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ln the Long Run it's the New

y'aaV Datanre .4o7. sL. ,".;-_7: /-Tt A Y




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.ONCI{ATULAIlU.\S Olympic 1,500 meter champion .nd {orld indoor Dilc king Ron Delany. left, congr.tnlrltes La Salle Collcgc cross-cotr.tir cxftai., D.rl Jcfie$on, upob wilrirg the second anDudl Fllnsv@d P.tk, (^_or!istown, P&l 6.3 mile ltodd Rut r€c€ntly.


z--rqno, XETIIY


all|a - 'I'9 L.ad6 Borton A.A. to U.s. ?.M Ttll. ln 4.4.U. Corp.ttt:6a Yonk6.r, N.Y,r u.y 24 - rlt. r!l.a aft.r tb. niab-naoa rt.rt oa tb. n.ilonal laFthon 6barplonshl!}, tb.ro to tru a!€ltlon rrt!.d by that o1d .onar 'Bar any6n. R.r. S..a f,.11.t?' s1.nd.!r 3.ndy-halr.d Johnny K.11€y lan avay floE i pack of slrty-fou! at th6 YonL.E bord6r and colll)l6t.d a 26 ntl., 38J-yard sc6ni. toor o! vostcrr..t€rr! !un-dr€n.h.d and ttaffto.logesd hichray! ln oonpottttv. !ol1tu<16. Tho 28-y.ai-o1d lnellrtr t.acb€r ff,oa Croton, conb.r narloe1y rl..6d th6 o0!r.6 r.oo.d b6 s6t a y€.f.eo. H6 eas .lock.al rn 2,21.51r.b. La.t y.a! x61l6y had iun 2r 21.04, X1no. .bans.. tn th. hlllyr otloultou. coulr. that took th. anners ttrFlah Yo.lr6r3, Haltsdal6, Yhlt. Platnr, Eurfo!d, Tar.ytoh, Iretngton! Dobb! t.rryr Basttna.-on-Hudlon .nd back to Yonk.rJ ptob.bly a..ountod tor th. dlff.r.nc., At th. oh6ck polnts r6116y s..!.d r€co.d-bound. rlth lrvals 5€111 tn rt€ht, lro pass.d flve nll.3 1. 2r.54. All a1one, h6 r6act!.d t.n nt163 tn 5r.12. f1ft.6n ntlo3 ln rr17r3l} anil tt.nty Dtlos rn r !44: r7, on ltt€ ascandtn5 varbboa.d tlatl. of tho laet ttr6 'l1os th. 5-foot 6-td.h, 121-pound X€tl€y lnovttably rlov.d, Bot back€d by nln€ty stlcs a v.6k of plactlc. llnnln€ for the laet 36v€!a1 ysa.s' h6 ,a. stlll ltlong and !ftooth at th. flnllhr In fact, Johnny cross€d th. llne 3o last that TttoDa. a. B!og.n' the r.ad.r of Yonkeltr slrth ltald a th€ prosld.nt ot the Chlpp.ra clut', 'htcrr .tasod tha racs' coutd not k..p pac6 1o.g 6nough to drop tho 3ynbolic laurol crosn on xo116yi. b6ad. th6 car.so.y had to b€ !€rtagod. ato oth.r t.a.hor. v.t€ n6xt hobe, Jtmy cr6.n! 28, ,ho alto t.ach6r lngltsh' st Ssugu!t xa!r., tar !.cond ln 2.29.5t. Gr..n nov.d up.teadlly froD s.v.nth plac. at th6 t6n-Ello Eark and ov6r tlt. l.rt h.lf of th. rac. trrv.l.d allo3t.3 a trathsatlo. t...b.r f.o! soutbb.lde.' xa!.., shufflo-!trldlna AnLhony sapt.nta' flnl3h.d thtrd ln 2!16rl4, ah.ad of Aurtraltarr b6ald€d G.offr.t vatt rnd al confalon., th€ lund.r-up for th. lart A! th. tt.st tl€r Yo ..r to tlntrb. Jos. Don.r of ttr. Plon..r Club Yon th. X.t.opol1tar A.A.U, ttt1..


l. Jobr J. n.ll.yr BAA, 2121.5|.4 2. Ju.. G!..n, Bo.tonll,zt ?9.51 f. ?ony s.pt.ntr' BAA, 2.)5.14 2t36,54 4. c.offt.y latt, r!tt. j" A1 conf.lor., B!-4" 2tl8.o9 6. Lt. D.r. Plst.l@,lllc 2! ?. Billy sd,tb, soc {ont.)2.18t32 8. .toh !!if€fty, BAA 2t4A.4L 2t41.14 9, Jor. D.r.r, YrPg ' 2141.4? lo. t{yl tn6 at, Butua, 2r\4.42 11. T.ar Co.trttt, XYPC ' r?, sh.lo! x.!ra13nt, 92d st. Y,x.g,t. 2t45,5a t3. Jotrn A. f,.11ote Eorton' 2t116.57 14. Tbola. Rrar' c!1t.t oltt tcdlt.l 2.4?.32 A.C. !5. Aldo s.analu.ra' t4rrt.o.6 2tt+7.56 15. Jobn R.1tan6, Lydn ac, 2t!9.ft 1?, vr,1il{ xu4,by' Br-a' 2.5r.33 2t57"51 18. Rorc. saayo!, xl!c, zt5tt.'l 19. Dor rar, aotton AAj 20. nod ||.ortoboli, xYPc, 2t55.37 2r. con!.l.. 6.otio, BA.a, 2t35.52 22. Ralph allb.ts, ttcTc, 2.59.J2 23. vlnc.rt x.rn, t{atlrot. ltol.4r 24. rik. ors.!., st. A.trr. lrr03.l? 25. Ju.r orcoEn.U' st.lnlh. 03.35 RAca rqrtBr ,tth x.116y, sap1.nr. and Corfalotr. r! lt. roor.F.i th. Ar.o.tatloE o.ptu..d Bo.ton tb. t.s ^thl.tic troptlt. ah. B.l.A. !..odd t.@, rltt! Or..n .nd L.ff.!tt .s tt. 1..r1.r.! y.r tllc nnn.r-ul',.. T.iP. 55 - g|ood br..!.," al cotrfalon. stay.d o1o!. to x.ll.y for 5 811.., f5o y.rd! tn ..a. .t 10 !11.r.", Jl! Gro.n Mv.d lrto r..oo<l .t l? r|,t..,. sapl.ola ran a lt.ady thlrd...Dav. Pl!t.m. .n<l Blllt srltb o.ugltt confa1o.. cotna !p th. l.rt bul, but .outd noi hold hlD off cv.r tb. lalt l .Ir.;.. Gr..n tr onlY th to br..t 2rt0 rt YotrkPan-Aroltoan T.e {unofflol,.I}s.ot.t 8..t.. Yon&.r. Tot.l --T- ?--l1. x.u.y 4 2. Gr..n 4 3 ? l.rr. Conf.lo!. s.pl.nr. 10 7 7

J.Ptrt.Ma65ll 6. colbttt 5 A ?. Larf.rty lr A. Rran

9. J.A.X.lL.y 10. Don.t



A 5 rO












vol|ft tr, rurlt.r 42. Jun. t5, 1959 SubrorlDtlon Rat.st 25, I .oPYi *2,50 . y.a!. {Putill.h.d xonthlY, Edltort.l Co*.tpond.nc.t R' Brohln€ Ror.. 306 I. C€nrcr St., Vootlburt, rJ' Sublollptlon Cori.!pond..c.! rrank x.Ily. r? E{oltd st.,loodbury' f.J' Puttl.lr.d tt l{astd. Prlntlta Co.,



!t!l!.-Ps.- - - - -

Cont.lbutor. thl. qottht *.tl laltell i.d co*rltt. Don J.oob. Bob oratb, ' ttant Laf.y.tt. s;ltb, Bob cel,b.ll, IoBrtd6. Glynn Y@dr Srd G.ndtt, Don a.r. tr13 s. V.l.tq!.!t sa4 tlrtt C.nt..tt 2 ... ... Yonk.r. l.ratbon.,. cor.nt. ii ttrtuFs .. ' 3 Brltsldr Latlonal RolaY... ., 4 ar. lthl.tto ltl.tr n...3.arv? 5 5.D1,.!rd Dourtt.t I coil.s. Tlti R.tutt!... ,., ... 7 ttntl Spdntr... t .s, tirFk ln Bour &rn ... .. ' 9 ont.lto X-country chept... .. lo tslohlren nnc - ov.!!.ar R.tultt It Runnr;r rn s.,t a suDtdity... 12 t.v Yolk r. Pbttrd.lPbi. Tet.. tf F6'n lC ?&l X..t- Coll... Trit. 14 s.rt.r 51..Dc TbtouSh n!o.coll..q n 1.Y. -Otaord-Csbr. 15 16 Tat R.rult.- A.a.U a cot!.i. FCC tlit- UCh!6.do OD.n-l.t! 1. Junlo! 20 Kl1o &rn... ... ... 17 Proftl.r G.offry Y.tt ... la- 19 o!! R.a4.ts ?ak. ov.r '.. 20_ 2l DtoLron a Elddo. hd st!.ds Rao.s 22 cl.dlton. Ac x-countty- saltlm!. tunrotp.l eu.t- x.rG.t. 8...t! Ern 2, S. Afrtcr Ir&t- Xod..to n.Irtt... 2, Ic4a - crt|'foFl. s st.t. t{..t'. sooth.E C.ltlonia Dlstano. I{:nt 26-27-28-29

.r. srEmRlll *.. ?t{! lonth ,. PAY Ju3t trlbu!. to . ar..t runn.r--JohnnY x.11.Y of th6 B.rton M. Tro DaEntft..nt P.rtom.nc.. 2ta1.54.\ & 50t5l.6 at Yodk6f. li Yb1tln3vt116. Yel1 don.' Johr' .nd liy You k.6l) uP tbe flne uork rttb a vloto.y ln th. Pan-An6rlotn A1!o. tEtt ofl to fin. I'.!!omanc'! bv Bd l|or.n. JIt G...n' E.I Ht8don' clra u.tron. Yar Tru.r! Bob Sottr'

Jun.. 1959--3 Bob caran, Dl.k En€.lbtlnk' Yll xlnc' TorrY SeDt€nra (ahlr cosld G. on ln<r.flnat.lyi TtD polnt l.- our dlttanc'. luhnrnt stand.r<l!.r€ mrrne ov.r stvttaY. ro tanv rrn. a!tl'r'! r.dt):.,r€ ptllns up on ou! d.sk ttbl '6 dttllr' @nEot drtttln., but, vlth ttt. !w.r vtll €"' th6 '.tult. "-". e Y. rtlt b. .rrlo to ftnd o-rr ",Uri"crnios " to tnclud. lodo of thts trruat'r' rpao. r;fom.tron... lor ttht t. !.rs1€tt.r app€allng .t..t th. varlout rlth th6 1at6!t n.t. ftoF t'6 av'rr_ RRc dt.trtctt 'ltl arltcl'!' trdrnrns abl. tn tho L;e for proflle!' .to... (f l9g rrapp'n to-]lr' rn a dlslrlct vtthout an aot1v. rc vhy not Jorn ou. natlon61 body? Jutt& s€nd u! S? for a Yoar'. d.mDgrthrF 16 vlll roe that vou e€t a tr6nlt6r3lrrp cri_upt6n_ t6 hold a Ndtlonal Rac r0 xtt6 .hrb ln chtcaso on th. Lak6 Sbo'6 cour36 .o i"t".la" rttb Lto oFontna2?9b' rn6f tL. Pu-lr Os.! on tr€. '6r'nonl's oiber rac. rll1 t6 3cbeduted fo!on ttlo .nd of th. *.s!. t.'11 d..Idilbrtt! th6 d.t.ilr rt th. fttlt t.<.." emott? Etter tltb You I.t En6ldd !P"'t!"d !. r..6 countlnC o. vou to y.ur ttrr! RRc rcy.r.rt. u. n..d ::Plg* a du63 to luppof,t oqr Mbttlous rob'dut'

;::i'::i il'il':"ff :; *,:::?';;.::* Run od sund.v, Jun. 2a (l P.x')st'rt

at Ctlv Ratl. Ylnd.or, Ont.tlo A ltnlth at tbo Clty-County Btda.' D'iett' F Xl'hl8'n EEtrl.! to amelt B. Sllttrt D.trott lo." Ltv.mol.i arsn. AAU. ttr' bv srrn.olcd Rro€ io xtl. tload '9tO ' Polnt' x.J. xlranl. club ol so&.r! srturdaY. auau.t r5tb (r!30 P.x l E'trrrs to-i. srpner, 102 souttr &,!!on av' xur.t. Cttv. l.J..RnC B.d€.6 c'n D' orriu"s.a rtoo P!.ttd.nt Dtok Donolru'' el05 ro!r6!t Avs., P.nnsauk'n' n'J' foF Jr .aob. V. f111 Iat tn our order to th. RxC of England In Algult for tlror. b.da.. lt.1l Drofit RItc tr'arurv' vtll b..aFatltod for tb6

+,i-%+#Hts':#Si:9:L;':;i::';.., Balthor.. !td.r sundlv' Julv lz tzDo' (tnolud.t 2et' !11. r.1.vr) Bntll'r to nob.rt Yattto! 5rO7 T'11" ,,Portrrculh. N.H. r.n tlll6 Ro6d Ra66 sat., Ju!. 2? {5IF) adrl'r to arl-nut l- B.r!. Bor 354 - Port.loutu' !'r'

iif:'l'?+ii'i:#:.:'il.l";"iii; ?5a xt. aubum st'i Y't'r iros- c-ei.it ' JulY l.t. tom. Ia.tt bt




IN 2:2I'.56

S€vsnty-E:sht runnols faced tho starte. tn th€ Sh€fli61d Tsleerapb Uaratbon raoe on East6r uondat ftom Sheffl61d to ron6aat6r. xddte l(llkup fdiced the 6arlY pace u.t11 Pete. trtlktnson took th6 I fr1r6s nark td load the tosi 6l th6 vay. wtlktnson pass€d 10 EI16s tn 5rd.55s & 15 bt16s ln thr.22n. 26s. 1. P6ter A. wtlklnson(D€rby a C.A.C) ?:24,56i 2.rJoo R6rry. (Delby & c.^.c) f. Ken Pavlon {L66ds Halohr11s B.} 2t26,52t \. Arthu. P. Kel1y {Derby 4 C|:y a.C.l 2.28.16t 5. €dd1. Kirkup, (Foth6ihah H.) 2.29.23t 6" r, Holrand" (Rooklnehan a,c.l 2t11.2a (* J. re1ly- 2:26.2?)..Do.b.y 1rt6ra11v ran auay vith tho toM auald' vtttr l tn the flrst 4 hom6 (1-2-4=7 pts.) RiINY


aft€r runnln€ bI5 16e, s6€b.d qulto bapl)y' la tbtto-!a.€d, sben at la3t tianats of tyo St. John Aabulanc. o.n. (B€fo!6 th. rar a ronn.r tn ttrts lace va! Ldock€d dotn bY a ca. aad flnrsh€d ht€ les concuss.d, vlthout !6n6nbortne a tbrn6,) Ttto 240 !!nd€.3' dlYlded lnto l? r€lays of 20, ltart€d at 10 a.D. Ttroy froD Palace Yard, f6stoinster. i6ach€d ttlo ftrBt take-ovEr polnt on Clapbe CoM. ln brtgtlt sun3tltno. ctr€3nuts wo.e op€nlne; the crats ias vs.y gr€en, a gloaalnE bor6. dos ,a3 mons th6 sp€olctors, and a polto6E.o va.d6d a ttny r€ah6ad6d boy on a btcyclE: !!t{1nd out, eon' ttreyrll be coEtng th15 ray." They oam6, aad a.oth€r sd.11 troy to e6t hlasgtf hop6tessly 'anag€d tangl€d vlth thsD! desplt6 trD 6rho.taalons ol a pu-p1o-faced stsHard. Th€ro {6r€ soEe ialntels at th13 stag6i so!3 or b6tng !6v1v6al slth sPonee.. an o?ft.lalrs ca. tulr€d .1€ht vlthout ba.d 5!gna13, to tb6 fury of ttre man followlne a.d tb6 lndisnatlon of on. speatatori Tbe sacond f€s r6n! vbo r ad 6E€h until r.cently 1tnbe.l..s up ln th€lr t.a.k suit3, took ove! the batons and loped off brav.lyr thc t'acks of ttre:. n6cks soon be.onrne 1tk€ thos€ suffused, dI 1on€ tlr€




rron John Ga1€ - Bllghtoo' Aprll tt Jir Ty1er, of D€lby Coudty Athl€tlc c1ub, a !trong, darr nan ullh an 3qultas llrst to Itn6 .os6 and roach the Aqlariur h6r6 tl e atto..ooa to elvo hts club vl.tory !n qhr.qonln. ?lseo. tn rh€ natlonal ro.d 16ray rdcP froh London to Bdsbton' olean1s6d by th€ N6ws of the torld. 1n S€cond v6re South Lobdon lla.ri€rs, !hr. 4rmtn, a6s.<,; (hlrd'than6r v5Ir5, nln.58 sec.; a Har.t6.s, l.4hr.4r fourth Portsrouth Athl€tic clltl. !n 4 hr. rr2 htn. I36.. rll€r Looled v61! cnd hdppy, and ther€ *€rc crr€s oc nl€11 don€, JID.r's€v-ral otb€! runnolr dld not 100k so s6lr. fhoy €rtr"^€d 4nd !3d races €\ploslvcly radi son6.oil.r-4d tlle crackr€ It vas latblnsi th6i6 of plastrc nacs ov6rlaid'a3by a s'611 of dah! vool. The sea rar a pal. cro6n,. th6 1are6 copp6r ontons add sllv.! dom6s of th€ Palac€ Pl€, 3hon. b16aLl, und€r ah€ sr€y 5ky. Tho runnors nust baw. b€.n grateful that th€l. ordoal ald!.hod ln th6 AquartlE baths, Iro' Pu.16y onealds lt had b€en a fatrly rats-boaod ooo.tlon ln €very 'av! thr v.t ta6o.d to ac..ntuat€ th6 pal€ .nd oft6n tnolly less of th. .unn.rr - althoush doubt tLEt th6y theD3€lres' th€tt lelatrvos, a.d th€lr suppolt€ls all 6nlored th€mselYos s1lsht youna s.ot yho p.t..d olt for a

The astounding cawalcade aounal on throueh na.rof, stlo€ts lurl of astonlstred Satulday holnlns shopPo.li pa.t cr€.n vlctortan tacad.! of Toottds and l{tt.hu & Y..k-€nd salden€rs st.ndln8 at thei! t'oald fen.6s, thelr faces palo at tire sl8lrt of such orertlon. Small boys! a rhlte pood16 and €ven an lnt611ectuarlooklne 91.1 id €la3s6s' eklpp€.r on

t,Dis It vince-dtc lt,

Roy,l con€ on,

Rodnoy-coms on, boy.rt soD€ aalDtro.e b1€w buglos, soB. s€r. attlaotlvc

B6lgrawe Ha.r1€!3 eirls 1n sYeat6rst muffln bell. suPpor!6r3 | So lt w6nt a1l dayr past faotorr6s add tb€ nou 3tl6nt an<t pore!-statlo.s vasres of cloydon at4)ort. nv6l1 don., Arch," som€oue sbout6d to a bald, halry-cb€sted Ban. nII6rs voll ove. lr0, you kdov." Th€n ho addod: "It nust b€ arlul to b€ baFlod to a ,l.h6 raln can€ as u6 d6sc€n<tsd tb. TVrd .Iop6s to Fur16y corn6r. It fell untll tn. .ndt (.€rt paA.)

