vol. 3
_ I
tt ,'c{'eIE"
2x 7.I-L)!'
t"1u ZAISpEK
29. Jef! ett,eon, York BB, 2:15.2b 30. John Boman, York BB, 2!16.05 to.k, Pa., Sunday, Uov.l - Rotre.t Tean Scoles: 1, Boston AA, "An, A.Cainan, a Unlv. of Plttsbureh 1-?-6 o p(s. 2. BosLon AAr nBn, 1-57=15 pts. 3. Penn Ac, FI.l1a,r ll-8-10eraduate studont, beat off tho strone chall€neo of t*o other 22 pts. \. Ydrk Barb6ll C1ub, nAn, .unn€rs to capture the Sr. ration9-11-13=fl pts. 5. Yo.k Barb6l1 trBn, al 30 El1o en chabpionshlp todaY 1?-14-r5lrr p(s, (5 rare6 ledo !rophov6r th6 st!€6ts of York in a stoady ra{nfall and 40o terpe.ature. 8999 r!919:' rh€ rJnn€'s, specLdcors, On a day rhtch v6t6ran .unnors ;air;T"rs "nd photosraphers u€r6 callod th. ,orst r.ath€r condltions soaked throuCh by th€ cold, pelttne they had €xporionced ln thetr cairains.. Yo.k Barbell tsms consist6d eets, the 27 year-o1d Catuan finishof meobels ot Yolk Hietrrs chanpiod Distrlct 3 C€ntraL Penna. PIA.{ Cxoss6d 10 seconds ah6ad of 3l Confa16r6, Country team. Ralph Eoudashell! yho Boston -41 and 1 xln. 43s atrEad of Hal Elgdon, Cldcaeo T.ack C1ub. plaoed flfth ttre day before tn ttre Of th.58 runn€rs €nt€r9d in the State ohepionsrrtp PIAA x-c run at rac6, k2 started anit ,0 ftnisbeil as P€nn Stato Unlv,, uas 15th in the h6avy lalhs fel1 on the York area sood tiDe of 1t54.58 ln his lnitial cohp€tltlon ovFr Lh€ lo4e disran.6.. du.ing the €nt1.e day. sponsor€d by Botl Loffnanrs York The dof€ndine cbaEplon, T€d Co.bitt, BarbeXl C1ub, the event vas sta€ed was 9th in the lietd ol lr2 starters. ovo. an 18 l/4 nire cou.s6 ove! so. Co.bitt ron tbe ev6Dt the past tYo Georee S!., Country Clutr Rd., Richyoars tn Ctnc1dnat1.. Catuan alnost land Av6. & Markgt St. (1, Iap cou.3e) sissod tb6 iac€ wben h6 repofte<l to Catuan & Confalone t€re side try YolL l5 d 1c-tl fEur b€(ore Lho rta.rslde on th6 flrst Iap, gi€don join€d lnB eun. Johd T6rpak, fo.h€! O1yDpl. th6e the socond t1B6 around and tho veigh-ltfttne Creat & a race official, t!1o 16r€ prac!ica11y n66k-and-neck happenecl to b€ drtving by and nottoed on th€ thl.il lap. Caroan sp.tnted casan in front of the locked sctrool aray on tbe ftnal lap for hls vI.to.y and drrected htb to the X.M,C,A, *he.e the runnors wer€ to repor:. 1, Robt.Caman, Unat, Ptttsbureh, 1.17.28 tshen Caman ualkeit in ZO nlnutes 2. 41 Confalons, Boston.rtrA,rAtr, t:37.f4 befor€ th6 rac6 uas to 3ta!t he look_ l, Eal Eledon, Udlv.Ctricaeo TC, 1!39.11 €d oore tatlgued tlEn aft€r runnlne lr. Jdes er66n, Boston AA, iA", 1:b1.16 18 l/! rires,.A1 confalooe. ,bo trled Itq).o? .1, John Laffelty, BAA, nB", desperately to catch caman on tbe 6. Btlly Sb{th, EaDtlton OCront. 1:rr4.17 last 1ap, sald ttl d1<t erertthlng I 1t\5.1r6 coufd, But h6 has those 1ittle spr7. BroHning Ross, P€nn AC, 8. DIck Donohu€, BAA, rBn, 1!49.01 ints rn th6.6 and that's hov ne eor 9. Ted Corbttt, t{ew York Pton€6r, t,}+9.2? avay froo Ee.',., ,lsuret thls uas a 10. Rtctlard Faokard, BAA, nA', 1r50.0,r roueh day,'r Carean dd 1n th€ locke!11" Gontal€s Scotto, BAA, nBn, r!51.15 roon, nt'ut I euees I vasnrt tlred. 12. John Cunnlngbar, Ponn AC, 1!52.12 Thatrs th€ kay I t.ain.r 13, Ceo.ee Brovn! Baltlmore CCC,1:53.21 ttl tratn *lth sbo.t sprints auit I4, Ralph Eilb€rgr Unat.r Chlcaeo,1!51t.35 neax ttF €nd of a race vtren suys 15. Ralph Eoud6slle1f, York Ba.b€ItrnAn start to get trr6.lr I try to sprlnt. 1t54.5A Th€ first ttu6 you! near€st cobpetJohn nlcoEandlea,BAA, nB,! , rr55.o3 lto. do€snrt do it, tourve €ot h1n. Don ?ay, Boston A,{J rtAn, 1.55.)5 ,.Bostod 4A ro. tr|e t6M title oyen Stev€ TlaoDas r P6nn ACr Lt56.o3 tlthout th61r ac6 mnn6r Johnny 19. Joe Ro.co, Penn Ac, Kellt., curtls Stone, NYA0 r droppgd sld sDltlr, aamllton ocj anL.!t57.25 out on th6 flrst 1ap rh€n he tu.ned Eenry Eo!n, Yolk Ba.bell rAn lt58,22 his ankle tn th6 deep rat6r that T6d Sulto, St.Anth,BC, NY, 135a.11 covsred parts of tb€ couls€.. Yo.k JEsse Burdetle, P€nn AC, notortsts He!6ntt too kind as sevStan Llndner, Penn AC, 2t02.)6 eral runners roport6.1 cars intentjondll) spl-shed thed". rs, Cdrman. Joltn \{aItlbelr, YorkEE nBn, 2.05.59 ?ii, Earl lost6r, NY Pion€€. C. 2:07,06 incidentally, lrelieves in pb).sicaf Calvln I,/o.d, Yo.k Baibe11.!At,2: OB. 05 fltn€ss, too. Every norntng at 6:30 Henry r{nkald, Pen! AC, 2tOA.5? d,0, she scrs ror t5nins Dver Pittsburgla streets. vtlY 63 BOB CIRMAf,I VINS
{sr.lo lO!. Conttnued) 6ar1y? nroo many peopf€ aro up says,. s€rvlnP as dlr6cto! of the race,a. Bob Eoltean, York, rh€ utddre At1_ antlc alu presldentr yhll€ idlk€ !)oye11, York B!€h track lhe sta.t€r.. Tho cohrestants and ra6€ offlc1a1s att6nd€d an erc6Ilent dlnner fotlovtne tb€ event at tb6 Y.i("C. A. caf6ter1a.. T.ophleg rore ararit€d to Caman. Conf.lone and Donobuo. vhtie s1sd.n G!66n, Laff6rty! sdrth. Ros; corbltt, packard, scotio. cu;h_ tnghan & Brorn acc6pto<r iolk arlstocrat barbs!1!,, ?tts n6rt !€c6tv6d York Dub_ €11 E€ts.. Packag.. of SuDs. IIt_ Prot€qn, Ensrgol-c€tu Otl Conc6h_ trate & E1-Prote6n teb16t! rsrg arard6d to tho r€Ealn1ng flnlrt!_ COIIBIIT
:9i. r no. t5. Nov@b€r, r95E JUo r€st c€nter st., voodbufy, x,J. Uanag€r _ rrank [Errw 17 Euc11d St., yoodtruly. I.J. rdrtor - H. Brornlns Ro5! Publtih6d try llaryIne prtntine Co. r55 N. I5th st.t phtta.. z. pa-' xar6s! 25 c€nts a copy, g2,ro a ,6ar, rpuof rsb€<l ronttr.lv I
tbrs Donii,
,ry, B.ltoni clarb,'so. c.llf L-htcagoi Ah. Cbl,o_ asoi d1a63on, Balttlo16! Rlcha.dd, Don Jecob! JtT rt"ta", ntrl'r"ii ::.i:l.t !d! r ton,_Onterto i EIIt Xarotri.iiJii, darry R._G.oe6s, vrrchta! i;nk Xtt!!.1 r.nrar, rDrra.i H.!otd Colby, EEiItorr Ont., Jonnson Jaroyr, Syedenr Bob C.Ernfltrsrrulght aom.n c. Lulan, !ran I'tsanr, Australtal D&yta caltf:, L.yy. ,.r .'.9I1 .lryt Du.no Borlan, Eanearr Bitr 91klund, X€v J6rB6y. Don
::l.j:o'.,":: Boo u&prrell, Bostont Bob
rcrpato.bv hrr ov' pb'sr.ran, rb'ucb ba-
'.:"::[ii,:'ii:":',:k:,";l;:i:;], dnd Lr. Dav;
;r;r;.;;, ;;,-;:;:-;;;,, ;'l:":::_:J:illlll lFiH"liiii.il-" r. r.a co"rrtil x!, i;;i. ;il:I ""ijiii!1."H;,"ijT;:,::.ifi,:;";T", Ma.dLhon.rcc€ t26 aLr.s ,, rr, , *'" sponsored.
by !h€
;;.;"'i::l;['"'""' """. -'"""'^'' ",,.;;": 3.'+ 8111, ""..o, :,:11,..i'iii;'. r,.
rr.y r..g. i"."t' "."u.'iu ".'
i.;;;i;'";;ii*::T:l"j:::*,:;""; co.tittl *ypc, ,"" va
the 16ad fron 6ar1y pac€3€tter
A1.o scan.ru.ra,
Birr''.sor(h, u*rrt"n, ir,iu"ro,
*,..1,1?ii?ur.nu "i-. ,. .*..-D-19!. 5. l:: x,!€ ".""".o, o.sa;;, Iil-iiitfiii,. m, :1.::.;; if ;i:i:*:."-,. zori yar*, s. Z. ::::: x9" *""rr"., *.,"ii3i1!, '"' "i-el"!rr."t - lt'l::.1 lan ?rth co.bltt """". untl1 th6-*""aiii 22 Dlra
iv. !: I ll ll. "l!l,i"li*li"l i;*"i:il ;:; (31:. no tre€'tar€n ." il:";:i""." X::':li;,;i:;?::;.ii";;-;;bi;; ::".cou!56)ran orr Fsubcn Bte€roY' B R""".;. ;;";-;1;.;-niiJiil' rk rpprn" u"io rlmed.b€ro.e_sr ln 2115.14, he b6cu6 th6 J._ da
.,-inatrons beror€-and "i;t;-i;; oy o€btt€.s or rhs varroy f,o.Ee Eeart
^l ;:; . !;l,iii1,iff'"?!':.ilfl*"Lffil"t;,' xoieear<6s, sr, ,r,"lio"fi-#l st", crus
"iiiji "i;;,;.:::i".:*"";: i:H?,f;a;#t;i:{{"it;;J;1" rl.li"iriii-";i*: i3:r""
^a donrnrr aorra and .lootrocBydro8rapb Bredolson! i..tr x.ii""!d,ciiiland blood chgolstry stuares verl --",, Dr. Josoph e. vij -J".i.e-..y, report€d that no lunner ov€! 4o aDons stor; ":::, T:":.!j;:i":;L:"i:;; ThoEas, p."." r.i. r the ?5 contend€rs shov6<l a ltsn of
ance trrrough runnlne.
il!!'$r!; 6:3;*::+:.:*,ry:""
o".,"",-J,i"ii iJi,itsslon to pa.t- ;;y:il"::il.I:*:i.,"T,::?":i"1i".".. !aqlEllg s6dalr r!€rcbandr!6,dlnLer. r{..
Sg?Ll2rg rrl 50 rEE !Zr,,tY Gr€dt141d' l!a€s. ToE Falr l! g!:tnstteld' ldri!, alty 3e1:t, 6at., o.t" 14ih. i5 r,hr lseal, start 1$!1o a.B, 41. a-nBi:4i In5 [.7.hx Pto*a*r t4! Flyr gdt@16e Acott.? O$$Fa DtaL llllddt !:@1i!. t-j,si 4r94,o3 .'-r. Jsr:! l$d3iir4 Cllll rna^ arr.b |uB.ilietl itsh ,:. :jadrrj p6m caiF; its t lotr;{.i !a1t i{i.rtl, :1!6! +i53,r6 i, l:ir{:'d- i.t"rs. Ctt.rrl6.a :rec :r'.hi!r.i :arr l4ti1!. l&tlr Br!rne!r.!;J..r llnte* l!,rasl " ltsr 5t69,0S t?!1. i, ,$[i "4*., .'ttdr n&!83! :'!ri'.!a'! i!t4.n' Johr! t ]:f,1.53ey' Jdiu r,ls!]!)i FCFlOrt ,{,[ rAAt VICIOR
fi.ltlltz abuas
tn:ir. Enlh€r lthtete? ocach! e" L!r{€t i*"t.| r.ach at E4ia '-lstr6!1€ ij.5' tn ,.dLCei!nl,E, FJs xn6!; rlta.btt{ aJ-s}l dcnd.r l:€ci. aad !1s1d'! :[ao r,..!:rtrbltstrd l,] !?attt.6 r;r' )..elj) i. r' n..1!1.rr1Fr !- !a.r" cruclesl :iii!1.,: !1d ::!:.rr :r3! alJlr. rjli eJcY ixr *n:.i!rt ':j:e ;r*n ii T,rtjroC l. :r. :l!t ;lrr rtrn.r.it. siir j$ .o'dtxr .! .:rli lhaE:t ,:: !1Es :a rJ i:!€i-!: .a.1 l1€1;t. :t .r'.,i *iti4 :!r!-Ll14e1iJ ilt i. nq:ni' ir ,-rEde5 F; .€t3 c; i5i dlnr:id!.j l rjed .3 :..i!uar !tot$!:rF?d tr !:ri!kaat$ :*ii .,.i1 oret! f',8 d"ryt!!a liillir$1,ts etest eselt! j,rlt*1ir t ;?E-f{se ba'"€!!id6r tlarr:: t:itn ;h! *.aci& tlFt !a6! - exaru]aii!! Er :irt#€t 1n rul - ,!d adr ?1 1 ealstre ,nd atdr. :e,rcn s beris.rld 15 Dre tt_ tlie f€ai*€s"" aidlns ElotLd 1:i.. th *t91r1aa the booi. ?€!c !!€r1. ilEtzier! Is8arlo c.l:ees 3s.1.ic6achr dd y.ulrcr b!otl6! JlE *rrpi''j rlt c.sch at 1,411r!a!e""" Abas rtothe! t!16re c.eedrs st $€61 a4csropilslErts C€i!.Ilc h 1t44, ore lO doM3cutl?€ €aih.l1* tealue .fosa-coutlt !1t16! aad n€Y€! cxtt eEru; 10 ltratgut lweylrdxa atatt c6tn llc t!ac! tttles! elght straiEhi R€lsy ct6ru eEd T&t cla,@louhlle,
:luers aF a?h6 rbE e10]!t ]6{!t€ ri.|e ttlav Er qll*ielad el :be $pr.:!'teld Y.v.c,,l.. Rae€ t1sdqldt€lr vere ai i:!r6 a@6?s lost th q1t1!6per 5s1t5""Tro bs*s rioli{€f,€d !a11" tou t@a ;o C!€stlolde tbe!! tbe E{A h4ti1t Bllott6d &l6g6ri 3ot iheit 5 Ett! t€e. itclwliY th€ t€d could 5av3 tu tt sly o:dd 4 thBy br€oled t. a t+ d1. lead st tto 14e6.(Ev6rt .N add€d to ie lead!)r" B&6f,i8J prt'@ tlclEdqd elchaldls€ (tost.r, ]|!.rir ,qt6, 6tc., & usll-@3!av6d ituFbla,.E at t1@6! recelv€d a !!i26.. 5ba sn!€tltorE !6c.1vod b.: aLe !oEt6..TiF t@st! @y Eka thts a Eudst rsos n4! taar wltb th€ 4Factatlon ol obteie itu; e!. t@N.. 4 good, hXlly co!?s€ *tth .--oll@t lottco pro{4tlor" A86ts Lof€ r. a1@! t!. t€€e lltht qt rh€l! * ar,t @! lllisd 1! ord€! l! valch thoy rai,
- r NaAs tr. ?0r !. 6l csJcaco f.C. tr. s.tt! oct,Iath ot K.U. 4 la1e6. 1. Pbtl Co1@, UC|C, 21tb2.7 zat54 2. To& ahtka' r.o.' ,t rblrY CFr:lontr A.U.r 20116 !. Ftu TF IBr lcU.! 21!o! ,. CLll! qdbElt B.s.r 21127 6. Dar Ral.td' &U.t ?. EEl SlgrtoDt OC',IC' 21136 t. !rsd. Eedscockr g(:Ic' ?2t14 tu;-'d-o, oc'ra, 22134 9. !e. R1€bards' OCIC, zrrc6 10.'Et 21rt5 11. Ret lbdt6r lrctl, 12, JacL Edry, E"It.! 23rM 13. lElo nd-boritsrlrcTc, ?9:54 14. VarDe t&fJ, Ucxcr 24.43 GoldoD Davl5' E.U.' ' 1r, (Bury Inus (xu) dirhlt '6!08 tu b.cauoe of d lrlu!y), Te 1op collse .rould a frEsb anc hlrry tto itr1€ coase tili3h_ 1!g t! th6.stadls. !.o! loottns! cRoaa c@toRl
'EIId" !btla., !a.r subd.y' oci, 26 - l,a!!v D€lar8v' eh6rteah6E, !a. E1!h !-routty tb€ auual c.taR cllb , iil€ h6!dlca! load fae. tbe st!6et3 oi Aouth Pt ederFnt{, t€rslr look th€ l€ed Jroe Borr tull.v lr€1 last th. bslfvat @!& o! Soutl Broed St. and held cD tor tlte victolt. Jacri lar€eti! v1116$va, detea!€d J6b! clEinslab! lo.e! st. Josepht! c.113s€ c5!!aiu, fo! bEst ttm ]ronots' P!1r€3- .ri trophlas & a ieeh ilolbt do!6t€d hr !!o!]. talultbo's leatauant. vt€ath€!- {6t ald da4, rloht d!lzz1€" I . :,a!ry Der&€y, scc, 4:&3:s9 gsg.-i,9!-.T. 2. Dlck Donohuer B!{, ,, 3ob E!!leY, scc' 4. Ea!1 Snith' PAc, 5. Earry B€lkoyitlr !ac, 6. vallacs Jorda!, Pion" ?. cus cofttaDt! v63p6!r
sffi rr.
24.52 rrza 29.12
{coixhued u*t
29.37 rrto
29rt, ,o:o2 3o:o5
sbsD,cc, 3012?
