15 DECEMBER 1965
p RICE INCREASES in all the refectories are likely after a meeting of the Refectories' Committee to-day. There are no proposals for refurnishing any of the refectories as yet, but the Ground Level restaurant in Southside is presently unier investigation by a working party. These points emerged from an interview given to " F E L I X " last week by President Fletcher.
Southside cars to be towed away ? OUTHSIDE WAS SHOCKED last week when it discovered that yet another committee had been formed within its walls. A newly former! Southside Car Parking Committee, apparently with power to tow vehicles away from the Southside car park had emerged, yet few people had heard of its existence or how the election of the rulers of this powerful group had been carried out. §
Pete H i l l s , a c i v i l engineering lecturer, Falmouth sub-warden and I.C. Car P a r k i n g Committee member admitted to " F E L I X " that he had been the force behind the formation of the com- f in being allowed to park i n S.W.7 at mittee. H e considers that Southside no charge. T h i s privilege was, i n his residents have a tremendous Drivileee view, being over exploited. H e decided to " resuscitate a dormant com-
mittee." This was done by requesting two members of previous parking committees to represent their halls, and asking sub-wardens to nominate a man from their own hall i n the two other halls. T h e committee, once formed, asked M r . Stevenson to back them with official support, and to authorise them to remove vehicles from the Southside C a r Park at their discretion. The first action of the committee was to demand of each resident that they should register their vehicle, and obtain I.C. stickers for them. If this was not done the committee might mistakenly remove their vehicle thinking it to be the property of a nonresident. If any resident considered one of his colleagues to be making excessive noise with his vehicle, he could complain to the committee. The matter would then be referred to the Halls of Residence Committees. Residents using a car for a short period only, may register a car temporarily and thus prevent an embarrassing situation arising. Cars w i l l only be removed after extensive enquiries as to the owner of the vehicle have been made. Results have already been achieved; one old wreck has been removed and another bought by a resident for renovation.
It seems that rising costs and falling takings have lead to Mr. Mooney's coming to the conclusion that the only solution is an increase in tariffs which may be noticed next term. " F E L I X " trusts that the Refectories Committee meeting to consider prices w i l l concern itself with reviewing the whole catering field i n the College, to consider i f any other way o f absorbing the cost is practical (e.g. increasing the rate of turnover i n the self service refectories would help encourage students to eat there, spreading the costs over more meals). A n Indian C u r r y corner, a selfservice cafeteria and a roped off section f o r the present waitress service are among considerations for a newlook ground floor refectory i n South Side—to relieve pressure on the other overworked facilities. H i g h priority w i l l be given to continuing the selfservice restaurant with its better meals at slightly higher prices. It seems that all the College's eating problems should be solved i n five years time when the new refectories open i n the central college block, j q
x A working party was set up to look into the possibility of producing a joint colour supplement to student newspapers mainly in the South East after a conference of Editors here at Imperial Colltge. The Editors came to the conference, which was attended by observers from the outside Press, at the invitation of F E L I X , , and have appointed representatives of 1 N C A N T (Canterbury), B E A V E R (LSE), B E A C O N (Northampton), S L A T E (Institute of Education) and F E L I X to the working party, I N C A N T agreeing to handle the initial correspondence involved. The seventeen representatives present at the conference considered that a circulation of 50,000 (giving a readership of upwards of 200,000) was desirable to attract the money-earning advertising, any more being too unwieldy i n management. The object of the supplement would be to help the Newspapers earn to boost their (usually) revenue minimal U n i o n grants
The Editor and Staff of FELIX wish all their readers the Season's Greeting
A COLOUR supplement for FELIX in Michaelmas 1966 ?
A divergence of opinion over the advisability of scaffolding in front of Southside led to this pile-up early Friday morning.
After talking to Mr. Hills and two hall reps, on this committee, it seemed obvious that their motives were honest. However, no Hall Committees had been consulted and nor had the residents of Southsidc. Co-operation is difficult to get from students at all times; but by acting in an unconventional and unconstitutional way, this Committee hao set many students against it.
M r . H i l l s apologised openly for the way affairs had been conducted. " 1 LC. President, A d r i a n Fletcher, thought I was merely reviving an old comments: " Perhaps; but I ' m n o committee, I never imagined such politician." A lesson i n trouble would follow." Public Relations can be learnt by all officialdom. The Southside C a r Parking C o m mittee has an onerous and unrewarding job. W i t h co-operation from students, it w i l l be able to regulate A l a n Evans told a U n i o n General parking i n the Southside Park with Meeting that the motion to join the T? L E T C H E R informs F E L I X that American-run International Students cooled storage facilities are to be great success. I wish them well and would like to thank M r . H i l l s and the Conference had been put forward provided at Harlington, i n the accomby the C o u n c i l . C o u n c i l had not been modation presently occupied by the Committee for what they are trying to do. consulted at a l l . gentlemen's toilets. Fullers c l a i m N.Ed.—It is reported that completed rethat this w i l l improve the beer sold at Evans, who is a strong supporter gistration forms are missing from of U.S. policy—notably i n V i e t n r . m — Harlington. If it reaches the standard Sout -.side. of the beer they serve to visiters to has said that the people who are criti(See Late News for latest informacising this action are engaging i n a their brewery, I.C. Students w i l l be well pleased. tion.) personal attack.
" J N POLITICS it is necessary to lie on occasions " was the reply which L.S.E. President, Alan Evans, made when accused at an L.S.E. Union Council Meeting at the end of November of misleading the Unio.:.
MAIR Lirmsey Filibustering? Q N T H U R S D A Y W E E K , a large audience packed the Union Concert Hall, and witnessed the rare feat of a Union meeting open on time! After the usual business of the meeting, Keith Cavanagh proposed the first of the two expected motions—"decrying the proposed system of loans to students. The main point of this speech was that the present Government has changed their policy on student loans, and the means test. Because of this change, the number of women students and those from poor families would fall, thus it seemed that the Government was ignoring the Robbins and Anderson reports. The first speech from the floor produced the start of a series of boring amendments and counter-amendments. Frank Fuchs, seconded by D a v i d Reich, proposed that a committee be set up to help the Executive look into the position of student grants. R e i c h added a touch of farce by suggesting that the meeting should support the amendment and reject the motion. The President ruled h i m out of order. The amendment was passed virtually nem con. ,
Ted Needham took the floor, and proposed that any mention of the means test should be deleted from
the motion. The President ruled Barry M a i r out of order when he stated, " I retract my statement that M r . Needham is a n i t . " A procedural motion was put forward, but Dave Livesey promised he had further information to sway the meeting. T h i s led M a i r to accuse Livesey of filibustering so that he would not have to propose the second motion on an open vote for the Presidency. The procedural m o t i o n was defeated. Livesey told of the relatively high failure rates i n countries already having loans systems. T i m e running short, a vote was taken after a procedural m o t i o n and the motion was carried. A committee was set up consisting of C o u n c i l plus Fuchs, Cavanagh, and Sean Dunne.
Oxford fails the Nation Q N 30 N O V E M B E R , P. M . S. Blackett, Nobel Prize Winner, Professor oi Physics at I.C.. ex-Dean of R.C.S., ex-Pro-Rector of I.C., was made President of the Royal Society. He refuses to state his intensions for the Society yet, but his views on the Society's recent course are clear. He endorses enthusiastically the in. novations made by Lord Florey; including the increased numbers of " technological " Fellows, the expert studies on the brain-drain and population growths and the advice it gave to the Trend Committee on Scientific policy. There is hope that increased attention w i l l be paid to such reports i n the future, thanks to the position Blackett enjoys i n the Government. H e is a member of the C o u n c i l for Scientific Policy under the Secretary of State for Education and Science, M r . Crosland, who is responsible for £100 m i l l i o n channelled annually through the University Grants C o u n c i l and Research Councils. Recently, Blackett says, the numbers of staff and research students in B r i tish Universities have been rising by 7 per cent, per annum. The cost of equipping university research has risen
h PHYSICISTS METALLURGISTS MATHEMATICIANS CHEMISTS ENGINEERS With the demand for electricity doubling every eight years, we can offer some of the most challenging research, both fundamental and applied, to be tackled in the coming years. Rewarding careers are also offered within the Computing Branch, where the solution of research, planning and operational problems necessitate the use of some of the most advanced computer equipment in the world. Y o u will find a university-like atmosphere, modern equipment and opportunities for consultation with universities and research organizations. Our laboratories are pleasantly situated and have well-established sports and social clubs. Excellent salaries and prospects are offered; at 21 -22 with a good honours degree you could earn £1,100 p.a.; for a Ph.D. at 2 4 - 2 5 this might be £1,500 p.a. Freedom is given to publish the results of research and it is possible to work for higher degrees. Apart from research, there are opportunities for electrical and mechanical engineers and physicists to gain two years engineering training leading to good careers in generation, transmission or design and construction. Posts and training schemes in administration and personnel management are available for arts graduates and those of other disciplines.
by 15 pei cent, per annum. The difference between these two numbers he calls increasing " sophistication factor." If B r i t a i n is to get the most from her slender means, she must be ruthless in her treatment of industry and university research alike. The U . G . C . and the Research councils must provide clear-cut guidance, by making sure that new departments i n Universities do not duplicate the work of existing ones, and by developing " centres of excellence " — a few strong rather than many weak departments. " W e must endow ability not subsidise mediocrity." he says. This new world of science and industry w i l l be " v i t a l but not cosy." The new scientific statesmen must realise that the endowment o? scientific research depends directly on the productivity i n the near future of about 1000 export firms, of most of which they have never heard. Both the private firms and the universities (especially Oxford) have been guilty—the one by failing to realise the impro.Vance of technology, the other by not encouraging science students into technology. M o r e must be persuaded, even though this w i l l mean drawing- talent a w n " from the science departments. Further, the inhibitions i n the way of business consultancy by academics must disappear. CHRIS COOPER
FOREIGN AFFAIRS Selected by Paul Smith
The Duke Wins The D u k e of Beaufort has been elected Chancellor of Bristol University despite the passing, almost unanimously, of a motion by the U n i o n calling on the student representatives on the University Governing Body to vote against h i m . The proposer of the motion said that the University had chosen the D u k e purely because of his social status.
Closing Time Put Back V i s i t i n g hours at two Bristol Halls of Residence have been extended, and residents may now entertain women until 10.00 p.m., bringing them into line with the two new halls. Residents' guests i n the remaining two halls still have to be out by 9.00 p.m., however.
