December RSL Monthly Newsletter

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Angeles City Sub Branch Philippines ‘Lest We Forget’

Clubhouse: Ponderosa Hotel President Vice Presidents Secretary Treasurer Editor

James Curtis-Smith Greg Mann Bob Barnes

Email address’:

Dallas Drake Ron Parrott Larry Smith

NEWSLETTER # 69 ** DECEMBER 2012 President Jim and his Committee wish all of our members a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and safe New Year. The cartoon right depicts a typical Australian outback Christmas Eve.

2 PRESIDENTS REPORT December 2012 At the time of writing this report, we in the Philippines are swamped with Christmas carols in the malls and even in the subdivisions from private homes, decorations and so many lights and a countdown to Christmas Day (particularly if you have kids) which started on ABSCBN Channel 2 on the 1st September (being the first month in the year to end with “….ber”), the traditional start to the Christmas season in the Philippines.

We finished our monthly Children‟s Medical Missions for the year on December 1, with a mission at river end of Teodoro St, Balibago at which 785 children attended, were examined by medical professionals and received medicines as prescribed. My thanks to the many supporters who attend the missions and assist, the nurses, the RSL “wags”, the members, local tanods from the barangays, our local doctor and dentist, but also to the many expats and visitors who support our weekly raffles at Emotions and Phillies which provide the funds to purchase the medicines we dispense. Missions will recommence on the first Saturday 2nd February 2013 at Anunas. Please keep this morning free and more details will be published in the January newsletter. The other source of funds for the missions, is our annual Australia Day Fiesta held over a week around January 26 being Australia Day (for those who can‟ remember!) Planning for the 2013 Fiesta is well advanced and our distinctive polo shirt is already on sale and available to all through many outlets. Tickets for our Monster Raffle (the big fund raiser) are on sale at most business houses along Fields and Perimeter Rd or from RSL members and I encourage members to get out and sell the tickets. The annual street party (Fields Avenue) and draw of the Monster Raffle will be on Sunday 27 th January 2013 and we are still looking for stall holders to book their stall and be allocated a site. Please contact VP Greg Mann to make that arrangement. Probably the best gift we as a Sub Branch have received at this Christmas is our transfer from ACT Branch to Victorian Branch. This at last gets off our plate the problems we encountered with ACT and my hopes that our Sub Branch can get on with doing what we do best in catering for our veterans and members both permanently here in Angeles City and our many supporters and members in Australia and other parts of the world. We are an active Sub Branch who proudly fly our flag and allegiance to the ideals of the RSL and Australia (although the politics of the latter at present does cause me some worry !!) Finally at this time let me again get off my chest my abhorrence at the use of the words “Happy Holiday” to express greetings at this time of the year. It is a Christian festival which we celebrate and I unashamedly and with tradition in mind greet you all a




ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS WE WELCOME the following new members: Walter Buczynski (A/C) * Terry Tipper (A/C) * Phillip Francis (A/C) * Anthony Burlton (A/ C) * Michael Lyons (A/C) * Mike Campbell (A/C) * Gary Maher (QLD) * Anthony Byrne (A/C) * Ronald Steel (QLD) * Jason Swain (NSW) * Mark Barber (NSW) * Orville D. Humfleet (Taiwan) * RSL MEMBERSHIP The RSL membership year is from 1 January until 31 December. Therefore fees for the year of 2013 are now due and payable. Members with Australian Bank Account can DIRECT Transfer to our Commonwealth Bank of Australia Account.(AUD$20.00) Account Name = Returned Services League Angeles City Sub Branch BSB 062 905 Account # 10153195 Philippine Resident Members living outside our immediate area may pay (₱800.00 ) DIRECT into any China Bank Branch Beneficiary Bank = China Banking Corporation Philippines, Beneficiary Customer=ANGELES CITY RSL Account Number = 281-028301-5 Branch = SM CLARK CITY Resident Members in Angeles City can pay cash (₱800.00) DIRECT to Treasurer Ron Parrott 09399365939 or Secretary Dallas Drake 09165243084 who both have receipt books with them every Tuesday ( 2.00 p.m) at Ponderosa or every Saturday evening (6.00 p.m) at Phillies Sports & Grill Bar charity raffle. Members who are not financial by APRIL 25 will be removed from the members listing. We trust you will stay with us and help build a stronger RSL Sub Branch.

