In the Long Run it's the
/orV Dtatanrc y'ry MAY, 1959
No. 4l
P.r"y Cerutty
j 1tu10id,
Gordon Dickson (1) and Bol: Carrnan running in the lead i- annuel firestone, Canada road race
a::!err-ltl: OI(SAIIINIS SPURT WINS I'IARAT]]ON {Boston, Ap!11 19}
ttno olavl oksan6n, 27, a lu.lously faet ilnn, crploitod froD iiendor€ sq, to l:€t6r st. to taptur6 the 6fd Boston A.a. barathot raco today ln th. v6ry cr6Clblo tlF€ of 2h.22E.&23. T!16 Egtstlkl poltca d€tecttvo pra6tlcal1y poered ove. J.hnny fi.1layrs should6! lor 25 sils3' th€n apprehend€d bls quaty ln the 26th and 1ast. rh6 5t op.-shoutd6rpo, hue.ulsr rlnrnade nl3 d€ctstec 5oi6 30 folcefully! oohtne off th€ t6nporary brlds6 at Konho.6 sqr' ttrat ho lusrleal olf 1o a l0O ya.ds hatg:n on 3chool teactror Kolley 1n tt!6 .1o31ng b116, "He clnply overpoF6lPd o€'n corfo3(e.j I(a116y, 28j rocord-lb1dor ebc *as lunn€rup tn 156 to th5 llon vtskarl and last y€a! to Yugoslav Nlha1lc. ,'cksan6n v€nt ploetng thfoueh that last nlt6 1i\€ a bu1l. g6rs a 6!.at runne! Fho coDbln€d hl3 spe€d and pove. int€1lte€tt1Y Althou€h th€ 6lenents v6r€ ar.ayod asatnst it {a bone-bltinB 42 dsgroes, a ch1l11ne ta slight h€ad rtbd, and ral! €arly ln th€ tace) ! th€ 6v€nt unlolded tn on6 of the bost bll11rant of all B. ,4. A. sttusel6s. L6s3 ihan four htnltes a€I)a.ated the ft.3t fou. f1.1:h€ts. tse11ey finished uoa.lly tn 2.23:4?, th.€€ ntnutes & :19 s€conds b€hlnd ltls t5? r€ccrd' aftet.ontrdllln€ th. lace aroD the half{ay na.k 1. lrl61l€s16v !q'
1n th€ btttor tt.oet4 Th6tr chaEFlon, Nobuyosht sadataga, atnlstlod 3t:11-13es6d f.od ttr6 ooldt !n sev.ntr! p1ace. E. had no antltr6€r6 t. hts ladtator. L!tt16 liakao' 19. a vofltat'ls toy in pt$slque' patt6r€at a1o.e ritb Kol1.y aad tb6 lost ior 14 oll€s' ,hqn Coi trolt t'lttoo. E6 f161sh6d 16th' But no dan ln tla6 ra.q aoucrrt rr15 vay hoD6 tb &0!6 peillcus stlape ttran Eatsuku. th6 third of tbe d.16gae€s. In t9th posltlor' plact1.a11y lMot1t1o tltb .o1d (hls Puts€ r€ad 3A) , Batsuku suffor€d froo viEt .tub-_
tbu.6 rhy.ictans call€d I'411d shock.'r But th€r€ vas notb!.g otld to tlla shock Elno Oksanen, ti!6 vtcttant havkshat aroo trr6 ll6131nki Buleau of ,ot6cttve. lErd6d out sarller. It vas porfo.tly obvious fFoo t}ts /6ry outset, ahd cv6n wh€d thg biee€!6 srappllne lc a clu.tsr of a atot6n floD tb6 start 1d gopktnton to llamlnelEo' that oksat_ 60.s asstPnm€nt fo! ttre itav sa3r nPut a rtalt oi lcerl€Y"r He ?as alray3-altavsl rlghi at t.uE€ Johnr3 shouldor, froo the t1!'€ tl!6 olock struck noon and tbo rsPort .i th6 starttne eun €otroed off throueh th6 vooded ht113 dons thlch the town rePts€s. It 'as a Dack !ac6 a1! th€ wat into w€11€51ey sq", bui no natt€r bor S61tey nan€uv€.6d ta and anons th€ Dack ok3an6n shador€d blm 1rk6 aE l"."si"s ""sut. $hp14v6r l!€1 dent r,as 3qr6 to go. Goldno Dl.kson, Canadla. lhaqplon frob flnn !ickson, SadanaEa, Nakao, Karvon6n. IIah!1ton, Oatarlo' a c61d-Yeather nan, p"o. rt.soU of tnctandr Hrt Hledon ol .ahe r1lprne hose Ylth a 1at6 .ush 1n chicaeo w;!€ tho othols involved_fo' 2:21+.04t cutttbe doeE lloiaRdrs V6tkkc Karon6n, t54 *tnnor, by j1 s€conds At U€lros16y Ko11ey sta.t6d to ass€.t relley, Dtcksoh and Xarronen u6r€ arr ftr6 pac€ h.d bo6n slot-tvo hlns61f. rn o. n:6t€r 3t.' tvo blocks tn tongtn tho 15?.6cord rnto bohlnc nlnut6s that seaiiont, at th6 sans tlbe. due t. Ir"!lnsbam 5q., llckson, 27J an tnsu!a.46 accourtant atrve o6tG!o1oay. I'lou K€1 startoal to floE Han,t1to6' ont!' tas contne dowd on t(e116y i1k6 the stnd. IIe sald" 'rlou Dt.kson t.stgntlv lespond€d. Th€ tvo knov, I o.dtbarily *6ar €lassee, Itut I shlrt3 Flnns. ln tir6i! Pale bluojack€ts 6d, dtdnlt haee ttlei aft€r {:ruy,i .rt.a €rr61f, $amup I'In th. haz€ I .ould nak6 out a Tt!€ v6t€.an 'ttltg confe.led. srx mr16s), shlrt out th6ra ahead of he. I nover xa"6nen roe€d o?6i anC aatd soEethln€ d.6@64 lt {a3 (€lt6Yl " , rne !lnrs, is u\rar . lhrrveJ rn the Ithat te eald *asrnK€11evrs sia.ttne f!!sld dornc. It uas suorl's l0th vIiro sak€ hls rowe. {ater! btm.n vhi.h they sh.s for stn.e t917, Itatiod Iidllt Th{l'5 cll Oktanan had beon doti.o6 rins, str se.onds" for :-1 n11ss o! eort" lng Th6 f6ared Japaneso' wtlo ltad scabpefe{i lthl.ltna doun tFlo long rlos oat wlth three of thel. f,:vo p.ovlous l]1l]s ldto l{euton L6?€. slsllv r/:rol oul tlr r" l{61!63i6Y raJls,_Xolr6J :€t out d f€* '6ro notches" {nor:t tae6 J
{Bostod itaratbon - cohtrnu€dj 116 gL.ok oll Sadaraea and Dlcts5oa th6f,a, and 1ttt1€ akao ot'tlou31y rtad tdd lt, as i611, !aPe, a notabl6 ng.arr4r,r ;ud folid tllts eudden lttt1.s rt tb€ pac€ too Eueb i. donten<r ?ttb 600 tatds 6a!116r" 5o sosr tactns ths ha1lnt16 spc.ad6' €radual but srlo, nhlch runt t.dmit^3Ft-6dar I.1ls to N6vton-\{€IroslFv tsei16y 3et out to c.t .ld ,t t1!6 flxn,. !!It !:e oi thr: aiado,!r l1o .._ .a114d, !'tha, I bloke aday t.o!. Kareondt to dtn tbe,57 r..€.,, nws13r ho d1d 1t aealn- tr 2-nc ta ttcksor".,aEd lio Sadaseqa. Bui _ the Col.ctl!6 ot(sanen dt.s4llrll ' po stst€d tt b13 shado?tne oporatias" (o11ey sbol ttie uad 16r the ndat 6 it1ss, tryl4s td rl.1 t!1h3€1f off tb!.3 hu,Dan tuf,I ttE 3tu.k !. hts sr1lrt1 lie dhlt lt er tl1c al:si of the tlilee :t6elea i:tt13, rjotn;nd€ai l at" ut io lrr:E Flrr a.l. - il.jt ttrst6 Nas 3i{san3n' !t a!:e 4rert, til;e I 6a{.s116d ctdmp ce ll.e{i asaln rt tho tvlsttf,s tllrlock ton.l' to nc arall' t:..,,:a jj.n lltci 1 burly ma. vhcse ri:qlti E!s.l3ai r.1t.5 race K€llevrs ltni: trkc 50n€dhlne lror ro( rf ci.z Pals., a-.p.arFd ah6 tf!.i t. 116 r:1r!:irs t:arne]:, t. S.-i:.).rr :.:.o!!.-d tbat lnto!t,ai:ni Elil tr,ti3 .i4jre anf tr' llth fiearl:::ea{: sEatron,i.;r 1r tlPa hr.nusent tc laiv te!+.3,1.i,.tho. hoF6- K--116t tnce "r. ' on !r en €ifotl t! 'reJl crsat:e.:1 .!ir, ho1d, .llie nr.;i to b!.ak off. lte bati'€lrs6<l nrIY. lo' Iew nun l ' 1 ' qorld so ad€pt at rLnitne !l) a \1ll "-re cd s4h? o1 rE'c50 | ._r4D G.otci, at. oksaneh fought his wa' ov€i q€artbrdak ltke n tan dleetne a Cir;cn." wheE :tslley fln.11y forced 1l1s td.!n5 ?a: nr€. tho pelr of rl6 itil, tb. ss€aplne bactstop€ that tun'btes to Lako st. ! rra alnost pt€ctpttolsly tnch of ''alFdnrt eatnod od6 trlfling ,xnd that is the uav !h!t raced fo! th' ensut4s fou! D116s, c!.v€land ct!.le and doen Rgacon 3a,- l(alley $hlFplnC alo-e snoortlv bul no I th an:i-tr nat,ne o oa3l' nc ht" rac6, 'nd the burlv Ilnn" h€"d bacl^, 'hr'r' Ine s16nA rho i..r u"rrn, -n! (l netl' avr€ 1€ft olboH. ;I thouaht lhen! K51r"t srtd. dth'r v6
rr 959j-1
r€re fast approachlne the crttlcal non€nt. I sald to breelf, !so!'qbody's eot 9o etva" Hho vil! lt beirrl K.1'3 aonett caec a3 Cksan€n, for ti16 tiE6, eov€d abroast as th€,- applcach6d th6 t€hporzry saoden brldg€ over th6 .rns€.aotlon :tr 13 an abruFt litt1e brtde". sh.n thoy :€acb€d ib. top' tos6tn6r, th6 aiin suii!:ienlr e:p1.ded. llo caD€ dolrn tb6 3*6. side ai 1{ !t "ra: a skt jur?, tn sleht rtrldot h€ vas ahead by t!?o y4.ds' s! tlcioIJ5 flad itr€ us vas hls llia1sseu1l, ne{t loc rards d},1ie Ketlet ta, run.i'it ao.. :le rrn auat and ha 1!d. 'rTLl.rc va3 ito htldlne :tt!,,t' !16:li6v r!.d okEan.n satnr (I tas faced tty a touet! c!nlp.!11Jo!, lae last !:i1e Fas ahead, j t.1t ]-har Io11cY tn€ .. th{, br:daie-::.i, so,l tn.k a .tra..e :cC rltiarei.. !.. Ketret, a sup.ib ri11l. r!.net trrri sho iad b€en irainlne,riehis toach:ne scbool whl1e ihe li':,ti !..e 6at1nc, sleepine fox ftve se6,rs oksan6n! s flr!sht.ts cr.dlbl€ elfott on a daY wtrt! th. rali ,:trd viri1al1r f!seC tt,e krri. ,lotiis! took hin lronr coollds€ corie to tlte flnish rn i2b.{a5. llie rds a secend 1asi€r t:tn ria11e: had rased sh.i r"otnA .ronn f16d aval fron Itarvone. t! a ?,20.05 n6cord (samc .oursoi teo yea.s .a1116t. Att€r !h€ riop o€n- cksanen, li6116vl It.k3on, (a.voner - had conpl€ted tho ?6 Di13s" -iA5 Yards Y€iterdaY ttra.€ ca',e a {'ur-etnut€ Aap, a1&o3t, bet..€ the resi 6t tho ltold shorod !D,.Th.. cahe os'a1do Suarez, 25, thc Lt. .l.eentl na lasndlYhan, lifth; Pai,e, ihe l5-tear-ord Rttai darY .ntr.y, srlth; sad, sad sada'aer, !6ari8o.ated JapaE€s. .hantion ' s3v..nrt,.... trcrenrou) €fl)rr ttrn rolloved - a ?.2915a 3ue flt elgth b/ Jini c!e€., 26, quincy-bred toacher of tnstlsh at Sauglrs, I{ass. gleh" !l Contaloao, uak€tte1d! i'{ass. en_ eln6ar, atd G€otf riatt! 26, th€ nasniftc€i,tty baarded -Atrstratian opt!e- 1an. corar!€ted th€ lo. ot tne 5ld th. so, tha; "^3 d! PrctLr€ l€ss, on€-hudJ!€d llaralhon, hore end :3 at the '!art a.d JnlY oksan€n at ttte tlnntsb lrunl llnea { statlstta3 -Paeo l0)
Stanfo.d 1!!,llasno Stat€ 20,at stanforil M116. 1. Doug ltartln, 5. 4.r?.9i 2. Bob uccurro, s. 4rf0.6t f. nvr Evaba.lor, !" 4115.5 {Ans€1os Sa* Joso slate 66 at Caltfolnla 6-t D.pa3t.s r l5-t..r- o1d lnolctUl. frostr f}6n G!..c., clock€d ;r.i1"l ruthlng EiT;:--i: rs'ry srer'elr, c. rr: r5.5t unattaoh6d, D6p!sta.! tha G!6ak ?. san lqott, sJ, 4!17; l. Roe3! F.1c6i c,41r?.5..42a. 1, sleb.rt, c. i,51.(,. Nattonal cbsFp'FLE beat lae courtnsy .', carl !?-r, n6v, sJ. r:5r,&; r. J€rrt 1n an 88O 1ss; ruM6r) eai strootlD€ Ilore113, SJ, l:51.1,.2-I,!116: L Alan for his countlrrs Ell€ :6co!d of Gaylotd, a. 9:2o.1i 2. tou Ketrey,sJi 4.oA,o {rblch tis tbl.ds). lt€ Gre6k f. g€3 lJond, sJ. eoqgrm'€nt flnancod Dopastarr etrf,ol1stanfo..l ??. at UCL"( 59 uonr ar St.nford, It s-i th€ Attra tar d.eah that h€ vould 16a.n Ae6rican FiT;, r. B6;tr1 tutrdh, s, k.r2.Bi 2, Ernl. audltffe, S. l. Bob Il!llasd,UCLA nethods & shov th6n to hls cornt.ya€4 snd a13o ihat tlo kould get tEe snarp aAO: r , Lundh, l.J2.8i ?. Dl-ir La:-6r st f, Jahn ssananr ucLA", ?-x116: 1. condltlostng vhLctr vou1.l 6nabl€ bln Bob onrl.go, S, 9:lA.1j ?. red Riding io do v€!1 In tb6 t96QoLYllP:C5. Bul Ane61o5 does.' b knoy ths langu3ge & Stanford, yhe.6 the trooks are 4ttfiAprJl 5r iou! ray trtoxral T&r meet cult even lf you oan road lnvolvtne santa clara va11€y Youch 66nt8 a rcbolastl. p.ob16m. H6 F..bV1l1a6€ 99r Si clykplc Clulr 76r host ably vlll letqrn hoh6 1ft6. ihl: san lran.isco state 26 & Santa Clara qua.t6. €ads"l... ?-M116. 1. Bori!1 lo ( Unofllcl:1 ta11y i Lurdhr s. 9:3a.6: 2" reith ga:1tr,j6, Mile: 1" r.asrlo Tabort:5CYlv, +;i0.t, 5.9t41.1! l. Paui Rtdbardeon'tS: 2. \-ndot \r'".'s6J r_ rn {dn.lh€, roro.l0:11.1., 880: 1.€ crt.llftc: s, e! Hunsarlan)i :,9lott1e.J oc. {N6v 1,5O {l!!t to.66C A 315 tinal ?;?0i Stadiun r€Dordi o1d Dark 4:24.5 by fasiest 88o of soastn & nsr, Stadlur lto.d! scvYv, 1956)..8aor r, Brorn, niarki o1d r6cord l:J0.2 by Cdnllff€ sc!'Yv, 1i55.9,2. Lantelnan, oci 3, in 1954t 2. Dlck Lassen' S. 1:5?"7; F1.baer, srs..2-llt16: r, rrau.6! 2. Klns, SCVYVt f. l-oldedJ OCi 4, Sbettl. Bob qo.r1deo, s. ri55,5, or€ssn B1+ ! unlv, 1€r, OC; ,<, van Zant, OC. T1n6: 9:?1.4 of Hashlnston 491 lloth :uns€.utlve {0ld <l6dluF narr arrr0 b} Lov€, s(vl4l dual b€et rrnl }l:16: t. Jtn clelle! r956,) Sat., Aprll 11i jlbv" !4eot stassd by san oreson, &.09,9 (a6.t .€c.! o1d rc.or'rl Jos6 stats spa.ta.s {No t6am s.or6 k€pt) 4,1r.7 bt Jld Ba11.y, 1956); 2. c, Larsoo, O. lrtl2.6.. 2-Milat 1, *11!e: 880 1. Iolftads, sJs,.1r5t.3 oreco., 9,o8.a 1@.t o1d neo4 Ilile!' Ma1on6y, SJS, 4r2l.6 Foblrlns, o.r '54' 2-ltt1e! t. K611€y, SJS! 9;qkt 2. Szvtc- oa.k 9!18.4 by xark 2, Robbtnr, o., o!20.0.. 880! l. rsl, s.vYvi 1, Dykes, sJs, uos6rr r.., r trj.5 UcLd 6. at O.cldenial 69 san Flan.tsco' AP!.11: Los Ane.16s 8T 1. rin cerveny, o,, 1t52.)\ 2. Jotdan, ocI-A, r:53.5i l. John s€.nan, UcI-4, stat6 80, cat Foly 52, sr state 2l lrtl€! t, tar€!k6rt, I-As, 4r16.3t 1r5l,9..l1tr6! 1. Bob llo11and, UcLA, la!t2.2i 2. K.n Rldlne, ucLA, 4:14.5i 2. non L6€, ca1 Poly., 2-I11e! l. D. scb'€tke.t, 9159.7i 2. Lea,.ASOr t. L Xer!, o:y, 4:17.. 2-u11€: 1. Russ B€unett, o. ! 9!15.1 (n6* m66t r6cordi rorshav, LAs, t ! 55.2 ontalto, Callf., Apr.11 - 3l.d ord harr( 9:19.4 by John x6.r' oxy'1957) 2, F1t1 P6ck, o., 9rl5.6t l. x6n Rldlng, Adnual clDffey tls Inwttattonal l{tlor 1. tal6 sto.Y' Otane6 ItS ' (o1d ro.oid 4:22.8 by clady C.llfornra 50+ at Southeh caltfornia €at, lul1olton ns, 1956)t 2. Jack 6o-2f) tA?nd io"s.c,rtve du-l h6€t vtctory for SC) Xlr€r 1. Bob sbanktadd, SC' Hudson, LI caJoni l. Noal' rull.rton.880. l. Jan Underrood, Buena Pa.k' 4r0a.6i 2. At13 P6t6rsons, Sc,4:12.2t r,56,\t 2, Lrr\y ca.ova, BsllfloYert l. Drc& Caspe!, c. 4r16.6..440: 1. J. I.56.4 (ab. rt16 ta3 publlclz6d as steb€rt, c, 1:5&.6i 2. wayn€ an attorpt on th€ Na(Iona1 Int.rscholr,55; l. Tob Ande!3on, sc' 1.55,? astl. looold h€1d by ,y.o1 Bu.16sonl 2-X116! r. Alan caylord, C. 9:21,1; 2. but a 1615u!61y pa.e and a blC Ila].d Red€ Rocers, sc,9t)5.71 f. rsrnabdo L€on, sc, 9r50.1.. 44o! r. stat6n,sc,!?r. rutn€d all |)osstblllties fo! reoord
;':ii:::"':3: u's'
, ius.n6, o!€son_ tyrol €f cr6eon a..sMan_ to(iay brokA rh6 frosb naEionrl fttre reoorr.or6.rie r\e dlstanc6 tn 4.O?.6. t!r.. orc m.k af ,!;06.? ,_c xcd€son of oklahosr 1n
i;;i.o" """
_Th€ ialk can6 rn a dual n€6t betF€6. ui€e.n,i froq\ and oisqon s\d!6r: .do,-. ._rh€- iu-y.a.-a1d aufl..od alb hrld!
h116 oa 4. | 1,4 3€t tasr
Burr.soht' tiru o.ti". i:,.. rai4rng varslty rtDo "." ot rr01.o br "n" 016_
sen'3 j:lallleus. lisbraskr at OktahoEa StaL6 ,,/rr
et."".on, cir:,'r,
.r.y r.r,tri4.
r 5,3
r i r-r. f,r .)13 ,r-1j .5. ,. r. r5 ,r.! .1. .i1, F. +t?) 5 lr _. .or, P.. 2_ Bnt. .i!?=-_ t.:. , r, r:::_r- it, i ,pr r 86; ,.r rsmor. .. :, r, J !_rrrH1n. sJ. 4: u ? F -r1i'. sr, :f.rl.l -:.a.^ 1, !' Fl''.1 l:' !