* * Rowdy Vice-Pres
The Vice-President of Newcastle University was attacked by an unidentified student when he asked to see his U n i o n card after an outbreak of rowdiness in the bar. The student escaped after the Vice-President retaliated.
* Fiery Beer Further information is available from:
W . H. F. Brooks, Recruitment and University Liaison Officer, Sudbury House, 15 Newgate Street, London, E.C.1
The Board's representatives will be visiting this University on January 14th 1966: Physicists. February 2nd: Electrical & Mechanical Engineers. March 1st: Metalurgists, Mathematicians, Chemical Engineers, Chemists, wnen they will be pleased to meet you to discuss career opportunities. Further details obtainable from your Appointments Officer.
Chaos reigned at a D u r h a m Hall of Residence after a student tried to open a beer bottle on the fire alarm button.
* Leaving N.U.S
The President of Queen M a r y College U n i o n is to urge the U n i o n General M e e t i n g to vote in favour of leaving the N . U . S . on the grounds that it is totally useless to the students of Q . M . C and serves no purpose that is not adequately served by the college union.
O EUROPEANS VISIT R.S.M. T W E L V E STUDENTS from the Universities and Schools of Clausthal (Germany), Delft (Holland), Ecole de Mines, Paris, St. Etienne (France), Leoben (Austria) and Ljubjana (Yugoslavia) are currently the guests of the Royal School of Mines Union. A wide and varied programme has been drawn up with the aim of making this the most impressive visit yet. The purpose of the visit is to broaden the knowledge of our student guest, and promote the name and image of the Royal School of Mines and Imperial College as a whole, two names already very well known on the continent. Tours of the R o y a l M i n t , a diaC O N S O R T I U M of the polimond drill manufacturer, V o n tical and national societies in Mappes, the historic landmarks o f London, museums and art galleries I.C. held a forum on immigration have been arranged. Quaint English on the 30fh Nov., with speakers customs and sports w i l l be explained from Labour, Liberal and Coni.e. bok bok, corners, tables, beat races, etc. and demonstrated. O n e servative parties, the Campaign evening has been set aside to follow Against Racial Discrimination up the theme " a night i n the life of (CARD), and the Indian an English b a r m a i d " with specific Workers' Association. reference to the O l d Ken t R o a d . Ivor Richard MP explained that the The climax of the visit is the M i n e s immigration policy of the GovernB a l l , a major occasion of the I C ment was based on the " Hatterley calendar. It is quite a sight to see equation—integration without limitathese students i n their college dress tion is impossible, limitation without uniforms and they should impress the integration is indefensible." ladies of I . C . W . A . who it is hoped The Conservative spokesman, M r . they w i l l be escorting. Maurice Chandler, raised the idea of T h i s w i l l be the third successive temporary immigrant visas i n addivisitation, and i f previous years are tion to the 8,600 immigrants menany guide, it w i l l be a success; a traditioned i n the White Paper. t i o n has grown. The size and scope Both M r . Richard M o o r e (Liberal), of the visits is increasing, this w i l l be and M r . Anthony Lester ( C A R D ) the first time students have come from accepted control of immigration, but the Communist bloc. M i n e s are attacked the White Paper as a surproud that as part of I C , they have render to racialist public opinion. M r . led i n the field of Anglo-European Lester raised the issue of ghettoes student relationships. arising i n our cities similar to Harlem. R. G A S H . M r . Sharma (Indian Workers), a shop steward, explained how the Indian community had integrated itself into local life. H e seemed not to \4 E T E O R O L O G Y is a science— fear ghettoes and was intent on retain* * b u t it is not always " t o o exact." ing Indian culture i n Britain. So asserted M r . Hayes from the Met. MIKE EDWARDS Office i n his talk to the Rover Crew last Thursday. H e presented a summary of the methods i n use for short range forecasting and went o n to describe the way i n which long range forecasting is tackled. Since monthly Q U O T E by the Senior Warden to forecasts have been issued to the pubF E L I X reporter i n October : " I think lic, the results have been slightly it is disgusting that so many students better than would have been predicted have cars when I can scarcely afford by chance alone. H e expressed his a push-bike." belief that accuracy would improve as experience was gained. M r . Stevenson has recently purchased a new Jaguar. L.F.J.
Immigration Consortium
Imperial College Union Prince Consort Road London, S.W.7 Telephones : K E N 2963 Internal 2881/2799
C O L C U T T J T IS N O T very often i n this college than anything happens which really offends the ordinary student or viO;ates his coue o i behaviour. However, there are two subjects i n the air at the moment which cannot, and should not, pass without comment.
E D I T O R — D . I. WILLIAMS 2799 Assistant Editor—Peter Combes Production Manager—Barrie Pichler 090 Features Editor—John Cawson 2751 News Editor—John Grout 3351 Sports Edkor—Frank Hobson 3353/4 Treasurer—Andrew Mayo 3353/4 Sales—Pete Ash, Elizabeth Rankin, Rodney Dawson L o c a l Advertising—Tony Firshman, Chris Lampard Sub-editors—Graham Botch, Malcolm Roasiter, Richard Mitchell Photographers—Colin Harrison, Kahif Qattan Cartoons—Richard Gentle National Advertising—Educational Publicity C H A 6081
Where hove ait the Spotlamps gone? C ; O U T H S I D E C A R P A R K and motor cycle shed have over the years seen a good deal of the coming and going of a motley selection of vehicles, but just recently, there has been a good deal more going than coming. A s long ago as the beginning of last session, people were complaining of pilfering f r o m bicycles and motor cycles. Reports i n " P e l i x " and notices requesting items to be returned " wit h no questions asked " seem to have had no effect whatsoever. The problem has now reached a peak where a positive effort must be made to curb this activity. Students are losing whole assemblies, wheels, engines and the l i k e from their machines, the thieves now not content with bicycle pumps and spotlights. Only a day or two ago, I spoke to a resident of Southside whose bicycle had been reduced to a frame overnight. The difficulty of finding the offenders is hightened by the fact that people are always i n the shed taking their own property apart and a stranger i n there would not be at all obvious. It seems doubtful that this is the work of students, because they cannot use what they steal or it would be noticed by the owners. They could of course, sell it, but it seems more likely that gangs of outsiders are coming i n at various times, perhaps during the morning when it's quite quiet, and lifting our property i n fantastic quantities. What can be done? Perhaps militant action by those affected to persuade the college to fit gates with locks could be the answer. Unfortunately the motor cyclists d o not have any official committee to represent them or act on thir behalf.
t Onward Christian Soldiers " p i O U S WORDS are not enough!" repeats Christian Hardwick in the latest edition of that religious newsletter CONTACT. This is in comment upon the way in which a working party of " three Communists " was set up to help the Union Executive look into the subject of the proposed Government loans and student grants in general at the last Union Meeting. M r . Hardwick—presumably i n agreement wit h other leaders of this year's " H o l y Huddle "—goes on to chide I C Christians for being more concerned with who attends Eucharist and other devotional and " pious " discussion meetings than with the actual welfare of man. " G r a n t s and the way the U n i o n is run—these are God's concern, and thus ours " (the Christians, that is). H e continues, " Is it just another example of our failure when put to the test?" Does this, therefore, herald a revival of united Christian activity in Union politics at this College—or are they but phrases blown to the wind? Next term should see the fruits of Mr. Hardwick's invective. But, one wonders, w i l l only the Christians dare challenge the " left-wing f r o n t " ? W h y do we hear so little fr o m the biggest of the political societies the Conservatives—in determining U n i o n policy? A n d what of that body of supposed speakers—the Debating Society (or at least their regular " stars " ) — w h y do they, with the notable exception of D a v i d Reich, have so little to say i n U n i o n Meetings? (Were they not last year seeking to train people for this very purpose?) However, these recognised forms of " cliques " (for want of a better term) should not exclude the so-called " ordinary student member " from having his»8ay. But too little organisation here does have its disadvantages— as" was only too obvious last fortnight when a multiude of unnecessary (plus a few valid !) amendrrlents, points of order and points of informmation were, thrown around, all contributing to the exclusion of another major, and less nebulous, topic—the proposal of an open vote f o r the Presidency.
Happy Days are here again "D O S T E R S M A Y O N L Y be placed on U n i o n notice boards i f they have * the approval of the Publicity Officer. Generally such approval is granted without question, but recently, there has been a series of notices put up i n Southside giving publicity to a group of people calling themselves " the G a y Set." The poster invites one to v.: it nearby pubs, and promise entertainment i n the form of cabaret and lively company. Y o u are promised that no longer w i l l your life be d u l l and uninteresting but w i l l take on a splendid gay aspect. Y o u w i l l become one of the " in-crowd," mingling in close proximity wit h actors, pop stars and the like. Y o u get all these " benefits " and a l l you have to give is your presence. Or is it? 1 decided to try two of the places mentioned i n the advertisement and went first to the " Chepstow," looking forward to seeing Terry N o e l " the leading women impersonater i n England." F a r from finding a lively set, the place was full of seedy-looking introverts a l l looking as i f tomorrow the end really was at hand. Needless to say, I did not wait for M r . (or is it Miss) N o e l . The " Colehearne " is pretty well known i n I.C. (I'm not sure why!) and so I w i l l not waste space i n describing it, suffice to say I was terrified during all of the five minutes I lasted inside. T h i s sort of thing being advertised within college is a disgrace of the first magnitude and must cease at once. T h e Executive must vet publicity more carefully i n the future i f people are not to be acutely embarrassed when they bring their parents and girl friends past these posters. T h e very nature o f the advertising, and the way it has changed since the beginning of term suggests a distinct subversive attempt to lure students who may be down and lonely, into a questionable clique. Happy Christmas or should it be G a y N o e l to you all.
