ht i'i",
4 lc.l t<lr-o.s
Run it's the New
r'a'cA Daoaza y'oV. vol. 4
DE€EMBER, 1959
No. 48
slxtoen out of tweuty starters coEpleteil the Peacock aratholl," also knom as iHardrd€yrs Deach t1arch,"Ed " coverlng the 16 -lfes f!'om Lo!Jsv1116 !o Shepherdsvtlle, ry., in I hr,, 55 mln. Flr6t across Lhe lire qos Brls. C€r. Dillnan A. Pash 5z-year-old -\-pre6ldenL of Lhe Lou'svlll. chanber of Cormerce, The partlclpaniE alternstely walked and ran the entlre dlEtance iogether, lrlth occasLonal stops to have nurses check thetr h€artbeat8; two ex-dlstanoe rumers (Dr. Cleves Bichardson and. Dr. Ilerman Strull) supeivised. The race qa6 organlzeil by noted dlstance hlker Howard Hardaway, 61-year-old Loutsvlltlan who 1s rrso_toueh bls shadow has muEc1e6,,t accordtng to the CourlerThe maPathon. sponsor.d by Fhe Bull1lt ^oury ot c, 4as a denonEfratlon o" physlcal fltness. Esch entrart Eope d number on h1s chpsf shoulne h:s ace. -ha nrb6-s rsnelng fron a .o 51. The "race.' was i- honor of a piore-r, Ed ?-a;ock, who 55 y-ars qgo. or a bet, covered the 1n 2 hou-s, 5l mlnutes. \o attenoL was made to -qual hls Lia-i t"e partt^:panL€ sere honored at a d'nner. €nd soud-e danco arLersa"ds at shepherdsv1L1e hlEh school. Here at the €ide of Southern Hlgh School, 19 of the 20 Etartsrs llned up tor thelr plcture, Slxteen survlvors croBsed the rallroad-track flnlsh tlle ln Buultt Couty, Eoward Hariiaway, organlzer of the physlcal-fltness denonst.ration 1s second from rlght.
TFr loNc DlsralrcE Loc A p.BrrcArroN fo' RirxNrBs Br EUNNEES volue 4, Nmber 48, Decembef 13.1s5s
lo%r q.e.u. cross
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133"i;:it.ii:"ii!l*:1oiH;i;p*1,ffi "#;i";:"rjiln.ii"ilii,iriinf i'", ye.o, Frop! ^'rq'srr4As '"";l.f:f"Jlj:i:::;q3; i::gi: , ".ny
t ) I-one Distance rog Questionnalre No.9 RusselL IeE: Decehber
Lash..Dat€ of BlrLh: 2J. 1ole. . addes-il?_ii: !aynah. rnd1anapo11s, Indlana or Men's Quad, Indiam Lr.iversltv, Blooninqto!. hdis@..lersoml Data: 6'1i t6o-1hs. aa. or!18 n 8pe6.l d bLsir.ss..ctcet_ enf drdnr-r..t rt-t1 t:"Lory: ,d!ah4 s!:re olre chd! 7957 \4t25.B) & r95B (4:26.J)i stste x-co!ntrv chamo (2-;i. c:52.1): Ete.ted runntns serlousay a6 a JDlor in nl8}l schoot,. coach€d Ev: cordon F!Ehe.. .ramee r,averffi-i?fi Lash (iatherl.. cenerat Eeil,rks: spent noBpltal or his stooach lith a back lnjury, qouldr'r 6tanl u! srreie\, ,or 1{o nonrhs ,1Lr-m- j hird Horr..r. ElJcys rolktn8 on hIs o@. Extreoely physicalLy stronn.. Hobbles: r4usic, Eeoloey.. prhkre and-S;-r..ins: Are you crazyt,r Eat1ru H6b1t,3. Eais ae ne preases, ereryLhlnF included. Likes chilr exceptlocUt wetr, also nasnea potatoes, fried chicke!. & load€ of sravey..AI!!I9i Harch our, He'Ii be areet somedav. ho{ sooh. we don't knoH. Ue has u11nlte.i Dot;ntia1 lf he gets the oplorruity to traln as he prefels - hard'.. How otten do you trai,? srr aays a ueEF-dFTiZ-iEe earrt part of the season, iour Lrter on. In the 6umei he t.ahs three or fou! day6 accordlne !o how hard h1s FanEl labor ls that day and what !1oe ho gets off !ork... SDeeds? 220 _ 26s 440 - 5Js, 880 - 2 r o7;-;llE - 4:25.8. 2-\i le - o:r,2.0. t l_v:1e _ t5:09, 4_!1ro (
cross-coul ry 20.22.0..{haL oj)aqe do about clre ^!no 6p!r.Ls (1rO rds. ) th-n elproxinately 5 mlles per eorkouf.. Ftat6 and spl}es (faces).. {99!!Se!:rro@ !um1nE: Keeps the boary lecurts ructror t4e lFt anil ft,€ I nd ubclosgsd.
7. Paul MEcDonaldt Sprlhgf ,C01. 34:34 L Alt Relderr umttsch€d, 14140 9, Ealph Perry, Halvard AA, 34:54 10. Dlck lackard, BA,{, 35.O\ 11. A1 Siegaf, N.l{.C., 35t!9 12. {es fi11&.eth, As!!a!c, M, 35t27 13. Joha Dlooraadrea, BAA, 35t3O 14. lerry Mer!1tt, Spr1Eg.Col.,35!12 15. larry Befnan, Boston AA, 35,f9 16. Rog€! fialoney, Sprlng.Col,,15:40 17. Dick Stahsky, lare.1!.A, 35t41 18. DEne r4erchdt, BAA, 35.53 19. Bob Schuberi, Blardels U., 15r58 20. Daln 011ve!, lar€rd AA, 3611A 21, Bob cunings, N|{C, 36113 ')6t25 22. Peie Conway, BnA, 23. Tony F161d, Haryard AA, 36.25 24. cer.J Harvey, Bosbob aA, )6129 25. Foyce sa{yer, rftc, 36t56 26. Flke BiAeloN, Bo€ton AA! 37!OA 27. Unccia Eollister, Halv.Al,37! 01 28. John €van6, qaNeld AA, 3?tJ0 29. Don Fay, Bo8ton aA, 37t3A 10" Bl11 tlaloi, N]]{c, 37,43 31. JiE Burke! Sp.1ngf161d Co1.37:55 32" Bob cu11eD, Boston AA, l8:0j 33. Paul ?hldey! N!lc, 38:40 34. Paul Bobertson, MIT. l8:&8 3r. Jake Elederson, Nuc, 39t43 40!11 36. Da4 Dunlop, Boston AA, P.ul 0rDome11, &qA, 40!38 l?. Flank Kelly, N c, 40142 18, 39. Dick Hatklns, Earald A'1, 42:!4
40. rred Brom, No.th {eitford, {3!12 rean3 1. Boston AA "Ai 1-2-4-11-24-44t 2. BAA 'Br 51i l. 5pr1nef161d Co116A. 69t 4. Harard College 80i 5. North
Medlord Club 107 Foao RuDArs Club helo an infos'N.E. a1 deeillg to aco-ue1.t all klth clDb & alms fotloqlla the .ace..Note! A
correchlon in recert I4s lote--ceolse ?ike ls Tleasurer & IB.iy Beman !dSecretary, not the reverse as ras p.intea recently.
(A pldy'n one 6hort, act.,by Stit c.rdl! IIO{ l0 DISCOURAGE DISIANCE BUWItrO or Frankltn ?arl, Bosbon, ftas6,. Surdav. Nov_ ]<rh THE AET O! PREVEIiIII{C A BUNNEN's BI'N. NING. 2:30 P.U. -_44 6tarrers,4b ftnlshe;s. reaLher:42!. ilr/ Coo-r bA, srndy..loud' Scene: A! 8-1ap track ln M amol'Jr 6oDelhe.e Ir N6w York City. course: I 1a!s.,sllehtly charsea! from lhe: JeEly, Aiy yea. you choose. raer year.. 10,000D. occaEtonr Jf. r"er, Indoor chdrlonshlr. I. John J. Kelley! Bostor AA, 32t24 Attenddc.: 1000. I'lhus oIfIct;I. ardr. J1n ureen, Bosbon t2:4j coopetlto!! - 25. l. nuss Bemett (SPAA!)^nr not elitlbt; (Two olflcialE ta1klne. ) as yet In i:hls dist!1ct. ollicla1 Ore! Best clotrrl;€rve haaa tD l. Crahan Pa.nell, BAA. tj:j3 d tonA tlDe. 4. Tony saplenzat BAn, i+,66 Olflclal Tvo: Ylaht He ouEnt to do 5, B1l1 Squlres, BA}, lt:r8 soo6thlns to oake thts a.dooth ro6. Ph1] Valkden, sprlngfield cot.34:Jl n1ng neet fo! thsn. (Contllu€d n6xt lrA) GEEIN AND I(EIIEY GETTINC CIOSIEI
{A pley
!. one short
- @nrlnued)
,nrerr liflg**^"?l3lu:l-$riclose{ Bu1, er iisrr c"; .; c.;;; .iir;";;";;;rire rrr Lirl rF-rr artv- .-1 c!,zy 8.c., L^'rj-.ad i;-;-iii. ,r-ouCh. esDAciatl. I "sat; U6t-s, o_aced se\errh., tha Gendln end a f€{ other sleed -"o rr]q rk;--s arom a1t o!-r Fr/-oDe h-rc ir !h- f e o of 'ra_.rc 'rr:rLF. 25.or rhe.aca e-! r"it voL. "io: BoJ. Ir ,, Cr-a.F, .81_F. .he Hp tor:c -ara_ .O'a' could have been hone at thon classic. It Nas conducred over tne 11:20 P.r. 1f 1r leren't for u.ltrhg oriEinal narathon course flom the ancrrosa ror 6,/3 'o in:6h. d:dn,!-r! .on of .,reracho, jo ^r-ens. a dis_ ac'L.l1y e6! ror" Lrl,:t 1t:21 1-s.e.o. -a-,F or )o es lB5 yard6. in l iqh l.rffcrs or".^r ' o1e: SLrF. we ha\- ro .hrr. ioor-tirst, ttrt"o a .our.h.r Bai_1.e said, iE1!. a Oema! -bo!t '. '. loo, B' w-' - o( or srLd Lru6 can6 -o boor fi.tf and ylgostat -.f h." "h-n o_r '. s u6Fk _ rrF reF.L re rhF Un Lao cri,-s didn,! hafe an .!_ eDp6d" rLre, s \ihehs, at.hols- L vas 'r'rr ih_ -- -'ana sariir! ;;;G."4; . (rhex snl1e knorlnsrx at each vitea, nThe Unlled States has nore diEtance orher.) Scene: I.side the heails oi a coupte running potentiat than aqy country 1!oi !uMe!s. ra the !oi1d. with so nanv kood vou4 rk.enorr r- d f-u o,hFr so-e, d--onsi.: h-"". ,o; have,iuuliJ""or"e.6".Gs.' r4rt€ sF6. T flpL-- n- dr..p! of rh)s BL eou sysrFo of,nen co.cent;aL'rg on .,c- s ood or 1.:l LL ,-ars ri ,"a"i nor carriiu r, | '1o b.-j'!r6s^11.r 1!91'r dar sooFo on.toeln e-;t,eq-. i".in -.jc ctrbs, nea:rs-th-) .ro rr11 be at o -d sroD -ur,rg l.! soor.,, to Iiri.rl lr- ru.. "oo sairrt. ard- Juliar nad hcaro of Btu Scene: The .ace, one ard serer-eigtths Dellinger, Dyrot Bstesoa and J1o Cre11G ldo o rt rals. rrait:-a1ty oregon'6 om dls-ar-e expe.,s, and of , Jr o cejully h"re ,u8t Eaved a fe,, . im Bsrt-J, u.or Baitlle de6ciib-d as denons otf the track, aplarently fo! cobbei 6f nir6.n "a conJ cs' rg tra'tic, -hls tn \6, Zea at-sp, rear! a frien .s us@ r. I cpn.L ,1- d1tf"r-, rJ sb- led Ba!1ey6 fron urdF-s' : na 1' . 5.h6dut6- . fi6r6, L ,ouri - -s oom Unde; becane lu:!r Ior. tJo-nile6. h:I- dLq - eo !-tt acoud,,.-d. Bd 1li- 6eicl, at Lhe r-o !. :'€ iatrr6 1oo0. J off 6r''e) Brir!sh D-or.-;aF-s:n vlncoive!. IND '.I frnisred*slxth in the lardy-Bamtsn?IroCUE: Poo! Celdin, alrayB bad at ter rac€.'! the riBw zealande! lacal1ednathematics, didn,t reallze thet Ruder iI took ioultb ln the Drplre C6oe.88O Joe, usully a 15:30 nan decided to ln r.S2.S at vancouver tiat teke sone of the starch out of the fav- Ball11e acruaLly fillshed 7ritear.*(Ed: h a then orileq lod.y rrd r6a- ed'qe teo-D11r !.!6onst besr o;,t:11r. I wa6 j,nvlled nalk ln 9:50. celdin, averaeilng 40 Bece. to attend an Anerican colleeie but fett per 1a! ua6 50 secs. behinil alreaity & I could sei in mole runlne at hone and so took his accustoned qulck exlt. also continue ln ny wo!k. vith lunber.. tloral ol the story: the orricial ar!1ved 8a11116 b 25 Low ard Jullas 2r+, Both hone nlce anil earty ud the crowd, ap- plan to continue ru!!li!g for soDs t1tre. lreclative of the "snooth ruDtng neet", ilD Aucklald, orrr bo!€ c1ty, alon , turled out in ilrores the hext January. Ne hare BoDe 30 Athletlc 61ub6 ehtbh Attendance - 1000. I4lnus ofricials and have track and fle1rl teme,'8.1111. poht€d out. rBu@er6 ke6p gol!€ for conletltors - 2r. years. l,Je have club tEck ne€is o.ce Sid Gendin, 200 Clinton St., a Neek atrd open meets enery tqo weekg BrookLyrr 1! ilen York I,lufay Halberg, the Ner Zeatanderts ,r'dc o.d loy, las lut ,.,?. o|hc nile IEr,; ZIr\LhllD lUNrlFFs IN oBrcol' lli AortTt ha!, Balllie and Juliah remlrded. llol'lx fnoil ATHllrS luij - Portland, oregonr BaiMe 6aid both he and Jutian have Iov. 10- 1r. cutstendine distance ru- tlled various dtstances. proving theyrre 4€rs fa:r lrew ?e.land, 1^r. E. anona the wortdrs bes, darathob;rs. ,,nlr1lron ra11lie 'et nd Jei'f.iulian, peused iheli tines at Athens xere 2:2?,foi Jutafter ian (31 saconds behind rhe wld;ris in tortland tol:: .n route hone.-p-ce. I r' . r' r"^onr ?:A6.JC, a.' ':J!.-O fo. lai l1e. '. 0r
" c:"I 0h-: ur huh, our rra.
2 (Poientla] sald High in u,s.-contlnued)
"Cricket and rugby are the big tean sports in llew Zealand, but therets a great ol iEterest in traek .nd field. 'lea1 l|le were sent to lthens Niih fuhds colLected by a lublic alleal to ra.s throush the nevs!a!.rs, efter trer Zea\a[d t@C, been invited and ,e had both turned in last tlnes ln a cualilying race at Auckl.nC.', lailrid .aid.
