
Page 1

In fhe Long Run it's fhe New





Deoa"trn y'eg




Don ilheph. shaus


Patch.d, tattâ‚Źt.d tackies il1

dhi.h he ha' alrcady tut more thdn 2,0fO mitcs.

laDiltrs tfitlr te!rai!. Cratfo.d ta6 the rl!.t io Eoller 24:od. n1s tlm of 23:5 .9,-!oPp69-bv-41@3t t6! 56cs. TIiE loNG DIsrlNcD ioc tho rafk b61tt by h13 beth..' Fguv, A PUBLICATIoN FOff BLtI\Eis BY BUNI{EES a trc-t1le6 tlDe! before Poldaly b€at h1n itr hI. llEl raoe 5nd th€r1 n6nt volue 4. Nube! 4?" Novente! 18. 1959 o!1 to ksop the tl € ln ihe felll aD sr€lshl lears..oDtv subrcrtrator Barest 251 a r',Fyt i2.50 incredlblo !1'eqo! the TC/.A lhr€e .tihr€6 !€n hav6 a Jear. (Publlshed aonuhlJr years. Joh! Paul Jores. or CorlalshL Bro@LE cditorial CorresDond-r.e: Eoss, 106 t{. _enL6! sl ,, \,roodbury; !.J. re]1, did JL it 1410-1912, I€3 !qcr, l'llbche u' of NYU' Gde 1t ln 1939-t-4!' subs6riptloD colrespoDd;nee: F a;i. (e11y, 558 Prl!.e 5i., r',oodbJry, ll,J. and lhe laiF Amv 11. D'cL Shee. or uest lolnt waE a three-tldes {lDner ln Publis*d by rarvine irintlBg a;", 2

ill-l:-1lll-li::-ii113::-li:---------- 'i??;i'**lai'#il"'*:'?f;"'L::":i3i twe:rit yrils afi;et tho 11.3! nlle, the

Conirlbutofs thts nonth: Don Fay, Eob cadpbell' Bob calnant- Joe (Iein;fuM' Bob cra!6, Ialayeti,e Sn1th, Don Jaco6s, v:n.? 5!.ng1e!, Cordon Diciso!, Ne11 aarrell; D;ve blybrou8h, ltlUt;d r Buthlauff, traltei w. !o;hr0, F!a!.k Fea'

ouioore Eot 1! doubt' !u.!ing eddl: wlth bis ftsts hall-cl6nchefl and lrls elboFs lucked li and takltre short 3ttldes. '(€.lredy held a coos6nttlng- l ead over lllee Aleldd crranplon' Bob Lee at th€ 2t Dl1e m!k. After.-l oiles' he {ar

::-*:-i::ll-l:-T':l:l:::-IY:l-Tli:- ?i:"ii;'i:.'3.:?i{.:"lniniHlli "* he {on i,! a bundFd vards a' ihe LaPe

The test of the spartane respoDdea tlr DiroE: this has been lllchbeen thls tr4e.dous pelfoma4ce and p.ove!'b Stato {on the tean title tn the inundated wlih all demer of results, 1a1 breeze" Thr€e of the top live I'lich' readersr letters ald variou6 other itens. e camot iliciude them a1i 1n state oen ate elther c@dlan. or canthis issue as the printer rea11y lroMe adian-tiatned.. Ih€re were a couple of heapected dlps id the big event as when ue sedt bin nore thaa thllty lul.r lases, rlany.aces an.1 some lette;s are usua1, lon Grego.v, NotretoDame's heMedv rasr m1ler who Pas .uMe!-up anong the itens {hich haae had !o be ra'lFd puued a !o l''4'sh. Ire odi-."o, bD. Lha), hr:- a--! alp.dr nFaL yeDrr smLh, td r" hop- -o ha/p Li;r 'ssLe muscle in (he r)rEL ni1' and droppeq Darlnouth soDh. our, The hishlv-ratedqlmer 10 vou o\ Cnr-s.na6,.. v sood f.iend ln 1958' Tom LariE, trpshden .rriye. i _-nrrn just Fola ; artrcl. ilha alblshed 26th., to ci'ror narazine on Perct cerurts 5r 8', 1l?lb. I(en$htch elll set the sport back thilty nedy is scheduleit to be €iraduated from yeals !? ... We hare qutte a backloi llSU ln fow week6' He has d€otdeil not af LD l,og ojrestio!@i;es intetlreen{ly to coopete in the AAU chaops 5t I6ulsansL{ered-by 'rlous long orst-ancE flry'"!y sl6ler's sFltlr€ Darrjed '111e. that day,'h€ salq.. A! of noe' fo1lo'lners ano wi: lop€ io ssatn pllnt one ln€ the IICAA he'll lang lheD up.. Hp each Eonth be':tu1ng ;1.h ihe big christnas 1ssJ.... Feneobe! I,NG-DI5!- expecLs Lo need all h!5 lln€ lo sorlr on a nasterrs deg?ee aad expecl6 also ANCE LOC nakes a noniterful christ@s Arft and we .ea1iy do need ihe subscr- io be able to help out Fra$ Ditlllch' llEMo Fltol4 lHE

oEe oa those @o.ths *hen we hate

:::::i:-::-:::I.:::l::_:y:_Y:-::il_ l*:iB"Jt"*ii,"::sJ33l"i!"il;Tl" help ln the hatrle. eslta*Dsnl; lf th€

caAuFoED K$NIEDI vrNs AllD IEADS trcH- supplv of tale.t such ss l'llchrg8h stat. has 4jove4 ln tl'e-pas! feq vear-s con.c. /t -A, Bux TIILE@(NerqAEE-i6-r tlnu€a ut.l161n15neo.. rl looK oEv Yorkr fionday! Nov. 17) Sdathlts orc recii{. ard €qualllng an- thlee rltutes lor an lltet'natioral Bu3other. ciarford Xeatredv. ichl&e"staters lnesi [achlne cooput€r at IaIe to flylni sco!, 1ed the si;rtans io a 4th tallv the scores 6fter th€ tssults straleht tsa& tltle ltlhe 51st r.c.4-t. iere f€a to lt {la tel€phons-. lYprna cross:courtry chanDlonshlD ilt Vah Cort- lt !rs anothe! hatter. It took lao ledt Park. k6!ne{i ran a-fleltl ol s1- sec:etslt€s at nanhatte! College a! Eo€t 2oo Dosltlvsli borleElsil ove! lhe rb!! aatt a ha].f to llnllh lho Job. :o!tt eA on psg€ 3) ftve-rtle oour!...Soo. or-ihe |rorld,s gratelt hsv. ha4 a shot at Van Cort-

- cortlnu.d) 1. C.srtold trenjlcily, xlch.S!,, 23:51.8 2. Bob€ri l0tr6, Brori:t, 24.\0 Dlck halebrlnl, P€!l1 Stat€,24:12 3. 4. Alcharril Or€ene, Amy, 24t!J 24.21 5. FE* Flu€rty, Allr€dr 5. Bl1ly Beylolds, Hlch. St., 24:25 24.33 7. Blfy l6srn, N.Y.U., A. v€rdlsco! G€ol8etom,24:38 g, Ceofge G€lalil lowa, lch. State, 24:40 10. Eob V!trlon, C€orgetosi, 24t46 11. ?et€. B€yar, uadlaltan, 24.49 12. loo Debpsey, Notre Dan€, 24152 13. Harten lililen, syracu8e, 24t51+ 14. &i Craydon, I.llchrgan St., 24r5t 15. Iarrte sNeet, Alfied, 24t56 16. Bob Kunkle, Nary, 24,5? 1?. Eeman llebe!, ?erl State, 24:58 i8. sleve I'loorehead, lero st,, 25:01 (

tC4A Crlrs-CourtFy

19" Aen Johns, SyracuseJ


20. Pete {alhein, I€Sa1Ie, 25t43 21. Joha Jon€s, Amy, 25ta9 22. noEld nush, Plttsburgh, 25.1a (evin 2?, QuiM, :it. Jo6eph's, ?5113 24. Lyrn Aelaer, ,^-4y, 25.74 2r. Eob lske, filchiea! State, 2J:16 26. Tor Iarir, Dar,iir.lth, 25117 27. Doug llacGl.€gcr, l.I6s llanp,, 25:18 28. Bob !6hton, :tqtsers, 2t,!9 29. &E BFw1, li].d, 25120 30. Valte' Cooper, F.rdhab, 25.21 31. Gene {1lsoh, x.riy. ,2, Joe nrancerlo, ryrrruse, zttt+ ll, A.thu. F eemr, 'r.stat\ v., 25t25 25127 34. Dtuest Tracy " Pe r" 3J. lrolgan rrald, li'j,1i.t:n St,, 25:28 36. A1 nroipson, st. J.!d's, 25.29 hlnceion, 25:31 37. reter Kins6ton, 38. Je.ry r/lchi, Srr. Jchnrs, 25,34 25134 19" Eo{a.d Boberis, Army, 40. G.aEy Crmpley, St. JolntE,25t35 +1. Eelbert Beu" A.ny, 2trj6 42, Jades Xe11y, Fo.dham, 25144 43. Joseph Drets6, {alhattan, 25:42 44. Calen Cawley, Noire Dme, 25:43 45. Jose chavez, liavy, 25.47 46. DaYe Cotion, {ot.e Dame, 25.51 47. lllcha€1 l,itebatl, Iqalne, 25.53 48. vincent nacDo@ld, Brom, 2Jr55 49" l,Ilke (ii,s6totr, Princeton, 25:57 49. Bercfd F1eflhg, Nary, 25t58 51, {i11ia6 Da}yr llalne, 52, Dariel Corly, Uarnaitah, 25159 26207 53. thonas Carfo1l, Yalet ,4. Dare }Iehlaee, Nolrle Dane, 26.02 26.44 55. Crba.les llccEth. !aU, .o:u) )o. natr bfoEban, rornerl, 57. ilebb Sxtlth, lllchican St., ?6'106 58. iterlin Bryan, Ilesi cheste. ?6:0? 59. Deuis JolsEoD, ?eu St., 26!08 60. Pai ||a1sh, Irsa11e, 26109


61.CEr1ton Elanchale,



62, Blchald B.ttrley, lSarlaltsn, 26,11 26t!2 63. l|llllad llenne, Amy, 64. J{mihd Blake, Yale, 26t\3 65. John tynch, st.'s, 26:14 66. Deels Johnsion, Notre Dane,26!15 67. E!1c croon, cor1!€1}, 26,\6 58, Arthu! EvanE, lianhattan, 26rl? 69. Antho*y Annese, syracuBe' 24118 26.19 70, Neleon Adelnan, Nf1t, ?1, I,aFoDce st. cIa1t. Ilarl.rat.,26320 26,27 Schweb, Brcm, 72. i^t1llian 26,22 ?3. Ton qoffmaD, lrtrion, 26r23 ?4. Paul Delsan, Corne1l, ?5. Pete. Slate!, corneU, VAESITI TEAM SCOREST ]' M1ch1!'.ar St", 7-6-8-72-23- r0; 2. Amy 105; 3. Peln State 16?t 4. Not.e Dane 190; 5, Syracuse 206t 5. Manhattan 210t ?- llfd 2!2t B. Navy 2f9r 9, -4lfred 251i 10.

oi Brlstol, Englard l-nlle rreshden te6t, Norner, a lanky 61 1" tnclishme. & a jouhallsn najor at leln state, {on bn 50 rerds rn 14:30.8, Richar.l !au6ett, stubby Penns/1trania contender, cane fast to {rest secord fron leter Hoey, of lrinceion, sho tn tutu had Ftve yerds o. I,lonel Bassett, oi Penn Siste.. Nordan is a t€annate of Cra{ford Xennedy or the Tolonto olymplc C1ub. '. GPrald lorran, o-ra SLD -, 'a:10.8 14140 2. Bichatd Fausett: Pena, 14:!5 l. Peter Hc€J, lrirceton, 4. Liorel Fa6selt, aenn State, i4:46 1/t:50 5. Dlck Svehla. Maryland, 14151 6. lat Trarnor, Villanova, 14t52 7. HalrY Stokes. Pltt, 8. rohn .er.shiy-.- r,rnhattau. !!,11 rc:)+ 9. nooerr nack, rare, 10. owen I{asire. Vi11anov3. 14:J6 14:rl 1r. Jos.Dh iang, St. J.!.d's, 14t59 12. John Oa.ien! Mar;/tand' 13. Richad Colasuonra, Si. John's,15.0? 14. Janes l{u.iay, St. Johnis' 1r:04 15:09 15. Tom Gunzelnan, !.om, FFESlll{AN !EAM: 1. St. Johnrs i!4t 2. O.or,,etom l06: l, Erom L4r! +, Fondh. 't?t 5. "arsbrla. 4 i <. :!i 'aL. GIIALD NoRXAN, won the ear!1e!

sotiTllEAslEBN aoNFEREIiCE X-ColilrriY cllAllP: Atlanta!. ca,, x6a.16 - (4.4-rliles) 1. nobe.t Peete. a\eeaa, 21.10.2i 2. "

vja''en Burns, i4issip!! State' 21:20. (p6ete'r tine,as well ofl the lecord d- ?.:ol.L se. ,BeL bw varde-b!1Lis F ed Abln-atoh -18th todav. ) TeaDr Ken_ tucky 59i vtsslss:p!! slute 6at A)abama


th. Nei iork Ac. v€ft€ tb€ raos 14 30:06 f,llb lrlk6 Fleo1l:a (Q) Eecodd, Dtk€ EgtrJdl! aail P.le rlaardle ran In togeihol tor E94!9Xg 3-X1le3 thlrd place. Ttre first lap Es vsry T...G-qouston, John ttacv and ^t larcnce. !, of 1j.U2,9 1.6 oi.i the rec_ fast ilth uuAoga e ltttle in frctrt of BreckaDri ds€ (Q) ln 1&:19' bo'ev€r' old); !€fi- Alro"rd, rouscon. rr. paJ.Ctotress!, HoLston. 1!:li! ra:12. Lhe fagl ttfie reeDed to h6ve ltd efrect i_ r,en on BrpckeN'tdg6 on lhe 6aoo"d lap & C.isactn, pyan 5.. Bors i_Jb (iak; chart-6, Ia,j t4:57; 6. predd' DLlock. he rFtt back. JohDiv Fopjt ra5 a15o qui!e a{av i€ck, as he lb a&fi (_eaas), t:1'l: 7. H.-b,a!tua. -2:10. yt{C aor Lhe e66t. Att lbe Broode vedic!1, s-i Aotonio, t!:15. TeaD: 1.*touston 19; 2. Brooke_ nealcat cotleFe tean6 uele eithef ratchirg o. r.elnl!€ over tbe course for the TCIA'.S 59: l. f-xas A&fi 3 ila' - tt- 66, "BILL TiTILLIAMS X-C BUN! Frlday, Nov. 11, Eouston, Teaas



"a!1a6.ror xugosa

Junlors 2 miles

ov. 1j _ tllchisan state,s l, -e;id DeBoer. le1laIre ss. Houston chicago, cteNford l(ehedv jossed to 6]1 easy 9147.9 lDefendins state chan;Ion)r 2. thdividut "rlmbh Loday as rh€ sp€rLDub r, ter, !rtvaisr..v "s, Uaao. 9i5l!: j. rooert Bolden.!rdh Hs. ans calt$cd Lrr61f lifth successive Ten ^ross- oJarry rrlle {.Ln o to,..o.i -. . "orir. iio.i,ln.rori HS. Big 1- pt3.. retr"ot. tne la<8 NCAA .-a{. r. Llorthinatdi l2 .o1oi^d Echool) rero-d ha.4ier charo'oni las ^rock€d it 20:12. B4y-.n 6,'i j. 51, -honas 85. , * Note _ HousioE Urtv, has won six I secs. over a 6noav, slippery four::::1Cl:-i::::-::::-f:::__________-___ :i': ::ffi:;"';lii|'il"#:,{3:tn:nfiu

!oIrU loi score. ba-te-6d i"e sparra!s KILO lr.vious confelence lecord Ecare ot 2\ sunday, Iov. 15! re Yolk clty, N.Y. Potnts th:q56. -- J. Ec craJdo.' Msui c bl ,st _,, .rI degr-'s; I. Jira -tcl'r, lo!c: 5. ae_ald YomA, -n .orree: Two lons r1,1 ohe ;ho!t 1a;_ t4su; 6. Bob !ake, rjsu, 7. Jack niu, Iolrai 8. l4or€.ar I,Iad, tlSU! 9. Rus6 Earlen Riaer(BEalCou!$€.. Course iee_ a!d, 1t25.5? bx lludy tlendez! Nov. 1956. !ash, IndlaG; 10. Don Greenlee, Io€. t!iz--s rionared by Aiilred R;search lirc. {enedy 1ed tlom ihe srarL and scamp_ ered over the flrst hile in 4151. At a.ultesy lresidert. ltdo Scaldutra. the e.d of ihe seco8l mite, MSU had 6 1. Aud.f riendez, NIPC, 1:21142.6 (tJe{ course recod)t 2. Carl Genovese. tlYlc. ru@ers aione the tirst ten. !.2tt5\ (tindet old record also): 3. red Tean: 1, Michlea!' siate 17: 2. Iom 49t l. Mlmesoia 9li 4. IniIIaM 94i cornitt, r,Irc, tt26,22i 4, td Dilaan, u. of 3r1a!,,:eport, !:2?:18; 5. John 5. l{tehlFan 10?. Jarrett, Si, AntholX's B.C,, 1!23:r7i lrFrence, Kansas, Nov. 7 - Bls 8 Conf. 6. vin (eri" YiU.ose AA, 1:31.00' 7, X-. chanps: (3-Hilesl 1. ttilea Else4Jin 0.comeir , sr..qnth., 1::t2;04; 8. han,, rl:52.J (otd record, AL'lo scandurr:) ftitliose AA, 1:12r36; 14:00.4 by ftd! ilodeson, Oh1a, 19Je) 9. Dlck Ctapp. L{PC, 1:33.15; 10. Lou liseman took the tead ea.1y ltr rhe schiavo, lrlYlc, ti:15:1li 11. \at Cir!1'''!, UGr .! ' :lr; 2, , onn S!.rn6n, 'rsr 1 e & n€ver rp_lnarlsted iL ove! :YP.. 1:')?.J ! . "i1e 0rHa-s, S.r.. , the 3 nile coulse, He finished 75 yds. It3?.38i 14, Leo! DreherJ sreahan CC, ahead.2. Bilty Mi]1s, r6nsssr l4:11! l:17:'rli 15. Ha.rr "urphy, vjrl-ose AA, l. Cai] llodj8or, ok1ahom, l{:14: 4. 1:13:00; 16. rrark Barnett, I]YPC, 1:41 Bemie Fral -s, co. orado, 1'I17t 5, _ohDarby! Io!1 State, 14:19r 6. Joo Aner.26i 7?. Joe Ktetneinan. Ml11rose AA. 7r43.3'7t 14. M1ft Pataky, St. Anth. BC, icM Holse, NebEska, 14t22: ?. Bob ,a. t:!4.2t; <urt Stetner, Iryp.. I:t,5.00 HaMekah, fiissouri! 14r27.84 8. cliff CushDan, Karsa8, l4:28! o. Joe 14! 1ins, 20. Jln nahoney, Nill!ose AA, t:42.18: Nebrasr,i, 14:30; 10. Toh Skutlra, r€n,, 21. Joe Keuer. st. Antb. Bc. 1:4a-ts 14:34t 11. Dlde golDd, Kdsas State. lEAl4 SCORET 1, IY Proneer Club 1-2:31'r:15- 12. Brian TEvt6, Ka,, 14:45; A-9= 23; 2. St, Antho[v'6 B.C. 4€r ]: 11. McPhall, okla. State. 14:57: r4lUrose M 49. (26 €titrters) (F!on Joe Klelneman - nAfter the race 14. awond schnitz, xi66our1, 14:561 1r. :Jarla tlllttkan, IS, 1+r57.,rean! {e eent over to van corila4dt Perk & ratched a dEl ne€t betwee4 ihe euaniico r rsas 51 {l3th straieht Bls 8 corf.) . roB state 87! i. NebEska 9r;5. o. rrrT.


