Dear Donors and Friends,
This is the time of year when you would normally receive a copy of our annual report. In a deliberate choice to serve as better financial stewards, we are not printing and mailing the annual report this year.
We are very grateful for your gift in support of our mission to discover and reveal God’s love in the heart of the world through the service of education. Each and every gift makes a true difference.
This report includes a snapshot of the gifts given in FY22. These gifts were used where most needed (unrestricted), in support of elder care and our ministries. We also received special gifts to the Ukraine Emergency Fund. To all, we sincerely thank you.
We know you have many choices for your charitable giving. Your choice to support the Religious of the Sacred Heart encourages our sisters in their various ministries. In the course of my work, I often hear how much it means to a sister that you remain connected to them and to the mission. Thank you.
This year, we are encouraged by the overall increase in our number of annual donors. To our new and reconnected donors, welcome!
Thinking of you this Advent season with much gratitude,
Anne L. Wiehagen, CFRE
Director of Mission Advancement awiehagen@rscj.org | 314.880.0551
Maureen Aggeler RIP Christina Lynn Bernal RIP Helen J. Carey RIP Richard L. Chenault RIP Mary Miller Cochrane RIP Dorothy Bosetti Cuono RIP Dorothy Babka Filippine RIP Marie Grace Joffrion RIP Carolyn A. Moynihan RIP Mary Jane Christy Power RIP Mary Frawley Thompson RIP Virginia
donor spotlightBarbara J. Menard
My respect, gratitude and love for the Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) began as I attended the Convent of the Sacred Heart in El Cajon, California. I remember my interview like it was yesterday: what I wore, how nervous I felt, and meeting Mother Virginia McMonagle, RSCJ, for the first time. Attending school there offered more than just a solid academic foundation. It gave an education of the whole person from the proper way to get in and out of a car like a “lady,” to exposure to the arts, literature, prayer and spirituality.
Sister McMonagle and the RSCJ were role models of qualities of leadership and compassion, and there were no limits placed on who we could become. Virginia “Gina” Rodee, RSCJ, taught us freshman year, and we are blessed that she continues to be involved with our class and in the Sacred Heart alumnae/i events in the San Diego region. I was also fortunate to have the friendship and counsel of Madeleine Bruhn, a former RSCJ, who listened and supported me; many El Cajon students remained in touch with her through the years.
In 1966, St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center (SMSC) was opened right next to our high school by the late Mary “Be” Mardel, RSCJ, who was known to me and my classmates as Reverend Mother Mardel. Some of our classmates had siblings who became students at the Center. Maxine Kraemer, RSCJ, our eighth-class teacher, was a tireless advocate for St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center, and she worked there after her teaching career. We would go “up the hill” to help out at the Center at times. My uncle, James E. Chafey, was a member of the board of trustees at SMSC for many years. His daughter, Catherine Chafey Scanlon, is currently a member of the Menard Family Foundation board of trustees, which has benefited St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center for many years.
Irene “Renie” Cullen, RSCJ, was in the novitiate while we were students at El Cajon, and I remember seeing her and the other sisters at recreation or walking in line for chapel when the bell tolled. I reconnected with Renie once I moved back to San Diego, and she introduced me to the work of the Religious of the Sacred Heart in Uganda and Kenya. Her commitment to raising funds to support the schools and to assist women in learning a skill to support themselves is inspiring to me. I had the opportunity to meet some of the religious from the Uganda/Kenya Province who visited San Diego. I also learned more about the needs in Uganda from Fran Tobin, RSCJ, who worked as an immigration attorney at Catholic Charities down the hall from my office.
I have lived in several cities where there are Network of Sacred Heart Schools member schools, including New Orleans, St. Louis, Houston, and Chicago. I always made a point of visiting the schools, especially to attend celebrations for the Feast of Mater Admirabilis or the Feast of the Sacred Heart, which were opportunities to get to know some of the sisters from around the country.
I am very aware of the need for places of serenity where people can go to reflect on their relationship with God, and I am fortunate to live near the Spiritual Ministry Center, operated by the Society of the Sacred Heart in Ocean Beach, San Diego. Remembering with gratitude the influence of the Religious of the Sacred Heart, I also have been able to visit a number of them at the retirement community at Oakwood in Atherton, California.
I can truly say that the bonds of friendship that began at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in El Cajon have continued through the years. My classmates are friends for life, and we remain in contact with one another, gathering every month via Zoom to share updates on our lives. It is because of the vibrant RSCJ community that the Menard Family Foundation is pleased to support the ministries of the Society of the Sacred Heart.
in education
(above) Taken in 1961, students and Religious of the Sacred Heart line up for the dedication of Convent of the Sacred Heart in El Cajon.
(middle) Barbara Menard, Maureen King, and Debra Emerson at St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center’s Tea by the Sea event.
(below) Barbara Menard and her El Cajon classmates celebrate their 50th high school reunion.
Barbara Menard (left) and Marlene Kloberdanz Miller (right), a member of the Menard Family Foundation board of trustees, sit with their former teacher, the late Sister Kraemer.
we are grateful to the Cor Unum Legacy Society
Cor Unum – One Heart – speaks of our shared mission – that of making the love of the heart of Jesus known in the heart of our world.
With sincere, heartfelt gratitude we recognize members of our Cor Unum Legacy Society who have remembered the Society of the Sacred Heart in their will or testamentary gift. Their generosity will continue to sustain the mission and ministries of the RSCJ and provide ongoing care for our elderly sisters in the decades to come. Each Cor Unum promise is a gift of love.
See rscj.org/bequests for more information or call Anne Wiehagen, Director of Mission Advancement, at 314.880.0551.
Marcia M. Abbo RIP
Lucy Henry Abernathy
Mary Louise Adams RIP
Maureen Aggeler RIP
Victoria Taylor Allen
Anonymous RIP
Monica Brady Armstrong and Donald J. Kapa
Gertrude Mary Attridge RIP
Theresa E. Avansino RIP
Patricia Ann Avery Michael F. and Lauren Major Baber Marguerite Bailey Ellen H. Bailly
Margaret Smith Barnell RIP Harriet C. Barrett RIP
Emile Barsch RIP
Susan Bartush-Cugliari Rose Baumeister RIP
Elizabeth Ross Berg
Meryl Louis (RIP) and David Berlew
Christina Lynn Bernal
Marion Mouton Blanchard RIP
Mary Gent Blosser RIP
Catherine H. Bobzien
Bernadette M. Bomhack RIP
Marie Bone and Michael Clear
Jean W. Bone RIP
Beverly M. Boyd RIP
Linda Emmick Bradford
Maudie Williams Bremer
Edna M. Brennan RIP
Anne Baer (Melanie) Brent
Paul S. and Eileen O’Reilly Brescia RIP
Mary Ann Manion Bridge RIP
Barbara Brine RIP
Virginia Alders Briner RIP
Patricia A. and Richard C. Browne
Madeline Anne Bruhn RIP
Jeanne K. Burchell RIP
Jeanne Keegan Burke
Marianna McIntyre Burke
Alice J. Burns RIP
Dorcy Towers Burns
Kathryn Ann Burns
Mary T. Burns RIP
Josephine F. Burtschi RIP
Grace Butler RIP
Annchen Kliegl Byrne RIP
Brenda Byrne
Leontine Keane Cadieux RIP
Anita Callero RIP
Jane Shields Campbell
Robert W. Campbell RIP
Mary Louise Canfield RIP
Ligeia Gallagher Cannon RIP
Helen J. Carey RIP
Raymond Andrew Carroll RIP
Elizabeth A. Casey RIP
Ann Cortis Chapman RIP
Richard L. Chenault
Patricia Clapp
Betty J. Clemen
Alice Lida Cochran RIP
Mary Miller Cochrane RIP
Martha F. Cole RIP
Domini Clare Collins
Judith Whalen Conley
Shirley G. Connolly RIP
Virginia Yates Connolly RIP INCLUDE?
Irene J. Lawrence Conrady RIP
Wilma Cooksey RIP
Mary Katherine Cooley
Elizabeth Ann Cooney RIP
Mark Cooper
Mary Marcotte Corrigan
Julianne Crotty-Guile
Danna M. Crowley
Mildred Crowley RIP
Jean Fox Csaposs
Mary Constance Cummiskey
Dorothy Bosetti Cuono RIP
Harry J. Curry RIP
Louise M. Dagit
Jane Vollbrecht Dall
Margaret M. Davies RIP
Dorothy Salisbury Davis RIP
Maude S. Davis
Helen Dawson RIP
Jessica Stocking Demay RIP
Sarah Hayes Dembinski
Sandra Derby
Bonnie Dewes RIP
Rita Desaulniers Dinneen RIP
Anita Hennessy Disomma RIP
Catherine Dolan RIP
Barbara Finlay Donahue RIP
Emily Charles Donahue
Constance Burdzy Donius RIP
Mary Virginia Donnelly RIP
Mary J. Dowd RIP
Anne M. Doyle
Diane M. Duacsek
Margaret Mary Duff RIP
Judith Fay Duffy
Catherine B. Eardley-Murphy
Sarita and Brent Eastman
Elizabeth Doyle Eckl
Rozanne Hume Edmondson RIP
Edouard and Mary Quigley Eller RIP
Patricia Coyle Ellingwood
Karen E. Emge
Charlotte Ward McDonnell Euwer RIP
Diane Skowron Evans
Juliana L. Ewald RIP
Cindy Ewing
Nancy Faust Fahey
Olga Wilson Fairfax, Ph.D.
Robert Fanning RIP
Mary Kay Tracy Farley RIP
Kathleen and H. Mortimer (RIP) Favrot
Florence C. Fee
Catherine S. Felleman
Dorothy Babka Filippine RIP
Mary V. Fisher RIP
Dorothy Heidloff Fletcher RIP
Geraldine M. Dryden Flynn RIP
Jeannine and Patrick Flynn
Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman
Kathryn A. Foley
Mary Louise Keane Forcade RIP A. Sylvia Francis
Mary Frawley Thompson RIP
Dorothea Wanner Frech RIP
Ana M. Freyre de Azqueta
Grace M. Frontin
Helen and Wayne Fung
Elvera L. Fusco RIP
Mary Patricia Gallagher RIP
Renata D. Gallagher RIP
Ofelia Garcia
Christine McElligott Garner
Madeleine S. Gary RIP Gail Gavello
Mirta Noemi Geddo
Mary Lee Kaiser Geesbreght
Linda L. Gehring
Kate Laux Geiger
Carol Wettlaufer Gelderman
Jane R. Gerritzen
Angela M. Gillespie RIP
Katherine E. Golden RIP
Frank and Julia Gomes
Diana Maiullo Greenwood
Margaret E. Grossenbacher RIP
Margaret S. Hagerty
Marian Haggarty RIP
Mariclare Haggarty RIP
Louise Tesson Hall
Virginia M. Hamel
Agnes Rutledge Hanford RIP
Margaret M. Hannon RIP
Beth Hanson RIP
Aileen Harline RIP
Virginia Harrison RIP
Marie J. Hartigan RIP
Margaret J. Hayes RIP
Frances Madigan Healey
Sally A. Healy RIP
Nancy A. Heffernan RIP
Anne N. Heidt RIP
Elaine Ibold Heile
Patricia Rice Hellmuth
Jeannette Renner Hemmen
Carolyn S. Henry
Heather Campbell Henry Miriam V. Henry RIP
Jeanne and Michael Hevesy Richard G. Hibbs RIP
Jane Thatcher Hickenlooper Jean Frank Hicks
Lindsay Galloway Hill Anonymous RIP
John and Dorothea Hiltenbrand Kathleen A. Hirsch
Elizabeth Hoban RIP
Mary Jo Heile Hogan RIP
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Holland
Diane B. Holt RIP
John A. Hoormann RIP
Margaret Hopkins RIP
Anna Carroll Horsey RIP
Bernice E. Houlihan RIP
Ann Lord Howkins RIP
Joy Hudecz
Lucie Furstenberg Huger RIP
Rosemary D. Hunter RIP
Mary C. Hunyady RIP
Constance Gallagher Hynes RIP
we are grateful to the Cor Unum Legacy Society
Janet Gallagher Jacobs RIP
Catherine V. Janes RIP
Brooke Janis
Dorothy and Eugene Jaroch RIP
Marie Grace Joffrion RIP
Patricia Jones RIP
Mary Elizabeth Carolan Jonsen
Bernita Joyce RIP
Julie Kammerer
Jasper H. Kane RIP
Mary A. Kane
Lucy Kastenbein
Pamela J. Keating
George and Lois Mailloux Keeley RIP
Patricia A. Keeley RIP
Glenna La Salle Keene
Marion Schuyler Kellogg RIP
Jill O’Connor Kelly
Karen L. Kelly
Katharine H. Kernan
Winifred Beam Kessler
Eileen Hickey King RIP
Louisa D. Kirchner RIP
Ann Bates Kittle
B. J. Wysz Kittredge
Lillian E. Kleve RIP
Alice Roy Kolb
Patricia Lamborn Coward Kolbe RIP
Patricia J. Konert RIP
Margaret M. Kostouros RIP
Jane O’Brien Krigsman RIP
Lynn L. Lacroix
Ann Lammers-Lasek RIP
Mary W. Lamy
Albert and Ursula Lawson RIP
Stephanie McKinley Layman RIP
Jeanne Lamorelle Leahy RIP
Mira and Andrzej Lechowicz
Moira J. Lees RIP
Joan Gregory Lehman
Dorothy Lindberg RIP
Lillian Hoy Link RIP
Molly Molloy Linneman RIP
Elizabeth Lin Lo RIP
Josephine K. Long RIP
Carol Kuser Loser RIP
Rosemary Potts Loyacono RIP
Marilyn Doyle Lynch RIP
Edwin and Elinor Maccamy RIP
Elizabeth A. Madden
Mary Irene Madden RIP
Sandra Bellanca Madigan
Jane Correa Maggin RIP
Donald L. Magnetti, RIP
Loretta Maguire, RIP
Sheila Anne Mahony
Kay Younger Mallon
Anonymous RIP
Margaret Rose Manella RIP
Deirdre Grogan Mardon RIP
Marcia Donahoe Marino
Mary Jo Martin RIP
Patsy RIP and Woods Martin
Mrs. William B. Martin, Jr. Martinez Family RIP
Margaret N. Maxey RIP
Jane McAuliffe RIP
Patricia McCann
Joan and Jack McGraw RIP
Kathleen M. McKenna
Kathleen Patricia McKenna RIP
Sharron Vavak McKenzie RIP
Gail Horan McKnight
Juliette McLauchlin
Alice M. McMahon
Margaret H. Kelly McMahon RIP
Cyr McMillan RIP
The McMorrow Family
Margaret K. McRaith
Rose Merino
Anonymous Beverly Merrill RIP
Jean Messerve
Ann Gray Miller
Ellen Statt Miller
Jean Hicks Miller RIP
John and Teresa Molbeck
Mary Elizabeth C. Moloney RIP
Gregoria Monterroso RIP
Alice C. S. Montgomery RIP
Helen Healy Moorhead
Kathleen Moretti
Donald E. Morris RIP
Helen J. Morris RIP
Madeline A. Morris
Richard B. Morris RIP
Carolyn A. Moynihan RIP
Bishop James M. Moynihan RIP
Virginia Murillo
Mandy Dawson Murphy
Margaret E. Murphy RIP
Elizabeth J. Myers-Buhite
Laurette Marcotte Naylor RIP
Lynne and Harold (RIP) Neitzschman
Kate and Paul Nelson
Catherine and John Neveling RIP
Jane K. Newton RIP
Nancy Spelshouse Nimmich
Dorothy O’Carroll
Jeanne O’Brien O’Connor
Mary C. O’Gorman RIP
Doranne Terhune O’Hara
Dennis and Virginia Wurzer O’Neal
Cornelia P. O’Neil RIP
Ralph O’Neil RIP
Rosemary O’Neil RIP
Kathie O’Sullivan RIP
Sharon L. Ohlms
Rosario A. Olivares RIP
Eva V. Ollis RIP
Mary Virginia Orf RIP
Marie L. Owen RIP
Dorothy Rodriguez Pandaleon
Joseph H. Pawlish RIP
P. Rosemary Peeler RIP
Diane Pehrson Peetz
Martha J. (Marcy) Pelton
Alice Farley Peppard and Philip Farley RIP
Virginia W. Perkins RIP
Anita R. Peterson RIP
Nancy Doran Petry RIP
Margaret Crowley Phelan RIP
Margaret D. Pizzo
Mary Jane Christy Power
Bernice S. Pratt RIP
Suzanne Reynolds Price
Mary Jane Keck Proctor
Peggy Lou Prudell RIP
Mary Hall Quinlan RIP
Muriel M. Rada RIP
Emily Kernan Rafferty
Louis R. Ranney RIP
Robert and Mildred Reardon RIP
Virginia and John Rebuck RIP
Gloria Redmond RIP
Eileen Pohl Rengh RIP
Amy C. Richardson
Martha A. Robbins
Dana Sue Roberson
Marie M. Rogers RIP
Mary E. Romson
Mamie J. Rose RIP
Patricia McCafferty Rouchier RIP
Irma A. Rozynski
Elsie Gelpi Rubin RIP
Cathleen A. Ryan
Mary Catherine Hoffmann Ryan
Michael E. and Fran Ryan
Hortensia Hacker Sampedro
Carol J. Sampson
Barbara M. Sanders
George W. and Faye B. Saul RIP
Carroll Saussy
Joanne B. Schelske
Ruth V. Schmedtje RIP
Victoria E. Schwarz
Bernadette Kaulakis Settelmeyer
Ellen Schlafly Shafer
Sharon O’Malley Shearon RIP
Mary Lou Sheibley RIP
Anonymous Constance Hanley Smith RIP
Peter Allen and Mary Alyose Smith RIP
Pamela Moore Snyder
Charlotte Sumpter Spagnuolo RIP
Elizabeth Largay St. John RIP
Reverend Thomas R. Statt RIP
Elizabeth Jane Steele
Rina Stefani
Elaine S. Stenger
Judith Kay Stoewe RIP
Merna Stoflet RIP
Bonnie Walsh Stoloski
Andree Strybos RIP
Elizabeth Corby Sturges RIP
Constance Heide Sullivan RIP
Rose Breslin Sullivan RIP
Dolores A. Supper
Jean Brady Sweeney RIP
Harriet K. Switzer and David L. Cronin
Virginia Tarjan
Julie Fisher Taylor RIP
Joan McSweeney Terry
Sandra J. Theunick
Bernadette J. Thibodeau
Mary Jane Tiernan
Anonymous RIP
Martha Peters Toon
Lelia Timmins Totten RIP
Margaret Cambron Tracy RIP
Ruth Hogan Tredway RIP
Diane Remien Tymick
Dacia Van Antwerp
Mary T. Verkamp RIP
Virginia Vessa-McLaughlin RIP
Louise Gerrity Vollertsen
Madeleine Von Bargen RIP Margaret F. Wallace
Olga Gannon Warfield RIP M. Virginia Waterman-Casey
Edward Watson RIP
Patricia Bernstein Wells RIP
William and Mimi Welsh Mary E. West
Susan Whalen
John E. Whitfield, Sr. RIP
Nathan T. Wilburn
Suzanne Dale Wilcox
Patricia C. Willis
Francine Templeman Wimsatt RIP
Patricia Tarantino Woodley RIP
Evelyn and Albert Worner RIP
Loretta M. Young RIP
in mission
Photos © by Jerry Naunheim
we are grateful to our Annual Campaign Donors
We are grateful for every annual campaign gift to the Province. Each gift helps to further our mission and contributes to the care of our elderly sisters.
