RRCA Inside Track

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Quarterly Newsletter for the Members of the Road Runners Club of America IN THIS ISSUE: !






Smooth Leadership Transitions for Organizations Adopting a No Headphones Policy for Your Events RRCA Microfinance Program Disney Running Club Program Best Practices in Posting Event Results And more

SMOOTH LEADERSHIP TRANSITIONS FOR ORGANIZATIONS By: Jean Knaack, RRCA Executive Director and Michael Bowen, RRCA State Rep North Florida

Article III.A of the RRCA Bylaws outlines that our nonprofit member running clubs and events must hold annual elections at least every two years. This does not mean that new board members must be elected every two years, but at the very least, sitting board members should be re-elected every two years. The bylaws of your organization should clearly outline information about the board member election process and terms of board members. With these election requirements, the boards of directors for many of our member organizations go through annual transitions. For most organizations, the elections are a smooth process and leadership continuity continues. However, some organizations may experience contested elections as a result of differing views about leadership or organizational direction. Regardless, the days following an election for the board are an important time to ensure smooth transitions from one board of directors to the next.


Michael Bowen, RRCA North Florida North State Rep, did an excellent job outlining recommendations for smooth leadership transitions in one of his recent blog posts that he shares with the RRCA members in his state.

Brent Ayer President

Michael’s blog outlines:

David Cotter Vice President Dennis Novak Treasurer Dan Edwards Secretary, At-Large Director Mark Grandonico Eastern Region Director Mitchell Garner Central Region Director Lena Hollmann Southern Region Director David Epstein Western Region Director Kelly Richards At-Large Director

If your club is a nonprofit organization, one of the provisions for RRCA membership is that the club has a board of directors to make certain the organization functions within a framework that supports their mission and aligns with the RRCA. At a certain point each year, one or more new members of a club’s board are appointed, elected or installed, most without knowing exactly their role, or that of the board of directors. Some of those board functions include overseeing and making certain the club adheres to local, state and federal laws pertaining to nonprofit organizations, which includes making timely and accurate reports required by local, state, and federal government agencies. The board ensures they follow the organization’s bylaws and articles of incorporation; if circumstances merit a change, the board can follow the approved amendment process. An independent annual audit of the organization’s financial statements and activities, as well as an annual report for membership, may also be done. What are the “perfect world” qualities of a road running club board member? This person could be someone actively involved in the running community, who stays reasonably informed about the organization’s business and actively pursues the best interest of the organization.




Dear RRCA Members, As the Road Runners Club of America continues to evolve, we are adding new programs and looking for ways to provide meaningful services to our member clubs and events. Among the newer services is the RRCA Microfinance Fund, launched in 2008. Funded with a generous gift from RRCA past president Bee McLeod and her husband Goody Tyler, the program offers no-interest/low-interest loans to clubs and events to purchase equipment. With the costs of sophisticated timing and communications systems running well in excess of $10,000, this program should be of potential interest to a number of RRCA members. An RRCA Microfinance loan permits you to obtain the equipment and properly train operators, without the immediate pressure of having to earn fees to recoup the investment or going “out-of-pocket” with a large chunk of your club’s budget. Learn more about the program on page 9. The microfinance program is one of a battery of new services being pursued by the RRCA. The RRCA is also developing a Race Director Certification Program and a Runner Friendly Community" designation. While a lot is “in the works,” the continuation of these programs depends on their usefulness to our members and the running community. The competitive running world of the pre-running boom (1970’s) was largely driven by speed-based interval training. A favorite mantra of coaches of that era was, “use it or lose it!” Simply put, the theory was that if you were not routinely performing speed-based training, you would lose all your speed. We need your help and participation in our new and existing programs to ensure their continuation. So, dive in. Our programs and services were designed for you! If you see something we need to be doing that we aren’t doing, let us know. You may be creating the next new program. Keep Running,

Brent Ayer SUPPORT THE ROADS SCHOLAR FUND Since 1996, the RRCA has awarded over $330,000 in grants through the Roads Scholar program to assist American post-collegiate runners who show great promise to develop into national and world-class road running athletes. Make a tax-deductible contribution today! 100% of your contribution is granted to emerging elite runners that are recent college graduates Mail contributions to: RRCA 1501 Lee Hwy, Ste 140 Arlington, VA 22209 Write Road Scholars on the memo line.


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SUPPORT THE KIDS RUN THE NATION FUND Make a tax-deductible contribution today! 100% of your contribution is granted to deserving youth running programs around the US. These programs are designed to get and keep kids active by teaching running as a positive lifestyle choice. Mail contributions to: RRCA 1501 Lee Hwy, Ste 140 Arlington, VA 22209 Write KRN Fund on the memo line.

