June 16-30, 2023 Issue of The Unrest Magazine

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News Magazine on Economic and Political Upheavals in the World THE UNREST RMN Digital Magazine | June 16-30, 2023
An Editorial Initiative of Raman Media Network (RMN) Editor: Rakesh Raman CONFLICTS | ELECTIONS | HUMAN RIGHTS | PROTESTS | TERRORISM THE UNREST News Magazine by RMN News Service | June 16-30, 2023 | Page 1 of 33
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk. Photo: UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Global Conflicts

Public Opinion


Türk Must Release Data on Human Rights Crime and Corruption in Delhi

Law and Justice

Kejriwal Holds Rally for Corruption in Delhi Websites to Check Crimes in Delhi Societies

Lawlessness in India

Wrestlers Leading a Directionless Protest Crime, Corruption, and Impunity in India

Court Asks Russia to Honor Its Judgments Paper to Get Copyright Laws Repealed

Congress Politics

Main Stories in This Issue of The Unrest
to Bring Ukraine Closer to NATO RMN Poll: PM of India After 2024 Election? Rahul Gandhi vs. Modi on Foreign Tours
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PM Modi Is a Mediocre Man: Rahul Gandhi Congress Inputs for Corruption Research

European Court of Human Rights Asks Russia to Honor Its Judgments

The European Court has continued delivering judgments concerning Russia, and the Committee of Ministers continues to supervise their implementation.

The Council of Europe’s (CoE) Committee of Ministers has reiterated the Russian Federation’s unconditional legal obligation to implement judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and to pay ‘just satisfaction’ awarded by the Court.

The President of the Committee of Ministers made a statement on this issue, and the Council of Europe Secretary General sent a further letter to the Russian Foreign Minister, following the Committee’s latest quarterly meeting on the execution of judgments from the European Court.

According to a statement issued by CoE on June 8, four groups of Russian cases and two Georgia v. Russia interstate cases were examined by the Committee at the meeting. These cases concerned violations found in the Transdniestrian region of

Photo Courtesy: Council of Europe
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the Republic of Moldova and inadequate preparation of hostage-rescue operations resulting in loss of life and injuries in both the Dubrovka Theatre and in the hostage-taking crisis in Beslan in 2004, as well as criminal convictions based on an unfair trial and an arbitrary application of criminal law in cases concerning Aleksey Navalnyy.

Following the examination of the Georgia v. Russia (I) case, which concerns the arrest, detention and expulsion from the Russian Federation of large numbers of Georgian nationals in 2006-2007, the President of the Committee of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs, said, “The Russian authorities must heed the Committee’s call and comply with their unconditional obligations under international law to pay these sums and fully abide by the judgments of the European Court.”

“The default interest on the amount awarded by the Court in Georgia v. Russia (I) continues to accrue and on 5 June 2023, the total amount owed by the Russian Federation in this case was EUR 11,525,068.49. Russia’s delay in fulfilling this obligation deprives the individual victims of the violations from receiving compensation for the damages they suffered,” he stressed.

At the request of the Committee of Ministers, and now also reflecting the recent judgment of the European Court awarding just satisfaction in the case of Georgia v Russia (II), a Register of just satisfaction concerning the Russian Federation has been created, which shows the millions of euros owed by the Russian Federation in all inter-state cases.

There are currently a total of 2,454 cases under the supervision of the Committee of Ministers, pending full implementation by the Russian authorities. According to CoE, information is currently awaited on the payment of just satisfaction in some 1,200 cases. As of 5 June 2023, the outstanding amount stood at slightly over 2.2 billion

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euros, including roughly 1.87 billion euros in the case of OAO Neftyanaya Kompaniya Yukos.

The Russian Federation was excluded from the Council of Europe on 16 March 2022. However, Russia is still obliged to implement judgments of the European Court related to its actions and omissions up until 16 September 2022. The European Court has continued delivering judgments concerning Russia, and the Committee of Ministers continues to supervise their implementation.

Courtesy: CoE

Kejriwal Holds Public Rally to Legitimize Corruption in Delhi

Kejriwal is trying to woo gullible people of Delhi so that he could gain legitimacy for his party’s acts of corruption.

Delhi chief minister (CM) and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal held an extravagant event in Delhi on June 11 to mobilize public support against a government ordinance that has divested his government of administrative powers.

In a tweet, AAP said that the people of Delhi are attending the rally to oppose the dictatorship of the Central government headed by prime minister (PM) Narendra Modi, adding that the ordinance must be taken back.

Recently, the Modi government has taken another step to stop the misuse of authority and corruption by Kejriwal and his AAP colleagues. In order to oppose a Supreme Court order of May 11 that gave Delhi bureaucracy control to the Kejriwal government, the Modi government promulgated an ordinance on May 19 to create a National Capital Civil Service Authority.

