ln the Long Run it's the
A,ucancre -4ag. No.32
Januarr 1959 1
7,,.,.- ft):, -- ,.
r,.."1..L,.,-. -L4)
Roger Eonnisfer
tn6k rt
mec{ olty gac a 'na//( /o lr/40r< (sad
Johnny" Kelley (The EIAer)
Tirt LoNG nrsrANcE r-oc the club durins vhtoh tine ,ik6 poltpuBlrcarro,, A roR RUN'iER. sy RuNNlRs l?.
I du.r.
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4--Janua.y, 19ra OUR
REA'!i5 TAIi'
nron Johi Jere11. Plesid€nt-Road Runners c1utJ, EneIand. Nov,10,/5a nI uas Clad to roceiv6 thc 1at€st thoiLtL' and voutd itke to you on vour n€r st''fe of productlon. It is lnde€d an arbit_ tous undertakine. I trust you havo treen .6c.1wias our tn r€turt, althoush thls does not aptea. so f.equ€nt1v. As resards r.P..ts vhich have aP!sa.6d in ydur latest nuntr€r - a oistake iEs 6ccurred in the E!.opoan &a.athon- Popo' rad l/1, 1aP, ntt )/4 of a oi16' vith brre rreicrred treaiih arou,,d hls .eck. Ahe Ben Nevis ra.€, it ls a iaunlain race. quite a unlqu€ ev€nt in iaci, It a blt dver f Bilos or r.ad! fr.o the IiinE G6o.s6 vi i{enoriai llayinc ni6lc in !o.i 1ii11iah tc lho holntai' Ir.c!: 0r1. eaci at the starr, a linish,it+ "at) The.oute ther {.4C0 f !. Tha j 1t ts ird€ed.lr1g asstenmont and slr111 of a fe1low as or/ i iy. ?he di stance r? !1ies and tho !e.o.d ..rurid 1 l/4 gux.]e b.ok sajs tj houls l3r lrt€ tri! tor tr.6 orclnarJ' Faik.r. c ondr tlons and as you knov. ii 19,17' not leturn iirolrs of the iolloslng norning. lfhts ponstbtllJr ts verY well
be alov€1opdd. f hav€ tri€d to run fasi for yea.s jlst to se€ lf I could but f a! siil1 just as last as 1 va. in l]ieh schc.l. l: tronestly have def,elop€d. In other vords' il vou to coacrr a track tean and you pi.t out the sprrnters! just'arthavo everyone rac6 100 yards and J.u .f,n I donrt haYe anY use fo. ine n€thdds whi.h prescribe Bhat a runner should tratning. This ray b6 all rxeht for o. sdbetody rho is just starirne.ut son€ people vho liko s:act di!:ctions. Hov€ve., I nuch t.eler tlie syst€n Pelcy ceruttt uses. It souods fake so,npr.d) u!'h anbrrron .4d {he,lPlrine then to ec oqt and do it and the' eL,€ss thrs do€str t naks bua i. donrt rucri dill€rence €tactly 'lrat a p€rs!)! ddas in pracri.e prowided ile enJols it and h? coti i'1res t.r
a3 1
trrs a soo<i thlee irur I dldntt en.i.y up 3nd it cidn!t .unning or rns and
I read that slrrintine hy ariicle, bu! lds o"5c..s so I r€t Bob Pape yost€.day, he is at,6ut nlne t'ui1d5 hea't and cllculatio!, T tboueht Yhy dot run the ou! iiro. 6 narathon he rs ent€rlng the 1959 Bostod Harathon. n nnco a.d ttBe: but fast aad s1or. The 6xaci nusb6r and how lar I itonti think is iDportant" I1€awe it uP to iron D.. Charles Robbins' M.D,' Sor 151, hor I feil and how such tir6 f actual1y haw€ for ihe torkout du€ to lriddl€tov., ConnnYou sp€ak of qual:fted people in run- t,usiness, 6tc. As to tho ldea that roL' or Arne!i.Jnn shou.Id be intere5rntne. Actua11y, eweryon€ ls qualilied optnlo! and that is about .6d 1n distanc6 running or ev€r u111 all you vi11 eet out ol evod physlolos- be, I doubt that there vi11 €v6r t'e a er€at nuht'er, A3 ilick cost6s pointod lsts o. rhat not. A perso. can be the ort soh6 tlh€ aeor r-rh6 cultule f shts b6st U.D. ln the Yorld and yet lr€ a 1i lsntt iust aaalnst it,r,A.tual1y, ooEpletely unqla1lfl€d p6.son to erv6 advlco about distanc€ lunntne. Actual1y, the cultule, I thlnk that there iust you have t6 take th€ id6as fron anyone a!6ntt a gleat bany p60p16 who derite a 1ot of satlsfactto and 1f they s€€n senstble try trt€h out physlcal exe.tion. l tlfnk the sda and €ithsr aliscard th€E o. add th6r to your o'n 1d6a5. Ao€3 for th€ Auiopoan oountrles, and thlngs f.. I hav. concrudedr as hav€ hany other3' tf trrors vere the!., they probably trlat sp€€d i3 bo.n ln a P€lson and
Januaryt r95r_-5 (charles Robblns, contlnu€d) would not both6. vttb long dl3tano€ runnine. (I D6an the Dajortty of trrer.) I hav6 coE€ to th6 cotrcluston tha€ ta.ntne up is a wast6 of ttns and r torth anythlng, You nay nouic6 that Celutty f6€16 thts eay too. ror tnstanc€, I haye eaoy tlm€s jMp6d lnto an icy t6hp€ratur6d pond aft€r lundtng tyo o. tbte€ hours In the August heat. (It I thlnl( thdr looe6nlnc up, ccIlsrhenlca, Dassa86, etc., ar€ a vast€ of ti@e and th6 t1h6 i3 bett6r 3p6nt ln runnlne. Ilor€we!, 1f a lunno! 6njoys thls typ6 or Lhlne and haa pl6nLy ot tItro, c€rLqtnly h6 should do tt.n r.om Ntck Raub€nhgiDer, 2 rR€ttvtnr r 68 tav6nport Rd.r Durban! South Afltca.
l1y oake nucrr drlf€r6nc6. un1lk€ your baron€tolr athis has aEo, lot to do vlth trainlns plogramesr but r stttl 1lk€ to orperroent aqd Irn always k€en to 16arn, Unfoltunately I have b6.h out ot running fo! a noqLh Jnd t .esuLLan(ty a12&a10 bil6!. I Fon,t bor6 you over nuch rltl' Ey tloublesIn fo. an unusual anount of puntsh_ nent-phy3lcarly, n€ntally, sptrlr_ uallyl But, I sp€nt . leek or so rn Lb€ hospllal arl€r dn andt fls3u16crc 4y, If a .unn6r has thls t.ouble.or sruuld eve. hav€ such rroubl€"take Dy advr.€ and have 1L cut, surs€ry
b6tt€r, althoueh dot quite confort_ abl€ y€t. Thls trouble sta.t€rr abcut 9 Donths back.and I cortlnued ru.nlnE all the tire, race afte. race, too nI bad tntenal€d ,rltln6 euoh €alll€r anythrng dod€ in.ase I hls3ed an 6yen€! Bui itts all 6ve} t'ut rhat vlth tralnlng rost itays and nov. So tf you ever suffe. fron ov6r_ then lactng e11 ovo! th€ countly on6 do€3nrt e6t too Euch tim6 !o do anythlne constlpattodr tak6 h€edt r aD stl1l t.ylns to frnd the risht alound the hous6 not to nentlon vrj.tlne wat to }un and tlaln. loes on6 bays Bu( l€t oe rIrsL lntroduc6 6ys€11. I a' to be naturally 35 yee.s of ae6, Ea!.i6dt rlth one ch11d povors or c:n on€ g.t to the rorr bJ wo.k an.t no -a son, ae€ 10 yoars. itJ? ost oa th6 to! drsrdn!e r€n L I r6ait of your atbl6tlc 6rp6rtoncos hav6 n€! ar6 75% .atu!a1s a th€ resr ln a B.ltlsh RRC [6vsletter anil ot your det€lhtnation (or call rt vtDt you earl{6r races at tb€ sholter dlstanc€s. haylj Th€ staddard narathon (26 nir6s' I noticod that you coEp€t€d aealnsr eoldon Plrt€ too! Co-lncldentallyr bo-! 13 Ey favourlte although 6veryon6 r have lun ln I bav6 s*orn {1r1 b6 ny Pl.le a Ea1b6.s are at pr6s€nt tourtne last. Eut, ro alrays cole r,ack. Ith Soutb Af!1ca, I u looklng lorvard to not a ch@p, but n6 tEv€ 3o61nA th€d. Th6y .un h€i6 n6rt Morday itlons and to try anat nlsht (24th Nowonber) ln Fhat Dronlses onal bests ls a sreat 6noush r€ward. to be a good nleht's €ntertalm€;t, Tbe year 1954 has been a palhlcular Italt ere runs In th€ ei16 asalnst Ilarold lnteresttnc y6ar for n€. clark,our Natxonar chdplod, rr o dld (Ed, nxrokre harks xn brr€f.!r) 4:05.4 on th6 sane track Ieb.-D.A,C, Club llalathon - 1st_2r116 y€arr v€ ar6 h66n1y aealtlne a posstbt6 March - 25 o11e! rn 2:1r.o +-ntnute nIIe yhlch hds n.v6r be€n done I;;iT- Natr l4alathon i; rrerorla in thls countly y6t. Ptri€ rr11 lutr :,1 2:54.31 ( unplacsd ) a 1 Etl€ 6tenr and h6 should Hln .oorggl- 54 u116 conrades Maratrron froa ortably.. w6 crEps here on tr € rlack lulban to Pl6te.marrtzbu.e. just cantt a6t tbe tln€s dovn. In th€ 3r<r-7h.s,2lnins. 3 hll€s fo! lnstance, onlr ore o! tvo June- 26 ot1.s. lst- 2:,t9-3lr in thls p.owinc€ can set belor 15 nins. crb,on .rorial -ri;raihon in Our Dtrlde tiD6s ale slov too. Usualt, GJotEnoesbure, 2t43.39 rr.20 0r 50, P6!sona11yr {r11iants To,n 1 donrt .€a11y ro..y about rt. Tt!€ 9g!.- l3 hrr6s- Ktns"ndto East London. 2nll- 3t59.,+5 long€r dtstancss ar€ bole up ny stre€t. Ue l!av6 a falrly fq11 proB.M€ tor The 1a3t lun r had b6for€ r {ent actual season as in th6 lnbo the hospltal w:s the Natal UsA. Our veath6r 1s 61the. unbearably chepxonshtps tn octob6!. as hot oI just rrot all year round! Thatrs 'e1r e ?nd. Thls tine strusel_ ing in to do 2rlr9,ll+5, rhe winne.
{Nick Raubenh€ioer, continuedl doine 2143.50. tou oiaht thidk that these are slow tines, but as you can nercllessly ltts hard to rea1ly cra.k the pac. on" I Eaintain tlrat to do a top class tine in a 26 htle raoe one has to do a last first t0 ni1es. lt nust ire ve11 undor the ni1€3 0n6 should be well hours wtttl sti11 enoueh left to have a laugh at the last 6 ht16s! Ilow lons tt vi11 take{ir et€r) td e€t into thts bracket, I dontt knovl Jan Barnard, our National chanp bas the tempeian6nt. tbis y6ar lor tbo Enpire'Ganer he.e in Durban over a hi11y cour36 in 2t36.3O alr on his ovn" cardiff a we thousht he was just unluckey not to e€t a Gold M6da1, b-i' e 'o!pp-d. in 2:22-5?. He has rur 2.21.53 here id South 4fr1ca at Port nlizabeth in 1956. llo slilped at xelbourne and did!'t finlsh but be .e.tain1y nade ao6nds tbts tlme. But, Jan is a bit caeey about his tratnine hcthods, beiis a lone {olf as xt Fere, 1 ah of the inquisitive type,ho l tkcs tralnlng. Afte! all - :t's th6 .orr.c! trainine that erd..wh.n I,n fit a€ain then It11 eet back to the routine-usua1ly a ten Dile run in tho nolnins iber'or. r}eaktast) eastly & slowry, tollowed by 7 td ro at nigbt at a faster pac.,
1are6r 6rout nett year. ..suntrartes: (1.9 mir.6s) 1. Bruce Ro11ins, Randolph-ltacon Acad€my, 9:17.2 tcourse .€cor.l; o1d reoord, td o.ean, uelcersbulc Acddt;3I5y eny, 11/53)j 2" Jack ?.eston, nMA, 9:21; l. Ray Lunsforit, Merc€rsburg, 9'21; 4, Ron Shanlrdlt2, South HSr 10!00; 5. Jack cord€inanr Me.cersbu.e, 10:o1 ..12 fintshe!s Randolph Macon took back to vlrsinia tbe Buzz savyer-Guy whidden trophy for *inoine th€ tem title with fB pts. 2. l4ercersbrrs, lrz; L st, Jmes scbodl, 60; 4" south rls, 79. Bu?,z saqyer letter, arso publication ot Tra.k te. {official vor1d, Uninc. ) r nl an ve would probabry botter loos dist ance the East at any rat€, tf far t]le hunidity and rreai du.ine the rate It mak€s traiaine espe.ially inte.val stuff *h€re you set cool on t,'e fast rudsr then itrs rik€ st€!!ins re.ove.y runs. I just donrt see ho' tlr€ tellows I it 6 niles and roaa runs here ln the then, ltlost of err than t]16Y (Track Nousletter' r.o. Box 2?a' Los 41tos, ca1if. - twice nonthlY pub, - $6 por year by 1st class nail) NT]'JS SOUI'HIRN ASsN. CROSS-
'ON 'IARTIN cIrAMPloNsilIP (De..!)' t95A) coUnTRY bealtiful Citt Park, Nev o.leans! La. (5.4 biee€r tblnCs' Mtles). Slonsor! Louis I. !el,assusi for his name Chalrnan ol the LDr€ Distan.e coM,. to knov ho, of the Southerr Assn. of the 4,Lu. 1, Don Marti', La. Tech, 27t22.4 Ity on6 arbltlon ls to run in your 2. vayne Etrnson, RYan st.Bc, 27!21 Boston MarathonJ but that f,il1 hav€ to L Robort HaYes, La.Tech, 27t1o r€main a vtld drean unttl I can rin 4, Len chrsolm, Ryan st.Bc, 27!59 soEe money rn a sve6pstake poolln 2A:A5 5. 106 Herbert, La.Tech, 6. Jack rrator, RYad st.Bc, 2a:o7 st.m, 2AtI2 rroh Buzz sawysrJ Eaeerstown, Md. r2/15/58 ?. lave Llste, RYan 8. stan Krowskt. RYa. st.Ec, 28:Oz 9. carlo11 Burton, La,Tech, 29:12 ttcuy lrhldden and I .taged 10. Tod ilarc.ave' Unattached,29:13 neet this fall 1n an effort to plonote 11. Phil Petsls, RYan St.BC, 29:20 the hieh schools, interest ln 12. Tomy Pod611, La. T6chr 10t17 t{6 s€nt dozens of invltatlons 6ve. 11. Irank Eeattnan' La,1f6.h, lo:24 thdush we knev tbe scbools dtdntt hav6 r4. Girb€rt, G!i.ffin' f,Easton tls, t€Ms. v€ ve.€ quit€ plea€ed to get 4 32.)7 l.u11 t€ans and vere ew€n nole pl€aseat r5, cu11en landry, J€suit lrs,32r5? *6nt k,4r4,& I to rbd 16, clarence El1ton' Baton Rous6rl-a' lour schools entered. Ye (continued nert Paee) l3t 10
of Boston, a runncr, Il. is destined f.. l: believe. I shalt waich at Rone in 1960. Ird ltke
John Xell€t,
1?, Ton York, Unatt. 35:1+5 14. D.r-. uann, unata.37t)2 19. Rob€rt Con6aux, Itarren Easton
1. Ryad St. Boys C1!b, 27; Techr lo.,Note:A11 h€mRyan st,,Bdys Club w€re star6 coltoee ar Lake aFRrcAx. 19,BEmS PtRrE IN I tllt-i RUN Saltsbu.y, Southerd Rhodesta, !.c,6Yothab Uul€ya, a 19-ycar-otd llrrcan f.on Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, D6at .or,1on P"i-. Brr !sh :.rdn e ruan€i br. a JoO yard. in a 3 mi1€ race in sLrolterin€ hoat today. It eas the first tine an rrirican ba( compot6d agatnst a Eu.opear in southelr: l,lulyea!s t!m6 ras 14,Ire.5. Hs loweled rhe Rhodesian,6ccrd br 1r.5 se.onds. The baretooted uirea t.ailod Pjrie the iirif.i lap frcm lhe b.ouer'r 'i took ?irie lerd untit thfinlsh. Firie uas unst.ail c16s61y !n!ii €nd. Then 1n
Arrican fans crr.ied
1!ul.ya on rheir at't:r ttle
shortrld€rs arourd th. li:1d
said lator thar i!ute!. Fls ijlre run aeainst;n Airica. If tre edes to hh6 n6}r nnpir. canes r'T. tc d.ubt tr€ LCNG BICICLE TRIPS
!e."1 - Johr cooler is bicy.iin:t tosard ttii foLti-nirqto ir,e. Lrs: season he ian ttr6 l,:1?.9 i" s"t a neL{ af€xas r.terscholasrrc .eco.d, l2nd bes,j P.3 ma.k in .;re Usl Now he,s a rro.tb Tei:e 3rnr: be has doi.2 ni1!3 iil 9: j2 " tr, rhe s1.jrde. J-a O. sunday, ro his 50d. i. i.-i . t!::. r.,1.