SMOOTH LEADERSHIP TRANSITIONS IN ORGANIZATIONS CONTINUED Naturally, the board should have no difficulty complying with applicable laws, adhering to the club’s bylaws, and serving as a guardian of the what should clubs expect of the new board member? Ideally, the board member has been apprised of the duties and requirements during the nomination period, but some recommended points are:

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Attend and participate consistently in the club scheduled board meetings. Members in good standing should be invited to attend as well. Remember that a nonprofit club and many of the club's activities are run by the board and the members. This could mean a temporary hiatus from participating in some events. Act in a collegial manner. While there can be and are disagreements on what decisions are made, don't allow personal conflict to get in the way of good governance. Understand Robert’s Rules of Order. Important decisions made by the board are approved in the form of a motion or official resolution and recorded as such in the minutes. Only official decisions recorded in the minutes are binding. If there is a business item that may benefit you personally - a conflict of interest - refrain from voting on it, and remember no board member should ever profit from his or her service on the board.

A small binder with several important documents can make a new board member’s transition less stressful. The binder should include the club bylaws (roles, responsibilities, terms, and provisions for major club functions), minutes from previous year’s meetings, the most recent annual report to membership, financial statements, and more. Also consider including the RRCA’s Conflict-of-Interest Policy drafted September 2004 (available on the RRCA web site at www.rrca.org/club-directors/manage-your-club/), and a copy of the RRCA brochure that outlines the major programs and services provided by the national organization for local members to utilize. Each club can probably think of other documents to get a new board member up to speed, avoid the “toestepping” and frustration that comes early in their tenure, and perhaps keep them on for an entire term or longer. Many of these resources can be downloaded from the RRCA website and adapted for your organization. Find them at www.rrca.org/club-directors/.

RECOMMENDED FIRST STEPS FOR NEW PRESIDENTS Ideally as a new president, the person has already been a member of the board and is up to speed with many aspects of the organization. However, there are several key items that the incoming president should be sure to address. The following is a basic checklist for incoming presidents to help them manage the board transition process.



Review corporate documents and club policies. Sometimes leadership transitions can, unfortunately, mean a loss of institutional knowledge. New board leaders should ensure they have copies of important documents. If the outgoing leadership does not supply these documents, check with the RRCA first. Chances are the bylaws are on file with the RRCA, and we can send you a copy of the RRCA’s IRS determination letter. If the RRCA does not have a copy of your bylaws, the organization’s bank will most likely have a copy on file. Meet with the club treasurer. Take time to meet with or talk to the treasurer in advance of the first board meeting. Do not be afraid to ask to see the organization’s bank statements, checking account, financial reports, etc. All incoming presidents should review the RRCA’s recommendations for managing club finances found at www.rrca.org/club-directors/. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8



THREE STEPS TO A PAIN-FREE IMPLEMENTION OF A NO HEADPHONE RACE POLICY How one club cracked the code for holding safe events with minimal controversy By: Mike Walsh, RRCA State Representative – North Carolina

For race directors, we all know the stories of the safety issues caused by lack of awareness by headphone wearers in races, from those that impede emergency vehicles trying to reach a medical problem to those that impede other participants. Equally clear is that a new generation of runners accustomed to using their headphones is entering our races, with an oftentimes heated clash resulting between races that wish to ban headphones and users who want to wear them. In 2006 I was the president of the North Carolina Roadrunners Club (NCRC) in Raleigh, NC. As a club we made a commitment to following the RRCA guideline of a no-headphones policy in our races. Over the next four years the implementation was honed and perfected. Today NCRC enjoys a nearly perfect compliance with the headphone ban, minimal controversy, and overall safer and more enjoyable races. And despite worries in our sport that a no-headphones policy will negatively affect runner turnout, today NCRC races are larger and more successful than ever. What follow are the three key steps that clubs can take to a pain-free implementation of a no-headphone race policy. 1. Decide your policy and consequences for violation First part is simple: make your commitment to banning headphones in your races and to seeing the policy through any initial bumps or resistance. For most clubs, the easiest language is to say, “The use of headphones is prohibited in our race for safety reasons.” My advice is that with the shifting rules in the running governing bodies and different insurance conditions, avoid trying to point at rules or insurance as external justification. Keep the message simple. The next part is the one you want to discuss. What should be the consequences for a violation? In most of our NCRC races a headphone user is immediately disqualified (DQ) and does not receive a race time or place. Some of our race directors feel strongly enough about the issue that they will permanently ban any violators from running in future races. The important part is to make the consequences something that you can and will follow through on. 2. Communicate, communicate, communicate Your headphone policy and consequences for violation should be prominently communicated anywhere detailed information on your race is featured, including: your race brochure, application waiver, race poster, web page, and online registration page. Remember to communicate at your race site as well. Our club had signs made for placement at the parking lot entrances to communicate the headphone ban and to be placed on the registration tables. You could even have a “headphone check” (i.e., cardboard box with plastic bags and a pen to label the bag with the owner’s name) remember to collect just the inexpensive headphones (not the expensive music player). CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 !