The new Authority will have the power to recommend the transfers and postings of bureaucrats including all Group A officers and officers of DANICS (Delhi, Andaman &

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Nicobar, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli Civil Services) serving in Delhi.

Arvind Kejriwal, chief minister, Delhi

While the overall control of administration will stay with Delhi Lt. Governor (LG) Vinai Saxena, Kejriwal and his ministers will continue to be dummy officials in the government without any direct role.

In order to oppose the Modi government’s ordinance, Kejriwal is also meeting various political leaders in other states. However, few are expected to support Kejriwal who is perceived to be the most corrupt politician in Indian politics.

In a tweet written in Hindi, Kejriwal said on May 23 that he will travel in the entire country to seek support from other political leaders so that the ordinance does not become a law in the Rajya Sabha where opposition parties have sufficient strength.

Since the ordinance has been introduced mainly to stop corruption by Kejriwal and other AAP leaders, no honest leader will support Kejriwal. Along with Kejriwal, a

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number of AAP politicians are either facing investigations or languishing in jail for their alleged involvement in massive corruption and money laundering cases.

As most political leaders are aware of Kejriwal’s corruption cases, they will not stand with “corrupt Kejriwal.” Only those leaders will collaborate with Kejriwal in opposing the ordinance who themselves are corrupt and fear investigations by the central agencies such as the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) or the Enforcement Directorate (ED).

The main opposition party Congress, for example, has decided to stay away from Kejriwal and his “corrupt” colleagues. A Delhi Congress leader Ajay Maken wrote a long Twitter post on May 23 to explain why Congress should not oppose the ordinance.

He said that there are administrative, political, and legal reasons for not supporting Kejriwal when he is demanding undue control in Delhi. The Supreme Court order that Kejriwal is citing is totally ambiguous, as most court orders in India are not very clear and usually written in broken (or wrong) English.

Since most Supreme Court judges also lack domain knowledge, they take casual decisions which cannot be challenged. The situation is worse in the high courts and lower courts of India.

If you evaluate the Supreme Court judgments through an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based expert system, you will find that almost all the judgments or delays are either wrong or biased.

It is once again visible in the standalone decision – without considering various aspects – that the Supreme Court took in favour of the Kejriwal government. In fact, Kejriwal is trying to grab more powers so that in a revengeful manner he could punish the bureaucrats who are investigating AAP corruption cases. The development work in Delhi is completely hampered because of corruption in the

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Kejriwal government. Today, Delhi has become the world’s most polluted national capital and corruption is rampant in almost all departments of Delhi Government.

In fact, a couple of ministers in the Kejriwal government – Manish Sisodia and Satyendar Jain – have been jailed under charges of massive corruption and money laundering.

Also, Kejriwal and a slew of other AAP leaders are facing investigations while Delhi LG Saxena has ordered a probe into the reported Rs. 45 crore misappropriation of public funds by Kejriwal on the renovation of his house.

Similarly, the standard of education is pathetic in Delhi schools and the Mohalla Clinics that Kejriwal praises are in a deplorable state. There is a lack of basic amenities such as water, electricity, and transport in Delhi.

While the city is littered with stinking household waste, it has become a colossal dustbin as swarms of mosquitoes breed in homes making life miserable for Delhi residents.

Now the people of Delhi are facing a serious mosquito threat as the mosquito density in the city has increased manifold. The Delhi homes are full of mosquitoes and many people may be dying with mosquito bites. But the negligent Delhi Government has failed to deal with the mosquito menace in the city.

Meanwhile, a new global report (Ecological Threat Report 2022: Analysing Ecological Threats, Resilience & Peace) has warned of an imminent ecological disaster in Delhi.

The report says factors such as poor infrastructure, lethal air pollution, weak regulatory framework, and administrative failure are going to make Delhi unsustainable for its population of over 30 million. Thus, Delhi continues to be a living hell for millions of people who live here and now the ambiguous Supreme Court order in favour of the Kejriwal government has caused more confusion. So, the people of Delhi should not expect any relief.

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Like most other crooked politicians, Kejriwal and AAP spend hundreds of crores of rupees on fake advertisements to falsely show their work. Thus, they hoodwink voters - most of whom are illiterate - to win elections deceptively.

Moreover, Kejriwal is also paying crores of rupees of public money to some greedy lawyers who try to protect him and other AAP leaders unscrupulously in courts. Since Kejriwal is not supposed to spend public money to litigate AAP corruption cases, it is a form of corruption that Kejriwal commits in collusion with dishonest lawyers.

