STAR Annual Report 2014-2015

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STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014


PREFACE September 17th 2014, the 37rd STAR year officially commenced at the General Assembly of Members. From that moment onwards, together with our Active Members and devoted alumni, we as 37th STAR Board have been responsible for a year full of successful events. This Annual Report states both the qualitative and the quantitative outcomes of the year 2014-2015. It shows the unforgettable events, strategic accomplishments and STAR’s steady financial performance. It was a year that made an enormous impact; together, we have enabled thousands of students to participate in great events. The fundaments of these events are the students who organize them, our ‘Active Members’. They are of crucial importance to our association and I’m truly thankful for their efforts and energy, which made our association excel. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed your year as an Active Member and that you had the opportunity to LEARN.GROW.EXCEL.

In addition, the substantial and continuous support of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and our corporate partners, ensures our success is sustainable – now and in the future. I obviously would also like to extend my warmest thanks to STAR’s Supervisory Board and Verification Committee for your dedication, support and advice. At the same time, we wish the 38th STAR Board the best of luck and every success in continuing STAR’s journey! Putting this Annual Report together makes us grasp a sense of what impact we have actually had this year. I am extremely proud of my fellow Board members, it was an honor to be in the STAR Board with you and I’ll miss you guys.

Thank you for a fantastic year. Yours sincerely,

Robbert Brouwer Chairman STAR Board 2014-2015


STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


ABOUT STAR STAR is the study association of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). With 6,500 members, STAR is Europe’s largest study association and above all the most active and professional study association in the Netherlands. STAR’s mission is to enrich RSM student life; from various perspectives, offering students to join events or organize these themselves. Each year, around 280 dedicated active members organize STAR projects that reach thousands of students. STAR provides students with the opportunity to get in contact with their fellow students, their studies and a broad range of companies. This is facilitated by the great amount of activities that are organized by numerous committees and Master Study Clubs.


STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014

Apart from academic activities like speakers events, case competitions or selling books, STAR also aims to organize social activities, ranging from freshmen introduction days to periodic parties. RSM students can join us on several international trips; the ski trip, surf trip, race of the classics, various international weeks organized all over the world, study trips and a community development project. The best known events are the STAR Management Week, which consists of social, academic and career events; Erasmus Consultancy Project, where students conduct research for companies in an emerging country and the Erasmus Recruitment Days, which is the largest recruitment event of the Benelux organized by students.

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


HISTORY In 1969, the ‘Interfaculteit Bedrijfskunde’ (and later on ‘Interuniversitair Instituut Bedrijfskunde’ - IIB) was established, a joint initiative of various faculties of both Erasmus University and Delft University of Technology. In 1977, S.V.I.I.B. (studievereniging IIB) was founded, an association focused on external contacts, internal contacts with scientific staff, and, of course, mutual contacts among business students. The exact meaning of S.V.I.I.B. was lost in 1984, when the faculty of Business Administration became an official part of Erasmus University, and so the name changed to Sviib.

Over the past 38 years, STAR has become an association of influence, diversity, and professionalism. With more than 6,500 members, including 280 active members, we can proclaim to be the largest study association in Europe.

As with the establishment of Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) as we know it today, which led to a more cohesive organisation of BA, IBA, and MBA studies, the aim was to achieve the same cooperation among study associations. Several daughter associations (Dutch: disputen) were established and later on consolidated as Master Study Clubs. More importantly, in early August 2005, Sviib and BActive (association for students of the programme in International Business Administration) merged to become STAR (Study Association of the Rotterdam School of Management), an association with a bit of both worlds and an international focus.


STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


THE 37


Robbert Brouwer Chairman


STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014

STAR BOARD Friso Roscam Abbing Commercial Relations Manager

Bart-Floris Lensink Project Manager Master

Eline de Wit Marieke Struijk Human Resource Manager & Secretary Brand Manager

Jurriaan Houtman Project Manager Campus

Sander van Vliet Treasurer

Nikki Bueno de Mesquita Information Processes Manager

Laurie Robben Project Manager Bachelor

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


SUPERVISORY BOARD Atte Anema (Chairman) Babette van Dinten Claudia Baijens Djordy Seelman Remco van der Matten

Bas Louwman Floris Wesselink JoĂŤl van Gilst Mirna Steur Albert Pranger

VERIFICATION COMMITTEE Roeland Stolker (Chairman) Babette van Dinten Ellen Dekker Joel van Gilst Karl Kluun Mathew Dibble


STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


OPERATIONS Opening Party Accompanied by a 1000 students the Opening Party at Club Vie was a great success!