J{n.. i959--? R.1. - 20 rr!-O) 5. Atan 3.13.1, {c" 6?t7\ ;g- nob.lt Rurs.r't. Fxt,6ato? ?. stco Tl.d.n! :Gic t 56t14

?.aa. - sLg.otrrt lrr 9, D.ntob, Vrl!.y gonf.F$.c' A.M! I' Sou.ton ??. :. Iorrb't!i.! $9! 3. tlcbrt. rrstt 9.-Dr.kr 3lI! 5" Brdlrt l31 5. turt. 3. Clr.lm.tt l. lot ?. st" !-.$t! 6,gtcli*s! tt53.3 1" daor gEf6r t. 'rorrtu, Jld t{4v" sou!t.e. 4!23.7 TjEiTor L ia. !.4.y, t:!9'J

l?. D.i I{A€qratttc, laa6 ! ?1r3t ij|, A!111e F.ensy, A,trl! 72.L7 72133 72,33 ltr. n.D !ay. aostos I'aj ,J. !{tko Btg€lot! B!-A} ?t+x39 r3" xar* Peineorrio, ue, ?lire :7. Paul CtDorn.l!, l t. 18. Jsbn !1 c..ard:.e, -843, ?5iro 19, Yllltd tttX663r 9Ygr 75t25 2d- BoD zoUlibofl.r, E.tlr.i, ?a!ro ?atAA ?t" trinlr X6r1?, illc 22, lrldr .Ftdt sosl BAA, ?9.,? 21, tao DudloP, 8.3!oa &,1, aC!44 ?d. Art Annls r itnatt. 25. thas. Sr6d€redt' iT? 26, tr€d Br.*nJ li{c, 2?. O, gardn€r stsoff.r, !i&c ' {IT {?2 yrs. tounej 't€ad: soston aa, 1-a-3-A-9=?3 a:-Foretl lrellt6!d-5xu!, I,:5:l!-111q:-l:

rar 2 - it.' LC. t&!. Raad.r l't,7tt6.d 5oi' z.rk c\+t - t.qG: l.Y-U. ll4' tlst!.tt.u ?X1 odd.d 9 teaf, do@td{ttoE rf *!is rt4e bY Yatls*ian" ?st. iitse ef St. Jolaig t d t!' tl1e 1'5. :!is t rd st.a!€bt v6E. rn 4t!.3.4. s.nry L€vLd ef LYU €BPtdtrld tb6 !_,115


8. J.5. iart.it, !sx, 5At$? mrc, ?tr72 .9. nrr.. sr{Y.t,r-Ar,C lO. iar ll!t.r, ! ?trtg lr, C.tta. !rt.!t4c..' |rlC' ?rtl"

!o f,rlo YA},x i959 stltoi ts1.rd. x.Y,, tlas 3, f sruo. i4aaDodald, xrr?c ' i'9t19 (n{f&ndl!€ charFion, ?.8111 OEebtrsnko ' Xfllc 3. Ja6k B1a.kbutu, obtg r!a.L club id'ov. all! -qlctst: !!o lqod I coll.c. tinr - a^t 2 - aE tan v7' Arllont St.t. 54 at Tso.oo xlt.r 1. Youna, A.1!o!a" lrtr6.f Youre' 9,?9 1. -{rt!ot., 2-t11.r 416! r. ual 5p.nca'4.5., 47rl {41.r a.nd.rron ort tlth b1ttt.rt, D.ll.t Invttatlon.l - 2-!,lld Jrtr A.hlD.rsr sr{U 9tr3'2..xI1.! c. go<lrlon. Okla. ' 4rtO'6 ' v^noouv.t R.l.t.t slll D.11tn3.t .roub1.6 tn lrtto.5 e t4tt6.6 {l -t1.!,. s,c.I.l.c. .t !o. ,rn€.L.t' }llY I EAot 1. Jlt c.r.E , Ort' !r52 r. Rur! E.nn6tt' ott' 9tro.7t -Fh.r R.dlrnd!, 9!24.4 Efird. lltl.! l.rd. n.d1.nd6' 4tr6.3 flatrol{3.t- aau

Bo.d6r cona.t.tro.' auoson' ^r1!. lrtt.n. 8r* lrtton. stat. 55t trl,lcr YounG'' A.tt. 4t 14.3 ElRt; ra.t sD.no., A.s.t 47.|,

gre € - d.!t PoaBt, *"Y" - ot.E r*3 !60 . A.E Cr6Eory 'e '*C_+. tBy jjt 'It th; d11o tn lr.l1.l to. c 46u slt6! Stadius t.6otd! th6n vod t.:i4 e_trll4

Tc!a! _ 56!th tt CotloEs 9ttr(!68 TaS CisF', l'Mt i. {'!. !'onl*r.c.. 14r,j q7+. :. s.q*trt:r 'r.rbdts- rr2At a. i!ras ,.ch ln!' :, '{er-r aet{ )7}r /:rkars!. :2i.-7. il, 6. r,::"r1;r _(r+! -6, €, I6r35 5!urstrnn lri, -6;Effi: nerlansa$e :1, r.i4.et{, BEvl4rt o. t,i;ok" 36x.t ltai J. B.tscdllaolrof,1 otd !'rt{N6; '6co'dt r95rl "ir""uin,'g'le"l 9rz*.! by Jit B.otn, &r.ans.! ' ;rblbe.e ;.atlr t.DP.d ttF ft61d. w.r-- ;i, J06 r^- vltl.rr.al' r.r,.r T.r,.r 2. JJ. !r,1.t glvi Rlc.r {, DyI;ii:r, SrU: 1. t.b.f. Rle.l ,. $.b.r' ffir', son. tiiaa tiolr .:i! x.l!ot' aFkan.rt. t,t16.2 {v''rlr!r.tr Yon for tb. I'd ruo.ct!1,r. t..rl. OSOt l. Ltv..8ood, T.r..t 2' Dutlapl lEi;rt !. Dr.e.r, T.tar t.obt o' T.t.c. Y.tr.;. slrur 5r vtlltlr..l, 14ay


ll'?;3;'"#i"i'#11'Tsoutb'm' T.t.!.. Bobbt Bart'tt

t!o!b - T.ur ttl. e tb. ;i-lgu,on




16- 2l|th !4.!o.Barttlos. td., x.y crtholt.Dr:on Coni.r.n... ToM. l. lt- blr 2. Roatok. U. 37 ( rib6d Yoh 40 J.onfrti r"at 4? durl ...tt "i 3. Btlda..Bno. titl.t ln . lr.Fe)! E lptou-stdo.t 321 vat.r cou.a. x.lDtn, C.tlrolle u, ?. 2!.. xtl.t l. o. ,. Y.tn.t.' r.5n_ r.i"";-;th.rlo

;:'i,:i:k:'L9#i+!i.'i"li::;:'"*'. ri.tb.", c.tbollo. r t59.o 9it+r.6..!99:

&!4!9Lrtjg sltD S?lMls - Crndiddt.t for tttc'tat .!.stt ln tba 1960 oXtttt!. eM.! h ftoE. vtll brr. to E 6t rl,nllN rt.ftdt.tdr" ?!i ataEddDd fo. t!. !5ooE" re€. t. 3rl5' o. 4103 f6t tho nl1o. a!|o trli16w e!&rd&rd ln ttr. ioooi" tr !l+!ro a for th4 lo,odo rt tr 29.{(r brn l.Frtt .tpltln.d thet tlb iurpor. ttt! Oly6p1. fleld rhla:{ ha! b..otc tn €as. s ooDftt.y f.tlr to qudltfrr e ..op.tlt6D bt t!! nlil{lE gt.odardr tt oan.nt.r ooo rttr:ot" i. 6roh ov.nt by rlaht of, n.tloaal fctt6sqrtsttod! r " CD!.k Cok.., 36 y.ar-old Ooardodta! coll.a. traolr 3..t.3 0t slarlos thle rl@€r In EasC .lf.lo. (renya, Ue.nda a Tanaanyll.).'D.1. Stosy atr o.&n€c F, califor.ta ;i;-E!-.i3;E {2'09,9 ttF!! batr} 6u at,rll tatb. t{.3bdt6d uF ttro n6!t dat rt rdrlort 8...t! to n,e *n t lO htt.r. but oftLotets rouldnlt l.t rrie rqo td Drot.ct hl3 o1altilltty duo to tb. cll!6 ridloulou3 lu1tng thai hiFh 3cb6ot aih1.t66 oantt .onpoti In outstd6 t6!t3. .., ov.rltokod xai ct$ - aq! I-ai!, Xtoblasn gt.t.. 4r0!.e ln p1.c!n8 Eocond to Ed toranr! 4to2,l ln ih6 F.nn Stat.- *tohtBan Stat€ fat $o6t... Atbl.tlc "fiq phl1ad.lptrts oa€1|. Arsool.tton lbno!6d Ron ,.laDv on tlrv 20 at a t..tl-onla1 dlnn6t..Ron told tb. 200 €ue.t3 that b€ v.tn'i tn rb.Ir at th. Eor6ni' Itut thst h. vr,1t t.tur. bo!. to Dubllt thtt .!66r to ooq).i. ln rom mlo! ntr. r.o.t... E.rt J.ft.rrob e P.t. Yalhol!' Lrsall. col1.E. rllttrDce rtnn.E of tbat !ch..r's btrgh.ct a!t!l.tlc ayardr or }lay 2otb, Yalhclb tat ati1t.t6 n.ded th. !.hoo1rr .ltriedlt|3 tbt.. trto ol tn t..r and J.fftr.o.' !(Ac r-coudtry crrarplon' tat ndod tbo oo. ot rchoolr. top !.ntor.tbl.t.... tb. top 3Dat1 co11.€. dttt{oa mnn.Dt ia Varn tn tb Pltll.d.lDltr.r.. xor.an or u!.i.;t colt.3.. lia-'6Lt.b EEiiiEsr r" tbo 880' rtl. and 2 Etl€ ln .tuat ..6t! tltb . at.6t it.!t of Btllv D.I. tidY.U ta! .u........ neod oborlln coll.a. (orrro, tr€ck ooach o! l.ay l9!r!. Tldtoll rar aEdu.t.d tn 19J7 fror x.n.a. stat6 a.aob.rrs colt.s.r vhot. b6 .rc6U.d a.. dtrt.no€ runn.r... !4-9!!!ss, ropho@lo bfoth.r of fsolt atlt, rEr r II32.5 !11. to trt. o!.dtt tbtr tpllnt and I! a.ttinG lop ooa.hlrg at sPrlnlat.ld, Oroeon blah lchool ls xm R.I!.r. .t- Or6ron Urtv. dt!t.no. rtnc.

a Xrt 2lrd r.lrort a$. L..1ug..d rtrt.s t!.t R$.rie.t otylDlo altta'..-nrnlne .t!rbr,!on' l!5!g:!:-!99!, 16 Bktn* a ataor€ e.b.b.ck Af*c. !.tlrl.c tro te&t€ tg3 b..!u.€ of E .th rhtttl. st6ea.b (e{bl."..,'. hrr .6ach.d ttr. Dasldloa {H.c.i 6o!1*s. trao* t.@ lor 29 Y.ar,... h,r b..d 'ot.4 P€nn h,1.r !!,lgutt Strt..5 rtbt.t. va.tttY s cluD.,. 9!: lnlv.isttrr! Doddr. th. f@.d tllYtng parlotr* t6;;; traq& t.st son !t oonf.'G'.. ehepl.n6hlpr li hls 13 t.a.' s$ $loaton {I1r.} Coll.as coa*lt, lxat r.5{6n6d to bre6Da glldano. and couns6tlne l!5tft +tor ac gapt.tr'll. {!11.i, Btstr 66bo!1., athl.t!6 D1..etor Xar.y C*6ut.r" of Ith6.t.E3 .atd Doddr .ought rell.t lt.D th. p!€rrqr. ol .6d.hAxct a^d tbsi th. n.r lob Yould dt{6 bl* nor. tlbc uSth hls tMtly. Dodd.' . er.spton 6116r'to th. &Se, rM stalt at NaDt.Flll. SErt. 1... Dlil Lald of sr" r"trn' 6 irr 61.o!.d E-iiE;E of bf tb6 IcI&i a&l 6oaih.r ,rto.tatloe ai itF annqat eoellna xay lo. itd E111ott ol Vt:Ietrots Y6s nan6.t V!dsFrs3td€Et.,. v:,th tho r.cponla& ot tb6 !!boo1 yelr ir s.p!.nbet' g:g Cu!!.n yt1l t. 6.lqbt.tlns ttls SCth tiF?s xoroG*uurs {Pa., aoadsty tlaot oos€b. 8. l|r! t{m.d olt a dc!.n A!6.164. oXtq,tut e lE.t to@ pl6..d ht. t.ooid !uo6...1v. und.f..t6d !..!or.,aru1y at ntnd..tauctltjl. S.o*ran.' ...Yllctbta. lohoo1 vlnt th. IgA TAI Chsplodrhtp thlr bonth ou oount os orly a on.-y.ar r.tgnrr B.cau!. Soutb.rn ctlr ln.llgtbl. fo! th. 1959 c.rnle.r' all1 .etqm to good .tan41n6 ln 1960 - e:th Bhat should pror. on. of tlE Gr.at..t oa.pus .dbllar of all tt!... Jqnio.! e sophr for .:dpl., aooount.d fo. ,16 of tb. 54 po1nt3 Troy ea.s.d ln a.ptu.lne th. ftnal Paolftc coalt Coot.!6nc. tn S..ttt...Squad l.atl.ri tn tb. dtrtrno. €r.nts 3bdgld b. f.y.. L.ron.t R.n. Rog.t!, t.tnando L.on lt Tody Srtth.r..., Arolrl. s.n R&ont. Jf, . has .rsn.d iEEii;;f

tc x.n'ar untv.r.rtt... lone u.s. lub-fourdlnut6 !9!_!9!g!S, hll.. Ir.onlrot.ry Dy-pa.3rne !D6 oa. 1959 tr..t ...ton b..$t. betr.d r.btu.r t.ndon,..!9Eg-!9!!!, B.lar.urrs vo.ld 6000 ..oordhold.! (1t!5.7)lan lt{a.5 id vt.nf,a on Jun. 3rd. It va! tlr6 lr.et tLE. of tb. ..rlt E!rP..n tr.Gk o.rpal€!.





run6 195J--r1 Ullralk€e, Jun. 6- C€ntlar Coll€gtatd confer6n.e T&l Ch. T€arr l, xansas 98 {4th 3t.aterrt y6a!) 2. l.Jotro tan,6, 36;i l. obro U. 25i 4. uarl-uatLa 22i 5. v.Xrchiean l?)! 6. r_i!consrn l5rr 7. ulssou.l r4+; A. Indlara llr r|iler Cgry E;i-d:6 (xR, old mark! 4:lo,r br 'r6d lrh6ero., Io'a, r956) 3-Itl€: l. 8111y Mirr3, l(ans, 880. l. sy1 Robort.on, Drake,


