
Page 1

In the !-ong R.un it's the New

.4a'q Daaaae y'a2 ocToBER 19s9


2 l3




i-5 Krrr




No. 46

li li.l




fHE rofic DrsrANca lcG




volme 4, N!$ber 46, octobet 25' 7959* subscrlptlon RaLes: 251 a .oDy: $2.50+ a Jear. (Pub-isLed nonthly) Foltorial Corespondence: H,8. Boss, ' J06

l,r. elter St.,

Lloodbury, N.J.

subscrlprlon corre6po4dence! F"ank' /e-1y, J58 PrInce sL', IJoodburv. N.J.' Publish.d bJ r4arvine Printitg co.. 155 l'. 15th st., Ph!la. Pa, AIEX BBECKENIIDCE LEADS QUAMICO MABTNES TO VICTOEY T\ SR. NATIL.




tenrl Ac" 1n 195E. L€d, by Breck€nrldee, sho 1s h trenendous fom, the Quantico Marineg adiled the 15 (ilo t€an chdpionship !o thelr l0 (11o rin of a seek Pre-

Presenutlor of anards aDd footl lo1lo ea ihe race al the Inlei Socndl. Club, spoDsors ol the rsce 1n oonjuncilor with the Clty of Atlantlc clty. thanks to lhe local po1lce and good work by the ofticrals, beaded bv ihe alRays elflci€nt Ed Leaete' arsngement6 rent Enoolhly desplte a heavy Sutday orowd prooeMdlEg oD lhe BoaFlualk ln beautiful fa1l aoather. AESUITS: SENIOE NAIIONAL AIiD SENIOB I,IIDDLE ATLANT]C



1. Lt. Alex areckonrld8e, all, 45r!2 Atlantlc City, N.J,, suitayr Oct. ?5 46175 2. l4cAratIe, NfAc, t!6139 j.l. P6ter For the second week in rucceEsloni Boston re, AA, Green. eo"ton ]inr J1n c"..", !9' Alex Br€ckesidge, oi the Quafltlco 46t 55 4.*steve vlhelan, ve€pe! BC' t6: l4arines, won a Sehlor National AAU 4t;t46 47 ir,-;5;;;-i,A, Bosion Aa, +7:+b 5- cEhe Paineu. Charpionsblp. For todsy he baggeil the 6, ,rotrn xoprr. Quanlico flarines' lr8:06 1, Xllo run to adil to hls l0 Kllo ? n"". D;ve n;." ?1slema, Plsrenma- USA tiSA &NfiC'48:04 &N C.48:09 7. CaD!. laurels oi last week 1ll York. Pa. 6. A1-cobfalone. Boston AA, 4€:17 ,1 runrers flnished the cou.6e over 9: ulke Flehina' ouantlco r., L8:50 Atlantlc Clty Gtreets and ove! tbe 1d. sy vrtla, uSA, Ft.B!a6e,N.c.48:52 fam€d Ailantlc clty boardwalk. z*orit, aiautrco I,{:; 49.14 ir, vi. l\orn Htgerrs lElc.t-ic Boa, A.C, cr._l M..49:19 12T,t. clvnn $ooil., Quntlco ountlco M.,49:1 clym 12, lt. L:56, rhe headed field afLe! a mile ln )f B.ldseDor!.49:2 Brldseport,49:2, F"l Duncan, U. of 11, quartetrre but a useful ol Breckemidger 14. Jesse Bulde1le, Pem AC, 49156 !4.A!dler uhelar and 5y vil]a, ell ru15. Tonv SaDlenza. Boston A-4, 54.13 ning in lElness, sall€d pa6! ai the Budi xeidez, N6w York Pc, 50t16 nile and a half da.k. A! the Stee! ?Ier 16. 1?, Ted Corbitt. N€w York PC. 5ArL7 2 nlIe mark Jib Greer 1ed by a siep 16, Dick ?ackaii. Boston AA, 50.58 over McArdle, Uhelan, & Bieckenridge, 19, Noroe Hieielns' Elec.Boat, 51:11 yards rlth Tony Sapienza and rame11 30 20. Bi1l Prater. shanahan CC. 5L126 picking pace, up the back. cradually John DlcomaniL.ea, BAA' 51137 ith the vind 1n their face6, Brecken- 21. r4art sineleton, PeE Ac, 51.54 22. idee ard l4cAi11e passed the Convsntlon 23, Bod MacNlcholl' NYPC' ail 3 i11le mark with a 20 yard 16ad 24. l{iu.ian l4arot, N!lC' over Jinmv G.een anil steve l,/helan. The reached Lhe hatf-Nay'umt{o leaders 1ntr Dolnt at Newton A"e. & ihe Board.23 ninutes (4niles & 1162 yds.) "alu'irl as'thelan nored past G!'een into thlrd positlon, ?ame11, Vtl1a, Kopl1, Mlke rIenln-q, Glym wood anal A1 Codtalone iouowed 1n order. Retuinhg ovsr the 8a!re route Bleckeuidse wlth IoArdle at his shoulrle. began to set sa1] {inilward as the pair began to ]on€t hen thei:' leao. creen passed the surprlslng_yo'JrLg Steve ,hetan at conventlon Ha1l (6 m1 554 Jds,) and held lhe posilign for Lhe rest of the race. AL Lhe 6 3/4 nile

mark Breckerjdge Buddenly spurted and IlcArdle f€ll back 10 yards. PassiDg the steel Pier (7 ni1e6, 564 yds.) Alex 42. Ealry lrrrphy, Itl1lrose AA' 57:59 lhad a eap of 80 yards over l4cAtlte, l+3. c€rald perkirc, Atlantic cit{oHsl :which he increased to 300 at lhe ftnish. irri-'r rr" t' ii,""sh6r" cracl;a-ih; 44. Fran} I(€11y, sl@han cc, 60:16 (contlnued olt peae 25 botl,onl \cou.se record ot 4?.?4 r'y arornlns Eoss,


i -_-..\'



l(Il0 cllAM9IoNsHIP IN FIRS! ATTET{IT Iork, Ps,, oct. 18, 1959 t2 ?.ri.) OD s beaurlful fa]l afLemootr-as coD96.ed to the horrlbl€ cordttlons qhen the race $as !u here laBt year,Alex Broc*euldg€ ran anay *ith the lC Kl1o ohaBploDshlp today, afte! young Jobn KeU6y atropped out with stonach cranps rron a receni fI'r attack at 1b niles. Brockeuldge negoilated the York cour6e in t h.. 36 nln8. ,0 secs.: bette.i!€i the time lllned in last year ry .PiLLsourshr3 Bob csmu or -!t37.28. tarnan. who6e palents aad i.lerrds jou.neyed here froo Plttsbulgh to s6e 1ln run, niEsed the race ehen he :r'rlved bere ll5 ninuteB late because cf a car breakaom. Br€ck€r.r!fue a:ril iefi€y r'an lisht iog6!b€. fo. ixo IapE ol the rour 1a! to!r!.ae, t t A1€t opered rp a 150 yard 3ap on tho thlr{ la! aatt Keller ilf,opled out durirg tho l,aat 1ap. I wasnrt going to ilo anythlnej' ': feltsaid Xelley afier the race."I wasart gord nhape aEd I khes I just dldnrt in 'aale ii. Alex ran a elreat race. I an 3ure I wouldnrt haee beaten hin even lf :I would lEv€ been in lop 6hape.'r ar€r and h's U.S. ar'-e 'o.pr tearlates, Johmy (op1l (2nd.) & Clyft lrood {6th) tndicate.L tbey may qull, {hi1e thelirre ahead nhen it cooes to run30


the Buflalc-born to.ner

iiilleova track ace confessed ihat 0eybe 18 and thre€-qusrier niles 1s 'rio lor ihe Quantico uar1tre tean. rTtfar qas our first rrRe a: Lhll disrtrEce,' BreckeDidee said with his usual a.otch brogue (A1ex departed the UsA a3 a youg ch11al to ]lvo in Scoitand and remaineiL lere llnti] acceptlng a tlack scholarshlp from vlllanova) at the Y.M.c.A. aft€I the face."Actually, I thlnk 1t nay be a bit ioo far fo. trs. I,letve beeE tralning fo! 10,0008 1nd pointlng for the 15 kilo.un in ltlantic City next week-erd il we can 3et llve den together. i

The Boston AArs A1 Confalone, (4th) gerhaps, boosted the inportance of ?ieckerirlger 6 vicioty dhen he commenaral on his !ace. He pointed oui: 'I ran this .ace elght oinutes slower ihan I ilid 1a6t year. I ad sure that )oih Bob CanEn and ryself Dere in .xce11ent shape last tear. Ihd -{1ex )eitered our time.n

Brec&eslitge, {ho was the I.C.rt"A" two-d1ie chadplon at Vlllaaova, adiled that ]1e doesnri feel he thas real baslc speed," but that alo!€ ,ltb hi. Quntlco ieao-mte8, si11 be t.ying for a berth cn ihe 1960 ItS olrmpic rill be iough, par'the conletitioa ticula:.1t at the 10,o00rd dlstance. Yo!'11 hare to break the erlsting A.ericar reco"d jus- ro qblify. ropll ircidentally, is a eert good d1ler aad has .uf, a shade wrder 4:10 islcors ile is thinking ebout the aaralhon ihis loo:ng spring. l'l.od '^:-touisllE "Lat Unlverslty ace) is baslcally a closs-

l0 .mers; shcri of the nmber ihat lan hele fa6t yeaf. 26 flrisbed ihe gri o, Ueauher: sl)dy, bui c.ol end !e.Y wrndr. CoDrse: D.1 ald excellent. rl la!6' total rB t4 r'il:s). P.ize€r Nice irophles to first three teaes ald first and second individuals chan!10nshiD neoal s Lo f'16c ".ri felr --E.s ro flrs- .h-e. !pan6i 10 -:^.o A.istocrat Barbell sets! energy fooil those; Bob Hoffnrants new kits after' bool iBer rer achrcl!sh (o Autoeraphed 1l desircd,. A1l rul]lrers olllciais and fliendsgoff ' lace pronoter, Bob were euests of msn at an excellent dinner icllonhg the race in 3 Iork restaurant. The Qlartlco larlnes repLlced the soston ta as tean chrr.rons (J nan tean)t Eanilion Ollhpic Club seconili BAA '8" tean thlrd. (BAA a casualty, due to Kelieyrs and Do4oout, only t o me! f1nhue's itroDDirs ;A", rsh6d on bi.A



L Alex Br6ckpn_id.-.( A: ''co. .)6,: .r.or 'e! coursd 1t4'1.55 2. John Kopil, Quantico' 3. Dave lisielja, No.Iedlod 1:43.0, 4, Af Confalone, BAA nA", 1:4J'1b 5, Eilly Sm1th, tl6dlllon 0q, 1:qJ.30 6. OlyM irood, Quabtico, 1:47'10 i't+1.45 ?. T€d corbitt, I"flc, 8. Ed Duca!, U.of BlioA'por., 1:47. < 9. Dick Psckard, BAA 'A', rBr1t4.5 26 l:50:0o lo. ohr D'.oa.td-Fa, &A BAA 'i. con - ^s Sco-to, qa rr. s,d. sfi 4. 'l-or 0c, t52t3a l1.B', l:51:40 11..oh Jar-et . st.4, l:-<:01 11. ftit.v sfer'd -, l'0, l.). 1ia!. S:rsleto4, P-r AC, I:{7:25 ie. o"".e l-i<n"nu. BM 'B'. Lq9:t5 next ) {contlnued




{B.sckehrli€ie - Coltllluedi 1?" ?e.cy-sslrh, samllton oc, 16. nlk€ l]rEara, 9t. i:rihoqr6. 2: 02. 14 19, aalph ellbers, uDper Darby, ra.^_


t{ent by but E.rdon wes rn frcn!

2!q9.2f fifrjl 9j"1t?3i;"tl"u.fii,1:'lh') a,d-ra;ii"-E;;i,r rii s"rornat" frro_

':u)'.)@ 20. Bob Cbeb6F3, Staraha!. Cc.2!0r.25 ?r. Jl{ ^rCobnelI. jit..Abt}.., 2r04.25 rraEmn cu. z:oo,+7 2:. sarr $01ih, ?e!n Ac, 2.70.47 y9q9 !sih. nst99! fbiPt:" ?,1?.99 ?!. ytlrt Patakr; st. an+,h.Ba, 2.19.54 25. Joh! KeUey, Bo8tor AAi - --d.n.i. Drck Dono.ue. Bosio, AAi Jess€ Burdelle l"ll,tci.B:f:.T119i9"'.!?'llt91 99:- , - no!€ r) rlnIan.ra, above' Lo,l\Doli 97 pts, SToClC.lOLlt 6q pts. {41!e u1ry, lomob - seprenoe! .rurn

i":"+j-i_a s.:i,i.ie (c.cir"""yl .,i.tr,er 20 rrd.s bect, E Bar ?as Eotlna up st!;)rlgt, aDd !t!!e dropped baci as h€ E{r ;r'aud Loor over iire lead. sstoralte Jhpped ou! s 2 dlle6 t8:5a) ard agala, onty to b; over_ siao" "p sr ;rae ]aps tronrakeE ""iri by pr.ie.-rhea icni u& uni.r spellqaela rroEt'bur tE bhe 1eail vllh tBo "to eo E:r1l;n i.-g"l ;;a--d;irs'nrE-,ii.si ""ar. Hi@n et u'e ieii pr"i., E1do; and !.efe bucheil iogetier snd 1t vas 5!Jr_ ttri oaal co prrle, liiai'i rici bact sttalgbt HvMr rado EnterlDg the"tti an efto;i but when !1f1; osde hts dash for hooe he Bs soon out on hi6 oh.

e fine. evenins befo,e the la.ses,, ?l*.L;liT*""*1":l""ti*i# ifl$.ii;," of the €eason -30,000-Io!dotr hait rhe tEce voa. r. o.e,d. ri.r.r_ii)' eaBrlr d€fested stockholn. Ijtzi.oi2,'si; (cB) EtdoD (r) 1lrzr.", Dan {eern's 3159,? tr!!e ana cotdon r. tilrr@ 1l:29.2: 4. ce.hard -q^:u-i";:,-f, rlrlp's,l @l]e wi! hiahtiaf'ed Lhe r-i".1 ii.iriln. <. rairlg neer..880. bl1e_aad J Eile arso .,viiat'or.ii;;;- ic;i'riiaSlsi,i:"BIi,ii G,-._ ilatch E?ent6:.880 Yaldsi Hoxdon dade iiir, rsj ir+iro.zi i. Sutre 1(aufstdr r<I rr.16 r lnto the 1ead. at the.6!n ar.t 1ed through- i.oooi.i;ii"*, r. Hans Nolb€rs (g) out, soins throueh 4+0 in 53.J. Bawson f|<q-:-:.n-H.;r Jl. {aFl 8,ii.o came ih.oueh Brro's1y 1n rhe last 60 iiiSi-3"i'rii'ij"i':o'i.i,r";r'j:-r. ydds to take secona place l.on Uekovirtanen rFlr-t 9:02.3! 4. E.C. mrls '-reskj hho heo oee! in thar posiL:on ii,'o:_.i,<'-fo! nost of the race. 1, Brle s. Hew- ri;{t;ii6;-Ee6Ei6: 5 E1les valk! 1, so, (1. 1.48.61 2. Iike Rasso! (!) re" "alrh;vs iErs, )-F:=26:6-:-i;:1d laakooaski (Po].) 1:40.li l. z. r:rr9.7i best pe.fomance; Z._Stsn vlckers, Eng. rr. J. Jar'ubo{str, o..T. (pol.\ 5. JS.35.Zt 3, r-. t;erch, rrah, j6:12.? ve€llng G.!.) ':5r.8; 6.t:Io.'. lrlqFDar Tro Xlles TeaD (rordoa Ctubs; 1, Brlan Hdoelud (s).1:q2.tr 7. nike aiasro!e FErn,le, -E-361J; 2. J.B. HeFltre,8:toi 'c.8,) it53.4t L Bo.bbesorc (sJ :r.r.tr. 3, "" Fart.9:oo.c,: r,. rrsnl, Sttea!. l. 'a. Jaen rs, J:)o.^! /. SraA- 9:06.o.,rean: t. percules. 11! !Es. !l!9: fr'ed Herrrum {E.G.r0arLyl ll:00.rr 3. Julllor tt116: 1. Dereck D6i.nae. qrl?.Ot por. | 4r0o,u: rrro0,8. 4. ste"a" reEandovskl ((Por.) a. 2l-ti-E6Gi7sor. 2,---Eobl-;son, 2, c. aoblrsor, !4Lt11,?t r 13,7r 3. r1l,7i R.T. U-on63, R.i. ioads. l.i. B.T. I'lichel iazv i rAr-F) lr:01.8. ). O'av. [:l+.] +:14.1 (Pace: 62,2r07, 52,2to7. J.12.6) J.t2.6) (Finrald) Salonen 4:02.8; 5, Ilche1 Eelrard (Frano6) 4:C3.0i 7, 01av1 Invltation Il1e - at Elllsborough !aik, Vuorlsero (flnlard) 4:06.0! 8. . Len Sheffteld, Ers-sbd. SeDL, 26rh.;.. Der.tohnssoa (s) 4:08.0: 9. De.ek IbboNson ek Ibbotson, 4:08.7 (tiack.eccrd): 2, (L) 4r08.0r 10, Johbr,tlnah (I-) 4ro9.oi leter Keeli;s, 4:08.9 (1 yard back); q. noseDan(EC,) 4r27..?ace: 56.€ i. Totry pu.i;y (2!oo, sL!oD-r'. by BoseDar, 2.02 bt qosemr. 3/4-j,o4.6 wlnd, sporl6a hopes of al!ol) Aood !jDe, J=J!l.gEi- A ereat perfor@rce by oordon Homchulch Ha.rlers Ealr-Marathon (11 Pirle end- a iine sblch, but for a"s1ow" niles 192.5 ya!d6. oct Jrr, ?8 degre6s. sacond.nj.1e, n18ht have been Buoh closer 1, Len Jotres. 1:11.1+ (10 arles i;: to the Ens11sh Natlae reconl, r€ulIe J4:10) 2. re;ry l1l!ay, 1:11.39: 3. Johh noed 1ed for two laps, then Elitoa took Edxard6, r:11.51r 1. BriaE shav;, 1:1j. ove! atrd iri6d to open up a gap bul l1i 5, E. sicasrnsor, .:1,1,02 could not rhake off lirie uho wss on his heele Bhen SLan wenl ihrouab Lh€ dlrec! .ron LD Loa - Track & flrdt oll. lD 1123,6. Halr a ltp later order Fr€Id News : HoE ca! a Irack fan be oa



-_ arcoBD "ralrlcE C.e€k, Csllfotuta, SuDdav. -I|abut r6Preb6. 27, 19J9 (9:30 A.r.r-) "

,ffi '5,H*:"e, i,:H*:'ld'i*:"1,"u

$3ll il::#f: iil"'ii%E.ii"$.8.

