Wherever your business is taking you, a firm of professionals always on your side.
110 people 3 offices in the main Italian cities 11 specialization areas 1 international team 1 global network
EXPERT CONNECTIONS RSM Palea Lauri Gerla is a professional association based in Turin, Rome and Milan, specialised in tax, corporate, administrative, accounting and legal consulting and assistance at both national and international level. Thanks to the top level of expertise of our professionals, as well as to our membership in RSM International, we are prepared to meet all assistance and consulting needs of the Italian companies willing to enter or strengthen their presence in the competitive international market, as well as those of foreign companies interested in entering the Italian market. Aiming for excellence, we balance the specialization requirements – imposed by a complex and constantly evolving regulatory context like the Italian one - with the awareness that our clients need the assistance of a team of professionals with interdisciplinary skills able to assess all tax, administrative, legal and financial aspects of our clients’ queries.
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Outsourcing & Financial Reporting: financial statements, bookkeeping and administrative compliance;
Tax Compliance: tax returns and compliance;
Tax Consulting and Assistance: fiscalità diretta ed indiretta, nazionale ed internazionale;
Transfer Pricing: consulting and assistance in the definition and implementation of intercompany transfer pricing policies;
Tax Litigation: assistance during pre-litigation and court defence;
Corporate Finance: agreement drafting for M&As, negotiation support and contractual advisory;
Transaction Support Services: tax, corporate and legal due diligence;
Incorporation of Companies and Permanent Establishments: both in Italy and abroad;
Domiciliation and Corporate Secretariat: domiciliation and corporate secretariat compliance services;
Legal Consulting: in and out of court assistance on corporate and commercial law issues;
Corporate Governance: consulting on corporate governance issues; offices as members of Board of Directors, Board of Auditors and Supervisory Bodies.
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Automotive Aviation Banking and financial services Chemicals ICT Retail Real Estate Manufacturing Food & Beverage Energy Fashion & jewellery Media & entertainment Non-profit
Roberto Palea Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance
Maurizio Lauri Corporate Governance, International Tax
Francesco Gerla International Tax, VAT
Gian Piero Balducci Corporate Governance, Tax
Kristian Bresciani Corporate Finance, Transaction Support
Marco Carlizzi (avv.) Commercial & Civil Law, Litigation
Edoardo Fea Corporate Governance, Transfer Pricing
Maurizio Ferrero International Tax, Corporate Finance
Ivan Gasco Corporate Finance, Transfer Pricing
Corrado Giardina Advisory, Outsourcing
Gabriele Giardina Tax Litigation,Personal Tax & Expatriates
Giorgio Lombardi Tax, Outsourcing
Fabio Lonardo Advisory, Transaction Support
Mauro Lonardo Corporate Governance, International Tax
Roberto Panero Tax Litigation, Tax
Marcello Rabbia International Tax, Transaction Support
Alberto Baudo Tax, Outsourcing
Luca Bernasconi Transfer Pricing, Advisory
Elena Biglino Tax, Outsourcing
Luca Bolognesi Tax, Transaction Support
Alessandro Carturani Tax, Outsourcing
Luca Chianale Tax, Transfer Pricing
Silvia Cirillo VAT, Outsourcing
Andrea Giammello International Tax, Transaction Support
Angelo Lauri International Tax, Transaction Support
Cristiano Lenti Transfer Pricing, International Tax
Illary Loritto International Tax, Tax
Vincenzo Mannina Outsourcing
Giulia Massidda Expatriates, Tax Litigation
Chiara Olliveri Tax, Outsourcing
Elio Palmitessa Tax Litigation, International Tax
Gianni Poggi Tax, Outsourcing
Roger Rey Tax, Outsourcing
Francesca Taviano (avv.) Comm. & Civil Law, Litigation
Emidio Tedeschini Corporate Governance, Comm. & Civil Law
Federico Vai Advisory, Transaction Support
Arianna Visentin Transfer Pricing, Tax
Susanna Barbaliscia Administration
Miriam Ferrari International Desk
Livia Seniuc Brand, Communication & Events
GLOBALLY CONNECTED RSM International is one of the most important networks of independent consulting and auditing firms in the world, as proven by the 2014 IAB “Network of the Year” Award. The attention to detail, the tailor-made service and the support it offers to businesses large and small, public and private through its integrated global network of independent firms and companies make RSM International the network of choice for hundreds of thousands of clients all around the world. The network has recently celebrated its 50th anniversary, boasting the following figures:
International Coverage Countries Offices
112 732
People Total Partners Professionals Administrative staff
37.443 3.279 28.172 5.992
RSM has been supporting the European Business Awards, since 2007, becoming its lead sponsor in 2013 and thus contributing to promoting excellence, best practice and innovation in the European business community. In RSM Palea Lauri Gerla we are actively involved in supporting the Italian companies competing to bring “Made in Italy” businesses on the European and international podium.
www.rsm-plg.it Operating Office Via Ettore de Sonnaz, 19 - 10121 Turin, Italy Tel: +39 011 561 32 82 Fax: +39 011 561 17 33 Email: info.to@rsm-plg.it Registered office Via delle Terme Deciane, 10 - 00153 Rome, Italy Tel: +39 06 5754963 Fax: +39 06 57288935 Email: info.ro@rsm-plg.it Operating Office Foro Buonaparte, 67 - 20121 Milan, Italy Tel: +39 02 89095151 Fax: +39 02 89095143 Email: info.mi@rsm-plg.it
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