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!n the Long Run it's the New

Sarap i



a*-!v.dD EL.AY

fraanr* lag'


lO '


No. 45

fca lrEri


5 ?ta!-.tcAf!iF r&a &{tciMs



7e1M6 4, :.'s!.e.4.. SF-p!srle!, !9j9 sunEcrl!;,r.E le!.3. :id ," rocrl ( P.!:i,-d!ed 6ontli:j S?.50 a rs:, 6!Llto:!&_. Xo*-. Freet6n.: c : !i,9. ds.*" 106 [" tei]er 5- , ko.4-!Eyj r!,;-.

Sultscr.lrtlol Ca i,€dD( lileee : F!s* KtllyJ 1? Arcl|e St." CoodbF,, F J, Publribs4 !9 Feir:ne pf,j.Ellllc Co,, 155 E. 15it i!., lqrloe€ll}nr;! ps.

Cortrlbu*re i!!E {r}iih? L:afa}et+,e Selih' Chrcags: .L-ie 8,i.,!!a-d.6 chicagoi Do! J8cobs, CreJeni Jack Pxrah, PhllaielpLiqi Ddr Fs:., Bo"toai SaE Ctrulbllt, Erooklyri glra5 5!q!6}e!, Sa tud{,l3uoi HaF.E tsddlch, Claeobclt, ii.; )avld Ler:, FeY lorki Btll Jl&e!oD, Balt!!cle: T€at Ccrblit" Iev !c.k: lll. tBiz Oll"er, Bostoni Bob Oidpbeli, arstaBt tr611 Farr€11, C8B{a! Sisn Plssnl," ADDED FIrIOBES

srrlxdar, cctober

ri, it59 (11 a.fl,]

E.Lat, I,oErreiLLs| Esrtuatr. Oe!. 1?" !9J9 - rordtrto Intel@tlolal

i€ r 3 il1c 8.16y OpcD, BlEh Park, Tor.otrto. oDiarl,o. c4rsca. aer. 31, i959- oibsE-fbloDto 14 lLlo ee Cla4rta&. 4C, Tof," O!t. yn",Opcr, :. 1959. 5 Flle lalldloap x-colrlrt gteiiEo'3d !y tesallc BoEina Assll., fslr'lonlt !a*, IrbllaitcLphle, !a. l,lEi:,





sept" ?, C6sta tege, Catlf., Ton Eyar ef the golYer Cltt A.C. {oa u1e {attorEl I4U O!€ ltour Aux and s6t a 3er{ ADerlcM Ee86r{ !D the proce3a. By6! 1€B 11 nl1es, 3i4 rarAs ln tbo hoEr, b€ttorius tha .€cart 11 alle8, 2rt6 td'.l6 .f Btu|iallg Eossi Fe@ A.c. rhe S€lxta c1g:'a va11ey Xoulh villagg ldou the t€M tlt1e. 30 srF 4<s 2. Usa! Sstgs[t, SCYYV, /o, r7r,!: t{,

j. Chqck BaaDar. si:!1t16!3, 108 1560ytls. 4. ItoFle Hafiee. SCVYV, 10d 1321 y':td. 5. Pete xltndl e, st.lders, 1tu 1307 yd6. 6. Jaek Fdrd.nJ 3c!-is, LoD 1165 yd.!, 7. Eob Cols. Cu1ler Cily !C, 10o 1089y8. Fradk l|ulftanse, SCYIV, 1Cn 983yds, 9. Johr earcla, CCAC, 10n 3 yrk.

6 aIle cpe! Haa4leap X- Couliry **** coNlEj.lls **** Vaa Cortlsnet ra"k, !.:.C. Syndari ootobef 13, 1959 t11 -4"t") + d1l.j open Budlcap x-qoultrt Peee I - The Pd-tr Maralhon by latayVan Co.tlaldt Pd*. N"Y-c(Ertri6s r!1: close ou Eorday prlor to - lhe Pa!--Ar SrcbaBe by ABe the tlate oI lhe race" lrlth Davtd D. Blchards: PWAAU 1 Eour F{rl !€!y, 1J FarI EcH, Booo l2t, te{ lork Paee J - 9 dlle Bul, Cander, N,J,; la 18, N"Y. C! xil. bc ac,jeo'"ed. o{ the 1"11e B@, l,Itlton, rlelc lhe daF c: th€ race.,50l pe. ?ege 6 - Iakefatr Barathon! olrapla Vs6h. i S!d[e. EEs, B!o.klya,]t1 so{. 1, 1959 - jt Kilo sellor lt6r. - Chleago Dov. i{€ets 3i r-couatry chaEp. scraich {11 AH) dccoEb€ DM lags a - Gleenbelt, lld. & alve!'}1, Pa. Palk (SloEsored. bt SE. Altbo[yls EC) Noe, E, I95. - Junlor 1t6t X-Codntrg - Pahe11 *ins N.E. 25 (I1o litle Chsp. .2?lll vd Coltla8dt ?srk (1Xo tloY. 15, 1959- 2, santor xei, - 49th ,{Erlra1 Dlpasa 8un C1rsp. (l1Afr) xccoDbs. (Spor$ored bt NatioGl AAII 30008. Tean E.-!e Boad :trlEeE ClBtj-I.I. A5sn. ) Page 1It - Australla$ N€ne Nay. 2?, 19J9- seblor Eet, x-couatly cha4p. (2P'l) vsE cort. (spoleored bt - Tbe Vlcto!1a! ualathoD club ?ag€ 20 - !,a111!€l_ord l/lbe at"Du4da8_ tr6v. 29. 1959- o yile i-r'.outry Sorslch 9a8e 22 - herrey !1n3 NarloDr z) nrro (11!-F) vaD Cort. (Spoasorsd by A.B.e.) Paee 23 OEr B€ders Take ov.r oct, tL, 1959 (su!day) Norlh AoerrcaD ta96 25 -- PNIIIMU 30 tr11o Eun nar.eihon, Ion!4€&1, Calada Imual chaecet Lorgrhite - 1atH116 oct, 10, 1959 (zPtt) Aeual lonorlal Boad lace - Detrolt t0 ldebsler lealr Around the Bay Paee 27 - l'l€t A,{U 5-$i1s X-C flandjcap 'Earold Beoe - 19 x116s, 168 tarns (Ertrles to J16 Gayhr 128 dlrg St, Hesl. HaEIIto!, Orlarlo) !Flz6! PLEASE! I€l !s kaor Ihor vou boYe tl8ht get. 11, v6lEble 1,959 -!x tFo Dorthr 1a!er oK euYE? i=i.:-bt 5 trl1e X-ColmtrT


rrAldlso[ by rsrayetre snllb Ihe lEltl€ of the raaA;.rlae fiaralbon begd &t oD v.d.!.stlay, 5€pt6otE. znd as sch.ttd.rr. bul rsther aer6! dars 6arttsr. Fau! courtfle! {lacluittna ceils ) auoD_ c€tl tbelr lnt@tlon; of Flrhn axre ur1es6 th€ staltt!€ rir6 ot the aa;athon b. chanBed floD 1!10 in tb€ attor.iFoD. Th€ feaso! fo! tholl .6no€m rq ihat Chlcago @s !r !!e Etdst or rr5 mrsl Augusi heat iaye 6lbo. 1888. Tbe tenpeBiurs hsd be€n !n the EldDlneiy! for nore thaD a reek. CsDatar r Co.iLon Dtckson. {flho c}aiEeit he Bould la8t as Boon leave It at t! lO bocauoe he hail been tralnle 1n rh6 nlddle of lhe dat for the part eeverar noEchs iE dtlclpallor of ho! (.athe!) checked wlth h1s deteaatLon a*L lhev atisclalded anJ knokt eds6 of a ploteit. But th€ prorest stood : 1ed by-A!e€Etlla a coatry Hhlch at one tib€;as noioil for lts good darathoaers !o natter rtrat the weathe. oonditlon!. lhey approacheat TeiL Haydon. chatlnan of Lhe track and fletd coDilttee. ilth aa ul l-lmtu thaL theJ leceive s cuarant6e forty-e1sht hours before tha start of Lhe lace LyE: rhe L€DD€raLule be 6ixtJ-f1ve d€g.ees. r.6tead of te!._ ir€ th@ i') so to he1] as h€ shoutd have, Baydo!, xho {as by this rlbe uD to hls ears i.n Pan Aoelican Cees, Ehrea up hl8 hanils, acqutesceil. aEd sald: iA11 rlsht, xerlt .h tha lace at s1x otolock tn Ithe horEtrls-" Th€ South Ade.lces retiled rlth sdl]eB. Tbs tlrsi victory haA beoa tbells. There ras nuch constemtion tD th6 aae.lcan cep khei the DoFs of ttre cranA6 res spreac. YouI€ Johtuy Ke11ey kas particularly enlased. Bhourlnq 'The, caitt oo thts ro J;hrri He ;rareed that ihls chsnge iould nean the rl]m€rs nould have to rtse at t{o 1! the norning ld orde. to disest thelr tood, and fulthe! stated tllat if !h€ narathoE da6 to b€eln at tlEr H.oe he woulal lefu€e to ru ia it. E€ t51k6d 3t leieth to anyone siulbg to gIrE h1o lheip eara. It ie rwored that he das s6€tr otopphg cba!-woDer otr 6tre6L colber6 6!plaj.nlr8 Lhe lusLless of hj5 cawe. the other tro Jlh creen alil 11 forfalone. asrsed rtth Kell€y thst the tlEe sxould sta.'r ls scheduleal whether 1tr6 ntlety-n1se EEE

reG?e6s o! s::ty-dbe, Teerarer rrlee ro rurther dpseL Lhe ttuee b:. oouldtL )n rhelp dooi ar e1] houls oi ir,J "ii;t

i;o Bhou! thlDgr 1U.: .E€U.r, !!. Barathor b!. l,.c! €tarrEd, 6ial!.

!h.Zr.o purrlrg 16.!..-0-,. ;E J.{a6adry af!cr.!roo! aEC *. air lru--fnat 3oral.a.' Fua1ly att6.r r.ra?&|, dit. eolsi.i!-!=ctesi€, a 6Eaoj t d€.ltlgoji.a. schec!-lef. Blil lhr tlm ]l th. d.athoa cnEaad ia t.a c'c16*\" aoih oppos!!€ calglr t€.s6il t, b+ satlrlloa by tbe chalgei st&6 lt ,.oulll eyoi4 the het ot lbe r1d-d3y 6h11. BilLl aLlcrlig the athleies to rire at s ro:.!e1 tou. ,ActBUy tl th. CsE6r BchedulerE baii .oaetteaL ary cf tb. r'@c.B 1D th. au€so alcs tEtoi.6 schedutlrg th. Ece lh€I blglt lBvc decla6il o! E !€D orclock rtertlng tlco oalt Eorihd *ru€r. tllrh the lll5t balt1e ol tb. narsthoE ovelt the 3€cond otre begd @ Yed!66day Eomtbg. K€U.y oll hlr past .€cora ra5 the obrious favorlio. trui thele vas soEe Bp€culatlor a; to xh6th€l' o! Eoi Odvalalo SE 62, of 4rg6DtlB fllth pLaa6 l.lEner ei Eostou thls year. sd {iee. of the 10,000n. earlte! iu tbs Sades, would star!" Hc obose rct to, lhat llft (sl1efr8 only serlous codletitl$n a6 eordor Dlckson of, Canade aDal Uelter leaor dt Arg6nt!.4. Dlckson ,as talllr c1o!e to &euey bt Boston thj.s sprl,ng snd !eEo8 hsd ru so6€ fast 10,000D. tlDa! arld helf-nalathon8 In hle mtive Argerti€, bui he ra8 u4roveil 6t th.

full, iredty-61x nl1e dlstuce. Also uproved 6s s earathoaer Ees Doug l(yls of Ca.eda, who had place.L hlghlt itr both the 10 a&L j k11o fecos. th6 other tso tDerloesj Cr66n anil CoutaloEe, would pro!'ably only be threats tf the lavorltes should rur ltrio ai off dey. A pos6lble darli hor€€ tag Moses Dwa.ka a baie-footed !tue. froE Brttlsh CrlaBa, Eis p.eselc€ in the race lncldentafly cau.eit the Ctty of Cldcaeo ruch erpel13o, They had lo baYs the eE lre loute of the couss tildt ee6pt and theB goa6 ov€r stth a fiaglet to ary d6lal palilcl€g to plolect"enose b1s lset. Alao tll ttr€ fle]il He!e! Plno of A!geE!118, Vltlae?a! & Subutul of CuaieMla, Si}la of Chi1e, fto!!€5 and ALvartleo of Mexlco, lhe dtartat8 gr{ seurt tlred !rt1l sevonteen ftrnutes after the Fchedul€il len olclock startlng tlne. Tha qour!6eD r.t:l14e.6 ,hussed. Eraund ib€ 400n, traelr onee rn 87 6€cords. qent 6rou$e 6 secoEd tlEe for good, d@Eu!€ ard iheD eriteil frod ihe tte{irs ris e


F*sp:i tbo south erd to heac lar ibo lfrh ad t llrh o:ae.. resEectlv6tv. orter &rire. {,h5 naJrrlny ot the racE 6bout rOO gsrd; eD:,t. Ti'ere i6r; tFo !4. to be ?r:r 64 th6 Outo. lbive {Eietr rea Cae11}ac axbula@es tcllohilq paralleli Lak6 dtcnlgan ar Chia6gc,6 stosltr aLtr€cilJ b€hltd e6ch rde.--!t ea6t 3143. Q$4:ane !,1 ixafli. Es nusl tsye lce! 1lke atellle {tti1 bsc qaf,leO drt hy rrlber siaada:do ror r!1e vurruled hoaerrns oq.r you; Ehoulire!. rurlners ;6 tr€firl l:r, Soidle. li]:e-L.i 1B t:iltr elaort nlh; Bi1e6 -Dehird tlren &n lAiln S.ri* a!l, t i rNr!6!s sele to tbi rtsners off the ouie! dltve 3r:th Dt'!: !!.r :rrr'ec .a 2rn t*k !ia.o-.!h pafk lLBr before rn€ t:av€r. rta00 N6ri., t!!y-- sBi retr,la 6oJti iu.s tc ao bac! Fout|l.-It ras at t!!rs poirt tiat Ketlet plck€d up ehs lacE !€E$1ug Solaier Fle1d rretli lhey arrlrsa 6t 4740 34r,;h" thele ih.r Ehoot. Lero6"'c;tu1nE pa;t i5 ili:Lus 'ou:d :td. T€(e Ll.eir'iar tum e-n6 h ad rortn lL ras lt{j_ey r! 50.J1 1Jro.a1a.6., b?cl t, ,n- rtaJiu. !!go- ar!tre the rh. rln:rs nif,ed tt--11!s wod.l b; r53t j85 yards arourl tjr tfe4l. in lhe ebout 5rZ8 for lrte fiite if Nbe Ereasu!,e3tadl.un. heni is acclrater. tenos €sseil 1! Heaillrg nori! t.rard ths alo'nicar eres ta.4a $irh Dkarjra ihrrd 1! j1!Oo. 1t ras Ke1lst h lro:t F:th ts.:rlra .t sL1va, !i?oi !:!a!scr, ad (y1e were 9r1t15h cdrere r'tsLier'.!€ alorg ba:e turcned at J1r2o rtth vtuadraa J1!50. the Chlcagd E1?er dreae iso lio:1jr had 1D co.t!o1 ar 52:20 asd the tr€:ioan6 lreea heltea irj rajt iof tbe !u!:B!r paEssi ih 5j;i5 and 56:?0 slth the red to paE6 ,he tso Argertl4ta.s curt across vultlr€s stiU on thel. shoulders. ihe shar! e.c.r l€ed1ne up to the Betore thed wei€ carcla qd SubuJ.rj .olk brld6e a^d fo6e[b:: I Lhe leed, h 52r)O srL 52ttl , Tr'e !€!t of tle ileLd foollshly t6L1ow- Shorlly befo.e this checkpolnt at ihe -np or a h111, rtckson was ovefbeac( ed rren sayrb? me/te lhjliy JFed. 04 rL&lbF buh ?ndanger rc l-eir lire6 ieyilg ro h}ler rleller.s made h:s dart'i€ ihroueh Lhe auroeoil 6 LrErtlL, doie.i de ras 11a.!. Hcadttre sou', 4B thel paseed the fif,et checl pc:nt rEck torafir6 ihe srad1u Xeiley besan 5t j kllos, l,em.a ba: .n rrdDt 1r ijo push the p6ce lnc.easrnA hri ]:etd 16.+l la 5r2j oile lare lf ihe allstanceB to 100 then 200 then 300 yard. orrer a4 were €.ou!at.\ "o.1oqed closelt by otDc, alppady rLlias efto6. Ban- \arsorr X€lleJ , .nl D6c. dcthcr Lx .r'J ! rb1i6ia. of i: ,cn 4 pi"ld Neh6. ;i,. ^a. tn yalds 4aoo tillag.atr and tolxe3 eiih fias follokinc ths rac€ {1th (en $rom sli11 BlLother tblrty Jar4s s!'perattnFi 11l1,rEois iM Eiler) & Hat ltlFrior i! lhen fror ajlca, SubuyLj, abd Csrcia. the tarterts ca. was ashourie.i:t the Aiuost eightt ya?ds behlnd ihefl, Corion pace. nfiy Cod,n he exclalned. "tleliqyts Dickron, aho laler, sald he thorg-bt the ruEirg. Ee,s nob just ploddiDEi atois" pace was exceptloially serere, {e's tufrilS jusi itke a !r6ok_n$ni'€d aloDg elrn Dcug,rho x16e1t 1! ee6 the itrsir M.atho!1 that h6 had appea.ed ,l:L1irg to ,rusi hi8 fort'$er seen ftrst trdd he haa! wi,to Dickeo!'. 3enee of pace. They passeat neseed the start.lelthoush and fi;ish ot narL!) & kllos q"s ir ,i:l\ followed closllJ bJ i .e su-lrtseo al I rst r.o, aa:l 4lvar6Ao Df !{exlco, Confalor€ and Oreen {c11er uas t.ave11i!;--ana be }:s rrarhe t'r}t c6re brtrg.4{ up raa! n L1r1t! ver'lrs fast, oAD-cl;ltr, beLueen, Dil€ p"c-J and bJsLard-ls clo're lre d:tve a"rd i!IteeD Drles, ValEer i_eros.- l unfetllar eith the wey these tro appr- sitendants lo1lo{1re 1n a beetei oach a Daratho! race nlght haye been conrertable they haA 6oheho1{ connaL ueEpted Lo adrjse th€! tonalre up aor.i epred for the oacaslor k€o, re!tp iA!!iba, LcDostr but Lo n; airail. iemo. As the l1mers noved pasr Chr(ago's raoous Cold Coa.t o! th€ ieb! nolth Eloe kss bar;1y rBture oD betNeer ,O & 2j tb€ fleld bFea to gladully spread odi. kjlos a!d-th. iace letrecn h o & ner-Fr Xel1ey ard r;nos reiF d o!€'in lhe tAEd was aR Eood as over. Th" o y ou.rr;;;" coo14s pa6t tb€ 10 K1lo Mrk whele s ras wheiher of not coldob Dlak;cn who @F lecorcted (although i! orst hav6 pas beg4r}nln8 to dore could ba s|le been abou! J3r3o), D{alka Fas 5ri11 to croi. or i1r enouph to @ake rle DslEtalning coltaci as hele SUro & Plno. race hterestiu. iickson had beeu,, Dlck6on aail ilyle Fere 6ti1:L tied toto @ove aFay froD-Kyle sholt1y aft;r Seth€! ae though Sla,a€Be trlns as were the t6!th dl1e, To the rear oa hln, Cotrfalod€-eld creen. Ebe rno tterlca!6, J1n Greea had atso begE !o nove s{ay Torles ud Alraredo, rere rurlllbq Ln tioD h1s teal!@t€ A1 aonfaloDe. Bu! !flr