cllAiiprCuslllp AID orilir 2J



F h

v, I




iiEm Af o!Il{!Ic sjlaDr!fi, 8o}!?, rTAtI oct. t0 & 11 - l.t tlayt 1J00EL 1. T!tvd Boz6arolSylr suleary 3i44.7t 2' v. zoltaB vsos, AuDarra,' 3!4r.3r l. lllchel. Jazrt F'aace' 3:45.Ji 4. Si€8!r1cd Bermaru, East Gomant, l!45.i;

t. z. ortr51, Polard' lr4i.6t 6.0. Saloti.b, Plnlard, 3:46,0i 7. ClanrfMco tsrsu.1" rtart 3t4?.3, a. Blzza, t..alr, 3:rl9.6t ,. ' Bella Mno1a, Italjl -AuBttla, J:50.7., Jr49,5t 10. rbban' 2nd dsr: 800n: (A !ace) 1, Stefar !e!ardo{ik1;"-orand, 7 | 48.2 j 2' Bf Ba Herso!. c€. 1:48.3: 3. Dan lae"D, s., 13,'8..'i !. ,laeerl. sH tz5rland. r:l-8.?i 1!r".6i 6. tPro'.. 5. M. raz: . P.urc. !BE€. l t8.9 (Icsatdo{ski luried back Hersoris despe!'ete sprrt ln ihe hose stlctch & eo! by -6ck i feet, Waem 1n thitd va6 llve feei rs.ther Dl4ce. chr.t!r', {seaLi led a' Lhe !00 selef na:k In j,r,lE,) ac'oD" (!) 1. a. salone., F)'. t, lr40.4;2. J-laulor{skij lofdr1d, 1r19.9! l. Ba.aldl, I', 1!50.1., ic) 1, rlrtuscherrsll' East cerba4v, 1:51.9: ai, rJairanJ Austrta, 1:J1.9r l. o!f,da1. rola4d' 1r52.0'. 5.o00rr r. i.:u,I": r :ldiv. Poiard, ll;loi., z. st:,. Lri.'-. rlL, t).54-2\ , .:y, 13r5r.6i Sancor IharE, f. Hedrls t,eeri. i 5lJ1ui, 1l:5?.lJi 4, J, . L! 14i1'r.6r l. J. KrztszlosldE, Jocho€@, Polani- r.;:ri,,i3 7. Boe.g' Franae, !4,12,2r ,1" ':;ral!as' Eafrania, 14:11.4! ). dll : j. a Ei e. 'L:r6.'r' i+:2i 8; ll' 10, Baatarbacnl, ' 1. anL'' Cas :otrLt, Tra:y, l[.. Cema4v, !!:18,C /. .'.r'6r a3 Zimn' 1ed tor' 2000m. Eldor. ,irtt lead cri lh6 ?tb lap ol the ll 1ap r4ce, blt oalt hefit 1i tor 2laFs:e Itrqy tioi to ihe f.o!t and opened r:p Ja yaldBr 4trich he opened to 100 la!c. at ine fini6h. ) 10,000 lans valch€d the blg oeei. :hlzuoke, ia!\L. c+i., - p-':!: .. t"hnidt, lrest oerb&ny, l;52,0; 2. l\uuer, \1. tlet., 7152.5 Tokyo, Oct. 3 - q. CemanY 110, Jalan 78 SoOh: l. Schnidt. L,c. 1:tl.2r 2" r, sria-k;-uc, -). uatacbe. 1!<2-s-- 5oo0m: 1" Iiose!. l]C. 1r!:t8.21 se;dai, J;F -0.'.?' !!.Q.ei . sr.ack". flG, lt52.3t 2. I'tulle!, ItG,. 30000! 1. Mutlcr, vG, 8:17.2; 2. Eog6r, tic, 8:19'lEny 105' -aoan 81, oEd.a. Jeir' Oot. 10 - 8008: l. S.hr1_t,;11, 1:J1.0;

lars@be, f,;--I;5r.8..1000nac: 1. hu 1c! l,{c' 9:03.8.

czEcqos[ovAxr] 117, !rEs!


lIY 95,

i{!€*.1, ir,"ilEi., H?*:'.:":;ul:,; a. 5r'r0!: 1. aoh_

'1. Ir€iol.h, ,45.7.' ;tv. c. 14ii2,0., oct. 1: . !qls: r,c. Brirmer. \ic. 1i4t,8:2. Jtrrgt!'ih, 1:JO^O; 3" Admr L7G, 1:J0 1i +. S?1iDg6r'






To{l6i a t" drai" c,29:,'5.4;2. irrt':,2t 3. !1s5e, i/c, 2c:i8.r.: "



oci. 15, rrasue, :;..r. f!!fu! l- j'Lii {Jrth, Czecn. B:na,E I'E: 2. s"ltivn. C.8:08.9 C.8rol.'r; j, BohsiY, orl. e. rrku, Fiifand. 10'0noilr 1: OFrsldo sGlez, {rg.rtrtut 20:4i.ui 29:4'.2. 2, Rentsla. P1!labd. oct, J. BudaF€si, gugar, - 10.f0ft: !, Krvsa€, Fueaty, 3r:01.'1. 'd0091: r. Xo.da, N," 1:51,4i 2' 3zekerF6. H.,, 1rJ?.0.. (c!.3. 2-.cn0mr 1. (ov5'., h


AIoIJID TliE oolD Dtctisoti cA?lunEs F|ercld


lebster Year' iAeLal tlenu!!3i r-.ourd ThF Bay 9ac€, qpp:orlmare dre' ianc€: 19 14i1eE. 168 Yards' i Plonoted ty arny, llavy an.1 !'ir Forle v.-terans !r ^rn5da. lnit l5l 1a611ron. oniarlo. Sar-, o-1. Lrth, & ?:00 9. . -B!11I Snrth or lj.nirto.qirrcr lct cama! of I,ltfstrprsh Jfped th€ ll into ihe leod Rt tr-e 6tart of a;nual BaY Aace. at flre mJl'6 i|'v hPd '! load of ro.e Etr rJo ,Frdr o:e Corco! Dlck6cn ci lanil'to!, Ron'natl_ lrglcid of !5st lofk, ald .roh. church .i Glsdstde 4.C. Ha1 lliEioa nl the Unlcerslil of Chlea€lo Tracli CIub vas siJtt a!(ther 100 vl cr 1n ihe rear. ln the .eii l1v. rr lrs i^5te14 o1 ih pa4k arsbrn€ J' rLhe. ..rt tlr.v^.dret t..ethcr, DickJ.x. I r-.. .:.4 !'r1ElF rnirora .lo"tt beCen ! ci^se tlreeaer ru@hg up ljhe !e;.n rre'1 ci Lhe em siit6 nf lhe 10,)r5p, li ine ieme cn tiEe Bis4e! *43 cioiir€rrnihe ga!tire ofr' tl,et" lJst!. '1e ba2.h Clrr.n. Dicks^rt' end rlrgdo caushr Sn:th end aaflar" laLltrrl;ford nad_Ll..noed slishtlv h€hlnd' Smirh ctntlnu;;i rftr!€ uP f!o!t out car@t €3 qulckly 1ost. chulch. ulrile rookins zood.@ ,Dtt1 this prlnr. dropFco reacr out ahortly atter. Llten Dickson{1th ed the Qu€en lLizabeth higttsav seven niles to ao he beAah to push tr' lace a.d only Hlgdon could stav c1o6' Pe esontuauv l.i go tllh .bout e1t!e dIl€s covoreat 8nd Dlck€on oo?6d on

r: g.

(4!ou!4 th6 Eat - oo!t!Eo.d) i:o *tn conetroeably. snlth tiBlEheil strorgly lD ihlrd' but tt!e* l;her. €3 s long ralt b€for. fouth-P1acq llEer Eo. Llalllllgf ot{ !roi!.il aclde!. 'jalM! fadao badlr at lhe 6Ed llr1dh1la a dt6-

1. Cordon Dlck.ou, Faulllon 0C, 1r 44,19 ?. Ha1 lriadon' U. Chlcag6 tC, 1! 46:04 1:4?"rr5 3. Blliy sFith, Eanllton 0c" 4. Eon Wal1lbafolf, E.York ft, 5. Arie Vanrtemeer, itanlltol OC 1t 35 "3r 6. Bob Car6al1, Utisburgh, la., tt 57.24 1:J9.00 7. s1d., Haillton oC, 8. iIlibey, HMlltor OC 2,04.59 9, Ceoree i{or@a" C1ad3!oF AC, 2.o5.t+5 10. ? Sdlth, l{sftlltor Og! 2106.09 c'lrElpir fsaN(scrvilio EAcEs, G!EtF!i: oN't. oANADA,oCToB$ !2. 1959 {2,000 faN)

Fise l{ile Erm: 1. non Walilngfonl, Ba6r, Yo.k 1(r, 26.nit 2. A?t gackett Cueiph: 3. Dlck Ca"ntohael, toroEt6 ' OC. Th-pe rl1e Jeic,_ Fdrrs op€rr 1. B:uce li:dd, E3st Yor& lC! i5r07 {?ecold) ?en MIle Crcs6 Couni.y; 1. A1 Clalenont, Cuelpt, 541501 2, qa1 FlgaoE, Uc"rC, (1:00 backl: J. Job! Chr.h, oladstone Arj {Top.rtrr o1d trqlk, J6:09 (Ea1 iiiAdon coments: "Absolutely ihe ao.ei cro.e couniry cofs6 Irce eee: 3een, ore than a dozei tences to ctlnh

fhF0bll'i,jre-Ihostbe rcais ta lrove it - oihe:. pa.ts or the cour'.e cver rocks, hud, logs and through ,:all p,Tass. The iitst tro nlles and the 1a1'. thlee ale on the road but I lived 1I rlear of ht 11fe ada Umbs on the reat of the runl ) Fifteet l{i1:r lun; 1, Gorilon Dicksoh, Hmilton 0C, ":.2!.75t 2. Bl1ly Smlth, ganllton 0C. '.17; l. Arle r'srdameer UoCi 4. Ratph ' ll.erc, Barry A.C. U. oi

ChtcaSo f.a3k club vs. (ansas U. oqtober 16, 1959, chlcago 1. Phl1 Coleoan, UCfC, r9r42,4

2. ,. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

car ltllllMs, 0cTC, Bl1ly MLls, X!, Brian TFv13, K1l, Dick Pond, UCIC, Art Onohudro,UCTC,




20:08 20109

Eyan, UcTc, 20!41 2ot5\ Tom skutka, KU, Ha1 Hledon, UCIC, 20,5\.2 10. C11ff Cushbatr, K!, 21rO9 11. Dan Bal3!on, I(U, 2\,12 12. Bob Llndrud, !i'.J, 2Lr2O 13. Arne Rlchads, te[c, 21t20,2 DaE

dl frar :icirir lt!tr.t!l!t TradE C]!b 21. trenta. llltergltt 36. t!n!s!. odr..irto thlr o.ct rlth a st.hia of !1 co[8.aut1ve cual !aa! r!c!oi166, ald sltrc. thsy had 1o!t 6E1y oEG lsr froE th. t6e! lhai had shellaokcil thc I'CIC the yaaF bcfor6, 6ho{ral haeo be€ri the faeorltas" Blrt et the d!1. Dark' patsed h 4:52, Chloam had sla oltl.! ruan€rs (Col€Ear vtllltda, Bigdon, PoBi!, Ryau' ald Orohudro ) la codreailon th11€ tbg 4otlege boys ha{r but tm (IlI!116 etl ?ra"isl, calema and l,rl]llaod laE their n6!t Dile ln 5:05 (for 9:58) & beaan to Dull avey flon the olh€rs. Tbey passad tt!ree D1166 Ln 14:J4 ard Itnlshed dllorA to cone tithrb a 8econtl enil a lall of Coleoan'8 reco.d. Kansag flrtlhed th6 race a6 they legan lt wlth only I'11113 ald E.avis eble to deEt the UC{C'8 flrst flf€. It nlehi be triere.ti!€ to note that the !a3t tr. years, {1th eE5e4i:ally the 6a1. per6oue1, vGrsa6 8be.i 6d th€ 8ea8on as wo.1d-bealers anil lizzled ou, by NCAA tiDe. It 4aY be that thls seacon theyrve ileoided to lerer6e the pFce36. 0u PdPor ihelr look to !e the best teM in the couirJ sEoDq the co11ege6' altbough thot w111 hare to so eone to beai the depth of westeln Itichiga o! the st.ength of Eolston are lchige State. tBovlltcE 0F iANrroBA ttAE-ATIloN cltAllPs. satur<Lay, s€pt. 6, 1959 tockPori, I4anlioba, Ca€de.. Ter.a1n - Gralel and CeneDi Road -ALMOS? EMIEELY FLAT. llEAlfiEEt Wam, dry - ?5 dee!ee3. (by Dav€ D'_.tbrc!€h) Thls ras or iilst local naratho! atl only Step toll.r.s, lh6 ulll@ba Blltler ha<l ave. rrr1 one before. ?he race m! ru on a ceDena and 8ra{61 .oa'i which folloved th6 Aed llver. Upo! .eoea8uement of the dlsiance lt was lound to bs 1* n11e6 too lorel The tace took otr a! irte!%'ilonal flavor as lDdlgranta lrod Hol1ahd, Brltaln, anit Futgary start€al the long tlek 6long rlth three ca!€dlans..Stek loste!, ol r1v1ng "tl" lrack Ctub, took an early leaiL etrd herd otf the chatlenEe of SleP l{oltels utll lhe 12 n1le oark tshete 51ep {date hl! rove aDiL pu116at atay to e llctory by alnosl 15 rlnutes.. A car operr-1,€it by I'llck Ba!.on 5erv1c€4 the ati':etes sltl! looil ead xate! o! the drr'du6ty roadG. Cravel surface for'ded a :Lsjor lart of the routs, and a1l th€ r bd theh 8ha!e of b1l3ter3,


(tsdloba Lfathot! ChetPt - Cotrtlau€il) codltered rhe 1.5 dI1e grind rith ihe N6rt yea!a no!€ surlabl€ locallon B:'*i::':{':1":e}l}:t'i"'1*-'*f; {ll] bo ..lccl.d ,h.!. tb6 colPstltort codDetltton a}d Oddvar fielgeso. of road. o! A8phalt ooEpl.tely c& !'uD ltorirar. rcv attendllrE \or Dakola lle Hu.aarlatr 6!!F trad6 a Fons tum srdre- !nlve!slt], {lmlne ,he th4i!1dat th€ ts! E11. lark !6ar a brldge and_ BI Lti1e. Hls r'rne Ms 1?: '4.2. 6L {as Ia5! ttaggertDg lblo a frledt! seconds faster than l"is cour6- re''rC ra! rblcb thaa dlsappeaEd. I{o otro has t1B:54^or. Th€ flrst four corpetlL.-s tod htE .Ieo a!'d lD l6ot t€ novet iLIiL tro-ae ttre neeu .e.ord he-d by Dav'-o'8 Itdl ou! hl. rwe. Orvtroucrr vno !M lar2?.8 lr lhe 1. SteD l{olt.!., (Eollard) ?1on6€r A.c, "*-""- Hireeeon oo Drybroush, lhe f ': 2 Ir!. 5! nlD. 1036c4'l 2' ster rosLe!. Mdrloba i'!lshF!, rai awal flor the !l,r!nA'!{" l.ack Club, lhre. 50. 5t5.t m.k earlv !n th- rac€ ard st,sgei q 3. Joru Ey61y, P1orc6r Ac. 3t15.45: n.:D ard ruck b€."1e wril the I iile !. JobD B.ltr,{finglaDit) llo!€er !c. .aik wtre:. reteesor, wlo ra, lhe hrrls to "n 80 y 3r38.05i 5. Eart PrudeD. PloEeot Ac. ver, srconsly, pul]€d a/ay '"oa ho"e 4t52,2ot 6. dJ\t. t ee_it. rhrea budred rya.d6 Dnbrouqh becan to clo:e the ca! bur c6;1da,i oulae catch tne Nosegian" lrlbune 12 i411e Eoad race Th6 LrlDlDes 1. Odd?ai Helseson, Ir.D.S.' i7.50.2 -seitFiber 20, 1d5o St. "Iorberr . 2. Dave DlYbrough, anitoba, 17:55 Suutt€J, Eanltoba. Tetraln-Flat A€pha1i Road. 3. Paul Abrahamson, Janedtom,l":u! N6sth€r- Cool 40 degrees, {i!dy. 4. Johr Evely, ftanltrba, ltr?l !9.)6 5. Dill Wi11lans, N.D.s., ghlE 12 6i1e road race 16 Eique i! 79.14 l5d!itoba, 6. ster Foste!. 2A141 that 1t ls only 11?! dllee long. slep Concoldla Gord Alt' 7. l,ro1ters, ol Plobeer n,C.' d1d not 8, Harry l.uden, llsnltob€. ?9,\? aDeear io feel s!) r11 effects as a 9. E. i,alBen, lemidj i, day! he lan 14 r;;dt ol the naret.or 21t74 B. r€h1, Bentdji 10. ear11e! a6 he sFed away to an easY 6r fianit;b;' 16t North Dako: i""r, u, (rinrrles Tribune Nev6vlctory 1n lhe State UdrelsItY 26; B€mldii Siate has been held .arer TroDhv rac" ihich cotlese t6; Dakoia Un1v. ?4 ete! Foster and aniully irrce I.!o, -..---..-..--.--.' : John BeLLs, rer " Ne{s fon Enelahd - The souther. clubs uiable !o siay !P liitir the leaders ! Pb ay promoted :"oro'eu bv ..,- mafathon. tsrlotuo Belay :ordon Lo Bilghton i,ondon to Delraos due .o rLlle "liebs.l the !/orld." 1. ?o'tonnlu :slaDr:g teanhate. J.J[!1 i\e]y anil Deve _v vel 1'.d I5"i6rouni. F". , u;cjj ,hF tar"- a.c. !h.t60.16s.: 2. Tharpqs.. ,"i oari" lur au itr" .in ho_A !h"r bolh \h.)ar-3')s,i J. DolvL_h"'' ",io;n ' rrl: h's: Er adbd aDd seLrr.d dom -o a battlp for 16€. ( / decond5oot'6Isn!o:d'nFs,aILe.3fil'-!yran|sLpr":ct. 'ine "unne'r"L iiorLe-e t-'ie his n; ro'onlv- av' i!' i"rr"i-rr-i mii-"tt;t br 6 ano b'aL sor' JErcs or ob!12.0. .di-."rr"i;-"ora 'arrr 'ln rddle 1. sieo \Iolters. lloiee! A.C,, 64!18.5 mlne., bdl also sma:hed terr\ric tr't ^rr{up Lap recold bv 26 se.r'. i. i"i! iry;ii,;h.' ,li"ripee H6unas,' hpadr ind sLoled 67i03'2 coisestion"iainjoh& E NF'r!1" rar^'u:4r 67131.\ t^' .unners ' 'r. John D?elv. 9loreer ; j. ro o s .ru 69:00.2 'fDl i- +"' soaa. irrnroa.L. B!1. "iriti,s ;h; rc. 60, :1.? srad-.." r- a"cLornc. 5: 3L;i;;;;, oolv ra_rc sp6't piyr;F --s, . E rc.,?1..?.& "or 6- .rorr" vort.r". 'r" lJ ra00 'os" :6:14.0 ?. John Betts. Ilolee. A.c.. 05 !8.a r; ru ,.'oth s -a' rleb her io g. rc. ii;;"hdii""',-Flyi;t;r,; "ilrl--ni-"-i.i- ir"";', Fiyrna a t.1dl before lolv Norld-lnclud 'n; (9 er.)- have hln! californiaa lete ran 1?:51 for h leE of 1,he faned .elaY. .

