STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
PREFACE The grey-bearded founder of one of world’s most successful brands once said: ‘it’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time’. By all means, this phrase by Steve Jobs couldn’t have been more predictive of what we found out over the last year. Despite that during the General Assembly of Members of September 2013 we all knew that this experience would only last one year, a year has never bygone so quick. Before we hand the figurative key to the 37th board, I hereby present you with the 2014-2015 annual report, stating both the qualitative and quantitative outcome of our year. Though this document might seem the end of another year, I would also like to mark this document as the beginning of a new one. A year in which ‘the new board’ will continue to implement the 2014 policy, during which I also want to invite every single one of our members to actively be involved in determining what our strategy will be in 2015. Furthermore; congratulations to the 37th STAR Board. I hope that my words are as predictive as those of Steve Jobs when I say that I know this will be the most exciting and challenging year in your life up to now and that you will continue to make this association excel in its operations. Looking back, I see 280 motivated and dedicated Active Members whom organized great events for their fellow students and also enabled themselves to develop outside the classroom. Despite increasingly strict government regulations you have stepped up to the plate and delivered. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to every single one of you, also on behalf of my fellow board members, for the time you have put into making our association excel. 2
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
On behalf of the entire board I would like to wholeheartedly thank our Supervisory Board, for their continuous advice, strategic input and mentorship, and our Verification Committee, for their permanent monitoring, advice on financial matters and support. The selfless effort you put in to our association year after year is of immeasurable value and is one of the things that make our association excel. Last but not least I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has shown an interest in our association over the years, we deeply treasure the faith you have had in us and will continue to thrive for a valuable outcome for all stakeholders in the years to come. I trust that this document will give you a brief insight to what the past year has been like and that you enjoy reading it. Yours sincerely,
Bas Louwman Chairman STAR Board 2014-2015
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
ABOUT STAR STAR is the study association of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). With 6,500 members, STAR is Europe’s largest study association and above all the most active and professional study association in the Netherlands. STAR’s mission is to enrich RSM student life; from various perspectives, offering students to join events or organize these themselves. Each year, around 280 dedicated active members organize STAR projects that reach thousands of students. STAR provides students with the opportunity to get in contact with their fellow students, their studies and a broad range of companies. This is facilitated by the great amount of activities that are organized by numerous committees and Master Study Clubs.
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Apart from academic activities like speakers events, case competitions or selling books, STAR also aims to organize social activities, ranging from freshmen introduction days to periodic parties. RSM students can join us on several international trips; the ski trip, surf trip, race of the classics, various international weeks organized all over the world, study trips and a community development project. The best known events are the STAR Management Week, which consists of social, academic and career events; Erasmus Consultancy Project, where students conduct research for companies in an emerging country and the Erasmus Recruitment Days, which is the largest recruitment event of the Benelux organized by students.
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
HISTORY In 1969, the ‘Interfaculteit Bedrijfskunde’ (and later on ‘Interuniversitair Instituut Bedrijfskunde’ - IIB) was established, a joint initiative of various faculties of both Erasmus University and Delft University of Technology. In 1977, S.V.I.I.B. (studievereniging IIB) was founded, an association focused on external contacts, internal contacts with scientific staff, and, of course, mutual contacts among business students. The exact meaning of S.V.I.I.B. was lost in 1984, when the faculty of Business Administration became an official part of Erasmus University, and so the name changed to Sviib.
Over the past 36 years, STAR has become an association of influence, diversity, and professionalism. With more than 6,500 members, including 280 active members, we can proclaim to be the largest study association in Europe.
As with the establishment of Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) as we know it today, which led to a more cohesive organisation of BA, IBA, and MBA studies, the aim was to achieve the same cooperation among study associations. Several daughter associations (Dutch: disputen) were established and later on consolidated as Master Study Clubs. More importantly, in early August 2005, Sviib and BActive (association for students of the programme in International Business Administration) merged to become STAR (Study Association of the Rotterdam School of Management), an association with a bit of both worlds and an international focus.
