1958 June LDL

Page 1

JUNE, I958

lrd Ay El FoTana D4vs I .. / -Lk qoso Ru saiuday, lby 11, I;58 "edLcs! Start ,:11 A.M.

qqq e! Ir$4


t, J@es F, Shepsdr can! P.ndleion . . 2. Rlcnard 5. 0r(:-, P;;-d;;e;' : ; : r. x:11'e E. la"lerr,F" -!iy rr uut\-r L, Tlons C. qya, E .a J_ . . 'o . AIoerr, Pte"I--J rp !e.dleuor F.av 6. o Uada-.a.a, FtvF-::o€ Yli A . !' ro:o /a"o.ez, 'o. -o.i.. S..ia6-s, b. Jees D. oF,in", E. dl.o JC , o. Pa I L. ?:sne-, an! ietu_e.on f0. DLr.io s, (1a-.. J!. , e. jr_/ AC 5 o-{J La.ra h' l I B.e, .a.ng, (.Iv-r .,-, r. \pt . . LoL: 9. _co.o, arcen"",5r/ Roao-R.aF.: ,, lL. | . Jr" o, -a rf, s..:o-," . r.. / sL. R 7F-..dF !a 16, D.."1"" . {.ato r 'rt -. .: I





l_. a, o. 1I:.. -ve €-., I !.r." orat':., -fL R ao.RIe., . . lo. cud. e D. 20. :'en.-eir !. Sirorg) nnaiiached (Sat,a lonr.al Did noi ii:ish:

a;;s;-ut-r-ity (2:oo) ijclr (2:rol ^c Al .eo . r.. rSr D-o-o 2,:O '

lYalrer E. Deike,

_"e s: I g,

lO,;O 9It)a


Eg ?


91:Jl+ r:1o:lrt ) 91.)6 r:0?:16 * 1 91rJ8 rtBt53 7 91:58 1:ltrU 10 92:06 1:16:51 12 92t28 I,I3.28 , )21L) 1:15, Ll 10 93150 1:21: tO 16 ,.1J.36 1:r8:06 1l 9li,!8 r 2!,1+8 17 95t45 !:!r:20 95''tt It)t 'qJ 19 94,)E 1: r8:51 I! 971)3 1:U:il 971)!\ 1:1t:56 15 |



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r,oren i4..11err rai lcade@) (ro:1r) ltitLia sere;j cdrm Jt-(i;loi-' ,tilt.d S. rn, cFr qoar_Rwe s lo:tsr

a o r.Jdte. 1Ii.-L-e. culver city,{thleti. club . San lenando Vauey toad,n.merc

Southern catifomia Riw€rside r ar

.l_ 8,,__ 20 . Q _ 10 _ ))+ __ ZA Sr,riders . 5_u-lJ__ JO ,t_\2-!t_ )2 ar0,oa d. 1.. .:e_o s".tu _{ "o- n,e -t i.., lon ".r. r-d ,a.,. ? *-, l .1.. .," lrs v.a-, : ..--r .i. .To -n " -e .. .is.o. .D.o. rle

o- .m c.o t. _-b... -:.s ," d -."o. ooe. .o " udr....5. "" \ -a- d , yy l" trc no "" J ,1 a| race, ard an "-In.st io.laL lack of '"nd. ar.:nqenexur. a

_ lri'"

": "-r -_9: .rd t. r.o I.:_"

a.o-. |".Don.

an . ." *. .:. -. ; !"- " .-r.a,.r -n-o.o.,, 1o.n4-ota-d/. o-n€- u ... .. --a.- . g"_",oo. "";-";"' R .\ .a ql.z. r 9-arF: "o r€d.;.r A., air oa nvsLlly surotr.Cs tae act.rat .porso$\1! ot tne ru, bnt chief credi! s.es to lrik€ {ish, Iont,ara,s fayorite so.. flro,isn hi; eJforts,,r,i r* t."ur.i." *." nad. d-railable--prires thar, Iar out,sh.ne the t9t? a{dcs. n*" li,""rr t,ii,i"i;*.Sierr€ Are.De io iall_v ln 15ih place. ntssed tbe alt€r_the_race festivities at, tne [1ensr hone in Soutir _a '1 dc.oao. ir: 1.

_ cI"l! :oF r'.- d.d b J,o S.-o.{.

-:1:.i;.* ' ':'rr tJ..:9-


n" "

_'eo '- a.r ra rnatua.." . | , ..: . de 1.s y."r, [i "r

takeoll necessirared ny +he p.rade.

_ --,o d€_:u;-


.Tuae, 1958--3 TIIE LO)IG DISTANCI


A ?LtsLICATION IOR RUNNERS BY Vol.3. No- 30. June, 1954

Recent distdce runling results in the united stales give us ieason to hope fo! colsiderabl.e inprovenelt I.!itorial Offic. 306 W. Center St., befo.e the 1960 Rome Olynpic cames. Noodbrry, N. J. (Ti-5 506r) v{e feel that sone of these stepped up perfornances keie inspired i! Ptint,-d by- Narvi!-- Printirg co., sone snail pa.t by the reading of 155 N. 15th St., Phila., 2, Pa. the various lraining schedules and race results in the nolthly editiors Rates: 25 cetrts a copy; $2-50 a tcar. of the Lo4g Distance Log. We all (Drblished nonthlv) know how one greatly inproved perforne! caD inspire his colleagues to Contributors this nonth: Don Fay, better things. Letrs hope re have (Aoston); Bob canPbe11, (Boston) i nany Johnny Kelley's, Don Bowdenrs or Max Truexes. Only *hen {i1I we Joe (leinernan, (Ncw York); Bob Craib, (Califorlia) i Neil Fa!!e11, feel that the Long Distdce Log has (canada) i George Irrown, (Baltinore)i seFed it's PurPose. ili11 Jineson, (Baltinore); Do! Jacobs, The absol!1e1y perfect lutrne! si1l (orcgon); Ha1 lligdon, (chlcago); aed never be bolnr though you can get corbitt, (New York); vii11a.d shanef, nearer perfectio4 than alyone else (Atlantic cit)');Bi11 Wiklund, (Iew Je!) has nanaged if you have the tine, Dick Bank, (Los Argeles ) determination and comon sense. So dor't run away with the idea that you need to be sodethiqg pheEoDef,al. CON1ENTS lf you are reasonably healthy, you Possess all that is requiled. (n. .1 Chamls. - . . ... Views expressed i! readerrs letters Jr. National 25 Pacilic Coast Confercncc !,{e€t. ...4-5 indi ar- rhat rh. rc* Log is d i0p-Occidcntal rv- Meet -.......-.... 5 old DimpograpbFd ^vFoPnt over llP progressing Margate city, N-J. 3-!,1i1e Beach Run-6 Log, but to keep ae need San Francisco, Cross Citt Race....7 infortrdlion on proposed events & resBritish Colunbia AAU Marathon.....7 ults from arr area's of the coutly University oi Chicago rc Open r,leets.? sprvpd b. ine A-A.U. Onlt silb sore llind Sprints...,. . ,....... . -........ A knowledge of proposed eveots or other I.C.il-A T&l Chanps..................9 interested perso!ts,ri11 tbe spo!t Modesto- Calilornia Relays",, - -. -.. -q ot Track & Pierd and l-otrg Distalce California Jr. College T&F Chanps-.10 Running develop in the under-developed san lrancisco statuto cross-city Run.10 areas of the U.S. G€orgia A U T&! Chanps.............10 idorale Booste!s :'Congratulations B" I I rro-F vuri rpal cdrFs-.,... - -..I1 on the neY Log. Keep rp the exceuent \pd ro-r A. qpring C"res....,......I_ rcDo-rioC.i You.s in sport, Jio Krpiq, \.riv ,I J.- 20 r,tr- Chanp,....---.-1. Buffaro, N.Y.,.'cohgraturatioDs, I caradian Marathon Champs.... --.-...12 think the trer pri4t is great. Lots of Conpton Invitational,,.... ,. ..,, -. .13 1!ck for future issues. I ei11 rry to Biitish Colunbia Centennlal Ganes-.13 send you lesulls if possible.r Dick PoJ.,onr- Vp-t ol' hdmpions,..,...,l Cohen, Revere, Mass. -. ncotrgratulations \, .I.A. IEP .h"nps................15 on the ley Distance Log, Itrs gieat. Central calitrnia AAU I&F chanps..-15 I only lopp yoJ gpr rhp kiEd of support \LA^l I8F chdnps,,...,. -...,... -... L i\dt yor d-se-v.." PFe.rds, Bprt Nelsun South Atlantic 4-AU T&F Chanps....,.lb rT&F Ness)... iTh- oew Log is re-rifi.. Metropolitan T&! Chanps......... -..16 I wouldn't be vithout it. Ui11 try to NCA,q T&F chaops.......-.......,....17 contribute sonething soon.i Sincerel), MAIAU a&! Chahps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 lled Wilt, Lafayette, lndiana. - -,The S r'or 5 Kr. Run.........18 nPv Loe is jusL 8rFat. I read the Log c.Dtral ^"liordl AAU T&F Chanps.............14 belore I redd the T&F I€BS. Whal AreatRRC liews-......-.,.--.........-....19 er conPlinent can be paid the Ldg?r our Readers Take Over.,........... 20 Sinceiely, Bill Jineson, Baltinore. Ud.. \ r J ---] A"c, T(' \ Bank 2l .. rReceived the qew t-os the Dast week ^otas--and I thought it *as'gr;de A'._A top not.h readins nust for the lors disrdbc, .doDcr . ' 34si \!:Nr loe xLarE;.r d.r.e.. RLNNERS.

lr--Jun--, 1958

i|h aMlual J, cotlroN EtuNtFtlJ t4R/.THOlt 4 tllllNllal, JIJtlIrn 2! ntJrtlalm ciia_it)touljulp .fllf IUN - Ii<hkill. Utu y.rt. lridav. :ily 10, 1"!9 - (2:.r:.rt,) .. lei..e Te;;. 1. eroming Iossj t.m,t.C. 7 19.22'.\ 2. L] i!n:r1.n-, :otion n,4, 1:20,ll ', lrhn'jff"rtf, BosLrn A.A, r::1,!l j;. John 3oo.a3j :.sicd !,A. I.2Z.12 5. Ted !o.bittj lry !i.ne!r Club 1:2].10 6. Ji.n Crecnj 3d6ton t.A. t:21.L8 ?. gieuc th.nas, lenn A.c. t:2L.17 r, 0.n7r1ei 5c.itoj 9.sLon !.A. 1:25._jO a. ildo 5.ar]1.rar lE11:!sc A,A. i:2rr.Cb 11. roi Cham!ers, shdarr.n ..a. t:?6,r? 11. It. Dare Pistenna, t!. telbi.J Va. Ir27 ,a9 12. laclr.l iacksrl. tostol ,|q t:2?-21 11. 'r.r'i HaFq, ri .tr S.nford f. 1:21.:l 1!. n.n layr ts.ston A.i. i:2c.aL 15. linc.nt (er!, t1i1lrose,4,A- r:?t.OL r!

15. IrudJ l,tenlez, ItT pioneo. Club 1:29.!2 17, lrahd Parnal1, :oq|)n A,1, 1.rO.ro 1U. Nat .irulnjct,J r,a ?ionce- a. 1:t0.:9 lo, E.n rb.!1.hD1l, ltl Pirnp.r C,1:l.,tl zu. 1rI turphy, trolon A.q. 1:.o qh tr1iie ar{a,-r! sL, (nthoo nr 21, 1:r1.1! _2:i.fa. r 4.hupJ Bosron q,A. t: Jt.ll 21. Joln aeir"anoj l!at."ach.d 1:12.f1 2!, lrLl Phinney, :{o.th Mcdfonl 1:12,21 2q. A1 stha, St. {nth nv's B,a, ttt2.2\ 26. 1e r Snitr, Si. tnr'ionv!s DC t:tt.ol 27. Rot(- s:.VerJ t{orth },]:idf"ri r:ll.Ii 21. stan liernsnr :f..tir t,€,tt"rd L:1t.51 2e, Joln rar.etlrJ st. cithorvts t:l5,lo rJ, rlc.b llrv3..o, st- adlhonw's 1:lb.ol 11. J)hn .on'ay, r.,y li.neer alDb 1:Jb.la 12. Harr.,- Iurpny, St, Antnon.i.s 1:t?.hr jt)t.29 ll, John Llrarr Bostoi A.A. llr. Joe yellerr St. Aiih.ny,s tj t:h2.9b 15. John Penberthyr Blo.nfierr.IlJ 1:trl,1| 16. s€h Jasc.!r,!J Penn 4.c. r:!h.ro 17. Patl Scbelt, Iloa.h ledfo.Ll C.t!!5.0t

lU. Frani rel]y,

Ieilforl C.L:h5.10 rnLhnnyis 1:1r7.?5 !0. John Linscott. iosLon A.A- t:<l r'l !1. Pete. ToddJ cartland SLEte r:!l.lo 12. Eugene iosetoiMr St. Anth. t:55.18 lrl. JoELbon t4oror, St. tnth. trb2.tt hlr. Ddiet llntap, 9osion ,q.{. 2:05.lrtr 45. Valte! DrescherJ si. Anth. p:12.52 116. Jin Crmfield, C..t1a4 State2.t2.53 !?. Ca.y Thompson, Cortterl St.te2:12.ti !d. lron lleleon, luttached, 2ru.1e 1st, Jr. Indiv. tl Contalone. B.t.t. 2n.t Jr. Indiv. John looras, B,t.A. 19,


Cus rotteako6J



Champions: Sr. InihoN'6 B.C. (!:T"rTean I.I*I9, Kerr+, Rosetua, r4orro4r)



Fishkill ll.r,e$: Ihe ra.e @s he]l untter the auslices of ti. 9ishk 11 Jn i.r Chafrjrr .: Comerce!.. I.cal nc..hantis pre:rerL:n 25 iJrii, lvi lDal lrizes in adtli 1,i.n to Aqt cta-rt.E, r hedals.,. laliiil,. ir,Frovln:], Al C.nte1]n. 1€d t.ss !y a siep 3t, l.e 5-hrl..ar!: in 26._?1.1) It.ss s'!ep?.d out l. i 5:$ lead at iihe lc-niL: i3.r:, cl.cling ll:ai.! to Codfal.rcis 5t:q6, o J: 1 te. win 5y qpproxinal.ly iro! yar.ls(ore. ttie sho5 ? o !.06 t L, . t". ..- c sL..t--s, 8 iace nirectorj iieoree touri. lecent,Ly rcved uo ll.dda anc the n€d Cirectfs in arrr;nFilnr ro lehsthen the co!.se f.on 15 Bit€s rr 2; kiios acLrallt slb.tened it a bii... eicellent p.izes, reir$hnert,s &lt faci1ities... It ,as tle ihlrd ri! 10. iioss, ! ine old Dulch iomJ located allroxinately 20 ni1€s abore i.Iest, !oinr:, (.1, a1.!: the ttuds.n ltiver. Sat., l{a/ 2L - oltnlic llevelopnent, !&I I.!ee! at so' L.F olpp.. "atL:no,, v . - t77 aa|_ ye.)".naltior3 Olrnpic Cl,rb ace, !a tft hiles ln ?:Oi.!j ihe fasiest evar recorded on a local t!a.k to highliehN the h.ei. Sa,:rer tini€ied '. , , t-l ru -, _ .. .e .oss-io .nL:y .. -o{'. C3: -qL r t. d & aL- Pr€-c&L! p-r .., | , , ^,i. toD-. .. l/a MiIe nunr 1. Pad ShemalJ cross-countrr -1!b: \. vF.-Jq-sLlc-, lo.lrn Slar-: va -u n, Morean State. liie: : r1l.l Vecolver, 8.C.,

May 2h- EverSroen CobfereDce Tean: 1 L"lhit@dn aolege, oa; 2, Fastern trEb,rinc1or, dL.: l. 4I-sLeT rash:nc],on, JSri

v. .r a.r',s. oru-b a, .,: !L", . ir-" a-p"rrerJ Fn-.r 2. D!a1" vr'e..:;;; {. Lr -olq in, u€.. t,r-t lt2)-)..880: r. , _. oe ]larisJ It9Cj 2. l,like lllegire, C!E;_t Duee t1yletbe.s, s,,IcE. Tine: 1:55.8.. 10,Ooo Nete.s: t. Dols xyler calga.yi 2. rar,1 nEfrEil_Gi6Frc.; L Bill Ci1htu, Va.couwer. Tjne: lo:19.8 L.

calif.r l4ay 2lr- 28rh atuual pactfic ..:sL onf.r-n.6 "":_ . C bO_; Ca , lr.'; Ci,A, 1Or LMf . , or; a^-p n, p:; ii"r,"st", .- r^*". ao!.dpri carif.j 1:...?; -L.i: ll.-l].l:t .. Dol l. Jacl, la-son,,. qob d1-\.. i:a7.2r .. rdpta4d, Sr, : 8.b; I/^- rl.Ieo rJ scr i :1 ( b. J taps Bovdc- aorear<d h-ar-d fo a -ub- n'rLe di te. H s tjres a. r.qua-Lerr l€er 6ns, 2t.h.a, l:00.8 trd 62.9 \ora I ote o.'5 M r-r Hac FiLh n,n tor Lqo .eps b- 'a'ed oadtX rh-Fae1cr. Sra.rjnp -h- ..jL -.p the lear Bed had 20 yards on Jin oieue. {!,o had passed L1old. l)on rertrled r,htuqh rh; firsL cxrve ln eood styter bu.u he appeared to cut s."rije on i:he baclsLlaieh and ar.und the final cnr€. !' ra 1',-d nj-F.y oom -!^F s rsig)r ro !te L5p"J b, his las' _ao of 62.. rh"-Leo .: \i. ro aJai Berkeleyr



banier ihat only loreigle.s

seen able

P.C.C. conference (continled) Boqden's 4:03.7 was a new meet naik, Oregon's Jin Baitey, held the o1d .ecord oi 4:06 set in 1956._ 2_Mi1e:

1. Max Truex, USC, 9:05.4i 2 _-I:;; Graves, Stanford,9:19.3: l- (en Riding, UClr{, 9:22.5; 4. linie B!anon. Nashington, 9:22,8; 5. RoEer price-

Calif. o:14.5i Unoffi.rai tines f;r non-pra.es: b. xd Baldvin. oreeon. a:15; 7. Bob Mon2rnso. StatrforJa:47.2., rMirF, unotficaar times ror not-places) o. Mayndrd Orme, CaLt.. 4:15.4;7- D.n t€reuson. ir. os. 4:17,a; 8, n,irrie ir.arrto". ucr_ql 4:22; 9. tiorn L1oyd, Staqf;rd. 4:25.r .. 8_!!:.1. J-rry \..b-r., -"t: .. t.)1 2. Norn Lroyd, r:51.5i r. lob rlolldnd, U'l'A. Stdn., I:a.: 4, - ri-, 11.'rr , stan., 1:52.1i 5, Tofr Alderson. SC. f:53.2; (urofficial tines) 6. Bilt ltuser, wash.. l:5ri .. \\"y L-r01., L+, : r.8 a. Di,\ L-s.-l, sror., I: .-.. 4d : ,. Tprry'roo..,o. sdq.., d,l; /vr,1d\ oclbu-n. S', t .4t . )""v y, rr"-, , at. '!/.5::1. TF. s] ir'i s.,, ,o,. it. D:L l Sor'1p-n C"li ,, ,tFnols, o.'.-TFoi; 18.d- s-:t1, a-,r. Loc.br.n. r... .:i.oi 2. .alifo-ri".,co t. 4o.a, courd. r8.., BowoFn, i8,rrr t nu, a ,:7 .:r'.o; .. UCLA. ':lo.l: 4. Sr"a or,. Er Monte, Ca1if. CMinals (Scholastlc) 2/- 8a0. .-o^t.y, onp,o. _. Dahl. Sdnld an". t: r.5.- Mit4 ':.1: L woody i:/r.r. olD'on2. hL-s ,, :g.i"g'-.. rr,!qJon.4:-4, : r- I-ro\ \-4t. Ja.\ tutl..r.n. Mdv

q.A.U.._Open T&F,MFbr, Caronsv:lrH.S., tvd. sat.. Mdy rt- '/4 V\tp- r. Sr-r StraLss, AOC .j 2. Joe Pous-, BO, i .:2a,o.. Mire pu. l. PolsF. 2. CLy t'lhidden, Bo-i lr: to.. .. oo \ds_ otvnpj- CJJb ro F\.r! o,oerd!

24- Aan Arbor, Micn., Class A State t,S. ItF.Chanps. Mi rc- p6r pL:dy, C.oss- poir r. Hs,


4:21 . 8.

Davc Vilts of Lrh"dooo, Ohio, HS, hotde. ol rhF \dtronal HS aa0-yrrd-o..n record, (4o.u_ Mey 24) siBnpd erdrr.rn_uro " !urdre ir'r Univ,, y:ii" dFijrit-ri Loins ,o ::"d"-: "so. qt "L dup." Mit ts srdrpd- rF. hj s r;c -o rLn r,F,was..1tooded kith.oLtFe. ot t-rs. S.c., uL

u, \ebrdsta, M,ssou-i, erc.

aakerstield, Carif ., Mal 2lAlr So, Cdtjf. Junior Correse T&F Chanps: Tcan: Bakersfieid Corlege, ?o; conpton, 5!t San DiEgo, 4a rgus+s !f ro tu mDL) Mlle- Pon lf,rrieu, Mr, Sdn Ant. 4:21.4; 2. nisenffan. B. 4:,2 : . .8ao- KenD, G1enda1e, 1:54.1.2-Mile- Chas, C1ark. Santa Ana. 9:31.r; 2. Eisennan. B. 9::8.21 l. topez, irt. San Anto4io, -:J8. b; 4. larrieu, o:41.r;5- Tom !lan, ]jl camano. 9.44.2 Occidental Ilvitational- ! ri. May 2l- Mile: Reisbord. O:v. 4:I1.4:2. Adahs, Stfl;ers, a:14 .J, llratL, O\J, 4:15.8,, AaO: Reisbord, 1:54.2; 2. t^rhite. i:549i -, Ardai2, Ox) rJLronF irartcrs of the lA strid.rs loo bxt ras disquali{ied for erbowi!e) Steeplechase:1. Rodliqr;z- tnr A 9:24; 2. Adans, Stride;s. 9:43.9 3. Shepard, pendleton. 9;45.5-fi.S. Mile Run: 1. Ward. Lons BP.rcn, 4:21.7; 2. Me11ere.- p.rn rer jlall, 4:25.2; 1. itoiand.r_ _ luen te, ,1:25,4.. Sp.int MedrevOxy Vtrrsity, r:21.8 itailed in b1d jor oklahoha's ndtioral nalk of 3:19.5- Ty Hadrelrs 880 les was 1:50.i. St, Louis, May 24- Ozatk MU Teah: L Club of Lincoln Univ. 2. Menphis Orynpic Ctub. 3- !ts_ ah A.C_ Mir€: Norris p;tterso!. lnat. 4:25.3..8a0: Bud (roetr. rlsah AC, 1:57.9.. 2_Mi1e:-Rex _

f l;:,:t ""0" Girardeau,


sat., May 24, Schentey Ovat. pittsburgh, Pd. Pitt Z5 1/o, Ouani_ ico Marines 5t 5/o. Mire: t. spence, Q.2- Brew, e. r. MurDh\ Q. 4::0.7..a80j r. ripsconb, Q. spence. L:56-2__

3."ili;"'l'*lil 3l"5i"iiil'i:"?;, 9127 . 7. Karanazoo, Mich., May 24_ Mid_ Anerlcan T&F chanFs: Tean: West

Ei:?' uz*i'9!'e,ga":.ii Miani, o. l,la le : Ait Ev€iso1e, t,rM.4:15.6



5th fiitlual J. coinoi]i -{N 9i! tiAtrlTFrJlI /. lLlltolJt! J111.[i]it 25 !11,11I1IT!]A CE4llpTtISmp a

iP-l nU l rJeu for\. f.1,Javjjal rrJ loil - -iishkljl, (2:-r. p..i.t t. reir.e Te";. L, ".orliiJ 10"-. reu;.a, l:1'.12:r :L: t0. r. .iohn laff--rry, BosL.d )-.A, r,2r.,jt l !. Jobn ro..a6r :)str. d,,r. 1:22.1i r. er ofSiLLj Nl p1.f.:. -1.r 1:2r_t) f. Iin fre.i, suston a.t, tt2j.)!8 /. ltere Tlr.rus, Penn,\,C, a:2) 17 t. Cocz:1es scotLo! gostor I.A, t:25_j! 9- l1 o Scinlufa! IiUr15! rr.A. 1:21_46 ll, rDh:hel.-s, -hanaia. C.a. t:26_17 11. lt. nlve Pi-tenna. FL. Bclv, r, r,:, racksrd, i:;l:,1 ]a. ri,harr €:J rI i1r roJeirJ """'"" "-., i:2..:o .Li. .n !ay, rorr.n r.,1, r'. :4.7.-% 1:a. a 15. iincirr ?ero, l\1rrose i.c, I:29.rh

ii: Jiii"i"li.iit ii:i"i"^iil' i,:t :i ,d. rl3f lirulnrck, ll]Y ti"nr"r 1. 10,

z al. :/. :'.


