intouch the termly newsletter produced by RSC East Midlands
Spring 2008 Volume 6: Issue 2
Contents Becoming e-enabled: the results
1 Becoming e-enabled: the results
You are e-enabled when you successfully embed technology so it supports all the key functions of your organisation and in the last edition of intouch we asked “Are you e-enabled?”. Now we can tell you how e-enabled a significant part of the Learning and Skills sector is in the East Midlands .
2 New advisor starts
Our conclusions are based on the results of a survey conducted at the “Becoming e-enabled” event held in November to launch the RSC’s revised focus on strategic support. The survey had responses from 72% of the region’s 40 further education, specialist and higher education colleges and Adult and Community Learning managing agents.
How would you describe the use of e-learning in your organisation? localised 10%
innovative 3% embedded 17%
coordinated 21%
Only 20% of the regional learning transformative 45% providers see their organisation’s use of technology as ‘embedded’ (or better) so they cannot imagine doing the job without it.
Percentage of Learning Providers in the East Midlands
The majority (80%) feel they have not reached this stage; most (45%) regard the use of technology as ‘transitional’ and starting to make a real difference, whilst in 35% it is restricted to parts of the organisation and its use is at best co-ordinated. What proportion of your learners experience new and emerging technology blended into their course? 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
0 - 25% of learners
26 - 50% of learners
51 - 75% of learners
76 - 100% of learners
Percentage of Learning Providers in the East Midlands
What proportion of your staff are skilled in the use of e-learning and its pedagogy? 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
0 - 25% of staff
26 - 50% of staff
51 - 75% of staff
2 Round Three launch
76 - 100% of staff
A minority of learners experience new and emerging technology blended into their course in most regional learning providers. In 72% of learning providers, less than half of the learners experience that blend. The key to becoming e-enabled lies in staff skills. Again, only a minority feel that staff have the skills to exploit the potential of new technology. In 79% of learning providers, less than half of the academic staff are skilled in the use of e-learning and its pedagogy.
3 Focus on: RSC technical infrastructure service 3 Hints and Tips 4 Work Based Learning update 4 Technology Exemplar Network 4 Forthcoming events
Your Say In future editions of intouch we plan to feature more details of what’s been happening in the learning providers in the region. So we would like to hear from you. Do you have a project that you need to disseminate? Would something you are doing make a good case study? If so please get intouch.
It’s our job at the RSC to support you in reaping the benefits of technology to improve recruitment, retention and achievement. If you would like us to help you become e-enabled, get intouch.
Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning