2014 Indiana University SPEA MPA viewbook

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Proposed SPEA general


Lead for the greater good.

Proposed SPEA MPO


Lead for the greater good.

Proposed SPEA UPO


Lead for the greater good.


Inspiration & Innovation

John D. Graham, Ph.D. Dean, School of Public and Environmental Affairs Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs “As we celebrate the 42nd anniversary of SPEA, we have our eyes on the future. “I believe your immediate future would be wisely invested here. SPEA is home to the nation’s top-ranked MPA program at a public university, with a number of concentrations offering the best career and academic preparation in the country. Our graduates thrive in the government, business, and nonprofit sectors and move seamlessly among them all. “We are not resting. To set our course for the future, our faculty, staff, and students have begun an intensive planning process we call SPEA 2020. Across our academic programs, you can benefit from a similar and effective activity known as SPEA 2015 that emphasized global understanding and expanded scholarly productivity. “As a result, we’re fine tuning new concentrations in Energy and International Development and exploring new degree collaborations with overseas universities. Also, the research footprint of our faculty is expanding as they produce more books and articles and appear more often than ever before in the nation’s most influential media outlets. “With that as a backdrop, we hope you’ll consider linking your future to ours. Join us in our commitment to demonstrate leadership and advance knowledge for the greater good.” Dean Graham’s academic and professional career demonstrates that commitment. The former Harvard professor served as administrator of the Office of Informational and Regulatory Affairs in the White House Office of Management and Budget. He is the co-author of a book about how America’s poor weathered the Great Recession (Indiana University Press, 2013) and has a book forthcoming on President Obama’s first term.

David A. Reingold, Ph.D. Executive Associate Dean, SPEA Bloomington Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs

“When you read that SPEA has a commitment to leading for the greater good, it is reasonable to ask: ‘Where’s the proof?’ “Here are two ways we make good on that pledge: •

SPEA is in the fourth year of a unique partnership with AmeriCorps VISTA. Our VISTA Fellows work across the nation to fight poverty, enhance educational opportunities for children, and expand job training programs for adults. SPEA is one of the nation’s leading higher education partners with the Peace Corps. We proudly send our students to serve with the Corps around the world. We welcome home Returned Peace Corps Volunteers with an expedited master’s program that offers enhanced financial benefits and reduced credit hour requirements.

“Additionally, you’ll find SPEA faculty engaged in public service, serving on boards and commissions and consulting. They bring that experience and their research into the classroom to prepare you to be a public affairs leader for the greater good.” Dean Reingold’s career as a leader spans public service and academia. He served in Washington as Director of Research and Development at the Corporation for National and Community Service. There his expertise in research and public management helped drive the efforts of a $1 billion agency that runs programs such as AmeriCorps. At SPEA, his teaching and research areas include urban poverty, social policy, lowincome housing policy, civil society, and government performance.

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Value of SPEA Welcome We’re pleased that you’re considering a master’s degree program at

Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs, and we’re eager to tell you about what SPEA has to offer. We know it’s a big decision, and we pledge to do all we can to help. We make this pledge because we know, simply by virtue of your interest in our programs, that you deserve our best efforts. After all, as someone who’s considering a degree or a career in public affairs, you’ve already identified yourself as a person of substance … one who cares about society and its individual members … one who is eager to roll up sleeves and make the world a better place. We admire you for that, and we’re confident that SPEA can give you the knowledge and skills you need to lead for the greater good.

What is SPEA? SPEA, established at IU Bloomington in 1972, is now one of the

largest and most well-regarded schools of its type in the world. Building on four decades of growth and scholarship,

SPEA aspires to be “the best of its class,” with a faculty and student body who have a global perspective and who appreciate the value of unconventional careers that span the public, nonprofit, and private sectors.


Our graduate programs are designed to prepare skilled, principled, and creative leaders — dedicated and well-trained professionals who are equipped to face the complex social, economic, and environmental challenges confronting our global society. In its MPA program, SPEA encourages interdisciplinary study in an effort to understand and “unpack” the complex, interconnected problems that must be addressed in today’s society. In fact, our very use of the term “public affairs” demonstrates an interdisciplinary approach. It represents a blending of the traditional disciplines of public administration and policy analysis with more recent academic interests in leadership, governance, collaboration, and the vast array of organizations and institutions that constitute modern “civil society.”

What sets the school apart? The hallmark of the MPA program is its interdisciplinary nature. Housed in a school that combines and connects several areas of study — and taps into the strengths of expert faculty in all of those various areas — the program offers a uniquely rich learning experience. Problems are approached in a multidisciplinary way, examined in all of their complexity from several perspectives — as they must be in today’s interconnected world.