BA and IBA Introduction Days 280 freshmen were introduced to their fellow students and STAR.

iCare Three weeks of voluntary work conducted by 15 students.

Heartbeat Festival In cooperation with the university, the academic year was opened at a festival with e.a. Dotan.



Recruitment After a very successfull marketing campaign, the recruitment period led to 270 new active members.

Eurekaweek After the general introduction of STAR, students were invited to Divoza to enjoy dinner and drinks.

Booksale One of the yearly operations of STAR: always supplying RSM students with the right books.

General Assembly of Members The 37th STAR Board has been officially inaugurated and the policy, financial statement and operations of the 36th STAR Board were reviewed.


STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015



Active Member Weekend During a fun weekend with lots of activities the active members of 2014-2015 had the opportunity to meet their fellow committee/ MSC members.

IBA Graduation Party Celebration of the new IBA Graduates at Westelijk Handelsterrein!

STAR Management Week Two weeks in which all pillars of STAR were exposed via company visits, company dinners, inhouse days, seminars, conferences and social events with Shell as main sponsor. The week finished with a closing party at Westelijk Handelsterrein.

Constitution Drink All the active members and other associations in the Netherlands had the opportunity to celebrate the inauguration of the 37th STAR Board STAR Christmas Gala After a fancy dinner we partied until dawn at the Kuip.

Eurotrip A group of students went on an exiting week to Istanbul with the first Eurotrip!




STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


OPERATIONS The Speaker Series Over the year the Speaker Series had four successfull events with a Q500 edition and an edition focused on Innovation. Erasmus Recruitment Days The largest on-campus recruiting event in the Benelux with 2500 participating this year in exciting recruitment activities with over a hundred companies. Ski Trip The ski trip was again a very popular trip, with lots of participants and fun!

STAR New Years Party



MSC Prom The Master Study Clubs of STAR bundled their strengths and organized an All MSC Gala in Blender


STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015

Excelsior Experience The STAR Soccer Teams were represented during the Excelsior Experience. The final match was played in the Excelsior stadium.

IBA Study Trip This year the IBA Study Trip went to Bangkok to explore the business and social life of this metropole

Sushi Workshop & Pub Quiz

Active Member Day

BA Study Trip BA students travelled to Shanghai


STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


OPERATIONS Erasmus Charity Run International Week 30 students from all over the world came to Rotterdam to experience The Netherlands. Consultancy Castle The Netherlands best and brightest meet the top consulting firms in a very chique setting.

Divoza Theme Nights

Race of the Classics Team RSM participated in the 27th edition of the Race of the Classics with the Hendrika Bartelds

Student Business Battle Together with the biggest study associations of the Netherlands, an academic event with different companies was held.

Active Members Trip For the first time the Active Members Trip to Antwerp was held! Over 100 participants participated. STARXEFR Party Together with Study Association EFR, a party in the VIP Room was organised.

Case Competition




STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


OPERATIONS ... and much more! During the year, all committees have worked very hard to set-up activities for all RSM students. Not all activities are mentioned in this yearly report, but photo’s can be found on social media ( and more information can be found on our website (www.rsmstar. nl)! MSC Study Trips A lot of Master Study Clubs went on trips all over the world: Silicon Valley (MSC BIM), Lisboa (MSC GBSM), Bejing & Shanghai (MSC Strategy), Helsinki (MSC Management) and much more!

Erasmus Consultancy Project Malaysia One of STAR’s largest projects leaves for their destination: Malaysia

iCare Three weeks of voluntary work in Laos conducted by RSM students.

Duck Race Publication STAR Agenda Publication STAR Active Members Yearbook




STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


STRATEGY Year after year STAR draws a policy document. In November 2014 we drafted a document that was the result of a strategy session that took place under the supervision of alumni working for PwC, and the Boston Consulting Group. In this annual report we aim to provide you with a brief overview of the progress so far and the results that aim to create a strong fundament for the upcoming years. We truly believe that by executing STAR’s 2015 policy the association has made another step towards fully enriching RSM student’s life. The fact that our association works with a policy document is one of the perks for the board. It keeps them from solely doing day-to-day operational work and helps them focus on what matters in the foreseeable future. The policy document functions as a guideline through the year and helps board members to keep adding long-term value during their dynamic year. We build our strategy based on a so called Strategy House (see next page), in which we identify the strategic focal points that help contribute to our mission, which is based upon the four pillars of our association. By supporting students in their career orientation (1), enriching them academically (2), make sure they have fun (3) and enriching the students socially by contributing to society (4) we try to provide a total package that enriches the life of RSM students. None of all this would have been possible if it were not for the students that organize the various activities that underpin these pillars, our ‘Active Members’. We continued to develop them during the organization of their activities and sincerely believe that this is of crucial importance to our association. In addition to the four pillars there are four layers that support the Strategy House, namely: Fundamentals, Active Members, Projects & Members. These layers consist of so-called value-drivers. These value-drivers are the focus points of the strategy for 2015. On the next pages we will provide a brief overview of what has been achieved per layer. To maintain a continuous focus on RSM’s international students while executing our strategy, we added Internationals as a vertical pillar on the right side of the house.


STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015



As can be seen in our policy document, we described the best possible situation by identifying all of our focus areas. These focus areas are used in a layered structure for our strategy map. For all these layers, we described the main achievements over the past academic year.

Key results Fundamentals • Extensive cut in overhead costs; and • Created more insight in the added value of STAR for students via movies, social media; and • The addition of interactive membership value tools to the website; and • Introduced several periodically reoccurring STAR marketing initiatives; and • Further development of STAR’s web shop.

Key results Projects • Further development and the start of building of the Erasmus Recruitment Platform; • Restructuring of Erasmus Consultancy Project for future purposes; • Change in pricing strategy; • Further improvement of support for Bachelor students regarding Master orientation.

Key results Members • Further improvement of STAR Study Support; • Introduction of several new initiatives: STAR Sports, Erasmus Recruitment Platform Committee, Booksale Team and STAR Support Team; • Further improvement of portfolio management; among others a change in STAR’s Party Policy. Key results Internationals • Organization of IBA freshmen weekend together with RSM; • Restructuring of Activity Teams towards year and type of study.

Key results Active Members • Further improvement of Personal Development Plan; and • Involvement of Active Members in policy via a policy dinner; and • There were more and better targeted trainings in combination with the Personal Development Plan; and • Internal rearrangements for MSC’s for the upcoming years.

These key results would not have been possible without the continuous dedication of STAR’s nine board members and all active members. We sincerely hope that these results have laid a steady fundament for the upcoming years and trust that the next board will continue to develop our great association.


STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


THANKS TO Sanne van Bochove Stéphanie Scholtes Jan-Bas Goedegebuure Lars Passlick Cristina Hollad Anna Timmerman Jacqueline Opdam Renee Vriends Marissa Berghuis Kristina de Pender Lida Huiskonen Anne de Jong Sharon Rikkers Zara Doyle Cunningham Per Kamerman Jelmer Leek Bas van Leeuwen Eline van Groningen Charlotte Melkert Britt Schrijvenaars Karin Komel Milou Saraber Mark Stoevelaar Lena Uijtewaal Joëlle Rottier Joost Jansen Kasper Luiten Baran Temur Mercedes Roggen Frank Leerdam Vanisha Badal Ghizlane Benali Sahar Seyed Nabeian Milan van Dijk Bart Sluijs Theodoor van der Klauw Jolyn Ji Sonya Nikolova Carlijn Quik Beth van Bracht Enzo Neefjes Klaas Hartmans Sem van Donk Eline van den Brink Ken French Youri Volkman Bernice Hiltrop Yvonne Slagter Zoey Hasselo Tim Schuller Felix Doorenbos Sjoerd Witjes Tim Smeets Cyrille Fleskens Stanislav Rybachuk Rexin Singotani Kay van Vleuten Toni Ortega Peter Palmai Theo Fromentin Szabolcs Daniel Feher Maxime Smeekes Nicole Schutte Juliën Mets Albert Jongebreur Marnix Boon Lisanne Frijling Anne Merel Tolsma Koen van Beek Nathalie Jongmans Nina van der Lee Esther Berends Jarno Levinga Sarah Horn Monique Jacobs Megan Hoff Kamja Yekta Jabbari Fumani Wouter van Eck Sharon Gaya Maxime van Egdom Natnael Mesfun Jenthe Braspenning Caro Palman Megan Schuppe Maaike van Straten Lotte Bijl Kevin Ren Sven Poot Nhu Pham Iza Kwaaitaal Linnea Bergmann Devin Oosting Dominik Scherrer Justin Loew Bodine Daams Inga Helmons Jill Starrenburg Marije Louter Chiara Zeeuw Bika Alice Pidada Marijn Reijf Anne-Joël Leerling Carlijn Driessen Julie Geelen Tamara Thuis Neil Gursahani Thomas Varekamp Georgina Korn Teodor Cataniciu Bram van Baalen Chester van Dijk Fabienne Doelmanat Stephanie van de Winkel Niek Haasnoot Jaromir Thé Leon Kluiters Koen Hut Tycho Kievit Sanne Holstvoogd Sebastiaan Quispel Sibren Tolsma Davey van Gilst Rik Helsloot Emeline Kieboom Elisa de Leeuw Bram Sprangers Bo Bergevoet Baruch Coltof Rianne Roozeboom Steven Marsé Chantal van Driel Jeroen Nouse Christine van Eijck Daan van Dijk Kelly van Dortmont Elisabetta Piantoni Silvan de Graaf Julius Regeer Maarten Prins Martijn Blankert Koen Schiffers Stef de Goede Robin Garstman Emily van der Haagen Charlotte Koot Niels Kramer Viktor Groeneveld Selin Sabanoglu Simone Giesbers Jennifer Kester Judith Quist Kristi de Jong Joris Smal Josanne Barendse Evelien van Leeuwen Olaf Mansvelt Loek Wijnhoven Kristy Iwaarden Diana Tran Pascal Jongejan Deshna Khedoe Torben Hanegraaf Robert Bouwman Victoria Dimitrova Thomas Verspeek Laurens van Wesep Robin Seetz Robin Bouwman Omar Mayland Kyriacos Pattouras Deena Awwad Raoul Deiana Marten Pieper Rahul Renjit Martina Novakova Larissa van Lieshout Andrew Benecke Julia Gerken David Eriksson Jord van der Weerd Marco Hofman Susanne Docter Jager Kirsten Hoornstra Luisa Eymer Julian Dombrowski Laura Garcia Benjamin Weitner 26