. l-r ..::,:
i trrct.t. r.::: ii..ritr ard a-..,{.
Falmount Pa.k, Phrla. (18 yea::
aee and und6.) 1, rrod Anderson.
Phtla. Ptodeer, 14.,50i 2, ItiIliliolm€sr Phl1a, Pion66r, 14r51 (-:::: leadlne all the,ay, ]{olDesr v€:: Phrla. Il.9, yielded to and€rson : quarter of a mire from hom6 and ,:: b6at6n by tko yards ln a close :r l 11.J. HtCh. f, -4I Sweo, cllltonj 4. Clarence C1oud, Pionee. C1L:.:-
5. car.ol h4erson, ' 6. Henry Ke116r, Lasalle RA, t: 7" Robert K1!p, Slianahan CC, ::
8, 9, rC. r1" 12,
ldmes Ior, LaSrIle RAJ Jahes l4arzac.o, !€rn AC, 1: ..
Lalry Eliast iasaile i,{, .. Joe Nargalis, shanaban Cc, :-
Bilr Pratr, Penn ACr Jin B.adley, unarjtached, .: 14. Biil Carvlej Penn IC. Toam scDrl.er Phila. ?roneer :l r-2-l=6 pts..:. Lasatl€ RA, i: 'r, P!n" -q.(. j 2l pb;. t,lf Hoiic tola]l 3Rc-J{ier\_alen 1-1.
Tltait(seiril\rc jrAy J0c0
!iE1.Ej{ c:tc:: , r{ar;i:naT;T-T;i: r ci'n;;t, rr1, ?hurs.i r,rov, a7. r:
courrRY RUx
1. Phil ca1eri.tr. tInin. ci chi.r:
?. lo4 i{ancheit: urteaton c.1, 1_. ,).:' :1, Beir ninasuer, LCtC, +. Earoid Ha..is, rj.3r.(r1rr.J .j J. Ri.hard rrr.rdt, rheatc. c!1..6. Ha1 rlj 3don, ucTc! 7, Eili aarson! n'hdaccn co1" 3" i.a,r Rath, u'rar. {rlis:" sl . : 9, Janer Petersc.r! U. ol 11l , ,l 10, Bi:I I Pa.ham, 11. rre.,ay caf,?.'rrier, Unat. t2" ,are Eud.i, n.adlet Uiie. I l. Picst.n crani, ucTc, lle. vi. reil1, tcTc. 1j. nnbert ticni.l/ l 1ar. t.nie l.iihoi i.t5, itcTc" 1?. .h!cr. jilr,.r4l !4. ?a'1 ElrthR.r, \th€at" crt l i ?. ,.: sartr, vcT{j,
20. 2i , ?:" 21.
lli.L:. liLilylky, ir.i:! r t!an:, !nelton aoii., .rar.pir ri16e.4j inaijt. {u.1: A.tr..y Basa. l, allinors. --rri!r U" r'.1 :j. 6. ",.,,,rrj t:ar.ilr.i !rt!:' !6. frt.1 i.:l:. J,:ri" i:joti. :r:.r: ! rr'l : :.: rrrr.rr: |j.1::. : : :: ..'(|. :i: .i'. :)
-g::g3!ge:JJl:9 PAUL B. trIMVASSILY 5-}IIIJ HANDICAP CROSS-COU}ITRY Pl 1a., raiEount Pa.k, sunitay, Decenborr 21 - nillian IIofEesr a Y€st Phlladelphia HlBh S.r'ool junior sprintod up troo znil plao€ arounrt the Boathous€ Ror behd today to rin and revele6 a alectston soored by lled Andelson, ttis clubmat€ and Ov6.ll.ook Eteh s6nlor, ln a RRC Junlo! pr€v1ors1y" vh€n overtak€n in th6 last 150 yalds, Anderson souebt to .afly but Ho1b6s sorked up the su!6rior kick and kopt hts ean se11 6ll. Brountne Rossr ?€on AC, can:ed the b6st tine prize fou! s;conds, ;n 2? nlnut€s and qi . I KJravassl l) prov'ded the best priz6s of iho Mlddle Atlantto r-countly s€ason (13 trophies, and beauttful n6rchandisa prizes for the b€st t10a awards). lollor; 's r he ra, € - runcheon {smorsasbord style) ras eraclousf,y sorved by tho Karavassllt fMily tn ths Pennac L€aF^d: P 'P," !aaolpht. Dlnne€r club"
(6n StlF€l€, PAC, 31t 12 Chas.$itttaEson,PC, .14 nrck crappr PAc, 33tzt Ed U1Der, PAC, 33122 uallace JordanrPC,ll:29 Ilank lt€11y, scc, ,3! lo J6an deBri€, scc, 33. Jl !rancis carv6r rPAc, !15 La!!y nelanyr SCC,ll:U? rio cfais, PAc, )jt59 Tos vayne, vEc r 34to1 JiD Gebarton,PAC r34: 02 sa.ry H111, PAC, 14:04 Stan Llndner, PAC,3{r05 tavc Brornback,! lrr:11 Herb carer, Unat.34:14
vBa=V€sp6r Bc!t club. LaSRA= LaSa-l1o novine Associatlan. Ac" Catr&ttc Club. PAc= Penn €1,, ItdcD A.. " 1. ri1r'i4n Holbe>,P., 3tta ?,54 24r51 2, Irec Andorsod, Pc, 71t42 2r5a 24t52 3, Ralph E{lbererchi.aeo tt+9 2t50 zAt59 4. carh11 Anderson,Pcrll:5? 29to? "t50 2o lo 5. C,s onsranl,VB(, tl:i.2:20 5. Jo€ Rocco, Fenn Ac, l2!01 ).oa 29.c3 ?. Pat va1sh, scc, 32to? 3r2a ?4.47 a, James ElaD, ?c, )2t r5 2.54 29125 9. stewe whelan, \Dc, )2t22 rlt3a 2?15? 10. A1 sran,clirton,NJ,)2t2) 2t5a ?9.)) 11" rernando sood1ey,Pol,:2q 2.?O 3atA4 l', Lo. !Lr'.),;FJn.CC, :29 1:?r 20:0o l . lr,nl, Fi'zp.Lr:_Lrrr ..'q 4:?0 26:lrr 1&. Tob .t1ree. sac, )2.36 1if0 l1:06 I . :c\ Donr\uc tsA . : J8 l:40 28. _.8 i{enry Ke11Er, 16, LaSR-A, :r19 2t4A 29.59 1?. vrade ashrneion,s.c! .0.3:20 29:20 a-,..\, ,4. Ron P{ j l jrit .:_0 ze:_l
o. in Ydrri, . pd., l?:! ':!0 10"0) 20. tnory E1tis, Pc, 32t!) )t50 2A.53 Ldrw, l?,-':1_1:. 21. !ro!rine Ross, ?Ac,i12:jl 5'51 2?,oq i. :/ rr: lo :^. r, ' Yr 5n vEc, 32156 .)a )2:25 2-5. nob uaiker, 27..h.s.Ie.rald,.hicago,:JB 2:50 l0 :.r I 28" nabe.t xilp, sca! l:r:02 jlo l2:12 -1. ud ,_.,11 - :i1 10' lc. dlaus :rae3ant, PA.. tc6 3t5A 29.,15
30r 52
3rt17 29.19
)).30 29.15 32.3L
tr Harnon, ?c, )4t, 3a.43 49. rack Afthoff, P^c,34t)A )4t34 50. Jah€s auinlan, LasiA!{1 12821 j1. N.rbort B€tze., PAc,,r!? 14!o2 ,57 ))raz 52. Larrr Jaeson, PAc, 51. Hueb Jascourt, { l5tar )3to6 54, own. i{aeuire,Plc, 35ro2 30t42 55, Jared Eoch, ?acJ 15340 35140 56, chas.llrashineiion,scc, r 28 15,13 5?, Jtm Bradley,?Ac, l7'10 16:40 58, Rtchard teasue , usN,40:0I lA::8 59. Jo€ Malcolisr scc, 41:10 l9:55 Tthe Prizes. 1. Browning Ros5, 2?ta4t 2. sr6\a v\eazn, 27t52, ). 2a!,!: q. Jac{ Barry" 2a!4J; 5, Pat na1sh" 23:47. Teah scorins:
1. Ptr:la. Pione€r,. 26; 2, stranahan cc, 41, l. P6nn act
Results 15 Park, Errnx, N.Y., Sat.i t€c.13 -!- John 5t€rnor, NtPc, J6i12 2. Jose ton€s, NYPC, 56t26 56.J2 l, J.e Buxnsr NiPc, a. Nat cir!1n1c]|, }JYl,c,59:49 sUI'II RY OI TH1ND 1.A"I.A. CPISJ CO'NTRY
O N5
Novefrboi 29,1958, ooaha, $ebraska
A .e.o.d entr'y list rn lddivldual and ri€an pa.ti.ipati successtul that th€ li.st tHo. crnss .t4
'. f.on ec an entrJ l:st of 165 runners 2j srboors ditlr tl sia.ters rerres!ia!ine ?J s.hools anC 1f teams. of Lh. 91 saa.t.rs ! a7 Iinished the The day starled orr .-arlt ,ith of a .lear t.enfDratu.e br rj the
treit ar.y" Insi.ad
of ramtne' th€ thor@oEetor drpp€d to th6 lov trs.ties rrtth a 10 Dile per bour vtnd by 11 a,n. Snof, had fa116n 6f, Thankselvtn€ but a vtd6 path vas c16ar6d for tho runn6rs tbloughout iih€ cours6. }{orever tt was stitl a a 1ltt16 s1t$pery lnd€rfoot,. Tho lndivldual oodpetitlon vas tousher and th€ tead coep6tttlon.€alty vas tt 6.fast€st ft€1d of tb. ht3to.y ot th6 ne6t.. ld Vanal€rt!6uve1 of cent.al ulcrrlean n6v I{AIA chaopion, E6 lan trr€ l+ bi1€s ln a reco.d 20:55,6, Ed lar 2nd to CraFford Konn€dy tn thg NCA-a. chMplonship on Nov.24' and vag 3rd rn ttt6 sra11 CAA at $h6aton on Nov.15. Ed d.scrrbed the Or-ha cour3e as tho toughest h€ had 6dcount€red. Thobas OtRiordan tho Idaho stat6 SophoBo:o froh 1r61and also b€rtor.d re.ord rn 2rrO4 and ras a factor rn Vande.heJv€lt" reco.d rdn.. Paul Whtt€ly and Dbdnxs atbeson placrne 3rd and l,tl iu 21:34 aod 21:35 16d th€ Empolia liansas staie tetu to th6 team.hdpionsbtp. Officials and coactlo3 eu€sts at a leception and clintc.'er€ 1, Ed vanderheuy6l. C€n.Uicb. (Sr.l 20.55.6i 2. T, o'Rio.dan, Idaho st. (soph) 21:04! l. P,vhit€ly,Ebp.st, lJr) 21t3t+t 4. D, Math€son' EDp,st. (soph) 21!35i 5. rfi11i€ l,Iyors, Eoward Payne, Texas, (s..) 21:34! 6, Richaid Lotto., !t.Hays Stat€, Kans. 21:19; 7. Ma* Prlce' okla. Baptist, (s.) 21.1+or 8, Lm. Gal1aher, san Dieso state, (sr) 2l;41; 9, Paul sande.s, \{6stninst6., Pa. (sr.) 2t:klr 1o. Gary Piers.d! so,Dakota st. (srl 21:45j 11. Varner nilta, Emporla state' (Jr) 21.46t 12. Laty Sn€11' Nebr.statet (Jrl 21:47! r3. Paul l*ood, oklahona Baptist, (s!) 21:50; 1,+. Dev6y Plstu1ka, So.Dakota St. (Jr) 21!51; 15, Pdu' llhit€, 0kld,Bapr isr. I tt\ ?1r26. !i6eo st. (sr) 16. Anthony 2tt5?t 1?. r"n-s sfoddcrd. 50.D"L.sl . (sophl 2 :5ar la. | 'baa Caspe.'. 5d' .d'ir. (srl ??:oo: la fiaro1d Rieck! south lakota st. {soph) 22!051 20. irnie r.y6, Okla.Baptist, (r.) 22:06; 21. Rdbt Larsen, san Dleso st. (soprr) 22:04! 22. Ron Bo1e, Maca:rest€r. Mi.a. iir) 22:09i 2f. Don weitzencdp, l{ayne state, N€br. (Jr) 22:10! 2lr. Janes UcCorhrck, so.lak,st. (Jr, 22t11, 25. Darid Ohld€' lop.st. (Fr) .2: ll; 2o. vern R€ed. 'enl rdl v'^hic.n, (soph) ,?'1{l ?7. Hdrolc Arfr, cen.Yr"r'. (soph) 22r2!i 28, Dick shir€v, slipp€rv I I
S3!:3:I,--1,2:j::9 io.k, Pa, (l!) 22,25t 29. Roria.lt ca1lah€r,-san Dt6ea st. (Jrj 2zr26t f0. Garq 5hub6!t, Neb.aska Stat€, lr!) 22.2?,". Teao Soolinc: !, EBpolla stat6' Kansas 2-3-9-22-37=6?t ' 2. Soutlt Dakota stater 7Ji l. or.1a, Baprist, 77; Ir. c6nt.a1 fil.tllean,8Oi 5.SD16€o St. 107i 6, ltovald Patne, 156; 7. sacrab6nto stat6r l?1! 8. Nobraska stat6 (16arn6yrNebrl, 243i 9. Ii.Eay5 Kansas stat6, 197; 10. ItlccalBster {st,Pau1! Minn,) 2?6! oUR READE&s r,lI(E CVER - Iron Ted
corlritt! 52k0 B.oaalvay' New Iork City irlith al1 of the ba.b611s and dunb611s elven as llrlz€s at York, Pa. vrr6n th6 30 Kl1o .eturns ther6 noxt y6ar, th€ contestants .ou1d engase ln a Mr. l0 Kilo Contest as a po3t var16y lo!s6 Marathon ts 6vef held on that w!.dtne cours€ a€ain, hore ls a ray to k66p th€ b.n fron gettins 1ost.(Actua11y tt was an exce11€nt A few cours6 vlttr hlurnub tralflc, h€1p€d, preferno.e flags atly a bit ]aiser.) Arte. lhe 1952 Olynpics, lffPc runner John sterne., uho over to s6e tho sanes and 'ent on h1s ovn in I:nland and to co$pete s'odon, a.!ang6d for ih6 U.s. marathon trio: Dyrgall! Jon.s a myself, to coopete ln a ?5 kllo lace at Lattala, lxnland, The iaoe started tn a stadiuh a thsn out throueh hown tnto the cduntrystde, thru son€ woods back and hore countrystd€ and flnally into toxn th.oueh streots and all€ys to the stailiuo. out on tb€ course to suide th€ runners (there we.e points whe.e julco out by the peopl€). lnstead, trrey trpaintealn road. ?he lunne.s *€r€ the vhite fine. fbls rout€ lett only the.isht
-t.Y" 50 if th6 runn€r do€s not cross the Fhlte line he has to nako the co..s.t turn. Ot roads aud no traffic lin€s were o.ilina.ily used. other colo.,other yel1ow slrould tJe uced, so as not to codfus€ tr o lunners. In this sam€ 25 xilo race, r€d pap€r streane.s r€16 bung .n tr6.s at lntervals to
1959 -lc " iTrl aaREllT- coitl n!.r:l
:rdeed stirl rr5 soi bj !:ith tyre.rl ?.3. i {a3 Jth t.*n al1 alan. and had nc lro!-n1e Ce.1i.,ij bajk to lhe st:dtlr thanks t. ihe ?]riin 11n.r 1r ihosE all€te":!