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The SPEA MPA Program Mission Statement To foster the pre-eminent community of principled, creative, and skilled practitioners and leaders who serve the public good from an interdisciplinary and global perspective.

Our graduates are thus properly prepared, armed with the skills they need to secure rewarding and meaningful careers — careers that can truly make a difference in the world. Among its distinguishing features, SPEA’s MPA program offers: • •

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A dozen concentrations, or areas of specialized study. Innovative interdisciplinary degree designs, including dual degree collaborations with Environmental Science, Law, and eight international programs. A global presence and reputation supported by ambitious research portfolios, student opportunities abroad, and diverse perspectives and cultures in the classrooms. Energetic and engaged faculty who are scholars, practitioners, and educators. The opportunity to study in a beautiful and affordable college town with a rich cultural scene. Dedicated student services staff who support students throughout the program.

The value proposition Simply put, a SPEA graduate degree represents tremendous value. Attendance here gives you access to one of the most highly regarded programs in the nation at a cost significantly lower than that of other top-tier programs. Consider quality first. For several years running, SPEA’s MPA

program has earned national recognition as one of the finest programs of its kind. In the most recent rankings from U.S. News and World Report, IU’s MPA program was ranked second in the nation (first among programs at public universities). U.S. News also ranks areas of specialization — concentrations — within programs. In those rankings, SPEA’s concentration in: • Nonprofit Management ranked first. • Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management ranked first. • Public Financial Administration ranked third. • Public Management ranked third. Now consider cost. Annual tuition and fees for the MPA degree is less than $13,000 for in-state residents and roughly twice that for non-residents. That makes SPEA one of the most affordable top-ranked programs. What’s more, the Bloomington area is cosmopolitan but not costly — a city that’s eminently livable yet very affordable, with a cost-of-living index significantly lower than that in the cities housing the other top-five programs.

From the Director Are you ready to lead? Do you feel called to exercise authority …for the common good? …to direct positive change? …to contribute to your nation and community? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then SPEA may be just the place for you. We at SPEA have been building leaders for more than four decades. We offer innovative master’s programs designed to provide the training that future leaders will need — and not only in the public sphere — but across the spectrum: in government, in the nonprofit arena, and in industry. We would love to speak with you about what we can offer to ambitious young professionals. So if you are ready to lead, then get in touch with us. Let’s talk.

Robert S. Kravchuk, Ph.D. Professor and Director, Master’s Programs in Public Affairs

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Concentrations Where passion becomes expertise. Economic Development

Help make prosperity permanent. How can we develop and manage resources to improve a place’s quality of life? And how can we do it in a responsible, sustainable, cost-effective way? These questions are at the heart of the Economic Development concentration, which focuses on the strategic management of places: neighborhoods, villages, cities, rural regions, states, countries, or even groups of countries. In this concentration, you’ll learn the theory, tools, and practical skills for creating positive, lasting change while studying economic development policy as it’s applied in a broad range of contexts and settings. This concentration will give you the knowledge and skills you need to help forge and implement strategies that can bring about genuine, significant improvement in people’s lives and their future.


Fuel a brighter tomorrow. In coming decades, energy issues and challenges are sure to dominate the global landscape. Our Energy concentration will put you in position to help meet those challenges. Taking an interdisciplinary approach that includes science, technology, economics, and public policy, the Energy concentration focuses on energy policies and technologies, exploring the socioeconomic and environmental consequences of both. You will learn the life cycle of energy resources and study the economics of energy production and consumption. You’ll also explore the feasibility of various tools and techniques for mitigating carbon emissions, diversifying the energy sector, and developing innovative energy technologies.


Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management Be a skilled steward of the earth.

The world is on the verge of huge changes in environmental policy, and expertise in these areas will only grow more important in coming years. Though the earth is vast and may seem limitless, we’re reminded nearly every day —U.S. News & World Report, 2013 rankings — sometimes painfully — that it is fragile and finite. Recognizing the planet’s largesse while also respecting its limits, our concentration in Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management will prepare you to better understand and manage environmental problems. It integrates skill-based courses in public policy, management, and environmental affairs with select training in the environmental sciences. You will also develop a core area of knowledge in a sub-discipline such as lake and watershed management, forest ecology, environmental chemistry, or hazardous materials.

Ranked #1 in the nation.