SOMETIMES WE ARE ASKED WHY SHOULD "I" JOIN THE RSL HERE ? WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME ?? It is hard to give a quick answer as it really depends on your priorities in life. Some probable answers are below: Some members just enjoy getting discounts from over 70 places here in the Philippines. Save some spending monies and stay longer at a resort. Some enjoy the fellowship, Social Tuesdays and raffles nights!!. Some want to be part of our military history and join in on commemorations such as ANZAC Day, Vietnam Veterans Day, and Remembrance Day. Some want to be part of a group involved in the community. Some enjoy the family days. Some want to give a helping hand to children by working at our Medical Missions. Some enjoy the security in numbers, having mates willing to help in time of need. Emergency loans* Funeral benefit* Experienced councelling/advice on hand. Free ambulance service* RSL bloodbank*.. WEAR YOUR BADGE WITH PRIDE , BECOME MORE INVOLVED, ASK A FRIEND TO JOIN, WE AIM FOR 600+ MEMBERSHIP IN 2013 HELP US GET THERE. * SOME QUALIFICATIONS MAY BE REQUIRED *

4 OTHER MEMBERSHIP MATTERS New Cards from RSL Australia may take until NEW YEAR to be delivered. We have produced a Temporary Card THAT IS AVAILABLE FROM RON OR DALLAS WHEN YOU PAY 2013 SUBSCRIPTION. Please be patient as administration changes between Branches seem to be taking a bit longer than expected, however this is an understandable consequence. Life Subscriber rates for Service and Affiliate members remain at the old rate until the end of December. New rates are expected to be around 15% increase from January.





RSL EVENTS SCHEDULE * January 2013 Weekly CHARITY Raffle NOW EVERY Wednesday at Emotions Nite Club at 6.00 PM. Phillies Sports & Grill Raffle every Saturday at 6.00 PM. Tuesday 1ST JAN 2013 RECOVERY DAY !!

COMMITTEE MEETINGS MOVED TO NEXT TUESDAY 8TH JAN RECOVERY DAY PONDEROSA 1.30pm 3.00 PM Brass Knobb SAUSAGE SIZZLE ALL MEMBERS WELCOME Tuesday 8TH JAN 1.30 PM...AUSTRALIA DAY FIESTA COMMITTEE Ponderosa * Social Tuesday 2.00pm PONDEROSA 4.00pm Friends & Rocking horse Wednesday 9th Jan. 10.30 am

Lingayen WW2 Memorial

Tuesday 15TH JAN Monthly General Meeting 2.00 Ponderosa * Lost in Asia * Blind Beggar * Silly Hat. Tuesday 22nd Jan 1.30pm COMMITTEE MEETING * Social Tuesday 2.00pm Ponderosa * 4.00pm Thigh High * T&A * Garfields, Sunday 27th Jan 11.30 am AUSTRALIA DAY FIESTA STREET PARTY FIELDS AVE. Tuesday 29TH Jan 2013 Social Tuesday Ponderosa * 4.00pm Drill Shack *Dot 5 *Candy Bar. SATURDAY 2ND FEBRUARY