of riscon6irr ? 3chooI uho8e football iean is afrong ihe bes! ln the country and who lEs proituceat such ru@ers as Don Gehrmann atu1 Ualt Deike l. the !ast. shortlr arter the race kas over soneonc a.ked uhere ]tisconsints t€am
Dor lrjdee, aoach at St.Georae Eign ._ oI _h 1-one 1, 1rL or. '-.r"F ic.. "T!e co,.h stolped tneir fifth nan
no!, ne pulls their filth nan ofl the coufse eboui te! yards fron the atnish 11he ard that way thel donit Chlcago, Iroventref 13-1/+ - lor.idr ri.n- have to finl.h last in the race"" tedy rinally woa a najo. ctoss-c;urt.v It nakes you uonder whe.e sode -Deo!ld8 t1t1e thab had efud€d him fo. tnree yea.s, Drake €opl Tor njre.s loomed as 1. .ontfa.t .11 th€ teans linished th.t starte.l in the Central Colleglaie the ho.izoh. ticAn .nalL ,'orAh e -n neet. tut only loDr teens showed u!, l.ches of snon, (.o f;;res ,Ierr:r !shnore, I,r€stefi llichigan .iunior, 'e.e_loual 1n the tasoon), and Liisconsin ti.ished was out to lln ihls one sinc€ he hail last but di.drrt finisr last lor ihe thlrd tea. ln a ror 1n e rinE-dinq teanmrte Art Eversole la6t year. Ashweekend of cross-co!ar.r acLivitv rn nore fleuled he had tversole and Notre llayor Richd.it J. DaleJ's ahrc.so. Lhe lamets Dlck C.ego.y, rho hail outktcketr heart ot 111d-inerlcr rlth :!or;.rr:tc hln tko reeks e.-rl1er, to beat. As it cheers iron the citlzenr)-.. turned out he hait !o vorfy about neith!'lrst thtrrqs first. tllciiean State.s er. Eversole turned an ankle eonlne Crawrord {emedy, whose acaert is akln Lo Jo u .e.plb .ro B l. ,. rn< though he sald :later he oight lEve Blg Ten cross-count.v tirl€ afier^o!Lwo coniinueil running hc thoueiht ahead to years of finl6hlns 6econd. ttrst to l,Jestefn l{lchiganrB holes for ihe NCAI Bud Edeten and th;. ro Dcicor Jo.esneet end stopped. Gregory aas fairly The NCAI chann hasn,t s€rioLslv chalclose lor nost of the race but seened lenged attholgh his tedm r.te I irlv to have . nore dtiiicurt tibe gettihA Eeyrolils, Hho6e l-ther is I iome; tractio. on the snon-covered ground Canldian roadrunina -reat. cdn. u. st.ons behrnd h1m ,t ihe ihlsh. !;r siriding Ashnore. the Slarian harrte.s it was r,heir Ti€ big su!!r!se cane flom Drake eiShth 9ig Ten victo.y in nine vejrs soth'Ion live!€. Rivels had run a and the1. fitth tn slccession. ihev 4:24.4 nile in high school, had run scoted a near perrect 17 Dolhts in one of two races last year as a ._i ,-. 1n .- Lrs frosh, but clood d1ru thg ..1 !11--d ?as for the oost Dart iunten., The race Nas na.led bv the usirel discovered." ris ond dlain to iane Bla Ten attitude ro{ard croa.-.6Dnrrv. as that his vo.kouts haC been covered aa r. -- consl s .en-L1j Al lhorgn s-ver. in Fred talilt's book, But rlght lron !.o: -onsider the siart he was o! Ashno.e's shoulder 6trong, s.ve.o ' agT-. lhe slort beneath their dlsnitv. aire ard he st3yed thele rlEht untl1 the 5choo16 flnished futl Equaas. :tlinots last 300 yards rhen Ashhore pr.red th-a setrt only three nen. Onty oDe ru@er silonge! flnlsher. Ashno.et€ pace for cane froa ohio slrate and nost obselrers the fo!! nile cou"se was 4:52, 10:01! thought he lrobrbly D.1d hi. oln uay. 15:01, and ?0:0?.6 conpared to Ketuedy6 Putuu,a consisretrtly ignorps th. n"et pace or 4:51. 9t57, 75taa end 2ot!2.j. etd although sereril i ortrrde:terh rr,n_ Notre Dane and Iora showed sood t€1anc€ ners lan tliF folloNing ddJ in the Ua?f i! ainishins 6econd 1n thei; resDecrrrle rrite o!en, no.e sholed f.r rhp ive race. but otherwise the two ;onr, conlereDce t t t1e. erences didnrt seen a6 stronp as ir The blggest rsrce, fodever, ts rhe .oa.h a_flru.le oi Lh6 (continued lext pase) .' :Lr-,1r,p_c ! BIO cR0s3 cout:TRY
tnE]tll':u TIt Clltcrtco
talris, hd., 21:5,ii 21i. l,Iebrr snith, I'ISU, 22:01; 29. I\ri1lian lando., Ind., tn the Central Colleglate lreshman 22:04' lc. E.se6 Leps, v,r.h.,22.12, race, Bllf Yalet of liotre Dane odtkick- 31. (en Brom, I11,, 22r11; 12. lob Devlin, ,ti.., 22:19; ll..l.rone snlth, ed {e€tern l,lichiganis Jerr}' Bashar, \11.-,22t25i 34. Jack Sanrord, ILlinois, last yea!'s r{ichigan hieh school mile champ. The Bronco irosh (l.ho a wee! 2at2ai 3t. Ban r:rrs, Iinh.. 22:43i earlier had been lobbed of the "lunior 16. !a!fy Eridees, Iltd.,22t59i 37, Gary Barrre. li1s,, 2l:24i 34. Jln Massey, t1t1e when the ceniraf lli.higan coach lefus€d to adrit thet one of hi6 rurosu, 23:14i 3t, Earl Deardorrf' Mich., 23:57i 40. Charles Siesky' Ine.,24:05 afte! ihe flh1sh Line) placed rive Tean: l,richiean State 1?i 2. Iaia 49i men belore Notre Dane.s second nah l. I4innesota 93: 4. hdla.a 941 5. t11c11which tulth the additioE ot tran.fer lean 101. stud€nt Dlck ?ond, bode6 i1l lor the l4cet sunnart: open live i4i1e frossCountry lun slon6ored lry the Univ. of chicago Tracli Club' Satridat. liov. 14 In the NCAA snalt colleeie neet the l,lashinEion !a!k Cour.e (5 * 1 llile host outatandlng feature {aE that the I-oop) 3:30 P.I. 20 de{tees, 2" snou hindered by eight inches 25t]5.9 or srcw on lhe corse. laut',lhiteley 1- Fhil colenaE. UcTc, 25.39 wbo won the 6ma11 college meet tast, 2. oar wi11ians, UcTc, y66r 1n additloh to the IiCAA thr€e l. Eric clarke, Unatt., loria citX, Ia. 27 tzt) nI1e€ ln 13;59.1ouidoors ra6 able to def€nd his title. South Dakota Slate 4. Harold llar"is' Unatt., ChaEla1gn,11]. Hon the led li!1e on sule.ior balance, Me&whlle bact across city Pbil Cole5. Steve rl€,coner, Uett., Elanston,I11. 2ArAO nan ot the ucTc outkicked car'i11ians h no" r.T1. to arenee an earller defeat, Thei. o. -as ri--t 28:11 tiaes qele 25t35.9 and 25:19 rith Eric C.ark of lo,la I vo I ndl-- 7, Thona6 l4aitit, Unatt., xalanazoo, i.d trice, ucTt, ln thlrd. they ran an ea.y pace over tiichsa.. :8:2?r 8.-Ft zdt'8. .":alf 9. . F;y, iwo lnches of snow in Jr0J, 1cr13, 'J ttt.. lloline, 1!. Leon Lind.rulst, llnatt., 75,29, afi 20,36 then kicked like heck ai the flnish. Colenan said.unusual" laier that 2t:05r 11. !at raln€r, UCTc' 29:12: 12, Bob lienkeY, Delaul Univ., 29:20; he thought \,l11lians ran an T11. ll. T-rr/ ro la. n"lL.. :vrr6'o'r o:28i race because he didnrt t.y to slult L. -.rho-rt5, I r'. 9*t a{ay at sny tlne llke he usually does. 15, John !a!!, Unatt., lvanston, :111., tlLl1an6 probably thought colenan ran 2c:r!: 16. Ton Lemoa. UCTC, ?9:ll: ulusElly also slnce ?h11 Has contert 1i,B;b $dd1er, llcTc, 30:oq! 18. Phll to lollou Ga.'6 pace. sMnerles: Bie Tenr 1. c. ileeedy, MSU, Pinerlo. DePaul Unlv., 30:27; 19. DenHaves 2Ot12.)| ?. BII ly Pe}ao1d6, hSU. 20:l7l Dis nusche. ucTc, 30:29! 20. Dean lo:5bi 2r, lred Ferschke, De?all J. Ed Craydor, tbu, 20:t!i rr. .ln -uck- UCTC. :2. !on Blrtha, UCTC. e!, Iowa, 20:2rri 5. Cerald Youne. SU, un1v,, '11:16: lL.28i 21. "ed S-th-"land. CT", ll:rl! 20:36: 6. J1r Bokers, I11tnols, 20:40' 24, T6n clrrke, ucTc, ll:1rt 2J. Blcn20rJ3i 8. Jack Hil], ?. Bob Lake, Msti, Toda,2O:J4; o. "orPar Llard, "S.2C:c7: ard t. King' $CIA ' 33t2f, 26. Dan Cos10, lus€ rash, lndiam,20:57; 11. fon aro!e. UCTC, ll:4 r. Dooley, i/isconsln' 21.01i 12. Do, Creen_ t:"pL st'ra-.y: 'c Lra 'oll'qi3l- 'orterence Clo6s-Country chan!ionshi!s 1ee, Iowa, 21r09i 13. Bluce Tridble' Wa6hineto. ParlJ IoNs. 2!t12. 1,r. Bod lazoriL, t4lnnesota Friday. Nov. 13th, Chi.aso, I1t. (4 niles--2 x 2 Mtle Indlana, 21:20; 21trir 1t. Bob Fe11, ro. in .r'ra'. vlcr'saa, 1 :rL 1-. BFr' Ftaie I course. Bontens, Mir!., 21,2t1 1e. Da\e Martin, L Jefad csrmor", !,cstern Ticn., 20107,6. 2. Tom Rllers, Dtake, 20,14i I,lich.. 21:26; 19. Bav Herneler, Iota' 4. l. lon creFory, ltotre D3oe, 20:rci 2lill: /0. ill rl'ksot, Tltu., l:ro: c:rr Ireid. |lestern:'lchiEet. 2.:4I: 5. /?. St"i 21. .arry l€.60r, r' ,.,2l:q; qer-FI_r' !-on lenDsa. rorre rirm., 2n:49i 6. Rom :Lli ?,. $1ch Heds€6, lro., l. fFr. Y ^h. . HoDkus-. iresrein 11i.h1rln, 21:01; .o{4. zt:Lri . . r.lLF. o Joirn reach, r'rrq!pite! 2I:09i €. lor 2 tct. : 2t:1,6r 25. " : ,, .-^L oo.) l. -r. i.... ..,^hdo . l: J, 27 -h".ler i;;.o:k. .6. I ;n learr( ' (B1g cross
(ce4tral aol1egiate conference a-c) 9. Dave Reddine, estern l4:ch.. 21t20 1C. lave Cottont l;.tre laie, 21.25 11. Deuis Johnston, torre t).rre.2Irll 12. r.rrd HcDi11, DrakF, tr:40 1J. Jdmes ;11"n, ii1!qrette. ir:51 14. D-ve !ehlas., t,oare D.re. 4..\i lr. G1len.r!1etr, ilotre Dane. 2I.56 16. iicha.d rcDermott. t'erouette- 22:00 17. charles Durant, lrake. i2.10 18. lsauro Rivds, :l4qr€tte, t2:12 lo. John {otslbka. arau.tie. 22222 -'C. NEx,'tofkP, lohre D;ire. 22:r5 2i. Jerry Bocci, t/est. tiich.. 22,44 22.ireyre SD11wold, DrE(c, 2 t:09 2J. L€lrv B.ss. Drotre. :r:1. 24. l]avid tohr6on, D..ke. -t:t6 25. EoNe.t s.haefe.. Ilarquetre. 2a:26 lleam: 1. J-stern rJlchioai 2E: a. xorre Derp 4li l. iiarluette tt; 4. rfdke Z6 centraL C.1l -rr ate coll -rencc ODen IrFshman Cro5s Countrv llrce. f'r1dav. l:ov, lJth..Di-i"hce. I rr1es. (a6htngion la.k, Chicaeo, Il1inois. l. BilL l.leyt Notre D3ne, 15: lF,I 2. J.rrv BEsh"h. lest. Mich.. t5:41 3. Dlck Oreeae, LJeslen ri.h.. r!:51 4 . Da!e Peu. r"stera ichls:n. i L: , r 5, TeFy De:rdehj lirel<e, Ib.20 6. Walt tarnes. /est. ll1ch,. 7a..4a Denrrs Urieni, ?. irest, Ni.h,, I6:49 d. Ei.hard r!1hoL1Brd, Lorrs. 1a,:t1 q. Irehline SnlchJ llotle D:m€. 1?:34 10. lob tusier, riorre Drne, i7.)7 fufa1 Res!1ts: Secord ltationrl roUesi.fe nthlFtlc !s60c1drlon_.o11ese Div_ ision Cross Country -lranpiohshiDs held at l,rheaton coUege, I,]}eaion, rtLlnois on iatufdsvr Iovehber 14. I95o_ 3t 1':0 , 0,{10o. l" oi s o.,, ro- - rind -, Lp :-a.ers, -: l?,: d2. :-oI.,-a.s 23147,6t Richard Ande.soa. ltinom state, 2l:19i 3. teslie Heseaus. central siare (ohio), 23:4or 4. Jolin litl_ hol1and. Loras aortege, 2l:4bi j. L,a!_ re! Ha11. lrabash cotLese.2t:5ri: 6rerry RoLlnson, ,rrbasr; 24:ao; 7. ,,a._ .e! lI:rl-! r. s.s . Flre e.chers. a. 9o. -jn}1 r', r.b-s'. --:or: ,r.-a:o: p-r !r!hy, 5o!ftr Ddkoia state. 24;05: ro. nichard Shlrey! sripDerv noct. 24;10: ll. D-L-, o.srurta. oDlJ D.ko-a StaL6, 24:!l! 12. Demis ltatheson. Kansas st_ '- ch-r.. L:lI. rJ. Josr i.a.. ertral Stafe (0h10), 24:t7: 14. !ttliam s,eet Euffalo state, 24:18; tr. Janes stod_ dard, south lalrota siate. 24r20r 16. Bor aoler ;i€calester, 24:24r 12. Nathaniel Foster, cehtral state (ohia),
(SplIts: 5:02, !L.17, !?.77, ?3.o!.6) .rr: 6: t8. I,rarv,r N,a.h. -^tj o. ?L.?,, 19. Franlr Schweize., Iarkato, 24:31i 20, Theodole Nelson, Ilanlato, 24r36i 21, Janos ankato, 24.37i 22. David Doaldson, 'lititestadl;,south Dakota St., )a: ,8: l', Bill c.rsor. Lhe' Lon. '4:Joi 24. Honer latiner, Co:'re11, 24:40; 2i, i{en cault, Union {remes6ee) 24:44t 26. Guido [emicke. Cese Itrstllute. 2b,5'i 27- Janes Mccoaick, south Dakote State, 24:51! 28. .Iaoe6 Bamett, central State (Oh!o), 24152: 29. Jln Hushe6, Buffalo, 24.551 30. Dalrd Chlde, llaEsas State Teache!3, 24:r6i strakowskt, DePauw, 24.57i 11, -1. tsicrlard Db e- s r'-1,-q-. Sou'h Da\o'r s' . . ?,5,45t 33, Pattick )4ooney, Slippery P'a.u., 25ta?j 14. lob rew1s, Iiortheart lris6ourl, 25:08i 35. Troy Easey, Slippery Eock! 2J:09i 36. Preston G.art, llniv. of chicago, 25r7ai 3?. Bill ljr:ns, LhFlton,2l:15i J8. J?ck Hcrauqhlin, Brlfelo,25:16; Jq, Ed Thompson, rePauw,25r17! 40. Bt11 llopkins, Union (Teme6see), 25:19 i90 finishe.sl Te6n: 1. south Dakota state 7-9-12-IA-27=67 i 2. Kansas state 'leachers 73; l. Irabash Collese 75r 4. cent.at 3t3te (Ohio) 84! 5. Mabkoio State 93; 6. SliFpery Rock 128; 7. [heaton 171i 8. DePauw 202t 9. Union (Tem.) ?27; 10. Ball Stete 227t 11, Inst. of T, 247. 'lass, CANADIAN EUNNIR TS SIJOI^JINC IOTENTIAL
A nercode. to th€ var6ity cros6 codtsquad at l.iichigan state Uniy€rsity,
Ed Graydon lfoa fiadltton, ontario, ha6 been earning 3 p€rmanen! place on the
tean by his lecent perfomaaces, as of last yealrs earslty nedbers.. coach !!an Diitrldh ilte says of o.aydon, has a tot of natural ability ahi ls a wilI1ng rumer. He should be one of olr outstandlne closs comtry men in the future. -h6 s io., r-dhpad-o sophoaor-, dld/! oo oL for tra.L I,i I La w-3 r6, wnid. is old for a caladian youlgdter, who us@1ly starts runnire three a.d tour niles uhen he.s 12, stnce ontario has several junlor .oad races, and a seet a week lor two and a hatf niles durlng A frlend who ras trvlng out ror lhe lrich school te"n dared Ed to run a 440. Ed {eighed 180 pounds st the time, but he lried the race aru1 beat hls friend !r the proces6. The coach kas (atching ard urged the bot to try out lor the tean. (neit pasel he has outtun sone
(&t Craydor - Conthued) Th.ough hls hieh schoot nDins. c.aydon lost 35 poulds: Ire c!€dits his oyerweight problen to a flsh and chips store hts nother had.. Ltith the heln of hleh school coacheB Fa.otd Colbr and Mulrat Cazluk, C.aydon inrrored. and at the aee of 17, he was broueht to Anh A!bo! Ilch. for a novic€ nire race.. coaches Karl schtadedan and Dittfich sar crayiton at rhe neet and rntereBted hin thto comihs to t1su. craydon prefers ruMi.s ahort distancee and _likes the nile and two nite a 9:27 t,wo-nit e tasr sprins, inllovine hts besr tine bv 3l] seconits.. Ed, an accountinr nai.r- ls 21 years o1d. lle cones rro; a iarie fanily ahd has rive slsters ahd t;o brothers. 0t hi6 brothers, his 1t-reaiold o.e is Lrvi.s lunnins rn hlsh school, qhile h'a order bfothef 1s rn a dllferent tyDe of running _.dlng and runntna race horses in r.stern
tacIFIc AssN. 25 liri,o San Franclsco, CatIt., lted. tov. t1Vtnc6 Slan8le.. represF'tlns re S!n llancisco Atlrletic -1!5, won fhe pa._ lric Association's 2J-kilodeter otxorjo race held ne". rezar st1d'teve1o5nent ium tocar. The coE.c consi.ied ot a+ laDs ro ro Cotl-. C- 1ri.. ers & :10 linishels..;liLd re:iherUiLliam Ealney of |Iarin vas second ovc- the dDDro\'-a e1y'5.r- _e o r.F. Ardando Lopez ald nriltian D. llscler, qohE cours., Coih!: sone three ri1e6 too 1... lnd f!nlshei ei€lhth ahd ienth respectir€1y..aace Ch"rrn.n - Tro L !9h" .. . . Do c. and Aoy Scouts "s helped out at race. olyrlic develolnent nedal6 to ilrsl 1, Span€:le., SiAC, !136.39 '. vince l,hlllo -. P -J, " -.'I'. :rr. J. lli. Donald D. n3visl SF Ct 1:44.29 4. John Satti, SatC, Lt52.13 5. Jack liirk, l,larin AC, 1:51.19 6. Janes lcrsyth, SlAC, r:54.07 7. Pbil xo.er6, SCVll/: 1:56.06 8. Amando Lopez, Scr,rylt 2r07.37 2,c)t,r5 9. John !lck, grirryv, 10. Ili11i.' !i, Fischer,Jr. Zt L1,21 _ _ _ College cross r. ,rtry 7A/2 - il ai c Janta .-rara 16, Ve.tura 4i ati i- l: a" i.l , i -l riles) srAtilciEa ItINs
1, Foland cordobes, si, 14:4?.7: 2, Dl.k Ryon, SB; J. Di.k A.ed, sB. r0l21 - Crr Poly (sro) los Anaetes stot- 41, fcsB 48 at 13, Coteta, cal. I r.8 milesl r. .r..k L.,bfto.d, .:i ro1v. 0. r '. Fora'o o-do5-s. . o, o:br! 1r:luis 3. lodrleuez. CP1o/'l - 'rs1 ioly lsror 2J, ucsts ll ar jj,ln ruis obislo, cr11i. (1.4 niles) 1. JEcl r/olford, -!, 16:17.5 (a.hoo1 re.ordli 2. Eddle chavez, CP, 17r27; l.goldd ao.doties, s!. 17:41: 4. luis Rod.iguez, Cl, 18:05; 5, Don Lee, c?, 1U::l0i 6. rtcL nyon, SB, 19:06. \1/6 - Latg Be?.h Stste I5, lr St.te 61, Ursl 64 at lorlc lc.ch, a111iorn1a .no . plan, (course necold)' 2. Jin schultz,,7:'r lBi l. Bill Tllney, LB. M6/59 AZIac IlrVTTl'rIOilAr at :torley Field, sar- Dieao, aalif, {5000 neters1.1 frl1es, hilly) Sanr:a 19, r'rount San lntonio 59i oruge coast ^ns tli cer.otos t4, Glehdale t4, Los Angeles city 151, citns 176, San Feinadino 219, Phoenii 256, v.rttora 262 l7r)a ruue.s siariedl 1. Dele Siory, SAC, 16:ltt 2. Fiscber, Mt. sAc, 15:45i 3. aailer, citrus, 16:47i 1,. Jackso!, G1cnda1e, 17:00i 5. Irillte.ea, Clerdale, i?:'L 6, .d .ao, s ., 7:: ; ha _ --1. si .I:. :'c. :8. ' portland 11l6 state {oreaon) Inri!ational - ?ort1.nd Stlte 3J, U. oi Portland 53! Clark ?0, t,ewls & Clark 94, Southe.r. o.eAo! 148 (3 l,liles) 1. !-erry Eanbere, P,, ." 2- Jay 2:tl, o . t6:.0: l, L6t35i t.,,{o,s, P. Lbt 5b. EneraLd Enllre T&l 44, StaterE T&! 32 at corsalLis (4 nites) 1r/6/59 1. Dyrot Burlesont E,, 20:18.3; 2. Vlc Feere,8., 20:32,8t l. tloh itoilnan, 5.,2-4t311 4. Ei11 tsoyd, J., 2C:39i J. ceorele La.son! E., 20:40! 6. Jick CuddihJr, S., a0:1li 7. Dick tiilL€r, 8., 20t59i 3. 1;:on f'ones, S., 21:18; 9. Stcv€ Schel1, il., 21:25i 10. lieith 0160. E.,. :16: . hr'6 o.rrsFn S., 22:05 (I:ote: llieralds= O.eAon varslty & frosn..9t.ters= or--,qo. state.) Oregon State 11.5. CC l"lc.t at l,'l1so! lls, FortLal.r, xov,7t! (orJ.r joC entries in 4 division., ) A-1 r'arsit/ -1.8 riiLes. 1. Claylor S:eink€. South 5alen 8:r1,4 (lecorc) 2. Fled Del1inge., sui!efield, 8.51 .5 (6 ia.hes bact) l. .re.r/ Xenstleet, ,Ieffers.n lls oa ' PortLand, ?:01.0..Te.n: Sout[ Sa]en 111. 11/73/5,4 - T t. 5a. tntonio co11e.e l1 or.rrge r.ast 14, fitr!6 62 aitprs ^t 16:24.! (3 nrlcs) r, i'i..her, I,1t.S,l,a, 2, Eaii.r. C, 16:!3: 3. Zieihlrg,0C.
9 {college ctoss country _ Continued) l.llfo.nid Jubior 'ot lFfe r-.srerh F {_'o.Jtr} c,.rp or"h.os ,5q .ir-r6J -ir-.....I.o t-s :o.19 I :nd sliFhtl/ snoqFy..leEms: j _rarr :ara hnr J7i :. rt, S.r A.tnnto 5Zr. ur:hEe,.o!s+ J. 6I; !. cltrrs 110. 5. uh:11ay r:5i 6, s.n sernldino 15ti 6. rulrrfron r5l (5c ru.ners compefedl 1, lare story, sA, t6:00,r: :. paul n1sd1er, t4t.s/t 16:11; l. ror B.i1ey. ral n.,ey, .., r;.tb veldugo! sA, 15:rrJi 6. ?om :..'t,-.Erhre 9,5:4. :osnerl,0c, 16!51; ?. Jim zlethr,s7'o1r 8. !ran 51ck1e,0c. 7:Olr 9; lob l7:02i ro. rr11tz, xt. .]d was 16:24.4 5y tri6ch€r, tTt, Sc. llrst ih.urt OrrnEe orst_ restnrt.ster :on ,rrh 4Trlck 3 at-1J I eh6,, Thlra |dtior.1 HrEh Schoot Two l,:rle :Li,,a1 ioste-t lJu. I Frid.y, rov. 11, 1959 _ co.st .ol1egp rrscF r44o
;l,iT.Yiil* i, i . i
, 5 l : 2 2 (. scor-rs ) Ind. _ rrJ) 1l th srade. s:59 :. 5anL. ,lna HS, ,rr:08i !e:ch. s4rl0 (8 tFans ) l. Huntinat;r :.C hual tor/o1E College Invit.rionaL ji),oj ,.f15"1 I,orp urir--s,LJ ...1 irre iadivldual croun a nev c.rr3e recotd of 16t\2,6, s^tfina The oid rec_ :i! "l: lird b/ ?aul shFr.:n. r,oyore "' ?-:., L:-iaudet I0C;5. Towson t O?. l": i: j. !15y1,e.11.tln. 8.u., 16t72.6 roJoIl, l ?:61 oore! !t:shrhEron colIese, 17. 10 l. _ ,jrdoo.. :, lmr in, rlt. st, Elvrs. r?276 r, Loyolr, r7t4L1 c. Icurar. toyoia, I?:48 7. -sk3r. Torson STc, \?.\a 6. ir.ph}. iTt. st, Mrry's, J, ..., !:.h1.-tox rotlese, 18,02 l8:04 :., rrld.o.. celleuder, 10:08 ,,I iL. .ross .oLntry Run, |ov. 15 :rsr rost nnerl.!n reglon, clmb.ldce. .::!,, 5a!ctio.ed by r.fl-Lr {:9 new :.E, 1o,- :r^f) 1 ]e! ccr.s. alon;=h. r:r1e6-BirE... J2 stp-frers, JI tinl€h_ er:.. ar olen nrlzes _ I rean.!afd :.-:red by imericin Leglon & lob Cann_ { terro0 rjs, t7:tE :- . l. ", r11{er. s.isrol:gq1es, 1B:19 na
i','":l;': ,,i:.'.i;"
c.me11, Uatertom HS, lB:2?: J. J. 4. J. FIetcher, Br!sLo1 AcsleE. ta:!r!. ,. E, Su111wan, Boston Enqirsh. 18! 51: 6. C. Lratsob. 30stoh Tech. 1A'4.. ,-'C. Dunham, Ro.ktp.d rs, r9'o;; e. r,r. rugert, lYalde., 19:08,.Tean: Brlstol Ageiies, (Ed: Thi6 is the i1e1d in rhich rhc tr-U 1s misslns boat. Out nf fhe l2 starrers in thlsthe parti.ular race 21 parents rere on hand to e.coDr_ alle their boys. lho says we cart! Aet thp .o!ches r parpnts to coolFrate: needed i6 bhe risht offic_ ials in the rl-s,hr lositlons.j
IbtelcolLegrate Ieer, Toronto, onta.io r\ov. 14. lq5o - 1 t4tte: 1. Dsve Drv_ orouen, rinhipeg, 4:22 (1ast ha1f 2:01r z. ueoff !"1es (oxford) ,oF B!1ttrh_ Adams (sheffleldr
;:i,il:;ii,r",l;:"" ]:l'411e:
E€1e6, 14:41 (1€sr 440 In ,. Adansi 1. art fiRckett,
Cross-.outry: 1. ,Adms; 2. Aroerra;
Nal1 saska tchewan.