8.1r,6 Ia1., vl.t!., May 17, !959 Tth.: !r30 P.ll. V6dtho!, Uatu-lattr Club Han.llcao Plr.o Ttn6 l. Aay Uer.tR, U.ITC U(IC Scratotl ScFrtoh 2 46.5t 2" Ralpb etlb6re,Vqlc, :3O 3 {ar1l 1!00 6 f. irrl6 Rlohards, e rt, tri.tcll K1opf6., Unat. 4:0o i 4 J. n.ug :leaddt Unat" 6. 5tae Stankoeiob, Drc 2rf6 "r45 5 50.3r 7. Bot) valk€!, D.t.Brl, 2tla5 I f. ilgd !€loodyn, wSU, 2r0o 9 9, D:ok Ladsoh, usLtr 3.t45 7 52.54 1o. Dt€k Mouitrj !,r,T, 7!30 l0 l!" ldrard Todlln, Unat. L.00 l1 6tt25 Bat.n R6u€€, riay l6- southt?, .'lh \artls! kayn. s. 7!30 12 62t15 €.rt€.n Confq...c€. asd! LSU |(6y: UCTcr'Jnrr.lslty of Chtcd€o Track Clult -tf!- Dat Fart l!s6k club 5: l/5i 2. c€orata Tech l?! i41le! 1. lrod Abtnston, VanderDBC: D.t!o!t Boat club Eir'l: a' L2.2.,2-rar!6: r . AblnaUSar- Fayn6 State Untv.i.tty ton, 9!12.6..44O;Plrnf, er,nlI54a ACAUAL TIII'S 2n li, 5U 6F 7M 9U N&. Hand, lii ?9:oo 3I' rB Eiroo E6:5j 6nrle soretot 5:llo ll:lU l7.oU 4A!1l t!!!ire.s l roc 5,4) rrt45 r725o 23r 5A l0:oo 16 r0o 42.15 l+zt25 4At5? lltcba:at3 rlo 5.5o rI.4A tTrje 2)t)2 29t3O )5t57 l+2rJri 49tor loro+ 16.30 5145 ,\ttt5 1? ttl? 'J. Kr,cpl6r Ir,oc

i5"":fr!T;.GEE Racn, xb.ox st6dtum' Apr,1a l. Andt Rr.!n! Mrd.rr YIICA, 50rl7i 2. trr. GoodelD, El61Iahob.ton,5r!26i L J. xcohe., shsttl6lton,5lt27i 4. H. Ioi, sb.tt. 5r:rro lPace - 5!r0, 10!10, r5!12, 20f1O, 25rlO, 3Otrr,35tr), EOtr?, \5,211 B.ord failod by 6 r6c. to 6qual Blrnl€ir r€.ord ot 5o:rt. tho t!r.t f1?. s€t n6f, DunbartonsblrE, Balloctr-olydobaDk l2 Mllo Rord Rac.! Aprtl ll - r. ,Alo! cDougall' V. of L€e6n. 5031ro {4tn ltralsht vtctoly) 2" J. rt!6ht, clyit.sdal€, 5l!40i f, ?. UoY, v. of L.. 62:09. Clyd6b6hlr-H.1.nsburgh l6lt. Roa3 Rac. Aprtl ?5 - r. Andy B.ovn' th!. 23h,11s. (b.nt ord roooid by 4d. 2&s.) ?. ff. Eor, rr?lr.05r l. C. Eadr6. Cambur, r:26.39 XII{S }ROU


xara ton, Ap!r1 25 ln-ffTa;fi;;li--;€n A horlinc alnd and to*ontlal latn v611 .s a tough fao6d th6 ?2 cou!36 vltb {any 11111! ln ttto oarllot rta86s.. l.l(6n la(son, L6ods Har€h1115, 2t26t4ar 2. Y. xtr&vood. 2.28.09. Otford Unlv.r.lty allqla, Ap!l1 2oth Itllo! l. s. Js6!, lrro8.? 3-MIl6: l. S. J&6r, 1f:48.4t 2. f,

clt11san, 1l:51.5i 3. P. i{oMortasuo \3.53.7, Cdbild€€ UtrIvBrslty Tlta1sr nprl] 22nd - I u1163: l. T.J, Brrauit, r\ro9,?t 2. x PaLbor, i4:09.5 utl€r l. 4.sL r.utn, 4!18.4. .(a,A,A, 102, Aprtf J0r Ifll€y Rond o,tord ?6 - 840! A slou b€1r (54.3) sutt€d }llk€ Rau3on' etto .po6d for hls rlval3. 1. Ratrson, Ar"a, 1r51.2,2. D. snrth, o, 1:53.f 116, steDlr€n Jm6s (21) 6stotltslF 6d rr{h36lf as ono of Britalnr s for6aolt dllors by rlnnlde In hts bo.t-6vor t1r6 of Ir07,5. i61.a' 2,06.2, )tro.6 - bls lalt 1aD of 56.9 save bln a I ya.d vrn)?r Alan Coldon, A,{A, 4.0a; 3. ll!k6 B€rtsford. nAA.4!09..2-lrll6! l. DeroL Ibbo;.ob. aaA ' 8:52:6;-Z staq Eldon, AAA, a!52.2i 3. f.aok s6a1' AAA, a!55t lr. Pat Montaeuo, o, 9!0r.2i 5. D.J. Cbapdan' AA{! 9!05.? ( Pace- lldon 2:14,1,4326.8, 6.42.2. At trD b61l lbbotlon dot6d pa3t Elilon and pourod lt on to tlt idpo, {tth Eldon n.ve! yard b.hlnd. Th€ last lap Has 58.6 and thE ftnal furlons :5.81l MnJOR IXTERNATIONA! TIXTURT5


2?l2a - Poland v. lrssR lrrar

l3::ic!9.-l-:I2 Jun. 2g - B€lg1um v. E tland (AntYclD, Jury l6-r? - norray t. E.cotuny(o!1ol July 1a-19 - UsA t, UssR {Pb11a,} r { Poland ?. YugollaYla d ! -- u. O6hany e. Srdn.. v. Italy v- B€lglun v, Holla.d -. S{ltter Ausult 29llo - IntolnrtXonal arathon r RUI I!'G II' SE'IT A]{! HUI'IIIITY by'ISIA]{CE BoB lArE {5th Bosto, Iarathon r9J9)


To Justt{t 6t 6:poun.l*ne on th!! rubl6ct, I clatdt {tt! a ..rtalu la6l' .f nod6.ty, .f,6. 14000 h1!es lun nn 5ub-troptoal gofle Xonc lnd a f6v hune!6d ntlo3 utd.. tlr6 nak.d su. of lv$nty o. so In 1955) ,hin I ya. apl]or.nt.l a. !16.t qall Oftrc6r tr rhat far fluna outpost of SonA xong, I as.um.d ttrat fato itad €lvGn 'y athl6tlc car..r i sornd klck tn tha partc ort at 1.art! .aF6d a blg ohunk out of lt. I oould not fo!..66 Euob lactng of any kldd anlt tEil no hop6 oa botns 6b1€ to.odpets ln anythlre akrn to ! Ualatho! !n such a plac6, tlapptly, 1n tht! rosp6ct La. toly vrong, An:way, I d.ctd6d thrt, rltht. ttrs llblt dt hy ablllty, I uould bak5 a stldy of ih! 6fl6ct of b6.t * huDliltty on tlro lons dtstanca ronn.r, 1{. had s.€n ltark €eldonc€.1 hov h6at oould t.ansfom hard, trdsh Fa.atho! 6r"on.n!! lnto l1hp orhaust€d m6d rn vancrlver tn .54 aa! I ra. .dc6. to atnd a e€anr .f r€rluolng th6.tl..t of b6at, I 1and.d tn that tabulo!!, tlny colony ln 1at. Jun6, th. hlddl€ ol lts trot, hrnld ssm.r. A3 I .:p€ctedr all, tlt. athl6t€3. both soFl.. & lo.al. had et.tua11y hlb€r.at.il & v..o .ot .tpoct.d to ra1r6 a reallop" untll th6.oo1.! r.athor and athl.tlc roadon b.san tn ootob.!. Th. fru1tt-raotal Dooblrs of th. Hong xodg niny oth6r ,.11 n.ant.g ladlvldunls, thrt BnJ b"r th6 riln6st t.6Intrg prosr.n' 1n th6t .1ir'.to vas 3uI.lda1 o., at 1€ast. a .oad to ttosDltallsatlon. It ra. hald at tl.Bt. In factr ln tboe. oarl) dly5, I oft.n.boot.d by ralllnC fefun6 ol th6 fr.quo.t troptcal rlbrcrs. I rould th€n crab ry sholts and 3h6€g anal cha.e€ out into tho p6lttnGr r€fr6!hTh6 t.nir€ratur. tn llond Xone fror l1ay to S6!rten,b6} av6.ase3 a.ouna tow but, vlut ls vorso. the hueldlty 1r oft€n nor. tbar 9d*. fh6 latt€! ls tho lcal n3tlsnath 3appolrn ror lrstanc. tn 9lo heat vrrb a huildlty of 79$ 7a r. tar

eart.r to tur than ln 80d6g..os lf th6 tsdldlty 1s ln tho 9Os. rn eh.t .un!.r of r55 a ? or!. r{n ,as ry !.asonabl. baiihuh €ff.rt. afvlco I .obalk6at 5n rut to 3.o hov f.. r cluld so qt rectna pac6 and flnlshorr In a riat6 oi collrpr6 aft.r coee.lEg l! a.rt i2 Btl.3 r6ap.cttvely. Th6 p€rgptratton po!.6d olt of ny body at .acti dutln4" lty shorts and sh6.a De.M6 lodal6n af,tor €olng o.ly a t6r rtl€s a.d ! s6an oonf1tu6d ihat '.4 th6 flov dtaitntshed I solld ac.opi !t as a danger .len lecleory uas tatrly quLck It I d.ank 9lenal rf tr63h ,at6r 6nd t6o* a 1ot cf .ait rltb oy @€als" ?hrn .aho tho ,oFdlrtut rell€t of the aooJ ltntet tlit, avo.aee t.Flar.atur.s 6f ab.ot 60 it6er€65. Th6 local attrl6t€6.ame out or th6lr stat. ot etaEnatlon an4 athl.tlca b.ean. Tbdr. ,!.r aar sor6 race3 tban f had dar.al to hop€ tor! lncludtng s :0 6:1. rcad ra.. r.al a f holr tr5.k.voti. Thor€ ,a6 lo b€ .v6. D@re atblctlc actlvltt ln lat+i !easois cbeB nt $ra. b€.ane ]{on. s6c.€ta}y to th6 local A.a.a., bxli jbdt !t As tho h€at ot th3 1955 sleer .laoDad doro, I began to e:p€rtnobt vttrr fooil, drlntr) pa.e adal t!arn1n6 e.thod3! I was abl€ to run lurttr6r than tn the provlcus sum€r and ry nomal da11y tune vsle up to 12 o! 14 Etl6s anal ul) to lO !'ll.! ln th. .ain. obvt.usly ny body va3 b.coDtne Dor. ottlct.ot and off.rtne a grbat.l r.s13tance to th6 con.litlons, but lt ?as stlll a er..t .traln to Nn. Soh€ ot tho 'rl.oal.' had attohlt.d spasnodic Sum'€! trainlne anrt ro had h€1d a colpl. oa .oa1l Stlr 16! atht€t{c o66ttngs tn6ath th6 sun, but ttr€3e latt6r haat not be6. v€.y popllaI. N€v6!tb.1.3s the stanrlald at tlE boelnnta8 of tb6 !56 atbtettc soa3ou ras hl€h€r tban lt bad t6on tbo y.ar b.for.. I b.Can th€ 5.55on fttt€r a.d fast.r than ovGr b.fore, <tosplt th€ 5tratn of ey Su@or !lbod!16. In th6 sumo! of I vas ablo to run tulco a day!'5?nomally I a 11 rll€!, but lat€r I blllt thls up to 8 and 16 or lO and llt m11... 1 tld lea.nt to .a$y out a reasonabl€ trarntne 3ch6du1€ a65pl,t€


Ri4 8-ttll,E


Jun6 r 959--r r fillraul€e, Junc 5- C6.tra1 Co11€elato Conf6r6nc€ f&a Ctr. T€ao! l. Kan!a! 9a (4th !t.atght y€a.) 2. Not.e Dao6, 16]i 3. ol!1o lt. 25i 4, !ar-

4.1r. I.!.! vrah., ray 1?, 1959 Ttn6r r!fo P.lr. v.st1!6!. rdatu-rarr l[.no CIub landlcaD Plqo6 llre qu.tte 22i 5. f.Nr(htean l7,i T:-'flay r,.nrr6, IFrd $;;e:i- Z[6,Jj 2, talph lllbsre,UfiC' 6. ur!con.tn l5*i 7. tlssourl r30 3 4a!r3 Ir4r 8. Indlana rl, 1r0O 6 f. A!nl. Rloh6rds, " 4a.57 4" Ul.{ctl Xlopfor! Ud.t. ,r!O0 | Xtl€r Caly I',-6-6:6 { MR, 016 .;.k; a: ro. r 5, to$a Tr.ador Unae, 2tta5 4 5. Staa Stan&ovlob, frc 2r3O 5 by T6d {h6el6.! lora! 1956) 50.31 l-Xtl€: l. BtlIy M1113. 1(ans, ?. B6b ttalkor, D!t.BC, 2ttt5 a fii-i6: e €. rrod D61oodyn, fSV, :too 9 aSOr l. Sy1 Robsrtson, Drake, 9, Dt.k Ladsoh, vsU, 3.45 7 r0. ttak i{ountr, D.La. ?r30 l0 It. Edvard Toblln' Unat. 4:00 11 6r,25 Ratdn Rouse, ltay t6- Soltfr12. JID fia.t.r!, lr.yn. S. 7:3C t2 62,15 ucfc= Lntv.r.lty or chrcado T.dck' club 6asto.n Conaer.!€6. T.an! lJU !9J= DIc: n.t!.lt Tra6k Crur, 6r l/5t 2. c6o!e1. r6ch 32+ DBC= t€t.ott B.at Club Y11d t. l_r6d Abrngtor! Van<1ei{6Ue i'layne Stat6 $n1e.!stty btlt, r! 12.2.. ?-Uilr l. Atl.e1o,,, 9'12,6.,33o' rruiner,^) 1.54 ,JAUAL TIiIES E.nd. lM 211 iM 4V 5H 8$ 5]'r 7M rr6:55 li6t:,1. solatoh J:fO l1tla l?.Oa ?l:02 29roo f4r5a 4lt0o El1be.g Itoo tl8tt3 5tt+3 rrr45 r7t5o 2)r5A )O.OO )6tOO 42,15 nlcha.d3 tla 5!5o r1r48 r?r38 2J.)? ?9.3O 35t5? 42t25 44,57 U. 2).47 lOtoq 35.)O 42t56 49tOt T6_mf:;f;$k- R&c€, rbror stadtuh! Ap!.ta 1. Andy B.oqn, rv.11 YfiCA, 50:l?t 2. r. cooduln, Bollarburtonr 5\r26t ). J, uoeh€€! shottlolion, 5I2?; lr. lr. ro:, sh€tt,51!rto {Pac€ - 5!10, r0rl0, !5rl2j 20rfO, 25.r0, 30.rr,15,13, Wtr?, E522rl B.or. fattod by 6 c6c, to 6qsal Blnnl€r' to.old or'50.11. fho f1!3t flv.

s€t n6r

ldhrta.to.dhl r€ , Ballocb,Clyd6bark 12 Utl6 Rord Ra.., Ap.11 t1 - l. A1€r U.!6ugal1, v. of Lev.a, 5o.4o (lrth 3tralght vlcto.y) 2. J. Ytrght, Clyd.sdal., 61.40i 3. P. i,loy. v. of L.. 6?!09. Clyil.tJank-g€1snsbu.gl1 16U. Road Rac. Aprll 25 - 1. Addy Brorn, th!, 23n.lls,

{b.,t ord !6ooid by lr!. 21r..} 2. H. }or, l!2lr.o6! 3. G. Eadr6. cMtru!! | !26.19



E1i-!;fi;;r. o-;oa uarstlbn, Aprrl zJ a tbrllng slnd and tolrontlal raln Yell as a tough fqo.d th6 22 course rltrr dany b111. ln the oarllsr .tag€s!. 1. K€d P.vsonr L6ods gar€ht11s, 2.26t1+5r 2, u. rtr&vood. 2128.o9. o:fold Untv.rrr.ty Trtet!, Ap.l1 2oth MlI6! 1. s. Je6!, 4t04.2 3-t{i1e. 1. s. Je€r, 1lr4a.a! 2. x.

cllrlean, 13,53.5, f. P. U.ltontasu.

r).53.7. Cdbrtdee U.lv.lstty Trlals, AprIl 22nd - 3 Yllos; l. T.J, Brlault, r4.gA,7r 2. Y. Paln.r, t4.09.5 Ml1or 1, 4!s. rruln. {.r8,4. Ap.tl f0, rfll€y Road (A.A.A. ro2, ortord 75 - 880t A slor borr (J8.1) lulted Mlk. Rau3o.r rtb had to hu.h sp6€d for tfs tlvalt. l. Ratreon, AAA, rr5:l!2r 2. D. Srlth, O, r.5).? u11s stepbon Jeos (21) €stabllsh6d hlbself as on6 of Brttatnrs fo!.doEt hl1ort by vlnnlng ln trl3 b.3t-evo. trn6 6f 4.07.5. (6r.a, 2t06.2t 3t10,6 - hls last lap of 56.9 aav. hto a f yard s1n)2. aran Goldon, 1'4.A, 4rOA; l. firke 86.I!ford, AAA. 4!09.. ?-tl1st l. Der6k rbbot'od. AnA, a.5zia-2.- sr^^ Eldon, AA,t, a!52.2i l. Irank S6a1, AIA, A!55r 4. Pat xontasqe, or 9.Ol.2t 5. D.J. Charhad, AAA, 9r06.7 { Paca- tldon 2.r4.1, 4:25.a, 6142.2. At tho b611 Ibbotson rov6d part Eldon and pour.d l! on to tlF tap6, rltb Eldon nov6r 10!6 ttDn a yarit bohlnd, Th6 laet 1ap vas 58.6 and tho ftnal furlom 26.41) M.AJON IT'TERNATIONAI I]j(TURES