_lleil Sar8on! of the Sabls Ctsre youth secoDt!,




norgen of rtre olyrDlc Ciub. ";:""ii"::J:r.i"1:!i:".:l'.:"liit* Du€ to

a CallfoEla lDt€IschblaEtfr r.de.at1o! rulJ'rg, Alt.! po6rec. unaL, nlgn sohool roa. ile covered the 1"9 aDlr rs.rye Eedals had b6en otfeied 1n rhe hlgh school .ace. ) SSNIOA RESI'ITS 1. Kelth riatlace, StaDforit, 28:24


cloudy & drv,, 50 sLarteF5! 4x f]^1sh_ ers.. SapIeMa back ,d foro wlth cnls oae as secord pleos craha! !ar:@11 "nc7er 8ar hlDi atter ? oP I uuos. eoth€! tlbe Bc€ 63 he {as crree! to cotlapse at ihe flnlsh b9 ilaall Lor olyDpic cluor! 81119 SDt_n. I de recoeepeal shortl9 iheresfter). 'Ioby sapienza, Bosron 1, 55.29 z. urah&E rahe]l. iostonaA. AA, J5:io 5!'r.hi Ba8llron 0c, J6ri? l. !1r+y +, 4rl squfes. BostoD ca. s?.trA ,. Dlck Packerit, Bostor ,pn- \z:.,o 6. Ed Durca!, U. Blldsccorr ! ct:;i6:(r

n, Nor.na! {lEsir. F.Aac 9, fsre 9111 rxrptt, Bosror AA, Zia66 !u. coEHry, Bost.h AA. 6q.26 11. Tod g.aDe. Io, ardfo.d club rio! ii yatorho!€e, 12. c.org. 6,t6i ll, lrlle F1ge1or, ijosiobh'Hc, AA" 61! lj i4, John D1 CoFBndrea. BAt. brr44 15. BoL Cu@ihas, Nll{C, 62,45 t6. Bob Zolltnhoffer, !ni, 62: at) 17. Royce Sawyer, NXC, 6i,ia i3:3i 5:ffit i:it:l;. 1u, Drrale flelchant, BAA, aat14 rq. Don Fay, Bosuon AA, i::-";s::i:. ;: 3zi"?, 6ij:or 6. charre€ cut1s, *tt,, 20. Jio 4ouLiU. Etecriic Bcar_ 64:46 igrri ?1. Bob CuUen, Eoston Aa. 6?:04 22. I€E Ehler, Udttached, o?:C5 i: [SIfi:.';$*: !**if;' ;l:33 2J, Ed Erockett, !ru Aq. 6l:26 24. i;."j3l"fliiiH; Dave CltEole, li. Cat;. .i:2q ?l:?i 25" Raloo ay Ant1, scnloFe, scv:v, Betpas, jr:43 b?r46 11, 26, Bob Scha]]er, UEtta.hed. 6?:51 27. i:: Frabrr i::,'ffis:i,:1"3:fii+:.. #:;3 trelly, NXC, 14. !/alre! ve zelr Jr.; :FAc, "A:i6 j2!42 23, John KauFplDeb, Boston AA. 68:46 29. oeo|€!€ P1ke, Boston AA. rr. !o! craDorrkl. a.sib., 12:50 a9r4? J0. John Reltano, Ltrfl AC. t9:54 i;: ilt,"ffi:i:'*f,4.'', 11. i{aL Hlll, Bo6tor LA. ?i,6c lti;3 1.4;i; 18. T1@ K€1]y, uBtr . ?t,j! -.2. Jake Breder6on. l']'lc_ 19. Eay !,,ahaAab. sr.r-;. 31. Dan Dur'.lop, Eoston riA. ii.r,rr ii;ie 20. Jh cauon. u@tl:. J4. Ste.l1a, Dulskts. LaDofe. ?1'nA i6.;< Chalres 21. l'teryln I, sttoua, ,*ot.,!+:ii Bledgrsob, 15. xlrc. ?!:55 :16, 0]11e frarurineR. BAA. 4.. rob reBrEg6, rnatr., l4r3z r6'.i tlU1M zr. E11r €!!ey, fiarin A,a. !5:04 ltsrot. Nxc. 17. 22.iA 24. A1b€e o.lo?Iiz, SFAC, SSraO J8- Fred Euika, ttectrrc eoat. ii:[6 19. Fred Bloxn. Nr4C. . 40. Harotd Ed,;.ds, rfxc, izilt ii: !,1ii ft3:::::"!6,,Ifi.' ;:;!l 41. Ia.!y F161tt, D.r.s.; BztjS !r?. Art ad[e, ItEttached, xTT 3,giti 5#:: Hi:l?i:'"ffiy' . dre€ r6p couss.. tloDhle! to flrst A11 iteds belos j0at be purclFsed floD th!€e and EedEIs to next ttselrF. t.opby iotr by Scnaj (l-b€n betu). LD LF. 305 U. ':enEer sa., Uoo.iour,, NJ. 'ee '800 TflCI T!_AINi F.ed !i1t's Ereai book on tralnlng ro! the ha]f-;i]€ to stx drlee. 128 IEge3. Illustrated, 62.0 T0llT SApIENZA WIIiS CAEDIiIEA, ILAsS. EUN





,ilT."i";.i33!; 31,1'"iil: Lilii".i,f 10 Diles.. l8 place Errias_ mercharttise. A srlo & buffea 1utre!! arier the .ace.. ?5 deer€es, ]]srrtj a ]org

"fSEffiiiHHH*#"**", Areai .rlo Pelers dd hls coach. r52 illustFated. $'t.50 DAs

Itq!(-tic Bules. techaique, Lratnia6 alils. Hahtd lrhlrlock. 1957. gt,Oo BA^E


Peclllc 46soalatioa of the AlO hof.L! lts crors-country opener atr. UCLA lu WeslFoo4, Lor Aleetes...Sst-rdEr, Septeober 19, 1959 Dlstalce! 3 E!16.,..ner course agau on lhlE corEtMtly ch^nshs cepus iEcerVtilr. thGX sta.t {ork o! a !e* buUilruA lt,s alrars on the crosscourry couee! ) o:der of Ei4!!b 1. Bobert C. soth.... rEi'|.z John Dlsty, 16!36 ory rr. 2. Char.leg q. Bee@a. 74rM Joe Huph?ey 16:17 oxy F!. !6.er b, nrl&re. .. L4:54 J1n Colpitts 16;41 SC Str. J. 4. Robort Coas..,.... 15t04 Rolatrd cdr.Ldbes 16:41 nDat, Jlm xaaAaa, 16:43 LB St. 5. Bot, o8bore.....,. 6. Jift Scbultz....,.. t5t20 lollg Beacb Stete Doug Eelnlrs,1?:0? I st. ?. l,ll11ld E. ?ss]oJ. I5t23 John Pag1iarc, 17313 ory 8, larrr Wray-...,.,. SC Siriilers Freil Uoger, 17:13 Uiat. Ph11lp S. Cldke, 17:19 9. Dlck Drake....,... \5r43 10. Ilks Drag11a..... 75 tLto San Diego State Gary lIaziIia,17:21 lB St. 11. Jol,r Oarcla..,.,. \5t47 Culver Clty Ac 8111 Tiltrey, 17:22 I,B st. Souihcr.E

12. Fred Sharpl€y,... 13. lJillie C.een. .,.. 14. Eob€rt brsen.... 1J. Davld ]taco.,..... 16. Devld Moo!. .. .... 17. Heher Hansol1, ".. 18. steve cofln&,,.. 19. l.Iarne Huotari.... ?0, Mike Mccomlcl,. " 31: $lli I3i*!I:::::: DiiL not finlsh: C.

Saa Diego State


San Diego State

16.03 15:11

r6ttz t&13

Occialental- Ft'osb 5C St.iders

15.!? !6.2a 16t2!

16t26 16.2'l


Diego Siate

long Beach State long B€ach State US Navy

5-Ui1e CloFs-CoEtry DevEloleent



D!. Cbarle8 BobbiDs

93$ New


Ut1lardsoa,. 17!23 IASI

Ed I,eviiBon, 17143 gnatt, Don Sax?ei, 17!+7 Unati. DouA K1am, 17148 ccAc Flarl< Clmi@s . 18 : 24 LB 51,

l,In, cauaher; i8!48 unEtt, E6lph Bubee, t4.57 \t@ttt, oordon uor, tAtS? rJnatt-, Ketmeth Strone, 18:58 CCAC Demls li€rasugh, 19:05 Josel Lelcht, 19:11 SC Str. Bob€rt Tra:ro, 19:20 ccAC

Vd Co.tlandt Park, ller Iork City - Oot. !1s9 E&Ea &-!}el-qse

York Ploneer C1ub,

37.42.2 EoriLen Umttached, J, Flflls Nefr Yo.k AC, 37t 26 l: oo E" Callard New Iolk Pion.ef Club, 37 t3a D, C1ePP, NeF Tork Plole€r C1ub, 37t53 J. BesseU New York AC, 1:00 37'55 J. Stemer New Yolk Pion€e. Club, 38:18 3:oo T. Corbitt Ner lork Ploar€r Club, 3At2a Vnattached, 3at r+ t N.Cirul[Ick Eutty Xertlez llew Yolk Piore€. C1ub, 38t28 B. Colton N.Y.!.C. 6:00 38t39 Dyke BeDladla N,Y.A.C. 38.49 tobi xaxv611 N.Y,A.C. 1:00 3U 5a I. Seynot' N.Y.P.C. J. Dolovaa N.!.A.C. 40:00 2t45 L. Schlavo N.!.P.C. \ot29 C. GercYese N.Y.!.C. \a.59 2:00 E. Thonas N.t.!.C. 4:30 A. lhonp6ol1 Si. Johff A.A. +2.13 1: o! S. Geniu4 N.I.P.C. 42!18 6tO0 Vh (6r[ Ill]-lrose A.A. 1:00 Kui,l,st61Der lr.Y,P,C, 6r 00 \3tJ5 Cud LlkoE N,Y.!.C. +3142 5!00 * FE6t tlds Suary & i-arn - 27 stsrters J1n

)5t02.2 3!.39 34.26

J7t3a 35.35

37,24 38,39 32t49 33,58 36152 36145 3Zt 5e


4z'r6 i8:21

\ttts 42.42


h.ttlc A.roclati@ ot tne ,!i!, . .3"5di16 CFss-on@rs nE s& {nado Crlles., qa]]ur, C.!!l.:5!s,..5a!u.tuJ, s6!r{j)s. ?o. rt59 N4 t@3€ h.rc rlso. r'Lh dst&rco ta\e!1"1,.. IJFJ Bo brshs ril1lrh6d. south6.n UL.

1, !oba!r6 c. eoib, S+f,idRrs"..,.1,i?!tj;| 2, T!ou6 C. l,re, t! Si6!e..,..2,..2J.!J ,. Robed caa3, CIj.w. cli,y 1C..t,. 4. Feir.! !. {dd16, St!1d6$. . , .4, , "20:16 .2O.1? 5. tony ib&no, u&i, -,.,..,.. ".,...20125 j,€a(, 6. F€tu&do eat,.....,,,,... t20!30 ?, larry '!{Ey, stridolr...,,....5.. "eor43 3. Jir schuli., Ia star"e...,..,"6.",20!56 9. Johi -corfordr Cal Pol-r (si/c)... . .2,t:o5 10. chales t{. Be.x4, stddels..?...alrl,t, 11. Dick ha{sr eq.., , ,. , , , . , ,.,,,.,2r:17 12. fdke !.ac11a, 5t siate A....,6,.,2L2o 13. xichael C. tu6!, .rat.,.....,.,.a1r25 L4. Tony gnlthdrs, lst.,........,,..2.t !29 15" .,J:yi6 lrr6ns, eat,....,., -,.,,,.21.36 15. I'1" Re6 ii,sers, @r.,.....,..,-.::1!4i t?. Pe!:L L. 9jrhei, ln.54C.......,..2L:4? L6' n |err 1ai5h, SD srat6 !....9,,,21:54 19, Charlse lii,lkbyr Siridexs...,10,..22:O, 20. I6e r4111er, ll! stat.,.....,,1-1:..22: otr 2f

.,Iend611 ir.+l 2., qat,.,,...,,,,.,.a2:06 r'illt. O!d:i!., SD S'"at€ d,.,,t2.,,2?:]3


sl staie 8...11"..22r20 Edotdt} r}ry....,,,..,.,...22r2! 25. Jtu vaned, i3 stats..,..,..1,i..,2?:11 2$. tike l4ccoei:]., lA Sta&-..,1i.,.22:26 27. Dou€ hehins: :t siare 3....t6"..22:2? 24. Fe1ref lidsoL: rtrldeB....,L?,..2r2:2s 29. Ra/ Detrjn, ur1r....,..,,.... .,,.22:30 lO. David i,Jacor va].,....,,..,......22t36 31. lILl Tiln6x) La 3irts.,..,,,la.,,??.41 12" i. Jees seblo, ':i"rasrs.,..19...22r!) 13. Ir6d sheple;', 5-r ljaate A.,..20,..::r4a 3r. ,ayid l.looar orqr a..s..,..,.,21,.,22;49 21, lhiLip Te.yi.r,



45. ;& {h@dsrli, lB si.t...,.?3,.,2J,J1 46. Jc€ liufpbroy ory irosb,....?9..,21:3t 47. Jdr si4udron, sD stai6 B.1o...23.1, 44. D6r !_.€c€rbue, crr,s !i (,r*i!),2trJt 49. l)8y. :bsnJ nedrede... "....,..,.2?!j6 io. Iaasc€ turd@, 3t s{.et€ 4.J1...21:42

,l-. Bob st$d<r r"{ stat3.,."...12.,.2u!a! 52. ?blu! 3. Cf&-l<6.I!.r aCrlc..j-1.,.?3rr? i3" earr Todd, s! gtate 3,,."".,t4",.t3rj1 54. Dougla3 c. iilasr CCAC,,"...35..,2t.5? 55. R$s61f Alooro, dEL..,...,...,,..r!.7 56. iicha.d 8F r lf^s!. ..... .,Jo..,&:1!4 57. Ialry 3 :€., €rr.,.!,.,,.....,.24,10 ,8. ,lck Ge.!en, 3! J""rt5 e,...37...&i34 59, roaald saws!, u.i....,,..,,....:4:ua 6c, Johs Pagltsoj 0-J.,..,.,...,,,,,2.4t t1 61. 9d6rd J. lee!F@) 88t.,,.,..,,2r+:j? 62, trei re11d, i,{ S+3ie,,,,..r4,.,2t:O3 6f. 3Db a]3*s1dr, l}ilr l}orb...,,19.. ^2trca 64. ',{illi& Ses€q, LB ste'r6,...,to..,?5:ot 65, i9 aiM 3qlhn6., Dat...,,..".,.2i!10 66. Ga.t istrr, eai"..,,. ",,,,,,,.,,25:!9 67. r..d rong, 6at,., ".,,,.,....,..,.2ir19 64. loF o. iohF.sd, c4A4..,.,"if,,..2J,t1 69. ?ed Snlth, sat.,.,,,.,.. ",,. "...2r:5? 70. n.meih r. st!@s, cCAa,,,",n2..,26101 ?1. bbert ofdhs, uc;3,...,... ",1r,..26!03 ?2. lr&.! Brlsao, -!rl St4t€,..,....",26,!4 ?1. Di.e vau€rnr iodl.edJ.., -.,,,..,,26:24 ?4. iaiph 3ubee, l,! Staie,,.,"-i*.,,45:30 ?5, il{rJ {cKimeJ.r nedlAtrdr,,,....,,a5r31 75. uik6 seFo.j Or{r r.o6h...,.aj,..26:t^! ??. Bdret! l.dDer, UCSB..... - ".46.,.27:05 76. Joln nizei, 6ar,...,., ",,... ".,,??!15 ??. Wqyoe iii].riac, Mai".,...,,.,,..a?:]+5 Bo. Jaes lr.Iirajr, lcats........4?.,.2?'5s

Aq ifts:^. . , .,22, ,.22:53 ,6. ij3rold larkaessJ 6a.,.,. ".,.,....22.59 17. Jl! r.d€!sen, o:ry !rGh...,.23..,2j:00 41. ?ichad Aced, UcsB....,..,,,46,..23:c0 33, Rolaid Corllobes] tjs:', -.,.,.2+...21: 09 a?. taa6 {llron, lt€d1aCa Ir...,,..,.28:4i 19. FrcC Une€r, uat...,,, ".,,.,..,,,?.1:L1 a:. Galy ]{or'"o!, lA stat.....,,,4t,..29:i0 40. tuoh4rd t. Jss&. 9ci1an.1s ir,.,2Jr16 44. Demis iirvua€]]r Ucs!... ".,5o,..a?.io 41. NoE lo\ee, Redlei3 n.,......,.21!21 -15, Fraeer Cocks,

42. I'oodie tho]Ms, 5D s-naLe 8...25,.,23124 4il. Jrirn Disty, CaAA.,,, , - , . , . .26. , ,23,aa 44. Joh. ltersnar, L\ trlr.,,..,.27...23t2j

to& Iiarey, aat Don Zellr, uai Te@ sc.rins: S.. a3lfa-jtr sirldels . I- 1- 5- ?-1o -- 2? (l?-rt) i,ong n,:fa sr31. colLess . 2-6- 1t-4-r_5 __ 4a (16-26_!0) 5& Di.go 3rate couege A . 9-!2-2o-3t -- g) __ r18 (l?) sd ri€3o staie acuese I . 1jl-tc-25-10_J4 ' occidm!.L cc:1zgB llosh , 21-22,-.,)-29-),o -- l3t' fu5) , cu1v6! ctty Auhtjri. Club " 3-26-j::l-35-4r -- UB (€) l:os .qrCelss -3i;te aolle9e . 27-)1t-3:tl+l+-1+9 - \9O iJ ot c ai ratr1.. iri,a!^ , , U-te,43i6-+? -- 195 (46-50) (!,Iole: Sul@ry doe3 tul -\Jr USC - th€rr etlg1b! itt lb! rot beet ctear€d so hey r'al) u.,,,rord: oleDot Leor! SDiLh6le. -.6no86. Eoa6rs. Ier, vlser. Irona & I6e i h. 1i should oe a 6!ror.q s.luBd eventnaiii.l '