4 .?" - |.!:! aoout ;
u:r-E ilARli
. .rugr,..o s._.
c!o-ml1es) 2. tanka :'"a.t,xr, e,rr.r,r'..--;,,
,. rr,.i, .:+a,0r L vahos, rRuEalLa) Jr:J 5; I iiodlg, l:50.8 8oon._r, r .. u,arl;d"ki, r,:z.or :. v","", lil r'r: q FTLATTIC RllC 6 l4tLE X_Cotryrny R,JX Jund.r, aprtl ra (r:lo p.M.) ygnonah.l\j.J. z Dine n€sdt- rrdr!s rh;oush rononarr wooils (rrrtly) r!1263: 2 tropht.s & 4.'Ruhnrn€ rflth Itoath6r! rarn (?Bo) o1""d" r. R.owDIne porr, u"oau""i, r.t. 1lotlg < Je3r6. BUrd€l16! phita., pa. .J!17\ ohn Marsha11, Phlra,. Pa. , ! r. i,, .: q. 5tev6 ]Jh61an. phila., pa,. rr,or dr 5. e slns!6ton. ldoodaury,'y.r. ;r..l 7. H...y Borloeirz. cand€.. {.._ i.,,, ts. Eob cbetsb6r!, shad.haq ic, phr.a.3J:u{ :,u,17 I0, Earl 561tbi NorrtrtorD! ea.,
, 1959-1i c1r,*1ns.d,
3i1,3;ii;: 3:'":'3,J;";',3;,;' Kally,
PACIIIC XCRIF EST 4,a.u. 20 xf[o Tf,acI uati cHi-rtpfoisflrp _ AD!i1 tr
:.,1 s..rt., sraz:un, seartje, ueg,,, pr. c1ub, 1:g!.1J.6 a"e Ha!_,2;r 6il j.i!. t . ', ,: 6"b ,r. ,d., ,; .;;; \.1ff1€ Oiya_nt6 crrL, t.i?,tCt J,
olubJ ?: iA.44t 5. Crry Haa6k, SnoFo 1' 5h .r''3b. , f,. ! *3; j-r:!b_ _ iae F,r +srjr16h. ,.,. ; .m1Li a6 k1t.! 11,, r . specla! j Ftle ro:ra race 5,atir fsr " iovr f:u{ t? 5o?3 L;a cr inee hoLe :hen :co n 11.. r.uhd_trrF !'il1 be aoLrsed f..]e rt 1r t\6 she,\yn Hnt.l or?r r!i .rtchl: or Jdrr t. _ Buffcf i-n.i!.jr he 5>ryoa toljo..rng tbn rac€. tl -!1i J€del. r6qar,!s rJ:€,1:n p1:cL & i:edafliors t. afr olat _ '"a,t ' r"'- tE.' t.".rr,. July -f,bJ 116 rat,.Dnat 5€r.dr 5; r 1f. {i.. e 11k i;r rnos€ 1^ alri ov6r ft rtle ror t6 .ur rhi o 4n,l _eturn. _Entrlae for rha 5olr erE.i ! *iit€ 7604 sedncr: 5t, pirts_ ourahnr r. 4-syrr44r., :.r .1,.. .6aror pr. ,t11 entrl€g6t6sa Jun6 2.J! Fosltivefy yo p".t rnr,les. of hoh6 torD klds atrd sivo th€n a treati_ coach hous€d fro. rlth t€@. Aprlr rl, Annapoir!, Md.. Nnvv!s t.!cktren !€Ie the betrer."dd;." ai tbey splasbed to a r2-pottrt t"d. pttt a rat6rto,,Fd tra.k, ?t 1/6 ro 5eonJ/6.. xir€;-r.
"!l liili.f'"1'3;i: i: ::*_-T'."". u:. tj;:;i;:::
{:{i11";.';":l$:i lfEt x,--1.-lq. '
Judror C of C Idvttaxtonal ch.ttarcosa, fe.n.. yar.h 7 !!g: l Plun", hy, !e.7..r116l 2,s11' l - Ablnstor, r. 9:f2.?
f€ch Oklahodai 2. LamarL'ad' u.X6€.€i 5. La'
#r*t,.i' iilLS;'i"!i'il: l;"".
!iflrAPolls, r{d.' Ap'l,l-l8;-::1" " i I i i" '.: : ::":':i:":. :Ti ;. ii'. " ""
i*#4.Jrs: l:
;;"* ffi::"'ill"+i:l!1"1"'^i ;i i u' r'^u'il"liiii"ir=rs;-i""' '. '", ;:f::;'il';I l:,1'9"'?ill'" t;*=;"'9, l.*' i'3i"i;'
1;.1';i o.*"', "]';z-r*; :i. 9* i.; -'' ;
Ne{ Yo.k, Apr!r
--la- Marvl6nd
il;.i"ilililiilli li.. u.''"'u''' **::',i"'1.3;"'BHlli,""ni...p' r''r, !
D-.-v^ Ut'-b. ap?'
l- FFsrhr.
l;i;l)i rli;'1,;';::.1;l':;::' i.::.i" kh;i;: ;'li::.::':,i:i"::ii';::::. BYU. tn 19lZ:
:'...^l'',::i:l'i,l::"i "i:"';"1:"'" i.l;:::::"; ";*l"l ;TI:'i"":l'f Ii :. sre!6. -iEo:
I' ):j{
*:;; _
*.i"',., ""' "v' : i.::::i:"':;i"j Tir';:.:"'l;;t".::i; z-tt'r" tii.ri .. '"'Ii..': :' ;::'i "E.:i-i:'i:,'ll"iii}'":;i.;; ;;i;;',
::1?'"::':r,','i;';:; ;^"
j;;1i;:i,;"; "."" 1-
liir:.:'."::11*"";l;ifi .:::il i;-
i:"li::',.';;";l:":' ;;: ;1 "-"'"' "-" SSO: l. BoY.€' ldahot 'r)e
l3: ai"?"'.1""i-,,"' -
ft :'i:;;:,:";' "" ilFf"l;,Il:':: Gi?i ,ia.r :. ra'ns. r"
3 BdYto'a l'I51 Iex-Lr'! -rn!', erytovn
o'"" lr j'j'-:::i '"""'ffiii,'i'=r-;a toq) rr!36.o Lrarq >v-e-:
;i,lg&;i-i-:,-lr!rg'-Is "T=i.:"h;;,';i:-i coLLEG! ?atu\, t'ld'
*,ll i *i,',,ri, ":i-";;;.;'
il:4#flH:i,i;ir:i,"t* i+*cffi ll.'i:ll.ili: ::t;:""', i'iiiiii'r'i:i:.,;i::;, ;"i[ii:i,.; ; ffi l"liii::';:r:;j' i:;'lir *i" illi i",siert:o*-!l="1""-!'19
l!:rl-rt59j-7 .sLa,'tor.l bss put tn a btd foF tle sarlr
f1lat rldn?,e.r, ,i;.-Ji"..-ffiifi5,i-ii"" "jL Lcy6nd
ra_d), chaC !rr!.*. rn1he,,. Tt,,.c tr.rcb noto.iT dDoat 5 . dnoba^k rut .rorrnconra"r.r., -"rir rotr.._ . :'15 :, ^"1 " . I e n. i : r t . . . a , -&.. L r h-, . wsvaj99j!3:i rnt dr M.ui {r-obrlo,rl-e ,;trr' i oar.
e€ttlns t1.€ off foF lbc e".,i,,,,":,._ 'ire koI!i tn r"t^ r.ts.i.. 1arndly.., OFvn!{;1} :pp:!.fltry qutt6 a resdsr.,jn ht! :.'ei _t..' h6 l:dd a ds.r1 :iJ,rry a: -I'anrsh !rrer_.ack6. ."rr"ry s_ covDcy to. grucho) rbrtit6rs.. "r"r..." :r.trrFak !]irr F€rfs olrnlr+.6.r ,1rcrh6n:oLrs€ 3r - :n. ni,i . _ ,e rh ,":, , e J .rr hrit +r rh+ flr--b ,. 'i." .)iB r-!! =,o1ane .d. ,rrtctriro a^ - . rart lin. t1t! rdlaA. , ace b€ac rt sar ," ,- : ,-r,\.,. , ,/. r ,,.isDn.s ,.-.d:ban 1.a:i -.: . '- i ,., , tsn g., ri:".r" ,. ",r
::., ""': lt.' J:".,,. :::-
f,4ar r,^_ t:.s. \urr on r\o1rcfcrs t,,r: n:fy truoh6a htrq
tLa<k h: ts cbtreatod th,ouehtnrnrs T,:f, 1:r:h !1rr brrnc *,ar ro rd :r:::11. / t..*d l . a!s\i n. c(rcr, €r_1" r,dd Lo'.hl€ tem r-har. r:..
;i:i*f i: :;i".
an runrtne ?h. Eortei .arary pranathg .a.rrb.n aaatn 1b t96o, sr, EB!€o! ..eln-,Ee r4.1,r<t€3 lot, 6f loll. l-!r r5d *ppo. snd b6dy_ !oet.! otr F..cJ C6Euity _loBB! 1r"!_ otruF&, *h!tr L€ !F$!.o ro d,",rtab6ot :s,,! I Lrr,r,d.! ,-. yRs e oFe.kla, dut! Darde+ind, i betr,!s tr6 \ai .Ex r'.e !r$€ettr" Jo .s a. .ro{bL a ziteor-ohfiu.laJt, r ". r!- F€d_Ab or a€rr.y, uickacq rid Suar€r, unler .oqcc,,rrrre+ cn rE; l$ -o E.t.!3.., C6od a3 E.c i6.ont rr. nrlo Eirks !i ar Lawro..+,lnCo;! rrurr tn€ stt: !€t11as€! erle. ria: tb6,
l rlaotllr
i i :t + *n,n"n**'i#, :;*:;. il,. tn:.r: srscr@ Dn
Xqr! z/na , lrdoor ssrc vas -:! !rsrt.J. arrk l! vntr ![, secit!.c ccrloq !1rL..s cut_ and is r6.rir .ir:oE: aj r5 _rJr t*o_Fll€., i!a{lr€ on r 15. jd._
"!:i.:;:":,;i).:l ffi l:i fr ::';i,g#?+!i*f
ff r;[T.!"i'ff: a11.r.r:T ae.:16.!... sDrIr ^tr.
"ili. ::':::':: :"*::'' aEces ttr "*F:i..+:{:F+*. the ."t*.n"rlo,,ur
cou^rry chi!:pJ orshlrr no ras p1ac6l .rnrtl,,,
"i.i,,"_ F.!,ac€;6dFs ror lnjurrn aghl.t.s u! to tbo rast
llro'€d ln tb. 1964 olyEpt. ceho6 L !060 , a r.6cnt d.oirto. rhlob bar offtEta!B tc prot6!! bccau3o ev.ry norher. E rur frny o.rtona vtlt €bu.. tht, uaproa.doLt.d r!1., puD:€Ior. otoctne tlDe. hor€oe€r. ,h€y IR.ED NOkRtS 8rj7.Ot -Ri<tlrs on tb. Fr6d llorrte rrrtl€ a! th6lrs ts. rdtt, ttre oDpo.tunlty of ctnoklns hl,took ro dat. at .b6 Ear.I!hsst {::l:: r:"t eoL to haYo rt 'n ire ro4-... bt.(Ituhr lntlortteld, Eoetrnd. oo ff i$iJ.'33Iil't5,!i*3i*iipiiii" t5 r1,no krook:d rr. tn 13:50, o, toa6.4e af! hts pr6vtnu$ ils6. ane ra! 5odorh1.B lrk6 zA 56cs, t6; Junlor cotle€o ar O, rrrt l-rloc ror ,r5rek rbbot.od and c6rrv (1r:r5.?r. .r"n Ah.rb6rs, rla4€j ?.e.2 b:r rbbofson,'6!r :l:?: j:h:.M:.Ilnpolr l6:!rl. rrd flnrshed ln :;Y:: :'*.1,:h r Jta {e1lT uttl l6Frao€ Johndi crDron of s6.on itatl a: $i;:: il"j;":"!,:i:ii::-iiii.i: ;;,:; Earr r^-r .rr. s,.b.i€ ;I;;i !9J6) 1r fhlt.d6tptrla, *r,r.ot z, Etran B.yron.,rrr1.9: H!k. E€.Irror.!. 4trz 162,6?,a,6i,tt" 1
lll.. ,. Dtok Fond, Cbtorro rtt 2. Jrrry- rSuorr. v.rt.r. xtabt.ail Tuoson! Arlzona,,{prtl 18 3, Ron Ruth, Pltt.btrraht 4. Johh f,optl, quanttco J. G.olso s. o, Arrzona rurldcatstr 95+r canp tra{.y, P!!du.. 41 14.8 P€ndr6ton uallnes 35* 4OO!! l, D.r. Ll1tt. Uratt.r ?. C1.nn l,ll1e: 1. G6o!66 Youre, A.,4316.5 (5choo1 t.6ordJ;:, Sl$parit, CPi 3. 5;ti;, orrio tc {5 ya!}! 3. r6ob D6rrs, Obto 4! Roi Etb€rton, lq& adabs, 4.. aao: r..csn6tt, A.. r:55; du€t 5. Jobn t6tfo!3, D.t.olt aC. 2. sh.parc,-TT:. !:!!jl r, Youns! A. .arA!:!g!_.4! l. Hushes, A. l0OO yd.! l. ErA{! L.p!! Unatt.t 2. F*r-f,rp*-ono, auantlco xa n6.I 3. Aprl1 14, AtIadsa, ea,, (tradit!ona1 Roe6. GuE, f,.ntu.tyt lr. glgb En*ckr, m€€tl Georeta T6ch 74, c€dreta 62 Purduor 5. l6ulrco tloalns, Qtartleo illle: r. Loleo Solth. G,. 4:21r.4: 2.€r" 2311.3 (aor re6o.d, b.ttsrt Russ Uaddor. T6cb." 2-U11€: r. Russ larL of 2.12.8 !.t ln 1955 by BlIr addor, roch L!qtq!. Llra:!!rry!!!I con.a.dy, Crrio.6o T0 ). IOOO!. 6t.€pl.obe!.t I. !r.ts Apll1 18. Auburn (Alabamal 67 - alabamE 6l r/: (rarn) x€ntuckyr 2. tr.nL E.dsc.oolr Uc:IC ! l. JssE xalacy, ohlo st.t.i croe6ll ! Alabada, ford tl.nn.dy, fit. san Siatoi HaIl. ,ruburn. 10i 16. a ralltrsford, 9t35.8 xt1. R.layr 1. vlcbtasn! 2. c€ntza1 Ap111 18: caln6svl,11€, lta. Si;FT6EI;I r 3. Pltt!r,- ohlo s:ar.! I1o!1da 9?. l4lant l& {Steady do-npour 5! orrta uDlv. ]!r5 of rarnj Mtte: r. iu11er, 1." 4:39.5 2-!1ir€: 1_. , 1o!26.1 1;?:Tt€n. -i: A11aD, r", 1'5?.5 !ar.6nc." Kan., Aprtt 18 -xalqga5 R&I-AYS.. A 6!ord of, 12rOO0 vaaahed ths aatair tn€nln€ verih€r snd 50 d.aro€ tobp€ratlr6" radsae T€frpo, Arliona, Aprll 11- Art.ona yas rtctorlour ln fou! of tt!6 sersa Ralays (gieh scho61) ,,A1€r llsnd6rson! teaiurrd ielaya 6v..ta. A!1lcna state, ian a 9.00,5 tn an rro-Y116 Rolay! t. Kahsas {Dat{.' 6':rlbttlon t'o-F11e ard taltas Lone, 5!ffi:;%;i;;-cushaan) 3 ?. !.t''ask'i 1a-year-old USc t!63iman f!.h Ptro€nlr, :. T€rast 4. trak., ?tl?.5 had a oloud ol l,50o burzln€ ln l-xr1€ R6l a.w-: t,.rna.r. {lal1l., :.i!.. GoodFln Stadlun at Arlzona State Udlv,, Ralstor! Ctr3lsanJ i 2. Col,oradoa :. bl' htttlng 64,5" vltb trra l.on 4rkansast 4, nBbraska. !7.30.5 lra.ti, hallns r, throvs over the vo.1ds .eosatlooaX recs da tb6 dar" Cush.!:;! yarrr ar rro Fds bY not Ap!11 13, Alr116n€1 Toxas (QuadraBgular Tai rr€€t) Abllen6 chrtstlan 71, a.ltona crocked ll!t1,2 to Xlls P.ako's {rr2 9 stat€ 57i, I{olih T.res stat€ 16}, r6'as fot cotorado - . €oMonalable Job on T€ch 1t ". t1e: i. At€r !:6nderson, ASU, tr!. hravy crnd€rr). rr:15.7 {easy w1n)..2-s1ltc: 1. A1€. Eond- serrhL i!€dloy: 1. rrnsaB {Ltda, v.Ds, Tldr.Il, ?, o*la.r ?. xat.a! erson, 9:11,6 (oqually €asy) Stat.r 4. Eouston. ftzl,4 klro I uat sp€nce, As!J, Ir7.l ?-rille n!n: l. Jot$ Dta.y, Hou.toni 2. 840: Mer sD€dce. ASU, 1:5J.j 6a"IA;roL lainnosotar l. lttl€s El.orDan, ok1a. Statoi 4. J6.ry soaltt, fi. s65t Pdint, lltr Haava.d 48, 8:59.? { n6v !a.h! 01d r.cord, 9t05,9 uo! tt16 . my 52,.Dyk6 B€njnbln,{Il) 'tla by J€.ry sEarlt' sau!t.i' 19JA) 3nd 2 bt1.. The tlh€ cf 9roe,5 rn Eh€ Cunntnsbah Xtl€t l. B.!ry Alb::1-j:laEstsl}9_:!sglrs'.6ord by ee. ;Gl6nr, id , -IrtM-; fi*G--F6:F;r- o I d rDpolt f.6d Australtal, 2. Jo6 oEO AELAYS: aolunbus, O"' Apr.ra .] sars€, tlobraskai 3, Pat Ctoh€ssy, H.i !r!r Ohlo .61ays r€conds '$.€ b.oksi 4. .taok !el.o!' 4.kan3as. 4:rd.r and 6.e tlac ae al]e 628 1000D. s!_e6rlechqie: I. PhtI CoI€nan. o6bp€te6 in 2k €$snts b€fDr6 soro 5000 UC'IC: ?" al Laur.hc6, Aolstonr 3. Toh taa.k lads,,Dlstalca Usdlsy nolayt l. 6akl€y, Arkan3as! 4" Duano Horqao, rotr.'ar6 (E;E:-5fi;Efi;-G;Gt, ransas slatr. trl6"! Ro6 Grogo:y), 2. V!.chtean Siat€! f. [.stlrrl€ R6tarr ,. T6:a5i :. ran5as stat.t ern lllcbtgqn, 4. East€.n ulctr" tO!02,1 f;-6EI;Emr !" c6r.-ado. 3r t1.2 :
!t.d.1.y! i" o*1.. tdtv.rcltg 2, Ccla?ad6t'lrian.. 9. lrquttosi 4. I.ed 9t. CsXleCo Ftrri- :,ie.1lst: 1. j&et A€eht ?. Ebperta Etattt ]. ti, tatn state, &. soutb$.b it !ttc:3. r0.!.c np.ll 19, 9!ilt",! ?a. 3id ,!t$!al t6.nA.C" !z-Xil., \:a!k in Sal*i6nt ;i:f,t !, Jad:. elaei.:imr Jlrl@ 11" l!"r0.te tr+9.1J 2. Er.d :!b436, d.Y.
L.J€uro X.!tn.! 20, Ealt:$r€ ottlple c!,ub 19+ - ltlt€r1. Bobby sosa., tt.