THREE STEPS TO A PAIN-FREE IMPLEMENTION OF A NO HEADPHONE RACE POLICY CONCLUDED Be sure to have several announcements about the headphone ban made by your PA announcer, including one final announcement right before the start. One additional touch you might consider is to have club members walk through the field before the start to politely mention the ban to anyone still wearing headphones – they probably never heard the announcement of course! 3. Enforce your policy All will be for naught if you fail to enforce your policy. Because we took the measures in steps one and two, as a race director I only had to DQ one person over three years. Her response to me was “But NOBODY actually enforces that rule!” Trust me, to get compliance the word needs to get out that you are serious. But, once the word does get out, your job becomes much easier. The simplest way to enforce your policy is to station special course monitors to look for headphone violators and to note their race numbers. Once the monitors return to the finish line, they turn in the race numbers of the violators to the timing company to DQ those runners. If you are short on volunteers, one monitor a short distance from the finish line will catch most violators, but ideally you want a monitor at start, finish and at several points on the race course. Should you get complaints from a user who is DQ’d, our experience is that you must avoid over explaining the policy and that the race director should field all complaints. A race director is well served to keep their response brief and to the point: “As director of this race it was my judgment that headphone use would create a safety issue and as a result our policy was no-headphones for this race with a penalty of disqualification for violation. We communicated that policy in the race brochure, on the website, in the application waiver, made four PA announcements, and had signage in the parking lot and at the registration tables. I had no choice but to disqualify you for violating the no-headphones policy which we more than adequately communicated to all participants.” Avoid getting into an argument or defending your decision – it is your race, and it is your responsibility to provide a safe experience for your runners. And that’s it. Three simple steps, but effective ones to implementing a pain-free no-headphones race policy. Through clear communication to our participants and commitment to seeing the policy through we have had minimal complaints from runners. In fact, we have had many compliments reflecting runners’ appreciation of being able to race without any of the safety problems associated with headphone use. Our experience at NCRC has been very positive, and we hope other clubs can benefit from what we learned.

RRCA GUIDELINE ON THE USE OF PERSONAL MUSIC DEVICES IN EVENTS The RRCA understands that enforcement of a headphone ban or discouraging headphone use can be a challenge for race directors, especially for races that exceed several thousand runners. On January 17, 2009, the RRCA Board of Directors met in open session to discuss the practice of active promotion of headphone friendly events. Under the advisement of the RRCA Insurance broker, and on behalf of the insurance underwriter, the RRCA Board of Directors unanimously passed a policy stating that RRCA members taking advantage of the group liability and Directors & Officers insurance program may not actively promote that headphones are welcome at RRCA insured events. Meaning RRCA members utilizing the insurance program should not engage in marketing campaigns that invite people to run in their events or group runs while wearing headphones. Read more about the RRCA Guideline on personal music devices at www.rrca.org/event-directors/guidelinesfor-safe-events/. !



This article, by Jean Knaack, first appeared in the Fall 2008 issue of Inside Track. After receiving a reminder letter from ASCAP in June, we felt it was important to remind our members to comply and properly license music for events.