Health Policy

Promote widespread wellness. Perhaps no area of modern life is more central to an individual’s happiness — or looms larger in the public sphere — than issues related to human health. With opportunities to explore rich topics such as health industry regulation, health care finance, and the confluence of public health policy and politics, our concentration in Health Policy gives students a voice in the debate that defines our time. This concentration explores the many ways in which government actions affect health and health care. Students will gain vital knowledge of health insurance regulation, the new Affordable Care Act, the connection between the labor market and health insurance, and the determinants of health. The Health Policy concentration is designed to give students a strong grounding that prepares them for employment in the rapidly changing sectors of health policy, health care and life sciences management, and international health.

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Information Systems

Local Government Management

This concentration focuses on the innovative use of information technology to address complex societal and environmental challenges. Students in this concentration learn how to apply the latest technological tools to confront these challenges and to make the most of the new opportunities our digital world presents. Coursework in Information Systems provides hands-on experience with database design and advanced training in geographic information systems (GIS). Students who —U.S. News & World Report, 2013 rankings choose this concentration will gain the technical skills necessary to inform and direct discussion on a range of policy issues and tasks, including environmental planning, natural resource management, and facility siting. This concentration prepares students for a variety of high-demand positions in the public and private sectors, including chief information officers, systems analysts, systems designers, database administrators, and webmasters.

The world’s urban areas pose significant threats to quality of life — and also offer tremendous opportunities for meaningful change. The Local Government Management concentration prepares tomorrow’s leaders to address the challenges in population centers with creativity, vitality, integrity, and professionalism. It’s a practical and effective path to positions that can make meaningful, substantive improvements where people truly live — at the local level. Our curriculum emphasizes a broad set of skills, including management and delivery of urban services, policy issues and analysis, management skills, effective communication, and values and ethics. Specific topics for study include human resources management, planning, labor relations, government finance, and operations management.

Improve thousands (or millions) of lives.

Help make data make a difference.

Ranked #6 in the nation.

International Development Learn to think globally.

The world will change in unimaginable ways during the course of your career. To become a leader in this fast-changing environment, you must understand policy and the effects of policy decisions both domestically and globally. The International Development concentration is designed to provide students with a policy-focused understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing those involved in aiding and promoting advancement in developing countries. It will introduce students to topics such as economic programming and planning, political economy, conflict and post-conflict recovery, sustainable development, international organizations, and the role of NGOs. By exploring these and other topics, you will gain the knowledge and the analytical skills needed to effectively design, implement, and evaluate international development programs.

Nonprofit Management Serve the public good.

The scope of the nonprofit sector is broader and more diverse than ever, encompassing organizations ranging from small family trusts and locally focused endowments all the way up to nationally recognized think tanks and multibillion-dollar global foundations. The Nonprofit Management concentration addresses the features and practices of all types of nonprofit —U.S. News & World Report, 2013 rankings organizations — from traditional aspects such as fundraising and community service to the latest trends such as social entrepreneurship and socially responsible investing. It also emphasizes management techniques and trends that can be the key to success for many nonprofit leaders. As a result, you’ll be prepared for leadership positions in the nonprofit sector, in government agencies that deal extensively with nonprofits, or in the field of philanthropy.

Ranked #1 in the nation.

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Policy Analysis

Inform the decisions that change lives. The goal of policy analysis is to improve decision-making. Policy analysts address complex problems by breaking them into components and applying a range of analytic techniques to yield reliable and useful information. In the Policy Analysis concentration, you’ll learn which research methods are appropriate for various —U.S. News & World Report, 2013 rankings situations, how to design applied studies, and how to develop action-oriented plans and guidelines. Students will develop both qualitative and quantitative skills, and will also gain the contextual knowledge needed for effective analysis. In short, this concentration will prepare you to properly conduct, communicate, and consume accurate and actionable research — research that, when properly understood and applied, is vital in addressing public problems intelligently and effectively.

Ranked in the top ten in the nation.

Public Financial Administration Make the bottom line a top priority.

From City Hall to overseas capitals, public finance and budgeting provide the support that transforms ideas into realities. Given the ongoing economic challenges facing organizations and agencies at nearly every level, the need has never been greater —U.S. News & World Report, 2013 rankings for people with the skills to solve public financial problems. In our Public Financial Administration concentration, students learn the theory and practice of raising public revenue, allocating resources through the budgeting process, and managing public assets and other fiscal resources. The applied and experiential nature of the advanced courses in this concentration will prepare you well for a variety of positions, including ones in government finance and budgeting, management, and applied program and policy analysis. For students interested in leading-edge research, the premier journal in the field, Public Budgeting & Finance, is edited at SPEA.

Ranked #3 in the nation.


Public Management Learn ... and then lead.

