A Health and Human Development Partnership of the Government of Uganda, Busitema University, and the People of Southwest Virginia.

UGANDAONE is a disciplined approach to establishing a Model for Economic Growth and Human Development in the Mount Elgon Region of Uganda. UGANDAONE brings together academic and research knowledge with proven business implantation skills in Development. Rooted in the Health Systems Strengthening work of Kissito Healthcare International, Inc. (“KHI”) the Model has emerged to include committed stakeholders who are integrating Health, Nutrition, Education, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Economic Activity into a coordinated Model of Development for one million people. Building on the experiences of the Millennium Development Villages and the collective knowledge of the Elgon Region communities, UGANDAONE truly unleashes the great potential of the Ugandan people to establish and grow a self-sufficient program of Human Development.

The future of Africa, and specifically of Uganda, lies in its people. No one person can save the world. “It takes a village.”
Our mission is, and always has been, “To save lives.” We exist for the Betterment and Care of Human Life. It’s that simple.We focus on solutions for complex and challenging problems. (“so called wicked problems in the Social Sciences”) Health Systems, Aging in America, Poverty Elimination throughout the world, Nutrition and Agriculture, and Preserving our Environment and Natural Resources are all examples of the areas where wicked problems exist, and where Kissito seeks to find sustainable solutions.
We seek sustainable solutions which have an immediate and lasting impact on the lives of people. We are highly collaborative often acting as a catalyst for the work of others. All of our work is encouraged to be shared, so collectively we might accomplish more good for more people. We often say: Our mission will be done when we are no longer needed.
Our core values of Integrity, Passion, Excellence, and Respect (“IPER”) are real and have daily meaning in our work. We seek to engage with people aligned with our values and purpose. Join us.
Uganda One is a Health and Human Development Partnership of the Government of Uganda, Busitema University, and the People of Southwest Virginia.
Valleypointe Parkway, Bldg B, Suite 1
All photos by Becky Blanton unless otherwise noted in caption. Design/layout Becky Blanton
Copyright © 2014 Becky Blanton, VABusinessMagazines. All rights reserved. Neither this publication or any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic, mechanical or photocopying, recording or otherwise without the expressed, written permission of Becky Blanton. Where opinion is expressed, it is that of the author and does not necessarily represent the editorial views of Kissito or Kissito.org, All information in UgandaOne is checked and verified to the best of the publisher’s ability, however the publisher cannot be held responsible for any errors or omission enclosed in the publication.

NAME: Title and Bio to follow.
NAME: Title and Bio to follow.
NAME: Title and Bio to follow.

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how
the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
How it All Began

I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how
the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it
and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when

Goals & Objectives

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put

UGANDAOne Challenges

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it


I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
ter for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just

I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here

“Africa is not a poor country. It is a looted and corrupt country. The country’s wealth is held by 6 percent of the country’s citizens.”
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how
the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how
Call it what you want, or what you dare, but the problem of starvation in Africa is not one of a lack of resources, money or food. Africa is not a poor country. It a country that is being systematically looted, corrupted and raped by the Ugandan military, by US Military support and by government officials.
From Ugandan bloggers writing about their own country, to non-profit organizations writing about issues they’re trying to resolve, the consensus is the same on several points, the primary one being, “There’s plenty of food, but it’s just not being distributed well. It does not get to where it needs to go, either because of corruption, or politics. This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign

Dr. Robert H. Giles, Jr. examines some of the soil at a high-risk landslide area on Mt. Elgon while on his first trip to Africa.
UGANDAOne Partners and Participants

added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and
approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking
awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in
English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!

Local Government

I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here. I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how

I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!npreally is real text here.

Top Left - A village volunteer explains how a portable, manual Wonder Wash machine works as mothers and a toddler look on.
Bottom Left - Village children and adults gather around a portable washing machine to watch a demonstration.
Above Right - Two village boys look inside the washing machine after clothes have been loaded.
Bottom Left - Dirty water pours out of the machine after a load is washed.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.

The Virginia Military Institute

UGANDAOne Water and Sanitation
language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking

awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is

I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the
magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!

TOP LEFT Kissito CEO Tom Clarke and Major Tim Moore examine a student aquaculture project located in a parking lot at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI). TOP RIGHT VMI’s first aquaculture project.
BOTTOM RIGHT Major Tim Moore points out an aspect of the aquaculture project to visitors standing behind him.

I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreig.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and

UGANDAOne Nutrition
“Quote here about nutrition program success and numbers,”


placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking
awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign
language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the

One Economic Activity

A Ugandan woman who lost her home during a hail storm asks for food from Kissito volunteers.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and ino put the text in English, thinki pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not t information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!

Downtown street filled with vendors and merchandise in a small village outside Mbale.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in
English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign
language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text
“Quote from text goes here.” ~ Name
language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in
“Quote about economics in Uganda goes here.”
the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how
the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!

“Quote about economics and financial situation in Uganda goes here.”
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not
text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!

