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Appendix G: Ways to engage with healthier materials initiatives
While this document has focused on project-level roles, there are many ways that individuals and firms can support the industry movement toward healthier building products. The table below lists several opportunities for such engagement that exist within the industry. Note that the table includes volunteer committees that develop product-level assessments and databases. Separately, there are numerous volunteer committees that inform the development of building-scale certifications, but those are not captured here.
Engagement opportunities Group
mindful MATERIALS Collaborative Working Groups ( mM Working Groups )
The mindful MATERIALS Collaborative is an industry-led group to foster and strengthen the resources available for informed material selection. Four Working Groups provide guidance, create content, and oversee and contribute to the growth of the initiative. These include the Outreach, Process, Content, Portal, Review, and Ambassador Working Groups. The Working Groups are collectively overseen by an Administrative Committee.
Health Product Declaration Collaborative ( HPDC ) Technical Sub-Groups The HPD Collaborative uses a consensus-based, stakeholder process to create, support, and evolve the HPD Open Standard. Several Technical Sub-Groups complete this work, including the Content Inventory, Supply Chain, Special Conditions, Third-party Verification, and Harmonization Sub-Groups. The Sub-Groups are collectively overseen by the HPDC Technical Committee. Group members serve two-year terms.
Cradle to Cradle ( C2C ) Advisory Groups Their C2C Certifications Board has created five advisory groups, one for each category of the C2C Product Standard, to provide expert guidance in the standard development process. The Certification Standards Board determines final revisions to the C2C Standard based on recommendations from the advisory groups.