Cr€en, Norlh (ientral TC, 3aj:08r 38. Roberr Schra.j, der, UCTC, 36:09; 39, ioe Collins, LjcT(,, 36:ltJi .10. Craig Sny.ler, North Central 1C, 3L:2,1; 11. E.n F.tts, U. ol Chicaeo, 36t3a\ 12. Ji!\ Vanr,in.l.n, Depaut I,C, lli:47t ,ll. Bill Bayer, U. of Chicago, l6:55r +.1. Joc Jackson, St. Rita, 36:58i .!5. Pat Palmer, UCTC, 37:01; .1b. Robert Crawlor.l, UCTC, 3?:t)2i ,1?, John twy, Ll. of Chicago, 37:21; .18. Richar.l Eucl<ihgham, {CaC-, 37:23 ,19. Mike cihbons, DePaul fC, 37:l3j 50, John Halls tfotu, u. of chicago, 37r36. (90 srarters, 8i! rinishers) Team: 1" UCTC-A, 23; 2. Frank Hilt 1C, :!,1i l. Norrh Centaal lC, 90! .1. LC fC-8, !3j 5, Del,aul TC, LOO.
-Iie. ].oug
TOLEDO NOADRUNNI]R 2,1 HOUR RIILAY & IOO \,TII,E RL'N, Novcmber L3 & l'!, 1971 ,1:Ol] P. M. Tenlr :10 io 6.1 .tegrees, clear & sunhy, no win.l, rhirr.j!rn UNIVERSITY OF CHICT\GO OPEN FOUR MILE X.C RUN Fr.:d in th. relay & 8 runners art.m|ted rhr t0| mile nD Wa6hington Parl, Chicago, 111., Sat., November 13, 19?1 L. Sanduslg Il, S., 2li111i, 921y ; 2. Trot\ oo.t TCj, 2:l Etn, l tie, John Lesch & crait Colehoua, UCTC, t9:1? CR! 8??yj 3, Sylwahia H5, 229tu, t19t:,1. perryst,trrg HS, 226h, 15IiOy;5. -{.1v- Harrrcrs rC, Ztt)m, IlZAy, 3. Kevin Keogh, UCTC, 19:3?; 4. John Collet, UCTC, rn the 100 mile ruh 8 experi.hc!.] rnnn.rs srart,,d oul 19:.16; 5, ti., Primo Rodriguez, unat. & ceoage Cyr, and only one maraged ro Iinish. l Ed Je..rm., Zl:3lrL0. UCTC, 21:03; ?. Kea Young, UCTC, 2t:08; 8. Chris Pr€chf, UCTC, Zltzz:9. A.h Bryan, UCTC, 21:33;10. DNI'- Jim Mr1l.r, 58n1, t6:4[,:.15; Jin C.hyns, j?m, Jeff M€lby, UCTC,2l:34;11, Craig Shyder, NorrhCea- l1:24:02r Craig Harms, 53 3,4n1, 1l:30i Jactili.ol1, 5O tral, ?lt16t 12, Velh Horn, UCTC, 21r49j 13. Perc nUi- L/,1, 9:,11; Sandy ifurnef, i0m, !?:22:5lJj BoL Schaich, ott, UCTC, ?2tA2t \1. Zeus Preckrinkl€, UCTC, 22i13; 39 3/4m, 6:lnt Erian S.bczak, 34h, .t:a5:.10. - -Craig c. Ilarms 15. Bill Bradna, nnal., 22tzzt 16. B€n Felts, U. oI Chicago, 22:23, 1?. Pat Palmer, UCTC, 22:2,1; 18, John GARZA & CARUSO sATTLD FOR 8 MILTS Hallstrom, U. ol Chicago, ZZ:33: 19. Richard Bucl<ingSecor Parl! Toledo, Ohio, Nov, 2l The firsr rac€ of ham, UCTC, 22:37.,2A. Joe Collins, UCTC, 22:.+2; Zt. Robert Crawford, IJC,TC, Z2t14t 22. Mike Klcin, UCTC, rhe To1e.1o RRCrs winter schedul€ was a fast one. Cold
l. Rick Buckstad, t8:32j 2. Bill Tayloi, ' C o.-' \4il P_
snow didnrt bolher John claiza and Joe
as lhey ran neckand necklor the entlre race' Ca1u6o, ".u 1. Jobn Carza, 42ta7, 2" Ja. caruso, '12:14; S Keith Newnham, 44:!6; !. Craig Harms, 4t:56i 5 Mite Lorton, 48:29t 6. Dave Peelle, 19ilZ; ? Tonv Cleveland' 5O:15; 8. Tom Wagner, 5O:30; 9. MaakStraver, 5l:0bi IO. John I-ongthorne, 5li2'1; 11. Lou Waener, tl:32' 12' Davis, 51:14; I3. Adams, 52:I5r l'1. Larrv rvard' 52:33i I5. Rahdy Calvin, 52:3?r lf, MatkLohdan' 52:t2-' I7' Jim Harmo., sr', ali2l; 18. N.1son lvans, 54:2Ei 19' 2L Dick Sreve San{terson, 54:28i 20. C.rne !\rard, '6:3+i Art John23 59:50i Ro{rs1er, Dave 22. Boner6, 56:40;
DAVE NORTHEY CRACKS BERWICK RECORD Berwick, Pa. , Sat. , Nov. 27, l9?l - Dave Northey oJ Canada's !Vateaioo Unive!siry caPtured Lhe 6znd annual B€rwick Maaathon qilh a sensationaL clockirg or .1,1:55.2 on rhe 9,3-mil€ course. lhc Canadian ace cracked H€rb Lorenz s record ol !5:18 Th€ rac€ *as posiponcC ir.m T5anksgiviag Dav due to
horrible n.arher .or.irions. 1. DaveNorthc-!,'J.aterlo. Lniv,'A, !-4:aa.2 Z, Panl Pearson, ',!elerr.o Lni'. I , 15:l3i 3- Jeli Bradlev, !ancasrer RC, Fa,, ;ar.r!; 1- Carios Baaz, Puerto Ric., 1ir.: a. l.r'!\'ae.hter, Harrisburg AAA, !7:10! F.arristrurg AA-{, 'l?r'14; T Dan Anderson, 6. Iir, C1.i, son, 59i52; 2'1. Crcg BurCoon, 59:53 _HaamsI'at€rlro ni... E , ,1i:55; 8 Kifr Sumner, Ualerloo U --Craig G ! , rirar: r. Dan Payne, 1|est \ta., 4?r:6: 10, Pete St.r::r:., rnar, , 18:O1i Ll. Perc OLv€r, \l atcrioo Univ B' ClIAMPIONSHIP COUNTRY CROSS 197] USTF! sr'ne Mountaln' 1!:1: :, Llf,rrat Hale, !Varcrloo U. A , '19:01; 13. November 24, l9?l al de Ooll Course at 32o, no lvcarher: r:- . :: !erson, 1!-est Ch€ster Stat(: ColLege, 19:07; 11. 16 miles east ol ALlanta, Ceorgia. muddv icv and $as Robribiuez, Puerto Rico, +9r09; 15. Jon Ihe ',1.ir:.!.ate .oursc & st..t. win.1, liqhr rain l aierloo Univ. B', 19rl'1; 16. I![in Zablockv, in several spors . rrlTar.l L.ddv and Neil Cusacl ru'- .!:.::: ning lor East l enh(,ssee Univ. , Lied lor firsr {ith th' -.:,r.r:brrg AAA, 50:09; l?. Jim Slorthard, 1\'aterloo U i 29:5ir' ol the conditions, : , rn:lli 18. Cuillierho Rodrieuez, Puerto Rico' ..."t1,.ot ti-., cohsiderihg le:c Lo the lorged ::: 19. nil1 Bull, Berwick Ramblers, ta:l0i z0 Borh tDners I nile cours€. loa lhe sir : ,!. r: Shoo!, unat. , 51:O+r 21. Joe lruk., unat. , Hellcr" just a{rl:r the one miie mark & steadilt in'reased rh' Ilarrisburg "A'A'{' ;ap on thc resr oI fte ii.:1.1 1h1rre i!:te 138 slart'r! '' i... n, 1'a., al:o?; 22. Iona Cook' AAA, il:18; 2'1. Jo€'1: irr:n' llarrisblrg of inllresi Ramer, gr{iat deal ll. rllvin a ar 123 lini6h!:rs, Th.r€ \'as ao!leatz, Franklin & l\'ta.sha11 C01lege, 52:00: Z5' Leon race sin.e ir was rhe Iirst hational chanrPronsrnn rn (;'or!1:' rr-..r, Penh IC, 53:0i; 21. {ch IIertz' Harri6burg track& lield or cross counrrv evl:r h.ld in j' l''nh E -iA, i,1:U; Z?. 1om Carter, TriPle Crries. 