e-Fair 2012
The e-Lympics
July 5th West Herts College, Watford The Eastern Region's 12th e-Fair includes a keynote by Lilian Soon, pictured. As always there will be a range of drop in show and tells, and a bookable range of workshops.
Scan the e-Lympian for more e-Fair fun
BOOK NOW at bit.ly/efair2012 t
or scan the QR Code
l Personalised distance learning toolkit; l Developing an effective interactive learning poster; l Easy interactivity with Moodle; l Interactive smartboard and touch screen assessment; l Using the wordwall to check learning.
e-Fair 2012: the e-lympics
Mike Watkins West Herts College ‘Interactive smartboard and touchscreen assessment’ bit.ly/whcwatkins
Interactive Guide You can find out more about this year’s workshops and keynote presentation by downloading the Aurasma augmented reality RSCEAuras app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play store; look for the logo pictured above left. Once downloaded simply open the app, and point your smartphone or tablet device at any of the presenters to watch them come alive. Double tap the video to make it go full screen. Alternatively, you can download the i-nigma QR Code reader, see logo pictured right, or any other QR Code reader, and scan any of the QR Codes above to watch the presenters outlining their workshops.
Lilian Soon - Xlearn Keynote presentation - ‘Standing on the shoulders of giants’ bit.ly/liliansoon
If you’ve misplaced your mobile device you can still view the videos by following the bit.ly links. Enjoy!
Charlie Williams Oaklands College
Aaron Burrell University Campus Suffolk
‘Easy interactivity with Moodle’ bit.ly/moodlewilliams
Developing an effective interactive learning poster’ bit.ly/aburrell
Amanda Hammond West Herts College ‘Using the Wordwall’ bit.ly/ahammond
Workshops & Show & Tells Here is a sample of the latest show and tells: ‘Use of the Flip camera in the ESOL classroom’ - West Herts College ‘The Excellence Gateway subject resources - a guided tour - Elaine Szpytma ’Tracking BTEC grades in Moodle’ Bedford College ‘An online toolkit for tutorials’ - Caroline Briggs ‘Equinoll’ - Broadland Council Training Services ‘Google Apps for Education’ - City College Norwich ‘Collect from anywhere, share with anyone’ Xtensis ‘Interactive pairs game and interactive online tutorials’ - Peterborough Regional College ‘My Black Box - Apple TV in the classroom’ West Suffolk College ‘Moodle Migration’ - Seevic College ‘Why Xerte is the best thing since Lobster’ Ron Mitchell
Nola Marshall - Essex ACL ‘Personalised distance learning toolkit’ bit.ly/nmarshall
‘Create interactive resources using Office Suite 2007 and web based Hot Potato and Question Tools software’ - Thurrock Adult Community College
Ground Floor Exhibitors JISC TechDis LSIS JANET Xtensis SCRAN EDINA
bit.ly/ gfloor
For more info scan the maps with the RSCEAuras app or scan the QR Codes
Ground Floor Theatre - Introductions, prize draw and keynote presentation.
Refreshment Area For free teas, coffees
Video Diary Room - Please visit during the day to give your views and thoughts on all matters e-Fair and ILT.
Restaurant - Lunch will be available from 12.15pm.
Interactive Maps Second Floor Show and Tell Area - All show and tell contributors will be located in the Learning Resource Centre. A show and tell is an informal opportunity to talk with providers who are successfully using technology in the classroom to enhance the learner experience. This year’s show and tell contributors will cover FE and Skills, HE, WBL and ACL sectors. Workshop Rooms Room 203 - Charlie Williams Room 205 - Amanda Hammond Room 206 - Aaron Burrell Room 208 - Nola Marshall Room 210 - Mike Watkins
Virtual Surgeries Room 202e - JISC Legal Breakout Area - Niki Kearns My Little Black Box - Apple TV
bit.ly/ 2ndfloor