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M O N D A Y , 1st O C T O B E R 1962


A Welcome to Freshmen from the President Instead of the usual 'rhubarb about apathy (of w h i c h , rest assured, you w i l l hear a great deal eventually), I want to give you some information. A number of old building were pulled down this summer, among them A y r t o n H a l l where there was a big refectory. I n order to compensate for this loss, many temporary refectories have been set up over the Island Site, i n addition to the refectory facilities i n the U n i o n building whjch w i l l be functioning as usual. Please make sure that you know where meals are available, otherwise conditions might become chaotic. There w i l l be plenty of notices about the place. The second point concerns U L U cards. A l l members of Imperial College are automatically members of University of London U n i o n , , but a special U L U card is necessary for admission to the U L U buildings i n Malet Street. These w i l l be available on request at the I C U n i o n office.

T h i r d l y , I would urge you to buy and read F E L I X every fortnight. It is the only way of knowing what is going around I C and you w i l l soon get the flavour pf I C life through the pages of F E L I X . . T o r those who are interested, FELIX needs reporters and sales staff. Experience is unnecessary, just get i n touch w i t h the E d i t o r and offer your services. A healthy press reflects a healthy U n i o n (which can be taken i n more ways than one). As for the rest, you w i l l have heard i t all at the talks given by the senior student officers on Freshers' D a y , and have more than enough information to make a start. This is m y second 'letter' to you, as I w i l l have addressed you by the time you read this. It is only common courtesy to reply to letters, so write to me, or come round and see me, even i f i t is only to say hallo. Good luck and good-bye t i ll then. The President

Duke of Edinburghs' Visit by K E I T H


O n Thursday J u l y 12th H i s R o y a l H i g h n s s s the D u k e of Edinburgh visited the College to unveil a tablet to commemorate the new Engineering B u i l d i n g s now nearing completion on the island site. The D u k e was met at the m a i n entrance of C i t y and G u i l d s by the C h a i r m a n of the Governing B o d y , S i r Roger Maklns, and was presented to the Chairmen of the Delegacy of C i t y and Guilds, and of the Development Committee, the Rector, S i r P a t r i c Linstead, and the D e a n of C i t y and Guilds, professor O. A . Saunders. After furtrer presentation the over a destruction. The Rectparty proceeded to the entrance or expressed the thanks of the of the Mechanical Engineering College to H i s R o y a l Highness bujilding where the D u k e was and the party moved off across fnvited to mnveil a -commemthe apron floor to the new Elecorative tablet. Re pl yi ng to a trical Engineering block, where comment by S i r Roger M a k i n s the D u k e was shown laboratthat this was the last time the ories and a lecture theatre. old entrance to City and Guilds The party then passed into the would be used i n an official ocwest block of the semi-compcasion, the D u k e observed thaD leted C i v i l Engineering block, this was the first time he had been called upon to preside Continued on page 2.








Circulation 1700 A . T , Pawlowicz Advertising Manager and and Treasurer Photographers and A r t i s t i c Advisers

Production Manager

... M l c h e a l Coombs ... K e i t h Jones Roger H a n s o n Chris B a g n a l l Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Penny Howard

President H o n . Sec. H o n . Treasurer President of I C W A President C . & G . U n i o n President R C S U n i o n President R O M U n i o n


Chairman A C C Chairman Entertainments Committee Chairman R C C C h a i r m a n Silwood P a r k Committee Chairman S C C


Council R e p s . C . & G .


L a s t but by no means least, a few words about F E L I X staff. There are several positions still to be filled, so that anyone who •is at all interested i n F E L I X should apply as soo nas possible is at all interested i n F E L I X should apply as soon as possible to the E d i t o r . Sports reporters, a production manager to help the urgently. The E d i t o r can be contacted through the U n i o n R a c k or directly (Room 83, N e w H o s t e l ) .








Editorial F i r s t and foremost, a big welcome to a l l / o u r Freshers both undergraduate and postgraduate. L i k e a form of blood transfusion, )fche Freshers give that extra pep and vigour to the the College, and enable i t to continue unchanged, yet re-energised year after year. . N o doubt, enough has been said about that happy balance between work and play, both by the representatives of the academic side and the U n i o n side of the College, so that there is no need to add more, except to underline that the word balance implies a bit of both. Those who are coming back to College for their second or third year w i l l no doubt notice a slight change i n F e l i x . The format is slightly different, there being four columns to a page instead of three, this giving more scope i n the layouts and more flexibility i n sizes of photographs etc. The printer has also i n vested in a second L i n o t y p e machine, so that i n the next issue we w i l l have the choice of the two type faces, namely L a t i n 10 point or Times 11 point. It is to be hoped that these changes w i l l result i n an even better F E L I X , which already i n its pre. vious form was a source of envy and inspiration for some of the other L o n d o n colleges. Other changes i n the College scene involve the sudden disappearance of old buildings and the appearance of new ones. Perhaps the change w h i c h affects most people, is the shutting down and demolition of A y r t o n H a l l . This means that One ot the largest College refectories has disappeared and as a service to students a F E L I X survey has been carried out to discover h o w the College is going to cope w i t h the new catering problems. The results of this survey are published elsewhere i n this issue