54:50; 28' 1, lic, Frdryard Lcdiiy 8'N.il Cusa.k, '' (ior :' lL 1 Mun.ly, liehn AC, 5r;12; 2'-r' T.n ll'alski, Kings 1C, l0rll; it.ro. Fla, Misner, 56, ?: :i. lten ':: Coliegc, lrilk.s Barre, Pa., 56:a-i lC :aul Boris' 1\'.Ky.U., 3(l:l6i 5, Barry Broun, Fta :fC, li'i2 I I iri 1\oitir' Dav'i alAR lIS, Wllkes-Barae, 57:53i 11. Chuck ThoDa, uta , Paul Baidwih, lr.ot Ly., ltl:22i ?. :C Gre::r B'$Lin! Sink, a1:uO; 12, Clilt Robbins, Rider AA, o1:11-i 3l lreah 8. Sid ing Greer TC, lO:l5i carrrh lO:l!: _ lIalize, unat., 62:O?i 3"1. vince \lrojnar, unai , {r'1:'17: Stare, |/ruarav Krcjci, Jam,,s 3O:16; 9. FL'_ 3;. Ross Yates, central Jersev Tc, 65:20i 3ir' Joe Hayes, No. Ca.olina lC, 3O:46i 11. Ja'k lla'a':l::' i ll ll: Kings 1C, 65:'13i 3?. llhilev Sh€ridan, HamSta:', illcKcohn, TC, 30:56i 12, Randy Srnith, Wi.hita L:r1'rr:2/1' 6 5:59 Ont., R'b'-r' ilton OC, (lal1D\ray, ll. TC, 3l:0?; Ila. Jeff Knoxvitle TC, 3l:15; 15. Cress IulI.aron, Itf,rr" 5tar'' USTFI ll'!]sTIRN x-C CHAIVIPIONSHIPS, \rOOD1\'_ARD l1:16; 16. Sp{$cer Lyman, trnat. ' 31:2'i r- s'.1t 'i'r' IVichira srarE' :' PAR(, !'RESNO, C-{L1T'QRNIA, NOVI]ffBER ZO, ]971 Ll:L:, Dukc, 31:23; l8 snrve 'l::r nunr'' ?ar Zl Stat., 31:2ll 6-D1les- 1. rrcLer DuIIy, U, oI Neva.1a, 29:21.51 Z Clill Murray !.,n..11, Sonny !'reen roriiins i..iFr:s,u, 29:16; I ship HouL, Hi!b sicrra Tc, 29: E. T.:nn. Unia., :11:2'1i 2l Tracv Illli!r:, .11; .!, I4athyas, \4icha.1, Uniw. oi the Pacili', 29:49 -lC, ttzli 22. ,\lan $'alker, llrichila sta1, lL:2-r ?l (Erhiopian 880 chanp)i 5 Fr..1 FitcL.rs.n, USC, Z9:58i Pat Leddy, !,.1chn U , 31125]'24 Anc-v Fuds'r, La' 6. Noel Hitchcock, sacra.r.iio sta:. co11eqc, 29:58i 7' T.ch, 3lil8; 25 Sar Bair, Fla. TC, 31:11i 2! Danre! r_C' Greg Tibb€ts, ALhleies ri A.tior, lir:-5; I Eddi' CadeO'ConncU, U.ol Ky., 31:'r6;27. JurrvS:areri, -'la Leon 29 ll:j3r l U n enn na, AlA, l0:46: 9. Srel'. !r.rtr, LSc, 30:'?i l0 Ron , 31:.!9i 28. Kevin Bree., i\ Pha'r, i'hr'a I<eilh Zaaate, U,olN€vada, lilrlli lL- T.rn LiPski, USC, 30: 31:59; 10. srate, wichita Brown, l:r|ro: 53; 12. BiU Sca1.er, San Ft:ran.o rallcv State Coll€gc' St., 32:OO; 31. DaE.l M.Innis, BaPList Co11'se, ll. l2:02i Unlv., ll:Ol; 13. }<clrh StrodL, -res.. 5taie CoUege, 31:05; 14' 32, Bobby Brooks, Fla State -arrt Lr!sDav:'i Sl:ires, Dougherty, Iiesr. S:.Co1, ll:06; 15, John CaLd_ Pcrrv Ke\in 3'l 32:05: Rush, Clcnson, well, 1,'. of th. Pac:lic, l:12; -i ?ete Sinnott' U of Nev_ comb, 3Z:06; 15. James F.tstle' Bo('1ing Green IC' Stev'l 32:09:3i' ada, 31:15i 17. Rick Val.ai.5, Iilgh Sicrra TC, 31:18; 32:07;36. Micha.l Hayroo.1, a.oJKv., Collese' Baltist Lavne, Ken 38. 18. Kiak Hall, USAr', 31:::i c. Catl Smith' San F'rnan_ Potis, U. of Ky., 32il5i Don Javroe, 32:l?l unat., .1o Valley State Co11.ge, 11r21: ?0" Dale HorLon' Cal ltatton, :19, John 32:I6; 'l0 PoLy TC, 31:29i 21. -{nihorl nigsbv, U. oI Nevada, 3l:30i No.carotina Tc, 32:18; "11. Roberr Mcomber' Bo$llne Stal(r, l2:2Ii 22, 14ik. Berhal, Sa. !lrnan.io Vallcv Statc, 31:3ti Z3 Cre€n TC, 3Z:20; 12. Bob Ream, 1lichita arraig Elia, Fresr. Staie C.11eg., 3L:31i Zl Jav Berwick ,13. Dave Ross, Furman TC, l2:22, 4'1 Ron Nabcrs' USC, 31;34; 25. ! red i-ahds, \tar.h AFB, 31:39i 26 U. oJ Fla,, 32:291 t5. Richard Bruegers, Bollnrg IC, 32:l6i J.fl Hi11, Frcsno SC, l1:+5; 2i. Rick carr' LsC' 3l:'+6; Gre€n TC, 3?:35r '16. I-ee Fi.Ue!, Furman FloSullivan, Pat 28, Kevin Furet, sac SC, ll:50i 29 lrat Buzb", New .!?. Dick Endris, Fla. TC, 3Z:3?i '1E. caroNo Adams, AC, 31:58, 30. Curt El a, Fr.rsno SC' 3l:59 0b' Marshall 1va]-s rissant vall€y, 32:38; '19. BoL fri.s, unat,, 3+:58 (Lst Ov€r 'r(]). t08 starred, 8? lina TC, 32:'!0; 50. Jifrmv Howell, NCIC' 3Z::12' 3' Dufiy r.nain.d $ith th€ l'ad Pack lor 62; lniv Tcam: 1. Florida Tc, 50; 2 !i' Tenn ' Uril o1 r.inishe.l-.. Peter 5 rniles then alter running otel thc toughest srate, Nichita 9'1i lour the firsL Boilinq Green Tc, 9l;'4. ur to uin breaking Arne Kva!oPcned n;;-rh. Ke.iucky, l2?; li Murray Srat€, 136; ?- No Carolina ".".". l. USC 5':1; 2 ! Nevada T€am: of lO:O8 s reco!.] _Tio b€im Singl'ron-TC, l6O; 8. Baptist College, 238
fini6hers- Meet directo!, Larry Richardson. Crincsvi'lc, Flo!ioa. Sra"v, No.. l4- Barry Br^Ln, 1. Damien Xochr 22, Colorado TC, 34:38.6; Z. Matk Pillmore, 18, una., Bouliler, 31.48t 3. Le. Courkamp, coveiihg the 20,000 oeter distance in tess than rwo minute6 of{ the wolld lecord time, won the Ftorida TC- 28, Arvada, Rocky Mt. Road Rmers, 35:13; 4. carry sponsored I'mini-marathon ' in 50:54. Maddo!, 20, U. of Colorado, 35:14; 5. Joln Landwehr, The saooth striding B!own recently made cainesville '6. rrar,, Lal'-rood. D. Chartes t igit, his pelhaaent home. 19, 4lafro6a, 35:25; 7. John Lrlm, ?4, Cotorado TC, Dr. Dawid Worthen, John Schw&ger and Johr Oetttua.n 35r32; 8. Fiaak Mencin, 20, West Mt, Stride!e, 35:47j won age gloup titles fo" the 12.4 miles white Jerry Slav- 9, Chuck CliggeLi, 22, West Mt. St!., 36:OO; 10. Dennis en and Louise Sholter vere winaers in 10, OOOm €vents. Trujil10, 17, Southern Colorado Strider6, 36:04; 11. ErLoui6€, the wiJe of lorher Yale slar and now ihterna- ni€ Culilfe, 34, Rocky Mt. RR, 36:14; 12. Mark Crark, tionally tdous Frank Shorter oI rhe Ftorida TC, won 18, 14est Mt. Strider6, 36:46; 13. Vince Mccee, 20, the women 6 10,000m rac€. Southern Co1o, Stat€ Col1ege, 36:56j 1,1, Ed Ko!n, Zl, Louise aDd Fldk coveaed the first loop (6.3 m e6) o{ ua,, Boulder, 36r58; 15. David Quihn, 23, West Mr. tl1e course together. Louise fihished with a Lifre ot .13:52, Striders, 3?:09j 16. Cuy Thibodeau, 20, West Mt. Str,, Frank continued {o! th€ s€cond toop catching mo6t of 37:18; 17. Hylke Van dcr Wal, 33, Iorr Collins TC, 37: the lield ro fini6h seventh with a timc o{ 72125. 19; 18, Luis Lticra, 19, So.Colo.Sr.ColleCe, 3?:20; 19. TLe ra.e v as ru o.Fr d tlar . Fr) _- . ' 6 Dave Portillos, 19, So.Colo.St.Co11ege, 3?:3lj 20. Bill and ir reaperatures of approlihately 7U deglees. Aragoh, 19, una., Crand Junction, 3?:33; 21. Mark Fifty-fou! runer€ Irom every corner of the srate par- 1lreeks, 19, ua,, Alamosa, 3?:46; 22. Chuck Barkley, tieipated in the event - and al1 5.1fini6hed, 1?, ua,, Oklahoma City, 37:.16; 23. Jim Qarcia, 2?, oPEN DIv. (Age t8-29) ?okm- r. Earry Brown, Fla. Rocky Mt" RR, 3?:5lj 2.,1, Ken Baldq,in, 18, RMRR, 37: :1. 2(. ---) Qu -., o, BoL c, r, .