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KARAKORAM KAOS "The most ambitious project sponsored by the Exploration Board during i t s two years' existenoe was a f u l l scale expedition to the Karakoram. Only a preliminary report on the work of this expedition oan be given at this stage."






Therefore,let not only Imperial College know what i s happening, but also the general public and soientifio world by the daily press, lectures, and radio. The Karakoram Expedition has been the most ambitious and one of the most successful expeditions ever




A T LAST AN I.C. STUDENT HAS HAD CAUSE TO WELCOME THE INTERVENTION OF THE POLICE. / \ LAST JUNE, WITH LONDON STILL IN THE THROES OF THE BUS STRIKE AND THE IMPERIAL JL COLLEGE ENVELOPED IN THE PERSPIRING VORTEX OF EXAMINATIONS, A GENEROUS FATHER DEIGNED TO ALLOW HIS CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SON THE USE OF HIS CAR - AN M.G. MAGNETTE. THE DUTIFUL SON, ARRIVING FOR AN EXAMINATION, CAREFULLY PARKING HIS CAR IN FRONT OF THE RODERIC HILL BUILDING, VANISHED FOR THE REQUISITE PERIOD OF MENTAL EXERTION. Later, when the doors disgorged the unhappy band of examinees, the same student was further confounded to f i n d that his oar had disappeared. At f i r s t , suspecting a student prank, he did not c a l l the police but performed a painstaking search of the area, unaware that the MG Magnet te was speeding Northwards i n desperate hands. The following day an elderly lady reported the loss of a new Rover from outside her Chelsea f l a t . Some 48 hours l a t e r i n Derby, a oar was rammed by a Rover, the occupants attacked and deprived of a case oontaining £7,000 by two men who escaped i n a waiting MG Magnette.

For those whose memory has been clouded by the passing years, allow me to give a few details concerning the Karakaram Expedition; s i x students under the leadership of Mr. E r i c Shipton, with Dr. Budd as Medical Officer, l e f t England at the end of June 1957, returning three months later. After examination of the glaciers i n this r e ucte region of the Himalayas, the party oorapleted geological, surveying and general exploratory work.

Flans are going ahead at the moment to send an expedition to Peru i n 1959 to complete surveying and geological work i n the Andes. Not a l l the money required oan be found within Imperial College, and hence outside assistance is essential.



Thus reads part of the 1S55-57 Report issued by the Imperial College Exploration Board l a s t year.

The cost of this very enterprising expedition to the Exploration Board was £5,052, together with a donation of £1,000 from the Mount Everest Foundation. Prof. H.H. Read, the Chairman of the Board has stated that i n general terms the aim of the Board has been to make available to as many students as possible the valuable experience afforded by soientifio expeditions. Surel y i t cannot be denied, however, that another «1» should be to publish the work i n a report. Not only would suoh a report enhance the reputation of the College, but would prove to certain organisations who have been so financially generous to the Board that the work of the Expedition teams does not cease when they return to Imperial College.


The oar was found weeks l a t e r abandoned, lacking number plates, with a burnt out engine. In due course, four men involved i n the robbery were caught (C.I.D. knows how!) and presented themselves last week at the l o c a l Magistrates Court. The student, mho wishes to remain nameless, appeared at He confesses the preliminary t r i a l . that he was treated with rather less respect than were the prisoners (whom one presumes were well known to the Magistrate!) He c i t e d as an example the following dialogue:-




organised by a College or University i n t h i s country. But i n the long run i t has been a fiasco, leaving behind a story of bungling inefficiency.

Clerk: to accused, after student had been questioned "Would you l i k e to ask the witness any questions?" Accused shake their heads. Clerk: (to student, who has just signed statement) Speaking very rapidly.

Fifteen months l a t e r the only result has been a miserable half-hearted 700-word report within the College. No s c i e n t i f i c report has been published, and the unique and valuable c o l lection of geological specimens has remained unexamined i n a crate since i t s arrival. What i s lacking here? Not imagination, but something more important; the a b i l i t y to oomplete a job. From the Board of Governors t o the Freshers have we not some sort of a leader i n this meoca of soientifio and administrative efficiency.

"IfcurGracicualjadyHMtheQueenshouid requireitwillyoubepresentaswitnessat theAsaizeCourtorfailingthisforfeitthe sumoffiftypounds?" Student looks at Clerk blankly Long pause. Clerk: (impatiently) "Do you understand what this involves?" Student:

Is this the way to publioise Imperial College and to obtain further financial assistance for future expeditions?

INTRODUCING Two more regular features:. page 4 . . page 6.


(The accused grin at


Clerk: (furiously) "WELL, YOU SHOULD! I t should not be necessary for me to read i t again .... IfourGraoiousLady eto" One suspects that the court has had to deal with students under somewhat different circumstances. We are awaiting the result of the T r i a l .




G i l l ' s interests are not confined to I.C. but extend i n other directions also. She has travelled extensively and speaks several languages fluently, as well as being able to make herself understood i n a limited, though important, f i e l d of social l i f e i n many others.




A Cockney by birth, and proud of i t , GUI was without hair u n t i l the age of two, a precedent set by a past President. She has had a varied osoreor - from Convent School to Paris, the Northern Poly and at l a s t to I.e., we doubt i f the c i r c l e w i l l be completed i n the cloistered solemnity of a nunnery.

Although G i l l i s perhaps best known i n the f i e l d of sport for her cricket, having organised the famous I.C.W.A. v. 1st XL match, she also plays tennis, table tennis and badminton and i s an active member of the under Water Club, even having been seen on wet days practising with her f l i p p e n i n the quad.

A Botanical genius, she took part i n l a s t summers expedition to Norway, where a wet 6 weeks must have been considerably enlivened by her high s p i r i t s and ever present sense of humour whioh prevailed even when washed out of her tent on the f i r s t night and l a t e r persuaded to vacate i t i n the early hours of the morning by an i n q u i s i t i v e horse.