Season of Good Cheer Perhaps the coming vacation w i l l cause many t o re-think their policy i n U n i o n politics. The results we shall see at the next General Meeting, on 27 January. There I look forward to seeing some half dozen or so organised groups of people vying wit h each other, showing democracy i n action, seeking to b u i l d a .better U n i o n . HP RUE TO THE tradition of the oncoming season of goodwill to all men (and women), I wish all members of Felix staff and all our readers a very happy Christmas and a successful New Year. D. I. WILLIAMS
WHAT'S ON T N VIEW of the fact that arrange ineiits for club meetings early next term have not yet been settled
WAY by Mgnotus
definition of "' ladies," " young," or " power." Without sparing a m o ment's thought to interpretation of the Regulations, o r to somewhat obscuranist matters such as morality, I w i l l point out that I shall have no hesitaT A S T W E E K residents of Blight tion whatever i n enforcing any ReguH a l l were paralysed to receive a lation that they won't let me overlook. circular at first sight serving Notice I w i l l therefore merely state that such on Residents. However, the Notice behaviour must cease forthwith." was merely a notice, excerpts from T a for now, which follow : FRANK CURBING . . . The Security Police have repor" Residents are not permitted on ted that about 3 p.m. o n Saturday roofs nor should they scale walls of 4th December, about 550 young men College buildings." left the building accompanied by about half a dozen tired-looking " It is strictly forbidden for a resiyoung ladies. These ladies had not dent to introduce an overnight guest to the authorities. A n y resident who been observed to enter the premises is responsible for such unauthorised since the Security Police went on occupations may be required to leave duty at 8.30 that morning. It is quite clear that such behaviour is a the H a l l without even time to get breach either of Regulation 2 2 , or dressed." Regulation 25 i i as well as a grave " . . . leaving bathrooms unclean or breach of the spirit of para 17 and untidy, wasting light and " power," a misinterpretation of para 5 f . In . . . acts which might lead to personal this context I, -the Disciplinary Subinjury " Committee, a m not prepared to en". . . but residence for less than half gage i n discussion about the precise a year shall be disregarded."
Breach of Rule IS ii
3 &
the What's On column for such items will instead be published in a special free Felix on Wednesday, 13 January, All copy, please by 6 p.m. Tuesday, 12 January to Mike Smith, 213 Fal mouth (3353/4) or via Felix pigeonhole in Union rack.
N o such letter was received by members of I C W A ; are we to take it that the authorities don't care about strange women in their rooms?
W h o is He ? T V / H O IS I G N O T U S ? W h i c h of the " H u m a n derelicts who throng the Press R o o m on Wednesday night and Thursday morning can have been driven to this pass? Is it beetlebrowed, totally-illiterate, but otherwise totally-unfitted-for-the-job, Editor Ian Bilious? Is it bureaucratic, encyclopaedic, power-hungry John Snout, eyes fixed on the Editor's Is i t long-haired, pseudochair? intellectual, Chris Stupor, narcissistic Sexsocsec? Is it lofty, laughing, M i c k Bitch-all, who only last week invested in a new typewriter, also with an eye to that Editorship? Is it even the Big Boomer himself—F. Lecher? Worse yet—who is B. G ? Is he Ignotus? Does he know himself? See next U n i o n Meeting for exciting public apologies.
VIEWS EXPRESSED i n these! columns are not necessarily those of] the Editorial Board.
Grants and the Union Meeting J\T T H E L A S T Union meeting Keith Cavanagh ruined his motion about loans to students by adding a demand for the abolition of the means test. What justification is there for saying that a l l students need equal grants? I cannot believe that even K e i t h Cavanagh would seriously suggest that a student whose circumstances are now such that he receives the m i n i m u m award of £50 should automatically receive the full grant. The result of such action could only be one of two things. Either taxation would be increased, or the value of the grant would be cut so that the total expenditure on grants remained constant. Both eventualities would lead to h a r d s h i p — particularly i n the lower income groups. The abolition of the means test woul d be i n complete contradiction to the original ideas of the Beveridge Report, upon which our social services are based, that a i d should be given to those members of the community who are i n need. A person's ability to pay taxes is determined by a " means test." It is thus only fair that his right to receive aid should be determined i n a similar way. Surely a grant should be regarded as a privilege and not as a right? K e i t h Cavanagh demands the abol i t i o n of the means test so that a student no longer shall depend on his parents. Does he see nothing wrong in depending on the parents of other students, the taxpayers? DAVID K. REICH
I.C. Missed Out Again
Jeans are better, Mr. Doe!
|>/V DECEMBER 1963, I.C. were invited to send two representatives to a" European Week " organised by The Ecole Centrale of Paris. Birmingham University and Cambridge were also asked ot send two delegates each. Jenny Chapman and I represented I.C The meeting W / / T H reference to Mr. Doe's article in the late news of the last issue, was in fact a seminar on advanced being host to the meeting, has obwhile agreeing with him about dirty technical education in Europe. tained a Government grant towards shoes and jackets, I must point out The countries represented were the cost, and has invited two delegates that there are several advantages in from l.C. the wearing of jeans. the Common Market countries Jenny Chapman and I left the Col(a) If a motor cycle is the main plus England and Switzerland. lege at the end of 1964, and were of transport, one doesn't need Fares to and from Paris were met therefore unable to organise such a form to worry about ruining a good pair by the Union, and food and ac- meeting ourselves. The report rotted of trousers. commodation were provided by in the Rector's Office and in the (b) Since jeans can be washed at Union records, and l.C. missed out regular intervals with very little effort, the host University. again.
Realising that we were extremely If l.C. continues in this ostrich-like fortunate to be getting the benefit of manner, we shall soon be the second this experience, Miss Chapman and I or third Technical University in the did all that we could to pass the country. benefit on to other members of the R. F. WHARTON, College. To this end we prepared a PC Operational Research. lengthy report for the Rector, copies E D . — D u e to this issue's overof which were given to Dave Watson, whelming postbag, I regret that it was the then President of the Union, and kept in the Union files. In this report necessary to cut this letter. The full text may be seen i n the Pre^s R o o m . we stressed that both Birmingham and Cambridge were intending to organise return meetings, and that I.C. being the foremost technical Univer- \Y7777/ reference to Mr. Cawson's sity in the country, should take the article on foreigners in l.C., may 1 initiative and organise a seminar the does not intensay that l.CS.F.R.E. following year. tionally concern itself, in the main, with external affairs, and would very Reports containing recommendamudh like to set " our own house in tions to this effect were published in order." FELIX and the 'Guild's Year Book, " Spanner." I would like to quote If any of your readers have racial from it: difficulties where they feel we may " Birmingham and Cambridge are be able to help, or have constructive planning a return meeting in England, ideas as to how we can make l.C. a so we should move quickly, or one of more amenable and integrated society, the smaller colleges will steal the Init- or in fact anything positive we can iative from us." do to aid overseas students, we would This is exactly what has happened. be very pleased to hear from them. As was reported in the last issue of A. R. CONN, FELIX, Manchester University is Secretary of ICS.F.R.E.
House in Order
one doesn't have to worry about getting i,z o a dirty situation (e.g. on the floor). (c) Damage. While scrambling between the chairs in a crowded Upper Refec. last week my jeans got badly ripped—was I glad I wasn't wearing an expensive pair of trousers ? In conclusion, I and many others find jeans far more comfortable than a conventional pair of trousers, and dread the day when, to conform to the " done thing," we shall be forced to wear " neatly pressed trousers." The answer is, if you don't like them, don't wear them, but please leave those of us who do alone. DICK DRAYTON, Maths 11B.
Another letter—page 8
i like g i a c deco a d o come o _
countdown la palace
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set out to spoil events, are bound to belong to RCS., C. & G. or RS.M. just as they belong to the RugbyClub. Who knows some of them may even have names. It is evident that J HAVE yet to read a copy of tudes. of late, Felix has been scraping the your paper without coming It is particularly disturbing as Mr. barrel for want of things to say, but across the name of Needham. In Needham's letter attacking a similarly don't victimise 120 members of a club last issue destructive report in your each issue we are confronted with for the sake of printing 4 or 5 names. was almost adjacent to the article. a trivial, how else can they be de- Must On the subject of names, I feel that we assume that these rather scribed, quote or escapade of this childish statements about RCS. (and the case for decreasing the number \I/ITH REGARD to the last Union rather insignificant character. only R.C.S.) officials are part of your of anonymous writers by one, far outweighs that for increases in their " meeting I was appalled by the Editorial policy ? It is a great pity that you seem number. Either that or call this other unusual number of points of informawere, at the time These two men unable to devote your space to items nonentity Ignoramus. tion offered by certain members of Ignotus refers to, making a perfectly the Union to nearly every speaker of interest or news value, rather than Pretty soon Felix will be run by a justifiable attack on the most twisted indulge this pompous fellow's desire from the floor. This showed a lack phantom board with nothing better to and inaccurate report I have ever seen of attracing attention. Your comof knowledge about the working of do than the victimisation of nonin any student publication (I have ments have ranged from " that wellthe grant system in particular and existan, Clubs. seen similar in the EXPRESS and known personality . . ." (this I've the general educational system in this PRAVDA). I refer to the report of found to be entirely untrue), culChairman ACC. country in general on the part of the tlie RCS. Union meeting (R.C.S. Ignotus replies : 1 quite agree with speakers some of whose speeches minating in last week's report of again whilst Guilds got a most flatter- M r . Peters that the number of anonyNeedhan\ crowned as Miss World, were absurd and irrelevant and ing report). which as we all know speaks for mous writers on Felix should be deseemed to be designed merely to proitself. creased by one. The problem is, how I therefore ask that you, as Editor, ject images for electoral purposes. to get r i d of Colcutt ? Also, without 1 do not begrudge a person pubmust accept responsibility for this This is of couse deplorable and much the protection of anonymity, what article. An apology is called for from licity provided it is deserved, so valuable time was wasted on amendcolumnist would run the risk of being you to Mr. West and Mr. Scott and please no more of Needham. ments and points of information poked by a Rugby C l u b hefty ? also to all your readers for insulting when real business should have been If things are allowed to carry on got through. It is important that all the way they are we must expect what their intelligence so. Also I hope that such articles are discontinued. speakers from the floor should fully soon will be the inevitable, a roughly inform themselves on the issues to be scrawled message on the Union's . INTERESTED IN: •M. G. DUCKETT, raised before coming to the Union lavatory wall " Needham was here." Zoology I. meeting and should confine themDICK WHITE. P.S.—Sir, I trust if this letter is selves to the points relevant to the published not too many cuts are issue and should be ai brief as pos| MUST protest against the sur- made. I understand Mr. Needham's sible. Rhetoric is deplorable. I letter was weakened by cutting parts prisingly immature attack on should hate an l.C. union meeting deof it. generating into a typical NUS confer- Mike Scott and Ken West in your E D . — N o cuts were made i n M r . ence involved in matter of procelast issue. I use tlie word surNeedham's letter. If cuts are made dures, amendments and the like. in any letter published i n F E L I X a prisingly as the writer, Ignotus, note is added to that effect. appeared to be totally against GEORGE BARAMKI, Then come to the what \he called sixth form atti- Quote Fictcncr re Ignotus : " The Physics 2.