<q: IC, 6A:54, Z. Spence] Lyman, una., 62:10j 3. Sam -o. DualmBair, Fla. TC, 62:2?1;4. Jack Bacheler, Fta.TC,65:Oil; Biederman, 17, RMRR, 38:09; 27, 'ted Btak€see, 1?, 5. Frank Lagotic, Fla. TC, 65:15; 6. Terly Mceuade, Ft. Coltins TC, 38:16; 28, C!orge Marcorte, t8, Easy FIa.TC, 65i15j 7. Frank Shorter, F\a, TC, 72t25.,8. Stride!s, 38:l?i 29. B!etr Recen, 1?, RMRR, 38:19; 30, Edwald Wilson, ua., 73:32; 9. Mike Hair, LCJC, 73: Mack Stogren, 16, Fort Collins TC, 38:19; 31. J. J. Crif53; 10. John Fretwel, ua,, 7.1.08j 11. Bill Hicks, ua,, fin, 16, Pueblo, 38:26; 32. I-oren Schne11, 41, Boulder, 75:00; 12, Aian Creenberg, @a. i 13. Cotan Cooley, LC- Co1o, Tc, 38:34 (1st vet. ); 33. Ben Montoya, t6, Eas). JC' 14. G€orge Vernon, Mi 15. Paul Alvord, uaa. j 16. Striders, 38r39j 3.1. Wilbert Witson, 19, So.Colo. St. BiU Brobstoh, una. i 17. Roy Burke, F1a, TC; 18. Steve Colleg€, 38:39j 35. Bruce Tcchentien, 15, una., 38:58j o:O?: {.. o. S. . i,/, Luoma, Ea.: 19. Biuce Nagler, una.I 20. Thomas '6. P.uL snirh, Clegg, @a, UNDER 18- l. Marl Waferbury, ua.,93:36, 16, Ft. ColLi46 IC, 39:ll; 38. Robert Waltman, 17, Ea6y 20-39 DIV" zo-KILO- 1. Dr. David Wolthen, Fla. TC, Strider6, 39:22; 39. Demis Brooks, 1?, !'t. Coltins TC, 74:08; 2. Larry Tuggie, Fla.TC, ?9:O?; 3. Edward 39:32; 40. Ted Cutler, 3i1, RMRR, 39:38i 41. Don MorPhillips, M, 80:12;.1. Thoma6 White, Fla.TC, 82:26; ris, 34, RMRR, 39:,!7; .!2. Sieve Mostetler, 16, Easy 5. Elic Heinhardt, Fla. TC, 86:18j 6. Jerry Ake!, M, S|Iid€rs, '10:0lj .13. Roger cc!ard, 28, D.hv€i Cent!at 88:,12' ?. Hal Lerch, una., 89:14; 8. James Heaney, YMCA, 40:02; ,14. Joe caddy, 18, RMRR, .10:06;,!5. ua., 95:59; 9. David KauJma{h, una., 10.1:36j 10. Ralph Tom Grifliths, 16, Arvadar 40:08; .16. Mike Spence, 19, Mirandi, una., 105:00t 11. Phillip Parr, una,; 12. Thoh- So.Colo.Stare Collegc, ,10:13j .47. Stev€ Btanchard, 19, asSr'ft. Jv\4CA: lt. V:tPCor'- , Lra. SCSC, 40:t5; 48. Dav€ -Atkinsoa, 17, It.CoUins TC, 40: 40-19 Dl!. zo-KILO- t. John Schwanger, M, 84t22i Z, 3lr ,19, Ray Quinones, 17, Easy Srliders, .10:51; 50. cil Me1 Homans, T&C, 86:06; 3, Ted Bardstey, ua., 9l: Mur!y, 15, Littleton, Colo., 40:52; 51. Robert \ye11ck, 20; il. John camble, F1a.TC, 93:15. 3,1, RMRR, ,!l:05; 52, John O'Comor, !?, Easy Srliders 50 & OVER zo-KILO- 1. John Oelhrann, F1a. TC, 88104 .lt:13i 53. Randy Bi6hop, l?, Au!ora TC, 41:t5; 54, Mike 2. Darrell Mccloud, wat., lj9t7z. Murphy, 35, Denve! Cenllal YMCA, .11:ZZt 55. RayRuMEN]S DIV. 10,000m- 1. Jelry Slaven, Fla. TC, 30:3l]j pc1, l7r Ft. Cotlins TC, 41:28i 56. Russ Karvonen, 19, Dehver Cenrral YMCA, .!1:40i 5?. Steve phiter, t6, Ft. ?. Dick Endris, Fla. TC, 33:Z?; 3. Pete Clanz, ua., Collias TC, 4l:.1?; 58. Jim Sanchez, 18, Aurora TC, 40:00; .1. Joln Bartholdi, uha., .l0j0Z' 5. Steve Botin, .+l:48j 59. Dennis Wa1sb, 29, Deaver, 42tA1, 6A. pall LCJC, ,10:0?i 6. Jerry Schakor, FTC,,15:.t3; 7. nd Farnwotth, una., ,16:18;8. Merriil Moore, ua.,,1?:39; Trujilro, 16, Aurora TC, ,12:08r 61. Don McMahitl, 35, So. Colo.Striders, 42tl2i t Z.Dt. Irank McCabe, 53, 9. Stuart White, FTC, 50106. Den.re!, 42:12j 63, Rick Bishop, 1?, Aurora TC, 42:36; WOMENTS DIV, 10,000h- 1. Loul6e Shorter, ITC, 43t12r 2, Margaret Tolbelt, FTC, 46:55; 3. Linda Bitt, 64. Mike Aamstrong, 16, Arvada, 42:.!5! 65. Todd Shirmoda, 16, Ft. CoUins TC, 42:51, !er, FTC, 50:l5j 4. Janet Ow€n, FTC, 5l:36; 5. Ruth 'ream: 1. West Moutain Stliders, 60; Z. Rocky Mt. Alexander, FTC, 56:32; 6. Nancy Zoli, una.r 5?:56. Road Runners, 113; 3, Sou9hera C016. Stat€ C01tcge, t28. --David M. Worthen, M,D. -Altitude elevation - 4,800 ft. Cerrilied AAU course. JR. NATIONAL AAU & ROCKY MOUNTAIN AAU --Don McMahitt _ 10,000 METERS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS
Pueblo, Coiolado, Saturday, November 13, 19?1, held on Belfror! Campu6 of soothern Colorado State College. Weath€r: 50 degre€s, cl€ar, but exLtehely windy conditions wl!h gusts measu!ed by the weather bureau up to 60 6ph. Sponsor€d by the Pueblo Jaycee€, Second larseet A-{U meer in Colorado state histo!y -1ll enrlie6,
HliDSON-MOHAWX ROAD RUNNER]S CLUB RACES ar rhe campus ol the State University, Albany, N.Y. November 21, 1971 at Z:00 p. m.
..28 ..4r L S - .__]9' ar.-., .4:.t\ z. tan Kpr-, 7 :.J 1. vc.n Hol.-an, I :!.: !, ., oiay . ,:rdb, 7{:/tj c. Bili Chiorsi, 74:35; 6. Nat Friedrhaa, 83:25' 7, Karl
20. RFesp DptmoFi. ,o, 1 Jr.2 .11. CL, n Sn_th, t2, 2t39t34i 22. Craie Smaj6trra, 9, 2:43t40.,23. Elmer Hitchcock, 46, 2t43t45:21, Elnest Papavasiliou, 34, 2.15.43t 25. Scott Van Alstine, L, Zt46tI6, The meet was spon6ored by the T€rlingua Track Club, a newly formed o!ganization tor the lrotuotion oI distance rwi.g in the East Texas area.. Di6linguished looking, with 5a1t ahd pepper-mod cut hair, John Stowers, has been taking the di6raoc€ r@ning scene in the cuu Coa6t area by storm. This {ormei Alabaman moved to Houston live years ago, He started jogging abouf the 6afre iihe for physical Jitness. His interest turned to competition about a year ago, Since rhen he has improv ed with each run, Joha traihs six day6 a lveek, orce a day, averagihg 50-60 mi1c6. He is married and is a student at the Univ, ol Houston La$ School, 6-MILE RUN- 1. Mike Markey, t8, 33r08; 2. Robr:at St'a\r, 2Q, 33t37r 3. John Mccuigan, 15, 33:.16j 4. Cerald Beonett, ZI, 34t411 5. Jihmy Gilb€rt, 28, 34:.18! 6. Dan Nov.l1i, 16, 31t59:1. Blake Domingu€z, l?, 35:12: 8. Jim Heid, 16, 35i17j 9, Claud Edmi6too, ,,11, 35:3,{;10. Bob Cibbons, 15, 35:59; ll. Thor Enger, 28, 36:3lj 12.Neal Picken, 31, 36:32. (,{6 {ini6hers) CROSS-COUNTRY (4 MII-ES, 792 l'I.) Terlinsua TC, 26, Prairie Vi€w A&M 30, Nov. 6, r97r lvcather: 1!arll
1, Brian Harrington, I'lC, 2318 (Ncw Record)j Z, K, Pippins, lJV, 24:01; 3. Robert Sha1v, PV, 2.1:O1i !. I:ric Ower6, TTC, 2.,1:171 5. Jimhy cilb€rt, IAa, 24t291 l. R. Ware, PV, 21.41t 7. Pete League, 1TC, 25:i1,
Bi"e :l:*ll":l:lii?i.11!'rl,1.9li
Hc pla4
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Prelonraiae €xpected to win his second cons€cutive NCAA titLe. 'But just belo!e ihe race I wa6 just a6 scared as the n€xt guy, I said rhe Oregon speed6tea. Tno thousand speclators lined rhe {ina1 lane as PreJontaine looked over his shoulder two or Lrxres 'rree ju"r mar- sr.c B.o.t,' ,rd v asn .on ,bs up. 'o Delending champion Vilianova ended up a distanrfourth hatupered by injuries ro key runners.