oa1! tbreat at rh16 !\)1!t Eeen.d to bo S11va oi Chl]e, pho b€saa to shoi ll!€_aDil roc€d lnio lo.odi Dlaco by (e11ey passed lbe starliu and ike 30.k11o polat iE & !1Ee of arolrd 1!+1,.30 rel1 Itr f.oai. At tlrlB poht asrt liel8o4 elculated thai sirolld the pece contllue i6 Ehould res.h tri6 fi.Di€h 11ne lE a:.ori!d 2:i2, Snrh s6s .ot to be rie case, The eDa, hlddea beh1Ef, clcnd.s t6r ljost of tbe earlt' Etagee oJ the !ace, hm rlrrally conts ou! orouid dtle fiiL€.r and It- rar boElbtig to dBk6 lts pf6Esace relb altloucb tne teblera(teoperature ale.eael bptseen 70 & 7i drrlng tb€ !3c.). if Xel_rey had or a ltlhaltc io Dusil b1h be nieht have 4c.reren ihrt ?:22_ but he olfy 1Ed l:e1fer, ,llsc shoiit of a collrrp.+ Eloiier in ghar oi ti! PerSer6 i! rirc thpile c3oe.. i:re rAee ees as gcod ar borr. I{e.n:hi_Le, b:cl, ._: t,r4 iack, j.rre.eetins de!el.!n4.:s -eic !er'iD_rnr t. urlold. lli.k6cn !a; -.? ir ,-hlrl Fracer nig :eao@are ( iariag dtr_]J_ pe4 ou: di lo rlit.s, soae frie iinu:?s .,t ..f flrst. h ieca.ti DIaa. lJsr.i.r.-. or ' 1, <6cr .,as :0i.7 .",,:, srlu n!r11na 6c a!!rrxlru .i1r +r,_ sane speed he h5d. beer ruuiae ihe. he ras 15st ai j ki1.E. Sifvgis rrcht wss sone, Ite yias uo* fourth eail b;as was iltth io.kirr€ a$ t?jcrih he -r.,r:'d just 1! :ror :r'r rlgii ;:r1 r rst: -,, the atllii..i r.! ,.. itr-: r,ieCasolt.conlrjol: ias J1i',b -or.,r.r ]l s:d i,t,e ba'elooL d Dki.Le ,:in.-J .. .," !. --_ ed lry rt. StrdtLE. 1.rus; arr, !1am:. unjllse to brl n€ past!:?haljs Lhe ftnlsh ]ir€ ar the two-ihlrds lcrniJ the potht of Eleatest reakness in dv race. {elley roved past rhe j, r!t1o nsrk iL rhat ,as reco-ded ac . ;.J. )8. bu- d,-i^i more probabLy dae 2:00.03. fnis doutd here deart tbat he ras rrrdlM 3r an 1b.10 per J k!1. pac. orer iha -ast sreEes or approridareiy 5:j0 ph. T.1e, urFe. pa.FJd )t .. 1o- a ':05:L,1.6 .a arrnoreh 1r.6- {ho r-!e € ch:!L.otr.ts" h€ aas nucr ,ro.-r .o creen. -:...;';,';;: ible bhat hrs a(rul tiEe n1s.r rev; bee' r:qe n1nltes .eF-.r. qe sas ne,rJ to mutCeI al this point, iTtts tust lsbrt ry daJtn Conialone had cauat si1!6 6rd tLey pa3sed by ih::l:.:jo.

.7a6t befrrs th€ trm to retqn nolti. Slha besu td €lk end CoElelor€ heil foultb _o1sc6 tc h1esa1t. inror ras srhssll!* to ftnlsh and sa3 t61^A aldod qlrire t116gat-ry tt r4."e rr8€hr:D1,e5 n4 -rleycie3 iho rnpe,@r6ribE h1b litre a.otted Bfn'rl.e rinces itldrrt ehds6 rD thariais:, llre. Keuer las;ed tr1) kltcd rn ?:-4,47 aad it.-iBLed ln 2:2?:<$,aL. .:i,9 p€! erle &re"aaej !a !6s cbee..ed i!..btru as hA 6nre!_ 6d the sta4le bui i,rs b€a!! EEnr! . i! 1t fc! s l€st il:lisit, i{.sr ot th6 .unn:rd the tasd La! 5t & .,i00 c'r ftnlsbed nloFer pac. i.dlc6:1;rE thar ine su d.ri raken riB t4r1 tn Lh. laiter 3ta4er" tha od.y one ijo !esage a'krLk, rjs ;tt.v5 rhD eltered it!€ Si3dle .h.r:iier jrc .hcul.ter {ttk Saijltr:aj !f cEi.4trp-b ali ra!1aqeC a 19 sec4ud r&si ,:?O to lFst b!; irr iitil t.-:-r-. Cr'I $iqj,b oi r\s .'tre slt! t- f'aI?\ <a11ey sc..- -":e,Ll ra.e:\af rr rr6t na"e riade + r:rr.]{! .f rdar:i!: irc ir':i a. l!:; tei:q; c: ihe rl1,i Jlii da?k. the 3u, .dr. r,ai a.i arr,.rrrl t-5 iil.ler 3Ed irt4iened nir an lile .!d. se !rin::.1 oui ihei 1: 1;] :!.t, so ruc:,r th3 neet thsi !:iit6 aefathan nlr i,5e r3!l!,i!on irc! rhe 'rr!.:,s, Eb, .rirr6]iy tb. re8!h:r |r2c qulae eoorJ !.rr:h ...Dt.jr l:,iai rjatrt i:re .i.;i eap:ired r.trsidailaa iLe !.€_ aertne:-. !'es r-ril:n ai i€?rr e1.neri, loipijr: L.J,:, 6r.l oaa t:..: ?C, t)a, i::J a:tt il. ri:f1 r,ae .:si. E cr.s5".rd Dr.-1rs irom iir,= -.cs: !!irl, rretpr4 _i Lr..t ibd !ubei6. Ib! Cni.a€rc lfitu.e ihe iD*i det c11le4 reile.r,s wlarJry irh6 rst nlJt. licro.t for the US in rrterlatloial conpetMor i! the ldf<iirL1! 6l!ce 1i08 rohMv turee ruci th. rold iei-r dhFb tn !h. r.Ldul oli4pic Cahes..fier Dorardo sa; disquallfied.r irllih all lespeci to !e]1ey. h1. ?1.icry lD tire 19ti rrs lerhaos a Teatey 3chlevsneni. Ilet1;y h seif-qes qurie r1aplg oler hls v!4rc!y since ne had not tared too Dell i! hls prerrloli'iirierutlonal" race':, ta1liig ir ilnilh in the 1955 i,an-r\i ':iades add ?iaci!€i 21si et lielboume, .lirry Cleen rill reple;ent the U.S. io the (oreaD marathon ir, tate SeDtcnber atrd coldoa ,lcksos is strDDo;od to .epfe8elt ca@da. He day hata to bypass ihe iri!, ho{oye.! becauBe of an arch laiuy. Fron anabse?




aierilolrt iL :t!.af6d that ihe . naisiiloa oas :'un oif n€IL Fitb regula! rrii.esee4i: siands, che{lr poiEls erer:I l: kllos e*i tte l:ratt1. re4aa:air,1-y N.11 pcllced. {he .r'1, eo!?u€io:1 cde Eed, ih€ 6Dd te3 lha bures ale MbDlarce! fol1rqjry the lasi -ader cqle fec€ !o fecE wlth inc loudspeake! c&.{in the oae lare ci+:ar€e fo} roe IEcei resd!-rg f-Lley or tr! !5y lBck after reklr€ the last tunl.

J. Jours, usa, 9;07.8j 6, ca.Ie, 4.s., 9:08.0r ?, Al]en, cLila, 9:18; L l{as-

trotalhi, arg€ntt@, 9.20t 9. Soiez, l!€xtco, 9:lit 10. Calicls, He*Ico, 9r38" (Noire, the tirsi {, tires are .tliclal, takef, ott itre oillcial sheete. The other tory ar€ uaotfl?, caught by ne) Tllocor€'.relforunce in lhis r€ce ras 3daziff, c;E$ide.i!€ that he had rtn l}th :tr! ihe Joarom or Sunday, and had run a 1500i heat o. Uondey, qhile Colenah a.d Jone€ {€u e aresh. nad he be6! tlesh eEtt hcd any raln5 oa aorn on rl.c &a'ar jbphe loet eround 04 evert @tet junp- he tAN A! 3000-i{!TEE STmPtECqr.SE nieht aery weu bave taken the gold by Aln€ Plcnar'ds ned31. Tlnoco dust be tank€d altolg the Soldier F1eld, Chicago, tues. Serrt,l Ane!ican henlsphere rs nost pronlslhg lh!] Colemn, Universily ol Cbl.ego l.ack clrrb ace, won the sieeplechase Niih e nen Par-An recod of 8:J6,4, beating D,-acon Jones by e st.ide. The .!_\-- . ! Lrqst., .o-. 5-PM''&t! CqlnDS. old oa.k ras set hy USAts Curt Stoae i! r9JJ at !ue@s Lrres, 9.)2. 1 g0!? EUli - 1. Ceofl Vatt' Australta, rt 400 neters, colenah 1ed h 678, 26 yards, I loot; 2. Val 10 flexico's Tinoco 2nd. (note: diEiance6 Pres.op, 'liles. B"!';1"/ !.. o riL66. 1'<8 yds. cited arc nol quiie accu.ate, since I ri.i I, Jold libbs, Tacoma, l,lash,, the warer jun:p sa6:49!19 the tracki Faile1l I m11es, 1J99 2 ft.t 4. Dodg cear .o. ia6hinrlor, 6 n IaB, r224 yds. lap tines were as the runners cros.ed the siartins "aken Lire) At 804 neters Colenan 1ed in 2:18s, ceolf wati had been up in a1a6ka, thus fienaez oi Braz11 2nd. AL 1200n (3r10) nissins the PITIAAU Marathon ai olynpia it Fas aoleman, Deacon Jones, Ti4ceo, but he intends to run in ihe PIrnaaU 30 On the 4ih la! Jores took 2nd nonentar- K1lo Chanps on Sept. 19th. Thatqorea even.rA h6 DIll l.e!a by D_Brp Co. : J, b. l iroco forgr I pa" lja ond pu11ed even with coledan, and thelr lnterratioral marathon. Fron at 1600r (4:41 ) Tinoco and Coleman 1ed, there he plans to eo to Jepan fdr the Jones lrd, cariz ol ,lreentiD 4th. -4t Asahl Marathon. h11e tn the ?aciiic 2C00m. (J:J4l colenan 1ed agai4' Tlnoco l,iorthwesi aiea he stayed with & ahd Jones neck and neck for 2nd, Youne Jorrce Ftelds.. l,Iatt's splits: "lim 1- 5r40t (7,08) noving lrto 4ih. At ?4c0 Jones 2- 1t:28! 3- 7? r22t 4- 2)r24t 5- Zqt2zi o -0 r6jr s106 by 6ii-. -ino.o 6- 35.22t ?- tJrt1li A- \?t\Lt a- 5J.45 "rd -1oun. r close lrd, +ih, lTehdez 5th, (t'!ofe sept. 5 events) 2oo0E. l,r31k: 1, At th€ su!, rones (?:46) Has on the OC, 10:0!t ljvle, Coletuh 1t his shorlder. Crossing Robert Eend:'lckson. Seattle 'e .. r i . ne '8:1o , Do"r larrelt /.o.. .eo"f [att; ahd Cotenan, Tinoco oily a strlde tack, too tone atiei the t hour tun). 'te fie,-oe_ oro Io,E. !o.e. saLneo a ,l/4 uite wa1k. 1. E, lteldlicksont s!lc, 6-foot advantage coning out oi the qate. jurp on the final culve and held -5:40.8 lloood, tl,me - 4!41.5) tt dom the straisht to the last hurdLe. ColeDan htt his 6tride beautliully over r+ $11s RE: t. l/a1 rlesco!, ?r18.8t the hurdle, while Jones chopled hle stpp 2: BaFy DarFie, Liewlon xlnsden, !.C,, anl lost nonertum. They hlt the glound 7:31.1 (15-r6-o1i); J. Dave Pdge, SOC, to L\e-. bu' 'o_6: .i 'e i-!6!us .artl-d 7r)?.6 him ahead easily in ihe last 50 yards. Little Alfredo Tlnoco was a stronei t/4 l4ite au: l. BarrJ DarEle, J:j{i.z touah-'rjz €prjrr-d in lrd alnosr r1!!-d lrd. cills 8803 1, Bobtn Gafltrer, i,soc" ,:J9.9 t'th time undFr 2:t0 o l 1. !hi1 Coleman, \JSA, At56.4i 2. CiFs. 0onth6 of running. I Jone., US;-,8:J6.6; l. A. Tinoco, l1Fxlco.rr40 uatk (bor6 Lroar 1?t) 1. q ctx 8:58.0i 4. Mendez, Mende?, Biaz11, BrazlL,9:02.. 9ta2.2t lanilor, soc, 2: Jo.5 l? vrs) 2.J.Pie1d6





9 rtE

cootEE EivEA


ElYer Pafksay, cMdeD, N.J.

stalilns- tide 6:40 ?.r.. 6?0, cloudy FlEish ls" laD 1, veroon t4orse' srunarran cc,-78i6?- !!Qf s".aEu6, ?e@ Ac, 2lt:oo 49:cB i.1. liise !4e!vl! S-van. S1a@han CC, 2Lt)' )!ar2) 25,22 5r.11 Ac. 4. slh Jasc;ur;. PcM 5. Hairv Berkorltz, octu ac, 5Dh 53ttt) 6. tarri oerarev, shaFhan cc, 9Lh 1)'24 lCrh 53:"( !;rE AC, ?. Earr Solth, 8. Percy qllllaos, lJ.chesL.rlc 7th 5!i00 Chicago {c :2Ln rtr 9. P,a1pn C11befg. 10. PeLe i csqu^. utuLcâ‚Źch.d, Lilh '4:0rl 'lt 11. hran* KrI1r, Shamhan CC, 141" 50:+C d.n.f.- -ack ca!.J, -haunani Jaok lill}lace. UesL ChesEer ACr B.uce 1111!aos, lrCACt G'o. Erlsht. Mttacired. 1-3-5-8=!8' { Il;d Tcar.: l. qnanarrsa c|', r.c, 2-4-t-7= rB.. + sl*Ehan son !. reao rod hoaors becauso l{orgd to! Bce.


best Oilrpj.c CMes tios th Auckland, New zealard ih13 nonth. Bailllei s tlde E4E 2rza.L3" IIIi,TON, IE'J RAHISIIIEE, "OI,D


BOi' EOII 29, 1959".50 starie.s..


^nfust ul:Le6.,ref !eshdents served.. 15 pI:ce pfizes, 1 ire,n pr:ize, I ioeal pr1ze., sna1l trophles to all iinishefs. "rerF hmld-"Eve.ybody riltod ln l,lii torl ! " 1. G.ahan Pa:neu, BAA, 55.24 2. John A. Ke11ey, &art. 55155 !- Noma Elsrins. !;3C. 56:09 4. ronr sepl;iza, BqA. 59:41 5- oerald lr.:-'vev. lrA. J3:11 6. Arlan P ir, uiFlt., 5e:Jo li..::I:.' 3". ll: :::?i . '1!' - Aenc;_,":1"'.."' ? 2',lLi i.."1'#.,i'i;i$;"Tfi1.,

BttAYS AT T,IILIIAII TENNINT rl.S. il Oeo.lalelhtr! M'' 6l:98 -:i8 ::r.c. r, lr i4:.-t. ;;,j'.;der, alsu6r 16. r,i ;;;";i_:".-i;,. r1r:on. , P:tup 44, {FLgn as'our: 1_. z-l"n + I'[:.e 8c]a?. t.a-ra !',"": .' : r. 'le'. rt:'!-.\s:oun oh "s 5". md--r!T;T6r-iiizl:ti| 63:3? Pend';,61:l? P'!'1f,\' Hueh Huah J6scodrij, ,'scol'lrfj wtue I515' e'a,'a iverase) & {arshsl1 9ta?'a ;; i;io.o-?48,i iil?lii] i':l :;jg;I"::l:',:":ilihi;": :::i: i6 rri: -ll;i- .. : ver';b 4orea')- Brysn ".e.a."J ."


I ' -.]",-f-: : 'r ,,:!: ":,"i t*i:r;;::;:i.;: r'i:l li'ij"l""r'"";;"Ti: *"li*l::iiru;r,*i;i;,i,13' :rr-::::-:r,l:;:: :i:;; --- i': ,,i,.l i.i;,,* . . :i;;; l!, ;:ck n1l1iaDs,




FIIA! OL.Jti!1C DEV!LO!I{!1IT MIET F.S. rield, Ph:-a., Pa'. pug!iL 'Lh

i:., "f:!::.


t"";*t j,!l: ti;t1,',;3'";:,,:r!' "rl::i ll: iiil"l.[i:;"l i;.""!l'l? "I **:J,i,ti;l;: *:i:_itg"'#"ifii'?t,oli.n,7. *,", - -".""J':i ii;i!

28' Peul rrliilocr<' rrr:-' /1:00 i."",4. u."" of the asbustoEs .29. Ol1ie l'laMinen, 4qa 71rr0 5 o" ;1";:: --i-11! i,.}?3ll'Ei3l'3i ;";u;?u l? : ;; ;i} k**{#*t+r**',1ifl r:ic B;::: r dreil";.**:;;I?3; ;1.' i:;i ;;: ;l ::;rd:',l;s,'il'' li;ilrr,

;;;;-;;";i,ei;; are rslated.



iii:"ni::ll.lui;il::;'iiliili::.:',*:'1,':l,!;' ::i fr::i:'. ";'.iei33 cii:ffii! ;iifl .;*;i:.'t.*:::''" a. pioleer-'?: iil!'r'53"iii"il1i l3:!:

c K 1,

3:;"?;"'"' ro. ffi;j:;lir.Elijl,i::n"r J!: fiJ?'i!;le j h;s;;'-p-;-El;. p;!.i ;.i'.n, i.,'.c' A.! riaoe L. r'r-'rc


+a++**+e"*.i;.:lil;i$l:'::;:: .t, ".

if;'. fi llqiqig.:f

JETr JLfL A{ bolh ^overeo Lhe BlIl BAtlLlE aldL'-^. btnrleE f13te! hd Lhe ;aralhon nearlv

lii 2.