As Kejriwal is unlikely to get administrative control in Delhi – which is not a full state – he should remove his junior party colleague Bhagwant Mann from the CM position in Punjab and become the CM of Punjab. Since Bhagwant Mann is an illiterate and incapable politician, he is not able to handle the growing unrest in Punjab.

Now, with the public rally, Kejriwal is trying to woo gullible people of Delhi so that he could gain legitimacy for his party’s acts of corruption. But it will be a travesty of justice if Kejriwal is given any administrative control in Delhi.

Rather, all corrupt AAP politicians should be jailed immediately so that people of Delhi could live in a corruption-free environment.

Volker Türk Must Release Data on Human Rights Work

It is essential for the UN Human Rights office to release data about the effectiveness of its work so that its performance could be measured empirically.

On June 8, 2023, a United Nations (UN) human rights expert urged Russia to drop criminal charges against Oleg Orlov, a human rights defender and one of the leaders of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning organization “Memorial”.

Earlier, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, asked Iran to stop illegal executions of protesters. He also expressed concern at persecution of

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judicial officials in Guatemala, besides expressing his dismay at death sentences by military courts in Myanmar.

These are among the multiple examples of casual statements issued carelessly by Türk, UN Human Rights office, and the so-called UN human rights experts. In addition to these meaningless statements, the UN Human Rights office releases myriad reports on human rights situations, conducts visits in different countries, and holds extravagant events in different parts of the world.

Shockingly, however, the UN Human Rights office never releases information on the impact of its ostentatious activities on the people who are being harassed everywhere.

For example, the UN Human Rights office never informs if the authoritarian regimes have accepted its statements and appeals to protect the human rights of persecuted communities. Thus, the UN office is working in an opaque manner and squandering huge money on the comforts of its bureaucrats including Türk.

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk. Photo: UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
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In May 2023, Türk even announced to double the office budget so that a UN Human Rights office could be established everywhere. While Türk is already wasting massive money to run the bureaucratic outfit, he did not elaborate how he would measure the impact of his work.

Although the entire UN system has gone defunct, the UN Human Rights office is the most notorious department that has repeatedly failed to discharge its responsibilities.

It has been seen that all UN Human Rights chiefs only perform some perfunctory jobs, but they never protect human rights of people who are being persecuted in different parts of the world.

In particular, Türk has deliberately turned a blind eye to the human rights violations happening right under his nose. Since Türk is an unqualified bureaucrat, in April 2023 I had urged him to resign from his position. But he has not yet resigned because he wants to enjoy the luxuries that come with his job.

I have argued in my appeal that the UN human rights system cannot save the rights or lives of the victims of violations and other crimes perpetrated by cruel authorities in different countries such as Belarus, China, India, Israel, Myanmar, Russia, Syria, and countless other despotic nations.

Since no key result area (KRA) has been defined for Türk and other officials in his office, they never release data of the people who get relief from their work. Actually, they are not doing any effective work except releasing statements in rigid templates.

As blatant human rights violations are happening, the autocratic authorities are arbitrarily incarcerating or killing human rights defenders and peaceful protesters who raise their voice against the state crimes in their countries.

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The UN Human Rights office under Türk has been issuing useless statements, but it could not get jailed dissenters released. They include Alexei Navalny and Vladimir Kara-Murza in Russia, Nobel Peace Prize winner Ales Bialiatski in Belarus, Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar, and thousands of other peaceful protesters who are languishing in jails of different autocratic nations.

The Special Rapporteurs - who are part of the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council - are also some naive functionaries who do not fully understand the human rights work.

Like UN Human Rights chiefs, they also keep releasing irrelevant statements and reports mechanically without knowing the effect of their redundant activities.

In these circumstances, it is essential for the UN Human Rights office to release data about the effectiveness of its work so that its performance could be measured empirically.

The data should have one-to-one correspondence with each appeal to an authoritarian regime that the UN Human Rights office makes and the outcome of the appeal in terms of relief to the oppressed people.

The UN Human Rights office should make a dedicated web compendium on which the casewise information about its work and its measurable impact should be publicly available.

Moreover, the UN Human Rights office should make a simple online system on which the aggrieved people whose rights are being violated could file their complaints and these complaints should openly appear on the system.

