Ing and to-inf. Used to, be used to and get used to

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Inglés 2º Bachillerato


VERBS FOLLOWED BY GERUNDS Admit Forget Anticipate Get used to Appreciate Give up Avoid Go on Be get used to Imagine Can’t help Involve Can’t stand It’s no use (es inútil) Complete It’s worth (merece la Consider pena) Delay Keep Deny Like Discuss Look forward to Dislike Mention Enjoy Mind Fancy Miss Feel like Need (with a passive Finish sense) VERBS FOLLOWED BY INFINITIVES (TO + INFINITIVE) Afford Fail Agree Forget Appear (= seem) Help Arrange Hesitate Ask Hope Attempt Intend Beg Learn Care Manage Claim Mean Consent Need Decide Offer Demand Plan Deserve Prepare Expect Pretend VERBS FOLLOWED BY A NOUN / PRONOUN + TO + INFINITIVE Advise Expect Allow Forbid Ask Force Beg Help Cause Hire Challenge Instruct Convince Invite Dare Need Enable Order Encourage Permit

Postpone Practice Quit Recall Recollect Recommend Regret Remember Resent Resist Risk Spend (time) Stop Suggest Tolerate Understand

Promise Propose Refuse Regret Remember Seem Struggle Swear Threaten Volunteer Wait Want Wish Would like Persuade Prefer Remind Require Teach Tell Urge Want Warn

VERBS FOLLOWED BY INFINITIVE WITHOUT TO a) Modal verbs: He can’t go to soccer practice today. b) Auxiliary verbs: He doesn’t eat meat. c) The verbs MAKE and LET: I let my friend borrow my bicycle. / They made the pupil do his homework. Cuando ponemos en pasiva una frase con MAKE, éste va seguido de infinitivo con to: The pupil was made to do his homework. d) After sensory verbs (SEE, HEAR, WATCH, NOTICE, FEEL) when the action is completed. Remember that when the action is in progress we use a gerund after them: I saw the little girl fall. e) After the expressions HAD BETTER and WOULD RATHER: You’d better obey your parents or they will be angry with you.

© Departamento de Inglés (Curso 2012-2013)

Inglés 2º Bachillerato


USED TO (or WOULD) / BE USED TO / GET USED TO a) USED TO + base verb expresses a habit in the past, a repeated past action or a state which no longer exists. USED TO appears only in the past form. • Past habits: Paul used to smoke a pipe. He didn’t use to smoke cigarettes. • Past states / situations: We used to own a dog. Did you use to own a dog, too? • Repeated past actions: I used to play in the park every afternoon. I never used to play there at night. b) WOULD + base verb can also be used to express repeated past actions (but not states or situation): As a child, I would play in the park until late. I would enjoy playing in the park as a child. As a child I would live in the country. c) BE USED TO + NOUN / GERUND means something is familiar and you are accustomed to it. It can be used in all tenses. He is used to driving an electric car. I wasn’t used to the noise in the city. d) GET USED TO + NOUN / GERUND means to become accustomed to something new and refers to the process of familiarity. It can be used in any tense: present, past or future. You will soon get used to using the new Windows 8. She has got used to doing all her work on the computer. EXERCISES 1. Complete the sentences with the gerund, the infinitive with TO or infinitive without to. a) Jason is fed up with _______________ (work) at weekends. b) I want _______________ (tell) you a story. c) Penny avoids _______________ (sit) in the sun. d) It’s safe ______________ (swim) in the lake. e) They lawyer advised me __________________ (wait). f) We don’t mind _______________ (walk) home. It’s not very far. g) The coffee is too hot ________________ (drink). h) I look forward to __________________ (hear) from you again, i) __________________ (live) in the city can be stressful. j) We were thrilled ________________ (see) our team win. k) Sandra is used to ______________ (do) all the housework herself. l) Thank you for the invitation. I’d love ______________ (come) to your party. m) Please don’t make me ________________ (apologise) to him. n) I’d love ______________ (visit) Australia one day. o) Did you succeed in _______________ (prepare) Chinese chicken? Was it good? p) We want _________________ (open) our own restaurant. q) Do you feel like ____________________ (order) pizza this evening? r) __________________ (drink) one glass of wine a day can be healthy. s) Julian persuaded me __________________ (join) the club. t) Joe hopes __________________ (go) to university next year. u) The policeman made us __________________ (stop) the car. v) Peter enjoys __________________ (listen) to classical music. 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. a) I always forget _______________ (buy) sugar when I’m in the supermarket. b) Pamela remembers ______________ (pick) apples when she was a child. c) Please remember _________________ (record) the football match at 5 o’clock. d) I regret _________________ (make) sushi for the dinner party. It wasn’t tasty at all. e) I can’t stop __________________ (eat) these sweets. They’re delicious. f) We regret __________________ (inform) you that tomorrow’s concert has been cancelled. g) I’m sorry I didn’t remember __________________ (call) you last night as we had planned. © Departamento de Inglés (Curso 2012-2013)