B3ii\3i3*lii'"1?i.k;+,, :=y-:!:-::-::::l:-l-"1:-?:11:l------------- ffi: {48 iin'shers) Tee. 1.8A4' No. tledfod Club' 36'

',1, ,,,.,,n0,,,,, r,! & irlr,rt:t \I; ii;r,l:r+.!$r ' E.: . :' '





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. ;t_ ...,i ,-.j. ' .r f ':. t.: i..j i.,.a ii .- 4:,"\:. 2.; .22 i 17 ," ,, 1 ,o ,. _. nr .a -i, , '. R ., -.. 1 /.,\ t:. ") :. u...r 1, .... i.i?..l +-jo.i 2 :,J? a, , 5 :oin \' :l r" ,..qIr J:i.". ,) )r.5.. J:-.. r .._1.'0 a.4b .rl c--:.- ':-:-rr:. ..-..r1 o{. dL -9 lries ro; ('-rlro, 5c. r:l:_t: ..':, nar,'t ..?r,t) . r. p r5l s res 'Aj r').a_ 4t.. se - !.!:6co - c$a!s .Jb"r. Do. t..or, i,,. .:"r. -.: .,v ouL;., tt rrt" 5Diie3 l1n!:tes 16nt1es 2t n1. 26,ites \1,25 yns. ',i65 yd6. 9c5 yds. 64iyds. 3BJ yds" 1, , :,.1. -! th6 . n r cr jaLrrc..r r.ahr (tuFr r., . r.Ua.! hosted rr, oy th6 c6r'.r,a. Ldt-e:a.r g:our !:-serr.c by the /esi,.eron,.oi

oomo:t'e€ for Iaketetf" Ihe 2-J-4 llnrsllors srF c1- udar iha Dorihaesi has s brlght iuture ir _roEe distdco r'giag, EESULTS OF SUMIIIE RUIIS




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Alf runs slonsored and elther 'ey Jmes Borden o. Nat C1!,uhick {lih the cooperatloa or con4uct6d both ihe !-.{ yolk iloneer club dd rhe Unliea A!h1etlc AsBoctotlon. nua :rm€ 28. 125q - Ath Aluua1 J l4t1e Schootboy Eoa6paut L. . un:--d A.\.. ?6:52 .re,., s.!y,-qa,!iJ.s. l, :.'"..!_tL:u. UnlEed A.q.i l::-8 46,2e J. 9otu a \er1in. J.H.s.. lq:18 -oprjis ro at July 2rr. 1959 t.n adua- o-e " j" iun fos n.ratrone:s . :Ldv verrez. :lj!, !'1 ,.1 r. J, o,corD-r'r, sD.^! ",, 5.09.0 :. rJsc Done.. \a?-, <:0r.0 5. NaE cr.Lr, cr; \,y!., i:2).0 tfr7.s: J,ropl e6, I aerchandtse pri:cs.) July 2!, 1959 Tro dlle Eb fo, fra.slxorers veroez. MltC. 1. qudy r! .rIs Or.o-.el1, Sr.., 1I:)0.6 r. _- - Jaf.plr. SABc,ll:0,.8 .. \a- c.!dtni.,'. N.i?c; j":JJ ri::l J. Jose Done., ,rwfc, 11j20 June, July and Auglst - T'rlrd AoEl Srr@er Tolr"naD6nt l0 ev.nis -algihC _!oo 60 talds -o r{o mj_ps. ll ruDers par!lclpar-d. rec61r€d Friz€s.

PoIntB 1. ,!r'ht' TLck-r. Unir-d A.A.-Z). \E'|..iru r ck. 'rlpc, Zl r!L+ Don.5. N].PC, J. JosF u. r_ hur xoleenr Ln,lea !.A.. &44 J, T-fo} cceen. UaiLed a,A,, r,06

6, coody {hlr!t!€ton, Ubrled !A, lj} -hoo.s. Uni;eo AA. ?, Tefypovet.I" 16[ L 8111 Urlleit aA. r? Fudy heniez: \Tpc, 15 ". to. Ed JolaB. Jntced a,A.. t>

at!,-cohEBs t&F !m, STANIOBD, CAiIFOENIA, iUCUST 29 4I+i- ?"! Marde,. scyv, r,:: r:o..g.g-Qi Jsci ,a.den, scJv, r:JJ.n sfrihigalS$,"8l$"fiji,:'S-?';?;6?i;.;*f€iru";il'rg;*.?"8,?,.?

: I




Chioaso, I11"

JtIt 30,

OeyclopdeDr t4eet6


f000o Sleeplechaser 1. Ha1 lir*ton. ucIC, 9r2\.5i 2, Bar rsacson,-Hobilr. 10:29; ?. Da{id Hayes, Pakcrsll€ld. 1o!16; 4. J1@ i{a!tLr, tob!rt.

3-n116: 1. ral Iseaceon" lotrEit HS. 15.5?,fa 2. Bemlo C1axt,on, Hcb.rt {S. 16r0lt ). J10 rtarlert nobr!. Fs, 16:05i 4. Ned Prlce! UCTC. 16:32. IIAIDICA! SIX I41LE CEOSS COU]{!PJ BU]iI Slronecred by The oa Chlcago Track c1ub.. S€ L!.dsy. !ua.A

Yashileton ralk Course, Chlcaso, ill. 1. Joe PruAkir nrFen &.jo1d A.C., 2. Car !,Uians, rr. rt Chlcaro Ta. :. Don Fo-rtz, Ututtached, 4. lhil CoIedetr, Li. of r:ItczF. Tq, 5. John Li.k, oleen & cclo A:c., o. lial ltiedon, U. oi ChlcaEo TC. 7. Stsn E1p6f1s, U!.it rechea, u, Daue Balod, $!eer & cotd A.a.. 9. Don liancock, Unatt:jheC, 10. Efnest ilcDo.ald, U@itached. 11. Berbie claxton. H3bar! ts. 12. Jin larle!, Hobalt 8S. 1J. Dick kti.q. U. of ahrca.:o Tc. 14. !oee. neFotd€j U.Tc, 15. Ray Isaacson, Itobalt q3. 16. Eay Me{zie! OCTC, 17. l,Iayne Dulf. UC,i.C. 18. Chlrc! Irloading, Cr6er1 & Cold AC. 19. Art oEohundro, UC1C. 20. Ed VaaderFeuvel, lnattachetr. 21. Ernle t{Iho1lts, UCTC"

Cltr!1a.,Iesh:n8tr! 1Cd!1tet lakef6Ir ) ,<-lii1e lr'a1k."3er., r-uA, 2rit. f. i.b"rt |lendrlcksoo, Seaitle llynFi( clrt, rrt:c.l.6i 2. !a!1 i cocnicrr, stc 46,+n,ii i. I.erln !e!, .-.oxra iAF Ctu ,7:0q"f. I, Don.rad.rrrn inc, ,?rJO. ilichlanj.r '.rash,, li,t:jl.i 5. ton Br.'fl, i. ,irn a;,)rbr llEArd, n,F.roa" \1::/?. ,rr!.: -,14arLce, rsrod" ;..h., , .2! 8. Johr !eetrle, .:eeitla, udsrr,, 5;:]{ (rlrst 3 receive4 iiorhles frqo ihe N6cee

spondoclg grcup.


A1i-Coners T&P l4ee! at stadold's Ans! !1eld, Stanaord. Caiii., Aug, 22 letrer Pa16 Ar:o HS, 4:2q..1!!j -!iIS_: b cmso: dorders:_i,4!1zoaa 5t. 10:4i., scr' Pr 41oilr9-j 1d,.p E!gts!l1q.e *!: )., ) q:Jo t:,t Jz.l

40:36.0 40 52.0 !!:' 16 rr1:C0 t!t:a\t 4r:1+ li r.l j "!:0e 41r JC


41t42 41!51 42.46 t 2t i.? ;r?:20 4?t27 42 t ,14

42t 30

43.14 43.16

a:20 IO:,1. a. 1o:l! 530C e:orl 8:j) .1110

j0:46.0 12:12.,) 10,20 41:00 3it:\ .16: i4 -:::1j 1...9

)tJ t,?u 7: l0 3:2c


?4 2

15 18



r,rl0 )i:r2 6rlu )'



)5ti2 ]4.2i





lrr:co a,2a 34:01 8:50 llt+c 10:30 32i4L 7:00 36.16 39.ra 6:00 ',aa 38.18




22. Reed wiUians, Lrnattached, 22 23. Jla Petefson, U@tlached! 79 24. Ted Sutherland, UCTC, 45.\? 25. Bon Henderdon, UcTc. 23 Joe Pruski of the creen & Cold AC ad thil Colenan ot the ICTC shared horo.s at,lh- CTc's annu8: 6!r ojle handI.aD -u. IL {ds pc.-FDr'.he oesr "i€to! both quanilty-H se dd qEl:ty-nrs-i ,E 1116 fjc- y-.,hjqfrrl rarh 4a! Joha r:,rr of i:l^e reFn t Cold qC, !a_y-a.-Dto n.rt-" and.umer. reh aad a half nlnures lste. scretich iumer; a;t;na,r end !a1 EiAdon stalted. bui by that tiB€ Dlc! hsd n4r4 t].4n a 1s! and a haif ica.t .n l-he one olle cross counr'ry to.p. -1t i1e firiish of ihe ra;e Joleoa! lusheC Dast Dlck ix the 1a€t lrtll yerdE to f.!nls. touri! In the race a!t.i flrst tr.m saraL PiFdotr dloc,:r oI noL u!!ce cauFh, Dr^k l, terir'ng ''a4e da3 Jo- t-Lski ot 're -.-. ! 10 r . b..t h- .u: i f ..^o,Iy mlssed beirr c-ughf br Ca! l{:tt s, 4.. U'., aho.a" to; over col-maa & qlJ don ai!e- :o,rra1Dlr' roieDan'€ Fa.. ias ,:04, l-:C6 -j.".2. 2.. A.:1...o. lnd lo:./. t!a,or'. nas (ne 6de e^cepl, Jo. l0:JL ar rhe f1rlDh. ;,t: -a 6 e,,urrs nlr r0:?5. i5.)7, 20r4e, 2r!i0. aDd lo:r6. qa.d.caFp rT rn-nde.eaaentl\ ,:r0, -h/,r.te ;ss good srth e -ixture oa:ast abc rlor del.onir.q Ir roip.;er at Lhe llnish. The course Fas a littts 610r bur d|eh fasie. t;,n .t isuailv is urri irne or r, t.

t 5Y

Vil:ia tl$.s cistlfs&itt

BtaD F{cE

t4 s,Jndsg. i€Ft,6, i!-:i i-cr.errelL, rn!ro?r. st:rled rbe fa(e r1!t 4! alntshlna, lhe Bea.wher das ct€e' and rrt qulre a: lrrdlc ap p..qious yedl3. iia ra.: r; io /ra sil.-s loEbcl vllla. Wood. ''r-:EL rrl lou1d. p?errJ olci icgetber. th. i ntla nalli 'iilta tessAiicab"6i ooee oui s6d ltsietug *h. i€d been 4JDia6 tullher b6cr. cege! !r, cove dp. sT v!t]a L. star:or._ e4 at Flri arsE!, NlrLr Carcltna. Sy iotue}ly ron on ihe resi coast fo' ih.

East !!rs ilge1er oi_eplaas. sponror: 4reenbeit Aderican Lesiorl RESULTS: 9 811€ F* l. Sy V111€: 47:49 Umr... Fi. Brref 2. GeorEe lcu1ds. 49:08 UEtt. 3. Dave Ptsrema, t9:14 No t4edto.d crub +. Gl!.Iln i{ood, 50:45 Aaltlaore oj

," Jes6e B'u':_le-J0;5? P"tr c. 6. Den1ls Johnson,50:J8 phrla, p.i. 7. Vefnoh rTorsant 51:32 Shanaha. CC u. Joe Bouse, 52:25 E.0.c9. AlJo Scanilurra,S2:27 r11aos6 AA 10. Johh Chalnab,


AC Ir, Klau3 lra66€trt52:3r, J2:3! peD AC 12. ceorse Brom, 52155 Aaltlsore cCC rl. Do! IasLen, 5l:07 CCC 14. Birl Cocle,Jr, !,TexaE lJ. Bob cha@bels, 53:46 54133 shsnahan cc

16. 17. 1b" 19. 20. 22, 21, 24. 25. 26. 2?. 28.

Ji& l,rcDade, Jr:00 Daltjmore naLpb Ellberg, 55:09 ucrc


Eenly Yost, 55:28 Pem Ac reon Dreher, 55|39 Share|]an cc lercy Wi11iad6 56125 ttest chesle!


54.44 65t L7


65:40 6A.a3





48. 49.



79.3\ 803'13 !a1t. 4tt+5



SEren te..i3 compeieal for the te3m rr"opht. 1. l€n Ac, 13 po:intsi 2, Bdllino.e 01yn!:c cht l5j 3, shanahryl Csiih.lic Club 23: 4. Baliimo.e C?os8-Cowrlry CLtb 29t t" {est ahestel A.C. (Pa.) 41t 6. St. Anthohn. s lloys clnh t2t 7. dreenbeli Y.C. J8. Pf,lzes rere awaided tc the fllst 20 finlshels and Boulenl! key chains qlth a ].1leer ede elgravlng to eae.y one alter 2Cth piaee sho llnl€hed. Gas tlckets rrere allain siven to car6 rlth 4 or 5 ru.neri. Eeireehnehts in th€ ofder ol sandwiches and oreee ilrlhk wele served atte! the race. nace ilirecto. Varlen C. reddlcli, lo.ner Catholte Unir. track coach & now supe.lltendent, of Eecreatlon to. the cosDhity ot creenlelt,once again pro4oted aa ercellent aflaif ..d is looklng forwerd to an eve! larget flela of r@e.s in 1960. (85 entries thls xear. ) BOSS CAPIINIS THIED AIiNUA! I"qIJAT]!

- ? UItls- SundaX! Sept,,13 llaivern, !a. (2:10 r.J,l" ) Brounjrg !oss, Pem AC, moved into the lead at the 2 nile nark & went on to lower the course recod of 37.41 esiabllshed last year by nudy ttendez. days ea!11e!) hampered the lu@erB sonewhat & oaused qdlte a feh b11ste.s on tendef feefl Cours6; 4 t 1.? n1le laps..2 sleep hlUs each lap.. countly roads, P.izes: t.ophies, pLlques & nedats. Sponsord: Sieve thonas & I€urel circle neighbor8.. refreshnerts lo1lotr.1ng race at the Thomas reslde.oe. l,reather: 78 degrees, c1ea., windlcss" 1. Bromln€ !oss, Pei4 AC, 37.47 2. Jesse Buiaelle, leb AC, 39.26 3" Matt Sln8feton, PeE AC, 40:C1 4. uervi! lryah, Shanaharr CC 40:12 J. Steve Thona6, Pem AC, 41,22 6. John Chapman, leu ,{C, 41,24 ?, Vem Molgan, ShaEhan CC, 4l:Jt 8. Bob Chdbefs. Shsnahan CC tt2:24 9. Jack Wi11ians,'ht.Che6t.AC rl2: J3 10. John stokes, Sharehan CC 42:37 11, Henry Yostj Pem AC, 42t4\ 12. Percy IIillians, V,Ch.AC, 4J:01 (continued neit paAe) CInCLE EW

Earl Sniih! 56:50 Pem AC {ichard Eugeoln 57:00 ShaGhan Cc Ha.ry fiufpllY, 5?t26 l'tuttac:ne.l Jack l,Itlliars! j'8:00 1,/. Chester AC A1 Carrc11, 58:02 Baltldore CCC led Su1to, J8r2J St. Hnthonvrc aary rfi1ler, Baltiboro acc 2.. :afl o! s6jr., 59:29 59135 vas1. Iee B.s30. Matt Sugleto!,r9:52 lem Ic J1. Johr Stokes, 60:0J Sheahe CC 32. Uj.1L1ao Ualkcr 60:Il Ft. Belvoif Stelner, 62:11 N.a. pioaeer 13, (u!t go{1ett, 6l:19 l"l. Chester AC 34. Delq 6]:24 Baltimore ccc l-!, Irvln fiiuer,(otteekoE, 64:15 36, ConstantlDe 37.



t{ItEs- cottr"IINU@ ) lJ. Eell S4ith. Peb AC. 4t:j9 1q. Xen shwaker, stun. cc. 4a:!4 15. I,eor Dleher, shan, cc, 4I:10 16. DoE l,Jitch€]]. peD r\C. 45:40 17. Pete League, UMtb.. 46t!6 13. B.uce IJtUla6s, U.aL,AC qZ:2e 19. B.Slnald I!Es. Sha!. CC 5i:orl dnf - DEve thorpson, VeBt Ciestor {LAUREI CIACI,E 7

ACi Dlck Donohue, Eoston AA: Eoland uatson, Ustbachedi Jack Fa;cet c " ShaDnaa CCi 8111 cloush. shanah;h.

$ffifu#**€#l"" ?3i53;,iirt: Blrd-ar 1e.5?Ac.


18,4.!i r. - 1. E. l4eldez; xiic. lz!41: 2. ?,4.c. 38,44i 3. M. B.yan

::3:"r;i3?"", PARNEII,



!aan!ro!€hlp; Confalone 2nd. CloucesUe., Mas3.. sebt. Z_ 1s59 crahau Palrell took over the 1;ad flod At aontalane at ihc 9 0t1e dark ro a conrinclns vtator! over a rery hilty cou!;e. Spobeor: tsay Vler lrotherhood .,_ssrn. teathe!: Srley & hot 35 deAree6 {cLou_ cesf-r's Ner'h-r '3 rlua/5 -ot: i1 qurr drp to hc heat--Brlj sc r'("es n-. roo, advanLasc of tne cool surf ne-arby & {Ent fo! a sdiD before h^ aJ., ri.rsc., Tne.ocean atong the loure road racrrg even iouAher for soDe ot the enjoy ihe 8,0" ) Dr'les: el1 .x"e_t*!r. iseful dercn-rd_ ise.. usual delicious tish chowiter illmer for a1l f;ilo{ir_' the race. 21 pla.e prlzes--rst j ;on N.E. Iud. 1, c"ahan Parneu, Boston AA. 2, Al Confaloae, Boston AA: 1,29.37 sapienzs, Eoston aA: Lt 32.37 :. IonJ 4. Conzales Scoito. Boston A,i.

J. iJtlliao nurphy, Boston AA. r.36to6 6. sten Tierun, ro, Uedford C. 1:16.10 7. Btll Feenet. Bosto! M, 1t37 ta9 o, lonn Herrano, hm A.C.. 1t J8:29 9. Pet. Conuay, Eoston AA. 1.41.23 r0. Dick Packard. loston Ai. 1,.47.34 11. Nd Duncan, loche6ter. r.y. 1t4i, "35 12. Bob Zotlidloffer. BAA"

1J" Don Fay, Boston AA. 14, John Diconed.ea. BAA. lJ. ceo. l./aterhouse, N,x.a.. !6. Jio 0rconneit" st, Anth:Bc 17. Eeuben lieelou, BAA. 13, nlke alEelo{. Bostoir AA,


1:44.16 I t45,a2

7.45,0\ !,52.a6 1.53.29


20. 21. 22. 2J. 24.


Du4n€ aerchant.

AAn, 1:ti.18

Dale B1ach16y, EqA; 1:14.J2 ceorge piker BAA. 1155.,t5 Chas. Bledersotr, tNC" 2:i8.04 DM DeloF, Bosrob A,{ t:24.18 Ed l{aDhlue, ctoucestor! Z:rJ.l ! Local Boy Prlze - i5 yrs, oli

na/.e liotes on l€bo! Dayls tlew !t!q_ lanC 25 {j10 chen!tonship at ctoic

te? - the .Cape Ar:! ltarathoh. victoty by crahao Pameil marked the thlrd yea" of .teadr DrosresE ar fo! hre toslLion ihls everr (fifih 1l rj7 andinthlrd la€t rs6!l Eudt.€ 1lke 6ore sorr of ,ouird-ur toy soldier. ,'F roved 6troneLy th; oughout & ioo! rdvantase of whater fatlgue Al. Confalone n6v have felr after his flae Pah-AE alalhon be bul]dlaA a srlld leaiL sher A1 R;l .nFd e bit durtnE tho oiddle srare oi tne rE.- Uniorrolat.ty, atth;u ihis vlctort nay qe1l berald s far ther 1alroveDent tha, c!u1d plac€ hin elth our bent a., the fu11 nar. thon disienoe, selectlon to! the t: Olrrpic Tean lrould srl1l be denled hlE because herl1 ta.i! norit ct the necesssry itse rears U.s. rcsldencJ for .ltrzen6hip heri AuF ..The ap!.orlnate thes of the tea erE at tlve nil6s rere as follossl 'or.felore! 27:15: ?amett. 2?:50: 5€!!enza,2SrlrOi,rr.tpn ,:q r tb, . 10 mil-s, ParnPll, 56.20 wlih atou 35 yad iead o! Confalone.. 12 nil Pameu,67:10r confsLone. 68. oo ; Sapienza, 70140: tiernan & Scotto. 7l:50, ltlrphy,74:40i Feeney, 25: O' NEVS FROII ENCI"A}D

. A.A,A.