:o talr: 3.tur .l th€ :loca1 ne.cha*t3 :n h:s totn in coEiunction wiih s oD,r c€leDxaittn. mo:e €11..iiYeiI llLa.: Dlg cltj.€3, i! re:.te sontethine aDr . :.xn df : .: lrl
r'. .cmi)e:e. 4dn. in fxor tI!.Y iusi r...r at b!:1n Lh!.:ty y* sith a biank stareand ef rieok tc The :rrelr ir6er add to16v!3i!t.., !,o. Boi ::266j !ioh sah fi:r,isj lndoc. th6 Junts! JohannosLrure, Mset (sr:i11 Kond€r) and it viil be held lebruary 1q,,. O. I.Ia.cl! 28 the traLing ur:tten in the last fetr n,onths; Mtd,est F-oad Runnerr Club {i11 sponI sas up to hy ears in sor a 15 Kild Rlo ii chicaen, This Foio th:n: i-- ttre saile laY as th€ laiit N€v3 haclr irc our parrianent. llo{ever! 1 an Rolays! and the)- 'it1 buy a b1o.k of as.lraitua! of th. ltla.athor RunDers c 1!rr the heet that nisht. Th6 of ihe Sluthern T.ansva21 Athleti. their €ntrles land noneY for ti.k6ts) i. €arry thoush.,. An Lone distan.€ ac!lwlt!es in s.uth opcn steePl.chase Alri.a conttnuc t. be maintained at a for the central ,uU Indoor Champs on fine pa.e aid the runners a.e busy March 2l (th€ 2 nile'chase will be the mtles lroth on the op€n, but oth.. ovents are closcd t. Bellahouston .€srden.s.l... Illlnois de have just ll.lshed a fine cross ]ia..iers .diorded ther. TIET pof and southern afxansvaal the scottish eraseou io ;-;T;ln {on th. !.orin.ial title at the Soutb .61aY .a.e, Edinbureh 4a; African chanpionshi! the courso in 3 {hen they.onpleted ,lh6lr over a difficult ,, Dire .o!.se. last rictory hr.rr9 hin. 29 se.. .unne: rn Tbe outstan.lins i.dividual was tn 1913 vhon thelr tine was 18 lor the second .e.ond. ror,r.. s\a ile"lon sdr.i-'.. !{ort je, a 2l-y.ar-o1d vith Blitish a scotttsh MiI€ chanpion Johannesbu.e Harrle., $ho Crahd Ewerett in thoir tean, ver€ lt. Nortje son th. southern T.ansvaal second in :l:50.41, and the holdexs! Transvaal titres and the vlctolia ?ark, wele thlld in l:51.24. Rou.d the Mou.tain 6 nile .oad ra.e No indivl<lua1 or cour.e re.ords at 81o€nfont€in. €stabllshed,..The lfew Eqsland RRc'ere Oth€r tlne perfomances Ye.e turned idtend to hold a 26 oil€ ma.atrDn at ln by Jan Barnard, Jackie Mek16r and rrankltn Pa.kr Boston on ieb.22 o. Keitlr Janes. ('rEd: Fesults els6tberer) ?lrd.. "The Pacific No.tje has his €yes set 15 xilo Run Chabpionship vi11 be jn,he se hds oa'dthon. h6 hofc- o n held on leb,1 at Sera.d ?a.k, Seattle, dr.tan! e )el , out *r11 mal'e washlneton.,,O.esonr 3 Phll rnight A bls alebut vith{n the n€rt Yeat.'! loelisible for tho NcAA x-couniry'€16 so or€son diil not so. collapse of Jlh Gre116 ln th€ VIN'SPRImS: - The Ne' Enerand Assoctat- Tb6 P"ci lic .oast Conr. dlone vlth v4rroassoc_ 1958. ,.on1v 5 ion he-14--l-runs in t)y other teaE n6db6!s r' lo i4r rons h€ld hei r lJ to ro3e th€.Iossuike Portanova, ?arzana, Ca1lfo.nia, vas country chaFpiodship ov.29 at Palo a€ain=;;;Tnted natlonal Lons Distancv and ushorod a traelc aoason Runnins Chailban by the A.A U for 1959.. . Alto out fo. th€ ta16nte.t tue€ne t€am The university of Chioaso Track club vhl.h was rated a shoo-lo bofor€ failed to tand €ithor the Juntor 1J or lhe season.. . but bid tor, 20 Kito Runs *hich theY tlut neat Thackr.ny th€y atid set the iunio. br3 natrwe Australtal? nayb€ ro Th€y v111 hold it at th€ end of one or should clalm tder Lrllieht all- onere Eears, Protother Aussl€s rn the U.s.A. no{... abry at the 6nd of June,.. ltorer Latider' Runl Runr Run! Runt Runt Ru'r! Runl vho 1iv€s in LeClai., Iota, 1s trvlne
ranud!! i RssULtS iROM ENGr-rXt
r. arike llayoard! H6rn6 ililt E^ fo!2-, : e" arcwn, [agheate r. l. Ronald collinsr StuftesDury "t1: I l
Ha'.Fstead, lt:4t
-5. .,J. 1tarlo*, Hiehca.-e t{. 5" W, Coutdi.'- QPu, " T€ah, 1. fliehcate ri3.i!€rs: 17; 2" Qu€ons Park Earrie.s: qr+. SFEiIIELD ,?3' ilov,29 (H.av,,. foe .lar!_ ed doin io .€dtro€ vlsrbility to abouL 15 yards) craves Pa.k, 1. Puter vitkfnson: fi.rby & aty" )9tz? 2" nlan tsargh, Sh€ffieid U,F. ! 40j04 l. vlke sa.f,att! na.ilng It", &o:15
5. A. lr.rde, r.r
+t) ,
BRrtGircmH - t 10 ,und6rg 1. c.1in Lehbatt, wclv€.haFpidn E. 51:1t 2. P. Shelley, N, Stafts & stcne. 51.+t l, R6b Pare, R.N._q.C.Scdrh, 52:)t) {. fl. Iltq, d\. sr'r'Fy o),oae, \-:LJ s
1, w\itdhFf.
ES 1958
lconpiled by nenbors df Nationar Un1c,, of Track statistt.ians) NUTS I Miles -- Stan E1ddn, 11,2?.4; pete. clark! :l!25.6; co.don pirie, 1l:29,6, John IIe/'imd", r1: ?.jr: \.r1in,lrrtn 1l::14.0; e6orse Kniehi, 1 l:4a. ? 500. !ctres -- co.don pi11e, ir:jl oi lr:<.4; S:-n va,tin q)oan. lu:t .": \r(" -,t1...,. t4:17.8i Alan Perkins, 1lr:25"0; Fred No..isr rtr!27.0t r.ic !ra.jor. 1tl:?3.1 6 Yiles -- sran Erdon. 28:0i-0: Hueh ;;;-: 8.r-.Jr vi'!r, r,n"; . d:ro s, 2A:ft.2j .rohn &€rriDan. 2 B: ll.2 r Mike Bulrrvanr" 2a:tt.! loroon M€rr!> -- sr,r, a1dc,r. ?o:.2,s, 2a:0 t. a j Mar tln HJrar, 29:36. o; Basil Heattey, ?9:l]2.1 looo ,rre.-e" s, -et t-.h.-u.57i Maurlc- llerrrort,
chapDan, 9!02.8; Anthony Ll.!dr1yn, 9:05.8 J G'rdon Ptrro. t!o6,6
Th6 sr6nL lnr.borr s.hade
oryn!1. 5,0oo n, lr€hrnd lnir an<I Alari !lrDoun j
I-andon c.6ss-Cdunt!y chaB!ionshiF i?a.1iarent,q]11. Now.22..l
e, a" shriFp!o.,
!4..\{ED r Cai,lrrar',s ilsRA:flrcd{
.t J+cki€ Mek1.r ai: the 1958 Ncon.adisn {iihou! a doubt South Africars d:irtance !tr.€ (ovd. 5r, nilesj. " M€k1r. ran beautifllly, rrrreaktde., 7 ifs. vhich 1s kc.1d class.. Ja.kle ras ro.e thaa 9o rirs -hcrd !f hrr.cdz€:t rtva1, C:.€ning Ni.kn RauLe{eiFe. 3rd. i, r, fiekl6..6:26^25. 2, EA. Gr.onin€" ?'i1.4tr l" {. Ra;b.nrreih_ "l:23.4c: e,-, 9. Deris Mcirorney, ?t2t-atr; 5" l(, .}!asteI, 7jl1.lrti r!, r, :rielrhenso., it)5,4a, ?. F" l,1ode1, ?:1r4. 19 8. T.!i1en,7jl+9.€j r. x. Crr! A.o7"0t; 0. ..1.jri,, ' u: ir -i {1r. r,ra.}o,:; r"-r.;!r5rr,.c J!tr,(Ti iti ESori nqL4TliolJ {26 Jrj!.j: la5 ydsj ia.i;.ar ra.e tn hieh aitijado) r- ra.Lle 4ek:er! 2:{?.ltt 2'!)')rt )" i.)r' .ea !avies, r:45.13i +" r, stelrhenj, t:j2.17i r. si.rd rr ?:rt. -an. zli 5, L!n Pr3ustrej l:r1.oj; i. trikr.r,: s!.rn, lr01. rtt 5, riirz odelr lr.rr,rl; t. Den!s !t.1r6rney. .!." :, rhase, )..?,at, :l:10.4? 50J.lE llPiar\ CROSS COUmRy Cr{arllls. 1) !ii.5 a: Ea5r r_ondon 6/9/53 1. D:rir no.,jje, jr:2r.5j 2. B. Rens j1:2:..; jr :39.J: 4. t. s,.o'r€r .r. Eeri:.j jl,rjj j. {. JMesi 5l: j!,lj 3. i. Erdel! j?:nE ra51 ro\nori-KI\G .c!Lr,r{\rs Io,i{r{ 38 Ra.e.oc t. 1r/ _5ts I I jc.aai z. n, Radbed_ !errer, 3:j9.4j; l. T. A11en, lrjO5. t:1z,otr 5. ;j, ch.r:r, r:25,10i 6.! !e3is M.rnerney, r;?t.J! {The re.ord for rhe eea.t rs t::13, ++. r 1tjJj.'rea,: !tr.ban xa XOITJI SITS iAS"EsT 'lI ! I:{ NL\RATHO\] RUXIiIiS CLUB 5PRING5 10 1{I!-]I RU}I ul: to 1j iiD. to a field oi.?0.unn6rs, latrie Noitie rut u! ihe fastest Sprinss 10 mire annual roa.l race. Th:is flisht.a.€ is bo.onine.ne ot in the wtnrer s€a-
(s.r) j1:o4r 2. (€irh
JahGs, {1:00) J2:01!; l" s, cowi.. (?: to) Jt'ldirr. 1- p.aahsama"5l:iJ
12-- Jaalary!1959 I{ArlRUrfi!.'rES VL4r ? llt'-n .OAD F!'ii .