3rd AMuaI BedtdJi State coueae Irviiatloml cross countrn, satu.dav. oot. 10, 1959 - B€ntdllJ X1uesote Ter!6tn- lery hllly aoll course WeaLhe!- chll1y f5 deerees, verv wtndJ fpellly-three runners lroo 31* cot16863


]{SRBIIJ VCXoF!, 5000 l{eters

nmer fo! ihe USA i4 the 1912 ollmpi Canes at Stockloln' .Iied ln Sd-Francisco on Nov. 6th. A graduat€ or unlc state unir., 14.. wckoft las 77.




ti"'f" 'ldi.tobai *i3l'ri1;"H]."Lll!?.ll}* rhr6e seeks hoplDg rhar by lett!.tra

ulelpssr slBrNrs LDd-oor_board track for !91191!c 9."9" $20,000. It is nodeled afore lhe sade line aE the r{aiLlsob- square ciarder t.ack. Flrst deet to b6 h6ld !n ran@ltr 1960... Doctols say 1t is okay tr rL while suffertns t.oo.o1ttls a3 lt I1l1 nqt .. aee€vate ihe cobditloa. 1! *111 nake lt dlfflcult to ron and ihe athlete {i11 wrND

rhelr oE housas 6, apalri.nls th;,. rrii coriect eaougrr rint or"oagtr to ;;t r.. iii "onirr[or.ienl iiirie ;e;i.. For the ftrst tlne the narathen lace e!11 nor srar! o! fiDtsh iD rne Oir"pt. St.Ar*. i! wltt colu@ee fr6. cs;iiol E111 (J.lO p,d,), wird 1ts r"or. *"y i"io ru i6"it"i

not do his best, but it 1s beite! than not rutu1rg at a11,"" Filis of the past the ColosE_ 4t;ne ihe appte lrai ""i-cone Laurel cilc1e Boad Bace and oihe! local ,aces rearu.od rhe Eonthly neetil,s or i!fl;ril,-il'"ilt ?1"'::"i:ii"::"":".:the irldle Atlantlc BEC on Ori. 27!h at hoDins Fili be the coo1. cool, cool ihe cede4, N.J.:.d.c.4... Esl_4+8494,-c .i'ir,E i.,,l".rr"i" "," e trainlne proeraB beto"e hls second place ;;r i""ty.-,ir..r:'r.ii. to ao itei" flnlsh ltr Camda's Aroutli th€ Bsy race siuff".1n""inr,e..n th; hedt-ot the aflemool. las^as_fo1loH6r _l'4onda{- r0 x r^olLe ir e.a rr ienDelarures are nornal nexi r: !wi rue6day_ ,^ m1_F "M; 'hu"sGt- 5 r 220. 9dLo rs holgh EhFy arF rn the io-x 440..5 n ?20: F.1dav- Fest (o,! nlitdle ol a barbecue.,Af1 tn all whei lt cones to Btaglna ble sport the oi rlefauale cross-ccunrry_-reM thi6 ialr cltlzeas of this ucient ctty at€ lies in rbe habds oi obe nanca4l-91a! "-*. ^.-;' ij;ii,l"i.-ir,Jii""Jiii#:'iiiij-ii. il;,;-"""., -n1,a,'. ii-ili"iiie';;iiiiiiJ-ii 4q++'-:: l::"I1"1:*; -" gooil ruueri I n:r for lun " renaln gladiators' Bonah olvtpic 'Ird not a =:liF:-.::r*:"1 he says,. He e*llal s thet in Flnland ' ttcoons iton't have to scrale the boltt slorts a.e tut part or a unieersltyls of the iountaln ol T'evi to aathe! u! aotlvliies. there are .o coaches, .o lhe coins tossed in hv tox'i6ts as r: orga4ized r'eaoB, and aert rer htelcolre!.ri1re e*ivl.i;s. ;i h1s 5lorts are coltrolied by clubs car'1 !li"i#"*"5:":i";"9:f::;il1,"6iJ; a i rr""";t^, al"t"""".""r." .rub ...-F L6'a a.d addis rha, , 6rrr-,a66d. "ii"" ;;;:; j;il";; i;';;;b;;; i" l;*.". r '6 Dej !<00m. 1s J; ,5 (r.101 ad end {rltes that he sili keep us lltom resu)Ls IroE lne "Ehelald rEI. "i"v'Lh rhis s!:i,s of 4;18.. rn his f1!6t .ace -d *,liiLi-iiiJ'ti'i!.;'i.";-;i:?"*... as a Deldvare took firci over conpetltors troh Juniata is 204_BailySoDa*!; Boad, Beuas!, and Fraik lh & ILrarshal], beatins h1B N. i".r""a.11 ci"a"i.". elc. ii""."t" nearest rlxal by orer a ninut6. He Non heve scheauleil the fouo{Ina run33 orer the 4., Eile coulse tn 24:25, Nov. 22 - 10,000 etres Croos Coeily! Delaware fron th€ Univ. or EelEhsro!!, where he i6 a csnudate )"ii,3%;.liilll'"llit.Hf"3P"3i3:1i for a 1a{ deg:,ee,..The meeiing of the After nuch ilellberetlon, Sportd IllusNatloml A,A:Ij. iona Dictance"Eumiu trateil decided not to pav to' the oar coneittee riLl r. nEra ii iioo e.v.,anit driver DoD shepherd Fl1t need ro Dec. 4 !n the co1d Eoon of-ih; tr;lei accoDpany hiD acroEs lhe cout.v... Carruot, ltladl qeach, Fta... aordo! lolv nackerel Andv!.The report of B€r" orct<son i"piureo ir'e i"i-a-r" wlck uarathon iureclor, chlv racc.arr Elqirs- Ne;6 10 l1i1e Boad Eace on AuE. --'' iLeath wes elealtlv- eiaese.ateil. se Ls 16i as"oeolse nourae iinisrrii_zna. st-il] verv much auee. our usEl rolBob caman 5ra, aflrv suiih [ttr ana eot or rnrorGLlon Plovec I\4artln rth. . . 9.99I__EdLee, trlgllsh I dire utrel:11b19 thjs trde to sav the l6aetl star jB ai Lhe unlversiTt of B.itish ... 1"oi3 i6 one roLmctlon tre ale onlJ cothbra. Es1e. and eotiler EiEllshMn. (rece.tly too lad to prt'1...-q!Il g:13J sor.Fbv 1E rar haye !er!--Ee!des ir€ ;es1y api'olnted h-a-ti;6F-coach be-;; vimlis tt'e ." "'.is:i;;;i!i'ric"i the lrnlv, of lilaho. Bhe zg-veat-at. ths C{mdlan ,est_co&3r...rosi noBns at soisby replace6 {geJllgglq! {ho nore6 ,ho arg nol- offlolally conn€cLed rrrh I sacranento Saate Coll€g€. Sorsbyrc ihe 1960 Olynplc Cades Eak6 rt cler I st coachtbE lob was a! lortland thdl they pld a tedlorary deDartule



froo lheir


belro.l Ausuit



reFobrs Jeffergon Hlgh School.

r lrDrD



qe.rv rewrs, 1e5? Amy couEtry caplaIn, lecertly sei a sl1e ',t. lecold at Ft. Beming, Ca., r1)n]rh€! In fu1l pack. He dld r:12 &s sgainst !!e old record of ,r17... Australlan 880yds. champlon Torv B1ue, clocked ItJ1.7 in Bl18bare oo scprcmb€! 26,.. veteru I,e8 lerry, foree! track .ha6pion, ro'. thrs yearrB Vlclo-isn @!athon liLle (!E orFr c.6 oLJnpLc oou!36) 1n 2!45,1?, lron Norean Dufl 2-t52t23 and, ialph crack 2:12:50. 4.1! 9j!e4!q!. a )J-year-ord solrJrro!. ftni6n4d fou.rh .n Lh" go4d rihe or l:01:08.. o'Comor, a gr6at a.Ld long tltre -!:Fnd of Pero' €ruLLy, has bF"! ru, for oecr'10 yeE!s,.:d h. sr:_l trelrs legulally - oilen ai ?ortsea durlng qeek-end8.,. Be.b El.llott says he rlllrg€t stuck lnto. t?aj.ning 5er1ously agaln orce hls ilelbourle Univ. .rama arc ":, .?d r, !. non-n (No!. . The iall, 1ea! youls ean luxuriously stretched hls ldq.J lrcm the cohlorLablc IrreBloe .' - - riE tenpor'!y ho$e r ciair 'n ourrar arlled disamiielJ anc Ealil: 5I'n unfitter nov 6lar ,ren Com)ne frol Eerb E11iolt, rih. 1a.i yea! thrtUed the Dorld bt riu*r1!s a "enarkable series of 1,J00 n. an:r- ntle ilnes ai the age or 20, 1t 15! a trank if stunllg re!1y, 'Tner Llere ts no t!.uth in ihe story thai yc:r hare ltanned, & have stalied traiiririe, t. rt. both the 1,500 ard 5,000 rc, r rrre Olymgicsri he nEs askFd. H..b sr'-C'€;. s{ l.e aeain and leplied: irtl.s lct cnty not true, hut I havelrt even started traln'n8 a, €-L J .rv-n't cralreo srrcc

?st':il";'f,:'*::i:H#"t:"$"3y.:l; ;:l;i": ffiH1":i{""n"i:i:"";i""}:"'

at ihe uEiverstty he w11t r€sMe ;Iorr lor the Stell 011 Company untit he goes 5b.oad next yea!, lia 1s due to besin srudles at canlr?ldee Unlversttr neit Octoteri hi5 Nife {i11 acc.nla.y h!d... tt ls sald theL t4brv llncoln has not nlssed a iralntE-;;;;G;-in a'leeks, and t6 very fr:-€rL-s' y-. foFer rorlo 31x-11re -eco-d-i.( oar Dave Stslhens, torced out of athieilcr rf?-?6iT-ii-.1ury three yeals asor is rrack thts "-csor. r-trrirg p!. rare;- tors,ihF!-a.6 o:.L3... a.Olydptc tean fo. ihe -rO,OOO n. or na!. "on- DavF, 6LiIl 'hF;orlo's "rr,ire Lr s,,oro-tesr-s- $ix-niIe| 27.54 tn Jartary 19J6, ts teaching .chco1 at a snail coubtry aisirlct abolt b5 dttes tron t4etbcurne, !€ hai no dore ioot r.oub1e. silce the s!u! o' oon- groring oona h1s rjetr! .rne_ uas renoted eaity in 19J2. teve is now 31 and he has beer tralhlr!, flrc da/6 a $e-k.'tis i-lr-.a ort-.-o :s hls qus'.E raa P-o re_p - d, . whlch he has t.ained to run in troni o- uah'na .6 -aqD:Fo. f'.F do! - 1rlnates the loneliress fron trairinei and €llces ne somethine !o chase,', he says.,. IC-llb_gll-elsg:tlgg led all th. way to lin the N.S.W. narathor, chan!* ...Austra1ia's Oltdpic tean {ill be chosen on A!ri1 29-30.., {ar6t}on Charpiaashils in brier; Czech: Kapidre -rt9:06.,_qr6s: ,itttrer -:41.5'r.. scandlnavlan: lk;;i;fTfrr) z;2i:35,. Fysnch. fitdoun 212j.41", S.].ctea^: ree ftraq-:i667 B-r<1', (c-s o@- aEre:l-.3;;.i;Ga":2;:/?.8.. Ias! Februdry. Yuro .r "::u. .. !h and an odd se8sion oa lhe wei8his, Uediterrahea Gan, s, l.iirL, LFb.uor, Right now I havenrt a clue what eveit oct, 2a - Benalssa, tto!., ?t24t!4r 2Irll b6 ia.Ll n ro- '-r Ci e6: !i'€ sp,in, :--:_-,, 10,00 r: . ', v.elo,iralce, too early to say, And I nray rot be able rlbeur, 30:i9,2,. 8c0n: l. Lento !a1se ijheLra enthusiasa to do the nec- oir, :, t:5r.!; 2. 3arrrs, ,!., 1r5j,8r easarr'a-d n:ng." 1 . ,:, who ,Fpas a., r,., t56,1,. .1aant L. J. pe". aarrleo crildhood f"-end .D- Dud--I -6. Sp., t: ,5: ;., L,:s -, .r. Issr r,ldy addedl ""a.- -o re har ' :.i:s; J D-iis. :, ."..r,000, b.oueht ne g?eat contentaent and lt " S'chsser 1. papEvassi:iou, cr., 9:04,0i Boni t be easy to mke the 2, Alonzo, Slaia, 9:06.9.,. A spectal get needed to back tnro top forn. lourve trophy was handeC orer t. the Scottlsh got to be sLlehtly fanatic io t.aih th. cross couiry LIEion in the dne oi HaJ I did" Brt .e ssid Lhzt Jg:r rr. S-rn_F, ! r^or-er vel -krod If hp dld bid for a llace or the olynplc Se-Fi_fifi'?-=1-."- .\tr-- and r-nbcr or ted@ 1t rould be !n the 1,500 n, nE!e! clydesdale Halriers, novl tlvtng ln the at ny peak last l€ar I could not have United States. The trolhy is being won both 1,500 n. and 5,C00 d. ulder aNarded for th€ Iatioral Boysr Tean the cohdttion6 that wl1l ap!1y in 8oue," chaDpionship... con€rats to !g]--EC!.egeg he co.Linu€d, refelrirg to lhe hlEjhieH nd€FLne edjto- ol T&F Ne{s.


broke th. ror.rr! leood to th. toD rLrb a 5t17.52 olockh/. b.sarlu rie ord 5:59.50. _ro1 to,r ljo.dsltJ Box.llri. J lieiee!it-a Calrl! Hansen, lueblo, Colo.ado,. .e_ I lL!-or sil. Lre JDrt l!6-e .I :re LD., D^, Fs) calEed h16 tttle ard brcte hls o;a r8cord ee he hit the tspe tn 4:2C.18. telts ^i hls expellen4es dntte ruLlin. dla tloe to ihe top a16o set a rer up l4t. Wd6hhgLon. last A!, I des kith 2.42.\9. alt ls inte.esth. 'or'rn1l6 Fdough .c ha\e ir. opnor urrcr, recold to note that the lirst si, tltrishels or rwnl.€ tn lrre Ftfi;i auual pikelE lere all Colorado reEldeate sEd thina real< riarathor. Pe.hals yor misht be qlthln 50 niles of the npeak!^ of rrrpr.sted ir llre eifalr.ours-a tralnlnS at thes€ altltudes 1s ThP r'r.e w!6 orleiialtv bceln a! a uauolressty the fllst and .o.tF6l be! 1-F, . . ^-s cho .n_srokei socord p1a-a i:Defs qbre both,esetar_ F Ja ,eers of ap€. rar! i! Thi€ {as truthfully tbe eicitle the r!5o everi rn^. p1a.ed r;bih. thrlllile aBj e).hEustlng nolt thtDg I hare" r.ce lreE:lns at tir- bottom of the The Coa ewer etrenpt€d. Hope you all have a E1_ilN\ Fnd wlrns rt. to the to! of cnanc^ at PTountaln r1bine soqetiDe,r OUN NEADEES TA1(6 OVEE

.an riFes in lerlth In lerrth r4n rlFes flof a,Jal .,Jal ieer 1i0 r.el. ieet ;;.*"::; erJre s,1 i:f:"i'i;"1ilil."ri!?.'iil"" 1c.,.r t. trr .i0 t!l€?e tlle li!%iiiil,l;_i"tiil"il,g:;:,*lf"'." *"a*t]:::lL"l:ll"H',J:ili#i:;**. :, !i i::1;' :";::,1 i:. :: ::fl :i" '." l"; ,:""*o,,' --' ,": .. l::. a,.r' i p.r . .: .""": :',-iiil*a"-"

li :ll"lilil;iitrH i:f3t,i"":: iF'i:;

:;ii"it:*i"it *r*it"'ifr,::ijuifii;;:i,:"::::. ;.i?: ::": ::"jla;i;:t

l;"if,ir*tr;", ;=i;if1;i ;;,11;:!; i::ii#";{::""',:::#ft*;i:"??}F*i"i;"1i,3q,:;", :i ':l g:.e..d !s as re alploec]1ea "1:ff"i:*";5.-* the rinber

- " "; :"l .;:::' . ; """,:::'";:"i:":'l;1"ru:;,,::":..

1i,- irr

I reli 1e:1 qr",t .'.',.

"as l:;*l;";'*e,:i', ilil!::q:i"'|il'ii:i:'"1'P?l;,:3"' ;u1!.i:,:i::"*lr .;, b- : h" " " o" ;;,;,";:;:;:"":"j-:.:".!:;'fi:."i:"1. "',: "ii"';"'!", " 'El" : :;,: ":":1" :l;=-. T* ;:*::;;"'i:j;:i:: :,.;1":",i:';""

"ii " ; | ::".::: nh ch o' - oFrsor il'.i! l:,:l """ ri:''i"o*ir':l'"*"conditree and roo; ": rr." i;;-;;T ;;;;;' i"XT"::"j?lll":;,1;ip*lna "...-"". il iij;: ";';, -"3':;':].";,;: :;i;, :i:l:j:ijlt.!:,:_i,f ;i;l"y'*".ils""" ifi:"it?.:..:ti"*E ;:!;d:^ril:ilii:isil$"F*"i":31" Etolped as he {as about to pass deel;;' and "=:*:qgru herD--d 0e nassa"^ o",, or "io.r,"o i#^:;3 ::";:;,.lii.::":*';"*":;:fu"tX" i::: ;"::.;i':,t;:,i,s.;,i;:ul" :;:9".':1,:;i"*';;::xtinl;F. u:;1";: 's;: l";1,"{"1"::".[ l;il,#::fr AreF,cli m! "";i";;i;; iJiii-r'i.,ia i::i] i:'i;:: e:;*il""8n:i'r":*'::" . ;1";l;:;;1g1ii: Eli:;[lifi;ff ::":ri; ri," ."." E ..::,9 ii".i3'li"U}l; ii#*" -rkehrr:;;; ;;;D;;i;-.t' rhlrr-€n.rrnr6hed. r*.;,;; "u.,' "a ;",J eni;ild.,i :1


;',f,H";"J'*:,i:'rr.H";;"glf:i',n. Fendrolher. r .._ra r" q.,"r,. -rfriii"rii"if,"ii"r



I |':


i""n; *,:::i ::;T"::':"":l;j:i*i# EneJ aftl ilack th€ up on rorm i'as set Bvdtem ts a Ee, Lnsighb. bui T shalr rt a'' ro! se!era-"4o**' iill'F:":lg#::""1t":"'T-"li;]:' n6t "o'pru,,.oa vli"i'ti.i*';;,; re used f;r.'n-"Lhlns' T::,:#:"il'tf;:T'!:"8:;:',:".:s5E, goco ha"e !o ::t: iiii?ii-"';.".e" !E (scot Eanillon -


l;';'"il!!-,iil l::;it':;:'::; -- :H ivT:r=:il"?:fl "i"lHilFl:ii"li#rs fu*,rii.'rutl:h.;*'l;:.';;," ti"H"*."";; [;:i i* l:ft,:xi*i,n:.*ll?:;s";"::'ie^' il,flfii-;Jii oii".jii"ll.;* *-"nch .rch !ectu!ar-{ * ht'*:l; *}: n',i; i::tr? -"' :iit ?:,'ii::;!i:'Iiifl "i?,::: :l"t 3:*:'l?":r""|:'fii"*'u.i:ii#ii: iir:::r:i::ilr::li"iil.i;"liji:hlii, ;"' "';i'i;;t;"' - " indoor !'€ck "' "lli {;i; lili,'i"rl"lli'i",."' ".'""" F J,.rhe Ne o%, L.r€ ., si.atr !?HL!l;";'.,"33","lffi x.

