12 68 ldl

Page 1

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Two top American Runners


Art Coolidge -Photo by John Abramson

Ed Winrow and

Fon lsurrrc€ as a tradltl X:*:::.:I$i"il:'D€cenbs!1e68 I'1""**:#*lii:ii'"I3ll-i'li""i3ffjg;""" illinffgo"?tf;il*ilff""0o


A mBlrcArroN

mh*sm-*it:rr ;:*:ils""il

#ii::,i;t*i,ffi:,fft{:#,f*:,r" "/$flH;$Ltrp#ffi

ry+t:il!'-* 1.' ""


n'ffitrfl+trr*ffi*flffiffi 'mm'**/rft

tttr;ffi tiffi




I'**r*f i'l''''e:iffi '*"ry;'tui', s,i"i;s".",',

iifi#iiii;{h"#{"i:ii'rh*$ij**v"*"J :ffi:ti+1'.r:;;*;i';"*1t*t,i

ffi=#tr*xFHffiff#*fi*ftffi ;4

j:i;,"ii*iiff i; Tr"'isi filil.,i*, "1,1;;q:tl5*m:*"* !1fl I i{t";g;;,61; iiijT'i"i".,,""", ""n Fiil.li,i?::. "l:;,sp;;;rii'i J fti;;1.;::;Slii;:il"u*t#:,';;ii:.';o::i:'

***$rg*l':*:*m:'il*ti*g**t$#+#r'1*e*''''ug. **n

i!:i.-rF#rl## rxi;$t*.il. j-r,, j "#tq:g*r":trl*'tgrn ] +,t*t *ru,if **;fi *+;i$*ri, i#t:{qi i: ir;s*r,"'i::"r:rsf6s"ts':rrf"f*3h#l]il:it;:pffi r:#irr*ri:l;;;lil nr'""*






ffi Flffi ru*i*q:#':ru..d tr#gffi 5ffi$t#ffi

ffi trrjffir**h=jt;ffi

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rul$il s,*X ii,rT#"p*tg




*:fr ,:;;1"f .


[: gr**:il#slT"rilliriru:i::idi*'i; ft


:Ii!#ff"iffi"iiffi 4;;:r*iTru#,:iSm*l***r';#r# ii,Ti#,tr1trrli;:r"ti.1+ #i"r'I.i".r Jl"",ii,lt; *'Hw"le"liiTs"":!J#& i41t

X,:X r-l



llcs--Top left

National AAU X-C ceneterf llifl leboLrt 2 n1l€s left ) A.t Dlrlol]]r leeds John uaso;_ Pyne, Fltts. neli]y, Burfoot; B11I Clark & Ken ttoor6 lhoto by Jeff Top

RiAht- John utns AAU XC


Bottoli- Nat. A{U x-c stte! 3 3/)rnilos. Photo br/ on 16ads Du1ong, tl'n6, Fitts, Burfoot, B€11Iv & Ken }loolovan cortlandt Pk. Aronx, N6r York ltas





72nd NATIOML A-AU SR. X_CouNrny CHAMPIOIISHM, ^ltNUAL Sponsored by New york Nsws



3' 3:fl . "i5'El":i: ":*", i;";iil;: ;iJ#:';38:',ii;1, l8t,t"*iii,. John "

ltason, Ft. Hays, fqnsas Star€ Co1I€a6. 1{L-pu19n8, spartan Ac, lo:/rt*i j.


:ll1\.1j ,. i33ij iH?;


ffiiln!:;ll;:ii"!_,3ii1ts6]'s: Bf; iiit:j'. $ii"']";i.S;. il i3Z ;. ?a. ?t StlFl"nXi*ii.f]S. oc, 11.^f.-::, 31:24; r1. Bob l4oole, roronr;13. ;i;i:'d:;":"ffih::r€hoi;ivvc+c,s?1:13'


La_cb' oukada,




JiSli {Bi'ir,ilii,?i;t3;"}!.



, "iiiltisl:'"T::i:i' lj5:iil'r;:'3ituiui,i3f, <v.- !aFord Denr, SFOC, 32:13; At. Rtck_ )zturj.


6{ rrcnardson,


caneroD TC, Hous1,on, T€xas, J2:

iii ilifitf"f"ii{i,";}iff"3""ftliilk

i::i6 gan, sFoc, 32.29t 25. Ton Domolly. vlt latlova varsrLy,-32:t+oi 26. lll115on sFtth, vIllanova u.

i:::i;":';!-'i":?i??ili 3a:';t: flit;#:.:T,,_ Daoeo'Ic, 32t52, f0. Davo Knox, Toronto f;#:t+:,;t:" oc{!:!i",ii"iilL,3i;l'i.;:',*tr: 3et53; 3I. Tor Rartiffe, yrr ro36 A , 3?t93.l J2. J:m Latch.L6, ucr?, 3zt55t jj. St;n JoLnion

Phlls. Plon6ers, 32t59t 3., Ed llllnroH. $rAc. 3r. K€von K6oah, uclc, ll:o?; 36. Ros€r Frlond, Sar, DIsso^Tc, ll:08; JZ, Hsrb ror€d, lgnn Ac, 3J:09; 38. Paur Lo;ou, ucrc, J3r1o; 33tosi-

39.-Joe, BoJIe,


col1e66, s€arct, A!k.;

il ;'ii. "i:,lii'3"iil;:"F::' tz, sa unr.n, u"',i

Siig:.'!l,i? ; cl,ri.ii, ":# 3t:.1Lt--t$:'' "1'i"" 44. ci.y Nurrcle, xr.r, Fry, ucrc, 33:1r; Pg".l 33r18; 45: Jrm nar1, c6ari; ::rzb; lrZ. mi,rr nai ain, Toroniro oc,

33t26t tr?. chartes Bal.dlrlD, Eastern. Mlchtsan A.c, 33:28; 43, Ed Boirss, xiAc 4e: oJ'i" iGi.i":"i1.-r'i. .ars state. 33:29t lo. HoNI6 Rtsn, Na! York Ac,'Jl:3Oi 91. Al.Lon carlus, UCTC, 33:15; c^. Joe Ryan, phl1a Ac, 5J. 8111 l{clouahlin, vr llanova F!,, -33:43r 3)t5Ot 5\. Plot6- cran€rus, can€ron Tc, hous-ton, rexas, )).t59i qt. callos Baez, sa;r Juan, Pu6lto Rtco,. 3l+t02i 56. chrts Sre6F, Toronro 0c, 3lr:06; 5?. Jerone Ddran, Ft. Ilavs S1,at63E:O7t 58. Barry Bro'm, IrYAc, 3l+:OB; 59. po[er Broun, Provld€nc6 cou"€ae AA, JL:09t 60. BiIl 34:13; 61. ron Roblnson, NyAc, 43rY9y,,{.Y:, 3Itt\si'62, ri,rn Bizi.y, i""e' e;i"";, -iii ,r. , 20; 63. cnrls U€nrJ, Toron;o oC. lh:2L: 6L. Au6n clbas, Phtla. PloD., 3L:26j 65. K6n ModIin, t€nn Ac, 3!i28t 66, cp1. John Tt11nan, Quanrtco r,larines, 3\t29t 67. Mos6s l,tayfleld, ,b1Ia. rloa., 34:29r 68. BtlI Scb'rab,- NyAc,' l4:30: 69. Paul sanborn, Ih11a. P1on., Jl+r35; ?0, Ron Stanko, vlUanova 71. -a"i 34:36; -j[':ii-22.Frosh, -r"oo"tu,




uiic, r'o" cot.M, l4:40i ?3. John carlepp, MAA, 3l+:!2t ?4. rarry Bsrnan, l,l6t.Ac, llr:U*; 75. Pst6 811debrand, ucTC, 3L+rL7. (t57 sta!t6!s, !+9 ftnl.shors) oLd R€oord: 30ll+?.1+, B]'uc6 t{tdd, 1.963 Toan: 1. Vlllanova Varslty, 7-10-12-Il+-16--99 2. Unlv. of Chlcago TC, 85i 3. !'t. Hays State, Kansas, 100; 4. vl11anova Frosb, 107; 5. San t1e8o TC, 129; 6. MtUroso AJ{, l46i 7. quantl co Marlnoe, L52: O. N€w York AC. 153: 9, ?hll Ploneer C1ub, Ul; 10. P6nn Ac, 21U, ir,i'

From Anby Burfootr croton l.ona -roht, conn€ctlcut (See ps. 2Z)

Eappy to sk€tch jn a t1Et16 about | | | -ry-Japanes€ L-tp. Anytltryto help =l eeu_"tdi:6;e8 trrps " -. oronoto - _ dlstanc€ roT"ore rjrru)ersr arran8or.ents for r0 lrlp !.,ere letro!-Arr tho rapqnose ar6 ianous for. r S.to../o-ry ryl'".J nev€r r ad about e tl1ns 1ys€U. t4y r Drer_or6tor drd a1t th6 worrrytnE...ne re_ peared. everythlng thfe€ Llne; to= te sure y:.9I"1.9d p6rf€ct1y. rn Fut<uoka v,,a sfayedf 1! ,nal^1s-supposod to bo th6 b6et hotol ln s..-11 by

Anorlcan stanoards but l_,_f1l: 'oons& superb exc€rl6nt servtc€ food. vJo dtd nosi or^our.tra1nln6 dt a b€autlrut pa!k, j9,*9,+i tlresone to kd€F n6pajatlnsLhough rhe-1 "l i."" f"ff i!" i lI'il';,:it"::'ii:'I"l,:;X.$." oscolt6d btr' an 1nd1!1dua1 motorcycfe police_ @n &-trall car, Couldnrt hare bien oscter consr.oorlng rr€ alnros! l1poss1b1€ lrafflc. i,bousand ftaa_,av1r€ rapancB€ _.yl:. ,,Ilr'q.d y:Igi:!, r1: race.. rt Nas carrlsd lrve on ano rnr€e hours aftor lhe race a ore-nou! rebroaalcast of nlAhUahts rjas shosn €asy but Ehant,tiLrly -,1: :9S1"9-Ili """ ;;iaE I had f6ar€d. It -4-rr-n1ro srraightaHay Dleesant & rlndtns NlLh th6 nt.ldtrg Xa:,:ithol ponlnsula. Weather vas ap_ 55rg6sF€€s c ratber nuggy. Jiparr l:511"t?ry es€ a1r ls !6a1ry foul & po1ljted. -d;yway. ln rrue, sxactrn8 ln!e!,nat:::.l.:. 19" rU-I1 lonat Vto n6r€ llnod up j'nrnuces '.a€hloh. aun-& uent ofr 6xac;tt a€ planoocr ::.91:.lb: du rz:)v p.n. r had d6cld6d Lo stay th€ .i.oaqols ee long as posslbte & settr-,EJrh -.,, * iD flon rho etsrt. j:4 irter faster Lhan r cduld "ii;;-i-#;"i to naiD :i:_ryq*g raxn^ror z6n but tlou&ht I oughthope to ke€p on. pecolvod_our mrsi crockrns-Jt:+:,:l1', "" w€.s 1lndted to those Hho had rv. lno Fac€ prevlously bloken 2:30 and at tolor lh€re abour .to fuffrors roa€Dhor, rde ::I: ::rlj H€r€_L6:45 Dt 15{i ral1 .l0t) !i6r6 wolde l"i3ii5!;3ll Hti"lt"#t"$":ii;T.03i",::srarton. W€ r{er€ 62;00 aL 2okn v1!h rhe l6ad Aroup doHn to about €1gnt. I Aur€ on throusb 25kn In !.r7tj) & th;n fost

:r"H".xfl .'t.:i::,. r3f,f ii!:fi :_,iiT:$ srruSS.Lod 1n ovef tn6 last 1o "

r9s1',€. g plac€ ac ebouL Jokn & i::..s0:"{ aeturns r uas 1:J4:oo :"^: i! _Lh€ last d16, ar Jurcr & 2:07:10 at I was,



of u(-rse, fftrh40t{l1, ny perrornince. rhousli

Edol€n's i6cord-bv rurher. lq"?"}." 1" a tr6;endous roo 'at ctosor nrpw to 5;OO tban 5:30. rrslnj Nevs} " a,oes over 22n ln v,rorkouts, Uui.-r"irr covor !!1s, d1.aranc6 Ln about 2 iours. L6 salal rhat


ffi;X"i;'*"1 3:1,:':; ;"H';"'f:{::i:t, to. hav6 boon

l:l 9Mt9. bsforo M€x:co "_""";r""-l,ii"r"g. crty h6 avera6;o i:I ro) :_l."_t-h" mpw..rr€ constdered htnsel"f ro be in Z:05 se-a-Iovel shap€. But rhen his



uay, ran tronendously desplL€Aave a s!1t;h rh:.' slo!'sd h1n to a walk for abodr

;:;":T, ;,1;""t""i. fi '""'€f s:J.F#i!;*'j];! 3e roads-ffi€r€ r uoulo v6ry nuch 11k6 to do I -ror ol runn_LEg but also flnd dolnands on LIds,


ov. 28tb


' PatMcMahon Breezes

Vic"tory In Record Tine

To Marathon



r(.x @,t'rdn ollrLlhr d r.gimd rm! djxts.. I[fur oul rrd tu brnd nw bsrd drldi .6ur rx. !d dE l! r iri.d r couidn r otch btd." ior.r ,n .bst L0. r|lrt & 1!. b.$ Frdtdd or E IljlbDE rujuo i.cold I! rpite ol M.vrbonk soto he wea.s. hlrylt.r ndnrD j.bt, Po.sing g.v. mdle Euii rood ,ccout ol hiDtEt Fo rl. ro lq lruhod in tI! 1963 ib. secood sBatghr yeu be OlyuDica rt lledco cti] rIi lopDeil . No, 2 s!ot, rnd, i! fntsbed ,3!d itr ib. Fantlo rar h!" !'$rob er.r'.B.Jtr. ominr o Bodlr 'dol16 'e b ba he drdd arh io th. NrI^ edl crdi. r brrbom. crry, . !rc! tld ].'ti. qr6i.c le ,or. rh. cord€d iis Dnd. hd..y Dry Oal8ic, lnrdDg 6trt d ihai h. lhoughr McMrhon $ourd gd righr t ihc idi rnd thri h. rl.r..d io 1* the lrilh. 6u r.rlh. prc.. McMrnd did pr.e tld Psrd4qt .dotu to rt{ *itb ih. !.* cbaDlion i! Etudzd h th. rid thri rhe No 3 ]@er, Creu 3.€wr, P)lntm !.cc$, s{ alDo*

trtc to t!. tdn rwid iA r,!t ttr.t,1 0d rlrt h. ut $cold h r:3r.dit. .Ii,i. {o hrft 6d. dirrcdv.lr $!{ t'a. F.:t r?ln ntbt l!"-.!b{.r. 41-t4!g- 1!! .rrrted E:',.1:Ji:*#,ii"""#"rHl porsrls Fho i.fth.d. di' - tlrlr 4 dftt6 r.d 30 s.i ItcMehor cabe sftbn dci Dlri. ta rhri pledicti.L d.l n@ the .rdt tr a record.sXar t dE ds..t 4t:19.6. tloctils 4lecddJofitneoldn3.k ot $:3r.6 s.t by vlllruva's cla.les Mesingd tu a166, ld ih. lba*rsiviDg Dry oa$ic tror t ih€ ev.!l, ft nged to be r rou.nar rae, berwee! urMllq r.u! mlsilE of 3da ii! ihird in 4:3?. !.ruhdq cad Ea6erd, w.rt !dr1n d&. w.! a.bh.d by Virsili! Unilerdty rd M&tr &i! V.ltbdr at' Alib@',r Liqron, V leva. loyr club, N.{ Yo!t, l! 4:5?. Eotrvr, iui 6efoE silltd lh.F w!. . tir td 6ttn d.cr J. Howa.d Rlbler liEd bis sd, b.t*d }l! 8!o*ds. rh. Pr A lh. dslt lor li$t drce rs clar !. cndE! ftom M$r'tr Educed to r tvo.m?r rompeuRxb. rd W!r".. M.Bride, John t'@ riqsrl vrs @bL to coE- j Ed ! fii8h srho6l, Ildisblrs. pek becauQ or ro.nue inlby.L aotb ru@a {eE cobp.tbg Hrll.ld rewr shor'€d up. And, tu iI. H..rlshs l. l uit i!.Y c,ne dom M.tkel 3&el ffrno! tlmd lt tnto r onen{ Nea. tl. tu! ih6y tocled .!ns and.ode !0os fle nd.d' The oualoE s.ptisi €oteg. lile il t0:01. SboftD ra |rc Ede*ad, wno cao€ 10 ttr,r ldied ihe Job! Dulgo cdultty ton xeland. sh.i rtht Irdori.l $a!cb, !i!m br th. into t}e read. At rou&yr'[t6,i Irllos Ldse, s ihe !$t nish rrcMrhm oD@d a 100.r@1 read or Paa{id. Al suner Hil noud,i!8 0t ilt tittl xen ir siElched to alDosl loo ydds w.B: M.!t VftN, hNn rid cDhtng doin va|durb ddce. R. r,j Dici caig.r. sl*tnr c$v.! 3ob Bbm, SudsbuE AA .!it Glfno! Iimlb b,.\ in o! Y,.r.ti lch6e, s.Bilro!, onbdo, st cet ilcMsld v8 bree'Ilgl rlms sitb . oed de.Dilt grr.l se brot. the ble ddo r ftdI he.d ot st .e rnd seeD bddlt lazed by rhe o.rniLe d&lanc..

@6mt il lllt rn .@ n.

LffilRaltles, TN^CX &











]tivc.!riv.inftnmdtri}ark U. AArJ ch.npih sDPpraltd



=E, spdt'uti.chogen|dt.b.


Moses s$iard,

hiDby6y ds.Ma''rrldwA


PORT.A.PIT tu!@1!€


.lr@ lI9

Clo-t "oo.*" ST. CHARLIS, IIJ,IME Fl@e (112) 531.-o?llr

S.rlrdoy, .IANUAIY 25, 1969 rou l$artr^t - r| rlfHoN

PhiLd.Lptia cltrb, !s prc€ial,is d.



L' 6





Burfoot Winr Coppens Heads McBride fiffRTS8URG WINS IR. TEAA4 TITLE

[ov. 28

b,r. r.rL $s cdnoo*d o'r"nd! Da!€l \,d k.t c-m'b;g4 Bob Bms. art !'i"-: nur str-knf ald %0r '' ,Bi. m,**r."li' Lo'r (oPPENs. L

*i,' '.l r.iiirtr qr'"",ym l. l:I"l ;% iij"i,'-' ' li - ! pr3 ".f,n'-Bir shNe'! i{:;",:. i;;

| ,-,i;

Fastest -Time Ever Jim Keefe Second

@ dprqd by , ds,o, a€kld r 30.0€.0 6mFN Pirem'. \ r . {4 d;; d* dtd"l o wsq"lmrhd coo;;"""-*r H€ rook;v..r M.B'id. al +e .hih wd4daytLm s0 .it- Do haiiEma . 10 to 60 yard read over McBride


sfre re ssnds aheadl ..r rinkhed





cid€d to do The 22

smetNng sbdt it.

yffild, lir l@t, 14clouldeFwe!t'uts h hFky leroter'. eparrd arcund the Fie€ Mil€ Ra

bl,t*tlbb'.fubaEe cdr'€qts 6.id.

de ph

I P'deB


ehrb, &b Rs d tu 6d1@'!d' I!l4ffisdgnddbyfudn[n€ol9n! -dJfudd.gI i- # *; d;e e+s<"!ulqedu. Blids 6d lb-.'* o

ffiffiY"i#ffi -#"ffi-***"" r...\" s,r'h :f, s\l' - r,,-. ,* ftdr. hoq njr Ur rafsou "'" 3 9:":l .',"' vfal i;\', i; : ;"; ;;xi ;e;ii:;:l ::'."" l:1""1 I ll:_ * : I


Amby BurfooJ alpe@tly didn t li! the btiddtrlid s rcL he Huried in ttis lad te nr njns s!!€.mm u Mechetd dd y€t€rday h€ d,





F-ffi*#H,e#*"ffi *;m*fuodrthlffibl sd. ;.b! t€€ei

* "d 6. tunFd d e 'g*nddn.bfu4efildagft *6g6'lJd&qtb.,{r@rreda'w|lffid!

_$ P!,,

Lw,u r'nLshed F@trdls

'd,blFrfu e*.rgl:b ;* w€g




qe F,!