PlIrr'\II 5 l4ite Handicap ltatk, tiov. 8th
1l e"ii -$i!,I"r!3;"".', i€r*,; #fi+ j3il"'i!iii;"i"!9!i i, 5 : ", I:,:3:, 21itr1 ;: il::.'3:,":Hff :"i":ii;. iiilA llie:5 b. r:cvi11er se.ttle, 60r06 6r:06
Ie{ York. tiov. 14, t9J9 _ cardl.a1 uo!^h.rrJ lich o rl, aoelohia, coa^hed
l-;i,:;1"-;{:i," Ihters.hol"stlc ";r
cross_ coxnrr:' dranllonsh1ls at Vah Coftlandt i, ":;: rjj:i
"illl.,il];:,:l;":":"'".;:::" "E-"1.t:_,:i1;_; ":,1i.:;;:::J."' sn rnde re2 r eo serson.
6_foor, lrl_poud
:" f,",8:i::?:t Hi.ili"xit,it i?;'i;l
fii::'il':;:i,::"3i",3"ilii; il ii3.* :it.Ht:rr:';.;:'i,:'?f -i;:".:Tif 4e! school raaele cro@.(2 cranlr;n_ ;:it"l]"::t:i:"1i:":t":::":ilti"""+ 7.+-n11e test, Llngle, who thrives oh
r r
(Eobln Lihgle - Continued) observers couldn'lr redeBber any local schooLboy ever doing this befole o! even atierptilg to tun two chenpionship neets 1n one ilay. Victories werenrt the only thin€ ]-lng1e Nas stufled with today. ror hls 7 orclocl< breaklast at Stohy Bloolr, the yourytste! ate a1mo6t a pourd oi hamburgex, plus cereal and fruit juice. After hts trimph in the nornlng ra!c, he d€voured anoiher hanbureer. plus r:o Siony lloot 1ater, he topled oli the day vith the uncho led versior ol hambureer, a steak for dlmer.
linele, wlmer in th€ St. John's & Scholastic hvitationals & tn a duaL encounter aeiaihst the l,iest lotnt plebes lr€vious1y, is a wo.khorse in TLrs !F6n .6 . o., P. ster di.1 ikelve 440's on llond.y, thlee niles on Tlesdar, t{elve nore 44016 on l/ednesday and thiee one-nlle runs or ihu.sdax (4,46, 4t3? and 4:.13). lie onlt rests for filteen-ninuies betreen nith his .oachis lni,erval systen lor troinin€! high 6choo1 ate younEsters. coa.h .lact St.Clairts ruders anazed by takine the tean tiiles in boih the vaisitr,'a1' a.d varsit.r,,B'! races easrly. lne ua.tr1mrs, Hno spenr /2)! onlJ to have the lixtule postloned Lr i lod b--a. - o" - r! 'a, -o,gl,. shod ove! loca1 Ne{ Yolk and No.th l.iYU
Thc lastern championships were s!onsored by thc lordham Universitt slike shoe Crub. It ?as the t{effth atuual event anii the eighth ijne lain felL . i. r-rs i!-6 o!-, course das i4:2t.
160 .-cr
Lngg-Sq_:jlaNTIC d AU x--. Battirore, I:d., l''ar. 2\, 7t5t - the it6 laltj.nore o1-1dtlc lluh retained o' !.y r 'D! .r(: " io.ship bt cutsco!lng ihe cross-countrv - I 'g. _"_t D'la6I o, 1- 8. .o iooo, . 8.0.c.. c nishtf -rF ed 1st, 2rd and lrd and in so doing bro - -. ._ ol 1J.49 set ir,o teehs nefole. s ' d__,.ooo, , B./ qth to give Eaa rt -r/rlcrJ f1nr.r' I ptaces. Ihe r.o.,.. the iljst fox.
1. 2. l. 4. 5. o. 7. 8, 9.
Flenlrg, Baltinore lrenk Pflaglhe, B.o,C,, Mlke
4 OC, 15.3'7
Clym \.lood. 8.0,C., Sr.yant liood, 8.0.C,, rTerlick lranpton, CCC, Bob rezotd, CCc. Bill Slencer, B.o.c., Bill Mccoach, 0.io1e TC, Jay Dum, CCC, 10. lamsey Thonas, orlole Tc, 11. Geofge Moole, Oriole TC, 12. Jln McDade, B.O.C,, 13. Me1 i,la1tor, orlole 1C, 14. Don l,li1d, 8.0.c., 15, l,IaLt Cole, l4orga! State, 16. Bill Thulo{, 8.0.C. ! 17. Cene Nerton, CCC, 18, Bill Boyd., cCC, 19. Bob Gesahecter, CCC, (A.A.U. CIAMPIONSIII?)
75t38 15,43 16r72 16:16 77t12
t7.?7 \7 t47 18:03
\8r20 18:28 19.35 19,36
4* Mile Eun - Sunday, Nolenbe. 2?, 1959 sponsored by St6te Onlverslty of Net Io.k,co11ege ol litucatlon at Buffalo, lelawale Pafk Ieador. UiUlan Sweet, BurraLo STC, 23r\4 2. llerly Young, UFtt., Eornell,IY'.52 3- Janes Euahes, Buiialo STC, 23t57 oeore Thollson, Unatt., IEnca s ter Nev York, 24122' 5. Duncan llacPhel8on, Bulfalo State Tescher6 Collese {rreshDan)2+: lI Buftalo St.Fr., 24:J9 6. clark Cihak, Unattached, 2,+.\2 '{odlan, 7. Willtan 8. lafy (e11X, Buiialo St. Fr., 24:47 24.54 9. Te.rence courtney, UEtt., 10. Bltl fIyD, Buffalo SL. Fiosh 24:56 Jack llcraughlltr, Eufialo sTc, 25.00 25120 12. Dani€1 3peck, ALfred Univ,, 73. Co.elLis !a!bar, Buftalo Ptotee. A.C. 25t26 25t33 ?od Bu€8e11, Unattached, 15. Don !ean, Fa11on Fathers Ctub 2513? 16. rarnm Snith, Jr., OaldertoM Track Club 25:41 77. Brucel,lateer, Buflalo State Teache!8 25.4) coltege, 18. Chester Cooley, J!.! unatt., 2rr48 19. Iichael DisAins, llnattached, 25!49 25150 24. Don lughes, 0. of Buffelo, 2t- t!lke E!ssFrt, Buffalo 5t.,Fr. 2J:51 22. Ctltford n:rnls, LrGtt.,0swego, N.Y. 25t05 23. Dan St.!c],. ;uffalo Shate, F!.26:15 2L. r1'. Job!soh, 'ut"a.o Pton.AC ?6!I8 25. Rlchard Be36e1, luffalo 51C, 26120 {J1 finishers) Tean:1. Buffalo sial6 rrcsh 29; 2. Burtato State 33i l. Buffalo tioneers 69: 4. FaU.on !athe!6 Club 'a" ?9i 5. Fa116n Fathe.s "8" 115. Lorc DrsrANcS toc lon Ns{s NrACArn DTSIEICT CROSS COUlltEr,
ti! nnc,!Ut'S Iiinq. dic 24:16.5 i. 1954. Levin's besi clockinz belore yesier.lar i{a6 Sat., Ilov.2I, Frd.l.1in trrkt Bostor, 25147,3 I.,.t rea. i. the sane evenr. flas3. - The lprL i.r1;nd TlRi sDonsrr--c The ,'tolei a.e lras ii rront for attxo luns todar alorhd r.an[1i; ra.k rost the ertiie dista.ce. Cer:1d Vichl Goli course on the road. Tle first St. Johnts s.t th,> !3ce for ijle lace at 2 P.r1. vas a 2.2 mllc (ohe 1a!) ol tirst hali-nite but treri. nove.r oLrt q.4 aJfair ior nov1ce.. \r. oper m11e lroni snoril.y l.lrere.rtter and lrocecded {t"o taps) rln foflowed at 2: lO ,!.Jtor share ii xitb a the BEc oitlcerG were a1t. Dl;ased.-t te.Errate.,Ijn .rom, the ilecent tu.noli and nore ilBC sto.so._ .oDhono.. ;it the erd ot the tjrst torr throuah plarned for the future the hil16, lerix and Broun dele naljchthroughout NeH Engls nd, rrg stride. riih l'4aniittarrs nete 2,2 l4i1e Scretch !.vrce plce leXer a lcr .rar.1s behird. Lerir and 15 .ta.ters, 1, fi!rshe.s,.6 Dr:zes lrord xe.e ere! :t the three-nilc (tbphies & oeda1s ) uhich ihe-l !a..ec. in a fsst t. Gordon TranneLL, Dorchesier rS. 11:46 narkt l!:24.d.. Broan st.ved with !evi! on 2. Eov N _ssor '.:rO the llate 1ea,ii!: io ienetery :lilt, l. Bob - jnDo- . 5. ,.-o "e- tS. :2j a steer incline .orsiC.red the inake 4. Radv ! Lt. :JO .r bre.ki' r.ri oL. collegiate cross_ t. D{vF sL| . .tj) colntry .a.e. tseyer steadiLv losi 6. Bob lhoaosor. Bo".o.. "z-r-sJ, - l2:)r7 grou.d t. the froat-ruDners on th€ <E Dava Dman, rAus dS, 7. aen--ter;r ij111, tevin :1,.: f:..ls..Or.r 8. Brr"- ficPh-':n. C""rr:o.- L..rn 1t:Oe leflj a tirine Brorn Ia. behiad e.a 9. Dave Ades, lockland XS, 1i.!7 .f the distance at one. 10, Fred Long. Bos o! Te.h.. !).r7 ieyer .auaht .Ni r.sled EroN. on tnis (4Jo cloudy, ilry, no wlndl hill ard fiais11.d ir seco.d !Lac. .one eightl trards behiai the njnne., Open 4.4 M11es Scratch (2 e.rua1 laDs) St. Johnts toolr the freshn:rn chanpr. Er.66, B!i:a, , r .; tst t;D .in. lonshi! Nith lr+ loints. Fofdha. tinlat.- 2l:57 is!€d seco.d {ith 64. itanhattaxt. - , Di k o"^a roj B4A, ll:ro 2l:i2 John CerasliX uas the individ!4l {1n.F Johr D o. ro BA]. r rL? 14:04 J. , ner in 1Lr:5't.l for three ni1es. tseri -, BAA. tL 2trtt) 1. ]:.rr/ H!l<e Bleelo*, BA/,, '. | 1. Itetrry Lelir, l:?Lr, 24.34.6 6. Bob zotlihnorfer. B.r. tt:iJ4 -_t2Zr:.7 :1. ?etcr Beyer, llanhatiar 24r55 t2tl. Bo)ce 7. S€4f,-.. [r4 . )j:2? l. Jfnes Brolr, IYU, 25ta6 8. Bob Cul l-n. lAI. 2111) 4. frdlt.Cr n_ol.t! 5t, rotn's -5:18 a. P€ul oiDomet., BAq, \..'2.1 .6:o l.:/, .t4./ r. rrJ.1t.r 'ooi.r, rordr.n, 10. Dan Durop. .os o 6 . lJ:i) .6:18 5. CeraId r.icti, at. Joh1,:. 25:51r I . Fra!* fiel1y. NlC, 7tt \ ?. D...rd -.ary, a.]1.tfrn, -tttB .:L .)itL, I2. Dave DL..,han. Bock'ard H.. )t/a f. larry St.'I.rf. rt-nhritra. 2b:f2 lli.ha.d 9rin1ev. l"tadh:rtt3n ?6:06 9. 10, Jan€s Jie11t, tordhan. i:6.7a LEVIII, u.Lii. acE, Ttx:s TiTlli nuu r1. lom r..rcth, rYr , 26.aa 12. J.e lrcir., tt-nh-tran. 2b: tl yor, r".n, r'44 ;. i.y.rIs Hr.r1 ,llou.. ll. r:e1son Adelnan, tltr, 26,,1? y ,nor .. .o-_ 14. oetl or il lJ. Johx corr.r'. nanhritrn. a6.46 r-rr- y-s.Frdoy ir in\e(_ ro rr 1b. ,Iohn Lonei, St. johnts, 26.tC Ioool irar -.!F- o l-p r?. .h,ri.s ijc..ath, t Yr, 2,ti2 chanpronship at ?.n co.t1e.df !!.k. tha lTdrhrt':n. :?:Ol lroox,.tanhai 1r 'o -!6 ,-_..r -o " 19. Jares liacuines., ylrh.t|?n 21tA? !a1ar story in the tead battle ,hen it :0, :om Kp1..s, ForJhan, 27174 trimphed with l8 points. It nark€d the r4. finishe.;) Tedm. I. hadEttan 1a. Jaspors. 17th crohn rn thr6 neet. l..y.U 2. NeN York Lrniverslry 4j; l. Fordh;n whr'. hds ak-. ,h s | , - -r-;;n ,i;; 4. 70t st. Johnts 7l: 5. Seton Nalt eas 6"'ond q lr &-,. :-, ,, . 4_. -"._ tur.ed ih . sn ppv 24: lr,b orpr the five-ni1e rorte. r'rnnapolis, IJd., ]Iov. 21 , !-rnj/r s ri ras the tastest Uime.r..roed rn:he previously unbeater cross-.ountry tean @eei slnce another Violet start ccorA€ tas ulende.l bI lravJ, a5-to. to.1ay rr TlrrMI,llLI, AI\D BnI.;NITT i\rllt
orer E flve_iiLe cou!6e.
,.::"ijj:"!:I"1":""::"::: i"il",5x"' " ;i:":"::.1':,,ii::i i;t"":iffoi:;,1: ffi: n,Looles 11r1shed rrth a 6_1 los1ng ohLJ. to tjd.iI!.d.
o - '2 :
4.A.U. TITI,!
was 8_1. EUTI
.-"'"," ;. ": :,: .::.
ii;:, ":;,i;r I:;:";i,1;.;;.'i:i"j::i: ,.i *. .' ".;- ;-: .::u; il:"-"","-t,o- ::" t.u 2.;-. gl::..::":h. j;;',
i;:*:f,,i?::,i.,:;:,i:;,.'l:.1:"' -.i, !":i.li";i"i, j;;.'il;",i'iiit,:l' " f "'t-;': o-;: i .l.;1 ,"' ' f. i^':- '. .o_-. N. .!.,. ,,.,,. Jo:09.d :: ;;i:":.tig?;i: il ; I F. ::lt l::t: (ieorE€
r r r,.""." r. io,+i fiarh.rrrn Cot.AA il:.
i:13.'i"i3lii'iuYt!"1""' ;l:li lJ. J1m F111ls. liYac i;:'" 9. L-rrrl!rne1t,
"rr" !n{
i:i i:ii",,'ili:ll;" i:i;^^ l;;li ii. il:' iil'iir.i:li-ll#"ii;", li,ll 1?:
Ian. AA, l::5? Nrlc,,A.i! )):t2 lta ?ion-Fr. I l:20
il:,!!"-i:iii]\;,$1;";3" :i: i:i:';:":il::"i+:E'.s:" 21. i.r |]ac,',jichoU.
NypC. i<,6! 24. cer* .r.1rad, Nypc. 11,.,, 2r. N i ^rrrL1ck, Urutt.. ir,si 26. rJi1lr.F [ra.k, ]ryqC,'],', ,e,i1 r/. ,ohr ieraght.v, l4anhattan .o11 s- t.A. Fr.shman, t9:1q 2d. ir s M- ^ -y, .rlrrrse A^ iq,is 2q. ilo..ri -r, tI p,oxee,-, rl:os la.r. Il -l I I',or rr. C. 'rAr 7-?-)-7-1t= 28r r. rar... i-aan collese AA
5-10-12-Il-14= 54i 3, Ne! yo.k A.c. "r' b-b-q-r7-20=60i 4. New york tion_ epr rrub 4_rt_r6_18_19= 58
li"!:giil ;:i:: uliv 1. forddy
1?' Notle
Dsne 42
Kenhedyi Hsu, 24.1r1 (course
record, :5:f5.2 bv Henr,
\i"i;f1 igi,T!:i,i3l: ;:;'u' "l"u'u' :i:1!:';. ":i"i:;;'i.:;,T*ffi"!1?l;,'iy. ffii i!i!li';.T:"..f i.';"!: fiE'"i",3?il:" 10. Tony snrth, (tiotre SU. 2b:aO
- DanF's cour€e is pricti.ally tler
Iolllng. trre HFeth-r for the ne€t kas cool ,ith no rain. )
.B0SS CO :TTiY - october lI. Ig5q cANrsrrs c4tl,rc: rr" rrlrioii niii aL BUFr.ll oa r€ rtr- tqttE prRl {4.7 ni. ) ColrFa:. -rnd:iiorq: 4er.ra1ty niser_ able. rrin no5i of nigi: anat a1t day oF1o.e:n! dtrrin€ nFer. .wifch to sprEed shoes n.cessary; calted tor sohe cusloningi rith razo. btade and the borforing ol one nair of shoes lron Alfred U. Frosh. lootins was stil 'iilficuli, ln stots; dee! nud; luddles
f. s "er, Alfred. ?l:4qi t. !a;kett, a. !nt..1o cg€!lbsj 2a:04! q. Fa.n. cob_ leshllL Acsr-s, 4:tl: 5. fi".i;alc. cob1esk1l1 ceieies! 24ilr6r o. Di'lrnirto. Alfred, 24:l:; ?. Blan.hard. AU.ed. 24:'8i 8. Frxof. coblesk111 Asgres2 t:05i 9. r,lr11an, coble.Asqle;:25;05: 10, rE!-rj Lr. .t Buffato. 25: ri: 11. Brorm, CobLe. AAAres.:5:12: t2: Schon_ in5ky, Coblerkill AgSies, 25:14. 1o+ iinlsher6 ) TeAn Scorlna: 1. Cobt--sl,i11 ceaies l?i t. ALrred Unrr. 19: 1. ont.rio AAsres 98r 4, U oa B 10i; 5. Br'il.1o Stlte 140;6. cortland Srlle 140; 7. Eot,Frts U'stcvln r50: li. .enisius CollpgF:t0i 9. E.re T.]ch l0li 10.0sweso 106r 11. ErockDort tt\ar?!a 3lroi tl. st. Boraven32Bt 12, tule 'lb9 * New record C0r.JtolrSEllSlj,i:iji,iTtCS -(Lons Dlsiance) training ldeds of the late lrbhur Newton. forner Norld's nrotessioral
u1t.a-Lons distircc chaarion. S1.OO order dir..t rron Lohs Dista.c; Los. PUlrl,ILC ylIT]l CiiltUTT!- th€ tirst and onlt bool. try Australia. coach ?ercy centi/. 1959. 32p. $1.0i)
i;;,iii;,;:i|: ir::,:l i.'l"l"ii:: ii,,;;;";':.{:';"'
,:'i":ii,:,i::"li:! i;"ff : ;:9.'?1,":';ii t:il-il.{;":if :. ll:li}: :;";;i:;:f,
tl*iliri jq*ii::i,,,
ii{,il,i:":r:1ilq:!gi*4i1 r:"j:;,
:;iiit",;ji= ;:::#ai;r'::-
Jj-pofts. tffAc totaled 22 points to rne reeutts issued ir r.6 rUAA__.o11eee Dtvlslon__Cros6 rourry rr.nlionships were i. error 6itr ahd Zth
:;: -i::: i:i ::;:,[",:1"1";.;:il'"*. and moved
heaton r"or /,r lo I7th h... h- re-t w1. r@ for rne se.o.d yezr or a fou!_mtle cours. chicrso coutry club l1'* g,: ?l the1omer holiier of the $ofrd's reco.d for the ltrdoor dite. and rorner Tleck and cros6 cohtrv (.r.n ai i,Iheaton .oueee for the past lJ yeErs. ttie systea of leco.dlE the rFsu|s a d traisD!t.inC rh-s btle,e_ a m8ster scoreboard in Cenr_ Iinone ptulal roC]mhsih Et (heaton is a Dtd desrgned by ciLt and ha6 net hithuhe 1-bDrovE.l or ,t .oaches a,o conLestanL!. retumed frod the colrse to rhe clm, ther€ on R ma6ter_ oorr{ ,--re the fesults in ready lrong ulrh copies of the finrsh. vleN borh terh, for all tha codp_ ::illl9'.r :E 0enoers are *earlhs rheir EN. enbtens and they look s;od.. 1r yor .re 3 member and don'L haie pmblFn ._. they can be lufchased tron n.u. lossi 106 n. Ceater St.. \,,oodburv
;; i$'#i.:iT:*ff 'brnes Etiohat dlstarce citnp. V1c ' ltr*;$u***iit$iqidF,, i,';.i'"li,iitl just to keeD in sh"De-
tir;i:iiis:i:;ili-;rrrr;*:ii' iif;i:, Ilf:ilii'"i;"li*il*i ::fi ili{i+:i lii=*llii;="'i":Ii'iii:, i' ifrf! (
;;,i;:ii;'i::,:::,;iil:":ii:::r uc on
,iiti.llii;l i:i,':i:.:i;lirir.rl;fi I
ihoxCh he qave Dp conpetttlon a :vpnyda.a ago... A sad s,ruatlor! arcss. (olntry ^-d 1s rot oftrclalty nrecognlzedr or rrrn schoor authorlttes ln Saartle.