Changes to portability rules from 1 January 2013 In the 2012-13 Federal Budget, the Government announced changes to the portability rules that apply to some DVA and Centrelink benefits. What are portability rules? The portability rules govern how a person‟s benefits are affected if they are temporarily absent from Australia. Different rules apply to different benefits. What has changed? DVA benefits that are currently subject to a 13 week portability period prior to 1 January 2013 will be subject to a shorter portability period of six weeks from 1 January 2013. What DVA benefits will be affected by the changes? Recipients of the following benefits who are absent from Australia for more than six weeks will have their benefits temporarily sus-pended until they return. These payments include: • Pension supplement. This is payable with the service pension and may be paid with the income support supplement, depending on the war widow/er‟s income and assets. (Note that pension supple-ment may still be paid at the basic rate). • Seniors supplement. • Commonwealth Seniors Health Card. • Clean Energy Advance and Clean Energy Supplement. What benefits will not be affected by the change? Benefits that are subject to a different portability period; for example, rent assistance and veterans supplement are both subject to a portability period of 26 weeks. Benefits that are not affected by a person‟s absence from Australia, for example, maximum basic rate of service pension, disability pension (including above General Rate and the war widow/er‟s pension). What if a person is overseas when these changes commence on 1 January 2013? If a person is temporarily outside Australia on 1 January 2013 they will continue to be subject to the 13 week portability period until their return. All subsequent overseas travel will be subject to the six week portability period.




SWEETS A CHOICE OF PONDEROSA X’MAS PUDDING with custard sauce and Apple pie with ice cream.

Served with Stuffed Potato, Roast Pumpkin, Onion, Green peas, Vegetables roll in Bacon FROM 12:30PM TO 3:30PM FREE LOCAL DRINKS (Drink all you can)


DOUBLE……….. P1450.00 CHILDREN………P 400.00(under 12 yrs old

with spaghetti and ice cream

Don‟t forget we still have plenty of Christmas cakes available to be consumed this festive season. They are available at Ponderosa Hotel, China Bank, Secretary Dallas’ home, Blue Rock (Baloy Beach) at Jimmy & Rowena’s convenience store, Garfields and Emotions. Good old Australian ingredients and baking knowhow. Brought in from Australia just for your satisfaction. ₱ 750.00 only.


VALE Patrick Buckley aka ROOSTER Patrick Buckley A farewell and fundraiser was held at the Paradise Beer Garden on the 4th of December where ‘Rooster’ was a manager. He was only 54 when he lost his battle with the dreaded third letter of the alphabet, the big C, cancer. ‘Rooster’ was born in Hobart, Tasmania and in an early career was a male nurse. There was obviously more money to be made in other ways and he became a property developer. ‘Rooster’ was a regular sub branch attendee, was well liked with his peers, didn’t seem to cause much trouble and had a loyal partner of eight years, Emily. The farewell was well attended and some ₱220k was raised to pay off outstanding medical bills and sufficient to give Emily a kick start to life without ‘Rooster’. He will be missed by his many friends in Angeles City. RIP ‘Rooster’.

VALE Kenneth ‘Bones’ Seath ‟Bones‟ and his daughter Many people will remember „Bones‟ from his many years involvement with the Ponderosa Hotel. (I think „Bones‟ was there when it was called the Bonanza if my memory is correct. Ed) „Bones‟ initially hailed from the Melbourne area and we know that he was a truck driver for many years before heading to the Philippines. In not too distant past years „Bones‟ suffered quite severe medical downturns, at one stage it looked like he was about to lose a leg or two. Friends gathered around, funds appeared and doctors managed to save his legs. Shortly thereafter „Bones‟ returned to Melbourne for some much needed recuperation and in fact went back to driving trucks for a while, but the Philippines plus his family pulled him back. In 2011 „Bones‟ suffered a bad fall fracturing a hip which then forced another trip back to Melbourne. As of writing this VALE it is unclear what caused „Bones‟ demise but it occurred in Melbourne on the 23 rd of November 2012. RIP „Bones‟


DVA Services during

Christmas–New Year

All DVA offices will be closed from close of business Monday 24 December 2012 to Tuesday 1 January 2013. DVA offices will re-open on Wednesday 2 January 2013. Many DVA services will still be available during the closure: • crisis counselling – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service (VVCS) offers 24-hour crisis counselling through Veterans’ Line. This service is available toll free on 1800 011 046. • Transport – if transport is not booked prior to the Christmas period, please pay up front and seek reimbursement from DVA later. Alternatively transport can be booked and reviewed, and travel expenses can be claimed through MyAccount, DVA's online services module. • Hospital admissions – doctors can admit DVA patients into hospital and request admissions approval, where required, when DVA re-opens. • Defence Service Homes Insurance – help with policy and claim enquiries is available 24-hours a day on 1300 552 662. Pension paydays – payment of pensions will not be affected by the reduced services period.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012 VA103