If the UN Human Rights office cannot take these reformatory steps and cannot reveal the impact of its work explicitly, it has no right to exist. In that case, the UN Human Rights office should be shuttered immediately. |

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Short Stories of Politics and Unrest in the World

Despite the rise of influential movements such as #MeToo, gender inequality has remained stagnant over the past decade, according to a news study released by the United Nations on June 12. Among both men and women, "biased gender social norms are prevalent worldwide: almost 90% of people have at least one bias" among the seven biases analyzed by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) said. Read More

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has alleged that the Indian government threatened to shut the platform and raid employees' houses in the country. In an interview with a US-based YouTube channel, Mr Dorsey said India requested removal of several tweets and accounts linked to the farmers' protest in 2020. Twitter was also asked to censor journalists critical of the government, he alleged. Read More

The United Nations secretary-general has warned that artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to spread disinformation and hate, as he backed a proposal for the creation of an international watchdog to monitor the technology. Speaking at the launch of a new policy on disinformation on June 12, Antonio Guterres said that while technological advancement has been used for some good, the risks posed by AI threatens democracy and human rights. Read More

An overnight missile attack by Russian forces has killed at least ten people and wounded at least 28 others in the central Ukrainian city of Kryvyi Rih, the city mayor, Oleksandr Vilkul, said on June 13. A five-story residential building in the hometown of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was hit early on June 13 morning. Three cruise missiles were shot down, but others got through, say officials, with at least one person still caught under rubble. Read More

Donald Trump denied dozens of criminal counts of willfully mishandling US government secrets and scheming to prevent their return, in a historic first appearance on June 13 in federal court. It was the former president's second arraignment as he battles a deluge of legal threats, coming just 10 weeks after he was charged with a string of felonies in Manhattan over hush money payments to a porn star. Read More

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Consultative Paper to Get Draconian Copyright Laws Changed

or Repealed

Appeal: This paper is addressed to the concerned local and international authorities with the appeal to review and repeal the draconian copyright laws in the contemporary world driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and freely shareable social media content.

Consultative Paper to Get Draconian Copyright Laws Changed or Repealed Photo: RMN News Service


The archaic copyright laws that were written in the pre-tech era should not be applicable in today’s modern world where there is an information explosion and most people share content innocuously on social media or millions of blogs without any evil intent.

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These days, a multitude of firms or individuals are running extortion rackets behind the opaque veils of copyrights to terrorize innocent technology users and extort money from them with the unfounded allegations of copyright violations. I am also a victim of one such fraud as a company tried to extort money from me with criminal intimidation.

Now, almost all the copyright cases filed in courts or other administrative or judicial forums should be dismissed under the “FAIR USE” statute that is supposed to promote freedom of expression and / or editorial freedom. While most countries have signed the Berne Convention (adopted in 1886) which allows content reuse for quotations and news reporting, there is a need to further strengthen the content reuse framework.

The revamped content reuse guidelines should enable free flow of information as information consumption and dissemination is a fundamental right of all stakeholders, and which should take precedence over the straitjacketed copyright laws.

[ You can click here to download the full paper on copyright laws or click here to read it in the e-book format. ]

Making Websites to Check Crimes in Delhi Housing Societies

Hundreds of thousands of Delhi residents are suffering and they have no forum where they could complain against the MC members.

The cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) of Delhi have become dangerous centers of crime and corruption. The crimes in these housing societies are being committed by the management committee (MC) members or administrators in connivance with the corrupt officials of Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government, Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Delhi Police, Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), and a few other departments.

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One of the main reasons for increasing crimes in housing societies is the lack of transparency. The MCs prefer to work opaquely in order to swindle public money from residents.

Although the RCS office has issued repeated directives for housing societies asking them to make their websites, the MCs and administrators blatantly ignore those directives.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of CGHS residents are suffering and they have no forum where they could complain against the MC members. As a journalist and social activist, I have been running the “Clean House” service to report about crime and corruption cases in housing societies.

As part of this service, I have developed a video to make residents aware of the website rule so that they should force their MCs or administrators to make society

Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government, which is among the most corrupt departments of India. Photo: Rakesh Raman / RMN News Service
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websites. You can click here to watch the video on RMN YouTube Channel and you can also click here to file your complaint through the “Clean House” service.

Thank You

Rakesh Raman

Sexual Harassment Case: Wrestlers Leading a Directionless Protest

Instead of having a friendly tête-à-tête with the cunning BJP ministers, the wrestlers need to think wisely about the direction of their protest which has already gone directionless.

The protest being led by Indian wrestlers Sakshi Malik, Vinesh Phogat, and Bajrang Punia against the accused Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh is going totally haywire.

Will Wrestlers Get Justice in Sexual Harassment Case Against BJP Leader?

After meeting sports minister Anurag Thakur on June 7 and home minister Amit Shah the previous week, the protesting wrestlers have failed to get what they demand - the imprisonment of Brij Bhushan. Strangely, however, according to reports the wrestlers have stopped their protest.