An RRCA member contacted me regarding a phone call they received from the licensing manager for the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP). This phone call was followed up by a licensing agreement from ASCAP. The member questioned if this was this legit? “It’s the first I’ve heard of this in 30 years of putting on the race,” he exclaimed. The answer to the question is simple. Yes, licensing music is legitimate and more important, if you plan on playing music at your event you could be subject to fines, or even worse - a lawsuit, if you do not have a music license. According to ASCAP, music is valuable intellectual property. Ownership of this property remains with those who create it. In order to perform or play copyrighted music lawfully for the entertainment of others, you must obtain permission from the copyright owners or their representatives, such as ASCAP. If you plan on playing music at your event, you need to obtain public performance rights to play recorded music. Just because you own a CD, or have created a mixed CD, or an MP3 play-list of your favorite pre and post race tunes does not give you the right to play it publically. If you have been playing music at your events for years without a music license, don’t panic. Obtaining a music license is neither complicated nor is it terribly expensive. Public performance rights licensing is managed by two organizations, ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) and BMI (Broadcast Music Incorporated). The ASCAP blanket license agreement is the most convenient and economical way to obtain permission to publicly perform any and all of the millions of copyrighted musical works in the vast ASCAP repertory, which boasts over 330,000 songwriters. Unfortunately, the RRCA cannot act as an agent for our members with ASCAP. So RRCA members that want to play music at their event will need to contact either ASCAP or BMI to obtain a blanket license agreement. The fees are reasonable to obtain a one-day license and are based on expected number of people that will be part of the event. This includes runners and spectators. RRCA members are encouraged to contact ASCAP or BMI for more information about obtaining public performance rights for music played at events. Find them at: www.ascap.com/licensing/ www.bmi.com/licensing/ !


RRCA CONVENTION INSPIRES AND EDUCATES SEASONED CLUB PRESIDENT! By David Puritan, From the President’s Note in the May/June 2010 issue of the Huntsville Track Club (HTC) Newsletter. David Purintan was the 2009 RRCA Outstanding Club President of the Year.

Recently I attended the RRCA National Convention in Lakeland, FL. This is the seventh convention I’ve attended as the Huntsville Track Club’s representative. Each convention has been unique, because of either the location, one of our club members winning a national award, or some major conflict within the organization. This year was no exception. Fortunately, the RRCA is back on track and running smoothly (no pun intended). While I will always remember the 2010 convention for the national award I received for being Club President of the Year for our wonderful running club, the uniqueness of this convention was the new information that I took away from the seminars. It is hard to believe that after attending six previous conventions that one could learn anything new about running or more specifically managing a running club and putting on safe, successful races. But just as each year brings new shoe technologies and updated colors, so too does it bring changes in technology that we use at races, changes in the ways we are allowed to operate as a nonprofit, and of course the new information about liability insurance. The insurance seminar has become so important that it is now held so that all attendees are present. This seminar is always an eye opener. Between the stories of reasons a club can lose their insurance for poor decision making to the stories about those mired in litigation for no other reason than they happened to be a running club hosting an event named in a lawsuit, this seminar should be a wakeup call to any club officer or race director. CONTINUED ON PAGE 13

Join us for the 53rd Annual RRCA Convention in Fredericksburg, VA May12-15, 2011 The magnificent City of Fredericksburg is awaiting your arrival. The city boasts a 40-block historical district filled with shops, restaurants, museums, art galleries, and more. Visit the city that was home to our nation’s first presidential family -- both George Washington’s mother and sister had homes located in what is now the center of the historic district. Experience the Civil War-era and the Battle of Fredericksburg through local battlefields, military cemeteries and monuments. While at the RRCA convention, enjoy these historical sites during a morning run or while participating in the 2011 Marine Corps Historic Half marathon. Network with hundreds of leaders in the running community and enjoy social and educational events. Registration cost is $250 per person through April 1, 2011. Convention registration includes: shirt, workshops, meetings, Welcome Reception, and the National Running Awards banquet. Additional package is only $100 and includes the Friday lunch and dinner and Saturday lunch. Total registration is only $350! Host hotel room rates are $125 - $165 per night.

For complete RRCA Convention details and to register today visit www.RRCAConvention.org.






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Schedule the first board meeting. It is important that the president or chairperson of the board does not allow too much time to pass between the date of the election and the first meeting. The first meeting is a good time to have a discussion on expectations of how meetings will be run, how discussions and disagreements will be managed, and other items that will help establish the expectations of the president and the board as a whole. Each board member should be supplied with a board handbook. Be sure to schedule future board meetings during this meeting and encourage attendance. Reach out to the members. Reaching out to the members of the club as soon as possible is an important step in keeping the members engaged throughout the leadership transition. The first outreach effort can be a simple email of thank you for being elected into the position. This is also a great opportunity to put out a call for volunteers. Then continue to engage with the members by writing regular president’s letters or reports on behalf of the board in the club’s newsletters, emails, Facebook pages, etc. Contact the RRCA. New club presidents serve as the primary contact to the RRCA, or the club president can delegate this role to the treasurer, or to an RRCA liaison. It is important that the president contact the RRCA national office as soon as possible to ensure the most-up-to-date contact information for the club is on file with the RRCA if the primary contact will change with the new president. Appoint people to key positions. Work with the board to appoint or reappoint people to standing committees or important volunteer positions in the club such as website, membership, volunteer, races, social, etc. Unless otherwise stipulated in the club’s bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order outlines that committees dissolve and should be reappoint annually with each new election cycle of a board of directors to avoid any confusion about committee appointment terms. Plan for the coming year or term of office for the board. Begin preparing for the next year’s budget. Work with the board to outline the status of current programs and events and outline plans or objectives for new projects/programs and events.