Lo.. ,r! io.5j:Trahn r.pi: r-euantlc., l. irank t{laelns,tt:cc'" !:l:!g1 t. \:.r Ar5.t.nrtc.€cr '1. )r!".j! ?- c1"nn tas6n, euadtic.tul' )'6b s{X,6ri Quaatt.o! It. !3€". nila; l' a.t.lan4 59 " iillgj 1, ta.!r., i: 1?, : !se: iei.:iti'_?',:, r;. 'rl1:, I- l4l.t! I l-r-br" r r:2d ! !. u.Lar,"tr;-;:iE-16.d. e8!: l. slrbs.t, t" 1.:2"Jl 2'::n5e1. T:-r-- ,an!rtd. a, ihester {J-1: -18 ai sa!,, tsat ! - {6et Lasarle {3-0) g? - aAo: Tds r,Ytaush, i..rr Y:Jhel!, :s. !r57.5 ltF.. 9rJ;-i. 1-5! 2, D!.k tr thT;-is. 5r?4.a xr.. ?-Xt16r 1. lJalb€tx! ?.$udte.! l-s;:',
"ton6e.r t1*0'a; ?. EUi6tt !.tuao, f1'tt " r 1!82.1€ L. 6t11 OlD.1t.hoElo: sre€ 5, Jobd Burdk.! Isos Yrrk AC. l, i1.22 ,fl ?! 6 Frb P11@, rc. I r1!.26 l. Car! E.rt, ac, 8, Jobr t.11. BalttDor.t Md.! 1,4:,09 !, ccnaic Laird, iIYFC t i!l;ri.C6 '0. lpu, Paaq IUr lr\?'22 Jr rcl|bdrn supr-rantsd€h6rrlor €! Eil;!'ts, ? ' 49.3 ati" iracs-3.ti€1 et ths balf-tey 'ark a41 t6d fFo tber, !o Yln bY l0 Yard. Yals (2-o) 95 at ?.l'ooion (5-2) 4le !r: a drlelne frntsb.. T€ut Xsv Iork pt!.t AC Yllot l. Jln Lado, Y. 2" Ct€s. Hudson Pann 2, P1.i6sr Club--l-?-:l=6 rd Roach€, Y. 4rr5,2 {o1d bost F;_3: 9:,::i:!:.-.P!!J!9-i:1!!eI:Lo.!k' 4:16.t by c. Thorbutn r{art611, ?- t95l).. 2-rt1€r l. John r'{ortlsonr Coilego fraok- B6tlr1€bob' Pa., 4p..22 v" z. .ron efiI;;T, 3. P6t€ trtnetstot' sx. JeeoDtrrs 79, LeAtsb l}? (ord oeot eatk, P. 9t3r.a bY ar Kcn sha.6!' sJt 2. 9126 J!! Biliv16, i" SeOr P. lt5r)..a8o! t. Toh carroll xl16' r. Ytaht }lartlndats' PIrtr.. t-T:5r.o,. y. z. ;d sloel!. Y:-J; srrr L.sot, Y' L.r 2. uarch6;;;T, sr. t+.2?.5 ldrunds' P. rr54.8.. 4k0: r. Dt.k 2-811s3 l. tlartrnda!6' L.t 2" Bob (;It-.ark, qas Dr Paul Douelas r'R ji. 4?.? ].--l-ee-&S!-!I:,-: Eil -'i.!-?'.,'eP, lgrro)r 2, rots sloYlr,' Yal€. Ao.11 l€i- 9d{ih6rn Callfornla 62, O.6gOn c,5:- . -. ..rd trlr* - Mller t. Jth G!611., st. J.Eeph'. (l-l) ?2* at L6falett6 o".eo- .cZ.zr :. sfi;iTland, sc, tt toi {r-2) 5l+ - vrl.! Jlo Baldrtn, r.sJirtd2. ;oxn r,ynil, Sf,:-'28,8.. aso. 3. Ls,,. : lr:12.6t 4. P.t...on.,5c, 4113.9., lgo: 1. ttnl. cunllffs, s., '*f*",sli.'i.'iio i:ltlll'.31'.1'ii:f tt{r9.9t u;-ifro e.o11s, o.' 1.51.?i l. Ea!!.lr. sJ.9!51.1 Las.on, s., trtf.o.. 2-Mtt.r l. tlrllort o.,9f0?.oi 2. Monltneo t s.,9tr2.+r Stat€ 4l at PBDi Stato 9A 3, ra*1n, s.' g.16.5.. rr4o I stat€n, sc, ahto€r 1. Ed Yoran, !Si 2. Dtck l+A -z 4to7.5 5;i;E. Psr L cbq.. xlnsrPs.Ps.Ir8.5. Raqbrteht, calrfor6L. ??, uct-.a 5+ - Mr14 l. J€rrv uP..4+or l. 3. z-dII;; 1. tael.brlnkr 2, rine, Don C, Ir!!lr.2t 2. BoE EATIand' UCIA' riifr-TEEer, t'6. 9.?6.6,, aaot l. U.rl+,?..2-1aL16r t, Alan caylodr c. srrr.r.. @6;-T; r6ck Yolenr c. !?rL Davl€s, ?5r ?. Strat.r, o5. t!5q.1 28' Penn 58+ at Earard Ar46pollr, rid., xay 2 - Malyland {l-o) 69' Cornell a6+ - xl1.t 1. lyk€ B€ojetn, :I. N 'y (r-?) 6? - Mrl.r t. colavttb, Ed., :.-cur&i;I;;; c. 3. Frtts€ra1.l, B' 4r15.61 2. cra6s;ET;ud, ! f. Detkl., 2-n11.: l. lYk€ B6njaotn, 860r r. xaroh. ,t. r,51+.At ?. colavrta, Hd' qrr4.8., r.acy, P.9rrl 2" cro;;;-1. r. {d. Haiso{, x" xunkle. E:Fit.! 1. 9:?7.]i P. 48.9 trattt-rn' Geor,: F,. 440: FTFIii, :q""y, :ra. 380r ];-?attot:tn" P. ir. Jorbasl' P. {av 2 qradran€u1ar - Qu.ntlco'-"3.! F;ej:!5?.6 -uanLt.o !arln.5 oel3 io t L€e 37, crF: ll"nrg Dlstanea l,n8 fsr {6u3
'!. E
J4. Jobn E, L1 6ott, Bll, 3:lo.o9 1,r1.:lt, 55. Jth D.1.y J!.r llc' 2t22.ttz : llno ltntatd, 56. lrro!, s.r.r6' John J. tr.11.y, Groton' ct.2t23.43 57. n b.ft cou, culr.r 01!y, c.ltl. fr r r.or nsllton'o.2t 24.or, ). Gordon tloLlon, I V.t!:ko (arYonan! llnland, ?!24.r7 53. raaltor 8.rg.r, Blnshdtocr x.Y. 3r13"r2 osvaldc R. suaror, A.a€nt. 2,28.24 2.28.28 59, Xa* D. P.nnacblo, BLA, Irrf,?a 6, !!. Robort r. Pap., !ne. 60. Ralpb B. P.rry 3dr ltarr.d,f,.14.r5 nobuyosht sadan.aa, Japan, 2: ?9. ro 61. l{tlt' nlclrFnd gtllr L.I. Jdes er..r, Sacgu3, l{ass. 2!29.J4 f,.v lorkr 3rl4r47 9. 41 coofalona, Vak.ft61d'u. 2t 13.05 52. Andr.r Populot' BAa, ).\4.55 Goofai.y lt. Yatt, auetrtua!34r 3? 63. Sun6r s...s' Lynn 1rr5.Oz Ibooa! C. eyan, Rodobdo Boa.h, ^C' 3,15.!0 cal1fohra.2t 17,0f 54. aa..y tuq,by, Blooklyn, 55. Jobn Grat, BA/r' 3rr5.54 Tod Corbttt, lf6r York C{tyr2rl8.O5 Lt,Dav6 Piltsnna, rUC, 2114.4? BAn rActs- 203 .nt.1.s-r55 3ta!t.rr 2!40.l'1 Anthony, BAA, a lo t€atrs...t.ep. 42-47 d€gr€632.4t.2O 1 15. Jdhn Laff€rty, BrA, !|+.o, Jepan, 2.47.54 fl€ld tructed a h€ud Ytnd Rll tho ray. f: r5. Takayukt Btlly S61th, Hahtlton! Ont.2:43.30 o&rd do'r to r5O,OOO tttb S|OOO at 2144.3) tb6 ftnl.h 11!. (ovo. tbo lart 60ovdsl nod MacNtctlol1, XYPC, T.d! Bo3ton !-{r r-3-rt€ai Pron6.r 2t45.14 r9. Aklra Hateuku, Japanj CIub, 5-9-rl.=29i EdEllton oc, ?-8-?lA116n t. Itul1 Jr., Blornlvl1Xo, ft. 2,!t6 "trt ,r, Nort! U.dford cltb' 7-tr-13?3:i 2i. Rob€!t D.ak€, G16dala1€, Cal,2347.20 cul?e! clty! 5-r0-r9=f4i Lynn Ar' 2t47.)t t2-16-20=4at st. AEthonyrt 8.c,, i522. Dlck Packard, BAA! r7-ra=50! Mlrlros€ -l ftnlshari clrd2t4?.57 21. John A. K6116y, BrrA! 2t4a,09 5ton6-2 ftnlsh6r3: Borton Unte." t 2l+. titrllaE J. l.ldrphy, B!3' fr.1!b6rr.{ !cor6 ta&6n fror 1i.t 2j. John chur<b. Toronto, o.1,. ?!lr8.Itl lhovlns 75 Jlnrrb€rs) BAA. 2249.21 ?d. renn€ih lru€rla!. I Rar6 troter. Papo would do v.1l ovc( 2,49.32 2?. lirl au.s Nar! Buma' tbe Yonkef,s .ourso ae trs ie a sstone 28. Royc€ Sa*y6r, t{o. Med. C. 2:{9.J0 l snner {9trr bosd ln E.€1and-u6 lust 29. Ralph E11lt6E€, chltaso aC' 2.5O.O? rElr6y€1.-. conr'arone bad roiT in-tt,2,51.o0 30. lon t{. layr Boston a,{j :o at t0 bl1e3 iltrst t166 tt happn.. 11. td Brackettr Lynn, y453. 2t5r.r7 6d1., Too coI. for Saprent.' Lefl6 : 32. Rob+rt n. cs@lnesi xuc, 2.5L.5O J.a. x€116y! cons a.d cortlltt.,. Eia ?-!5".54 ll. stan ?t.rnan' {},tc, uMpbolr-dotng d 1ltt1e s6oond AL"=e 10. .ios6 ,ones, B.oo*1ybr iIYPcr215!.18 bav€ sas 35" Aldo Scandutraj eroat n6ck,fied. Yo!* 1ns- b.1t.y€s D{.kson hlAht itth Eoro conftd6nc6... Dave Plrl.d. 2.51,.15 (!.d oa Prlr6 Llst! l5 b6da13 als erv.b) ls lEplorlne rtth ev6.f outtng. E€ Just boughi bl! flrst patr 6f tunnlne 15, rohn, Usn'{i{..t.}, 2,55.o? Dat. n.r.r rat 37. Goole€ Gallantr llpulr co.n6r, n.B. sbo.s aft.r llre rao.. P.n-.A!€rtoat ln tlleb sohooI...Ttr. 2.55.30 co@Iit66 not tn .vld.n.€ at Bortonl 2t55.45 3a, c€ors. roran, cniarlo' l.ft 19. Arn€ E. Rlctrards, chlcaaorc 2t56.22 6rc6pt tor I1 Eart & le 1r Ylr6th.r lro. Sh.ror, f,YC, 2t5A.O3 fieldl.., tro one knor! t.t '' lrl. John Rettano, lynn' Md.s., 2:58.11 1-2 or I ia.attron.r! vilt b. o. th. ctllolGort Bal Pan-are.lo4n t.e... &2. Jan.s couclll Jr.' Y.!t6r1y' n,I. Hlgdon dropp6d out at 22 rtl.s...Au.t2.54.39 41. cralE D6ut3ott., xe, Erv.n,ct. 2r19.lr8 ralr,ad G.ofar.t latt t . .r.ulttna ov.r tllr ..d lr6at .t€rynalioEd $o.1' Qlebeo' l!Oo.1A .T 44. rr5. Robert'r. schallerr Bcltcn, 3,01.49 bodt o116 to tbc ft.!t araoL aDout : rr5. Myron c. B1g.1or, BAA, trl! lurulladt b.a!d. 'I.., I tlnl.b€d 3to2.29 i toth.n ho b.e.d, "by . -!itl.r. You !ri 47. Jrn orcoon.ll, Eront' a.r. 3.0).37 4Lgbt say,'...Eatt vas not tt!. onlt 44. utk6 O'Fara, oroo€ P.!*,LI,3.o4.t6 pols.rso. of a €bln d.cot.ttotr 4 49. conral.s scotto. BAn, 3,o5.2t1 coupl. of .cbcr .atlr€t had'b€.tnlk' 50, {at clrllolak. Arcoklyn'}Yr 3to?.54 ct th.t. b.lota ! 51. DIok Donotruo, P.nn3aukon'u' 3.oA.O3 tyl)€ app6rdaa.!. Otre t. CoFa11 ttud.dt nob.ri Etdaudt, . 52. cbarl.e D. P;1E6., Eo.tons 3.oa,rlt graddsoo of Lutgl Elaaldlr pr.rld.nt :lto8.4? i J3. John Dlco!.nd..a' BA4' r.1of Italr froc 1947 to 1956. nrt. (ne!t) atlonrhiD r.@ltr. Roltort? 3 onlt t BOSTON UARATSOI{
x.r! 1959:-r!
{B.r.a, aonttnlodt dlrtliotlon tb€ !.tr.nt, glr d.b. qrdntt .!rp..rat.@rg tb. ftrrt 6{ rrnts!r.!..,.Ev.rybody t nor. rDout ttr. ft!3t nan to ftnirb.aI1 but rb. about th€ larr Gan? E! o;y trot q. rn yqtt ot cour!6i but as fa. :. orrrolalr vsrd .onc.m6<t tD€ stEn-6ff n.m on th. list yir lar Ceor",J"* .rt! 6f x.v B.dforn, !4a!.,. a oosr €ntly rlr. th. 125ti1 Dd;rtr.. .t 5r,2...A^c foF s frnt!hrh; th.r. r.16 4f runn6!, otoak.d trours yhi.b uodoubr6altv 6o63nrt proe€ anyrritne €t.ept thet rur ?6 !11,. ?6J yalds ra jjrq6r .dr6€ hours, __
.{ r ,.a' 3:?n, ..Jn.fOrr r. ck r41leet5y a{b!}rdajr rr",
o"" sr"i,"
br -:,,ita
{ak6 st.
uoottdee frnlgb
1€'!o! ;"##
i:;;;:. ;l;il:t t::I:t. i: ':..':; #il:i. *i::il "j:i;i" s"F.;, '"d*.s, i]::;:;, 1. ..,. 3i::::. :i3::* {:il:: l'.:;..ile:;;."".".:iilii;::".iiii:i:: ,, "rl {:F t:*;"." ;u:: Ii:"""" j:i!.'"" i:*r" !;#:,...
;:::"'""" ;:ti".$","". "'""- " " "'." '.. ';.." ".'*..+*.* ",;;;;;;"fi;;;i;;;il" vou *k. to !u. eole *sb .. T;:':t:T;i::"i;,:*.-:iiiii;,"" -l::-*r:o .r.!t tou.!6lf !o ta!tHi,:;'*":":ti:,);i*:.;"i:ilr :ll"f l;i;l!;j:ii;.;;;i;;";'il;_"., tl. ;; ;il .," ,rnnrlh da.atbo! iH.X;.l:'_k ?iii ilil"ii,,l"lM: .unn.$, Elro Okran6h & v.tkko (arv. 'r.t'6 .nro'.d-t!.u.rye! ." e,,ii"l-";tii"l;:, lll iii";"li.ii.:"::"i:;:"*.:""""" T:ii :i-!,"1:":':t'"::'* 1"*:il"i;!"ii::":"i;i:;*ii":1" at a r..eptioD sr,6o sara ue oeean t,!r.J,r,ri""ii" *:.:I^.:I f::"." "i":1,il:":;iifi :;.::;"3i,:*t"I.""._ Tf i*"".i":;:;::): il.ji:lk;". a"pt. :;:iil f:i;.";:-#.i:li ::,1::"'1,*- ,o.t ,itn ir,e i.ilii*i-p"iiii ;1ru1.::J*,;l*i;.*'i* i!ile:lii:'rl$:i:f'j":fi"ff";"."*1""i:: aretron at Plarnrrcrd, conn. rbo!; vrrl do ossr$Er rrr*rs&rEs
i" 't"""c"u.'-i;-].liil.
.*" *t":::",i"":l
d1!.' da*y
(oxs,1rt1l -aoBTrlluEt,
had lo:t too nuolt ti!.
to I't.PaF prop€r1t fot tba 6at.ttto!. rI tbttrk I burt th. hiF tr*lnlnAr" dultne 2! to I bour practto€ sosston3. t61at€d th6 auro.f, L5 alenu, (Clar3 Aack 1n h1t nrtlto laud, Oksdn.n tatd q. t.!ln6d nosily tn tho ov€ning! asd ef r5o). nsoE. oa u! t.atnelr on a ha.d ht11y cours€ ia ra:<of,l€ld atd c.nrln6d th6 volk6uca !o oni oF l+hr3, on€ day I rrad a ,ore rrlp, Just ltk. Oksanen pr6bably vonlt bo tadk n€*n ttEt.,rI bbd tr€atbontr ftoo Jobnnv yoa. td d.faad hls oalathon orovn! sorplo, bEt t*ta tll1ng dtdnit roaB ge hopes to $ake ths ttnntth Ollmpie to e.t ant b.tte!. Ii truti fo. r6ak., malathon teas and h4 d€ubts lf trr6 but lt t.gan to fo61 botter ln xarcb itnnlsh athl6t!€ outtrolltt.. dould so r vodt back to tratnlne ltaloh !9" sanctton hts apPer'an.. !a totb laooi. !'Th€d t Dade tb. ntstak. of trylte But oksansd, vlro b61t€v.5 ho v111 ga froD nothtng lo 100 el1ot .'f t. vlttltn dt3tanc.s r€aoh t*6 peak at tlro tn a w€6k and tolnd uD sttrr th6 n.xt tro y€a}3' tald, t!I'11 b€ .lltn spllnts. I oouldn't e6.D !o 4o aoy good ltoady runnlne. And lasi a v.telan of four Boston halsthots, r66k I tEd to !!!s. half-aaY of V61kko Kawon6n,lf' ,qid rro Y11! tr6 3cr:oo1- ibe ft.3t tlb€ I'to Elt.aat seeklnF to quallfy for tr!6 1960 otlrthlr yoa!-tlth a toqob of i!€ ftu. ho Yould plos too, t'ut h6 lndtoat.d nBut aft6! r eot snnlne tn th6 B.aa bos out of rarathon3, 1a he dat€ot3 I f.1t all rteht,n h. sald, nand I phy!loal , thought 1i I could g€t tty tl1€ fitar; Both !lnns .ecoenlt6 Johnny X611€v 15 bt!6s ln eood shapo 1rd d6 r$11! as cn€ ol th6 vorldts b6st !t?€ gottdn to knos !tr6 roet !f t!!. Posslbty that thought eas be.t d€3o!1b6d a3 a rosslt of *:1_ by Ok3ansa dtro sald' Kelley tr .ot aftald colrr€ vqry del1 nlre lt toT Lrrtntne lalt tcdt P' . to tak€ the 16aat.r I wa5 llvlne ln Bttchton." Both rinns Flanred to 1€ate ihe lrr:tod navo Plsioma 4t states ior I:n1and on Mey 2, aft6t anctlr- e!.€. lau vtth lt. balf ths t4.4, to! er rec€paios fD. tb6d sponsor€<l bv llcns E6th€sda, Md. ih€n ddre.i out tly blE.e!t' Ea bdd E$ tn 1{orc63ter, ass" $€.ond cu6!3€3 afteeald, I bcpe to lam tastqf, ln JIr G!E'I{ LrnnlRESTlMA:lES AIJILITY t)[ B]1j- "of c?uree b+t I donlt b61t€ve f,!.t th€ tuturo. tun anv 6lft3"ent1y ancttNt t!Fe'r' BosTcli - wtlen JiMy e!o.n spprai3€d hls ni""p..t. r." u"" r." th€-arrd runnrnc cr€.n.srrduat''r 1:9P l!: :1ll:"=1'r lrir' ;f t;$ Boston Eaf,athon ba i.ok a plactrca! ;_r'". .r.o"u so tretnLAa dutine thd ts1dter Ettlr tbts htp tf,oub16,r' !6a3odec
rr' 1954'and ti€€ar or callforn!r c ait€! ftnllblr€ &ine load 'ace3 vhtl€ h€ ras !r' tl l€86! Dootiiuine
Att€r f6avtns ttE Amv Jt@- v enr':ilin. ee-y.""-.ra natiYe cf auincvr ars.' go3tls Colloes La'_Scaool' ed.t of tr;t!$.apatrl€ tBltovE I don'r "tha! ttlcn sYltcbod to Eostod lsbtng ln th€ first 2o." '€aotrs's' tac€ H' ran.lo last.v'ar'5 so r;6F€ d1d crEon tinlth1 .{ iatt Btshtlr collos6' and 26 Dttr3' rlttrr flntshsd b€r€ t'elrov. Jolunv on6.anerlcan, i;;;1';;1y b€t nd trts 1166 tdt year' ""; If Gr.6n {rs o?.Etook€d bv batotbon.r_ Gt6€t 1tv6s and i'aob6t in sauglt' p6!ts he sas also ovorlooked by bttr361f' fiass' saugus do'snrt haee tla'kt b6 adhttted l€adlly. ltqt cchbtl euthorittos h4Y' askad nI ?ara,t kldd{nc atout herln& a ror€ Lh6 tlorlsh-lookliA 3.nool br! !o larnob " ttack proere. hlo.r halnla!n€d ;.,ta r r6ntry dtdn't t_otni I l.liu.i, ":ctrts yoar altb iv 1o33ot prsta?ation3 : dtdn't f'61 I ba'l th: qould fidl€h 1d tbe tor) 20. I thouEbt tl6er!' b5 satdr rbut-I told-ttra' I th6rs t€!a aoo otny gooc .uEn6.5! :sp6c!- hlaht rext vea! 1l Lbe pottttou rs uiiy r"".re" .u".n-"., r". ne to da tetl 3rr11 op€o.,, _ u.d;r tbe ;r!euhsta,c€s.,' G!e6r hort hlr rlght hlp dullne ttlc Th' 3d1v 6trtrani: 1r ttrls t€at! ,1;t6F" showlnu uo-vrth i rotrcoabr6 bv th' aoctor' Brra dliquallll'd rrh! ai tt,e a"ito;t e"ra." on. ntsht to vas o. GtL'dtrc! sPooast' ?2_t'aFold r,.rl uotn"u s6@16 ,lth th€ .4Jlpn6ai af r6tirsd mtxk insp'cto'.6f fl€u B6d_ It'"'ut in""i,. r r "' l*.""s uu.t.t6"ri t."*. fotd, llas!...sitooner-fln1lh'd- 1a!t It dasn't unttl ntd-Malcb thdt b6 sas o! dof,ne rae abls to .o3!h. t.alnlne, f€arful tt!a, h6 I3: ili"T:"::"..