Nc'. 22 - lvere, Belglut lcrlle.1ua .1e. As cross-coutf,y rece) 1. narcer riar a6 ,;ttyae, Be1g. 29:15 29t!8 2. Sian ElCot, En8. 29 t2-5 i, Frans ller6en, 3efg. 29t29 4, r" u1ha1ic, Yugoslavla, 29.34 J. E. A11on6tu6, Befg" 29t37 6. 8a.11 iteatiey, lhg" 2.:L5 , c. L.e@-rri BeI-. 20:48 8. I!lk" BL lrvdl. hslana, 29t51 9. !. By6tyreE, Fhland, 29t5\ 10. E. s;lrene!; l1nIand, TeaE6: I. BeIg!1. 9 pts; 2. Engfend -6; l. P€nce 54. {!4 de L,att/Be :'o throughoul,. Elior Pu! 1n a great errort 1r th€ 1e!er .tagee, but could .ot qulte hold the Be1a1an. )
Paa.l, so. Afrioa, Fov. 1- [€ry hot" 1. G. i,db.e.rrts, J?.55t 2" J,A. Earhonr l8:50, 3, c, Lo.k' a0io1; 4. C. rre!36y, rtlra2t 5, c" sa|aee, 4l:01;5" 5, iavles, !t4 r 2. l{EsTERl{ PROvINcn r4'rnaTgoN at Ae11vll1e on Sat., Now"1 (7 a.h,l 1. rloris visse.,2rla.01j :. !. Earpestad,2:47.12; f. C. Savaee j
jlov. I - ilerb E111oti ilet lrod l'le1b.urae to !q lor Aqulks college ofd Bo;{s h the 4 x 110 yd6. ret4y, bu-v to n. arall- they flblahed third. 5a!d llerb beioro ieavlng lrel5cudei 'ilhatevey chanca Aqulnas haa oi Hlnt1n8 Heni rhen they enlsred de 1n liJi tsut ilelb's al-learance L€d one p5!:!iu1 €flecb- nore '"haD 14r000 Epe.tatc.s \iai:ched lrhe Beetl.q" i11l6t'" says he ,111 noi ae readY io resune eaclnS unilf early rebrua.J. Iie has b!.! telnlng 3o1i31y slrce hls reiu!! to }1elbcude ln ociober. are reekerC at lortsea, Herb 6et a new record of Jc con.ecutite rss u:, the 80 '. , eddlog C', -.-Ly -ooo _..of elgh+, to lhe total he d1d one day last
1. U. ravles,2:,+4.51 (Course re.. 2t)q.It2 b! tawies) 2, Jac'b strydon,2t59,i6i 3. M. 1'Iah€r, :1t0.49 4. l. u.I.elney, l:0o.50
an the sttdal ooel!9, t1l1oLr; ran 15 F1les aloD8 ihe lepea! hlgh{aJ, As usual tc., ierb scooted arowd the bu6h tra116, heaved Helghts, Es.fed ard su!-balred or The rule at lortsea week-ends (Irlday Dlght throuSh uonaay 4on1ng) ls a coBplete break frob clty l1vtnA. v6athcr {ds nor), 'he c€rutty non so t,aretoot for lhe Ye€k6nd' and clad only 1n shorts. Tbev do.rt shav€, their bath is th€ o.ean add tbev 6at huse quantiti6s of plain' larsetv uncooked food, and York like delons' Itts an inspiline 6rp€ri6nc€ to b6cith t5or on Y6€)<-ends, SOUIE .AIRICA - rlorts Vlss€! vtns Pa-.I Mountaln Race of 11-7la Mr1€s. oct.10 1. visse!, 1:o5.lrlt 2. G. LMb.ocrlts ' r:08.14..! 3. D. Lock! 1:10.?r.lt 4. Et Hontball, 1r11.06t 5. A. sodC€!, 1r12.r5a 6. J,R. xaman, l!12,20.
?RE,TORTA 25 I(ILO ITACE - 1. K6tth Janes, 1t27.23i 2. Jacob StrYdon' 1.)4.27t 3. xenis McIn€rneY, 1:41. 51! rr, s- Bezuidenibut, 1:41.59
- t. Jacob strydom, 2tr7.1?,2, c. .rrase, zr l? "593 l. D, \lcr.erneY, 2:19.i?
Mr16 Road Ra.€
lioRTii{EsT AAU cFAilPs
ar seati;j.e,
\tJash., Not.22,/JS tr Miles"
1, lick ,ouel as, V,O.C, 20:15 2. Glen l€reuson. WSC, 20,rtg l, Paui Hend€n, VOC, 20,tt5 24t52. 4. Ray ]ianpton, voc, 5" Jid Bai.l€/, Portland a&r Clubr 7o,5) 6. rlt Moore' U.B,e-, 20r5t+ ?. Frank $yati, Tdaho, 21roc a" Rrcht€ {lcholis, voc,2tro7 21.12 9. Ron Adads, Idaho, 10. E.nle Brnnnon' Hash.21: r7 \lSC ?1.29 1 l. Bj 11 co1v61l ' 21r36 ' ' 12. Dick Eoyc6, Idabo, 1f. Larry O1so., SC, 2\.37 14, R€6d Mi116r, Ylash. 21:l+0 15. Don Tretheray, tdrlc, 2ttl+3 (60 finishels) Tee s.or€st vancouv6. (8,c. ) olyrplc club' 16i vashtnston s!at6 c011ose, 4l; Unlv. Idaho, 58; Univ. rasitlnston, to2i univ. Blttistr colubia, l07i Lest€!n Yash. C011€ge, 115; seattle Olyhptc c1utr, 112. of Uashinetont s annGold initooi n66t rt Larson lan an eflort-
tn 3ro1.6.,. t4 niler 7:00,5, Red Mil16r,
,660-8111 uos€.'1! 25,
,:"-:!3sr--1-?t.?:::1: {trEd! Dack 1n 194l,shon -&t .rd6 aliye io a rtare-etad irish schoal 1Jot, .ur:do13 Cleg Rlae and gundo. nth. Itonde.xtias€ ?€r6 co fteeii 1.r the I'Iatioi:1 n4U 5000d.ildptorshir at qan.1a11s ]s1and, {ew York. ye nade .rur flrst trlp to se. th€s€ tlo :1!ans t1 th€ ft€sti rnd it st1ll rop t.a.k thr11l. Thls r€cenb story alrour lihe s.€at s'ede ifl T&i llevslatter broueht Dack m€norles ard ra f6el !h lhould lre repeated lar all LDL reade.s,r) I GUNDIR IiAC.{} by MelwYn lJatman cund6r Hace ore ot the unluckiest, alLhoueh one ot th6 gre'atest, o.dd1e distanc€ runndrs of all tid€. I. u}l€ li.st p1ao6, ihere {as no Olynlic CaD6s in r9!4, the year in he ran ivo niles in tire rb€n fantastic tire of 8:42,4, and 3econd1y, his'hi.h b11111ant career vas cut iho.t rt th6 aee of 26 vhen ho, tdeether ?ith sewe.al A.ne And€.so.), ras suslerded for tif6 tor alleged professionallsm, Tbat Haes fas capable of a nlte t.sid€ iau!.flinxtes cannot b€ drspuied. Hjs trest tide of 4:o1.j1 nade in khat {as io lre his 1as; seasoo of a$ateu. nthreriis (1945) vas only nine ya.de shorL of Llr€ eoal an4 had just on6 rac6.r€treen bir and Adderssor been glanred 3 la tJannlste. nst have b€.b carried rell ldsid€ the daslc tisures" As ;h was, the tntensei bur f.iend.Ly, rlvalry betwee. th€ t?o Sr€des vas .uch thai nei!:her could as.€6 !o 5et! the oth€. & all th6 .aces .ontested rtth the exp.ess Durp.ie of vinEtne, 'ere of the t{o, Gundor fiaeg has enerl]ed ?ith the eroatef ropuiation, yet in r$e1r nlmeraus nile clashes An.lerssotr as Codd as be got.,r.hu.: in deat:ne f,itb Iiase's career, i! is l.eviiablo that lnd..ssonts naDe va11 r€peaLedl! !r!D up.. Eaea!s 61.sant style 1ed nany track iollovers io believe that he ra! a datu.ally eifted athfete yho lndurgod in little rrainins. Nothide could be rurther f.on the truth. Ilage but his itsp6ed-p1ay,, .t.aioing {rart1€k) ras, io say th6 16ast, equal to t}rar of ar,- of r\1s .o't6npo.aries or pr6d6cessors, n,rtne ih. heleiit of his ca.oor Eass was ensased in silitary s6t.yice (as a frontier Suald) and later as a rallway fi.eran an.1J corsequ€ntly, inually on the nove. He orercahe this dlfflculty by pactns out a fiwe kilo,i.tc. undulati.a l'orest patrrs vh€rever !ossibte" fltn€ss and toucrrness in the winter horths r,y ploushins his vay thioueh snov and up and dor. hi1ls oyer j000 nsters 5 o! 5 ti4es a on.e he had .eachod tho peak of physl?)al tir.ress he 'e€k. steFpine up his nitl.aee tc air ter daJ.! tiv6 dars F€ek1y. In the uoeks inmed_ iately prior to the coDnencenent ot track season ir fr€qu€nt bursrs of fast stLtdina, Easers .unnins vas n.rer cont.orled by the st.p vatch. He ioeeod, !txode and sprinted as the noo.i suited. Cn.ompletron of his stinl he rould shover, eat a lisht 6eal and sleep Hase rovelled ln t.ack .acing vhi.h! i011oryi.€ nonihs of roush and 1one1y trainingr las camparativ€ly .e1axtrg. lte and olrrs, but iuch {er€ bls povo.s oi recoyery thah vithln the space of a2 day3 in 1942 ne set up ro world records different distances. cunder lriae llbac!€n on !e.. tl, 1914, rh€ son of a luhberjacK. He play€c scccer from tile ae. Df 14, bui ir he qas 1i that has that ydar(1t36) events at hts 1ocal club's chaopionships: 15oa in 4:j+i hieh jup ar 4t1o" and pole at 'au1r ran l6:11..r for J00o m€ters.a Gundets father, iealized rtls son's poreniial;ttos ar1 i,h. en.ou.agen€! Haee kr.k.d up ]1is streneth rJ !.ainine wherewei \ts lork ns a lrmberjack lerdltted, In addition paths and loads *alkirC and skiFpins :n lis trainins. He ras re'ardod i. 1_q:7 bt.overine ljoon in &;t:l.o and 3ooom in the hieh_ ry l)ronisine rin€ Dr a:16.3. The lnp.oyeeent continued and in r9tS h6 had I€ducad hls 15oo D tine to 4:04.6 a.d had rur 5000e in 15!ocr,3 and tlcoon
.g=i-.i!a:L-1-2:: :i€€plecha36 In 912a.4 lz\d iu natlonals,) It 3a3 6:p€.t€d r) ar Haes rould brsak the €1uslv€ four hrnuros for 1100s ln 19)9 but att6r lunnlng 50OOn rq lJ:20,o 6ar1y 1n th€ sGason h6 *as afflrct€d lith pneu4on{a, g6 vas ln a hospital fo. !l trre sllroe! and on dl3cha.g. h€ yas tolrr t6 forcGr h1o 'rost Has6 ras nni goin€ to stve up that 6ar1y, Alihoush h6 had punished h1o3e1f s€y€.ely du.lnc th6se hundr€ds of tratnlne !116s h6 had enJoy€d ih€ r,rrne 3nd ras d€l€Ftn6d to oak6 rh6 crddo. H6 r€3umed tlatn:ne ln th6 autmn and althouch carl€d up for ntf,Italy se.vic€ 1n tec€ob6., 19tt h€ eontinued ritb hi5 prepa.ations. of 2l Hage succ66ded in cra.krne fou. llnutes for 15OOn at Osre._ sudd in July, i940 vltb.l:59.5 and, as so olten happens yr en a Datnly psycholosical ba.ri€r has b6€n sumounted, cMe raptdlt. In h1s v€Iy n6rt race, a13o at Ost€rsu.d, he iover€d hls p€rsona! .eco.d to 1.51.A__onty ihr€e second3 sloeo. ttrad the s'eitlsh .eco.d held by a oertaln aln€ ander3son. Ahe fans and neyspap€r €dttors e€I6 b€sinnins to stt up & tak6 nottcd of th€ ciaceful 5 foot, 150 pou.d t1a!€n halred.unner froE the forests of,41bacE€n'the flrst of .ountl€ss clashos bebw66n llase and Andorsson took placd owe! 5o0on ai Oothenbure on Aug,7. Atter a closo and ltEl1ltn€ laco! :{6nry Jo4ssonfomel 2000h vortd.ecord ho1d6r (5!1a.[), won in natlonat r€c_ ord oquallins 1148.8 tn.hes ahead of Hage, Th€:att€r ras asard.d th€ se€ iih€ aid tlus a tlri.d td trre lecold, HaBers d€leated r1vals included andersson and th€ redoubtabre Ak6 Spaneert. l{ot bad soing for hls tirst inpo-ta.t .e.e. 6nd 30 nattors rest€d lo. It ras obvlous that th6 Sredish r€co.o sould be bioke. ln 19k1--but by vhon? Th6 odds 16ro 1n fayor of rho orp6rt€nced ionssotr*Kalarn€(third ln tbe 19f5 olynpic 5ooo&) add ande.sson, bui Ba6s, too, ha.t tiis supporte.s.. lnaeine th6 1att6r €rouprs d6flght wh€n Haeg clip!,cu a fifth of a se.ond off :Lro old hark to recold 1.4a.5 aL rralhoe on July 21i4r. But th€ qu6stion reqalnod *as h6 a conpetltor. thts query eophaticarly ar stockholft od Auc.lo ,rr€a naee outsprinted Andersson lJy seven yar4s to rr. ii l:4?.6. Thts ras not only a Sw€d_Dut ash r€cord trre fastosr tim€ ev6r roco.d6d, ecliDsln€ Jack Lolelockrs lahous l:&7,4 ai E]6.ltn fjre yoals oarli€r, Ard€rsson ras a eallant runner-u! in l:46,6! rtrtch equalled Hagg!s pr€rious .ecordr and Jaasson-Kalarne vas a good thi.d td l:+t,2. Fa€ets sBason coDplot6ar at Gav16 on aue.30 'as qtth a nl1o ln lrt09,2, fo. th6ereat aert .ioe Donths Haee uttltz€d rhe tarttek h€trrod rf tiainins to th€ b6st ttEt h6 tas fu11y prepa.ed tor shat {as to bo an asto.ishine 1942 s€ason, His wery flrst.ace of 1t42 Dtle at eothenbure on Jury t. The tih€ !f 4i06.1 Bas a wo.1d record, Leatioe sydney voodersonts 4:06.k made rn 1917, A.ne Andolssod in s€.ond, equallod the Frevlous r€cord. :t sas a case of xYou aint soon n6thlns yet, folksr, fo. just irD days later at stockholh owe. liv€ se.onds off Taisto Maki!s {or1il !a.k for tr6 m110s wirh a tihe of A:47. a. in thrs yein that rIaee continued thlouehout rjl]€ l9lr2 ca*prisn. Ro.1d narks fel1 lika tonpins. tt stockhold.n.iuly 1? he lan 15COn in 3:t5.8 (takine 1.4 seconds ott rlrs o{nrecold); follovins rhtj he ian 2OOOh td J:t-.y at ualrr.