880: frrke rawson,



Conbtned Selyices 129; tt.A.U. 91 a Notlinghau'E [er & lnpiesstve stad]

D€rek Ibboisob,


4:08.0! 2.-F:E; c1. 4:0q.8., 3-flitas: r. "ri'iin r'1r;.", (erin 1_j!41.lJi 2. ClU1qaa. 1:r51.{ 1.000b 5c: t, E.c. ml1;, 9:06.ir_

HA!F5O'EI tr16i to,lD RACE 116 I11es .1030

yds) r. co11, KeFba11, 1:z?,51 shaw, 1:27r5t! J. K. E€r!;-

2. D.H.

l,I, cerhany 117 pts, ct. Briialn 95r 1st Dax, aus,l (rr'Iil1te city.roldoD_ 1. Brlan Hewsob, CB. 4:10.2: 2, E. BFuer, lIc,4:10.r! l. F. "111e: Srracks, UC, 4:12.7i4.X6n lJood,cB I

taxs Frii i:Lstaed- costliued ) POI]A D 106 pis. cT. BEITATN 99 ptr. I crq"- i j-ri 'a -ict5 *a]c. , L lra irrda. nu-, t4- ytle: :. rrr_ i!Lljr Ft , ri! za:'l.r5r!rir r.:..D: J:^1.0 ' 5. T"!ano(lst . ,,. r!!o!qh d. ir ti fi.;: !rlaiel sta"lrr OB, lr:11.C (52.9, ?rA8"2, rt,. f-i'. e.s nFr= lc ( radihJ by r..6 :u / , r 1,'4 .> !.r i ruo: !, lf:rlel, l.c rl. I hj ?.1e. in t!r. sD!4lght as orttua1 rlillohec :-[!-l,"-tj '- Br '''u. .'.. ::. ilrlJ"!, sp- r'.r !! ri! nis .-.r. :err" -ri:r'r.Et t :. ,.)... ! t, s r'_q jr. -!- 1,e- .t,rr fav j'r-o' .d iiia€r.ld lC. r":1,?1i6ci, xL--, erF, a Fl : ci..e :_:!:g::'0r( ..^r.., aoljl.4, L 26 ii !:1.8e,9 r?.2) \1,- L-ye_ an, . -.-; oJr'ch & fi. e rrLt .a.orr ot se. foor-. "rl oL {6e F.ssec b Lne lJ "1)-ochnan, .! GeBeL H1i:k iJ te1.4s i"r go" 2. 9'rn 51d!r. U9. IJ:2'.3i J, n- 1.t j6nF( .:F. znd nrj, a'rpuot I ..98_0: '. F. I : 2 "rr: r. -"lL: l. r5'.o-sor. -, eobrcs.r, r:1.?.1;.8 j:bla". ,da?. !r;, r:5r.0. lnr, Jrlor a. ?. !: .u; 1. . ;e5e , Jc. rrlo.l! 1. vj." Peus.r, cb. l-i|-i7l=jl;i!; I:t0.1: 4. t!e Dla6?oe., -,,1.52 A --t1..j. -. r, l}aM, (. t.7 g:!1lg* 1. stan Eldon, cB, rgtiP.b; 'nd Day: sat., Aus. 1J- !q): 1. Erlan lrew2. Johr T.rr:r-Fr, C,, 28:19.0r 't. ). For, il, ::rC'.8! 2, 11i,. Ea^sor, d3, i:J0.8 Coger, !c! :A:26.2i !. tJ. ttouaC., jl. J. Jakubo*ski, ?. r,51.7i E, f. (azriery9" 29'7a.4 IPace! Hoge!, 4!38,4; ski, P. L:53.1 Elqo!, 9:17.8, r4err:r;a. 14:i:. : r'€r,). rvrab. B. & ,..r- BDr . -'.:les! '- _:;iinoscr r5r;L; Fer- ir iro roF ,te .8:r.t,t c-", t. -: oz6e, a:10.6, 1a3l nile & had a lead of 5 yds 4. t. !1ohke. r2c:5a.6 l4:Jr.4, on the lasi bend, hut Eidon caoe -ba"d !j,54.6, 18t42"4) ttoh'hc rrrarAhl L: Ein by 2t eds. t.OoCe S'chrse. 1, .. -zes/ o,1Dt. P. F:It:5i->--fi.;-r ' . i, ub,8r,E.6i '. . l000e.srchasei r. . --eurei, i'r, +. I'eF:oc', o:0 2, 9-.c).2i .1.apnbn. C9, 8:r..0i 4. 1. a:b ko{s],., " .8: , D.C. 8.,1L.) '1. q. eoetue. U.. o: .. . /r stea.ns, CB, 1.15.8 (herrlorr balked Iiritatlon "E&s1ev Ca.rn Uile: Pele. Clark at uie last hurdle as they wen:, to 1ed throush rAo r; J9.0, ij:fr conjo. was take 1t shoulder to shoulde!, anit lt ia lront at 880 lD 2;00.8 atu| the 3/t+ sas all over.) cane u! in Nlrh rlbotso! i! 2nd 1. cordon ?Lri€, place, l.rith3:03.5 250 :rad6 to to the 'dark ho"Ins$e!-19q_a-I.+E€r b:Jq,ci 2. DaF.k lbboison. 8:r1.6: 1. :e" of In rac-, :el€r 1: e. o, re ^-,John-Inderson P. c1aFk, 8:41.8i 4. 4.J, uood, 8:46.4, Iead, r'tth ibb;tson ani -, t. illlgar, 8:r7.0i 6. l'1. ttqrd. - c ose ar(end-,.e. Do@ rtc sbe1 ,l 834?.8 /!iri- tassco . obotsod he r5raL -aishF) BLroi I to ! . J_ straieht 2, J, Andefson. A:0).5: ,, . -. ^-. . " 6:04.0.4. D. rr3-1,.'0-. italLh, ; I*0'/,8t 6" Alan Co.doh, l}r:10.1 Cliy Charity ffeeting, Itotspu. talk Jult 2o - lr!, lli:F: l. t!:kc oFr js^ord, 4:0U.tri 2. Ilan Boger6, 4:08,9t l. Ha!!is StadiM. Aua.18- l/4 i.iilc: I. Alotr Cordon, 4:09.0: 4. B. Turne!. Brlai 'a.-, 2:'o.2; 2, r=1:-F;:s'o-. 4,la.7 16a,2, 2:04.8, j.09.4) 2.57.1 i ). s. -ay1on, ::)8.8 (Llr rr c/ r--o.o, ::<c.5 b. c/C-.v xood.:sor., )' Aoundhay cala "10" Leedsr A!.qu.t 3 {109 starters represented the finesL field ever asserbled in the noiih of NATIONAI CIIAI.I?lONSHII3 Ebeland fo. a .oad race) 1" Ba6i1 L. Ire$s Paris. lr.t t5-/6) neatley, J0:22.5 (record)t 2, Jolrml tr1ain l,lisoun 31.42.2..4440n,--q.i_--Q.. 1. lernard. Nlchols, 51!JJ; l. Peter tllkinsor. 14.28,2.,!89Lr r. Betuard.-:3.44.6 i 2. J1!+2;4. Ehys Davles, 52:ro: 5. sien 14. Jaz!, )t45.2,. l0oopSC. 1. Ameur, stke., 52t25i 6. Brla! cooke, J3:10 Belp'm (B",ssels. quF..!-2) 10.000n, !. Belgl.aee i20n auerst 15 (73 sialter3) t;;6;ii, Jo:02.5., loodnsc L.-E6-i'. 1. B111 Paqsey, 1:Jr.05; 2. Brlah a:07-4.- <ooom- 1- Alldnairs. l4!l" a cook-a, t:52.12: L ceo.Ee HoDcroft. llq!! eoeis, r':r.e..llqo!. verhetr;r 1t55.42t 4. Brie shave; r:56.01, 3.55.2 s{1Lze.l-nd (Basle" Julv 25-26) I0. rrrJo. He1p1. Serd us th€ college x-coutly Jeanard i ;)!6.a,.t0'od. - rd 1 ".:--14tr_t6 8ooo. l"Iagr;. rr50-L.:@8. Dr.h. l:<5.8 {



?._!11ryc!q!!cou''prDEvE',olrE'r 3?lfllifi"ii;.!:ri*jl'lSiri;.".

i3PUr"iffit*"3tir;+13i1li1#') i;i";;':r*i,l:,:;g+:*:i::..:i', Broadday, N.Y.

q.ffffi:. ;'tiJif"i-r 1,t,,*r.5i t: Ar

;:,:"" , r. ,-, :"-ji., 2. !. Dahlele. *rs, NI?C. 15iJ-

j' i: i::::j;: i:ir: ii:,; l;;: ;j:ui ,. J. :-"s.1t. :rfa^. lu:ro ,la ",,1::

;.";:. il'j.',1-


_ " ':,ji:j

rc,,rt j..

i: i"i'::, ',r": riii! ;:;3 i!::; ;.1-,-i-,-"u,::ar-.i'r.:"i.ii;:; ''ane 2c ,ona! so. 'q,.. Aqp B: i: "!l,l:i. !,?j: jt:ll 1;d3 i::e! 67: 15?!n! . 6zv L!. , :11-rr:'I; HdF io. r. ,ri.l,iir, ii"". izlir," i:;; ii:if ,;: J: ;;-i":.'Yl::: +:: : ;; i;;:1 :.:ll'"*; ):; l;it;11; fl!+r"*i;, j:;;i ir: :: ni;-,. ,:'"i'.:,:;ai ..ri: l,l:l:l.i;jir,e,i:t,*";i-F.i. . 1*. J. Pur?s r1!C. I?r41 2!0U lr i:: ;: ""li:r, \rP i,;,: ;:i;i i:\i iliZiii;,-f-;*",::;li"t}.;. .,r-5 ld,J9 1?, J..r..r. ,:31 ',3:ti 4'il '{r$!!i !'?s'A pur' {3.8 i'ri1: ij: ;:?!,;i;' "i";. l:;:tj:.":':?.,::'"u sundar. :':!ii. ,i ,:'res ni,ier:. :Y.'l:-yl"i:'":;i:''r'.'" : i-i;:'i-.".;"L il, .: .:.,,.i:,. :; : i,, :. :"",. .\ ",..;. ?:


"' ;;;; i;";1.; ;;;;:,",, ;,;, 4 y:'.--!. ilIL1 ;;;;;; .x rr' /i^dq -1-1,. ''- ,-_.i'-, l-. :l$:;i;iiiliriir;il,l[i *;": :;.;-:. :'ir,-;l iil'll .: lrl .:l ll , ; '"' ..i;li" i.;; "A




i:3::"';:tl!;"i:rf;i"tr.:;;i i; i;"';;3:;:";,:.:,:".: i;;it r


t;i'il,i:ii:t:t;:li:"Xi;ifi" :,.o.r --o,, 1^

';,:ri.l.:l;;;"li;iri;i;"5:;:i,. iif.ii{:ii!:;{.:i*"Fjt"lili:: 2t aiter., lle . rt, drs he,i ;t 10J1.., A.

:iriri['*iiifiqli';:i;*;i.yrt";:,"" iii!:il*jtl*i]t'*"rli:1" l!_ the -et-!. _* .,i,y_"i_hr

ar crera I;ke

5,,ir!!s il!:i-:"T4:ilii:,.:ii"ll.liii; 1trtrm! : "":i;i:l;ii;"li;is;.ll"i.t; ig.T'i j.-, -" ::"i::*""::l: ;j: J?: ,on1y ri.lshe,s oui-.r a .;1d;r Tii"' i$ili Xiii,!ll -; ;.;Li,,, '"rc ;; ;"". "..Si.iiJ ;:""",.".," :l:1,^:: 1,i i:; ;rii::i,::ir:l.ii:,,,i''?"r;J:,:l it"";;i[ffi';].;;J ::i':'" .l:;;; ,ll,o" ;3.;i".;,,;";'"," t; ;,::1.' il. .,",. ;l;*lu:;,;: :i:'siiiii:.:,*;: :!:!iidlslii:i;:i3"t.i;":!'iff",;;fi just before the labor. Dav nsraae. raB el:tror, AnrtreM6 llrege!, too! d Stif - .'

;: ?i5"?H,;'j.ir4r'c',(



rurcqc:r.0, H- ..1-. .J ,: :; |1 o.rzr, r)!unj,r. rsrvan-RozBevoI€y1, H., J:4i.oi

!,.:ld?';i i;;.l.lii:oi,)6.i::e6;;;,"i:


'i::?T -i!"";" ;ir"

arnl:er 'o "o er -h. conpsred ravorabll

li*":;i,ti"*";li*llt :i,ii:,





u Jo-)'. harib AC,coacheit bv 14pertal6, had Lh€ 1or teaft sco.e i?. ; nr.a_c.\ra vElteI {ouah vrttese rsF second-silh 4j dd s;; Fr;;i;"" ii rilrd dt:h 5i" 10 l.d. tron;yiton lr the ceate! 14111 Vatley, flartn ComtJr, ,Ste-:!Alo srd ... .jr... f fi,. ra SqLar4 -ip.,iF Lo rse r1llsh cf frne o! n.lE !!reet. sLi;;r! r..-.1.. lFrn..". .,J','.. r: 1.-:.;r 8,.s.r..uo, sri"s., a";";-i;";;;;;i;"-;1:;' And tr.r ?"1tey ( .rrlrrr of CoM.-ce. Arr.4.jlr3p Teem.r6c:cs-_SCf-J. fl1ke iJ-u aa.! ttlhaiir lgloii SFAC, Etj.. Vtralit1, tlarh AC_ lrl:c,, Tr+,ares,,"Er.s -o s:t f1.rsner,.. n6rre6hreatc =efted iter tie rele. !:se l. J$del lmft. :E_:. .1":.r q.c. *ii$ord6n-E!'tLr,L



\1181 62'\4 <.1r! Ia n n.-. 5?,3a {opy. t4ar!n.,,:. t" boD ^eri,7" l )9 t3'j Uctt6.d-r .i--. 49:57 4t: J? :. ess. (trho.. "erle a.c. 50:05 53ta5 sr:La cta-d /,v! !. !ln-, 50,74 56r74 rrr -orda:-. /. {9n L:ablo vat. cc:, 4 50!40 54,4A E. Ned sar,'ebL SarLa Clara !T ! ic,. 51t!? 5r.\7 Hartr 4,. . 51t 36 52.36 'u. upritd roynep" $nta C1a.a \-r,. J 5a.45 54t 45 ll. Jack llafden, Ssnl,a Claad var;Scr, 5L,59 51r59 rzr rosepn Joman. artr r.C. 6 11. FraEl l,lulfrdgc.;t!1v. L.5 52tLt4 54,71t 1r, Bill earretr e. ra6"ii A.L, l 52147 55,47 15. Stao Hals€lser. UEt tached, 5 53.02 5A ta2 16. A:medo lapaz, SCLLU. i 53t76 55t16 17. Bolf Oordon, SC!'yv. n prancisco hade. sab a., 3 19. 31ry 56t52 19. Eddle Baoare/, UErtached, j 54119 57 t19 ?0. John Sartr. Sar FranclEco A.. t 63.24 x14. varln A., 5[r26 (.orr.Tlme] 54124 :1. Jack <u. Hank [oerDe!. Ulatt. g4!j] 47. Mtk€ Broilis, Pleas.!11l_T&F, 2J. Alan AneLskr, Dlabto iat:-col. j5roz 66113 2!. ken fior€e, UErlacheo. i?rr1 48. r. Forsyth, sFAc, 66z,l 'SirtZ 2r. lrob lLsk.pyer. Dtsblo va]. col, 49. CarI KuIttt, ?leas.8111, 6Z:49 ?6. Cha.les U@tlached, j5,t9 50. John P€ge, Plea€, Hil1. 5?:50 4aeln A.C.. 5<:14 51. BUI lreeqs, !@ttached, 68:26 28, flicha€- TJrn, Umrr.ached. 11,1,2 52. Epple Ferrera, Ma.1n Ac. Zlrl2 ?4. cporee BEtu, Jmttachea. ti,,55 5r. ul1llaE r,tezz1!l, r,{arrn ,{c ?2:1j 10. Dor [€LIy. ssnia ^ 6ra ,rrv, t?r'' 54, Bl1t HltchkiEs. rlartn AC. ?2:30 fr. Jac4 BeAss, Umttach6d. iq,)? 55. lttiert Eckes, sFAc, ?2158 J2. Bruce Desar, UBttached, is,+o 56. Harry Strouehter, O@tt. ?l:01 ll, Phlt:p l,!ooe!s, sgrw, 6O:Ze 57. Dave rcFailden. Ma!In Ac. ?l:02 la. Jln Ca]lon, U@trsched. 6ota\ 58. steven van c6ir!en. 0rBt. ii:03 lJ. rarrJ Dors€y,?arln UMrLac!;d. 60:i6 J9. r4ichael s{eenet, xalrD Ac 73rol, J6. Dace stoh€, A.c., 60. otls l,{I1es, Unatt., 74t26 J/. on GoeLher s€n Francis.o ac, 61146 62:1, 61, T1m Arata, UEtr., ?5.0A re! $tron€. cutve!, clrJ Ac, 62124 Jo. q2: Vlctor fiaml, Ilaaln AC, Z5:02 Hsnrey, Umrr€cheq, 63t26 6:. DeMis Selby, S!AC, qu. ro3 JeJurrLEs. "aprn 4,c., 76.2J 6jt58 64. Jdes Dar13, SFAC, ?6rp_4 ar. ualter Dleke, U@tiached, 6Itt23 65. J1u SoutbErd, SFACT 77r\6 66. Pa!] Colazzl, SFAC. 7?rtg 43, La.ry PIre. u!,, Un€tr;chedr 6Lt.j4 67. S€1vat.ore Lucla, SFAC. 81r18 d4.Allen-foster, Unattached, o\t5? 68, Aredo Alvalez. I4artn AC S9!i4 aJ. Leor_ Stioughier, UDaltached, 6t[:8 (Note: The DIDsea course 18 46. charl eE Schteac6!, Unarraclr;d, 65:10 llrted 6t 7+ Etles 1n one San Fre!1

ci8co ners reporl,



NATIONAL EACE suniray, septenb€r t] , \959 12 p.rtt.) ' clIti;; pa;k; eai'tii6."1-r,rdrsd" Esce Eul.E.-Not trian ii'. t:l De! oat 6ta!L fo.'on! aly te&. Th6 rirst ihroe (3) to rinlsh iouni to$atrds lhe ted scole. The total of Irhe posttlolls of the flrst tbree Deoboxs of e6ch t€ar sbaU be ttlat poln! score. The teaD dith €he io'esiiol;lpoiniiErriii-b.'-ir,o *l!aer. rlo 1lrdlvldb1 enlries-ot! y leans. p!r;os;cheploruhlpMedalsto frrst thre€ teans.. red rrophy to tem. 'r.nalns Atex Brecken.idsei Quantlco ace, oaptretl Indlyldual honors wlrh a tlDe. o' 8:15, 11e:'s tli. or 8: ]b Fa8 QUANTICO IIAEINES CA!.II'AE