NCAA neet Monda!
ai thr
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.P..n _ naki.s iis
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T:ae {eak! aso, he made S EVE PREFONTAINE PRODS, DUCKS FLY KnoxviUe! Teah., Monday, Nov. 22- Stev. :rel.nrair., fottiJied rith the disposition ol a Marih. se.geant, :s no-.. .la ) Lh- o-". . o .F9He's a right goodrassistant coach, $oi le silth ir{ight tean So says Oregon Coach Bill Dellin.ser oI L:s llcnr! cross- iilt !.d Daleri wrieht ua! coudy champron. Steve is tougber than hell and h€rs a irurJ :rear competitor, said Dellinger. when Pr. tetLs em to get going, they go, He .1oes a lot ol my reD-rallirs. P!e{ontaine porcred away lrom Minnesora s cary Bjorkanmdlheiugcedla}ot.h[ lutd with moae than a mile lo go ai fox Deh Coutry Cubano" olehDu r ^FrFco. b,r,o o!i - -eo 'J coisidered Dackiig n th€ t€am title (th€y would have s,on n,ithour !rei.!taine, ii,' wright sa1d. irhe itild sas nr over. Ir eas .idr 'as their sixth mab, Mark Savagc lin:shed 60td), curous. aur rhen I
Frefoniain€'s timc6 rvele 4tZZ, 9..16, I+:1a atu) 21t24. Duke's Bob heeler, *on the IC,1A cham!:onshi! a lveek earlier & was cohsidereil one ol the favorit.s. Hc nevei had a.hance as he sulleled a s€vere arkle sprain & did not linish. , The weather wa6 gr€ar ior runnihg 36', surqy & a bit sindy.. The linish and scoring, rhich d'& "on ubr,- . cre, r-- o!- a -. 'r ch€cked on fitm. very smoothly. All {inisher6 wer€ The couse was two 3-dile loopB - very good running corditions all the ray. About a half mile wide open aL the starr belore the course harrowed Lo an area o{ 20-
b rirvctle ifoirl?
Haftrdr phced fitin:
\?r' t0.k r leor ago, a:lirh.i:tr I|r!!t Nnsht
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"Thcy p
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Drrey Wight cam. ue witb
pL.c was somerhjns iobodT eirected rron hift. Had.e{ tralil bcei rn ihe iop trv. a|
4f a !!dden.
q'$n. .dr !rh0 th.,rer|\
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Bob wheeler, a 3rr9 sDph onore nile. iion Duke, lhen
15 yard! tn t{ mindtes, 27 "t hied b nick but i! jst Fasrl there," s&id rvricnt stu *as ero.ked in 24:19.3. .r <lo!'t kn6 f t (the tus. bre4 ioor ruc ihai
,,ii. l
20. Reese Rerlmolt, 39' 2t14 zli 21. Cw€a Smith, 12, 2.39t34i zz. Craig Smaj6tlla, 9, 2:'13:'10; 23. Elmer Hiichcock, 46, 2143.4a, Zl Ernest Papavasiliou, 34' 2t45t43i 25. Scott Van Al6tine, \5' 2:46:16 The h€et was sponsored bv the Terling[: Ttack Club' a newly tormed organization fo1 the plomdtion of di€tance luning in the East Texas area. . Distinguished lookirg, with salt and p€Pper-mod cut hair, Joln Stos'ers has been taking the ilistance r@ning scenF in the Cu1l Coast alea by 6Lors. This Iorm€r ALabaman moved to Houston five yea!6 ago. He started jogging about the 6ame time fot Physical Jitn€s6. His interest rurned to comletition about a year ago. Since th€n he has improved with €ach ruh, John ttains six davs a week, once a ilay, averaging 50-60 miles- Hc is malric'l and is a etrilent at the Vniv. ol HousLon La! School. 6-MILE RUN- l. MiLe Mark€v, 18, 33:08; z. Robert ii"--, zo;t'.*::t; 3, John Mccuigan, 15, 33:'16i 1. Gera1.1 Bennett, 2I, 34144, 5. Jimrv Cilbelr, 28, 3'1:48; 6. Dan Novclli, 16, 34t59,'1. Blake Dominguez, l?, 35:12; L Jim Hejd, 16, 35:l?; 9. Claud Edmiston' 'll, 35:34;10. Bob Gibbons, 15, 35:59r 11. Thor Eoger, 28, 36:31; lZ.Neal Picken, 31, 36r32. ('!6 linishels) CROSS-COUNTRY (4 MMS, 792 FT ) Terlingua rC, Zli, Prairie vi€v A&M 30, Nov. 6, 1971 we'ih€i: \lrarm
1 Brian Haarington, TTC, 23:18 (Ncw Record)i 2 K' Pippins, PV, 24:O1j 3. Robe!t Shaw, tsV, Z'1:01; "1 Eric Ow;rs, TaC, 2.1:1?; 5. Jimmy Cilbert, TTC, 24:2tri 6 R. Ware, PV, Z4:41; ?. Pete L€aguc, TAC, 25r!1' STEVE PRETONTAINE PRODS, DUCKS FLI Iiaoxviu€, Tcm., Mon.tay, Nov 22_ Srev. Frelontarne, Iortiti€d iith the dispositioh of a Ntarine s'rq€anr, 1s more than the best college distance r1s'r He's a right good assistant coach. So says Oregon Coa.h Eiil Dellingcr of lli: NC-AA cros6country chadpion, "Steve is tougher than hell and he's a iiulv great codletitor, said Dellinger. 1-hen P1c tells cm to ger going, fi€y go. He rlo.:s a lot oJ mt peP raLking Preionraine powcaed away liom Minnesotars Gafv Bjorklund with morc than a mile to go at Fox Den Counrrv Club and enougb Ducks wet. close behin.l to gite Oregon th€ team title (lihey would have won tiihout !relontalne! a6 their sitth man, Mark Savage linished 60|h). Pre{ontain€'6 times wele 1zz, 9.1a', 1,]-136 a^d 21t21 Duke's Bob lvheeler, won th€ IClA charPionshi! a week eallier & was con6id€1ed one ol the favorires. He never had a chance as he sdteaed a sev.re ankl' 3!ra1n & did not finish,. Th€ w€ather s'as gleat tor aunnug 360, suny & a bit windy..:fhe Jinish and scoring, which are always clitical & conlusing in a large meet oPeratcd very smoofhly. A1L linish€rs rvcre checllFn on lilm' The .ouase was two 3-mile loops - verv goo'r runung condition6 atl the way. About a hau mile Fidc open at the srart b€{ore th€ couase narrowed to an area of Z0Prefontaine expect€d to win hi6 second consecutive NCAA titL€. ' But just befor€ ihe race I was jusi as scared as rhe nex! guy,' said the Oregon rPeedsr€t. Two thousand sP€ctators lined thc linal lane as Prelontalse looked over his shoulder two or three timeg ju6- o mak" surF Bjo-' .,o ^.bi r .od rc JD. Delending champion villanova ehded up a di6tantfou!rh hampeled by injurie6 to key runer6.
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firnarv tor fire dlys sith
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wrighr .aughr aid pascd
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"I iic bl.ed) tdk rore th3i
dolx know n $o
23 Joe Bessel' LTTTLE 22. Bill Kinsella, NYAC B ', 33:]?iNtiLlrose AA' 33:20; NYAC '8"' 33tr1' 21' Par Basdck' ;9tt RocK. ARKANSAS, sATURDAY' """; cuninsham Lvnn 26 13:38; 25 Flank ciannlno' unaL ' 1. Ron McDonald, una!., 16:35; t' '"-"" 'ii,rl,J"'*"t' .,,nt' z?. JohnHerries, oranee ccc' 33:46; ?"nr ,l North Lfttre Rock cor]@u"rr" ,".*", ^"r., Healv' unar', 33:18; 29 DeWitr rhomson', Demis 2E' Richarilson, NLRCC, 16:41; n. O-r O-""., H*a."1* NYAC "B" 33:56;30- Pau! Fetcher' I-lAc' 34:1'1;31' ttte"17:11:5. carv Brailbu"t, ** ' tt'l"'?'u"t" ccC' 3+:19i l2 rJal cubbihs' Ralph orConno^r' soD, SCA, 18:28! ?. Dick RevnoLds, "(]"' rJ'i'' 'r';tl' r""" chia:r:!:tta' 1! liro6e AA ^o.ranse 3i 34'25' AA' Milirose jrijer rr' rrank HanderReynolds, SCA, 19:06i 9. Edward ""Jr-'""ti 3'r:26; 34' Bra'l Drake' unat" :;at ' ro. rohn Dollar, scA, r9:rri u' "'" *:;;;';;' "tS'ol' :\tPc' 3'1:5ll 3?' ca!'n' man' NYPc: 3'!:45; 3r'- Dan -il''t'' 19:14; Iz. Marion sett*, "..r', tq'",'ii-;ilil'u:'i"' sie'e conlov' iS l5:nl: AA United Norman rihite' uat.,19:33;14. Geratd Ha6tings, ^'iC"' -' l5:01:40 ;c:n;ic Haydar:, Bob 39. 35:02! unat.' j'rFE ls:rri BirlHear€Ld,u.A.M.,19:53.,,rr,,",'"'n".1'.t"'-'--' r' sIAc' Jo Paur Rei1lv' uat ' l!:o?! Temperature in ihe mi'1 80's' tn'"'"-i"]" "*_'" NYPC', 13 35:l6i -r:: 42. Paul Dalev' ma., 'iiPle' codplet€d the rough cours€..Dr, ""-i*.*"-*r, 35:20! '14'.8111 Gordon st Ah|h' dc rt:2i: !5 Jim .hairman Arkan6as NYPC' '"*'";;;;;"'' Fillis' Millrose A-4 35:!l; 'lb r'n 'l Brien' 't""'"' t";";;; "", welr oreamzeo,";": 18 Andv ha6 the 19?1-?2 season r6r01; :-r' Lrmt'd 't'i'i]"liji az carr Richddsd i-""o ALors seem6 Lo be at an au tife ntrn.. t'n' \l"a llsiel' Jarc'l 49 'u''tl' 36:05i Mountain I'1rala' unat ' 5l Hoq Dav Marathon will be he14 on '-etir ']can lb:ll; ic' {r:h sr' 1!'alker' 50 rc' 315:10; ;;-'"tr AA' ."ar Morrirbn on Jan"".v 'z9th "' 1o';; '; -Fred udred Erni:::rr;''s' Bob ltatlon' sIAe.' 36:2a:52' course is certilied and enfles ""'"';;"-;;;' i,'lli ;;.;-;,;;D.p,. o,Ma,"ma,ics 37:061 55. Ei Sh:i1!v, J'lAC' 3?:2? ,*'lli::,;T::",::'?:l;:i,:;,',liii: t.tt".", *tOa'O',
#;il;; 56, Mike Attena, Milh-ose -AA, 3?:32i
lan Dougher
'i ty, sr., srAc, 37:38; 58. _Bob .!IcPl.l":tf oscAR MooRE Is BACK EAST (ls Hr FilinRl) ::1Tt"":: 60 Bcrnli:5Er Anth'Bc' st lormer c;""u"t., N.J , Nov. l5th- os'ar \looreafter acq- 3?:5'; '9' DickKuscsik' oaancaqnev' ie Lali8as' unit'id AA' 3E:15; 6l D'nil: Ncw York Pioncer club great, 1s ba'K 'ast 3e:31i rc' rrreercri Leaaitt' o.ei." .i s, ..""" nrinois univer- ce ccc: 3s:25: 62 Bob :r".;;;t;;;;" Engels' 63 John Kirk' orarge co cc 39:3!; i: \Ilke 1s ihc ne" rracL coach at ot,tPian sitv. The former 66' 10il5i sL{c' f06 Hart, 45. ol 39:53; co.cc, o.a.e. Glas€bo!o srate college & an assrsrar, Prolessor .lalrace' rack 5i ii a'ai"t;'g lne h;{ Pase Memol' !'re'r-Lcbo\'' si Anth lc' +o:r8iunar., ;;;;"i;;;."t1;; Price, mil.s' .!1:19; tl ri8, ceoage .ir '11:5?; 69 .,pr,l u.car un1t., rrack iat stadium.r4oy .inder -ceorg: AA' 42:36' uhiled Ea EDslein' the Lattalulo, i!2:19i ?o i*0"u"-fi,o, -". avlrase) u.ae sour .ro sho{ Nl r: A orA' -.:" . ."']r-r ".'"--:"'o:'EhF.1. uD1e.1 5. NYP6, 90i rhe 8,,, 6?. 3. Mirlroso AA, 90; ;;ii?,i.". a16o a foroei sr! .oa.h, sraeed 'ac.. AA' Bc' t53: Glassboro ai 1061 6 staten _sland -{c 135i ? st Anth' Fritz is the new closs-counLrt 'oach 198 TC iL won't CC Countv 8. Orange Stare. 1{!Lh his ehthusiasd t r.crurring abilitv corsnaLl as a rant strits irl'-+':o r-'""' r-Mile-1i:00 ? R'illv; r-\4i1€n11 state ;;;;t;;;;ii'""toro -- 'e Klein'rma!-l9:!3 R€illv i."".i.""....ta"o-'"'' 20:15' 15:08' i.'o"..' \,t"-", 11 mrirs,llho- (r nz, e:50, !\:rNs \4IDDLE ATI-A--tr lc A-{u x-c l;:05, 41:13, lL:22, 5l:19)1 2. Norm Blair' ToM Do\NELLY ir"i,la,ir, ].w. 21stl P. N'1 - r'om Donn.rrv' ,r-, i!j, ,o-, 1095y (csc Recor.)i L Fran Masciuui, At.o, N.J., sun.lat, rclA steePl€'hase champion rrom vilLanova' i;: ;;, i;;; ,r3o;, i" ri- ut'rr", 1?' GSc' em' 138ovi rormer uon thc MAAAAU '"'"" i.'r'rrs..eeggy rritz, Eh, roov "":1'11 :-11liil"TX1'*:I" " Hlrh S.hool @-.h'-.r"::::":] j:"_ BILL REIL!y I,EADS NE\i; yORK AC TO l3RD STRAICIHI Donnelly' Lasalle lat Travnor' an'ther lorflat CiIA\IIjIONSHIP 5 i-mile the on COUNTR! CROSS SENIQR AAU MET. """t"t 'il; teachins ahd .oachins at Bu!1 R€i1Ly mer viuanova star Dos c";;;;". park, BroN, N. y., N.1.. r.1- Bill\4er' rhe ington countv coltege' rinishe'l se'on' nr 2?:'r0 Leil the Ncw York Ac to its 33rd straight senlor x-countrt Rclional Ea€tern the as ra'e atso selwe'l AAU x_c title bv scoring a JUv nc'orv ot'r t'amdate (lndv' chamPioa6hi!6 tcathe!: verv cold & 6. io 10:20. S""i"." t",. winning Lhe rrt oo'i'ttv roirea orr an iron nan srunr bv the Milhose AA & drew s5 t;" ;:.;;;-:;;""-ed jrst r*u.hour-betore a C;."'., reo 1ap; or rclA Frosh 'ourse !reLiminarv 3 5-dile oPen lun 1969 ";.;;;LIAC' Kivlan' ihe championship !un- He allo{ed ioush Nlike Butvn€s brian o bv to'ol nii.i 19'9 Urrr' lo riehimas thev grasPed hancs ai th' finish on'the ".-.a, a.**"..".u,28:59.ibycerivLindgien' Pete squires' r'rr:Ac ' 6'1**oo6 s5 r"t"r' e't"""' captried the statc caoup i"utii".trr", NYAC, 30:io'6; 2' Kivlan' lII;igh school x-countr): charrDlonshil a 'lav earlier' 3o:26; 3. chris Mason, NYAC, 30:31; a Brian -t;Z: unar' 1. 10; Donn"1lv, unat 2i:32 ?; 2 Fat rravno'' ey'..py.", united aA, 31:oo;6 A1e* i;;;,;" Eadon g' 2i:'15;'l 31:13; 21:1a,3 Harrv NoLan' sh'1e Ac' s-trn-, *,,"c, 31:6r; ?" Blu.e serman, slAc, NYAC' g DonRowe' Downev' shoreAc' 2?r51i r' ii;illie Marino' P€nn_Ac_' 3lrt4i Ji6 Jackson, Atoms Tc, AA' 28:0Eu!:rkle' 28:01; e. Mike Donohue s!'arrhmor' coltege NYAC, 3L:2?; u Dicr' ;i:;r';";;l;-";.", Z8:15;.8'$teve Club, SPoris B',32.04t Dela*af€ I{YAC l,licZwotat, N.rAC ,B,,, 3l:45j 12. Tod raobrson, 1' D€larvare SC^' 28;2ii Lo' Tid VcLoone' shore plate' 16 Unlreil A-{, 3Zrl9i 15. Jir Legak16, unat , 32:20;r-rec' '28:zj; ll Richat'1 schulrz' slarthmore college AA' Nlrpc. 32:39; rr. s..". ^liin.'t, Boh co":l 32.'2' re' ratr z8:32; rz. Rus6 roneq shore Ac' 28'r6i L3vi'kal:'res' ;;'i';;;' ijlii"'lr]'l';li'J"""il' Bob 11" z8:3?j it-i'" c"'"'v c"li';e AA' (::rrebD Millaose AA ' 32t53' za' roF stootholl' st r(:0oi Arq' v:rl'os"it. 5r"'nv ,r,ol' zl. husF i",n-
i,.';; ;.;."; ;;"a