CI- BEIIAII| 126 plj6. FT'LT1ND 1Ch pt6. 5!?!pg! 1. xevra Cl1llgar, Ct. Brl!sl'!, sepieEber IZth & lJth 1+:09.8! 2, ylkoElzo. JaDa. 14:15-8, sDor: 1. Blran Herso! icBl t:1r8.1i i. pa"€i.Le. czechosoila!.ia. 14:18.0! 2. I'iko larBon icBl 1:51.2i j. E. 4. col uber.l.oe. nssE. 14:21.6: 5, Do61is. Krlv--lae (.rt_1:51,Ji 4,:1. NorilslroeE, pol€rd, lrrrJ1:&i 6. Be!w; NoFray, 14i3i (r, r:r1c6 (beaso! roo'. over froE (r3 emeci.d. cltttaa!. o:fold un!! aaxson-ar tie r"ii, iiacrri,irii je s a sprhleA all the say hoee to estsblllh as 'itiiil,i-iri!-irii:-;il;"'i;i,;i;:'ii"" altlctparod, h6 t61ied oD hls forelAa Der 3!3ck record.) ablo ktck tor itcto!'}, The Czecb paveltra r500p: 1, olaet salo.s (F) )t'+5,at 2. ;ed fo! 4,?oo deLreE'or rh. Ey. {iLh Derek :bb.t6ob (cE) l:47.0i J. 014?1 Gotubeulor! yokonizo aEd clllllE! Deee. vuorlsalo rv)_3:47.7,.!. John Ander6orl DoFe rban a couple of srrttros 6€hlad. at (Gb r:(drd (616, zrou) ;ho b611 IE se€Ded anrboLy.. !ace. su 5.!9p!E! lj $ta! Eldon (08) 13.59.41 2. olos€ rhey br.r,,rcb;d, ;ut rtrh 3jo Bnce,Tulloh_ {C9) 14:1,9.9r J. s. salor_ yarils '€re 16tr cilile& a;oe}oratod anta^{F) 14:19,6i 4. tt. Huttulen (9) at a pheloDenat laae aad pored tt ;;ar o! LlttJ,o at1 the Ey-Look to 11! bt l0 yaldE. Els tast (cB) [arEjD ijyEar 2e:18.0i kr1oD6t6r 2:39.-6,-all; b1s rlDa] !0.909p! 2. Eflkl 1. Banrala IFJ 29t2\.0 {Firoi6} 2oo retreg rmteUii o6cuoi.ea ao oorl sec,Ji l. John liorrlnan (cBl ?0:?4.6; rhab 26 sec;!ds, t6ronrr6 m: secona ru +. A. lbrpl {F) 30:40,0 lHyuall ttrote a prodleirg Ds, Asta! record.) away in tho lesL Dtto & opeled up 20 yards khich hetd untl1 th; ebd- ite ftnlshed-stroagly to galn a g?eat AX AlpBEc:ArIOf O! rEB TA AIISUE nErrof oearron lrcn "he cro{it. EIth the (by John J€pe]l, fo!tu6r ElC prc61tl6!!, tradiilons of the Flnr! foi Sreat chrs or y sereec ro !-rrhur \epron,,ho passod amy oa sepL_ 1i!I9199 e@lnaEl-ze"1]*1"9. Hyau,s e?eat rurnlbg. ) Zrh, Es t! !r€ ??rh y€i. ArlhuF !.t l Hlle Eelsv. J. Ct, Britah (lbb- sDber t,€wtoD scs a very reDarl,"abt; @n. ttk6 o 6oD,-clsrr,, andersor, Hehso!) 16:r,2.8, 4any plodeer6 he @5 a seDerattoD In 'laekkrhe!, salor.l1) 16149.0 (FrutEh preached Dew D6thoda of t.;riaiu in Bocordj.. Ibbolsob led throughout rrrar leg for s:07.J. glv{lc c1a!k the sthletics ,hich are ,os Mjvers;t pracalno6t I0 yerd6 to spare, clark went ge €6 one ot the flrst io tlah ererT a$ay fast & gale AdergoD {hat appear- day a1l the l€st, round. No deta1l ,as ed to be a coolortable fll@ib!''ead. loo lnslgdficalr for h:s study ard daekxrnen.aught Andersoh on the thtnl attdtloh. qlE il'aelc Drir!]r,h the nost caoe asain in lnportart l4red1eEt or whlch r, connoa :€p 9u! Hne4 ADdergon yand6 he had no ars{6r sa1b, is roE used 1! flald5 oulside enit lleDsoD trds 6ent away vith a lead athl;tlce nheD ne! wo.k ln !ro!1caX co!qhlch he increaseit wlthort urdue efrort. dttiors. {i6 adventurcus 11f; amr a@z3.000p SrchaE.: r, -. Vtrlabon (F) :!rs arhteric ca.eer Dake fasctEtrnc bt5\.ai 2. tl. Eelrlolt rcB) 8:15.5i --to,ns. D, 4. r. Koi- Ee ra; bom 1n somerser (Enstand) ud ?9!i!ry9_rcB),-9:05.6i vb€n Fl 9::0.? (Berrloll lan a er€at erts.at€d at ruF of the-centkF uo race aealn6t virtaneE ald fough! hld Sputh Afri.a, tbe vhere h- becMe s fa;er. glve n1s oppotr6br be6L i! th6 last tap a flourishins fsm bu! tbe; he E; srrool 6prl[l ro the tape.) by a cruet b1ow, tho Departrent ot Nallv. effal"s declared the area iBldcki and NefltoD Es forced to qult wlthou! colDer. Ultll\,'EASIAI)E (preylously krom 63 Lhe satloD. thoughi he would haye a bett.r o.l,it studebt Can€s) at tur.in. ialJ clrance ofEeobtsillng lf be Ha6 Septenb6r 3td to 6th belter knom, and asJrsttce aeateur athletrcs 8000: 1,. neydecket ttesi Oernary. ras as hoalthy aE anythtne on earth, he rt50.5t 2. Jo!E! fio1i. ct.Brrtai;. declded to put hle rhole heart snd soul 1'rl9.5r u?tagbe, Japan, 1:50:9 -.1::., ,.. l. --:"-:""i. trto 1t, shce aloirsner slortsnen ware were aEorrssr aEohgst a thos6 people besE kroM to pubtt.. 3:50.9i 2. vlnch. ct. Bri!al;, i;jz.o: N-BLo; Gs lok apploachtns the to.iy snd l:52.1i a: ;a;es, ;;;";-;"i;; ii-i; ;i;r;ii;; 2; u:t?*9., JaleD, ;;poland h; porana cr..Br1!a1!, Jerzr, 3t52.Lt 3t 52.Lt 5. Jeizy, vlousle, Nea6lrhaless. vlou;ly: betseer 1922 e Nevert-rrEilss,nliiein-igzi-ana 3:5+.0.


65 de8lees' . lFeathcr: partlv clouttv' lcoujl.s€: North Atlans to Ailan€, Ita63. & 1934. ho Dlo!6er.tt s Nt br&lch of I r€tm.. flat couree arrtt xell pollced' thele 16 12 all€t ot ailritroe'. srr echtcvso€D!. Ilcludcd i (aard !o belleae ) coulrv boslde the l4ohaqk T?411! a rucc.sElon ot rtaio.les 1I tho I ibtEtaFtels, 39 f.tr16he!6..stdt- ?ub11c sorria!"i nar- ,or, rhe anl|usl J4 142 o1l€ raoe 1 tr4iaI. B. eubotantlslly ll,lblary, {orth Adad3. to f1.5t 20. edale rJaicia-iri s';t.nf rrrsros recor{s' lrrrzee': ttercuJlalse 'IYoohv to-v1Fe'' lroa 30 to 1OO d!1e6' laotudlng trro lto nert teb flt1sheF8. lontto!-Brlcbtotr. ald ra! 100 btled oll Btrffel lqacb for l.]lruer8 &.'M1r16s aA' t?'95 iu.-s"th -e ii itri.i" "r :t, t, Jl. Joha J. xelrev. BoELon ri, the 12. ro\v saprenza, aoeton AA.c'64:41 riri,. ri! coipeueai+-r'*i-"- "Ead ro' Hedfo.d 9?'96 u,s.l. *a ln c;nadt' tdrero he ed€ l:. Dav; ri;teD@, a 2t hour reoord. 14. 8111v s'lth, lt*llioh 0c' 9t'9o lLrtor alBys saltl lhts ta! arDply _ttrirn 15. orahan Pame11' Bostoa AA' 99:03 llErtacbed, .rotra l(e1lev, A. d;6 !o E b;i!g bGtte. irab6d lf. l?' Jot Jaltelt, :(" ''tho\t"s. 99:20 6,6,124 s[yor6 o]se, ui tlst yourser oer roho lorer hI€ }ecod;. rideed, oe 18. Dlc! Peckarll' Bo1:c AA.,r^' 99,i9 trlsseu €s th6 naD rho lnsphea & 19. couales scotlo, ,a-cto! goau 67:11 4c, 67:+2 tralned tbeB !o ilo so. Ee d_eeoted thellc' NoPo litgglls' E1oct"1c

(Art!u! tdtot -



l-ai!e! rErt of hls ]i?e !o encout'ag1!g ron; drstaDa€ 1.1lE.f'" he ses tb; eutf,o! or rou! bookg' aDd sair_ tslned s pro.Ligicus corri,apoaaerce rith hls ;aEy ;ttlellc fri;lds all over ihe l{orid. lrthui irerio! taE a Ereat aidl€Le ana i:or'ts0d. a sa! ;f !6t1"rn.g dlslo".t1on' he E€?cr soueht rhe-l1bellJ: ti tlc reoer rras iifiir'i-lL leeo ir."re iuiversarrr

Too claie, !x!' l1l. 12, A1 coofalone' BosLotr AA' 1.r. Bru squr.es' ?oeloa M. i14. xlke Biselow' :ostDa {q, 12. Bod irdcxicholl NY,?ltneer' l1d. John Dicooan4.6a, BAA' S€trver, N14C '?. lovc€ aoL''11. r'leccr:c a+ h9" JIi \4 1e.!ge lalerhous_, Ff -0. Due"' tFfc.ra t. :orto- r^. "


9!,14 11'\2 92t42 L9:28

'ttrz "1r.{ -:tt, .r;rt

:*:i:!-:*-:::::------------ ----- i,: EiB 9trriif;i;,lli'*^,'|",i29 2j. _24.,{tao scaldur.ra. I,ll1lrcse ]\A,72:44 sENIoB NATIONA! 15 i111. wa1k,



gavr Boston {a.


Plke' EoFroh iA' C1ty, N.J., Suldsi' oct. 4, i959 :1t?7 ;r. ceorse Fhldev, NHc' i. bi'uie tl.icoonalii x:"c "8", i:19.51 26. Paul ,t,9? !12\,!2 P?. r'Tike OrHEia, st. Anthoh'is' 7!:73 ,. E;! ralrd, lrxPc "B", l{ulphv ! s9. althow's io:4? 3. B11r 0661!chenr.o, ri?c "8" 1.23.10 P8. Barrv Kc]lv, No' tedrord c' ??:21 !,2a.8k9. Fraai< [. s"b xr"d. Psl't Ae 'A". cc, 1.2L.?J bo. rare Glloore.Io.lh adeF€' 1atr5 5. Jobr (u!r. {au. Baltl@i3 poD! aC ,1.. rt24-tt7 (ro.o.r prrze _ rrophy) 6. carl rv'rc "i", iize.rb llr. ct'*tei Breder son. i{.fl.c.,.8r:16 i:6, ;r;;,;;';;i8", ]bltealog. st. AnrhoEvrE. 8J 29 Arii o*rev. oladstoE aa, 1.29.-07 132. cus Iliatiachotl, lttq AlE claA.tto!e,r:29.31+ 9. vardeoar Gianttv. 3J. 'iii"ia'o.i'i"ri 'wii. ;A;; 'i;j6.iz,14. srEaAml€' nroni, sr., nrc, 86:04 io. 87:&3 ri: rr";;a Ea;i; i.* acac'ai, rt32ti3 1 35' DaE r,ier.ler; siockbrldse'-ra6€. | (15t B€rkohrre cohtv - rro!hv), ' 12. san !{ol€steio. Pearl "8" 1:35:1] Ted: 1. NI Pioreg. "Ei, 1-2-3=6 ptsil36. Bob JoDes, [ltc,. Autb. .. _, ?l,y' !c'21:2J 2. Po!! Ac 'A", 4-J-10= i9 pt3; l. l17. rslrt I,e'se!' st' lli ii;;; "i,', 6-1-12= zS irs; 4. l3e, arrr Flelil, $o. Airds, 2?,)e

llr-1!-lll:-9:l1I-::-:::l--------- l??:-3::::-1lil1:1-Yl1----13i:i?---I

' '

rIBST ANNUAL SALL FOLIAGE FESTIVAL ] EUINIEIS TAKE NO1E:(Th6T€IS SUPPOSCd tO 12 I{I'E ROAD EACEr NoBTit A!AXs, XASS. be a 21 D11er iD IndlaDapolls' Ibdla@ I in Noyeitber. t,le ilonri.havo O.ta11! v€ti itrteresteii catl rl.tt6 to fla1 sai.. o"t. ), rg59 l+ P.n.)- Johr J. I bu! anj/one Hisdo! 'or 4eLa1l3.') 5[52 con6]1 AYs. Ksllev. .ueln* lust la6t eroueh fo ctloaso !5, I11rror5., !a1ph Fllbera, xlD bacause of leollng tllcit, ea611y L caDtureit the.!st Notth Adat€ chadb<r I UcTc, csptur€d 13sl vearl race' of coEEofce load rac. toilaY.

4. !01[I SAPIEEZA wIf,S lrd ADllal ?an-r411e E@, !-thol,


sruttsI, 0c!" 4 (2 P.tt.)- Tony sspl6nza ca3!1y oaBlur.od th€ Aibol council 1182, rrj.€nts ol Colunbu6 spor-

soreil 10+ slle! !oa{t raco iodar. Onty ?4 !'1,e6rB atalten due !o p$sf raee 3.h6duu!9. sone ot th6 stdterr sele ylglbly llt eil f.o! the prevlous tlay3 torth Adaf,B 12 E1ter. ssathe.r 82 d.egroes & !uEy. P.tzes: Mo8tly nolohalallse (a11 €xceilelt) donat6.L br Atbol 66rcbant6 to al1 fh1sher3. .Bulf.t lulch for al] ru!!er! arit l!164OE. thls raco sbolfd be ruppoliod llor€ tu tbe futur6. 1. Tony Sapierza, Bogtoa AAr ,8!06 ?. Orahe PameLl, BAA, 59|47 scotto, Bl-1, 3. coazales 59t53 4. Ed Du!ca!! lrnettachett, Jerry flafvey, BAA, 60:41 5. 6. B1lL [urphy, BAA, 6t' 3+ 7. Dlck Packard, AAA, t2t93 8. BIU

Squlles, 81,4, 9. xLtss Algeloe, BAA, 10. Bob Zoll-1Dbolt.r, BAA, rt. Gsoree Waterhou8e, \l'4cr 12, Dor Fay, BAA, r2, Len 81e., UBttached, 14. Joh! DlCoDandrea, AAA, 15. JohE B€l.ta@, Lrd Ac,

16, John Gray, Boston AA, 17. c€o!E. Plke. BAA. 18, Bob dtMlns;, N a, 19, L€lry Bem&, UDatt., \ 20. Ertk Ertckson, BAA, 21. Jak€ Brederso4, Nr.!C, 22. Da! Durdop, Bo3to! AA, NEWS FBOI'I ENCI,AND


64tI'7 65124 67r21, 67


68! 53

99.!9 70.53

73r!8 77.04



Sept. 12- SaLlst'ury ACts alllllal "Bo$d the souses. 4 l/4 lile road race.. ?9 teass & 200 sterisrs. 1. Husb Foord, 23:011 2. 14. !r1ce,

23t|9i 3. L


V€lryn Carden Cl,ty Develol,Bont Corporatio! g6etlDg at CG81hg Staittm. S€Dt. 19 - 3-l'1116: 1" Farrln EyD€.r, 13:11.+ lElu:z-& 9'o!.4) 2, Sta! Eldon, 13rf6.6i 3. B, FerDee 13:57.6.. $lsj. f. ll. i,ilggs,4:12.0i 2. E. Jones,4:12.6r l. !. Beed, 4:12.8 i 4. B. Tmer,4!12.9 Bed nose Open 20


Boait Race,

s.pt. 12 - 1. B. Cooke, 1.52.37t 2. J. nkhton, 1t57,04t 3. B. Calfolt, 1,57,50t 4. F, Boie, 1.59,29

6 fil].e Eoad E c., s€pt. 12 1. Johr naJialt, 34!+5,5i 2. Fra!& Saldo, t0:45.5! J. B. tlaites. 31:40.0. SlrcPpet

sco!{IsE {E'!ls S.|ottd lllgb1ald Gares, Sept. J 2-Iil6! 1. D. Di.ckEoa {Beuah'!) q;i5-:. 14-M11e Eoaii daos: 1. ![d' Br;;n (xoi-b.Tf;'t-f ie;f 3 DrDblane nlehlanit c€o.E - 14+ !11. Bostl Bac€: i. Arar eron, 1-iIn-ZT(?tb succ€Estv6 road race Bucc€ss) AIF