A.A.u. 3o0o i.llitEB


T.& SCOT1IE 1' Q@atlo6 Uarln€s 5i 2' ctoss couiry Club, Tean a 25: 3. 4stri€l coeectlcui a'4. 28i 4' Balthore 011'Eptc cLub 30: i' Bocheeter lrack club couatrx club'B 52r 7' cro36 co@lEv tlun' 'te9r -19t-6"-cro8s rFa{ c 55i S orlole Tmck club 6:l cLASCOr,i EANGEnS


lbrot staaiuE' Aug' 1' sc.r:rand r'Titatl'n EYent6:


-2:l+'€F!.1'.!erek.lbbo.'6o!' 8:J8'6:


6i!iii'ioJi"ri'nlii,ajj'ri"n.u.-i_*, (czech)

ted si6tr"r,i. riijt.r.. ,;i,e11a ai 880 !i 2,6i.?, bu, a halr*ay Derek :,r,.t.o, aag rn ircn: rr -::".b. lr ihe Lelt altstai!

bette! than Bur. Grlets stml4s iii"-"i-ei;i;i li-il";'i;J';';;;G- ::ii"i"':'l:5".:,;"?:'!i"in?".",i!li'.. :e{ scoitlsh c,o36 count.y _Balrlhof,e,€. rear


iii::ff:":"i"$,::,r.5,L: A,flnlshe.t ruue!-up. 16, I ;.o.. rjat. iiii";-;:-;.-ai;;;. Balttdo.e olydplc club's 6tar :_. =ia, 4,oe.rr; iili*,ri: z_ j.-irr.":., -.;=:;"i. ruuer, Buzz sewyer ne$er nade rhe .:c-rjEr'4. i.";;;;i. ;i.;r;. race ad blr .ar btoke dom en-route" l:l!e Ee:1sior{i, :!r::ii. -:4t,0.. sllMalies: s ''lr ':' -i : ( _: - d r'r' "''"1. aler P?eckeM.tlge, alEtlco, 8r16 _ j": ir a dliv ! ' ?. rvtle P.Lebiia. d^rri"" .ler'o'r r. :i..'5;'ri,. ."j y99d, QunL,co , 9'rr{ ;l-ri", uo.Lru,o, !:52.. : ., -;ordr 4. Frank Pflaejbe. BalLhole 01!dple6 Oo6n I IaD SteeDtecLs.: _, -,or 5. Dlek svabra, crose couitr"v crub 6. Ed Ducan, Eochester T.ack Club "A, 6ffi5Ti1f,:#ii;fiitii:.. ii.". s"".1 7. Btl1 Posels. cent.el Connecticut AA

xopri, d,iiiti"i




6. 4ia.;;;;' ;;";;;i spence!, lalridore olynplcs e. Blu .b reolCe 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1r. 16. 17, is:

)i"il i!:l i

Tt:-;i?,1i":_^8t,i.]li:;;a iii'ilii.u iiii.i;,r.r{

Broftt cross Country c_ " iii.l,j;ju*-si#i,iij Le^ls SE Lh. Cro6e Countny CIub .A"". "'"'


Pete! C16u6s, Bociester Tlaek Club c.ot."r con . .CnFa-ktrk B1.k n.anpLon, Cro6s .ou!rrJ Club -^-o"Ell3iu,l'5i";.t{3i(i,,;,i%1"'"""u Spalt6, ? 2r/19_.,lvi-e: r.p. Htke SDllh, Cross .oLotry Club iB ld8er Thonag, Oliole Tlack UlLb Jln McDade, Baltldole ol]rDlc Club cutlsr 22r'r Ed:hburPh slPhrand e'F .;t r; ; i'";;;;;,"i-t;;; ";;-Don Haskee, aoss courtry club _-. cerry I'r111er,-c'.::-991+iII cr"t^.n" ,:iAii'?:'"::::l:l.ll"ig::ri"ffi'$.?" 1e. AA ifi"i3ti-,:r'ii,iIi,i-d.i"li-,r,i";-;r;; i.tcrr tetweea scotland asiL san Pe.etz, centla! cor,i. M , tncluaed - irit-a "do! by scorla4d by ihe cor_ Jln c,tzpaLlick, C!o!s Co,nLly C1u"..^-."hr'ii,ji'Ei;"i;_-qfoi!3si r. e..r. ceEe 20, corad cebleir, cross couatry club c ^ 8!<6,,t-Z:-T:-Te Rurrrr"-, scor., 21, Pete,roild, nochesrer rrack club uood, j iFoii""o Sioz.i, 3: A,H. Brown, scot:, -- Joe.tho@pson, C.oEs CouBtry Club A 9:Oj,Z.,t11e: 1. J. p. ande.sotr, -Lill Er!s., Frad< Ba!ne6;






^:19:: 9e!1,!'I.91'b 2+. John Gsinon, orlole Track club




rinished rhe



4;di:;; ::'i:';rl ii,ti,l"liii,!:01'1 . ;,oa.z 3' YIke Berl€rord' Fhe"

[!i.iil;l;]');""?-ll*E:i: i;,^;i;i'i!,


(etlrlursh nlshlard


(' ftA";. "3i*iii;,lf (s) li.oi,T.o?ff;, ) 4:10.4j l. c. :i^yf1g9'9:irl ji:;li ?li1)ffi.;.,il"i;:i:o, ;i;'i:5*.;i, ljl:'8S+ l: ll;:;**::' tii

+fl;Fi i: ;i:;;E;;.t:,d;l:." 54'5'

i:';i;":;';;:'':Y$;;: flq,r:6" Atsr&{r,lANNErs bys'eEp1sa4r {;i1;','3.11}i.l"illii#El"!i!)?;

for th€ flrEt s1* Dlles..loxer thsE orer ahead sreadltt to Hl! tn rhe rarher 610r rtDe of r:18.48s. vAc,Gis TITIE (Ate. 22, 1959)

1li! !iEi;,1';n.i;:,i,:tH;lL.i;:3;.


i!f.ii"l""f""f"i"i*"!il};ig3g'.";". li$::i.ihiil ffHi: ifi3fr)"i!,"'1,"

';l"riil";lEj:ili!iii;.i*i;":'*:r,., iliff{futf,ft,i3"!"iti'Jri";" 5: iiii if,iil;.'til"*"il!:' t?:?l:? ,ro,... :t. *"" ir'i'piir#i!' "r'..r I#ru',*;;lt";ii";;."":;:',1 ' liliiii8'"';;-"i'iiil l;';':{.:l'l.f"

jlill.l;"ij,"8j,".,T;1,;,;f;i:i:n,* :;3:i,,i5""!:;:""iTt"n!B:":il,"". i[":i"':::T,;":i"


he 1s



six-rllc s,ri


:*y"::F^,i;:l'"'ra'{ cr'srpiotrsh p. 3:;::: ;: ;:: ll39' ;1, J"331*"" i: B: illjii: iziz);;.,t.4f,eellrieldi ';:;:l'"ii""i:,;:::I;..i"i!'o,,,"u... -" *.^". li""FrliE ::::*r:*l;r "" "-'" ill!,it* iiil:ill"l ';:l;


i:l*lii;iri;ri;;;ii... ll'l'ii:i:it*'"i*:.t l:!;.-Ell?i:lliil"l?;ri,,,* "8+"fulim;:,.,i';;lrg1i:it {qroE sooo rEtFLr cioss cou\-ey Bn i:'i "::Hii:: r+l{; li"?"blilii.;.'r.]i.,'3iYl's;,ig:'r'



,o,oco r{:tnes


'iic'"tiiff:iii?iiBr ;i"ii";n:.i/1(13', gFiiiiii*il k{:rir !i:";;irsi*:"

mljT;fi;{,+;ii.!i:iiff'' :!ffijht+.j;ff:;X'ltit;i:;":i'. r.,,r. creenrl€1d. i:?6.n, z. o. *."", ,1f,S,:::ifl . i:,i:, ;l:::i: i?',":."ii3iFi"l3l,ii"8: *:!iij]fui:ii:,:;;jfi

:l';:ffi; ii :"1;:iil:,1;:",._ I;i,fujiilif:',:?aii;so'**'o- liiii:::iffii:ii:"r"qi;,;;;i:g;1


l: i: Hlia!;".'i?l;l!.


tu"t:"giryiil:i;s;ji.n.*,.,.o ll$i.',ii:jrffilldri:i*iiii"lliii"""


t{oME, caLIF. AlL





129, VEST OEEltAlry 9i, roscor, B/22 ggEi Adad, (nssB) 2, sc}llriiir


ii"i;ryro- insiar fmEi;l';: ;Jffet"t: l{u11e-, (l.ic)

li ; !3ii?''

i'ff ;! " r:$1+o:o=*t t ".''

1& :

i?!i!i:'satHf#;,1'"Xiilii: i;#;';,j;.P"



iilli;";;;iif;(viciil "t"5#ri;,8i"!ff::, l:4r.3i 4. BreDner, 7..,_irl8s5":

i l; h4#i-* i' :iil;:."ffi ffi lii; ra 14:34.0 fo! three ol]es. the!"''

itift l';::!;j.i"#s,*1",,?ii iloli:*, _r0:i7,4:4. fiu:tler. :1!06,4.. lq.!:_g:$c-i :. R/rrsn.irD :Iql LU5-\!) n544.!: 2. Sota.lo', iUS.SUl

_r. hdege:, (vGl


1:r6,3.. 2-!4!1€: 1. fiax T.!ex. sotnr q:12'6i r'

20.4r rr. Kteeretd

L':56.5' j. Boehle, t!'c) i:i-:.+: 4" L6uter! (vc ) 9!2!.d PINLA\D 20o, Sl{ifiiti )iO .oreburA, .tua. ?6 ./111 Coners, r4odesto, ta1tf.. 4us, 22 1, Dar ir'aeft. s. l:a8,r: i. s;lunr1!1e: !, Jack h:i2.8: 2; Chae. u00di Fb._F.,1:q0.4/.. jqlrjlli -- .a:orera, curtls, 4:1,r.8!',r.rC€n" 9. asee. 4:14: 4. J. L*t't.4i fu-ru-"r, !. 1r.16: 3, reallftel&. 4rrji 5. stu Folt, 4.12..1. Ietaagh, ". s. 1+:19.'r.. Aur. t500n. t.,Dar !ee!n. .,. r:r!.[: ?. "Z_ Sa16;;;:_!. j. j. JonsBor ! 3;rr6,8r !. H61,_ !&! IINNISE CF.Al4Ps. He1s1nk1. Aur.16 J!cb.6i estrdrd. F, 1r48.1.. 5000n: Huttuneb, 14: r7.6: seioraiia. Lo,JCom: j, sato.r, anta., 14:17. 9. . 1000& Srchase: i1!tanen, _'!66;-3i!-1, NocberB, ^30:05.1.. (ecudr€ feoordJ; 2. q loenebo o:)o.zi nolvunen, U: J6.2 !. 9.:!-! 5. d:4u.4i l. Teder'.y, s.8:4?.9 No]iIiECIAN cHAl4PS.

Osto. AuE.



r:gpg!.H""inei;"il-;iril8..*iooo, sc,

slirDrsH .HArips: sLocrho.o. Au,c. r6 .:L?:8r

$l!3,"iffili.lig..ifi.i:.ilj:.:T.::j BEEII]; Aus. 23. valen

r ljoon jn

r.h."*, dffi;/v:i:i,iili lI;i" czech..3,4P.2 i;i?::;"X'ir:i:'E'" ilil:5:: ^t99+. 1. i;;o;;-6r:j.ii'iji;_,..#'si<i;?: "!lli:,:::,":.i:!B.Sl: itis*i,,i,E;#;, "SEiIlT.:l31::; ii9;,12, "t*ffi " L, * " 5; "i:' i:' \t i 6iiF,',:" i."*#* I :, ;,.'. . Da, ua€m, r'rre.7i and


,i{fft'" _ffi-';Jix;3'"ii?;iili ::-*;3,ii;,f ,,1'3;.H;]_,,

:ildffi*.:lili! j&!?;.';:






#9*\f!'-rb:tff"i'r:"i:"hku rolDo' FT!e-BBrcrDE 'EE'T',rc ar uH rE Egiljlr.-i?;it;t;, i:ij"i;,.{f9B:,1: ;: s;,1;" !iay.o,'-.dozsy,s-rsr cree-"an 1n rrear _:ritiiii,il;;!i;.+r iijo, i:i;';i .,.i:i:: ;:.::-."1::. lljl qi;ri. ?;il,,i^l;,iilii!:;3"q.:,:0.2, B,."li; di;,Jj,;i""i.iii;r."1;,i *;ff€*_,","i i,?.1?'i'ititiiiSi:.6:. fiffi,,i;eil?":i133ff; i;ikl;.l' ". .,l?itt: E: ii;!l,f it"s: B;j?:":, tu.t : f!*+,!;:*:e;.t; l:;ii[:1"; 9,fi I5008: 1, D pla 2. ojlorobkov




j li. eirs:"ji:; l\iii,Z:

,.r, zry{' t. r. p"' z'


t. 5 t.

ii'",. z "'"'-.,



nii*l;#'ii:T*i;::!id[ $iii: Itax Truo*! Elate n€er halk ,ith 4!19.8.

Uttl, COACI1 :N i{081'E AFnICA A Etgml hcrc:' xas bas!o*'sd- oa a san FlrEolseo !:ack crach by th?Es goe€runs!1ls thls BoEth kheE \,iallt Roeb! ras *e.tecled br tne si:ai:€ Departirant to preqaf,o th6 !€aqrs ef Tu!1tla sa d3loeiu fti. itle 1.t6i 0l.tdl'!c B.ehn, 29r ls i!. carredi halder of the I.a.lttc ?-35.r1at!44 AAU c"ossccrutry a4n ai:. lecofas aha 16 a& as6l€tart t.a.L eoacd ai 5&n Fianclseo State Co11eg€. ge he3 r.'n for iihe Oilallc club durttrg ihe lasl 14 y€ers. Ia 195J a&d 19jt BoelE reptedaaied the 0ntted steios j,n iEtetutlouh conpetirio! ib FlnleA: O6mdy, C!ee.e, Elelend snd North Africa. The yeulg atblele will lear€ lo! funiBla S.ltenbel 1, and qlil eio io I{rr..4o !1.:.i splirE. Ee ri11 slso c^. 1;J! .04.h,rr rli..:ri i4 No,.fr:.s. l3oel!,-.oeeherr-$ rlll !4r-i lhe ent.arce .i '1\traisia ar,r i.iol)cc inbo ai,!1er:ts il:'i r !.?r.:':: r'Jr, iJD.i. "1 lrar4 i ir i! ia$. . ri.l:'. !. rnfi: r{..! {i:li." riarii r-.!ett. ,'!I4:..1 ti3 :".Jr.i: teaj t''r| ::lre irte}, 1:lr!o|al ,{rdlslr Altil :1 ji l'ener_5r:tc5 .Fr$-.,rrnir-! ,r nubri.r :.1 l.rJtl jts 1!!e-vri iea* ri.s mi. uF eu'rlr.]t oi .1" r._:ej. '. a i..j rLp! dor '.ne iorce in llorilr Li'rica ana found dy6e1f preEssd rore t'.a q;t,: b! h.:ne-gio'nr thrs !4r r+ smU adeissj.os for the oan {h. 3l 19 }sr lhe latio€1 lelor 3te6!1e4here ehanplon, Boeha ri11 go i. Thlsje ftde! s g.ant frou the State Depariraul'. irierBtioEl Edu.aiioa Eicharg" Se.!tce. !i1e tad1Ilex!it rlth 1r4a1 r4rdil:lons dd ard !itL. t: -relh :ollsgp rcnp iec. torr in h!n seleeii!.n, ile ieaih€s i.each ln a 3lmer school i@ eeF ierrie4 in Tangie. to a are&L iadter, kho laier dtd !ostgfed-aste ?r.l: 4i 3,F, li;eie end rho sill accr4rralt h:r..,;1is retun lo No:ih r',iiica. SiehD tinseu ua4 graduated i.oa J.j. stete ia i952. EOEq

l.rrNt -qlRlNIs Chieaaors 1ia1 i,llF.dor

dld tbe illu6llailois toiT?;flmlt's ere4t book on trai$iDg. !.od- le618 tbe look 1s actuaUy oore eodlleheseiye ana deblled than the ScEoLqSfIC C0-4CF revie, lt

roaolrctl, althouE! he taB qult€ Dlees.d slih iha1, r*vies, (Pobll.h.d ; fet( ilo?ths eeo 1! th€ LD Los.).. I'roild recoFil holde. A1be4i Thoprls ts f1)!11!.s aboub 50 oile8 a reek! 0ucb of 1( 6n sand illrtos, ald a lot ol snn {o!k. stl1l sllrdyllg accountaaclt ldd expects to be a fsthe! lt Octob€!. CaI liilllans, UCTC ate, rc.keil out aorlils corlne chlcaso ';5;3T-;-:te neaL save6 lhis Ausust. ca! folloes a cafefully .68}1ebed 1utsr'f61 prog:tau t lat day--zc t 440 @ 76, 2r qrro Jog afie. each. 2nd day-- 10 r 880 @ 2:32' 3' 660 log afier each. -)!d ilay-- 6 lo B nl1es easy jogsinA. 4!l! ,iry-- .epea!5 1st aaY. Znn daY. ,th day-- 3&e as 6irb day-- safl6 as lrd daY. He sla.ted thls roltine 6fowd JulY 1, bittiira ihe 4'ltors ln 30, the h;1f-ts!1e; in 2:40, e4d has rnc4eaBoc ih€ Fce ?ei,1oni.ai1,v. can is a stop.a'.i4b eddicl:i €1'elytll!1g he d..s i6 r,i.n.!a-- a.d ri€ does alEost ali |t1s

'.d!.irJ. o. i:e !:a.!,Fo.ier "J. or dL3i z!.e,Y.aL' ''e-Fv:r:.r,i3 qari, r.!r ll,r'-a ln !41o tlro.!1.!. cailr', i;r,att beeq dolia *eh ru:Erl1€ 51!Je !€Pcr!8 !!at b6 B.llqg *esrr, b b heqF lE tosi{dte hed : fe* {ort ouir sbo"e 81n0 fer! alilirce dlflba a cas!1rg t:ip rltb b!6 for chlldred, '



lecord houer

^?,ersedr,stele, ts r'rruine f;;;-EifiG:i iBc, b'ri


does ard 1s a deEber' of bhe 'roi Lrtend tn go lblo any of ihe lobg rcad r6s., Boeto4's J14 Creen uI Jock sesplers flblshlng scloo1 lra8 tbe shuJile 3ty1e and tesperaneat for sreainoss llt the oalathon" He ls the happy-Ao-lucky tJjle nho let6 rothibg bothe! hlo, dho iE et hls best rhe! the 4onperitlon 13 lougheBt' Ilr conirasi to the sly1ish Johluy Keliet & Al Conialone, he tE a !lodde!, a ibe Jimy Henigan strlp€ "shufiie"'of !? rEs plenty oj speed, hoN€!6Pt as !,e prcled Et fieedhan, lja66., July 4' {he! be rillshed lese than 4C0 yard. lehlsd ib€ lfylng Ke11ey 1n the Nattl. 20 ]ri1.r ru. de 15 nb adeertaous soul, He Itook cf! for tbo ltest coasi 1!| 19J0 arte! s?aduatits froE Qutlcy !i,S. in l.lass^, s1)eEt two yoatt at iontton Jeior Col1ege, ther tso dore at 1t. of Celitonda at Berkeley {he!e he took hls B"A, ln poliiicel scleDce in 1954. Fe Ls stadtlng for hls

F 1?