There i s no truth i n the rumour that John was eleoted Secretary of the Union because he was the only candidate able to speak to the President on his Born under Pisces i n 1935 own l e v e l . John has, parodoxically, a very dry sense of humour which never leaves him, even when watering policemen from the heights of the Guilds building.

A product of Birkenhead School, he graduated from the liech. Eng. Dept. i n 1957 end provided the excuse f o r continuing his Union a c t i v i t i e s by becoming a fatigue expert - at least he i s the only person i n the Hostel who appreciates the true relationshio between stresses and strains on a logarhythmie basis. -

G i l l has strong views on the part whioh I.C.W.A. should play i n college l i f e which she divulged during an early interview the morning after a party, between sips of black coffee. (Pause to extract wasp from the room with simultaneous loss of G i l l to the depths of her bed and one correspondent up the wall).

Cn reappearing G i l l t o l d us that she thinks small groups of women oan do more good than large ones, that feminine influence on oommittees i s a good thing and that $ postgrads are i n s u f f i c i e n t l y brought into oollege life.

G i l l s ambitions are modest, wants t o :


1) V i s i t every capital i n the world. 2) Marry a multi-millionaire. 3) Ply Mr. Garnett's pyjamas from the f l a g pole. (4) Write a book on the idiosyncracies of carrots. We l e f t her happily crunching one" and declaring that "she can't be bothered to lead a sordid l i f e - i t ' s too exhausting".

A glance at his room i n the Host e l i s very revealing: the f i r s t thing that strikes the v i s i t o r i s that room 58 i s bigger and better thai a l l the others and i t come3 as no surprise to find that John chose i t himself. Sporting a c t i v i t i e s are apparent from the well-used squash racquet, the hockey boots i n a tidy heap on the floor, and the copiously autographed plate which hangs on the wall. This plate i s a souvenir of a disgusting orgy which marked the end of a tour of Holland last year. John i s now Captain of Hookey and i t i s notable that his election coincides with an unprecedented surge of enthusiasm for the sport by I.C.W.A.

Some say that his popularity with women i s connected with the blood-stained whip which i s also part of the decor* but we feel that this would be quite out of character for John. It i s more l i k e l y that the woman i n his l i f e actu a l l y uses is* on him. Her softening influence i s apparent elsewhere i n the room, notably i n the art-prints on the walls, and i n the strange new, books on the shelf. Just above them stands the tankards whioh are evidence of John's successive servioe as Secretary and Chairman of previous years.



This summer, ten members of the Club, assembled by devious means i n Cortina. d'Ampezzo to climb i n the Dolomites. With no previous experience of the region, the short routes offered by the Cinque T o r r i were selected as an introduction to the area, and several fine, exposed climbs were had by a l l parties.

Spurred on by t h i s taste of dolomite climbing, nine members of the party reassembled at the Cimo d i Lavarado t o attempt a series of mare extended and ambitious routes, the tenth member remaining i n Cortina to effect repairs to a back axle. Amongst their elimbs, including the 1,400 feet north east corner of the Cime Grande, two parties climbed an excellent very severe route on the Piooolissima.

The oamp was now moved to the Passo d i S e l l a and a great deal of fine steep climbing was dons on the Cinque Dita Our and the S e l l a and Vaiolet Towers. stay i n the Dolomites terminated with a riotous dinner at the Refugio d i Sella.

Agreeing to reassemble i n Zermatt, four members drove to Venice to f a c i l itate car repairs, while en route for Zermatt, two others i n a blue sports oar had a slight disagreement with a stationary Mercedes. Minus wing and with bent front axle, driver and a somewhat shattered President miraculously appeared in Zermatt some days l a t e r .

In spite of the changeable weather, good snow and i c e climbing was had on the Dom, Monte Rosa, Nordend, and P e l i x jooh, when one weighty member tested his partner's s k i l l by jumping into Recovering a sixfeet wide crevasse. their composure, he was duly hauled out.

The weather showing signs of deterioration, four members walked from the Monte Rosea to the HBrnli hut, hoping to climb the Matterhorn. Their hopes were crushed, however, by a heavy overnight snow f a l l and i t was decided to end the meet i n view of the weather and dwindling finances.

It was generally agreed that a highly successful summer meet had been held considering the fact that f i v e members had no previous alpine exper ienoe.

During the course of these four weeks,numerous colour photographs were taken and i t i s inteneded to show a selection of these i n the near future for the benefit of anyone interested. Information regarding t h i s w i l l be posted on the Mountaineering Club Notice Board. J.W.J. &

People who devote much of t h e i r time to running the Union are often seen dashing about i n their efforts to cope with the job,'but this i s not so with John. The curious thing i s that he never appears to do any work, and this i s clearly a sign of great efficiency.






I.C.W.A. Guide to the Autuan Trends For the guidance of newcomers and oldstagers who wish t o keep up with the times, FELIX has asked his fashion correspondent to report on what the well-dressed man-about-I.C. w i l l be wearing * h i s session.



The party, comprising seven I.C. students and tiro members of the staff, arrived i n Reykjavik, the capital, on the 26th June. Moat of tha party then proceeded to take the bus for the 45O Kms t o Akureyi, situated on the north ooast of the island,while the sixteen packing oases, accompanied by one member of the party and two very pretty Icelandic g i r l s , followed by lorry l a t e on the Saturday evening. Base camp was established at Reydarfjordur, and after a coffee party with a l o c a l fisherman, surveying began a few days l a t e r . Meanwhile, the two geologists followed i n a van, and a f t e r a somewhat incredible Journey, during whicL time they l o s t much of t h e i r k i t along a hundred mile stretch of road (fortunately l a t e r returned t o the Akureyi Police by a following driver), eventually arrived nearly two weeks after the establishment of Base camp, having enjoyed themselves immensely!

The expedition now s p l i t up f o r the serious work of the expedition, the geologists going south t o start t h e i r mapping, one surveying party moving t o a more northerly f j o r d to do a survey of the raised beaches and make some t i d a l observations, while the second survey party stayed at Base t o undertake simi l a r work.