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
THE 36
Bas Louwman Chairman
Sterre Swen Commercial Relations
Mathew Dibble Project Manager
Kirsten Parren Secretary
Annabel Hoefnagel Brand Manager
Floris Wesselink Project Manager
Ron de Koning Treasurer
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Laura Hendrickx Project Manager
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Michelle Groenendijk Commissioner of HR
SUPERVISORY BOARD Atte Anema Babette van Dinten Claudia Baijens Djordy Seelman Jasperina de Vries (Chairman) Job de Groot Marlies Ruigewaard
Remco van der Matten Roeland Stolker Rosalie Papenhuijzen Rosalie Seriese
VERIFICATION COMMITTEE Babette van Dinten Ellen Dekker Joel van Gilst Karl Kluun Lettice de Zeeuw Roeland Stolker (Chairman)
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
OPERATIONS Opening Party Accompanied by a 1000 students the Opening Party at Club Vie was a great success!
BA and IBA Introduction Days 280 freshmen were introduced to their fellow students and STAR.
Booksale One of the yearly operations of STAR: always supplying RSM students with the right books.
iCare Three weeks of voluntary work in Nepal conducted by 15 students.
Recruitment After a very successfull marketing campaign, the recruitment period led to 280 new active members.
Eurekaweek After the general introduction of STAR with Marco van Kalleveen, former partner at Bain & Company, students were invited to Divoza to enjoy dinner and drinks.
General Assembly of Members The 36th STAR Board has been officially inaugurated and the policy, financial statement and operations of the 35th STAR Board were reviewed.
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Active Member Weekend During a fun weekend with lots of activities the active members of 2013-2014 had the opportunity to meet their fellow committee/ MSC members.
IBA Graduation Party Celebration of the new IBA Graduates in Cinema
STAR Management Week Two weeks in which all pillars of STAR were exposed via company visits, company dinners, inhouse days, seminars, conferences and social events. The Honorary Discussions were held for the first time this year, with guests as Uri Rosental and Jan Hommen
Premaster Drink Constitution Drink All the active members and other associations in the Netherlands had the opportunity to celebrate the inauguration of the 36th STAR Board
MSC Skillsweek
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
STAR Christmas Dinner After a fancy dinner we partied until dawn on a boat
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
OPERATIONS The Speaker Series Over the year the Speaker Series had four successfull events with over a 100 people attending during its final event Erasmus Recruitment Days The largest on-campus recruiting event in the Benelux with 2500 participating this year in exciting recruitment activities with over a hundred companies. Ski Trip The first committee taking off to the French Alpes with an record amount of 92 students
Warm Sweater Day Campus wide the temperture was brought down with 2 degrees
Alumni New Years Drink IBA Social Drink
STAR Deephouse Special in Perron
All MSC Event The Master Study Clubs of STAR bundled their strengths and organized an All MSC Gala in Blender
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
IBA Study Trip This year the IBA Study Trip went to Hong Kong to explore the business and social life of this metropole
IBA Social Drink at Waterfront Active Member Day Utrecht
BA Study Trip 40 BA students travelled to Singapore
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
International Week 30 students from all over the world came to Rotterdam to experience The Netherlands. In cooperation with the Amsterdam Study Association SEFA
Consultancy Castle 24 of The Netherlands best and brightest meet the top 7 consulting firms in a very chique setting.
Team RSM Case Competition Thailand This year, team RSM participated in the International Chulalongkorn Business Case Competion and won their very first competion!
Race of the Classics Team RSM won the 26th edition of the Race of the Classics with the Hendrika Bartelds Active Member Weekend For the second time we partied it up with our active members during an entire weekend
Premaster Trip
Sports Tournament
IBA Prom
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
OPERATIONS Other Marketing Team Supporting every committee within STAR on visuals and marketing strategies. Commercial Team Helping out the Commercial of the Board and the committees in their quest for funds.