{!il!td furturis^ eriij.sic6n)

€:!sr !{er:



' , "' .,: ,, .,.*' riiql"n?,i$:iifqi"i';ft"+: ;;"f;i *1,:". 1 . ;;; :i:i.::;', 1 SsiiiJt'.iii{"i^"i;T;:"d;:il:"



l::"Jl. I: }l,, u;




?:i"iii,3l=iT"lk;..;i:,il:"1;: l;i;;i:::,:',:i;.-.:..




8:il; ;.'",661 ;*i.jiJ-,n;.._-_ cn.F.An oa.,r o" u. oili,F:="o ',..', ;:TH,'i"il".H:'iffi ]i.:::ff,ft;:*". (ourd ,rLe G*acrutlor aln up !n Diuich.

"ll*iil{::r":i.iisi::irfi!"li?il: i!-H-1":5;;;i"lrln#;fr"il:"' neqco@ers Hho hava bfosEohed thrs y.;: lde*he coaohils or Bob caoprrsr.L e ;l:;;""1":,.ilfu.. ;:;"i:;:I.:l;":.. q" re b.ii-;"d=i.i;-i;ii.]: iiiii'ir.. ##.;"::f:'S.*"18ffi*" " na*, url,i;gt,*i{:,13i, I.,I pr€oier hoDols by

!iit"*:**. 1960 Grainon

il8%kft is5$i.:i, L ila;i"ii:i:$j:

*ffffffiffiffi,",."," ;ff;iffiiffiffiffi;$*," In ,arrrra: in: h,;:'j;;;;: i; ;.:. 'as i,*r;im*t' ::;;:*:"#m:;ru,,_"". ;;l';.:r#*t:".;:".H#+.*.:,u::.:.*_ ;'":"!"'f j:,;:: t?':'igt; iti itfr"i" ffi9,:,;#,:ii8i::;,." !a'ins e-E1 shlr',n'o i:,*: *+*l:+::*,;:i"tiii-.i:;;# ffi"#:..(ilii,*?;irl;Ti! lili"i,.' spiri" i"ii";i;i."Ii,-.i",i-iil'i::,[;1": :6?!i";;i:";ip"ji;. j:' !ryii'Ei#t'tr#;T3"i:.:'"';:"" .!t*"Tffi#**.ii nusLlalja,





or ?

,oion or







i"" r9t A.ltee olilv to re-"r' dca-n' -,,r ieu"

q{: 1iq6*i1i!pf "iHi;;i i:;e:i!' ;*nffr.t"rll"{il+"rrillnfli$* * 4: ;: ;i;;i;;,';;irli,i,,o,,"r, *.iotji1" Il i; l!"1! i,il,"iill,;::. ..lj; !;"::: l: !;xlt"t:iiii,#fl:iit.", :.i;;it ;:i{, l:"il:";li ;q;.*"if;:,ii:. ""_ ;:ff,Eid;;ftTg#;:" i:fiiii H,ii#::':."i:".::I:j,:';":"i3ff"", fr3",ir"i,ti!;"s** :;.,:iF:?il:i,

,:: ii


i:,|j.lii '" "".9i.*rii:I;,ii-:i:T::::";;";"iiyji", i!iliff:ii,lii:iii!!i_';5r'i,lE i"it""fi5ii'.Ii,tiiii"fi: #;"ll; ;."r ra@ou6 let (Thi6' hons\er' ls 5

rEltrEsr !D r,og subscF:bers


l:.;'il+,iii,!;i*lti"j:"^n'i::::i"11",:rili.ii ii!'i!il.3;'?l':E ffi":e 3;:;:"#lll*,agiitiii;jj, tiil f*-"-' "i33.i!"$!€F€F"3#"iiti:1"ft:":t;:f, n*tiret."-vaiiei;-p":t5;fi'c;:'ib;ili'""'

;lil i*i".f"ifl:":,:tg":.S$:*,*


tlotortsn tiaraulon ctub- corr.) !e{y {Arat.* Athretlo Assocrattor). colrrllb€s to fa11 to Day dues. he 1E 5t111 aIlor.d to ro but @y iFt b6 at'arded a prlze ia he slas ;Ee_ rne ra.€ Glgg avelase up to about . 40 3rsrre.3--1a!y1!g betreeu 10 to +! d6pe!.1rna o! rhe dlstdc€" e.s-5 to 7 n!1.s rll] hae€ about 40 ;onpotltorsi lblte a da!6thoE f!61i1 rrlt lnalDats 10 to 20 stari€rg. seldor rl11 af1 Denb€ls coopete 1E ore rac6. rrlsrabces rr! the v.M.c. 6taa.6 a eelle8 of rlEle! ?aces, bes1llta@ 1tr Iat€,|{arch, lnoludiDg race; of j; ?, (a.h6

tenlalat or be€r rug. C!be! l4rpsDrtle Prlzos nay b. axatril€d but rbeF are do 1o!g 1lotB ol Ditzes. Ihe Vtclor1a[ !-Ar{ Frlzes: Go1d. Silv€r anil Bronre E6ilalB roF 1.2.3 Dtad€s, ?ba! Is It, rlo toa6 E€d;l;: hoBeeer t6e iloeE get pohts toratd d alj[lral" t€er ohalplorshtp. The V.A.A.A. colrduct! rox! ildlv1dEl mose plus retat a{arrden in theEe coop€tlilo!8. The tee !rctnts prlze a{arrteit at the ead of the Beaso! colst.ts of b

lhe vlciorl& ItarathoD club has a aoal slEllar !o thai ot the Eoad EllnersClub of lnglerd but 1s not afflllateA *]th it. BtlI BalUIe of N€x Zoalard lE sta.ilng a llalathoE Club it1 Aucktald, r{er south l{ales sta.leit a !a!atho! club toL lt dld @t .urrlr€. Sourb ADst.atta aiteEpletl to 6€i up a dar'athoa club bui bho btgBeBt club !a the area obt6cteil ard the sltetspi f1zz1ed. lleasu.h.q !ou.6ed: Bol' Plentlce, aE accoultalti EaaL6 a neasurlla rheel ,ith nhlch he has Etl<erl orer Eo;t of the Etardard cows€6. ThlE Nhe6I r,€s lred to @ke the origiEl neasrreDeni fo! Lhe 1056 O]ldprc ralathor cour€ei siLtr P.eltic€ walkie over th6 cour6e ohe Sulday. it Es lster su.veyed. Tte rheet i5 a! altered bj,g btcycle rheel Eith a lsndfe aDrL a cllckeF whi.h coEts th6 reYoluttois.

!ace6 ale held about once a,oDrh vlth the Mlatho! bellls sisEed bv August. pollorlbs thts th€ V1ctoi.ld MA rutrB off ihe state lJ ile cltaED_ _1_onshlp, Sseelsl ree*s later the vactorlan .{4I rferet}on 13 held. Th1! re€ rhe oro33-corEtly seasoD. Th6a the lrEck seasoa start6. Dur,l@ the tu!!ee!, Dost dtstaace nEaerE aolDet. ltr track r.u! ot I to ) u11:€ loi tbe1. club6. lhese racas a.e usE11t b61d erer.y WhUe the V.X.e. la acttve for tbe ooEt psft lt doe! stase three !tee. r! wtnt6r, gra4a !.acks l!cluit1!.e a 6 uLle or 10 kilo r-ua scl a 10 !11€r. P!126s rD Auotralls are ver.]l sodest. Geoff v6tt tbe Aus6le mratholer lsail a oeober'of tbe Vlutorlu !4aFaPEESS I,IEEI,AN VTNS IiENTUCrI RACE tlon club) rcn a bsutlnrl hrlsi naich fof ftEldbtq{ Ath 1[ the usA Sept, J, Lexlnetorr Ky.- lfess L'hetar., l{dfathoE ChaolloEshlp at yod(ers ald U. of Kentucky dldtdce ace, outlesaed rte stated that it rould !€ loDoBelbta dI* others to HIn a 2+ Elle lace spanto r1n sucb a prize at ho@e. soied by ihe u. of KeDtucky. Hdrold IE the V.l'l.C. rE 20 t{l1e EaBdioaDEa.lls of the $. of llllnots. !.lrfrlba tho xh11e. is exarared a bls cuD ililch umttached a close 6econd. (Ealrts ho holals for one rea.--afrar wltcb h6 s111 no], beras (sctrolaBtic dlffetleible pholrograph €iotr a of ii io keeD! the ioulty) lor a-cout.y thls 1a11, but ta6t tloe rulller eer6 a '6aRh' la 61x he'U conpete 1n varlous laces lmttlnch libbon oa hlch t3 D.lnted acheit. retainl!€ h16 ellglblllty for rv.I.C, 20 ,011€ Faeresr the." rr lbdoor anil outdoo. t.ack. ) also lrc1udes a brass EedaIllon 1. Pless \'rhe1an, U or t, io:16.9t 2. a ta88e] at the eaal). l11e second a it Earold garris, Lnatr., 10:21.5; 3. John place prlze i6 wolth $2, and th1lrr Barlef, O. oe (.: !. Alex Ceobe)I. Kv, prace s1. The latlef Den 8€t Done, clrder clubi 5. ian Ja6pe!, U: of Ir.!' oEers ro. ihos€ aoounts alrd afe 6. Georee Satth, U. of K. luptrDred io buy M appropllate trophy or. prlze, The ru@er ls .emltted ao IIEDGCOCX, VCTC c.oss-coutry oan add s tloited anouni of Lis oM mGv FBAt{ti ard steeplecha6er, ha6 besu! a 2get to a p.lze, At one tlEe tb€ ooEet l,itch in th6 ArTy.Just Frank cobpeied orilor ra8 draer to th€ o!d6! of ohe - year h t.ack €nd c.oss-coutry for the O. flrE ard the V.l4.C. sot s lot rebate. of l11inoi6.. Oeoree Your1a (ArizorE) & Pfotert6 ended ihis pFacLtce. A broDh!- Deeco4 Jotres (Iora) eipect arny tlutl6s lE Ausiralla id qulte ofteE a g2.OO-

r= I9 Ne*s Fme Engiald COIII! (Et{tsA:rl, ITINS A,E.C, ft{i-{T}lot

P!th: t6? 1r, r.a: rffilrB and -:ce infruence Lt elr cla&r_ 1zar1o!. couplei. qilh liofto!r;tr .: rong drstece €eerr6r the aua_ te.3r ctuo eaine4 f!!the- toari tuuos rr_ larehrrl oE 22ad AUAldl lhea t. eonJ!ncilr n Pith l.DU-Aatr\ 0oaiea darrler8, rhe Fj16! Meobe.s' I,{e.qtho-r '.EnFrohsnrF Fas pfomored rep course etubrac.Log the be6utiful ^ecirworih coDrily. :;1":""fti";;"J;,jl;:'ers.. 2' rrnish1. coiiE-!{. Ierbatt, z: 16: O6. a z. Mys B. uariesi 2:)7.25 +. r, /.- Jyer" 2jra-5n 5. Ieu .-. Elsr]or. 2:46:i5 6. To0 B!ckr'.€hai, 2,4e,ni a149.22 :. R. c. rl@ner, 211)-tLa r0. F. 1. loipler€11!2:Jj,21 lr!r1is! ) Diies- J0"tjo: 10 qiles,d:,1oi-15 eltes- rt26t26i Zo 6ites_




or the ftrst ?lesident of !.8.L. weni to tle ,tmernoDo!





5a!.. 1u . 29ta.ory oqt a dln.h_ fler-Lhon" d €t&cF ihe r a:xLre pcr Dlta mri a6 he nsioe ccaereo Ll D1]eJ ,sp1iL3: 'r dJr l4u_{4tu! I 0 1ed_ r*: rui ru Brtes_I 49:5?t -t6r:J2r 1;."1ry_Tol1: _Lrrc,lbeLs_!, sna!e, 6a:t0: !. c.J. Y ,":r '. tlli4 69:16; 5. ceorse Eirlshr. l,!1nly!9, D!:)//l , r , qleo'ng_sD!thr ?o;01 On

loLfCE 1O fi11es, Au€. ?2Ed 55t55t 3- D. Bosir; ;5:2e


orcoRtlAN tfJNS SOmll,{LL r10r

''' sr.,

sepr. J ln t]las 10 nlles. 6ae yaN .oa4 race,. DeaJr tos! d couse record by aoinsorComa; off the colrse ror a sbo!! d:s,aace, bub {lth sroa! 3peed arld dtMina he not only oaoe up rhe lost groDnd but caae -

::Ii:'3fi ,:i.:.,t:.":,..3""i.13.:ll"'4.6

p.1.. par1.. DeE!6 L.,w]t.llro, |jt re.! t4.t*. I r... :.tr6€F.. 5{x )i a. F:alrk Se3l. ,Jrc'r! j" 1. !ax+, i5ta3: 6. 7 .'. Dearr:r1" :r.:r /EicL8 yfltl laRcJ :,.r:-t r. i., , ,:.FjiiBJ0 .{lLE A0A!r -t4L-!. !4 SElltrj: 1 !-.l,!ur [er1r" .rj).5: '. ner- PanJc!, 1t 2( Totr Bq.rh€he4, j:09. J {. E. E1det"ile1.1, j.1n I ,1. HoFcroft, I 1i.i ,. r). A. tjai:, l: i2, aa (I'h.Gse vsuey g. !!6r thr 1"!{r aacs a!,i look to be rb€ oEty:+rro!* chr;.Letrgor8 tc the Dub.r AtrLerl. rrah ot South Afrlca Ia tbe I/edoi1 to Erlghton st the ebi or !h. aaath" l f&F B.ightor Spolts ,{.era, Ara. ?5tti duo: 1. loEy le'rlr ifllicBo ACI l:J0,9 (BlIt1sh Jdi.r A6co:ri): 2. Erlabaa, AJstlrd, _r5:.O,,,1lIe: 1. Josef cesledl, iAustrla! rr cord-IdiAeF al. fiv€ dlBtaces)! 4:o:.or ;. -r,. !rorn. {nltchaB AC) 4:08.1. 2-tlite;: 1. A, rerElDs, (r!lrcbas a.j 9tc1,e: 2- f,, T8sy, Awr.ia,9:{r8.? T&r at Carshalto!. AuE. 22nli g!!i 1. Blle fie$son,-1r49.: (tlack leco.d)i 2. Brrtolf K_rabea. Ausrlis. 1:5j.1i 3. aler Fruh, 1rj4"< ILle.! r. J. cesledi, Ausi;ia: 4r 19.1 A. TaMr, Au6rrb; 9:e6.0 ?:4[e: a:.UlLC.i 1. a. SCOTIA\D - COI'A' GATEEIIINC 4T DOIOON Fri4ay, ir{e. ?a - &.1lfiet sDshlne dreh a clord of r),0C0.. InTltarion lJller 1. Derek rlutron (5iffll!-61: 2. Crahe Evereii, (Shettiesto! )_ Lt0?.i t59.o,2.01,5 RL Lt.e oe_.1E.IaboEsod reaL to Lh. fore ald lr peLL wlthib a yald of h1m tl]1 about 80slseed vds from the fhi6h uheE Ibborsoh dre! arat to rln by about 8 yards, ) B.ltl8h lrlte.naiiorel huld1or T6h FarreU. rho {aF oating hrs Etnth successree aDlearance €t Corral. kon the ope. Bso yds. off 1c yds. Ib 1:53.5 sar., Als. 29., 25,C00 fans, 2-1,1i1e6, l. De.ek Ibbot6on, 8r j?.8: z. ,lndy Brow, scctland, 8:j9,4! j, urahM Erereit. Scotldd, 9: 15.2 _


7?, 1959 !t3o p,fr. -satqrday,october spoleored by TorontoJoatarlo otEblc club..leao to colsisi of 10 tu;ei.sEntries to: B.A. S1nc1al!. 10 Arqate r16c6, scarborough. onrario. c,ood plrzq





J11" pOl_XX !01, cotosne

!o._,5!rL'. 1. s"

1";;i,i";;;i:-i: ;ffliy.ii,:!;,T{".i"iil;:ilsT"*""-

;:*iru";ii;;";;*:i,t*ili$i i;ll iiii;::; iiii::;;.ff ,?'bk3i,?'", i:'j;3;;,T*5,i;.f l?i"t o,"ii:i? f,e *;:.':;l'-,;:'i:rt;"',,.tii.:i:,..", ,jiij'ilil:i:.:li;:tfillir.!i,'i:,rr,., "'ado:"; ..,,ro.; i,,r""i',..i ::::.,,T",:*l,f:'jlffi"t""l'il: j::i$":rX:,.1,,li.i *it:"li:,; ;;l;;*;i;i;.jl:L;"ii6::::x;*i:, " ,* ;::fi '!;'i3* ::;lL:.'E::::7?i:", i;li.jil:"#ir:;i-:;i:":*m;ift eeF-s'een. :inrshi* r.{r,h. l: L;'iil'r.,li .;;i;i'": ;"i":";:'r Yuiii:ii**'*,'i!:iitllri.iili#'"i1i3;J1"35;'3; ;:'i{.:;;++i#:,;+ r:r6''eollshed rr 1o56 bv DlcL60!. r., .ioq,d;

l-j :ri*i,i!ii. ;;i.;; ir'ilE:"!ldi.s ;#.iiFj*!",*".'F;i;:!I:,iXiiT" sept.-1e: ;;;.:;l"iffi"l:"i:,ifilF;h,f"ii.:l: Ell3i,.,,:ir.f:^",STr:s:. , -i tre t 4e aade ra6r vea! bi !iMe..ord i;ffi .il,-i"iij',!,*'li.iii.: l'0"*"t, Gleace. 1,to.ii:. rir',ij. ai,i"iii--" l.i:"?l;.I'-ii;i?];r,earhe! cohdrt'onE "' l?;i"';'.1" ,l;l!::l;,i,:T;i:;::..$'fl"Ii,L"!lgi*' i;&3;:'-.';::;::'; :;.':: ;',;-;;:*"i;:; l;l :' . ;::?: :";l ":,' *:a;l*-:;?:"::fi;' "i"";1 jc. , , Ja!,co:e pr.z.s qer6 . vr, ico!. J. +ur-.: i. ;;+l;:..r_qr;],:


:I;"1;.,\.lii. 1519]!



araftred. *-*. *i:.j:;e' :' ii!rl'ii,1tr"1'


:1",1:i; ..!;ii,;,;g;,1,,,t,- i: B!'t.ilil' i:fiiii:; 3:; ",', i:?;:ii




:: J*,"^;i:;:38i"E3:;"".

i : Elii!.\5*:;i"a




i:l:l; ii3ttr:11:

r - l:oe.; ,. rd.rtuann, :: iiii!""ii3i#i"I;.:lg;"., l:;g:?i 5ifl.r,'il':;J;li:r1"":";.'i?l,lA; 'c' 1o' Ds!F '.*"o. ci.d"i6';"ic.iiIi.rb i:"i;ii;;."::'"1;;i.ii'::,i"i#l'i: os,o. -e!r.

l : i;ls,":l;:lj {iI,ii3l""i;, jili,i3 ii' t). i:*';li[i,::{il*:ff d-r Dou.Ias. riaasroni,r;,i:r6.Ob ';u. c.!,i. q"l'iir,il:a

:: l!.!."1e" ^,-iy.