$f.r-u::::!2 fh. lo! o! 6rsn ihE 29' .roparqlrl. to .'ior, btllltrlrIG.s,re t6rs tn t!! a4.!.dtnq !. r611€t, d!!6.d and.di 6idaal6nd ala tn thal f31Lou3 !!q ceitlorod. 'ft!.n :Fcpj! Rc{ ded.-rr.d, Jelt tTalnsd crEl{1o3" 9u. .v .,e ?rrj4 rb. r:b]lc ro 'r, rrd€rts. th4:1 4ehe.- c xrt:qy d.Js':'t fe6t ttr6 r!!:iciaall::, 1t4 le te b1d3" 'rfs!q. lrrsh t.6l*-.t ltr :ie a a..13tr vhare .p6ctai6r 3:]!.f3 !re lte4o6tr.c &6!o au{ s.f,. p.;:u!a., F3e}le 1l*e :d i:! ba.k artd 364 lho 1. 16ad:.6 156 5i.d l€ ar,<t vlic L:6t ab5 acat htFa f r4"r r {Tha 6dPtriJ:.$ :r
?o:t!u.y, $a3r.. Aprtl ?0 ttttl. tn6 n13.l6a, 11o-Podrd rillSsbo:d at iao.ib€est6tn Udlv., oqtkl.ksd Jn!4! EEiisY' Gf tb. sileter !e ::r qsr iha 3;ib nn,{.l Eorb{.!" taas!.t,s }at th:6a-EL1. Fo:d r:.3itnL:et. Ab*lin cdtror.d iho h1,_.XY tclrt6 in 15r5e! tyt!:ts tr.e ee.e f,3dcrc 3!t ln 1t-1? bi rtt€.56 sPult6a _:o t&;dr fr4@ th€ flrl.h 1lno to 6dg€ 1i!!1sY' ?Ot TEP glltlileRsr t" Jr6 ab.l.t! t[Et 2. Jehn Ae!16y, F11.i:€r !.6.1 BaEbo!e.!, F:otldc46e Col-.. Botr1,. chae. cnetz, Pc;:. i,6a.i "*e Erean, l'7ditt"! 5, Paul 4111.*on, i'S. lt !+ .i;y n:ilrzi f.. iheb t.r nhcs Foeion! ?. Alen Sxog€l' {EC? t. 1n the *1ntg.." 1ntn..ct gt€sarl! ?Ct 9. Bob R{ee..t i Pat ,,]l1 Codf.lcne is aaotn6r 6ut wb! itesPCi lt. F0s1 {6odleEd, SE. Joimay aata, 64es i)!ltl{a f6..gnltran!( ?ou! B113t.t !,C. nr_o! ay hoEoy b.!. a3 €a!3 as aty 4atatrron'r tn ttr' 'cr1d' r;lns 5wts qYls 6$!Y toR g1III|BR ?Bui, h6 contlid6d, 'r-D€cau!6 of th€ !6a tn trts EtA' :rBrll l'6 i!!€!! T!i. c4:ipat!t:56 sPolt tn 'orP!!ltlo' b6cau6€ !16 dtdnrt tlqtrl:1^ t:r': *ev1i 15 e::tf;r!a€: flot a lacrr th6 top thr€€' Itrt a tlre6'n ci gubzxe r..o€E191in and snd..x611€y t6o13 tb' u's' 4aiatbon6r3 aro :1l..nlns. cn a Pa! rltli tbose o! atv ottrar 66uBir -.i..ta""il" ri,rr!!!a !l Jobn J. x"iiey, f;nishcil 2nd 1n tlF nTbe leetl'ant d6f1n1t61v ato not !n_ "r'" rt tt1e BAA ia.atbot. 6:r'r irinnrnc letali 'They ttaln runtr..!'" b€ :::." f,6r1or na.d sany poepls aFe tiier6rt6d 1:'_':l_,',"I:::-'_^:: and tatk b..d. verv haral.n only Ir th. dlineirn h. sald. 'l{t!t f.r r4a1tr. t$ tlrdt 1t It albost a. saTsl'rfu RALLIES iROU i'lAruTaoN SIIOCX' lig " jlit to ooEplei6 tha lo ?ursa yaris. t.:i ral M.latir.ntts tnee .o!a!€ !6.!a6ta"t 25i:ooills, nTleat3 ihe B!rr, lost poapl.r 1r, itt6 poters, qs d6@nltratod agsln--a{i't t!{s ara. 1600€01:6 the sntlsfaetlod tlr. B.rA trsr6rbon,bT Jtpan's ailra itat..sardl.3r of posttlon. t.r.r,,! !€ri! er !h€ *holo," 116 con'lnu.d, ::k!r: 111i:'l:9-l?jf,: Pl:l1 6h6!s.ncv tr6!tr6nt {@odlat6 !.qutreltfl:l ftih€ i.!-ed srat.. is vtr-plac.-ltt6r sod€n Butlelne' tn th€ €€.€ to fl;lrh .r"l"a. rsr a .unn.! Yar "E€ surfo'€d tltBa'v shock snd ;f,;ps rlrE trod tbs pub- n€arlv i"l"*iii.iir", ccEatos6rn tr" TbtEas Kel1.v lt!,. nrr<r.n xe:rey .ripp"o back to itlr rolg o{ a 'ald' gatsu&u's 9uls6 ,a3 onlt 30, aDd bi3 taachor fo! a doD€nt. ver€ loo to1d. DooloFs and nln tho c1a3.rood r. t!av. to strteo votk€d otr hla- fot qutt€ a attondantt talues, on ..ptt"tl" to-putiho !{rltlr. ttrit6.. d lltt1. }bur ihe Ea.athon.{ Trio-.6. 3houid te trq. of .atrl€d lnto_trrt btr:ldlirov C".u, r! _rt probdr,ly th6 dost rnd.;- 6rta! tc Y_a! valk€d' stlltne' Itt6 lnsr sEtsuku tno oo.ttrv, s..e r6t;d ;atethonor trr' 'omltt'6 rood to r'6atvo bl3 h. flntrlt it 6tgbtb,n o6dal' isri uy ta. ol trr" v66k hot danv _-r'-it-_9ffi-6866_-fli!:Frfs-:--*ir?--:irT--i€-:_ "ia r.oosndz6his 9€ople;r11 sp'ot Jotsnv xolley' b€ Lt a6t€at Dt nat ,h.r6 h. fintslr.rr? -;,iia tt" ,jr".e" part !f 1t ts t tr€tport & n.r6t coeplains_tl. o' lote' He lras th6 b'3t of theb' 11";; ii-; ir".. flfth ot t'stt.r 6v'!v step al'av! tlYlda trrs ""tia Jipaire:a rntomatronal i;-;;" !t ttrs vav' It'3 a't&!t Pltrr*e to run rl.t.iri.". "";"i;e"t o;.r b6rs th.:ablit a€ainst an,dtli"-€ of " ch oalltJe''r 5"rt .r";t .".. i6 .lghttl a3 good sald Erno olt3nan llrroucb 'a tniFr.nough.i prot€!,.. lot a rho{ that ao!t5 .ElY $i00o or so to ProB4io lbocaurs
doctors I r!.llat.1st. and offlclals 6ontltbut6 th6lr eorl€.sr ! rh6 &slathdn :.8 a unlqu€ Ptdduotton. Pr'1263- rhtoh .os! a.ound $600- eo te tho f!r3i 3J flnlsLsrs, !!th !rr. dladr4d-studd.d gold f irst-tlec€ r6dal sor.lh 9t!5... rhc brersost 3di1€ la ih€ s€d4n Butldln€ attsr th6 bt6 rArj: dar on th5 t..€ of s!b. Lt, Bob ?aF6 oa ltto BF:tl..qh i\j4tY" 4., flnls}.6d s!!tb ?:t* a tiE6 .t ?.24.29. "trI.r {cndsftn€ rro* Irll i:ea thti thlne th.ouCh !u.t.E3'F bo iaugli€d a3 l1o hsfl€d bI3 sl1t.. tlopby..r canada'5 Attrlet€ of tIle Ysar, ::crdoa llcklon ran 2t2{.04..
fe5to. traoks to iho alryolt t. catch a plan6 back lbse.. n!!Ys 3:ot to alY out at 5:ao"' h6 3ald.- "I,r an sccoddCant fwr an lnlu.anco torpanf and rant to eot baok te rork e3 soon as !6e3tb16.. 1rr I'lan.rns on ru.ntne a great banv odr€ rarattbns End yould..t vant t6 spotl a gsod thltr€.i ... ro. the loth tear tt 1!, tnt€lpP6ters bad tl.. ,orklns lrress at thol! Ft.ov. To th€i' crcdl! , 1t nlst t. sard th€li answort6te at l.ast as €ood as th€ qu6rtlon3, "$by dld olsan€n and llaFcdet s6ar Clov€s?n ves a r.spte quolY. Tr'.ra .nsu6d a tbt e6-tbtnu.e dtscusslon aoonC f.rr lnte.Prota.s and tbe t(o runn€rsr FiosuDably tn llnnlshi and tb6n the loel.a: ahswotr nTo ke€p th€tr ha.ds sars.rr OE, TIiAT Joln A. Ke11eY of irass,t.. llnlshod a etrone ?lrd tn
*€atb6r h€ .anrt to16rBL6,.varatho. wds brs tol8rh rac6 at YartLne dIslan.e5... Goldon tlokson sald tr6 dldntt dar6 hove soon €nouch tJocaus€ h4 fear.d |!aFon6n" n&e. H€ 3taY6d bacL' wttb htr Johnny r.11ey 5alttttsd ittat tho tvp€ of racs ttr6 llnn hur16d at tltt €rcru6lattns klndt Eentally..i'uv .ac€ vlth Anitt vlskarl tn r55 ,as a .ea1lv too' bard ono,trhe.atd. "Tt vas.losor' than ti{s on€,. rtBut that eas a .aco 1n rhlot! Vlskart eot a sb.1l 1€ad on E6 a b61d lt frob tho htlts to tbe flnlsh. rna.Ine O!san€n ra3 bor. n6flo-sraclrtnc' It ra! a tough€r tace be.ause of trls the cold, b6caus€ 30 o.nv aohplat€ 3t111 tn.ontontlob 6tltors '6!e oksanen had rposltloni !d th. reoe.t'.i on h6. 116 ,a3 dolnC to b€ tbat I Yould hav6 beon dotng io ltts. A guy vho oan 2€t on anoth6r nan!s shouldor 6nd ttav burdon ot ih€r€ 'posltlon.!,.nlhG proof th6n i3 put on trro loado!. Ttto
Pro53ur6 g.6s od:1!s. lho averae€ sp6ctator p.obatly doesnri !ealt'e that tf,o nen car run alno6t toeotho! tar b1183! yet on€ csn have the edtnat vanta€o of the oth.I", 'rtutrs haplened tn thls aac€. i loss €Y€rY seco4d ol ih. .ace that oksan6n $as TE$F/-1lere /t dt 3bou1.ilese re!€ atill st:!:f .r.{.L.iieiley.3 the day aftei tht o,rabhon. !"1h6,r'r€ n6e€f b66r thrs sttfr' b6for6,r' ir6 sald..r Rac€ Vitl clooeY abn.unced atter ttt6 race that tr-€ Sodon Eu:1dlne laY not b€ tera dosn aor anotho! thr€e or folr y€ats. ihus tha flnlsh lLno EaY not bG chane€d .€rt Year afler all. POSS
Canded, N,J,, Apr1l 26- Brotittie RoBs, P6nn aC, von the
of tt!6 lttddle Atlantl. Road R!ara.:i :lub {od"} on the Ctuden Jo ', r i lobat Sebool track, Ross ran e di:ian.o of lO !11€s 3nd llot Yards :'ir:r; t!6 tlbo 11.r1t eiplrod.. liat{j slni:4ron, fod'er:{ob Jelsey oae DiJ+ l:iar. scholasttc chahplonr vas second !t the ev6nt rith a rltstance oi ln 4lle: and 46 ya.ds. Eq.ry B6rlrotttzi !x€:el T6ch, vas thlrd at nln6 ntles and 1555 yalds. Larry !€lansy' physi.s t.acher et choltehtEhJPa., I]s, was foulttr slth a dtstanc€ of nln€ niles and 1515 yalds, Thtee otbets, Tor Os16., Botr Cttubors and Jobn CunntndrrM. tal1ed to tlnl3h, Mri€ sprtts. 5t)o - rLto9 - r6t\6 22to6 - 2?t36 - ))206 - )4146 t!4t3o - 50tr2 - 55:59 (raln-s1oY tlack) Offlclal3. Jack Pyiah' llck Donohu€. Jack Barry.
Mtle - OPsn Run tty |largate Clty Roc.oatlon comittqo, xa.gate cltyr N.J. sqnary, Jun6 7 - (l P'r..) ab€ cou.s€t On the bea.b at ocoan 6dA6 (Ea!d rhlto b.act1 sand) R!bb€- sol. shoss or baie f6ot advis6il.,Avaadst Trophtes to ilist, s6coo?l and thlrd pla.6 runn6rs. tourtb to 18tt! bronte n.da15. lst & znd trophl.. and 5 sold o6itals to tlrst, 5 sl1v€r h€da1s to s€cond toan runn6!s.. Dressine RooDt: G!anv1116 tv6. scbool ey6, lia.eato ctty, {.J. Entrle6 c1os. rlth tl.v.stEn€r, 1o2 south Ruoson Ave., clty, N.J., Jutre rll.h. r959 (50f p€r nan ontr' r.€) P.ss6ntatlon of Atatds and€oo 2rl0 PM at Junlo.'s R€staurent-ao! a1! 2nrt Annual 3
Mry. rt t9--15 i!.!eB tr€KsoN,
ratch 3rc€I)t a tlhet.t)!.s fof track ne€ts, bo book to llel 5ocial af,falru !h1cb h. alroids. do 3o1dor dan6e5. H6 do€Esrt sDeke and ltBl:s bla !!Ptlitr& ro scvorsly trrat b€ dotld quellfv a! a t€etcia1e. ti cost ssfevsr g!3 eothor s?lto.3nd tall! hto he sl$uld {set outn n.Le cfts! and 4tt slttr p.opta. 3a .aY. ::e ;hoald blt_ s61l! But h,) do.3ni t. lttth a th!!d place in tho aoaton trara &n uedor h15 lr€lir, ttr. arald a5 lliEadrre !!iJ ttack dnd iigld athl4ie llby sbolld a 3!!f, accou4l6r' :d'itdf!. t5s on th€ hartie a^d ,ltt csor361f olf frod th6 1tv16e ha]lits of z 103 na 6a16ct!oe aot the a.1t{3h n6rnar ?? bai and Sevote b.s EEpt!6 4d€E !a3t:.a: and a !Ii! tc .unnlng dlsts!.ce !ac6e j3.ar11 *a coFp€te 11 a .ado *3 riada_ iaste! tbaa atrYono e15€? dars .6!r65erta!1re r tlck..! ias 1€ canri b3 f.f 6onoy bacats3 t!!ra ls t6uod soEe:t.ce:3. fot r6u*d rot itle prlzo. 3dc ts H6 talLs roq ab5!i tlo Pan-]r1ne!' 'trri {n t95t lons '3r3taEca saEbs, t!!€ :60 O1it- I. Cs6s. iirk€d up6n nsrally as ft6eka, fntlrsh ior ih€ lasi 1i rr.1ts bo rra. been ilrb -h! r6ar halr rhlrts atd s1e€P on !.ai.1ns, :Cg D!1es : voek gBnetallvi ri:15 0t qalls a.d 7i5tt lttir otn.. nhat 6e6uits :o .Y€! j0iA00 F11€t ol Tirerr !.Yr ..r*lty", roaduork - a4d h€'s just 2?. and h6 lle hinself says It !.ams h. Du.1. llfts teishts to iatnialn ld3 a<1C6. 6t l.larlo'ttY, i{h€r, h€ cdr ro Amrlton aft.r stafs ii '.r!th rhlD ht t as spindtv and s rurt at trake Unive.sitt and -T{t, Dictrson la.!1ns ath!etr.. I,o!edtial' ttov6.Y rspuiailon, :rl$i t. rtited locosntt!tD, 6v'n dldnrt haY€ atrisd dr:;ti to gat blb a job_ lrack r€ca13 t?oc} a.d rrf l!r tr J fion 'oul' E6ntbs tro k€pt hrnselt aor dnd fail6d. a Hants o! bsst e2tlsfy 1n3 ail11stio b) dotn€ 3oh€ 5urlstItdte nan (hr n..stgbs 6nit 12O poo.ds 6van nos' !a blscuiEs tea.blle. lio tbou€ht about qulttlng Dt.rL5os, bof,n tn a 34.1f gd{lt€r but he n€ve. tbouArt* about vher€ hts f,ath€! sas nan€d tlar.shrlt' .{ulttlne rrack. s€ dot lal s pr€i€nt a F.nk ir 3ba11 babk, .t a Eanaser job by :pplttns tlr'-ough an ad ln eh€ th' ,ldo a3 a bona3t6lY sall.d Lir Is .rtd€. ln fls 1lYes h6ad J3 -"ir, baE Lrues,' h€ addtrs no!. "sob€ of oo.116!4 aanyon! vh6.o p.opl€ tus9l€ rictrt out ttat ta 5bop3 tr.d shors but ho ea5€3 at theE Dlaces I y6dt iold be ih€y bad €norsb ot ztbl.t€s as.rplov_ a $e:11-1nf!tctod solttudo. 116 s.Ls uo at 6i!5 a.E. €acb dal and D1.k3o$ 1tk€! his iob' nrs ad!1y, .uns ftr.6 ;1163 b.for. br6akfast. E€ hrs spr., at coJ!ses r tken rt M. 63tir a dorntdYr Yolk at to dr€336s aFd eo€s hls bo.Es - 'saroYan ts a UdiY., hl! After flrd. tlaBllto! losulan.e .p6o!a1 iavorit€.n B{t .telvthlng 13 truslssi.3 day! tte tubs 12 or il s116s secondar' tJ! his grand Pas!ronr runb€fore s!9per. H5 6als' etrps qulotl' !1nc. And his! is s.eats. nou ther€ ho !6ad5 lntll thar lt €ve. ita€ b6et. about t0 p,b, - and then 316€P.. {Irre thoueht that EaYb€ Eoestibg And tbts t3 hts paitorn. ltke io gat Datlted and have a to lrd 11f6 ht3 aat11Y Hs lEs elvsn !P But lt.iust do6snrt flt lnto fablly. a f6€1e' t!6 c6Da t. llanlltob vl16.6r rnr 11f6,r !16 e:p1alus" AEd nllle! lons dtltanco nnnot 1. b1.s3€d t'.th Eeans tlxe Earathon, thr be.t condltlons of cohF€tltlon, Tb6 ctnd6. o.ltbate thlnks doePlv H1s aottr€i and rsathor 3nd f.c!1it1€3. about ht3 raoes ' r'DaYb6 I could fathgr and an o1d6r strtor 3tll1 1tv! baYo flnt.b€d b.ttet at Bo3lod 1f I ln Altt€.ta trut lDee for hd! noy ls a but I dtdnrt bad rad€ EY and rhlrt lt€at of aepbalt roadi f qas,rr as ta3 si..rong I r6i1r!e stlortt at€ hi. Ya.drob6. 1r .nd otr{ lv€at sttll {b€n ttro citv Dlck.on s61dob varles h13 routtn6' ov€n vlfoo avay. Dl.li3on iltaaoe bts alr€es. E. rtrtnks of ,or1d chahpionsblps. Ir€ bar no slll frt.nd, no cal€ndat to {n€it PAgG)
oan b€ dull adat e vata ctvlltz.ito. cos6: !! 1tk6 ttrunC€r to a man Yrla th.llls and .:cltorxsr: hi;ufa.ture n6ni tr 63.ap5 b.r€dos. i Dan Yhd haj ovsrtthlng i'nvcntr lhrrrslbte Eoal3 ;o t'aff16 bts .ptrit bacauss Et!!49L6 ls hl, natuf." g€ n.6d5 thalleng€; tot ftu6d of susny elades and qdl.t Pastulae ayt'o that ...lalne Gord Dt.ksos'
ADril 2t-25, PEIM l*lnYs, Ptrtt., t P.. rriday; Dt.tanc. rl.dloy. l. Pcnr Star6( char r s s_-\1 a-€- r-rytt;Dr or Heb.! gbt, Th€ ea.eps; tb. ,ttne nf .or. {urclot! t'1. r.b€alsal a.d ttr€ 1on6rt9.:! !1e! rJ.36XliirL, 3t0o.2, Ed vorar, 1Liosa ars tno prl.. h€ pays. 4,1J,e)r 2" :ak.; !. st, Jobn'sr E. ryut tut bq 1rB ,!!v6-1 r!!, j! !g!gali!!l 5. 9:J8.2 {l,ls6rbrrnk bEoka tho':ornoit. !e.. op€r and Car6 ,toran a 60 yard x,ExtNglloil Llolt5 c:"trB aNu!-l! FArpIc?s t&ad! ,r*6 tsadyln rgtd Encelbrt.kj rbut ltr. touBh to rusrr y6urs61f to a DAY jj tltll 4clli RtIi - Aprtl ?O: r9J9 .ooerd Fac€ wb.n yo!! 75 yalds atread. L€itngtonr Ha€3", a}rtl !0 lltA,&.i {€ d€}6 tttnkrrg of tb€ ,|n€rlcad reoold {donD EIC{so$-contlnuedi
Rt'1: 6qr!!a5 of -qflt.€ton, l'lass. foher fotr$ N*s r11.r arn rr6se€cEntry 4ap&at-r, sai th* par€ all thB ?