STATEMENT ON GALLIPOLI 2015 COMMEMORATIONS “I announced in September of this year that following extensive discussions with Turkey and our New Zealand counterparts, the Australian and New Zealand governments were proposing a ballot allocation for places to the Gallipoli 2015 Dawn Service,” Mr Snowdon said. “We have a long-standing and warm relationship with Turkey, and appreciate its ongoing co-operation and support in allowing us to hold commemorations on its soil.” “The Anzac Commemorative Site, where the Dawn Service is held, is in a rugged and remote part of Turkey. The geography, which was a feat for the Anzacs almost a century ago remains a challenge today.” “The commemorative site is surrounded by thick scrub, steep terrain and bounded by the Aegean Sea. There are also heritage and conservation measures in place to preserve and protect the battlefields meaning the area cannot be expanded.” “Due to these geographic and safety constraints a limit of about 10,000 public places exists for the Dawn Service. The Australian Government is awaiting final confirmation of this figure from the Turkish Government. These places will be shared between Australia and New Zealand – with Australia allocated about 80 per cent of the total.” “The Turkish Government has entrusted us, along with New Zealand, to manage commemorations in Gallipoli 2015 and we want to make sure there is a fair and equitable process and the sanctity of the Dawn Service is protected.” “Following my announcement in September, the Department of Veterans‟ Affairs conducted a nation-wide consultation process for the community to have their say on the allocation of places.”

9 “It is clear from the feedback we have already received, many people believe priority should be given to children of Gallipoli veterans and other direct descendants.” Mr Snowdon said it was disappointing to see The Australian criticising the ballot proposal, particularly given the paper acknowledges it has a potential conflict of interest with tour company Military History Tours, which is pushing to get priority for its clients.

A very special Christmas message

I found the home of a soldier, Once I could see clearly. The soldier lay sleeping, Silent, alone, Curled up on the floor, In this one bedroom home. The face was so gentle, The room in disorder, Not how I pictured, A true Aussie soldier.

T'was the night before Christmas, He lived all alone, In a one bedroom house, Made of plaster and stone.

Was this the hero, Of whom I had just read? Curley up in a poncho, The floor for a bed?

I had come down the chimney, With presents to give, And to see just who, In this house, did live.

I realised the families, That I saw this night, Owed their lives to these soldiers, Who were willing to fight.

I looked all about, A strange sight I did see, No tinsel, no presents, Not even a tree.

Soon round the world, The children would play, And grown-ups would celebrate, A bright Christmas Day.

No stocking by mantle, Just boots filled with sand, On the wall hung pictures, Of far distant lands.

They all enjoyed freedom, Each month of the year, Because of the soldiers, Like the one lying here.

With medals and badges, Awards of all kinds, A sober thought, Came through my mind.

I couldn’t help wonder, How many lay alone, On a cold Christmas Eve, In a land far from home.

For this house was different, It was dark and dreary,

The very thought brought, A tear to my eye,

I dropped on my knees, And started to cry. The soldier awakened, And I heard a rough voice, "Santa don’t cry, This life is my choice; I fight for freedom, I don’t ask for more, My life is my god, My country my corps.." The soldier rolled over, And drifted to sleep, I couldn’t control it, I continued to weep. I kept watch for hours, So silent and still, And we both shivered, From the cold nights chill. I did not want to leave, On that cold, dark night, This guardian of honour, So willing to fight. Then the soldier rolled over, With a voice soft and pure, Whispered “carry on Santa, It’s Christmas Day, all is secure." One look at my watch, And I knew he was right. Merry Christmas my friend, And to all, a good night.