Want to give to the 2023 Annual Campaign? Visit rscj.org/donate for more information or call Anne Wiehagen, Director of Mission Advancement, at 314.880.0551.
SAINT MADELEINE SOPHIE DONOR CIRCLE ($999,999 - $500,000) Anonymous Mrs. Mary M. Cochrane RIP
JANET ERSKINE STUART DONOR CIRCLE ($249,999 - $100,000) Anonymous Tobin Family
ALOYSIA HARDEY DONOR CIRCLE ($99,999 - $25,000) Ms. Maureen M. Aggeler RIP Archdiocese of Seattle
The J. Addison Bartush & Marion M. Bartush Family Foundation Mrs. Susan Bartush-Cugliari
The Briggs-Fisher Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. McCauley Brown Richard L. Chenault RIP Ms. Amanda Codina Considine Family Foundation Anonymous
Mrs. Susan O’Bryan Croft Cymarron Foundation Mrs. Betty L. Dunn Mrs. H. Mortimer Favrot, Jr. Marie Grace Joffrion RIP Mrs. Cynthia Wall Keene Dr. and Mrs. Edward V. A. Lim Anonymous
Ms. Carolyn A. Moynihan RIP O’Bryan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. O’Neil
Mrs. Bernadette K. Settelmeyer Mrs. Richard J. Wall Ms. Sandra B. Wall Mrs. M. Virginia Waterman-Casey Ms. Lynn T. White
Mrs. Doris Z. Bato Children of Mary - Oakwood Ms. Donna E. Deeley Mr. and Mrs. David Fambrini Dorothy Babka Filippine RIP
The Honorable Edward L. Filippine Neal (RIP) and Barbara O’Dea McGettigan Mr. and Mrs. John V. McGraw, Jr. RIP 885
Mr. Robert J. Raffo Mr. Stephen E. Reilly
Tracy Family Foundation Mrs. Virginia Vessa-McLaughlin RIP
Von Bargen Trust Ms. Ann Wakefield Anonymous Mrs. Francine Templeman Wimsatt RIP
TRES BIEN DONOR CIRCLE ($9,999 - $5,000)
Alumnae/i of the Sacred Heart - San Diego Argyros Family Foundation
Robert and Sheila Reynolds RIP Berner Lynda and Peter Clark Mrs. Leonore R. Daschbach RIP Dr. Carl N. DeSilva
Ann K. Maschka Dorminy Dr. Carolyn Cassin Driscoll Mrs. Betty Dy
Mr. Edward L. Filippine, Jr. Franz Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Hamilton, Jr. Mrs. Amelia Zolezzi Johnson
Timothy and Marianne Herning Kay Mrs. Mary Beth Heflin Ketchum Mrs. Dorothy Mulroy King Mrs. Ann Bates Kittle
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Lane, Jr.
Mrs. Kathleen Connors McGowan Mr. Mark McLaughlin
Menard Family Foundation Ms. Barbara J. Menard
Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart, Newton, MA
Dr. Marcy F. Petrini
Ms. Jacqueline D. Pollvogt The Quinlan Family Trust
Rose Valley Partners Mr. Andy Saul Mr. and Mrs. Steve Saul Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Stauder Steele Family Foundation Mrs. Mary June N. Tan Mrs. Catherine M. Tracy Ms. Uyen Tran Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Ziminsky III
BLUE RIBBON DONOR CIRCLE ($4,999 - $1,000) Mr. Richard W. Abrams Jack and Sandy Ahlheim Alumnae/i of the Sacred Heart - Arizona Anonymous
Mr. William Baechtold Mrs. Allanah Cleary Beh Christina Lynn Bernal RIP Mrs. Ludmila Schwarzenberg Bidwell Marge and Terrence Blaine
Mr. David A. Blanton III Mrs. Jennie Weiss Block Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Blommer, Jr. Mrs. Patricia Casey Bollinger Mrs. Megan M. Boschini Dr. Nancy M. Bowdring Mrs. Ella Cox Bracy Mrs. Sara J. Bredemann Ms. Karen Burkhardt Ms. Sheila O’Connor Burns
Mrs. Nancy Stearns Calcagnini Ms. Yili Cao Mrs. Roberta Mullin Carcione Helen J. Carey RIP Mrs. Marie Thurber Carleton Mrs. Carla Lastreto Carstens Mr. Warren Chandler Mrs. Margaret Y. Chang Mrs. Hilary W. Charlton Francis and Margaret Chen Children of Mary - St. Louis Mrs. Madelyn Jason Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cockren Patti and John Cody Joe and Sally Costigan Coleman Mr. and Mrs. David E. Collins Ms. Francesca Corkle Ms. Susan M. Craft Ms. Danna M. Crowley Anonymous
Mrs. Dorothy Bosetti Cuono RIP Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Curley Mrs. Maryelene Ryan Dailey Dr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Davis Ms. Nancy S. Delaney Mrs. George B. Desloge, George and Mary Rose Desloge Family Fund of the St. Louis Community Foundation Ms. Catharine-Mary Donovan Mrs. Jean Gear Earl
Drs. Sarita and Brent Eastman Dr. and Mrs. MacArthur Elayda Mrs. Gail Galvin Ellis
Mrs. Ilona J. Etlenyi Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Ferlic
William and Barbara Fitzgerald Family Foundation
Jeannine and Patrick Flynn Mrs. Kathy Fortier Mrs. Evelyn K. Francuz Anne Fung and Jeffrey Sternberg
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Fung Stephen and Susan Gaddis Dr. Ofelia Garcia Mrs. Patricia F. Garffer
Garnetta Kramer Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Claude J. Gaubert Mrs. Sally Santen Gleason Mrs. Dianne Solomon Gonzalez Ms. Mary V. Grady
Mrs. Bonnie Gunlocke Graham Mrs. Katy Semple Gross Mr. and Mrs. John Hanichak
Ms. Annmarie Deignan Hart Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Hartman
Ms. Nancy Mullaney Harvey Mrs. K. Denise Hattler
Heimbinder Family Foundation Mrs. Sheila Mooney Heimbinder Mrs. Erin Heinemann Hennessey Ms. Carolyn S. Henry Mrs. Heather Campbell Henry Anonymous Mr. Albert J. Horn Ms. Rita L. Houlihan Ms. Yu Shiu Huang
Mrs. Barbara Burke Hugenberg Mrs. C. Gemma Hwang
Jason Family Foundation Anonymous
Mrs. Pamela Jonekait
Mrs. Jane Fulton Jurkovich
Mr. and Mrs. Hans-Werner Kaas
Ginny and Jack Kavanaugh
Angel and Fred Kleinbub
Mr. Vincent A. Kolber
Mrs. Maureen Lyons Kundtz
Mrs. Sheila Cardone Labrecque
Ms. Jeanne E. LaFazia
Mrs. Madelyn Cummiskey Law Laurence and Evelyn Fu Loh
our Annual Campaign Donors
The Loyola Foundation, Inc.
The Lynch Blades Foundation
Mrs. Ann Marie Blades Lynch
Mrs. Dianne McGowan Lynch
Karen Renzulli Lynch
Mrs. Suzanne S. Lyons
Malcolm Cravens Foundation
Mrs. Elizabeth Barth Marr
Patsy RIP and Woods Martin Scott and Sue Masson
Dr. Veronica A. McCaffrey
Dr. and Mrs. John R. McNeel
Mrs. Sheila Burns McWilliams Mrs. Lorraine F. Melton Bayuk
Mrs. Sharon Lynch Menaker
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Molbeck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Morey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mousseau
Regina M. Mullen
Mrs. Mandy Dawson Murphy
Ms. Mary Louise Myers and Mr. Hartley D. Cravens Ms. Rowena Naidl
Ms. Terry J. Okolowich
Mrs. Maureen M. O’Leary Mrs. Mary Ann Orchard Mrs. Kathleen B. O’Regan Mrs. Joan O’Donnell O’Rourke Mrs. Mary F. Orradre
Paul E. Kelly Foundation
Mrs. Margaret Mahoney Peabody
Mr. Harold Phipps and Dr. Frances N. Phipps Mary Jane Christy Power RIP
Prospect Foundation Inc.
Gina Purlia and Kent Johnson Family Fund, Chicago Community Foundation Richard and Ann Sheehy Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Gates T. Richards
Dr. Amy C. Richardson
Fred C Rummel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Sampson
The San Francisco Foundation
Kelli and Eric Schaefer
Schiro Family Foundation
Baroness Elke-Martea von Schlosser
Schools of the Sacred Heart-Grand Coteau
Mr. and Mrs. Tobin A. Schropp
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Schwarz Ms. Victoria E. Schwarz Mrs. Teresa Lannan Shaffer Mrs. Jo-Anne G. Shanahan Ms. Julie S. Siderfin Col. (Ret) and Mrs. James J. Smith Speramus Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Stanislav Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Steele Mrs. Rina Stefani Mrs. Barbara D. Stenson
Ann and Joe Stockwell Mrs. Bonnie Walsh Stoloski Ms. Dawn R. Stringfield Dr. Barbara M. Sullivan Mrs. Amy Basso Surofchek
Dr. Harriet K. Switzer and Dr. David L. Cronin Ms. Marcia A. Syufy
Mrs. Susan Thomas Van Vuren Dr. Lidia B. Vitello
Michael and Kathleen Voldstad Ms. Dorothy C. Wackerman Ms. Jamie Coy Wallace Mrs. Theresa Ward Warner Hon. and Mr. Dorothea O. Wefing Mrs. Kathleen Foy Wehner Weiss Family Foundation
Mrs. Louise Blumenauer Weschler
Susan M. Widmayer, Ph.D. Ms. Marianne Wright Kyu Bong Yoo
($999 to $1)
Mrs. Susan A. Abell Mr. Leo C. Abels
Mrs. Margaret Dealy Ackerman Mrs. Maryan M. Ackley Mrs. Elizabeth Scott Besse Adams Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Adams Ms. Kate Adams
David and Yvonne Adler
Mr. Anil Adyanthaya
Mrs. Cynthia Affeltranger-Cheramie Mrs. Nancy R. Agnew
Mrs. Frances Shannon Akstull Associates of the Sacred Heart - Albany, NY
Mrs. Rebecca A. Albrecht
Mrs. Susan Gaidos Alessi
Mrs. Margrit L. Algeciras
Mr. James Allan III
Mrs. Mary O’Gorman Fay Allan Mrs. Patricia E. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Filomeno Almeida Alumnae/i of the Sacred HeartBloomfield Hills
Alumnae/i of the Sacred Heart - Clifton Alumnae/i of the Sacred HeartGreenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae/i of the Sacred HeartNewton College
Alumnae/i of the Sacred HeartTreasure Coast
Ms. Peanut Alvarez-Mena Mrs. Pilar Cendoya Alvarez-Mena Ms. Cecilia M. Amaro Mr. and Mrs. Joel J. Amaro
Mrs. Patricia Schaefer Ambrose Mrs. Gloria Gramatges Anderson Mrs. Janet Anderson Mrs. Judith Bearss Anderson
Mrs. Kristin M. Anderson Mrs. Maria Butenko Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Anderson Dr. Matthew Anderson Mrs. Sarah Allen Anderson Ms. Tina Anderson Ms. Rona Andres Ms. Shelly Lemelle Anello Mrs. Mary Claire Dwyer Anhut Mrs. Judy Flynn Anthon Anonymous
Mrs. Jeanette Leavenworth Antoniak Apple Matching Gifts Program Mrs. Elaine Brancaccio Arace Ms. Elizabeth Matthew Archibald Ms. Monica B. Armstrong and Mr. Donald J. Kapa Mrs. Barbara W. Arndt Mrs. Jane R. Arnold Ms. Phyllis O. Ashley Eugenia and David Askren Kathie and Tony Asmuth Ms. Diane Trifari Atkinson Ms. Laure C. Aubuchon Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Augustine, Jr. Ms. Sarah Jean Avery Dr. Martha C. Awdziewicz Mrs. Ana Armengol Azcarate Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Baber Mr. Mathias and Mrs. Cristal Backer Mr. Peter L. Bacsik
Mrs. Margot L. Badenhausen Mrs. Flávia B. Bader Mrs. Ella Jane Bailey Mrs. Frances A. Bailey Anonymous
Mrs. Kristin Michalek Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Weston C. Baker, Jr. Mr. Scott M. Balanda Ms. Carolyn Balducci Cecilia and Anthony Ballesca
Ms. Mieko Bandai Carlisle
Mrs. Carroll A. Banta Anonymous
Mrs. Stephanie Landry Barineau
Mrs. Mary Dell Barkouras
Mrs. Melissa Barnason
Deb and Tom Barnds
Mrs. Judith Doyle Barnes
Mrs. Margaret G. Barney
Mrs. Jane Allen Barrett
Dr. Noel Barrett
Ms. Melanie Kaminski Bartels Mr. Thomas A. Barth
Mr. and Mrs. James Basila
Marianne Laquidara Basila Ms. Karen J. Battaglia
Roberto J. Bayardo, MD
Mrs. Stavra G. Bayer Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous
Mrs. Ann Migely Beatty
Ms. Georgia A. Beatty
Ms. Rose Mary Becerra
Mrs. Jeanne O’Connor Beck
Mrs. Jennifer Young Beck
Thomas and Linda Becker
Mrs. M. Lee Beckermann
Ms. Sandra M. Beecher
Ms. Tara Beering
Mrs. Mariclare Nicholson Beggy
Ms. Anne E. Begley
Ms. Patricia Behan
Mrs. Michaela Marcil Belatti
Ms. Herlinda Rodriguez Belcher
Pamela L. Belluomini, Ed.D.
Mrs. Emily Macsherry Belt
Mrs. Beverly O’Connor Bennett
Ms. Mary Joan Benoit
we are grateful
RSCJ in Halifax gathered in the Barat Spirituality Centre chapel on the Feast of the Sacred Heart.