"*,,:"." l;i{;.ii,3.;i"!tL!?i5i';,'i;"';li,l; lili:il:;::l* "'- !,;;!;:':;t"*i.l:i'*i3'i:,:.iil'"

$!ii"3"il,ai 1,":":i";i.1x''""'"

.i ii:::.: l*:i$;:,!S*l"ii"*i".l3l on the lasr 1' ace

"J-ir'" 'ia-"""t'F.o6ooldonDtcrsf.15Eoblnsonst"andbrokethecElein4'l3Asconge}'



,i;ii:l ," Lods, 4o",r'' r-er rlke " ll r;"lT""l;:i *$""::; :?,, r;' . .'";,:":,"?"; :" ::l.llH:;';';; i!::l;;"'li iir r 'err' as rc :e'; -':" li'::'ii:i"-""::, "ii"} '3T^":{";8.-." t:i:;?.!:!:i.:ii:", :ii:;i:.iili,:;" ;;r.:;;,a,.,;',E:Hl:":":: el":y;-.;-::9:""9r: .i, -",,* - b4- ti; ' ::,:i:, :.1"';*-;;l'"1:".'i .i;'';, ;,:-,:: "' re e.,a" ; ili"-;,,"1i";;: ili"I'*l[," ",;i -

,;:il":;'s:,; :l




" i;-J"":3h;::, ;i,.:a: "rl'llT" ',":a r-, ro 4- " n. T.-::'.,,.. or:,, c€off ua.r'fo {h- 6s5 rP:.!no' ll"'li"i""*!"ii:,-:5";',?:1i""':ffi:'



:i#:"t," i,H:;;*::P.'' "":.":;::i:il1 i;.;,';;;t *,:1t" . '..;r: vFr " " rec' ":ll,:::' 'i:.":i: :''ll;: ro r:' '." Ba. r,.e- ;;:'" '; "'' ::;'i': 'e;;"1 i:;;!li:i". .':.,':,i;.i, *":: ';'l;';: ii,ii:l:iliit"i: :i*'k'?* fl?:lii!,jl.c'i;ill.l :i:1""*; ;:'i"::',:':'"it"]:"ffi !ofi:

6li:;":l"i::i,i::-:.iill"lii,"'ir.."""' I ift:lei"g +ner! arbu! i !. ., s,6pr l',.2 houts.


g'1 ttne :n r€6ar'

n-.nca -act bec^n. iniFresied


:"#":., l:l"i'* 3il n;ii"""ii;i;;";;:';:::"i" ,"aoor eea"on "fi]iii:"i'i,i; !o r\e_r hd. e ,Lao um rAs,1r,Gacs, ll"i:::;e!4e,i"H::::.:':i raxi

;l;:1;" :;::: ;i:;:'*r"n:":T"!:E :i"iii* iilii.irh:li:i:fl::"i;:i.?1,

12 ('ri111&! M. Buthlau?f- conijaneit) ouriuor tr.r{. Lhen ne got .!- on the cr-dr_ : .k 6!cethlng rerL {rJdE, ..r. rnopr. .: cai,"te fe€: o, r:p clader5. brlce pe: ,16t I"i5 fLc16j'ru_..::a co.ra..

th:r 1"r,,! the iuc or scer6r.y. J6.e --Led i,., !o \is oLd €ryle or rDmir€ nithour knodlnr jrIo-iarcds and he .)..t r -3.." !o dLdr,-: i3d rrr .rei-€. ed r' .,i : i ;; ;:i"."*' on rhe frsbklln tiEtd t/ecl. ard r:\.,ier ro B . :. I D:..19.rq lto1awaea. :a runnlztl] 1r hpar lsj.ers !t sud. ;is .,iaurr.tur lc1}rn ,.r. :onJleleiv. I "- nr _]b-" 5' ...' ,ni f"o;is 5.y-. ' , n . ^ . "-.-.oa .sji. .il.:. " :. ,L "r "i ' 5o,r .l1url I - rn a ttr; ap, icl c,. huhar lnrs. liirrri,r etrachd at th. r:..j] ,g- o vin:. .aa.s . rne ldrs dud.. or.'p.6. r' . rL^, t1 n rJ;:.steo ,. !--\1Dj€h rne :rster L,rs" so i took tile ,,:'- , . , Je 6a d! . €r,€ tll .,' syEred

,e 610. 3 ov6r6d r - had hlppei-d. t! Eo n-s r : ray -I !s:., .rs aire.-1hraao fh s -! tun hr. orrdi..tio, uf h!D! wlth jr thifurn chsnF-o h)s q. soon re.ainad hrs bcav!i_ th;l Droduced I ls f ne reoo! !€rJL ..rce6 whila a! penn_ b,r rhfp.F ,ears . . -laosed by ;Gn-;; "nd oue ro rrrrlp, |.!,,q durrns Lte rhr;. leriod. H L 6eee.a. ra^es around i'e:I e:zu ano shoced . :r he could cet b..k

*i-iii{$.ljl;i,'#i'i*il,'yi,:"". 'i"Xr'trff TJ:'i*i.ho*n'uch'



i*ruft**ii*[**:rukr j;!l'E j*tuii-* jjijj,;,Xi i333:


1924- schyle! hck" peu State. 4:24 1925- I€o la!r1v€e, Holy closs: 4121.j 1926- Joh! N. !'Iat6rs. garva.d. l:24-? 1927- u,tlllafr J. Cox, p€m St:.q:18-6 1928- \iilllm J. Cox. peD sr.: 4!2n 192r- Joseph J. HicKey. NJU. 1+,2O 1.30- 8111 rT.kniff. peMEyjiaDta. 4:2 1911- c&rl A, coan, peM6ytvania;4!15. 1e e!c1os144 arri.le by fed lllererlith fioD tle PhiladelDhia ElentnE BDtIerrL (2/11/i1-) headllned. "c;rl coan l4ost imp5led Athlere^ " iEd: iThe altt.te stete! thaU Coatrrs NInf Ferfor&ance ove!ghadowed aaother Een6attorul victory by the crsck Bater rorrege harf-ni1e!, RuBe€]1 ClEblR. chapmn oulfooted iho faoed Ser; Mart

oi FErce, Phtl Aiwsni€. of CaEd!. D.. Paul Xarlin" of Swlt?elfana ln 1!52.8s, ln the Brehey heif_olte. ihe raEtest 88C ever ru 1n thE canlaard bettered only by i,iorrt Hahn's world record a! 1157"4.. In the tqo^ oue. Jus ll.ore, of the Broot l]n Har. 1erB, wes forced to a 9.11.6 .erfo$.. ance to beat Joe Mcaluskev, oi Fordhae; and.

olj- g:-". Fmr off rlqra,ce -Los _ -Eow laey lrainn 92.00. The naelc stuli inat nak-s chamlionF aLmvs hlnt Lo undFr€tanrli but Fred1strtrr; NoaJ.rfxl rpw book gjves ian./ cf tne s.crer6 benind the recoFils. ,lilt. a

1!4d 3nd 1052 01rr!1aa ha6 rjacked be_ cofere of this bd.k 6omething ol ihe e.ttxir tLai nakes chanpiohs., ge.P a.e bhe personal trarnang Bchedul€s of 150 athletcc ol all stanna.ds, renelng fron rhe srear .ames to prohlsir€ yo,ns hish e-rhreres have given to the book o, tnelr r!a1n1rg !rob1en6 and fener.l D!_cFalat on e.e of tren€nitoL, n!6res NEr a contrast here, for e{epter_ bed at 6: t0 on to€ekdav nomlnes and so for a iour_Dite nngolf ot a ,ourse, afte! whlch I do rrve ntnu:es of lepetltlons vrtth a 45 -rD. r,crbell. Thlee nlAhts Der reek rnonday. lredaesday and Frlday) r att6r.r€cnnrcal coltege for three iou.s. rhese hlghtd I do not trslD ln the even$€, but ln8t€ad I ro froo ro nlrc D11e3 durlna Dy lunch tour Tues:ay and Thusday ntehts I hoD. treln



;i.ll'"ii:X ffH,flifr$: o!.f a,n. to p.o. coltese 6 D.h; i,. ro r prr. In 58umer,and rhen it iE to; " Fw: ro tEln 1l the nltrdle of the dEy,

{Ffea tlftr3-ntloe they T.alni - con!.) I sta.t {ork 30 nj,nutes edtv on onitay, wedDeEilay and Frlnat so I can train tor rr0 @inute8 lta.tins at 4:30 p.o. before colteAe.i {Ilberi ftom; ot Auslralia, tFo and th!ee-n1i6 polld 01 trained oEly on€ eeenlng ler Neeir, slnier snd slmef , spendilrq abolt 30 rhutes o! each {o}koui" tty traidis BaE 41{ayr lisht. I Llaihed lcr a iile or 850 yats. race by doina ser€ra1 so"lats ud 440 yds. or 660 yJi" at va_ralng rpcer first parL slck, flrddle parh dedlm e?d t1!-sh fasi. :r. lame-rlrals_ Iou {if1 iaugh at 4y sla!-dash nethod of i.a1n!ne, but I .soi a lot ot fui iut or it dhiih today's hatrr1on6 do riot g€t.rr (.-:: birj{s, lorld i 1e reco.dbolder f. i902 qith 4 nins. 16,8 secs.)

!Itf','s brol Js sellihs so relt ihe hav{::!hed hin ao do a 6u!lubllshors pleaeat ao. 1!60 rt11 in.Luite speciallz€i ialo{.it!or .n Malathcne"s, -r1. r.i I d.rtlnce ren, Blocd t:s'., .11 :rts, varclratio.s and rrmoc!1ailc.s, .!rcialized info flcn Flnland .rr b..i!Dn lratning, et., Ff,ed


froi[ nr€1ala

oct. 17- yaliorr -r.4, !11 Mlte E6ad Ea.e !67 ertries.. 1, saivdt, 5a:21! 2. John Thorle, 51. !/ . j, Iete. I. 111mer, t?.10! rr, B. R,s-.. 52t52..'r.r1:


14" Iledry r/ashinqtcn, shan.cta, 2er36 15" r1n€s Quinld, t€sa]le, 2a,47 16" Johr chalrar, ten! AC, 2nt56 r7, EolJerf JiorgenJ Ph!1:' lc' ?9:04 18, ioe Steian ricz, redr Ai, 29:1:l 19, lete il.eeue, Sh3Ehan cC, 29:J6 20. licle. Hamon, Phila,?:c.., 2t:/r8

21. Jch! arrliaghar, P.uA AC. 29.56 j5:1C 22. HerrJ lost, Pern AC, 23. r.Le! Clark. l-asal1e, 3r,34 24, rrry ael.eney, Shan" ac, 30:38 2J, Jovu_. liichnl., lerr ,{c, }at57 26. Jon, ,lTcKen a, ?enn lui 31,36 2?" Jenes For! IaSalle tA, 3tt57 28, i,ar"y ", r4salle l]iJ Jltt9 29. lrank re]ly" Sh4nahan ar, l2!C7 3c! n'dhrnan, reir ,'rC, 30. '11. ELr Harktns, ]]asalle RA, J3.24 33.1) i:!,, !.cl-erors largg rl:41 12. rer fi. ll3nior.1, Pioneers, )6r24 Jl. D/wF r-non eon, ,eEr "h"e!er, J6:46 14, J_:. irenr'J ror,De, t1cnee.s, l8:l4 36. Jai'es niam, lioneer., 19.00 Tear: 1. PeM A.r. 3-i.t-5-75-i7= 4+i 2, Phila. Ploneer lC 1-6-8-16-19= 50i l. Sha@lEn ac 2-la-il-\3-1ti=62 5+t 4. iAsa1le EA ?-9-\2-t1-2A= ?-9-\2-lti-aa= (Cloudt & cool, 40 deg!ees--hi11y oouli aood lollce lrotectlon) irran]r rarrak Lvn! Bender' \offlcia1s. Jack tyfah, Jahn si,c1air.

5t. Albans;ify,ir, oct, I7- Iancasr€! trlmhre t+ tltles Road r3ce. l. ceFy !!orth, :7.arr z. D.A. spercer, 2?:J5! :1, ceori North, 27.57..Ieant Blackpoo! & Iylde 13. oct. 17 - n.E.c a i $alton A.C. 15 I,{l1es aDd 25 i(ilo Tnck !e.e aL Stonpond Labe lrack {62 larsl 1. Cha!1ie oabbs (telErare tl.r r:1p:29.1 {1r m1") \r21t16,6 125 Kilo)i 2. Ivor edDon4s (Erj,6to1 AC) 1:19r0l 9 L:21:51 L Jack Eeldood {Hese Pt11 9. ) lr_l:5: & 7.27.4?i 4. Ron Frankl Id (it€oo.t H,l 1224t3r & It27r3)t 5. ron Bucliusham Lr26,27 & l:29,a7. iAt:1: dh:11le is barely a serlor and had hot even tackl€d 10 n11e6 preriouely-. Pace: 5 nr, 25215, 10 ai. 52to6. lLI _D1- 1a1 aa!r) Vsa cortlandt Pk, Nra, oct. l7- Ani 2A llglhaiian 4O., 1, Dlck Greene, A, \ 25t7) lt 2. Pete Beyer, m, t5t2-1.8,3, \

ii"l.I!"i_^''5_116r 4

hiIE !UI.J ?h11a., Pa-, Suday, },.oY.8, l9r9raurlc€ ca@on, st. Jo6e!h"s coI:iege lleshnanr o?eltook early pece-seiter Be!!y Crartord at the 4 atle aark, then pu1led afray rlt! a s'i$ag fi.rsh to dtn ihe 1st AmEl Renel lh.rna.J and lRC 6pon6ored 5 rile Fce on an out-and-hon-a c.ursa orer aid6.i:e ;ee8e Burdelie lrt.lom older bfoLhir Luih.i to iake th€ ihird i,f5.! iil,orl.: f.izesr 2, t.ophies & 1 'rear t.o!h: dobtei by llenel Phar,nacy. liece i.lrecior; Bo), iSlpa.n' l,Cl lenel P]lamac]l enF1.yee. l- fiaurice Caricnt Ii!ia. li.he.r t/ .).6: l+ 2. E.ry Cla7i'ord) Shar.Ca, 213r!0 i. EDrdelle. Penn Ic, 2i.16 4. iutner iurdelle, Pe\a AC, 27.2'r i rtt iifrt€to,, AJ', tf :i J. (, . ri.tac" Jlden, !lr1a, P! 2?:r! r/o11, LaSalle Rl, 27t)l 7. Per,e. 8, carroll Aldersrn, !h11a.?C.27:42 9. Dick Donohue, Boatoa Aq, 2E:02 10. Iienry ]tel1er, lesaliet 2E:48 li. :ob Cha,a|ers, ShdarEn cc, ?!:11 I]NON LIINS


IME PEJzEi I(ELLEA IIEST {O IIUISH J !{ILEA IN mII"l. lhlla,, Pa., SubdaJ: Noy. 1 {1 !.X.) - Steve Uhelaa, Ve8pe. Boat Club enthrtr ron the best tine pltze la lhe lasalle Ro*1nA Assoclatton's tlrst auEl tAU fi!6-di1e hanillcap !e oyer a 2 ta! cou.6e Bpablng th€ East and Uest Rlver Dliver 1n Fairmo@lr Pa.k. ]lhe1a4 uas ofr st 5:40 alLF_ Lhc hlE 6c-1lch Doii Lion. Lrhel€n taJ.ed lhe cof.5e 1n 20:-:6, lasalle RA|B Itedy Kel]et {aE to ti!18h,and helpeit IaSaUe {lD the team plize with 22 Points. Ciub cr,b E1a..TlE6 EXaF.TIE6 itdcaD. tLtcaD. ActEl ACLEI TIde Tlde -T1-.:Ej-iieuy Ke1 I e' , Gsd-r r e aa , 219n- 2E-ttJohn Devua, IassUe !-A, 3r.52 7,\a JA,12 Eery lilashlrgion, Shalahs CC. 32.00 2,4a 29,20 Bobe* ilalk1ns, l€SoUe EA, 2:00 30:08 32.0A Joria ifotlara.d, Pe@ Ac, 2,a0 30211 32t77 ca@or, !h!la. Pionee!, 32:12 27to7 2Dd Tlne Pllze 5.05 Jess€ B'rrdeUe, !-e6 A.c." 4t2A 27154 3!il Tire Prlze 32t!4 .ranes Quin:lan, lasalle ttA, 321L7 2too Jat!'l 'arrr1: Aidd s^,, t, tE, oree^, )?t22 3t+o 28142 leter fo1k, rasslle nAt 32127 3t2O 29.C7 1{llEi,Ali CAPTUAES RUN


l* I i

''o 6

6i. , 11. P€ie. Leasue, 14" rel'er ciart. 15. John chapaai, ir. 11l

...per 8.c.,


^.C,, sha€ha. cc, iesalle RA, lehh A.t..