Jrn..2?l2a - Poland v. ussR (sar

r2::Jun6. r9J9 Jun. 26 - B6!6tu v" Eolland (a.tr.rp) Jury r5-1? - *olray r. E.G6l.Gny{o!1o) July 18-19 - tSA v. UssR {P!r11a. } r. Yugo3tavla 'n 'n - L?o1and Comany y. lFnce v. Itrly v, B61et{n v" Solland e. switr.r{uautt 29/30 - lnter.ational t4arathon *-(;

."--I]la *

"ra" aoB PA!! {5ttl Bo.t.n Maratbon !9r9) by"*"t-"" To lustlay hy .]posrdtn,E or thl! .ubj..t, I .laldr slth a c..ta1n lack ol rodoEtt! or.! !4000 eltos rlr 1n srb-t.op1oa1 :Iona (!nc and a a6r bund..c nlt.r uhd.r the oak.d 3un oa tvanty e! e. oth€r 1a.d.. In 19JJr rh3n ! vas appolnted ar t16et

rtai! offlc.r r. thnt lar lluns outpocE .f llons ro.s, I ar.um.d that fata Lr6d stv.n ny athl€tlc ca..o! ? eosnd klck 1n tho panti or, at 16a3i, ii4€d a blg chqnk out oa lt. I .ould n.t t6r.s.e nrch raotnB ot any klod.nd had no lbp. of b.t.€ ab1! to c6dprto ln anythlts akln to a llaratbon 1n rtrch a qapplly, ln thlr lesp€ct f rd3Flacli wrry v.ons. Anyday, I d6eld€d th:t, ths ltntt 'tthtn a study 6f of ny abtltty, T vould mdf,6 th. 6tt6ot of h6at a burtdlty on ths lone dlstanc6 rudnsrr tl6 ha<i 3.tn .tark svldonc€ of hoy hoat .ou1d tlah3foft hardr todsh .rponrnts tnto 'arathon Itsp €rhnd.t6d r6n ln vancouv.r rn r54 anl I vas .aa.r to tlnd a o.ans ot !edr.tns th6 .ff.ct of h6at. I land.d tn that fabuloulr tiny Colony ln lat. Jun., th. ntcdl. of lts hot, hLn,td Su'm.r. A! I rrp.et.d, a1l tlt. athlot6s. both SlFlo. & looa1. ha<t vrrtually htb.lnat.ar & v€r6 not srpoot.d to rai!. a,rgallopt unttl ttlo coolo! t.ath6r and attll.tl.36a3or b.gan ln Octo!.... Th6 Eultt-ta6tal b.eb.rs of th3 Hons Kone A-trA Harn.d m., as dtd dany othei v611 h.ahtng tndlrtdualsr thel rn) bur (1.. Flrdosi eran tr tlnrr cllrats eas sut.ld.t or, at 1633t, a .o.<t to hosptt€113at1on. It uar harc at fllst. ln faot, ln tbo3. 6ar1) d3ysr I often cbo.ted by valtlia for oDa of tho arGquont tloplcal rhorels, I u6!1d th6n elab ny sbo!f,3 and ltro6s and chare. out tnto tho pelting, r.fr.rhTho t.Dt:ofttur. ln llone Ko.e frotr llaJ to S6pteDbei averag.s around 90q but, vh.t ls vors.r th. huntdltJ ts oftsd nor. than 9o%. ?b. 1att.r is iho r.al ror 1nst anc. tn 9lo h6at ultb a huoldtty ot 796 rt 1r la!

6a316. to tun than ln 60d€€r..t It tho btdlty ls tn th. 9or. In that rumror of r55 a ? htlt run tas tY r6a3onab16 mattN4 6afort. Tvtc. I .bbarkdd on tu.s t6 166 hoe far I oould g. !t !ac1ng pao. and alhlshod tn a stat6

of eollap.o gfte. .overlna ll ead r2 h1l.. resp6cttv.ly. Tbo p.rrplrattoi pour.d 6ut of ny tJody !t .aab .uttnB. l,ty sboltB ahd !ho.s bgeilo sodd6r att;. eolng .nly a r"BP n1164 a.di I eoon oonfi&r6d th{t lf th6 flrs dllr!,nlsi€d I raold socspt it :3 a dang€r rtgn Recoeery sas fairty qutck tt I d.!rk plertt of tr6sh Eat6! arc took a lot of 5a1t rlth Bry i6a1s. than caq€ tho rond6rftr1 !.l!ef of t:r6.oo1 rln€€. vtth aeerag. t6tr'D€.etures oa atlou! 60 dosra.s. ?bo lo.al aiblet€s oe4 out of ol rtagnatlon and th6tt.tat. b.san. Tbore r3.e ta! ^thl.tica hor6 rac6s than I had dat..d to hopo fo., tncludliA a 10 n11. .oad rac6 a.d a 3 hour tfeck ev.nt. Tb.ro vas to be 6ven rbr. aibletlc a.ttv{Ly 1r lat6r !6ason5 rh6, Dy lltf. b€.ah6 ilo." 56cr.t5'y tq th6 1oca1 ,\.A.r., but tbat :,s n. ibo h6at of tho i956 strd,6r .laDpod dovn, I b€ea. to expait6ort ertb foo<l, drtnk, paco and tratntng m6tbod3. i ,as abl. to !!n tudbor than tn tho pr.vlous Sumier a.d ny noma! datly runs r.r. up to 12 or 14 Ftl€n and up to lO nt16. rn tho ratn. Obvlolsty ny body ra! b.cotolng 0016 6fftcI.nt and olf6rlns a sr€atEr r.st!tatrce to tb. coDdltto6s, but tt to !un. ra3 3t111 a 6i.at.traln SoDo of th6 qlocalsn nad attehptcd 3pasnoall.5ud,6r tralnlne and *s had h€ld a ooupl. ol snall Sqs&.r a!h16t1. boetlngs Inoath th6 3un, but thos€ latt€! had not b€6o vo.y popular. N€v6.thel€ss tb6 standard at ttle b.sl,nnlnA of th. 156 atblett. !.ason r.! hlghe. tbab l! trad b.o. ttro y.a! b.for.. r b.ean tho s.eson tltta! and tast.. than €v.r b.for6, d€sptt tho straln of ny suMe. s!t!6atulo. In th6 su@6r ot rr7 I var ab16 to run trlco a day, nohally a a 1l nI1oe, but lator I b!t1t thl. up to 8 and 16 or 10 and rt nil.s. I bad loarnt to carly out a roasonab16 t!arnl,.s .obodulo d.splt6

o].lonD BEAT


flrtt. Cltt, Lonalor r l|.y 9 orfofdi. !r..D1.3 eletort put! tba .lr.ad ln th.95-9.aro1d r.rt.s bt 40 rlns to 39, rrth !l: t1.d. rt v.5 th.l. lltrr trludtlh tn th. 1.!t nll.: l" st.Db.d 12 !atct!.!. Jar.!. _ o., 60.9. ?: oF.-6;-3. 06.8, 5s.l=4 ! o 5: r unr 2. G.oaf Eal.s, o., IloS.ri 3. R, Tbos, O.r 4;O?.ai !, A"s.rruln, c., 4r{}7.a.. aao! r. Don srtth, o., rr5l.lr nR, l5?.o-r34.k)r 2. r,J. B1yth., c. r:52..3 nt1.!, l. K.VID ClIltean, O.! 11, t9.tr-Tfr-TE;51. ? & I'r9.2)r 2. Pat xontadu.! o,, llrtol.5t f, u1k6 Pa16.r, c., t4:06.6r rr, T.J. Brtault, crr Ctrt.tr6rt.r-Poltss.utIr 16 i{ll€s road R.oG May9-l2Ooobp.tltort ?tr€ ...s.tlonal r.r1. orcoban turn.d th ,n.tb.r b.rt,cloctlna. r€cord tti. ot rt").0? {2 otros-9r!r5, 5 rtr€.-25.10, a r11.r-4r ! r5. ro h!1.s-52.031. ?. T,Y. Eayd.b r r:25.14t l. R. noatt, r.26.49i 4. a. r!2?.44, 5. Bob Fap.. I t 24.47. 'ray, TeF - L.yton tloodllt M€ottn€, tlay 6 aao: l. P. Futt.r. rr52.9..15o0h" r. n1k6- B1ae.o?., lt5l.6r 2. D;;;IItrbot!6r, 3t5? by ? yds. f. Ertc sbttlGy, 3.52.9..a!!l::: r. !ran! s.al, rfr39.lrr 2" D;J; cliaFsan, rl,!r2.4t 3" ero.e. f,nldhtr 1l!42.5r 1,. Alan P.rkt..! rlr5?: 5. Laurr6 R.6d, 1l!52.2 fooor. sr chasll l. D. stoards,9:06,4 Syaral !{o€ttne at tlt. Polyt€chntc Stadlurl Cbr.vlck. Iev 9 - looon Sr.ha!6: l F.o, El1ls. 9r06.6.. Inv. }|ll.: l. D.r.k Itibot.on. 4rO6,2r ?, John vtn<h. 4!o6.2 lolt by lnch.si 3, Mtk6 B.!.13f6!d, 4to7.9 Inv. 2 I11., l. L.urto R..dt 9:Il.0t 7;T:-EiEfi:;d.,9trt.I Idcnr. aEOr 1. J.y Jo.dan, 2:t2.4t ?, 6ifi6-T;:cf,;., 2rrlr.ai L xad.l1n. Itrbotson. ?.15.4.

H.noe6r. c€rany. uay ? - 8o0n. l. xtl6 r:5r.?; ?. <.hr-T?i- vc, l'5?l f. La?ron,, vc, rr52.7.. looon! 1, ,. Itrbotrohr GB, 8t18.2t 2, ostachi uG' arl9.or 3. Boot1lns. uG. arr9.2.

latlonal lo x6. Iialk. l6e Ane616r, caltf. n^y 1? - 12 statt..3 a ftEl3tt€ls t. lrank Stpos, {6ncouv.. OlyEplc Clut,l 2.t16.2ot 2. L.o Sjogron, IAAC of l,A, 2153.\4t j. JiF solrto, sc strtd.rs, 3!05. 2li 4. DouB xlann, culv.. clty acj f:1?. 52t 5. mrto Juwon.n, iAAc of LA' lr22,08;

994.L!212::.9 5" Don Jaoots, Tleard, o!.9o., 3t25.2?t ?, Han!,lune' P.cr cynt, L.A-, ').26,24t a, X. Lalttn€n, IA-cC, L.A., lt27.1ri 9, Jobn orokr 5cVYv, l:28.24, 10. lhtl Yoo€r3, SCVl'v,l29.rot 11" Bob Lodc, L.,r,t 3,t2.\l+i I2. Adtll Tu}unan' rAAc' L,A. " Jr34.22. Pllrr 25 rh. lralk - liay 21, soattts 1. Rorrelt n6ndrtckso., 56att16 0c, 2.)9.o7"5t 2. Dor Jac6bs, Tlcard,o., 2t5A.2).5t ), X6v1n LErr Ta.ona f&4, 2t5a.3ri 4. Jorln Koebt6., soc, 5. Don And!rson, soc, Irro.J0.5: j.r?,54.5. Olyhprc tsv, rreet, Horean stai6 Corl€96, Baltlror€, Yd" sat.,xay ?3 88Ot 1, L6a tlarttn, xorgan stat.J 2l-T1a.rne, Quanttcr Mar, na.i l. Llpscort , Quadtlco. 1 .54. rr 2-It1.: l. Al€i 816ckonrtdse, q. Z:-TIt;n so6d, Q, 3. r5b }llrn.r! Q, 9.29.? luooa 36t the pac6 unt!1 tb. eln 1ap th.n Ri€ckenrldee t.ok ow.t anC won .a!r1y. ) b€fo.6 th6 noot that h6 ,6u1d becor€ th6 flrrt to break n1n3 ttnLte3 for tvo-'r16. ln tt'e Balhln<r. arba, ar.und, ho!ev.! to bo folnC. Hl.' B.O,C, t6ffi.ta, fann.d olt a.!oss the ca.'r!s rn lutll6 search' & ft.rtlJ 'notlr(r event sa. nored up. Th.n! th. oftlotals 16t th€ oiher 2 mlr6t. e6 & tho r€ot ras over. Bu' brd b..D JoBetng around tho f,ront ot llu.t cynnasluE & flntshtnc bls saaup, tr. v.nt tn.td6 to rala*. A. lound a s6.ludod nook & Jlct to! a n{nut., plt hls head ln h15 bandrl H€ sIoDt .taht throuEh thF 2 mlr6' BII-L DELLITGER,




xl..c1. ,i11.: 1. Blll D.tIrnc6t, UsAr.4:07.5. sc saddo.s, 4ro8.2j 3, ad uoran! P.nn stat., 41o9.5i 4. Eern3.r.3 D6Pasta€r un.tt. 3oood. s'ob!s.r l. cha.l.. Jo..!, 1""-.i-q.-TZl:-. Phtr coreoan, UCTC, 9t!3.ai f. Pot. Ulbdl., SC strtd6r.! 9!ra.fr 4, Blll P.ok, 2-ltlo Fun: l xa: Tn€r, st.td6r.' tr;E9.j-".=Johh xacr t ltolrton, 8:53,8i :\, AI La'r.nco, Hodston Ir. 9:01,7t lr. Bob sothi str. 9r02.1


88or 1. c.ore. K.F, I11,1.ot3, r,|l9.4i

rrl'9.& (loob.t), 3. Dav6 sourlook, North c.lollde, 1t50.2 lr. Jto cod6.y, occtd.ntalr rr50.2 {t.r R€cold on grass: old aa.k 1.50.5 by Ieo-tll. R€layr l. stanford(DtoL La.366 TiJf:7:€.ir-ii-Lundh, r ,5r.0, Don ch€sar€k, r.50.9, Ent. cunllfae, rtJo.r) ?t22.Jr 2. P.bn stat., 7t2a.3t 3, OSc, ?.32r t+. tJCrA' ?t4r.t blro Huldl.s, r. ol€n! Dart., 52.1i 2. f,;;i-fiTB;;;Lh, 52.r; f. Yt11t6 atter04or 1. c1.!. Davt.. 45.J f,fii noray: l. vt11aoov., 3!10.4, 2. TEiiEl-3ii6.zr l, usc, t'12.5i 4. ory ,4 clovd ot lo.046 vat.hcd th. l9ttr ru.nlne of ttrc R.layE. llay lo open Track xe6t - s,l.Ai-sat. ' catonsvtll. gs. Maryland AAU !r€rt!! Mt16. l. Paul Sh.Ean, Cros.-countitFlub; 2" 5hat, York Barb.11 club (Pa.)i 3. Rtchan, Yolk Ba.b.l1! 4. Irarp.r, Unatt.4:26.1 z-tlll. lolayt L Yor& Bi.b6I1: 2. drr:G6i6Eir 3. o!ro1.. a,16 ?-t{tl. soholartlo: 1. sr.bl^. Ba1tl;oFej--"-Zfr?o-f Jorron I l. aho'a!, catong't1r..=r9:17.5 -1 fiae 10 - X.ntuckv AIU OD.n T&l Ctr.Dt lR..au.e of flood6d tr6ck hor.d to I(€e Albary r$ track,a.ro33 tb€ rlv6r flor lo.t rnor, Ky. ) Utl.r 1. T06 conro.. tllaat Udtv. ol O;j;; ?. E.c. Plum;!, u. Ky.r l. xrok Klti, ulMr u. (ohro).4327.5 2-Y11€r r. Pr.!s vb61an, U. xy,, E:_J;fi Ea:t€!, u.ry. rro.ht :r. cbas. Rto., rort canpb.ll. 1O!04.3 8aO! r. Buddy Gu, UXt 2. G.o. P.h.t' T;;;6.r.. a6chr l. Ji& D.nnls' Fort Caq)b€1l, r . J7.6 xR i.sr 1. Xolt Cahpb611r 30! 2. Untv. of x€ntlcky, 2?t l. atlanta st!lde!3, 20 {19 teah., raln. CUIJ COAST AAU tAl CIIAI|PS - Uat 23 J.pF...r Stadl@, Bo!.ton, T.ra. R.in ro.k.d traot, but ld.al ,.ath... 2-t{t1.r 1. Al L.vr.noa, Hou.ton T&t c, 3!325-lr.ste.t outdoor 2 hLl. of hts rrfo)l 2. Jobn Ia.y' Boulto. T&t, 8t58,2 l, yd!. b..tt l. pat clohersoy, Eourton,9p7,8 t&rr 4. J6$y gD.rtt' E.Ta4 9.o9.o llt1.t l. Don Loadnan, E. TA'C' 4t20,5t ?;_t;rct,. Bayldr (unatt,), 3. n.ssro E, aatc. Dar1.y, R. T&rCr 4. I.t!!' E:-ToD xurDhy, xY]tc,

8801 1. B. ansrd, g. T&Fct ?. E;6;n, a.xar ,&It 3. Taylot' R.aean Es. rt52.7.. rrrot t. OUar Ca3s6l1, B. TlgFc' 4?.2i 2. h.tt, slrur j. J.bla, E, Tiftc. AL OgIo coIl,EcE tAt cBAxPs- x.t to at Beldetn-t.lt.o. a6d: 1. ohto rJ. 25 tl3i 2. C6t^l stato 6?+r t. sr )7* 88O! l. BuF.tt, CS! r154,3 Xn grr.-! r . Joltr &raa, cs! 4i21.8 EjEIfc: r. x.a.dus, csr 2. rott.!'