A successful organization — the kind of organization that can contribute to solving big problems — requires strong leadership, particularly at the managerial and executive levels. The Public Management concentration gives students the knowledge, skills, and experiences appropriate for management positions in a variety of settings. —U.S. News & World Report, 2013 rankings Students will learn the political, legal, and social contexts in which public policies are adopted and implemented; the role of the public bureaucracy in a democracy; and the goals, structures, and processes within public organizations. Through this study, you’ll develop vital skills such as strategic thinking, planning, management, personnel relations, technology, and the design, operation, and evaluation of successful work systems.

Ranked #3 in the nation.

Sustainability and Sustainable Development

Power the present. Protect the future. Sustainable strategies are those that strive to ensure that natural and social environments endure and future generations don’t suffer because of present actions. Our Sustainability and Sustainable Development concentration is designed to prepare professionals who are fully committed to those goals and well-equipped to achieve them. Combining environmental, economic, social, and political elements, this concentration will prepare you to help organizations and people strike the delicate balance between meeting immediate needs and planning for the future. Students who complete this concentration will be well prepared to work in a variety of settings, including governments and government agencies, private businesses, nonprofit entities, and other special-interest organizations that seek to sustain and improve current and future conditions for life on earth.

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SPEA Faculty Advisors and mentors.

SPEA boasts a robust mix of scholars and practitioners who are actively engaged in all three aspects of the School’s mission: research, teaching, and service. Without question, this talented group of more than 165 fulltime, part-time, and adjunct faculty members is the driving force behind the School’s continued prominence in the field. Our faculty comprises top scientists and scholars from a range of disciplines, from economics and sociology to management and law. They win accolades — from National Science Foundation awards to Fulbright fellowships to the late Dr. Elinor Ostrom’s distinction as the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. Their work appears in the top journals in their fields. They write important books on topics such as nonprofit fundraising and environmental justice.

more, they’re engaged in the development of their students. They are dedicated, accessible educators who work closely with students, serving as advisors during the program and mentors after graduation. As a SPEA MPA student, you’ll do practical, relevant work with your professors. You’ll also benefit from their wide network of colleagues and contacts as you pursue internships and as you launch your career after graduation. They foster a collaborative learning environment that offers the perfect balance of intellectual rigor and individual attention. You’re likely to have them as advisors and mentors long after your days at SPEA.

But no one here occupies an ivory tower. SPEA’s instructors are actively engaged in campus life and in the Bloomington community. What’s

Professor Anh Tran teaches MPA students.

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The SPEA MPA Degree This rigorous, two-year, 48-credit-hour curriculum will prepare you for the challenges you’ll face every day in public service, the nonprofit sector, or the corporate world. It has three components and culminates in a Capstone course.


Core Competencies Master the fundamentals.

Management. Statistics. Economics. Law. Public finance. Knowledge of these areas, a command of the analytical skills they require, and an understanding of related policy issues and government processes are essential to any career in public affairs. The MPA’s core competencies are: ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

Public Management Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision Making Public Management Economics Law and Public Affairs Public Finance and Budgeting


Concentrations Pursue your passion.

By choosing one or more of our 12 MPA concentrations, you’ll turn your area of interest into an area of expertise. A faculty advisor will work with you to develop your concentration’s course of study — or to tailor a one-of-a-kind, specialized concentration that fits your unique interests. ▲ Economic Development ▲ Energy ▲ Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management ▲ Health Policy ▲ Information Systems ▲ International Development ▲ Local Government Management ▲ Nonprofit Management ▲ Policy Analysis ▲ Public Financial Administration ▲ Public Management ▲ Sustainability and Sustainable Development

Krista Mantsch, MPA 2014 Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management, Policy Analysis Undergraduate institution: Oberlin College (Oberlin, OH) SPEA involvement: Research Assistant, Professor Shahzeen Attari and Professor Vicky Meretsky; International Public Affairs Association; Service Corps Fellow, City of Bloomington Planning Department Current position: Analyst, Natural Resource and Environment Group, Government Accountability Office “SPEA provided me with a unique combination of analytical skills and in-depth subject knowledge that was vital to landing my current job. My SPEA coursework prepared me to dive right into my work at the GAO, keeping with SPEA’s reputation of producing students with excellent analytical skills. My SPEA education prepared me perfectly for a meaningful career in the public sector.”


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Experiential Component Put your knowledge and skills to work.

You will obtain professionally relevant experience through one of these options: ▲ An approved internship, typically during the summer. ▲ A SPEA Overseas Education Program combined with an internship — study and work overseas while earning academic credit. Choose from exciting locations where SPEA instructors team with faculty from partner institutions to offer programs in English, but with a comparative as well as a local perspective. ▲ Credit for prior professional experience or volunteer service, such as the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, or Teach For America. ▲ Research Project (option is available on a limited basis).