E d i t o r of F E L I X E d i t o r of P H O E N I X


T H E D U K E OF E D I N B U R G H VISITS I.C. Continued from tront page, and visited the drawing offices the H e a v y E l e c . E n g . laboratand the structures, concrete and ory where several research prohydraulics laboratories. jects were demonstrated and then down into the boiler house On his way from the C i v i l to see the three giant oil furB u i l d i n g to the H e p v y E l e c . naces which w i l l eventually E n g . laboratory the D u k e had supply all the College's heat. to pass ' B o ' which had been The party then went into the strategically placed on his route. Mechanical Engineering buildHarry W a t s o n and Sammy ing to visit the steam laboratK l a t t extolled the virtues and ory and the fatigue laboratory idiosyncracies of Bo', and where further demonstrations B o ' no doubt feeling the i m wee given. portance of the occasion started w i t h the first swing of the Before leaving for refreshhandle. The D u k e , though very ments the D u k e was introduced interested i n B o ' refused an i n to M r s . Arnold, H e a d Cleaner vitation to drive it. of C i t y and Guilds who has L e a v i n g , B o ' ticking over been w i t h the College for 53 sweetly, the D u k e went into years without a break.


Articles for F E L I X are always welcomed by the E d i t o r , especially when they are on current student or College t o p t o , They should be sent In v i a the U n i o n R a c k addressed to the E d i t o r — F E L I X , or handed to the E d i t o r direct. (The U n i o n R a c k is the letter rack i n the lounge on the ground floor of the U n i o n building.) A l l 'copy' should be double spaced, written on one side of the paper only and typewritten If possible. Authors, who may nvrvain anonymous i f thev so wish, should remember that If necessary, their artic'es w i l l suffer editing and possibly, cutting subject to the discretion of the E d i t o r . If you feel strongly on that Yital topic, don't just mutter to yourself—it gives a bad Impression ("Its the D T s a g a i n " ) . It is far better to spread yourself In print, and prove to a l l and sundry that you are more than a pretty face.

The D u k e w i t h the Rector.



ised to Jaguars and Aston M a r t i n s ' (which leaves the H o n . Sec. i n a bit of a quandary as to where we can visit this year). Bob Beaumont, the R a l l y Secretary, w i l l be organisiug one or two even's for the competition minded, and he will be able to arrange entries to the rallies of certain o'.her L o n d o n clubs.

It remains now to remind you that the first meeting will be held on F r i d a y , October 12th, at 5.15 p . m . i n room 542 i n E . l . block (Mechanical E n g i n eering Department i n C i t y and Guilds College). Two films i n colour w i l l be shown, " B . R . M . 1959" and '.'Highway H o l i d a y " . Everybodv is welcome, whether a member or not, so do come along with your friends.

The M o t o r C l u b eaters for the motoring interests of G u i l d s " men, and Indeed a oordial Invitation to membership i s extended! to a l l Imperial College people. This long established C l u b last! year had a record membership of about ISO—one of the biggest in I . C . The pride of the Club w i t h Getting back to motoring, reout doubt is our 5 seater phae'- cent speakers have included on, a 1902 James and B r o w n e . R a y m o n d M a y s , and B r o w n He (please note the gender) (the Vincent flier), and last rejoices i n the affectionate nick, year works visits were organname "Boanerges", possibly so-called from the two massive pots wherein his power is developed. " B o " enters for the B r i g h t o n r u n each year i n v a r , iably getting there, and this is one of the outstanding events of the College social calendar. In one recent r u n he developed anti-social boiling habits anu had to be assisted up h i l l by a band of willing Guildsmen. H i s consumption of water was equalled only by that of ale by the Guildsmen on arrival at B r i g h t on 1 The Club holds fortnightly meetings at which there are film shows or guest speakers, and it has been known for those who indulge to re'.ire to the bar afterwards. If, however, ladies accompany us ( and honestly we love 'em to come along) we imbibe i n the U n i o n lounge, because you w i l l be aware of the m y s t i c a l rites w h i c h ensue if woman sets foot i n the bar. HRH the D u k e inspecting B o ' during his recent visit.