CEttBl!4ItrG 81si: BIATE-

Alf shrulb 1D bIR day Pas alnost ag ar laayo N!s1 ard !e11 Zatopek la thel. perloik at th€ top. tlr6 old, o1d 6tory is tbat Al-l Eg al6cov€red bt outpechg a f1.e erglE6 o! lta @t ou! to a lob of ro.k. Tbet l€ppened ln 1898, rheyr Alf rss alrsady seltlDe on torarits tredty. &1 ee113h halrlel clubr th€ HorEhe Btue Sia. Harflers, h€rilg of hls uexplolted prores., qulckly t oped hlo ln and A1l l'as laurlcheil fadous

that xas to ralse h1n frod obscurlty to becooe tlte dost talkeil of rul@r lor year8. gis fltst B1g rllEe appearance xas 1a ihe Britigb A.A.A" chariplonshlps of 1900, wheE he ftnlabett thlrd in the rour nue6. Th€n caee the aoEt r€'!a.kable eYer serles or r1ns. In 1901 to 1904 he wod th€ Natlo@t x-country tllrles aEd the A-AA 4 anal 10 nll€s tmch chatrplorshlps. Ir 1903 ard 1904 he ,o! the Iater@t1ora1 x-couj1try a1so. ge coEpletoc tbe DoDololy by takine the Aat rlle tltle ia 1903 and 1904. axlte a recordl fhe reGrkable Joe Blllls defoated A1l ltr his flBt atteDpt for the Al\-A n1le tltle ln 1902. Bllr}s laD 4:16,8 for an erslish recorri. (Tlaek Eeets a! ihat t1n6 rere lun right hand ln. ) {hen at his pEek Au coeeled 15 o11e6 of ralklng ard rulrfDg each diJ'. Walkhg be coadlite.etl io be lult as llporta!! aa rurmlng, At or. tioe rhetr he gav€ up xo.k io coDoentrate oa traill1!€ lor a }1g €venl; hiE ilally .outlne cotrslslea of a iro dllesr walk before blcahfa8tr arctber flte olles oi naXkit€ tlurhg the morEln€, a i*o hou. Bleep atter lunch, then aBythllrg froE 4 to 10 ol1es l1rdirc in the late aft€raoon, fouor.ed by an6thsr salh of two tri1es b€fors retlrll1g to bgil at tea, then traiaille fo! cro8E-counv

(A1f sl|.ru.D

- conilEuod)

::it:"'r#,i: :g:i s:i


! i(rsefeldl {c' i4!lr6'01

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3:6:;::, ll,ijii,li I ;::i:;,!i!1.,:;:,;:i1";:iiti;"- ii4. ::it^X:ii1t; ooa.:ecots .-rra,a:....;ri, :;;?J i :"";:",i1'i:'T' tu l: B!"'iliilill]'t"ixi: llil: i:''" " i::,i:",:*"t;:,, . ,re",rt"''..g 1',1,,=1.[iL';;;;::[" ;, *ir.l1*.i!i*"$::' iiiii ii;o? i

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An*Ic$r Furtrafro{i j$44] - oor. tr (1ri_o P r. - iuily F;H;'ri";i ":"';;;'-iiei nlee*tire v L"ar iJp.e. iii*ii.-iir''J";Gt st.a iew or ihe c"il,ii-'ii.ir'i* "m"ne iill'It-ii:il'tl,;-i;;;-i,", &3 hefe, ." !"r., rne nsa' nss, erer'1ns erertlng one y6i /s!"."ar!t,eruus 'ne qv.el:?"s::ii: .ud. DUB io a At the :::aY.I't^'":, sho (.i:ed Ldli 1.'":]1 'rErDEz





?} :g";il::t:; iacL' {Fs -i'l: src'Fm cr'a-ArlAl" ou the e!!!!€ut rtt!'dE or he' 3ub-rou-dlnute a!1er husband tho had tus! !141Bhed Bdiala''.s!11acen!a!' 6lection6 4'i513 q91q.:l,I1f_a*'::.-:tp'9J9! iilg"iiiieii;*t ar ,.._ ;;;i,.;i;;" nrtroa.. -i:llqg: rT 04tEr ,'rrNs NEvr aircr.n'D !5 $rlo

ii$:it;;*"-:t:";:i 1a) :o&a.E?'

'::;in":i:""8"::';l:":{' ;li:xg*k";mli::j""i,iri'i.io",,r"t:f,#:J,i:::l:,":l:T::*1.!3y,,,,-,,.,,, 'eiit-,a,-p',r 1',ra.):a!a eoo& stea.iv i"";llliillill"l'ii";";"fl::t*Tffi"". rac€ to flFilh ihlld. ire rici mirea a6 th3 nrolth



; ""

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" iiili * p:,2-s *1, ;::U ".)'!i'3ii i!=n"*,-e atter the "o i-: ;iil;;:"1::l::':m




the us61 te-lcof,e lranquet



i: ilii:"iliiil*'H'^il;:ii-aiii:o",'eA''

:,1,iit, ". :113?


!,:ll!l*r:il,,l"'4".1! r:;,;li :3:;ll,.w.ri::: ii',;t i: i:i.J iilf;"d. *il;.,ii'*' 3i:'i,,,..i. l;:'.l,lli$t;"^".4.;; :iiei ti;?;ff ii. lllt""ti;;:t*li;:,i"tli.iir,:r l:7, rllle. ,lvl1 Jr., Be$svtl1e,rvemo "'ii'i.il'31:'li"l.:'*' : i:ilt iiiiiil;.;): ^i::?:i' i^*lfi lq;'l ;i : l::+il;.:ll;*Iu$i:*;i!i:?:"' " ei: 3

" " p;at.a.... .'

il :"i"1 -:;.1;.. ;",3ir1i;;i "1; ;.r'':t ic"L cour5- -')y --ror' li: f;:ig tX#!I: R::?f 'ffi a"5il" a'3i:3' 1!. rin couclir. er.ctrtc


u*"'.,'l.i: ?"r, *,': r r. BoberL -Blchsl'". 16'cordonciuoore'*31{li'l2i:i;rr

iii"**i:#*i; *ii,3!,:\i*,


1: fl




_iiilT.,fl1,. Fil3; i9l'r! "iltili' yi:#e"' ;:i iC i : *:i;,iiffi ,: f,:l

i: nmi'*iL,*nii;' leii

ig, ^#c.i:;;t{:;i:"i,ni'e."iiriixe 20. Gus ltotteakos, rrMtt., 3:42:14 2r. cltcs, ts.e4ersod,J!., lil'4c, l:47:51 X.E, 2J {M dAL{INO CnAirIOlAAIp j i i : iil,lx"lsi;"31i'ffl#ryi:iii!!_:::.,.d iil#:;;;T:i' {;:1?-,,.,,,,.

ii:q,iti:ii#:i:;t iilliil:T?tii:i* fli;i;;i;;1il::{$ffi*Ji, ;ii




Itoy! lEAi rAlulogs E0E6A! ltatATE0N byr8ld cTe.a JAPAX



ol tbo paolflo Cauier.


left rokyo at l,Ii1t arrlye Horclulu a1 3:10 pc &,!l!,3dae

Octobe!' 1Et or tu:d?? {cyosGtng t}r6 r.D,t. )

lii*U:ii:i,il.Fig,iF!.Fi"Tsn!4i:';*::'i:'# r:ii:milr#'"


i::l'';;ift -il";:!"1'i;.;;"g:::ff ff


:'i: ;1";ii"i":;' {' I ilt' ' '5*ri;i4i-,{ililii-Td$iT;lfrir':+i" -d;H",aJiG':i":'i

i;:".i;:1,:;":":;x,3";; ;;,,1 ""r.";;iffiH:i:*:li'i;ltii:'ll$ili r;:1. iS#*i3l,i"i l;.i"i:Tki$l::n:F*$ift *""1$!; i"i{"'i3i"i""ss**1"

Ehile he is pe"u6ine up-slde-do;n u,. .re.o-"s,*"!"iir:". or ."""":l::,'il]!::,54.Iiflfi311,,"'so down jr histoFy 1of r"hprr r6cr of


ifi iiii;q;.::fl #frc;:i;i!;5::"ii;l!3ii:i;iq.:i;",irui"lr"r:F",il""

;r;l"r y"!';Fi;;"ii l!i:':l*;irii;iir "#;rii:; ii'{i;ili:ii:#e;ll. i!::#:ffi t;'"*E"l:tf :":#il,'.; ti::i":':;ir iin!:i;i+ir,"";i:"":":

ffi :tT:riliix%t*;;:qk,#[i5ils#djryq;iltF::i*ifi}


ili;;qdt#:;1};,iiqpliil.i!.ii:,':;i:i: iHs: luFi#u,sli!;ri-J"*:;:r#msd:*F$l$"i:*. iru+++;.if rhâ‚Ź-auEtrlallan Areat. Htib itave !.a, ;.:ri*,.i"ili E 6rxj#;*rii, ilhr,,l#:'*ii:"trtrs::. #i ff :*, i:rr,#"_*i#u ;!T:;:4i:?i: fit:'"::.ti:5ii{"*"5i'::iH;"t*" I;:':i i"f :; ;:}:r"

lr I I

ilili*pii'liilg*i:iirtri*:tfuj;"*'*:'3i"}:;5: ilriT*sii"ilsr; ir :.i;"i'ff T:.:*,iiiii'l:4l itli.i#-g":iil':-" .


l-g i,be Srli!,rh Erptre 5 Dl:es ir t8:!0, placed t;L ID the 3 ojfes Itr l,t:.J?. and roB i66.r'e!iaihoF Ln er22+ :ttes anybody b€E1des 7€top6r. eee! @ s be,Le! tf1F,6.'j a:i1 :n f.|t6 6ts. fle Elual1y f,aE trie tar;rlre tor trhe reoe, aDrt qlth coDpot I roFs and of.,ciale attke. An r rlIrn .rB /drorlt€ hense: aafaile aldFersoGl.ty i!,eeErous cEpr he atflsyE leady and abl6 (rul1tke osr.: -r: rul. aen€6 but tale5!€d Msrs) "ss io esloy I I f5. '+.y r,J3lde A-L :+, thr-6e yoacd oliler rhan poHe., aDn air enrsrant fro@ EstoEla, !.co{ :lre lJgt*l oh(rlc€ iot secof,d Mona Lne f.relFr oonii@etrt, r'!16 "cio?e.."D!fl.r- Sflede a.Ed .nd6ed Lletrs ci- he coutd-do 6rnce he sDoke rc Erglreb_o! {orcsi, :s a vereF! ot ouay inlerur,oE1 races. Ee se; ?r, 1n tnr stel:ar "Ie:d ol bh€ .-958 e'rroDed Cha@p. ia lhlch Dopoe set hls rortd All of-us i+.r €orfy tb€r ae could ror excrnnge oir orperlences "!13$: Elte, hlD, fuijitty :r:cd to colverse siLh his t! ou! bfoker- Eronch ed (iAr''E, F1!a11y, i re bloke thrrugh the 1ir€!1stic barrter, to a flnlteal deexee, ar rrr uy 'Bostontan Busslar,.n {C.t. aL L}is moienL js s.oFinL aEy rhil- _ sweat rhrouoh Lnls eoic. He keeps @ubling so6e"hiDA aoour tbe lsah- Ha.ahhon atur $d tairo & rhe-hetr

l{lih ltork zzz----) Janed(5,6i -120 lbs) ls 24 years-old ara Bay luekejrt iE oDIy 2j. _..celih f ih€y are ior noy. lhey ale :el!a,g io be erars or Lire fuLxrc. te r-orr.6r nrles a r6ek. E.J. do€. frostlJ cLeqdy rutr,hA, iletels-fash on', joAs nE(i1) 4 d1lei ltr tbe doFln6 to \|a!? ai 6 dinJLe luce atu ruFlnc nom; I'o:j2 ;,1-s flt a rtoadJ abo.t,flat-our." :cLe. oD ihe q;ekend {.tt iun one 20 nile ru- tnol all nut," he sat€, nbuL € coofortsble 6 hF dlnulF !ac. or beL'er", DurirP the Korear larr ap he rls ae sou- of eobrie.y, moqesty dd 6ttcrce. I\losL o'b1s ffalrtnc and coDDetirior takes ptace sr-i,e very-hrCh alt:ruite vr roEme€bu!g)8€J 9uckett runB Ror6 l1ke Jolu i, Kellet ieith a po*erfut, dlivi g uneconobicar oplnlor)

iny sEriCe. He seens capabt e o" !,!dllal ne eood lades a! lirtren l'e arriveil in th€ 6s&11, debrls-fu11 alroort ot S€oul Lounded Lo Eee ihe band olarjn", tlosers, dier.it.;ies, abd o.ner e,emenLs w-n-crl characLerize a red cameL wolcone. 10 ou. o.sna/ (a3 oarathore-s rF such irop€g1 foud that rhey aere asa-fine rre drr:e"] of 'roW chlaf aad 4e 1ss llor€a, a the Korear socce! tean, all or ibon plane. Afier pot6ntates had treen slven the afficial welcone we {ere allowed Lo leave 'hesethe p-anF, Our oC nosh;re sDpearea trour boysr. as we pele to call ll.eD laLe!. rflowo!-bear€ns bea"lng Lhe flags of ou! ie6pecri,e couirL!:es acco.lanl"d oy & erroulage ot snd siF! bearers u t, such tnscrtDiions aE 'l,leleoEe oordon Dickso!, t4slathoner, CAnada. " t/e each recelvFd 2 or l Douqu€16 of florers. Fror !ha- poinr oD we realized ve were ir a cowrr! rneFe the raraLhober r6'fns suprere. ovemlght de lEd -is€n frou the depths !o royalty. E?ea nors, I rond€. if the whole €ffalr Ms not iusi on€ namificelt dr€a& nultured by a fruetrat€d br'aiD rhlouqh the wee hours of a ;o1d F€brory 6ol'njng precedrlg a workout. A nodent after alrival 6ach of rhe serer fo}€1s!e.6 was placed 1n hls oitr speclal Jeep aloEs Nith hls !e!lnue, 110!€16, flaa ani! siEEs sm !he! b€g& a I org paraile-llke Eovenert to Saou!. FloD tha alrst. r; wele holrtrleil bt the t€Flbl€ f1lth ad por€lty Ia rhloh the Ellols doutry6tile, lnctuatlr€ tbe cspltat Seoul E6 jdoerired, Th:s Eeichedness seeGd fa; $orse rher re vlered lt 1! coni,rast to our om lwurious livinr. Duitna th6 lett reek ee_ rere housed in soparacely noder slnele-.ooms vrit6 priv6r; b6rh€. Book€ of l,ickete F€re Eupplled to oach of us to rtke cafe of oufevely need at aBy ilEe, bafber, lsunitr'y ero. ouP "pa1ace,, the Berro 1a9lidlng sotcl, xlthFnE9ls ltrs nln€ sto!1e6, ts rhe la.eesi bnil,diDs in Korea: A successlon of baDqueis, cocktall parties; steht-soeirs tours, pr;ss il1ielview6 etc,, firle4 the .Lay€ precetu!€ and follo{tng the race, e riri Doilon prctuie pas i€&€! of all th€se ovelte lncludirg the race antl shoml to us momenis before we left ro! home. I4 adtlitio!. a sc.apbook coDtain.irg BrJ strll poses oI Lhe "cne 6v6nis uas lresetrled Lo us. i{e als. rccelred @4y oihe? plesetrts irctuartlg o

staip co1l€ctlo1!, yae6, doLl lplaEt..) et!. (Ev€ry 5 olauiee G,D. esks B6 if re're stlXl ov.r. l.al . Es ro![a?! *€t!, sh6re it aU coqes froc" : 6u8!ec! he la 6 b1t s6a 6io! sr aItr slok?l Fron ihe b€AlEnlig the reca Fas doltlast6ii !y the shadsl{ of lt!. Sber€" tLe publ-1shor ol a (orcan nowspalrar and a]l saereotlc tusitrssahall rith niroEa 11! Eery firctk. A4y .eque6t nBite by us @! qtr1ck1y atteDded ta. Iri€€d, rianl of us feared tbe eoft l1vhg rould ipol: 116 for tb€ !tsc€, Altbough f,e had the blck ot ihe Eenui co!tal-! foodi sucb as fre.h D1lk, oatueal, etc. tla€ E133eiL C.D. alril I rere quite tired fron ihe t!lp. EsFecieily so as ve 6de frcq tlne zoaes .adlcally tUffereEt fro6 Seoul. Seolil 16 13 houls abead of EsT. For a rhole reek I rould begin io feel quite aizzy 4€!!d aoon. Ttrt€ ,orrl.it oe Eo eait wtil I tlMUy rcallE.d. tt6t ibi6 nar .ar!€it by !]r !e:.l!41 sl,acpin8 p&ttorat tlat 1s, ldiLdLat tn Seoul ras 11 p.ir. 1n Borton" .e liElly lbe ilay of lhe race ar'1vsil. For scvon ilays .orF lroy€,, rho ar€ enploy€d at the Sqlggg_!:geg or Earrlook lbb&, the srrnro:. of the race, bad 6erved. us falthiully aE soliles, 14t€4)!et6.s, chauffeurs,oto. FoIf aL1 6f u lucludile tbese "prlvat€ alds.,Eero hsadlng for I:lchoD, the stalt*€ polnt iiii:it.o iii}"!il'oii;H:"" d.1Te !o Seoul. Seoul. "5iii-,ii lTbe {Tbe raco ias b€llA held ln coou€Eorailon of tbe tbe recaptule yery poo.ly psved of Seoul.) The loaA cser c?e. Flfch Fblch r.e re re.e rEre to bo ruD ro is terr @c.lr Bled atld of toueh!636i coase trise. (My 6:presslor *111 docr€6e i! clartiy 'averaee aE I cotrtinue, I feel obssssed rlth the neoesslty to oatch all tle hlghtl€ltts. For tb€ {bo1e F6ek precedlbg the lace we trail ilri?etr all 016r the cily 1! out flag-corelea Jeeps; for sey6n days tbe local nerspapsfs, s@11 ae they ro16, irere ftUed with det311ed storles in Dlgl1sh a!4 Eo?eaa about ou €vert DoY3. The elevaEor boy da1ll Lranslsled the nex6paper,6g."T! say8 totlaf tou rur on Lhe Lrack," (ecea oE EorhoutB r€le photosraphert 4Dd arsltted) Dr.'I 3€. you! to eislt ihe dayor today.f etc. etc, SoDe ot nour boy3" would invalib1y que8tio! ow sy6tee of tralnltg. G.D, sa6 asked {hy ke foreigters lratned iogethe." {They su5p6ct6d u6, I thukr ol laciBg p16$. ) "It is bette!,'o.D. {as told by liinr hls rboy', lto conspl.aio. work aLone' - luriher que6tloaing by the eBberras8eit (ld 6ho*en he had read ir the pape. Irhat hls chlef, C.D., had fauen bahinal in ore stlfl totkoui ee had ro lhrough ihe Seoul str€ets. {ln, 'Vhy do you fau behiDd?" C. D., "Eeoalse at a c€rtain lolrt I declde to tr4iE a1ole." htar C.D, Ir lifomed by h1d "boy" lhat he haa reail that tlurlng alothe! ![ C,D. hadtelayedi at the hau f,ay polnt, C.D. bore the doknane, "the d.61aysr" for. lhe reEt of our 8!ay. the Korean6, 30 ln all, got cfl !o a very qulck etari, Ter of thed bad been at a special tlaini.g canp preceding the !ace. Por the firEt 3 i]l1€s 4 of the last 6 tn the flelit rere ro.elgera. Tt Fasa,t uau.] ihe 15Ld crk tbat I reached. ibe top 20. Eact! ror€& I passed iould stay Flih l[6 fo! a fex d1ler befole drcppirg back. feeer hare uy oi u6, re fetei codlded Iro one anoiher, er€? hedd 6uch t!.eoerdous ouilouriEg of sllrited 6houti!€ dd clapllng aril for erery oile of bhe mcer Esl.rales of rhe croFd's srze q"re applor'o1Le1t one ollllob. Of corrse, the flrs! free am l-s_ "1!e alles Lh- tdo lareest citles) ue!6 nore thickly populated ritb spectaiors. l4any ol the peopl€ rared paper flaes of all of i:he O.N. mtLoDs a3 re pas6ed. Eyen the t'rnnels far back h the pack recerved splrited encouregedebL. On a fe? occasiols we passed bX hug€ groups of 6choo1 chlldlen rhat -rt--al1y bodled Ls over rtth their shouts. I honestly never xa"€ 6een tbe like of lt even fo! a celebratetl otle r.ur1 ln r;he Galrien. It Fas teilibly difficuli to keep flon spultlDe ihloueb thes€ sda11 to\Bs ard rrecking yorr pace. -{s lt rere I felt 1lke I lBd be6n aec€leratiae nX orisinal pece tret{eer 1 - 4 rl1es fo. tbe ne*t 15 Eller. FlnaUy at 20 dl1es a]1 the sboulrlns ia the rorld (lt started to lnoreage for mr He trele enteriEr the outsklrt! ol seou1. ooD. 2 El1]loD & all nu8! have bae! plesent i! seeo;d, could bot nake .e go aiJ- raerer. nany of us felt lL !o be a dlsarLvartaee towa.it the eniL. l{hy? Ot course the flnlgh of a dar&tho!, 1f on. ls rlelng we11, h€ Eeals th6 polnt ol erhaustroE. tb€n, I



