RSC East Midlands newsletter "intouch" - Summer 2005

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the termly newsletter produced by RSC East Midlands


EVENTS April 7th

The Learning Journey


Using ILT in Modern Foreign Languages


Getting started with MS Producer


Learner Centred Process Review


Going further with ILT


Learner Centred Process Review


Assessment and Communications for e-Learning

May 3rd 26th

17th Making Moving Images Work ILT in teacher Training

June 23rd

For further details see our website



Science Learning Centre East Midlands As part of the national network of Science Learning Centres, the Science Learning Centre East Midlands has been providing a programme of innovative CPD for all those involved in science education, at all levels. We have provided courses for all those involved in science education, from colleagues teaching early years, primary and secondary to FE. Our courses also support technicians and classroom assistants. Science Learning Centre courses have evolved and developed from focus group meetings, discussion at events and meetings with individual schools & colleges. We are able to be both reactive and proactive, focussing on the needs of colleagues across the region. Reaction to our courses has been extremely positive: ‘I have really enjoyed the course. I am taking some excellent ideas away with me. One of the best courses I’ve been on. The style and presentation was excellent. A very valuable day.’ ‘As an NQT, I find these sessions very helpful for building on my current subject knowledge and ways of teaching. As a supply teacher it also keeps me in touch with current issues?’




‘I will be teaching spectroscopy from September 2005 so this will be a good starting point for resources and teaching A2. A most enjoyable day, thank you.’

In addition to our courses we have collaborated with the DfES on a ‘Science Teaching Rave!’ aimed at KS4 and post-16 teachers in schools & colleges. We are also providing a day’s event ‘Chemistry: Hands Free & Hands-On’ for teachers and students of post-16 chemistry as part of the Aimhigher project ‘Chemistry: The Next Generation’. Throughout 2005 we will be hosting events for LEAs, the Association for Science Education, Royal Society of Chemistry and the examination group OCR. Our publicity is sent to schools & colleges across the region at the beginning of each term. Look out for the brochure and book early! Drop-in Every Tuesday evening from 4pm until 6pm we have an informal drop-in session based at the Centre at the University of Leicester. These sessions are FREE - all we ask is that you call us to let us know you are coming! Come and view the latest science resources, try out software or refine your ICT skills with support from our ICT specialist. To contact us about any aspect of science education and how we can help in your professional development, email, or visit our website at Sue Bull, Science Learning Centre East Midlands

Tips: Creating online quizzes

Many of you who have attended our ILT subject days have experienced how easy it is to create an online quiz. For those of you who haven’t, here are some tips to get you started:

charge. If you password-protect your exercises or distribute them only on an Intranet, you will need to buy a licence.

There are lots of packages available to help you build your quiz. By using the action buttons option in PowerPoint you can create a simple interactive quiz that can be placed on your Intranet and used as a self assessment tool. More advanced quizzes and exams can be created by using specialised software packages, such as Quia, TOIA and Hot Potatoes.

Creating an exercise using Hot Potatoes takes 3 steps:

With Quia, you can create 16 types of educational games and activities, quizzes with eight different question types, surveys and web pages. There are also around 2 million shared activities on the site, which can be used directly or modified to suit your own needs. Quia does require subscription (from US $49 - approximately £25 - for an individual licence). TOIA is an advanced online assessment management system, funded by the JISC Exchange for Learning (X4L) programme. TOIA can be used to create and share 9 different types of questions, including essay questions. TOIA is freely available to all UK FE and HE institutions until August. Hot Potatoes is a suite of six authoring tools, which can be used to create web-based exercises of several types, including multiple choice questions, crosswords and gap-fill exercises. If you work in a non-profit making educational organisation, and are prepared to share your exercises by making them publicly accessible, then you can use the software free of 1. Entering the data (questions, answers etc.) 2. Configuring the output (instructions, button captions, appearance etc.) 3. Creating web pages (compiling your quiz into HTML pages) For example, to create a crossword exercise using Hot Potatoes, simply: Open the JCross program and give your crossword a title Enter your letters in the grid by clicking on a square and typing a letter Click the ‘Add clues’ button Select an answer, type in a clue and click ‘OK’ Configure the output. Click Options>Configure output. The dialogue box enables you to add subtitles, feedback etc, and change the appearance of your quiz • Save your quiz • Create your web page. Click File>Create web page>Web page for v6 browsers, and your crossword is complete!