BIM Study Trip A study trip to the Mecca of IT: Silicon Valley. 25 BIM students visiting famous companies like Adobe, Salesforce and Cisco
Erasmus Consultancy Project Chile One of STAR’s largest projects leaves for their destination: Chile.
iCare Three weeks of voluntary work in Ethiopia conducted by 15 students MSC FM Study Trip
Strategy Study Trip
Publication STAR Agenda
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
STRATEGY Year after year STAR draws a policy document, in November 2013 we drafted a document that was the result of a strategy session which took place under the supervision of alumni working for PwC, and the Boston Consulting Group. In this annual report we aim to provide you with a brief overview of the progress so far and the results that aim to create a strong fundament for the upcoming years. We truly believe that by executing STAR’s 2014 policy the association has made another step towards fully enriching RSM student’s life. As can be seen in previous policies we build our strategy based on a so called strategy map, in which we identify the value drivers that help contribute to our mission, which is based upon the four main focus areas of our association. By supporting students in their career choice (1) and their academic development (2), make sure they have fun (3) and they realize what they can contribute to society (4) we try to provide a total package which enriches the life of RSM students. None of all this would have been possible if it weren’t for the students that organize the various activities that underpin these pillars, our ‘Active Members’. We continued to develop them during the organization of their activities and sincerely believe that this is of crucial importance to our association.
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
STRATEGY The fact that our association works with a policy document is one of the perks for the board. It keeps them from solely doing day-to-day operational work and helps them focus on what matters in the foreseeable future. The policy document functions a guideline through the year and helps board members to keep adding long-term value during their dynamic year. Before providing a brief overview of what has been achieved per layer, an overview will be given by three words that have been key throughout the past year: develop, optimize and involve. RELATED VALUE DRIVERS
Develop people and new projects
Throughout the years we have seen two kinds of developments. STAR aims to develop both its active- and passive members via various opportunities for trainings. As said before, developing our active- and passive members also happens through the organization of and participation in our events.
Active Members Membership Value Expectation Management Internships
Optimize current portfolio and processes
Booksale CRM Academic Events Parties Flag Ship Projects Knowledge Transfer
STAR holds an extensive project portfolio, which are regulated and organized using various IT systems and information processes. Though these activities and processes are of high quality already, optimalisation is key to keep the process smooth and to reduce the amount of time spend on relatively unimportant subjects.
Involve all stakeholders
With an extensive portfolio comes a relatively big stakeholder portfolio as well. Our association aims to add as much value to all stakeholders by providing services and events of high quality. More specifically this means that STAR is top of mind with all important stakeholders, like passive-, active members, internationals and both university and faculty.
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Related value drivers: Passive members Implementation of policy Internationals
As can be seen in our policy document, we described the best possible situation by identifying all of our focus areas. These focus areas are used in a layered structure for our strategy map. This layered structure is based upon the following four layers: fundamentals (base layer), active members (1st layer), projects (2nd layer) and members (top layer). For all these layers, we identified key achievements over the past year Key results Fundamentals • Improved usage of our CRM system for commercial relations purposes, both for committee and board members • Usage of our CRM system for marketing purposes and data collection • Budget control: steps taken towards a singlepoint-of-sale, all financial transactions go through our webshop. • Towards a more qualitative acquisition strategy for the Erasmus Consultancy Project • Declarations will be dealt with via an online declaration system, saving time for both the board treasurer and committee members. Key results Projects • Introduction of a second, both bachelor and master orientated, Skills Week • Expansion of the project portfolio, by adding a European focused study trip • Extensive work towards an improved IT system for the Erasmus Recruitment Days • Knowledge will be more adequately transferred, with a standardized computer lay-out for all committees and the availability of a white book for all committees and board members
Key results Members • A long-term strategy has been drafted for our position regarding the organization of parties • Multiple events for all Master students have been organized, with great success • The career website at has been filled with internships and job opportunities • Our portfolio regarding membership value has been improved and will be continuously improved over the upcoming years • Expectation management has been one of the key aspects in our communication throughout the year
Key results Active Members • Realization of Personal Development Plan based trainings for active members • Increased amount of trainings for active members, both on a personal and professional level • Active members have been involved in the implementation of the 2014 policy, and will be involved from october onwards.
These key results would not have been possible without the continuous dedication of STARs nine board members and all active members. We sincerely hope that these results have laid a steady fundament for the upcoming years and trust that the next board will continue to develop our great association.