A career is w h a t i t ' s w o r t h If you divide the population into two groups—newspaper, naturally commends itself to successthose who take T H E T I M E S and those who don't—ful people. There is no high level conference, youfindthis: those who don't take T H E T I M E S are inboard meeting, no top executive's private ofEct; the great majority. Those who do are either at theinto which T H E T I M E S is not apt to be taken. top in their careers, orare confidently headed there.This choice of a newspaper by people who get T H E T I M E S both by its seniority in experienceon is indisputable.* In which of the two groups do and by its incomparable prowess as a modernyou place yourself?

Read T H E


•There are few greater benefits you can give your children than to bring them up on THE TIMES. If they are at school or college, they can get T H E TIMES for the student rate of 2id. They should write to The Circulation Manager, T H E TIMES, London, E.C.4.

FELIX the age of sixteen, rediscovered girls. H e met a girl i n B o m b a y University, courted her over three continents and nine countries until after seven years, she could resit h i m no longer and finally said yes.


Not being satisfied with th* degree i n Mathematics that he was awarded i n B o m b a y , A s i t came to Imperial College several years ago, and has been trying to do Mechanical E n g ineering ever since. H e has spoken i n a number of debates, and was elected President of the Debating Society, has also written for the college literarv publication P H O E N I X (Two stories, an article, and a piece to be published this week).

Asit Chandmal President

A s i t ChandmaJ was born i n India i n J u n e 1939. The first two years were the most frustrating years of his life—r/> could not make a single speech. it the age of two, tiring of gurgling as a means of communication, he changed to E n g lish, and despite forays into Gujarat!, M a r a t h i , H i n d i , German, F r e n c h and Sanskrit, has stuck to E n g l i s h ever since. A t the age of four, he joined

a girls' school and spent three congenial years there, but alas, ('for no apparent reason') at the age of seven was asked to leave. The shock of joining a boys' school so upset h i m that for the next seven years, he studied hard. I n his spare time he won a few table tennis tournaments (his doubles partner is now ranked the best player i n I n d i a ) , switched to tennis, then to squash, and at

While few of us wish to know the future, many hopereasonably—to have a hand In shaping it; and this requires acquaintance with what may lie ahead. But traditional methods of probing the future are no longer In favour. Crystal-gazing has obvious limitations. Witches are prophets only of ultimate doom. So today one turns, in the first instance, to the appointments officer for the pathways to the future. We, for our part, would like to elaborate what lies along one of them—Unilever Research.


Research in Unilever means Industrial research: research directed to specific ends: research with a practical outcome. But not only that. No industrial project or problem stands In Isolation. Its roots rarely lie In industry. So, research In Unilever also means research In a number of contrasting fields—detergents, edible fats, foods, cosmetics—and it means, further, research In surface chemistry, glyceride chemistry, protein chemistry, and a host of equally fundamental topics. It means a community of scientific Interest within Unilever, and continuity of academic contact outside it.

D u r i n g the summer vacations he hitch-hiked i n Europe and attended student conferences in Vienna, B e r l i n (East imd W e s t ) , Stuttgart, Paris and L o n d o n . On three distinct occasions, he has graced the small screen (!), once appearing with a group of Asian students, once while playing cricket i n East B e r l i n , . . . and the third time when I C students questioned M r . G r i m m o n d on the L i b e r a l Party Programme towards the end of last session. H i s crack about the L i b e r a l P a r t y (compared w i t h the Tories and L a b our, the Liberals seem like u penny ha'penny trying to Le twopence') was quoted i n three national newspapers. With his talent for a witty and balanced speech, A s i t had no difficulty in leading the G u i l l s team to victory i n the Intercollegiate Competition, and his speeches at Guilds Union meetings resulted i n h i m being christened 'the notorious epigram k i n g ' . A hard and enterprising organiser, despite his literary trends, A s i t almost doubled the sales of F E L I X when he took over as E d i t o r i n the usually slack summer term of last session, and by boosting advertising, managed to make F E L I X break even, (it had been losing up to £ 2 0 per issue). His campaign for President was similarly thorough—seventeen council members seconded h i m and there were no other candidates. A s i t has played squash and table tennis for I C and as residents of B e i t H a l l know, is a talented photographer.

It can mean research as a career, or as an Introduction to the technical and commercial sides of Unilever. It can provide satisfaction in the pursuit of it and financial reward in the success of it. There Is only one minor hazard. Our standards of acceptance are high.

The U n i o n is i n a state o i change, w i t h South Side com ing up and old buildings being demolished. It w i l be tough will We Invite you to write to Dr. A. CROSSLEY, Staff Officer, year and the President Research Div., Unilever Ltd., Unilever House, London, E.C.4 need a lot of co-operation (and criticism) from constructive everyone, especially Council, U N I L E V E R R E S E A R C H and his beautiful w i f e - M i n a .