we are grateful to our Annual Campaign Donors
Ms. Alice M. Berdan
Ms. Marilouise Berdow
Mrs. Lovella Beres
Mrs. Elizabeth Ross Berg Mrs. Mary Manion Berg
Beverly and Bob Bernson
Mr. David C. Bernstein
Ms. Marion Bestani
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Betterman
Margaret Anne Beugg Mrs. Lyn Bianco
Mrs. Jane McNamara Bieber Ms. Jean Bienenfeld
Mrs. Helen Devine Bigelow
Ms. Claudia Lindhorst Biggers
Mrs. Juliane B. Biro
Mrs. Virginia M. Bispo
Ms. Mary Kathryn Black
Dr. Melinda K. Blade
Ms. Barbara J. Blecka
Anonymous Mrs. Catherine Hardy Bobzien
Mrs. Mary Brent Webber Bocckino Mrs. Mary J. Bodisco
Mrs. Laurence G. Bodkin, Jr. Mrs. Beverly Ficke Boedeker
Mrs. Genny L. Boehmer
Ms. Patricia Mulcahy Boer
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Boggeman, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen
Ms. Kathleen Boivin
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Boland
Ms. Mary Bollon
Mrs. Jean B. Bolton
Ms. Isabel Marie Bone and Mr. Michael Clear
Dr. Vance Bonner
Mrs. Veronica Teebay Boone
Mrs. Jean M. Bordon
Cathy and Giorgio Borlenghi
Mrs. Mary Jo Boschert
Ms. Emily M. Bowden Dr. Stephen F. Bowen, Jr. Mrs. Susan Drymalski Bowey Mrs. Virginia O’Hara Bowker Mrs. Lee Bowman Ms. Donna M. Boyd Ms. Kathleen J. Bradley Mrs. Susan Cowherd Bradley Mrs. Suzanne J. Bradley Mrs. Catherine Corbett Brady Mrs. Adria K. Brandt Mark and Sarah McKenney Branon Mr. John Brass Ms. Laura Alcalde Braunstein Mrs. Maureen Agan Bray
Mrs. Colleen Kennedy Hollway Brever Ms. Karen P. Brewster Dr. Mary Bricker-Jenkins Mrs. Ninette M. Brierre Ms. Lynne Brinker Mrs. Margaret Bellemin Brinkhaus Mrs. Elizabeth A. Brinson Mrs. Betty M. Brock Mrs. Iseult O’Rahilly Broglio Ms. Stephanie Bronner Mrs. Mary Ella Baker Bronson
Ms. Patricia A. Brophy Ms. Diana G. Brotherton-Ware Ms. Ann Fleming Brown Mrs. Charlyne Hermes Brown Dr. Julie McGraw Brown Mrs. Nicole Bouligny Brown
Rev. Timothy B. Brown SJ Patricia A. & Richard C. Browne Ms. Lauren Brownlee Ms. Ardith J. Brownsberger Dede Sheehan Brunetti Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bruno
Mrs. Florence Atherton Eyre Bryan Mrs. Elizabeth Rexford Buckland Mrs. Maureen L. Buckley Mrs. Nancy M. Buckman Mrs. Consuelo Navia de Buenaver Mrs. Susan Girodat Buese Ann Williams Bugg
Mr. and Mrs. William Bull Ms. Dinah Burgos Mrs. Delia Mannix Burke Mrs. Janet McKay Burke Dr. M. Linda Burke Mrs. Madeline Foley Burke Ms. Marjorie W. Burke Ms. Mary Ellen Burke Ms. Mary Stan Burke Ms. Alice G. Burlinson Mr. Guy V. Burnett Barbara G. Burns Anonymous Hon. Sarah M. Burr Ms. Janet J. Burrows James and Marie Busey Mrs. Carmen de Chateauvieux Bush Mrs. Helen O’Malley Butler Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Butsch Ms. Mary B. Byrne Mrs. Victoria C. Cady Ms. Barbara Anne Cagney Mrs. Adele Keogh Cahill Ms. Maureen Cain Mrs. Katherine B. Caire Mrs. Mary Ellen Conway Calabrese Mrs. Mary Nolan Calise Ms. Frances B. Call Ms. Aileen Callahan
Ms. Clare Callahan Ms. Marguerite E. Callahan Ms. Barrie S. Callender Mrs. Cathy Sattenstein Callender
Ms. Janet M. Callow Ms. Virginia I. Calvo Ms. Brenda Boyd Camou Anonymous Mrs. Sally R. Campbell Ms. Veronica M. Campbell Mrs. Jeanne G. Canada Mrs. Fredrica Canavan Ms. Helen Cannistraci Jane Shannon Cannon RIP Anonymous
Ms. Mary A. Cappelli Ms. Anne G. Carey Mrs. Elizabeth Mariano Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Carney Ms. Deborah J. Carr Ms. Eve Regan Carr Mrs. Margarita Ledo Carreno Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Carroll Ms. Barbara Carter Mrs. Joan Gegan Cartier Mrs. Anne Storey Carty Ms. Elizabeth A. Carty Mrs. Adele S. Caruthers Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Casey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Casey Ms. Ruby G. Casino Mrs. Susan Foy Cassimatis Ms. Lourdes M. Castellanos Martin and Cherie Cattaneo Mrs. Judy Kelly Cavallari Mrs. Mary Locke Cavallaro Mrs. Diane Cavallo
Ms. Jane R. Cavanaugh & Mr. Frank Santoro Mr. Bryan Cernicek
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Chachere Ms. Diana A. Chamorro Ms. Lily Chang Ms. Karen K. Chapman
Mrs. Cynthia Pickett Charles Mrs. Anna Bayardo Charlton Mrs. Polly Putnam Chatfield Ms. Rosa Cheng Chau Ms. Sandy Chellel Anonymous
Children of Mary New Orleans Mrs. Lorraine T. Childs Mrs. Martha Z. Cho Mrs. Alicia Behan Christopher Mr. Bernard A. Chu Dr. Young C. Chung Anonymous Dr. Joseph J. Ciancaglini Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ciapciak Barbara L. Ciesliga Ms. Kathrene Houlihan Clark Ms. Kathryn D. Clarke Ms. Patricia Clarkson
Mrs. Mary Jo Gargan Clasby RIP Steve and Carol Classe Mrs. Paula Schmidt Clauser
Mr. and Mrs. Catesby Clay Mrs. Georjean Zintel Clemency Mr. Robert E. Clemency Mrs. Sally Fisher Cliff Mrs. Allison Kelly Clifton Anonymous Mrs. Mary Harrington Cloer Mrs. Rita F. Cloherty Mrs. Rosemary H. Cloran Clorox Company
Mrs. Jane McHugh Clune Mrs. Katharine Ashley Cobb Mr. Edward C. Coffey Mrs. Mary Toomey Coffey Mrs. Mary Jo S. Colagiovanni Mrs. Patricia M. Colbert Mrs. Jean Gilbane Cole Anonymous
Mrs. Rosemary Mele Coleman
Sean and Susan Coleman
Mrs. Patricia R. Colett Ms. Deanne Colligan Anonymous Ms. Janet Collins Ms. Maureen Collins
Mrs. Ellen C. Collins-Boyce Mrs. Patricia M. Collmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conan Ms. Jane Grant Conarchy
Ms. Judith Reach Condit Ms. Rae Condon Mrs. Judith Whalen Conley Anonymous
Ms. Lisa Walters Conlon Mrs. Jane Slade Connelly
Ms. Rachel Connelly Ms. Nancy Connor Ms. Patricia A. Connor Anonymous
Ms. Judith A. Conoyer
Mrs. Katharine Wilson Conroy
Ms. Barbara Berthelot Conway Ms. Kimberly J. Conway
Mrs. Barbara Ann McGuire Cook Anonymous
Ms. Mary Louise Cooney
Ms. Mildred A. Copeland
Mrs. Catherine Maxwell Cora
Mrs. Althea Krim Corsini
Ms. Priscilla A. Cosgrove
Mrs. Joan A. Costamagna
Mrs. Alma Fisher Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Costello
Mrs. Ann F. Cote
Mrs. Dorothy S. Coughlin
Veronique and Bruno Couprie
Ms. Christine Courtney
Mrs. Christine Goletz Couvillon
we are grateful to our Annual Campaign Donors
Ms. Martha L. Crawford
Ms. Martha M. Cray
Mrs. Jeanne Mallon Crayton
Mrs. JoAnne Gannon Crider
Mrs. Julianne Crotty-Guile Ms. Christina A. Crowley
Mr. Thomas K. Crumlish
Ms. Jane Dabo Cruz
Mrs. Margaret O’Reilly Culver
Mrs. Frances O’Connell Cummings
Mrs. Diane Cassens Cummins
Mrs. Elizabeth Brown Cummiskey
Mrs. Peggy Sleater Curran
Dr. Mary Ellen Curran-Schnoebelen
Ms. Catherine V. Curry and Mr. Andrés V. Gil
Mrs. Maureen C. Curry
Ms. Toni Walsh Curry
Mrs. Suzanne Curt
Cymaron Foundation
Ms. Louise M. Dagit Mrs. Molly McAlaine Dagit Ms. Yevette N. D’Agrella
Ms. Marie T. Daly
Mrs. Pamela McNaughton D’Ambrosio Ann Bardenheier Dames
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D’Arrigo
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Davalos
Ms. Brenda Davis
E. Berenice Davis
Mrs. Mary Versaggi Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Davis
Ms. Violeta B. Davis
June K. Davison, Ph.D.
Mrs. Masako Nakasu Davison
Mary Jo and Chip Dawson
Dr. Nancy A. Dawson
Mrs. Lenore Coniglio de Csepel
Mrs. Cosima Cornelius Dean
Mrs. Creighton D. Decker
Ms. Mary Ann L. Decker
Sheila Flynn DeCosse
Mrs. Kathleen DeJohn
Mrs. Leah Audemkampe DeJoseph
Mrs. Bettina Del Sesto
Mrs. Sandra P. Del Sesto
Mrs. Winifred Kelly Delery
Mrs. Olha D. Della Cava
Ms. Santa M. Dellevas
Mrs. Lynn Fulcher deMayo Mr. Michael J. Demeter
Mary Do and Cy DeMeulemeester Ms. Mary Demos Anonymous Mrs. Nicole Denvir Anonymous Ms. Monique M. Desormeau Ms. M. Katherine D’Esposito Mrs. Molly O’Donovan D’Esposito Ms. Colleen Croghan Detjen Mrs. Patti G. Deutsch Dr. Corinne K. Devereux
Mrs. William J. Devers, Jr. Ms. Carol Ann DeVincenzi
Rev. Terrence Devino, SJ Mrs. Patricia Trifari Devron
Mrs. Katharine Cramer DeWitt Dr. Roberta Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dickinson Mrs. Mary Ann R. Diehr
Ms. Elle Dietemann
Ms. Kathleen Dooley DiGiovanna Mrs. Phyllis Freschi Dillon Mrs. Tiffany C. DiMarco
Sr. Mary Jean DiMatteo, HM Mrs. Allison Cryor DiNardo
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Dinger, Jr. Mrs. Richard S. Dinner
Ms. Patricia A. Dixon Mrs. Angie Wehrle Doerr Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Doherty Ms. Ursula Han-haw Döhler Mrs. Jean Redemski Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Dolan Mrs. Julie Burns Doll Ms. Anne M. Donahoe Mrs. Jean Dunsmuir Donahue M. Dolores McKeever Donahue Mrs. Sheila Donahue
Mrs. Dolores Vaca Donhini Mrs. Sarah Forsyth Donnelly Ms. Mary Sue Donohue
Ms. Deborah J. Donovan Mrs. June A. Donovan
Margaret Judith Doran, Ph.D. Ms. Joan M. Dove
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dowd Ms. Judith A. Dow-Grant Mrs. Ellen Dowling Miss Anne M. Doyle
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Ebel Ms. Mariah E. Echele Mrs. Elizabeth D. Eckl Mrs. Rose M. Edel Ninette A. Edmiston
Dr. and Mrs. J. Ollie Edmunds, Jr. Mrs. Mary A. Farry Edwards
Mrs. Jeanne E. Farley
Ms. Lila Farnese
Cyrille and James L. Farrell, Jr. Mrs. Mary Catherine Farrell
Sandy Cassell Farrell
Mrs. Mary Pat Farrell-Diekemper
Mrs. Rosemary A. Fasl
Mr. William J. Fay
Mrs. Nancy Gegan Doyle Mrs. Barbara Tighe Doyle-Howell Mrs. Michele Handley Drath Ms. Mary Katherine Meyer Driscoll Col. and Mrs. David S. Drum Mrs. Catherine Littlefield Drybrough Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Dubinsky Mrs. Ann Moore Duer
Mrs. Judith F. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. William Duke Mrs. Ruth Roche Dull Mrs. Deborah Newhouse Dunham Mrs. Mary Case Dunnam Mrs. Kathy M. Duquesnay Ms. Barbara H. Dwyer Anonymous
Mrs. Eleanor Gillespie Dyett Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Dziedzic Dr. Sara E. E Strattan Ms. Mary Ellen Eagan Mrs. Paulette Charbonnet Eastin
Ms. Carol M. Eggers & Mr. Brian C. Haynsworth Ms. Susan Eggers and Mr. Robert Goldman Mrs. Kathleen O’Callaghan Egloff Ms. Janet Egyhazi Mrs. Diane Keller Eichhold Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Eick Mrs. Patricia Coyle Ellingwood Ms. Karen E. Emge Mr. Kristofer Eng Ms. F. Ann Engles Mrs. Nina Wessel English Dr. and Mrs. Alain C. Enthoven Mrs. Nancy Roddy Epple
Family of Walter C. Ernest, IV Rev. Florence Roberts Ernzen Mrs. Judith McBride Essex Mrs. Diane Skowron Evans Mrs. David C. Evans Anonymous
Ms. Catherine G. Everett Anonymous
Mrs. Carol R. Exley Dr. Patricia L. Fagin Ms. Elizabeth Marie Fahey Mrs. Bonnie A. Faimon Mrs. Eleanor S. Fairclough Dr. Olga Wilson Fairfax Mrs. Concepcion Fajardo-Hopkins Mrs. Nancy T. Fanning Mrs. Georgeann R. Fannon Mrs. Dorothy Koltes Farley
Dr. Richard A. and Mrs. Nancy A. Fazio Ms. Connie Fehl
Ms. Mary Fehlig
Ms. Claire S. Felder
Mrs. Barbara Scott Feliciano Madeleine McMenamin Felix Dr. Jenny K. Ferrone
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Fettig Mary Kay R. Finn
Dorsi Thillens Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred A. Finnegan III Donna and Louis Finocchiaro
Bernadette D. Fiscina, MD
Mrs. Andrea Bachle Fisher Mr. Anthony Fisher
Mr. Fred J. Fisher II
Mrs. Catherine Leggett Fitch
Judith A. and John R. Fitzgerald
Ms. Virginia Fitzgerald
Mrs. Virginia Brungard Fitzgerald
Ms. Jean A. Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Madalyn Tremaroli Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Margaret King Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Mary Leonard Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Lois Perry Fivian
Ms. Laura Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fleming
Frederick and Marcia Picotte Floyd Ms. Cecilia L. Flynn
Mrs. Joan Garrity Flynn
Julia Richard packs grab-and-go meals at the Thensted Center during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Thensted Center is a past recipient of Duchesne Fund for Ministry grant funds.
we are grateful to our Annual Campaign Donors
Mr. Brendan J. Fogarty
Mr. Kevin M. Fogarty
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Foley III
Ms. Kathryn A. Foley
Mrs. Mary Jo Strale Foley
Ms. Elizabeth H. Fong
Pat and Toni Foran Mrs. Nancy Shannon Ford Hon. Anna C. Forder
Mrs. Sue Goggins Forrest Mrs. Louise Guerin Forseze
Mr. Andrew Forster
Mary and Stuart Forsyth Mrs. Avery West Foster Ms. Elizabeth Fougner Anonymous
Mrs. Mary Lindeman Fournie
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Fox, Sr.
Ms. Marie C. Francis
Mrs. Charlotte E. Landry Frank
Mrs. Mary Frawley Thompson RIP Mrs. F. Diane Fredericks
Ms. Susan O’Neil Fredette
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Free, Jr. Mrs. Karen Foley Freeman
Mrs. Patricia Coffey Freund
Ms. Karen Friedrichs Anonymous
Mrs. Jean Purcell Furay
Mrs. Elizabeth Hahn Furlong
Mrs. Linda Z. Gadola
Mrs. Jean O’Leary Gaffney
Dr. Richard J. Gaffney
Ms. Helen A. Gagen
Mrs. Adelaide Riehl Gahn
Mr. and Mrs. David Galaher, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Galdes
Dr. Bernice E. Gallagher
Ms. Janet Gallagher
Mr. Andrew Gallo
Ms. Mary M. Gann Ms. Maria Cristina Garcia Mrs. Carol McGee Gardenier Mrs. Jane M. Gardner Ms. Arolyn M. Garnell Mrs. Georgia L. Garrison-Backer Mrs. Alma H. Gates Dr. Patricia M. Gavin Sr. Kathleen Geaney, RSM Mrs. Margaret Hennessey Gebhard Dr. Linda L. Gehring
Mrs. Kate Laux Geiger Mrs. Christine Costigan Genco Ms. Veronica M. Georges Ms. Kathleen M. Geraghty Dr. Mary Masterson Germain Mrs. Michele J. Gerrits-Faeges Mrs. Ann Murray Gertner Ms. Leana C. Giannini Ms. Virginia M. Gibbs Anonymous Mrs. Mary O’Donnell Gilbane Mr. Thomas F. Gilbane Mrs. Lisa Naut Gilkeson Ms. Gail A. Gill
Ms. Heather Gillard
Capt. and Mrs. Harry M.S. Gimber, USN (ret) Douglas and Norma Gimber Mrs. Judith Randall Gittleman Franny Saunders Glasser
Mrs. Retta Dickinson Glavin Ms. Joyce V. Glenn Ms. Marion E. Glennon Mrs. Sheila Driscoll Goddard Mr. Alfonso E. Godoy Ms. Helen Donnelly Goehring Ms. Anne Gonsoulin Mrs. Linda Goodspeed Mrs. Irene Haas Gorski Mrs. Melanie Simoneaux Goudelocke
Mrs. Janet Miller Graeber Ms. Martha Beattie Graham Mrs. Mary Gramins Ms. Theresa M. Grass Mrs. Dale Ketcham Graves Edward and Alice Grayson Dr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Greaney Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Green Mrs. Constance Sulkowski Green Mrs. Mary Hickey Green Mrs. Kathy Green Mrs. Judith H. Greenley Mrs. Kathleen K. Greenman Mrs. Kathleen MacLellan Gregg Mrs. Gwen L. Gregory Conzelman Ms. Laura E. Griesedieck Mrs. Shirley Broussard Griffin Mrs. Nancy-Jane Conlan Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Groneck Mrs. Therese Grote Ms. Anne E. Grycz Mrs. Mary Kate Grzebien Dr. Elizabeth Guillaumin Dr. Mary K. Gumerlock Ms. Elizabeth Cary Gundlach Anonymous Mrs. Walter H. Gustafson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Guste III Ms. Gwynne Guzzeau Mrs. Louis F. Guzzo Mrs. Margaret McMurrer Haberlin Mrs. Susan Gehrke Haggarty Sheila K. Haggas Ms. Ann P. Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hall Stephen and Christiana Haller Mrs. Anita Kernan Halton Ms. Virginia M. Hamel Ms. Monica Galeota Hamill Ms. V. Jaime Hamlin
Ms. Barbara Hammond Anonymous Ms. Katherine G. Hanemann Mrs. Barbara H. Hanna Dr. Janice Murphy Hannah Ms. Mary Jill Hanson Mrs. Jacqueline Coutu Harbour Reverend Olga J. Hard Mrs. Josephine Somkuthy Harkay Mrs. Barbara Coveney Harkins Mrs. Betsy Hartson Harmon Ms. Mary Harnett Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Haroian Ms. Anne Harrington Ms. Ellen M. Harrington Mrs. Amelie B. Harris Mrs. Joan Marie Bardenheier Harrison Dr. Carl L. Harshman Dr. Claire-Marie Hart Gerry Hart Fund Mrs. M. Elaine Hartig Ms. Elena Hartmann Mrs. Leonard J. Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Harvey Mrs. Rosemary W. Hastings Mrs. Louise McDonough Hatch Ms. Nicole M. Hatoun Anonymous Anonymous Mrs. Carole F. Hayes Steve and Michelle Hayes Ms. Susan A. Hays Anonymous
Mrs. Elaine Picetti Healy Hearst Matching Gifts Mrs. Jane LaBreche Hebert Mrs. Kathleen Davis Hedge Mrs. Betsy Mason Hedlund Mrs. Kay Clarke Heffernan Mrs. Mary Lee M. Heinrich
George and Patricia Rice Hellmuth
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Helm Mrs. Mary Alice Husmann Helmsing Mrs. Carol Koke Hempstead Ellen Flood Henahan Mrs. Ruth Lynch Henahan Mrs. Laura L. Henderson Ms. Mary C. Henkel Dr. Lynne Hennecke Mrs. Marie Manahan Hennessy Mrs. Janice Hance Henrotin Mrs. Elizabeth Guarini Herguth Ms. Nancy Herman Mr. and Mrs. Rick Herndon Mrs. Laura Maria Herrera Cuesta Mrs. Teresita Dussag Herron Ms. Genevieve Heuer Mrs. Christine M. Heuring Mrs. Jeanne C. Hevesy Dr. Abby Hitchcock Heydman Mrs. Jane Thatcher Hickenlooper Mrs. Cathy Brennan Hickey Ms. Elizabeth K. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. J. William Hicks Ms. Jean Frank Hicks Ms. Barbara Smol Higgins Mrs. Katharine Withers Higgins Mr. Paul T. Higgins Anonymous
Mr. Thomas D. Higgins Dr. Gabrielle R. Highstein Mr. Kenneth F. Higman Ms. Sarah A. Hill Mrs. Winifred Delery Hills Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Hinderhofer Mrs. Ann Mullen Hirsch
Ms. Kathleen A. Hirsch Mrs. Rosemary R. Hobson Anonymous
Ms. Cornelia F. Hodosh