Apply your academic training.

Before you integrate your MPA knowledge, skills, and experiences at a new job, you’ll apply what you’ve learned in the Capstone in Public and Environmental Affairs, the culmination of your MPA. Capstone students work in groups on a semester-long, detailed analysis of a policy or management issue, often for a real-world client in the public or nonprofit sector. Some recent Capstones have included:

MPA Program Design (48 Credit Hours):

▲ Forecasting the future of electricity and the technologies for generating and distributing it ▲ Revamping education policy in northwest Indiana ▲ Formulating an economic-development strategy for the German state of Thuringen ▲ Developing fiscal management strategies for financially troubled nonprofits ▲ Developing pesticide-reduction programs in preschool and daycare facilities ▲ Examining water quality issues resulting from improper sewage treatment in small communities ▲ Conducting case studies of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita ▲ Analyzing the economic development impact of Indiana’s Army and National Guard bases, using regional economic impact modeling and survey research, and addressing issues of environmental stewardship and volunteerism

Fall Semester

Spring Semester


Fall Semester

Public Management

Law and Public Affairs or Public Finance and Budgeting


Concentration Requirement #3

Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision Making Public Management Economics Law and Public Affairs or Public Finance and Budgeting

Concentration Requirement #1

and/or Overseas Studies Program and/or

Concentration Requirement #2 Concentration Elective #1

Research Project (Option is available on a limited basis.)

Concentration Requirement #4 Concentration Elective #2

Spring Semester Capstone Project Concentration Elective #4 Concentration Elective #5

Concentration Elective #3

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Bloomington, Indiana


Get to where everyone wants to “B.”

“B-town,” as students affectionately call it, is a cosmopolitan city with the vibe and

energy of an urban neighborhood and the charm and warmth of a college town. You’ll meet people who have come here from all over the world to teach, study, and live. Bloomington has something for everyone, whether it’s a Big Ten sports event, a touring Broadway play at IU Auditorium, an art exhibit at the IU Art Museum, a ballet or opera at the Musical Arts Center, a rock concert at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater, a Saturday morning at the City Market, or a free lecture by such luminaries as the Dalai Lama, Bill Gates, or Gloria Steinem. An international community in the heart of the Midwest, we are home to world music and cuisine. Every autumn the Lotus World Music and Arts Festival features music by artists from around the world in venues throughout the downtown area. Within easy walking distance of the university are several international and specialty grocery stores and nearly 40 ethnic restaurants offering a wide array of cuisines including Afghan, Chinese, French, Greek, Indian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Mexican, Middle Eastern, Tibetan, and Thai. In addition to its cultural amenities, Bloomington has a natural and aesthetic splendor that extends beyond the city limits. Bloomington is surrounded by rolling hills and is minutes away from state parks, forests, and lakes (including the state’s largest manmade lake) — all of which offer a wide variety of outdoor recreational activities year-round.

Mileage from Bloomington to: Chicago 218 Cincinnati 133 Indianapolis 50 Louisville 93 St. Louis 225




Men’s Journal recently rated Bloomington fourth on its list of the world’s best (healthiest and safest) places to live. In 2010, Bloomington received the American Public Transportation Association’s (APTA) title of the best small public transportation system in North America. Students bike through campus year-round in preparation for the famous Little 500 bicycle race, for which the whole town comes out to celebrate each spring. Bicycling magazine has named Bloomington the seventh-best place in the country to cycle. It is no wonder that national polls and media consistently rate Bloomington in the top 10 U.S. cities for quality of life; we’ve graced the top tens of the New York Times, USA Today, Money magazine, and Psychology Today.

Find out why everyone wants to come to Bloomington: visit us. You’ll be amazed at what this community offers.


school of public and environmental affairs | www.spea.indiana.edu

Indiana University It’s what college should be.