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
THANKS TO Karim el Mouttaki Tosca van Meer Xuan Ha Doan Bojan van Wissen Iris Bodelier Kasja Oostindie Rik Helsloot Alicia Requena Gerritse Emeline Kieboom Gabriel Muller Adade Thijs Heezen Isabelle Nevels Joris Jager Julie Geelen Jeremy Scholten Max van Soest Sigrid Meltzer Denisa Galaskova Inga Helmons Jessica Anna Peters Elisa de Leeuw Frans Grutters Kimberly van Tongeren Robyn van der Veen Sander van Vliet Jennifer Kester Camilla Bjornstad Felix Plakolb Jeroen Malotaux
Laurine Touw Nilam Arian Roos Jager Brenda Njoki Mwangi Duncan Karregat Luuk van Woudenberg Marius Kuiper Milou Saraber Mohammed Tofik Oscar van de Beld Eva van Leur Tobias Grinwis Abel Verweg Aiko den Kommer Isabel van Nesselrooij Milou Schouten Merel van Eeden Julia ter Borg Stefan Tan Rachelle van Laack Maurits Meerwijk Menno Visser George-Matthew Peter Thom Posthuma Victoria Cazacu Mark Diekman Didi Spruit Lisa Chee Ernst Weijers
Joey Korteland Denise Rottier Maxime van Baasbank Laura Hofstee Koen van Beek Jorik van der meer Lino Schaus Maurits Krüger Wouter Weekenborg Lizan Bakker Derk Bouwman Suzanne Veger Marco Hofman Ricky Smit Alena Wenck Alicia Kortenoever Audrey Rieffel Christine van Eijck Suzanne Bickes Nabil Chowdhury Janique Koopman Joep Mencke Kaitlyn Tremblay Nathan Kizilirmak Gijs Keser Gwendolyn van Berkum Loes te Loo Lucas Vergnaud Roy van Beest
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Solenn Puech Eline de Wit France-Gabrielle Hayard Nanne van der Wal Sonny Zee Tim Schuller Aaron Cox Anouk de Winter Monique Jacobs Patrick Taube Sjoerd Brouwer Tjerk Rintjema Victor Val Mas Patrik Schmitt Mattia De Luca Joost Streefkerk Philip van de Valk Renee Kustermans Jennifer van de Velde Nadia Schoenmakers Brian van der Wyck Julia Thy Annemarie Visser Tim Ellens Ruben van Bracht Johannes Deselaers Annie Zuurman Moritz Cleff Tom Medema
Christian Graafland Dorian Erkens Tianmingzi Lan Franziska Reh Nikki Bollenboom George Louloudis Nienke Strijks Anna Soyda Sophie van den Noort Eva-Maria Schmitz Gwen Nijzink Ruud van Dijk Kolja Heskamp Laura van Rijn Ivo Esseveld Johanna Behnsen wendy chenlin Gabriela Veselinova Yasmine Claessens Gitta Soedarso Magdalena Sobieraj Dominik Weth Inge Slockers Vincent Linssen Sun de Valk Jan Folkertsma Nadine Vincent Emanuele Agueci Martijn Bakker Alexander Baig
Marieke Bezemer Biljana Lovric Jantien Buysse Cecilia Bussink Linda Oudijk Oscar Dröge Barbara van der Velden Barbora Kozarova Eva Bos Ireen Kruijsen Erik van Riet Paap Anique Hakkesteegt Benedikt Zaki Maxim van Drempt Melissa van Nes Edwin Euser Jeroen Bravenboer Nicole Hoogelander Nicole Schutte maxim Carlo Steensma Danique Rook Maxim Grgurevic Stefan Kroon Thomas Langenberg Okke Essing Raphael Spaans Bart Lensink Niek Sekeris Liselotte Borstlap
Angela van der Maarel Baruch Coltof Leonne Vos Marlena Kieszkowska Lotte Bijl Thymo Vlot Eva van Leur Tobias Grinwis Fons Verhoef Tamara Rigoni Wouter Elemans Wouter Oosterlee Nienke Strijks Riccardo Ricci Isis Hommema Mara van Beurden Vincent Linssen Marthe Kibbelaar Aniek van Schooneveld Guvenc Yilmaz George Louloudis Marloes Heideveld Mathijs Nicolai Nadia Schoenmakers Melissa Croes Desi Walsarie Evita Bizune Kristaps Matusevics Mathies von Schöning Kolja Heskamp
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Pieter Nijs Remco van Riet Xavier Kamps Savas Oroilidis Magdalena Sobieraj Dimitris Papadakis Phi-Yen Nguyen Nicky Kroon Gino Smit John Reumerman Michèle Korevaar Mitchell Mulder Aleksandar Kesyakov Biljana Lovric Boglárka Horváth Dóra Mocsinka Jan Rohof Sascha Tagliaferri Sören Falk Linda Oudijk Vincent de Wolf Thomas Fortgens Jaap van Liere Beke Winter Mandy Sun Daniel Bos Lisa Brouwer Ken French Tom Ybema Claudio Corti