Too Much Tedium ?
thing is, t was of quite a high literary standard." :
Were We Unanimous? r
TN YOUR last edition you carry an ^•article concerning the introduction of compulsory dinners in Keogh Hall. It states: " It seems that ' Keoghlogians' are particularly keen to meet their companions in Hall. . . ." What is not mentioned is the fact that this scheme has only become necessary because the weekly dinners already held on a voluntary
ARE twenty-three clubs T HERE basis are sa poorly attended. That comprising I.C.A.C.C., the largest the proposal was accepted " en of these being Imperial College Rugmasse " by the Hall, as stated by Mr. by Football Club. The abbreviation Wallum, I would question ; and for this is not as you have printed whether it would be a good thing if in each edition of Felix so far, but it were, I question even more simply 1CR.F.C. strongly. It would appear from your columns Should people be encouraged to that the members of the Rugby Club rely on discipline imposed from go round en masse creating havoc. " above"! A KEOGHLOGIAN. This I feel is unjust. The people who A
HALDANE LIBRARY 13 Prince's Gardens for a book about it. Open 11—6.30 daily (11—7 on Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Cheap seats at the Theatre J F Y O U A R E at a bit of a loose end one evening, and want inexpensive professional entertainment, why not try the nearest theatre to College ? The R o y a l Court, home, of the English Stage C o m p a n y , at'- Sloane Square (one stop on the Circle/District Line, and next to the station) offers students any seat available i n the house withi n a quarter-hour of the performance for 5/- on production of a U n i o n card. Highlights for the coming months include " Serjeant Musgrave's Dance " which established itself i n 1959 as a modern classic and its author, John Arden, as a major dramatist, and " A Chaste M a i d i n Cheapside," a Jaco-
bean comedy about problems of sex and marriage, together w i t h two successes from their A u t u m n season, " S a v e d " and " The Cresta R u n . " O w i n g to censorship, however, " Saved " is only open to members of the E n g l i s h Stage Society. Even here the R o y a l Court has borne students i n m i n d by offering a special rate of 5/- a year instead of one guinea. Regrettably, the play I saw at the R o y a l Court has just ended its present run. , " S h e l l e y " — b y A n n Jellicoe who also wrote " The K n a c k " — traces the life of the poet f r o m his expulsion f r o m Oxford at the age of twenty to his mysterious and untimely death eight years later. T.A.N.
Drugs and Brink A Christmas Puzzle by the Braintanglers J N S E L D O M S L E W E D A V E N U E there is a row of four houses in which four couples live. These couples have been the subject of a police enquiry in which some strange facts have come to light. Each of the couples has a drug addition and is partial to a particular drink. This road is unusual in the neighbourhood because of the sports cars which are always parked outside their owners' houses. Before the police can swoop on the spy ring, which they know is operating in the area, they must sort out the habits of the occupants. The evidence which they have gathered through their agents is set out below, can you help them to solve the problem ? A token prize of half a guinea will be offered for the first correct solution to arrive in the Felix pigeon hole in the Union Rack before Wednesday, 19th Jan. Solutions must contain a brief description of the method used. 1. Mr. Neversober does not drive an Italian car, nor does he drink whiskey. Mrs. Ofendrunk shops for herself and her neighbour and buys whiskey and gin. Vodka goes well with cocaine. Mr. Allcanned objects to his neighbour's Ferrari blocking the end of the road. The Maserati driver likes heroin but is sick if he takes gin or vodka. A D.B.6 uses more petrol than a Midget which allows its owner to smoke opium. 7. Mrs. Undertable is fussy about cars and would not let her husband buy a Maserati or a Midget. 8. Purple Hearts need to be taken in large quantities but Mr. Neversober's neighbour has a large mouth. 9. W ho drinks lemonade ? Editor's decision is final. Felix staff not eligible for entry. S.I.D. W.RJ.C.
Your Summer Holiday?
Christmas Crossword Compiled by C . J . t J I L H A M ACROSS 1. Exclamation of soft Bernard. (5) 4. Law-book. (9) 8. Sep of a wolf? (7) 9. N o abolutionist this. (7) 10. Sound barrier walk. (4) 11. Initial of Conifer R o a d . (5) 12. Essential for 9. (4) 15. Steinbeck's fruits of anger— or • Julia W a r d Howe's. (6,2,5) 17. Direction of the high priest to thedot. (8,5) 20. Rebel Jack: (4) 21. Groves i n deer tracks. (5) 22. Ancient city of the French language. (4) 25. G i v e nothing to the fiddler going to America—that's overbearing. (7) 26. Peep back stage—filthy. (7) '.7. Specify some French mixed eating. (9) 28. Slight material change—to the devil 1 (5)
DOWN 1. Makes one hot all over? (9) 2. Buzzing expresion or hesitation on the dynasty. (7) 3. Street of fortunes? (4) 4. Victor's wretches resemble sails. (3.10) 5. E t o n shade. (4) 6. M i c a bar from Wales. (7) 7. Slightly burn the French monkey. (5) 9. It is an Ancient Mariner and . . . of three (Coleridge). (2,8.3) 13. Beauty judge. (5) 14. M a r k two. (5) 16. Labour force? (9) 13.. Speak, • strike, . . . (J. Caesar) (7) 19. Rushing stream of h i l l and gorge. (7) 20. Rainmaker? (5) 23. Strangely lit inhabitant of the great G r o m b o o l i a n Plain. (4) 24. Repeated assertion of material existence in Oxford. (4)
" p O R E I G H T years Jean tic M a r i g n y •*• and his Australian wife have specialised i n travel and holidays for students and young people. Though their firm, Europe Student Travel (formerly Angle-German Y o u t h Service) never advertised until a few months ago, except i n their own brochures, their customers today total over 20,000 a year. M r . ue Marigny naturally has a clear idea of students' needs. " First they need transport at rock-bottom cost," he says, " Even . ' you hitch you'll be lucky to get to B o n n from L o n d o n for less than our £4 3s. 6d. charge for comfortable rail-and-boat travel. " A s for holiday accommodation, we provide camps and " youth hotels " that are simple but still well above
youth hostel standard. Thanks to generous West G e r m a n government help a fortnight's stay in a very comfortable camp costs only £8 12s. " In these centres students of many nationalities can meet and enjoy normal holiday activities while still having plenty of time to talk and talk and talk." Though he has lived in Britain since 1949 M r . de M a r i g n y is still a French citizen—and still very French. One reason for his success is his skill in cutting overheads. H e and his wife have only five assistants. Outside the high season you are more likely than not to find M r . de M a r i g n y himself serving personal callers at Europe Student Travel's headquarters just off Kensington Church Street.
STUDENTS & Y O U N G PEOPLE (16-28) ONLY L O W C O S T T R A V E L Air and rail charters throughout W. Europe. Typical prices:- Du'sseldorf £5 10s, Berlin £9 2s (air, single): Bonn £4 3s, Athens £14 4s (train), L O W C O S T HOLIDAYS International Youth Camps, Youth Hotels, Paying Guest Service, Language Courses. From £8 12s for 14 da^s including excursions. Also winter sports. E U R O P E S T U D E N T T R A V E L , 6 Campden Street, Church Street Kensington W.8. Tel. Park 7647 Eight years' experience.
MC out of Crockfords Cup
jpOR the second year running, IC entered a team of lour tor the Crockford's Cup, but once again, we failed to qualify (the first 8 out of a total entry of 36 teams go through to the final). Since the majority of the players in these national tournaments are hardened, experienced club players, semi-professionals and even in some cases, internationals, the play is generally of a high standard throughout. The bidding of the opening hand proved a pitfall to both I . C . pairs, but rather fortunately, we managed to gain 5 on the deal.
A n d w h o w i l l f j s d the hungry billions, clothe the nakeJ, contain the fertile, bale out the boat ? T h e new decision-makers, the scientists and engineers of the top peonle.
The scene : Imperial College Union, focus of culture and power, in the broad shadow of mad, steaming, tattooed Albert. This is the nerve centre. Here you may hear the President himself, personally pleading with the apathetic over the public address, the street cries of the fund raisers, the Saturday night twitter of the mini-teens, the unabridged voices of this nation's whitest hopes. M a k e no mistake, i n England higher education is f o r the few. It is the elite y o u see here, who pack the bars ; the tele-lounge f o r children's hour. Here is part of the great educational machine which is the conscious means of society's self-transformation. A t a moment i n history when m a n has begun to dominate the entire world geography—not so long ago he was a rare mammel—and at a moment when his mistakes are becoming evermore momentous—enH e r e is enlightened education is axiomatic. lightenment, a breeding ground for a new race of pragmatists, innovators and long-range thinkers. O r just a breeding ground. Come to Imperial College, focus of culture and power ,and see the Western World's industrial leaders of 2000 A . D . Here y o u may find great research brains tutoring the eager white hopes, coaxing the brilliant catalysing the creative. Here y o u may find a sense o f adventure as industrial man, not one hundred years old, braces himself for the challenge of the next million years of human life on this planet. Here y o u may find, o n a beer-stained chair, last week's N e w Musical E x -
B.G. * R e f . Observercolour " L e s Polytvechnique of France."
e by S. F. Gibson
Past civilisations have waxed and waned and all been rather similar. This time things are different. W e are characterised by an exponential rate of change. I n a brief two hundred years the human race w i l l have exhausted the world's coal and o i l . Mercury and sulphur are species even more rapidly becoming extinct. W e are running out of wood. In less than forty years the mass of this nation's industrial working population will be essentially inessential. Soon only the top percentile of brainpower w i l l be employable. T h e rest w i l l have to distract each other as best they can. D e m o c n c v is dead.
