RSC East Midlands newsletter "intouch" - Spring 2003

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the termly newsletter produced by RSC East Midlands

Spring 2003

Volume 1 • Issue 3


from the Editor

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This is our third newsletter and we would like to hear your

comments on how we are doing. For example: do you like the format of the newsletter, is it



too long or too short, do you find the articles interesting and relevant, do you like the regular

ILT and Inspection

features, what would you like to see included? Send your comments/suggestions to us at:

The Television and Radio Index for and help us to make this a newsletter worth reading.

Learning and Teaching (TRILT)

Judi Millage, ILT Advisor

JISC Services: What’s on offer? Hints & Tips: Creating drop down boxes

ILT and Inspection – How can we help you? The word ‘inspection’ traditionally sent shudders of fear and dread through the minds of all college staff and that was before the introduction of the Common Inspection Framework and inspections carried out by Ofsted and Ali. During the past few years there has been significant investment both at a national and local college level in ILT. Until now, the emphasis during inspection has been on resources - the numbers of computers, connectivity speeds, reliability and accessibility of the network to both students and staff - there has been very limited comment on the impact all this investment was having on the learner.

using MS Word Network Analysis: Knowing what is happening on your network University for Industry Forthcoming Events College Focus: West Nottinghamshire College

Under the Raising Standards initiative,

experience. There are various ways that this

good practice within your college; we can

Becta were tasked with consulting with

can be demonstrated, it may be that

provide staff development opportunities to

college practitioners and representatives of

students are given the opportunity to

improve skill levels, we can provide a

the inspectorates, the LSC and other

improve their research and study skills, that

Network Healthcheck to ensure that you

interested bodies to consider and report on

there has been an improvement in the

are making the most of what equipment

measures that could be taken to assist both

flexibility of delivery or that there is

you have and we can also advise on

colleges and college inspectors in

improved communications between

teaching and learning resources.

preparing for the inspection of good

learners and teachers due to the use of

practice in ILT. The result of this process

internet based communication technologies

was the publication released at BETT 2003

and applications. However, it should be

entitled ‘Managing Inspection and ILT’.

remembered that ILT is not the panacea for

The questions that are now going to be asked of colleges will reflect this change in

all eventualities; it only adds value when it is used effectively and appropriately.

emphasis and colleges should be prepared

Our team at the East Midlands RSC can

to highlight how they are using ILT to

help you plan for inspection in a number

provide their students with a better learning

of ways. We can help you identify areas of

w w w. r s c - e a s t - m i d l a n d s . a c . u k

If you would like further information on ILT and Inspection please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can find a copy of the publication Managing Inspection and ILT on the Ferl website - Lesley Price, RSC Manager

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