1., t..c:h:ho11r ]]]t pj)x..r C.t:t..5 rrrl Mu.!ryr ito-Lor,r.{. t: 0.,h st. rnLhonr,r 1:l1,ll 'H'.1, "i* I'ffr!.r io4-nrc. /aston r.i. 1:lr,!1 t.r1 ",i.;nr, utultached 1:r2.rt North vFdfo--d



i;z/, ;'iiow:e.alrye:, ltrrth


li: iifl Siilijl";"liii.j;i;.., (euy,


lr0. John Llnscor!, aosron q.l. lr1, leta ToddJ aortland state

r,st ri! t:jl.lD

.fedfo.t ]:ll.1l itrn Ti-"rnlnr x..th iier!).1 t:1J.51 2". J,onn artuti. !i. cithony's 1:tr.to 5t- Ahih.nvrs 1: lb.cl Jr. Jorn Lon{ay, ltY lionF.r ClnL t:l6.lrt -:ffphy, Jz, Harr-l5t. !nLhonviE 1:l?.11 iJ. ,onn uray, 8.st.n a.n. i:1r.29 Jr. J6e Lellerj Si. {nth.nyrs Rc 1:ir2.:b r'. rotu renberrhy) Blo.irfiett,xJ t:Ll,1h 2d.

ld. Eek qz.


ttor , tr".tfo,,t "C.r,tri.fO

DL,ene rose@, ,JomLhon Horrcsr

Sr. Anth, r:5r.18 St. tjth. t:02.11

ii:,ltrii iiilift.?"Sll'-ff;. i;il i! 116. Jtn Crrhfield, CortlanC Stst.2:L2_il !7. oey Le.

Thorp6onJ corrlMd n.nn.r-i. uiart."r,J stale2:t2.il 2:11.r8

Jr. Indiv. At Conislo4e. B.t.AJr. Indiv. John Booras. :.t-a. 3rd Jr. hdiv. Bob cheher;, shanahan cc Jujof Teah Champions: St. Anrhonyrs !,C. 1st



iJoL.s: Tie ra.e h.1J uaef i,h{i arsli.es ca ih. qsnkjlt 'as Jui.. Charle..f

"t --r"

.L -,


r' i'

''__ .

D !

^t.._ t

?r 1 i)

r.ss s_v.!!.,] ort L. a 5l$ lead








the 1.r_jr,.

'lr!r L {in by alproximai:1y !0a yarls(cv.f tne 3hor! 1. ..d. -" J." ro-,Foro., ' . " ...- ., I t.."f"-s.., to.n", "'.'.''L'-''..'':'--'e'rT".J. I -. ia a1. cl- .."1:,r!t.n. Lo l-noi.--1 'la ".r- " Ir 1 i5 niles L ,'.... -/ .e. . o ..s .:/-s, . I -1b .L, a " relreshienis and fa.i1it,ies... It sas ihe iha.r rt! lor Ross, ia the olC D!t.h r"om, located alprorietelr 20 ni16 abore test p;tnt j X.l, a1.ni Lhe ]ludscn iiver. _ ,l."pj- -,o pr-1 t&f f""! 3L -o.. oa L rcr-, v.. _ D.-- sa{_ yd-. a . rc.. ,rao:. .o _.", J : r. . -t- ""31F-, "., - ,F-o-a-o o- a I c._ trJc . t r \ijhliErrt tle r.et. S.we. finijhcd rLlo ya.ds ahcad oa Joe RoGer a B,O.C. tearnaie. C" "- -,. 'shed Lh'-, & 6ds P.a:!nrr Dann r, . fo -r / yi 6 o.1:' , Pa-1 Sh--6n. --.5s-Co d .l .oi 2. !-.-rFoL, --, ".-"ai a,at"; ., va.-r,,,, MlrJan gtate. Tine: l:tl- I vr^oLv"-. 8. ,, \by 2l- -!e-C-een ont--"r,. er: L rG LD-rh 'o "e-, o;2. CasL. -, r. w"sfe-n UEs.,.p!on. 8. r. r. o. B.jL,sr; 'oru,b a, .,: I _-, i. 3"p-! -., f. I \:t--:,F:; E1,n .,ciirDus. " sLaa Ioioh r,.E , :.-: rr:2t-J.. g8: . 1"1€ sdrisr nBCi 2. t{ike ltigsrnsr chE,-t )uane Myterbe.sJ E$rn. Tine: 1:55.8., ro,ooo Mete.s: 1. ;oue (.le, ca p--li ,. p3,r u4i;;:_va;;i;--. . ts:ll c: t\ar. 9an^ .v-. T trc, )1. o o

Calif.r 2lr- 28ih amual paciljc ..€rt rmf"erc- , ay ",- !.-., ca , lr '; L LA. loi \raL, l:. l. Don aokd^n, -a|lc.i ':r).?. -j 1r's:., :17.?i L, ooo snekta.', s.j i,:18.oj q. ,J- .1t.." o. s., l,:1 ? -o- r.o" "i*-n hda16' ro. a .b-l ...Lre a -, Ht6 !ia"e:. "1p"u*. ae 60s, _:0O.tr ,:)O.8 st 02,9 .d lood oi ,L1L ,as siL. -ir to- cs t.Il€ t. Y-. L faocd-oaolJ Lh:-.afL-.. sra-rinE th" tas. r1p ''ie l-r Bee h." .0 /E-Js on, i. C.c .e. qho had passed l,Iold. non rdbted !t.o!,,.h th; first ''.ve In go.rsLyl", bf, '" app":.eo uo cr,, srrr,. o. he bacisrrcr.! al' a-.Lnd thp f na, c.-c-. raisr( r. !)e Be.keley,

dom.hF s LaD., b,' hi. @s . ap of 62.. rlHa-1": n s , .o ro aJa." break tlle barrie. that only fo.eign€rs seer able

P.C.C. conference (continled) Boqden's 4:03.7 was a new meet naik, Oregon's Jin Baitey, held the o1d .ecord oi 4:06 set in 1956._ 2_Mi1e:

1. Max Truex, USC, 9:05.4i 2 _-I:;; Graves, Stanford,9:19.3: l- (en Riding, UClr{, 9:22.5; 4. linie B!anon. Nashington, 9:22,8; 5. RoEer price-

Calif. o:14.5i Unoffi.rai tines f;r non-pra.es: b. xd Baldvin. oreeon. a:15; 7. Bob Mon2rnso. StatrforJa:47.2., rMirF, unotficaar times ror not-places) o. Mayndrd Orme, CaLt.. 4:15.4;7- D.n t€reuson. ir. os. 4:17,a; 8, n,irrie ir.arrto". ucr_ql 4:22; 9. tiorn L1oyd, Staqf;rd. 4:25.r .. 8_!!:.1. J-rry \..b-r., -"t: .. t.)1 2. Norn Lroyd, r:51.5i r. lob rlolldnd, U'l'A. Stdn., I:a.: 4, - ri-, 11.'rr , stan., 1:52.1i 5, Tofr Alderson. SC. f:53.2; (urofficial tines) 6. Bilt ltuser, wash.. l:5ri .. \\"y L-r01., L+, : r.8 a. Di,\ L-s.-l, sror., I: .-.. 4d : ,. Tprry'roo..,o. sdq.., d,l; /vr,1d\ oclbu-n. S', t .4t . )""v y, rr"-, , at. '!/.5::1. TF. s] ir'i s.,, ,o,. it. D:L l Sor'1p-n C"li ,, ,tFnols, o.'.-TFoi; 18.d- s-:t1, a-,r. Loc.br.n. r... .:i.oi 2. .alifo-ri".,co t. 4o.a, courd. r8.., BowoFn, i8,rrr t nu, a ,:7 .:r'.o; .. UCLA. ':lo.l: 4. Sr"a or,. Er Monte, Ca1if. CMinals (Scholastlc) 2/- 8a0. .-o^t.y, onp,o. _. Dahl. Sdnld an". t: r.5.- Mit4 ':.1: L woody i:/r.r. olD'on2. hL-s ,, :g.i"g'-.. rr,!qJon.4:-4, : r- I-ro\ \-4t. Ja.\ tutl..r.n. Mdv

q.A.U.._Open T&F,MFbr, Caronsv:lrH.S., tvd. sat.. Mdy rt- '/4 V\tp- r. Sr-r StraLss, AOC .j 2. Joe Pous-, BO, i .:2a,o.. Mire pu. l. PolsF. 2. CLy t'lhidden, Bo-i lr: to.. .. oo \ds_ otvnpj- CJJb ro F\.r! o,oerd!

24- Aan Arbor, Micn., Class A State t,S. ItF.Chanps. Mi rc- p6r pL:dy, C.oss- poir r. Hs,


4:21 . 8.

Davc Vilts of Lrh"dooo, Ohio, HS, hotde. ol rhF \dtronal HS aa0-yrrd-o..n record, (4o.u_ Mey 24) siBnpd erdrr.rn_uro " !urdre ir'r Univ,, y:ii" dFijrit-ri Loins ,o ::"d"-: "so. qt "L dup." Mit ts srdrpd- rF. hj s r;c -o rLn r,F,was..1tooded kith.oLtFe. ot t-rs. S.c., uL

u, \ebrdsta, M,ssou-i, erc.

aakerstield, Carif ., Mal 2lAlr So, Cdtjf. Junior Correse T&F Chanps: Tcan: Bakersfieid Corlege, ?o; conpton, 5!t San DiEgo, 4a rgus+s !f ro tu mDL) Mlle- Pon lf,rrieu, Mr, Sdn Ant. 4:21.4; 2. nisenffan. B. 4:,2 : . .8ao- KenD, G1enda1e, 1:54.1.2-Mile- Chas, C1ark. Santa Ana. 9:31.r; 2. Eisennan. B. 9::8.21 l. topez, irt. San Anto4io, -:J8. b; 4. larrieu, o:41.r;5- Tom !lan, ]jl camano. 9.44.2 Occidental Ilvitational- ! ri. May 2l- Mile: Reisbord. O:v. 4:I1.4:2. Adahs, Stfl;ers, a:14 .J, llratL, O\J, 4:15.8,, AaO: Reisbord, 1:54.2; 2. t^rhite. i:549i -, Ardai2, Ox) rJLronF irartcrs of the lA strid.rs loo bxt ras disquali{ied for erbowi!e) Steeplechase:1. Rodliqr;z- tnr A 9:24; 2. Adans, Stride;s. 9:43.9 3. Shepard, pendleton. 9;45.5-fi.S. Mile Run: 1. Ward. Lons BP.rcn, 4:21.7; 2. Me11ere.- p.rn rer jlall, 4:25.2; 1. itoiand.r_ _ luen te, ,1:25,4.. Sp.int MedrevOxy Vtrrsity, r:21.8 itailed in b1d jor oklahoha's ndtioral nalk of 3:19.5- Ty Hadrelrs 880 les was 1:50.i. St, Louis, May 24- Ozatk MU Teah: L Club of Lincoln Univ. 2. Menphis Orynpic Ctub. 3- !ts_ ah A.C_ Mir€: Norris p;tterso!. lnat. 4:25.3..8a0: Bud (roetr. rlsah AC, 1:57.9.. 2_Mi1e:-Rex _

f l;:,:t ""0" Girardeau,


sat., May 24, Schentey Ovat. pittsburgh, Pd. Pitt Z5 1/o, Ouani_ ico Marines 5t 5/o. Mire: t. spence, Q.2- Brew, e. r. MurDh\ Q. 4::0.7..a80j r. ripsconb, Q. spence. L:56-2__

3."ili;"'l'*lil 3l"5i"iiil'i:"?;, 9127 . 7. Karanazoo, Mich., May 24_ Mid_ Anerlcan T&F chanFs: Tean: West

Ei:?' uz*i'9!'e,ga":.ii Miani, o. l,la le : Ait Ev€iso1e, t,rM.4:15.6



5th fiitlual J. coinoi]i -{N 9i! tiAtrlTFrJlI /. lLlltolJt! J111.[i]it 25 !11,11I1IT!]A CE4llpTtISmp a

iP-l nU l rJeu for\. f.1,Javjjal rrJ loil - -iishkljl, (2:-r. p..i.t t. reir.e Te";. L, ".orliiJ 10"-. reu;.a, l:1'.12:r :L: t0. r. .iohn laff--rry, BosL.d )-.A, r,2r.,jt l !. Jobn ro..a6r :)str. d,,r. 1:22.1i r. er ofSiLLj Nl p1.f.:. -1.r 1:2r_t) f. Iin fre.i, suston a.t, tt2j.)!8 /. ltere Tlr.rus, Penn,\,C, a:2) 17 t. Cocz:1es scotLo! gostor I.A, t:25_j! 9- l1 o Scinlufa! IiUr15! rr.A. 1:21_46 ll, rDh:hel.-s, -hanaia. C.a. t:26_17 11. lt. nlve Pi-tenna. FL. Bclv, r, r,:, racksrd, i:;l:,1 ]a. ri,harr €:J rI i1r roJeirJ """'"" "-., i:2..:o .Li. .n !ay, rorr.n r.,1, r'. :4.7.-% 1:a. a 15. iincirr ?ero, l\1rrose i.c, I:29.rh

ii: Jiii"i"li.iit ii:i"i"^iil' i,:t :i ,d. rl3f lirulnrck, ll]Y ti"nr"r 1. 10,

z al. :/. :'.


1., t..c:h:ho11r ]]]t pj)x..r C.t:t..5 rrrl Mu.!ryr ito-Lor,r.{. t: 0.,h st. rnLhonr,r 1:l1,ll 'H'.1, "i* I'ffr!.r io4-nrc. /aston r.i. 1:lr,!1 t.r1 ",i.;nr, utultached 1:r2.rt North vFdfo--d



i;z/, ;'iiow:e.alrye:, ltrrth


li: iifl Siilijl";"liii.j;i;.., (euy,


lr0. John Llnscor!, aosron q.l. lr1, leta ToddJ aortland state

r,st ri! t:jl.lD

.fedfo.t ]:ll.1l itrn Ti-"rnlnr x..th iier!).1 t:1J.51 2". J,onn artuti. !i. cithony's 1:tr.to 5t- Ahih.nvrs 1: lb.cl Jr. Jorn Lon{ay, ltY lionF.r ClnL t:l6.lrt -:ffphy, Jz, Harr-l5t. !nLhonviE 1:l?.11 iJ. ,onn uray, 8.st.n a.n. i:1r.29 Jr. J6e Lellerj Si. {nth.nyrs Rc 1:ir2.:b r'. rotu renberrhy) Blo.irfiett,xJ t:Ll,1h 2d.

ld. Eek qz.


ttor , tr".tfo,,t "C.r,tri.fO

DL,ene rose@, ,JomLhon Horrcsr

Sr. Anth, r:5r.18 St. tjth. t:02.11

ii:,ltrii iiilift.?"Sll'-ff;. i;il i! 116. Jtn Crrhfield, CortlanC Stst.2:L2_il !7. oey Le.

Thorp6onJ corrlMd n.nn.r-i. uiart."r,J stale2:t2.il 2:11.r8

Jr. Indiv. At Conislo4e. B.t.AJr. Indiv. John Booras. :.t-a. 3rd Jr. hdiv. Bob cheher;, shanahan cc Jujof Teah Champions: St. Anrhonyrs !,C. 1st



iJoL.s: Tie ra.e h.1J uaef i,h{i arsli.es ca ih. qsnkjlt 'as Jui.. Charle..f

"t --r"

.L -,


r' i'

''__ .

D !

^t.._ t

?r 1 i)

r.ss s_v.!!.,] ort L. a 5l$ lead








the 1.r_jr,.

'lr!r L {in by alproximai:1y !0a yarls(cv.f tne 3hor! 1. ..d. -" J." ro-,Foro., ' . " ...- ., I t.."f"-s.., to.n", "'.'.''L'-''..'':'--'e'rT".J. I -. ia a1. cl- .."1:,r!t.n. Lo l-noi.--1 'la ".r- " Ir 1 i5 niles L ,'.... -/ .e. . o ..s .:/-s, . I -1b .L, a " relreshienis and fa.i1it,ies... It sas ihe iha.r rt! lor Ross, ia the olC D!t.h r"om, located alprorietelr 20 ni16 abore test p;tnt j X.l, a1.ni Lhe ]ludscn iiver. _ ,l."pj- -,o pr-1 t&f f""! 3L -o.. oa L rcr-, v.. _ D.-- sa{_ yd-. a . rc.. ,rao:. .o _.", J : r. . -t- ""31F-, "., - ,F-o-a-o o- a I c._ trJc . t r \ijhliErrt tle r.et. S.we. finijhcd rLlo ya.ds ahcad oa Joe RoGer a B,O.C. tearnaie. C" "- -,. 'shed Lh'-, & 6ds P.a:!nrr Dann r, . fo -r / yi 6 o.1:' , Pa-1 Sh--6n. --.5s-Co d .l .oi 2. !-.-rFoL, --, ".-"ai a,at"; ., va.-r,,,, MlrJan gtate. Tine: l:tl- I vr^oLv"-. 8. ,, \by 2l- -!e-C-een ont--"r,. er: L rG LD-rh 'o "e-, o;2. CasL. -, r. w"sfe-n UEs.,.p!on. 8. r. r. o. B.jL,sr; 'oru,b a, .,: I _-, i. 3"p-! -., f. I \:t--:,F:; E1,n .,ciirDus. " sLaa Ioioh r,.E , :.-: rr:2t-J.. g8: . 1"1€ sdrisr nBCi 2. t{ike ltigsrnsr chE,-t )uane Myterbe.sJ E$rn. Tine: 1:55.8., ro,ooo Mete.s: 1. ;oue (.le, ca p--li ,. p3,r u4i;;:_va;;i;--. . ts:ll c: t\ar. 9an^ .v-. T trc, )1. o o

Calif.r 2lr- 28ih amual paciljc ..€rt rmf"erc- , ay ",- !.-., ca , lr '; L LA. loi \raL, l:. l. Don aokd^n, -a|lc.i ':r).?. -j 1r's:., :17.?i L, ooo snekta.', s.j i,:18.oj q. ,J- .1t.." o. s., l,:1 ? -o- r.o" "i*-n hda16' ro. a .b-l ...Lre a -, Ht6 !ia"e:. "1p"u*. ae 60s, _:0O.tr ,:)O.8 st 02,9 .d lood oi ,L1L ,as siL. -ir to- cs t.Il€ t. Y-. L faocd-oaolJ Lh:-.afL-.. sra-rinE th" tas. r1p ''ie l-r Bee h." .0 /E-Js on, i. C.c .e. qho had passed l,Iold. non rdbted !t.o!,,.h th; first ''.ve In go.rsLyl", bf, '" app":.eo uo cr,, srrr,. o. he bacisrrcr.! al' a-.Lnd thp f na, c.-c-. raisr( r. !)e Be.keley,

dom.hF s LaD., b,' hi. @s . ap of 62.. rlHa-1": n s , .o ro aJa." break tlle barrie. that only fo.eign€rs seer able



1956- - 5

coaf erence (continued)

Bo*den's 4103.7 Nas a new neet nark. Oregonts Jin Bair€y, held the otd

recold of 4:06 set in 1956..2-Mite: 1. Uax Truex, USC, 9:05.4; 2,_fr;i;t Gr"\-5. S'onford, o.ta- ri Dro ^Fl 1ng, UCLA, o:22.5;4, Irnie Branom. Nashington, 9:22.a; 5. Roser price. calif. 9:34.5; Unofficiai tines f;r non Places:6. Id BalJvin, Oreaon. o:35; 7. Bob Monzitrgo, Stanroril. o::r7.2.. (Mrte, rnoirlcial tinei for lon-places) 6. Maynard Orne, Carif.. 4:15.8i 7. Dnn !.rsuson, OSC. a:17.q; a. !,lirlic charlt.n,rr. ucLA, 4:22; 9. Nors L1oyd. Stanford. 4:25.1 l. l"-r) c,^b -r. 'drir., r:5' :. !.gq: zNoln Lloyd, Stan., l:5r.5; L Bob Holldno. r^l'I, t: : r. _rnrp Lr rir'., stan., l:52-1; 5. Ton Anderson, SC. 1:53.2i (unofficial tines) 6. Bilr M.".hash., r:,1i'. r^"), f-. r,jr.e a, Di.k Las--1, s "r., r:55./.. ",", uii. r.i : t. Terry Tobacc., u'ast.r,12-1; 2_ Mi;ay coc"burn, s , a .ti .. t",i ,-.-., . a" . 47,5: a. re. s0ir,, s.. I .o.. vlr P:_ l. so,r1- n "1, .. ,I,nols. - f ._nl- 18.r- s-1t1, a .r. .o.\bJrn. a .-r 2. 'al ifo-r i",,'co. t, ,1o.r, \j. .t-. 48 :t.,u; Bowde', 48.a,'iern;. +2.1;-i,illo,-i.' UCI-{, 3:16.1; 4. Stanford, 3:17,. t2.01r0 E1 Monte, Ca1:if. crF !inars (Scholastic) Ma! 2r 8a0-, -odt-.!, Lo..o,o1. r: 4: oahl, S"nLb q1". r: .,r,, vi)-- ,. hoo ) .omp,on. r:2. -'i :. Jd-\ HLa..n, 99"irC,-. El caior,4:4. L"ror \""1,.url. ; ron;

4:24.7: 4. storv.


A.A.U..Oppn T&P,r./e-r,, aronsvrrle H.S., M,, sat., May 11- r'4 Mi1-- r. Srdn Sr-drs\, BO 2. JoF PoLs", Bq-; {:l8.o..2.MilF Dun- t. Rousp, 2. Cuy Whidden, BO.; l,:1o.,,,5OO tasI. Sl-auss,2, SrqD DLn aD, pat.or5r o0,1.. Tean: Balrinor, Otynp.i, .tLb (o -v-nr roe,"o May 24- Aa! Arbor, Mich., Class A State H.S. T&F Chaaps. Mi 1e, Ren Prrdy, G.osse Poirt, ES,


Dave Mi11s of Lakewood, Ohio, HS. hotder of l.he \dtional HS r4o-vdrd.d"sh May 24) cigrpd a PurduF univ.. ipnde- 4 sp-is "ao. it,r o-finjiFlv ",;," r pu-oup,n Mirrs siat"o. ert-, ti-;;"3-;;.;he ras ttooded bir. .ottcge ot ers. s.,., UCLA. Nebrasta, Missolri, etc.

Bahersl ield, Carif.. Mav 2.]A1r So, Catif. Junaor CdrJeae T&F Chanps: Team: B,ketsfield CoIlege t 79; Conpton,5Oi Sar Diego. 4a rgusts up ro lir mDhl Mile- lon tf,rraeu, Mt. SJn Ait, 4:21.4; 2. !i s.nnf,n, B, 4:2: , 1 . .881r- I(em!, cl.ndale, r:j4,1.. 2-Mi1e- Cilas, Ctark, santa Ana. 9:31. 1; 2. !isenhan,; r. lopez, Mt. Satr Artooao, q:J8. 4. larriru,9:41.1;5, Tom 'ir Rya!. !1 Cahino. 9:44.2.

occidentaf Invitatio!a1- Fri. Mat 2l Mile: Reisbord, Oxv. 4:tr.q; 2, Adans. Striders. 4:r4 L l4hire, O-t, .+:15.a.. 8bO: Reisbord, 1:5.1,2; 2. i{hite, 1:54. 9; :1. Ardaiz, Of,' (Jerone ltJatters ol the LA Striders (on brt was disqual ified for etbowine ) st€epleLhasP: r. ?odriau;;. ucu q:2.1i 2. Adrms, Strrders. g:41.9 3. Shepard, pendleton, 9:45.5., H.S. Mile Rxn: t. I'rard, Lone Beach, 4:2:1.7i 2. Melrsren.-porr ter Ha1l, 4:2-5.:; :1. Molind;. Puentet 4:25.9. - Sprint Med1.v_ oxy Varsity, 3:21.8 (faited i; bid for Oklahona's lationat nark ot r:1.,i Ty FadtLr's 8dn rca was 1:i0.5. St. Lorisi May 24- Ozark AAU Tean: L c1!b of rincoln Univ. 2. UempLis Orymfi. Ctub, ,, rrs_ Jh A.C. Milei rio.ri5 p;ttersondnat- 4:25.:..480: Bld (roahEtsah AC, l:57.o. - 2-Mite:-R;r Girardeau ! Mo., {ll;:;t "*.