Smooth leadership transitions should be the goal of each new board of directors as well as seasoned board members. Many boards will consist of a mix of new board members and members that have served a few years to many years. An important thing to keep in mind as new leaders come on the board is that they have skills and talents that can be utilized. The best way to engage them is to ensure that they are up to speed on the inner workings of the organization. However, seasoned board members should also encourage new ideas from new members and not fall into the trap of that’s not how we do things in this club.

RRCA BOARD HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS The following is the table of contents of the RRCA Board of Directors’ Handbook that can be used as a guide for developing a club handbook. Section I. About RRCA: 1. Mission, Vision & Values 2. RRCA History 3. Complete list of RRCA Board Members (1958 to 2010) 4. Strategic Plan 2009-2019



Section II. RRCA Business: 1. Bylaws & Articles of Incorporation 2. Multi-year resolutions passed by the Board 3. Recent board meeting minutes ! 4. Board and staff contact information ! CONTINUED ON PAGE 15


RRCA MICROFINANCE FUND The RRCA Microfinance Fund provides small annual loans to qualifying nonprofit running clubs as determined by a loan selection panel. The purpose of the loans is to assist clubs with purchasing capital assets such as timing systems, timing clocks, finish line equipment, and more. Basic club or event supplies like numbers, cups, etc. are not eligible for funding through the RRCA Microfinance Fund. The Microfinance Fund provides small annual loans ($1000-$10,000) for a total of $20,000 annually to qualifying nonprofit running clubs as determined by the loan selection panel. Criteria for Receiving a Loan • A club must be a 501(c)3 organization either through the RRCA or directly with the IRS. • A club must be a member of the RRCA and in good standing (dues paid, bylaws on file). • A club must be in good standing financially, and they must submit a copy of their previous year’s financial statements or 990. Application Process • Clubs will apply for the loans during a loan application period that will be announced in the RRCA News and emailed in Keeping Pace. • Loans will be applied for using the standard RRCA forms within the stated application period. Loans received outside of the period will not be considered. • Loans will be reviewed and granted by a loan selection panel appointed by the RRCA president and cochaired by Bee McLeod and Goody Tyler. • Visit www.rrca.org/services/microfinance-loans/ for the loan application document. The deadline to apply is November 1st. General Repayment Terms • All loans from the Microfinance Fund are re-payable to the RRCA. • Loans may be paid in 1, 2, 3, or 4-year periods depending on loan amount. • No interest will be charged on the loans if the loan is repaid within a 12-month period of time. After 12 months, the loans will have an interest rate of 3% on the outstanding balance of the loan. • Loans will be paid quarterly. The RRCA will send an invoice for loan payments.

2009 RRCA MICROFINANCE LOAN SPOTLIGHT In 2009, two microfinance loans were provided to deserving organizations: The Tahoe Mountain Milers/Sagebrush Stompers and the Rock River Road Runners. The RRRR used their loan to purchase a timing clock to enhance their training programs and community based races. The second loan went to the Tahoe Mountain Milers/Sagebrush Stompers to invest in a communication system to be used as part of a joint project between their signature event, the Tahoe Rim Trail Run (TRT), and the University of Nevada – Reno Outdoor Sports Fellowship program who provided emergency medical response services for the TRT event. These microfinance loans are a perfect example of how capital investments in clubs can have an important impact for an organization. Learn more about the TRT and University of Nevada – Reno Outdoor Sports Fellowship partnership and lessons learned in an upcoming issue of Inside Track.


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By: Brenda Barrera, Washington Running Report

The subject of complete online race results recently came up as a topic of discussion. It is important to ensure that events have complete race results not only as a benefit for the participants, but also as a historical document and for media purposes. I usually recommend these minimum fields of information be included in published race results: overall finish place, bib number, first and last name, age, city, state, and finish time. Additional information may include place in age group, pace per mile, and other options provided by most timing programs. Media sources (myself included) use bib numbers from race results to help confirm, cross check, and identify runners in photos. A participant’s age, plus city and state, also help to confirm and verify information. For example, it can be tricky if there are three John Smiths in a race. In addition, many clubs and running organizations across the country use race results to generate standings for local competitions and require complete information available online. As a runner and triathlete, I admit that I jump online right after my race, because I want to see how I did, not only in my age group, but also how I did overall and among the overall women. Many searchable race results allow us to search in various formats. By including the basic minimum fields of information in your event race results it helps:

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assure your race has complete data, which adds to your credibility; if you have a challenge to rules or finisher issues; those of us in the media give you timely and accurate race coverage, which we all hope translates to opportunities to highlight your event and also provide you with material to show sponsors; clubs or groups that keep track of race results for rankings or series competitions; provide historical documentation/reference.