For tens of thousands of students each year — and for nearly a million proud alumni all over the world — Indiana University Bloomington defines the college experience. Strong campus traditions, unquestioned academic excellence, world-renowned research, a commitment to cultural diversity and intellectual exploration, a vibrant arts and entertainment scene, a stunningly beautiful campus, top-tier college sports, world-class facilities, cutting-edge technology … IU has it all. Visitors can see it immediately, with their first step onto IU Bloomington’s gorgeous grounds. In his book The Campus as a Work of Art, Thomas A. Gaines called the campus one of the five most beautiful in the nation. Covering nearly 2,000 acres, the campus features countless trees, flowers, and stately, stone-faced buildings dating to the late nineteenth century. Dunn Woods, the Arboretum, and the Jordan River provide a natural laboratory and breathtaking scenery. The setting seems timeless — and no wonder. In 2020, IU will celebrate its 200th anniversary — two centuries of learning and life on a campus clad in Indiana limestone and steeped in tradition. The Little 500 bicycle race, gatherings on Dunn Meadow, the welcoming arches of Sample Gates, the roar of the crowd at Assembly Hall, the ever-changing

artwork on the Jordan Avenue bridges, a midnight kiss at the Rose Well House ­­— these are just a few of the time-honored ties that bind all Hoosiers. But history is only part of the story. In fact, while it honors its past, IU is firmly focused on the future — and on preparing its students to embrace that future. The university nurtures bright minds with an exceptional network of student support, a breadth of academic programs, and technology infrastructure that is second to none among the nation’s public universities. Thanks to its prestigious faculty, IU has earned a global reputation for excellence in teaching and research — not only in Public Affairs, but in many diverse areas of study, including music, area studies and languages, business, the arts and humanities, the life sciences, law, library and information science, technology, education, journalism, and nursing. In short, Indiana University has everything a student could want or expect, plus a whole lot more. For nearly 200 years, it has been ­­— and it remains ­— what college should be.

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Student Life Putting principles into positive action. As engaged citizens

who are energized by challenges and dedicated to positive change, SPEA students eagerly involve themselves in the School and the local community. We encourage students to be actively engaged in all policy-making levels at SPEA, through involvements such as the Dean’s Student Advisory Council, MPA Curriculum Committee, Student Life Appropriations Committee, and Academic Fairness Committee. As well, SPEA hosts a number of professional student organizations that contribute to the vibrant student life found in the School. Some of the widely recognized organizations include: Education Policy Student Association Energy Leaders Student Association Environmental Management and Sustainable Development Association International Public Affairs Association

Nonprofit Management Association Public Finance Association SPEA Ambassadors SPEA Graduate Student Association

To underscore the dedication of our students to service, SPEA hosts a nationally acclaimed and one-of-a-kind Service Corps Program. SPEA’s Service Corps — comprising both a Public and Nonprofit Corps — enables students to gain practical experience by working in community placements as they pursue their academic training. Service Corps Fellows are selected after admission and are supported by a financial package that includes contributions from community partners, Indiana University, and SPEA. The investment across the stakeholders and the experiential opportunity for the Fellows make this a program many try to imitate, but one that only SPEA proudly offers to top MPA candidates. SPEA’s student environment encourages building collaborative peer networks, applying skills from the classroom to student-driven initiatives, and a general commitment to service for the good of the School, community, and beyond.


school of public and environmental affairs | www.spea.indiana.edu

Beijing, China

A World of Opportunity No truly valuable educational experience can be confined within the walls of a classroom or laboratory. Go abroad ...

At SPEA, we’ve always emphasized the importance of out-of-classroom learning opportunities, and we’ve found many ways to offer these opportunities — beginning with our Overseas Studies program. We want our students to think globally, and that’s why we’ve always fostered international perspective among our graduates. SPEA and Indiana University have growing ties with institutions in the European Union, Asia, and other parts of the world through partnership agreements, research collaborations, and student exchanges. Also, IU’s highly ranked programs in language and cultures, comparative studies, and the University’s strength in foreign languages enhance SPEA’s international connections. The list of global destinations for SPEA students is growing all the time. SPEA students participate in summer programs in such diverse places as Berlin and Speyer, Germany; Central London and Oxford, England; Pamplona, Jessica Fischbach, MPA '14, at the Berlin Wall. Spain; Beijing, China; and Croatia. For 2014-2015, SPEA’s Office of Overseas Education Program is exploring programs in Rwanda, South Africa, Paris, and Bavaria and Lombardia.

Additionally, SPEA students come from approximately 20 countries. These diverse perspectives and cultures are welcome, enhancing the robust exchange in our classrooms and influence across the student community.

... and come home.

SPEA is one of an elite few schools to offer educational collaborations with the Peace Corps. SPEA’s Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows program attracts exceptional students after they have completed their in-country service through the Peace Corps. Fellows are selected after admission, and a financial package is extended that includes partial tuition remission, an hourly wage in exchange for a 12-hour-per-week work assignment, and a reduction of the total credit hours required for their MPA program. The value over two years ranges from $19,770 to $30,491, based on residency status. SPEA is also proud to host Master’s International (MI). MI blends the international experience of the Peace Corps and the academic training of SPEA’s master’s degrees. MI participants complete one year of graduate study at SPEA, a Peace Corps in-country experience in which they complete a research or field project, and then one or two final semesters at SPEA to finish their respective master’s degree(s). MI candidates receive tuition remission for their research assignment/field project, and a 6-hour volunteer credit reduction to be applied to their total degree requirements. MI students may receive financial incentives up to approximately $12,000, based on residency status.