Transport and communication i n this rugged f j o r d oountry proved d i f f i c u l t between the parties, resulting i n three surveyors making a baokb reeking trek carrying 60 lbs of equipment each, f o r over two weeks.

Early i n August, five of the party took a coastal boat south, t o wards the glaciers and ioe sheets, with the intention of doing a survey of a »i»»n ice cap. Ten vary cold days were subsequently spent (on an exposed rocky ledge) close t o the edge of the ioe, during whioh time the party waa tent bound f o r 5 days due t o mist, rain, snow and sleet. Owing t o the mist, much compass treking was necessary, a t r i c k y business when the rooks of the area affect the s t a b i l i t y of the ooapasB, The weather f i n a l l y d i d i t s worst, when a tent surrendered to the wind, rewarding i t s occupants with some four gallons of i c y oold water.

















Are most students, especially Freshers, aware of the character of the three Carnivals run during the course of the year by the constituent college unions? B r i e f l y , these affairs"are marked by exhibitions of drunkeness and pornography to such a degree that would lead, were they to take place i n a night-club or place of public entertainment, to instant closure and prosecution by the police. The decor adop- , ted at every Carnival has one theme only, i l l i c i t sex, and each of the three bodies responsible for organising these so-called revels seems to attempt to outdo i t s r i v a l s i n the exhibition of ever smuttier cartoons.

Hair has been worn short during the summer but with the decrease i n temperature and funds I can confidently foreoast that i t w i l l grow. This new longer style may be d i f f i c u l t to manage but i f you follow our Special Easy 3Minute Beauty Plan (apply box 3907 enclosing 5/- Postal Order) you w i l l see a new, exciting lustre i n your easyto-manage hair you have never noticed before. The very latest thing i n Presidents now i s the short, wide look. The decrease i n length i s of course more than balanced by an emphasis on quality of material but t o carry o f f this new l i n e you must take especial care t o develop the piercing eye. Everyone w i l l love this new, oh-so-ohubby, fashion.

Cabarets demand a section to themselves, consisting of a succession of dreary, unmusical, untalented ani grossl y under-rehearsed sketches, o f t — i proceeded by mass singing of a ty. e usually confined to the Offioera' *"oss or the pavillions of the more obscure rugby clubs after the 4th XV's only home win of the season. The r i s e of the curtain i s accompanied by derisive shouts and often bottles, glasses and food from the sub-nutritive buffet are hurled at the performers: were only the performers h i t , nothing would be amiss, but the stage and the proscenium arch are sometimes damaged.

Surprisingly, women are brought to these Carnivals but,to my knowledge, seldom does a g i r l return a second time. They are not the kind of evening's entertainment to which anyone would bring his sister. I t i s evident that the sole reason f o r taking a partner i s the hope that, i n the atmosphere of immorality with which she i s surrounded she may be contaminated and thus i n duced, with the assistance of gin, to behave i n a degraded fashion.

That the Union should tolerate such exhibitions, with the resultant damage to property and morals that ensues, i s surprising.


CLUB In contrast t o t h i s , the l a s t few days of our stay, when the fishing dispute was i n f u l l swing, was spent i n the excellent hospitality of our hosts, whioh was so characteristic of the inhabitants of t h i s windswept "Bastion of the North".



In probable anticipation, of a cold winter, face-covers have become fashion news this year. Several new styles have been brought bank from the continent, some small and pointed, others c l o s e - f i t t i n g and curly. With careful trimming these leave the eyes quite free and allow f u l l movement to the nose. They usually come i n brown or black but a pale straw colour which was popular l a s t year does not seem to be so much in vogue this season.

Glasses are definitely OUT this session. A oonfident forecast of what YOU w i l l be wearing i n the cooler days ahead i s the "ohio-sao sweater". Waists w i l l be lower than ever but the arms are usually cunningly hung from the shoulders and draped casually Into the trouser pockets. An interesting deta i l i s the cutest l i t t l e fray-fringe whioh often makes i t s appearance about knee l e v e l . With this ensemble you w i l l want to wear a rainbow-gay shirt which for spiok-and-span grooming absolutely must be changed every week. To top off t h i s cosy-bright winter outfit, a snug flannel scarf worn right up to the eyes i s an old favourite, s t i l l firmly in vogue.


Would the Secretaries of Clubs who wish to run a Saturday night informa l dance please make their applications to the Entertainments Committee as soon as possible, with the date preferred.

F i n a l l y some up-to-the-minute news from special correspondent Gamett. A must for you, our younger readers this session i s the pale, cleansed, fresh look. This can only be attained by i n f i n i t e care but YOU are the only ones who can wear i t , and i t i s oh-so-worthwhile.










The Imperial College of Soienoe and Technology has aooepted the reooramendatlons contained i n a report recentl y published by the Committee of VioeChanoellora and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom on the procedure f o r admission of students. Changes i n admission arrangements are being introduced by the College forthwith; i n particular, entrance examinations w i l l be discontinued for a t r i a l period.


SUB-AQUA ooooo


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Last Tuesday, "Shadow of Heroes" opened at the Piccadilly Theatre, starring Peggy Aahoroft and Emlyn Williams: the plot deals with events leading up to the 1956 Rebellion i n Hungary.

Eugene O'Neill's "Long Day's Journey into Night" at the Globe i s a largely autobiographical study of his l i f e ' s troubles condensed into one day, and i n that day drugs and aloohol have a devastating effect on morality.

Opening at the Theatre Royal, Stratford, E., on October 14th i s "The Hostage"; the long-simmering trouble of the IRA i s brought to the b o i l when an English soldier and an IRA man are held as hostages by the oppoaitt sides.

Xf you haven't yet seen the "must", then note that Rex Harrison comes o f f at the end of next March, and there are only a few baloony seats available before then.

One-room l i v i n g - there i s a d i s play showing how t o make the moat of a bed-sitting roam at the Design Centre, Haymarket, u n t i l November 1st, admission free.

I f you want to eat i n Knightsbridge, try THE BRIDGE i n B a s i l Street,' just behind Harrods: t h i s i s an evening out i n i t s e l f , with t y p i c a l l y English specia l i t i e s suoh as Roast Duckling, Curried Chicken and Moreoambe Shrimps served i n pleasant and tasteful surroundings price about £1 per head.