€ on Jutj. ?ti0.4 aaste. rhai Archio San RoDanirs!9lZ Eark) he ttrter. .an 5:11.3 3tOSTEnsUu! 6r Auc ?1.'rben,at Srockholn, he ran:i,OOOh in a:01.; rr:04.6 (s6pt.-, iAus,2ajr 7,3s inside rons.on-Ka1arn6! s ileu16r; beatin8 the 4106.2 set by h1h5e1f and equallod nin6 days tat€r by Anderssaq and:r niles 1n 1l'15,!r {sept"1r)r s6ven seconds faster ihan Mari;s b€st, The f:.a16 cade on a 11oode.l t.a.k at Gothonb,ure on sepr.20 {irh 5ooon io 11r56.2. tl8n 10 socotrds laster tban the previous best r6co.iled. and thre6 riles en route in 1l:32.9,. Thus, {rthin rhe spaco of 8? daysr tiace yorrd .ecords, .dnreted ir 26 .aces, {innlne afl and s€ttlne Such a sustalne.l €xhlbltlon of record braaktde nay qewe! agatn b6 'irnessed. Hase dtd not rrroak ijry ,or1d .ecords in 194:J but hls sreat .€put.tian sas bolster.ed stil1 fu.trEf Ly his o{tr4ordinary unireal states tourr durlne vhfo! 1n trr€ r'Iatl aau Jooon chmpionsrrip at nov York iune 24, anil rhes ronp€d hone in 14148.5. Nothtde sqrp.lsins abrut thatz weil. ihe svedo had only ar.lr€d the previous day aft€. a,.ou.ney.n ar oir ta.k€r 135rjng
tJd icurd"n lia3E- .rnE:intracl
li" "_ h-u nr'l'i-' ll,, scronn jba o; s re or' u 6:ur.a. hr6 .u F" n ;". brrFJ 'J " 3€d _' d 'tt:''3 olrc tI lol "r 'r' ",;:;,; Lr- \ace ".6,ra', df,v' rare_. 'e ^'L 6t cadra'es''nb th6 ni13 ." ;;ii, 17. rn" hrgblrelrt5 ;;;";r:;; oni., 6n rulv 2+ & rr' IE t:l€ r1!3! race' liass 'a'1 ;:;;;.-;";"." Lrth d :r5' "i".:.'.", :";;;.. ".i klne oi tlle tndaor E11e!: to b€oobe (4:06.5), tho ;;;b;;; ;;rr, at Boce:! ri,nrnc i t Dodos oi rne b€1'!6' H.c; eor :'i;, ,.;;" ,"..'. ^sdin i,oj.,,', ";." roddr, {4;o6.r) !:11{ :y:::d,'::"":li::"T'i::.::"i:"",i";:::::"", tou!, rhrctl r,gsed-nore i^I!'lllii.it;'.'""u"i."".a vrih dn 8!5r'i rao socr€tv Ard rorc€ ii'..^!-"''l-"-''^t' ii"l-i,ir'.i"b a r+:06'e m116 at Ne* and Aus.7 on at einclnnati roco.d) ;';;;.-i.;;;;"i;"" taktne ad'a'!'-;:.;;;;:;-i;". and€xs3on' tbe z5-vear-ord 3choolbast€rJ sasBaeg'c r6co'dq tro of ape 6r h15 ;rch- riva1s alrs€nco flon gseden bv era3ing od rulv t hs co;er€d the rilo 1n trre th€a alnost At Goth€atlure i?i--iu.-...;;. r50otr-rn. {!r7'41 L'o. o q:oz.o {..te D's"!ns iirelil''"t'i ! 7 l'P "n.vcd Lha | -ood b6'( | o t:{)rv' 'r";";;".;;;;"-"; round-tt'6 rox td' on th6 lodee! dtitad'es rn !eal' but c'(r'€nrr'/L Jd. r(Jod J'!s LL -' arla i::;;;,;t rhe ri13r n"a"..i"". ,,,:;;,i 0 'or H dd or "i d b'ilrrd" . .l"i *",r'rn r v' ro, rad i-". ai.!"...u in itlo tire or r;44'o' h1s bes! ever! ani i";:;.:;;;;"-r;;
ntevidus so dei€rBineC t? a?ens€ his"""""" lape in d rr6loi' +to1'5' the L.t?) u;d "'ra '"-i"Lhesdap ii l" """i1..a-'t". q rr rj'si r:r. H-4 ;...-" .:. ; ,-n. o! tzc'. dc'ade Ei1€ lav rdt rrave b6€n delavsd Jor anoihor i:..t:o"' .,;.;.-i;" ir' thl'h he tlai s€L ai Osters'rrr 'r'"t' e'Uf t""o"" -:-. a.sr'sr , . :.","" r. b J2.8 J. "i-r , .no d -, pioted ;:.'', ". t 'i."'-Ll;: ta ba n13 rari saasnn b;Nehr Dj"ed fortu'e to riase' it
;:.:":-.::'::9i:l;" :;:';:1";j'l;=.::;n:'i::.i:"::'til:';.:i".:"i:: ::"i:::ir tolr 6r llrd lt.t.: dle f.c doub' to ttre roush ?r dav Atlantrc ;;:;;;".;r"i ircrsr'lDr- rnde'ss'n had1.5taltod tlae ;;'"". h" ."d,,,"d .a a.,-. o lro 3 o ,'". i. ;;;.;"",, 'u.r. \'d on t d )d.rr' 'om on Jurv '.;:?'';;"';; i".i .i-Jr"e sta.s, Rude xrrr€3 I'aee'.1ined '!' ror the start or ona or the re' ;;i:".;;"; i";;i""; vit; up Marmo':1" pla'e: rho ro 1L: "!tle the dentufv- t6 live 9"::'lllilI'11/"5' 6f --"i'.;r;h; ll"ee' "r'" 3prinled rround i;;. th. c,,.'
"!"t .;;;;i;;i.;;;y:s.rl,rn""it"t,rytheDaceo'thes€cond and the half nire {al reached br i"l."i"ti"'irilsj
in 1'58'5' saee,calle'r
lnto play his vasi lesefves
",' "i "..
r:;"r:i.;:r:",:::=;:i: irs,ii,::lil;i"i:.ii'i{lid :;iri::i"'i.i:'1:;,1;:r ercerl€noel Six va.ds behind cme ar ;;;";;;:;;; ii;i.at ";; "1 ::.i::::: ?::";fl.,?i::i"l;"';"i:.'l:n"i;:ffi :: i i."-;; i"'.""; and 2r.7 bv s,rand. :i:':fi .:'i,:;':"'3:$,'L:A"l'"iil:;.;;, betv;en naee and and.lsson Yrth Gunde! du€1 il,"""ilii tii-i";i ""i"i"..t."t tro vedrs t6nure b) nrs eled! rlvdl' r-i" ro""ra-,rtor ;;.:;;;;,;; London rn Aueust' "'-;:';"i;: rho v€,6 €reat r'ronds orr the tr"c(' vi'ired alloode's locord or e:00'6 'n Brr'rsh " "i."".'i"ei d6{eat6d Brltatnts lxttle svdn6v.[oodet_ ande.3son tho lrurlv '"t ii" t." -rr.. a.tr ""iii"'!l!'it" care€'*'as conPloted bv a r.,os.z' Andelsson's i" Iioa.e :;; ;;-";-;;';;v Art6r berne d vdrd s6pL'eon d! cotb€nbur€. hood6rson ;;:"; "i;i";;;'.; Ldo valds rn 4:or'b' u1(h bv Lo vrn rooderso'r iii.-.'-i,ooi
:."1i::.;i,::i.::it:;:::"i"::'*';.i;::' 'ii"ii.,-.i,'.i,r,"'"e :::':"4-:"1;"#"*li :l't:.;:: l!"r."".or"* on rul) 2Q.
_15--ranu_arfalll22 lGundor .qass-.ontln!6d)
snos.n g!ouu!r. :. Aal Hl€don, Urlv€r5lty of Qldraec l:a€sand Analei3so4 rers tlaln1h€ hard ara.k L,'lob ! 3Ata4"4 for ttre Duropaah.iltuplod.rlipc to bs :, s1lly A!yno1d3r Urat" rilahtgan St, iiel.d at oslo iE Aueust 191+d ehen tho rt116e€ r l8:1rt biov fc11 on tsdr"B. ?t!ey, loeether etth 3. Art Ev6rsolB! Wssiern &lcb16ar u. 12 olher taFous STsdislr aitr.lai.sr u6ra 33r5o disquallfl€d td. 1if6 br !h6 S'€dtsh t. A, Jomakka, tast.rn lillohteaE ,tra.eu' 4rlIle,r. ,rsso.rdLrod vh6n Lr3a'55 clqbe th€y repres€nt6d adDltt6d th6y 5. tlank A6decock, !CfC, r}0106 iad paid thd 3th1et€s conc6rned Irr 5i rred Besi! C.ntral J€rs6t , !ack their athletic lerrt.es over a fit6 alu;J, ,+0 3 20 year p.rl3d{1940-k5), of the tso, La.!y Taylo!, Wostera Mt.htgan ?" Aacorssor took ttrq decisior th6 hardrr tc! sporli sa! th€ EoBt j.ap.rtant thtxs 8. Jerry Boo.!! q" ltich"9. ,rO:k5 in t:t. to htf,, Both aa. ae.e6d they 9. B6n ,llnaeuo.l UCTcr lortrg h:d irean treaiad propd.ry under tho 10" Art onohradlo, UCTC, lro.59 , orj stiEe reeulations, 1r. Arne Rlchalds, UCTC: 41rO0 A:cs Irho !s no6 a sal6sran cuo jourae" Rat M.nz1€r UCTC, 1.t.39 4atlst) i3 repo.ted to have sric iq r3. Dous cal. tlr E.[iich.C.lrl:!f uarcL, r946, thar he b€1.ae7ad ,or1d ttr. trnn rath! l4asslsstpp! sret6, trecofd3 *otrld be g.eatlt tdproved tf +t,j6 ther€ H€re no !u16s reeardtns anateur1J, !" ,eiooDyn, Uayno Stare Un:v. isa and :thie'ies c.!:td coDrt6ie {ithout bt. a4I wcr.ie3. !!It rould b6 rrettex, he ir,. G, Matlte'r3, C6.trat JosseySaTxa.! j+2.2o !€po!i6d rl:0 have raid, n1f ib€re c 1u'd, 'as p ,cf,i dtlour Lhj s p.ofes:i?. A. Klopfe.! Wayne St.U, l+2:lr5 tonaii.r. It ts not €asy :ox a poor 18i Ernis r{ihoI1ts, UcTc, 42rJlt b.-y 6ho is a cooc ath16t. to .efuse laree t9. 1{ayd6 ruff, uc-fc, +2t55 snfts 6ll qoney shen they are .ffered hir :0. rI. R€inde1, ldsr6:r vlchldan aott. for .just a fos rtnuaoe of ru.niqe.n tr1, a9 riihoush qone of Saeers rorlrl reoords 21. !. Duncar, Roohoste. Tc, 4tirr has surwiwed to this day, 6ach ras, in 22. T. Bteakl6y, E. Nlch.C, 43:25 phonoh€.a1 ooe. Tbe t6sr 21" P. Radak, lt.llich. Ir. l+3|52 o- L lm- rs urualt] ?4, lnerahan, V. l,1ctr" 3r. \3,j?' in judgine such thidcs and on6 fr^ds 2-5, E. r4cDonald, Unattaoh6d, lrtrr5l that his 3rtr3.0 fo! 1500h lasred aor 26i J, BolL, q. !4tch. Irosh, lr5rf2 r+:01.f bi 1e for i:no 2?, D. Maok.y, con.Jels6y 1.c 45:17 years; his 5'11.8 20006 for six !-€ar!; !4.. John Jon€s, unar. (alrr1on) 45!50 hls 4101.2 loo0! for s6e6n yearst [is 29. t, Block, Unattach6.t, \6.29 a:42.e tro mii6s tor elght rears: hI€ f0. J. Yan Brunt, c€n.J€r,Tc 4?!ll '1:^z.l|hre6 31. smitla, East€!n l,tlchiBan 4Z:4a rlis 1l:58,2 5n0on for 12 years. Fe :2. J, Robt, Yorti6, cJTc, b8r19 beat 4r07 for bhe s€ven times and 31. D.'tay1or, E,rllch.CotI€e€, lr8:12 'tri1e for 1500r l:50,o on 15 34, r. Robtnsonj unattachcd.48.kl furth6. c.mo.t is .equired. )r. e. Klapt6r., lrattacbed, 50.13 Trtn1 SCOFE:t, (Authoi Ielwyq \,/athad ir a retoraa i. Univorstty of Clicaso T.ack Club! track e fisld vriter aL bh€ ase of 20 1-J-5-6-7- 2?r 2. tas!€!n Victr{1958), He rs a prof€ssional iou.na:lrs! i€an Colleee, 2-A-10-11-i 4=45; 1n his natlve London, En€land, and 3. C€ntra1 Je.s6y Tlack club, s€c.6ta.y of the latioral Unton of Tra.k t -9-\2-t3-15=5), statlBticlans (NUTS) rhicrr he h€1ped foh. He has Brltt€n nThe Ibbotson HERB ELLIOT'I rhinks rrerll hlt h13 Storyn and @n-v artrclos ior Blttish p€ak as a n11€. at 2l o! 24! lli€ts T&I publlcatlo€, ) ?o, born 1n r6b.uary, 19la), nThen Ir11 plobably sFttch to 1odss. NATIONAL 4.4.U, JUNIO'{ TO,OOO METER CROSS dlstanc6 rac€s. Th€ nalethon nsn COUNTRY CII4.I{PIONSIIIP OI TEE UNITE' STA?&S I admir€.'rl €ytv6 saturd.y, Novenb6rr 29, 1t53 $arren 60r guis add sr@l.a anii sp€6d. Val1ey Golf Clubr Oetrolt! uiorrisan. yy mt16 paies befor€ th€rr ir6.fo!I{eather: t7 de6!o€s, Btirzard I !nches of
i3tc,,:i!:?:::::ril knl i:rst0{ l/:tr{s ct{1F,!ll, 44!l i5 lili,
cttallPlorislil9 5Y -rna Yr,n il Cticasa, l:-1. t ])nc.:r/50- :j!:. il;gd.i.!r::i1li ?rili ti1. l:re: rreE"rr, :rl!g 1j litl. rtr::ltje }16irt:r;:ri: ;i.6a:r t eari '.oiay, ar..klrrE ,+!:i:..; .var i:rs Lzkea.+."r. c.ur.:, Th. rac. ,aj e!.nru.$a b.r ilc hi<en: ri Eoa4.uenef! c1!L, th. .ol.5e coFsis!€. t. f.ir il.: !:r G 16.F3 ritb abllut r l-i:'.f,1ia eri.a ar the stari. Som! oa the co.lse hari t-- tre r6!ou:ec, bo.auss oa snovr or oha 3ectir{ 6t ir. Cc1C, 1, deerlee .d.n€$, but ii sa: gi:61e3s aad sudd:, .nlh6r p;€a n.ak,aj ru'4to€ lorcr.ton. sant. Oult ten !u.n.rs staited vhsn tirE ;6hF€!atu!e had dtopp6d 20 dee.6os R1i!i
Tvonty o6dars v6.6 ofle"6d! 30 host .unn€.s.€celv€d 1" Hal E Cdon, UcIc, ?, Iion6r Lat!fr6r, corn.tl col. ,r9!41 l. Don sant1, UcTc, 51,42 r.. 16tl L6ey, uisconsin, 55t)9.?