Ms. Susan A. Hoeffel Mrs. Catherine Doyle Hoehn Mrs. Agatha D. Hoff Ms. Anne Marie Hoffman Ms. Judy F. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Hoffman Mrs. Margaret Jane O’Driscoll Hoffner RIP Ms. Margaret I. Swalwell Hofstee Ms. Eileen Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hogan III Ms. Michelle Hogan
Mrs. Patricia Burke Hogan
Reverend Robert J. Hohenstein
Mrs. Mary Onie Jackson Holland
Mrs. Judith C. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Holmes Ms. Monnie Holmes
Mrs. Susanne Geiger Holsen Mrs. Julie Coats Holt
Holy Family Catholic Church, Rockford IL Anonymous
Mrs. Kathleen A. Hopper
Janet and Larry Horacek Ms. Joan Hornauer Ms. Lucille McLoughlin Hornby Mrs. Lynne Johnston Howard Mrs. Eugenia Mullaney Hoy Mrs. Geraldine W. Huang Mrs. Susanne P. Huebner
Mrs. Kathleen C. Hughes Mrs. Patricia C. Hult
Mrs. Patricia de L. Hunter
Mr. Christopher J. Husson Mrs. Karen F. Hutchinson
Mrs. Gloria Sajcic Hutchison
Ms. Karin E. Huth
Molly M. and James B. Hyde, Jr. Mrs. Joanne O’Connor Hynek
we are grateful to our Annual Campaign Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Innes
Mr. and Mrs. David Ish
Ms. Isabel H. Ishino
Mrs. Mimi Connaughton Jackson
Ms. Ayleen James
Mr. and Mrs. John D. James Ms. Brooke Janis Mrs. Judith H. Janowiak Mrs. Eileen Shaughnessy Jarc Mrs. Anne M. Jennings
Dr. Eleanor M. Jennings
Ms. Maureen B. Jennings Mrs. Phyllis Turner Jepson
Mrs. Barbara Johansen
Andrea Moore Johnson
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Johnson
Ms. M. Judith Johnson
DeDe Meyer Johnson
Ms. Sandra S. Johnson
Mrs. Victoria Arend Johnson Mrs. Christine Stevens Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew J. Johnston Ms. Anna K. Jones
Ms. Betty M. Jones Mrs. Carolyn Osterholt Jones Mrs. Cecile M. Jones Mrs. Mary Margaret Jones Ms. Kathryn J. Jordan
Mrs. Mary Helen Jordan
Mr. Joseph B. Joyce
Mrs. Mary Jud
Rev. Edward S. Kacerguis
Mrs. Annette Thomas Kaier
Mr. Robert J. Kaiser
Kathleen Cooney Kalamarides
Mrs. Suzanne D. Kaleel
Olen and Kim Kalkus
Ms. Patricia A. Kamlin
Ms. Mary A. Kane
Ms. Carole Kaplan Mrs. Elizabeth L. Kaplan Ms. Eleonora B. Karanauskas
Mr. and Mrs. James Karrels Ms. Jean Thomas Kaufmann
Justena Stein Kavanagh
Sr. Mary Jo Keane BVM Mrs. Susan M. Keane Mrs. Mary Ann Porsche Keeffe Ms. Sydney R. Keegan
Mrs. Sheila Forziati Keenan Mrs. Glenna La Salle Keene Richard and Rose Ann Kehoe Mrs. J. Caroline Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelleher Mrs. Joan Edwards Kelley Ms. Diane G. Kelliher
Ms. Anne Micciche Kelly Ms. Margaret M. Kelly Ms. Maggie Pfaff Kelly Mark, Christine and Lisabeth Kelly Ms. Peggy M. Kelly Rev. Philip Kelly Anonymous Ms. Sharon A. Kelsch Mrs. Kathleen M. Kelsh Ms. Kathleen C. Kempa Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Kennedy, Jr. Hon. Susan Kennedy-Sullivan Mrs. Laurie Ann Sanders Kenney Ms. Katherine duFief Keogh
Mrs. Helen Harty Keough Dr. Nancy A. Kernan
Ms. Mary Ann Collins Kerwin Mrs. Francesca Kever
Mrs. Mary Ann B. Keyes Mrs. Mary Ellen Keegan Keyser Dr. Jana Moravkova Kiely Mrs. Carmen Solan Kilcullen
Mrs. Holley L. Kilcullen Shannon and Will Killeen Mr. and Mrs. John Kinabrew III Mr. and Mrs. William S. Kincaid
Mrs. Mary Dascher Kirchner Mrs. Penelope Whelan Kirk Mrs. Gale A. Kirkwood Rev. John D. Kirwin Mrs. Donna Heidersbach Kissel
Mrs. Honora Langmuir Koster Mary Ann and John Kouvelis Mrs. Mary Claire Miller Kovar Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kozak Mrs. Joan A. Kramer Ms. Susan M. Kratochvil Mrs. Linda Lamberton Kraus Mr. Raymond Kreienkamp, Esq. Dr. Ann Marie Krejcarek Mrs. Mary Ann Babka Kriegshauser Hon. Alexis G. Krot Mrs. Mary Fahey Krutzsch Mrs. Beth Bayley Kuczkowski Mrs. Judith D. Kuehnert Ms. Suzanne M. Kuhn Mrs. Barbara C. Kullen
Ms. Mary Jane Larkin
Mrs. Maria Lastreto Larrenaga
The Rev. John and Barbara Larson Corinne D. Larson
Mrs. Rosemary Munch Laughlin Mrs. Mary Ann T. Lavoie Mrs. Christina Scherer Lawrence Mrs. Maureen Lawrence Mr. Scott W. C. Lawrence
Mr. Markey F. Lawson
Mrs. Joanna Ducey Lawton Ms. Jane A. Layman
Mr. Stephen A. Layman
Mrs. Harriet Friday Leahy Ms. Theresa C. Leahy
Ms. Nancy M. Leamy
Mrs. Zelia Stewart Lebeau
Dale and Elizabeth Hettich Kluba Mrs. Catherine Lowry Knapik Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Knazek Knights of Columbus 4th Degree, Assembly 571
Dr. Robert and Adelaide Medart Kistner Mr. and Mrs. William M. Kizer Mrs. Patricia B. Klebba Ms. Nancy M. Klein
Ms. Linda Cassidy Kline Mrs. Diana D. Klink Mrs. Diane Weber Klosterman Dr. Lucy Klostermann Mr. and Mrs. William J. Klover
Ashley and Bryan Knopp Mrs. Jane Matthiessen Knudson Lynn and Maria Knudtson Mrs. Margot D. Koch Ms. Mary Frances Koch Lauren Gray and Brad C. Koenig Ms. Linda M. Koenig
Mrs. Jacqueline E. Kohler Cynthia Leatham Kohles, Ph.D. Mrs. Patricia A. Kolojeski
Mrs. Karen L. Kondolf Ms. Sara Konek Sami Kopelman Mrs. Eugene J. Kornmeier III
Mrs. Charon Pound Kupfer Mr. Kwaku Nana Kwakye Mrs. Lynn A. La Rue Mrs. Agnes Gummere La Storia Mrs. Johanna Ferry Laadt Dr. Dolores Egger Labbé Alden and Margaret Laborde Foundation Dr. Catherine A. Lacey Dr. Robert J. Lacey Ms. Diane Tocchini LaFrance Mrs. Linzee E. LaGrange Ms. Janet Lai Mrs. Brigid Shanley Lamb
Mrs. Abigail Richards Lambert Ms. Mary W. Lamy Mrs. Elizabeth M. Landis Ms. Linda Landucci Ms. Margaret Lane
Mrs. Kathleen B. Langdon Mrs. Amy Johantgen LaPietra
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Larkin
Mr. David R. LeBlanc
Mira and Andrzej Lechowicz
Mrs. Elizabeth Betts Leckie Ms. Claudia A. Ledwich Mrs. Carol M. Lee
Mrs. Isabel Lamy Lee Mrs. Susan Morrison Lee Ms. Linda S. Legg
Ms. Joan H. Lehman
Mrs. Marian Barrett Leibold Mrs. Nora C. Leibold
Mr. Curtis Leighton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Leinhauser
Mrs. Cornelia Weldon LeMaitre Mrs. Maureen Geraty Leness
Ms. Martha S. Lepore
Ms. Cora B. LePorin
Joseph and Francine Nash Leritz
Ms. Nicole Leveille
Mr. and Mrs. David Levison
Chingli Liang and Mingli Liang
Mrs. Barbara L. Lichtfuss Dr. Joan Noonan Liddell
Frances Gimber, RSCJ, Constance Dryden, RSCJ, and Margaret Munch, RSCJ, enjoy a moment of laughter and joy during a gathering at The Sarah Community.
Annual Campaign Donors
Mrs. Susan Simpson Liddy
Mrs. Carol Schlattmann Liebermann
Mrs. Mary Olive C. Lien
Mrs. Theodore R. Lieux
Ms. Lucy G. Liggett
Dr. Margaret McGinness Liggett
Ms. Holly Light
Christine P. Limonte, MD
Ms. Mary H. Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton W. Linnenbach Ms. Christine Linnenbach
Dr. and Mrs. Wolfgang D. Linnenbach Ms. Anne M. Linton
Mrs. Eileen H. Littlefield
Ms. Catherine Ducey Locke
Mrs. Helen Moran Locke
Ms. Deborah M. Lodge
Ms. Terri Logsdon
Mr. Thomas A. Logsdon Mrs. Elizabeth K. Lorber
Marilyn F. Lorenz & David Weinkauff
Mrs. Nancy Brizzolara Lorenz Ms. Laurie Loughlin
Mrs. Mary Ann Isensee Loweth
Mrs. Kathleen Donnellan Lubawski
Ms. Bertha A. Lubert
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Lubert
Mrs. Ann Key Lucas
Mrs. Francine Calarese Lucci
Ms. Barbara A. Luczkowski
Mrs. Ann Cunningham Ludwig
Mrs. Maureen D. Luke
Ms. Joan O’Neil Lunt
Ms. Sheldon Lykes
Mrs. Helen Craig Lynch
Ms. Eliza C. Lynn
Anonymous Anonymous Mrs. Anne Fisher Mabley
Mrs. Helen Gilbane MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. MacDonald, Jr.
Mrs. Irene E. Mackenroth Mrs. Mary C. MacKinney Mrs. Kristine Dubiel Maclay
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. MacLean
Mrs. Mary M. MacMillan Ms. Margaret Fuller MacNeil
Arnold R. and Sandra Bellanca Madigan
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Maginn
Mrs. Josephine E. Maguire Ms. Barbara Glaser Mahany
Kenneth & Chinnamma Coilparampil Mahieu Mrs. Flora R. Mahiquez
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Mahoney Mrs. Antonia R. Mahoney Ms. Carolyn M. Mahoney Kathy and Jack Mahoney Ms. Saile White Mahoney Ms. Sally T. Mahoney Dr. Catharine D. Malloy Ms. Michele Malloy Ms. Eleanor W. Malone Mrs. Mary M. Maloney Mrs. Catherine M. Manchester Elena Mills Mandin Miss Mary J. Manhart
Ms. Sheila S. Mann Mrs. Barbara Barnes Manning Ms. Katherine E. Manthey Ms. Virginia D. Manuel
Virgilia F. Mapa Ms. Elizabeth L. Maraist Dr. Elena Corie Marchisotto Mrs. Evelyne Marcks Ms. Jennie Mardel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Marheineke Ms. Marcia Donahoe Marino Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Marino, Jr.
Ms. Anna Jane Marks
Mrs. Cynthia Kenney Marler Ms. Anita Chen Marshall
Mrs. Carlotta Famiglietti Martell Mrs. Elaine Westendorf Martin Mrs. Claude B. Martin Mrs. Pauline Somkuthy Martin Mrs. H. Alice Mason Mrs. Regina Ambrose Matczak Anonymous Mrs. Mary L. Mattson Ms. Elizabeth P. Maze Mrs. Betty Anne Woods McAllister Mrs. Jane Reiss McAniff Ms. Linda A. McBain
Ms. Mary McCabe Mrs. Regina Carfagno McCairns Mrs. Vita Neureither McCall
Judith Reilly McCarren RIP Mrs. Anne S. McCarthy Sr. Doyle Patricia McCarthy, SFCC Patricia Brennan McCarthy Mrs. Colette Koechley McCarty Sr. Margaret A. McCleary, SP Ms. Corinne E. McClintic Mrs. Susan McKanna McClure Mrs. Ann C. McConnachie Anonymous
Ms. Jeannette McCormick Mrs. Katherine Logsdon McCracken Ms. Mary McCue Ms. Mary Reardon McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. McDermott, Jr. Mrs. G. W. McDonald
Ms. Frances Hesterberg McDonald Mrs. Maria Somkuthy McDonald
Mrs. Mary Diane Russell McDonough Dr. Alice McDowell Mrs. Wendy McGaffey Mrs. Peggy Padberg McGarry
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. McGillicuddy Mrs. Virginia G. McGinn Mrs. Mary Beth O’Connor McGivern Ms. Patty-Jane Mikita McGlynn Ms. Mary E. McGoey Kathryn E. McGoldrick, MD Mrs. Patricia Gannon McGoldrick Mrs. Claire M. McGowan Mrs. Mary Goldmann McGowan Patrick and Eganne Wolfington McGowan Hon. Regina C. McGranery Mrs. Blanche A. McGrath Mrs. Carolyn McInerney McGrath Mrs. Cornelia McCloskey McGrath Ms. Regina W. McGrath
Mr. Thomas F. McGurl Ms. Rosemary McGwin Mrs. Rose Pelletier McHale Mrs. Robert D. McHugh Mrs. Katherine Mahoney McIntire Mrs. Pamela K. McKeen Mrs. Sally Teppert McKendry Mr. and Mrs. Denis F. McKenna Mrs. Mary Sue R. McKenna Anonymous
Mr. Daniel D. McKenzie Mr. Elbert F. McKinlay & Ms. Amelia Romos Ms. Julie McKinney Mrs. Gail Horan McKnight Mr. G. Robert McLaughlin Anonymous
Mrs. Margaret Spitzmiller McLean Mrs. Mary Ann McCormack McLean Ms. Alice M. McMahon Ms. Maureen D. McMahon Mrs. Theresa M. McMorrow
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. McMullen Mrs. Judith Romano McNamara Anonymous Hon. Maura B. McShane
Mrs. Shadlee Jackson McTaggart Dr. Peter Charles Meade Mrs. Virginia Meagher Mrs. Karen Kiernan Mechem Mrs. Mary Medley Mrs. Rhonda Raffi Meegan Ms. Christine M. Meier Mrs. Judy M. Meinert Ms. Katherine A. Mellone Mrs. Maria Matilde Sorzano Menocal Mrs. Elissa Milone Metz Mrs. Ann M. Metzger Anonymous Mrs. Joan C. Meyer Mrs. Janet Roddy Meyering Ms. Catherine Michalek Mr. and Mrs. James R. Michalek Mrs. Pauline Dabo Mifsud
The Mikita Foundation Dr. Mary Jane F. Mikuls Desirée and Joseph Miles Mrs. Amy McMullin Miller Mrs. Ann Gray Miller Mr. and Mrs. Machale A. Miller Mrs. Ellen Statt Miller Mrs. Glenna M. Miller Ms. Katherine K. Miller Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Miller Mrs. Dorothy J. Teahan Milliot Mrs. Patricia Ragen Gallagher Mingo Mrs. Margaret Creel Miniclier
Joan Minninger, Ph.D. Jerri and Henry Mira Dr. Anita L. Mitchell Mrs. Patricia L. Mitchell Mrs. Yvonne Mikolajczyk Mlecko Mrs. Mary Moeschler Mr. Daryl W. Moffitt Anonymous
Ms. Fumiko Momii
Mr. John E. Mona
Mrs. Elizabeth Haney Monahan
Mrs. Jane E. Monnich
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Montgomery
Mrs. Marijane Pollak Moon
Mr. Miguel D. Moon
Mrs. Sue Sherman Mooney
Ms. Jacqueline Gegan Mooney
Mrs. Anne Graney Moore
Ms. Barbara Beth Moore
Ms. Elizabeth D. Moore Mrs. David D. Moore
Patrick and Mary Beth Burch Moorhead Mrs. Ruth Ann W. Moorman Mrs. Mary Moran Welsh Mrs. Lynn Sullivan Moran
Ms. Patricia M. Morehead Mr. Pedro A. Morell
Ms. Kathleen Moretti Ms. Joann K. Morey
Dr. Ann F. Morgan
Alfred and Virginia Morgan Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. George Moriarty, Jr. Mrs. Jane McBride Morrill
Shirley Morrin Mulligan Anonymous
Ms. Cynthia D. Morris
Mrs. Lucille List Morris
Capt. Madeline A. Morris, USAF, Ret. Mrs. Suzanne Newman Morris
Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald Morrison Ms. Margaret Morton
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Moser Mrs. Terry Brown Moyer
Ms. Barbara T. Moynihan Mrs. Patricia Saunders Moynihan Mrs. Kelly Mulderry
Ms. Harriet E. Mullaney
we are grateful
to our
our Annual Campaign Donors
Anonymous Anonymous
James, Maree, Patricia and Emily Mulvoy
Mrs. Mary-Frances C. Mumbach
Dr. Joyce T. Muni
Ms. Diana B. Munro
Anne and Patrick Murphy
Anne Gallagher Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Murphy Mrs. Mary Ann Kirkwood Murphy
Dr. Mary Harlan Murphy Mrs. Mary Bobay Murphy
Mr. Patrick Murphy Mrs. Noël G. Murphy Ms. Susan Seymour Murphy
Ms. Katherine Murtaugh
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Myers-Buhite
Patricia and John Myler
Ms. Anita M. Nagler and Mr. Robert Moyer Ms. Isabel M. Naphin
Mrs. Sue Burke Nash Mrs. Jacquelin S. Naunheim
Dr. Graciela Baptista Nearing Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Nedwek Rev. Wayne Negrete, SJ
Dr. Lynne Neitzschman
Mrs. Rita Nelson
Mrs. Teresa Falk Nelson
Mrs. Leanne Suits Neurauter
Marivi and Darius Nevin
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Nichols
Mrs. Patricia Nichols
Mrs. Mary Ellen B. Nickodemus
Mrs. Jacqueline T. Niekamp
Mrs. Mary Lammon Nitsche
Mrs. Evelyne Delore Norris
Mrs. Sylvia C. Norris
Ms. Ann Norton
The Norvik Family Mrs. James G. Nourse Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nowlan Dr. Theresa N. Obermeyer Mrs. Alberta P. O’Brien Dr. Mary O’Brien
Mr. Kevin P. O’Callaghan Ms. Dorothy L. O’Carroll Mrs. Nancy Kister Ochs Jane Burke O’Connell
Dr. Jody O’Connell Mr. John J. O’Connell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. O’Connell Mrs. Alice Castellini O’Connor
Mrs. Cynthia Dunn O’Connor Mrs. Maureen T. A. O’Connor Mrs. Sandra Love O’Dell Mrs. Harry F. Oderman Mr. Brian O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Donnell Mrs. Katherine Fisher O’Donovan Dennis and Jeanne Burke O’Fallon Mrs. Molly McHugh O’Grady Ms. Patricia M. O’Grady Ms. Doranne Terhune O’Hara Mrs. Mary I. O’Herron Ms. Sharon L. Ohlms
Mrs. Sarah Ferry O’Keefe Mrs. Valerie Moore O’Keeffe Mrs. Nancy Ryan Olderog Mrs. Frances Pierson O’Leary Mrs. Mary Pat Oliker
Judith and James Oliver Mrs. Mary Petteruti Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Olson Anonymous
Ms. Christine M. O’Neal & Mr. Ghassan Elmashni
Mrs. Michelle Lastreto O’Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. O’Neal
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome H. O’Neil, Jr. Ms. Nancy O’Neill Mrs. Patricia Skelly O’Neill Anonymous
Ms. Julie O’Reilly Mrs. Mary Ann O’Reilly Mrs. Karen A. O’Rourke Mrs. Casey Hall O’Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Rourke Ms. Marie E. O’Ryan
Ms. Patricia David Oscar Ms. Kathleen M. O’Shea
Ms. Sara Oswald
Ms. Florence Kennedy O’Toole Mrs. Sherry O’Toole
Terry and Sheila O’Toole Mrs. Cathleen M. Ott
Ms. Marie Luise Otto
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Owen Mrs. Lani Phelan Owen Mrs. Debra Carroll Packard Dr. John R. Page Mrs. Leslie Smith Palmer Mrs. Ragnhild Schmidt Palmieri Anonymous
Agatha and Paul Pao Dr. Lilliam Paoli
Dr. and Mrs. George L. Paris Mrs. Rosemary Picerne Pariseault Mrs. Mary L. Parizek
Ms. Beatrice A. Parker
Mrs. Mignon Ferrier Parker Mrs. Maria Isabel Parra & Mr. Jose L. Roig-Greene Mrs. Barbara Humkey Parrish
Jeanie and Jim Paugh
Ms. Caroline Pellerin
Stacy and James Pellerin Ms. Martha Jenkins Pelton Ms. Titsa Fotopulos Pelzman Dr. Heidi McHugh Pendleton Mrs. Patra Peng Mrs. Rose Ann Penilla Dr. Laura A. Perell
Mrs. Christine Schultz Perkins Ms. Jacqueline F. Perno
Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne Perrilliat, Jr. Mrs. Ellen C. Peter
Mrs. Marianne Locke Petersen
Sally and George Peterson
Mrs. Jane Gilbane Petzold Mr. and Mrs. A. Norman Pezolt
Anne and Kevin Phelan Mr. Kevin C. Phelan
Ms. Mary M. Phelps Ms. Margaret M. Phillips Ms. Sandra Chew Phillips Mrs. Shirley Phillips Ms. Laurie Pichnarcik Ms. Jacqueline Picozzi Miss Mary Alanah Piderit Maria Fassio Pignati
Ms. Stephanie Pinon Mrs. Margaret Daly Pizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plaschke
Ms. Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk Dr. Lauren Back Plumer
Ms. Sylvia Jo Plyler
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Poch
Mrs. Deanna Dubsky Pokorny
Ms. Judith M. Ponath
Ken and Marielle Saussotte Ponce
Ms. Carol Potter
Ms. Kathleen M. Potts Mr. John Winston Powell
Mrs. Flora Churchwell Prestipino
Mrs. Carolyn Lindeman Price
Patricia A. Prince
Priory of St. Louis the Crusader, SMOTJ Mary Jane Keck Proctor
Ms. Carolyn Puricelli-Boyd
Ms. Barbara Quick
Mrs. Joan Reifke Quigley
Mrs. Kathleen Brady Quilter
Mrs. Camilla Reid Kuhn Quinn
Mr. Charles H. Quinn, Jr.