QU.{IaIIIC ir00n \!:DiS FELAy !ACEi




isatu:rial octiber 1.0, 1959 11:30 A.H.) -lllxe lgr.Jrg Quar:ileo! Va., idrlre Bdse quaitet Fon th6 2nd aiEurl 20-!U! Atldlric City A1i S;,orts.A63oc1at!on reiay raoe by outdreteaol,rg flve sthe. Leens to brcast lhe ccalentlotr Ea11 flnl8h1.g tap€ lE t hour, 39 Blrutes and 24 6econds. 2n& lt. A]e:r ereakgnrldgg, xho i3 reli-.eDembofeil tn thls .eso.t for h1E bl8tori. 1t u<,ftielai cnnque€i of I4e1 l.I}ritfleld rhlle rulnllg a! a ipacer. l! Lhe EoardMlk tllp e he:f doze. j'e6!B rEo, tEndicd lhe llre-orle ancho! leg f6! the Leathemecks & h1i the tape a smideeon tess tbaa 3 nlnutes ir, front of the rdil]letup N.I.U. cosblnat!.D. Preceiung BreckelllitEe in the lEpxesslve llctoly fere ?fc I'like Flefline as the leed off rdn!6r, lto Joh!. ilo?Ll an4 !i. Glye ltood. The br1lllant Qua[!1oo outllir grabbe!:, the lead rieht at ihe start Ard stayeil !n frort flon ihere to the fiEleh, Fleollg prllleil esay lrom B€|ry Crartord, fomer 6an6a6 Unlv. 6re, Doy doing grad,uate rork at led ana rumin€ lor the StaEhan Cathollc Club af Fhlladelphla, 1n the last lrelf-n11e of the fir6t stage to hdd Johnr\y Xopll a ,0 ya.il leaai. ilwrs solhono.e'pFo8pectn Jin&y Brom ehortly aft€r taklne over the baton on the seconil 1eg over.hauled both tbe AC Eecond nea dd Ton 0s1e! the! in ?rd posiiion in the raae f'leld for ShalahaD CC "A" tear, to puU lnto 'eri the nue! u! spot behind the Face settine De?11 Dogs, Ee gave the sttck io Nelson cdelnar less than ?00 i/s.ds back ot ihe l{a}ines (op11. C]r& Itood raa a fasi third 1eB to lnsur€ €n ea6y Quantico rtctot'y as }IfLr re@!r!ed tn second uith a ccnfortebie mrgl! ove! ihe defendin€! Peh AC toursome. . The !ace, tshich began at Soflers ?olnt alty Falt folloved Shore Bcad to tbEecon Boulovald, then to Attd,tic City & up to the Inlet amund. the Ehoae I€faad Aye" nbendn & up on the boardr{alk lor th€ hoDe st"eich to Convenilon Ha11411 conletltor€ end t.ieBls rere Ereets at tlE aqalds diuer lol1orine tbe Ve!:cc B)6ta!"oat ia A. _. Most of the ]:lle€rs weni for a swle 1n the ocean in the unseasoiEbie weathor . louoNilg the race. Thlee be6utlf!11 i€an trophles anil inalvldual tephies to ihe meobels oi the 1st 5 teans. 1. Quartlco ilsrlnes t hr. 19 mln. 24 sec. ( 1k6 tlenlne, John (o!a], cl'd ''{ood)t 2, Nes York Uriversity, t hr. lr2 nin, 10 seo. (Thooa6 Moclath, tanes !rom, Nelson adelnatr, nery l6atn); 3, Peu A.c. ,A", t hr. 14 nln. 38 seo. (John llait Slnglehon, Jesse Bu.deue, Bioming EcsB)i 4, Sharahan .c 'An;l'4arshell, t h-, 116 n n.q.]6 se.. (Bern CrawioKt. Tob Osle;, uaitF ttaehhston Ed fis Ler); t. lem "B', ' nr. 5l njh. 1- scc, (John chapbs. nsFrt Bplkocltz. Jo€ Si-iano!j-2. !r'he! SultelIelt 6. SbarsneD CC'F", t hr. 5t (Elchard ATLiIJIIC ctTY cl,Asslc

47 sec.

Buggeh, Jofr Stolee, Pealr VashlD€ton, Bob

Chadber6 ).

1J KILo RItl Ill ATLAIiTIC C11t, N.J. sunday. oci. 1lih - 1 P.M.l -!F fly:nC Scor of -he Ourc:-o "a-t-esr Atex Sreck-nridee dade up a ar!€ nlnute ard 40 sec. lEnd:cap .o qir the L) kllo llaEd cap rJ^ ovar a S--a6and Boadralk course today.. Bleckesldge, eho Satuldat he1led the Martnes wIr the ?0-di1e relay e!e4,. srad rally oad€ !p nis earty derjcrr- H- caueb! thF eally 1-sder He!!y los( oi -he Perr AC, abour - ha.---h.tp flon Lne ' finlsir and th6h breezed away to a 25 second advaBtage. . Breckeuldge covered thp cofse vos' in q7:!8 and po:icd al elapsed riBc of 57r28, wh..h tnaluites hls handicaD. onlr 30 secolds alter ihe ftlst !llse!s. Thts neaDs .ihat the I'larine sierled coreedett his 9:10 at the sta.r., John roptt (eunrlco) had Lhe secord b"s_ icLLal -in6 oI lro:38 of the lo fin:shers:.' ; rsce s-erred and elrd€d at Spebcef B€mett ?ield I,o'.- In the lr.let secr:un oI CiLy.. Ttoe Lrophy, -hree p]acE r-oFh'es and redats to atl fjn!sners. ^ttatrlic AefreshrelL8 aL Lhe _nlet So.tat snd Alhletio Club fouoBiaE rh6 rac€. prooolerr Veteran lace Ed l€arue, oDce doa!r p.oroted 6 clie event.. 82o, , lSama!16s 4exi paae) AI,EX BBECIGIIBIDCE WINS IIAIiDICA! (

1 15 Xltonotor EaDdlcap StrB - Sulrray, 0ctober 11, 1959 nsll Br rh6 Inlet s6;b1 Ard Arbl;ilr iif{rb - Ailan;ia s.J. tio;i a-lr€ ElaD. t" a1.r Er.clolFidas, quaD:j.oo rar,r!s *,TfJ:-J* FTjj- 4f:"82 Fsrly Yost, ?effi A.C, lLL) tit,: 57 t2'J .ed York t.orce. -r. .) ) JoEe Doles, ... ', _hanElax 4 Leoa Dreher, l L q!.trileo t4ari!6s 2 !?: ie 59."7? t John Eoptl: t.). i,a: tl! 7 Ja i9:.50 I :10 i9 | it) 9



1 12 1


Earl Solth,

17" Joe

19. za.


t;,i6 ,:l!1t

QGntlco arlnes Nes




PloReer CIub






2?. 29, 30.

23 8 25 26 27




lern A,C. 1-3-4-7-8=23 ?is,

sl'RtNcFIELD, ITASS. :r.6 j4ILE OtExEoAt EACE, SEdayJ !ci, 11ih(1 ?U)

Unlv, of as6. cross-coulry captaln Dlck Atirinson taklng the lesd at the 8uI1 won the 4,6 nile open road race hete today. A f16f,d oi 12 starter8 to6at the slrartlng 11ne at the ltes! Slde Playground, on i{eDo"lal Ave. (North eDtl-opposlto tynchon Pa!khono of sprlngf!€Ld Gla!1ts) Tbe race $eat lnto !h€ Sp.ir€fl€ld domto@ sectlon aid tEck to lhe P:!.neho4 !a:.k Parklng lot. The raco qas parr of d Colusbus Day r€6ke l o616bpat1on o! !h€ Sprrrgll€lil File heveDtion Comittee. Wa]ter It. Childs, A.A.U. Comiesioae. nas chaima! ol ihe Other off1cla1s rere T€d lizak dd'ace, Bob Jon6s. 8€fleshnents vere se.ved afcer Lhe !ace. Obly l2 r:r:Fl--'s.

). l).: 6')t1i

4:10 2,20 . ).,




7):tt4 76,14 76153 ! 2.



'+8 7i t29



52.3) 5tt57 t21+ 5att+

62.j2 :2.53

ii€w ro.k Ploieer CIub 1!


],tjro 4r i0



lem A.c. Atlantic city 11,s" Sha@han CC liest Ch€Gter ,i.C" lem A. C.

','til) ir:40 t:L'a I !'r!





t:tio _:!:,0 :10 ao Co 3o


5e:43 6i). al

6? , 55 D8


7!:04 7t,qe 76t 53

!?2 n3t21 52


L, 3'-11 "eroL, 26: , No'Lh frelloro 5, ?aul ?htMey,tr. :6.!6 Nl{C 6. Bruee A14ri.h, l0:C6 NIC ?. 90! iones,ir., 30:40 NfiC 8. John Jones, 30:r5 NrlC 9. !:11 saiarik, 31:27 Umttached 10. Eo! tadley, 12!18 Vnattached 11. linrlis sargent,S2:19 Unaitaohed *12, Paul lhiEey,111, 35:4J NMc *

lhi4neti IlI Is the 13-year-o1d oi Paul lhiBey, dr., llanchesier, co4n. Ilish school x-.out!y and t?eck coach. PauL' ruas wiLh the Clasroo. Cod, Hs (Junior valsttr) :-countfy tean, Eis dad is ex-sprlngflold. Tech and Unie, of Ilflnols traok 8tar, ald a 20 y€. veieran of ttre rlelpF ean6, "Sonethine has haDDened to the troBds lh-s- day;. I Lhlnk fheyree go.F w-otu l.1zes to all finlsher8 itiophies & becarse theyrve been fed with so nahy nercbandlse. ) BalB & coo1. .ecords.n --- Brttalnrs Ken'ilood, cotl1. Dlok Atklnso , 25t55 'Jnr\. of Mass. neniias o! th6 slow-handcla! accotded 2. charles Dyson, ?6:47 rluish Ahellcan Ac an laterqaiional nil€ asainsl '1. Bob Clm1les, 26!16 No"lh lled. ord ClJb ln-ct,]omanJ, ?au1



iAef1nei gerrtlcnarl

to reet" -;o;:" F_ldo/ Ln,qo iickeRlrhes c;--i; p

?. rdul_P.tto!, sPts,


9irrti,'"!;t"i;"it;!,':.tiri:itu. lStqi i:iiiT!i!"'"'i.":il:, !6,t3 -- J d/ do'.-Lisedent bv 3' *::::T"' 9lgtt.. ,".,.ti?il;**.Eit5.9!tiil;.;:."._ ;:ilB"x?";:gi;. 8ff:t:; 1tri?2 [iig""";,i.'i*l: ?3!,i"i!,it;;, i;: qiilil,ii':ii iiil| i;: ;#"i;il1;,..,";f.k,.*,liJg Dear Dd:ior: co1leA., l?:40 The n.A.J. ta rbe \eH



iii,liiir'i? t:


mri:T.i";F*Xt ii: ir: lfff:' r"gd;":"i"e..;iig iii,-i5f;or""'ffi;., ft:fl"ru;;5{:

il:!q lX".H'fg.ti i8;li r. !€e rarreucci. D4"r:rq..5 ,^ IasU bee! a- (ie arh.-. wass.3: $*l'ii.9i.!Jl'''"ili9:, tl:i2 l:.H'iiJ"il,"":i: i,i: i€it*"'"3iT."t;,.."ilfilr;:. lt:33 3ri":3J""""i.1i3"!frti"*:t,:,1:." r: omard.eai vi;" i":"ii",*ii"i.i",,, 1i' !d,re_,rlsq, rmir.. rei?2 :::e,". i;;;: .-;;;; tl: ;:::,';:f#i:". ;;:i3 i:H.ii'!fi""S:;: ,'rc is.vo.kils 04 hany 2-' ii: l8iill"ll"llll; sslYatore H:t., iiiii ?!:?1 i,cL;. spec." ,""-i;":i"i"';"";:.:"il;T.Ll?3{",-" "-..r!!-l:E:



--::lr_rE 6:re ar. !o her! ard <nco!p-

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EA.E' Ar

q.\,End.'a_i".- :u.d.r. o-r.



ve1ley youth Cencer run-



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parsonally, M tr}ltatad by th6 rolt lnstgnllI€strt thlE€6. Iho €rcouagenent ol thc .Fot{ !c be a .L6r3sd ror a.eate! efa;.t and ore eht;h I aE otter at tbst poln! rnab1€ io sailsty. Fm8!.66lre1J itu.lDg the last flve Dttes !h€ Seoul populace beAa, ro crorrt ths EtrodLs & 1oo?e tb6 coalp€nluorE less asil lese iunrliEe !6ou, desptte the rsct, bhat lLIs lart ol the c;lrsc eooE over the o!1y reatiy br6€ road .j 6r b lane6) 1! Eo"ea" C:dlErilt bhl8 dlreer 16 gluULeC Uhe (trot e day ti Foue! by the Dos! hesvl ard dr?ors:^I€d trafflc ta ihe nortd: peopl6 an foot abil blkes, people push!trg carLs anil oa.rylrLE ehrtdren! rooe-rlA1le 1! srohalc urs66 aD4 leeF. lhs pollc€ had ilone an anazlng Job iu cteallaS lhe ailoeta oI tht6 Bs6 aonfu3lon. Hith applo:tMlelJ !n6 rrle to go lhe !4rov sl\ Ioo. ooanilc Lhroush !1.\ 3lof,d hed euddedy closed crnp.Letcly:renly yalds ahead of-op. ;or a:oo-st rnne:i J/a of a Dll€ ! a8€meC. :h6 appesf,eree of s d€vastailrrg tullback - Ftih sach srep 1. 6€ooed.erra.r tha: - hould collide l{llh sode beu_4eanlaE Kcr'oe. wher- dudd€Dl- e Frr!! paLhr aloosr by on6ic, would olen !.iore i,a, !l6rd1s!s Lo.jy T hs€ qilre r3a ro cros8 DLe riojah t,re s;L dnder lhe .rchGy whi:b l€ trErt cr r qa:e th&t sur.rolrdB Lle "Cas:Uol B,j. tdtDE. " ScDe or DE rul,ed tlr Mlk a:ou.d ro. ',:oos€Dlns-Lp" !L4oee; cft6! i " Faa oyer, e6capc rhoqgh - a sol'd ci€ of huanity Bow mlled Js rn, Scoo after a .e?y l3presslve, 69e€ch-flUsd {lctory ;erenory Fas held before ttr€ orerllorlre bul pBtienL cr)^ds. {This aspeoi oi th6 lace ad nsay others ,.rtsin1y uari^ Lho 9.A.A. :araLrcn :f, evereLhie exceDt as+ - of course, the \orean r.ce musr sLard:he teac of 1iDaj.) FroD the very beglBiEg ?olels ald ?ucketi set a v131ous pece. After 6 tuiles G.D. end I eere 2 miiutes Leh:l?1d th€ leeders. (eith Janes was onlv 30 €eco443 u! ): rs. h .8.".ds lee ro:ed uo on olckett Fbo red iusr Dulted aDay lron ?oFe.. Il,.'. atter a slci stait besan at rL Eiles to Er;'iE1iy accele?ate the lEce so th6t be passed evelyone eosliy ercept ,,ee. ;,h3 closed wlth a t.F@endJus !u!as. over _.e 1as:8 o:jes lee t-:4 -ariea Jg nlELrcs.n puckec' ebd alt-or'Lsetelt l* tulni'.es r,.J. is' ie nad run f^"r rU- -n ke, ?oI! . there be then Blored sligtily and kept steady to ihe flntsh. "o At 18 ald 22 I IEEsed llat$e ard ?caer respactively, !a!e reiired at A4 l!l1€s, Hls 'tues, ji,rst g.eat goat ras !6 pl-scc o! Becohd Eo thai if he dldntt tsake the,\ust.e11an tokto teE$ ihe na3eie olylrpic gondittee r6ulit autobatlcslly seleci hio for tAe oarethor t€eo wlbhout aa.kilrq hid uralerso a $arsthorl ir1a1. On the basls of l"r6 ?erFa ).e pssL perrrms-4!s. tt appaarr !o b., i- stitl qho-td b6e1e.t.d ior :Le teaLr ^ !Sou! raoFs deoL. i 1: apfearcd tlEr the cop Kored l".Me.s sut .ered aoil rttlD ble Fre66,re of roDe rur roudlrgE as w€'t €s their fa6L staru. ThF loBg trlp Ba8 ceFUalnll tro8! -qrlg.,1rls fo! e1t of the for.ir .o,peL:tors. G..D. anat i b.t.h fert 31 aeek€ oei;eea narathons lF a bit sb;ri, $oe @sy Eay !L\is ia aboui the sde as tsoston and Jorkers, ry1r latter conbo is Delf6meii d-8ul]t aflef a loEg clurdy Eilter o. t.atrin6, rd i-H -eces,;r€cedi!6 "1t! ror th€r. rt 1e € blL oif:icult, ' feer, .o sustata an edse 61o!!h; of coopelitlon qnd espcciallJ rhe! rlls Derloo or tloe jncttdes ore oi oL! (rpica. te Dany Jears oefore s-l of us (foleicr -D!rt.sl dorgel oJr erenl- ]l wl11 fllleJ slrt 5n Seour-. So'e oa nr frlerLds are sure Lo csk ne ro"-.outd - bc so lucky" the anare" to this questio! is tbe saFe, I fee1, as It 1s to tro other questioDs ofier aekeil the ruruerr tras the lfiportant polnt ot your career^n and iviEt do the LuDjns polbt'trhat of the.lcea" Tr o.cu-s eeerv s:ir_.c !!gI iE placlIce dhes E -body Eaots to .eL up, to jo €s6 rran r us-iiGiilii to stof lor lest- ther force it !o a Doirt ctoser !o self-futf,ltment, Iiany of the y€l;eran rufrers alo itiscoulaeed by.the lack of,pailence to. results ol tbe neE rulnere and thei! search toi'the "Rtthtcal. shortcut to fo.tutre. Con:ib ul luesrIotu are ssied abo!. slo€s. diet, Bchedutes. coroecItlor etrategJ, athleLlc pnilosophy, eLc. Once ore iers ar .averasei ai-: { hhate?er'ore is !6eC tc, wIthlr reaso.,i6 bFst, l'pht, ale.aFe 61eep, eic. Lhe al "+!i ior shoJtd b6 s€ared €glsjE o!-the ".eake!s. Mrt our,