May 24, Scherley Ova1. pit_ tsburgl,, Pa. Prtt 75 r/b. o;rn+_ ico Marines 55 s/u. Mare; r. Stence, Q,2. Brew. u..1. fiurDlrr Q. 4:20.?..8a0: 1. ripsconb, O. spenc€. r:56.2,. 2-MiIe: 1. Alex Breckenradse O 2, Vince.rarcn, p. l- Jonr-K;pit,

(alanazoo, Mich., May 24- Mid_ Anerlcan T&F CtranDs: Tean: liJesr

Ei:!'uliirglt8,!i":uii M1le: Art lverso1e,







Obetlin, Onio, May 24- Onio Conference College a&F Chanps:, Tean: Ohio wesleyar ,18: Ob rlin, r'- lO:."pi1. , :-. Mile: SLarp, l!uskineun, 4:24,q,.a81r: Gi11, Akron, 1:59.6..2-ltlile: cutknecht, o.^. .. sr"a ishdr ot,-,bFin, .:5J.o Arbuquerque, N,I4., May 24- Skylire Conf. Tean: Brighan Young, 77; Utah State, 27i coloraJo State, 26i xev Mexico, 23+;

l-.. 880: :drr L)-F, Lt h, r: -t, 2. Lun J ll. B,!,.Vrtp: Cri rirh.8,,U, _. Hag"n, u.s. '. r)i:;;;; De, a. t(. Boie.,oro-rr. 5, T. Jensen, a\ru, 4:2r.1-.2 !li1a: r b,r'. . pi -, urJI--Sl;i-, {. ^r,"iirn, Ilerube, Ncw Mex.. 4. llistop, Utah_ 9:53.4. Bloen{ont--i!, Soutn Africa, Sat, AD(il 12llarcld lt1ark, of Kinbertev, b.ok; rxe S.A. donestic fijl€ record by 2.5 seconds , - o : o. todd\. h l Ruuing br sFecjal invit;tion in re Northern Universities atlttetic chanplon sh1!s at the lree state stadi!n, ctartr Dettered the S.A. donrestic record of r: ll.; l"t i- ' d Dy Arhol .J., ir e -, ',D I 11 ia I a, Hi I n- w,,. LJ t"!rer thar Te.ry Sultivans {inrins tine at the S.A. chanps in Pretoria fiva days aEo. ' ah. s.A. arl ccneis' reccrd of a:iiiJ as herd by culnlLr Niels.n of Dernark, Jue 2, 3lst annual New Yolk City Catnolic t:.S. A-A- T&! Chanps Rardarls Iiland qg! Francis Ilesarty, st. F.ancis trelr, l: 6.2; V;l- for J rp -/, St"Dr1J.. a:11,9 ' ro -,,-rJ.d.r b\ Bo.s,"-r;, IoLB.rir, 1952); 440 Dous Tynln, St. Frtrncis Middle Atlantic Ass..iation A.A.U. 3 Mile oDr oun so r. rF .r \ldrg.r-,rry, \.J. ani ft -, cu. aJv, lun- t. -. 8 T. o Or r.- B^ . t "r Oc: n iog Ir1n .'q-LlllL" Il- roUo tin-"ll in d tight beach battle for ttre first hatf of rh. race with P.nn State frcshnan, Dennls than a coupte J.hnson. ?here of st.ides se!atating the leaders. But then Blrdelre gradually took charge 'n l\r .ood 5o , .no . r r r1- !, pF io th-- rer.\' good tioe of t6:31- Jotnson sas caught 1n 16:43. A total of 4o runnets atsweted the starting gun of Margate Mayor Eugen. Tighe and 36 conpleted the jaunr. Most ol thcn liked ruring over tne beach co!rs.. Tn€1 a11 used sneakers. The first la finishers receiv€d aNards & Pe.n A.C. w.n thd tean trolh_v. l. Luth€t Dlrdel1e, Penn A.C. 16:31 2- ll.n!is Jolhson, Penn A,C, 16:43

3. !ra4k Batson, lenn Ae, t6:49 4, Bob Wirtz, ?em AC, 16.52 5- Dick Svehla, Baltinoie. 16:53 (en 6. Love11, Penn AC, t7:07 7. Russel Bradshaw, PAC, t?:08 8. Morris Jones, Batt.CCC t7:10 9- J€sse Bu.del1e, PAC, 17114 10. (1aus Praesant, PAC, \7.t7 11, laul Sheiman, Batt.CCc 1Z:r8 12. Bob Harris, Jersey Maratho!:19 13. Ker Bi11eb, Balt.CCC 7?.22 14- Bob Chanbers, Shanahan 17:24 15. Albert Svan, Jersey M. tZ:26 1b. Dennis Voith, Batt. CCC 17:2? 17. George BloM, Balt. ccc 17:29 Ia. John McKenna, tAC 17 t34 1C. Michaer Snith? Balt.CCC 17:35 20. Lewis Snitn, Ba1t. CCC 17:39 21. John Cunninghm, PAC, 17r45 22. Charles Mcshea? PAC, 77.47 23, Dennis Coy]e, PAC, 24. Pat llaney, PAC, 25- LaHr€rce r\'i1kes, Ba1t, t8:08 26- Don Masken, Balt, ccc, 18:09 27. ld{rence lice, lerse} M,18:r7 28. Richard BuggFlin, !nat, r8.18 29. Craig Chaoberlanin, J. M,18.31 30. Thonas Ucowens, PAC, 1A::13 31. rarl Snith, unatt. 32. Pat (ennedy, Penn AC, 18:50 ll. Witliam McEthaugh, PAC, 19:Or 14. John Andrus, unatt. 19:to 35. John Uegakr unatt. 36. lrank Jolce, PAC, 20:50 Tean: Penn AC (1-2-3-5--11 Baltinore C!oss Counrry Club-26 .Tersey Marathon Club- 41 Annapolis, Md.., May 31- Navy 84 r/l Arm) 46 2/1. a80 Fred l4arch. N, 2. Ron Satter,-T:.1. Bitl ca;ret, N. 1:56.3; Mil€ Dick H61v. A. 2. Janes AdM-sJ, 3. B.a.i snith, N. 4:26.6i 440 Pete Bylne. A. 4q.5; 2-Mrle DIEE cieene; A. 2. Jose Chavez, N. l- Tie Bob K!!11e, N. & Dick winter, N. 9t37.6.

To!t/o, May 29 - Third Asian canes Marathon 1. Lee Chang Hoon, Koiea, 2:32.55, soq b' 10 ninures for'a nek Asia! Ganes record. (22 y,s. 9!d, 4th at Melbourne). lNliJ A4U l0 (i1o r{alk, May t8Greer Lake, Seattle, Wash. 1. Voldenar Grundy, uar. (Vancouver, B.C. ) 57:45.4; 2. Ainold o1ds, seattle oc, 5a:52.4; 3. K. Lynn, U. or Wash. 62:03 (7 fi!.)

5 Shatt€r 7.9 Mile Run Mark rrancisco, Carif., ltay 11Wilford (ing of the Santa Clara Youth Village won the 4ath adual Cross City race and he and four others broke the old record held by teaDnate Jesse Van Zant today. Starting earty and beati4g the rains, 34 ru.ners finished the ?.9 nile route fron tbe Ferry Building to the Beach. The runners used a slightly different course, but stirl the sade distance. Santa Clara Yv von the tean prize with 19 points tith San lrancisco AC, secoDd with 36. l- wilford XinA. Sdntr.la.c YV, ri:l' 4l:51 :. Pe'ndn.o LFolr Lrdrld, l,Fd, 3. Vincent Spangler, S!AC, 42t3A 4- Ch"-l"".urtis. SF Oly,or, C. 1J:14 5. oave Buc(lqno, Sanra.ra-a l.v 4,:,,i 6. Derryl Bearda11, Saqta Claia'r 44:04 7. Jesse Van zant, Santa C!^rz ^ 44.22 8. GeralC Joyner, Santa Clara W 44:53 9. Flant Vlolfsang, Satrta Clara YV45:39 10, Mike Deasy, SFAC, 49:33 Ir- Va1 Prescop, unatt. 47.27 12, Arne! Gustafson, Olynpic Ctub47:36 13. Larry Shade, S!AC, 14. Joaquin Rodliguez, SIAC, 15- Ray Mahalrah, SIAC, 16. Ron Apel, SIAC, 4a:13 17, Joe KiEg, Santa Clara YV, 18. Dennis Taranasso, SFAC, 4a:30 )o. lial lF. tdn 1"nt, Jr, SFA' , 48:r, 20. Robert Rice, Unattacned, 21. S. Jackson, U.S. Marine Corps4S:43 22. Johh Dick, Sdola Clar, Y\, 4!:4. 23. Charles Richesin, !1ying AC, 49:57 24. l,li11iam Ranirey, SIAC, 50:39 2'. Jacl Ki-i, Pplrlur" Sp".tdrs ,0:44 <l:00 '6, Todd.anpbpl', U!"1ldcnel 27. John Sutti, SIAC, 53:03 24. lrdk Veloz, SIAC, 54:05 29. Pat Van Not, US Maiire Colps 56:15 30. Victor Duran, Petaluna Spart.57:37 (61 year-old senuire ispartan) ?1. DFDnis Ri.1a.ds, SFAL, 58:08 32. Dave Jones, SFAC, 5 8:25 33. John ilasson? Uaattached 5a:37 34- .Tanes Tonirasa, Flyias AC 62:50 vancouver, B.c. 5i uile wa1k, 4/27 Flank Sipos, Hungaiy's Dunber thiee nan at 20kn (1:40:29-O) in 1956, nade his lst start in the Ner World a. inpressive one. 1. Prank Sipos, Vancouver, B.C. 39:09.6 2. Arnold Olds, Seattle, 48:31.a San

3. Dor Anderson, Seattle, 50:54.6 4. 41 Cross, Snohonish, 51:44.8 5. Jin Fields, Seattle, 54.22

Marathon: Bu.nett ndges D.vies Vancouver, R-C. 4/27- Yolns .Iack Burnett fron U, of British Colunbia won the BC AAU Marathon Chanpionship lrere today i! the good tine of 2 hrs 3a:54.4, but veteran Ivor Davies of vancouvet Olynpic Club nade hin work for it.- Ivor and Jack stayed togethe. for 22 hiles Then Jack established and held a qrarter hile lead to the finish. twenty-two year o1d Jack, a 4:20.9 & 9:25.3 nile & 2-nitcr, fini shed surprisingly fresh. Ivor Davies, who won the USA Jr. 15 Kilo in 195,1, was running his first

1. Buriett,2:3a.54.4i 2. Davies, 2:4Q.36.4;3. Roratrd oore, rnat. 3.\2.27; 4. DouC Reid, Western Sports C 1ub, 3:18:00,6,,r17 yrs-ordl; Eric miles while llichae1 May of UBC survived t5 3/4 ni 1es. Lieut. Bill De11lnge! of Makah AlB (Neah Bay, wash.) ran a paced 4:17 exhibition nil€ on May I at Port Ang€1es against four ES boys, each doing 440 yards. Dellinger atso defeated Jack LeTourneau of U.N- rrosh in a r:58,2 half to spice !p the Ca11d Courtv Meet.

University of Clicago Open Tract Me€t, Saturday, May 17, 195a, Stagg !i€1d, Weather ras bot and windy & the track dry. ltlile: 1. Lou runjaHinski, Loyola U. 4:30.2; 2,Richard Toh.-nd. No rh"-n lllilois: , PogF Hi11, NI; 4- Gerry Koehler, St- George HS; 5. Iva4 Carlson, U. of Chicago..a80: 1. (ujawinski, 1:5a.2; 2. Richard Gasperini, NIi 3, Shernan Ov€han, NI.- 3-Mi1e: 1. Phil Colenan, UCTC, I4:2a.At 2. Gar vlillians, UCTC, 14:34! 3. Hal Higdon, UCTC, 14:52.5; 4. Ray Menzie, UCrc, 15:52.5 5. arne Duff. UCTC. 15:59.5. UCI\I OPEN MEET, Sat.r May 31-Stagg Fietd, weather: good, blt hot: 6 Mile: Latiner, Cornell CoIlege, 33142.4i 2. Dooley, t{isconsin; 3. King, UCrc (Gar Witlians, after leading in 5:00, 10,.01, and 15:13, dropped out after 5i niles rhile noie than a lap ahead. He yas taker by the heat and had run his last tap in 99 staggering all over the track. Ray Menzie dropped after 4) (contiDued page 8)

a--.Tune, 195a UCTC Opea

Meet (Conrinued)

Mire: l]rneeIer, UCTC, 4:15.5; Coqrey. Notre Dane; Koehter, St. Georee HS4:2a., , i-ts lunior dio sno;ro d;velop into an "excellent lors distance runrer); r000 Mcter Steepr;chase: Lolehan, UCI'C, 9:27.2; Hiqdon. UCrc. q: r7. o; ratimer, Cornerr aortese: ? Vi -: .or ro!, ND, r :. 7.o: Rich"rd: u r . rr:15: B;';;: iD; 880, ;;:;;";:' U.T', l:<o-4i Dillups, !oyot.; yoLnAq uast. ],!JM. - Herb Xttiott katched Don Bowden's 4:03.? pcc recoid nite at Berk_ eley and, vh€n asked {hat he thousht of WIND SPRINTS

Ite -d F saidr 'Vinar did you rhini or i'? lt lookPo rt- samF to ne ds it dLo ro you.I' !ii thour r-"nioq ro cri ricizr Xlliott said Bowden night profit by nore arn swlrg-. Brutus qanilto!. Bon_ denrs coach, said nthele is nothinE ouch wrolg with Don's acrioD, When_you arn swing 1iab1e to develop other faults.tourre I thiDk wei11 lpdv6_hin atone. H- gFrs a tor of Lse is pretty good.n..- Another sood a;sre! to. d Jrdb ouFsr ion asl,"d ot ion Deta!)_ "what dbout Ampri d DrosD-cls in rhc nj le?i Bon's rFp1y. il,'rhen a chaoDion lo-s ohF along be "brF l; relogrlze hin rithout,ou,.ll consurtins ne.t BF or- hi5 n"eriDB dirh He;b flriotrluestion:iHoN do you feel about it?' Answer: iIt's just another race, you s{eat the saee for all of thef.i DoD onriouF ro.oappt- on d ctub 'er"l. srll 8ur "s dlways, hp'll b' !dcine tn" I i, ld. oot rhe . io, k, b-ca,s" h"i" his caleei...l{hat is the Dost i;Dortaqt Drrl ora! arrter"'s t aininSl t;nberioE exeicises, track workr diet?-Or.. cou1o 1t be sleep?,,. Henry nriksson, the 1948 olynpic 15,00n. chanpion is a iirenar rn tne Gavle Fire Squad, Sweden, and stitl conpetes rn relays. This squad probably has tlre wo.ldrs fastest fi;enen. for three of its neobers, besides riiksso!, 'oLlo ovF. t.00 h, rn tcss th"n ,:5' ... I.C.A.A.A.A, eqtries who won Conference ri l-s riis spring in tLoFo o-"nk pime-fi o' AIfred r\cw Yo-k sr"1e colte. iatas - 1:s4.2 & 4:16.5)r o." neitiii of Vdine / atrkee cotrrercn.p -4:22.5 8 10:09 - Maine IBteicollesiates - 4:19.3 & 10:02); Donohre, toty aross. (!aster! collegiates- 4:18.3 & 9:40_6 - New rnts.

Intercotl, 4.14.7)...

The Ner lngland

Intercotregiates re!e herd at Olono Mairp on May 24- Resuttsr nao Sriit' B:tps, d7.r; 8ao- Bpssey. Xai"e---_' r,:s::6;.Mire- DoDohue, H:c., 4:i4.7, Ma1de, 4:15.8; 2_M.tle_ Sullivab, Blom, o:24.8t Aosto! U. lon the ipar rit.le,.. Ju Macy. uraL, {oE the z-uile in the Texas (G,r1f coast MU) A U at Houston oD t4ay 1Z on,,d-*er. trac! in_S:5...2 ov;r *e;;; wu froso ! Ja Ahrberp.(9:15-7__ aao: ndraids, ACC, r:5>.5t roaduah_ Houston, 1:52.a... Brzz S;wler has realry re,!itten tbe BaltiD6re opic club disraDce recolds. He Ote_ noi hords the Eite (4:1q.t bade Iuue Z) tbP 2-Rite (9:0s.4 bade Uav j+t-r " the 3 oile 114:20.6 nade l6v 17). He aiso has tae iodoor recolds-_2 e:14.4 aad 3 at 14:40.4.. Joe Rouseat oroke the cfub 6 dile ,ecord o! luDp 7 (13:00 to breat hts 33:05.3 ra;e 1n rq56, ). . . sab.ter ald tea@ate call Party rert to Atldtic City to ruE tbe Boardralk [tre tE Xav. tley sol there in pIe.ty or tioe ind ch;_ cked iDto the rigbt place. but ttrev courd4't get dy info o! ite startl aag tiEe, As a resutt they ,ere at the other €qd of the Boarara& rher the .ace sta.ted..- lrlile!. Fled Dile! aDd Ad C.rraha, a!; ho!e!_ noonlls in Europe... The A^u hai anaounced tnat a urited states tlack aDd-iaeld ted wirl encage !ivals an rour countries this su@e!. the u.s. squad of 44 men d.l 22 eonen meet a Fu6sian teaE itr ltoscor. lutv 2/-24, tare on Porand at ya!!;r. a;,_ ust r-2: the ltungarials itr Buda;esr: August 4-5, and a Gleek tetu itAth: ens! August a-9... Carr OtsoD, track coa.n ar rhp uEiversity of piitsburph srnce tel2, is hangiDg up his sDike: coDe next Pebruary t. He,s reti;ineu-rson wrtl conptete his coachhp career and srep don as head of ihe pnysacar education deparrDeEt at the end or, the tirst senester of the sch_ oor yedr to 8_50. He is teavi!s a unrv€rsitl policy tbat requiiesuqder relrrement at the ace of 65. olson .erebrared his o5rh bi.thday iu Ap!il. Nat Cirulnick's 2nd Antrua1 Otre l,lile lun for Ma.athone!s is schedule.t fo! Friday, July 25 4t 6 p.rt. at Uccarre! Park, Brooklyn, N.Y. All runners vho have cospteted a fu1l official Eara_ tnon ale eligibte. (3 riophies & ore or two other prizes.)

I.C.4-A VICTORi DILAIY t\) HALT PINN STAIE THR!AT.. villanovar Pa., May 31- ln a glorious farewell appearance befole ar enthusiastic canpus crowd of 12,500, (SiDce a duabpr of bo)s ranaepo io get ovpc the fchc-i rhFrp is no wdy of fig. uliag the actual attendance. It ras alound 15,000, though that nary tickets werentt so1d,) RoE Delary 1ed Villanova lo a succpssful d.feose ot rh- ldrprcollegiate Associatio! of Aaaleur Athletes of Aoerica tean tl11e today. The sighly sprinl fibisher f'om I-p1and, {ho will be graduated flon Vi11. o. iiloqday, Iodered his od t.C.1-A lile record to 4:07-8. An hour and a qna!1ei 1ater, he blazed hode or top in a 1:50 nal f-ni 1e ln repeating his 1957 dile,aao double, Delany followed his usual pattein of taying off the pace and roaring hone ilvincibty in the stretch. In the ni1e, P.Srs inproving !d Uoratr tiied to surprise DcLaEy hith a backsr'erch sou.t. Bur RoD spurrpd ui rb Mortu pa5l slia' use!s B.yant l{ood and then cut toose eith a scorching burst after the last turn. !haa 6ave hin a 1o-yard, eased up margin at the taPe. In the half-ni1e, Moian tried and failed. Ronrs sprirt-finishilg gme paid off i! an 8 yard victoEy. Eis second straight 880-ya!d tliunph made it ter l-C-4A racing tlttes for Delany's varsity ca.ee.. Uichigu State's !o!dy (emedy Fade a 3o-yard rutranay ln the last two laps frod lred Kerr to {in the tvo-nile in 9:13-5. 440 I. Iames \drion, P.S. 48.1: 880 l. oFI-uy, J. uoran, l. sopralo, ItanIETt"q, 4. stevels, St. Jobnrs, 5. Norna wrns, Ceolgetom, 1:5Oi Mile l. Dplatrt, 4:07.8. 2- Mortu, r. wood, Sy!., 4- Datr Pea(i.k, ,raine r 4:13,9, 5, Chas. King, Penn State. (Chas. Hitl. Cornell {on the 1st section of the d1e'in 4:t6 over Bob Godesky, yil1. 4;16.9 -both {e!t unplaced on tide basis.) Pete c1ose, st. Job[rs set z 62.5, 2ta1 3:10.5 pace that cooked hin in the hot sln & he faded to ninth. Delary ran b1s 1as1 440 ir 56,9,- 2-Mi1e 1. Kennedy, M.S. 2. Ker!, P.S.3. RiiT;;A-Dgtohle, H;ly Closs, ,. Fi.h.!d -EbgeIbriok, P.S. 5. Dave 3cke1, cornell. 9:13-5i uile Rel_gl l.Iichigan siale(cast1e, Cuehes;--E;;; Atteiberly, 46.8) 3:I0.8 i:eet !ec-, o1d rec. 3:12.1 by l,lanhattan, 1954' 2. Md. 1. Pitl. 4. Sr..Iohn's,5. YarF..leaD: virr. Jr s/o, P-5. 27 \/J, Man. 22, Boston U. 14, Pitt, 14, Harvard, 13, PeM 13, LaSaUe, 12, Mich-St- 12,Cornell,12 VILLANOVA


Modesto, l.{ay 31- 17th California Relays (10,000 fans) The spectacular qeib !1tiot1 won the nile iu 4.a2.7. The Din& shirted down-under steDDer clocled 3:4o.a for 1,500 0eters"8r

personal splits of 62.5, 2:05.5 & 3:05.9- Burr Grin and Velisa Mugosa ted until Herb took the fead about 50 yaids fron tbe half way point. He held it aDd beat Tabori by 20 yards, going st.ong at the tape. lae nireis bucked a 5.6 mile wind duling the race, which iaised sone dust in various susls..Mile 1. 111iott. 4:02.7 (Nek lelays ]fuk-' ord (ec. 4:00.4 by Derek Ibbotson, \957) 2- Laszla \abori, SCYV,4:04.9t 3. llugosa, NaU, 4:o .J; r. LeMndohsdi, Poland, 4:Ool 5. Krzyszkowiak, Poland, 4:09.3; 6. Vi11afea1, Texas, 4:13.9; 7. G!in, 4:14.6-.. Californiars cruise to a natio.al naik in the splint nedley {as a thing of beauty as the four Beals fashioned theii fai!y-ta1e figures of,3:r8.8 (Yeman, 47.1, Upsha!, 21,., IIhite, 20.8, Bowden, I: 4'l)-2. USC,3:27.ti l. UCLA,3:2a; 4- Oty,3.29.61 5. SCYV...Distalce Medley- 1.SC (Snut, Mcleod, Shankland, Truex,4:11.9) 9:52.a' 2. Oxy, o:51,8 (ry H.dley, 4:o4.6) 3,SC Srriders, 10:00-8i 4. IICLA,, 10:01.1; 5- SFOC i 6.San Jose State... 440- 1. Ed Sourh".n. Texas. 45.ai z. Jptrkins, Villdqova,47.2; J. Shirn, OI ropi. C1ub, 4a.t; 4. Spulrie!, Striders, 48.1;5. Johnson, Sac. St.,49.9; 6. Schuler, UCLA (Southe!! blasted by Jebkids in tbF srrer.b)... aao- t. !,lakonaski, PolaDd, 1:49 - 7 (800n. 1:48.9) 2. Scu!1ock, No. Carorira, 1.50-4i 3. So{e11, SCYV, 1:50.5i 4. Oroe, .a1. , 1 r50.6i 5, Ui lcox, e.esn State; b. Cunl ifta, Stan.-.2-Mi1e Rela)- l.S. aAnoerson, McLpod, Snas\taqd, Lenons) 7.34,2 ; 2.Ott,7 r34. 3 3. Saclaiento State,T:52.8; 4.O1y, npic Club,7:55.4.. - Uile Relay-l, Iexas, 3:10.3(Souihern, 45.8)i 2. Califoinia, 3:11.2 j 3.SC, 3:13-3-.. Aean:Southern Califoraia, 43, Abilene Christian, 291 C.1-j 22, Sttiders,21, Occidental, 19, Texas, 17, tirstoE-Sa1em, 13- (Bob Shaqkland, SC? who ran relay half nriles in 1:50.5 & L51 {o!. the Southern California track hriters. deekly-top tra"p perfor ran.a


runre!-dp, ".*'* Marathon ^t "-trt*, honored "*t.r.at a testinonial J@e 26 in Wakefield,i{.