Jobn cbuitrersn! Prcr Pem ac,
2t3a 1t5a 2rrr
).3o 3:5O
zatr2 27t35
26.?7 21159
t{d.d.rt t9t8--t 13. 9eds tlastlrstDlt Eccr totta ttza 27,1o load tu b€ !!a!.d .E r{r.rl h.ldrqDq{tl}s 14. tlu A996!, Ve.p.r e, j't!2 It2O 29t22 h.!rrt@D8 5@l6d br 66 ottlct.l! ald rlrt 15. F!€!k Fttzpatdck, 8CC t1!tr }rto z5tlrl Dlac€. cosct.d atr,a! tL. Fc.. ll1 !!!!.B 16" Joln pleatolt acar 37,13 3tza zTttj foul.r 3t4t tolotl* a! le . ..Ft.ib t|4!. 17. E€rly El.kald, PAC, 31317 ztlO ZA&7 a Busgortloa thq uds .! ttx ,ri!e r8. chas. Yrasihinslosr8cc, ,r!r€ lro 3rro8 €quatr tho D!rb€!tlat oJ !1&. pllr.r .!d ab.i ...6 19. S.b tl&ra€by, lACr 3rt4,5 LtSa 29116 !1r]e! b. lard,tt.d to Ec.1r. o!1! or Drlr- , 20. ?o! nay!6, v6.!q,' :!I.49 zroo 29!19 6. th.t @!. tnry sntd ,!lr.q :r, V1!oe Del1a Valr€r V€r.32r1? rro t1r2? rs r1F ri.i{Enr1r rg!.qdbc.ii€ uFoa. 2:. Joh ApsdqBlDt, A&' tzrz, 2r!5 lotta ToE O.r4'a eslottor tblr rh. .ih.+Iartl.p 23. !r.n* Xerly, S!&, 92t26 tto 3ttl5 lo'OooE. cou.€ In hlt.Dut l'.s E a.!@.d tl 2lr. Dor scler!, y6r9q, 5zt5g tra tztog olrr€r i6 alt$st. c6ltab d11 @1t d.d .t|!!F 2r. ataD rh.h€!! !ac: 1tro6 3t54 29116 qou httrE rs t.l6.t.d bt th Dr-48 rlD 25. rob Doeve, \6BDAt, 13r2s t'o 22tto hdld th.i t!44 !!o1! ad.t d ch.lldde !o ttv ?7. stee€ th4Es, ! c, fit\o tr,i 29t5o 24. JuEd &och! !Ae! ,rr41 go ,trlrl alau pad6t .tshtrd tn !..d lbr b.tts 2t. T.b Ad€@, scc, 3.!r0o :to 99,10 dlr.ctlou ore th!. lOiOOor @EtE b ord.r 5O. 3t4. Z6ei6.et! 6CC, 2.AO r. !r4et s!&.tit6!. lt.! l{lddrag att the eour€ a! laE t rlerd ts !t!s b &! !et, '2!10 'lttn .l1e !la!&s 1. Ja.! tae.ett! A@r 26ro8i F alh Aqte a!r.6d to Eho f1lgr ,!d 6ldrlb2.;ro!! crlutEsrra!, P,{c,26r37i 5. j!a!E rtB tL.a oro th€ 606!. !.!dii. tu*" EitzpairlcL, gCC, 26.4!, 4. d&t Dorohue rhg e€tt![ h6 .Jia.d !r ,:!a Pr!4 & To4 OEre.r z5rlEt 6. Jobq Ca!6r! aca* a.rtaotlElt t rtrbd,tt€d! 26112r ?. uad€ ra6!rrst6D, 2?t1o"..afie: t.! clrl.!! d@Ftar? a vtsoroua dobat€ b€!y€6! BRI e6dr a b1!oi6d I !€yo! clds€ a syst€ld AAV ot31e1al6,? tlB tlopll.€r !6!e srard€d atoq lJ{mr Po8r/tr- ruGr lbrmo }fiEBee tltb I rlace ttoDhl€lsgggg$l 15 plae6 F€ld at taccori! tr! !. B, Eou .trC tt ralr.IaEd rc tte pr15€s.. Ia. RRc 16 ca&31!r1& !€a atadl'dr 6!.ibo4i atqde b.tF& t&a Ne Ior a BqrEl Elllt (rlE a phc€) ra p!i!€r, Yod. !,loe.t C!!b old tla C6t.6.!g EFt 6L1!b6!, rtth olly oDo p!ir6 to e a!..A6 tt tured o€to $' 1913. o{t th€ tltst t5 lldslr.rr !@.tv64 arsdg l. ltlt Ortbr€, .i. Ct&y".. :U*9 by hotll Etste! tbr6 rA! ottr.tsl6 lollct2. Bost 0116.!r... @rlr..! tlrlA cg!:: asleod to the B. rI&. 9" l@!t ltt ltrloar. (lr(ir'! t d4 fealr I. &an ha cc, 1,z,6r7ra!:r, ;, !d I" Grtjla Ltrdlrt. &r,.., A.C,, :r,t,9!lotlzirat t. !.sl!d &, 5,11: i" t€d oort!t1,,.... xYtcr.. :lrJ5j 'l*1 6. 3re L1r(6!Ar!q, t&&d 9rroo! ?, 6qr16 rddsr clEl trri7t 6. e.d tio{1.!orar tttcr 95!19! 9. rdrDr[-! a!L4lgrlc nRc t6vr!6 3!rr.7,r9ta id-.!t tudi (&l!, 5trztt ro. Joe !r.!gr xrlcr ,ttrzt lt. lto!! ayrhdr (&&r t5ro8t 12. Ld[rt rh€ e€tlrs re e11€d to o!rt* .t 2 !.!,{, no&ef 6&! tTr t 15, t t cLsd,r.l.t, f,gltr br Pr€s1d6t B!.s1ds i.sr o! tlls ,t6!e (F6hV nbdolls, GbL! |t, groudr or th. cdo!4r R1y€! ?arLrcade, xi,t.! ?7r41t-14" P€lb in tt! o!r, 36!ot! 15! &6 *tsr attc! '?,rot fo1lov1ls tA€ 7.6 ri1l€B E6rnot axl ,.8 dlos ,aro?, 17, eoot! Jeh$Fi'tftlB tErltt 1,8. Eolc1.66d lulo! laces. no# Bidrt6al the lacl oi !s Jo!!g!o& @Lr 19. t!t! a@kr! unity .DnlEt tlE tul€E ot tte Eovly lored irYlc. ,8r!rr ,o! rtu'8rto, Jor6.-.!. ddA! l1rra; RRC distltct3 as d.tr1@te1 to the lutue Aootlllt fottrt tl- ot tlEt tlr. F. of -.4 strostb dd e:puat n oJ the f,AC. lo r@dy t€s to sGl.c ck-t.b6frr 2r!9;t F." Y.*r tLl! eltuatlo! h€ .u!g66t.d that a Et1oel 9114.39,. r'rse ol btchr d8t.Do!s rAEte ee6t1!. 6J tb6 ea!i,6@ Ilf,c d1.t lci8 lre herd at Yolkr Pa. folro*lag ilr€ corra ,o K1l! dulLs ,h1ch tle dtttd€eoa 'latl,@1 Tbta rdnht b. . h,l!t to lilte $st A|!-- 'Aloan t! ro!! dlstdoo alnlro rtlt coe oaly tlt@€:! Jorn orDbs&d $sgset.d tlat er6 Jliirot tbe d€v.l.pMt oI a t€rl-celdt&tsd tse" ote i!te!os! a@qat t]1e youth o? th6 natAg d15t.1ct. Ee atat€d tlat hlsh school cosch€s !! tbo a!€a slourd b. €lrteltd€.t to !h€ fact tlat 5 edle laces ale uot detrlestal to tbe health of, a vell ooad.itioleal boy. The @eb€re ser€€d @lDusly to a 6!ssogtlor that .oa ot t!. 6o&€dd6d bandlcap
lbts ioeb lMlud€E &ll1oa.l!! .o..b@ & !!!!e6 but tho lerlratlorr 6!@al!€I!t 6!, qlldlao xslrdXEg! .oD re! th. cba1lt!, oll!'tl.lE ilg Et1oE1 & olyr@rc, .d orlr d. a Ooodt Job X! coNlalls tia t!,!4. that they are a1!o a ratt ot tl$ la&,E
cFss-c6Ettt R€gElter rq1d1a5! C' rt; coludla llt rdEtrvsnla 50' lrt- Jor€F6!d10!t ! r,!r&6tor' N.J.t Oct.zl' It',te6td!€.ordi 1953' o\d t"otd 25122'2 bv Hart€! co'!€r' , zs,oz ti 3,/l;1d) Nd c.u.€ c' r' ceo'-veldiEcot 2,t tl' c6ols'toh 2t s!. JoE6Dh's plrii., ooi. c!e.ik)' *.'ic.tt. I 'Z;i.; &t' 4' sa1 rho!6di.eJ' Jos r&Gtdlst ; ig anua\ z. Eob vhtour G. ,. rob r'Fch' (Pltt's rltst loEs tD 4 @ei,s '' to und€r€st€d 22t Pltt 3!' prii'Go]-*., staie *i. rai' 4' Dicr bsl& ad l6rdr Psi "* 2' Flod K6!rr Pai *" et"i.l I.? !d.r€5. 1' Bo! rdth' llttt ''KtDs' !3t 8' Jo}! chllstorrr i nl-nii'1.'i)a; raut4' Pttit 5. tuo vut", ?st ?' cba6' . ?i Iattr 10. s;. Nou' ;s. iFir6rr rorlovod xer dt'r I&$nto?o' i rit"r'q.-foabv rt! ttsht slf it€d t! teslrv olt &<s ' and helit the lead "*1cr iii"i ii*.!uit.at!t; ' ulaet vlctolv'' or tsd to! { 6&€ct€dtr6Eatb@r' . 1' E!1c ott'rl!'c' o"t.l- c-ugL i6.b 1?, DuqueED' oilv' 46't!'4'5vav[1ro'' . ,ri**'J, "iiJ-gfiri.", to Jos r" r'!eth€r' 4' rotr ' c. B11r rrlrt@' c' rr+zrrzo.r'a arr Foldt, D. z'rtti 5. slII a!d*so!' c' 25t2vt 5' ltD Blordqurtt' c' 26114' tlttEb' andds! :, toch 1rt 1jaFo6bus ,o. dtct Ealdltolt -oit€Fl!' i' rriirtnisa, ooi.6- caB€sie can€ei' Toch tl' rot lst,z6tao: eloEui.i, F 1t6, fr"rvr DoblaE & Kr.p5. elr (2_2) r'' 16' vlllaDova (o-2) 4t' v-r"*i 1;:;., i,"., o.i,al- st. J6}nrB or BlootlvD r1!oo!5o!! 4' A1 28t32i sI' Blchi' and J€rlv 'I (tle) csqr'v '.rtt!1eB' Gladv 2, zatt1t 29I'6i 7' rls lbcNs@!' v' 29rr4' :; "i"*,'*t' sJ. 29.o2t !' sou c.au.lv' v. zgtzrt Z. al Jacobso''sJ' Peur saDd*sr v"'.25194! 2' Ton E L6s!d.3t€!r Ira., oc!.rt- v*tErnste! io' ol"trr", obi; ',' r' o' l€tersb€ls! 5' ileFv Fur' t' H. !. !'ldo ah.vt L6rov ?aroot . 3. t Tluer' 15' 1'.!au1.6ond€!s' fi' 26!07 ot !o!!eto rF;crs re' st. I r{66tdcte!, !a.' oct.7 - rr*.***t Jo' steErt' -1!t' Pour' 5' sF' i' J6!!v zaior; 9- J1n s@l1r I i. r^r*.r'_". cla'& Jc poltrdd staio 91' L6rlB & c1a* 4t' u of lolt1atrd 69' crE!L-1.*r; & i o.i, ro Fsc' 3' I6trv N'wnt "t 2' !sc' 9rz'i Pac, r. k! Lqk6's' IB 1!) 9:1It f;o . ;core(olrt Il4' Rvde" 5' JlE 9rro' PIl.s' !€c, 9t28i 6 ltsEbErsr P. 9t271 I. OicL lo"t.rf-utot.sorrS'o..qoostste40'1..tlbc!el1€,o!e'u:'6t2'DtlolBrrle6on'0!6' *;;,;;t mok,Elltto!' 11!17 o!' 11t,8i r" Igt'( ?obbr*; o!e' 11lrlr ili';'-o*. i. i Stst€ olego! 75t l€vts & clalt lq 58' '' (F6s!a Ststo 15' F6!t1sd "-ii. u. oto. at Foltlud' ! :;;";.ii;;;llr' oct. l7 Robbis! o'€' ,'-rarL 17:oz' or€soDr r' G!€r1€' Jte or !o!trdd.lrl' !. ; uNtt'l?!z'; lElr'lr r?t22i isht' o!€' 5'u1i l. E Ph1l iz.orr; :. ra-s.ratr-, o"* I?t*i i g. etu"e achellr ors. Utr6i 7' Ld r,ukds' Psc, U'!9t 3' T6!!t Raol'6!s' P' r?"2' 'I * Jl,D Battev ls volxts oE a co@oscx tbl.'h bo holed to cloh tlth a !14c6 o! th' ua^ t4' agal,Est Inrslta nEt B@! h tb6 aoo Gtola' I ! oct.lI- ltlsstsstppi state unrv, 15' MeDphis state 46' 3 Mtres (Eil1v) 1' Eevln i oisulllvan, ulss,st. 15!17 (soDhl. no bre6z6 at al!' ;a'u1;3.st.I5, rrov st_'to {a1at'aEa) bo' TeEp'a6' o.t.-ieac'oEpaniod Trov lro ulsstsslDpt st'l i""t"' atrtck cdstes. foml.tairfe mr16s' 'i:-;";;;;-;,;";;, r5,rrr 2. Kevin o'|surrtvdn'-qs' '5rfa' I & urr".st' "t..""tt falr' biles)-ware {4'?5 zl, Rutsers 35' e"r"t"t6" oct.roPrtnceton. 'i:";;#i.;:';: F'J'. ZZiri-.',r z. sudson' P. z6t31.3' r' ashton, A' 26:k1'8' i. Kr"sston, P' 16:o8'3t 2'-azov' P' r6t29) li".'i'l etri..t." 21, R;teers p.". st,i.14.rr. 2? {usNA corl course)-2'T nires' ^t€ar' o;i.;;;";;-;i;;;;'lii Ps' llr:?oi 2' Lar3on' Ps' llr'25i5'Bavev'N r. vjo"n.ia, Psr lb:07i ?. Mttler, a Yam' st;t€ univ' Golr cou's6) clearKunkle' iPsn; ri:, 15 stite ienn o;;.t,-N;;v N' 6t 5' ietr€r & Enelebrlnk, all Ps' 26:54 ! iri"". i. it,!"", 11"""., 8'.t{rnL€!' N' Johnson' Ps' 28:o0i t'stat€ zZi6gz i. cn"s.liins, Ps, 27:{or ?' J''enchavez, N' 2a:10 (Ed' ia.oei s. i..rones,_is, ia'16; io. laLe 'r11 tre Novemtr_ri" N'A.A In ICaA toueh rn the trte ' univ' 30'-app!6x' 5 nl' -nd univ' 25r Brosn r"""iir" r""r., B;ston' oct.10- s''vard Lowe' ?5:51!-2 s Benramln' cour3e .6c. Benja6rn' IJ. 25rq;' a' Dtke ^Robert Irtzee'a1d, E' "6'5)\ lr' r"lacDon'1d' B ^27:o1B"ot". zg,fS; 3; Ja.;d s' I+k. r.rr!". 1. Mark Mur'tin, tt' rb:58 '€'' 2' Knapp' ii;;;i--;:-i6,-;. 1' suk' 0'2-@r1es' EaI1,2a' set;n 2?, state fiontcla'r N.J: oct,au""I"i"r". ";':;t;t:o;;:';";;;; ss; 2L:10; I' Kushn;r' sh' 2:4' 2)' 4' sadowskl' M' ?4'24' 31' 25' we't chest€r r€actreris25'b5t^t{6st chester, Pa.! Nov.5_ st' Joseph's (5-r) \Ic' ?'-srd^nouse' i""i"-i"' ts.uz f o", t s"'l'iii"' 1. Mervln Brvan, rack l-vnch's: si' 6 Jefforson'I-s' iri r' e"o c;;;'ii;; Lttl':Zii"i ii'"i!!",'s,rr'4.-B"b ii q'2 'arrerl' ni1e3'-i'-Earr Easton. Pa. Nov.5- lasall6 'i' l"i" T' rlr sumner' Ls ?2'10' ?1,iS;ew tec. 2. tj.k Hc'4F:.L. co116g€
xddbc! r9rt-Z hs ttg
blea66t ch.6-cout!9
leet ev€r at,.., Babaa Couege - Coteta, Cat;ttotlla sataday, octob€! u, 1958 - Dtrecror ot U..!r Cos.\ E. r, Cr!i.!, UcsBE 3.8'Eile oren R4-,.l}7 o! 49 s!e!t€!s $ltshed l. Eoberi goib, SCSt!1d68........1€t:01.6 . L!@ f,j-tt*, uaai. ... . ., ,,.. .. ..A.Zl 2. Roberr Coas, cult€. c1l,y AC...,lgr4?.5 27. Js@s s@.tr, ![Cc.,........19..ttt3i f. RueE€11 l-ldeti, k........L.19::l 28. IE t{ori!.o, Cstrotr.,......,t0..21!tB 4. !ail]1@ Peekr oq.,.,.........2..19ta1 29. Bo!.!t A.rxt1ll&, I|Ft r...,A,..:trlo 5, Dave Bucklild, Ceuo\yrft sh.. ....f9!90,0. C.ri Devt6, rC98C..,.,...,,,.2:.,ah5f, 6. Ji.e schultlj IAsisle. . . . . . . . . . . . .19:42 31. Doi€bs c.i:t-n, cCrC............2r:it ?. t?on6 !!iri.dd, lecc....,....3..19!46 32. J6!a {s!!bs$, rJ!tr!€. .. ,.. . .. ...U $? a. !eLe. B.r4sdl. sc9rndpft,......19r52 i3. IarIJ 'asd, l4ce......,,...23.-,€.:!J 9. .tack I'ioffof,d, caDo\-......",.4..19:54 14. C.!T Ch€ticr, Ia3&te.,.,...1t4..2eru .Lu. ,\]ed A:das. @".... .,..,..5...ra:t6 35" $!a1d u.atutjlj.r, uG58c.....,.r5,,2?!L( f-. A-a disbord, eO.. .,......6.,I9,5b jo. ii.r tsi1, L,Lcl,a!c. . . . . . . , . ,..,..r2r9o l-,. ifayno XuotAal. SqdtosJ.. ....,.,20:0? ,tr. ltlj!-l!& S]3uaars., l.l. Td G!ed, IjBstate-...."",.".,7..2Or23 36, rhc&ar it'teh€r_lj tac!........a?""42!3d. ',,tj?,.,...26".22.A :|n, uatrlon t'loi!hay!. LDStete , . . . . .A, . a0:3? 39. fi! EllJ6l,.it, qdFah......,.,..22rA? 1r" l,{ xt'@dai.: IP,st4i,e,.....-9..20:4? 40. nobert ordhaq UC98C."..,....r€,.eErsj .15, Bo]lra Coldob-3J UCIIC. ., ..10..20:t2 aL. Jo66f l'lcbt, gcs!!lds|.s ..,.....&lE( 1?" Joe z8@!a. l:SfC, ..........11..20:rJ !2. JuJ Ob.ltsrF j CsU.*....,29. A3;lS 1S. Don l€e, tuiPol{.,"....,.."..12,.21:00 lr3. Rafph 8\r$60, !4St6ie....."....,!23:43 I9. liu ?ihey! IBs!!ai;.........13..21802 44. Ro66Bdo cstul6J U4sBc......rO..at35{ 20" Chuck !to$o!, ce].Pol.r.. . . " .1tr. .21,c4 45" JoL!! A!.otj e.ifo]+l....,..""":l1.,t&!*t ,ii, clarl€s !i!ks: k....,......15..2!0? 46. 9!. l4itruor Lr.si'eio.............?511"4 2?, Iee rlltllerj r8s1,ate..,.......16..21:13 47" FordoD Aucker! LAgc......."..,2..21116 23" llado lbddiaEie, niv6lsidelMoA. .2! & !m. 24. Ricbad !.!ense!, L\CC,.., "..1?..21:19 rrlaakli! ld!60!, tAcc 25. fod !.sisnems" I3stai€...,".18..21;21 !@is A6st€r, crl?oly Tee seodrg: occidmtal Col-1e96. . . " . L- 2- 5- 6-L5 -- 29 Ions B€ach stet6 Coll€ae. . 7- & Fl3-16 53 (19-2J-24) cal roly (slo).. " ".. 4-u-v+-20-29 --79 {3L) los Als€le! Ciir coILeBE. . 3-t1-A9-23-?A 68 (27-32) Uc seta 8a!bs!a Co11€ae. ,lO-U-22-2rZB --- 95 (3OI Tbe SII.AAU
of Ca]lJomia
!9I|9S-?3q19-j![!...42 of 43 st€de$ finished 1. Rub@ lacheco, Bstat€lro.h.,,...1O:rJ.3 23. !!l!& lxie6oo, I,lgt3tsl!.!!...,.,l?.20 2. Chade6 !.9r1e6" I8ststeFrosh, . .10 ! 44 ?4. ra.lyue Rulye, SetaBalbsals... ,.12!23 3. To.J redo, LIslatefrsh,,,.,,..10:46 25. MI1SB Wea!.!, IICC.......,.......12t4 4. tlllllia latulre, I3siateFeBb....,1}08 26. R.rlle Ca73Lito, Se{4c..1i9,,..13!26 $!vil, 5&t.&!b&3!3.. ..l2tr? 5. Jo! ilchtdFerg, Ssnialalnarsls. .].1:08 2?. (1! chr'16!:ir..a, 9!at6lt!ba!a[9,12!{? 6" Ddy creen, s&taBelbqslis. .. . . .ILr09 26, 'l8!old ?. eta Bre.k. S&!€!sb*aq5,,.,...U!16 29. Robelt re1t, O09BCrfr6h:''.......111.01 A, Helsch€l VJhliley, u4t...........D!22 30. SioFho nodac, 64t.............1Jt14 9. rtjr raa4&! LBst€i€tuosh.........1Lr35 31. &&l !{,r!t!ae, sed&r.ot!.g....". 13:29 10. non outskr, 6ai.. ,,, , . . . ".. . ...11140 32. B@ard ssv&tr gata&!ba!a!l. '.13t36 11. Dtek Rnbnr UCSBCllodh............Lf:14 31. Pci6! Bv&, salt3aubua.Es...."..$!5?
IBstate!ftdh.......,..u:45 ,4. Lled laonaid, sErta.Batbalattlt.. "l4t0C 6&ta!sba!a8s.....U:4? 35" Xalii, E*d!jn! 9&t!a.c€f5......1.4!0X 14, slia tpr Ber, l,Bs!aie!.o6h.....L1r54 31. Eaxold uattfaB! setaBarba!a{9...14!12 .14s3: 15" Jtu Sts!1es, Ssts.Baibadug. . . " . .ll,r 55 3?. Ioo scole€r Sdta!3!bs3tg... -dCSBC!!6h.. ... '. " ,14!:? 16" Jo€ E"C115hap, eah,,..,.",.."".U:55 38. !o!ek l.dg6s) '.. 1?" r4hlile liol!€s, sso&.aebarafil . , .1-1. 5? 39. steve Eb8t5olo, Salialstba E5...l4t5, 18" ca!{ten s1tE. !atsBa!ba!sl]3",..,12:02 40' John rte@an, saata&!bss$5.. . ..14! t{i sa!,144!cosls.,...'15,02 19" lob lictFd. s&i{arcoslls. , " . . . . . 12:09 l+1. Etchad 1:bd61, 20. Da nick€ld. SetaB*ba!a.!;..... "12: 15 42. ](on l4i!.orJ ger'iafmsg$... ".'...U!0: 21" i,Ii11ie Codero. s&iaBsbe.slis . .12315 Dmj 22. Alt Osolelyr ea!".... " . ".,. ".. " .12;16 tratf Zl&r sadtaxcotds 12. laal ns@s,
13" Id!4d garald,
!9 i5
&-!ove,!!qr 19rA g@ilerlt lacttic
i4! Cess-Coetry !tee!..,
$ertrcod (UclA)j I6s tnse16s, caulorrid SstudaJ., Octobe! 1!|, t9rg - Close io 9C <te6aeee (at end af too-rhs qEek) L-nil€ R!A,..io ot ,g st*rels linlBded 1" rtd€e A.Shelaldr p6d1e!oa,.1".t3:O?"e 31, tox .tflen, VCI4 l! . . , , , , . , . , 23 . 26 : 5( " l. r.(w Sueec, 9N Siale,.. ,.. .. . ,!".23.26 12. lialvin t"lcCler:.ra, uai... .... " 5a l. Ralph rt..Ld@, C@Fton Cot-l. ,...aj!J6 J3. noled coldobes, tcstsc..... ,. "...A6: ,. ..2?:(x a. Farol4 g6fhas6, ory,., " ".,...t.,23:t O 34" thdfeF Dirrisr A4r-, ".. . ,. -..,!ra..UIA, t. 0m P€raz, vhittt6!....... ",.,...2,:tc j5" DousleB C-ji1a@" Cu-L@a Ciir It..2?rt_: 5" nob6!'e tleke, Culve? !it7 Arl,.. .2J!)C ?i. ,tolb KeishavJ Lt state,..,.,...,.2?:J: :" J"Th@6 5ts4k, StrLdtus,,..,tr..?rr'tn j?" robr ta+ieo j 4r4...........?5..2a!0: a" iqi-Ui.&1 e..okiij SD!&!A".. "..,,,. "24:1"/ ,e" iose C..8, eat.....:.. ".,,...,. "29:fa t. ,'LLL1e Gak!€r, ED StaNe.,,.5..24ral 39, Crat, li.Vb i{oeer ?ead].i,or.26. .2Sr2j 10. Eobet t !se, 9t Sbie. ,.:..,6..21.2A AC. t!uc! taCe": tiCI"{'4",.,,.,.,??."2A:& pqrdtetotr.. J. ttl4me llan Del1dJ ?,.ir4:. 41., JoBel L6i.!ir Strid€rs., , ,. ..26..?g:51 12, Jlr a$an:f, Ory.,,..... ,.. -.,8.,2a:4? 1,2. itobert o!J,e, Lrcr3r.t, ..,, ......,a9r0j 13. l,ia.l.cl5 Eobedson, Stltders. ., 9".2r : 44 41. la:rr 0)rdoi, 5D 9!ale., . ,.. zc, :9rtt 14. .lolro:t L.ital-ker, Pondlei,on. . .10. .2!:46 4,1r. Eri i{erius, UCI,A rlr...."..,,,3o..29:L 15" PILll]-ip tI&etti, tsd.1eton..,]l.. Roi !^ak:J UCLA '!".......,..J1..??:5t "4.49 45. 16. Peief B.t4udie j $tride.5.....]2..24i 5? I,b. n3lph iubee, Ir{ St:t6......,....3)3C( ]?. ndgiayo t@rrre. feDdreror,,. 4?. Jeffrey l,acrr'ei1]edge,UCtAlBi.32.,jO|2s 14. Robei, Cons, Cqbe! Cj,iy _{C.."t'3..24:5? , .. .25102 ,t6" Vic .tiirsuor l,l state, . . . . , , . . . . .J2: I L9, Pbii OrBridr, tiblttle?... ,. ,.. ". .25:04 49. r"altor l.teiner uai. ,.. ,. . .... ,j:rl: 20. Russ6lf L.Bdneii, Oq...,.,,14..25112 tun ofj cou-e6: 21. Al* leisbord, k.........,.J"r..2r!20 Lrorri Scbieid€I. lLiiiie! 22! Wa'.as li&t*i, &J- tros!...,.,.,.2rr?2 21" l,Ioljl@ <!acaid, s! staie.....16".25:25 [tuelh reaeers, LICSBC 24. nobelt oalln€!, s! slate....1?..25:3J ]rr@do coEtre.e, IA sl,ate 2t. l.Jees Seblo, stddelc...,..18..25r15 i[.s HaI, Lr Siete 26. I]adel n.scnHeii:art, LA sraie,..,2j:54 BiIi lqoehe, UCIr| trBtr ??. Paul ilelboe, Ow.,.., "......19.,2J:56 Ed6ri J.I€vi!3on, unai 26. nick irasco, VCU1 rBr-....,""2i..26.3? Ansel ]4a!th, lllhintio! 29. Don€ Juljaa, n]]J' 118n........2!".26:39 f!ar! Moore, lendl€ton 30. ilehe. E&son, Slliders..,. ..22..26:4C Wetne ylj-llj&s, uet, , ?e& scorjjg: Cdp Pendleton i,jaines. i- ?-to-1t-tl ,_ 42 sa Dleso S'!at,e Cofleee . a_ 5, 6_to-1? _- 46 \29) occi{ientat CoILeee. . 3_ ,U_15_!9 __ 59 so. Caltto@1a Strid.m " L_ 9_12,_\3-22 __ 65 \2t:25) {261 uctu nBtr .. , .2A-2t23-2_74A -- \2! \3r-32) sorice r:,q14i.1S,&e.,.r9 of 20 slslers tini6jred
6. I
a. 9.