Mrs. Theresa A. Quinn
Mrs. Alicia Sullivan Quirk
Mary Ellen Quirk and Donn E. Smith
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Radcliffe
Emily Kernan Rafferty Mrs. Mary Lee F. Rafferty
Mrs. Eleanor Tobin Raggett Ms. Laura Rainey Ms. Monica R. Rak Mrs. Susan Hayes Rambijas Ms. Kathleen C. Randol
Mrs. Georgia P. Rankin
Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Jr. Jean and Geoffrey Ratte
Vincent, Karen and Michael Rattini Ms. Lucy D. Rauch
Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Raynor
Mr. John P. Reardon, Jr.
Ms. Patricia Reding
Mr. Timothy Redmond
Mrs. Loretta Reed
Ms. Brittany Brown Reffett
Mrs. Carol McCurdy Regenauer
Mrs. Karen Campbell Reid
Mrs. Madeleine D. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Reinstatler
Mrs. Patricia S. Reisert
Ms. Elizabeth M. Reiss
Mr. and Mrs. David Reitman
we are
grateful to
A student at St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center enjoying the swimming pool on a nice sunny day.
Photo © by Jerry Naunheim
our Annual Campaign Donors
Dr. Kathleen Remlinger
Ms. Laura Renker
Ms. Dorothy F. Renstrom
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Revord Ms. Yvonne Reynolds
Ms. Mary Kathleen Rice
Mrs. Patricia W. Rice
Mrs. Caroline Richard Mrs. Dorothy Roche Richardson Mrs. Anstell Daini Ricossa
Ms. Maureen A. Ries
Ms. M. Deborah Riggs
Ms. Carol Rigolot
Ms. Mary Marguerite Riordan
Ms. Angela M. Robbiano
Mrs. Mary Ann Robbiano
Dr. Martha A. Robbins & Mr. Walter O. Bowman
Mr. Patrick J. Roberts
Mrs. Dorothy Mellon Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Robinson Mrs. Rose Marie K. Robinson
Dr. Lorna Avila Rocha
Mrs. Lorraine A. Roddy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rodee
Mrs. Patricia Lyons Roder
Mrs. Kathryn T. Roeck
Dr. and Mrs. L. Richard Roedersheimer
Ms. Sally J. Rogers
Mrs. Donna Yezzi Rohne
Dr. Graciela Rojas Conley
Mrs. Sharon K. Roman
Mrs. Paula March Romanovsky
Mrs. Ellen R. Romeiser
Mary S. Romo
Mrs. Mary Statt Romson
Mrs. Mary Ann Foy Roncker
Mrs. Oren Root
Mrs. Mary Frances Fitzgerald Root Mr. Oren Root Mrs. Suzanne Rose Mrs. Mary Kevin Foley Rosenthal Dr. Susan A. Ross Mrs. Constance Manning Roth Ms. MaryLou Rotoli Mrs. Dorothy Dienhart Rotolo Ms. Anne Rourke Mrs. Maureen Lambert Roxe
Mrs. Helen Gallmann Roy Ellen and John Ruckert
Ms. Susan Frankel Ruder Mrs. Elizabeth Fiorino Ruff Mrs. Judith Y. Runnette Mrs. Ann Boutell Ruppe Jean Spruks Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rutherford, Sr. Mary Kernan Rutherfurd Mrs. Carol Ann Sheehan Ryan Mrs. Helen Farrell Ryan Mrs. Marilyn Curran Ryan Mrs. Nancy D. Ryan Ms. Helen Coman Rylee Ms. Francisca A. Sabadie
Sacred Heart Greenwich, CT
Sacred Heart Schools-Atherton, CA
Saint Charles College, Grand Coteau, LA
Saint Joseph Parish, St. Charles, MO Mrs. Jennifer H. Salcich
Mrs. Mary Anne Salmon
Ms. Merrilee H. Salmon
Mrs. Mary Kernan Salsich
Ms. Barbara M. Sanders Mrs. Madeleine Burrowes Sanders
Ms. Marcie Sandoz
Courtney-Anne Sarpy Ms. Andrea Sarrasin Mrs. Cecil Daunis Sartor
Ms. Jane Schoonover Sattler Ms. Peggy Saunier Mrs. Gloria Centioli Sauro Dr. Carroll Saussy & Mr. Frank Molony Mrs. Elizabeth Wetmore Sausville
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sawyer Mrs. Alice B. Scanlan
Ms. Jennifer A. Scanlon Mrs. Lois M. Schaaf
Ms. Molly O’Donoghue Schaaf Dr. Regina M. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Schaeffer
Mrs. Linda K. Schaffner Mrs. Mary W. Schaller Mrs. Jane Phelan Schellings Mrs. Patricia C. Schellpfeffer Ms. Joanne B. Schelske
Mr. and Mrs. R. Sheldon Scherer Anonymous Catherine O’Connor Schmidt Ms. Susan M. Schmidt Mrs. Ana Maria Schmit Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Schneider Ms. Gertrude E. Schneider Mrs. Julie Pollnow Schnuck
Mrs. Mary Frances Flynn Scholl Mrs. Margaret P. Schorr Ms. Mary R. Schott
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Schrick Mrs. Leslie D. Schroth
Mrs. Patricia Langie Schroth Ms. Susan E. Schruth Mrs. Deirdre O’Brien Schueppert Mrs. Albert L. Schulte Mrs. Lillian Scully Schulte Ms. Deborah C. Schulz Mrs. Julie S. Schurman Mrs. Janet Musial Schwarze
Mrs. Jacqueline Farrell Sciarrillo Mrs. Laura Tierney Scobee Mrs. Angela LaGrange Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Seabolt Mrs. Susan Seckel Mrs. Barbara Mozino Seegul Ms. Kathleen A. Segerdahl Mrs. Patricia A. Seiber Mrs. Christiane O. Seifring Ms. Pauline M. Seitz Susan and William Selde
Ms. Suzanne Dagit Sennhenn Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Sessions, Jr. Ms. Carol Burke Sexton Ms. Joan M. Sextro
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Shallow Mrs. Karen Flynn Shanahan Mrs. Ursula Neaf Shaner
Mrs. Marie P. Shannon Mr. Gordon Sharafinski Mrs. Elaine McHugh Sharer Ms. Sandra K. Shargabian Mrs. Darleen Blue Shaw Mrs. Janet Kelly Shaw Theresa Komin Shaw Mrs. Marjorie Dever Shea Ms. Kathleen A. Sheehan Margaret Craig Sheehy Mr. Cedric M. Shen Ms. Maria Shen Mrs. Jeanne Kelly Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Sheridan, Jr. Ms. Mary Ann Sherman Mrs. Barbara A. Shields Mrs. Carol Sweeterman Shiff
Dr. Dolores Shoback & Dr. John Imboden Ms. Susan J. Shrader & Mr. Seksom N. Suriyapa
Jackie and Bruce Shreves
Ms. Kathleen Shreves Anonymous
Mrs. Anita Bosselet Siler
Barbara Cliff Silverman Mrs. Carol Krumholz Simmons Mrs. Rosemary Golden Simmons Mrs. Virginia C. Simmons Mrs. Adele C. Simon Mrs. Etienne Schier Simon Ms. June Simonian Mr. and Mrs. John Simonson Ms. Laura J. Sinclair Ms. Meena Singh Mrs. Isabel J. Singletary Mrs. Cecile G. Sisco
Sisters of the Heart of Jesus, New Iberia, LA Mrs. Patricia A. Skidmore
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Slabas Mrs. Margot Morris Slater Ms. Lisa H. Slaughter Dr. and Mrs. Harold F. Smith, Jr. Anonymous Dr. Mary Magnano Smith Mrs. Maureen Smyth Smith Mrs. Nancy Marks Smith Tom A. and Joan B. Smith Mr. William R. Smith Mrs. Karen Chapman Soares Mrs. Constance Solari
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Soltau Dr. Christine D. Sommer
South City Catholic Academy, St. Louis, MO
Mrs. Mary Joan Sova
Mrs. Elizabeth Isaacs Spezia
Mrs. Tiffany Kouri Spinella
Ms. L. Kathryn Spinelli
Ms. Dolores Quinn Splaine Mrs. Louise Sullivan Sportelli Mrs. Pamela Leeson Sroka Ms. Rachel Sroufe
St. Francis of Assisi Church, St. Louis, MO
Patricia and Jack Stack Mrs. Natalie Tachis Stafford Mrs. Ruth M. Stanton
Mrs. Kimberly Barks Staten Mrs. Andrea D. Steele
Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Steele Kathleen and Al Steele
Ms. Margaret I. Steele
Mrs. Joanne Barranco Steenveld Dr. Jane Steinfels
Ms. Elaine S. Stenger
Mrs. Aileen Stevenson
Mrs. Barbara Zeuschel Stickford Mrs. Elaine Edden Stillwell Mrs. Rita Cirello Stock
Ms. Cynthia J. Stollhans Ms. Katherine E. Stoner Ms. Sue Ellen Stover Mrs. Patricia Siu Stratford
Mrs. Constance O’Connell Strong Mr. and Mrs. William C. Stude, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Sturges III Mrs. Pamela Wooster Styrsky Mrs. Marion McBride Suarez Mrs. Constance F. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Sullivan
Mrs. Katherine Sheehan Sullivan
Ms. Mary L. Sullivan Dr. Michael Evan Sullivan
Michele R. Sullivan, Ph.D. Ms. Patricia Ann Sullivan
Dr. and Mrs. R. Lawrence Sullivan Mrs. Kimberly A. Summe
Mrs. Eileen W. Sutula Mrs. Ann Hoarty Swagerty Mrs. Catherine C. Swanstrom Ms. Marguerite Smith Sweeney
grateful to
we are grateful to our Annual Campaign Donors
Mrs. Nancy Grever Sweeney
The Swersey Family
Mr. Raymond E. Swinney
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Talley, Jr. Mrs. Mary Doherty Tally
Therese and Robert Tamaro Mrs. Phyllis Shepard Tambini
Mrs. Anne Keh Tang Mrs. Mollie Jung Taulbee
Ms. Margaret A. Taylor
Mrs. Marguerite T. Taylor Dr. Nancy O. Taylor Mrs. Joan B. Teague
Ms. Lisa Tebbe & Mr. John W. Powell
Mrs. Linda Leuchtmann Tell
Mrs. Carol W. Temme
Ms. Priscilla T. Tenorio
Mrs. Lisa Terneus
Kimm and David Terpening Mrs. Joan McSweeney Terry
Ms. Carolyn K. Teshima & Dr. Edwin Hom Mrs. Barbara A. Thach
Ms. Bernadette J. Thibodeau
Tippy Gary Thibodeau
Mrs. Ellen F. Thoma
Mr. Forrest T. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest T. Thomas, Jr. Mrs. Millie Thomas
Ms. Ruth H. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thomas
Ms. Catherine M. Thompson
Corky Treacy Thompson
Mrs. Patricia Koster Thompson
Ms. Sara Kay Thompson
Mrs. Mary T. Thornton
Ms. Audrey B. Threlkeld
Mrs. Joan L. Thro
Mr. Jules M. Thro
Mrs. Barbara Thunder-Barnes Anonymous
Mrs. Mary Jean Belitz Tibbels
Mrs. Susan Worner Tierney Mrs. Elaine Mack Timbers
Mrs. Kathleen Riley Tisor Mrs. Frances Di Muccio Titterton
Mrs. Anne Blanton Tlapek
Susan J. Tobia, Ph.D. Ann and Kevin Tollefson
Mrs. Elizabeth Shaner Tomlinson
Ms. Tuong-Vy N. Ton & Mr. Douglas M. Rotenberg Ms. Karel J. Toohey
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Tooley Ms. Martha Peters Toon Dr. Mel A. Topf Mrs. Elizabeth Garesché Torno
Juliette and John Torrey Ms. Kathryn Burke Townsend Mrs. Mary Sullivan Tracy Mrs. Pamela Sheehan Travis Mrs. Colleen D. Treutler
Mrs. Janet Halla Trily Ms. Jo Ann G. Trogdon Mrs. Elizabeth Rosenthal Bova Troilo Mrs. Mary Podesta Trott Ms. Marcia M. Tufarolo
Mrs. Audrey Finnegan Tunney Mrs. Mary M. Turman Mrs. Patricia Petzold Turnbull
Mrs. Sheila Haggerty Turner
Mrs. Mimi Lawton Turney Mrs. Holley H. Twyman
Sarah Bean Tyler Mrs. Marylou Tyrrell Mrs. Richard R. Valenta Mrs. Shirley Valmore Ms. Lucy A. Van Atta Mrs. Kathleen Rinzel Van de Walle
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Van Den Heuvel
Mrs. Richelle A. Van Deventer Dr. Bailey Van Hook Mrs. Catherine E. van Kampen Mrs. Mary Martin VanDersarl Mrs. Cricket Van Borssum Vandover Linda and Perry Vartanian Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. VauDell Mr. Luis Velutini Rev. Joseph D. Verespy Ms. Judy M. Vetter Mrs. Mary McKay Vial Mrs. Patricia Lee Vick Mrs. Jackie Masto Vigilante Ms. Barbara Ann Villano Mr. and Mrs. Andre L. Villeré, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Villierme Anonymous Dr. Korin L. Visocchi
Ms. Maria F. Vitagliano
Anonymous Anonymous Sr. Barbara L. Volk CSJ
Mrs. Barbara K. Wiggin
Mr. Nathan T. Wilburn
Mrs. Mary McNamara Willey
Ms. Frances F. Williams
Mrs. Carol Munstermann Williamson
Mrs. Patricia Kealy Willis
Mrs. Marie Craigin Wilson
Mrs. Mary Ellen Haughey Wilson
Mrs. Sally Doran Wilson Anonymous
Mrs. Bonnie Lee Reinhardt Wimmer
Mrs. Constance Hartson Winsberg
The Winter Family Fund, Chicago Community Foundation
Mrs. Susan Fields Wirths
Mrs. Bridget Conole Withers
Mrs. Tam Nguyen Wong
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Volle Ms. Nancy J. Wackerman Mrs. Aida Badran Wakefield Mr. and Mrs. David S. Walker Mrs. Donna Smythe Walker Mrs. Janis W. Walker Ms. Judith Walker Mrs. Mary C. Walker Mrs. Margaret F. Wallace Ms. Katherine D. Waller Ms. Margaret A. Wallingford Mr. and Mrs. Brian Walsh Mrs. Colette B. Walsh Mrs. Mary Jane T. Walsh Mrs. Suzanne Bellanca Walsh Mrs. Rita M. Walter Mrs. Carole C. Walters Ms. Margaret A. Warnken Ms. Debra L. Watson
The Weatherby Family Mrs. Rosalie Vernier Weaver Ms. Margaret Webb Mrs. Mary Ellen Kotcher Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Emory C. Webre Jeanne & Noel Weidner Ms. Melissa M. Weiksnar Dr. Phaedra A. Weiler Mrs. Suzanne Desloge Weiss Dr. Marlene H. Weitzel Anonymous Mrs. Patricia R. Wells Mrs. Rose Thro Wells Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wen Tom and Ellen Wente Anonymous
Ms. Betsy W. Werronen
Mrs. Cynthia Cunningham Whalen Anonymous
Mrs. Carol Nardoza Wheeler
Ms. Erin R. Wheeler
Mrs. Marsha Korb Whelan Anonymous
Dr. Deborah J. Whitman Mrs. Karen Murphy Whittler Mrs. Shirley Kane Wicks Paul and Anne Wiehagen
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brent Wood Anonymous Ms. Joan S. Wrenn
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Wrightson Mrs. Ann Wagstaffe Yates Mrs. Mary E. Yates Anonymous Mr. C. David Yezzi
Mrs. Peggy Everett Yingling
Ms. Assunta Young
Rev. Gary Young, CR
Mrs. Paula R. Young
Mrs. Mary Engel Yount
Ms. Rose M. Yunker
Mrs. Ellen G. Zaccardelli
Mrs. Carol Bangasser Zarek
Mrs. Kelly Holmes Zastrow
Mrs. Kathleen Pogge Zimmerman
Dr. Kathleen M. Yadrick & Mr. Francis J. Zipple
Ms. Brooks Zitzmann
Mrs. Jacqueline Zuber
Photo © by Jerry Naunheim
donor spotlightMichael
My wife Fran’s and my relationship with the Society of the Sacred Heart began in 1990 when our seventh-grade daughter, Amy, was accepted at Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart (Newton, Massachusetts). We were particularly excited with the Society of the Sacred Heart’s educational mission to teach girls how to become women who would make a positive difference in the world. As a result, Amy is now a well-grounded young woman of courage and confidence, with a strong desire to do what is right and just.