af t.4?,4. I den?t knos *h6tb€! ?6111 €3t er.th6. shot at lt. ,e!11 b€ .onNrntr&tlat on i)ns tro-hl1r:€1ay tlrn
ral t. ilead:r tr Lh6 str€ ir *cr.d.,,ino Stnf}:f ED!t1: 1, Folt L6., tl1e Pa!?loi* tey snnDrl J sti6 reco !gr@.nsj lohaiteyr Itu!.hDrson, Bot !d.:r:f." dar atrd n tr63et do{h:rslr S.ahanl! ?. ,-YAC i :1, lqfPc: tr,l]al..-. ef r.nt* telt arr6 f!6:ld {tr!n !o a eintes, be!€ n.a.i J. sbanahan cri" lr?6.i, Tri.a l.arge 1131.! li ti3 a'.jrd F.,3ion,r.r1" irCLaEg& fito-llll"E FUgr ?. rar Abi!e,s, ltar3:lbh ls{t v.ry irv $nneri lo. itrl. 5adtb6fn }r::ibo.rist Or1?,: 2, fayno *aly;3.i1 er .acsj rrrt tt!. :,e!tne.dt :ltJb"p, l'lo.rh:.t'ollnr L rr. (r,, Lt.6i tlltr hopo i,o this tuudl- ,e nas trrtreen.r, 4orn€11: +. J.hi. /\ts") iap }:th an l&Fr6v6d .a.o 1i t\e futur!. 'llfor! :. tattsr cooF6!r 3celjon Unlv6:..!it tra.k coa.hj tous iordhaE. 9!i-<,2 {:ti!6 ta11 -1v€d6 ron
nayhon{ itart6.t the i!qM6r!.s tb6ir eay eastly! auidl48 avay lron th6 pack froh qbe L6rlrgton J!. $.S. ahal tb6y 44 tl!. last tso faDs"l toilrved a trlangular courss tast tho ?-tlllB ll5 R61"Ay, 1, rxvia'.ton ltsi iry Jr" It!€h to thF f!r!*h at lha famod 1$61rrer LatlsE!, 2r0j],?, Paul sh6ppAgttl€ Sa€6n ai Lorlrgtan C€Dter" atd, t!5A"Ar P.t€. ?!r111er 2r0o,4, Tbard {a!6 7 beautlful€5 and G.Ed orqhaE, !,57.4. 8,04.?l lecold! th6 ioae prtro u.Dt ar an ettra lndtttd- olat calkr 9tOl.r+ bt Ronan Cathottcj ual pltre a3 ii!.r€ ras ro ol:'1.1a1 te& Fdla. 1954, !. St, tranot! Prop,
l. 8111 Sq!1!63, tsostoE 4,A. 29t2?"6 2. Rotert Sehubort, Br.Rd€ls U,fO:2f,2 l"*!a!ry Bomen, !$altached, 10,4J.8 * ieibr6r lasi l. BtXl sp€ncs., unattactlod! lOrJ8,2 J. Bt11 Marot, r6rtb Vedto.rt c.f1r30,7 5. Rtchard r.€sks, Lybn a.c. 3rtlt5.9 7. Dal. ori.{er, Eaeald Untv,,u, 32t19 8. Gr6 soluhacksr, fiarard " 32t45 9. Pall Robertsorr Pl.La.' 71t25 It f,, 5.4 mllos Rece ttrrctelr ltt11taR P. lltre6rald Prflesthonts w6re s6ryed ta all offlr lale and cdmotitora^ corl€s6 track - Irl29- Lasa1l€{2-o) 8:, Lafsy6tts(1-2) 43"" 9!!:1, Ton Lynaush, !Si 1r54.z-Mn., l|11a, 1. P.ta taltr€ld,!-5t +!27.r-vF,. z.-Fr?;i--i. Jrd smn.r, r-5i 2. salh6r., G;-J-ro6 stofa'oBlcz, L. ti&€r 9:45.0-u66t R€.ord. 4/24- Vllranoeq {!-O) a5*, St. Joleph'r {2-1) rro} at vlllanola.. 8a0, 1, JtD Baldwih. sJr ?. vIc !tlralo! v. 1!54.-< 141:6: t. Rob cod€s*y, v- 2, Dltialo, v, i:-3-oi,n Lyncb, sJ, Ir.t?.4 2-}l11.r 1. Codosky, t, 2. Lanc. Hung61;;t;;-v. 15?.6..co11yhor6-rr9.1 & 21, I
BrooLltn, a:02.3! l. Brootlyn lr€pr aro!.r! 4. xt, s', it!atla.trrt 4oO-ylTER zuRi]LASr 1 t1ta3 el,1bort, IS: 2. Russ.ll RoC.r3, llii f, {e.b con!{ay, s5. 51.6 i"ahab'! ttre f1!it tlE6 I!v.6r€r lun ttlat itracrn Gttbo.t .at.l b!tr6.n pant3r rana nanr that!, vo r, Glv6 ne thos€ 120 stro.rSATURDAY: ,IAU IIWIAATION 880. I. TOS rruryhy, IIYAC; 2. Botby s.anao, m. I-6or vA" yd.,lt 3. Erea! Lop3! glchlsani il|. i{.rry Bllsht, fYPct 5. B.uco Loc*afbte, itrftC t 6. CtEs, J€nkin3, Phl1a. eiodoer C1{}, !:5r.q tr-vILD REL,1y. 1, p6na sr,ate {r!od Ke!r, 4r25"2 itld, 10 rds b€h1nd Duk6 and I-rU,, cllarl€s t{1as, 4!!6.1 (r!t br a yald orer Drk6), tng6lbrlnk, 4tt2.A IJS yd, ! 6d r,roran. !r17 ,on by 60 yds,)i :. Duko, (t?'20.4)t f. t{YUt 4. Sn, Jnhnrst 5, Corn61li 6. torlthcn; ?. yanbatrdnr 8, Syra.usoi 9. Navy. 17r11,3 (N6* r€oordr o1a calnlval baik 17:15.:: by Str Johnrs l9Ja)., spFInt rllodl€yr t. Ponn (xarrEloan, r:3trJi"--T=y {8 yd.,)r 3. Uanhaitan;,r. C.rn6l !; 5, St, Jotrn's, alher 3t23 (gmtriisht of asod Sta!€ f611 on allrt 1ap, puttl:3 PS out of aontestloa) n6ta lasE
1eJ.-|:19.--q {penn Rolayr_
i**#ifi, li,.lillllllhl':riii:l'' ::ti:*.1:'::i:'i;ilil'i''lilii?l iliii; if:l; tg'ii::"H1'i";il:";;"), iii:H:lll:.:"::":; *:::::.:'li:;?' i:,:lil;ii:i*'i:"ll'll',"". ?: i::li;:,:T;i:a"i'l;."ilii::;:: rn srd6 c.rn!va1-!ooord i::i:'""' ::3; :"i: *:i::'i;'"::;;o5),. +.++#"ir"I::;il.';;:; '' 'i;.-i;;6;;, i;; sitn, r,:2..:)r i;i;' :. l:?9",- L:.i;,";:1:"1:l' rolto''{ R'v's' i;i;'r"'"""' !'6i6i'i??l.ii?'i.(lilii"j'ii;?;''ii'iiiil"" 1951t1
liiil;1.::r"H:'";"t:::',:;":i:'i:^ :l:"1:" ,. """iil'r3.,1!iillll'i;"i'li:x:: T:i*;'il;ii;;"1::;:'i,i;19, b, yards). ii".-i,ii,S, l. B. erffi*ffi)i'iliiil,f;::,, -iiii;'.i.i,?.,00 ii;i1 ;1t,::;14;ii";'l;"lri;;s: rt. JIt!'ud')
iilii;irut:i,;i-:i:;r.;il';.ill:" yrn
Rcdrtqd€r, L.r6
ii,ij.,j:i.ii:"';Jilili'l!:.1;,'"'"*' H5 Drs;anc6 \a€iirrel: , st. vt'\r61's
i:;ij.:'":l;:,:l::'l:::; i::'[;i:' IffiXlilTl:T;;;r":":i::;',1ff g;;ij'l: lii!'**:'',!li"li'?,,,.' ii:'i.lH:i: ::"'"i:':;:J'l:-i'":il:" -".;"";;"4;' i:.jtJ:::::: il::l::ll:i?'
i*iii:lr'i'ii' #r.irr:":r:!iiF"'!';i*:r"*ii;ii"';;:';:;";ir;';"'" iii:1":fltil'l"rl'l:rit:ii:riJ:i;,r' #*: 3'::;i:'*:::'l' """"' ;:*.i: :::::ixH::;lii";?",;":;ll^ liiii; :: l:'Xl"l:l'i!;,*l'i!;,' : "". " s''l---.;il=-*-.-.:tff1i.*.' " :t i* i"*: :; i;: i;: :"i'"*T Austialia. trot.s- by stan Pr".ll .'""';1,;:i€i ililiil"'.-' 'o'_** ;n.l:r.;F::'$::liilii:"iiillkl'.. i::3.:'i:';":.::i''' i:i;e;"i;it"*: cu-,r". qu3tralla a'te' 0oo*.t I it
Australla tn tha B;v.6 r€tr6s€ntod1"^1:l:T.:"?:'?i:' Ma;"Lhon ,t vsncouv€r an4 l'-"': '::1:l:"ni.';iir. H:";"::.i:.";l:1";::,:* .': porer rhonrs albv and Dav€ '*'"';;'
Mav a- 1s'i lnala'I..N6:n":l:1;-:";
ilil;:'i:::'"1::"1:::'i:iil:::"I:. ;1i"":::":i::;:'""",'..::"ii'#::.;'; Siiiill.'iiiil;;: :l-:"i:::r l:"i:"3; nlar pa;k, srLin6, - q/'!/re.. uu-uir" r.t"y' t;:;::,'i;;;.i:. l:"1',I'ill;-li;i1 ::'i:-:l:.;i:ffi ' :ili;*:.i::;lll;:; ::'iill;.":li: ;llli: li;j: ;:::,;:"' . ;;;;.:!:1,,i'3:::"r";;:'li:"' '"'" "::iitltre::i;
,:iii:'"3i"';":::'!:iilil'Il'li"iil"'" iit,i-ul'f ili!? li-31,3';.ii3i}i'*' [/rB/ro _ r- A. xarrrn, r{:5r icour3o ;:-;;";:,. ,-i:-. irrnr,.-*. r.,zZ l!:::i:":;'l:";.tlii'li't.iT'l'il ". **H*-ij,":: r.*i::-i;"1;,i:"'.11 "' vic D.Mato' v. r'5$l R€adlne, i6,r,1. ;;ij:i:.-ig9:
:-L&h-]-'lg CUR RE.''ERS I.(1'T CV*R
lrah l-ar:t exare, 4 A{ianr 5t,r t6rtarda:5 ? !]"1" €UnkiaFr !a aaEr.f th6 d;,.tane. !u.t6.E ar:3 frns 1r t56 Vnlt.C liisloe oae .i- tha 4rs3i16:1, ccl;llbutoxr and .6fr:)Rilt.Td !c li.S. :!1.tad6e rdEeloe :trt1n v31:.1rs !-*a€ llre 1::i ,hepisi ,lta af,d ti lleF.h 1+, ItJ9 dsra.tezt to h"r.s c.eF.i:ttFe D13taq.3 rr.r3:s Xr tb. :{€e E6*1&$d 4a€pXy rattCar€<i by tb6 iee. .t !i!e d.ath of ;ta.11. Br6d6lson 3., nt 56 ye6.3 ot adie, CLerl:c sa. a frienC an, advl3er to a1i" ?r !ait, d13ta4.s llnetne 1= a bol|by t saa€ c! i,a3i-;li6 aeilqity, brt to Cha!116 dlstaE.6 trnnlng sas ar {Epolt.nt part of hl, da11y 11f6" In r€oent yoars charlt. *es a 2O!h to 3Oi:Ir plaia .unn6r ln {.! Eneland 6o&potltlon. Ea!11ar ln !!s oa.o.! h. yas org of th6 bott6r dlst4nc6 .uDn€rs ln th5 !€s Bn8!.rd 36ctor. Y6t at no tln6 hayo I arret b.ard hln b6art of past acht.vo@e!ts! Tt!!o!€h th€ years ho h.d prorld.d toush cospGtlttor f.! th6 Parron' r, Brornte, X6110y'5, S6Ep1.!. anil Caatlb.llr. kb6n they r6.c all ln thol! prtb.. In such forgott6a .uns a. tl!. Ito?61*y Pdrk uaFalhon, RocLl*ghanr Ea!t Proyldodo€ to Cr6s6bt Park- to n@o a l.rChar1l€ ,as qi hts best. I, a3 a spontor of d6velopE6nt s€6tg and dlatence r!n3 b€.6 tn Rhod. fsland, .a.not !€cal1 on. ol ny €v.nt3 that Charll€ aall.d to support and oreoura€o, r! blood clot,froh an old lnjlry, od bl,s 1es cau33C t!1s unllm€1y a€att\, but Goil <lld e€e !o tt ttEt h6 16lt u3 ilottrC lr3t Fhat h5 11k6d b63t - Dlstano. &[Elna.i
Fron:lod Cortrltt, J24O B.oadeayr ret York 63. i[,Y. nJolDry K611€r'! bA-{ cou!6€ }6oerd 1oo*. b€tto! all tb3 tiE€ - an4 1t va. bad€ rn a bot dav. aho Dod6st etart trltt y6ar probatrly rar r6sponrttlX. fo. th. rtcord sulvlytng. At on. polnt 5lr€ral b!16s olt tbole e€ro -.onr€rsatto6.n sr:is on tn tht.. laneuae6s ai ono€ aBons ttro ble Group tralline Eu11 and sElth, Tho36 talklnc ln Engltsh r6re cotu€atin6 on lho !61attr61y 31or paoo add sond.llrg ri:€n :oh6boat ras gotn8 to €6 olt and up th6 pa.e, Juet att€r 6nt€.iRg lraDtnsiran clty 11n6, Canadat. e!€at Dtckron bos€d out l.on th6 gloup and att6. atlat tbo ncont6ndor!, oov6d arat !aptd1y. S€?ern1
Btnut.s prlo. to tbte, !n. 14t6.estlng tbtdg oec...6d a. Ilolan?l's okse.6n tu.d6d arat trok€d at JJ xe1let and sE116d {a blg 361,161. Edsi lomodt if tb€.tay lloe: rPeata.oi 'ae e t€6.6. dlro ;ald, "ro you !1d4k for t.ureel,a?s .Ilbby a'r.ei 5bou14 bs 5! tnspiratlob to J'slre !un{e.r Bho q.o 3e*€a11ns ard.roi sett:ng up alLro ae.aptdl,y a! 1,b4Y eouid fl]r4. fl. lttqrallY orpldded durlra th6 tatt t6ll of tb€ .a.., Li faci: ha{t up 3. ]aFtdlt th.t rereral r!nn6r* llbdght that h€ &e!61y rr!1d !t?6 latdr, Yct hte €ses€.n.€ aE a ?lpenod fart ealatlFno. d!.do't tlappen ov6t rtght, ]16 a.tual1y startod 56tt1dg r6sults froa hts tralntng 1a3t J.satatt.r vortlnB hatd for trE€o y6a!s plu! hu.h :snnlna prlor to that.:, tFD sc6tt D. Esl1ton, J!., f3o4 !111 E ad, Ll,ttl€ Roc*, ArkansaB var a dl6appotnto€nt ttrat 'It l"lttle R6ok T&! Ctub oould noi th6 bav6 th.€6 6ntde. tn th6 Boeton Xa.atbo. thtt Yselr and 3o codpet. ytth t!:6 larger clubs tn ttt€ E€troDolltan.I€a. Us nor haa. thrse oth€! dlstarco runn6!! t16to xantlne to ooDp€to ln th€ aarathon, but l! addltlon to ths gr€at aapen3€ and tla6.€qut!€d for ths t.ip to th€ 6art, th€!€ are no pfoltdl.ary d15tano6 rao€s tn 6aslly a.o6e31b16 i. our athl6te! for condttlone!5. A11 tratnlis 4ustt tn fact! b. don. in coepl€l. lsolatlon! vlthout c!acbl.s and coEpetlt{on" Yay I put up a t.tal ba1lo.. of lnier€s* to dlltance runnolc ld tb€ ".€ht!al oolrldo.r, qroaj lror Nov Orleans to Cirloa€o? si:. I-ou{s ls a .onvcolont e.oCraphtoa1 spot to bold a Xld-ralt italathon ar a D!.IlllDery to Eo.t.d- and not to d.tlact fros tt. It 6a; b6 r..cb6d sr.lnl€bt by !.i1 tro6 Cnto.gor hu15vt116, Inalaipollr, XeBphlt, Ltttie Ro.k, (ansar Clty, ODatra,6tc. lraturallY' .u.h an ld€a couta b6co!. . roallty onr.y tf th€.. a.5 seteral !nt6!€st.d p6!son. ta St. l-ouls ,ll1i,ng !o rpon.o. su"h a Earath race 6aab eprtng, Ant co@.n!? a3 I & salltre fo? tran.6 July 2, 1ate. 1.tts.6 sl€ht bE 6tro6t6d to ?on Oakley, tbe cte€Flerbass rurd€i, caplatn af, ttle Ui t, ctr3.-countrt! and P.€3!C6-t of lh6 L1ttl€ Reck C1!r,, rlx i3 i-! idiilon sba.l'