10--.Tune, 1958

nore finisters-- 12. Ylc Ndi. Flyidsca1if., May 31(Night) A11sC, 54:39i 13- Cba!1e6 R.ichesin; caufornia Junior College T&F chmps 81ying AC, 54:54.. Fiali! Lawletrce, l,tiler Paul Patton. Sd Francisco Citt So liancisco Olytspic Club,held e;nese, 4:16.3; 2. lisenmaa, oatersthe o1d colrse lecold of 40:16,. fie1d, 4:18.5i 3. Roele!, !ierce, 4: 18.5; 4- Roee.s, Oat-, 4:18.6; 5. Julio! Division (3.7 Xtles) Walters, Sac.; 6. Neva.ov, Seq.t 7. 1: Bil1 Uorgan, 19,22 <record) ton tarripu. Mt. Satr Antotrio.. 2-l,li 1e: 2. vince Spangle!, Unattacbed, 19:30 r. E.ispDmaq; or2o. r (vev 'Fc.r 6Ta ffi 3. Dave Bucklaud, dat. 19:39 9:22 by Ron Larrieu, 1957) 2- Clar*, 4. Jid Loqg, SCYV, 20:31 Santa A!a, S:24; 3. latton, SFCC, 5- Ilalio crieblk, SBAC,20:33 9t34.3i 4. Matlavelsr l,lodesto, 9:42i 6- l4.i&e Deasy, SFAC, 20.35 5. Lopes, Mt, San Antotrior 9:46,6,, 7, Frank r{olfgangi Scw, 21:09 Bobby staton, saE Dieso, 47.1 a!9: 8. Joaqu.tn Rod!l.q!ez, SFAC, 21:16 (N* State J.C. earkr old Dark 47"5 9. Larry Shade, S8AC, 21:19 by Atterberry, codptotr) 2. l{hite, I'tS 10. Ialter VaD Zart, J!. S!AC,21:35 AC,47.2i 3. Phi11ips, Bak, 47.5,. 11. NolEaE TraYis, USllC, 21:45 g!!: B'oM, Modesto, 1:53.7; 2. Eeip, 12- Cbas. Beenar, !!4ltached, 2t:58 Clendal., 1:54,1; 3. Hester,,El CdDl!o 13. Louis JiDeEez, SACE, 22:14 1:54-3;4. Meyers, IAAC, 1:56.7i 5HeqdelsoB, CoEpto[, 1:56.8; 6, }Ie181 llesno. 1r57-4-. Tee: Sa Fratr.CC, 7oi Baliersfield, 64+i s.D. 40r Coipton {0}; Sa- rdreEto 19. 3rd ANNUA! PEIIADDLPEIA PIONIIR AC I&F UAET, Nollistom, Pa. (5 P.}|-) Sat,, May 31- 40th Anrual State II,Ssat., J'lne 7: l4l9: 1. Dick trsteI&I Meet before 10, 842 fans at Long blink. Pela State & Shalaha! CC. Beach, Califorlia lletro!ial Stadius. 4r23.5r 2. F!a* Batsonr Penn AC, g!g: Alfred Gentry, lrenont, 1:55.4; 3. DenEis Joblsoa, Pht1a. Pio!ee!, 2. t{alren larlowr Ho11t{ood, 1:55-5i 4. {il1te (t!g, NYIC (Nev Rec..),. 3 Bill Crowlet, Codpton, 1;55.5i 4: 1- Luther Bufdelle; Ped Aq, 2gj]9i Klie!, CastlenoEt, 1:55.7; 5. Dah1, 2Detuis Johnsotri 3. Batsor, 9:5a Santa Ana, 1:56.3-- 440: Dixon aarnel, 4. Bill Plater, Shanahd, 10:09;5. ,irmonte, HS, San Fldcisco, 48-6,. Jack Barry, shd- 10:18- rtutbg fine: {:1e: Covinston. CorDtat- 4.23.7 : 2. 9t46.7 (aee rec.) Johlso! (2nd) o:54 Ldrc-n, 81 aajo;, a:26.7; 3. Neal, Ha!!r Brtsbt, liYPc, 1:s2.9; llllli rullerto!, 4:27.9; 4. Nebb, Univelsity, 2, !d Xather. U!att.. 3. elri11 '!:28.at 5, Linn, !a1o A1to, 4:29.3.. Pirlla. ?ionee!:4. Rusrell iea!: Manral Arts, 11 & Conpton 11 (Tie) Pratt, Bradshar, Pe A,C,, 440:Iosh Culbother {in4ers: 100- t{atson, Jorda!, leatb. Pilira. Piotreer_;C,_47.6 rec. 0t9,6 (101h grqder)i Shot Put: SlocoDbe, {i1e ReIEI: Shalahe @, 2. NYPC, (!xhibttion-16 Mi11ikaq, 61r4i' 1b. 50r 3, Pirila. PioEee! AC. 3:19.6 (lec.) 1j')i 120 H.tl.- Jdes, certeEltal, 14.1t Tea!. Pbila. Pioaee! AC, aEt Shan. H.J,- aie( Stlber, Bellflorer & Nickleberly, Oxnald, 6r8i; 180 yd- LE- Douglas 42; Peu Ac, 31.(440 Edldles: culb' East Baftersfield, 19.0i B.J.- Rogers, Btafllet, 24t 6'; 220- ldel Clippe!, Muir, ca., May 24- c€olgia ,A.'|.U. 20.7i lole Va!1t- Rose. C1enda1e, 14r1r- Atldta, T&I ChaDps: (1500 fas) Tea!: c€olsia 32j Allarta Striders, 25j Soutb CarKING BREAKS RICOID IN 36th ANNUAL 7.4 o1itra, la; Georsia Tech, 15.- !!ll9r IIILE STAT'IJII) CROSS.CITY RUN. 1, l,like Conley, Unat. (!ro!tda State ia! riaocisco, calif., SuE., Jure,1 Univ.) def endirg cbaupio!, udefeated (ing, l- Wilford Smta Clara Youth ValiE Eile ald 880 this year)r 2. Bill 1ey, 39:25i 2- Virce Spdglei, Unat., Lathad, So. Cafolina; 3, !!ed Abirg4r:59; 3. Jack Marden, O.C., 42.291 toD, vatrdelbi1t;4, farrer Bulns, 4- chas. Cultis, o.c. 42t31; 5, Dave !4iss. State; 5. Tor reerey, VEatt. Bucklad, Una!-, 42:34i 6, Jin Lorg, SC 4:rj.I (old rec. 4:15.7 by td turpby. YV,44:0; ?. Frtut Wo1fgaq8, SCYV, 45:15 Ternessee, 19s6).. 2-!li1e: 1. clyrn 8. Joe Kias, SC1] | 47.22i 9. Ray MahdIood, !!ait., 9 : 3 3 ,fj--Z.--teEt Osirdah, S!AC, 48:28' 10. Helner Eanson, orne, sast Tee- St.i 3. Paul EaU, Presido, 4a:54i 11. John Dlck, SCYV, 50:17 Aubu!tr: 4. Xelt Xius. uattached, tlodesto,

.Tune. 1954-,Ir

Georgia A.AU (Continued)

440: Iin,.sr--1. u1a'., 475; 2. D-nay l;chsor, c"oreidt r. .l"mes Haod, Miss. State. O1d Rcc. 47.8 by Denit Jackson, ros-.. !!q: Jot-. Duke.lb-rc, clFFso , Doylp FiF, un"r., J. fiooo; Miss. sl GeDe Palner, Tenn. Tech, cliff Siooltor, Georgia. lide: 1:54.. (Ageless Brddy lowlkes one of Southern trackdonrs atltine greats, led thc Striders abd ind. scorers with 14 points--B.J. 1st, 23r2n' r00, 1st. 09.9: 220 vds- 2nd. )

the haDdicapped race, otf .10 vds, Les Wallack, NYACr {as third, ctf 25 lards and Ton W.rd, of{ 30 yds. finished fourth. Courtney held tha o1d track recofd, t:51.? -1!55. In tnE specidl s.rJtrh hilf mare, rn hhich Co!itrLy had bFPn d !rovisional siarter, Manhatt.n's Ton one-tso slam, tNo I'ards apart, in 1:52- Sr. JohnIs Per-- Closc {as a

Murphy and Joe Solrano scored a

Natlonal . Tr , :0 Kilo ChrnDionsniD of th. A.A,U. of thr Unated strf:,s Under Auspices of the Celtra1 Atlletic club, Methuen, Uass, suday, J!n,- ar 195a at 2:30 P.M. 1. Tont Sapicnza, B.A-A. 1:08.50 2. Jin (;re€n, B.A.A. 1:09.10 * l. John Booras, B.A,A. 1:10.47 ,1. Jolrn La{ferty, B.A.A. 1:11.3a 5. John A. Kelley, Unat. 1r11.53 6. Gonzales Scotto, 8.A.r1.1:12,30 * 7. nd l]rachett, B,A.A. r w"tts, unat, d. qilr, 00'. r:58-... * a. Gralran Parne1l, B.A.A. 1.12.32 440: Stralss. BoC. 50.5.. 6-Mi1e. 1, 1:13.22 tsronrng Poss. P-nn C., -0:5.5 r:5 , !. Ted Co.bitt, r-.Y.P.C. 1:14.20 10:03, 15r17, 20:31, 25:45) 2- Joe Rouse, I0. Robt. Ba b.rger, Ni{C r:14-31 BO.. r1:0. J. C-or8F Broh, b"rr. -c, 11. Rene Do1..n, B-A.A. t:15.01 )r:< i 4- t-h sair\,,.c, .5:to.. Mi, 12- Geo. l'1.!terholse, NMC 1:15.45 Wal\: l- Mart h, . ross o.ntry, :l13. Mdrli Halves, NMC 1:15.50 -. .-o,BF B.o@, cros- colnrry, o:ti14. Stan Tiedar, NUC t:16.24 3- Salisburv. Chick Webb. 15. Borr ClL.nb..s, Shan,CC t:16.:t.1 1.. Paul lhinney, \MC l:16.49 MUCOSA, COURINIY, MURpHY & MCKINZMTAR 17. Don rdy? B.A.A. 1:1i.05 IN ANNIAT SPRING MI.ET O! NtI NEUI YORK A.C. 18. vJn. Mrrphy, B.A.A. 1:17.08 Pelhan Manor, N.Y,, June 7- Yugoslaviars lc. Dick Pack.rd, B.A.A. r:1?.47 Velisa Mlgosa ran a:5a-7 for two niles 20. Joe Ab€1on, \.U. 1it8,0a but lost .redit for a track rccord bec21. Royc,a Sawycf, Nt{C ause he did not win thc race.. cordor 22. John Reitano, Unatt. Mc(enzie ol the Nev York Pioneer c1ub, 23. !et€ uu€tler, U.S.A. dho ldd d 3--y4 . naooi bp, br \- r\. 24. John Linscotr, B.A.A. tape in 4157.5. spurled oD by his ui1", 25. Sunner Sears, Uratt. chris, the forner lnglish half-nire 26. Mark Pimachio, B-A.A. chMPion, who nust hav€ rln half the 2?. Irick Seigal, Harvard distance herself , McKenzie outkickcd 28. Franli (e1ry, NMC Mugosa to win by six yards.. Th-- Traaers 29. Elgii Jascourt, Penn AC Island track record for two ni1es, set 30. Ol1ie Manninen, B.A.A. thrp^ y"a-s d80 bw Ho-J q,1,1"-lt- . 3r- Ken IIayder, B.A.A. :l3 - T. Yanakakis, Ll,nn In the ni1e, St. John's inproving clady 34. Al Si€9a1, $,tcu Crunpley, off 75 yalds, held off lordhan's (32. !.ick !riclison, BAA (48 starters- la firishers) * = John Hand, .ff 25 yards, to {in bt five yards. The tine was 4:14.2. Jr, Chanpions- ?t-year-old O_ cardTon Courtncy, in his first race in nearner Spooner of Nev Bedford, Mass. ly a yea!, ripped off a 1:.50.5 hatf ni1€. tinished 38th to siv. No.Medford C. It was bieathtaking tine for a sharply itis 5th nan & tean title(Jr.) 65 curved five-lap ovat of dirt and crlsneo degrees, cool & cloudy. I5 r)lace clan shells tnat is not noted for speed. tr.phies. BAA couldnii fietd a Jr. Royal Chernock, NYPC, finished s€coqd 1n tean-onfy 4 ne! arrived. Refreshnents & good facilities, OLIIPIC CLUB TRAC&IIEN WIN TENTH STMIGIII MWICIIAL GAMIS Battinore, Md., Sat., June 7- 43id annua1 Muicipal_Gaoes at Clifton Park. TeM: Boc, 70:; oriole, 49:i catyet, 34i PaIco, A.C., Washinston, 11., Mile:1, 'B-?/ sdh' Sawle,, oo ; :. a-T-T7rr,, BOC; 3. Ber!yhi11, BOC. Tine: 4:19.1 (old rec.; 4:20.3 by Pflagine, Boc, 56) aao: Ddrl., BO i 2- C-Feu. fo.r a-l'oj ; BAL?IMORE



Dicksor Sets

New Recordi

Hdnil on, Orr,. Sdr., M"y zr- Thenrysix-year-old Gord Dickson. of the Han ilroa Olvnoi .l rb. rdn Inp fasr-sr o,r athon race in Canadian track histoi,' Dickson Non this coxntry's 26-mi]e ldrdrl-on tri"l fo. 1- B.rrr-' rrpi. LiimEs r! t!o hcurs, 21 min!tes and 11ris tine is unequalted in the hist ori€s of both the OIynDic canes and tne British Inpire canes. Diclrson's perfornance was one ninute and 12.7 s€conds faster ran that of Cz,-choslovakiats xnil ZatoDek durine tne 1952 olynpics, and almost ;i"e hi"";es Dctter than theBEo natathon nark set by Soutn Africa's J- Colenan back iD 193a. It aas the second victory in two years tor thc spindly rcd-head fron Alberta, whc won Canadars narathon croM at Sre, Hyacinthe, Quebec last year with a 2:32 Dickson finished strong, brt was corpret.lv exhaustcd snortly afteiwards, rl;\ orly -1dr h *d5: "l'r si o r r' Later during the presentation ceremories on the second froor of ttre Anavic club, he said, rI onry wish I lclt as good right no{, as r did drlic lle then went straight to 6ed witlt 'l,Lnd -o.q "ppl"u:F ' Hamr l orr- r";o iienr f the ttack and faetd circle sti1l ringing itr his ears. 'iL. \'-.r t sp6o berrer rd(e r! 4O " years,'r liclained veteran road race oifiLiJi Tack Grrlins. p )oi, Di tsol ri r oe "t - ra "nr, in thc first five at Wales this sumer,i predrcied Harold Cotby, cautious chairflan of the southera onta;_i;--T;-k & fierd comittee. And Harold Webster, tne only C.nadiaq {rro has ever von a BEG narathon titl€ (1934), said sinply,'I was astounded.', I'lhen it uas learned earty today, that Dol v'. - 'h, osr-srcppi.g.- p d-t'd lr^c_, - 'o r n |r'o. \dd b-61 o. I I. {ithdraN fron the race, ard that highlt tout--d .Iack llu.n€tt,oi Vancouver, ras nlrsing a lane leg, the.e Nas litrre doubt around the Anavic Club that Dic{su Nas going to sin the lpcoming flarathon. ]lut no onc expected hin to break any The gen€ra1 feeting sas that tc needed a Pa.e-setterr soneone to prcss him--

sonebody like Ulchaud, rho 1ed hin neaily all the way during last yeai s race at ste. Hyacinthe. Dickson cahe through on his oe, horever, purring away frob Tolooto's Ivor Pobb just before they reached the 15-nile narkRobb was the only iurle! whorhad stayed with Dickson, after Bula€tt dropped out at the ten-nile Dark. Robb later drolped out hiidsetf. and Toronto's .Tohn chulch caue on io fjnish in second place- t4 oinutes atter Dickson had arready bloke! the tape. Anothei ltOC product, 23-yea!-old Bi1ly Smith, surprised everyt,ody. incruding hidself, by coDini i! j!d. It uas the fi(st tine tne yourE Scottisn imniArant had evei etriered a narathon race of rhis distalce. Eighteen runnels in at1 Fent to the .dd rhirrFetr finished. -r -ring tinp, The weather yas ideal {ith a teFDerrture in the 1ow 60rs and a lisht ''-F7F frhi.h \pDr anyooe froo !"11ia, 1. Gordon Dickson, HtX: 2:21-50.5 2. John Church, GAC,To!. 2:35.59.5 3. Billy Snith, HCC 2:38,05 :1. Nornan Neilson, cAc 2:3a.11 5. Joseph Dube, L{!,MoDt. 2:43.35 6. Ken t anb, HOC 2.47-08 7. George Norhaq, cAC 2248-O2 8. Jed Cuy 6.ou1x, L!A, 2:54.06 9. Doug Hare, HOC 3:07- 13 10- Sid Snith, HoC 3:0a.06 11. A1 Pedler? EoC 3r2a.12 12. Paul Ojanen, GAC 3:39.15 r:r. Frf,nk Preston, ]1PA4r4 3:43-15 I lF6end- HOC-Hanirton OrnDic Ctub: GAc-crrdstone Ac, roronto; ipA- res Frances Anis, Montleal; EPAA{- Hdilton Police MA) Pror \Fi Par'at'lCaoa-,d! ba t i onal chairnan) 'No doubt you witl be anazed at the tine - T knon ke {erealthough I expected he rourd be undei 2:30r especially after his record breakins (by I ains.) lun in Torolto ov€. the exact course he ran last year (a short 20 niles). Robb stayed pith hin fo! about 13 ni Ip-. hirn .hur .h * ni le back, f-or here (at the turtr), cord real1y tu.ned it on and rapidly dlew a{a}. He appea.ed to b€ ruhni,g stroogei rn rhe latter stages tha! iD tast year,s Bay race. (coqtinued next pg)



The coulse ras tne reAul.! rRoEd r.1:1.J_:l nile !_! ttre oreg., gazelle, tbe Dayr coulse- plus the ext!. dtt!t.. 'rt.... Mari-- Truex cut nis ia-i i.: fr.ati accidert aftcr the Ttle course ras ueasured bv Corptor nreet.. tle st.!E,e.l jn a jrore fic DepartDeltrs lrachitre uledthefortlafrn r!. .larl: & e fabb.d thc ticens. such Purposes. Tiles: 5 dlles- 27:40: a.ar 1c r-aep ffon fattide,. rrrate.l 10 ltiles- 55:50: 15 Uiles- 1:23.04: tt r.q!ire.l fi\-e stitch--s... !erci 20 niles- 1:49,54. Ce rut t,r, vot!D1e Australian ccrclL A tigbl travellitrg budget bas forceo ot all-.onqueiing ni1cr, Herb 11tLhe Cdadla! Blc comti.tee to rest!-ict guest agai. at tne track the tem lo 15 be, aEd spve! robeo aDd wrlt.rs weekly lunche.n i! Los Ans_ several ortstardiog arbtetes are Eoidg r1L\ a rJ I d,l s.dF n or" irrterF\tan( to be rrfr bphiDd- iegardress or iheir 'rgenF I idpresir.trn. tr sdnol.l pertorrances, but it looks lite cord "Irn antazed tlLat such bi€,;e--ts as has rur bitrself risht oo ro the boat.i M.d.sto and CcnFtor , $hict are of worrd i.r.r.st, ar. tr€1d in such l{ind sp'in!s- At rhe Soutbern calif_ tin! sta.lirns.. Elliott would like oqia T&P lrritels eeekly luncheou in t. com-a !!cti bur I,m -De a bcliever tos Angetps beforp the conpron rovitthar tlre bots shoutd paid for atlolal a vote sas taken on the ourtlnre tost tion tneir joLrs-. you coDe of the lli.iott-Delany due1. Of .an r .it n€ss!ap€r articles.. The the 35 votes .asr, 25 velt on the :ra -da_v rrle (international rule Aussie flypr BhilF niEe thought Delaut liniting tine arhtetcs can ire in would wiD. An dvpraCe rire oi rU. oe:_ ,notner country) is !nconsti tutional any oackers sas l:58.6. obe veteran -. It !iclat.s !ersonal rights,. observer- DeaD Cromell- couldn't decT,F ' is t.. md, i j. jrL!:t Jno.a ide on the wln!e!, but he put dom tne ArU\ rt .iffFr.nt .!r.tries,.Thal astouqdiDg tiue of 3.56 flai.3.57.r donit trust.ach other_-I! my count ra3-rhe r:ne the l-a.k elpFrts predictrt I'r rL'garded as a pro iust LJec ed t or X11iott. . .vllo!1d }loD-SteD- TuhD atrs-- Lcc.pted a feu doltars fo. lecord holder Ahderar da SirunNritiag an artic1e.. you have to b. Brazil is now enroiled at Lanar"iTech lrl)'' utrjtc..lv€n your blocd nust be T-yas as welt as Reoo s.noovar, chiie's whitetl, . The annirat Po.tsnoutn, 4:09.3 niIer... Archie San Ronari Ir \.H. 10 nil--r on Sat., 28rh. l7-year-ord wi"r'iii sir'..io.v i.-" l"' xr]l De run in honor ofJ!!e th-- l.rp a:18.2 mire in a Jurior olyhiic neer Ctar.n.e De Mar, He had conDet-ad Kansas. His dad eds !ations in trr-" rast 3 ra.cs helrL ma;.rinc top college miter in 1935, and raD ir t]Le .f.ring of iubitee w€€k,,. liitrrr the r3o 01'Tpics.. -PhiliD Cotberr of the !:citn .f D. Mar Marathon Day f€osia H.S. caprured the l3th annual .llanl Ni11 not be, i Has anyb.dy Lonqie Conover ]i{ile in Atlantic Citv h.r. se--n Kellct?" rather than oq Jlqe 141h. The race is linired t; "NlLer!'s Ctarenc.?rr. . .lohnny the Nev Jersey schoolboys. Cotbert ran llrl.r (i{)) Kell€y nceds tc corrDlete 4:39, despite gusry winds which rade onlt iiv. norL. BAA.tassi.s t.;q!at I I v-ry torgh on the field of .L rutrClarerc.'s total ol 33 starts ar trers. Doratd crolIey of Hanover park fiopki.tor. He is tne obvio!s heir trrished 2rd i! 4:42 & peter Hoey of apparent to th€ Mister triaritnor titb Mouolain takes finish"d Jrd itr 4:41.... Nlr.r€as Clarence {on seven times we nust aglee with Cordier Nelsos in ind das s.cond tNic,-, (etre! !ron refrting the statenert by Bob Mathias tnac-anc uas second sev€. tines.,. nlle to wit. Russiaqs {1i1 chase us down the stieet yith a stick in the Provid--n.c, tt,l., June 14 ttth arn, 1960 traclr events at Rone.'lvictentlv ual NeN lngland scnooltor l&F Chamb Bob Mathias is badly out of touch ,iih iorships at Browr Uriv., Stddiun. things back at the ranch. We have the Uile wo! by Mike y!eIrs. Bri.te.Dort nosl fanrasti. crop of reeq age arhletes Hardins, Conn. .1:31.7..s8{r Nin trr sdH and rhey'tl be read) Silvcira, Ncw BedforC, Mass. twice daily ia ta;0. (Mitts,40.o) John _to shrvF l:56.q (5.1..r rsr .uarter)., Team Long (16 rb.. shot- 6rr), t5-!ea!_o_rd^ S.or. b] Stat!s: 1, Massachusetts P" r1 Srubpr. Betlf.loeer; cali...o,8l,i), !lj.(r0rh .onse.utiv€ year) 2.Ct. 05 5/6; 3. R.I .1. V..rno!ti5. U--.