:',J6 )2tL)2t59 13.00 3::Cr1

:.:ii'criii;i, i;;-;:r:;' ii.n; Vesler Bc, l:l:10

16. i3ne6 tlearey,

? r. A. :., , ))t12 )):'A -8, " tcpp, i9. )iorr Donchue, Boston AA, 33.27 20. Eob i1oleanr Ph11a. rioneert ll:47 21. ]r.:rly Barkowliz. ?ed -qc, t:l+-i 22. ilanl< losi, PeD ,-c, 33t58 23, :,n:an riEdner, ped ac, 3315.: 24. ijar,l iial,! S1lEleton. S1!€leton, PeD Ac. 34:a8 Ac, 34ta9 25. Eari snith, snith. Penn AC, AC. 34110 34110 26. laL qa!t, lens AC, 34t22 2?, JiD r1g€rer, Vespe! DC, 34:26 28. Daa ji.iman, vesper Bc, 34:30 Nranri :lelly, Shacban CC, r29. 3lrt36 ohn : l'l., Pea 4c, JJ. )\t) _610rb -11, Jerone .t, libbv. .i Ba.n-rorts Bc. Bachelor's Bc, 35:0J i5:0! Jl. l€sE'le a-A, 3/. aa-s. )s.aa 31. rohn c8r:a4hen, Ped Ac, 35,3? 34. Eichard, ShaDha! CC, 36,A4 1). De1!. . , ShaGncr cc, 36t?5 '16.lirry .mt. hpo, o- i 661a. )6t3u 3?. David C. Thcnpson, {est ChesterAc,36r40 vespe! BC, J8. cus constant, 36t+9 rared Eoch, Peu Ac, 37t27 29. 40. David uillnan, Veape! BC, 371LJ &1. oh Ucrrcle, UBttached, JAt2A L?. Lcv - schopf, letu A.C., J8:14 iJ. Prdtr floffett, LcrLached. t8:lr0 lD


t. Ted Corbitt, N€w York Ploneer alub, !.51.21.0; 2. Jose Dones,

5:L0 Lt2A 2t2o r5A 1.2A 3;16 ?r40 .t,a :tita 4,AA 3.1a

26156 26,,?l 3c.39 32.70 a;;n1 29.41 30:30 )4122


Be6L tlDe


29121 3a101

2.4a t7.01 2t4a )7t18 2,40 3'1t19 5:05 29ta3 29:0-1 t,a5 2t5O 3it2a 2|50 2:aO 32t2a 2tt0 2t2a t4A 4:00 :15 ':!0 3.20 2t20 2t4a 1:lr0 :30 2t4. G! :':0 co Oo c0

32.15 32t7o

33,t6 Jo:Jo

iL:+8 3L!.A ).29 32,17 33,44 3)tx' l4:t4 16:10 34ta9 3712? 17:01

Flrst Flrs! Te-a-lssa Tean-Iasalli a{.l-2-4-?-8=22 2. Pee ai,47 pi8. 3, Sha.ehan CC, 58 pts. sace Directo.charleF P, Colg3r kceuebl prlz€6 plur 3 tem aBanls.


34t14 38:40

wPc, 1:5r,31, 3. Vln Ken, fi'llrosF M. ' | 4. Johr J4eelt, SL. rnthonJr: BC, r,,0.44t 5. Aldo Scandulla, i11rose AA, .2.11!:6. J.0rCoE€ll, st. Ahih. 2:of.J8r 7, o,A. ItrrhFke, u[.Etr.' 2.a?.20 (ctj_.tiDued nert IE8:o '

(r€dcorbl*-cortlnued) 8. vrke o'rrar ,5..anrh., ?.07.56

9, Har:y MuFhy. nl rc s!, 2:l0,OO 10. t{ll' idl1,r. .-t. Antf. 2:18.02 11. \ut s c''-!, IEpC. 2:18 ra {corb Lr bronF htF 'q.? .osse l'ecorrl by a dlnuie..toueh 19 niies) Teamr 1. li.Y. Ploaee. cl-ub, I-2-9=72i ?. MlUrose r\4, 3-J-8=16; 3, St. na!honlr3 loys club, 4-6-7=17, 16 3ta.ters,.Nindy day, but clear.

. ;" -;,--";;

1. 2. :. 4 j" b, ?"

'fj:llilans, !hl1 colenan, Jin lreker, .a: ul ior., Jrlck ir:i1, smce r'?i i,n-Le, A/i o,'chi:nirro,

8. ie" ..

.;;: ,";;, " ., ucTc

lCTc 1016 ", ta'a Ioxs lcIc

20r07"J 20i17 20!23 20:31


21rr_5 21122


t?'3:-::o1*,:::."::""f:"r.,::*;:g ; sl;o:;.;;;-;;

ic ii:: si:o . ii i; fr.r beh!:,d ,r',, ,.;'- !r,D "-. -.a96- ot - - ,-, for loLr.r.. D.a..n o" ie A.. /. r,s a L " . 6cjor. slolie6. He tcld hok the lieel! ..iai! I\e ryrd a keekerd .ut .i hi. .ergeert sali.g !ra! h; n.:d,ji: ru jn ai l4o.tant cin.s .orni:.J race {actrally Lhe.c ras n race, h. q5s Lrc"

;:'. i.;; ;:.



ed tie n1at3. .uC .n his rer,r.n rx.sented Lt io ihe seraealr ,.ior rhc c.ipdnyi 9eUlng hi. lre ha,i adr :Lt :i. a blg race Frih lhe l4l1Esu&ee ,1'"ae1r ril CAt'Ai,:IAli CROSS--aQUN?AY CgAli?IoiislliP! satufet;-i;E t;i 1Ei|, :t9r.9.

o '. ,g-.18 zivuq l:.-.o-;7 -Tit:rrs-on qn| or 't ,ra:: Jtr:met:., 1.wa 21!4, t. )ick Cariicnsei, r.rrt. 0t, 'j!.:lt 9. 3aX q.P. 4.1ans, 10. (e. I+fi.a. To!3 21:J9 Unin.: -.c:4: l" rt, Ari,lack.iti! a,)e1!i 1i, dici:l:.r.::r,', i.rt.t 22t0, 'i-a;ill T,eEi..ri, l0!j: 6. ?'r-i -.1. jote, tJ) o. '_. Eoo , .'i' lill-w S!,:li:. lianillcn OC, l1:2, ?. ;i, Johb ahfcir, Claiito.4 Ai. l1:ll Sccre. lllri-.:rrr r;r: iiliri--12 i. lar-d/ !i.s.!, Tor.a',6 (iC, J13;'r ?hi1 a.ienrl .i :r: :rC'la r inl.d b:f... -rri. Dlrin J. ai.liari:, Cld:tone, 12::t the siart .j :.. ;.-. lilrat ne !1s gotng 11. ilh]is le::e1s... ;:tadslon€, :j?.?4 to run the i'r.:i i,r_ ,r1ies .:tot', brt i2. 'o' Al Cfale$oni, ilelpb l,eL::on":2.27 '---* !rli ':1. (h ". o. . . ..k-t ir. l"u. rrgo'r ard Colen:i,r n::: -:i :ik. {1.tin 15. teui iloffnan, 0C, :2:lt a l. ... La,- o. :h "a. V:l ., "es I 1 P.' j--! s . I , {sitef tne ta.e ore l.ia runrer was 18. orrllla Atlins. ;:lad.torLe. 3l:18 cve.hea.d to 6et, "Dic that :r-1tl1e it. r.i€ rrande@e..r. liasilto.oc 11,22! ,inj he }as b.hind ne nosi of 20, Ivc! qoberis, r'cronto 0C, 33:'J, '!ut ihe ri!s! Lapar'), Lias 1. ctos: 21. :ob iacols, s!.1'arris civllia4,:4j attendance alors wl'rh ioa..B tucker ald 22, Ilon6 cladstone AC 14:01 _rr'. saflache!, 5111 a''ol .l D-"J, ]"s o , l: ' !y. r.1 oE. roursp J . 15. i1...! d. ,r : -j .a- L , . .r,, )':r. along fo. the lrrn !a5 Dea.or Jones, in 25, seorqe axe.att Cladstole,ic j4:4c hls liist eisht weeis of tiasj.c tyalnlhg 26. ceorr:e Nordan, Toronto 0C, 34:42 at Fort ieourd l4ood, but lho had cotued 27, chris !t.ard, oladstone AC, J5!28 hla se.€leant Into a !as6 to clne home 28. P, Boyle, cladstone AC, 15i47 f(r r,.- ,,b e by, ..e.6..-a A., 5:,.et eo sl"or,. .o. -hon"ir therF af -r ,!:le rro 16:1 . :lar:l or 0 , tko m'ler on rl.p riAL. o qht colrs I' J . r01"E, -es torL , )6. 10:05. Ey rh- .h-ee iles oar* r ,5:10 l . C. :ovlF, Cr6d.rorF;c, 16:Je itayllght was shcring betw6e! lii11!d6 ll. Roletaraitt, Swlss cydBBts,38:57 and colenai and oar lressed on to rtn ll4. GaUagher, la6t Iortr fC, 38:59 by 70 yard6. Iorars po{elful, you'nd lJ. Belllveau, Cladsto.e AC, 40:08 EoPbomole, Jlb Tucke!, looked over hls l,'eabsr 1. ol,qpic CIub, 45 !r shoulder a doz-r. L lcs !n th" Ias! ap 2. Cl"d6ron" Aq, 6l o s; l. sdr' Lo. no.e lnterested in who,as lletrA 1OO Olynpic Club, 64 pts.! 4. E€6t York !C 11I pts. (18 stsrters) next !age-,



_ !o.iiruod)


aour:er 6 njlles (l 2 nit€s ol ;Fi f..qs :rcru{irns 1a,rs_ a Jeq snrtt t hrr i, srlt hg lni firJishilg eec1. t1D oL a .i!1e4 Lrick. The dtsrrn.e. ont! .prroxtmlie due to r 6"!tct, -_. ffon Du;rr :orrsF. ther qe-c n!r r!rcey;d. ond:r:..8: trtt,t !r.c irirF Fin ii C.t.rnizati on: rterl sond, TlrlrLr las. l,l-r..rr ir Fnra!r.irl p.re_ r(anr, [. d-ys ear]j-r LThLrsdrr h. J

;:l ;:3,lf i"'ln;']"i.i.lii:,ll::.*1"_ .i:? i:Ti:r; i:; I:il 'i;,'" ':,:r.rioni,ine,a.r.,: I;ii:,H:j,L::.-,, .rrj-1iIcn



Z:. fi.:trs.


-,:or:. rr.rarT.r "n;,r.r E. r€asl:c. ,t D,nr.,, d.. 51. r. r. l.; ), f.nerj crlt t.: -lr^r-: ,"1. r ."1: ?

I,';:',{;-.:.-.,'. rj Hill :1.., 14: ti lc, bob s s_ r-rm: 1. lirLl rrarr .;l;.i.-,".r4.22.. J_!r!EII!!1 DMsrON 2 l,tite g --rFer


::; 'i;J-.".:;: l;: :;1f;,';. .':;i,;,';.^?:."1":;."-"



i0:2ai 6.

Rona. iysan_

,'ii,':iii"i,', r 1r."ii',i"ilil.,lil' rastsrork rtu'k r' ,'ii3Bi

"iV'il3' -:t:. -^c._-:..: ..

-:"--",^1.: ;.::."':"::

"ob .h


".."yrr8""jlll'9;"1" . -'b, -{'r.: p.r{ scnoor. ur,io ".-:' I







i:i"3:":'1",::::i,H*!,f ro^r1em csflfofnre di s tld.,a a1rc1es. orL rh. wa.v he ts tunrlrns Lhr: s no.e amrzirg thar eve!..aohstolt is

i.ff';;i:;'l?::i ililii 9e.,,1.>1i !nre.-sle,,

-i ;'1r 1'....j . ..,',: ._"'"-"'' .5 ; .


Fouf ner dlstalce .vebtE _ i5 & J0 iiilr rds - lEve been15.-20_ added ro the rsc1alc pssoclatloh Dro4a. rh16 fal1.. credri nDst ne tiven r hahan. r'hcoa: -iai!abr4!!. romy iil; il ; ;:H *4"ir+Hff E-il:"5';cnan e to cobp€te rD e?e!t5 lBckle oerrt rh rhe !as: 1! tltts 6roa... -


"":jl "i:'i,i;,,ili-"l,iT"f;" ;:;i:;'i,i;""::""i:!:ffi 3ti.Fi,i"3"3!;".


cp.erat:s !1en_ ,J o- brtr. !4c sporispa! of -tr trre-c .-i-te does ' r:rah,t Joh- ev!.tr b./ 1j fron . ro:a1 nllh schoot {:her. 1.e a good nmbel to@ thst wa,i, c.r.rh..r alte!-1 itr r!1n., tsr nea. o6f a rrcrllr:."ch's n€ver kro( tr,.:t tripv ar. - 6ld r. ne$.,. {./estcr. fieEliDhe.e fiarathoh !1aik6 afe Eri!t--d" 1t s d.fLrIte - Dec"mber t2th,,. (rr eltrles ltorld br 6rnt ro Svd Xronen_ ur l! ."lifo.41a. (t. entry fee),, i rr:Fs: rroljhiej to firsr three rnd P1 r1 H. llelns i.ir1s u11L .fo to olaces r !rr -h.oLrrti tF., 1,, r.dr {11r a1;o be irc! to.:I o"he. rrfne.s ilrrshlns i.d one_h3tf hoLrs..Ali nust lheck I. at 6 e.d. erorra j,dltorrm 4tr7 ovelland ovenue. The m!r.thonrtd1lt start ind ' rni6h here.. . Inb camlbell h€s been LEi!ine ad!1sor.f the.lJFv York FAC.., 8.b,6 son (Fobert r11) rEn hi: fir6t face rn the,:5sa_ state H.S. {-a, c1as6 "D" p+ m11es. .J4r st..terj, Ne kes 165th ar r+ miles qlrd, Yo"n6 Bob wore the the fLrst to do 60 1r .ompetition in tteq Dnsland...John Dr1s uorkine rorklns _QgEshd@ hard ro ro;ET-TI; !.9l9!.4se ser ::+sr_rl{= 1s 'o.Klns nard fough they donit seea to ie able ro look ah-ad!... l,/e have recetved.utrc a rew rettels lrqutltns about thd €iatu. of the ERC ,lth the AAU no{. Hnen he AAU flared off. these "dorr :ersi declded to ..Ao e;sv', uitl1 Ehe rrt@tto,6tabtltzed. uost eere afrrid to jeoFsldlze therr AAU stalusY: Selieve the apathy has tt16sa!pea!e.t!


--=:. -:_.::=-:---

R!ftlsldo spolts

tittd4tlsal paEsn' 1!s"r

ii#l#-ffi ffi l'.T*li;:-":**'r'*" 1o'' a !? etPlt6re {irkb4r' stsilns




3's" !*inar:





' :l'i llP;""**lft''"'''' . :,,;i*"t:i;iFrrji"}.'




,'iriix;i,il.i;;' ..Li a. rrox un .lc'"c

:, ::,; ., :", .'i; r,' l;


"1ffiiiq;X:ii',;i;1i, ::: ili;,:, ::i::'- - ::':::: ll::1.,:.


s'rrrs:di e'''a1i'ic:21:i sar., oc'. 17.' t l?1";iii":,:.?,1'i^iilr{ :

: ,,""::i:,!H"l:ii":'1"::"":::ii:;'3, ;1"?:'1;:i::':L.*';":""i:ift ;:,',"'i"i"::;' ?:"r'il;.:" :;';.r!''1'"'

llll*ili,i;,l,ru:. {}i,' "i"i*Lqifii,tl{-;i.; -*",. t,


;,1i.1':l'f i;;;'' ii,;i


-L.ii'i:Nr';:t:ir::;:.ii,,.,^o: oil.;i:',i"!l*:ili:.1' [r,, ri;";; ;'".i1i,fi"r:"i"i." :i:,f;,.-:l,ril-,





o ctt".*.

chsEploElh1p (4-t111es) lro!. 1J - ceblral co116g1sEo coDter6!.o x-c llchleu'.20:08 u€6t6m Jolrt Asbnore, ?a!k.. 1: u;6hiuioh s"ii-iiE"i"iia

i;g:1.::*;ll"*:""9r.'il,:,:'"I8"mi Hi ?;**'lii"ii.'?^.#id'il#'

r 1-


3iffi :'"1;:HE:ilr' ,^: T*::l:::"3':ff"1;5^ ;i5S'l""ilii, I'lT;""'lf @5 hls rrrst or cruti. ahe 1o'oood. race :ti,';i6;hi.-;i ni"'.' t,ii*i i,l'rr rn l):lu'r' nore 'han Liree r'Ll€e. buL he Nob bv nore than 50

.::i::. aa-'k c


'ards r?*":;:,"ii,l:ffi: :3:"i:::"e"ffi"';i;.'il!''i:ii"' i;"r:"flf;1";H: '.-e'4r-.1e hho 6'beligib:lt {ocer_6ger or uE..


".i1Ish ruFer

i-"";*-11,"" ."; ;iir"3"lil;,ff;"#"';::j"n;lETil,$"':::"!f,;. :"

t( /e-r- r-nhr6'. rne club.'' Io-ds one oLler @Jor tltle' ie rius rtr i5e c-st io-t iJa.k 'ouese' /'Fu e s's' Lo 1tt'!o 1keIv rs n'r C.,;;l; s:; i. tr".--. '. ai.xtno'':,6e..eF|:F€4'oceoeolcs''holll55r) .rr:1..rir: ro r ,.tyrr. .c . cpr r-al :ric11i -. ,on lhe :ean t lie e:rr-r:. -oi,,Ls,,. .'o!', - uis:(n _"! I's""" ;:"::'i;.':;";: :H, l;1":':"fliJ-;"

ii:::il{t ":itrr,ii$"ir"lIlil:iii:$'i}":ru":i;"":::.rri":;r'"sr!rri" i:.riE:r"ti;:r!;,i ilili":li;hi;l:ii,;iili'H:3i:Ji:h:ikq"iiit;rliiF' ;l".ll.i,"1":" ". 1 .l'el"'i.T'... ;l .:' l:",;:.-:":.';.l:Yi: i"l')o,Y:;' '.

s e.-.

I^d'" ',

i:l'.: *l:::"B3i"I;:'-g:Tii;l;1:'""" i-:'ii.,i.::",i.6;.:::":"il;ill";*liil",i i".,I,-ri'i,*,'ri,rt; 4. Ro!:." $,,'&1., ',?ll ,,llii?a.ri*{.?1",!:ri?"8i,"l#k "3,"; b;:;.; 1 'T 1 .;,.ri:'i3":,ir;ilt.t,i"::; ."';fl;::.::;:,,1:i"' ."::-i .ii:i'


,-' ;li ' ::,i,ri:'ylii{;

R;1",'".,1"1 i:.'r:.: i:;":il, !l:,i;.i."'i:11;.i!;i';, u: ..":.., -.: -.. .b-.,r. ..1 , r-.,,-,, ..,: r"_' F:'r




r07: 5

11 : ,. ,'. .; 2r'r



20: .

0. co f


:;"1"i-.;l ,,,:'"-: ; '" ",' ;iiil.l:iit :.el.r.c..e:n..-"'l'..,')[1s.b'o')Lh.r , r1.. S:r o,n oci 'e'"-fv rc rirds ard ihe raca qas hls





l_. erd


:::i: ili="i:ffi:; ed


rb-rs rv

. i.."".1.',.'1 !n.. '"1: ,i:;:;::'":"".::""'',:'l:ii.'ll{:"?"'::;i";i"li' -Ilu: or o!' -'"__' t- - .. ie" i._: Ho:, {r, -o- ''6 r0 1. loleir i_.. sorh. s*iders, 74,2).2 (.d..5:;:lftlir:;":"ili5:,u""".o]"ir,*,

-r':1,":;iii,,;:l'l ,'.



i- 1'; "'";,1''r:;l il:i':"'"f"ie'"'rll^:.'l:l'a'li; !lii"Dii:;'!.:6



Isth.r }1g i@6!t for tho Mnal S?I.{.AU cro3s-co&tly e.i ai.,. U 6t Cal!'mto rt S&ts 3dba.a - G.1€ia. Callfoata s.turdBy, octo!.r r0, 1959 1.6-E116 oDen Ru - 5? .tarted ed tlniJh8d -i:-R.-;;.t C. s"ih, sir1derr,...l..13:09.4

:)0. lE:* ra11d, U. gr'ar,e, ,. ..,.23. .27t24 Ciry ,tC... ". "1a:1? 31. raJ-lll@ $esa, LB state.. ..,.4..21126 3. Robert Drake, CC4C........,....,.13:25 3?. ?€e35, L{.c....,.,.....2t..2!'r13 4, !1l@3 C. Rre, I,B Si4te..,..,2..8:29 33. Th@s zon, IrCc,....,.....,26..21:36 5. Pohddo lroD, sc.........,...r..1a:34 34. D.d ke, Cq1 r.1y,,,.,....,,.27.,21t43

2, liobe.t C@s,


6. Tonr llo.@oj sc,.......,.,,...4..18;52 7. Jtr schul+-lj Ia si,at€,.,,...."5."t3:5? a. Jeut S@it, Eousion TC . , . . . . . . ft 0O 9. To4y Snithe.s, sc.,...,,.,,.. "5..1-9:03 .

i0. ]1.