Dealer N . N-S vulnerable. N H K 5 D A K 65 C A K J3 S 7 32 E W S A 9 8 5 4 S K Q J 1 0 H 8 H J 10 9 7 4 3 D 10 7 D 8 3 C Q 10 9 8 2 C 5 S S6 H A Q 62 D Q J 9 42 C 7 64 A t one table, with the I C pair sitting N-S, playing strong no-trump openers, the bidding went:— N " E S W INT No 2C No 2NT No 3N T No No No After a N T opening, South's 2 club bid is the Stayman convention, requesting partner to b i d a 4 card major suit, South's hope here being to finish in a 4 H contract. The response of 2 N T denies holding either four hearts or four spades, whilst showing a m a x i m u m no-trump opening. It is generally sound policy with a hand like South's to bid merely 3 N T , rather than introduce a 3 D call, for 3 N T is probably going to be easier to make than 5 D , where one can afford to lose only 2 tricks. It has the additional advantage of giving no indication to the opposition of what might be a
good lead. However, in this case, 5 D is clearly a better contract. East took some time deliberating over his initial lead, before eventually settling on the ten of clubs. O n the lead, declarer has no difficulty i n making eleven tricks, 3 i n clubs, 3 i n hearts, and 5 i n diamonds., and i n practice, 12 tricks were made when E , having to find 5 discards o n the red suits, elected to part with three spades and two clubs, so enabling the three of clubs to take the 12th trick. Score : plus 690 N - S . A spade lead would have set the contract by one trick, provided the suit did not get blocked. A t the other table, where weak notrumps were being played, the bidding sequence was totally dissimilar. (Remember the I.C. pair here were sitting E-W). N E S W ID 2S 4D 4S No No 5D No No 5S No No 6D No No 6S Dble No No No East's 2S b i d is a weak Romanjump overcall, indicating a 2 suited hand, the b i d suit and the next unhid suit above it, i n this case spades and clubs. The subsequent spade calls cf East and West were sacrifice bids. When N o r t h eventually was "pushed" into 6 D , and East d i d not double, West reasoned that the defence was unlikely to take more than one trick (in spades), and so he introduced 6S bid, which was promptly doubled. If East, instead o f the club Queen, held the club Jack, this manoeuvre would have produced a brilliant result, for 6 D would have then been makeable f o r a score o f 1370, compared with just 500, E - W only going 3 down in their 6S contract. N-S can defeat 6S by more than 3 tricks i f they strike at the trump suit straightaway, so m i n i m i s i n g the amout of crossruffing. A s it was, East managed to cross-ruff heartj and clubs, and ended up with 9 tricks. Score : plus 500. N-S. Unfortunately, N o r t h has no means by which to avoid losing a club, as well as a spade, so the 6S bid was a phantom sacrifice.
by Stephanie Vogler
Ambitious Potato Envelopes Tomatoe T F Y O U L I K E your food hot, then it's time you
tried Heinz curried beans. Served on rice with, say, a tin of stewed steak or cuopped pork luncheon meat, you have an interesting and tasty meal.
If y o u have access to a little oven, try putting large potatoes i n to bake. T o save you the energy of scrubbing, y o u can buy scrubbed " s p u d s " at not much more. P u t them i n at about 5.00—according to their size, (they w i l l take an average of about three hours mid-heat), then y o u can fill them w i t h cream cheese, Dairylea, cottage cheese or P r i m u l a and butter and put them back i n . the oven f o r a few minutes. If you are ambitiohs, use the onion, tomato and bacon part of last issue's recipe, and scoop out the inside, mix a l l together and return to the potato shell to rebake. Anoher idea is to use a concentrated tomato soup (Campbell's is better than Heinz), and sometimes y o u w i n imu a aiuan i i n , sumcient tor two potatoes, at 8d. Heat it slowly in a saucepan, with a knob of butter, a n d then pour into the jacket potatoes.
It's Good Knees Week Perhaps it seems a little chilly to recommend the mini-skirt but there are some very pretty ones at Peter Robinson. I n the fairly new Department y o u w i l l find a r ail marked " C h e l s e a Knees," ultra short but very pretty plaids i n biege and brown which y o u can wear with last year's long white socks. Also the Op-art picture comes i n here, again i n thick felt, w i t h a self belt, dark brown circular motif onto beige o r brilliant pink onto hlack, t o mention just two; about 35/11. If y o u like the corduroy theme and y o u are a trouser girl, I would recommend that y o u take a trip to Carnaby Street, King's Road or even your local men's shop. Steal the boy's pants!!! H a v e you ever noticed how smooth the mod-man cut is and h o w sneaky the pockets are? Slightly hippy too, they often look better on E v e than A d a m ! Y o u might call them Chelsea bags, bottoms or just legs. O f course, y o u may go for tweeds or jeans, once y o u get there, but if y o u ever get to corduroy you should be able ,to find that delicious wide, velvety pile kind which never seems to get into the girls' shops, perhaps because it's selling anyway o n the man-line. Price according to area, around £4.
Male Train A t 117 Edgware Road, is A l a n Clement's new ROYCE MANSHOP. R O Y C E has been going for just on twelve months and A l a n claims to be going great guns with the M o d e r n Young M a n . O n looking round his stock, I am not surprised at his success as some of the most fabulous up-todate styles are on show, mainly at slightly lower prices than one would expect. A l a n tells me that the Tattersall Check Hipster slacks are a l l the rage at the moment and these are available i n exceptional designs at under 90/-. H i s range of Corduroys is truly amazing with some fine styles i n Corduroy Norfolk Jackets catching m y eye. If you are interested in shirts, no better selection can be found than at R O Y C E . Incidentally, A l a n tells me that he is giving a 10 per cent discount to anv student who shows his Union Card.
Ed.—This is the last in the present series of Birdsnest.
an account with a bank can have many advantages, even when the income is only a small one. Banks welcome the small accounts of students and people starting out on their careers— after all many of these are likely to grow into large ones later on.
How an account with the Westminster can play an essential part in your career Things will be very different now you are out on your own. Do you know what we mean ? Quite a shock L i f e i n a bed-sitter can be u n e x p e c t e d l y expensive. F o o d , entertainment, sport, books, can a l l cost m u c h more t h a n y o u had expected. F o r the first t i m e i n y o u r life y o u really start w o r r y i n g about money. C o m e and see the W e s t m i n s t e r . W e can help w i t h expert advice. M a k i n g things easier T h e W e s t m i n s t e r helps thousands of y o u n g people every year. A n d goes o n to help t h e m , positively, t h r o u g h o u t the, whole course of their careers. H e r e is h o w the W e s t m i n s t e r can make things easier for y o u . 1. A s y o u get i n t o y o u r s t r i d e . Y o u ' l l soon have m o n e y decisions to make (methods o f saving, types of insurance, the p r o b l e m of a mortgage a n d so o n ) . Y o u r local W e s t m i n s t e r M a n a g e r has i m m e n s e experience of this k i n d of p r o b l e m . I f y o u want i t , h e ' l l help y o u d r a w u p a personal budget p l a n that w i l l give y o u the chance to b u i l d u p a small reserve o f capital. 2. S t a r t i n g o n y o u r o w n . Perhaps at some stage y o u ' l l want to start y o u r o w n business. T h e n y o u r W e s t m i n s t e r M a n a g e r can help y o u i n all k i n d s o f unexpected ways. H e can often p u t y o u i n t o u c h w i t h people a n d opportunities that can make the difference between failure a n d success. 3. W h e n y o u r e a c h t h e t o p . S o o n e r or later y o u ' l l have to invest quite substantial sums of personal capital. T h e quality of y o u r life after retirement depends o n h o w y o u do it. It's n o t just a technical p r o b l e m . T h e best advice comes f r o m someone w h o k n o w s the k i n d of m a n y o u are. H i s i n s t i n c t i s n o t t o w a r n , b u t t o help. Is y o u r image of a B a n k M a n a g e r SO years out o f date ? C a l l i n at y o u r local W e s t m i n s t e r B r a n c h a n d see what an up-to-date bank can do. Y o u ' l l p r o b a b l y find that the M a n a g e r w i l l be prepared to lower; substantially, y o u r bank charges i n the early years of y o u r career. Services that m a k e life easier
The Westminster Bank offers many services to every account holder - ranging from greetings cheques, savings and deposit accounts, travellers' cheques, foreign currency, night-safes, safe-keeping of documents and valuables, to help with wills and investments. We want you to use them. And use them to the full. They are the key to an easier, well-ordered life. N e x t t i m e y o u pass the W e s t m i n s t e r — c a l l i n a n d ask to see the M a n a g e r . H e ' l l e x p l a i n exactly h o w the W e s t m i n s t e r B a n k c a n h e l p you. O r w r i t e to the W e s t m i n s t e r B a n k L i m i t e d , 115 O l d B r o m p t o n R o a d , S o u t h K e n s i n g t o n , a n d ask for o u r b o o k l e t ' O n U s i n g Y o u r B a n k ' . T h e W e s t m i n s t e r has over 1,350 b r a n ch es i n E n g l a n d a n d Wales.
Banks have of course the basic functions that most people know about — i . e . they accept deposits, provide a simple and cfiic'ent means of payment through the cheque system- and they lend, usually in the short-term, this latter function being one usually affecting indusry and commerce rather more than the private customer. The cheque system is in fact what first attracts most individuals to banking. R e l y i n g on cash alone for making a l l one's payments is cumbersome and highly inconvenient for anyone who has to make transactions involving more than t r i v i a l amounts, as most of us have to from time to time. Incidentally over 537 m i l l i o n arAnother service which is much used ticles passed through the banks' clearis that of safe custody, whereby banks ings last year, worth £358,669 n r ' l i o n , undertake the safe keeping of custo'or £7,567 m i l l i o n per head of the mers' documents and valuables— population of England and Wales. w h i c h might .include, for (example, However, the basic banking services N a t i o n a l Savings Certificates. Services connected w i t h travel include the are by no means a l l that the banks provision of travellers' cheques (which can offer to their customers to help can be bought to use i n this country make their financial lives run more as well as abroad, though they have smoothly. of course chiefly become known i n Some of their additional services connection with foreign travel), buycould be useful to you now, others ing of foreign notes and coin, and oblater on. T o mention one of the best taining passports. known, by making standing orders to your bank you can make sure that If you want to save something, as any regular payments you have to distinct f r o m operating a current acmake, such as subscriptions, insurance, count, on which of course no interest rent, etc., are paid on the due date is paid, you may open a deposit or without your having to do anything savings account, on which interest w i l l more than ensure that there are suffibe paid, related to the current level of cient funds on your account to meet Bank rate, and changing as that them. changes. Y o u may also buy savings certificates and Premium Bonds through your bank. Altogether one's bank account usually turns out to be an indispensable part of one's financial arrangements.