.:rortm *, r.5,.5,. i$;:i, =:';"'l;*ffiri :t"iliiii J-.1u6b-. z -, ..J7: +:-!-!3J 2. --no1r. o J:4r./: ),l: l___:r.,A!,LrrcFc!r c4rrrqEs D'rlras



.:;I:.. ;;'r-',";.' ...ii::" ..1.,''

r:...0. ,un,.i . 6:.o"i;i- ei. iilii>r

".:;g;:j.lTi"ffil"::"ri:"i?;r;f;:i, .@ilr?',r'and rp^ i7e'I a sp'c1ar

;:;j.!1:f, ;:*:ii,;T;;.,i,i.'rli-Eiii-::riiil,:.;", riii:r':'rii:"'i'i:l'-?'id ;lii;:,.'?:t,;:'r -ifl'k I .ili:'l: i" ;: ir:te?'.,r1oie,


;ll:i,*iil,ii,l :i,:;:i"ixr;iits",3!!. :lii,$i-:.l;"i;i':,i:ii;';ilf#irs fr#*fli*:i:tu:l**",l,*;ili;" iy:"i.i:":,."

r 21



'_i9 5r-

. o



t..i -.6

I€air 5ta4ruf , 11!ii,o ,, i.!:. ,F iah r:..1so; tGi ^-:r-!:L0L( -, i,e:ekr.Io..trctr .CIt) 1:llr i-r, v-:.1' j. Ti14€11' ru:;e/ 3.1;.1 ;j.cs Prp.r46 tnssltr i_ls.uLfreri &t!e .F! 5.C0Dp! 1. Stalr _.t1d.r& (i3) 2. E4ce llLloh lcBr tJ:ri,5:1j:12-€: i, iiUEsFl :Jr-i4.:i lr i. zlr,.Jr{!!!Equrr (us5!l 14:0f 4 (iiirl tbree s.E r, the Briilsl palr hed opelrad ur s aa;"n iI rtr: 20 ter\ls 04 n!t)rwt- ;!o it; Face tooLed iEtel, 1E Brrtl-in led: nrr, rDspiroe by fhe 4hlst]lns ald etluutirg of ihe botue crowi, tae Fussla E1o41y but sErel,y c1!a€d the mF arc. rouJlr che berJ just at"rF!. rbe 6ei: ror leairer a1o8e the bsck slratEht" ror a dorent Eldon dd Truuh content io l)lay secnnd rlddt6. Nei. rher, tney ruleasrre{L thelr rinpt .tigr,t & past tole Af,tt4qlak to lead iri,o the nooe srraleht, wlih ELdon sD.lntirz ho0e a eood wlmer a last 1a; or a ehad6 outslde ^fter 60 seca. TuUoh. passed by the nussran th the stral;hr csra rsarr Lo sDLch secod olace :n Lhe^rlei_f€r Btridas _ a crear sErlB@. .1448:__l'c^aee: 1. s. Bz6ichchin (lssd) u:46.4i 2. C, BeDi! (USSE) br4?.0i l. fl. flerlott, (cB) +, !. Lhapman (cBl 9:00.0, r. Brid Hekson (ce) !.p!._5 6; -2.&!ei .!ke Baheoa lo!) 1:50,5 iiqe (// ya€. backl; l. L sarirlov lLssR) \t54,?t 4. Y, Mats,levich (USSE) r:rLJ - 1ed at 400d 1n 51s10.000d:1. P. Bototniko;_ ( ussRl 29r7ts,2t 2. l4arttD Hlran {CB\ 24.24-2 r,. I'llke Bu1l1vant (cB) 29:j8.Ot 4. y. zakhErov {USSIJ l0:04.4 20 Kilo l{alk: 1. A. V:dyakor (USSB) 7t25t57.2i 2. l(eb raihe'6 (, R) l:26.05 J. r. rarlov (ossFr t:26.25.o: 1. sre, vlck€rs t0BJ l:?€./+1.6 (The I all beat the dorld record if rlrRr the r;ad -egur36 aaq the tul1 d.lstanoe. ) svmEN 1rZ, IoBUAY 94, oslo. sEpT. 5: !500n: 1. Dar iraern t s, Jrrr?.9r 2.' f;u:::: l:49.2..5000n. 1. rorsersen, N, 14:ll; sepr. A: sept. b: !d;:'i:;,:;"1*::i:**,r, LJaem. s, Lraem, !!!4:1. S. r:49.7:2 ira6.7; r: @ 1. Jons.on, E;-T:jo.J; r, n.-ie,ir."il l. 1:rr.1.,_lg+-qg!Ei 1. rolserseb, lr,

!OL4i[1 ir.,

'.lit^.] !r


'- ,-:

llii,r"" :. L l^. :::" .'. - :i

:l ,


". -i.". ..." .


j : '^^,,,, . ,, ;, i-:a. I '.. l,l::,.-^'i' -.1r,., ._j riJ; r, :v:t_ lt.qtb or d1-al@y, .r '!r',r ', | .a c._:!ar f,, r:.;

:ff:;:,i,''[ lt.i6r+,

,; "" ...'':"

"_ -'i.:': :"_-!!_ , Pf-1 1;-r_

ztrl.!@sli I. e.J' :, !.


" "J:;,j

l:ii::. .;"i.,,i; "i1.,,*,,.'i.i .i,,,l' rFl'ahdonsl:i, Ir, lr5t,i, r,. d.koaa+.. 1


!15?.2"-.$n i ru.ot_J.t, {rzyezFos_1qh. I dr

lcr L..t-r_r ,"




__ sa;4. er r5oon: t_ Der vaer, :, jJ:ri, ? {srei1;fr-;;:. r,r I 2. srera! Lew€ldov.! ; I I,t;1. :!;i;rh Iecolt!)i l. Fichel. Jezy, e, J:12.1 rlreDcli lecord); 4. irtchet BenBrd, 1,, J:42.1; 5. Cordon Pi-te. 4!. 3i46-ri: GofItsDRO, st€DEx.

.:', ?,;*;.'i.ii""i:.. ii,":li;:;i"6: 1009!i Sc! 1. Han6 No.berg, s, 8;Ja.4r 6;.:l8lirr"it".liii;"i,'., l::3'l:'.

":i. 4!9": r.noe.t loen6. Bels.i L:q?:ji '" - Dan 2, Itaen, s, 1!42.9: 3, ieEoi!. F. r:46.0 (Fr. r6c.);4. Jazv" F. .-"- ' '- 1:48"0,

-t!!!gi i. riri., ie, e,.iii

!!ND, SLIlnEr, SEpl. IO- 880: 1. rewandowski, r, 1:48.5:2. r./a;;a. s. l!4q-_ 3ll!!e r. HelmaD, Ec, 5.05 ( lrd b;st ever a cemEn recold) at ColocNE ITAI]IAN CSJIIPIONS]]IP, ROIIE" SEIT. ]1: u00r:1. laleldl! i:50-9.. seDt. 1l: 1t00b:1. Flzzo, J:51. o. . tO.0ooB:_1. volpr, l0!05.6 ( I Lalf;;-Fmr,r-_ our .ooDle at the Sao pau]o.Afazlt xew Year's E € Raco a f€q year6 aEo aid a LD I,oC



119, SPAIN 92 at Barcelotu ' '2 a rJ: r.611j, sw. r,.d.ti i. Barrls, s!, r:48.7 (sD, rec, )..Bair1s. l:4h.8. . ?e!ez, sp, lor14.2 SWITZEIIA]ID


C?Fr!0SL0Vq/I\'07, tltNcqR\ 103. praaL. sep!. l- & rJ- t50on: 1, rstv-; eozs;vol ey1' tt, 3t41.3t 2. Stan Junswirth. C. 3:42.4i j. szekeres. H.. 3:41.3 tc00o: s€rdor -h.ro6; [, j];jo,B: _-

;:'di;,H*#+:=,';,Hi"ii'i;,_ il'Ei;i;,'li '. 5?i?;q?;. :',3:605;,' l:.3:,, Ihdos,2qr46.8i ?. cree?;c--3d:





'llt1at NATIONd 4AU IITLE Albony, N.Y., Sulrday, Scrt, Zo (Z DD) iotury '611er caFture'l t,1s ihlrd 1959 Natloial 1o4g dletdde tltle todat by diml.g the,'ratiotul Sr. 25 IlI' tirle. jils cFey qin gaae hiE l,ic.c .ecora'rlDa ir a Lld. io! !h6 I'sil:ru A?epd J6eF. ]l1tL ,!e./ious rlctories thls 1n rha 20 Elto (iteedhan, liass.J ani lhe iler€:nja (Io!.ker6, N.I.), (€11ey lDeils.Jyrj.y i,o }ib the 1) & 30 Kilo rurs reit routh tn rtlartLc C1t7 d Yorc, Pr.,r.6p€ to corpier e a 115o nEr:1,1 sl-m'ln itat'1. thanliqrsbiF,road rudriirq, itrdy llend.z ilnlshe.i se;o.i1 la rhe libanJ to slhe!.ectadr }ace. Cesriie ihe fac-, r:hai lre.u the lasi 6_0r t ri1e3 ii b.r. feer! rr.:."r! hsve tc rE€ h:s iairdi j:.\ tlair c:i l.r a{hiie! {The ttrai tr ine sr.ry i3.ion,.; b!.eak ilr : -i:ir ri 4er 5ir1.s ii n :tat'l, ahsEpTL :.J-irs .tio a,r:rcE,re-L jcb r:nr re_ r .it-,a ri! --. fieli suoerb & r sair.n-," tho.. :ri!.r11n: inrq .'' . .,dr. ecrac!,^. tl-re ):,q4i"i.1.:-"c,e,arld ..11 .e n.]._1- : betor: Itxe 1r --- :i 1L C:' re!: -o:-_to-lngClMer the e.rli.: cry e..d.. ,j, !lDv. '. 1,. - R :o- ij '. r;orl !o1 .i:ra, ; n{ie :iLor+. -"i1.r: n. .rt"D!.rr,.r'i-. aat nercb_ i:rdin^e ic i5th iila,ce_. L%1 iroDhies. ta ..., ..- lior _ eet i.l-ri 11,; (ac ihlrd reajrl l2 ite..ed- -Y 2 did na! lintsh. :. n .." rj.8:ri a. rLd. <, .^., l?C, tr.":19 D:Uy Slith, Ha{it.ion.t.t 3, cc, 1:a6r1? ., rop!. Daf- Pr. teu. , ! ( . r - - - - 2 . , Bo s . n / d ., ,:_o: :t29tt) - 5.o ro. e.s,o:r L)., 1,t2A,11 b. :or .1, :. P'cn1nd o,.. -r, -s.rn AA, irtr:rr'. lr..- Ai-el /, Bo: r r-. .:11:38 l.l', 'ocio r"" . -. o. ,rti"po. 1r :..5 sn:_1, c.rrt oc t=ii, r' r'.. "o - o,-"$. .r ". ot.--" c., r,jiill 2. ;oJ 1r. uor

.,.no i Fyi .o!,on,



.:.,5, r " .-t37t2t

L no1 .D,r s. ,;a. x*1..-.1. :;id.1:. '.r. Jd-s CoL !, .. -ctrr_ 5r.l: ,B:26 l{, _:o (r otu.L_,, ^., .erh.Bi.l:tJ:io I7. .or.'a e!:y,'c gc. 1:10:oL r;?:r-- !-!e,--, prbf,h:at... 1:+or1t 1.. -o, HrrrJ 'u.phr, I'oc.1ta, -I. lr4O:5i 20, al oLtdtonF, EqA, (!t;1, ,;t1:!o

?1. Joru JerlrLL, SL. Ir Lh.

BC _:a2:ab



OrHafa, St. Anth.

BC, r.Lv1t25

2t: 0eo|g6 !lke, Eostcn AA, Iduls Schiaro, NI?C"





26. Hora*it !torr16, Elnaliantoa. 1.49122 27, xlrt Stelaer, 1YPC. 2141"22 28. Clrerles Arederson, N C" 2.a2t26 29" John Conway, NY!C, 2.05t41 34. Jottr1 Cbap!1e, Jr", Iske Pbcrd, [t

8lh Aro@1 uoodbury i,tarit (co..ected to 9,!;Ues) Saiurdar', seDt. 26, 1959 - ti:.3() ,,.t. PeM ,\C's Brodrng Boss caprnred hls ?th vlu ir- the I year historr of rhe race as he finlshed 35sees, ahead of teaMte Jesse Ddrdelie, BL.l-1le E-q rlorga, (sh.chan cC, set the early pece {1i;h Bos6 an'i Dlck Dorohue lElfln! lry ?! yrrd;, bli by th6 4 tri;: hark 8os6 sputed aD took the lead i-o! tlie reaatrde. of the dlsCou!.e: tvo lapB around Beti lrsct Iake, inen toll.airLg " route olt of ihe clty rlre r@ers lollrred a aacaden mad !asi; lam lal.ts io.5 niles.irclinA '!ack io ihe startillg loint. rieaihe.: hoi and hM!d..62 dearees !x1zes: lr.ophies ard nerchandtse io l-st:la lirish6rs. 1. 3rolrln€ Uoss, ?er]n AC, i1r1o 'ii ,t. .;;;ii-ei'i.iii.'iii3i;ii, rorgaD, 7Fm r shdlana! CC, .r. J):Jo ,4- DiLk^Dorohig. A-\. 11,30



? Joh, cha!nan, leu AC. ltrlZ ,b. 9iri snith, Ienn AC. 56t4? 9. Bob Chadlre.B, Shanehe CC, 5?.tz 10. W3de UashiDeron. Shd, CC" 57:zi I€on D!ehe.; shachab cc, ii:16 111, '2- foi v icneli, Pab1 A., .1 IJ, Pete Leacre, rr@ttached! J9r 66:18 '11r'. !!ank (e11t, Shar6han Cc, 58!19 : Course Eecord - 50:01 by tsrorairg qoae, i'n'.cd r-eii F ijp r nelriho"_n 8-iiltes indlvsted ro -, mrles) .a.1tJle, r'ass.. a:,, Sep:. 11:h Lpn/ -rhhaD Parnerl . BJ6lon M. no. hrs ,th d€rea t i n hL -eoaliabtc Kel1ey, vho like Ote flsn '01e' John Bivor, iust keep6 rc11u€i alor€l lerlect 70 dealee weathe. a.eeted rhe runners t1el]t. .fter E lo;s hot aad IJ llace trophies 3nd refreshnerts at l{estford Playground after the race. 2nd 'rb

(causl€, Iasr.,

8 &j.Lss- Conb!:!Ee{J

42 8laFtars, 41 fl&leh€:s


2. 3" 4. j. 6, 7. 8. 9.

lar,nefl, Eogton AA, 38,5t JoIu A, !oU6y, U@tiached, ,9.41| +at\g Dlck tackard, EostoD AA, qi.abae

Ste ltersn" NtlC"


li.r., 40!40 CoMales Scotto, Boston 3A, 40359 Ed Srackett, Lte AC, 4It76 Tony sapterza, Eosror !4, +t\32 nlcL i{eeks. Ire AC, 47,ttt+ 10. Toa C.are, No. Ueitford Club 41:4J 11. lom sede.s, Fieish, 41:46 12. Bil1 fuutres, Eoston 4,4, 42,03 13, John DiComandrea, BAi, +2rA5 14. Bill l!a"ot, Nl'lC, 42ta7 go1leeo 15. Bob BaDberee., P!ov. 42:10 15. JI0 trcsweoney, LJro AC, 42,\7 1?, Charles Dysob, FAAC, 42t26 18" Ed Ef,ick6on, Uuttached, 42.)s 19. Geor.'e $aterhouse, NMC, 42145 20. Eoyce Sa{ye!, NHC, 42t57 21. Iyror B1eelo{, Bostod AA, +3t06 +Jtzl t+3.32 23. Ray Llster, FAAC, 24, Jolm Reltelo, Lyn Ac, )3.37 25, nene Dolron, BoBtoD A-q, 43.4\ 26. Demi€ L!@ehar, FAAo, 4)t45 27. Paut Pbituey, mC, 44:t-l 28. Dotr Fay, Boston AA, 44123 44124 29. Jolb EasiusseD, UEbt,, 4+147 30. Georso Plke, Boston AA, 44154 J1. Bob Zollinhofler, &{A, 45tar 32. Bob CulleD, &AA, 46:06 ll. Duane l4erchdt, BAA, 47149 34. Boub€E Btaelok, BAA, 15. aay vaeuen€!, lrov. col. AA,48:08 49tt3 36. Fraak r€1.1t, N|,lC, 37, Letr Eh16r, Umttached, 49t36 38. Cbarl,ee Breaelso!. Nl4C, J0r10 39. rltll1e.B Eur'k1e, Lran AC, 52.42 40. Iled BroM, No. uedford C., 57:05 41. John CuUen, Uettached NTT Ed Dlrxcali, Eochester,

to serd ycr 19c (]1o!l! tddees ae s.o! as thoT a}e oaruiaetrir:e.i. 'l'hl.* eodrd out. at 316 (5gl\ eacll o! 4?./s l)er doze. ($6,c0 re. nozea). fc, si11 hate to pay IEpo.i Du!t, 1f fclulraii, Fhlch 13m inlomed is ri5F" ?leaie let ne !lio! lhat the p,tove meets sith your appro(sl and al6c tirat 511 4ent)ers .f ihe !i!N {U"S.A") are ftts'; claid Dembe.! of the clubs atflliaied we are spreadltlg all orer th-. Fo?ld. C.rrli3ll.I Youts, Eridest lieYllle (Eon. Secretary' 4Bc ) F8OT1


[{sS. (sept.8,



"A lttre perlormnce that s€eds lo be a suegestlve foleruuea 6i thllgs tc code l{as Dyl<e BenjaDhrs brilltant double ove! 4 aEd 2 n.Lles at Santiv stadim near Dublin oE the 16th & 17th of Jue. Preceded si? .Lays eallier by 6 9108.0 second. to (ecatr citligan ln the Hsrvard-Yale v!. oxforil-camhliige neet' lenjadinrs 4-Eile of 18:48.4' 28.9 sec3, urdor Irhe o1d Anelice }ecord whlch :tsel' va6 apr,a"-rlly Eade across coatry, came compLetely out of the blue, ElMlne b€tween or12 9rd o:14 al' sFasoD lona ad 4:12,1 and 4:17 in li€ 2an olerl!€ Dile aDd Dile doubles after 4.1,5 ar]d,9,a4.5 aeainst r,{rst Polni on April 18, Dyke wa6 uiloubtedly dre for a reauy fe6t tlde alter the OxfordCanbrldge neet pressule subslded' but Lo 60 conlretely dPmolish 'h- "arloEl .e.6rd st a .tr.tatrce that da€ iHIce ae Ia! es HrD h"'o Lra ned or rrLd Lhen cone back the next c.ay Flth an 8:55.2 2-at1e, qon rlrtuallt slthout conpetltlee -eI! by 90 ta"d6, {aE so,6thing far beyord "hac enyon" drpaded he could do. n lact. "hile the 2-ii1e. seeenth best OUB READEES TAITE OVIB (a,B.c. Ilembers take Note) ever by an ldericaa, ovelshadoqed the 4-nlle in most newsleper accoets, it is the latte! whlch real1y establlshes l' nAC of Elglsnd Benladld es the cooef by Etioml siansept. 1, 1959 derdE stbc6 h13 second plsce tiDe heio behiDd Berti.e MeBsitt 1E probably wolih nore intrla8ically tlED any pelfolsanoe ThaDli you fo! you! lelter of the by an An€tlcan at any distance eiceedhg 25th of Au€lst lust to hand aDd for Bankers Draft for $91.00 {hich I Hill 5000 neterd ritb tbe poEslble exceptions ercash. t asdune lrhat I slr411 g€t for of soDe of JohFrry llell,eyr8 mrathors & Itar fnerr cros6 coutlJ rds. AL slt oy A.soclailon around 33 Ste.l lrs (under $100) iherefore - by orderins Diles,for eFnple, eyen a1loelle hin a I have eery llberal 8 seconds per Dile sloNa larEe nMber of Cloth Badge€ b€en tble to reduce th€ p.tce therefor dom ia pace ote! h s sverage tor.rour ( conlrlnueal nert page ) ahd anilclpate that I shal1 be able