Southern C.ltfomia Jutlor Coll.g. T&! ch$ps - Ls ahgel.s, l|ay 22 at Gl€ndal. co11og6. Yln<ly & oolal 88O! t. J6.!y Brady, ClBfa6y, t'at 5i 2. ntck ortlr, Tlad€ t ob, r r55.5! l. Sbappafi t Ba&6r5ltold'

Ir56.1.. Xr16: 1. Devlll6 ShrY! Bak.r.ftoiE:-T! ra.9! ?. ch.rlt. cla.k. santa Arr' 4,19.li f. Bob Jackson) et€ndal., 4t19.2 2-ltllor L Cla.L' 9t27.5 ( at'I. JC iE--coxrholcor 4r11.6 e 9105.1)t 2. shar, 9rl2! 3. l'arvoll, Mt. san Antonto. 9,41.4; 4, sl1b6!s, elsndalo. 9:41.6.. T.&t l Aa&or5ft.Id 6?+, 2, cr.t4^14-iE-Ll?r ). L4.E aoact! Jc t?+! 4. santa An. 351 NCAA Snatl coll.ge T&r chaat). ch1co, callf., uay 23 T6an. l. Los An€o163 5t.t6 41i 2. R.dlandr fl; l. sac.a6e.to st.t€ 3Or tr, P€1)pordln6 27 Aaor r. John K€rrbar, Lls, r!52.? IIIT;: r. Dan sc!F6tk6rt, LtSi 2. e;;;;rt, sao.sst.i 3. rrard, R..l1and, t-xtl., 1. sabt3ak, sa! Dl.go st.

;;T=8, l. rr.n' s.oru.rto st.


1. ettttnr, crtl@t It11.r, t iA B.ach

cM6hola.tlo a&l s.rl-lln.1r at B6tl!aY... crllfoml.. Lay 15 B.3t ba.k-to-ba.t rtl€ sn3 In od. l4alt robool trqok dtD..t in U.s.g6at3 l. Dat. sto?yr tory -- lrt orane. Its,4!16.9 162.0' 2tO9 ' ttts.5t.. ?td gcat: r. Jao& &rdton b.t9.9 ( 63, ztoA, 3"'2, \^y 23- CTt scbola.tlc t&l tlnart at Lonc 6.acb {c.uf.l I.@.t.! 9t.dtuE - 1t1.. l. Da1. Sto.y! qtr?.?. 2. t.ck &rrtrod, 81 cr&o aS !:2rr.1 su3tr vtid...!!g:t. J.v Dum

rlne. Ff-E6]nFq-i?fiF ro EAsy latrr TltAcr TrTLE !l'I SINrrL coasT conDBR8iac* irEiT Soutborn


TtoJanq capi-ur6d


!rl. llth lap ln 5f and bi.3 tzth lap 1n 64. Jon.s fad6d bedly tn thc clo3in8 3t6€€e ac Coleu:r add flll1s3 ftnl.h.d rt.o.s t. Dake:t. .r€6o fo. chtc4o,,cso:Brlluo..Loyoto lr56.7r r" ca,rpbel:.,co!'isrl; :J, P.r3ctr]... chlca€6. !^ Pricg. oc'fc, 20 (11! llettonal Juntr. & Op6{ slndatt l?!:,o pFl i{ay -11, M€thu€o, arllrsl'a.5, zcth Annual - sponsor. t.n ath.l6tlc & sooIel c1!b,. !1 sta!tars a l? z_111slre.3..sunnr. 68o L1:1y .o!r3.,.Prlr6s! ostly tropht.s!

final Paclflc Coas! ionf.r€nto lAI chmp!oc3htp toalstrt. aho lrlr-yoa.-o1d co{ao.6nce ,as dtsrolved follovl,ne th€ E66t by ftutual coder.t of th6 nlE. T.aEr Usc ,4i ucLA i? tl:i, or.soa 3Ji t.rht66ton foi certf6Fl. r? l/3i tastr!trgten st!t. 2&l stanf.ld l7*; or.son stst. 9 5l5t rdetu 5. xller !. Jlb e.61t.. o.€son, 4:o8.0! E:-€6D shAskra'd, tsc, 3. J.oL Lalson, fa3hlretot. 4, B6!t tI scfto r€!chand136 (56cd 3orscLtor) Lundh. st.rfo14,lr:t{.4i 5" RoEo Ro6€ts, 63t47 1" Jt{ Gr€.n, Eo5ton nn, I, A1 eoafatoa., BrlA, aaor r. s.rL. c!nltffo, stiaf.rd, 5?r66' t+3 T?Ct.t, ?, r.rry ):6t6.t. carrf., l:49,, l. To.y 5aF1-6rza, BAA, l. B!!1 !,los.r, narHnatr.' r:rl! lt" John 4, Jdbd Lafta.ty' B.L{ a t.SN, 6t:Jo 56san, UCI-a, 1r5l.7t 5. Jih crt1l6' o.' 5. Crchdr Pcrno11. B,aA{J r.C hi'p170:2J 6. t( on nu€11€r, BAJ .l2;i:r't;)7d | )? tt 5?.r t-DtIc: r. Fr.nk lrett, Id.ho, t!r21.5! ?. Jqha Jartett, Usil ' ( ?;-tri;i cayr.Rr. c.lrfolota, r4! ?6.l; 8. n.rlan Selear,rNUc, l:d J.)72:11 ?3roa l, tl€k xu,r.r. oroadr, t4:f0.9 (1.d 9. Dlek Packard, B,LA, 10. stan Tt6rnan, xt1c, tnto th. 3taetolr, .tmblrd & n.arlY f.11 & ftrtlhcd tbrFd.l rr. lmi,a Brgnnrn 11. R.yo. Saqy€.! dXC ! rasrrrnetor, r1r37,at 5, Bobxon,Lr€o, 12. ,r'l!ke Btgo1.r, BAn, 74t1) stanfo.d, 14:44.0; 6. tof, Far€ulo.' osc: lf. Jtn Dat6y, Jr., ia$C, 14:4!r.? {P6t6rscns, Usc, 1t:58,8! Robblns 14. John R6ltano, !y.n Ac, 74t2\ O.6conr 15,l?.6) t5, tod lay, Borton !,A, Pacr: ?2s -prt.6 { ca1 ) -lyat t-!,lon.tnao 16. Sob cuMln63!it${C, 2r 25 - P.le6-gonrlr:Ao-P€t.r.ons 17, Bob RMb€rcsr, Prov.coL. ?5!2r) rB. John Llnlcott, BAA, l: l8 - uonrlnEo-Yya!t-i{a.tlt Js taato.d r ? 5.3) 4!5r - " 19. r{.1t Bo.g6r, St.Cbrlstoprr6r'e, Btngbanpton, !.Y, 6,04 - " 75r53 n r€a..sons ! to last20. Paul OrDonnoll. BAA ?5rrl 7tL9 - n lionzlnGo-15 yd3 l3t to last' 21. J.!.y Earr.y i B{A,76115 arll, - Potc!.onr n 2?. Jtn Couoill,Et,3t, 76 !45 9:47.5- Rldlns,ucI-A, !.yatt- u11l6r-2 '€o brok.. 10r55 - u111.!, ldratt- Gaylord-lydr. lrt to )!d, 21. Lt.r'aync NlcholllN.qc76t56 24. Don uacQuattto trr,Ac 77:ll lJr21 - " ?5. ulko Itt!s6rat<I, LAC8l,lrr l4:21-5 - UvatL- C.vlord- Xtllo. (6.500 fan3) 26. Paul Eltison,.8AA, 84ro? 27. rlr.k Ertck.or, *BAAa5r l7 Unly.rslty of cblcaeo ope. Ii'.€i, llar 21, 1959 28. Bob Stronach,. l4c, 86:28 Str€s 11€ld. M116: l. Phlt Cor6ndn {UCTC) 29, John &oras, EAA, 47.29 4: rr.4; 2. D.aa;;-:fon6!, (u.att.) 4!r5.5! 30. ]}an M. Dunlop, BAA A8rr7 3. vi. N.111 {Cbloas6)t 4. Ernl€ 14tholltz ru.rc} ll. rra.k teLuca,.BA-4, 90:29 3 I11.t t. Hal Fledon { uc1'c ) l4r2?.?r 2. PhIl ?2, St€1tan Dlkaktsr Lapo!6 (ucTc) rrr!3or f. car vrrrlds (chlcaso) a;ia;. 9rr57 rtrtJ3.5t \. D.acon Jon6s (uaatt)r 5. Bob Ualtln, }{€thu.n 93t56 ll. {NoLro Dar.) rq.tr8i 6. ar clark (lour); 7. arno 3rr. L6n riu.,.li, ' 97t4a Rtornrd! (vcTc ) r5.42.5r 8. Ray t.nzr6 (uc.rc ) f5. Cha!. Br6d6.!on '*Jr. NUc r5tlt?.5.. colola. !€t tb€ paco thlouch a 7!eec. ro5.25 flr.t Iap, th.n Jod.. took oeot t.ai16d t'y Junlo. Tsans: 1. FVc- 1-2-5rlllt.abr, Il!gdo4, Col.aar, Cotton, anal C1a.k. A-ro-25, 2. BAA- f-4-5-7-9= Jon6r l€d thrcugh a 4tlr8 nt16, r.! h.ad6d 29 (.= Judro! t.M !cor6rs) noDontailly ty Clark ln tb€ 8th 1Ap' but at the vltb C6rutty' -tro bllo b..k els loadlns aealn tn 9:ld, rtth 'RunrI.A dtr€ct from Long Dtstth. fllst slx r!n..rs bunoh€d to€ettre.. slth ?00 Or<l.r yaidr to so HlAdon rpurt€d thto th6 l.ad runolnA t,b6



Yttt.r' and halatbon€r (l0th th B'A'r' A^{' la}atbon) 19J9. st Yonk.tr. l.Y.(littontl PFnSIct!! G.ofl {att ,at bo.n 26 veai. ae. ln V.lbourn', AultrAlt' a st!11 cal'ir rr' c.lt! thlr trcDe. 8. 1.5' ?+" tn tr€tgtrt rid t.tgh. r32 lb!. Htg 16". fb6 tatr-ha!.od sdvBntur.r spotte a6 att€ntton cottlneth'b"rdr Hr! pulsa Phvltoat ai uDon arckonLng rs 3lrr bo*€v€r' vhrl€ lt.nclng ln ttno tor n; srv.! th€ onlookef, an ldp!'!!lon of sLror'!ett el;.i"" r. 55. ".r-. "o;'i"E EDUCTaTIO{: nttond.d ve516' a01l.g. tBtsb S6boott tn x.lbourn., and lnt.'. sarn.d a B.s. d.sr6e st, X6rboum. U.iv.rltly. g' studt'd oP'"o"lrv for r, yoar! & th.n dp6nt sddlrlonal tth. rtudvtng cansrar 'c1€nco iprvsaorosl E co*b vitcitxorr-QorLed foi t,o !t.aF &t .n oPior.trttt b.for6 bt' etrttal 'n nEvett rrt{LETICS t Xaa fL.rt laos at aA€ 5, '!n.rng a 20 va.d 42'l1r H6 'avr, eonln rn hlgh I lpllnt Iir! th. onlv ca6.. foll f,ld 1a !h. ra.€ oth.. '{6r .cr!.ol h€ 6naaE6d tn f,oocba'.I and tract, dotng rb6 860 14 ?r07' Ran llrst t t-o"""t"y."ielf otl.r) at asG !4, ftnl!h!na ltth rn fletd of 80' At M.lb;urno Unlv6reity! h6 dld not coep.tG for tno sctlool but dld run I a-cou.trt and tra.f, rdceq l.r th. old r6tt.vc1!b" and Yon, runnl^€ off In r9t8-Itatt ran trt. llrlr rosd !ao6' a 5 mllc lEn<tlc'p 3'v€ra1 It; Tifit. F. s.s hls ftlst r.I.thon ,^ l95lt lt Ya3 tho flrlt ofaroDc tho ol'hpr. trtdl3, At tbl! tlc. he 'ot P.{. C6ruttv 'bo ta5 tldlne frve v.erg !o;t; od a br.v.r.. 'n t9j? h. d6ctdod ro trr tb€ nn}.tlon. Aft6! rn')'l?. nert bo ran tn tho stst€ !o of tratnlhs b6 t,n a pt;:fico narathon handl'rp tn ?rI6' Dlr6. and iater von tt^oi/t(torl6n \rara(hon Club ?o htl' 1952 :{6v south var's H. ran hl! firsi co.Deitttv6 barathon at aco 19 ln tho lrarathon chsFlon3hip, doine 3:5?' Ite r6tt!.Jod to t.ack runnlngi stBt6 t€ar t" rccr 1'" .;'r..ca ihe sLaie raF.thon & hado lhe 6 nqn vr'torto2:53' tr Lh€ (qu,rrrv-rne for tho tl6tI6nnl 'hafrFlo.shlp) bv (lnlshtnd 6th 'n Nattonale he drd 2:56 td fltlrhr.e loth. Th6 trtdl raE tttld--on a tn 1951, he trl.d olt t_6r th6 Erplt.1 Gade! tcd. uatt oniv rrnr'bod' s6r11'4 thrld' !16. ras ;;v. oi '''"'"'"' ';;tr'.'=: Ir. frn!sh6d, sonoon+ ea?o blr a neuspqpar klrb th€ 30 iar t€hl;d ttat 'i tl,en rac6 r€su1ts, nahln€ htt a3 thtrd plac6 flnlstlo!. It€ v6't l'ack to Uelbournb A tletrod hardsr tban 6ver, .tepptne uP ht! htle'eo froil 40 to 60 p€r r€ok' irijr rosttls lato. he flnt5h6d i:htrd 1n th6 vxc lar.thon & rracane v.rJ dlrc60ts oeed at hts lack of lEprov€hont. in 1955 b6 drcpDed th; Daratho. saDe, conosntrattne on t.nt3, llltosnts ana rn 1956. duo to d futl tr'€ lob a.d h..vv nlsht scbool stuttt'!! btsrntlho.fo! tDrr tr.liT;; Fas v.ty ltDtt6d, FoHevc.' bo dld corir.le tn lYo natarbone At thls otlrDtc"y.nr. Th; bcst on. rr3 lroa_on It htI.. a v6o& of tratnlna' to traln ooini be d6crd6d tbat h6 rould not run agaln unltl hs had tIn6 1n the oltrpr' properly. F.ttronont follovod' H€ dtd run 6s a !61ay runn6t as an off'clol i"iit' ,l'.r'.r Lo !,.lbourno, P6 uarcb€d tho cdb.5 and s.Fed tn tho 01mlc P6ntatblon.renc. -L"a;-t;-irit. tro h€ v€nr on a q months htrch-hrr.the trrp arolnd Austrartn' rturlos tri. Fiili b€ald on tht! t.lp. Found rt a holp tn hltcb-hlktne' t er." tr'lr perroO P-s. C6ruttt vrot. elelns hr' hrnt! on dl't and 'ncouraslng nrD to !.turn to s.nlng. hc i.t"rnr"s to *i',tto" sc€ne rn !2l!, aft.r rour bontb' of traintns' '. s6cond (bv J;Tns.) on th. olvnr'tc cours6' rho :itr4.iz ln finl:':.e fln!6hes ln """ olhDl( cour.6 hd. c€n alt.!ed so tbat It no longor ltatl! &Yonl"t3' H€ tt-. !i"ai"r. vatt. by tb6 uay, rat.. thl..ours€ a! toueh as@ount.h6^ha' po.i..u f;r; ran t?o nrlos' th6 e!oat'!t to ".6r.at"ni "u"t Adolatds' h€ lan In th€ soutb austrtrra !n@pv.i dono. on€ y€€,i l.tEr out to vln thl! ionshlF. Flt cht.t oppo.ltron wa3 r Stabpfl Fan ' b' ea! cla.h. tro flnlshod 3.cond ln 2:41.46 & con.ld€r.d tblt hl! Phv!l6rosrca! ttno. llslt -i*" --at the r"i".. be cloc*6d rr2k.23 tn tbe vlctortan 15 r{116 chaDpronshlp' """t. PEOttLET CEottREY \6,

IAt?, I.etu!.r'

and 4tt1

Jun.. r959--r9

$ri;,i:#,'i:r$iil;$t$in *tff tlltviia",lll[:*pi*' ratt I.rt ri€lr,oum. by ltrtp on'_::::i.,",;:i,iz#',;i i,.r,ar.c.. tralnod on tb. !blp!! d'c! '" y :TB';"-;;-;;";i"c,



p.opr.i bcran(ins, 3 hard.r vorlolr

:i:: i:':::*::"1;1.:'."::;'"T-li:: :; ;;;"-;;-; ir- 'i "a l.f"l'1i"","" 160 Elr.' rn-tb6 trr:: l9 i-"I":.}::"T?:li::*: i.'iiil?"'"'" :;:;;-ii-;li :.:'il:t i'":;:'l;"ii:"'iil.';:"i.i:;"'i;. *'::":.":"::'i'::';'l i:3'::i'":':.:':1i""!"lIlii.ii.i-iii.i-.lii"t.::":: ii;'llil*"' ili".illi,ll' #'i.i!;'ii"li\lli'a"iiliil-illi";;;;: :aa::'::: ::,:':.::iil':i.::::'::: ;:; *: :::::i::':t ;:iL: :i; iiJ;;iii;;r :r::: :":.':1""1:r::l'":1i;fi: ;:;"';";';-:.i;:ii:l ?: i;:'II::':'.;"ls:""ffi l.-:r.::'::';"i"ill'l!"13I"""' g::i:"T.'::.'.;".1-:i.::;:: ::.:5.'l::::"'l i;:'.:" i,-::'::;"":"':i,::: il,"i'.r-r.'"-"yr.':,,*:::'"lli;: iI"-. 3:::::l ;:;:T,""::';:1.;",;:'": sub-p'r dur' ns r'r'c u't'Lr' '";T:J'i'fi ;;'.'i..i". ?:i;::L'?:;"'1.:ff "; ,

av€!ae.. aboue ?9_T:l':::.::,i:il:1t.."::1,'1"'".;::"j:.1::::"'' llli',ii[l'i: Tr!13 Mount of runnlng t! t;,,riirir,::'i";:'!:llfi':ii:ili:itil,ilii ii:l.i:i:":l:i;.il"irii";::,., to 6na:€ of th€ car.tak€ls ln ree*rnci.r1' ns..*l":i."ii":*i"il:;-l':;:y:;:;"::"1["'' flnrrhcould ii,."iliriil'i. th€ oulok vltted Ausslo voll€d back-' *," *..*1".i:ll::'iil.:::;"i:'i'.ii::.'iffi".* ;;; ;;;;"'t".orne rl'... ractn€ pac. u'rrr r€'!!r'6.,-!1il-'i"" "

.t.adrly at halatho.

