Who’s who at Coates Crescent Clare manages and directs the team to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the RSCDS office through an integrated approach to operational delivery. She also supports the Management Board to deliver the charitable and strategic aims of the Society.
Clare MacGregor
Moira Thomson
Officer Manager
Events Manager
Providing a friendly first point of contact for any telephone or email enquiries, Mairi also greets any visitors who pop into Coates Crescent and makes sure that you receive your shop order(s) and new members’ hard copy welcome packs in a timely fashion.
Mairi Marshall
Retail and Membership Officer
Sandra is our finance guru on all things expenses and budgets related!
Sandra Parish
Receptionist Administrator
Cécile Hascoet
If you have any questions about the core RSCDS events, then check with Moira as she works closely with the Schools Sub-Committee to organise the annual Winter School and Summer School events. She also helps organise the Autumn Gathering (which includes the AGM) as well as supporting the work of the Youth Services Committee.
Finance Manager
As the main contact for all Branch Officers, Cécile can guide you through various aspects of the membership database and can provide one-toone webinar sessions. Through her role supporting the Membership Services Committee, Cécile is also a great source of knowledge regarding Society publications and products.
Keen to explore the history of the Society? Why not contact our Honorary Archivist, Alan, to find out more! Alternatively, you may have some historical treasures relating to the Society or Scottish country dancing and music that you wish to donate to our Archive collections.
Alan Macpherson Honorary Archivist (Tues & Thurs only)
You may already ‘follow’ or ‘like’ Debbie since she manages the RSCDS social media platforms as well as collating news and events to produce regular Branch and member updates. Debbie is also helping to develop the new RSCDS Marketing strategy.
Debbie Morris
Communications and Marketing Officer
As the office Creative, Kat works collaboratively with staff, the Board, Committees and Branches to deliver engaging digital and print artwork that promotes Scottish country dancing to audiences around the world and evolves the RSCDS brand.
Katherine Butler Graphic Design and Media Officer
Julia can help guide you through the various stages involved in the RSCDS Teacher Training program and help you participate in the Dancing Achievement Award (DAA) and Medal Tests. Julia also supports the work of the Education and Training Committee.
Julia Parr
Education and Training Officer
Offices in Edinburgh – Kelso - Haddington Dalkeith Tel: 0131 311 4700 or email contact@ermg.co.uk. We are available for your Personal and Commercial Insurance requirements. Feel free to let us know when your renewal is due and we can contact you nearer the time.