If you hire a timing company, I recommend you have the above minimum fields in your posted online race results included as part of your service agreement. This is a win-win situation; your participants will continue to pour over results and those of us in the media will have what we need online, and we will not have to waste time contacting you when many of us are on deadline.


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NOMINATIONS OPEN FOR NATIONAL RUNNING AWARDS ! Since 1971, the RRCA has been honoring dedicated individuals for their service to the running community through the RRCA Hall of Fame and the National Running Awards. Detailed information about the award categories along with selection criteria and the online nomination form can be found at www.rrca.org/services/national-running-awards. To nominate a deserving individual simply follow the instructions on the online nomination form, print a copy for your records, and click the submit button. Email or mail newsletter copies as instructed in the online form. The RRCA will provide a $400 travel stipend and one complementary ticket for each award winner to the 2011 RRCA Annual Banquet and National Running Awards Ceremony that will be held in Fredericksburg, VA on May 14, 2011. The nomination deadline is 5:00 PM Eastern on December 31, 2010. The period of performance for the individual being nominated is January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010 for all awards except the Hall of Fame and Browning Ross awards which are lifetime awards. All nominations are forwarded to the appropriate selection panels tasked with selecting the final award recipients. Individuals interested in serving on one of the award selection panels should contact Eve Mills at office@rrca.org.

RRCA: NATIONAL RUNNING AWARDS CATEGORIES RRCA DISTANCE RUNNING HALL OF FAME: Inducts individuals that have dedicated themselves to the sport of distance running. SPIRIT OF THE RRCA IN HONOR OF BROWNING ROSS: Honors a club member who is an unsung hero and champions the RRCA at the local and/or national level. OUTSTANDING CLUB PRESIDENT IN HONOR OF SCOTT HAMILTON: Honors an outstanding RRCA club president for the year. ROAD RUNNERS OF THE YEAR AWARD: Honors top male and female open and masters U.S. runners with outstanding records of distance racing performance during the year. EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM IN HONOR OF JERRY LITTLE: 1. Club Newsletter Award honors two club newsletters that demonstrate a variety of content, good presentation, informative and creative, and inclusive of the RRCA logo. One award is given to clubs with 499 or fewer households, and one for clubs with 500 or more households. 2. Club Writer award honors a top club writer that is an unpaid running journalist. 3. Club/Event E-Newsletter recognizes the use of technology when communicating with members. It is open to any size club or event. The e-newsletter can be emailed to members or clearly posted on a website and should be in PDF, HTML, or another similar format. The e-newsletter should look like a newsletter and not simply be a page on a club website or a text email. 4. Journalistic Excellence honors a professional writer who has made a notable contribution to the literature of distance running. OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR IN HONOR OF ROD STEELE: Honors an outstanding volunteer (excluding the president) of a local club or event. OUTSTANDING STATE REPRESENTATIVE IN HONOR OF AL BECKEN: Honors the outstanding service of an RRCA State Representative. OUTSTANDING YOUTH PROGRAM DIRECTOR IN HONOR OF KURT STEINER: Honors a club member who is dedicated to promoting children’s running and/or coordinating an outstanding children’s running program. OUTSTANDING BEGINNING RUNNING PROGRAM: Honors beginning running programs hosted by nonprofit clubs that engage new or returning runners to the sport, regardless of their gender. RRCA ROAD RACE OF THE YEAR: Honors a volunteer-run, nonprofit race that is safe, well organized, promotes grassroots running, and the mission of the RRCA. OUTSTANDING WEBSITE AWARD: Honors two clubs with outstanding website design and content. Awards will be given to small (499 and fewer households) and large (over 500 households) club websites. A top website will be chosen from the finalists. !