lrosh,...,.,....1f:Oa Dick tyerJ'rhittie!..........,...11:U Robert lietJ lcsac Fro6h."......,11,19 !q Vledenberg, irlit:ie} Iro6h...:LI:2a BiU Lamenc€, bai.....,...,....11:Jl f9, (en Bart!.Lic, hat,..., ,.. .. ...,11:3i 13, l/+. 15. 16. 1?. 16.
l!tuest lesko\.itzJ Pendletoq.. ,. ..11:Oe
l4i1e3 lt€aye.,
los hngel.s
ineligi.les !an: Dor lveyr ir -itate r.rosh.,..,...,.9tt6 Teo
Cnsles linLane, S:r ;jtate r!06.1...1crlc
of94q9!t 1958-:9 9tn AmEf Coidb$ lal'-rake l,i6riit, Ru st..so.ed by Italjan-Anerice Fe.terel,ion ot 5rhd6j, october f2r 1918
Senion :6.1_lli1es,. , .16 tri.nj-shers 1. l^,illord Kifg,..anti Cla,-r f(],..,,J1:li:
9. Georje Sairh, janlra Clara 1 ,....t?:2r !4"4::c !ljjb.,.,.,.,1,r:l.ji 10. Jeirr. rairir ljaota Clara W...,.,:li:.:, J. chdles B@rfuJ olrnlic rlur.....lr":o.J rr. Ho..,a;d aaldins, s-t. ci.,. ii...1r,ir 4. tarrtl Beadal1, \i.a?1^ Aa.,,..,,.)ut21 12, natr t.irhamah,ia: r"*"i*.,1C.,,'i,ur 5. 4hartca curtis, rlrdj i. ldf..,.,/lr:ti- LJ, Jack Ki.k, *at."..,,......,.,.,,C,0r, ho AusLar5-5.hn.IFJ :ant: Jiira yr,.lj:2? I1r. fi cr,oi nua, uFi".,..".,...",,^l,r:12 ?. Ge.ald JorrerJ laata Clara Yr....lf:12 15, rrank lelczr s"^ r..."i""o rC.,,,1,A, 1r 8. roe ri^',,sdt.a alara fi. . . . ., . . ._lt:15 16, uiuie l;rz;r":, oi""r" ic....." ",ig,:i gt4&Ig__f!!L!413-...5? i:intshers icrcte escor, Led Fack ast..6r, no riE.s givell 1. vi4ce s!.neler, sa. rruci3.o AC 9" narrl l.Cailla, nnal 2. Bob l,oldenr ust 10" Tin Jord3r, m.i. ;. Bob Johnson, unat Li. !a.ry Slrade, :lir !'rarol_s.r ta 4, l1n {elty, rhat L2. tsay !atz, J3n |rdc!5.o AC 5. Vaf Presc.p, unal r:" !.rin ,ekn8J oakland Citri Ccileie 6. liihr-fll )uttcn, hat ll'. Cordor lia.Lint saat3 Ctard Iv ?. Brian t.te1si6iD, rmat 15. cecrge Root,r tJlt lmy 3. Art Hei.ermn, uat 15. Bi-! Tirlson, nnai .--..o- -r: a.i.n - -r ro. L i. .L hj r r-.a: .&, -: s o oiL..o .. :o ."au r ocr,oh€r 1$, 1953
iark' I.e1ew..dr a.lifrrr,ia - 4 rli,les
2t, Calj.tohla 45, ilctA 5outheh ualifcrtr* 22, UCLA 3? aoulhern Lalifornia l,/, Caltt.rnla ! calif.anld 25, uc].l' 32 Southeh CaLiioln'a
1. ltq TfuF_x, SC 2. {enneth lidjrg, liCL!. l. Brtan I'iatfavers, CaLiforuia ocr,ober 19J 1956 - Fae8ki., Cat_ifohia (3ig Eear l,ake d.ra, ?000-root aliitu.ie) lirct Fadski. nN - 5-lii -e C.oss-co,nr,.y louse ilrnnsor.d by 6outlerE Calit.r.ia O.tinl]ric cane3 CorudLlre: l. l,iax Tme*, 3outh--u oatit.aia .;5:04. ? 7. iober| D.eke, aulver Ci!r, AC 2. r'illieD I'eclij occidental corileAe ll. irie31e,v Ucl€.il, soulrl'ern Caltfotuta l. Pobert ,L{o1.l3niL, Ja:,t 9. Itis leiersons, 5o!th:B Calitor.la tidine, lrar"{ !, 10. fet,er B. i1edle,5C:itridelE Jo5 rerr, occiCenlal 5, 'ieTeth tI. .itd Schrrltr, Long Beach stat€ C.lLeee 6. Janes i. SheFrdr CerJ Pand.r-eton
Note: 10 !:cked @D iE ited.
prussod ard sot ,sc.Eurtz i! as ltth bn. IEvltailoD coeitt€e hcluded amls oth€ls J€sse [&!tds.n, !SC, DqcLy Dr*e, UCLA! .!d 6uck cok€r,
T6Lyor Japanr z Oct.rg
!ac* oi 10 r116s aDd !o kll6@t€!s ore r6ry lopulo! tD tapd. I'h6s€ trle 6fI1c1a1 @,atho! couls€so ta q€ry Eu.aan ale @].5 at eacll lle€ a1105 *d , li&! s*6!a11r! Th€rc 1s s d,ur Japar 10 Ht1€ Itac6 tari l! our EDeiry 1! EeDEarr, n tta! cayr l0 &1]'€ !el6 ls €velt pre 3ecru€ at th6 sa@ !1e" &€ ?6€qrtr oJ tlr! to roky. vlth rrr€1,,€atu6! a, load condttioG. uE €rDpa"6 thsoe reslrt! dd d€cld6 tha .rd.r. i}t urlE Is net a .he@10!Th€ 1 J5!a! aLa@:oDahlpF v6!6 rreld :6sr.rdoy 5!d ihe day tr€fote, 1.]la eielr6 cobtrBt€d er! .f the Oll'@ic8, :te .ar: tn6 @{rho! v6r bt 4. EollaoucLl; I' ?!27;15" lh€ ]O,O0C d. ,6!t ro Btba! (rims, df 461e 6eeE ld,oooe)! 1n l0:2a,4.6 s}lolc&tlo T€k.lars e {Ertr,,T€d cof,bitt ylot€ to !.!., f,ataMf,a t! ttld 10 rtte race tr rhloh 6.ch a!6a th€ sa@ dav ald a nEttosr! rtE.! vs. tlsclaled aiLe! cobporlson ol !6.urts. rh6 abov€ 18 ht5 aBre!. It a!p6d ttlt tt rs Ett.El eld he lElltea that ltr€ @lathon 13 ite 6!1y Etlomi r6ad ed. ..!duct?d by J6!ant. btloDal body.,r r5a Jqpees. (l6e! Elatbob€! qnd " olt'lFxc @r6tbd teEld coarh oi sr66€ Brld Cal,t6!€
Sveot 3ltarN Vtrstda
c.r.6ba, 22, 7955 D6a BtoElet I lead vttb 1!t€!6st th6 plolosalr .r tb lftdr€st RRc or ih€ 6€1€ct,1o! o! th€ @rathor t.aD lor th€ P€&]{@!lcd EDd O1ylDlc !are.. Itr6 e sood thtlg tIEt olh1os de b61!U sousht JroD at!]et€! ed *€ b€ts a!!.sa.d so @ 1tlr6 ldk€ porteova c6r rtudy tb6&, but I tilnt that tne tadv6it6lHs ld.sod th6 ,@ts @ 5 co{!16 ot lobiB. Ir11 glsnt thet oa6 tlyout @y perhers bo better thatr tro, but th6 sore arrorda6 drt b€ @d6 lo! a! athl€to vto la uelt. to coq6t€ 1! tlrat tryout,!. t!!t h€ .ourd 116 plc-ked o! tls baEls oI past !€!fo!l@.€" tblt 1l yD&s b€Do@tl on th6
Ebould hls !€co!d not etitl€
blnr 6s 1r y6u!d to eur6 tne :."Jp ,.
I.u!the!, I f661 ihat the llna1 t!la1 sl6utd be YonLels! not &.ston, nre course ts 6!€ i€stinsr ed the ter@6rutur€ :,s usuel1y coratdlban 1b Di'l-,{!rIl " Ee€r 1€ o,
t@o.t@t f.cto! rllch t€ to. o:stB lsmr€dr E v bny ren haY€ olyrFlc @7"irrois.s Lerl ea otLer irreretco{id !.t buci{
abr rqth.$
1". b.a h !o- ahlrl!! 3!! tb. te4€..ir6 h Areut oi !956 Fadr.6 10?.6- ooq drr! Ta tu pr.lldery ra.e5 !o! qEl{f, xc.t:6 si arythlls atbo! !!ar tj1r tull dlridc. 1r ldloilc. T56 dlf:.t@. b4 t{..4 14 !11.ii sd g: X! :rrr€ ttrr! 1, . 1i11.'a. a!6 rac. olta {to.3r't s6rru dd.lardEy*1nreh.rt !!d aale lr 1* 64611@r }4q.r Jot edtli4d e!!th.sr y.t baTs 3ov6e b.a l!!o' c.ul$!dtly, ro crrrf, ats J.! th. ?:rq Xatt.d1 }.dV &rt lrt *s1d. ldi. te @b1s qosltr lrietr, t3os tjli!6*i. n:rrt !t@ha!a lo iF el t6 t\e r:t6 a! tlr ?1&.r t.iat. tt y! Hdt 6 !a!i-,elwr @bt* dl1 qrfidd s.:cl€tr6€!E\. €:pssg tav'lesd :\ barls:ra rirc iar.it :! tl$ fcas er FilDd oi a6l@trt ?hiri! sll1 !1cl'@tna b.rt ea rEd *ot!s th.r i6 b. at th61! b4t vlr1 trB ttrs bs
lrlib all bd! ,t b..! qGrb n@stu
:ta €us€ ?
d .!q1t1Da ?q is. ortob4 2:r i95a
?h@ B.cinrn! 16 @tt .lo!a, t *&tjd @!ld 6rEu1d !s sab o! !t. llr. L& !.t, b.tt.! rttl *cr! 16allFy6!r lut .& (s.pt.58) ve trra n.s! @s t4 a{t!. irlat I Ll&. !6.t r€ tha 1.tto!! lrE tb. fultola icrf66. Lb. 6n. t! t!. A.t ltes !! 6!!do! Dlcilso! uad G.t tat4 xD{, r!d'tb. .n6 bt lblD Ol,r.!.! da !!. qlhi !loYok1!q, l1] *n€ l.tlarr hav6 Blltr ht 'rhar. tro atlct t! g ri!d. &6F 1! or. t!t!! th!! rDrdd lo. ol| od up' dd :[{& et rrfo I ce ito lt" !.t va&!r thlDs, vllttst i cd !@ tlrat dst !a4!al! donlt ud€!.ta!d .{,{! !olt. 1.rtec bor cat vE srlact tt rqbrle t.. lt€ ld.dv€ai nl.u! vdir tl. lAlt to lat ths dlsea cl 6oc blqthor.r3 to ![| flul lrroutE lo! xh. Olyetc ts!. Th. L.,!.U. da rot oye. (€:ceri la lh. lqdoo .iha!ee) rly etrror€'s *r@6! io cBytld fltlr 1! do!€ br the s!ou! ib.l rutE o! tL. 6?6nl :irYo1Yed. ?!e Fd€, BY ole :!.& th. aag brt €ctullr ""b! 'rrlce, ry ur€ eroMat1ls olq& !!
I t.rr ir3.' ln tl$ AAU fo: 0"6! i2 tet I taa ortd a 111 o!! 1otrl ;At. Lt nrt 8l I 1:*! ti!. a{s, :tni .t th€ p@!1€ 6t I t6! oJ 11. nati.lsl bodv I dltltko te}i
ottt tt{DEra
Noeode!, 1958__ll
MtcE. I ster il tbe,aau (ud r cdrt eoy I eve! €njoyed e AAr eerlne), so
I @ se€ trrat th6 atblet# q€t a tax!
sbak€. ao@tlGs i!*s is hard to do. It 1s th6 tro lotbtlgc that co@ Jo*h
qt EJo! c€tiEsg ed tak€ over. T1r€! lh€y qo bacl la tbel! sh6rl€ and sir ,btle tb6 ro*ors !o on vith th6i! lob ol lF$tr,on. Tba vhd tt i€ tlr€ tc !F!e po11cy aqah! they coG out ard Ek€ it Just a3 harc a6 .v€r for the dG6!. to calry oL. I h€dElt ])l€s6ar 6n qoilo t6 ths Natrl. AIrJ CoD?onttotr 1n Chlc€s." r €rted to tlt fo! iha! o1.l-tlE:s prlz. tn ih€ . C6!dd Y lacec Sovev6t. I feel thar ft'r !y duty t6 tho eibletss to so. Th€r. afe coErdtl.! thai: are reellY the'lav€la.ije oihtete... ; aavs so!6 to Eny AAr e.nven.t:ioni arC establlsa load t,.ccks i. tn. ray ot !!os!63!. 1he [6.;. l,{tj laa ibo Road R!@ers ctub ts a! d::@i€. Y.u @y !€E&€! l.et t€ar,at t)'e coE?&tio! 1I l{asli.stoar vh€n I blousbt up h the LD rnrDlls leerln! ot'out tn6 6*6 a ecoErly @et. onll you, FlanL lll:oe ald Bor caebeti frev vrrat I h6 iai.hbo about. To the lost 6l th6!t 1t ras ltke ry ratkine about tb€ E-8o6. ahlr 16 rhat I mu" E6!€ theso DD 4€, the orea that ar,€ auplo.€d to be tubs the rro!! Di6tance shov tn tbe s.a,*.! dd ihoy don'r eve! i.!N th€ cor.ect vat to eco!€ a croBEcoultly rc.t.(??#!) rhatrs vhy rtrl prorra!1y go to th€ colveltton. aD@,o!e, s411 voice has to be there thdt kaovs a 11tt16 aboui th€ 3po.t.,! Btll J1G364 3904 Ellr Road Llrtl€ Rock, Afk. Nove&be!
I @ allalted at th6 attitude toyalde or tb€ !a.t of A1! at r,ttt16 E6ck A1! Ba36' vbe!€ lo! lack or a tra.k, there ahoulrl b. lorelbl11tt6s 1lttl€ lntele3t fo! alythlrs e:celt baseball, fo6tballr ald ba6ketba11. TL€le DEt b6 ad otI-1c6! tnter€sted tn b€rkhs it b1e plolect befo!6 th€s€ !66d. ol tL6 ED ca! b6 @r; as a JoI@r Att !o!c€ ofllc€! I ioual tb13 ro b€ tle case. Th€.e ale ecattared tblouohout the E lralt bas€s aroud tbe etr6n rlro vould 'Ey1l th6 lilttaly colthuo dtstalco aDy fo!tr of Mils Base Bpolts peoprs.
reet3. r'h1e 3o@tieos tot €s a )<es DJ TNT. csr aDyo!€ apploac! th€ ltigh6! scbetoDs of tn€ dtlitaly f!o! th6 nRc or th6 N€trl trols Distanc€ ftrElnq cor@ttt€e, so thai posslrrrr_ tt1€B c& b6 studi6d? ,lL
CONT,ILO]{3 T3A!!l!Lr,{! fEN Mrr,E noA! RAc! (sabdrcap) satufday, octorr6. 25!1958 (Z:to
a1 conjal6le, frE bs f.or sc.eteli cadgbr Royce gqry€? rF tbe lasl- 2oo yard€ to ,relre a ps.feci dep fo! tbe iitt!€n6 or wEk& Jldld vho *6r€ hoellns lts youq lrsorr!,ir! a teetlmDial Ec6 5trd baDquet !o:: hi€ nan, success, ful crd€aeirs 1: lo.s-dtarsnce ruDirn" 48 etalis.ir It Jhlsher5. Sr6rt- toskeftetd B!! Finisr- arystgr cc@!i!y C€.rer, !/! 41te a&y aitel ? oa. I.or, !.1liaar hll1F coulse, 43_56,11 ,deizzl,$ da--j ElaF.Tih€ lctrar t" 1. !"1 co!rai.!e, lorto!,' l6jiE-!Tt;z. so:/ce aaryer, rtlo.rcdrDtd c. ,are5 57123 3.
4. ,. 6. ?.
c"ahab !tine:r1! Boston aa1 59:o: ldrf€ttr, Bosion tu! ,9roa
toh! ^- (e11€y, sn.t.. R6ube! B1s€ror, B.stol rn, ,9r3o a. corzal€s €cottor a.s-o^ A!, 59r?n 9. Jie G.66r! sost'! Ari! 1o. ata Tletuarr o.i€drord c.r9rr5 11. tlon Fsyr BostoE n/,l 12. l€Iry !€!@ar i,r.l.!. r3. Jr' Dalerr Noltb /'tedrord 60:?o 14. PaJr l:hiu€yr No.rh rtsd, vo.2l rr. Ed Brackettr uEttacl1ed, 6o!2e r6. virr ioE hrrco:, \tLf. 60:13 17, l{tllratr ltrFphrr Bo€ro. 4 , 6rror 1ar Jobr B6o'asr 3.st6tr &{, 61118 19. G6orse r/at6!hors€, Nr.rc, 6Lt26 20. Dic! tte€ksr l,ys A.C", 21. Wlltiao Bfk6, !:@t. I 22. xeu !A€l1er! UAA! 29. Chsrles Dys6h, Fd{c, 2t. laul OrDosell, !,AAr 2r, ria co!ci1r, 3lecr'ic r4at,6z:rB 26. !d Ealror@! i'akefleld, 62t12 27. Jetty Eade!, Eoston 1A, 62118 28. r,tlk6 !ft2s6!a1d! !yE ac, 693rq 29! Jol,! Dtcocld!€a! Aoston 4A 53:12 90. !ti*o Blselor, Boston !.{! 63.18 31. Call stinao!! Nr,E! J2. l!ar* (€11y, N!rC, 33. ol11e nsujr*r Boeton rarr! 61143 94. lob 31ack, Nlc, 6rto5 35, Joe c!o!1n, unat,, 36. rru austl., Bosto! n{r 55t)t9 J7. (en Elyd€b, BogtoE A]rl ,8. Dave cott, Boston AA, 39. ceols6 Arrebi€n. N[f, 4ot Jake B.€d€!so!! NI&, (colttnued ne*t pas€)
4+t!2 51!t.6
58,to Sbrn
,.t3i 57.t1
t9r3t igro..
i5loX 5rz5a
6ztl, 62,09
6!t5A 6.rr!0
62t48 6tLtLJ
lov€Eber, 1918--12
Al ConJalone
Day--C6nt tEqed
4L wlr1laE errkl€r LyD ac' 69146 68tlr6 12. Ds! Dunlolr soBt6n Ia, 69t)t9 69rb9 Il. John Lee, h€Jr€rield g6t !ii. Jod c€vsD.usr!, ltslchest€r g of c; lrr. euE, Bred€r6or! Jr.t Nolth lbdf,old club. Rqca llotesr zad Trs !!1zo v6nt to lttsc G!€d! 11.A.A..23 !1a.o lltzeEr .orslstlns ol 4c€lrmt elchendt!6 ad trophi€s., Roaet s€Ef barquat & dalclls at th€ cryscld), of vrllcr a1 !! 6 @D ta1 c.@ity belr held at 6:90 !,r'L. a v.!t fi!€ ?0 !s" p!os!a! rlonoled 41" ?nd A:{NUAI-
12 l4rLA ROAt
Ito.son, Iass,, Oct.26 (Sundayt 2:lopr) lon) :"fienz1, !4, a/sl l) wdn hts thtrd race cf th€ ysar in llestern Maasachusetts todat tn a light,cold ledrced the f1€td tc 16 starte.s. The ra.6 fr1low6d Rt. f2 into Palm€r and back to Monson past trre starting line {9 ntles) & dowd the !4atn St. of l'4oD3on for a b1le and back to rh- r1nl-t- for rordl o- lt.? drjes Sapienza *as all alone atter ttre flrst Bil€ and the on1, battle tas fo. second place. On the return f!o@ Palne., Charley Fobbins pu11ed aray f.on Ed Rraokett and Bitl Marot to .z-Ptu.e .urner up hono.s. . , Tody sapienza, Boston 4-a ! 59! lr 2, Di. Cha.1€s Robblns NYPC 63112 ' ' 642)5 l. Ed Brackett, Unattachedj 11 Bi11 Ma.ot, No.th rledford c.65.00 65t 49 5. Bdb Cumnincs r M1C' 6. Paul Phlnney, xuc 7, Royc€ SaYye., UC,' 64t29 A. Don Fay, Boston AA, 7Ir)6 9, Jake Brederson' NUC, 10. Paul Schellt NMC, 76r2C 76.22 11, carl stlnson, NMc, 79!ot 12, tan Dunlop, Boston aa, 44145 11, r.6d B.owd, Sr., NilC, NIIC, A6:ll 1E. chas. B.ederson,Jr., Race Notes: Tean Sco.ingr North l,eaor 2. Bo5L.. [-A r;;;--7fi6;?_1_'r decided not to Eake 5-10=17 {officials tt 5 mad teams as the BAA onlt trad 3 nen there) ..Tho cou.s. vas s' t..11 pi",,, D) cro.s1 Spoii tsrt. rrop"i6 the racc sponsors., Shove.s p..vidod -1utr. -' rh6 . Loo.t !-lr.) ' ou i cocoa a.d' sardutches s€rved at ihe Grossi R.stauxant at 4:30.. Oiflcials included rljalte. childs, 8111 sdith, lr€d c,Narot! sanllno DtA.d.ea & fien.v M rnLJ,_", --_-_
I111nots vs, Onlv..llty of Chl.aar arack C1ub, ov.1,1958. k 1r6s WashingtGn Park, Cblcago.