S*XI*:*.,H1"',""li--i,ffii"H d€P


b." d &i" lh; **d*ii*,Mdo

** .d


sf trHli-T"ffi

,*. "& ryy- ":r,* ". L*T"H,,f,ytff"i$tr s H5,iffi @:Tv T -:'a-T :" 6rb h tu;d e;ofu d 9s 6F: o !@1 er:-.Y


ffi* ,





ffi-""*#*;H": fs$Sqffi tu,tu.* qEi utury:d.e

ROAD RUNNERS CLUB Aa Asatidtioa ol Anat*t



d;j;i-a b' ;;;

".d ,; 'h. atlr ed b J fuIegd&i410lEE dd s.d*. tu;b. q{f,r d coDll.sd EEs N; rud sd. "ed tu tk*dHffidhdb'l dd*rp, h nffi Db&, h htu l* e d rke b 1r-]t.dUsn.(,d@6, '{qE6'dr,!i&rxb''lruuutb&d' fi!ffi|e6!.[cco|rde



Raee Finish

7,(M) Racea Goal tor Frcd Btuu,n,33




Senior Citizen 68 Runs" Finishes Fresh as Daisy

l'^nb'|lftlio.ldfu ,,D.w.uo'fu'lniMd' 3'Fo1.lqd6'Nry!'Ibd


S€nior citizens



92Dd Five Mile R@d R&€

$'R!'mdrj€&b. HoV


olB r.c.



y4terday w€re ireded by 6€-yee{ld Mauic€ M@&, M.D, ol Nonicl, s veter_ u 0f more tnan 50 yem dgopalafua'Eevc2h'

blbaFnhe&7lh.ee' M dHh brsh dgu. h & UdidsdbfuslddFnr lnhrkconF$on'fre4{e

!1.'mdM.try.',!6:9' $'hahtr4b'25:a 14.JfrGry...'...,o:! 1{ Boh bsF ,..10163 1s. hq lrrr .: -..t1:o4 til'ad&abh-'''r:o' 16r. J6ah rdw ....31:11 rs.'*dPrq'r'31:13


tsdlvefuhghMddh 19, y*9 uoe a dlbdt' dd!@npdehygtF &J!F€rqgbnBDm TAIK---Cbulie Fobhins and Mrurice Mmre talk sho! befoE rsce. Bolh *re practici.s piysi, cians. M@rq 63, *a the oldest man ir the rra. SEOP

de5fl3@93tIq'geta ,lDeda,@nrdbv6re

6&m.n..144e''.rs 1* rr&d rYo .,..t1:4r 10,fulDF''''-!1:o ,?'fuhEfuAbn,.d1 6& Iry 6nddr 'x6? rm e;;d E;m&sr:6e b; l|ilb ..tl:06 $ Rotut Rrd ..,2rr@ rao. rh'f,,8gclifu''''9:a t?l'fu.&MJrlr'''3,:,r alb Bde 17'a''I.d6ln@''&,||{


16'tnlt'|lJ'p''1,:$ 1&.Lr.N4dr''3's ulRh4McDo|lq''|rl r

Le q!tud



e' Jfu

BefoE Atuby Burfoor tlov€d Out

9omvb *i0 Modgty J''

:l 3y,"Hr-;



;:; *:31

edrm d Dm oM N.e atu

rr.. Btd turia ai. .s:tt r'6'Ldtrro'lhy'''s':c7

"lhis is aN.ys 3 Y€ar's sii in om donins fo. m€ wle! I run in Mdches td," Chelie Roblins said. "I $e a lot of old friends sll dons the rae rcute,"

mbglB''''''''31.? d. al d k \r ..,..$:o {1'hobl!.......*'' 'oahryoM'.'':!' s. l]l,td hrd;;a $o'r|do.4[i{31:b lrd e rl3k ....... !{1, ,1.]'frofu--....s.:, [c card N.r.a.-.,e:!? :riJdl'd!.','.'g:o

tu 3p# Jud

tu lbrq bn4 No nd8ifun.'!j's'e@rh& 3q|e\@!hd.d.t6;lffiDunlErrftde'


bn€ vd dd er hE @ ld 3Fs.


oad ocr dl!]7df,c'hcldig60 iFfuhhe,'J!g6'


oitava, Chtarlo, oct. f9, 1968 EeLl over a la]) 10,00Or coulse ilaq)enoil by ralo. Bob Xoor€3& Cuy MoDet hcld tbe lead for ro6t of thc race. bcfo:.e- h8ltsh-bolD Ian walnlfflght (AAU Jr. ErJ6 CDAE!/ outspcal th.E ove, rh! fas.t tal), 3_' ToroDto 0C easlfy von the t.ad eyert vlt! a lrollferatlo! of angusb rurn rs, 1. Ian }ta1nrr1ghr. Toronto OC, 3ft2o; A. fob l,loore, TOC. 31:26; 3. ouJ' ttonct, [ontrcsf, 3t; AC, 3I:37; 5. Bob Faio; 4. Ray Varey,5.Spartanpark, UlraDds tr., 32:1a P,-Toc, 3r,53; Joh.n -

= I

roc, 32:20; 8. RuAl O16Ier, roc, i: fvc-rfta, y. steer, TOC. JJ:ur; 33:O3; fO. ltlke SlalLon, StrcrtJrookc TC, 33:05; 11. Kso llgtts, Kltchener 33:OU; .12. 3r1an Dresctt, SaDiltoa AC, 33:23; .13.- Bmce lbcel)son, l'orouto StlrderB, 33it+5; t! tck-E.n]l!, TOC, 33:jO; f,5. Dtck DouSlas, una. l4:22; 16. Jl! Iron6, TOC, 3l+:22; IT, Reals

For.l,,l{oncrea.l, 3L:l+3; 18. Bllf Arnold, Crcteva VTc. 34:116; 19. Brtan vllson, queebs Udv., 3h: 5l; 20. crala LnDox, qu!6!s unty. 35:otr. cALADIAfl



(ro,ooo!) st Iontreaf, II/2

Ee].t over a 4-1ap couree ln ltotrt Rcraf park, The race soo! 6pt1t into tno g?oups, about lO 1n the fl!3t gror& heatlcd by Uoor€ & Faly, and EaElln. headlDs tbe n xt group of elgbt. Up rront 4:05 E1ler Ray fias$eLl Looked gooal & vas slttlDg tn as tbe LadGr chaDg€d .vc4/ ElIe u!_ t1l on].y Ra6velt, Vs!€y, Vllgbton & Xoor.e runaldetl. Tbe speed of Easv.IL vas lot to lr.evatl ln the last 1a! lt .iras ihe su4,riBbg Rsi Var€y rrho forllal tbc klck to vl!. To.oDto OC sgata t.otr

tbe tear battfe.


Ray Varey, SpsrtaD AC, 3f:37, 2. Ray EasweJ.I Unlv. of A.. 31:431 3. bv€ vlshtoD, B.C., 3I: 45; 4. 3ob Moorc, TOC, 32t05t i. Aa\ vsl.ol drht TOC. 32:10; 6. cuJl Monet, lrontr.at I'A, 32:LO; 7. 3ob Falv, Ttx, 32t45t 8. Johll r.{ovatt, Toc, J3:00; 9, oave SEltb, TOC, 3l:I8; tO. T@ gorard.' 3.C.r 33:2Ot lf. Ken IDgl1s, Kltcbcner TC. 33:20; 12. John park, lblslds 8., 33:39, 13. Dave Knoxr ToC, 33:42i 1lr, Don Scott, 8.C,, 33: aa; 15. Bob TapplDa, B.C., l3:l'8; 15, Iyle W_ cru, lbnltoba, 33t5lt I7. I'Ilke Slitlov. Sher_ brooke TC, 33:55, 18. Mtck aar-Iln, ,Icr-, 33tj7, roc. 3h:31; 20. flE consar., Bcr ]2., !d,-qk]*, 34:45, (50 ftnlBhed) ART SCEOLIS t4EuoRfit X-COUrIRY, IOROIiTO, OnT.

Novenber 9, 1968--A t?o-fap corlrse over rouSh grourd,lncf,udlnA a strean, prontded slol' rr.D_ nl.g 1! places, but f6st runntnS tn certalD stretchss. crabt l,lcl€rcn & Bob xoore atuelledt fro& the start & soon teft a1I othe.s. Ian l{al rlight doyed. $p to thlrd aftcr tvo E1les, but nade no l[I)resston oo the ].ead€is. L. Crant irchrer, (tucfph Leglon, 27;3Ot 2. Bob l,loore, @, 27:35:' 3. raD VainvrlAht, -ToroDto .tcc, 26t23j rr. Bob Fahy, ToC, 28:3L; 5. Mlck EaDItn, ToC, 29tOOt 6. &:n Irons, TOC, 29:O5i 7. Chrls Steer, yag, 29tO7; 8. Dave icrox. roc.

zgtlot 9, Jot)n Ior,.stt, G1sler, rocj 29:58.


29:t1i 10,


--r.!lck Eadln_-

cAnDElrror Tc lr.L-},trIj x-coumRy, Dclavst Buffalo, Ir.I., I{oll.Eber f8, rg68__Orcr a coyeretl corr5..5 rulaers fro@ Torotrto (nc thea CanadlaDr ) broke up thc (iia.ttcntoh ! Bob Faly $aB tbc vlctor tn a tlgbt rlnlsb r. Eob Faty, ToroDto 0C, 20:58, 2, !.{lkc C ToC, 21:01; 3. lob lt{oorc, TOC, 2t:O7j 4. ?ry, 2I:39; 5. ulck Habflr, roc, 2 th:T, E^d Fyb' uB' 22tj\t 7. DoD Porlzok, s 9: 3?; 6. Ed_wcb6tcr, EBC, 22t39; Chrls h Ioc,2156t 10. fib mrabes, UB,9,23:J1. (3 - -1,{1ck


].IT[ AMTUAI, OE]O TNACK C IB DISTATCE flot+hh8ton, Obto Ssturdlay, ttoverbe! l6th


mckemon, ohro va-Lrey !$$.$3;_1..aol 4i))i z, E4 wIlrov, IIev york Ac. ?1:o1;

Sperks, U(trC, 2I:U; lr. Jack factnaa, ua 21:21; 5, TErrJ, Cauagher, u :ebP, ohro,lV,, 21:31; 6. Bob rEFrs, oTcJ !*lle*' 7, Vlbce Rels, Ke!! Statc, 25:A1+j 8. Slepl ser,_!h3:le:, 26:35i 9. scott Eoradat (]1 starrers)..D1cklnso! nee IC, 29144ry, ls Xla.El U. ru]ner, nc fed from start to flni though Wtlror ees cfoshg at the flnlsh. I a_Ll rhe 6ca'6 el".bbs. the race r.aa ru on coErsc D.a6ur1Dg -I E-tfe 1O]4y. A 6haLl tal ooty 1B u3ed to flDlsh out Eost races. Ig:lgle_S*- f. Jt_d Atexander, ohlo rc, )j ?_rcd Eu-r3tEaq. Ftd_ray Couese. 55:38; 3, va-Lentltrc, Denj6on ltulv., 55:!8, 1,. Ierry 56:1oj t. crenll Derryberr.ry, sh F_',_y"l:, b. sbuck Koeppen, lrcTc, ,7:lo; f"f ?:iuo; rat Vllte, ctrc, 5gtzlt 8. Ken Spark6, UC.fC ,7i 9. cary EerDer. una.. &:2o; tO. lrn n ura., oo:2o; tt. N.at vu_ltaor, Canto t9n, aatz7t 12. 3ob Bfa1r, 6t:5O; t3. rou corcr Bruce Kr€lrzter,53:o5;15. Bre 9",5r; rt. lver3. Slrssnee. tI;. 63t28; :'6. RalI)h scoles worlnlDgron, b4:2b; I?. B1t_t Sot t"h, Shaene 65:3Ei 18. RI llJlnrovr MIAC. 68:1?; 19. Rob ll"9f6": 1""., canton, 72.03; 20. schu.ltz,

75:32, (2t stsrters) ..cary wartor, u ecoa at Ohlo Stete & forDer U. of Cat: ruDrer, lea all the ray urtlf a b6d slo{acl folceal hlr to sto! vltb les6 than a ELle t( Waltoii von both the tO & 20 tvo yesr.s ago I ra€ course record of 53:00, Al-cxadater, hor* r'as r€aqy fly1ng at !h€ ftnlsh & I0sy have Wrdto:} aDyray. the bigh Echoot s.Dlor t-rcn vll.Le, Ohlo covei€d bls tast s[a]] tap fg& z:<o, arier cotr.1Dg fror! vetl back at g nu€ GeLlaShcr carE bsck very r€IL off hts 4 ell wfth Ju6t oyer a! bour's rest, to takc four ?rofesEot

*,-e*5ff ###:*E*H,

ll""!Purl. AC, 61!t25i






ohlo rc, 53:r+o, 3. Doo Jobb.son, l+. Cfalr Ductian, Da).ton AC, 67:

,ffil#iioH. ];"ffff liili.Ii'Bi,"; trl 3. Jerry Bocc1, ltotor

96; 4.

Ctt'y Strlders,

E! Patt, UCTC, 74:O?i 5. IbIe Aj-nold,58 74:26. . .lfe8terflelil, a refugce fron alsta.nc EIDA, ls a feal code.. Thc tl.Ile vas a r€cor



faDcy Shafer, CaDton Iiolverlne Parkettcs, 8:l+8; J, Grace Sutcher, una. J ChardoD, ohto, 8:54; 4. Katby Moore, llolv.park., 8:58; 5, Jacki Ford, wofv,Park,, 8:59; 5, carol Fr€derlek, Mlchlga@es, q:15;7. Eetb zulEon, OIC,9:15,

Wc@eD'B 1,5-l,l1tre



/?" r r.+.^ rrnral..-.)

Sunday, floveebei 17tb 2o-Utle Run- 1 Ceiy Ragg, Eockbockh€ Valley rC, Lt55tl7t 2. I(en Shl]!!te, Motor Clty Strtd., 2;OO:5O; 3. Fred Ea€ef[an, Hock.Val,, 2:Ol:2Oi 4, lbrry ealfaghe., une., 2:01r4O; 5. Ge.ald Mlfler, una., 2t2]t29t 6. Ralph ?idcock, ltlch. clty Y}lcA, 2:45:16. (9 starters) nagg ran v€l1 at first & then after about I nlIcs, suddea-fy dropped bls lep tldes by \)s to a Dlnute. IIe asatoeil the lead at about 12 nlles & coatlnueal hls fast pace for anothcr lr d.]'es.

sloved a l1ttle then, but fldlBhedl Etrotgly 2:51+ and 2:47 ror the tvo 8B6y Ia!6 at th€ 'rtth enal. 8i3 ten i1le tlrne ?aE Ju.st a fev secoDds unaler 60 nlnutes. but his acceL.ratlo:1 carrieal htn to rlthln 198 of IFB Eegcd.ust course nark. lt-Mlle {atk- L Gary ilesterfteld, LIAC, 2:06: 13; 2, Jack UortlaDd, drc, 2:IIrL'; 3. Jerry 3occt, l.fCS; 2tl9t24t 4. Dotr Johnson, Shore AC, 2t29to3 (5 starters ) . .Wcstetflell cade back Etronaly in the l5-rdle veLk. Blastl.8 out at the siart he ea8lly outall8tanced Mortland enal colpeil the troply for the lrost outstaaallDg l,ctHe

F.S, 2-M1te Rur (track)- 1. Joe Corry, 0b1o TC, 2, Rlcbte sntth, crove clty, Ohlo TC, 9148; 3. Radd.y CbaditErL, rortidrglon, 10:20; 4, D,o0r Vn{y, OIC, 10:36; 5. REy l.tuLry, lrorthlnAton, IOt57; 6, Isr Ea@onil, Granvllle, 11137;- 7. Iba Gl.Ibert, sorthtr8toE, 12:33. Wcile!'s 5-M11e wal.l- 1, JeaDne Bocct, irCS, 47: 2E;?;-86frG-F?r,-Mcs, 57t22i 3. Katby Hsiers, canton Tc, 63:01.1+1 1,, Lorl Barr, oac, 53:02.1+. wcoen's 88o (track)- 1. Beth Sutson, dE, 2|!9.


5i-El-@-sutcl€r, u!a., 2:2\.5, 3. r,tde

Stout, mC, 2:33; 4. 2:1r2. (1.0 ftnlshers)

Sue valtetrbauAh, Cadto! TC'

--Jack l.{ortl6!d- -

5. Ed.A Calvert, W, 33;23t ?. tlorlsD peLle- Z tt€r, uI, 33:45; 8, Dtck Fe1lbaDlB, ttl, 3lr:&l+; 9. Butcb Stevarb, UT, 34:52; 10. otfe! Self, ttT, 34:52t u. s3J! Rutherfold, ttl, 34:52; 12. B1l_r V.llenuG, W,35132, f3. AIcn Flctcber, lrl, 35:qO; 14. Iafry KtnbaIL, Csr'Eon-tr vDaa Colleg€,

35t44t 15, Jotla i{cPher6oD, C-N Col-Iege, 35:Ur; 15. Jobtr lbylor, W, 35rr2; l?. l,tlke Deldng, At1a!ta Strllers, 36:18; L8. Cary filscock, lrl, 35: 59; 19. B1U. IsvIlnE, hofflllc TC, 37108; 20, BIIL Ke5s11D8, fEC, 37ro8t 21. Kcnnetb E&oortlsor!, Tenn. itn1ltary I$t. , 37 t25i 22. Tonl lb8l, tn, 38:09; 23. Cely Scott, KTC, 38r25j 24. Iarry Keqy, UI, 38t25t 2r.llLeE sharpe, c-lt college, 39r27i 26. Robert J[llaa, ISIC, 39:50; 27. ll-den Carriner, una.. Ltt)t25i 29. Gary Ader6on, XIC,]ro: 26t 29. DI.. 'lc!! Scott, KTC, \O:29 (lst vct,)j 30. C1lffoltl Dalllek, Chattanooga YI,{CA, 42:42; 31. folDar l{arable, KIC, 42t42t 32. J6,nes rbrable, gIC, 43t22; 33, Pau.1 Danlels, 1.3, gnattsnooga !UC.A, 49:38; 3\. f,81 calfleld, KTc, lr9:l+1; 35, IGDnctb F]llcla, 10, ChattanooAa Y CA, 50:01; 36. D! Da!1els, gtEttanoqla TI4CA, 5OtO2; 37, C. C. 3cL1, una., 18:35; 38. I€lEan Caltlhar, rf,C, 60:21+. (l+1 starber6),..$re harr:lc. fo.ce froE the thlv, of TeDne8see tuineal out 1n forc. to cGpete td tht6 Lo,mon race, Ken Rovlett ran i! froat of hls teaErat.s & clocked 4:58, 1Ot03, 15f1o, 2o:I5, 25tI9, 30:28 for bls rilte splits aLoDg tbc tray. --Eal Cadfielt, lbet Dlrector-TEIND ANM'AL SARRT NAB UEI.IORIAL


{est Bcfltt1, tr.J., Satu.r-d.ay, troveebor '-I'IIIE30, 1958 L. Ialry Rush, PeDn AC, 2?:26 (1on6 coureei ) 2. 0eorge DlIeD.lo, South Jersey IC, 27:L9 28:05 3. th Sqrth, Phlla, AC, 4. trorrrltil Scbacffer, S.I[C, 28:32

29:00 ?. Tcr &te!. Pepn Ac, b. ?9roti Jli Sbcpberd, Pblfa, AC, 7. Irike fiarris, S$C, 29136; 8. 3€a lhttDdn, ura. Borileatolm, f.t,,29,\2i 9. Btll vebster, SfiCJ 29r\9t rO. Jack St.C1a1f,JII, Phtfa. AC, 29:53t IL. lob I(16BBfln€, Phlla.AC, 29:59; 12. rob Shant

Earrlsburg A,qA, 30!12; 13. IBa tack8on, SJTC, 3O:4O; 14. St ve Kemerle, Cl.nl3edlnaon F, I{.J., -. I{IERSTATE TNTERCOIJAGIAIT ATEI,EXIC COMMETCE 3ot42; 15. Jobr lirtaht, ?hlla.Ac, 31:18, $. sanMt, Plcs6atlt, Mlcblga!, l{ovcllbc! 9, 1968 Ey Ucorce, ClnnaldnEon F, 3112?; 17. KeD cohenr 1. Tr€y Robert3, ltes-tern IL!. gxrT!., 25,rlt 2. ClDnsDlJlroa F, 31:37; 18. Cary Reader, Iblaea.e lllke Brault, v.IlLI.U., 25t59i 3. lbrty XcIntlrc, T8A, 3I:42r 19. Isrry Debney, SJ!C, 32:08; 20, Easteln 111,U., 26:02; lr, 3ob caeenter, ceatral tohn Klcffcr, Pht1a.AC, 32:27; 21. ltar3baLl Coo!lllch. lhlv., 26:08; 5. A.Laa Taylor:, IIr. Statc erson, Ctln€I!L.soE m, 32:36; 22, Cr-u:t euardiolaJ Untv., 26:10; 6. Larry layse, E.I!.r. U., 26:15. rEa., nrdBou lal-18, lt.I., 32r5!t 23. Steve ltuaCou.sc: 5 Mtles, rct footlng, 45", sltabt l't[d. AIDB, Cinlr€,nlnson ES, 33:59; 24. Jobi Prl.tcharri, Xbanr 1. Eastefir llllnols tnlv., 33t 2, WeBtClassboro Stste, 34tL6t ?r. 31II Seughaa, SJ!C, ern I11. UDlIr., 55; 3. Centla1 ltlchlga! Irxlr., 34t29t 26, Lv Gordaa, una., U.lbs!., 35:.55i 27, 50; 4. I]ltuols statc lbtt,, 82. --r@ ttoodsr.-- l|o sr Aakcr, SJ!C, 36:02; 28, Jay Ean]od,.Edilodfl.ela Si, 39148; 29. l{.1 Strik€, una., 39:51; N'O(IIIIJE TBAO( C ,B IO-KILO ROAD RACE 30. 3ob Otlch!1st, Delansrc Tlfi', 42:45, Chero&ee Blvil., Iooxellle, Tenn., l{ov. 10, 1968 *f,ote: Iby€ lcqy, St. Jo8€Irh's CoUegc arrlvcd. Itcathe!: qlouittr & coLt, 45-ategrees. ,late & Jotncd {! on tbe aecond of f1v€ leps. Ee clock.d 30:16, vhtch eou.ld hav6 l)laccd h1n 13th. 1, KeDneth Rovfett, Lhlv. of IcnEes8ec, Jl:2O l].at course, 5 x I nl1c, Decattan. {1Drer lan'tT 2, Bob fiaulburton, Italy, of Telllle88ee, 32:29 Rrilh of Ol/Erbrook RegloDa]. S 13 a 9:25 tlto-lil_ 3. Cortl@ lll]ror, ItElI'. of Temeaaee, 32131 4. BU1 Thcnpson, lblv. of Tedessec, 32:17 e!. Bc tcil aU the l.ay sLth otlly DlIemo ol st. 5. gt6y. f,.boa, Unlv. of, ?.nnca6cc, 32.57 Josc?hts CoILcgc lD codt.Irtlo!. Tear: SJl€, 24.