"EVEN and


Puppet of Western Imperialism and International C o m m u n i s m . L i k e most Clubs i n I m p e r i a l College U n i o n , the Socialist Society is open to a l l , even Conservatives and Communists. W e cannot promise you a pancea for the ills of the world, but we do offer a forum .co w h i c h your particular solution can be put. To all those who for one reason or another call themselves socialists, and to those who think that they might be, and to those who want their fears of us confirmed, as well as to the curious, we extend a welcome. Our basic business is discussion, though.this does not rule out action. Through the National Association of Student Organisations, those with a yen for the cut and thrust of party politics can operate, and our programme includes theatre visits and once around the Houses of Parliament guided by M . P . s of Great Repute. W e meet every week, the time and place being posted around the College i n advance, and if you didn't meet us at the Freshers' Reception then contact Paul Carter through the U n i o n L e t ter rack i n the m a i n lounge; he is our secretary. Freshers tea is a highly informal gathering with no ponderous speeches of welcome, though everyone is, The time-honoured custom is to discover exactly i n what way everyone else is wrong. B y Russian standards, we are an unhealthy agglomerate of puppets of W e s t e r n Imperialism, supporters of German Revanchicm and corrupt buor. geoisie,. H o w e v e r , there is hope yet, for by the A m e r i c a n scheme of things, we rate as liberals, pinkos and agents of International C o m m u n i s m . If you think that the above is evan vaguely funny, you are just t h ° m a n for us. L e s Massey iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiit BOOKWORMS


Are scientists i s a l l y illiterate? W e are assured that the H r l dane L i b r a r y i n Prince's Gardens (next to Weeks H a l l ) has a reading membership of about, a thousand, but it doesn't always look like it. Membership is free to students at I C and the hours of opaning are: 11.00 a.m 5.30 p . m . on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 11.00 a.m 7.00 p . m . on Tuesdays and Thursdays. D u r i n g vacation, the library ih open Monday to F r i d a y from 1.00 to 5.00 p . m . luiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiuniiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii







3. I. 5. 5. 7.

Union Building Zoology Dept. Botany Dept. Garden H a l l Haldane L i b r a r y and H e a l t h Centre 8. Weeks H a l l 9. Physios D e p t . 10. Roderlo H i l l B u i l d i n g (Aeronautics & C h e m . E n g . ) 12. R o y a l School of M i n e s 13. Goldsmiths Extension (Civil Eng.) 14. Mechanical E n g . D e p t . 15. Waterhouse B u i l d i n g (Electrical E n g . ) 15a. U n w i n B u i l d i n g 16. R o y a l College of Science (Chemistry D e p t . ) 17. Registry IS. H u x l e y B u i l d i n g (Mathematical Dept.) 25. South Side MUSEUMS 19. 90. 21. 22.

Science Geological V i c t o r i a and Albert Natural History OTHER BUTLDTtfGS OP I N T E R E S T

1. Queen Alexandra's H o u s e 9. A.) 2. Albert H a l l 11. R o y a l College of M u s i c 23. R o y a l College of A r t 24. Imperial Institute © P i l l a r Box









25th O c t o b e r 1962

S p e c i a l




M A P of



V i s i t o r

SIR K E I T H M U R R A Y B S C , P H D , B L I T T , M A , C h a i r m a n of the Un i v e r si ty Grants Committee. The ceremony w i l l be preceeded by a short service Church, Prince Consort Road, at whi ch the be the Right Rev. and Right Hon. R . Wl. DD, the Lord B i sh o p of London. Associates and Diplomates, Honorary re honoured by the College at the Albert Hall.

Associates ceremony

Students and their guests are admitted Main Door (Entrance No. 6.) and the seated by 2.45 p.m. Tickets for tea from the Union Office, free of charge. The work and buildings Imperial Institute Road, Road, will be on view


Holy Trinity preacher will Stopford CBE,


and the

Fellows Royal

without tickets at 'are asked to be may be obtained

of the Royal College Exhibition Road and till 7 p.m.

of Science in Prince Consort


FELIX NEEDS STAFF Are you a literary genius, a brilliant and observant reporter, a veritable newshound w i t h a talent for unearthing that hidden story? W e l l , probably not, but don't let this deter you. If you can write legible and understable E n g l i s h , or if you are just reasonable capable w i t h a paste brush, F E L I X needs you. Several fascinating posts with great prospects are still vacant. Young lndiee with typing ability are also urgently required. For further information please get in touch with the E d i t o r v i a the Union Rack, or at the F E L I X stand on Freshers' D a y .