pXtl It B6eDs to be all uspor!6@! trkc eerrvrrr tod.ay, iany of us rltro eporoq)ze rodBy ro! te fact th!! xo t'arD _ itafd sitd of!;D - .a.h na, r€rmps rD rourd be fer Dolp ideDo.:aLlc" if a a.l]ria E5 set o!_ Lhe ts abholEed, for h. eay .tse abova th€ sotli;ore, Sporb coDoies play, doed 1t 4ot?'o! too oanI years Lhe 4o6F1ce Fur,ers hat€ be€n unilu trg Lo @ke rhe sacrlt.lce. !.ceFsary fo!dtsta;ae ho.rhlt! .eDrelelring th61r coatr.t,. fianl @J| the, csa oElJ L.alD ond bou4 a d;, _ E@r hoals d-1! dltes fo! roEL. lJould lay ?0 dlDufes dally be Loonuch to 6dil, nrar woutd b€ appro:i@t.lr I oo!. plles oole a dav oitl_rr;rrEs oalry r.roe8 b Eorkouts _ rolaI 65_80 6r1es s reek, plenly io. roD fiiEhi ]-@ug. rL 13 liue that soo6 dotrrt rere ev6! ar hou a a|3y. but bos!-rrti por€! dake Lne tioe. a faee rhre6 chrtd;; aDd []ir-;;"k';i;i;; ,Dot lous sodehor finiL6 lilEe foi 100'trh [1les a seck, The€e-clostng palagraphs aps e! deant, to be 6 clusade tor iathle!1c .oLo@eryF. celtatFly orer6 eocat:o! h life eal faattly code fjFsL. The6e tro rr€6s are conpatlbte {itt a srre.Lous Lral}rlDg !r-ogl€!s" E!6n in the Eos" llsorcus {orkout6 J,A. Katley mar oir i! pt@;uie 6y s*iMitrs a shofr eleek alor€ n13 rraintlg roule ald a Dicodardfes or a aya; ofie! htve socld sc.ivi.lles ar1d rolloved Laeo !1!h r'.re pap;"omdce6, yo; indulqed 1tr Lo oe d co&lleLe r€cluse 1n order ro succeed. ofteE 6 lnodtshr d;ii"hs!; exjs!€4cE -ehes Lne oody sral n1trd 5o tehse thar t! cabDot felai D.ooerlv iE t.aldlaE" FarLeE !o- he _Bso voriic o_. a Bob cspber-i or tt! i,,a"i I iiri ;" r.ii-ifi'' ronr resprA. rne, obAepre a ceruLLy Jou sepa.are ihe hisLronics"p fron his €nd iheq so ouL and lgIE hader .natr yot elor have b6fore. ii{".i",l.:"::if. r1i6 oic coneon lnsreoient 14 every iuccessfxl rmer's nloosL s1' nolbhs ago I had planoeo Lo rotce lhe saue oo1!joE6 that are rhese _1cl paraAeaph8. T do lot h?:!e as beiE a neE authdrl l,! nor as the 1e'1y €rrved ich'npro!". rr"," ii pi..Gsii ;""ir;,',li--i,i""J! Ji' _rain'!e 6:nce o-o Phe,dipprdos nade h:s Lrek;f toE aao. Onl, Lhc eftreeR'on oI corcepLualtzat-io! Day soDeErmes be dj:fereDt. 1,h65e :de;s have been x:I:r:g 9c9rn aod.ae11E, Aftar rhFy aFe explessed anew jr is hoped soD6 oa, ally and fibd for hlnselt hls oE rruths.

'3i; *59*, P.S. I r6s afrdld l.d gec.arlied sqay., llerl *eek TrLl Drobably be a! tallend asain. SMnaries: Seoul ItterDatio@t MaFthon : 1. Lee Chang-hootr, South Kolea. : 2, Ketth Ja0-sr SouLh !frioa, 2./+.07.8 r. Bavnoro PuckeLL. .ie/ Zeatard 2i?r5Z.6 ptZotj\.o I a. Jabe€ Creen, U.s.A,, 2t10.4..2 | 5. Aholo uarde, s{-den, 2t41.32 6. sone-san-sub. xorea! z:i6t5l 7, cordon Dickson. camda. 2t3?tib ; 2t)etj+ 9. yFe. Junc{an, ronea, 10. cha Dae-ian, Xorea. 2ttt2.rc 16, ceofl, Jatt,. AdsLla1!a, 2.5artl, Daye PoNir of Austrslia. the Dre-;;c6 favorite dropled .i ii .:iei-"r,""LeadlEe Ducil or" ""1 .he qsr.3? s-aiters-.about.18 quit. {? rroo six ' a


rorerm coulrles.







10,000 l,{eter6 (Apptox. 5+ rlleB) Spoasoled ald Conducted by gharrock Athletlc Club. Louis?lUe, (€ntucky. . rhur sday, lto!, 26, 1959 Bel1afdl4e Collese colrse 10!15 Al.1 Eiirle8 to Charles Flscher, Shdock AC. 2116 colasnlth IsDe. !ou1s?r1le ldr ^y. l{atlonal AAtr Prlzes: Eegulatlol l{ed61s {I!d.& Tesn) & t.ophl€s to th6 flrst ten to finlsh and flrst and secoDa place teao6, Ind, deilals w111 be asaliletl to 1lth thlouqh 20th place. (Shaorock soclal tour ai the Shaorock clubhou€e on 1,led., Nov. ?r, at 7:10 PM for all.)

oul Readers Take orer fron Geoflrey watt u Tokyo, Next aildless: c/o John Co!]tor. 35 Osslh8ton st., layssate!, iondon. Engladil. Tokyo, 12th Ociober qele 1s a reply io Charley Eobblnsl leLter ol JEe l8sDe, goDe you can !ublrsr it as n wrl1 put m; r; louch ;trn af1 ny @!eB of the Malathon brigaile. o. i,i.

ard ny oihe! nates of lrhe oaratbon brlgaate uouliL lIke to hea. oi ny .ecent adv€[iures. rretl I ier't toronto 1r1 an old boob ir earlv Ausust bound fof Quebec city vta Otta;a a;d iJontlea]. With De {as an er-lo.tsea nan Ian Stewa!! - now a lada. tech fre6he! ln feaas. I,le nade lt airight, bu! on rcru!.'rg .le o:d bus bre{ uu. D!Ivine 1t io : -oronro Lre.k6rr ' ricked Lo e hitch-hiker dn sold hir tha car ro-r ,0 busks - cr J nore i,han the wrecke! .ffered. ile drcre off in s huae cloud of sboke. I suslect he .D1r b;uaht it because it\.r looked iike !air. Nett day &d 16f! De!:ott ,,eie {- o.c{ed rD a 1o)9 hiv." -or dc.!iv,ry -o .I;""!. -h. qas deal 14 days and $100 for sas. de made 1t !n 13 dfter 5,J00 bttes and gljj ei<penses. It ras a fabulous tr1!. cal1ed orr !!a1 lligdon 1n Cticaqo ai 5 A,n. and goi hib out urnlns befoLA beakfasi. thFn lr1 ir"C: ) rf ..he lo*n. n'g1l r" $ere ra./ up . lJis o-s{n '"bL a siala I rFd v6rv -,-h, .rolnE res. on sreet 16 we .fossed fhe firssouri and leached the sceaic Badtands ahd Black 8111s of Dakota, l,tt. Rushbore -awesoDeabd telloHslone Natio€_ palk. dele wc sai be€r6, geysers ard Lor sprtnEs arc the bleabhtakrrA qrard Canyo; of-lhe Yetl ows Lone.l'loutalnous crand Tecon and Clacie" NPs folloxed th6[ Banelf & JabPe. 1a Ctu@. Flnally canp th€ tonq trFk u! the Alaska HlghHay !o Anchoraee, it vas a Eoecuacuraq joumey il Lh Ehe hlg4lighr: tellorBlxe. A-l Arerlcins shoutd 6ee rr. Th€ r€tun Journey tras notable 1n thst I hltched 3000 r11es to Vaacouver iD 6 days and len reached Teks n s:ritar -Ime _ on on. 1i'-! a-oosr ,ulrped out of ny boots in Seattle xhen T ford J had b<<x l!v11ted to !'u! in (or€a. Despite great help flon Jlm Fielils and Dany nlles roDd G.een Lake I ras u]1able lo reach top shape. !D!.eaders should knor whsi a 1le0ebdous lob ,:r doos. In n-oooL.ng d1st8. e rtrnrlqs:r the lorth_ Perhaps you

west. 1a ihe lace of incretlible apalhy floD th6 cltlzetr8 rho ee€n io pr€f€! fishlng 1n the sleat Xt. essrrs Gr€€n anal Dlckron were rsthe* su.prlseil to see De but li €s good



their blight Edilllg

laces orc€ mor€. our recepilon tn Ko!'ea E5 oreruheldlrg. t{arathon lt€roee thers io say th€ 1eaai. The olal chanpd 11&€ Sol'a, Iu! Bok Suh. Haa. aoor Cbl1 Cbol aad otbe.E are plouilly p.oiluceiL ard all I,Ie {e.e feted Bhererer re {ent. Deeptte ihe b1g ttda stno8phere ard the enthueiasn of the hug6 clord I Fas lMble io .alse a tml in the race and finished 16lh ln 2t59t45. I doDrt know wheiher the toeel coneil1ai6 aere enquir'ir€ ho$ I res fixed for blades but in any ca6e lhey laughed a lot and i couldn'i help but lauerh too. I laughed so nucb I got stodach cranpB. oh nell, atl is not 1o6t. fhere r!11 be another d'ay and a4oihe. race, The Aaaht l{aiathoD iE sleted for Norenber Eth at rrk'rokr Hole to be in rea8onable shape by then but rorde!. Cha"let! Ir' tlaining in Neq York is dtflicuft, iraining tn Tok/o li inpossible. there is Just no$here to ru aad nost of the tine I an io8t antFay, Luekily Irve forlid a ereat triend ir Mr. Takemka. By the sey !r. T. would love to hea! fro! mmel Btddl6. If aErbody knous his

Nlreleab;iT;-eu him'to rite.



anustrg hcldeEi occurred on ou. "isil .o shoeDake. Halinaya. Aslitst plcturei of (aryonen. Corno. Yamada and Tamka (Exeter St. 1951) he neasured ry leeN careiully ard aereed to nake me a special pair of shoes for rathe. less than I itoUals. Decldln8 ltrai foreig! sta.s glgq hare tm tEi.s he threw ia s second pai! fi'ee anil Fr.saltod de a13o wlth a palr of o!l,gim1 Jap. l{arathon shoes - sith blg too se1B.ated from the resi ol the shoe. I now have 4 patrs of Marathon shoes & only on6 pair of streel shoee. !lhe4 you conelder the toial weight of al1 dy lussase {.ucksac) ls no{ less than 30 1bs, the natathon shoes are quite an iteD..I leave Japan Nov.gth bound

fo! Hone Kong, ilanil1a, Salgon, Sineiapo.e, Bangkok, 1r*or wat, nsnAoon, Calcutia, Ne{ Delhi, Afglrarisbound

tan, Paklstar, I.a!, Tulkev, Creece, Yuaoslavla, Italy (venlce), !!aace anl Snglend. Hole io take it by late &rwry and get a lob ror a Ie! cr

!at! - Contrnued) ao. !.ok ro!*a'd ,o rbe tusrish r{ara_ thon season ard of cours€ Io the i6ur ney th:'rer. (Geoff

,tl;"":Bl"::":"ffir*,!:?li:"":;"ifr:* aig;;.-;;d-;";i.;';di;;:il'iir$::i3i:"€i:t:riilt,:":Xt::i" ture8 lood ah€d. r,fy LobdoD aildr€ss r" .ror'o co*o",'.r;'o;;l,*;;-;;. '*llr3"ilfu thlnss sti.f,ed up ror awhile "/o Bays@te.,

Iba.ton, E elard. aonro! is et Beaitey, !:the !u1e books Nele broua!! a beardod {abderer too, but tettels snd canduireil the crosr-coun!!.J seri thero wiu_rlnd ue anr! dyone {ho ort coach, Fred {cc1c!e, ;s i iiiii" cafes Lo *116 13 assur6il of a loEs_ "n.rer erit;-iE 1. {r.nited r6p1y." T atrost coraot Lo [;nrtotr by ii.,_ea ,r, e ,.v, .r.lo..cree! -,he,ratr-a eleat race for 4th L,her rl,. vord ser.r ou ih:6 lc1l t@r 1lr [orea aln i1t1 be rtght thsre appticaiione were Oe:ng talen ior rne Jonhy rerr Apr!1 oa E eter St. ilth



:;:::#"1:i":tl',*'t{i:::;""y:"i:. thls wa6 the orlor-

Ceoff Wati

from ,youg" Steve Eoulac. San tlarlno

;;il;";;G-;; il: ;:;il", iii:::r*"ir ran

Perreci Mo.eover, there saE no neniion h ihe


"fr.:il::?:t'"1if,",i';H.xffi ;:::;::i"

and 8he dldnrt l.aow whether 1t wa6 ope! 1n-rhe Dlpsea .ace san Fran- i,i-r.ir. [. :;i., c sco aad flblsned 2a1' or at ?t, Ny in- ,,so ,enr to;;-;i,i;;;';;iil 6ee Nr. ficctono. was 66.10. Ihe 600 stels at the atart {ere nul'ae! ! r ,:l:_::.1 :J-"i991,!T. r thi'* he a Limc, Inen T sarkaa "t.'i.a-",-r"e-t..-"i ivo dr ; .jn". s "iili ijj*rr"il,l:il,ir5ir,ougr, ua,i",rn6 beine the"onry sirl ;;;; .i; boy," :'*i"$"";,lirl:S :ii. i.l^: ,i,il":-Ti clos6-cohtry rea& &ight cause a tew problens, srri neveru,Eiis! ,"a"teo to :i", i""J ili -":..,:1k_.9"1!-!t:_.iles , ei ee :t a try. fast thal ir wa6 verv iErd o;_Ev hibq ir,"i;"-,",i,r;i:,, ""a-u,ir. rnat ue lEd to jMp over and f1,e or has run rhe :o_y".a oiil i;6,t-;."., dtx foot drops to eo dom. One weni Br.e;D6. ,i.i .Lhroueh ;1"il:'.1'ffi:i""' "i,o*i,,'in." Iogs. But, I ren the cou.se and evea thev thousht rt co'e.€d at leasr an exrra l ni16. 'ourd f,s€ta recoeered 1E-sii-,Ii,.i tro davs. "" S":i;ilrl3il' ncclone said ihe two-ni1e .tistan.e i-"n ir,. ni,il". ,u i,r,r, rould. havd. been too.1otre for (aihy, sd,oor,_country i;;-;t i;"'i4";i;;. she could k€e! ,* y:*g rY loE reaoers ar!.1 especially those iiathy, vho tr;asfer.ed to Bentley this Dno are intere€ted in the steelfechasr r i1"i! sunoFr in l:42, elrlouL .h- waLer i_mD ;;:;-_"^'^:::--.;::.::-:.," _..:i .

i"-"i;,"iii. ,*".::::I3-fti".i:::iffi: *i:,.i:.

;,"", ,;:..::f.i.,ji:*"1!

ij!: i:_l;{r-!;d:iil';i,;; il.;,:l"if;:


.;"i-"i;;pi;;H:;;;3' ii'i;."?if.ili.3i.5:]{"-3i't :ti,i:". ra',ine-;4 ce.-i ;;;!;il;; ::;L-:":,:"1.:"'+ liii',1.";i:"."f. numfes debplie this f hole to ";;;";.'iil: be Dnd, hali-as excitl'e as ruuiae srth the ;itJ" rr iiii

i;a: friti' lt 'r'ut"s ste,e! ue L"!i;;;.; ;;"" ;;;; ;;i";;;' ren frolhderrn6 r- r4ac rarer ru.ij ir aB an attenpr to initore a ski;_diee,.I A lBEfTy 2_r,rIt!B SCBATCIIED

boys|'.cross-coDtly tean,' she sald ":;r"";'i," .