During her time at the school, our commitment to Sacred Heart education deepened, and I joined the board of trustees at Newton. The board worked in close partnership with Barbara Rogers, RSCJ, the headmistress, and her leadership team to ensure an ongoing commitment to the Sacred Heart educational mission and the future financial integrity of the school. Meanwhile, Fran served on the Parents’ Association board for four years, was a member of the annual auction committee and led or actively participated on committees that organized and ran student/parent events during the school year. Our daughter Amy graduated and headed off to college, and I continued to serve on the Newton board, serving as chair for six years. I also joined the board of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, which today boasts a membership of 25 schools. The Network, led by its executive director, is comprised of the heads of school and board chairs from each school who work in partnership with the Conference of Sacred Heart Education and Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) serving on the Provincial Team of the United States – Canada Province. The Network oversees the development and delivery of services and programs for students and educators, and its mission is to promote creative education and leadership framed by the Goals and Criteria for all Network schools.
I was subsequently elected board chair for the Network. In that capacity, I worked with the Provincial Team to reimagine the Society’s ongoing development strategy in coordination with the activities of the individual schools. This resulted in an unprecedented increase in financial support for the Society and the Network.
Ryan in prayer
Throughout our Sacred Heart journey, we have been blessed to know many of the women religious who have committed their lives to the Society and its mission to discover and reveal God’s love in the heart of the world through the service of education. They embody Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat’s vision of intelligent faith, compassionate action and courageous hope. In this complex and volatile time in our history, we can think of no better effort to support.
Fran and Mike Ryan, longtime friends and supporters of the Society and Network of Sacred Heart Schools.
Photo by Schools of the Sacred Heart in Grand Coteau, Louisiana
we are grateful for gifts In Honor of...
We are grateful for each tribute gift to the Province. We welcome your tributes in honor of an RSCJ, friend or loved one. At your request, we will send a note to someone to let them know of your tribute gift.
Visit rscj.org/donate for more information or call Anne Wiehagen, Director of Mission Advancement, at 314.880.0551.
Abba House Community, Albany, NY
Susan A. Hoeffel
Phyllis Turner Jepson
All of the nuns who taught me Marielle Saussotte Ponce
Barat College, Lake Forest, IL Cathy Rice Farrell
Angela Bayo, RSCJ
Eugenia and David Askren
Lovella Beres
Barbara J. Blecka
Catherine Littlefield Drybrough Thomas D. Higgins Nancy A. Kernan
Penelope Whelan Kirk
Robert A. Littlefield now RIP
Barbara Barnes Manning Ronni McCaffrey
Theresa Ward Warner
Carol Nardoza Wheeler
Bridget Bearss, RSCJ Judith Bearss Anderson
Denise and Bill Bull Anke and Hans-Werner Kaas Linda K. Schaffner Korin Visocchi
Rosemary Bearss, RSCJ Judith Bearss Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Beatty Georgia A. Beatty
Charles Brady Elizabeth D. Moore
The Bremner Family Susan L. Kennedy-Sullivan
Broadway Faculty in the 1960’s
Nancy Mullaney Harvey
Mary Ada Burns, RSCJ
Martha S. Lepore
Lisa Buscher, RSCJ
Laura Rainey
Ann Caire, RSCJ
Barbara Berthelot Conway
Kimberly J. Conway Kathy Duquesnay Cathy Lowry Knapik Henry W. Martin
Patsy (now RIP) and Woods Martin Jim and Norma Michalek Sarah Bean Tyler
Margaret Caire, RSCJ
Barbara Berthelot Conway Kimberly J. Conway Dee and Tom Dowd
Carol Campbell, RSCJ Patrick and Mary Beth Moorhead Jacqueline F. Perno
Deanna Dubsky Pokorny
Jane Shannon Cannon (now RIP) Melissa McGraugh Barnason
Margaret Canty, RSCJ Mary Jo and Chip Dawson Mark, Chris and Lisabeth Kelly Linda K. Schaffner
Sandra K. Shargabian
Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart, Miami, FL Class of 1983 Michele Gerrits-Faeges
Margaret Causey, RSCJ Amanda Codina
Rose Chen, RSCJ Francis and Margaret Chen
Raphaelle Cherry, RSCJ Bernadette J. Thibodeau
Grade school classmates at Duchesne Academy - Omaha, NE Julianne Crotty-Guile
Carl Coleman Joan Minninger
Lillian Conaghan, RSCJ Catherine Leggett Fitch
Lynne Johnston Howard Maureen B. Jennings Sheldon Lykes Michele Malloy
Jean and Geoff Ratte Timothy Redmond Anne Blanton Tlapek
Trudy Considine, RSCJ Peggy Everett Yingling
Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ Sarah Allen Anderson Amanda Codina Sue and Jim Lane
Dolores Copeland, RSCJ Amanda Codina
Maria Luisa Cotto, RSCJ Dee and Tom Dowd
Irene Cullen, RSCJ Catherine A. Lacey
Martha Curry, RSCJ Sally Noonan Bredemann Bernice E. Gallagher Joanne Barranco Steenveld
Barbara Dawson, RSCJ Mary Jo Bodisco Nancy A. Dawson
Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ Alumnae/i of the Sacred HeartNewton College
Patti and John Cody Joan Garrity Flynn
Mary Ellen Keegan Keyser Harriet E. Mullaney
Doranne Terhune O’Hara Mary Sullivan Tracy
Joseph Thomas Dellevas Santa Dellevas
Claude Demoustier, RSCJ Meg Beugg
Christine Di Capua Margaret Frazier
Kathleen Dolan, RSCJ Trish Coyle Ellingwood Ginny and Jack Kavanaugh
Rosemary Dowd, RSCJ Kathleen O’Callaghan Egloff Mary Pat Farrell-Diekemper Jean Spruks Russell
Constance Dryden, RSCJ Linda Lamberton Kraus
Carlota Duarte, RSCJ Catherine A. Lacey
Jan Dunn, RSCJ Catherine Michalek
Jim and Norma Michalek
Eden Hall, Torresdale, PAClass of 1953 Helen and James Shallow
Representative Anna G. Eshoo Karen Chapman Peggy Daly Pizzo
Emma del Carmen Fernandez, RSCJ Elizabeth Garesché Torno
Mary Elizabeth Fisher, RSCJ Carol R. Exley
Marie-Louise Flick, RSCJ
Sue and Jim Lane
Bob and Mary Ellen O’Connell
Suzanne Rose
Louise Sullivan Sportelli
Mary Ann Flynn, RSCJ
Judy Flynn Anthon
Phyllis Freschi Dillon
Catherine Leggett Fitch
Franny Saunders Glasser
Eleanor W. Malone
Pat Roberts
Mary Ann Foy, RSCJ
Jane Hauseman Hogan Mary Ann Foy Roncker
Joan Gannon, RSCJ
Mimi Deignan Hart
Phyllis Turner Jepson
Mira and Andrzej Lechowicz
Jean Spruks Russell
Patricia Geuting, RSCJ Anonymous
Nancy Ghio, RSCJ
Alicia Behan Christopher
Carolyn Osterholt Jones
Abigail Richards Lambert
Elizabeth Warner Tooley
Debby Watson
Frances Gimber, RSCJ
Harry and Maxine Gimber
Martha Beattie Graham
Christiane O. Seifring
Maureen Glavin, RSCJ Margrit Algeciras
we are grateful for gifts In Honor of...
Melanie Guste, RSCJ
Billy and Maureen Guste
Evelyn Hale
Carole Antolini Scherer
Sheila Hammond, RSCJ
Mary Jo and Chip Dawson
Trish Coyle Ellingwood
Barbara Hammond
Beatrice A. Parker
Madeleine D. Reilly
Mary Kernan Salsich
Susan Thomas Van Vuren
Elizabeth Hartson, RSCJ Tissie Bean
Betsy Hartson Harmon Kris Dubiel Maclay
M. Frances Hefner Gwynne Hefner Guzzeau
Marina Hernandez, RSCJ Marie E. O’Ryan
Beth Ann Hirose, Ed.D. Joyce T. Muni
Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ Ann Williams Bugg
Kathleen C. Hughes
John R. Page
Vince, Karen and Michael Rattini
Sharon Karam, RSCJ
Kristin Michalek Baird
Henry W. Martin
Patsy and Woods Martin (Patsy now RIP)
Jim and Norma Michalek
Bonnie Kearney, RSCJ
Susan Drymalski Bowey
Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ
Sue Sherman Mooney
Maura Keleher, RSCJ Janet Egyhazi
Carol Nardoza Wheeler
Nancy Onorato Kelleher Patricia Lee Vick
Mary Ellen Ostrand Knowles
Julianne Crotty-Guile
Nancy Koke, RSCJ Sally and Joe Coleman
Nancy Lassotovitch, RSCJ Teresa Falk Nelson
Beverly Dalferes Latimer (now RIP) Anonymous
Lynne Lieux, RSCJ Mary McNulty Jud Patrick and Sharon Talley
Maureen Little, RSCJ Anonymous
Joan Magnetti, RSCJ
Kathleen Dooley DiGiovanna Margaret Judith Doran Marion E. Glennon
Mary Mardel, RSCJ (now RIP) Guy V. Burnett
Lynda and Peter Clark
Dolores McKeever Donahue
Sandy Cassell Farrell Ildiko Kathy Fortier
Anne Fung and Jeffrey Sternberg
Helen and Wayne Fung
Claude and Sandra Petri Gaubert
Janice Hance Henrotin
Joan and Mark Innes
Anna K. Jones
Cynthia W. Keene
Jennie Mardel
Ann Gray Miller
Jeanne Ferrari Quinlan
Ann and Richard Raymond Mary Spohn Romo
Vicki and Larry Sullivan
Marcia A. Syufy
Susan Worner Tierney
Denise B. Wall, Cynthia Wall and Sandra Wall
Carol Munstermann Williamson
Jim and Mary Ellen Haughey Wilson Anonymous
Kinue Matsuzaki, RSCJ
Linda K. Schaffner
Susan Maxwell, RSCJ
Mark Anderson
Catherine Maxwell Cora
Mary Jo and Chip Dawson
Mary Leonard Fitzpatrick
Ginny and Jack Kavanaugh
Ann and Richard Raymond Anonymous
Helen McCulloch, RSCJ
Amanda Codina
Mary Margaret McDonnell, RSCJ Anonymous Anonymous
Jane McKinlay, RSCJ Elbert and Amelia McKinlay
Menlo Class of 1962 Jane Dabo Cruz
Jorge Menocal Maria Matilde Sorzano Menocal
Shirley Miller, RSCJ
Cristal S. Backer
Mary Dell Miller Barkouras
Nina Wessel English
Lynne Johnston Howard
DeDe Meyer Johnson
Joan Noonan Liddell
Eliza C. Lynn Anonymous
Lynne Neitzschman
Susan and Bill Selde
Jackie and Bruce Shreves
Carolyn and Jim Smith
Patrick and Sharon Talley Cricket Van Borssum Vandover
Anne L. Wiehagen
Joan Diane Morris Cynthia D. Morris
Margo Morris, RSCJ
Amanda Codina Mary Grady Susan Schmidt
Nancy Morris, RSCJ Janice Hance Henrotin
John and Penny McNeel
Michelle Lastreto O’Neal Elke Schlosser
Kathleen and Al Steele Susan Worner Tierney
Theresa Moser, RSCJ Ernie and Penny Moser
Carolyn Mouton, RSCJ Shirley Broussard Griffin
Margaret Munch, RSCJ Jennifer A. Scanlon
Dorothy Murray, RSCJ (now RIP) Betty Rexford Buckland
Camila Nevin Marivi and Darius Nevin
Carolina Nevin Marivi and Darius Nevin
Newton College of the Sacred Heart Class of 1970 50th Reunion
Regina M. Mullen Mary Sullivan Tracy
Marcia O’Dea, RSCJ
Sally and Gerry Davalos
Sue and Jim Lane
Jeannette McCormick
Louise Sullivan Sportelli
Gail O’Donnell, RSCJ
Jane Slade Connelly
Mary Jo and Chip Dawson
Cathy Brennan Hickey
Kathleen A. Hirsch
Brian O’Donnell
Thomas and Linda O’Donnell
Margaret Fort Wallace
Frances Fitzgerald Williams
Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ Pamela Snyder
Georgeann Parizek, RSCJ Mary L. Parizek
Margaret Phelan, RSCJ Mark, Chris and Lisabeth Kelly
Roselie Bellanca Posselius Patricia Eldredge Kolojeski
Clare Pratt, RSCJ
Netchen Thomas Kaier
John and Penny McNeel
George and Patricia Pratt Moriarty
Rose Marie Quilter, RSCJ Ruth Lynch Henahan
Rita L. Houlihan
Virginia D. Manuel
Barbara Quinn, RSCJ
Barbara A. Shields
Patricia Reid, RSCJ (now RIP)
Barbara Tighe Doyle-Howell
Maria Cimperman, RSCJ, talks with students at Mount St. Joseph University.
Photo © by Mark Bryon
we are grateful for gifts In Honor of...
Irma Reiss, RSCJ
Paula Schmidt Clauser
Jean Redemski Dolan
Nancy T. Fanning
Virginia Fitzgerald
Bernice E. Gallagher
Mary Gramins
Dee Mulroy King
Jane Reiss McAniff
Jody O’Connell
Betsy Reiss
Merrilee Hollenkamp Salmon
Colleen D. Treutler
Elizabeth Renard, RSCJ
Mary and Ed Dickinson
Mary Patricia Rives, RSCJ
Alicia Behan Christopher
Elizabeth Garesché Torno
Debby Watson
Judith Roach, RSCJ Anonymous
Diane Roche, RSCJ Anonymous
Virginia Rodee, RSCJ
Teresa Lannan Shaffer
Barbara Rogers, RSCJ
Terry Devino, SJ
Rosemary Roney, RSCJ
Ellen G. Zaccardelli
Helen Rosenthal, RSCJ
Sue Sherman Mooney
Anne Blanton Tlapek
Betty Rosenthal Bova Troilo
Martha Roughan, RSCJ
Sandra P. Del Sesto
RSCJ at Avila Lodge, Albany, NY Anonymous
RSCJ who taught at the Academy of the Sacred Heart, Bloomfield Hills, MI Betsy Ross Berg
Linda K. Schaffner
RSCJ who taught at Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart, Houston, TX Anna Bayardo Charlton
The Swersey Family
RSCJ who taught at Elmhurst Academy of the Sacred Heart, Portsmouth, RI Anonymous
RSCJ who taught at Forest Ridge, School of the Sacred Heart, Bellevue, WA
Sharon Rusting Roman
RSCJ who taught at Maryville University, St. Louis, MO Mary Alanah Piderit
RSCJ at Oakwood Retirement Community, Atherton, CA
Lynda and Peter Clark Francesca Corkle Anonymous Yvonne W. Moore
Joanne B. Schelske
Etienne Schier Simon
RSCJ who taught at Schools of the Sacred Heart, San Francisco, CA Katharine Ashley Cobb
RSCJ - Teresian House, Albany, NY Anonymous
RSCJ, International School of the Sacred Heart - Tokyo Mary Alanah Piderit
RSCJ who taught at Villa Duchesne, St. Louis, MO Marie C. Francis
Religious of the Sacred Heart
Children of Mary - St. Louis
Deborah Newhouse Dunham Ninette Alsop Edmiston
Caroline Swetnam Kelleher
Catherine and John Kinabrew
Laurence and Evelyn Fu Loh
Regina Warren McGrath
Mary Alanah Piderit
Madeleine Burrowes Sanders
Pamela Wooster Styrsky
Mary Jean Tibbels
Victor and Megan Ziminsky
Sara Ann Rude, RSCJ
John and Penny McNeel
Mary Pat Ryan, RSCJ
Donna and Lou Finocchiaro
Edward and Alice Grayson Sue Sherman Mooney
Sacred Heart Education
Lee Muller Beckermann
Rosemary and Alain Enthoven Mandy Dawson Murphy
Roberta Santo Anonymous
Pam and Fritz Schaeffer’s 60th Wedding Anniversary Judy and Brian Nedwek
Maria Schlömer, RSCJ Linda Lamberton Kraus
Convent of the Sacred Heart, San Francisco, CA, Classes of 1973 (HS) and 1969 (ES) Cynthia D. Morris
Patricia Shaffer, RSCJ Wendy and Frederick McGaffey Peggy Everett Yingling
Academy of the Sacred Heart, Chicago, IL, Class of 1970 Diane Skowron Evans
Carolyn Siy, RSCJ Patsy and Woods Martin (Patsy now RIP)
Sheila Smith, RSCJ Mark, Chris and Lisabeth Kelly
Bonnie Spratt Harold and Bonnie Smith
Sarah Leigh Smith Spratt Harold and Bonnie Smith
Sprout Creek Farm, Poughkeepsie, NY Mary Grady
Sarah Stephens, RSCJ Children of Mary St. Louis Madeleine D. Reilly Laura Tierney Scobee
Margaret Strom, RSCJ Lyn Bianco
Mary Jane Sullivan, RSCJ Nancy-Jane Conlan Griffith Penelope Whelan Kirk
Anita M. Vidrine Heather Gillard
Deanna Rose Von Bargen, RSCJ Sister Mary Jean DiMatteo, HM
Jessica Johnston Walsh Christine Stevens Johnston Sandra Walsh Nicole Leveille
Anne Wente, RSCJ Tom and Ellen Wente
The Wilke Family Anonymous
Marie-Louise Wolfington, RSCJ Toni W. Curry
Patrick and Eganne Wolfington McGowan Fred and Lois Birmingham Wrightson
Wonderful teachers at Newton College of the Sacred Heart, MA Carolyn McInerney McGrath
Lynne Lieux, RSCJ (left), and Pauline Edmond at the St. Peter Claver School Reunion weekend in Grand Coteau in June 2022.
in community
we are grateful for gifts In Memory of...
