the termly newsletter produced by RSC East Midlands
NLN Transformation Project: Successful regional bid led by Northampton College
ILT Forum
Using ILT in Key Skills
LRC Forum
Q Project Dissemination
In March 2004, bids for up to £150,000 closed for projects relating to transforming learning using ILT. The LSDA announced 9 successful bids from 100 entrants; approximately one per region in England. Northampton College led a successful bid for one of the two biggest projects and was the successful bid in the East Midlands region.
NLN Workshop: Re-crafting the Content
Using ILT in Music and Performing Arts
Creating an MLE
Technical Forum
For further details see our website
The project is county-wide, involving Tresham Institute, Daventry College, Moulton College, and five school sixth forms in Northamptonshire. The project is funded by the National Learning Network and is scheduled to run from March 2004 until March 2005. Darren Tysoe, Assistant Director for Curriculum ILT at Northampton College has overall responsibility for the project. The purpose of the project is to transform teaching and learning using Information and Learning Technology (ILT). Subject teachers who share a common subject specialism will be paired from partner colleges and schools. Phil Leeson, a physics lecturer and ILT Champion from Northampton College has been seconded to assist teachers and lecturers to carry out action research to determine the optimum blend and composition of ILT in specified programmes of learning. Using standardised recording systems, teams will carry out parallel experiments to compare the results of alternative approaches to integrating ILT into their practice and refine their practice after its review. Phil is supported by a Steering Group, which consists of managers from the colleges and schools. Sue Lovell has been appointed as a consultant and e-learning guide by the LSDA to help ensure the project meets its declared aims. Learners’ opinions and achievements will be integral to the experiments. These experiments will provide teaching staff from the wider FE community with guidance in the form of lesson plans, adapted learning material and support to help them with proven and accessible solutions for embedding ILT into their teaching practice.
Northampton College
• Provide teachers with the framework to test different approaches of face to face learning, while embedding ILT. • Gather opinion from learners and teachers, together with statistical, quantitative analysis to demonstrate effective practice. • Raise the skill levels of teachers involved with the project. • Provide the community with guidance in the form of viewed lesson plans and adapted learning materials. It is vital that outcomes of the project are measurable. These have been identified as: • Refined lesson plans and adapted materials giving flexible solutions for blended learning results of workshops and experimentation by subject specialists. • Staff development resources for creating interactive learning material using everyday software (builds on FPP unit, Adapting and Creating Content). • Report on key factors to successfully blend ILT and traditional methods - collective results of teams of subject specialists who have experimented with alternative approaches to the use of ILT in teaching, learning and assessment. This will include feedback from learners - analysis of quantitative and qualitative findings from workshops, lessons, and assessment experiments giving feedback on their flexibility, accessibility, usefulness, effectiveness, and quality. • Teachers demonstrate transformational change from their starting points. There will be at least one event in Spring 2005 to disseminate the findings of all of the transformation projects. For general information, see the NLN website:
The objectives of the project are to:
For information on the Northampton Consortium, contact Darren Tysoe on 01604 734093.
• Experiment with a wide range of ILT resources across the consortium.
Darren Tysoe, Assistant Director for Curriculum ILT, Northampton College
JANET Web Filtering Service for Specialist Colleges With the JANET community expanding to include institutions from the specialist colleges sector, there is an increasing need for the protection of vulnerable users from inappropriate web content. In response to this requirement, the United Kingdom Education and Research Networking Association (UKERNA) has agreed a contract with Research Machines plc (RM) for the provision of a centralised web filtering service based on RM SafetyNet Plus. The service provides the facility for each college to manage its own list of blocked or permitted websites by filtering in accordance with the organisation’s acceptable use policy and customising these filters to its exact needs. As such, administrative rights to the filter settings
are held by nominated individuals within the college. The major benefits of the web filtering service are: • The ability to manage filter lists through a web-based administrative interface. • The option to quickly permit or deny access to a specific page on the Internet. • The choice of determining whether or not certain words or search terms are appropriate for certain individuals. • The opportunity to prevent users from downloading particular file extensions such as .mp3 or .exe, that can waste Internet bandwidth or pose security/copyright threats.
• The convenience of being able to use preexisting filtering lists. This allows the administrator to take advantage of the prebuilt categories of filtering the specialist service supplier has developed over years of experience, for example, a pre-built list of pages containing sexual content. To apply for the service, an e-mail should be sent on behalf of an organisation by a recognised JANET contact to JANET Customer Service (JCS) at: with the Subject ‘JANET Web Filtering Service application for (name of organisation)’, using the template ‘Application form’ which can be found at
Welcomefrom the Editor Did you know that, in addition to the regional training events that the RSC organises, we can also help plan and support your in-house ILT staff development programme? We can do this by suggesting possible workshop topics, tailoring training to meet your particular needs and putting you in touch with other training providers within the NLN partnership. To find out more about this and the other types of support for staff development that we can offer, take a look at the article by Chris Hill, entitled ‘Supporting Staff Development’.
INSIDE This issue Welcome Teacher Training Courses: models of e-learning practice
The RSC is pleased to welcome two new Advisors to the team, Sharon Hutchings who will be supporting Adult and Community Learning and Rachael Stacey who is our HE advisor. You can meet them both inside this issue.
RSC Mailing Lists
Finally, as yet another academic year draws to a close, may I wish you all a happy and carefree holiday period and I look forward to seeing many of you, revived and newly invigorated, at the various events we will be running next year - look out for our programme to be published shortly.
More JANET Bandwidth for FE Colleges
Judi Millage, ILT Advisor
Supporting staff development: how the RSC can help
Teacher Training Courses: models of e-learning practice
Forthcoming Events
Meet our new Advisors
College Focus: Northampton College JANET Web Filtering Service for Specialist Colleges
If you ever had time to stop and think, it might be quite scary being a member of or managing a teacher training course team. The learning experience of every student who walks into your college over the next ten years could depend on the quality of the training you offer. You have the responsibility of preparing teachers for a role that might extend thirty years into the future when no-one knows what technology will be available. And on top of that you have to model effective practice in the use of e-learning. Can we help? A new service from the team at the East Midlands RSC is to work with teacher training teams. We can help you: -
• recognise in a teaching observation when ILT is used well - and when an opportunity to use it has been missed
• incorporate e-learning into your course programme
Between us, the RSC team members not only have expertise in e-
• model effective practice in the use of e-learning
learning and staff development, but long experience of delivering
• make e-learning integral, not just one or two sessions out of the
teacher training courses from introductory to post-graduate level and
whole course
working as an external verifier for City and Guilds.
• develop the skills of your course team
If you think we can help, contact
• find appropriate resources
or telephone 01509 618110.
• use ILT to differentiate between learners
Chris Hill, RSC Manager
Chris Bell, Specialist College Advisor
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Volume 2 • Issue 3
Summer 2004
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