St, Jo6€phrs College -Ar\! 28i39; 15. Lou Coppens, pem 28i.17; t5, Henry DariceL, unat,, 28:a8j 16. presiob4 AC, 28:12;16. Bob Woelner, Detaware SC, 28:54i 17. Huhrer, Mt. Park AA, 29:l]6i l?. Richard Tashjian, Jo€ Siedtecki, Penn AC, 29:0.1j 18. PauI Lucuski, .penn NMC, 29:07; iE. James Richards, CSU, 29:1Oj 19. AC, 29:06; 19. Jeray Kraiss, Delar'ar€ SC, 29:08! 20. Chris Mulphy, PCA.\, 29:11; ZO. Michael Beald, CSU, Robert Zoellick, Swarrhmor€ Collegc AA, 29:1Ot 21. 29:lZ; 21, Rob€rt Pogoda, Mt, paak AA, 29tI9, ZZ. Don Slev€ Maftorano, Camde; Couhty College A,{, 29:I?; Bahfoad, NMC, 29:31]i 23. Brian poweU, Mr. tiark AA, 22. Carl Warner, North J€rsey Siri.lers, 29:3Ot 23. 29:33j 24. John Jarek, NMC, Z9:.!O; 25. I]at Mo!iarty, Jim smyrh, Penh Ac, 29:33; 2.:1. JolD Bche.tict, Dela_ Mt. Park AA, 29:,15; 26. Sreve Harvey, 14itbraham Aca_ ware SC, 29:35; 25. Dave Johnson, Swarthmoic College dery, 29:41i; 27, Allah Hofimar, unar., Z9:iOi 28. vin AA, 29r39i 26. Bob Heihnan, No. Carolina, 29:.,12; 27. Curry, Cenrrat Coh!. AA, 3O:ltj 29. ]\,tichae1 Conte, Tom Doyle, Camden Cohty Coll€ge AA, Z9:,14: 28, unat., 30:Zl;30. I\rm. lvynne, PCAA, 3O:ZZ; j1, James Wa)ne Melhh, Camden County Cott.ge AA, 29:.18; 29. Galanes, unat., 30:25j 32. 1trm. Di11on, uhar., tO:26j Robert Hirst, Poh! AC, 29:5Oj 30. Johh Schu!err, uha, 33. Harry \!-.11s, HTC, 3O:28; 3.+. Dehnis LaBranch€, 29ta2t 3I- Jim Burt, Pem AC, 29:53j 32, ToD Mackin, Mt. Parl< A-A, 30:33j 35, Dayid Cormie!, Mt. park AA, Caoden Couhry Cotlege AA, 29:54j 33, Craig Dcceorge, :10:l?j 36. Clyde Benron, I4t. part< AA, 3O:tZi 3?, Kevin Camde! County Collcge AA, 29:5?; 3.t. Martin DutIy, Powell, Mt. Park AA, 30:,15; 38. Dl. Charles Robbino, Franklin l-ie1d JogC.rs, 29t5aj 3a, Dar,e $-illiinson, NYPC, 30::18 (Mast.jr's Prizc); 19. Wb. Savitle, BAA, uat., 30:09; 35, Robert Hcwitt, Camdcn Couty College 31:0,1; .10" Jeriy lIess, uhar., 31:05; ..1l. paul AA, 30:12; 3?. Bylon Mundy, Fem AC, 30;14; 18, Lar- NMC, 31:09i .12. Edward pogo.laj Mt,lrarkAA,ScheU, 31:11; ry Wise, Pottstown Pacers AC, 30r14t 39, Dan Moorc, ,13. Larry Kinlbau, unar., 31:t8; .1.,1. Kenneth lfilson, Franklin lield Joggers, 30:17; 40. Bob Romanskr, Holyok€ YMCA! 3l:19j ,14. llarren Fare, Mr. park AA, P€m AC, 3C:26 llstVet,)j4r. Marty Rci.l, Fenn _{C, l1:2!; .16. Ceotge Sanders, Il1C, 3t:Z1j 4?. Irat Dough_ 30:,14r ,12. Tofr Edwaads, Camden Coury College AA, .1ty, CCAA, 31:22j .1E. Jon pogo.la, \4t. park AA, 3i:24; 30:56j 43. Ted Wurst€r, Camden Co. Co1.AA, :1:?t; .19. Nfi.hael LaPoint€, unat., 3t:.:12; 50. Atlan Reid, Ml. il4. Kcith FiJieId, Franklin Field Joggcrs, 31:29i .1r, }-aik AA, 3l:.13. (125 startcr6, l2t Ii,ish.rs) wearh€r: Bob Fite, Cape May, N. J., 32:03 iznd Vet. jr .16. Jo. ,15'and sunny. Team:1. Mt. parkAA. stelanowicz, Ptlila. Ac., 3Z;32t.{?. At Bockhorr, CaDl Notes. . " Bob cielsbeig ot Creen Mt. ,{C 1e.t ar rhe denCo.Col.AA, 32:56;48, Jih Mittea, uha., 33:i1r.1_o. hauway oark, Baldwin te.i tor part ol the scconct haU, Cary Rieg€r, una., 33:3lr 50. Rich Mccowan, Vaenolia, bur Vitale took commahd at the 3/.1 mark & held ir to N.J., 38:0r {3rd Vet.); 51. RaiphMenikorf, Franktin --Richard \4. Child6- Field Joggeas, ,10:29. Team: 1 Pem AC, 32; 2, Detas,are Sporrs Ciub, ,?2r !AI,L X.COUNTRY MEET, HELD BY THE CAM3RIDCE 3. Camden Co@ty College AA, 46, SPORI'S UNION, IRESH POND, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. October 23, 1971. Irearher: $-arh. 3.5-MIJ,E OPEN RACI' - 1. rie, Tom DoDctlr, uat. ,1-I,{ILE- 1. C€orge Turhitt, CS'J, ZZtlZ:2. Jeff Bird, & Mike Butynes, Pce AC, 16:3i; 3. Dan Matousrh, Haddoa T$p,HS, 16:56; 4" Jid Doherty, Had.lon 1(!. \r!rc, 2.1:06; 3. Terry i4cCoy, CSU, 2,t:23; .1. Rudy . .'5, -:Oi: BoL ar'r -r>. Sr,.- rn_ o-C, 'OchD, CSU, 26:32i 5, Bauc€ Mig€li, NtvIC, ZB:16; 6. Mark Yellin, l{addon T\y!. HS, 1?:1?j ?. Steve CnnDrirgs Tom Fitzgibbons, CSL], 29:Olj ?. TerryMoen, CSU, Haddon Twp. HS, 1?:19j 8. Norm Blair, Classb.lo Si, 29:06r 8, (]eoigc Lattarulo, NMC, Z9:ZOi 9. Sigmuncl Co11ege, i7:22; 9. Joe Ritchie, clouceste! HS, ii:2.1; Podlozny, NMC, I2:5 O. 10, George Milligan, TrentoD Stare, t7:z8j ti. f.r She. 1!OMENTS 2-MILE - 1, Francie Johnson, Libeiry AC, t\an, 11t31,12, Bruce Ratther, l-laddon 'fwp. HS, ti:36i Ur12.bj 2. Sara Berean, CStr, lt:30j 3. Robin Erchsen, i3. Jack Schilling, ua., I?:.13j l.t. Seth Berghann, Liberty AC, 13:Z6j .4. Betty Miller, Marioh HS, 15r32. Pena AC, l?:.r6; 15" Jim Miller, 18:O8j 16, cary Ri.ger, 2-MILE (BOYS 15 & UNDLR), l. Brian Eoni.1a1rsli, dat., 18:13;17, John Shilby, 18:18t 18. EdSchodonsti, Rindg. Jech HS, t1:36.5; 2. T,J. llaker, B&N, 11:5i. 18;19; 19. Walt Jost, 18:ZO; 20. teon Dr€her, Fenn AC, MiLE ((IIRLS 13 & UNDER)- 1. Alice coulding, Liberty 18:22; 21. Jack Sheehan, l8:'j5, 22. Clifl Hasenfus, 18r50 AC, 6:35r 2, Linda Bruce, Liberry AC, ?:12. 23. Larry Coanor. lE:56; 24. Steve craves, 19:2.!i ?5, MILC (BOYS t3 & UNDER)- 1. Mart Fftzgibbons, CSU, Gene Martin, l9:26j 26. Ernie Bra.on, 19:l!t 2?. D.ah 6:30; 2. Paul Baker, unat,, 6:59. Martin, 20r05;28. Bob CrlmmiDgs, 2l:26: 29. Davi.l 2,5 MILE RUN i.10 & OVDR)- l. Archi. Moore, CSU, Rusk, Clouc€ster }lS, 22:33;3A, Rodhe, Kelty, 2,1:OZi t5:28j 2, Sig Fodlozny, NMC, 19:tO; 3. Il.d Rrown Sr., 31. Kevin Simmon6, 24:10; 32. Jerry HO.h, Z,:31, NMC, 19:55, --fred Brown Sr. --
IfILLIAM KEATINC ROAD RUN (5 12 MILES) Holtok€, Mas6., Sun<1ay, Nov. 14, 19?t t:OO p.Nt. Strnsored by thc Holyoke Transcrirt-Tel.gram & ].MCA 1, Johh Vifate, Ncw Haven IQ, 26:22: 2, Charlron Eatd$in! uat. ! 26:39j 3, Roberr cicrsb€rg, cr.eD Mt. AC, 27r20; 4, Richard Fahey, uat., Z8:O,t; 5. Michal Conlin, Wach,Striders, 28:05; 6. Michael Durkay, providence Collegc AA, 28:11; 7. Michael Kosrer, PCAA, 28:16; E. Robert Dahehy, CSU, 28:26; 9. Richard Bour-p, ]lL. Pr-L AA, z8:28: tO. Blao _ ro., Sp.: .gtiCo1leg€, 28:30; 11. Wm. Cosgrovc, unat., 28:31; 12. Peter Mazzie, Witblaham Academy, 28:37! 13. perer Srasz, Mt. Park AA, 28:,16; 14. Charles Dysoh, H.fC,
I'IRST ANNUAL BAY S'I'ATE MARAlHON Sloisorcd by th€ North Medfor{] Ctub. Nov. i, 1921 1. Ken Muc!1er, Boston AA, Z:38:09; 2. Jotn Jar€k, NMC, 2:41:.t8i 3. Eugene euinn, PCAA, 2..42:3j;1. Charles Riley, CSU, Z:43:1Oj 5" Brian Saviloni6, unat., 2:.!3:58; 6, Mik€ Baxter, unar", Z:46rZ5i ?. Wi1]iam Mc_ Nulry, BAA, Z:47:51; 8. Marco Vetasquez, N,VC, 2i51: 38; 9" A1 Mcehan, Strarford Spartans, Ct., Z:5Z,tZt rc. Tom Khatt, Nn{C, Z:53:.t.!; 11. Rew. joseph Shea" EAA, Z:55:15 (1sr Vet. ); lZ. Mar,in Sanbor, CSL, Z:5?:3,ti 13. Dawe Cormier, Mt. part AA, 2,57.aa' 14. Charles Han_ .ar. on, -sL, l: ..:0 ., ., :oo:rt; 6. \/fil, B--n., L, har.a., 1i,.^A, .0.:.t; ,., .,1as. Ratti, NMC, 3:02:23r 18. Frank illcDonald, PCAA,
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Columbia, Mo., Nov. ?- Kerry Hogan, oneo{MLis leading distance ruhneis lor the pasr rhre€ y€ars ha.1 a rough race the lrevious day in the Bi.g Eight X-C Chamliotship, so u6ed the Co1@bia TC,s 4-miter as a lvorkout a6 he won easily. 1. Kerry Hogan, 20:,15i Z. Dennis Steq,art, ZZ:O?; j. Ben Lohdere€, 37, 23,ZBi 1. Douq 1{iUiahson, 23:19j 5, 1!hitney Hicks, 2.1:18; 6. Don CranberE, 21t43t 7. Mike Chippendale, 2,1:53r 8, Art Fleming, 25:jl]j 9. Mark Achen, Z5:36j 10. Joe Duncan, 26:t.1j 1t. Dave Schulte, 33:32. (40 degrees, suhny, a fair $ird, ) --Jo. Duncan,,
