EVENTS January 27th 30th 31st
The Learning Journey, South Deep and Surface Learning MIS Forum
February 1st 8th
TBA 20th 23rd
LRC Forum & I Skills Meeting Using Mobile and Wireless Technology in Teaching and Learning Specialist Colleges Forum The Learning Journey, North Learning Journey: Next Steps
March 2nd 2nd 3rd 7th 8th 14th 16th 17th 28th
ILT Forum Technical Forum Assessment Effective Management of e-Learning MIS Forum Round 4 NLN Materials for ACL The Learning Journey for Scientists E for Access Tutoring
April 4th 27th 27th
the termly newsletter produced by RSC East Midlands
The Loughborough College Camel This particular CAMEL is Collaborative Approaches to the Management of e-Learning. It explores the development of a community of practice amongst e-learning practitioners working on aspects of promoting Lifelong Learning. The project is being undertaken by two FE colleges - Loughborough College and Leeds College of Technology - and two universities – Staffordshire and Greenwich. During the current academic year they are meeting at each institution to exchange ideas, problems and possibilities. Loughborough will share its experience of e-progress files, distance learning in leisure courses, developing a database system to manage learner administration through integrating college systems and accessibility. The project is run by JISC infoNet, ALT and the HE Academy as part of the HEFCE Leadership, Governance and Management programme. Ray Heasley is the Manager of Knowledge Systems at Loughborough College and leads the project there. He says, “We have enjoyed the diversity of approaches, meeting a variety of people and reflecting on what we are doing
ourselves. We have learned that e-learning has a benefit for a particular setting rather than being an end in itself.” Although the project acronym was originally unintentional there is a parallel between camels and e-learning: they both make something happen in places where it would not otherwise be possible. Members of the team were inspired by the Oxfam Unwrapped initiative which offered the opportunity to buy a camel for a community in Africa. By suggesting the sending of donations rather than Christmas cards, the project team eventually raised enough to buy 3 camels, a calf, a donkey, and, to support education in the community, 300 school dinners, a school desk and chair and some training in modern methods and techniques for a teacher. For more details of the CAMEL project, go to or contact Ray at For the real camel, go to OXFAM unwrapped, at
Windows Movie Maker Movie Maker might sound exotic and expensive but if you have Windows XP® you already have it! It is a very useful addition to multimedia, probably the easiest video editor available today and it’s free. Try it and you may be surprised how easy it is. Limitations are that • only wmv, avi and mpeg files are supported • flash cannot be imported One advantage is that files are highly compressed - a 30 MB file will reduce to around 8 MB. There are options to add transitions, titles, and 2-D special effects.
Staff Development and ILT Strategy Managing Learning Activities using LAMS Hard and Soft Skills
For further details see our website
The interface shows the preview pane on the right and the Storyboard/Timeline at the bottom. Having imported clips into Movie Maker you can edit on to the storyboard. Clips are dragged onto the timeline and sound can then be added. Movie Maker allows you to preview in real time.
Volume 4 • Issue 2
Spring 2006
Welcome from the Editor I N S I D E Here at the RSC we are always considering ways in which we can usefully extend our support to the sector and recently we have been discussing how we might support learning providers who are involved in the rebuilding, refurbishment, or relocation of existing premises. We are currently undertaking an audit of such work going on in the region and are planning an event in May that will enable colleagues to share their experiences and disseminate good practice. If you would like to contribute to this event, please get in touch. All RSCs will soon begin supporting providers to improve information security practices and James Higham our Technical Advisor, has already undertaken training to enable us to offer this support in our region. See the article on page 3 for more information. Finally, we will be running our second regional e-fair on 22 June 2006. You won’t want to miss it, so put the date in your diary now! If you would like to contribute to the event, either by delivering a workshop, or by helping out in some other way, then please do get in touch. Judi Millage, ILT Advisor (and very temporary editor)!
This issue Welcome Hinwick Hall College of Further Education: Accessible Entertainment Your place or ours? On-site Training from Netskills RNIB College Loughborough: Moving on to Daisy Round 4 NLN Materials for ACL RSC Information Security Services The HE Academy: Supporting HE in FE Forthcoming events Focus on: The Loughborough College Camel Hints and Tips: Windows Movie Maker
Hinwick Hall College of Further Education: Accessible Entertainment In a residential college, the use of technology involving the delivery of music and video is a major part of the students’ spare time activities. At Hinwick Hall, staff have often modified students’ own PCs so that those who use communicators or other access equipment can choose and control their own entertainment and these facilities are usually a great attraction for other students. The trouble is that when students leave they take all the equipment with them and it’s not available for the next generation. The College’s ‘Straightforward Interface Project’ aims to solve this problem and provide extra accessible resources in classrooms as well. The production of four mobile accessible entertainment stations is being funded by the College’s successful Innovation fund bid. Each station will be a robust PC mounted in a mobile cabinet with wireless connection to the college’s network. The cabinets will have touch screens on a long extendible arm as well as radio keyboards and mice and will be able to accept control from the communication facilities built into students’ communication devices.
If you want to include PowerPoint® slides, then download a free copy of MS Producer: This is essentially the same interface with the slide feature added to the timeline.
During the working day the cabinets will be available anywhere in the College and accessible by a very wide range of students. They will supplement the existing facilities providing the ability to project the screen onto the wall. In the evening the device will really come into its own. Moved into any of the communal or residential areas it will be able to deliver students’ own music from its amplifiers and will deliver music videos and films owned by the students through its screen or through a built in digital projector for larger groups of students.
Martin Cooke, ILT Advisor John Sewell, TechDis
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