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


FINANCIAL STATEMENT Balance sheet as at 31 July 2015

Tangible fixed assets





Computers and peripheral devices



Marketing items







Software and licences Total

Accounts receivable


Joint venture projects

STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014

31-07-2014 -




Other receivables

€ 140.888

€ 129.131




Provision Bad Debts



STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


FINANCIAL STATEMENT Income statement for the year 2015 For the year ended 31 July 2015 Net income Equity

Retained Earnings






General reserves



Exploitation surplus/deficit



Contribution students



Acquisition revenues



Contribution faculty






€ 2.756



Sales books Contribution other




Current liabilities




Costs of organising projects



Overhead costs



Project costs


STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015








Day programme costs



Traveling costs



Recruitment and marketing costs



Costs books



Other costs





STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


FINANCIAL STATEMENT General and administrative expenses



Employees The association has no employees. All work is performed on a voluntary basis. Exploitation surplus The association has no objective to have an exploitation surplus. However the Association will use this exploitation surplus to improve its liquidity, which means a possible exploitation surplus is added to the retained earnings.

Office supplies costs



Usage and depreciation



Project costs













Audit obligation Under section 396 (6) Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code, the association is exempt from the obligation to have the financial statements audited by an auditor. Consequently, no audit has been requested and therefore no auditor’s report has been issued.



Rotterdam, December 2015

Travelling costs Board costs Marketing costs Other costs Allocated overhead charges

Other information

On behalf of the Board, Other income


Interest revenue



Result joined events



Result liabilities



Other results





Results overhead




STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015





Sander van Vliet Treasurer STAR Board 2014-2015

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015




Suzanne Bickes Chairman

Stijn Oude Elferink Secretary

Okke Essing Treasurer Daniel Bos Commercial Relations

STAR BOARD Jeroen Bravenboer Project Manager Danique Rook Project Manager

Sander Ouwejan Project Manager

Joep BeliĂŤn Information Processes Manager

Liselotte Borstlap Brand Manager


STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


COLOPHON Content Bart-Floris Lensink Robbert Brouwer Sander van Vliet Design Marieke Struijk

Copyright Š 2015 Study Association Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Besides legal exceptions nothing in this publication may be copied and/or made public without prior written permision from the publisher. We have taken the utmost care in compiling this publication. However, we are not responsible for errors or incomplete information.


STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014

STAR Annual Report 2014 - 2015


STAR Study Association RSM Erasmus University Mailing Adress: Room T04-53 | P.O. box 1738 | Rotterdam, the Netherlands Visiting Adress: Room T04-53 | Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 | 3062 PA Rotterdam, the Netherlands +31 (0)10 408 20 37 | |


STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014

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