Phll col€Dan, Uc"c, 19!42 {lo record-old racord 20:OI lry Bo1 r€Iiy ! UcTc, 1956 ) Jtd Bor€rs, Tlt,, 2OrO9 r.ank fi6dgcock, nolt, 20120.5 Aarold ga.rls t Ilr,, 20t?1,i T€d Uheelet, UCTC, 20123 ,lirt O{ohund}o, UCTC ! 20rlla FBn Brovn, :11., zott 9 Arn€ Rtctrards, UCaC, 2!127 2t.59 Eay llenzle, UCTC, 10. E.dl6 Mlholtas, VC'IC t 22207.5 11. lrD 5ant1' UcIC, 22rL6,5 12, Rogsr !€!by, 111., zot2lt 1f. fo1ff, Unatiaobsd, ZZt?5 14. afed Suttr6.land, UCTo, g3i1t 23t13 r5. Rob€.i Hyt6n, I11", 16, Jolm sanfard, I1I.' 23t23 17. chuck Locion€! 111., ztttIJS l:4r5r, 18. Iick ring, ucTc, J20! (co1€dan's pa.o- Lr56, 9r58t r4! J1-Ljgqre r ucTc ?lr lll..li roEA 28, CErCAoo aRACX CLUB ?9 Io'a clty, Io{a, oct. 25 {L0 &,!, listan.€ 4 Mt1es. Start & t{n:tb 1. Deaco. Jon€s, t. 20t01,6 2otl5 2. Hal {lgdon, c. zortA l. Jack ElIr, I. {, lrank E€deco.k!C.20:47 5. ted Chesr6r & A.t O4ohund.o' ( 2at5? 6. Ray g€Neier, I. 21:00 8, Erlo Clark€, a. 2lt09.5 9. lrank Dct36tb, I. ?1.15 ?t:I9 10. Bt11 Boyd, I. 11. Rich 86tu€ler, L 21t2t 21t23 12. Dave D!ov! I. 13. Arne Rtctrards, C. 2It35 1lr. B.u.€ Trilbr6, I" 21!45 2Ir5a 1t, Ray l{6nr!e! C" 16. Letgtton B.tt, t. 22tAs 17, D€nny Rahd€r, I. 22:15 18. &!n1€ Miraolits, c. 22!26 19. Ralph Etlbe.g, 20. lon Santl, C.
22r55 2)r r?
Splitsr lst MtIo- Jonos' 5t06' Etedon, 5t06i 2nd Mtto- Jcne5'
10r0_5, sisdon, 10:10i 3f,d !{!1.Jon€s, ti105, stedon! 15!?0. old course ..cord, Jo!€s, 20t43.
A11 .rtgbt, ace ah. i::-! lho sets f,hs t)aco...!631 ofle.r ilns ibe fa...
lecific rs6ociarlon of tte {AU... Amw.1 Closs-Colr!!.y eet at
ltlitiie! CotllgeJ tu]]jitier, California
Satxldat, octob€. ?5, 1959 teath6!: Clearin€ &d @delare aft€r raus 4-ldil€ 4ul,..35 ot 3? siaters tinished
f, ltobeli Sorh, jtriders..,...,r.._1:13.4 20, Ph' v'-):-'. ,r: : . r. . . . , . , , . , . r: 2. irilli& !eck, OC/. . ,. ,. , . , ....2..22jO t tt, t, rJjp.de]-i. p.1ortoJ.,.lb... : -o 3. J&e6 lt.S!e!ard, peadteton....;..22:la 4. Robed D!a.ke, CCIC.........,..4..-2:25 sLr;der....,..r ..-5:1, 5. tatlh A.Ad@, CoDpto!.. ,. , .. . , , .t2r lz Lxy...,.,.,...1e..-5:J6 pendteton...5..22:i; 6. Hayn€ V& DeUenr uat,........,.b:ol 7. Don Pelez, tildttier.,....,.....,.l:04 Val tereUr iedt&Js. . . , . .. .. , ...20:12 L P6ie! !,[tqdle, Strid€rs..,...b..2]:t2 u?6. /, loue rirrtoeyer, Jtr:delr....,20..2.:2/, 23. !ow1as C,r..1@, CCAC...,,.,,2!,.2otti -!. i:nP i" stuak, stlidels. ...?..21:17 29. Ilartih Ans11, r;iittae!.. .. , .. .. ,2?:ib
-LL. ltoberi cons, CCiC...,.,,..,..,6..21127 12. nue.eu t.Be@ett, ory . . . . . . . . s , . 2; , 12 Jl. rJ. A.L* ,'relsbord, OS.... , , ..... ,10..23:3? 12. 14, Robert l.{alk€r, re.dteton...U..2i:ta 15. Clstev€ D@de, leadt€t@.. ,.1:..21:45 J4, 1:. :3rl I'roqe, rendleton, ... . ..u..ztrrI
1rqr..............r4..24rr2 nuot4i, ory lrosh.. , . .. ,. .il,t18 14. fi8ro1d B&Lhess, orq....,.,..15.,2t.2_l 16. satDe
imest le.kovit., lendletcr-..23..2h:tA rliflie a.reIIs, CCAC, . , .. , ..:l+. .z):l,l ccLc.....,. 2r..29. )"2 chneid q, ,{nitfier..,.,,..Jt:j4 .5 rbEt.,.,..,,.._rt:40 -L1o/d John ]te!r, O? lad l4e1bom, Oqr
Caep pendteton I,iarine.. 3-5,II-.t2_r) occiC@ialCoILeee, 2_9_10-14-15 So. Catlfonla Strid6ls t_6_ ?-16_20 CuLver CtiJ A rlet:c C\nb t+_a_2!_21F25
(19) __ a2
!ori.€ 2-ffiIe Ru...tt of t6 stdte!3 firisnea 1. Dls Drale, mL.. . ,. , , lO. J.@ nanijn, 3, tave .Ieesr Redldds. . . , , . -.. .. ..uto2 rz. lur" r,t^.ur, - mrtii.
t, 7.
, b. carJ Jsr.tu, ,.t _,r .-! baL.,..,.....,,.,f-:<,. L. Dac- oh-., edLao D\-c: :ola19 d*1, Fndreron..........!:J ..,....,..12:51 Jotr :- o..-, . "dtaoo. .rosn...tr:Or D*.vredsbu6. .niJoe L.Cil6!!at
te. . ..,.,...,.11:oa Race Xotes: p€ndl€ton Martn6s stIIl
ro. o..,
i,i;: l"i:; ri.;i"i*"li:i:i:l;_t":i:}i::i:::ri:"i;.#.:li::#"i;liii!" Drr or a 15 y.ar_o1d), tbir.l oao on il::; ;:::.";:;;j"*j"jFu':li;.:.it"iii".ii*i"iiil.; .iI."i,':",:.f**€noueh. to be talktn€ iii";"li t^"liii"iil.:"ji.;iil"i:1.. rrdo, but ratcb for ir.., ";;;t-;.;;"-;;;.: Ray Mdnron, fomsr r,ur.r,-i, ;;;;;";;i;_.." :;::iiil: ;i:;:'i: ;;';::l"l.i:..il;:i',".: L;;;;;-i;; ;;:"i::;:l:";,
llF-xoveEb6r r 1954 had boen unsu'cessful tn tholr rast - ftlllaD & Uary coach, onlv ue hcd 0 firrFy Croye3. r€.enLty 'ppolntcd '..'lr mo.e slsh school coactres in the '6'r't_ Lone Dlstaf,co Runnr rrr,, m-:;-Fihq rv srth the €nthusiasb of Bob l{ccuire tng co@ttt6€ tn tho vtrBtnta ,4Au of P1€asant Et1l lts' in California' If dtatrtct, hopos to oreant!€ a ? we did luture OlvDpic stalwarts would to lrr€ sn;froD tllllesbure be idsursdl Botr r6cedtlv staged a novel Juestoynrlater tn tho year... Earri€r carnival oonsistine of a 2 ban )Iisstsstppt Stato Unlv. has a 10 bil6 r61av (l:l'5 p.b.)i 3 nan 2+ ei' y;y to cr6at6 coDpotitlon uhrqus steepleohase (4 P.M.) 5 nan 5 br16 Relrrtbtn tts t€u. -rl!e atbretlc av (t+'25.p.n.) add ad €xhtbition i ni' Dopt. fuintshes Eeals to the 13t Halk at 4'45 Ir'h' Ile also produce3 a Den the tedtthus creatinB on 5 publication for }'ts t€ah b€bbers' a k66n lnterost uone the 4tb, 'e6k1v .'' Takl'e a cu€ froh the sao Paulo, 5tt! and 6th Denl (Ra; Menzre. B!azi1, Nos Y€ars lve street raoe, tbo i"".ra."i or th€ MTa;6iT--ffi-ts an Road Runiersr club of Glanorean' wa1e3 alunus of IISU)... lanny Schrelka.tr will prohote tI € f irst nNos Galentr Nev track at Los- nngeles-3T;T;-GII;E-Year's Ewe mid'ight road race ove' a gly€s coach rsllx Jubonvllle a 4 hil"6nrse' The race will start at aoost,{Bre school' 1ltt1€ teans),.. M1k6 Arre;. (v.st;rn H6brsDhs.6 Mara- 10 min_' lo m,dnie\r d wLll be r'reccded )rv a t1.erork3 displav anil iaz' hend TE;;-;fiT;r,2 12.l5.lt ) erites' ,rFolloytng is ' a shedule of hy last .ont6st. John I€.riman, John Drslei, Ken Norris' Jadkie Easlab and Blian f€E vorkouts. My E11age fell drastothers' hawe all sicnifr€d Ically after Ey l4a.athon €ffort, but fierson'amone -, th€ir intentlon to run'' Xlouldnrt I e ftnally regalnine fom. sun, A.M. 22 ll.Joe P.M. 10 r 11oyds. it b€ ereat tf sobe club or citv, (p.eferabry in tbe sdutborn pa.t of Mon. " 6n1. fa.trek 15 r 4lro ou. country),orsanizod a slDllar Tues. h Sdr.Joe 1r1 Di. "'r 15 x 22o event lrl+O fo. U.S. .unners--think it ov€r W6d, r no rorkout 11 r southern r€ad.rs..,I-autie Elliott, lhurs.r 12mx.joe(l:J5) "" 15 t 22O ,, I mi.tartlek 18-y6ar-o1d brother of E€rb, {on t}r6 Irt. 15 r 4lro i', 10 r tto t{est Australtan schoolboys, crossSat. ', 10 I 22O countrv title for the th1!.1 Sun. 1?ni.joe {2112) " 5 x 4lro yon. " I ut.jog yea.. The tttle has now be6n ln th6 witrr t: I nl. El1lott fanltv to. five veals' I{erb My nornlne ra.tlek consists of fron ' 6 speed-ups of 600 yds. to on€ ht1e. hawtns von 1t tn 1954 and 1955.'. TI € 22Ors and lrbore avelaC€ Za-aos€cs, rotue. ro!1d Dile rocord-hotd€r John Landv has elYen up teactring trbe.ffiI jog 22o yqs, betveen troth my 2?o & 440 .ep6ats.. I tako a 2: b11e ram-up I don't fe€1 Itm cut out for {u! Eg f'oitt r)toperr' "I'h t: l^mlng b€fore r€pea(s and a on€ djl6 ""..-".;".' his brotller.'. ' Don Brain coepl6ted a ...aa.aok Ne'st€tter r€ports tlEt ,{1 Vtctorlan vinte' double when hs Hon Lavrence and Pat Clohessy had a r€cthe Aust'aliao state fo ntles cross_ ent yorkout of 5 x 1ml1e in 4:32 to .ountry ctrahplonslrlp tn 52t22 dna rrlf9 wlth an AAo jos in between... the 15 b11€s road titlo tn 1:16.10... I-a*renc€ ran tro ttiles on the t.aok A prof€ssional runners narathon in h A,5t+.5.., Nandor Krause, forn6r Melbourn€ vas Eungarlan chMplon in juniors, with 2'3r'1t2"' relok Johnsod' oltnpic 800 b6st of l!58 for 15Oo and a!15 for h' runnor_up' to the British 3OOOn is 1n San Jose trainlns tith "oteBoard satine he arateur Atl etlc vihaty Ig1oi...Lasz1o Tabori is back would not run agai' for Britatn ln tralntng after 5 weeks *ith idjury... until athletic Performers were!"" Dave Lewy that the Invitation reports -t.aoi.ace, scheduled t. oct. not looked upon as bunch of lralf1o mlle uitted, p€rformine bonkevs'tr tlr s 26th in Yonkers, N;Y,,was raid6d dut letter was rettrrned to }lin bv th€ and ri1l be held i. the sprtne. A lul1 board" A successor to Vladinir Kuts x-country schedule for the ba1:.ce of over the lcnsei hicldie distances nav the fal1 seasod tn the Met.oporita. 'alistrtct be vililus L€ntrit, nunknovnn necesiitated the chansc 'o 'e11reoenttv won tho u's.s.R. Tr'de nert spring,.. Ne' York Lhiversity union Ganres 10'00on i. ?9io6,lrsr r-countiy t€afr thlch vould have made hi4 to.y in ah.ee yea.s in late octobei by dsf€attns Rutsers 27-29" The violets est in tho uorld over the dis9.last vi I_IXD SPRIIITS
Park, Eanilton, Ontario
Seniar Resqltis- qanadlan Cros9-
goynlrl qhgmllgnnhlpi, Iof .1sL
xoYsbb6r. 1958--15
{ard ls a l,ltchtgan State t!o!h f.o! Ca1tfo.n1a..l|h€ pac€ yas t€rrlflc! lreus Lep! (Canadlan aAO & Xtl6 ,6n.atbn-r | 53-4i 13,5-aldost collaps€d & dtd bot flnlsh..'lhe cou.so yas 3 to lr seconds lone€r tbls yea!, so tlre t1!63 ar6 f.oD 10 to 20 secs- b6tt.. ttraa thg origrnal th all race3 {Juv., !rdg6t,Jr. & 5r,)..I9 sLcrt6rsi 1? al n13b6d..Ttr. .eco!a! of lrrl+1, by Jto lron!, T,O.Crn 1956, r6a11y took a trlmtns by thc ftrst fou! Een. (2; Er1s3) Rolltns htU
t. Go.don D{.kson, H.o-c. 2gtl!? ?. Pon Iallingford, EdsL 1orU, ?9t49 L Dick camlohael' T.o,c. 29r59 U. Ed Craydon, Unattached, SOrlC 5, Jln Irons, T.O.C, 30r22 5. Cerald Noroan, T,o.c. 30136 ?, Randy Mason, T.O.C. lOrlrl 8. ictrael ,ay, T. O,C, 3O,4) 9, John Churcht Gladstone, l0t4a 10. Ivor Robb, eladstone, 30r52 11. Larrie sHeet, - lfredjNY 30:56 Juv6n116 Results-Canadian X-C Ctrdps ! ' 12, John VaDPlet, T.O,C. )It2A t. Bruc6 Andrers, cletpltr 12r25.4 (?or1f, Edrald Johnstont Glad. 31r51 rifl. kiirr) 2. A1 Duncan, D.ata, L2r35 East Lanslne,31r59 14, J6ss6 lttch, (Most toFroved younsstor in Caneda. Vtn15, Paut Poce, T.O.C, )2. ra n€. of thls years 'young boy'plira tn 16. Gary watson, Gladstore,32:30 ths nfl.eston6 15 nrlo.n. Runnlne I trr. 17. Ilans Harlacher, e1ad. 32!56 ra.tlek 5 days a yeok,) 3, Palt Ho76;n Men1oY6. Glad. 18. James )2r5? T.O.C. \2r3?t l+. Doug XcDonalat, B.t,T.C I9. John Ioy, Gladstoner llrla 12tt+5t 5. D^vtd, Robe.tsonr T.o.c.,llr24 20, stan wo.s6fo1d, E,Yo.k,33rlI 6. Jotrn Y€bste., Toc, 13!50 {25 finl6Lr21. Eob Maltih, E.O.C. 3)t)5 6rs) lfealt Eltl Park Seoonilary SctDoI. 22. GEorse Noman, C1ad. )3t54 23, Davld covard, e1ad. )3t59 Mldg6t Rosults-canadlan X-C ChaDps r 21, whitey Strertdan, H.O,C.llr:21 " R6cord- BFuc6 Andra*s, Gu6lph Leelon 25. Eeuy cllran, e1adstone,34!30 T.c. a955- 9'26. rZ -il,.s. 26. Robert stnclair, T.o.c. 34rlra 1. Bluce rldd, Sast Yo.k, 9.\Jt 2. R" 27. A.B, ltasIin, Galt' 35t26 Btans, Delta, 9rlL, f. Jack lay, !{on28. John callash€r' E.York,35:16 ar.ta,9,35t 4. lltk€ Eoean, Gu61ph, 29. Bryan rbery, East York,f6:17 9,49t 5. c@.Ir souston, Ionarch, 9!50t Ir.o,c. P€rcy snith, )7.)A lo. Douc calt€r, Rtu Park, 9!57i 7. 6, fl, Ronald Tbonas, II.o,c- 38!12 Jre 16r., B.Mptonr 9!5at a. P6t6. t.a& Prize- To.onto Olymllc Club aolton! Guolph, 9159 (65 starto.s, 5L (carhlchael, lrons, Noman'Mason' {rnlshels) Toapt Delta So.ondarr sch. Day) 29 pts. 2, Gladstono A.C. of Toronio, 65 pts. X-C dovn Souttl- Botrby G.6en, a Junto. k5 entries, l9 startets' 32 ftnlstred x1o.lda Es, sho'6d i--T6!-Tlluo]se, lilo coepetltlon fo. Gordy..Youhg Dd hts heels to ttr6 lt€st of th6 U of floreraydon, Mtohlean Stat€ Unlv. f.osh, lda rr6sbb6n 1n a duaf x-c -est ln lan a ter!1fic raoe in l{s ftrst S., rhloh th6 Baby Gators ba.€ly edgod a stdrt., Besl fl.td .ver in the I yr, su.pllstnely stlorg i,l6ft'oulne qS teaD htstory of tbe .ac6.. Record-Doug 27-30 o^ 31 oct. ThE Eoet Kyl €. H.0..., 1957- ?4.2(..Di.ksonrs the tvo Dll. coulss at lhe U oI Ir.. 22-9:44. miles) 1aD tad€s--9 ! {6 I. Bob Gr€€n, !,1116, 11!1ti 2. BtIl Lorensteln. I.I., Il!29.2 (hotds! of Junior Re3urts-Cana.ttan X-C Chanps. stat€ E.s. lrLo rocord at t+9.51i j. l. ,layton tard, Ldsl Lan3ing, r5:?4.3 Eenr) c!€€nr rlgs' tl:l0i 4. Ed Davist 2. r.ank ljeave!, Gu.1ph, 15:39 Fla.r!., 11rrr9.5i 5, t6d Mea1orrrl..t. Bt11 Kozar, EaDilton Oc, 15.1r2 3, 4. Bryan uarsh, Guelph, 15r47 PNV AAU 5 MILS VAI-K EANDICAP -Tacoba, 5. Bob Buchanan, H.o.c. 15.24 Itashineton, Oot.19- 1. Bob E.ndrlck6. Ivor Foberts, T,O.C. 16:57 son, Soattle OC, act. tth€,51!46! 2. 7, Bot, Raymer, last York TC, 17:01 PauI l4cComlckr Balnttrldge Isfand, 8. Bob Gauldie, lJe1ta, 17t26 5l+:51i 3. revln Ley' Tacona t&r, k7! 9. Lyn! Spoar, D€1ta, 1?:50 5ri !. Jid IieIds, seactle, 5r:44t 10. eary Blavef, Gladstoner 18:11 5. aI Cross, Evere!t Elks Clubr 45:19 11, l,lik6 Mokrycks, De1ta, 21:00 6. Don Ja.obs, Tigard, 0r6,, 5I:?1. f2. lred Kallio3koski, lelta, 21:50 * Ref.estBdnts fo1lovlng tbe rac6 TeaB PrizE- D6lta Secoodaly School fo! all ralk€rs, offi.clal. & frienals at r.vtn l..yr r.
(Eeavy xain showers left the track consldelab1y s 1ov) 88Or 1. D,r. B. Sm1tb, Achllt€s, 1:51.5., !4i1e. 1. erahe Everett, scottand,-T;ig.8 i 2. Mtko B€rrlsfold, lr:11.3t f. Derek fbbotsont 4:12 (Eve.stt sprintod atay in ttre final 18O yards).. 2ltiles: 1. L. n€6dr sLIr, 9.08.2;-7;-B; salbach, Tlpton, 9:09.2i 3, D, Ibboteon, sLHr 9:18." 3 M:les E fa€, 1l!4?.Irj ?, stan E1don, 'itndso. and Eton, 1331+9,8i 3. Ma.Jin llynan, PortsDouth, 11. 50 . 2. Tees, 1. England 37 ptst ?. Ahe Rest 4f, i A 1at6 antry for tho 3 ntlesr cratg vas always re11 up ,ith th€ l6ad6rs, The lead .onsta.tly chang€d hands *ltb North, Ileatloy, Eldon and Hyrnan doidc eost of the 6a.1y torclne, The Dtle ras reached 1n 4:11.6 and tto n11es in 9:16.2. crale produced an anazing bu.st sone 300 yds, olt on ttro final 1ap and von host convlnclneiy f.o& E1don and HyDan. It }as ohly claters socond 3 m11€s.) Ioo: 1. Peter Radford, 9,k; 220. 1. Radford, 21.0! rr40! 1. John grighton, 48. |, ?. J. saItsbury, 48. 1.