I la -.Tune, 1'r58 lrliotl afriunphs \Iith 3:58.1 Mile 19th annral Con!to!, Calif.. rnvitati onar. .Tnne 6 ]\ustraliars lierb nltiott ran his fouith u!.1er-four nrnute nife of re year tonigtrt on t- ,. ,:_. ..t. o. .t i .or.-Pton collesr' s Ramsarr Stadiun. The race had beeo buirt up as a d.ubl€-barr€l€d shot at thc wortd 4arkt and nearly r0,000 spectators turned out R€su1t: 1. !11iott, ,r:54.1 ( 57.5, 1:5S.3. 3:Lrt-4 & 56.7- 1s00n- :l:4.J.4) 2- Laszto Tab.ri, SCIV,4:00.5; 3. Ron Deranv. Villanova, a pul1ed up.1:1Lr; 4. cne ualtcrsj Striders. 4:12.5r 5.Je;: Ma; Trnert USC, 4:17; 6. Bob Shankld u.. r:l..t a<ptir-: .4, s..\ land, i6.9, !11iott, 5i.5, Delany 57.9, Tab.ri , 58.2..aa0- Sliankl;rd & riliott D-t"r.. r:.o.a.. clt1.tt ran the third 1aD in 62.1 to e.ab llre te!d.. Rourding the first turn or tne rlnaL laF Detany Doured ir on ano Tabori, surprisingly, was the one whv stu.lr in ther., Detary slowed doun to the backstretch but Et liott 3nd Tabcri nade . dazzling tanden, inc r.raslng the tenpo. Tabcri rasted until th! .urve, when ltlliott .ased away to r'1r bt sonc 12 Iards. so !11iott's rtr1ght)- 56.7 last 1ap saved the race ' 3 rJ: rh 'oL- irlre n-rn 2,-Mi1e Run: 1. Jo. villarrear, Te:. o. r : .o: ; . J., Sr'i -' .1. Bisnop, \o.tn Carolinat 9:17.6; .1, r, \t .idi.q. U..LA. "r I t"-..i 18 - t. trrlla. AtrertrEr.), t:ia; :. Dave Scur1.cl, r\o. carolir.; 3. 1'rilcuxr Fresno Statc;4. Lenors, U. S.C, .1,1C l. !d Sorthern, Texas, 45.9; . . -. D. o .. , otr"c,: srirt, U':i .: } (Mlet rr..; o1.i nark46.2 s.t bv Tih Lea, USAF, 1.5b.. Mile Retay- i.-Texas, (!1rrson,:18-:1, Dun1ap,48t H.1t, 47 -7, Southern, 4ri,!) l:14,1; 2-U-S.C. -l:11_3; :i- CIrndal. Co11€ge, .l:f2.6; rt. Striders. (.1d n€.t nrrk, 3:11.5, set b! Grand street Boys Cl!b, Ioj:l).,High School 0ist.nc-- tr1.dlet t. Con!ton, lO:t?_r (ord.e.. 10:15.1 bJ, conpt.n 1952) , j. . Bet to\-r, '-, rrrr " j I :r "J ,i: .lv van.ouv.r, ts.c., June 5 & ?- lritish ,o I'- bi' -r.i, .J ., 0 Ni. ,. i $e.^ here- kn..ked.ut world record chances_

ahree-nile' 1. Zdzislaw (lzyszkoriak, Poland, 13:34.a (ner nark; o1d nalk 13:35.2 by Cliris Chataway, lnpire Ganes, 1954) 2. George ihight, !ne. 13.44.7i 3. Doug try1e, Canada, un. 13:57t(50 yds- back of Knight)..Xlzy ran the first 2 niles in 9:02 with Britain's George (light, a deailiinger for Roger Bannister, oq his hecfs all the way only a yard apart until the lasr 1aP then the Pole sprinted a 58 second quaftei to pu1l away.-. 8a0- 1. Zbignies Uakonaksi, Poland, I:5I-7; 2. Far.e11, lnglandi 3. Mu11ins, Nebraska (Canadian nati\' .,o.o o I:12,oi old re.. t.52.V Open Mile- l.Stephens, Vancouver, 4:17,6; 2. Fereuson, OreBon St, Co1. 4:24,4,.. b/7- Invitation ltile- 1. Derek Ibbotaon, 4:05.4; 2. Merv Linco1n, 4:05.5; 3. Alex Henderson, 4r06.2; 4, Jack Larson, vashington Univ. 4:0a.2; 5- Stefa! Lewandovski, Poland, 4:09.8i 6, Burr crin, Maryland, 4:12.9; 7. Nes Mcleod, U.S.C. 4:19;8. Mik€ Freningr Nebraska, .1:25-6 (Herderson stepped our to a! early lead? lost it to Lincoru in the second 1ap and tl'cn regaired it rt th€ :r/4 nark. Ibbotson rau rhird untir the firal 1ap side-by-side drel with Lincoln to the wire vhere he Non by a chest expansion. The nirer like tne rest of the neet, was hit by the poorest typ€ of traci veather. Rai! Friday night and early Satrrday nade the track at lmpire stadiln sloppy. Ibbotson said he was 'skidding at the cornersn yhile Lincoln naintaired: nYou couldnr t g€t nuc\ faster on this track.i (splits: Henderson, 61.8; 880- 2:02 Llncoh a yard ahead of qenderson: 3/4-Hcnder:on (65s) 3 ro7) 840 Open - 1. A1lan Andr€ws, Vancouver;2. Cordl, Oregoa State; 3. Stepbens, vancorver. TiRe: 1:57.1... 440 Tobacco, slashi.gton, 4a.l; l{righton, !ngJand; Jenf ins, Vitranova... 6-Mite- 1- Gilhan, Vancouver, 30:32.8; 2. Graves, Staaford; 3. llenden, vancouver... Mile Retay1. British Conndlwealth tean; 2. Nebraskai 3, Vancouver OlynDic Ctub Tine:3:i4.q Th€ arrivat of Shalon Kahalani, who ran from New Yorh Citt's City Ha1l to Midwood Stadiun itr Brooklyn carrylng a torch, opeqed rhe Maccabirh Feslival on Jun. 2!d. Shalon ma,te thel miles in abour 50 nins,

_lure, 1958--15 tlouston, Texas, June 7- U. of Houston Meet of Chanpions !:!l!-19 1. Jerry snartt, Eouston, 74:74.7i 2, Duane Holdanr (ansas Str4:43,7i 3. Fred Kerr, Penn State,

14:48.1.,, l"li1e- 1. Gail Hodsson. okrahona, 4:-3-:1 (ties neet ;eco'd set by Ron Delany in 1957) 2. Mike

conl€y, !lorida St.ter 4:05.7; 3, Ed Mcran, Penn State, 4:05.7; 4. Fred Abing ion, V 1n ,r . r b i r t , 4 : 7 . 1 . . - Aa01. GeorBc Kerr, I11inois, 1r4o.52. Ray Dyck, Arkansas, 1:51.9; 3. Jarr€11 ndRards,D Abil€n€ Christian, 1: ', :4. Tor od", rdrs"\ sr., l:51.4... 440 - 1. Glenn Davis, Ohio state,46.t42. Deloss Dodds, Kan- St. 47.7i 3. Jin Norton, Penn State, 47.8i 4. Janes Segrest, Abilcne Christian, 1r


Calif., June 6 & 7 Nation al Association of tntercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) T&! Ch4npionships {l!g- 1. Dan Rya!, western I11i!oisj 2. Paul lihitc1y, Kansas State Teachers; 3. Ty Hadtet, Occidental; 4. Cotlins, Santa Barbarai 5. Calpenter, E. Wasn. 6. White, Occid€nta1. Tine:4:10.6 2-Mi1e- 1. Shepard, Hovard Pa_\,ne; 2. vanderhlve1, Central llichigani 3. Sandoval, W. I11.4, Russ Bennettt Occidentat (9:14.5); 5. Hartness, Oxy; 6. I<eir, Oxy. ?ine: g:09.5 (liew narli; o1d recordr 9:I9.5 by Kerr, Oly 1957) 44A-7. Zetznan, O:y; 2. irick lr]is, Morgan State (ya!d back) 3. Banbalerr Oxy. Tin€: 47.4... aao - t. Nelson, Mankato State Teachi;;i 2. Reisbord, Oxyi 3. Ohlander, Western I11.4. Iliggins, Cent. Wash.5. Hartnan, 1'\]illanette; 6, Boha11, Northern St. Teachers. Tine: 1:5I.8 (!,rew NAIA rec. O1d rec. 1:51.9 b)- Larrt wrayr Oxy'57) 440 Hlrdles rran washilgton, l{instonSa1em, 51.5, new National Collegiate record; old nark 52.4 bt Robelt Deviatey, Kansas, 1952. Central California AAU T&I Chanps: sanser, catif.,Jxne 7- (sanser H.S. tract) 20 nDh winds. Mile- 1. Toe vi11aireal, texas. 4:15.3-; 2. Walt Boehm, stoc,4:17.6;3. Napiei, san Josc State, 4:1a.1; 4. Ho1t, San Jos€ state,.1:21.5i 5. Ho11and, ucl,A, 1:22.9 2-Mi1e- aabo.i, scYv, 9:07.1j 2. risenftan, Bakersfield, 9:r9.7; 3- Adams, Stiiders, 9:24.5; 4. King, SCW; 5. liF11y, San Iose State.,, a80- r. May ,crd Ormr , aJlafornia, r:51:o; San Diego,

2. Nilcox, Fresno State, l:54; 3. Hol1and, UCLq, 1:55.I; .1. Dunla!, Texas, 1:56;5. Gas!€ri, Sac. St. 440- 1. nd Southern, Texas, 46-1; 2- Covert, Okla- St.47.ai 3. Whit., Mt. SaD Antonio JC, 48s; 4. Spurr ier, Striders,:ra.1i 5, Wilson, Tex. 48.2

rilest Point, N.Y., Jue 7- N.Y. State Irterscholastics (Shea Stad. ) Allen Chapnan of Hurtington HS set

sr rp -F orn in t,e n;l start- his tine tor the first lap gth and finished i^ 4t22b,a fn1l second off the record of 4:23.6 set Dy Dick Dicanillo of Mount !1easant in 1954.. Bob letrovicl of C dr. H.S., nor rh- 880 i, l:<o.: NeN York City, Randalls Istand, Jure 3- Public Scnools Athletic L""-u. f\" ' i no : vr l : l. r'r n Juve, 17-year-o1d Batside High sen ior, 6t3rr 160-pounder; 4:29,2; 2. Richard Colaslonno, Bryart ES r5 Ids. bacl. (Les MacMitch--11, Ceo, blashington FS holds the ne--t narli of 4:23.3 set in 193a...aao: 1. Aoft Laris, Geo. 1'Iashirgtont 1.59,6 ,, | 00 ).-1. PL : i. J y H" \'r"sq. ctinton, 2:19.6.-Tean: Bayside, 29; 2. Jacksoq, 221_; 3. Clirton, 2Oii .1. Bo\. rlie 20i 5, di I or . l6l ', (Laie) slnnaiies NYAC Meet 6/7'. vr t-: r. r,! (-n7i, r.5 y t.) . . v 18. osa, (scf-) 3. P€ter McAfdle, NYAC, (5 ro \ r. Joi , Lopi , \,cc r 0 r.s) Tine. a:57.5,, Mile:1. Ciu0pley (75yds); 2. Hand, NYAC, (25yds); 3. Ray Cherniak, Central Jerset T-c. /o- )d5. i. Bob v (dy, \\A r.0 rd-) Chalnan got off to a rather weak


Randolph, Mass. 5 1a! track,9 other

-r" l.r-. t. J.J. KF -/, lAA, 20. c. 7; 2- Dean Thackrvray, BAA,29:-54.o; 3. John tsooras, B,qA; 4. John Laffertv BAA; s- John cray, BAA; 6. Loca1, Hollbrook, Mass. i 7. CoDzares Scolto, DAA; 8. Dick Packard, BA\; 9. Don !ay, BAA; 10, nrick Seigal, fiarvard-. \Jcd., June.l 3 Mir€ Run: l. Tony Sarienza, BAA, 15.08.8;2. John Booras, tsAA; 3. Joh! Lafferty, BAA 4. Frank Rodgiguez, Ne{ Bedford

l6 -.Ixne.


NIAAU (Continued)

?.' - .. ,1, r'

Oirv- Ares. l0:,tt 2. D n HoDpF-. I--ot"n '. J r' Ld ','1 , B.A.A, r,.Don HJg.n. B.A.\8 o -Fbr--5) "'h'..".ra 1.,," I raI rr,.\. J]i\ore. o rir.ofr. Bd_,iro.e- so,r. al ti AAU Tdr rHo 6^iod\ T-Jl: Boc ,nr-v 'rLb. "nL r:l::.'-_''o:"i

\oct.'wFsr Cu.," oL ron twFllv to t.rrrtv_tiv- ail.s pe- nour p.ei.iLed d-ring th- p,obr,n. La-rs leo-"lr rrc hdv -n.1.2, 05-1, .ro- DFao"-\. Ar ,5:.:, 11 !!:i.! !5.^r stepinac, Dho i. ."t i. .p' "it""J.ili.i D"n; tat'. i:: i.. r'r\l r'dll il6. '""'";;";; croon h"s rrird, ciose ycn:nd. ct tl rrr-- q rJrrpr njrp ndr(

::'i; ':';.:::9":i".1::"'"".."' i:;i"-'i: i"i,',i,""1 ;;.1":.1,';:., ri ,. Brorr. ... , \orrh

:47: Ar ,. ?'e" 5:2):-r. cJqrr-. r. 8u.. s.N^r, ou,..",11",;9.1!'": Boc, ?+lr: r- -d: otd r,,ordo:Jo.a j.i

Jop.f--n.F ro.


iY,,"i: lll*' :..i.c: .s"h.p- r.Dpeo

Art,neroh, N.J. *"st irn.l:-i.q:r" sivie-i. "ainoric, -f. (ord nF-r rd.^, i:.5. l.i:.^1''^""! -"u' >! uo-don. Broo\tyn AurororivF, .7 r. Joh, D"ir-, U1lo,, N.J. r:)o.t; !-q-q: z. pr-hd-d^Ki. F"nldrran Avi"rion; .r.-coba-r P-1rovi.\. F-ankr.r.a,,y,

strorg hird),,- v I- r.n i. "rroto ": ,. . 89.,4:to-E?:F.-.ora; 0: oi LdP,prBo. Jo1l ,"-!io5 ,: : ;:i: I -^'.9.!,p";.. t.. d.rryhilt, lof; t. parl Shernal

(\-+-..r:o,a o'a " o d, 1l-- \.r. . ,.,'o.",o;.r,'i;;"_ ": ^ 'r,,

,. :.-" B,oln. Mo-s"n Dv tni -lo, t.jo\ ryr-r 1, sr"r", to Do r.. .



le;:"'i::i,:1"; i!i "i,i;; i: p,r" :,iii"i;;;;1;";;; 3i1 o,p,-D. S||Iiv.n. aroio|, .h:.,,"F..1o P-'rr.): -. t- a, I Tile: a:u)..

HarpLr, orrore... 1111....9f'1. .r c-oie,'o'"'n, ,.c, {rltdr. ": r L DnM .1.; ..

June 14- Metroporitan :":u.:.":-E. \.1.,ai,'o-"r'p.. c.ii,. ..



3 a h"dv) tr" r. e;.,rrus_ L"h ,l:-.8_& -t,Fn, r strc .ro{d oi r.000 drr 'dpd I. o" ry: . ae.,/ thp rsl :-..".-' I'j': | .r-onJ. BO.; 4. B. '4-, Jtrore. Time: an_/0 years. paik war Menoriat 1:58... 440 l. Sta !€fu.b_ ished ar a cost of$ta5,ooo pi."ia"a strauss, Boc. 52.3 Fort i,ee, va., 2nd.Arny- r&F chanps: i:i,;':.:"T:;i i;:';::1""

!ii: i:ilik

D-oer. PP"rna,, r"st.\" \ro{. li,: : o_lli1e_ r.Gora.n MLKenzie, \llc, .J0.06. 2rd Annual !astern states Int€rscholastic 8i :._,crt CunnrrAham, ri,ec; :,c,,trs -: ' slot i..:n" Fo s)|. rd ,6. | ,.or .i. u"i"-,.,,;is,-b; . \ \\p . i,'rd. \-h vo-L :,y' J,1" d..roi L",i , ^.: . L o ^o1 .\ 800 /d d-, 11.-'" -'i. .,: qrF.i dIF.ord ol -rrDD'd I ro o.d,r 1r-, rd.L c-o-sF 1:'I-"1''' l o \ t p, 1 I'r-.a-t rn- td.| r,..; xo y-"rs ngo, Dut \e11ded to rp;usty;irds toda-v and turned in one of the fastest olJ. ow.d .D ir rr- t"i1 r,i s_Jotd.ri o.rd, , ,iLr o. .o,o, nrrFi y'- o a- D |, .1 ,-Lo.no r .,. !-oo.". rl.. r F-.-ord. yu-o_ll l _vcliso ran rt 1 I in j:18.. rno r-ou|cr srdv. o .d 1i e rh,Fa I ile r! r,r" q ri d rL,l- .r "t(r-d . oon. rt- .unn-r-upt . ".o t. si^ty_-ibhr !ol rt - tvpr AnU. c,nni.e ::: " | Mofe thar :60 T&F stafs iepresenti"g llil t! hinJ Musosa took the nile in ( contllxed page 17)

.I$e. MlT AAU (Continued)

lora, 195?); 2. chas. Iora, 8:52.?; 3. Max Truer, IJSC, 9:00,0; 4, Je!ry Srartt. Houston, 9:04.1; 5. cary Griffith. BiighM Young, 9-.o7-9, 6. c\avfora (Deacon) Jotres, (De8cof,) Jones,

he outlasted Petcr A. trjacArdtej a \yAc 'l.brarr f-or lr-lcr-, i ic -" Breatring to-shoulder three nile due1. away tron MacArdle in the rast fjftv yards of a scorchinA 58.5 second fi;al quarter, Mugosa Fas clocked ir th--

live1t tine of 14:16.9.. Mile- 1. tlus os", ;:18 /, .to' /dro. \'.|A.: . i; n ElarFr, T"r r ) ron sl ..- rto, . r . t. vic Dettaio, Nyac.. 3 Mile-1. Musosa. l4:to,.; 2. a cA rn ri:J .- to hr D;ucrn NYA : 4. lL- l/" r", \.P..: r, -"^1i{ qI. Johl Pu rb, \rA.. Do1'_=l"Nyrc, ald, N1?C; 3. Bi1:l Oneltchenko? 4- Gcorge SIi11ine, riyPC. r4:51.b.. 2-Mjle StFrr,teLhdsease- I. L Curtis Stone, st.r N]AC; 2, G-nE r'1J7iin, NypCi 1. Ed M.Allijtp , \,A, i 4. ' t .r,, !r: l rose. 10:19,4.. 440- 1. Frank B.{ens \,P-: /. P, r" d'--, \yA. . tc. crant, Nrpc; 4. John TLctier, Ntpc, /\dtrt, Tin-: 4a--a"np ..EBi- o-dl nan {eqt unDlaced)._ Tean: New York AC, 13:l; N.Y. Pioreer Club_ 79+; Tarrytown 9j; Millrose. 1 Berkeley, California, June i4- 3ith annual NCAA T&! ChanDionshiDs at the University of CaIifo;n:ia's rdwards Fietd. Peif€ct conditions. tenD. in high.70ts.. ream: soutnern catifooni" 48 6/7; Kansas 40 3/4; Virranova 33 3/ai san Jose state 2o 3/7i r{instonsalen 2o; rllinois 1? 3/4i ohio stare 17.. Mite-(.un in tdo sections. Dlaces deter;l;Ed by rines)-1. Ron Deia;v. v. r:0'..: 2. Jr- C--ljF, O-aCon. r:ur.o, '. Cdil HodAsor. O.i"h,.". r : 4.9: ,1. Don Bordpn, ."1:,o,nid; 4:oo.oi .. p-r. Close, St. .Tobn's, 4:07,3: 6. Ed Mora! Penn State; 4:08.a (Delanyis tine NCAA record; old record, 4:03.7 bv Nes sant€e, Kansas, 19s3 (Ron eas 35 iards behind Bowden going into the anch;r Iap, blt the tr€nendous Delany kick was rntactj ard as the field hit the b" lslrFl"h, BohJpn fdlr--.L ord Dcr ary, trre odd, turkpy-trot running stvl- -iill slroag dno snoorh, .iosFd ttre gap quickly. He assumed the lead around the final turn and then iust dr'tpd dwdy.,,. aao.t. Fon D.tdev. \. 1:4a.6; 2. Toh M;;Fhy, Manuattan,1:49.4i 3. .Jack Wilcox. Fresno State t:4s.6; 4. bave r."". rili"r,ie"" si.i"' 5- v"!n"rd Or1e. , "irtorni_. 1:50.4; ':4o.8i b. Tt rtadLey, Occidentar, I:50.5.. :-MiIe- 1. Arex Hen.t<.sonArizona St.te--t Tempe, S:ao.I ( D;h NcAq record; old nark 8:57.6 by Chas


\enn€ot, rlcnagan Kennedy, Micbigan state, State, e:04.5... 9:08.5... !!!- Greln Davis, ohio statp, 45.?,b,._ ld record; old nark 45.a bv l.in Lea US !, lo5o) 2. Ed So-thprn, ieras. lo.r; 3. Jack Yerman, catif. 46.6, 4. r;an Rodriquez, Pue!1o Rico,46.8i 5. Nick El lis, Mo'gqa 5tdrp, 47.0: o. Jor Zpl-


rondon. JrnF 14- O-Forc fdnbrrdae g !cnn corr'L1t o, l,rrhitF flrl StaJ;Ln

l,_ r-t - rh I Ln ^i \"r ir. o,, ,ilror. .t nd,lo \-ro i ro t.,0,FFr'1.. rlllc I Jonr ririn.n, Oxror,l. .J:O!,1: r, \lr\' Po^b, r:-0.r. '. V.\- Ilrd Fr. or Ft , | r:_-. r ; ; rravener, Corne1l, 4:40.6... 880_l Do. la S. i ,, 0\,o . , : O. r r: Ch._. Hirr, ' or1- , ,: ,.1: r.-;r-. i ,, :l: r. P6' t: D v r.o-.ro D, ,dr. , rL, ,or.,.iF



D"'.I-. 't, ,::-r r."..

P. ! r-p I O{ o-d. o: o ,Ft l. : . ... L H. I orD. .,, ;aT , o, '",,. 4 .r: . J.B.!1_j: ,d Harrisblre, !a., June 14- Middte Atlan_ t-ac A,A,u- T&f ctjanpiorstr!s Jt Jotjn ra--rs Hrg, DLI"lelbPioneEr AC, r 4; -. Sj dnrhrn CC. 5r]: r. t, -i. rr^ ,l,cn.. Mii.. D' L L1--rrgb L. s' r"i ,, r:t,.":., Dor^P j -, H. r"b.-- Lq-A. t:.o.8i q.; r. Dr.. Br"o_ P, 'r l, llill Sctrw:i, sl/rtr, lern AC... 880c'J1"\",, r:' .8:--: v- .r'' p.,ii,-:i,"" ). Br"dsl rr '. 51",-, ", l\'; r. L -l j:I!::r. 0'o^ar -, 5,d.,rd.i ?9.. P^, --A, .:... B.t.or, PAC; 4. Bill Prater. Shanahan. _-qri-ii^--!r,-.-:-z-ar i,.- jr rl- not. JLun d JLnF M la: l. \ ro I 6w- I-rrFJ-,. U rt.) 2. Ci] i sooo: v" t lip..orL,. a:t .b r. i;Pi1; ?-Mil€ -,r:4,: :tr:?1Pc!rse. Atp. Bl-=r.n.. J;hn rS , ,O,aSj . V:


Qudlt i.o, .


| ,:-8,.. .7,

88. "D: t" -


The Lynn A.C. 1s t rr nes.st club to 1r \Fw I gl n' na dlolJ

hi r-rt- !\o-r1 r-o.o-, ^irt it F tono iq. b gane ro prosrcss.