Author unknown


Below is a book about expats living in overseas countries. It is published by POWER Publishing Club and is available on line at: A FASCINATING WORLD NEEDS EXPLORING! EXPATRIATES EVERYWHERE TACKLE THE TASK Seasoned expatriates, after living “overseas” for years, have experienced highs and lows, adventures and pleasures, dangers and woes. But they seldom return to their home countries to stay. Why not? In a remarkable new book, All Aboard! Planet Expat, some swashbuckling expatriates, having wandered here, there and everywhere, share the true stories about their experiences. Readers can learn from, and often laugh along with, these intriguing people, including: an educator who loves his adopted country despite regular threats to his life: a hobby-actor who befriended martial-arts superstar Bruce Lee and other movie heroes; a Scottish nationalist who found happiness in Australia; a once-bankrupt real-estate mogul who leaped from a cardboard box back up the economic heap; a long-time pilot who prefers planes full of packages to seats full of passengers; a retired American plumber who yells louder than anyone at cockfighting pits in the Philippines; a top jazz musician who sees his music open doors on both sides of the Pacific Ocean; a slick Canadian lawyer who abandoned legal battles and earns his living by making wine in China; a Vietnam War veteran dedicated to charity work when not posing as a Tasmanian ambassador; a British-born construction executive who began his career by stealing money from his parents and running away; a high-finance “suit” who insists that “happiness has no price tag”; a motorbike racer speeding through life from a tiny Swedish village to a big global adventure; a survivor of a massive volcanic eruption who likes to call himself Harry the Horse; a global-village resident who uses pens as supremely powerful weapons; a former cow herder who learned to feel comfortable in some of Asia’s biggest cities; a worldly textiles expert whose career turned into a “magic carpet ride”; a portly businessman wary of “white ladies” and familiar with tight squeezes; and an opinionated teacher who crosses borders nearly as often as his students change classes.



With the holiday season upon us, many will be getting new computers for Christmas. I think it would be wise to make a copy of the way the computer came right away and then I would like to get rid of the bloatware to maximize the speed of the new computer. How should I go about doing these things and is there anything else that you would suggest?

First steps with a new computer Absolutely, it's a very timely suggestion. What I strongly recommend anybody who gets a new computer should do (and this is any time of year be it Christmas or otherwise) is to - very first thing - make an image, a backup image of the computer as it showed up. In other words, without changing a thing, do the bare minimum to set that machine up if that's required - and then immediately install something like Macrium Reflect and create a full backup image to an external hard drive. Save that image.

Image backup for recovery That is your recovery disk. That is your set up disk. That is a replacement for not having installation media.If anything ever happens to that machine, you can then use that image to restore it to the state it was in on the day you got it. So, absolutely, create a backup image of the entire machine; a single backup image of all the partitions on the hard drive (or hard drives if there's more than one.) Make sure everything is captured without you having changed a thing.

Get rid of "bloatware" Now, after that, getting rid of bloatware? In reality, what I would do first before you get rid of the bloatware is: get the machine up to date. It doesn't matter when you buy it, how new the machine was, there are almost guaranteed to be updates that will happen between the time the machine was made and the time you start setting it up. So take all of the updates that you can. Get the machine completely up to date. I'd probably be tempted to take another image backup at that point - because that, actually, is the image backup that you'll probably use when or if the time ever comes that you need to start over: because it will already have all of those updates. You'll only need any of the updates that happened after that point. So that's something also worth considering.

Look over the software installed At that point, I'd start spending an awful lot of time in the Control Panel's programs and features. I would take a look at the list of software that's installed and I would start uninstalling the bloatware. I would start uninstalling the software that you don't need, that you don't want. Now, if you're not sure? Well, do a little bit of research online to see what the software is all about - but if you're not sure, leave it there.

12 If your research discovers, or you already know, that "Yep, this particular piece of software. You know what, I don't want it; I'm never going to use it; it's just gonna take up space. For all I know it's running things I don't want to run" - Uninstall it. Grab Revo Uninstaller if it doesn't uninstall completely to help clean things up further. After you're done uninstalling all these things, you know what?