;T;;: iir,!;;;;=: jii,ii"!!'"'t-!tooo

cre6nland c;urr. Livonia.

.Ee. fatil-Ar, :atro.d L. Strirge!, said

ir.", iii6'bliiiii"ii"", o"t.rir *:,ilT"3 iil:T:,;9f;:T".?::t:X":.:lil: Eve'vbodv she's Slxteen-tear-cld rathleen strinser. 'and a eood tumer' 'un beater ard she a16o ha6 ri.,r r'"i"-l"a'i'iiiiii* :5eiH:":l:'" :l?.!*.-19,sr In her cohrrr


elforts to b.eor ihe alt-boy closs

-Kethv consider€ thtngs closed'.'I dant-

ai r.i;,iniiie'ilniiJv'u,"h ;*r:: J$"1::1,:l:"b?{:i"r:n;n:t:*.



isus! ,taccoF coo&6n!s on X-{rHy) "Ac lar a. 1 can see, :i rs only lore irrlrccaacy. They are enrttled r,o Drohlbj t ne. frDe codpetirg, eeeE tlouAh a ie@fe rar d4 FIIiISU@ ih6 Dlpgea Fa ed ausl hb'e beea fes_6cFr.o w l, iile AAU. Ho{ever, I cahoa see whv dccloze iltlchlg&r [o!g lristance tunils 4he i l9e5) ri l_ rnL 1et hpe Ice vittr the !tso -e8pec,"_1y srnce rbe tee does not .bject. ln f6et, you Foufd thlnk be sould e4cousge ber to p.acilce axd poesibly coach her hiDself jo !s lhe 880, and tral! r'or bts:€r lh1ngs. Cert3rnly ou! Fomex tookad rttifrl In .de J3A-!d5sio r8J-raid rw. at Fra.!l1n F1ald.. 4 firLE cBoss collrTBr DEvEtopl4ENT v.a'ort1,n]r ?r!1,. \..., o^,. 18, lo5. 34 started, 13 lini shed. . seaiher 1dea1 This ls lhe :La!t of the series aDd. it

A NE TBACII AIID FIEI'D CIUB ENTEIS TH' SCEIIE {by r6d corbitt, wc, oct. 11,1959) A long tlde drear0 of JiDmy Bonjen ms realized in late septenber, 19J9, when the xetrcpolltd A.A.U. Ardted a sanciion for prcbattoEa.y oeabe.shlp to a ne, i:rack c]ub--by mmer UNITED ATIjLETIC ASSOCTATION" the club ha8 leen hfomalLy crEa4rzed since 1956, flith $re Bralp axsaernA 1n "uofiicieti litra-clrb track

field actlviiies. l4uch tldre was rErrrrg school boy alhlc es, eEpecialiX betueen school sessions. The United A,1, aithoueh .tarths nodeBt1y, exlects to eventuauy take part 1n aU phases of track and lleld and lncludlne crc ss-couitry, road rl]frtnr, 8!rd salklng conpetitlo.e. Tlre ctub, Lnttl€llyJ hl1l be {orkinA p.inarilv sith yolng athletes and 1111 atteqpt tertatnly proeed of va1re. to meeir thelr needs and lnterests. .Ig€ 5!49 Eggep Actual r'ie 32-l,ea.-ord Bor.dea resisned Ted fror the New York Pioneer Club !o 1" J" Fli:|l€ md 2?:26.3 ?!00 20:26,B uecone coacrr-conDeiii.. .r u"it.o F"{, NYPC 22:49 1:oo 19:+9 AA, Bolden lrves-at 129 lr.Donoush ?. !9d Blche!6 Clepp, " 22155 3.ao 2rtt5 st,, Brrokt}n 16. rr.y. the fod,er 3. 4. (. l,ti:Leoa, \JnLledAC 2?t57 \.00 22,15? Jr. Natrl. llAU la (r1o ChaiJ6io!' )or:"1,y. q. l:0 21.:58 ar.-aded ErooLlrr auroao'rep 'reh ;. <i:18 2:0c 6. T, se)mouri Ir4r, NY!C, 2jral 2-l:01 School, 9o hiei _cserved in ihe as n Canoip.p, .r:04 2:00 2l:0q nr 1r )uroDe, no( 10.!6 e five'. Car-co:ro., rr:00 /lrrj l.r1!:, 2l: i day reFk a6; nachinisr rr Brcokl)r. 9. F. 9. L, gelgdtor,lrPc 2l!?J 4taa 23t2) He rEs bee! coac!11na for f@ sixce 1o.{Dyke aealarin, IYAC 23:23 Sor. 19r2t 1945. rn faci, h€ h;s devoLed so :r- Iou schj.v.-lryPc, ?J:ll 2!)a 2Lt)) ducr Line ard en-- \ ro.oe.-in12. loe ts6E8e11,lryAc. .3:4? sc!. 19:r!2 LhLle;;s b--n sooe- | 1:. Josero.syc,.". DtbeB. 2l 116 ttrS 21t37 s"cr:flca o. h1s on.uming.€-^Fr' -.r.--;:;; ,i: .r. E. ^YPc. Brc. .j,tt l -,.Aa is ;iiLi ,i"i.i'r,i"3-i-"""i.:i r5. Jodp e-esla,MrPC 2J:<r ".6 21t51 d :o: I D11i.s. Oal^ c-!s Io- 1959_-bO -.r5 ,. !6. iiuz, IAPC, ?x:0& 23179 nc.udFl--sroe"L: Bolden: V1i; !.csl .4 17. Johr S!eme!. " 2r.r12 -.1+: 2lrt? Idprr: Ca.on ,!a-tj erd Sec.eLary16. E, Carlud, $IPC, 24;24 2t0A 22124 fleasuleli liat C1ro};ick. Ctub due; 19. A. ceieley, !'aDAC ?4:10 \t+5 22:75 are $2.00 !6. year. rr rtlt be a ?0. I. o'Brier, BTc. 24rrO r3O 22r2O do-it-yourie1f- eooperative effo.t, ?1. E, KeMedy. !la!,AC _r:JL L:r0 )1:<1 !4-rb-rs wI_L ley Lheir ofl enr-/ 22. D. Spltzer, xrPC, 25:14 [taa 25t14 fee6, buy l,he1r om equiFment, and 23. J. Connol1y,lYPq, 25!21 2tAA 23t27 pool their Fsources for transport24. G. Best, B'rC, 25t42 z,jQ 24tI2 atiotr to oui or tom events. 25. L. Fur.€ll, N:AC, 26:02 \t0a 23t02 the club colors a.e Bed and C.eeD. 26. I'1. JDhllken, BTa, 26:16 l:00 2J:19 The tllsi, rhlto.ns hill b€r the 27, (l{l Stelnbr,}lC?C 26:20 Lt1a 26t20 tuoe { r\] Fr AA' o! lre sh:: s. 28. F. EduaFis, BTC, ?6::? ).oD 25.27 Coach Bolden Ftt.1 nake the truntrs 29. r. Taylo!, BTc, 26rr+8 t:00 2J.44 alil E9t4 the 1erte6;; the shl.rs. 30. J. she:tuE. NIPC, 2?:11 l:oO 26::l !lans-tre ,o edd IrsiEata.s'e!. The 31. s. Darklrs, srC, 27tj6 2:00 2J:16 currert ne@bershir i16t includes 22 32. J. tla]trarer, EAA, 28:21 2:00 26:21 athletes - a nixture of school !rlm33. P. Foley, fsSC, 29t4! 2,A0 2?147 er] abd older ethleres. The ortv:,e I,6eentt: l{YAil= Neu Yora ACi i"YlC Ner York meDb6nship recu,fFnFnt :s ttEL Flonosr Clrbi BfC= Brrce lrack Clubi atrrl-r" o; sr.:.ere_y iriprFsf-d .n AA= 1Ulose AA! llalAc= UanlBttan AC: track alrd fl€1d. TssC= Tarrylom Spike shoe club. (contlDuod next paee) and

eeeoLed Lo


{irEited,sA - Contlnued) ClDb Deetlngs are helil €t the !o!€ welcode HailJ s boys club jr Broo;t]rn r4osl of Lre nembe!6 res_de l!' Blook:ya, rlth Lhe !est €.8!Lered rhrcLR!out !ie c.lty. outdoo? trahtns iB don; at !1cr€ran Park !.sci ano park area. Tndovr rralniia i6 do.€ at the Easteh Disi,_ rict qlgl School 1n Brookltr!. Cross_ coun*y trainlbc i6 don€ in van co!t_ ldndL Park and other areas 1n tha ctLj. Fo. the pe6t three su@e!!. Jirmv ' Boder ha€ conduc.ed e Sumar pla;Ltce Taa(k fourMren!. -his i6 s Lraak deve oldelL profrtu, op6n Lo 6ny rlack d&,. fe.F6 rroD 60 yalds Lo I drles are held each Tuesday 6ven1!g thioughout the se_ all handicaD. are at each neellng and oach conteatant held Is encouraged io coDpete in alt events. The first six finishers are aralded potntL, 6 ior llrsr plac- end eraded do!; oo:nL 'or 6-h lle.F. Ar Ln6 erc of 'o, Lh; 5m4er the rueer wiih the hiahest score Lo'a_ pol.rs\ dect6i-d ejror o' lha roum6y. th:s.oDperir,or. "s stjnr_ once a week. As mev as 2? nen--ffon var,ious clubs. schoois. o. umtLached--heve comleted ;f 6ome oi Lhes€ Fbbreviated track @eets. Bolde! has becone schooled in track linouledCe through conpetirg, leadhE,

or oT as6o.lartaq rr!,. athletes. The coach uho lnftuenced JMbo Jinny nost has been Harry Bataul oi the Gerhan Anertcan ,{C. tsata;l iBlres6ed hts by tine to exllaln the !,,o11 !'why! oi taklnc ideE6 ed technlques a€ he tauEht them. h lact, vrhen lecessary. BrlauL souLd spehd hour€ "lu6tifyinii 'u.-i I .s ,iFoFes. Eo-d.l n-- ad ratkeo {u6 h 'u, Lro.icrs Pe.cy 'e- Ly ,n 1958. Fo_Jd .h- nanJ o. .ne rh ' ;o" .--r-ry . :d '. hi6 ta l es 6 hao ..Lso been -.aocaied previou6ly by !61au1. the club {i1I have a road.acina te&: resdY to go bt' the lal1 ot !96a.-at whicn tlde they hole to enAaee in dEl meets ard other conpetltlonB. .on ho-6 daslri4c to.o,,act fh.s club or to I oF{ard entry blank3, !}ite to j.'. I i- Hooo-r si . . B-oo rlrn, c, l!.1"-.!"to Jimnv Borden. c/o Bov6 N.Y., or iel.o0e Hal' . 85 chau!..J s. ., broo..rrn.





TIT'E BID. Vith the arri,ral of vic zwolak tron


the Chelry Poi.t,, "C" ltariDe Ea6e ihiF Dorth, ih6 Qunitcc Ua.ine I,Ede lmeitiately neie llans ro ehte! rhe Jr, NattoBl !-1U X-Country ChadDroaEhlp lt Detroit ad the Sr. NatjDnal JIAU 1n LuisviUe. Zrolak, fomer l€SaUe Couese (!h11€ Pa.l X-Country ece a4d a ]l:15 dller. w1U ioi4 forces with Ale: Breck6n.idge and Johmy Eopil (fomer Villaaova stars), GUd tood {forhe! sania C1ara rf\r runner) aniL the stlons r.lDlllns Mike FleDlns (Neblaska).wh; flnlrhed only 2 secondg behlnd the se.setlomi Breckerldge 1n the lecent Natloral AAU 300Cn tean lace in Batll-


oct. 20. Phi1a. rasal]e (1-0) 2a. -Petu l2-2) )E 1. ?ete llalheiD, !asa11e. oct. 20, Vest Che8tert !a. - tesi chester stc (J-l) 21, Lincoln U. {t-1) 19, (5 nrles) 1. Mervir Bryan t rJc, 24:51 -colrse recordt 2. {en Shuatrer. xC; l. DaYe lralk€r, t1nco1n, Couege X-Couniry

to attend the 50th leneFal ot the fa{ed Betuick |talathon. !1ans ar€ underway to rake thie the best.ace y.-t, Excellent prizes. Thu16ilay, Nov. 26th : l.l{, Dime! follouins thc ra.a for all conletltols and frialds9 1/3 Ellea. Berrlck. Pa, 2hd AMual ve6per Boat Club 5 M|]e Handicap X-Coutry Ru,.Sunday, Nov. 15lh(1 P.I")Start & flnlsh East Etr6! Drlve, FalrEout Park, Ptrlla.. Pa. Eatrles to Frerl( ralrak, 6354 Olenlocti st.. Phi1a" 1'- pa. 0tA4.qg HandlcarDep) 37th Amua] ceden. N.J.. Y. .c.A, 4.7 tt1le Road Bace,,S€turday, DeceDber 5, 1959 (2 P.t4.) lriries to cecl1 Vtarr€n, Candea tt'tcA, Feileral St.. Ca[d€r. N.J. (National 15 (11o - conirlDueil) 4r, Henry rrr-\ard, PeD A,C. 61:29 46. Sldney Cendia, NYPC. 62.A? 4?. Ku.i steiae!. Nl?C. 62.10 48. Fred lutira. EIec. 6oat. 64116 49, Jin sdlih, Pem Ac, 6?,55 J0. J-arei Co.h, PeD AC, 68:03 51. llarLin Srrelheard, NfPC, 71:OO Teao: Quantrco 1-L-6-?-8 26t 2. BogtoE M' 2-)-5-La-r3=33t 3. MrPc,84;4, shanahan cc, 89; J. Pe AC, 91. l'41dd1e;tlantic Chaep: 1. S. Uhelab, vespe. Bc..ieam. sban.cc, 25r 2. PAc, P15n



{MD $?AIltS

ioloigz orropo:lt-- the rortil :eoc.d for 1J00 Delers, the ao-oalle,i "oetrlc a11e,' h€3 lot teen he.Ld bt a! ADeltc4L s1r}ae E:i loqLl1].or of ?lhoeror iad cMbplo! rrob !)34 to J936 rlrh a oartr of .L8,3, Eore rhan i2 :6.oaaa slorer th& ih6 curre&i lark let by iia.b Eltlolr of Aulr.ralrs-.. ve r;rEi-Te, Snglard roail ro.} & ra1k6r. Fr6it BloFrl, of rhe North i4erltorri a1-ubha6 :.pi3ced !g!_g4s!!!gt! as a.A.u. haadlcappe.,.. rb€ &!4 €!!dqabs!'i. aPe o€rebrsrilq thc arFlval oi thelr 4th ohlla, e ,1b", oz. boy! John ras a Jomcx st. Jo6ephir callsge :-cosrry oaplala & rror ro. for tb. !e$1 A.c..?rr a[olhrF lES6 Jobr J.ro11 rrrt.s an dtprGrlatlor ol Lh€ IaLe A'rhu lsrton, rr.o Ea8 t.esa!{.€it ,1th affE;IT5iitrt-aIr

sno h1€r htu. N€Fton, as he tlked io be ralled--he had no (ine fol. Chr.tsLlan Eadcs--alxays oDphaslzed the lcceeEl Ly ror rElnl!€ cYerl dat, cnd 1: soDe of hts be1!ef6 oade sooe exb€rts *botother un!16f iihe eo11ar,q he reta rhls rcs e good thlDg becsuse it lsd !o iliscuBslon anit raile people th!!i< for theosehes. !I3 Ee not afrslil to Bdnlt ttret his vle{8 had ch&gea. sonevhal 1rr, !€ce!t y€ars otr 6oue po:nts and

thls oameal fo. hln stlf1 greaior. r.spect,,. GerFv Norreb tul u! hxat L! t1fre for 6 Elles re..ltied !! rh€ Nolih E€1ad, she! rhntas the [orlhcm 9t ChadploE.blp sa8l1y 1n ?8!k?.1 recentty., The 1at seual gtraucej. I,olRhiie 10 Htrle Eoad Race ia Det.;ri ii Sepr. 2oth tas a p.clty tell !@ affarp 6ccor,j na

Doun the d,eath of Chiv I'laccr.6a, Be.w1ck. la. , l,{arathon Dlrector.. . te ato rct thlnk lt 1s falr to auard aatlonal cldDpionshl! Deels io d1f,t.1otB trhlch are ul1eil1l1rA io put oa a prc8rM for 1t3 om Mers,. .llglq

Lmlu leslts tlEt the Sr. Natl6Dl 6iEE-our nua drek 3o stariers, but auy nere fo.ceti to dlop out by the AAI' du€ io ]apping. The Oiaage Coast J.. College track helil up b€uilfully throushout ihe rac€. Ton Byan (CCAC) ?ar 11 Eilesr 114 yaKts to b6at oDt Ned Sarseni {SCV$/) 10 @i1e6! 1742 yd3 fo, the tltle...canton, !a6s. & [eierto*rl, l{a56., botll called off lhej.r roaal races thts nonth. Up to three days befo"e each .ace the 1iI.E. Chalrmu 6a1d the races *ere on{even thoueh no blanks rere out) and to top all rlot s sltrgle prote8t by ony N,E. runnersl... I1je 1959 Jt. \Iat. A.A.V. 25 (11o slb Chamlionship !s sti11 avallebte to eponsoring organlzations. If a4y otganlzailon in your assoclatlo, i€ wllfing to sponsor this event, contact Mike lo.tanova. Clriman Natl. Lons o i sEE;6;-EGf;E-aotr 1tt ee , P.o, 9ox j9J, tarzas, Callfomia,.. Johr lhe Fifsb Fsl I Foliage Festi?al. 12 i4t1e Eoaal Eace in lJorth AdeEs, Ilass. on Oct, 3rd,rlesplte sperding all of the pievious- day r! bad with a bad cold..An estinateit croml of 8!OOO to 1O,OOO lined the foute to {atch thls se11 organized

or_, , c;;;-o"h,.-6-To; coulLney, of !o.dnm, rn the SOOn at lha 1956 Ottmplc Oanes ls in a''u Britlsh lsoiarnserious

ion hosFiial with a ches! complalnt.' The 26-yes!-o1d Brtton r'es .1ef-n:lolJ wlll rhe 1060 01yrp:"6

li"ili"i"iSlli;E""*ffi,:,*ttrtr& 3"f;:5"T:iffi"i":H ;:;i:H :1]f"" Hal oau8ht up to Bay witn a @i1e to in AueEt and was inredtately hosp-

Aoi ltallzed tsi(h comp-Ica.Ions fol'o.1ag pnemoria a.d likcly dtll \ave co Hat paGsed on lhe 1Bt Dlace l.oDbr to Ea?. renain there at least anothe! three ro!Lhs....Ausr"a- tan. ruf ner- *be 'lll$.!19* ilrl :!9",.!4!e4_S!i4-etcl; (4th 1! Pan-AE I5ooD:)-i;AE-;fib(nile-in &!1c) and penti'-Moo!.e !e"19t (2 n11es ln 8rJo.8l lave aE6EiIeaa6conds w)En he stopped to take oif his shoe anil renove a lclrdeli. Boih Satdo- echolarships to Abitehe Christlan ia1 &d ilietton rere aot 1a the 1st 10 cou€se. Teras. ..Coach Percy Ceruttv by the 4-D11€ nark but Doaed up quickly quotea ;s sayipe rat afiETe-ii-SiFlet-es arler th. hatf-my m!k.. Lo!.s;hite is 8hou1d be allo|red to trair soLidlv Detroltro last f@ous dlstencg ru')ller,tcs. fo! 8ix nonths at a tlne with all exaDit €am€d oldtiDctto! iD the er'tv pehses pa1d. Ce.utty also siated that' 15 trophl€d aEit 5 dedaLs rere e6ded. be bad elltten Herb Ell1ott a stlft Bullion soup aDd bMbereer6 {ere served 1ette. urellg hlh to up & to afr€f rhe race... The publreterB of Fred get rld of his p.eseDt"ake lethareic appbook put raw b1D !o roach to alhleL:cs ana to r.Runc tra!nour a boElllls olte slre8sla! iarathor.trg ara Sprlrilng. irg tnmedlately. " "1le ls hyptrolized by adlto! Thi6 ard luma.s c-e Hodd over ni8 oar.laeie & ha6 gone 1azy,' !.C .ayJ As ial EaB 8or!€ bo.ooo !ea!a Lhe uhtcaEo area lo @rk rn Csl:f^rrlta.

coLLEcE x-coEmBI

prire,, ocr.



_ cobbs cre€!





cou.se. l:-il,i;;";:t:ii"t?,ll.i!.if"g;;;;t'-

::f"gi";:ftr,ij,3i;:,#ti,ii!0. iii!li"'i;r"i"S*:'.:"ig;:;,r:",,.", ELLqers: t. Eoy Be!s.LE6r. peD: !. src r.: - ...-ir..iro ir,r,".',{q, leto Clark, Pernl 5, Bob Schotnlck. eomj 6. eio F;i;"ei#;r:-;;;:'; l,n

i'; !ii.'i"l3ii I;'ir-,iil!!"lli "9il: g::"i,ljk.fir:;:rj.11. i f,iir-rri!"u." "*t: ;,;

9l.y""i {6bJh'*ch4' r"ci Hd r' ?|,;]i:"i', rf'n.eto!. N.;.' oct.10 - ,ia:L cooos'

;il.: i3,ti:,l?T"ffi t:,:trT"" ;

#8"i;fi:"":;I. "ll'Sll,"l3i"3l; 9ii'""" j ;.'E:". :*:**!i: i;"hi,:: *"'' " )6,u'.t3:i:r,1,*"fil1",:';fl ir:,,1.';ig:,-?fo_

D:ck Eleiebrink.

oct. 9 -

cobbs c.sek cours€.


J"i'." sJ.:

;;"ip;1q:;ii:i;ii;i;;ti?.:ui+ Hug€lmeyef, V.i 3. Kerir Quim.



Kea! B'

F' 2"a


ii.:: r;r::;mi,:r;i":;.:rT"::tt' #3::i":y;*::ff li r::[fi"cliii.,_ Vr1l€nova Frosh 21, St, Jos;Dh's i5 8ob: 3 c' surl'van' rat riilrior'a



ili;1i::il$:*'r hfti5$,.,' itii:'ii*:i;;;# 5!#$rls{!3*+,

i;,l!i':i'2,9g"ili1l;,3i,il8i'i: Ii,,,, ;i:i{r"*"$.fu:. .srir. i.i.,-5Jtl'ri':-l.ylul"ii ." vrrt.*. 8;fl{i,::";:."31,:e: Fi r!ldllli!,i]. ;t;;t :i;""; : l:;,:;is*;i;jr"i, ni":;:"h:riu, ut,'iil-i;.ff #T6r. " ffi r:l;f, l*,i:i*lqdi.i;#s,::; j"


-rrrday, 0cr, ? - aL .osr€ N-sa,

;3!l;"*!;"Ti':";."fi;;*';iiI!ll'"i?a,,u 2. J1n oehterb, I, 3. John Crelshioa.: xFii:;::*"Flii:t,g:F:*"ifl"j*.r 0c,.. ro. ches er,

;a. -

r.*"yi",ni,i" ffi:1"'i";fu':i;:i-1.?'{:.,?;"',;"j1.

ji'iii;",ii1:i.i.'i;*"i;:il:ii"ifiE]'!g:3, ;il:;i';;iF"fxi:::;x.: 1i -he

i*i;.:;.iltlil. xes r:rs' ,oss arier Lhrec ';"ii'ii]'ili,1;;"i;,iil'lll":31!;" ;.",!,:iiffy} *. !i::i'rn;:ii;,i;i::n iii"tlii:ff i?,-"-'. li+:,e li ca€sar l' i L. seanan, F!, :i:::i^3' l::.-q:d:fu


2!.32i 2. cavlo'.u


r:'s, r#;:ill+iii"l:;.1iil-rylii tr .**.i?li:il"j::il:lEi::'3:'l*: *" oth€r scores !;so'ith;r; code'eBob: ii65''Hffil{;:ig^;"5i:i;:'$l-'" :il.:i?fi ,'iiiii:,:.+::r;,r.s';r;:1," i:i. i': ?;;;;iJilFi;li;i:miiltll " ;e," ii;"":'i.-i.!ii'rir€re, stony e-"t, !!l; i : ilii".X?."3i."iiili;{,"$" ?n Hs isch{-' I;i;+i"*:i iI€'ii"li'toE ::f : i,:-ti+ii::Jii,qii"i:i{i'i 6l:,*-.nl"j:;"9n.-"fa-i?,ia**



;,"", t pi;;e;t rrD


?6r07i 2.


?5 I(IroxErEa Bu! (1J., lr1las) Met.opolilar ABBoc1ailon A.A.U.



(JVtt 2J)

Th6 scrutineers ha'1 qhtttl6it the entrr dom to 78 (3 hrs. 10 min8. llnli) and trte woalhe. had obviously by Applied lerlespoh Irc. (corrtesy helpod to rsduce thls eve|1 furthe., Alilo ltT. Scendurra, lreeldentl of Port io! lhle Es leally a beautlful ssder ,eshhgton, il.Y, day tqnp. 81 deg?oes and a swelterlng irla!:e: liaccoEbs Daa !ark--151st Stfeet hol su-dlsastroud to Marathon lumer8 ard J6.osd Are., Brorx, I.l- Aeprrt wno dshed to ro a, thel! custonary to !e!k locker .ooE et 10t00 A.tt. to alt€s8 ed ctreck {n fo. race. i"ary of tho to! Britlsh narathonere n'1ssed the lac€ lnclud.1ng !r6d Nof' Sqqe: sundEy, Noreober 15, 19J9 at 11 Deels orcornen, Eildie (llkup, Jackle Prlzes: 14etrolot !tM 6.A.U, .hdnplonsnr! gasler dd Eric Sn1ih. l{edals to 1st, :rd ard lld to lirish. At 18: nlles chrls Fleblng'snith had Three €ets of f:ve-han tear deCals, opered up a ?, yards gep and wa6 ne"er Thloe bem pflzes, Eight tropht€s to rirsl I f'.D rhers(theee pr:re. ire ope, 1. Ch!ir FleDire-Snlth, 2:30,11 !o tur:ne.s reglstored in other A.A.U. ?,36, r ) l. Le! Jones, Eniele6 io ravld D. le?tr, ahairma! +. B,H. thaw, 2r)6.47 Disianc. Comdittee, M.A.AAU Boon 2t 37.41 6. O. Whchester, 2.37.54 ',or€ 321, l5 eark :lor, g6w York 38, N,7. 2.39.49 34LLLe9: Jol hu6t aocoapstry the entry. 7. Len Blsho!. ClEnDlonehID and. OD65


sponsored by rhe E;:d al'nners club, ileB lo.k A6rocla! ion- . P"126 5 domted


10" iien flomev.

Nov. ?2 - s"nlo! llet X,ao!'ntrv Chadb. 2 P.ll. VaD Corbtalrtlt rarL. 3r;*


;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;" bt AsEa. Sponso.ed




t,\a \?i"3i*'

2. ztta.lii ,. tta,.",2t"4,15

F snce: 1. CaFon. 2,27.54i

the BBC, li.Y.

Dgqg: sidar, Noe. 29, I9_a9 l1 A.Y. van cortlaEdt lark, N,1. lle99: Course: I laps orer the I aile x-c


1. !ob.v. 2!21.54.2 loop tn va! lortlandt Pa!k, r4eet Recofd: Neu Zealabd - Eelay race f.oe Auckland lo ll.n:lLor, --dns of lvo, aach run49:18.7 b) leter qcArdl., IrAC. 'o , o" k-e rernar, /i: n.^e com. r-_ oo rg r0r - 16s. Tle {lr.1rg reaf &t.'les chatlnaD, 2425 Claflln Ave., Blod 68, ta.uas',.i. Baillte anal D, Worlall. WorraU Prizes. Trophie6, nedals, Ne* ioolr: H6w ls just 2o-yeafs-old but ran h1s 40; rhey Tlala, by Fred lil1t".tfizes w111 be niles IrL 5,j1. Eaillle ran hi€ 40+ Aleen tn I d,relsions (opea-Aaes 19-44): 1n 3 hrs. 46.8n. 4he team that poD (Juror-Aaes t8 yeerE oi md;.): ivetei.an-iaslest itme honors (8.38) lncluded Age 45 yearg and up). Bay Puckett and J. Ju1lan uho iIId J:48,. A r'{arethon Eurnels-c}ub has rlroueh lo'. o sLance LcE: 9@I3 dlrectly Blitish noarhly. A11 sport;. DoN'T FORCET: !4ANCEESTEB, COMTECTICm !949_9J]@ ncavJ tleaey or ot !rac{ tEck learures. ieatules. $+ Road nace, rnan{sglvlng fhBnksgiving Day l1lle 6oac ), !1!e $4 year rodeF Ailletic8 raodem Ali'leticB ((Lr€ct and iie)d/, Ruti""a t'1o".26. loSo '0:30 c,lv. Brltish oonthly. $J,Jo year htor r.1ih: E6rl Yost, Sports E{1, Inte:tstloDal nanchEBtef Athlete dontbly latrchsste. Evanlnc Ev.!ltra Helald, lielalil. B1sse1 St hle:rst lopal dontblv oagazine oaeazine succeeds (he ScoL's AthleLe. tin. prot!1es, lanchester, CoEr.. Buntto!6 $port comeararies. techa: tue arcrcl-s. !2 yelr to Esst slde Bsc. Bau. .strenqth &_.lLee!!!1 Eob doffnd,s q1b_e of re ehL trblnlne uor'td, {o4rh1y. $l reax 5 8116 Scratch Boatl 860., Surday, Ilalkln& !o! load And lrac! {Boor) BrItIEh Nov. 8, 1959 I P.l!, Sponsoled bv Udp. I,Jell illustreted, 51.00 nenel Phalmacy, 7300 Ogontz Aya., ConooE.6r.0 rthl.tro. (T&-i Trarrtr :dea6 Pblladelphla, Pa. Sarcttoned by of Althur NeBton. S1.Lro ldttle Alldtlc A.A.U. Itack tL Flelil Nefl6 $l yeas Pleas. rote aadres8 cheqe ei Fra* retly. "tt8l Hith the pace- use pep pt1ls ..:' ;

UssE chanplobshtp:




81n51 A!,!i!rAL OII]O TBACK CI-UB DISTANCE CARNMI, {orthllgloE, Oirio

Noredbor 21 atd 22, 1959 Sanctioned by Chto Arsocletlon

ol the a.A,u. &bsjulg-9:LElssLs satuldar, Nor, 21st.. 10 a,n,- 10 l{ile Road Eui

- 10 llile load l,lalk; 2 p.tr. s ri40 tard Runi ?:10 p.o. - ri x11€ Track Burt 3:30 !,n, - 5 l'111e Suday, lioeerber 22Ld., \2 - 2A tri1e Eoad BE 1t M1]e Road^oot 'Ja1k. 3 !.fr. - ',.roren, s m1e ualkr l:30-p.n.I l4ile Track Walki 4 !,n, - I fiile llace: rtorthin8toB High Scbool. ilorUrtn lo- :c 10 d,ed ob rr,i. Rl . 21, :us. north of Colbbus, Drer8lng a[d sho{er aAcilii,le€ krll \e Scor'riled af bhe q.S. P!1zes: Trophies ril1 be awarated to the w1@6: ol each of the ten events! ,{1so a trophy to the o lstandlng peraorme! ovel the tro days, as selected by lihe athletes. Prizes *i11 go bo seBond, th!!d, and fourth place flnlEhe}s ln Entrlas to. Jack E. ilo:.tlaEd, 2088 Zolunger Boad, Colmbus 21, ohlo Post Entr.ieg t{j,11 Bc Aoc6o!€d. 12 aoon



1, staa Eldaa, 14!07,61 !g!!si a!t1n Hyban, 14!10.8t


3.Bbi{tr iaat}ar Fcris., Ecrrls.. 14:20.0! 14:20.0: 6. Xlkc Frlrr?r'i xlke BuUlisii:. 14:25.6", !-r@s: 1. s"i* r. BrLe xlni-Giit xent-sEiah, !tg!g: l:47.6; 2. lke l{lags, l. D. $rber. l:49.8.. !!!E: 3:4q.5; 1. Briab HerEai6o!' 1:50'8'

t.,ir.4;"r.'L;i;'i;lal"i ii;"i-il

if";.';ii;?; i;rl:!e

. SPENCEB EEPEATS BEN NEVIS tIN -- For ihe E€cond year in successtob, Davld Spencer, of Ba.!or, wo'} the Ben Nevls rolntaih r&ee on SeDt. 5th. lher€ rere 94 etartelB and 8B fhlshed ihe cou.se. Spencer sas ln 2nd poslttor as the amers reached the swnl! of the Be!, but he fesalned ih6 leed 6ho.t1y afte. stalt1rlg the dom{ard journey add, rLelng strobgly, tlnlshed s aood 0im€r !n t r.r. 4?n" 5j8.. Nlne teai:s fiaished 1n the tear ol then belnE lY1gl1shl..2, J. I,lGke., 1.5t.33r 3: r, DaBBoa, 1:J2.01i 4. B. SlaF. 1rtj, 47i 5. J. cot,i,, lt54-59, SCOTLAMD




Xalanazoot i.Uch., Oct. 3- tlestern lllcli.sanrs Jerry Aslmore whiDDed |lsuis lJ.ddy XeMedy bo lace lt.t4lchisan to the ieatu tit1e. (4 mlles) 1. Jerry Asbnore, Flt, 20:48; 2. Fo!dcy Keroedy, Unett., 21:00i 3. Cart Reld, ',r11, 21!11 {MSU was Dot conletilg as a tean slnce Coach Fran Dttt.lch telt that the ted had not had aiteq11ste practlce due to a late 6choo1 openlnE date. ) Three ttSU sophs lertorn ed exceptloGry {eU-B11} nermolds was ,th in 2t:22, Jelry YoMd slxth rn 2r.J0 and Eil Craydo! sev€nth lb 21i33. Oct, 10 - Westem !{'chisan 28 at In lhe two niles, a tired Stan Eldon stste Untv. 29 {4 Diles) leit his elforlr util the ]ast 1a!. thel 1.ichiga! Jerry Ashnore, W, 20.17.111 2. Car! surgeil throush i:o win tE 8:/r?.2. Biiah Reid, Ll,l, 20r20i l. Forddy Kem6dr. Cl'aie (Eng.) glabbed 2nd tn ihe fi.al USU,20:231 4, Art Eqe!6o1e. I,AI: 5. st.atshL 3.d .'o.te. 8:l!8.8. J. C. '1o._ Jefy Youlg, irsrtt 6. llrly BeJa;Ids. aicke, E. ce.oarw, 8:49.6. xSUi 7, Bob Iake, I'ISU: L Ed cfavdoh880: I. J. Jaklbo{ski, Po1Md, 1:52.2i fisu (Ashmore aftt Ketred9 hait a ciose 2. T. Fa.rell. DE. . I r 52.5. .ace most of the hay, but a fau FlaL_ ened the 8ap. In the tbhd !i1e, AshIIRCSFIELD Harliers' lloodtlt oroEotiol nore tripped and XeMody iel1 over a! PFF, Berrr BIF.ehdn. .bsraDd. oL hin, As they were recove.lr*. Eeid octotE. lld las the firsL neealns ;r started to catch u!. aslrro.e flon by *hich athletes could echieve Olh.tc stonttards ovei oelrlc distances. ito fe"- It yard6, and Beld paesed Kemedy & beat hld !$ 2j yarils. ) er thah selen eithe! beat of eoualled olynDlc ouallfylu tines incluiile! rL the lohg !u - It.s the tD LoA John lhlehto,, /r7:? (looa,r a ^!a; cldon. to! nev.--.esu1ts, trdlnlne hlnts, et IIEWSON UPSET Tt,I IOOO.I4MERS

Ianchester, England, oct. 2 - D.. Stefan Le@ndoi{lki. a lonE strldlnq Pole. led all tile lay aod h-:li ob by-ucnea lo rhi! Brlan Hedsor. tn a breath-taking I00'-m-rec .a.-. eh?noo!o, ) l'11 lhe iape in 2.21.8, 2" Eewsoa, 2.21,9, 3. Jonsson, swede.. 2:24.1, Slegfr,ied He.rnaD, of E, cerBa4y, colci"nei !tB loa of f{o daJs ea-r'er by wl4aine the nile rery easily ln 4:01.6, Britain's Derek lbbot6on 11trished second il a sluegtsh 4108. nainer Doeme., !" Cerdany, was third in 4:Cr9.4 and Gordo4 li.ie lourth in +:09.5.







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