F. ri1"".







temns, SC..,.,,,.,,,...4..19:41 12, $, i6ne Rogersr SC.,..,...,...9.,1ir1'6 la'elde

r,B-siat!-..... ...r0..rr:5r




f 6. Stdaey i{.in€. Siride}s.,,.,,..:1t,.20.1? 17. rdis Rod.ieu€3! czl PolJ,...13.,20:22

,5. rucrBrl Ryoq, ucsB..,...,..,.24.":L'49 16. H4yac villi@, @at.....,.. -.,.,2?:0ir !?. tolgras C. Kl&a' C44C.,,.,....",::2:C3 34. nichard .lcedj 1JCSE...,..,....29..2?:09 ,9. caly, tc,..,.....,.,...)4..22.79 40. cha.les lllrkhy, si.lnors,....;i."22:26 41" Ted Sdth, udt,......,,.,..,,,...22:26 rP. Rob€d oidne, ucsB.,..,...,,j2..22:29 4r, rd Fbih, ],}.aC.,.,,,....,..,.)).,22t)A 44, naLph Bubee, L{ S!3ie...,...14".22,40 4t. David l|33ine, ,ra'!".. "...,.,,,.,22:a5 46. Bob Stalder, U 3rie,... ^..,3r.,22,5A

tB. BiLl Tilnex, IA Siat-...",,,.1"r,.,2O:2t l+7. aldok Thro:3or, Ca1 Fo\'..,,..16,.2:Jr42 19. iarrT rayiiioris, SC.........15.,20.14 43. Coyt Davts, UCS!....... "..,..3'1..23:r, 20. fin l,aga, Its Stat..."..,.,,i-6.,24r4J 49. '{ ltd iilaugliier, L{CC,.....:C..23!lr4 2L, Roied Ccrdobesr UC34......,.17,.?n.44 50. r&ro! lG.'"inirnr i"tcc.,..,.. J9..21:51 22" Fred Unger, SC......,...,..,.13..20t+, tl. Jcle Atuei, Cal. roir....,,. ..a0..:-1:i7 21. r'.ed ascorfrr inCC.,.,.,,...It..20! 52 52, Josel L€ich'!r 5t:ice.s ",..,.,rl1..2/r : 02 2-1r. Charles I,. ft1e8" Nari.,.....,..2D!59 51, lemis tuvaiaugh] 1iCS8.......4i..::4:25 2r. .tahn l(e*ha{, t"t sdaie.....,,20,.21,r06 54" Jta hcituair, UCSB,.......,..4r..2lr:34 26. Fhi1l! S. Cbfkd.'r., CClC.,..,..21!Oi) 5t" narJ :iortor., L( rtat..."..,..4]'-.i+:ri 2?" E€lEer Hdson, s:rld6*.,..,.21..21:4,6 i6, Arl 03ol3ky, IACC.,..,..,.,..4t..26:40 29. Donald SalTet" Dai. -..... "...,..21:16 5?. ttrr r6bie, ri! stab..,-,,...4...26:4? 29. /i].lia U11e., IACC.. -. . ., . ,.22,. .21t25 (1t-16-301 Tee sco!1nE U of souLhetn calif.mia . . l- 4- 6- 6- 9 -, Lne Beach Star,e CoiLege . . 2l"!'4) -- t+2 '0 Jc. Calilornla stflder3 . '-Ia-lf'!+ cal Pol"Y (se luis obtslo) . 7-\3-2,7-)6-40 -- )23 Io3 Ang€les Citt Co1t.g€ ^ . r9-?2-25-Ar33 -- J25 ca-3945) UC ai saia Brbara . . . , \7-2.-29-32-3i -- U3 t,lQ-!+)) :rs lnEeLes Staie Coliega . 2O-23-3t-35-11 -, Lr6 Q+6) Novlce 2-btta Ru - J2 stariec qd lirlshed -i:-tnn*;;t-ll stale Frosh......+ej56 I?. 5ob Jo.Cao, S& i{arcrs H3....,..iL:2I 2. Frsk CuElngs, LB state ho3h... 9:t? 19, Frecrs i4€t€:3, tentue Col1,....Ui22 3. l6ike i4ccotrtck, IB stale l&sh...i0:09 19. Ha.ord yB.v, Jh Iarcca H3....,.,.Ll:ll 4. Deeri' Cr6$, 6st..,,...,..,.,,..L0:15 20. Earer:'" I'!t]]e., ijCSB....,...,....I1:32 5. J6n lichtqbels, eat..,.,,......I0:35 21. Ji! Hudso., i{esioont, col1...,,..,1i:3t 6f Rolli€ caval€tto, 5e ltarc.s Hi,..Lo:l? 22. Joe iaotz, l€ntua Co1L.,........41:42 LBob Xctren, so ltadog Hs,.......L0:3? 23. iob Blmj Y.itua Co11......,,.,11:41 B. Dlck Macres, WestEoar, Co11........t0:53 24. Ed Aasled, ua!,. , . .. ,. . ,. ... ....n:45 9. Gerr:r lhery, veniu6 CoLf . . . . . , . 10 | 56 25. Peter !!11, sa ra.cos HS,.,.....11145 1O. lLr&I call€9.s, Vqtua Co1f....l-1r0o 26.*, S& Ua!c6 HS....,11:49 II. Jo6 I. GllstEp, uai. . ,.,. ,... .,U:o1 2?. Tony Arirden, S& Nafcos 11S..,...U:51 12. BdrJ Halltleyr Ss l44coe HS..,..LL:04 26. Conrad thoMer vertua coD.....,rl5J 29. Behte 'lJeiier, gcsB....,.,,.,.,.,f2:r5 11. Ed€.d .r. Levinson, ]et.,,....,,if:06 1ll. ft@s irrchelL, CC.......,..,.LL:06 10. noel6 Hon, ventua Co!.........12:16 U. Bdb r{elch, llesimrJ CoU. . .. ..,..U:L6 ,L. &lck ttar@eel sd Marcos H5......12:40 16. I(lafu K.l1y, liesLmnt CoIL.,.,...IL:19 32. Emio Meloni6, vdiua cotl,-....i2r50 *Ier reco.d (lrdiare 5!.re l4eeL- ^o'!ioued llon Dase 18r 10!40: a, Har-:s, , 20.42: 5. Den!sey, rfD, zo:r6! o. Fe11, r, 20:48: ?. ca{14y, ND,20:46;8. Hedaps. I. ,


P&!tt. lrloclai1on Xl|r Cb6s_Cost y C.ot ii,.. .CIl relM/ Uos,rcod, t-s Angol6et Ca1_tlo-n1. _ SsruFdar, cneee! !! couhs. *I1&_9Jgt_B!e ?c siarter6...&1d s &at iâ‚Ź@ batler Souih.b


October 17. Igas

6- a-u-12-14 51 4- 7-10-1t-16 ---- 52 (20-2cr 1- t- 9-1a-22 - - 55 (25-Jb) 2- J-r9-26-Jo

--- .o r14*)

7)-n-rL1r27 --- ro2 iia; 2J-3r-32-)3-35 *- r51 0et9)

l *:n"--:"::


i ft




'&p!s - sa'u'davr oc.obsr r?, re,e...

fil i'+* l:i*"1;"i,.,f;"lifiia...... ,;in' 2a 6t:rL€B


rrb eth

j! i; r . _. i :: ::::: 3;;j _ i I; jjj] : : 1,,:: i:;!:::itr.l,;l;i;;j,,":..jr;,; : I : ,:. ii:,t'i,1":f'*;H;,::-:::: .:jji ; . _ _ :' ji:r1;";J:';"i.i,r.::::::,j;;i , , ,,, ,; ,: -_ I _: ,:.jl


i,i#HsTlilii,,,:r.::;:i:ii 6. r. %." %c;,.,J... . . . .


;: i,,ij".:i,'il:,1::.:.:::;:::it? : :i ,::;";::-:.;....',.,,'ti :









--ee :;: i;::;"'l:::::g;].a}Ii;T"*"' : . : ::;,j _ '*" . . rooK .,;!: \en€


ii;h::i:iff:,.:;h tub4.



,l _-_ 19 (16_17) --- Lt (26) "' , i;:ffii.lf:; ;:;";-; :l :: :

c"ii;;;;;;-;;;; :--'-"";;



;p5ilr5ffiiffi ';tl*il'iTit',lffi rTi'ii'ffiil:*'ij$+1, : ' it*:*:;i.;rii*#li :r.:ri;"tryd;i'iji'rij*ii 1r_-


?2 South€h Faclfic Assoclalion ot the


Cbss_Couirry at... CoJdgF, Lnjr.!pr, CallJomia

tit rer

:aruday, ocrdb€. 24,



_ 43 sraltsdi r9 firdshec

?f. DtraId SMJerr uet.,... .,..,

i:. "i: H.lj"'l',i;u;; ;;l:






:::i,:i Jf, bd31.j c. K1tui .ChL,.,,..,L1..2?.rp l. : : : :: j3;dl ir': ilt"flilff:,,:;;i::111. 5a sr-'iJ.rc...,.,., 9 21 l:: i;;':""i'j*-ffi:.I3i;;: ::. ;:: :3i;,j r€ruson, qar.,.,... ".jO:tb jthni. ccr1f .., .,....11:f Fltr._1tr.i)ca€!r.,Jl:oJ


L.rie!, mt

Fhtiia 0!!, ilriitisr iaLL Ueiborn) occiJdral

cfher clrJ 4 ,1-t1c iLd". . i,rn! Be&ch t.a!r l..t.ce ,

l- 2- .l- 5- 3 -,_


i4i, -:".,-"ir-




-",r srL-.



c, ?- 9-ro *-

19 :t6

r_. jr_2"


!r. ., rer, ucr. ,,.,..,...,....r::r 6at.......,...,.15:4b

a_ rrr -nlth, tipdtdor f-!h,......I5:09 ;: :"y. ". 1." uerr, ul ,ra,8*t;!a,rb::2

"'iil i""l;1,.11'" .. . Pef|' iBdtsds rr$n




{ig t.edsrictGor, Chaph

ffiiff**#;$i*+****#xift;;l, :;,*l*#tft*1;ilt#ili tfrl'lri,tri:i- ""liifu:is;itsiiil?lil


lJ (r4lh Aruusl nrq-Arerlce! cobJelence *oss courf,'rapronship_-ionii;i:.,

i:i;ill:ii$ilJ;;:ili.[it:ijiii:: ii'




;litiri i5;is1';1i;ii:'#*"r,ti;, iiir :'s+i'+nr+';li:*:

: t;i:,1''f"iltf4'jI";til,: i;i"ii u"l;:;:lr":,:iii;r'3;,".;1,,',, *' :r: ): i;lj:l;li:ll*!fi :::::ijrl:fi" il'



?i": ": ; ;: l:"!



#ffi;w*rulrr ii*i *,r;:.#,*;,r;

r; ii: e'[+ii*'x, al;i i 1:



i#+*:Ulx*i cMr ins6, Nrc, 6j:15 ;iiii i+ L,, tsob

r'ff:u'u';lnii::*ii;i;iii,'i,ii;, ii, l{*""".$gi, ru'"'i.i1ib', $lifiiq!$iil,li5;i*iiii,:ii;il, il, ffiiift*llrxi: ;ii?i!" E IilHg"ii.lijj"rlia:n"rJaJ1;


?i ii: #5i Hi*i;#yE EEiii* ! #:



3! Souih.n Psclfi. A€3oc1at16 ot th€ 1lu...1dlg-Dt€i&c+nrnddrs C.@jt!so seday, Octob6! 2t, 2nd


mual ta*8kin Invli€ilonai Clous-coetry Dlr


lis B€ Va.Ueyr CdljJoE1a 1, lia X" !n*, Solth€h Catitomta Strido!g.,... 25!0A.5 2" toba.t Cos, Crrtve! Cttr AtJlt6tlc Chb.,....... 2r:45 f, Rcb.ri tla]re, C!l@r Clty Aih1.i1c ClIb-....... 25.53 4. Jsrr.t S@!ft, Iouston $.act CtIb.. , ..... ... .,.. 26r:6 i. rem&d\ Le@r U of Souih.h Cautonta..,..... 6. \.h"rt C, -o.r., Souveh Celfonis 3trld6's... 2Z:J1 7. Ttom3 C. rr6nr tr6 leach St.te CoU69e....... 2?:5, 6. loqv S4L."hoB, Lj ot South€a Ca1ttotula.. ... .. . t. r*rr i{rey, sour_hen Ca_litobia Sr.idele..,..,, 10. Jth sclrll.rz, tde B€act Staie ColLdge . . , . , . . . . . l2:o?


ocr.lef J1]



cross-countty neet sponeo.ed ay

Ineisood necreation Det:.taeri

r! irAle&od, Caljf.hla :l:!!ld- !9@!t - L.:01 a.u. , 10 sta.i€i and frrbh€d t^ Jo€ n. Oiktrap, D6i..,..,..-...1J:L9 6, :. ttck ]{ac.esr l{:e5tIo!i co:Llege.,.,10:42 l. 3. KraiA &€11-r: esl,nonr-.,..-,_.....t10:51 a. {. tsob ifeich, il€st&or,,...,.,.....,.,11:C? 9, i" Jin ii!&on, Vsst4ort.,,.,.,....,,i1rtt tO. Crf,tinela Pa


- 29 era.t.d drl i:iien6d l. no&.t C, Sot5, si.idem,..,1..24:23.2 16, leher lleson, stridors.,.,,.t4..2?:5t 2. icberr" Corc, CCiC. . , -.....,...2..2t+r16 lt, ;ar.ia, CC,!C..,.........15..24:05 3. J.rfy sdrit, dou3'"od Ia..,,,....2a.a3 ia, arel j.. ttbind, cc1c..,......f6..2a:tp 4, thoca C. Rxdr LJ ii,ai.....,.i..25:2ir' i9, :rL iolpitr3, S1,liders,....,t?,.2s:io :. Ciarl.s jr. ree4un, Striderc_..+,,29:51 :la" E.i!l abrdnCa, I.! Stat..."",1a..29.:15 a. P€ier ;, }iu.tle: Stri:16.s....,5.,26:05 ?,. Toa are.jn, LB staie......"...]9..29:t5 ?. Jitr 5chuli,i, 1,! 51ate,..,,....6..?i:46 -r2. iia}li liiiid.sJ @t...,,.,.,.,., j0: jl a" Bilt Tiir€:, ll 31atd"..,,,..,?..27:01 21, lilLon { 'li:&a€, CCAC",....20,.11:LB t" lin,{roetuiar:!, r,B Siatd,,...,3. "2?:tl 2!. ICL&d "; jFqi.4so4r 6ai,,...,...J1:42 10" Malc ri! R.berr€.n, si,rldeft,..9,.2?:?O 2t. i.) ndr,l. la stsi6.,..,.,.21..31:t? 11. r.iika l,lccdDtck j LB Si,ste,,.. "10..2?: 21 26, io6!l l€j.rnir 3tx!{is.s,..,...2?..12rli2 1r. Wlilitu i!. Paslc;r, Cai-C,,..,.fL,.2?:23 2?" tanalc .{ hr{, mai.","......,.,)5;os Li" ravid t{ac.J uai,...........,.....2?:lt 24" idslo J*rn.n, UB.-,b"3odi€tr. ,36:10 ]1. t^ ,r:rtes SL'blDr St.:ders.....12..2?:49 2t. Ketuiil D. s+,bns? cc,[....,,"21..J6:33 :i5" ftillt S. .JI., C"iIC".,lt..2?:54 arorth6& Califord: stride.s ". r- 4- 5- 9-r-2 --- l1 (r4-r?na) Iing B€ach 5raL6 Col1es€.,..,, l- a- 7- 6-10 -.-- 14 i13-19-21) Cliv€i Citl' tthler:ic C1!t..... 2-!1-u-15-14 --- 5? {2A-23) .ai:t.. r.oq. 7 - s.ho. c-o6e_.o.:.Lry rsce .. ,t:psi .Lan_ "1.c Elt9. " rd -otI ... . c e 60: L. rl.q 61, rrd.e dua.: 1. Kea RLdina, rcta, ./i;ii - ---:eLerd Da-P- Sea.lle. Jasr.. t\re.8qand:cap l/alk ,-rii te AAU qohe-t renlrt;trlor, seauure 'casr ;if;f: ;tl;:1r,8;:'bn ,j!49--!qe!_&9

1i):29 a.n.



eb _n the rtarter 6 gun€o rh. brrsk !Lnds blt 6xnnv 6^r_" hrcrq carirorrua on su.oav o' berzd JredL_'l "."'"".n ';;;;;;.-""'"' orl a sereci I'eld cn tPn ot.i6'oJn!'v ;L I:15 r.m., Eendrnc rh€ eveli vaa th€ "se.ond Adr@r Favrskrn ;;;;;-'";""!;y ",'"*;,. MiIe Ron. " Fiwe \ tu_rve huncrPd oI 3o-P rcstdual the repreBe ted fierd sele!r Thp

rc.e ecrsened c"r':u rv bv a 'o-r irrer,.;'.".ao 01 u c"v of U.5 n l/|o.ter3on oI Co". Je33e !ondi.Linc " .r_u. c.l. e. coacl chnck coker of coLLege; coach "".t. !.o,e of Lons Beach ' state collerle; r''ennetn Farirrs'i comorsslonr tack -". srutnerr J r'i,:"c"". :_aritornia Inrerschor;*ic rcde:'ti'i s"r-."a.', Maiasins Djr.cior ni Heims Aihreiic r"'i,i:ir 'f r r.. s"c. -aiy.-.. - - 'ounda_ :-;,-.i,:... ;:;".'";".',y

-1invi,cn ;;"l: -'' ' ' lnB N3tionar A A. Ui zic sl'd ]tro'enihal' clairhan' ii"" c.--r"." "t 'jM?e| a rr" -rloI . , . \-..'e.^-n':.i i;,.