We are grateful for each tribute gift to the Province. We welcome your tributes in memory of an RSCJ, friend or loved one. At your request, we will send a note to someone to let them know of your tribute gift.
Visit rscj.org/donate for more information or call Anne Wiehagen, Director of Mission Advancement, at 314.880.0551.
Maureen Aggeler Anonymous
Richard J. Albrecht, Jr. Rebecca A. Albrecht
Mr. William S. Alexander, Sr. Anonymous
All of the nuns who taught me Dorsi Thillens Finnegan Marielle Saussotte Ponce
Alumnae who have died Kathleen Boivin
Nydia Alvarez Cendoya Mrs. Pilar Cendoya Alvarez-Mena
Thomas M. Anderson Matthew Anderson
Tony Fisher Meena Singh
Lucy Artman Rosemary Artman Fasl
Florence Ashe, RSCJ Patricia E. Allen Elizabeth D. Eckl
Joan Taylor Ashley Katharine Ashley Cobb
Flavia Augustine, RSCJ Gene and Margit Augustine K. Tracey Wirths Austin Susan Fields Wirths
Cliff Bachle and Fisher Families Andrea Bachle Fisher
Theresa Banaszynski, RSCJ Madeleine and Weston Baker
Dr. Joseph A. Bardenheier III Joan Marie Bardenheier Harrison
Mary Anne Barkofske Kathleen M. Potts
George Barrett
Lila Farnese
Julie Schieszer Siderfin
Suzanne Desloge Weiss
Marion Bascom, RSCJ Ed and Nancy Bascom Hamilton
Matilde Batista, RSCJ
Graciela Baptista Nearing
Jean Bautz, RSCJ Alice G. Burlinson
Louise McDonough Hatch
Catherine Baxter, RSCJ Brendan J. Fogarty
Eileen Bearss, RSCJ Judith Bearss Anderson
Kelly Beckerle Meg and Todd Thomas
Beverly Zeuschel Beckley Barbara Zeuschel Stickford
Joseph E. Beh Allanah Cleary Beh
Harriot Benoist, RSCJ Jean Spruks Russell
Claudio Beretta Flávia B. Bader
Carol Bialock, RSCJ Anonymous
Barbara Bireley, RSCJ Elizabeth D. Eckl
The Rev. John and Barbara Larson
Georgie Blaeser, RSCJ Julianne Crotty-Guile Mary V. Grady
Mary Blish, RSCJ Kathrene Houlihan Clark
Anita B. Bobay Mary Bobay Murphy
Lynda Gullen Bond Mary Ellen Conway Calabrese
Elizabeth Healy Bonner Vance Bonner
Anita Vannucci Boragno Desirée and Joseph Miles Charlie and Maria Schreiber
Alberto Botero Anonymous
Aimée Bourneuf, RSCJ Ms. Violeta Bosch Davis
Annette Bourret, RSCJ Anonymous Anna K. Jones Marijane Pollak Moon
Anna Boyle, RSCJ James Basila
Marianne Laquidara Basila
Elizabeth Boyter, RSCJ Sister Mary Jean DiMatteo, HM
Jane Gaffney Bradley Dick Gaffney
Cora Brady, RSCJ Janet Gallagher
Mary Brady, RSCJ Mary Ellen Burke Gail Horan McKnight Maureen Meehan O’Leary
Beatrice Brennan, RSCJ Suzanne S. Lyons
Armand Brinkhaus, Jr. Margaret Bellemin Brinkhaus
Armand Brinkhaus, Sr. Margaret Bellemin Brinkhaus
Judith Brown, RSCJ Aida Badran Wakefield
Nathalie King Brown Mary Ellen B. Nickodemus
Peggy Brown, RSCJ Valerie Moore O’Keeffe
Georgia Buckowitz Georgia Buckowitz Rankin
Helen Burke, RSCJ Father John D. Kirwin
Margaret Burke, RSCJ Cosima Cornelius Dean Chinnamma and Kenneth Mahieu
Martha Quigley Burlinson Alice G. Burlinson
Lois Turner Burnett Guy V. Burnett
Alice Doclot Burns Julie Burns Doll
Alice J. Burns Julie Burns Doll
Mary Ada Burns, RSCJ Scott M. Balanda Virginia Burr Sarah M. Burr
Helen Cooney Burrows Madeleine Burrowes Sanders
Mary Loretta Busch, RSCJ Dee and Tom Dowd
Mary Bush, RSCJ Terry Brown Moyer
Judith Cagney, RSCJ Joan C. Meyer
Adele Caire, RSCJ Barbara Berthelot Conway Kimberly J. Conway Catherine Leggett Fitch
Ashley and Bryan Knopp Mary Ann Isensee Loweth
The Swersey Family
James G. Caire, Sr. Katherine B. Caire
James G. Caire, Jr. Katherine B. Caire
Annice Callahan, RSCJ Aileen Callahan
Clare Callahan
Laurie Loughlin
Susan Campbell, RSCJ Susan M. McClure
Florence Schwarz Cardoza Victoria E. Schwarz
Barbara Carey, RSCJ Kathleen C. Kempa
Helen J. Carey Christine Courtney Leonore R. Daschbach (now RIP)
The Doherty Family Susan K. Hartman Fumiko Momii
Regina and Carmen Carfagano Regina Carfagno McCairns
Marie Louise Carmody, RSCJ Erin Heinemann Hennessey
Florence Oswald Carney James and Laurie Carney
Anne Carr, RSCJ Virginia M. Hamel
Eleanor Carr, RSCJ Joseph P. Finnegan Bill and Anne Finnegan Audrey Finnegan Tunney
we are grateful for gifts In Memory of...
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Carroll Anonymous
Brian A. Robinson
Helen Carroll, RSCJ Katharine Ashley Cobb
Maryjane Mulvanity Casey Nancy O’Neill
Katherine Cassidy, RSCJ Anonymous
Linda Cassidy Kline
Elizabeth Cavanagh, RSCJ Mrs. Katherine Mahoney McIntire
Betty Chandler Warren Chandler
Julie McKinney
Cecile Bobay Charest Mary Bobay Murphy
Rose Chen, RSCJ Yili Cao
Lily Chang Margaret Y. Chang
Francis and Margaret Chen Ursula Han-haw Döhler
Yu Shiu Huang Theresa C. Leahy
Chingli Liang and Mingli Liang Anita C. Marshall Sylvia C. Norris
Patra Peng
Cedric M. Shen Maria Shen Anne Keh Tang
Richard L. Chenault Brenda and Don MacLean
Jim and Mary Ellen Haughey Wilson
Susan S. C. Chung Young C. Chung
Mary T. Clark, RSCJ Diane Cassens Cummins
Regina C. McGranery
Mrs. Katherine Mahoney McIntire Mary Moran Welsh
Marie Louise Clarkson, RSCJ Anonymous
Mary Pinter Clemency Robert E. Clemency
Mary Ann Lynch Clune Ruth Lynch Henahan
Margaret Mary Coakley, RSCJ Sheila Flynn DeCosse
Carol Rigolot
Joan Lueder Coffey Edward C. Coffey
Catherine Collins, RSCJ Margaret Morton Susan Seymour Murphy
Kathleen A. Collins Ellen C. Collins-Boyce
Cassandra Coman Holly Coman Rylee
Margherita Condell, RSCJ Peter L. Bacsik
Shirley G. Connolly Cynthia Leatham Kohles
Patricia Young Connor Patricia Anne Connor
Irene Lawrence Conrady Noël Gary Murphy
Ann Conroy, RSCJ Tara V. Beering
Ann and Richard Raymond
Anne Cooney Anne Moran Jennings
Elizabeth Shawcross Cooney Mary Lou Cooney
Helen Costello, RSCJ Roberta Diaz Angela M. Robbiano
Mary Henry Costello Rick and Denise Costello
Irene Cotter, RSCJ Sarah A. Hill
Kathleen Cox, RSCJ Holly G. Light
Margaret Baughman Craig Helen Craig Lynch
Agatha Cronin, RSCJ Elizabeth Guarini Herguth
Brenda Marleen Crowley Danna Maureen Crowley
Katherine de Putron Kelley Crumlish Thomas K. Crumlish
Jean Brown Cryor Allison Cryor DiNardo
Ray B. Dalangin Anonymous
Charlotte Dames, RSCJ Pamela Wooster Styrsky
Frances Danz, RSCJ Roberta Diaz
Mary Case Dunnam Sue Dorris Kaleel
Michele Daschbach Fast Leonore R. Daschbach (now RIP)
Leonore R. Daschbach (now RIP) Cookie and Marty Cattaneo Maureen A. Smith
Rose Lee Rupp Davis Jane Cannon (now RIP)
Ed and Emma de Sano Kathy and John Mahoney
Deceased members of Lone Mountain Class of 1965 Pauline Dabo Mifsud
Deceased members of Menlo Class of 1961 Pauline Dabo Mifsud
Fred and Hilda DeMartini Cynthia D. Morris
Claude Demoustier, RSCJ Alicia Behan Christopher
Virginia Teppert DePorre Sally Teppert McKendry
Mary Derham, RSCJ James Basila
Marianne Laquidara Basila
Caroline Desaulniers, RSCJ Katherine Sheehan Sullivan
Brenda Flaherty DeSilva Carl N. DeSilva
Madeleine Desloge, RSCJ Anonymous
Patricia Desmond, RSCJ Joan O’Donnell O’Rourke
Marie Therese Dolan Ray and Terri Beth Dolan
Kathleen Cresap Donahoe Marcia Donahoe Marino
Ruth Dowd, RSCJ Carroll A. Banta
Mrs. Katherine Mahoney McIntire
Catherine Marie Doyle Anne M. Doyle
John P. Driscoll Claudia A. Ledwich
Jane Dubrouillet, RSCJ Joseph M. Stockwell
Mary Ann Dubrouillet, RSCJ Joseph M. Stockwell
Neil and Dorothy Dubsky Deanna Dubsky Pokorny
Agnes Ducey, RSCJ Joanna Ducey Lawton
Myriam Duffy, RSH Anonymous
Mary C. Dugger Diane Dugger Fredericks
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eagan Claiborne and Jeanie Perrilliat
Angela Barrett Eynon Marian Barrett Leibold
Mary Kay Tracy Farley Harriet K. Switzer and David L. Cronin
Betty and Joseph Farrell Jackie Farrell Sciarrillo
Helen McDonough Farrell Helen Farrell Ryan
Suzanne Pierce Felder Claire Felder Josefina N. Fernández Patricia Fernández Garffer Dolores and William Kincaid
Beatrice Fernekees, RSCJ Sheila C. Labrecque
Dorothy Babka Filippine Ed Filippine, Jr.
Nancy Finn, RSCJ Carole Fitzgerald Hayes
Mary Carr Finnegan Bill and Anne Finnegan
Peggy Fisher Anne Fisher Mabley
Joanne Fitzpatrick, RSCJ Julianne Crotty-Guile Christine M. Heuring Maureen E. Johnson
Marie Louise Fitz-William, RSCJ Dee and Tom Dowd
Mary Bridget Flaherty, RSCJ Susan Gaidos Alessi Sydney R. Keegan Marcia M. Tufarolo
Mrs. Elizabeth MacIntyre Flynn Teresa Lannan Shaffer
Geraldine M. Dryden Flynn Mary Frances Flynn Scholl
Gertrude Flynn, RSCJ Kathleen E. Vatterott Valenta Marsha Korb Whelan
Jean Ford, RSCJ Rose Pelletier McHale Susan J. Tobia
Genevieve Fox, RSCJ Bridget C. Withers
Ethel Fox, RSCJ Mary Ellen and Michael Fox Perry and Linda Fox Vartanian
Mary Ann Foy, RSCJ
William Baechtold
Madeline Foley Burke
JoAnne Gannon Crider
Patricia Burke Hogan
Father Wayne Negrete, SJ
Jacque Thaman Niekamp
Elizabeth Garesché Torno Kathleen and Paul Wehner
Abena Frempoma Kwaku Nana Kwakye
Conal Furay Jean Purcell Furay
we are grateful for gifts In Memory of...
Sally Furay, RSCJ
Jean Purcell Furay
Sue Dorris Kaleel
Mary H. Lindsay
Catherine Galeota Monica Galeota Hamill
Isabel Gallagher, RSCJ
E. Berenice Davis
William R. Gardenier Carol M. Gardenier
Anne Gaffney Gardner Dick Gaffney
Mary Murray Garrett Patty and Tim Fagin
Rosaria Gauci, RSCJ Rita Falletti Cloherty
Charles S. Geiger Susanne Geiger Holsen
Mary Rose O’Malley Ghislandi Donna L. Kissel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibbs Virginia M. Gibbs
Emma Cuddihy Gillespie Eleanor Gillespie Dyett
Inés Giraldo, RSCJ Margrit Algeciras
Floyd Gonella Margaret A. Taylor
Irene Good, RSCJ Molly and Richard Knazek
Patricia Goodman Susan Worner Tierney
Miriam Drum Gray Ann Gray Miller
Charles J. Green Gwen Gregory Conzelman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Rourke
Allan and Doris Van Den Heuvel
Marguerite Green, RSCJ Betty Anne Woods McAllister
Dorothy Di Giorgio Antolini Gretsch Carole Antolini Scherer
Peggy Peplow Gummere Agnes Gummere La Storia
Geraldine Treacy Haas Irene Haas Gorski
Hilary Gillespie Hadden Eleanor Gillespie Dyett
Carol Haggarty, RSCJ Carol Eggers and Brian Haynsworth Susan Eggers and Bob Goldman
Mary Gummere Hall Agnes Gummere La Storia
Helen Hammack, RSCJ Louise and John Wen
Nancy Carr Hardart Bill and Anne Finnegan
Katharine T. Hargrove, RSCJ Judith Reilly McCarren (now RIP)
Maryellen Harmon, RSCJ Mary Ellen Burke
Deborah J. Whitman
Pamela J. Hayes Jack O’Connell
Tom and Louise Hayward Anonymous
Edward M. Healy Elaine Picetti Healy
Helen Healy, RSCJ Gail Horan McKnight
Dorothy Heffernan, RSCJ
Anne Blanton Tlapek
William Hehs Kevin M. Fogarty
Muriel Heide, RSCJ Charles H. Quinn
Catherine Henry, RSCJ Rick and Denise Costello
Mary Henry, RSCJ Rick and Denise Costello
Ruth Tooley Hesterberg Frances L. McDonald
Phyllis Heuisler, RSCJ Camilla Reid Kuhn Quinn
Pamela Hickey, RSCJ Mary Hickey Green
Mary Corrigan Hicks Bill and Karen Hicks
Elizabeth Hill, RSCJ Ms. Marion Bestani
Rosalie Hill, RSCJ Ms. Marion Bestani Susan M. McClure
Theresa Hill, RSCJ Ms. Marion Bestani
Anne Hills
Carolyn Lindeman Price
Ellen Hoffman, RSCJ
Joan and Mark Innes Anna K. Jones
Carlton W. Linnenbach Christine Linnenbach Doris S. Linnenbach
Ann and Richard Raymond
Margaret Mary Hoffman, RSCJ
Anne Marie Hoffman
Judy F. Hoffman
Ronald and Kathleen Hoffman
Frances C. Hoffmann
Ann Bates Kittle
Madge Coghlin Horan Gail Horan McKnight
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hornauer Joan Hornauer
Nancy Adams Hornback Kate Adams
Kathrene Blish Houlihan Kathrene Houlihan Clark
Joseph Patrick Howard Bernice E. Gallagher
Madeline Howe, RSCJ Louise McDonough Hatch
Lois Hubbard Meg and Todd Thomas Ed Hull Susan Worner Tierney
Gabrielle Husson, RSCJ Rosemary Hanley Cloran
Mary Ann Brennan Keyes
Rose Pelletier McHale
Jane Phelan Schellings
Rosemary Golden Simmons
Mary Louise Jenkins, RSCJ Lisa Walters Conlon
Nancy and Richard Fazio Meg Phillips
Donna Miller Johansen Mary Claire Miller Kovar
Anne Sweeney Johantgen Amy Johantgen LaPietra
Ann Johnston, RSCJ Anne Graney Moore
Mary Elizabeth Fitzgerald Kaiser Robert J. Kaiser
Marie and Florian Kaminski Melanie Kaminski Bartels
Rita Karam, RSCJ Shirley Broussard Griffin
Eileen McMahon Keech Mary Pat McMahon Oliker
Laura Keeler, RSCJ MeMe Riordan
Bridget Keenan, RSCJ Harry and Bobbi Steele
Dorothy Kelly Maureen D. McMahon Helen Kelly Maureen D. McMahon
Karen A. Kelly Margaret M. Kelly
Mary Alice Kelly, RSCJ Elizabeth Guarini Herguth
Capt. Kathleen C. Kendall, USN (ret) Nora Collins Leibold
Anne Marie Kennelly Ken Higman
Teresa Kent, RSCJ Mary E. Yates
Michael Keogh Katherine Keogh
Wiliams and Katharine Kernan Anonymous
Walter and Leslie Kernan Anita Kernan Halton
J. B. K. Anonymous
Joan Kirby, RSCJ Alfred and Virginia Morgan
Ursula Kirk, RSCJ Penelope Whelan Kirk
Edna F. Kiszla Sandra Kiszla Chew Phillips
Photo © by Jerry Naunheim
Marie-Louise “Bunny” Flick, RSCJ (left), with a longtime friend and spiritual directee at the Spiritual Ministry Center.
we are grateful for gifts In Memory of...