1a--.Tuc, 1954 8th Annlal ?enn AC T&! Meet- Olney HS Fic1d, Phi1a., Pa, Sat., June 21 t4ILe \!!-(12 Noon) 1. Brcwnins Ross, Fi;;-Ad:i4:4r, e:56, 15:08, 2oi2r, 25:35, 3O:41.8); 2. Bob Chanbersr Shanahan CC, 32:38; 3. John Cunninghan, lenn AC, 33:10; 4. Stan Lindn.r, PAC, l3:52.3; 5. Il.nry Kinkaid, PAC, 34:15i 6. Dick Zink, Shanahan, 3rt:oo; 7. Lalry Delaqey, Sharahan, 36.30; a. Ton Adans, Shanahan38:50 (12 startcrs).. Mile 1. Russ Bradshaw, Penn AC, 4:19.3 :-lick lngelbrink, Shanahan (10 yds.) 3, Charles King, Shanahan;4. Frank !atson, lenn ACi 5, lrank !itzpalrick, Sha!ahan; 6. lat Vialsh, Shanahan... (Splits: aJ5- 5-King, Eng€1brink, 2:13King, Engclbrink, 3:1a-2- Bradshaw) 8aOHarry llright, NY?C, I:52; 2_h! .. t.. rr9. S\-n. i, For V- )scrrb-'. , Pt ".Pior ,I A. r. .l06 CaffnFr, Sl an, l-NirF- 1. BroMins Ross. PAC. 15:30 , .- 7^atat, Q uiti'o rru-r'".1 .. o-.nis CoyIe,PAC; 4. Art Palenschat, Shan.. (Rainstorn, anklc deep water covered th. track dlring the 3-ni1e and tast fer ev.nts) T.an: shanahan cc - 6A 3/4. 2. Phi1a. Pioneer ACi 3. Penn AC,. JOHNNY

I ' ' I: I r s u t s r r b


KIIiMIIER RIN lN 1 :21. 30 Clifton, N.J., Jrne 1.1- 2:30 P-M. Young John (e11ey, just nissed his course ie.ird of 1:21.28.5 in ideal saather(wi'dy and in thc 70's) Prizes: Trophies & nerchardise to lst 15 also snall oscars up to 26th p1ace. Usual individual and tean awards (MU) Onry 3a starters, a snal1 field for a chanpionship run in the east, prob ably due to the various Assn T&F chanpionsnips held the sane day. 1- John J. Ketl), Boston AA, 1:21:30 2. Al Confalone, Boston AA, 7t26-4A 3. Ted Corbitt, Nt?C, 1.27.17 4, Jin Green, Boston AA, 7t29:46 5. Bob Chanbers, Shanahan CC, 1:30.16 6. John Booras, Boston AA, 1:30.21 7. Gonzat.s Scotto, rroston AA 1:31.14 A. Aldo Scandurra, l'littrose, 1:32.044 9. Stan Lindner, Pen! AC, t:32.31 10, Rod MacNicholl, NYPC, 1:34,10 11. Josc Dones, NYPC 1:34.45 12- Richard Packard, B.A.A. 1:35-07 13. Don Fay, lr-A.At:35.54 14. Dick Donohue, B.A.A. 1137 -2A 15. Jin Bolden, NYPC 1137 -59 16- Royce Sawyer, North Medford Club 17. Mark llaves, Notth Medford Club 14. John Coqway, NYPC

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 2a. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

Mike OrHara, St. Anthoryrs B.C, l.lerb Navarro, St. Anthonyis BC A1 Silva, St. Anthonyis BC Ilarry Mlrphy, St. ADthony's BC John Jallett, st. Anthonyrs Bc Jesse Bude11e, Penn AC Etectric Boat AC Jin Corcil, Joe (eI1er, St. Anthonyrs.BC Nate Ciiulnick, NYrc Dav€ Voge1, St. Anthony's BC

Jascourt, Penn AC Mirt Pataky, St. Anthoryrs BC John Penbellhy, Bloodfield, N.JGus Kotteakos, St. ArthoDy's BC Bilr Mil1er, St- Anthony's EC Gene Rosensan, St. Antholyrs BC John Datey, NY Pioreer C1!b Tea4: r. Boston AA--!12,4,5,6-18 pts. 2. NYPC--3,7,8,9,10-37 pts. 3. St- Althotry's BC-rr,12,13,14,15--65 pts, Kelley had a 3 minute tead at 10.5 hiles (clocked in 53.10 by Joe Kleineinan- CoDfalone 56:20 ) Kleinernan states:n I followed Lel1ey in a car for nost of tbe race, just 100 yalds back & he looked great. He no{ has tso national titles, (25 kilo & salathon) plans on ronnirg the 20 kl1o, Jxly 4th iq Needhan, Mass. & then the 30 kilo i! YorE, Pa. in Novenber- He vi11 niss the 15 kilo out on the coast. IncideDtalty we tined hin fo! a neasured nile (the ?th hile) and Hugh

Frank Kel1y, North l,tedfofd Club

Central AAU T&F Meet, Stagg lield, Chicaeo. I11-. tune 14- Mi.Le- 1. Phil Colenan, Ted Wheeler, 3. ltal Hiedo!, :l:13.1.., 3000 steeD- Hiedon craenshield, p ic naia-il-ai.i5-(new' rec

3-Mite- 1. Gar t{i11ians. 2. Ray EE;;;E 14:3? (Nev Record) !!!- Robertson, spence, lgheele!.

warren Leddick, Director of Recreation, Gieenbelt, Maryland reports that lne 2nd Annual Greenbelt 9 nile Road Race will be held on Sunday, August 31. The Prizes are reat nice this year. The first ten places ri11 receive silver herchandise such as an ice bucket, water pitcher, trays, bowls, food Harfters etc. Sutvivols nedals and sone troPhies. Also a 3 nan tean trophy. He ptds to have a Pictu!€ of the prizes o! the entry blanks. Locker loon & shoveis ritt

.JuDe. 195a--19


fret;6t6Ttan (Nyc) alea rumels held a Road Runnels club neetine dlrilg the second week of Tune 6 had nail erection of officarsA second neetira ras DroDosed for Jutre r5th at van Cortr;ndi park to folnulate rhe rulesI'IINUTIS of the 1st Deetins of the

O! ROAD RUNNIRS CIUB herd Saturday. June 14 as reDorred oy Ia_a)€tt; S;ith, S"creta;v. lte 0eeting sas leld at srdgg pi;rd .Dprore the cFntral ML oLrooo! t!dc4 00re or less to orde_ shen Phil ColeDan ard Ea1 Eiedon uandered iato the plenises. Gar riitl aaos, who {as staldins i4 the shade chatting with lay iThundelbildr l.lpozi-, Arre Fi.nards, Roge, Re)notds, \aT $raCs-ball, PelF lv.Keon cDd Ceorge Karcazes (rhe Iast tyo beirs auarte; oite,s and tberp.ore uohorEiyi, connented iathe. saidonically: iWhere You two cloms beer?n coIFnar, ex usad hinseLf admittine quilF hLftblv lhat ne was over at si;dods housP r;okiDg at soh- rovies;t' rheir lasr sreeplpchdsr !a.e rogprhr,, abd tha' Higdor hdd in.istpd on-rum 1ng the part, in {hich he(coleFan) had trlpped on the vater barrier, over aDo over again in hopes of Dsvchinp han rcorFnao r for rhJr Wi11ians, hho vas"tlpir;on's-battr". conductins the n-elitrg.s'arted ir on " Dot- ot Calety by stating that the ChanDionshiD One Hou- Du! was ro oa h-ld as s-n"i,r"a Higdon comented sonerhat blatantlv that he had leceived a comunique iron the crand Uagistrate of the Rotd Runrers Club, Brohhing Ross, dd that said Ross vas contenplating coDing to Chic, a8o tor the race {ith five others and w41tcd a pt4.F to stay. Higdon votun_ teered to put up two, aDd ltillians said hF had roor fo( on,. Uen?iF t\ed na€xificently boasted that he would fin; ool for "s Eey orhers rh"t showed u1. agrF4d rhdl ro, fl colfd alwaysSFrerdll) be found in fialernity houses, ald rhat the Road Rbners etub would ahays be villing to take caie or any and all rlnnels showiqg up fo! _ Nith this point olr of the way, rligdon nJde a suAsestion tbat thev iotd a 15 killometpr road race dur.i;A the slme!, stating that since Bob araib orn1a, no actual races or the road hao CTNTRAL DIS1RICA

been staged

ir the centlal district-

There Ms so{e discussion (o! nubled srunbting) as to hor fa! 15 kiloneters eas, bur MeDzie !esorved the "cl,uallyBhen piobleo he adrilted that it ras soue{hat over six Eiles. UilliaEs Eoaned that ihis ms too

fa! to run, dd rtry donrt ie start with sone sholter diatances sucb s five or six niles. tlisclo!. drayile frod a backslould of aour races o; paveneDt, rhen stated that 15 kiloneters ras actually a short distoce to! roads, ud nuch easie. tltd sit riles o! a track siuce you doDit set dizzy goiag alould ir circles. Sas Wagschall the'l ilt€rrupted the ploceedings yith the opinion that he {anted to .u! i! the O!€ Ilour Ru. but he tbougbt it ,as too far to ruD Tte gloup thetr aDiaoty suggested ltar San shoutd go to hel1, rhile soEeone uncharitably co@ented itr the rea! that the ray Sar ru!s, one hou! of lunlitrg isnrt so far afte! all. SaD {ithdrer his notion ald the discussEigdon suggesled a deselted sectio! ol road nea! th€ lake as a place to hold thei! 15 Liloiete! iace. I.his teo sile long strip of concrete had been isolared ebpn d trehe! eigbt tale high{ay had been blilt around itAlthough the road nas io loEser used for traffic, rbe city bad ne;e! borheF d to rub olt the cotrcreter thus it would be an ideal place to ho1<! a road .acp because of bo rraffic problpos. ft'o loops aroud p.lus aq additional stretch ,ou1d nate 15 kilonetels ald the officials could stand on a bill iD the Biddle atrd rat'.h tbe nriority of the race. July 12th was th;! suggested as a date to hold the racel{eEie imediately objected sayiug that August rould be a bette! tiee. but i! the ensuing disclssio! it ras discovered that Mepie rould be uD at Cdp Mccoy serviEg bis coutry ia_ thF Ardy reserve. MeDziers effolts to sabotage the race tbus failed. md Itigdo! pron:ised tbat if it were a success tney kourd staqe a .Lonse! o!€ io Au8ust. A date ol Jury tarh-(Saturd"t .t l0:00) ras tlnal ly asreed uDotrAt thal rire U"hard Kins, rarationer ebe!itus, who had receotry uisrated to chicago fron Lafayette, ridia;a, aDbled up. Higdo! asked KiEg if he (Kins) sould liLp to rub l5 kilometers King asked how fa! that vas to rhtch

2o--.Tune. 1958 NINS (Continled) Richards replied sonethat under 26 f,iles, and (ing agreed to show uP. The ieetins adjudeed a success and subsequently dissolved as the road lunners sPlead out trYilg to hawk up officials for tbeir ProPosed races. No future date for a second neeting was set. -LafaYette Snith RRC



nt.et 0e be one of the nany to con' gratulate The Distance Log on tairing on a ner appearance. The new Log

ceitainly is inp.essive and nakes reading the contents a P]easlie. .Iust the other day,while tumaSing throu8h ny deskt I crde uPon all the previous issues and I dascarded every sirigle one of then because ot their bulkiness. Now with the new Loe' I can sliP then into a folder foi quick refer_ ence. They are now easy to read, light i. neight. cof,Pact and cont ain peltinent and iDtFrestlng rnlordation that uill sive hours ot enjoynent to it's readers If I nay, I sould like to nake a suggestlon or lto: 1. Clarence DeMar o. the cover ot 2. Reserye covei for a Photo of the individral with the outstanding Road Runnins Derfornance of the ronth. (a.)-G- McKenzie's sood perfornance in Met AAU 1o-nile chanp. 3. Reserve bac! cover for use as a calendar for race dates- (?his wav everv issue has the calendar in the sane location for a qlick refer€nce.) You have done a good job with Your Jnde'tdking of " feh sto r vedr" dg' Nice Aoins.' . . - very trul) )]ou.s L,Porgp u. (rrg' !rr. 37 Winthrop Street, Boston, 19, Mass. 'Rrght nos I m gatheting_datetial to trlite a sPrles ot tralnrng ano perf ormance baographies vhich vi11 be pubrished in book fotm bv trdck and field ne{s. lt witl include a iaJizzer'LquesLioo irin arso.,A.i ttie nonent I sha11 be concentrating on the 880, nile, and 2-ni1e evelts, but later the long distances and f,arathon. I an nailins ny questionnaires to athletes ot aff abititi€s, not just 0or1d reco.d

holders, dd an getting vonderful response. Arso, I m including greats of the past, rlke John Paul Jones, etc., in addition to contenporary greats. l4any of you! Long Distarce Log subscrabers sil1 soon be hearing fion ne, aid I hole thet dill ansqer, This sumer I hope to get questionnaires nailed to at least the first 25 to 50 naralnoaers (best) in Eng]and. A11 this is oost interesting, aqd very revealing. I feel we h"ve olly tor'l -o 'le su"Jd.P ia lfis business of training. The Road Runners Club idea is terrificl SiDcerely, Iied Ni1t, 2540 rdgelea D.ive, Lafayette, Indiana. nMy proposed book oD tlack and field for Anericans-stressing educational an.l -e-reat'or "l v-1ues ds u'll os r-.fnique\ etc. is aboxt one-quarter conplete. (en Doherty has lead a chapter or two and seened pleased with ny effolts. Itrll probabl! take a fu1l senester or tpo to conpt€te, but peirlaPs it will serve as a dissertation for !bD--I hope. t "- jJ-r ..-rrr.6 " conbil"tio. hcight lif ting and running !rog!an-expelinental in nature-dcsigned to retlrn ne to ny ord cordition bI late this slmer and perhaPs noted inprovenent for the 1959 season. Tlere isnrt nlch conletition ont here, so 1itt1e incentive to train hard, but lr Lriou- abour o ph rl.or iFs of rine, so-- Irll 1et you kno! if I dev€1op eything worthwile. Long Distance Log llays a va1!ab1e part in ny fuiure plans (running and coacliing). I woutd like to see nore a.ticles about netnods of trairing in addition to the worthwhile ne{s features. I feel that a better exchange of ideas wo. u1d be nost beneficial to the publication and to all rlnners." Best Wishes for success, Bill Adans, P.O. Box 1626 Albuquerque, N. Mex.


have had to be held Many letters over but we will Publish as sooD a5

LUulin, I -1" d, TLn_ l8-rT\o-dJv nFFf at Dublin's ne{ Santry Stadiun featuring the Cornell and pennsylvania a&I tee aao-1. Do! snith, New zeafand, 1:50.1; ::Chas. {i11, Cornetl, 1:52-2;3. Geo. Katt-elnan, ?enn, 1:53.4.

(Late--tines of finishets in Clifton--Nat1 25 l(ito Run ) 16. Sawyer, r:3a.17i Hawes, 1:3a.43; conkay, 1:39.25; o,Eara, 1:40.32 i Navarro, 1:40- 01' Si1va, l:41.51; Murpby, 1:42.07; Jarrett ) r:41.04; J, Burde11e, 1:44.53; Coucill) 1:45. 47i KcIle., 1:4o.45; .irulDi.k, t:4?, 57i vag-1, 1 t46.24 Jasco rrr, t:4o.44; KelIy, 1:49-4D; Patalry, r : 51:31 ; Penbelthy, 2:00.35; Kotteakos, 2:03.47 B. Mi11er, 2:04-33i Rosennan, 2:15.36; Daly, 2.16.4!- (A11 finishers) Ir all, 36 of ihâ‚Ź 3a starters finished the race, the last ian c.ossing the iine at 5 P.M. - 55 sinutes afrer J.J.. Kpl let.. Kelley nadp his reappFzrdn.p in the stadi@ at 4:05 for the finar rap around the quaiter-ni1e tlack and received a king-size ovatio! fron a pint-sized crowd,- Kel1ey ian the Eear-record perfornance despite a brisk {ind that ar tiees kicked up gusts of 25 to 30 miles an hou!. After the race he said the vind ha.lnrt par{icularly bol,hered hin, dddiDg rhar it rtppr us fron beiog bakeo ir the sLn.' ,.Ee had praise fo! neet chairnm, BilI Wiklund ard other officials who provided a 'perfect coursei with no t.affic or pedestrian difficulties.. T',he Boston A.4 woa the Kenneth E. Btack award for the top tedm in thF oarathnr. CIifloD, \.1., June l4- Nph JFrse) cAU T&F chanDioDshiDs: 440- l.'s'o--iRobert sfti r ."''-ar j"-;;t it, pi:;-' ald Tufts, Short Hirrs; 2.iE- Leeor, unat. 3- Wn- Mattle, !nat. Tioe: 2:o1.. Mile Run- 1. Dan Rearick, Centlal Jersey; 2. Henry Levin, Short Fi11s; 3. Ray ch.rniak, .pnlral jersey, Tim^: 4:l/ Three Mile Run- 1. }lerrv Levia. Short Eills; _?:_-Dan Realick, central .lersey; 3. DaDiet Tompkids, Jersey Marathon. Titre: l5:4o-1,, Six-Milp Pun- t. Robt. Earris, Jersey M;;;II6;I--:! rdk Murray. Jr., rpn'!a.L J-'s-): '. *a)rp valentine, lnattached. Tine: 34.22.. ldo-Mi)c Ndl(- I. T r-! Aao"rson.C. L anen, c.J. Tine: 16:44-o1d rec. 16:ia-e by Anderson in 1957..?eam: Central Jei-



CPrtrdt CollpBralp Con prpn.e. Mitwaula,, JUF -- Tpdr: K-nsas 6o; tqd_ iana, 45: \or-F Ddn", ,2 t/,: h-sr-r, yichi,gan. 2a l/J; Ohio U.. 2 : Mis-our i, Is.l/r: l,!drquert-, I2 I./l .: his orsin, r0l ,. 440- r. c,ff-v. Ind. i_.8,-8a0- I. Tasup,r,a-trs., L:tl.;; 2. \.ro-nb.;E; \.D.

.lune, 1958--21 3. S nith, Ind.; 4. Cushnan, Kdsas-. - 1. lversole, ll,|{ich.2. Skutka. . 3- cawley, ND- 4..Teff, xavier. : 4:12.2.. 2-Mi1e- t. Tones. , (9:04.4);2. l'tjardle, li}4ich. 3. G reenle., (ans.4. lee1e. Be10it. Southern Pacific AAU- Los AnEetes, June 13 !!9- 1. walters, stridels, l:52.1: 2. Spu.rier, SIriders, l:r-.. 3- Hol1and, UCLA, 1:52-5.. .3-Mile1. Grin, Baltirore OC, 1a: Oq:'-.

Sorh, Un-r- '4:l4.li J. AoMs, Striders, I,4:1o.. o-Milc- l Dr&e, Culrer

city Ac, l1:28-. ?:!!lS_!31!: r. Dendan, NYPC, 15:14-a,. 3000tu St. 1. Rodriguez, UCLA, 9:34-.2..Mile-1. Holland. UCI3,4:19

Air Iorce Chanpionships: Riverside, Ca1if., June 13-14: Bill DellinAer, ex-Oregon star won the nile od 3nile in 4:11.0 & 14:12.9 NBA}IK'NOITS' BY DICK


Alex Hendeison looks vely sharp. - He is so inproved over last year that I camot believe be is thF I thitrk his tvo-aday schedule has paid dividends. Ee is, by the Eayt 25 (batA 1I/12/ 32) and not 27 as nentioned in sone reports, His last 1ap in the NCAA kas a fine 58s. Ee confessed disappoinlnent with his first nile a. Berkeley- He wanted to run 4:15 but was nine seconds s10w. Ia the Coliseun Relays he was shooting for 4125, cee by ia 4:31. lither he is a 1o!sy judse of pace or just talking to hear hinself talli. Iharosr fitst nile ias 4,77-2 in his iecord rd.e rnd Tdbo_i(dclJdll) il dds Loszlo's tine, he being the leade!) was prlling hin. AIex is Borld-c1ass aad a fine rlnrer but I thiDk a 4:15 is a t'it out of his .each so f"r as td kirB on o r*51 sp ond ril-, {e shatl see how he fares in thc l nile at Bakersfierd sith a sharp Tabori, Mugosa and Truex in the Max evidently has not yet futlt recovered fion his Brazilian experjencc. l. ppiilC tl rFF lcFr-r' al & Oxy duals plus Coliseln Relats) he has been tired before all races. Mar is not one to offer excuses and needs none. Bxt the fact is he is not hinself. lte is rot the Tiuex who r"n a:44.2 l"sr /".r, dao, D) rorna1 inprovenent, would have beâ‚Źn in

iRANK NolESr (cont inu e4> 6./17/5a

the 1ow 13:50rs this year. I hope he can rest up and be ready for Mosco{. He got a 3.5 aveiage this senester (3.3 is a Ba) and has one fore sesester of hald studying. Itei11 lu! cross-couDtry blt he

vonrt let it interfere with his fa11 scbedule. Next spring her11 have a light 1oad, her11 run for the Stridels and pick his seets, luMin8 when he wants ud what he {ants. He plans to start aeight tlaining and rill tiy a two-a-day workout proeran. If he cad hardle it her1l train uuch hatder. whititrsville, Mdss. 6/7/58 9 an. George Terry, urattached, caPtuled the dnual 5 nile(scratch) road race today iE recold tiie. Joht Gray of the Bostor AA vas second, two nilutes behind Tedy. Dick ?acka!d, (B,AA) & Cha.les Dyso!, (lirnishoAnerican Ac) firished 3rd and 4th, (29 finishers. 10 trophies) The 3rd Annual San Leandro Hatdicap 4.?5 ftile run is set for that Calif. citY on July 4, competitors neet at citi Ha11. Meet record 20:lr bY Bill

Morad. Achilles


The Wâ‚Źstern HeEispbere Matathon r'as b--en shifted to .Late suMer to tit in with the Scandanvian- Los Angetes

lrack Deet... lhe Northern califrnia T&! Assn. is helpiDg to stage the Red{ood City Track Ca!trival on July 19 at Redwood city with standard track events and such othet events as a special 7 nile ru! from downtoM to the track, 5000 neter(15000 n)rrn (record 15,29.4 by ll9' Boehn),

Mile track run (lecord 4:22.5 bY Norn Lloyd), atrd a one nile walk beiDg included. Ist Place award-1s a tlansistor iadio sith redals lor the lext two places. lnteiested? Send inqui.ies to Redsood City Track Carnival. P,O. Box 45 RedYood Citv, Wolveihmptor, !ng1aud, Jrne 14Brid tlewson of London set luropean' British ComonBealth and lnglish native records fo! the aao-yard iu. to_ dav in a triareular r&-^.F neet.HePson {ai clocked in-l:47.8 while runnins for the South tea! against the North

and fle Midl4nds.. HFksonrs tinp.lippeo the torncr lulopean record of 1:48.2 set by Gunnar Nielson of Dennart in 1955, and the Br. Comonwealth and lnqrish lative records of 1:4a.5 establishe<t by Derek Johason..Going all olt in rhe final foo yards, Ilekson .rossed the finish line nore than one*dd-a-ha1f seconds ahead of the !u!ner-up, Mike Rawson of the

Belfast, Nolthern Ireland, June 21Penn-CorDe11, 70, Nigeria,46, N. Ilelaqd 37 (Tvo-day tliangula! fteet-heavy !ain) Mi lp: L Ddve Lcl'eI. Corn, 1t, a.4l-2, 2. Colin Shillington, Ireland; 3. Chas. Hill, Corqe11. Londo!, Sat. May 24- Inte!-Countr 20 Mile Road Race chanpionship (61 startAls, represelting 17 teass in this new chtupionship event which was instituted lasr year when Len Jones of rssex won in 1:44.07) Chi1ly wind bordelirg on gale force helped the .unners as it was tire fastest t20h of all rime. (course p!obably aiound 4 nilutes sho.t (3/a dle). Fred No.ris(A.A,A. 10 Miles Track Chmpion) oro\e "hay Jron rodie Kirkuo a' lo tri Ies & "r l?l rit.s sas 25s r; ,\ good. In spite of a condanding lead he tore around the final tap alnost as fasr as he ran when winning the iA.A.A, 10' and was anazingly fresh at the finisl]. 1. Fred Norris, (Lancs) 1:41.18.08 2. lddie rirkup, (Yorks)1:42.22. 0a 3. Peter wilkinson, (Derby) 1:43:30.00 4. A. T"ylo-,rH"rlst L:a'.50;5. C. K;hbarr.(srbfls) :44.10; o. Ja \ Hqst4m (MiddrPse") !t4a.t7t , - ren HoMey, (Su' ) l:r5.lor 8. Hdr r) Hi.L", '" (MiJolp5pr)':45-l0,.Team: t. Middlesex,21i 2. Yorts,36;3. Surev.40. Mdcheste!, Engtand, (flhite city) May 2a- iNews of the Wo!1di lst Northern Gatres.880: l. M. D.wson (Bi.ch.) I:52.41 2. A. Missalal", (W-Ce-n.) t:52.o; J. (.S. h (liv. ) l:53,4: 4. Han{a '{itco (C /ech. 1p: t.'aii" ) I :51.8...Mi Crdh4r rve.-rr -,r, isr,; iii;" i"' i c..J.,-'''' (A.hilIes) 4:Oo.8i .. virre Aerisf".aj (Sale) 4:07.4;4. T- Plunfrey, (Cov. codiva) 4:09.4; 5. Derek lbbotso!,(SLH) .1lO.0r 6. 1.0. Wallpr.(Harrogalp) 4:.lz.r. (Cordon could rot I old Craha0 "Cveretr's hone straight burst in the ni1e, after takrng an ea!1y 1ead, lrerett allored Cordon -nd Ibbolso! ro nd\e the pd"-. Ruming his 7th race in 11 days, Ibbotson losr ilterFst in rre tdst,,,,0yos. Everett ron by 3yds ( 6 1 , 6 2 . a , 6 3 , 5 9 . 5 )


!i.st Northern British cdes 2-Mire:1. J. Merrinanr Batford ) a:51,6 (sta!ted bis effort before the be11, surging to the front and looking stlolger {ith every stlide. Youqg .unners rele nucir in evidence in this race as in the 3000 n. steeplechase.) 2. B. Ear1, a:55.4; 3, A, Cockins,a:56-6: 4. G.A.No.th, 8:59.6... 3000!sc-1B' i atr crai g, (B l ackp o oTfui8-. 2 ; 2. Geolse Rhodes.9:20.