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Since the wrestlers are surrounded by naive or almost illiterate supporters, they are not able to articulate their demands for which they have been protesting. While their main demand is the arrest of Brij Bhushan, they should discuss other issues only after his arrest.

The reports suggest that during their meetings with the ministers - who are actually the colleagues of accused Brij Bhushan - the wrestlers are demanding an impartial investigation into the sexual harassment case that Brij Bhushan is facing. However, the wrestlers fail to understand that if the ministers in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of prime minister Narendra Modi want to protect the BJP leader Brij Bhushan, they will say that the police investigation is impartial even if it has many flaws.

Actually, Delhi Police is notorious for submitting dubious investigation reports that suit the evil designs of the ruling party BJP. For example, a Delhi court had found that the standard of police investigation into a large number of 2020 northeast Delhi riots cases was “very poor”.

While the corrupt Delhi Police works under secret directions from the home ministry, the court commented that the police did not bother to take the investigation to a logical end after filing half-baked charge sheets.

The judges who disagree with the investigations of Delhi Police are punished with transfers as it happened in 2021 when a judge who reprimanded the careless Delhi Police officials for conducting a lousy investigation was transferred.

Under these circumstances, the wrestlers will not have any forum where they could complain against the police investigation and they will have to accept the police findings that will exonerate Brij Bhushan. Even if the harassed wrestlers go to court, they are unlikely to get justice as most Indian courts including the Supreme Court

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are either complicit in state crimes or they form perfunctory committees to acquit the BJP politicians such as Brij Bhushan.

There is also a likelihood that the wrestlers who have complained against Brij Bhushan are implicated in false cases as it had happened last year when social activist Teesta Setalvad complained against the dubious investigation into the Gujarat riots in which Modi is an accused. Setalvad was punished by the Modi government in collusion with the Supreme Court.

The wrestlers have, in fact, experienced the Delhi Police brutality when on May 28, they were not only attacked ruthlessly by the police, but false cases of rioting were also filed against them for protesting peacefully.

In order to protect the BJP leader Brij Bhushan, the Modi government may ostensibly accept the other demands of wrestlers such as scrapping of police cases against them and reforms in the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI).

But when the wrestlers end their protest, it will be a status quo and in the process Brij Bhushan will stay acquitted. Earlier, it had happened during the year-long farmers’ protest in 2021 when farmers failed to get any of their demands - including the main demand of minimum support price (MSP) - accepted after stopping their agitation around Delhi.

Despite a massive protest by farmers, Modi did not remove another BJP leader Ajay Mishra, a Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India. Ajay Mishra is accused of a conspiracy to murder a few protesting farmers in 2021 at Lakhimpur Kheri in the Uttar Pradesh (UP) state.

And even if Brij Bhushan is jailed, the Modi government will soon release him as it had released last year the Bilkis Bano case convicts who were jailed for the rape and murder of innocent people. Therefore, instead of having a friendly tête-à-tête

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with the cunning BJP ministers, the wrestlers need to think wisely about the direction of their protest which has already gone directionless.

Who Should be the Prime Minister of India After the 2024 Lok Sabha Election?

RMN Poll: PM of India After 2024 Election?

Raman Media Network (RMN) Company – which is working in diversified content creation, management, and distribution businesses on a global scale – has started an online public poll: Who Should be the Prime Minister of India After the 2024 Lok Sabha Election?

Who Should be the Prime Minister of India After the 2024 Lok Sabha Election? RMN Poll

Instead of including the names of only traditional politicians in the poll, RMN has taken a breakthrough editorial decision to select a few candidates who deserve to be the prime minister (PM) of India because of their social activism and intellectual ability. The respondents can, however, vote according to their preference. You can also suggest more names of candidates to be included in the poll.

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The poll results up to June 13, 2023: Amartya Sen (24%), Arundhati Roy (24%), Mahua Moitra (20%), Narendra Modi (11%), Rahul Gandhi (10%), Satyapal Malik (4%), Arvind Kejriwal (4%), and None of the Above (3%).

Note: As there are repeated reports about the fraudulent use of electronic voting machines (EVMs) in Indian elections, this poll does not take into account the EVM factor.

Now, you can choose your option in the following poll. Select your option and press the box under the options to vote. You can also view the results of the poll.

Who Should be the Prime Minister of India After the 2024 Lok Sabha Election?

This RMN Poll is part of our editorial section “Power Play: Lok Sabha Election 2024 in India” which covers election news, events, and political campaigns.

You can click here to participate in the RMN Poll.

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Rahul Gandhi vs. Narendra Modi on Foreign Tours

While Rahul Gandhi’s foreign tours improve India’s reputation abroad, here are a few tips for him when he talks.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was recently visiting the U.S. and having interactions with different groups of people. After a few days, prime minister Narendra Modi is expected to visit the U.S.