Miss Bardot's fans w i l l be pleased to hear that she has done i t again: i n "Love i s My Profession" at the CameoRoyal, she manages to spend more time i n bed than ever before, ably supported with some good acting by Jean Gob i n .





An informal "get-together" of a l l I.C. folk,who went to Sweden and Finland w i l l be held i n room 120 N.H. at 7.30 p.m. on October 15th. Please l e t me know i f you oan come.



Dear S i r , I write on behalf of of the Committee of the Literary & Debating Society and I wish to ask questions about the status of the Marxist Literary Group. For some years i t has been a sub-group of this Sooiety and, along with the Christmas Islanders, i t happens to have received no grant for this session.

P a t r i o i a Norman. The I.C. Underwater Club has submitted a preliminary report t o the Exploration Board with regard to an expedi t i o n to the Asorea. I t i s proposed that t h i s expedition takes place i n the Summer Vacation 1959 and l a s t s eight weeks. Nine expedition numbers are required. The main purpose of the expedition w i l l be to use aqualung diving techniques t o do some o r i g i n a l marine b i o l o g i c a l work i a the Azores region.








Expedition personnel w i l l not necessarily be confined either to zoologists or to current members of I.C. Underwater Club; there w i l l be ranch general work as well. Members of the expedition would need to have some knowledge of underwater diving. W i l l anyone i n t e r ested i n t h i s expedition contact the I.C.U.C. Hon. Sec. through the Union l e t t e r rack. The closing date f o r applications f o r membership of the expedition w i l l be 1st December 1956.

It would appear that the powersthat-be of this oollege prefer to be hypocritical. They say:"we mist not recognise that there are Communists i n oollege; the Governors would not l i k e that. But we w i l l give them some money on the quiet; l e t them be a Marxist Literary Group and l e t them suokle the breasts of the Literary * Debating Society!"

These Communists have been active as a p o l i t i c a l body and have seldom aspired to literature. Why not recognise them f o r what they are: a Communist Sooiety, or make them at least a subgroup of a p o l i t i c a l sooiety. Let us be honest for once i n a while, or else let us comfort our consciences by a l i t t l e honesty about our hypocrisy and let us create the 'Marxist Tiddlewink Group'as a sub-group of the TableTennis Club. Then everyone would know that we are being ridiculous instead of having to guess.

The Dram. Soo. w i l l be taking Theatre Parties to:"The Hearts A Wonder" ......Cot. 15th. Oct. 22nd. "The Hostage" W i l l a l l those interested i n joining us please sign the Notioe Boards.


Yours sincerely, Peter Jarman.



No 2


S c r a



Fr. women's "field-oourse shoes" size 6£, ex. oond., worn once, £2. Mans check sports jacket, very good oond. chest •ise 38, £3. For both apply N.H. room 120. . 1935 Morris 8/V> Sedan, registered, insured end AA cover. 5 nearly new tyres, new battery* In perfect running order. Any t r i a l . £35. Contact Dr. Lawrence. Geo. Dept.

There once was a fieldmouse called Alfred. His particular f i e l d was Organic Chemistry and his Ph.D. thesis on the subjeot was published i n three volumes and universally acknowledged as a masterpiece. But he was very lonely, isolated as he was i n his aoademio eminence. His family oouldn't understand him and his wife nagged him so that he l e f t home and went to l i v e i n College. At l a s t , he f e l t so much i n need of companionship and comfort that he decided to syntheslse an "understanding fieldmouse,female". So he worked out the relevant formulae and b u i l t an enormous apparatus ( f o r which he obtained a grant from the D.S.I.R.). Unfortunately he made a s l i g h t mistake i n the arithmetic, and synthesised a bloody great oat, whioh ate him.




Dear S i r , I r e a l l y was appalled by the s e l f oonsoioos tripe appearing over the name of one "Cleopatra" i n your l a s t issue. The propagation of such an adolescent approach to the facta of I.C. l i f e can hardly be expected to engender anything but distrust between the freahmen and woe en, and I fear that this be the writer's aim.

a, small body of woman i n such a large college i s bound to excite c r i t i c i s m and continual c r i t i c i s m i n spires self-consciousness. "A lady i s one who i s treated as such" but perhaps the large number of men who s t i l l behave as overgrown schoolboys are Incapable of appreciating t h i s . Maturity includes a depth of understanding, so obviously lacking i n the writer, and would produce the constructive oritioism f o r whioh I hoped. I would be delighted i f 'Ptolemy* would discard his convictions and discuss this problem openly.

Yours very sincerely, G i l l i a n Tilden-Smith (President I.C.W.A.)

WHITHER Having erected a hypothetical barr i e r of indifference (manifesting I t s e l f i n rather unusual ways - "Women are t o be feared, avoided and ignored"), she s e l f oonsoiously examines ways of breaking i t down. A woman should not attempt to be "friendly", yet she should not leave others "To make the f i r s t step". Why, why, why, why cannot these women simply behave i n a natural, normal, f — ^ " i n " manner? Perhaps i t i s unfair of me t o attack them f o r being immature. I t i s hardly their fault. But the fact i s that the majority of I.C. women im t o t a l l y devoid i n behaviour and outlook of any semblance of mature femi n i n i t y , as i s evidenced by Cleopatra's article. Should further proof be needed, l e t any man venture up to the t h i r d f l o o r of the new hostel, and watoh the young ladies thumping gracefully up and down the corridor to answer the t e l e phone. No wonder men get drunk and are siok i n the quad.


Enraged by his recent P r o f i l e , Chubby Garnett has taken to running to Hyde Park. What he does when he gets there i s no-body's business but his own.


On seeing our pet lecher at the recent Hop, one Bedford Fresher gasped "My Mummy didn't warn me about things like this" Why warn 'em, l e t 'em f i n d out f o r themselves.