vwrr, x KEATI](I 6-[rLE RoAD RUlt, EoLYoKE, ]tAsg

37,58i 27, PauL Segcrston' vach. Strlilcrs' 38:02; 28. Job.D Rceasco, PCAA, 3E:o5; 29' lryroD Novenber 11, 1958 lJeather: Rouahi BAA, 38:13; 30. Ipu13 PauL, lbt Ac, 2. Rrss 28:l+5; ltgefov, r'Park AA, t 1. Joc l4rr:tlno, Slarlan AC, 38t28: 32. xoli, NMc, 29:.i1; 3. Roaer r'{offet' lrl]a., 29:17 381,27i 3t, p"..r ncn"ot'. PcM, 33. varne Th@98on' cstabrsc, 38:35; John \. rl[, Donallson, u.lbss.Tc' 29:21; 5. Rolert una.. 3B:4o; ,lo" r.ontr""o, iLcc, 6. Xetrll8::8; 34. Earllr lenshlnol. U.llbs6.TC, 29:lr!; BAA, 16. Jobll Doc, ure-l' ttlcbard Packard, 38:l+3; lbvles' FJchara 35. una., 29t57t 1. fteld, ' Ac' rrotblnahad Robcrt una.,38:58; 37. fue)l, lo:oo: 8. John uccartbv, ltt.Par< lt, 30:05; 9' Robt. u!4., vhlPPcn, 39. wayDc 39:13; Rlcbard 10. 38, 39:Oo; ion ternler. It!. Perk M, 30:09; lr0. B4.A, lble Toohev' 39:2L; cbarlce ruc, Hersey, 39:20; Dr' U. TashJtan, U.gass.TC, 30:13; l+1. K;yt! fiar-t, Brockio.t Ac, 39:32; 42. Richard Robblns. rrPc, 3otu; J2. Jeff scagnc]-ll, U. c1a!p, m{C, 39:33t 43. Jo€ RlcbEoDd' l'let Ac'L5. lt\E!.s.'IC, )A,23t 13. Arnold l'loore' U.Ma33'TC, jg.ii! tt+. r." rag"l"u, spu"t"n ac, l+o:o2t 'lO:27: r\. Boberr, Olllon, spsrEan AC, JO:3o; cieirEn patuen, spsrtan Ac, l+0:2o: 16. RBvdond 15. m. c.rp"o"ut, utra., 30:35; 16. Robart v1l Beau.lteu, NMc, l,o:23i \?. Klrk Pfranale, Frotb. f1ars, M!.Park ,q, 30:39; 1?. Ste?hen Crqtc, 19' AC, hO:35 1'8. Lou PaqulE, u.na., Lo 38; L9. John HMc, 30:55; 18' Jobr Jarck, :o'>j; ""r., wairace, alq, \o:)+'i 50. Dav€ Keanev, urs., ko: Pau.l Oreguoll, trjawaga Strlders, 30:57; 20' I \8; 51, Uark EagAelty, NrC, 40:49; 52. Phtl XcElben, U:Mars'TC, 30:58; 21. DevLl Co!!l..r, xei Ac, 4l:05; AA cs;,'$Mc, 41:03;-53. Jobx Ke16o, Mt.Pa;k AA, 31:oi; 22' stove A!t11' l{t't€rk I'l:O6i 55. ToDv 54. Daye Dl.to!a, spsrt'en AC' 3t:2lr; ll,ii,-zr'eiJ riaoacrv,AA'ft.rark AA, Srockton stacev, 4Lo9t Ketr 56. sspleaza, BAA, tit 'Park 3L,25; 25. JotjD :4. }r,[. Dlilon, 4l-:17; AC' Srockton casev' \:.,ri; Jola _u:k Fo]'oy' Lc, 5?. AA, 3f:25; 26. Robert l,loriartv. M! LlntoD, \1:3oi Dadd BAA, 59. wach' E|r Deiaac. Eoogallan' 58. Mt.Parb ,AA. .It45t 27. John Ac, l+f: s;[,rf:35; 50, trtute l{llsoD, Brockton Strlders, 31:5Oj 28' Cbrls Cob!6llv' Spartan )rr:55; 52. xen lc, l'tet Brice, ta'=tt lSt-6r. ac. rz,OO:-:S. Jcff Cofflo' unr., 32:18t 30' r+2: caltu, 42t23t 6i. Robert mlc, Mt' xii:ett, -rltc,Phtl Gary-Ozlas, ltMC, 32:].9; 31. Rod ]tcA.1!tn6, I+3:02; 65' 3?: 6l+. Psu-I McIar€LLln, una', Part 44. 32:29! 32. Tco ?olkot Bkl' t{l'Park AA, 3lockton Ac, I+3:o9; 55, Steve Cafne, NMC, K.ron, AC' SPlrtan 32:31; sarVasJ Rob€rt 12:lO: i3. el. Ju.uan stcael, to'tc, l+3:r3; 68. ste"e iZ,i: Robt' 32:32; 35' i[."rlu-m".p"*. ffr.Park A.q, cr€s sl].vErran, Brockton Ac, t3:I9; 69. sad Fronlerro rnrsreskur ioroaa. martan Ac, 32:33; 35' ' una.,43:25; ?0. $n. l&ltultv, uia., L3:39i TI' so;rta; Ai, 32 tlgi 37'Ilcn chtfl€o ' Eolvoke gharlc6 xcallDg, m[c, I!3:L8; 72. IbTld Suluvan, ric,r, 33,ot; 38. FraDk I'{cDooatd, tft'ry+-lA',.^ rxl m.c, l+3r5l; 73-- Dlck lYott€n, una., l'13:56; 74' AA, 33:03; in*r., rc.P'"i tayne SbahaE. Met AC, 44:03; 75. Llcvd Keves ' p""r c.,ii"ta' 33:fl'. (Tr ltstcd fialsh-r";, i. ul]s., u. roi". rc,31; 2' l{t'Psrk AA' !lc. l+l+:08' (92 fbrshers) T!a.a: 1. ProYltlence CoUege AA' 40; 2. BM-A, ";J ll5; 3. ruc, 68; !' Sl)artsn AC' 75' --Frcd 3!or !8; 3, ltxc-A, ?8; 4. sparieD Ac, 97, 5. lrockton 163; 8. Nl'lclc, rro; 5. it t lc, rr1; ?. 3AA-3, NET ETI;IAID AAU SEIfIOR CR6S-COU}TTRT CfiA}PIOTSr'-3rovn, 213' --F!€d N}{C-C, I15t B, 9. (lo,ooon) Itoveliber 24, r9bb sxrPs -iuo-r'd,"I1". fleld th' of s;ock off the !€st COIJ,EOE ATHI,SIIC AS8I1' X'COI]TTRI srter the ftrst haff & v€at on to r'lD tbt laat IiATIONAL JI'NIOR at Ea6kell lDstltute, Iarr€ncc' of the- soasod',ne^a-tarl- CEAI{PIOnEEI}S 'allstrtct cha[I,lonsllp 16thl. 3ob Gr€,y, Srcvard Jc, Igo. tiov. Kalsasr the TEAAAU-3oro^tt ;l-;; y""' o'rr tv *ro"tug 2. Terrv Ccx, t{ontscnerv J!'Cot' 15:05; GoIf Caro]-ha' PoDil the Frclh on i". rf,"- "*"". r'ae (ft stralAht Fln ln thla eect' 2!d vae Gray'6 f11. ;e 1n Canbtldg!, lbss. It vas soggy 1]r 8?ots' ln tbe sfoppy golDS' tr'lce ilor'n xe vas brocked Ecvd r. Kcn lirellcr, Bosto! AA, 3\a51; 2' tan CcNr. l.ho ].eil at the t]Jo-rl'lc nark, riaa e cloac ha!. r.othlDaba! Ac, 3l+rr5t 3' I|riy o13cn' 6!coad. Tac tvo lcsd runnels scre fat ahea'L of u. oa". u,o"rv, ttsrt, 35r59r 5. Pau]' psck ia the tlrree-dle run. Tls4: I. CoblcBtbe r"ott togl"" Ac' 36:00; !: P3*L-ii'otp"on. -i;.Ja""."-coueee of ltev York; 2. Easkefl (a Cl'cvlrDdeutklM&T., AA, 36:08; ?. clvDn iiH. run llallar scbool. ) 1?3 ccnpetltors' r,Iood- BAA. 35:09; I' l'Bk. I(.IL'v, PCAA' Jo:ru; q. lola Ci.iec, PCAA, 35:19; fo' (i€orge con€BAITIXORE OLYI.'PIC CUjB A]{D QUAIITICO TIE IN X-C t.I' vlulaE sPGcI' i".t. s.o"rto" ac, 36t22txssutrc, trov. I5th, Fer!1Da Rra Pa.k' Sa]iillore, Mt' 6_141' iiri, lg'::; lz. ilarlce utra' ! -sparla''.Ac' 1. ttc. B1LL Relll.v & 31II Clark, Ql'l' 3o:32j 3' Joi+ei r+' 16!19: lj. Robert Darllng ' itl.eros, BOC. 31:30' BOc .umers flnllhcd r."o.t Flont;;;-Kt;, Brockton ac, 35:!l+; 15' T'ctrv 3rd, l+th, 5th, ?th, 8tb & loth Po8ltlons to RvT' Bla, 36'52t 1! 1e ,us; ry+ thc uluaual tle. creatc Evcrett vna', 36t57;18' ru"irv, -o';r, r*', ff ,bl; :-g. Pete B'rtoletti'^sD E XITSBI'RG, l.{D., nov. I6!h- l{oult St,. l{ary's ro' 2r' ur, 3?:rr+i colle&e Dlaccat io,r! e"ote"" tn thc toP I5 & cEpul*.", x-c. Lt. Jobn KeePnaws Me'aorial nfic, 37 t!6t 22, Don nun3kv'^u'rb33' '.^ i"".i'i#-'""t.1 rscc ts nane'r lte 2t'. r statc' $4, #'"i-rdii"'".ru.-tp"' ) #:-1s:'ri'1"ilil#-a;;";




;;;;.: ii.-iL*

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ffii,#-*;mfdffitr: *mfrJ**s*,,,f,ru. *ii;Fiffi {::$ w-#*r$J#i;,*t***HlFi. #,i*""ffitrft .;,Fr. fi 1,. :"rn *:H, Hi*""ffi q:g:it,"'"'+:t*1"*1i";;*f ''



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#":l#:tff*F"ffi *q.'n:;**;:;"





ffiu'H*m*,st*s'g-ll-.tfr '*'#-*ffrur*gfttl""#: y; j:fi,"*t"l#ff *:,r ";n x#

ikt-gii*j-ijffig'1*' lfii1 i:;tr#:::'#.li:HH!, Y)2'3s

}ffiH#,ffi-*'itil?i lffi;u,mffir*^flt I

s terrlble -"It,B reaUy fc.l" slck.

fac1ing, " Baial Eo8an. "lou 3Bt Jobnson aleaerveal to v1n.

{e va€ stroDg today. "

The race course vas about 2ory longer thaD tltc 196? race vhcn ler$ls lturray of Scotlanal Yon the event lD the recoril tlEe of 1r33r28. l,Iov the aistence ls aldo8t exactly lrbat Li'8 supl)osed to be, accordtnA to AIiAITIC offlclafs. 7n 1967 1r vBs nuch shorter because of road cod-

A total of 39 flrnners stadea the race and 26 flnleheaL. cfark va6 thha, 3ob lahy of Torotrto Olydlric Club, vho ran u! f.ont for the llr3t three xdles, va6 fourth &'rd 3{Vchu} flfth. Ger Hlf]1arD6j back after a fev y€srs' ab'eBce, 1.s6 slxth anat Brlen Drevatt vas a gooil seventh. Johnson sald he could have beaten fiuir:ay's recoril tlnc rrhad it Dot bcen for tl€ t.lnrl vhlcb va8 leally bad at tll|€s.rr Johnso[ r'eturneal to lrexlco rlaht after tbe Ssturdst race (orlly ar'tlv.al Frlday evenln8) & llobabry lril-L reoaln th.re for sone weeks yet. lloasn atayeil over for a fe'' ilays before con-ilnulng on to lrnalon, SWMARIXS AITA]VAC ARO1JIID T]IE 3AY "BII'I7 gEERiIfl; t{EtlORIAl-' ROAI RACEJ Satuld.ay, Oclobcr 26tb f. Ttr Johnson' Brltlsh Crrynptc lban, f:J6:02 2. fi]! fiogaD, 3rtt13h OlyEI,ic lban, 3, BlLL Cfar:k, Lf,iMC, qraatlco' Va., 4, 3ob lary, Toronto Olyltplc Club, 5. AlAy 3€ycbuk, Ioronto olvtrl,lc Club, l:41i48 6. car tlil-1l.a1!s, wa3hlr)atoo Spori Club, 1:41:54 ?. Brtan Drevatt, gaEtltou A.C., @t., 1:43:20 8- .rdhn Toronto 0c, oc. 1:lr4:04 8. Movatt, Toroato Jobn Md6tt1:rt4:05 Strfdem, t-11eD, Toronto BIIL 9. lO. Ian Halnlfltsht' rorooto OC, r:l+5: 05 11, Ron flalLtuAfold' Eanl'lton AC, 1: !8:45 12. Chrtu E{EIY, Toronto 0C, 13, Davtd ?rltcbant, Brantford TEF, 1:17ro4 *. mrbert Eeorlkc, 3lsntfod t&:F', f6. Kcn I!Yeumt., J-:58:28; steve BBDscn, L5. !lcL. ganllton &,2tOO:22t 17. r.'ttcle]" ruthlon€, Spar:tan TC, tut., 2:O3:O4; ]8, Patrtck iarr.lfv, una.. Canllton, ort., 2rolr:@; 19' lprne Erck, Ioronto Stllalcrs' 2to6t5rt 29. S8eve lGar-ney' Ryer€on lbch., toronto, 2113:06; 21. Tc,Dy Wllglt l{orth tot'k (toronto), 2:L9.)Jt 22. Dou€ Ial}er' Clsdstorre AC, Tbrontot 23. vendoD Adef, Glaitstone AC; 2l+. Bob I|ront, Alcaster Fi 25.

Stop!6, Ancast!! TeaD:




Toroato ),

rvAN MIfi,AR

Adans. lr]:09

(tt.s, rar); 5. MB:k il."iefd, l+f: (8.s. 2nd); 19 7. Dave Tho4as. 11r,.8 (collee. 2ud); 8. Pat ryson, 42:20 (3rd :orlese); 9. l.,a.k Eca(rey, 43:32 (3d x.s.); r0. Rlck cold[er, 43:

5f; 11. IEvl.d Soggarr rr4:05j :2. )o!g dat8onJ 44:07; 13. FraDI lrancls, i.L:13, 11, Chuck DhIL6t, k5:O9; f5. Rc,y Ssb1D. "r,3', --a. Rlcb D.ufler, ]r5:34j I/. J1-E Burkt!-, .-r--j 18. Dlc! Forbcs, lr5:oo (lst 30-39 r're.l; -9. >1.1i1 !i16necke, 46:27; 20. Don lreibys:1-, -4.29j 2L LA 'v:!. u.!r,ad, 46t37 rolfe, 45:32 (2nd 30-39); "2, 23. Roo Ecbert, 46:l+l {3- 2a-29); 21. Ken Llte, \5:\, 25. Dan oicoDneli, -4::': ?6, Brock sl!e1l.ar|, 47to2t 27. Reed celrrer, --::2; 29. Kcr Crai'-fod, \?r10; 29. Bob;t-.c:. .1,36t 30, Dawc Bub&aster, )!7 tL2; .-, == :::ied, lr7:l+), 32. Iirlaht And.eigor, '+:r)li ::. leil, l€1nlDaer, 48:01; 34. Roa Boeitche:, i::-! 3). Irar.eD rctaon, 48:14; 35. Steve Rcb!.s=. -8rl9j 37. Rlck svL!, l+8r23, 38. codoE E€-":. €:29; 39. Ron Iff, 48;35i -4o, urire rcc.-::. -3:tr, 4f, ul-ke Sciloiths, lrgroSr 42. i,:€.:-:e .-.:a:r. lr9:15j 43. :'{o!rls, 49: Xarshsu FraDltln, ag:-aj 25t )+5. Atnc D.!!J', i.9:-!r-,-j. =r.r te:s Xnutson, l+9: 56;87, t".. cnz, a9ttaj -3. :-.g-ey (.dofph, tebbte io:lL; 49. Claylon }l::o:. :.:::?j notb, 50:25 (lst clrrs :t:r. : t-. c€o:ge 'o. Pu-berbauah, 50:28 (1.st !a -9'r t2, 3. H&aer, 50:41; 53. DcuS Jeffrey, ->c.:--j r-, -!ry (€4)toJ 50:53 ,r, i ,I.25t 55. 5-c ::A-j:::, :- :3r ,f. Ron Vo].Lcy, 52:01; 58. J.ir 1-J. t2:c2j 59, Rtcbatt ltugDcr, 52to3j a{. i:: =al:;'zr--€, 52:13. rl27 ?ihlrhrEl 52 (%d) t 2. Rooe-, of Sp.Dcer ryEAn, =:



ils5, I1rO8. TeaE! ElAbl'anit.

j-I'iII,E JR. RACIE- t' Art DteY1B6, Sparlan Te, ie,U+.lr; z. cralrar BerenE, H@, L5tr2; 3. BLl]. Curtls, Elabland. T.an: IIsELLton Scconaary Sch. -- clt FaE€I1-TNAffITT FOR ROAD RUtrTIl(i bY thE RRC Of &Aletrd...or5 $1,0O fr@ IPrg Dlstaace Lo8. A Eul,eib llttle l)ubllcatloE.

r_ >.ri



;'=a:- -:ti i97ih) lather I-: :'.:::e: a-" :6U th16 fau. &-69 Dr,r, - f. coi:.: s.€::*i, 63:01..over 70Div. - 1. Lar:T 1::- --::. {r2oth) '.. - RqF93: ::::1-:t, fo, ,7:OO (B3rd) You.Dgcst B..J Younac6t Glrf- I:ria !as:.-. :1. 59:57 (ltotb) 6-ttrIE RAgE FAIX- i. <e. iir-.:, t3:25j 2. chuck wararaeve, t5:33; :, )c. !-a..bs. t5:44. _

(T'aly, 3c,ycluk, }lot.att'

}|lrndet]., Sur11naton Legton rc, 10:39.8, 2. 3ob Cralg, Enllton SeconalarT School'8' 1l:O1; 3. Jeff $1cho1, El8hl"aDd Sccoi:dary ScLooL' DID_


I,AKE 6VEGO. OREGOM 8-XI],8 ROAD RUN AID 5-MIT $A (, Sponsored by IEle 06i'ego KlvanlB Club (3rd Sed-Almual nylrt) Decedber ?, 1958 8-t0LE RoAp RUr{ 1. 3ruce Uortenson, 39:10 (1at n-29 Dla,)t 2, cuy RcDfroj 39:41 (f3t Co[ese); 3. Bob l{llllang 4o:15j 4. florn oyl€r, l+o:33 (znd ?o-29); 5. cary


-:rrE je.cbs__

-g.ir-5 l!.-HrIE RiJl{

l{o!roc, Ohlo, }c€sr:€. 3, 1948 v.atber: 32" & ytDdy. Cour€e: seve:al gcca !111s, F1r3t 1 & 1/2 E11cB & fa8t 1& -l 2 !:Ls i1ai, 1. Kcr Sparks, tell,, iat2!;2. Steve l(.arney, BIII Stst€, 5\'122t 3. le-.r Ga-Uaghcr, LexlDaton, ]qr., 54:47; l+. Ed ]il:--c.r, {X{C,_ ,6109; 5. nat llllte, ColrEbu8, obfo, t?:a2; b, Joe !sP1no6a, Itcv Uaxlcor i8:13j ?. JlE la!}ert, una., 60:03i L Bob RoBck€r, obio YeILey Tc, 5o:f8; 9. lJqyne Da€bl..uan, Es.dllton, 5or-a?; 10. Adrlan Soschaiscky, uDA., 6t:51j I.1, Ballh Scoles, wortblnaiod' 62t2I) 12, Srel€ Potln€, Daylon. 63:24, 13. Joe Plckett, E.K.g., 57t2i I\. s!|k. Fiealcrlck,

DsirLoa CYcltDA, 7L..O9i L5. Jer{r l(ra18s, ura., 72125; L6. Robcrt I'bcalL, ldracl€, 72:27; J,7, c].alr Drckbs!, D6fton AC, ?+:l+tr, 18. Dtck Boirera, Ohlo Stat€, 75:I?; 19. Deyid Co3ttl, l.Arrrcle,78:23, trotes...Fd Vlnrov bad a rdce ].eail but took a vronA tu.rn and losi 4OOy..Sp1ke FreiLcrlck sl.ltcheal fr@ cyclllg to t'ullDlig & toak ll+tb !1ac€. tre vaa the State of Ohlo sprtnt cycllnA charq) this past falt.. Steve PotlDg ren 53:24 r.btch l8a't batl for a 13 year old7tb Arad.er. E.S. 3-MILE- 1. NLcl TBanBeF, Ceorgetovn, 15:L6; 2, eary whlte, (ieo.gctovn, 15!24; 3. K.lt llhlttaker, Seayercreek, 15:29; 4. B .r Calvtn, ELder, I5:l+5; 5. Kerri.n L€r.Borr, Fel1yLck, I5t59. (20 finishers) I-MIIE FITIIESS RIJN- t. Rolandl AnEpach, lr2, 5:34; 2. Phtl Scott, 5:3?; 3. )lck 31uc, 5:51r; 4. lrayne ialcho, 5:o5; 5. Esrney Cook, 6t25,

L, Bcb Brouver, fiobart CoLtegc, 32tlrt ,. Il,l-!2 Drlcr, ura., 35:18, 6, Steve Broutrcr, un6,, 35r 21; 7. Bol Sl)lnk, u!a., 35:4L; 8. 30! llooal, uDa,, 37,24t 9. Ra! Caao*skl, una,, 39:39; 10. Cherles Srouver, una., 40:05; f,I. (ieotte l'ieileEer, una., 41:12; 12. Davtd Scott, una. FtI{GgR LAIGS RUNNERS CITIB EOI,IS TI?ST }IEE!

ItIieca, l{,Y., oct. 13, 1968- Lleal runnlbg rreatber helI)cd to EEke thls flmt rcet a rcd 6ucce6s aa sode 60 ruincrs of both s€xes ad ef1 sgeE cdl)cteil ln the flve evcnt ?rograr. Itte flrst tvo evcrt8 vers helil ove! a 3.2-D1l"c road clrcult of doaleldtc tllfflculty; the last tbree vor€ belil on thc Cornell- Unlver6lty Colf Cou$c. b-MIIfi O?EN AAU ROAD FACI- 1. Td Roblnlon, rtAC, 3lt24.rt 2, 31lt Rlt)I,]-., (ex-LeM€yq. track atar, lloir a Cortrell aled student) 32:14; 3. Dare Cray€r, Cornell glad Bildeat, 34:37t 4. Charllc l(rutl, 35:38j ,. !.dle floffean, Rochcste! 5iC, 3616i 6. _:::::T_i:::::_ _ IER(ry Schra@, 36:42; 7. 3ob frowo, 35:58; 8. 5-ltrIE ROAD IIACE, Spolsored by thc Iorra Dtvlslon cory ryard, 38:25. ' of the U.S. l&:F Fealeratlon, Des llolnes, Ioira, 3-rCrE MAsmRs RoAD RAcr (4o & over)- 1. Jlld Sat., ,ecenber 7, \%8- r, D.nnls D61roEt, 30:30 Eartshonle, L7tOL.zt 2. Tbo {alnut, 17:08; 3. Cour:ae Recold; 2. DeDnls McG.dre, Iovs Statc, Dlck Fiabk, y;36; 4. Verne Rockcastle, U:rlri 5. c9org. cavrs€, 18:03; 6. Paul thur'ltob, t8:h8r 7. 3O:32i 3. Dennls ttee, eporla state, 30:37; 4. Katlh MDsey, 19:OO; 8. Arnle 3r1ggs, I9:?l+; 9. Gorilon Hoffert, Drakej 5. hEee Le, Drakcj 6. B1IL Bthskt, Iowa State. (I-o6t-alnute entrl€s iloe lGl-ler, 20:43; 10. er Hart, 23:10, (Dtck fr@ bEl,orla (i(an. ) Statc ca1)tu.redt fou! of thc lranl of Penfleldl, S,I., l.cd the bcttcr part of the race, but vaE overtaken on the dlfflcult Iolest E@e h111 lu the 1as-b quarter of the r:un IAANK PiLAClllG EARRmR rIl{I{ER! VAlXitr SECollD by EartslorEe eDA Prof. Tcm 8a1not of S].racu-€€. Saf,ttror€, lA., Sat., Dec. 7th- Frabl Pfof. Vern€ Rockcaatle of CorlraLl and Groton naXlthe appareiltly ageleae cc04)etltor for th€ Baltt nall, Geolgc oefias follovea. ) eore O\.dplc CIub, ca])tuled. the stx-dle x-c I-I{ILE RFrI.- l. Dlch Cairean, fthaca 6 coech,


at 6,2\.7t 2. Bob Betzlsr, 6:21,8; 3. Karl Von Berg, 5r52t \. Jo. l.{oresco, ?:l+3r 5. c€orge clblan, 7: In coverlng the aistance t\ 31129.5, rbe 35- )+6; 6, ares clblan, 7:58. (26 finisherg) year-oLl 6choo1 teacher arnexed ltu teath South 2-MILE RFYI- 1. DaD &rsley, 22, CorneU, U:58.3 Attanttc t1t1e tn the last tvo year6--a span 2. 3ob CoDSaLon, 23, )2149; 3, Jo€ Kelfer, 50, co1,€.lng lndoor anal outaloor trask as \'€IL aB 14:09; 4, Ed Srdib, 14:55; 5. {ike vestfa11, L5: cros s -country, tl; 6. Chuck Dvorak, 15;25. (12 "1n1sbers) Pflaalna opened a coefortable nargl.! oD thc 3/4-l.trlE yottIts Rur (r3 & hder)- f. rln warner, re6t of the fiefal afier 1-112 dlLes ana nag 13, 3or of Coraell track coach Jack {aner, 5:33J Dever serlouFly thleatenetl. Moige!! State alls2. Bob Kelsey, 5t33,2t 3. Dave varaer, 5;39j 4. tance star Vayne Vawbr, ccq)etlnA for the &m- Bob Wood, 5:2O; 5. Joey l{sl:ne., 5:32; 6. Steve beilsnd Valley AA, vas second. 1a 32:32. mP TEll Pagad, 5:45; ?. cregg Pagal]l, 8:19. rtm:3, !.dke Sab!!o, BOC,33:U; 4. ryr;;;-csrler, Boc, 3li:15i 5. Jtn xbberr6, CYAA, 3lr:2o MISS oURMIIEY A.A.U. CI6S-C0IJNTRY, Eryorta, 5, Martld lvroEn, Ctresepeakc, 35:25; 7. DeDntB llaoEe6, Saturday, llov. ]6, 1958 1:3O p.M. Psttor, 3OC, 35:1.5; 8. C€rry t{lLlcr', Cb.sapeakc OPIr 5-I{IIES- 1, tobr l{ason, !'ort rays, 23:45i 2. Oulaaal Fort liays, 24:2Oj 3. Denn16 lEfnott, 35ro8; 9, walt€r Ko4,&an, Boc, 35:58; 10, Btl-l q)or1a Stetc, 2r:00; 4. hvid. BrlDsto, 3d?o!1a leaa!, Boc,38:11r. 6ta+a,2r.o9t 5. lennls {ee, @.St., 25:t3i 5. zuIJ,xR l{rfs Bcts wocD 5-ttrrE RIJII Ccrald Sh.LIey, It.Eafi, 25123t 7. Bob Szynanskl, Cl.tfton SprtDgs, I.t., ltov. 28, 1968- lhc ep,St., 25:29; 8. Oreg Csrpentcr, I!4).St.,25:39, raiD aDd. cLl1ltlAldDils alliln't acter ihe 9, DenDlB fbcatcroft, Ft.Says, 25:42t \O. t4alt Thanksgtvtng lby 5-r(tle zu! eblcb tocik ?1acc Cclger, Kanras 'IC, 2r\5t 11. Jerry Duran, !'ort 1r Cllfton Sl)rlngs for the flrst ttEe. ltaye 12. Slalnc Xh@a6, tu!.St.,26:0lr; ' 25t55tPater6onJ IFIIT Zuller of Fel4'ort, captaln of the Stra 13. IbrreIL &!.St., 26:l2j 14. Steye cuse lh1v. x-coultry teaE, ca,Ee ld fllat ll1 Rsdal, St. Cloun Statc, 26:21i 15. Stcvc aoebncr, the 5.2 Dl'Ic event vlth a ttBe of 25:14.0. Fort Eays, 26:27 t 16. Carf Owczarzak, v.l(ansas l. Iarry ZuILer, Syracuac ttniveftlty, 2rtL\ rc, 25r39t 17. vaync Eoriuchlr u a., 26:118; 18. 2, Nlke l{of{!an, Rochcster Tc, 28t29 Jack YanDcBrulalo$t, E!.St., 2,:51, 19. Jqv 29to1 3. IFe I'Ilr3chen, l{oDroe C.C., Stl.crb.rg, tcansas 18, 26t52t n. Brett Blggs ' ehau'!1on6htp of the Sor.th Ilerrlng Run Park.