PO'ITSTO\YN PACERS A. C. 5Ih ANNUAL CROSS. COUNTRY CARNIVAL, MEMORIAL PARK, Portstoin, Pa., Sun.tay, November 7, l9?l 5.l-MILtt AAU OPEN RUN - l Tom Donnc1ly, uaat. , 25:10; 2. Chris MaEon, Ner York AC, 26:LZ; 3. JelJ Bradley, Lancaster RC, 26:15; .1. Glenn Jonnet, unat.,
Villaaova, 26:2?; 5. Bruc€ Skites, Pacers AC, Z6:3,1i b. . o I v. I 'g-., lru I -.f o qc, o:FEi Po, Stanko. \rillanova, Z7:0.!' 8, Briah K, Ski1e6, Pacer6 AC, 2?:07; 9. Les Nagy, villanova, 2?:08; 10. Charles \,IarqucLte, Faccrs AC, 21,20,ll. Tim Barlm, Comad [Ieisi:r HS, 27:21t 12, Jaha ltoynarowski, Reading HS, 2?:25; 13, lon Coo1{, Harrisburg A,{A, 2?:30; 14. hv Zablockt, Harrisburg AAA, 2?:41; 15, Bilt CiuLian, BROUILLET lVlNS THREE z-MILE X.C RUNS Pace.s AC, Z7:5ij; 16, Roh Kulikowski, Penn Stat+ Octobet 10th, Colmbia, Mo. - 1, Bob Brourltet, 9:38; Ber:{s, 28rar.; 17. Art Flvans, Pchn StateBerks, 28:19; 2" Liniey Lipper, NE Mo. State, 9j.15; 3. Demis 18. Joe ntcCool, Pcnn Stat.-Berks, 28:5?; l.l. Paut Ste*art, 9:59j.,1. Tofr Logah, NE l\,Io. Stat€, 1O:10; LucusLi, Penn AC, 29:l1j 20, Lco! Dreh€r, Penn AC, 5. 1lrilliah Smothermah, Lincoln Univ., 1O:26! 6. K.n 29llEj 21, Mark De\.alt, tsaul Harris Aa, 29116i 22. Eiling{'ood, 10:4?r 7. Kcaneth Bynom, Lincoia Univ., B,vron IILndy, Pcnn AC, 30:0?; 23. ? 30:l0i 2,!, Milron 10r53; 8. Mike Davis, Lincoln Univ,, 10:5Ej 9. tviltie Hahici, unar., Allcnlown, Pa,, 30:33j 25. Sam cearLyles, Liacoln Univ., 10:59; 10, Ben ]-onderee, 11:l]g, har:, Face.s AC, 30r.16; 26. Franh calvin, Lansdale ,'r. ,, , :0 . zt, - . ' hnc.rF., -" rJ - q., Ociober 17th, Columbia, Mo, (Same couse)- 1, Bob 3L:1li 28. Dafi.1 Hinchberg.rr, Ilarrisburg AAA, 3l:19; Brouillet, t:53; Z. K€n Etlihgwood, Ll:02; 3. Ben 2.r, E.trin ilartis, l,enn AC, 32:Z9i 30. Mark Stoner, Loh.l€rec, 1l:08;4. rnhih€y Hicl<s, 11:19;5. Mike c.Lleg.li!]e, 33:29; 31. Joe Courtright, Dnal,, 34:16; Chippeadater ll:,19; 6. Don Lakey, Sr. Louis, 15:02. l3 P,o:s Yates, CentraL Jer€cy TC) 3a:5,1; 13. Jih (Wirh no one pushing him, Brouillet didhtt r€ally cx11.an., Roa.l Runners Club, 36:37; 3.1. 1tralt l,euchaL, tend himsetl. He has now won thc last srx conse.u.rre l,oti:to'\n, l6:.1,1; 35. William Joachim, unat., ,1,1:19, race6 he has enrered. 1-.:tera.s (.10 & Overl A{'ards- 1. Lcon Dreher, zoth, Oct. 23rd, Columbia, Mo. {Diffclent.oursc)- i. Eo.. ?. Ross Yates, 3Znd, .1?; l. U.alt l,euchak, 3.1th,,r5 -?r Brouillet, 10:09i 2, Ken EUin.swood, lO:54; 3. sen lrorhies ltent to the top L0 & libbons ro ZCIL, I-on.leree, l1:0.1j 4. Doug Wiltiamson, 1l:39j 5. Mike 2, 8 illl]-lj H. S. RUN - l. DicL WolI, Jr. , nlizabethChilpehdal€, 1l:,48j 6, Don craDberg, 12:03. roIr HS, Pa,, l5:00r 2. Joel Urtri.., Coat.]syille, l5: (This lace was on thc Gustin cou Course at MU. ) rl: 3. Sreve Talarico, Holy Name IIS, 15:13; .1. Delnis _-Jo€ Ducao_rl.ssL.r, Elizab.thtowr, 15:30t 5. Eric 3eam, SDring_ iieid-De1.o, l5:30; 6. Valghn Zimm.rman, 1)ortsr.\n, 1-INN TECH MARATHON - From rim to Jeffcrsotr a:l1i 7. Jo.1 Kershnei, Reading, 15:41; 8. Steve MagCiry, Mo., finlshing at the State Capitol, Oct, 23rd 1. Mel Vo6, Z:,!6:55' 2. Tom Snydei, 3:13:25. iar, Pottsrorn, L5:.r5j 9. Keith Bak.r, Conrad lVeiser, lirl?i 10. Eric Krathrohl, Cumberland Vatiey, 1i:5l]j l:. Carl wo1f, nlizabethtown, l5:52r 12- \4alt Lemanek, SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE X.COUNTRY RAC' Holy Name, 15:58; 13. Stan Dalton, Pottstown, 16:03; B1!6ingham, .A1a., Nov. 13- Tennes6cc regain.d the l.r. Craig Vandergrilt, M{.chanicsbure, 15:05; 15. Mttrc Southea6lerD Conf e!eace Cross Country chamlionshir, Dirlis, 1vi1son, 16:0?; 16. Petu Van Ingen, Springfiel.l .o K-, | ,cLj -' o A cba n", i' ,n v-. Delco, HS, 16:13;17. Srcvc ligard, R.:ading, 16:15; LE. olo6ei thlee-way contest than the 1970 r€cor.l c.mTom Mccabe, Lansdale Catholic, 16:19j 19. Cary petition. lhe Voluht€ers, ubder nev coach Stan HunrsDani won rhe 1971 running at Birhingham,s t,eautiiut R.c Grant, Springlield Dc1co,, 16:20; 20. Ed wagncr, penridge HS, 1li:23. (56 finish.rs) buck Co]l Cour6e {ith a loq point toral oI 48. D.Icnclng champion Kentucky & t9?0 ruhnerup Atabama ri.rd PHYSIC.4.L FITNESS RUN l. Merv Bryan, pacers Ior 6eco.d with 51 points. A,C, lzt1zt 2. Rich Leighr, unat,, 12:28; 3. Rich ShcrFaul Baldwin ol Kentucky succe6sfully defende.j his vais, Pacers AC, 12137., 4- Jim Suttoh, una., l3:O.t; individual ritl€, won last year by finishnrB tn a.re 5. Don S.ltzer, una., 13:l:l; Fiant Bradley, Lanstrth teahmate Vic Nelson, br€aking thc course rc.or.1 daie, 13:20. (12 finishers) 6. he and Nelson set 1a6t y€ar. His new Dart< of 18:21. j GIRLS ( 9 & Und.r)- r. Sharon wauace, ro:00. fo. the .!.065-tuile cours€ is 5.5s better rhan in t9?0, BOYS {9 & Under) - 1. clem Clouser, paccrs AC, 1. Paul Baldwin, Kt. , 18:21.3; 2. cayloa Smith, Ata., 9:50. . CIRI-S (10 & 11)- 1. Diahe Yoh, Paul Harris AC, 18:30; 3. Doug Brown, Tenn_ ,18:i|2; .,1. Dan Zoe11er, 9:31.. BOYS (10 & 11)- r. Tracy Nealyt pacersAc,S:24 Tenn., 18r43; 5. John Stewart, LSU, 16:.,13r 6. Fr€d aOYS i12 & 13)- 1. Bob Arthur, una., ?:2.,1. . crRLS Etuellihg, Ara, , 19:03; ?. Michael Hayvood, Ky, j (i2 & 13)- 1. Terry Buchc!|, Paul Harri6 AC, 9:39. 19:16; 8. Alton Siz€mo!e, A1a,, 19:17j 9. cuy Kirton, CIRLS (14-15)- l. Debbie Magyar, PaceLres, 9:41. Tem., 19:181 10, Rick Cur11n, Ca., 19:19j U. Denni6 BoYs (14-15)- L. Bill Mahon, Exele!, 6:3?i 2. Johh Skelton, Fla., 19r22' 12. Jotrn Anget, Tenn., 19:30, Richards, 15:42; 3. Steve Magya!, Pottsto\rn, 6:5?. T€aE:1. Tem. 48j 2, tie, Ala. & Iiy. 5ij.,t. LSU 103. (over r?5 finisher6 in age group races I ) 5. Florida, U8j 6. ceorgia, 14?' 7. Miss. Stare, 1?1. --Lawlence Harvey, Pacers AC--