THIS COLLEGE for it's sins) is blessed (?) with a METHODIST SOCIETY Freshers' Tea Monday, 8th October Upper Refectory




by Colcutt Who is tiiis bloke Chandthal? Where if he? W h e n is lie coming back? Is he coming oack? A t the time of writing, only flie answer to the first question is known with any A s i t Chand'mal is certainty. of coursa the President of the U n i o n . H e went home to I n dia at the end of J u l y to get married and very little has been heard from h i m sincew Well founded rumour has i t that he has not, after a l l , taken a wife, due to difficulties i n obtaining an export permit for her, but as 'o his whereabouts and E T A —no one seems to know. M n v be he has performed the celeb, rated Indian Rope Trick, in which case we will have to elect Otto Schmink to office after all. Another question preying cn the minds of many thinking Union is men around the "where is everyone going to eat when term starts?" The demolition of A y r t o n H a l l seven months before the opening of the new refectory facilities .n Prince's Gardens has severely reduced Mooney's Chip B a r service. The increased n u m ber of students i n College this year will aggravate the problem and utter chaos is envisaged during lunchbreak for the first few weeks of term. The C o l . lege Authorities, clearly worried by the situation, showed great presence of m i n d i n calling an International Congress of Food Science and Technology to find some means of feeding students using 3.000 plus only one kitchen. Fourteen hundred delegates came fverm all over the world to IC in September and found that it out for themselves was quite impossible to get ouick meals i n our refectories. Tn liason with the College Refectory Committee, the " S e a food P l a n " was drawn up, Ihe details of which are given elsewhere. It has leaked out that the Southend branch of the National Federation of W i n k l e Stall Proprietors hns been irivited to transfer their stalls to Prince Consort Road for the 'off season'. Another part of the Plan concerns Departmental Snack bars, and perhaps there will be sales girls vendir 'snack packs' in the aisles of lecture theatres between 11.00 a.m. and 3.00 p . m . The D o mestic B u r s a r has said that the matter is well i n h a n d ; C o l cutt's advice, however, is that the readers of this column, having been forewarned, should partake of large breakfasts u n t il February. A l l old lags returning to H a r -

lington this term w i l l find a few changes. The pavilion is being extended to provide fourteen new changing rooms and m u c h improved toilet facilities. The unsightly concrete huts and greenhouses are being removed and a hot-plate is being installed m the buffet-bar to ensure a plentiful supply of the ever popular hot pies. W o r k is about to begin over the road to provide six new winter games pitches which, together with the pavillion extension, w i l l adequately cope with the expected increase i n sporting activities of the expanding College. Thy new changing rooms were to have been built during the sum. mer vacation, but the work was held up due to 'unforseen circumstances' and as a result they w i l l not be available for the first few weeks of term. The completed scheme will make ' L o v e d a y M a n s i o n s ' one of the finest sports grounds i n London, but what a pity that the extensions could not have been completed i n time for the rush at the beginning of term. Another rumour!! F o r administrative reasons, the Geology Department ( R C S ) is considering a move to the Roval School of M i n e s . This would mean a switch in U n i o n allegiance and the loss to the R C S U n i o n of the Geology Department. Student reaction to such a move is not yet known, but it is certain that it would be a sad day for R C S U i f it lost its smallest yet liveliest (unionwise) department,—and heaven knows, the R C S U n i o n is pretty short of life these days. I hear that U L U have once again sent us 3,000 Union Cards to be written on, signed, catalogued, and distributed to every member o I C . This would be a considerable amount of work for our already overworked secretary. The sole purpose of these cards is for presentation at the rare checks held at the U L U door when there is a suspicion that a non member is going to snieak in to watch the telly on a cold night. How ridiculous—an I C U membership card used to be sufficient proof of membership before, so w h y compcilate the issue now? I understand that the secretary is considering sending 30,000 ' i C U cards to U L U for distribution among all the members to enable them to come and w a t c h nr television. A t present, the system is that any U n i v e r s i t y student is welcome i n our U n i o n , providing that, he/she proceeds i n a manner benefitting a gentleman lady etc. etc.

John Hon.