UGANDAOne Health

Maria, a volunteer nutritionist with the Kissito Supplemental Feeding Program for Malnourished Children, takes a Middle Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) measurement of a new child to the program. A measurement in the yellow range indicates the child has moderate acute malnutrition. The mother will be given health education, supplemental feeding supplies, medicine and high protein feed. The child will then be rechecked in two weeks to assess their progress.
magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s

eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the

“Health is not simply the absence of sickness.”

~ Hannah Green

Kissito provides the medications — antibiotics, pain medications and other support mothers need to help nourish their babies. The earliest a child can enter the program is age six months. Before that time mothers are encouraged to breast feed their child and to seek good nutritional habits themselves — something hard to do in a country where protein isn’t scarce, but it is expensive.

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.

Above — Left to Right, mothers and their babies line up along the concrete bench in front of the doctor’s office to wait their turn to be seen and prescribed nutritional supplements and medication by the volunteers and midwives (seated at the table right). Right — a volunteer bags up nutritional supplements for a mother. The women return every two weeks for their child to be weighed, assessed and treated for malnutrition. The average length of stay in the program is six weeks, longer if a child is severely malnourished.

Mbale Regional Medical Center

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not
text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not
text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
One Million Trees
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but

then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign

UGANDAOne Environmental Conservation

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign

Malaria is a parasitic disease transmitted by mosquitos. Malaria infects more than 300 million people every year and kills up to one million people. Malaria can is present in more than 100 countries around the world. Ninety percent of malaria-related deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Children account for 75 percent of all malaria deaths. Pregnant women and small children are particularly vulnerable to the disease.
Malaria is epidemic throughout Africa. ‘Falciparum malaria’ is the disease form that can lead to severe malaria and that can be potentially deadly if left untreated. Symptoms include fever, joint pain, headaches and repeated vomiting. In severe cases, this can be followed by internal bleeding, kidney and liver failure.

One of the most effective ways to reduce mosquito bites and malaria is to sleep under insecticide-treated bed nets. Bed nets protect infants, toddlers, children and adults from mosquito bites, thus helping reduce the number of malaria-carrying mosquitoes in the area.

The Fight Against Malaria
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine

will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking

Above: Hand washing is critical to ensuring good health and eliminating the spread of disease. With no running water, a jug, bucket and bar of soap have to suffice.
Top right. Bugobero administrator, Dr. E NAME talks about the challenges of medical care at Bugobero.

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a

UGANDAOne Food and Security
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not
text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.

poverty, corruption, diseases, infant mortality, climate change...all look like gathering storm clouds that will wipe out any hope Africa might have. But there can be a bright future if we can get the resources, skills, tools and education to the people to help them help themselves.”
~Tom Clarke CEO Kissito
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
“Pull Quote from text goes here.”
~ Name
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here. This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.

UGANDAOne Education and Research

Fact and info about infant mortality among Ugandans goes here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking

A classroom full of midwives, nurses and a doctor or two watch and listen to Dr. Mark NAME (not pictured) and Dr. Judy NAME lecturing on how to resuscitate newborns.

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
“A country’s greatest wealth lies in the ‘cradle-to-grave health of its population.”
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
~Tom Clarke
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign


Class 2013

TOP A participant practices using an “Ambu” bag on a medical doll. RIGHT A participant places a cap on a medical doll. Caps keep babies warm immediately after birth and are as much a part of the protocol of delivery as cleaning and clearing an airway.

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking
awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in
English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking

I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!

I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign lan

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking
awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking”

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in

A Uganda woman, a teacher in a local school, shows off her artificial leg. She wants and needs a new prosthetic, but cannot afford one.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking
awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking
awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the

UGANDAOne Natural Resources Agriculture
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the
magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the

A young dehydrated and sick boy receives fluids and medicine through an IV while he sleeps.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the

Mothers in one of the rooms reserved for mothers and children. Depending on the number of sick women and children on any given day, up to four mothers and their babies will share one bed, take turns sleeping on the floor, or simply crowd into one bed.

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking
awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in
English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking
awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking

This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking
awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and it in here and it will look freaking
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it
will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks!
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put the text in English, thinking it’s some sort of weird foreign language. Trust me, once the text is edited and approved, I’ll put it in here and it will look freaking awesome. In the meantime, just pretend it’s a story and information here. Thanks! This is not text. The actual text will be added later for ease of editing. This is placeholder text so the reader’s eye can see it and imagine how the magazine will look when there really is real text here.
I could have put something called “Greeking” here, but then people ask me to put

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Sometimes throwing money at a problem IS a great solution. But it’s not the only solution, nor is it the best response. But it helps. And it helps a lot, especially in the short term, or in a crisis situation.
What Kissito has found helps us all so much more is partnering with people. Partnering with people and their resources to create a village of people, businesses, ideas, money, time, medicine and whatever each villager has to offer. Weh we contribute to the village as a village we solve problems over the long haul.
The world truly is a village. What happens in Africa affects everyone around the world. You might not see it now, but the billions of dollars spent in quick fix aid and relief could one day be used to solve problems like global warming, to increase the life expectancy and quality of life of billions of people.
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