News from Coates Crescent The latest developments at Headquarters by Elspeth Gray publications; marketing; and services to members, branches and affiliated groups.
Membership Services Committee Bill Austin (Convenor) Marilyn Healy (Archivist) George Meikle (Music Director) Luke Brady, Anne Carter, Roger Malton, Frank Thomson, Sheila West Secretary: Moira Thomson (The Chairman and Chairman Elect may attend any Committee or other meeting, without a vote)
2010 elections Chairman Elect – John Wilkinson Treasurer – Ross Robertson Convenor, Membership Services – Bill Austin Management Board members – Malcolm Brown, Keith Evans, Jim Healy, Jack Pressley (3 years), Philip Whitley (2 years)
The posts listed below are available for election this year. Nomination forms will be available to download from the website on 28 April, and should be completed and submitted, with the required profile and photo, by 9 September.
Education & Training Committee – Pat Houghton, Jim Stott (3 years)
Management Board – 4 places (3 years), 1 place (1 year)
Membership Services Committee – Luke Brady, Roger Malton (3 years)
Education & Training Committee – 3 places (3 years)
There were no nominations for GP & Finance Committee, but in any case the AGM voted to disband that Committee; any members with remaining time to serve have been redeployed to other Committees, Panels or Working Groups.
Membership Services Committee – 2 places (3 years)
Board & Committee membership for 2010-11
Management Board
Appointments The Management Board will be seeking to appoint a Treasurer, Ross Robertson having taken on this role for one year only until November 2011. Further information will be made available via the website and Branch mailings at the appropriate time.
Ruth Beattie (Chairman & Convenor of MB)
Board and Committee responsibilities
John Wilkinson (Chairman Elect)
A brief reminder of the areas of responsibility for the Management Board and Committees:
Bill Austin (Convenor, MS) Di Rooney (Convenor, E&T) Ross Robertson (Treasurer) Malcolm Brown, Lyn Bryce, Keith Evans, Jim Healy, Marjorie Hume, Lorna Ogilvie, Jack Pressley, Keith Stacey, Philip Whitley, Elaine Wilde In attendance: Elizabeth Foster (Executive Officer)
Minute Secretary: Elspeth Gray
Education & Training Committee Di Rooney (Convenor) Margo Priestley (Schools Director) Deb Lees (Youth Director) Margaret Baker, Ann Dix, Graham Donald, Gillian Frew, Pat Houghton, Andrew Nolan, Anne Smyth, Jim Stott
Secretary: Craig Jackson
Election to Management Board and Committees 2011
Management Board: sets, reviews and directs the policies and strategic planning of the Society; presents to the AGM each year a report of the Society’s affairs, the audited annual accounts for the previous financial year, and an outline plan for the coming year; appoints the Secretary/ Executive Officer, Treasurer, Music Director, Schools Director and Archivist. Education and Training Committee: matters concerning standards and performance of Society dances; teaching of dancers and musicians; the regulations and procedures of the Society’s tests and examinations; the appointment of examiners, adjudicators and assessors; services to Teachers’ Associations; and the organisation of Schools. Membership Services Committee: matters concerning public relations; research; archives;
In addition, there is a number of Panels and Working Groups (WGs). Panels are permanent, with responsibility for taking forward various areas of work – eg Investment, JMMF, Technique Advisory, Constitution, etc. WGs are time limited, formed to deal with specific tasks or projects. The Panels and WGs are vital to the smooth running of the Society’s business.
Engagement of Overseas Members Working Group The Engagement of Overseas members Working Group (EOMWG) has been exploring ways to enable wider involvement of members – particularly those overseas – in the work of the Society and to harness the skills and interests that we know are out there. It is proposed to trial, for one year, involvement of members in the following: • the Constitution Panel; • Dance Scottish Working Group. If you are interested in becoming involved, please send your details, with a brief synopsis of relevant skills, to Philip Whitley, Chair of the WG, at – Philip is also happy to provide more information or answer any queries.
Branch anniversaries Congratulations to the following Branches, whose members are celebrating their “special” anniversaries this year. Have a wonderful anniversary year, and we wish you many more years of dancing! 60th – Adelaide, Liverpool, Lanark 50th – Royal Leamington Spa, London (Ontario) 25th – San Gabriel Valley, Somerset 20th – Brighton, St Johns (Newfoundland)
Jean Milligan Memorial Fund (JMMF) In October 2010, the Management Board accepted the recommendations of a small group that had for the past year been developing clearer policies and procedures for the JMMF. The Board established a Panel (Bill Austin, Alex Gray, Marjorie Hume [Chair], Ross Robertson and Di Rooney) to take forward the practical details of how the fund is administered and publicised. Among the suggestions to be implemented are: specific closing dates for applications (three per year); an application form and new guidelines; and wider publicity. It is anticipated that the new procedures will be in place later this year, so if you are interested in applying for support to further Scottish country dancing in your area, keep an eye on the Society website.