Create a final backup image I hate to say it... but I'd really make yet another image backup. This is another time where you can save the state of your machine in a condition that you like. In other words, it's as up to date as possible; it's gotten rid of all of the bloatware you don't want - save that image right then and there. Because again, some years from now if you suddenly decide you need to restart from scratch - you don't need to restart from the very beginning. It may be that the problems that are causing you to consider a reinstall would be sufficiently solved by this image; an image that already has all of the updates to this point and all of the bloatware removed. That's the approach that I take to this particular kind of problem. I would absolutely be very liberal with taking backup images of the machine immediately after getting it. And I would spend some time getting the machine up to date and removing the bloatware through the uninstall process.

TOURIST WARNING (PLUS EXPATS) IN ANGELES CITY Christmas time sees a vast influx of visitors into Philippines and into Angeles City especially. That means easy pickings for professional pickpockets which abound here. Locals say that there is an influx of crooks from other cities coming to Angeles to victimise visitors. Personal experience follows: I was on my way towards Friendship to hire a self-drive rental car and a cash only transaction. I am a big bloke and cannot fit into a local trike so opted to take a jeepnie. (mistake # 1). Rarely do I ever use a jeepnie anywhere but this was the most convenient way to get to where I was heading. I always carry my wallet in my front pocket which makes it hard for the crooks. Below my pocket I had a Velcro flap on another pocket where I had many thousands of peso (too many in fact). The jeepnie filled up with locals with one crowding next to me. Off we took and a local got on board handing out „good Samaritan‟ leaflets to selected passengers then squatted down and started singing hymns. People started to take out coins to give to him, but the person sitting to my right gave the leaflet back. The person sitting opposite me dropped his coin and pointed to between my feet to indicate it was there. He bent down to retrieve the coin and then promptly yelled out „para” which means stop, and got off very smartly. No sooner had we got underway that I realised that my Velcro flap was open and pocket empty. I dived out but he has disappeared. Their operation: At least three or four members of the gang were onboard, I had been selected for fleecing. The leaflet dropper was the distraction while the person next to me was the pickpocket. When he handed back the leaflet, it indicated that he had the goods, the one opposite then creates a distraction so I cannot see the „goods‟ being handed to him and then he runs. No one on board had any evidence of the theft if I had made a complaint so I did what everyone else that it happens to, add it into the cost of your visit to Angeles City. ADVICE!!! KEEP AWAY FROM JEEPNIES


DISCLAIMER The Angeles City Sub-Branch of the R&SLA, the Committee and the Editor take no responsibilities for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies contained in this newsletter. Nor do they accept any liability for loss or damage suffered directly or indirectly for use of information contained in this newsletter. Nor do they warrant that articles or opinions published in this newsletter are necessarily the opinions held by the Sub-branch, the Committee or the Editor