:J' rl::oaI| ", ^e The couiEe iise;, in c.nilnction witb Pretrd''ri Eisenhover'' NatiauL ..4o a. ',.".,,'.1.,"'' c -d1. .,".".:..-...", ;";.-., The Droprarn had a ihre€-r'ld P!!!ose. liran ro e'courage voun8s?ers rrrg n l'3 s r. ".( ;",. r' l p :t ro os'r"rqrJ li'"'.-,,,-. '-r"" "" boo;e6. nsre" ;;"';;'. .."".,," ooov d .us- ov $"'!"' e I . ;;--";;' "' '-"'r, throueho;r ine uniied st:-!es aware of $e -"-e. "ir'J" ""-*"-.t.. .inlJder ' ir,", r, . , ., " ,. '""""..,,,1,"" her'"ne'do " oJp-r'r ons'oqr {' ."',""". ""ii rd^ a'r- orc r'- " \Fd f u -"J,* "'.; a,-, 'ale d :' v'315ago -rr_o a qa '"r"'rr'rl i;;;; -; ,.. ^or,d o o",'L:o r, runn-"- qrei" h .d-i'

"i,Ja"a, btrlc.duranc3, e!eed-

r= a.



l: 1t

witn lte crack of tbe starter s g|n, lhe len r!r"'s


forward and

h-.dre. p.ehty r--r. ,.- , " r i;,^; -" ";;; ^. -,re, \3'!s"v o h' -,.e :;.:: ih"i;"i "";;:.,, bea"n '; s,- s o "' r'e'o ns Pd -' ch?r' Lirr' i"'-r.i -i, or r'.'e Bobo) Cons ot'he Mai true* or -h- t'. ). A r ro- " aao, plaiq,,r' e'r\ -arrrortl'. n.c.,.".rr.e..' ",....'a f"i"..l;i" Bobrorh olrres'c' u.:.' r.'.--JL".";;;;"--;,;ia,;.. and tom Rvaa Io's /e' A c citr , Lhe cu o..," e"t' s*ia";", _n",-r,.,r. C.Lr.e'."Iaro ra the 5harr wrnd'ra 'o'ds 'no sLrlL .linbing .L tr'. or t". -'t"", evrd"n." of the 3'uelirg a3cPnr 'd> b'grrtung ""a Cons anr Drake,e.e runntne sSoulde' to shouLdPri turn:ng ro show. ..-ee: rdr or s;al1a mal rir€ the leaders i",i'ii" t'iJ"i;i rhP tn'cklv vere rrr rn Lne. t h'ouqh t"' enL-re tto dle lool- rqroucband rruer cones con3 ;;;;;J;;;.-""'" ;'^p-na Lose a"d p:.e At rh,s roi'I, sotb :-sn ;h".d .r;h" ;-si r1h€ r'.id. ;-,i;;';;;;; rhe etro or and Rvan telL ba.l'. $-th Snarlt holding br3 tlird EPoL At


l.r. mile6, Sob Dlake haa. his hove. Back on ahe road, rh. same mil" s\-hce rhey ran up, Cons and Ryan ve!. .hlt 6ho!ld6r to Ihcb OlyrFan, True*, .L6ned up. Ftying lrke rhe wind, "h .roc.. w.h, r 1:i l. l.Ar, rh. Lrtl€ llLr force L_eu.rrdr. b.ran ; r5r.c aw+ r,cr Conb, srrrde b) st.idc ConinS o. a mosr a! r:sr ircrc lar back in rhe !,ack Bob ho*ev.i. :ruri anit code 'a6 lsadrDrake; iad builr !! ab inrurnrunrable with Tluex brenkins the la.e in c.'nB iei hidlrevrous -e..rd. con. was 6eco,:d.n25:a3, -r'0..\, wih DraEe Ini on lis h€els i! 25:52, ltte re6! o{ rhe lietd fini.h.d the follo/,-B ordc': 4Lh, 5n,rr., z6:r':: 5th, Lca^, 16.Za, ' "orh,2}:24: ?" Fyar,2?:.j, {!h 3rh, smrhrre. t3:{3, 9!h, \ r-y, 29r00: loih, Schuita, 32:l?. Alt ttle run.er3 pere checked i;]uediaiely atrer fitri66ing b/ Dr. ltalr.r Deike vho. alonA w h Syd <rcnenthal, recorded vallable or the ellect of high alrftude runsing.


Th€ graciouE and holp*abie folks ot Fawn3kin r'ovid.d a nos. mory aiter the lac6, leaving an ind.tible rn.hoiy in the rnindo of alt ren coh!.riro!6.

102 South Eun6on Avenue l.tarF€te City, N.J,



'r. hzre e!!1:ied t.r a sarctio! !o conduct lhe ,. o Den 1..-id



A.A.U. .!.

. ih€ r.ce ii11 be lr€Ld or Serurday, January 2nd, 1960 rr ir,'rl:ntIc aItJ, u..r . a_,". q _l n--.. :' .t ...anD:on_ 'I : - I -.-" r., 1 rrlrds ,,,iih I .etF of n.d.ts). i1i 1.3 iine luhcheon t.r!: :.d oiiicial!. (rrri:y ree _ ll?.r.0 ,er n3n. )


obt:in.i fror tt,e

.'' .t

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:-:,: -:

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anove addres..

Si!cere1t,, '"r'i 11;:rLl (H.l,J,.lh.ner)


:e.- , '. .-l : :-h '".' t :" . I ":.__r"_,-t r".' '. ",|: "oo.l t


-or, ".-


o nool 'r h-'d .r I c..-as, .-.u-"r _ I sr.1.-;wr.:lg.

-.h.uEh uhdis.-rf.:oors^i.= I' \ -!.- race" ::-,-.. I:-._ _"-t, ..-r.... .hfor,ui..6ty, .o too ,, fo-tr.d. c- lhFy ,lrrcd .rro iifr s."oo. ,:l: ".lg ,.":::"r j, .-.ani " pusner tru,tnr, . l.. l ralr rs1 Ar.n ol,ere .oach. ^."-.:-:l,i raa.. is -or;.1 of q.rF fa. ora. otus lha usEt apathy o.tAa-, .rDtsrrjch -:t:.. c1si.lce rJTing. many or Lh- .-t tois vho lere




i : , , . . : r i . : I :






_l dl


(Ea!!y Savaee- contlnued) lanlng up io &!d 1nc1!dln€ t4st Yealt have dropped out: Ke16ey Broh, SId lelns, John Demarlais, lay Chomlk, to nane s iew, Nrchola6 fleldea tro cood teans ln last yea!.6 !h!6 year he ri11 be lucky to field ode medlocre one. rle ha"e tried to orgen12e a n6w grolp, tho Jelsey l,{arathon C1ub, but rith ltafls gone, canrt lohd u9 enough ner to field e teah.t'

Celutty, articles, books, etc. are no: ercusn: one nuBt erDerlebce hldl I rEi seea oany bots-c o;.6[so-fimhiF canp. oiily thoee {ith lntel1lgence EUlott, Wtlson, Thona s , . fialirerg - a!. successful- It is poa31b1e thai his theorles on noro[elts ln runirg: ]-ia: Drlft Drop-Dr1ve, Carriaee, ThroRing Awat of Tensions, etc.- called ,'techi quedi v111 revolutlonize rDning reeo: especially 1n niddle distances and i.I,Iy idea5 and ifrpresslons concelrtbg

lite in

and around the Portsea can! -!?on lob cdlbelr, \rarer,,oe, Ma.s. ,""iitff?;: H'*:,?9."+?"?"t;l;rl:' "I believe ',ilor{ to Traini ls a nu6t to describ. the Dlace: rust as ii is for all rutuers to read. Tbe art,rcte futtv s.d fairly-a66e;s-the nerirs of by 41 taurence on',Australian Tralh- perci,s reachi.i 1n feaard Lo ,iathlet lng! is worth the $2 atole - it con- as a way of 11f;.{ Itr; jusr that u1hln' vou know' art or th. usual and ::l::-::-:1:-:::l::-:::::::_____




|ron ceo.ce E.FIn Boler (1898 Olynlian) Ior ask re what I'r dolnA? r an.ur1 Ph11a. ?a. renerlds ny 3€ I I99! like itj ereh dtt. Ar1 thr. 1r1.n I should llke to u6e lhe o!!orthe ,r.ustr;1ian (tnter I'v€ iifted ue: tulity to te1l you hor d,rch I enjot run over send dune6, u! stee! sahd hthe lag. fhere is sone real wriiing rhfough pine rofe6rs, 28 nir;s alojrg ln it. Ital Hiadon,6 description ot the dlrt ed8es ot roads, etc., as i i the Pari-,{m ua.athon and Jir creenrs like doins. lehird dlr ihis therets: aeccunt of Seouf rould loot: eood ih the llew ycrk€!.. one area thai niaht i.l1exib1e, ihexorable l1w or ,'scheri yieLd sone Aood coly doula !e lons in lrlLul-. D!f: a6 f.r 50 x lto, 20 r: distance rumerts end valkerts o!ineto., lhoo-aytl lr.nk1y, I dohrt serl ions or the best kind oi 6noes. It 1y consider dcing slecific irorkours. ntght lead to lrodlct1on or better U.S.just d. each day vhat each.lay!s sFe. -e.boCs-'______ __ _ condition. su4fiest. I think that tJ!: Fercy's attitude. Iior:eve!, now that : Fron Dea, Tioclr*ray, Dalljleis! Ave., ing is bere, race-practlce heglns. TL Eosebud, Victoria, tustlaLla. is, {e all ,lhave a so,'at each other if,o -t rr ou r-. hor6 hPra rr Australia, I am stilf e Anerican ctt- leaihtra rro rse. the noyenents and t: rzph. so do/!r ^ons oer ays.t. -r-h.pnlques ;, ,n FF:,-y .6..f6s. ,i r I h ,- so - D--soaa1 - lusr a. rro,vidu.t coDies of Doerlsplrar ro s end brob'ers. "e:suEF o J.. .- s - .-r. lr--, Tr o_d-r Lo brinp Jou up ro aar-, L/ wrt.ra. po-rrJ, o " halc 0oeed io LlthtrP -'1es of tor's"a,'-aiotd b1o{e." _ d s)"rr,p " qitten these fev vords sooner, A : anal an teacht.g here at nosebud (the rtlo{€r of the Peninsula') liieh. since oi the coments people make in T&! r .or-"* Lhc VicLo!'an Ed. D-D. rs lacking tne IbrA Drsrace Loa, Food ru-bp! of qs rfied --condar/ Ausr-.l ar rc--!!Ly.aj "1c., rm"r. a-. taachers, I flnd nyself teachlns Eng- 1ot ot batoneyl i-oi inslance, Au€st. 116h, Hi6tory, Geog.aphy & Phys Ei.i as donrt !un-Run-Bu!! ost oi then 1te vel1 as llusic. ltts It's an i4telesting intEle5ting job, the beaches, lrke Aborlcines. in th€ not lrald, but lot lucrative, Iieverthe- sunher. and the real athletes athletea - lik: 1i!. less, ,- are conten , erd 1 ad rni"r. do pprhaDs 50 - 66-irlG-ifiry. m1-|es {eekry. ,rn. Ih: or ry avocatlon - nUliNINC. I fep t've ruch. DtDs ir'o wei:ght eesBiore wee!: lnneasurably lron Percy C. are plenty lo. me, I l1nd. I ad stE ealned qe'll see rhat heppers this season! The than I used to be, Sustatned sDeed : ody vay to eam lhat he Leaches is to synthesrs of sllenFth ahd techhj.Le. 1!ve &Ith h:n for a fFn weeks or be ex- tlos! rme"s I us;d to knov dont-t s po6ed to the phrlosolhy and techniques isfy lhes€ Ltro factors.i for sevetal reekends. iBL,nirE Htth


ia11e6e Crols


r.: Jo,or, n..,. ocr. ,u - S!. JoBeph's jlla. r 2r. ceorgetob 16 (,udile. 4 :-!e corrset 1. lobert virton, c.i 2. j:;l';;*":' !"?',i';i:,f iH;._


Uo., 0-t. 24 _ Nebraska .,.olldora. -r r z/. rlssourt 2,r {l mtlesl 1.


N.t.. Oct. 'I.1. . J4 () sLlesra n . " :i eoo. \, 21ta?i ). Bob Xu;1, ;I - rlJ: !. ia -bron, irrg, _?:tl,t: N, 6. !,1 Xlsc -L:. t,.![, 17 | 52, 7::j: _ oc .+ D-a,e .n1!6isrrI -. .l. :r oy _: rom":Hiver6! ror a trranEltar x_' : :1r. r-ef iodoy, oJ- !"rio,a1h. Io"r StEre. ni!Frs tui,rar r-_:he best triFe over the tore State i .l!. t: _ aoute, wrtrDl.i 1n ""o: 9c r- - "u.dtult lJ:05, Dua' iree Lhlcazo - ! aJ; r,otola 24. Chicag. rl ., ..--r-, rl-tl. ,ao -'. ro:l^i . oobu_ 20: r7r . . !-t, L -r, r.. a-! -,; 1l^":...,," !g"1,r"raba6h, r:08r 5. , L ---n _,-rrdn{e .orst s.n Berneciao ?O i6! ,:r m1., t. Dale sirq., SA, t?,t4^J: -, erlrqo, sr. t7:J2i l. henpv..lA, ,e?:t:'i.Pi t"i"5. r d.0-o..0..o_a /?.."aBronx,



"' l',

" '*,

;" !' aud'rrhy, . :i"-1 ;;l' . os., tt:14.6: : ::r'br t . Dick b-- . o o, .t, ' ^'-r: ;-.i ...; ":.--;: ," l .B';;: "r):,o. ::ri^r - it Pr.tlahd "j:i.te. osc Ir. !-., 1J:n6: 2, ^hr1. rohaseh. : ro !1. r J:r.i J. ierry Frdberg p.

:.. 1:,'B';;:.,!;:j.,':,'1; ! portrrnd 1b_








^r.aie i? m1les)

) l?, i€das


c.: 4.


-,li';"i! ,il'liiilli"l'i; , fiif"lil"i. r) nrte6t r. ike Klhesion, ?, ,


r5:40 jt 2' roe Mutlins' i:Ii!?!;.!: Co.Llandt pa!{t


0ct,.28, !hl1s.. pa. _ rasau€ Collese 1:";3i;",:ii:i,': l€:, ) fi;;i ;1"!"::';i:"H"h..]l"i:!"f; ,s5, {. \erlh Qu1tu, sJl 5. Daddy lratsh. 13.


24:4r.7 rLour.6 leooril; old nark 24:rj by Vatt

;ff"3:"::'i:"$:'3i;,';i?t"3]l*i:'. 25t02i

5. Ioa curr,.art, r. tizri e. 2t:41: 2, iete Krngston, P, 2J:4rt; 8. Barlh !er.v. H.u

r4ark lTull€n, Harv6rd,

ro: Oct. lo (4.r nr.jrotritr 1e. at Haverford r,4 - r. \,trAht ilala1Ddaie. l_. 21rots-r 2. Prdl Co.don, r,i l. ad Hart_

;:;:';,?;,i?:1":'il'!;n,i.x.,6:rei Frl., oct. 2l-at

xc.SAC {1.5



Ij:"iil i!,,!!!.:.v il."Siia:".i"""' "" !e.o-d - 1a.51.4 by s6Lh o" a/7b/ itl,;l;T'51"I;"1;,i?, ;1.;t, fl, 21:50; j.



va O. 5at., ocr. 24_ lestem Slckle, lch1ee 28. irotre Daoe )2, {ehruck-v 56 _ r. Ron Gree.ry! IDt 20:21;2. Irt Eversol€. r/rl. ?D:21,r {4 m11es) 0 t,17. BtoorJishon, ind.. {4 fli.) rhdiFh :5, xotre Dame 11 _ 1. aon uaombs.

!i:il;{: Y i',liii,'ii',i.i: "'o';'''' ;, Ha.ris. l. 21:a!.5: 6eo, r, 2,':01,J! -;;:-'l' tA:'i, .','i, 22:22.j: !,r::!!;: :"-,: i. LlrCcn, I,;'.i I1, D. leh_tf:E, 11 22j l7,J (SoDllonore fiuss .IL i.e krv ut11 ra final 1)! LF.-re f.regofr oLtklcked oy / scc.nd:.. J oi the fir6r 6 ottrin .os!ers

IaslL 1ei

I.diaer. p-F



:n':!, "i;fi .;3")A'i:;.1"! .11";+' ":ff cou!6o in a riotupour & rlo desr--e s;;rh_ ;:1,


21:25 iRus6 I€sh, r, 1ed ar-the nile nark ln 4:54, rhere he sufreren a ladtv


0ct. l1 (i4ohtchir, N.J. colleae rrviiational tairodal X-a X-C rii!) tu! ) ChemFy sTc [9, ontcralr,1, up6a1a 61. sr. !ete7's :.. ::";::;;"i;;;,:"iril P-.nsv van:a pdrersoh t/l 10.. l8ll li"""ll;."ii;1..:l:,1;; ciass6u.o lj a!; 117..handle!, i:!,;'" " ,r, ;i,l,cr._ r4.2 nr. re.z rr.z .,;yh-r. '), r1.. il'. ,.Jr 1. roifi r. John ^!;,Eh_ n-. 1. ;r'.h;"di;;l ;:;m",n-. ?. Lrave Donhardt. S. 20:"6. ?.-sotert Sokot^hsii. 1ar -.i ir:2.r Ro! Sullire, Cheyn6y. ;,





