HELPING STOP TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS USAID works with Albanian government and non-governmental counterparts to help the country bring itself into compliance with the standards of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act.
In the 1990’s, USAID helped the Government of Albania develop its legal framework for land rights and land administration.
fragmentation of agricultural lands impeded the development of Albania’s agricultural sector.
• Through the help of USAID’s property registration programs (1994-2004), over 2 million properties out of a total estimated 4 million property units were registered in Albania. The program completed registrations in 2, 299 cadastral zones out of a total of 3, 064 cadastral zones which represents 78% of all cadastral zones in Albania. From 1994 to 2001, USAID focused on registrations in rural areas and was successful in registering 2, 263 rural cadastral zones. It also helped establish the responsible agency for the first registration, the Project Management Unit, after Albania passed the 1992 land reform law. • In 2002, USAID focused on registration for priority economic zones including those areas where national electric transmission lines were planned and in tourism development areas. The project began for the first time the registration in 16 cadastral zones, including Tirana and other major cities. • In 1995, USAID supported the development of community-based forest management that increased rural household incomes and reduced forest degradation. The program helped communities establish forest user groups and prepare forest management plans.
The directors of the four NGO shelters in Albania sign a memorandum of understanding that formalizes cooperation to assist victims of trafficking.
USAID is helping Albania utilize information and communication technology (ICT) to improve government transparency, modernize healthcare, and build opportunities for farmers and businesses.
• In cooperation with local municipalities, USAID’s child anti-trafficking program formed Child Protection Units and a Child Protection Safety Net program that has been integral to Albania’s overall anti-trafficking strategy. • USAID was active in increasing advocacy and awareness around the “Olympic Games Emergency” in 2004. USAID and Terre des hommes assisted the GOA’s Working Group Against Child Trafficking to draft a Memorandum of Understanding that was officially signed with Greece in 2006. • In 2007, USAID helped establish the National Coalition of Anti-trafficking Shelters. USAID helped NGO shelters provide services to assist and reintegrate victims of trafficking. • USAID’s women’s anti-trafficking program helped over 740 victims of trafficking receive assistance and re-integration services, more than 2,800 vulnerable women and children receive prevention services, and over 59,000 citizens participate in awareness raising activities. The program also trained over 2,100 government and 210 civil society actors in anti-trafficking management.
Albania’s National Agency for the Information Society (NAIS) was inaugurated in May 2008, in a ceremony held in the Agency’s modern new offices, refurbished by the US Government. The agency coordinates all the e-government services developed by the Millennium Challenge Albania project, such as e-registration of businesses, e-procurement and tax e-filing.
RESTRUCTURING THE ENERGY SECTOR RESPONSE TO KOSOVO REFUGEES The Kosovo refugee crisis was one in a series of human and political catastrophes to affect Albania in 1990s. USAID’s Albania Transition Initiative was designed to alleviate the impact of the Kosovo refugee crisis on Albanian host communities.
Since 2000, USAID has helped bring affordable energy to Albania by improving energy legislation and strengthening the performance of such institutions as the Albanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ERE), the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, and Albania’s power utility company, KESH. Activities have included:
The Albania Transition Initiative helped local citizens rebuild the Kucova Community Health Care Center.
• The Municipal Infrastructure Support Program and the Social Services Rehabilitation Program helped improve roads, libraries, schools, and health clinics in 18 communities that accepted refugees. • A Weapons in Exchange for Development Program, in collaboration with UNDP, supported community improvement projects in the Elbasan District. • USAID provided $12 million of budget support for the Government’s work to rehabilitate schools and support neighborhood development.
• USAID helped draft Albania’s National Power Sector Policy in 2002 that laid the foundation for the privatization of Albania’s state-owned power corporation, KESH. USAID played an integral role throughout the privatization, which was successfully completed in 2008. • With USAID support, the Government developed a National Energy Strategy in 2003 that defined in the long-term how Albania will address energy security, efficiency, and affordability for citizens. • USAID helped draft both the Power Sector Law (2003) that established the independence of the ERE and the Energy Efficiency Law (2005) that established the institutional framework on energy efficiency. USAID is currently helping revise the law to ensure that Albania meet EU standards and helps ensure a sustainable supply of affordable energy for all citizens.
(c) 1999, The Washington Post. Refugee camp in Kukes, Albania- 3 May, 1999
• USAID, in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute, is building Albania’s ability to defend against cyber-security incidents that could harm the country’s banks, businesses, and government institutions. • In 2010, USAID played a key role in establishing tax administration offices that enable businesses to file and pay taxes electronically – thus improving government transparency and services to citizens. • In the health sector, USAID is helping Albania use ICT to improve the performance of medical institutions and Albania’s health insurance system, strengthen the quality of medical education, and speed up doctors’ access to medical information from around the world. • In agriculture, USAID has helped farmers and agricultural industries utilize the latest computer and telephone technologies to grow businesses through, for example, obtaining information on commodity prices and improving access to foreign markets.
USAID is implementing a Clean Energy Program to improve energy efficiency, increase the use of renewable energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through the program, USAID is playing a key role to: • Help the national Natural Resource Agency upgrade Albania’s national energy database, establish regional offices, and develop pilot projects on energy efficiency. • Expand municipalities’ access to local bank financing -to fund clean energy solutions for street lighting, municipal water supplies, schools, elderly housing, and municipal buildings. • Albania is also part of USAID’s regional clean energy program that will develop a policy analysis to guide the region’s investments in wind and hydro projects through 2030.
US Federal and Albanian Regulators met in March 2010 to discuss oversight and management of the natural gas sector.
Albania has enormous potential to utilize renewable energy. It is ideally suited for developing wind, hydro, and solar power, and there is potential as well to make use of geothermal and biomass energy.
PROJECTS 1991-1999
PROJECTS 2000-2010
• First Registration of Immovable Property (1993-2001) • Albania Refugee Community Relief Program (1999-2002) • Center for Street Children in Tirana (1993-1995) • Participant Training Project in Europe (PTPE/PIET) (1992-1996) • TRANSIT (Global Training for Development (GTD) (1996-2001) • Entrepreneurial Management and Executive Development (EMED) program (1996-2001)
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Property Restitution and Compensation Law (2004-2006) Registration Organizational Improvement (2002-2004) Protection, Shelter, and Reintegration for Abused and Trafficked Women (2002-2004) Transnational Action Against Child Trafficking (TACT) (2003-2009) with Terre des Hommes The Albanian Initiative: Coordinated Action Against Human Trafficking (CAAHT) (20032009) Communities Engaged in Social & Economic Development (CESEDA) (2003-2005) Fostering Religious Harmony in Albania (2004-2006) Regional Energy Restoration (2000-2003) Energy Restoration and Restructuring Program (ERRP) (2000-2007) Regional Infrastructure Support Project (2000-2002) Participant Training Program (START) (2001-2005) East Central Europe Scholarship Program (ECESP) (2006-2008) Wildfires Assistance (July-August 2007) Gerdec Explosion Disaster Relief (March-May 2008) Emergency support for Flood Victims in Northern Albania (January 2009, and December 2010)
Clean Energy in Albania Program (2010-2013) Support for Albania’s National Shelter Coalition (2009-2012) Albania Distribution Privatization Program (2007-2011) Forecast Program (2005-2011)