Atlantlc .&sn,



tort fiays, 27t}3t 2I. - nC, 27t\6t 22.

Delnls Stenare, I{ansas Val Shledlns, uaa., 28:05; 23. A-l Meehaar lridvest Inatltute, 29:39; 2li. RoD ScLLo€lb, Kansas 'IC, 29:56j 25. Steve Sllver, u,1a., 3?:21; 26, Harry Glgnlron. Kan6as Tc, 32t25; 27, Casey QulnlaD, I4)orta StsteJ 32:31. Teas Scorinsr 2. Fort liays r 29; 3. i(ansas rc, 1. tuport€ Stat6, 27 79, I\'oMEN'S 2-lfIIE- 1. Ja.et talpas, Topeka Cosdo Club. f2:2O, 2. tGthy Rogers, TCC, f2:21; 3. Debble l€r+on, Carthage, 12:58; l+. t,tgry Hutchlson, TcC, 1a:03; 5, Dcanna Ddfey, TCC, 14:04. JUllIoR BoYS 2-MILE- I. Stu Ereafs, Roseatafe. fo:06; 2. {lke Ilocd. Ihporl€t. to:25; J. Mark

SniderJ ElQorlsJ 1O:26j 4. Bob Reece, Btl)orlaJ Iot27t 5. Jla Hartnan, tuporlaj 10:28.

A.A.U. 5 jooord CEIUPIoNSmP, Chlcago, ll.l1nots, Rlls Park, NoveEber 28, 1958 Heevy .aln, rdlaly. Course: Vater toggea, s]-ov, CENIRAL

L John Conet, DePau-t. f6:0oj 2, Dan Candtano, Depeul. lb:m;3. P. Aodrlquez, Depaulr 16:26j 4. lr.

Cu.ntnahariJ una., I6:57i 5. Bob Cray, XCT:, )"6:57t 6. Coraellus o,Shea, DeraufJ UrO2 7, Tod Cooney, Ircyo.tsj 1?:05; 8, tobn Csldov, DePaulJ U:30; 9. J. KeEton, ucTf, .u:35j Lo. Ricb Iang, Lcyola, l?:l+9; 11. Bob Tovnes, DePau1, 17:50; L2. c"eg Bodden, Shaeiock TC, 17: 51; 13. Bob i.loods, UCTC, 17:54i 14, Tony l(al,eth uCIc, 17|57t f5. r{ed ?r1ceJ UcTc, 18:02; 16, TID Cronleyr ura., 18:03; L7, c, t,ergu6on, una. IB:05; 18. I. Kwlelclnskl, Shaerock TC, 18:10; 19. I. zuccko, DePau.l, 18:Ut 20, I(. Shanahan, Sha&r:ock, 18:13; 2t. Bob Dads, W113ou JC, 18: 14r 22. Bob Csgtre, ShaDrock, 18:25; 23. fiar"er, w116on JC, 18:38; 24. Jln Snlth, UCIU, 18rl+l+; 25. Steve wless, um., r8r45. (,r8 flnlshers) Note: To 81ye att lndlcstlon of the Bforness of the couise, Jobn CoILet ts a 13:55 tbrec e1ler. Tean ScorinS: 1. DePaul 17; 2, UCTC, 44; 3. Shanrock TC, ?3; 4. 7 Deadly slns TC, U2. 2ND RACA CF' TI{E




fi.S. X-C SEtIxS,


Nove4ber. 1Or 1958

6-IfrIE A.A.U. O?EI{ X-C RI'II S(et€r figh School, Reaatllg, pa., trow. f], 1958 3 P.I\|. (Snov & ralD Eade lhe condllloDs any.!'bloq but lfeasant for lhls lsL annual ru.n. ) 1. Franl Frick, South Jersey TCJ 32t45.6 2. Lou Co?peng, penn A.C., 3. Ken Bake., West Chestcr State, 33124 4. {ayne l&3i1de, fiarrlsburg AAA, 34:21 5. Ed.!.ard Bur:ke, unat., 3lr:47j 5. chr16 ituck, Kutztown. Pa., 35:08; . 1p1O fisherr Xbg.AM, 35:15; A. rEv€ tubble. flbe.r,AA, j. r22! 9. tbrk I'burer, Paul Har.rls AC, 35t2\j :!A, At Le6ko!.skl, Ebg.AAA, 35:3L; 11, tobn lbuser, Kutztom, 35:35; 12. Sayaral Foinr Kutzto!-n, 36:C!, 13. Ben mltoan, Bordentoi'n, N.J., 36:45; L4. JiE Lurf,is, paLl Ea.rls AC, 37:OJ; 15. Boo Ellts. :-e:e:s Ac, jz:ooi PAIJL XARNTS

lb. Derlls Fippert, Ubg. A,"..r )-:-..j I-. Randa U Hett, Schqylxtu varley. ?8rl-: _o. :oo:tsher, South Jersey lC. J8:L5: 19, :::-,- srenals, pacers AC, 39:2/r; 20. filch 3urke. re:-:i .!-. jat27) 2I. Irr:y nan€y, Paceig AC, \l:24' ?2. Fr {eLler, ?acers Ac, 45|a3t 23. -o,Jd +.is, 9e!:E Ac, 45:39, 3-MILE tl.s. RU$- 2:30 ?.],{.- :, i13]1 schultz. P€rkl@eD School, 77ja,-t ;, :-r:: aond, paul gerr16, 1"8:21i 3. Pau.l l'oEi!a-::. ?E.n! narris. 1B: 21.2; l+, Everett SDarde. :e:::rr: 9:hool, t8:29; 5. Darrell Schoch, Soye:aor-._ 5. Ksrl Dlerci, l{llton gc.6hey, 18:3ti -. -:::!; ::: lsunj Conrad velser, I8:33; 8. Derno :.:-.-::, j-l,ertosn. t8: 43j 9. Idlc Seidler, ce:.-_-!_ >_::::._ :8:/?j Io. Debnl3 lbtlackr Eoyedo!-_. _::--. -- :'inishers) --J:. S:::.:r- DAtf CITY EILL RUN, S!c:,s:r-e: ::.. )e?a.-tEedt of Rccreatlon, Dafy Clty. aa:::'.::s. r-o?, 23, 1958 1\ta4; 1. l{eat Vallel taj 2. ;e!: :ey ta. o"EN DMSIoN- 1. Da:..J] 3ez--z::. !8.1n AC,

2atl5.2t 2, [lchse] lji"-:. ::. 2a. .: san l,b!eo, 28:09.8; 3. Robert la:-:+-. .:.-1.::::ese o- Sao Franclscoj 28:roj \. i:, t1:l:t:. Jj4. . 2B:5Bt 5. Robln Clsrk, Foothll: l.-ea.. 2_-::cr 5. vlctor Coly, una,, 29t3lj .. ;-. :. :.:.res, ;r.'r'alley TC, 29:51; 8. Ves Eildr.e:L. yer--: ::- lC:tO; 9, E€rb Pottc!, SFoC, 3o:llj l-.. :€=i i:gatf,s, Marin AC, 30:2Ui 11. Denils l!e.:..r ':.=. tEj 30i33j 12. Ken l,lapler, H1,,1C, 3Cr3jj :j. :.a:-j=N, tilcholas! i{est

VAISITI 4-I{ILES- 1. Ulke Tuckerj Evallaton, 21: O9j 2. I(arl S€naerJ Rlverslate-Brookfleld.r 211 .3ay Tc, 30:37, 14. ;el:e :::tr5re., i'.!Tc, 3or42j 27t 3. CzrI Ostby, R-Br 21:24j 4. litlke Joharn, 15. Roacr Ritchey. Sat.:, :::-rj 16. Farlr. paloer, St.Patrlck, zt:36. (32 flnlshers) {est Bay TC, 31105, :-. .t. Spurr, Volhlng IoRfY & oVER & 13 & ITNDiR- 1-lmIE, 93Oy- 1 AL =r€:::4. --ra ca61ffss, l,lest Broatzlk, Sha&iock fC, 8:3r; 2. John JohaDn,STC, listrlct flarr1e.sJ 3'-t2.:t 9:oB; 3. Cene Bullnsk1, STCJ 9:l+2 (9 finlshers) Bay IC, 3f:34, 19. 3rl: la:.ei.. 'ia'IC, 31:50, 20. G].en 3e&.lckr une., l2::rj 2:. :irls cray, I{VTC, FBGSE-SoPS z-Mltffi, 1ry- 1. J1r! o'Esra, 10:53; 2. Bob GaAne, St.Patrlck, IO:59; 3, Darlo Taln- 32t37t 22. lobe.i 3e=, --r.. :3:18; 23. Robert Stephen6on, sm J-ose s--€-e a.!'!ese, 33:59t 24. er, St, Iariatlus, ]L:12. (27 fldlshers). Tcm llaDn,_ una., 3Lta]j 2t. ;elier vsn zant, sFoc, FINAL EVEITJS CE X-C SIAES, Sov. 17, 1968 34t24t 26. E-lier Sa!oo-. jla., 35:U; 27. RayYAISTTY 4-MIIES- f. M, Tucker, Fvanston, 21:05 nold llhlteJ Si,sn:ci -j::c\nb, 35t57t 28, 2, Karl senser, R-3, 21:32; 3. l.{tk€ }brtorano, .A.ntbony D. &eisoD, ,.rie. j 2i. -rrE. ?o6edef, una.; BIvd TC, 21:41; 4. JtD ElDs, ura,, 21:!9. (23 30. GeDe V. rid?eli, -.":e.; 31. Don Klernan, SFoCj flnlsbers ),..FRoSE-SOPI 2-}{ILES 75y- 1. Ron 32. Patrlck Cuneen- J5e. (i.4 iinighers) l1ck, uxa., 1O:59r 2. Pat !{cl€es, R-!, l-I:O2j {o & oym DnTsMi- !. sco*": D, FaEl.lton, l.,Ed(33 Bob Cegn., St.Patdck, f1:O3, flntshers) 3. ?a-ifG-Re-lJ2t2. :e-,€r Mattel, una., 33:o3; ClvfiR 30 & Lhdcr 13- f. A-1 Srodztk, 8:38; 2. !, !l.T. l,{sckey, I''VICJ ura., ,on luce.o, 3. :3::r; Jolln Johaln, 9:II; 3. G€ne Bu1lnsk1, 9:51.5; !, qurid, 4. Irory ncslcj 33:5t. Pat l0.ieclDsll, 1o:49.(1-1,[re, 93ry) cotd, vet. 33;55; H.S. nlv. l. TbcElas 3aleg. led?ood Clty Str1der6,

28133; 2. llllllad O. JohbsoE, Lovefl Es, 28:41j 3, linke Pal@l.no, 11 Cc.rtto F, 29:22i 1+. Jobn Analerso!, Alsoeila TC, 29:48j 5. John Toki. Alaneda TC. lo:23; 6. l. ](e carcla, Red Barron, 30: l4; 7. Jtn Sena, JaEes Llck BSr 3O:5Oj L Bruce l4ccor:oackr rua., 30:51j 9. Ea Brgdy, Modesto rS, 30:53; 10. Janes E. orDonnell, lGnlo-Atherton Hs, 31:00. (5o flnlshcrs) Teard: t. J€ees Llck m; 2, l,iento-Athef.o:1 m. --Bob Dec€fle-RIYL- 1t/23/68, East Rlver D"lve, Phifa,. ps. 2-}.{i]es- 1. Ken Maurer, tI: 20; 2. Pete crarranie, rr:-:ar; 3. Ken Day, t1:23; 4. llD. Ga!fiIer, I2t37j 5. H tendus, t2:43. 12,8/68, Iast R1ve. Drlve- f.5-ld1;s- t. Rubln, 8:58; 2. Ed ostrowskl;3iEtrt3. peter MIDDLE ATIANTIC RRC

)J 19 particlpalrts 1n the 2nd annual furk€y IEy 1.5-

dlle l)reallctlon run to rd! the fir6t plac€ tropbJ.. Steve hit bls pred.icted ttee rlght on the !o6el l,lost ofthe coneetitorB cfrl]'eteal tha dlstaDce at a fa8ter pace than they estlnatedr vhlch naale the plyslcal fltness edthuslastB feel very flne about thel. conalltloDhA progress. Tae fast tine avant went to ex-Kcntucky rlatatle dlstance runner Roaer Gun !1th an SrOt c-Loc!tug. --Aat Cantlelit-AITI{OUNCIIIG NEW ORI,EANS IRACK



ARATo$j ]'ebruary 15, r969 7$O A.tt. Trophles to the flrst ten flnl.shersr fldrc neatafs to aLI vho

flnlsh the .ace, T€sa iropt(/. Ior further lnfornatlon contact: lbD FuselteiJ presldent NmC, U5o1 vll[or,r St., or iiaJ. J.D. Sheffe., ]+4\5 palnKenney, LO:02; 4, Lee Craven, lO:11'. tera St.r o!. Jolm D. ttorvant, Secietarta Norc, 3/4-I11Le- ucDen & Chlldren- L. Joe Burrls, 6:09; 1IL2 3d St.r New Orlesns, Lout6lana. Thls race co2. Ruth Vlcarlo, 7:O7, 3. RoseEary Kerfl.ey, 7tO7; inctdes vlth the farled l.tar:all cras celebratlon, 4. A1lce BunB, 8:22. - -Ceorge !racet6nd-ANNOIJNCINC ARD A]IIIUAL




f-I{AiATHON Duihan 'URAIEIGI{ t,o Ra]-eigh, North Ca.ol Saturd8yr. Janualy 25, 1968 info fr@: lrbrathon, P,0. Box 472j Aio6k1e, N.C. 27910 Alrar:ds: lhrathon- Trophles to flrst 10 flnlshers. -ti{tn1ibrathon (13+ n1te6) lbophles to a1t flnlsber6. DfilS Or INTXREIT- l.6rch 30th- I'Ior:lde Relays Iilarathon, callre6vllle, trla,; Ju.ne T- 3o-ui1e RelayJ l.Iashlngton, D.C,j .tuly 12- Scotttsh glgb ]ana canes & MouDtstn Msrathon, crandfathel UountdlnJ North Carof1na; Argust, 2- Sulllner. Runa ],hon, Aio6kleJ $.C.; Aug$t 30- Cieed6tltnston lGrathon, G.eensboro to l"llD6ton-Ss1en, tl. C. j

SepLeder 13- Blathfon, wlnion, N.C. Reque6t6 for lnfomatlon on abo!-e races shoulil be addresseat to P.O. Box 472, Ahoskle, N.C. 27910, care of respectl!.e rece (e.g, DuialclAh Irhrsthon, ?.0. 3ox 472, Atoskler g.C.) TEENACER MATC]GS


PRE ICTION RU[, Cberokee Blva[., Knorvtl]-€, T€!D. I.5-Mtle Ru]1 6por6ored bX KnoxvtLle TC

ffeather: Su]ury,

1. 2. 3. L.



Tlrle Pr.edlct. I1De Dif. -I2lb6- -:6--

Steve Moore r.2:-oo Mlchaef !{illarat 9:00 8:58 Roger Gr.rn 8:o1* 7:55 Jalies l,larable 9:o9 9:OO 5. Janes ltuecke, 52, 72tII I2t3a 6. Io:25 9:45 7. Philft! 3rysn

8, Jsies E. Cobbfe U:!3 12:30 9. Janes A. Cobbfe L:39 12:30 10. Scottle Moo.e 12:08 13:oo 1I, Ca.1 Moore 12r 54 14:00 12, C.G. Be1l tfr2t 9:50 f3. Rtchsrd 1,l11f6rd ro:35 9:OO

:02 :05 :O9

:37 :4o





1r3L 1,t35

11:19 f3:0O 1:!1 f5. latthew Ne'btU,9, 13:f2 15:00 1:48 16. genry LonA 1?iOS 15:OO 2tO5 17. }{atthew Eavards t2:51 1Or30 2:2I 18. Thcmas. stler, Jr., 1lr:50 1211, 2t35 19, Carfa Moo!e,9jglr1,1?:O5 2or0o 2t55 Note6..,Steve Uoore, f3, out gue66ed a fleld of

IG,IA lAU CNCSS-COIJI{TRY CfiAI{PIONSHIP E\r1na Park, IYovenber 9, 1968 lbn!.



39o, 6u ry. Ueet Dl.ector: Autch llemer. Course: T\.o tines over e 3 n11e 1ocD. Several spots over rough l,et:ralE, Teo alltches to Junp - 4 hl1ls over 1OOy. L,.J1UcFad.dcn, l.,it. pleassnt, (N.IC), 32,e6.5 (4th ch8rylonshlp 1n 5 yesrs,.znd in 196?) 2, Robert lGlalenberg, Indlanolar 32:)rO; 3. lbrry gart, Iova !,lesleyan 1tJ 32:57; 4, phrl vo1aar14o l,lncob HS, Des Moines. lr:t8t ). Davld po;el1, Area, Ior'a, 33:f9; 6, Rlch freat, Hoove. m,D.M.. 33:21t ?. Erlc Hickerson. Joua Ue6_Leyan Tc. )3: 56i U. Nalcoh qoolnson, Des Motnes. t-:_5; 9. Tor Monlag. Anes, l1l:25i 10. Joe CouSbrln, Hoove! E, DcB uoines, 34:42j f1. Dean tunenan, Urbanda:'.e, 35:01; 12. Dave Ztnaer, Des Molnes, 35rol+; 13. Da1'ld Strovels, Indlanola, 35:o8j tl+, Larry Lockbart, Ares J 35:1lr; 15. Gregg Calvefc, Iowa vesleyaD TC, 35.:]-4.5; t-6, Bob i,[rdd, Anes, 35:17j 1?. Alran rltep, Davenpo.tJ 3r:32; 18. Bob Euneril6se, Ielrflelilj 35rl+1; 19. Dave MeshekJ Urband&.reJ 35:43i 20. Jobn F, Wat6on: Des Molnes, 35: 5oj 21. l(1ik Phll}tps, De6 MoLrcs, 35:r+j 22, wn. Tsgrelr, lova l\'esleyan IC, 37:21; 23. John Brlones, lbve4port, Iava, 37.\3t A!. Steve patrick. Indlano.Ia, l8:0O; 25, DaL 'Ibnne r, llncoln HS, D.la., 38:06; 26. Uerfe Dlnentj Dcs Moln.s, 38:20 (1st Veteran); 27. Mltch.L1 Xalpakglan_ IdalleDo].a, 38:30j 28. lob t{ooreheaatJ O.u,, :qr[r+; 29. Jln Labtse, D.I,t., lrl:09; 30. Esryey EBrrls, D.r.{., 43:32; 3L. Joh! clerke, U.bandsle, l+3:35. NAIA RqiION 15 (IC[,IA)^X-C CIAMPIONSIIP at lol,a Llesleya! I{eather: danp, Course: lr,Mites T€an: 1. Loras College 'oe, 27; 2. st. ,A.tsb.o6e l+?; 3. Cracebna 69j 4. ro"a westeya. Coflege 83. 1. treniy Rinbrook, St. tnbro6e, 20:30*CR; 2. Jlrd Mcheaney. Loras. 20:l5r J. wtU ChathaE. Lora6. 20:36; &. I"arly cusnan. S!. Aobro€., :rC:18.5; 5, Doa l,lerdckr Loras, 21:12, 6, Loren Sharp, ciaceland, ?f:2fi 7. Jerry Bucblner. st. Aobrose, 2I: 24; U, 3ob Plercy. Lora8, 21:?9, 9. Par Meehan, Lora., 2It29,5j 10. Steve Forbes, St. Aftro€cr 2f:33; If. Dlck Eatfielit, desleyanr 2f:l+2i 12.