Genevieve Klein
Nancy Klein
Anna Kloeppel
Patricia Kealy Willis
Mother M. Knapp, RSCJ
Anita Bosselet Siler
Jane Knights
Laura Alcalde Braunstein
Claire Kondolf, RSCJ
Frances B. Call Karen L. Kondolf
Mary Williams Schaller
Claire Krim, RSCJ Althea Krim Corsini
Anita Lapeyre, RSCJ Anonymous
Elizabeth Garesché Torno
Toots and Buddy Villeré
Laurence Latiolais, RSCJ Deanne Colligan
Burtt Lauck Joan B. Teague
Jacqueline Laughnan Sami Kopelman
Lorraine Lawrence, RSCJ Anonymous
Mary Jane Connors Leckinger
William J. Fay
Elizabeth Duffy Legare
Dorothy Roche Richardson
Anne Leonard, RSCJ
Elizabeth Jane Steele
Grace Leslie, RSCJ
Joan Davis Kramer
Edward Bernard Lim Edward and Julia Lim
Lives lost in Uvalde, Texas Amy and Philip Mahoney
Molly Keenan Logsdon Katherine L. McCracken
Nancy Scherrer Logsdon Thomas A. Logsdon
Helen Lorch, RSCJ
Joan O’Donnell O’Rourke
Barbara Leuchtmann Lowery Linda Leuchtmann Tell
Claire Lowery Ann F. Morgan
Angela Lubert, RSCJ Bertie Lubert
Gerald and Jane Lubert
Patricia Lynch Lyons Suzanne Dagit Sennhenn
Rosemary McCann Lyons Anonymous Anonymous
Jean McGowan MacDonald Trish Coyle Ellingwood
Anne Madden, RSCJ Cosima Cornelius Dean
Catherine Maguire, RSCJ Deborah J. Donovan Barbara Ann Villano
Clotilde Maguire, RSCJ Bonnie Harrington Cloer
Claire Mahaney, RSCJ Vita Neureither McCall
Gertrude Manahan, RSCJ Marcia and Richard Hall
Marie Manahan Hennessy
Kathryn Manahan, RSCJ Marcia and Richard Hall
Marie Manahan Hennessy
Constance C. Manning Connie Manning Kessler Roth
Marina Mapa, RSCJ Virgilia F. Mapa
Louis and Gertrude Maraist Elizabeth L. Maraist
Shirley Doran Marcil Michaela Marcil Belatti
Anna Mae Marheineke, RSCJ Dee and Tom Dowd
Melanie Simoneaux Goudelocke Beverly and Richard Groneck Michael and Marie Marheineke Anne Blanton Tlapek
Genevieve Marheineke, CCVI Michael and Marie Marheineke
Kathleen Marheineke, RSCJ Michael and Marie Marheineke
Claude Martin Kathleen G. Martin
Mary Angela Buck Mason Betsy Mason Hedlund
Carol Linherr Masterson Mary Masterson Germain
Ryan Mattson Mary L. Mattson
Ursula McAghon, RSCJ Bernadette J. Thibodeau
Mary McCarthy, RSCJ Mrs. Katherine Mahoney McIntire
Clara McClatchy, RSCJ Rita L. Houlihan
Herminia McDonald, RSCJ Doranne Terhune O’Hara
Louise McDonough, RSCJ Louise McDonough Hatch
Ann McElhatton, RSCJ Beth Bayley Kuczkowski
John McEnery, Jr. Ann Bardenheier Dames
Virginia McFarland Nathan T. Wilburn
Bernard and Mona McGettigan Anonymous Mary Lou McGurl Thomas F. McGurl
Helen McHugh, RSCJ Virginia M. Bispo MeMe Riordan
Marie McHugh, RSCJ Virginia M. Bispo
Patricia McInerny Barbara Kaler Wiggin
Mary Catherine McKay, RSCJ Anonymous
Joan McKenna, RSCJ Dolores McKeever Donahue
Sharron Vavak McKenzie Dan McKenzie
Jane K. McKinley, RSCJ Jane A. Layman
Cora McLaughlin, RSCJ Elizabeth Betts Leckie
Marjorie Lee McLaughlin Bob McLaughlin
Catherine McMahon, RSCJ Jean A. Fitzpatrick Linda J. Landucci Rosemary Munch Laughlin Anonymous
Margaret Kelly McMahon Maureen D. McMahon
Mary McMahon, RSCJ
Kathryn D. Clarke
Jean A. Fitzpatrick Linda J. Landucci
Joanne Barranco Steenveld
Virginia McMonagle, RSCJ Sarita and Brent Eastman
Dorothy L. O’Carroll Peggy Everett Yingling
Faine McMullen, RSCJ
Deborah J. Carr
Rita Falletti Cloherty Katharine Withers Higgins
Colette Koechley McCarty Brian and Peggy McMullen Jane Phelan Schellings
Grail McMullen, RSCJ Brian and Peggy McMullen
Jan McNabb, RSCJ Janet J. Burrows
Mary Gray McNally, RSCJ Diana G. Brotherton-Ware Anne J. Greaney
Catherine McShane, RSCJ Herlinda Rodriguez Belcher Maureen Landsdale Buckley
Edith McShane, RSCJ Nancy T. Fanning
Jessica C. Medley Mary Medley
Priscilla Meier, RSCJ Mary Ann Meier Oderman
Kathleen Wallace Mellon Dotsie Mellon Robinson
Ann Cahalan Mercier John and Ursula Cahalan Connors
Theodore Meyer Family Mary Katherine Meyer Driscoll
Julia Micciche, RSCJ Anne Micciche Kelly
Anna Marie Galvin Migely Ann Migely Beatty
Beatrice A. Miller Mary Claire Miller Kovar
Emma Gillespie Miller Eleanor Gillespie Dyett
Jean Hicks Miller Anonymous
Mildred Smith Molter Sally Doran Wilson
Maureen Mona John E. Mona
Richard J. Morris, Sr. Cynthia D. Morris
Suzi Morris Madeline A. Morris
Carolyn A. Moynihan Judy Whalen Conley Ellen Statt Miller
Donald T. Moynihan, MD Patricia Saunders Moynihan
Trevor S. Moynihan Patricia Saunders Moynihan
Caroline Mullen, RSCJ Katharine Ashley Cobb
Mary Munch, RSCJ
Julianne Crotty-Guile Judy and Bob Larkin
Agnes Murphy, RSCJ Beverly O’Connor Bennett
Charlotte Mansfield Murphy Katherine Murphy Stoner
James K. Murphy Noël Gary Murphy
we are
grateful for gifts In Memory of...
Julia Ash Murphy, RSCJ Anonymous
Dorothy Murray, RSCJ
Netchen Thomas Kaier
Jean Spruks Russell Dorothy Schmerbauch
Betsy Shaner Tomlinson
Judith Walker
My Classmates Anonymous
My Loved Ones Mrs. Judith Young Runnette
My Mom, Dad and Bernie Patricia A. Skidmore
My Sisters Angel Kraemer Kleinbub
Katherine Riley Nichols Kathleen Riley Tisor
Richard Nix, Sr. Meg and Todd Thomas Anna & Raul Nodarse Anonymous
Deirdre O’Callaghan Kevin O’Callaghan
Mary O’Callaghan, RSCJ Eleanor W. Malone
Eileen and Francis O’Donnell Anonymous
Catherine Freney O’Donoghue Molly O’Donoghue Schaaf
Mr. William O’Fallon Cathie Majka Ott
Eileen O’Gorman, RSCJ
SJ Avery Mrs. Katherine Mahoney McIntire
Leontine O’Gorman, RSCJ Timothy B. Brown Karen O’Rourke
Bridget C. Withers
Maureen O’Halloran, RSCJ Susan A. Hays
Mary Ellen Keegan Keyser
Catherine M. Tracy Peggy Warnken
Lillian and Joseph Oleksak Phyllis O. Ashley
Karen Olson, RSCJ Pat and Dick Browne
Nancy and Richard Fazio Peter Olson Margo Tate Taylor
Dennis O’Neill Patricia Skelly O’Neill
Clara O’Rorke, RSCJ Peter Charles Meade Brittany B. Reffett
Loretta G. O’Brien Oswald Sara Oswald
Mary Katherine Oswald, RSCJ James and Laurie Carney Betsey Griesmer Radcliffe
Williams J. Ott Cathie Majka Ott
Chris Petersen
Marianne Locke Petersen
Kurt Petersen Marianne Locke Petersen
Nancy Doran Petry Sally Doran Wilson
Lucille Pezolt, RSCJ Norm and Adela Pezolt
Gene Phillips Shirley Kempf Phillips
Walter G. Phillips Richard L. Chenault (now RIP)
Anna K. Pietrowicz Ellie Pietrowicz Karanauskas
Lorette Piper, RSCJ Jennie Weiss Block
Weiss Family Foundation
Janice Lowrey Poch Chris and Dee Poch
Jason Pokorny Deanna Dubsky Pokorny
Reverend Thomas M. Powers Reverend Robert J. Hohenstein
Sally Scott Prince Patricia A. Prince
Caroline Putnam, RSCJ Polly Putnam Post Chatfield
Muriel M. Rada
Lynn and Maria Knudtson
Janie Fitzgibbons Mikuls
Mary Kizer Phelps
Susan A. Raffo Robert J. Raffo
Mary Ranney, RSCJ
Jane R. Andrews Eleanor Gillespie Dyett Thomas D. Higgins Patricia Langie Schroth
Sylvia Rauch, RSCJ Anonymous
JoAnn Krekeler Reardon Linda S. Legg
Rosamond Tracy Reardon John P. Reardon, Jr.
Elzbieta Krasicka Reavis Meg Beugg George W. Hellmuth
Patricia J. Hellmuth Mary Ann R. O’Reilly
Janet Reberdy, RSCJ Lisa Walters Conlon Clara and Richard Green
David Reda Genevieve Heuer
Joanne Reynolds, RSCJ Yvonne Reynolds
Daniel E. Richardson Carol Koke Hempstead
Ann Doering Roney Claudia Lindhorst Biggers
Barbara Schruth Root Susan E. Schruth
Aimée Rossi, RSCJ Cynthia W. Keene
Joan O’Donnell O’Rourke
Denise B. Wall, Cynthia Wall and Sandra Wall
Olga Rossi, RSCJ Cynthia W. Keene
Joan O’Donnell O’Rourke
Denise B. Wall, Cynthia Wall and Sandra Wall
Curt Rothman Meg and Todd Thomas
Florence Phoebe Rowles Pamela Jonekait
RSCJ who taught at Carrollton, Miami, FL Leanne Suits Neurauter
RSCJ - coadjutrix sisters Kathleen E. Vatterott Valenta
Religious of the Sacred Heart who taught at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, 91st Street
Mary Alanah Piderit
Religious of the Sacred Heart who taught at Manhattanville College Mary Alanah Piderit
My RSCJ teachers Mary Claire Dwyer Anhut Anne Storey Carty Anonymous
RSCJ - Newton College Catherine O’Connor Schmidt
RSCJ - Noroton Nuns 1959-63 Ludmila Schwarzenberg Bidwell
RSCJ - University of San Diego Melinda K. Blade
Religious of the Sacred Heart Anne Storey Carty
J. Caroline Kelleher Madeleine Burrowes Sanders
Ann Ryan, RSCJ
The Rev. John and Barbara Larson Molly O’Donoghue Schaaf
Rita Ryan, RSCJ Mary Ann and John Kouvelis Nancy R. Olderog
Roberta Donehue Arend Ryan Victoria Arend Johnson
Many Sacred Heart Friends
Daphne Skouras Root
Claire Saizan, RSCJ
Our Parents Dolores Shoback and John Imboden
Dorothy Owen, RSCJ John and Colleen Chipp Owen
Marie L. Owen John and Colleen Chipp Owen
Gertrude Patch, RSCJ Anonymous Wendy and Frederick McGaffey
Sidney G. Quan Priscilla T. Tenorio
Mary Quinlan, RSCJ Rosemary Hanley Cloran
Mary Ann Brennan Keyes
Jane Phelan Schellings
Rosemary Golden Simmons
Ruth Leyendecer Quinn Charles H. Quinn
Katherine Mary Reid Camilla Reid Kuhn Quinn
Patti Reid Camilla Reid Kuhn Quinn
Margaret Reilly, RSCJ Mary Ann Collins Kerwin Anita Bosselet Siler
Juana Resto, RSCJ Antonia Rodriguez Mahoney
RSCJ - Duchesne College Abby Hitchcock Heydman
RSCJ - Eden Hall Helen and James Shallow
Religious of the Sacred Heart who taught in Grand Coteau, Louisiana Marie L. Joffrion (now RIP)
Religious of Kenwood Academy Peggy King Fitzpatrick
Shelly Lemelle Anello John and Janet Simonson Ann Wakefield
Nancy Salisbury, RSCJ
Barbara J. Blecka
Alfred and Virginia Morgan Aida Badran Wakefield
Mary Hughes Sandrolini Judy Hughes Janowiak
grateful for gifts In
Memory of... SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 THROUGH AUGUST 31, 2022
Alicia Sarre, RSCJ
Isabel H. Ishino
Harold D. Schaaf
Lois Kaup Schaaf
The Dillon Girls (Detroit)
Mr. and Mrs. Schelske
Joanne B. Schelske
Agnes Schmit, RSCJ Lauren Back Plumer
Alvena Schraubstader, RSCJ Carol Wright Temme
Dr. and Mrs. Hubert Schwarz Victoria E. Schwarz
Joseph and Margaret Scott Barbara Scott Feliciano
Josephine Seitz, RSCJ
Marcia and Richard Hall
Camilla Reid Kuhn Quinn
Margaret Seitz, RSCJ
Margrit Algeciras
John Brass Amanda Codina
Pamela Wooster Styrsky
Marguerite Seymour, RSCJ Laurie Ann Sanders Kenney
Rosemary Sheehan, RSCJ Bridget C. Withers
Ruth Sheehan, RSCJ Kathleen E. Vatterott Valenta
Mrs. Barbara Keilwitz Sheppard
Colleen D. Treutler
Barbara Wilkes Silbersack
Barbara Coveney Harkins
George W. Sisco Cecile Gagne Sisco
Victoria Siu, RSCJ Patricia Siu Stratford
Helen Cahill Skowron Diane S. Evans
Mary Hoffman Smith William R.H. Smith
Pat and Ted Smyth Maureen A. Smith
Mary Genevieve Smyth, RSCJ Judy and Bob Larkin
Mr. Luis and Mrs. Emilia Sonchez Anonymous
Rosemary Statt, RSCJ Mary Statt Romson
Nello Stefani Rina Stefani
M. Jeannie Stenger Elaine S. Stenger
Patricia Steppe, RSCJ Anne G. Carey Dee and Tom Dowd Theresa Grass
Mary Stewart, RSCJ Lillian Scully Schulte
Francis J. Stillwell Elaine Edden Stillwell
Janet Erskine Stuart, RSCJ Gary Young
Kathryn Sullivan, RSCJ Michael Evan Sullivan
Ann Schroeder Sullivan Kay
John and Ursula Cahalan Connors
JoEllen Sumpter, RSCJ Ella Jane Bailey
Julianne Crotty-Guile Sheila K. Haggas Janet and Larry Horacek Meg Jones Carolyn McDonald John G. Sullivan Juliette and John Torrey Katie Pogge Zimmerman
Elizabeth Sweeney, RSCJ Amy Johantgen LaPietra
Helen Sweeney, RSCJ Amy Johantgen LaPietra
Jean Brady Sweeney Amy Johantgen LaPietra
Alice Langmuir Sweet Noni Langmuir Koster
Frances Tainter, RSCJ Kathleen E. Vatterott Valenta
James S. Tan Mary June N. Tan
Peggy Meigs Taney Anonymous
My teachers at Lone Mountain Helen Devine Bigelow
Soledad and Jose Tenorio Priscilla T. Tenorio
Emma McDonald Terhune Doranne Terhune O’Hara
Yasuko Mary Theresa Teshima, RSCJ Anonymous
Mary Kevin Foley Rosenthal Carolyn Teshima and Ed Hom
Patricia Dennehy Thenell Curtis Leighton
Rosemary Thompson, RSCJ Mary Frawley Thompson
Hibernia Ann Swain Thornton Mary T. Thornton
Genevieve and Joseph Thunder Barbara Thunder-Barnes Edna Tierney, RSCJ John, Elizabeth, and Diana Weatherby
Jane Mary Finn Tighe Jeanne and Robert Casey Mary Demos Anonymous Anonymous Patricia Reding Jim and Pat Revord Stan and Donna Slabas
Nan and Joseph Tighe Barbara Tighe Doyle-Howell
Mary Elizabeth Tobin, RSCJ Brooke Janis
Wendy and Matthew Marino
Virginia Keech Toby Mary Pat McMahon Oliker
Winifred McLaughlin Tooley Frances L. McDonald
Dean Traynor, RSCJ Cosima Cornelius Dean Chinnamma and Kenneth Mahieu Corinne Lee McClintic Joanne Barranco Steenveld
Paula Trifari Patricia T. Devron
Susie Trujillo Roberta Diaz
Anna Van Antwerp, RSCJ Mary Do and Cy DeMeulemeester
Dolores Van Antwerp, RSCJ Mary Do and Cy DeMeulemeester
Cornelia McMann Van Der Bosch Sally and Joe Coleman
Anita Villeré, RSCJ Toots and Buddy Villeré
Margie Hillery Villere Sarah Forsyth Donnelly
Mary Walsh, RSCJ Elizabeth F. Helm
Christine Webber, RSCJ Mary Brent Webber Bocckino
William Weber Deborah W. Reinstatler
Mona Corboy West Helen Donnelly Goehring
Betty Anne Weston Sally Doran Wilson
Esther Ann Whalen, RSCJ Bettina Del Sesto Rose Pelletier McHale Margaret Morton Katherine Sheehan Sullivan
Marie Howe Whalen Judy Whalen Conley
Ruth Whalen, RSCJ Patricia Schaefer Ambrose Victoire Griffin Rankin
Mary C. Wheeler, RSCJ Peg Miniclier
Elizabeth White, RSCJ June King Davison Barbara Ann Villano
Kathleen Whitfield, RSCJ Mark, Chris and Lisabeth Kelly
Hilda Wills Noguera, RSCJ Consuelo Navia de Buenaver
Claire Mowry Withers Joan Withers Dinner
Mary Lou Schmelzle Wittenberg Sally and Joe Coleman
Mildred R. Wood Karen Chapman Soares
Margaret Mullen Wright David and Mary Helen Mullen Ish
Four Wurzer Girls Denny and Ginger Wurzer O’Neal
YEW and JAW Anonymous
Kathryn Blase Yezzi Charles D. Yezzi
Julie Ann Chrisler Zeuschel Anonymous
Frances Mannis Ziminsky Victor and Megan Ziminsky
Victor D. Ziminsky, Jr. The Thomas C. Burke Family Victor and Megan Ziminsky
Annette Zipple, RSCJ Kathy Yadrick and Francis Zipple
in our hearts
Design: Beth Ponticello, cedc.org