Both these top leaders of India go to different countries with different objectives. While Modi holds large public rallies attended by Indian crowds who are believed to be hired to attend Modi’s events.

Modi often delivers his speeches through monologues which lack content, although crowds applause without understanding what he says.

However, Rahul Gandhi usually interacts with intellectually advanced audiences in educational institutions. In comparison to Modi, Rahul Gandhi shares knowledge through his interactive discussions with educated communities.

It is believed that Modi is never invited in India or abroad to participate in intellectual discussions like Rahul Gandhi does since Modi cannot interact with people because he lacks knowledge and communication skills.

That is why Modi also does not hold press conferences in India or abroad, as he cannot discuss any topic without the use of a teleprompter. Modi also hesitates to face the journalists in foreign countries because they mostly ask Modi about his criminal role in the Gujarat massacre when he was the chief minister of Gujarat.

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However, some dishonest world leaders hobnob with Modi for their commercial interests in order to sell their products and services to India. Modi is squandering public money worth billions of dollars to buy foreign products which are not required in India. With this kind of bribe to foreign leaders, he is trying to gain legitimacy for his criminal actions.

In fact, Modi can avoid going to foreign countries as he lacks skills to interact with world leaders. While Rahul Gandhi’s foreign tours improve India’s reputation abroad, here are a few tips for him when he talks.

Do not say the word “right” after almost every sentence, as it is repulsive.

Do not give a long pause between your words.

Do not keep your hands in front of your face when you talk in an interview.

Do not shake your leg when you sit for a conversation.

Do not speak with a choked voice that makes you nervous.

Listen to the full question before your answer.

Do not use terms such as GST without any reference.

If you find it difficult to speak extempore, use a teleprompter like our Supreme Leader.

In today’s increasingly specialized and cut-throat world, a person must have in-depth knowledge and extensive domain expertise to handle a particular department even in a small company But it is highly unfortunate that people with no relevant qualification or expertise become Presidents, Governors, Prime Ministers, Chief Ministers, ministers, judges, legislators, and bureaucrats in India to manage highly complex domains of governance. That is why India continues to be a poor, underdeveloped country. Now it is being observed that India has become a kakistocracy where the government is under the control of the worst, least qualified, and most unscrupulous people. ~ Rakesh

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Crime, Corruption, and Impunity in India

Politicians, bureaucrats, police, and judges have formed a criminal gang in India. The following cases depict how they collude with criminals and commit crimes and corruption with impunity while the ordinary citizens are suffering. Click the following links for details.

UN Petition on Punjab Unrest

Cabinet Secretariat Case

Prime Minister Office (PMO) Case


Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) Case

Delhi Lokayukta Case

DoPT Case CBI Case

Economic Offences Wing (EOW) Case

Supreme Court Case

Delhi Govt Case Delhi Petitions Committee / CVC Case

NHRC Case Petition on School Education

Environmental Crime Case

Judicial Corruption Case

Lokpal Removal Case

RCS Corruption Case

Lokayukta Delhi Corruption Case Widehouse Scandal


IAS Group Corruption Case


IAS Corruption Record

UNCAC Petition

Delhi Police Case DoPT Processes

RCS RTI Violations

U.S. Case Report

DDA Corruption Case

UN Human Rights Petition

Petitions and Representations by Rakesh Raman. Up to June 2023

You have to file your complaints frequently in India because of the brutal bureaucracy, courts’ complicity, police’s delinquency, and political criminality that have caused extreme lawlessness across the country. All the government functionaries either ignore or keep tossing public complaints from one desk to another without taking any decisive remedial action to redress citizens’ grievances These cruel rulers - who operate as a gang of criminals - treat citizens as slaves Rakesh Raman

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NATO Plans to Bring Ukraine Closer to NATO

The Secretary General said he is working hard to ensure that Sweden’s accession to NATO is completed as soon as possible.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg concluded an informal meeting of Foreign Ministers in Oslo, Norway, on June 1, calling it an opportunity to discuss key issues before the NATO summit in Vilnius in July.

“At the Summit, we will take decisions to further strengthen our deterrence and defence and agree for a new Defence Investment Pledge with 2% of GDP on defence as the minimum. And deepen our partnerships with our partners in the Indo-Pacific region,” said the Secretary General.

He added that NATO’s current focus is to bring Ukraine closer to NATO, where it belongs, noting that the Alliance is working on a multi-year package of support with robust funding.

Foreign Ministers also discussed upgrading the existing NATO-Ukraine Commission to a new NATO-Ukraine Council. “This would be a significant step, to establish a joint

Official Portrait of NATO Allies Photo: NATO
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consultative forum with Ukraine, sitting at the table as equals to discuss key issues for our security,” said Mr Stoltenberg.