Der South Afrlcan st€6p16chase cl ahpton, Tbe fastest I niles €ver rDn hele (as by lie.bert Sctrade of Germany. Ee was tiDed in 14.13.1. BE$J. I'IN OT HARVAR! TRIUMPIIS IN IIEPIAGON,{I RUN' A!.MY TAXES TEA!{ aIil-l
Van Cortlandt Park, N,Y,, iri.tNov.?A couple of lone-sinning streaks v€r6 3tretch€d today ln tho twenti€th annual *-country ctEmpionship of th6 lt.p. GM63 Associatlon, R, DyLe Benjahtn, Igarvardr s 20-y€a!o1d captatr trob Hestfield, {.J,, l€d ttre fi€ld of 6? sta.t€rs around Vad Cor tlandt Parkrs hilly ftve,nlle cou.se in the liveiy t1n€ of 25:12s, arny,s ue11-balanced squad placed lts five scoring lunners anong tho ftrst 12 finishers and took team honors bJ a decislve nargln. Th6 virtory vas the etBhth of the s€ason for BenjuinJ wbo had baeged the Bi€ Three t1i1e od his hob€ cours€ a (eek pr6viously, Tlre Amy teaB had Fon si* straight dual or t.ianeular h6ets, In captu.ine trls first Hop c.ovn, Benjamin fough{ off a rousing .hal1enge by D1.k H6a1y of Amy. The Halvald !!n.er, sho stands 6 feet 4 inchesr and the stocky .adot seco.d classnan seldon ve.e separated by dore than a strlde over the fllst four niles, As geneially happens at Van Cort.Pk, --ston! P!., Nov.1- Lalay€ti€ 2f, P€nn the lace ras decided on C€netary Hill 34, uuhl€lbore ?5. 1, Exnie Tracy: P. the se.ond tine around. Benjamid & Ee2l35It 2. HdInes, L,2li52i ?. Slela1y tabored up the steep, twistine anoylcr,. L, 22.2a: lr. Katteman.P. t.ai1 shuttline back and to.th iD ttle 1€ad. 0n r€aching the top, B€njahln Van Courtlandt Park, NYC, Nov.llenettrened 3t.ide daringll and ran ful: St,Johni 3 of B.ooklyn 27, St.Josephr s tilt dor.. }lovtne so fast that bo had 24. 5 Dtlos. 1. Peter close, 3t,John,s , all b6 could do to negotiate the sharp 24r54,.i 2, Jack Lyn.h, st.Joerq a. turn inio the rdad,ay leading io th€ Se.ry Vlcbi,St"Johnrsr k, Ji$ Baldulu, Ld-L hdlJ-mi:- -!ine ".r -. Lh6 ! lats, 5t.Jo€'st 5. llal Thors€r.St. J6€rB. tbe fia.va.d ha. opened a tive-yafd Eap. Id a stgady ilrive to the finish, Ben1]I6st Polnt! N'r, oct,25- Amy {J-Ol 1S, jamin increased his haretn to folty Manhattan4t, 1 Dtck ]Iealt, A, 26:0?! y3rds, fiat C.avener of Corn611 was frd alrout ths saee dlstance bebind fiealy. -'. Dick Cr6ene,A- 1. Ed 1r.diIl5Le.. 1. a.lyke Benjamin, Earvard, 25:12 k. tsnn Benat6r" A. 5" Tod Ben," ri. ?. ;R:chard br, Eealy, Arbt, ?5.19.5 Annapolts r lrd, Odt.25- Syracus.:16, l, liathanj.el J. cratene.,cor,'t5.2? ,3 a, Bill Bactrrach: Yale ! llary 29, J mtles. i.3€d Johnsr 5. j. richard il. Greene, /,rEr, 25:40 25r 19 (syr.cuse tunnexs .aptule.l 5. Lynn !,. Bend€., ,',my, 25tUf ot th6 :1:.t ), Dlac.is). :. 46ne tlii:son, Ltuv, 11
)or. .'i :. u. Golilcn ;ir;er Br'riald!s ian.e rr',r;er_::on 3l:::J
alll_r,rii r i!s-
ra.s fir.i3-'
i. 'rr. ln. i1.
ilia:ilPy l.l. snitb. Navlr: 25tq? Ei.a,af.J r. !inter, :t?.!y, 2t,52 ,lon" l,]a'riirr. Y:i1e, '!.5tj.l Ir:...,-,,,i.rsti'ra.!a,?J!tA li..is,
lov€db6r ! 1918--1,
Eeptagonal Aun -Contlnued
12. Davld R. ca.ro1l, Amy' 2J3J9 26102 11, Robert Lode, Brorn, 1q. chaxles 811I, corne11, 26:04 15, P€ier KhBston, Prlnceton, ?5!06 16, Eodard Rob€rts, Army, 26.09 1?, vln.6nt Macnonatd, BloYn, 26:15 18. lrank D, Youne 3!d, Nav!, 26tr6 26118 19. Ted 86rz, Ahy, 20. Jar€d <4. Georce 22, c160 ch€rryhold€s, Yaler?6r32 21. Ton cathcart, Yale' 26134 24, Rob.rt A, Dunkle, Navy,26:35 25, Alan lrt€dDan, Yale, 26,4\ 25. Thoeas uonaehan, {avy, 26:42 27, Kenneth Mcleod frd, DaYy, 26.rr5 28. Irank sutnann, P.lnceton, ?63ir5 29. Chrls Loch, colubbta' 26rttz 30. Lenry MacProvn, EaFard'26:50 31. John A1len, Coluhbla, 2?rot 32. A1lan osborne, B.ow;, 2?t04 33. ArnoId Cumins, co.n6lt' 27!05 27ro9 34. Tom carrol1, Ya16! 35, wil1ia6 Ma.Donald, Brosn,27r 1l 36. Jose telesias, colubla, 27!19 17. Edva.d Berkovttz, Dartnoutht 20 2?.22 38, Gerald Hu€trr Erovn, 39, Rlchard La.rabeo, Pehn, 27r30. 40. charlss Eudson, Pltnc€ton,27!fl, (66 flnrshers) TeaE, 1. Ardr" fe 2, Yar.. alri l. navy, 45, b. Bi6En, 115! 5, EaFard!1381 5. come11,1b4t 7. Ponnsylvanla; 175, 8. P!1nceton, l8k; 9. Columbia, 202i 10. Da!tBouth,
race xn Hhlcb c1o3o to 95* of ttr6 s.hool €nroI td€nt palt tclpatsd-boJe and el.1s! It {.s a g.6at plonotion t'y S6ore€ Phl11lp5, tb6 Pby..Bd, DIrsctor at the *roo1, Uor€ thab 1!000 chu.chllt studonte partlclpat.d ln ttr6 turk6y,rac€, fir€ lnit, vtnne.s, Lynng Funphreys, 15r for th€ gtrls, dnd r.ed Keeley , 14, tbe boy rlnd€r, .ach took 1116 turkeys fo. p!lz6s, And n.a.Lt 300 runnerc-up, 811 r6colv6d tqrk€l dlnnors for b€attne out ttte oth6! 700 coBp€tttor5, AAU offlclals t.m6d th6 .a.€ ' the g.6at€!t Eass hleh Bchoo1 run thsy had €Y€r .een.i ah6 el.1s rout6 tas approrteatelt a Dt16 and ttle troysr vae on6 and 3/4 6116s" A16ng tbs !a.6 !out6 ary Bsn rE.€ placed Httb ralkte-talkt€s gteirg a p.og!€ss lopo.t of th€ lacs i. the 1a!6e c.ord of adults an4 teach€rs gath€red at thE 3.hoo1 grounds" Mlsa EuDphr6ys, IOth grail6, Dsd6 the DlI€ ln 31r hld3, 20 s€cs! Ioune Ee616Y, cotsr€d th€ boysr ooursE !n Io:10. Scttool officlals Yere delieht€d {tth the rac€ and th€ ontbleiastlc .6sponse. PhllflpB sald only 200 siudents dtd not particlpater an.i !ai!y Ye!€ out bocause of h6a1th r6ason5" The poor tu.koye dldnrt bav€ a cbanc6! sr.dnay, Aust!a1la, 10/26158
880: l. t, iIlson. Ir5A.2i J" LaaI6r', ltta,2i 4. Soallhorn, 2r0O.6t R P.'0ct.25 at Leris & Cta.kr o.e€o." PliW keri ?r0l.l. 3 r,il16sr L B. AaDond. osc 17, Portland state 50, L&c 40, ra,l8.?; D. v;eE:-f[T47.8r c ,lhoD;!, U or Pdrtland 8,r. 1. Jln (lrJE.?) 15:01 ,I t T. Dav6y, 15r0l!.]+ Batley, Unat, 10:15i ?. Nom Hoffnan l0/19 5A - \4ller l. s, lddonds,4!?7.1 Osct t0!l?i l. Criff foDpsonr osc, Et2?.-?\ v. sDar Ibor n,l,! 29. L 10. 19;_]lj loln_rgngsz qs9,_19:31: ,.t1lt/54- MiIer l. s, rbomtor. lrt20,1i J. i;;I6., b,21.J! a. aakt{s} Ai OSc, oct.f0- oreson 15r osc,R. 5J: 4r ??.3r E. Mc!Innon! l!'lu.,3Co0o.sc, OSC Var5it), 70. t. Jla Cr€llet Or-. c. raonas, 9t26.8t D. cl ark;-,-Td;i'tr 15:i3; ?. tlck Ml11erJ o, 15!11, 3, Inte!.1ub track coepotttlotr lras uark Fobb:nei $. i5:13r L. 8d Balddxn .iusi siartgd, and to dat€ they ihav€ o. 15:ll! 5. Gedrse LsrsoF" S. 15:1j; rrad trot! sindr saatrle!". B6!b E1l1otts yolne b.otraei broke the Pubtt. Schoo]s 6. tyrol Burleson! olecon lrosb'15t1f 880 r6cord that ras held bg iRe.b 7. Phil litsht, ,. 15,13a g. stere sch€ll Ore. 1j320i 9. Norh ]loffDan! osca,15:2i a- 1!5t. tauri€ 811:ottrs tiee 1.56. :1. cllf thompso.r oscn, t5r22.i2r'n!16s1 a. }lurrati Balbergr er Zealand.5 tllympt. r.p.es€ntatlve had two good _E_ _n|\i c._^_rounrf,r-cla!p:"I _ _ _ __ ? sire ruas--lo/22- 8t5at lljL- 9tt3 cl d rh, !o!..1 Len Lukens Toni & !€an Thackeray s.1t froo SaL : _ ._cld_s!dle^ 10:22 ().r_airss_._ rrancisc6 on tet€Bbe. lst t! spenr: 4..- tne Iinnipeg! aanad:-! i.e€ Presr. :h€i! t!urre tn Austlalia, Dor L h6r-t .nur.d.r, cctober 1?, 19:a i.ou.t6sy it-,+ ,) or)p Lhe.r,a rrne--1 ..!..cu4 C-ovs, P_oJtc.,\.LB - l: -l,5rtor) cnurchtlt 1ts held a r-! 238
arod loss and at trt6 13-bt16 balk the thlee rore strung out ov6. 3OO yard. rittr Dlckson lunnlne sEoothly -aa If realirins ttEt herd sEe no Eaetlton, Ontario r Sat., Oct.25oners tack any nor€ ttEt day. Sandy-ha1.eil, spindl€-legged Gordon Ee vas 4rr0 yds. ah6ad aft€! 15 Dt165 Dlckson, EoC aco, flowed as snootrrly and the 16ad€rs rer€ stlll tho stuo as qulck3llver over a toueh, 19ullh sDIl,b pluggine gal Lcnt.ly avay n11€ course today to wln the nlound!n fourth p1a.E..Ee .6acr|ed the hl€bth€-Bayn road rac€ fo. the thtrd 16vo1 brlilg€ eor€ ttran flve nlnut€s consecutive year in .€cord-br€aklnC ahead of tlle prsYious rark of r:l?.50 tino,. Dicksonr 3 unreleniing pac6 and crulsad lnto the strstcb ,1th no drovo hts corpdtitors into th6 grdang€r of a last-nlnute stluggl€. ound and he stepped ovo! the taps Doyn toyards ttro liehts shlnlng throug alnost thr66 rlnutes arreaal of th€ dlensse and a coupl€ of lurns and Gladstone Atht6tlc Clubr s Joh. h€ ras hoEe..The EoC's hecbanlcal EAn Chu.oh uho taeeed b6hlnd the ylnne. flnlshod as easlly as h€ ha<t slart€d. all through th6 rac€. Tro and 3/4 Eins. later Cburch st€eThe tine of 1:1r2.o7,5 bit Eo.e Gd along Bay Str66t fo! a ve11-d6s..ytban th.ee sinutes out of th€ r6.o.al sit socond ptacs and young Bl1ty sDtth, set last y6a! by ihe Canaitian ac€, after passlne the ralklng Ross ln the church finished tn 1:45.45- also last staees, cde in a stylistr thl.d. bette. than the pr€vtous recordIor th6 flrst tiDe the Hellton and thi.d place flnlsh.r 8111y Unlt 151, Amyr Navy and Air rorcs SDith of the EoC, by {ay of Scotland, Veterans Club sponso.ed a Erdget !a.€ reach€d the tape 3pread acro3s Bay as rell as a contest fo. junlors and street at Kine tn 1!48.50. cop€d €fflctontly rlth tbe p!ob16e of Mlnutes after 2 P,M. 32 detemined runnine threo rac€s on the 3d6 day. xunners jolted otl {nto the nea.-tog Both rac€s 2; b11e c6urs.. on the ol.cular, historlc course. Senio! Rac6r1. eordon !1ckson, gOC, Rain thleateneil but never can6 on Iru2.A?,51 2. Jotn churcb, cAC, 1r45. a .au, rlndy, .o1d atay. 45t 1. BIllt sdrtn, aoc! t:rA.50t lr. Smlth, juBped into th€ lead and Brornlne Ross, Penn Ac! (Pbl1a.)! r€a.hed the l+ bil€ Eark th a leco.d I.5\.36t 5. [otuan reilson, cladstono tlb€ of 18:00 to cllp 20 86.s. off AC;5. ghtt6y Sherrdan, BOCi 7. C€ore old rocord and qualify for a 3prge nomah, eAC; 8. c!!t13 Ston6, lter York -dCt 9. Alilo S.andurrar Mllllos€ Dickson, Church and Brordlng Ross A-{t 10. Tod Sulto, 5t. Anttronyia BCJ w€re content to lope alone 1n the I1. JJ Maclntyle, Gladston€i 12. s1d Dlddle of the field and dtdntt press €Dltlr, EOC' lf. Bob Bucbanan! EOCI th€ young Scot too Buch unttl th6y 14. John Jarrott, St. Anth.! 15. ltlke were ctos€ to th. thrse-mt16 hark. orEara, St. Anth.i 16. Il-1t Pataky, Up to the five-nIlo nark th6se ttuee St. Anib.i 17. Gus Kotteakos, St. Anth and Shith stuck to each otbar as clos- 18, rred Bristor, GAci r9. Percy settn ely as Earctle.s in a picket line and Eoc, 20, Jos Kelle., st. Anthony!s BC r6ached the s€v€n-etlo nark tn a Tem Priz€- EaEilton OlFplc C1utr. bunch luo ninut€s dhedd of (he cec-tine of L0r10. At this point Snith Junlo! Rac€: 1. Btuco And.6Esr cu€tprr Leelon Track Club, 12:15! 2, Paul coEine up to tho.anal brldee it AoffDan, Toron.o OCi l. Frank Y6aver, eas DIchson, Chur.l and Ro-s, ' thc C{6Iph LTCi +, BiIt Xozar, EOCi 5. E!y. sab€ three reached the Brant Inn trt an Ma.sh, Guelph LTC| 5. Al Ducnan, 58!I0 vitt! snlth sor.ying their tloets Delta Secondaly scbool (20 flnlshs.s) only lr5 seconds behind. M1dg6t: r. prs5 Eecnsr DerLa (20 flnSudd€n1y Dtckson ?ut both f6et rlorn !sh6.s also list€al - although p.otratlly tlard on hls personal gas pedal and dady uolo In botb racssl. move.t ahead. Afte. l2 niles th€ HOC runnp' de.id64 he naeded no coEpany and only the k€y uas nisslne as he Consrable -rm Cavin, !Round-the Aa}' surgeil ahead with clockrork proctston .ac. dlrectorJ y€I1 knorn as a 16otup to a polnt 200 yards ahead of R.ss u.€r on boat safetr, alrost lost hls in c€orgian Bay a t6r alays afts. Taklde rh€ hint Chu.ch ealrop6d aray 1lfs th6 Bay .un,.Gavjn ras flshlng a1on6 DICKSON SE1S NBT{ I'IAM T TqIR' VICTORY - NROUIID TI{E BAYN FACE
in-_a boat n6ar O,on Sound, Ontario, He vas h.uline a ldrgo ratnboy rrout aboard wh6n h€ tost hls rr:t_ ance and f611 lnto th6 bawAlthoush a sood s*rnner, aonstable cavln trad h{s noved€nts restricted Decduse or Lyo n€Jvy cocrs dnd boor. D€ ras kearine. A nealby fi3h6tuan putled Gavln to RESLL|S_- }RAIIS A,M[S
l? M]LE _ Sepr. )6. Laronraine park, tjontr6al 1, Oordon Dickson! tsdh1 troh OC, .t,o?.20 <. Rorqnd vi,haud. Frdns Anis, IrOl,t? 'r. Bilt SmjLh, Hanilton Oa! t!Ob.Jo C tdds t one A.. t:Oo.OJ 5. Wh.. ,4. F€.ldne. Ot)dDLc A.C., t:ur. tj Edil ron O_. .rtOo.47 Dore i Sharinrecn ?dt ts:10.25 EdIJ ton Or, r:lO.i5 y. J06 Dubcr Frans_Anis, !4on(, L: tt.Oa rrcns_Anir, tt1L.42 ly. I"s': '.,"r, Udbitton O( . t: t2, ctdrtps coodr€tlow, sr,i.nb";r tt.5O A,c. l t?.20 .rhiLay sh6ridrn, tdnitton t: tz2I _r,1. r{. John roj, 6tadsrona A.! OCtr.I2.lo An.rrl6u i I rans_Ar t 5. I ! t 2.tr5 +!. 1"b... HJnirtroat Modnr Royar A.r., 15. c, lltacfiay. Mon treal 19, Jo6 Richardr Lancaster. N.B. ?0.5id 5biLh, Ha0itLon OrlrpLL Ctub Noman i clailstone A,C. Habilton Olympic ctub <o/
November. t9la_-r o pace. Ealberg felI at one of the rater Jqnpsr bur flnished a verw eabe third behrnd Jur6rr and cer; rarsLij, (USSR). The U.s.s,n. won rhe .eam !ac6 decided on tho ageregate coDpetitors t. Jurek, Czech. IZ I t+2.2 ?. CernJavski J r USSR, tZ31l5,a 3, }Iatb€rs, N.z€a1and r7:48.4 q. Eoenickei E. c6rdanv. 1?!lts-6 5. xlerlewacz, Potand, 1Z t 5U.4 6. v irkus, ussR, \?t56.a 7. za. harov, UssR, r?t5A.o 6. i4i€tzs.hks r E,cefrany, 1a:oq.o 18:1t-6 10, Kunen, ffo11and r IA,I?.6 Ilnland. 18:2o-o E. cemany, 18:21 . 4 13.r...", r _r. Lundcron, sweil€n, 18:22.8 14. Eoynkinpuro ! Fih. t8!21_rr 15. Rantata r Flnrand! r8:2e.? POLAND
TITIE AtLac Just abour th€ oost 6rci!1hd _ crdr inrarna(tonat ever. potand Jna n€sr uernany 1rt6d,1tb tto Doants ea.h at yarsa, on Oct.I2 dt-lth. ,r comtrin€d Lotrt or ItO,OOO tans watch_ eo tms drahdtic struseie fo. the !orJ uno ffi. iJ t n.ttondt chabpionshtp As a resutL ot (he cl., rn€_lurop€an oertt tabf€ oust nar a._{Ti€) poland & Wost Gemany;read! J, !.r.5.r.j 4. cr6at Britain. A cobbined East and ry6st eeihan . tetu rould undoubredty d6foat any EUROPEAI!
and,ould slve even sonrr€al Tcrr -a:07 (to t95l valdu Lillikns i Nonr.t&r.^1,ro)! rrOc-oi: about. Ihus, after nearly 20 y6ars. 11952 vatdu Lrr.i;k-s. voni.T&r. ,;61.0,r; Gomany rras regalnBd h€r EuloDean riarrono. t.ans_anir tra.k and fi61.l l:0..17; 'a<lr Andy aldrro.d, vont_16F, ." t"t"-rn an i.1."_ IrOa.08i to5t pol-,rd Ml.hau;. Frcns_s,sJ D-spite conrnC the bqtch j | 6.tdcd sevor.t Rol.nd fiichd{d, fr"ns_aois, outslandrns 0arks. -rruo.tat t05a r:05.06; toJT Lo!d Dt.ltson, io-. r,otr,eq' ,.Paut s.rhtdr t c. I !!8.t. I iDo of t:0?.?O _l\ei Re. ^ !99g' r:40j .1, Mrs--,.. ^-i. oro Dark br r-rrrit"., i,o.l.0; 1f-ii!)j. :.:.|]g-:""1,P, vr r:rr.zi s, razhlers],,r p. trl,t.4, t900n:. r. /dzi'r"r x,.r,ir.""i"x: r-. a+:oc.'ti ?. z1ony, P. 14!05,lr: IN?AP$ATIONAI- CROSS-COUIITRY RACE ,i4ut1€., e. 74t12.\, U. Huneck;.i,e. Praeue, c ze.hoslovakla. S6Dt"21 t500b: L6lcndodsL i. p. 100 -dEp^r,ro,, rin-a'"p ro.,". _oro. 61r':lude P,dvo.ro5s rounrr, Ed.o o,"c Joctm.nr P. l.{r2.5j 2,-_=cb!ridt^ c, ?rJAuo on 5op{.?Lr dfpn t5 'Jt42.5t 3. Brehner, c. 3:tr4,o: 4.oun1r:-r look pd--1. Hpav] r,,rn 1-l! oryyaI, P. )t 5r.a lj?.?,!.5A.i. ?: <3.5) | t0.0000: t. s(:nrst-y'O?_ Ju.aA l.zF.\,1, ! barp. r \.{,7, i, rus og. P, ?q:l3.ai :. chrobik- P ), rr .5,^l), hFrr€ (&, re) a.ru 29t )l.ai 3. Herbe!t Schade, C. 2r! aroriri. rIot, n.l) Ied t\e 11e(d Ior .n! 46.6i u. Hoes€rr e. lo:ll.lr, ' or Lh6 .c.€, so:rine d rd.! 3000h" sC ! 1, {rzyszkowiakip. B:lr1,O 2. Mu1te.,c. a: 5?. 5. .
2o--NoYsEber, 1954
Fooq, Italy, Oct.f2 800b:1. Miks Radson, GB, 1:tr9.7! Z:-5an sa6rn, s{€den, 1:1r9.8; 3. Pett€.eson, sYeden, 1:5I.9j k. helr, {.eemany, 1:52.0 . 1500n.1, lstvan RozsavolByl. Euisd-y, 3! 45.0 ! 2. c6e16dt, \ust.3,t+5.2, f, Ba.a1dt, It. 3t46.2t t+. Jazr, Nran..,3,b?.6, 5. Berna.d, F!. f:L9,0i 5, IIamarslaDd r No!.3:1r9.8 (B1aelove, GB, 11th in 3!52.0). 50O0d: 1. Pet6r Ctark! GBr 14:I{ri Z;_s-fido! Iharos, Eune. rtrl?.9i 3. Abo.os. soatnr 1rI2f ,6 l-ancast€r Prtn.ose (Enerand) 5+ Uile Road Rac6. 1. Gerry North, Blaokpool, 25r50, 2, Johnny Wild, cheehl.e,26325i f. D.A. spencerr Barror,26.51.
Oct. Halton 10 ntl6 Road Race €ntx1es. 1. Trank salvat, iincbn. 50,1Bt 2. R. Roatl!, Walton 50,)22 ), J.R. Edraldsi 51!46
suffer nore than I do ryself. As I tel1 th6nr tl ey nay .un faster than deruttyJ but never harder. Beto.e Herb Eltiott's wortd-recoid in GoTljlI'BVRG, sNEDElr (150on) durine Ausust everything ras consplrine to nake a new tiDe posstble. riTonteht you will rud a lecord,r I indicated to hir, But I fo11owed this by runnine byself to ttre poldt of oxhaustlon on the borning of the race First, I tired nyself teacldne and d€Donstratine. WI]en t had ftoished, I sot out in p.iyate to run Herbts 1500n. t bade th€ paoe so ha.d ttht, with a 1ap to go, it seened thposslbli that I, a nan of over 60r could rontinue. tet I banaged to acceferate..and with 200m. to eo I fo.ced nyseff to accelerate I kas extlausted anal could not speak tor sone seconds. Dana Zatopkova, the European javeltd chanpion and wife of EDil Zatopek, cab6 alone anal vas astonishad 1o se€ Lh€ ptighl (o vhi.h T had dri\pn l brleffy doscrlbed this in a letter that I pushod uniler Elliott's be<troon iloor. At lunch he retur.ed it anrl eare as a slieht bod, I kded that he und6rstood what I had done and that the neit nore Hdq his, and \o( hF dtd oo!e!
) I4AF.{TIION The ra.e vas lun in vely varn, sunny reather vltl! a eood breeze against ih€ th€ outvard Chlcaeor I11., Noveober 1, 1958 leg., After runnlne a bratny race, The I11!nois Intra-State c.oss-count.y Beckert, of Ve3t Gotuany, ent€red neet, f.5 niles at Montrose Beach, the stadrM ulth Ndntorekr ol C?o.h- Crrlcago. 1. Dan Ryan, Vestern I11. Univ, oslovakia Ntthtn a f€r yards of hin. 1?,?6 (F.yan, who .an 1r!10 1n the NAIA Thoy had 900 n€tr6s to do and th6 last spring, ranks vith Jin Bowe.s, of 1ead.r look€ai tlt6 stroneer, but on Lhe !. oI Lllinois. ds th6 top.o l6CF the t,ackstrot.h h6 suddonly had a niler !d th6 state). 2. John Flamerr t'out of sickness and ras passed sourh.n lllinois. l7:.6. r. lor Hanche(r, before he could recover, to finistt lrbeaton College! 17t49; !. tave Ste.n, stlongly in socond pos it i on, Northern I11., 17!50. 1. Kantofek, czact\. 2t29.)7,2 Tho t€m title rent to Northa.n Illin2, Lothar Beckort, E"csmany,2:29.42,6 ois (k-8-IL-17-18) qith 51 poi.ts. vhecron, d perennlal rowp_ u.dar C' I 3. Kotil a j IlnlanC,2!lo.l0.a 4. Coltn K6hba11, Eneland, 2:12.05.a lodilsr .oaching, took 2nd qith 8?. There wer6 5! runners from 9l1linois 5. sourek, cze.h,, 2t32.1!2.2 i. FarlhoIoda, E. C6rb-nr, 2: l'l.l8.O co11eges, Loyola of ahi.aso being the 7. Pochaner;, cz€ch., 2:14.0f.{ 8, Gluber, Austria, 2:14.1{.6 Ch:ca€o, t11. , Nov,5.1tj€ t. i{tc\atek5 czec\1., 2t)6.A9.2 10, :iiroshl&a, J apan, 2t 3?. tt " 6 Fhll Colenan von the annuaf UCTC Op6n 11. Ed rilkup, EnB1a.d, 2:18,08.o 4'.f,t1e Cross-Countrt Run Fith a 20:06,5 12! Poup6, aze.'a. ) 2.39.56,4 cio.ktns. The Fet and slow (Ti&e a€e. of tw.) fron heav!_ rains just Deioxe ihe race, "€ans: 1,, E. eemany.... 5:03,CC,5 Perhaps the unusual ouLstarding perfo.2" czechoslovakia 5i 01. ko,5 manco.t the da,. sas trrned 1. tJr Fay f. czeoho3lovakia trBE 5:0e,51.L Uenzi.. iie chopped 22 s.c.rds.ff his TEE KOSICE (CZECII.