:":?*?,"::,ii:'8l;.is 8lli":::"."
::il::ffi:j :i:"::"i,";?:';:,ii:!:,it:
growrhf succFss of therr ploA!;; has pfoduced adnlni6Lratlve ii€: athlete" are op171E tolal to not ente. the laces wntre coaches are fofblalden to b.e or rne 6ceae of rny of thelf r6ce5t some
;roh bphind trees or lridden thslde carr; nost drolped th€ir rudols at or res|]ts of raae. lost of the clr, 1er1c 11rbs. Tfack alubs. etc. Ha_Hat The parerts ard eathu,_ a's.: mlrx patn6 qlth tine lines ard Etandird ftag systeE, aad roxorpbaker6 keep slectators tnfomel ano a lree proruJm lifh all rumefsr naqea, .wbe.s, affiliatlo. etc. 1.
.Listributed to af1 particilants and watche.s. the schools co!1d never do ss welL; the "extras' cone onlJ lron distance .unnirg lorers. Trolhies, neilelst free NorthHest Athlete subscriltions gilen as p.izes and la.k Delartnenl (cod 81e.s remi) pro!ides excelLent show€rs lhot l) ard lockerroon Iacilities at Fast Creen i,ake fieldhouse, fhe rxnniar enthusiasts hoFe to eet to the totton ol this Ge6talo-1ike sitEtion ard . Lot ot oUhe! -, sulrv€rsive throl"tli4rr of a fe spori like this... Cross-Countfy is tle slort of ereryhan. But lile al1 worthrhile thinAs i! nodern ,'feri.:,, il has its enenies. rie hole that hlah cchool a6e cro6s-coFtrr/ c.n contirue, a6 thls ahd other sihilar erenle which nelp our youth sullass lih€ Soviei a',.let1c buildup are a nece..ir:,y. Those rho abhor non-revenue evelts leed tn be convif,ced tlEt it i6 io.ih-{hi1e. 0f corrse, the ao6! deslrable siiu3i:or wourd be the Dlve.sal acceDtance.l such evenis by the sciools {lth adninistlatlon las5in: into the hahds .f school coacnes and olliciaLs. Il su.h happeni.I oc.ulsj the r',All and outsider. will hal,Iiily low out oa the licture... 74 sta.ted (21 "scratched"i on orders!) School A1L-C1ty Cross Country on Nov.7, rast vears chanrion fiIke Johnson ol Frankltn Hs, (roo rci;E:;niFin--P€ in re r Va11ey l!.C.!)xon the 2-mt1e ra.e ir 10.11 r{ith i.oy Johnson or Re.ton'r.4, secord in 10:51. The nanl !.re.is r.ri friends rrro assisLed and iilnessed lhe event ie.e ligh1X !Leas€.1 thal ii could be co.ductied to tive so nary dese.ving athletes a charce fo! selfexpression vla athletic conNetiIioi. ..
.-. ) -_. Irt. in vitanln ! has been arous.d in a roundabout aX. Sone time ego hos!1t31 suflerlrF lron nuscular con!atientr (e!e found to 4et cons:defab:o !1€ints benelit from ihe adnl.istr^tio. of ritaEin ! and scie.tists decid€d to lnvestiflat€, then rmofs reached the research porkers thal, lusl/a116n athletes, lnctuding a .mber rho tock part ir the lelbourne cl nllc canes, had 1arg. anoui:s of lh€ tita.in ln thei! diets. n.-haps {e sha11 se. rhe re€ults in iit! rcd lerfornarc.s .r: the next o1ynpr 1.:nes d!.!ite a
Adrinistiatlon this month that stated: "Donri lalL fo! adrerirising clairs leolle get lrerty oi that litanin in iheir food af,d .,ny claiD i. the labeliag of d.rgs or fooitB tlat th.re is vitanin E is false." ... 0n€ last ,Jie\" !o1!l on the u.5.A. v.: u.s.s.B. reet rlth Ile. none.tr's letbe! deferdinc slrert,l "lhe 1ocal disc-jo.kcXt' (Jack EiF-I-eat ob litL . rery difricult .s.igrneri. .jacri js o.!e .f tr..k rrd lleldrs rost.rdent lrooste.s and has Iany Philadellhia fans lincludina r:'s. LI rf.i. o -ol_.. 1r lri l!,l!a !rct..tile :he "on. Jiai onirior" r.l:ter rDt,liirlled t,tr thrt rar.zire in ii-. "l-.t:eis to -he ldito:" se.lion, iui thei.. .i.5e lo a.rfei l}-a nattet... qqlq L!!!,j!ll io,' loiilrcLl bx iendcn Lf.utiles. ,r.sLed Io. r ro!.h, tjrt nori jog-Ei.g :.gaih. lit:1e .. ao jntr.l.as basketball shoes hlndered raiher than helled the .itEtion... !4 II9ILo! i. reAl1:, t-.1'1rg troi)t:e. ',... He go'" a derl:rl !rlr:,ngr jrriv., ifo.,ih.re he gr'.duat.il ir ,J!. hol)irA to ne a'.1e :,o trrir, ro.e th:..r in Iii!riD.g. car.da. I:'ot,.!e. ir 'ienr:.aner he !1a.1 an o.er3tj.on o. hl. fo.t tli.ir r.r1 leen troxblir: hir 1:,3. t'.j. lotr lre lra. re:r1I gjve! nli .s 1i is :1i11 lo !rout,...ore to .Dn.. li', .:ro!i thos. t o :r.r.d:iin !he!ons, B!:. j-1rjj "r.1 El_lL Ee-l!tqr!!.
.r. a.b!|.l. ..: .n.l i. . ierr I.:.ri .a.,ld n. Jofla .1a.s... I4i vJir - is tle neH Ini11.r,. ,\sE.ci.t.ion /.!.U lo.ll )isiince ih.iri.n, ]le holes to fi.t r nig rareth.L .n I e:oria1 Da-r at th. Inoi.rr]]clj. !rced{f!_, ln eliort to clllt.l:2. o, t]]e cror:d".ald i,Dtli.ilJ. il. 1;oulC lil.e to ie: lSCr-r0 ah.-piorshin. (ao I he:r hortls iroa ihe lelr A.sn.?1... fi.i3hfLl G(B, In.iiara aentr.l St.te, IrJa.a!.lolis, Ild,, is aLrei!ti.rar io st:rt, end lroaole an Ind1.!.r I'lLr. :re rad !:!LL!slt.lld rosr: ci th!: ,iorlr lor ',he Indl.r1liolt. 21 nile .ilrl rac. ihe !1:l ronl:]1-a!d ihis .)r.er :1c.a ,Jiih hi. ff,ther ..rr a ..rt .a or'/ l'...r u. .ro..-corntrtr' rr.rr.n foi tr.LriLrster.. Hi. fni]1er nr.rid..l !rj.ze. dnl lhe r..:r:. .tir.. e.1 -!:roair.t.r i 60 rii.i!-n-.. 'l'hc,i
1t 1 ltrr t-ct .'Al]t aotaf; lt plt i,.i. r4ura Ie.ter Bo4t, Clut J :. jt,:lan.llca! ilu, 9!id:J, lrov, lJLh {lrnl 1. Foser Harion, PPc,29t)5 2:qn 261-5 2. rere C1ark, LRA, 29t)6 lttjA 2?t56 l. Ji Ascer, \te.pat, 2,tLtT It2t) 2Et27 11. Joo l cDon:1d,r,:A, 2tt5? r15. 28tr? :. H 'ry ferkoJlr:,P4ala: 5 )14. a?t . 6. iol'. rlorsrl, lPc, lr:08 l:to rn:43 7. irn lt-.annri, vBlt l:1Lr 1::0 28:ti b. F*n.y Llr.hini:or,S,J.:1J l:4, 16:lLl 9. rlck Donoh et B,qA, I : l 4: a:ol r!. .,ohr ah1!ran.!Ac, )at25 3145 2a):)ri 11. iin Ireaxe}. \ila, 3a,29 2r)+a ?7.49 I:. I-rrt.:1ir-, ir.-, J.:ll :,ro ll):!l 11. Earl srIth, id., l.:19 2:40 2?:r9 1r. iriFs I rfh, r.. r.jLr:41 a:J. 2Z:)r 1'. folt..J .klas,lRA, l.:lrt 4:U i:45
:::rrrlr / , li-i :irtl.lon. 'rrle1l., 2'):Lt1\ 7. )i.t tr.r,.1|., a6.alr a. lJ.l I:-ce .:. .f. a6:07
19. carro:L Ariderso!.r,cl0:r0 4r40 26:1c :0. Cu" Idnrs, \rNC, 10. )t ::20 2er t1 11. Joe zr.ronc, VBct : I 30rtt r:. i'ra.k l:.11r. sh:r. ln:5, tl:00 : r0 r0: ta 2J, reie l-deuet r.r,r.lr:r.2 t:a! ":.. 2/,. !uth€r lDrde11e,ptc tlt! it2a 2a,1:r+ 25. IIellace Jordan,lpc31:Lr7 i:oo a6:o? 26, Iar./ Delaney,scc,3Itr9 2.OA 29.a9 17, John ro.andra,rrc,lr:Io 2:tO ?e:20 rU, ronn Kichulr! I.C lt:20 :20 29:OO 19. sob r!.hmra, !AC, l1:28 rrro l.:48 :0, JefJ l-lboy, Pt, lt:-9 co ,r:-9 ll.+steve Vhelrr,r.Bc, lr:lo b:tf 25:20 r2. 14.urlce cr..on,pc,l:lt 6r1o -.t: t 1,. ron schxoor! .8.. 't:tB :tt r1:o; !]rd^ rs.rnpto-r.arc :t! t:1rr t?:f4 lr, -111 Don.a:n, :,tr:4J 1.. :1.,r:11 _ir. i?rsh.11 I c.loskFy,LEA :2f.l:t? Cl.. consfrnt, 17. \ r.l2:OL r:r| tr::! 18, r.ve Tno lson,itCACJ2:o Oo t-:ot 19. lob loJ,o!rn! VPC, l.r:o? :lo tl: l7 40. Berrf ll1nl,a1d.PAC,l :08 I:r! jr:I8 +r. i1x .ltanf.rd, I!r-, J :12 Co l::12 4:. !i11 Hactulrch,tACl::2, I to:29 41. ridve Pi11nan,rBC, lt:lj -: oo l::l! 44. .ltrn lrndner, PjC,l2:4b .: +. lo:aL 4r. r..ed Hoch. PAC. r-:49 c. rr:rro 46. Jlck !ApA..IArr,.,Bf,)2t:7 ,Ja 1r.f 47. E!gene Jordin,tiA. 1l: sl :00 l::jl cf. !p.ry fronroe, PPa,3).5? co 11t5? .rq, NFvr. schoff,pAc, ,!:2? Oo r4:29 50. ilyroa Beroan, vF.,ltr: !8 co tb:58 TEnl : l. IaSslle Rorins A6sn. 2-4-rr1l-L6= 46i 2- V€spef goaf club l-?-101r-1o= j7: 3. renn A.C, 5-9-rt-15_:2= 6ri 4. Phl1a, rioneer f1!b t-6-t?--:t2J=7.,; 5. sh-ntrhrn c.thorlc ct ub !_i4_ TlllI rlIZ!:: 1. sievc rheli]n. 25:2n: :, Jlau!1ce can.n, 25:23r 't. rrih:r'
IIBSI' IN IIII-ATLA]III' ;Ci,T! EIDI: ESTABLTSFiIS ! -0 D _ l.:-C0!i!.lI " . o-.D ,5 .Il AJ. n0t:0Rlrri.l.ti, ior. 21, rlo!1. a.--.li a.li ii!Drre, i,hi:li,, i)a. - !'i.1,:r(.'s ai,:iClrl' tloxent UaiversliX .i lel, t{:,fe, .uidx.r11e.1 Lia11e C.].i.,.':r ii In.lic un..rien !ete lllLhDin L.o rin the r.r'! .nnua1 ;.ji.1d1c f.i,lartic :t:rte: Colietiate r',t]11.lic aoal6.en.. .:o..-.ourtrlr .h.r\riolshln .oil.rr in the r..cr!j iifLe a1 21tti.5., LIr€n h. h:t the trle lr'eitr :e 1 sten', ilron ih. rut:F..I li./enii. ..Lrse, Ii.na. ]rnd .. rt1eted a rein!i.rlr1e :.rs.r. ;1. -..t r: re.o..i in c.ch ol hi. iL:1.r r..:.. :lis tir. irl thi. .h_r.ioa.h1!, too, iJ.n ..ll the 'n ion. otr sectioas oa ihc hlllI ..!rse, llor.r h.! only :in.d ouLr ihe L:rn,ti!::rold clrnnrio!:l1j! Ir.ri: or:4:35,8 rrrr liJ.l secords, ..rt a1s. r.d!..a ,,he .orr.e reco.d oi ?1r:ll.r, sei . ieri weeks aao by (.vir q!ini. 3t. J.selhr.. Q]]inn linl:rh.,] s.v..rh i. ihe .hairjonshi!.. the r:rce llro s.r' i!e fel:irqr to porer 01 5t..r.$ephr. ailL€Ee .! te.n chrm]rior - | 45 to1 i : ,q irsr ?f Ior Lr.- l , -.EfFr,diq r letrolder. lintil J.sine ln 1tJa, coach ceorre Bertclsri.nts :larn:. h.rC t..lie. the iir:te 11 sr:r:ri.nt Xears, th: fi.st aile Xca.s under a d;.fterent corl€rerce set-lrj. Ther-- lrs additlcrnl .jol. for B.:tcisnan since 5t.lroseDh's a.11ece al!o ,on the-l!freshn.r .lEriionshir lrith -il roi1i. to ror rrJ.6: l,'haste. ai.te 're1.ri:rs C.L1e8e. Tlrc iriliridla1 !;imer ol irij. .nce rlns Fohild Ilelech. 'lerDle, in
fi:r#*tiffi;drj{;-i*r-, #i la. iifnnet Farkins, lRAlo:49 .30 l0:19
Pltlla:: lslr l'1acE - Johr l, L.1lt c.l.l 1nr,1..1: 2.d io liih - Jon! l. {.lltr r'.thl --:ic i jela aerlljicr.'u.i :rast!.t Tire - J.B. ii.11n Cold. lJ.dal lad t. 51r!r l.st Ti:ie - J:li a.ftifl..ir!l.rr li.iz: - ti'rer Fjor1,.:1.ir. 2ni. lril olrce t..n. - :il.l r..cir.r ,lF]( ir.r'iiiic.t..i Isi Oirsn.r i. ilrish C.rr..: lrorere4 nDih .id.. of l:lc 5.tui,.lk:11 lir'.r. :ihi6..!rs. 1s rriq:e in ihat .o f. i.r .-r.ets rre c.oss:d :ld the n1io.1t! ol r:h. r.c. ..r t,. s!-.r xi Lh fielf elrsr-.s. 0lijci!Ls: f.-.rk i.r.nk, Br'oirr'fa iloss. ,Iacl f"e11-1. ,rr.. Joh| il.al.irt1 !..9r., !d I.unA, lililerd ;!F!.f. DEIA],/ARE
iiid4le -ilinii. .]otLegr.:Les_co!tr!ued) 1l:r0.4, ,p d.Ic:-.i joL iciurtLia. '.1 --.' \F., .r.. o :._ Oll Di. te1 : ,:ner!.p ioo good ior Nc !.rck ioi..,' Po. on a .' 1iiiitsh-r c.h.t.,.snjr r. sL,idl rrn tolirlc-.1 -ci.rce 1nr cu.: tre-r ovcf fne !fc._settinei tron vlalhein. tl senror ircirorious i. six reriou!_ I onlnlj ori of th€ rfoods ard ovex : n.F.t bric:c! rtre 5_r. lrja lounlj r. L r \- 1,r_t 1;-i 1111 ,!r lf.' i - _unmit. - arLL. rt Lr.rn. .E 1!iter uas ..r .i +ler .r. l1 i-err 1f lnto i! ri. . rr Lill rrlr:,rir;ri ;iL::I-ri.ri: t tI11.. 1, i .1-,r. o rrj r | 2. tLt. xrr6 i.. r": 11,; l. !.t. forerr L:ht. rr,.1-:4.D € i-r.-rrt rrhn;.cl irtf.r-t ri. rot_r i rch. -t. fos.l i. "..in 6r'1 :....1't!rl-t .tt, J,ro-entr!_r o. rlrr el r.hrrrri. +r: r. l1-. r ,' rI ,r. 1.. r 'l ri P] -T,; i1. T.n -1r.. I : i r l_hj rr Llei "-. 9l_. ' rr. t. lr:1.'rr Iu. - . lr': t.,, I lrr' aror i Ir. rr r-: u.hleri. '-:20. -. ,ch;ster. !r : I. -:. JoseTrhts 4s;-,.:. I . srLtF ,r1 rr, /b; i. tr 117: ,e.t heJtcr o' " r__s IL5'' ''_ 8:.L:: 7. D- - ' I s. D ..'i-ei ,l -,: h o: 1,. n- _ ; I (
TIiIE5 CotlplfT:n i ol.r-Jilfll
r0 IlIl: l.rjli - l. Jodh RuA.. Ceni!11 iate colteqe, i4:18.6; :. l1'!11ace 57:16.8.
.clrerr, tJorthinFton. Ohio.