(Our Eeaders Tal<6

Over-Codthued) liandr Tl€ms, a sp€..alisr ar )u!uD_eo 4:J7 r/., t-or. r0,000h @cb qlL" dur!"s h s be€r perroruacea of le)o! nap ng :r ee4 sl tk€ly fhat r's pof6rf,e1 bpst four D:tes rculd !e Eore tnar !oal secoads €Iore! pez r:r-p thaa FL:s si, nlla.6cord! & i. pa^F b-rqeeb z6,op_ :li-4 clrgef il:f:-- besr.s 6q.s a. r.000 snd .0,000 n- efs. borh r..ra.a. i5 0n1y fa s.codrs-1 r:.te:i. D!re vortl sct-r s 1niles-breal'ing Lhe

Eost ot the croEs_coEtry leftoat frcE fii::]$,"#,; i*X lX: Septenber, he prolad Lha! alt hls plocdils dtsrance l.llrorbs ln tho ssovy sLreeLs erl bl6 touEh.llDs ca isrherlcs rn rhe r.tshi rooo-had hetped, for earry rn epirr auriu tne tedr Llla:ts Lo dei€m1ne lhe eou;d LrEr {oitd meer Amy he ru a irropprng

rhe :i*:i


orrrS in cold, b.!u6t-r,!6 lhat ierr coach Tc.ud, itoubtina th. acuu4a.y of h,s waLch. fior€or6r, Bea.;ao:! a-nl on to prova thal it {as bo fluhe

dli!?nca ?nd another io correci ro. eo",y untir r,. ""toi,pea'"ine-,Et.r, a1tr.iu.le (Frank potts esrldraled a io "."" at rari"a ,qi6i s".Jk!r_ 9':21"j Ju;t s-acond ler mile altitude effeci fof, i! tie ICtA|s__fourtieth b€st der " nltF._.t the rr"tiocls ri4ee in irre U,S. arr y.". a"e..a. Ui".. .r.1vlnr r,4ax. rruer nedrly hre linereenrh bi.rhday. Bur thls pss i..--"9i;i9rl-l d-15p blck i, rhls yeaf's ihe best he could do f;r neerly rrc i ?"i,-::-:t Je nay irrru oxr ro bp nore years slnce his injuly jli]]r rethe o.1:r nmericaa t. j.: !f,der the ""6" .'jt r;:;," tume;t slih a tlJrFlc .ru1rt1..ti.n standard5 be"""e.."" and supptied h1n ntth 6tress Iractules, fore the ree6, etrtrles close hexi pullea^ iluscles , fl" rrgs,'ind -;lrii r!'{usi, . sptlnts th.ouaiout ihe.'s;ason ;; thai ." ,'. in . :.e. Dyl,! i. h( never b6-. !F rore thaE a ehador cf hrs iome! 6erf and to ny knoslede€, I :::i{ -::I:1"?.?, '" ?r €r. rt / ther.otlemenious ve ,tu neve. supd-s6d h)s sophosoie dabl( or -^-.',t, ,'-d, lieabr :rE ,' dri." 4\. .:d(. qi.s-sF,, r"cord rs ,e t_rrom, )ut ernnJ ife u3y. IJi6 the mdei€atedor cross_countrv seasoa srory tr.b can eive until the IC's and hie sxeai outdoor nore ro . ,odri . i. . v-rv r-.:rri4b-- Lracr rerronbn, es. bt,";;;, ;;sarrt 1l) : I.rF-r'.tpL- be fom e-- itF f;-16 Lhat bef6re rh' fa-e .r 1nd lhat certainty beelantng cross_country he h€d te6s l]- q-rJ ord_%fv €'u-el -.on(h o" r-sr; ra aflpr h-s sblt_ tndJ. ;^t '-1 -i.1 ore ldd _u^r'. splirrs uD. iosr cver. . atu,n:f,w-r'.aorr.irrrv ace, rtikr the abov.- Dot.lh early irc-ear.d -he H liar due to 1 Denxroned Kolley-ard Truer, Dyke stess flacilre, and xenatned out of rhe 4rto's ln high acrool neets and ofi ihe inaroor, E- a sellor a r-r r rood afLer beLause of ar.ipi-rrtrack the.e_ ot lraro Nork._d, as d brL" fi-sL- or Ltsis !to-.i q,,n lr; ord .hln sDr"!L '1e.'lvho _ao so-t.- as L.o\ n-ver .oL be_ Lro,bte6__ar.;,a r.,." .:i, .o_" i. b6ce- oor/ do ca, sthe;lc; .;o l:".,i!,l' lt:.,y":t"esi qF narvrrd r! forlea,- track ir.terni!, outstde , dostly""i!r.i",.,r1,a 1n-iootba11 cleats as ar rrk.6"d:iJ who.F ch.-f:s!et Haa rE in:he srcs_corer.d'fleld;. trork-haril l,1th him- Dyke's siory 15 a sreat one. rr cert_ :^*:r-99:.1,ll11r:6co.rested very ea!1y ainty rarks in a c1;Rs with Atex Fenyedr qulckly Uare r13e to the 1es it a1t ln four €hort-vears.;ith ,ere to praaue hin rron ittii ;i-;;;ri;_i;i",idi!iii". ir."g li::bl:..i!:i tt;"ii (nen-on. durl'u 6he uinter seasons oh lhe {Fy, and arr or at ii"si iii irut soar1. hard hlact- Nfth sha4) tums. " week 6i te{ days of lt before tis zlst He /as. rorcef to be.ome fa.i|ar vjth"y i. ;,.,!i iri"r-i" zr.i... ,Lrs'r.enrcs "nd de:sh, work €6 a .?,. .1o;;;;:.r, . jqurrns .hiB ,t subs.itDte for rumllg__somethlTrs that E,.s ,.p-a,ao Fach or-h,s ,r:re. li".::-l:1"-:,-::-f3 !^b_hsve..onf,ntu ",."""i_ .s Herr. Bur :n...r!es di.r b;;,;;" .;ii.;";;;6-i-ii'ti! iiira o_ themselves to the 1n.Lo6r season. dd oy." g8H:lii"liii lil"ili"ii;.li?Ellt,i sophomor"." ""i., but i.Lso thrcugtout olEm;d sociat li"e anil hotiue. "_



2i EeDbeflhlp ln s-v^rqr lhDorLsnt orEarr1zatlotr3--oire ol rhlch tG was the ltesld.eE of, he Ms sufflcieb!1jr Ilk€d..d :e6peder by I1s clas'catFF er.r trho1e to be cho€an ar ohe or thelr four cr€ss Earsials a rre-eL.od--one or Lh- verJ :.ighesj iono-s trrat ca. bapp6, lo a Harraro se.1oi. that Anerlcsn recod coutdn't have

at lhe end oa a du.(ulL Es saod" hor€st, f.ttg!e. H!{ s@ue-s-seeni io shor that rast Erlealse ale !r!-rece6s6ry ior '"!ro!eaenr a. :lat bv t'":n ! .ode.,.r, eDcrr .eodle" f wlr'..'1cf qua.l.r, ro!. J. .ecro.r.,.e.1.. q@t^_, ji a s:r5:- oay, o ay ri),edge- rh. oilr 1l,a ,1c .r!a,i f!r, dc.,bte Fo.korts $as tshe:r ire neat io Florld. happened co e nicer e!y. for 'ihis y€arts sp.lne va.atiol.itlr ne sa, :, c--sina thiL r ho!. -r 1e Jf LhF srd d r' ewc 1 1, 4_d 'et frnd Eooe of !h s .h:.'ar. F;r.,-"oufll -eire";ortar oj t.1!g !r.nLee 1r rhp Loq. born ar --- ----e. iEsD rr ioL o oisers-;m .sbir1:ions ai t. thetp aspirsitons ior J0 liM l^rAiK, !IEl, loEit CIIJ, sr!l. 2til . v-.foDo. ia: d_ lyie hlm6elf ^no nry f:nd fhat uith-ponsorFd tI ._]fuDi. '.,ft. .e^ ouf Eny lean do_jve to eqd to !^1s Drerr-: .t r!c6'.lvp io..rtr-o. pnd a 01 ot ry-.. 1. E1-:orr i,. ,2, rol-!_ '.r".:.dr!- - \c, -: hro torl'rad pol".rLi:l'y lare i,ph,s .:o; '. j. 4.r, 1r:",, ',,(! , ahead .'L.1 r\rs !-e! - rer lor.r,,r, 4. .-_1, A € 3s h' --i3 soas job 4Erre!:Fbc- .n a P^:r. r', ::, :Oa i4% bef5re aLteDdt..{ Ila -/aq brsinee€ (x .." ,\. ll , l,a, p,,s . ---------ecrc:. kj n.-t. ..crool - lo50ottlrnct the confldence that ?,r.r;.L .0 1(--0.A-i_ Ct r ,.n-. h- s. haee .o kecL j.torrcvtn.. A 't.d all, lJqlP., Sic . t)1. t9 ,".t :::tie er.rrcaen-r.- r!,L vct;.-h dj" ,, L: /plc-. typ- ot : ,i.- oer !rob,b,., co a lon'. kar. 5r:r ard rudo, "o.:d do@oour .:"o b/ Le, post€rr:pL, ror 01 r o. l-r n; ada ' rr.Jrs!l e noL- iha! shoulo 6-.-!l], :nL-resL L.e I dor qetu-tc.soi, S'a r'- J , .56.r :oad racib€ .rrr-rilrJ. ?. Do, a'obs. ii6.rC, 0:-., 5:j PerhsrJ rore / l 'rEr.n"thlng - se Lhts 1^ ho, 6:. : L J. v_rn rlb. Prr. oor.rJt. 4. Kevin ley, Tocona T&!! srch rork DXke has reauy haiL ro dc 6.29tA? r'rh h Eseli aac a.s- hoir Fre-- h'e Jofu -etIt", s. -tt", 5. 7.2 : 8 (Top fpo frn)sn^r, r. - v d v-- ord-.tance rm, re r! enr-a ad./ -o4a" ae. Not oilly *as le Fole ihah 2t secinds ious P6.iomanc-- AF1lds tor b"ealir:r: behihd rrost oi Ane.ica's best cui.elt 6i* hours,) :i6'rn.e 0e^ in hiar scnoot over a L.:le, b"L h- ts sr iIl abcJl | .r 5 sec:rds:5 bacr, ol rhe0 '.n dnp aLrrler: ., .1' \1 O li . lrie has neve! beea able to break 55s Seattle, teshl.Ct.n --..::l Sepr.19 (li Afl) quarter :c. a and it ts unlikeh thar il: coulil get much belcr 1:58 it1 the 1. Ceorf alt! {ustralra. r.57.9? 1!." d6sD Le rrs ronsis-6a.y b6 ee-n :.0 - J^:05 - t6!!7 t:r/.' I.)(t2) - lt',7:a7) -:1 snd 'r17 ir- Lhe mL e nrs tr rr ns. whor l"ai hJ, .. Bob -r1-l;:l;;t.r?i loi' :o)'.,.,sr- . c.r.relty ne trirl att)) - Lt ,)( - i: /:.6,i-s".,\' _ t:J :lt do sorro:1 /lfh cdljsrhp. cj a.d kAir1., 2:t4:26) belore seNth8 out on a I o! 4 n1le ). Ed (,\.nt1p!, ?or radd, Oreaon, (17:11 dle'ance r"n a a ood staaot rj:p fhan ).t51! - .:A)t.2 - !:/L:rl - :41::o!etu'.r'rg lo o, a serjFs or qur'6cs )? 2,19112 66r'6 i5 Lo 10, -sEJly\ a! aoouL oos {, John ql.ubr, a on., lJa6h., 2:'L:12 pace, dalklre o! .oegrbA ore :, berereer: 5. D6@i: 0r!rr., o-lmpie, Ua^h.. (t:L-: _ _ ouc a h- .aJ, also vary -hrs by nb re lpDeat i. nr'Fs 120r€' Bi es, or."lves. O! SundajB a! Do. A^o-rsoa, Sea l'e 0C! . .ool bren the F <lo Eodse {as closed 1 .,9t12- .... t ':lo) !e would often eo fo: a 4 o! 5 Eile Eolard Simlson, IlcChord A.B. .u on the sldenafks, too. He seeded i1r15:02 - out at 15 Xilo) io enjoy endurance r@s like ihese or Uatt codllalbed thaf the mu.] and iusting tb.ough di lflcu_! foorjrA, e.A. soft sand, oud, 6r1tt hiLls, o! a;oq, country..Ee lelt lor the (orean Maiaiae nost, bui yhatever he ras doiru the one factor that sas alaays p.e;ent thon after the race..sta.tze]1 noved u. srowlr urtll, 1l.c l3,st 1:).


Roeulto o{ l6t lnmaf

&@o.lal 10 {ilo Ro.{t R&. ',onArhll€ told S6pfarb6r 20, 1959 - 8611,. Isl. - D.troi.t Chatucoy

UnlY€.6tit ol


back club


Ultao$tiy ol Cldcago TracL clut g!.tiac!.d - 6hilc

3rd. R@.! &ndoral.

ekdaton. A"C. fororio - cae{ta


Ulatiachod - Ab llnor


toiroit Tlaot Chb


7ib. {hitoy sberldd 8th. Christoph.. R€sAs&6.

lldilton olynpic cru! - Cdada


Gted.iono 1.c. Toronto - Caada


9th. Olvilla

Cladston€ ,t.C. Io.onto







- Cd:d6


Cladsioro A,C. Toronto - Cdada

0ricag. Track cht

13th. Hug! JaEooufi

Per. A.C. rhtladslpllia

14tb. Star stdkovich

D€i.oit frack Clut Dotroii Boet



r6th, ooorgo crolat

eladstoho A,C, Toronlo -

l?th. Ern€ai lrtbol11t

lniv8rsiiy ol Oricago frack club


Ctadsto.s ,4.C, To.onto -

chri3 Ptcka.d

!@ ror 201b.

Bob Saiyor8




c16vB1dd sirtderd


UrdvarsitJ ol Clicago T..ok 0llb

215t. Richard Kirg 22rd. lJlrlch K1.!f6r Eaie.ei - 2l €isrxed -


itsat\or - c16ar fdlsriluro



rldEh€d - 7 Clubs Rolr.sobted.

Order the sreit boot


fr.d wirt,..

.Hgw To IRA|N,,

g2,OO.., fron |ONG DISTANa! rOG

5 Itlle X CouEtrS - De{elop$eut (sec6nd af forr derelopD4trt .ac€.) Het A.A,V. Septefibs! 2?, r9;9 {27 steri€d, very 41.e dey) 1.



N,Y,1, Ii.Y,A

9, xo.


J, li11id





3r.26 3r.35

N.1.A. C.

li.f. P.c.

20. 22.


B. (rack



N.Y,A.C. N. Y. P.






FroB Johr, Gray, Italpole, ltsss. i "The onclosed re6uli! a.e or iI a live dile race in this tom, llaited lro boys ffon 1th16 area r who sef€ uader 19, the Cal:hotlc Church was ba'lre a fle1d day & offered to eponsor a race it I'd llae up ihe ktd8, so of courBe I iL1d. They iltd duch better tha! I as gave 3C pflzes ald all I c!u1d sciape uF qas 28 pimers. Iast Yea! trhere were 20 each, lueels end prlzes, so there ms scne The course sas perhaps ,.6 nl1es and ihe coepeutlo[ not too terrif-

,.5? 5a 2? ta5 29 t37

tt+5 5: oo






36.32 38,58



31,50 37.57





C "


4j.41 * Eest fiae



iI.t. r, c, N.r" l, c. Ii.T.A.



N.I. e. t.


30! 3B


N.r"?. c. N.I. P. C.















N.Y, P. C. N.I. t. C.

5. 6. 7.





4: bo

5.aa 5!00

5: oo

2at4l) 28t5a 30t2? 30:01 2A r)+3


taa i6 ''a6r32


09I1EC 0l |INISH - lir'. llile Race. I"! laliole, tass.. Sep', \. lo5o..Sud./. ?5o (1st ten fit1isher6) 1. T e beiqecn Cene.o.llf,m 8 Jon i rl-e.c, bot! ieedhar q. ., ))t)' 2. Jerry l,iccee, Needlan, 33ta'i j)tq' Sisson. Needl." | . l. Ch8"]es orke,.uatoot.. r, Bob . ?'l,:; ,. clErles Piiet ll3lpole, )Lto3 6. arll Buke, ,ir-n'i aF. 31,Jq 7. Edward Lov61y. Dedhdr . lqr06 €, Bob IEnb, Needhao, 3919i walpole, 9. Fred Cianpietro, 36t& 10. 1,ll}11an Dert.ksorr, Valpoie, 16:59

ic. {1.d luiir that only the firsi s1x could break llve linutes for a nile,) Sti1l itrs a starir, a:rd I thhk the thing kl1l develop. {lds are actual-fy velT fldeety & even f.ightened of the distance. llce htles seeus ibDobslble even lhoush they ale lsed io .acilg ove! 2* oiles in cross coEtry. ftls wasntt AAU sDon;ored or 6ahctloneat by lhe l4ass. Headlasters or anythllg. Juet a race rhere the k:ds ran fo: sone Drelte aoorL lrl?as. (About eieiri exieilert iloDhY or nercmodise o4:zes {!lh the rest rm1l, bur "ui- trophles.) r



ereate! partlclpdtlon by l,Iew York ltoieer Club rmer6 in the road racinei progran, send entry blanks to ,1r. Jo€ Yancey, Jr,, 420 ir. 13cth st., NeN York city, N.!. SOITE (oBrlaN

1Bt IN sEoIjI l'tABAtlioN Seoul, Souih Sorea' Sept. 28 - Lee Cl€nEIIooD, ol south (crea, Non the ltterutio@l Malathon today, finlshbg three ninutes ahoad ol (elt5 J€oaq, of solih ^fr'^a. naynond, or \e{ zeale"!. sas Lhr.d wilh "-4es Cfeeo, the o41v'/ the race. l 1lsh,bg fosth. rDetails rexr ooEtl



F] a


IE .t3 tFl II ttii! llodco

r.3 I



.o IE


l.c I


" l" ',q rE, q



.9t rb. 1F,F

tr B

IF .ml 'Rr





t(Jz d

r,Bloo rrt

,I tr'}F. lt.oo=


IER t(!

.otE tlo!


.tsLr\ I d), -: I ,{+ |.tooE :@ toc ,





r; rJ

| :3 f 'HIo. rb0

a' s?q t




lrJEr .1 a lal'l lr. .\o

| --l o t<iotr..l

to I

lz loo-:;ij .o.rHto ll+rl!l -El.a lloiDEf











!{4 P.9 52I



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1i\ .i.ta '.


f - F4 1*Xbq


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