Sporis) *r rioror aek
50 ,2
besi tire ior tbe cou.s. {set lasi ftonth) while ev:rtone e1s. was running auyHhero aonlinued ne:i pag3
ftom 20 to 40 seconds s1ove, than th6ii best b6caus6 of the poor weathor conditions. Bonny Alna€uer looked good in his fixsi race to. th6 UCTC this fal1, Eis plesence glvos the UCaC six nen {includine Ted Wh66Pretty sood l6x) to -Did fo. tho Natrl !-!.U xCountry against a nload€dn NYAC f, Phll ColeEan, UCTC, 20r06,5 2, Eal l{trgdon, U0EC , zot 5U f. Irank iI6dg.ock, UC'rC, 20!55 Ir. Benny Alhaguert UCTC, 20!59 J. ,L.t Onobundro, UCTC, 2l:08 6. Ray Me.zie, UCaC ! 2lt2l 7, Don Hancock, Heste.n l,ti.tr.Frosh! 21r 39 8. Arne Richards, UCIC, 21:116 9. Ernie Mihollts, llcIc, 22t22 10. Bob Turlra, Lano Techlnal E6, 11 . Larry est, U of I11,Fr^ 22::tl 1?. P.eston eranX, VCac, 22.3) 11. La.ry vo1ff. unatt. (NUl 22r l5 14. Ri.hard Pete son, LanF Tocb,22rlb 15. Don Santi! UCTC, 2?,)A 16. Ralph Eilberg, unatt.22r 4l, t?. Jih W€1.ode, ItI.lrosh, 22i52 18, Joe Pruskl, Lane lean, 22ta6 19, t!ck ei11is, I11. Frost!, 2l:01 20. Aed Sutb6t1.nd, uc1,c, 2:" Ray So1, Lade Teoh, ?2. Jis tllntor t UCTC ! 23.53 2f, tennls Bowers, l"are 24. led cauendei j ucTc r 25. B111 t1I1s r UCTC, _ (3lJ1ristlexs) Nsv o.Ieans r Not. 10 Laerenco tiB€nedetto sr., 55 top ranLiog national AAU offlc:at and chalrban of tho tracL ard fislal com:rr r tee tf tbc suger B.sI for tb€ pasL 22 tea3e, eied rrere to.tay. LJsl y.Jr n; EeaPde(ro, kaoln rl: e.tio!at.!t as aBennyj, ras bonoreil fo. his 50 .onttnuous yeaf,s tn AAU. Cct.ll1j l-ri "ctt.o, Pa. Carde€ie aech 15r sa. irar.l 50, le.rr lte :.i 1s, in a.ek ?l i r'l ... .r.1 .iires, l;or "ir j jr:iiiibureh, !a. Li,t,ire5. t:-rre€:.'I€ch ii2 1?; r.rresr liirsjr,ia:," I r:ric ;l,te.'i-k, al, ti.ir l.;nnilt.n, ?ir: l_-1 ii
, $ov.10, Prtts,burch, pa. tEstt pDnltl ATHLRITC COllI"EnrlICL MEET. 4.5 oLt€s. 1. Paul.sd-lders, Uesthinsrer! 21345 2. Dick'Hdsilton, Carnoel6 aech! l. Ton arure11, l{i 4. Dick Stlae, fi 5. Jerry Pautr lri 5. Coody rrtte,CT. (Techrs e top runnersr Ottervlk & Wittnan ye.e injur€d and dtd not flnish]..T6ah! 1. ll6stminstsr! 2Ei 2. Carregi€ Aecb, 53i j. Grove City! 74t 4, Gen.va, A7i 5. Duquosne,9l; 6. St, Irancts, 155, (Dd: Goqd fri.nd, Shoo.€ Johnson Ja.nDy! ot Goihenboureh, Sred€n r6ce.t1y s6nt the LDL sone Swedlsh Eowspaper .lippines, but alas! t.y as uo Eigh! qe hav6 b€6n unable to 1ocat6 {nyono to translat€ Sv6dish tnto En€l1sbi thereforo, wo wltl p.int just tlle .6su1ts-.eadab1e ln any languaeel Oct.16r Turku. Uarathon: 1. Veikko Karvdnen, 2:2U.35t 2, Anili Vl3ka!1, 2t24.16,t+a l. P, Pystyn€n, ?!f0,11.6t 4. K. Tupttsa, 2r)O.19.4, 5. P. P611_ inen, 213A.26.6i 6. T. arkka, 2t32.43.6 7. v, Laaksdnon, 2137.29.ot 8. M, Slbukka,2:39,1.)0! 9. !. Loppant€oir 2;b2. 40.2; 10, M, Salo Rauean Lukko, zrqll, rkamiessarja (?) 1. ulf Lohperir 2!13. 29,0r 2, valderar Jariinen, 2:fk.35; f. Etno Aurinen, 2:17.26i 4. Mlkko qiot-nan,2!l7.troi 5, E. Janrn6n! ?,4r.57. 4loi,nssarJd {?) l. }1, L6p1sro,2r57.58 rac. ( unol-ftc_ ial) 5l@: 16!23i 10kh! 32:40t r5ht o9:09i 201s!r 1:05,58! Solo: Viskalr 1' 40.25, Prstyaen, 1:41,51. (aron6n took lead at 40 k8... IO,OOOo! 1, StDo Saloranta, 3O.07,8t Z. Atlan {orpt, f0 ! 2J. Ai l. !. tirtanen,31r21,8r 4. P. Pesonen" 32!tt2,4.,.llooe! I" 1ro1ito lieli st6r, k7.?s.., Southorn Paclfic Assn. AAU-X-Country centinefa Pa.kj aneleuood, Calif, sat., Nov.1,1954, 5- 1Io opon Run L Rob€rt D!ak6r CCAC, ?5.Ot.A! 2,Xsn Ridtn€, UCI-4, 25:24: 3, Robert EoIland uf 1,6 , '<:rrl! rr. c.rlph a. r{ 4ri j. 'rlo. .h .r: L4n. I'C1.4. ?53 rei 5. Pe!er Rodx:euez, UCLAr 26!03t 7" l?etox 3" Mundle, St.iders! ?6!10! 8, ir,{af cold Robe.tsor!, Si.id€re, 26:11, ?6:19: ia. Erc 9, Mill.orC Dah1. !Ci-Ar . ,,. a ..:,.,_1. , . rona!i l.-at:, :JtaL!,1 ?5!1!oi 1:, neet a..ut.UctAl i6.11r iti s.nu:itr. :rra:,??ir!, _:!" r:i:i :13, i.3ake. ttrl:l-:i r:?::er ii,
!e:3s!er,--l:-:9::4ICI'A TITLE AND PACES MIOIIIGAN STAAE TO 3d STRAIGIIT 1C4A CROSS-COUNTRY TITLE _ra*ford r€nned) ' N^, \ork, \ot.l?_ a swiftfooted Scotscan, Paced his so.rran teffctes to dn ecsy vrcrorY KENNEDY IGEPS
I' !A x-'ountrY 'hrrPlonshlP '; theover the 5 0116 van Cortlandt today (6nn' dY, roPcatrne his lndivldurl s' ored Yirh ."...r" ;; in ttcnt 85 sod6 116 vards easo, 'as . Lh€ runner-uP I ro.r R.n Cre4orl \otrc D-B-. al the u!!4, {€, Eneldnd .hanpion' Dlck lonohue of EoLv Cross
i- d v6r) closi {51Jd' I(ennedY covered the {et couree 1n 2L:21 -qs. Ee Doved ul.l to the flont ol ttre 18:l-man field thon ho cnose nnc Has nev6r ln troublo' K:nn€dY r a PhYsical eduoatio' i_ d JU.!or drd has one n'16 h.,or. Hts n"'Jomdnce r-", o "t'eitt'r". tod J t, .s \"n 3€cond" stod€' cb 'r his 1957 effolt, !!r\.tua11q. ttnres dcdtt bother ne,n tre earlalned. {I'n alvats satlsfi6d .han i din and 1'& note' su'e Irn po!n! to wln dniil I hit that flnish' .""" sure todav. 1 felt avr'-."""'t fu1 i. itrB last E'rle or so, du€ to a Dain ac.o33 Ev crresr' I kde' I could rt vas just €noueh to dake ir"ltt. qe wo4det Yhether atvthlng sas vrone
Coll6ee- i.he heeL's headquarLers-lntb' results vould lrave been corputed a blnute..IckA offtcials took no ottan_ ces. They also us6d the o1d banual svston a3 a chock. One of thsn erprail I.B.lt. lachln€ doesn't "i tt'"" "" to coBplalnts ln cas6 to 1lsten havo varsr tv Race--5 atl€s -iffifia!. tch.st. 2L!2r'il
2. Ron OrssorY, xotre Da!6. z+t)' 1- Rtchard P, Donohu6' E,C' | zt+t t9 24r50 rr" Potor clo.€, 5t.iobnr5, r- Bdb Lake. l,llchlcan stat6. 24t51 ;. Brlty n€tnords, Hrch'state ?i':5tt 7. Dlck Englobtlnk' P6nn 5C. r 24r5v 8. Ad McA11t.t€r, x.ntiattan! z)ruu 25tOL q rrrnk ilnneltvr Alf!€d! stat€J Pend ta r"'"", 16. 11'2? r1- John l4orrl30n! Yal., 25!u{ Eanbattan. f2. Pet€r J. B€ter! 11. Fonry Levrn, f,.Y.u.. a|'Y! 1rr, Rr.bard s6alv! Art, :\',:: 15. Oalen Cauloyt tofE D{€' 2)tr'r 16. Don Lurst' tordtr4 :2':Z 17. sen Jotr^3 ' stracus€. :Z':: Iil. Lynn A B€nd6r' Altt ! Gcorset'rE'?5:23 isco. i" ci".". v€rd 26. De'e cotron, ro{ re Du€, 1Z'1'21. Ern€sl, Tractr P€rnsvlYanratz)r<' 22. BIII aactEacb, rat€ univ" z)rzo 27t2? 2i- TSal tor cooP€r' Fnrdh'-, Ztr. ncnas O, Bof(Ean. Itnia6t 25rzt ii. o.". v""tt.' r'(allGitan :1'1?
i6. i'.,r x.'., i.nn r-r.s''ru'
ii. i"i" rrr'i",
?5,',4! tlte triubptl bv the Mtchiaan state z'4, J.iiy vr."ni. s!. roM's! 25r45 dca r€p, !nP ! ndj vl dual Pr!n^'Lont 25ttr6 Ir7 ii. p.t"i rr"e..on.xe'| amilr tor the rou!tl' srraieb( t'rr' scrps tu re 2 5 ! ,.iii"";, an iil i,i"i e."i*i.. ' In 1955 and r.955, HeDrt rennedt ' East o"r.! at ii. ?5-'!8 teacher a now ""-"'a' cb€ct€r,25:4e resL eivan, M;;"'" i;: "1a""_i"otrt.., Lansin€ EiAh. Has the victor' J".." u"'alo";, ?5,'1o X€an;dY .'r.l,oed i'n6 Iead at the l r,lti bY 16d he ir,. one at Point nile nart and ;?:il atuY, '15. Dlck Groene' :'-': Pit(cbu!€b, n"'n, n.. iil ?2'11 a soprrGresotv' E,;1v D""e-settet' ii. ii.l.it a;hton, h-!e6!s' 12'15 L;r16d ln - fi',4 perlordan_e "do.e. fdr - rrtqr cflo_r o!er rhP hillt Jo rdLed hinsoL' Yel I st 'JosoPb''' 25:)a i6l iiii-"liia"'". -r""r and finishsd ln fine sbaP6. lt'2e ,lr'e neet also das a trluflPh in 14i.hlcan st" 26too raIU. il;;"; i;: Ya1' at brain An electrical s"i".... 41, P€te ralhetd' Lasall€' 19'Y" uds fad UnrrorsjtY' 7t mjles ara,! (he r,6- c."a" ct-Pr"V, st' Jobnrsr26to' finishdnd nuEbels oI iil ilii'ciir 'i.i ' PiLLsbursh' 2or06 er- -nd rreur€d rhe tcam scores In i6l i,i"-I,-r-.*'.v.."t""' lh6 rone' tnvolv'd ;::33 di;rLcs. .".:lO 47. Ted Bonz' AiEY, ::': 26!0e num-n sJStPm a'reed FLth (h€ da'htne ros€ph's' sL. r-v..n, i.i" ibl later' hour an than nore sr ."."' +q.'".'.-rrta".. Frnnl. R\d4. o- o_cr ot (r"k 'lsLato!' :9'1" i.- ii"". xr.c, P€nnsL'Johnrs' ?9'l' \.i;. o\o;pd th€ raiurrs to Yara to ii. rii"" rr-.p."'' r'4anbat tan' 26'rz -5t0 cooput26'11 u. .,1"i,.."a on the r'B'N irl ii.x e','l;v, P:prarned rhar 1i the na'h26t14 -;.,P;-; i"" nia D.en al his side dt Manharran ( c qnt-!n!ied_ lt€:l 'J3q9a
r..ou-' ,*''
e.*'"v, r":..
:i: lit.::l':: Iliiii:l"ilil3;,ii;ii
: i I
i.rr.'.o', t-.s"rr6'
ii. ili'"'"'."l'
'"-'t '
Nov6rb6r, 1954-22
(urcmelt sr,tia ltPE-aas rc4a continued) 26tI5 5b. Jonaihon B1ako, Ya16' 55. Dave vehlae6, Notre Dee'26:16 55. Bob Love, Brovnr 5?, Jarod Fitzeerald, fiarvard,26.18 58. Ctrarl6s Eudson, Prlnceton'26:20 26,2\ 59, Ton Kea.ns, Iordhas, 50. DaYe xeusor, Pittsbursh,26:22 61. Jl! suhnor, l.asalle, 26t23 62. Tom CaFotl, Ya1€, 63. r,arrence Si.clair, Man, 26,24 26t25 5lr. ttck Hainos, Lal^!.tte, 26.26 55. Cha.les IIi11, cornel1, 56. qal Aborsen, st.Josopht s,26:27 57. Jo€ uccinn, st.Josophts' ?6:28 58. Bob osbo.ne, syracuso, ?6t29 26,30 59. ctlris Koch, colutiia, 70, Robort Virtz, SyraoDse, 25:31 26r)2 71, Toh Cathcart, Yale' 26r)2 72, Edvtn Larkin, rordhm' 73. t{enry llacP.Brown, Harya.d,26:33 74. Ddrard L. warn€r, Rutsers,26r35 75. D€nIs c. Jotrnson,Penn st.,26:f6 ?6. Nelson Adlodan, NYU' 77. Ross Lonne.r1, r s{.los€phts'26:'18 ?8. TlE VcNMar, vi llanova, 26t39 79. Uetb Sn1th, Mlch.State, 26!40 80. Toh Lynaueh, LaSa11€' 26rI+I 8f , Vn. Daly, Maln6, 82. carlton BlanclErd, alfred'26!41 8f, Ly6 Cou.tn6y, Manhattan, 26:UI, 26.45 85, Ed Martin, Ealvard, ?6,1+6 86, Jack carev, st.Johnts' 47. Bob codesky, vlllanovar 26!Lr7 84. Bob ca.ter, s6ton Ha11, 25:lrg a9. Arnold cumins, cornelr, 26rlt9 90. r.ank eutnann J P.incoton,26,51 91, Eerban Veber, Penn Stat€,26.51 92. Eoward Rot'erts' Alfred, 26:5f 26t55 93. {n. l4acArdler B.o,n' 9lr. Anthony Annese, Sy.acuse,26!59 95, Jo6 stefanoricz Lafat. ' 26,59 ' Lasa11e,27:05 96. chartes DelRossi, 97. Bob Iarre11, st,Josephr s,27:06 98. John t(ins611a' Rutee.sr 2?:07 27.a4 99, Janes Phlllis, fona' 100. Jobn otNoiII, sYr.cus€, 27:09 Tee; 1. Ml.trtsan state ' r-4-5-11-15 .1Tf469)=?5(r""""dy, Lake, Reydolds, Horan, Tatu); 2. Notre Daoe, 107i 3. Atuy, r18i 4. uanhattan' 1l7i 5. P€nn state, t{fl 6. Iordhan,173; ?. st.John,s, Ia1;8. Yale, 190i 9, St.Joseph";, 256i 1a. syxacuse ' 259t 11, Lasalic,272t 12. Pitt' jz)i 11, tsrorn, 165i 1l+, Princeton 3aai !5: 9,o!n9!!,,326:t,?5_t9ass] ,' _ _ IC4A FRESII11AN ]{&AI WON B' TO}I LARIS (Tr!!ee urles ) 1. Tod Laris, Dartbouth, 14:16.1
1l,'?o Dousan, f.Y.U. ?. John James (€I1y, xordham, Itr.52
4. 5. 6, 7, L 9. 10. 11, 12. 11. 1lr. 15. 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Joel (. E6tn€, Corn6ll,rlr!57 K.nn€tb ShDnake!, Vest Chester, Lt!t 59
Mlchael fibbaI1, Mairie,1lr.59.5 Steve Moorhead, Penn state't5:01 Joe lrancello' syracuse' 15.07 Kevin Quinn, st.Joseph's' 15308 l53lo Jm€s B.own' N.Y.U., David Lahoffr Penn state, t5:11 15rL2 Eric K. Groon, Cornellr Joseph McAndreH, St.Jos. 15:17 I5.IA Dan Co.!y, Manhattant !5tr9 David Plubb, syracus€, Ton DeEpseyr Notr6 Dane, 15.22 uike Ej,ngston, Princeton, 15:21 lke !1i116r, Penn state, U!26 I(eitb N. J6nntson, Dalt., 15:26 Angelo slvieri, villanova,15:28 15.29 John Munday, Cornell, 15134 Toh carr, st.Joseph's, 15:ll Earry Aootean, Pedn, 15.)) 2r.r. Ed E11iott, Prtnceton, 25. Richa.d Juv.' St,JolDrs' 15!34 zb. r rank HaeEerry r 15,36 2?, Jo€ D.elss' Manhattan' I5t)7 28. Roy R6lsinse., Penn, 15!fa 29. Ralph steuer, Brow!, f0, Ton colendlno, St. Jorrnis'15!39 11, Yilli& Arnst, corne11, !5,4a 12, Klaus Praesant, St.Josephs 15trrl 3f. Bob Eurley, st. Josephts' 15r44 I5rt+6 34. A1 B€anehan' Iordrrab, \stt+? 15, PauI Deienan, coxnoll, 36. Joe coandless, St. Jo3. ' 15!l+8 17. A1 cast611ano, l4anhattan, 15!50 la, Dan Tonpklns, Dartnouth' 15!51 r5r52 19. Ton M.G-attr, XYU' lro. John Elnck, sy.adus6, l5r5) T6ab: cornellJ 9tri 2. st. Josephrs, 99i 3. nartDouth, 115; 4. P6nn Stat6' lbl;5. syracuse, 16fi 6. uanhattan, 17Or 7. Vlllanova, 198i A. NYU,2r5, 10. P!inc€ton' 24?i 9, lordhm,2l4i 11. \{est Ch.ster, 262; 12. Rlrod€ Island, 297t 13; Sr:. John's, 36lj 14. P6nn,175i 15. Ruteers, 42lj 16. seton Ha]|l' 429.