lbrry ltait,


2l-:48. --&n


* pg-llc4" lro*rr cARoLrnA sT4rr,c1cs-co.unr'y | ryryso, A.A.u. 6-.or,E cr*s-couNmy cfirupronol lgr,;gTT5*"iffji ,=:1"0:j.". ii.f"oi."o"" *o cou.rsc, ssturasJr, vA*srrr t-Mrr,Es (mqy)- t.'* Don rs).roc, Ec,n, l:g19,-yl:: I n.,""i". iQ, i96e-;ilil1;; il:""i;.T;fiH

z. !4 9lcnlers, r,uke,.2j:49; 3. x"o,ry. Jcourec, l2o, rir to rz olpt "r.d"l--.--'*-* _8"P, F9: 25:Pj 4. r€n voEs, Ecu,.25:16; :. ll rbrlc Ks.u;)s, st, +";9'1, ;;:ii,::.1;-i. ":q v.v., .oizt; t. oarerb Havca. N.C- State, 26: liist.t!i;,?,;:l"::"*:ii""*::*j::::lt*"' iii,[ls]i";.H:;,i',#:":',,5:.i:ill"la,' JFic1d,,32:51i tr, Dor Sot6y18, persblng tr'lcld G, 27.5; o. zI.); 8. Mlke Mike GlavcE clavcg,' D*e. Drke, 26:31: ,5,3r; 9. rellr r"iu || :a,:rjei r.-i.o'#i Jo! Drev, pe.shlns pt.ra ic, ll,l-i;' . 12,2\:ft,2. 899, 26:h8. ro. r.t.. uu"la'rue, 5. rc State, BtIr -rilc.li{Gi, Cl8crr, Bethc:rsTi,3:;H"7'.9*g I9"l: t:,. 'i-qr | z6:io; r* urooons, citto"", l|.c., zor51; L2. g. ,Cl Crl-E;, rno_i Sirt". ,r. truett rruett tvrlte scar Bcar RR. RR, rr,4q, 3::f", 33:).9j ltfttte x*i n. gcc,_2?: * 3?3i1",,51 i?;ll:_r3;.F* l5!tl:, 05; rr+. lfr{r_r1dseon, ';in,'riiti-"...'*;';ild;'fi: rmc, 2i:08; 15:^gT:Dci-: l:r,oz;-e, i",:i;;,-;-il 25135.9t


1i.ll*::;.n-,-F rc,':r,,:i; y. g.i c,,.r*l #-ri, jai33; -i,-Iii-il] ffl_rlj??j"t6;,I:trlll,Hrii".-p*.:_il:]1 *a"r chrl6 Llttle, Drkc, 27:19; 18. ?hr1^Sparlips, ]il. n",. nir&.",'pF i., ;"'ilj;;:i, ua'. , r+,uei r:i n r"r"", or u. !r1nn. Fro6h, 3*.:*1lrr; le. 27:27, *1fl "il1"i":,Ig.""7:?9.:.fr. Ne.t JoEesr w.c., (uo tlsted flnlshc.s ) I| 3\|'el, \6. steve laupru, *i., :f,o:j if.-n 4. $a oyerby, urE., :i:ijj'io. Ds\€ pL!111ns. $!RR.ii 1+".-lir"3. Ecc t+zt 3. wc 76; -'



"" ];;;'ii: ffi'#ili?'.#:,Tf;,il-'i,i;*"*"]t'

si"t.'rie;-i'wdirii,;:6;.'#:" "3p,.1: '"'

lrarshatl Ailans, lI'aooha statc,.3t:45; a:..'["e-cia.y, rsm, ]6i6h 9,PL?I. C State, 2;{F^ft[v):_]. 27:23; 2. Cray A-rten, palk flS, 22. RlcL Ke.ylpc, ;., :g,rg; -:'Ri;; il;;;' -Wers)+, Marti; 26:34; 3. Fred-Hurd,-+9!ki:,28:r+9; z\. rolt c1r*., *".,:e,jel'ii. ]lell:1:..-9:3fJ ltrr:.if, 29:oij IrBRB, swepsto!, u1c, r,.j 5. 36:48. riJlrji"ij' :::T:1ry, zy:-L); o. P"1*"._', lbrvlD r'orrc8t. Bclhune fsr 3o:t2j Z. IK:1lh Rebeau. ral-troeded pover hou.se l-Note8...Jeff Gb,rrh,_UICC,_30:19; 8. Jerry rhyh.v, App,, 30: from-lhe Lrilverslty or nev rarystirr, tookea RED 23i 9. ereg thonas, CaE.,. jo:21+r to. Curtlr Kt!-] flOI ln b16 first race Elace returni_o€ to grsduat! by, lethune Rs. 30:32, (24 trstea flblshcls) lschc,bl at the Urlverslty or xi""*r.i,itE. i(4:ytJ9", ml\y)- 1 cssp€r brtch.lE the Arqr. rhe dl-El_ourl,,e nev hstsl:der & Pry.-i? 1EIiJ"iir,, n.r."yi, zZ;i1:.'"|*ii"l #"":T;:, 2r.] s.t 2b; J. fi,o D1lvorth, Wlneton-Sater, 28:29; l+. llng tbe pack lbrowtr 1_E ebout -:t5. Frcs, then on Bl11 l€onhardt, lbletAhr 28135; 5. BIU tbcor- out lt.'.as strlctly a soto peforlalce, thc elck, Releigh, 28:\t; 6. J.M. Jerr€tte, Raletsh,i ctrIleiltlon 1er: to the D.rr fou! nlllersdth to s.e 28150; 7. Fal1rax,.va., z6.Sl; gl 'l vbo r|ould eDaL u}J lIrtb lde rularnlDs rour. trophtes, ts:r Foster, 1. Per€bloa r:.:-a rc, za; a. ir.,rte ryITlf _tr191, Ralelab, 3o:2?. (19 ftrdsh.ls ) -rean_lco:1Dsi Rr, 45, 3. 3ethe1 ?c, j3, 50 & ovER (2-M1les,f,uy)- 1. Bob Bost, l4:3I; lrcer 2. l{ea1_].{ccl6nery,. 14:32; 3. B1II h:stra, L4:38;l l{ E;O'XA AAU VolrEIr,S .1,-!,fn: x_C gAAXpTor{SE]p 4. 8ob Calson, 14:4?; 5. Halter fiurt, t5:08; 5. ] nov, 16th, l{t'lreBota coai CoEr.6c.

"rlrt-a.*-;'bil,:;.il':;: iil"tTfl"i:*

lA-lrree,.Hlltv)- 1. I 9i yorn"' nc!-ester a;it;;.;-6;; 3:;;;;i 3P,I lff" l-P]I:-(1,& j51*tlil, g.arrce_cn;ro,,,.. | .a:vb:y. una.' n." n.p",-*;Zli,-rt.-;;;,:";;",, i, }byo, glTgdll-iy: H:*l,"rof?: Lo:33, l. brlene chocol''ll1+yl lGcat€stc!_Corlese,,-e.i:5p.i; 5, rar oteon, uaa., U:o5. (19 tlst€d flntsh..s) --Mlte sbea__ ''] --:_l__-_

| rolllns. rosas bc- J

i?-fT^fg !T:I_lI-*::!y treen Seala"' & Charle6\rt11e-l.Gzteres tn th€ Aig-..Ti *,a1."."."" thc letstan-luxenbourg uor:- || der6).,th1s ls one of prance'6 blasesr;oad | race€ ( I'here are, Dy the vaJ., very f€l. of th€!).| Tt ls an aanue]- .ace that has bee! hcll every | year sllce 1906, exc-ept, of cours., aurtng war I

nev Xol9, er5Z.el

Dt&1e rrEcrka, nopkrns Wcai

Jr.rF, 6:53. tiores..,JuL1e r,"r"!u",-re, aray. f!@ rt coapetrtors :o:.tbe fh6t place "ua tlcpty, - a.!d ,"a". rt root e3sy, Alrit C.i,toy out_ ep"inlee a g.*p -i oro.. o!-,ooE.ni6 lD the last :o v..a". li"ir-'r"-g-y.u." .-io; Teas: 1. lltacat cst€i 21, Ec'-oklD6 3l+,


-_!,ai Ia!ln-_

--- -rsr An IIAL rrzA-REIn rnvrrAgrJtrAr cRoss-colrfrRy vear'' oct' 27' 1968 | l. vcnoort,_1:15:L5; 2, I{asron, tt75tr2t 3. I cEnelolrsErs, st tyazar.€lh Boro park, p.Dxa. meur,-r:rrirj;-[. ;;;;, i:i;;,b;;: fii,'i;, a"dd;;;;";i.-iH"-"]ii"li'i;ri"ifr:$ 1:20:33; 6. C€eEen, 1:2Or!1. (A rec;rd fi€ld or II aegroee) su!, rb€t Drrectoi: Tcrdd """, "oOlyEpians 193 partlclpatcd.. Tba tbes r'.rc very fast. lle I E. .foaee,"na liazalcth Coaeb, htgh caltber of Frencb illstadce r@!g (r5-r8 JearB./yeera)- 1, ruadng aa J-4srE. \ru_fe is 3u._ eur- IJ l-urfes _1, sarae FaFe tllca-rtde. Hc3!1de, EarrlsEarrl prlslng BlDce th.y verT sctdto{r ccmpct3 at sh),- | burd Da., Ig'2t!.gl 2, Rlcb'Scbu.Itz, e"lt rlnng LoDg€r than x-country itlst6Dces. Dc6prte I y1+:, Pa.. t9:l*; t. paut P-I!aa, soods1cD,C*."_ l{.J. chllly, clou{y vlatlrcrthe stR.ts voru l..IL J 19:47. ( cBrlde ts s strdeDt at .roU rarrri r.S. llll.tl by Btectator'8. lt vtller ru]E for thc I 1! tbrrlsburg. Ee pfac.d 3rd in the lrcent pItA Patls Club. Aicur (3!d) *f" tbe r|"tnlrcr I Statr Ctass AX-C. Th€ oDe-Ei-ta corEse eas about -?o1lce "64, t>y IoDa, so 3-!LLers lclusrry covercal ebout '65, aLftd.,67. hrfy D.ldlner 13 1ry3, "r1a ]I 5,0ooo) . , ,2-l.(11es tbe llsshllgto4 sport ctub flnlsh;it ve11 back - (14-15)- t. roaa s."io!. Do"1o7tb I'lace tn 1:4I:OO, bui r€celved a rarE re- | er, N.J., I5.5d?. . .2-tflles (12-13)- t. ntch Harccptlon. pa., 15:LS. q:;-G6 -l.UIe (to-ll)- I. l Ealr, Iork, Erlc (l€131c!, l{el'forL, 7J577f--E. Lc Chcr'! y.



ry Jeif

Jobblo! Bi@kton, !b33., saturday, D6c€t6.r 7, 1968

It coLld!'i }!re hat4)6!a?t, o? cor... ICevertb!I66!, tou! it@.! IEc't'1. alit a D@b€. o? Etches v6!. todey eltFa3 to I€o Dsrt, sitqcbed ald ulkDoE !u!ne! frco etuck.t l61a!tl 6!il 'ept.eDth !d on thc thte€r6t of lra.c6chaett6 c!os! courry &&, ru a bl6zlDg 2:15:04 fo! an 6LL.s.d 26-d16, 30ry @E!hod. Ih16 ti6 lf li Etaba!, 1. the tast€st, clsthd ova! cl@ked ty e IDllcan o! U.S. !o11, eld tu s6coDd onty to thrddy Ed..Ie! 6 2:1.4:00'(ro ln E!sla!d) o !h. aLl-nt@ U.S. ibon 11.t. {Ed. "@. ilay lster Aliby Buloot clock€d 2!14:28,81n ir6re. ") Adillla !o ihe 6h@k E1u6 of DErt' !E!k 13 th. tact thBt li E3 poBreit ln th. rpbatiter,B MeE bon, a race !iLL€d for lovtc.s oDtJ. Iro tuart 16 loi a nodce, .o! ls h. .trltF1y u!lrbo@. fio had 1D fet ro 6 2:48 elatho. !.1ore today, ald E c@.quentll co4p6t1!g uoffl.clat-ly @ tb. f16t, slx-1a! .tu36 .rorDd th. Br@kton Res6tro1r. Lso r4 o?f qutckly et tbc start & l€d the f161at by 10Oy aft ! a Dlte. rh.d be I'lcked up ib! !se, l& lraa .a1at befoFhs!4 thai b. aas Ju3t luElla to !b.t, 1! 6@ l@g ErLLc6s.,', lur he sppaEnw f.li good, ald il€clitlil to pcs6 1t. H6 fl!18h€d tb. fl.st 4 1/3 b{.e ta! f,ith e lc.d of DoE thd t!86 oUute3, Io.&ha 1ike a de !1erlg 6 1@.1y tt@ tllel. It_Bs h16 6l@st 1a!. le htazed by 6 bsLflrqy lobt 1! 66:50, s.IFady h4ylDg tappcd a f* 6tlaggtcs. Ee ra! n&d!g st!@a\., dd v!ry, ye.y fq!t. !r!l he l@ grlella. ltlrd 1ook.d loF c1@.1-t ai ih.1r Etches, Ecc il1focto! Grahe PaneLl lcgs de!.Ddl.g th6 l.ngth of htu cous6, ed peo!]. Fltcatnd, a 61!gAe, 6i4)le qu€3i1@: q8rt?? LEo DE.IJ tl? Dut D!.'l BB fly1!9, tb€r€ rrs ao itoubt about thrt. E 6! p&31!A lapleil !unr6!r ltle tbey Er€ rootcd !o tbe B!ot. Says ono aibleter "Ee l6pp.d @ @ ry fu.th 1aF, rhlch rss tbe fast 3t (@ fo. @. I ls goiD8 cE y, !um1!g 6-!i!ut6 dles, aDd he sdt !a.t c llle I E. Itanilllg 3t1IL. rlld li E6 th. FAstEsl pr.!t of ih6 lap fo! @, beElaeBi ' A pbJslcal educatlon laitulo! at U l,la!s., rho talD! Eltb lco ald bffi !1i rdUr eil Drsrt aB E great Etue] ialst rho !1@ be6t l.tthdt t!e63uF. Fo! e u[offlclal eotroi ln a Plodd.lrE !GEthod tbee 13 zarc pFssur6, alit h1. talelt E5 lbally @ il16!by. Sli$'t! e ibai. At th. eDd, of ihe flfth 1a!, the g.1a 6s g@e, the kc. l1ft loi qu.1te 60 hlAh, and Lo E oldoEly !cgiDltg to toll for !i. Mo!ed.!, 1t c. b6c@1!a ep!B!cut tbat he l@ about to 1o.e hi.e .h@B: Drart !6d rt€rt ed tb€ aco rlth a batieled palr ol Ecllg flat8 !!st ha4 .nalullit a B@? aDd faLL ot c.q).t!tlo!, ed ibey reF bela bgotbor tw o4r !y a thiead or @i6!t6L. th! tatE b. hail ueil to socur! th@ bad {on throlgh ed vB fla!,plDg st ib. 6iit4 of htu L.t. Iet 1f tuo slil hits she6 coulit 6lffi1% th6 flel 4 Dli. loop a! elB 7-&$. Eq. pac6, th. Li@ €s gollA to be @de! 2:2O. &. tatols hildl.it 1E tbe 38-d.g6e cotd to! ss1@ rblle out oil tb. loo! Dra!t'6 fefld !:ll!!e!. 6hou!€it e!coqaA@eDt .ft€! bl! I hc lapled rc€ aEil ldg of thc f1!ld. |IlI. dnui.B itlaaglil o!, but thsqt btg bllgbt ye11d tlunkE !,ol)I)cd tlrough ih6 sU of tlt .s 6i tlE tdt, of the c@er6 o!.!y hll-l, e!:t !.o clo6aeit ib. 1ie, Fho.6 & lurlrlr lniact, tn ih6 @b.11cv6b1c tiD of 2:L5:O4. It 1s !o eIrI,L E!t!! io iactfut\y Ek o .xna@ieil !lathone! vb.ih6! b6 thbb b6 66.11t eccq)lt8heil th6 il@ shoE oD th. Eich6; 6 !ayt. tb. coulle s.6ail . f6t !tL.B Bhort? Uart's bra!!l.t! @r! EB "lblE !a. to !€ ih. b..i !*6 lrv! !E! run ai BlS dlsteo.r" M udefttai@lt that E*6 rlth sltt1lg BUU'. otr..eat1@ tbet he bail s r,!.iw sood day et tle LLttlc t1g EoE. DEt hait takcD 33 rrd.to3 off ot !13 l,lcrlou be.t !lr. ih@, e llprov!@tr! ot L7*. rf a 10 tlBt Ioo @t ! De leloeld I?t h. vou.li ro 8.3, Ji! Vu yould ru! 3:10 LfoE th€ EBt ol the !1.lil Es 1!, I hail d,r!a{y

ry c.! oE! th€ co!s. ald !.asur€d 25.6 d&. o! rh. r_3 od@t!.. Ito c1al@ ar! @d. for ry c.!, lut 6i I.aBt 1t clrock6 closely to ib! @asE!@Dt OEhd psln IL EAate vltb a vheel. I{ayte tbc cou!6€ ls 6bort, lui I ilotbt lf the !8s1! of dFr cou.ld po6s&ty be rc!! tha! 4 a!L., 5 \/2 rlnul.6 Bhort st !ost. lnit !ayb. 1t's accurar.. ri&ybe rlo Duarl 16 lhe ?6€i.rt @ratho!€! ln t@!lc. ,tlght ad. @ th€ other lanit, tr. rcy Dev.r luD itEt fast a€eltr. Du! m. tldrl€ ts certel!: @ ibls coldr brtghL r.l!L.!'! d6rJr h |r.s Enalald, t€o Duart !e ro! 2 r/L bolB. Ee Es ou! j:o! loog Dil.sgo ald h. gor lt; loF btl!6 !ha! aIL lut a haetful of ro.cs i.! hlstoly h6€ .r! aoEled lD sl.nlte! tle. It EE J!3t Lo'd dBy. I,EO DUART


or r96&69 (betore,



m'dnishtJ, 3,50trmekr sao svtvenre

8nd obbtende nreec in sao laulo. He w$ rolwed ry rctuut. s.w.ld. JaDan: cnasoE






Ari Dulors, Holy crc$, aid D.w Etrii Carida.

. i,,.:-,. I

ta]1l EFjlt.i fAXE {,J. AAO JR. X-CoUI{IRY i.::.:,:.'..1irr" N.i", Sundan" Nor. 2\- It 1Jag

. ;tother act at

th€ lr€v Je6ey aa ^AU llarlnanco Pa* Bl I a of dbrad 53gazlev 1-2 flnrgbaa . . vor tbe of I'a1r' tbe Bor, You_og'! -,, , , ;.,11;'. };ttre by 25y aB le coi'rr€il!!etha . ','" -i!.;(., cqr.rse 1rr 32:1?' But T€n ha'LA'A' to . { 1 (j lesallng R\rt8€rs 0nlverslty Tc for Jerscy . -r^--."o ov;r the central ""-,i--.r... ite Saz]eys are fr@ LoEg Braach' .6enlor' . r; t" presently d hl€h school lnr€e tcaE n:":--I-"' wave .. on the rhc Clecn orecn *oe.th." r. ,"-r, l.oscrher ':roj rc8tttU ltD, noe a Ru!8e!.3 lurlor' "Y:: '. sqc ultb "". B-"P , " uu.'roe b16 brotbcr..su! fot :-, ;. "r,tc.-th." & ra! a !:19 ELl€T:-T:y-' is;,.cr:: '". LoDs t i""".";f"""ilit*;oor bov' rdr Fre"-- ^-

r, :'].-,:."


X-C RUN (4.8-U11cs cLADsToNE, N.J. gunday, Dec' lst -Daeaoured ]rd. tlroe) 'IIILE Ftosh' 2tt13 1", Donald. $talsh, Villanova R.g' H'9' 23127 overbrook 2. iar"y Rush, r, lVlIson $rI!h, vlflanova F'r,ash, 21135 4. &en Uedl-in, Had.don ltt/p. ltg, ?4tI5 24ttg 5. Dean 6honte, Penn 40,

24t45 6. Jlrs 91anto4e1r, CJTC, AC, 24,58 Roque, Dovcr 7. ChucL 25t36 B. Mitch Evans, CJTC, g. [rty Sarth, gomei'set strld.crs,25:38 10. John !ortee, cJTc, 25t47 \N frrl- ) I -LILE N,J, )JovlcE cHlI@IoNsHIr

*""" lt'' ;::::f"*i f*fl -$trt'Hl";fi-;"I :: "';:: fi31131;"il''iiliF"!'ii'' !3:2' Let32 "-* l 4' 3. ror,n eh€ars, lrndry school, t9115 P'te Dowd' :"aprewood' I *lccadrieril anil chucL Roque * **'^'friiy*-l ?: $i3il5iJ?lHif,l;"il'iti*i;"", frll? fr',!? fl ;y"iil'i* 3il"ilffi.:'.ff.:*rd:i"i1iill *ffi3"ll?ii:;;Si":""*u"' "r.",,'il *"e.* AA, 3o;_2. crrc, 38; 3. -".'1 9: s: ;;iil;"":"Lr;;:'*-"' iE,I""#il,1 1?;pTfii:"[:i",rt'"iiol:";


,i',"#,f"ilil;Ht; {.*e,l;1i; ",,-,u"i1,.'27, HlLsl*;T'l 6._Bt*t-Iti"Jlff;;r_l RAA; spares, here..2nd (tsr racc ceorse tlE; ll?,n3;*"11"3"H:;:is," fo.r liovtce i;.:"ifr;"t,:; iio. +:,":;"ty,::::r,'*,'ff;'ii T. ;ifi;i&";'t. tritcr ivanr, c'rrc; lo:,tt-tlf'":li:: fiil.i Hifii.';#ffi"."::ft::'#: -.r"r" il-il3i:$, vrc l{lrzon ' I| :l"t;*Hl'S**?i"l;;tllf'H"13 r."., c,nc; rr+.q,rl'' ni; l:. ;.^ffi";-;";'. ;"J.,lJ""tifur coun "'irii1- turnout of speotat{ontclglr AA; 15. Jack Stevaft, tiy ior running,,gcod. _,____l ---------l

i.; ) -eiii! " Rqqro lr. rrrr8 iutF 1. uary" Gallahe!, EARRTTR trAtA PEFort || i:i!: r.i'-r5. lslr l;li,""a"on, i::i ro,of; :. ;fiJ;;Clty; nov.23- robn lhso!, of -^* ' I' ili'ii' oiia"it 5c'li r'o """i; il+ r,#r"nt:;



tblrd-ln ,1'-2": ,.^,..,1 Fu., -r"l"u*i --t, Da9 9.pen to +1 6choo1 i""t Eays vaEtcar ifi"-ir -ii-"t-e;"-i..x' trt16,l:: *".f.:::tl r'.,r., Deraware & ;;i';;;;i,;;'::.i., rlil^r'o: "h. r:li:8'l Mlchlsa!, Raymonil T. wrcLte: Eastem tvo naei; by !e-nna. For lnforoatloil r". g;i1:8:,*9:^3:"Yll;-l rii:-oi"-eu..i;, ii,i.-r"":b.1" iiiiiiSi"i,'rir-",-"-ii, i."ml*,i o/t erlx Wcblsa!, I25; 4. lle€tnoat cotlcse -------------------:--:-::-----:.':ii| --:----: rialra, wssh rrLl"ols,,206; 9:-9t-l -** r cncus courrRr, varLa26t32t.2. ;:;;;-iB6'r:-;;"tcrn 26t32t wash., vblt,{ortb, vb:rtl'ortb, sen", spokAne, "]i*rcr J...y J..ry 5-!ni";:-i: ;;;-;"u;;"; ei"'o"", coro"uao, ;-!gi";:-i:c1r, 25:39i 3ob !a!88 w-hll:o*h,2' _2rr+i-1. f"Y I 3. ;;il;;; iiari-F;s,