57t?1 5, Dl.lr Klna, ucxc, 6. E$o€ Meyo., new Tr'aer ltse ta'05.i fis,54350 ?. Dar'€ IIat0r]6r, Ner "ri6r 8C,65:44 3, !6d sut?o, st.Anthonyrs 9- Doug tfagsone.. S6ars YMCA, 70.lO dnl - l-uke st€e16, UcTc (offlctals - at6d Haydon a car lrrrlriaBs)
Ut,san Antonlo co1l6ee, l€c, 5- (1.8 dit€sl lapplor. ) ab€ f6da.ation rnctud6e scbool! of Los Ansol.e, Rjusrsrd€, Santa Barbara, san Dlsso ard Inp6!ta1 Counrt6s, bul not lho clt' oa Los AnsLarE6 School VarstLr (ovor ,200 6nlo.llEeqtr crad.s 10- 12l l. Sa1 Rablr€z, x1 Rondio, 9t01.6 2, Nunsy, Mt. Utguel f. Drotnlng, Mlra cosla
5. Coffdan, Eooro. T€m: 1. El calon' 64i {unttngton Beactr, 103i SanDtago Hoovor, 1rr sdd11 School varslty 1. Da16 story, olaoeig, a:52.4 * I{€v ma!k, old- 9!01,8 by Lopez ot 11 Ranclro rn'55. T6an. cu1r6r City, 5r, Torlatrco, 66, ayiatlon, 96, La ltabra, 98, A!t6s1a, 111.
,1di:io. tr.!:rity- 1" llt. ionialr, i'l:r: Ccai.:j trLt4.Ai 2, rir6etiqC, B.i:, I!or+:. tr*6. 'ri6ah. it:iea aretr:: l:; iioxaits!lito! ?:i " resui.:: oi: Jour s€.:i.ts.i qudtir:tanfa
]gl3l3l'r'-]:9i-9:::-- -*
16soitr.{ -:ao sur!€ji on crac',riic'1;.rl irecihlques io: rrns o:'l:aF ts6 !i E!z b.r.. ii lhrcb 1? coacil€-r l?6',1 and 2l .!ha6.s i8?Xl }€sro'4€it, t, r\yd.aga tlnRs ol tb6 best dlsianc€ runde! th€ e.ach€s had coa.te.1. t00 Yarn llash : tc.t a8o Jard lash r:54"4 I nti6 llun L4t5J"3 ? )4!1€ Run 9\21,6 Av€ra66 tleos of the flnders 165r0o Yard Dash ! 11.0 a8o Yaad Dash 1,56.6 ? rjtl6 Run 9 ! 06.5 3 Y1I€ Run 14t2\ "3 Averase beisht of runn6ls.€s9thei. ave.oodrns vas 5' 9:" ac€ e61eht *as llrJ"nd 1b5. Sisqifroan.6
of y6ar around
coaches vrb adYocat€ it
do not advocats 1t
aotalr:40 advocatins 17 oot a.fcai 3. Sisntaioano6 of a dta.y ot conditadvocate lt 25 do not advocato it 12 t2
Totalst )? advocattng 22 not adv. 4. sisnlfl.ance ot tone .anse .ondlttodrnc soals (ono Yea! or lol€) coach6s {ho advocato th€n 25 coaclr€s vt& do not adv. ttr€n ? Runrs}s who advoca:o thoo 14 Rundols 'ho do not adv. them 5 Totats: l9 advocattne 1l dot adp {codtlnu€d on pas6 ra)
5. slgntftcanco of th6 .unn6r vorktne or partn6., 'tth a sloup Coacrr6s ,ho t.arn nen aa a croup 19 Coacrros ,ho do n6t " 6 Coach€s vho uso aloth methods 12 Runne.s traln ln.llvlduallt 1l 'h6 t.atn rrth a grdup or paltd6r 10 Runn€Is vho f€eI tlroy n€od eroup rork Rudners lho fe61 th€y do not ns€d eroup vork ll ; 6. Sisnlfr.anc€ of anount ot time pllor to majo. comrret ition n€ar p6ak conditlon.
l =;;r;-T;E 2 or I ,eeks
r1. signlfloanc€ of colleetato competltton ln th6 thr€6 & stx ntle runs. coaoh€3 ailvo.atine both lr, coaohes advoc. I ht1€ only 7
c.ach6s advo."the sr atEs6 I Coacbes not advocatine Totals:
12. P.oblems oo.frontlnA th6 Ane!tcan distanc€ runnor. 20 coaches and r0.unn€fs !€pls a r6ed t:o. ldcr€a3ed opportudlty, in ths {ay of m66ts and c1ubs, aft6r graduatlon f.on cot16e€,
e -T
mo.e ihan i dee\r
7, sisnrticanc€ of linaf maJo..onP6tition. lio.of ra!s Runners
-.0_f--i-5 l I 21)2\34
An av€ra€E patt€rn fo! .oodit-
lonlng rn Aplil.
Monday - overdlst,rn.6 Tu6sday - 440r s Iednesday- 44or s ao<t/o! 880ts
)2r) r-50!4
€. stsiif!.ance
Tin6, fo. vorkouts, vas 1t3t6d as a najor p.obl€b tty 7 coach6s aid I luDners,
.€st betoro
Thursday - 22ots or €asy ovor-
of reieirt
l!idayltion iuir:r.3tYo.atrne advo.attne Iat.-1..
3a advocatine
21 advocatlnc one o. both runsi 1j not advocatins 6!th6! lun
26 not aatvoc.
of scho lds r 1c succcar. runn6.s as abov6 )2 coa.hes report !ng stud€n!s q aoaches r€po.tins
Runners.eportine Rud.ers reportine as dot abovo averdse student 10 Totals: 4f abov€ av€rase l4 not 10. stenllicance ot plannin€ spEcific vorkouts ah6ad of tln€, Tihe nunn6.s coachos totals li 2a 9 2 o. I weeks a 16 24 a month oI nor€ I 12 9
R.st saturday-Coopotsunday- oasy Jocgin€
14. Respons6s to questlon of n*ry ar6 you a drstanc€ Ban,t rr runn€ls nenttoned that they yer€ not fast enough for any ,,An intelle.tual as r€11 as a plrysical chall.nee, a spoclal ttPe.haps ar ad€quate n€ans of s61l-D:pr6sslon.n ttRelease t.otu monotony of dal1y
15. [tl3c611an6ous conh6nts. esp€olal1y tho 16dlvldual rho !€al1z.s hrs pot6nr. ra1ltl63 can b6 vtciorrous !n detoat.- - On6 cantt slv6 mo!. ttur } e ira3. - - r b6110v6 rrrat !6actres rds p6ak, 1t!s 1.ike onets soul, you p6!f€ct lt lbr€ and nor€ 6ach day. (contrnued paso 19)
iI fLnd a n€€al fo. €roat.r.€rfre11and6 !6€ardlng h1s (th6 runn.r3)r dn abtllty to d.t€mtr€ ehplllcaUy an ad6qua!€ procraE of s 614-alevel opEort . l{o ooooe!d oure€1v€! ovorly rlth ooaott€s and advtc€i tlus ,o vltlato th6 loallty of th6 1nttDat6, po!3ona1 thtre that .unnlne shoqld b6,,1 lrl f€61 that a llntnum of fO oitss of runnins {a v.6k)' ls a noo63slty fo! dlstanoos of t{o to sir nilas,r * Ins6!t6d by autho. Graduate Asslstant TODAyTS !{ILERS ?ALLER, TEIXNDR, TO'JGIIER, EX-AcEs SAY - And A Do.to! ADDror6s
rour fom6! dista.ce sreats add a do.tor- Gl€nn Cunnincham, Ei]l Bonthron, ean6 Venrke, L6s116 Macltltcholl and Df. Jullus \iahmanj all agr60 0n one nain th€me, that th€ turan race rres Sald Bddthron, ttre ba!!B1-ch€sred Prtr.eton ace of a quarter ot a c€ntulJ a8o: trThs dt1€rs df today t1av6 mu.h bett€r pbyslques. In my day, w6 ran 3ttlolly oF gut3. t{e cdrri60 too nucF ullght- about 160 pounds. That eoes Io. cunntnehan add Vonzke, as ve1l as for hyself. Eut today, t:ro3o klds are ta1l and thin, Th6re isn,t ar €xtrn oua66 of fat on then. Thoy ar€laC€ around 135 pounds. Th6y, r. srooth.,. v€nzk€ s!.€ssed tho str€ngth of the our.ont alay run.6r3. 'lThoy haw6 t!€mendo!s 6ndu.anc6,t. prctu.e-lunner Gene said. rU€ could n€v6. batch tt" Thes€ bots slan throush the 1ast quart€r like ltts a l0O-yard dastr. rlo dolbt inlrrovs.t di€tIne methods a.i{itche11 tound the t.€i<i toua.d gr€at6r sp€€d i,psy.hotosicat.' Roeer Ba.nista. (ir 1tJ4) i)!6k€ the fou.-f,inur6 ba..ls. acr the flrst time, tho oth6.r fotiou3d b'6cause no!' thDr knes ir could ]]e done," ti:e 6:-x'ruer emphasir€c, {f ddce lan a 5? quart€! olf a J: 12 ti1.ee-quart€rs f,antasii." Y€t, H6rrr Elltott €oes 55.5 olf a ?r59 pa.€, Ahd the end isitt here tet. ?hor':11 go fasilr, They baw. the Dl. ualxrma?! a .ec-iot t13.k tar! nsd!4.1 .easods lor.ho
J.nualy" 19J9--19 (") lnolearod knorl6de6 1r nutrltlon, {t) Studlos ln supplylng body n6eds {r'S6 nov havo a v-12 rhloh aff1nc.ea3e In lron ltln dy day in cdll6es, the avo-age h61ebt ot dy olassnat6s,as 5-7,n Dr. Yalhan satd. INru th6 boy6 avo.a66 a.ound 31x f€et, fh6y hav€ cood ch6st at6eolopn€nt. Th61. tslone3 qro ehap€d b€tt€. and th6.e's tncreased nutrttton tn the ttssu6s. It all addg up to a bett6r hMan rac6 aod.oo3oqu€ntly to stronC6r athlet.s.r cunn:nghd sald floh hls .ancb io cedar lolht, Kansas! n1.re be6n p.ealtctl$e th€eo fast r1€ht along. I €xpact that b6lor6'ac€s tone they'11 lt6 dovn to l:!a. Iro su!6 I vcutd bav€ brok6r touf otnut6s Eys61f 6xc6pt fo! th€ fa.t th.t a bso€ssod t66th 3app€d that .xtra st.ength flon hy Lik. Cunnlnehah, ttro others, lncludlns tr. Vahmad, rtr€ltev€ th6 !lt!nlra€n !each6d. But unlik€ CunntnehM! tb€y .€tu3€ to nak6 any flat eu6ss6s on lust ho, last the Iroys of th€ futur€ v6u1it co. .Ls Macliitch.ll put ltr rah€ halrit of Coing fast6r ls contasious, Nou ttEt th€ytv6.auclrt lt, Hrrors to say rhere th6yttl stop?n 61; s6.odds have be€n sllcod oaf th6 ko.1d Ml1e Ma.k Sinc€ 1864. TIIE UPS
,{ I,IY IN A 4z.HOUR
The noninoe for the Su11lvan ara.d by tho Nlaeara Dlstrlct AAIJ this y€a! eas a 4r-ysar-o1d d.di.ated va1k6r, runner and !016r by tx€ .aD€ of Jln H€Ysor. Th6 r€atone thy hc sas nobldntod? 1. lomer Natt6nal 40 a 50-k1lom€t6r wa1klnc cbahpior. 2. 20 & a5-haae canadlan ChaFl;lon tn rh€ sane spo.t. f. A F6ftb6. ci lwo naironar chaopiod ro,ine .reb3, 4" a hohber of the (r,5 t.ack and field teah rhtch nad€ a tru.-..untry Euiop€ar tou. tlris sumI'lunny lhtng about that !{r.r3an t.ip!" lle r€.a11€d, t,A feF oi !isroo courtn€y and Hn.o!4 C.rnoli'., aoon€ thea- ver€ Cnlls s;i-r!s ooe tsldd.n1y, 1 r6arizea f {as trle ctlf oie €.r.e rr. r just kegt soj.ng,
2O--January. r9J9 (Jti
Ftnally, Conndlly asked ll I nlio eas mared uh.n I told htr tret I do 1000 ot th.n a day.n Actually,thts ls only a ssall part 6a H6wson's sev6n-day-a-w€6k, 52' v6€k-a-yoa. t.atntne .outine. Hs gen6!a11y does rr0o 16s-liftt and son€ bar 11611 volk b6fo.e startlng o. the dayts lun or va1k, (I .hane6 €v3ry dsy. Runntn€ one' valkine tha n€xt, nhe 5al<t. nl never ralk 16ss than lo fl11es at a ttn€ and t.y to 6et tn twd (o.kouts a day, nl)u.ing rowins season, I often ralk t5 or 20 oiles b€lcr€ hetdrng for th. {l16st slde Rowine) club tc pul1 th€ oars f6. 5 to ? mir6s.'. hours of hy day eoes lnto tralnlne!" he €rDlain€d" rrA 1ot .f f6l:ows could acconplish no16 than I hare if they g€ kndrs r€1r the qrostroning foelins of lls it ail itin '..rh "It's a erueliine m€ntal as wall a5 phystcal s.ind io codvince yorrself you shoulri E6t 6ut on:h6.oad aione and ualk tJ ic 25 mii6s. ttPeople looii ve.r olten rond€rtne you:5.:Lf , '\'hrt am I doine this lor'/t iiFul /ou crtve yoDrs€1t on, sayins yo!!Ii .nlv go :-n.-the. ni1e..,unt!1 route. .ow€:od tbe distanae you set