14 RSL AND ACCOR MARCH TO THE SAME BEAT WITH EXCLUSIVE ACCOMMODATION PARTNERSHIP Accor appointed ‘Official Hotel & Resort Partner for RSL’. Accor has signed an exclusive partnership agreement with the Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) to benefit RSL members across Australia. Under the agreement, Accor will provide RSL with a complete range of benefits and offers to their members, including accommodation savings at Accor‟s 200 hotels across Australia and 3500 hotels globally. In addition, RSL members will be able to get significant membership discounts to Accor‟s loyalty programme, Advantage Plus. As official Hotel & Resort Partner for RSL, Accor will also support the RSL organisation in fund raising activities and promotions. Announcing the partnership deal, RSL National Vice President Mr Don Rowe , said: “This prominent partnership with the Accor Hotel Group will provide a significant tangible benefit to the RSL National Membership. The RSL has a strong vibrant membership of over 180,000 members around Australia; I know that our members will welcome this partnership with Accor. We look to forward to a successful association the Accor Group”. Accor will be able to provide a vast range of hotel product for RSL members, including city, regional and resort locations, says Accor Australia Chief Operating Officer, Simon McGrath. “We already know how prolific many RSL members are when it comes to travel, whether it be for domestic or international trave l. We have already worked with the RSL on a national basis and with RSL sub branches at a local level, and this agreement will extend that to a more formal, more all-encompassing partnership. The agreement reflects the importance and popularity of the RSL organisation in Australia. They play such a positive and proactive role in ensuring that communities remain strong and supportive, and that reflects Accor‟s ethos. We believe RSL members will benefit considerably from the partnership as it will provide them access to rates not available t o the general public. We look forward to each member becoming a close partner of Accor for their accommodation needs and hope to build on this agreement in future years.” About Accor Accor is the largest hotel group in Australia operating over 200 hotels under brands such as Sofitel, Pullman, MGallery, Quay West, Sebel, Grand Mercure, Novotel, Mercure, Citigate and Ibis. Globally, Accor operates over 3,500 hotels in 92 countries. About RSL The RSL is one of Australia’s oldest and most respected national organisations. The League was founded in 1916 and supports serving and ex-service Defence Force members and their families and promotes a secure, stable and progressive Australia. Media contacts: Mr Pat Scammell RSL National Promotions Manager Tel 0418 313 838

Accor contact: Peter Hook, GM Communications: Tel: 0407 462213


To the left is the list of prizes in this year Monster Raffle which will be drawn at the Australia Day Fiesta street party on the 27th January 2013. We wish to thank all of our sponsors for their donated prizes. There would not be a raffle of this magnitude without those sponsors and their generosity. All proceeds go to our charity account to enable us to carry on with our community activities. We also like to thank Grandview Tower for continuing to donate many thousands of peso to print the raffle tickets.

“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance� Lest we forget


Annex B To By-Law No1

ABNs: National: 63 008 488 097 QLD: 799 026 1713 VIC: 739 417 653 64


612 683 626 46 192 197 969 04 592 631 721 84

NSW: 783 681 381 61 TAS: 119 770 931 23


(Part A)


I HEREBY APPLY to be admitted as a ( select one only ) Member of the League and a member of the Angeles City Sub-Branch of the Victoria State Branch.

PERSONAL DETAILS Mr/Mrs/Ms/Rank ________ Surname: _____________________________ Christian/Given Names:_______________________ Honours/Awards/Decorations (Post Nominals):___________________________________________________________________ Male/Female: ____________

Date of Birth: ___________

Country of Birth: _____________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Suburb: _________________________________ Phone : (W) ______________________ Mobile:

Postcode: _____________

State/Country _________________________

(H) __________________________

_______________________ E-mail: ______________________________

Next of Kin: Surname________________________ Christian/Given Names:_______________________ Relationship:_________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Suburb: __________________________________

Postcode: _____________ State/Country:___________________________

Contact Number: Ph: _______________________

Mob: ____________________________

SERVICE DETAILS Service Number:__________________ Branch of Service:_________________ Type of Service: Regular / Reserve (Please circle) Length of Service:___________________ Date of Enlistment:_______________________ Date of Discharge:________________ RSL Eligible Service Code: __________

Blood Group__________________ RSL ELIGIBLE SERVICE CODES

01 World War I

02 World War II

03 BCOF (Japan)

04 Korea

05 Malayan Emergency

06 Indonesian Confrontation

07 Vietnam

08 Peacekeeping

09 Other

10 East Timor

11 Gulf War

12 National Service

13 ADF (Regular/Reserve)

14 TBA

PREVIOUS MEMBERSHIP DETAILS Previous Membership: (Circle one if applicable) YES/NO Date First Joined:______________ Previous Badge Number: ________ Previous Member of: ______________________________ Sub-Branch of the

_____________________________State Branch


(i) the above information is true and correct (ii) I agree to uphold the Constitution of the League and its By-Laws


Cheque/cash for Php800.00 being my current membership subscription.

Signature of Applicant:_________________________________

Date: ______________________


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