FRIARS NOT ELEPHANTS T H E R E A R E more elephants in England than there are friars. Some of the few—friars not elephants—were visited ou Saturday, December 4 t h , by a group of predominantly first yeai students, accompanied by Brother Columba, SSF. The visit came at the end of the first week of i " Getting to Know You " scheme Travelling Friday evening, the weekend was spent at the Gonvent of the C o m m u n i t y of S. Francis at Compton D ur v i lle , Somerset, where a group of nuns administer a hospital for o l d people. The F r i a r y visited was near Cerne Abbas in Dorset One of the Francisan friars told something of his work amongst drug addicts in the East end of L o n d o n . At the convent i n the evening, another of the brothers told of his experiences on the kibbutzim in Israel. LES JOHNSON
Edwards Cleared I
WAS astounded by your coverage of last week's debate on Rhodesia. Naturally, one first notices the headlines of an article which in this case read " Edwards loses control." I find it incredible to believe that your reporter thought that this sentence, which presumably is his opinion, was of such paramount importance to justify its use as a headline. It is a pity that your " reporter" did not hear the two main speeches. Had he done so, he would have noted that they were not interrupted, contrary to What his article would have one believe. I would add that in a debate on a topic such as the present Rhodesian situation, it is to be expected that members of the audience participate by making spontaneous comment, relating their views to what is being said. CHRISTOPHER ERIKSON, Treasurer, Debates. ED.—The production of a headline —selection of the most significant part of a story—is an editorial function.
GOD AND MAN Few people really believe i n G o d , if they did, they wouldn't continue to think and act as they do ; this country is overrun with people who are theoretical believers but practical atheists. This view was expressed by Jack G r a h a m when he came to address I . C . C . U . on Monday 29th November. He quoted P a u l as saying that if only man were to examine the world around h i m , he woul d see ample evidence to convince him of his misdeeds. M a n has a built-in conscience — h e knows when he has done wrong. M a n cannot find G o d by searching — t o start with, man is finite, whereas G o d is infinite, and besides this, man's understanding is impaired by sin. Intellectualism isn't everything. The man who starts by saying " I don't know " is more honest than the one who says " I know it a l l . " ' G o d must reveal Himself to man if man is to know H i m — i n terms that man can understand. This is one reason for the coming of C h r i s t — G o d ' s ultimate word to us. Through H i m we can come to know G o d . But we must first be prepared to climb down and s a y : " G o d , I don't know—take me and show me." Q-^
W H A T L O N D O N OFFERS A STUDENT E d i t o r : R. Dewan Have you explored Soho'! If you haven't, you are recommended to arm yourself with a copy of What London Offers a Student and go to Piccadilly on a Saturday evening—Yes, you are assured of a wonderful time. This publication, edited by R. Dewan, has some of the most interesting articles on student London. It is Free for the First Year studentsbut others can obtain it for a paltry 3/-; it is a good value for money.
W h e n y o u have an a c c o u n t at Martins B a n k y o u can see by your c h e q u e book and statement exactly w h e r e your m o n e y goes. That's a big help w h e n y o u have to make d o o n a limited budget. It's easy to o p e n an a c c o u n t at Martins Bank and students are a l w a y s w e l c o m e . J u s t ask a n y b o d y behind the counter. The people are friendly and will be glad to help y o u .
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new men... new knowledge... new problems to be solved... Today's children will grow up in a world that is being remade before their eyes. They will have a wider range of opportunities. They will also face problems calling for new solutions. Today's children need the most imaginative and creative teaching. Teaching by men and women who are among the ablest of their generation... graduates who are among the most outstanding of their year. Teachers have greater influence on future generations than any other profession. What does Teaching offer you in return ? New opportunities Teaching is a vigorous and growing profession. It offers the graduate greater opportunities than ever before, both in developing professional skills and i n achieving posts of influence and responsibility — often far earlier than i n many other careers. For example, nearly half of the men graduate teachers between 25 and 29 hold such posts and receive salaries well above the basic scale. About half of those i n their 30's are heads of departments, earning up to or hold even higher posts. One fifth of those now i n their 4o's are headmasters who may earn salaries up to The prospects are even
£2,330, £3,850.
better for graduates with first or second class honours, or a higher degree. New ideas - new initiative The mastery of teaching skills and the evolution of new methods are a stimulating challenge. New discoveries and new knowledge present teachers with problems for which there are no precedents. New communication techniques and aids must be developed. Training: an extension of your knowledge Some graduates feel uncertain whether they are temperamentally suited to teaching. The one-year post-graduate training course equips you to start your career confidently on a basis of practical experience as well as theory. Why not find out more? T a l k things over with your Appointments Board, and ask for the new booklet, 'Careers in Education for Graduates', or write for a copy to Room 114 (22C/1) Department of Education and Science, Curzon Street, London, W . 1. It describes the schools of today and the kind of teachers they need; their salaries and special allowances.
Soccer Cup
I.C.3 U.C.2 O N SATURDAY, December 4th, U.C. visited Harlington to play I.C. in the first round of the U.L. Cup. Conditions could not have been called ideal, a heavy drizzle making the playing surface treacherous. Straight from the kick-off I.C. put great pressure on the U . C . goal and were unlucky not to take an early lead. Gradually after this bright start UJC. came more into the game and I.C. seemed to coast along. I.C. were always the more dangerous side and it came as no surprise when they took the lead. Wellfair, beating his man on the outside, centred for Hopwoo d to dive and head past the U . C . goalkeeper.
Half-time Goal The game was very even after this goal and the conditions were becoming increasingly important to the pattern of the p l a y ; the greasy surface making recovery i n the tackle difficult for both defences. Just on the halftime whistle the home team was stunned when U . C . managed to score the equaliser ; a dangerous diagonal lob into the I.C. goalmouth was allowed to trickle into the net v i a the centre forward's back.
IX*.. Go Ahead After the interval, Hunt, playing a real Captain's game, strove manfully in the midfield. T h e team responding magnificently to h i s example, fought for every loose ball and tackled like terriers. I n the 51st minute an inspired piece of football culminated i n W i d e l s k i pushing the ball through to an unmarked H o p w o o d who shot past the advancing goalkeeper into the net. T o their credit U . C . hit back immediately when the left-half was allowed to run through and shoot past a statled Wojtowicz.
O n Dec. 4th, I.C. Fencing C l u b w o n the " G o d d i n C u p , " a competition for teams of three, from the L o n d o n Colleges, each member of the team fencing at one of the three weapons. Our 2nd and 3rd teams, consisting of less experienced fencers, were e l i m i nated early on i n the competition. The 1st team, having got through the 1st round very easily went on to the direct elimination between eight teams and finally secured the trophy w i t h a comfortable w i n over U . C . i n the final. T h e winning team was : G . Paul (foil), P. Harden (epee) and D . Scott (sabre).
Gordon Lowes The Ideal Snorts Shop
He needs trained minds like yours to fit him for tomorrow's world Issued by the Department of Education and Science
173/4 SLOANE STREET S.W.1 Tel. REL 8484
THE B O A T Club swept all before them in the U . L . Winter Eights on December 4 t h , by winning both the Open and Junior events. I. C . had a crew entered in eaich of the Open, Junior and Novice divisions of the competition, which is held at the Universities Chiswick boat house. . . . T h e INovice crew were beaten i n their firsit heat, but they d i d well against their obviously more experienced opponents.
Winning Goal However, a minute later, spurred on by their supporters, I.C. regained the lead. A man to man passing movement saw W e l l f a i r score from a pass by Stoddart. A s the game drew to a close there was only one team in it and U . C . looked a slightly dispirited side, outfought and outplayed: the jubilant I.C. team were through to the next round.
Bob Grundy.
Carnival hangover
• A l l set for a header in front of University College goal during the second half of the Cup match at Harlington. —photo by Rahif Quartan
Sportlight •
The Junior crew had a walk-over in their heat, due to the inability of their opponents to raise a team. T h i s was a real relief a l l round, as several members of the crew were still feeling the after effects of the .R.C.S. Carnival. T h e final took place four hours later, by w h i c h time they had caugh* up, to some extent, on their lost sleep This was well fought, but i n the later stages I.C. drew well away td w i n convincingly by two lengths from R o y a l Veterinary College. There was never any doubt that our first eight would w i n the Open even' and i n the final they rowed home convincing winners over the U . C team.
W E A R E doing very well these days. The Boat Clu b won the Winter Eights the Athletics C l u b won the Winter Field events cup, both the Rugger and Soccer teams have won through to the next round of their cup competitions, and generally " F e l i x sport " has had more wins than losses to report. Perhaps we are at last returning to our rightful position in sport as is appropriate to our size. Keep it up lads, keep it up. W i t h all these laurels behind us maybe some of us w i l l even manage a little training over the the vac. G i v e it a t r y — y o u ' l l be surprised at the advantage it gives you after the festivities, over those who have not.
Frank Hobson
will be visiting Departments of Imperial College on various dates between 18th January and 2nd March, 1966. Students of the Department of Metallurgy are invited to visit English Electric House ur. Wednesday, 9th February, 1966. You will be able to discuss opportunities and arrange for visits to one of their Works or Laboratories, where you can meet people already active in fields of your interest.
CLOSE THING for once
Offers will be made to suitable Graduates w h o will probably have studied:
HE A N N U A L match against Ranelagh Harriers provides the Cross Country club side with one of its rare opportunities far competition against a nonstudents side. With the increased strength of the I.C. team mis year, hopes ran high that we might reduce the usual crushing defeat to a more honourable, one.
M a n y intrepid and fearless members of the club are spending NewYear's Eve running to M o u n t a i n A s h in Wales carrying a message of good will (presumably) from the Minister of Sport to the runner in the Dec. 31st Nos G a l a n meeting at Mountain Ash. The runners, with two dormob i l ' S , one car and sore feet, are going to ,'iin relay-fashion and attempt the London to Cardiff record on the way.
T w o other crews were entered in the L o n d o n R o w i n g C l u b " scratch e i g h t " regatta o n the same day. T h f Junior-Senior eight were narrowh beaten by a L o n d o n R.C. eight. The Junior crew were beaten by anothet L o n d o n R . C . eight though performing verv well against such opposition.
Crass Country
Happy New Year
scratch eights
including English Electric Marconi English Electric Valve Company Marconi Instruments Napier Dorman
Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and Metallurgy. Our handbook 'Graduates in the English Electric Group" is available from the Appointments Representative in your Department, w h o has details of the actual dates of our visits and will be jjleased to arrange a definite time for a discussion. Otherwise, complete the coupon below and we will send you direct a copy of our handbook.