I. Ject. g11ckbu... Tr,.l Club, t -hor.. t2:oo.B: 2. iofOhio Iaird, lte rort ploneer CLui. I hou.. 25.53,ai :, J.rcr. l,orr1.r,d, OiC. 1:2?:18 r,/0 1t" I 44c-yriLt tt , _ 1. cfrci lutch;r rrr{!dr rc, .1evpl1nd, bo.is: t. ietass. Io![, nilo Tc, 67.]s: t. Diane younoOhio TCJ 67.8s; !, 5Ds:n !ft!Lrker. ohro TC. ?r',9s. sIn-llILE RUll - 1. leslie Heaedus. Central state coLt.a€. 7t.r?-74 2. jl^ Ilassey, lnrtti.trFd. OSU. l::46.5: r. l.1r "i JTrrringtoh. UGtt.. lt:t5.6: !Ilrj-MILs r,/A!r1 - 1. jlon !iiid. i;trrc. tt!t)7,2t 2. Jaclr ilactrblm. Ohio TC. 4r:37,5i 3. v, u. c.and'. ioronto cl adslone r.4,, 43:5?.6 1C MIr,' VAIX
EVEN1S AIiD TIMES COHPI,ETID ],IOVEItsEB 22. 19 -<9 {S,ndav)
:0 ITILE Bo.qD Rrlx - r. {l iJay Tie) Johr scoLt, Bo{11ns Cfeen, Btrv aldrlevBo rling cre€n, orre ermstrane. :oqil.c e.eer. t hous. 19:11.9. I< rll.- lli!/ - I. Ron te1rd. lylc. 2 t).n.s, 29tlE.6i z, Bilt clandy. a1.dctor. A...j t:ll::ll.or l. Clare D!ckh.m, t.vLon crn .1utr, 2:12:54.8, l,/{)lE)'s ! J,IILE 'rtr - 1. J.tiss |!]elrss, l,or.c, onio Tr, 10:24,4t 2. lrrs. Cofria! BlrcLburn, Ohro Tc, 11:J3.8! l. $ass rllhy Clancy, Ohao TC, 11r19.1. WoMExtS 880 YAm RlrN- 1. Ur€. O.ace Butcher, asyar AC, cl^!-tnnd, 2:lo.5l 2. riiss S!san Lh!iaker, ohro TC. 2:4?.t .^. I I1ILE nlli - r. leslie qesedus. CeitrF_ Fr' h r crranplonshi! tt: Mitesl Stnfa folt-q., 1l:58.4: ,: J1n fiasFev. f. ilo E.r lr, I 1-: , o:!nh lt!iJIalt3chF/t, osr, tJ:10.5: l. lrrory jlichard Doi- il11r, r EttachFd. :jt. .l.senh'si Quilr_.r. l, r5r46.1. ter. riest Chest€ri !. ceril.i Don!. St, 2 MrLE l/AL1l - 1. Jack Blackbum. ohio Jo6e!1,'si '. Don Cro 1 .. t-,r/h: !. 'rc. !ttt26,3, 2, Jack rroltlard, ahio J^.f.. Turcan. ! C: ?, E .h rt -u.iocl. Trnck cLub! 15:51.rr! l. son Ia1rd, PMC; 8, .lohr :e?.d., i,l. Clr-l,er: q. Neu York ?ionecr C1ub, 17:00.4. llenrJ t,;irrgi.n. ia3atlei 10, ?on Dot1., at. ,Jo:etht;. Tioe: 13:50.0. Ior:es lI 1r.ck ltoli1and - The nee| ..o 0; . h-s- a':tracteC 56 conretitors and ras held 's .e 8t - - .0; '1-. Ll) un.1^r .le?r ski^s 37d in ,0 derree " 5. s,jartt''of. i2!); 6, teta.'.rt. Iz9, t"nperntrre botl dayc. Ii1.d pertoTnFd ?.*r:D.1'rr..':r-' s-uht, rallring fou races rh.v ll.lr1t Iio, | 1r:+ ;ir r--1 aad a toli.:r of l2 niles. lor this he inLl J:.;,i) orri: !;or. receired a irophy as the ouistandine
{ohlo Track .1ub Disra.ce c.hrval ) perrorrer. lrophies were siven to tne winnAr of p.ch erFnr, mpd;1s to sec.nd and third and t.hdsone key c.sFs io roufrh a.d filth. . , he donen.s a!€nbs, ru.s, dnd 2 dnd r11e ralks pere held on the traclr.5The ot event8 were helaL orr th€ road.. iJi6s @!9, wno eave lational 880 chanlio! Grace Butche. a real 6care iD it; i!0. 15 a 1l-yerr-o1d !r'orihlnsror.l ohr. t Echool g1r1. Her time 1r tne IilF oh iunday !Es problbly the frstest eve. oy aa Anerican.. Jack Blackburn's trro mI1e tlme rs the fast€6t 1r the nrrlon thls year,. In fhe six-niLF rrn. Hrg_ edus followeit lassey io. 4 ntles (2i:30 a'd lh-. 5t. r'1 5tL1 and t.r6 for hrs last rwo. nsnln on sunday hp lollore.r r4asser'c .r;e and then lan away rhe last iralt:ni1e. !e appea.e'l rro be capabfe ot mch b.t_ re! in both ra.es.. .To.r. Kro11. ohio staie univ. JMior, {rs the o.1y run_ n€. to attehpt both 10 and 20 njtes. After flnlshing foDrth rn Situroay's 10 milp, he tooL rhp r.ad !r the r11e mark o! Sund.y. fe nrsse4 th;l_ ro_ nlle nark rn 1:01. i6 :rd hait s , mlnute ri"i ove" :1. ir,".. BoNLug Creen He wEs lorced to !e1k screr 1 ti;e5 flon there on and was lassed at 18 n11es, but held or 1o. another fou.th. Thc three B,G, runners crossed the 11!e hand-rh-hand, Blrl{lpy 16 18_ year-old t.eshmrh..toritF, rnir[an1n te! di1e, 13 a frosh at oh10 state. ihe
l:; e:
!hi1a.. la., Surdal Nov. 2a- A co4_ ten'le. froi the outset, pete ]talhein. Shanahah CC. retufned :o the ricto.y br winhine the amuat Si. tath .1:d'r-sunday 4.16nt - i.u 0,00 _. - . f ss_ country champiorshio by a marAin ot 12 seconds over hirher SurdeUe. tenn AC. l/]alheld, who suffered his first ross or the selson tro days earller ln rinishing se.ond for lasalle Corles€ to rcllarare's ca!1 01af lr.ien in i;F MA Stat,es Co1}€giate Attletic Conference five-dile chanplonship, sled over ihe 6i-mi1. course in ll:lL lllrde11e. d Post ofilce worker. !?s .unneruD tn lr:lrl, $ith BerrJ craurord, fo;ber sas Univerllly runer, th!d. Ascendirg ihe slope fron East tive! riv€ io Girard ave. Erld€et l,lalhetn went into ihe 1ead. toltot{ed br Steve l,/hela., Yic zNolak ud tun1cll;. On tile west s1.1e of ihe schxylt i11 livert Walheln and Zaolak jocL.yed ior th. pace-setti.€j Dosition and lurde1le took a ien!.ra.n lend ln the Roods io .rd ihe lorei slope, talhetn ras aratr in tronN on the length"v ascenr: to ;elmont l"tensio. rxd rheeled around th-- h!-It-wat nark tuo yards ahead ol Zdolalr, te.. Mortan was l| y:..1. lart-rrer back and had 25 rards O. the r€turn, Walheim could .ot find rhe cui leedinq to J,leroriai ita1l. ztro1ak AaUantty xaited to po:nt it out to hir and b.th qere lasr-ed by B!.de11e .nd llorg?r. Welhein reg.inen the v.. jxst nast the lla11 and ihe race a.s rris is 1]F grrdl-r1! drF.r rL rv i".n souTilE|JN a jtMat IA cftoss aoLlt TRy lrrdeliF oJ ihe rTr.r.t, to loat House CHAtiPI0NS!IPS 8e1d ;r Ctendale. !,lor. row. Wcatler: sr rnri, r 1 deir..s. 24, 1959 - 3 Miles - ueathef f:ir 1. Petc l.Ialhein, :han:-hai CC, lt: l1 :. -utrier BurC.l1., l-d qC. rI:+l 1. Dalp Sto.y, SAc, r4:j8.br. 2. H l. Ierrl CrefaorLl, .her-h-n.f tI:)4 or, rI,A; l. sha!, tak.i rr. tsail.ev. 4. vi :L oLrr., 5h ..t.a fC, l2:.9 Che.eyt : j).:?? ,. SACi 6. fljrsh. E1 .rfl.: a-"1 J. rr^r^ l.--€.an, ! rr.hnn C ! He..3ndez, Nek.! 8. Hillbera. C1e. 6. lril1 lrlfer, -hrn |rn a'. I :r4 I 9. Yerii!go, sac;10. trhlteh;cd, EI ?. rlau.ice aaDon. :hila.riox. j!:+8 'lerns: I. arnta Ae )8; t. !.kersf b. IIaL Tlors€nj :li.Joselh's, a2t<,4 62i :1. Ce4itos 164r 4. i,ierc. 168 c. Pftr,l lsLr, CC, ,:. l::9 ,. l4t. San qnboruo 182; o. trst l..a. Ii I0. 1..!1n ! 1,4,h. 1. rIoj. rt:Oo 1o6r 7. Orar.ge o:st 2oo! L Lons 11. Jc.se hrrdeI1., Penr r,C., ll:10 3e1.h 217; 9. Cltrus 240r 10. 11 !l li1.1u5 12. l.:iesant.:lt. Jo... 3t:16 2b1r 11. Los An.qF1.: CC a88. r2. Ir. lrtt Srrot.tor. I.tu AC. )'t2l dernrdlno JIti ll. F!lterron 14o: 1r+. -:ikr ll-r jLr.3r1. i1 . ros., ,|: I.5 ventu.& 415 * ltew course re.;.d'l'. Ton 'drr. -t, Jo":.,,:, Jt:ll lecord by cha!1es rl:d.r (S]!c) _ 1i5:i5.91 i6. C rro11 lrdFr':o.! hr1 ,tC.ll.l 110 rlnners in the neet. j.rif--! 17. lob.rt tr e:r,1,:ia La. r,lal1:.e .r...l.a. t lna. t a! 14:arl l,ONo DIS'l:illCl LOC rOR IE{-: t Cortin)ed i.xt n:Ae)
lg (lete iJaihein - aontinued) 19. Robert lorsan, rhi1e. lc, 34r05 20. Hen.y (eller, IasaUe RA, 14:09 21. Eoh Relsch, Penn Ac, 34:10 22. llenry dashilst04, Slan.CC, 34r12 23. John Chalman, Pe@ 1C, 34115 24. Jo9 l4cQu1l!en! PeD Ac' 34.3) 25. Box Taskâ&#x201A;Źt, Pem AC, 14:40 26. nehrv LJnch, st. Josethts, l4r4? 27. Steve !hela!' vesper BC, 34rI+? 28. lob Chanlets, Shanahan CC, 15:00 29. Joe SteranoNicz, leu AC, 15r01 Berkovitzr lern AC, 35:01 10. qarrn -11. (en StrahLe, Petu AC, 35ta4 12. Janes lleaney, Vesler !C' 35109
ffffi.-b:ffi lr. Jane6 Quinran, hsalle
RA, l5:lb 16. John rlarshall, P-nn A,C,, 16:08 37. Pele league, shaDhah CC, 16:16
J8. iob ilurlex, 5t. Jo6eph'5, 36r22 36:34 39. John ll!ri.@, rem Ac, 40, Earr snlth, Penn Ac, 36137 41. Jin Agger, Vespe! BC, 17:00 42. Iarry Detaney, Shanahan Cc'17:11 43. ajtln lindner. len AC, 3?r1d 44. Juck Wal.h, shachar CC, 37126 45. .qnthony Sorlells, P1on,C1ub l7;40 45. Joh. Iichura. Ped Ac, 37.49 47, Iaon Dreher, Sharabar cC, 37.52 48. Bitl Hackltlch, re@ Ac, 37t57 49. ClareEce Cloude, Pioneer C.J9t0J 50, lrank Kel]y, ShF-hahan Cc' 39:1b 51. Joe Zaccone, Vesper BC, )9.21 52. llenry Kinkald, Penn Ac, 39r53 J l. ch:rLes rlarazacco, ?enr rc 40:0! 54. Gus con.lant, \'esper BC, 40:01 55, rlar.hal1 rleoloskey' ls BA' 42i36 56. Johh caralucc!, Un3tt., 43.13 43.17 57. iared Hoch, Penn Ac, lean Scortns: t. Shauha, CC !A" r-3-1t-5-6= 19t 2. si. Joseph's:po11esc A.A. 8-9-11-13'1rE55r 3. Penn AC "A" 2-1a-12-18-2a=62i 4. rhila. Pioneer Ac 7-!r-16-17-33- 88; 5. Shamhan cc "B" 19-22-26-28-32= 127; 6. !-.in Ac "B' 2)-2r-2.7 -29 -)n- llli 7. vesner B. c. 27-2i-)r-34-35- 146 , Ner. nrcn England - oct. 24th, llereford to noss-on-Wye 14 llile load iace 1. Col.in Kedba-!1, 1:15.:2; 2, B. 5h.r, 7tL6.\?t 3. "'oh, Tarranr:, 1:16:48. o.i. 2ltth- 100 Iile ioad Ea.e (over clrcuLar collrse a carelul!x neasuredrPolfd the lejsof t m11es 74 irdLusy ro.ds ol rrlLon) It ,rs gosltirelY .erie Lo ce: rozrr lr htl.l clid riEures CisaDle.r ixt,o ihe qloon oi a
-. ro-'
lo olbit this , miles ci.cuit to coeer :0 niles even belo@ day-break at a .ace instde 7+ ninutes per n1le {2:25r of six r@ers & Don crlarttey led et l0 i1les in l!34.44.. llo niles leit bn Eeg l4lnchington in 4.47rZA ., 50 niles 1ed by llinchlngton in 6!00:14 follosed by A.Nhur Malt in 6:01.37.. 6c n!1es led lrt llatr ib 7:22:10..?o ni1e6 led b). Iail th 8:45.00..80 nile6 1ed by Mail in 10:16,26, and 90 niles .o46d plarylco oy fis n ll:18:'.. one was elad to ha1l llalt aa a torthy rimer, and llsten Xou I'scdbbefs" it nay gladde! tour hearts - this is Arthuri$ first ,rin tn.ny lace and 1t has takcn 11 years oi tryoll know what.' Tlls Llkeable Derhy boy 1s 37 yea.s o1d, ha!!i1y na!!iei1 $ith two child.en .nd is eElloyed as a ilrauFhtsnan by Brlti.h Eailwels. The aerutty S1lve! Cup - graclously liesented by the aamous rercy when in EY|ql.a4d for the nE!ire 0ane6- t!il1 be . p.oud tossession oi rirthur llail until the next l'lai1's riDins tlne ras 11.17.1e and Dor Turner, ?2 tear-aa,1 Ciail servant (2hd tn the recent London-Brishton) vas 2nd in 13141.54, lten laraols took 3rd place th 17:22.40. Fred Nicholls, Irhe onln other coipetitor in the lace at this hof,r nas conlleting his n10on on ihe tiree-poiht llan - iogeihg, ;.ell.tns a.d sit';ine. In this he alnost escalea the vieila;ce ol the orlictals rho h3d io scruti.ize every ledesttlan mtil 11.15 p.n. - ar-C in heavy rain. A nâ&#x201A;Źnbe. ol ]]elnx & county for sone _ :iaii $as a socce! pl 1l llv..s, rears, !.rthur er lrtir ir'.rv.d rn 1 serious accident rhen cycling hofle iron uork. Unconscious _Dal3ace for .evc.al dars. rlth hts life i! ihe r he had a series ol @erations and siin stafting., and was lelt ,ith a steel praie ln ht. head. His at ihe naratho!. Despite bee! a helnia o!e!.r:ion tn 1957 ha6 .r d a6v6! ra. r6d to a FF"r .lub_u v ihe e{ -np e o' coula[e, itetemination and enduratce. Oet. ,rth, tiverpool-llacklool Boad Eace- 1. Johr orDndy {rec,) 5 hrs. 26 nin, 1! secs,; 2. Dave t{oDoErd, 5:26. l?: ?. N. UIlso!.5:27.40. i16v. ?th -canbrid.e rblv. 34, Loughborodqh Collere 54, 3ola1 Ai! lorce 61 b l/4-ni1er - r. Bruce TuLloh'c. l5:lq
Nov. 2ath,
Ini1". - tuther Burdetle_ run.etu! fo. the IAAAU ch"n!ionshi, a deek rao, do. the five ntle race 01 the l4iddle rfLa.tic Road Rurners ulrb today in 25 mrnures and lb secs. A co1d. bLlstFfy tind sleot ihe rair_ 5chuy1ki1l. Pit tJf,1eh,3 stldent rasalre lot1cge. 1ed for thF irrstat mI1 roo. ov.r rhe 6et_ irlg and Etayed ln front the lace df the ray, Bp had ' lead oa rr. iest yFrds skrngr.g arou.d the h.Lf_irrv tt:o near !ort No,.D iow. iJErsh iri6 s;cond. lollo!ed
151; ?. rarninadate 180:8. q. Drtdrpss 234.
Nov. 25th.
lrrrla. - Frlncis carver. 1/, rln eEy uirh th. 60th lDuar sah_ uyllrill larJ ..o.s-countrv run ove! the fivp rad tlve-eighths nile3 coulse Do -t, -' a, Lcgr v,.rF roF !r14. carver. cardinal DouFheri, si;h. sen__ 1or, reprp6ented Petu Athlerlc ciubHe also won ihe novice t.olhv which gops to ihe top ldd conleting'F thF l-irst t in.a closeLtr by c1rro11 And,-rson. v-s.p- Boe. ro su..-sscut t! d-fended 1t. iean .hrnpioasljp. (Th1€ affalr un rhc iecond hJlf of the couasetE5 lhe :irast pri:a l1st anwhere! a,rdelle gradu.ltv lidenod hrs 1e:d a0 ndlviduls ald o re ani ?eTI;;!Ji s !-d 3nd spurted into the homest.etch norc as donors ol trophies and s11ver a*ards). inah 1f0 yards ahedd. Jalsh .ros.ed l. lrancls Carver, pen. AC: 2. Ed t!cthe flhrsh lrnc ii fronf ot the VeeDer Kcnne, Undlne; J. Jln Heane;. vesDef: coat club u the.second gtace rlnp;f r,-1 -o t-r. Jd..: -. o, fl!:a.;ki, ..ndlne;6. Parl Igha6. VesDer:2. J1n cr.rtrs nooks--nHor They Tr.1n," .nd larh.r, Lr.drhe; 8. Jim Asser. VesDe!: ( ten ner oembefs iorned o. lom LJrr^yne, vesferr 14. 14rke Dalcv. the lllddt€ AtlanLlc BaC. i Pe.n aci 1r. Da. sretman, yesDer: 1i. Jack sharkey, Undine! 1j, Joh; Si. -i+.-j";-H";;;;,-i;r,_ i;,lil'5i Bii*!ii';"6:;:*.';6:::,'it* e""""ic; att sinELeton. 2b:lar 5. nofcrt- orsan rr"r", no!nti 15. Ton llcDonouah. !ai.ooutl cr, Dororui. .",i-;'tj;; 16. cu3 .onstant, vespirr rZ. rom Oia:",.r, ",?!!r-9: L Bob chanbers. 2?:12i' ond, lachelors; 18. Jin ietrit, !ai.1-!+f::_ ;i,fi I ; i6:";;:'3t:i;i:l nount; 19. Bob l,tudrick, Faimorntr 20. wicz. :7:lI; 11, HenrY [ra5!1nsto.-
il;?rr.li;, "?Bi3i"ili";"i3' i!;.11:
rii,*r, iidilii:'illi;:i:ilii,,,iliii' DferPr, Jr:rl, :.. aobe.b auhrr,an. lr:16i -1. Joe za.cone, rr.48! 22. Joe SperrE. l::t8i ,:. t"""y 1..1, ,:,J0.