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Professional Network A global web links our students to success. You’ve heard the old saying: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Well, graduates of SPEA’s MPA program needn’t worry, because they’ve got both knowledge bases covered. Thanks to IU’s high-ranking academic programs in Public Affairs, deep content knowledge and sharp professional skills are a given. Add to that the value of an ever-expanding network of alumni — a worldwide web of more than 30,000 supportive peers— and our graduates are primed for professional success virtually anywhere in the world.

active and engaged in maintaining those connections than are alumni in other fields. And the camaraderie and teamwork fostered in SPEA’s MPA program create strong bonds among our graduates — ties to classmates, to the school itself, and to students who choose to enroll even decades later. In other words, as a MPA graduate, you’ll always be a member of a growing family — a caring and mutually supportive group of professionals who share a commitment to improving the world. Like you, they want to help … and they will. It’s just the way they’re wired.

As graduates in the field of public affairs, our alumni are well aware of the power of personal and professional networks; typically, they’re more WESTON MERRICK, MPA 2013 Economic Analyst, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, Minneapolis, MN GREGORY C. JASINSKI, MPA 2013 Budget Analyst, Office of Management and Budget at Chicago Public Schools, Chicago, IL KRISTEN BARRY, MPA 2012 Project Consultant, Thomas P. Miller and Associates, Indianapolis, IN SHANNON MADDEN, MPA-MSES 2012 Director of Finance and Administration, Cook County Government, Chicago, IL

ANDREW KEELER, MPA 2013 Fundraising & Marketing Assistant , Pro Bono Partnership, New York, NY ▲

CHRIS BENTLEY, MPA 2012 Public Affairs Specialist, US Forest Service, Portland, OR ELENA HUMPHREYS, MPA 2013 Legislative Analyst, California Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA

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ASHRAF EL-ARINI, MPA-MSES 2012 Consultant, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

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CLINT COTTAM, MPA 2013 Director of Community Action, Five County Association of Governments, Saint George, UT

VICKI ALLUMS, MPA 1986 Associate General Counsel, Information Systems Agency, Department of Defense, Fort Meade, MD

AUDE DE CLERCQ, MPA 2002 Technology Transfer Officer, European Space Agency, Netherlands

▲ ▲

RUTH POLLACK, MPA 2011 Campaign Area Director–Europe, Kiwanis International, Belgium

ADRIAN BORBELY, MPA 2004 Assistant Professor of International Negotiation, IESEG School of Management, France

MELISSA NEUMAN, MPA 2010 Policy Analyst, White House Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C.

MAUREEN TUCKER, MPA 1984 Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. SEBASTIAN IBARRA, MPA 2013 Education Program Evaluation PATRICK COAD, MPA 2013 and Monitoring Specialist, Programs Manager, Pencils of International Rescue Committee, Promise, Guatemala Atlanta, GA ▲

MADISON BUSKER, MPA-MSES 2012 Analyst, The Cadmus Group, Denver, CO JESSICA ROGERS, MPA 2012 Administrative Services Manager, City of Dickinson, Dickinson, TX ENRIQUE LENDO, MPA 1998 Head of International Affairs, Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico


JENNA CIVITELLO, MPA-MSES 2010 Director of Individual Giving, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Pinellas County, Tampa, FL

school of public and environmental affairs | www.spea.indiana.edu

PEDRO PONTUAL, MPA 2004 Special Advisor, Casa Civil, Executive Office of the President of Brazil, Brazil

JAMILA WHITE, MPA 2008 Program Coordinator, IBIS, Sierra Leone

Worldwide Reach As this small sampling of graduates illustrates, SPEA alumni are making their mark — and making a real difference — all over the globe.