Secretary of the U n i o n

J , B . was born and bred i n Cheshire at a place w i t h the dubious name of Clatterbridge, and studied at Calday Grange Grammar School at West Kirby. Unfortunately, this i n volved a daily journey of many miles, and led J o h n to the •shameful habit ]of getting un w i t h the birds every day. This sad habit has lapsed considerably over the last four years bub is apparently about to be reinstated. In 1958, J o h n came to the Mechanical Department, and is now engaged on research i n the CJhemjical Engineering Department. A sportsman by nature, he plays soccer for the illustrious F i r s t X I and manages some cricket during the summer, though he prefers to -plav for the Sunday X I where the

game is not so serious. His name has been associated w i t h a recent Preident of I C W A at times, but concrete evidence is slow i n materialising. A couple of years ago, when making his own beer on a hop picking f a r m , he managed to get himself m i x e d up w i t h a big machine, and as a result, became very adept at wielding a single k n i t t i n g needle. I t can be sajid that his arm is now more valuable than the rest of h i m put together. J o h n considers the U n i o n to be the m a i n mechanism b y whjichi t h e College turns out people of value rather than sliderule pushers, and hopes that, with the controvertially mined President, they m a y be able tq create more interest i n and life around U n i o n actjwities.



A t the time when Colcutt was composing his column, no news had .been received of PreMuch to sident Chandmal. everyone's joy anr relief, the great man finally appeared on the scene on the afternoon of the 20th September, with a long reluctance of the Indian allow him Government to to leave the country. Even after allowing him to return to E n g l a n d , they still had .the last word—his bride of three weeks was not allowed to accompany him.

F E L I X would like to apologise to R C S President, M i k e H a r r i s for omitting the last paragraph from the report of the R O S U A n n u a l General Meeting published i n the last issue of last term, which read: " T h e meeting was finally closed by a rousing Kangella inside the Guilas front entrance, the party then leaving for the Queen's A n n s '• (Guildsmen please note.)



All work and no play makes Jack a Bachelor (of Science) by Pete Alison (Bachelor 23rd year) This article is vrritten not only for those w h o are already engage! or married but also for the 'unattached' w h o prefer an evening of female company when they could be drinking, playing, poker o r working. The social events provided for Thursday or F r i d a y lunchtime your pleasure during the year proceeding the dance. cover an extensive range, so The first formal event of the (hat everyone should find one session is the Commemoration function at least to their taste. B a l l , on Thursday 25th October After the Freshers H o p on F r i which this year is being held day, to which a l l the old hands at Claridges. T h e ball is held always go, there is an inforprimarily far those w h o have m a l dance, or hop. on every just left College and who are These Saturday i n term time. presented w i t h their various are organised and r u n by Hie 'Associateships' on the aftervarious College clubs and socnoon of the 25th of October i n ieties, thus providing a certain the Albert H a l l , but many preamount of variety i n the choice sent students usually take adof bands, decorations etc. The- vantage of this opportunity to number of tickets sold is l i m spend an unforgettable evening ited, and split to ensure equal i n the second-to.none atmosnumbers of ladies and gentlephere of one of London's top thus providing, i t is men, hotels. hoped, a satisfactory evening The next event this term is for a l l . A s the hops are populthe November 5th dance which ar and the tickets l i m i t e d , deis held at the sports mand usually outstrips supply, ground at H a r l i n g t o n . Trans so that I C m e n are advised to port is provided both ways and purchase their tickets on the a pleasant, informal evening is


ensured w i t h dancing, a gigantic bonfire, a fireworks display, all free of Police interference. Following the Harlington H o p , there follows the completely informal Guilds-Mines Carnival, on F r i d a y November 23rd. This provides an excellent opportunity to let your hair down, everyone more oi less wearing fancy dress occasionally connected w i t h the theme of the Carnival. Dancing is from 9.30 p . m . to the early hours; there is a buffet a rousing cabaret, and finally for the tired, a film show. Several bars i n variqus parts of the, U n i o n building are open till 2 a.m. To complete the first term, the Mines B a l l is held on the last evening. This is organised mainly for the members of the E o y a l School of Mines, but other members of the College have been known to obain tickets. T h i s is usually a small (about 150 couples) but friendly formal evening which is enjoyed by a l l .

A similarly full programme is planned for the Spring and Summer terms, w i t h the R C S Carnival, the Engineers' Dinner Dance, the I C W A F o r m a l and the R C S Country House B a l i . The year's formal occasions are finally brought to a close with the College M a y B a l l , i n the last term. A l l the carnival, balls, hops and dances are organised by the students and are excellent value for m o n e y ; the list is so long and varied that there should be something to everyone's taste, so that we look forward to seeing you there.