Ana Cristina CabreraKábana Schultz Sjoerd Stevens Arada Vording Katelijne van Tienhoven Danielle Oosthoek Frank Leerdam Stef de Goede Meike Reusken Floor Jubbega Rianne Roozeboom Devin Oosting Demi van Meggelen Dave Honcoop Zuzanna Czapinska Fons Schuurmans Niels Kramer Maxim Grgurevic Simone Hendriks Jennifer Kester Viktor Groeneveld Judith Quist Selin Sabanoglu Megan Hoff Kamja Yekta Jabbari Fumani Wouter van Eck Sharon Gaya
FINANCIAL STATEMENT Balance sheet as at 31 July 2014
Tangible fixed assets
Computers and peripheral devices
Marketing items
Software and licences
Accounts receivable
Joint venture projects
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
31-07-2013 €14.465
Provision Bad Debts
Other receivables
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
FINANCIAL STATEMENT Income statement for the year 2014 For the year ended 31 July 2014 Net income Equity
Retained Earnings General reserves Exploitation surplus/deficit
Contribution students
Acquisition revenues
Contribution faculty
€ 2.756
Sales books Contribution other
Current liabilities
Costs of organising projects
31-07-2014 €45.625
Project costs
Day programme costs
Costs books
Other costs
Recruitment and marketing costs
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Overhead costs
Traveling costs
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
FINANCIAL STATEMENT General and administrative expenses
Employees The association has no employees. All work is performed on a voluntary basis. Exploitation surplus The association has no objective to have an exploitation surplus. However the Association will use this exploitation surplus to improve its liquidity, which means a possible exploitation surplus is added to the retained earnings.
Office supplies costs
Usage and depreciation
Project costs
Audit obligation Under section 396 (6) Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code, the association is exempt from the obligation to have the financial statements audited by an auditor. Consequently, no audit has been requested and therefore no auditor’s report has been issued.
Rotterdam, September 15, 2014
Travelling costs Board costs Marketing costs Other costs Allocated overhead charges
Other income
Interest revenue
Result joined events
Result liabilities
Other results
Results overhead
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Other information
On behalf of the Board,
Ron de Koning Treasurer STAR Board 2013-2014
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
During 2014-2015 the 37th STAR Board will be there for you. Robbert Brouwer Chairman
Eline de Wit Secretary
Sander van Vliet Treasurer Friso Roscam Abbing Commercial Relations
Laurie Robben Project Manager Bart Floris Lensink Project Manager
Jurriaan Houtman Project Manager
Nikki Bueno de Mesquita Information Processes Manager
Marieke Struijk Brand Manager
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
COLOPHON Content Laura Hendrickx Ron de Koning Bas Louwman Design Annabel Hoefnagel
Copyright Š 2014 Study Association Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Besides legal exceptions nothing in this publication may be copied and/or made public without prior written permision from the publisher. We have taken the utmost care in compiling this publication. However, we are not responsible for errors or incomplete information.
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014
STAR Study Association RSM Erasmus University Mailing Adress: Room T04-53 | P.O. box 1738 | Rotterdam, the Netherlands Visiting Adress: Room T04-53 | Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 | 3062 PA Rotterdam, the Netherlands +31 (0)10 408 20 37 | |
STAR Annual Report 2013 - 2014