th6 .eoonil op.tEtlon, tlD 'Aftsr to. told h. nt athlotlo
nIt 'i vouldnit qult though,l ho. satd. wd! r6a11y palnill lrut I rov6d' lvsntuarl]. 1n t9Jl' I took up s.!k1ne. ao! a rhll€ It ra! buFdar tho Yay th6 ba.k .ct6d !p,.,but t stuok vtth lt. nls a r€sult ol the lusio.' I hava an odd valklng sty16 and oy sP66d ts hlndered sonerhat.{ t i95-pounder wh6b dlschalgod f.on th6 a2d Alrtr.rn6 as a para(roop6r rn 19r5, tl6*son nor carlles only 1r+O pounats on hls 5-toot II-lnoh lrane. s€ nerted nost of the {61ght off }otins, a sport ho {as constde.€d lao old for eve. . d6oad€ ago, rron 1917, vh6n h6 started as a Rtv€rsld6 tls siudcnt! to tho prosent, H€vsoa has b.en .. 20 I'Iatlonal crtranptonsi]lp cr6's and {r7 c.nadlan H6n1ey winneis. "uJ blCsest atbletL. dlsappolnt ent ..he In rotine'rr h€ sald ae h13 green eyes fiashod troi bohlnd sl:€ll-llnned t'lt was tl6 tallure of ou. f,ou!-oa.ed to quallly fo. boat uithout.oxs'ain 'he oiJrl t.s rn . une 9-<6, ir ?as to brahe.{ He sas eDphatlc. sr€ h1t o!! p.ak too soon. 1J€ beat tb6 Nar.I .iee Ibtch.6pr€sented th. Untt6<l stai6s €asi1r at Philade:lphla tn }tay. !'lnstoad ot eastnC upr t drove th. By th6 91yfrp{c t}lals (6 !er- ortr.ra;ned U€ .,st Ler€n t Forina tbF b.at" !e llnlshod thi.d"i' Th3 Hers.n spi.it, h.ve!e., still b!..4d a: brir1rantly Iiaqson admits slnirna:s hls t.rtc. rh furnaces "rrt 1 my tralntn€ to frako the OrynFr. e\|.J.'on''.-.:,''r'. 5rort o. anoth6f,r c!nditiontne irean5 tn t116 qe d:d it br b31ce t}16 ti.st lDe.ican National 5t kildmeter ua1k1n3 clE&picr- €r.er t. q!a:Llay Jor both the 20 a.d 50 kil ch€r,e. r:1ks. shlp dt Cincln.rti 1a3t rear. ,,I feit I rould plac. b6tr6. in rb6 !r?. b6e:a rttb, th6.ouise i3 about rhe t6u_f,"s1 rf, th, Ur ilcl 50,ktto ralk, brt frnriia won tho 20 t ralke! cculrt sav. up nr h,.11 ai1 th€ way. and -vo! Ohto Rlr€r ail th6 a!s.r'ab.16 ray, I't ,,: knrr how !1,.b it neanr {o !'e to {iidnrt d. 1nyo..jr do!?:e a,:: gsod to be able to see !ate! ei"r ibe t+Dp€.- repf,e3ent ey count.y... a5 arxtnus I r to !:Y a..1 n,ak6 tr€ l960 1t0 deelees" In tRct, tn r50 !t fhe ac€ of o1yoric tean.ri !,irrh' dclii r3t all, I uust bs 'artei-r,!rorlne !11-ii aq€. t. trlqh 3.iico1 I 31w3/. ln cros:-roun..yj Ilevion is pftna ;. nar:e:'to hihsal3 . r l.'re 3qraa" -!r ?€ e.t 5n.?nat d:rsI'::a€.lnqry a:r i:i!. rrillieri bs; ri!r?i:3 jr.'. ih:i . s .1". rtYi. .: 1;-et er!.ri s?:t.r.' ri. : j,:!- i ,: :,r',.r:: .ll,r:iirrr,'!t.i' . ,1: t l.t t1. _:-. ii i,: .r
(Jts s€v3o.- continu6d)
3 o! It runs,tt) he satd. ltBut, tn th6 ftnal analvsls it .af as the non6y a 1ot of sp€nd indurelng in th6l! p6t
Gordo. Dickson, 26-teai-otd Hanilto! Olynlpic Crub maratbone. vas na'€d cahada!5 outstandtne nale amateur the Anateu! Atttlotic Union of Canada in Dec6nb€r, lickson von lroth the Norton H. crdte (tor thd canadian nale
1. 2, f. 0. 5.
Toronto otYnptc C 1ub, ) ) Gradsto.6 A.c, rA', Aasllton oltn'plc c rur) ) East York ara.k club, t G1ad3ton.
a.c. rat,
Tho Cana<!1aD Indooi Chaorrionsrrips condDctsd bY th€ 9!3t Al€hrando's
Amourlos' Xalclr
N.u o.leansr Dec.28 _ South Aflrcan caylo Hodgson, runnl.g fo' lh€ unlv' Pack durrng of okrahoBa. thr€e 1ap3 of the nllo ru.r ttron shot ah6ad ln ttr€ f1.a1 1aP to vrn in 11tt1€ 4: rt.6. south6rb caltlornta's uai Truoi vas a dtstant seco.d an<r Yadd6rblltts rted abln€ton vai thtrd. Hodqson rrn €d3i lv and v.s nor chall6nP.a oD.€ ht took th€ leait. Tru€* ."i .".t or th€ ra.6 boxod tn tlehtlv in about 6th Plac€. He bloke flee du.lns rh6 thtrd quarte. a.d Caloed slou.d fast to finish 5on6 10 Yards l. caJl6 H;deson. U. of oLlrhor '.lr:l16 2. Max Truer, u.of southein l. lr.d Ablnston. vanderb{rt unrv. li. Pat c10h€ssy, 5, A1 Lalr€nc€, Itouston TaI club 6. Vayn6 Bishop, U. of North Carollna ?. E.dl6 lileynhans, unlv' of oklahoma 8. tuan6 Holman' iians:s State 9. l(6nt lIi11s, !lorida stat€ univ.
I sat a 1ot t6 shoe fo! 1t.n h6 ktdd€d, !!trophi.sr m6dars (?l trophles a 92 m.dalst-and sore B€stit€s th6 eruetlng tralntns that Jtm puts htsself fhloustr to .oBp€ie oross-count rv ralk€., tte bake3 flnanctat sacltflc6s, t'I ficure lt costs loughlv t'ete€en $5oo and $600 a Year for 6to as a lover. and wa1k6r (5 ealks' 6 roeattas and nAnd
ins contrtbution to anv sport under of th€ Alru of c', tb; ju.isdiction D6rfon,an.€, characte. .nd .nrp t. o" consrderedi and rhe tevie5 T.oohv (awarded annu.rlv lo tbe our_ \hdre!r 'r'ck. rlerd' r.,i'ai.e c"""a'," rlckson fintshed tifth in th€ Brttish EnDire Gamos' na.athon at Cardill, a tirc ?4 2r23.48,2. woi"...itr' In uinnine his lay to the S.E' ctu6s, tb€ c,n,dian trials rn rt tu!nur€' Jhead or ,,rr,io,t, "r."' rrvar. Dicrsan captur€d 6teht of nine n'a.athons h€ onter€d lh6 l dst YeariCa.'"didn 10 Nrt€ Peld)- Ilrr€s 4 Fesu,' {Iorloe-up on l€cenb€! LDL drit€-upl
4. t3"6 l! f0 P.M. ?artly Cloudy - No rind c.o1j 50 declees, Oth€r F6sultsi 440: 1. GlEnn Davls' ohio stst€: 2. T:;o scuno.k, Iolth ca'_ Fro!iddd sl"Le. Jir c"st6ll. or ","i I, 100! t. BoblrY or.ow, Tio€:4a.as... abrlene christiff9.6s RESULTS FROII AUSTRALIA _ I4AiKS AthI€-
ttc li€ld, SYdneY, I.S. ' Interclub R€sults 1ll9/5e 880: l. B. Almond, tt54,5t 2, i. Thor;T;n, r!55: l, rToohar. 2:00. I Mile! l. c. Trromas, 14:48.rir 2. L. S;i;a;rs, t5.)oi ). t. clarko. r5:15... rr/r6l53 lll-lsj r. B, rli'ond. lr:ll.4i 2. F' Thornton' 4: Llr l. R. 't^Ee, tt.19.4. f,00om'stch. r. c, Ihonas,9r?2i 2. 1. DaveY' p,to.,,; l. h, Mr11er, Io:05; ir. l?= )l= ttl2)/54 Hass"1. taito.., u6s L. aaor I. l. H.tcher. tt56.2r 2. D' r!)?.rr; j. D. hirsor', r''r..,rt.t, l-"" tzs tt5a.9i 4. J. Lart€r, L:59.2. I !|r1os. l. P. vass, l!:2li 2. G. TE;;=i14!55i ). r. Davey, 15,00; 4. n. xcKtnnon, 15.04. (conttnu€d n6jt Pac€)
22-January! r 95t R6sults troo Austlal!a-.onttnued
H. plqy.<l rttb tlF Indtanepolls Syiphony- rtF!€ tr€ and hls vlfe D€tand {lth the Balt€t Russo d€ Monte rrl30/59 ),oooh. s'6ha.o! l. c. Carlo and oth6! ballet colpanles rhonas,9!lr.6i ?. G. Dav€y.9r49r b€foio tlbt., He ls a graaluate of 3. A. 5n1tb6rr, Mtt€r 1. B. th€ cultl! Instttut€ ln Ph11ad6lph14 9r50. AlFondt qrt5i 2. R. vaeE;-lii22r l. R. rh6!o Al6rand6! tIIlsb€rg cooduotod the lnstltut.rs olchostra uh11€ Lou r2l6/5A AAO,r.I. Tho.nton. rr5lrr 2. vas att€ndtng trr€ .chool. P. Habch6;;r r55r l. rr. sEairho!n, r:53. Dl farto studloit under ttt€ fm€d f Mller r. B. Alhood. t4r2t.7r 2. T" flutist !r1111am (tdcald. t{6 and htg T;E-E;-rqt55t L R. ioohsy, ri'oz vtf€ oao€ to N6w Oll€ans to tork unal6! E11sberg. In ahe 3ufrm6r, D1THE fI,I'I'IST IIITII ILEET IEET rarto.6turns to Philadelphta to play as an ext.a at Robtd Eood DeII. {!ton tb€ {.w Orleans Statos & Item couit€sy clar€ncs nrlton) D€c.27/58 Slnc6 h€'s b€€n h6re, Dl lazio tEs Lou DL ratlo plays the alut6 lort r !3run s€voral tlms3 ln A-AU sponso.ed tEo tn th6 N6u Or1€ans Phtlhamobt.!ac6s tn th€ N€v Olloans area. A Synphony o..t!6stra bqt vfrat he !6a11y y6a! a€o b6 cue In nlnth tn a c.oss. vants to do 1s th6 balathon tn p.e3ro country !u. ov6r a 5+ orle cours€ ttne.. Tho l5-y€ar-o1d husl.tan-!unn6r and h1s vlf6 Dorothy, a vtola playsr Altlbugh he didn.t vln tlEt .aoe, rlth tho syhphony, 1tv€ at 6015 canal ,t !.zlo ls confld6nt he coutd b€ Blvd. {ith a parak66t oded senry vho a utnn6r lf h€ tlalded hor€ often. rhtstl6e nThe *tnntne tldo that von ttrat Besthov€nrs rltrh Slaplrony. (In l"ou's key, not htn.,{ 6rplatn6d rac. I us6d to bo abte to k€ep up for lO mtles,r, tro satit ru6fu11y. Vhen Lou tsnrt trllllng th6 ftute h6rs Ho said h€ t.atns only onoueh nov 1tk61y to b€ Joeel.e alound clty Park to k6ep Ldns6lf 1n stlape fo' a mor6 *htlo Dorothy tth6s hlfr Plth a stop rtCoious tralntng 1at6!. Even sh6n rat.h.. tor Dr Ia?io ls d chamlron dt3- the oichestra ls on tou! nert oonth, tan.e runn€r. u€ sta.ted .unnlnC ln A-{U tllazio rtll continue hts vorkolte rac6E vb6n ho ras ln th€ Navy tn uorld two or thre€ tines a v€€k, war 41, back in 1941. Ee hop€s to run tn the Olynptc ma.,,Th€ tr.sL tin6 I rac€d J " atho. tryoute for r960, "*. trr" to". h€ sard.,!rh6 second rlne r.".. aaii sholt distanc€ lac€, I could 'rlorin a3LEp6 and oottapsod. The n€rt yoar I son an<r g€t tt a natter of r€€ks,n the y€ar aat€! that I ron agaln.n satd Dlrazio. jA barathon vould tak6 Those races v6r€ th6 annuar 4.7 blt6 at 1€ast st* monihs of r€al seltous YUCA Stroot Run tn Cahdenr N,J., sponstlatntbe, stx hohths of lsa1 bard o.6d by the lltddl. Atlanttc A-AU, In I94a b6 ron th€ annuar Dtstrtcr of colu rrta t0 ht16 !ub. H€ ,oh ir aeat. rA UILE SIIANATIAI{ II-ARITTHON 'l'UNi UP \. in 1949, cane in 36cond tn 1950 and coope. Rtw€! Palkvay, Canden, N.Ji von aeain in 195r. ll1s 55 btnlte tth6 satu!doy, J.n,I ! I959 (Noon) P€rfect on6 y6a! 3et tho cours€ !€cord. 55" weath€I. rou! r'; nll€ laps. that t ine h€ 1. Jack Barry, StEnahan CC ond in th€ Junlor Natlonal AAU 30 ktlu 24t 16 tt9,27 1!r5|29 1:rr1r05 18.65 h116 cours6 tn Phl1a2. Dick lonobu€, Boston AA 25!07 50t)6 r,16trO t.U)ra6 But th6 flve-nllels, tb€ l0-r116rs anat l f. Lar.y D61an6y, Shanahan CC the 15 & lg nilors dotr't 36t Di laz:ors 27t20 55tL!? rt25,o? r.55t3o . ntbble f66t to ltchl.e as doos the ra.a- 1}, H€nry Yost, P€nn A.C. thon, 26 bll6s and up, 2?.)O 57t 50 trJrtZO \,59.57 In r94a he .ntsr€d th€ natrobal ctEnpd.n.f. Ralph E11tr6rg, UCTC, 25r25 lonship narathon tn Yonkors! tit.Y. More 52tO2 Lr19tr9 -than 10O !unn6!s 3€t off on a colrs€ Harly Berko*ltr, p6nn AC, 27r09 ttrat cove.eil 26 hiles 185 yards, D: tarlo.an6 in l Ttt!. ToB Oslsi, Sbanahan CC, 24,16 ---Oatlola1s. rra.k X6l1y & Bro*nlng 'rTbose la5 ar6 the hard6st, tetlovs This i3 th6 fourth y6ar b6-dnd hl! rlf. by Jack BaFy--tsL bave plaJed vttrr the Nsw sold ratctr. znd & rhtld_a tub€ of ItoothDalt6l