Oct.1{, Pittsbureb' Pa. Carne€ie Tech 15, Case 50. 1. Eric Ottervik, Dick Hahilton, Bill 1{ittnan! all 46.h. Tlnat 25:20 tr.5mi 1es . Hi11y. Oct.zlt! Flttsbursh, Pa. Carneeie Tech 26, $estnin3t61 30. lr.5hiles. 1, Paul sand€rs, r,{. ?3: l2; 2 . Eric Ottervik ci !ick Habi lton & Bt11 Itittnan, all Tech. c ity rtsa. uar..r'.2f,, 1r.zni, 1. ottorvik 4 l. Eamitton,22:31 all :l
NovoEber, 1958-- 2f
(C.ntrnela ?aik, Callf. 5 rre OPen) 16. RtclrArd llanco, ucLA, 2?t4)i 17' Robert Joldan, ucI-A, 28:12i 18. L. J&€s Seblo. stridels, 28:3Al 19. EolMar nan;on, SLrlders' 2a:lrBi ?0' Douc Xirloey6.' Strid6rs, 2a:05; ?l' Jofrd PaEllano. oxv,29r25i 22. oote Irann, acAc' 2't3tti 2i. Josel LelchL' stltd€rs, f2,2E! zlt, Ed Levtnson' un. 32r3!r 25, lllalter E. Deike' unat' ' 3]r2ri 26. xaye Mu1r, ccAc' 16:12; ??, xenneth D, Strong' cCAC. 3a:41 DN!! Roy A1len, UCLA, G€orge Gabolko' unat.. Denn13 Easoro!' unat., Ioe RdDin. undl. Tsd. UCL,a r 22 i S L.id 6 r:,5? Novic€ 2-blIe Hun 1. Dennls llolcomtr' unat. r0r19t 2' Sanfr€d solth' unat. 10:21t 3. Mallo Dua.te. unat. !0:221 4. Cene Blank€nshir. unat. 10:32i J. Dick Rvonr Tor!an;; AC. 1o:lr?! 6, Jo€ E. Cilst.ap' qnat.. r0.59! ?. xen Bartholtc' Tor_ lanc€ acr 1I!lroi 8. KennEth D. strong, ccAc. 12!21. Dltl: Roy Dlck', unai' Jtb a.€anor' unat. John Laurance,Oty' 15th Annual Aztoc Invitatlonal crossCountrv 14e€t Au tec Bovl {San Drego Sra(. ;ol tece) open sooO-v€to! FunSaturday, Noqebbor 1' 195 8. Te&: .asp P6nd.tet on f-.ln's..4-6-rr_ !2-13-1t!5 i 2. 0c.idontal colIee€'. 52i 3. san Dleeo state Col1ege, 5ri r+' unlversity of Arizona' rlgi 5. Utit' of Red1and3, 1351 6. Los Anseles state r. w;l il N callahsr, sDsL"te'.'15:4? z- r."r sr..-. sDs L; t6..... ... .15: bo 1- T6m stulaL. 5cstraders...... l'.55 a. LarrJ H,rd, R6dldnds'....'.'15t t7 5. !r"yn; v.n DeI16n. PendIeton.I5:5a 5. Jo;n Ker!, occtdental'. " ' "16:ol 7. James R. sh€pard, Psndleton'16:05 i. Rot,ert Larsan, s!6tat6'. '.. .16t17 9. Russ€11 L. Bennelt, OrY..."l6:?1 10. fl llliM Cookln' Sm&IA.'...'16'2o 1I. Rar Harkn6ss! ort.......'..'I6t)7 ii" o""t"l R. scirr€liart, LAstat6163]16 13. Sustate Duarte, Pendteton"'16t50 14. rrank Moore, Pondleton,.... .16:51 15. Robert L. Walke!, Pendleton'16:52 16. wayno Huotari Otv.,.....,"16t55 ' 1?. Ray Eughes, Ari.ona....... ' '16t 57 18. Jt; CenonJ, orv.. .........16:<o 19. Al€r Re lsbold, Oty.. ... '.. " I7:02 20. Grant P. van ilorne' Pendleton,!10 21- Phill 1D qanFlli, P€ndlelon.'17:I1 22. t\oman Kincaid, 5DsE2ro...'.f7:17 21, George Young, A.izona...... '17:26 2f. Paul welborn, otv...... '. ' ' '17 t27 25, Robs;t Callaie., sDstale'...17! 30
26. Anadd Ardaiz, cxY.......a?136 27, John L6rsba*' l-Astate 24. Ken l,t6enan, alrzona 29. Charles Dlrks OxY ' lO. Ken zahn, aiizona 31. Dave Jdes, Redlands Smtth, A.tzona 32. E@ett 33. Ies ga1l, rAstate 14. Va1 Newell, Redlands rrnat. 15. Mac nolaushlin Pendleton 16. Ronald {u6str ' f?. Ernest leskovit z ' !6ndleron J8. Dlck D.ake' o:Y ; 39. E. Snlth, Arlzona lro . Jack Rate11€, SDState k1. JIb Rankln, Redlands 1,2. vtc ilitsuno, l-Astate lrl. Lyrn co.nett Arizona ' lr1r. Dick Parker' unat. Pendloton Hernandez Riohrd 45. ' 116, Douelas Go!, Redlands 4?. Ralph Burb6€' l-ASt at 6 lr8. Bt l1 Ilanaean, Redlandg lr9. Joh. Rhone t Redlands dEV JERSOY ASSN AAU JUNIOR X-C'
Aov.?, Eds(srde Park ?alerson"W cloudy & crisP-good fo.' runnlng' Entrtes- 3 t€ams, 21 startels_all finlshed, sponsored bv thertold 1in613,toI Pdlerson, \.J. Fr€d calvetti, ras chalrman and Abe Benn€ttco-chalrnan. Course- appror. o nares Team: L, Rutgers AA' 23; !4ontotair st-(e {3rd) 52i !a'rs,dP, (znd) 4t f. Valtor Ashton, Ruts6rsAA,33r17 n ))t2I 2. Eduard l{arner! ' 'r. John xinsel1a, ' 'tr 33136 l{r:01 4. Ju sokoloski, n 5^ Earl HarrLs, ta!tside fis 34:18 341)J i. .rohn r.oruti.o, nutg.'. ?. Leon -A11en, Eastside lts, 35:02 i1, Bot' sado'skt, llodtclalr 35!o4 35t2o 9l Pete. B.lees, lasiside 35t26 10, Ed liubineer' Eastsid€ 1t. PhillP IallonJ Rute€rs )5r50 r2. Dick Trene.Y, llontclalr 36:O9 1 J. !lnnre Korlmcnn' tlontclal rf6!15 ri1.on, Eastside 16!21 Ii. wilria. .Lp-t, Vonr.lair 17!2L I5. Bob Rel ra- .rir c"tru., Montclair 5t'f8:26 17. Hohard 5.hka' tz. Lasr 'ld.J8:24 3'3t50 1il. Al Kou""h, MonLcl-i!' T8:55 r9. Bill Toomej, IIont.Ldrr 20. Bob QLr nn, unaL t Jched 7?'2? 2-t. hi-tlru Gash, Eastsldo rr4r0;
2lr- - Nov eht,6 r , _195 8
Southon Pacitic lssocietlon
of ihe {rU...
lqqtdels!:o!":!es&ry-!@!i-@ narudat, rov@er dr r-)L Couse constantl"' being redEed lecause ot luild:na FroArm on UCL!
f. itcbori ljo lJ siriders.,...,.1..16:14"6 2, i)ale 5!o?y, tr@i........,.,....,.16:30 l" rt!1ld PeckJ ory..,....,.....2..rb:14 4. llobelt tr5-ke, aC,\C,,..,,,........16:18 ,c, taold Harloressr 01ry" ,.. ,. ,...3. .16:52 6. "rohn K€.r, O,:'....,. ",. -..,...I..15:51 7. !,lesIey l,iclecd, tsC...,........5..16: 59 6. Eetph a,-{dds, uai.,............l?:Co 9" Iater !.i,;@dl€, J!!ide!s......(,..17:01 10" J"Thom! stuak, ;"dde!s.....7.,17:09 -].1, nobesl, Cons, CCIC,..,...,.....,..L7:12
12. l,lelcoh Roberison, Sl"lide.s...0. ..1?:19 13. EEsell- L.leuett, b.y., , , . , , .9. ,L7.24 14. leniel R"lchw€trkart, Il.Sia',e.lo. 17:21 15, Robert SnaddLrd, u;c,...,...11..17:23 16. rarrJ leHLet,'.ttsarAnlonio.,.....f ?:24 l.?. !.1ex iteisborc, 0r9.,...,.....12. "1?r24 18, Pad. L.l16he!, j'rtsernionio-.... '17!2? 1"9" lj.Rene
jtogeli, u'c.....,.,...IJ..17:
Jim ;chdLz, @at.,.,,,...,,..,,.1i:46 21. C.i.ohaxd inlersr 1,Estlro6h".l4"'1?:47 22. Ilaln€ iilotsi, CrqdroBh, ... ...U:51 21. i.q Oleen, IBsiai,e. . . . . . . . , . 15, . r7. 5l
j4, r.. :ii].lelj IEJtaie..,.,.....23,,18:45 35. ?@ D.Slsne&s, laslate... ...21..16:46 36, l,li]1ie laluk€, IBStI.osh....2t,.161 5? 37. iobn rersha{, L{ttate..,,....26..18:58 38. t.Jees sebio, Sitidels,..,..,...18:59 39. ,qes l{al1r r-4srate...,....,...27..19:06 40. I'Iatnon Ll,oirnate, IESI at e. . . , .28. ,lt:12 41. llick n!a.ire, hslrosh.............19:14 4.?r. Gay Ilone, USc.... ..... .. ,,....,19:1, 43. Fobe/c A.{iuies, Lq5tate. . . . . . .19119 44, Dlck 3ston, uat................1,9:22 45. Jose cruj Dat . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ",19:& 16. Bill Tilney, iBstate.............19:19 47, ThoGs ltoh!e!, uei...,..........19:44 46. Dict Rtonr UcsEclrosh,...........19143 49. Joe t.Ciistr€p, uat..,..........19:!e 50. Jos€t teicht, Stridels....,.....,m:06 51. Jobn BiBbot, uat,,......,.... "..20:04 52. Puarajasinse, uai... "...,.....20:18 53. lten larlholjc, 1o!!ec6.p-C.. ......20121 5a. Ga!1. Cneatlet, Llstaie..'.......'20:26 55" nbbe.i oldne, uat..,..,.....,..20:29 56"
$! liclride, uat,...........,...20:30
.16. lar00 5?" ,rr!ll!@ i.He]lE, QC!.C.. ,........2Ot32 25. led 5xfth, USC.. ... .. .... .. '17..la.01 ,3. nailh Bubee, LAsiaie,.....,.29..20:34 26. r,@ r'mendsFz, IBState".. ..-ia..l5!1, 59.. !!1@ slrinee!, lBgtlr6b........2ci4t 2?. Tony leowr, lBstFlosh.. "....19..14:22 60, Richod xde, uat... ..........2o:rr4 2C. Jonn fagii@o, OCt.. ."..,.......18t25 61. EdBsd J.ieEnson, uai.,........21.14 29. Ps!1 liel]rom, Cq..,,.... ".... "...13132 62. 1Gheth !-3trcig, CCIC..,..,. .,.2Jt5l+ Bdsdo, l,Esiate,........ .22:16 lo. ro\q i3xkneter, Strid.eriJ.. -..20.. ia:37 63. Ir.nk Con'!!€tas, lA'5iate...30..?3.0.1 im&do 6a. . J:r . . . ira.s, Llairriosli. 11" '..21..1a.19 65. Joi!1 d.Stoa€, ]Gt.. ....1J:4J .., ..a.d,evin3, uet,... "....,.......23!31 l. 3 j. luo,Lsd-,!on, 1ISC.........,..:..,1,3:4t
lacheco, LBlil rosh.
t!- 9-L2 " )a . . . . 2' '\- )6- 7- a-24 -- A2 " 6a ' 5-f.-lj-\'l'22 . r4-il6-19-21-2t -- 95 r!r: f.ach staie il:1l.ege . 15--La-:3-24-2d _-loa l..r in!:el': ilNait ar*ie;e . 10-26-2'l_?9_10 --122 Jol1.in.t: fo.i :htj tilL6J Ioree l.lafathon rlun for scieide"-_objoct- to ;urlher ! . ll:aij ol a'Fat 1r:plets tl) the humar bodv durinC st.enuous .ai .ha:ree hereditv bv enviro@ent dospite }]hy:tdrl .{e..iso,.1t}lletot iatu.ai phvsiquo ox John B. Rocke_ are i..n tltltlt ih; fa.t rlt.t fh.i t€11er as 3 ' :r-,r, Aiiri 4!1. 5kii.1 .an be acqui.ed'.Marathon rudnerg havo i.ss aeilrd rtt;rrLertes;-trd li6arts than a.v other spo't'. 0qe foot spe.i:1tri claims ijr:.i 3ci!11ts rendon trouble rould never occlrr if i;ha inner nruld rDr,, daik.!!1d stand siti] toes polntod straight ahead inst'a'1 cf out {coulc be)!? ace.t r:esli!s kitr be p.inted -i1 {...cBtve tnent Oecid€.le1 Corlese
So, Caiji.a:la :trtllrle.s . !r nt souilLen ca:jtonia !.ua laach siait r..s!:
1958--25 OITflTCIA! nESULIS 0:l 31G EICIIT C]ltSS*COOilTItt
No!!dan, Oklehona Nor. iJ, T€aB
2. lora stste 3. coloiado
4. O]t].aho!oa 5" lilebreBka 6. oklsholra rtal9 !. (ensas sta!€ A. t35oulll Tenp. 5$ _.!nci 5 ii?i :. 2a n" :i. 5. 6, t, rt. 9, l;e :t
L2-i )./" rr. 1.,
r:" ]c. L9, to; 21: zil 25.
*oe!i ttodaer-r ljll€$ m;e;}Ien htl kutlie rlilc tstllv :t!'nsi lllavEjiane ?.s rod.lr' iljrno liol!:dr jn€ Uu:t:r,ln! Erl,an ?r'.val-{;.n a:litsc .e: r5' c-o.r'c-c
a'i osri t| l! in 1!:' l.s t,ll -rr }r1: l-
,c , Lbk< :{o - . - derI ,:or., !rb/ .oe qr.crraan ,j.c : ,o:nle -"kos .,j
ciiii cu"i.an 1ll1l,Ba 's;i;r. ,e.neter Bob ji; .';."' ]?on 6ar.ron iiJ ar e"i :ralph err' " -!
!t 1 'r' ::: c C
1!54 10:30 {1.?-52
A,v'. 3'l
92 L3-14-1a-2X-26 {dnt ) r2-16-22-2,t-25 (3ri-51) 9S 112 1-5-5I-35-40 (4r-44 )
a-15-?7-50-5?(Sg-4Bl 1l? 2-24-ZA-29-4'i (4e-49) 150 13ts 6-?-3?-43-50 (53) 19-20-33-34-39 142-46 ) r45
14:00"1 51.' Alli. rrl3lo:
14:l! l4?1S l+:20 I43Z! t4:?? i4:23 14:ell l4!J? i4t66 I,:,3.
3tr",!tob.ii Grri!6L i3. c..cX-l i,eta ;J4. Jo:xr ;r'ai1&'ir 3ii, /Lr.lir :in,t 35" :oi lrrt'i,j 3t" lintj:y iarnds ir0" .!rr'.- AjlL 19' rDr]'rr.atta:.tn :ill! -ont..'ret 11" , r: rtolaf oo L.r e -. 'i: i Jo.n ooLaon li€nt ilat4al.f €;6 ldqGla n l 1jaa t , io cn \s\
1421 14:4. t4:5 .!q 15 !4.54
43. 4-. 4i. 4a,
14!54 ,14.1 -6:14 15!06 iirtt 15:13
r.. 4d. b'. sLt .qn olsi ..6lrrx i2, .-acl 5t. rlob-:f C yan
14155 4?'
0U M. ;ii!i 'liJ O; .jl; r'ili ilil ifi J:i
i5,:::i 15r..i 15:4: 15rir'l 15:*:.
i:ii:i l6'rc 1610
' 1ar'
l,! lt tz:
J U l1t9? l?t.il;
cu \7,i4 l?,qg !7:42 ' \1147 tarl clt'd676! I Ic ;ol Y
1!:1{ o flnllb collapsed c1r 15:}5 I: Lbrl? courso record ior" liu 15129 * {3s cLtahona Bl]l r,tolodv (01d ii€cold 14:55! 0{!]' s_nllor' i"naalr i;o!'',l.-r osii l5:?A jioasron' oct" 11, 195&)' lloan 1tll.k1nior! onu 15:?6 t5:28 Bt11 Nsp ao.f6!6ne€ ,-41tos r€corii {otd 'Io:r*on 'fll recold To$ alrntka! llanjds 14:l€ ai 11'l€ si 8AO 2:2? by r,6dgron, I'r€sr Iolla 195?)' l;reyir.an"i sL,tt" flne et l-.,tt€ 4:J5 iiodgeon arSL Trns et L; Ttaa rt Z-bll€ 9:1? Sirty-S€cond aDnual Nationai Senlor X-Count.v Clradpionship of the AAU nr the unltod states. Distance. lo,ooo neters (6: niles aPp'ox)- sponsoro:l and conducted bl' The (Iniversity 0f Chicaeo Track C1ulr, Chicaeo, 111inois. saturday! Decenber'5' 1958 (1.30 P.U.) l{ashinedo. Pa.k course, n"est of cottas! Grove at 5?th Street. Entries close- On londay, Dec.lst ultb Ted Havdon' ara.k coach, Univ. of chicaeo, 561+0 Univ. Ave., ctricago, l7i r11' Natl AAU
?{. 25. 26. a?: iO. 29: ao'
rod-llur.; sob creenflel{l :€v!d Vanoh
nedals to first thrde finlsho.s & I teans. The UCTC will award idd. t.oPhies ten to finish and a Rudnor-up T.ophv to the second p1a'e tean' to th6 lllst
Iec. 5- Nat1. AAU X-C, Chicaso, I11. Dec. 6- c@den Y.M.c.A, k.? Mile t{rdcap Street Run, (2 P,M.) Ent-to Ce.i1 Warrenr Canden Y, 614 Iederal St., Cabden, N.J. by iloe. 29th. ?.izes thru 1zth plac6. ll€c, 7- 6 tile so. Atlaltic Assn. x'c Chanp. ! Baltina.e: Md. l]ec. 1l- 'leras State !-AU 1{-C, AuBttn. ]lec. 14- Penn A.c. 5 i{r1o" Hrdoap. X-C & t lrii6 Junlor Face {for 13 & under) 1 9.lL Fenna. Boathousej 1.r'nurnl ndr\, Pt,rl-._ Pd. Eit. . o1n S ,.ldir! 2aZ ALTond S1 .! ' irhlla, j Pa. Exde116nt prizes. ne."tC- C€nbra1 A,AU C\anp.3 15 iltlo Raca {op6u to 4wners l.os at1 Entria3 1,o Iial Hledon. al:tlr.tsl :{:. .orne'l rf€., .r l.deo,lrr'1,, Le..?1- laul ,6,. lialavassily 5 Mtle Hrdcap X-C. {1 P,14", Pennac BH, Imt.Pk,, Pht1a. Entrl€s to I4AAAI.I Cffrc€, q?6 aame!ciaf lrust Brlde 15th & Max!.et sts.j Fhila.rPa; a1s.- l+ mile Jr^ Race, sponsoreir by I1AaAU district lLRc. D6c.27- aoliday :f&F Indoor Meet (ol1e lor eood runners, bile fo! i€ss6r rdnqcr<, a',d 2 miro) chrcaeo'lll. nec.28- Mitchell AA- 1907 S. 24ttr St", Ph1la., Pa, 5l4i1e gandicap St"Run. 1 Pt4. lnt. to !{a.uu offic€, Jan. 10- UCTC l:161ays {Distance Medley, ? i1e Relay, and open 2 bl1e) U of Chicaeo tieldhouse. Jan. 17- Boston i Df C Iddoor T&I Jan. 2lt- Warhineton lv€nine Star Sanes Vashington, t,o. Ja., 24- chicaeoland opon lr,:1e for nr:c ro. : -so rurine.s and pr35it!1y a I itle .unr. .Ian. 25- Sbanahan catholic Club, k624 Lancaster Ave., :rb:Ia., Pa. lr,larlu & Cpen aratbon CtEnpao.ship {12 loon) !n(- ' o J!ck Pyral.' tr? sherN,J. ?ood trv." Glouceste., ' ,qr\, N.Y,, N.Y, Jan. 11- Mtt1ro36 letr" 7- Boston AA, Boston, 14ass, ' (r6nat1r€l letr.rk- i{atlonar AAU Junror 'I !ack & li6ld ChaDplonshtps''hlcago (assurlre that they can get it at th€ con:ne codvontion! add I don't sa. why they can't) Events rtlr iDclude a ntle' f .1116 and naYt,e a 6 nl.1e tf enough peopt€ orpress ad (T
elrt) varch 28- open and Junt.r {lf obtalned at Conv€ntIon Run, Chlca:o ! Il1. indDo. Track & Iiold Squaro Cd.d€n: N-ac,
cHrliPs., of . Ia bt therold Tin6.siof Paterson, ,J. Eastsid6 Pa.kr Fatslsonl L.J" iJoath.r- cioudy" 55- 1 AAt!i6s-j7 start€.s, 3k flnishers, 5 t€ds. 1. C" .Vatthows! C.ntral Jdrsey T&l #r { apptdr,'t* d1.') 3}t'41 ?" Don r,tackey! atr&t 1,2 34,4) 3. selsy slora, CJt&t*7 35rO4 k. Ta!!y .andslion, n lrt .a5".19 5. Je€s Y.rko, ^ *\ 35t&a 6" sayne.4ustlnt 4s 116 35149 " ?, Jaroe 5oko1o3t!. Nt6nt 54 A" Jar van B.tna, Cj12, "J'r 35t51 9" Ilcd B6st, cJ fl, )6165 r0.6111 a:I-r1es, cJ#2, 3Lt75 11. ,!ank &u?ray, c.trl. 36125 !2. H6!d B6y€F, tatr"Dlrk,f7:61 tl. Pet€ Brtsss e East3!d6,17:1f 14, tsd Flbinser, * 3?tL5 1-5. Joba Fort6, CJ *2, 37115 t6, Leod AI1an, dasisl.de! :17:16 17, Ea!1 Sa..ls, a 37,34 18, f,ult Baugr€ilter,bD, 3rl.25 19, Robt tfelgnofcky, ' 34.24 20. sld F€lns: cJ #1, 34137 21. Chas" Rrcksr CJ #2, :19.n3 ?2. v:nce Korfrdn, Xdrt. l9:O4 2f. lick T.ere.yt &dEtc1air l9:!a ?4" Bruc€ uacorb€., cJ #2,39.4 25. eilb€rt Jordet, E.t,, l9:lrd 26. ctras, Bsciqnd, E.It., 19:41 27. 46r.y il€ischAr, raolt -39 t)+t ?8. Ron l(u1ikr ltortclai., lro tr6 ltrrlj ?9. Bob Reich€.tr ' 4Lt)9 30. Bilt TooE€t, ' lraslrg Jl. ar ltausch! " J2. Allan Loncr Eastslde, 4J:!! fZ 13. Ronald EE€ne' F.D-r 45tJ6 ?4. Bob quinn, Emttach6il,,r&! aee sco.o: r. cent.a1 Jersey '7 *1-22 pts. 2. CJ *?- 5l r?t.. f. gats.son Eastslds E5,-62 Fts. lr" dai.loleh DickIBon ColIe€€ r 9lple. 5. vo.t.larr slcto Cort6€!, c7 pts. sErilroP cFoss coumnv
NEl' JEREEY Ass{ 4AU, Sponsordrl
cov€nt.y, Rrrode Isla!<t AAr, l.ll ltL].q cross-count!y Fu, Nov.15, ia F.U,l SpRnso.€d by CqvontFy Elgh 8a!aq1 55w and clcu<l].. ilo€d by at.I. coYent.y' R.I., rlov.t5- John {. 6o11ey, takinB it easy eve! a $u€lrr l+.b htle course ( strort act\ralLt rr &tlas) 2 raps! woa easilY. The ercellenL and rall nerk: sd {typical ..o3s-countrt-scesa of R.I. schoclbqy x-c in 195?).lar.y crace ras tho raco d!.ector and Di.k L6e, Coventry HS eoacb P!oaoted the lace. {continued nett !e_).
rlor6bb6r. 1.954--22
Drc[ ccmtcha6l of 96lt.vrll6-
Yas 41s ott hrs orn courle record 1n tbe f1v6-mt1s open, rLnnlne Lfr 27tO? and dof.atlne t€afuats Jotrn Va4)ley rlth lvor nobb tblrd. Guelph Leelon T.ack Club flnilh.d 016-
tk started & ll flnlshed. Tbo North Medford Club ron th6 tean arard with 49 p!3. to 50 for the runn6rup rlnntsh-ahe!lcan A.C. Ref.estnents vere served after the .un. 10 t.ophies and 15 a€da15, 1. John J, tlell€y, Boston AA 19:01.5 2. A1 Confalon€ r BAAr19342 3. Lafry Beman, M.I.I. 2ot57 rr. !6nn1s Linshanr fAAC,2\.12 5, Ted Mahoney, Rogels II5,21:20 2I,29 5. Paul Phinney, NUC 2f,J6 7, Bill Ma.ot, NMC,' 8, Bt11 Grtfftn, Manctrastor IIS'
tuo-thr6€ ln th€ fellldeton Countt ihr6& ml1e racer Alt llackgtt let a n6v dourt. nark of 15!50.1s 1n tt6atlnc trank l.at6t and Bryan Uar.h, In th6 thr€.-D1le Junlor open' BrucG An{trers of Cu61ph, holdsr of th€ Cq.4la[ luvonlls trlle !ark, von tor ttre i€.ord ta siraisht y6a!, cnvartnc tbe dl3tarc. 15,30s to knock 14.5s oft JtE -Ixonel record. Paul EoftEan of Tolonto ras znd and R, Bu.banan of Cuelpb thlrd,
9, Jay Booras, Manch,Hsr 22.17 22t26 10. Ron InBhd, LlaC, 11. Ray crother, xitch Es,22rl0 12. Harold Bennett, Man.ES 22:lf lf. Joe Packard, uan. lls, 22t15 za, )8 1lr, tfb, {1]cox, NMc, 15, Bob laPorte, Covent.y r$'22:41 16, Notuan L@beltrRoeers SS'22!43 17. Don fiacQuattrl6, !AAC, 22.54 23tO6 18. Ray Ll-st6r, lA-q.C ' lts,2l308 19. Mtk€ She.idan, ltope 20. t6o Mcconagtry, EoPo E,S!2l.Oa 13, Paul Pbinnj€, Jr. Manchests. (12 y6ars oldl ) DICIISON BESTS HORNBY RECOR' III _
th6 South6rn Paclflc Assoclatlod of th. closes lt! Crosc-Counirt S€aso..., 1O rOOO-X€t6r C.o5r-Count.t Crurplorrldlt nun, Sat,, ior.15,r95A. Yeltyood! las Angoles, Calltonta,,on an 6v€!-eharglrG UCI-A coursq..Th6 VCLA cours6 13 fart dLrappea.Ing. In tbls rac€ one gtoup took ona tum tbe itrst tlr. aroudd' th. rest sent anoth.r tay. On ttr6 36cond loop they .ay€rsed tbeDleLves' eYentng A.trU
Order of tlnlsh:
2. Rob6rr. soib, slrrd€rs,....-.,1f:L7.7 lo,2 f. Robelt Dlak€, CcAc...........}tt 4. Ron Larriou. ut.sanlntonlo.,.3k.47.f 5, uar Robertson' st.ld€.s......153or'. 6. I€s llct-ood. sc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 t 12 EUELPH RUN Guelph, Ontario - Iour records! 7. Tor Ryan, unat...,....,......35:21 8. Ralph A, Adesr.........unat.15!ll lncluding one that tlad stood fo. 9. Tor Sturak, st.id.rs..,......:t5:50 21 years. wero broken tn ttro 64th 1o.. Paul L. Flsher, Mt.san Ant..36ror, annual Canadlan ahanksgiwinB Dav load rac.s tllai dr€w athlotos f.oE 11. I. R€ne Rogots' SC . . . . . . . . . . f6 t 2l 12. l-aty Yardt R€dlanit3........16:lI a wtde ar€a of Southern Ontarlo lf . I-a.ry B€nn6!' xt,sanAntonio.16i43 and ono fi:on Baltlbore' d. Jin lrons of Bolton, Oni.t s€t a 14. Pot6r B. Mund1e. St.ld€rs...37!14 15. Rob€rt cons, CCAC.... "......37r 39 new recold iu th€ lo-nlls .ro3s16. gat qarkn€ss, Occld€dtal....lr1! 20 count.y. The Toronto Olyhplc clut) .onperltor rurned rn a trn6 or 55:09s 1?. Denls Pede.so.! ttt.San Ant.bl!58 18. Malvtn cClelkln. unat..,..42t26 -tr€ttertne the r€cord by 153. Alan clarenont of Guelph' tho set the old 19. L. JM6s Sebto, strld€.s....4?.28 record last Y€ar' tas 3€cond and A. 20. 8111 MccaFon. Ut.SanAntonto 42t18 21. Eelbq! Eanson. stltders.....41! 27 J. l{enlove of Toronto, thlrd. Gord Dlckson of AaDllton set a n€, 22. Raynond c. llanton...........43r5? t5 ht1€ nark of r!14.21.9s to snap 23. Di.k Drak€, Ory Flosb.,.....[lr!Olr 24. charls3 tr!k3, Ory,.........44! 45 Wa1t6r gornbyr 3 21-y€a!-o1d recold of one ttour' 17 ntnutss. Jotrn Chulch 25. Jess e. ae|ulrfo' slY Road hrnno.s It? r2tt of aolonto Gladston€ club vas second 25. Jos€f L€1cbt, St!iders..,...{a! 45 vtth Mike Day of toronto 0C thtld. John liall or B".Ltlmor€.aPtured th€ 27. Xgnn€th D. Strone! CCAC.....5lt20 DNr! Louls R. Ca.d6na3, SFV noad Fu._ 20 kl1ooet6r walklng rac6 tn 1 It., lr2 hin,, 15 s6cs. John Ro,e of lorDouBlas GoY, Redlandsr Douelas c. Klanor ccAc!, 8d LoYlnson'un. onto Gladstone tas second and ]{:s{an (conttnu6d nort Paeo) !4cManqs of Guelph thlrd.