'The latest betrousered weekend line i n I.C.W.A. Presidents (c.f. Cleo's Needle) provokes more than the usual barriage of derision. Rumours that Chubby i s going to retaliate by wearing a weekend k i l t are unfounded as he says that his legs are not sexy enough.

Dear S i r , I beg space i n your columns to remind inmates of the p e t r i f i e d "BOTANY" buildings that there i s more to I.C. than just their own departments. New students, not yet stunted by departmenta l traditions can ( i f they wish) inherit the dusty gloom that waits for them. They can, i f they make an effort, r e mind the rest of the College that they exist. One major complaint voiced by the said inmates concerns the Natural History Soc., i n danger of becoming l i t t l e more than an egg-headed extension of the day's work. It's supposed to promote "social " intercourse. Well, i t ' s up to i t s members to see that i t does and do something about supporting the rumoured dances,darts matches, informa l discussions at The Queens,etc. I f this s l i c e of R.C.S. fades into obliVion i t w i l l be i t s own fault.



Have you noticed how short the present generation of Union O f f i c i a l s is? It i s obviously due to a preponderance of alcohol i n the blood surrogate, as Mr. Huxley w e l d put i t (B.N.W.)

N Gem heard over the telephone this week :"I don't know what's wrong with these womenj I'm frightened. They're trying to wash my facel" Sheer Luxury I c a l l i t .

Yours, One further point that Cleopatra has missed i s t h i s . Many men have been to "boys only" schools: the transition to a college with one woman to forty men i s r e l a t i v e l y painless. For a woman, on the other hand, to be suddenly planted at I.C. may well be a t e r r i f y i n g experience, and some feeling of being "hemmed-in" i s perhaps inevitable. Cleopatra should devote her efforts t o dispelling t h i s , instead of attempting to r a l l y her g i r l s beneath her crusading banner. Or are we back at Soedean now?

Safety from the screeohing horde l i e s i n anonymity. Yours from behind my barrier, Ptolemy.

IN D E F E N C E Dear S i r , Many people appear t o have misinterpreted the s p i r i t i n whioh my a r t i c l e was written. I t was intended to b r i n g into the open a problem to whioh many members of the college both men and women - f e e l there should be some solution. A v i t r i o l i c attack such as the above l e t t e r does nothing to help. I t i s agreed that the situat i o n mentioned i n the l a s t paragraph exists but the men should realise that theirs i s the opportunity to help remedy t h i s .

Sigmund Aagonschmidt




Dear S i r , October l s t for students i s like January.lst for other people. It i s the beginning of a new year when resolutions are traditionally made. I wonder i f I could influence you or your readers at this stage? B r i e f l y and simply i t i s this. Could we have less of the National Servioe dodging-type of l e t t e r . Last year, i f I remember oorrectly, this was one of the main topics aired i n your correspondence column, usually, i t would appear, by people who were afraid to spend a horrible, rough, nasty two years away from Mum. A great many students who read your paper deoided to serve their country f i r s t and attend college afterwards. They, at least, are not plagued by thoughts of avoiding National Service and the uneasy consciences that go with them: they are therefore not at a l l impressed by these l e t t e r s .

I hope that this l e t t e r i s one of only a few published on this subject during the next ten months. I f Ithe students take a rea l interest i n your excellent newspaper you w i l l have enough correspondence to replace this dreary matter altogether. Yours f a i t h f u l l y , "SENEX MILES"

(From an Admiralty Pamphlet) It i s important that these missiles should be stored with the tops at the bottom, and the bottoms at the top. Therefore, to avoid mistaking the top far the bottom and the bottom for the top, the bottom of each missile has been olearly labelled TOP.

RUBBISH SIR! Sir, I arrive at the entrance to the Beit '..Juadrangle by Rolls-Bentley at about 10.15 am. on most mornings of the week. My chauffeur complains that he cannot get into the kurb f o r me to a l ight because of sundry old crocks, bicycles, scooters and other wheeled contrivances parked right opposite the "No Parking" sign. I find I have 3aoK"ed three chauffeurs and a chauiieuse in ten days for what was, apparently, no fault of theirs.

Nothing w i l l induce me to use the back entrance to the Union - reserved f o r servants and brown-baggers scurrying f o r the 73 bus - so can someone please keep the "No Parking" b i t olear, at least u n t i l after my a r r i v a l . Yours f a i t h f u l l y , Tennis Leston.




by Romulus

Towards the end of each term many I.C. men approach lowarians with a plea for help. However l a s t Sunday Miss I. Piokinson voiced the opinion of I.C.W.A. by issuing an early ultimatum, " I f they want t h e i r socks darned, they must learn to do i t themselves!"

Talking of holes reminds me of the cavity whioh has recently appeared i n a w a l l near t o the serving hatch i n the .Lower Refectory. Soon the a l t e r ation w i l l be completed and a new door f i t t e d , but be careful ' a l l ye that enter there-in" f o r i t only leads t o the washing-up room! At l a s t something has been done t o speed up the removal of d i r t y crockery.

Frequenters of the Snack Bar (next t o the Union arch-way) have been testing the new wicker furniture. No doubt many more students w i l l now be able t o s i t down f o r coffee at the s t r i c t l y regimented l i n e s of tables and chairs, but I cannot help feeling a l i t t l e nostalgia for the mare homely atmosphere o f the bays o f shiny leather settees, where one could lounge and l i n g e r over a cup of coffee.




He i s also writing a sequel t o his scathing a r t i c l e to be entitled: "Freedom from Women - But!"