" r"".t" ,."..ar.e :::i'|:" :'"fi::::":'Fi.:lii-il,i:tl::""11,"::::".:l'l;",tii:;";"!:;::t. o 16' "'ure€." oi,iil*i,".'6" orh.r d;v' t6 -r: :: l"ik*;"*;:."1:i',::i::"'" l::."*";'*llrs ii{";!,:Ti:!i'il"i;:r::I;; ;";.-.!,rvhs,n B..,.n.) l: lrli"ixti l: flll: H#i:::: iiu;'....


llilll'l?l'ii3i: l8'li'"". u.n o'..".

i: Iiil3ill: kl;."?'l'ii:'.'ii-i'ii3i" rn"'""o'u t" 'du! dav! o' httch-hlktn€ o*". .-^-,: ,- "^!,La 116 olans """ are to.tr'v'ru:;'::i :::,;::'ii.::":'::'"ff':i:1. ". ill"ll."ilillli;l pl$v ii,,ii"iil-r-"ar"r. td ::-::!":",::l.i:":"i.:il::'^::Ii:":u.";:H;;.-;;';;;'"' b:ck tn austrsr rrob "H"l.l3li: erth a r3 1t1. pacl pru' ah^r'r ?o addttronrr rb3' or s6ar' to * r: :-:"::-iii"l":::":":"i;"i,:",:rB"::i"ii":::'* x.-i iliili; h6 pr.n!and r.laht trtlnrnt tt.t.;l bllr volk :r'""" li.rili, :1":',i:h:i;,llii:;"m*":*:"i."::;'::::";.':i' ;':::;' i:'*ri^illg :Hif+':":ii l:i':il'i":".:ilil "' ".*".' :' " r1:l:-l'lli'.1"'

t**l;#*:*it""3lI[$h ii::ii*i::il,fr$ftT*l?!ii,'

j#i;j#iii'fr ::


:i :i:*:l'"'ilu"r



39::jg99la9l9 on lunnlng and htr v!6r5 ot !.asonr thy v. ruo and ,trat t6 oan l..ra .nq ealn fsE runnlng has .haneod ny tt.r! so that I look lpon lt a5 a ,ay of 111.. I.t. bot a !o1!aton, brt @ro thad a .pott. Poroy n.t.! fal13 to ftr. ny .nthlsiarq yh6n6v6r I i€et t , As f.r a3 b1t *rlttncs eo, I oan r.at th66 and .q-!€ad thGh & I c a--ay3 alnd ne! a.p.ctr. g. l. .ot ..t rn hlr {d6ar. t. fe€13 rat 1f vo aro to Ilp&to t6 eurt 3.arotr aor n.t ldoa!. I donrt aao6pt at! of t!t! t4oat. sob.tl!6! I' !.l.ct an ld.a and Eavb. lat.r I ftnd lhqt ar -. dovolop t can .oe a n.r b.anlng frou !0!6 of tb.!. tdoa. on. tb4 anll .ad tli6n a."opt th6E. Il. l1k.s a en rlth a lot of tpt.it... rt!1 a.suo a p! nt.n

'A:E OVER Th. !.cent : nklns ot ba..thor tunnols bt Nat Ct:uldtok p&vld.3 the tncentivo lor m6 to aay sob6thlnc Irv6 ranted to sry fo! a lons ttb6 about iht. 3ort of t}tlnC. And lt Is ttlt3t tb€ra ttattstlctans hav6 fll3dt.ect.d th61r €netetos tbat could be useat toea.d a.Dro frultful undertaktng. uy obj.ctlon 1! tbat th6s€ arttft.lal ranklna ry3t.Dr, vhton ln a 1ot of tr.ct publt.atlon3. do not do tshat th.tr .uthotr tnt6nd tb6E to do. nancly to sifo ur an oblsctrv6 .atlne of th6 bsrt runn€!3 ln th6 valtous ev6nt5. That thls t3 ttle f.t€ntton 1s o16ari othetrls. vhat iould bs th6 purposo Ln u!r.e tb€ roldlrranklnc"? Th6 pot.t ts as stmpl6 as thl! - 1f trr€ corcluslons oa the ry3t€r do not agro6 vlth our opi.idns as otb.dls6 fotu€.l tt 13 th6 lyst.n that !u5t te vrone. A th.oly ls ruppos6d to detcltb€ th6 faottt ve dorit bake th€ ratter flt t*r6 fono!. Nov a ey.t@ can b€ all rtsht Il tt tr.s no Claltne 6rrols and holps u3 put ords! lnto th. ratins ol tho.€ eho ar€ 30 closoly ratclt€d that vo pr6i6! not to u!6 ou. ordlnaly sublo.ttee n.an!. But tf the!. a!. ranklngr that '€ Just oanlt s6.1ous1y ac.€pt, b€cau36 aftor all to all hav6 had viow3 v6 constd6!6d p€.lectly r€a3onabl6. th6n s6 nu3t etvo uF the sy3t6fr, And I thlrk thlr ls trrs .ar6 vlth Ctrulnlckr s systoh(vhlch' hou.v€!, ts not n6a.1y !o bad as Stlleel sFr1nt radklng. 1n T&I Nov3l€tt€!). I{hy should atryon€ v.nt to 6.s.t a syst.n ln ehl.h Popov ranked l4th, 6tF€clally att6n tD th6 sano ts.uo an arttcl€ appearod od b1b calltng hlr th. er.at6st 6v6r? And I doubt ttEt thoro vt11 bo nany peoPla ch^ll€nging thi3 clat{' co.tatnly tess than lf rodo of th€ pooplo !a.tr6d ab.v6 Popov rr.!€ so honorsd. It's not th.t I ot'joct to this pqrttcula! n13t^k. tlut that th6 nlstake ts dud tro th6 falla.y of tlllnktrs aoy altiftotal oohbinrtton of po1rt3 can como uD tltt! a satl.ta.to.y solution. Nod tt nay t6 .6p11od to ry OUR REA'ERS

crtilclrD tUat I tnv€ b€6n attack:dA a 3trad th6 stttd ,.r n.v.r &.ant to t61l ur Yle to .onrldor tho g!.at.!t runrgr! tho nert 3r.at.st, end 3o forth, IC may t!. rald to b. .n trt€r.rtirg EAtbdattoal gd.. But I donrt thlnk thi! oan toally b. sal,rtal.od Ior lbv coulat ono jurttty tho uay to arsten th6 totnts? sul)poso I Aav6 3 polnls fo. th6 fast6rt tln6 6v€ra 2 & 1 polnts fo. th6 n€*t tro tlnes & eav6 50 polqts to ttle wlnn6.s of maJo! clEmplonshlps, Thl! vould bs dlastl.alty dlfforgtrt flon Cllulrlo*'. 5yeto. but .o rbat if Y€ a!€ only playlns a rathsmatl.al gam6? IrF not trylna to t.ll p€op1o vtlo to lsBa.d a! thq be3t ln a peltoct o!d6r. If sodsono objocts that ny chorce fo! orstgntns potnts ts un.oasonabf6 tt Euat only b6 b.casse bs t! al,reaaly s!1d6d by a 3ubj6o!1v6 laroal as to wbnt 13.oa1ly lDportant In rankln8. In that cas6 srry invedt a 3y6t.E at all? A p€rf€o!1Y ,asteaul 6:aq)Io of a nathodattoal Cmr tr rc.! f.oqoontly !n acrach t..vrl€tt.!. Thls is vh6ro runnoFs ar€ coopa..a ln a nu,trbo. of .r€nt. aooordln€ to th6 IMI scortns tables o..oD.tiD€3 th6 Po.tuBuose 3cortng tab1ss. lor .ranp16: supporo !uon6. r doss the + mrls ln 1.1+9 and th6-mt1€ tn 4.20 and runnor Y do6s th6 t mt1€ ln r!51 bur tbo dr. rn f!54, I do not knou th6 lcortng tablos but l€t u! say ttht Xrs oile tlno 1r about 6qua1 to Yt5 + nrlo and thAt Y's m116 tr bott.r than Xrs + n116. Ahon what do rc loarn try ou. suo of addlng up th€ tvo eront totals & conpartng thod. I r.y v..y 11tt1. 1nd6od. He c6.tatn1y d6.ot 1€a!n hov thoy!11 la!€ ln soE6 ny3t6rlous 6r€ntr ray tlr6 !11. plus ll no. 1. thls vhat 13 lntend€d, I. a1!.ady kno. that x l! a b€tt€. * hl1.! tlEn Y and vlo€ t.rca to.

Jun€. lt59--23 of r6cold ln ttro tblrd and flnal €vcntra'6' rll' mrd8ot th6 oftohoon _ a on'tlno of 5:f6 Las Shoridan,s vinntne ord cours6 tbe lndor .ooonds nrn6 fu1l

5?:17i ?. rohn HH*aoE. or"*"'", Fcc,Ivor cac' I' ont.xobb c;x!ch. GAc. Slrlui host. u. 55'4at iiiir, l- rl aitct. i. a. P.e.t.., GAc,56:29i 6. ar{6 vandaFe€!, Hoc, j7:l?i 7' u. atrlnsr v63t. ont. U., 57:2?; 3'- vhlte),5h€'rdan- HOC.57tll! 9, lI. HoC.n, $L'|!' {,,il!, ro- c- Nosan. GAc,59i2ai lr, Hoc.60;451 1?. s. snith! i;"-l..b. 6l15bi Hoc 6lr:or ri. D. Nlcol, GLTC J. 15" ' Fat1rr. F. sf,ttL.'.roc,6l:r5l Int!16. GAC.6lrrrlri 16. R' ThonrF3, Hoc-. 66t12 (co!r3. - on€ rralr_m!15 1"b: thon five 1dps--r_'/1c htr'3) Tr,{-O $ILC oPEN - cou}lrE ?_'oil6 lrp E\rrc rot t4 T-;;-T:I1T;Er6.d, ' LIC. l0rzq 2- Ilank Leavsr! Gucl?b c: lb 1" ,rI Clatlhount ' CLr c ' Il0!50 [- Brvan xarth. GLrc, lo:54 t" R. taitln. HOC,

6. r. r.v'"r,GACgrrc.

?. lf. Turkr ' 8. R. Ev.n! ! t61ta, !. G. HdrdetckJ GLTc ' ro- A. Hack6tt, GL1C' (2? flntsb6ls)


ll:11 .-dr trncr.NE arnl-f,-Itc CLL'B 5+ illlb inijsi- iourn pr pq' E ,roN B\ .As,ircHAE! Toronto (Don vallotl MaJ ?l - DlcL-. Cartcrra.l eco!€d a clos€ r!n over ar claimount ove. a vcrv huddv' tto-raP course t. ron valr€j' East York'lst a'n rhre. pr'c€s' i"aul" e"t flr.t o,vmrrc crub

il""lii"::liili:.,.',o'on!. 11:llr 2. aI Clarmont, clalPh !'slon

irach crul'. ir:1!i 1. Fon iast York Treok club, l2t49t q. ubtrr n6!6!€n. clad.ton€.4c, l?!54t 5. rvor R6;b. G,{c. l2t59t 6. Bob Hartin!, fluu,

3l'il; 3?',1 ?;,3:li SiiSl"i,li?; lo. Iihltev sborr6anr Poc€, roc, ?5roal

: ;;:;', x?:i"?5;::'":I i::i.H:'ElE T6!2lrt 1q' G€ote'

i'l-_Pit Bovr€. cAc, ll;ean, GAa, 35.24r 15. Ed rohnston' vrarion,36!jEr nl-rumnntt.n X-countr' - Pa.t3, Irano€ l- cteFtk, Porand ' 24125 2. Ouoe, Po15nd. 28!26'6

?: 5

illllil;lil"';3Hl'E"' Pol.'d 2a' ?:) Ztmny .



44th ANNIJA! BAITI}IORE IrIJNICTPAL ea tS, cLrF Olr PARXi JUNE 6, 1959. Battlcorej ud. { r&t, 90 dee!.€sj 6-M11. Run (r? roon) r. bro,nlns T@i;-Toii; ac, ]?:t2.2i-1:_ P.3. c-. Y.lra66 r. i!€ntbor. rolt L.., ra-i ?. caJlo!d Donslot, torL Lssi 4. Jo6 Rou3.! Battt6or€ Olv*p1. clubi l, Dlek !onob!€, Eolton !4t 6.CuY rhldd€n, Floc..2-}|tl6 aun: l. vt.a1r x6ars, Doc,"f6:E :-E31.2), 2. Bt11 C.ry, !t, Ls6i L rlatt slngr._ ron. P6in Ac' 9t55; 4' GrY satP.r. 011616 Tdt". !i!16 Rsn: lr Blzr clv Ha.F€.. saw6r. Boc, fi19:-f-r. !)rl;16; l. tous n6..bard, York aB. SSO; !, ]irrr snlth, lr. 16.. t.16.! .2;-A.aehatd York sRi f' R. Fro'n, ' 1. &aoig€ Broe6, aoc." i4l.to c.lkr

8,29.8t 2. ,'o.. t;fiFifut,, H6rn!rl.h! ccc, f' L" J6lf..s.oJtcc laBrrr.t€: oa plecguGA *o fl?!t trF rao f,rr.lsdlrtduar !t9u!glL_ LIJTHER BUNIILLE AI{NEXES I'IARCATE f.UIi,E BEACII RUN IN RECOR' TI}IE

lra.Rat6 c!tY' su.day, Juna ? (1Ph) L"ther Eurd.ll. ol th6 P6nn AC1 P:rtlade1phla! hustl.d ov6! tlr. sand 1ik. d llfesua.d iDed aNaY f.ob thF f!6ld 1n th6 ;" ,i" the 2nd annual tiAAlU .i."t.h l-nllo b.a.h run alone tbe At1antlc Aurdelt. cov.!3d rrr26 to d€faat ht! t€an4'at€ s-t.v. Thomar bY elAht ea. of Phila. shanahan cc: vas ir'r.a. t"n v".4" b€hlnc rhoaag. Ihe €vshr !.r sponsored bY th€ .,"ia" t."e elven 3t a lurcbeob at Juniart s R€staur.nt lo11o$lne th6 In rlnolne' Eurdetl€ broke rocord of r5!lr, s6t rn the (1€ rndivldual ayatd..a l trolbtss + t6am nodals)

t. Lutbo. Burd6l1o' P€n. Ac, 2. stev€ fhobgs, P.nn AC' 3. v6rdon lioraan! sbanathn, 15t 27 tr. e-"t.e lross r P6nn Ac ' ac, r5252 5. uatt stngloton' Ponnllc' r5t57 6- Alb6rt sranj J€!s.Y 7, J€rry T.rranc6, J6rs6Y t4C L6rr3 8. o6nntt Job..on' PhIla.PCl 9. xla!. P.assont, I€.! Ac' 10, Rtcba.d Bueaellnr unatt. rr, i.ank Batson, P.nd lct '

z|}--Jun." 19J9 '!2, Jotu xalstu1t, l.rtr A0, 16tlr3 13. Earry B.rkortt!' P.nn IC' 16!56 1lr. ftronas $oDonn.ll. P€nn AC r6tja !J. J6rry talon' J.!t.Y uc' 16.59

fP**i*;***+.:g'*-#ii; 18. Jobn Ctt pDan' P.trn ACJ 17t!A

l?rl9 19. stan LtEdn.r! P€nn -Ac 20, l.n$ilo toodl.yt P.on' AC 1?!f1 r7t\7 21. tLrb Cr-.r, P.nn cb.r.Ac 17152 22, La*y llar.y, L.rt ^C, LArz\ 23, F.t.. S.aF., J.r..y l{C, 24. tobn Ytlltar.'Yort eh€3,!c 19105 25. c.alg chdbc.latn, J.r.uc' t9!o? 26, Bso Yd1ltds. Yott char.rc 19.57 27. rarry Rus!, w.rt ch€tt€rAc l9tia ?8. gdr.sd E.ter' ta..t Ob.t. AC 20120 TEAll. l. P.dn Lt 2. J.r!.y Xa.athon

1959 South Afrl.an T&f, CtElptonsLlp. rlbe! Pa!k) !u!ban, xa.cb 28-?9 (Jnt€nr6 h.at) Mtl6t l. L.n Prodsli' south.rd Transv;Ti 2, Barord clark. s.Y.r l. J. Jan3.n, }l.fv1. Ttb.r kt1o.2 {clark rtto drd 4.04.5 ln D€c6bb.rr fat1.d to natct! th. ydung Eolland6rr! ttnlshlng 'klck.! L.n is also a d.r.thon runn€!.) l-xii6s. r. {. oltYN.rvL; tolr s.a.P.r z. c.-Eiiiffirl, 3. U. Balto!!. f,.Tv1. 14!28.6 6-!lt1€s. 1. tf. 011vI€!i 2. G. Suan6Pooll 5;-5':-F;rt jo, s,Tvl. f ltolr.6