2A--{oyenberr 1954 (So. Paclflc AAU- dontlnucd)
t6an: So. Callfornta Striders..l-llt-?-9=24i ML. sad Antonio col1ege.. e-5-5-a-10-11, Dteest of Chanplons T;;;-----------;al v l dual rearylng cours6s j tt&t sjan rieeo state co1, JIn N€wconb 36.12 Lau ',{6n-neau l2:b8 19J? San Diego Naral Trg. Joe Trter )5.\2 Jo€ llyler 1953 t.os 1;se16r i, j" 11.)? 1951r,Culrer Clty A,C" lred lw]-6r 31:26.3 lt55 C!1var City A. C. rred Schoofler l3:rra 19Jii iJ 0f l:o. aa1lloriia ual Rot,ertson 33!15.4 19-17. sa, lalif .Stri.iers Ton sturak 3l: ll.L,
| r' 't
Vespe! BC - continu€d 12, X6rrest Ross. Penn AC ztao 29t3tt ja tL)4 ll, Ed Mather! unatta.hod
1lt5o \t)a 2?t2a 7? lq.Eob \{alker! v€sper Bc 1:40 12:14 '14 'r 5J:5a 15. John Petherbride.,SCC , ,-5t)!o 2!2a jirza i5 Fenn Ac- I,2-?-a-9=2? '! 1. 2. shan*ran cc-t-4-6-10-15
, , 3. |
'resper Bc-5-11-r ?-11-1lr =55 _11' }.irri: lrauat l,rer1)ex Eoat Club 5 Vl16 i{4nd,.ap I r Prizes dontlLec by John B, Run. ovenber 9- i958 Phlla., Pa. cup {tean I ,I Kel1y, sr. silv.r travel clocks and medals. I J-!' 1..),,or , p -tr. in Fis .'r.-( I ' r'"t,l-r 'o .in-ar. 'p-r,n: hon in for'r y.4r-, J/:r I , 'f-(r rcJ 1e) ,{av na.d:cap xun tr about 150 yards in I " j-pa-Tii;:Tfi;aT-T;E;;s .'cr,vunl !4rk .rt.c 6tt 2. 1o"r-oldr .ord-! dr' .,os".ouri'..). 5pon-orI ?eh'1e aDd Cential HS nilor, reoentl) out oJ Rock Taf | ' "d by Ih. Little the llazlne Corps, took th€ 16ad on lhe Girard Club. 2 miles oyer l{ar !temI ave, Brld€e and held it lor the.on.ludins I 't orral Park Golf Course. DI16 and <:ineri bis ii.st vl.tory in AAI-r .obtr- I s:t.rac.6.1oj8-l P.M. Open €titton,.,ahe bert iire prize uent t. Brorrrns I ' !. jtl] Ree. AiU athletcs, RosE ir 2} ninutes and 55 seconds. Lt % s.Irnbi1ton,Er11 Rd.L.Rock Cfub Elaps€d liaddicap Actual Best TiBe Place _r-:--J.rh -: oo ]4arsha11 F:; a' -73; Z-!f o 1Z:snr. Ac 29:00 ?.:I0 4: lo l- fr"n! l rzp-r .I .L .tl.Jn.C' !, Bob cbbbsrs, Shan.CC 22t12 4:30 J, Sleve l.Iirelanr ]]esp€r BC 29r2O 3 19
50. Ca1{f, SEiiders
lia! Truex
Shan,CC 29r3A Pend Ac 29t34 7, iih nlann€ry, 8. ll_a11ace Jordan, Fh11a.r16n. 29: 16 Penn Ac 29t )A 9. John MCoFen, I0. H-rr" \inkdid P€ln 4 29;{r0 11. Joseph Rocco P€nn Ac 29t 42 : ?, Jobn lfeston siEr.cc 29.46 11. Jirl Sattb, i'€.nn AC 29r 50 la,
Ooqor-uFr -osron
32 2a
t0 3!20
lrlo l:10 t,:U
26t22 13
5 ?L
vesper BC
16. Jlh H6aney, Vespe. 19, J€sse Burd€116, Penn
20. 21. 22, zi. 2!.
Larr,! lelaney, Stran.CC i-::owa; 3 Rcss! Penn -{C ahas, :!ashineton,ShanCC -jn.P rrt, \dtterve"oesrev€ t Penn Ac 'onas, shan,cc
26. Lu" .rsrJ,t.j ?7. Irank i{elft J
30. Si.1r l,indner! f1. Do! lJitclaeti,
!eqpe' R
l0:02 t0!05
30:08 3O.12 :lo: l5
fO:14 )ar?30r32
lor llr ro:JC
sLran.c. rrun Lc
30. tio ;0: q-
Penn Penn
icr-rr_-- -
31t 32
27,35 25,A4
25.32 23.55 24.24 ?9.)5
9 1
)L 16
rovo rb€r. 1958--29
orioiEr 2s!
Co1IeC€ oJ l,
cary Fie:d
il li@
hsry liill iaosbut, Virgioia
1, lob Sedn, Unattacbed {ft. tae) - 21t35.7 2" laxter Befyhiu, Norlolk lil.l - 21:42 3. 3ob Delodb€, {}i - ,1:58 4. George Joehe., itoanoke - 22:06 5, lrian Shannon, Ddattachec {rt. Lee) - 22.12 6. itovrad l.ieiieke, Roanoke - 22.13 '/, Di.k coodlaker Roanotre - 22ri4 8, liafy REy, llII - 22130 9. oil !cNai!, j'ii - 22::3 10J (ing Laddl11, lepde.-Sydney - 22144 11. Bill }tccue!, r1'r - 22,46 12" Malcoln ltobinsolt 1. - 22151 13. '.ax.en light, roanoLe - 22156 !4" Ed Eade6, Roanoke - 23:04 15. Dick Enberger! Roan.ke - 23;14 16; tave !6ges5, Norlolk Ili - 23:44 17; li11 JacksoE, Itlattached {Ft, taeJ - 23,45 1al llayle lii1son, Roanoke - 24.00 19, Bob Addison, Norfolk lrll - 24:16 20r Jery (qa!dt: llj - 25.30 21, lrnie l(!ox, Norfolk r:li - 25.42 22: E a! Recchdti, rU - 26:15 23; r!a! toldo, Norlolk ]J!i i-----24. Jotu siaelFtdy, IorroUr t!. ----------
3 5 9
lli 2! 612 114 a16
NorfotL q}I
Junto! Dlvlslon Vlrslnia -6..A.U Cross Counilt Clldpl.nshlF 1. vlrgtl uoares, Norfolk IM trosh- 12:15.2 {ra€w oourse r€cold! o1d r6co.d 12r52 by nrcu cur.y, t!{ Flosh- 1955); 2. Mike sat,inoi !G!k Unton U.A- 12rA!5t J. Ronald Bucbanan! Norfolk w tlosb! 12.51, 1.,. DoEalc Buchanan, N YM F., 12359: 5. G€orge Aassett, 'Jl,4 lr. ]]t10! 6. Kcith La!3on, r&1 lrosb' 13.28; ?. T€fy sh€]ton, gM lr. 13:31, 8. !!an Reent€., to.k Unlsn, MA, 1l:l4t 9. Senderl Be1ltsau, Itu Ft, L3ettzi 16, Lion€1 uer€dtth, Nortolk SM rr. 13:49 {20 ftntstr€ls) Teah: Noriolk Y1l1tM & Uary Sroih, 32i 2" LM lrosh' 39i l, rolk ljnion Mllitary Acad.Dy, va. 56. ..-4 soparate hlCh school d!v131on sas a15o h€1d. Elnnlng E.S" iia6 I2353.
Emllton, Ontarto, Nov.9- Harold Uebster, 6f, a Canadlan Ea11 of Iabe forBer lunnine sliar dl€d today in Eamllton General Flosplijar folloring a t.affic aooldont. Mr. vebste. sutfeled sovere hoad injurres,after betng htt ln co1lision wtth a car,vhll€ returnlng }!one froE work at the Intelnational Halvester Conpany, fron rtrich he rould have b6en p6ns{on€d dett Yea.. Mr, Wobstor yas ltdtne a blcyclo at th6 tln€ of the trafHts d6ath can€ as a shock to all Canailian 3ports fansr as 1611 as rany &erican atht€t€s! past add Present, {ho conpet.d agalnst the g.eat Canadian .unn6r. Ae Fas s€lected ao! three olynplc Gades-z8,32 and 16- but dtd not eo to Los Aneeles due to lee trouble, Ito xas a b6bbe. of tbe 1930 anal B.E, t6ms, Htnnlng the ea.athon '31, tn 1934 at London. Mr. Votr3te! ras born 1n Derbyshlre, Eneland, and .ab6 to Edllton in 1926, Ile s€rv6d ov€rs€as tn tbe Xtrst tho funela1 (trov.11) ras 1a.eely dt rend6d vl(lr rdny rorb€r T&T groat3, ae *e1l a3 tbe p.o36nt cob!6tltor3, ln attondanco, Cliff Bri.k6r vait an aclite pallbearer and th€ Hororary list included 8111y sbe.rine {1906 llarathon nlnner ln cr6€.6), BDtr Eerr (1908 Olympic 200 met€r w1nn6r), qlqtly Ranklne, etc,
TI S OVER X8{II'DY rashtngton Park, Cblcagor Illinols Irlday, noe.14. D!5tance lr l{tlqs Inte.colloglat6 Conf .rence X-Country CtEdptonshlp !|€€t. 1. Cha.1€s Jono5, Ioya. 20116 2, Cfart.rd E€nr6dy, tictr,st. 20:2 f. Jack Et I I, tova, 2Or45 4. Jtn Boyers, IlLtnois. 20.46 5. Ronald Lodgr Indtana. ZOr4? 6, Br lrian abet6, rndiana; 20r5i 7. g.rold Sarri3, ttttnois, 2t.O5 8. Bt1lt ieynotds, Xtct!.5t. zlt1? o. John f,. BroYn, rllinots. et:.LI lo. JiE Iloran, l{tchlean state, 21112 11. Dav€ L€an, lllchiean 6tate. ZIr20 1?, Robert LaL€r XictrrAan SL.. 2IIZL 11, c6ne Bon(€n3r ttinnesorat 2t.z) 1.r, stan go<leesr Indiana, ?lrft 15. B.uc€ T.1Ebt6, Iora, 21,t )8 16. Yillie Erickson, Xlnnesota!21!4f DEACOI{ JOI{ES
17. Ray Eem6i6r, Iora, 18, D.M, riscus r Indiana,
19" l|A.Srtth, yichiean State! 22!OO 20" Iave.n€ filt€, Indiana ZZIOB Toan Sco.€s: 1. Xictrigan state, 2-810-11-12=Lfi 2. rota, 59r l. I(rien., 64i k. Illinois! ??j 5. l{inn6sota. 103 (trolthvostern a ris.onsrn luit incoDplete tetus) IRED iIORRIS BEATS EIS OIX BRITISE.
sat.,Oct.25, Iltton Part, Btackbutn A ft6ld of .ta.t6d tn a I hour tnettatto. .ac6 fo. LancasLlle ath1etos. Pac. by llo.rls yas as fo11or5: nile-4:52.4! 2 itle-9r5r!?t I Dil€s-rU:l+5.It {I{ofrls on hIs oyn i, pl1ins on th6 pac6 afte. a sloy sts.t) Junlor.AAU Run won by Jersey Lad 4 nt1€s-19.40.8sr 5 rII€s-24!34.kst 6 at16s-29,27,2st 7E1r63-lbr la.lts i Phila., Pa., Nov.9- Bob Burch, Soutb a nilss-35:08.2st 9Etl.3-{4!o1.2s; Jers6y soholastlo x-c .habpion f.oe lo mtles-48!47, As i thlles-5lrb?.lrsi (2nd plac6 ban lapped by xo!.is aor Vlneland xisb, *on a Junlor A4tt 2+ the 4th tl!e) nor.Is Yas noY v6ll mite race in taituount Palk, ln 12r20. The lace ras spodsored by the Middle ahoad of hts oh Brttlsb .e.o.ds. and Atlantic Road Running CIub, with 12 ntles coDrng up ln 58!38.4s, 1. Bob Burchr Penn AC, i?rzoi 2. Ed he lttgrally th.ou trlbself lnto ths Mclienna, t,isbop Nemann, ll5, 12:40i tinal stae€ aftor th6 vhtstle had goro one Einute f.oE tlEs. At ttre eqn 3. Earry Bcrkowitz, Penn AC, 1f:01i rr. genry $.11or, LaSa116 IIS, 13.05t hts ttnal dlstan.e vas rocotdod at 12 biles 51t yals, 2 ft. 4 Ins., a 5, l(en .iro.ris, lion6e. Ac, 1l:45! nost pral3evolthy effolt at th€ ag6 6. Joe itastelskl, Blshop Neunann, r'\. t6t ?. P^t H!n6r, Penn ac, lT:!?i of )7 yea.s. e. Uarrln€r, lan lr Dt16s 23 yds. anil sd McIv6. lL rtles klyds, 8. Joe K€11yj shanahan CC, 1l:48j btoreer !tub_ a. L-r rr role),.'ltla. rl:50i 10. Flcha.d ll.b€hao, Lov€r Marion rr9r 14:08i 11, Joe i4areolis, London, Oct.25- H€.b Elliottts Dtle shqn. I5r55t 12. lor !qdden, !€.I6'. run ot l:54.4 has b€en offlclal1y.atifted as a world rocord by lh6 IA.AI.
Nov6nber, 1958--31 6w England IXTERCOLI,EGIATD Chaeps
Dick Donohue ol Holy c.oss overcame a bad spill, t..po"".y ro.. ol ortiot anri a tleavy .ain squarf NE rntercolleelat€ cross country chanptonshil) at lrankl{n Park, Boston lor the second tiee. vemont vos the teao prize,. tonobue, 31in senior frob Atbany: s.rabbled to hts fe6t atte! hls fa1t, retr:eved bis spectacies fron the eud, and xeeained hls lcad to beat Bsb,ow€. Brodn s.phoeore, by lo )'ards in 22;09. 113 uas lr5s off the ,eco.d he set a yea. acoj wh6tr the lr.: ntle couxse was dry an.] laei. 1. Aichard DonohueJ Holy c.oss, 22:09 2. Robe.t lore, B.dwn: ?2.16 l, !re.1 ;iolstr;h, T er;a&, 22.tt9 t!. Artcrr O,Leari, Bo3. Cr7] ZZr52 J. ]ioward luttsr lrernoni, 23:05 5. fiillts Daly; fiatnoi i, lo"c ll""Glesor! New $ampshi.ea B, vtnd€d! 14..lonaldr Ero!'n; t, Robext Banb€Feei vrovidedce; 10. Peie; conway, rjuass. lean: _telnont 72: 2. Malne 115; l. P:cvtden.e 128; lt. Un:.r. oi Ma;s.tlz; 5 N,H. lltt; tj. trrosn rtr6r ?. Bost;ncrlrese 162i 8" iioly cross ?olri 9, conn6;t1cui; 2oai 10. sprtnctieid 2r4; il. {6s1cyan, 229i 12, Rhod€ rsland tltj rl. M"r-T. l[9; :4. rufts rr12i :J: Eoydgir !19._ !6!h_a!nga1 rage_) l9th Annuai !:esiman Race 2.6 nli€s 1, ililre KiBbail, Maina, i4t22"5 2. Phil Co1be.!! lresleian, (tiyds) 3, sieeuer, 8"";"1 b. i'".;."",'B..to" univ.j 5. cross, ao"",, 6. c";""", !ro1y arossi ?, Roborts; conn.! 8. Has;r, 8C1 9, feeks, u}lasst lo,Nhitii€r, coast euard,.ieaD; 1. H61y cross 6Jt i. sp.idsfield, 132; 3. &,i. l.,roi 4. tesleyan 15r!i lrlelae l?l! j!j! o*n (
(Mira costa' thlch has bo'16d ove' ' 23 teads dithout defeat)'In ract, the diminutive,sC lone-distan'e ace I even pros€nted(lif:ll3Ju]-!he trophv' mounted to the studont bodtes at assentrlles at the thr66 scho'ls earlv in iloverbex' of oours€ ho did it on the run as he had to ho! a ptade t' stanford whele he added anotho! trlr tn hls ever-erosine list of nictofies. Ed t'otning, l'Iira costa!s iuture title €.eat' caFtu.ed iiho dist.i.t over a 1'8 nile cours€ !n n'5fj c!oppine 5ls oft the olC course oa.k' in fact tbe fi'st 1|! harri6rs acrcss the f1'tsh line bBttered €hc f'a:ior Fa.k. (Ed. rack of spa'e plewents us f.o'n *rittne about the ereat upsx.ae ar hialr sctrool distance running lhralsb_ olt the countrv' The fuluxe in'r's brieht tor Srnetican dtstance runnlns lm]]lovenenh--if -onlv the AAU Fould the feed to! Rlc cfrbs idi 'ea:iize the oanvr uany ktds thai do not Plan Even Nith a lli:l on eoins to 'l: prees th!s'o11eee' monta we cal't kee1r up increasins ra'as j:broucs Mant rosults Fili .. i. t"'" :":'l ",1: as,dozens_ol intere-stin€ lett.rs de11
!,, '".:. -i! f6'rur- t|6
XEN DOIIER'Y TO DIREC1 PIIIL\- JNQUIREe & auERIcaN- EUssIAn DffarfNlo9R-i4EEa Track Meet sponsorod bv The ?r1tla'
Inquire' charities' lr' J' Kenneth-Dohextv, director cf the Penn Relat-carniva! anc loimer Jniwersitv of Pennsvlvrnl' tracL has rre€n namer di:' :r fdr 'oach, the 15th iDdoor Inquire. Gano: adC CALI'OIIIIIA HIeH SCIiOOL X_COUNTRY RDALLY for tho Arerican-Rrssiar duat track ilelc}. PRoeREsslNGj lltl( TRUEX PIRPETuAL I RoPFY ne€t {Mid-Jltv at rra.k*ii thls is a tuove 1n tb" rtFhi dire.tIt{AUeUnATEt are sure_a- proted trt all: Gleat cooperatlon bateeen iocal So. caiilornla nerspapers and such Es coa.hes und€r Dobe'ty'5 ab1' dire'tion thc as Nom Lunian (Aviation Hsr. aean ilrlor ?enn Relays haee lnrrcrec 1001, rn re'eni teSts' cosia) add Russ s:rlff iRedondo {],{ira _"a h) rLONC DfSTANCE LOG iOiI \EI{S: count.y" boon ti1 that ar6a. G]nI SUB5CRIPTIONS ]1R' N]:C!I Edtto!, B€nry Bu.ke add sports drite! Shor this to youi liionds dnd Jon Knrokerbocker Frits-up ;-courtry t611 th€h that they.an subscrib€ like the Phtlad6lphia papors cover the baseball Playtng Phi111es, -only $2,50 a y€a.t (Ed. rust ustng up space -don,t dant tc A Ma* Truex Perpetual Trophye enblenwaste any..tfhes! rhat a Donttl atic of x-country sup?eeacy in the south Bay ar6a was presonted to the best teaq
lig]!0jjq!LE4!-3.-gtr.l;l IEqg9:9oq{ILLAelELoP.{[llr$cE,:.,-!qyAulsa.lJi._.19,19 ":i!.es 38, d6,1
.i, ., l'a.nn
ei"}r ,F"D2
.:,r).45 !9"?:
l!X,!a dr.tr*i 3. Ct
i, !0
t9 n! "c3 :6"1c
t. t5
i9, t! 0 2!.?1
i?3. *E
!. "t'! 49.59 z"ta 30.0? ?,lc 30.04 5 c!.i c hr 30.cr 0,15 30.21 i.30 30"26 9.OC 30.3? 4.C0 30.4S 3. C0 30.51 3. O0 3C.!A 2.00 31" 01 4,30 31.07 3.45 3t,13 5.00 3!,16 5,00 3t.23 4.30 3r, ?a 2.oa 3t.32 2.00 3r,tc 3.00 3t"5t t"oo 32.27 5.00 34.2C 2.34 36. !I 3. a5 :19.
!0 !.
at n, ile.nyrerth.r 29 n.0'connrll 33 E, Cle!!y
t5 il. ecNl.noII
??.46 lai {9 :?." e3 2t "32 ?1.49
30, ?6
29.37 29
" 26.44
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