' t959'.t t orD6r!6no€, thl! d6osntt hold ari rn runnlnc r!cs! rn 90 to UEY
of Arksnsas' Irt6tteBo!!€. Untr.rsttt vtltq. Th6 rtay aft.t tb' s€lcct€d as ono of thrto t..t! for a of tolk ln Pettt und'r th. auspto€. of th. lrcnctr-aEorrcan Sool6ty-. and r11l b6 abtoad unltl S'pl' 1960. I hoE. l,o eootlnu. EY runnlna u;d.r ttlo .orP6trtront of tlro rsd'!-perand lrancat!6 dtr1tltl.t1ttr.' 'tt.n th. athoiFb.lo ot Pat!5 ,111 t'' habs -";" ..nduorY. trran tb. Inthrrtt-€teht bv ant€-b€rluD d.Er..t of Aolton cotd bo;6!. I vlll b. slad to tuDplv tnfortron Europ. lor tho LoA rnd 'an '!tt.n r'6..ach.d oa!. of a&6r1oan Erpr..!r Parts. a! Revotrl" {YaY 3. l95ql
6r, 3"
t6 )-l 1
rror chaFlo! A. FobbIns. r''D'r 16 {ovtoYn 5t. Mtddl.tovnr Conh. ' t6€n anvthlne ln !n6 Eg about *le kin?t of cl.ther to rutr rn' I hrr€ tFtod to lro6p c vary r!€ld rch_ edul! ovoi the Y6ara and ! ha!''1 '6 ch.ng6 lt fot roattrs of Th6 a.. tb1.e rbet uscd to runn!.re sas 'n^ cold r.ln aFd 1i 'at'tt u.ttl I htt on vsnrlrg lc(rb vo'r n'rr Lr th. slil. !rur : -o!lc ratny day ln th6 l0'e' For'' d.y, .otd !5o and Iov6t '€ath€r' T had alvavr dotn r skrwte dr6ss.trlrt o?.r rt. a3: sofl_n6: q. Yhsn I eoi oldorr I a.rd€d a stockin, qs I toft€ndd un et:r' hac ,nd-Cl.rss. -: a6alqst i"i':r',. '" '"a Lha! ors 6t{rrrtb' tat !' tnt ??rj trldks an !r€6:in€ th* 316e.'.s rtl tlC s!4ai:€t! and prt 'ut ttr€r' .,', p' L15 < sh!.1. IhL: Ite6ls t {lrh'J +;d body ^uL ln Lho rI. a lrttis !t c6bP1€ie! ! YrLb :.,6tlnc Rrn'c sv.ats.. as t16 "re€'.: rllp d6dr, ihoj th.r. ts lothrnE !o h4ld tb6m up' t'unch atautd tlr€ tt!3{, and cloti tllo ho16!'.n't" I found th6l ttrs b6t! roo.f) Yoor |'yr/ 6f clothlhA I could ttnd tat EJ o:d n_'' (6nlistad oati tu'"t. I cut ilte Juspars undor tb. ams and Dade ble ho!'s 'o tlt6t thor6 tr:^ fr€sdoo o' "tlon of' co'DleL€lv'otB6 tho.l€eqo! r."t qdr "..". them l.ft i\er on6 o._ xn Pouetne rz:i;. :.t'r iu liirt 1!a!ai E' ' -""1C .r" .r.- u{L o:r lublF. tor th't ircordin.: (. the :)nn!. !! !r" shtrl y€ar a l1dLt oorrDn 3"tti' 'hl'h hold6 thd ss€a! .nd allo*r l,ottdr 6vaPotatlon tn v€lv h6t d6ather {th€ 1d6a is ttrat sv6at vllotr loll. Dfl xt.not us'd for ivapotatlon add t. vtrt'rri ' rrod &l'
at r0o"
ln iho sun. It !edd3 a3 tbougb th6 Dor€.k1n itFt voq can crposo th6 rrett€r. I thtnlt th!. 13 b.oa!s6 ttrit v6 EEt luoh rrptd otaporitr'n tlr. sv€at do€3ntt roll off us thit' B€ ar6 runntns. sh6tr v3 ltopr a€ bf,6ak out tn a sv6at 5nd then lt In tb6 pds! E'A A' t4a!.trbnr lalt 86!r€r obtaln€d loho ttr14 plastlc covirs Croo a tatlot. H6 I'At3.d th.n out to kee! ue a 1ltt1€ das6' that , bsf6!. ws rta.tod. I foudrl ti6 D!.stlc coe.rlng sas qdazrngrv standlne alound and 1t v{r;*br1€ alto f€lt Pretty good at oY tlov Daratho.. pao€. I havonrt trad tr.€ ooDortunltY to €rParlo.nt Ylth tut r th!nk It dtght tiri".o".tr"c, ooeortne 116 u36lu1 as a palttal soD6 ttn€ ln tei o. cold ,.athor" tnctdental1Y, I tt{.d out a. lnsul ated ,ndo.surt ithe qu11t6d tYPel In one ol ttle rint6. Da.atho's tn ,16' Y.rk crtt. ?r1is detlnltelv 13 .6 Errd !n !lndy {€a:b€! 'lthdueb 1lght. Hy r6st rete very cold "€r; ahd th€ {1nC v6nt ll€ht throuetr th€ und€.3hiit & und€rsult" EoF6ve the jaeket ,o!n unde! aY dte's shr ,a3 all rlsht. 3. 6etd6nt1y You n€od a Ylnd tElnes, I irastle *6 Etsllt 36t soo6 eooa 1C6as flo6 s..t. ti tha .tho. f€11_ o*s on lhls matte.. C€otf Jatis, the Australlan runn: rs h€re fcr a fs{ dat3, so an al ' .norg6d d! a ousht tc sot laeplrsc 2 l{tt1a to rrn r soo.t }onk€ls ma: tbod. I rusbsd hlb oui fot a good lrcur .un ius. a t.r rlnut€s afte! It Yo!-rd as a f,lne tblng lf !tt6 vould srt:. to Ev f!16nd Jotrn 'J. A116n, ioute 3, Bo: l15r Monigob€.y' alabasa" Hs ha. a-Iolt the lrgfor€ h6 can ee. and he !3 onlY allotod to s.nd oul a xo6L' ! sotd hln all 'ae itlettot :r: i:5as lnd,,"A,L'. Dags. }le n 21n11€s ol the 9"4.a. & l.n hinso1' .,-t s6 oucb ctEt h6 bad to ts!6 takl r.n bt anbulaEo.. li. tunr 8t000 3t' datly tn Plac€ tn :ils rooo & nas daf,y o( ttr6 otbor f€lloss rher€ lnyon€ Yho rant' to tnt.!€rtod. on.outace a !€al e.od tunn6! ootlr d&p hl! a 11n€""
zo--N^y, !959 DELLINGER CLIPS !ORI( IX ln. SAN AlttOlEO :rtLAYSi RUliS TVO MILES tN 8!rr8.?
Jealoan G€orer. X..r 3nt€red bl! ancter hall ott€ 20 yards olt of th6 1sad, but hl3 soootbi por€!f,ul Pooona, Ca11f., Aprtl 24 & 25 3tr1da! nalroy€d tbe gap and Eo (?r{day- cirllly w€ath6r} iO.O0CE. l. ra5 .trong .nou6h at thc ttnlstr Bot' soth, srrldors, 1o: t2,2--T-E-;i10 to b6at raisalr Eob taeue by a ttno oa 19.?9.4 beat th6 nn€rtcan har* yard." !ll:.ndt.r tr!€ ya! 3117,8 bulj noL Gnough uatchos relsht hth * jo {aieil.a.!d, old Dalk l:la.a hts a6aL a6n'i Esan a.ythlnc) ! ?, Blli by caltfolnta, 195ai olrr D.ake r Pe.ti, Oce1d6rtal, ft:&9.1; 3" rony Dar* lraO"4 by okial3ona State, "J5) sRlthe.s, itd rrosb, 33!o2.5t Ir, i{at (6rr iir an lnoffr.tar 1!46.6i Fob6rEsoF, 3irld€is, l3:28.8; J, xos 2. aan3asr l:19"ri 3. oklabollc, Pyan. LB !trt€! llr:r4 9 ,r, stst6, 3rt!.9r f:rt-9r (\lzr 'r..F*, to."e, U ot SoutS6rn CaIrf. j! [ansas s!ate! star, breka d 50-yea!-o1d Aee!16an ralL Z-Mi1€,1unr 1. Aler B€nd€I3od" r.S. f;f folr r116s runnlns I' rh6 i0,0008., 3i9;qt-?:"nr1.B lt5edman, okia. ' -out h15 tlDa of 19i14 ras nd! re.o4lnlsd s!3re, ts:J8.?t l. rod otn;al, b6car*o le drrrl]od out treto:€ t1!4 ftij,$h Abllsae ahrlsltan: q" Tor c!Eto!of tho advelttred d!e:3nca, 1.rar alro din, jdaho State, J, Dar€ Fe6ii63 .a'.r.c rlra fr11es rr ?j.r15.?. r'ne EnRe1;it. {rrendoa!;n sl:rtrled ahead letirs -1'€i!.:n a!6 r!.;9.3 {l9ro, r! rbq frnal loo ya,ca to pa., a*.\ 24t?),9. xai d.€!p€d .{t I 1ai)5 n!36uhi 3.d rot.ts Lis iitl:} ,r.i dh,r iiilrb & hcn.6 4-!r!1. Rslayr r, Cr64on iRcbbln!) :. hav€ rh.s. raa!3 R_naJ1ffi_iifin, r.-.rro1; :, reo:.c.ent!ed. rl? arllrar.i!:1J rar ..,ui of .a3ka! l. iro:j.iar; h. _rjqva 9!ai?; i,'i6ntr'r€i are: v1r! ..b.'j' J. ;-rkans:sr {o.6ia!i settris tvo rilr::.rirrnt" iIe e1.r c,rataaq4d rl a go.n azl6s 1.r6s s?ph,!6.8 eE,rs. 3,,;r,.rr! ln ri3 jrt16" Lar3.a ata j1r! Cf,r113^b.ok6 !ir3 via:-:-ls:U:, r !'3r {\ 4.,. r.o.; n' ,,rj., r,y a^,"b-t-: ' : :\', ".i . .1r,. : "ad. , jc, ,, r- D,,.r5 ,-n t?.r_r.?i t)1.1; ia J. ,rr -J) . rnr'r!d(lohar $( :J^ strtner., 1s,o';j +. cx'.,! 1n:i2,.r l!1t: 1 ryrdt sur:€sen. areg,n .1ic...? Fi$'h, r- .+, D?,;,'-, -:3j-j!: tlrrd€:s, i-.f,.., Foq€r!d l*9 rr"re /4:,jd. A!49.r.i ia yalrt5); J, {iot.!on ttrto, tnerafld, 4ro5.t b.} T!l yns€ler, Jora ctr, :r'J9,lj rr" Rrss aor'att, crr! 9,r0,6t i95?)i 2. Laszt' 1aborl, scvyv, j. Bobby ironilns., s;lnir.d, i!rl k.05,a lst.rd€ baok); 3, Barry {Nev Aaer1.s. .1tti€n?B ...-rrC, 6!d {sco.d ,ltnood, {ousron, 4:0?"2: 4. ltok e349.5 by E.a.e i€herlBlte!, CooDtor Pond, trcTc, 4:t?.f; i. Jo6 -r4ut11n3 In?ltatio$a1 1955 - rt.t tr6nd5!3on of N€braska,. 2:411€ Roray: !, ranras A.lzdna State ouns tb6 Irona l1d6 A!€llcan 2. S6oreetom! l. Totr. ts€t la, siandald .l 4r46.-1" Bur, hers an xorraskai J. urssouri, ?.33.1 q€ra_f :-r4rie :. Be1rf16r€. {t(611€y, lti!'j,:r!t4!xe9-gr9ai !1 stanford !.e. ravts,:oleero-e, -dnor61 ar0l.jl ?, (tdc.sDr Chpsarck, Luron! Cunrlflo) :r(el3to.! a!.?.,r i. rut)6rto., 3:ol.jr ,:55r ?: r{lcblenn srata, 9r58, ]. c. crare6, 3:01,J l0rz5.9; l|. roea sr. caturdc), 3hoe6r3 - z-vrl. pel-:L. !. srr r:lt.a okraboFa, ?ourton. 1an.t.'56.5 5, irerons r:5q,U, And6r5c4 1:52.?i sh,.nkrdnd Cott.s€ Etrtanc. .dle!! i. i:51.a, shtrl' 1;j3)i a, rrclA,_?:l?.ri t, ar1 ;;_3T:?;lI;i--Eot-5.""", strldols! 7:l?.4! {. orr, Z!116,4i 5. canp Jr! M.cosarj A16, s6.d6!sc;J ir!il) Pendteto., A!05.9 2. u€st€:n {rcbrqan: 3. r4lahi ')-lllI€ Ryli,4r: T-ue:, sc s(rrd6rs, lljj9.5i {ohto/, 4. (ansa; riats Tocchcrs! 2. Fuss Benhoti, Oryr la!l!.5i f. P€te East€ln M!..blganr tOrOntg -l'R 5. }Iundle, strld6r!, r&!52.t otd D.ak6 hark, loro2.1 by rrrr, spo.t3 srltols covertns ti€ lst antsua1 r95A).. culr6ee z_i e R. Derals.olecr6d D€trrne6r 6s rb€ outslandrne sr,t6. so;a.d payq€;-ZEi-.jr. t.ack at}llr1s of the h66L un!v! fillo R61ay. 1. !.6rali 2. 111lnotsi :l! ]radsas State. f:11.3 Galden annieerssry rra*€ qolar! - o6e rqorn€s, l!r. r4L!l!qi !. rr6nn Davl:, ora sprlrt r16d r €y--!6Itil-T- r L, rnols o-5G_TT;_Efiji :. Dar< lrrl)s, ,!€r c-oI;;;;l;-[tr6;--;;i;--aTr rDo re r 220,i pudue irosh, 4?.t {r, yd!. r,;ck): '.'aid Uir}dr, 220r G6oree K€lr, aAoi 3r nlltte Att4lb€lry! aas! 4. Bot xn.ror, 46" 1
xay' t
5 (
L. Sotrtavo, P1ou6.r "Ao lt0?.J5
1{. "**"*'^;"iFiifl,,."CLLB .""-.., ..'" i:i i::.-;:;:i,'3;-^llh ff ii33:if iill:?? iii 1.";::u:l:1,":i1"fi!;' iii:"::;ii.i;ri: rrt2'5? Pio^€6!'ai sttr""", x' ".-""" 19' 29tIz "ir*'::r, T1t6r oool-olouity - Ree!.ientrn6 ----;;;: ._:19rir,,"3?: i: i:llil*; 3ll";"1i. lili:ii &ra- o"r"."Y"' vaYn€ stat€ taIoEIeAn noA! Rgr $R'S
: i ii,il'lJiilii:tiilH'::"ii;iiii Iii: :ii:li:*:'u.t;3;.'iiiil'' :" ;:i:
;:ii'":i::i:i::-' Dlck Ladson' " 'l ::l','"ii:;:' "r" !i:i"'!"!riii'"'
.-- -
. !^
l::1,$"i:'"'i:i -"!1::.'. ". ".'. lath
Balttoolc uunlotpal Gs6r-
:i:::i:::;:i;':iii.fl::;:;,.:::"*' i:li":": r'e'o6.' i-'ir..'riiii:i*';;*,lii;':':"lt** IIILE TAI(EN BY JO!iNXL rOPIl, tr'J', r4av r - rohnnv attanttc
:li:I":::."i:li':i::'.ltii'3l"i"li"',, 'ttv' :"i:I:';i:.:;::-:;;.i.;itl,il,*:: r- lii:,'.;"ti:'t,:",iii ll::i,';!ophi::-:'11 *l::rl:";i; iri.-i"r* d 880 Yds' Run.."
,€.les€nred €h6 .ru.nrrco"?1.'i.jiIik'il!i:ii:li:"'iiil,"" :::li'llii:;:i;::":i::ni * *::;" ::iT::; ;?::'*'#:j*:i*:;"*ll*;"uiu:1, i:'*:"'1.*il:"r,:;'il Hd' 2' Balttao!€ Hatkins - l5kn: Vancouve.. s,4 r6n trdck) ADrrl ra - r! rranr5 >1bcc
!: I 1
euanLi.d, (48'o:;l:Y;;ir''r:" i' ;;;; ;''*:ii.i'ae., q., 4'zo'o
ilti::ii:..,...';:;:,.,,,,-=,,..,,"., :, lii:l*jii*],,;ii.ti ili;:i Ir:16'o scc rrt!patrr'!'r 4?'!7'4;. s1po3, rr.nk l. 25 itracli 1.,D - Aprrl B.b R."d":i:::1,,,";::.' p::.:lil.:l;,ili"iiill t;i3:3 r:#. ajilii, i. !: ;: [l:;;i::;:;,'-.ii .''"r'"i oc, 3;.i;:i""i!""i:"!i:1 ,'"u,;'i:ii'i:".;i"" wavn6 E1!eon, And.reod, soc, 57:57r_6. snoblr3h. uaslt'. 7o:5?---
I I 3-
rc ,iirii.r ro_ o'od !aeu116! prao6s 1616 pub{N6re! rlrb tc 2l!d""".