June,1958--23 They had left Boston at 2 p.n. thuls_ day and allived i! aishkill at 1 a.n. !!iday, tiled, huqgry ald dirty. ney put up at the cage sume! tbeate! and hit the sack arouad 2 a-D. Boolas ras up at 5 orclock to see about his,cartle didlrl have dougb eDough ro pay fo!

-eparrs, so sold tbe Eaclitre fo!


and hitchhiked hooe... (iftree eood tiles and a ladio, too,i said ioolas) ... But not before he wert to the srarll

iug liie ald ran the lace of his rife. He finished fourth behitrd Blomitrg Rosq -Al Confalooe & Joh4 Laffe!ty. c!ee! eho won-the ttyoi srroe rz-niie raaaiiap and finished llth i! the BAA naratho!. o.qaged a si xtb. later lunning 4:10.a in the nile Road racels pay thei! o*n.ay evetyrhet ten yalds behind Biiar-I<ent-Soitht re. lbey ale the last of the rsDorts for The nile was Piriers sixth race Sports sakei breed. They €et litt1e *ithin fou! days- (2-tui1e sDlits: Dubli.itL excepr arouoo Ap.il 19, Co.f63.8, 67, 67.8, 4.2A-6, 6i.4. 67aloDe proDises to be d ercepttoE i.! 66.8, br.80) 2. pete! ctark. 8:j2.o thdt his hoDe is iD t{akefield, ald rhe L John Disley, a:55;4. X. Girtisvlakp-ipld Ited has a da, Batreat Bob Dotban, o:0r.0,.. Mile:1. Snith. AAA. eale otr its staff rho is a forrc! Mara4:09.2i 2- PirF, AAA,4:rO.S;3. thoner aEd yho appreciates what CoEfar_ 3. cane.on, AAA. 5 yds baclr. one is doing foi the sport a!.! foi rrc toh. Dolbeare is berrind tbe dime!. RUNNER GETS PR.EE DINNTR It stalted out as a frieEdtv littte {By Huck Fimeean, Boston Eveninq tine aDodg the hakefierd (Masa.) tomsAm€rican, .tune 10.1958) folt but Jock SeoDte heard of it and Oh, what is so rare as a day i! lbe Johmy Kelleys heard of it, ald tbe June, or ary nonlh for thal nitter, rbolp road raciog coterie rllI be thcre wne! a road race! qels sonethins for with betls o.. Seldon do thet g€t arr nothlng...It's goine to hapD€n ihis opportunity to chee! one,of ov!. bonth, lrodever. Ar Confatonp's triFlds €el,iag iard)y ever, except i!their the d!e!sale tossing hin a tine at shiprs itrB rooD. They are rakirg tbe ros! of Haven, on.Route One, near LtnEfietd. fhis ole... CoDfalonp is 20. staldE 5-9 on the 26th, and hetU have dinne! ard aeighs 139, ideal foi ia!atbo!e!on rb. cuff-. , High old tibe. Whoop'er IIe's single and lives yitb ahis !othe!. Ee sladuated f!o! wakefield r.rish is 1949 load racers ef,pect rittle atrd set tJut never corpeted tn sports tiele. u€ little. No inigbtsi like Bobbv Doelrgot iaterested ia luDlrs thlough a Gil Hodges o! Pee-Wee reese r[ere buddy of bis, -Earr Ch!isaopber,-vho caphard top codve!tib1es, vashing oachtdioed the cross c6Etry teaE at Tufts 1nes, a.year,s supply of this and college six years ago... Ire rrted the rnat, rl.snlng gearr outboard rotors narathon in 1951 a4d finished 17th. and such are handed to those that have Has lTth agaitr tbe {o.ttoxins vear alufle .., Poad ra.ers glver batl ptayers take. thetr inlisred ia the Air c6ris. He Ho_ a\ddpt6, Johtuy Booras was driv_ spent a yea! in Korea, tbree vears in rog Jir creen, Dotr Fa. aDd Dan Murphy this coutry. Be ras dischalsi:d io ro5q t.o lhp l5-nit- racp ar Fishtilt,l\.y dtterdpd FeeDer Tpcb on Sruari st.. Boson Menorial Day wlre! his 195r car ton, got a job as draftsnaE ar ca!;on bloke doM on the Merritt paikway. !1ect.ic Co. in Salen ard turnect toward tear New llaven. It broke do*a asain road lacing agaio. He got a traiains at Portchester, N.y-, and fo! a-third s.hedul. fror Handicapper Boo cdnpD;t I tine at Peekskill, N.Y. rhey had tb & ,por ro work. Nok check rhis s.neduter be Pushed or towed the last 20 niles ard yoltI1 understald vhv Dolbeale is to the scene of +he !ace. horoiiig Confalone: @.A.A. BIAT IONDON UNIVIRSITY LL) 110-58 at Motspur Park, Uay 2a Gordon Pirle coafi.ned his axcelleb1 conditio! by sinritrg the 2-rire 1' a nlppy 8:51.6 dd 20 ninures

(continued base 24)




Up at 5 a.n. for seven miles on the road... back in an hour for 15 minutes of calisthenics-.- shower and dress. Breakfast at ?200, into h1s car at 7125 and off for Salem to be at his drawing board by 8 a.m. l,,n.h rt ll.rn.,nsisrinp of two sandwiches on whole wheat bread. Home at 5 for a spoonful of honey & then hi t Lhe road again at 5:30... lJ riles rhis tine at mixed speeds. Home for a hot dinner at 8:30 and to bed by 10:30 Not much fun to the average person, perhaps, but road iacers get a 1ot of sdtisfa.tjon out of lowering their times and inproving their positions. Last year Confalone finished 10th in the BAA Mar:athon and was second at Yonkers- T'his year with his schooling behind hin and a chance to watch his diet(spaghetti) is out, he really b1ossomed, and hers just getting his feet warm... sixth in the New Bedford 18-mi1er.. third in the Hyde Shoe 12nile handicap - . Seventh in the Cathedra1 1o-ni1r handicap.. Seventh in the BM Maraihon after sLarting late because of a t'heart murmurr-. third in the 12-ni1e at Lawrence where he almost caught Eino Pulkinnen- -Second to Re11ey again at Yonkers and second to Ross in the 15-mi1er at Fishki11, N-Y. ff.d. Se.ond to Xpl ley again at Cliften, N.J-) I{e has earned one flee meal donrt you agree? Yet herd g1ad1y swap it for a chance to train on the lush greenswarcl of the Bear Hill Country Club- The-roads take an awful to11 of a fellowr s legs

Glynn Wood, 9..57; 2. Vic Zwo1ak,9:58 --G1ynn I'Jood finished second in the ^v.--rIt ^^Fha+i ri^n in rh- A1t-Mariie triarhon evcni (flat 2 rnile run, pistol shooling &^a_220-.swin). Glynn $r^n thc 2 mi le in o:55; Van Horn of Pendleton second in 10:02 & Petranech of Quarti.-

+hi r,

Bakersfield, Ca1if., June 21 -National A-4. U. T&F Meet Sunmaries 6/2A/58- 6-Mile Run: l. Jan Macy, Houston, 29125.6i 2- Gordon McKenzie, NY?C, 29137.7i 3. Jerry Smartt, Houston, 29145.2i 4. Peter MacArdle, NYAC, 29:46 -6; 5- Buzz Sawyer, BOC, 30:14.1; 6. Ha1 Higdon, Chicago Track Club

One-Mi1e Run (First Heat -five Ouali fy for finat) 1. Herb EtIioit, Aust. 4rO7.4i 2- Jeiome Walters, Striders,

4:03.9; 3. Jim Gre1le, Otegon, 4.04.2 4- Ed },loran, NYAC, 4:04-5; 5. cail Hodgson, Okla. 4:05.1.. znd Heatl 1. Merv Lincoln, Aust. 4:07.9; 2.Don Bowden, Calif., 4:08; 3. Bobby Seafian Ft. Lee, 4t08.7i 4. Pete C1ose,, NyAC, 4:08.8; 5. Jack Larson, Xverett !1ks Track C1ub, 4:09.2. Mile (Final) 1. !11iott, 3r57.9t 2. Lincoln, 3:58.5; 3. Moran, 4:01.7; 4. Gre11e, 4.-OI.7i 5. WaTters, 4r02.2 6. Bowden, 4:02.6--Elliott 3:03.8 at 3/4 niTe- 54.1 final 1ap! 3-li{i1e Final- 1. Alex Hendersot, Atiz. State, 13:37.1 (o1d rec., 13:55, llacy 1o57) 2. Las"1o Tabori, SCYV, 13:38.9 3, Bill Dellinger, US Arny, 13:40.9; 4. Max Truex, Striders, 13.47.7i 5. Velisa Mugosa, NYAC, 13:51.4; 6. Burr Grim. BOC - NT--. 3000m SteeDlechase- 1. Deacol1 Jones, Iowa, 8:57.3; 2. Phil Colenan, UCrc, 9:09.3; 3. Tod White, Striders, 9:2O4 4. Curt Stone, NYAC, 9:21.9; 5. Hal Higdorl, 9.24; 6- Barry Cr:awford, Idaho. 88O- 1. Tom Courtney, I.IYAC, 1:49.2; 2. Mike Peake, Colorado AC, 1:50-4; 3. Ton Carro11, NYAC, 1:50.5; 4. Jack 1^ii1cox, Fresno State, 1:51.1; 5. Tor Murphy, Man., 1:51.5; 6. Ted Snith, 44O- 1. Ed Southern. Striders... 45-8 (o1d tec-l-V6.2 by Southero in qualifying heat) 2- Chas. JenkiDs, 46.7; 3. Jack Yernan, Calif., 46.6; 4. Harold Caffey, Indiana, 46.7; 5Chuck Car:1son, Colotado AC, 46.7i 6. JoI\n Zetzfian, Striders, No Time. 2-Mi1e Walk- 1. John Huncke, IWAC, 15107.5i 2. Bruce MacDonald, NYPC, 75,L6.2t 3. Ron Laiid, NYPC, 15:34-5; 4. Illiott Dennan, NYrc, 15:34.5; 5- Wn. Grandy, Vancouve!; 6. Wayne Yarcho, Dayton AC. Team Scoring: 1. SC Striders, 101; 2. NYAC, 97; 3. Chicago TC, 30; 4. NYPC, 29; 5. Boston AA, 20; 6. SFOC, 19; 7. SCYV, 14; 8. Shanahan CC, 12; 9- Te*as AC, 11; 10. Colorado AC, 10; 11. Phi1a. Pioneer 8; 12. Houstod T&F, 6; 13. BOC. 2; 14. Dayton AC. 1. Reading, Mass., June 11- Clarence De llar, who beat a weak heart? to becone one of Americars great marathon runners, lost his race with death today. De Mai, seven-time vinnel of the BAA marathon died at his home ilere at the age of 70. Cancer: killed him. (Read De Marrs life story in our trabute to him in next.nonth's LDL)




Up at 5 a.n. for seven miles on the road... back in an hour for 15 minutes of calisthenics-.- shower and dress. Breakfast at ?200, into h1s car at 7125 and off for Salem to be at his drawing board by 8 a.m. l,,n.h rt ll.rn.,nsisrinp of two sandwiches on whole wheat bread. Home at 5 for a spoonful of honey & then hi t Lhe road again at 5:30... lJ riles rhis tine at mixed speeds. Home for a hot dinner at 8:30 and to bed by 10:30 Not much fun to the average person, perhaps, but road iacers get a 1ot of sdtisfa.tjon out of lowering their times and inproving their positions. Last year Confalone finished 10th in the BAA Mar:athon and was second at Yonkers- T'his year with his schooling behind hin and a chance to watch his diet(spaghetti) is out, he really b1ossomed, and hers just getting his feet warm... sixth in the New Bedford 18-mi1er.. third in the Hyde Shoe 12nile handicap - . Seventh in the Cathedra1 1o-ni1r handicap.. Seventh in the BM Maraihon after sLarting late because of a t'heart murmurr-. third in the 12-ni1e at Lawrence where he almost caught Eino Pulkinnen- -Second to Re11ey again at Yonkers and second to Ross in the 15-mi1er at Fishki11, N-Y. ff.d. Se.ond to Xpl ley again at Cliften, N.J-) I{e has earned one flee meal donrt you agree? Yet herd g1ad1y swap it for a chance to train on the lush greenswarcl of the Bear Hill Country Club- The-roads take an awful to11 of a fellowr s legs

Glynn Wood, 9..57; 2. Vic Zwo1ak,9:58 --G1ynn I'Jood finished second in the ^v.--rIt ^^Fha+i ri^n in rh- A1t-Mariie triarhon evcni (flat 2 rnile run, pistol shooling &^a_220-.swin). Glynn $r^n thc 2 mi le in o:55; Van Horn of Pendleton second in 10:02 & Petranech of Quarti.-

+hi r,

Bakersfield, Ca1if., June 21 -National A-4. U. T&F Meet Sunmaries 6/2A/58- 6-Mile Run: l. Jan Macy, Houston, 29125.6i 2- Gordon McKenzie, NY?C, 29137.7i 3. Jerry Smartt, Houston, 29145.2i 4. Peter MacArdle, NYAC, 29:46 -6; 5- Buzz Sawyer, BOC, 30:14.1; 6. Ha1 Higdon, Chicago Track Club

One-Mi1e Run (First Heat -five Ouali fy for finat) 1. Herb EtIioit, Aust. 4rO7.4i 2- Jeiome Walters, Striders,

4:03.9; 3. Jim Gre1le, Otegon, 4.04.2 4- Ed },loran, NYAC, 4:04-5; 5. cail Hodgson, Okla. 4:05.1.. znd Heatl 1. Merv Lincoln, Aust. 4:07.9; 2.Don Bowden, Calif., 4:08; 3. Bobby Seafian Ft. Lee, 4t08.7i 4. Pete C1ose,, NyAC, 4:08.8; 5. Jack Larson, Xverett !1ks Track C1ub, 4:09.2. Mile (Final) 1. !11iott, 3r57.9t 2. Lincoln, 3:58.5; 3. Moran, 4:01.7; 4. Gre11e, 4.-OI.7i 5. WaTters, 4r02.2 6. Bowden, 4:02.6--Elliott 3:03.8 at 3/4 niTe- 54.1 final 1ap! 3-li{i1e Final- 1. Alex Hendersot, Atiz. State, 13:37.1 (o1d rec., 13:55, llacy 1o57) 2. Las"1o Tabori, SCYV, 13:38.9 3, Bill Dellinger, US Arny, 13:40.9; 4. Max Truex, Striders, 13.47.7i 5. Velisa Mugosa, NYAC, 13:51.4; 6. Burr Grim. BOC - NT--. 3000m SteeDlechase- 1. Deacol1 Jones, Iowa, 8:57.3; 2. Phil Colenan, UCrc, 9:09.3; 3. Tod White, Striders, 9:2O4 4. Curt Stone, NYAC, 9:21.9; 5. Hal Higdorl, 9.24; 6- Barry Cr:awford, Idaho. 88O- 1. Tom Courtney, I.IYAC, 1:49.2; 2. Mike Peake, Colorado AC, 1:50-4; 3. Ton Carro11, NYAC, 1:50.5; 4. Jack 1^ii1cox, Fresno State, 1:51.1; 5. Tor Murphy, Man., 1:51.5; 6. Ted Snith, 44O- 1. Ed Southern. Striders... 45-8 (o1d tec-l-V6.2 by Southero in qualifying heat) 2- Chas. JenkiDs, 46.7; 3. Jack Yernan, Calif., 46.6; 4. Harold Caffey, Indiana, 46.7; 5Chuck Car:1son, Colotado AC, 46.7i 6. JoI\n Zetzfian, Striders, No Time. 2-Mi1e Walk- 1. John Huncke, IWAC, 15107.5i 2. Bruce MacDonald, NYPC, 75,L6.2t 3. Ron Laiid, NYPC, 15:34-5; 4. Illiott Dennan, NYrc, 15:34.5; 5- Wn. Grandy, Vancouve!; 6. Wayne Yarcho, Dayton AC. Team Scoring: 1. SC Striders, 101; 2. NYAC, 97; 3. Chicago TC, 30; 4. NYPC, 29; 5. Boston AA, 20; 6. SFOC, 19; 7. SCYV, 14; 8. Shanahan CC, 12; 9- Te*as AC, 11; 10. Colorado AC, 10; 11. Phi1a. Pioneer 8; 12. Houstod T&F, 6; 13. BOC. 2; 14. Dayton AC. 1. Reading, Mass., June 11- Clarence De llar, who beat a weak heart? to becone one of Americars great marathon runners, lost his race with death today. De Mai, seven-time vinnel of the BAA marathon died at his home ilere at the age of 70. Cancer: killed him. (Read De Marrs life story in our trabute to him in next.nonth's LDL)


Seoul., Xorea Dear Ted.

fdr the_clilolngs on Bos+.on an.i yonlcerB. That ferc€ at Boston evoked eucb ]aughter frou thle quarter. perdon lly lallitatlnE he.r.tl Ird euE..e€t that the rldtculoue oaf ,rho barred you three be In turn barreC fror l,ne rt.in. jo'r'ou The.nks ever so Duch

think there witt be any lepercusBtons ? By a oiracutous stroke of fortune I was abte to v/itness the pan_Aslan Gares. In fact, I was peruitted to partlcipate in the o.en t:0, net,€re (tondest evanr. avaitable to non-klans). I w111 not dwelt et t3 ngth on that catarity. Suffic,. it to ssy that ldy 16:4, fourd oe runninr the taBt tap atl aLone. route En I buroired lnro a burty India.n 6hot,-putter who wandered onto the track thinking the race concluded. Ltn the bright 61de of the 16dger, the far,s gave @e one helt of a great ova*"ion

Nhen T slrint.ed


Also ln the race and ftnlshtng one spot aheed of,!y,inth

was Tad Dobro,rski. ,re !t,re able to spend a good deal of tlee together. He's a wonaertul guy ancl a ccach vrorth heeding ($ltnegs his product Jerry SDartt of Hou6ton).

Th6 closed Gaf,eB tooorD savr Japsnrs rnoue

sprint auay rrou the fi.rc in

1,he Las+- 2cc.r,

teavlng Xorears Han, pakiEtan'6 V,Shah, and (I t;,ink) IrRnrs 3e.Ehoanoss|i in a cloL.rd of duBt. In the lO, OOCfl a great young Japanese runner na*ed iaba, a cotiese stuCent in

Tolvo, llkewise .Drinted The 10




froi. the pack ln the rast

2co," {. *in his weLr-,lranned rece. lluch better than the 5 Xiro (,rlnninr tlt)e l+:r9, td. t4:4rt, _:d. t4r4{,

4Lh. 14.46, ,Lh. IrtAt, 6th. Ir.t2, by LiLr of Taiv/a4, Firth vqs aiot,n,Ar Jaianese, Hayashlda). The 1O,OOo tirue wao slightly over rO:OC, alrho SaDa las

oroKen rhat

&ark on loore than one occasion. ! FloE th6 Etart lt ra6 a , ean rac6, Beghbanbashi (dropp6d out of li{clbourno }.{erathon), Re.E, Indta, and Baba t,aklng turns !.lth ths lead ln !h6 eelly golng. lnothar Jepai..o, yaEauchr. ya6 hanglng tn tharo as vas Han of Rorea. lt ;h€ Eid_l{ay Dlrk Bagh. rent out front dth a.bllsts.lng pacs, th€ lldlan sticklng rlght on hLs bee16, The I0roO0 }let.'re

th6 oth6r Japanrsc r.re conteEt to hald about fivc to ien yerdr off ths pace end box tbe Ror€.n. They r6rc obvlously Eor€ ,.orrrear about hr.E thar the others. Fr.oE t1d. to ttoe Han $ould burst out of hl,s trap, ru6h1!g up to Bagh. a.nd ttren trchl.ckenlng elnc€ h. bl6w tho rlapanose yourd co'€ riaht up ard box h1D agaln no .qa!!er Baba and


,,hsle bo ran.


Elent dost of hls ti'!e t.yirr5 to sneak betw-'en the Japanese, one of vhoE 'ould run

on the curb, the other about a yard back and on hls shoulder. !'{tih about




Begh. began to tire and cut the pace, but upon htB request (s.ro Eotlon) ihe Indlan rofused

the l.ad.

At the BCO-to-eo nark the other Japanese


to fall back and thB crord

aensed that Han v?ould now Eake his aove. The blg boy really trled, h13 facc stralning

Ju€i cruised alon8, refusing to tet hll' ps.ss' Sabats great Eove was a per:ectly '"l'!ed i,asein-E cf 3agh, (the Indlan--ila-E-- was olxed up ln ther€ soEotlace

rith efiort.


up on the outstd6' He cut rlght ln frort of llen

too) jrst a6 lan ras trying to


and utterly hroke hts s;'irit.

Froo ihat point the Korear xa€ oeaten, a-nd on the la6t

cl,rve iol.Ced co{.'Ietely. The India! held onto the pace trI]€ Bagh- regalned the ]ead refused to give in to tsaba. Co.ling off the last curve and



the full €tralghtaiay

tlr-^ pace took ir.s toll on Bagh. and he finally finlshed thtrd to the Indian, Hhll€ tsaba exfloded to the iEre, Ltu closed faet 1n 6th to olss nilpl.g the second Japanes€, Yarnaucht, by a

s.all narpin in sonrething jusi over 1lt1A (Lo givs you ar ldoa of


bsdly the boy fEded 1n the la8t j-elre). Unlees tsaghbanbaBhl, a

llcture runner, gets iu6t a ]lttle

oore 6peed, Baba lookr lr.ke tho

oniy Crlental uho ni8ht 8et close at Aooe' Of course, the race!,aB run ubder cloudt66' skies at It d,.grees, vrhlch ciiht €.ccount for the fatlure to crack t0!00.



fast clay with a thin overlay of sandy grit (on whtcb I contLnually s]lpP€d durlng icca lreters--result, I


xa€ Ey

a lalr of splkes. Ir& eager io ae€ thether nrnning in

Bplkea vrilt help, since Irve never donned a palr to daie. Dobrovskl nearly t,brev a fit when

h; Iearned I ilas runnlng tn flats, but the AroJ dldntt have


IO.!s or 1Gts,


what could I do ?).


MARATT{fl was won N a"''

by Lee chang-hoon of (orea, 4th st uelbourne. S€cond r.aB tha

€ur:rlsing lltv froo Br]rDa,

who conftded

that he hadnrt started io sreat unt1l tho

20 l!1le ruark. It vas 82 degrees for the !ac€. Nav, an arEy aer,', Istovs rotblng of tho

l was floored when, ln answer to ry.question of r.hetber he thought ho nisht $ake it to Boston sone tioe, he replted, il'hatrs that ?n. HerB s gritty 11tt16 Boston roarathon.

chs.racter, sbout t'4", l2o # or 60, and aged 26. Thlrd caoe a tl.ed ana behlnd hio wa6 th€ barefooi G, Slngh, 42-yes.r old India!, when

a policeBa! helped

hi@ up

after a still



slngh Has dlsquallfled

dear tbe 28 kE ioark, It rae a beartbr€ak6r



-1finally at )ti, Lt,€ Nepalese. The wlrLning ti6e !'as 2:r2, secord place soins in 2142 (the old caaes reco!d). gLtweed 2142 and 2ttC nuobers 2 thru 7 siaggered hoD6. He.ioalllrra aB within ,iC yards Df Navr at tl.e end bLrt he


seoond Japanese, Sadenaga, and


nothlnt ]eft,

Afte! sinnlng, Lee pass3d o,rt and was carried unconBcious froB the

fle1d, As

to the oarathon race itself, fron the start, Ltn of Xorea paced tha fleld with

Le6 holding 4th.

At 15 1@ ttrey were


tidht wtth

At the turning polnt, af'ter a btg dolrn a.d up vaI1ey, briefly.


cloaest (about 10 yds.).

took over, but oniy


u! that biE hill Lee accelerated the tsce fantastlcally



way back

held lt that


to wlthin 2 ol1es of the stadiuE where he suddenly cracked up,



he was so far ahead that his staggerlnt finiBh heLd u! by a full 1C iinutes, I tiEed

hl& betw€en the raturn hllLs's crsst about 2t kE and the ,> ko aark--he Has a.rers.glng clo8e to t:rtre for that stretch, lrhlle h16 overall was roughly 5:50, Naw, al ays near t,he pace untll l,ee noved awaJ, took over second ehortly afl,er the hitl and kept Haloaroula

struggllng in his van to keep th-- Lead frou Hidenlng.