• • • • •

All of these packages come with detailed tutorials to guide you through the creation of your quiz, so take a few minutes to read through and look at some example exercises. In no time at all you’ll have made your first online quiz! Rachael Stacey e-Learning Adviser (HE)

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Volume 3 • Issue 3

Summer 2005

Welcome from the Editor I N S I D E RSC East Midlands e-fair.

This issue

In this edition of In touch, Chris Hill, the RSC Manager divulges more information on the


Here at the RSC, we’re busy getting ready for the largest event we’ve held to date, the first

be contributing.

Course Genie: Issues arising from creating your own e-learning materials. Part one.

This month’s newsletter also includes articles from the DfES, UKERNA, the Higher

Support for E-Guides in the East Midlands

Education Academy and the East Midlands Science Learning Centre, as well as the regular

All the fun of the e-fair

contributions from RSC staff. So, put the kettle on, sit back, and take a few minutes out to

DFES e-Strategy

e-fair, including details of the Keynote speakers, and some of the organisations who’ll

catch up with this term’s ILT news for the East Midlands.

JANET Network Reliability Study

Rachael Stacey, e-Learning Advisor (HE)

The Higher Education Academy Forthcoming events

Course Genie: What Issues Arise from giving Subject Specialists the Tools to Create their own E-Learning Materials? Introduction The biggest change in working practice brought about by the introduction of end-user content creation tools is that materials are developed by tutors, rather than being produced to order by a materials development team. CourseGenie is perhaps a more obvious choice of content creation tool, because it integrates with Microsoft Word by running a macro, and should in theory make life easier for teaching staff, because assuming they are familiar with Word, they don’t have to be particularly competent at web programming and content packaging. There are however, numerous issues outside the technical domain which are raised when central control of the production of learning material is delegated to those who own the content. This article will attempt to address some of the major benefits and potential problems that may arise for a college when attempting to do such a thing.

Issues One of the most pressing issues that could arise from such a development is that the materials team will lose the uniformity of their materials. The potential is there for tutors to create content which doesn’t reach the same standards as materials created for them. Although this is a problem it can be successfully addressed in a number of ways. Course Genie could be made a staff development priority: plan training sessions before tutors create their first chunk of material; outline a structure to work with; and, assist in the development of good practice. Practically speaking, we could

w w w. r s c - e a s t - m i d l a n d s . a c . u k

Focus on: Science Learning Centre East Midlands

Part one...

Hints and Tips: Creating online quizzes

perhaps set up a structure on the colleges’ VLE whereby teaching staff would be expected to upload material in specific places. For instance, a course can be broken down into weekly chunks, and then further still into course specifics and even templates. Assistance could also be given in the use of metadata. If all course materials are correctly indexed they will be more easily used and adapted by other members of staff. Content will also integrate seamlessly with preexisting materials, and be more user-friendly to the student. It is important at this stage of planning, however, to be aware that if the production of materials is seen as being too rigid and structured staff may feel that they don’t have ownership over their content, and may even feel that what they upload ‘won’t be up to standard’. To combat this, one suggestion is to promote the idea of subject specific working groups, so that creation of materials can be shared across a department. Often content creation flounders when development within a subject is patchy, in that one or two enthusiasts within a department create all the materials and so become reluctant to share resources. This is undesirable when we consider that sharing is one of the most important ethoses underpinning e-learning. The technology behind Course Genie can go a long way to resolving this issue, because teaching staff have the opportunity to convert existing electronic materials into interactive documents, and most will have something that they can publish. This brings with a whole new set of issues which we will explore in the next RSC newsletter. Chris Bell, Specialist Colleges Advisor

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