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RRCA CONVENTION INSPIRES AND EDUCATES SEASONED CLUB PRESIDENT CONCLUDED This year the convention dedicated a fair amount of time to the topic of lobbying and advocacy for nonprofit organizations. And while a lot of the discussion focused on financial limits to lobbying, federal regulations, and other details, there was one very important idea that was presented that affects all of us – each one of us needs to be an advocate for running in our community. The HTC, as a 501(c)3 organization like many RRCA members, has some limits on what we can and cannot do as far as lobbying elected officials and encouraging our members to be involved in the democratic process. On thing we can do is encourage our members to be advocates for our sport. Let’s face it, if a mayor or city council member gets a letter from a local running club asking for more funds to be spent on running paths it will likely get minimal action. But, if that same mayor or city council member were to get letter after letter from hundreds of club members who are citizens in the community, now that squeaky wheel really does get the grease. In Huntsville, Alabama, we are very blessed with the great working relationship we have with the city. But I also know that after some of our larger races, such as the marathon and the Cotton Row Run, that the city does receive complaints that we are a self-centered organization impeding the traffic flow of many for the benefit of a few. If the city receives enough of those types of letters, it would be fair to assume that the city will take measures to quiet the rumblings from those citizens they are hearing from. The city (and state and county for that matter) need to hear from the runners, too. From the people whose lives have been changed because they began a running program. From the people who spend dollar after dollar on running shoes, apparel, hotel stays, food, etc., and who’s spending directly and substantially contributes to the tax revenue. We, as individuals, need to be our most vocal advocates. We have a sport that can make a difference in people’s health, cut insurance costs for employers (including cities and states), brings in tax dollars to the community, and through races introduce people to our city. As residents, wouldn’t we like more running paths and greenways – not just to make running more enjoyable and safe, but because things like that increase property values and make the city a nicer place to live? As a running club, we cannot tell you who to vote for, or encourage one candidate over another, and we have limited ability tell you what side to choose on referendums. What we can do is work with our city and continue to be an advocate for running. What we can do is encourage members to become involved as advocates, encourage our members to write letters, and encourage our members to have their voice heard. We have a great sport that anyone can take part in. Let’s not keep that to ourselves. RRCA TIPS FOR STARTING A LOCAL ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN: 1. Discuss community concerns at an upcoming board meeting. Issues may include dangerous intersections, lack of sidewalks or trails, poor conditions on current trails, permits for races, etc. Determine, as a board, one to two community issues to address as an organization. Do not try to tackle all of the issues at one time. Learn more at www.RRCA.org/education-advocacy/. 2. Develop a committee or task force to develop and implement the advocacy efforts once the board determines the issue(s) to tackle. 3. Outline a plan of action that includes educating your members about the issue and provide direction for member involvement. This may include letter-writing campaigns, getting signed pledges of support, appearing at city council meetings, etc. Be sure to create materials and talking points for members. Launch your campaign and monitor progress.


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O F F I C I A L R U N N I N G C LU B P R O G R AM Disney’s Endurance Series is proud to announce our Official Running Club Program! This exciting new program offers many benefits to your running club for participating in Disney’s Endurance Series events, including the opportunity to compete against other running clubs for awards! Disney Endurance Series Events • 2010 Expedition Everest™ Challenge presented by Champion • 2010 Disneyland® Half Marathon Weekend • 2010 Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend • 2011 Walt Disney World® Marathon Weekend presented by CIGNA • 2011 Disney’s Princess Half Marathon Weekend presented by Lady Foot Locker Eligibility • You must be an established running club under RRCA. • Each club must submit an online application and be accepted into the Program by Disney. • Participation is subject to the Program’s terms and conditions. Benefits • $5 discount on 5K, Half Marathon, and Marathon race entry fees • Eligible to compete in Running Club Challenges • Two (2) guaranteed race entries for each race taking place during the weekend (subject to standard entry fees) • Eligible for select discounts on other race weekend amenities where applicable • Eligible for specially-priced theme park tickets where applicable (subject to availablity) • Eligible for specially-priced accommodations at selectWalt Disney World® Resort Hotels where applicable (subject to availablity) • Event transportation provided from selectWalt Disney World® Resort Hotels to all event activities • Group Rates available for Post-Race Party Tickets Resources • Personal contact from the Disney’s Endurance Series Sales Team • Assistance in planning group functions and social activities at Disney’s Endurance Series events Recruitment Incentives As part of the Official Running Club Program, we offer incentives to club organizers based on the number of members who participate in each Disney race. Incentives will vary based on which Disney races your club attends. Contact Us Contact Sarah Ratzlaff at 407-938-3826 or Sarah.E.Ratzlaff@disney.com for more details. Subject to change. All benefits subject to availability, and may be modified or withdrawn at anytime. All information subject to change. Please see Program terms and conditions at http://adisneyworldsports.disney.go.com/media/ewwos/ClubTermsAndConditions.pdf .