Royal Albert Hall Thursday, 23rd October, 1958












"REFRIGERATORS AND MUD HUTS" On July 16th, the seoond Natural History Society Expedition to Ghana set s a i l , after some doubts and setbacks, to continue t h e i r long term study of vegetation decay under tropical conditions. Under t h e i r leader. Bob Sturrook, the party of 6 zoologists and two botanists settled i n the B o b i r i r Forest some 25 miles from the town of Kumasi. Communications were maintained by truck, whioh also took the expedition into the town f o r a "quiet" weekend; celebrations of one sort or another formed a large part of the party's activities. The main impression of Ghana-was one of contrasts of extreme poverty and wealth, of advanced technology and startling squalor. A deep impression was made on the expedition by the "High L i f e " dances, some members watching the dancers with d i s t i n c t l y un-aoologioal eyes! Passage complications forced the party t o s p l i t up on September 11th; two sailed on the 12th and a further 3 on the 15th. The remaining 2, the leader Bob Sturrook and John Webster, travelled by truck to the Northern T e r r i t o r i e s , looking f a r the snai l barriers of the tropical blood disease [called Bilharzia. This part of the country was very obviously poorer and more primitive than the base area, the men s t i l l oarrying bows and poisoned Finally, the l a s t remaining arrows. member set s a i l on Sept. 24th for England and expeot to arrive here on the 15th of October.



To d i s i l l u s i o n those who imagine that the party had a glorious sunbathe, only 10 sunny days were enjoyed i n the entire 6 weeks' stay; Ghana oopies the U.K. i n many ways - even the weather.

Since as many as three expeditions a year are now being sent to foreign parts from this oollege, i t was thought l a s t year, that the formation of an Exploration Society would help t o bring together the people interested i n t h i s kind of thing. The sooiety now exsists, and this term w i l l be sponsoring a series of talks by prominent explorers. I t i s hoped to show several films, some of them i n conjunction with the Film Society and t o arrange s l i d e shows of t h i s year's expeditions.




Early l a s t Saturday morning as I was crossing the Quad, I saw three very pretty g i r l s who were obviously i n d i s tress. They could not f i n d Room 110 i n the hostel. Crowds of errant males appeared from a l l over, hastening t o lead the way. One frustrate:! male enviously wondered who was the lucky fellow i n 110 who was having so many beautiful v i s i t o r s so early i n the day. On consulting the resident l i s t he found that the occupant was Miss Susan Coombs! - i t a m e j


Tony "Freedom from Women" Hodgson, past Editor of Phoenix, has s a c r i f iced his strong prinoiples by becoming engaged t o a pretty fraulein i n the record time of 3? weeks. He i s further engaged - i n research work at one of the lesser-known Universities, where he devotes some l i t t l e time t o the pursuit of his kind of music: he i s now leading c l a r i n e t i s t of a professional group there.


When not playing his v i o l i n Mr. McDowell i s to be found i n h i s office at the top of the Registry busily arranging the oollege 'General Studies'. Last Thursday lunch-time he started o f f the term with a bang. The two lectures (sex and crime) were wall attended (No comment). S i r Roderio H i l l started General Studies i n 1952, and he appointed Mr. McDowell as organiser who has admirably held the reins ever since. Be i s a t a l l , quiet and e f f i c i e n t men, fsnd of music, reading and walking. He has the interests of a wider education f o r students at I.C. very much at heart, and i s worried that students sometimes wrongly regard General Studies ss imposed culture. Lest week he t o l d me that many of the ideas for lectures come from students and student societies. So i f anyone has any ideas f o r lunch-time lectures or lecturers, i f they contact Mr. MoDowall they w i l l f i n d a most open-minded and appreciative l i s tener.

It i s not intended that the sooiety w i l l o f f i c i a l l y sponsor expeditions and the committee organise them. This w i l l be l e f t to the individuals i n the sooiety and oollege. I t i s hoped that the sooiety might serve a useful function as a meeting plaoe of have been and would be explorers. I t i s hoped that people proposing expeditions t o the Exploration Board (which i s a College body and exsists only to finance and equip expeditions) w i l l f i r s t of a l l submit them to the sooiety, so that the proposers might receive advice and get the necessary oopies of the proposal I n this way the secretary typed out. of the Exploration Board w i l l be saved undue work i n the duplication of the necessary numbers of oopies of the proposal and the proposers themselves put i n a more favourable position since the proposal w i l l then be presented i n the correct form. PS.

This year the Rover Crew expedition was staged i n Andorra, the pinprick on the French-Spanish border, camping 6 Km from Sant J u l i a de Sarin in the v i c i n i t y of a farmhouse and 1400 f t . above the town. The rugged country i s l i t t l e known and often the existing maps are in error, which caused the crew to pioneer i t s own routes on many occasions. In general, the rock i s rotten, probably due to the extremes of temperature between day and night. An massing variety of plants i s to be found > despite rooks and d i m a t i o conditions, and one member alone pressed 260 species. The crew arrived some time before the tourist rush started and soon became well known among v i l l a g e r s . Dai l y v i s i t s t o the wine shop i n Sant J u l i a made the crew popular with the proprietor concerned, while the local goat skin wine bottles provided much entertainment to those not using them. G.P.M.





C O R N W A L L .



â‚Ź % * " H P " % On Saturday July 7th, a party of Gliding Club members l e f t Twnham by road f o r the Cornish Gliding Club's s i t e at Perranparth. The party i n cluded Paul Mlnton, the leader of the expedition, and Frank Irving, who had just returned from the World Championships at Lezno i n Poland, The gliders taken were the Club Skylark II "Phoenix" and a privately owned Skylark I I I "Sixty-Six". A further Skylark I I was taken by a small contingent of Surrey Gliding Club members, together with a Tiger Moth towing a i r c r a f t .

Perranporth was reached after dark and the f i r s t night was spend i n the hanger, but as no f l y i n g was possible on the Sunday camp was struck by an old S p i t f i r e disposal. Unfortunately Frank Irving had to return to I.C. on Sunday evening as he had been away i n Poland for a month.

Monday was notable f o r the rashness displayed by a few pre-breakfast bathers i n the nearby sea, resulting i n near r i g o r mortis. Flying, but no soaring, was possible on the following two days giving no opportunity of familiar i s i n g members with the new s i t e . On Thursday B i l l Tonkyn was towed inland i n "Sixty-Six*and, releasing near Truro, flew to Lostwithiel where he was forced to land as he had flown too f a r South of the l i f t . Several other members had tows towards Truro and contacted l i f t , but were not suitably placed to use i t . Friday was the best day of the week, with a l i g h t land breeze and by 11 o clock thermals were obviously r i s i n g above the s i t e i t s e l f . 1

Paul Minton made the best f l i g h t of the day, soaring l o c a l l y for about an hour, then f l y i n g t o Trevose Head. He landed at St. Ival while returning t o Perranparth as the sky seemed f u l l of Shackletons. "Phoenix" was also soared together with a Tandem Tutor belonging to the Cornish Club.

