RSC East Midlands newsletter "intouch" - Spring 2007

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the termly newsletter produced by RSC East Midlands

Volume 5 • Issue 2

Spring 2007


Our theme this term is Change

CHANGE! The dictionary definition is: make or become different in some particular way; transformation; the result of alteration or modification. People don't like change. Why? Because we like the familiar, we are accustomed to doing things in a particular way. We know where we are if we do it the same way. In spite of this we cannot avoid change. All living things will encounter change and every person is a change agent. Success, like walking, is a form of falling so that we are always in a state between stability and instability. Interestingly, the JISC Infonet Change Management infokit has a lot to say about emotional responses to change:

INSIDE This issue Change Management RSC funding and strategy RSC East Midlands 2007 e-fair JISC funding bids Athens and Shibboleth New Build Forum Social networking software eCPD Framework Hints and Tips: Photo Story 3 Forthcoming events

The future starts here… Funding for the next three years of e-learning support has been agreed between the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) and the JISC.

Round 3 will see further development of the services provided by Regional Support Centres. Although final details are still under discussion, two key aspects are:• significantly increased strategic support; e-learning is not just for enthusiasts, it must be embedded throughout the whole organisation;

The LSC and the DfES carried out extensive evaluations of the support needs of the Learning and Skills sector and the way support is currently provided.

• in addition to our own activities, we will be brokering more services in order to increase the overall amount of training that takes place

This study highlighted the effectiveness of the Regional Support Centres (RSCs) and the high regard in which RSC services are held by learning providers. As a result, RSCs will enter Round 3 of funding which will run from August 2007 until July 2010.

Other changes include the support of teacher training courses and the likely extension of services to include work based learning. The summer term edition of the newsletter will set out the new services in more detail.

RSC East Midlands e-fair 2007 This year’s e-fair is on 21 June at the University of Derby. This year’s theme is helping you to help yourself. The purpose of the e-fair is to enable delegates to find out about developments, initiatives, effective practice and the support available to them. Keynote speakers will include Lee Davies, Development Manager at the Institute for Learning (IFL). If you wish to exhibit or showcase your practice please contact us: Last year’s e-fair was a great success. Here are the keynote presentations:

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