2-Mtror r. Bob So!b, strld..s. 4r55.5 2, al La,r.n..i Houston, 3r57,1! 3, tlll.! Et..tuan, olr.boEa stit.' 9tO1f, Ir, &r.! B.nnott, O€.td.nt.l, 9r07.4r J. alrn c.y1orat, st.nfoflr, 9107,4. xll.r r, IryDl Bu.l..on, or.3od !&rtr. 6d-5-ti ?; E anss1o3 D€pr.t.., st.nford t!o3h, 4109.61 3. J.ot lrarar.n' sant. c1e!a vwr lrlogt?t lr. D.sny g.br.l,k.!t r L st.t., !!0t.7 !trtan6. xcdl.yt l sc stlld.!t Tl;iitiu-.--ra;;;Eeo. rcl.od. Yalt.rr) 9r48.t, Mi, olrl i .k 9tU9.7 by Ory rJ7 2. south6rn caltfornla, tt52.1t 3. gcLA, ro,o8.4t r.. o:y, ror15"2 44Ot r, otts DavI!' or.aont 46.2; 2. chuo-t cArllon. colorado.96.5t 3. t{rl sp.nc., Arlroda Stat6, 46.7t 4. Yalt Jotms.n, $. ca.olttr. c6!t.4., 46.4. 88Or !. Ylk. Poak.! C.lorado' 1:50,2; ;:-Tlrff cordt, o.€son stato, t..50,91 3. M.l sp.no., As, t!5r.lt 4. lfa .n r.rlot. l,6C rBsb' 1t 51.5 2-u11. Re1ar: r. 6tnnford (Las36n, EE;::;;F;r6-db, cuouff6) ?: lo.o! 2, Osc, ?r4a.6t 3" o,t' ?t49,6 ull. Rolay: r. caltfo!nra. lro9.5 xRr I:-T6;;;:--j.oe.7i 3. strtaers. 3' ro.8 sDrldt ,.<lt.rr 1. Strldcrt. 3t2l.6t 2. callfordta. l!22.6t l. ory (1at€r

1, c. Junlo! collog. Ev.nts - M! C1.rk. Santa An. JC' 4112.3 l,lR' o1d rcco.d, 4t13.9 try s.buslk.lt, Iul16r5r!r.7bIn, 15sec. ton Jc! t955t 2. N€vlll. shar, Bak.r. SOOOh. Srchar6r t. J. fr.1d (an ldport f.oo Encr.nd) ' 4tr5t ElEnliiiTi-85-roer;:. i. Vad dor .rr. 3, Ja.ks.n, e16nda1., 4,14,2 S.a.?. Ttn..9:40.2 eaor r. B€r.h.r' contra cotta, rt52.9' :;-Bradl6y! chnff.y, rr5l,2t l. ortrr, south6h rranlvaa1 (s.Afrlca) 6-tt16 rrad. T6ch. rr53.8..2-Xt16r r. Crrar. track chahplonsblF at Boksburg crark. 912t.9t 2. Ma;;;ff;rt.s^c, t. Jaokt€ cordi6. fl:51.4i ?. J. Lang 9!29.4r l. B11t.re, elordq1.j 9!16.7 32t25.2r 1. D. Gtaatt' l2r54.a l|EAl'l SCORES! 1. SC Strid.rs! 5tt 2. San Jor. stat. 24i 3. t.ta. 22t 4. eelrtson 20 14116 Road Racc orgaottsd by th6 Spartan saFtor Cllb ln Capetovn, Oootdontal 2lt 5. c.ltfonra 19 s. Afflca - 1. ctErll. savag6, 2.15.f2i xoto: Lasrlo Taborl of th. scvYv'trlp2. P6t6! Ha.p..tad, 2r16.3? (rDtl ) I'.<l an.l toll vltl1. ln ttto l'€.d tn th6 E116 only 230 y.rdr arob rroa...' Rano! of saora!.nlo Jc von ttrB Jo south6rn :f lansvaal llalathon chanDlonstrtp 1. X6ltt Jane.. 2:12.51 tr€cond succcs.- 440 tn 46,9 a tt€d ttr. tratrl. Jc r€cord h61d by Bobby stat€n of ss tvr y.a!)r 2. Artho! Hobsod, 2152.1oi 3. Jackte r1ek16rt 2t55.27 {Jan6! cover6d Dt.€! Jc ('54) 2. tlonrc.' co,npion Jc, 5 ht16! tn 31,40, 1o rrl.r !n 59!13' 15 nll€s ln l,)o.o? & 20 ntls! tn 2!ol.04l P.lbs !tan6r, r.Y., lr.v YorL A,G. Avoca 18 Mtt6! Road Rac6 - 1, NIck Raubsn- Anru.l sp.lnC Gd.r, Jun. 5 {5 laa hoth6r, r br. 49 Dtn, 15roc,; 2. T. AIl.n, ' trar.r! I3land t!..t) 3:!l! aanddo.p 1. P6t.r B.y.!. tlenhatCi;;l:2e.r. r150.o5t 3. D. st€pben!on, 1t51,23 \75 yd.. I ndlo.p) l. v.lt.a xugora' rsaial uaratho! chMpl'ollbtp - l. tonnrs !!.!3. (tt(s.tatoitr,on Dv I5 t.rd. st.rh.n!on! 2,\).19i 2. llck Ralborh.lt.r, +.16.9 5olo. {alk.

1. G. l{a!lo'

S.Tvl. Tlh6t


|!,th qn.laL 12jti1€ HMdicap ioad Rs

:: ,:

.:,:q";";;":";: i::i;"fl: - su o- . rla.! ror ,o,o of,_ s.a. _.- d': "ii!{h '_ '? couse snaded ln sp'is :d.j1 fot "uDin€r €a at rs.eiiie, :r'.'4r: elaved lll seccrdi tfi cons' !eco'd' rasi DIlle! lcta1 Tile Tine 7'tt2 72,:t2 -'9. ,):36 'latr2 15'52 \)



56' 52

erl.6 et.L5 22 33tt) 62tr3 1


61:5i 7:22 62.15


ga.)2 '11t)2 3 /':15 53:cO







i anEaf.J




9*25 ?1t25


92t51 44,23 t9 93t\D 93tla 27 ?'t'\a e6'46 U

5tai,t lrosh ' '

. . . . rioL,eri nrake, culv€r ciix Jro Irank I. VeLasatez, ,iasi LA olraFlus . lee n, HaNet, ilario lrreri., tast !'r 0blr,ians . liiliiaL sesen, Ljchard E. Rob1e6, ;ast !'i.ollflnies 4artr ilorrr s.at

19i2 1951 1954 195i 1956 195? 1i59 1959

a9t)9 I,t))


16:00 ll:50



' 16:0c

-- -RJVlEi{--' ?o:11 Fast - Iau iitn-aaaL ist - liicn .!.1rl1. . ' . ,a:29,h iast - Jdsre vd z&t 1si - Ii.uar., s:Iirlr . . - ' coAs - lober_l ViLLa lJi - no.!rt, CDns . . ' 6?156.5 rast - Silvesier i es Jeblo ' . . 69tL3 last rsi - L. 6l:l)6 tast, - Roberi cons 13t - jlobert cons .... Fast - Pbbert cons 1sr - Iti.nard P. J€nsei ' 1):19 last - Roberi u!*e . . . 1st - 'Flobert !r*e rdsi - rhoBs c RYM ii,:lz ,.. 1st-stlatrin.. -r, +l-u, + tt



mual 4-1313 Blind H&dicap ;tE Slolso.ed by lriatid. Hi:h School Md Bedo.do Seach D€pa.tircnlr cl lecftation ;iedoldo Beachj Califonia - hu$day, lay U, I95, :61t o . " _".h or rd^{. s-a-r ,L ":t0 !.! J2 cl It sidters fi:isned, 2!,1


!991. !]Ie l. JooCX iloorer .'.lra C.sta H:r . . 2I.)2 )tAQ :. i)o. Hic!.r3on, ua'! . . . . 22:11 l:fri :. Pa)i I,. aishex,i'it. ;a,ui,o!io ac11!ge 20:5t lt)a 4. rioberi, cons, allEr Ci,;r iC . , . 2C.22,6 :5c 5{ilobe/,,t. atet.i:e., lviation ilj . . 21:!2 L57 t ilichad :. not:i::s, aasi, iri nl-qLljes , 22:22 2,40 2:OJ ?. ni.l, Perezr lit. S& lni.nio C.l1€3e , lf:tl a. fsn Luth"q, i'.i!. co5ta:is . , 22.52 )taa ::lrr? , 9. Jolxr DisiJ! ).?a ra. iartr jas.J t.nilL:rez llj . . . . . . 24,)? 2.44 iliF.n3ld l-. B.iton, avrar:roa:3 . . 22:!0 ?t)5 22.ra 2ta5 i r.1 !..a:/1, -arl lc Cl,I]]ians . :,J. ii!l',e. ;. DciacJ unar. . . . , . 22:t9. ::5n go. L,altforj.1 ltridefs 22142 2t)l i-r: [lielter ;lansonr 2ra1 2,55 . ,.., L:'.ed }f,i.,hiJ lil. lhoi.s a" rr€r, CrLrer Ci1":' iC . . . 20:41.6 t2l l.?. icjatd J. t.viar.iJ ,ra: , , . , , . 2.LtD2 )t)a fE.!'i1:l.:ob1e;,:vi:|ionHs',.,'22.)?I|',2o.l+2 Lt. ioberL 1. :rdok5, rviatioi Hs . , . 23t54 2.35 2f" lrlie !x;s.11, ,riiigu€z t3 , 2+,)2 l:00 21, Jii"rd lric., ;iviar-iai itj ......, 24tl'l 2.)+A 2:, irrrj. lentrer, r1+,. id, inr,on:.o C.lLee. 23.33 1:50 . . 2)tU r.)a 23. Join Eellr uai . . , , :L!, Dave Eos6, Lltra costa HJ 24:46 3:Oo 25, lseeLl oore, i{t. sa A-riorio Colleee 25:09 l:m 25{Johr Haas, rhin5'nez Hs ., 25,33 l:00 26.3) 4:00 Ltore rhlhadi, uat .,..,.,.. 23:07.e 5:10 23..t€pnea F!!lac, Mat..... .,. 29, Douglas Cnaey, Aviation Hs , . . 25t5\ 3.9) JO. .ri! Rortuy, uira costa lis . , . . . . 26110 l:00 . . . 21.22 l+rao lL, rren Tho@s, uai . . . 2.4) 32. ict Asbmre, uat . . . ....,.25,1+a Did noi finish: MiLton I creage, Cllver Clty Ac . , 4:lO --I.3o A11e! Helzos, 6ai . . . . oarr quckenbEh, ulta coeta HS . . . --l:00



1"at)2 i?:11 \9.29 r9t32.a i9:a2 L9.L2 !9;ir 19.52 ltt57 t9.r9 ?O:0, :lJ!05 :a:c9 2C:12 2n.12 2Ct2l.a 2at)2 2lt2) 21t32 2\t3l 2rt1:) 2i:L4 2It1'6 22t49 22t)) 22t33 22.J'1.3 22til 23t1C 23.22 23r44


l I






l0 11



12 16 2

21 2a 23

22 19

l7 24 25 26


)2 2e 29

31 27

4th ao!a1 foniaa L'ays rl.?-b1le Hsdicel sponsored bt lader Chevroi€t Conpey cLedr nuch i. aoatd, cautoaie Satudar, i",atr 21, 19i9



Sta.i at 9rL2 a.b....day bealiifxlly cooL for rMing lesi ileLd te'" for thi6 o!€...29 start€d, & linish€d sarb€cue s€sed bt lonie,a J]Eor Chaber oJ Coruerce orde! ot


!ls9 !i!9


l,omie ThorEsor,

uat (Bub&k) . .

!.25:23 1f??:io it29.24 it29t4J 1:11:14 rt3lt22 1:J1:1d 1:11:49 i:32:c4 tt)2.1j !t)2:27 lt32t)) 1:ll:03 t:rtLa r:14:jC Lt)4t)2 tt35t22 1:Jo:l] r:16:41 1:17:16 r:19:06 1:41:04 1:43:U \tt'9.32


2. lonald l. {,nG, uat (Los tngelesl . . . f. Itril' leder, uai (Ii. sa. --Lonio) r'. Itrrr }?in: uat (s& Die6o) , . . . . i. liil-idi f,. Pasler, Cutrer Ctiy aC . . . 2t)a 6. riobert 11, liilli&s, ionc a€aci State . . 10:30 ?, jiar iarijn' uai (Sq tsenadino) 3.;,l1clra,-Lr.:l,cpherdj uar, (iunmk) . . t. Jar-c ar.lila.cj ;uta clara lorih lillage 10. J.hn Carci., au\,er Citj iC . , ll, l.iichaeL J. ,{l-1ar, 'Julr€r Cii}. trC . . . , 1:lo 12. li.li terez, uat (i,:t. :i4 XJLto .i ,.. . L:1. i,u:sel1 ioor.. Mat (Mt. su intonioi . 14. l'.ichael iish, ?iv€rcide ]]{C.r. . . . . 15" lore C. Jih..s.r!, M6t (l,arerc..il . . . Ur00 ra,. !€!JM iftderos, nast, rn oLELF.ials . , 15:00 17. L. J&es;ebio, so. calitonia Jiltc.is, fA. lichani n. RotL.s, rtast h ol.tallans , . 19. nobert coner Culte. Ci'"r nC . . . . . . 20. iohr Di:tj, E&i (l,os ht61e3l . ,...

I. lafrej, usi (ran Se4ardjiol , uai (llt. Ja lutoni.) . . 2-3" PauL i,. Iishrr, uat, (i:t,. Sd: lntonioj . 21. De&

22. -{or l,arrieu,

2r', ltor. -{e:re, ual, (Cldqont)


\t22t23 1.2),tA tt!5.4 1.2!t47 1:ct:43 lt!1,52 Lil5:rr: It4ta9 l:fc:04 1:16:Zj ItaitST iri4:Jl 1:22:0ts 1t33trc 1t23.)a lt25t)2 ItUt22 i:13:l: 1:1,?:!1 1:2r:06 1:25:06 1:18:06 rt25t5a 1:4l,tl2

cna.L* J. "hod, u.at (hialto) . . . . u3t r ron: !ca.n, . Jess ii. Asliilts, UEL (se r.rmndo) . . Jin lianga, lilg B.sch siat€ lrcsh . ! . !]dvald

1956 1?5?




lsi: tsi: lst: ki:

J. Lerinson, Eat

(l,os,trg€16s1 .

ar€r,jMr Ianderos....1:14:r,1.5 rast: iiobe.i a:alio 4dadeea.....1:24:2? rsst,: nobert

.'ees i. sherdrd.,..,t.ior15 lnmie !h.esor.....,1:22:2:


3o!ts. ..1:09:14.5 coN... ..1:1f:J2

Tho@s C. Rvan ..1:0?:16

Fast: Hn.







I lc 3


) 9 a 6

14 23


A 5



t3 20




t 1T;T;;'i=;i-tca63, 'ad16! ratc. i TIT'NEsT XIBRT, 5OR} XAYNE, IXUANT Juno 6 - ;1i16: !- Dl.x EneElbrink.Psr 4!t6.5 $n;-?; tl.k Pond. ucTc, itto? {1o6t trv a 3iriit6}, f. cail Raidi uastern !,ltcblsani b. Jls 80B6!3, tl1. 5. "dtcL Kiit' ;ayton. ithe i'loto.ord Deoe16 fI€' !he:r conaany Ptan. to irev-Yo!* to l)tc* rp !9 East€rn .unn€r: ' s6 th.y cai1.d rt ih. ilotoroia lill€.1 3-tlll., !. fla1 Eted.n, JCTC! l4:25'6t ir.TC, 'r:?6t 1. F6nri r. C^r uilltds. t-€vtn. llYU. l4il1i a. Don ilan.o.k' i. /arves!.;n $tohtean rFosh, li!lii old ltalrt3. M1no1!, 1r:0o: 6' {r..k Hedecock. Jcrr 15t07. lnf- Korr' Ps, ,:roin^ ' 1r , .c 4r&a- cloe€1v tollored bv """u-itzt i.6d K6ir of Penn Stat6. Tlehtlv t'!nct! ed behind theo vore litedon & 1t111i.n3 of tho l]C'fei t(en A.o-n and Har.id Har!13 nllo- of;lt.; -2^a e J.d Dav6 R6ddlns ot v65te.n irl.hi & fi6nrv L6rlh of NYU. K€!! took ths 16ad not€rtar11y aftq. ttr€ nll€ but Han.cck re65tn€C it on tho n6rt lap, Th+n aft.r ttr€ st16 and a hall tr 7r15r wlllt.rs 3Fu.tod to a 15 Yd. 16ad & tho ra.k ,{ledon thrnned out. g€ ,a3 fa1lo{6d by at th6 tlo rllo 1n 9i40' l.st gh€ load to hrF titb 3llaPs to 60' r€sa1n'd tt at tho dun lalr only !. 1os6 out on tho flnal 3tralshta{ay' i'11ottrtg th€ ra'€' {i1l1ams dtdn,€ ltck rp ri5 p!!ze sln.e h. o.iin ltrv t.et^r: c copl n6dals and trophl"s 'savr h6 rdn3 ror fun. nor 16ot). nredon talked htF tnto tlry colla cLvG Dlcitne uh it """i ui *'. n€tt r'r1dH.st Rnc !ac6. Vlltlanr aer6od, ah6ro stll b6 s .ocotd hand.16ct!tc ilzor off.r6d as ftrst dv.3t RPc !ac6' D.1' 6-F;-=F;;T-trt chlok xrng, P6nn stat6, .an tha aao t. tho !.co.d tlse of 1r5O'7',h116 G.org6 {€!., n1l1not3. capt!!6d th6 44o tn 46.1, also a *€? !93! lecord, LAKE ERIE .g.ss AAU- Jrre 6' C16!eland, ohlo-at Baldrln-Val1a.e Co11eA6 itac&. 8AO: 1. Bl1t rry, ollto siats, i:j5'3 r:'o Bob caIt6r, ;v.. ul!€j Eh.r! . !4rdt U. ,! 2?,: l{q; '. -2. A*od ;c. rq;:5;tlrRi '. !6srt€ H6e6du:, cl.v.land vasjars, ljir5! l, G6o.s6

1lqsgrr-s3.43s!eq-]tl:- - ---

(EI'EY BREAiS 1O-IIILE RECORD Whltlnsrilla. ilas3. Jun€ 6 - adedcan n,nrathon .h.nil.n Johnnv Kerl€v sFashad a lro-y.ar-old t.cord t oataY s€'on'3lO mllas tn,<o otnutes' 5l'6 Th..rd soord va! h.ld bv

ai 52t32" tr 'as so! ltack in 1919. Efr11 Zatopok s6t th€ ro'Id iark ol 48.!2 ln l9Jl th bls natito czechos{6116yt3 ndrk srtl be suh'ifted as ad s.rtoan oatk a cv.rythlng lhou1d r. c,x.'4 ttn€.3, sco!6.3. judees' rr.ck :p!ltcatlon blanni 6t. ' ) 6 !cart.r!' 5 llnt.Eod' 'reaP. ?4" It61lovt e Paos! 4t5:},9.52, r1{r5a) r9t55, 24r5A, 1O;04. lStl?.{, !c'26, 45:39. 50 r 5r.5 '.J I r c'rPen finrehed s6.6nd, also ande. !a1t6ttr narn. ir0J" 10: l l, i5:lo, 20.t!5, 2:6 ta5, )t | 25. 15 | tt?.1!' 42 toi6 112 t22"\. 52t)O strong atnlslrl 5rr:02: l. ra,-n {' L Ar conT;l;;o, K011oy. j5:rl l5t yoa13-oIdl )i 5. 60rtn.+ --id!rn DlcoBe€orc; .ut at at n1163. and.sa "6rry, all oaflc:alr ag.e€d trlai voun€ J.hn can bf6ak 50 mtnlt6s on a fast tlaok & undc. cool.! voather condtt_ rqIrs.