,,,,," ili'ii.'l'll!'l'lilil';ill""ll"ii; ii:"*"":r.'il:.:!'*"'ili:;i:"": iF;i"tii;:r1ru'"i*:.1:r;""*li:;:i vrrl:?::.Ii,.,::;:l lll. i-i..ii"iiii, " :';;:i.:i::::':1";'l::':":"fl:;:: AIdn rL / iT'.";:;"., ';i,";:; *, :'ll !: ;"i.i:;l.l:;;i:i|"l:"1.;i; '^:il* 6. r.:ror"n, unattached. i'l ' liii"l','"11',3l"ii.l'lllili;.-3ii, il ri."'ii,:,ir"r.,, ero.".. ^A"-- t:l?:* i;;;:;;',.-,'"1" si'er""", lAci.20' Harlr 3: l1l"'3lliii;'il'"i::::y;i"* Bc,
xilHi:ilH 3-
A .lrotrs bsado'*"-' 'lil'ili"'e"."a th€ ru14€'3 "ina .l:",:i:'i;,,., q,2r.B
6;Ji"'"ir, sL. anlhii."ii::: t'3i:?! *:"i""'+;'"'.:;:'.;i;";;; :::-gi";;-:::;,"1;..i'T,:'i:;; r1. r. Elublak, rr. undttach6d, l:l:':i 11: ; i;: li,:iii:i,.;::'1"*lt:"fl I :3::i: :i:';.:::;':l'":ii: ii::iri'"'" "
e:N-r--t222 tod.t, loun* Jobnav r611ot ton eae.rh!:l. !:asr., ^alItIL 29 {Cod. 6!?0 pt) thr 3rd.ntu.r : EIle .un h6t' eour.. it r11€: -de!. or its.; v..)'hlllt & blok€ :d. 4tD I voa! o14 ileatnor j.ik. ibe s4.t {tloudv, lold & :.nord !n tb. ! a..a$le*!! ro{r - ItOc " qee€t) " e$ut!.t trol1ine 61111s- all on !t rt!?*er3 - lrl ftFr*i:,.r. 16 lt' -r!an s6lge. :.4s Errd Jr. if s trtts{E vsatl:.t! a'lr' tn 60r' & drv" ieidtslr: ;e: aa aari ria & ;a5n:{t+Li6: prr6a!. 6148115nt F€rcbaEclat .!l:-t.c ]obr !-a!forty lqi i:tra t'.ee atatd. .:i.5 !r dll Jtntsh6!s' Aa"!-I t! roa! )j : ,ri tn A r'rt t{n€ baa dlnd'i :;rsd' - 1 rn!:."s d nelskndlst 40 +j "dod tt :rre al_ t'-tl-iFahti t Itt&nij! n1st3;:s1!. .:i ' ildr6 :pons:t!r. e!d6 -, :a.-^:F.! a_ frnLsLl. 1" ro'!ri'! :!n11nv' Brri!' ?4'41'l I{'c' g$: g-T6:ti, i.t. .r!.n.i,{tli, d.k.(. .an5. .'. rd 1' ..t l!:li B-a.F!r' , !.yal AL 51:J+ ?!q5 ,0r ro J. \'F 'll}}i,:_B{:, : :' ::t:? ' !b, '!onc,, RUt i1:r? trlo 5?,!e c' .irta t:4, i5.t{ 5. ioolt'€r la-t. A!st. ??r1' ., .ron.r '".", ', r,!. rroo 32.a5 6' 6i'A A' r€t1ev' Y"_ lI:11 ', .:> rrwrrst! fr., il!lJ {- slll 5,r!lr6s, F-a-A" 5'ir tl Jc:09 ?, onn i'00 52t5? s. D6^nls llnnohan lr'lc,2?rl2 :, & "fl"t"nio"" n ;'|::'{o i3!5? ":lo 27:rr l-ilc i, .*"fi ialr-;lra 54to? !roo 5oro7 9. B^'r votot EI1tsot, rnat - ??t57 jonR Paal lo. aAA. !,OO;tt. 5lr!29 5fr29 '), io.'xcnxu.11.'.Bra.5btf95:3o|,9tJ9tl.noyc65a!y€r| 2u'l? rl. Joh rlaf.rav. e.i-A. tlt!42 5130 n9r!2 l?' Bob cuMlnsc' NYct r2. stAn Tlotonn' Erc' t\tt*r 2rr5 52r?g rl. Don rtcauattro' 9Anc, 2at17 29r'?,1 rl. D16r. Paokard. sa-a; 55to? 4.oo Slto? 14. Rrv !' lAnc' l5' P't stevartt P'c" - 2u: iu ri. st6to sovd,caors€aovn ltszl tlo t4tSl 11. contAl.t s;otto. B A 55125 ttro 5r.55 16' Ed Bracll6tt' Lvnn Ac' ?8'34'5 2a'47 r?. Bob Bracr.' m{c' i;: c;;;;; parnirr,'ea.^, !i,to l'lo !o,io 18. zSt 5a titko Bls.tor. BAA ' BA , 55r5J r?. ileron at..lor. 55t51 2a:54.r s.taat, I{Mc ' ib- ol. i""-"e"'t6" e,q. !3'irr LtbJ tt+tzs 19. at.n Rafl.U. 55rl? r3O 55147 2o. oon rav' aolton A!, 29ro7 rS" R.roU ii.-. 20. J"h; R.rt";;. Lvr^ ac56r3t - 56t)r 21. Pdul orootnoll' BAA' zcrl7 ac zi, c".ie. O.leri, ir""""urrr gs J6t45 55t15 22. Jlh couclllr &l6otrtc Boa( 29t4o zz. .rru iar"y, J'; f,{c 57!05 3.3o 53t35 zl. v. rrreoi, rrc, 5?'J? - 57't? ?2. !oF--c9t€' lslrc '-. "- 12,43 L6o r'cconashv, ra_ac 3o:2o z[. n.r"rr secir, E;tr.v. 58to8 - 58108 21. lrMc, Br6d'r3oi) Jako 3o'4a zS,. z:. ta sr*ri"rir, unat, 54t32 - 3atlz 26. |[. Ytroo:' n c, ' )t'i) zi. o""" u',1".", Ly^n tssi? rloo t? tt? 2?. €ob li.ser, rxc' l-1t53 ^c 5gtto 2.t+5 i;6tii z?, John Drcoda;tts;e, RL Dunlop, BA'1' )?t5\ ab" aou xrmer, xuc,lgttt - 59.11 28. robn 'an Andcilon' tA-Ac, lrrrl4 29, rra6k r.11i' }Ii{a, 59t59 - ii.59 29. -rirrrr Brsdorson' rt. 3t'57 to- Sgr.Ls to. chas.Dav'vr :0. i.iE ""i.'n "".id1 i'i raact 15rr3 eo"ri", sA-4, 50:59 Stoo 55359 lt' Don ir. -ri. Jot" tr€d Brorn' r"c't"."",pE st'zs 26,3s r2' oi* xiii".i""". .t5t)7 dnt_ Jobn K'rlanot rvnn aw 'r't- cerl sttnron- s}le 5rtll - 6114r nov head or r&' Larlv c'a'e rr'qo iii:g ;;;;;;i;;;'il; ii: '! at rasr" Ire vas rn Rh;d€ rlla'd plr{1 s"'.".ssoz,eo ,'}o iiil6 1i- jG-aii-jJ,si, av L' arr lrtonds or rr,tt : 62,4t appot't'd 5i. i;;y c";i';;, nuc'' d' rr€ar seo "rc 6ttrrr tho R;v.r.Es 5;'rl it: eb- r""i e'"*. sr:.irc 65rlJ - 65115 ttrtt" Trto v6!t'Flv 5 0116r tt 6"ytto"oio,ta'.r.Es6?!1r66.!| v'art\r) rn t))/' 6Etr2 cotpot' eao! 6AtL2 40. std Podtor.ny, " 25.Ln t95a & 3, tbts ,oer) th6r€ iiori x""iu x.di;rd club - 1-[-5-rrr str;u1d bo 50 tn 1960" John Z. eostoE aA - )-5-?=1ti,. Lyna A.C:Laffgrtv to b. transfelrod to z-A-q=r9 s&n Dlsaot catrlornla 1n Jun' 16. destl'at{on3 unknovnt JOitff,Y rELLSY tlns tl. liEcOnD TIv! lasrtorty Toas sooiesi l. Bo3ton rner{ 'o lrvb' 4Oi vostsriy, e.i,, itay t - ih. ftno.t as€'loah A,1r :)cJ ?-. Lirbi: ). tlnnltrr b6r1 'n I :. )u dr3tad46 iunn.r of rll t1o. add.<r aaotl'6r P,t.= ?rotldeata :oad ?unitda ctsf,36 locord to bls .ttl.ctlo* '61r;-\66
Soutbern Pacltlc Ar.oolqtlon ot tbc AAU Lonp-Dl .t ano 6- hrnnt ns codltt.. r.'t r.oc rne'ror, io"i n ;5ii;;;;.;;
a.d follotlnB
25lJe catrfonA'' ' 'sundat ! ^t'lr
rain...A11 22 !tart..r
r r 30 rrl !o2 6at45 5Jt45 I Pst.r B, llundl., sc st!ld.!t......'.., 2r !5 flrt20 69t33 35rla Robort c.n.' cu1t.r cltv 4c..".....'. tlr.Jr ?or0A 55to8 t2 rrtd V11la, unattsah6d... "... ",. 3. stlr..tcr 43,1! pyed, sor. ?o.5a JLtzA Ac.......' cltv culv.t TlDbas c. l2rOO 35tr! 7rr02 66t32 11 unattact!.41........... 5. Jo6 5, Gllstlap, ?t3O )9rJ4 ?LtA' 62tO9 2 Ficbald E. pobl€3, Etn OlFplont.....6tlo 4oroo ?1,25 6r.25 ? vllltan s.g€n, uaattaoh6d'..'......,.. 5!trJ 40rr! 71t25 60.rrt ! Rlcbard Vasqu€!, ELA OlFplans.. . . . .. . 2roo 36!lrl 7tr\tt 6?rl4 r uhattact6d...'....'' o, Johcn5on. 9. To!€ 2rr5 tr?r7o ?2ro9 57154 5 5C 9tr1d6tt.,.,,...,. Sotrtat L. Jah6s 8' 30 rE.55 72tt5 64t35 t2 unattaot!6d,...... Robort A. Yl11tax3, 4i3o 4ttlf ?7"8 51t54 a Ctrarlos J. short, unattachod. ',... '. " 6r!o ktroa 74r2t 64121 1t 1f Ijl11lah A, vqll! ! cultet cttv 4c.... ' rl,to zs,oz ?\t26 7r t2A la Donald A. lin6t unatt:6h6dr........rr ' 9r3O 39t25 76119 69' 19 unattach6<1....... Edaard J. Lovld.ont 2roo 45t19 ?6r+? 62172 r6 Mtclae1 C. Allsn, Culv€r Cltv lc"..". 4f,oo ?At45 64.15 15 6!00 . , . . . . . . . . Irean !. {aryoy! unatlaotrod. llo!il ?At45,1 72rt!5"1 20 ro:30 alyePlan..... 1a G6o!s€ RtYora' E:,A "" " 1r\C 42.06 ?9'59 ?Or59 17 r9 B€c jmt n Land6rts, El-s O1vEptans.""' lar30 18315 8o:5a A0r5A 22 hi.hael X1sh. Plv€lstda YxcA... ^ '.,.. ?t1O h2rr? 8tr43 ?2.4) 19 JobE Erautt€i. Jt., &LA olvf,Plan'".'. AC.." Sroo t 6.40 A6t'+A ?5trA 2r culrer Strohs, D. X6nb6th 'ttt
***lntfl i:ffi::lti5.";":s::.^::":xi"":f:'* i;il.";"; ;:i";il;;l{,";i:_a;i*:,,?;.::$*":,:'i:jl-:;:iil',";i;""iii" i:.:r;r :",i,:rrr-illl:.llll;ir:Iil.i*l,"iliri::.H:' ;i"..' pa. q' afl-Arrrc !-au oLYuPrc iAl1 olon Paco!) JulY I - lalnbaE P6!
?::;f ,.:;:''.""1:::'
:!arcb :8ih istarttne fatlotal Ua.attron Cbatflooshtp of S'uth Alrlca - Durbdn' th6 A11 hlllr ours€' touah & a !aa.t6:ir < i.o"l lt"t as "i cooide l$_jr ' , outlarc .out6 & tolltns hlllr rb.. ,. ? bre 14 r'.
tii il"iii"r'ii*"T1':,!t,.'"::: *";";".' i: +::;:"'ili:-l';'iiiii''-.."i. parb6nt. *li.ii;"ii"'iii""lil;.1liu''u' ror.-2:5e. r1-' ;:;i;'";;ll';;;li,i;'ol'rqii* ;:;;':;;'';;-;; .;i;;'iii'."i." i.*"t'"" . !otrodur6d-ror 1:-:"1:i:"; 'Yr: i:l'-1h::-l:1" tr: Du''uan' ttrs raovnr * lroD Pt6t€md.tttbu!6G6da1' !6.6lve the .o aladrcohradelrc61d !NCLA'{
Chmr:c. ,.1., .."Jt j I " Arrtor' l'rrLed Har'16 ,.-".'", r, ti' 48r. l/ !s.! t. BaEtl ir"et1€v' loYsFL! +60. i!'45.I f. r.'E. e;ai;;-;;;,.rs.
Edtronr3.5,"rstor s.C., J,tr. rr3.! A. D'J' 5?'lli 5. 1.F. g.?{ood, I.uo6.! F?.li- II"r1€rt' TttttSt e. 2... aulcher. colch'3rer Galr_ lson A.c., 55r 3r.a
co111ns; straJt€sburv Earrleri
tlr ncn to tlol'sh
i'.. : ritsappo:.etag1y 5ea11 6ntr ". only tr€1t6 tunn€.ar n1.. cde u*d€r tll€ sta.tolrs ord6ls at g{ri l0 Etl6s rra.k fot ttb rnabqe _rr;ek Runnrns Ibe ^.At Chahplonsblp. r.att!6r tas Petf€ct - tem vltb a e6n!16 co!ltng blBor6'.Irdd Norrls Iook trro 1€ad at.nts and 1dd.11 tb. say .t.6Pt to. a sttort F6tlod durlG tb6 5€cotrd ahd ttdrd Dt16r
2lr-:u6y, t95: TXa r.ol€ ttgr.tIcE tno A PtI6I-rC&rI6p F6e RUrlfiRS
f Rrrt Mst tIIGEllr tpRal. tE- Jfte *1... lb-y..t_ dld D.ctr O'Goha.- rfbaak E {v.! St ROAIIEES ,,or Ltt11. Hran lo.stt d rb. aeta*r. ordoRtar:frs onl
!ubG! b1, xay rj, rere $::"';!: i*",ii"t::';:";.iJff; sebr.rtptlo! nat.r: eri a 6.Dy? rtrf J.ok at!l@,, !0 &t1..our66 tc€#?.J0 a jr€nr, {!}ubllrtbil :,1onth!y! ord r&ca ls.t y..t, OtGoF.! .tdply Gdli,€ytal Corr.sFon.lo6ae! Brorrtl€ ps:e4i..d tl:t! tirle!{rt fl6ld of Los6, :le6 1l" d6eiar st,, s.rdli{rr, Ff, 16l - tlclqdte€ {t isest 20 io!>.sn& Sqtra.riptlco Cotr.apotrd!6d.! trssk dtetanc. Banrrsrr ,rnt6 p&r.6al J id:l:1y: 1? neslld St,, V6o{S!ry, liJ, stf4rj .e tb! + !a!r, {a6rr.t.1t r.acPqblrrhrd tly Ita*ia.,n6 cc., €L.d 00{*16, 3.a 25t2O & !0 iile! in SorjJ! ra5d fo! :hou8ht yas dr*pp.d :5: I"_:lt! "5*.,j,_f3114!,_Pe._ _ - -. _ irL.n a6n.qr:,s - c.atxnu;dr :I:; :*,:";"1:::i';-n ":* iii: iil?,le- 6s lr. {ocob'}ll5tlo.t lest r.&. r:6ti ter6k Mtotsda e$t tba pa*B! in th. {6itrd t.eok etDh $ttta$ B i{.r!!s, A6e{l€}' pnd l;i)at*o4 kspt srl1 nay B!Itt.! g&r!1r. Rceord 16r that to€att'er uhttt q{: t,t !€r€L CootCed dlrtsnc...rraund tlle la.t ,,ap O.OoF i! eaXl lt . day, Tle i$ Isad€?r Ds!n- Eae t6oL .nty ose !e€o6€, len€af, tban Irin66 r fast and:t6ddy $ro€ !,rt J*rt dben c,ro.krds 26!1J ior:r!r rl'rd attor flye a:t6s F!6d rpeq.t6d u!):e 6 -rap.. Cae af rtr. slt or.41tab1? ?0 t66$d lap end ranagod !6 bleik adat. F6rfomqrcor in tcs.r ir tb daaS.r ct 1J*rrts t?!dn s6t9!od e.h r€ql! !o 7-11 llorBs ov6Esbadsrsd by *ha brtlll.ecc ;rrc rlr}r ard lassBd tb6 ?,E atld I B{r3 of trF yts&6!. Iror, tb. .arkB .ltb ild.e el:ehj .u:rl€ci t6 ratlaslrt art{to11.e-a! Etgnr ireGtly *a11 a! O,&o$6R tr .bri,- fr11ad br '.fldatlan! 1f. ljn8Xteh 3latlvr, Grlttsb .{1l-Ccs€!s drd Erlilerr E&ttr6 R*cords. rnly b r.condr to equal tho o1d roaUitlovg:r ttrlnE rl1€l:tly durlne tls ord. R6!66fJer trbt Ivor E.r 3r{t 1! 1a6t tEE 1ap6! fo.ris !tae.!Ly n.i!l€t$d thd iA.A,A. Track lon r6a6ntly1 }.t thd t6n !l1os 1n 44.12"{6, e r*!6 20.46 on tho }oad }r. raE ii.. f,tr.t rO 6!r.., tulr31.X6 r6top6k.. f,antajtl. uorld R..ord leoonds fast€r ard 6arrd.rl on fot og 48:tr2a" Jiod'. ii.$. at itltoooh rac a'! fu!td6! 10- nnd, tlke tedir, tt ?9D. 5Ss. vhl.b q.b?arrs r!t:: Zatap€krs {aE ht3 fi!3t !2O'} It &akds one ?98, 5lre. thlrk of thinse ao oosa, ]l6at16y tlntshrd str.nglt 1n Jult bor good eutau6s! ls fof, you .E'allt +a:J3.4 aft6r 1 f1.:1 !6I' of 563. uay b6 l!!6qod ti ats n€rt ro.d ra.., Lap tih6s frr 'lorrt!r ,!lto: 4:+5j ? xr1b, t{lth slbrtrtrg s€!€.ociits CdtnFrrr 9:lJ.rrt I 11116: !4r2e.3r I Elr.: r91163 6et onlr qoaatid tsre.dr tIr6 rttr.G!: Ni'tet z4to?t 5 vlr.: 28155! 7 Mtr.! 116€s but prer6at6d ono ' a.r,rrr€r 3arLt.6t 9 a!1'r tl!37.4r curEne,s to €aoh of tr& fd,et6!trraoof (!9a,1 10 llrel &9.32.1r 440- 72,lr.l oolpatttots tontook flnirl+ th. addxtr.nal t&. csn baokln ll to ftntrh Reeults ln 6rl.a l.od lsaX{rd 1. D, otsoFan, atl*1.26i t. L EdioBdr It\6,55t 3. At,s. sbltrpto.j !r48.?8t &!qrb9!9!eq"nound acb6 cttyr 5+ xltos F@a-E-;T;rch 3o+h - 1" rahn |l.$lbad, [" xcn irooncy, l,te"]di J, r.ddy {Uallord .€c- ?lr5lr.6t 2. il v6Elofteyr ttUa.St; 5. v, Pavroyr claf,lre, 2&:2j,&! 1t49.ef, {2o a.o ralrao 1rJ3) X-Country: E.C.C"U. 26, toEtiln.d S.ra6.r 57 at sculoljy.r 5 3/l 111.6 oq aDill "r- sTocKIo!| raor A!ri1 ltth - l. K.n r. s. s.a.r, is. lZ!oj.r,r z. D6r.! ta!k.., --I-.,s;;T;65.0lt ?. Brr.n c.ot., accU, f?re9.2t r. A, Rsdtup, accu? 37,3?,b, r!!A.c7l f..r,E! Jodos, r,49"5a f.d Arbual lastor t{ood.v 5 Mrlo poad nao. ;EETEffi.i,.i i,?a co.patilor!) t. xoE L.A.C. Sohaol.r Cball.a. CuDr {orfle, r.c. 24t53t 2. }'tko Bat.Attr ?5!lol T&l X..i1!g at tlE Yhlto Clty 3. !16{ Cau1d6., 23r26t 4, tn. fdlro., 25!,r2r {t $rotr, od Aplri 17!}r & !8!ri {atdErb6ad 10 Ull! R6ad &r! - 30tt! l{aF.h icrld, i!l1!t.ty ,a4iheF !l poor r. slrn lldont JtrlAr !, Tony ndlrup" tlrl3t trcok conditloosl Ito, Jiltb vitlf. lr{tko ptt..J 5l!kOt {r. t.r!r SBithD Jtrrti Iur, : r 55. e. .!l!,lE-I;att n n..tb, xorroo!: llga {E*N€r sqntlsy} 6?F--Ea.tor i t7-y.-ord) 4, tJ"it Setulday - no runnin8 !n Sf,ttrtn on Surdatt s6uthern senior 6 {|,!,tsr Cha&Flonl. tae* t{6y*ood, 19rk?: ?. J, P.rke., 50r05 .lrlp tr.ld ln .o4jkroiri.t - r! Lnulte n..4, l8!r.Sl I, A.J. R.dlup varupo r*,