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SANTA BARBARA INVITATIONAL 6-MILE RUN UCSB, Santa Baibara, Calif., November 6, t9?t Weather: Clear, 60", calh. Cour€e: Dirt road6 and hacadah, slightly rolling w h sevetal sharp furns and two lenc€ julPs. L_ Don Xardong, We€t Va[ey TC, 29:08.2; Z. Jih Ryun, Club West, 29:57; 3. Wayne Badgley, WVTC, 29:58; 4. Gieg Brock, SCS, 30:lzj 5. Bxook Thoma6, SCS, 30:22; 6. Mike Gregorio, SDTC, 30:30; 7. Dick Woelk, SCS, 30:,12; 8. Joh! (e@edy, ,nat. , 3A: 7r 9. creg Tibbft16, unar., 30:5!j 10, Bill Ctark, WVTC, 31:Ot; 11, Eddie Cadena, AAIA, 31:11; 12. Bob Crow, WVTC, 31:tZj 13, Tairy Harri6on, Club West, 31:23; 1it. Max Haaris, SCS, 3l:2?r I5. ceo!ge Minarik, SCS, 3l:32; 16_ Jih Backus, SCS, 3l:36; 1?. BiU cookin, 39, SDTC, 3t:38i 18. Larry Pontinen, SBA-4, 31:?t5j 19. Caly Berthiaume, WVTC, 31:53; 20. Jack Leydig, WVTC, 3l:59; Zl, Man uel Gaeene, Ca1. TC, 32:14j 22. Ron Wise, SBAA, 3Z:28 23. Jon Suthelland, uat., 3Z:36r Z,!. cary Dobrenz, GWAA, 32:38j 25, John Thornton, unat., 3Z:.tO; 26. Mike Mccordick, SDTC, 32j41; 2?, John Brenaand, SBAA, 32:,1,1; 28. Atan Haas, c\tAA, 3Z:58;29. Xeith Jetl€r6, SBAA, 33:11; 30. :rutley Mann, SDTC, 33:tZ] 31. Roa Larlieu, SCS, 33:24; 32. Don Shanahan, SDTC, 33131; 33. Jim Per€2, cW,{A, 33:35i 34, John paeliano, G]VAA, 33r.4.1t 35. Rich Ler-y, SDTCr 33:59; 3r5. Larry ,j:2r: .2. JF K:FB, cd.,-!, \a:,o; r8. M",n, Bodo B'^VtL. ez-v sr., Lna ,, .4:r). ,a. o.-r pr!, 4 Ln. Teah Scoiesr l West VaU€y TC, 31j Z. SC Striders,/ 32j 3, San Diego TC, ?3; 4. Sanra Barbara AA, 86; 5. Goldeh West,A-A, 103. Note6,.. WVTC,s Doa Kardong rook th€ lead from rh€ .-\F- r FadFd. t" .,zr-_o oL.r,rq a 1l r.or hF | -ld ar abo-t n r-. p { u ano B"d!t-l raa head to head for oost of the rac€ i,ith Ryun outkick_ ing Badgley in fhe last 50 yard6 or 60, __Jack Leydig__ ART SCHOLES ZO-KILO RACE WAI-K, TORONTO, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 6, T9?1 1. Pat Ieireuy, l:39:35; 2. Mar Could, 1:44:5Zj 3, Bitl Purvis, l;5.,1:00j .1. Don Thompson, t:55;56; 5. Joe Mon_ aco, 1:58i.14j 6, craham Satisbury, Z:tZ:10; ?. Baend€n Merrioan, Z:18:l5j 8, Art Keay, 2:20:ZO. Sunny, 45o --Don Thon!son- 197I NE'!V YORK STATE COLLECIATE T&F ASS,N. CROSS-COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS, Fiear park Cou.se, Troy, N.Y., (,!.63Mite6) Windy, cloudy, coo1. 1, Frank Verdoliva, SUC O6r,ego, Z t4I.1t 2. J. M._ Clurkin, SUNY Bd{alo, 24:46t 3. Witliam For, SUC aredonia, 24r52; 4. Joirn K€arney, Union, 25:3tj 5, Brtant Moeckel, Union, Z5:33r 6. Marc peuron, Hamil_ :.n, 25:35; 7. Dave Moller, Rochester, Z5:3?i 8. Chas, ''' Po hF".F!, 2c:44; o, <-d Juason . L-- oo io.,, s. ... -";, -, -,.r'i, ,. :.' S!a:.2, Osrego, 25t19t 12. atuis W€ber, B!ockDort, 2a::lj 13. A1 Swierczek, Rpt, 25:51; 14. Jobn Mor€au, Ein.shanion, 25:53; 15. Bill Bright, Corftand, 25:55. (l0r finish.is) T€amj 1. Hamitton, E5i Z. Uhion, 94; 3. Rochester, 1Z8j 4. Fredonia, t3l; 5. O6wego, l4Z. _ _c liff DuBrcuir-_ 7'IH ANNUA! NCAA DISTRICT 3 (SOUTHEASTERN)
CROSS-COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP, Witliamsburg, Va, Octob€r 30, 1971 Weath€r: 6?", lightmist, wet tooting trom steady rain.
6-MII-ES - 1. R.ggie McAfee, UNC, 30155,? (New ?5 cour€e record; old recold: Clint Chamberlain, euantico Marines, 32:12, IA/23/7I)t 2. Larry Wjdgeon, UNC, 31:32j 3, Jame6 Wilkins, NC State, 3t:55r 4. Ron Mar_ tin, W&M, 3Z:04; 5. Steve Snyder, W&M, 3Z:t6; 6. John Angel, Tenn,, 3Z:22t7. BiIl Louv, W&M, 3Z:ZS, A. Jay G6.11, W&M, 32:29; 9. Stev€ Smith, Va. Ae.h, 32,35a 10. Rich Ma.quez, Va.Tcch, 32:37j It. Mike Oarcia, UNC, 32:39; 12. Mike Ormrod, Va. Tech, 3?r45, Splits: McA{ee, 4:4?, 1l]:OO, t5:21, T.am: t. Wm. & Mary, 38; 2. North Caiolina, 52; 3. Virginia Tech, 68; ,1, Univ. of T€nnessee, 93; 5, NC Sra!e, 95. 3-MILE CHAMPIONSHIP - l Bob Bertelsen, Ohio U., 15:28.8j 2, Reggie Clark, tV&M, i5:.tZ; 3. Jim Crahah, W&M, 15:.15j ,1. Pefr Thompson, lV&M, t5:,!6; 5. John Aveiett, $&M, i5:51; ri, cene Schulrz, !y&M, 15:5.1, Teahr William & Mary, 20_ JUNIOR MIDDLE ATLANTIC ASSOCIATION A. A. U. & OPEI'\ IO, OOO METER CROSS.COUNTRY CII{MPS Phila", Pa., Smday, Nov. 13, t9?1 l:0OF.M._Despire coairg to a walk three times as a resutt oJ ah unfamili_ ar course, Pat Trayno! captured the lO, OOOh run spon_ sored bt the Penn AC over the rough Belhont plateau coorse in Fairfrour Park in 35:,18,6. The former Villahova ac€ wa6 pushed most oI the way by Mike Wil_ son, a rising {reshhan star from Delavare State Cot_
lege, Dover, Delaware. Weather: Idea1, 5Ors. 1. Pat Tralalor, Phila. , pioneers, 35:,18.6; Z. Mike Wilsoa, Delaware State Cotlege, 36:14t 3. l]aul Lucuski, Pern AC, 36:26; 4. Flahk F"ick, penn AC, 36:3Or 5. Jim Watdbusser, Delaware Srate College, 3?:OZ; 6, Byron Mundy, Peqn AC, 38:32; Z. Ed Schodowski, unat" 38:35i 8. John Baltadonis, unat., 38:3?; 9, Doug Wise, uat., 38:53i 10. Seth Bergmann, p€nn AC, 39:05; 11. Pat Fadd€n, Kings Coltege, 39:05.2j tZ. Jim Burt, uat., Audubon, N.J., 39:1i; 13. ceorge Bateman, una, 39:34; 1.1. Malty Reid, peha AC, 39:40; 15. Joe Mclhin_ ney, Olney Kiwanis, 39:.16; 16. Manby Mehd€ndez, unar. 40rl0i 17. Barry Rhodes, unar,,.tO:3Ot 18. Ran.ty Stueil_ ley, Ped AC, .40:45; 19, Chuck patterso!, unat., .,11r02; 20. Loren Langdon, Delaware State CaIIege, 42:31, ?t. Mark Stoner, unat,, 43:22; 22. coriton Thomson, Deia_ ware Sporrs Ctub, 50:20; 23. Ed Lucas, *Undine Baige
! OVfN - . B- , Bor"*, sol,1 J"r"e) -ndr8e--, .o: Zr lrlthl Ted: l. PeM AC, 15. -.
-;;;^;- ^";,n;;;^ ;;;;;;,. ; ; ,i 5 lap .olrse . t. Jih Hatcber, Idaha, 2:25:52, Z.
Bil\ Herriott, Canada, Zr3Z:13; 3. Bob Hamilton, Idaho, Z:4,1j 4_. Dr. Vlastimut Zak, Ohio, Z:51:59r 5, Rick Whitaker, HS, 2153,21i 6, Blad Jonnson, HS, 3:14:55, zo-MILE RUN- I. Dr, Zak, 2:1?r3O (en loute to ma!a_ 6tarted together)i Z. Ken Latting, Irash., 2:27:45j 3. RussAker., Wa61a.,2t39..42,4. John Ritch_ e!, Wa6h,, 2:41r5?; 5. pat Ouian, USA!., Zr54:06 (30_39) 15 MILE RUN (i10 & Over)_ t. Bob Dwello, Wash,, t:50: 15; z. Ken Hendrix, Wa6h., 1:58r35. ls MILE RUN (WoMEN)- t. Sheli Barnes, 1:48:22 (Slokahe HS)l 2. Bev Calicoat, Spokane, Z:3?:46. CENTRAL POINT, OREGON 8-MILE RUN, 9/1]/7r LFoDa-d H- . r,1:lo: l. Ror p- o-n,, .l?:4": .. ,. r.) '.\sa-tstcy. 47:1o:4. Aoee- sharlFr. ,j8: r; .. V Le .os_ LOWLLL, OPCCON 8 \rI_E Drt\, o t rt _ . !r:/p Du, br1, 4a:10..4-Mile- l, rohr -u.uiC. lS, /a O
ToqETHER rN THE Lo-Mlr,E RoAD RAcE AT sroNE cEoRcrA oN sEPTEMBER 25, 19?l rHEY FTNISHED IN A i;;;ni;N, 'ii" ia.r r"u rrNE TrME oF 50:14, BREAKTNG .RANT coLEHouR's RECoRD oF 50:35 SET IN 1969.
aiilrJ" tt*a
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ARTHUR LYDL1RD'S FUNNE8S BrBLE',. ....,. by Arthuf Lydiad. Oae of ihe wo.td's best known disiani his techniques. . . . . the i"" iehis tlou a6 oiny he can tetl it. This excellent work belongs in
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