Schank logo assignment

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The thumbnails for this assignment must be completed by the end of class and handed in before you leave. Please hand in a print of your final Personal Identity Label at the end of the next class. You must use Adobe Illustrator for this Lab Assignment.

You have gone through a process of learning more and more about how to condense a lot of complicated information into a small and concise mark. You now understand the power of figure/ground and the difficulty of truly activating both in a logo design. You are also becoming aware of the difficulties of effectively utilizing the elements and principles of design, while instilling a sense of hierarchy in your designs. Hopefully you are starting to see how to leverage the concepts of perception and the sequence of cognition to create an elegant design. For this lab assignment you will create a label that will get attached to all of the assignments you hand in throughout the rest of the semester. All future assignments (with one exception) will be created, presented, and handed in electronically. You will arrange your solutions in a file that is either vertical or horizontal (recommended) and you will include a label as one of the elements in the file. If you were to ever print out all of your assignments, they would have a “branded” look because of the inclusion of this label. Your label must include this information: Your Name, Name of Assignment (will change with each assignment), Spring 2015, I.V.C. DMA 175: Corporate Identity. You must also include one of the logo marks you created in the previous four assignments. You must explore a minimum of 15 possibilities as thumbnails. The thumbnails must be done by hand on paper. Choose one or two ideas to develop further using the computer and Adobe Illustrator. You must hand in the thumbnails and a print of your Label by the end of class. Your design must establish a “format” or consistent layout for your future assignments. You might consider how this information can occupy a secondary position of attention in the overall layout. There are no color restrictions, but again, you don’t want this to be the thing that gets the most attention when you add your assignment to your layout. Remember to utilize the Elements and Principles of Design. Keep the electronic file that you create; it will be added and updated to each future assignment. OBJECTIVES • Learn more about research on the internet. • Use thumbnails to explore and evaluate alternative solutions. • Learn to condense complex information into a concise and elegant mark • Intensify your ability to see and manipulate both the figure and the ground in shapes. • Reinforce your knowledge of both the Elements and Principles of Design • Better understand the concept and ways to instill a sense of hierarchy in your designs • Gain a better understanding of how to leverage the concepts of Perception • Work with the sequence of cognition to capture attention and deliver your message quickly • Learn to manipulate tools and software. • Learn to think quickly and meet deadlines.

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