-U,,i":, 'ur*. sota. 2271 9. st. ' wasblDstor -?t5'-,8:.,s2: ctoun s".,1 iZ,al.jt,",'vuti6l.on et; 2. centraf ija.;" iii io. r"vi"" unlv', rrd., 3o1. I t6; j. E stcra ttasbl.lsto! ?r, \. wbltEe}l, ?1:-_U-! r-c rrrlE | .O"O *"r*tto*" l+.2-lfilf x-c, *"'^t'.,. lr9 ffi;; trr* CATEOLTC U.;3-TOs"ptT.T-j3^--..-l i'nlu z!; ;liil;"";; li"'z"a loartra-:" chrrplonlr1Pl 'aans-!rr, gb;-[. ra"uo 9+j ,. ?: Easrem washtosto! ]-r5' as.ltc.lod 2I:5r-; ' c@l'€tltloil x, x-c ";il;-;;;ili i"E"o"-i,i*.o coEf. -"oof'.=o"" ttt].'' I r.'vuae ;ucol"uo, -2 ^Jcrrv Fslil,-nht"' or"!"ry, tr."v 61 i1;-* i.li' til;: -niyW: ?t'3?,^l:.f") il';:il | "rt't i. v.i"", \, 22'3_7' 6. Hl;;i"#';;";.i;:"i;-;'*'" 1* 19'{.6:. __l



tu"^i:i"yffi;.ftrl.i"i.Efl "'': '

ilfi; iiildp'

:*:'',--l ffi*. ttff '::u;' f ffi '"l?i'h::'Hff

'3i; llf"I; i; pYli?'"1 *31p1i1,'?;,::: f i;,*ixi::,"ii.','r.';.H;.,i1;.tsi"; ,#J I tq:g e, ;#'"ff;;;-;s; :*:_":-1l3it',.,1 i: nr"t'.ro"d", l, ir:)4.:.1f:,.2:-r:f5-,,''"5i1 il[?*i']"ili'9, ;.y"L, rrr; 8. rvactrturs, r:zlr!rr,-r. r""."i"t, g,:6; 2. ra'k tcLLlr {'-?etlh:t.Y#a'#?; ;.";",,.*** xs* iiri l:':*;;":::t":;::' #' 15: l5l:;,1?;:1. read' ''ash' ''?' t;3"' i:':G':'I'J:f"$r"il"S: ""'** lut;.' |



TrentonState Trenton

His Talents Run to



Villanovc Beals vuanTtco Kunnens


vilt@v.'r d.lddhg


@oiid'r.y !t.mpr@ td ib.{! tdrnd n!.4 ii lile d.& s.hrdry, d.i..tt€ th. Qdn *il"lr,lf"'"u,"":"r""';]';fiir',il ii6 M ina. a$, !t Ber@t .""YJ;l"l:r,l "l"'i#"if;:i,Hlg,'l;s *$*,'*',,:Y1ffiFiiffi, -.:;._ p.* s,,bl Phtcau in alihdr* PeL rsov w}ienPr nved and and ". R\hp"' in in.used lD,.En.h:"Far.rhev -Lrri;; Tn lrariq, Bin Ch.t, ld. "",,,,_., .+ lsdmirirs ron*. -s", h:f : {e l,nosq thelh..L' iJ ;.';;; l; !. v-."d wib e roroqid b, irois qie nedy ot cardiqr Ddrddty !I1.4 th. chlDpre. rnd la6. ltmdth ftn i. ct, rnd Beatles! High ard NolR Dinr, wr! iie s-gi'ii50i@!ih.cklolh..n.Etonf." individu.l Pi,e ld 5i5r. DiaL :r:if;ijlil' :'* @d in a:or r llle wil&,t li""lrj.'"".#ti. l"x*:" rook 3cven or the f,r'i 10 ptr.$. ;'.#t'T&: . li : Lii;l^ i u{'," "l;lll;T,;"r ;;; *'n"' Fr' 'Bth" fiur ! urddrr Fn nr.' rt.! tnm;ns rfr,i u r'. rift crd robi. rt ra ;ve Rr n'o rn oy oe" L1i do."




"r;.q, ;, lTIffY-i"r.S*

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@ EoR 'he




i,idelhes?nEe$hcdo]E wond Reold figuEs ol5:r{i{$ ft; rhe dnbDe. AsEdof9rs.ondsahDwouldhavesufied in rrd 6d rohD Trrrd rt;h{d 2l mih: befoft .oint hd;s rbod b n;uh irside the oBent 6.n or J:rz& bv Ab wnh Tsdd urril a miks ir:56.59i {her be mln (rr ahqd oi ao;don Bs$j, Aran Ph, F, hc.ov;.d r ror hous. un $n bs




leirure Du.ruib !.e


ra+ m




". thltF


rhaik.d by RRc Edgi, Lord

so(4srd, but ! rrr lDflF se.rl rl"o edited xonnd.i A CollEion ol

SaRsl srid. "Never


mrl n, ; .uiJ

8lDrrcy (Tinoa) 5:40.06i 3, Dor 6 14 i, " io ol mr. 'i

prsnr (sdLoir





rlr se

Tun{ (pircarn) b,

ion\ vdd€r

i!lllercb8|lj fits fron Brbklyn. Hil laihcr ri. i hbH,

w'ilqlrklis lk dftior.b


ENancriolre. '.d

*mle !h. todk

itu 16. xid

Morow. r

p!os. dbdur ldur yern 4o, 4Fef



iev F8a r r|li

liteBry h.nd-

. .gth ^ Sat., N9Vrc?of LooDens ln Cross-Counlry

"doiq enerFDcy rc*lih l0r

F.oh E!rs.', It vill opin m Bsadw.r @t sEirg. ars llovn to Ldidm




ror'Tdrov Subm.in.," ins.

r nmi.d, dil tfiile{ 1,4@u RUNNDBS REWARD-CourieFPdt sports siafier Ron E€ath (right) presents Pa@N Athletic Club mDer Inwrence Eara€y (left) and SoULI Jeber Tfrck Club repltgrarive Bob Robanskj $ith bophie. sporooFd by lhe hewpaper at the con.lrsron ol sarurdar s YMCA

shet tutr ir Camdd

Ldoop!6'E'fotrdD.b. $@vt]]eyconogss,fu. !!!6 rdi Ptu AC, .!rly M 3ol3q xdcid .c'pt drhr tu d B.lrdt ' bl b Fdtur Pdr rnd lftt ir b. hi,Lld '7:15.h 6€ li h6 irs 6. d.ld nve"nu. tai, ColDd @ by 3$ yud. ovd fm* V|lb


'__ Fâ‚Źterson' I{avy' Ear.eLI,EgIln AFB, f8:Ll; 1I' Jl-n t3' io.rr,' izl Dale FlcElna, rate F.s', 19:35; ciarrrsoD' Edill' 14 n6" c&, r"rr' AFB. 2o:o0;

Errleka' *go ,o-rors Rq4q-54q, Eurcxa lakt, L9er

- ffiffi;e'z3, "n:l'#.qffi":"ru: a0


Don caUaa'aY, Elaor:ado'

-' ii$



"'d":Hfi ;1"f.'"il;u" lr1.*''*i",""ru'f; zo,ig; 18' v1lr eunBnn ' Esrlb AFB'

iii""'IlJil'ii' iiiol,'ti' -".i!1..ltt.

#idff l,r:ff 9' rc' 57rr8t"r"J',t:.,,,',[*"ffi ' F*Wilru'**?iil.:r#Hk i'2,'i'i.-nio"lJr<.,", Arne Rlcharos


f,:;"fi;l ?!il:!1,11-;:r4i** l:nf 5;"ia,'fi:;',,';4. i"i-L-'i*' Mo'va''e]' RRc' 5l-ia,"U:U,Ta.'ii'til;"";"*':ii'J"#:=l


r"n 1I, 'Pro]' stater 23:00' rccord fllBa tbree rumers broke thcJunior ;t Barrr For'r or Pehsacora

":;"i;;;';.;" (16:39.8) corlese "z.i:itiii" verprosxlb (i,. * li ycars)- t. rowHtrf Pen12:57 Rccord; 2' Frcd .ffi, ' r1:r7 PEs' Grrrrtn' I'j""ii-ii,-iz,16' -;.;:K;; i-c (123'& robn 13 vrs)- r' Davld creao'./' i3:Ll+ Record; 2 le-vtn Harr16' xffi; ;;;ffi;;;.ft; 1!,55; 3' roqr Mcvqrr norknaD r'' ;;i,'ing:; l:3


{::illl l"




ili:*"*;'*'Fi:H'*lt*lin'-.,r;]:,m'kl-.ffi ffi"i.::;;-6;.;;;",v'" r',...r, ,,'li;, ","_ I



i'lsq;;pi'4*r**"it"i*tl'#'i; ffi 'iYr-nt*:I##ffi H#l{i ffi :*{+T*j*"*F --- --::------:-

, xufl;tr+#--"'ffi#;=



n**ttr*i *#*+*,[iiil,



f*##ag#H:\Hif#;fr1"':I;-*g:fi ii'4#:ffi k

iffi #fit[ff F.;iijl*.trd*i'1:iF,i:,:i*i'';#u'#:r'#m;*:'u 5ri'lffSJ:+:::"9*'**ffi rffm'=-':*#"i",:{ff -ffi ----





gi:tr',f 'r F:l;,',t*fr:,: 16:35; 3. .rcrry blanrru'-PJC' I5r31i to.





d'r, r!izr-'.:'-P'Y :?*


*ffi**5$*sqi-au ruj,gt*ti+*l.x*nP:t




LFI&I!'X-C I{EET, corva]"u.3, oregon Noverber 23, 1968 OPEN 4-}{IIXS - I. Jln oRf,Gon

Itaters, li:r6.1+; 2.

Lev Dab.Lln,



P;ftrand rrack, re:24; \' steve ;.-;;;';i;;. dcurres. ltaters' I91.27t ,. JG 3al6ch, Staters f,9:L2i ?' ii,.qi6.-wJ" B;1r, Porrland state, spokanc r 3ro@, 8. B i"!- n''*"", Ps, 19:4?; state u' FeSon TorEtesd' l.{lke ic, t9 52; 9. 0re8o! colL€ae n"&", iSi:g; 10. a.notd Po-lrell, is,iS...r."'; 1. sieters 18; 2. 6u RooL6, 52i 3. Porllend State 53.

lED CORBI!I AND GARY M'ERclG V]CTONS Poughleetsle, N.f., Nov. 28tb- Ted Corbttt of th€ flIPg ana Ca.y l'nrhrcke of the l,l1t1ro3. AA, yon the fcaturcdl eYeits of the 57th Arnual Rur I'est1va1 6ponsoreal by tbe Pouehkeepsie YIICA 1n tbe upstatc sres, Cortlti caPtured thc tratlonal

5o-ntle tltre vlth a clocklng of race, vhicb started a-t tJ a.d.' tas t'ite 5:39:115. a tro-dan battle beb,'ecn tbe vlctor edl the 2Dd' senior


Dfac. fllnlsber, wayne Van DeILen of Callfornla' flot ultll the tast lap of 3 n.l-Ies did elthel rurner heve llore tha! a 3OOy leaa. Corbltt's e:(I)er1at ilista.Dce6 over 26 nlles pala off wben hc llAsmtcTon STATE H's. }'{EET, GreeD Lskc ' seattLe ence 6way 1! the flnal 3 Dites frm lhe tlre'l N^v- 16th- l-M1I€s- AA (over I,OOO student8) _L' Dufled the Junlor 2' mr Van DefLen. Vlnce ChlaPPetta captured .r.iGl-t;rrls ' spoksne r f,L:o3;Phll l.joJ"n,n place flnl,hlrd b1s of \rlruue bv tltle natlonal "avslor""r."t, sesltte' lL:39;,3' tsh, sporane, r4:l'o' r"'i" a itart, i'rri'tl", -G*,-li"ir" Met' AAu arlpped In the Eastem Regtonal & sr. & Jr.ad'led 6r. (Janes, a Jurlor, vas to hls u$rcke Cery run, of cheq)tolsblp anotber 2okn 13 a"tiog "t"tpua" at lbe start' He 1958' Lltles of ratbo! !r€ .I5, zcsjr & rire cieat Spokane allEtance runners--I)+:31 on "i,t "i"."qv (NryAC) Van Derek by vlnror, 30OJ. Ed He def;ated r,ooo)- 1' ilI;;;;; i;"; suleer.)...A (under t}te of Surns edged Joe AA l{111rose ofthe triealen Kelth Ajtlerson' Battle Glountl, 14:41' Unlle.l AA by a scan! yard for the Junlor cha[l)iiU"" aOx. 5r starters l{lthl+7 X.COUNTRT CEI\M'IONSET"S AIKANSAS ",r"'A"a 'rii" i"a A.A.U. run haa f3 sia?-ier6 """lil. the vhite 50-ni1e ai flnlshers, r*".r x-c chsrpion€hrps r,aE heL'L race8 vere held the dav Duilna ft;1Eher'6. ald II dlBapA 15' r""i.i*-c.tr"g" on sat., Novenber dtstances iaESat glrts anal bcys toBen, ruDners sl'arc for ned, lolDtlnaly srsll" fleld of onlv 19anil ru' roile a flve to tnE frce ,0 vards J1[ cravii r" ri"- loo r,eattler. Joe Bcvfe rith 5O:IfiI,E NATIONAI, AAU J3. & SR. CSAIfIONSEIP EeiEan along fc Bt6on ta" Eardlng or io"a Cour'6e: 4 long laps & thea 4 1a!6 on 2okn course state Arkaftas rJins. runnrne ulattacheal lrod gap bv lbe fst 1. lbd corbltt, \TPc, 5:39:45 (01d course tecord' inlve.!i'v, openea up a Erzeable ,,52t33.7 by Tcm rl6ler, Pebn Ac, 19b7) to tEail fr@ dre & !h;se ihree bar.Efed b€edtbe v"i' Dellen, ca].lrorda, 5r45r19 i.-w.6" 4 L€ ' 9-d iili"1u."el' the rcnalnder of 5:r8tr9 3. V1;ce Cbtappetta, uns., $YC' 6:10:20 l+. N.c., Ahoskle, Eurd, Fr€d 2\:o2i 2' &l cra'rrold' ilT*'"*t", 31son rc, 5, Earay Berkowltz, So.Jer6ev TC, 6:37:l-7 y*'r,2|lP, 6. i."*o.t'tr*, i. Arkansaa State' ii"l" rcl'illol' urs., u"t Lr"ur"r"l, udted.lA, 9t5"1t23 z+:)Ji 4. Vlrall Avers, 6.59.26 7. Roa Carber, Rochester TC, 2):r8; 6' Djc{ ;: ;;li-'"o]*, ,-u.,?,Lr.st., ohlo, CIeYelaEiL, ?:o3:O3 3rlstoL, e, Cr"yto" una t)L9i 7' JobrDv KellJ' 6ienrerd.,- nison "IC' Ps., ?:30:20 ulty, Ph11a., Mc John 26t32i 9. 9' a6,r:.i el .r;r'" rhadpson, Bj6oD rc, g1L NMc, !tas6., 7:\1:10 v".t"tto", io. Dopp€' srsd ro' 26:52i ili;;.i", sison rc:llalter carP, Eendr'lx' 2?:4b; P|- 11. Kurt lb@.r's, unat., 7t59tOO --"" tc. ii,oU IL. Davl'I A' Plls, 1!ia f1]; A.I}alcy 3ovleB, DmJld (r9 rta') Blso' rc, n 3-l,1i1e loop ll tldes, plu€ addd s])otrsoled,bv CHAI'eS, X-C '8:01' tbe^Ar;- 2o-KILo (1oatA.M.) fST AGE GRotlp ' start. r:o'27 d' dlstabce '6; karsas Assn. f. IarrY E)Ps' SearcY 1to6t32 Dous 1. Cary l{urrcke, }''t111rose AA, lxs, s"rtn, ' .nry .i. s"i,,."t Its, !:a::v t:07:23 -]9]3*.: -Rob1n ltutter 2. EaL l,lltrrov, Xev Tork AC, --B1ll 1o:3\' i"". C1ub,1:O7:33 l{edfoit No. Cornlet, 3. Rola$il [. nrcurt Ash.ley, Rocbester Tc, l:08:o5

iii rii'i it"v'

t:O6:3O 5. Tco Robldsoa, NerI Yoik AC, 1:O8:44 AA, l{lllrose 6. Tir! B1suve1t, 7. Ed {alk{ltz, M!. Par:! AA, Mass., 1:08:55 6. l:. erro]l, unat., 1:09:38; 9. Derek van Eed-

eD. Mtflrosa AA, I:lo:fo; 10. Joe Burns ' UAA' f:io: -r:iO:r:; rl. Dal€ KowalsKl, Bochester .CC ' 13' 1:1f:24, Roch.TC, Roaers, Dirtslrt 12. 35; Pat Bastlck, YAC, 1:11:47t 14. Mike Reif, uAA, ls'. r"r'"'rr',e' Roch.rc, 1:12:30; 16' Pete lodd, Roch.TC, 1:13;01; ]7' R' Donald {1Lken. NMc. 1:13:30, 18. Pbll Po11n, uAI. r:]J:55; 19: Roc;r cr"tt, uAA, 1:f3:5Bj 20' Richard Heo1:14:50; 21. Jobn varadeles' uAA' o"t".o 1:It:ab; zz. no" Rlchard6on,. Roch'Tc' i'rt,i!; -"., Ben Brinson' 24' 1:15:55; u!4., 23.'rrri.r-r"",


1st 10 finlshors Arkdnsa6 aAu x-c o!a'!Il)j"ons!1ps L to R 1st Row- Boyt€, Cravford' Atk1E6' lyer8, lvons..2nd- StFnf 1eld, Ke]]-y, ftomp. Cain,Dopls


Ihlteit 1A, 1r15r58i 25. Rog€r xocfctt, u!rt,, - r!l6..Loi 26. BI1]. coJrdc, lfLllror..aA, 1:1?ro5;

29. nlc! 8utl., Paoo!! AC, 57!14 2!3O 54!1.4 30. Dob E].J.l!, Pac.rs Ac, ,7tI7 3t\5 53t32 4, y'alt CoIa, SuoeDrboro CC, I:17iI'; 28, Doua 3L. Brroa tirn{y, Phlla,Pl,on.,59:3! loloo 49131+ d+!16 lorm 5l+:16 !{ldlitl6ton, ula., lr17:55, 29, Er! f,Lttlclalc!, 32. 3ob lliDBlDg, uBt., Itlllro€s -AA, 1:18:05; 30. Lr lbl.kaslan, lOA, 33. lGL. tlartt, Phl'la. AC, 67rf9 Co 67:19 1:18r50t 31, Silsa 3uns, Itbl'teil AA, l-:22:30; 34, Kurt StelD!!, trYPC, 69$L Co 69:01 ftE. Prl.zc! | l. 31II C]'a!k, Pblla. AC; 2. Klr 32. Joc ScbDlat, u!a., 1:23:40; 33. &jr 3o!ilc!, lGaLLLn, P.trn AC; 3. Xo8cs lh:.f!..I4, Phlla. P1oE. UA.A, Lrz3rrl; 34. Al34y llcElrcf, quecllloro CC, lcalrr ?h1.1.. t'C' L't 2. Pac.rs AC, 40. Lr23rr2i 3r, Fic G€lslr, UAA, 1,23t52,2t 36. * Iatc ertrl.8 l!.ac.il at Eclaicb. DiLlcy claese, uAA, 1:24:35; 37. gcbsstlsll Csst6gLle, trYAC, Ir27.O5, 38. Tr.d llcrrs, QCC, Mth A$nIA! cAxDBT (tr.J.) ncA oPffT EA$DIcIP AAU 1:28rlot 39. Rlck LLcs, CJ!C, l:29:25; lO. Jh RUtr Satul|rrry, DcccDb.! ?, 1956 3.9-l{11as Fabej., rlaa. , It29t32i 4L. larlJr (t€t3lot, &. , lh?€6 1all6 of l.3-dlcs 1[ IalEhsr Park UAA, l:29r35j l+2. Jobn Kciul, ttAA, 1r3o:1o; lr3. E.I. EcD. 4S3:E 31LL Crov€ll, QCC, t:33:5O; 4rr. Kut't Stal.ncr, D.layale t!dF, 8-07 l:-do ftPc, 1:\f:2ot !5. JacL Dcsrac11, Bochcst.r 5C, ].. Cary Rcaacr,go.Jcr3ey 2. Ecrr? ro!t, IC, 23:31 Co Lt\5r25t M. saEdy stff, qcc, f: ro3; 47. gharLcs l'\rftlct, hlt€if ,AA, nTI. 24:04 1:0O 23 rctl 3. larry I)clarey, SI!C, 4. Dad.1 F rce!, Csd.[ fticA,2lr:16 *5 ReSlonel T.an! L XAA, 3ti 2. Roah.IC, 34, 3. thlretl AA, 55; l+. uaA "8"' 90. ,. larly farfey, Paccrs AC, 2\':22 ttrS 23t37 6. La Jachso6, So.J€rs6y TC, 2\:25 ztog I'let .AAU S!.Tcan: l. XAA, 2I; 2. UAA 3a; 3. g! 24:29 3lOO 2Lt29 7. lda thitlar, urat., 8. ltl].lla'tr fieughar, 6JrIc, 24148 oo 2\:lt8 BII.L CIAAK 3I,AZES tsO TI]IE PRIZA ClRIsIl{AS 9. {oesrd Schseffcr, sJxc, 2!rl+9 lr:Oo ?!r49 f0. !!LI Rcramty, SJlCr 2\t37 trotrDAYs 8.2-r'1[E aArDrca? Rur L!. lob EUlr, ?!ce!3 AC, 2!:58 r-f5 23:13 ?a., SunaLsy, D!ce!bc! 22- lt. 3111 "h11a., 12. Doan gbobt., Pcnr 4C, 25:IL 4:30 20 r/+I clalk al,ao8t butzcd thc €!tlr. flclA !t th. haDdleaD tln 13. Robcrt Black, C.d.c! $tCA, 25:tE Oo 25tLB AC sporsorctl 8.2-r11c Phttadelpbla oyar the ner. XaBt & gaat Rl.l.cr DE IYTB "3llcv!Jr" ]4. oco!€. tacksoD, Carilea I, 25:30 Co 25tP 15. gler Erclre!, ?acers AC, 25t39 5,$ 20t39 courae alounal the schwl}{L1 nlne!. staltl!8 (lO:0O), tblouAh tbc 15. !t!- waEtzcL!, ?htla.Ac, 26rL9 2tl+5 23t3E frce €cr.atch Cla* tlo\.ad fteld 1n tbe late Btages & only yor&a Dav€ f,ar- 17, 3!uce Sklles, Pace!6 AC, 25123 1+:OO f8, bl.e C!o6s, Phl1a. AC, 25!30 3!\5 22r\, rls of Esdal@flclit, tr,J.,E.S. surlrlYril tbe 19. ltlcLct Iplb, Ph[a. AC, 26152 )+8O 22tA l.larlrcrs cbar8e. 20. Jtq Kort€r, Ph[a. AC, 25157 ,t@ llcathc!: Col-al & ovareaat.,sror & rala E.T. EcP. ect. ?. 21, nrrt OLefE@, Paccn AC, 4t2L 3rL5 2\t06 aftci racc flJll8brd. 22. tror@u 3€.kar, Sfit, 27t49 0o 27 t\9 1. De\rc Barrls, go.Jcrs6y Tc, fr-a5 t-3o 28:lB 0o 28:18 2. B1[ clark, Q]r/Pb11e.Ac, 5f!21 1o:oo fl:21 23. l|cf, St!1L6, u!at,, 48:22 24, wel}ovlc, unat., a9:4o co 29:LO Paul. Jack St.Clatr,1II, Pb.AC, 5L:22 3:OO 3. 4. tobr Inr4,W, Phlla. Ac, 5f:41 oo 5I:41 25. 3ob C11ch!l8t, De.la, I&I', 31:13 Go 3?:36 ao 37:38 5. ?au] Paluba, Phfla.Ptm., 52:05 l:oo ,1:06 26. Jarrd f,oah, Ph1la. Ac, 6. Bob laocf,rer, U. of D.la., 52tL6 9r@ 43:.16. 27. iloh g1,src!, CqJla€n !{CA, 39:l+3 Co 39 r43 Best tlr€ Prlz€sr 1. Okr lftrer, Paccrs 52ra4 3r\5 \8t35 ?, xlkc c!y!, ?h11.6. Ac, 8. tohn t'rlglt, ?}d.ls. Ac, 52:31 3:oo lr9r3r ?ott8tora, Pa., 20:39; 2. Ibal! Shoot8, P6a! ,9. t111 WaltzcU, Pht1a. AC, 52:44 1:0O 51:414 ?Or41; 3. Eoverd. gchacf,fcr, SJrc, 2OrL9 OLL tlD€ri B Prlzc: t. FaEt? Yo!t, SIrc 10. K.r l,&iUld, Pcnr Ac, 52153 lo:oo L2:53 Iea! Plircs: 1. South Jcrscy lC, l8; 2. Pic.li 1I. Sruce Skyl.s, I,accr. AC, 53:03 5:\5 V:18 12. xoscs rNa|rflcld., ?b.Pl.on., 53:09 Lo:oo 43:09 ac, 42t 3. Phthd€].phla Ac, 60, Is-t Cadc! INCA lunr16lr Dol.cl LarcGr, 23:3I. 13. n1d lrtb, Phlla. Ac, 53t1, 6r@ \7tI5 1l+. Jo. O'Rourk€, Pblla. AC, fii36 3tco 5Ot36 XXCA 3-rAIr 3.9-IIIE BCIAY:VEn" (aI,6olal Evart) 15. rraacts ca!v!r, ?h11.6.Ac, 53:ltlt 5:0o 18144 1. (tlouceat€r Courty II,ICA (!ert Dihlstrca, Paul. 16. Ri.cbald llerels, PbILa.AC, !4:O! 6:00 L8:05 Salter, W!. f,awheE); 2. Csd.c! Y}{cA #r (Larrt l?: 3e! l,hl.trsE, u.nst., 1+J3 'l rL5 \6t58 E ldcrron, Ralph Cra,er, Josc Torr.3), 3. thor. 18. Frark Frtck, so.Jerscy Tc,5l+:22 foroo !4:22 Ar.a YlcA (Ctfbcrt BlsttllaDn, llb. l{oldlaureE, Illb 19. 3!uce JolDso!, chtchcotcr, !4 rU+ 8:00 lt5:4lr Fo!r1!o); 4. Cad.c! 1XCA # (Prq]', f*!, Soilauo) 20. C-urt Ol.afsen, Pscers AC, 5\r\7 2,6 52t\7 Notos..,Gar:r Reader is a firsl, yoar stu21. Tco oalcr, ItE! AC, ,rr7 e$. I+\t57 dent at Br.andyrdlno JunLo! College ln Wll-22. St l'e Poalrgary, Ch1cb.st.55:13 .rO:OO lr5:13 mj.ngton, Deleware--a school- {hich has no 23. llc TeysaDdt, sfle, 5rt26 fr126 track or cross-countrxr team..,south Jer)+9t2e zfr. Jt! Kost r, phlla. ac, 55|37 6.15 't(}o s6y Tc ?unner:s dominated th6 l+5th a!mu41 25. It1cb 3r'adley, una., 55:lro 10:OO 45r{O ovent..fhird pls.ce flnlshor Dr:. LarrT 26. Jcriy Kanc, PhLIs, Ac, 55r5o 3l+5 52to5 D€laney 1s a physlcs instructot" at Glass2?. Jo. Sicf,sDowlcz, Phl1a.AC,55:51 1:45 54:05 bono State CoL]-€ae...Heru"v Yost won tho 28. I,!4r Eatl"ey, ?sacr6 AC, 56ttl 4t3O 5Li57 38-and-over alrard & flnlsiled s€oond.