Girls at outside hop to I C m a n . 'Yes, I ' v e hearrj of I C ; its supposed to be very good for men, but bad for women.' Anon

THE ESTABLISHMENT Britain's First Satirical Nightclub announces a special reduction for students. Annual membership for students will be reduced to two guineas. This reduction will not affect a member's rights to the use of The Establishment's facilities :-

^ Theatre-Restaurant ^ Free Lunchtime Films To






send address

The Establishment


two to


Three Bars ^ Jazz Cella ^ Cabaret twice nightly with






18 Greek Street


London, W.I

S O U P KITCHENS FOR l . C . ? Lunches w i l l be run on two lines: Hot, and:

There have been rumours that some form of soup kitchens w i l l have to-be instituted at I C in view ,of the fact that A y r t o n H a l l , long on the list of property to be demolished, has finally succumbed to the cruel hammers, pickaxes, battering rams and other fiendish impements of the demolishion contractors. Joking apart, the College has always suffered from inadequate catering facilities, and w i t h the closing down of the biggest refectory, the situation w i l l no doubt get worse. The new College buildings on the south side of Prince's Gardens w i l l not be completed t i l l the new year, so that until then, a certain amount of disorganisation is to be expected. However, it should be possible to avoid the usual long queues i n the U n i o n if it is remembered that lunches are available i n several places i n the College.

three courses


Below is a summary of a.l the facilities available, together with a guide to the seating,accommodation.

Snack lunches w i t h hot tea, coffee, sandwiches and if possible, hot soup, sausages and pies. MEAL

P i i A C E and S E R Y I C E



U n i o n lower refectory




U n i o n lower and upper refectories. H o t lunches, cafeteria service U n i o n first floor H o t lunches, waitress service Weeks H a l l H o t Lunches 46-47 Prince's Gardens Snack lunches CW±course Area of M e c h . E n g . Snack Lunches " R C S room 18 Chemistry B l o c k Snack Lunches f qd b Physics B u i l d i n g P r e l i m i n a r y L a b on L e v e l 2 Snack Lunches











12.00-2.00 >




5.00-7.30 6.00-8.00

110 40


U n i o n lower refectory Weeks H a l l

AN OPEN INVITATION The idea that having an account with a nation-wide bank like the M i d l a n d is something reserved for people of substantial means is a fallacy. So also is the belief that banks are interested only i n those who are older and already established. T h e M i d l a n d Bank is interested i n Y O U — and all young people like you. Y o u would find a bank account extremely useful for, besides the convenience of paying bills by cheque, you will find that it helps you to keep track of your expenditure.

Midland Bank THE

M o r n i n g coffee and afternoon tea w i l l also be evailable i n the Concourse are of M e c h . E n g . and i n Room 18 i n the R C S B u i l d i n g and i n the U n i o n Snack bar. M o r n i n g coffee—10.30-12.00 Afternoon tea—3.15-5.00 U n i o n Snack B a r Snack lunches 12.00-2.00



Seating for




T H E CROSS-COUNTRY C L U B ON B E N NEYIS The members of the club are often regarded w i t h suspecting looks when one hears that they run, yes E U N 5 miles or more. W e l l how about 12 miles, including a climb and descent of 4,400 ft., all i n 2 hours! This is just what Chris E v a n s managed, followed by George Turner and Chris James (Capt.) to put I C i n third i place i n the B e n Nevis race. B a r r o w A . C . were first and i Lochaber, the locals, second with I C close behind, out o)f i the thirty teams entered. The only other university or college i team was S t . B a r t ' s Hospital who were placed 10th despite i an excellent run by the U L Captain, Pete Littlewood who I came 12th. ...The I . C . t e a m : — CHEIS EVANS GEOEGE TUENEE C H E I S J A M E S (Capt.) P E T E MOSS ' JOHN PEEEIBA . (three to score) 26th i n 1 hr. 59 m i n . 46 sees. . 31st i n 2 hr. 1 m i n . 21 sees. 33rd i n 2 hr. 1 m i n . 49 sees. I 59th i n 2 hr. 10 m i n . 47 sees. 66th i n 2 hr. 14 m i n . 5 sees. ) The individual winner Peter H a l l of B a r r o w set a new course I record i n 1 hr. 45 m i n . 44 sees. Chris Woodcock of K i n g s also • r a n under I C colours just for the hell of it and, despite no ) training, managed to complete the course within the standard I time of 3 J hrs. The team had prior to the race spent 3 weeks ' en holiday i n Scotland doing some walking and climbing. ' It is interesting to note that last year the race stumped some of the College's best runners, I whereas this year's team are all second team runners. I W h e t h e r you run, crawl or c l i m b i n competition or for en| joyment the I C Cross Country C l u b assures. y c u a place, so $ w h y not join the merry -band and see the country? 1


