EVENTS Key themes in this year’s event programme are: • Emerging technologies for learning looks at how new technologies such as blogs, podcasting and mobile phones can be used in the educational setting; • Teaching and learning examines how e-learning adds powerful tools to tackle issues such as accessibility, active learning, differentiation and learning styles; • Management sessions cover strategic and operational issues including copyright, risk management and quality; • Our very successful Learning Journey event for practitioners new to e-learning will be offered in several locations across the region. One will be for scientists, another for staff developers; • The technical theme includes a visit to Microsoft; • Forums bring together colleagues from across the region to explore common issues.
October 6th 11th 13th
Technical Forum i-skills Group Meeting Microsoft Technology Day
November 1st 10th 10th 15th 16th 18th
22nd 24th
29th 30th
LRC Forum Specialist Colleges Forum JISC Legal Workshop: Copyright & e-Learning ILT Forum TechDis Practitioners & Management event Personalised Web Communications: Blogs & Podcasting HE in FE Forum Introduction to JORUM, Reload and TOIA: New Tools for the Creation and Storage of Online Content and Assessments JISC infoNet Workshop: Email Management The Learning Journey
December 1st 8th 13th 14th
MIS Forum Active Learning with Technology JISC infoNet Workshop: Risk Management Technical Forum
the termly newsletter produced by RSC East Midlands
Success for All - launched 19 November 2002 ‘Success for All’ was the Government’s strategy to transform the learning and skills sector. The importance of collaborative approaches, improved teaching, training and learning, human resource development, and the overarching emphasis on quality and success, all signified a new climate and drive. The DfES Standards Unit was established in January 2003. The Standards Unit has a specific role to act as a catalyst to accelerate the transformation of teaching, training, learning, workforce development and leadership across the whole sector. The Unit works with partner organisations to improve the quality of provision in further education colleges, adult and community learning, work-based learning, school sixth forms and prisons.
regional team are there to help all teachers and trainers exploit these resources. • Every post-16 provider has been invited to nominate a successful and experienced teacher or trainer as their subject learning coaches in the four priority curriculum areas. These teachers and trainers will be champions for change and be supported by the Standards Unit in the Regions. They can take part in the Standards Unit’s free national training programme in coaching, which began in March 2005. • Launch of the Regional Network Meetings which are subject specific. All subject learning coaches are invited to become a member. This will assist in the subject learning coaches’ continuing professional development.
• achieve excellence and improve success for all their learners.
• Phase Two curriculum materials are also being developed and piloted by some providers within the region for Maths, LandBased, Health and Social Care and ICT, with national launch of these free resources from September 2005. Work has already started on the Phase Three curriculum areas of Adult and Community Learning, Engineering, Initial Teacher Training and Modern Foreign Languages, with national roll-out planned for September 2006.
Significant milestones achieved by the SU to date within the regions are:
For more information, visit
• Launch and distribution of the free teaching and learning multi media packages in the first four priority curriculum areas of Business, Science, Construction and Entry to Employment. The
Tim Smith, East Midlands Regional Director, Standards Unit tel: 0115 9299100
The Government made a commitment to establish a Standards Unit regional network. In each of the nine regions there is a team working in collaboration with partner organisations and colleagues to ensure that the work of the Standards Unit supports all learning organisations to: • improve teaching, training and learning; • develop their work force;
What can Moodle do for you?
Were you aware that there is now a regional Moodle network? The use of open source software is growing apace and none more so than Moodle, the open source Course Management System or Virtual Learning Environment. Some learning providers are looking at Moodle, while others have decided to opt for it as their preferred platform. The nine Adult and Community learning providers in the region each have Moodle platforms courtesy of the East Midlands Broadband Consortium. Other open source VLEs are available. Other Virtual Learning Environments or Learning Management Systems continue to be deployed by East Midlands learning providers. Some learning providers have developed their Intranet. Questions have been raised about migrating, support, scaleability and accessibility. These are being addressed and it’s a good idea to keep going back to check the Moodle site because things move fast within this community, both nationally and internationally. There are forums and FAQs to provide support and help with
both technical and practitioner queries. We are hoping to host a Moodle Introductory event in the Spring term. Keep an eye on the web site. A JISCMail list has been created for dissemination of information and resources while providing the opportunity for practitioners to network: Moodlebug In addition to her e-learning blog, Josie Fraser at Wyggeston and QE1 College has a Moodle blog called Moodlebug Several learning providers have courses up and running, some of which are accessible to guests. Ferl provides an overview of features and factors to take into consideration
Volume 4 • Issue 1
Autumn 2005
Welcome from the Editor I N S I D E I trust you’re all settling back into the new academic year after a relaxing summer break. Despite this busy time of year, I hope you’ll be able to find a few minutes to have a look through this edition of in touch.
Check your ILT Health Course Genie: Issues arising from creating your own e-learning materials. Part two. UKERNA Networkshop: Delegate Experiences
Rachael Pearson, e-Learning Advisor
e-Learning in Derby
Forthcoming events
“Internet Resources in Healthcare and Medicine” and “Internet Resources in Animal Health” from BIOME For further info go to
Hints and Tips: What can Moodle do for you?
Focus on: The Standards Unit
Improving and Investing in Information Skills In support of a recent project investigating staff development needs in relation to information skills (i-skills), the JISC has produced three documents which provide guidelines and advice to institutions on developing staff information skills and which outline the anticipated benefits to the staff, the organisation and the student: • Investing in i-skills considers the benefits of investing in i-skills for both the staff and the institution and includes a short selfassessment exercise. • Improving i-skills looks at ways to improve staff i-skills and includes suggestions for creating a staff i-skills development programme. • Introduction to i-skills a short introduction to pass around to colleagues to help raise awareness of information skills. Copies of these documents have been sent to all college principals and staff development officers. Further copies can be ordered by contacting: They are also available to download from:
Support for Information Skills from RSC East Midlands Last term the LRC Forum addressed the issue of promoting i-skills and considered drivers that have the potential to move i-skills from the periphery to a more central position within the institution. Ways in which colleagues in the region could collaborate and share their resources and expertise in this field were also discussed. As a result of these discussions, it was decided that an i-skills Group would be set up. A majority of those that attended the forum expressed an interest in being part of this group and Donna Harper, LRC Manager at North Nottinghamshire College kindly volunteered to act as Chair. The group will have an initial meeting on 11th October to consider the remit and scope of the group and plan a course of action to develop future collaboration. If you did not attend the LRC Forum, but would like to be part of the i-skills Group, please let me know: It would be invaluable to have in the group at least one representative from each institution in the region and I look forward to hearing from you. If you attended the forum and have already expressed an interest, there is no need to contact me, as I already have your details. I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Martin Cooke, ILT Adviser
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Welcome Improving and Investing In Information Skills
The last few months have seen significant changes for JISC’s involvement in FE. However, the Regional Support Centre continues to offer advice and guidance to all of our supported sectors. For more information on how we can help you to make the most of new technologies, visit
Judi Millage, ILT Advisor
For further details see our website
This issue
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