,rc, z5:4O; 13. John rsllscc,

RAA, 26:4gt



8, 1968- Larry olser of thc s?onso!- ?hlflp Cl.eDD.s, wa., 26:J6; 15. rhrk rlggarty, lng l{orth leilfor1l Club raceil ovs! Boatoa'6 ntc, 27,ort 16. Joselb Geffh, Brockton Ac, 27rtl Franllln ?a!k tn cotd & rl-DdJ reatber to acore f,7. Jobn Ke].so, l.{et AC, 27:!+; 18. tohD 3rook., a 106 vlctory. Accodlhg to lred Sroi.lrr "th€ Srocktotr AC, 27t2o; 19. le. Eanslury, Sl,ertanr corEee vas as near to 5 kllos as r'e co|rldl get AC, 4.32t 2Or l,lh. ctDrs, uoa., 27:lrlr, 21. Bm lt vlth a csflbrateal sleealcuet€r. " Ttlrby-fLve EaILock, u!a., 4 tSIt 22. rEvld Klnr"n, una., trophles aweded 6s veLl aB Eetlals to aLL flnl 21t52t 23. lll]jllan Crst toD, \rE.,4t56i 2\. Robert Cestu, M,!,, NuC, 27t57t 2r. Chuck Cotaolt 1. Larry olsen, Nl,tC, 15:fO; 2. Charles lAgulr. S?srtaD AC, 28t05t 26, J\r].lan Slegel, rt{C, 28:3, sl)artan Ac, 15120; 3. Gcorae conefrey' lrock- 27. George CorEey, S?artan AC, 3f:09; 28, l{b. ton Ac, L5:21; l+. Louts E, Pau.l, lGt Ac, ]5:25 Thd?son, ltllc, 32:.I8t 29. Stgdrna PoAloz4y, ruC, 5. Kevtn Eart, Brocktod AC, t5:32; 5. Pet. 35t2lj 30, Ir€d 3rorn, sr.r xc, 35:44. * Courae a bit Bhort. Sertol-ottl, Sl)ertar AC, 15:37; ?. Rtchad Ctap", MC, 15:53j 8. Robert ne$ey, lll{C, 15: MI.'ERCXE I{1]1S I'{ETROPOI,ITAII AAU SR. 3O-IIIIO TITIE 59j 9. M\e Keaney, ud6., 16:02; 10. Rlclard lrbccnbs lbrr Park, 3rorx, N.I., suday, Dec. 15Packa:i, BAA, 16:1.3; 11. lbrry O'Ciady, u!8t., I6;2rt 12. }.{tke riio, 3-AA, 15:38; 13. Dr. Dave Gary l0rbrcke of the MLllroBc AA von the Sr. Xd, vorthed, flMc, 15:42t ll+. John ltsllece, 3AA, 16: AAU 3qh cbaqtoDshtp over a snolr coycrcdl coule lr3; Lt. Tcll l'&gutre, sI)sltall Ac' 15:!8; 15. gal6 force rlaak. 1n m" veather 'Ltbclockcd 1:51:46.5 deaplte tbe T.l}e ltlLlrosc ace Robert Cantu, M.D., l{MC, L625'lt I7, r|lkc Crlffla, uDa,, 17:06; L8, Jobr llaffe!, ula.r 1?l1O; gllplery foothg & von by ol/er e haLf nlLe f,rcm 31L1 Gordon, St. Anthony'e Jr. rGt. .AAU 25kn 19, !llr. GiDrB, !aa., t7:1.2; 20. St€ve Bu]€a!, chaltl)lon. Erlc warther (St. A3C) was ttr6 fl.st B!'?', L'l|22t 21. idke raggady, nt.{c, U:32;22. Pauf lrclpuahlln, Ulle., 17:33; 23. nevc XlIIEor, .l1atb1e rum6r to ftnlsh for the Jr. l,{.t. AAU BAA, Ut38; 2l+. Robear }{:$enee, ura., 17142; 3Ob bltle & tlrua beccees thc cbanplod at that allstance. A flei.d of 24 brav€d thc cola veatber 25. Robert Ia.lebee, una., 17:48; 26. Ib1'e LonAton, 3,qA, L7'.52t 27. Rl.cbard lbottle!, uaa. & 2l c@plet€al tlre couae. llle I,rlze6 for the I7t53t 28. Geo. Lattalu.lo, I{uc, 17:14; 29. lece {ere aonat€dl by Ben Melka8tan (l{lllrose AA) ln Dedorv of hls ioth€r neleD. The flrst Eweno, l.ma., I8:26j 30. Steve Glr)ns' unat., yeteraa over 45 Jleers of 6ge to flDlsh $66 BIIL 18;2?. ()+3 finlsbers) --?r.ea 3rovD, sr.-ti. Ctraq)1onsh1p: L, CharLcs I.Gglr1re, Spar'tan CoJic of thc l{tlfro8€ ,AA ln l.?th ?lace. AC; 2. louls E. PauL, lGt AC; 3. Kevlt! {af6, hrlrcker lrl lrlnnlna the rece & tltle, ttrua Datle a sl'eep of 4.1-1 lret. ,qAU aeDlor road rurBlockton AC. llDg tltfes havlng lrevlously captu.reit thc 15, n, 25kn & DarathoD tltles. Vlc DJrgaIL, l.{1}].5-MIIE CROSS COUNTRY HJN VOIT B! GEORCE C los€ A.A.is 1955 OryE! an l)erfollea the sa,!e EallBo|l, l6ss., Dec, 15th- (icorge Conefr€y & clr!.! ffood .a4 61ali by sldl. for fou! ].al,s ol a fcat tn the l9'Ois and tou Cresory, M11lro6€rs fll.e 1ep f1a-t course and tbed CoDefr€y hatl to 1932 O{yrqrtan alltl the 6ase 1a tla 194016. TeaB: L. 9t. AnthoDy's 3C, 2-3-5= I0; 2. tBU6bos }ls r|elghbofa that he i'as a gooal runnc!. rose lA, 1-4-98 1l+; 3. Itaited. AA, 6-7-8* 2r. Ee blesteal svay o! the fast 1ap to score by Coursc: $.o raps of 5.3 d1€6 & tvo lats of 4!l. 100y over the 3AA runner. Tbe !u.a taa sponsor_ eil by r,'1.&er Conefrey vtth tbe ald. of the Een- 1. Gaiy litrbcke, XAA, f:5l:4b.5; 2. B1IL Gordoo SI.A3C, ,1r55r22; 3. F1c va1th6r, St. ,43C, sod rnerchants. Itle Colefreysr ?tovtd.ed th.1r 1:55:45 (Jr. cla4));4. vhce cblapletta, ura., h@e for cbaaglEg & aft.r tle ruB ser'!'eal of rofregblents. IIL of the 30 starlers recelv Lt56.5Ot 5, JobI CarLelp, MA, 2:Of:25; 5, tose dit a prlze. F ed Srovn cMents ! "Tbey lail ov- VelsBqucz, St. ABC, 2:O2rO\ (2nd Jr.); ?. ton LlDdsur, st.Agc, 2to2:I5t B. BLIL Tqylor, conlr. er a bundrad srtrle6 but I gue63 tbe coLL, zto\t!5t 9. Jo. BurDs, Ilnlteat lA, 2:05:53 (3rd ovcrcast h€atbcr wlth snov lrealtcted by our lanebralned N.X. foreca8t€rs kel,t 4ry of then Jr.); 10. Erlrle lttvas, IIAA, 2:06:50; LI. Roger Clark, (lAA, 2:IO:34i 12. l{att Co].a, qucclsboro avay. A k1!al nelghbor aotlcl!8 ry €Dfeebl€al ld8 }ouse CC, ztr?:'J-; 13. JtE BorLe6, A.lba!y, lI.Y., condltlon at the f1tr13h tooL Ee lnto 2:13128; 1)+. ?c& CadeloE, flest Slde YtiCA, 2:l5l & fstl ne a@e beer. lhat lind of dan f, kI]or' 02; 15. Ico! E@eyer, una., 22].5t25t \5. ka v111 go to heevenl " lfs]kaslan, I'AILroEe "qA, 2:UrO4; 17.3111 CoJ'r]e 1!a.,:: t. l{orth aafod Club, 28i 2. 3!ockto! I'AA, 2!3o:2o; 18. P}11 Poun, LnA, 2r3l:05j 19. AC, 37t 3. SpartaD aC, 55. Ilat Clrulnlck, UAA, 2:38rO5; 20. Dcn BsLsaEo, Ac, 23128; 2' B.ocktoD l. C€orge conefley, Sjrracuse TC, 2t3rr8t 2L. ralt Pats,\y, St. ABC, Cryrm laood, rAA, 23:U; 3. I-6iry Ircrotx, NllC, 2:56:08 (2nd Yet.) tlG'- Kur.t Stetner, rFC; 2l+;29; 4. Tm JasEltr, Ni{c, 24:31; ,. oharlcs (evtn tlu ltclLalsy, -AlbaDy, [.Y.r 3erlll. Iaufge8, St. 2il:37; 5. Sari, 3AC, XaAutle, Spartan AC, .Allth, tc. --Joc nel,rrerllan-2!:l+9; ?. Robert Eersey, ln{c, 25:39; 8. ?sckard, BlA, 25|rIt 9. ,.o\fi Paul"' l€t AC, rOULD YOT' B&IJWE A I.O[G DlsTAtrCE 16 OII IIT{E? 2rt55; I0. RlcharA C1aID, trMC, 25:59; l]". K. 1969 coda be thc yc6! to get back oo schetlulcSiacey, 3AC, 26to3t ]:2, thcosB lG€u1rc, $c l.lsh all a sircc.safu:L llcv fea!. Decedber


7tb AX IIAL EOIINAI 6 Park. Harrford. coDn., Decenber l5r 12 Noon coN$EcTICrlT ArqU X-C Cm ps TIARTFORD TRACK CLIIB







ELrsh| TC. jO:05 2g:3J Spurting, EushiAC,lO: zo 21:05


31:lB 2. alcb 3r:54 *1. coltaie.r NMc, Lo:50 21:33 4. lg]and Blu sch"ab. NyAc, to:lo 21:[t 32:Oa 5, Eenry Darlcek, Srroreltne Strtde.s, 22:31 33:1, . Andy caDpbelf. u[a.. f1: 6, rrt)2 23trg /. w11.1 (i€gnon. flad.TC, fr:l) 23:33 aisa 6. Pjter_-Barres, unat., IIt37, p3;)+2 35:18 35.:35 9, John II'.rrLeyJ N!fC, U:46 2t+:Og 36:02 lo. Rjch riarlr,. ccAA. tr:36 2L:31 j5:32 r1. Iiarry l,leye.. Morgan HS, 36tt!6, J2. IlJe )6:55; 13. vln Fandetti, Nr,tcJ ?L:!"ry,. l?:2lj tL.'1'.. Jobn Jerek. MC, 17:49: 15. Don woy_ ll""r l*. . 3raL t 16. BlLr rribou. w\a. , 39t5a

ftrsl]nacJ and the Creenbaun brothers of the VSC. is a nev course out frcm St. Stelhens Epts_ _copal E,S. to tbe ttatlonat },lasonlc Tbdl,le and back over the streets of Atexarldlta. l. car l.{lffta,lrs. r,/SC, 31:t2j 2. Jln Dare, IXSN, 32:26; 3. Jtn Creeo. 3l+:Otj L. Clrartes Brovn, 34:


02;-5.' JI:21;-6. Bob l'burston, 3t:31+; Ib€rt A-ke.3!:LZ: 1. .tsob Dcorbroski. L Jobn l.Ilnstov, 35:Ii; N:rier. 3r:2?;_ro. ceorse nr6l@ec, ?: *:Tf ,o:eyj I-1. 8111 ttuffen. 36:l+2; 12. pau.t Ipach, 37r09r 13.. csrr Eee-ter. 3/:2L; fL, usrtr_o creen_ oaun, Jo:t4j 15: Ititron creenbatE, lg:tl+; f6. Jr_G sr. 6r;rr. 30;30; S.r9: Fl:.: .J8,.?i l:. J8:LB; 19. xn:ris r,rcoonougrl, l::,5:v:: '.lishr. Geore-' PlriLLtps. 39tr7t 2r. Jon Eder!e-:toi.^!: sonr 4o:55i 22. Ray cordo!. LIt5Ii 23. atll insn, 43:2.7t,21.,CaIvi:L r_lderson, Ll,:oO;

?). Chet Ser_ kind, l+5:46. 2-MIl{ RIYL- I. Dic\ qr'nn, 1o:5/; 2, l.flke oEr_ r/. Hobe.r La-rabee. uDa.. rr0:ooj I8. Jsck Fos_ rod. U:O3; l. LoL )ejf, .-ze. tf : 18; r,. 6e;y 6_ pauf *".. Lt ?! J9. tlo:J5; carter, vlne, una., fI:39; l:t Steve I!4j l.Ler. 5. Bob tnjfs-"oDr 12:I2J o. J. Earl ?0. una.. l+a:t6; 21. Itarry Dvec. codk, r2:L9i ?. Jepf reTiner rl:oZ; 8. noU ' Sana_ ccM. 13;04: 22. Job! Llzsk, NMC.4!:12. 1.Jlo7j. ,. riL :-:_aey. rJ:apj to. R. cook, 131: North Medfo?d C.1ub von the tesl! avsd.; l{o LltJ9, tt. l,r.J. SIljth. :. rrI: 12. ehlp rya!, 13: Conn. teairs. *= 196Z I'inner, 13. Mlf! creeabrllE, 13:-5: .Ll. lrarr, n creen_ -4?; ffeather: f9", light breeze oE lssr fap. Ilhree Lr. Joe l{c.;e--lv. :-,09. (Jo ii;i;h1ap asphalt-cour.6e. Recordt 30:23 by Ray Croth_ l:T'.:':t, --:LY Go:'lon-er€, 1966, offlcjals: crrarre! uyioo, rraru wi & Bilf Sr{ith. --WillXsro 8. SElth, IIr-Rlc rTs nc R.;. c€o:se c. narsha].r 8.s., l:9: !a(16 church. Virejola. :;)remoe. 2_, 196g .'1{ HIIJ, !II}5 3-UII.E EAI\DTCAP RI'\r LieutenanL B:l-1 Cla-k. ;..::r--::o MarioesJ out_ llashtngroD Park, Denver, Cot orado. Surdav. clasEed the flefd 10 !: -.t!s -_b.ee ni1e6 on an DeceEber 22. 1968 ro A.t. rhry. 5", 5. snov'on all-vestbec tr&ck 1n _he Soad ..!!e of tL:O5. Bob grourd. ficp. Act.T, of nearby ;es., s:::E€:ieio. va. 8.s., Tlee ?1. ::-::!::8 E:!. 1. Jim ltlfl, .!/| Jt -dl5t+ >2:tt z:>4 E;T t9|j7 j lhe h:sl s j:o)Lers rinl6hins in 2. Roser Briagsr 22157 l+tl6 IBt\I Hlii":]":y* 3 3. Ttu Carlson, 23toe Z{O 27tO2 BiP clark, Q.r.jr :-:o.j ?, ca. i{ufi€,'', .r-:_Lt:. 4, sld A-r.llo]d, 23.:14 It52 2rt22 7ii rlSC, .Ir":41; 3. Steve Jac;6o!. \,8C. lr:25, l+. iot 5. Jeff caron, 23t22 It32 2I:jO g ueaLerberg, 15:lEj 5. :et?:Jeuen, t5:rr9; 6. 6. Derm16 KayaDauAb, l,i8rk garris, 15:56; 7, J:a Cr..""., fg,Oii g. 2l:42 J:35 20:r_r 5 Ray lhmbro6k1..t5:foj ,. Jeson prgu, rg,ii; ro. 7. Bifl white, 2h:03 o:OO 24:OJ 1lchas. Brosn. r6:29j _1. learr ose;od, Dcpi; td:3)+ d. Iee Courkar[p, 24:O\ 6:12 I7t52 2 r6:3sj 13. breJan rgan, r6:Lzj lf. {:h_1"*": 9, tef,f tunotd, 2lr:Og 2:OO 22:08 1o .ru $r. c_La1rJ t7:03; 15. Dlck 1i. U:O9, '10. Floyd codldn,24 rlf 6.26 I7:4, 1* f6. Dave schlosser. r7:r3j rt. pauteulrur r,eac;, i7:il+, r'1. Jeff uousnerJ24t\9 ,a2 L9..L7 4 11. l?l It"5..""1. r7:::: ie. Mlke o:rirod; 17:r?; Notes.,.Tvo Soulde. H.S. students, ft! EII| & zv. DoD Keele.. 17:3Lr 21, Jobn laughtand, WSCJ Roger Srtggs, etuded lhe hatrdicapper to capture Kevin -rriabi. r7 tL7 i 21. 8€rr carEoqyJ -. +Il12l xne rl.rsr tuo ptaces in the ])re_CbristDa6 psge, i.SC, 18:l+6, p5. Ken Behan_ Lot42; ^2\. I€ster arre naodicap !.u.rl over !€.!y 6tick sr,reeLs. 3_ 26. S:eee l'(artln. 2o:2Bj 27. Bltt trl"3,^-loi:u; rou-ng Ti-n carlson tnplove6 rtrh eacb race anat 6n, zu:J4j ?6. Dotores 8a!er.22:09. 1s cons,islentty 1n Lhe Lop ti!.e places, fle ls (oa rra ;!)- t. Nathar ;ottlcher, to: i:MII TF on-!y 14 yeers or age. Ex Cotorsdo lbil€rsiLv u9i_2. Jobn Plek8s. to:59j 3. Cerf HeEterr rl;Ooj ace, Eloyd Coctrj n rsn a beslly l?:45 to nud€e u:0.; 5. oeorae phrLrtps. i:.11:zu; **1"b. $hl9!sh, lee CoLrkarp (17:12) for rlrde honor6. Ji.!o Disc:u-l-Lo, 1_l:21; 7, Stepben Or,r1iE 11:2.1j L R. Cook. --Ir28j --R. Denl3ls Kavanaurh__ Joo Ebpersoo. rL:32; f0. Ray codo!, +:13; rr. 9.n:rt rrir,.y. u:3Bj ti DC AAU SEIIIOR lOrOOOn CHAMPIONSIfi? il;;;;; lbd lurkett, r,r:4o, (45 finishe$) St. Stelhens Eigh School, Afexand.rlal Va., Nov.-161h- ftr !ii111aE6r washington Sporr clubr TEEII are srrolg lnd1ca!1oa,6 that the Berkick, pa. roo lhe D.C. A.AU X-C Charylon_shtp over a Ixabr.Egj !-i!g Ltarathon card for nrrkey Day 'G9 :a:lry n1l{y course oa thls gotden fa_tf afternoon. h_ v111 include a l,la€ter's Race for ha.rlers j.rho ar€ sien Jln Dare. USN. finisbed secontl. Ihe tean over r.O. vllfred 'Bil_l', Eeuer is golog to put tlt1e !€s rotl by Wt].]ia.Dsr Jobt Wlnsfov, C€oree rhe natter before tbe Befflck Usraibon-tssoatattar