He reiterated that NATO's door remains open, and that decisions on membership are only for Allies and Ukraine to make. "We don’t know when the war ends," he said, "but we must ensure that, when it does, we have credible arrangements in place to guarantee Ukraine’s security in the future, and to break Russia’s cycle of aggression."

The Secretary General said he is working hard to ensure that Sweden’s accession to NATO is completed as soon as possible, and that he will travel to Türkiye in the near future. He also welcomed that Sweden's new anti-terrorism laws have come into force.

“That shows that Sweden has delivered on what they committed to do under the Trilateral Memorandum concluded last year in Madrid. And it demonstrates that Sweden’s swift accession will contribute to Alliance security,” he concluded.

PM Modi Is a Mediocre Man Who Thinks He Can Teach God: Rahul Gandhi in U.S.

When Rahul Gandhi criticizes Modi, the BJP of Modi projects his criticism as an attack on India.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi - who is known for making truthful statements - said that prime minister (PM) Narendra Modi thinks he knows everything, but actually he knows nothing.

Rahul Gandhi who was visiting the U.S. said on May 30 that Modi does not want to listen and rather expresses his opinion on every subject. He added that Modi is so mediocre that he has no knowledge, but he thinks that he can even teach God about how to manage the universe.

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“A few people in India are absolutely convinced that they know everything. They think they can explain history to historians, science to scientists, and warfare to the army. But at the core of it is mediocrity. They're not ready to listen,” Rahul Gandhi said, adding that Modi is one such specimen.

Recently, Congress released a digital document to explain the Modi regime’s failure in different areas of governance. Congress says that in the past nine years of his rule, Modi has failed on all socio-economic fronts and now there is complete chaos in the country.

Actually, Modi is an illiterate man who cannot speak on any subject in any language. In order to hide his illiteracy, Modi often appears in colorful costumes at some inauguration events or irrelevant office meetings which even a donkey or a monkey can also handle. While Modi cannot handle any official work, he squanders huge public money on his useless visits abroad and on his election campaigns in different

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi interacting with the Indian diaspora in San Francisco, California, in the United States on May 30, 2023. Photo: Congress
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states of India to promote himself. He keeps roaming aimlessly and behaves like a religious demagogue rather than a wise leader.

Today, nearly 1.4 billion Indians are suffering under the Modi regime with unprecedented poverty, corruption, inflation, unemployment, lawlessness, and religious animosity.

Rahul Gandhi has been raising the issue of autocracy in the Modi regime and Modi’s collusion with Indian oligarch Gautam Adani who is facing a series of financial fraud allegations.

The Congress leader was disqualified from parliament in a frivolous defamation case filed against him by a Modi’s colleague in Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Although Rahul Gandhi has stopped talking about Modi-Adani collusion, he is still highlighting misgovernance in the Modi government.

In his U.S. speech in San Francisco, Rahul Gandhi said that the poor and people from minority communities feel helpless today in the Modi regime. “Indians do not believe in hating each other. A small group of people who control the system and the media are stoking the flames of hatred,” he said, referring to the religious hate being spread by Modi and his BJP colleagues and their control over the corrupt media outfits.

When Rahul Gandhi criticizes Modi, the BJP of Modi projects his criticism as an attack on India. BJP said after Rahul Gandhi’s U.S. speech that the Congress leader is not able to digest the praise that Modi gets when he visits other countries. Thus, BJP accused Rahul Gandhi of insulting India.

Meanwhile, during Modi’s recent visit in Australia, a new BBC documentary which explores Modi’s role in the Gujarat violence of 2002 was screened in the Parliament of Australia. Senator David Shoebridge delivered the opening remarks before the

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screening of the film on May 24, 2023 at a time when Modi was visiting Australia. The event also included a panel discussion on India under Modi’s rule.

You can click here to download and read all issues of The Unrest news magazine.

Congress Editorial Inputs for 2023 Research Project on Corruption in India

As I need editorial inputs from your party (Congress) for this research report on corruption in India, I request you to send me your response on the following queries.

India Corruption Research Report 2023 (ICRR 2023) Project by RMN Foundation / RMN News Service

To June 10, 2023

Mr. Mallikarjun Kharge

Congress President, New Delhi

Dear Mr. Mallikarjun Kharge,

All Issues of The Unrest
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I am a national award-winning journalist and founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation in New Delhi. As an anti-corruption activist, I publish The Integrity Bulletin news magazine, which covers local and international corruption news and issues. I am in the process of compiling a comprehensive report – under the title India Corruption Research Report 2023 (ICRR 2023) – on diverse aspects of corruption in India. The report ICRR 2023 will be the second annual report while the first report ICRR 2022 was released in October 2022. [ You can click here to download and read ICRR 2022. ]

As I need editorial inputs from your party (Congress) for this research report on corruption in India, I request you to send me your response on the following queries.