CASANDRA BISCHOFF, MPA 2001 Executive Team Leader, ACT Consulting & Coaching, Romania MEMET MEMETI, MPA 2005 Executive Director, NGO Center for Democratic Development, Macedonia

VLADISLAV RADKOV, MPA 2006 Deputy Director for Marketing and Development, Togliatti Philharmonia, Russia

ENGIN KUCET, MPA 2008 Chief Inspector, Prime Ministry of Turkey, Turkey

SYMBAT ABILKHASSIMOVA, MPA 2009 Tax Accountant, Agip KCO, Kazakhstan

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ABDUVAKKOS A. ABDURAHMANOV, MPA 2008 Head of Environment and Energy Unit, United Nations Development Programme, Uzbekistan

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BIYING GAO, MPA 2011 Consultant, CIIC, China ▲

PANHUI “CATHERINE” TENG, MPA 2014 Strategic Planner, Overseas Chinese Charity Foundation, China

JUN HAJIRO, MPA 2005 Director General, Kagawa Prefectural Government, Japan

SAEED AKRAM, MPA 2009 Senior Manager, Federal Excise Tax, Pakistan Customs, Pakistan ALOKE BARNWAL, MPA 2008 Advisor, Climate and Environment Department for International Development, India

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SUE WAMBUGU, MPA 2012 Research Fellow, World Agroforestry Center, Kenya SAMUEL WAWERU, MPA 1975 Assistant Director, Office of the Auditor-General, Kenya NUHU MASSAY, MPA 2013 Federal Energy Accountant, Tanesco, Tanzania

STEVE DRIEHAUS, MPA 1995 Country Director, Peace Corps, Swaziland

COREY PETERSON, MPA-MSES Sustainability Manager, University of Tasmania, Australia

www.spea.indiana.edu | school of public and environmental affairs


The next step is yours. Lead the change in your own life.


Application Checklist Priority Deadline: February 1 (for merit-based aid consideration) Final Application Deadline: May 1* International Deadline: December 1 *Please note that our class may close by this date. We encourage you to apply by the priority deadline of February 1.

How to Apply: Complete and submit the following materials: n Online Indiana University Graduate Application (eApp) www.speaapplication.com n

Application fee – The eApp requires payment by credit card upon submission: $55 for domestic applicants; $65 for international applicants.


Official transcript(s) – A transcript from each college attended is required, regardless of degree conferral, including transfer credits. (If you attended Indiana University, you need not submit a transcript; we can obtain it from the Registrar.) Please have transcripts sent electronically to speaapps@indiana.edu or in hard copy to the following address:

SPEA Masters Program Office 1315 E. Tenth St., Suite 260 Bloomington, IN 47405


Three letters of recommendation – We recommend these letters come from faculty members, when possible. On the eApp, you will be asked to provide contact information for three recommenders. After you submit your application and pay the application fee, an email will be sent to your recommenders prompting them to upload their recommendation letters. Alternatively, your recommenders may submit recommendations, as a PDF attachment, via email to speaapps@indiana. edu with the name of the applicant in the subject line.


Official GRE or GMAT scores – Our institution code is 1324. (LSAT is acceptable if you are applying to the dual MPA-JD or MSES-JD program.)


TOEFL or IELTS scores (for international students) – Our institution code is 1324.


Departmental Questions – Please complete the online form at speadq.com.


Personal Statement – Your personal statement should be uploaded to the eApp. Please consider responding to the following prompt: Describe your most important accomplishments and how they prepared you for graduate study at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Outline carefully your current goals and professional plans. Explain your reasons for selecting the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Alternatively, your personal statement may be emailed to speaapps@indiana.edu, as a PDF attachment, with the subject line: Application Personal Statement.


Résumé or CV – Your résumé or CV should be uploaded to the eApp. Alternatively, your résumé may be emailed to speaapps@indiana.edu, as a PDF attachment, with the subject line: Application Résumé.

All supplemental paper materials for domestic applicants should be sent to the SPEA Masters Program Office (MPO) at 1315 E. Tenth Street, Suite 260, Bloomington, IN 47405. Additional electronic files can be sent to speaapps@indiana.edu. All supplemental paper materials for international applicants should be sent to the Office of International Services (OIS) at Poplars 221, 400 E. Seventh Street, Bloomington, IN 47405. Additional electronic files can be sent to speaapps@indiana.edu.


school of public and environmental affairs | www.spea.indiana.edu

Masters Program Office 800.765.7755 | 812.855.2840 1315 E. Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-1701


The School of Public and Environmental Affairs chose to produce this publication in a responsible manner to support our continued efforts to promote and practice sustainability. To that end, this piece has been produced with paper that uses sustainable forestry practices and contains post-consumer recovered fibers. The folder paper was manufactured with electricity generated from renewable energy sources.

Indiana University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity institution. Students who may need disability support services should visit the Office of Disability Services for Students Web site at www.indiana.edu/~iubdss or phone 812.856.2264. Design and production: Natasha Swingley | RSN, Ltd. | September 2014

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