Despite the sea-mist which prevented f l y i n g f o r numerous hours, and the lack of a s u f f i c i e n t l y strong sea breeze the week had been a suocess. This was largely due to the a v a i l a b i l i t y of the Tiger Moth as most of the launches were by aero tow. Sincere thanks are due t o the Surrey tugpilot,' and to the Cornish Gliding (and *Plying) Club for t h e i r hospitality, the use of t h e i r two-seaters, and, of course, the bar. t



TELEPHONE : KENSINGTON 296 3 Friday 10th Pot. GUILDS MOTOR CLUB Film Show Meeting Room 15. 5.-00 p.m. CHINESE SOCIETT Freshers' Dinner. gmmjag 12th


GUILDS MOTOR CLUB Freshers' Rally. Snack Bar. 1.30 p.m.



When 'Bo' presented herself f o r inspection at the Freshers' Receptions proceeding the start of the Session, i t waa with a deep feeling of embarrassment on account of her i n a b i l i t y to be self-propelled. After a great deal of time and hard work had been spent cleaning and preparing her (and three months oxidation on brass-work takes some cleaning!), she was duly pushed out into the open a i r to be started. After half an hour's exhaustive swinging (no mean feat when there are some 3 l i t r e s on the other end of the handle) an ominous 'olonk' was heard from 'down the front underneath'. A closer i n spection revealed that the supporting bracket for the rocker arm of the offside exhaust valve had sheared. This bracket oonsists of a short double arm, and i t was obvious by the d i r t and grease that one side had been broken for quite some time. The other side had withstood the extra stress for as long as possible, but had f i n a l l y fractured at this rather inopportune As this failur e put the o f f time. side cylinder out of action, starting became impossible.

As insufficient Guildamen were available to push 'Bo' to her place of honour i n front of the Union the only vehicle of sufficient n o b i l i t y qualified to tow her waa very kindly brought t o our assistance by her keepers from R.C.S. The sight of a noble, but temporarily defeated, 'Bo' being towed by a triumphant 'Jezebel' was almost aa awe inspiring as i f the two had been driven i n convoy.

A repair i s being effected as soon aa possible, and i n a l l probability w i l l be completed by the time this reaches print.

Footnote: Anybody with an interesting Special whioh he wishes to submit f a r a F e l i x road-test, please contact either Geoff Howard or Brian Wellstead, both 3M, v i a C.A G. Motor Club Rack.

Tuesday 14th Oct. WINE TASTING SOCIETT. Talk by Mr. Reeves of Mayor, Sworder and Co. Ltd. on "Wine-Tasting". Snack Bar 5.30 p.m. Weekend 18th and 19th Oct. MOUNTAINEERING CLUB Freshers' Meet i n N. Wales. T.H.A. GROUP Joint weekend at Ewhurat Green. I'.H. with Bedford College Y.H.A. Group. Fresher'a Dinners MINES WILDS

Man. 13th and Wed. 15th Oct. Thurs. 16th, F r i . 17th, Men 20th, Wed. 22nd and F r i 24th Oct.

N.B. The Editor reminds a l l secretaries that this column cannot be kept up to date without t h e i r cooperation.




The R.C.S. Fire Engine emerged from her summer hibernation on Saturday, Sept. 27th, for the second Historic Commercial Vehicle Club r a l l y at the ABC works, Southall, the following day. Particular attention was paid to the brass, as i t was known that she would be facing works competition. In the afternoon, she was paraded round Earls Court, i n company with half a dozen other vehicles, to publicise the event.

An excellent lunch and tea were provided by ABC Ltd. and their chairman - Lord Brabazon - judged the 'ooncours'. The driving tests unfortunately were curtailed considerably, only a time-trial being held. However, we managed to hold our own test when i t was found that the f i r e engine, with 11 -up, made a very satisfactory standing start up a 1 i n 7 test h i l l .

On Sunday, she arrived at Southa l l to find a 1914 Dennis and two 1928 Dennis's already present. There were also a Leyland and a Ford-T-based f i r e engine, a l l these fortunate vehicles being complete with pumps.

There were three steamers present, including 'The Animals' Friend' - a 1903 engine used by the RSPCA to assist horse-drawn vehicles up Crystal Palace Hill.

On the Freshers' Days, Jezebel was used to tow Bo' out to the Union and baok, and performed this very satisfactorily. However, on her t r i p round the Park, she was ignominiously allowed to run out of petrol, and had to be pushed home, completing, as you w i l l see, the t r i o of not particularly mobile chariots.



With the r a l l y at Southall as her goal, "Clementine* duly l e f t the Union at 10.15 a.m. on Sunday 28th September with 125 p . s . i . A l l went smoothly u n t i l she reached G i l l e t t e Corner, when i t was discovered that a sack of Anthracite instead of Welsh Dry Steam Coal had inadvertently entered her grate, and effectively k i l l e d the f i r e . Then, after a five and a half hour delay, help arrived in the form of a sack of low-grade housecoal, extracted from the research lab. and delivered by Humber Snipe: with this stimulant Clem, managed to return under her own steam. The crew, both professionally consorted with the N.C.B., have not yetl i v e d the blunder down!


FELIX •To a l l Sports Clubs*

I P f f t T

I would be extremely grateful to a l l clubs wishing to have a report published, i f their reports reached me on Friday evening for the Wednesday's sport, and Sunday mornings, before midday, for the Saturday's sport.



SOCCER. Just over 50 freshmen attended the Soccer T r i a l s at Harlington l a s t Wednesday, when several practice games were played. The overall standard of play was quite high,so that competition for the seven teams being run this year should be very keen. The f i n a l t r i a l s were held on Saturday, and i n view of the standard of the matches played,the club looks forward optimistically t o a highly successful season.