1. How does Congress define corruption as well as political corruption?

2. What process does Congress follow to receive, investigate, and resolve corruption complaints against its leaders and workers?

3. How many corruption complaints did Congress receive and resolve in 2022?

4. How many convictions (including imprisonment) of culprits did Congress have in the corruption cases of its leaders in the past 3 years: 2020-2022? Give details including names and designations of the convicts.

5. What mechanism does Congress follow to take action against its leaders who are corrupt or do not perform their duties honestly?

6. Why has Congress not removed from the party its leaders who are facing serious corruption allegations or have been jailed for their alleged involvement in corruption cases?

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7. What is Congress response to grand corruption cases – such as the alleged collusion of prime minister Narendra Modi with oligarch Gautam Adani (Modi-Adani collusion case), Rafale scam, PM-CARES Fund case, etc. – which are in the public domain but have not been thoroughly investigated?

8. Why do Congress leaders briefly raise the issues of Modi’s alleged involvement in corruption scandals and then suddenly become silent?

9. What system does Congress follow to weed out corruption from the party and the country?

10. You can add any other point from your side to explain the performance related to corruption prevention of your party.

You may please send me your response on the above queries on or before June 18, 2023. Please find attached a 4-page document including a concept note on this project and do the needful urgently.

Rakesh Raman

Donate: You can click here to donate to RMN News Service.

About the Editor

The editor of The Unrest news magazine Rakesh Raman is a national award-winning journalist and founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation. Besides working at senior editorial positions with leading media companies, he was writing an exclusive edit-page column regularly for The Financial Express (a daily business newspaper of The Indian Express Group).

Nowadays, for the past 12 years, he has been running his own global news services on multiple news sites. He runs various environment protection, education

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awareness, and anti-corruption campaigns, and publishes digital magazines and research reports on different subjects. Earlier, he had been associated with the United Nations (UN) through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a digital media expert to help businesses use technology for brand marketing and business development.

At present, Rakesh is associated with the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Project as a Country Expert for India to provide expert research inputs on multiple topics pertaining to democracy and governance. The V-Dem Project is managed by V-Dem Institute under the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

In order to inform the Indian citizens and the global community about the extent of corruption in India, he compiled and released in October 2022 a comprehensive report on corruption in the country. Under the title “India Corruption Research Report 2022 (ICRR 2022),” the research report covers diverse aspects of corruption in India.

He has also been publishing The Integrity Bulletin news magazine since 2018 to cover local and international corruption issues to engage with different stakeholders who are trying to combat corruption in the world. He has also announced the new project for 2023 to compile the India Corruption Research Report 2023 (ICRR 2023). You can click here to know about the project and support it financially with your donations.

He has launched a nationwide campaign to introduce social democracy in India in order to build an egalitarian society in which all citizens could enjoy equal rights, opportunities, freedoms, and access to justice. He is running an editorial section / microsite “Power Play: Lok Sabha Election 2024 in India” to cover the election news, events, and political campaigns.

He is also running a nationwide campaign to save school students of India from directionless education so that students could acquire modern skills that can help

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them in the job market. In his anti-corruption activities, he participated in a global petition led by Germany-based international organization Transparency International to call for the UN General Assembly Special Session against Corruption, UNGASS 2021, to direct all countries to set up central, public registers of beneficial ownership.

He runs a community-driven anti-corruption social service “Clean House” to help the residents of Delhi raise their voice against the growing corruption and injustice in housing societies where millions of people suffer because of rampant corruption and lawlessness. He has also formed an environment protection group called Green Group in New Delhi, which is the most polluted national capital in the world.

As Rakesh has been facing constant threats including death threats for his editorial and anti-corruption work, the Paris-based international organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) that defends freedom of journalists has urged the Indian government to save him from threats and persecution. You can click here to read his full profile.

Collaboration with the Project

THE UNREST news magazine is being published by RMN Foundation, which is the humanitarian initiative of RMN News Service It is being circulated among different UN agencies, government departments, leading global politicians, international political organizations, colleges / universities, law-enforcement agencies, civil society organizations, social activists, and others in India and abroad As the founder of RMN Foundation and editor of RMN News Service, I am managing this project independently without any financial or other support RMN News Service is looking for sponsors and collaborators across the world who can help it expand the content creation activity around this editorial initiative

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Contact Rakesh Raman
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