20tr, rnnual

Frlday! Juno 5 (7,Jco fan3, jOOOh! r, \ia ! i[;i-:81 2. Lr!z1o rab.rr, !r :, 3. Bot' Soth, Strtd€rr! 14.22 ti '. A16: sro.k6nrtd€o, Quanttoo x'r lnee t\t,12rtt 5. l.t11.s Elr€nrai, lkla'sti4'37,j+ {TQ€r tim€d rn 13;la 7 fo. 1ooo.. s'.b..6t I. t€aco. Jon.s ;i=-i;;-E;51:o-h4F, old r.cord 5 03! by Hora.6 Ash6nf6ltor' l{\nc. :955ir ?. Pbll co1€oan' UCTC, 9:65,0i l, cha!. c]^rk, unatt.! 9:11.6i 4. K6n Rtdl.a, UcLA. 9:r4.5; J. 9€ter xundI . . : . r i d . r 5 , 9 : 2 2 . :) 3a6: 1. Da"r scurlock, NC' I:rr9.ai ?:-rnlo cunrlff., sta.r_od, 1' 50,2 i 3. Mtkt ?6ak6, Colotado, trJo.f i 4' Tos Ann.rson, usc, l:50,1r; .t, i{ol 5b6n.6. A.1!.st", l:J1.4 rrit.: t, Jorom. l{'rt€rs, st!rd..3. foz:? | 2. Rob 5h6nkland usa 4:08.7;

:6astll9-Lt!-!3:-19!e!j-:t!., "l1tl' 85, vtot lta

in th' {Archl. Jt. , wiih iil s lrt}cr j!nal rr4o jran(i!, ,n.ork.d a:7.i n6t catch th. iP. n6n but.o!ld ah6ad ol hr$.)! !, R6n. Eo€.r5. USC! 4.rc-6: t. Da1€ story, ora.a€ Hs,

Ir:rr"2 (rhe;:.1?;iiii! ar. out of

440: 1. Mik. Larlaboe! Strtde.t' rr6.l! 2. chucr Crrlson, color.do! i+6.3t l. Eddlo south€H, 1€r.5' 46.lti 4. crenn Davt3, ohlo rc, +6.5i 5' uonro.. strtd6r!, lTr {45'9 for aoon r6r Ld;!ab€o) !Lrro F€1av: rora. f,oa?



Jun.. 1959--31 f. char1.! Curtls, sloc,4!22.8; 4. !rank l,lulftans, 5an Jose ster€!{rt25.9 88o: 1. I!r1. Cu.1tff6i Stanford' l_;-jT.6 i 2. crDs. B€lcbe.' contra co.ta Jc. l:54r l. Tdb Bro,n, scvw, lt5lri 4, J€rre noY€r1, sJs, 1'56.7 l50Oh. Yalk! l. Phrl Mooe16, sCVYv' 7t15'ji V:lF'-Zl1:-I 8 Dabrrtz, sroc! HS 2-!!tI6 R6laYt ,. Iaro Alto (Lrnn, ? t te | 2, Lo. 6FiiT;;;-E;;at;L.trn.rl 2-u1r6 Rur! l, l(otth Vallace, unatt. E;:12:tl'2-eay n^ ro6d, $a.ln€!, 9:t?.'l! 3. Don x.ll.y,san Joso State! 9r3lr.tr 4, r.r Bond, sJs, 9t19.fSCVYV iOOO.. S'"luc", l. N€d Sars.nt' sJs. e,Ao.2t f. ' t?i5;i;-?;3ffnolt, chas. curtt!, oci k. Daeo Torn' unat. Holt eas leadlns until tb€ folrtb


Hou3ton. r.ra3. run..5 {Hot , Frndl6rs nlsht I !l1l€: l. catl Hodsson, OkrahoEa U" st., 4-l.l,i ?. To! Rodda, ltra?.9 135 yd3 baok)i '(anror ?. Jrt Barley, u.att,. 4i07"9; &. Frod Abitreton' Vanir.rbrlt. L:09.? l}l6ot n€cordr o1d mark rr'05.! by Hodes.n l95a & Ron Dolacy r.?) - HodP,sor wo(6d out3tq4it-

' of th6 nt6t fo! ht. tn{ ri€rfomer 6fI6rr. It !ns nnblon th!. y6a. asons cd1losla.. & 'l-M11er 1. Le" Streslttz, usx, 13r46.6 Z_-Tdiiii uacy, Houet6n rarc, 1fr55i l. A1 Lavronc.. Ho"rt4n TdrC! l4:O2.91 lr. r"r.y s.;rtt. ltou.ton r&rc. lq!ta'9 {rie.t nacord. Old na.k! l4toA'2 bv Aao. r. nobart Rtnso i oklebora untY. t ';_ij6.9r ?. Lov ublrlnan, Ylchtta u', '. carl 5.6f61d, ljn6L(.. lrSl'5 'rjr.or 4, Rrcila.d Y€rcha.a, D.nton Ac ' I r5l 'o lrro, L cl6nn Davr!, or o Tc' 46'9 T ir1-€F nn arl nrslrt plane trlp rios Ac, Ca!rf6rnta): r, Johh Cottsn' D6nton.47.,5 {?.21 1. nddl. south.fni f€ra! u., L, 11 Barn'ol1. Pttt,47.5 Elre aelnf. r. ri-ners qr{t6, ?:ro HR2. lirr'",lril,7 h! 1EI15 1n rr5Ai ^rn club 3: I0.2 1. Hourto rr-r. L :r: r lj3 .___



h6 tliPp€d

ofl th6 tat6!

.:"i'p t"rar.. H6 b€l1v-alopp€d lnto th€ wat6r, -tth llit16 !Io:tt stroslng. Rut the spartan sot up coveled etttr n(d and roiolned the cha.o. Tb€ t@bapparantly took son€thrne out 6l htt snaBhed ttr. ftrst turn' o. dry hrrdl6, t?o o. th!e. t1h65 rn a a rov. Ho1t, drlp drl€d the rud re_ dilnkra but daturally, "thout hln6d; Th.r€ ,as sonre coufusion dv€f, the flnrshr and liolt k6Ft on .unnlne aft6r h. had conrrloted hls anpalnted rounds' Ho rletlt stilr bo nrddy ,aY I gattlne w€. {at6! th€ on iu''l'! t' kn6ckine owor NAIA iNattoral 6 Slos: ta113, S.D.,.trdo th6 rlrst turn huldl'' rf san Jose ,rl"i "r rntlrcorr6erato ath16tt.!) .oech Brd {rnt6' badn!t asc6d bifr ;;;,';.-i;;;:;;;:a:i;n :6 r r ..n t.^. orr the tr''k-dfta' u9 . i.r 16!.' stat€ 5t -., uruD'.)\tl M;1", 1.' PauI l{htts16v, Enlorra, Kansas T€ah scor": sr ortoplc"::1:'

j ri:,

u,;: .. i'.r-rrr".

,4o!snn st rJ63t6rn

r.6.8., aA6i-i. B..t olr1a.d6r-

, sLrg'l,glE -:lj-gcvYv l9l -Flank ncBird'' of vavne st:t'

iii,""t';--;,:2.:,. 2gq9.T:-*.!a.J: fni{ertrtv, ru:ro.) ir'ri.ruv. r.p""r", Kads lh' {r'5 ,lii'i"'-i.-i"'l

'foh o'Rtordan, Idaho stat6.

-. --------,----

ol ha3 b€en naned toah tbat ar?od io}c'3 track'on'h


::i1.::t';ii,i:li lo'met Usc coa'tt D€nn orcr !:rls" r&I C|AIIPIONSIIIPS !'11 116{ east stanford. Sat.. Jure 6 sprlhe H6 accohpant'd c1a!a varler ili",'s.nt. ,.;;i ;;:;;;;: ,r,"i'ttn, or,r nark, -12:;! rhM,to tho Baltrnoro Mullt-c!ref-9es9!:

i.qsF---' ----,--,PAcIFIC A5SN

X'nE. 25. 13 a fom6r l!qt 2.'Rav v"hannah! unntt' 13:52. l unalt. l8jll,5;1. ' U. Rtl r Panney, a lrlr-v6q!-.1d , Hayyard I{S(Ca1lf.) co5.h. ht16r baclr rn rel?, He rr. one lrrnA i.rov6.1 be..use ol ca"'r h.d ".i.l,or.a ln t955. H1! Porf.m,an.€ todav btsht be a ran llth

b) I6d vorrr€? ";;iii;+i'i!".. sr""rdd star)

xard.n, scvw, 4:12.1 fl&1"15'r-t u€b.1. unatt., 4! 2?i ?.-'K;.1 t. I


Iron, Luis veld.quez - Gurt6r"la Cltv nr farber & son toam corip€tsd tn nth16t1cs tot tbe flrst tin'€ 14 thrs counlry in a lo xilo valk on llaY lo. !€ har€.nly on. ualktnal race durThe r€rth€r uai hot c;€ had th. drnd aeainst u! arl the walktns.ace & mY tlist tt'. r."ona r"t hY boy, Luis FeIlFe vL,o trnisn€d l5th. Alr lrr rintshed' 1. vale.tln ToI.6s, 5ohl!. 20 56c.

1959 '2-_Jun'! cantJ, 2. rlan vura6'in R. ,ot27 3. t!16 rl. y.1agqu.t on Srndqt, Jun. 28, t. Ylll hav. a r.s ro! tb. p.r-an q!eg!_r@.3."

00!lat hav6 k€pt ih6D spgrlbound


;9112 llll'iil.l il:1":i"":1":":ti:""fi", !ia-ir-..""i., r c€rrardly v.llii lrk€ :i'iri!'-ili.to!6k;th..*.tbon i:.Tni::"i':li:":".1:T:.::::.'i;" ;;; i;;;;i


t6 x€doh st...t' uiaoeto*, con.. Jun. 1o' 1i59 D.ar c.off! --i_*-iiiir"e ttrousb tt!. lade Dl!tc.t a t;ttQr to You. You c.rtalnlY lurnea out to b.. scod Judc. of and of Jlnt c...d. I v.s Four3€1f ""ii!-iLt G""., J;sr b.d.n.6f hr. 6rratic 6ood dtvt !n Botton atd tould ..v.t r.D€at at Yonk"t' You te!' Jutt dalk bo;!., ;;-:;";;;; r'i ""i i 'i"r an. you v.r6 I thlnk P6!cv.ltould b. proud of vou i""'"",i"r-"ry rud€6d y;or *arnr"", ", n€€d3 D.rf6.tly. vh.n vou v6r. at bv r; c.'rhat srtrr a1r ;;;;;.'ii-;;;:; ;;;-i;;".';;". vou Yould !ra'6 put tn t; tralnrne .ugiro.r or an hour & a l ar3o thouehr' vou nlsl'l iiir'll-i'i!.. 1Ik6 !o run 6arlv tn tho dotnlne rot;11ttls vhtlo, You dlsp€n3ed vrth th' runr ia!" vrttr."': ;:;i;-.;;;r& cv'r ctatom.nt hhat o.vb. Polcrr8 ttoatv"ltll1r dlffo.€nt r,ut lt Just uo"t"'. .e.ti;ir;-;;;*, !o you r;v rn t€d ttrr

slnc€r61v' char16v Robbrns (Ed' I('ep an ev€ out for. G6off. t'ad_ t' hav'nrt tho lltgrrt63t ldea 'rr' Yh6" tr6 tt' {6 knov ttFt h€ vaa

l'iii "i ii-i"ii-" i ;;y,." to eo out at trE d6sk.(tn no hu!.v ""rtrne-r.


(a l.tt.r 'd.iii"iv

to i.ttl '

"ri.*t!-i:-;i:'i:::;"::-i:::.il:n'" :*T'1fl.:".:1.':::""1i"::"il;:.lil;ton' ot'son and calrfomla'"'


dbil6 I got

I N6!. rron austlalra - sof,t.nto, _ vrctoita' (near Portt6a) ap'l1 25 a m'tln8 ra! b'1d to ritr6 bon'v ro! tb. c.tuttv trainlna oarp burld-


:*:..:",iii.*"i:":"il! ;:"* ::":"il r6earn top to- ro! 1e60' but he nav rtnd lt dlfficurt to dohrn'{e aeatrrhe f,urop'ah opposrtlon a! 'ulolv upr and bv th€n haYe caueht 'r11 Eavb6 Das!6d br! 1958 (ln6l_'

::'-::;,'*:i:*'"]:i:::':' *i*i EuroP'an r"ord bv runnrns t\' bl16 :l ?i:t;:;.'Hi:;Tili:?"'f.i;:"*'

vbat ttB. aia-."-" i:l:'#"":i:--H:*::"l"l} i';i-L""-i i;";;";. Yould i;";;'; b€ stttlne hom6 at 4il0 You t"". r


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run at a1ll) Thts r6€m6d qutl€ !6andarous to 86. and I bad vtsloh! of q t€r!1t16 dlsappolntBont and vour valklnia tn last at Yonk6.s. I€ hed .oo. vond6rfu1 *orkout! of an tbur and 15 rlnuto' to.n hou! and ?o nlnutq! ov.r that ht1lv cou.5. of brn€, and I had gotttn ln p;€tty sood sbap6 unttl nY u'ual lpr1n8.ilEqtt3 !6t:n. and th6n th€.6 {.r t!6 5tght..6rnc. You vould bav€ thoucht vou tor€ eolng to 1g6r York to s.o 6vor/t1r1n€ tn trro .ttv lattror thaE to lun Yorkors. I o""ia see y"" slchtseetne all dav and taklEg p1c!ur6! *rran you stbuld to out runnrnq vtth corbrtt. Y€Il'vou stror.d us a1li Your foq.ttr plac€ at Yonkols vas a trsn€ndou3 actrl.tooont, and nv hat 13 off to you. ?o cBD tt allr that l.oturo You Bav6 to thos. !.cnag.rt tn th€ uiddl€totn !.hoo1-Drott.blv the Dost cyntcal au<lr.n.€ r; tho vorld- knock.d tbon d.a'l' and I dolttt that .t€. P...v hlDs'lf


Not.r. Gold tlokson' cansaral toD naratbonG.! t63 be6n tnvlted !o co;p616 tn a epecLaX .qo€ tn r(orsa on soFt. ?8., Lloyd sytndells, coach and nanasor of the Vancolver olvEplc Club add {a1 B.orn of ToEnto 16!6 n 6d to ooactt th€ canadlan ?an-aE Ctnadsdor t!:ok a fr61d .qurd. TtE tan t6M {ll1 oonstst of 30 atblet.r, !an.atvo ooaoh.! end a ernt3.r. fho .t Y111 b€ i.l1 latr.ll ol gMllton' Cadadl,an

can.dlat tll 6'DIraD of ttr6 AAU. co.r tr1.1. r!11 b. tn ftnntP.g

Britllh cs€! & Int€.-coutv, Iondon new 15-18 -IC f-Ml. 1. stevo JMor r'ri36! 2. si;;-Tli6n, r)t)6t ), yood. 13:lr2t lr. G.NNolthr rl!45.4.. ^r Int.Ml1.! l, 5. Valonttn, E.Gor. 6rc-66:!iT. LaJos Kova.s,PoL. l. r 02.8 f.s. IIDlo., sun. 4:o3.8..!99: MIko Rerlon- 1r50.1..IC 6bt: 1. xatltn swa'. ?4,i3.4; Z;-T;;ii Nolrrs, ?8342

I;t.?Dr. l. n. Itbtron,8rrr3.2

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