Inglés 2º Bachillerato


h) I will never forget __________________ (appear) with my favourite actor. i) They stopped __________________ (work) to have lunch. j) I can’t open the door. It’s strange because I don’t remember __________________ (lock) it. k) The film was not very good. Most of the actors regret __________________ (appear) in it. l) While I was driving home, I stopped __________________ (visit) my friend. m) Whose exam is this? Whoever did it forgot __________________ (write) their name. n) She will never forget __________________ (meet) the Queen when she was in London. o) I was so tired of studying that I stopped __________________ (have) a break. 3. Complete the sentences using a suitable verb phrase. a) John is very interested in … b) My brother gets usually bored with… c) In the winter, we enjoy… d) Some people never make an effort… e) Sometimes he can’t help… f) This year we’re planning… g) My parents often remind me…

4. Match the two halves of the sentence. A 1. My best friend advised 2. Working in the garden 3. We are all looking forward 4. Steve is known 5. That book isn’t worth 6. My brother doesn’t remember

B a) b) c) d) e) f)

being mean to me. to be lazy. me to cut my hair. to seeing you next week. can be very tiring. paying a lot of money for.

5. Rewrite the sentences below correctly. a) To smoke is bad for you. b) He told me handing in my homework. c) They want that our parents will come too. d) I enjoy to go to dance. e) I used to going with my friends to play football. f) He always has a shower before go to bed. g) They made me to fell wonderful. h) It’s not worth to shop in that department store. There’s nothing there. 6. Fill in the blanks with the correct form (positive or negative) of USED TO, BE USED TO OR GET USED TO. Before we moved to Madrid, we _______________ live in a small mountain village. At weekends, I _______________ go out because there weren’t any discos or bars there. In fact, I _______________ living a quiet life in the country. Three months ago, we moved to Madrid. Now I am trying _______________ life in a big city. I _______________ so much noise and traffic, but slowly I _______________ the bus system and the underground. One good thing is school; I _______________ school very quickly and I’ve made a lot of new friends there. My parents tell me that I _______________ city life eventually and I will learn to enjoy it as much as they do. 7. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences below. a) Don’t worry, you’ll soon get used to / used to / are used to an automatic car. b) We were used to / used to / got used to spend a lot of time at home when we were younger.

© Departamento de Inglés (Curso 2012-2013)

Inglés 2º Bachillerato


c) Sally used to / gets used to / is used to studying hard – she’s a very serious student. d) Every summer we were used to / would / got used to go to the concerts in the park. e) I wasn’t used to / used to / never used to listen to classical music until I went to the opera. f) Did you use to / You used to / Used you travel a lot before you settled here? 8. Choose the correct answers. a) I don’t think my grandparents will ever be used to / get used to my liberal ideas. b) Suzie comes from a multicultural family, so she is used to / gets used to different types of food. c) We are used to / get used to celebrating our national holidays. d) Could you be used to / get used to living in Alaska? e) I’m still suffering from culture shock. I just can’t be used to / get used to things in this country! f) The lifestyle in Kenya is so different from the lifestyle that I am used to / get used to in my country. 9. Rewrite the following sentences without altering the original meaning. Use USED TO / BE USED TO / GET USED TO. a) I once had a beautiful red sports car. b) Are you accustomed to collecting your little sister from kindergarten? c) Spaniards usually have a large meal in the afternoons. d) She went to the music school when she was a teenager. e) It’s difficult to adjust to the cold weather. f) I usually have a hot drink before I go to bed. g) You will have to become accustomed to using a good dictionary instead of a translator. h) Once I was a member of a youth movement. i) Alan has always lived in tropical climates. j) It’s hard to adjust to use an iPad. 10. Complete the sentences with USED TO or WOULD and the verbs in brackets. Indicate the sentences where WOULD can be used. a) My best friend _______________ (live) next door to me, but now she lives in another town. b) When I was a child, my mother _______________ (help) me with my homework. c) He _______________ (own) a sports car, but now he has a family car. d) People _______________ (believe) that the sun revolved around the earth. e) I _______________ (be) afraid of crowded places when I was younger. Every time I went to the bus station, I felt nervous. f) Tom _______________ (smoke), but he stopped last year. g) For years, we _______________ (go) hiking every weekend. h) I _______________ (have) a surfboard. i) My family _______________ (sleep) in a tent whenever we went camping. j) My grandmother _______________ (love) skiing. k) As a young person, he _______________ (take) lots of photos on all his trips. l) My uncle _______________ (be) a travel guide, but now he’s a businessman.

© Departamento de Inglés (Curso 2012-2013)

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