Dear RRCA Members, There certainly is a lot of talk out there these days about the obesity and inactivity crisis that is so prevalent in the United States. Talk is good, because it raises awareness about issues. However, if you really take a look at the talk, it has been going on for quite some time - nearly twenty years - yet the problem still persists and is seemingly getting worse. Why? Well the answer, I know, is complex. However, my simple response is, because there are too many people getting paid to talk about the problem and not enough money is going into the organizations that can actually address the problem. I refer to these organizations as the “DO’ers.” The DO’ers are the fitness delivery organizations such as the members of the RRCA, local YMCA’s, community parks & rec. departments, sports governing bodies, and other get active DO’er organizations. We in the running community see the solution, and we believe we hold one of the magic pills. Our organization is full of great success stories of people that have changed their lives for the better or people who have lived extremely healthy and active lives through running. Running clubs are major players in the effort to move hundreds of thousands of people every day throughout the United States. Annually, we are bringing millions of people across our collective finish lines. Simply stated, our members are the DO’ers that are so greatly needed in today’s society. We are one of the most important community resources for getting and keeping people physically active. So, as the leaders of the DO’ers, I strongly encourage you to write letters to your local, state, and federal officials along with leaders in the corporate world to outline the importance of running clubs and events in your community and encourage them to do more to support the DO’ers (your running club along with the RRCA). At the end of the day, talk is cheap, but action will save us all a lot of money on health care costs in the long run. In fact, find tips for writing advocacy letters at www.RRCA.org/education-advocacy/. Happy Running, Find back issues of Inside Track online at www.rrca.org/publications/inside-track/

SMOOTH LEADERSHIP TRANSITIONS IN ORGANIZATIONS Section III. Important Policies: 1. Code of Ethics Policy! 2. Conflict of Interest Policy with disclosure statement form! 3. Privacy Policy! 4. Whistle Blower Policy! 5. Document Retention and Destruction Policy! 6. Official Spokesperson Policy ! 7. Board Approved Policy on Agreements ! 8. Board Approved Reimbursement for Travel Policy ! 9. Management of Legal Affairs for the RRCA!



Section IV. Financial Management: 1. Current RRCA Budget & Objectives 2. Current RRCA Financial Statements 3. Board Approved Investment Policy and Strategy 4. Current quarter investment report to the board 5. Current year audit and tax return 6. Audit committee contact information !

Section V: Executive Director 1. Executive Director Job Description 2. Evaluation Process 3. Evaluation Templates Section VI: Other Items: 1. RRCA Programs & Services 2. Regional Director Handbook 3. State Reps Handbook 4. National Running Awards Operating Plan 5. RRCA Guidelines 6. RRCA Brochures 7. Inside Track and Club Running Sample


ROAD RUNNERS CLUB OF AMERICA 1501 Lee Hwy, Ste 140 Arlington, VA 22209 703-525-3890 www.RRCA.org


WE RUN THE NATION! BID NOW FOR RRCA CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT SERIES! The RRCA Championship designation is awarded for the following standardized distances at the State, Regional and National level on an annual basis: •5 K • 10 K • 10 Mille • Half Marathon (13.1 miles) • Marathon (26.2 miles) • Ultra (any distance over 26.2 miles) • Cross Country (variable distance; only one event)

NATIONAL RUN@WORK DAY Join the RRCA on September 17, 2010, to promote the 5th Annual Run@Work Day®. The purpose of Run@Work Day is to promote physical activity and healthy living through running or walking. Running clubs, events, company-based wellness programs, human resources departments, and individuals nationwide are encouraged to plan fun runs and/or walks with their employers throughout the United States. Or, simply get out with a friend, coworker, or family member for a 30-minute run or walk.

CHAMPIONSHIP BID SUBMISSION DEADLINES: o 2011 Regional Championship bid deadline: September 1, Make a Positive Impact on Run@Work Day • Plan an event with your employer, your 2010. running club, or other local organization. o 2011 State Championship bid deadline: October 1, 2010 • Hang Run@Work Day posters around the o 2012 National Championship Bid Deadline: January 31, office or town to promote your event. Learn 2011. The 2011 National Championship Event Series were how to get your FREE promotional posters at, selected in 2010. www.RRCA.org/programs/run-at-work-day/ • Post information about your Run@Work Day INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDING: Find detailed instructions event on our Run@Work Day Facebook page for bidding at www.rrca.org/programs/rrca-championshipand create your own Run@Work Day event series/hosting/. page on Facebook. !! !


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