Guilds Tragedy In the U . L . Champs, last Saturday, which included the inter-college competition, R.C.S. scored overwhelming victory "against the other two. G u i l d s were a their lowest ebb for many years and in fact, if second teams had counted C . & G . would have been fourth. There was even some doubt that Guilds would beat Mines, however, despite the participation of President D i c k i e G a s h who struggled gamely through the mud to come last. In the championship proper our first man home was H o w a r d Smith who r a n in nineteeth. A t the time of going 'to press the team placings are not known.
The Regatta as a whole was run with the disjointed organisation that characterises University events these days. Entry forms had to be returned in October, yet no formal request or the I.C. launch was received till the day before the races—a great imposition on the I.C. boatman whc had to drive it. The programme of events was not received until two days before the event, making organisation very difficult.
The proposed new " sporting " club to be organised by Messrs. H o w e l l and Ray certainly gets my vote. The a i m is to encourage more interest between sports and to provide a reward for those who put a lot into their sport but do not achieve full colours.
Ranelagh is one of the more lively clubs, with the proceedings starting and finishing at a pub down by the Thame9 at Richmond. Their team now includes an ex-Oxford Captain, an O l y m p i c medalist and E C ' s vicecaptain who on this occasion stayed loyal to the college. Counting twelve in the match proved to be a wise decision. I.C. ran well above form and only lost by the narrow margin of 145-157. The bitter rivalry between Captain H o w a r d Dickson and Vice-Captain A l a n Cope was, on this occasion, resolved in the Captain's favour; the course, punctuated with ponies, deer and Ranelagh veterans, being more to his liking.
mm mm
mm me mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m
To: R. S. Wignall, University Liaison Officer, English Electric House, Strand, London, W.C.2. Please send me a copy of 'Graduates in the English Electric Group'. SGD
/Capital letter please) ADDRESS .
BROKEN LEG In the 1st X I soccer match against League leaders W o o l w i c h Poly, last Wednesday. I.C. winger G r a h a m W e l l fair broke his right leg in a pile-up with the G o a l i e and Fullback only two minutes after the start. I.C. went on to win the match despite this handicap.
1 2
'Observer' sees Mines ""p HURSDAY PRESENTED the * " Gentlemen of Mines " with one of the liveliest union meetings for many years—perhaps to impress the "Observer's" lady photographer. As the president, Dick Gash, announced matters arising, Dick Potts emerged from under the bench, where, during the reading of the minutes, he had kept members in fits of laughter with appropriate comments and jokes written on cards.
Sennet - New Editor
" P R A N K F U C H S , a Physics P . G . at I.C., has been appointed editor of Sennet i n the latest staff shake-up o n the paper. Together w i t h Margaret Rutterworfh f r o m L . S . E . as co-edior he w i l l be resposible f o r the organ of ULU. It was only a week ago at a meeting of the President's C o u n c i l i n U L U that T o m M c N a l l y , president of U . C . , moved a motion of no-confidence i n Fuchs as features editor of Sennet. M c N a l l v quoted from an editorial i n Sennet written by Fuchs attacking h i m for his sympathies towards I.S.C., the International Students C o u n c i l . It was also.alleged that he been a paid guest at " secret" weekends organised by F J . S . C , open only to selected student union presidents. Both F.I.S.C. and M c N a l l y were prepared to sue Fuchs unless an official apology was received f r o m h i m . Last year Fuchs attempted to become President of U L U but he was rejected i n favour of the famed T o n y Berry. Sennet has h a d a constant flow of editors through its offices, the last one.
The Freshers' Pot was presented to C. M o l a m , who drank a token pint i n six sees. M r . D . H a r k w i c k presented the Stevenson C u p to M . Anstey, captain of M i n e s H o c k e y X V , and then D i c k G a s h congratulated M i n e s Water P olo team for their w i n i n the S w i m m i n g G a l a .
CHOIR SUCCESS Roger Norrington Steps in The new editor of Sennet speaking at the recent I.C. Union Meeting Pat M u n r o , has resigned f o r academic reasons. Things got so complicated last year that at the height o f one battle the fro^t page was devoted to a " W h y I was sacked " a n d " W h y I sacked her " reposte between president T o n y Berry and the passing editor.
RSM Proves the Point T AST THURSDAY'S debate on tne motion that " This house believe that Union Sport Activities are childish and immature," proved a popular topic and over two hundred turned up at the start of the debate. Sinclair. G o o d l a d , the first Arts Graduate employed by Imperial C o l lege as a Lecturer, started off with a witty and entertaining speech which made one wonder why half the college had been allowed out of kindergarten. Activities of the constituent colleges were, he said, exemplified b y the actions of the C i t y and.-Guilds College, having a l l the trappings of a primitive religion, a sacred totem and special costumes for the high priest. M a k i n g no attempt to oendemn these rituals, he went o n t o say how necessary somehing of this f o r m is. But would it not be better i f such energies were used i n running a " R o u n d the W o r l d Race." K e n Weale, the U n i o n Treasurer, lecturer i n C h e m i c a l Engineering i n his spare time, h i f back^ Defending actions l i k e " R i n g o' roses round the Albert H a l l , " he himself skipped round the motion, raising man' laughs, but rarely coming to grips w i t h it. Ian W i l l i a m s , editor of F e l i x , seconding the motion, bumbled into the microphone l o o k i n g f o r a l l the w o r l d like a lost dog. I n the few moments when he climbed into audibility he appeared to be attempting a systematic destruction of Goodlad's case. K e n West, Vice-President of R.C.S., explained to an enraptured audience the delights of being kidnapped and debagged o n M o r p h y D a y without ex-
SMALL AD. MR. PETER COMBES wishes to announce that he will not be sending Christmas Cards this Season. A CAREER WTTH VSO ? No, but it's a good start. VSO can't offer you a career—you serve only on or two years—but you'll be doing something worthwhile and you'll learn a tot about yourself. Write Voluntary Service Overseas, 3 Hanover Street, W.l.
Entertainment was supplied when N i g e l Gravette after reporting o n the I . C W . A . O l d F o l k s ' T e a Party, demanded to know why Fergus K e r r was wearing a Cambourne M i n i n g School tie. Being found guilty of treason, M r . K e r r was suitably punished. The meeting closed o n a serious note when B o b Slater informed the U n i o n of the Conference r un by the International Federation of M i n i n g and Metallurgy Students to be held next year, and asked for full support from the U n i o n . R . S M . raffle was drawn b y the " Observer" photographer. B. Woollett w o n first prize (£2) a n d B . M a i r second prize (10/-).
plaining the relevance of this «experience to the m o t i o n under debate. Felix, he complained, was anti" s p o r t " this year but " A l l work and no play makes Jack a d u l l boy." A message from the R o y a l School 'of Mines U n i o n meetingtgoing o n at the same time), was passed up to K e n Weale, telling h i m that they had passed a resolution expressing their support f o r h i m and promising to come along en masse and vote at the end of the debate. In the closing stages of the debate, after many good speeches f r o m the floor, they arrived. They marched int the concert hall, hard o n the heels of their ritual leader, to vote against the motion making the outcome of the vote certain, but providing ample proof of the truth of the motion b y their action. J. C A W S O N .
THE SUCCESS of the Concert given by the I.C. Choir was due to Roger Norrington who, after only a few hours notice, undertook to sing the tenor solos in place of Alistair New hinds, ordered not to sing by his doctor. The Concert began w i t h Bach's •'Christmas O r a t o r i o . " T h e first Ch>rus "'Christians be J o y f u l " set t i e mood f o r the evening—one of enjoyment a n J delight. In this chorus the tenors sang particularly well, attain ng its high, difficult runs w i t h extreme lightness and clarity. ' G i l l i a n Hull—contralto—conveyed the beauty of the aria " Prepare thyself, Z i o n " to the audience with a deep feeling for its words. It was a disappointment that the bass soloist was unable to match her quality. The higher notes of the bass recitations were not certain enough and the soloist seemed to r un out of breath. The " K y r i e " opened Rossini's " Petite Messe Solenelle." This chorus grew out of an almost imperceptable murmer i n the lower orchestra to a powerful crescendo with the full orchestra and choir, a n d eventually the choir solo. T h i s piece showed the choir's fine quality and the expert control which the conductor, D r . E. H . Brown, held Over the whole choir and orchestra. The standard attained by the choir was extremely high, and it was obvious that the evening had been preceded by many hours of rehearsals'. It was an excellent performance enjoyed by a l l those present. M.S.
VIETNAM O'N D E C E M B E R 2, M r . Frank - Crump spoke to the Interrational Relations Club about the war in Vietnam. M r . Crump, who is on the staff of the American Embassy in London, outlined the development of events, beginning with the collapse of the French effort to maintain the regime in Intlo-China in 1954. A referendum led to the establishment of a republic i n South Vietnam, and for several years the country prograssed, socially and econain caliy. However, the D i e m regime was overthrown in 1959, and i n the same year the V i e t Cong began systematic terrorism i n the country. M r . Crump stated very firmly, despite denials from the audience, that the Viet Cong are none other than an arm of the N o r t h Vietnamese government. H e claimed that the N o r t h had publicly called for an increase i n guerilla activity i n the south.
NEW CLUB r \ A I H O W E L L , President of G u i l d ' s , ^ i s proposing to found a new club or society. The society w i l l be for sportsmen of outstanding calibre whom, he feels, do not get enough recognition. It w i l l also give people from different constituent Colleges who participate i n different sports a chance to meet and drink with each other. H e is determined that the society should not become a "closed shop " or clique of. people from one sport. In order to prevent this, the founder members w i l l be captains of all the sports. After this start people who have put tremendous effort into their particular sports w i l l be elected. This society w i l l be broader based than the O i a p s , L inks a n d " 22," containing people from a l l coleges, and should promote a greater I C spirit i n sporting activities. P.M.C.
PETE'S PLACE A l t gourmets please note, a Christmas T u r k e y D i n n e r w i l l be served today, Wednesday, at Putney.
The Union Quad at 2 a.m. Sunday week after R.C.S. entertauhnente. Plates and offset printing by WESTf, L O N D O N OFFSET CO., 86, LiUie Road, London. S.W.6. Tel.: F U L 7969
x x x X x
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E d i t o r - ? . Doe, A s s i s t a n t s - B. R i c h , N. P l e a d e n .
x xxxxx X
December 1 5 t h . No. 28.
