the termly newsletter produced by RSC East Midlands
Autumn 2002
Volume 1 • Issue 2
Welcomefrom the Editor Hello everyone. I hope that you have all settled calmly and comfortably back into the new term and that you will find time to read through this, the second edition of the termly newsletter from your local JISC Regional Support Centre. The last few months have seen the development of some new and exciting resources and services for
INSIDE This issue
Welcome Ferl Practitioners Programme
FE. To find out more about these, have a look at the articles on the Resource Guides and the Virtual
New Resource Guides for Further
Training Suite and read about the Ferl Practitioners Programme: the new training initiative from Ferl.
Those of you responsible for your college network might like to check out the article on network security for advice and useful links to further information on the subject. And find out what new developments
JISC Services: What’s on offer?
in ILT are taking place at New College Nottingham in the College Focus section.
New Online Resource: The Virtual
Wishing you all a stress free and successful term!
Training Suite for FE
Judi Millage, ILT Advisor
Network Security: Why it’s a must University for Industry
Ferl Practitioners Programme – A major new initiative to be delivered by the RSC
College Focus: New College Nottingham Hints & Tips: Saving your favourite websites list
Forthcoming Events The Ferl team at Becta is developing an introductory programme for all practitioners that will be delivered in partnership with the JISC RSCs. The programme will reach its audience through the in-house staff development programmes that colleges offer. The materials that are currently being produced, together with the methods of delivery, are flexible and will support the various staff development models commonly employed by colleges. The programme is being developed around five core strands. Strands 1, 2 and 3 are to be piloted with selected colleges from October 2002 to December 2002. The pilot will be evaluated fully, with the findings being acted on. It is planned that the full programme will be rolled out to all colleges in April 2003. The structure of the programme is as follows: • Strand 1 - Using ILT with Learners: for teachers, tutors and those with a direct responsibility for delivering programmes of learning. • Strand 2 - Assisting and supporting staff to use ILT with learners: for learning resources staff/learner support staff and those with a direct responsibility for supporting teaching and learning activity. • Strand 3 - Making ILT happen in teaching and learning: for ILT Champions (curriculum and management) and those
w w w. r s c - e a s t - m i d l a n d s . a c . u k
with a direct responsibility for embedding
The Ferl Practitioners Programme will be
the use of ILT in the culture and practice of
mapped to the ILT FENTO standards. It is
teaching and learning.
also planned to map them to existing
• Strand 4 - VLEs and other Learning Platforms:
ICT/ILT qualifications.
for practitioners who have completed either
This is a timely and important new initiative that
Strand 1, 2 or 3 and who are using or
is responding to the needs of the sector. Ferl and
intending to use a virtual learning
the RSC are looking at models of delivery and
environment or a college intranet for the
will be consulting colleges presently.
delivery of learning. • Strand 5 - ILT Awareness for Technical Staff: aimed at raising the awareness of technical support staff on the issues practitioners face in the use and application of ILT.
For further information contact me at: John McKenzie, ILT Curriculum Advisor