Don Schno.r, \bFer. cr,RvnR
vlt'rs rN lltconD TIXE
Atfantlc cttJ., N.J., riov. 27- Sev6neen-year-old Francis Carver. weariE he c.lo.s oi the Cardimt DouAherty.5., filisheil lirst ln recoFl ttne in tfre .mra1 street run sponsofeit br Lhe -u 6h orn.n r' Fn!F. riis a^r.;oon. c.rver co'ered the 2+ nite cou.se ln Ir fr1nlte6 End .] seconds. cltDDind ofr lo s-_onds o I cn- -"cord r"o; bv-UaurDo"sr .arhor.c r.5: ( Phi 1a) oq' v'r-hlr, .ard1nE. Dou' "etF-l . ..). -o 91,-Do.nI, Calo1rut Dou_ gherfv: 4. neg Lhirrnr, Viheland, N.J,i Atlantic Cltv:6. Jo."Dh ,rrer. st , -lo,a- vor- i.'i1a.l
nlu-at ALf..tit on th.Ir THBEE MIm trt. 1959 condltiors _ dxceptionrllJ eood for thrs se..son of ljh€ yeari course, att lavenentr foo!_ 1nA good; ta !er:rure aroDd 5ao1. Tom i-1rry, Coble.krtlt t4:q!r 2. !orn iErin.ic ! CoL,1estrrLl. I4:tF: l Bob ll111cn, .ob1eskrt1, trL:jO; q. Cer_ alo 5choplnsky! Cobl"skit1. ttr:52: 5_ iarhy Brom, .o51esk11L, ti:1:r 6. i. aAlTrnEs 3o_trro BUN rcrolirdsrJ, for1"skl11, I5rr2r 7, I'ea_ ]fltl'Er Sunday, lior. 22, San Fra.cisco. Cat1f, hus.n, F1irt, tj:rgr 8. Eoqer: Neu Io!!g Don K-1Lev of tbe Safta rlAra rarR, \5r27i 9, rrovlc. Aifr;d. r5, !0, rJ.lLey fillaget led ELl the ray qlr'.d, r-r1, rr:40, (J5 rl4isie;sj to uia lourh lri. tlre rAA Olrnli. Derelopnent 3i) lean: Colicskill l5: ,- rt frc^ r!. i. a sood 1:47:28. S€conat xe. yorr- 77r 4. rlini c)r i, r"iri irirr wes forne. i,'ational itarathon ChamploD,
E (el1ey - Continued) iesse van zant 12t37.r2.5 aL.torn<et. in 1911). van Zant (scvyir) coverec the course in l:r8.41, llillian risher. itisplayed trenendous courree lhen he .an ten iinutes aiter the others n:d started,due to lateness, te stltl maEged to tinish fifth. J. Jaoes:hetr1er, 01.rnni. f1Lb. 2ta?.a6t 4, Ton J-nl1isi. J,.r. A . 2tI2,A3t 5, iirr1ien i.iahe. Jr.. trreii. 2:14:17i 6. Joi. srrri. slAc. ::ra_nh. 7, Jacr Y,rrk,lt..l. AC, 2:18.14: e. J1n C.1Lon, !tutt.. 2:29.22: i. pr,rr Fortier, sFAC, 2:31.25. Course: !hr-e tincs irouxd Colden Cri-" tark.. lrizes: o1vnlic Dey. J,tedals (Don
:0 .I 22
l: 3l
14th AMuel Tndoor !11 aa6tern Inaite.ion canes, South ltlantic AAU Fifth EeEineat xrnort - Bolron & HotlIen Streetst BaLtino.e, I'taryland saturdia/r Janu3.y 9, 1950 (8 p.t{.) ivents include: brd CalrerL t:ite nu :1!e & cral 880 Yd. ih, :ii1e rJalk. Coneinorr. li{o ilile Rxr. lntrie. to ltil I iam C, Jineson. l5OB . u..-r "Do d, I:ltimore ?. d. tO;..11) 2iD jE I ::rll,.l i"D- :1.i. Sud.v. rIlZ:
r: F.r.) .r !. r. trield a;1f c1dir. rrockton, flass, on Oak sr. (Scraach) 1, starte.s & finisheis (due in parr rhich lel1 in ,{.I. srreets c1e.. houever by fece tine.- ) Plaee ribbor6, lrlnied and colored to alLl finjsher's. Dlstance- 5,ooc neters on road {adjusted to 2 t/4 qiles) r/IEGII]IA STATE I}"IERCOiIECIIIT' X-C Ten!, 38 decrees,, Duane r,lerctrant (gAi at ;r' shr p o4 & tce . v".s , \o.,9r Led for lhe 1st 3/4 d11e then crahan rexingto., ya, (,/lRsrlr rrlr I L_irjr"Pane1l pulfed away for the w1.. 1, I,oir urstaEnols, \/'P.I., (l5l entry fee..!ob auLlen-Bace chalrlo:06 2. Llry rJi111ams, f.l.t.I., znr:b nax) SlruritlIls' 1. crahan Parne11. BAA rJm. \e1th L:.son, J, d Jlarv. 2t:01 14:4{;2. fuane er.hant, tA^. 14:57: 4. lob HuddLe, v,|.I.. I:o) 13rry PFrmlr, BAA, 1J:01! 4, aoa I, 5. John linch, iI.P.I. ! 2I,2A riulLen, IJAA. 1t:58r 5. ceorEe Conef.ea b. errJ rl 'andt, rr&lt, 5.ockton, 15:58,3i 6. N. l'anderole Jr,. rh,r1es n.escher, r.Li.r.. zrt2r ?. 2t:2., B.ockton, 15:58,r+: 7. Bob youna. lrock!. Bill 9rr!thLr.rfe. V.fl,I.. :1:?; ton. 16:-7; 8. Dick lJoltp, Fock1.nd. y. iarren Icl.'anaia, \.11.I.. 2!:27 16:51; !. Dane Dunhar. Rocktand. 17:01: 10. Ton alutiko. W&fi. ?j t2!, 10. I n lurloTi, BAA, I?:nJ; 11. JeIf TE, iS.oRIliC: I. /irF1n1r lilifrrr \er.if, f,o.t1End, 1?:07: t2. Jake lnsrrrrre l0i a. Lri111sn d iLa./ il: l.er!rsor, !rMct 17:18; it. te. 81rel. l. srid!-epater co11"se I rr; 4, rinch_ R..k1antr, I8:I8! t4. Free Arhms. !ociburs college r2ti J, V1.Fln1a reah land! 18t18._?! 1j. :ick Hendrich. BAA. 1ro; 6. Roanoke Cotlega i4r; Z, UrsL_ 20.2o. lngto1 & tee 145; 8. Han!,S/dnevFmsh Ru. (3.1 dlt€E) l. Brr.- Botlina. H& , 1b:j.: 2. .-c-r 9 rLtrtE cEoss aol,ltTNy EijN (scFnTaH) .oonrgal! Norfolk Dlrision ;r U&x_ rrn Cortl"!It Prrk, t.Y. Jov. 29 {tL?r I7:21; l. Ch+1es \,tarson, VII. t?.)2, lrertherr rrery cot d, l2o ind wt.dy, +. Jane! flcttahof, vFI. I?::br 5. c-ph; rours€, I lars .l IC/rt lrosh cou.se s1rriso.. vPI. 17:{2..TrAii: 1. viI rr5i al]l.lr h.d :119h! o\err.s oi snov. vPr bi' 4' rrorrolf 11;' ^t:rtc.s: 41 a.d l^ t1.1shers. qr_1,I&M_99. il ltil i,l:_' ?rizes:first Ioler, fi.st I Juhior (lb or Lnde.), rirst I vetela.s (!t aouTHEtll c0] t!i:j t c!,ttpIo|.]]It 1l yrs or over) Spon.o.: !,"et tRa. RICH!oI||], Vs, t r niv. of i1.trnrnl 1t/ tt leie lT.f,r41e, N.Y.I.a., ..nay c.omed 1. rou Ll6ta8r.ra, ,rPTJ 2 :tj (1._ li1es Net X-Cou.try Ctan!)lo. and ius! retlrn:, ilel1sb!re. r,rest ilrrlnra. :5I ed lrcn li3tional X-loutry Cnmls at -). !ckh€fr:, Da\1d6orL. 2!:ie Louisvrlle, r,r. , won ihe irc sD;.sore,l 4. l,{1ll.lams, vItI. 27tt)a , 0i1es ar.1 snashed his tine .f taFi J. IcDougal,.fl1, :l: LJg. i txrned ia a Iea. lor 1,!e course as he 6. B€ldar.. |Je:-t ...:i: Iin. 4?:56,5 cloclilrg. qe stayed rith 7. riuddle. Vl"tI j ZLrLi tl'!. !!cl f.r Lh€ tlrst 1ar & thcn tn U.31ssetl- Lir I iie lith r:1e sta.ied to ?war, 9. clrnour, n."i,r..". ii ir" j'T.r'trale ra.ed.rross r:hel)uil ii.ish iine 10. rrllFL i rm.r, :1:21 |i:h yald ! acra.ta[. 7!a ov.. ieam_ te:m,^r. irlll 1ri 2. LIe6t !r. ! -1i ). nate l,.trl h.ne1i. 3i11 Sqxires of ,,(; 5. Lri:a .l the !o5l:on 1,". rr.s ! .lose thi$ as he _
franci. ir.vier AC, Blffato. N] (let. l:c-rd1e - Contirued) ] St. r0.4 1e Scrar-h Uarklna Ra.. ill8 '4 herd orf t,he challerqe of Jhapharr's : 1. Jane6 5. !euson, s.r.]. r.c., Jacl. Ea.rv in the fiEl stretch. 1t26t45.7i .2. .rohr l,/. Arlen. UEtt jd Lrunca!, J. of Briitrelo.t. ir 6th , 1t2^t)6i l. V.ldrnor cr.xdy, OLqdllace ror the iirst Jr. ;r1z;. r-o! sfo.e {... ! 1:16:.4: 4. Cordo. E. Schi.vo, :YPal. N"s ihe zrd jr. and Unatt., r136.77i 5. Ke!7n ; Brcm, Joh. Iiock.tader, li.trtr!r'.]r, ti.j.. lon r'T.ranue t cladstone Ac, r:18.48 (1r th: jd Jr, jrrizc. Tclm: cladstore a.c. iir. firsl reier.i to finish w.: liike - r'irtshersj i hr.. l min, 12 1. secs. Or:lar. loll.red tiy l,ilo ttillrose r.,A veter.f3 ll:frt l.:Drplr:i a.d :i1t Steirer. Th. irrie. (if niri sh: ]!a-qe 1st Ia.( lni ) 2nd Lap(6ml) I]_uC !!@ Lt?t56.A tt | 5t! 32,44 ,, l.rrX furie11, I .Y..!.C.. r5t5a 'tostor I, liill:r.uires! Air. ll:09 50:19 c. d..: nilf/, shar: lra. rjar 16t17 5A r27 5. c.rl C€iore:.. 1i.1. ?. C. , 50 r2a a. lri ilnc.nt U. ot -:rtd.€rort, 33.24 5at 45 iiuCX:iende:, 7. j-ricir N.f .!.a._ 34:04 51t71 U. l,t1.kar.l, ltostoi i\, l6:09 51r5L 34r23
52t14 52.16
52t 39
Ir, L,i.' 1,!F, tl,Y.t.C,, 14. rJlr Do.k<:ro!.. lerbr.t. -r. 7?tat i5. Jlhn 9t,etuerj N.1.r.C.; 16. JNck Dofor:rn, N.I. t. C. , 17. Vin Ie!., I{iliro.e l!. 1C, iohr _Jiconandrea, loston rA, i o, 1, :. -thoJ r,. . .. ?|. iia lord.r. Urlied lr. N,y.:.c., 2,2. 4.. i.;r\ra11 ljnited AA, 18: 1C 21. A. H.lris leirlahirs, 3lnritrore Cot., l8t28 ?4. l:L1ph liitierg, state ao11eg€, pa,, 35. ,roe :ud., N.I.P.C.. 18r12 2n. ird a;oodrrir, Co.tlard 5TC. 1ErC2 27. J.hr Ei.rg.ccio! i:ewblrrflh! l:.I.. 2!. i:lke r.rH:r.j St, tnth..t': :.ii , 19,14 ljaf.thnore aoliege, j1, Johr C.-lin!, llnatta.hed, Iet59 il111:ose n1,. 32. H.f j.llfihyj - -li . .p tiitlrose l!. J6. ::il1 :t.ir.r, 3l:. iinthorr's J?, l4i1t !ai.:kt, N.Y.t,a.. :15. lirrt steir.r, Llaatt.cned, 3r, a.rl r:ay.., 4r:r. Ceor'a€,rilk.^rsor, L-n. tteched. .1.r,t. - ,ildo ;caidur.3, J,iillrosc
52.5? 53:08
35t5a 35t3a
16:to 37.2t
55t46 5q: oB
'47 58r08 59.49
39t02 19t59
l8:56 3r,43
3?t+4 39,44 44,53 4c,35 Lat35
60:20 61.03 63r01
l?, )a AA,
leg. .. .
78, J1
irlure I:.\ Iork r.socia:io.:na rrces ri11 inc1k1e. .Ian. tl] _ tr_uile olen Eila F!.i J.n, l7- 2a-lti1e nu; lebn.ry 14_ 4_l,t!te Ruh & Ieh. 21_ thc !n!ua ahe.rJ !-rc. l'la.athor. EEa oftice.s pla. to hoid a 5 nire. & .i lN rile 'rind in uarch, if ,inaxces bold oDt!
25ih Anual St. Francls ravie. A.C. Slo.lts Cavalcade T;ree and One-Ha1l rll1e Road aace - Hardicap sunday, xovenber 8th, 1959 Buffalo' N.I.
8cp!--fjE E@
Toronto 0.c. Jli Moore 1. qaillto. o.c. Bob Mariin 2. senece In4ians. Pat ileega. J. 4. DonnelL l'/iLLiads luffalo fion.cr. corellis Barler luifalo Pioneers 5. canislus crlsaders 6. Quinteen Jones lan.aeter !€.l.rin! leon Ialrinston' 7. 8. Appoliraris Ki1114h Big Tree A.t. Unaitached Janes Tyler, 9. CladBtone A.C. 10. Gary Jackso! .o Fp oio6 |1. 12. tarry l{unson Unattach€d '1. D,or'Ic n5'_ !. r" s {! _ Buflal. Pioneers 14. Thonas l4ason 15. Jltchae:l Diggins Una+,tached lnattach.c Crevelald 16. Lart ?, * .h l ro_ ,\Ilred U.iversity 18. lrank fir.erty 79. stanley Fad{an aanisius atusaders 20. ceofee rhoblsoa rancaster Redstins Toronto o,1. 2l - Davtd Boberton Toronto 0.c. 22. !au1 HotlD& L4nc.ster neds!.ins 23. Jases Lisson FaLlon Flthets 24. Albe.t l,eeault Fatlon Fathet6 25. Steve Tedesco
15:09 16
16t 55
\a 157
i?:28 17tJ4
Tlne Prlzes
2tl5 l:00 )tr5 l: !0 3.15 )tttt )t+a :l: 15 2,aa )t\5 tttt5 l: l0 2t45 3tr5 )t75 scr, 3i l0 l:cc 7,3.) 3t+5 2145 2t75
Actual Tine 18:10 19,?7 19:56 19
20:05 24.37 20::18
?cto9 18t55 2l): 11
2Nt)7 19:53 2a.28 20:11
l?:20 2a.5+
(Ner Rec
18: arl
?-7:73 2A
n v. / " 6 sDe". r. rradr Fime!L!. Alf.eo Unrv. r7:/o , r. -^ . JoF .. Pran. 2. arrT ittred f. .'_ - S.6tal:'o ' -^eet. ,, t t. BoD -iarblD. Habjrron ^. ., 18:09 3. Fa1lon i, Jld lloole.'To.onto 0.C., 18t10 ' 2. To.onto 0'c. ' 94:08; (t teansl 5. JoseFb Bess61, New York Ac, 18:15 (loth)' Fathers club' 104:04 10-4 fiile Scratch noad Race
r':.6.' '. co-don Dlckson, H _ .rro 2, John chsch, otadsione a.c., 56:1J l. oraI11e Arkins, Grsdstorp {c Jl:1J 4. 'ri111@ Prster, shanEhsn a., <7:18 57.25 5. Bil1y Snltb, Hanilto! 0c' 6. !d Duncan, univ. llrjdseport, 58:12 ?. chrls Eesaelsen, cladstore, ,8:rg 8. tans fiarlacher, Gbdslrone '1c,59:09 Cortland siate, 59,23 9. Pete Todd, 6I.3a 10. Jades (1ein, DoralDE Y, 11, stan stankovich, Detrolt '|c,4,2t03 12. George Nornan, Cladstone,",C,62:04 13. Dan Pucknel1, Ctadstone qC, 62:14 14. Alberi Hay, GLadstone Ac, 92.)) 1r. Ealph EllberE, Unatrrached, b2:16 16. Steve Goodwi., cortland St. 63.49 17. J.C. Boyle, cladsione Ac, q3,54 18. Ronald Thonas, Hamilton oc, 6l:14 19. Euah Jascou.t, Pern A.c., 64t2-) 20, Ch;ster Cooley. u. of ts., 64t2?
ahristorL.r Iickard. c1ad. 64:33 Perc i nr bh, tlinirron OC' 65:08 P.t-, l .o!, Cortl:aa SL. 4F:47 leier Ectr!s, CoriLann st. 67:27 lo. Cooc.r.h, .ortlann rL. 68:I5 Fe.rr 5!tain, HPnilton.a. 68:41 Te..n Scoring: 1. Oladstone a.a. (John chufch, 0rvi11e ltlrirs. chris neEgelsen, Ilab s !a.1ache!, Georfle Nor4an) l2t 2. Hanilton o1r"mpic club 72t 3, catL)-anr' state 97 club 49'ers Jake Files fieborlal Ed (1114 Iards) 1. Alex Safianuk, To!orrto CC, 2 nir. J2.1 sec.' 2. Adotph Errjnser, Tolonto oc; 3. John l4ccreary U@tiached. (12 linishers ) Itace Ch.lrnax - otto Utzi€t 21. 22. :1. 24. 15. :o.
Southe.r Paqific A3sociatiotr ot the MU..
'c ,,.
!'o 3L: lro - or'r. \r
gatuCaJ, \ovenher !, 19t9 'd ,ooar Lo AngcrF5, CJ 'o_nra. .U-L or reatner: ,trild..-61 of 62 si,a|i€.s flnished
Solth.rn Calil oala Sidd€rs . l,oni tseact liaie CoU€9e....... Culv-r CitX !.th1eitc Cl-ub,...,. Ii ol Canlor|ia at IFs hee1.3, occii:ntal College fresluea.... Ls hlAeles 3taie ColL.8€. ....
4- 5- 6- A-t3 -,)- ?- 9J2-r] - -
\- 2-L,. 2r-?e L0-t]-16-16-26 \i,19-22-25-aA 2a-.)-4,21-29
12. uik.
36 45 b9
-- 3l --- 1:r --- ta")
1. *,il'x HeideFonj irizona ai....15:2t,1 :1. Johr r-e.slar, L( Stai€...,...20..17:5t 2. ?obed Cons, CCAC...,. -,..,.1..15:41.i j4. ?h1l,ia s. !r2-rk! Jr., cclc,..:1..:l?:59 l. lbr,.ri Dr.ke, cc;\a..,.......2....15:54 lr. Joh Fagliaro, occider*i,,.,....16:04 4, +Jcrrt lE.tli, Ii.nstor. la. . -.. L6:!0 la. 1,. Janer ;ebior J-"ride*....,..,.15:09 :lt. Iajn Colpiri3, Jtdd€rs.........,Le:14 i. Tho.as C. Ita! I-:sirr-.,,...i..L6:0, 13. Joe i:x!s,hr€].r 0'J_ Irosr, ,.,.,2:.,Le:20 6. taur. iirai, ;t.rocrS....,..,.,4.,L4,:lr lt. irol raLl{j li tlaN.. . . . . . .2). .IAt23 ?, Feter E. iiDdte, striders...,.t..t6:1t 6. i!:r1ei rl, :'r:nan, :jNrii€rs,.,6..1ir211 40. Bot starder, l,n Stat....,....ea..La:29 9, Jj... schLllrz, l,! ;taie.- ......?..16:2t 4t. Jin:edersen, 0x"! !'rosh. .,..?5..l3:40 44, lici riacres, iesi:mri.,..,,.,,,..D:46 I0. J. lhotus stD.t, iiliders.,..9..l,6:jl
41. .r.nd!' Du*€llr uClI .,... .,.26. 1a:49 11. Ie€ l/iilsrr I-B 51,aie.......,.,t,.16:ql 12. EiiL Jorn,sol, irii;,,...., -..,10,.16riL iJl,,aviJ ros3r UCrr..,..,..,.,..,,,.1a:rO 45, D.M1d ianter, Ma|..,..,,..,,...re:54 11, ;J@es lftGovo, .iri".na ii.......1b:5:r !1. ,ick rr4co, ual';... '. ".. '. '.11. , ro: i6 +4. ror:.oh!ei, Lr s|at..,. -..,..2?..13:55 L5. Bill Tllney, i,! siaie....,..,L2,.l?:Oe 4?. ne.b r,el'ore, lorJ Beach lc-......1a:5t 16.3ob€.i C, soth, st.id€rs,....L1. f?:Ll 48. id{ard J. ievi.is.r.' Da'v... .. -.Lr:2? !?. Jin l,l2nsan, LB :tate.,.,,,,..11+..1?:13 49. D. ,iay.€ !dlri.!e, Mat,...,....,r9:29 50. *B€n ranr, rri'orra s1.,..,.., , ,.19:12 14. Dar{d lloor, Os ircsh..,...,.lt.,l7:1,1, 19. lloel Troli, Ucl,A,,. -.. . .. .16..L7:16 5L, John Noldrtuist,, llestro.r:,..,..,..19:12 20. los tuetij lang 3each CC...... .17:iS 5?. Sob {eLch, .eStiiotrr,,......,..,,.,}9: lt 21. Jolu u.Leej CC,{C.,..,,..,..,L7..1?:1, ir. ,,I111ie t. *€rb, cC4C..,....23. 1t:41 -1?:20 ,4, n3r!h nuhee, Ii statc...,...29..19:49 22. Daeid lJacor ucl-i...,,.,.,....f6. 55. riEie {e11r,'r€st@r!t. -.,,...,...20:00 23. Ton CreenJ I,! Siai€,..,,..,,.,...L?:23 24. ilaFe H!ot3!i, occidental,,......17:25 56. lob !rai€l-T, (rry lhsh,...,..:0,.2c:u 25. tua* Cllmings, I,! State,........r?:.13 57. Dd.n13 kvaauetr, U!J5...,.......20:40 26. Jin ll]feldt, o.cidental...,.,...17:15 ib_. 3iL1 lebrer i,A Siate.......,.....21:0O
2?, Iras€r Coc|EJ orry irosh,..,.,19..].?:J5 t9. Paur lierick, I,I Staie.,,.,......21:23 28. *lete Koekch! nrlzoa3 Jt-.......17:J? 60. Ri3to tuvo:en, Fi.n.-,m.srcieiI..2I.59 29. Hehe! H&sdn, Striders.,,.,.....17112 61. t!ik. Sdpsor, oxJ !rosh..,.......21:22
lo. iary Lvejoyj lor,g leach CC......U:41 l!. *tonatd i. Calji3, ,rrirona st....,1-?:l+3 :Cw3t cmpeiiior. Cons adds 5o!O-n.td tiil: i!fo.&l
JuLie, UCln .o ro,ci)oisle: cr.\n cariFed nowj
sco.indj idcludjt\g irizona jiaLa Coll€ee:
southem caLif.mia Strid€rs,.,,....42
lonI Beach State Cof1ose....,..,.. .52 C!-l'e. ai'"J;tliel.ic C1ub..-....-...42 trizona iiaie Coil€se..,....,...,,..t0
of rlalifoLia ar: ros nrli]eree... .,t2 .1?8 occidFrrial Jolleg€ !!eso'en....
es dii.ler riat. Co11eee.,... ..