' REGISTRATION FORMS STOLEN. I t has been c o n f i r m e d (see f r o n t page) t h a t a l a r g e nimber o f v e h i c l e r e g i s t r a t i o n forms returned., t o t h e K e o g h / S e l k i r k e n t r a n c e were i n f a c t s t o l e n between Sunday and Wednesday. T h i s p o i n t l e s s and u n s u c e s s f u l sabotage w i l l be c o u n t e r e d by the C a r P a r k i n g Committee by i s s u i n g each r e s i d e n t o f S o u t h s i d e from 'whom t h e y have not r e c l e v e d a r e p l y w i t h a f r e s h r e g i s t r a t i o n form. I t i s hoped t o have t h e r e g i s t r a t i o n s completed by C h r i s t m a s , i n o r d e r t h a t c l e a r i n g o f the p a r k may commence i n the New Y e a r . J,G. WELLS SOC AND THE CHANNEL TUNNEL. I f a s t a r t were made nov/, a p i l o t s h a f t c o u l d be completed ' w i t h i n a y e a r , a n d by 1971 r e g u l a r t r a i n s e r v i c e s c o u l d be r u n n i n g between E n g l a n d ana P r a n c e , s a i d P r o f . J . McC .Bruckshaw of the G e o p h y s i c s d e p t . o f I.C, i n a t i l k t o the W e l l s Soc on the Channe l T u n n e l . He e x p l a i n e d t h e Channel T u n n e l p r o j e c t s date back t o 1302, when a F r e n c h e n g i n e e r by the name o f M a t i e r suggeste d a scheme t o Napoleon . No a c t u a l p r o g r e s s was made however, u n t i l 1880, when u n d e r . t h e d i r e c t i o n of S i r J o h n Hawkshaw, p i l o t t u n n e l s , 1-gmlles l o n g were dug f r o m b o t h s i d e s of the c h a n n e l . There was so much o p p o s i t i o n , m a i n l y from m i l i t a r y , t h a t the scheme was e v e n t u a l l y dropped. I t was not u n t i l 1958 t h a t the s u b j e c t was a g a i n r a i s e d , when a C h a n n e l T u n n e l s t u d y group was set up, w i t h a Government g r a n t o f t h r e e hundred thousand pounds i n o r d e r t o a s s e s s t h e f e a s i b i l i t y of the scheme. I n 1961i work was s t a r t e d on a s i t e i n v e s t i g a t i o n , w i t h Dr. Bruckshaw as F i e l d D i r e c t o r , many b o r e h o l e s were d r i l l e d , a n d s e i s m i c soundings t a k e n . P r o f . Bruckshaw s a i d i n h i s o p i n i o n a t u n n e l l i n e c o u l d be f o u n d w h i c h would s a t i s f y a l l the e n g i n e e r i n g r e q u i r e m e n t s . The t u n n e l would c o n s i s t o f t w i n r a i l w a y s w i t h a s m a l l e r t u n n e l between; i t would be W shaped i n p r o f i l e , w i t h i t s h i g h e s t p o i n t i n the m i d d l e i n o r d e r t o f a c i l i t a t e d r a i n i n g , and would cost about l60 m i l l i o n . P.S. RIDING- CLUB VICTORY O n - F r i d a y 1 0 t h . December, the I.C. R i d i n g team s c o r e d t h e i r f i r s t v i c t o r y o f the y e a r when t h e y d e f e a t e d the l a d i e s o f B e d f o r d C o l l e g e . The c o m p e t i t i o n , t h e i r f i r s t i n the London U n i v e r s i t y League t h i s y e a r , cons i s t e d o f show jumping and d r e s s a g e c l a s s e s i n which I.C. t o o k the l e a d by 138 t o 1760 L a s t y e a r I.C. were second i n t h e League and have a good chance of t o p p i n g i t t h i s y e a r . I n t h e i r o n l y o t h e r c o m p e t i t i o n t h i s y e a r a g a i n s t C r a n w e l l , I.C.. were b e a t e n by a narrow m a r g i n . UNOBTRUSIVE BUT SFUL ECUMENISM The A n g l i c a n and M e t h o d i s t groups i n the C o l l e g e met t o g e t h e r f o r an open m e e t i n g e v e r y Monday t h r o u g h o u t the t e r m , and a v e r y r e a l sense o f u n i t y has been e s t a b l i s h e d between the two g r o u p s . A t t e n d a n c e has grown s l o w l v , and now i+O p e o p l e a t t e n d r e g u l a r l y , ;\n i n v i t a t i o n has been extended t o the Roman C a t h o l i c members o f the c o l l e g e ot a t t e n d t h i s meeting next term; i t i s hoped t h a t t h i s sense of u n i t y w i l l be extended t o i n c l u d e a l l t h r e e s e c t s . AG & NH SHORTS. Two r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f r o m the R o y a l S c h o o l of Mines v i s i t e d C l a u s t h a l S c h o o l o f Mines i n Germany, D i c k Wimby and G o l d i e S m i t h J u n i o r l e f t I.C. l a s t Wednesday ana were due back y e s t e r d a y . FOR SALE . - 6 v o l t M o t o r o l a p u s h b u t t o n r a d i o , s e l l .-310 o r exchange 12 v o l t . Whortan 234 F a l m o u t h H a l l .
THE PARKINSOITlAN MIRACLE. I n the age o f l e i s u r e t h a t i s about t o a r r i v e , whether we want I t o r not, w i l l dustmen have t o be p a i d more t h a n P r o f e s s o r s ? I t i s a f t e r a l l more f u n t o be a P r o f f e s s o r . T h i s was one of the i d e a s thrown out by P r o f f e s s o r D e n i s Gabor, FRS, at the l a s t and one o f the most s u c c e s s f u l meetings o f the H u x l e y S o c i e t y t h i s term. The p r o f e s s o r , a H u n g a r i a n e x p a t r i a t e who came to t h i s c o u n t r y b e f o r e the war, was s p e a k i n g on the theme o f the t h r e a t o f l e sure i n an automated f u t u r e . The s o c i a l organism has a l r e a d y performed a P a r k a n s o n i a n m i r a c l e i n k e e p i n g the employment r a t e f a r below i t s between-the-wars l e v e l , d e s p i t e the i n c r e a s i n g use o f m e c h a n i c a l methods f o r p e r f o r m i n g r o u t i n e and r e p e t i t i v e j o b s . As t h e p e r c e n t a g e o f the w o r k - f o r c e on the p r o d u c t i o n l i n e s d e c r e a s e s , t h e percentage o f - b l u e - c o l l a r ' w o r k e r s i n c r e a s e s , and the c o l l e c t i v e waste, i n t h e form o f i n d u s t r i e s l i k e a d v e r t i s i n g , t r a d i n g stamps, and e v e r more compulsive consumption, m u l t i p l i e s . T h i s p r o c e s s must end soon, and s o c i e t y w i l l d i s c o v e r t h a t i t j u s t doesn't need t h e l a b o u r s of a l l but the most g i f t e d p a r t of i t s p o p u l a t i o n . P r o f e s s o r Gabor has g r e a t f a i t h i n the a b i l i t y o f human b e i n g s t o meet t h i s c h a l l e n g e . Who knows how much c r e a t i v i t y l i e s i n each o f us? D o - i t - y o u r s e l f , a r t i s t i c h o b b i e s of a l l a o r t s , v a s t l y i n c r e a s e d e d u c a t i o n ( i n w h i c h he sees l i t t l e p l a c e f o r the t e a c h i n g machine), perhaps even a r e t u r n of the p r i m i t i v e 'manufactury', i n which l u x u r y o b j e c t s are made, w i t h o u t d i v i s i o n o f l a b o u r , by p e o p l e w o r k i n g f o r the l o v e o f i t . C e r t a i n l y W-, s h a l l need a p o p u l a t i o n o f s t a b l e numbers, not j u s t as a m a t t e r o f l i f e and d e a t h f o r the poorer c o u n t r i e s , but as a m a t t e r o f k e e p i n g o u r s a n i t y . P r o f e s s o r Gabor has h a r d words f o r S c i e n t i s t s and E n g i n e e r s who c l i m b ob the band-wagon o f b i g Government g r a n t s w i t h o u t any c o n c e p t i o n of the k i n f of s o c i e t y t h e y are w o r k i n g f o r . Next term, the Hux Soc w i l l be a d r e s s e d by more academics who p r e f e r t o shape s o c i e t y r a t h e r t h a n be shaped by i t . These i n c l u d e I.C.s P r o f S c o r e r on p l a n n i n g , L i o n e l E l v i n on e d u c a t i o n and P r o f Hermann B o n d i on s c i e n c e and r e l i g i o n , C h r i s Cooper, CARNIVAL: I wonder what s o r t o f background the p e o p l e who have, s t p l e r c piaotograp —ha.' f r o m the Unions H a l l , h a v e ; got;?These, p h o t o s are presumably o f t h e m s e l v e s and i n s t e a d of" p a y i n g 2/fS t h e y would r a t h e r s t e a l , a sad r e f l e c t i o n ) cm the s t a n d a r d s at; t h i s C o l l e g e . I wonder i f t h i s / t h e s e person/people; would have the g u t s t o put theax b a c k . I t h i n k not;, t h i s i s t h e m e n t a l i t y t h a t would s t e a l f r o m an u n a t t e n d e d newspaper s t a n d and i t i s t h e m e n t a l i t y o f a coward. T,D« AN* THAT / FREE s p e c i a l e d i t i o n o f F e l i x w i l l be a v a i l a b l e on the. 1 2 t h , o f .January 19&6>, On the day t h a t B>»P, set f i r e t o t h e i r f i r s t N o r t h Sea Gas f i n d , 8 Q members o f the Eng. S o c , a t t e n d e d a l u n c h t i m e l e c t u r e , t o h e a r a Mr, Avery/ of B.P. Development t a l k on " O i l i n t h a N o r t h Sea' , 1
I . C - W . A . TEA; A t e a - p a r t y was h e l d on Wednesday a f t e r n o o n f o r about t w e n t y o l d p e o p l e . They a r r i v e d i n c a r s s u p p l i e d b y s t u d e n t s * and a f t e r a n enormous t e a , t h e y sang carols»All the o l d p e o p l e were r e p o r t e d to have e n j o y e d t h e m s e l v e s immensely/, P.S,
IN THE f i r s t
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