a4!: 1. Dlck s}rlF!r, SltPPerY Rock, tic, (Ne" lecord): 2. rrervlt Brf,an, 24.24 3. te$y EngienaD' Bloon;bu: 20, Issa.tle /l-0) !ht.;, 'a.. 0c-. Jl25:08r l!. ?at uooney" sB! 5. (e!1's)] peLe (r_2) L. (Bat4) t. t/€s!.hesrer ).9 naker, ItC; 6, l-ou SuttoE' Sn.,Tee 1' tralhelb, Ls, ?1+t!5,5t 2. Jin suner, 1. slipDer-y Rock 26i 2. l'Iest L-heBt. 2, -' tS. j. t4erv Bflan, l,JCi 4. ToE tl%reh, 45; I, chetney ali 4. 14Itler8?i1re uCt 6. FlirN, l..l rS; 5. Ken sbmai.e!' -tS. !l4l J. hd!a@ T€a.he.8 116. l^..asrcr- !a.. OcL. 11- fraGLln & -. I Ner York. Nov. 7 - Ia$1l€ 28. St Li ysoure r-+ ?o nr. :. J Narsharl , ce John's 29 - 1. Pete vralhe1n, Ls, 2: 1. John ilLe?, F&r:i, 23,5rt 2. D\.k 2. crady clutp1er, SJi 3. Jln SUE!e ",(, : ' BoNen, G.: l. Dick J,1artln, o" lsi 4, Jelty vlchl' SJ; J, A1 ThoE! 3 Phila., ?a., Oct.31- Pem.ylvanla 21! r lafayette 40--1. Emie 'rlacr ' P, 23t54.7 Oct. 24, Easton, Pa-' IEfayette 1i :a 2. Eoy Beielnge!, P. oravian 44 - 1. llalnes r,' oehlera, 11 van cortland', Ps.k. !.Y., O.t. 11 21t3ai 3, sheppaxd, L., 22to5. ualhattan (5-1) 18, ro.dbar (5-2) 41 l:r, oet. 29 (Freshman frianaurar) Y.1. Beyer! 11., 2. ni.) 1. Pete ?5.481 i5 Prlnceton 16, Earveril 54,, i i""ry st. clair, 14., 26rort 3. Dan co!- ceton canlus..1.45 Ii11es.. :i. Bo! 1* !L, r. 6: .o:ll; Ji... : r-J, h., I Mack, I, 15:16; :. Peter HoeY, ?, l .6://r o, "r1li_ t. l. llanlin, ll, 16:13 (i4ack!s tloe oa 'o I coo,e.. F.. 26:12. ti:16 set a ne{ reco.d fo! the corl o., . J, reter Eoey's tif,e of 1r:28 ,as alsi 19 (2-4) 21. Ccr,r:r (0-4) ',14 (5 ii" ) 1. Jin under the old recod of 15:39,r. !: 2i PaoLinoc,Io@,28:07. boys are aomer llek Jene€Y ES star: :! Phira.Penn 1?, I.v. 3. !.lnouEt Park, Fri.. oot. 23- lTlchtgan Siate Eafi :: !-.nrle 46 i5 ni. ) 1" lie bet,ween Ernle Clobber lenn state --ted br' tbe t-i a'\ lrzan. Roy neisinger and R. flledlander, conbl€tio4 of loritdy l(enredy and: a all of 4" Georg€ crisgin! 'lei!1e. Xelnold€' l'15'J walloled lem :t?ire t rt Oct, 24 at Po.tland (oie") Jdi!. (3ni.) on the win errs Forest Akers aolf .. :tEeraid L'nFile -A-c 23, PSc i5, Claru- 71,' to b.ealr Penn stateis undefeated s: :tl Po-..r'o 7l , I 18.. (Pitt,cornell & D?rtnoulil adl adi .16a16 ,.- JaoFB Clelle. [ 5:5i . < tc Statds preYious 1-0 (1 l Yictory :(neer. 1s f,n .rp-on llojhl 0 Eins) record.. KeDedy,leadlng nl Oct 24 ai duqene, Ore. - Enerald &n!yards. had a time of 25:09.8, {hlcr 1r. Jc, osc 45 (l l/4 ni.) 1. Dy|ol .stabiishes a leco.d lor fite niles 5urleson, Dick Mirler, Oeoree iarsen since this !s the flt6! 5-mi1e rac. .1! lo: 8; 4, \o" o'r'.. 0S-. run oh lhe qolt course. 1. crawi be 0 . l0 ' \...ouv-r, Uasn. (r l/6 . iie@edy,26:09.8i 2. Bill leyrolds, rsc lr, Clark 5n, il at P., 67, L&N ?5 ISu, 26:41; 3. Steve l4oorhead, ?s, 1. Terry namberg (!) 16:03; 2. Jay ltlLl. 2?:00i !. Dlck tngelbrink' ls, 27ia (PsC) 16:21, aob lalre, xsu, 27:08 (ran th1r.r J, oct. 22Scho:lasbic - Aurora! ore., lg ti1 afte! the four-ni1e mark); lj. . : liorth ua.ioD lrvitatio€1 (1.9 ni,) dud Young, llSU, 27:l0i '. aldyton darC 2. salen, 8:49 !. clayton steinlre, south 27:16i 8. Tory inith' llSU; a. Ed ar (broke tsE1esont6 nark by :016) 2, Fred don. SU: 10, lleruan l']eber" Ps, 27: l. De.1: cer. sr. nr "" d bro-h-r of B ) 11. Dennis Johnson, Ps, 27t5!i 12, ) -. . Ia ".:6 - -td ,oh v. .h <6 Mil1er. Ps, 28!09t 11. chlck Kins, : 6 It. san .rEtonio Invltattoml Meet {Jr. 14. Jack CloeelL, 15. nob Boni . 1olllalJt Teans: 1, laketsKansas - I€nsas oct, 10, rawrence,'1sU! :, field 42: 2. santa AG 79t l. E. Ittissouri 45 - 1. Bi11y Mi11s, K' Lj :, ..r,61ed 86; r. flr.SAC 16! 5. "rrj ''os os 2. Brian Trevl8, K, 75,521 3. Ian a, : { lJr; 6, c -hdete 18,; 7. !... vd lFJ K, 16:09.5: 4. Cliff Cushftan, K, 16: rr.l, 232i 8, coa6t 231; 9. rulLe.ton oct. 17' lioman' okla. - 0l<1a.St, r2.ti 251; 10. Pierce 263 (21 teas) 1. Dale oklahona 50 - 1. Mtles Eisoman' 0a I-i.ljr Stoly, Sn, 19:28 fo! 3.7 ni., old nerk r5.r5.t+t 2. Kent uetcall, 0s, 15:49: rr, soth, 19.53i 2. sbav,Bak. i l. Haselot, Bay Glahan, 0S, 15;54t 4. Jack McPtr It 4. !isch€!, xSACi 5. uhithead, tl,A; os, 15:56. Io 6. shephald, !ak.i 7. Jackson, Clendale oct. 3, Anmpolis, r,Id,, Navy 22, D( 170 rumers conpeted). '19 1. Jerry Nou!5e, D, 20:35.1 {4 r _rery iocq. 'a. /nd Arrual Nov. ?, 2. R. l{udr1e, N, 20r5lt l. u, trieei: sla e -eachers College :N., 2o,55i tt. J. Chavez! N. 21;05; : ""ms} v-countly chanplonshlp. (4.3 ntleel CaFy lteisiPjer, D., 21:16

^*.i :- cotIIpE




I !rol ralt4r ,J. Bo-ho. , Specta _ lhtng Tod did ras to walk a noasu!tst. AD€rirar Elrbassy, Tur1B, T ni6Ia. lng rheel over eve.y course ln the lay Aiea. Tnis, needless io say, has I an on a State repartment "?resently contused eveiybody bepause naturally 'o€chl.e prar 1 l. ,l rhe ?fen'h-s!-s.- lr€vious tine. recor\led ate not as _t)€ c.arrrEs or Ihe elant is last as heretofore sullosedr and I lo. one tea.. .!t ^t.i.s. !t riiqhi be ext€.ded agfee wlth you "I dig theit 'lonrt aecease f aF rjuisposed to 3t:/ itr lurisia sYsien eithern that i5 to say co.untl1 .r@e, ?lits are. nas be:r crvllo tin€ and iunning tine in a flr a !!ei.h sleakirg lraok coach , ;o "ected t,l:y kant i. ii.1d on io one as 1o.g ..s got lo eaclted about i.ylng to elfect i finf he 1op fa6ci-r1nl r. dl)rg, L6' r.'o1 I' . h- ., tu _ leilln| ebout the races. iox Jhc,rl.1 "-6 elcourage nor. rep4ris of -!n1s iyte. !rlluens A. Lo rhe lbt€rrEticla1 neds, I an )ec. j sluth ltlantrc Assr, 6-tli1. -.- X-Cornt.y- Chan!,, laltimore, fid, 1 '.: ,,o .: slort eale.s ai hore, because ot !h. Dec. 5 - r,.?-i{11€ st.eet Run, card.. aretlabiilir here.l a Frerch srj.r!s N,J. YIC/r, d4ilt r,'tquine, As !s tJpi.a.t ih..!,ehrec, 1l - Annuai Peu A.c. 5-Mi1e oLr il . llediier.f,rFnn, A.:ri,rA |dL;: X- aount.Jr (tnt.ies t! John St, Cl. don! .aJ gelnirg t.rlle 'J rr;i. I ikc 297: ihond St.! Phile. ?a.) thel are srpiEsed ac !s a !,fob:l an, .i i)ec. 20 - Paul B. (a.avassily J-ltti exlect to be irere lbrough ihe acaaejrj. ia-aoDtrX - aairnouEi Park, thila, !e.. 26 Holiday rleet, Chicago J cr n- o-- 'o -o or 'o Io...o (eatrlei -to Ted qaydonr 5540 lnlaerC .iJ -.. . 'eor'na, jiii-c.!+lo. Atrtc:!, the cane"oonsi and lhe sity Avenue, Chlceao 17, I11rnois, ) There 1s sone tlleri here, r!! ih€ res;1is Mile, 2 rlle and !o6s1 y a strch qive 4onrt an :inde:. .t ,atrt ihoy ere Dec. 27 - Holiday Ie! Mile, Chicag( calab1e oli lor eaanple, rith onlt about (ent.ies to !la1 Higdon, J452 cor.. :hr€e nor+hs .erio is tr.lnrn€!, oie ..r chrcaao 15, I11, ) _ ::._. ,' 5r, , I .". . t: ,-rahl!a:y 3- Chicae,oland opea {entria ,:t-. Y6o )6 t. lel Haydor) i1e and a 3- 11e. Ijhisned i! lletrouth, shored iren Aiss: (training oI {iih rin.un ln rarls) rri..lnA tne ia.ainon lt t:24:1+ !\i:Piil{,.1 0lJnFic ahrnpion, Charl es t r ..-o i.nL.;ins leave lalpei lor Saigo' '1iIi!ecer!e! 7th lio trair TAI kas reFofted to De fLat'!!e.ourse r.6 arrL.3r oa pro)ably .ios€r to jE lij.neters thai atiile,-.i. .Ienlrlns" ho is o. a tour ii'e .egulaiiDn 42 !1us ti:!on.ter5. I 1t.aia:i ,nde! the State Delaftnentr kno{ leE nj56o re11, halirg !:lr.ri-;,r ::nn exchanae lro€:ran wltl rlth hin i. i4oroc.o, and I !...r he is ;^!.rC lruf r-:ek€ in Fcrfrosa. capable ol teriornanc.:i at Lh-A narattrci dist.-!ce6 as {e11 a. a large ixnber cf q, bL{ t 6. .-6 \ r:!6.^o.\-. .Iol:ti-a ii-ai!_l llt,;s Nltt -"otiDoN EACE "- eniidlly laz:r anc ,ct dev.ted, as ts i;eH tcrdon, 4.m., Sunday, licv, 1st rr.e connert airolL ihe Llirse'r rice. !!en {1:30 l.i{.)riNh Ahnual Benewal i2 yolr thouil .epori. sent .I 1.1i1e ioa.1 nace (Scratch) Slonsor3 t; v.-- -poro "r'. s ) , I s tiesme !J4, l,onrtcn lailoLnels, Benerolent ,a1. .d, -^ 1,. ns:ocLatioi". Couise I Iediun ii1ly, .-4.:t ass:i6tart ro Xour old triend of n4ny .tari & lirlsh tuDicipal Buiiding., \aiionai AAU ne€rs, Tormy ',Steanbo:1,' Pritrest ercelicnt erchandise & lauxhran, lho is nor ch.,iinan ot the 'iloFllies as ueual - to nearty aLl lonC disiance connlttee ot the ?ecific l1nlshe.s.,DirrCer tor ail fotlopi@ Asscciation. ArL A.ticary nho has fof the !acd.. c -oudy, J6 deerees. 5o oa4y /ears worked so harc. for 4i3John.Y Kelley, Nnning easily, qon tance runnue 1n ou. assoctation has the mce goirA ay6y. Johnny, ursuie olrher things presstne hin nor, and is ol hi.s conditio., wa€ talked into fettinA Ton have a lhot at it. lirst .u@lng by the Bponsors and he seened haply &ftetuarrrl6 that he ranl

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i!' 11,



(.tohE K.u.y- n r lfilloa'12r Cont. ) 1. Jolh J. Xe11.y, BAA. 6tr4a (reH B6coFd, old recold 64!09 bi Too CraE, North ttedford Ctub). 2. Peter I'lcAldLe, NYAC, 64t2A 3. Syleester V1lla, US Amy! 65:48 4. Gfer@ l6me11. BAn. 6ata2 lory sspleua, BAA, 5.(VIrb, OZtis Paftetl & S€plenzs tos€the! _ nosr or tne ray.J 6. capt. Dave Piste@, Nt4C. 6?rtt (coes out slo{, c1od6s fa6t.) 7. NorE H1eg1!s, El.BoaL AC. 6?:4e d. B1U Squires, BAA, 69:0l 9. Ed Duncan, Umt..Boch.Ny. 69:25 10. stan Tietun, NIC, ?Dtai r1. A.r. Wootlan, letEaon, 70r08 E!e11sl@n 1A. .lu8t over bere. ) 12. Dtck Packard, BM, ?a.25 13. .r6.ry Herv€y, BAA, ?\.46 14. Mlke BlgeloN, BAA. ?\:ta 1J. Joh! DlcoBandiea, BAA. Zz:oo 16. Pete conway, BAA, ?2:08 17. Duane ilerchant. BAA. 72:oa 18, loberb cum!.r:s. [ua. ?rza 19. ceorPe Waterhau6e, Nxc, ?3t11 20. Boyce S.{yer, Nl4C, ?1212 21. James Borde!, NYPC, ?j.r9 22. trlttlu tiufphy, BAA, Z4ta6 2). til]iad Malotr r c, 74t!4 24. ceorge Terry, El.Boat AC. ?trOr 25. aob chanbers, shaaahah cc 75:17 26. Nat C1tulnick, jryPc, ?5122 2?, Don Fayr roston AA. ?6:r6 28. J1ft couc111, rl.Boir cc, ?Zr58 2c. Paul Phttuey, Irlic, ?9,21 JO. Leon Dreher, Shamhan CC. ?s:4i dalcolr fiU, Bosron AA. 80:41 lr. f2. rrank Ke1lv. No. f4edtora. 8t:10 3J. Ed trackson, Boston AA. 84:2t 34. Fred tsxtka. El.Boab Ac. 8rr:5i 35. nlclrard l.lhltehouEe, ahe 89:t5 16. Ken Thodns, fla1ne larltire94:O? f7. Chas. Bredefson , J!, . Nllc . 95:16 Arbhur Ad1s, i4arshflelil. 96:i? J8. *BAa won teM p.ize

a llttle dtiftneds ed a Bole lett ankle,. Hls plansr trenty-four hou!! of Bleep, a trlp to lonitoh, theb to Ner Yolk lor the stalt of hLe 1,000 r11e tu ecioss the ODtted States. shepheld 43, celr:cs a toothbnlh, sharllg k1t ln.L chalAe of clothlng 1l a kup8ack Btlapped to hi6 back.

oct. 2&th, taubion, Uass. N,E.J!. 20 Kilo \,ra1k (Open) Spollor:Anerican legl 1. RoD Iatld, }l.rPc, 1:39:10; 2. Valmi Nlcoll, N C &USI, 1:44.50i 3. Fr6d Tr: co6, 0SA, l:48:05i 4. Jake Bred€rson, NhC {NE Jr. chan!, ) 1:j2.Io; 5. Joh! Gray, BM, 1:57,00; 6. Bey Vasuener, Prov.col., 1r58.00: 7. ceorAe crzebie: Nltc, 1:58,01i 8. F"ed BroM: Nr{c, 2.01 42i 9. Dan Clancy, USA, 2.01.44i 1c. ttlB BeltoE,

NUC, 2:05.01,.


loston, l:ov. 9- Bob ioFe, of Brom, lunnet-up last year, easily caltlred the NeN England Intercofleciate cross, count.y title at Fralklin Park while Itlainers Black Bears reF€ined tean horors in the 4?th an ual event. ilowe, 21-Xear-old junior fron nnsletood,_ N.J., ied all ihe {ay to wi. in 21:16 with a narAln oi ?J yaids over f.ed tolstron, of temort. Aft freen* ol loston U1iverB1t,. tinished lhlnit. Team: 1. Malhe (4th tlne in J ye!r6) 2. Bro@ 8J; J. tesleyan 119, DYIN BENJAIIIN I/INS JUNIOR IIET AAO X.C SuDday, Nov, 8th, Van Cortlandt Par!

Brod. !.Y, ('l l1es) 1. Dyke Benjmin, NaAC, bt 120 yds. \9 t33 2, ?at orKeefe, II,{C, 1tt56 3. John Murray, St.John'6 Fr. 20:00 4. John Behs, st.John's Fr. 20r01 2nt29 5. Jtd Fittls, lrYAc, 6. DoD o'Codor, For.than AA, 20:36 SIIEPIMD COVEES I,ENGTI OF BBITAIN IN 7. Ed talror. NYAC. 2Ar17 20 DAYS 8. Jose Isle;las, NTiC, 2at[!5 Job! O'Croats, Scotl@d. Oct. 24_ 9. Thomlon SE1th, lfrPc, 2at4? Don Shephe:t, rho plans to nn flon 10. Fred Coamy, St.John's F!. 20149 Ner YoFk ho tos Arseles. finlshed his T€en: 1, r{€q Ydlk A.C. 2?; 2. st, tlEee-reek {am-up todsi 1n recoFd John's FFshdan 47; J. lIr"C iAt 631 1,he, p.ovlng he nas the feet for the Fordhd AA ?6i 5. X.Y. Coddutiy feat.. fb€ South Afrlc& Folil Dlbet rar 4. colless 1f2i 6. Nrlc "Bn rl8;7. Brvc the lerath oa Blltaltr - 876 Dtt6s fbn Ialil. E ed tD the South ro here ta 20 it6ys ? hou.6. Ite cui teD itsys aroe 4 flfty-year<ltl recoin.. ayer- rbv.?- lrlchita urlv. ageal 40 olles a alay and sufi€.eil orly JuDlor CoUege 30 1. Archle Sa! 8or an]. J.. (U) 15:05:- 2. Pul8l!t! (c) 20

z sontlt@ P.clttc


&locltild ol ih. llt

lo,ooo-J€i6r crc€6-couilv C!4rdoeh1! Ru

ir."to*, ,r.rt*"r r,


cLjse, re.ttrod, Loe rna6l6s, caUJohI' ltrtuhod Heatne!: hoi...31ot 36 ttdt* ucrA

1. -. i. 4. 5. 6.

RoberoCons, cu.lcrcttvIC. Rob6rt C. Sotn, 3C sttldcF . Rooelr 0l-*€, Cu'Ire! Cltt lC

. . . .' l' 32.30 9r@ . . . . . J . YrI2

Je*y surit, uouston TC . t. s& anlodo cotlcad . PauI !. ri$6t, oousr B. Uu.U€r 9C SL!:ders ' . . .4 ?, IArrJ r!ar1 SC sttid€!€. . . . . . . '2 a. chrLes H. B€@, sc strld€N . . ' . o 9. Ni.tJd E" Paslet, c!.IYd ciL' Ac . . ' ? L0. lrsttol! Rob.r.sD, SC SLrlrl€rs '...6. L!. ^. J&e5 s€blo, sC siridoF t. taYld Va.o,,t . . . 13. tlalde setarl, occidediaf College . . , . . L- Daridr4od, oc^JderalFiosh .. ... . t 15. lnctu€- C !Lon, Culvsr Cllt !C G. Pi'-:! -. CLs..e Jt., Culwr Cl v AC . l0 1?. Ffa3q cock, occtdatal FloEh . . , . . -!e. lonald A. ftP,s, ia' f9. ru€r l. Litudr oCCJ1ver CitJ Ac . . . SLr'ders . .0. Iu ColfiLrr, 2-. Joe .uia!tu lJr O loe.tal tru.h . . ' .2. Johr Pae!:io, crrd'nla Co]l€Ce ' . ' ' 2J. hJe'o.i. C1 Llls, Lra'{a(.





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\ed -), qay' {lui@s, rolt^ 2d l 43115 16. 's1LPr . DeiL€- saL 5. Jder" , , t, ..<! " 45tt7 ne-., aiv-r Ci r d' " . 23. . 1e A.^1, 29. - e r D" Srro::, Lre: il 1 r JO. '-sLo JLeo er tt4:erade_r v o.tetv ' ' 11. lo@ld a. rnd, mar;iacnei lid nol finish: ,ed I. fieven) eetiach€d kor, ladleu, @tisched Ddls [awue!€h' l]C at Seta ldbera iobelt,{erat, sitached Pad ileftoE: 0ccida1t6l couege ouLnem callorrl l SFid'* . 25 1ee (!.rDldsLp -1rLa.! ClLi -{th.tell! ClLr ' ' 7J

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