!'6y. l9J9--25 xoRAr.9 4ro2.t Ir !{M PAcEs ?arbzt t; 4.t, loos, E.a.t. PXtrI. g!:(tE ?O t{rf ovBF r'Gcs. srarB 28tlD,8.t {, StFn Eldon, 29tof.ot a1.o ?.!kttr' zAtba.t t, utrlr.r.tiy Patk' Pa., xay 9 - F.nE 6. r.t. c.ui{.r, agt16.A 6tst.r. bts td 1o... parte< a gro2.! (Pao.i Udo! h3g.6t 2 llU.t, ilddo ell! tod.y.tril ttEs. !6Ed s:at. r.o9r?5.11! 3 x11.!r Dr.nk s.1t.t LIoEtr ords r, trb lrtlst 14r!9.6t 4 MU.t, Eldon, R..dr Y.od snl,€.t.t tilf i.e FEP.d to a lol a R6dtup bunob.d 1! r9to8.o, , Htl.t, 3/4 - 391 'iotory ot.! rllctrlsa' s!. Elilos & trlr 3 tlailov. 24rOJ.2r.Roed CbL.l. xira t.d tt$ bob. t.d t. a pa$.d t{.on tn tbo flnltnl..g rt.algbt !ve.p 1r tb. aao tb.n b. r.t a P.n6 flv. Y.rd to s.ln a v.ll-d...d.d stat. r.ootd trD. ot 1t49,8. Th. old Ytotosy. 81. Ialt lal' t.! 54.6 or Dark Yas lt5o.! tet lart tly f.rt.s. rood" t1!. tq, th.:t..3 .t.! Itoran.. Pebn Statar. Dlck Euc€lbrln& by . Soot.lan. lldon, e5o lolt r6arlv r.E olooLed.t 4.54,9 ln srnalls th6 50 t.!dr to ov.r tb. last 16P, tvo 6tlot r!.attng th€ tE ltanalerd 1n<ll.p.oalty l..dlos fot Fai,d t!. of 9t03.2 !.t by rn blu!t.ry condltlon. t. 1949, BEc.lbllnt' Ic4a lndodl aaatn6t ran ol .quaI catb... (TUo tro-rl1. ctept b..t€d -ordt (s.nfe.d red ohd.. traok vat d.torib.d .dy, ttra Ml.biEqa stst6 Ic+A o$s3ar b.!E r! b€arv a! a cro!!-countfy oountry .!:.!pion. P.nb Stat.r. arod oourr. in loE o;li d-1-!!fe:I:3l:!.j!-l'd. E6rr at.lEb€d tbird. x11., 1, Xo.ani 2. E b Laks' XSt 3. BAIT:Ff S'!"S COUISE XAR'! Itr 18 U'l-E ROAD E;E-sobs!. Ps.4ro2,1 R.^JE' COFB:ITT SECOltt 8ao. 1. xiilsii 2. scivab, !si 3. Jon6s sunday, Mey l0' cudon, ll.J. - J6oi. Fgl '+9.e Barry 6aDtu!6d the iorntlv sPonsor€d lllo R.lay, 1. -PS (Dar!..' Schvab' Road Arn;6rr club A f'tldd1. atlanttc A.dU uorsnr 1r7.6, B&bllerrt, !4.5) 3tr3.5 6ouFgo tb6 ncY ln l8 rtr. F.d..c. {s.tlool R.cord) l. .o€oid tt6t of I t4!,r Bum€s. !s!.!tbn rqan.r l4vl tlng lrak Iibaoa' F.Y., l4.y 9- lrlncEton & too lat. to ttatt !E tls tac. coln€l1 battl.d to a 70-70 dr.t tn a!!.trs.d l{rt for blt. ttl, du6 to a dual tlack '.€t 06 sunbak€d Soho6dtfflou1tl.3 ln tnv6lln8 frod -{t1aElI. rrkoDf fteld today.,$lrot I ' cba!' tbo oout.6 e! arlv. Cltt" dtdnrt Eirl. c. 2. Ardold cGI;s, c. l. ya. E thon barf oyo!. unt.ri rho rao. lat Crat.nor, 3. lr!15.4 YB. tt!6 atnal lotd6d tbr tl.!c aBd st.I| .d 8a0r t. cuelas, c, z. 4111, c. :r. 9 bI1.. Ytttl Balry. .*;-dk c!t!an6, P. r.56'a Myt 1r tlsttttrs frlonds ln Atlaai:lc 2-i{116r 1. C.av€n.r' C. 2. P€!.. ciat. E. plant to ooEpot. tn tlt. f,atlobal ii-n€:toa, e. f, cbat. Eud3onr P, l1,tx ttarathdr tn Yonk€!3, J.Y. on uat 2'r. t 9. ooot.. a.ound lap. C.u!r.! rolr 4* Dt1. '+2. l{ay 9 - P.nn 84, Bloan 65}, Pbi!a., {.atb6r:.loudY, ret! r, Et11 }laocoluBbra 221., l !cs! 3 t.optlr.t donat.d bY lrA RRc !{Rt 2r Bob Love,E. Ardr.. B. l!17.5'l11r avard€d to UYt Tuag llae, C6!bt!! & Uait l. G€o' 3. Ernt. rracY, P.nn., 88ct R6o. Un!Y. ltrr., {ltav P. j!6k x!ttcEan! cc, 1.4r.11 {se sh.natEtr Batly' L Paul t:5t.8 bY lonn !.oord, old Barrv bv rccord. D!.aklne lt4?,05 Raudanbultt. l9ja)..2-H11€' l. lov. r LE January, 1959) u, B. a. i!ao;, P. I, x;;FF;;r.r, 2. ?od coi!6ittl 19.Y. Ptdn.6t etu!' Itb? 4. EUX 6orrY.rL9! 9 r l+5,2 3. uatt sirerlstoE, P6nn ac, tt44 lr. Jo.o Dnn.i. L-- P1'r6...'a!d:, Ps", liaY 9 - P.onsylrri!3ref,:Il., A:i;,:-i,,i 5. Dlok !6io::,',:. co116so conf.rst.t. f.aoi:6rs 3nrle cLub, s.Y. Pto..€. 5. Jj,F it!14tr, .nc6 T&T Chatps., T.s. S.!t Ch.rt.. ?. A.nrt YoBt, P€nn 3.C. 56, Sltpp.rt Rook l+6, shipp.nlbu.a 8- Kurt 5L.tnor. Is.Y, Pton.o! cldb' iO.. lrl.t 1f.fy in€LsEan, B!.od!D61ansv, shanqb.E cc, 4.8,f. bursi-?;-TcF Bryan, Yc. ir'25.J {R.. o31.r, sh6n,cc & safry To! "arr!.tIen '-a.ty 2-ltl.t EnEI.dan, B, ?. Dtok 5trllcyt ot a bottl. drtnkat€ Bertoytt! {!.on Ro.k. 9.+J.9 !i" gl9! I. Silli;i Panr l.C. lro lto!.i b.ior. t!r6 ra..) ' Bt11 Ch4ndt.t,, L t J5.6
so.ttlo olFpto c1ub, 24,22i 4, Lloyd pueh, soct 5. Donnlr atklnrot, soct 5. John ,tnktreln€r. soc. sunday, Mry 10 {2tfo F.u,) ct|Ioop6. l-Mi,l. E ch school RungtadllE ta11r! lilass. - toay sapi.b:a, of tht Hs, of Mclanlol, rl_idliienos sa'1 stabl€. non the 2nd annual 12.6 aacoha, 1?t11.&i ?. Lalrt G€Llrlng' EII€ road r..6 5ponto.6l by ttr. \orLt B6tho1 Esi -?L9!!1 s an4!!!g!!!! Elt rap, Enri ctub toat.y, to6y rad tho 6our3e r..ordr het- llttr Adnual 6t. Eyaclntb€ ualatt n rn 64.?6 fo! t.fl.€ Lt, rsa on6 by ?5 recondr, tr'l lOmU Al.4DRlC tlAl'tPIOlgSl]IP Pr1r.3: 15 p1ar6 tropbt6r 6 a lean 26 1t11.!! 3a5 Yards - sundttl sopt" 6, Ig59 I1a.3o p.e,) ai th€ cttY s.11, Seath€r: 1lstu, 3unny day. Sllebt br66t6 (l.gnby, P,Q. g:nlst! at tltY se1l of ?'q. O.Aanlt.d rry 'It1!66 o'rr..r lEps -tr r6v€.5s of 5t. eyaolnthg! Tlt6t Bo.tln Ylnn6!) cdlard {E 1{3t ys:! f*r a bett6! f,1nlch vl€s by Eltb tbo coop€ratlor ol tbE cltv of tp2clato;r- ll.<!l!a h!11ySt, Eyaclnrbe * abdlter ol Com6!ce, A *€11 .oodult.<l !5c€."€sl$6nt3. 6itll€3 to -{!, J€*s-ery B!od.uf, 1. Tnry Sapletia, EA{. 6A126 ?oEtal B.:r ?iO, St. gya.tnatr€, P,Q. ?. J5i5 Lata".ty, ii..n, 6t:4t CrnadG. ab6 toul.-r{. $orln P..-p€tua!, trtrsr, 3. xsn Nuel!6rt Br4' arorrnt aor tb. i'{nnor & tant otb€! 4, R.b3trt Rahber€g.r P,C. 2tt22 6:c.l1.Et prlr€s. John Jarr6tt, !.S.$,, 71!&J 5. 6, ttc* lackarCr A1-A, 7",45 voRLD RxcoRD BIt lAll-s - !iot!15 56t. ?2.56 ?. Atan 5e:qa1, NdC, iI6, Irtsh lls!r€s 8. P6to cdnray, U. Ma!., 7l:10 9, A11en Hrl1jJF. ! Broutsttllei !d1! ?at6pekr3 vorld !..o!d f6r 25:000 ?j.\3 d€ Hltlrsiodd a 6o5t d6t6rhtn€d t6, Ed B.ark6tt, Lynn ACj 7l!a3 star chaJlen€€ bt O.j Lalnrs ptnt-sl'ad 11" eonzaler S..tta, BiJ" ??.51 Not.13i tha f.€d tn Edlton, a.oe t?. B!11 t{a..t, {UC, ?lr:ai) .ace Cionltffo Hatlers 1J. Stan Tislnan' Ni4C, ?lr.OA at Sanrry stcdl!d o. 5und"J. Aottl ?6. 14. Bob cum!n€!, NUri, 7ttt38 tt@r)€r€d by a st.oog ctoss t1nrl, Don ray' Bdston a,{, ?4r:9 :1j, thousb vtnnlns on h13 ovt! 16, frlke Er,g€todr BM, ]5tti1 t.o6 thre€ oppdnonts, R€aksngd 1r th€ 1?, G.Br'tr.6y Yatt' Alst, ?6:12 1a5t lbr€o rt16r and 6"€ntuarly cloc}t8. J6bn Reltano, Lynn AC ?6:13 €d ln at t h!" 17 hlns. lf 36ca, r9. Nom cot€, Istc I ??trq zatopek!s fte!.6s 5t6od at I hr. 16 20" Dennls Ltrneban' rAAc 77.14 btn3. 16.4 ssn3. and Notrl. *a. so 21. ,tckjreeks, Lynn -4C, ?7t]a (.io3o-w' thtn 17 !econds- !hot one nust 22. rrttltd llurpbt, Br!r 79.05 assune tha!, etv€n a .alb dayr rre 23. Paul orDonn6llj B-{A, ?9!lA the could v..y vsll havo tulJltled ?lr, Vl1lran lo€n6y, Br.A, 79,42 Blllt cloDltff6 s€crbtaly' hop€s ol (1st Looar) Alr19 25. ton !dsa!.t.j llorton, & th€ attendd.c. of trpPlottnat26. Mtka lltre.Iatd, Lynn Ac a5rt*5 2?. sa.i6n xor.r" !l}re, A5:54 Add€d to that, Norrtr was h61d uP od 28. Dav€ ulltr,da, cbt.ots., a?357 5at!rday froD 5 p.t, urtll n6arly otd?9' Dan Dunldp, B6ston AA' 9Or5) nLsht ar Manoh€eLor ovrns to reaihfo. Doo Lt,ak, tlC, 9r.26 €r, and 6?c6tua11Y 9?t15 31. ir€d Blown, rXC pap6r plan€, "It vas hoit upsettlns," 32. Bob Yours, unat.' b6 sald 6ftor th. r.ce! tand I nlst6d 13. ,{ni!.oa Mo.!€au, r{ s ny urual grod nlg..t's s166pr NoFallv 14. Bob Jdn€s, nuc, I ab tn bed by 10 orc1o.k. 35. Llneu! sals6nt, Nllc 1!1o.5t lf, hosor€i, ho dtssed a vorld rsc{41 siart6!3 - :t5 frnrsh6rs) ord, thl. nost eallant Bolton !u.n€r f6ap:(5 han) 1. Borton lai 2, mlc conp€nsatlon' fo. hs tEnded SAqTEllZ-A BSITBTS O1.II RECORI}
DAFIO'IL TESTIVAI set., Aprtl ll (9 a.m.) 1aooE., lrr.b. 5-{tXe -4.{U & Collog€ Run 1n ll.Lg}tt patk 1. Doi Jehklns, Br.F6rton Olyhple cd116e6! 28.10t 2. Tor valeyr Lasl., n-63tnan, 28:19i l. lar61d Tuak€r, SEVENAg ANNUA'
i I I I
bad abple out a beatlne that Otynpl. chanplons ar€ dot aocuctooed to taklde. A1at. rllhoutr, the i.snolr A1e.r1an crnnsr af lhs ll.1bolrno natrlbon tltle ras tholouebty tlounc€al, llnlshtne laps b€hlnd. ISee- Pg. 271
/,th .!d@t iJpp4
lar 9.44t1e
Nevlort. Beseh, Cautonis.
H&adlca! Boad
.s'$day, a!r{1 5,
spoDsoN: Nef,lort Beacn Recreatior Dela.tneit Nen?ott, Halbor optir!3i Club D1!ec!o!s of rm: lrecls ilede?oa, ?od lJalDer
!!v, sd
&.P. !@
61..57.5 '. 3cr. 65:10 53tttr t+ 3!30 f'5t5'l t5.51 9 sc!. 66:2t 54..25 2 2!30 6a':16 ,ta6 t . 2!00 61t:4? 52t)+7 3 54:25 1 . 3t3a 66t55 53132 6 6. 9. trdck Lee F.dci5, Ca1 Pob (Pon"J 5r0C 67:!{, 10. Dsdd aucL-laad, sail c1a.a val"Ilr . l:0o 6?:49 L1 i.:5r 1!. tlavio radaliesa, Fdtelslde Ivcn . . !:4t 63:06 59:lt t5 12, andre !1our oreee Cowti Pacers . , 614, a8:lo 5?:nt )2 4il0 6!:li il. Chaxles i, 6hod, uat . " . . 12.00 b9:2r tr. Tore O. sat t) )::jj . - . .. 5tAo 69.)4 15, Jo6eCruz, @i ",. . - 6!(yJ 5t:al 16. Daldc J.rc3, $al . l?. Rj.chsd Vasq!€!, nast l"{ oltalri4s 5:0n 6?:45 fe, reKeth l. Sircrg, CulY.r Cit' AC . ntSa iati? 19. Jess G. lstrirre, SIir Eoad-ltm'.ls . 6!10 ?r:14 . 6:10 i'f:40 20. Eobelt A. I'Jinies, uat . . 21, Ilo.atd ii. PendlaionJ bat, . . . . 1C:00 ?2:04 22. 16u1. &. caddasj 5rv ioad-t.@els. Staa 72237 23. Itddlo conzsLez, SiV noad-lurers . . ro:00 7r:15 . . . 72ta! '1\t22 24. Donald A. KnG, @at . . 25. ]4cha€1 Kish, Eiverside lllol ' . . . 16100 ?5:4? ....6rm ??:sJ 26. J.e E. clislia!, u!at. .. 2?. lpdejn l4d6rog, xast LA oltdpidne ,cr3o 7e.2-2 '"2152 2, Dld no' finioh: ?:@ (2 dles) Illilc$ Balder@ J!.r uai . . ' . Edrald J. Iffiioon, @at . ' . . . 6:00 (5 niresl Plevlous riu€B (road constnctiot to.ces Iiehd couse chanEe each veat) 1956 idbert c!n6..,..55t2r'.6 - also tagt ille 195? Iddie lexaio!...64i15.rr - fasi: nob€.r, Drak€' .t8r32.7
. Dra.i.e, CrlLve! Cliy aC 2. Micba€l 0. {11en, ardver City ac 3. Jolm Goc1a, crdver ctiv ac " 4, T!)@s C. E @, 1ei . 5" Pobelt Cons, cuLver City !C . 6. C6ry l. ne€6, 5ei3 rrna Coueee . ?. !, Jm€s sebio, so. cal, sirlde4 L iolelt
---1:J9--P!::!-0f95:'-.:i23-l?.:9----'-r:'--rge!".r.1': IRED nORErg -- B.3td63 )Corrt., b6 vas tb. onlt on6 to cohpl€t€ th€ cou!s'' (Scotland' r'tb6 othor tvo. Eastl q.atl.t (Cow€ntry) .nd Alaelalr Uood At that tt.ire aft.r ihey had t..n Notrls th.ot:h the flnltt'tng taP€' ofriaee_trley t."" r"ar lapr b.htr(.. }]alrts alro lttd ttr€ pleatu!€ rrou' and I 10 n{lar d d11.31 t al; ..tarng !I! t!l!b t11-4oBer.! .ecordt uesraei cit"urr.rtrrs F.ffomen4.6 at 2o'0oo t6tr€s and 15 Etl's' Th6:!t.b au-oor..r ..oo;d, ..t o1 louts t'v 3? voar-ord Ft'd, all of vh1.h. 1n.rd.nt.11v ttood to Donor. _i'nor' B.rt1' li'53rt' ve!' (rrth
pr.{t;u! ftsur.. 1; par.ntb.!tt)- !-gj-!:-29! l8 (29:42.2)t l3g.I3g_49tr9'? l!? tdsl stt 20kb tth€ ias 6tr ilrs, lr-2)r i h!.- 12 ril.3 loo vdtJlZ;t. tlDo ya. I br. lb !1n!. 2o5. _ !il!o!n't,tln6 of I br' 2?:2;_and'lt;Il. 2rDtn..39.6!.o'.b..ttrt.ornFloncb.6cordb'1. 4t I Mtt. R.l.y- c1;nUta. Barll.rtt 2. D6no!' Ealrl'rt'
l,ighth {mG1 iose Bowl 1o-Uile {&dlcaF tiad Fr.orrsiCe PaaL) Paeadena, Caltfoftie
iMcaJ, xi,r1l 12,
1959 i,r l$ad5na !,ecr.aii6! Depaltheni Lltrectrr nl ?e: Jo. !1ut!.ich
l. i,.ne.l Drr.B: "..,. :. l,- .r&n.s, :trt!;. ,. ,. 3'3c :. l!!1r1ir J.:horlj unai...,,,, 1". :iilrisje. Vilta, .1na'!,,,.,... ,. J.i-' ,n12, u: L..,.....,,,,.. 6t1t !, :lo-,:.i ij.!\r :rCl!,.... ..... ,. 2tl5 ?, i,rl ::r.iar acnC . . , , , . . , , . . . .r'. .i:5,, i. .ianirre, -lar'ri],, . , , ,, ,. r!r.j:rlin, :.t ro, . , . , . :1.1. -l:.:, i, !!rr:jr, iunt,...,,... ll. Lcir.!1,1 D, ::rr..:, a,"rr;,,.,-. 12:15 1r. ..:i.Lrari Ki::i) a-iverii:1: i... , ri. r'., ,r:1:rr t|1C,.,,.., il-. j.riri i. -t11.r, at;ra.,,,,,, :5. lr:l:tlt I adafia.ta, iiy.r3lr. r l.). rari:_r-n X. i,n.I, rnat,,,,,.,... ':3134 :r,1. .i:.-rl: liv:fr, I.!!n. .. -. -.. . . !: :heri /ai(tnj:; iilLn. -. .. -i. i,l.ll. r'i. ii,, :!r/ilr-....... lr. .'rt:1,. ir. 1r!o, :irrea"ia,! Y,. " r.l It,ii::: ,.irr.1r.:, "i. clafii r.,, acIc,.. 4:,i5 irir.i .'. i.rlnso t rir:... ,. 9:10 , r11, trl: j:, .rrr :r,. . .., , , , 12:00 ,L:!, i.. ,! .i.r.j..t1 .rFt,..,.,11:00 l,i
lstr La.
2nd ild rap 13! airleh
,5t1o 2,a5 D,5, 72tt7 53t28 72.45 55.\a 12:t9 T,)6 tltnL 13:4, 3L,5! 5t.)\ '74tra 9t:oo 75:09 5It5a 15t24 5\:5L l5t3A ll.:u t)'2'l 73t)J 5t\6 7ata5 ,rt27 79t)6 3i:32
Actual Tme
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a3:07 3J r 1.:)
51.La 3)t5I
l3!d Annuql lost Coalt 51!:LJ Vayr lO- Fro3no Rel,ay. i7.25 5,00Oh! l. lrar Truox-SC SI;iiG;s | 2, Bob sor;, 5tr i ii,.s, f. !,t1163 Elej5:1? €nBan, Ot<:a!St., 4. Arss B€nnert, o!y! 5. P6ter Idst .IiD3 Iundls,5trtd6!s. 14r i? Lstan,itiJ GatarJftacel 2-tt!1iR61ay1 ford; 2 usc '" 4" 5::Oo ' co........ , 2'9:Y-t \, .. ..a .,.. 'i;:; ", cEllf.rrR t:.:1.1. -. _ . r on.. ., "r Dt!t.M6dt.) F6r6i! ,, SC ,LIA|, i;oD.ri Ur3id li:til l::0i, ll:tr_
a!. 9! Vtllanova, ?a., vlllano?a 64, 6, Ittt* 1r Bol, Godesky, v, 2. Ron Rush, Ptiti ,. John Cbrtstof! P-t!t. ll.17 2-firle: r" Chrtstot, P, 2. Lanoe Uun€6tb€ye!, V. 3. Rusb, P, 9.52.9 a8o: r. Nlok DiMa:o, v. 2. Bill ElncltsrC6.r F. l. R6.d crarka, t. rt5J.8 Mtle R€lay. 1. Vtllarora {Bla.kbu.n, DeAngolls, llanlon, Stoadli Ftttr$n €v€n! !n fr1a.1, but ras dlsqual1f16d altor Zlnorfold SDltb, lts l6adoff ruhn€r, tnt€.fsred ytth Blacktu.n. Tlle cut ofl by 3n1th a6st Pttt tbo Es6b d6splto Juhtro Elltott's att€dpi to d€c1:n€ ttr€ p6nalty, Thu! r !t11anowa r6co.d€d lte 21st st:atetlt dual n€€i rlrtolt. N€w naw€n, Conr., !,lay 9 - Ya1.a2, It.r'a.<t 5a .. td Sloulk t.trd th. d11. for tho flrst tlbe and Hor it ln l}?15.1, a h€3t.6.ord. Yal..oBil1.t6al lts ilual D6ot !€ason undofeatod.
CLEBAR STOP WATCHES Less 25lo Discounf F, O. B. Phil:delohia
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