Imperial College has always had a fine sporting record i n the U n i v e r s i t y , and usually managed to w i n a tew of the session's laurels, but the 1961-1962 session was a bumper year to say the very least. Intercollegiate sport among the three constituent Colleges is usually taken as an excuse for i m p r o m p t u rags as for instance on M o r p h y D a y or on the occasion of the 1 0 S w i m m i n g G a l a (which last session resulted i n a bumper crop of arrests) but when i t comes to U L Championships, the attitude is somewhat more serious, and as was seen last session, can be blessed w i t h startling success. The first big 1 0 success, and greatest single perhaps the achievement, was i n the H y d e P a r k E o a d B e l a y race, held on '18th February. TJhis race, a yearly event organised by the College, was last w o n by I C i n 1949, and with names like H e r b E l l i o t and T i m B r i a u l t i n the running, an I C victory seemed hardly likely. Strong running by the whole team, and a -fantastic last lap by J o h n Cleator, however, gave I C an unexpected victory and a new record t i m e . A fortnight later, the Cross Country Club followed up w i t h a w i n and a new course record

i n the C u l h a m B o n d Belay, and the first and second teams won f$iie championships of D i v . I and D i v . I I of the University League. Dennis H a r b u r n and the Soccer first X I also had a good season, winning the U L Soccer Cup for the fourth year i n succession, a feat equalled only by L S E thirty years ago. As H a r b u r n put i t : , 'the only record i n the competition; we do noi} already h o l d . ' (they also won the League championship). Not to be outdone, the I C X V beat the B o y a l Vets, to retain the Gutteridge C u p , while the Sailing Club, not only won the ' A ' and ' B ' Points but finally

MORHY DAY 1962 REMEMBER Perhaps D a y , but i n of 1961, no should have


M O R P H Y D A Y 1962 ! 1!

i t Is rather early to publish a reminder about Morphy' view of the very successful M o r p h y D a y festivities) effort should be spared to ensure that this y e a r we an even better turn-out.

F o r the uninitiated, Morphy D a y is College B o a t E a c e D a y . when the crews of the three constituent Colleges battle i t out on the Thames at Putney. Last year, E C S won the coveted M o r p h y C u p leaving, the L o w r y Cup to Guilds, and this year, no doubt, all t h u e constituent Colleges are hoplrjg to do even . better.

The actual B o a t race, however, tends to be purely incidental, the masses of supporters lining the towpath tending to be too concerned w i t h flourbojmibs, -eggs, rotten tomatoes and the opposing college's mascot to take m u c h notice of what is going on on the river. L a s t year a six foot diameter rubber punch bag added great-

Left to E i g h t : University Jazz C u p Gutterid "e Cup C u l h a m Cup D i x o n B o w l (in background) U L Soccer Cup Hyde Park Eoad Belay Cup Castaways' C u p t

managed to w i n the coveted and elusive Castaways C u p for the first time. A s if all this was not enough, I C also won the U L Basketball League Championship and knockout competition, the U n i . versity Jazz C u p and the B o a t Club brought home more bacon i n the shape of the D i x o n B o w l . T h a t was last year—a convincing tale of superiority i n the field of University sport. W h a t happens this year depends to a large extent on the support and enthusiasm of the freshmen. H o w about it I C ? C a n y o i beat that?

l y to the proceedings, sererai gentlemen braving the waters of the Thames i n order to retrive it when i t went out of play. It is about the only official E a g D a y i n the College calendar and should not h<s missed,' It is advisable, however, to turn up i n rather older clothes, with preferably a spare pair of trousers, as these have been known to get lost on these occasions. M o r p h y D a y usually takes^ place early i n November, the final Order of B a t t l e being decided at meetings of the constituent College Unions a short time before the actual day. Those whom have qualms about missing lectures should tafre solace i n the fact that M o r p h y D a y is a half holiday.












1. 3 & 5 EXHIBITION ROAD, S.W.7.



Full marks to m e !

M o n e y m a t t e r s are m u c h less t r o u b l e s o m e n o w . N o w t h a t I b a n k w i t h the Westminster. W h e n I receive a cheque or a warrant, I don't hunt' r o u n d a n y m o r e for someone t o c a s h i t : I p a y i t s t r a i g h t i n t o m y b a n k . I use cheques myself, for p a y m e n t s ; a n d b a n k e r s ' o r d e r s —not m y m e m o r y — t a k e c a r e o f t h e r e g u l a r i t e m s , s u c h as s u b s c r i p t i o n s . I gave m y s e l f f u l l m a r k s for ' d i s c o v e r i n g ' the W e s t m i n s t e r . A n d so, I t h i n k , w o u l d y o u . J u s t a s k t h e n e a r e s t b r a n c h (address i n T e l e p h o n e D i r e c t o r y ) to t e l l y o u a b o u t the W e s t m i n s t e r B a n k s e r v i c e to students.



Published by F E L I X B O A R D , Imperial College, L o n d o n , S.W.7. Plates & offset p r i n t i n g b y W E S T L O N D O N O F F S E T C O . , 86, L i l l i e R o a d , L o n d o n , S . W . 6 . T e l . : F U L 7969

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