I'o terribly sorry '!y 'rarathon coverage Haenrt any better than this, but I running fron tre.tn Etation to taxj. to interseciion and battllry thousends of spectators. At the end I

was eore oxhausted than Ns.lr

outsts.rding perforaer of the

GaEes se.6



during our conv€rsation.

c'hanB-kuang, who went hooe with

4 Bedals (decathlon, two hurdles, and bd. iuop). The decathLo! although his sub-',





his only ScIi rueder, a darned inpreesive and cLose third. Ceylonts t?as

EthlvereeslnghaE (or 6oDething like that), nol.l at UCLA, took the hlgh juEp at 6'8" pl,rE,

but was beaten at 6r9n 1n a i€turn go by a Japaneoe. Milkha Slnghr6 quaLtfying 400n i'as about a

ful1 second off the world Eark. te looks like a threat at

learns to pace his first over

10On chaEp


lnstead of


Jones- 1ng it all out. ills







l(halLq (Pakistan) was a honey, Stngh wrenching hls hlp in a fin16h-11ne

faLl after {inning by scant inche€. (halLq took over at the I50E oark but 3j.ngh's late EPur !


If the facilltleg





lald the



ClyElics, 1t wtll be a deserving selectton.


the best in the norld, far surpaesinE anything our iugh

basaball-football stadlulDe offer,

An 8o-yard warnup

tfack (lndocrsj io behln:l a

paltitlon lookinE onto the stratghtaway. Behind the track are



dresslne roo&s with




Up at 5 a.n. for seven miles on the road... back in an hour for 15 minutes of calisthenics-.- shower and dress. Breakfast at ?200, into h1s car at 7125 and off for Salem to be at his drawing board by 8 a.m. l,,n.h rt ll.rn.,nsisrinp of two sandwiches on whole wheat bread. Home at 5 for a spoonful of honey & then hi t Lhe road again at 5:30... lJ riles rhis tine at mixed speeds. Home for a hot dinner at 8:30 and to bed by 10:30 Not much fun to the average person, perhaps, but road iacers get a 1ot of sdtisfa.tjon out of lowering their times and inproving their positions. Last year Confalone finished 10th in the BAA Mar:athon and was second at Yonkers- T'his year with his schooling behind hin and a chance to watch his diet(spaghetti) is out, he really b1ossomed, and hers just getting his feet warm... sixth in the New Bedford 18-mi1er.. third in the Hyde Shoe 12nile handicap - . Seventh in the Cathedra1 1o-ni1r handicap.. Seventh in the BM Maraihon after sLarting late because of a t'heart murmurr-. third in the 12-ni1e at Lawrence where he almost caught Eino Pulkinnen- -Second to Re11ey again at Yonkers and second to Ross in the 15-mi1er at Fishki11, N-Y. ff.d. Se.ond to Xpl ley again at Cliften, N.J-) I{e has earned one flee meal donrt you agree? Yet herd g1ad1y swap it for a chance to train on the lush greenswarcl of the Bear Hill Country Club- The-roads take an awful to11 of a fellowr s legs

Glynn Wood, 9..57; 2. Vic Zwo1ak,9:58 --G1ynn I'Jood finished second in the ^v.--rIt ^^Fha+i ri^n in rh- A1t-Mariie triarhon evcni (flat 2 rnile run, pistol shooling &^a_220-.swin). Glynn $r^n thc 2 mi le in o:55; Van Horn of Pendleton second in 10:02 & Petranech of Quarti.-

+hi r,

Bakersfield, Ca1if., June 21 -National A-4. U. T&F Meet Sunmaries 6/2A/58- 6-Mile Run: l. Jan Macy, Houston, 29125.6i 2- Gordon McKenzie, NY?C, 29137.7i 3. Jerry Smartt, Houston, 29145.2i 4. Peter MacArdle, NYAC, 29:46 -6; 5- Buzz Sawyer, BOC, 30:14.1; 6. Ha1 Higdon, Chicago Track Club

One-Mi1e Run (First Heat -five Ouali fy for finat) 1. Herb EtIioit, Aust. 4rO7.4i 2- Jeiome Walters, Striders,

4:03.9; 3. Jim Gre1le, Otegon, 4.04.2 4- Ed },loran, NYAC, 4:04-5; 5. cail Hodgson, Okla. 4:05.1.. znd Heatl 1. Merv Lincoln, Aust. 4:07.9; 2.Don Bowden, Calif., 4:08; 3. Bobby Seafian Ft. Lee, 4t08.7i 4. Pete C1ose,, NyAC, 4:08.8; 5. Jack Larson, Xverett !1ks Track C1ub, 4:09.2. Mile (Final) 1. !11iott, 3r57.9t 2. Lincoln, 3:58.5; 3. Moran, 4:01.7; 4. Gre11e, 4.-OI.7i 5. WaTters, 4r02.2 6. Bowden, 4:02.6--Elliott 3:03.8 at 3/4 niTe- 54.1 final 1ap! 3-li{i1e Final- 1. Alex Hendersot, Atiz. State, 13:37.1 (o1d rec., 13:55, llacy 1o57) 2. Las"1o Tabori, SCYV, 13:38.9 3, Bill Dellinger, US Arny, 13:40.9; 4. Max Truex, Striders, 13.47.7i 5. Velisa Mugosa, NYAC, 13:51.4; 6. Burr Grim. BOC - NT--. 3000m SteeDlechase- 1. Deacol1 Jones, Iowa, 8:57.3; 2. Phil Colenan, UCrc, 9:09.3; 3. Tod White, Striders, 9:2O4 4. Curt Stone, NYAC, 9:21.9; 5. Hal Higdorl, 9.24; 6- Barry Cr:awford, Idaho. 88O- 1. Tom Courtney, I.IYAC, 1:49.2; 2. Mike Peake, Colorado AC, 1:50-4; 3. Ton Carro11, NYAC, 1:50.5; 4. Jack 1^ii1cox, Fresno State, 1:51.1; 5. Tor Murphy, Man., 1:51.5; 6. Ted Snith, 44O- 1. Ed Southern. Striders... 45-8 (o1d tec-l-V6.2 by Southero in qualifying heat) 2- Chas. JenkiDs, 46.7; 3. Jack Yernan, Calif., 46.6; 4. Harold Caffey, Indiana, 46.7; 5Chuck Car:1son, Colotado AC, 46.7i 6. JoI\n Zetzfian, Striders, No Time. 2-Mi1e Walk- 1. John Huncke, IWAC, 15107.5i 2. Bruce MacDonald, NYPC, 75,L6.2t 3. Ron Laiid, NYPC, 15:34-5; 4. Illiott Dennan, NYrc, 15:34.5; 5- Wn. Grandy, Vancouve!; 6. Wayne Yarcho, Dayton AC. Team Scoring: 1. SC Striders, 101; 2. NYAC, 97; 3. Chicago TC, 30; 4. NYPC, 29; 5. Boston AA, 20; 6. SFOC, 19; 7. SCYV, 14; 8. Shanahan CC, 12; 9- Te*as AC, 11; 10. Colorado AC, 10; 11. Phi1a. Pioneer 8; 12. Houstod T&F, 6; 13. BOC. 2; 14. Dayton AC. 1. Reading, Mass., June 11- Clarence De llar, who beat a weak heart? to becone one of Americars great marathon runners, lost his race with death today. De Mai, seven-time vinnel of the BAA marathon died at his home ilere at the age of 70. Cancer: killed him. (Read De Marrs life story in our trabute to him in next.nonth's LDL)


Seoul., Xorea Dear Ted.

fdr the_clilolngs on Bos+.on an.i yonlcerB. That ferc€ at Boston evoked eucb ]aughter frou thle quarter. perdon lly lallitatlnE he.r.tl Ird euE..e€t that the rldtculoue oaf ,rho barred you three be In turn barreC fror l,ne rt.in. jo'r'ou The.nks ever so Duch

think there witt be any lepercusBtons ? By a oiracutous stroke of fortune I was abte to v/itness the pan_Aslan Gares. In fact, I was peruitted to partlcipate in the o.en t:0, net,€re (tondest evanr. avaitable to non-klans). I w111 not dwelt et t3 ngth on that catarity. Suffic,. it to ssy that ldy 16:4, fourd oe runninr the taBt tap atl aLone. route En I buroired lnro a burty India.n 6hot,-putter who wandered onto the track thinking the race concluded. Ltn the bright 61de of the 16dger, the far,s gave @e one helt of a great ova*"ion

Nhen T slrint.ed


Also ln the race and ftnlshtng one spot aheed of,!y,inth

was Tad Dobro,rski. ,re !t,re able to spend a good deal of tlee together. He's a wonaertul guy ancl a ccach vrorth heeding ($ltnegs his product Jerry SDartt of Hou6ton).

Th6 closed Gaf,eB tooorD savr Japsnrs rnoue

sprint auay rrou the fi.rc in

1,he Las+- 2cc.r,

teavlng Xorears Han, pakiEtan'6 V,Shah, and (I t;,ink) IrRnrs 3e.Ehoanoss|i in a cloL.rd of duBt. In the lO, OOCfl a great young Japanese runner na*ed iaba, a cotiese stuCent in

Tolvo, llkewise .Drinted The 10




froi. the pack ln the rast

2co," {. *in his weLr-,lranned rece. lluch better than the 5 Xiro (,rlnninr tlt)e l+:r9, td. t4:4rt, _:d. t4r4{,

4Lh. 14.46, ,Lh. IrtAt, 6th. Ir.t2, by LiLr of Taiv/a4, Firth vqs aiot,n,Ar Jaianese, Hayashlda). The 1O,OOo tirue wao slightly over rO:OC, alrho SaDa las

oroKen rhat

&ark on loore than one occasion. ! FloE th6 Etart lt ra6 a , ean rac6, Beghbanbashi (dropp6d out of li{clbourno }.{erathon), Re.E, Indta, and Baba t,aklng turns !.lth ths lead ln !h6 eelly golng. lnothar Jepai..o, yaEauchr. ya6 hanglng tn tharo as vas Han of Rorea. lt ;h€ Eid_l{ay Dlrk Bagh. rent out front dth a.bllsts.lng pacs, th€ lldlan sticklng rlght on hLs bee16, The I0roO0 }let.'re

th6 oth6r Japanrsc r.re conteEt to hald about fivc to ien yerdr off ths pace end box tbe Ror€.n. They r6rc obvlously Eor€ ,.orrrear about hr.E thar the others. Fr.oE t1d. to ttoe Han $ould burst out of hl,s trap, ru6h1!g up to Bagh. a.nd ttren trchl.ckenlng elnc€ h. bl6w tho rlapanose yourd co'€ riaht up ard box h1D agaln no .qa!!er Baba and


,,hsle bo ran.


Elent dost of hls ti'!e t.yirr5 to sneak betw-'en the Japanese, one of vhoE 'ould run

on the curb, the other about a yard back and on hls shoulder. !'{tih about




Begh. began to tire and cut the pace, but upon htB request (s.ro Eotlon) ihe Indlan rofused

the l.ad.

At the BCO-to-eo nark the other Japanese


to fall back and thB crord

aensed that Han v?ould now Eake his aove. The blg boy really trled, h13 facc stralning

Ju€i cruised alon8, refusing to tet hll' ps.ss' Sabats great Eove was a per:ectly '"l'!ed i,asein-E cf 3agh, (the Indlan--ila-E-- was olxed up ln ther€ soEotlace

rith efiort.


up on the outstd6' He cut rlght ln frort of llen

too) jrst a6 lan ras trying to


and utterly hroke hts s;'irit.

Froo ihat point the Korear xa€ oeaten, a-nd on the la6t

cl,rve iol.Ced co{.'Ietely. The India! held onto the pace trI]€ Bagh- regalned the ]ead refused to give in to tsaba. Co.ling off the last curve and



the full €tralghtaiay

tlr-^ pace took ir.s toll on Bagh. and he finally finlshed thtrd to the Indian, Hhll€ tsaba exfloded to the iEre, Ltu closed faet 1n 6th to olss nilpl.g the second Japanes€, Yarnaucht, by a

s.all narpin in sonrething jusi over 1lt1A (Lo givs you ar ldoa of


bsdly the boy fEded 1n the la8t j-elre). Unlees tsaghbanbaBhl, a

llcture runner, gets iu6t a ]lttle

oore 6peed, Baba lookr lr.ke tho

oniy Crlental uho ni8ht 8et close at Aooe' Of course, the race!,aB run ubder cloudt66' skies at It d,.grees, vrhlch ciiht €.ccount for the fatlure to crack t0!00.



fast clay with a thin overlay of sandy grit (on whtcb I contLnually s]lpP€d durlng icca lreters--result, I


xa€ Ey

a lalr of splkes. Ir& eager io ae€ thether nrnning in

Bplkea vrilt help, since Irve never donned a palr to daie. Dobrovskl nearly t,brev a fit when

h; Iearned I ilas runnlng tn flats, but the AroJ dldntt have


IO.!s or 1Gts,


what could I do ?).


MARATT{fl was won N a"''

by Lee chang-hoon of (orea, 4th st uelbourne. S€cond r.aB tha

€ur:rlsing lltv froo Br]rDa,

who conftded

that he hadnrt started io sreat unt1l tho

20 l!1le ruark. It vas 82 degrees for the !ac€. Nav, an arEy aer,', Istovs rotblng of tho

l was floored when, ln answer to ry.question of r.hetber he thought ho nisht $ake it to Boston sone tioe, he replted, il'hatrs that ?n. HerB s gritty 11tt16 Boston roarathon.

chs.racter, sbout t'4", l2o # or 60, and aged 26. Thlrd caoe a tl.ed ana behlnd hio wa6 th€ barefooi G, Slngh, 42-yes.r old India!, when

a policeBa! helped

hi@ up

after a still



slngh Has dlsquallfled

dear tbe 28 kE ioark, It rae a beartbr€ak6r



-1finally at )ti, Lt,€ Nepalese. The wlrLning ti6e !'as 2:r2, secord place soins in 2142 (the old caaes reco!d). gLtweed 2142 and 2ttC nuobers 2 thru 7 siaggered hoD6. He.ioalllrra aB within ,iC yards Df Navr at tl.e end bLrt he


seoond Japanese, Sadenaga, and


nothlnt ]eft,

Afte! sinnlng, Lee pass3d o,rt and was carried unconBcious froB the

fle1d, As

to the oarathon race itself, fron the start, Ltn of Xorea paced tha fleld with

Le6 holding 4th.

At 15 1@ ttrey were


tidht wtth

At the turning polnt, af'ter a btg dolrn a.d up vaI1ey, briefly.


cloaest (about 10 yds.).

took over, but oniy


u! that biE hill Lee accelerated the tsce fantastlcally



way back

held lt that


to wlthin 2 ol1es of the stadiuE where he suddenly cracked up,



he was so far ahead that his staggerlnt finiBh heLd u! by a full 1C iinutes, I tiEed

hl& betw€en the raturn hllLs's crsst about 2t kE and the ,> ko aark--he Has a.rers.glng clo8e to t:rtre for that stretch, lrhlle h16 overall was roughly 5:50, Naw, al ays near t,he pace untll l,ee noved awaJ, took over second ehortly afl,er the hitl and kept Haloaroula

struggllng in his van to keep th-- Lead frou Hidenlng.

I'o terribly sorry '!y 'rarathon coverage Haenrt any better than this, but I running fron tre.tn Etation to taxj. to interseciion and battllry thousends of spectators. At the end I

was eore oxhausted than Ns.lr

outsts.rding perforaer of the

GaEes se.6



during our conv€rsation.

c'hanB-kuang, who went hooe with

4 Bedals (decathlon, two hurdles, and bd. iuop). The decathLo! although his sub-',





his only ScIi rueder, a darned inpreesive and cLose third. Ceylonts t?as

EthlvereeslnghaE (or 6oDething like that), nol.l at UCLA, took the hlgh juEp at 6'8" pl,rE,

but was beaten at 6r9n 1n a i€turn go by a Japaneoe. Milkha Slnghr6 quaLtfying 400n i'as about a

ful1 second off the world Eark. te looks like a threat at

learns to pace his first over

10On chaEp


lnstead of


Jones- 1ng it all out. ills







l(halLq (Pakistan) was a honey, Stngh wrenching hls hlp in a fin16h-11ne

faLl after {inning by scant inche€. (halLq took over at the I50E oark but 3j.ngh's late EPur !


If the facilltleg





lald the



ClyElics, 1t wtll be a deserving selectton.


the best in the norld, far surpaesinE anything our iugh

basaball-football stadlulDe offer,

An 8o-yard warnup

tfack (lndocrsj io behln:l a

paltitlon lookinE onto the stratghtaway. Behind the track are



dresslne roo&s with

-+ latrlnes aid shcrerg ln plofudlon throughout (one latrin€, 4 eeata, and one lhoirer room

with sgveral big

7O,0CC. lithin


for every tro dreeslng rooos). the 6tadluo ltself seats

a couple hundred yards of the stadluo ls the sslalllnE euditorlu@, In

back of whlch is s track for outiloor $arEup, The 6vi.o palace ttself,

although the

pool and selarate d{vtne area a.e 1dpre6slve, lacks seatlng capaclty--that

l{s.s the

only true coroplaint I heard durlng the Gaoes. Durlng the irack and field end of the Ga$e€, every

slngl€ event started vrtthtn a oatter of seconds of ito echeduled tl&e.

Thts ounctualiiy a6 r€ra.kable in vlev. of the la4guag6 barrler. ?oll could 3€t your

{atch by the startlne gun and tbe


the cereEonleg gurrounding the Ga&es were a pageant of color end ooro clockwotk preclslon.

absolutely non€. Ov€r t00O aduLt clttzens of on6 v1]]age perforaed a folk dence, &o'rlnA fro@ pattern to pattern Ilke llofessional perforEels.


sav/ them

No r016takes,

u! clrse and they were nothlnE but yours and oers dressed Ln e floHered

ki,rono tlotting determinedty ffoo !€.itern to ps.tteh like the

,Cco-plus gymnasts dotng 6-h1gh pyraoldg



bard. Plctlr.€

would pul, any check-row cornfleld to

Bharoe. And the closing cerooonles defled deBcrlptlon. In contr8st t,o so ear\. of

you leople, I have never se€n an Olyoplc


the Jalanese rDanifested. Theyrre real class. r{aB

but Lt'd havo to go 6ora to Eatch rhai

On€ flaw

that wtll be r6ct,tfled: t,h€re

no Vlllaee for the particlpants, so they had to stay ln the Datlchl Hot€l, ono of

Tckyors clagsiest, but, rlght ln the dolntown distrlct. x"ot Euch nore

to re.ort f.oB out he.e, There a.r€ soE€ Xor€sn road races on the

horlzon, but ai the oo'nent it is i.ork, {ork, work.

four frtend,

0.|{. BlddIe.

PS--AIeost. forgot to o€ntlon: Spenl nany a happy noEdnt wlth Joe Yancey durl[g tha caEes. Stand in one 6pot long enuf, anywhere in the world and evaftlrally Joe r.1ll oooe by.



sprinter, ourt MuLlins of tsrooklyn took 6th itl the open I0O, not a bad sho$ing on on6


of tralnlnE. Hers e tough boy.

' :


CLEBAR STOP WATCHES Less 25/o Discount F. O. B. Philadelphia

nr.b.d I' nb !r prniir jd. r!hi.l3r.oo No.2e0 sq6. q o6qw.. cLrii!,.qq iy.tt5.75

!6d d rb dovl



ss.t" ',:,:/:: ^_19,,:,3.

rt ttrL, drilde.


st.r !d rrL brd ry.s* b

F4!no ne ir4. 133.50 cLo @o ry t,r'75 $6.qq&8. cbt 6rq6in' tt5.75





4 3/4 Mile Handicap, San Leandro, California 15 Kilo Southern Pacific Asan. Championship Rutr, Goleta, Calif. AAU Olynpic Developnelt Distance Race. Baltinore Menolial Stadiun. 15 laps around the Stadiun field. A distance of approxinately 2 miles. Sponsored by the Cross Country Club to be held itr conjunctioD with Independence Day Celebration of the Greater Northeast Baltinore Assn, Inc. 7 P.M. Olimpic Dev. Medils to first, second, atrd thi;d. Appropriate fledals through 20th p1ace. No entry fee. Satries close with George S- Brown, 1503 Northwick Rd. Baltinore 18, li'ld. o! July 3. woodbury Junior Chamber of Corfierce IadepeEdence Day T&F July 4... 8th annual Meet (1:30 P.M.) Woodbury H.S. Stadiun, Woodbury, N.J.(Distarce events include Woodbury Mile, Two Mile Run, High School l,tile Ru! & 880 yard-run. Ertry fee- .259 to W.M. Julius, Track Chairna!, Fourtb of July CeErratlo/], 2-A Woodbuly Terrace Apts. Woodbuly, N.J. by Satulday, June 28, 1958. Torolto. Sporso!July 4,.. Canadian Relay Champs., 7:3O P. M. Varsity Stadiun, ed & Conducted by the Toronto Olynpic Club ( 4 dle lelay, 440 yd. relay, 880 yd ie1ay, Sprint Med., 3lilile Run, 2 ni. relay, 2 nl. run jurior:, Distance Med., Mile Relay.. .Entries to Mr. R. Sinclair, 525 Jones Ave. Toronto, Ontario July 4... Elnira K of C a&F Meet. Xlmira, N.Y. July 4.,.Oregon Assn. T&F Chanps., Eugene, Oregon Jltly 4, 72, L9, 26 ALl Coners, Redwood City,Calif. July 4... Sr. National 20 Kilo Run, Needhan, Mass. 3 P.M. Prizes to 30th p.lace, nntries to Bob Canpbel1, 758 Mt. Auburn st,, Watet:tow!, Mass. July 6.-. Jr. N-J- Assn- Champs., Rahway, N.J. July 9... Olynpic Dev. T&F Meet, Patterson Park, Baltinore, Md. (660 & l Ii1e included in 6 event neet) etrtries to George Bro$tr, 1503 Northwick, Baltimore, Md. Entry fee .25+ entries close day before neet. July 9... 4: Mile x-country lun (Scratch) Fartrhan Park, Canden, N,J. zP.}{ Olympic Developrnent Medals. .Entries to H.B. Ross, oodbury, N.J. Jnly 72- t0 Mile Run, G1enda1e, CaliforBia July 13... creater Baltinore T&F Assn. Relays (2P.M.) 4 Mile Relay, Oue lll le Re1ay, 2 Mile Relay included o!1 prograrE. ntrtries to Robrt, B. Iiln.ti!, 3812 woodbine Ave., Baltinore, 7, Md. by oidnight July 5th July 19... Nestern New York Scottish Ganes 7P.M. Williansville, HS Stadiua 5950 Main St, wil1iansvi11e, NY (Haodicap T&F Meet & 10 Mile Road Race - Road Race beg:ins at 6P,M. Report to Hotel Markeen, lraiu & Utica Sts., Buffalo, NY at 5P.M. Entries to Tin Girvia, 31 I'taylard Drive, Buffalo, N.Y. by July 12th. July 17-.. 10,000 meter Road Run, Olynipic Dev. Run. Woodbury, N.J. 7P.M. entries to H.B. Ross, Woodbury, N.J. July 20... nastern T&F Chanps., Molgan State Co1lege, Baltioore, Md. include 1000 yds & 5000 Eeters (2Plii) July 26... Olynpic Dev. Meet I&F 6 events entries to George Brown. (Clifton Par:k, Baltimole, Md.) July 27,.. 2nd Annual Laurel Circle Road Race, Malverlr , Pa. 7 iniles -4 lap veiy hil1y course. Prizes to 15th p1ace. 6:30 P.M. .Entries to R-S. Thonas, Laurel Ciicle R.D. 2, Malvern, Pa. July 18-26- British lnpire Games, T&F, Cardiff, I{ales. J\tIy 27-2a - U-S. vs. U.S.S.R., T&F, Uoscow, Russia August 6--- 6:30 P.M. Olympic Dev. T&F Meet Pattersou Park, Baltldole, Md. 6 events including 5 mile Run & 500 yd. lun. Bntties to Geo. Brorn. August 9-.. Chester, Pa. Dept. of Recteation & CIO-AFL 7 Mile Run & Jr. 2 nile Run on roads. 11 A.M. lntries to Hugh Jascour:t, 6860 Radbourne Rd. Upper Daiby, Pa. Fees: 50C Sr. Ru4 &.25C Jr. Run. Good PrizesAugust 17... 6 Mile Beach Run, Avalon, N.J. 2 P.M. Open Race Sporrsored by Middle Atlantic RRC,. Entries to HB Ross, Woodbu.y, N.J. August 24. 9 Mile Run Coopet River, Carnden, N.J. Olynpic Dev. Run.6pM entries to B. Ross, Woodbury, N.J. or Larry Delaney,5160 carfield Ave. Pennsauken, N.J.

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