Januaqr, l9jt--r3
o!rl{i! r{tNs l0 *ll,o !oA! h,{cE south Olons Park, L.T,, I{,\. D€., ?a Pllllng alr6ad at about th€ t4 otl€ Bark, ulk6 o'Hala capru.€d the club .hep,onet:p or Lh6 sr. A4rhony,! Bo\s crub annual ch-pi".shi; ower a 30 l(1lon€te. dlstan.€ {aoDlox: inar€ly lo nir€sl over a god tn south ozon6 Park. "ou,s€_;ri""_ John Jarrett and Jad6s O,Connell started off 1n th6 16ad rlth orEa.a falllne baok 600 yards on ths flrst 1{p. Hov6ver, he k6pt a 6t€ady pace and caughl Jrr.€tL at rh€ 6nd oa rhr.. tdF) taboul o" EII€sl slth 0,conner1 srrrl rn front by 200 ta.dsr O,Hala caueht up *1tr! Orconn611 and necl d nac! for rh6 t4 ht t, malk *h€r€ Otliara took ov€r for eood, stqrterr in rh€ race ut(n eieht finlslrlne thc ra.e! :. Jam6s Orconneli r 2:O?"18 l. xtrton ?ataky, 2t|2..A 4, John iari€tt, 2tz2 "a1 5. tave Vas€l, ZtzS,ai 6. Ere€."- Rdsqban, l: j.{'i O
A. A.ntr x3va!!o. Fo.d Fpfrostso.,t vere sury6d afts 'd rrlzes corsrsrod of talgo Csoars fcr .r I rr4irh.-e 3 rh€ p"ne1 r 9ore Fdr ,,. t..Fhy for let riace. S.o.iar euost vas r41do Scandur.a,ho sos e,ra' - rrophv d n-red b' th€ ru, ne.s for havlne d6n6 so huch for ttr fu.therance of .unni.e in tb6 Merro-
Latest LD i-og subscrib€rs include! Forsyth. x.Y.. Eupefle po.6nmdn. Broar.Bron:, \.y., sid sotr;, BL,tin€ton, ontarto, Bob Fucnanan, St. Carnarln6s, Ontaito, Porcy S'ith, Frultland, ontarlo^ c6ore6 Boy6r, th1la.. pa,. Jln Cou.i1l, J.., Y€st€r1y, R:r., ihas, McKth, Mays Landrne, x.J., Dave Rath_ eelt6!, Oaklyn, N.J,, J{awld crosten. Coluhbus, Ohlo, Dougla3 E. s€dLtlo, ll{ashtnsLon, Darrd 'aF6t1. D. L6vj; I\-rc, Cb^s. Br6d€rson, Nor!h AUtt€boro, Mass.! Jose Don€s, $YC, Myron Ets61ov. *ar1as_ ton, Mass., P6t6! consay, c!e.nfi€1d. l.lass., PauI rhttery, EnDorta.,(ansasJah63 G. Glbson, o!6h6ad, K€ntuckv. Noman B.lsht, tarton, ohto, ctarr-iuck_ han, Dayton, ohror chas. Lsvy. Nyc. Ern6!t and€!s6h, Brookryn. x.*.. R;b6r! x61l€yr Bostonr Mals,, t.ink fi.BlrdeDoLrolt, Mich.t Cratg DIron, Lo. Ang;.r€s, ot E;1x,2a,) Euson€
8e!na!d SDlth, l,ondon! Enstanrr, iobert Maollelgh, Clnclnnati, Ohio. Archte't. Post, Burt.lnetonr Vt., ?/Lt A\at Br6ck.nrtde6, euantlco" Va., "Carl t(€!r, Phtla.r Pa", Ro.ald Ronsoh! Phtia., Pa., Nalha. S6nft, Turbotrlll€, Pa., Atll Shlth, Dolct! €stor, !{ass., Douelas C. Klann, c16ndal6r caltf., Robolt D.ak€, elenda1e, cal1f., 8111 f6l1s, i-acanada, Ca1tf.. Jos.ph J. Gillen, J.., Stlatfold,N.J. Andrd Gauseon, Montreal, eu6b6c, q. L. nPatn D€Granc€, Hac€!3tovn, r{d.r D.. B€n F. Al6rand6rr ldashtnctoni D,C lRorl THE E IfORS ,ES( - ,,Slnoe tts ldceptlon last year, rh6 RRc has more than <tout16d th6 nuDb€! oi d:st_ anc€ laoes u3uaf]y h6id i4 the ]lliddle
atlantlc aau a!€a. at ls Yttal tbat tbe RRC oov6m6nt a.d tts curlent p.obl€fr wlth.€liain )-AU p6op16 rre ctearod up and aliosod to c.nitnxa lf improsomodt j.s to.odtlnue !6 ot, sport, Fo1ltica1it, ninat€d peop16 and olynpic t!i! asptranre In tiae aau! cu.rsrtly holdtds back rbe prosress nr rjh6 RRc!su.e1y Dusi real:z€ trre :9:l reasoa fox our'doc1ln6 rd qo!1d clnss distance running-_1ack of cont_ iruous comp6tltion & lack ot c1!bs lnte.est€d !n furth6line cistaqce runnidg! a]{u nen hare advscat€d thts oeaole and nou that 1r'3 a r€atity tney.6nsu.e it. ? ?,: our sacood national ne6tins !ii1 be rr61d at th6 pa.amount uot;1 rn ivow York Ciry on Ieb.ud.y zjst il lM) ETe.yone silt be .ontace6c an.t !er AAU offiotals k111 be lnvlted. pt6as6 lr6 p!€sent to 3tate the progr€ss or probl6m5 in y.ur partrc_
chlcaso, I11. nec,zZ- A f1o6 flerd of 200 atblet€s coep€tsd 1n the U.of chicaeo Holiday ne6t at th. U ot C ft61at trous€. sonors tn rtlo dr3ranc6 runs vent to Jarra.d Asrno!€. pr it col€man a urk6 !6ak€.. Tko u11€: 1. Jalra.d Astho16, l{€st.Mtchrean, 9rlOz (splIt5 2t 16, lr:16,7!oo).2, Bordi€ Ilakesr colorador 9ri9 (1€d nost ot th€ vay)! l. c6o!g€ Harvayr pu.du€. 9'24 {soph & .t6f.nd1nc crEmp) I 4.ta vandertr6uvol, cM, 9:26r 5, r{€d sara€nt, Co10.i 6. Ra1 Hlg<ton, UcTC,9.I?: 7. Andy Crarf6rd,dotr. Dah€, 9:43r a. Irank Uodg.ook, UClc, 9rlrlrt9. Ron,{oo. k1n5, r{l,r ! 9rrr7i,o. Arn€ xr;bards,9t5r} llll6! l.P.ColoEan,4. 13.ar 2.R,C.eeorv. 1.1L. t,tflet F^/11n5 ,ttto. + r' t-. E n€-;;;;.
1ll".!ional A. ..{"
-{. Senior 10.000 lleter
eloBs tqor.rntlv },led .-.1216158
3 5:0E g" of C"CcU€ee Track CLubrS'r 35:f5 53 Unattaciled(r:*ineior,Ky) 35 i 29 5tr :a liilloli N., lrnie U; of C. lxack Clut rBi 35133 55 29 U; cf Chicago fr:ack Club 35i36 56 30 DJif:TaIne U; of 4i, Traok Club FIi 35r4t a7 U, of C., :lrack Club {B{ 35155 a8 Detroit T.ch 36:38 !9 T.,f,ryto rim iNy) sltke Shoe 36r5e t3{ 50 Kj.:1sr !ick Uo of C' Tracli Club 39io2 6i ]]etrcit lech 39 ieo Unct.iached (:(al€rnazoo ) 39jfl Eheridan Shafier UnaLtached(Kalanraroo) clid net finish 5.1,
ECOt!5 r- ligt Tcr( 4-" c" I - I - f -i0-11 .40 ?- u. on 1i0u3T0.1 ?tAcx c tD n2 -6-12-15-18: 3- ltl]lcou'mR ollcllll Cl,rJt ,i - ? -13-16-?1 d 61 4- Ol'lIlIRSiTf 0! CI:TCAGo lRACll :lln -4, l-5-19-:0-25r70 Tolrolllc 011'1i!Ic cI!! 14 - 1? - 2!-25-?6, t04 ullT"T;nslTt 0I cllcAco lrr4cK clut B 24 -27 -28 -29 -50 , 1.
l.d Aftnua1 cro:s oolntry - co11€g6 Utllitaire Roval do st. J€an tas h61d on Lhe last Saturday cl octob€r {1th 45 runners iltisbing. W6athor perfect tot cross-couBtf,y.unnlnc. Course ras on.oad, t1€1d and voods and qulte tiBe of 20:04:s fltrt- approximabelt 4 ni1ss, \{inner Rofand llictraudrs consraeila ve.r sooa for the coutse.l uontreal, qu€beor canada) 5. Bob k'e!116r, c.M'R. I. Foland rliciaud, iranc s-ani s ?. Ired Stoller, C. i4.l. 2. (6Fy Cill J Unatta.hed 8. Pete! Do.en<roff, Mount Royal A.c. l. Bill Uc!arlane' o1,r'pic A.c, 9. Jir ilarlid, Itancs-Asis 4. Regis ro!€1, tlencs-rimis ,q. Charfes GoodfeIlos, 5t. Lahb€rt A.c, 10, ctlarles Albin6t, Ilan.s-Ahls. Oxford Unitersity beat Cahbridee Uni{€rsttv in the annual cross-countrv Michael.Palm'r nLatci at Roetramrto;, Dncland on lec.hb€r 6th bv 35pt3. to-42, ic".t'rrae.) tooi !h; lead aL the sta.t and though helded lor a sholt tin'' just after haif{ay by Paddy tiontasue (oxforc), dant ahead aeatn to win bv JO ,or !is lh:r,t -L. n -ire r''c orv' J-rdi p.r..' I H. {J r4insh:11, (c)' i. t. lc)" )9'2)r 2. P, \ion!ae;e, (o), lr:ll; Ear€3, \ot 40t2). t+. J.G. (o), and it. ctlllsad 4atc?i B!hett, t. 5. 39:521 '
Natl.x-country ot tbe ,A]'[TEUR AlEr,rlrC UNrOfi O! TH! UllImD Sl{mg 610!30led 4d dotdrct€d !Y
Dteialcsr l0'oo0 F 66e 1
5 5
13 14
10 11
13 19
f5 16
5r 32
2l 56 31
46 49 50
24 25
u. of }touEton Trac! Ctub 29:4?.8
{acy. John 30:10 Itnatiached(Poustonj la'i;n.e,AI g. califoala gtlidors i0149 9ruex. Ud 30:.r D1c!86n, Oo)donlranilLon olFptc Club 30:5? ffuc.sa-V€lisa en York A. C. 30'5s soih.Robert so. carifofttE stride16 coldu.Phu U. ot C. T!&* Clut iAt 31:09 3lt1^ Dod!]ss..at D:cl V4couvet olrnplc club Bjgron, u, ot c. 'r:ak clu! iA. J : t? vaqerheuval,LC nttal vlch. Trac\ Clut 51:la .loh"!sy,P1r unattached{lloueron) 3"25 Stieclltsrlev U; S. NasY Smartt.Jerry U, o3 lroustoh Track llichols- Richie Vacouver olyDpic 3l:55 McArdle;P.te! fiev Yo!k A. Ci 1co!il. tolu ller Yolt a. c, stor€; curtts $er Yo4{ A. c. 52:04 1lsreil,Georse {ev Yolk A. c. Der.te/, q-_ele lt, of l'ousLon lrecl, club -':10 u"n!Lo',Rtu V'n oure- 0 yrlic Club 5 :ll _olonro olJmpic C!ub 5_:l' l_omr.Cefald _ "tal :-ero!o.Ron Eret Y rli0nt) Ttaci. Clun1. :l a '7er-e, leo u. o" "ous-or Tm.D C-Ib r :19 Ura h'd[re] f,arooJ J-r20 Re1q. Carl Hercin.!arI T ,.o-v"! olldprc Club J2:31 32:53 Tolonto olJmpic dlut Iron5, Jln va. 32:56 seme"Boi tolt !ee. uo-€_on :r'cL 'l Ih o :59 oI P"n] -n,:eorq( --:0 ' U. o C. l_aLk alub 'A' en : P", i-4' '?h€€1e!,Ted Traclr Club 33:03 U. ol C. l3:04 H-n.n€tr. -on .th"eLon Colle-e : :0t E.rr:s,H ro.la Unlr'a.hed(chihpajgnl a'iro ; r: Ne wolk ^. c. 33:0e Cltt 3J:15 5t"ph-r5,V1c V rcouv-r 0lrap:c Ilrco'!, Don Lrnll t_ched (KalrazooJ 3J,at trfaso!.Rady loento olydlic ClubiA€ 33133 33:3? ornohundro, Alt U; ot c; hack club Iiedscock,lrdlr U, of c, flack club 'A' 33:50 !ain, trelly Vancouve! oltnntic Clu! 33:5? Nev Yolk -4, C. 34:00 ifa€em, ldt tlhe1e, !!ees Uhattaclred(Iedneton.ry.) 34:09 34:10 Bocct, Je!!y Itnattached(kalaazoa I Fichad.,.Ane U' o! C" Tret Club iAtr 34rU IIarnps, ia rr cpn , llr!hier lrlcl crub 34:16 Py-es, arb.in uraLLac6eo(lc in-'on,A. ) J4i13 tfel1l,V1c O. of C. Traok Clulr iBr 34:19 3trZA Tolohlo olJtpic Clrt Day, lljke 3't22 Poc-. Pu.l To.oato oltrpic Clulr I bdrs,Ralph Unattacl.d(qhicaeol 34t4a !i BallirEer"!!q! Unattached(Kalaazoo) A4.49
CLEBAR STOP WATCHES Less 25lo Discouni F. O" B. Philadelphia
{db x-:
Enq Zt!!Z -b