25 ROSEBOI,I! 1O.I,IIIE HAI\DICAP 9P99{99!}, L4,s.4pEr,r4, CAITFoRNTA r.oroo Ar{, BRoo(srDE PARK -}?6Q.. ++ra*ii+***++lt******$*ti***++***rlt*+*********+l|***+**t|*ta***ta***{!*}}***|.*n*l'****r TIMERS: LEo BULICK & l,lRS IfEDINA,. foby J. [ed1ne, Ssnctloned by _IAND--I



-4ls_Byl the LDRC of the S.P.A.A.A.U. ..12!q ANNUAT EVEN!. liretlTstJr . I"16dInE; !.Bulick +**.++i**+r***r.rfr*n**i**++*rr|trli+riltt*+****+**ir***iii+iir****+r***r*i****r]*l Elrlsd Actual RIrpsd Actual Btl1 llalloy, 9TC......?2t45 7.1, t+5 54. John B. Clarke, Uns...Bt:40 572 4c Joe lllhrly, SfC.,......73:fO 68t 40 Dan TonI, Uns.........81: 54 5+124 Chuck T11ly, Ur\a......76tAj 60t 30 Ken Stroqg, STC..,.,..Bf: 55 78,25 Bruce Ceatales, Una.....?6t12 50tt7 Ma rk Henalrlckson, LBcc, 82 | O? 5Bt )? George Paysn, SCS...,.75:12 Burt Rynan, STc.......82: C8 67 56: 17 t38 Eil Tuienne, STC.., ..., 26:30 6?t 30 Don Sawyer. Una.......82:16 1\t b6 l,ralt Frederlck. STC. . .76:45 57': 15 50. Qruz Lopaz CCAC. , , ..,82.j3 66t ot Skl' She ffer. 1CAC... ,?61SO 60t 50 " OCSF....B2: 35 6sr l5 James OrNe1l. BII1 Klrby, 1CAC.. ,. ,.??t1? SOtI? 62. Ron Wl se, Uns"........82:44 52t4+ Hernan Poiie1l, 58C.,.,?? t21+ t24 Ph11 Carlon, STC......82:45 5?t 45 Robert Tetrlck, SIC. ..?? r29 ?? 66t 29 6+. Doug maijl, ccAc. , ....82t 5? 721\7 Howerd Bsrnes. SIC.. ..??:47 Mlke Maron. LP/aC...,..821 68 5+:28 76.43 Co11n Culver. Una ..,..7?tLg 66,t9 Rlchsrd Ad;1r. Uns....82: 59 60, s9 Ray G1l, STC.. ........??: a1 6Lt 23 6?. Roland SImnsoil, Una.. ,A3:.05 6ai5 Kemy R6Aers. Una. . . . -71 ,1:1! 55t 5It 68. Freal Orsce, STI.....,,83:17 8Ot 47 Don Jone;, sic....,...??ti5 62t 25 John l,lenzle, Uns....,.81:19 83t19 Jollrl Halterlein, S?C. .78: C1 siteve var.ga, lIDC.,....83: 24 58:35 ?2t ol Jolur Tansley, STC.....78:10 Rualy Ga]'cla, STC",....83: 25 4t+; is 6?-tto Norman B?lnkhauF, Una.78: 18 t-8 John Whlt4ey, Louls Bouchet, Una,...?Bt 2? Bil] OfDonnell, STC.. .?8,2? Ton OtConnor, glc.. , . .78t+2 Bob Burke, LAID Pece!s79:05



Paul Flsher, ST$......79:15 Freal RltcherFon, Uns. . Zq:18 Carl Biuno, Una.......79t + lllchael Stewar'ir, tJdE, .79.2?

Lsriy Co1114s, BAC....?91 27 29. Iarry Smlth, Arny..,,.79i 28 Paul St€ ff, Una.......79:30

A1 ThonDson. STC....,.?9: 35 Roger Seymour, rcC . . , .i9 t'4'o Les Csldera, Ur\a,.....?9| 55

73t 7)+:27 63t 27 57, +2 6at 35 62t I+


4g:18r 5Bt 54

57t 57 59t 5? s6, Sg 58: oo 73135

tatto+ 5At 25

Oxy.......?c: 58 P€t"1ok Barley, U7]a. . ,79, 59 )4. fiailr Sax, STC......,.66' 65 nlck Va sduez, SfC. .. ..80::09 Oeorge I'lesnlck, STC. . . B0:12 3e. D.B. Oerue, Una.,...,,80i13 Dlck Cort, STC. .. .. . .. B0:1ll Eddle Kelth, CSLB..,..80:16 Barry EltanF, Una.. ,. .,80:25 Rltchle Ge1sel, SCS...80: 35 ++. Davld Vahey, Una,.....80:35




Bob Delnes,

John lagl1eno, Src. .. .80:ir6 Davld Caldera, Una.. . .80:47 Frank Freyne, V\a... ..80'.55 Ulk6 K1sh, SIC.....,..81:05 Davld l€Pierre, SBAC. , 81: 06 Bob JarvlB, LqPD.. .. . .81:17 B1l1 We1ls, SIt...,...81:18 Eddy CodorE, Ur€..,.,.81:31 Gen€ CoEroe, SCS.... . . 81:3?

49t 58* 53t 29

80:06 57t39


Jolur llac16s, U4a,. . .. .8J:41 Rloh Rsye, GTC......,.83: 57

On'llfe Atklns, SIt.,.84:C0

8111 Analerson, SBAC..,84: 0] Angus Goldlon, Uno....,84:05 Ga1en lLayF, una.......84: 06 Steve Spraker, I,BSC,..84:1C 80. Ed Robst, STC.,,......84:20 81, A1 Rees, S1f,."..,.....84:21 D6ve 14111er, wDC......B4t 23 A1 Caoper, STC. . . . . . . . 84: 25 84. Byron

Greg Schlck, GlC......85:&B John Wesiron, Una.,....85t 52 J1l! llanaltrey, SCS.,...,86: 31



Art T1n9,.Una.........8?:08



59t 55 Szt O 1* 58106


55t 55 79 t35 58t 54 A6t e7 64r l8

Potts, U^a...,..84:27

non Kurrle, PCC.......85:oo t ar'riy 01sen, LBCC.. .. ,85:30 a?. Rube4 cheDplns, Urla.,.85t 39 88. Stere Meclntcish, GIt. . 85:41 Darryl Keane, ctc.....Ast 46

94. Dave Rhoale, LBCC.,...,87:40 96. 97. 98.

99. 101,





56t 57

57t3n 54t 03 54: O5 .toi 06 60:40 70t 50 69t Zl

t23 7L.26


5? 127 551OO

50: oo 55t 39 57: 571 45



66122 62t Ol 5? to9 5l-


Paul Oerth, STC....,..87:50 72t20 Oren SheUey, BTC. . . . .88i 31 58t 3r }{lke llersnen, GTC.....89r Cji 63t 35 I€ rr.y Nease, LBCS....,49:.34 66tcu ThomaF CoIy, W\a......92,1 07 68: o? rom Wh1te, GIC........931 5) 69t53 Lee Bereaforal, DBTC. . .94: 21 ?9t 2r Bob Hesth, LP0C...,...95,. 55 ?21 55 tLr G!1e6, SfC. .. . . ., .95:39 66|39

104. 8111 Freedmen lVegas,.9?, 24

Dennls Va44e, WDC.....98t20

105. Ken Watt6, *l+*tlt:l*i*lt*+*tlfl!i+tlt**Itl*lt{*t**t}rfittt**{}*t$ttti*t{t}tSt***tartt*ttrtr***



6? | 2tl


79t 20


2. ROSEBOWL IO-I{IEE IICP. RUN. DBCEMBER 1, 1958, SU\EAY, t**+t***tlr***i***'t*i**+itii*iti}att.t*+t*+***it+,*+******ttrlita*r*lattttiatlt PAOE


FBED RITCHEBSoN, Saleslan glgh School track ace, who took top CIF honorE 1n the 2-m11e run, November 26, \958, et Lng Beach Clty coflege wlth s new recoral 1n 9:31, 6howed. h16 mettle today by blezln€t to a new RoeebowL course nark 1n 49:18.

at 4:55.8. B0B DEINBS, oxy, last y€arrs vl.ctor ln 51:28 ltas secona[ Itod.sy Ln the fest-tln€ colunn, wlth a peraonal beet In 49158 whlch are!'ageat out at 4:59.8 per mllo. Delnes anal Bltcherson n6tph€al 6tr1ate6 for ne€rly elght ml1eE beforg Rltchergon puIlod eway to w1n by 40 secontls. Both lrreFentedl a power-plcturo of relared runnlng - the klnd of 6nooth, essy nrnnllg nany of us try to lltstch, but whlch only the very top-conalLtlonoil athletes are capable of erhlbltlng, Plcturerunnl|lg cones fron great sDeedl pluE abtllti to !.un cornpletoly relaxeal, gonatltlons lrere match],ess fo! top D€rformances toatsy: the 61? was crlsp et 55 degrees, snil the breeze - dellcate anal refreshlng. The oxygen conte4t was at na;alnwn, for sta.tllng clear skles eppeared cle€nseal of all snog tlac€6. Just as a flne1y-tuned englne DerformF best wlth Droper nlxture of oxygen anat fueI, so allal the hunan meohsnl-cns 1r toaleyrs lace Derfolrn at top effloiencyt

Frealrs arerage-per'-o11e pace ftgured

for' nunetouF Dast Detfo!,rianceg were exceeaed. one of these nechanlsos, Joe wehrlv, ln hls eerly 508, wss ggtonlshed beyond. bellef to learr1 he had r'un the illstance 1n 58140 to lower by fB dlnutes hls own best €ffort ln thls run l-ast yeai. Hle best 10-n11e ilne before toalayrs evont was ln?5t5? at the Newlort r1rn on ltlaich 3, 1968. For Just a f1eet1.ng secona, thls wrlter, llnaslneal that Joe hgal ln sone wey lost hls way anal wandereal acrosE the goLf course, but that .lulckly terlsheal, for thero lE no I,€y across' unless Joe eecretly perfectetl ihe tFossbury Flop' to cLea! the high chaln lllrk fence surrounallng the 'rgree4€i. Howerer, e scslmlrg of the recoral reveals that Joe has ln fact been worklrg hard as evlilencetl by a connendlable Petfoflnsnce 1n tho rery tough Plerce College 6.?5 rnlaer. on Nov. 9th. Joe clrrng to C1:/de A111n8rs iover-5on Senlor Trackrs top perforners--by l9gg1r€ only by 33 wake--one of seconals at the flnlsh, lhls course ls a real iiteeth-grtttor t . BILL llALLOt. ese 42, CCA!, took hanallcap hcnors by rulrlllng s stesdy pace to cone T;;6€d wr-ih ; por6o49l best of 71:45. B1l1 r€n at Phelan andl cortered the 15,5 nll€ course ln 2:08:c7. IIe's a newconor - l{erll be seelng nore of b111 as a front rui]ler amorg the senlor perfornerB as he alevelope 6peedl. HANDIcAP BUNNIN0 !osee sgeclal problotnE fo! th€ hEndlcopper. The asslgnnents ale baseal on recent lndlvldual perfor6anoea. It tB 8ug8€eted that all entrles be sent In no later thsn one weok before the event. ThlB glves adle.uate tlme ' .to: f61r1y e\raluate egch rullnert s ebl1lty a earlouE illst€nces anal to asslgn h16 an o.rultable hanallcsp fwo alay8 before thls event an lnflut of 30 or hore 6nt!1es were lecelveat. A hardship ls inpoAaal €na[ these entrles fa11 to get a ale6ervea ana1ys18. SoBl€ runnera are tnvaflably dlsappolnted.. Sone con-Detltors preaent sn lnconelstent perfom€nce pattern, ;ltern;iely lullrllng well or bstl ln 1'ar'louE runs. !h1E the - ;o6u1ts In piecenenis Ln the hendlcap oiale! not €xactly aalvantageou6 topotentlEl' runners, onil thls slmD1y to rafely k_eep h1n wltbLn bounas of hLs known othe"s, who Dlace consletantly ln the t)pper 33t ln eech-handllcaD tun nsy fln't themseivee burdened by heevler hsnallcapE ln oriter to off-er -othe.rs -eorne sdventage runner8 ancl endl lnce4tive for sel i'- inprovenent. StllL, otborr, are high Fchool gnil they are sea6on6, track ;choolBt alurlllg thelr who colleqe tr6ckmen lerforn petfornance lt recordl sbeeni from AAU runs for lerlotl of tlroe anal no lecent bigh w1th luntllng availab]-e on then. Conseouontly they nay flnd thollselveF the Pack. hanAicap8 elongEldo tho deaaonoal allatance runner noe! the leaP of (HeAt'lq ,




nafil1toa, @tarlo, Sat., Ibc, Ll+- Bltatl AraBtrodg edgeal te6@ate 3ob FtDlqy to li-la tn a fast 47:35. After a Elle of the fteld "uDnlDa bad. 6pllt lnto tbr€e groups 1llth Ar,bstroDa, I'lnlqy & 3o1, lloore 1n the flr6t. I.lve ToC tearnate3 reD together 1n the secooat 8roup. ry fou! nllca Moo.e had. dropped beck. At tbe ebit Ar6trong su4)r1sed alf by brcaktra the feyoretl fidsy by 5s. Course recorl 1s 47:25 by p6ter Bunlak, TeE!: 3OU, idnd6- 30-35 4'b, r!o!b1€6 to flr6t ten flDlaher6. --tlck Es,Dtl!-1.

IlnLay, ToC, 47:401 3. 3ob l.,foore, ToC, lr8:O5i 4. ltlck Co€r:ke, IOC, 48:38; 5. Ian vain1.il.ght, Ioc, L8:t9; 6. Deve Balley, rcC, \9:Ol+j ?. Chr

Sreer, ToC. 49:10; B. I{1ck HsEItr, TOC, l+9:r2j 9. Rudl ct6fer, Toc, 49:44; 1o. John fDcen, I{aterfoo, 49:58; 1I. Srlan Drevett, EaDlttor AC 9tL5t 12. Helb Monck, 8an11ton 0C, 5O:l+5; 13. Chr16 fienty, ToC, 51:32; tl+. Cord l,ttchere!, EOC 52to9t a5. Coralon Dlckson, Esollton AC, 52:13t 16. Deve Robert6or, l{ortb tork TC, 53:12; I?. Dave S}lertdad, IiaElLtotr CrC, 53:12; 18. Deve _w16e, una., t onalorl, ont., 53.28t 19. Steve ht1sler, AfuetL lorces, Petcvava, ,3:35; 20. Dave loxox, IoC, ,3t46t 2I. Dav€ Prltchait, Brantfold 19, 54.24; 22. IVIke var der Wsf,, li6$l1tor AC, 54t25, 23. IruJcle Brlalger, ,!*, ,4t56j 24. ]ts..ge Prokop, Strathrcy, 55t08t 25. Mlke ttccstu, uia, ,5rrBt 26. Denllls Vrdllaraies, Itorbh York Achl]les, 55:36; 27. Char].es Saxetr, IOC, 56t!9t 28. l(ar]. l{er'6cherz, Gladgtoae AC, Aorolto, 55137j 29. fiuAh Coilloqy, Toronto gtrj.lers, 56t39t 30; Ken Laverlck, \&, ,5:\5t 3I. pat l,arrelf,y, ula tuillLon, ,7 t22i 32. Peter Ferrlgr U. of ftrelph 57:1r3; 13. Bruce Cleal, Toronto Srrlders, 59:l+5 34. colln Beltzr EoC, 6013l; 35. fitke 6her1daD, Em, 6o:58j 35. shane KearDey, Toc, 53:or; 32. Phll Analersonr fbronto Strldlers, 63:06; 38. Doug galker, G1€dstoDe ACr €t+:13; 39. ilohn Creenvood., Itghland s.S,, 64:l,l+; ln, rcrv Ser8eaDt, Flg}]fsntl S.S., 56:09; l.I. llhitcy Sbet.IdanJ EoC, 67:08; 42. SteveB Buck, Arrora tg, l+3, Ron !hcea6, f,OC, ?l+r!8j l+l+. 3i]] '59:OO; l,ttles






. *Ihls ls


tbo last race 1n &tarlo uDtll l.{a.cb, but there are plans for regular ,lllnter races thls yea!. }tUNc]3 (I DIAM) vf,NlER RIJNS (Bttt€r cold, lLo ll1rds 15-25 q)b) Cou:.ses: F].at. Anspach, 42, ohto RRC, ZL: !:! rXS- L RoLand sreve prtce, 26, ot'ro nnc, z5,z9.r; J. J6. Cralg KisterJ 18, Oh1o RRC, 26:.I2.2t 4. ,Irn C16rk, .15, li.llcle, 27:08.4; 5, wayDe Yarcho, 5l Ohlo RRC, 27:13.2; 6. Dr.. Robert llcca1l, 5!, ltuncle, 28:38; 7. ctenD Arspach, 1r, Ohlo ltfic,


29to6.7i 8. !,tiflts Pllerr 33, l.tlncte, 29:06.3; 9. [e11 Scbnottlach, 26, ltuncle, 29t32.8t LO, Dr. David Co8ttll, 32, ltuncie, 29t32.9| 1J. Dr. Arno !rltt1g, 29, I'luxcte, 30:01.8; 12. -lle, 3t11 Putt, 37, & Netl Jay, l+4, lfurcte, 1+2:39. *Unofflclal 6tarter, tlr Ir,rbert of Mmcle & fornei Blg lbn cbaq)lon la X-C raa the fa6te8t ttue with a 23:55.8 c1ocktlg..Dr, t&CeII, a

forE r collcgc lorEnast, bas o5, ucen ru.natng a tvo y.ar8 alal l.s he€al of the Dlrrlslon of ptysl.cal Blucatlon at la!. St6te thlverstty. l2-i{nEs- I. Kcn Sparks, 23, ln)ncle, 72:l+2t 2. Cbuck Xoeppen, 22, ituicte, 75:2?; 3. l.tarsbaLl Jon*, 17, Ob!'o River nRC, l7r25i lr, B1I1 Bottlra 29, Ohto Rtver RRC, 7g:1?, Notes..,E)ark8 Bteadlly pulLcd. aray frca Koe!lelr r.ho bas beer tralnlng sl,orsdlcaqr late\r & lras ne?er !rcEaetl. Sl)arks has }cr-sonal b.sts of l:tr.2, 2:Io.9 (r00oy) aDd !:06.3 (Elt_e). Al.I start€rs 1[ both nrlls flnlshed despltc the-frtglal veatber coDaltlons. --ftL Wturo.l,/-RESUIIIE- oUIF



IER )C-C UAET, l.{acor€Aor

Park, f,ouaton, lexas, Decc[ber 14,


Id & lrNDm 2-}[ILES- L la.Ear R\€rett. BeIfain, tO: r; 2. Jl.ury Kllpatrtck, Bettstre, 10: 15; 3. Mark Zep€da, Mt. CarDel, L0.19; 4, Brent lftCarllv, 3€Llalre, 10:39; 5. pat B!:adt€V, lteeortal, 10:42; 6. Davld. olfrn, RayburD, to:l+lr. BOYS

(50 llst€d. f,lD!.shers ) ADtrLr I,ITIIBSS 2-tfirrs

(fiEx)- 18-28 trARS-



r? {icl.tgs, ILiIL; 2. No:;"ttr Bendlksed, Ll:lr5; 3. l,lb. l(ll.gore, LI:48i 4. Bob Bcyd, t1:r5. 29-39 YEAIS- L, Cbuck llerwlck, 12:Oh; 2. Don Atvood.' 12:35; 3. Cle!.n S!!aker, 12:5U, 4. Don ReDry, 13:O2...rrO & OVXR- 1. Rev. I(e!.eth Barney 13:18; 2. Uatfy SlEpso!, L3:25; 3. Dotr Tbter, 13:34; 4. Lft'e1l r.{111er, t3:43. WO,lglIrS 2-1.{ILES- 1. llency Norvell, Caneron T!, 13:05j 2. Vancssa Dalcour, Hou.6ton Astrobelles, f4:23; 3. Codlle Hunrsberlv, Eoulton Aslrobelles 14124; 4. Vlrg1n1a !,{cDade, Eou.ston Astrobelles, !+t24,5. (r7 fhlsher6)...volGN's 88oy- f. carlLeeE Groves, CbDsron TC, 2135,8. (16 ftu16her6) Total rlnlsher8 ln al]. c1€nts i 138 (du6 6cvera1 unofflclal: ) --Itsacy Norvell, tbet Dtrector-3ND .IA?ANESE IIIIERI{ATTO$AL MARATFOI{ CIIAI{PIOI{SHIP

llr3l:oka, ta?all, Dece!6er 8, 1968 BlIl Aalcocls of, creet tr'ltaln, flfth at Mextco Clty, scoreal a greai r:Lb tn 2:L0:l+7.8, second f€€ leBt ever rccorieal 1n the hlstory of dalathoD runnirA, ftnlsblng aLtso€t tr.o dlnutes ahesal of foshiakl tltetanl (2:12:40.5) dth T6daa.kl Ueoha thtld ln 2:13:3?.5. Fou.rth i,Bs Isesll Alcay of lEkey yho fl!*beal ahedil of Adcocks in the O\.npl.c3. ADly Bwfoot of th€ Uilteil State6 vss an excellent Blxth 1D 2:14:28.8r on.1y a fraction out8lile Buddy Edelen'€ 1963 rark of 2:14:28 usde on the Britlsb Wl-oilsor to gh-tsFtck run. tirrfoor ras ri8ht up vlth the lesders et the turn, reached in 1rO5:27 but gradually sflppea back as Aitcocks nalntalned a fa6t lace cor.erlhg the retutr1 Joljrney s@e E1x eeconds faste. than the out'€rd tr'1p, droppihA his Daln r:ivals at around the 31 kn, EArk. Ailcocks $ho eerller tbls vear ]:e 2.12tI6.8 In East (ierEsny has the rv; fagtest runs th16 year & 1s the only rurner to have beaten 2:13:OO Eore than qrce. (6? starterE, 44 ftElsbed. ) 1. BILI McockE, 2:to:i+7.8; 2. Yoshlakl _uretanl, 2tl2tt4.6t 3. IFda+r ueoka, 2:f3: 37.6; 4. I6datl l*cay, 2:13:rr3.6; 5, A.klo Usa,!t, 2:13:51.8; 5, lnby Surfoot, 2:f4:28,8.

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Wellesley, Mass. 02181 1617) 237.2923

WESTERN OFFICE: 3lO7 Pico Blvd., Suite A Sa.ta Monica, Calif. 90405

{213) 3931025

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Y 6n E

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