9th a..ul Cuhd Ciiy AC Po8t-TLalk:Ervjng 1O,00O-Net* ioad Ru 4rtflith tdk, Ls 1n3€1er, aafifamia satudar, i{oveirber 28J 1959'.'starL: r0:20 a.!.
2 1
5i ruders starLed, 5l fjnished lher,oiet,er .eached 3o deglees bt' llrtsh tli€ Cons scored limt, rin ]lere 4! nouF after rmins:n52-de$€e cold at Lui€vil}e
T.e sco'ins
Southcf. CAIiloaEa stradeE , . . . 2- 3- 5--- to CUL!eI Citr {thletic Chn trAn , , .1-10-LL--25 Jar lieeo heck ard Field tr6en. tr{' LnA 6each Staie Couege . . . , 'l- 9-t2--5a Dieso TraoL ard li€ld as3r. trBl J5 CuLv:r
ort.r ot finish !. Eo:.ri Corc, CCIC rnn.....,.1..10:12.5 2. Ct€rles ii. Beam, sl,.iders.2....rL:15 Peter s- udler strider3...l....31:2a L Iidllis cookin, sDTsi.{ nAn..4....r^ l? 4. 5. nric !. CLok€, uat...,,,....,..12:14 6. J. ThoraE siuakj s*i4d3.,.,5..32.31 ?. John toflold, ca1 PolJ (5;r1.....32:1,5 3. John nnrcon, snTe.I{ nan.,.....6..33t09 f . i€n,lnrerdaiz, In Stai€.,,...?..1J:12 LO. naytd yraco, ucu.-..,....,.......J3:1? lL. Idrin Coolln, S)lt{t{ rXn,,,.,.a..flr2o 12. EdErd lauahion, claraontntudd, .31:21 11. Toh creen, Ia st3tc...,......,9..31:5t ]a, Uichael C. Alten, CC4C r'4rr,,.10..r/{:03 li. lat6oid )ahtn, bat........,.,,.?4:O? 16. I. Jares ;ebioj StrideB.....,...34:L/t 1?. lng€Lo i. Coraltis, valiex Coll..i4t15 13. rhi:rjF s, Cfa.Le, CCAC ',|r...fI..j4:32 lt. toEld i. car,Fs, Dst,..,..,..,.,.14:42 20. Charl€s J- Short, CCACrrAr.,.,..,14.52 2L. iiLl Tilrey, Ia stat€,..,.,..r2.,i4:16 22. Iain Colpitts) Striders,.........15:03 21. lalmond ]Ieazt€, U oI chicago Tc..r':o' 2a. Joseph Boeal sDT&& r4r...,..13.,35:03 25. IFe llilLerJ L! stai.....,,.......35:Il 26. Iddie Ri.con, SI{&}1 nBn,....],i,,Jr:23 2?. Johr nistt, ccrc 'fi..,.....,.,,.rt:4? r95r
1952 l2\-2a)
l95J \3i-33)
1954 136-36) L955 \23-23) 1956 \36-36)
leu ]len+gaur CCAC,.,,.. 12:09
slrak, SD Siate,,., 32:r? ta Tlrohtm, Fr€no St-:11:51 Joe Tylerj LISS Hec.ck.. 3]:00 Joe Tyler, sa Diego rrlc 31:L5.4 ilaLi jlelke, rmt,.,,.,.. fl:lJ.a Igls Tm
Strlddrs,,.. ,Ir13.7 \9t9 \r,-53) llobbJ CoD6j Ccic......,. 30:32.5 !951 \[3-42)
Ton slurc.kJ BDb
Soth, 5'urid€r6..,.,. 29:24.6
strtders. 15 pte. (4 ied6). Strid€rs. LL !t6. (10 t6el Stliders, 10 piB. (6 te@)
10!000n. Senior Divi6lon
1. John J.l.rouaai, v.rT.I., f).)9 2, torrx l\Iill.ians, I.fl.I., 33157 l. 3or Huddte! v.11.1., 4. tsi1L BrF-ithpair,e, x.jj.1., ))t59 34:00 5. Iaul Fa.lie!, riharlottesrille, \ra. Unatta., _ lt€ith 34t r.9 6. lalson, Willian I' M:rv, lI:14 c.orae BasEett. m. . narv. r4:lrt l. 8. FLra: Broinlna, 1'. .1.,' )4:)7 9. tlal Rolirson, lrrn. & uary, 3i,r3 10. r.ou flogialitis, Fo.. ],ee, 3it?A 11. .ieri]' Qrandt ! tillian & rrzry 3J.41 12. Jrn rurse!., lroriold Div.rJ&ri 36:46 13. Jin ralis, LrnE-ley IleLd, 36t47 1ri. lio..1 lleredilrh, Iio.folit t_riv. l?:01 15. St, v- 5i.hoit l^h1113m I afy 18:l 1b. lirrt. Aron,rFr, I I I .v! | t:a 1?. steve Dannirg, th & tia.lt, 41:14 14, Iir.rren llacranar.a, v.l{.1.. L6tat Tea4: 1. r.Ii.ai.ia l,lilit.rx In.titriie, 17t 2. Iti11lam & r{arv"-2-j-4-?= 18, (vtrgirra I.A.u. chaip5-6-8-9-\a= lonships will b. 0ctotier 22 (gat. ) in 19bc (l sepelate Dlvislons - 3e4io.t ,Iunior, HlAh Schooi) VIECI],I1A AAU CNOSS COiII:TIY .ruI IO]I
N.\.21, 1952, ti11i3msburg, Va. (l-rri. t. ;oe Joh.sor, l.'ortllern ,ta. Tra.k c1r'r. 15i41,7; 2. lruce Rollins, wm. & uary rloshr 15:42; l. steele |{cconesal, NorloLlr Divi.ion d&r'r Frosh, 1J:a3i 4. w'deLl \ialsnith, ljorthern Va. Tra.k C1rb, I5:Lr.; 5. J.yt 8oyal! rJ..rir.ht Va. 1Ur-i1,11<:.6! 6. Royal rr]1or, ALex.rdrj: A.C., r6:07; 7, psrrick cassey, 1llexandria AC, 16:08i 8" lri. Thonriso., Alexandril AC, 16:09: t. ld AlpoIt, !lex3ndrla AC, l6:r0: 1a. :j!11 lwkin! U. of liclmo.d lrost:, l6:1rri 11. Scott Eic., Atexaldri. rC, 16:18; 12. ljed 31ow.1tert llerEndria lC. t6:27i 13. r.rtin oiDolne11, l,Ii11iar & llary :rosht 16:3J: lrr. on paln.r, Ltn t! l4.ry lrosh, 16.17i 15. ar xi:l1... U. of licilirond fro.lr, 16:!9 (18 airishersl Team: 1, Aler:r.1ria A-c. lri 2. liorthem tirslria rr3cl l:).!. 49; -?. liiilian & Ia.x Nrosh, J1i a, liorrollr Di!, ol r{i1:lian 4 larr, ?i.
;.;,;;,-.. ;.;; ,..;.; 'o'1.
Maratontlubb.. 1. llengi: olsson, cB(. rI:/;1.4;2. Err P .stJr.pr CAX, l.: 1.4!
]t :-1.2. 4, tl .se
Henriks!on. cE(. l4:44.8i 5, Irar.y Iil6son, CBK, lr+:51.0! 6. Jolrn stemer, \l_'. : .0i -. Va er !o-a qson, BX i':0 . i 8, .uma_ ''a16, B., :J6,2! 9. Eod llacNlchott. IYPC, l5:4?.0i 10. carl Cenovese, JIPc, 36:24,5i 11, Ilerbert lette.sson! ctsf,,31t15.2t 12. ,ja. Buds. xa!c. 3at26.2i \3. Shoo.e Jarnnyr, c3K, l8:46.4 {57 yrs. o1d); 14. Holeer Johansson, CBK, :18:51.0i 15, B.b ColLon, |lYlC. 3A:55..81 16, Per alar olssoa, cBK. 39,5I.bi 17. Nils JolEnaaon CB(,40:54.8: 18. lilck Greco, NYPa, 41:18.5! 19, Bob He11er, NIP1, 42tta,5i 20. John Sherman. Ml"c. 44rt4.5. Des l'4olnes, loia, Nor. sophonore distance ace
l0 - foi nlve.s, at Drrke Univ..sittr, ,r.s killeC in an a!r,o ac.ident , o \ o of, .r '.rr' _ "h]l- r-racaii.n. itirers, xhose 9:22 eiiJi.e 2-nii. laet snring r3nlrcd him 5th in ihe .ntion arong lumels ir the frosh ' ...!!"io:.a "r ' -:o"-,y. 'hoo:-"', - r D"l : b^.. 6, ':: ) nile time in Iod. !n 1458, as re]l as _.esi, one ol the all-r:ine loan narks. Elver. ues lDn:r! as a hdrd ir:rirer & : srJo.tsn.-n1ike .omleiito!. Iie u.6 lrd i. tie l:atlon:r1 AAU Jr. -l-nite indoors, -b. It" po. s 1 !1'hl H D' .._." /r .t p : ._o .o. _ behind ni l,arr--rce & J.!r IacJ in ihe J'lissrurl ir.l1ey x-.ount.y.ace at St, Joris. lli. tin..r 2J:15 fo. t!ve miles _8.
r.ri.r.. ror :r la.l .:!5i orl ol hieh . o ! - ol.ag CiEtance ruEing, In his last two races! the aentraL Collegiate aEd the lrcAA this fall, Rivers placed 2nd and
chica€lo, If1., loa. 29- t.r.ea lrX oar Wi11lans and Hal Hisdon. the lJhi1, ol Chiceejo Tlack Club loniDated the Certral AAU-sun-Tines 500C -netef .ross-counLry .t!.-ntioashils rt iraveland GoLf Coufs6
Itli;-*il;ili::liii.l;.'.:iffi:: i;:
0! Srll:llijN - qeld .t L3. . Cf,r 111r:.s. ICTC. 15:tl+.4: 2. ,ls1 CortlTCt:ari.:r:.,1i|i,:.1.I.3.C i:ot.- HiaUor, !CIC. Ij,:4Oi r. tr:ioiO qar:,s, icgsr:r1 .n rjt.ni)n. ailtebo.gt Sreder. rait:., t5,l : i,. .1 -rt. v.n. Jt. 6eo. - o -oo: -..p--
4 (Ca. Villians - Continued ) 5. ftI1 lorence, r"Ie€t, I11., l5:591 6. B6a Alnasue", UCTC, l6:0lr 7. !111 Ce.Eon, lheator, 16r08i 8. Preston Grant, UCTC, 16.21; 9. laul Bulkhardt ! l.Iheaton, 16:21.9; 10. Ame Bichafds. VC'IC, 16t27i 11. Jim leterson,+llyrtle aid Cold TC, 16:27.2 (*Honest iniun. that's the mme of a club! It consisis of slrudents and grads of Iane Technlc.l HlAh schooL, Chlcago); r2. 3il1 ftans, l,,lreaton, 16:28; tl. lruskl, FCTC, "roeUCTC. 16.31; 14. {ay!e Duil, 16:36
1. llerle :,lccee, SCr.|.r, 32r3J.5!*2. virc3pangle., SrAc! 32r58i 3, Jesse ochoa, fiarin xc! 3l:1ti 4. llaLter Vanznrrt,Jr., SFAC, ll:50; J. naX Batz, sar:v, l4:18i t,. 'fim lieLlyr rl.rin AC, 34:19; 7. T1n Jordan, I'L.asant Hill TC, lri:21' 8. Eay Schnole, Scrryvt 34:40! 9. Marvin St€phens. llarln AC, 3J:21r 10. ALlr An€tsky, pt-" alL Ji11. -:lrlr ... : ,erl*.r€ Iiarin A..., 16:.1; 12. r,rl.e slodIe, Pleasant !l11. 36:02; 1'1. Htlllen Flsher, Jr., unattnched, J6:12i 14. Joe ]finA, SCWV. 16:1?; 15. Neal Chappel} scvl-v. J6:l7i 16. Ton Jetulngs! I\6r1n AC, Teao scolingt 1. UCTC 21: 2. irheaton jo r+!i 1', r/, Bryce bryoe 5n1th, Sc\ryx, ?:1!i cot_pg- o; J. t5c" a, ; | . D"PaL. - e 16:q^i 18. 8111 Eamey. Mar1n ac, l?:-:2i Ia 92i, 5. St, eeorge lC 93. carl carl XuLiti, XuLiti, Pleasant Hl. H111t 37:1j varvin Tho@8 cf .le chlcaeo 12,36 {hich proyldes teeniy handsone-n-Trr"s, nedals dove above iinlshers tracn one for +l.is aruual race, scPved Northe.n rialilcdia lre. ar.:iiorships Distance runE indoors at ihe U, oi Nov, 25th at st.nfo:d Siad16. Chlcego; send entlies to Ted lla"rdon, .1. Iiire le'1der, Prlo 1r, .r1r.7 Track Coach, Unir. oi Chicago, J640 s, Un!verstty Are,, chl.aeo 17, Irl. lccord 9:40, bt Lehn€. 1.s: ireeki old sai., r2l26 (7 p.m.) -milr and 2-n!le- llCS re.orc r:41 lv Ce..r- llna. Pelo 7th AMual Holjtay Me6t. ArIc, I .r ]; Sal., 7/2. 12 !.d.) -ni1e & 2-nile9t34i3. 1t^tr1/ l.lccalt.-. Beikeley, 9:J9i UCTc-Varsity Open. 4, Rotin Ruble, Los Altos. 9:49i 5. sat., r/9, \7 !,m.) -rile & 3-nileAdrlan Aella, Kine CIty, 9::5: 6. lke 5th Amual chicaeoland 09en. Chllton, Palo A1to. Palo Sat,, l/16, (2 p.n.) - 2-nile-UcTc Be- r''o -ad 76 t5a:)'.1 9:Jj..Teahr j: i. In6 AlLog 1ays, 59 n*. Itot13 ne{ cours€ e tics reco.d) SaL., ).6,17 !.r.. -01r- 3 /-- -eCentral AaU. (Closed)..A1I the abole eacept the Cential AAU are open lo lar llesler. 5c r11o li1l.:.-:.1:-!Glis :.:ielet/, AAIJ runners floa all 50 staies. Nov, ?1- 1. Norn Eo:he. sat,, 2/6, (1,t3A p.n-) U. of lllinois Arr !.se, ): Jb: r., r: olen (1nc1. nlre & 2-n11e)t send ebtTigard, Ore., 5:39:!4.1i :, .ohn Dick, lies to reo Johnson, Track coach, U. Sclry\r, 6:10.1:l (lli kr. .:.: :or lt.the of l1linois, Cl€lpa1Aa, t11. The I11lnol6 track ls one oi the lest€st inU. ol Washtngion l.ar.r .:.3-sqEd '-324 - 1. Ja.k rleeL. 77/19 \224 i!..: I€rsoni 2. !aini 3, r.ttl1.aL. )108,2 Eise.holerr s !atioral di.ector ol 1d Mile - 1. I,Tiiler: :. ::rien; l. Pltisbu.gh track festival. in Selienb.r 560 - 1. Bick az.a:... ::?3-6 as part of the tittsburgh.entetuial celelratlon. A soccer batch uas subOlegon AAU I-Co!.:.:._ :i:.!ionships 6tituted instead, Didntt they expeci 11l14 ar; Eugene. a.:.. ,i.? nites, s.. a terJ Sooit att€ndanc. o! what? 78126
Sunday, Nov.29th, San rr.ncisco, crl. 10:02 A.M. - P.cific Assn Jr. 5-iil€ cross-country chan!ionshi! at ri€2a.. Cour6e: one 1ap arou.d Coldon cate ?a!k..Ofllc1a16: Thonas l,aufhren & Art Articary.. The saita c1.ra !a11ex Youth
village {on
ah€ t€an
prize rith J2 ts.
-?. Ray
A1ier, Ia.:i-..
6. l-1c Beev.-. .r:.... 7. Georfe L.ser. C.:.o1, 8. Dick a,radr.. . Osc.
18i?9 18:49
{Dyrol surleso. - Continued) 9. Nom lones, OSC, 19.07: 10. Dick Boyce, Idaho, 19:1?: 11. Nom Hotrian. oSCt 19:23i 12. cliil thonnson. osc19r2aj 13, Dick fli11er, Or;ao!. 19:44: 14. SteYe Scheu. oreron. ta:lh: t q Kelth Porcnan, oresor;19:58: 1b. ahrls Johanser,0sc, ?o:a6r 1?. Eeanson. Idaho, 20:24! 18. Archie tteailoHs. OSC. 2Ot2?t 19. rPrly Rdnbers. fortla;d. 20:42; 20. !aroy B€mon, OSC. 2O:48 TFd: Id.t'.. aJ:04;2. osc,9j:j2r l.
Dir. 1.8 t411es. 1tlt! 1. Fred Dellrhger, S!fuhglle1d, 8:!8 1]eam: sprinsrleld. {7:10:2. teke osteAo 49:30 (Stelnke the stare H.s. chanp had a !u11ed nlscte & did hor: oui and helped BilL De11_ lnge. root th. junio? tron S!'ringfietd hone 1n record iine. ) oreeon A]\U H.S,
Porbtand, trreson, Nov. 20th - Oreqon Intercolleelate X-c mper - li-Xires. 1. Tie- No.n Fones. Dick Cualdthv & Cfrl6 Joh.Mseh, osc, 1b:j8:4. ierry Bombelg, !ort1rnd, 1?:21: 5, liead,ov8, 0sc, !7:l8i 5. Ken.oi, otc, ^.chie 17r41; 7. Pete Nlchol3. P.. 1?:5 t: 8Len Lur.ens, Psc, 17:j?i 9. rin S;a1I. lsc! r7:J9i 10. Jav Ni11. Psc. 18.03: Tean: r Olegon State Couese t?r 2. ?ortland State 54; J. Porrtand U. 92: 4, Lewis & C1a.k 102 (33 ainishers)
lacific AAU welks 56o1, 1o _ o -.s .n. ,i I c, . _o_vl. 1. Norn !o 'e, JSAF, : r: l .b: -. lhtl ooers, scrTv, 7:37t17.6. 3. Jin scir_ erty. P. . . i. :10:r!..0i !. ed L --c, umtt., 1: 57,2 5,0. 0-1. tt- tEt,e tl".rl rOlr o, .a_ra. 5000n. 1. !o!r tothe, ?6:o?i 2, Jlor 5c1leny, 27:42i 3. Phil riooers. 2?.42 ?riVAAU 6-t111e Tl3nd1c.1!
|la1t. Jertrt..