Last year the club had a moderately successful season. The Swimming section won the University Swimming Championship because of S t i r l i n g work by the two Rogers; however the Water Polo section d i d not do so well. The club had numerical strength far three teams but quality was lacking: the f i r s t team after a good start, l a t e r faded because of insufficient training and too much alcohol. Colours awarded last season.


Joyce. Full Half

W. Corrigan, R. Larsen R. Basham, D. Beoket, P. H i l l s

A T H L E T I C S .

Ihe Athletics Club wishes to thank two of i t s past members, Les Locke and John Evans, for t h e i r services over the l a s t few years; we s h a l l f i n d i t extremely d i f f i c u l t to replace them. Les, who i s s t i l l a member of the College, has now turned professional footballer, playing f o r Queens Park Rangers. John, who has l e f t the College, I believe i s now earning his l i v ing.

We extend a hearty welcome to our freshers. I t looks as i f we have a good ohance of retaining the University Championship, and the Polo team with training and new recruits should doubtless improve on last seasons performance. Water Polo Fixtures F r i . Oct. 17th

l s t v KINGS, 7-30 p.m. Gt. Smith Street Man. Oct. 20th 2nd v L.S.E. 7.30 p.m. University Pool F r i . Oct. l s t v SOUTHGATE 7.30 p.m. Buckingham Palace Road.

On behalf of the Athletics Club, I would l i k e to wish you both every success i n the future.



The Crosscountry Club has gained about a dozen freshers, and, from the results of the two t r i a l s held so far, several of them appear to be very good. We welcome a l l new members, and hope they w i l l enjoy running with us whether i n the f i r s t team or the second, and always, i t appears, i n the rain. Tomorrow our f i r s t fixture of the tana i s the U.C. Relay f a r whioh we have entered two teams. However, a team consisting ohiefly of postgraduates did have one race during the vacation, finishing 14th i n the St. Albans Crosscountry Relay. Club training w i l l take place at lunchtimes on Tuesdays and Thursdays (meet i n the changing room at 12.45 p.m.) and on Sundays at 1100 a.m. at the Hurlingham track, Putney Bridge. Circuittraining f a c i l i t i e s w i l l be available to members on Mondays and Thursdays, 5-6 p.m. We look forward to another successf u l season, and hope to retain the U.L. Cup i n the Championships this ooming December.

H O C K E Y .

The number of freshers joining the hockey club this year has f a l l e n i n comparison with l a s t . In this respect the t r i a l s have been disappointing, but the quality of play has been good.

'A quick reminder of the clubs activities*. Mid way through this term a Winter Relays Competition,strongly contested by the London Colleges, i s held, cons i s t i n g of three relays and numerous f i e l d events. In the l a t t e r half of the spring term a few fixtures are arranged, but the main season takes place during the summer term. The following training f a c i l i t i e s are at present operating: CIRCTJIT TRAINING: A l l week nights except Wednesday, during the hour immediately a f t e r college, i n the Union Gymnasium. (See notioe board for starting date.) WEIGHT TRAINING: Tuesday and Thursday lunch times i n the gymnasium, or a f t e r college hours i f the gynmasium i s not i n use. TRACK TRAINING: Every Sunday morning at Hurlingham Park, Putney Bridge. A party leaves I.C. hostel at about 10.30 a.m. f o r 11.00 a.m. CASUAL RUNNING i n Hyde Park during Tuesday and Thursday lunch times (meet 12.45 p.m. i n the gynmasium changing room.) At Easter U.L. organise an excellent 5 day trainin g course at Motspur Park with several leading A.A.A. coaches present. The Club hopes to organise an a t h l e t i c s tour i n Denmark t h i s Summer and anyone interested should see the notioe board. F i n a l l y , a reminder to a l l freshers: It i s important t o watch the club notioe board.



There i s a school of thought, which considers that tennis i s essentially a summer game. For those who d i s agree, there exists a olub i n each of the three constituent colleges, whioh has the audacity to arrange tennis matches throughout the Autumn and Spring Terms. The City and Guilds Lawn Tennis Club has always been able to f i e l d a strong team, beating most other London University oolleges and, for the furtherance of this reputation, requires a l l Guildsmon tennis players to inspect the olub notioe board, situtated i n Guilds entrance h a l l , and attend the practices advertised thereon. The practices take place at Bishops Park Courts, Fulham Palace Road, S.W.6. every Wednesday afternoon, and matches have been arranged for every Saturday morning throughout the term. Last season Guilds L.T.C. was able to f i e l d two teams of s i x players and, i f sufficient support i s forthcoming, w i l l do so again this season.

So oontinue your enjoyment o f tennis through the whole year and help to raise your own and our standard of play. Balls are provided by the olub, nylon racquets are usually necessary webbed feet are an advantage.

Published by FELIX Printed by 577.



We are rather fortunate to have los t very few of last year's "old f a i t h f u l s " ; i n fact l a s t year's l s t XI has los t only one player. I hope this w i l l not discourage some of the freshers who may find themselves i n the 2nd XI, whereas i n previous years they would probably have made the l s t . I t i s extremely d i f f i c u l t t o forecast the f i n a l strength of the teams u n t i l after the U.L. T r i a l s . Last year the olub provided five of the University side and should have a simil a r number this season. I f we oan equal the record of last year, and impress on the U.L. Cup results - and there i s no reason why not - i t w i l l be an excellent year. WANTED:- One brave, resolute man as hookey goalkeeper. Armour provided. Apply to any of the Hookey Club Committee. Last, but not least, we would l i k e to welcome a l l freshers and hope they have an enjoyable season with the club.


•To a l l Sports Enthusiasts* It i s hoped each fortnight to publish an e d i t o r i a l on some controv e r s i a l sporting topic. This can only be done with your 00—operation. I f you, the enthusiasts, would like to help, please place your a r t i c l e i n the Union Rack; they should then eventually reach me.

-Imperial College Union S.W.7.






. 3°7a, Telephone Place "i, 14.

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