11/2e --I. ren levtLr;, s.u. :rtrid.rs. 60:20.5 4:00 5J:20,5.. F:st tin.Bob qendricksonr s.o.C., Brh DLace 74t27.4 22:ao 52t2?.4,.?,nd.tLtn.Don Jacobs, TiA:rd, ^regoa, I !' .." 72:17.8 r7:oo f5: 17.8. BLI]E'S 880 TII'TE TOPS EILTOIT
lrisbane, Iustralla, rec. 6- .rort Blue, a B.isbane athlet. rho.natialea
aF a nettlcat
Iiractitioner at
land Uniaersitt- Dec. 1, Sunday broke !er! illtiotirE Australiar reco.d for r:he 880-yafd rur.. Blue ras tined 1n 1:49.2, o.e-Lenth of a second rast€r tban the olXmpic staf's record. He
:l::-:::_:_:tr_::_1:I:i_:::_:::1:___. Athers- 1, Olisanen, (Fin) 2f26r30; 2. JuTia[ Il:z) 2,2713Ii l. Xoiru.naeki lFin) 2.29,!2, Asahl |larathon Race, Fukuoka. Japan1. Hlro6hina I,Jll) 2t29t34t 2. Kantorel (czech) 2::10:48i 3. sadanaea {rap) 2:11:37 {oeoff Wattrs lu1l relort on ihir race held over untll neit nonth due to Lack of slace. ) Marathon BesuLta:
Nov. 21 Seatile, l.Iashi4Ftol sENlo! (o?Ex) 4 r{rl-ns
ld^ho, 20:15,2; 2. E.I l. P.u1 Henden, VOC, 2Atzr, 4. Iralk llyatt. Idaho, 20:51i 5. Geoff la1es, UBC. 21:lli 6. Jack Larson, Washlnston, 21:2fi ?. Iton Adan., Idaho, 21:29; 8, Ebt,e Evenso., Idaho,2l:31; 9. vic stephens voc, 2lt37t 10. Don lertoia, USU, 2I,+2i !L, Ea! nanolor. r/oc! 21:45; 12, Jim TeFlle6, LrSU! 21t116! 13. Kerry Lynn, r.rashi.etoa, 21:49i 1rl. ieed Aillnso!, Ita6hinAton, ,1:59i 16. Dick Boyoe. YoC, 21:59; 17. Alex neisb.rd, SOC, l2:02! 18. !1cd Irorgla", r0C, 2::.6i 19. F1r1 .ot!"i1, rsU, 22:r8i 20. toug rlan Ness, U3C, 22:35! 21, Bernie ra.toa! \ac, 22.45i 22. Darald. Txcrre., soc, 22,46.. 23. Fn a.fi.all, 22t54i 24. C.11 Linden, Wash., "tac, 22t54i 25. It.r Davi€s, rroc, 22:56i 26, L.unte! Antbann, td.ha, 23t07,. 27. Cordob r1fl1and, tslr, 2j:1?; 28. a1 S{eeney, Toc, 2),25a 29. .tin ll.!.zy, 1JBC. 23.)3i 10, G.r.,' l4lchzle1t ldaho, 2:l:4Ci 11. John rent. lisu. 23:52; 12, Dare rurh:nr Idah.j 23r56i 33. Iieith 'iLson. lIBa, ,rt:57i 14. Don Lorgsteff, UBc, ,l:58i 15. i,/arren :,rirson. trBC, r: ; J6. ob T l,ili: 1. Ll.irr. oi lC.ho, 1rr! 2. t.ncou'rer oltnpic 41"n, l?i l. rhi!. of Itashlnetcf;, 48: 4, llashinsto! Staie U. j8; 5. !r1r. uritish :joLurbi.- !?. lharX aitcr r..ori I ir.h rrin fa11i en!: ; rrhr " j-1 !,r. ' ..1lr Fsl, iJ ar.r.i,ountrlr ahnF!tonsaits ril. a colorlu:l :iiair; rur ola €a.cr,1:J on s.h--du1e Ray Hatlroh,
A11en, Idaho, 2c:16.2;
(Rrx ;lattorr - aortinued) and 'ert rrej food rur nrnl- hy a 1a.se gloup o1 re11-.orditionec . rnfFrF A11en .d Frtto. rolned t,.nds rLr vr.ds
rini.h lfrer areat te.h ealorL btr Ei1l sorsby'sdIdaho sqlad. iJiEh s.hool face uihner ti4ike Johnson toireC the orer ne. altcr hls eas/ !re! inpressed aLl with 'rln alct e :L: lti n.st ot,:ervrrs fiAu.ed t.e 17 Je1..tr sooc for rhe iirst srr ir the rro!en!, had be run ',ires|, 3ad lCC co..h LloJd Srtrdetis rates hin es the 1r th-s de.1de- Kprrh Cilbe.tscr,s S.ohonisb teaE surDriseil no-onF rlth tnplr ch: !1on6hrp shou!hel on nov. / th,r Lron ihe Illald tnDire {JU '_ r 'e nexr issue of The No.thdest athtehe. No.th 4bth Straet - Seattle 3. |l!sh. ) HIEH SCHOOL 2 TII,SS l. PTife -.!nsod, RVAC, 1O:18.8:2. ltoy rorr60r, renton, 10:41: l. rava s.erri,_ lientor, 4. Atex l,taLerto!. -VOC.'0:aar -.lnrrtti Nor.i s.aL6rad. tipnliFe,!O:Jci L. Lthan Pease, Snohonish. rO:52. 35 trr i6h"re1 ream: . Srohorjsh. lasL. Hs, 54,; 2. Bebton Track Club 59: iEaanie. v.11ey AC bl; 4. Hlp.hiine-Hs rBrrler, llisrr,) 68; 5. Vancauver Oc
rourth I'teei - July l0 - 1 r{i1e Waltr. 1. rlat/ne Nicofl, 7:33,5..2-t4i1e Run: 1, Art Henes (25 yds); 2. !i11 Ho.ridEe. (20 yds): !d Duncan (Sc..) 10:44 Flith lleet3.- Aug. 6 - i!1]e iraltr: 1. 1rr. Nicoll, 2. Jake B.edelson. 7:29.4.. J-lriLe Bun: 1. Den LtDehan: 2. 8111 Boriidgei 3. A?r newes. 27445.9, Slath I'I6e! - AuF. 1l - 1le Run: 1. lewes & 8111 Eoflitee. 5:05.5..fii1e 1, Jalre Brederson, MlC, 8:06.5. Seventh Leet Aug, 20 - l4lte Valk: 1, J",ke lredersori 2. nay VaFune.. pCM. ?:j2.2 (r.r. AAU chAnDlonahrD )..2-lr1: l Normen nisalns.r 2. BiU itorrtdEe: l. Bob Russeiii, F4Ac. 9:52.4 Etqhth l'4eet Aua.2? - 3 llile: 1. Bill ^o1.Aq, 15: 6. 1; ?. A.t Eewes, (8,I. AAU Chanpionshlp) Unolttclal. 1y Noln Higgins uon tn 15:19.1 -helaible for B.I. Chaops. ) Nhth l,{eet Sept.3 - 5 Mile: 1. 8111 Horrldge; 2. t.t leies; l. Ray Li!te!; 4. D6tu1s Llnehan, Tlner 29:03.5. Do@Dour ol reh. BOIf DEI4Nry 'W]fFD 'O IUS4OAII,4N IEEITS sydley, Dec. a - Ron Delany, Ifeland's 'a<6 olynplc 1500 rere!d .hanDlon. has been lnvlted br Australla,6 AAU lo vislt the count.y h Janua.y and Februaly..If he accetts DeLany w111 ruD 1n speclal neets at sydney! fielboume
lette! to New Ensland Booste!8 of Road BaclDe by Don Fai -- iYour locaL ARC has pronoted ihree race6 to Aesull: ot ni,ifer olvmriic Devetoonent date, 2.2 nile norice A a 4.4 nile I P-ov.J6..-r 9nooe -1and open ata llankltn ?ar!. ;roston and a Slo.so.ed !y: The liuish Ane.lcan 2 l/4 nile olen hn .t Broc\ton, liass., Arhletic clrb (Rhode rs:rand) Larlv which Bob Cu11en arf.nsed aor us. G.ace, !i:ector F.A.A.C. (8.I. ) have are.asec lj. Prizes haee ,:o. por o.-r 9 .-,. oD_ lteLds been suitable and co@etition keen, ment m-e j lhrflr included . roraL otwhich afte. all, is ihe nain purpose oroar o these outings, of-f.-. ld -.-. :41orb Fc r...o.-..6rs !r:i.ed n_. o. , ._ea,sraft6d !i.sr :'eer - -u1/ 9, 1959 6:20 p.fi. the ball rol1i!g," Ile rouLd like to 2-lli1e ,C!r: 1. Dennls tllehan. laAC. have Eces at leasi ererl two weeks 10:28i 2. ltay tister, FAIC.. 88O l,laik th.oughout the t-ea. r{itn s!e.,1a1 en!hL Jake arederson. IflC. 1:I2"?. oi shorte. tha! the 6tarrr- J-!jp . P-ov. sFrorLd v6a _ o8o: dard li.E. 10 nile distance. Iour N.E. 6.8.. 880 ! tL: t. d vr r lEc would greatly allreclale-T;erlrg Li.o11, USr. l:25..2-n1re: 1. Nornai_ i.on enyone learhs of a sattsiac!prs" Dp,o: ;2.DusI.ne. place to'?ho o.y hold weekly o. b1-weekfy hd. F!tc I rrlv 16, 1r5l b: lo l.14_ I (lndoo. or ort). IJith detinite .ace6 Tb!!!1 rjpet - r'1.. :l (f:t. :.N. ) tuturâ&#x201A;Ź dates set astde on our celebdars rl40: 1. l,o. T.o,irr.n. !S,,49.2..1/4 nay be essu.ed oa 1arAe. tutuouts "r.ot.!, usr. ;: (.o re lr and more fun,. 1ny dotutions of prlzes l-lTil a nun: 1. !n Dunoah ! 13t1. , or or finercial needless to say, ,/ . i,r'orj L: ..o-r- rill be acceltedelifis, will be useil eladly e4d ' ' 4. Denr s tini l.41n,B Ft _o"o0i'a -_ric.' o 'h_ ol_ o.oos'o An open
sttGEI p0!0v ]tIlis KoslcE iraRA?HoN Sundey, octob€r 1rth, rqj9. A rrne, Lon
ercai .opovr t|-
2:I7:42.2. Deni 6 0'Corman {Sh.A1banRl. lr- 1l-ra.r-o d p!6ra-./ Ler. " r lshFo -e.o.d rr rhea1r rafC f-r rn 2:2J,OU :nd rmut€ted the ieais ot Jeck Holden and nddle Xlrt-up. both ot whon lrave been second for lnEland in the Xosice l4afathonPace: t Kn. O!cormdn, Filtn. 15: t5: f0 ]lm. !i1ih. o'Corman, rleninA_s;ith. uruorm;h. !ifini 2. Km. polotr had 10 yards on o,/rormen who !a3 t0 yards In r,:.r r-. popovro^ ln,!?5 ar.ad o' 0r o--.h. {ro ,as ]oo JErds u! -r o, r" i r0 . Popov oo .bled ;ts nar _ gin on o'coroa! Nho st11l had 70 va.ds on rl1in; l5 r0. Popov, 3tit1 cro;ding 04 ihe pace, {ent by . futl I minutes ehead of o'comrn rho had rob vaftrs nn !'11ir. f'teEins smirh wes now 4ih. 5+ 1 r ri6s b.r Lrd h- Pdder a,o 50 a-d. up on Kanrorek. Ftnish: ?ooov ;nre;ed the stadtum and received s tlemendous ovarion and a tauret wreath on his last lap as he sped to victory. o'cornan evehtually trotted in. sedate and ur_ luffled as eve., as he elockea rhe fa€Le6i LinF bJ a Brltish ruder thls ye.r peter !.s 2::4:56 Lllkinson (Derby & county)bv in the Doh_ caster liarathon. TheD cane Fltin. rous, and lorerfx1, not qulte the Fili; of th€ r.ce in 1or7t. cn.is the A.A.4..rarDron roLrrf DtE e af p- hololre ocr skrlbr oo\ or rueos.|a!ta end rne third iussiaD ar aykov on a tast dltch sprint the 1llal 200 yards.. r. S.?opo,.i!USSE: 2. Denis 0'corndn, Enaland: r. Tra; Ft11!, 2:23r16.4: 4. ahrrs Flenlns_ smlth, EnElandi 2t27r4ai 5. Bvkoe: UssEr 6. Sk!1nJar, YrEoslaria:7. Kan_ torek, Czechoslovakia.
N. c. rerry xourse a-Dulhsm. Carv rr'Ie1s_ plur N3son, uarorlnr. 2r:I7: 4.l.Jim LtoreheEd, so. clem_ son. 21:22; !. rred Hud, Duke. 2r:2a: L. 5d JordPn Jordan, l4ake torest. 2\. 21.15: )5\ 7? , auy Htrrper. per. M.rylanl, 21:40; 21:40; 8. John Str on..f, I ., 21:44,.!-eam: 1. Duke !4: 2. l'4€ryland 64r 64i l. state 8?i 8?: l. Nc.
Duke. 20rJ5j
- Stantord. Calit., Nov. 28 {4.2 Ei1esl 1. Fav ratton, Idaho, 20:22..1: 2. Eav AtienIdaho. 20:J4.1; l. a1a!.ay1oid, Car.. 20:42.'li 4. lten Ridire. l|cLA. 20:42.€: 5. (eit! itaUace, Stenfofd, 20:49.41 6, lob llonziMo, Stanford. 21:IO: ?. BFrt1l l-uhnh. .ltehfo!d. 2r:18: 8. Fra.l{ wyett, Idaho. 21:18: 9. Bob Eolland. llClA, 21:24; IO. EBie C!!11tfe. Sten., 2I:2J; 11. non tdEns, Id*o, 21:31; 12. lloody ro!irstou, Ca1,. 21:14, Team: 1. IdEho 22i 2. Stanfold 28: t. !crA 42i 4. crl Iforaia 52. riissouri valley Conferenee - St. louls liov. 7 - 1. 11 larcehce & Joh! fiacv. Houston, 14:42.4; l. Tom Bi!€rs. liak€. 14:54: 4. Pat C1ohes6y, Horston,lr:1?: 5. JohE Cooper. Nolth Texa6..Tean: 1. Housto! 30;2, Drake 59; 3,'jrichlta t,2; 4. l:o.ih TeF€ 3taie 87. Southwest Cohterence Chanp.
vll1e. Alk., Nov. 16 {3-n11es) 1, Jan AhlberE, srru, lJ:11,7; 2. Ray Dyck, alt -, 75:19t J. Jack rtelson. A.k,. l5:22;4. John Eschte, Texas, tr:14! 5, Buck ReMlck, Ark,, 15:4rr; 5. stewart Tormsr Ark., 1r:48..Tean: 1. Ark_ ansas 24; 2. Teras 62: '1. Te:as 4&l,r 78! 4. Southem l{ethodar 28. okt .roa. Ari _ st i11,, .--, 0. 1., lrl-L (4 ni.) 1, Mlles Elsemen. Olrla. State. 24.57.5i 2, Ton oakteyt llttle Rock. Arlr., 21.16; 3. Dah etcall. Okra. st. Flaeh, 27.35i 4. J€ctr lcphall. okta, st. F:'ostr,21:40; 5. Harold sn1th. ok1a. State,21:54.
htetutioreL .ro3s-coutrv, AntkelD. BelFIb. lov. r5 - l. HedNlE LeenaerrB€1C., lJ:16.8! 2. ;alrtrn Hlran, n!:.. ). cerrT llorth, Ens,.,3l:,al )):)7.?i 4. Basl1 Herttpy, En.,, lt:59: 5. c1_ erckx, le1g., lq:0ti 5, Cure. Ho11and. Tean: 1.-ons1ahd a: 2. PalJrM I4i J. 1st ADual Orange Coast X-C Invitatio!al at Costa llesa, Catif. (3,mi. on LracFr 1. !eLind Shepprrd. D.karstletd. 15:2li 2. lemis Hlse.ot. !. Ids An.61.68, 15::5! 3. lob'ron Srctr16, ()r.l;a. Coast, 15:29i +. rlerille Sha{, Bekeraf. 2. oranae coast, 79 ntn . 55 sec9.
aoa toir,E orrFt ll\t!Es rEll,iy Tar MAlilli!tSTEF it0.!D titt:
:ja.cli.sler! a.[1., Ti!:s.. 1..j. 26 'Io c.e 1. 1I h v. grv-r : 1. rr l,rl .h:.c€i of . rcrtarlrl letior.:1 an.i l :u-Anerlcen chenrion roung o.rI l" e! -. r.p ,e | /) LLe tr! reered the fo,rr nile na.li. Tnl 28-year-oJ..l !.roLar r.hno1 1,ea.t.r, rDrhl!€a be.rLllDit!.! tork,-c t..ri orer ris shorider ind sar t,.ire 1!.! vards n..!.. fitb les.- tn4r ore nilE i... i(e11.X aF eF-r.l . .u.. .er r. I.r ar 4nd s: ra lr; f rfh r I rr r.L r:
.t r . _ fr!-. :.:,1 r Lh.L.i,.r vi.!e.i ny i:-.!0t 3n..t.ri.... :r.,. il n:ptereii, Lor. 1e.1d.d lo !r{i, i:l: n.ve and Fr"dusilt c!t rilrr t]-e .t1s_ rh! iro ..d !1 , 1r:s lLr.ior caull:ri rii {1tt X:r1ter_ i{rowl ior hls rr.e.i llrishji; lii.tr. Lh. E.g1er.o., ti.J", r)nre. orejed .tt ihr.rtle:, t.c.-1 rh .trnri- a 5ror- in. i:f6:,1 ylr c ir 1r.ori, The winrint cl.ctlnr.t 24!i!., /,:-" th. sec.rd azst.st i! rac. h:Eto.!. ,h" ,oa hFie . ro.r-r.-:l-j7, I"ll.:.
llrd in his 1r i pr.-r_.ce. r- L,cr hcr r i. '.115-1ra r.rl wrs .rr .l r.nr I orner ti.Lion:r1 ch.m!ior. con!.tlfe. Dr.a., rt56 ki.e. was 44rh. :-.-s nanres 1. the hisio.x !f lorr distance rrDln,l, nirirr his li..t tirre.rarc. ob- ,. i -t.-. Iellel, at 5:1, ras acti rhe orCos: no; rurti.4, tl;:: Lonor rent t. rn.s tlujatr, .,! t--1.. lolnE. Anos lilac..1 last in fh.u;..,1: aho he,.L raiied :: the iirlsh l:.e, 1.r1, 1,!e.c!r:. . re.Fil:. !eirr b..ten, r.lIelr stitf re.rfiL oi ..Ji p.r:ii.r ir rh€ qaa.hes,er fn.:. Tnconnlnc
I. ti s 1nsi. s.1e. a!p.ar..c.s. b..f l.rier ih:rn s!co.d " :r..iD. lf;ireri.i tt/ :o.k s.,.ond litac€ rith Itrrrividri:r:L n.rchardt se iu:rd i {r41uec eL :li?5al xe.. ti rcr i!-- t-1. lt.s.- It
fi.Iishers, a1r. !er1:]s t:. th. tirst f Lro There were 1U7 eniri.s re.elv.c. The ant r;!r n1.. |ri:.Lie.1 .r :turerlr uton old hlth ha. 12:] last vear, :. 0.. huldred ard iilieen rurr.rs st.r-.a. :jl.ar,si, Er... :r.: it. :r-:.ria. Drstr!b, . lhe 11j'6starters. all rir:!s]1.f,_ Th. e,qlr I:." 116, la r aei.arr.r et,?lor. l, 'olC hiAh fo. al.ishers ias 13. ..i j! r1l :r...ed. ..1l..rll; t.: renn:rs ot th€ 1956 d.d 1t58 ra.es. a. six.e€a . Pf ' rF -i comr. rpC. Th. p.ew1.l: .ecord lhe .ro\rd ril .. :Df.d .a.- i. rir,e 1l i,L 195r. l'1us.u1ar ltistr.pht/,r.1, "aPerleer: Feather for this iorert,.r I'lof. Lh.-.. lnl fuil ..rLr-c: ,.,rten dindate helled attra.t the titth.tr.ilh, 4.rs were .errea tlre fr.r:r. -1rl thc:r +,enp..1trure crord ol over 10.000. Tte greslrs i. the :r..r!1ri ir 1li.r ..fetras 1n tne 4!'s Hith .le!.r, sumy ski.s, e|i.-, .ortlineai. .r tt:. ......r!. rrI uart€d to st.t {t:!, -.ht',. Iie1t.y. This :nar!€d th. llth colse.utlv. tlat the deatllc.m.n has coolera:ci on r:.e I krer :l co)1;.1 lhr: rt.rtd have . dal-. l,Iot stnce 1t+6 has tnere be--r gool ch.r.e of i.rjaF,,' an elated Bob dr rai. dxli!! tie rac.. lo{e relorlea! air:.: caicli.g h1s bleath rov. 1s tne second coile;i:n in rwo frd ..F1J zi. r hr j . .. - r uc:et vlctorv, yeal6 to qin Lop hono.s and l:he tltrd . tOO iards th th. l:st rour yea.s. pete Close ct didn! r fhlf. ih1 ro r-4 c.:ich h1r. l{archester and St. John's Uri!, p:_ceC I de.ined io noae u! riith !.ori onothe ri.ld last yea. rn 24:41. norr h.111 niLe t. lrc e.d I:..due1ly cut serving ulth the harines at euirtico, Va.. C1o6e was uraLle lo deteld \is lltre. Cha.les lysor., lh.r a studeri at llcorn, won ih 1tJ6. liel1. s:1.1, il nale ao exc!.es. I ler usual, tle Mar.bester tolic€ di.t l.lt f.od. I alt!.€d that I h.d a conan eacel1e.t jolr ol k-A.!:ll the :treet: r-.-a .- ot I. cleaf lor the runxerssayira Lo(e H3s lr.a v.rds or so behind. aorncr chafliors j! ile ]lrili .r..1j.n.! I decided L. nurs€ rt 1ea.L as I ras classic d1d.rt far. r:oo xe11, Cr.rl.r'' 'ol Lo-1- " n. iinot,t,i!s, the I:Xi.,i lhy.i.L:j, n a.eC r .l!.sslc .ase .a overconfi'1e..e,"
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